#and cares enough to tell ed to hang back a bit
tonight i’m thinking so hard about the fact that stede killed ned low and immediately dismissed himself and when ed went in to check on him he took ed by the collar and slammed him against the wall to give an outlet to some of his energy and bad feelings. what i’m thinking about in particular is the moment where ed stopped at izzy’s suggestion, and more importantly the moment where he pushed forward against izzy’s suggestion
thinking about izzy saying “give him a minute. first kill’s always a mind fuck” and about ed ignoring his advice. thinking about the fact that izzy could probably tell stede would be feeling bad after this, or at least “mind fuck”ed enough to need some space from people, something that izzy frequently takes for himself when he feels bad too. thinking about ed disregarding the suggestion and getting real actual fucked by the mind-fucked guy. thinking about whether or not they would’ve rushed into sex if ed had truly given stede the space and time that izzy was suggesting. thinking about how he knows that it’ll be hitting stede hard and about the fact that he cares enough about that to try and lessen the blow. thinking about izzy giving an order to ed for the sake of stede, rather than giving an order to stede for the sake of blackbeard. thinking about ed ignoring it because they’ve long grown out of any semblance of that relationship where izzy offers advice to blackbeard. thinking
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Eddie would come up with the most elaborate schemes to kiss Steve for the first time.
here's mine: He realizes Steve is a gossip early on, like the first time they all hang out someone mentions a rumour in passing and Steve latches on. Eddie is delighted. He's enamoured by the twinkle in Steve's eyes and the intensity in his probing, even the enthusiasm in giving out the information he has about the people in question.
So Eddie knows what he has to do.
Whenever Eddie sees or hears something that frankly should not be any of his business he makes sure to tell Steve. He doesn't mention it to anybody else and most of the time he doesn't care about it much, but he needs to tell Steve.
And he only does it when it's just the two of them. He finds Steve in a secluded corner of the Family Video, says "i think my boss is cheating on his wife" and is rewarded with a gasp.
He follows after Steve when he goes to refill the popcorn in the middle of movie night and casually asks "you know who I saw the other day coming out of Laura's house at 3am?" Steve raises his eyebrows higher than Eddie has ever seen.
He calls Steve at midnight on a Wednesday and opens with "my neighbors are definitely getting back together" Steve answers with a devastated "noooo!"
He leaves the kids in the cookie aisle to go catch up to Steve and lean on the shopping cart shoulder to shoulder and whisper "dont look now, but Heather and Monica are here together, right behind us. They ARE dating" Steve looks immediately.
And Eddie's not only excited about his initial reactions, but he thanks the heavens for his discovery because it gets him Steve's total, undivided attention every.fucking.time. without fail.
Steve turns fully to him, touches Eddie's arms for emphasis, shoves him when Eddie says something dumb, tugs on a strand of his hair a bit when Eddie says something silly, opens his eyes SO wide or squints at him and his eyelashes look sooo pretty. Steve leans in and whispers back and grins and teases and scrunches his nose in the most adorable gesture Eddie has ever seen in his life.
With practice, Eddie goes from having to give Steve's shoulder a back handed slap to get his attention, to just looking at him directly for like 5 seconds and then Steve knows Eddie has something to tell him.
so he does it at dinner, on a nondescript date at a nondescript hour because, mostly, Eddie just kinda can't take it anymore.
He's listening to Steve tell this story about a costumer and frankly, forgets to look away from him and Steve interprets this as Eddie having something to say. He cuts himself off, tilts his head and asks "what?" with mirth in his voice.
Eddie smiles, a little mischievous and says "c'mere I have to tell you something"
Steve smiles back, but says "we're the only ones here, Eds" gesturing to his kitchen.
Eddie rolls his eyes a bit and threatens "do you want me to tell you or not?"
Steve leans across the table, his cut off tank almost touching their spaghetti.
Eddie wants to shove his hands through the armpit holes, but he settles for holding Steve's jaw and threading his fingers through the hair at the back of his neck, pulling him in for a kiss.
Steve's lips are as soft and warm as he expected, he tastes of the red sauce they cooked together and he smells good enough to eat. Eddie indulges in a thorough kiss but keeps it short.
No matter how many times Steve looks at him like he's the most interesting person in the room, he hasn't outright said that he likes Eddie like that, so he'd rather be careful.
Eddie pulls back and finds Steve smiling, his eyes closed still.
Steve blinks his eyes open and looks at Eddie, his tongue darts out to swipe across his lips and he says "I think that's the best one you've told me yet"
Eddie snorts and feels his cheeks burn "Yeah?" he asks.
"Mmhm" Steve confirms against his lips, already kissing Eddie again.
It takes a while, but eventually Eddie realizes Steve doesn't only give him his undivided attention when he has gossip. He does it pretty much all the time.
Maybe at some point it expanded to everything Eddie has to say.
Or maybe it was like that all along.
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steddieas-shegoes · 3 months
wanna shout it from the rooftops
for @steddie-week prompt 'secret relationship'
rated m | 1397 words | cw: implied sexual content | tags: secret relationship, established relationship, love confessions, making out, coming out
As soon as Dustin walked out the door, Eddie was backing Steve against the wall, lips on his neck, hands wandering across his arms and sides.
“God, I thought they’d never leave,” Steve gasped, throwing his head back as Eddie’s teeth bit into his collarbone. “Need you so fuckin’ bad, baby.”
“Looked so good in that apron. So unfair I couldn’t get my hands on you when you were making cookies for us,” Eddie groaned against his skin. “Wanna fuck you right here. Open you up on my tongue-“
“Sorry, Steve! Forgot my-“ Dustin’s voice stopped before Eddie could even register that he should pull away. “What the fuck!”
“Language!” Steve yelled as he shoved Eddie away from him, trying to fix his shirt and hair. Not that it would do any good; Dustin just got an eyeful already.
At least they weren’t naked. Yet.
“Please tell me you were fighting,” Dustin sounds distraught, which isn’t fair. He should’ve knocked.
“You spent months making me feel bad for not wanting to hang out with your new best friend and now you’re hoping we’re fighting?” Steve placed his hands on his hips, subtly trying to catch his breath and will his dick back to soft. “What about that looked like fighting to you? How have you not sat through sex ed yet?”
“You were having sex?!” Dustin’s voice cracked. “In the hall?!”
“Of my home!” Steve threw his arms up. “And no we weren’t having sex, but we were getting there.”
Eddie held his hands up, brain finally coming back online enough to intervene before things got out of hand.
“Okay. Dustin, why the hell are you even back?”
“I forgot my notebook.”
“And you decided to storm in here like it’s your house instead of knocking?” Steve was trying to take it easy, but everything was falling apart.
They’d kept their relationship a secret for nearly three months now. Robin didn’t even know.
Now that Dustin saw what he did, everyone would know and everyone would hate them and then Eddie would leave Steve for making everyone hate them and-
“Stevie!” Eddie’s hands were on his cheeks as Steve focused back in on what was going on. His breath was coming in short pants, and if Eddie wasn’t so close to him, he isn’t sure he’d be able to see him. “It’s okay, sweetheart. You’ve gotta breathe for me.”
Breathe for Eddie. He could do that. He did that all the time.
He liked doing what Eddie told him to, he liked the praise that came when he did it, he liked being good. Breathing was easy.
He took a deep breath, then another, relaxing as Eddie smiled back at him encouragingly.
“That’s good, angel. Keep doing that. I’m gonna get Dustin’s notebook, okay?” Eddie didn’t seem like he wanted to leave Steve alone, but he didn’t have much of a choice right now.
Eddie walked away, towards the study that they’d turned into a game room for the kids to hang out in, and Steve immediately felt the panic settle in his chest again.
“Steve?” Dustin asked, stepping closer to him.
“Why didn’t you tell any of us?” Dustin sounded hurt, looked hurt. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I was worried you’d hate me, or Eddie. That all of you would hate us for…for being different,” Steve looked down at his hands. “Didn’t wanna lose you.”
“But it’s okay if you’re gay, Steve. None of us would care!” Dustin exclaimed. “I just kinda thought you liked girls. Like Nancy.”
“I do. I just also like guys. I love Eddie,” Steve provided, relaxing slightly at Dustin’s words.
“You love him?” Dustin asked.
“You love me?” Eddie asked from the doorway, clutching Dustin’s notebook tight to his chest.
Steve wasn’t used to keeping his crushes and relationships a secret. He was used to holding hands in the movie theater and kissing a girl goodbye at her door. He was used to being able to show how much he loved someone without a filter.
But with Eddie, he’d held back. He had to in some ways, and they agreed it was best not to give anything away around anyone else for a while, but he’d hoped that Eddie saw how much he cared about him when they were alone.
“I do. I thought it was pretty obvious,” Steve stepped closer to Eddie, ignoring Dustin’s presence entirely. “I love you.”
Eddie threw Dustin’s notebook to the side, ignoring the ‘hey!’ that Dustin let out, and pulled Steve into his arms.
“Can’t believe you told Dustin before you told me,” Eddie laughed against his shoulder. “You know he can’t keep a secret.”
“Yeah, well. I love you enough to not care if everyone knows,” Steve said as he wrapped his arms around Eddie’s waist, kissing the side of his head and lingering there for longer than he probably should in front of a guest. “Was gonna tell you tomorrow after our date.”
“You mean the super secret plans that you wouldn’t give me any hints about?” Eddie pulled away, searching Steve’s eyes. “Will you tell me them now?”
“Maybe when Dustin leaves.”
Both of them turned to Dustin, who was staring at them with a blank look.
“Dustin?” Eddie asked, snapping his fingers to get his attention.
“I’m gonna go,” Dustin said, still looking lost. “I won’t tell anyone.”
“Hey, man,” Eddie let go of Steve to walk towards Dustin. “We good?”
“Yeah! I just thought you guys barely even liked each other and you’re actually in love and having sex and I’m just trying to do the math.”
Steve snorted, but straightened out when Eddie glared at him.
“If you wanna talk about anything, you can stay. You seem kinda…out of it.”
“I’d rather not intrude right now,” Dustin said, gesturing to the way their hair and clothing was still a bit disheveled. “But you are gonna tell everyone soon, right? So I don’t have to keep it a secret?”
