#and considering the weird ass choice I made with the fit today
daydadahlias · 1 year
some guy just yelled at me out of a car “my friend thinks you’re cute!” and y’all do not know how bad I needed that confidence boost today.
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cadybear420 · 3 months
Cadybear's Reviews- The Phantom Agent
Welcome to the thirty-eighth official Cadybear's Reviews! Today I'll be talking about The Phantom Agent, which I have ranked on the "Gold Tier" at 8 stars out of a possible 10. My last and only playthrough of this was during October-December 2022 (and completed in October 2023).
I really enjoyed this one, partly because I’m a sucker for secret agent/spy/James Bond type stories, and partly because there were a lot of refreshing elements of this. 
First, I love having a MC that is experienced at their profession rather than the usual newbie. I know PB probably makes the MCs newbies to make them more self-insertable, it is possible to have a self-insertable MC that is also experienced. 
Like, we’re playing a secret agent book. We already expect, going in, that MC is gonna be a secret agent, one way or another. Sometimes a newbie MC can make the introduction to the environment and the characters feel more natural, but it can also work to make them more experienced/familiar if you leave the backstory up to interpretation. Anyways. 
Second, this is probably the only GOC-LI story in the whole app where the wlm route is infinitely more interesting than the mlw version. I’ve seen some people suspect that this one was written with a mlw route in mind, rather than how most books tend to be written with wlm in mind. And I do think that’s possibly true, considering stuff like fem!body MC being complimented for their “broad shoulders” when they wear the premium doctor disguise, or m!Agent Grey’s swim trunks being described as “a swimsuit that hugs his hips” (extra pain on that last one btw, when are we gonna get male/masc!body swimsuits that actually hug their hips instead of the shopping bag ass swim trunks). 
But whatever the case, it still made for a damn good and refreshing wlm playthrough. MC can be flirty, but in a very suave way, rather than sultry and enticing manner that PB often gives to flirtatious MC behaviors. Instead, it’s characters like Nurse Lou and Alexis Reid who are flirty in an enticing manner. We’ve got Nurse Lou, who gets reeeaaallll hot and bothered for MC after learning they’re the one who saved the hospital. We’ve got Alexis Reid, who acts very seductive and almost femme-fatale-ish to MC. 
It’s such a great change in pace for MC’s dynamics with hookups and LIs. Even little moments with other GOC characters like MC checking out Agent Grey’s ass and hips in a vent, or Rowan hooking their leg around MC’s hip when they’re fighting, are just refreshing as all fuck. 
I didn’t care much for Agent Grey though. I mean, they were alright as a character and they do fit the role of the obligatory prissy/sultry female character that partners with James Bond, but at least those ones had some character. Grey was much more stale and didn’t really have a lot of personality outside of basically being a tsundere, so that made it weird when they tried to push them as a big romantic love interest. 
Rowan wasn’t bad either, but they weren’t exactly much better in terms of how much character they had and I found it harder to get a feel for their history with the MC. Similarly with Perdita, I never felt like they had as much importance as the writers wanted them to have. And they don’t really explain how Rowan’s death was faked or why they sided with the Architect. 
Also, I loved the music. Especially the opening theme, which is very clearly inspired by “No Time To Die”. The neurons that were activated in my brain when I watched that movie and we got to the parts of that song that sounded just like the tune from TPA. Like, the first few instrumental bits in the middle of the song are almost the exact same as the last part of the Choices soundtrack. Definitely adds to the whole “James Bond” feel of the story. If anything confirms that this story is PB’s take on a James Bond film, this is it.
Overall, I think it’s a fun story. Not one of the best-made stories, it’s still pretty uni-directional, but it’s still a breath of fresh air in its respective Choices era, and probably enjoyable if you like to chill out to spy stories.
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 310: A Tale of Two Kacchans
Previously on BnHA: Flashback!Deku was all, “hey, you know what sounds like a good decision? Abandoning my studies at the safest place in the country so that the bad guy who wants to find me and kill me has literally nothing standing in his way of doing that.” All Might was all, “I fucking knew you were going to say some bullshit like that so whatever, but I’M COMING WITH YOU and I’m also going to invite the Hawksquad to come with us, mostly so that I can steal Jeanist’s car.” Jeanist was all, “okay fine you can borrow my car, All Might, but only if you wear jeans.” All Might was all, “okay sure” and he wore jeans and also sunglasses and a leather jacket and it was pretty rad. Anyway so now they’re out there fighting crime and hunting down the LoV and stuff, and absolutely none of it is going to end well, I’m just letting you know now. But I guess we’ll let them enjoy it while it lasts.
Today on BnHA: Horikoshi is all “happy belated Kacchan’s Birthday makeste, here’s the flashback you really wanted at long last,” and proceeds to pull the old vestige flashback out of the kitchen drawer and upend its contents all over my Friday afternoon without the slightest bit of warning. OFA III is all “WHAT’S UP I’M JUST SOME GUY, HELLO,” and okay?? Hello yourself. OFA II, on the other hand, is all, “okay yeah I have different hair and stuff, but I’m like 98% sure I’m either Bakugou or his goddamn twin, I mean look at me.” Which, yeah. I looked, and he really is though you guys. Anyway though, so he and OFA II basically just showed up in the First (who goes by Yoichi now)’s prison cell one day all “HEY THERE, WE’RE HERE TO SAVE YOU, APPARENTLY, ALTHOUGH WE SEEM REAL CONFUSED ABOUT IT TBH BUT HEY.” And so they saved him, and Yoichi was all “hey nice to meet you do you want to join my super-exclusive Saving The World Club”, and so they did, and then the chapter ended lol. I would have said yes too.
oh my sweet lord?? I didn’t realize we were getting a color page this week, but LOOK AT THIS
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this could have been a fucking volume cover. I’m almost mad that it wasn’t, lol but I mean fkldjslklk just look at it??! Horikoshi out here spoiling us and making sure we’re well fed since next week the manga is on break for Golden Week. well this will certainly help to tide me over. hot damn look at those colors
so now it’s raining on some dumb building in the middle of somewhere
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is this where the Hawksquad has set up camp for the night? or are we actually cutting back to the League? that’d be unexpected (but not unwelcome)
ffff nevermind dammit it’s just more random citizens under attack
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feels like this is the third or fourth scene we’ve had of civilians being Under Attack since this arc started. I mean no offense, but I think we get it by this point. it’s the end times, etc. etc. we’re well aware that things have gone to shit
so apparently these two guys are facing off against a girl with a mutant quirk. and she’s telling them that she’s not a monster and she was just scared, oh shit. I believe her btw, you can see it in her face
but these assholes don’t believe her at all and they’re pointing what looks to be some type of support item gun at her
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you know what’s interesting, is that this kind of random quirk discrimination is the exact kind of thing PLF and the like were swearing up and down they’d put a stop to with their glorious revolution. it’s almost like those guys were completely full of shit. huh
so yeah, fortunately for this woman someone is stepping in and intervening before she can be blasted to bits by this trigger-happy asshole for absolutely no fucking reason
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looks like a hero actually stepped in and saved her?? but no that can’t be, heroes are the ones that ruin everything and make everything worse, or so I understand. lol where did all of this sarcasm come from out of nowhere dlkdsjlk I’m sorry guys I just suddenly got swept up in the hypocrisy of certain people’s philosophies out of the blue idek
anyway so it is of course Deku saving her, and now he’s trying to talk thess jerks down all diplomatically instead of just kicking their asses, which is certainly a choice
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fucking impossible to miss the real world parallels here. shit. this woman nearly died for her crime of Walking While Having A Mutant Quirk huh. and meanwhile Deku is just letting this guy scurry away and even letting him keep that fucking bazooka of his, like, ????
fucking hell she’s crying!!
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lmao this chapter is actively trying to make me mad now huh. that’s some genuine righteous anger I’m feeling on behalf of this fictional ferret lady whom I only met two minutes ago. girl you are not the one who needs to explain herself here!! you didn’t do anything wrong holy fuck. everything about this situation sucks so much
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“I’m sorry I made you upset, please enjoy this panel of tiny!floating!Deku hefting this lady’s massive beach umbrella up for her like the fucking gentleman he is” well okay then thank you sir
and JUST LIKE THAT the tension is broken and I’m entirely incapable of taking the rest of this conversation seriously because Deku’s trying to be all calming and authoritative, but now the illusion has been broken because I know he only comes up to like her knees
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“well thanks again for saving me young man. I’ll leave you to it, I’m sure you’ve got more important things to do like protecting your Lucky Charms cereal from all those greedy children”
oh hey All Might
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you wouldn’t have just let that guy with the bazooka just walk away to commit more attempted murders would you?? man
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I ~CANNOT STAY HERE~ oh, well, sorry to keep you detained I know you’re busy
dfslkjlk oh my god
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fucking told you Deku didn’t pack any food lol. it’s literally all notebooks in that bag you guys. he couldn’t just leave them all in his dorm room when he left, because what if someone tried to read them and came across one of the pages where he absentmindedly doodled Kacchan’s name surrounded by little tiny hearts oh gosh
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I needed this Horikoshi. thank you for this wholesome soul-cleansing interaction after all of that bullshit earlier
so now Deku’s climbing up this tall building to eat his lunchbox more dramatically. Tokoyami would be proud
and Banjou is saying that society right now is just like in The Good Old Days (read: bad old days) when quirk society was even more of a mess than it is now
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which is exactly how AFO likes it, no doubt
so now Deku’s having a whole conversation with Banjou seemingly out loud lol, weird. and he’s basically saying that they don’t have any clues as to where TomurAFO and the League are hiding right now, and none of the Tartarus escapees they’ve found knew anything either
mmmmmfmhm, marge simpson noises
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but you think you can?? you, alone, by yourself?? you think you stand a chance?? I just need you to think this all through a bit more kid
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and of course my pleading is all in vain, because he’s a fictional character who can’t fucking hear me, and also because I’m pretty sure there’s only one character who is going to actually be able to get him to hear reason here. I’ve been saying it, and I’ll keep saying it lol. so until then I guess I’ll just have to be patient
anyway so it appears we’re segueing into another flashback??? HORIKOSHI PLEASE GIVE ME SOME BAKUCRUMBS BEFORE THE TWO WEEK BREAK, I BEG YOU
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oh my god oh my god I’m not readyyyyy, but also FUCK YEAH I AM SO FUCKING READY LOL LET’S DO THIS
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(」゜ロ゜)」 щ(゜ロ゜щ)
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well okay then sir. so are you an ~ancestor~ or a Kacchan from another timeline or so what’s your deal then
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(ETA: I’m going to punch myself in the face lmao. he’s Yoichi. he, the First. that’s his name. name reveal at long last what what!!)
(ETA: I actually think he’s going to end up being voiced by Nobuhiko whether he ends up being Kacchan or not, just because it fits right in with the general “identical in almost every way” aesthetic he’s got going on.)
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“some bright-eyed brat” oh come on. IT’S GOTTA BE HIM LOL
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oh my god you all are probably TIRED AS FUCK of all my screaming but I’M SORRY IMMA HAVE TO DO IT ONE LAST TIME BECAUSE...
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and so they really are the ones who busted First out of his jail cell huh
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so how did they know you were in the room?? why did they come and break you out?? and how, pray tell, did they know to get you to transfer OFA to them?? hmmmMMMMMMMM
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you guys. oh my god. it’s too much. every last bit of it lines up exactly with the Bakuverse theory sdkjfj I’m short-circuiting. it’s really fucking happening oh my lord
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lol, anyways so as I said in my other post, mysterious sexy guys with tragic pasts are what bring us together as a fandom, so whatever your thoughts are on the rest of it, let’s just rejoice in that. it’s what we deserve
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heloflor · 3 years
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So, given that I didn’t have much time to work on fics recently because school, I’ve decided to relieve some stress by making a random representation of how I imagine Cavendish and Dakota’s house in their time-period looks like. And since I have no plans to ever describe it in detail in a fic, here it is ! Though, given how bad I am with designs, showing the house is mostly an excuse to infodump on domestic headcanons.
Regarding the last names, I didn’t make a typo for Cav. I like to imagine the two getting married way before the events of the show, with Cav taking “Dakota” as a last name, mostly because he got several siblings in-law on the Dakota side who adopted him on the spot.
And about the representation of the house : yeah it looks like shit. Since I can’t draw, I’ve decided to do something rather quick using MSPaint but yeah, not the best thing in the world. Though, if I get back to playing the Sims 3 at some point and end up making a Dwampyverse savefile, I’ll most likely try to recreate that house and could share a few pics.
I also went with a rectangular house with one floor instead of some futuristic-looking thing, mostly because I have no imagination when it comes to design. Though, you could still use the excuse that they want something more “old-timey” given their job or that they don’t have all the money of the world so they chose a simple house for the small cost. But yeah, by the end of the day, the choice is mostly because I can’t design shit.
But still one thing in my defense : looking at episodes that take place in the future like “Missing Milo” or “First Impressions”, it seems that most buildings are square-y with the roof being the weirdly-shaped part, with B.O.T.T. being one of the few exceptions. And looking at “A Christmas Peril”, the buildings are definitely more wacky but it’s 20 years later so…
I could also mention that I’m a bit unsatisfied with how empty the living-room and the bedroom ended up being but I’m drawing a total blank when trying to come up with the kind of stuff Vinnie and Balth would have that are linked to their interests. Though, maybe the excuse of them not being often at the house works ? Idk. Let’s just say I have ideas for the “basic” stuff, aka what you find in basically every single middle-class house, but draw a complete blank for anything that’s decorative. Still posting a map of the house tho because I don’t really consider it a work in progress if I simply have no idea and may never do. I’m very bad at design so bear with me on that one ! It’s not only about the house, it’s also about the fluffy headcanons !
So here’s under the cut some random info about the look of the rooms and furniture + a bunch of headcanons regarding Vinnie and Balth’s lives in this house. For each part of the house, you first have the info about how it looks first and then the headcanons.
Those headcanons are made with the idea that Vinnie and Balth are married (duh) but also, for a few, that Vinnie has three siblings + a few in-laws that he has a good relationship with.
(very long post ahead)
General :
- They bought the house in 2162, 2 years after getting married.
- It’s in the suburbs, or at least what the future version of the suburbs would look like. In other words, the presence of a backyard is debatable.
- There could be a garage for their time vehicle, so that they don’t have to go to headquarters every single day. And if not an actual garage, there’s at least some space to put it. In both cases, it would be near the bedroom’s side of the house.
- While the walls outside would have that futuristic “metallic” look, the walls inside would be a bit warmer. At the very least, the inside isn’t “future metallic white”, especially with Vinnie having photophobia.
- The intensity of the lights in every room can be adjusted. That way, Vinnie can put the dimmest light and navigate the house without his glasses. This is mostly useful for showering and midnight snacks.
- When they went house-hunting, Balth was the one who insisted that they needed a place with those kinds of lights. This is also the same kind of lights that Vinnie had in his now-former apartment.
- You know how near the end of the episode “First Impressions” you have Balth going into Mr. Block’s office ? Well, the way the door opens in that moment is how the door opens for every room of the house, perhaps excluding the main entrance (I like the idea of their front door being an “old” one, aka the “normal” doors we have today).
- Every room would have a spot that can create “tactile panels”, like some holographic tablet that can be used to change the settings of the house, for example changing the lights or the internet or even lock the doors and blinds.
- In 2175, when they were forced to leave the future, Vinnie stole a device from B.O.T.T. that made him able to create some kind of forcefield around the house that only he and Balth can remove. So, even if they’re not there anymore, the house still is theirs and can’t be sold to anyone else. And before you ask why B.O.T.T. didn’t simply send agents to bring the duo back and force them to open the shield : the forcefield works with hand-scan detection and Vinnie convinced Balth to use their left hands, the hands with the wedding rings. So if time-agents come knocking, they could try convincing the agents to let them use the bathroom first and they could wash their hands and use the soap to remove the rings. That way, the scan wouldn’t work and the agents would have no way of knowing why.
    Living room :
- There’s more furniture than showed here like souvenirs from previous missions or some random stuff that belongs to them. I just don’t have enough imagination. : /
- Likewise, the corridor has a few pictures or posters, like pictures that Vinnie didn’t have the space to put in his memory room but still wanted to display. Also, I want to say that Vinnie would display pictures of his family (sibling, in-laws and nephews) but I’ll see him more as having an album for family pictures, or a framed picture on his nightstand.
- There could definitely be a carpet or two. They would either be modern ones to fit the fact that they’re from the future or vintage stuff found in some of their missions. One of the carpets would be under the coffee table. Another would be in the big-ass space between the living-room and the kitchen, or in the corridor.
- The style is a mix between old and new stuff, with also a few things related to their interests. Like, for example, the couch could have an animal pattern or something (AND BY THAT I DON’T MEAN REAL ANIMAL FUR).
- Speaking of the couch, after looking up “futuristic couch” on the internet, they would absolutely have one of those gigantic couches that have like a bed attached to them due to how big they are. Btw I have no idea which company came up with this design and I couldn’t care less. It’s just that the design looks cool and would fit a futuristic house.
- The side table is a floating square, given how we see in “A Christmas Peril” that tables in the future don’t have feet anymore (that’s one way to protect your toes).
- The floor lamp is more futuristic. It’s like a white orb attached to a lamp foot.
- The TV is attached to the wall. The remote is some kind of holographic tablet, kind of like the house settings thingy.
  - This is where Balth would spend most of his mornings and evenings when they stay home. He’d just be sitting with a cup of tea, most of the time also a book, with the sun illuminating the room, just feeling comfortable and peaceful. The side table/cube was bought specifically for Balth’s tea. He would also use the lamp while reading in the late evening, either for the peace of having little to no light and solely focusing on the book or as a way for Vinnie to be in the room with the lights at the lowest setting. And speaking of Vinnie, he would sometimes join his husband on the couch, lying down with his head resting on Balth’s legs (cue Vinnie falling asleep, leading to a frustrated Balth who needs to pee but doesn’t want to wake him up).
- Since there’s a mini-table for when Balth drinks tea, the table right in front of the couch is mostly used for Vinnie to rest his legs on.
- And speaking of fluffy headcanons : movie nights. From time to time, aka minimum once a month, probably more, the couple would be in their pajamas cuddling on the couch while watching a movie, with Dennis resting in Balth’s arms.
For the movie choices, Balth would choose science-fiction, especially if there are any Professor-Time-themed movies, but also historical fiction (for some reason I tend to see Balth as having a liking for history ? I think it’s because of the way he dresses + his small rant about pirates in “Game Night” ? Idk honestly. It’s mostly a random headcanon that’s here for some weird reason). As for Vinnie, it’s mostly animal documentaries (Balth falls asleep halfway through but Vinnie doesn’t notice until after it’s over) or animated/family movies (the future equivalent of D*sney, S*ny pitcures, P*xar etc. Which are movies Balth would enjoy as well). For some weird reason I’ll also see the two of them being into mystery movies (crime-solving movies basically).
And if they sometimes decide to watch other genres, I could see Balth having a liking for some romance movies, because for some reason I like the idea of Balth being sappy. Besides, the guy is passionate when it comes to proving himself at his jobs and takes them pretty seriously in order to reach his objective. And given how he can be insecure and sometimes feels like a ball of anxiety, who’s to say he isn’t passionate when it comes to love too ? And no, I don’t mean passionate as in “making out all the time”, I mean passionate as in taking relationships seriously and making it work while also wishing to make sure his partner knows that he’s loved, even if Balth isn’t really the best at expressing his affection all the time.
On a different note, to get back to other genres : Vinnie would probably like horror movies. Because if cuddling in front of a sappy movie is great, having your husband show his love and trust for you by clinging to your arm out of fear is even better, nevermind the fact that you’re as terrified as he is.
    Kitchen :
- It’s one of those kitchens with two walls of cupboards/cabinets, both on the ground and elevated. One of the cabinets is used entirely for snacks. Because Vinnie.
- The wall separating the kitchen and the living room “has a hole in it”. It’s like you have a small wall with cupboards, a hole, and a wall connected to the ceiling with a few cabinets. Basically, you look up “kitchen cupboards” and imagine that the space in-between is a hole instead of the wall (why is it so hard to explain something so simple ?).
- This would be the most futuristic-looking room of their house. Looking up at references, they’re that Pinterest post showing a room with white cabinets with round corners and what seems to be slide doors. This is pretty much how I’ll see their kitchen, except bigger, with a different wall color and with one wall not being here (see above).
- The table is floating because of course it does. The chairs don’t tho. Also the chairs are as futuristic as the rest of the room. And looking up the internet again, the chairs are shaped like chairs.
  - So I put a stove but tbh I’m not sure how much these two would cook, given how in the show they’re always seen eating out (granted they don’t have a kitchen in their ‘apartment’ in Milo’s time). And given how most things seem automatized in the future, let’s just assume that the house can do most of the cooking itself with like a robot (aka plot-convenience technology) but still needs the necessary furniture and ingredients for the recipes. Also, if there’s an issue with their cooking system, they’ll probably know a few recipes and can feed themselves (Vinnie’s oldest brother Enzie would definitely teach his younger siblings a few recipes, at least enough to survive on their own. And he would be more than happy to teach his brother in-law as well).
- I put 4 chairs at the table but honestly I could see them keep 2 at all times and put the others in the storage room, especially the times they get very busy with their job for a few weeks and don’t have the time for social life.
- At some point, Balth probably tried to convince Vinnie to have better food habits and tried to put his snacks on the higher shelves. Not only did it not work because chairs exist but also it led to Vinnie getting frustrated. So Balth dropped it. Though, he would still try to talk Vinnie into working out to stay rather healthy.
    Memories room :
- Vinnie’s personal space. He basically saw the third biggest room of the house and went “mine now” and Balth had no issue letting him have it (hard to say no when Vinnie’s eyes shine like that).
- He already had a memory room in his old apartment.
- Basically, Vinnie brings back souvenirs from his missions, along with pictures he took, and put them on display. For more information, I made a post about it a while ago, so check it out if you want info on it.
And side note : I learned more about ADHD and autism later on and found out that the correct word for Vinnie’s passion for animals is a special interest, not a hyperfixation. The main difference between the two terms is how long your interest last. The reason I used “hyperfixation” in my post is because 1. I didn’t know that “special interest” was a term that existed and 2. people with ADHD kept talking about having hyperfixations and most people see Vinnie as having ADHD. So yeah, my bad for using the wrong term. And while I won’t change the current text from my post, especially with someone in the notes correcting me (I don’t want them to look like an idiot), I’ll definitely add a few words at the end of the post about it.
 - This is where Vinnie spends most of his time when at home, trying to keep the room in the best condition.
- There’s a window in the room but Vinnie condemned it in case some of his souvenirs were sensitive to the sunlight.
- The room is made entirely of shelves, with like four-five rows on the same wall. The shelves are either integrated into the walls or they’re floating because future. In any cases, there’s nothing around the shelves, it’s just shelves with stuff on it.
- When you enter the room, one of the rows of shelves next to you has all the animal-related stuff he gathered before starting a relationship with Balth. The rest of the room can have a few animal-themed objects but the pictures tend to be more linked to him and Balth.
- Likewise, when you enter the room, on the shelf you’re immediately facing, there’s a miniature recreation of their wedding altar with their wedding picture in its center. The miniature is made out of the future equivalent of papier-mâché and the altar is themed around time-travel with objects from all kinds of time-periods and cultures. And for those who might ask regarding the picture : Vinnie has a black suit and carries the bouquet while Balth has a white suit. Both have a hat that’s basically Balth’s usual hat (with the Professor-Time goggles, because themed wedding) but colored like their respective suit.
    Balthazar’s office :
- The room has quite a few libraries but this is mostly decorations. Basically, this room is more of an 1800th century study than anything, especially a rich/royal study. Yeah, for some reason I see Balth as having an office that’s just “rich 1800th century” aesthetic. I think it’s from the headcanon of him being a runaway prince 🤔.
- So yeah. The bookcases are vintage, the piano is your usual black piano, the armchairs are vintage and tbh Balth almost never uses them because he’d rather read in the living room, and the desk is vintage, though the stuff on the desk is futuristic. Balth is up to date with the technology he’s using to work, he just likes the older aesthetic for the rest.
