#and copy pasted it back into the post editor to try again
I have long said that Hitori is the most well written character in Hatoful, and I'm right. But most well written ARC goes squarely to Sakuya. Sakuya is possibly the most dynamic character in the game. Sakuya on day one of the game, and Sakuya in the epilogue of BBL are entirely different people.
That's actually part of why I don't usually talk about him all that much. Sakuya has a complete character arc. That's not something that you can really say about the rest of the cast. They all definitely HAVE arcs, but one of the things that keeps me constantly coming back to the series is how none of them feel quite complete. Like they're all still hanging open, their arcs stopped just short of coming around to their proper conclusion. Characters in Hatoful Boyfriend are often just left bleeding. You watch them grow and get torn down by the world around them, and then they come to stop, still hanging and bleeding, neither patched up nor bled out. And it's this incompleteness that makes it stick in my brain. I keep searching for that last note needed to close out the movement, and it's just not there.
Hitori's story is a revenge tragedy, but we never reach the revenge, or the natural conclusion of the tragedy. Both he and Shuu are alive at the end of the story, with nowhere to go. They've backed themselves into a bloody corner, and the story has just left them there. There isn't a resolution. Their narratives can really only end in death, and they don't die at the end, so instead it's left open and incomplete.
Ryouta just gets slowly torn down throughout the narrative. Misfortune after misfortune pile onto him, and he slowly runs ragged. Hatoful Boyfriend is chronicling his descent. From the most normal, cheery member of the cast, to the most broken and miserable. But at the end of BBL, he's just left waiting. Waiting to die or for someone to come back with a cure. Left in a sort of eternal stasis. He's left open and bleeding, without a proper conclusion either way, hopeful or tragic. In Holiday Star he keeps being pushed to confront his abandonment issues, and he just keeps refusing to do so. He never really confronts them despite how many times he's faced with these issues, and again, we're left without a real satisfying resolution to his character arc. He goes most of the way through an arc, and then stops just short of completing it.
Shuu's story is this grand tale of hubris. He so clearly lines up his own downfall with every decision he makes. From how many enemies he makes, to how much he underestimates those enemies. Following Shuu is like slowly going up a rollercoaster headed towards the big drop. It's all build up for either his grand plan going off in this spectacular act of genius, or else his great failure, going out in a big blaze of glory, falling into all of the holes he left for himself, that he thought were too small and unimportant to worry about. And the way he ends is... Neither of those things. His terrible decisions do come back to haunt him, but the price he pays for it is ultimately so small compared to all that he's done. It's underwhelming, and leaves me feeling like I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop, and for him to finally get his dues, and it just never comes. It's all build up, and then a sudden jarring stop just short of the grand crescendo promised.
Yuuya's arc is a lot like Ryouta's. It's a descent. It's his unraveling. Unlike Ryouta's thought, we do see him putting some of these pieces back together, or at least trying to. The game explores a lot of the consequences of his hero complex, and he fully faces the consequences of his act of revenge, and spends the rest of his arc looking for redemption from this guilt he carries. It's hard to call Yuuya's story a redemption arc. Redemption is the thing he's seeking, but I don't think he's ever really condemned by the narrative even before seeking this redemption. It's more like what Yuuya's arc is about is seeking forgiveness from himself, and seeking to repair his relationship with Sakuya, which is what complicates his arc for me. If it was a straightforward quest for redemption "I took vengeance once, and I am paying for my sins. I seek to redeem my soul" then you could see him taking that scalpel for Sakuya as a conclusion. But the fact that it's never really treated by the narrative as though Yuuya's act of vengeance was actually wrong instead makes it feel less like Yuuya is seeking forgiveness from the universe, but instead like he is seeking forgiveness from himself. In which case, his self sacrifice is a step backwards. It's more of Yuuya devaluing himself, more of him prioritizing others to an extreme. If we take the egg incident to be Yuuya's biggest sin, then BBL is just him repeating those same mistakes again and again. It's him choosing Sakuya over everything to a destructive degree. He chops up Hiyoko's body and covers up her death, to protect Sakuya. He throws away his own life, to protect Sakuya. It's just a loop of Yuuya doing something terrible in Sakuya's name. There's no redemption found in there, only a further spiral. And further reinforcing Yuuya's guilt, and self hatred, and this steady creeping towards the place Hitori is in. And he doesn't really deviate from this path. He continues onward, repeating his mistakes, and slipping towards the same cliff that Hitori plunged off of. Again, it's left unresolved. He keeps starting to learn, starting to heal, starting to confront his flaws, and then not quite overcoming them.
I'm.... Honestly not sure what Anghel's arc is? I know it's about coming to terms with his complicated identity, and being understood by the people around him, but it's hard to say how much progress he really makes on those fronts? Anghel is sort of just... Perfect as he is? He serves very effectively as a plot device, and he's loveable and compelling without having an especially dynamic arc. Anghel is somewhat static, but I don't think that's really a bad thing on him. I'm not sure if he just doesn't have a whole lot going on arc wise, or if I'm just not seeing it right now, but oh well. I'd love to hear someone else give their takes on him, see if I can't find a new perspective to come at him from. But as it is he's just my funky little guy that I love so so much, but in a sort of no thoughts head empty kind of way.
Nageki is the hardest to talk about for me, which is why I saved him for last. He has so much going on. Nageki's route is famously emotionally moving. I cried for it, I think most people did. And I'm not sure exactly how to approach it from a meta perspective. Nageki is almost a sort of... Messianic figure. Nageki died to save humanity, despite all the ways that it had wronged him. You could say Nageki's arc is one of taking back power for himself. He was weak, and unable to do anything for himself or for anyone else either. He felt like a burden, and so when he found an opportunity to do something for someone, to protect people, he threw himself into it regardless of the cost. Even though it cost him his life. He made this selfless sacrifice. But while that was something of an arc of him finding power for himself, I hesitate to call it a full arc. Nageki had always been that selfless. Nageki pre-Hatoful House massacre would likely have been just as ready and willing to give his life for others as he was in the end.