Eddie looked over at Steve, smiling when he gave him one nod in agreement.
“Yeah, dude. We’re gonna tell everyone at the next movie night,” Eddie said as he turned back to Dustin.
“Thank god!” He breathed out. “Then I’m leaving so you two can do…whatever it is you do.”
He didn’t wait for them to respond, rushing out the door, nearly forgetting his notebook again.
Eddie laughed as he slammed the door, his head falling onto Steve’s shoulder as they fell against the closest wall. Steve was holding Eddie up, laughing with him at the absurdity of being caught by their favorite, but most likely to tell everyone, kid.
“He’s gonna go tell everyone right now, you know that, right?” Steve gasped out between laughter.
“Oh yeah. We’ll be lucky to have another hour before they’re all showing up here with questions,” Eddie said breathlessly.
He pulled back to look at Steve, both of them flush with sudden relief that it was no longer a secret. He leaned in to kiss him once on the corner of his mouth, smiling when he felt Steve’s lips turn up.
“I love you,” Eddie whispered.
“Even though I made you wait to tell everyone?” Steve sounded unsure suddenly, like maybe Eddie would retract everything.
“You didn’t make me do anything, sweetheart. We both agreed to wait.” Eddie cupped his jaw and kissed him slow, much softer than where they’d left off before being interrupted.
No matter how much he enjoyed taking Steve apart, how much he liked seeing him covered in bite marks and bruises, he liked seeing him melt like this more.
“I love you,” Steve said against his lips, already letting Eddie take more of the weight he didn’t have leaning back against the wall. “Want you. Before they get here. Please.”
“How can I resist when you ask so nicely?” Eddie nipped at his bottom lip before pulling away. “Let’s go to your room this time. Don’t want any more interruptions.”
Steve nodded and led Eddie upstairs.
If the kids showed up in an hour, Eddie would make excuses for why Steve was asleep in bed, field their nosy questions, and ease some of the burden of coming out for Steve. If they didn’t, he’d get to keep showing Steve how much he loved him.
Over and over again. Until the whole world knew.
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hawkinsbnbg · 4 months
Four years after everything ended, Steve and Eddie ran into each other by chance.
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In 1990, when Steve stumbled upon Eddie in a coffee shop in Chicago of all places, he didn't expect to end up on his back that night with the other man pounding him into the mattress.
At some point, he was too cock-drunk to care about his dignity so he kept begging Eddie to come inside him.
"What if I knock you up, babygirl?" Eddie nipped at his chin teasingly.
In response, Steve only clenched around the thick cock tighter, earning a guttural groan from the other man.
He bit his lip and smiled sweetly, "Guess you're gonna be a daddy 'cause m'not on birth control right now."
Eddie just cursed under his breath and pulled out to take off the condom. When he slid into Steve again, they both let out a strangled moan.
In the end, Steve had been railed into oblivion with a stomach full of hot cum.
A week later, Eddie sought him out again, wanting to continue their breeding process.
"It's for science," Eddie murmured as he bottomed out inside Steve.
"Yeah," Steve snorted, breathless and a little bit cross-eyed because of how big the other man was. "How noble of you."
"Thank you, sweetheart," Eddie grinned, eyes crinkled warmly. “Think it’s gonna catch this time?”
“Dunno,” Steve wrapped his legs around the resilient waist as the other man started moving, grazing his sweet spots effortlessly. “But we should keep trying until we succeed.”
“You’re right,” Eddie leaned down and kissed him soundly. “Fuck, you’re always right, sweetheart.”
“Thanks, uh–” Steve mewled and rolled his eyes back when Eddie nailed his prostate. “I– I tried my best.”
“My good girl,” Eddie kissed him again but it was messy and sloppy. “So smart, so pretty. Bet you’re already thinking about our children’s education, hm?”
“Y– Yeah,” Steve nodded blindly, jaw hanging open so Eddie’s tongue could fuck his mouth.
At this point, he didn't know what he was even talking about anymore. He just babbled nonsense and drooled at the mindless pleasure that coursed through him incessantly.
Above him, Eddie kept going on and on about how they were going to make a happy family, how he was going to be a great mom, how Eddie was going to be the kind of dad who would spoil their children rotten.
And yeah, Steve found himself very into the idea. Not only the hypothetical pregnancy part but also the part where he and Eddie built a home together.
“Be mine, sweetheart,” Eddie whispered between the kisses, desperate and pleading. “Gonna treat you right, gonna be a good husband for you, gonna make you breakfast, gonna help you pick the lawn, gonna sing ABBA songs with you, gonna do the dishes for you, gonna give you my everything, gonna–”
“Shut up, I’ll be yours,” Steve clung to the other man and sobbed. “All yours, Eddie. All yours.”
It was a long time coming, an overdue confession that neither of them had been brave enough to tell each other.
But now, now when their family and friends and the fucking world were finally safe, they had nothing to fear anymore.
They were as free and in love as they could ever be.
And when Eddie’s lips met his own in a tender kiss, it felt like coming home.
A quick stroke on his neglected cock was enough to tip Steve over, prompting a high-pitched moan from him and sending sparks flying in his blurry vision.
Eddie followed after him immediately, burying inside him to the hilt and filling him up with a deep groan.
After a few seconds, Eddie pulled out carefully and drew him in a lazy kiss before collapsing beside him.
For a moment, they just lied there to recollect their wits.
“You meant it?” Steve asked quietly once they both calmed down, afraid that it was just sex-addled talk.
“Everything,” Eddie propped up on his elbow to look at him seriously. “I’ve never loved anyone the way I do you, baby.”
“Me too,” Steve smiled softly. “Been waiting for you, Eds.”
“I’m honored, sweetheart,” Eddie gave him a warm smiled.
Then they moved away from the wet spot to cuddle.
Later, they would have to get up to take a thorough shower, and maybe order something to eat if the mood struck.
But for now, Steve was content to doze off in his boyfriend’s loving arms.
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sunflowergirl522 · 2 years
She Moves in Her Own Way
Pairing: Rickstar!Eddie Munson x Reader
Summary: Eddie gets interviewed and he answers questions about his love life while reminiscing.
Word count: 1932
Eddie Masterlist
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“So Eddie,” the interviewer says, crossing her leg over the other where she sits across from the rockstar, “people are dying to know what your mystery girl is like. You’re rarely pictured with her and no one can seem to get you to say who she is.”
Eddie sits up straighter in his seat as you become the topic of conversation. He had been starting to get a little bored, slumping a bit. He didn’t even want to do this interview for some teen magazine he’s never even heard of. He only agreed to it because when he brought it up to you you got all excited because apparently you used to read them throughout high school.
“Yeah, I like to keep her to myself. I don’t want to see a bunch of lies about her in the media, y'know? I’ve seen it happen to enough people in my line of work.”
“Do you think you could tell us what about her caught your eye?” Eddie wants to laugh at the question, he figured this was what whoever was interviewing him would want to talk about, his love life. Why else would he be getting interviewed, surely teen girls don’t care about what got him into music and why it means so much to him. But then again you did, you always did.
“She started as my best friend back in high school. She was always sticking with me and up for me even after she graduated and I failed.” Eddie gets a goofy grin on his face as he starts talking about you. “One thing led to another and she’s been my everything since.”
You and Eddie had been acquaintances in elementary and middle school and became closer in high school when you got paired up for a project freshman year. You claimed him as your best friend after he punched an older kid for making fun of you. You’ve even returned the favor before by getting into a fight with the girl who first started calling Eddie a freak. He had to be the one to break up the fight by pulling you off of her.
You’ve always supported him too both with the club and when he started his band back up with Jeff, Gareth, and Adam. Even though with practices, meetings, and your college classes after you started them the two of your schedules almost never matched up to hang out. You still made it to each and every one of his shows most of the time just to talk to him afterward.
“So you’ve been together since high school?”
“No, it wasn’t until she was almost done with her major that I finally worked up the nerve to say anything. She was helping me get ready to leave for the band's first small tour and I had a feeling of it’s now or never. And then she made me wait until we got back to give me an answer.”
The urge that he had to ask you now before anyone could scoop you up while he’s gone came while he watched you laugh at something Gareth had said while you were saying bye to everyone. The last thing he wanted to happen was that boy from your English class getting to see you laugh like that and falling in love and next thing Eddie knows he’s being invited to your wedding.
“I can’t believe you’re choosing school over us Sweetheart.” He teased while wrapping you up in his arms causing you to laugh.
“Maybe if it was just a week Eds, but I don’t think my teachers will like me being out for a month. I’ll miss you though, it’s gonna be weird not having you around.” You buried your head in his chest squeezing him tighter.
“You’ll get along just fine without me distractin’ you from all your studies. I’ll miss you too though.” He just held you to him for a while before speaking again. “You wanna go out to a movie or get a nice dinner or something when I get back?” You pulled away just enough to look at him and give him a playful smile.
“Edward Munson, are you asking me out?”
“Uh yeah, yeah I am.”
“Well it’s about time.”
“Is that a yes?” Eddie quirked an eyebrow smiling down at you. You hummed and tapped your chin in mock contemplacey.
“Hmm, I’ll let you know when you get back. You gotta go or you’ll be late.” You reached up to kiss his cheek before stepping away completely. “Bye Eds, love ya!” And you waved as Jeff called his name and he had to climb into the bus.
“What’s she like? If you don’t mind me asking, that is.” Eddie smiles at her words every other interviewer that has tried asking about you just basically demanded the information and he had immediately shut them down without thinking twice. 
Even if they had asked like this he would’ve said no because he was never sure what you would think of having the world know stuff about you but this time he knew you didn’t care. When he was contemplating doing the interview and you got excited he complained about how the questions would probably mainly be about his love life. You had just shrugged and told him to do it anyway and that you didn’t care about everyone finding out about you as long as he didn’t care.
He did care but this time he was asked so nicely that he would give as much information as he could without giving away any details that would lead people to figure out who you are.
“I love her because she moves in her own way. Her fashion sense is god awful because she dresses like a muppet. Almost all she listens to is disco and she has the most bizarre movies memorized. And she’s probably the kindest person I’ve ever met who’s always watching out for the ones she cares about.” Especially the kids in your life. When you met Dustin and the gang you had immediately hopped into older sister mode and had them imprinting on you like ducklings. 