- On his desk, despite literally living with the guy, Balth has a framed picture of Vinnie (again, I want the stubborn gay disaster to be sappy from time to time, with his love language being small touches and attention to details like for example being able to quickly see the kinds of foods Vinnie like the most so that when he’s in a bad mood, Balth can get him that specific food to make it better ; or learning Vinnie’s body language to know when he’s upset or bothered by something).
  - Balth mostly spends his time here to make the reports on their missions or work some administration stuff when needed. When he isn’t at his desk, he’s there to play the piano.
And yes, I throw out the window that line from “Backwards to School Night” that indicates Vinnie doesn’t know about Balth playing piano but tbh I ignore or question quite a few things from this episode such as : the line indicating that Vinnie and Balth don’t live together in their time-period since Balth doesn’t know Vinnie’s weekend habits ; the line about how the ray thing age you down to 90% your current age and yet baby Vinnie seems younger than the parents despite his adult self seeming older; the fact that Melissa read a book 16 times in the span of 6 minutes ; the fact that it’s called a “age regressor ray” and not a “age regressor ray-inator” (seriously, I am the only one always expecting Vinnie to say “inator” and being disappointed when he doesn’t ?).
- The couple absolutely sing songs together with Balth playing the piano. Or at least Vinnie would sing a song in the middle of the living-room and have Balth be annoyed by it, only for Vinnie to hear Balth play the same song on the piano later and join him.
    Bathroom :
- Not much to say here. It’s a bathroom. It’s futuristic-looking. The mirror is a cabinet. The tub is round. The bin comes in and out of the wall. The clothes drier also irons the clothes. The toilet is glued to the wall. The walls are dark gray or dark blue or at least a darker color so that Vinnie doesn’t have to dim the lights to the lowest level when he’s showering. There are also several little lights along with a main one so that Vinnie can light the small ones instead of getting a headache due to the brighter light. During lazy/slow days, Balth would take baths instead of showers (and Vinnie would want to join him to make out). Balth may or may not sing in the shower (Vinnie definitely does). That’s pretty much it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    Guest/Storage room :
- Only used as a guest room when one or several members of the Dakota family are visiting the states and end up in the Tri-State-Area. So for 90% of the time, the room is used as storage.
- Bed’s not that big and very “squary”. Might or might not be floating.
- It’s mostly random junk that they don’t know where to put and don’t want to get rid of, like some stuff they got from their missions but that Vinnie doesn’t want in his room or some old things they want to give at a garage sale or that one Professor-Time body-pillow that Balth refuses to let go of while Vinnie just wants to trash the thing. The body-pillow being in the storage room in a junkpile was their compromise on the issue. Also, whenever someone might stay in the room, Balth makes sure there’s no way they will find the body-pillow (his sister in-law Bettie would never let him live it down).
- Not much to say here either aside from that.
    Master bedroom (the room in which the proportions are way bigger than the rest of the house because I have no idea what I’m doing) :
- I described the room quickly in my fic “nightmares” but yeah basically the room has several posters and pictures related to their interests, along with a bookshelf full of animal encyclopedias, time-travel facts, history books, Professor-Time fantasy books etc. There are also albums, whether it be family pictures or album of the two of them.
- Like for the living-room, there can definitely be more than what I described/pictured here. I’m just really bad at imagining the kind of stuff people would have in their bedrooms related to their interests. And speaking of which : at some point, there was the aquarium that Vinnie mentions in “Time Out”.
- Unlike the other rooms in which the windows have roller blinds (apparently that’s the english word for it ?), this one has curtains on top of it because Balth likes to open the window in the morning but he doesn’t want Vinnie to hurt his eyes. So with curtains, he can open them enough to light the room but not enough for the light to reach Vinnie’s face.
- The bed is pretty classic for a futuristic bed but with round edges and these two idiots definitely go crazy with the sheets design (animals, food, Professor-Time, past time-periods, stuff like that). Also, the bed is “open”. By that I mean that, if you look at futuristic designs, there tends to be some roof thing above the bed and linked to it. They wouldn’t have that.
- The nightstands are floating cubes.
- “Dennis’ chair” is just some random old wooden chair where Dennis stays most of the time. Balth almost never takes him during his missions and Dennis is a comfort object that Balth mostly talks to when sitting on the bed, movie nights aside. So the bear stays in the bedroom.
- The bookshelf would also be made of wood.
- The wardrobe is futuristic, with doors that can open by themselves with sensory detection. Also, unlike what that poor “drawing” shows, the wardrobe is “taller” than it is “larger”.
- The armchair is an egg chair.
  - They sleep
- They spoon
- Balth is the big spoon because 1. he’s taller and 2. he grew up sleeping while embracing a teddy bear and old habits die hard.
- When Balth goes to sleep or wakes up, he can’t help but play with Vinnie’s hair and give the small man a few kisses, feeling satisfaction in seeing his husband smile or try to pull away while laughing.
- Vinnie sleeps on the side closest to the window while Balth sleeps on the side nearest to Dennis.
- Balth’s nightstand has an alarm clock that’s basically just a holographic square with numbers on it, while Vinnie has an album or some random animal trinket. Vinnie’s alarm clock is not feeling Balth’s warmth against him. But if Vinnie has to use an actual alarm, the sound would either be some old-fashioned song or an animal noise (is this starting to get too much insistence on the “animal-loving” side of him ?)
- While Balth likes to read in the living-room, Vinnies likes it better to chill in the bedroom when reading. Also, during weekends and vacation days, Balth would sometimes read in bed before sleeping (yeah for some reason I really like the idea of Balth being a reader. I think it has to do with him being old or british ??? Weird brain is weird. And besides, if Balth reads, it would most likely be science fiction related to Professor Time). Vinnie uses this time as an excuse to cuddle.
- They have themed pajamas. Balth mostly has Professor-Time stuff (clocks, Heinz or Perry’s faces etc) while Vinnie has mostly animal-themed or food-themed pajamas.
- Vinnie sometimes sleeps naked in the summer. Balth is still trying to figure out how he feels about that.
- Random headcanon regarding Dennis : while he belongs to Balth who keeps him close when in doubt in order to vent or when he wants to get comfortable somewhere, I actually like to believe that, between the two, Vinnie is the one who talks the most to Dennis, mostly because Vinnie would just enter the bedroom and casually greet the bear, or he and Balth would have a dumb argument and Vinnie would playfully tell Dennis “Can you believe that guy ?” while pointing at Balth. Just, Vinnie being Vinnie and having random one-sided conversations with the bear.
And a little cute thing : while Vinnie really just talked to Dennis because why not, seeing the guy like the teddy bear so much would actually make Balth feel better about himself. I like to believe that grown-up men having plushies would still be seen as a ridiculous thing by most people (because toxic masculinity) and Balth got the habit of hiding Dennis when he was still trying to find the right guy for him. So seeing Vinnie have no issue whatsoever with the teddy bear and even liking him would definitely help Balth’s confidence, along with warming his heart.
- And since this post is all about headcanons : two things about phones and these two being sappy that have nothing to do with houses.
1. One day, Balth left his phone on a table and Vinnie decided to take a selfie with it because why not. After seeing that, Balth acted frustrated but ended up putting the pic as his phone background. Ever since, Balth’s phone background is a picture of Vinnie. The most recent one is from “We’re Going to the Zoo” with a picture of Vinnie holding squirrels in his arms while a third one is coming out of his pistachios-filled pants. The pic on the phone is a closeup, only showing Vinnie’s head and upper body. And for those who like angst, I’ll let you imagine how he must have felt having this as his phone background during the rogue arc.
2. Vinnie’s (numeric) phone password is 2703, aka march 27, the date of his wedding anniversary. The day is put first and the month second because Europe. Also, during busy weeks, this would be a good way for Vinnie to remember the anniversary.
(fun fact : I was trying to come up with scenarios for fics when I ended up thinking about Vinnie’s password and that number came to mind. So I just went “guess that’s their wedding date now”)
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ramen-rambles · 4 years
Quid Pro Quo
Pairing: Kirishima Eijirou x Reader
Warnings: 18+, mutual masturbation, suggestive texts 
Word Count: 2.7K
Summary: From being a total stranger you met on a dead Discord server, to literally becoming one of your best friends — Kirishima was one of the most amazing things to ever happen in your life. But what happens when you accidentally screenshot his nudes?!
A/N: My first BNHarem server collab! I was really close to naming this fic Penis Pals, if I’m being honest LOL It’s a lot shorter than I wanted but I hope I did my baby justice. Thank you to my fellow Bakugou Fanclub members for hyping me up and helping me edit this piece. I literally couldn’t have done it without you guys, ILYSM! Read all the other amazing fics in this collab, here.
Taglist: @lady-bakuhoe @bratwritings @redbeanteax
♡ ⌒*゚.❉・゜・。. ♡ ⌒*゚.❉・゜・。. ♡ ⌒*゚.❉・゜・。.
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Ever since you were in high school, you had always looked up to Crimson Riot — a pro hero who’s strong, manly, and fearless. I mean, who wouldn’t like him? Now that you were in college, there have been many other heroes worthy of being called the best, but Crimson Riot was still going to be Number 1 in your eyes. So, to pay homage to your all time favorite hero, you decided to join a Crimson Riot Discord server. 
You had started looking for any server invites through all platforms of social media. Google, Twitter, Tumblr, but nothing came up. You had started to lose hope, until you stumbled upon a very old server link on an equally old Reddit thread. You looked at the date it was posted and it seemed to have been made all the way back when you were in high school. You clicked on the link hesitantly, definitely not expecting it to work. However, much to your surprise, the link brought you straight to the server! 
“Finally! Something that actually fucking worked!” You thought to yourself, after hours of scrolling though numerous pages of the internet. 
You were a bit hesitant at first, not really knowing what to expect. Were people going to think you were weird for being such a nerd? What if people thought you were annoying? Or worse, what if no one liked you? 
But that didn’t seem to be much of a problem… Considering that the server was rather dead. 
You clicked through the channels — #general, #merch, #photos, #announcements; the last time anyone really said anything was nearly six months ago. “God dammit.” You should have known. All you wanted was a place to fangirl over Crimson Riot, was that too much to ask for?! You got all your hopes up, just for it to all come crashing down. Feeling a bit dejected, it seemed like you had no choice but to leave the server. Not like there was much of a point in staying anyways. 
But then you saw a notification pop up on your screen.
RED RIOT [Today at 7:56 PM] 
@Y/N Hey! How are you doing? I’m the admin for this Crimson Riot Discord. The name’s Kirishima. It’s nice to see a fresh face here :^) 
Y/N [Today at 7:56 PM] 
Oh hi! I’m doing good! I found your discord link on a really old Reddit thread so forgive me for asking but… Is this server still active? I was scrolling through the channels and everything seemed kind of dead tbh LOL
RED RIOT [Today at 7:57 PM]
Well, if I’m being honest, it’s fucking dead LMAO 
Y/N [Today at 7:57 PM]
RED RIOT [Today at 7:58 PM]
It used to be pretty active before but people just kind of... stopped. I made this server back when I was in high school because I just LOVED Crimson Riot so much, ya know? He was the one person I really looked up to. Anyways, how did you even find this link? You must have looked real hard LOL
Y/N [Today at 7:58 PM]
HAHA I did, actually! Took me for-fucking-ever to find a server link that actually worked :( I’ve looked up to him since I was a kid too and so I really just wanted a place to express my gratitude for the role he played in my life. Sorry LOL I’m getting cheesy 
RED RIOT [Today at 7:59 PM]
Well Y/N, I’m glad you found this server! You sound like a really great person and I’d love nothing more than to talk to you about our shared love for Crimson Riot, but this server is whack as fuck. Are you down to move to DMs instead?
Y/N [Today at 8:01 PM]
Fuck it. Why not? 
You and Kirishima had been talking for a while now. Ever since you came across his Crimson Riot server, you two would talk almost every single day. You learned that he actually lived near you too. Call it fate. Exchanging phone numbers, following each other on social media, starting Snapchat streaks, meeting up with each other — the chemistry between you two made it seem like you’ve known each other your entire lives. The both of you had practically become best friends. 
To you, maybe it felt a little bit more than just friends. 
Currently, you were mindlessly scrolling through your Twitter feed when you saw that you had received a Snapchat notification, from, you guessed it. Kirishima. You were expecting it to just be a bland streak of his room or something but you saw something that made your fucking jaw drop.
A picture of Kirishima in a tight fitting tank top and a very noticeable bulge that was covered by a pair of dark grey sweatpants. 
You felt your cheeks heat up, a red blush painting across your entire face. In a state of panic, you fumbled the phone in your hands and in the process you had heard a very audible click. You fucking screenshotted his snap.
You quickly went into your messages and texted him to try and explain yourself. 
Replying almost immediately, you anxiously waited for what Kirishima had to say about your little mishap. You were seriously hoping that he was just going to let it go and you could both just act like nothing happened.
Wow, I didn’t think you’d be the type to screenshot people’s snaps like that, Y/N :( 
You telling me you didn’t like what you saw? 
Okay, fine, you looked good, SUE ME. Is that what you wanted to hear?
It’s only fair you send me one back, don’t you think?
You stared at your phone. What the actual fuck. Was Kirishima asking you to send him a fucking nude? You knew it shouldn’t have, but the thought of Kirishima wanting to see your body turned you on. A small shiver running down your spine at the possibility that he liked you in return. 
Excuse me, sir. I am NOT sending you a nude. 
I didn’t ask for a nude, all I said was that you return the favor. Quid pro quo, ya know? 
Using big words like ‘quid pro quo’, smh. Since when did you become such a politician? 
But, if you want to send a nude, who am I to say no? ;)
Fucking fine. If I show you one, will you shut up?
On what, exactly?
On how good it is
Your eyes narrowed at his response. What does he even mean by that, ‘how good it is’? He should be grateful that you even considered sending him one! Based on your replies, it seemed like you were pissed, but in reality, your heart beat faster with every passing minute. You were never the type of girl to send nudes to anyone, but for Kirishima, you were willing to make a small exception. 
You got up from your bed and rummaged through your closet, looking for something that was a bit more provocative. You picked out a red lace bodysuit that hugged your curves and cupped your perky breasts. Sitting in front of your mirror, you touched up your makeup and fixed your hair, checking yourself out one last time before you started taking pictures. You opened up Snapchat and tried multiple poses, making sure the camera captured your sultriness and how good your tits looked. To mock his teasing from earlier you captioned the photo, “Quid pro quo, my ass.” before hitting the ‘send’ button. 
Was that good enough for you? 
You heard no response from him for a good five minutes. You started worrying. “Shit. Was that too much? Did I push it too far?” You chewed on the inside of your lip, anxiously waiting for any sort of reaction. 
And then, your screen lit up again. Another Snapchat notification from Kirishima. But this time, it was way more revealing. He had sent you a picture of him palming his erection, and all it said was, “You’re not even here, and look what you did to me :(“ 
Feeling cocky and with a sudden burst of confidence, you cheekily replied, “Why don’t you come here then?” 
In all honesty, Kirishima didn’t live that far from you. You two were only 15 minutes away from each other, meaning that he frequented your apartment whenever he felt like it. He came over a million times in the past, but this time was different. Very different, in fact. Anticipation was building at the pit of your stomach, but so was a familiar heat that began pooling in the middle of your underwear. 
You tried denying your feelings for Kirishima but you couldn’t help it! Everything about him was perfect. His personality, his humor, his voice, his face, his body… You could go on and on about all the things you loved about Kirishima. 
You would have been lying to yourself if you said that you’ve never thought about him with your hands in between your thighs. Thinking about his massive cock fucking your tight pussy, his fingers rubbing your clit in all the right places, or the way his tongue would feel sucking on your hardened nipples. 
You’d always wonder if he ever felt the same way but he didn’t really seem like he was. 
That was, until tonight. 
You stared at the clock on your wall and saw that 10 minutes had passed, a loud knock on your door making you wake up from the dream like trance you seemed to be trapped in. You quickly turned the doorknob, letting Kirishima inside of your apartment. 
Without saying a word, he pushed your back against the wall and began to roughly grab the side of your face. He captured your lips with his, meeting his kiss with the same aggressiveness, making your head spin at how good it felt to finally get a taste of him.
“Do you know how long I’ve waited for us to do this?” He panted, moving down to place sloppy kisses against the crook of your neck, leaving sharp bite marks and dark bruises littered all over your pretty skin.  
“Haaaa, that should be my line” you moaned, “You know how many times I’ve touched myself to the thought of you?” You whispered teasingly, biting the soft flesh of his earlobes. “How many times I wished it was your fingers inside of me instead?” You trailed your fingers down to his, intertwining them with one another before you dragged him into your bedroom. 
You pushed him down onto the mattress, gently getting on top of him and straddling his waist. Grabbing his hands, you placed them on top of your tits, giving them a rough squeeze before you began grinding your wet heat against his clothed cock. 
”Fuck, Y/N, are you sure?” He groaned, “As much as I want this, I don’t want you to do anything you’re not comfortable with —“ 
“Eiji, shut up. If I didn’t want this, would I be this wet for you?” You slipped your panties off to the side, two of your fingers dipping into your cunt, showing off the slick that stringed in between your digits. “Here, see for yourself.” You brought your coated fingers up to his mouth, making him suck it until not a drop was left. 
“Shit, you taste so fucking good,” He smirked, “Why don’t you show me how you touch yourself, princess?” 
You slowly made your way off of him, leaning back to position your body against the plush sheets. Slowly spreading your legs, you made sure he got a good view, your pussy practically dripping from how aroused you had become. You snaked your hands down back against your thighs, fingers finding its way onto your throbbing clit. Kirishima was sitting in front of you, all of his clothes still on.
That didn’t seem very fair, now did it? 
“Stroke your cock for me, Eijirou. Quid pro quo, right?” You said wickedly. You stood up quickly to remove the rest of your lingerie, Eijirou’s eyes glued to your body, watching your every move as you moved your hands back to their previous position. 
Kirishima let out a small laugh before he finally stripped himself of his clothing, pulling down his boxers to reveal his impressive length that was already oozing precum. “Is this what you wanted to see?” You nodded desperately. 
“You wanted to see me jerk off while I watch you touch that pretty pussy of yours?” Kirishima began moving his hand against his girth, gathering spit in his mouth before letting it drip onto the head. Lubricating his cock with a mix of precum and spit, he slowly started moving up and down his length. Matching your rhythm, as he watched intensely at the fingers that were still stuffed inside of your cunt. 
Soft moans started escaping your plush lips, the collective sound of small whines, and frantic gasps beginning to fill the room. “Fuck, Eiji. You look so hot stroking your cock like that. Do you imagine that it was my pussy, instead?” You say, panting intensely. 
“Fuuuuck. I’m gonna pound your tight little cunt so hard that you’re not going to be able to walk for days.” He sped up his pace, you quickly following suit. Your fingers pumping vigorously, you continued to rub tight circles over your sensitive clit. 
You were getting closer and closer to the orgasm you craved so much, and the look that Kirishima had on his face indicated that he was too. Your cunt clenched tightly around your digits while Kirishima’s fist held a vice grip on his cock. You had been waiting for this moment for so long, the intensity of your orgasm was surely going to rip through you like a plundering tidal wave.
 “A-ah, Eijirou! I’m so fucking close for you.” Your eyes squeezed shut as you felt yourself cum all over your fingers, your arousal gushing onto the bed sheets and covering the inside of your thighs. 
Kirishima quickened his strokes, the sight of your pleasure the catalyst for his own release as he continued to jack hammer his cock at an animalistic pace. “Please, baby, cum for me, I wanna see you cum all over yourself.” You whined, watching closely as you patiently waited for him to reach his end. Your filthy words were the last push he needed. 
“F-fuck Y/N! I love you so fucking much” he groaned loudly. A few more pumps, and ropes of his cum started painting his chest white, covering his sweaty body, as the remnants of both your orgasms stained the bed. 
You both looked at each other with half lidded eyes, still trying to come down from your intense highs. Breathing heavily, you looked at him greedily and whispered, “You know, I’ve always wondered how good it would feel to fuck myself on your cock.” 
“Well, I did say that I’d pound your cunt so hard you wouldn’t be able to walk for days...” Kirishima cooed as he ran his fingers along your exposed thigh,
“I’d be more than happy to show you, Princess.” 
♡ ⌒*゚.❉・゜・。. ♡ ⌒*゚.❉・゜・。. ♡ ⌒*゚.❉・゜・。.
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Konoha’s Beautiful Green Beast
AU: Canon
Words: 1899
Rating: General
Pairings: Hatake Kakashi/Maito Gai
Warnings: None
Summary: The wedding is finally here, and Kakashi can’t help but feel nervous. Especially when his husband-to-be is late.
Made with lots of help from @uncharted-darkness
Panic was starting to rise in his chest. A tight, painful feeling making it difficult for him to breath. Like there was a heavyweight on his chest, making the pain worse every second that he stood there.
“He’s late…” his voice shook when he spoke, all of the worst-case scenarios coming to the front of his mind.
What if he’s injured and I’m not there to help?
What if he got lost?
Or he just doesn’t want to marry me anymore?
His stomach churned, Nausea settling in.
Forcing himself to take deep breaths, he tried to apply some reason to the situation. Remind himself that it was Gai who asked him to marry him, who planned out the wedding and carefully picked out the guest list so that it wasn’t too big but all of their friends were there.
No matter what he did, that impending feeling of disaster clung to him. Clawing at his soul while his mind tried to come up with every excuse that it could be for Gai’s lateness.
Gai, who was always on time with a bright smile and excitement that no one else could ever hope to match. Who had never kept Kakashi waiting for anything in his life, and would often scold Kakashi for just being a few minutes late to their dates.
“Sensei,” Sakura’s voice called out to him, but he ignored it. His mind going a thousand miles a minute trying to figure out why Gai wasn’t there. Coming up with even more excuses and reason’s for why he was left standing there in front of a room full of people he didn’t even want there, waiting for his fiance. “Sensei!”
A hand came down onto his shoulders, shaking him lightly until he focused his attention on his student. Her face stern as she stared into his eyes.
“You’re panicking,” As if pointing out the obvious would suddenly get rid of the barrage of negative thoughts going through his mind. “Gai-Sensei will be here. I’m sure he has a good reason for being late.”
Somehow Sakura’s words don’t help him relax, though he does appreciate the effort. No matter how hard he tries to listen and believe her words, his mind refuses to cooperate.
I knew he’d realize it
Giving his head a shake, he pressed a hand over his left eye. A tactic that he had learned over the years to try and help himself through the panic. Just a little pressure to center himself into the real world.
I’m not good enough for him. He doesn’t want me anymore.
His hands started to shake. Fingers twitching against his face as the negative thoughts drowned everything else out. Silent, personal reminders of how he didn’t deserve Gai.
“Hey,” A pair of hands wrapped around his wrists, forcing him to open his eyes and look at Sakura once more. This time Naruto was standing directly behind her with a worried look on his face. “Sensei, he’ll be here.”
He knows she means those words. Her voice is serious and firm, trying to reach out to him when his own mind was against him, and he wanted so desperately to believe what she was saying.
Opening his mouth, words of protest start to form. Before he can get them out, though, the sound of laughter fills the air. Gai’s laughter, loud and bright, drowning out every word of doubt that had been swimming in his head just moments ago.
“I told you,” Sakura jabbed him in the side, chuckling when he glared down at her. “You worry too much, Sensei. Gai-Sensei will always show up for you.”
Warmth bloomed in his chest, stamping out the fear and pain as if they were nothing. The only thing his brain would focus on now was the laughter that he loved so much.
Fixing his eyes on the entrance to the field, he wished that there weren’t trees and fences blocking his view. Tenzo’s idea, of course. He had said something about adding a little suspense to Kakashi’s life, and he hated it. It wasn’t so much to ask to see the person he was going to marry, was it?
“Straighten up, Sensei,” Naruto finally spoke up, beaming when Kakashi looked his way. “You want Bushier-brows Sensei to see you excited for the wedding, don’t you?”
Straightening himself up, Kakashi forced his hands out of his pockets and forced them down to his side.
