#and being like omg the fags are gonna hate me for this
nururu · 2 years
it's wild when u don't have the same idea about something than the majority of the fandom bc you can't rlly talk about it bc the only interaction you get is people who disagree being like "yeah, but I don't see it like that and *lists reasons*" and it's like lol cool I never even asked.... like use your imagination and talk to me about it even if u don't subscribe. playing along with an idea doesn't make it your identity. that's what everyone who has an unpopular opinion has to do for you 24/7 so idk
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alriiiiight season 2 is over and im high off my ass so its time for me to give my updated extremely unnecessary opinions on the reboot cast woo (they did these guys so bad omg 💀)
scary girl - yea she's an acquired taste but idgaf i love this stupid bitch so much and the fact that she had a storyline with potential that ended up being a throwaway was so tragic
chase - he's there ig. i don't hate him as much as i did before but like he's so useless 😭 he was only there for comedic relief but it never landed. he had a few friendships and things that couldve been developed but otherwise he's literally nothing without emma. rip ig
millie - i cant stand this hoe omg. first ur lazy and useless asf in the challenge then you try to push your own teammate to basically his death like girl. cartoon or not ur foul for that. she got so lucky that damien forgave her bc me personally i would've pushed her ass off a bridge. she should be thanking bowie for making her time on screen in season one interesting enough that i could resist scratching out my eyes every time she showed up
emma - she was amazing in the first half of season 1 and made a comically steep decline in the second half of episode 7. season 2 obliterated this girl (we seeing a pattern here?) instead of, idk, rekindling her friendship with bowie or developing some sort of actual storyline for her since she was a fairly strong competitor, the writers drew straws and gave her the most horseshit episode arc they could think of 😭 and i mISS HER STUPID LITTLE WHITE GIRL DANCE WHY DID THEY GET RID OF IT
nichelle - lemme just say yall's expectation for her was way too high 🤭 her storyline peaked in episode 2 of the second season. like yeaa she came back and is suddenly really good at challenges as if we all wouldn't see it coming 😃 just like everyone else, she had potential but she somehow ended up being the most underwhelming character to come out of the reboot. watching her go down as soon as she did along with the hopes of virtually the entire fandom was quite comedic. and side note i wish her friendship with damien had more substance to it bc those two were great together
bowie - my everything. he was destined to be an early boot so he came and served cunt for 6 episodes instead and i love that for him. was i expecting him to get far? no. was i expecting him to leave so soon? no and i was thoroughly upset about it. but i love that he did the little gay wrist limp thing when he left. whats it called again. limp wrist?? fag hand?? idk i'll remember in the morning. him acting as a coach for wayne and raj in the finale was so perfect. i love that he knows that his bf and his bf's best friend are hilariously stupid and just rolls with it. and might i add that his comment to raj before he left about him telling everyone that his boyfriend was gonna be a millionaire was the PERFECT SETUP for raj to win the season but NAH the gays can never win sadly
axel - undeniably a disappointment. dont get me wrong i love her crazy ass and i love that they gave her a soft side to her with her liking art and poetry and stuff like that but the fact that her entire character past that is her sucking face with ripper for uncomfortable periods of time kinda sucked. like ripaxel wasn't terrible and i really like how they got together but from there it was just hard to watch. and somehow, out of the three canon het ships in the reboot, these two are the most functional, so that's something
ripper - he's tolerable to watch now, still quite disgusting, but tolerable. watching him desperately go after this girl was amusing and i won't even lie i was happy for him when he and axel finally got together, but it when downhill from there real quick 💀 and his elimination was such a lame ass cop-out by the writers. the double elim couldve been like a twist or smth but ig not 😭 by ep 7 i wanted them split apart just as much as everyone else but ripper's elim was so lazy
zee - not much to say here. funny soda man. he stayed longer than i expected but im not mad about it. he stayed long enough to make a storyline but not too long that he made me mad. and the fact that pretty much everyone on the island trusted him with a secret of some sort is kinda funny to me. funny soda man
mk - booooo tomato tomato tomato. ik yall will not admit it but she was nothing without her alliance/situationship with julia. i don't dislike her at all but all the potential she had after her elim in season 1 fizzled out halfway through season 2. her dynamic w julia was pretty cool but what else did she have besides that and theodore? nothing.
damien - my. fucking. god. THEY DID MY MAN SO OUTRAGEOUSLY BAD. like it pisses me off so bad 😭 damien should've been a finalist. no questions asked, but instead they decided to boot him in favor for two heteros whose storyline lasted THE ENTIRE SEASON. highway fucking robbery. he had a storyline. he had character relationships. he had a rivalry. he had it all. but the writers thought it would be fun to keep PRIYA over him. again, highway fucking robbery.
raj - my amazing baby son who can do no wrong. i was so upset that he just barely missed out on being a finalist but omg he was so great his entire run. he and wayne are just the right amount of stupid to be tolerable, even when the jokes dont land. and oh my god his little speech before he left had me so SAD. "we won't reach the end together, but we'll always be together in the end." IM SO UPSET i love he so much
priya - the fact that this paragraph wasn't 8 paragraphs ago pretty much sums up how i feel about her. she's fine. i like her a lot. bowie still should've won season 1, but if anyone im glad it was her. still, this was the perfect opportunity to priya to realize how her parents have been policing her life since birth but instead, they turn her into an indecisive lovestruck moron that basically took up the entire season. i was bored of the priyaleb storyline after maybe 3 or 4 episodes. but lucky me, i got to see 13 episodes of it instead 😃😃😃
julia - honestly not much to say here either. she is arguably the best player the show's ever had, but idk, my only gripe about her is that her entire thing is that she's a bitch to everyone except mk. maybe it's just me but i got bored after a while. maybe its bc the only storyline we had left by the end was priyaleb but the whole time i was like "congrats, you're a terrible person, can you do something else now?" 😭 idk maybe my expectations were too high. im just not feeling her as much as i did during season 1. the mullet will eat tho. she will make it work.
caleb - booooooooorrrrrrriiiiiiiiinnnngggg. if a vanilla ice cream cone was a td character it would be caleb. he's super nice and hot asf but also annoyingly indecisive and way too easily manipulated. how are you gonna say that you know not to team up with julia then immediately do just that 😭 can we make it make sense plz. caleb is so extremely unremarkable that my thoughts for him have barely changed compared to season 1. glad he has a girl tho ig
wayne - i am so glad he won bc going into the final 4 things were looking grim 💀 but omg his little "overcoming his fears and growing as a person thing" in episode 12 was so good. and his whole team actually being there for him and not just to oppose someone else was incredible. watching them cheer for him while he had the stupid little smile on his face made my heart happy. love him so much
take this w a grain of salt bc i probably won't remember any of what i wrote in the next like two hours ok bye
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funkymanfunkytown · 2 years
my school drama cuz i need to type and copy paste it x2
and I wanna get this off my chest
since the start of the year me and ashlynn were bestie boo girlie pops!! i gave this bitch ruben a note saying "your a dingus" and i got in trouble L + ratio. anyways i liked angel. so. bad. like simping so hard. ashlynn had a sex dream of him! she called ME the man stealer??? anyways angel himself was guessing my crush. he said EVERY PERSON IN THE GRADE HAFsggshgfsGDVGS and he said at lunch,, "OMG WHO IS IT?!?!?!?!!" and i YELLED infRont OF ALL OF MY GRADE,, "IT'S YOU!!!!" my bully, jaime was across from me, he told everyone. and uh. anyways i stopped liking him. i liked luis g. somehow everyone found out??? idk people call me crazy. then i dated melissa 😜. but we broke up and she dated ashlynn. thEN I DATED GIOVANNI THE FUCKING CLASS CLOWN IDIOT THAT ASHLYNN HAD A CRUSH ON 💀💀💀💀 AND THEN I CHEATED BECAUSE GIOVANNI WAS A FUCKING DOUCHEBAG AND I DATED ASHLEY. THEN ASHLEY GAVE ME A NOTE SAYING NOBODY LIKES ME AND SHE CALLED ME A FAG 😭😭😭😭
"Ashley the bitch, Ruben the motherfucker, Jaime the trianglehead, Baldo the bitch" AND MORE.
FOR A REALLY LONG TIME IT'S JUST "i like noel hshshhs"
I LIKE AJ ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
AND JAYDA, THE BITCH SHE IS SAYS "oh we were dating he likes me yknow 🙄"
HE SMILES. AT. MEEEE. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤👹👹❤👹❤👹❤👹❤👹❤👹
ps giovanni moved away ig idk
anyways im gonna go eat cheese straight out the container 😀😃
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slitherofgold · 4 years
I loathe you Pt 1- Sam Fender Imagine
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Standing before the mirror, you were impressed with the reflection. You had made an effort with your appearance (for once) and the result wasn’t too bad. You were looking forward to tonight, finally getting the chance to catch up with the boys who had been on tour for months. You had missed them, in fact your home town didn’t feel the same without them. The plan was drinks at your local pub- the Low Lights Tavern- just so you could catch up and see how everyone was doing. Well, not everyone. Thankfully, Drew had convinced Sam not to come for your sake. It wasn’t as if you hated the guy, but he always seemed to kill the mood with his sulky attitude and blunt remarks. It was almost as if he despised you and just couldn’t stand your company, so you kindly asked Drew not to invite Sam. 
You hopped in the taxi and headed towards the tavern, getting more eager by the second to see your friends. The pub was your guys spot, whenever someone needed to celebrate, whenever someone was sad, whenever someone needed to let off a little steam, you’d always meet at this spot. 
You walked in and instantly looked towards your usual booth.You would’ve been happy to be reminded of your friends faces, but unfortunately to your dismay, Mr Sam Fender was sat with them, blatant of your arrival. You were tempted to walk back out, to come up with some petty excuse for you to leave, but it was too late, the gang had noticed you. “Y/n!”, Dean waved you over, obviously happy to see you. You quickly plastered on a smile and strutted in their direction. You were not going to let Sam ruin tonight.