And you’re one of the best teachers Eddie’s ever seen. He was lucky that you agreed to tutor him that last senior year even though you had your own classes to focus on because without you he probably would’ve failed again and he honestly would’ve just dropped out at that point. And you’re constantly helping the kids with their school work when they need it. When Will and El moved back to Hawkins you had helped catch them up with what was being taught there because their school in Cali had been behind. 
Watching you interact and help El is something else really. You’re so patient with her and constantly helping her catch up to kids her own age since she’s so behind because of being stuck in the lab her whole childhood. She’s made amazing progress thanks to your help. 
And he’s seen how you interact with your students at Hawkins middle school. Each one gets a special form of special treatment and you almost always make yourself easily accessible during school hours, staying late in your classroom during the after school activities in case one of them needs you. Dustin compared you to his old teacher Mr. Clarke and your face lit up like the fourth of July before saying thanks and told him all about how he became your mentor since you started teaching.
“She sounds wonderful! What was it that made you realize you were in love with her?”
“I think I was for a while before I said anything to her. But I realized it myself after a couple months of us dating. Our schedules weren’t really lining up because she was having to study and go to class and at that point the band had started really picking up some traction. So she would come to the shows just to hear about my day or week depending on how long it had been since we were able to see each other.” The goofy smile Eddie’s had the whole time he’s been talking about you gets bigger as he thinks about how he’d see you in the crowd waving at him with a big smile on your face. It makes him want to finally get home to you because even though he’s only been away for a few hours for this interview, it’s a Saturday and he should be enjoying your day off with you. “I’m sorry, is this interview about done?” He didn’t care much if it came out as rude.
“Yeah, thank you for your time and answers today Eddie.”
“Yep, you’re welcome.” He waited as she gathered her things and held the door open for her before rushing out of the building because that was the polite thing to do. But then he was speeding home to you.
A week later the magazine with his interview hit shelves and you came rushing home from the store with it in your hand.
“Eddie, you made the front page!” He looks up at you from his spot on the couch as you excitedly wave it around.
“Cool, do you need help with the groceries?” He starts to get up and you physically pause suddenly remembering why you had been there in the first place.
“No, I forgot about those when I saw this. Whoops. But look at this!” You basically shove the magazine in his face causing him to laugh and take it from you before sitting down and pulling you onto his lap. 
“Alright, let’s see what this is all about.” He holds the magazine out for the two of you to see the front. “Rockstar Eddie Munson opens up to us about his lovely mystery girl. God people actually read this crap?” You giggle at the bewildered look on his face and nod. “Who cares?”
“The entire female population probably. You’re a total babe, babe. Now go to your interview. I wanna read it.” He rolls his eyes but goes to it nonetheless, handing you the mag and resting his chin on your shoulder. “There’s some questions about how you got into music Ed’s what are you complaining about? It’s not all about your love life.”
“They were basically the same questions I’m always asked. I was so bored.”
“Yeah I see that in the notes here. Eddie had begun looking bored until I started asking him about his girlfriend when he sat up straighter and started getting into it.” You read it out loud, eyeing him. You’ve talked to him about faking interest in the past. About how these people are just doing their jobs and asking the questions probably provided to them. Before he can defend himself you read another part out loud. 
“Sorry to say it ladies but the one and only Eddie Munson is so much in love with his girl that you can see it in his eyes when he talks about her. The thought of how he probably looks at her has me swooning and I haven’t even seen it.” You put the mag down before turning so you’re straddling him, his hands wrapping around your back. “You hear that, she’s swooning. I’m shocked you actually answered the questions about me this time.”
“Well she asked so nicely compared to anyone else who asked. And you’re my favorite topic of conversation baby.”
“I love you Eds.” You smile and rest your forehead against his. 
“I love you too Princess.”
Eddie Taglist(Closed): @sadbitchfangirl @notbeforelong @munsonswhore86 @navs-bhat @emotionaldreamer @magicalchocolatecheesecake @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce @fangirling-4-ever  @gaysludge @audhd-dragonaut @eddiethesexy​ @mazerunnerrose @tvserie-s-world @midnightsgetawaycar  @goldylions  @spacedoutdaydreamer @livslifeonline @mushroomelephant @hb8301 @ginnupp @saramelaniemoon @kaylshunter @nojamsonmytoast @vintagehellfire​ @esoltis280​ @cole22ann @spikedhe4rt​ @let-love-bleeds-red​ @siriuslysmoking​ @ladybug0095​ @toobsessedsstuff​ @3rriberri​ @alana4610​ @gretavanfleas​ @sparkletash​ @herejustforjj​ @aactuaaltraash​ @gloryekaterina​ @quixscentsposts​ @wormm-mom​ @eddiemuns0nl0ver​ @spookyemorockbabe​
Everything Taglist: @bejeweledmastermind @matchamunson @bubsonnobx @practicalghost @katsukis1wife @crustyowos @yourfavdummy @protecteddiemunson4vr 
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alien-magnolia · 2 years
Taking a Shower with Eddie 🖤
Tw: Dom Eddie munson x Fem!reader (subby), shower sex, unprotected sex, 18+ minors DNI
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After long nights where you worked your shift as a waitress, you’d come home exhausted.
Luckily, your sweet Eds knew the perfect way to get you to relax!
You’d come to the trailer, unlocking it with your keys. You felt that it was a bit hot in there. You were confused, until you heard the hissing of the shower.
You walk past the collection of mugs hanging on the wall, you found them hilarious. You slowly open the bathroom door.
“Hey, sweetheart. That you?,” you hear his gruff voice call to you from the shower. “Yeah. S’me Eds.”
He opens the curtain to look at you. You see his pale chest, thin but wide, littered with tattoos. Your eyes make their way down to his abs, following the dark brown happy trail you see, down, down, down…
He immediately meets you with a warm kiss, you melt into him, as his big hands grab and knead you from behind.
He immediately meets you with a warm kiss, you melt into him, as his big hands grab and knead you from behind.
He immediately meets you with a warm kiss, you melt into him, as his big hands grab and knead you from behind.
He runs his hands all over your curves, stopping to leave a few marks on your neck, making you giggle. “Aw. All excited for me already, huh, sweetheart?,” you nod eagerly, waiting for his next move. It felt like your body was on fire, you were melting into him.
“Such a mess for me, baby. Don’t you worry. You just stand there, and be a good girl. I’m going to take care of you,” you hear his deep voice whisper close to you. You felt his happy trail on your back as he turned you around to face him, and then pushed you against the shower wall. One of his hands were still kneading at your hips, and the other was now on your chin, lifting it up to meet his gaze.
“Tell me what you want,” he spoke to you, his voice was low, you now felt his hard cock pressing up against your thigh. “Want you, Eds. Want you,” you whined.
“So desperate, huh, sweet thing?”, he taunts, brushing your cheek with one of his hands. “Want you. Eds, please. Want your cock,” you look up at him with those doe eyes of yours that he couldn’t resist.
He didn’t even need to prep you. He knew you were wet enough. Just for him. For your sweet boy. You’d do anything.
With that, he slid into you, he was so big, he filled you to the brim, he filled you just right. “Fuck. This pussy’s just sucking me in, sweetie. So nice and tight, all for me, huh?,” he taunts you as he starts to pick up the pace, thrusting a bit harder.
“M’all yours, Eds. Promise,” you moan out. You felt yourself starting to lose control, he would always just milk all those orgasms from you. His cock stuffs you so so sweetly, that you can barley function when he’s in you. You start to slip a bit and lose your balance, he holds you tighter against the tile. You feel his heavy balls slap against you. Your lips meet his plump ones as he brings you in for a few hungry kisses.
“You close, huh, sweetie? Ask for it. Go on,” he encourages, with a few pecks at your cheek. “Please. Eds. Wanna cum. Please!!,” you practically beg him at this point, your voice all high pitched, whiny, and subby. He has total control over you. He always did. You love it.
“Go ahead, sweetheart. Be my good girl and cum for me.” You squeeze around him so so tightly!!! He finishes just after you, emptying into you.
“Such a pretty girl, took me so well, baby,” he coos at you, as he pulls out. “Now this pretty pussy of yours is all mine, filled with me.” You squirm at his words. He just drove you crazy, and he knew. He notices, and chuckles.
“Better join me in the shower more often, what do you say, princess?,” he asks. “Only for you, Eds.” You smile up at him.
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drabbles-mc · 3 months
Here We Are
Stede Bonnet x Edward Teach
Written for the 2024 Hurt/Comfort Exchange!
Warnings: 18+, light angst
Word Count: 2.7k
A/N: i don't write for ofmd very often but it's always fun when i do! hope y'all enjoy!
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It was as silent as it was ever going to get on the ship. Everyone was down below deck asleep— no bedtime stories read earlier to keep them up on the main deck. And somehow, only some snores were carrying up through the floorboards, which was a bit of a treat. For the most part, the only sound was the water, small waves cresting in the distance, smaller ones still splashing against the sides of the ship. It was peaceful, even with the tiny imperfections traveling up from the bunks.
The ship was rocking slowly enough, gently enough, for Ed to sit comfortably on the rail without feeling like he was fighting for balance. He didn’t feel like he was at risk of toppling overboard and into the water beneath him. The stability of that was comforting in a way, but there was also a small part of him that was too aware of how easy it would be to let go of the railing, lean forward, and fall right in. When he was underwater, the ocean was loud enough in his ears to drown out all of the thoughts in his head, and he could use that right about now. It’d be so easy. He disappeared once. He could do it again.
Then he heard the creaking. It wasn’t the ship rocking on the water. While he hadn’t heard the footsteps, he did know the way that the ship’s boards groaned beneath weight put on them. Tightening his grip for a moment, fingers curling more around the railing to keep himself in place, he turned to look over his shoulder.
He should’ve known that it was going to be Stede. No one else cared to wander about at this hour—the most they’d do was shuffle back and forth among the hammocks and bunks beneath them. The main deck was for daylight hours.
“Care for some company?” Stede asked as he walked closer. He phrased it as a question but it quickly became evident that there was only one right answer to it.