“Maybe not that straight,” Sakura giggled behind him. “Now you look like you’re getting ready for Tsunade-sama to give you a mission.”
That wouldn’t do.
Taking a deep breath, he relaxed his shoulders and focused on the entrance that Gai would come through. The spot where he’d finally get to see his partner. That stunning smile shining as bright as ever towards him, and eyes that screamed ‘home’ when he felt lost and confused about where he belonged.
A blaze of green came rolling into view. The wheels of Gai’s wheelchair screeching to a stop dead center of the entrance, with green and purple ribbons attached to the handlebars and arms swaying in the wind.
Gai’s chair was a celebration of colors, and no doubt drew in a few eyes from the audience, but all Kakashi could look at was the person he was going to marry.
A bright, proud smile. So wide that he could see every single tooth in Gai’s mouth. Eyes soft and kind, staring at Kakashi as if he was the only person there, with a misty look in there that told him his partner was already close to tears. Slowly, making sure that Kakashi was watching him the entire time, Gai raised up his left arm and stuck out his thumb in his signature pose, and for the first time since he had arrived that morning, Kakashi laughed.
Happy and warm, he turned his face away from Gai and brought a hand up to wipe away the tears that had started to pool in his eyes.
He knew why he had panicked, but standing here now with Gai sitting at the entrance smiling at him, he couldn’t imagine how he had ever believed the things his mind tried to tell him. Gai, who had always been by his side. Who refused to leave him even when he tried so desperately to push him away, choosing not to get married to him.
Deciding after all of these years that he could do better, and leaving Kakashi at their wedding alone and broken. It was all so ridiculous now that he thought of it.
“Sensei,” Naruto’s face appeared directly in front of him suddenly. “Are you crying?”
Usually, he would scold Sakura for punching her teammate at such an important event, but he was willing to let it slide this one time. She had held back her punch, only hitting Naruto hard enough that he was forced to take a step back, and she immediately started lecturing him about giving their Sensei his personal space and not embarrassing him on his wedding day.
He really did appreciate the support.
“That’s enough, you two.” using the bottom of his palm to wipe away the last bit of tears, he looked back down the aisle to Gai and finally took in the full image. Rather than wearing the brilliant green Hanfu that Kakashi had helped him pick out just a few weeks ago, Gai seemed to have gone with a stunning green silk dress instead. Form-fitting and showing off his arms and legs perfectly, it was patterned with two different shades of green swirled around each other along the length of the dress. The neckline dipped down into a V-neck, highlighting Gai’s chest.
The feeling of a small weight landing on his shoulder pulled him out of his thoughts, forcing him to drag his eyes away from Gai and to the small pug dog getting comfortable there on his shoulder.
“Shouldn’t you be guarding the perimeter?” he asked, certain that he had made Pakkun’s mission objective clear for the wedding. ‘Make sure that no one did anything stupid.
Pakkun was the only one he trusted to keep everyone in line, especially later in the evening when Alcohol entered the mix.
“You do know that ‘Make sure no one does anything stupid’ includes you, right?” Some would call it fate that Kakashi had connected with the sassiest little shit of a hound dog in the page, but Kakashi liked to consider it divine torture. Someone in the universe was laughing their asses off at him every time he talked to Pakkun, and one of these days he was going to find them and stab them. “You look like you’re about to jump Gai, and it’s my job to make sure you keep your hands to yourself until the ceremony is over.”
“Have I ever told you that Bull is my favourite?”
“Don’t lie to my face just because you’re mad you can’t tackle Gai,” Reaching out a paw, Pakkun shoved it against Kakashi’s masked cheek. “Now pay attention. He’s headed your way.”
Returning his attention to Gai, Kakashi smiled when he saw him making his way towards him. Tenten right behind him carefully pushing his wheelchair, and Ningame in front of him.
It had sounded so weird when he originally suggested including their Summons in the wedding. He had thought Gai would laugh at him and tell him that they could just use their students or other shinobi for the jobs he wanted to give Ningame and the hounds.
But Gai had smiled that soft beautiful smile instead and told him that he loved the idea. Indulged him when he wanted to add something personal and interesting to the wedding.
“Hey,” Pakkun smacked his cheek, this time a hint of claws coming out to poke him. “Stop zoning out.”
He was getting married. To Maito Gai of all people.
Keeping focus was important.
“Rival,” Gai came to a stop at his side, his bright smile shining up at Kakashi as he waved Tenten off to take her place by his side with Lee and turned his chair to face his Fiance. Soon to be husband. “Sorry for keeping you waiting. I had a little trouble deciding what i wanted to wear today.”
“Well, if it’s any consolation, I think you made the right choice,” reaching out, he gently brushed Gai’s hair behind his ear. Chuckling when he leaned into the touch. “You brought the Hanfu just in case, right?”
“Tenten has it sealed away in a scroll,” He assured him. “You didn’t worry too much while you were waiting, right?”
“Not at all,” he could hear Naruto and Sakura snickering behind him. Giving away all of his secrets to Gai without saying a single word. He’d have to deal with them later. “Just excited. I finally get to marry Konoha’s beautiful Green Beast.”
Gai’s laughter filled the air once more. Beautiful, warm laughter that made Kakashi’s chest bloom with excitement.
After all of those years of putting it off. Promising that they’d get around to it once there were no more missions and wars, and almost losing Gai to the eighth gate, he was doing it. Committing himself to Gai for the rest of his life. Finally, he was done waiting. Today was the day he married Gai and started the rest of their lives together.
He couldn’t wait.
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galloperthompson · 3 years
Regarding Galloper Thompson’s clothes
Including his (slutty, thigh high) boots
It’s been brought to my attention that galloper’s slutty thigh high boots actually look like ankle boots with the thigh high part tucked into the boot. So I’ve decided to go beyond my jokes about him being a slut anyways and make this post going over his clothes. And buckle up folks, it gets long.
I’ll be honest, it’s pretty difficult to find details about 13th century (and 12th century) Scandinavian life specifically, especially since I’m using google. For this post, I have just used general European fashion, but in the future I’ll be mixing viking things with general European things from this time (but I’ll mostly try to keep the general European things to German and English/Irish stuff). I’ll also be referencing things from both the 13th century and the 12th century, since galloper “lived” during the early 13th century (and every website seems to think the 13th century started in 1250).
But anyways, an English knight from the mid 13th century apparently wore something like this on his bottom half (underneath other layers):
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Now as you can see in this terrible quality picture (sorry about that, but I did try to label it), the hose are thigh high just like galloper’s leg coverings, which is what gave me the idea that maybe it’s hose he’s wearing. So let’s begin.
I would explain the whole system they used, but this does it better than I could (you only need to read until it starts talking about chausses since we’re only talking about the hose). The linked text is a bit weird and may (or may not) be unreliable, but it’s compact, explains things well, and has pictures (it’s where I got that *stunning* photo I labeled). However, keep in mind that it depicts a mid 13th century English knight, and galloper is from early 13th century Scandinavia, so while there may be similarities, there’s also definitely differences in how he would’ve dressed. Braies were apparently longer in the first half of the 13th century, for one, and didn’t really become “underwear” for everyone until the second half and later. Hose were also referred to as stockings, and apparently hose and stockings didn’t really refer to different things until later on. Additionally, clothing differed between class, but we’re not going to go over that today.
So how does this relate to galloper? Well his lower half actually sort of resembles the picture above, doesn’t it? His “hose” are thigh high, with ankle high shoes over them, just like the picture. Despite the similarities, though, there are differences. His “hose” aren’t pointed, and so there are no ties for them. Apparently, hose didn’t have to be pointed, and those thigh high hose that weren’t pointed were held up with pins.. but there are no pins to hold them up either. Without one of these mechanisms to hold up the hose, they would not stay in place. And considering we can see where the thigh high part ends, we should also be able to see at least part of what’s holding them up. The thigh high part could also theoretically be “leg bandages” that extend above the knee. However, his “hose” don’t look like wrapped or crisscrossed cloth, they look solid, so leg bandages are unlikely.
Now, I wanted to present hose as an explanation based (somewhat) in history, but I don’t actually think he’s wearing hose. We’ll go over why later in this post, but let’s keep going for now.
On to his tunic and coat. Well I say tunic, really it isn’t a tunic by medieval standards. Back in the 13th century, tunics didn’t have buttons—at least not on the front. And his coat.. well it’s not something you’d find in the 13th century. Longer coverings, down to the knee or lower, were the style then. Shorter coverings with buttons down the front didn’t appear until the 14th century in the form of things like doublets. Those “things” were usually very padded and form-fitting, however, and neither galloper’s shirt or coat seem to be padded or exceedingly form-fitting at all.
The history of gloves (in everyday wear, at least) is surprisingly complex, so I won’t be touching his gloves. I’m also ignoring his belt because I don’t have much to say on it, but they did have leather belts with “single-looped” buckles (whatever that means) in the 12th and 13th centuries.
Moving on to his cape. Ah yes, his tattered little cape (which matches his mare’s tattered little saddle blanket!). Who knows why the fuck he wears it. There doesn’t seem to be a hood (like the medieval chaperon) or a part that comes around to cover the shoulders, and it’s too short to be a cloak. My best guess is that it was a design choice based on the fact that such a short cape doesn’t need a fluttering animation. Why not axe (lol) the whole idea of a cape? Well, all the coolest characters have capes!
His weird ass shoulder pad I can’t come up with an explanation for, though (or at least a medieval one). If he had a neck, the shoulder pad would be digging into it based on the position. Maybe it’s supposed to be like those shoulder pads with tassels on some formal military uniforms (technically “epaulettes” with “fringe”)? Except instead of tassels it’s feather looking things and also there’s only one shoulder pad for some reason?
All of this is to say that none of what he’s wearing can realistically pass for 13th century clothing, except maybe his lower half, and that’s still stretching it.
His entire outfit actually most resembles military uniforms from the 18th and early 19th centuries, as @inkowl13 pointed out in this post. When he floats, you can even clearly see his tattered coattails, which are his trademark green on the underside. In the case of 18th century garb, his shirt would be a waistcoat (he doesn’t seem to be wearing an 18th century shirt underneath his “waistcoat” at all, but maybe we just can’t see it or distinguish it from his “waistcoat”), and his jacket-thing would be a uniformed soldier’s coat. His lower half would be breeches with either a. ankle boots and over-the-knee stockings, b. ankle boots and thigh high gaiters (those things with buttons that go over the top of the shoe), or c. thigh high boots, which appeared as riding boots in the 15th century and remained common until the 19th century—including in military uniforms (in fact, some cavalry units today still use them in their ceremonial dress uniforms). His shoulder pad would, in fact, be a strange attempt at an epaulet/epaulette (which were used in the 18th century (and beyond) to denote rank) with fringe the color of his trademark green. The fact that there’s only one also makes sense within this period; whether the epaulet/epaulette was on the right, left, or both shoulders indicated rank (Galloper’s “epaulet/epaulette” is on his right shoulder, our left). The issue of glove history is also eliminated since it seems military uniforms in the 1700s made use of gloves. Men’s capes/cloaks at this time went to the knee or below it, so my explanation for his cape is unchanged. Through this lens, things start to become clear.
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This is a mannequin (is that what you call the fake models of historical clothing? does mannequin apply in this context?) wearing an 18th century cavalry uniform:
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As you can see, he looks incredibly similar to galloper, despite the many differences.
And these are two sets of 18th century soldiers (again, sorry for the less than ideal quality):
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On the left there’s a pair of soldiers with over-the-knee boots and on the right there’s a pair with over-the-knee gaiters (see how they go over their shoes). Thigh high boots would make more sense for a horseman, but thigh high gaiters would explain some things about his lower half, like how his boots and the thigh high part are different colors. However, there are no buttons on the sides (like gaiters have) or garters at the knee (like both stockings and gaiters had), and the thigh high part is tucked into the shoe, more like stockings rather than gaiters. In these pictures you can also see how his upper half looks incredibly similar to all four soldiers, again, even with the differences.
Now, unless galloper was keeping up with fashion until the 18th century when he stopped (he gave up I guess? said “fuck that shit” and hasn’t changed clothes for the past 300 years?), he shouldn’t be wearing an 18th century military uniform. Especially since he was shown wearing the same clothes in his execution scene (which I don’t put too much stake in considering the Jarl was in his ghost form and even the soul riders don’t have 2 sets of clothes in game).
So why does he look like this, then? The reason why he looks like a revolutionary war soldier can be traced back to the inspiration used for his design. According to Jorvikipedia, his “...design takes direct inspiration from author Washington Irving’s Headless Horseman from The Legend of Sleepy Hollow...” which explains why he looks the way he does. Jorvikipedia has been wrong before (they list his place of birth as “Jorvik (presumably)” which doesn’t fit with his backstory), but if Galloper’s design was based on the headless horseman of “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” (which it very likely was), it would provide justification for the 18th century look of his clothes. Washington Irving’s horseman was, after all, (alleged to be) killed during the revolutionary war in the 18th century.
It’s obvious his upper half is based on 18th century uniform, but the intention behind his lower half remains a mystery. Whether it’s meant to be stockings, gaiters, or boots, I don’t know. Theoretically, his lower half could even have been intended to be hose, braies, and shoes. But considering his entire look and the inspiration behind his design, an 18th century explanation seems more likely (I just don’t know which 18th century explanation, exactly). It would be pretty strange if half of him was medieval and the other half was from the revolutionary war era. Though, I’ll admit, it’s not completely impossible.
My theory for the contradiction between his design and his backstory is that his backstory came after his design. The 18th century look of him, along with his inspiration, and the lack of medieval elements in his design all make a compelling case for this theory. The only thing I can think of that may disprove it is his mare’s y-shaped bridle, but even that could be explained if she was designed after galloper, while his backstory was in its first stages of development (I’ll probably do another post on his horse’s tack, since this post is already long, but that’s for another day). But that’s just a theory; the star stable team could very well have just not done any research on 13th century attire, instead modeling his look on depictions of Irving’s headless horseman and adding the bridle as an indication of the origin they had already established for him.
Ok, but what about the rest? The other parts of his and his mare’s designs (color scheme, hanging pumpkin jack-o-lanterns) can be attributed to the fact that he is the halloween event character. Though his color scheme could be inspired by the headless horseman in World of Warcraft, who was introduced in 2007 (I found out about this horseman while looking into other possible inspirations for galloper’s design), all the colors seen on him and his mare (black, green, red, orange) are general Halloween colors. The hanging jack-o-lanterns are not historically accurate for the Middle Ages (or the revolutionary war era, actually) as pumpkins were not introduced into Europe until Columbus “discovered” the Americas, and did not become commonly carved into jack-o-lanterns until the 19th century in America -which was when and where “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” was published (though the pumpkin “head” was not even carved in the original story). I suppose galloper could have developed an affinity for pumpkins (and for carving them) later on (Jorvik seems to have a lot of them), but it’s more likely that they added them (to the keep and his mare’s design) based on modern halloween practices instead of historical halloweens or consideration of galloper’s feelings on pumpkins.
Ok, so we’ve established he’s not historically accurate for the 13th century, but what would his clothes look like if they were actually historically accurate? The answer is: I don’t know! Maybe I’ll do another google deep dive and make a post on that, but for now we’ve come to the end.
All of my information about historical clothing came from sorting out google results, so take the historical bits with a hefty grain of salt (more like a bowl of salt actually). If you have any actual knowledge about history, please feel free to correct me.
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soukokuwu · 4 years
"requests are closed??" that cannot stop me because i cant read!! ** URGENT ** power couple comfort needed asap chuuya is the diplomat for the inheritor of a newly departed yokohama media moguls empire who agrees to fold the power of the company to moricorp so long as chuuya agrees to a date yah i need this like stat plz
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✢ genre. fluff ✢ pairing. chuuya x reader ✢ synopsis. you’re going to inherit your father’s media empire, and mori wants in. his ticket? chuuya. ✢ author notes. an urgent request? you got it! in 2 days ehehe i just hope you like this <3
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He stares at the pristine white on the walls of the lavishly decorated office corridors. It suits their reputation. Nothing fits the reigning media mogul of Yokohama like grandeur. He would normally express some sort of distaste for how much of these… beautifications are unnecessary, but Mori had already warned him: it is imperative to get on their good side. Political reasons, he added. As if the mafia doesn’t have enough political influence already.
Although why, of all people, he chose to send NAKAHARA CHUUYA as Port Mafia’s representative to head the meeting, Chuuya himself doesn’t know. A cold-blooded, hot-headed vessel of destruction.
Yes, very plausible, very sensible, he thinks.
Sarcasm. That was sarcasm.
Mori always had his reasons for every decision he made. Some are possibly very fucked up, but even Chuuya admits his manipulation tactics and puzzle-piecing skills rival that of Dazai’s. So he never questions his boss’s decisions. At least, not to his face. He just wonders what is hiding behind this certain choice (of making Chuuya go to the meeting, alone) and how twisted it could be.
Cruising through the halls makes him realise just how much he’d hate it if he was a normal human with a normal, boring desk job. The rooms he passes by, with their glass windows and deceiving transparency, are all full of people either typing away on their keyboards or speaking into phones with some sort of urgency. Yikes. No thanks, he would much rather work with violence and be on the frontlines than man a desk at a mediocre job with less-than-satisfactory pay.
The redhead guesses that they’re going to take him to the boardroom (which incidentally, he thinks, is quite an appropriate name for a meeting room — rigid, stiff, flat — full of smiles that are painted on and the chatter of mindless opinions crafted only to cater to the ones who matter. If that’s an indication of anything to come, Chuuya is already dreading it.) After all, they had scheduled a meeting for discussions with the director on future possibilities of working with the mafia.
Chuuya does admit though, it would be very useful to have the media on their side. Not only digital, but print as well. The possibility to spread propaganda and cover up crimes. This company has it, and Mori is hungry, eager to take over. (Or at least, to establish dominance over them.) Maybe that’s why he chose the gravity manipulator. To make them comply with the threat of crushing them with his brute force should they refuse. It’s harsh. Not that he would mind if it comes to that. There’s a certain satisfaction, a certain kick, he gets out of seeing everyone before him cower in fear.
Because it means he’s in control.
And Chuuya loves being in control. After all, he controls the very things that holds everyone in its grip — gravity.
Ironically, though. What he doesn’t have control over is his own feelings. Mostly unpleasant. A temper so fiery and an impulse so unexpected. Today, though, there is a turn of events. Because as he turns the corner to enter the boardroom, he spots a pair of eyes on him, observing him shrewdly.
No, it isn’t yours. But your father’s.
Wrinkled face wrinkles up even more as they eye him from head to toe, expressing obvious displeasure in the form of tuts and a deepening frown. Chuuya can just tell from how the man wears an expensive tailored suit — probably from a high end luxury brand that Chuuya can’t even pronounce properly — and how his tie is tightened so firmly against his neck that he probably always has a stick up his ass.
But a whiff of something… refreshing skips pass his nostrils and all the hostility from seeing the director disintegrates into — what is this? Chuuya can’t even tell, another irritating reminder he doesn’t understand his own emotions all that well.
And that, that is when he first lays eyes on you.
If you’re wondering, no, it’s not that cinematic moment where you walk in and he’s immediately blinded by the light you bring with you thanks to that invisible halo you carry on your head. Chuuya sees the world through anything but rose-tinted glasses. He is captivated by you though, somehow. Maybe it’s the way you stride in so confidently, with your blazer fitted against your body tightly — not too tight — you don’t want to give off ‘sexy’ vibes, do you? Not in the office. No, you just radiate some show of ‘proper’ and ‘togetherness’ that other ladies must be envious of. Or so it seems to him, at least. Then he wonders again, maybe it’s the way you so nonchalantly brush past him, your shoulder nudging against his, not a care in the world for who he is.
He thinks he’s got his reasoning, a feasible enough reason of why he’s intrigued — you’re young, you’re sexily sophisticated (he just knows you are), and to be a part of this meeting, you must have a sort of… power, so to say.
And then you just have to, don’t you? You just have to take a seat on that chair (in an angle that seems to cater perfectly to Chuuya), cross your legs just enough so your skirt rides up your thigh high enough to leave him wanting to see more, but not enough to be considered as a bold move of seduction. The kicker? That smirk you wear when you realise that he’s staring. He always hated that expression; the one that other people wear out of the satisfaction of their triumph. Especially when it’s against him. But then why does he think he can look at yours forever?
Not even five minutes into the ‘discussion’ and Chuuya already finds out you’re the director’s daughter, the one who would inherit the company very soon. (He fails to properly listen to the reason why because his focus starts to fixate on you, the surrounding all melding into one — the sights, the sounds.) To which you respond with batting your eyelashes at the redhead and wearing an innocent smile yet at the same time being shrouded in an air of… mystery.
The debate on just how much of the empire that Port Mafia would control in the future is not quite a negotiation. If they want to, then they can just force the director’s hand, maybe kidnap his daughter — Chuuya glances briefly toward you before focusing back on your father and the tablet (apparently the company made a sort of presentation that Chuuya can say he frankly doesn’t give a shit about) — but no. Even now, he thinks, he doesn’t want anyone to lay a hand on you. Besides, if your current behaviour is any indication, even if the mafia does come after you, you won’t be scared. You look just like the kind of person who always has something up her sleeve. You must take after your father.
“On that note, I will be leaving the final decision up to my wonderful young lady here.”
That manages to bring Chuuya back to his senses.
What? The old man is leaving such an important decision in his daughter’s hands?
Chuuya breathes in deeply. Stay level-headed. He’s got this, he tries to convince himself. Notwithstanding that he has made it this far only because of the training Kouyou’s given him on the art of appeasing old uncles and kissing their ass so that they give him what he wants.
Guess Mori isn’t as thorough as Chuuya thinks he is.
“Now, you can focus on me.”
Right on cue. As soon as the director leaves.
Look at that, he was right. You are confident. You are smug. You are observant. And annoyingly enough, you are in control. Because to do his job properly, he has to act like he’s wrapped around your finger. (He fails to realise he already is.)
Chuuya clenches his jaw, his brain failing to function in this pivotal moment, failing to filter any kind of acceptable responses. So he stays silent, mind going a thousand miles an hour just trying to form words, sentences, yet drawing a blank. And any normal person in your position would have spoken up by now, but you? You’re reeling in his inexplicability, silently. Observing him as though he’s an animal trapped in a glass cage for all to admire.
You lean back against your chair, the padded back bending backwards to support your weight. Your arms are crossed over your chest and the smirk has not left your face. If anything, it gets wider. Neither of you give in. You both keep your gaze locked on each other, and the silence grows on him. The comfort sneaks up on him. It’s weird. Is he dreaming it? Is he being delusional? Why is that he feels that with you, more is said through your silence than words? If so, being under your carefully appraising eye would be an honour.
Chuuya thinks, no no, he knows, he hears you muttering under your breath. He wants to retort, but words don’t find him. Only silence and stillness.
But it doesn’t last any second longer because you scoff in amusement and grab the paperwork regarding the partnership off the spot your father has left behind. Your eyes don’t leave his cerulean ones though. It’s almost as though you’re hyper-focused on him. Or is it the other way around? Maybe it’s mutual?
You do eventually break the stare though, to turn your back and walk out the door, but not before you stop at the edge, bidding goodbye with a lopsided smile and a “Park Hotel, 8pm, seventieth floor.”
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Four hours seemed like a lot of time to prepare.
It isn’t.
Because now, at 7.56pm, Chuuya is still staring nervously at himself in the mirror of the hotel bathroom. A flurry of thoughts occupy his state of mind.
Is my tie okay? It’s not lopsided, is it? He thinks about your lopsided smile as he adjusts the black tie set against his red dress shirt. His black coat is replaced by a black fitted blazer. Then he wonders if you’re still in your work outfit.
Damn it, why can’t he get you out of his mind?
You’re a necessary ally, he thinks. That’s why, he convinces himself. Although, not really. If you are just another job, another person the Port Mafia needs to brainwash, then why is he so nervous about this date? His hands freeze in their motions as he questions himself.
Is this what it is? A date?