“Hey guys, long time no see.” Dean squeezed up, allowing room for you to sit. Within an instant it was like they had never left. They told you stories from on tour (like Sam threatening to break into a Greggs after a particularly messy night out) and they had asked about what you had been up to too. 
“So y/n you seeing anyone”, Drew asked, whilst side-glancing towards Sam. Great, you were going to be reminded YET AGAIN that you were still single, and you were certain that Sam basked in your sad, single loneliness. 
“Yep obviously. I think I just defer guys with my presence.”
“Obviously”, Sam muttered under his breath. You pretended to ignore him but you couldn’t help but notice the sharp glance Drew gave him from across the table. He quickly attempted to assure you. “Nah that’s not true, I knew a bunch of guys who had a crush on you at school.”
“Yeah, like who?” You raised your brow out of curiosity.
“Sorry that’s classified information. I promised I’d never tell.”
“Drew, school was nine years ago.” You folded your arms across the table, waiting for an answer. 
“Yeah but it was a pinky promise and you know how sacred they are.”
“Sure, now I’m gonna go get us some more drinks before you bore everyone with my non-existent love life.” You left the table and headed towards the bar, hoping they’d change the topic by the time you’d get back. It wasn’t as if your love life was non-existent it was just very much unsuccessful. For some reason you had a certain type for dickheads, the kind who loved to walk all over you and cheat whenever they felt like it. In a way you were grateful for your chain of ex-lovers, they had made you tougher to a certain extent, and boys knew it too. In fact, most of the time, the boys refused to meet whoever you were dating. It was almost as if they could see right through each and every bloke, and decided that any guy would never be good enough for you or their time. “6 pints please.”
“That’s a lot of pints for a small thing like you.” You hadn’t even looked at the bartender, but his voice seemed to pull you out of a trance. You quickly realised how good-looking he was. He was roughly in his late 20s, dirty blonde hair and kind brown eyes. He was charming in some sort of way and he had even kinder smile. Shit, you were still staring. He must think I’ve got something wrong with me. 
“I wish they were, but I’m pretty sure you’d have to roll me out of here if I even attempted to down all six.” He laughed and started pouring out glasses, locking eyes with you every so often. “So are you new? I haven’t seen you around here before.” God, you were cringing so bad. You knew you were a bit rusty but this ‘flirting’ was just a shit-show.
“Kinda, some of my relatives live down here but I don’t live too far either. I take it you’re local?”
“Sadly, yes. Hopefully I can get out soon if my job picks up.” You were hopeful, but it was the truth. Although you loved Shields, you didn’t wanna stay here forever. 
“It’s not too bad around here, where would you wanna go, when you do get out?”
“I’ve not thought that far ahead yet, maybe down South or maybe even somewhere else in Europe.”
“I’ll have to tag along if you don’t mind.” He folded his arms across the bar and leaned down to your eye level. God, talking to this guy was so easy, you could stare into those eyes for hours. You hadn’t even realised that he’d poured all six drinks! 
“Sure, I could use the company.” You played along, silently hoping he’d take you up on the offer. 
“Isn’t your boyfriend good company then?” 
“My boyfriend?!” You gave him an unsure glance, you were certain that you were single. 
“Yeah, the guy giving me the evils.” You turned to look. “Don’t look!” He lightly grabbed your arm stopping you from turning. “God, don’t make it too obvious”, he laughed. “The guy in the white-shirt sat with you and your friends, blondish hair?”
“Ohhhhh, that’s Sam”, you laughed. “We’re not together.” 
“He’s been giving me the evils ever since you strutted on over, I took a guess thought you and him were a thing or something.”
You snorted, “Sam basically hates me, he treats me like shit or ignores me half the time.”
“Trust me, coming from a guy, he’s definitely feeling something other than hate for you.” 
“And trust me, knowing Sam for nearly 10 years, basically makes him my brother.” You couldn’t put anymore emphasis on that, you and Sam were not a thing. Period. 
“Well if you’re adamant that there’s nothing going on between you, I’d love to take your number?” You blushed but willingly took the guys phone and dialled in your number. 
“Y/n by the way.”
“Archie, lovely to meet you y/n.” He smiled and you and you smiled back effortlessly. God, his smile really was something. 
“You too, now I’d better get back to my friends before they start screaming for their beer.” You walked on ever to the group, careful not to spill the drinks. 
“Oi oi, look at you gettin’ ya flirt on”, Dean whistled. You blushed again, knowing full well that Archie could hear. 
“See told ya guys fancied you, you just can’t see it half the time.” You instantly thought back to Sam and glanced in his direction. Sure enough, he was sulking as usual. 
“I’m going for a ciggy”, Sam announced, and with that he stood up and stalked on outside- ruining the mood once more. 
“Think I might join him”, Drew said and quickly left after him. You shrugged and sat down next to Dean once more. Dean started talking about the good old days, laughing about the stupid things you guys did when you were young. 
“Remember that one time you hit by the swing playing chicken, and Sam felt so bad he pedalled home to go get you a plaster.”
“Omg and by the time he got back, I had stopped crying and we had started a new round.” 
“He was so mad, I remember he wanted you to sit out to rest your “injured” knee. It was literally the smallest cut ever!” You both laughed at the memory. You remembered that you had argued with Sam that day, you refused to sit and watch whilst the boys had all the fun. “I miss those days man”, Dean continued, “when we didn’t have to worry about anything other than going to the park after school.”
“Yeah but you enjoy tour life right? You’re travelling, meeting new people. I’m sure you got girls throwing themselves at your feet as well.” 
“That’s one bonus, I get homesick though. Actually, Sam was saying how you should come with us when we go on tour next.”
“He did?!” The news took you by surprise. He wanted to spend time with you. 
“Yeah, he said you could be our own personal groupie”, Dean chuckled. You? A groupie for Sam? You loved there music, there was no doubt about it but you weren’t sure how you felt about him as a person. You’d known him for a while but you didn’t really KNOW him that well. He was a difficult person. 
“Yeah sounds good. I missed you guys whilst you were away.”
“We all missed you too, especially Sam. It was kind of annoying actually, he complained about you not being there with us A LOT”. God, Sam just seem to escape the conversation tonight. Everything just sounded so unlike him. It never acted like this around you, and he certainly hadn’t said anything nice about you to your face. It was definitely a shock. 
“Speaking of the buggers, I’m going to see what’s taking them so long.” You needed some air anyway, it was so stuffy inside. As you reached the door you heard a quiet a conversation. You wouldn’t usually snoop but you recognised the voices. It sounded like a very important conversation. Their voices were tense yet quiet, ensuring that no one would be able to hear. No one but you obviously. 
“Drew leave it. Nothings ever going to happen between us. We wouldn’t work. We’re two VERY different people who have VERY different lives.” Sam. You wondered who he was on about, was he seeing someone? Why did you care?
“Mate you’ve had a crush on her since we were 12. I know you still like her, and you can’t deny it.”
“Yeah and so what. We date. It goes wrong. It fucks up our whole gang. Things become awkward. The end. That’s what will happen. End of.”
“Well, you’ll never know until you try. All I’m saying is that you better man up quick, otherwise someones gonna beat you to it.”
 Wait, known since 12, fuck up whole gang, that only narrows it down to one person. Me, Sam likes me, you thought, and with that, you heard the boys stomping out their fags ready to re-enter the tavern and face you once more.
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For prompts (this is gonna be so basic but I have this weird love for when secret relationships are found out) reddie being caught by the losers, or (if you want angst) being caught by Mrs K
Eddie was never one for secrets, well not with his friend, at least. His mom was a totally different story. She was a hard headed woman with hateful morals, especially when it came to the lgbtq+ community. “They’re all sinners , those disgusting parasites” she said every time they would hear something queer related on the news. Eddie would just wince and stay quiet. He hated hearing those words but didn't dare say anything against them. He couldn't bear the thought of her finding out about his secret. 
It was plain and simple, he was in love with Richie Tozier, his childhood best friend. 
They started dating about a year prior, after confessing their feelings for each other at their senior prom. Dating Richie, this far, has been a breeze because they were both out of Derry for College. Out of sight out of mind right?
Eddie has been back home for summer break for about a week and it’s been extremely hard keeping the secret to himself. Especially since his mother is constantly checking up on him. 
He saw Richie every single day, catching up on the missed time they had apart in College. They mostly hung out at the quarry with the rest of the losers, or at Mike’s farm, safe places they could just be themselves.
One morning, after staying the night at Richie’s, Eddie woke up to the most beautiful sight in the world: a quiet, sleepy Richie. He always loved the way Richie looked in the morning. Hair all messy, glasses off, lips slightly parted. 
“Man, does his lips look good in the morning, almost like their begging to be kissed”, Eddie thought and that’s exactly what he does. 
“Mmmh, good morning Eds. Someone’s excited to see me, Richie says between kisses.
“I just couldn’t resist, you just looked so peaceful and I had to ruin that”, Eddie smirks.
“ Oh you wanna make mad? Keep kissing me to see what happens when Angry Richie comes out” 
Eddie takes that as his queue to continue kissing his boyfriend. After a couple of minutes their full on making out like a couple of teenagers. They were both so entangled in each other that they didn’t hear the door from downstairs open, or the faint screams for Eddie, or the loud creaks in the staircase. The only thing they heard was the piercing scream that came out of Sonia Kaspbrak’s mouth. 
Sonia then drags Eddie out of the bedroom and out the door in record time. Richie is right behind them yelling at her to let Eddie go. She only yells in return about how HE did to her Eddie bear and how Richie was a horrible influence on him. However, Richie could only concentrate on the painful cries coming from his boyfriends lips. He was crying and shaking so much, pleading to his mom to let him go, that she was hurting him. Seeing Eddie like this broke his heart.
Richie’s attempt to get Eddie back failed. Both of them soon drove off and Richie was left crying on the sidewalk.