If it had been anyone else, Ed would’ve come up with a clever and colorful way to tell them to get lost. But it was Stede. It was Stede in his pajamas that everyone else found ridiculous but Ed had grown rather fond of as time had gone on. So he didn’t give any thought into creative ways to dismiss him. Instead, he simply nodded and gestured towards the railing that he was sitting on. Stede could join him, but he wasn’t going to give up his spot of quiet contemplation either.
Stede gave a short nod in return, a small lift to the ends of his lips. He came closer to the railing, standing right by it. He looked at Ed for a moment, studying him but not in the way that he usually did. It wasn’t simple admiration this time—this time he was trying to figure out the best way to land himself so that he was sitting in the same position as Ed currently was without falling over. This wasn’t their usual position of sitting on the deck with their legs beneath the railing and hanging over that way. The way Ed was sitting now seemed so much less secure, and Stede found that he wasn’t quite so willing to fall into the water beneath.
“Right, then,” Stede said as he placed both hands on the railing.
Ed watched him silently, eyebrows raised just the tiniest bit. If it got to be too much, he’d offer a helping hand. But, as it was, he was content to watch Stede figure it out for himself. He had a habit of doing that, of pulling things together even if they were a bit of a fumble at the start.
Stede leaned forward onto the railing, and then back. Then forward, and then back again. Not quite ready to commit to trying to lift himself up onto it yet, a little too afraid of tumbling over the other side. Not that Ed would let that happen. He let out a tiny hmph as he tried to calculate out the best move to make.
Widening his grip on the railing, Stede lifted one leg and rested the ball of his foot on the edge of the railing. He almost pushed himself upward that way, almost had himself on the brink of standing on the ledge. He was about to follow-through on it when he realized what the result of that would be. He shook his head, a quiet, “No, not quite that,” falling from his lips before he brought his foot back down again.
Despite the mood that he was in, the mental arguments he was battling out inside his head prior to Stede coming out onto the deck, Ed found himself smiling. He still didn’t say anything.
Annoyance flashed out of Stede, annoyance at himself, at the ship, at the railing specifically. “Oh, this is just,” he muttered with a shake of his head. Adjusting his grip, he lifted his foot and set it on top of the railing for a moment before pushing it so that it slid right off the other side. He was left with one foot planted firmly on the deck, one dangling loosely over the water. With one leg on each side of the railing, Stede frowned pensively as he sat bat for a moment, realizing that he was at least sitting on the thing now. A few more small maneuvers and he would be replicating Ed’s pose.
A lot of careful leaning and tiny scoots later, and Stede managed to get his other leg over so that they were both dangling off the edge of the railing, a short distance above the sea. Too far for the waves to reach, but just close enough for the mist of it all to spray the backs of his and Ed’s legs.
Planting one hand firmly on either side of him, Stede finally turned and looked at Ed. “Right. Here we are.”
He studied Ed’s face for a moment, waiting for him to come back with some sort of rebuttal. Something quick and witty as usual. Honestly at this point, Stede would settle for something sharp and cutting. As it were, Ed just sat there staring at him, expression impassive except for his eyes. Stede could see all of the emotions there, the sadness, the anger, the hurt.
Ed broke their eye contact first, looking down as he moved one hand into his pocket. Mere moments later he had his red slip of silk in his hand, weaving the fabric through his fingers without having to think twice about it.
Stede lifted one hand and was about to rest it on Ed’s shoulder when he stopped himself. The hesitation caused his movements to stutter for a moment before he placed his hand back on the railing. He could almost disguise it as an attempt to restore his balance, but he and Ed both knew better. Not that either of them said anything about it.
“Not that I’m an expert on it or anything,” Stede spoke up again, gaze still fixed on the man sitting beside him, “but I do think that it is much easier to talk through things when you actually…talk.”
Ed shook his head as he toyed with the silk in his hand. “I didn’t say anythin’ about talking things through. I came out here to sit and stare at the water.” He gave Stede a short, but pointed moment of eye contact. “In silence.”
“Yes, I see that. But, if you don’t mind my saying so, I don’t think that that’s really…” he trailed off for a moment, knowing that his next few words were crucial, “what you need.”
“And you know what I need, yeah?” he scoffed.
“Maybe not, you know, everything. But in this moment?” He nodded and shrugged. “I’d like to think that I have a pretty good idea.”
Ed sighed and shook his head again. “No point.”
“I said there’s no fuckin’ point in me talking about it.” He sighed, clenching his fist tightly, most of the red silk disappearing for a moment before his grip loosened again. “All happened so long ago now anyway. What good would it do?”
“Just because it happened a long time ago,” this time Stede allowed himself to place his hand on Ed’s shoulder for a moment, “doesn’t mean that it won’t feel good to talk about it now.”
Ed sniffled, unable to pry his eyes off the slip of cloth in his hand. “Maybe.”
Stede could feel the impulse to say something else, the urge to fill the silence. That was something that he was working on, especially with Ed. Silence wasn’t always the enemy. He fought against the words that wanted to tumble past his lips. He forced his hands to still, not wanting to fidget and seem impatient or serve as a distraction. There was no point in trying to repeat or rephrase the question—Ed knew what Stede had asked. He just had to get to the point where he could actually say the answer.
“What you said to me before,” Ed finally spoke up again, words coming out carefully, more pauses than usual as he chose each one, “about fine things…” he trailed off.
A tiny smile lifted Stede’s lips. “That you wear them well?”
Ed nodded, gaze flickering back and forth between his slip of silk and the ocean water below them. “You meant that?”
The smile instantly dropped from Stede’s face. “Why on earth would I say that to you if I didn’t mean it?”
The sound that Ed made next was something between a scoff and a laugh. It was a sad sound, a hollow one. “Pirate’s life isn’t always an honest one.”
“Not always,” Stede conceded with a nod. “But sometimes it is.” He waited for Ed to spare him another glance. “With me it is.” He let another pause linger before asking, “Why do you think that I was lying to you about that?”
Ed shook his head. “Not just about you lying.”
“What’s it about then?” Stede asked gently.
“You’ve always had fine things, haven’t you? Your old life, the one that you hated so much, you still had them?”
He nodded. “I did.”
“Ever think you didn’t deserve them?”
He paused, really thinking about his answer. “The things I was told I didn’t deserve weren’t ever really things, I suppose.”
Ed gave a slow nod as he processed his way through Stede’s answer. He held out the piece of silk, putting it between the two of them. “My mum had this. It was…it belonged to the people she worked for. I remember the first day I saw it—first day she showed it to me.”
He looked over at Stede. His eyes were sad but there was something expectant in his gaze as well. He was waiting for Stede to have something to say, but for once he found himself coming up with nothing. All of the words that had been on the tip of his tongue just minutes before had disappeared. Instead, Stede just nodded for him to continue.
“She told me…she told me that people like us, people like me, don’t get to have things like this.” He let out a long, shuddering sigh, like those words had been trapped in his chest for far too long. “She said that was just the way…the way it was.”
Stede’s voice was soft, sympathetic as he said, “Ed—”
He sniffled, cutting the other man off. “Joke’s on her though, yeah?” He forced a small laugh that had no chance at being passed off as convincing. “I still have it.”
Stede could see the way that he was starting to fight so hard to bury all of that real, genuine hurt that he’d been carrying around for so long. He was trying to stuff it right back underneath all of the jokes, the sarcasm, the denial he’d been contending with for so many years. Ed wanted it so badly to go away again but Stede couldn’t let that happen now.
Reaching over, Stede rested his hand on Ed’s leg, palm warming him through the fabric almost instantly. He kept his voice soft but genuine. “And you still deserve it just as much now as you did then.”
Ed shook his head, his body tensing up just slightly. Stede was almost certain that he was going to push his hand away, or even just swing himself back over the railing onto the deck and walk away from the conversation completely.
“I don’t,” Ed muttered with a shake of his head, not really sure where he wanted the sentence to go, “I don’t…”
Stede tried to fill in the gaps that he was leaving. “You do. You say…you say that you remember the first day she showed you. But it has very little to do with your fine silk there,” he nodded towards the red cloth. “I think it has less to do with your silk than it does to do with what your mother said you can have.” He paused and when Ed looked him in the eyes he said, “You deserve it, Ed. You deserve fine things and you can have them, too.”
It was almost impossible to catch the way that Ed was shaking his head in disagreement. It was a small movement, one that showed he didn’t really want to be disagreeing with the man sitting beside him, the man that was looking at him with all that earnestness in his eyes. But he wasn’t quite sure how else to respond.
“I don’t know about that, mate,” Ed finally said, his voice just barely above a whisper.
“Do you trust me?”
His expression shifted, eyes widening just a touch. “What?”
Stede’s smile was warm, disarming. “Do you trust me?” he repeated, words said with poignant pauses in between.
The frown that pulling on Ed’s lips in that moment wasn’t a sad one, but rather a serious, pensive one. He carefully constructed his answer. “More than I’ve trusted anyone in a long time.”
He nodded approvingly, giving a nearly imperceptible comforting squeeze to Ed’s leg. “Then believe me when I tell you that you’re more than deserving of nice things.” His smile cracked a little wider. “You wouldn’t be able to wear them so well if you didn’t.”
Something about Stede’s words, about the smile on his face and the glint in his eyes, had Ed finally allowing himself a real smile as well. His eyes were still misty but his body started to relax despite that. His nose twitch as he fought off the urge to sniffle. He finally gave in with a nod before looking back out at the water again.
“Thank you.”
Stede shook his head. “No thanks necessary.” He looked around, took in the state of himself still somehow managing to balance on the rail. “Do you think that possibly, we could reposition for the remainder of this conversation?” He let out a nervous chuckle. “I’m not sure how much longer my good luck and balance will hold.”
Ed chuckled and nodded. Without a word he was easily able to lift and maneuver himself so that he had both feet flat on the deck again. He was standing there with a hand held out to help Stede get to safety before the man had even managed to try and start turning himself around.
Stede placed his hand in Ed’s glad for the assist. He managed to get safely back onto the deck of the boat without nearly toppling in the other direction and into the sea. He didn’t quite stick the landing, stumbling a step so that he was nearly falling right into Ed. He caught himself at the last minute, but it didn’t stop Ed from tightening his grip on his hand.