By 7.59pm he’s up on the seventieth floor, and the moment he steps out of the elevator, an usher tells him to follow. Wow. Having an already established media empire the moment you were born must have been a big bonus for you, hasn’t it? Chuuya imagines you’re spoiled; you’ve lived your whole life with the lavish luxury you currently stand to inherit now. But he gives you due credit. For your father to entrust the dealings of the Port Mafia to you, you must be very capable. Not that he has ever thought otherwise.
In the short hour that he had interacted with you earlier, he knows you’re anything but a bimbo. But you must have thought he was similar to one, huh? What with him being speechless over nothing.
Once he reaches the private room, he’s greeted by you already seated, right leg crossed over your left, fingers flipping through the menu, unfazed by his arrival. The door shuts behind him, and it’s back to this air of oppressed silence. Chuuya slowly glides over to his seat across from you, eating you up from your head down to your little tippy toes. You are less covered up now, your office suit giving way to a remarkably eye-catching black maxi, although he does admit, what catches his eye is that slit that runs up your thigh.
Now, now, you look sexy.
When he settles down, he notices the agreement from this afternoon sitting by the edge of the glass table, all complete save for his and your signatures. The numbers 70 and 30 briefly register in his head. The former, of course, rightfully belonging under you. He furrows his brows. That’s twenty percent lower than what Mori is expecting. How can he negotiate with you, then? What more can he bargain with?
But as he looks up from the document to you, you’re already observing him, wearing a flirty (with a side of smug, as he expects) smile on those lips of yours.
“There’s always a price to pay, Mr. Nakahara.”
Chuuya is slightly baffled. The other workers in your office are boring and own a one-track mind. But evidently you don’t belong in the same group as them.
Is this a game to you?
“Name it.” He does want to know what you’re seeking from him, and he knows he’s not nearly as witty enough to figure it out on his own.
You never give anything away easily though. Chuuya learned that much. Instead of giving answers you lean back on your seat, just as you did earlier, and revert your attention back to the menu.
“So, you are capable of speaking to women after all, huh?”
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The rest of the dinner is filled with conversations that don’t pertain to what it should. Instead of discussing the deal, he gets sidetracked, oddly intrigued by what you personally find fascinating. Chuuya remembers that first wave of pleasant surprise wash across your face when he asks about what you like, what you do outside of work. You know, the common exchange. But it must slip his mind that you aren’t used to ‘clients’ taking an interest in you, as a person.
Neither of you realise the abrupt change in the tone of the evening. You both kind of just ease into it.
Chuuya memorises what you tell him; how you actually like what little time you have outside of work; how you talk about books as your escape, the way your favourite author’s name rolls off your tongue so easily even though it’s a foreign name. He notes how your eyes sparkle when he pays you a compliment about how your brain works instead of the usual comments you receive on your appearance. He also loves how you talk just that little bit faster when you’re excited about a topic.
But he also learns how your smile is forced when you talk about your family, or anything remotely related to your work. He notices how you bite your lip when you talk about barely having time to enjoy anything outside of work. And how until now you’ve been a slave to the company, having to learn and grind on knowledge about anything and everything that you need to know to run it. A shut-in with a twist, if he might label it.
Chuuya was wrong then, he realises. Your life has not been one of free rides; easy passes. It didn’t get easier because of who you are. It was the reverse. It got harder because more was expected out of you. Your life at home wasn’t any easier. Turns out your father was, and is still, a tyrant. You’ve never known to enjoy yourself.
“Until tonight.”
Only now does it dawn on Chuuya why you set this whole thing up in the first place. This way you get to have some time to enjoy yourself at a ‘date’ disguised as a business meeting, because then dear daddy won’t get mad at you now, will he? You’ve probably never experienced romance, have you? Given your tight schedules and overbearing parents. Chuuya must be your first.
He gets just slightly giddy thinking of that possibility.
And by the time your plates are cleared and the bill is paid (by your father, apparently, because you grinned and charged it to his credit card; Chuuya thinks it’s acceptable because from what he hears, the director doesn’t seem to be a very good man at all, why not charge it to the man?), he makes his mind up to really help you make full use of your night.
That’s how he finds himself ten minutes later with you standing on the edge of the neighbouring skyscraper, your fingers intertwined tightly with his. Your first exposure to his ability. ‘Holy shit’ were your exact words. Despite how you carry yourself in the office, it’s almost unbelievable how childlike you look now, admiring the sight before you. Losing all your childhood because of who you’re expected to be… Chuuya knows all too well what that feels like. Minus the bond that is family, of course. Although now, he guesses he can call the Port Mafia such.
Chuuya arches a brow. “Forty?”
You press your lips together to suppress a grin, nodding at him. “Highest I can go for you, Mr. Nakahara.”
“My boss wants a half, though,” Chuuya grimaces in faux sheepishness. Of course Mori would be fine with a forty, but it’s fun having a back-and-forth with you. Or maybe this is his way of convincing himself this is nothing more than continuing a pleasant conversation.
There’s something in your reaction that gets him so curious. It’s how you grin yourself silly and can’t even manage to look him in the eye. Or the way you try to untangle your fingers, only to find Chuuya has gripped them even tighter. He doesn’t even have to ask for you to know what he’s thinking of.
“Fifty is for family only, sorry.”
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He waltzes through the narrow corridors and carpeted floors like it’s home. It might as well be, he’s been here about as many times as he’s been to the Port Mafia headquarters in the same duration. It doesn’t look as tacky as it used to. Or is it just because he’s used to it? Or maybe the gradual changes all seem like nothing to him because he visits this place every single day.
Chuuya sighs. No matter, he’s got other things to worry about.
“No, forget about making your own notes. Negotiate. I want exclusivity on this.”
There it is. Your bossy, domineering voice.
He leans by the doorframe. Your subordinates all dub you the ‘boss from hell’. Personally he can’t see why. But then again, you’re an absolute angel to him. (He never gets tired of seeing the shock register on everyone’s faces when they see you be all lovey-dovey with him.)
Feels good. Being the exception.
When the conversation ends, you hang up the phone and turn over, finally noticing your boyfriend by the door. It’s like a switch turns in you; your hostility melts away and those deep downturned lines rotate into a smile. Even now, five years later, you still have a childlike innocence to you; he sees this right now by how you skip towards him like an elated dog seeing its owner is home.
Did he just compare you to a dog…? Out of all the things he likes, why did he — he mentally facepalms himself but shrugs it off. Like he’s said before, he has more pressing matters to think about.
It’s amazing to think how far you both have gotten. From being strictly business to unspoken feelings in a matter of hours, to where you guys are now. Frankly, he didn’t think it was possible for someone like him. He gravitates away and thinks back to the first time he stepped foot in here.
Huh, maybe Mori did know what he was doing after all. That man ended up being your matchmaker. Chuuya inwardly grimaces and shudders and the thought.
But you pull him back to earth.
Your arms snake around his neck and you hook your legs around his waist. Lucky you’re wearing a pantsuit today, because the last time you did that, i.e. yesterday, you were wearing a skirt and it rode up your thigh a little too high. Yeah, Chuuya wasn’t too happy when some of your male coworkers got to see a glimpse of your ass. But he can’t blame you, you were just that excited to see him. Something he finds remarkable given you’ve been together for four years.
“Didn’t think you’d come here this early,” you comment as you get down, your hands still round his neck. “What brings you by, Chuu? Or should I say, future boss of the Port Mafia?”
He gives you a peck on the lips. His nickname falling from your lips just sound so right. You’re right, he usually comes by after you both are done with work. That usually means 8pm onwards. (You both are pretty invested in your companies. Especially now so for Chuuya that he’s been announced a few days ago as the one to take over the mafia in the future.)
“Today I’m here for professional reasons, princess, to offer you a proposal,” Chuuya coos, a gloved thumb grazing over your cheek.
“Hmm?” You look up at him quizzically. “Okay, shoot.”
Chuuya grins at you, his eyes closing and forming into crescents. He opens them slowly as he presses his forehead against yours.
“I think it’s time for that fifty-fifty.”
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✢ tags. @yokelish @gogolparadise @fyowyn-writes
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keelywolfe · 4 years
FIC: Welcome To Backwater ch.6 (spicyhoney)
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Summary: There are some strange happenings in this little town, is Stretch about to get some answers or only more questions?
Read Chapter Six ‘It’s All Academic’ on AO3
Read it here!
The store was still a good block away by the time Stretch’s legs decided they’d had enough of doing all the heavy lifting today and would he mind finding a place for them to park his ass for a while, thank you ever so much.
His youthful escorts started drifting off right around the time he got into town proper and his sneakers hit sidewalk. Probably outsiders weren’t as interesting without the possibility of imminent disaster and the kiddos started back to their abandoned bikes and hopscotch squares, leaving him to stagger on.
By then, the wobble that had infected his knees before he even got out of the cornfield was working its way up to a full-out gelatin jiggle and his mouth was filled with the taste of the sweat that ran down his skull, bittersweet salt heavy on his tongue. The sun overhead was bearing down on him, the heat scalding through his t-shirt and shorts right down to his bones.
He wasn’t gonna make it to the store, Stretch realized with dismay, and flopping down on the sidewalk would be about as comfortable as hopping into a greasy skeleton-sized frying pan. Ending the afternoon charbroiled was somehow even less appealing than going back for s second visit with Edgar Allen and Stretch gave his surroundings a slightly desperate look.
The library. He hadn’t been inside yet, but it was right there, not ten unsteady steps away. A small ‘open’ card was in the front window and it was sure to have air conditioning, plus a place to sit and tally up what remained of his scattered wits.
Stretch gathered up the last of his waning endurance and headed for the door. It opened easily, no cowbell here to mark his entrance, and the blissfully cool rush of crisp air against his sweating skull the moment he opened the door confirmed all his hopes and dreams. He managed to close the door behind him and then staggered back a step to lean against the solid wood. Hopefully, no one else was heading in to swap out their latest reads for something new because he needed about five good minutes before he was prepared to even try moving.
Now that he was out of the heat, his mind was clearing a little and he was able to give the library a good look around. It took a minute longer for his vision to adjust; compared to the bright sunshine, this room was like stepping into a shadow, dim and mysterious the way libraries should be, even ones that weren’t in weird little towns.
Huh. It was bigger than it looked on the outside, big shocker there, another little surprise of Backwater’s to add to his growing list. Only one room, sure, smelling musky despite the air conditioning, but the bookshelves were tall, towering even over his head and Stretch was on no one’s short end of the scale. The walls were lined with those shelves, and more stood independently, every one of them heavy with all kinds of books.
There were also a couple of small wooden tables and for the first time, Stretch noticed he wasn’t alone. Someone was sitting at one of the tables with his back to the door and unless there was yet another skeleton Monster hanging around town that Red hadn’t bothered to introduce, it had to be his brother. Couldn’t be sure, of course, all Stretch could see was his back, but he was willing to lay down a bet on even odds.
He’d left off the jacket this time, a wise choice in Stretch’s opinion given the ever-rising thermometer outside. Instead, he was wearing a thin black t-shirt and without the bulk of the leather jacket, his shoulders were narrower, putting him at only a little broader than Stretch’s generally scrawny condition. A crimson scarf was neatly wound around his neck, adding a splash of bright color not only to him, but to the shadowy room.
His spine was poker stiff, only his neck bent as he perused whatever book was in front of him, and his voice was that same rich chocolate tinged with battery acid from their first meeting as he spoke without turning around.
"Choosing to broaden your horizons with reading instead of wasting all your time at the movies, my, what will my brother…say…" the skeleton trailed off as he turned his head enough to glance at him. His head whipped around to give Stretch the full force of his startled gaze. The chair screeched on the floor as he shoved it back, climbing abruptly to his feet, his sockets narrowing as he looked Stretch over. It was not a sudden outbreak of overwhelming lust in that crimson gaze, more’s the pity, but stark concern as he asked sharply, "Are you all right?"
"yeah?” Stretch said uncertainly, and why was the world so unfair that he sounded like a croaking frog with developing case of laryngitis in comparison to that roughly silk voice? Worse, he still didn’t actually know if he was okay, might be better not to fully commit to an answer. Considering he was still covered in dirt and cornsilk, and felt like his bones might actually melt into a mess on the floorboards, he probably looked even worse than he sounded.
Red’s brother didn’t seem to buy it, either. He leaned over to rummage through an open backpack by the table leg, pulling out a bottle of water. Those heavy boots were surprisingly quiet on the wooden floor as he stalked over and thrust the water bottle into Stretch’s hands. He drank it gratefully, the cool water soothing on his parched tongue, only to nearly choke on a drenched yelp as wincingly brisk hands started dusting him off.
The other skeleton plucked free a straggly leaf that was clinging unknowingly to Stretch’s sleeve and held it up like an accusation, stating flatly, "You went in the corn field.”
Wow, this guy managed to fit a whole lot of disapproval into one sentence. He must’ve taken lessons at the same place as Blue. Probably aced the class.
“yeah,” Stretch admitted. He left off that the kids tried to stop him from going, always better to plead ignorance while you still could. “kinda got lost."
The other skeleton made a sound that was an honest to bits harrumph. He gave up on Stretch’s clothes, to be honest they hadn’t been in top form before he went into the corn field, and instead, holy shit, started poking at his actual bones.
Already the whole incident seemed more like a bad dream than reality, and now he was falling back into another dream, only this one was of a wet variety. It was really hard (heh) to stay traumatize with a guy this gorgeous unhesitatingly feeling him up. He was probably looking for injuries like a good Samaritan and an outside source needed to firmly (heh heh) tell Stretch’s bones that, because they sure weren’t listening to Stretch on the matter.
Hands skimmed down his ribs, sharp-tipped fingers cautious as they slid lower, ghosting over his shorts and the femurs beneath them. He crouched down to reach Stretch’s dirty sneakers, gently gliding over the delicate bones of his ankles and leaving behind a heat that was nothing like the sun’s.
Stretch took another long swig of cold water, nearly as desperate as his first but for entirely different reasons, and tried not to think of the skull that was currently level with his fly. Okay, he didn’t exactly want this to stop but he really, really, needed it to. He hoped the guy chalked up the renewed croak in his voice to lingering trauma. "um, thanks, but i’m okay. this scarecrow guy helped me."
“Ah, did Edgar Allen help you back out?” the guy said approvingly. “Good.”
Stretch tried not to look disappointed as he stood back up, seeming to decide there was no permanent damage from his unexpected ‘field trip’. At this point, any lingering aftereffects weren’t from the corn, and he took a shaky breath, sternly advising everything below the waist that systems were not at go, launch not in progress, abort, abort.
A distraction was in order.
Okay, so, no one in this town was at all surprised by the sentient scarecrow. Stretch didn’t pretend that he knew everything about the surface world, okay, this was his first time out of Ebott, but he was pretty sure that if this were the worldwide norm, he’d’ve heard about this once or twice; on the news, TMZ, twitter, something.
“edgar allen, right. um…soooooo, what is he?” Stretch asked.
That got him an impressively scornful look. “He’s a scarecrow.”
Yeah, okay, that was true, but Stretch wasn’t about to pretend that the scarecrow part of Edgar Allen was the debated issue right now. “scarecrows aren’t supposed to move. not on their own, anyway, and they really aren’t supposed to be able to offer opinions on the corn.”
“No?” The other skeleton waved a negligent hand as he turned away, heading to his chair as he tossed over his shoulder, “What should he be able to offer his opinion on, Paris fashions?” He settled into his chair, bending back over his book. “I’d appreciate it if you don’t tell him your personal theories on his condition, he doesn’t need that kind of negativity right now.”
“wha—of course i won’t, why would i…?” For a moment, Stretch felt absurdly guilty for his preconceived notions on scarecrows, then he shook it off because seriously? He went to the table and pulled out another chair, turning it around to straddle the battered seat. The other guy didn’t even look at him, right, right, he was a dick, how quickly a little unintentional petting made Stretch forget.
“is he a monster?” Stretch asked. That would sort of make sense, not that Stretch knew any Monsters who’d willingly sit in a field all day long. Then again, he guessed it depended on the hourly rate and what kind of signal you could get on your phone.
The other skeleton licked the tip of his finger before turning a page and it was seriously embarrassing how that little flick of crimson tongue threatened to make Stretch forget all his questions again. But what he said snapped Stretch back out of it. “Not at all. Quite the opposite, actually.”
“okay. hang on right there.” Stretch set his water bottle down and propped an elbow on the table. He rested his face in one hand, pressing a knuckle between his eye sockets where a headache was starting to form. “what does that even mean? what the fuck is up with this place?”
“There is nothing up with this place,” the other guy said, testily. Whether that was from Stretch’s questions or the fact that he was interrupting his reading was up for grabs. “This is normal here and if you’re having difficulty with it, then the problem is yours, not the town’s.”
“i don’t have a problem with it, i never said it was a problem…!” Stretch blew out a frustrated sigh, “look, i’m just trying to understand!”
The other skeleton still didn’t look up, his crimson eye lights focused on the page in front of him. His mouth curved into a smile that was almost bitter and a stern reminder of who he was because in that moment he looked very reminiscent of Red. “Understanding Backwater is a fool’s errand and I suggest you get used to not.” His eye lights flicked up briefly. “If you recall, I tried to get you to leave. You’re the one who wanted to stay.”
“i…yeah. i did. i still do,” Stretch said, defiantly, “wanting to understand doesn’t mean i want to leave, you know.” He left off the ‘asshole’; if this guy didn’t already know he was one, Stretch wasn’t gonna waste his time trying to tell him “edgar allen really helped me out, i was losing my shit out in that field.”
“That’s his job,” the guy said. See, that right there, that was an extra piece to the puzzle Stretch was struggling to make. Helping people out of the cornfield was Edgar Allen’s job as a sentient scarecrow, good to know, even if one of the townies might’ve wanted to bring it up before Stretch took a stroll through the stalks.
“his job. okay, i get that, but not in a paycheck sort of way, right?” No answer and Stretch hesitated, drumming his fingers on the table as he considered, “wonder if he gets bored out there, hanging out all day long in the corn. think he'd like a magazine or something? maybe a farmer's almanac?” Not like it could hurt to add a scarecrow to his friends list, but how could he get it to him, leave it right inside the field and give him a shout? Maybe the corn would give him a heads up, it sure seemed chatty when it wanted to be and—
He abruptly realized that the other skeleton was staring at him, but not in a scornful way this time. It was a little softer somehow, those sharp eye lights assessing.
“what?” Stretch asked, a little defensively.
A beat of silence, then, “He's usually sleeping if no one is in the field,” the skeleton said, finally, “But that's very thoughtful of you.”
“never hurts to repay a favor. how do you know so much about edgar allen, anyway? do all the locals know or are you special?” Stretch gave the room another quick glance; there were two other tables with their own chairs, the faded floral pattern on the cushions barely visible in the dimness. Tucked into one corner was an old-fashioned card catalogue and next to it was an ancient computer, the monitor showing only bright white text against a black screen and a blinking cursor. Only one table had any books on it, the one Daddy Long Legs here was using, and that was it. They really were alone in here and now that Stretch thought of it, that was kind of weird, wasn’t it? Should be at least one other person here, unless— “are you the librarian?”
“No,” the skeleton scoffed, “There is no librarian. And as to what I know, I simply pay attention. Simple observation can be very informative.”
“it hasn’t helped me out much yet.” Stretch leaned forward a little, lowering his voice conspiratorially, “you know, i still haven’t heard your name.”
“That would be because I haven't said it." But the skeleton gave him a faint smile and it was miles different than those past sardonic ones, soft and secretive. It shouldn’t have been fascinating, watching those sharp teeth curve warmly. "But if you ask, I may give it to you."
"for keepsies and everything?" Stretch teased, ignoring his slight breathlessness, seriously, he was not this hard up, he really must’ve gotten too much sun. "okay, how can i resist. what's your name?"
Crimson eye lights met his, a brief flicker, then back to the book. "You can call me Edge."
Stretch ignored the fluttering trill of delight in his soul, it was a name, for fuck’s sake, not an invitation. "edge,” he repeated, curling his tongue around that single, stark syllable. “that's some careful phrasing there, edge."
"Yes. It is,” the guy, Edge, agreed. “Nonetheless, that is what you can call me."
“edge,” Stretch said again, just to say it, “i like that."
Just in case Stretch got any ideas that he might not be a complete dick, Edge made sure to say as dry as glass of desert sand, “Wonderful, I've been waiting with bated breath for your reassurance. And if you want to know more about Edgar Allen, I’d suggest talking to his creator. You have a few weeks left, the scarecrow will be around until harvest time.”
Stretch frowned in confusion; what the hell did that mean? “what happens after harvest time?”
“He ceases to exist,” Edge said, matter of fact, “like all the scarecrows before him.” Yeah, because everyone knew that, right, who didn’t, that was probably kindergarten shit around here.
Only Stretch obviously hadn’t been around for that class. Stretch lurched backwards, accidently knocking over the water bottle and almost tipping over his chair as he blurted out, “what? he dies??”
Edge caught the bottle before it could roll onto the floor, setting it back upright. “He’d have to be properly alive to die. As I said, if you’d like to know more, ask his creator.”
“who, the wicked witch at the end of the woods? no thanks,” Stretch shook his head, which was still reeling from the knowledge that the guy who’d save him this afternoon was going to go kaput before Halloween. It wasn’t enough time, not at all, he hadn’t even figured out how to get him a magazine, how to properly thank him. Just another incident of ‘not fair’ to add to his lifetime, “i already had my children of the corn adventure, i’m not interested in adding any red riding hood to my agenda. doesn’t really go with my work schedule.”
Edge only arched a browbone, “On the contrary, his creator is my roommate.”
Wow, this guy really did like dropping puzzle pieces into Stretch’s lap, didn’t he, if only he’d do other lap-related—stop it, he told himself, then aloud, “oh, so you do live someplace. your bro wouldn’t tell me where.”
“A remarkable astute choice on his part.”
“i mean, you're already living rent-free in my head." Shit, shit, Stretch knew he didn’t mean to say that, but apparently his mind hadn’t sent the memo down to his mouth yet that Red’s sexy brother was off-limits, caution tape engaged.
"I…what?" Edge only looked confused and yeah, okay, dipping his toe into the flirting pond was only gonna give him wet feet. Tempting as a fling might be, Red was against it and Stretch didn’t really blame him. Just because Edge was single didn’t mean he wanted a starring role in Stretch’s shitty Hallmark movie and a fling was all it could be, a quick little rebound fuck, and his boss/landlord’s little brother was not the right choice for it, nope, nope, nope.
But, oh, honey, those hips—
“never mind,” Stretch said hurriedly, “what are you reading, anyway.”
“I’m doing research.” Dismissively, a pretty big clue that Edge was done with this particular chat. Stretch’s knees were doing a lot better, it was probably time to head out back to the store and surely Red could put him in touch with Edge’s roommate if he was really curious about Edgar Allen. He should go, should, but.
Stretch didn’t want to leave yet. Stupidly, he really wanted this guy’s tally mark on Doris’s side of the friendship list. Red was over there now, Edgar Allen was hovering in neutral territory, and Mitch was still firmly on the other side of the page, and hey, if a fling was off the table, friends might still be up for grabs, right?
“yeah?” Stretch craned his neck, squinting at the page, “maybe i could help.”
“I sincerely doubt it.”
Stretch ignored that, “come on, i know how to research.” Stretch grabbed one of the books from the stack and flipped through, pausing to frown down at the page. “uh. what language is this?” He wasn’t even entirely sure it was a language.
Edge almost ripped the book from his hands, snarling out, “What it is, is from the restricted section and none of your business!”
Stung, Stretch looked around the library. It was literally one room, not so much as an extra door in sight, not even a restroom. “restricted section? where? do you keep them locked up on the roof?”
Edge took a long, deep breath in through his nasal cavity, then ground out through gritted teeth, “Do you mind? I’d like to get on with it. I do not need your help, I don’t need anything from you!”
“sorry, sorry,” Stretch mumbled, cringing inwardly. He just had to push it, didn’t he, every fucking time, Blue always tried to tell him that slow and easy was the way to go, but, no, couldn’t do that, now could he? Stupid, so stupid, always, and Stretch slid clumsily off the chair to his feet and headed for the door. Even then he couldn’t help adding, “see you around.”
