#and background character who does nothing but sit on a guys lap to show that he gets bitches
shin-to-buri · 1 year
my ideal job is being a housecat. i mean i get to be a horrible little cunt and ppl will still feed me pet me and let me be in their laps? thats the dream
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cherienymphe · 3 years
Crave (Peter Parker x Reader)
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WARNINGS: DUB-CON, NON-CON, vampire!Peter, bloodplay, mentions of animal cruelty, mentions of murder, mentions of X-Men characters
divider provided by @/k1tty4rk
summary: when Peter goes missing while on a mission, he’s not exactly himself when he returns. His appetite is a little different now, and you soon find out that he’s hungry for more than just blood
You should’ve known that something was wrong when your phone went off at nearly 3 in the morning. No one ever called you that late, not even Peter. Your best friend was more likely to slip through your window if he needed something. Groggy with fatigue, it took you a moment to realize that you had not plugged your phone up before going to sleep like you thought, and that it was instead in your sheets somewhere. 
“Hello?” you finally grumbled, eyes still closed as you wondered just who in the world was calling you.
“Kid, it’s Tony. Is Peter with you?”
You were suddenly wide awake, blinking your eyes open as you forced yourself to sit up.
“No…? I thought… Isn’t he on a mission?”
Worry began to bleed into your heart, and it only increased at Tony’s words.
“He was, yeah.”
You threw the covers off of you, hurriedly sliding out of bed as you searched for some shoes.
“What do you mean ‘was’?”
The older man sighed, and you noted that his voice shook a little bit. You froze, heart dropping into your stomach as the severity of whatever was going on registered. Tony Stark was worried.
“He was supposed to check in 2 days ago. He was supposed to be back today. Neither of those things have happened.”
“Wh-what do you mean?”
Your pitch had risen, and you didn’t bother to mask your fear. 
“I don’t have much time to explain. Capsicle and Robocop are coming with me to see if we can find him. We’re leaving shortly, but my coordinates show that he’s still in Bulgaria. That’s where we sent him. We just haven’t heard a word from him and can’t seem to get in touch with him.”
You could hear things going on in the background, and you figured that they were only moments away from leaving. Your stomach churned, and you felt like you might be sick. If Tony Stark with all of his gadgets and resources couldn’t get ahold of Peter, then something was really wrong.
“Look, I have to go. If he shows up there, let us know immediately.”
He hung up before you had the chance to tell him that you were coming straight to the compound. You stared at your phone for a bit, brows drawn together as you processed this news. You hadn’t thought anything of it when you hadn’t heard from Peter in a few days. He wasn’t a kid anymore, had graduated college alongside you only last year, so his presence on the team was needed a lot more. His missions were less juvenile, so losing touch for a week at a time was nothing new.
As you threw on a coat to combat the biting New York air, you tried not to dwell on the worst. It couldn’t be helped though, and as soon as you stepped into your apartment hallway, shoulder grazing your door, tears filled your eyes. If Tony could see where Peter currently was...and he wasn’t able to get in touch with him...then that meant he was dead right? You shook your head, locking your door and tightening your fingers around your purse. There could be so many reasons for that. It didn’t mean he was dead.
The entire drive to upstate New York was a quiet one. You couldn’t even find it in yourself to fill the car with mind-numbing music to distract you. Your fingers were tight on the wheel, legs so tense that when you finally arrived at the compound, they actually hurt when you stepped out of the car. You leaned your back against the vehicle, the warmth seeping through your coat, and you released an unsteady breath.
You had known Peter since high school, easily finding a place with him and Ned, and eventually, MJ too. When Ned and MJ took their college education elsewhere, you had remained. You told yourself it was to save money, a partial truth, but you never wanted to admit that it was also to stay by Peter’s side. You couldn’t imagine being away from him. It was pathetic really, but Peter was more than some guy you loved. He was your best friend.
“I had a feeling you’d show up here.”
The familiar voice reached your ears, and you looked up at Wanda just as she floated down next to you. Her auburn hair was ruffled with a gentle breeze, her eyes sympathetic as she reached out to pull you into her side.
“They will find him,” she assured you.
You could hear Sam on the phone as soon as she guided you inside of the compound, and he sent you a tense smile and wave, which you returned. You could faintly hear other voices as well, and you figured that everyone who stayed back was wrapped up in doing whatever they could to get in contact with Peter. You felt helpless.
“What can I do?” you asked Wanda, already knowing the answer.
“Just be here,” she told you, making you sigh.
You gave her a reproachful look, and she smiled at you.
“We know you’re worried just like the rest of us, probably even more than the rest of us,” you swallowed at her knowing look. “...but everything will be okay. The last thing we need is you putting yourself in harm’s way or bursting a blood vessel.”
You nodded, heeding her words. You made your way to your room with a heavy heart. You were far from being a member of the team, you could barely throw a proper punch, but seeing as you came over so often with Peter, sometimes in the dead of night, Tony decided to have you a room put in. Right next to Peter’s.
One of his old college sweatshirts was on your desk, still there from the last time you borrowed it, and without thinking, you got undressed and put it on. It still smelled like him, and with the scent of your best friend filling your nose, you laid down and sought out sleep.
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The next day brought bad news. They had found Peter’s suit, but no Peter. It explained his stationary location and their lack of success with getting in touch with him. You had just stepped into the door of the room when Tony told them, his virtual face wracked with fear and worry, something you weren’t used to seeing.
You could tell that you weren’t meant to hear the news just yet by the way Nat’s eyes widened when she finally noticed you. The rest of the team turned as she hurriedly rose, making her way to you just as your face crumbled.
“Wh-what does that mean? What does he mean?”
Tony’s voice faded as she pulled you from the room, and you almost tripped over your feet as your legs shook.
“Hey, Y/N, it’s going to be okay,” she said, attempting to calm you.
“What does he mean by that? Why doesn’t he have his suit- where is he?”
You were in your room now, and she shushed you as she guided you to your bed. You sat down, staring at your feet as your brain whirled. You hadn’t realized how fast your heart was beating, and your whole body shook as you fought to process this news.
“I don’t understand,” you mumbled, more to yourself than the spy before you.
She came into your vision as she knelt before you, her hands taking yours.
“Me neither,” she mumbled.
You fingered Peter’s shirt. You were still wearing it, just with some jeans, and Nat observed the movement.
“How long?” she quietly asked.
She didn’t need to elaborate. You knew what she was asking.
“Since…” you shrugged, releasing a heavy breath. “...practically since forever.”
“Does he know?”
You sadly shook your head. She pursed her lips, red hair framing her face as she studied you.
“We’re going to find him, and when we do, you can tell him. Okay?”
You nodded.
“Okay,” you quietly replied.
Nat didn’t stay for long, and you guessed that she needed to get back to the team to plan the best course of action. You barely left your room for the rest of the day, not having much of an appetite nor energy for anything. It was late in the evening when you found yourself making your way to Peter’s room. You lost count of how many times you slept in here, but Peter was usually with you, and if not, he at least showed up at some point. You liked waking up to the sound of his soft snores.
It felt weird with him gone, even weirder when you accounted for the fact that you didn’t know when he’d be back. If he’d be back. Your face almost crumbled at the thought, and you laid down, grabbing one of his pillows and hugging it to your chest, unable to stop the tears that spilled over, no matter how much you tried.
You slept in his room for days, and for days there was still no sign of him. The team was beyond worried now. You knew it, no matter how much they tried to portray otherwise. They were getting restless and scared. You couldn’t exactly say that you were any different though.
Sleep was hard to find, and even when you did, you found yourself tossing and turning throughout the night. Every time you woke up, you kept hoping that he’d be there, that you’d hear his voice. You were met with a dark empty room each time though, and it always broke your heart. After Peter had been missing for 8 days, Wanda finally came to you.
“I think you should go home,” she told you.
You were sitting cross legged on Peter’s bed, and she sat before you, hands in her lap with her feet on the floor. You frowned at her, wondering if you had overstayed your welcome, but she continued.
“It’s not that we don’t want you here, because you know we love having you around, but… You do not look good, Y/N.”
You squirmed under her concerned stare, clearing your throat.
“I’m fine,” you quietly argued.
“You’re not, and that’s okay. You just...you look exhausted and worried, and you’ve lost weight. A considerable amount in such a short time. What would Peter think if he came back right now and saw that you weren’t properly taking care of yourself?” she wondered.
Guilt flooded you, and you reluctantly nodded.
“I know that being here brings you some comfort, but I don’t think it’s worth the toll it’s taking on you.”
Your shoulders sagged, and you reluctantly admitted that she was right. You wanted to be near Peter in any way you could, but constantly waiting and listening out for any news was stressing you out.
“Go home. Sleep in your own bed. Get some rest. You can always come back,” she said.
So, you did. You took a shower as soon as you made it back to your apartment, finding another one of Peter’s shirts he’d left. You forced yourself to at least eat something of substance, and when you had all you could take, you made a cup of tea. You had tried to watch tv, but funnily enough, the news was reporting on a crime that Spider-Man’s had helped solve months ago. Unable to stomach it, you turned the tv off and opted for bed.
Strangely enough, you were able to sleep better in your own bed. It happened quickly, and you didn’t toss or turn much. The first time you floated back to consciousness, it must have been around 3 in the morning. It was the longest you’d slept in days, and you knew that you’d be drifting back soon. However, you faintly noted that goosebumps had erupted over your skin, like you were cold.
Considering it was cold outside, you kept your heater blasting.
You blinked, staring at your window. It was closed, but the curtains were parted, and you could see that it was snowing outside. For the first time in days, a small smile tugged at your lips, and with a sigh, you rolled over. A dark figure was standing beside your bed, and the scream that you let out echoed through the apartment, filled with terror.
You fought back against them as they reached for you, struggling to get away and move further back on the bed. Their hands were cool, like they’d been outside for a while with no gloves. You were sitting up, pushing against them when they reached over and flicked on your lamp. When light flooded the room, your eyes widened.
Peter stood before you, dressed casually in dark clothes and looking completely unharmed. You sharply inhaled, all of your breath leaving you as your lips parted, eyes welling with tears. You blinked a few times, feeling like you might have been dreaming, but Peter remained. You reached out to him with shaking hands, and your vision had started to blur.
“Hey, breathe. Breathe, Y/N,” he softly ordered, brows furrowed.
You did as he said, and your chest burned as you moved closer. You slid off of the bed, moving to stand up, but your legs were unsteady. Peter caught you just as you fell into his arms, wrapping your own around him. You buried your face into his chest, your tears wetting his shirt, and he enveloped you in his arms as he shushed you.
You were shaking so much, and you just couldn’t stop. You couldn’t believe that he was here, and he looked perfectly fine. You sobbed into his chest, and you felt him tighten his arms around you. You clung to him, maneuvering to bury your face into the crook of his neck, feeling guilty about his shirt. You could feel him do the same, his nose brushing against your skin, and he took a long inhale, breathing you in.
“You’re okay,” you blubbered.
“Yeah...yeah, I’m okay,” he whispered.
You pulled away from him, roaming your eyes over him before meeting his own eyes.
“Where...where have you been? Everyone is looking for you,” you softly told him.
“I know,” he replied, looking sheepish.
“We have to call Tony,” you said, reaching for your phone.
Peter stopped you before you could, his hand tight on your wrist, and you found yourself wincing at his harsh grip. You looked at him with a frown, heart skipping a beat at his sudden dark countenance. He swallowed, and your eyes were briefly drawn to the subtle movement in his throat before he eventually let you go.
“I can’t...I can’t go back,” he told you, shaking his head.
Your eyes widened at him, and confusion filled you. What?
“What are...what are you talking about? Everyone is worried sick, more worried than I’ve ever seen them. Peter, they have no idea where you are or if you’re even okay! We should at least tell them-.”
You swallowed the rest of your words as you noticed that he made to leave.
“I shouldn’t be here. I shouldn’t have come here-.”
“Wait, wait!”
You grabbed onto the back of his shirt. You weren’t any match for him, but you were thankful that he halted. You wrapped your arms around him from behind, your lips brushing his shoulder as you spoke.
“Stay. Please stay,” you whispered.
His shoulders heaved as he sighed, and you continued.
“I’m sorry, okay? We don’t...we don’t have to tell them anything. If you don’t want to go back that’s fine, but… I’ve been so worried.”
That last part was said so softly, it was a wonder he even heard you. He didn’t say anything, nor did he move for a while, but eventually he turned around, and you let your arms fall. When your eyes met his again, you watched the way they narrowed, forehead creasing just a bit. You didn’t understand why until he reached up to press his fingers to the skin beneath your eyes. You could see the disapproval in his eyes, and all you could offer was a shrug.
“I was so worried.”
Peter blinked, face falling before he pulled you into his arms again. You returned the hug and let your eyes fall closed, just basking in the feel of him. You could hear his heartbeat, so slow...and so faint, something that seemed impossible. You told yourself you were imagining it.
“You’ll stay, right?”
He threw you a small smile when you pulled back to look at him, and you watched the way his dark eyes ran over you, lingering on your neck a tad longer than the rest of you before his eyes met yours again.
“Yeah, I’ll stay.”
You smiled at him, pulling him towards your bed. You settled in, only just realizing how cold you had gotten, while Peter got in behind you. Your head hit the pillow just as he turned the light out, and you frowned when you noticed that he wasn’t completely laying down. He was on his side, facing you with his head propped up onto his hand.
“You’re not tired?”
His eyes trailed to your window, staring out into the night for a moment before he shook his head.
“No...not really.”
You chuckled.
“So you’re just going to watch me sleep?” you wondered.
He reached towards you with his other hand, brushing his fingers along your neck and collarbone, fingers cool against your warm skin. A shudder passed through you.
“I missed you,” was his only answer, and it made your heart soar.
You knew that he didn’t miss you like you missed him, but it made you happy to hear that nonetheless.
“I missed you too.”
He didn’t respond, and you closed your eyes, the feel of his fingers on your skin oddly soothing. He always made you nervous, but not tonight. You wondered if it was because you had gone without him for so long, unsure if he would ever return. Sleep was just within your reach, but something weighed on your mind that prevented you from grabbing hold of it.
“Why don’t you want to go back?”
Your voice was small in the otherwise quiet room, and when Peter didn’t answer right away, you peeled your eyes open. He had stopped touching you, fingers curling into the covers as his jaw clenched.
“They won’t want me back.”
You frowned, forcing yourself to sit up. You blinked at him a few times, lips parting as you processed what that meant. Why wouldn’t they want him back? Peter was part of the team, one of the most loved members of the team. Said team was practically sick with worry, had been for over a week. Despite the fact that Peter was right in front of you and seemingly safe and sound, worry began to take hold again.
“Why wouldn’t they want you back?”
Your best friend didn’t answer you, and your worry grew, heartbeat picking up. Peter’s eyes were on you now as he sat up too, so focused and intense.
“What happened on your mission, Peter? What happened in Bulgaria?”
Again, Peter didn’t respond, but the minute you moved closer to him, he snatched your arm. Startled, you almost fell over, but his fingers curled around your wrist and pulled you closer, guiding the palm of your hand right to his chest.
Where his heart was.
Again, like before, you noted that his heartbeat was so slow. And even fainter. It was almost nonexistent, and your brows crinkled. You had felt and heard his heartbeat many times before since he’d become Spider-Man, and you knew that this was no effect of the spider bite. You had a hard time wrapping your mind around what you were feeling, and you looked at him again.
“I have...I have to tell you something…”
You fought to keep your worry at bay, noting the way Peter’s voice shook.
“I may even have to show you...but you have to promise me…”
His hand tightened on your wrist, and he released a shaky breath.
“...promise me that you won’t be scared.”
Scared of Peter? He was your best friend, and you couldn’t ever imagine being afraid of him. Still, you felt like he needed this so you nodded.
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Peter’s side of the bed was empty when you woke up, and your heart lurched in a mild panic before you realized why. The sun shone through your window, bathing your room in the warm rays, and you swallowed as you wondered where he could’ve gone.
“I’m right here.”
You snapped your head up to find him standing in the hall, just outside of your doorway. He was out of the sun’s reach, and you slid out of bed to join him. He was watching you like he couldn’t anticipate your next move, and you sent him a smile to reassure him.
“Do you...need anything…?”
You didn’t come right out and say it, but you both knew what you were asking. He studied you for a moment before shaking his head.
“No. I...ate before I came here last night,” he told you.
You nodded and folded your arms over your chest with a long sigh. You could feel his eyes on you as you looked away.
“Look, Peter...I know you're not going to like what I have to say, but…”
You chanced a glance at him and found his dark eyes narrowed at you.
“I think you need to tell Tony.”
He briefly closed his eyes before letting them fall to the ground, hands shoved in his pockets.
“If anyone can help you, he can.”
Peter scoffed, a humorless sound.
“Help me with what? It’s not like he can fix this, Y/N. This goes past Tony Stark and all of his intellect,” he practically spat, frustration coloring his tone. “This is what I am now.”
You grabbed his hands, squeezing them as you moved closer.
“I know, I know. I just meant...maybe he can help you safely get what you need.”
His eyes met yours, albeit reluctantly.
“...and maybe he can help you control your appetite better. That way...that way you won’t hurt anyone else,” you quietly finished, recalling everything he’d told you.
Guilt passed through Peter’s features at the reminder of what he’d done. He closed his eyes, practically squeezing them shut as his shoulders heaved, a small sigh escaping him.
“Maybe...you’re right,” he hesitantly admitted.
You could see the war going on within him when he opened his eyes, conflict and guilt and self-loathing all passing over his face.
He looked at you.
“You’re still you. You just...your diet’s a little different now, that’s all.”
He cracked a smile, a small chuckle leaving him, and you joined him.
“When the sun goes down, we’ll go to the compound, and...and everything will be okay,” you promised him.
He nodded, and hours later, when the sun was safely behind the horizon, that was what you did. You drove. Peter was still wary of his new strength, strength that far surpassed what he had before. Your wrist was still sore from when he’d grabbed you last night, but you didn’t want him to feel any worse than he already did.
Having called Tony on the way, he was waiting outside when you arrived. As per requested, he was the only one. You didn’t want Peter to get overwhelmed. You weren’t exactly sure of what he was capable of now, neither one of you really were, and you didn’t want to stress him out.
Tony had pulled him into a hug the minute he reached him, and your heart clenched for many reasons. You hoped that you’d made the right decision. Tony loved Peter. He’d help him, right? When he pulled away, the bearded man’s eyes flickered between the two of you with a frown.
“So you’re going to tell me what the hell this is all about?”
Before you could respond, Peter moved to pull him inside.
“It’s a long story, Mr. Stark…”
His voice trailed off as they went inside, and with a small sigh, you eventually followed. Neither one of them were present, and you figured that they went to the lab. You had a feeling that everyone else was there too, or at least not far off. They’d been worried sick and now Peter was back, seemingly unharmed. Of course they’d be concerned and curious.
Wanda was the only one who greeted you, and her eyes were wide as they met yours. They were a bit accusatory, even fearful, and you pursed your lips. She probably didn’t mean to, but it was easy to guess that she’d been inside of Peter’s head. She knew, and there was no telling what she saw. 
You shook your head.
“He’s still him, Wanda. Okay? Everything is going to be fine.”
She didn’t look convinced, but she didn’t argue as you moved past her to go to your room. You didn’t see anyone else the rest of the night, and you knew that they were all caught up with Peter. Figuring out how this happened, running tests, coming up with the best course of action. You were in and out of sleep when you heard Peter come into your room in the early hours of the morning.
He wrapped his arms around you as he slid in behind you, and even though he wasn’t as warm as he used to be, the familiarity of it all immediately relaxed you. You felt him bury his nose in your hair, taking a deep breath as he breathed you in, fingers brushing over the skin of your arms.
“Everything okay?” you mumbled, referring to Tony and the rest of the team.
“Yeah,” he whispered. “He wants me to drink pig’s blood, but yeah. Everything’s okay.”
You chuckled at that, sleep finding you once more as you smiled at Peter’s joke. However, it was the next day when you discovered that he hadn’t been joking at all.
“You’re serious?”
Peter nodded with a frown, arms crossed over his chest as he leaned against the counter.
“He wants to start weaning me off of human blood and start transitioning to animal blood,” he grumbled.
You noted that he wasn’t happy about that, and your curiosity got the better of you.
“Is that bad?”
“Not necessarily, no,” he sighed. “He thinks it’ll help me. That maybe I’ll...crave human blood less and it’ll lower my chances of losing control around someone.”
You blinked, wondering if you agreed with that.
“I mean, he doesn’t exactly know. This is all just trial and error, right now, because probably for the first time in Mr. Stark’s life, he’s stumped,” Peter said with a shrug. “...but it’s worth a shot.”
You felt like there was more to it, like he wanted to say something else.
“He doesn’t know that I already tried that,” he whispered.
You leaned against the opposite counter, watching as his frown deepened, eyes troubled.
“When I woke up...I felt like I had swallowed fire,” he murmured. “My teeth hurt, my throat burned, and my mind was going a mile a minute. I felt like I was losing it.”
He sounded angry as he glared at the floor.
“The only thing that even smelled slightly appealing was…”
He trailed off, shaking his head, a light chuckle leaving him.
“I must have killed at least 100 animals. Anything I could get my hands on… It was like an itch I couldn’t scratch, only 1,000 times worse. It wasn’t until...it wasn’t until I came across those hikers…”
He swallowed his words, letting his face fall into his hands. You neared him, resting your hand on his arm.
“It was the first time I’d felt okay in days. I could finally freaking think,” he said through clenched teeth, letting his hands fall. “There I was...covered in blood...surrounded by bodies of innocent people...and I was finally at peace.”
You pulled him into a hug as he recounted what he’d already told you. You knew that Peter wouldn’t ever forget that moment, but God, you wanted him to. That wasn’t who he was, you knew it, and you wanted him to know it too. He pressed his face into the crook of your neck, nose brushing over the skin, and his hands rested on your waist.
Your conversation with Nat weighed on your heart. Like she’d said, Peter was back, and you could finally tell him, but it didn’t seem appropriate. The man had been attacked and turned into something you thought only existed in books. This was a hard time for him, and it seemed silly to drop one more thing onto him, one more thing that could definitely wait.
“I wouldn’t get too close to him if I were you, Y/N. He might mistake you for a quarter pounder.”
You pulled away just as Bucky’s deep chuckle reached your ears, and you turned to see both him and Sam enter the kitchen. Sam seemed pleased with his little joke.
“You’re not funny,” you told him, completely unamused.
“It’s a little funny,” Bucky disagreed, and you huffed.
You felt Peter pull away, and by the time you looked over your shoulder, he was gone.
You threw them an incredulous look, and Sam shrugged.
“Look, we’ve got to find some humor in this okay? The kid’s got fangs and he lives off of blood now,” Sam said like it was the most absurd thing in the world.
Considering that you all were friends with literal Gods and even a woman who controlled the weather, you were inclined to disagree.
“This is hard for him, okay?”
You weren’t sure if they knew the full extent of what he’d done, but you heard Sam sigh, and Bucky at least looked a little sheepish.
“I’m sure he’ll joke about it when he’s ready, but please let him do it in his own time. His whole life has changed...again.”
“Yeah, well, welcome to the club,” Bucky sighed.
You rolled your eyes and turned away with a scoff.
“What’d I say?” you heard Bucky ask, but you were already making your way to Peter’s room.
You were surprised that he told you to come in when you knocked, and you slowly stepped inside. He was on his bed, hand behind his head as he scrolled through his phone.
“You okay?”
He let his hand fall, greeting you with a smile.
“Yeah, I’m good. They don’t mean any harm, so I’m not going to let it get to me,” he replied, reaching for you.
You joined him on the bed, laying your head on his shoulder as he told F.R.I.D.A.Y to turn on the tv.
“Want to watch a movie with me? As silly as it seems, all I could think about was curling up with you and watching a movie the whole time I was away,” he confessed.
Your heart fluttered, sure he could hear it, but he didn’t comment on it. His arm slid around your waist, pulling you closer, and you nodded.
“Yeah, I’d love to.”
His hand tightened on your hip as you figured out what movie to put on.
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Every day, Peter went to the lab with Tony and Bruce, and every time he returned, he always seemed irritated. You tried not to comment on the harshness of his eyes and tautness of his jaw, but eventually, you had to express your concern.
“It’s nothing,” he told you one day. “They just keep treating me like some science experiment gone wrong.”
He played it off like no big deal, but you could tell that he was genuinely bothered.
“...and its this stupid diet or whatever you can even call it! It’s not working. It’s not satisfying or fulfilling, at all. I can’t taste a damn thing, I’m just drinking to get full? If that’s what you can even call it. It does absolutely nothing to satisfy me or quell this desire…”
He trailed off at your light chuckle. 