Was it him losing hope then? Nageki being beaten down by the treatment he recieved at the St Pigeonations clinic? In the end succumbing to the misfortune that had haunted him all his life and killing himself? That doesn't feel right either. Nageki dying is, strangely enough, never actually a change for him. Nageki was dead from the beginning of the game. But more than that, Nageki was always going to die. From even long before the game began, Nageki had this clear path to an early death laid out before him. Nageki was ALWAYS going to die. There is no other way for him to go, this was always how it was going to be. And it's how it went. He accepted his fate, embraced it, and leaned into it. He took ahold of his incoming death for himself. It's very difficult for me to identify what exactly is going on with Nageki because it feels like he has SO MUCH going on. Nageki sits nestled at the heart of all of it. Both games orbit around him. I know that Ryouta is the unofficial main character. And I know that you can trace everything that happened in the series directly back to Ryuuji. I know that Shuu is the driving force behind the plot and that he laid out all of the pieces and players for this whole game, that it was all his doing. But Nageki feels, to me at least, like the true heart of the issue. He's your first introduction to the fact that something is truly genuinely Not Right in this world. So much of the plot is all of the living characters chasing after Nageki. Trying to unravel his secrets. Following his trail. Trying to find him. Nageki stands ahead of the crowd, several paces up, and every other character is tripping over themselves running after him.
Nageki is the axis upon which the story rotates. Hitori's entire character revolves around him. Orbits him. Ryouta's downfall is so tightly intertwined with Nageki. At the end of the day, one of Ryouta's most important roles in the plot is simply as a vessel for Nageki. It's carrying a piece if him inside of him. Ryouta's place in the narrative is sometimes as a sort of second coming if Nageki in a way. Shuu's fate was sealed the moment he chose Nageki as his victim, and he has been paying the price for that decision ever since, in little increments. Almost every character has their moment where they serve as a parallel to Nageki. The King's entire thing is RIDDLED with parallels, they are established as sort of foils to eachother. Two ghosts, two sad little birds who died unfortunate early deaths, two people that Hitori feels so responsible for, the two shadows that haunt him. And so much of Holiday Star is about how they handled this differently. How The King used his fire to draw others in and trap them, to make himself feel better and to have company in his misery. And how Nageki, the scorpion, burned himself to ash to free them. It's the scene in the lighthouse, how he was prepared to burn to death all over again. Sakuya is also often cast in parallel to Nageki as part of Yuuya and Hitori's parallels. With these two sets of brothers you have two stories of selflessness and giving as a bad thing. They're about self destruction, and living your life exclusively in service if someone else, and how unfair that can be to the person you are trying to help. How in the end, for all of Hitori's selfless sacrifice none of Nageki's wishes came true, and how for all of Yuuya's selfless sacrifice he wound up hurting Sakuya more than anyone else. And both of them, in this single minded quest, choosing one person above the entire world, leave this trail of bloody mistakes behind them. This parallel casts Nageki as Sakuya's mirror.
In a way, that's really Nageki's role. He's a mirror held up to each member of the cast. And in that reflection you see the worst of each of them. Nageki is sort of perfect, and the narrative stands each other character next to him to show you their flaws. What does Nageki do wrong, ever??? I can't think of a single thing. He doesn't make any real mistakes, so I don't know where to find an arc in that. There's nowhere to go, there's no change. Nageki really does thrive in his role as a ghost. He's sort of intangible, impossible to catch, impossible to hold on to. He's an impossible goal to be chased after, and ultimately, be left unreached. So much of the plot is just looking for Nageki. Looking for his secrets. Looking for his remains. Looking for anything he left behind. Looking for him. Looking for Nageki, and instead only finding your own reflection. I don't know how to discuss that, really. Which is why I usually don't. The story of Hatoful Boyfriend is this massive downward spiral, pulling everyone in, and down to their lowest point, and curled up right in the center of it all is Nageki, with every other story element orbiting around him, but never actually managing to reach him.
But after all that, looping all the way back around to my actual point. Sakuya.
Sakuya's arc actually finishes, and it finishes beautifully. In a story full of people getting worse, chasing unachievable ends, and being left eternally swirling around and around never quite reaching a proper conclusion just getting more and more damaged with each go around, Sakuya actually improves. He has this perfect, solid character arc.
Sakuya starts out as an egotistical bigot, living under false pretenses, with high ambitions of becoming a great leader. Through the story he faces every single flaw he has, confronts it, changes for the better, and grows as a person. And with each one he approaches his goal of being a great leader. Sakuya begins as a good leader, and ends as a fantastic one. He confronts his biases. He confronts his fears. He confronts his beliefs. He confronts himself, his identity. And he comes to terms with all of it, and rises from it stronger, and wiser, and more worldly. Sakuya walks out of the BBL epilogue a hero, and an incredible leader, having made good on all of his promises, and made significant good in the world. He's also quite possibly the least self destructive character we have, save for maybe Okosan, but I'm not going to even touch Okosan here. Sakuya learns from his mistakes and doesn't repeat them. And he achieves all of his goals. Sakuya is the only character not stuck in this downward spiral. And his character arc is just so perfect. It's such a nice clean arc. Sakuya starts out the first game as a genuinely kind of shitty guy. Every time I've introduced someone to the game I've said "It's totally okay not to like Sakuya. I like Sakuya, but when you first meet him it's hard to do, I get it. But just hold on, he gets better, I promise."