Ed cracked a small smile. “Careful.”
Stede laughed, a twinge of nerves to the sound. “Trying to get better at that.”
They no longer needed to keep their hands clasped, but neither of them pulled away. Ed gave a tiny nod, the squeeze he gave to Stede’s hand one that he didn’t even realize he was giving. “Easier getting better at things when someone’s there to help.”
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littlehypnone · 10 months
eds rain is my absolute favorite so this is me requesting literally anything about her and eds and regressing
hi! sorry it took me a longer bit, I hope it's okay and that you like it <3
780 words, no cws, little eds rain (she/her), cg mountain, they go for a walk, no big bad feelings
“Good morning, Rain,” Mountain yawned, stretching, as he walked into the common room and saw the water ghoul sitting by the table and eating breakfast.
“Hi, Mounty!” he replied through a mouthful of cereal, trying to smile, too. Moutain was just a bit too sleepy still to notice Rain was little this morning, somehow missing the shark plushie laying on the table. He left to go to the kitchen and pick up a cup of tea, leaving Rain alone again.
When the earth ghoul came back, Rain had already finished eating, and was now just sitting, hugging the shark while rocking back and forth.
“Are you alright?” Mountain asked, yawning again.
“Mhm… yeah,” Rain hummed, shrugging. “I jus’ wan’ed go to the gardern bu’ my legs are wobbly.”
“Oh, you’re all small. I didn’t notice, Petal, I think I’m still asleep,” the earth ghoul chuckled before sitting down next to her and ruffling her fluffy hair.
“I’s okay,” she giggled, hiding her flushed face in the plushie, getting a bit shy.
“Anyway, what was that about a garden?”
“Oh, yeah!” Rain perked up. “Wan’ed go for walk.”
“We can still go, I can grab your crutches or wheelchair,” the earth ghoul proposed. Something in Rain shifted, though, she curled in on herself more and let her hair fall over her face and hide it. She definitely didn’t want to use any mobility aids, for whatever reason, and Mountain would never push. “Okay, and what about me carrying you? I can piggyback you through the garden.”
“You– you would?” Rain lifted her head just enough for her big, bright eyes to peak through the curtain of dark hair.
“Of course I would, Petal. With pleasure,” Mountain reassured and Rain’s face lighting up made his own lips curve into a smile. “Do you wanna go now?”
“Hm… yeah but you didn’ eat.”
The earth ghoul chuckled at how considerate she was. Always so caring. “That’s true, but I have my tea, it’s nearly finished already. It’ll be enough for now, I can eat later when the others will.”
“Huh…” Rain seemed to be thinking Mountain’s argument over. “If you say so den... can we go?”
“Absolutely. Do you think you can wait here while I go get you some warmer clothes?”
“Yes, I can!” Rain giggled, so enthusiastic.
“Okay, then, I’ll be back soon.” Mountain leaned down and kissed her forehead before turning around and leaving to fetch something to dress Rain in. It wasn’t that cold outside, but she was in just her pyjamas and she tended to run even colder than normally when she was regressed. The earth ghoul grabbed his own sweatpants and a hoodie Rain would surely drown in. She’d love it. He also got a pair of warm socks, Rain’s own this time.
When Mountain returned to the common room, Rain was waiting patiently, just as when he’d left her.
“Such a good little ghoulette, aren’t you, Petal? So patient,” he praised her, making her beam even more. He helped her get dressed in the clothes he brough—she did love the hoodie—and soon enough Rain was hanging off Mountain’s back, arms and legs all wrapped around him.
They went out into the garden, Rain taking a big, dramatic inhale of the fresh morning air, making Mountain chuckle. He went wherever she’d tell him to, letting her enjoy whatever she wanted. It was her walk, after all.
At some point she ordered a little break. Mountain sat down on a wooden bench by one of the greenhouses and held Rain sideways in his lap, now all happy with how her morning turned out.
“Would you mind telling me why you were so against using any aids earlier?” the earth ghoul asked, choosing his words carefully. If he’d sense any big feeling from Rain, he’d drop it, but they both knew some things had to be talked over with her when small. “You absolutely don’t have to, but you can, if you want.”
“Uhm… I jus’–” She tensed a bit and hesitated, but it was obvious she wanted to let it out, in a way. “I wan’ed to go and I planded to be big and I would just go but den I dunno why I woked up like this and jus’ got sad a bid.”
“Oh, I understand now,” Mountain said, “Thank you for telling me. Would you like to talk some more about it?”
“Not really,” she admitted. “I know crutches aren’t bad and i’s okay to use dem, but I just had… I just had some feelingz. But now i’s okay because you wend with me!”
“Yes, I did and I’m very happy about that, too, Petal.”
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anarcoqueer1994 · 2 years
Nothing could prepare Eddie for this. Sure, he had seen Steve in his swim trunks before, practically spending every day this summer hanging around the Harrington pool. And yea, maybe he noticed how they were short and clung to his thighs, riding up his strong legs as he got out of the pool. But this was something different. When Steve and Robin came out of the house to him and Nancy, Steve was not in his usual little red swim trunks. Instead, he was in the Hawkins High, navy blue speedo, one worn by the boy's swim team. Apparently, his staring was obvious, Steve notices it right away and immediately assumed the worse.
"I know, its ridiculous. Go ahead and laugh." He looks down as Robin smirks. "She dared me to put this old thing on."
But the last thing Eddie could think about was laughing, not when his entire body was on fire, suddenly feeling overdressed in his knee-length black trunks. He could see every muscle of Steve's body, toned thighs, the sides of his hips from the high cut, the little trail of hair leading from his belly button to something further, a further that he is getting a better view of than he ever does in the usual suit. He tries not to look at the obvious bulge pressing against the suit. The humid air was making it even harder to breathe.
Robin, of all people notices the awkward silence and the heavy air between them. She gets a devious smile on her lips, as she goes to sit down between Nancy’s legs on the long pool lounger. "So Eddie, what do you think of Steve's swimsuit?"
Steve shoots her a look, his face turning brighter and brighter shades of crimson. He looks back at Eddie. "You don't have to answer that, actually I would prefer you didn't." Steve sounded embarrassed not wanting Eddie to make fun of him.
But Eddie wanted to tell him how gorgeous he looked, how he wanted so badly to press his body against his own, feel, and not just look. But he can't just say that. He can’t ruin his friendship with Steve, a straight guy, just because of his own stupid crush, a crush that happens to have been made worse by the appearance of a tight little speedo. Sure Steve knew he was gay, and Steve was accepting of him, as well as Robin and Nancy, but that didn't mean he wanted to be the object of Eddie’s affection.
Suddenly he stands up. "I'm going to grab some water." He says abruptly, running past them all before anyone could say anything else.
Eddie grabs water, and relishes in the cool, air-conditioned, indoor air, using it as a way to calm down. He tries to will away the boner he could feel coming on, thinking of the least sexy things he could. After a little bit, he is put together enough to go back outside.
When he opens the door, the others don't notice right away, Steve sitting on the end of the lounger that Nancy and Robin are cuddling on. He hears Steve in a rushed whisper. "Rob, that back fired, dude. He couldn't even look at me, I made a complete joke of myself."
Eddie freezes, knowing he shouldn't be hearing this but listens nonetheless, careful not to let them know of his presence.
"It wasn't that bad, Steve. You look good." Nancy tries to console.
"I look like an idiot who put on my high school swim team uniform to try and impress a boy. I shouldn't have listened to you two. " He says, humiliation in his voice.
"Steve, I'm telling you he likes you. How about you just talk to him, dingus." Robin responds.
"Yea right. Just go up to him and say 'Hey Eds, I think you're sweet and funny and smart and cool and a total babe and Oh, I want you to be my boyfriend.' Great plan." He rolls his eyes. "That wouldn't work."
"Why not?" Suddenly a voice behind them says. Eddie not sure what came over him to say something. But hearing Steve say all those nice things about him ignited something in him...hope that he could want Steve and be with him.
Steve though goes immediately red as Eddie walks closer. "Oh god...how much did you hear?" He looks away, Nancy and Robin quietly smiling to themselves.
"Not much, just that you think I'm a babe and you are totally into me. Oh you were trying to impress me with that little swimsuit." He teases trying to lighten the mood.
"Oh my God, can we just forget this ever happened?" Steve begs desperately, wrapping his arms around himself, suddenly feeling self-conscious. It's Nancy that realizes maybe Steve and Eddie need to be alone.
She stands up pulling Robin with her. " We are going to go in and grab some food."
Robin smirks as she follows Nancy. "You two better talk!" She calls out before going in.
"Thanks! " Steve calls back sarcastically, before looking back at the ground, too embarrassed to look at Eddie.
"Steve," Eddie starts, before sighing, looking down at Steve 'the hair" Harrington looking surprisingly shy and vulnerable. He takes a seat next to Steve on the lounger. "Stevie...look at me." He takes a risk resting his hand on Steve’s bare thigh.
Steve instinctively tenses, before relaxing into the touch, shyly looking up to meet Eddie’s face. "What?"
"Is it true...what you said?" Eddie asks in a hushed tone, scooting closer.
"Ugh..." He starts dumbly, not sure what to say. But he decides on honestly knowing that Eddie already heard him and it's kind of hard to make up a lie when all he can focus on is Eddie’s hand extremely close to the only piece of clothing he has on. "Yea...it is, Eds. I'm like, really into you, and I don't know, Robin and Nancy suggested maybe you like me too. And then Robin saw this thing in my room and convinced me to wear it to, I don't know, get you to notice me. It's dumb."
Eddie laughs. He can't help it. The plan was dumb. But it was also cute. It was adorable think about Steve Harrington trying to get his attention. But Steve begins to blush harder as Eddie laughs.
"Oh God, please forget I said anything." Steve mumbles, embarrassment clear.
Eddie stops laughing at this. "Steve," he wipes his eye, a tear forming from laughing so hard. "I'm sorry. I just can't believe you were trying to seduce me." His hand was still on the other man’s thigh.
Steve's blush travels down his chest. "Yea, it's pretty dumb..."
"Yeah it is." Eddie agrees. "But only because you didn't need to wear this..." Eddie dares to move his hand to the waistline of the speedo, snapping it quickly, before leaving his hand on his waist. "I'm so into you, princess."