The car ride home was a long and silent one. The only thing heard was Eddie’s choked up sobs. When they finally pulled up in the driveway. Sonia simply said, “Were going to Bangor tomorrow, they have this camp that can help you with your sickness Eddie bear, I heard about it on the news, go pack a bag, we’ll leave first thing in the morning”
That’s exactly what Eddie did, he went up to his room and packed a bag. He wasn’t planning on staying until the morning. Instead, Eddie waited until his mother went to bed and snuck out his bedroom window. He had done this hundreds of times but this time felt different, it felt better. Like his relationship with Richie finally had a real purpose, he was meant to be with Richie and this confirmed it. 
Fifteen minutes later, he was at Richie’s window. He quietly knocked on the glass and the window opened immediately, he realized Richie was waiting, or hoping, for him to come over. 
“Eddie, baby, are you okay? Omg im so sorry I couldn’t stop her. Shit Eds, im sorry, im such a horrible boyfriend..” Richie said while tears streamed down his face.
“No ‘Chee, it’s not your fault. She’s a disgusting human being and I just got stuck with her as my mother,`` Eddie said as he wiped the tears off of his boyfriend's cheek.
“What happened? Why do you have a suitcase? Are you leaving Derry?”, Richie voice was full of concern.
“No sweets im not leaving Derry. I don’t really want to get into it right now. I just needed to leave that place once and for all, im 18, she can’t force me to stay anymore. I just, mhm, do you think I could maybe stay here until the summer break is over?”, Eddie asked
“ Yes Eddie you’re always welcome here, you know my parents love you so much. They will literally throw me out, if it meant you getting a bed in our house, Richie said as he kissed the smaller boys temple.
“Chee, she’s going to hate me forever, my own mother will disown me. How could someone even think of doing that to their child”
“I don’t know Eds, maybe it’s for the best. Starting a new life without your mother being in control of it, a life that you’ve always dreamed of, with the best best boyfriend in the world, that loves you more than anything, an amazing group of friends that will love you no matter what and my folks who love you as much as they love me. That’s your family Eds, the people that love you unconditionally.” , Richie wraps his arms tightly around his boyfriend and rubs his back until the quiet sobbing stops.
“I love you so much Richie, I don’t know what I would do without you.” Eddie inches his face closer to Richie as he says those words. Richie cups his cheeks and closes the gap between them, sharing a long passionate kiss.
“I love you too my little Eddie Spaghetti”
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Awkward Encounters While Walking My Friend’s Dog
I was in my office and just finished my paper work for the day. It was a rare occasion that there's only a minority criminal activities and we didn't had any emergency calls yet so this is a very good day so far. Fortunately, my chief told me that I can take the rest of the day off after so I'll take this chance to relax a bit at home before the kids comes home from school by Sheba's turn.
That is until I saw someone at my door who rarely wore a navy blue jacket and I knew him well enough that he doesn't wear it without a good reason. “Sam, are you attempting to shop lift right in the station?” I asked him. He shushed me. “Hey! Are you done? Kit told me that you've don't have much today. We need to get out ASAP with you.” Did he said we and with me? Who is he talking for and... why does he looked a bit bigger with that jacket that he rarely used? Lawyers do have a three piece suits but Sam had his signature yellow sweatshirts on most days and doesn't take the coat parts unless he had to.
But then I heard am animal noise and some wiggling... then it made sense.
I have a friendly dog who likes to run around You may have seen us on our daily walk
Sam have brought his dog today! “Sam, why are you hiding Tia-” He hushed again. “Félix, just finish that sh!t and let's go. I don't wanna deal with any more pot-heads today!” He really doesn't liked being with people that he gets 'bad vibes' from. I know that he's hard to get along sometimes, but I know him well that he's a really nice guy and hopefully one day he can be a bit more nicer... “Alright, just let me report these and then 'we'll' head out. That poor girl needs air.”
We frequent the river and the parks around the town When I see someone I know she'll always let me stop and talk
When we exited the station without drawing suspicions, Sam finally let out his boarder collie, Tiara. She's a very friendly and beautiful dog. I'm also her favorite human next to Sam. It might come to a surprise that I'm a bit fond of dogs but not as much since as I'm more of a 'cat' person. For some reason since I can remember, dogs liked me, even the more ferocious ones like a guard dog.
She gets a little anxious when she sees another dog But with people, she's always been relaxed
“I hate it whenever I take her for walks, there's a bunch of idiots that wanted to see her.” Sam complained. “Then why couldn't you, I don't know, take a different route?” I might not relate cause I never had dogs in my life. “Félix, I already tried it three times, I can get lost in the Amazon jungle and there's still people that wanted to talk to my dog. She's a beauty but she's not exactly that one with white gloves and worked in Disneyland.” He sighed. I know it wasn't his or Tiara's fault that people liked her, but I do understand that being in the center of attention can be daunting.
But she's not very discerning when it comes to choosing friends And there seems to be a certain type of people she attracts
“Let's stop at the local supermarket before we stop at my house. It's my turn to make dinner and I was thinking making macaronis. Would you like to join us for dinner tonight?” I'm not a five star chef but I can do more than just slapping PB and J sandwiches. It was usually Sam who covered our coffee  most of the times so I thought that this would be a nice gesture in return. “Yeah, sure, at least your cousin is out of town at the moment.”
“Why?” I asked confused. “Same reason why there's less branches in your backyard.” Ohhhhhh... Alex and Sam 'helped' to get a ball back a few days ago before he had to leave a while for 'business' reasons.
Translation: Alex refused at Sam's idea because he himself is more capable climbing trees and getting the ball than him. He pulled the tourist rule about not allowed to 'work' so Sam decided to 'reason and negotiate.' By throwing him up in the tree and then tells him off with his lawyer degree skills and the loop hole in that rule.
All the local whiners want to make friends with my dog and I'm far far too polite to walk away
We walked for quite some time and like Sam described, some people were attracted to her. If this was a dog show, she'll be winning first prize for sure. Sam was beginning to get a bit grumpier as soon as there's a few people that walked up to Tiara. “OMG! Is that your dog?” “Awww! Hey there!” “Who's a good doggie?”
They ask me lots of questions and offer their affections and I feel obliged to uncomfortably stay
I would feel a bit sad for him cause he has to deal with this, but I took that back when I looked up to him as saw that he was 'flipping' them off with both hands.
Their behavior may be crude but to ignore them would be rude and my mother didn't bring me up that way
“I found out that I could do this for a good amount of period and they still wouldn't notice it. How hilarious is that?” Sam smirked but I had to scold him and make him stop before they noticed it. All the local whiners want to make friends with my dog and I'm far far too polite to walk away
After they had their attention and noticed Sam's response, I had to scold him. “Sam! You can't put everybody on the hate list forever. Just because, and I know, there's bad people, there are also good people that really didn't meant any harm.” “ Félix, if I had to 'politely' accepted a salad dish recommendation and crap like a parrot for the next couple of days, you can at least let me steam off some 'pet peeves' or what I preferred to call some major psychotic f#king hatred.” I sighed deeply in frustration and rubbed my eyes. I swear sometimes that he must be related to Bendy like a long, lost elder brother. “Listen, I can hear your problems anytime over coffee if you promise not to do it again like that.” I offered so that way he's not gonna cause more damage. He shrugged but decided to agree. “Fine... Only because I trust you and when you're around.”
She's utterly oblivious to my concerns of their intent She runs to greet them with a wagging tail
Thankfully, the 'fans' soon resumed their ways without them noticing my friend's behavior. How can someone like him have a sweet dog like that? I decided to ask for real this time since I rarely ask about his past before he moved. “Hey Sam. I've never know how you got your dog since we've met. How did you got her?” I desperately search around for an easy exit point but the incoherent small talk starts before I have the chance to bail
He then told me the story. “Eh bien, Félix, it was when I returned back home from the war. After I reunited and returned with my twin brother, Simon, we both headed to our childhood home. Mind you, I didn't go back after that night he and my ex we're cheating on me at the time and before the war. That place was then passed on my brother since I didn't claim half of it. Which I didn't care for the old barn but anyways, I then soon found out that during those times I was 'missing,' they got married, had triplets which was a big surprise back home and what's more surprising but not that it's new by now, they look a lot like me at that age.” I can't argue with that cause I saw them in pictures and in persons at his birthday party. “I found they're really nice family. They are so-” “They're a bunch happy-jolly ranchers and I can only tolerate so much like my brother. They all drive me nuts but at least... they aren't bad.” He then said. I know that Sam's not much of an optimistic, but I do understand where he's coming from. “So apart from that, I did had a small apartment in the nearby town and build my career from law school. One day, they showed up on my rare days off and they gave me a puppy. She was from a litter in a neighboring farm and they wanted to give me a companion since I didn't have anyone and I was being 'cold' to almost anyone.”
My senses always tell me that I'm going to be mugged So I reach to get my wallet and my phone
“Well... maybe they wanted you to help you and wanted to give some affections? I get that sometimes from pets. I'm sure they really cared about you and wanted you to be happy.” “Félix, if I wanted some 'affectionate' companion at the time, I would have gone to a brothel.” I frowned a 'WTH' face at Mr. Sourpuss. But he then he got a gentle expression I occasionally see. “But... at least she's reducing my stress and well... comforts me.” I can imagine him sleeping and his dog snuggling in his bed. Most people wouldn't want dog hair in their beds but some would take the risk. He really is a nice guy deep down. I flinch as they utter unintelligible words And then sigh with relief when I detect a friendly tone
“Also, one of the best part is that she doesn't throw dishes at me when I called her mom's a bi-” “SAM!” Happy place is now temporary closed.
All the local whiners want to make friends with my dog and I'm far far too polite to walk away
We walked a bit more until we hit at a winery store. It seems like they're having some sort of a wine tasting stall outside of their store. I end up in a fug of fags and stale cider breath and I try to hide my obvious dismay
Like the previous group, they notice us and they went for the dog. How can a half drunken people be out like this at this time of the day?
She seems to be a breed that has a certain appeal to types whose diet consists of bark and boos for every meal
The owner had handed out cups of wine to both of us before he joined the others to have his turn petting the beautiful dog. Sam took mine and he dunked both cups into the drain. “White wine taste better anyways.” I would have 'remind' him again, but the dog's affections can distract people. Plus, I don't drink so he get a pass just this once.