Sakuya has a Zuko tier redemption arc. The way that he learns to respect Ryouta more and more throughout BBL, the way that he starts to really think for himself and escape out from under his father's expectations in his route, the way that he was completely untouchable by The King's attempts at manipulation. Sakuya just fuckin THRIVES.
And this is sort of why I haven't really talked about him before today. That unfinished feeling to everyone else's story arcs eats at me. It sticks in my head. I can't stop talking about them because they're COMPELLING and they feel UNFINISHED and now I'm sort of obsessed with it. I'm caught in the loop with them, hunting for an ending that isn't there. The imperfections in these arcs are what keeps me speculating about still, 8 years down the line. I'm still trying to find that ending. But for Sakuya, and Nageki too actually, the only thing there is for me to talk about is why they work so well. And in Nageki's case, I'm not especially sure why, and so I don't have a lot to say on him. He's sort of a mystery to me. But for Sakuya, it is just so apparent to me why he's such an incredibly well written character. It feels sort of redundant to go through it. His arc is clean, and perfect. Just look at it! There's no holes for me to obsess over and write endless essays on. And there's no mystery to how effective it is. It's clean, and simple, and utterly perfect. I don't need to puzzle over how it works so well, because you can just take one look at it and it's all laid bare. He has the ideal redemption arc. The platonic ideal of exactly what his type of character should be. It's perfect. I don't feel like I can contribute much of anything to it by discussing it, further than just shining a light at what about it works so incredibly well.
So I don't.
Simply put, Sakuya has the most well written arc in Hatoful Boyfriend, and I would consider him the second most well written character in all.
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cherryshh · 6 months
hi !! i saw that you use gradient text and just wanted to ask for an example of the html on how to do it ? online tutorials haven't been helping me but i really wanna use it .. it's ok if you don't wanna share ^_^
Haiii sweet anon ! ! The Idol isn't the best at explaining , but che will try to do so to the best of her abilities. (( remember , this is only on desktop ))
step 1 ;; go to this page & insert the txt uu want 2 be gradient
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step 2 & 3 ;; select the colors uu want for the gradient , then copy the second box of cnp text
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step 4 ;; do a post like u normally would & click on the lil' settings icon
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step 5 ;; uu should see a screen that allows you to switch from rich text to html.
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step 6 ;; just go back to where you insert the text for uur post and paste the html you got from the website earlier.
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step 7 ;; click on the lil' settings icon again and switch the text editor back to rich text, and done ! < 3
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
Okay so while I've discovered how to do the fancy AO3 link tumblr posts, it only seems to work for chapter one? How do you link other chapters through the banner at the top of the post? When I click share on the fic (from the second chapter page), I can edit the code that pops up to change the link to be to that second chapter but when I hit share to tumblr, it removes that again and I can't edit the link there to bring someone to the second chapter instead of the first. The only thing I can change is the text so it says '2' instead of '1' but it still links back to the first chapter. I hope that's not a dumb question or an overly complicated description? Thank you!!
So if I understand your question correctly, you want to know how to make an AO3 link for each chapter of a multichapter that takes someone directly TO that chapter, rather than the start of the fic, while maintaining the format? I will show you how I do it, with screenshots (ooo, screenshots).
Let's say I wanted to post the latest chapter (chapter 8) of We Could Stay Like This Forever, and do it with the AO3 share tool. First, I would go to the fic on AO3 (it doesn't matter which chapter) and click the "Share" button, then "Share to Tumblr":
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This will pop up the text box with code, from which I click the bottom option for Tumblr:
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This pops up the AO3-formatted link on your Tumblr post editor:
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If you posted it now, it would take you to chapter 1. But I'm trying to post chapter 8, so what you do is mouse over the top right corner until you see the red (x). Click on this:
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Hey presto, it deletes the existing link text, leaving a place for you to input a new one, while retaining the rest of the format:
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Now go back to AO3 (it should have automatically stayed in a separate browser tab when you launched the share tool) and copy-paste the link for your chapter from the top URL bar:
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Go back to Tumblr and post this in the empty link bar instead. It will now look like this:
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But because that's not how you really want it to look, you can now edit the text! Select "Show Chapter | Archive Of Our Own" and delete, whereupon it will prompt you to add a new title:
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Whereupon I do that:
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I also like to fix formatting/capitalization, bold the categories, indent the fic information, etc. Now my post looks like this:
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Now I can add tags and post. Ta-da!
Anyway, this might seem like a lot of steps, but it's just because I screenshot all of it, and once you do it a few times, you'll be pretty familiar with the process. Congratulations, you are now an AO3/Tumblr whiz, etc.
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anitalenia · 1 year
hiii i was wondering how you get ur post texts to be pastel pink :) instead of this hot pink
Hiii 💕💕 okay so it actually has to do with coding 😭 I’ll try my best to explain. So basically, I go to this website ( https://jsfiddle.net ), this is where you can make any color text you want.
Step One: So, once you’re there you’ll see this screen, I’m on mobile so it might look a lil different.
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Step Two: Once there, you’ll go to the right side where the text boxes are.
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Step Three: In the top box, you’ll want to type in whatever text you want to make a different color.
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Step Four: Next, where the red and green color dots are, click on the red dot. This is going to be where the color starts. You can make the text whatever color you want.
note: you can make your text gradient, as in two different colors. I make my text just one color ( that pale pink color ), which means both the red and green dot must be the same color. For gradient, the red and green need to be whatever two colors you want to make gradient. For example, if you wanted to do yellow and purple gradient text, change the red to the color yellow and the green to the color purple.
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*FFE5FA is the color of my pink text.
Step Five: After you’ve changed the color, hit the run button in between the text boxes.
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Step Six: Once you’ve hit run, the text box below will generate the coding for your colored text.