This catches Steve off guard, daring to meet Eddie’s eyes for the first time. The little nickname made him feel warm. He whispers "Really?"
"God, yes." He leans forward moving his other hand to Steve's chin. Steve flashes his eyes down to Eddie’s lips, silently asking permission before pressing his lips against Eddie’s, moving his hands to Eddie’s hair, as they kiss deeply, desperately.
When they finally pull away for air. Both men are smiling lile idiots. After a moment, Steve says "I guess I can change out of this dumb thing."
"Don't you dare, baby girl." Eddie breathes heavily. "I said you didn't need to wear this but that doesn't mean I don't like it." He bites his lip, as Steve blushes again, due to the combination of Eddie’s bedroom eyes, and another cute little nickname that makes him warm down in his stomach, even if it's a little embarrassing.
"Alright, you two better be decent!" Robin calls, making them both pull away from each other as she and Nancy come back out. She winks at them as the girls sit back down. "So Eddie, I'll ask again, what do you think of Steve's swimsuit?"
This time Eddie doesn't hesitate. "I think it looks hot. I love it."
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miz-chase · 6 months
Same booth/hodgins anon as before, but truly I'm on the b/h brainriot for the fact I can't categorize their relationship??? cause, yes, they're friends but are they like friends friends or work friends? At some point in the show they said they love each other (I love you man/ don't get me wrong I love hodgins) but we don't see them hanging out much outside of the lab. hodgins asked booth advise when he wanted to propose, and booth tells him when he kissed cam's sister. hodgins hugged (or tried to hug) booth multiple times, and booth wanted to give him the money to take care of his brother. aND AND the whole bugboy thing, (that I first didn't like) but LIKE booth calls everyone by a nickname, and the ones that got an special name were bones and technically his grandfather.
But at the same time these are like a handful of interactions in 12 seasons. I really wish the show had explored booth relation with the squints outside of brennan (and sometimes wendell) a little bit more.
I am DELIGHTED to get more of this because yes.
there’s something so appealing in Booth’s …I guess you could call it tsundere “yeah you’re annoying but I would die for you, it’s no big deal”. Like Booth going just as feral for Hodgins as Brennan when they both get Gravedigger-ed, but then immediately going back to “whatever, bugboy, I wasn’t worried”
I think a lot about closeted, Don’t Ask Don’t Tell-era military Booth and how completely unsuited he is for hookup culture. Always wanting something more permanent but not being able to get past his own internalized homophobia. How that makes him really tetchy about any sign of affection to other men. “Guy hugs”, shoulder punches, the way he makes up with Sweets after yelling at him. It’s all a part of his insecurity about presenting as Manly Enough (see: cocky belt buckle)
that coming into direct contact with Hodgins, the radical, casually queer nerd who sees right through all the bluff and bluster. “Yeah, sure man, whatever you say.” He says with a laugh, knowing full well how flustered Booth is. It would take a lot of patience and “Relax, man, it’s no big deal” on Hodgins’ part, but he’s patient and amused by the whole thing. Picture him after one of their interactions, grinning to himself as his desk chair spins in slow circles. “Yeah, he’s into me.”
yeah this ship is Good
imagine the expensive gift Hodgins would get him. It would totally be a super rare baseball card from Booth’s childhood memories and Booth has to go sit alone in his SUV because it made him have Too Many Feelings
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neonsix67 · 1 year
My lamb!! (This pic has already been posted by @spotlightstudios per my request because I thought I wouldn't get around to actually posting about it, but here I am so awe well)
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My little thing ♡
Physical concept explanation -
-> As always, I live to add a tail to everything I can but I mainly did it here because it helps me understand how to be more expressive with this specific creature, because I'm not the most comfortable with drawing animals.
->I mainly used the Tarot fleece for this because that the fleece I main-ed, but I did just unlock one of the second round of fleeces so idk...that may be subject to change but I really do like the design of that one for the Lamb.
->Can't really see it, but this Lamb has some heavy eyebags. Earned through extreme devotion and hard work, the stress of managing 24 idiots 27/7 has its weight over time, and never being able to sleep, eat, or die has some more...visible side effects.
I didn't change a thing with Narinders' design, at least not his Bishop design. I expect something a bit more...indulgent when I get to his defeated follower form.
But now a quick question (not really heavily ruling on answers but I am a little curious) but I have this idea for another Lamb OC/self-insert. Adding her would mean the existence of another Lamb with this version of the story, and I would likely pair it up with the other Lamb, or should I keep the Lamb of this one as the last and just make this other one a separate story? So the question is-
My version of the lore under break
Okay so I am running very heavily on a family dynamic here. Spot can advocate... but the whole idea is that Narinder kinda adopted this thing and it was SO gosh dang grateful that it worked, lived, and breathed for him. It wasn't long that Lamb starting viewing Narinder as a sort of father figure, never having one for itself since lambs were hunted down to extintion. Lamb would use every death as an opportunity to see Narinder and tell him about the Cult, or the most recent crusade, or just what sort of people Lamb has been meeting, anything to keep his attention.
The first time Lamb called him "Dad" was a slip up, quick and accidental, but Lamb never really apologised, and seeing that Narinder didn't really get mad at the title, Lamb just kinda kept calling him Dad, and eventually even gets cute with it and calls him Papa Nari (this is a reflection to me playing the game...but I met him one time and was like...yeah that's Papa Nari, no one can tell me otherwise). Eventually Lamb hangs around enough during that little bit of time that it takes for it to be resurrected it begins to talk to Aym and Baal as well, who both, seeing that their Master favors this one, oblige to conversate with. It wasn't much longer after that that Lamb began to really view the two as older siblings, playing knucklebones or sharing cult dynamics like a sort of gossip with the two.
As time progresses and the Cult grows, so does the family dynamic, and the Lamb is viewed as Papa Nari's golden child, which doesn't really bother anyone other than Narinders siblings, who catch on that this Lamb is successfully a killer by nature and is learning to be loved by The One Who Waits. Slowly, as they each fall to its blade, does it really sink in that this mission may succeed in the Fifth Bishops' favour. Well, that doesn't quite sit right with Lamb... what will happen when they complete Papa Naris' mission? Don't get it wrong...it WILL complete what was asked, but Lamb has this nagging fear and anxiety that this happy afterlife, this second chance at a real family, will be stripped when they kill all the bishops and provide with Narinder the freedom he so deserves.
So far, that's all I care to type out for now, but boy has this been lingering on my mind for the past couple of days.
Oh and quickly back to the idea of a second Lamb! Spot! Know that this doesn't stop me from crossing our headcannons together. In my mind, your Lamb still exists somewhere out there and just ticks off Papa Nari by not doing anything killing wise. It does not like it one bit but doesn't mind it enough seeing as it makes Papa more proud of it when it continues with the mission.
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word count: 1.3k
inspired by:
eddie munson x steve harrington
a/n: English is not my first language, so it might contain some mistakes, please be kind.
warnings: angst with a happy ending
eddie is feeling homesick after so many months on tour
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— Hey Eds, we're going to that bar we saw down the street, are you coming?
— Nah man, I'm still kinda jetlagged, gonna rest a little bit.
Gareth knew he was lying, they've been friends for so long that he could know when Eddie were even breathing different. But all that knowledge also made him realize the tears stuck in his friend's throat, even though they were separated by the hotel bedroom door.
— Alright man, we're out, but call us if you need something.
Eddie didn't answer, but he knew Gareth would understand, he heard his friends footsteps going down the hall until the silence was his only company again.
It's been an hour since he entered this bedroom, an hour that his head is hurting, a whole pack of cigarettes is gone by now and he feels this pain covering his chest. He doesn't remember the city or even the country he is in now. Everything he can remember is Steve's sleepy voice on the phone.
This feels so wrong now... He should be happy, right? The band is doing great, they've been on tour for... Eddie lost count of the months by now... But he should be happy, he should be drinking with his friends, celebrating their success, because this was his dream right? Become a rockstar, have a successful band, playing all around the world, live from his music.
But he didn't even unpacked his clothes, he didn't see the view of the bedroom window that was booked specifically for him... He doesn't care, to be honest, the view might be great, but it's only gonna remind him that he's away from home.
It started when their manager said they would need to be on the road for more two weeks, but then those weeks kept multiplying, and now the sweaters he brought with him don't even smell like Steve anymore.
He kept calling everytime they landed in a new place, and Steve always answered, even when he was at work or when he was already sleeping, he always answered, he always said "love you, Teddy" before hanging off. And Eddie knew Steve was unhappy.
Their calls got shorter everytime, the distance got colder everyday... but Steve wouldn't admit it, of course not, he knew how important that was for Eddie, he wouldn't say those bad and selfish words that were floating on the back of his mind... asking for Eddie to come back home, to come back for him.
It's been so long since they left Hawkins, since they became each other's family, but now Steve's memories are tormenting him. Everytime Eddie calls, Steve can hear his mother's voice far away in his head "It's just one more business trip Steven, you know it's important, we're gonna be back soon, honey, you won't even realize the time passing by"... But he always realized the time passing, he always knew there'd be another business trip after that, but he never complained, because that was important, that was his dad's job, what kept the house, so he should just be patient and wait for them to come back.
Gareth, Jeff and Grant ran back to the hotel after the message Eddie sent on their groupchat, with only three words "I'm going home", but it was too late, everything they saw was the taxi leaving, and they knew who was that long brown curled hair sitting on the backseat. They were nervous, of course, what would they do without Eddie? How would they tell their manager? What would they do about next day's concert?
Their heads were spinning, but they weren't angry... to be honest, there was a light relief growing in their chest now, because Eddie's left meant a break. All of them were tired, that's why they were drinking in the goddamn daylight, how else could they go through that?
But after all their fights with the management, asking to go back home, to have days off... one of them was finally brave, maybe dumb, enough to go home, to ignore the contract, to breathe again.
Eddie always said he was a coward, but he was the bravest amongst them, and they always admired that.
He always hated sitting by the corridor side on the plane, but that was the only place he could get on the full flight. His leg was anxiously shaking, the old lady sitting beside him had a judgment look, but he didn't give a single fuck about that. He was finally going home, and his heart was beating so fast, he thought he could die any minute. But he wished he didn't, he couldn't die, mainly not right now, not before feeling Steve's arms around him again.