“Alright, Edward Cullen.”
He threw you a hard look, and you swallowed your laughs. While he was finally making jokes about the situation himself now, you realized that now was not the time.
He heaved a long sigh, turning to stare out of the window.
“You wanna get out of here?” he suddenly asked.
You blinked at him.
He glanced at the clock, and so did you. It was almost 2 in the morning.
“I can’t think of a better time,” he replied.
You chewed on your lip.
“Anywhere,” he shrugged. “Just for a little bit…”
He hadn’t left the compound in weeks, Tony far too paranoid, and you could see how much he needed this.
That was how 40 minutes later, you found your car parked near a small pond while you and Peter leaned against it, staring at the full moon. Neither one of you had said anything since you left, and you guessed that Peter was in his thoughts. You couldn’t blame him.
“You know, if I’d been bitten by a werewolf, we’d be having a totally different night, right now.”
You barked a laugh, and he joined you.
“If you were bitten by a werewolf, I’d be trying to play fetch with you,” you replied.
He chuckled again, and the two of you fell into another easy silence. Your eyes narrowed a bit as something weighed on your mind, and you suddenly crossed your arms over your chest.
“Why won’t Tony let you have any human blood? I mean, blood banks exist…”
Peter sighed, a frustrated sound, and you turned to look at him. The cool nightly breeze blew his dark hair around his face, and his jaw clenched.
“He thinks it’ll make me crave it more. Kind of like an addict, you know?”
You shook your head, disagreeing with that.
“...but...it’s not. This is part of your DNA, now, is it not? He shouldn’t be looking at it like a drug but instead like...food. It’s what you need to survive, now,” you explained.
“You’re right...but that’s blood I’d be taking away from people who need it. Besides, it’d be pretty messed up of me to…‘convince’ some stranger to let me drink from them and then alter their memory of the whole thing,” he mumbled.
“That’s right. You did tell me you can do that, now,” you mused.
“I’m pretty sure it’ll come in handy during missions. You know, if I ever go on one again,” he complained.
Your heart hurt for Peter. His entire life had been turned on its head again. He couldn’t go on missions, couldn’t even see his aunt, and on top of it all, he couldn’t even satisfy the craving his body had for what it actually needed. You pursed your lips and glanced at him again. You were positive he noticed before, but this time he commented on it.
You glanced away from him, heart speeding up a bit as you wrung your hands together.
“What about me?”
He didn’t respond right away, and when you looked at him again, his eyes were on you. They were narrowed, hard, but you could see the spark of something in them that gave you hope that maybe this wasn’t such a horrible idea after all. Peter’s lips parted, his sharp teeth glinting in the moonlight before he snapped his mouth shut. He cleared his throat.
“You...you would do that?”
“Of course,” you said with a frown, turning your body completely to face him. “This is what you need, and you’re my best friend, and I’m willing. So you don’t have to let your morals get in the way.”
Peter stared at you for what seemed like a long time, eyes roaming over every inch of you. You watched as he swallowed, the conflict written all over his face. You could see that he was scared, afraid that he’d hurt you, but you could also see the fire in his eyes, the desire to take you up on your offer.
“Worst case scenario-.”
“You die?”
You rolled your eyes at him, stepping closer.
“You won’t let me die, Peter. We both know it,” you whispered, pushing your sleeve up and holding your arm out.
Peter’s dark eyes snapped to the bared skin, no doubt tracing the veins that you couldn’t see. Hesitantly, he grabbed your wrist, taking a deep breath before slowly lifting your arm as he bent his head. His breath, like everything else about him now, was cool against your skin. You watched as he closed his eyes, dark lashes contrasting against his fair skin, before opening his mouth. You barely got a glimpse of his sharp canines in all of their glory before they were sinking into your arm.
The reaction from you both was instantaneous. 
A loud gasp escaped you, but not from pain. No. Your body heated up like never before, blood on fire as Peter let out an equally loud groan. An addicting sense of euphoria descended over you, and you felt your legs shaking, lashes fluttering as you struggled to keep your eyes open. Sensing this, Peter reached out with his free hand and tangled it within your hair, pulling you closer until your head leaned against his shoulder.
You could feel him moving forward, and he didn’t stop until your back was against your car. His hand tightened in your hair, almost painfully, but all you let out was a moan, your breath choppy and lips trembling as he pressed his leg in between yours. Your free hand clutched his jacket, attempting to pull him closer, and a low moan escaped his own throat as he pushed his thigh more firmly against your now heated core.
You faintly noted that this was a lot more erotic than you anticipated, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care. He was still pressing your head to his shoulder, and your lips brushed the fabric of his jacket as you murmured his name.
You couldn’t tell if you were asking him to stop or not, but considering this was the best high you’d ever been on, you concluded that you were not. Suddenly, all too soon, Peter practically ripped himself away from you, and you would’ve fallen to the ground if he hadn’t caught you. Your chest was heaving, so was his, and when you peeled your eyes open, his own wide ones were focused on you.
“Shit,” he cursed, looking like he was seconds away from getting in trouble. “Shit, shit, shit. I shouldn’t have done that. Mr. Stark is going to kill me…”
“Hey...it’s okay,” you panted, weakly reaching up to brush a dark strand out of his face. “I’m okay. How do you feel?”
He seemed stumped by the question, and he suddenly blinked, brows drawn together as he stared down at you. His lips were stained with your blood.
“I...haven’t felt this satisfied in weeks,” he whispered, looking at you strangely.
You weakly chuckled, eyes fluttering closed.
You had only been seconds away from falling when he caught you, and he finally straightened as he lifted you into his arms. You could feel yourself on the verge of sleep...or was it the verge of death? Either way, you were happy that Peter was happy. He gently deposited you into the passenger’s seat, strapping you into place. Your head lolled as he shut the door, facing him as he settled behind the wheel.
You could feel his eyes on you, and with difficulty, you opened yours again. He was staring at you with that look again, and you were sure he thought you crazy for putting your life in danger like that. The car was quiet, just the sound of your shallow breathing could be heard, and you thought to yourself that you kind of wanted to tell him you loved him. However, before you could, Peter leaned over and pressed his blood-stained lips to yours.
It was quick and soft, just the barest of touches, but it made your eyes widen nonetheless. You stared at him as he sat back and started the car, and you wanted to keep staring at him, wanted to ask him what the hell was that, but sleep finally got to you before you could.
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It was days before you finally discussed what had happened, and that was only because it was days before Peter needed to “feed” again.
“I think I can go longer without when it’s human blood...because it’s what actually satisfies me. What my body needs,” he murmured one night while you were watching a movie you’d both seen a million times.
“That’s a good thing. Surely Tony will see that this is the best thing to do. This is what will keep you in control and allow you to go on missions again...see your aunt May…”
You had decided to keep what happened between the two of you, but you didn’t exactly feel right about it. Peter sighed and shook his head.
“No. I think he’d send me away,” he quietly told you.
You quickly moved your head to look up at him, your cheek on his chest as you stared at him with wide eyes.
“What are you talking about?”
“He’s been doing research, trying to find others like me. I think he has. I overheard him talking to the captain and Sam one day. He’s thinking about sending me somewhere I can learn to control my thirst and utilize my new…abilities or whatever,” he grumbled.
You fully sat up now, looking down at him with a stricken expression. His eyes finally moved away from the screen, and he smiled at you, rubbing your back in a soothing manner. 
“I’m not going to let him send me away, Y/N, but he’ll definitely try if we tell him what happened.”
You nodded, forcing your heart to slow before you laid back down. Peter’s hand was still on your back, tracing patterns into your, well, his shirt. You listened to his slow heartbeat, the organ pumping what was left of your blood through his body. Your lashes fluttered when he dragged his fingers up to your neck, the appendages playing with the hair there. You found yourself humming when he tightened his hold there, and you looked up in confusion, prepared to ask him what he was doing when his other hand gripped your arm, and he pulled you up.
His lips met yours in a kiss that was nothing like the first one. You gasped against his mouth, and he wasted no time before taking the opportunity to taste the inside of yours. Peter moaned into the kiss, circling both arms around you now as he rolled the both of you over. He settled himself between your parted legs, and you sharply inhaled at the bulge you felt there.
Peter’s hand traveled to your neck again, grasping the hair at the nape, holding you in place as he dragged his mouth down. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as he bit you, throwing your hands out to grasp anything you could. Your right hand hit the lamp on the nightstand, and it fell to the floor with a soft crash. Peter’s other hand pressed into your back, forcing you to arch your chest into his.
His hips were rolling into yours, his clothed member pressing against the most sensitive part of you so deliciously. You let out a soft moan, one hand clawing at his shirt, pushing the fabric up to drag your nails along his back. Peter had you completely pinned in between him and the mattress, every curve of his hips sending pleasure through you.
“Peter,” you moaned, reaching up to drag your hand along the headboard. “Fuck, Peter.”
You could feel your blood crawling past your neck, staining his sheets, but he didn’t seem to care. The bed shook a bit from his movements, and you hooked one leg on his waist as he continued to grind into you. You could feel yourself fading, and you welcomed it, and before you could, one particularly slow roll of his hips sent you over the edge.
You were a moaning mess as you came beneath him, his teeth still embedded in your neck. Your whole body shook, legs practically vibrating as they fell around him, chest heaving as he finally pulled away. He licked at your neck, and your arms fell to the bed, soft murmurs leaving your lips to which Peter chuckled at. He brushed his thumb over your lip before leaning back down, lips grazing your ear.
“Go to sleep,” he whispered. “I’ll be here when you wake up.”
You did, he was, and he greeted you with a kiss, further filling you with confusion as you wondered just what you were. You didn’t want to ruin it, didn’t want to break the spell by trying to make him define this. You simply wanted to enjoy whatever this was, and enjoy it you did.
Every few days or so, you found yourself squirming beneath Peter one way or another. Sometimes he simply pressed kisses along your neck as he rolled his hips into yours, sometimes his teeth were in you, and sometimes his fingers were in you, the sound of it so loud as he thrust them in and out of your fluttering core. The rest of the team was none the wiser as you both satisfied each other in more ways than one. It was usually in the dead of night when everyone else was asleep, and Peter was wide awake.
“Ngh, Peter,” you panted, fingers twisted into his dark locks.
You were completely naked before him, a first, as he swiped his tongue over your wet folds, another first. His own fingers were pressed into your thighs, holding them down in a way that hurt so good. The cool air hit the bite mark on the inside of your left thigh, and you hissed as Peter slid his tongue past your slick walls, tasting every inch of you that he could.
A thin layer of sweat covered your frame, and you realized that you lost track of how long Peter had been alternating between tasting your blood and tasting your lips. His mouth completely covered you, and you shuddered when he sucked on your little bundle of nerves, sharp teeth grazing your sensitive skin.
You could feel your...3rd? 4th? Or was it the 5th climax of the night that you felt approaching? You were so tired, but Peter didn’t seem to have gotten his fill of you, and his lips kissed along your mound before traveling to the space in the crease of your thigh before he swiped his tongue over your thigh itself, the unmarked one. It was dark in the room, and when Peter glanced up at you, dark promises in his eyes, you noted that they almost seemed to glow in the dark, like that of a feline.
He wasted no time before sinking his teeth into your skin again, and you pressed your hand to your mouth to keep from making too much noise. You knew that he’d ordered F.R.I.D.A.Y to soundproof the room, but it was a force of habit by now. Your climax crashed over you like a tidal wave, and that was how you fell asleep that night, with Peter’s face in between your legs, drinking from you in any way he saw fit.
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“Look who decided to grace us with her presence,” Bucky sarcastically greeted as you walked into the kitchen the next morning.
Steve threw you a sheepish smile, visibly sorry on Bucky’s behalf for his behavior.
“Cut it out, Buck.”
“I’m just acknowledging that the princess has been holed up in her room more often than not as of late. If I didn’t know any better, I would’ve thought you went home, but I noticed that you’re still eating my cereal, the only other person who eats the kind I like, so…”
You rolled your eyes as he trailed off, and he reached out to pull on your shirt as you neared.
“What’s with the turtleneck, squirt? I know it’s freezing outside, but in case you haven’t noticed, it’s 77 degrees in here.”
You tensed at his words, and you ignored the way Steve eyed you over his mug.
“I just think I’m coming down with something is all. I’m a little chillier than usual today,” you lied.
He simply hummed, and that was when you finally noticed his attire. Steve too.
“Are you guys going on a mission?”
“You’d know the answer to that if you actually left your room once in a while,” Bucky grumbled, and Steve lightly shoved his shoulder.
“Yeah, the whole team’s heading out. Well...except…” Steve trailed off, and you nodded. “...but Nat and Sam are supposed to be returning from their assignment today, so they’ll be back later.”
You nodded at Steve’s words, not quite liking the way that he was studying you. You hurriedly poured your own cup of coffee, quietly telling them to “be safe” before moving to get out of Steve’s watchful eye.
Hours later found you and Peter on the couch, hardly paying any attention to the movie before you. You had the compound to yourselves, something you looked forward to, but Peter had other ideas than that of what you were thinking.
“You want to...leave?”
You frowned at him, unsure that you heard him right. Peter was facing you with his elbow on the back of the couch, propping his head up as his other hand traced your collarbone.
“Yeah,” he whispered. “Mr. Stark...I think he’s getting serious about sending me away for a while. I think he suspects us, but I’m not sure.”
You mulled over his suggestion, unsure of how you felt about it.
“They couldn’t even find me last time. I’d make sure they’d never find us,” he told you.
“I...I don’t know. I mean, I love you, but I’d miss everyone else,” you replied.
When you looked to him, he looked surprised, and his lips parted as he blinked at you.
Your brows drew together.
He scooted closer, a slow grin forming on his pink lips.
“You love me?”
You scoffed at him.
“Of course. Peter, I’ve been in love with you for as long as I can remember,” you finally confessed.
You thought that it would’ve been obvious by now, but Peter just looked as if you told him he’d won a million dollars. Before you could register it, he reached out to pull you into a kiss. It was passionate and full of yearning...and hungry. You wrapped your arms around his neck and moved closer, Peter’s hand pressing into the small of your back. His lips trailed from your own down to your jaw, pressing kisses there and to your neck. You’d changed shirts as soon as everyone had left.
You knew what he wanted, what he needed, and you welcomed it as he pressed his teeth into your skin. A breathy moan climbed out of your throat as he laid you down. Your heart was going haywire in your chest, the realization that Peter returned your feelings finally hitting you. His hands ran over you, brushing over your breasts and down your sides before he hooked them underneath your thighs.
He pressed his bloody lips to your décolletage, nipping at the skin there before they grazed the swell of your breasts. He bit into the flesh that spilled over the top of your shirt, and you trembled beneath him, a loud moan escaping you. He growled into your skin, fingers pressing into your thighs almost painfully. You weren’t sure how long you remained beneath him, lashes fluttering and lips parted as ecstasy clouded your mind, but eventually, you felt yourself fading in a way you had never felt before.
Your vision blurred, and you could feel your heart starting to slow.
“Peter,” you worriedly murmured.
He seemed preoccupied with releasing himself from his jeans, fingers brushing over you as he reached underneath your skirt. You opened your mouth to protest, but all that came out was a choked sound, the sound transforming into a breathy gasp when he thrust into you.
“Peter,” you weakly called.
You could feel yourself fading fast, and Peter’s own breath was harsh as he drank from you, snapping his hips into yours with every thrust. You could faintly hear a door opening, and you wanted to warn him, but you could hardly move, let alone speak. Darkness creeped along the edge of your vision, and the last thing you heard before going under was a feminine scream.
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You knew that you were in the infirmary before you even opened your eyes. The steady beep of the monitor next to you told you that whatever condition you had been in was pretty serious. You struggled to open them, but when your eyes finally peeled open, you noticed that the room was empty.
“Ms. Y/L/N, you’re awake,” F.R.I.D.A.Y noted. “I will inform Mr. Stark immediately.”
You cringed, squeezing your eyes shut at the mention of the last superhero you wanted to see. You just knew that you were going to get an earful, and you didn’t really care to hear it. You just wanted to know where Peter was and if he was okay.
Tony burst through the doors a lot sooner than you would have liked, and you avoided his eye. He didn’t say anything, and you knew that he was angry, because when did Tony Stark ever have absolutely nothing to say?
“Are you insane?” he finally wondered, and you sighed.
“Where’s Peter?”
“That doesn’t matter right now,” he snapped, and you finally looked at him as he stomped towards your bed. “You could’ve died.”
You shrank underneath his cold stare and harsh words, glancing away.
“Do you get that, Y/N? When Nat and Sam got here…”
He trailed off, face reddening as he was no doubt recalling what he’d been told, probably what he’d even seen thanks to F.R.I.D.A.Y. You watched as he swallowed, releasing a breath.
“Any later, and you would’ve been dead,” he whispered.
“I’m sorry,” you quietly told him. “I just wanted to help him.”
He heaved a long sigh, a tired and exasperated sound.
“I know you love him…”
You frowned at that, wondering if the whole damn team knew.
“...but he needs help from people who can help him. Help him to control himself, hone his new skills, help him so that he doesn’t kill you,” Tony finished, and you blinked back tears. “Go home and let us handle Peter. When the time is right, he’ll be able to see you again.”
The tears finally spilled over, and with a shake of his head, Tony left you. After a few more days in the infirmary, and several blood transfusions later, you did as Tony instructed. It felt strange to be back home after spending nearly 2 months at the compound with Peter. As you entered your room, sitting on your bed, you felt silly.
Tony had been right. You had almost died. You recalled the feel of your life literally slipping away as Peter drank from you, too lost in the taste and feel of you to notice that he was losing control. You had only wanted to help him, and you had ended up making things worse. Was Tony right to treat it like an addiction? Had you hindered Peter more than you helped him? You didn’t know. All you knew was that your actions almost led to your death at Peter’s hand, and that Tony’s actions had not.
You didn’t know where Peter was, but you had faith that he was alright. You hoped that Tony didn’t give him too hard of a time for what he’d done, but you knew that was unlikely. Nat, poor Nat, had literally walked in on him feeding from you and fucking you. There was no telling what the poor woman thought, and you hated the idea of them treating Peter like some wild animal that needed to be caged.
It was 3 nights later when you woke up to the feel of fingers ghosting over the side of your face as you slept. It took you a moment to register what was happening, but when you blinked your eyes open, you were surprised to come face to face with Peter as he stood over you.
You struggled to sit up, and you rubbed your eyes, noting the way his own dark ones lingered on your neck. 
“What are you doing here?”
“We’re getting out of here. C’mon,” he said, reaching for you.
You frowned at him, and you watched his own face fall.
“I don’t...I don’t think that’s a good idea,” you honestly told him.
He frowned at you, and guilt tore through you for more reasons than one.
“Don’t listen to Mr. Stark-.”
“Maybe I should’ve. Maybe...maybe he knew what he was talking about,” you said, cutting him off.
His hand fell to his side, and his dark eyes narrowed on you.
“You’re afraid of me,” he murmured.
“No! No...not really-.”
He cut you off with an angry sigh, and you folded your arms over your chest.
“I almost died, Peter!”
You watched the conflict on his features, brows furrowing ever so slightly.
“...and you would’ve never forgiven yourself...and I feel like it’s my fault…”
Peter stood over you, dressed plainly but darkly, chocolate locks kissing his forehead as he stared at you. He didn’t look happy.
“So you’re taking his side,” he surmised. 
“I just think you should hear him out,” you whispered. “We tried it our way...and look what happened.”
He didn’t say anything, and neither did you. You sat there, and he stood there, both of you just staring at each other. You watched the way Peter’s jaw clenched, and he suddenly reached out to tangle his fingers in your hair, pulling you into a kiss as he neared. You pressed your hands against his chest, but Peter forced his way onto your bed, knees pressed into the mattress on either side of you as he moved his mouth against yours.
“Mm, Peter,” you protested, turning your head away.
“They think I raped you, you know,” he quietly said, the loud sound of tearing fabric filling the room as he ripped your t-shirt straight down the middle.
Your eyes went wide at his words, and he chuckled, the corner of his lips quirking upwards into a smirk.
“Oh, yeah. They think I coerced you with my new abilities or even just flat out bit you and took you anyway I saw fit,” he whispered.
The irony of the situation was not lost on you, and you desperately fought against him. Your underwear was next, and you were no match against Peter’s newfound strength as he batted your hands away, moving to remove his own clothes.
“They don’t know that I had you squirming beneath me, purring and mewling like a desperate kitten.”
His voice was husky, thick with the desire to sink both his teeth and cock into you. He gripped your legs, separating them like it was nothing despite your efforts to keep them closed.
“They think that you’re bad for me…”
It was embarrassingly easy for him to slide into you, your velvet walls giving him a wet welcome. He sighed out as he pressed into you, dark eyes somehow darker.
“...they think I’ve formed some supernatural bond with you, some kind of blood tie…”
A choked moan slipped past your lips as he started to thrust into you, and Peter leaned down to press kisses to the corner of your mouth.
“...and they might be right, but it only cements what we both know.”
His hands pressed into the sheets beside your head, his labored breathing reaching your ears as he pulled back and snapped his hips into yours again and again. Your head was spinning from the way he dragged his cock through your clenching walls, completely unrelenting in his pace. While this technically wasn’t the first time he fucked you, it was the first time you were coherent enough to truly feel what was happening.
“Peter,” you murmured.
His nose brushed against yours with every thrust, and he released a shaky breath.
“...and what do we both know?”
There was a desperation in his eyes that took you by surprise, and your heart clenched.
“Say it...for me…”
You swallowed, lashes fluttering as he slowed down his thrusts.
“I’m yours.”
His own eyes fell closed at the admission, slowly sinking himself into you, basking in the feel of you wrapped around him.
“You gave me your blood...your body…”
He leaned down to trail kisses along your neck, rolling his hips against yours.
“...and you’ll give me your soul. You’re mine in every way a woman possibly can be. In every way a human can be,” he purred, sharp teeth grazing over your warm flesh.
His words made your stomach flutter, walls clenching around him, and just then, your phone buzzed. Like that first night, it was in your sheets somewhere, and the continuous buzzing told you that it was a phone call. You had a guess as to who it could be and what they wanted.
They were looking for Peter.
You looked to him when he paused, watching as his face darkened. He wrapped his hand around your noisy phone before throwing it at the wall, the device shattering upon impact. His dark eyes met yours again, and he kissed you, stealing your breath away as he moved within you again.
“They want to know if I’m with you...if you’re safe…”
You could feel him smiling against your lips, and your nails pressed into his sides, hanging on as he pushed his knees beneath your thighs, widening your legs and forcing a guttural moan from you.
“They think you’re in danger around me...and they’re probably right, but not the kind of danger they’re thinking of.”
One of his hands fisted itself into your hair, pulling your head back, baring your throat to him, and you knew what was coming.
“You don’t know how much I fought with myself that first night...how badly I wanted to tear into you anyway I could,” he whispered, voice strained. “You were all I thought about when I was attacked...when I changed…”
His hips sped up, the sound of slapping skin filling the room as he pistoned into you.
“For your sake, I’m glad you gave yourself to me, because I planned to take you from the very moment I stepped into your bedroom.”
His teeth pressed into your neck, breaking the skin, and your climax washed over you, euphoria clouding your mind and senses as Peter drank from you. His thrusts didn’t stop, and one hand pressed into the headboard above you, blood staining your pillow as the bed shook from the movement of his thrusts. You knew that Peter was far from done for the night, finally claiming what he felt was rightfully his.
tags:  @darkficreposter​ @xoxabs88xox​​​​​​ @harryspet​​​​​​ @readermia​​​​​​ @opheliadawnwalker3​​​​​ @nickyl316h​​​​​​ @captainchrisstan​​​​​​ @sebabestianstan101​​​​​​ @villanellevi​​​​​​ @lokislastlove​​​​​​ @notyourtypicalrose​​​​​​ @coconutqueen21​​​​​​ @hurricanerin​​​​​ ​​​ @hyoyeoniie​​​​​ @kellyn1604​​​​​ @sherrybaby14​​​​​ @cocoamoonmalfoy​​​​ @mandiiblanche​​​​ @gotnofucks​​​​ @oneoftheprettynerds​​​​ @doozywoozy​​​​ @sapphirescrolls​​​​ @threeminutesoflife​​​​ @searchforanotherway​​​​ @mcudarklibrary​​​ @ksjksjkv​ @darkficsyouneveraskedfor​
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citowon · 3 years
spring troupe and gender neutral s/o watch horror movies
about time i finally write for this blog... i was hit with the image of masumi watching a horror movie with his s/o, thought how lovely it would be if there was content of that, then realized i have that power now
word count: 1,935
tags: established relationship, non-detailed mentions of horror themes (gore, monsters, etc)
sakuya sakuma
🌸 when the topic of a horror movie date first comes up, he’s a bit scared. he’s only seen a couple, one of which was for mankai play research.