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Step Seven: Once it’s there, you’ll want to click on it and hit the ‘select all’ button.
note: I am using this on an iPhone, so it may very on a Samsung or computer. Just make sure you copy the whole thing of code
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Step Eight: Once you’ve hit select all, hit the copy button
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Step Nine: So now the text should be copied to clipboard and available to past where ever you want. After that, and this is an important detail or else it won’t work, you have to go to Tumblr Online, not the app.
Step Ten: Once you’re on tumblr, go to make a new post.
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Step Eleven: Once you make the next post, you’ll want to go to the top right corner and click on the settings icon
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Step Twelve: You should see a screen like the one below. At the bottom of that pop up where it says TEXT EDITOR, the icon next to it should say Rich Text.
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Step Thirteen: Click on the Rich Text box, and options should pop up saying, Rich Text, HTML, Markdown
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Step Fourteen: Click the HTML option
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Step Fifteen: You should see this screen next
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Step Sixteen: You’ll want to paste the HTML code you just copied next to or after the code already there like this
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Step Seventeen: Okay then you’ll want to make sure it’s saved as a draft
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note: if you go to your drafts first and then create a new post, then it should automatically have the save as draft option at the bottom. It’s quicker than doing it like normal and having to select save as draft.
Step Eighteen: It should look like this now
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Step Nineteen: Congratulations! You’ve done the hard part. Now go back to mobile or the app because it’s easier for these next steps in my opinion.
Step Twenty: In the app, go to that saved draft and make the text bold if you so choose, it makes it stand out more that way
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Extras: you only need to make one colored text when you make a post, which means you don’t need to go through that whole process for each line/word you want to make colored.
— just type whatever words you want colored next to the already colored text, then move it down a space.
— however, once you delete that line of colored text it cannot be recovered, you’d have to go through this process again.
ANYWAY, I hope this helped. I tried to make it as step-by-step as possible. 😁😁💕💕
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aurielalawrence · 5 days
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[olivia cooke — 29 — she/her]  Introducing AURIELA LAWRENCE. Word on the street is they are an EDITOR  at  NEW YORK TIMES  for the past  2 YEARS. Though they are RECKLESS and OBSESSIVE, they can also be LOYAL and  DETERMINED. In the chaos of New York City, they’re sure to fit right in. 
Name: Auriela Lawrence Age / D.O.B.: Gender, Pronouns & Sexuality: Female, she/her, bisexual Hometown: London, England Affiliation: The Media Job position: Editor for New York Times Education: NYU Relationship status: Single Children: None Positive traits: (Loyal, determined, doesn't back down, kind to strangers, talented) Negative traits: (Tends to fly off the handle, temperamental, reckless, obsessive, unstable, workaholic)
From a young age, Auriela always wanted to be a Broadway star. she participated in all of the school plays and musicals, and trained with a vocal coach in her free time. She was a smart, talented little girl, who had a wonderful voice and an affinity for acting. Her parents, however, hated this idea, and constantly pushed her into the pursuit of better things. Her father, an IT department worker for a big time fortune 500 company, was constantly trying to deploy "get rich quick" schemes, and although they had a decent house and decent paychecks, it was never enough for him. This mindset was drilled into Auriela from the beginning, and doubt snuck in. It was around her teenage years that her ambition changed. She still participated in the school drama club and plays, but a lot of her time was spent in the library, reading books or studying. Her father lost his job, and her parents' relationship deteriorated from that point on. Her mother had to work several jobs to keep the mortgage payments going, and their fights turned explosive. Auriela occupied herself with books, true crime stories, and anything else that would keep her out of the house. Eventually, she became interested in criminology, which led to her becoming interested in journalism in general. When her household became far too volatile for her liking, she chose a university in the states, wanting to be away from them and to start a new life for herself. She attended NYU for media studies and English, with the intention of working for a newspaper. There's a lot of moments where she can't fully figure out what she wants. Part of her wants to become an on-scene journalist, part of her wants to be an editor. It takes a while for her to eventually figure it out. She gets hired at a small, more local online forum and starts working as a copy editor. It's thankless, but it teaches her valuable skills. Her affinity for journalistic truth makes her better at her job, until eventually she's overqualified for her position and is looking elsewhere. Her home life, meanwhile, is nonexistent; she gets a small apartment, four pets (two bunnies and two cats), and ignores her family at home. She's just starting her first entry level position in the city when her parents come to visit for the first time. She allows them to stay in her flat, despite the lack of space. For the most part, it goes well. They see NYC sights during the day and she cooks for them. Her mother is seemingly normal to her. Her father, an idiot and still desperate for money, starts gambling at nights when they're asleep. It's when Auriela is up late editing a blog post when she hears him sneak out. She confronts him, leading to a screaming match, where he leaves and promptly stays at a casino overnight. He never comes home. Distraught, they try and find him, calling the police for help, who can find no trace of him. Auriela, despite herself, takes on a sort of private investigator role on her own, and starts hunting for him. He is never found again, and she is left to wonder what happened to him. Her mother sells her home and moves to a flat in London, giving money to Auriela to upgrade her apartment, which she does. As she moves up in the company, she becomes more familiar with the gangs of the city, and starts to guess that they might play a role in her father's disappearance. She has nothing to show for it, though, and her obsession begins to take over her life. She throws herself into her work, over the years becoming an editor for the New York Times, and doing a bit of her own investigative work on the side. She's known by many in the media world to be hard-hitting, no nonsense, just like her father before he lost his job and his life. When it comes to politics, she hates gangs. Not just because she is suspicious of their potential involvement in her life story, but also because she simply does not trust them at all. She is okay with exposes, and in fact even likes them, she has been known to add things to edits in order to ensure that they are exposed as much as possible.