— Young man, can you please stop shaking your leg like that? You're disturbing me. — said the old lady, with a fake politeness.
— Sorry, I'm anxious to come back home, it's been a while since...
— I don't wanna know about this, just calm yourself down someway and stop disturbing me. — she said before opening her novel again.
In an usual day, Eddie would answer that, he'd tell the old lady to go to hell or he would be even more annoying just to piss her off. But right now he had no energy to even care about that, nothing else mattered. So, surprisingly, he decided to follow the upset lady's advice and calm himself down.
He needed to write, he needed to put all those words out of his chest, but he couldn't write on his phone's notes, no, he always hated that, so fucking old fashioned, he always wrote on paper, he believed the phone's keyboard blocked the words on his mind.
But he didn't have his journal with him either, packed his stuff so fast, his notebook was know inside his bag, surrounded by clothes. The pain in his head was coming back, he felt suffocated with those words crossing his mind. Luckily, he finally saw the flight attendant walking down the corridor.
— Excuse me... — he realized how his voice sounded loud and desperate, feeling some pairs of eyes looking at him now — Can you get me some napkins and a pen?
— Of course sir. — the flight attendant said with a polite and kinda confused smile on her face.
She came back about two minutes later, handed him a few napkins and a blue pen, still with a slightly confused look. Eddie just murmured a "thanks" and didn't even look to see her leaving.
His scrambled handwriting started filling the blank space, every word making him breath a little bit better because he could finally feel he was coming back home.
"You're wearing my old clothes, but you, you wear it better
And every time I see your face, the moon should be jealous
And I keep talking to the wall 'til he's a friend of mine
I call you every hour just to tell you that I'm losing my mind
Now I know you're sleeping
Where I'm supposed to be in
Wish I could've stayed
Only thing that keeps us apart
Is seven thousand miles, running like a mad dog
Only thing that keeps us apart
Is a different timezone
So fuck what I'm dreaming, this fame has no meaning
I'm coming home
Only thing that keeps us apart
Is a different timezone
Tomorrow I got another plane, I'm not gonna take it
Instead, I'm gonna fly straight to you, I paid double for the tickets
And I don't give a shit about the contracts that I signed
And they can say whatever, we'll be making love, I'm fucking you tonight"
He was going back home, and his heart was beating normal again, because every minute passed was one more minute closer to Steve, not his voice on the phone, not his face on a screen, not a stupid timezone of difference... Eddie was coming back home.
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seafavoured · 7 months
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𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐂 𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐖𝐍 𝐀𝐁𝐑𝐔𝐏𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐓𝐎 𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄, they were all busying about the process of packing up their things. all save silver, whose vocal prowess was enough to be called an instrument by its own right. finely tuned and well honed to their craft. flint went about his business, packing the double bass to its leatherbound casing with meticulous care. heedful of its varnish and not to catch the scroll nor end pin as he secured the top. still, even with focus so narrowed, he saw silver in his periphery, hyper aware of the other wandering closer.
the others all seemed preoccupied : edward and ned were embroiled in a heated argument, though they looked more likely to kiss than throw blows. time would tell, he supposed, though his vindictive side did hope for the latter. jack stood glaring nearby, gnawing on a drum stick. izzy and the younger jack both hung about the doorway in discussion with their respective security guards. the ladies seemed too preoccupied with their affections to notice the rest of them, eleanor's arms wrapped 'round the shoulders of both.
his attentions blotted them all from focus, narrowed to the one who now stepped adjacent him. ❛ not keen on playing fourth wheel, were you? ❜ a dry tease accompanied by a nod and cocked brow toward the lesbians. ❛ i hope you've gotten yourself a date for the press junket, at least. i would hate to see you so ignored all evening. ❜ there was a question in the reeds of his jests. hinted and toyed at, but never posed outright.
he bent, hands busied with buckling the clasps of the case ere he stood to full height once more. hoisted a shoulder strap, bass hanging heavy at his back. ❛ you sounded lovely today, by the way. it was wise of ed to give you lead vocals on that track ... bit pitchy at the end though. ❜ bait, and nothing more. the barest hint of a smirk tugged at his mouth, gaze fixed down upon them with an intensity absent when turned to the others.
@pyratezlife / silver.
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blueyhuesposts · 2 years
Kevin Barr x reader
Your twin brother Eddy finding out
Warnings: Making out, Implied innuendos, Yelling, Physical altercation, Cursing
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Your brother was going to find out one way or another. You just really didn't expect or wanted it to be this way. This could have all been prevented but your carelessness(horniness) got in the way of you guys being careful.
You guys laid in your bed, the comfort of Kevin's want body laying on top of you as you read a book for your English too distracting. Reading the page the fourth time around it didn't help that Kevin was kissing your bare stomach, your shirt scrunched up.
"Kevin stop. I really need to focus on this chapter. Can't we ever just hang out with it having to turn out like...well you know." You couldnt finish the words too embarrassed by it. He looked up at your face and smirked slightly. "Turn out with you screaming my name and telling me you can't get enough of me?"
You cheeks flamed up and you covered you face. "Why would you say that?! Your so mean!" You said slightly slapping his shoulder. He laughed in your stomach, the vibration tickling you and making yourself laugh as well. You sighed and picked up the book returning to reread the chapter once more.
You finally got half way through it before you felt Kevin bite you softly above your belly button. You put down the book, giving up at this point before sighing softly "Kevin..." He kissed up your belly before licking a long stripe up the bottom of your bra. You bit your bottom lip, in order to conceal your sighs and soft moans.
He raised up and pulled you up slightly by your hips to level you out. You couldn't help but run his cheeks softly with your hands before bringing him down to place the softest kiss. The kiss turned from one peck to two before his tongue rubbed against your lips. Given him permission you opened your mouth slightly inviting his tongue.
He relished in the way you gasped, loving the feels of your hands behind his head. You sucked on his tongue and he groaned, grinding the slightest but onto you. You moaned silently, enjoying the feeling of everything. Though it didn't last long. Too busy with each other you guys couldnt hear the loud mouth of your brothers and your guys two best friends... surprisingly.
You two jumped up when you hear your door slam open, the wall behind it surely cracked. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING TO MY SISTER?" Eddy yelled at the top of his lungs. You couldn't comprehend the situation, scuffling to get your shirt down while Kevin sat up on your bed trying to ease his breathing. "Oh my! We are so terribly sorry Kevin and Y/n! My apologies we're leaving!" Double d said frantically hiding his eyes and blushing face.
"THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL IM LEAVING THIS PERVERT HERE WITH Y/N!" Your face turning red with anger. "DONT CALL HIM A PERVERT EDDY! CANT YOU EVER KNOCK!?" His face turned into the shade of a tomato, grinding his teeth. He was about to open his mouth again before kevin stepped in. "Hey man, chill. Look we've been meaning to te.." Kevin couldn't even finish his sentence before Eddy pushed him back off your bed.
"I DONT WANT TO HEAR ANYTHING FROM YOU SHOVEL FACE! TELL ME WHY I SHOULD BEAT THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF YOU?!" Kevins face turning sour before he got up fists clenched to his side ready. "Fine then you wanna fight let's go!" Eddy tackled him by his stomach before both boys fell on the ground scuffling.
"ED DO SOMETHING!" Double d yelled panicking trying to grab Eddy. Ed finally grabbed Eddy and I pushed Kevin far enough from my brother "ENOUGH! BOTH OF YOU! Kevin you need to go alright." Kevins face exasperated. "YOUR GOING TO TAKE THIS DORKS SIDE?" "THIS DORK IS MY BROTHER! And I would watch what you say next time about him." Looking deathly in his eyes. Tears glossing up your vision.
He looked at me before his expression fell, picking up his hat and leaving dodging Eddy's frantic kicking and hands. "YEA THATS RIGHT YOU HEARD HER DONT COME BACK HERE!" Rage filled your entire body as you wtaches you brother smile as if he won the fight. "AND YOU! HOW COULD YOU?" He looked at me as if I was crazy.
"HOW COULD I, AS IF I JUST DIDNT CATCH MY SISTER SUCKING FACE WITH SHOVEL HEAD OVER THERE!" Double d chimed in. "Eddy please be reasonable we violated your sisters privacy, though it wasn't right she didn't tell you it doesn't make it right.."
Tears sliding down your cheeks you wiped them roughly with your sleeve. "GET OUT! ALL OF YOU I DONT WANT TO SEE ANY OF YOU!" Screaming at the loudest volume as your twin they all stopped bickering. Ed dropped Eddy who slowly crep away from your room, double d apologizing profusely once more before running out the door. The only one left is Ed who watched with a sad face.
He hugged you tightly lifting you off the ground "It's alright little one. Things will get better!" Dropping you down from the bone crushing hug he ran out the door to follow his friends. You slammed your door and couldn't help sliding down it. Your chin in between your knees, you couldn't help the choked up sob coming. Once you let that out you finally let it all go.
Everything wasn't going right, you lost your brothers trust, he embarrassed you, and you probably lost the best boyfriend you ever had. You felt royally screwed. Sobs and silent screams past your lips before you went on your bed to just cry even more.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
Though your brother will never admit it, he felt terrible. Watching you close up from him and give him the strongest death stares ever imaginable chipped at his heart. Your his sister, his twin in fact. He sighed his ego feeling like a deleted balloon standing at the doorstep of someone he surely can't stand.
Ringing the doorbell, he waited for a couple of second till the door opened. There Kevin stood shocked covered his face before it changed to a hatred look. "What do you want dork? Come here to fight again?" Eddy opened his mouth before remembering the reason why he was there. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "No I just want to talk..."
Both teenage boys sat in Kevin's sofa, soft to the touch and comfortable. Eddy sat awkwardly as Kevin stared him down. "Why are you even here you ruined me and y/n relationship. You have three seconds to tell me what you wanna say before I give you a punch in the face."
"I'm here to make amends and...apologize." It felt as though Eddy swallowed a whole mouthful of his pride right then and there. Kevin raised a brow intrigued. "Y/n isn't someone I can control and I can't control who she likes. She was definitely happier with you and I don't want to take that away from her." Kevin sighed before sitting down on the couch as well.