All the local whiners want to make friends with my dog and I'm far far too polite to walk away
After a few minutes, we resumed and left those people with happy drinking. “Gee, Sam. Tiara is really is a special dog.” He laughs. “Ha! I had her for 5 years and you think I wouldn't noticed it? The kids loved her just as much.”  I agreed. We already had a cat until we lost her a few years ago. The twins barely remembered him cause they were little, but our cat was so cuddly to me and he had a fulfilling life. I was pretty sad when he died and I wasn't ready for another one since then. Not to mentioned that the twins were a bit too wild to take care for one, no matter how many times they brought up the subject and I had to remind them the responsibilities that comes with it. But at least they started to learn a bit once Tiara came into the picture. “At least it's a good experience for them. Maybe one day we can have a pet in our house once they've learned their lessons.”
I do my best to avoid certain areas of the park where the druggies and the rough teenagers dwell
We then stopped at the grocery store. Unfortunately, dogs aren't allowed. Sam then handed the leash to me “I'll go. You stay here with her. I don't want anybody so something to her like tying cans to her tail.” “But Sam, I'm the one who's in charge of-” “Where do most pasta stuff is shelved?” He reminded me. “...Top. The top shelves. I'll wait here.” I forgot that time we both got in there and it was one of those tall-short problems that got 'solved.' Sam was going to grab an item that was on the top shelves but I said I was going to grab it. That smart@ss agreed, picked me up and said 'OK, you can grab it.' Oh my Ra! That was so embarrassing! Sometimes, it was better to grab my twins than tagging with him.
I rarely venture out with her when it has gotten dark lest we catch the attention of some drunk may be well
I was enjoying some alone time and dazed for a few minutes. I rarely have this type of moments so I indulge myself to clear my head. Sadly, life doesn't go the way we planned when I saw a familiar bodyguard coming towards me. It was Boris Von Wolf. Bendy's right hand man and the second command in Alfonzo's mafia. I gritted my teeth. What is he doing here? I try to keep away when there are people hanging round the benches and the sitting walls and swings on the playground
He seems to noticed me and smirked. So of course, he walked up to me. “Well, well, well. If it isn't the 'ace' detective himself. He he! Taking the night off? Well, at least we'll be sleeping better for tonight.” I just glared at him. “I'm still not falling for your dirty tricks. You two and the rest of you scums can't fool everyone forever. One day you'll pay for what you've done for the innocents.” I spatted. He then cracked his knuckles. “Oh really? Are they ALL innocent to begin with? You're just as dumb as Bendy always said.”
Then suddenly as if out of nowhere they appear staggering hands out slurring:
He then reached out at me, or at the thought of the moment at least. I winced for impact until I heard:
“BAHHH, Who've we got here?”
I widen my eyes and turned my head next to me to see the big, bad wolf being a softie to Tiara. Oh yeah, I forgot to watch her from anyone who tried to harm her. For someone like him who detested 'good guys,' he sure has a huge soft spot for dogs. If that wasn't enough to convince you, does these words that came out of his mouth sounds like it? 'Who's a good doggie? Is it you? Is it you? Dawwwww!'
All the local whiners want to make friends with my dog and I'm far far too polite to walk away
Now this is a rare situation. It's not exactly threatening, but it isn't good either. I'm risking my friend's dog to the second most powerful man of the Chicago underworld who's infatuated with her friendly doggy charms. I was not trained for this kind of situation! As if it didn't got any worse, Sam came out of the store.
They greet me with a wink and they offer me a drink and I say thanks but it's too early in the day
He got stunned to see me and the other two. I mouthed 'I swear I didn't mean to!' He just waved and singed me to say 'I know what to do.' He then handed me the grocery bag and did a karate chop on the wolf's fedora. Hard. I choked.
Though they catch me unprepared, I've long stopped being scared I just find it hard to work out what to say
The sun hasn't set yet and they already started to light up the matched. Boris grumbled as he rubbed his head and fixed his hat. He glared up to see Sam. “Oh, what a nice, f#kng, surprise to see you here. I should have paid better attention.” He dusted himself off from invisible dust as he got up.
All the local whiners want to make friends with my dog and I'm far far too polite to walk away
Boris then got face to face and stared at Sam like it was some sort of contest. From my point of view, they're only about a head apart in height. On one side we have a football/boxing body builder type while the other was decently built but taller person. While one is close combat expert while the other is more technique planned. It's a bit of a competition in a brawl.
And then there's me with only a dog... whom she did nothing wrong.
All the local whiners want to make friends with my dog and I'm far far too polite to walk away
“I see that you're still working for pigeons, lamp post.” Boris 'greeted' “I see that you're still an ottoman for your bat brat, ya wolf skinned doormat.” Sam replied. Sam and Boris is like me and Bendy, we don't belong in the same room together. “You're just jealous that I don't have to work that hard to get anything I want such as money, love and power. There's nothing that you and the kid next to you can't compete with what we have.” Boris said. But Sam brushed it off. “I object, cause I found one thing that MY cat partner let me have that your 'cat' partner will never let you have.” He squinted his eyes. “Oh really? What is it, bird brain?”
Accessorized with diamond white and cans of special brew It's really very sweet in its own peculiar way
Sam then smug a big grin as he grabbed me and Tiara in both his arms, while he had both his hands free to 'flip' him off. “I get to keep my dog, B!!!!!!!!!!!!tch!”
Ok! Now we're gonna die, thank you Sam, you gave me a reason why I will die so young.
Though they may cause some alarm, they don't mean any harm They only want to come and have a play
I can see the shaking anger from Boris as if he's gonna go rampage. “Oh, by the way, I think that specific duck meat that only sells in here, you know, that one your cat person loved so much? I think I saw only one left. It would be ashamed if someone else grabs it before you do.” Sam suggested. That made Boris calm down a bit. “Dang! That's the only ones Bendy likes only for here! Fine, you win this time, but don't you think you'll get off easy next time. You're only lucky that it was today's special dinner. I bid you two losers an unpleasant day. ” He then entered the store.
All the local whiners want to make friends with my dog and I'm far far too polite to walk away
“Lucked out indeed. He can't beat me that easy and he knows it's bad luck to mess with a black cat, righty-o, Félix?” Sam teased. “You're old enough to know I don't say righty-o.”
Dad, if you're still watching me from above, what did I do to deserve a friend like him and where would I be without him?
----Author's notes-----
Haaaaaaaaaah! I'm lagging nowadays! I wanted to do stuff but I just MEH!
So at least One-shots are faster and better. So I did made a story with my personal OC fave with his dog. It's a boarder collie, so they're very eye catching.
The song inspired this was Awkward Encounters While Walking My Dog by Thomas Benjamin Wild Esq
There is also that Felix the cat catch phrase ‘Righty-o’ I bet that Felix really doesn’t like to do it for some reason. Which on the other hand, my OC was based on the fruit loops mascot with his catch phrase of ‘Just follow your nose!’ which I could see him doing that but added: cause I can smell bullsh!t with mine!
I know that Boris is loyal to Bendy and would do anything, but I bet that he wouldn't harm any dog unless it's threatening his buddy. Including police dogs if there are any in the main BBTIM AU.
So I hope that everyone is doing well so far during these times. I know that there is a lot going on including recent events these past few weeks, but I do wish everyone the best.
BBTIM humanized characters belong to @marini4 and OC humanized Sam Toucan is mine.
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myvelouri · 5 years
I need to be really open
Right now I'm about to post totally openly and it's going to beong because my night was long
So I was at the bar and the girl buddy I wrote about who didn't remember me, who used to remember me when she ran into me back then... Yeah she didn't remember me and it hurt my feelings really badly. Look, it just did, okay? I don't forget people I've had coffee with under funny circumstances and people uve bonded with. She used to support my depression and all that and was totally into me back then as she's the one who told me I have awesome hair and always wanted to tell me
Yeah that was her back then, just fucking only 3 years ago, it's not even that long, let alone I texted her just a few months ago
My heart breaks a bit. And she was there with a buddy of mine. I didn't know he'd be there. I felt so hurt by that? Because I thought me and her were hella cool... We used to text jokes about this guy in a class. I just can't believe you'd forget me
I can't
Especially since she thought I was attractive AND THEN we had a bonding moment over coffee one day
I'm so hurt, I can't explain it, I don't know if it's okay for me to feel this way, I don't know if it's wrong to feel this way. .. I'm just very HURT and it makes me want to cry, I'm not crying, but it feels like it and I just... I don't understand and I can't shake the awkwardness. I met her and she still didn't remember me. I had to explain to her who I was and it felt so unnatural
I still feel woozy about that! I hated that! I did! My buddy told me she said to him "I think I know that guy" REALLY?! Bro it's not like me and her were acquaintances. Omfg. We were seen together plenty times
WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO FEEL? It's not like I was trying to fuck her or anything, I just felt like it was a special connection when I met her. Not that we were close but she was one of those rare open people and thought we'd never forget each other
It makes me a little sick to my stomach, as in, just feeling, I don't know why, and to know she didn't want to hang with me but hung out with Eric... I'm just so confused!! I can't do this right now! Not right now! Too much, it's too much right now!
Okay so I was outside at the bar very sad and slum. I got to the bar and ordered another drink. The waitress there, the one that hates me, she was here so I tried to be nice and asked "how are you doing?" And she ignored me, and I said her name, kaeton, I was like, "kaeton??" And she still ignored me. Suffice it to say my heart felt even more hurt. The more and more I try to give myself, the more and more I'm being shut down..