🌸 when it’s actually showing, though, he’s pretty calm! the anticipation was the worst part, and he somehow doesn’t get scared even during the most terrifying movie of the year. he’s great at reminding himself it’s just fictional in the end
🌸 vampires? not scary. aliens? he thinks they’re cute! gore? well, yeah, it’s unnerving at first but it’s all fake, and once he reminds himself of that he’s fine
🌸 he gets scared at the littlest things though. there might be a continuity error where a knife is in its holder on the counter in one shot and then removed the next, and no one in the movie acknowledges it nor is it supposed to mean anything but he can and will psych himself out thinking about just what moved it
🌸 king of predicting plot twists! he might be very good at spotting continuity errors, but he’s even better at picking out little bits of foreshadowing and putting together the mystery
🌸 gets spooked the most by jumpscares. every time he squeaks a bit (on really bad ones he might scream) and every time he always does the same embarrassed sigh afterwards and goes to squeeze your hand to calm himself
🌸 psychological horror is definitely the best pick for sakuya. he thinks a lot about what’ll happen next in the movie and loves to discuss about movies with you regardless of the genre, so with thought-provoking psychological films it fits him like a glove
🌸 and hey, if things ever get too intense he loves b-list horror movies! he thinks the bad acting is endearing and always finds something to compliment even with the trashiest, corniest flick
🌸 if you ever get uncomfortable, he might commentate in the movie and try to poke fun at it- i mean, the killer clown is kind of funny! look how bright and colorful it is compared to the rest of the set! he keeps his voice light and sunny so you have something comforting to concentrate on
masumi usui
🎧 he loves the idea of horror night. cuddling with you, holding you protectively as the suspense rises, stealing kisses to distract you from the monster and erase your fear...
🎧 he’s only seen a few horror movies in his life, less than the fingers he has on one hand, but whatever. it’s a movie. it’s not real. if he got too immersed he could just tell himself it’s fake and be done with it.
🎧 spoiler alert: he didn’t.
🎧 masumi did not, and i repeat, did NOT expect to get so invested??? even if you’re scared, he’s definitely the most terrified
🎧 that’s not to say he’ll show it. he’s doing everything to keep a neutral face, and you’ll probably assume he’s holding to you tighter during the scary parts like he’s protecting you.
🎧 (it’s actually because you’re the one [1] thing grounding him. you’re protecting him, not the other way around! in hindsight, he likes being cared for even when he thought he’d be the one spoiling you, not the other way around. he just wishes it didn’t have to be during such a scary movie, that’s all)
🎧 will take his fear to the grave... unless you ask him directly about it. please hold him and tell him the monsters aren’t real, even though he’s a heavy sleeper he will stay up until 3 am, his mind reminding him how creepy the movie was every time he’s about to drift off
🎧 so does not fuck with ghosts, if he didn’t believe in them before he certainly does now. the poor guy looks up how to ward away spirits and ends up carrying around a salt packet on him for the next two weeks
tsuzuru minagi
📖 tsuzuru’s not exactly a horror fan. he claims it’s brainless and pointless
📖 (admittedly he’s a little scared of them, but he still thinks they’re dependent on shock alone, and have zero rewatch value since the writing is more focused on in-the-moment spooks than actual plot.)
📖 he’ll roll his eyes and tease you a little but eventually he’ll go along with watching a horror movie
📖 to psych himself out of his fear tsuzuru decides to watch them critically and note what plot points to do (or more likely not to do) for future plays
📖 this works out for the beginning but by the middle of the movie he’s enraptured. he can’t tell if it’s actually good or if it’s a car wreck he can’t help but watch
📖 does the corny move where he yawns and wraps an arm around you, and you’d almost buy it from his earlier cynicism but then the killer shows their face and he tenses up like hell and you just know
📖 gets embarrassed every time he’s scared- he even turns pink, and gets even redder if you try to hold his hand or cuddle him closer (even though there’s nothing he’d want more after something that creepy)
📖 by the end he’s got a few new ideas that might go to autumn or winter troupe’s latest plays, and admits okay, fine, maybe horror isn’t so pointless after all
itaru chigasaki
🎮 screw movies, you’re playing horror games instead!
🎮 most of itaru’s horror games are single-player, so one of you takes the controller while the other sits next to the player, but itaru’ll drape his arms around you from behind in a back hug the entire time you play
🎮 he doesn’t really shut up. the entire time, he’s either cracking a joke or trying to freak you out more, if only so he doesn’t get in his head and overthink the creepy atmosphere
🎮 asshole only quiets down when the game gets tense, and then suddenly puts his hands around your shoulders or neck to scare you. regardless if you fall for it or not, he always laughs at himself and just-so-happens to break the tension as a scary cutscene plays
🎮 still commentates when he’s the player, but gasps or jumps even at small atmospheric scares
🎮 itaru definitely overthinks the game. he gets super cautious over tiny details and makes the missions way harder than they should be since he keeps overestimating the enemy line of sight and how noisy the avatar is
🎮 if you happen to be playing a co-op horror it’s a constant “no u” battle over who should do the scariest tasks
🎮 “reader, we need to cleanse the room next. you should do it” “no, you should do it. you have the quartz item remember” “i can give it to you since you have the ghost ward” “the ghost ward doesn’t apply to this quest, besides, you’re better at this ghost attack quick time event than me” “no it does, and you’re more optimized” “i can just give the items to you-“ “no you should do it” “no you” “no you” “no you” “no y-”
🎮 you both lose
🍋 citron loves horror movies! he thinks they’re... comforting?
🍋 turns out he’s only seen movies about cursed dolls and b-horror, which explains a lot- he loves dolls too much to be scared by them and he thinks b-list horror is hilarious- but he’ll still proudly proclaim he’s unflappable and swear to protect you from the bad guys
🍋 when you’re actually watching the movie you can’t tell if he’s faking his reactions or not. he’s very noisy
🍋 he gets scared enough during the gruesome and horrific scenes to hold you close and tight like a teddy bear, and during the worst of it he might muffle a scream by diving into the crook of your neck, obscuring his vision until the scene changes
🍋 and yet, he laughs at the next scene’s unrealism, and manages to poke enough fun at the movie that you giggle and his terror disappears, he loves your laugh way more than he can be afraid of monsters
🍋 can’t do gore for the life of him, but when it comes to the actual plot, he’s rather critical of characters acting dumb. he catches on to nonsensical writing quick, but usually asks you to clarify the plot holes before realizing that he found a loophole in the writing
🍋 whenever you’re scared and not even his goofy reactions and commentary can help, he plants a sweet kiss on your cheek, strokes your hair, and holds you close to his chest until the fear goes away. he’s surprisingly good at protecting you from the movie
🍋 after the movie he’ll say his country has a similar legend to the movie monsters, but he claims the legends are true in zafra, and zafrans have a very specific tradition to prevent the monsters from attacking them
🍋 the movie also gave citron the idea of creepily standing behind you silently until you turn around and get startled, or occasionally chanting in a strange, cultish language and pretending he didn’t say a thing, or making a doll with the same markings as the clown puppet from the movie...
🍋 citron continues to be even scarier than the actual horror movie, but can’t wait until the next horror night! maybe watching it was a bad idea after all...
chikage utsuki
🌙 chikage just doesn’t get the appeal of horror. it’s just a fake movie, why do people get so creeped out by terrible sfx and unrealistic monsters?
🌙 he’s seen scarier things than any werewolf pack, zombie outbreak, or witch coven can throw at him. if you insist on watching a scary movie, fine, he’ll be happy to let you sit on his lap, just don’t expect to creep him out as well, or else you’ll be sorely disappointed.
🌙 he analyzes the movie more than he watches it, but doesn’t speak up even though the fight scenes look pitiful. if this were real life, he’d sweep the whole brood of shambling monstrosities in record time and be back home in time for izumi’s curry
🌙 chikage runs his hands under your shirt whenever the monster’s on screen to scare you. it’s actually really creepy- his fingers are light and quick and always makes you flinch, even if you know it’s just your boyfriend
🌙 he’ll listen to your thoughts about the movie, but doesn’t have strong opinions himself. he thinks the scares are mediocre at best, even without considering his background, but won’t mention how unrealistic it was unless you mention it first.
🌙 psychological horror, however, is a whole different story
🌙 maybe chikage can’t get scared by generic spirit halloween monsters but once you introduce thought-provoking plot, questions and dilemmas, now he’s hooked
🌙 he really likes wondering if the protagonist is actually the good guy and making theories about the origins of the monsters and why they’re so destructive, even if he forgets about them once the movie’s over.
🌙 love love looooves the “the monsters were harmless creatures before humans dished out the first blow” trope. he knows how common it is, but there’s a lot of ways to go about it, especially on a subtextual level, and he just can’t get enough
🌙 the deeper the plot is, expect a longer conversation about the ins and outs of it. they get surprisingly thoughtful and introspective, even if chikage throws in a few bullshit stories related to the movie just to watch you squirm
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literate-simp · 3 years
BEING BESTIES W/ SOME JJK CHARACTERS; Yuuji, Megumi, Nobara, Gojou and Sukuna.
Notes: Look. I know we all simp terribly for our husbandos/waifus but I just wanted to write a simple hc about what it's like to be their besties
Warning(s): slight cursing. I indulged too much on Sukuna.
Includes: gn! reader, fluff, chaotic energy, mentions of romance (just light)
Itadori Yuji
He's friends with everyone, says hi to strangers and probably would be besties with every old lady he meets so it wasn't hard to be friends with him.
But the second he becomes besties with you, shit's gonna get borderline chaotic.
3AM and y'all can't sleep? McDonald's parking lot with an abandoned shopping car would sound damned fine. You both remember the moment as 'Chicken Nuggies and the Wind' since he t-posed on the moving cart whilst eating nuggies (you both almost scratched a Ferari).
If you weren't a jujutsu sorcerer in training, he'd still try to sneak you in his room to watch some movies. You with the snacks, leaving Yuji in charge of the movie picking (you can't decide to save your life)
Cuddles! Nothing wrong with besties cuddling. He's extremely respectful to your s/o (if you have one) and are probably good friends with them too!
Though the second you come to him crying, they were already being patched up in the hospital. Won't hit a woman, against his morals, but he will make sure she never speaks to you again.
Understanding, chaotic besties! An arm around your shoulder when someone's obviously making you uncomfortable, he's the one barking when he sees someone slip something into your drink.
The friend to help you find your way out of a frat house. Makes sure you're getting touched with your consent and sober. All you need to do is give him a sign that you're alright and he'll give you a thumbs up before leaving.
Definitely the friend you'd open up to (about anything) and not be treated differently after so.
You told him about your problems a few minutes prior. It was quiet, a bit too quiet. And you were worried he might leave you for it.
"Ey, Y/N. Wanna go to McDonald's again? I think they have that burger you like," He blurts, catching you off guard. You raise your eyebrows before smiling gratefully.
"Sounds great, Itadori."
You guys talk about women with butts all the time. Not out of thirst or anything, it would just be a random thought that comes up and one of you would contribute to the other. You once mentioned something about Jennifer Lawrence and he would not stop talkinf about her. It was hilarious how much he was drooling.
You wear his hoodies and he's fine with it. Thinks you look good in them. Sukuna teases you both about your relationship and Yuji slaps his mouth shut before he says anything more.
"You look great in them, Y/N," Itadori grins, rummaging through his closet to find more hoodies.
"Thank you. They're pretty comfy," You mention the fabric and the fluffiness. He listens to you intently before Sukuna pops out from his cheek.
"Ehhh? This is the one you think about everyday--," Itadori has never slapped his cheek so hard before in his life.
Megumi Fushiguro
Honestly, pretty chill dude.
He has a small group of people he trusts, and a smaller one to which he considers to be his good friends.
So to be his best friend, you must've gained a huge amount of respect from him; saved him, maybe even overheard something you shouldn't have and kept quiet about it on your own accord.
You would have a 'you aren't comfortable with it, so I'm not forcing anything' vibe to which he would be relieved to know. Though even so, you are the more hyper one in the platonic relationship.
Outings would consist of trips to libraries or quiet nights on the couch with your legs entangled together with lo-fi music playing in the background.
Not much talking, Megumi likes to keep to himself and you have no problem with the comfortable silence you both bring together.
Though sometimes it gets too quiet so you annoy the hell out of him to get his attention; cheek poking, soft arm punches, slight pushing.
Megumi ignores this, finding your actions a bit cute. If it gets too annoying, he will get up and leave, having you trail behind him, whining like a child wanting candy.
Yuji would join in. Definitely. Nobara too if she was bored enough.
"Megumi~ I want your attention~," You whine, running after the raven-haired man.
"Yeah! Yeah! Pay attention to Y/N!" Yuji supports you. You clap your hands together, only to be hit with a shoe by Megumi.
He would never do anything outside of your comfort zone. If you had an s/o, they both would be neutral with each other.
If you were to get hurt from said s/o, they would leave your house with a bloody knuckle. He wouldn't hit a girl, but he definitely will destroy whatever life she has outside of your relationship with her.
Parties are a no-go for him, unless his friends force him to. He's the designated driver with three other drunk children (Hint; Yuuji, Nobara and you). He wouldn't carry anyone else but you back to your room.
"Jeez, Y/N. You should know how to handle your alcohol," Megumi sighs, laying you on top of your bed gently and pulling the covers up.
"Nngh. Didn't know it was alcohol," You groaned. He smiles, patting your cheek before getting up to leave.
"I'll get you some painkillers in the morning, alright?"
You can wear his sweatshirts if you annoy him about it (he secretly likes how comfortable you are around him). He thinks you look charming in them, Yuji never shuts up about your friendship. It's the few times he's seen Megumi genuinely smile.
Nobara Kugisaki
Radiates bad bitch energy.
It isn't easy in the first stages since she has standards with friends but the second you both find something similar about each other, it's an immediate ride-or-die friendship.
You would need a major backbone, 'I'm too hot for this bs' kinda vibe (it's canon that the reader is a bad bitch, periodt). You would have arguments with her but it's pretty basic stuff like the perfect colour for nailpolish or whether Maki deserves the Earth or the universe (you both agree it's the universe).
Outings consists of shopping malls and popular cafes. You take selfies everytime you see something relatively new.
Talk about anything under the sun -- newest trends, new food to try out, Maki -- but her favourites are hearing you talk about your day. If you weren't a jujutsu sorcerer, she'd visit your apartment, give you a hug and sit on the couch to listen to you blabber away about something that isn't related to curses or death. She needs time to rewind and you never mention how vulnerable she looks when she's tired.
"Uh-huh and what happens next?" Nobara asked, carressing your hair as you lay on her lap.
"He wouldn't stop following us! It was so creepy! No means no right? Like why would you waste your energy following a group of friends who aren't interested?" You ranted on. Nobara simply nods in agreement, smiling at your annoyed face.
She doesn't mind your s/o, probably would just say hi before leaving you two alone. She doesn't have a problem about her friends having a relationship, she does, however, gets pissed that she isn't in one.
If you come to her crying about them, she would slither in some 'fuckin told you they were gonna do it' or 'I told you so'. Though it makes you upset, you know she's gonna trash their house the second you leave the room.
Your (now) ex would suddenly be cancelled beyond belief, you wouldn't know what happened to them.
Despite the bad bitch personality, you are the more patient one.
Parties is a yes. She comes in as a self-confident woman and will leave self-confident and drunk. She's the life of the party and pulls you into conversations to keep you company. Even if you don't contribute much to the conversation, she makes sure you aren't out of her sight. She's not the type to bring a friend to a party and leave them the second after. She cares about you even if her way of showing was a bit too pushy.
You share clothes with her and she'll give you comments about it.
"The shirt doesn't fit. No, no. The other one. Yeah, that one."
"Who cares if people say you aren't supposed to wear skirts? Your ass rocks better in those than mine. Just take them."
Personally likes dressing you up, doesn't like dressing you up for dates though. Still doesn't know why.
Gojou Satoru
God, the willpower you have to even tolerate this man is immense.
It's not hard to be his friend, all you have to do is do something that amuses him and he'll keep teasing you about it.
In this platonic relationship, you're the more calm one. People call you to take care of Gojou constantly, and you're the only one he allows to scold him.
He goes for missions half the time so it's rare to see you both go for outings. The most you've been together outside of Jujustu Tech and work hours was in a bar with Nanami (you both bond over the fact that Gojou is terrible to work with). He got too drunk and started slurring his words.
"Y/N~ stohp flirting with Nanamin and talk to meee," He whines, pinching your cheeks as you sigh.
"We are simply talking about your bad work habits, Satoru," Nanami answers whilst shaking his head, downing another drink before he gets up to leave. "I'll take him home, rest well Y/N."
"Noooo, I want Y/N!"
A needy best friend. Constantly asks for attention. If you ignored him, he would only make the situation slightly more annoying -- similar to Megumi's Y/N, the basic cheek poking and whining.
Your s/o would probably hate him, he's a bit too flirty and likes to hug you in public. People mistake you both for a couple rather than the s/o at hand. Don't be surprised if it's the main reason your relationships don't end well.
If you come to him upset because of them, he wouldn't waste a second to zoom to your shared apartment and 'deal' with the person. Would come back with a smile and some takoyaki. No blood on him since he used his infinity.
Parties are alright with him. He's the cool flirty dude everyone seems to fawn over. Would accompany you for half an hour, only to leave with another chick to a nearby bedroom. You never end up partying with him after opening the God forsaken door and he's never stopped trying to make it up to you.
Other than the traumatic event, he'd a bit of a douche but still tries to look for you in the crowd. He waves once he sees you and flashes a reassuring smile before continuing his talk with the others.
You don't share clothes with him simply because it's Gojou. Who knows when the last time he washed his clothes.
Though he's willing to share. You're just more reluctant, really. Finds it cute when his shirts are slightly bigger than you. If you're built bigger than he is, he would like how tight it looks on your body.
"Starting to think you look better in my clothes than I am. And that's a pretty good compliment." He grins.
Hates the fact you never take his compliments seriously. Says it from the bottom of his heart, he really thinks you're charming.
Ryomen Sukuna
God, was it hard trying to befriend this curse of a man. An asshole, he stuck his feet out to trip you over multiple times before cackling like a damned demon (which he is).
Though you're always genuine with him. You liked having conversations with him and listen to him boast about himself for hours. Guess that's when he saw you as a close acquaintance.
Would never tell you you're his best friend. Never. Not once. Him simply acknowledging you was enough for everyone to know he favored one person.
Being friends with Sukuna meant being friends Yuji. Itadori always apologizes on his behalf and you would always laugh, telling him it's alright. Sukuna gets annoyed by this though.
"Stupid human. Who do you think you are being all mush with this useless vessel of mine?" He sneered the second he could pop out. You shrugged, taking some popcorn to feed him.
"He's a pretty good guy. You should cut him some slack," You answered, stuffing some popcorn to your face as well
Will constantly threaten to kill you but you never paid heed. You know you're his only friend. You don't agree with his actions but you find the curse interesting.
Literally the only person who's allowed to tease him. You get away with things most curses would get killed from. You once hand him super hot sauce for his pancakes and he glared at you for the remainder of his time being conscious in Yuji's body. You found the plate broken with a fork stabbed through it.
You aren't allowed to go on outings with Sukuna (obviously) so you both spend your time within Yuji's room. Not allowed to go out since everyone'll freak out seeing Yuji with tattoos resembling the King of Curses.
"Humans are so boring," Sukuna groaned, his head on the bedstand. "All they do is just sit around doing nothing but scroll through their stupid boxes." You smiled at him.
"Not my fault you commit mass genocide for fun. I'd say we're pretty passive."
He would literally never care about your love life. Still has the old man mentality that romance meant sex and that was about it. If they were to meet, the curse would just roll his eyes and turn the other way.
Getting hurt by your s/o results to hurtful teasing and bloodshed. No in-between, no nothing. He wouldn't know how to comfort you properly so he'd send Yuji in his place. Would sit at the back of Yuji's mind getting pissed that he was hugging and rubbing your back gently as if he couldn't have done it himself (literally sent Yuji only to judge him).
Not allowed to go out so parties is also a no-go BUT since this is just a headcanon, let's imagine it's college AU.
College AU Sukuna would love parties -- he throws them, orders his friends to invite hot girls and frat guys. And invites you himself. No one would know you were friends since he never mentions it but will literally choke anyone who looks at you like you're a piece of candy.
Gets way too drunk and probably have railed 3 people to cloud 9 in a matter of 2 hours but still go out just to check up on you. He doesn't necessarily care but he hates having the sick feeling that you were in possible danger somewhere he wouldn't be able to see you.
Stare at you for a good 3 seconds before leaving you alone. You'd never know he was there.
Clothes! His clothes are Yuji's and he barely even keeps his shirts in tact. Does he care whether you wear it or not? No.
Is he pissed? Slightly.
This took me two days, I'm not sure if it sounds canon anymore. Anyways, thank you for reading!
♡︎ literate-simp
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smallblip · 3 years
idk if you've done this before aot characters as online classes students?? the last chapters breaking my heart, they didn't even thank Hange :((
Tumblr media
Ya got it! 💖 I hope you like levihan?
So all classes have moved online and some people are coping pretty well. Historia, Ymir (who bums around in Historia’s house), Bertholdt, Annie and Armin (who are in each other’s houses all the time too... Suspicious...). And some of them are just... *there are no stops on the struggle bus*. Connie is asleep half the time, Sasha can’t hear the teacher over her own loud crunching, Eren can’t sit still unless supervised, Jean craves human interaction, Mikasa spends half the time supervising Eren, and Reiner is just... Zoning out, grimacing every once in a while when he thinks of something stupid he did when he was a kid or something embarrassing that happened growing up.
But. Hear me out. The best thing about online classes? The conspiracy that has brewed amongst the kids. So everyone in school knows Hanji the chemistry teacher is married. Everyone also knows Levi the English lit teacher is married. People just haven’t quite figured out who their partners are. Hanji over shares, but somehow the information she divulges comes short of an actual name. Levi doesn’t share anything at all. He shuts down ALL personal questions. ALL.
It started with lit class, everyone is falling asleep with another close reading of The Merchant of Venice. That is until a big black cat leaps up onto Levi’s desk and begins parading in front of the screen. But Levi nudges it out of the way and continues. And soon the class chat is blowing up:
“Did everyone see the cat?”
“What cat?”
“THE cat. The cat that just walked past Mr Ackerman’s screen!”
“It looks familiar... Haven’t we seen that cat before?”
“Isn’t that Ms Zoë’s cat?”
“I’m sure there’s an explanation for this... That isn’t the only black cat in the world...”
“No other cat is that fat!”
So the speculation goes on for weeks, revived when a suspiciously similar cat walks by Hanji’s screen (but they all know Hanji has cats, she shows them pics all the time). One black cat is a coincidence, but a black cat and a slinky orange cat? That’s gotta be something else. So when an orange cat hops up beside Levi, everyone goes rabid.
“That’s Ms Zoë’s cat! It has got to be! You can’t tell me he has a black cat and an orange cat that’s the exact same to Ms Zoë’s?”
“What does this all mean?”
So the kids spend most of their days thinking up theories.
Eren: Mr Ackerman’s probably just pet sitting for Ms Zoë
Historia: maybe they’re roommates...
Ymir: yeah who share the same bed...
Historia: YMIR!!!!!
Historia: she’s not wrong tho...
Mikasa: are we sure? They’re really different people... they can’t be married... can they?
And they compile the little clues in a Google doc-
Day 1: black cat
Day 5: orange cat
Day 11: hint of a photo frame in the corner of Mr Ackerman’s background
Day 12: Ms Zoë has a wall of photo frames in her house
Day 13: Ms Zoë’s house is surprisingly spotless
Day 20: Ms Zoë’s kitchen is clean. There’s a huge cabinet of tea in her kitchen. Mr Ackerman loves tea.
So on and so forth.
And one day, the kids are attending lit again, Levi is going through the main themes of the text, pretty standard stuff. That is, until there’s a huge crash. The kids all hear it. Levi whips his head around to the general direction of the kitchen (or so the kids think from rough preliminary sketches of the blueprint of their house). And then the kids hear it-
And with that Levi sprints off, no time to click mute or to end the meeting and they hear everything.