— EX-GIRLFRIEND: someone around her age who dumps her because of her insane obsession over her father's case she refuses to drop. — MEDIA FRIENDS: people who work around her, trust her judgment, and who she's maybe let into her secret world of trying to find her father's kidnapper. — GANG RELATIONS: father's kidnapper or someone who knows about him. whether or not he's dead can be decided by the other. my assumption is that he likely stole money from someone. — ENEMIES TO LOVERS: obviously. Open to ideas!
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novastories · 1 year
Flight Risk
Title and story inspired the song “Flight Risk” by Tommy Lefroy.
Summary: Aurora struggles to open up.
Disclaimer: This story is fictitious. All works are written by me and only posted here. Please do not copy, repost, or plagiarize on any other platform without my permission!
Warnings: Mentions of torture, depression, PTSD, and language.
Word Count: 3.2k
A/N: I'm finally back with another chapter!! First chapter of the year 2023, sorry I've been away. I've been on vacation! I’m also sorry there’s no Bradley again in this chapter! Just a heads up, he will be coming up soon! But I just want to expand on Aurora a bit more, plus, Jake’s in here! So enjoy Aurora and Jake as well as the NCIS team obviously! As always, shoutout to my beta reader and editor @reginleight!
As always, comments, reblogs, and feedback are appreciated! 🤭
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Aurora was still in shock about what had just happened as she entered Abby’s lab, where she found both Abby and Gibbs waiting for her. 
“I’m sorry I’m late, I was–”
“Rule #6,” Gibbs interrupts her.
“Right, never apologize, it's a sign of weakness,” she sighs. Abby looks at her, concerned at seeing her friend’s distraught expression. 
“You okay there Artemis?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Aurora dismisses her. “McGee said you had something for us Abs?”
“Right! So, according to…” Abby drones on about what she had found in the recent evidence that they had collected from the crime scene. Aurora still barely understood a lot of the forensic lingo, but it also didn’t help she was just distracted in general. Her mind was bouncing through different memories.
“You’ll be safe, right? Promise me you’ll be as safe as you can?” Bradley begs her. Everyone had just found out that she was joining NCIS officially and Bradley had finally been able to get her alone, pulling Aurora off to the side. 
Smiling at him, she nods. “Of course. I’m sorry I didn’t try and become a naval aviator like we planned.”
He shakes his head and returns the smile, grabbing Aurora’s hand and pulling her in closer.. 
“You have nothing to be sorry about, princess. I just want you to be safe.”
“For you, anything B.”
Aurora was on autopilot as she walked to take a seat in Abby’s chair in the other room, while Gibbs and Abby were distracted, not noticing that she had left the conversation. Another memory came flooding back into mind, this one much darker than the last.
Aurora’s screams echo across the walls within the room she had been kept in for hours. Or was it days? She couldn’t tell anymore. All she knew was she was almost past her breaking point. He had electrocuted her with a cattle rod, cut her, and beaten her. He was careful to not make her lose too much blood, knowing the right spots to make it hurt, but not enough to kill her. To prolong her suffering.
“C’mon, is that all you got?!” she growls at her captor.
“You haven’t even seen everything yet,” he replies calmly before electrocuting her once more with a higher voltage. Her screams start up once again, agony taking over.
A thud was heard as the door was kicked down.
“Freeze! NCIS!” a voice calls out. The captor tries to go after the voice with the rod, but was shot multiple times for attempting to attack the group. Aurora looks up and sees Gibbs and Ziva in the doorway.
“Took you long enough,” she croaks out, sarcastically. Ziva yells at Tony and McGee to get a medic, while Gibbs unties her from the chair, helping to lift her up. Ziva made sure that the attacker was dead before helping Gibbs carry Aurora.
“Thank you for saving me,” Aurora whimpers, looking at Ziva and Gibbs before her body finally gives out, body collapsing from the exhaustion and pain she’d suffered from. 
“Benjamin?! Breathe! Listen to my voice,” someone calls out. She recognizes it as Gibbs kneeling next to her, trying to calm her down, while Abby panics on the phone. She can hear Abby telling Ducky or Palmer to come down and check on her. Aurora then realizes that she was having another panic attack and slowly begins urging herself to calm down. 
“Focus on my voice Artemis,” Gibbs says. “In and out. In through your nose, out through your mouth.”
Her breathing starts to slow down and Abby comes back into her view and hands her Burt, the farting hippo. Aurora takes and embraces the stuffed toy in her arms. She hugs it tightly as it sounds its signature fart noise, burying her face into the stuffed toy as she regulates her breathing. 
“I’m sorry. I thought I had it under control,” she whispers to Gibbs. He puts his hand on her shoulder. 
“Artemis, how long has this been going on?”
“The panic attacks? Since the accident. Recently? Since the start of the case it’s gotten a bit worse,” she replies.
Gibbs sighs. “Artemis–”
“Please don’t take me off the case Gibbs. I can do this.”
“Artemis, you need to take a breath. At least take a day off. We can manage for now,” Gibbs says, getting up just before Ducky came in with his medical bag.
“Ahh, Gibbs,” Ducky says. “Abby said you need my assistance.”
“Yes, do a check on Artemis here and then make sure she goes home, or at least away from this case for a few hours.”
“Gibbs,” Aurora interjects. “That’s an order, Benjamin,” Gibbs sternly speaks up as he gives her the infamous look that lets her know that he was serious.
She sighs and nods. “Yes, boss.”
Abby gives Aurora a big hug not wanting to let go of the girl. Ducky then gets to work on checking up on Aurora, Abby giving her one last concerned look before reluctantly leaving to join Gibbs to continue going over the evidence in the other room.
“He means well, you know that Artemis,” Ducky tells her, preparing to examine her.