Guess he could add this guy’s name beneath Mitch’s in the ‘hates me’ column.
He wasn’t two steps away when a soft, “Wait,” stopped him.
Stretch turned back around, hardly daring to let the hope well in his soul. Edge was sitting sideways in his chair and he sighed, scrubbing a hand over his skull, fingers clattering against the smooth bone, “I’m sorry. That was rude of me.”
“it’s fine,” Stretch said hurriedly, “i’m the outsider here, right?”
“Yes.” Edge said, a simple agreement. “But that’s no excuse. You’re very fond of questions, perhaps you’d care to answer mine. Tell me, why are you here?”
Stretch hesitated, then shrugged. Not like Red didn’t already know. “broke up with my boyfriend. it…kinda sucked, and i wanted to get out of my hometown for a while.” The memory was enough to finish cooling off any of his overheated jets and almost absently he rubbed his sternum, right over the faint, lingering ache where his soul sat.
Edge frowned, his sockets narrowing in irritation, "If you’re not going to tell the truth, then you can just say you don’t want to talk about it."
“hold up, what?” Stretch asked, bewildered. Like he needed any other confusion today.
“That’s not why you’re here,” Edge said decisively, with enough arrogant confidence to grate over Stretch’s already raw nerves.
“uh, yeah, it is,” Stretch said, his own irritation rising, why did he want to be friends with this guy again? “i think i’d know better than anyone.” He ignored the taste rising at the back of his throat, faint bitterness that refused to be swallowed away, and yeah, okay, maybe, it wasn’t the entire reason, but like Edge’s name, you took what you could get.
“Then you don’t know yourself as well as you believe.” Edge stood up then and walked over the shelves and Stretch followed him, more to watch the sway of his hips than to see check out the local dewy decimal layout. Hey, if he was going to deal with the asshole outbursts, he should at least get to enjoy the view.
Edge barely had to search before he pulled one off the shelf and held it out. “You should check out a book. As I said, there’s no librarian, it’s all based on trust. Write the catalogue number on the record and have it back in two weeks.”
Stretch looked at the book Edge was holding out. It was a thick, hardback novel, heavy enough to use for self-defense or maybe against alien invaders with a lethal allergy to paper cuts. “nah, i think i’ll stick to the movies.”
“Read this book,” Edge said and there was a certain urgency in his voice, in the way he held the book.
Stretch sighed inwardly and took it. This guy was hot as hell, yeah, like the town, and just as peculiar. He turned the book over and read from the spine, ‘An Informal History of Backwater.’ He looked back up. “what, is the formal history too posh for me?”
“Just read it,” Edge said, impatiently.
“yeah, okay, i can do that,” Stretch sighed. It had to be better than nightly ‘Wheel of Fortune.’ Then, because he was an idiot and always liked a chance to prove it, he said, “so, if you think i need to talk to your roomie about edgar allen, does that mean you’re inviting me over to your place?”
“No, it means you need to do your own research and find them,” Edge smiled then, suddenly, wide and bright, “But if you happen to find your way down the path, I may feed you when you get there, Riding Hood.”
Stretch stared helplessly at that smile. All his irritation melted away as he tried not to see the way it changed Edge’s entire face, suffusing those sharp angles with softened warmth.
He shouldn’t, he really shouldn’t, and it wasn’t exactly the kind of dinner invitation any normal person might’ve hoped for, but then, Stretch was starting to learn that if he wanted normal, he should’ve stayed on the bus.
“okay, then,” Stretch said, trying for something at least slightly above inane, “i’ll, uh, start looking for grandma’s house.”
“You do that.” With that, Edge went back over to the table, sitting back down in front of his book, and Stretch knew he was dismissed.
Okay, well, not exactly a friend yet, but he was still adding this one to the tentative win column. First, read the book and then he’d start on the new puzzle of finding out where Edge and his roommate lived. He wasn't as good at puzzles as his brother, sure, but Stretch was pretty sure he could manage that.
He did hope the whole Riding Hood gig was a joke, though. Stretch wasn’t really interested in meeting the big bad wolf right about now.
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The Call of a Siren- Chapter Four
Chapter One / Two / Three
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A/N: Here is the promised longer chapter! You'll notice I changed some minor things, something I will occasionally do as most writers. Once again, if anyone is interested in beta reading please DM me! Enjoy!
I don't own My Hero Academia. I only own my own characters and the story I create within Horikoshi's masterpiece of a world I'd love to live in.
The next day was more of a normal school day. Well, almost.
Present Mic was going on and on about proper grammar of the sentences he would write and adjust on the board for fifteen minutes before Delia zoned out. She didn’t get much sleep as yesterday’ s fitness tests scores bothered her still. She was second to last which only reminded her of her lack of experience using her quirk. Once again, she felt frustrated being raised in an ‘anti-quirk’ home. Everyone else except Midoriya and herself had years of training and time to figure out their abilities but at the very least Midoriya had All Might. She had no one.
“Oi brat! Stop doing that!” Angry boy hissed in her ear. She jolted in her seat before realizing she was rapidly clicking her pen - a habit of hers when deep in thought. Delia lifted her pen slightly so he could see it and clicked it a few more times aggressively before putting it down on her desk.
Then he kicked her chair leg a bit when Present Mic turned around to write more sentences on the board. Bastard.  Just another happy reminder that she sat in front of Bakugo which was already proving to be the pain in the ass she figured it would be when assigned. She curled her hands around the edge of the desk to prevent from turning in her seat to kick him in the shins.
She was practically bouncing to get out of her seat for hero training just to get a break from sitting in the same room for the past few hours. That was one thing she probably wouldn't come to love- staying in the same classroom for multiple classes rather than back home she would change classrooms with each subject - something she liked due to stretching her legs, changing seats, different people, and getting away from the asshole who kicks her chair when she annoys him.
“ I AM HERE!” All Might rushed in with his booming voice, “COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A HERO!”
Everyone immediately sat up in their seats in excitement that the number one hero was...well coming through the door like a hero! The class practically jumped out of their seats they were so excited.
“I can't believe it's really All Might.”
“So he really is a teacher! This year is gonna be totally awesome!”
All Might marched right over to the podium as the class took in his choice to wear his Silver Age costume which was pretty cool. He announced that he will be teaching ‘Hero-ing 101’ and that today he was starting off with battle training.
“Fight training!” Bakugo growled out excitedly while Midoriya countered with a nervous “Real combat?”
“But one of the keys of being a hero is looking good!” He swept his giant arm towards the wall expanding with numbered briefcases. “These were designed for you specifically based on your Quirk registration forms and the requests you sent in before school started. So everyone grab your assigned cases by your number and get to the locker rooms! Meet me at Training Ground Beta!”
The girls around her were chatting away while opening their cases but Delia sat with it in her lap for a few moments.
“Wow, you guys look great.” Delia said to the girls. Momo Yaoyorozu was dressed in a simple red leotard with a chunky yellow utility belt and short red boots. Mina Ashido gave her a twirl in her new costume of a cute camo-like body suit of teal and purple with a short cropped fuzzy jacket. It was random out of context but given what little she had seen of the bubbly girl - it weirdly worked. Kyoka Jiro rocked ripped jeans, a long coral shirt, black jacket with a popped collar, and what looked like giant chunky boots with a speaker in them. Tsuyu Asui was a ‘frog’ personified in a black and green suit with webbed feet and giant goggles on her head. Lastly, Ochaco Uraraka looked like an adorable astronaut in her pink and black suit with her cute oversized boots and wrist accents. Yaoyorozu smiled at her compliment, “Thank you. Why aren’t you getting dressed?”
“Are you nervous, Bell?” Asui asked her, looking concerned.
Delia pulled on her neck, “A bit, yeah. But I’ll be fine.” Ashido let out a small squeal and nudged her, “Well then put on your costume! We wanna see you looking great with us!”  
Delia bit her lip before clicking open the clasps to reveal her new costume she spent months trying to create. Blowing air out her cheeks, she stood up and placed it on the bench to start dressing. “Here goes nothing.”
“They say that clothes make the pros young ladies and gentlemen, and behold, you are the proof!” All Might stood a few feet ahead of them as they entered Training Ground Beta. “Take this to heart. From now on you are all...heroes in training!”
Everyone was checking out one another's costumes as they walked. The guys looked great except Mineta’s looked like he was in a diaper so that was an odd choice. When she saw Midoriya run out she almost facepalmed. Way to be obvious dude. The simplistic green and red design was fine but the hood part of it resembled too much of his all time favorite person. Her eyes kept scanning until it landed on the person practically foaming at the mouth to start.
If she had to be honest with herself, she would say he had one of the best costumes but she wouldn’t tell him that. He wore a tight tank top with a large orange ‘X’ in front, a belt with what looked like grenades on the side, some hardcore knee pads, then down to some heavy duty boots. The giant grenade gauntlets hooked on each arm looked heavy so she hoped he could take them off in a tight spot. She let out a small snort... Of course the boy with anger management problems would resemble a human grenade.
Biting her lip, she looked down at herself wondering if her costume matched her the same way. She pulled her hair up in a high ponytail mostly for practical purposes. She wore a high collar but sleeveless open shirt that was hooked to her by a small silver belt under her chest. She was wearing a silver strapless swim top underneath as well as black small swim shorts that could be seen as well because her thick skirt was cut into three large panels- two on each hip covering her sides and partly her backside and then one straight down the middle with a medium silver utility belt fastening it to her person. One of her favorite pieces was her, as she liked to call them, her ‘ass kicking boots’ that went to midthigh and had thick non-slip soles and a slight wedge heel. Plus, they were pretty with their silver intricate designs.  She also had silver gauntlets on her arms. The coolest feature was her water storage system. In the event, she was without any water near her to use her quirk she had compartments built into her suit. Every silver accent and design on her clothes like her boots, shorts, belts, and gauntlets were made of some ridiculously strong but flexible material that was hollowed and filled with water that she could pull from or store for emergencies. It wasn’t a massive amount but was enough for a quick emergency whip or two. Plus, everything was in a shade of dark azure blue. She felt like a water warrior.
Momo Yaoyorozu came over to her and knocked her with her hip, smiling. “Told you. You look great and it seems some others are taking notice.” She subtly nodded off the side where Angry Boy was standing diligently. Delia frowned because she had no idea what she was talking about but before she could open her mouth to say that she heard weird breathing down behind them.
“God, I love this school.” They turned to see Mineta standing way too close and way too happy.
“Okay, that’s just wonderful. Go love the school from over there, please.” Delia pointed to the group of others gathered a couple feet away. Yaoyorozu even went as far to actually ‘shoo’ him with hand gestures like he was a bug. That had Delia cracking up which prompted Momo to start giggling with her as he trudged over to the other group when All Might cleared his throat to signify class was starting. The class promptly lined up to face the number one hero.
“Now that you're ready, it's time for combat training!”
As they got settled in the monitoring room, she introduced herself to her partner for the exercise today. She spotted him a few feet from her in a martial arts costume and noted that he was the kid with the really big tail. Delia walked right up to him and stuck her hand out, “Hi, I’m Delia Bell. Looks like you’re stuck with me today for the ‘mission.’” She used air quotes for that last word jokingly.
“Oh hey! I’m Mashirao Ojiro. Happy to be stuck with you.” He joked back. “So I think we should watch this first run and get some idea of our strategy, sound good?”
“Agreed.” With that, they turned to the screen as the first mission started. Unfortunately, her excitement abated because she had a really bad feeling considering who was involved in this group as Midoriya and Uraraka walked through the building.
After a few turned corners, it started...then never really stopped. The class was on the edge of their seats after Midoriya laid Bakugo out flat on the floor and declared his hero name, “Deku.” Despite the escalating situation, Delia smiled proudly as Midoriya basically gave Bakugo the finger as he took back the name that was used to hurt him and stood his ground. Unfortunately, this only encouraged Bakugo to continue with full force. Midoriya then used his impatience to trick him again with the capture tape they were given before the match and ducked under another explosive punch before running down the corridor.
“The little guy’s really good!” The boy in a yellow bodysuit standing beside Jiro commented.
“He’s holding his own and he hasn’t even used his quirk yet!” The boy dressed in what looked like a tape dispenser helmet (?) said impressed.
We watched as Midoriya ran from Bakugo until he was completely lost to him. Bakugo began to yell furiously, “DAMMIT! You were tricking me for years by acting weak! Bet you’ve been laughing behind my back, huh?” If this idiot only knew…
“Come out and face me you coward!” Bakugo was blowing up doors left and right but walking with such arrogance, Delia was surprised his giant sized ego could fit through the door.
Meanwhile, Uraraka finally reached Iida who again proved his intelligence by hiding everything in the room that she could possibly float and use against him. She snickered when she heard Iida’s ‘evil voice’ while calling Uraraka a ‘do-gooder,’ What a dork.
“That isn’t a bad idea really.”
“What is? Hiding everything?”
“Yeah. Something to take a mental note of and I also think maybe we should try sticking together and allowing the ‘do-gooders,’ ”Delia again snickered at his impression of villain Iida, “to come to us on our home turf.”
She nodded, “Sounds like a plan to me.”
They both turned back to the screens to see Midoriya had found Bakugo who was now smiling which probably was a bad sign. “ Since you’re such a stalker, by now you probably know how my Quirk, Explosion, works. I secrete a nitroglycerin-like sweat from my hands and make it blow up. Imagine what I could do if I had a lot of it. “ He stood back into a lunge with his arm extended to the boy across from him. Oh, no . “That's right, these gauntlets aren't just for show. I’ve been storing my sweat for one monster blast.” Okay, One: Ew. Two: Mega Oh, no.
“Young Bakugo! Don’t do it! You’ll kill him!” All Might yelled into his microphone that she assumed was connected to their ear pieces.
“ He’ll be fine as long as he dodges !” Bakugo yelled right back and pulled the pin.
Delia’s hand went out to Ojiro's arm next to her as if to brace herself from what she just witnessed. He didn’t push her off as he too stared in horror at the screen.
“Whoa, whoa! This is fucking nuts!” Kirishima called out as the whole building they were in shook from the blast.
“Come in! Come in, Midoriya!” All Might was all but pressed against the screen as the dust cleared and we saw a giant hole where the walls and windows once were in the room. The class collectively sighed in relief when we heard a weak, “Is that even allowed?”
Then this goddamn psycho came out of the smoke and laughed. Laughed!
“Go ahead. Use your stupid Quirk on me, Deku.” He crouched low and smiled that disturbing smile again. He almost looked unhinged. “Even if you use everything you’ve got, you’ll never beat me.”
“Sir, isn’t this getting outta hand? That Bakugo is getting real crazy. He’s gonna kill ‘im!” Kirishima voiced Delia’s exact thoughts. The class all nodded in agreement and looked at their teacher expecting him to follow suit and shut this down.
“Not so.” Sorry, what? “Bakugo. Use that stored-up power again and I’ll stop this fight. You’re team will lose.”
“ Huh? ”
“To employ such a strong attack indoors is inviting the destruction of the stronghold you should be protecting. That’s a poor strategy, whether you’re a hero or a villain. The penalty would be a massive loss of points.”
That resulted in an angry yell before he rushed Midoriya who was talking to his partner. It seemed he had a plan though she couldn’t even see how at this point especially how her floating herself to the weapon earlier didn’t work against Iida’s speed. Midoriya threw a punch but Bakugo, in an amazing amount of speed and skill, flipped mid-air using a small blast and counter attacked from behind to hit Midoriya right in the back with a strong explosion.
“He doesn’t come off as a guy with strategy. But he’s actually quite intelligent.”
Ashido, Kirishima, and Delia took their eyes off the battle for a moment to look at the boy half covered in ice. “What’re you talkin’ about?”
“He changed his trajectory while in midair and using a blast that doubled as a smokescreen. Very clever.”
Yaoyorozu chimed in with noting his ability to understand the physics of the situation and his Quirk. Denki Kaminari, whose name she remembered only due to that Mr. Aizawa had already used it so much in a day and a half because he was a high school five year old, moaned, “Ugh, Bakugo is uber talented. I hate it.” Delia pressed her lips together because while she agreed with her classmates on Angry Boy, she was still horrified by his behavior as he continued to beat the hell out of Midoriya. This oh, so intelligent and talented boy is basically throwing a tantrum and he had the nerve to call her ‘brat.’
“This is hard to watch! All he has to do is wrap tape around him, not kill him.” Ashido cried out.
“Bakugo is certainly acting like a villain.” Tokoyami responded.
“I thought Midoriya was pretty amazing at the start of the fight, but he’s completely outmatched in terms of combat power. Not to mention, Bakugo seems like a natural at all this stuff.”
“Give him a chance.” Delia said sharply. Kaminari looked at her surprised as her tone was with more bite than she intended. “Sorry. But give him a chance.”
Delia turned back to the screen once again and saw the boys facing off again but near a different set of windows. They exchanged words then lunged at one another but this time it was different. Midoriya was finally using his Quirk and Bakugo’s hands started sparking up as well.
Delia gripped her arms harder, “All Might…”
“They’re gonna kill each other! Sir!”
The Pro hero said nothing but gripped his tiny microphone hard enough it should've been in splinters before speaking into it, “Both of you-”
“Uraraka, now!” The class looked up at the video feed of the others and the brunette grabbed hold of a pillar. All of a sudden, Midoriya punch for Bakugo went upwards creating a giant amount of force to break the ceiling above as he took on Bakugo’s explosion head on. “SMASH!”
His punch created massive amounts of debris for Uraraka to use and she used the pillar she held onto as a bat and swung the floor pieces at Iida. As he was distracted in fending off the debris, she floated herself over to the weapon thus winning the mission.
The class was entirely silent as All Might declared the hero team the winners. Was this really a win?
After a few moments, she heard Ojiro say, “Okay...we aren’t going to do that.”
“Match two! Team B will be our heroes! Team I will be the villains!”
As Ojiro stretched, Delia pulled out some water from her belt to form a whip. “Hey, I’m going to hide behind one of the pillars near the door so I can surprise them.”
He nodded, “Good idea.”
The buzzer went off.
As they braced themselves for the heroes, it turns out Shoto Todoroki had different ideas. All of a sudden, the whole room was covered in freezing ice. Her boots were stuck in ice and as she peeked around the corner of the pillar so was Ojiro's. Damn. I didn’t think he had power like this!
“This Quirk is insane.”
She may be stuck but she still had her whip which she kept moving to prevent from freezing. They both stilled when they heard footsteps.
“Pry yourself up if you want, but it might be hard to fight me with no skin on the bottom of your feet.”
“Good thing I wore boots then!” Delia kicked herself free and lashed her whip around Todoroki’s right arm which wasn’t covered in ice. His eyes widened slightly before freezing her whip around his arm but she had another one at the ready that grabbed his arm again and tugged as if to throw him back but he had stuck himself to the floor with his left side. Before she could react, he covered her body from the chest down in ice preventing Delia from doing anything more.
“The hero team winnnnnns!” All Might announced over the loudspeaker.
“Fucking dammit!” She muttered as she tried to break free of the ice. But she didn’t need to as Todoroki suddenly emitted enough heat to defrost the whole building, Ojiro gasped, “Heat, too?”
Delia scrunched her face as everything was now wet which would’ve been great if the fight was still going. “It’s not your fault. We’re just playing on different levels.” Well, damn. Thanks so much. He said it so mildly and without emotion as if it was as simple of a fact that two plus two equals four. For some reason, she couldn’t find her anger at it because he was right. Delia felt deflated as he walked right back out the door he came in. Ojiro shrugged at her, “It’s the second day. We’ll get it next time.” She attempted a small smile at his effort to not seem upset on how quickly that ended. She gathered some of the water on the floor and refilled her tanks before walking out with her partner.
They settled back in the screening room as each battle went on. Delia took the time to see everyone’s Quirk and was impressed by how power heavy the class seemed. Acid, shadow, hardening, tape, energy beams, and it went on which was great to watch but definitely put even more attention on how short her and Ojiro’s battle went. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Bakugo far from the group with his gaze on the floor and teeth gritted. He was not taking this well. Maybe I wasn’t far off in the unhinged part from earlier...  
Delia was half tempted to see if he was alright, which she obviously could tell he wasn’t, but pulled herself back as she did not like how he was in his battle in the slightest. The urge never went away as her classmates continued the missions and she kept one eye on the screen and the other on the boy looking on the verge of a crisis in the corner.
Finally, everyone had battled and class was dismissed with a quick congrats speech in from their teacher then an even quicker exit as he zoomed right out. Delia figured it was because he was losing his stamina at holding his form.
Back in the classroom, Delia was putting her books in her bag when she heard the door open.
It was Midoriya who looked much better than when she saw him last. A bunch of the class ran to meet and introduce themselves to him which was a nice change of pace for him, she assumed. She doubted he was very popular in his last school considering how he and Bakugo came from the same school.
“Tokoyami! Stop using that desk as a chair!” Iida walked determinedly to the boy sitting on his desk while he talked to her former mission partner and Jiro. Jiro put her hand on her hip and said, “Dude, you need to chill.”
Ojiro pointed at him, “You’re carrying a lot of tension.”
Iida slumped forward in defeat as she walked over to the small group, “No one understands.” Delia swung herself on the desk next to Iida which caused them to laugh as she put her hand on his shoulder with comfort and some slight mocking, “It’s okay, Iida. Someday they’ll learn proper manners and respect.”
He sighed and nodded before turning to her, “Yes, well uh - Oh, c'mon!”
Delia giggled and swung her legs like a child, “I said they would. I didn’t say I would too.” She giggled again when the blue haired boy pinched the bridge of his nose in irritation before walking away.
“Hey, Bell.” She looked up from laughing at Jiro. “Yeah?”
“Is that a My Chemical Romance button on your bag?” Delia looked over to her desk with her various buttons and stickers on the side of her bag.
“Yes, it is. You a fan?”
“I listen to them occasionally as well.” Tokoyami threw in. Jiro grinned, “Nice to know some of us have some taste.” Ojiro scratched the back of his head, “Well, I guess I have none.”
“It’s alright. We’ll just have to educate you!” Jiro elbowed him gently. Delia looked at her watch then hopped off the desk, “Oops. I have to catch my train!”
When she ran outside, her eyebrows raised as she saw that Midoriya and All Might were staring off into the distance. Delia waved at them, “Feel better, Midoriya. Have a nice night, Sir!”
Running down the hill, she flew up to Bakugo and found her feet slowing a bit. They looked at each other for a moment and Delia opened her mouth to say something before she thought better of it and continued down the hill to catch her train home.
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xbaepsae · 4 years
our little secret | drabble
“To say you are nervous would be an understatement.”
[jeongguk x reader]
genre: brother’s best friend!au
word count: 3.2k
rating: pg-13
a/n: helloooo! for some reason, the original fic has been getting a lot of traction recently. so, i finally found inspiration to write a little follow up drabble. i really meant for this to be a true drabble (which i consider less than 2k words) but i couldn’t stop writing lol. anyway, please excuse any grammatical errors; i never really proofread & enjoy :) xoxo
also, if it isn’t obvious, please read the [original fic] before this drabble to save you from spoilers!
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“Why is it harder to see each other now that we actually want to see each other?”
It’s been a few weeks since the beach trip. You haven’t told anyone about the relationship yet. For now, you just want Jeongguk all to yourself.
“So, you didn’t want to see me before the beach trip?” Jeongguk smirks at you, hair disheveled and torso barely covered by your bed sheets.
You don’t think you’ll ever get over the way he looks in your bed. It’s a sight that just looks, and feels, so right. “Of course, I did. What I mean is, now that you’re my boyfriend…I want to see you more—not just to fuck.”
“Say that again,” he smiles.
“Not just to fuck?”
He laughs, “No—the boyfriend part.”
You reciprocate the laugh, “Oh. Hey, boyfriend.”
Jeongguk’s response is to pull your body against him. Your hands cup his face for a kiss, never getting tired of the taste of his lips. His hand move down your body and cup your ass. Beneath you, you can feel him getting hard again. You’re about to tell him you’re ready, but your phone starts ringing.
Pulling away from your boyfriend, you groan and answer the call. “Hello?”