I just wanted to die at that point
So I went outside to write to myself with my new beer
Suddenly a fight is happening. I interject cause they came my way, two dudes and the small one is toast. So I help the big one out and say yo, here come here, chill, and I tried to sit them down. And then the big one pushed me as if I'm an enemy and said "NAH GET OUT OF MY WAY, HES MY NEPHEW" and I said BRO CHILL, IM HERE TO HELP, ON YOUR SIDE. And later he apologized to me saying he's sorry he was like that and that it indeed was his nephew who was causing the scene. I said I know they man, I wanted to stop you guys from tumbling over people. He was cool man. We talked afterwards. No problem at all. Chill dude. Infact the waitress that hates me? I am pretty sure she gave him her number. Doesn't matter
So guess what? Another fight breaks out from that. Again came my way. I saw the two bartender guys that work there. Casey and Calvin. I know them somewhat. I'm a regular at this bar bro. And I see this dude pushing Calvin around and I got so upset that I went up and stopped him, grabbed him by the neck (the drunk douche) and said nah, chill, you're out bro and he started calling me "what? YOU FAG, YOU FUCKING GAY FAGGOT" because of the way I look. And I was quick to remark about his dumbass appearance about his glasses and cap combo. And he kept going but my skinny ass was able to push him out the door. And I bumped into Sam, my other favorite waitress there who I've slowly gotten close to. I'll tell you more about that. She was a bit frazzled by it all. And I accidentally made her drop drinks on herself as she was trying to serve someone else but that's cause I was getting angry and talking mad shit back to this douche bag I was pushing out by the neck. And Casey, not Calvin, but Casey, pushed me out of that grip and I understood, to let go and let the people working here take care of it. I didn't mean to be bad. I was just upset seeing one of the workers here that I like being pushed around so rough. It wasn't okay. And like. Yeah
So when I came back to the outside, lots of people came up to me. Some said wow, wtf happenened, we saw, you were involved and we were like WTF
Others, like Eric saw it and then he left cause he said he didn't want to see drunkards brawling. In my heart I thought, wow, Eric, I wasn't, I was pushing him out because the drunkard was ALREADY hitting the wait staff.
Anyway, other people came up to me and told me "wow bro when he called you a fag? Dude nah I almost ran in there and knocked him out, I'm surprised you didn't, he called you a fag so many times" and I said "yeah I was getting to that point but Casey stopped me"
Um, girls started looking at me and smiling at me. I don't know why but girls thought it was attractive that I pushed out a douche bag out of the bar, whilst being called a fag and horrible names. Idk man.
A lot of people came up to me. I didn't even realize everyone was watching. To me it lasted a second. To everyone else telling me about it, they said it lasted a good 6 minutes straight
Okay so I went to Steve's house with Ronnie and Hector. Love these dudes. Steve is hella old but he's awesome. We smoked and drank. We got hungry so me, Ronnie and Hector went to whataburger. We ate and suddenly Sam, the waitress from the bar came over and scared me..I was HOLY SHIT WTF HOW
she said she was driving and saw us so she came in to eat with us. Ugh sam is so cute. She's been so hot this entire time. She's the one who I accidentally spilled a bit of beer on as she was trying to serve it, remember? And so after that happened, I went up to her and said "hey, I'm sorry I spilled that on you, Sam" and she was so surprised I was like this (it's just me) and she was like "omg you're so sweet" and was like "no it's fine" so fast forward to whataburger. Ya man. Hector left and Ronnie left. It was just me and Sam. And the guy working at Whataburger was trying to fuck sam. Poor guy, bless his heart, he has a crush on Sam, and, you know, she just doesn't like him. So she told me to help her sneak out when he isn't looking. And I did lol. So me and her started talking a lot outside. And the dude comes out and says to her "hey Sam, I'm about to smoke a cigarette, wanna join me?" Literally has balls trying to cock block ME. I MEAN, I wasn't trying to fuck Sam, I'm just saying to HIM it looked like I was kinda with her and had been with her a while alone, so for him to come up, was ballsy. Like bro, you for real?
She brushed him off. And she looked at me and said "come on" and I asked her "Bro why are you acting like he has a chance?!" And she said she has to because she comes here to eat often at nights hahaha. I said okay, totally understandable hahahaha
And then she told me, I grew on her. She's seen me many nights and has seen who I am. And she finally sees the real me. She said she appreciates me and wants to hang out and stuff. I was surprised. I felt appreciated greatly. Especially after such an awful night. Which is still affecting me. I don't know how Jenny forgot me. I can't believe I was trying to call her Emily at first. Awful. It was an accident, not that she heard me. But, wow, she didn't remember me at all.
It hurts still... Because that means I've gotten so so ugly to the point where girls who used to think I was hot as fuck don't even recognize me anymore (that's how ugly and different I've gotten physically) oh no I'm gonna cry. I can't take it
The end of tonight was good! Why can't I accept that!
I'm actually tearing up
This is so awful
What is wrong with me
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patricianandclerk · 5 years
liveblogging episode 1
hhhh i already love the scrapbook style and the NARRATION, I'm in LOVE
I'm loving how much stuff is just... the same as the book??? like!! guh. remiiiix.
"it starts, as it will end, with a garden"
i love that the hem of aziraphale's robe in the beginning is kind of unfinished and fraying it's... a great look.
tue TATTOO i die!!
i can't believe aziraphale is all but screaming "top me" within SECONDS
why is crowley such a fucking HOMO im CRYING
"i don't think you can do the wrong thing..." the "do me" is silent, i think
im dying at aziraphale SHIELDING him. with his wing like he doesn't NEED to!!! and crowley doesn't even ASK! he just sidles. under!!! god im d y i n g
God hastur and ligur... why are they EVEN MKRE MARRIED than aziraphale and crowley? big respect
GOD THE MUFFLED MUSIC FROM THR CAR!! i cry. what a FAG i LOVE him. he's so WEIRD... also why does he need to sashay his HIPS like that
also I'm sorry to sound like I'm prejudiced against posh english cunts, it's just that i am, and crowley sounds fuckin DRUNK the WHOLE TIME
"Glorious tool" jesus WEPT
also why is cumberbend even IN this, jesus, so unnecessary
im,,,,, he's so hot
"its sushi... its nice..."
gabriel didn't need to be this homo but im. so grateful
aziraphale is so AWKWARD with gabriel and i diiiie.
the score is so fucking good?? im love!
i love the CARD thing!!!! god crowley looks so FUCKED i LOVE him... god i REALLY love his... vibe. he's so different to book crowley but IM INTO IT
GOD the dowlings are SO unbearable its LEGIT
aaah i LOVE the lil black and white shot of what the winks mean!!!! this is so CREATIVEly shot and conceived and im. into!!! the whole thing
also mary is so dumb and I'm just like... big respect
Americans are so,,,, "warlocke??? YAAAS" its wild
aziraphale...... u fag.... im crying
"heaven will finally triumph over hell" just say you want to top, you dumb slut
ans crowley oh my god APPEALING to his HEDONISM im. DYING, he's so m e a n
crowley's hair is so pretty and i also just... cry over aziraphale LOVING food and crowley WATCHING him? the whole time?
"for special occasions..."
"brain city, whales" yeah bc u don't have a fucking brain you stupid thot oh my god
they're so DUMB
lads that's so GROSS why do you have to DO it like that
hastur omg you bastard im love!!
why is crowley so good at pushing all of aziraphale's buttons like he's the gayest fucking accordion ever im DYING... "we'll be godfathers, sort of" and the SOFT SMILE im. CRYING
"its not that bad when you gey used to it"
utterly Horrible and I Hate It.
also I'm sorry but i absolutely hate the lullaby. not that it isn't well written! not that it isn't CUTE! just that my whole body is EMBARRASSED by how fuckinh extra it is
i do appreciate how they made warlock is a lil tiny tim parody and is equally annoying
I LOVE HELLS Design!!!!
also crowley's stupid man bun thing it's so cute... and also heaven? i also love that design and it's equally creepy and weird
i really love how thr angels have their lil bits of gold and silver!!!
aziraphale's glasses...
hilarious that they gave warlock a fuckin snape hairdo jesus wept
crowley: we could kill him, y/y?
aziraphale is so soft and upset and im,,,,
it's interesting to have this as crowley TEMPTING him bc it's so traditional and it's really interesting that like... crowley is trying to tempt him but aziraphale just wants? jim?
also the magic is SO cute!
aziraphale is SO adorable and im,,,,
also i know WHY a twelve year old didn't call him a faggot but like, to be fair... he is one...
GOD THE CAKE IM WAILING also the slick way crowley just slithers out
idk I'm interested in the way they've put some of thr traits around... not jsut aziraphale reviving the dog, but that killing the boy is crowley's idea originally - it is a more traditional angel /demon split, which makes sense, given that its for tv and these chars are gonna be simpler?
idk i stand by the fact that I'm treating these as diff chars in a separate fandom
esp bc like... idk, brian and wensleydale are... idk, i never imagined brian as a little thin boy lol, so that's a bit of a? wensleydale also looks... cute, rather than being a little weirdo
"i know what you smell like!" fucking hell
but also like. idk it's interesting that crowley is more... explicitly lying to head office, and thst aziraphale is way more like
oh you must not lie, even to other demons? hm. yes!!!
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klanceficatalogue · 7 years
First kisses maybe? Fluffy ones
im so weak for fics like these omg - Karri
first kiss tag
Sweet Tooth by AmbitiousSkychild (1/1 | 7,276 | General)
Lance has to go to the dentist for a root canal and knows they’re gonna give him the happy gas. He’s got a secret, and a general knowledge on what usually happens to secrets when happy gas is involved, so his one request is that no one tells Keith.
Of course, Hunk tells Keith.
Or: Doped-up Lance can’t stop shamelessly hitting on Keith and Keith needs HELP.
Keep Kissing Me by RinHaruismyOTP (1/1 | 1,964 | General)
They’re nearing Lance’s stop. “You coming to Hunk’s on Wednesday?” he asks, gathering his things together. Keith looks over at him.“Don’t know yet,” he says.Lance wants to beg him to come. But that would be way too obvious, right? “All right,” he says instead, pressing the stop button. “See you later.” He kisses Keith on the cheek and stands, walking off the bus and down the road to his shared apartment.It’s almost an hour later that he realises what he’s done.
Of space furry and bisexuality by SpaceBae (1/1 | 1,977 | Not Rated)
When they find out Keith is Galra, the team doesn’t take the news too well. Lance thinks it doesn’t change anything.—“but yeah. I’m just, so disappointed in all of them. They got no problem with me but they go about spreading the same hate I lived through just because we find out you’re different. And it’s not like either of us chose to be. God knows if we could decide what we were born as we’d go the easy way eh? No need in being the weird ass almost a fag but still straight passing or the semi murder alien child”
“Lance you’re totally val-”
Lance seems to sense the conversation’s mood going down so he just grins and turns to Keith.