“I know Ducky…I know.”
Aurora needed fresh air from the panic attack she had, as well as after being examined by Ducky. Gibbs wanted her to take a break, so she decided to sit outside in front of the NCIS building where there was a little park with benches. The sun was just about to set, so she could see all the colors of the sky. She sits on a bench and sighs, resting her elbows on her knees before burying her head into her hands. Just for a moment, Aurora wanted to close her eyes and breathe, those thoughts in her mind finally falling silent.
A throat clears, and she looks up to see Lieutenant Jake Seresin standing in front of her, coffee in hand and a bottle of water in the other. He looks at her, subtly asking with his head if he could sit next to her. 
 She nods and lets him sit beside her. “Lieutenant, what are you doing back in the Navy Yard?”
“Agent Dinozzo asked me to come back, something about a DNA test to clear me from the murder. I stopped to get a coffee real quick and saw you sitting here, figured you could use this.” As he handed her the water bottle.
“Thanks, I really appreciate it, Lieutenant”
“Hangman,” he corrects her. She smiles as she repeated his callsign back to him.
He took a good look at her. He couldn’t believe that the girl that Rooster and Apollo always used to talk about was sitting right next to him, let alone her being THE Artemis almost everyone talked about. Gibbs and his team were renowned within the Navy and the Marine Corps. He glances at her figure, bent over still, putting the cold water bottle to her head.
“You alright?”
She takes a deep breath. “Long day, long case.”  
She looks at him in shock. Jake turns to her.
“I recognize the look,” he shrugs.
She sighs and chews the inside of her cheek, “I just feel like I'm stuck in a constant state of panic, like everyone is watching my every move. Like I’m a bomb waiting to go off.” 
Jake patiently listens to her.
“And the nightmares, the fucking nightmares,” she mutters, “It’s like nothing I do can help the nightmares. No matter how many bad guys we catch, what happened will always haunt me.”
There was a small pause between the two of them. He didn’t want to push her to know what happened, but rather why she hasn’t talked to anyone else about this. 
“If you have a question, Lieutenant, I suggest you ask,” she remarks.
“How do you know I have a question?”
“I’ve gotten used to reading people on this job.” She replies.
“Do they not know? Your team? About your PTSD?”
“Gibbs, yes. The rest of the team, if they do, they haven’t said anything.”
“Shouldn’t you talk to someone about it?”
“I did, it’s called a psych evaluation,” she retorts. 
“That doesn’t count,” he sighs, taking a sip of his coffee. 
“Well, it’s not like I have any options, since they’re the only ones who know about what happened that day.” She sits up to take a good look at the naval aviator.
“Not even your family? Bradshaw?”
She laughs sarcastically. “Please, Maverick almost had a heart attack when I told him that I was joining NCIS, let alone a case where I almost died. Mom and Amelia are supportive, but I don’t want them to know what I go through on a daily basis. And Pey and B–” she pauses and sighs.
“I don’t want to put them through any of that pain of knowing. This is my burden alone to carry.”
“It doesn’t have to be that way Aurora,” Jake argues as he tries to comfort her. “It’s better to have someone to talk to, why not your team?”
“Because my team has enough to worry about,” she hisses at him. Her temper growing as the conversation goes on.
“Don’t you trust them?” he asks. That question makes her pause shifting in her seat and biting the inside of her cheek.
“I do.” she replies curtly.
“Then why don’t they know anything about your PTSD? Your family?”
“I’m just…protecting myself.”
“From what?”
She finally looks into his eyes and for the first time he sees the pain in her eyes. Bags under eyes from exhaustion, from the nightmares or the job, he wasn’t sure. Her eyes were glistening with tears that were threatening to fall down. 
“From getting hurt,” she admits her voice just above a whisper. 
Looking at her, Jake then set his coffee down before reaching out his arms in a quiet offer. Instantly, Aurora put her own arms out and accepts the hug from him.
Aurora couldn’t believe she was being comforted by Bradley’s arch nemesis (so he calls him), and if he found out, he would probably be so pissed, it made her chuckle internally.
A few seconds pass before they separate from the hug. Jake picks up his coffee and takes another sip.
“So, a Mitchell huh?” 
Aurora laughs as she opens the water bottle Jake had given her and takes a swig from it.
“It’s been so long since I’ve heard that.”
“Your last name?”
“Heck yeah. It’s always Aurora, Artemis, or Benjamin. I haven’t been called Mitchell since college.”
“It’s been a long time since I’ve called someone Mitchell,” Jake retorts. 
“Ahhh right, Peyton,” she smirks at him. 
Aurora never thought she’d get to say that she had made the Jake Seresin turn red.
“He told you?”
She lightly chuckles. “He tells me almost everything. Things that sometimes I don’t even ask,” she shakes her head, as if trying to get rid of any memories from what Peyton tells her.
Jake stutters a little. “I’m still…I don’t really…I-”
“Jake, you don’t have to explain yourself. It’s not my business to know. But if you ever need to talk to anyone, I’m here.”
“Is this a way of saying you want my number?” he smirks. Aurora chuckles.
“With the way you are when I mention my brother, I wouldn’t flirt with his twin sister,” she teases.
Jake chuckles. “How are they? Have you heard from them lately?”
“Got a postcard from both of them. Deployed on the USS Franklin, took a stop in Japan. They seem to be doing fine.”
“You miss them?”
Aurora looks to the sky. “Every hour, every minute, every second I breathe,” she repeats the phrase the trio always say to each other, thoughtfully rubbing a thumb over her wrist where her charm bracelet usually would sit. 
Jake looks at his watch. “I should probably head in.”
“C’mon,” she says standing up. “I’ll escort you.”
“Thanks. Not just for escorting me, but for talking with me.”