“Fuck four eyes what have you done!”
“Benzene is very flammable!!!!”
“No shit! So why did you set in on fire????”
“I didn’t do it on purpose I’m trying to teach a class here! This is in the syllabus!” (Lie)
“Hanji... Why do I do this for you?”
“Because... You love your wife?”
AND THERE IT IS. As if they needed any more confirmation. The kids all have shit-eating grins by the time Levi sits down again with a sigh. “What?” He snaps.
“Nothing...” Connie is way too smug.
“So... Ms Zoë’s your wife?” Sasha grins, wriggling her brows at him. The class burst into wild laughter. Everyone comes off mute to ask questions. It’s so loud that Hanji pops her head into the room out of curiosity. And she smiles at them, sheepish, “hey kids! Sorry about the noise!”
“You never told us Ms Zoë!”
“I always thought you guys knew?” She quirks a brow.
Levi sighs, completely exasperated, just... done... the cats have joined in the commotion, hopping up on his lap. “When I find a way to give you all detention remotely, you’re all finished...”
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kinkyjaems · 3 years
Officer Johnny
Word count: 4.9K
johnny x fem!reader (feat. taeyong & doyoung)
Includes: Smut, a bit of fluff I guess, him praising you
You're sitting at your desk as always. Answering phone calls, reading and signing papers, the endless click of your computer mouse. Nothing interesting has happened. Your life is a bore. You work in a police station but you ran charge of going through cases and catching all the bad guys.
You work in a room full of men who you're allowed to boss around. One of them being Johnny Suh. The flirtatious cop that you know I strong to get in your pants. Although he’s not one of those guys in a pussy drought, no, he’s a really sweet guy your glad to have around not only at work but outside of work too.
Taeyong walks over to your desk slapping a case folder on your table. “We have a case” He huffs, clearly tired. “Johnny, Doyoung, come over here” As soon as the two males reach over to your desk, Taeyong starts explaining the case. “Wen Junhui, although is Chinese, owns the biggest drug trade in Korea. He’s here in Seoul right now but will later make his way to different parts of the country for his business. The department has been getting information on him for over a year now and now that we’ve finally found his whereabouts, we must catch him because not only is he recklessly selling drugs, he’s killing innocent people.” Taeyong starts showing you all pictures of Jun and you must say he’s a very handsome guy but you know his ass should be in jail for the better.
“Now,” Taeyong starts again. “He’s not in Seoul for much longer, he’s only here for a little get-together with some of the people he works with and others who’s are interested in buying” Taeyong places a huge duffle bag on the tableland unzips it to show its glory. There were stacks over stacks in that bag. All three of your mouths open in shock. “We're gonna use this money to pretend like we're there to buy drugs” He explains. “Why can't we just enter the get together without the money?” Doyoung asks. “Well, it's a little suspicious if we go in there without a purpose since we're not acquaintances with Jun so we must act like we want to buy his produce” Taeyong looks at you and Johnny. “And by we, I mean you two” he points at you both with his flat smile.
You two look at each other and back at Taeyong. “I thought we were all going together,” You thought. “Again, it might look a little suspicious, plus you two should go as a couple” You agree, wanting to help out. Your fake names are Naeun and Minhyuck. “Alright, so the party is tomorrow in the afternoon so you two should be ready to go”. 
You head home after a long day of planning. You were nervous about tomorrow. Being in a house full of ruthless gangsters who won’t hesitate to pull a gun to your head and shoot you. This was risky and there’s no denying it but your glad you weren’t doing this alone and felt a lot safer having Johnny around with you.
You plop onto your bed letting out a large huff as your eyes start to fall shut. Your eyes fly open as your phone starts to ring. Its Johnny. “Hello?” You answer the phone. “Hey, baby, what’s up?”
You can tell he was smiling through the phone. “Baby?” You laugh. “Yeah,” he says. “From tomorrow onwards, me and you are gonna be a thing and we need to get into it” You furrow your brows at his choice of words. “Onwards,” You ask. “You never knows what's gonna happen” He starts. “You need to expect the unexpected” He explains. “Whatever makes you sleep at night, babe” You tease and he laughs. “What are we gonna b wearing tomorrow by the way?” You ask. “I've got nothing in my closet” You not the type of person to go to parties, hence why there’s not much party clothing in your closet. “Taeyong said they already have outfits at the department so don’t worry about it. Sleep well tonight okay? We have a big day tomorrow.” You wish him goodnight and hang up the phone, instantly falling asleep.
You arrive at the station making your way to your office desk. You can feel your heart banging against your chest. You see your best friend Karina holding a beautiful black dress in her hands and walking over to you. “Are you ready?” She asks. “Yes,” You replied, not knowing if you were lying or not. “I'll leave you to get ready but call me when your done” Tayeong exits the office with Doyoung by his side. DDDD
You hear a door open and look to the side. Johnny enters the room, wearing a black on black suit that looks very expensive. A silver watch on his right hand with an ocean blue center and ring that were divided equally on each hand. He looked beautiful. “You okay, babe?” He smirked. “BABE?!” Karina squealed which made you jump. “He’s just trying to get into character” You laughed. “This wasn’t part of me getting into character” He placed his hands in his pockets. “Get ready and ill be with Taeyong” He exits the room and you turn to Karina who is now shaking the shit out of you.
“HE LIKES YOU” She squeals. “You need to start acting like a woman. Dressing up, wearing makeup.” She lectures you. “I'm not gonna try to look good just for some guy okay? We're just gonna finish with this little mission and get back to work” The big smile that was once plastered on her face, has now disappeared. “Ugh, fine. But if you sleep with him you better tell me” You playfully slap her arm and laugh together.
Karina does the finishing touches of your makeup and steps back to get a better view of you. “I can't believe it” Her hands covered her mouth and she runs to hug you. “You look so good,” she says. “Thank you” You smile. You have to say, Karina did an amazing job with the makeup. You make your way over to Taeyong who was patiently waiting for you, but no sign of Johnny. “Wheres Johnny?” You ask. “Wow,” You look over behind you and see Johnny eyeing you up and down. You were wearing a black silk dress with a big slit in the front, accompanied by a very light smokey eye and rose-colored lipstick. “You look great” You two are unable to get your eyes off each other.
You hear Taeyong grunt in the background and both your attentions are now on him. “Shall we go?” Taeyong leads the way into the garage where his car is parked. Johnny sat in the front while you sat in the passenger seat along with the bag of cash and Taeyong starts the car and heads off. You were quite the whole ride, Tayeong and Johnny conversing a little but it wasn’t something you were interested in doing in.
You were looking out the window until you felt a pair of eyes on you. You turn to see Johnny looking at you and rain your brows in confusion. “Oh, um I just wanted to tell you the plan but I guess I got carried away” Your face starts you heating up and you curse your pale skin. “Okay, so when we walk in we need to find Jun. Once we do I'm gonna start off by asking him about his drugs and seeming interested in them. While in a conversation, you excuse yourself to go to the bathroom when actually you need to find some documents that have information on where he’s gonna be land tomorrow. Got it?” He asks. “Got it” You reply.
You're parked in front of the mansion you have to say it was beautiful. It was packed with people from different parts of the world. The modern house was white and lined with gold details, making it catch your eyes instantly. Expensive cars were parked outside and giant window panes lines across the front.
“I'll be waiting out here. Once you get the info, you come straight back here” Taeyong explains. You both exit the car together walking over to two big males standing by the gate. “May I help you?” One of them asks. “My name is Minhyuck and were here to attend” Johnny remarks confidently. “What business do you have here and who is she” The other one points at you. “This is my girlfriend Naeun and we’re here to invest”. “With what money?” He asks. Johnny lifts up the big duffle bag he has and unzips it for them to see. They nod their head and opened the gates for you both.
You both look at each other before parting ways. You were in charge of looking outside while Johnny looked inside. You reach the part of the garden when most of the party is taking place. People were dancing and bumping into one another. You stand by the drink table holding your head high for a man named Wen Junhui. Before you knew it. You felt someone grab your hips and pull you towards them. “Hello~ beautiful” This man was clearing drunk. His breath smelt of strong rotting vodka. “Get off of me” You use your hands to push him away, which only made him angry. “Your gonna be mine today” He leans in to kiss you until he’s interrupted by a hand that punches him across the face.
Johnny pulls you behind him. “Get the fuck off of her you filthy bastard” His eyes wear dark with anger. You’ve never seen Johnny like this. “Johnny-“ You were interrupted by a voice calling you and Johnny. “Minhyuck and Naeun!” The man shouting was the man known as Wen Junhui. He looks at you with welcoming smiles and calls you over to sit at the table. Johnny obeys and walks over. You look down to take a seat but then feel an arm slither and an arm on your waist pulling you down onto Johnny's lap. You were a bit taken back knew you had to stay in character.
“So” Jun starts “I heard you wanted to buy some stuff of me. I got the best in the city, all you want”. “I am very interested in your products as I’ve heard it's the best quality, Mr. Wen” Johnny smiles at Jun. As they talk you start to feel something underneath you poking your ass and it's not along time before you realize it's Johnny's needy bulge. You ignore it and excuse yourself for the bathroom.
You enter the house. It was covered in the red carpet all the up until the two-way shimmering stairs. “Wow” You gasp. You look around to make sure there aren’t any guards around to catch you. Once you see the coast is clear, you quickly head up the stairs trying to make less sound as possible with your heels. “Brown door with a golden knob” You whisper to yourself. You move around the mansion trying not to be too loud as your heels lightly clack.
You finally found what you looking for, twisting the swinging golden knob allowing you to enter. You were presented into a room with multiple file cabinets. “Investment, partnership, blacklist, travel plans” You read all the labels trying to find the right one. You open the drawer marked ‘Travel plans’ and scanned the papers looking for destinations. “Oh dear,” You hear a familiar voice and turn around to see Jun holding Johnny tightly around his arm, giving you an evil smile. Two big men as backup behind him.
You still have the important file clutched in your hand. “You know what happens to people who try to snake their way around me” He lifts up his gun to point your face and you look at Johnny in panic. Before you knew it, Johnny lifted his elbow up and knocked Jun on the face, knocking the gun out of his hand. The big men in the back going for Johnny as he tries to fight him off with his back to you. Jun picks up his gun to shoot Johnny, when you kick his back, making sure to point your bottoms heels at him.
He looks at you in anger and takes a shot at your legs, barely missing as the bullet goes through your dress. You look down in shock. “DID YOU JUST SHOOT MY DRESS?!” Anger started filling you up all because he ruined this beautiful silk dress. You take off your heels and start smacking him on the face.
“Don’t” smack “fucking” smack “ruin” smack “my” smack “dress”. You now straddled on him repeatedly hitting him with your heel. You bring your hands down to his nipples, strongly twisting them and he shouts in pain. “Don’t you dare touch a woman!” You continue beating your fists on his chest until you feel a pair of hands slither around your waist lifting you up and over their shoulder. 
Johnny runs out with your over your back. You see them chase after you and use this opportunity to take one of your heels that was once hugging your feet, and throw it at the men. Once Johnny is outside the mansion, he places you back on the floor, grabs your arm, and pulls you into the car where Taeyong was patiently waiting.
You quickly drive off and see a black van full of men chase after your vehicle. Taeyong opens your sunroof and hands you a gun. “Use this to get rid of them” He handed you a handgun and you stand up so your upper body is out of the far.
Not wanting to kill anyone, you aim for the two front wheels while being careful of any bullets that might be coming your way. The black van gets slower and slower until it's a little black dot in the distance. You lift your hand over your head to form a heart. Johnny and Taeyong hysterically laughing at your gesture.
You sit back down and a loud huff escapes your mouth. “Did you get the file?” ask Taeyong. You reach into the pockets of your once beautiful dress that now has a hole in it and pull out a sheet. “Got it” you answer. “Yeahhh” Johnny claps. “Dude, she was wrecking that Jun guy. She used her heels as a weapon, I’ve never been so scared” He giggles. “This is why you shouldn’t mess with me” You point at your feet that’s missing one heel.
“So, where his next destination?” Tayeong asks. “He’s gonna be in Busan tomorrow, it says here he’s there for a meeting” You explain. “Alright great, ill make sure a hotel is booked.” He replies. “Separate rooms” You point out. “Oh come on babe, relax a little and share a room with me” Johnny wines, pouting his lips at you and you give him a cold stare as he looks away.
You enter your shared office getting ready to change as you pick up your clothes and head to the bathroom while Johnny just changes outside. You say your goodbyes and exit the department, waiting outside looking frustrated while trying to get a taxi. “Do you want a ride” you turn to see Johnny with a warm smile? “Oh, N-no it's okay. I don’t wanna trouble you” You kindly define his offer. “You're not troubling me” He replies. “Without your amazing fighting skills, we wouldn't have gotten the destination file” You lightly smack his chest and take up his offer.
The whole car ride to your house was quiet until Johnny breaks the silence. “You know” Johnny starts. “I know this is a bad time to tell you this but lately I've been thinking about how much I wanna take you out.” He looks at you nervously. “So.. when all of this is over, do you mind if I do?” You look at him and you smile from how nervous and cute he was. You don’t usually see Johnny like this. He’s usually so confident with everything he says. “Id love to” You smile at him.
You once again say your goodbyes and head inside going straight for the bathroom where you wash off your makeup and dress into some comfy pajamas. You get your suitcase out of your cabinet, placing some essentials in before you go to bed, ready for the next day. You eat breakfast in bed while watching your favorite show when you then get interrupted by a text from Taeyong.
Taeyong: Hey, are you ready?
You: Yeah. I'm gonna head out to the office soon.
Taeyong: Instead of the office, come to the train station where I and Johnny are waiting
You: Okk, Ill be there
You get your suitcase and head out, taking a taxi to the subway station. You arrived at the station and greet them both. You stand infant of the waiting train as Taeyong explains where you’ll be staying and other important information for your stay at Busan.
You and Johnny enter the train and took a seat. Johnny helped place both your luggage in the overhead stowage and took a seat next to you. It was a 2-hour train ride to Busan. You lay your head back against the seat as the train starts moving. “Hey, I have a question” Johnny looks at you. “Why not you wanna share a room with me?” He asks. “Is it because you wouldn’t know how to stop yourself?” He smirks and you smack his chest. “No,” You say. “I think you won’t be the one to stop yourself”. Johnny shrugs his shoulders. “You're not wrong” He leans slowly. “Hello, would you like something to drink” The attendant interrupts? “No thank you. You?” He turns to look at you. “I'm good, thank you” You answer with a smile.
You have an hour left of the train and you look vide bialy tired from staying in the same place. Johnny pats his shoulder, letting you use it as a headrest. You rest your head comfortably on his shoulder, slowly dosing off. He brings his arm over your shoulder and rests his head onto yours.
You finally arrive in Busan. Johnny nudges you lightly to wake you up and exit the train. You both wait outside the Busan train station for your ride. “Still tired” Johnny laughs and you hum in response with your eyes half-open. He pulls you into a hug, wrapping his arms around you while you rest your arms around his waist as support.
The car finally arrives and takes you to your hotel. You exit the car looking at the place as Johnny helps take out the luggage. “Are you sure this is the right place?” You ask Johnny. You were standing outside a small motel. Johnny stands next to you looking up at the structure in front of you. “I guess?” He replies. “Let's got check out our rooms”.
You two walked inside a were welcomed by an old lady. You politely greet her and check-in. “Okay, here is your key for room 24” She smiles as she places one key in Johnny's hand. “One room?” You ask. “I think we booked two”. “Unfortunately we don’t have another room available” She apologizes. “If you want we can-“ “It's okay, we’ll take the room” You smile, not wanting to trouble the lady. 
You walk into your room. The walls were painted a beige color. As you walk in you see a bed to the right, facing you, and a small TV opposite the mattress.
The station was so busy that it was already 6 PM. You changed into a hoodie and shorts before plopping yourself on the bed, thinking about how you gonna sleep tonight. As you were lost in thought, Johnny exits the bathroom wearing a plain black t-shirt and gray sweatpants, with his bulge being very obvious. How could someone look so good in something so plain simple? You thought. “What do you wanna do to pass the time?” You ask. “Do you wanna check out what movies they have on the TV?” You nod your head at him in approval.
You sit up at the back of the bed giving room for Johnny to sit next to you. Johnny starts scrolling through the different genres of movies, listing them as he goes. “Horror, romance, comedy, porn-“ He looks at you with begging eyes and you shake your head in disapproval. “How about a horror movie?” You suggest. Johnny nods and finds a movie that appeared to be 2 hours long.
It's about 7 PM and your 1 hour into the movie. You feel a pair of eyes on you and turn to look at Johnny. “What?” You quietly ask. He starts to realize he’s staring at you and stress. “Oh um, I-I was just um wondering if you were cold” He makes up an excuse and you laugh knowing very well that wasn’t it.
“Why are you laugh,” He asks with a little smile. “Nothing. It's just cute how you made an excuse to ask if I was cold when you were staring at me” You look at him to see he looks almost panicked. “N-no,” He says. “You even stuttering” You point out. “N-no I'm not” You laugh at him. He straightens his posture. “You think id be staring at you because of how beautiful you look in just a hoodie and shorts. How I can even focus on the movie because I can’t take my eyes off you. How I want to kiss your lips so bad and cherish your body forever. 
The smile that was once on both your face is now gone. Johnny leans in closer to the point where you can smell his fresh laundry detergent. Your lips meet together and move in harmony. He brushed your hair out of the way with his hand and places it on your cheek. He swipes his tongue across your lower lip, asking for permission to enter. You grant him permission by opening your mouth wider and your tongues fight each other for dominance as he takes the lead. “A little aggressive aren’t you?” He smiles again your kiss.
You slither your hands around his neck to get a better angle to dominate him but he reaches his hands behind you, lightly tugging your hair as a small moan leaves your lips and your head leans back. He smirks at the sound and starts trailing wet kisses up and down your neck until you were interrupted by a phone call from Taeyong.
He stops what he’s doing as he goes to answer the phone and you grunt in annoyance. “Hello?” He answers the phone. “Yeah we arrived, we’re just watching a movie to pass the time. Yeah okay, sounds good. Bye,” He hangs up the phone and turns to you. “We should go to bed. We need to wake up pretty early tomorrow” You felt kind of sad but you had a job and needed good sleep in order to do your best.
You get under the blanket and watch as Johnny goes to the couch, using an extra pillow and blanket to sleep for the night. The room is dark and you couldn’t help but think about how you wanted Johnny's arms wrapped around you as you slept, or even better, his lips all over you.
“Johnny” You call out. “Yeah” He replies and you sit up. “Do you mind if you sleep next to me tonight?” You see a black figure sit up on the couch, not hesitating to comb over and climb in bed next to you. “Miss me?” He teases you. “Yes,” You reply as you attach your lips to his. He adjusted quickly and kiss you back. This time even most passionately. He pushes you down so you're underneath him and he’s hovering on top of you with his hands roaming freely on your body.
Your hook your arms over this neck and let your fingers tangle around his hair. You bring one hand down to the hem of his shirt and lightly tug at it, gesturing for his to take it off. He sits up on top of you and brings his t-shirt over your head. You look at his toned body while placing air two hands on his shoulder and slowly feeling down his chest. He then roves your hoodie, leaving you only in your bra. “Fuck, you’re so beautiful” He pants, diving back into your mouth before moving to your neck.
After placing kisses cross your neck, he starts sucking on your skin like honey, making sure to leave marks with not one place untouched. He moves down placing kisses down your chest and onto your stomach until he reaches your pants. He looks up at you for permission to remove it and you nod, taking your bra off too. He pulls your pants to the side and teasingly breathes on it making your head go back.
He reaches his left hand over to your breasts, slowly massaging them before gliding his tongue across your fold. You let out a soft moan as Johnny repeats this gesture with his tongue. He starts sucking on your clit slowly and softly making sure to get every inch before sliding a finger in there and gently thrusting it in and out.
You start to lose your patience as you try to move your hand down to your slit but get stopped by Johnny's big hand. He places your hand to the side and thrust his finger and faster while flicking his tongue on your wet slit at an exceptional speed.
Your back arches in pleasure and you start to close the gap between your legs until Johnny pushes them open and digs his tongue inside or you even harder, which causes you to moans out his name uncontrollably loud. “I'm about to cum” You say in between moans.
Johnny takes this as an opportunity to place his pointer and middle finger inside of you, quickly thrusting until you come all over his face. He uses his tongue to clean you as if your juices were his treasure. He sits up and looks at you before crawling his way closer to your face. You can see your glimmering juices on his face as he uses his tongue going in a circle, getting it all off “You taste so good, baby”.
He re-attaches his lips onto you. You didn't care that he just ate you out and now his tongue is in your mouth. He slips out of his sweatpants and reveals his giant cock. He stands at the edge of the bed before you come over to replace his hands with yours. “Spit on it” He demands, and you obey spitting on his tip before spreading it across his whole length.
You started by tracing circles with your tongue at the top before slowly doing down on him until you manage to take all of him in. You use your free hand to massage his balls earning a low moan from him. Every time you reach the tip, you make sure to swirl your tongue around the top before going back down to the base.
He tangles his hand in your hair and starts taking the lead, going slow at intros but then quacking his pace. You start to deep throat him as he praises you with every move. “Fuck, your os good” he bites his lips. “Look at me” You look up at him and his hands go faster. You realize he likes it when you look at him as he fucks your mouth. 
Tears start welling up in your eyes and you feel his cock twitching inside of your mouth as his hands get weaker. You give him a hand by robbing your head up and down until you feel a warm sensation fill your mouth and his head leans back. You swallow every last drop of him and he brings his hands on your neck, lightly pulling you up to kiss you. “Can you lay down for me princes?” He asks and you do exactly that.
He quickly grabs a condom from the suitcase and glides it across his cock. He sits in front of you, pulls one of your legs over his shoulder, and slowly enters your heated core, earning a moan from boh of you.
He adjusts himself and starts thrusting in and out of you, again, starting off slow but then picking up his pace. The room is filling with loud moans and the sound of your skin slapping together. He reaches over to your breasts slowly massaging them one by one before smacking your ass as he cusses loudly. “Say my name” He speaks, in between shaky breathes. “J-Johnny, fuck” You moan out loud. 
“Johnny, I'm close” You let him know, and make sure he’s balls deep instead of your, earring a scream of pleasure from you. You feel him twitch inside of you as come all over his length, not long before he finishes too. You're both panting heavily as you try to regain your energy. He stands up taking the condom off before throwing it in the nearby bin. 
He cleans you up first, making sure your okay and comfortable, before helping himself. He helps you to his t-shirt that he was previously wearing and throw on his sweatpants, laying nectar you and pulling you in his arms. “You were so good,” He says and you giggle. “I'm happy there weren’t any other rooms available” You reply and he kisses you once more before you both fall asleep, ready for tomorrow morning.
Thank you for whoever suggested this story! I couldn't create a small short story so I decided to do this- @_@ 
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Which Chris Evans characters would be the biggest fans of just making out on the couch (nothing more, nothing less. just making out) on a rainy day?
Which characters portrayed by the dumb sweater dork Chris Evans would be the biggest fans of making out on the couch on a rainy day?
 I got you. From my experience-- I mean my perspective of watching these characters in action on screen, well here’s my way of how MUCH they love make out sessions on the couch.
Warnings: Implied smut, language
Characters: Chris Evans, Steve Rogers, Ransom Drysdale, Colin Shea, Jake Jensen, Andy Barber, Johnny Storm
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Chris Evans Rating: 9/10
(Not a character but must go first cause... he’s cute)
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This man has no problem on a rainy day, even though it ruins his day out on a trail in his home town or he can’t spend the day out with you. But it’s okay! You got him where you want him. A day at home with Dodger by your side. Watching your favorite show. Chris is all in for the affection and he’s not the one who makes the first move but he loves to have his arm around you. Making out on the couch is rarely made. Sometimes smalls kisses, you two can go back and forth and then it just ends towards the bed. 
It depends on who’s in the mood for a make out sesh. You sometimes are. But if you’re watching something you don’t like but Chris does, he might cut the session and go back to watching with you closer than before and his hands are roaming but he will pause the show. If no shows and you just miss him on that rainy day and you two talk and talk about your days, it’ll end up in a make out session too. Sometimes Dodger gets kicked off the couch or he leaves and sleeps on his own bed. And maybe there’s music in the background, you know how he is.
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Steve Rogers Rating: 7/10
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Steve’s very affectionate when it comes to you. He’s going to do whatever to keep you company and make sure you aren’t alone. You’re surprised why I gave him a seven. I take him as a soft kisser, meaning he isn’t always going to make a kiss last for more than a minute. But not because he doesn’t want to, he just can’t find the right moment to unless it’s in bed. On a rainy day, he’s going to hold you on the couch, you’re going to watch a film or show and he’s going to keep you there forever. 