“I mean what I’m trying to say is, you didn’t decide to be a furry so I still love you”
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argylemikewheeler · 7 years
omg, can i just first off say how much i love your account and writing???? it’s awesome my dude! prompt idea: steve protecting will and mike from bullies after they come out, and the kids and steve just having a lot of moments of love and cuteness
minor homophobic language. but major big brother!Steve. also ily anon
Somehow, Steve Harrington started driving Mike to school. He picked up the entire party, actually– except Will since his mother still insisted she see him off to school everyday. Steve switched seamlessly from driving Nancy to school to her brother and his two friends. Mike didn’t mind the excuse to avoid the bike ride in the cold weather. It was also nice to have a high schooler drop Mike off at middle school– he needed every perk he could get before hitting high school himself. Steve didn’t mind being seen with them and picking them up from AV club. Steve was a pretty alright big brother, if Mike had to put him to it.
Wednesday morning, Mrs. Byers was earlier than usual and Will was leaning up against the bike rack as Steve pulled up. Mike waved from the backseat, Lucas and Dustin behind him.
“Alright, last stop, gents. Everyone out!” Steve said, clapping his hands on the steering wheel. “I’ve got a hot date with first period history I cannot be late to again.”
“Thanks, Steve.” Dustin said, clapping his shoulder before sliding out the driver’s side, Lucas and Mike getting out on the passenger side.
Mike made a direct line from the car to Will, smiling and holding a hand out to take his, if only for a moment before going through the front doors; Lucas was already trying to find Max in the mass of moving students. It was only fair. Unfortunately, before Mike’s hand could even reach Will’s, a body intercepted his vision of Will, strong arms pushing him back and shouting down at him.
“Get that shit out of my school, fairy!” The boy looked familiar but Mike hadn’t learned his name yet. He knew the minute he learned it, he’d have the subconscious need to report him. He didn’t want to get involved. “You disgust me.”
“Thank you.” Mike grumbled, rolling onto his knees and pushing himself to his feet. Will stood against the bike rack, afraid to move any closer.
“Are you okay?” He asked quietly, eyeing the people staring at him. The boy was still loitering, looking at Will with terrifying focus. Mike nodded, grinning at Will to try and avoid the tense frown trying to form as he felt blood spread through the knees of his new corduroys. Hopefully the mud would  block some of the stain.
“What did I say?” The boy came back again, shouldering Mike back as he stepped up to Will. “Get that fag shit away from here, Wheeler. You have no place here!”
“Hey hey hey, what did you just say to him?” Mike whipped around to see Steve climbing out of his illegally parked car. His sleeves were rolled and Mike could see his forearm flex as he curled and uncurled his fingers into a tight, firm fist. Dustin and Lucas were walking back towards Mike and Will, noting the mud on his pants and the fearful stare on Will’s face.
“Oh, is your Mommy here, Wheeler?” The boy said, spitting a laugh at Steve.
“I asked you a question, dicknose.” Steve said, stopping by Mike and placing a hand on his shoulder. “What did you just say to Mike?”
“I called him a fag. Do you know what that word means?” He teased Steve, folding his arms and staring up at Steve like he was an eclipse, the shadow casting over his face but his eyes squinted in anger. “It’s what you call freaks that deserve it enough to be dead.”
“Wrong answer.” Steve laughed, grabbing the kid by the front of his shirt and lifting him off the ground. “Now, I know that your brain is far too puny to jostle around in your head, but I’m only going to say this once, understood? You leave Mike and Will alone. By themselves. Unbothered by you. Understand?”
“Oh, and you think I’m scared of you?” The boy’s words faltered but he acted like they were barbed enough to slice through Steve’s grip. It only made it stronger. “You’re just a pussy.”
“And you are one remark away to being a name on a gravestone, do you understand me?” Steve said, shaking the boy in his grasp. “They aren’t hurting you. And frankly, hating gay people isn’t cool, asshat. You shouldn’t be scared of them because they are different or whatever the fuck you think they’ll do to you. You should be scared because gay people can kick your ass just as much as any straight person.”
“Oh yeah?” The kid laughed, his feet kicking out towards Steve lamely.
Steve pulled the kid to his nose, staring into his eyes like he was trying to pierce his eyes with invisible pins. “Yeah. I’d know.” He dropped the boy, his knees buckling and collapsing at Steve’s feet. He scrambled back, sputtering and trying to snap back at Steve. Mike grabbed Will by the shoulder and pulled him out of the way of the boy’s clambering run. Steve put an arm on Mike’s shoulder, his hand resting on Will’s back.
“Why’d you say that?” Will asked, peering up at Steve. Steve was watching the boy scamper away with a stiff expression, not holding the expected prideful smirk. “You aren’t gay… Are you Steve?”
“No. But, I mean, why does he need to know that?” Steve shrugged. “I just bought you guys guaranteed fear for the next four years. As far as he’s concerned, you guys are going to become me. And I mean, come on, you should be so lucky.”
“I don’t think that’s how it works.” Mike muttered, squinting at Steve. “I don’t think he thinks that.”
“Well,  then it looks like I have to start walking you to your first period.” Steve said, clapping them both on the back. “I can scare a few thirteen-year-olds. No problem. I’ll teach you how.”
“I want to know how to pick them up by their shirts!” Will said, laughing and leaning against Mike’s side. He flexed his arms jokingly, pretending the shirt was ripping around his arms.
“You’re gonna need the space girl for that, noodle-arms.” Steve said, winking at Will. “But maybe I can get Mike to do the heavy lifting for you. You can do all the insults.”
“Good cop, bad cop!” Will agreed, folding his arms and mulling the idea over. He nodded at Steve and he clicked his tongue at him, winking again.
“I just saw Kevin go in running. Is everything okay?” Dustin asked, partially laughing at the scared bully. He watched from a distance but hadn’t heard the exchange, hadn’t heard Steve’s tactic.
“Perfect.” Steve said, shrugging as if it was a simple question. “Just some people pushing my buddies around. We’re all good. You? Have anyone I need to push around?”
“No. No, we’re okay.” Lucas shook his head, looking to his friends for agreement.
“Yeah, us too. Thanks, Steve.” Mike said. He adjusted his bag on his back and reached down for Will’s hand. He reached back with a strong grip, neither of them scared with their friends slowly circling around them. Mike had never felt that happy at school before; maybe the rest of eighth grade wouldn’t be a horrible experience. He’d always have his friends– and Steve. “We better get going… Shouldn’t you too Steve?”
“Yeah, don’t you have a quiz or something?” Will spoke to Steve although he was staring at his and Mike’s hands.
“Nah. I’d rather be a part of changing history than just listening to some old guy teach it.” He said, still standing tall beside them. He scanned the entrance, his eyes dragging over to students that loitered for too long. “You guys are more important than any goddamn quiz.”
“Ew, you sound like our parents.” Lucas laughed, shaking his head with a scrunched up face.
“Fine. Let me rephrase.” Steve cleared his throat and placed his hands on his hips looking at each boy directly. “You dipshits don’t deserve this garbage. Better?”
“Better.” Mike nodded. He and Will began walking towards the school, turning back to speak to Steve one last time. “See you at three?”
“I’ll be here.” Steve promised. “I’m always going to be here.”
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pilferingapples · 7 years
A Monolingual American Liveblogs the Eurovision Semifinals , by request!, part 2
Previously!! There were way too many ballads, but Sax Guy and Emo Blackboard Horse Businessman act got in!
..and now there is Hostly Banter(tm). Why must there be. 
I DO really like the hosts' flower suits though! Especially the one that goes across his suit and shirt. 
...Okay I guess Timur is the nerd. 
...oh no are they trying to do a musical number 
YOU CAN'T BEAT LOVE LOVE PEACE PEACE (and a flaming fake pianoooo) 
...Ukrainian Style  ...maybe this will be awesome?
Okay that was in fact super awesome! Clearly about eighty zillion references I didn't Get, but I liked it!
...how do they stop people from voting for their own countries? Area codes on phones? Does that even work with cell phones?
-okay first song is another...frigging...power ballad. Yes your pipes are very good, and also I don't care.  - SHIRTLESS DANCING GUY FOR NO REASON THIS IS SLIGHTLY MORE LIKE IT.  - ...who organizes the visuals in these? like, is there a per-country team? is it the singer? what happens? 
- I really love what they're doing with the giant screens in the floor and overhead  and all, there's been a lot of neat effects!
-....Austria you aren't living up to the disco moon
-it's a perfectly pleasant light bouncy song, it's just, you know. EmoBlackboard Reverse Centaur set the bar high for me. 
-...this song is pretty repetitive but at least it's not about being in love. 
The Great Austrian Hero seems like a nice guy?  
-....did they just...forget? the voiceovers for the first two performer intros? 
Macedonia gets one at least!
PROMISING START MACEDONIA,I like the fringey black sequin thing happening! Also the disco club rock!
I guess when your song is called "I Dance Alone" it sort of limits choreography options. 
HELLO MALTA  -oh noooo another white dress ballad??  -I don't like 90 percent of ballads in musicals or on the radio and apparently it being on Eurovision doesn't change anything there  -GIANT SIGH
-OMG THE GLITTER LIGHT CANNON THIS IS WHAT I'M HERE FOR  -INTIMATE ROCK YODELING MY HEART  -Honestly I should probably stop watching now what can beat that 
-...no don't Ballad me  -...at least it's upbeat! 