She smiles at him. “Anytime.”
Aurora and Jake step out of the elevator to the squadroom and Jake tosses his empty coffee cup in the nearby trash can on the way to Aurora’s desk. Tony, Ziva, and McGee watch the two as they enter the desk area.
“Hey Tony, I ran into Lieutenant Seresin on the way up, something about a DNA testing,” Aurora spoke up, as she went to her desk to set her water bottle down, and sat at her desk. 
“Oh right, this way Lieutenant,” Dinozzo gets up from his desk and leads Jake to Abby’s lab. 
Jake locks eyes with Aurora again on their way out as he nods at her and leaves with Tony,  while McGee and Ziva are still watching Aurora in disbelief. 
Feeling two sets of eyes on her, Aurora looks up from her phone and looks between the pair.
“If you have a question, ask it,” she says.
“Gibbs said you left, something about needing a breather,” McGee addresses.
“That wasn’t a question McGee,” Aurora retorts back.
“Are you okay?” Ziva asks, as she walks towards the girl and leans on her desk.
“You don’t seem fine,” McGee replies.
“McGee, leave her alone,” Gibbs tells him as he walks into the bullpen.
“Sorry boss.”
Gibbs stops at Aurora’s desk and gives her a look.“I thought I told you to go home.”
“Boss, with all due respect, I can’t. We still have a case to solve. Plus you told me if anything I could just take a couple of hours away from the case,” she replies looking up at Gibbs.
He sighs and looks at Ziva who was still leaning on Aurora’s desk. She took the stare as a sign to go back to her desk and get back to work. Gibbs turns his attention back to Aurora.
“Fine, but if something happens-”
“I’ll go to you Gibbs,” she replies. He nods and walks back to the center of the bullpen.
“Alright, what do you have for me?” He addresses them.
Aurora should have gone home. She should have been at her apartment, eating takeout, watching a Netflix show Peyton had put her on, while cuddling with her golden retriever puppy she named CJ. Usually she would hire someone to come watch him while she was out for her job. So while she should’ve been home doing all of that and relaxing, she realized she needed to talk to someone. Without thinking too much about it, she arrived at Gibbs’ house, and walked through the house’s front door, which was never locked. She took a look around and realized Gibbs was most likely in his basement, so she headed in that direction. She stood in the doorway and spotted Gibbs sanding his boat.
Gibbs looks up as he had heard someone in his house, and sees Aurora. He puts his sander down, and walks back to his table where he had a small fridge sat on it. Usually he would offer a guest some of his whiskey he usually had, but knowing Aurora, he always had a stock of water for her in the fridge. Walking down the stairs of the basement, Aurora came over to Gibbs as he handed her water. She nods her thanks, and takes a sip from the water while sitting on a stool, Gibbs taking the other one beside it. 
They sit in silence, while Gibbs watches Aurora fiddle with her water, peeling the label a bit.
Aurora takes a deep breath. “I’m sorry about earlier, Gibbs. Not just about the panic attack but not telling you.”
“Why didn’t you say anything Artemis?”
“Because I didn’t want to look weak.”
“You went through so much trauma, that doesn’t make you weak, Arty.”
“Then why do I feel like I’m losing my mind? Ever since the start of this case, I just can’t get it out of my head. It’s not just the case. I keep reliving memories from my past and they’re nice memories, which makes the pain hurt even more.”
“You’re stronger because of it.”
“Am I?” She says exasperated. “I came to NCIS to be something. To prove to everyone that I can be someone other than my father’s daughter, other than being a Naval aviator legacy. The Mitchell legacy.”
Gibbs sat in silence listening to her as she went on.
“I just feel like I’m being worn down. I love this job, and I love this team.” she says after taking a sip of her water. “I just don’t want to be this broken anymore,” she whispers.
“Have you tried talking to anyone?” Gibbs was trying to comfort as best as he could.
“I’m here, aren’t I?”
“Not me Artemis, your family. Your dad? Brother?”
She stills from that realization. She hadn’t talked to her dad since he had just been recruited as a test pilot for a special Mach 10 project. Peyton was deployed with Bradley. Her mom had her bar to take care of, and Amelia had just started high school. Uncle Goose and Aunt Carole were on their anniversary vacation traveling around Europe. Uncle Ice and Aunt Sarah were still dealing from Uncle Ice’s cancer scare when they thought he had relapsed. No. She hadn’t talked to anyone. She shook her head and Gibbs sighs.
“Kid, you’re going to have to talk to someone.”
“And not just me,” he cuts her off. “Maybe it’s time to see a therapist.”
Sure, Aurora could. But for Aurora, it was hard for her to ask for help. She just shrugs at Gibbs while biting the inside of her cheek, something she normally does when her anxiety kicks in.
“Maybe it’s time to tell the team-”
“No, Gibbs we both agreed that telling them about my family has nothing to do with my work.”
“When it’s affecting your mental health, I think it’s time to tell them about your family. You have nothing to lose, Artemis.”
She scoffs at Gibbs' words. She knew he was right, but she was stubborn. Aurora didn’t want to lose the respect she had earned from her peers all because of her last name. 
“We’re a family too. It’s time to trust us now,” Gibbs says to her. 
Aurora looks up at Gibbs. She smiles and takes out the postcard from her pocket and hands it to Gibbs. She could always trust Gibbs, maybe it was time to open up. He takes it and reads it, turning to her with a smirk.
“Brother and boyfriend?” He says teasingly.
“Brother and BEST friend,” she emphasizes, while rolling her eyes.
“Doesn’t seem like it. It sounds like he loves you.”
“No. I mean yes, but only like a friend.”
“I highly doubt that Artemis.”
“No, because if he does I can’t be with him.”
Gibbs looks at her incredulously. “Why?”