He can’t find the way to start it but if you do, he just goes with the flow but he’s always unsure it’s the right time to so he’s cautious of where he hands are. If comfortable around you, sure he’s going to pull you onto his lap and kiss you for good long minutes before pulling away. “You should finish your movie, doll.”
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Ransom Drysdale  Rating: 11/10
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This man has no other plans. If you’re willing to make out with him, he’s going to do it and he’s not letting you take the lead. He’s mostly the one who jumps first. He doesn’t enjoy much of your binge on films and shows, he gets bored easily with television. He’s going to have you at any time and any place. You’re watching TV and he’s sighing every minute, silently complaining on the quietness and your pleasure in watching what you put on for your liking. 
It’s raining out. It’s hitting the roof and the windows, it’s calming but Ransom would love it if he had you hum on his lips. Mostly on raining days (his favorite), you always got yourself hot chocolate or if you’re lucky a peppermint one. He loves tasting that on your tongue and when he reaches for that remote, he turns off the TV. “Hey! We aren’t finished with the season-!” He’s got you under him and you forgot about the TV. His hair falling over his face and tickling your forehead, you tug on his sweater but he grabs your wrist. “Easy with your grip. This costs a lot, baby girl.” You reach up to his hair then tugged on that earning a grunt and his lips back onto yours. 
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Colin Shea Rating: 10/10
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Colin Shea is a couch potato. And he never learns to remove his shoes off your couch but you just have to allow it sometimes. The couch is big enough to have you both sleep on there. He’s sleeping most of the time on your couch when you leave for work. On this rainy day, too, the rain can be soothing sometimes to fall asleep with. Coming up to see him on your couch asleep and when he wakes up, a grin forms weakly on his lips. “Hey, sleepy head.”
“I was watching the door for 2 hours,” He says.
You nod, “I bet.” Making your way over to the tired baby, you leaned down to kiss him as a greeting but his foot catches the back of your knee and you stumble onto him with a huff including himself with the chest-to-chest impact, you laugh on his lips when he chuckles. You then kissed him. His hand lazily droops over your back and yours reaches up to caress his jaw. Colin is a good kisser and he does like to take the kissing and making out further. But this time, you just get the lazy kisses ever today but you loved it anyway.
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Jake Jensen Rating: 10000/10
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Jake Jensen is that guy for the make out couch session. He’s a flirter and he loves making the first move. He enjoys so much of the couch make out. Rainy days, it’s the perfect time for him. He’s not smooth most of the time, but he knows how to play it cool. He’s not much of a sore loser. A non-stop talker, you can shut him up with a kiss and he’ll forget what he was saying. Jake Jensen is a BIG fan of rainy day make out sessions. It goes over the roof. 
Sometimes you’d tease him, saying you want to finish the movie and he’ll just sit there and pout. “Did I do something wrong?” He would ask you, you’ll just shake your head with a grin. “I’m not in the mood,” You would lie. His shoulder were drop, “Seemed like you were...” But don’t worry, you’ll be the one to say ‘fuck it’ and turn off the TV to continue what the Loser started. 
And be careful.
“Ergh, Jensen!!”
Unwanted guest may walk in on your session.
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Andy Barber Rating: 8/10 (okay mr. barber)
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He’s a very affectionate, he’s domestic a lot. He’s going to give you much love when it doesn’t even need to be given. He does it every second to let you know every second that he’s lucky to have you and that he worships you. When it comes to Andy, he’s very classic. With a family, he’s going to watch movies with you and the kid(s). 
When the kid(s) are out with their friend’s spending the night, he’s always going to have time with you. A movie in the living room and old time show you two watched as kids in high school. Either with a lot of kids or that your only child is bothering you every second of the day, Andy has his time with you for the next 12 hours. He’s going to show you how much he’s happy with you and the kids. Maybe want another. Making out on the couch on a rainy day is always rare, but he loves to do it. He’ll whisper how much he loves you, how much he wanted this family. Even as kids, you two made out on your dad’s couch, sometimes in your bedroom. So this brought a lot of memories, his hand caressing your thigh under the small grey blanket as he kisses you lovingly.
Even with so much time, he’s willing to take his slow. Amazing kisser and so much loving to go towards you.
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Johnny Storm Rating: 8/10 (obviously)
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Johnny Storm (my boyfriend), lucky, lucky you! Johnny’s going to love making out on the couch. Uninterrupted make out session on the couch but it is done very often. Most of his partners aren’t always around so he’s got his time with you on the couch to watch something. Sometimes you both would get bored in the film and just jump on each other’s bones. Sometimes the guy could get very heated in the session and you’d have to take off your top because he just heats up too quick. Breaking a sweat in a make out session, isn’t normal but it’s Johnny so you just keep going. 
When someone mentions the sweat on your forehead you simply say, “Gym day.” And they’ll believe you. Then Johnny’s there smirking in the corner. He’s very flirty and he wants his way with you. Whatever affect he has on you, he’s going to up his confidence and keep going. So just be warned, this man can’t control himself most of the time. Especially his heat.
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Official Taglist:
@jtargaryen18 @axen-gers @donutloverxo @captainchrisbaby @patzammit @bucksgoat @la-cey @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @lovepeacefood @stargazingfangirl18 @sweater-daddiesdumbdork @stop-obsessing-over-those-actors @nickysurfer28 @nbarnes @mcntsee @adriannajackson @chuckbass-love @sebbystanlover-vk @onetwo3000 @captainamerica-is-bae @cheeseburgersstuff @iguessweallcrazyithinktho @rororo06 @elliee1497 @navybrat817 @waywardodysseys @just-one-ordinary-fangirl @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @this-is-a-chilis-drive-thru @what-is-your-plan-today @princess-evans-addict @dummiesshort @renaissancecherub @bval-1 @thecomplexness @rebloggingeverything @chris-butt @peggycarter-steverogers @lady-elena-adeline
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imo-chan-imagines · 4 years
『 Waking up and finding you on your period | FKBU Headcanons 』
Characters: female!reader, Kambe Daisuke, Kato Haru
Tags/warnings: Fugou Keiji Balance: Unlimited (anime), 15+, mild sexual references, fluff, so much fluff, teensy bit of a daddy kink implied for Daisuke, bit of breeding link implied for Haru *COUGH*
A/N: Guess who came on her period and was in dire need of some comfort from her best boys? That's right. Me. So I freaking wrote it. Here you go.
Despite the tags, it's like, 95% fluff, and even the sex is fluffy, and it's not even described. This is just pure wholesomeness. Thanks for reading! Please enjoy! Imo~
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Kambe Daisuke
At first, when Daisuke sees the blood in the bed, he thinks you might be injured and worriedly wakes you up, asking if you're hurt with his hair down because he's been sleeping
As you wake, you feel the crushing pangs in your abdomen and shake your head
"That's not is," you say, embarrassed about the amount of blood staining the sheets
"I see," he says, deducing that you must have got your period in the night
He sounds as calm as ever, but he's actually genuinely relieved you haven't injured yourself
But he can see that you're in pain and he hates it serious daddy vibes
He carefully picks you up and carries you to the ensuite bathroom princess style, baby
"I'm sorry," you whimper into his chest
"There is nothing to be sorry for," he says firmly
His voice rumbles in your ears that deep, sultry voice, omg
When you reluctantly ask him if he's grossed out, he gives you a blank look
"Why should I be?" he asks. "It's perfectly natural."
"Yeah, but…"
He senses that you've experienced unpleasant situations with boyfriends in the past and can't help but feel fiercely protective and angered that they hurt you like that
"Any man who is 'grossed out' – as you put it – by something like this," he continues, entirely seriously, "does not deserve to be called a man."
He sits with you and helps you clean yourself as he draws the bath for you, having got his servants to fetch pain killers, sanitary products, and clear up the mess in the bedroom
You keep apologising for ruining the incredibly expensive, luxury bedding like so expensive, you want to die
But Daisuke keeps telling you not to worry about it, insisting that it can easily be replaced
He's literally already got HEUSC to order some new stuff
After you're clean, he helps you into the bath and gets in with you, sitting you between his legs, his arms around your body, and pulls you back against his chest
He insists you use all your favourite scents and products, planting little kisses on your neck and shoulders as he caresses the bubbles over your skin
He helps you get dressed into some of his comfy, oversized clothes and sits you down on the sofa he bought some after he wore Haru's, lmao
Come to the comfy side, we have hot guys
You grab hold of the back of his shirt when he turns to leave
When you ask him to stay with you, he immediately has tells HEUSC to clear his schedule for the day, calling in sick for work so he can do just that he must look after his princess
He can never say no to you
Hoodies and sweatpants all round
He has his chef make all your favourite foods and orders in whatever chocolates and treats you want
He even purchases a giant, expensive teddy with same-day delivery when you showed even the slightest interest in it we're talking a 2 metre plus bear, here
You spend the day curled up next to him in a cosy room, watching whatever movies, TV shows, K dramas, etc. you want
He probably has a cinema room in his house, okay? Don't @ me
Lots of cuddles and spooning hnng
He ignores any sexual urges he gets if he knows you're not in the mood
When you say you want a massage, he immediately goes to get HEUSC to call his private masseuse
When you ask him to do it instead, he's caught off guard and doesn't really have any idea what to do
He's hesitant and nervous, worried he might hurt you
But he eventually gets the idea, and feels proud of himself when you say it's helped relieve your cramps a little
Lots of hair stroking and back rubs
While you're asleep on his lap, he researches into dealing with period pain
He hates that his money can't buy you out of your pain entirely, but he's going to do the absolute best he can this sweet man, I can't
He makes sure he orders all sorts of high quality products, like super expensive heat pads, magnets, the best quality pads and tampons etc. so he's properly prepared next time best boy
While looking this stuff up, he reads that orgasms and sometimes even penetrative sex can help relieve cramps and pain, and immediately starts looking up how to go about it
When you wake up, he gets you some water and goes to ask you about what he read, but ends up a little too shy to, and vows to himself to bring it up next time
Which he does and it's adorable and hot at the same time??
And he really goes all out, focusing on you completely
You're glowing afterwards as you come down from your high, and he rests his forehead on yours
I'm dying, this is so cute. Why can't this be real?!?
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Kato Haru
You wake up first, feeling your stomach sink at the all too familiar sensation of blood between your legs
You nervously turn to Haru and wake him up, but can't manage to get the words out
Haru knows exactly what's happened as soon as he sees it
He gives you a hug and a kiss and tells you it's okay, and to get out of the bed
He fetches you pain killers and hurries out to the convenience store to buy any other products you need
A range of different pads, tampons, a hot water bottle, more over-the-counter pain killers and medication, chocolate it's necessary, okay? Haru knows what's up
It's dishearteningly early in the morning and still dark out brave boy, best boy
He returns with the items as quickly as possible, smelling of a fresh, crisp morning, still panting a little from hurrying to get back to you I freaking can't, it's too cute
He starts cleaning the sheets as best he can, soaking them in the tub while you clean yourself up in the bathroom
He also prepares a quick meal or two for you in advance because he knows you'll feel too awful to do anything yourself today he's so knowledgeable and practical
#boyfriend material
Lots of small smiles, hugs, and forehead kisses to remind you that he's not mad, because he knows you're worrying about it
When you're all clean and the bedding is changed, he puts you back to bed with a hot water bottle and a blanket, kissing your forehead
He has to get ready for work
You want him to stay, but you know how strong his sense of duty is, and don't want to put him in the position where he has to choose
He kisses you softly before he leaves, saying he'll call you later on his break
You spend the whole day missing him while enjoying the food he lovingly prepared
You wait with your phone by you, watching the clock
When he calls and you hear his voice come though on the other end of the line, you sink under a wave of relief and finally start to relax
He asks you how you are, if you've been eating, tells you to eat that particular food you always leave, because it's good for you, damn it, and reminds you where things are in case you might need them, etc.
He says he loves you soft boi
You can hear Kamei in the background, poking fun at Haru – who pointedly reminds him who has a girlfriend and who doesn't rip Kamei
Daisuke's voice briefly drifts down the line, and Haru says he has to go
He says he loves you again, and you say it back
When he hangs up, it's suddenly very empty in the apartment
You hug a pillow all afternoon in place of him
It's late when he gets back, laden with groceries, the ingredients for your favourite meal, and a bouquet of small, pretty-looking flowers from the supermarket
You're immediately feeling better now that he's home, getting some colour back in your cheeks
You watch him cook up a storm in the kitchen he's so hot when he cooks, I can't
You always love his food, but it tastes so much better now that he's with you
After eating, you curl up together and watch TV
Lots of goofy grins and raspberries on your neck and tummy – anything to make you laugh and smile again
When you finally laugh, he leans in and says, "There it is."
Spooning yes, both of them
I like spooning, shut up
He can't help but get hard, and he apologises bashfully when you notice
You tell him it's okay wink wonk
He grins
"You know, I think I have a remedy for this affliction of yours," he says, nuzzling your neck with his nose
"Oh yeah? What's that?" you ask sceptically, sensing something mischievous is afoot
"I could always put a baby in you, free of charge," he says, only half joking as he nibbles on your earlobe getting steamyyy
"Babe, we're broke," you say, breaking out into a giggle
But you get down to it anyway because he freaking loves you and knows that you needs to be reminded of it right now
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© imo-chan-imagines 2020
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aceofspadegrass · 3 years
Can you maybe make a fic of just me and Niragi chilling and hangin out together at the beach?,just Niragi being calm for just one day.
(Of course his lynx and Fanta has to be there...and Dori)
And then Niragi would question things such as "Can I see your hair?" And I would say "No,only girls and family relatives can see it" "Why aren't men aloud to see your hair?" "Because,they will judge on just by or appearance and not our personality" "So does that mean,Kuina,Ann and Mira can see your hair?" "Yes,yes they can. We even has a girls sleepover party at Kuina's room that day with Ace and Chloe" And Dori dressing up as a women is like "A-and I'm not invited!?" "Dori,you're a boy..a grown man dressing up as smexy lady-"
A Chat with Ila
Characters: @a-simp-20, Niragi Suguru, Dori Sakurada
Genre: Fluff. Just @a-simp-20 vibing with Dori and Niragi and talking about hijabs! :D
1.4k words
Hehe, sorry I finally got around to this! I was taking a little fanfic break after posting 6 fics in a row, you understand right? (I say break as if it hasn’t even been a week pfft-)
I’m going to try my best to incorporate your culture, okay? Okay. :D I hope you like it @a-simp-20! Here, have this nice picture as well. (Sorry for tagging you three times in a row-)
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It was late into the day, and wandering about the Beach was a group. It consisted of two men, a lady, and two animals, happily chatting amongst each other about normal topics, like how soft pillows were and the legality of eating fried crickets as a snack.
Which, by the way, was completely legal in certain cultures.
Fanta was happily trotting besides Dori, who was more focused on trying to paint his nails with clear polish on the move, humming a song. On the other side of him was Catra, the lynx wearing a rubber duck on her head for the sheer fun of it. Said rubber duck had a tiny felt cap on it, tiny lettering spelling the word ‘Chicken’ in Hiragana.
People naturally got out of the way upon seeing Niragi, but Niragi wasn’t even paying attention to them, knowing full well his sheer presence was enough to cause a reaction. That way he could focus on talking to Ila about totally normal human endeavours.
“ Have you ever sat in a bath in the dark with a little bit of light? It’s actually really soothing as long as you’re not scared of the dark, and it’s really quiet too!” Ila chirps, walking besides the bottle of black tea, Niragi shrugging. He’s never really had the time for himself for something like that. It sounded amazing though, and maybe when he had the time he would do it, even using scented candles and even bath salts. Ila smiles up at him. “ Aww, you really should, you look like you need one!”
“ Wh- Hey! What does that supposed to mean?!” Niragi accuses as he looks down at Ila, who smiles at him.
“ It’s really nice, that’s all! Especially here, where there’s so much violence going on, there needs to be a time to relax and ease your stress!”
Niragi just squints at her, then leaves it be. Ila had good intentions, so he just continues onwards, Dori humming behind Niragi and Ila.
“ If you want to, Niragi, I wouldn’t mind it if you wanted to borrow some of my bath salts! They’re some of my favourites, but don’t expect them to smell like anything. I prefer the unscented ones.” Dori offers Niragi, who just waves off his doppelgänger as they approach the TV room. The group enters, Fanta and Catra hopping onto the couch and claiming it as their own until Niragi shooed them off to sit on the ground instead. Fanta was a lot more nicer about that, Catra baring her teeth a little at Niragi, the overcooked barbecue giving her the disappointed dad look complete with his hand on his hip until Catra finally complied, Ila taking a seat right where the cat was previously, Dori taking the other side of the couch. That left Niragi to the middle, but he doesn’t take a seat just yet, heading over to the DVD case to pick out a movie for them to pass the time with. He pulls out a random case, squinting at the cover.
“ Hey, Sakurada. Why the hell are you on this?” Niragi holds the case up and looks to Sakurada. Sakurada comes over and peers at the case, gasping a little in recognition.
“ Oh! That’s Orange! It’s actually really good!” Dori smiles happily at seeing his face on the cover, even if it was really small. Niragi hums, looking at the cover. He points to the main characters on the cover, squinting at it.
“ The fuck, why are these two on here-“
“ Hm? Oh, that’s just Yamazaki and Tsuchiya! They’re actors as well! I kind of hope they’re alright, I haven’t seen them around lately-“
“ How many of you clone fuckers are out there-“
“ Well technically-“
Niragi holds a hand up, hushing Sakurada. “ Never mind, I don’t care anymore. Let’s just watch this.” Sakurada mutely nods and goes back to sitting on the couch, Fanta hopping back up and splaying his body across Sakurada’s lap, Sakurada chuckling in amusement and giving his dog a few belly tickles. Ila was visibly happy as well, Niragi sliding in the disc and going to sit down as the movie started to run.
Two hours later, and Ila was already talking about the movie and how nice it was, Sakurada nodding along with her as she went on. Niragi remained quiet, admittedly not having paid much attention to the movie or its plot, using it more like background noise and eye candy as he zoned out. He wasn’t really much of a romance drama movie kind of guy anyways, got too mushy for his taste.
Still, no use in spoiling Ila and Sakurada’s joy in the movie. Even Fanta seemed to be joining in on the fun, tail wagging excitedly as he sat there on Sakurada’s lap. Catra had sat at the foot of the couch the entire time, content where she was and occasionally grooming her huge paws and then settling said paws on Niragi’s foot and kneading it. It was a weird experience, but ultimately harmless.
The conversation soon died down, shifting to fashion sense, and Niragi’s attention moves to Ila, more importantly on the hijab on her head. It was actually a pretty salmon colour, and his staring contest with the side of her head went on too long, as his eyes met with a very amused face, Ila blinking and waving a hand in front of his face, snapping him out of it.
“ Is something wrong? Is there like…. lint on my head?”
“ Ah, no- Just wondering why you wear that. I don’t think anyone has seen your hair.” “ Well, men haven’t! That’s kind of the point! I’m a Muslim, and that means women wear these as a sign of modesty.” Niragi tilts his head. Why be modest here? It’s the Borderlands, technically anyone can do whatever they want. Then again, he guesses it applies to wearing it the same way as not wearing it. “ So….. why not?”
“ Well, it’s simple! We want people to not look for appearances and instead look for what’s right here!” She pats her chest, right where the heart was. “ It’s to keep men unrelated to us from seeing something they aren’t allowed to! If you were, for example, to marry a Muslim woman, then she’s allowed to show her hair to you, but only then! Otherwise that’s off limits to you!” Ila explains happily, Niragi slowly nodding and taking in the info.
“ So…. what about the ones that aren’t men?”
“ Then they’re allowed to see my hair! In fact, we, as in Ann, Kuina, Chloe, and Mira have sleepovers over in Kuina’s room! It’s actually really fun! Oh, but immediate male family members are allowed, but that’s it!”
There was a mildly offended gasp from Sakurada, who holds his hand over his heart. “ What? And I’m not invited to them? Even though I look stylish?”
Ila giggles, shaking her head. “ Even if you wear the prettiest dress and the nicest wig, you’re still identified as a male, and can’t be allowed to see my hair, Sakurada! It’s nothing against you, you’re doing great, it’s just how my religion functions between the relationship between men and women! It also means you and Niragi aren’t to touch me, even in a friendly context!” “ Wh- So you’ve never had a hug?” Niragi furrows his eyebrows a little, confused.
“ I have, just not with men.” Ila explains politely, still smiling. “ Being polite and modest is just how we are, that’s all! Of course, some cases of being touched by men are absolutely necessary, like with doctors, but when we can, we highly prefer not to be touched by non-mahram.” Niragi and Sakurada both nod at her words, Fanta barking. Sakurada point to Fanta. “ Does Fanta count?”
“ Well, not really? There’s technically different rules in set for dogs, but that’s for another time.” Ila responds, and gets up with a hum. “ Hey, wanna go see how many plastic ducks we can fit in Chishiya’s room?” Niragi grins, getting up so fast off the couch it almost was like he was ejected from it by a spring and running out the door, Fanta barking and running after him, Sakurada chuckling and getting up at a reasonable pace.
“ Come on, what are you waiting for! Let’s go fuck with the whipped cream pie!” Niragi yells, Ila laughing and following behind him along with the rest of the squad. It was a pleasant evening for some chaos after a nice long chat.
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a-simp-20 · 3 years
Pt.1 Pt.11 Pt.111
Pt.1v [wip]
[AIB Cast Masterlist]
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Summary: Ila,Ace and Chloe discover's that Dori's Characters are in their universe,but not only those 3 will know..but the other's will know too..soon enough
Warning!: none
Genre: Crack
Everyone stood silently there in the middle of the room,Dori and Ila went to the couch to sit down. Dori gesturing his Character's to si down too,Dori wad sitting right beside all of his Character's while Ila,Chloe and Ace were in front of them all. Chloe's eyes we're focused on Niragi and Suguru, she tried to hold back a smile that was forming on her face.
She was smiling all because of her favorite character existing in her universe,every fan would react just like her..except for Ace,her curiosity got the best of her as she examined all of Dori's character's is curiosity. Ila being herself didn't say a word,she is right now too focused on thinking on how Dori's Character's get into their universe.
"Okay now,how can I explain this to the three of you?" Dori said,clapping his hands while getting up from his seat "Oh!,I know how..so..ano...yesterday I came home from work and well..got inside my house to see these dudes here" Dori said,gesturing to the 6 of his character's.
"Just like that?,you didn't questioned them on how they all got here?" Ila asked,arching a brow"Well I did,and they were all the same. They said they fell asleep and just ended up in my house" Dori said,going back to the kitchen to grab the popcorn he made"So you guys just fell asleep?" Ace asked. All of them nodded eagerly at her "THAT IS SO COOL!" "I've Always want to meet you!" Chloe said excitedly pointing at Suguru and Niragi "well I would like it if you shut your trap!" "EEEEEEEEK!" She screeched almost passing out on the couch"gurl!,you Better calm down" Ila told her,while patting her shoulder"Oh come on Ila!,I know you're a Niragi Simp too!,you have to screech inside right?" Chloe said with a wide smile of excitement "well..i mean you're not wrong...BUT THATS NOT THE PROBLEM HERE" Ila said shutting everyone up"the problem is,is that why did they suddenly got to our universe?" She asked"true" Ace said crossing her arms against her chest.
"Maybe we should introduce ourselves?,or do you guy's already know who we are??" Ryuichi said,while petting Fanta that is on his lap.
After the whole chaotic explaining to the three girls,they all decided to hang out with each other..for example!,Niragi trying to avoid Chloe AKA his number one fangirl by running around the living room for some reason.
Ryuichi,Suguru,Mugi and Ace are in the backyard playing with Fanta,teaching Fanta Some tricks that the four know that dogs do. They even tried to train Fanta on trying steal Niragis rifle so that the four of them could bury it somewhere in the backyard as a prank...even though they are going to get killed after they got caught.
Fukami trying to flirt with Ila on the couch,as she watches the man's hand getting closer to her cheek,she panicked so she grabbed the nearest object that she could grab,and that object is Fanta as she held Fanta in front of Fukami's face as Fanta looked at him cutely and proceeded to lick Fukami on the face multiple times,which made Fukami scrunch up his nose in annoyance as Ila just wheezes in the background at Fukami's change of emotions.