-HUNGARY  Come on Hungary you look awesome , look at that xylophone shirt 
-Okay that was super fun with the dancing and the FIRE JETS and all 
-DENMARRRRK  -...solo female singer Bodes  -...yep  - I don't even know if this actually counts as a ballad but it's This Kind of Song , the kind that makes me think it's time to tag  up my Tumblr drafts
COME ON IRELAND  -okay there's the balloon we were promised but that's not gonna make up for this song being This Song if there's not a dramatic tone shift coming  -the visuals are VERY good though, I like the balloon and the mountains a lot
-ooh San Marino looks very promising!  -COSPLAY IT :D 
-...now I want cotton candy
-ETERNALLY 80s  OMG  - I need my roller skates back this is super fun 
-CROATIA GO FOR IT  -okay impressive vocal shift dang  -I want his gloves 
-that was fun 
-ominously cheerful light-masked instrumental thing is a good start  - this is one seizure -inducing background, yikés 
-"I'm gonna kill that voice in my head" is the most #relatable sentiment I've heard in this whole show honestly 
-Switzerland has a better yellow dress than Disney made >_> 
-..sorry Switzerland this isn't your fault 
-...I gotta say mythically speaking Apollo doesn't seem that hard to get 
- like really do you have to chase him
-Time to remember the true star of the show: The Eurovision App 
-JIM HE'S 17 
-Bulgaria sent a  CHILD  -I can't comment on this coherently I'm too old , I'm just going GOOD FOR YOU KID -WHOO DUO FOR LITHUANIA  The duos are mostly rocking this show so I'm excited 
- HER HAIR  -that's some 1830s level verticality
-...wait, do I know this song?  -...I totally know this song  -.HOW DO I KNOW THIS SONG?? I live under SEVERAL ROCKS??
-HI ISRAEL you look high-energy, please be so
If the Romania Rock Yodel doesn't win a spot there's no Point to Life 
...is the Verka thing every year? is there Lore I should know? 
- I love how happy and bouncy the crowd is!
-I'm gonna need Belarus to win a spot too for sure 
-okay the Apache Crew dance is REALLY cool-looking
...I REALLY HATE THE SUPER SLOW DELIVERY OF RESULTS  -awww Baby Bulgaria Eurovision got in!  BELARUS!:D   Yay Croatia!YAY HUNGARY!:D 
honestly I'm either delighted or happy about almost all of this round's finalists! There were a lot of really fun performances, yay! 
And if Sweden gives me access to the finals, I'll watch it to root for them!:D 
This has been an ignorant USAn watching Eurovision! 
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This is a long vent/mind dump. I’m typing this out to keep preoccupied and not binge. I’m going to shove it all under the cut so that you don’t have to read this D I S A S T E R.
I cannot believe that this fucking POS (he’s not a pos, I love him) THAT THIS POS TOOK SONGS FROM OUT PLAYLIST AND PUT THEM IN his playlist. Like I should stab him for that. Maybe after his 3rd time being stabbed by someone he will stop being so dumb >>
Ugh he is so much prettier than me. Like I’m gross and short and fat and covered in acne my skin is SO FUCKING ugly and my teeth are hfudihgdi and ughhhhh. NOT TO MENTION HIS EYES ARE !! He has a stupid nose though. My nose is cuter... and I’m not a lil bitch so *shrugs*
BUT HE CHOSE HIM OVER ME BUT THEN SAID HE WANTS TO MARRY ME AND NOT HIM....HOW THE EVER LIVING FUCK DOES THAT MAKE SENSE????????????????????????????????? no please. if you are reading this make sense of that for me cause I cannot process that information XD
Can I just rip my organs out?
I finally broke my plateau and I WANT TO FUCKING BINGE. BUT I CANT BECAUSE IF I END UP OVER 110LBS AGAIN I WILL THROW MYSELF OUT A WINDOW..... i wanna munch tho. nomnomnomnom
im going to stop with the caps now. i wanna read my book but my brain is too foggy to focus. I have vegan pasteries down stair and I have had 2 today if I eat another one i know I will get so fat that I will actually become a whale and then die cause I’m out of water. 
I’m so over being in recovery (for my surgery).  I want to be able to actually do something but I am stuck here in my house not able to do anything cause I can barely move my arms. I did sneak out and skate a lil bit because I could not take it anymore. It was risky but idgaf. 
I wanna do c r a f ts .
Like so bad for no reason. Like I just need something to keep my mind occupied besides food. Because I feel like thinking about food is making it harder to not want to eat all the time.
I wish I could work out. I feel myself getting flabby. But any strain make my body feel ickkkkkk right now. 
Should I make an about me post and pin it to my profile...? I guess so.
I really should have stayed in therapy with that one lady, cause she really was gonna test me for ADD and like...I really do be having it.
I wish I didn’t spend my life just killing time and actually did shit LOL
Every time I think about that I want to just shoot myself
THINGS I could do if I had just stuck to them instead of choosing to just scroll through endless social media and jack off all day:
Speak Japanese... and korean.... and german
Do cool skate board tricks
Play guitar, bass, and piano
How to sew, embroider, reupholster furniture, and do other cool crafty hand on things like that
How to stick and poke
How to actually draw/paint and not have it look like a 6th grader on deviantart who just discovered anime did it
Read like at least 20 books so far this year
My astrology and tarot website/buisness would still be relevant and maybe I’d actually have some customers
Have a consistent youtube channel (that would def have a following if I had kept it up from when I first started 11 years ago)
Have friends
Doing work in the community
Going to protests
Traveled to different states and just experienced more of life
The list could keep gong but I am over this part of the rant.
I want this shit head to message me back, but he’s not.
I guess I am just going to go to bed alone, hungry, crying, sad.
I hate this shit.
i hate this “life”.
0 notes
hirameki-amour · 6 years
Bored but here are some facts about me
0: Height
5 foot 9
1: Virgin?
Sadly, yes
2: Shoe size
About 12 or 13
3: Do you smoke?
Nope and I never will
4: Do you drink?
Yes. Oh, you meant like alcohol? Then no. I only drink water. Yeah, I’m no fun.. 
5: Do you take drugs?
Nope and never will I ever take drugs. Unless it’s like prescribed medicine from doctors
6: Age you get mistaken for
Umm... I don’t have an answer for this surprisingly. I need to get out more..
7: Have tattoos?
8: Want any tattoos?
Maybe temporary ones on my ankle? Like a leo sign?
9: Got any piercings?
10: Want any piercings?
Maybe? I do want to wear earrings
11: Best friend?
Am I allowed to tag her? @thoubbles I dont even got followers so you ain’t gonna be exposed, queen
12: Relationship status
Single af. Currently looking though
13: Biggest turn ons
Masculine, A wonderful laugh, a nice talking and/or singing voice, a bit of cockiness, tends to geek out on things they love, lots of flirting, loyalty, honesty, being random in public, great sense of humor, taller than me, likes to make sex jokes, high sex drive, a bit of protectiveness and jealousy.
14: Biggest turn offs
A guy who is too cocky, very feminine, callous, lazy, controlling, and non-romantic.
15: Favorite movie
Oh god that is hard.. It’s between Mean Girls and Disney’s Tangled.
16: I’ll love you if
Treat me right, you are honest, you are loyal, and remain true to yourself. 
17: Someone you miss
My cousins and my best friend
18: Most traumatic experience
Probably being betrayed by everyone I was supposed to love and trust. Basically most of my childhood and teen years.
19: A fact about your personality
I’m fucking random. Idk how my friends and family are able to handle me. Seriously I do weird shit and my mind jumps around a lot.
20: What I hate most about myself
I can be a bit of a bitch when I’m stressed. Sorry qq
21: What I love most about myself
I am able to make my friends laugh like crazy bitches and idek how. 
22: What I want to be when I get older
Probably just a wonderful husband, father, friend, and family member but being a singer/actor/comedian wouldn't be bad either
23: My relationship with my sibling(s)
We are all pretty close. We just don’t like admitting it.
24: My relationship with my parent(s)
It’s pretty eh. Ever since I came out things have been iffy and a little intense. Asian parents, so behind their time.
25: My idea of a perfect date
Honestly, doing anything with my boyfriend would be fine. Well, not going to the jungle. Anything but the jungle. Though I do love amusement/theme parks so that would set the bar high and probably some good fucking later on. ;P
26: My biggest pet peeves
I’m a fucking germaphobe. Anything dirty will trigger me. Especially plates. They have to be properly washed, honey.
27: A description of the girl/boy I like
I fucking love this question. Okay, here I go *cracks fingers*
A man who loves to laugh, smile, and crack jokes. Someone isn’t afraid of his emotional and eccentric sides. Someone a little more mature and stable than I am. A man taller than me if possible. Rather masculine. A top or vers. Enjoys dark humor and has a sense of humor. A man who is playful and a flirt. A dog person. Confident. Very loving and caring. Aggressive. Protective. Family person. Loyal and Honest. Open minded.
28: A description of the person I dislike the most
Too cocky, hateful, callous, revengeful, bitter, super petty, materialistic, selfish, lazy, abusive.
29: A reason I’ve lied to a friend
Either to protect them. being super fake, or hiding my feelings.
30: What I hate the most about work/school
Idek. School is good for pre K to Senior year but I wish teachers were better at teaching. I know not all are bad but damn some just dont give a fuck. 
31: What your last text message says
“Bruh I’m gone *three laughing emojis*”
32: What words upset me the most
Fag, Weak, Loner, Fat ass, Fake, Bitchy
33: What words make me feel the best about myself
Funny, Random, Friendly, Generous, Kind, Caring, Genuine, Sensitive, Great listener, Bright, Warm, Romantic, Sexy, Magnetic.
34: What I find attractive in women
I’m not bi/pan/straight/asexual but I guess I can still answer this
Flowing hair, confidence, great smiles, great fashion sense
35: What I find attractive in men
Ugh almost everything? I kind of already answered something like this via the “turn on’s”
36: Where I would like to live
I like being up here in the north of the US but it wouldn’t hurt being in California. Especially LA or Hollywood.
37: One of my insecurities
I have minor trust issues still. I also have body-image problems at times. I also am insecure about my singing voice.
38: My childhood career choice
Omg I wanted to be an anime artist for the longest time. Lord I still kind of want to be one. Not really though. Maybe one day I’ll show start drawing anime again?
39: My favorite ice cream flavor
Strawberry, Neapolitan, or Mint Chocolate chip.