On the other line, you hear your mother’s voice. She asks you how your day has been so far, and then asks, “Are you hungry?”
“Uh…no. why?” you ask, confused by the question.
“Because I’m on my way home right now.”
That has you off the bed, “What?”
“I’m five minutes out—leave the door open for me, yeah? I’m bringing food!”
“Why are you coming home?” The second the words come out of your mouth, Jeongguk gives you a weird look. “Aren’t you working?”
“Your father and I aren’t workaholics all of the time, sweetie. Besides, I thought the rest of today could be a girl’s day. I’m about to turn into our neighborhood right now.”
Your mother hangs up and you look at your boyfriend with a panicked expression. “Fuck—my mom is on her way home right now!”
“Food—I don’t know. But that’s besides the point. You need to leave!”
Jeongguk haphazardly pulls all of his clothes on, hair still completely messed up. You do the same, pulling a pair of shorts and a t-shirt on. After you two are dressed, you throw his things at him and rush him down the stairs. Before pushing him out the door, you press a chaste kiss on his lips and tell him to stop by again tomorrow.
You shut the door with a stuttering heartbeat; and as you finally catch your breath, the door opens again to reveal your radiant mother. “Hey, mom.”
“Hey, sweetie. Hungry?”
“Starving,” you offer a smile, praying she doesn’t inspect your haphazard self too closely.
Your mother hums in response, bypassing you into the kitchen. “I thought you said you weren’t hungry when I called earlier?”
“Umm…I guess I am now?”
You follow her into the kitchen, watching her pull out little tubs of Chinese takeout from the paper bags. Now that you smell the food, you realize you actually are starving. All you ate earlier was a bagel with strawberry cream cheese—not the most filling thing ever.
Grabbing two plates and utensils, you begin to dig into the food. For a second, your mother just stares at you; you’re almost sure she’s caught onto your act. However, the second she begins to eat too, you know you’re safe.
Silence engulfs the kitchen afterwards, the both of you too engrossed in the food. You nearly finish an entire tub of noodles when your mother sets her utensils down. “Did you realize this hunger before or after I saw your boyfriend run across our yard?”
You choke on the noodles and begin to cough violently.
“Honey, haven’t you heard of that saying: mothers always know?”
“I mean…” it’s starting to feel a little too hot in here, you realize.
“I’ve known since we were at the beach, sweetie,” she says, and you suddenly feel beyond embarrassed. “When were you going to tell us?”
Your face feels like it’s going to explode, “Umm…eventually I would’ve said something.”
“But you’re dating Jeongguk—he’s not just anybody, honey. That boy is your brother’s best friend and someone we’ve welcomed into our home with open arms. It’s not that I don’t trust him or anything…but you’re my daughter.”
“I know, mom. He’s not just anybody to me either…” you release a breath. “I like him a lot…even love him, mom. I think I’ve always been in love with him.”
Her expression softens at your words. “I can tell, love. I’m honestly fine with it—whatever makes you happy, makes me happy.”
“Thanks, mom.”
“Just…please don’t sneak around anymore. That boy nearly gave me a heart attack earlier.”
You’re unable to contain the laughter that bubbles through your lips. “Okay.”
“I guess the real question is, have you told your brother yet?” your mom asks.
“Nope,” you sigh. “You know how he can be sometimes.”
“Of course,” she laughs, “I gave birth to that little rascal, so I know firsthand.”
You would consider yourself close to Taehyung; he’s your older brother—by only a year and six months—and is generally protective of you. Not in an overbearing way, but enough that it made you off the market while you two were in high school together. Obviously, you were, kind of, off the market in high school despite that notion; but Taehyung doesn’t know that.
In the Taehyung-Jeongguk friendship, you’ve always been the third wheel. Growing up, they made a bit of an effort to include you; but for the most part, you’ve never fit into their duo dynamic. It’s just always been them plus you on the side. So, you don’t know how your brother is going to react.
“What if Taehyung hates me? It’s like I stole his best friend.”
“Your brother wouldn’t hate you,” your mother says. “He’s protective of you and loves you.”
“Yeah, but him and Jeongguk are like this,” you twist your pointer and middle finger together. “They do everything together.”
It’s your mother’s turn to sigh. “True, but I think it’ll be fine.”
“Are you going to tell dad?” you ask.
“If you want to tell him yourself, I won’t. But I don’t think your father would care either way. He loves you, and he loves Jeongguk too.”
“You can tell dad, but I want to tell Taehyung myself. He deserves that at least.”
Your mother smiles, “Good choice.” Suddenly, her eyes light up. “Why don’t we have a dinner together—just our family and Jeongguk—and you can introduce him as your boyfriend.”
“What kind of old school—”
“Hear me out,” she interrupts you. “The dinner will serve as a buffer. Your brother won’t suspect a thing, and your father and I will be there just in case something goes wrong.”
You blink. “Like, you mean if Taehyung decides he wants to beat Jeongguk up.”
“Oh god, mom,” you groan. “That would be the worst possible outcome.”
“Well, let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.”
To say you are nervous would be an understatement.
You’ve been pushing this day off not because you don’t want to confront the situation, but because you’re afraid of how your rather temperamental brother will react. Well, maybe you should call him idiot brother instead because you don’t understand how one person could be so blind.
It’s not like you’re still purposefully trying to hide the fact that Jeongguk if your boyfriend. You think it’s pretty obvious. Now that your parents know, you haven’t really bothered to hide anything. Then again, boys are quite stupid. You would know, you’re dating one after all.
“What are you thinking about?”
“Boys are stupid,” you respond, and the way your boyfriend’s nose scrunches does weird things to your heart. Good kind of weird things. “Especially you.”
Confusion quickly changes into defense on Jeongguk’s face, “Hey, I thought we were over this already—didn’t we decide that we’re both stupid for not saying anything?”
You almost laugh, “Not that. I’m just saying in general.” A sigh leaves your lips. “Why do you have to be best friends with my brother?”
“If Taehyung and I weren’t friends, how else would we have met?”
“We would still have gone to school together,” you offer, but he just raises a brow. “Okay, maybe you’re right—you were too cool in high school anyway.”
“I thought you were cool in high school too,” Jeongguk smiles, “you didn’t care about what other people thought about you—or the fact that you were connected to us.”
“I mean, how else was I supposed to act? Girls were always throwing themselves at you, and they tried to be my friends too,” your mouth presses into a straight line. “I had to be nonchalant.”
Your boyfriend takes that opportunity to press a quick kiss against your lips. Immediately, your lips turn up into a smile. “Are you trying to distract me?”
“From overthinking? Yes,” he says, and you know he’s referring to the Taehyung situation. “It’ll be fine.”
“You sound like my mom right now.”
“If even your mom said that, I believe it.”
Maybe they were right—maybe everything was going to be alright. You just needed to be more positive. It was a beautiful day, with beautiful weather, and you had a rather beautiful life. “I should probably go home and help my parents with dinner.”
“I have to be over by seven, right?” Jeongguk asks.
You nod, “My mom and I are sending my brother to pick up a cake at six-fifty, but the cake isn’t supposed to be picked up until seven-fifteen. This is giving us some time to kill, so come any time in-between.”
He laughs, “Sounds good.”
With a departing kiss, and a few whispers of reassurance, you take yourself off of Jeongguk’s couch and drive home. Once you are home, you see both your parents in the kitchen cooking up a storm. “Woah, what is going on here?”
“We’ve got to impress your boyfriend, right?” your father cheekily asks.
“Ha ha,” you roll your eyes. “But seriously—what is with all this food?’
Your mother only smiles, “Food is the best distraction.”
“Okay…” you don’t get it, but whatever. “I’m going to take a shower before dinner.”
After a quick shower and a little bit of makeup—to make you look more alive than you feel—you run back to the kitchen. There, you see Taehyung talking with your parents and you feel your stomach sink just the slightest. This is all too real.
Hearing you coming towards them, he turns around and narrows his eyes at you, “Tell me again, who this boyfriend of yours is?”
“It’s a surprise,” you reply, forcing your nerves down.
“How come you never said anything before? Like, when you came home from school? He goes to school with you, right?”
“Why are you asking so many questions?” you try to change the subject. “Don’t you have a cake to pick up?”
Taehyung scrunches his face, “I’m just saying…it’s a little suspicious.”
Ignoring his comment, you just watch as he grabs his car keys and walks out the door. With the rev of his car engine, you force your nerves to calm down—though it really doesn’t make the nausea go away.
After ten minutes of setting the table and plating the food, you hear the doorbell ring and the nausea ceases for a moment. Ever since you told Jeongguk that your parents knew, he started ringing the doorbell. Despite that housekey, he wanted to appear more “proper” in front of your parents. This admission just made your mother laugh.
Opening the door, you’re about to greet Jeongguk when you realize that you can’t see him. Instead of your boyfriend, all you can see are flowers; a giant bouquet of flowers. You’re speechless at the array of roses, baby’s breath, and sunflowers—all of your favorites, all bundled into one. Not only are you surprised at the mere fact that Jeongguk got you flowers, you’re even more shocked that he knew your favorites. When did you ever mention it?
“Do you like them?” his voice breaks your thoughts as he slowly reveals his face. You notice that his smile reflects your own.
“But how did you know I like sunflowers and roses?”
Jeongguk merely shrugs, a smirk stretch across his lips. “Just a feeling.”
“Well, thank you, boyfriend,” you rise on your tippy toes to kiss him, and he meets you halfway. “I love them.”
As he walks across your threshold, you forget why he’s here in the first place. You forget about Taehyung. You forget about all of your trivial problems. When you’re with Jeongguk, everything fades away—all your worries and stresses; all you can think about is him. Setting the bouquet down, you realize that Jeongguk is staring at you.
“Are you still worried?”
You stop in your tracks, “I wasn’t…until you mentioned it now.”
His gaze meets yours, and in his eyes you know is telling you not to worry. You’re trying not to worry, but it’s a little difficult not to. Especially, when—
Behind you, the door jingles open and your heart sinks into the pit of your stomach. Instantly, your thoughts are running a million miles per hour. You feel the onslaught of panic and anxiety begin to fill your system.
“Hey Jeongguk,” Taehyung walks into the room carrying the cake your mother ordered. “I didn’t know you were coming to dinner.”
Your boyfriend takes the slightest step towards you, which helps to ease a little of the dread you feel. “Yeah, your mom invited me.”
“Did she tell you that my sister’s boyfriend is coming to dinner too?” Taehyung laughs, nodding towards you. “Isn’t that funny? Can’t wait to see who this dude is.”
“I’m standing right here, you idiot,” you roll your eyes, nerves mostly calm. “If you’re going to talk about me, at least wait until I’m not around.”
Taehyung bypasses you, setting the cake down on the kitchen countertop. “Anyway, where’s this boyfriend of yours?”
“How did you pick up the cake so fast?” you change the subject. The cake wasn’t supposed to be ready for another 10 minutes.
“I don’t know,” your brother shrugs. “It was ready when I got there.”
If only you could strangle that cake lady. You had very specific instructions for that cake, and she wasn’t supposed to let Taehyung walk out of that bakery until a certain time. “Well, isn’t that great?”
“Anyway, where is this boyfriend of yours?”
You narrow your eyes. “Why? Are you excited to meet him or something?”
“Maybe…maybe not.”
“You know,” you start, “if you weren’t such an idiot we wouldn’t even—”
“Is he a no show?” Taehyung smirks, cutting you off. “Couldn’t handle the heat?”
“I think he’ll be fine.” Turning around, you notice that your parents are standing beside Jeongguk. When did they get there? Your parents look done with both of your sibling antics, but your boyfriend just blinks at the scene. “Why don’t we all have a seat?”
“But mom,” Taehyung pouts, “what about…”
She silences him with a simple look, and you all make your way to the table. You slow behind your brother and parents, hoping to find solace in Jeongguk’s embrace. He brushes along the small of your back and whispers, “Breathe.”
Everyone takes a seat, and surprisingly—or maybe your brother isn’t a total idiot—Taehyung notices that there were only five seats and plates set up. And they’re all taken now. You watch your brother glance around the table, circling back-and-forth between you and Jeongguk. Oh, come on, Taehyung; don’t make me have to tell you.
“Something’s not right here,” he finally says, and you want to smack him upside the head so bad. “Where is the boyfriend supposed to sit?”
No one says a peep; instead, they all turn towards you. You said that you would tell Taehyung, but you didn’t want to actually have to do it.
“Don’t be mad, but…” you take a deep breath and look to Jeongguk for support; he smiles, and you feel alright. “I’m dating Jeongguk.”
You watch Taehyung’s face morph from confusion to shock, and then back to confusion before it becomes completely blank. For a moment, you’re worried that he’s upset or—even worse—mad at you for dating his best friend. But before you can voice an apology, your brother breaks out into laughter. He’s laughing. What?
“You’re dating…” his fingers point to you and Jeongguk, “each other?”
He waits for conformation; when Jeongguk nods, Taehyung breaks into another round of full-bellied laughter. Now, it was your turn to be confused. “Why are you laughing?”
“Because I can’t believe it,” he manages to say in-between laughing and crying—you really can’t tell the difference at this point. “We had a dinner just for this?”
“You’re the idiot who couldn’t tell.”
“Well,” Taehyung finally sobers up, “thanks for telling me, I guess.”
You bite your bottom lip, “Are you…mad?”
“Oh, I’m furious,” he says, shocking you. Your brother turns to Jeongguk and instantly narrows his eyes. “I’m going to fucking kill you, you asshole. Didn’t I tell you to stay away from my little sister?”
“Language,” you mother chastises.
“So, are you mad at me? You know, for stealing your best friend?” you ask, biting the inside of your cheek.
He turns towards you, and the fury simmers down. “Of course not—Jeongguk and I will still be friends no matter what. I’m just mad that out of all the girl in the world, he had to pick you…you know? You’re my sister and I don’t think anyone’s good enough for you.”
You don’t see this side of Taehyung often—the protective, angry, older brother side of him. Especially not anymore since you’re both adults now. But, although it’s a bit shocking, you admit that you appreciate his reaction. Also, you realize your mother was right; even if he doesn’t voice it much, your brother does love you.
“That’s sweet,” you finally say, “but just so you know, Taehyung, I love him. So, you better get used to it.”
Taehyung scrunches his face before turning to face his best friend, “Well, asshole, aren’t you going to say anything?”
“You’ve always known I had feelings for your sister,” Jeongguk says. “I’m not going to apologize for falling in love with her, but I am sorry that I didn’t say anything earlier.”
“Hmm…” your brother flattens his mouth. “I guess you’re going to pay when I kick your ass.”
There’s a certain gleam in his eyes, along with the knowing smile on Jeongguk’s face, which lets you know that they’ll be alright. What a relief. And when your boyfriend turns to face you, you know that even though this might’ve seemed like the hardest battle, there is bound to be more hardships. However, you’re ready for anything—excited, even. Because as long as Jeongguk is with you, you’ll take it all in stride.
“But can we eat before you guys do that?” you ask with a smile. “I’m starving.”
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afterspark-podcast · 3 years
My Little Pony/Transformers: Friendship in Disguise, Part 2 Transcript
[This can also be found on AO3!]
O: [laughing]
S: Like, I told you about this before.  You- you know my reasoning, you know where it comes from.
[Intro Music]
O: Welcome back to our April Fools’ Special!
S: For the My Little Pony/Transformers crossover.
O: Today we will go through issues 3 and 4, which will finish this little series and now on to part 1 of issue 3- Fluttershy makes friends, or [clears throat] um, ‘Pet Sounds’.
S: Fluttershy and Discord are in Fluttershy's house having a tea party, when they hear a very loud noise outside.
O: Discord, for reference, is a reformed villain in the series.  He's basically just Q from Star Trek if Q were an amalgam of a bunch of different critters all smooshed together.  (Including being played by the same actor.)  Ah, but he's good friends with Fluttershy at tha- this point in the series, presumably.
S: Outside in a crater, Soundwave emerges concluding that this world is ‘illogical’.
O: Fluttershy asks Discord if he's trying to play a trick on her, but he says even he can't think of something this bizarre.
S: Soundwave scares several of Fluttershy's animal friends, who flee into her house for safety.
O: Fluttershy attempts to calm them by saying, “No one's all bad!”  Before she catches sight of Ravage, Ratbat, Rumble, and Laserbeak.
S: Her first instinct is, “I can bond with this person!  He has PETS!!!”
O: Pretty much.  Fluttershy gathers up a few of her animal friends and flies directly over to Soundwave to introduce herself.
S: Said animal friends do not appear to be happy about this turn of events.
O: I don’t blame them!
S: Soundwave does not detect a threat from Fluttershy, but correctly detects a threat from Discord.
O: Meaning Soundwave can scan for chaos magic.
S: Well, considering Starscream, I'm pretty sure he can just scan for chaos in general.
O: [laughs] That's not a bad way of looking at it!  Soundwave begins attacking Discord, while the cassettes make a beeline for Fluttershy
S: Rumble, being the only one who can presumably speak in this group, starts badgering Fluttershy for information about this world's defenses.
O: And also, “Why does everything smell like lavender!?”
S: The Decepticons… I guess, know what lavender smells like.
O: I think the question is, do the Decepticons like what lavender smells like?
S: Very good question.  Discord proceeds to make a nu- a nuisance of himself to Soundwave, transforming into a metallic version of himself.  With puns even!
O: [snorts] Fluttershy, being Fluttershy, spots a scratch on Ravage's nose.
S: Or a booboo, as she calls it.
O: And pulls out some ‘booboo cream’ to tend the wound.
S: Ravage looks rather disarmed by all of this attention.
O: The rest of the animal cassettes all gather around Fluttershy, while Rumble is in the background getting more annoyed as he protests that it's not a ‘booboo’ it's ‘battle damage’.
S: Rumble backhands the cream out of Fluttershy's... hand?  Hoof?
O: Hoof, probably. [laughs]
S: To the shock and chagrin of the rest of the cassettes, Discord, and all of the animals in the vicinity.
O: Fluttershy gets upset because she was, “Trying to be nice!”
S: The other three cassettes turn on Rumble, as Discord transforms Fluttershy's animal friends into little robot versions of themselves.  Surprisingly menacing ones!  And they all attack Soundwave.  Soundwave gets to learn what being attacked by a dozen rabid little bunnies feels like.
O: Rumble attempts to dissuade his fellow cassettes from murder, invoking the ‘f word’.  The ‘f word’ being ‘friendship’ here.
S: Fluttershy immediately changes her tune and asks if friendship is what they really care about.
O: Soundwave responds with, “Unquestionably: Friendship superior.”
S: While being covered in a bunch of tiny, rabid, metal animals.
O: Yes.  The fighting stops, as Fluttershy says they can start over and be friends.
S: Discord points out that he could just turn them all into little pretty ponies, but doesn't.
O: The animal friends are returned to normal, and Rumble apologizes to Fluttershy.
S: Megatron coms Soundwave at this point, and tells him to meet up with the rest of the Decepticons.
O: Soundwave responds in the affirmative, but with the caveat of, “Eventually.”
S: And the final panel has Soundwave sitting down and looking on at- as his cassettes and Fluttershy frolic.
O: It is a stupidly cute panel.
S: Mm-hmm, Rumble has a bunch of bunnies in his arms.
O: Ravage is playing with a birb.
S: Laserbeak and Ratbat are both giving tiny animals rides.
O: And Discord is giving Soundwave a thumbs up.
S: It's happy communication all around.
O: Right!? Like, this is what Soundwave deserves, okay!? This is my humble opinion- Soundwave should just stay here and be happy.  I actually would pay good money for a crossover- like, a crossover fic of them.  Just Soundwave helping with like, Fluttershy's animal hospital thing.  That sounds so cute! [laughs]
S: It would be a relaxing vacation for him.
O: He deserves a relaxing vacation.  My boy deserves a relaxing vacation!  Also, just going to pause- if you guys hear creaking, I am super sorry.  But we- my neighbor is moving around a lot for some reason, and there's a lot of cranking going on here.  So, sorry you can hear that.
S: Issue 3 part 2, “The Flying Fox Trot,” begins with Rainbow Dash reclining on a cloud and chomping on an apple, content with life.
O: At least until Windblade zooms by, dissipating Rainbow's perch.
S: The two introduce themselves to each other and rainbow proclaims herself as, “The fastest in Equestria!”
O: To which, Windblade, seasoned warrior, plane with literal jet engines, asks, “Until I showed up?”  Of course, the only way to settle this is with a race, apparently.
S: Considering Rainbow Dash's personality, yeah.
O: Yeah.
S: At the starting line we get cameos from some horse-based Transformers, Mach Kick and Battle Unicorn.
O: Which, honestly, since one’s a horse and one's a unicorn, I'm just amused that these exist at all- in a toy line for boys.  And also, I kind of want them on principle.
S: They're-
O: They look amazing. [laughs]
S: With very convoluted transformations.
O: Apparently.  Because apparently, you can't, you- you- you- can take the horse out of the organic but you cannot take the horse out of a horse.
S: [laughs]
O: I know that wasn’t right.
S: You can take the organic out of the horse, but not the horse out of the robot.
O: Yes.  So it's, uh, anatomy is just about as bad as a real horse is what I'm getting at here. [laughs]  Windblade and Rainbow Dash take off and are neck and neck, figuratively speaking, since Windblade doesn't have a neck right now, but whatever.  Until they run into a gaggle of Decepticons.
S: Misfire and the Rainmakers not- well, to be specific.  And honestly that just sounds like a band name?
O: Jem and the Holograms’ new rival! [laughs] I like- great- okay, okay, I know- I know- I know that we were talking about this in our warm-up, not in the actual episode but if you want to get into weird things you can that like, fit into the Transformers-verse, arguably Jem and the Holograms takes place in the fit into the same continuity.  And in fact, there was a G.I. Joe character whose entire backstory is that he was a roadie for Jem and the Holograms, and G.I. Joe definitely takes place in the same universe as Transformers.
[Okay, so like, I’m not wrong per say, but arguably Transformers, Inhumanoids, G.I. Joe, and Jem and the Holograms all take place in the same universe due to the presence of Hector Ramirez in all four series. ~O]
S: And considering the comics, which definitely have had multiple G.I. Joe crossovers.
O: Yeah, but not Jem and the Holograms.  Like, I think the last IDW Jem and the Holograms was kind of weird because it didn't- it didn't tie in with the rest of like, the Hasbroverse.
S: Mm.
O: Anyway, I'm sorry, tangent!  It just cracks me up that's all.
S: [laughs] The Rainmakers popped up in a season one episode, in G1, when the Autobots had to visit Cybertron.
O: Misfire doesn't show up in G1 till like, very late season four, and by late I mean, season four only has like, what?  Three episodes?
S: Mm.
O: But, you know what I mean!  And he's more widely known from his IDW appearance with the Scavengers, who are ‘sirs not appearing in this comic’.
S: And also for his incredibly bad name-
B: [laugh]
S: And also for his imp- incredibly bad aim, for which, poor Misfire gets his name.
O: Rainbow Dash suggests doing the ‘Flying Foxtrot.’
S: Which Windblade, understandably, is not familiar with.
O: And I'm half convinced that Rainbow Dash made it up, but whatever!  This entire thing seems to be baiting the Cons into shooting heat seeking missiles at the two of them, and then nyrooming behind them so that the missiles hit the Cons instead.
S: The comic ends with Rainbow Dash and Windblade agreeing to a tie and sitting atop a pile of Rainmakers and Misfire.  Who all look like they are regretting their life choices.
O: They were defeated by a pony, [speaks while laughing] I would hope they were regretting their life choices! [returns to speaking normally] Issue 4, part 1, is, “Strength in Numbers,” featuring Applejack and the Insecticons.
S: It opens with Applejack being very upset that there are some giant ass bugs in her orchard, eating everything.  And, I mean, she unfortunately has a super big pest problem here.
O: Which is a bad thing when her entire income is dependent upon farming.
S: Yep.  The Insecticon horde is very happy, and surprisingly cute as they munch on delicious apples and trees.
O: Applejack attempts to chase them off in multiple ways… none of which work.