Dori smiles at the whole scene as he was in the kitchen making sandwiches for everyone.Fukami came in the kitchen, turning on the tap and rubbing his face with water all because of Fanta's slobber on his face. Dori just chuckled as Fukami looked at him squinting his eyes a bit annoyed "And what are you laughing about?" Fukami asked him "Nothing,nothing!..it's just that try not to flirt with her,she's Islam and in Islam you shall not date but instantly get married with the one that you love the most" Dori said with a soft smile "Wait..so that means will she accept if i propose to her-" "No!,no she will not Fukami. She already showed on how she doesn't like you and that she is completely uncomfortable on watching your drama" Dori said,putting the sandwiches on a metal tray while grabbing one to only shove it inside Fukami's mouth to shut him up "Have fun eating Fukami kun!" Dori said grabbing the tray and walking out of the kitchen.
"Hey guys!,I made sandwiches!. Come and get em!" Dori sat the tray down onto the coffee table of the living room,grabbing one sandwich for himself. Ila grabbing one,when she was about to bite it she noticed a piece of meat in there "Is this halal meat or did you buy it from the supermarket?" She asked Dori "Don't worry,I bought the meat from the halal mini market that you always go to,so you can eat it" Dori replies,she shrugs and bit on the sandwich.
When Niragi was going to bite on his sandwich, Fanta quickly took it out of his hand and ran away to his dog bowl to eat it "Oi!,I already gave you food!" Niragi said as he chases Fanta around the living room. Everyone laughed at the scene as they all sit on the living room couches and decided to watch a movie together.
The three girls said their good bye after the movie ended, Dori closing the door as they left.
The next day,Dori already signed Suguru,Mugi and Ryuichi into their schools. Suguru explains to Dori that,that he forgot the he was a highschooler,Dori didn't believed him at first until he told Dori tye things that he learned from his school. Right now Dori is in his car with the three of them plus Taketo in there too,when the three of them first saw the principal of the school,they though that the principal will question on why Dori's so called Son's look exactly the same like on of his characters from his drama's..but surprisingly,the principal didn't asked at all. So all its left to do is to drop off the three of them at their school "Okay,we're here. You three behave..Especially YOU yous mister" Dori said,looking at Mugi from through the mirror "psh! What about me?" "Do not be H#rny to girls,just do whatever a normal high schooler would do,you got that?..or do you want to be suspended,because this is the only school that is a bit far away from the house" Dori explains "Okay okay!,I'll try my be-" "There is no trying Mugi,I want you to just be normal..ONCE!,I'm going to kick you out of the house if you ever touch any girls in this school" "Fine!" Mugi said crossing his arms. Taketo smiling at him "C'mon Mugi kun,you can do it!. And make sure you get straight A's!" Taketo said Patting Mugi's back,him still holding his broken electric guitar "Can we get out now?" Suguru asked,looking at Dori from the passenger seat "Yes you may,just keep an eye on Mugi here" Dori said,looking Mugi then to Ryuichi "We will!" Ryuichi chimes as the three of them got out of the car,leaving only Dori and Taketo in there.
"So,where are we going?" Taketo asked Dori "We're going to my work place where I'm going to shoot as Niragi and Suguru" Dori explains as he starts up the car again "And? Why are you bringing me?" "Because,remember that I told you I have a friend of mine that's in a band?,yeah that. He said that he needs one more guitarist in his band" Dori say's again as he drove off from the school. Fukami and Niragi found their usual jobs,Niragi as a game engineer and Fukami works at a Café and a partpart time professor at a college,than unfortunately..Ila was in.
Fukami begged to Dori that he wanted to be a part time professor in that college,Dori was confused until he realized that Ila and her other friends were in that college. He knew that Fukami liked Ila,since the other day Fukami was flirting at her,resulting a slobbery lick from Fanta after that. Back again,Dori parks the car at the parking lot of the studio as he and Taketo got out of the car,walking towards the studio "So who's this friend of yours Dori kun?" Fukami asked as he clutched on his broken guitar more "You'll see" Dori responded "What if people would question on why I look like you,or maybe they watched my movie?" "Well,most of them Watched Even" "Whaaaat!?,that's the title of my movie!?,pff- Lameee~" Taketo whined as they both got in front of the studio's door "Okay..you ready Takehito?" Dori asked looking at him "Yup!,ready as I can be!,can't wait to see my new teacher!" Taketo chirps as they got in the studio.
They got in the studio to be met with stares and whispers,Dori noticed this and so does Taketo,the only one that is nervous between the both of them is Dori,while Taketo just greets at people with his sweet and playful smile. Dori gets annoyed by this and grabs Taketo's wrist,dragging him through the halls of the studio to the main one.
They got in the main studio to be met with then one and only Director Shinsuke Sato "Dori!- what the who's this-" "I can explain later,can you gather everyone so that I can like..explain??" Shinsuke nodded as he called everyone to gather around Dori.
After explaining,everyone understood and started chatting with Taketo being friends with him. Dori just sigh's and sit's on a nearby chair as he looks at Taketo from a far "So..why is he carrying a broken guitar?" Dori looks at Nobuaki who asked him,Dori was already in his Niragi costume While Nobuaki is already in his Hatter costume that had fake blood on bus chest..a hole to be specific..a fake one "Well,he's a band leader. He plays the electric Guitar,it's broken because he threw it by accident because he couldn't controll his anger" Dori explains to Nobuaki "I see he has some pride In him..but ok guess he's just frustrated and and went back to his normal giddy happy self" Nobuaki said sitting besides Dori "Hey Nobu do you remember that you told me that you needed another guitarist in your band?..well Taketo here..is the perfect person to be in your band"
Sorry for the shooty ending...i'm tired right now and I'm trying to find some fluffy Niragi fics..i really want a pre broderlnad Niragi fic right now,but I can't seem to find one.
Can you guys like recommend me some fluffy Niragi fics? Thanks and love all of you :3.
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thequeenkrys15 · 3 years
When Dusk Rises
Hey y’all! Sorry I’m a day late, a lot has happened within this past week. But I’m so excited for people to read the first chapter of “When Dusk Rises”. If you have not read the Background information you can read that here. A couple things before we start, first off: looks. Richard’s hair is red and curly. Christopher’s brown with the blond highlights. Zab will have his current style and so will Erick. Those styles are what I prefer and they are just SO CUTE with their hair like that. Next, the spells. I’m kind of using spells from everywhere, some from tv shows, movies and books, and some I find on the web. All harmless though. Lastly, posting. I know I said Sundays, but sometimes I might get caught up doing something, so if it’s not Sunday, it will definitely be Monday. Just know it will always be a week. Now, without further adieu...
Characters: Witch!Reader, Magic!Richard, Magic!Christopher, Magic!Zabdiel, Magic!Erick, OFC!Maya
Word Count: 1305
A/N: I don’t know if I need to say this, being that this is my first series and all, but don’t try to copy my stuff please. My work is my work, and I’d like to keep it that way.
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Eyes. About twenty pairs of eyes are staring at me in this decorated classroom as the academy’s headmaster introduces me to the students.
“Alright class, I want everyone to meet Coach n’ Crown Oaks Academy’s newest student, Y/N Dusken. Let’s give her a warm welcome.” Everyone started to clap along with Headmaster Richard.
I’ve never really liked attention, it always felt like people were judging me, which they usually are. I can practically hear their thoughts: “She doesn’t look magical. Where does she get her power? Can she even control her magic?” Oh yeah, I’m a witch by the way. Well, not a good one, I didn’t even know I had powers until a couple years ago. This is currently the second academy that I’ve attended so far, the first said that I was a failed witch. Most students progress in perfecting their magic over time because they start at a young age with their families. I never knew my parents, or anyone who would be considered “family” for that matter.  
“Alright Y/N, you have your schedule and all of the supplies you need in your bookbag, yes?” I nodded for Headmaster Richard, ready to just sit down and get away from the prying eyes.  
I take an empty desk in the middle of the classroom, not too close so I’m not always called on but not too far so I can still see the board. Just because I’m a bad student doesn’t mean I don’t try. Most eyes have left my face but some are still lingering. Maybe I have a hair out of place? I get out a notebook and am currently trying to find something to write with. Did I leave my pens at the group home? I see a hand reach over, putting a pencil on my desk, the hand belonging to a girl next to me.
“Saw you struggling there. Thought I would help you out. I’m Maya.”
“Y/N. Thanks for the pencil.” I said as the class period bell rang. Guess I didn’t need a pen after all.
I packed up my stuff and started heading out of class with Maya hot on my heels.
“Hey hey hold up for a sec. So are you like a transfer or something? What school are you from?” she asked as we headed down the hallway.
“Something like that. I was at Why Don’t We Prep.” I turned towards Maya and noticed she had a shocked look on her face. “What?”
“That is supposed to be the best magic school of all time. Why in the world would you transfer here?”
“It wasn’t by choice. I kind of got kicked out.” She asked me why I got expelled and I cringed. This was not a topic I wanted to discuss.
“That’s okay, I won’t press. What class do you have next?” I looked at my schedule.
“Spell Incantations. Why?” A huge grin appeared on her face.
“That’s my next class. One of my favorites actually. You’re gonna love the teacher. Follow me and I’ll show you.” I quickly followed Maya as we weaved through the students to get to our next period.
*Time Skip*
Why didn’t anyone tell me this class was near a sea? And how did they hide this huge body of water behind the friggin school? The smell of fresh water as I surveyed the students sitting on the sand with books on their laps. Everyone seems to be ready for class, but where’s the teacher?
“He’s coming. Just watch the waves.” she says as everyone turned to the sea.
All of a sudden, a huge wave came out of nowhere, which appeared to have a tiny man on it? As it drew closer, the wave got smaller and smaller, until it placed the man on the sand, only sprayed the students with a fresh spritz. The man had brown hair with blond highlights, and the biggest brown eyes I’ve ever seen. He wore a long-sleeved button-up and some khaki pants, which were soaked, but by the way the water was manipulated off his clothes and was now totally dry, I’m gonna guess he’s the teacher.
“Hello class, I hope everyone is having a great day so far. Let’s do fifteen minutes of preparation time while I walk around and make sure everyone is ready.” He walked around with his clipboard to make sure all his students were in class.
He made his way over to where me and Maya were to check us both off of his list. He recognized Maya, but stared at me with confusion.
“Have you been in my class before?” Before I could respond, Maya answered for me.
“This is Y/N Dusken, Mr. Christopher. It’s her first day.” she was very excited to introduce us.
“Riiight, Richard said I’d be getting a new student today. Well, it’s very nice to meet you. As you know, I am Mr. Christopher and I am one of the Spell Incantation teachers here at CNCO Academy.”
I leaned over to Maya, “CNCO?”. She whispered in my ear, “It’s short for Coach n’ Crown Oaks.” Nodding, I tuned back into Mr. Christopher.
“Basically, I help students perfect the pronunciation of spells and help them focus to make the spell come to life. If you ever have any questions, please don’t be afraid to ask.”
I looked around at the location his class was in. “Why is your class next to open water?”
He smirked, “It relaxes me and my students.” He checked our names off and walked away.
Mr. Christopher seemed cool. A little quirky, but in a good way, like nothing really bothered him. In a way, his demeanor could be described as a wave, just going with the flow. He stood in front of class and began teaching.
“Okay class. Our spell for today will be: Cashmerus Appearus.”
*Time Skip*
Spaghetti and meatballs? I wish I knew a spell to turn this into some fettuccini alfredo instead. I get my tray from the lunch lady and make my way around the cafeteria. For once I’m glad we have to wear school uniforms; not many people are noticing I’m the new girl yet. Luckily, I didn’t have to walk around too long because Maya found me standing around.
“Hey Y/N! Over here!” I briskly walk to her table to find another person sitting with us. A boy actually, with nice curly black hair.
“Y/N Dusken, I’d like you to meet Joel Pimental. He’s on our training level too!” He shook my hand as I shook his.
“Mr. Christopher’s class today was kind of simple, not gonna lie” Maya said as she dug into her mashed potatoes.
“Are you kidding? My shirt kept turning into a jersey” Joel disagreed.
I sighed. “At least a shirt appeared for you guys. I couldn’t get one to show up.”
Joel nodded. “It just takes practice; you’ll get it eventually.”
I got up to get some napkins, and as I was walking, a girl’s shoulder bumped into me. I was about to apologize when she whipped around with a scowl on her face.
“What it newbie! Didn’t you see me walking?!” She dusted herself off while her two friends looked at me like I committed a travesty.
“I’m sorry. I was just trying to get some napkins.” I was trying to walk away, but she just won’t let it go.
“You’re not sorry, not yet.” She waved her hand in the air, laughed, and walked away.
That girl takes herself way too seriously. I tried to start walking again but tripped over myself, falling to the ground. I looked down at my feet and noticed my shoestrings had been tied together. Next thing I knew a nice group of people started laughing in my direction.
Yeah, I’m gonna do great at this school.
Well, that’s it for the first chapter! Let me know what you think! And remember to LIKE, REBLOG and FOLLOW! Help a sista out, please and thank you! Kisses!
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eves-library · 4 years
How to Lose a Man in Ten Days AU//Bucky Barnes x Mexican!Reader Latina!Reader
Chapter One: The task
Summary: In the hopes of saving her friend’s love life from being publicly exposed Y/N takes on the task of writing about her love life while leaving her out of her article. 
Word Count: 1668
Warnings: Mention of breakup and some stereotyped characters (?)
PSA: PLEASE READ First I want to thank @allaboardthereadingrailroad for the opportunity of participating in her Diversity Challenge. I gotta admit I haven’t read a lot of latina!reader or mexican!reader. This was not only a challenge for me to write but I took it as a chance to read stories with that certain type of reader too. The reason I haven’t read too much of these reader inserts is that I don’t always feel identified with the way latina!readers and mexican!readers are portrayed. This is my version of a reader I feel identified with being a Mexican girl. I still left the reader mostly uncharacterized, but there are certain hints here and there that are a telltale for the reader’s background and culture. It will be more evident as the series progress. Finally I just want to say that I took the decision of writing the reader this way because I believe we cannot encapsulate a certain type of girl just by mexican or latina, we share a nationality and culture, yet just by changing states (here in Mexico) traditions change and sometimes the difference is a lot. 
A/N: I’ll be posting a chapter every 3 days. Enjoy
Y/N finish tipping on her computer as Natasha read over her shoulder, “With not only families being torn apart but human beings being treated like animals, the question of immigrant laws being changed should not be a question but a pressing matter.” Y/N turned to look to Natasha as she finished reading, “What do you think Nat?” Natasha gave her a smile and a shoulder squeeze, “I believe it is one hell of an article and I would print it in a heartbeat, but I am not Lana and she will never print it.” With a defeated sigh and her face falling, Y/N saved the document and closed the tab, “I can’t believe I busted my ass to get a master’s in journalism at college just so I could be ‘Y/N How’? Maybe mom was right and I should have not left home.”
Y/N turned her chair completely so she could look at Natasha face to face as Natasha leaned on the bearly there wall that separated their cubicles, “I think you should send some of your work to a big new’s paper, I’ve told you hundred times,” Natasha said to Y/N and before the girl could say anything in her defense, Mandy or “Mantis” as she liked people to call her popped her head next to Natasha on the division of the cubicles “Ladies, don’t forget we have a staff meeting in thirty minutes!” she said softly and as suddenly as she had appeared she disappeared, Natasha was the first to speak up in a low tone so not to be heard by anyone but Y/N “How does she always manage to sneak up on us!” and once again before Y/N could speak up Mantis appeared, “Don’t forget to bring all your good vibes and ideas!” she pipped in before she left for good, prompting both Y/N and Natasha to laugh. 
As their laughter died Y/N stood up looking around the office of cubicles “Have you seen Wanda today?” Natasha turned her gaze directly to Wanda’s cubicle and found it empty of her things, “No, I don’t think she has arrived yet,” Y/N looked at her wristwatch and sighed, “Okay, it is my turn, you go get us a coffee.” Y/N went to grab her coat and purse and as she was making her way out of the office Natasha called for her, giving her a bag with samples, and Y/N grabbed a dark red jacket from a passing cart of clothes used for photoshoots. 
Y/N arrived at Wanda’s apartment in less than 10 minutes, she knocked on the door two times before Wanda finally opened up, a small fake smile on her face which lasted for two seconds before tears started streaming down her cheeks once again, “Oh sweetie, come here, what happened?” Y/N questioned as she stepped in and hugged her friend, Wanda sniffled and cleaned her tears before speaking as she let Y/N walk inside her apartment. “Vision, he broke up with me last night!” Wanda said as her eyes filled with tears once again. 
Y/N walked in to check the state of the apartment, and just like Wanda, it was a little disheveled, especially the area where the couch was and where Wanda had been watching rom-coms and eating icecream. Wanda then walked past her and directly onto the couch but before she could lay back down again, Y/N grabbed her arm pulling her in the direction of her room, which Wanda did, only protesting a little before Y/N finally asked, “Oh, honey, I’m sorry but you can’t let a guy get you fired at work! Come on, I promise after we are done at the office we’ll come back and watch all the rom-coms you want I’ll even get you my grandma’s special hot chocolate you like so much!” Wanda’s eyes glinted at the prospect of Y/N’s offer. 
Y/N went through Wanda’s closet getting a pair of tight black dress pants and a loose black blouse that will look great with the dark red jacket she had brought from the office, and as Y/N was looking for the perfect heels to go with the outfit Wanda plopped down on the bed, “What is wrong with me Y/N? Why doesn’t anyone wants me?” Y/N turned around and took a seat next to Wanda on the bed letting Wanda rest her head on her shoulder, “Listen to me, there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. You are a beautiful, talented, successful woman, that when she falls in love she does it fast and deep. Sometimes that scares men, which makes it their loss because you, my dear, are a great catch, and you’ll find a catch too.” 
Wanda smiled softly up at her and Y/N gave her a squeeze before getting up, “Now get dressed! we have fifteen minutes before the staff meeting starts, and I’ve brought samples!” Wanda chuckled and in less than five minutes the two of them were on their way back to the office, Wanda finishing her light makeup on the taxi cab. 
The two of them arrived at their building with three minutes to spare, time enough for the elevator ride up. They met up with Natasha at the doors and each took a cup of coffee. As they were making their way into the building Natasha asked what happened and Wanda told her Vision had broken up with her, “Did he gave you any explanation?” Natasha asked and Wanda let out a long sigh, “Just the same, it was not me, it was him, but I really thought he was the one you know?” Natasha turned to look at her with skepticism “Wanda, you dated the guy for a little over a week!”
Wanda blushed a little over Natasha’s comment, “Maybe… but I just had a feeling you know?” Both Y/N and Natasha chuckled at Wanda’s expense and Wanda blushed harder. Y/N shrugged and send a wink her way, “It’s okay Wanda, it’s only that your heart loves easily and lightheartedly if guys don’t know how to realize that it is on them.” Wanda smiled at her and they soon arrived at Lana’s office, everyone taking their place around in the couches and seats.
Lana entered the room at last and her authority voice boomed around the place, “Good morning family! Shoes out everyone!” Y/N turned to her right to see Wanda and Natasha sitting down and taking their shoes off as Y/N did the same. Once everyone in the office was settled, either on a couch or the floor, Lana spoke again. “How are we doing for this month’s number?” Mandy was the first to raise her hand, going on about an article on plastic surgery and how it ruins people’s life “it is kind of gory but surprisingly… optimistic.” Mandy ended with a smile on her face, Lana went on asking everyone in the room and suddenly it was Wanda’s turn, who had an off look on her face, probably still thinking of last night’s events with Vision. 
Natasha nudged Wanda lightly just to bring her attention back to the meeting at hand and Lana kept on looking at her expectantly “I’m sorry Lana I had a bad night,” she started and Natasha explained shortly, “She got dumped.” Wanda turned to glare at her and Natasha mumbled a silent “Sorry” Wanda turned her look back at Lana with an embarrassed and sad smile on her face. Lana smiled at her with a surprisingly empathetic look before she spoke “I’m so sorry, isn’t it sad everyone?” She asked and everyone in the room started nodding and mumbling soft “sorrys.” Lana then looked down at the notebook on her lap before she spoke again “Write about it, and get it off your chest” Wanda turned to look at her and started protesting “Lana I’m sorry but I can’t do that, it is my personal life!” Lana looked up and smiled again “Of course, you’re right,” and she looked around the room “Who wants to write about Wanda’s love life?” 
Wanda was so shocked by the lack of empathy her boss was showing that she just opened and closed her mouth trying to figure out a way to protest and then a hand was raised, Mandy enthusiastically asked for the opportunity “Great, you’ll do it, Mandy, what’s next?” Lana said and Wanda finally spoke up, “I’m sorry Lana but I can’t let Mandy write about my personal life!” Natasha and Y/N had been watching everything unfold before them and suddenly Y/N had an idea, “I’ll do it” she said and Wanda turned to look at her as if she had stabbed her in the back and Y/N continued “I won’t write exactly about Wanda, but she’ll be… my inspiration.” Y/N said and Lana was intrigued, she made a sign with her hand motioning for Y/N to continue, “Look at Wanda, she is a beautiful and strong woman, yet she has trouble keeping a relationship,” Wanda looked confused and a little bit hurt, Y/N mumbled a silent “Sorry” her way before she continued “So… I’ll write about the common mistakes girls like Wanda make when they first start dating,” Lana considered it for a moment before she spoke, “I like it, yeah, you’ll date a guy and then lose him.” Y/N nodded trying to work for a title “Yeah! I’ll call it ‘The Common Mistakes of Dating…?’”
Lana stayed silent for a couple more seconds “How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days!” Lana noted it down on her notebook and was about to move on when Y/N asked “Sorry Lana but why in ten days?” Lana turned to look back at her “Well five days is too little of time and we print in eleven days, so it has to be done in ten days.” Y/N nodded and the meeting went on.
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lochrannn · 3 years
Warnings: Sexual Content (M Rating)
Characters: Lila Pitts; Diego Hargreeves; Allison Hargreeves; Klaus Hargreeves; Hargreeves Siblings (background)
Relationship: Lila Pitts/Diego Hargreeves
Roommates AU; Fake Marriage; Slow Burn; Mutual Pining; Emotional H/C
Chapter 5/?
They meet at city hall just after midday.
Lila worked a half day shift and Diego had already been out of the flat when she got up. She doesn’t know where he’d gone, but now he’s strolling down the pavement to where she’s waiting for him outside the building with a thick folder under his arm.
“Shit, how many documents did you bring? I thought all they needed was a passport and birth certificate? Did I forget something?” Lila asks hurriedly, already rummaging through her tote bag, half hoping she’ll unearth some missing documents that she accidentally packed in without realising it.
“Huh?” asks Diego as he stops in front of her, “Oh no, I brought some work, I kinda assume we’re going to be in there a while.”
Lila looks up at him in annoyance but the angry complaint about how he didn’t warn her and therefore she didn’t bring anything to keep herself busy dies on her tongue as she realises, she’s never really seen Diego out and about before. But here he is, looking confident and like he belongs, in a way she doesn’t really, with his brown skin, dark hair, mahogany coloured bomber jacket, and black pants all warm and earthy, creating a complete contrast to the gray cityscape and sky.
Taken aback by how quickly her anger melts away, and not quite sure why, Lila just turns towards the steps of the building in a huff of mild embarrassment for how irrational she’s being.
Inside, Diego takes a number and sits down on one of the uncomfortable looking wooden benches at the back of the waiting area, and after giving the space and the smattering of people in it a cursory look, Lila decides that there clearly isn’t a better alternative, so she settles in next to him.
For a little while, she tries not to let the boredom get to her, but it’s quite hard, especially considering that she also doesn’t want to let her mind wander to what she and Diego are about to do. It’s not like Lila’s trying to repress the idea that she’s taking the necessary steps to get married to him very soon, it’s just that she’s very strenuously avoiding actually thinking about it too hard. She’s not too sure why this is the balance she has decided to strike and can apparently live with, but knowing her and Diego will be married, in those words, that’s okay. Thinking about what that entails and what it means, instantly makes her heart rate spike in so many different and indescribable ways, that she’d rather not touch that thought.
So she starts nibbling on her nails. But very quickly she has a niggling memory of her mother chastising her, grabbing her wrist firmly and saying, Stop that, you’ll end up looking like some trailer park hussie!
Irritated she pulls her finger out from between her teeth and folds her hands in her lap and starts bouncing her knee instead.
After a little while she notices that Diego who, she registered out of the corner of her eyes, was leafing through his file, has gone still beside her. She turns to look at what's up and is startled by the way he’s watching her intently. For a moment his eyes bore into hers and they are so close that shadows of memories of Diego leaning in to kiss her lips, her neck, and all the way down her body right after looking at her like that play out before her mind's eye, but then he says something and Lila feels completely foolish when she has to say, “Sorry?” in a small voice to get him to repeat what he said.