"look man, y/n hated keeping the secret from you knowing how you were going to react. We were going to tell you but of course that didn't happen did it?" Eddy gritted his teeth together "yea catching you guys in the act isn't all I want to see!" "Whatever man. It's y/n's life not yours." Even though Eddy hated it, Kevin was right.
"I am not happy with the guy she chose but if she's happy then that makes me happy too, she's my sister and of course I'll always be protective of her. I'll respect your guys relationship and privacy." Kevin hid his smile before leaning back against the couch "thanks man..."
Knowing Eddy though, he always had to have the last word. "But if you ever break her heart I'll shove your motorcycle up your ass." Kevin chuckled slightly gritting his teeth. "Don't count on it, and if you ever touch my baby I'm killing you..." They both looked at each other before shaking hands. Now Kevin only had one problem, making it right with you.
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You laid miserably in your bed. Thought this all happened in the span of a weekend thankful you didn't have to go to school, your heart hurts and you couldn't stop the tears from pouring from your eyes. Kevin hasn't called you in the span of the weekend and you haven't spoken to your brother either. The only person you've talked to was Nazz. She visited earlier to have you cry it out on your shoulder.
But of course she had to go. And here you are alone again staring at the dresser near your bedside. A Polaroid picture secretly taped there from outside eyes. You and Kevin hugging each other as he smirked and you kissing his cheek. The tears blurred your vision before sniffling in your pillow. That was until you hear your window get tapped on.
You got up immediately turning over and recognizing the figure standing there. You walked over quickly opening it. "Uhh...hey doll?" Kevin said unsure of what to say. He gave you space but from the looks of it you definitely needed his support. His chest tightening seeing your red eyes and nose.
You scowled at him but walked away to your bed laying down on it, turning away from him. 'thats a start isn't it?' Kevin thought as he climbed in. He sat near your feet, trying to remember what he was going to say before coming here. "I'm so sorry y/n. I shouldn't have left and not have called you. I thought I was giving you space. You never left my mind though...I was always thinking bout you." He heard you shuffle and he looked up to see you facing him and sit up.
"I still don't forgive you." You said as your cheeks puffed out of anger. Kevin couldn't help but smile slightly, your too cute for your own good. "I know, I'll work to make you forgive me." You rolled your eyes going to hug him before stopping yourself. "And don't ever call my brother a dork. He might be an annoying, loud ass. But he's my brother and if you want to be with me. Your going to have to accept that."
Kevin nodded, already facing the fact that you'll always have your brother and he was going to have to deal with it. "I know. Cmere..." He said before grabbing your arm and dragging you towards your bed. You couldn't help the slight smile that creeped up on your face.
He rubbed you arms and you finally could relax, knowing even though it was going to be difficult you guys will get through it together, always. He kissed your cheek and you blushed slightly vefore shoving his shoulder. A faux hurt expression spread through his face. You rolled your eyes before mumbling something and kissing him like you have never kissed him before in your lifetime...
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
You saw your brother sat on the couch, not really watching what's going on in the t.v more spaced out than ever. "Hey.." "wassup?" Eddy replied looking towards you. "I know what you did and I wanted to thank you, your the best annoying ass brother in the entire world and I would never trade you for anything." He rolled his eyes embarrassingly before he was forced into a hug from you.
"Yea yea whatever. Just don't let me catch you guys kissing again I'm still having nightmares of shovel face perverting against my little sister." You looked at him with a blank stare "you know I'm 3 minutes older than you right?" "Whatever.." you both smiled softly before finally sitting down and watching the game show together that was playing on TV. Finally at ease.
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lhs3020b · 1 year
In The News
More slightly-inchoate BG3 commentary, this time on an Act III side-quest.
Oh, SPOILERS, by the way.
Last night, I accidentally stumbled across the "Stop the Presses" side-quest...
I don't quite know what I make of it.
For those who don't know (and don't mind spoilers!) it's the side-quest where Baldur's Gate's main newspaper runs a Daily Mail-style character-assasination piece on you. You start it by talking to either one of the newspaper-sellers or (I guess) walking into the press building. Thing is, the first problem is that if you do what the game tells you to (talk to the Editor), that basically guarantees you the bad ending. You meet him, he harrangues you, presents your actions in the worst light possible (and unlike Khalisah from Mass Effect, actively and directly lies about your behaviour) ... and then has you thrown out of the building. One long sleep later and the hit-piece is published and, as the game puts it, "your reputation is in tatters".
Apparently it is possible to avoid this outcome, but you apparently can't do it through dialogue. Instead, you have to sneak in and manually change whatever is mounted on the printing press itself. (Apparently the newspaper's staff are too stupid or apathetic to notice that what's coming out of the printing press is not what they put in there. Or maybe they're just not paid enough to care.)
I have feelings about all of this.
First of all, this is a bit of a weird sidequest. As far as I know, it's not integrated into the main story. It's not clear why the Editor wants to run a hit-piece on you - why does he even care? Possibly he could be acting on orders from Gortash, but again this doesn't quite hang together - you get this quest, most likely, after you've been to Gortash's accession-ceremony. By that point you're either already an active enemy of Gortash, in which case who cares about shitty op-eds, or Gortash is trying to get you on-side with him, in which case this op-ed actually runs directly against his personal interests. (Why offend the person who might bring him Orin's netherstone? It just doesn't work. Gortash is evil, yes, but he's not an idiot.)
Perhaps the Editor is working for the Absolute? I considered this, but as far as I know there's no evidence in the text to support it. He doesn't seem to have a tadpole - there's no illithid dialogue-options when you talk to him - and anyway, ultimately this would make him a patsy for Gortash. Maybe Orin could be involved - maybe she could be trying to drive a wedge between you and Gortash? - but, really, this is too subtle and not-sufficiently-violent for Orin. Also, inside the newsroom, there are Steel Guard sentinels stood there, which imply that the newspaper has official protection. That would point back to Gortash.
Except we've already established that Gortash makes no sense as a puppetmaster here.
Another possibility, I suppose, is that the newspaper's Editor is simply completely out-of-control and drunk on power. I mean, I live in the UK, which is sadly known for its appallingly-rotten journalists (witness the revolving door between senior newspaper positions and Conservative Party Special Advisors - nothing corrupt here, oh no!), so this is at least a believable possibility. But, narratively, this feels like a wasted opportunity - this quest could very easily be linked into the main storyline. It would be depressing, but a subplot about how a corrupt newspaper helped Gortash lie his way into supreme power would fit with the main story. Except, to my knowledge, this never happens.
The Editor's only attempt to justify his actions is a ritual inflection toward "freedom of the press", which apparently in his interpretation includes complete freedom to lie, slander and deceive the public if he feels like it. You know, for shits and giggles. While a lot of real-world newspapers behave like this (especially in the UK - those of you who remember my "Diary of a Disaster" series from 2016-20 will be familiar with the reflexive, enthusiastic lying that they practise), at the same time, it feels deeply-depressing.
But, the "happier" ending also has its own issues. That's the one where you change the printing press to print the stories you want it to - while better for you personally, propaganda is still propaganda, surely? Is it necessarily better if you're the one who manipulates public opinion rather than the Editor?
Either option, honestly, feels iffy. This was a side-quest that I came away from with a faintly-queasy feeling. I actually ended up rolling my saved file back to before I interacted with the newspaper-sellers, and I'm actually seriously-considering just leaving this one to one side. It does feel a bit like the only genuinely-winning strategy here is not to play at all?
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charmyesucks · 1 year
this body is the reflection of my mind
tw: anorexia, weight loss and gain, just talking about weight and self image a whole lot
Today I realised that I have, in fact, gained some weight. I slipped my shirt off to get in the shower and once I looked up I noticed my outline has gotten a bit softer, my ribs don't stick out as much neither does my collarbone, a bit more fat hugs my stomach now.
The first months of the year I lost a significant amount of weight in a super short time. I was in a not so healthy relationship and it caused me gigantic stress and anxiety, therefore I never felt comfortable enough to eat and food stopped being appetizing. I'd go full days eating only one small meal or nothing at all. I was too stressed to be pleased with my effortless weight loss, I only noticed once I felt my high waisted jeans become low waisted and hanging around my hips instead than clinging my waist. What I did notice was the fatigue, the dark circles, the constant sleepiness and how easier it was to get drunk, though it was a plus at the time. My very rightfully concerned therapist told me that I began showing signs of an ED, I'm certainly not new to anorexia yet I hadn't had a fall back in a long time.
My need to feel loved and to fix things with someone that didn't give a shit about me made me believe that I too shouldn't give a shit about myself, so I slowly erased myself. I started doing only school work and the things I thought would make this other person happy and ended up having no time for myself, my hobbies, my beliefs, or to even be relaxed enough to feed myself. The anxiety cramps this person caused me were enough to keep me satiated, I mean, if I can't prove that I'm worthy of love how can I be worthy of food? If I can't take care of the people I love why should I take care of myself?
If the person that I love with my whole being wants me to be invisible, I guess I'll try my best to be.
That person has been dumped by me a month ago. I'd like to say that he taught me a lot but he didn't really do shit, I'm just really good at finding lessons in life's dark moments, the best way to face adversity is to learn from it.
Once I saw that I had gained weight I felt a warm happiness overcome me that I had never felt in the previous months, not even when my jeans started being too loose, when my ribs started showing, when people complimented me, looking at myself in that mirror made me way happier because I remembered how I gained this weight. All the laughs I had this month, all the new people I met, all the focaccia, bubble tea and take out I had shared with my friends, all the time I spent laying down reading books, how much more alive and full I felt without my dark circles and thinning hair.
This body is so much more than an aesthetic product for external consumption or a tool to please others with certain parts, it is my house, the house of the person that I love the most. I had forgotten I was supposed to be the one I loved the most, this time I tell myself that I should never be invisible, that I can take up all the space I want and I should do everything to make myself happy.
So love yourself!!!!!!!! You're the most important person!!!!!! You deserve everything it doesn't matter if other people can't see that!!!! Don't believe that weight is good/bad because society thinks that it is, you're the most beautiful when you're happy in your body because you are beautiful to yourself, whatever size that is!!!!!!!!!
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