S: Spraying them with the hose, hitting them with rakes, spraying them with the hose again, and then trying to push them off the apple trees.
O: Back inside her house, she brainstorms more things to try when Discord appears out of nowhere and she too is like, “Are you playin’ a prank, Discord!?”
S: Well, if i lived in ponyverse or-
O: Equestria.
S: Equestria, I think that might have been my first thought too.
O: I mean, fair.  Giant insects are eating her apples.  Like, who else could do that but Discord on a normal day? [laughs]
S: Mm-hmm.  However, Discord says that this stuff is too mundane to be one of his pranks.
O: Applejack asks for his help.  He declines, as he'd much prefer to watch this madness, but he does summon all of the Apple Family to aid Applejack.
S: The Apple Clan is here!
O: No, really, like, ALL of them are here.  And I am not listing them off, because it's pretty much every single Apple character that appeared in the show at some point.
S: So all of the Apple Clan charge in, and I'm kind of wondering now if he like, showed up and briefed them all- just-
O: [laughs] I think they all saw through the portal, and saw bugs eating apples and were like, “My people are calling me!” [laughs]
S: My- my home needs me!
O: My home needs me, exactly.
S: Babs Seed, Big Mac, and Apple Bloom take out an insecticon by themselves by kicking it,
O: Which are Applejack's cousin, older brother, and little sister, respectively.
S: Several other Apples take out other Insecticons with ropes.
O: And an elderly Apple accidentally kicks one of Bombshell's Cerebral Shells back onto him and then orders him to go away while she's sort of flailing.
S: Accidental mind control, here we are!
O: And the day is saved thanks to the Apples, and we move on to the final chapter of the crossover fittingly called, “Finale.”
S: We open in the Crystal Empire with one of the other princesses of Equestria, Princess Cadence, as several of Twilight’s students report back to her that the Decepticons are nowhere to be found, but are likely planning an attack according to the Autobots.
O: Speaking of attack!
S: [sighs] The wall is smashed in as Megatron, Queen Chrysalis, and their allies arrive and demand that they hand over all the magical artifacts.
O: Twilight Sparkle and Optimus arrive just in time.
S: Optimus attempts to get Megatron to leave with politeness.
O: Surprising no one who's dealt with Megatron for more than 10 seconds, he declines. [laughs]
S: And with a combined call of, “Transform and trot out!” and, “Till everypony are one!”  …Oh, so grammatically incorrect.
O: [laughs]
S: The Autobots and their allies go on the offensive.
O: And I get secondhand embarrassment from those lines existing in a printed form.
S: Pinkie Pie throws a pie in poor Soundwave's face.
O: And we get a pretty great two-page spread where a variety of things are happening...
S: Rarity is riding in Arcee's vehicle mode as they launch themselves at Shrapnel.
O: Optimus is punching the crap out of Starscream.
S: Megatron orders Shockwave to just get some magical shit already!
O: Bumblebee goes on a tangent about Equestria's tasteful decor.
S: More bickering back and forth, and went- then Twilight summons the orange cap of shame onto Megatron's Fusion Cannon.
O: For reference, this is referring to the fact that Megatron with his original alt can't normally be sold without said orange cap identifying that he's not a real gun.  Which was a thing that was put into place after- or like you know, late 80’s, early 90’s.  Um, at least, you know, he can't be sold without this in the states and personally I think it's fucking hilarious.
S: And through the powers of friendship and Spike's awesome skills, the Space Bridge opens and Spike and Grimlock come through and assist.  And this is dragon Spike.
O: Yes.
S: Not human Spike.
O: Oh- to which, dragon Spike is wearing adult human Spike’s exo suit though.
S: Mm-hm.
O: To make this more confusing, how many Spikes would you like to go around?  That sounds really dirty within the fandom- and I'm gonna move right along!
B: [laugh]
S: Twilight and Optimus use alicorn magic and the Matrix in tandem to send the Decepticons home.
O: One delightful tea and Energon party later… the Autobots arrive back home themselves.
S: Optimus then explodes the space bridge behind them to protect Equestria from the Decepticons.
O: Much to the sadness of the Autobots, who enjoyed their time with their new friends.
S: Unfortunately for the ponies, Shockwave might have figured out a way to bring them to Cybertron instead.
O: And on that sequel bait, the crossover ends.  And yes, there is actually a sequel that's been announced.  In fact, I think the first issue or two might be out, and we're definitely looking forward to reading it at some point.
S: I feel like I've definitely seen a cover…
O: Other than that, what were your thoughts and feelings about this crossover?
S: The colors and such were really nice, but the cartoony style that the My Little Pony artist used for the robots didn't really work for us.
O: And we want to add, we're not saying they're a bad artist!  It was merely a stylistic option that didn't mesh well for us, specifically for the robot characters.
S: Mm-hm.
O: Um, this was further compounded by the fact that normal- like, Transformers artists that we are more used to doing comics, were also involved in other issues.  And so, they were drawing the robots better, and then the ponies also didn't look like terribly off model or something.  So it was just less distracting when they were doing it.
S: Mm.
O: Overall the special was good, and we recommend it to you if you like Transformers and My Little Pony.
S: Not that you should, you know, wait for our recommendation or anything.
O: [laughs] Uh, the Fluttershy/Soundwave chapter was a standout for both of us.
S: It was very cute, and I really enjoyed how emotive the non-speaking cassettes were.
O: I loved seeing the poor man have to deal with Discord's nonsense.
S: I feel like... we could have done with something longer having him deal with Discord’s nonsense.
O: I- yeah, it was constrained in the way that they did this, where each- there were only four issues, and each issue was- was split into two parts.
S: Yeah, and it's only 24 pages an issue or something.  So it's very- they're very minimal and very constrained.
O: Right.
S: It's just an issue with the medium.  I also really enjoyed the Spike/Grimlock chapter, because it was nice to see them both admiring each other's qualities, and supporting each other, and just being so uplifting.
O: And cute!
S: Mm-hm.
O: My second favorite was probably the Pinkie Pie chapter though, because it was just completely batshit insane.  Uh, just- again, Shockwave had a whisk and a spatula, because he was planning on eating the ponies.  I- where do I go with that?  How do I make that better!?  I can't, that's the answer! [laughs]
S: Shockwave just really wants to- to practice his, um…
O: Culinary arts? [laughs]
S: Yeah. I don't know, the implication that Cybertronians have culinary arts is- it just kind of weirds me out.
O: [continues laughing] Yeah, but- but Gauge was like, “I have a recipe!”
S: I know!  Well, that's the entire implication, it's just like, oh.  Mm.
O: I love that we probably got more actual like, culinary cannon from a fucking My Little Pony crossover than any of the other Transformers comics combined!
S: Yeah.
O: That's weird! [laughs]
S: I mean, the fact that it does come from effectively a pre-war era does mean that we'd potentially get more culture.
O: Eh, yeah.  I mean, but I don't think this was pre-war.  It seemed like it was mid-war?
S: I know, but just the fact that the uh, IDW2 is mostly pre-war.
O: Ah, that's true, that's true.
S: The characters all felt in character, the relationships were entertaining and sweet, and barring the one artist everyone was very expressive.
O: And with that, thanks for joining us for our April Fools’ special.  We hope ya’ll enjoyed, join us next time as we go back to business with episode 43, The Golden Lagoon.
S: Yay.  And that just about wraps it up for us today.  Remember to check us out on Tumblr or Pillowfort as Afterspark-Podcast, for any additional information, show notes, or links you may have mentioned.  You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter at AftersparkPod (all one word), and various other locations by searching for ‘Afterspark Podcast’ such as AO3, iTunes, Spotify and Youtube, just to name a few.  And feel free to send us questions on Tumblr, Youtube or AO3.  Till next time, I'm Specs!
O: And I’m Owls!
S: Toodles.
[Outro Music]
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Survey #354
“swimming through the void, we hear the word  /  we lose ourselves, but we find it all”
The last time you washed your hair, did you use conditioner? I never do. My hair is naturally pretty oily, and conditioner just adds oil to it. Do you prefer light or dark jeans? Dark. I never liked light-hued jeans. When you listen to music, do you generally sing along, or just listen? I almost always just listen. Do you have any of your exes as friends on Facebook? Yes. Who was your first love? Do you ever miss that person? My first "real" boyfriend. I always do to varying degrees. How many cars are parked at your house right now? Just one. Do you have any Italian ancestry? No. Do you prefer water to be ice cold or at room temperature? The colder, the absolute better. I can barely stomach drinking water that isn't cold, like literally. Has anyone ever told you you’re a control freak? No. Do you know anyone who has gone missing? If so, were they ever found? I don't think so, anyway. What was the spiciest thing you’ve ever eaten? A certain hot sauce on the wings I used to get at Buffalo Wild Wings. It was close to the top of their little heat rating thing. It made me feel awful, and yet I enjoyed it still?? I think it was an adrenaline thing. I only get medium sauce now; I'm more interested in enjoying my food than feeling like I'm eating fire. Do you need to talk to someone? I'm ready for my therapy appointment honestly, but it's not 'til the start of June. Mom and I both don't want to go through the process of finding a new one, so I've chosen to just suck it up and wait. Is something confusing you at the moment? I'm always confused with myself and my feelings. When was the last time you had a real deep chat? Real deep, I'm sure that would've been during PHP. Who did you last see on webcam? My former group therapist. I miss him a lot and really wish he could treat me outside of the program, but he doesn't do that. :/ What’s your best friend’s pet’s name(s)? Doris, Martha, Crowley, Little Dot, Jane Marie, Buster, Beesly, Winter, and I believe only one of the fish is named: Raisha. Have you ever taken a picture while laying in the grass? No. Who’s your favorite Disney character? Dory, probably. Have you ever deliberately tried to get someone drunk? What the fuck, no. When was the last time you used a pay phone and who were you calling? I've never used one. Do you like being kissed on the neck? Whoa now buddy, we better be kind of serious by then for you to do that because it doesn't end "well" lmao. Have you ever had sex with someone you weren’t dating (but had feelings for) in the hopes that they would ask you out later? I almost deleted this question because I didn't want to answer it, but I try to leave more unique ones in, so... whatever. I haven't. But I would for "somebody." What’s the most you would be willing to spend on a good bra? Ugh, my relationship with bras is a hellish one because NONE FUCKING FIT ME CORRECTLY. Mom's tried so, so many places, so many different stores online and in-person, and even if the bra fits in the front, it won't go around my back comfortably. I guess my body is shaped weird, I don't fucking know, because I have literally ZERO bras that don't aggravate me. At some point, I'm going to some woman Mom knows who can size me properly and therefore buy some that don't piss me off. All that to say I'd actually pay more than the usual, but not a ridiculous price. Do you have any of your teachers’ personal cell phone numbers saved in your contacts list? My old Physical Science teacher, who is actually now a very close family friend and our landlord, is in my phone. Do you ever stalk peoples’ personal blogs, even if you don’t know them very well? No. What’s one thing about today’s generation that you just can’t stand? How ungrateful they can be. Be honest: how do you feel about abortion? I am pro-choice. Is there anyone you currently want to reach out to? There's a lot of people, actually. Old friends I miss. What is your favorite piece of art you own? It... sounds cocky, but it's probably the drawing I did in high school of Pyramid Head and the Halo of the Sun intertwined. I worked my fucking ass off and I'm extremely proud of it. What’s the one thing you apologized for this month? Hm. Probably just something minor, like bumping into Mom or something when passing her. My favorite color is ______? Pink, specifically pastel pink. I wish I had _____? A job. What did you buy today? Nothing. What has challenged your morals? Life, my dude. Live and learn. What made you pick up the last book you started reading? It's the sequel to the last book I read. What about your life concerns you the most? Concerns me, my physical health, especially just how weak my legs are. I'm terrified of them continuing to deteriorate. What do you find particularly offensive? Would you say you’re easy or difficult to offend? I cannot fucking stand the misuse of the word "retarded." Like just keep your damn mouth sewn shut if you have the audacity to say things like "hurr hurr this driver is retarded." ANY mental illness/condition is NOT to be mocked. Onto the next question, I'd say I'm more towards difficult to offend. It really depends on the topic. What was the last series you finished watching? Do you have any plans to begin another? I re-watched Fullmetal Alchemist w/ Sara. We're working on Avatar: The Last Airbender too, but I won't resume watching it again until we can do it together. What is one way in which you are different from a year ago? What is one way in which you are still the same? Well, I weigh a lot more. .-. I gained back almost all the weight I shed since quarantine started, and I'm forever fucking furious about it. I'm the same in most other ways. If you could learn about anything without the stress of grades or cost, what kind of classes would you take? Uhhhhh meerkat behavior? Idk. Name a song you’ve listened to today? I've got Halocene, Lauren Babic, and Violet Orlandi's cover of "Aerials" by System of a Down on loop right now. It's fucking gorgeous and so mesmerizing. When you were younger, did you have a swing set or a playhouse in your backyard? We had a small playhouse with swings and a slide. Is your mall nice? GOD no. You better accept the possibility of getting shot before you walk in there. There's nothing that cool at all there. Do you have a Sonic near you? If so, what’s your favorite drink from there? Yeah. I love the strawberry slushy, and the Reese's Blast thing if KILLER. Will you be voting in the presidential elections next time around? Yes. How do you feel about chocolate-covered strawberries? GOOD. STUFF. Did you ever stop having feelings for someone and then started having those feelings again for them? I think so. Do you hate the last guy you had a thing with? No, he's my closest guy friend. To whom did you last give the finger? Probably some idiot that ran a red light. I'm sure it happened in the car, whenever it happened What was the last musical instrument played in your presence? I've got no clue. Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream? No, I hate the texture difference. And just sprinkles in general. Honestly, have you ever crashed a party before? No. Do you know how to do the moon walk? No. Has anybody ever told you that you have a good singing voice? Yeah, but I beg to differ. Onion rings or french fries? French fries. I'm not a big fan of the other. Has anybody ever described you as a heart breaker? Nope. Has anybody ever told you that you talk too fast? When I'm excited, yes, it happens sometimes. Who is the best cook that you know? Uhhhhh idk. Which meal throughout the day do you skip the most? I don't really skip meals. What’s the largest amount that you can juggle at one time? I can’t juggle at all. What was your favorite thing to go on at the playground as a kid? Swings. I'd dash to those at recess to try to actually get one. Do you know how much you weighed at birth? How much? All I know is six pounds, no clue on the ounces. Which aspect of your daily routine takes the most time? What do you do? Sitting my ass at the computer, really... I don't exactly do much. Do you enjoy buying gifts for others, or could you do without this? It feels sucky of me considering whenever I do get someone a gift, it's because Mom is letting me use her money with me being without an income, BUT I still do LOVE the process of thinking of something meaningful for those important to me and hopefully seeing them love whatever I got them. I cannot wait until I actually can do that regularly. What is one thing you are expected to do, if anything? Take care of my pets. How do you tend to view driving? Monotonous or entertaining? I hate driving because you're in a speeding box of death, man. I do really want to start working towards my license though; I've long since reached the "enough is enough" point. But first I need new glasses so I can actually see five feet in front of me. Do you enjoy talking about music with others? Yeah! Is acting something you enjoy? No. I'm too awkward about it. When do you feel most accomplished? When I finish a big art pierce. Do you think Manwich is amazing or completely gross? I like 'em. Just messy, which I'm not a fan of. How many best friends do you have? One. Are you a smoker, drinker, pothead or none of the above? None of the above. If you have your ears pierced, when did you get them pierced? I don't remember exactly, but I was a kid. Do you own any exercise machines? No. I wish. On Facebook, do you have people listed as your siblings who aren’t really your siblings? Nah, but I used to do that. Have you ever drawn or painted a self-portrait? Painted, but only because it was a school assignment. Who was your last voicemail from? I don't get voicemails because mine isn't even set up. Have you ever been falsely accused of something serious? No. Did you ever set up a lemonade stand when you were a kid? No. When was the last time you spoke to someone in a different language? Not since I was taking a test in high school for my German course. My teacher was a Germany native, so she was a total pro and fun to learn from. Have you ever received an anonymous gift? No. Have you ever camped out somewhere for an event the next day? No. That's always sounded miserable to me. When were you the saddest in your life? 2016 was fucking miserable. Do you know anyone, personally, who is in an abusive relationship? Are you? I don't know if it's abusive, but it's toxic and dysfunctional as HELL. I don't know WHY she keeps going back to him, I feel awful for the woman. I'm definitely not, 'cuz I wouldn't tolerate that shit for half a second. If you have siblings, have they moved out or do they still live with you? They've both moved out by now. Have you ever gotten searched by the cops? Yes, as a safety protocol with mental illness stuff. Do you like fried rice? Yes. What was the last thing you drank? Would you believe me if I told you I have water right now?
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lordiedams · 4 years
The Ink Demonth (2020)
Fandom: Bendy and the Ink Machine
13 - Heated 
Samuel Lawrence was not a friendly person. Absolutely every single employee of the studio knew that, and the new ones didn’t take long to catch up. 
 Until Bertrum Piedmont. 
 Some would say that prideful personalities didn’t mix well, like water and oil, and Sammy, as Jack would say, was the living proof of that. 
Oh, so many times would Sammy fight with Joey over the most random of things, from the last cup of coffee to Sammy’s …Personal relationships. 
 It wasn’t a secret anymore that Sammy was having some not-very-family-friendly fun with a certain projectionist, and Joey wanted to dry out every single drop of embarrassment and significance of the entire event for his own amusement, not that the music director cared. 
It was a hot summer day. The hottest of all the summer days and that was a constant annoyance to everyone inside that damn studio. 
Thomas Connor had notified that there were some major problems with the ventilation of the entire studio, and he was working on it with Wally’s assistance but it would take a few hours to have it going again, so everyone was basically cooking alive there. 
And yet, Joey thought it was the ideal moment to introduce the new member of the “important table” on that joke of a cartoon studio. 
He called, and everyone followed like little sheep after the shepherd. The music department was his choice for a meeting room, obligating everyone to squeeze together inside that damn, hot, uncomfortable place like sardines. 
Sammy Lawrence sat down on the front road of chairs with Jack Fain and five of his band members, behind him was Grant, Thomas who was forced to stop working on the ventilation for this, Shawn and a few others, Norman got lucky to hide on his booth, away from the sweat of everybody else.
 ─ I know you all must be impatient to go back to work. ─ Started the boss, holding himself up with a cane. ─ Honestly, I am too. 
He received a few rolling eyes from the employees, he was the sole purpose of them having to work non-stop with no extra paid for almost three weeks now and he still considered himself one of the ‘hard-working’ ones. 
─ But I think is a great moment to introduce everyone to our new member of the family, Bertrum Piedmont!
  “Oh, go lick ink, Drew.” Sammy thought bitterly. 
 The man gave a step forward, hands behind his back and a prideful smile on his smug, stupid-looking face, the music director was trying to understand how he hasn’t caught on fire yet, it was 100° degrees inside that recording room and the man was wearing a black suit!
─ He will be working on the new studio project. A brand-new amusement park based on Bendy and the gang! ─ Joey even raised his hands, waiting for cheers or even applauses. Sammy could swear he saw Grant’s soul just drag itself out of his underpaid body. 
─ An…An amusement park? A real one? ─ Jack questioned with a tone of concern. ─ Do we have money for that? I’ve been working on the sewer level without the right of a door in my ‘office’ but he has money enough to build an entire amusement park just out of nowhere?
 ─ As much as your opinion matter, Mr. Fain, the money we will be spending on the park is not coming directly from the studio, we have a sponsor for it! More than one actually. 
 ─ I’m not getting an office, am I? 
 ─ Moving on. ─ Drew interrupted. ─ Bertrum will be responsible for the design and construction of Bendy Land. 
Everyone winced at that, the name sounded a bit lame. Norman grunt from his booth mumbling how it could have been worse and receiving a glare from the boss right underneath. 
─ He will be working on the studio from today on and I hope everyone treats him with politeness and friendliness, let's show him our best. 
More grunts and annoyed whines from everyone, if Joey didn’t stop talking soon, he wouldn’t have any employees alive to greet the new member. 
─ Alright, are you done? ─ The music director questioned out loud, receiving a concerned look from Jack. ─ It's very hot in here...
─ I would like to know who are you? ─ Bertrum only received a twitch of an eyebrow from Sammy. 
─ Sammy Lawrence, music director and head of this department. And probably the one who will create the damn songs for your damn attractions.
Every employee could feel the poison coming out of Sammy’s tongue, he didn’t like people who thought themselves better than him in any way. 
─ Sammy is a valuable member of the team, a strong leader of a very capable department. 
 “Oh, now suck my ass, Joey?“ Sammy glared in silence, Joey answered his glares with a big, full of pure hidden spite, smile. 
 ─ It’s a pleasure to meet. ─ Didn’t sound like it, Sammy thought. 
─ But seriously, we’re done? We still have things to record, ya know. ─ Norman chipped in, both arms supporting his strong structure against the booth’s balcony.   ─ And you would be?
─ Norman Polk, projectionist. 
─ Oh. ─ Bertrum mumbled, both hands still behind his back, staring back at the man in the booth with a condescending look. ─ It’s… A pleasure, if you don’t want to stay, I’m sure there’s no problem for you to leave, after all… This isn’t really your area of expertise. 
That pushed the employee’s buttons, everyone got on edge, oh they didn’t need another Joey throwing snarky comments around. 
─ Excuse me? Ha! Not ma’ area of expertise? I’m the one who makes the damn cartoon move. ─ Polk was not someone to raise the voice, completely opposite to Lawrence’s approach. 
─ This is not about the cartoons, is about a project of much more impact than your tasks of putting and taking off reels, Mr. Polk.
─ That’s enough! ─ Joey exclaimed, but nothing stopped. 
Norman didn’t get a chance of answering, his right hand slammed against the balcony and a voice came from the chairs. 
─ Calm down, Norman…Is not worth it… ─ Sammy warned, looking up at his boyfriend who only huffed and sat back down on his own chair, still glaring at the man in the suit. 
─ Oh, so I see. You must control your staff to make sure they don’t lose their job in one of those…Fits... 
Sammy gave a smug smile.  ─ Actually I must control my staff to make sure you don’t lose some teeth. 
 Joey kept his smile, didn’t bother enough to do something against them right now or maybe he just enjoyed and feed on the misery of his employees like an old and weird leech, but the music director knew he would be missing something on his next paycheck. 
  The meeting ended after an hour, Wally had to clean the place again after so many sweat puddles all around the benches, luckily Thomas was finishing up his work on the ventilation, the place soon would go back at being a studio instead of an oven.   Bertrum was outside, taking a breath out of the drenched sweating hot oxygen he was being forced to breathe for the last two and a half hours. Sammy soon followed. 
─ Oh, Mr. Lawrence. 
─ Don’t start with the “Mr. Lawrence”, I want you to hear me, and I want you to hear me well.  ─ He started, his finger going to the face of the man on the suit. ─ We have some rules here that weren’t made by Joey Drew, if you will start working around here you will have to learn them. 
─ What on earth are you talking about?? 
─ First of all, you don’t order around the place, you follow Drew’s orders, and, in my department, people follow mines. Second, the next time you mess with my boyfriend I will let him bust your face like a can of soup, he can do it and he will if I let him. Third, you can think you’re special and that you have so much fame that nothing can bring you down, but believe me, this Studio has the power of making the most popular of workers turn into dust. I hope you learn your place here, before someone else shows you with a punch, got it? 
Bertrum was speechless, mouth opening and closing like a dying fish out of the bowl, eyes wide open while he tried and failed to come up with an answer to him. 
─ And it’s fucking 100° degrees inside, put a shirt like a normal person. 
Sammy looked inside again, noticing Joey drew slowly making his way outside, it was a good moment to get out of there before he gets into trouble. 
─ Have a nice day Mr. Piedmont. ─ Sammy said with his most sweet and fake voice when his boss walked outside. The director nodded softly at Drew before marching back to his own office. 
“Screw you Drew and screw you Piedmont.” He thought while walking. 
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sincerelyreidburke · 3 years
[Here’s a small something that nobody asked for. Also on AO3.]