“I asked if you’re nervous,” Diego says in a very gentle voice, one, she presumes, he would probably use if he were dealing with a skittish animal.
Lila feels like this situation can’t get any worse, but just as she’s pulled herself together and is about to scoff at him, Diego goes on in a very serious tone, “Lila, we don’t have to do this if you don’t want to! And if you’re worried about taking back the money, don’t be! I’m not cashing that cheque till you get your visa, okay? You don’t owe me anything.”
This is just too much, so Lila shakes her head, mostly so she can close her eyes and doesn’t have to look at how sincere he’s being, or at the deep, brown softness of his eyes, and says, “I’m not nervous, Diego, I’m just fucking bored!”
“Oh… uh… right,” Diego answers a bit sheepishly and now Lila feels guilty for apparently making him feel awkward. So again she’s just about to speak, tell him, she appreciates his concern all the same, when Diego gets there faster than her once more and flips open his file again while saying, “Uh... if you want... but you really don’t have to, just it might keep you occupied—” he cuts himself off when she levels a raised eyebrow at him, expectantly, “You can help me look through these files,” he finally finishes, holding roughly half the stack of papers that he was going through out to her.
They are searching for a name. It’s barely any less boring than sitting around doing nothing. It’s just a seemingly endless list of unalphabetised names with addresses, a copy of a magazine subscriber list from the 60s. Diego’s apparently helping some genealogist with a project and though he agrees with her that it’s a bit tedious, he also argues that he is apparently being paid very good money.
For a long while they just sit in bored, if oddly comfortable silence, while searching through the names until Lila breaks the stillness, “I got him!”
She’s weirdly excited as she leans over to Diego with her page, finger just under the name Carl Cooper written in slightly faded typewriter letters.
“Show me?” Diego says reaching for the page but not pulling it out of Lila’s grip, they’re hands brushing as he tries to take a closer look at the corresponding address and Lila is suddenly very aware of the warmth radiating off of his body as he leans in so very close to her. She thinks she can even smell his soap.
“That’s our guy!” Diego says delightedly, picking up the biro he’d clipped to his folder and circling the name before taking the piece of paper gently out of her hand and smiling at her, the corners of his eyes crinkling distractingly. “Thanks!” he says with genuine gratitude.
“Yeah, whatever,” Lila grumbles, but she’s not able to hide the smile in her own voice, so to gloss over it, she asks instead, “Is your work always this boring?”
She almost regrets asking him instantly, because only the other night she got to see what it’s like when it’s less boring, but Diego leans his head back against the wall and his expression turns contemplative.
“Well, no… I mean, I guess, some parts are this boring. A lot of looking through files or going on stakeouts in my car. This one, yeah, this was tedious, but usually this kind of work is all part of the bigger puzzle I’m trying to solve. And then, when I get to find the people I’m looking for, it makes it all worth it, you know? Sometimes that’s loved ones who got separated somehow. Totally worth a couple of hours slogging through some files.”
He’s looking down at her, head still tilted against the wall behind them and Lila finds she can’t look away but also hasn’t got anything to say about what he’s telling her. She never took any interest in what a detective does, wasn’t even really ever into cop or detective shows, but somehow, the way Diego tells it, it’s quite fascinating.
“I’ve got a knack for finding asshole dads who are trying to get out of paying alimony as well. Definitely less noble work, but also necessary, if you ask me. And those often end up being the least boring of my cases,” Diego goes on and Lila wonders whether he’s just trying to keep her entertained now that they have no more files to search through. “ ‘s how I got this,” he says, pointing a finger up towards the scar in his eyebrow.
“Oh yeah?” Lila asks, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible about it.
She’s been massively intrigued by all of his scars, but at no point has she felt in a position to ask. Afterall, what if there’s a really traumatic story behind them. But he has a bunch of them. There’s the one in his brow and another behind his left ear. One on the top of his left arm, and one more on his right hip. Lila quickly stops thinking about that one and why she could trace it exactly on a piece of paper if she were given something to draw with, and also doesn’t think too hard about the long scar that reaches from his cheek all the way along the side of his head above his ear. Lila is genuinely a bit wary of what the story might be behind that one.
But she quickly draws her thoughts back to the present and the fact that Diego seems happy to tell her about the scar in his brow and so she asks, “What happened?”
“Asshole father who didn’t want to pay his alimony,” Diego offers with a light chuckle and a shrug, “Fucker faked his own death and then when I found him, I’d barely said a word before he smashed a bottle in my face. Apparently I was lucky I didn’t lose an eye.”
Lila hisses in sympathy at the image.
“Guess we’ll have to talk a bit more about shit like that before our interview with immigration,” Diego says casually and Lila looks at him quizzically as she’s not quite sure what he’s talking about. “Interview?” she asks.
“Yeah, we’ll have to do an interview to prove that this is not just a sham wedding,” he starts explaining, brows drawn together, then his eyes drift off to the side, “Lila, did you not know that they’re gonna want to see proof we’re, like, actually married? … Shit! Our numbers up! Come on, let's go!”
Diego touches her elbow gently and Lila follows him in a bit of a daze, not to one of the windows that are situated all along the long hall that they walk down, but to a small office that they are ushered into by an equally small man, who asks them to sit in the two chairs opposite his desk.
The next fifteen minutes during which they go through all of the proceedings of applying for a marriage license do nothing to settle her nerves, because again she’s getting to see another completely new side to Diego. She guesses this is what he’s like when he’s really on the job and considering how good he is, she misses half a minute of conversation wondering why his business is failing.
He’s commanding, not letting anything slide, but he’s endlessly cool and charming all the same. And for a second Lila is concerned it’s just the fact that she’s slept with him and maybe in this moment would like to sleep with him again that’s making her see him in this way, but she notices that the clerk they’re dealing with seems at least as flustered and is hanging off every word Diego says as much as Lila.
At one point she almost jumps when he confidently takes her hand out of her lap, laces their fingers together, and says, “We were planning on getting married next year but circumstances have changed and my girlfriend can’t continue her degree, so now her visa’s running out and we discussed it and decided to pull the wedding forward, we didn’t want to end up getting separated by this!”
The clerk nods understandingly and Lila could kick herself for not having put even a fraction of the amount of thought into their plan as Diego seems to have. It’s brilliant. This explanation for why they need a license now is believable but also contains enough of the truth that they have very little to prove at this point, except for the fact that they are, indeed, in a relationship.
At that thought, Lila’s heart skips a beat and her focus zeros in on their joined hands for a moment.
When they are walking down the steps after all the application forms have been sorted, Diego offers to give her a lift home, but Lila makes up an engagement with a friend on the spot and quickly heads away in the direction of the bus stop. She needs some time to clear her head after that whole experience.
Diego gets into his car, lets out a very long breath, and then tips forward, pressing his forehead against the steering wheel in frustrated exhaustion.
How can hanging out with one person be both something that is so enjoyable and so painful at the same time?
Lila was fun and sparkly as ever, but she also helped him out, took an interest in his job. And even if that was mostly out of politeness, she asked all the right questions and listened so attentively. And, god, her beautiful, lively face is so distracting, he hardly knew where to look.
Diego’s certain now that he is royally screwed. He’s done a lot of dumb shit in his life, but this takes the cake. Spending time with Lila is so fucking close to the real deal and within the next couple of weeks they will be married, and he thinks, maybe a bit overdramatically, this’ll probably be the death of him.
He sits back up straight, turns the key in the ignition, and moves his car into traffic.
But he can’t back out now, they’ve actually put their plan in motion, and Lila is relying on him to get it together, so the very last thing he wants to do is let her down. Even if it kills him, he mentally adds with a wry smile.
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Affectionate Newsies Headcanons Part 3
A/N I hope you guys like this one! Sorry its a bit later than I had planned! Elmer was requested specifically by an anon, so I hope you liked his part my dear! I’m planning on doing one more part after this to finish off the characters I know better, but if you have a favorite or someone else that you want me to do, let me know! Please request anything and everything your heart desires! Have a great day/night!
Elmer: This sunshine baby is like a little puppy. He is always wearing his adorable grin no matter where he is and costumers love him for it. It makes them feel like there is still something good in the world and they always leave feeling better (same goes for his friends) No one, not even Spot Conlon, leaves a conversation with Elmer without a smile. When he notices someone is upset, he doesn't typically take the approach of talking it out with them, rather he does his best to make them laugh by pulling silly stunts like jumping in between the bunkbeds, pranking someone, or making an abundance of puns. He loves to randomly jump on people's backs and make them give him a piggyback ride, so much so that he hardly ever actually walks somewhere when the other boys are around. He is supper bubbly and bright, always excited about one thing or another. He will tell anyone who will listen everything about his day, from what to dreamed about, to the alley cat he saw, to where to went that day, even that he overheard someone talking about how, oh my god, these two people were roommates. 
Most of the boys will roll their eyes more or less fondly at him when he keeps jabbering on, Race gets pretty annoyed by it though. Crutchie and JoJo are always happy to listen for however long Elmer wants to go. He likes to lean his head/body against people's shoulders whenever they are all hanging around at Jacobi's or the lodging house. When he gets really tired, he will just lay his head in someone's lap and snuggle up to them. He absolutely loves it when people run their fingers through his hair and that and a big hug is often the quickest way to calm him down after a rough day or a nightmare. This sweetheart tries to build up his friends as much as possible and doesn't join in the constant teasing much. He will tease someone if they have a crush, but not really on anything else because he knows how it feels to always be the butt of the joke. He is one of the people that is most often made fun of, partially because he is not the best seller and because of how sappy he can be at times. He knows that the boys don't really mean anything by it and they are just messing around, but sometimes it hurts him more than he likes to admit and he doesn't like to open up to people about his mental health. He feels like its his duty to make sure everyone else is smiling and happy all the time, so he feels like he can't have bad days. When he does get really upset, he likes to walk down to the Brooklyn Bridge and back before going up to the penthouse to find Crutchie. Elmer really likes to sing, and he is pretty good at it too! He and Race often start up a rousing folk song and attempt to get people to dance with them, especially if the headline was good and people are already in high spirits. Elmer is really good at tap dancing, but he also really likes to grab someone by the arm and just spin around with them until they are laughing to much to keep going. Elmer's love language is both physical affection and words of affirmation. He makes a point of letting people know when he thinks they are good at something or if they deserve recognition. His complements are always really sweet and from the heart.
JoJo: This boy is almost hands down the most affectionate newsie! He is definitely the most openly loving, but only because Jack sometimes tries to either hide it or be more private about it. He always has his arm around someone’s waist and is pulling them close to his side. He gives nearly everyone a hug every time he sees them, when they first wake up, at the circulation gate, if they bump into each other while selling, when they all get to Jacobi’s, and to tell them goodnight. JoJo is a huge worrier and mother hen. He is constantly doing a head count on the way to the circulation desk and at the end of the day to make sure everyone gets home safe. If someone gets back to the lodging house after curfew, JoJo is nearly always waiting up for them (along with Jack) ready to give them a relived hug before checking over them to make sure they are okay. He has a really hard time getting to sleep if someone doesn’t get home that night. Jack has had to carry him up to bed several times when he has fallen asleep waiting. Heaven forbid someone comes home really late and injured, because poor JoJo will cry. He can’t stand to see his friends hurt at all. He quickly pulls himself together though so that he can help patch them up/sit with them while someone else (typically Jack or Specs) takes care of them. If someone has to get a cut disinfected or have something really painful done, he always holds their hands so that they can squeeze them if it hurts too much. His hatred of his friends hurting of course extends to their emotional state, and he is pretty in tune to people’s emotions (which is also helpful for selling and surviving on the streets). He can almost always tell as soon as someone starts to be a bit down. If it is someone he isn’t really close to, or has someone else who is very close to them (such as Albert or Jack), then he will let that person know that *insert newsies here* is down and needs cheering up. When he is the one to comfort someone, he is very gentle but doesn’t beat around the bush. He knows when someone is lying and he will call them out on it. If he can tell someone really doesn’t want to talk about it he will wait for them to come to him or make sure that they do talk to someone. He is very big on hugs when someone is upset and will sit quietly holding another newsie for as long as they need, not pulling away at all until they do. He gently talks through whatever is going on with them and makes sure to check in with them later to make sure things are getting better. When he hasn’t seen someone for a while, he’s extra happy to see them, or he was really worried for them JoJo will often give his friends a quick peck on the cheek or hair (this boy is tall just saying). He tells his friends that he loves them 24/7. JoJo is absolutely the friend who puts their cold hands on people’s necks, and he takes Great Joy in it.
Specs: Specs isn't a super affectionate guy, but he still likes it quite a lot. He tries to be pretty lowkey about his affection, the most he shows is normally just having his arm around someone's shoulder/neck when they are all hanging out. That being said, it is pretty uncommon for him not to have an arm on someone. Specs is pretty quiet in general, preferring to stay to the side and watch the boys roughhouse with a smile, but he can be convinced to join in the fun! He is often in the thick of the action whenever someone's belongings are stolen (looking at you Race and Albert), and often joins in if there is some type of wrestling match going on. He really enjoys wrestling with the littles. He always makes it seem like he puts up a fight, and he makes it a challenge for them to win, but he always lets them pin him in the end. He knows his way around first aid and is very much the "healer" of the lodging house. While people like Jack, Race, and Albert can absolutely clean/wrap a wound or even give stiches in a pinch, Specs is the go to person if someone has a bigger injury like a broken bone or a really serious cut. He is always very calm and level headed when taking care of someone, but he is also extremally firm and gets people to listen to him easily. He is the king of making quiet, witty comments in the background that only a few people actually hear but are always really funny. He is really great at giving advice, and that is the route he normally takes when someone is upset. He finds it hard to talk about emotions and isn't good at putting himself in someone else's shoes or being empathetic (even though he does care) so he sticks to the logical side of things. He knows where everyone's selling spots are, the number of papes they usually buy, their daily habits, the selling strategies that work best for them, and even who some of their regulars are. Jack often goes to him if he forgets someone's spot or is trying to figure out how to find them. Specs' love language is gifts. He is a really good seller, so he is able to leave random stuff on people's beds or slipped into their bags such as a little bit of candy or a small toy they had been eyeing. He doesn't ever want anyone to know its him, and while some of the older boys have made the connection no one really talks about it and the littles are convinced its magic (Crutchie might have had something to do with that part!) His favorite thing ever is to cuddle in bed with Romeo at the end of the day, quietly telling him everything he loves about him. he and Romeo both are hopeless romantics, but Specs always has Romeo blushing like mad.
Spot: This man, this man right here, is a huge (actually very short) teddy bear. Do not let his tough guy attitude fool you, he is the sweetest person ever in private or with his littles. While he has to keep up the act most of the time in order to maintain, nothing will stop him from giving a little newsie a piggyback ride, a hug, help tying their shoe, or playing hopscotch with them and heaven help the person who looks at him wrong while he does it. His littles barely have any clue how feared his name is in other boroughs and Spot takes pride in that. Spot sees it as his duty to be a sort of father figure to all of his littles and he does everything in his power to give them something every holiday so that they can have an almost normal childhood. He loves it when his littles come to him for snuggles after a long day and can often be found at the center of a dog pile of tiny children. Hotshot likes to raise he eyebrows and smirk at him then, but never actually says anything. Spot always puts his littles to bed with a hug and kiss to the head, often telling them a story while they fall asleep. If one of them has a nightmare he typically sits with them and runs his fingers through their hair as he softly hums or whispers a story from his day. Spot would never hesitate to go without food or a bed if it meant his littles could have it. He would give his life for them in a heartbeat. Spot never shows affection to the older newsies though. They might get a nod to recognize when they've done something well but that's about it. He will clap Hotshot on the back every now and then. Spot is absolutely head over heals in love with Race and really wants Race to know it. Spot holds his hand whenever he can, slips into an alleyway or under the docks to steal a heated kiss, and can't ever take his eyes off Race. On a normal day when Race comes over to Brooklyn and they can go up to Spot's tiny room in private, the first thing Spot does when the door closes is pull Race into a tight hug. resting his head on his boyfriend's chest and letting all the tension fall away as Race puts his chin on top of his head. The two of them typically stay there for a few minutes in silence. Race kissing Spot's head a few times, before doing anything else. If its been a particularly stressful day or they haven't seen each other in a while, Spot skips the hug and pushes Race against the wall in a desperate, heated kiss, the second he can. Those days normally turn steamy pretty fast. When they don't though, Spot wants nothing more than to just lay on his bed and cuddle with his perfect boyfriend while they tell each other about their days. 
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apparently-artless · 3 years
The Other Way Around - 2nd Chapter
A Daiya no Ace Fanfic
Warning: Not Beta Read, English Grammar Nazi be warned! ( `ε´ )
When his younger roommate broke his glasses, Sawamura volunteered to be his ‘third’ and ‘fourth’ eyes.
Note: Different settings and timelines for each character. Check out source below for AO3 version.
Characters: Sawamura Eijun, Asada Hirofumi, Kuramochi Youichi, Seto Takuma, Okumura Koushuu, Kuki Youhei, Miyuki Kazuya
Chapter 2: Asada Hirofumi
It was late in the afternoon and Sawamura was already running around the field with his precious tire partner, his voice echoing throughout such that all the Seidou baseball members could hear him shout. For the sophomores and seniors, it’s the typical annoying loud noise they have become so accustomed to that they didn’t even bother reprimanding the young pitcher. It even pushed them to go on with their practice although they will never admit it to the southpaw, careful not to inflate his ego.
To the first years, however, Sawamura is more of an idol, a hero, the most reliable relief pitcher when the team is in a pinch ready to give his best shot even at the most critical part of the game. After witnessing his performance during Sankou game, they didn’t even care if the southpaw invaded the field with his usual deafening tone. To them, he’s a role model that helps them motivate themselves to strive harder to be a member of the first string.
A few meters behind Sawamura was the first-year catcher with his tire as well. The pitcher just smirked at the poor freshman as he struggled for his breath but did not even bother stopping so as not to be left behind.
“That’s the spirit, Okami-kozo! Just keep on doing this without fail and your stamina will improve in no time!” Sawamura exclaimed as he laughed some more while continuing on his 20th lap.
As he was about to finish, he noticed that there was some raucous going on at the farther end of Field B where they were running. Some freshmen were gathered in a circle and there seemed to be someone in the middle sitting on the ground.
Sawamura stopped and gazed intently at the group as he tried to figure out what’s going on. Before he could take a clearer look, Toujou and Kanemaru emerged from behind and informed him of what happened.
“It seems like one of the freshmen was hit by a baseball in the face,” Toujou commented upon noticing Sawamura’s curiosity.
“Oi, Sawamura. Isn’t that your roommate?” Kanemaru added when he saw the face of the first year who was apparently hit by a stray baseball.
Before anyone of them could say something, Sawamura dashed through the crowd as fast as he can, leaving his tire partner on the ground.
“Excuse me, first years! Let me through! Let me through!” Sawamura shouted as he tried to check if it really was Asada, his freshman roommate.
The brown-haired boy sitting on the ground was trying to cover the wound below his left eye while another black-haired boy was sitting beside him holding what seemed to be the other’s pair of glasses as the latter was wearing his own.
“Seto, what happened?”
“Sawamura-senpai. Asada was hit by a baseball and broke his glasses. I think some of the broken glasses pierced through his skin upon impact,” the boy in black-rimmed glasses explained.
Surprisingly, the southpaw pitcher did not make any loud comments. He calmly assessed the situation and instructed some of the first years to call the captain or vice-captains. Being the ace and captain back in middle school and as the one responsible for involving his friends in playing baseball, he always made sure to stay collected and calm for situations involving injuries caused by accidents.
He knelt in front of the boy who seemed to have a hard time opening his left eye but his expression showed he recognized his roommate.
“Asada, calm down. Let me see your wound.”
The boy obliged as he removed the hankie he initially placed on a bleeding cut right under his left eye. The pitcher carefully placed his hands on Asada’s face so as not to inflict further pain. The first-year pitcher flinched slightly at the touch as he felt the calloused hands of the other. Proof of years of practice of pitching which makes him wonder if that’s what he needed to do to be at the same level as his roommate.
“It’s still bleeding a bit. We need to get you to the infirmary so they can check the extent of the damage. Can you stand? Are you feeling any pain aside from the wound on your left eye?” Sawamura asked in a gentle voice.
“Yes, I can stand. It appears my glasses took all the impact on the baseball,” Asada responded as he stood gingerly while being supported by Sawamura and Seto.
The other freshmen had dispersed and went back to their own training when Kuramochi had arrived followed by Kagami and Kuki who he had instructed a few minutes ago.
Upon seeing Asada looking fine except for the fact that his glasses were missing, Kuramochi released a deep sigh of relief.
“Geez. You seem to be doing fine, kiddo. Don’t make me worry for nothing!”
Sawamura only laughed.
“See? Vice-captain Kuramochi’s appearance is that of a delinquent but deep inside, he really cares for his kouhais!”
“Oi, Sawamura, do you want to die now??”
“Mochi-senpai, let’s do that at a later time. In the meantime, we need to bring Asada to the infirmary. Have you informed the coach already?”
“Don’t tell me what to do! I’m the vice-captain and I’m one year older than you so I know what I’m doing! Plus, unlike you, I’m not a moron!”
The two upperclassmen continued their bickering as they, together with Seto, escorted Asada to the infirmary. Even though there’s some blood involved, Kuramochi and Sawamura appeared to be talking normally which made the first years relaxed after the incident.
So, after they patched Asada, does that mean I can proceed with murdering you?
Kuramochi-senpai! That’s mean!
But you said we can do it at a later time!
Don’t make it sound like it’s some sort of a promise! Geez! Huh?? Is that the right way to talk to your senpai??
I apologize, Kuramochi-senpai. Please give me a break.
Asada’s roommates only stopped their banter as soon as they arrived at the infirmary. Fortunately, the school nurse was still around despite the late time of their visit. The cut on his left cheek had stopped bleeding too. The nurse proceeded in disinfecting the wound and placed some fresh band-aids on the pitcher. She instructed Kuramochi and Sawamura to replace the band-aid before going to sleep and put some more disinfectant.
The four boys thanked the nurse as they exited the infirmary.
“What about your glasses? Can you even see without it? Do you have any spare?” Sawamura asked while holding Asada’s arm as he guided the boy where to walk.
The boy shook his head. “My eyesight is really poor so, to be honest, I’m having a hard time recognizing the faces of others without my glasses. As for my surroundings, I need to move carefully so as not to fall,” Asada responded shyly.
“Uwah! Your eyesight is worse than mine! At least I can survive a day without my glasses if I’m not playing.” Seto commented, feeling relieved that there’s someone on the team worse than him.
“Luckily, your eyes didn’t get hurt. And there’s no practice tomorrow. Either way, if you can’t even do your daily tasks without your glasses, you will not be allowed by the coach to practice as long as you don’t have any glasses,” Kuramochi interjected.
“Ja! I, Sawamura Eijun, volunteers myself to be your set of eyes for now that you don’t have your third and fourth eyes! It’s a day off tomorrow! Let me accompany and assist you in performing your daily tasks and chores! Leave it to your most reliable senpai!”
“Third and fourth eye? What does that even mean??” Kuramochi frowned at the southpaw’s statement while Seto silently snickered in the background.
“People who wear glasses are called four-eyes, right?”
“Oi, that’s rude.”
“So basically, their set of eyes are the first and second. Which means the lenses on their glasses are their third and fourth eyes!” Sawamura responded as if he just said something smart.
“I’m not sure if you’re trying to act smart or you’re just plain stupid.”
“Wha – “
“Putting that stupid statement aside, I’ll be reporting to the coach first regarding Asada’s condition so you guys go ahead first,” Kuramochi added before Sawamura could retort.
“Thank you, Kuramochi-senpai. And I apologize for the inconvenience I’ve caused,” Asada replied while bowing to the oldest roommate.
“It’s fine. Just be careful next time, okay?”
“I understand.”
Kuramochi separated from the group as he went to the coach’s office while the three youngsters proceeded to their dorms.
“So what’s your plan now, Asada? I think it’s best to have your glasses replaced tomorrow. There will be no classes and no practice too,” Sawamura suggested, still holding the boy’s arm gently in his hands.
“That’s what I thought too. I’ll just call my parents so they can send me money for the prescription glasses,” Asada replied.
“That’s a good idea! Can you dial your phone just fine?”
Their conversation was interrupted upon seeing Okumura and Kuki coming their way.