40: Who wish I could be
Ariana Grande 
41: Where I want to be right now
Living my own in the cities or the future where I’ve already met my future hubby
42: The last thing I ate
Peanut butter chocolate wafer
43: Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately
Chris Evans or Josh Dallas
44: A random fact about anything
I like to research about astrology
0 notes
kaitsunnonichijou · 7 years
Me as soon as OP kicks in.
Damn, it’s been a seriously long time since the prequel TV series. Do you know how much I’ve waited for this?
… although that’s kind of an understatement.
I’m a huge fan of both Negima and UQ Holder manga series, so I might go into complete fangirl mode throughout this article. So, what do we talk about first? I thought about dividing this first impression review into three categories that highlights this episode’s strengths and weaknesses. But before that, episode synopsis below. Let’s start!
Highlight and read at your own risk!
Years after the Great Magic War and the existence of magic finally acknowledged on Earth, Konoe Touta and his group of friends continuously pursued Yukihime, his foster guardian, to take them to the other side of the “tower”. When the seemingly effective plan from another teacher took a completely different turn, Yukihime’s secret about Touta’s real identity was revealed.
General Impressions:
Here I am, after 80 years: The anticipation
Watching this episode felt like reading Chapter 1 of UQ Holder all over again, with quite a few alterations here and there. But the changes didn’t matter to me because I was so impressed with how good this episode turned out to be. It was solid from flashback start until the ending credits to the point I was satisfied and proud of this fandom that I’ve involved myself in. The Negima manga series holds a special place in my heart (more than K-ON, I admit) to the point that I felt complete and empty at the same time when the original manga ended five years ago. I wanted to continue on my journey with them. I wanted to know what happened after the Great Magic War. I wanted to see them again… until UQ Holder came and answered all questions Negima has left.
Being as a sequel, it’s peculiar to see that one doesn’t need to watch the entire first season because honestly, the prequel was a downer and didn’t do justice to the original manga. Also, some of the events on UQ Holder won’t make that much sense if you only watched the prequel anime. I advise everyone to read the Negima manga completely just so you won’t be confused with UQ Holder.
To be honest, I feel like talking about theories like immortality and how does it feel like for this episode but I think that topic’s gonna pop out more in the following episodes, so I’m just keeping the hype going and talk about the episode in general. But, seriously. Yukihime has so far given us a perfect answer; as expected of a vampire who has lived for more than 700 years.
Touta Konoe and Yukihime: Animation and characters
I don’t think I have the right to say this since I haven’t completely watched the anime adaptations but J.C. Staff did a major step-up with their game. J.C. Staff isn’t the best when it comes to animation (in my own opinion, because I’m a KyoAni fag) but they’re quite consistent with most adaptations under their name that their own strength, with regards to animation, is their own weakness as well. But honestly, they didn’t really need to go extraordinary with UQ Holder’s animation at this point. Just something worth noting for: I’m glad J.C. Staff didn’t shy about detailing the violence and blood in this episode. Yes for no censorship!
As for the characters, I have no qualms about them because I think they’re pretty much alive and on-point. Also, no hair color changes and exaggerated character traits!  Plus, they’re like carbon copies of the manga’s original designs. I love it! The voice acting didn’t stand out too much for me, they’re good but nothing exceptional. I realized Yukihime’s seiyuu is the same as the Evangeline from the prequel 15 years ago (yes, it was that long). Right now, I’m very much excited for Kirie’s appearance since she’s best girl and voiced by Kayano Ai, one of my all-time favorite seiyuu.
By the way, I don’t know what’s with me but the opening sequence reminded me of Working!! anime lmao the shapes aren’t even the same but the yellow is so misleading pleaseforgiveme.jpg
Tumblr media
Negi Springfield: What to look forward to
Judging from the way things are going with this first episode, It’s hard to say whether they’d do a faithful (or even close to) adaptation of the manga or decide on an original ending. I get that the first chapter being entirely used for the first episode makes sense, and then there’s this foreshadowing of about two to three chapters going on with the next episode, but with no information of how many episodes J.C. Staff’s planning to make, you can never tell. Nevertheless, the website is showing a teaser photo of UQ Holder facing against… Ala Alba? If that’s the case, I am so much looking forward to it!
Verdict: 10 Chamo “thumbs-up”s
– It was a solid episode with little to no loopholes. – Great to see Negi, Eva, and the 3-A students again. – Opening theme OMG SO NOSTALGIC AAAAAAAA – BRING IT ON, EPISODE TWO! BECAUSE I’M READY!
  Next episode:  You can’t hate someone you met naked.「裸で出会えば友達(ダチ)になる。」
Here’s a (random) slideshow of this episode’s screenshots!
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UQ Holder 01 – The Beauty and the Boy 「美女と少年」
0 notes
shit my dad says. ooooh look at me I've got a freaking lighter said the toaster Yeah shut up I want food We'll have a complete Skank off. You know why mine look good?cause they're not fucking there (about randys tattoos) Its ric wih matt flair! Whats his brothers name? Letter opener? Sexual Almond Turner! I just want to return these tools into your head Edward thinks of nothing but murder all day Time to take a dirt nap! Dirt nap village I could think of better metaphors.... Fucking homocidal Angry squared Good morning percy Good morning ass hole Moo juice Did you know big show can fit miz's entire head in his mouth So bitchin' Im pretty and ill kill you. I ate your children alive; didn't you hear them screaming? Brian; If they mispell his name it'll say brain! Nothing says whorebag like holes in your pants (when you purchase them) Whats his new name blackasaurus Its hard to be a creepy attacker when all you see is pain. The wheels on the bus grind up little children on the pavement Thats what happens when you fold your child up in the changing table. I wanna go to a place were they have hail this big, will that give you a concussion? More like a conclusion. You know i have a knife in ny hand right? Cat full of tables Angria I drink to keep my homocidal urges in check, you asshole They dont wanna see you blathering in the ring, they wanna see you lathering so lets bring down the big tub and watch them really get gay. Now we have to live in a cardbord box in the parking lot of the liquor store The coat hanger is still stuck in his head from the failed abortion My murdered neighbors Do you know that creepy show my mom watches? You should cause your on it! I forgot the tp again! Here honey come have a kiss, blehhhhhhcufhfhsnnsj djcjcnd oh sorry did you drown) That goes to show you you can escape the nazis and still die, if your lucky the crows will pluck your eye from your skull Yes she has a sternum Samoan sickening machine Chris asshole mind fuck Good fuck you morning asshole Jamaican me crazy. Whats it smell like kofi kingstons ass? Mike yetter on the big fish(bass) Tansqeesha Fagin fag like to kiss other men in the locker room in front of men who dont kiss other men-briel Hi im paris who do you want dead I wonder how much he weights Step on the aquarium and see Just what i wanna do pay for clymidia Ow, my life Ive always wanted to be in a band called nun stabber Great your a maraca Big papa dump Surprise sleepover. What she means by that is hello im here to rape you Vintage sasquatch He looks like Alice coopers grandfather Swinging a flag is a lot like playing guitar probably shouldnt do it in the living room Dads sleeve it would say fuck you and your mom and anyone else that didn't think you were a piece of shit Pizza tracker let's you know what lesbian has been working on your pie. Have you ever heard the expression blood bath If I wanted you to shut up I'd stomp on your head till you did And crack! Which Is exactly what he's smoking. What? Crack. Who who what are your a fuckin owl? You look like drew Macintyre bro And her skank team partner If I was blind I'd still hate you. .fuckingcom World war .5 Did you say rammadan? Unfuckular It's like an apple pie accept its lubricated with your blood. Dismembered the corpse!!!! You fucking dinosaur Just imaging Michael cole ass raping himself with his slammy Daddy come in the water! Thunk! Daddy my skull is broken I see says the blind man as he picked up his hammer and saw He didn't want syfilis on contact You know their biggest song is about statutory rape right? Yes we're arguing over cream cheese. It's still warm almost like you found a corpse Maybe it's the cat your strangling What's this beauty and the breast? I spy with my little eye something red headed and angry Fuckin fuck fuck fuckin fuck -love dad baby shredder hi hitler! mangled baby ducks dripping from my jaws oh Paris I love you now let me fuck with your shit you'll never see a bag from Claire's that says I just got a prince Albert see your a poet and I didn't even kill you time to play spaceman! I've had surgery. 5 times in my fucking contact lensed eyes I'm not even Mexican I'm just a midget those damn jews I wish someone would round them up and put them in camps so they can concentrate! your meat kind of dulls my blade stop fagstin suckbriel omg it's William regal and he's getting syphillis by contact! 7 tiny wookies named Michelle I wanna shirt that says John laurenituss swallows shoveling their bodies into the furnace you fuck with me and now I'm pissed off and wanna kick you in the dick you hide under the wheels of the train and I'll tell it to start moving Thomas chugged beer at the party? he was so happy he went into a closet and shot himself soon Thomas was assassinated by his friends what if you inhale liquid does it stay in your lungs? yes that's when you die if your gonna be dickadile I'll be tiny nigger why didn't you graduate? I was Rollin a joint. ok next be captain pike for Halloween oh what are you? beep. they need to bring out jr in a wheelchair beep an it'll be barbie cue sauce running out of his ears nostrils mouth Phil the fucker upper why don't you choose not to be bitch ww blur My job is to murder children. Shut up Remember in crash team racing when you would get. Most juiced up? That's what randy would get: Cm punk meet my cm junk Chincko you know the game on price is right There once was a woman from Venus Who's body was shaped like a ... I painted a big fuckig swastika cause I feel like hurding you all Ito an oven and melting down the gold that's in your teeth Does his head turn into a coach at midnight How can you stand being around yourself Is that when pooh bear raps and pops a couple of caps in someone's ass. It's right here right next to my tounge (Captain Kirk) Planet Sluturn There's always 1 girl not 0 not 2. That's so they don't think they're gay or taking turns on the unfortunate orphan Your synapses must be snappin' AARP American assoiciation of retarded people Cinderella 4 Las Vegas prostitute years Alls that's left is the choo choo train shit Bell. Shoe. Fuck you
0 notes