Friday, 11/13/2026
  INDIESOURCE EXCLUSIVE: Interview with Cole Kolinsky
Today on the blog, IndieSource sits down with singer-songwriter Cole Kolinsky. November 14th marks the one-year anniversary of the release of his debut album, Greene Street , which launched his mainstream success in the indie scene. His first headlining tour, named for his first album, wrapped up on its final stop in his home city of Providence, RI just last week. Cole’s second album, Racing Myself , drops January 8th of next year.
IS: It’s been a big year for you, Cole! Can you tell us a little about your first tour?
CK: Oh, tour was a blast. I’m not a super well-traveled person, so getting to go all over the country playing shows was— I mean, it was a complete dream come true. I’d never really done much outside local shows, and then suddenly I’m on a tour bus traveling the country. You can’t even imagine that in your dreams.
IS: With a tour now under your belt, what’s your favorite part of being on the road?
CK: I think hands down, the best part of tour for me was all the people I got to meet. I went out to merch and met with fans after every show, and the sheer number of people who came to hear my music— it was a lot to take in. And when I talked to people, and they told me that my music had touched them in one way or another— that’s what tour was really about for me. The experience of connecting with people. It’s one thing to know people at home support you, but it’s another when you’re out on the road and you realize that what you create is reaching, like, thousands of people. It’s unreal.
IS: Greene Street was the album that really put you on the map. What would you say were some of your inspirations for it?
CK: I’d been writing music with an album in mind for years leading up to Greene Street , but I never really felt like I had anything coherent until I wrote “to: me,” my first single off the album. That was right after I actually moved onto the street the album is named after, so— [Laughs] I guess you could say that’s when it all started falling into place.
IS: You got pretty close to what you might call ‘overnight fame.’ Is there a moment you recall that it really hit you that things were happening for you in the music world?
CK: Yeah, actually, I think I do have an answer for that one. I think the first time I got recognized in public really clued me in on how big the album was getting. It was earlier this year, in Providence. I was, uh— [Laughs] I was at the grocery store with my boyfriend.
five years after (cole’s) graduation | march
  Cole is tired of pretending like he doesn’t hate Whole Foods.
He gets it— Ben likes to shop here. But he will literally never understand the point of this grocery store. Aside from, he guesses, selling healthy food or whatever. The problem, in Cole’s opinion, with Whole Foods, is that you can never find anything generic there. Everything is made by super expensive, obscure, all-natural brands you’ve never heard of. You can never just, like… get milk. You have to look through all the oat milk and cashew milk and coconut milk before you can find the 100% Organic All-Natural Five-Dollar Milk.
And forget about getting normal cereal. The pickings are bleak. You can’t find an ounce of sugary, old-fashioned breakfast in the place.
Cole considers it a hate crime.
“Babe, why don’t you just get these?” Ben reaches onto the shelf, and turns around with a box of Puffins. He shakes the blue box, and raises his eyebrows pointedly. “They’re pretty good.”
Cole rubs both of his temples. “I don’t— B, I don’t want to get Puffins; they taste like fucking cardboard.” Ben is laughing at him, which just increases his cereal frustration. “I just want Trix,” he tells him, and surveys the all-natural hipster shelves in despair. “Why don’t they have Trix?”
Ben returns the Puffins to the shelf. “I don’t know that that would fit in with their brand.”
Cole lowers his voice, to avoid his shit-talking being overheard by judgey Whole Foods patrons who swear by this place. “That’s because their brand is stupid,” he hisses, and Ben laughs at him some more— or really, just chuckles, and ruffles his hair where his green beanie isn’t covering it.
“I’m sorry, baby,” Ben says. It’s easy to forgive him, because his choice in grocery stores may make shopping a pain in the ass, but he’s Ben, so whatever. “I’ll take you to another store, if you want.”
Cole sighs. That would be easier, but he doesn’t want to cause an issue, so he sweeps his eyes over the shelves again and wonders if he can make peace with the lack of good taste among Whole Foods cereal brand selectors. “I guess I can try one of these.”
“Okay,” Ben says, still grinning lopsidedly, and then sidles up next to him. “I’m gonna go get trail mix,” he murmurs, sliding a hand down to squeeze his. “If you can’t find something you like, it’s no biggie, okay?”
“I’ll try to,” he replies, and sighs at the shelf in what he hopes is a dramatic manner. “But only for you.”
Ben squeezes his hand again, kisses his cheek, and then walks away, taking their carriage with him as he goes. “Have fun.”
Cole watches him round the corner and leave the aisle, then stares down the shelves. The rows of health food cereal all seem the same— granola this, sugar-free that, all-natural whatever. It’s all good and fine for your average Whole Foods customer, like a yoga instructor or whatever. It’s probably even fine for Ben. It’s just… Cole is a creature of habit, and he likes eating his sugary cereal out of a mug while sitting on the counter at home before he starts his day. It helps with his creative process. And also he likes it.
Routines. They’re important.
He’s so caught up in resentfully staring at the healthy cereals that he doesn’t register when someone else walks into the aisle. He twists the sole of his Docs into the ground, and folds his arms while he studies the inventory. Organic Cinnamon Crunch Cereal looks okay, kind of like Cinnamon Toast Crunch for healthy people, but that’s not really his favorite regular cereal to eat in the first place. There are a bunch of unsweetened Cheerio knockoffs, and even more of Raisin Bran. Annie’s Organic Fruity Bunnies & Blossoms are multicolored. Could they do the trick?
He reaches for the shelf— but that’s when he sees the person in his peripheral vision. “Oh—!” There’s someone standing off his shoulder, a normal distance away, and he realizes all at once that he’s completely blocking them off from all the cereal. “Oh, shit,” he says, and looks to the person as he steps back. It’s a probably college-aged girl, with her hair dyed blue. “Uh, I’m so sorry— I didn’t, uh— I didn’t see you. Am I, uh, in your way?” He tucks his hair under his beanie, from where Ben messed it up, and becomes increasingly aware that the girl is just looking at him as he speaks. “Do you— need cereal?”
“Oh my gosh,” she says, finally, and shakes her head. “No, I’m sorry. I just— um.” She takes a deep breath and adjusts the strap on her cross-body purse, and then smiles shyly and says, “Sorry, I just… I love your music?”
Oh— oh . Cole thinks his eyes probably boggle out of his head, as he realizes why this random person is looking at him in the grocery store. “Oh,” he breathes, and takes a step back. “Wait— wait, really?”
“Yeah!” The girl’s smile widens, and she fixes her purse strap again. “Sorry, I know you’re, like— trying to shop. I didn’t want to bother you. I just realized it was you, and— yeah. I’m sorry.”
“No— wait, please, uh— don’t be sorry.” His heart might pound out of his chest, and not just because he’s been caught off guard. It’s one thing to see people support your music online or on the radio, all through electronic wires. It’s another thing completely to be recognized in the fucking grocery store . Whole Foods, of all places. He tries his damndest to assume a socially functional public persona. “You don’t have to apologize at all,” he assures Blue Hair Girl. “That’s— uh, really cool? That you know my music?”
“Are you kidding?” Her grin lingers— so he guesses he isn’t acting awkward enough to scare her off. “Of course I know it.” She’s now holding onto the strap of the purse altogether. Her nails are painted black, like his are. “I first heard ‘Stay Alive’ on the radio around, uh… maybe December? I’ve followed you ever since.” She pauses a second after that, while Cole screams internally, because there is a real person standing in front of him in real life who recognized him because of his music— and then she goes, “Sorry. That sounds weird. But I just— yeah, I love your album.”
“Thank you,” he says, before she can second guess what she’s saying any more. “Thank you so much. I— uh, you have no idea how much it means to me that you said something.”
Blue Hair Girl tucks a blue strand behind her ear. “I have tickets to one of your Providence shows for the tour.”
“No way,” he laughs. This is good practice, he realizes— because only a couple months from now, he’ll be on an actual tour, the first of his life, and he’ll be meeting people on the regular who know him because of his music, and that’s, like— fucking terrifying , but he could not be more excited about it, at the same time. Blue Hair Girl, he realizes, is just the beginning. This is how life can be for him, now. “That’s amazing,” he tells her. “I hope you enjoy it.”
“I can’t wait,” she says, and then glances from side to side and grows a little more sheepish. “You, um, definitely don’t have to do this,” she begins, “but would you be okay with taking a picture with me?”
Cole is going to combust, in the middle of the grocery store. He’s about to ask her if she’s serious, but the hesitant smile on her face tells him that she definitely is serious. Which is so fucking crazy! Is this real life? He gathers his composure, and nods. “Uh, yes— yeah, definitely. Hold on. I think…” He scans the aisle, just like she did a second ago, and frowns when Ben is nowhere in sight. He did warn him that he was going to the trail mix aisle. Wherever that is. “I think my boyfriend is around here somewhere; he can take it for us,” he tells Blue Hair Girl. “I just, uh— don’t know where he went.”
“You don’t have to get him,” she replies, and lifts her phone out of her bag, turning on its front camera and flashing a thumbs-up. “We can just do a selfie.”
“Oh— right.” He rubs his own forehead. “Yeah. A selfie.” In his idiocy, he thinks he might have forgotten that selfies existed for a second. He’s the certified worst not-famous famous person ever. “Sorry,” he laughs, and hopes, when Blue Hair Girl snaps their picture and he grins awkwardly at the screen, that his face isn’t too red. “Did you get it?”
“Yeah!” She turns to him, and she’s grinning again, no longer looking sheepish. “Thank you so much,” she says, holding her phone to her chest like it’s a prize. “My girlfriend is gonna be so jealous.”
Cole laughs again, and still thinks he’s probably red in the face. He wonders if there’s something else he can do for her— and he probably can, right? “Hey, uh— what’s the date of your show?”
“October 28th,” replies Blue Hair Girl, and he catalogues that for future knowledge.
“Cool,” he says, and nods. By then, he’ll have completed his tour of the country; Providence is the last stop. He’d be lying if he said he weren’t intimidated by that thought; it’s a lot of new experience to get himself through before he winds up home again. But Blue Hair Girl makes it a little more real. With every passing day, he’s getting closer to his dream.
Actually, no. He’s already living it. As if he needed proof, a stranger in Whole Foods wants a selfie with him.
“I’ll see you there, then,” he says. She beams, and he adds, “Wait— and what’s your name?”
“Oh—” She slides her phone into her bag again. “It’s Amelia.”
Amelia— he can remember that. Providence, October 28th. He’ll do a shoutout or something. “It was nice to meet you,” he says.
“You, too!” she cries, and laughs a little; her tangible excitement just floors him even more. “I’ll leave you to your shopping,” she adds. “Thank you so much, though. For the picture. And the music.”
He fixes his beanie again. He can’t believe he made it through this interaction in one piece. Does this count as his first meet-and-greet? “You’re welcome.”
Amelia leaves the aisle on the opposite end from where Ben disappeared, and Cole takes a second to himself, to process the fact that that truly, actually did just happen to him.
Holy shit . Life is happening. Right in front of his eyes. He has an album out in the real world. He’s going on tour in less than six months. He’s getting recognized in grocery stores .
It’s only when Ben reappears— and with him, the cart, newly stocked with two bags of trail mix— that Cole realizes he’s been standing in front of the cereal and hasn’t picked out a type. “How’d it go?” Ben asks, as he walks back down the aisle to meet him. “Find something edible?”
Cole jumps onto the end of the carriage Ben isn’t pushing. “Somebody just recognized me.”
Ben raises an eyebrow, and grins halfway. “What?”
“Somebody— this girl?” He waves a pointing finger around the corner where Amelia left the aisle. “Just recognized me. She asked for a picture. She has tickets to one of the Providence shows.”
“Babe, what ?” Ben repeats, and now his smile widens, and he smacks the pushing bar on the carriage with both hands. “No fucking way!” he laughs. “Did you take the picture?”
“Yeah! Yeah, I— she was just here.” He thinks maybe he laughs a little, too. He’s reeling. He cannot fucking believe that just happened to him. “She went that way.”
“ Babe ! Holy shit!” Ben’s energy right now rivals the way he used to get about making a really good save on the Kiersey hockey team. Or maybe it’s even more than that. Cole is definitely blushing now, but with Ben, there’s never any reason to get self-conscious about that. “That’s fucking amazing!”
“I know,” Cole replies, and presses a hand against his own forehead; he can tell his face is hot. “I can’t believe that,” he says. “I feel— ha .” He barely wants to say it, because he knows it sounds weird and cocky, and you can’t really jump to conclusions about yourself when you put out one successful indie album, but fuck it. There’s a first time for everything. “I feel famous,” he tells Ben.
“Baby,” Ben replies, with the world’s prettiest smile. “I think you might be a little famous.”
Cole cannot believe that this is real life. “Yeah,” he breathes, and for the moment, that’s all he can say. “Uh, maybe a little.”
Ben walks up next to him, slings an arm around his neck, and plants one on his cheek. Cole laughs, and presses his face into Ben’s shoulder, then looks to the menacing wall of healthy cereals. He feels kind of tingly inside, like the energy is everywhere. “I, uh,” he mumbles. “I couldn’t find a cereal.”
“That’s okay,” Ben replies. He squeezes him around the shoulders before he lets go. “We’ll stop on the way home.”
Cole can’t hold back his smile. He won’t admit it to Ben, but even without the unexpected, blue-haired turn of events, that was going to be his plan all along.
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Happy Birthday Sam
Title: Happy Birthday Sam
Square Filled: CEO AU
Ship: Sam Wesson/Dean Smith
Tags: CEO AU, Smith/Wesson AU, CEO!Sam, HR!Dean, Sick!Dean, Based on It’s A Terrible Life with a few changes. 
Summary: It’s CEO of Sandover Publishing, Sam Wesson’s birthday. Dean’s home sick and Sam got a few fires to put out at work, but they still manage to spend some time together. 
Word Count: 2115
Created for: @spnaubingo
AN: I went over this thing about five times so any mistakes are mine. Enjoy!
Happy Birthday Sam
“Happy birthday Mr. Wesson.” 
Sam jumped startled as Becky appeared in front of him with a card. “I took the liberty of having everyone in the office sign a birthday card for you.” 
“Thanks, Becky…” Sam awkwardly took the card from her. 
“Hard to believe you’re turning thirty-six today, you hardly look a day over twenty-eight,” she added. 
He raised an eyebrow at her. “...How do you know I’m turning thirty-six?” 
She blushed and tapped her headset. “Sandover Publishing House. How may I direct your call?” She gave Sam an apologetic smile before she hurried off back to the receptionist’s desk. 
He shook his head and walked down the hall to his office. He flipped on the lights as he stepped inside and went over to his desk with the intention of turning on his computer and paused when he saw the flowers on his desk. It was a mixed bouquet and lavender and orange roses tied together with a bow in a clear vase. 
Sam picked up the small card attached to the vase and read the small note. Happy Birthday was written on the card in neat calligraphy. He tucked the card back in amongst the flowers and looked up at the knock on his door. 
“Morning Rowena,” he smiled at the older woman. “No Dean this morning?” 
“Poor dear’s at home sick as a dog,” she answered. “He wanted to make sure you took a look at the candidates for the assistant head of IT position. Though we both agree Miss Bradbury is the best choice for the job.” 
“Well at least he took his sick days this time instead of trying to work through it like before,” Sam told her. 
He flipped through the files Rowena had given him and then handed them back. There was a green tab sticky on the second file, usually Dean’s indication who would be the best fit. Red was ‘No way in hell’ and yellow meant ‘with a little work they’d be good’. 
“If Dean says she’d be a good fit, then give her a call and schedule a drug test and background check,” Sam told her. “I trust his judgment. He hired me after all.” 
“Wonderful, we’ve already got her scheduled for next Monday,” Rowena told him. “Oh, and before I forget. I left you a little something in your second drawer. Happy birthday Sam.” 
He started to protest but she was already gone. He sighed and opened the second drawer of his desk and saw a gold gift bag. He peeked inside and saw an assortment of various candles. He made a mental note to send her a thank you card. 
Sam reached for his phone as it started ringing and leaned back in his chair 
“Wesson speaking,” he answered. 
“I can’t do it.” 
Sam rolled his eyes. “Can’t do what Chuck?”
"I can't do it. Speak in front of all those people, what am I supposed to say?" The man asked. "What if I say the wrong thing? What if they don’t like the new book?” 
"You'll be fine Chuck," Sam told him. "It's a simple interview. Answer a couple of questions, announce the publication date for the new book. Take some pictures with a few fans, you'll be home by 9 pm to chat with Mistress Magda." 
"Okay," the man took a deep breath. "Okay. Thanks, Sam...and Happy Birthday. I uh, I forgot to get you a gift." 
"Don't worry about it," Sam answered. 
He hung up and turned his attention to be his email to get started on work. He was tempted to shoot Dean and email and see how the other man was doing. Even if he was home sick, Dean was a workaholic at heart. 
He grabbed his phone as it started ringing again. 
“You’ll be fine Chuck, ” Sam said by way of greeting. 
“...It’s Cas..” Castiel replied. 
“Sorry, sorry,” Sam apologized. “Chuck called about his interview, but that’s not important. What’s up?” 
“There was an issue with the printers,” Castiel answered. “The book covers, they’re uh…” he trailed off awkwardly. 
“I’m on my way,” Sam told him. 
He hung up and made his way down to the receiving bay. Castiel was at one of the tables with one of the large boxes of books open, a few stacked next to him, and packing peanuts on the floor. 
“What’s the problem Cas?” Sam asked 
Castiel wordlessly handed Sam one of the books and Sam snorted as he looked at the cover 
“...At least it’s tasteful?” Sam added. 
“We can not put these on the shelves, no matter how...tasteful,” Castiel replied. “Adler would have a fit. He’s still upset about that petition that went around a few months ago when we announced the reprinting of books 1-5.” 
“Adler can suck on a lemon,” Sam said bluntly. “How many were printed?” 
“Just a couple hundred for Chuck’s book signing on Saturday,” Castiel answered. “I tried to call the printers, but there was no answer.” 
“Of course there wasn’t,” Sam sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. “Just...put these in my office for now. I’ll go over to the printers and see if I can’t give Lucifer a kick in the ass.” 
Castiel nodded and started to put the books back in the box. “Oh, and happy birthday Sam. Did the flowers survive the night okay?” 
“The roses? They weren’t delivered this morning?” Sam asked. 
“Last night,” Castiel answered. “I saw them outside your door, so I put them in your office before I went home last night. Someone must like you.” 
“What do you mean?” Sam asked. 
“Well, lavender roses usually mean that someone has a crush on you. And Orange means that they’re proud of you. So whoever got them for you must like you and the man that you are. Or they just liked the color combination,” Castiel answered. 
“Thanks...I think,” Sam nodded and went back to his office to grab his keys.
He drove to the printers and followed the sound of loud rock music to the offices on the second floor. He turned off the stereo and dropped one of the books on Lucifer’s desk. 
“Real mature Lucifer. What’d you do? Find some fan art online and switch out the real picture we sent over?” Sam crossed his arms over his chest. 
“Like it’s that different from the actual cover photo,” Lucifer smirked. 
“You know this is illegal right? What if these had made their way to the bookstore instead? Sandover could’ve been sued by the original artist,” Sam told him. 
“Cas would’ve caught it, don’t get your panties in a twist,” Lucifer rolled his eyes. “I’ve already got Crowley printing out the books with the right covers. You’ll have them tomorrow afternoon you fuddy-duddy.” 
“You are a monumental pain in my ass you know that?” Sam said. 
“Who? Me?” Lucifer smiled innocently. “By the way, this is for you.”
He set a wrapped bottle on the table and Sam picked it up cautiously. “What is it?” 
“Just open it would you,” Lucifer told him. 
Sam tore off the paper and raised an eyebrow at the bottle of tequila. “If you find your new age hard to swallow just add some tequila.” He read off the note that was taped onto the bottle. 
“Consider it a birthday gift from me and Crowley,” Lucifer added. 
"Thanks," Sam smiled a bit. "...and it was a little funny. But please refrain from trying to get my place of work sued." 
"Yeah yeah yeah," Lucifer waved his hand dismissively. 
Sam turned the stereo back on, on his way out, and drove back to work. 
"Happy birthday Sammy." Gabriel thrust a small wrapped package into his hand. "Don't open it till you're alone okay." He winked and walked off. 
Sam shook his head as he walked back to his office and set the tequila and Gabriel's present on the coffee table. He turned his computer back on and pulled up the website from the café that was down the street to order his lunch. 
He looked up at the knock on his office door and saw one of the delivery people from the café. 
"Turkey BLT and medium Caeser salad with a strawberry banana smoothie?" The guy asked as he read off the receipt. 
"Uh...yeah…" Sam stood up and went to meet him. "But I didn't, I haven't even ordered yet." 
"Looks like someone bought you lunch," the younger man said. 
Sam took the food and tipped the guy before he went back to his desk. He looked at the roses, and at his lunch. He wasn't sure if he should be flattered or weirded out. He was too hungry to care and he dug into his lunch. He picked up Gabriel's gift and unwrapped it. 
From the man that brought you Casa Erotica, the novelization comes a new series set in the steamy world of office romances. Featuring Dan Hanson and Sean Blythe. 
Sam grabbed his phone and called Gabriel. 
"Did you write an erotic novel about me and Dean?" Sam asked when the line picked up. 
"Don't flatter yourself, Sam. Sure Dan's got your build and maybe Sean's got Dean's boyish charm, but that is where all similarities end," Gabriel told him. 
"You realize if Dean sees this he is going to massacre you," Sam replied. 
"Guess it’s a good thing Deano’s home sick today,” Gabriel mused before he hung up. 
Sam hid the manuscript in the bottom drawer of his file cabinet and locked it for extra measure. He’d get rid of it later...after he read it. He pulled up the highlights from the previous night’s football game and used it as background noise as he ate his lunch and finished going through his emails. 
He was getting ready to throw the trash away when he saw a message typed out in the notes section of the receipt for his lunch. 
Enjoy the rabbit food Rapunzel. Don’t work to hard, it is your birthday after all.  
He smiled and knew exactly who’d gotten him the flowers and his lunch. 
Sam hoped it wasn’t too late as he rode the elevator to the third floor. He had a bag of takeout in one hand and a few movies in the other. He stepped off the elevator once it reached the third floor. He shifted the movies to his other hand as he knocked on the apartment marked 3F and smiled when Dean answered the door. 
He was wearing an old Led Zeppelin t-shirt with a pair of sweats and a large thick comforter wrapped around him. 
“Sam?” He asked hoarsely. “What are you doing here?” 
“I wanted to say thank you for the flowers, and for lunch,” Sam answered. 
He couldn’t tell if Dean blushed or if his face was red because it was sick. 
“Although you didn’t have to do that,” Sam added. 
Dean shrugged a little. “I wanted to do something nice for your first birthday together...I would’ve baked you a cake but vertigo’s a bitch.” He broke off with a cough. “I’m glad you liked the flowers though. I almost went with red but it seemed a bit to cliché, and I didn’t want you to think Becky got them for you.”
“Shockingly Becky was pretty tame today,” Sam told him. “I went by that deli you like and picked up some of their chicken noodle soup. I also rented us a few movies, I would’ve liked to use the gift certificate Adler gave me for a way too overpriced steak, but we can go when you’re feeling better.” 
“Sam...you really don’t want to spend your birthday night with a sick person,” Dean started to protest. 
“Well, considering it’s my birthday, you don’t really get a say of who I get to spend it with now do you?” Sam asked. “Now get your ass back on the couch.” 
“Don’t make me laugh, my throat feels like sandpaper,” Dean told him. 
Sam walked into the apartment and shut the door behind him while Dean tried to clean up around the couch. Sam got one of the movies set up and grabbed a bowl for the soup, and joined him on the couch. 
“Happy birthday Sam,” Dean told him. “I promise next year will be a lot better.” 
“You know? All things considered, this one turned out to be pretty good,” Sam replied as he got comfortable. 
“You wouldn’t happen to know why Gabriel asked me to pick between Sean and Sheene would you?” Dean asked as he ate his soup.
“Nope, no idea,” Sam answered. 
“Such a weird little man,” Dean mused as Sam wrapped an arm around him. 
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