“Oh! Okumura-shounen! Kuki! You came to check if Asada’s doing fine, didn’t you? If that’s the case, there’s no need to worry. He’ll be just fine so long as he gets to replace his broken glasses with a new one,” Sawamura affirmed while smiling towards the two first years.
Kuki smiled upon hearing the news while Okumura’s vacant expression remained unchanged. Asada and Seto, on the other hand, were busy checking the pitcher’s phone so he can call his parents. Upon the second ring, a woman’s voice can be heard on the other line. Sawamura gently tapped Asada’s shoulder to inform him that they will be right behind him once he’s done.
The remaining first-years continued with their conversation with Sawamura as he explained the extent of Asada’s injury.
“No need to worry! I’ll be taking care of Asada until he gets his eyesight back,” Sawamura whispered so as not to disturb Asada’s phone call with his mother.
The phone call ended within three minutes. According to Asada, his mother agreed to send him money tomorrow so he can buy a new set of glasses.
“Yosh! Since you’ll be needing my assistance, I will be accompanying you for tomorrow’s mission!” The southpaw pitcher exclaimed with his hands on his hips.
“Are you sure, Sawamura-senpai? It’s our precious day off tomorrow and I wouldn’t want to disturb you in your rest,” Asada asked while fidgeting his fingers as he looked at the ground.
“What are you saying, Asada? As your senpai and as your roommate, it is my duty to make sure you’ll be safe and sound inside and outside the campus. And as you’ve said earlier, you can’t see clearly without your glasses, right? You need to avoid incurring further injuries, no?”
“Senpai has a point, Asada. Just give it up and accept Sawamura-senpai’s kindness as a kouhai should!” Seto commented.
“If you want, I can accompany you as well. Who knows what will happen if we leave you and Sawamura-senpai to your own device,” Okumura suggested.
“Oi, Koushuu!”
“Oi! Okumura-shounen! That’s a rude thing to say to your senpai, you know!”
“Then, let me go as well!” Kuki interjected.
“Eh? Are you sure, Okumura and Kuki? I can’t possibly impose on you,” Asada replied while giving the two a confused look.
“I wouldn’t mind. I have some things to buy myself,” Okumura answered blankly.
“I don’t have anything I need to buy but I want to spend my rest day wisely! Seto, come with us!”
“Of course, I’ll definitely come.”
With Sawamura-senpai and Koushuu going together, there’s no way I’m not going. Who knows what will happen with these two.
“Yosh! That’s it then! Let’s meet outside our room tomorrow at 9:30 AM.”
All the first years agreed and decided to went back to their respective rooms. Sawamura, just as he promised, never left Asada by himself and assisted him with tasks Asada is not capable of doing without his glasses.
It was dinner time and Sawamura seated himself beside Asada.
“Asada, I’ll get your meal for you. Just sit there like a good boy!”
“O-Okay. Thanks, Sawamura-senpai,” the boy responded shyly, his cheeks blushing as some of the members noticed the southpaw’s action.
Meanwhile, near their table, Miyuki had noticed what happened.
“Hey, isn’t Sawamura meddling too much with your first-year roommate? Does he even know what personal space is?” Miyuki commented to Kuramochi.
“Asada’s glasses broke during the practice so he can’t see that clearly. I’d say his eyesight was just as poor as yours. Or wait, maybe worse? I’m not too sure,” Kuramochi responded as he continued eating his dinner.
“Seriously? Now that I think about it, he’s not wearing his glasses right now. I bet he got hit on the face with his glasses on by a baseball, and then his face got scratched by the broken glass,” Miyuki half-guessed as he noticed the band-aid on the first year’s left cheek.
“That’s precisely what happened. What are you, some sort of a psychic??”
“Seriously?” asked Miyuki the second time.
“Seriously!” Kuramochi frowned in response. “Wait, didn’t I tell you that earlier?”
“No, you didn’t. I wouldn’t have asked otherwise. And the reason I guessed it right is that it happened to me back when I just started playing baseball.”
“Oh well, now you know,” Kuramochi spoke nonchalantly as he began gulping his meal again.
“Oi, vice-captain. Do your damn job.”
Kuramochi just rolled his eyes and initiated a conversation with Nabe who was eating on his other side.
Thirty minutes had passed after dinner started. As usual, Asada and Okumura were the ones left finishing their dinner. Sawamura, Seto, and Kuki decided to stay for a while as they planned their schedule for tomorrow.
Miyuki, who was about to exit the cafeteria, felt like giving Asada some advice so he decided to barge into their conversation. Kuramochi just observed silently.
“Asada, I heard you broke your glasses during practice,” Miyuki started.
“Cap! Another megane nakama has joined us! Did you come here to give our Asada some advice regarding glasses?” Sawamura asked.
“Well, something like that,” Miyuki replied awkwardly.
The rest of the group just stared at Miyuki, waiting for him to continue with his advice. He cleared his throat and went on with his business.
“It’s a good thing your eyes did not get hurt during the incident. If you’re going to have your glasses replaced, it’s best to go to the shop I’m frequenting. Their glasses are more durable than the regular ones. That’s where I bought my sports glasses too. But if you don’t want to wear sports glasses, that would be fine too. I think you can buy the same style of glasses that you’re previously using. Just be more careful during practice.”
“Thank you, Miyuki-senpai. I’ll check out the shop you suggested,” Asada responded.
“Why don’t you just come with us, Cap?” Sawamura asked as he placed his left fist on his right palm as if he thought of a very brilliant idea.
And oh what a brilliant idea it is, indeed as Kuramochi decided to break his silence and join in on the conversation too.
“That’s a good suggestion, Sawamura!” Kuramochi bellowed as he slung his arm on Miyuki’s shoulder. “Tomorrow’s a day off and I’m sure our captain here would be delighted to accompany his precious kouhais to do some shopping!”
No way!!!
Yes way.
So this is how you’re going to play, huh?
Just accept it! You can’t escape this now! Hyahaha!
The two third-years stared at each other for a few seconds as they conversed internally.
“Sure thing! Kuramochi and I had nothing to do anyway, so we might as well join you,” Miyuki stated with finality as he pushed his glasses up his nose.
“Oh! Even Kuramochi-senpai as well! As I expected, despite your scary and delinquent-looking appearance, you have a soft heart when it comes to your kouhai!” Sawamura commented, oblivious of the internal fight occurring right in front of him.
You bastard.
If I’m going down, I might as well drag you with me.
And then, it occurred to Kuramochi how Sawamura just smoothly dissed him within his praises.
“Oi, Bakamura. Who are you calling delinquent-looking, huh?” Kuramochi spoke while putting the pitcher on a headlock.
“Senpai! Stop! I’m sorry! I give up! I give up!”
It’s 9:25 AM and all the first years together with Kuramochi and Sawamura are now gathered in front of their room.
“What the hell is Cap doing? Doesn’t he know that it’s common courtesy to arrive at least ten minutes earlier before the designated time? Okumura-shounen, aren’t you his roommate? Why are you not together?”
“I’m not his babysitter. Besides, I tried waking him up once but he didn’t even budge.”
“Fine! I’ll go and fetch Miyuki myself! Geez, these people are such a pain,” Sawamura replied as he left the group to check the other room.
“Like he’s one to talk,” Kuramochi commented softly as he yawned.
“I’m so sorry Kuramochi-senpai. Instead of resting, you had to go out your way to accompany me for my glasses,” Asada spoke as he noticed the older boy’s sleepiness.
“Nah. It’s fine. Besides, it’s more worrying to leave you guys with that idiot. As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure.”
Seto and Kuki laughed at the upperclassmen’s statement as they waited patiently for their captain and the southpaw pitcher.
After ten minutes of waiting, they can hear the loud voice of Sawamura from the second floor.
“We told you that we’ll be meeting up by 9:30 AM! If I hadn’t check up on you, you wouldn’t even bother waking up, would you?”
“Shut up, Sawamura. Stop acting like a girlfriend who got stood up on a date.”
“You’re supposed to set a good example! As an upperclassman! As the captain!”
The bickering continued as the group saw the two together going in their direction.
“Oi, you two. Stop fighting like an old married couple. We’ve wasted too much time. Let’s go,” Kuramochi interjected nonchalantly, too used to the battery fighting.
The first years decided to follow the shortstop as they continued to listen to their captain and the pitcher bantering.
“Kuramochi-senpai, are the two always like that when they’re off the field?” Kuki asked quietly so as not to be heard by the two.
“Yep. I’d say it’d be a miracle if the day comes when those two will not fight.”
“Heh. Even though they’re perfectly synched during the games. That’s quite surprising,” Seto commented.
“Hyahaha! Tell me about it! It’s because those two are total opposites that they fight almost every day. But those two are baseball idiots so they communicate perfectly when playing. Not that I’m one to talk.” Kuramochi replied with a smile.
“You seem very close to those two, Kuramochi-senpai,” Asada interjected upon noticing the warmth in Kuramochi’s tone while talking about Miyuki and Sawamura.
“Huh? What are you talking about?? We’re not that close!” Kuramochi exclaimed, slightly blushing.
The first years remained quiet upon noticing Kuramochi’s reaction. Needless to say, they all knew that him denying the fact doesn’t mean it’s not true. For Kuramochi, Miyuki is almost a best friend, though he’s not sure if the latter thinks the same of him. While others were having a hard time reading Miyuki’s emotions, Kuramochi can read him like a book. As for Sawamura – he’s like a little brother. A big baby brother he had to take care of for as long as he can. He can even imagine himself taking care of the boy even after they graduate high school.
Kuramochi’s thoughts were interrupted when Asada called out to him.
“In any case, I’m thankful that you decided to join us, Kuramochi-senpai. Even though you were just dragged due to yesterday’s conversation.”
And then Kuramochi laughed. For quite some time, he was a bit concerned that Asada was having a hard time adjusting to his first year at high school. Hearing him say such honest words made his worries fly right out of the window.
As soon as they arrived at the mall where the shop Miyuki suggested was located, they decided to split up so Asada can buy his glasses and the rest of the group can buy the things they needed.
Miyuki, as someone familiar with the shop, accompanied Asada together with Sawamura. Kuramochi accompanied the rest of the first years as they went on shopping for other things. Fortunately, the shop had fewer customers at the moment. After filling up some papers and choosing the style of glasses he wanted to purchase, Asada was requested to enter a separate room to check his prescription.
One of the attendants who seemed to know Miyuki advised them to seat while waiting for Asada’s checkup to finish.
“I didn’t know you have brothers, Miyuki-san. I guess poor eyesight runs in the family, huh,” the attendant said in a teasing manner.
“Oh, no. They’re just my teammates. I just accompanied them since I was forced to – it’s also my duty to look after them,” Miyuki replied awkwardly while Sawamura looked at him in disbelief.
“Oi! What do you mean you were forced to??”
“Huh? What’re you talking about, Sawamura-kun? Maybe you just heard it wrong.”
“This tanuki bastard!”
The attendant, who was still listening to their banter, laughed.
“So they are your kouhais then? It’s good to see you’re getting along just fine with them.”
“If this looks like getting along just fine with you, I’d say you might need a pair of glasses too,” Miyuki replied.
“Oi! You’re being rude!”
“I’m fine with Asada. But if I’ll have this guy as my brother,” Miyuki continued as he pointed to Sawamura. “I’d rather not have any brothers for the rest of my life.”
“You megane bastard! Stop pointing at me! And just so you know, some of my friends at home were wishing they have me as their brother.”
“Ho. They must be a masochist then.”
Before Sawamura could add another retort, Asada had finished the checkup and was advised to come back after an hour for his new set of glasses. They paid for the glasses and decided to go to the food court where they initially planned to meet with the rest of the group once they’re done.
The two went back with their bickering as soon as they left the shop. Sawamura, despite being busy responding to Miyuki’s teasing, did not forget about Asada’s condition as he held his arms gently in his left hand.
After few minutes of walking, they finally reached their destination. Upon noticing that Kuramochi and the rest had not yet arrived, they decided to take a seat at a table as they waited patiently for them.
They waited for ten minutes. As soon as they arrived, they decided to eat something first while they wait for Asada’s glasses. Kuramochi and Miyuki went to the restroom first while they left Sawamura with the first years.
Asada and the rest decided to buy some ice cream while Sawamura bought some taiyaki. The queue to the taiyaki booth was long so he had to be separated to the first years for a while. Asada was on his way to their designated table when a little girl came running in his direction. To avoid the girl, Asada sidestepped but failed to notice a big guy on his left side. He accidentally collided with the guy but thankfully missed the ice cream that fell to the ground.
“Oi, kid. Just where do you think you’re looking, huh??” the big guy shouted at Asada, who looked like a member of a Yakuza.
Intimidated by the stranger’s sudden outburst, Asada was not able to utter a single word. And in just a few seconds, two more men walked in their direction. The guy’s comrades, most probably, as they sported the same style the first guy did.
“Is there some problem here?” said the other guy who just arrived.
“This kid bumped into me and hadn’t even said a word of apology. He almost dirtied my boots,” said the first guy.
“Um. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to bump into you. I just tried to avoid the girl running towards me.”
Also, I can’t see clearly.
But of course, he couldn’t say that. It was awkward, to be honest, and it’s the first time he encountered such a situation that he did not know what to do.
Luckily, Sawamura who had finished ordering his food was about to go back to their table when he saw Asada and the three menacing adults near him. He did not fail to notice the nervousness emanating from his roommate. He did not waste a single second as he walked in their direction.
“Sirs, what could be the problem here?” Sawamura interjected as he moved between Asada and the three men.
“Are you his babysitter or something, huh? Next time, tell your friend here to be more careful where he’s walking!”
“Oh. He’s got poor eyesight, you see. And as the one in charge of his current predicament, I’ll take responsibility and apologize on his behalf,” Sawamura responded politely as he bowed, almost 90 degrees. “I, Sawamura Eijun, will make sure that this will not happen anymore. As such, may I know if he has incurred any damage to any of you, gentlemen?”
The three men were startled for a moment, but not with Sawamura’s manner of speaking, it seems. They looked at one another before speaking once more.
“Kid, where d’you come from?”
“I came from Nagano, sir. I was just finishing my studies here in Tokyo.”
“Sawamura, huh?”
The southpaw pitcher just tilted his head, unsure of what to respond when one of them called his family name. As if talking telepathically, the three nodded and then looked at Sawamura once more.
“Kid, do you happen to know Sawamura Eitoku?”
“Eh? You know my grandpa?”
“Grandpa???” said the three men in unison.
“Well, my grandpa’s name is Sawamura Eitoku. He’s the person I respect the most!” Sawamura responded with pride.
What was initially a sour atmosphere suddenly turned light.
“Kiddo, would you be kind enough to show me a photo of your grandpa?”
“Of course,” Sawamura responded as he pulled out his phone from his pocket and searched through his gallery. “Here! They’ve sent me a photo of grandpa last week when he caught a 2-feet long fish. Isn’t he amazing?”
The three crowded together to take a look at the boy’s phone.
“It’s Sawamura-san.”
“It really is Sawamura-san.”
“He looks as amazing as ever.”
“Heh. So you do know my grandpa? What a coincidence!”
“Yes! We’ve been taken care of by Sawamura-san 20 years ago!”
“Oh. I wasn’t even born at that time. Where did you meet him?”
The three men went on with conversing merrily with Sawamura. Kuramochi and Miyuki went back and fetched Asada upon noticing the unknown crowd. The rest of the first years decided to join as well.
“What’s happening here?” Kuramochi asked.
“Is it just me, or Sawamura is talking right now to some gangsters with smiles on their faces?” Miyuki inquired as he tried to comprehend the situation.
Asada replied as he scratched the back of his head. “To be honest, I don’t quite understand what happened. For a minute, they were mad and ganging up on me when I accidentally collided with one of them. The next minute, they’re talking about Sawamura-senpai’s grandpa after senpai arrived.”
“Eh?? Are you okay??” Seto asked worriedly as he checked Asada for any physical injuries.
“Yes, I’m fine,” Asada responded. “Sawamura-senpai covered for me before anything happened.”
“Heh. Sawamura-senpai is so cool.” Kuki commented upon hearing what happened.
“Yep. He was really cool, and brave. He didn’t even flinch as he tried to talk to them,” Asada added.
The group decided to seat at the next table near Sawamura in case the three men decided to suddenly change their attitude towards him. They waited for 15 more minutes when they heard Sawamura saying his goodbye to the three.
“Goodbye Nakamura-san, Sugita-san, Sakurai-san! I’ll make sure to send my grandpa your regards!” Sawamura beamed in response as he waved his hand at the three men.
“Thank you. It’s nice meeting you, Eijun-kun!” The three responded in unison as they bowed politely towards the boy.
It was weird and at the same time very amusing to see three Yakuza-looking adult men bowing at a bright-looking boy as if the world was about to end. Seto, who probably assumed something interesting was about to happen, had his smartphone ready as he took a recording of the scene.
“Hyahaha! Send it to me, Seto! We’ll send that video in the group chat. Let’s see what this will do to Sawamura’s reputation!”
As soon as the three men disappeared, Sawamura joined the rest of the group.
“So? What was that all about?” Kuramochi asked as soon as Sawamura arrived.
“Oh? About Nakamura-san and the others? It seems they were taken care of by my grandpa when they were young. They were indebted to him a lot so they want to send their regards. We just kinda talked about him midway since I wanted to know the type of person my grandpa is when he was younger.”
“Ho. So that means it was your grandfather who had saved the day! It’s your grandfather who’s amazing. Don’t let this incident get in your head, Sawamura!” Miyuki remarked intending to tease the boy but the boy just smiled as he scratched his nose lightly.
“Yep. He really saved the day. Even without him here, he managed to help me out and resolve things easily. He really is amazing. As expected of the person I respect the most.”
The whole group turned silent. They were surprised how Sawamura can easily state how he truly feels. Definitely, the boy’s honesty knows no bounds.
After an hour had passed, they went back to the shop to retrieve Asada’s new glasses.
“Finally! You’ll be Sawamura-free!” Miyuki smirked.
“That’s so rude! I bet you Asada had a fun time being with me,” Sawamura responded as he looked expectantly at Asada. “Right, Asada?”
“Yes. I was really grateful for you looking out for me, Sawamura-senpai,” Asada replied as he bowed slightly towards the southpaw pitcher.
The boy just laughed at Asada’s response while Miyuki was slightly surprised. “Don’t mind! We’re roommates and as your senpai, it’s only right that I looked after you!”
“Asada, you don’t have to force yourself, you know. You can be honest with this idiot!”
“I’m not really forcing myself, Miyuki-senpai. I’m happy that Sawamura-senpai looked after me,” Asada replied shyly.
“Oi, tanuki bastard! Who are you calling an idiot?”
“Who else am I referring to?”
And the loud conversation continued as the group went back to Seidou. While on their way to the dorms, Asada thanked Sawamura once more.
“But seriously, thank you so much, Sawamura-senpai. You really saved me back there.”
“Nah. As Miyuki said, it was my grandpa who saved our asses. It was just a coincidence that they happened to know him.”
“So, if they didn’t know your grandfather, what would you have done with the situation, then?” Seto asked curiously as he listened in on their conversation.
“Well, to be honest, I was just buying time if I can’t make them back down with just the talk. I was waiting for Kuramochi-senpai to arrive. There’s no one more reliable in Seidou than that guy when it comes to fighting. I bet he was a very strong warrior back in his past life,” Sawamura responded with a naughty smile.
“What was that, Sawamura?? Do you want me to test some of my new moves again once we reached the room, huh??” Kuramochi replied, ready to subdue the southpaw pitcher in a headlock.
“That’s quite unexpected,” Okumura interrupted as the others looked at him. “To think you had thought ahead in that situation.”
The rest of the group snickered slightly at Okumura’s comment including Kuramochi who had forgotten about the pitcher’s earlier comments about him while Sawamura was slightly offended.
“That’s so mean, Okami-kozo!” Sawamura bellowed in response. “Look at what you’ve done, Cap! You’re influencing the first years in a very negative way!”
“What’s that got something to do with me? Isn’t it literally just their own impression of you?”
“Urgh! Shut up, you tanuki bastard!”
And then the next day, due to the video uploaded at the Seidou Baseball group chat courtesy of Seto, the rumor about Sawamura being an heir to a Yakuza group spread like wildfire. It took a week before the rumor died.
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gogo-karasuno · 4 years
Okay, this is a really weird mix of characters, and i dunno if u write for the girls, but i’m absolutely weak for these two! Would you mind doing a sfw/nsfw for Aone/Yachi as a polyship? I totally understand if this is too much of a weird combo to do, so feel free to ignore!
I absolutely love you for requesting this mix of characters, okay? Just absolutely fucking love you for it. I very much write for the girls! They’re all fantastic in their own rights but little Yachi has stolen so much of my love. Thank you so much for this request!
- - SFW
- You absolutely have to be the one to get this relationship started. Yachi is what Runaway Anxiety feels like but in a human form. We’ve seen her panicking so hard over possibly forgetting Hinata’s and Kageyama’s names. She’s also shown to be scared of anyone that is significantly taller than her. Aone is a huge guy with or without being compared to her. He scares people by being...and Yachi is not immune. So, you kind of step in as the middle ground to help everyone figure things out, especially when you make the jump from friends to lovers.
- I don’t really imagine Aone’s gets to do a lot of Soft Things before the two of you. Therefore, some of your dates can be introducing him to really cute things. A personal favorite would have to be the time the three of you went to an animal cafe. One of the tiniest babies there fell asleep in his lap. His expression was so soft and sweet while Yachi looked on just as happy. The picture you took was very cute and definitely lock screen or home screen worthy. 
- One of my personal headcanons is that Yachi very likely has an anxiety disorder. Either your or Aone read that holding hands can help reduce anxiety. It becomes a Thing to hold her hand when she’s freaking out. Eventually, she starts to seek you out to hold hands until she feels better. Hugs also help with reducing stress so group hugs happen a lot. Or, you pile onto Aone to drown in affection.
- Both of them are absolute fiends when it comes to sweets. Making them at home becomes a kind of weekly thing for the three of you. Music or a television show you guys love plays in the background. A recipe, or two, found during the week becomes the experiment. Some things go off without a hitch but others don’t exactly go as planned. Yachi has a knack for decorating cakes and cookies with the cutest designs. Aone is superb at mixing things or kneading bread if you’re trying sweet breads. Even when things go wrong the time is well spent.
- Aone loves to buy flowers for the both of you all the time. He makes sure there is no set pattern to when you get them or even what kinds they are. That way you can always be surprised. The florist thinks you two are the luckiest people ever with how sweet your gentle giant is. Once, you and Yachi conspired to get him something then settled on a succulent. She painted the pot to match the colors of what you picked. Aone blushed so hard before kissing you both breathless. He knows he isn’t the most verbally expressive of people but he wants you to know he loves you.
- -
- In the same way you started your relationship you kind of help to move things along in the bedroom. I see Aone as someone who is generally submissive and enjoys being cared for. Yachi really enjoys being at least guided so she doesn’t spiral out in worry. Having the two of you there to reassure her, in your own ways, also helps to really relax and enjoy things.
- The sight of Yachi in lacy, frilly lingerie shorts out Aone’s mind every single time. Pretty pastels or whites help turn her into this sweet angel. If you join in it becomes double the heaven for him. It really encourages him to worship the both of you for ages. Soft touches, tender kisses, and just body worship of the highest caliber. He wants you to know how much he loves you.
- Aone prefers both of you to be on top of him. He used to forget his own strength and accidently hurt his teammates. This something he absolutely does not want to happen with the two of you. I can see him having a girthy cock as well. Allowing you both to set the tempo also ensures you’re ready to take him. An extension of this is he loves for you to sit on his face. Yachi blushed so hard the first time she was asked that you could see her blush in outer space.
- Once Yachi worked really hard to set the mood for you. There was romantic music in the background, candles decorating the room, and even flower petals scattered across the bed. There were absolutely hiccups. Turns out flower petals on the floor become a sliding or falling hazard. Playlists not set to repeat move on to other music; 1812 Overture with 16 cannons sure is something. Nothing caught on fire! You both have to assure and reassure her that it was a success. Sure, it didn’t follow the map in her mind but you’ll treasure such a sweet, loving gesture from her.
- Yachi very shyly asks you to help her learn how to give a good blowjob. She had witnessed you do so many times for Aone. But, she was never brave enough to go beyond a few tentatively licks to slick him up for her hands. It meant there were nights spent taking your time with him. First, you show her the motions he loves and how to do them without choking herself. Then it turns into her joining you so you’re both working him at the same time. When she feels confident she takes over entirely while you sit back praising them both.
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