“Because I’m broken, he deserves better,” she replies.
“You’re not-”
“And I left. Life just got in the way. I was about to be an NCIS agent, he was just about to start his naval aviator career. He had just gotten into Top Gun, his dream! And I couldn’t hold him back. And he didn’t want to hold me back either.”
“What’s holding you back now?”
Aurora looks at Gibbs and sighs.
“I don’t know anymore.”
If you would like to be on the taglist or removed, please let me know! 
Taglist: @call-sign-jinx @sqrlgrl22 @luckyladycreator2 @purplevortexx
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emelinstriker · 8 months
not so related but why your phone doesn't allow you color the text????
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I just select the word and this thingy pops up?
Maybe you are on a different version idk, I'm just trying to be helpful
My ancient old Samsung Galaxy A3 is just built different- Literally fdhgfdnghndfhgh And yes it's still very much alive after nearly a decade of me having it. But the phone case do be very much on the brink of death.
Usually when selecting things on my phone it also shows the editor options to me like on my laptop:
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Just with the annoying copy paste options and all that ON TOP OF MY EDITOR OPTIONS- But that's easily solvable by swiping my phone a bit up and down to make it disappear and quickly tapping one of the Tumblr options before the phone's options return. That's usually how I make words bold/cursive and all that when posting via phone.
However, apparently my phone just went "Nah, not feelin like it, ask me later" cuz everytime i would tap on the bucket/coloring icon, it would just instead make me select the end of the previous paragraph. Tried multiple times and every single time it was like the icon was transparent af and would just make you go back up hfnfhgnnhfg
I did try it again in a new post about an hour later and THAT worked for some fuckin reason everytime I would tap the icon- Phone literally just went "Ask me later" istg
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teddybeartoji · 1 month
Dumb question, but i am not a tech person, but how do you change the font color in a post other than the standard colors tumblr gives you? I just wanna be pretty n pink like you <3
NONNIEE!!!!! NOT A DUMB QUESTION AT ALL!!!!! i'm terrible at explaining things though lmao i'll try to do my best
i use this page !!!! - type in the word or words you wanna change and then you can choose from the various color effects in the next step, aaand then you just have to put in you preferred color codes!!
i personally just skip the fourth step and i change the text into bold when i'm back on the post itself!!!
THEN! you just go and copy the HTML CODE!!! all of it, no matter how much there is.
and now when you're making your own tumblr post - go to the settings on the top right and find TEXT EDITOR and pick HTML.
then find the same word you wanna change and delete the words or sentences you're changing!!!! and then PASTE the code you copied in their place!!! and then you should see the little "preview" button and from there you can check whether it looks right or not!! aaand if you wanna go back you just go to setting again and click rich text.
and that should be it!!!! honestly i'm kind of bad with techonology too i won't even lie so idk if anyone has like a better way or any more tips but this is how i do it!!!! u can hit me up again if it doesn't work or idk if this doesn't make any sense and i'll try to explain it again!!!
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randomthefox · 2 months
This may be a stupid question but one of your posts said that shadow needed a chaos emerald to use chaos control but what about :
Sa2 when you fight shadow he uses chaos control to teleport in front of sonic?
The opening of shadow the hedgehog where he teleports multiple times and even use it to take out some black arms?
When he used chaos control to kick the phantom shadow copy away from sonic?
Or was he hiding a chaos emerald or just using short burst of it without an emerald? Sorry if it seems dumb.
The confusion is that chaos control is used as an umbrella term for multiple different abilities that all clearly function in different ways under different conditions.
Chaos Control as far as I use it is referring to what is definitively a TIME STOPPING ability. This is the first thing that Shadow ever does which is dubbed as chaos control. It's when he's on the GUN robot with the green emerald, Sonic runs up at him, Shadow says the words "chaos control" out loud and uses the power of the chaos emerald. It then shows him running past Sonic and Sonic SEEING AND REACTING to him rushing past, so it's clearly not a teleport because if it was a teleport he'd have just blipped out of one location and appeared in another (like Sonic does later in the story) and this moment of Sonic SEEING Shadow going past him would not have happened. We also see Shadow using the Chaos Emerald and saying Chaos Control to stop time in Sonic 06 when he kicks Silver. And he says Chaos Control and stops time again in Sonic Forces to kick the phantom ruby clone of himself, the Chaos Emeralds do not feature in Forces and never appear on screen outside of DLC but we can safely presume Shadow just had the emerald on him during the game and it just never got shown.
As far as I'm concerned this is the TRUE Chaos Control and everything else is them just calling other stuff Chaos Control because wgaf. This shit doesn't have hard defined absolute rules In Universe, they're just doing silly shit and calling it whatever they want. It's like how Goku explains the different levels of Super Saiyan to Babidi and Buu and says "you can think of this as Super Saiyan 2 and Super Saiyan 3." Those aren't their officially designated god given names as bestowed by an absolute creator. It's just terms Goku is pulling out of his ass to make it make sense to people who have no idea what a Super Saiyan is.
Sonic sees Shadow use Chaos Control and his first conclusion is "wow he fast =o " but then immediately dismisses that and thinks TO HIMSELF that he "must be using the chaos emerald to warp." Sonic has NO IDEA what chaos control is or how it works, this is his own conclusion of trying to explain something he doesn't understand with limited information. So later when he's locked in a space capsule about to die with a FAKE chaos emerald, he thinks "might as well give this a shot." Sonic proceeds to TELEPORT THROUGH SOLID MATTER AND ACROSS SPACE back to the safety of the ARK. This is very emphatically NOT what Shadow did earlier in the game, and when Shadow confronts Sonic he straight up asks him "just what are you anyway?" Sonic just placebo effected his way into doing something impossible and Shadow is flabbergasted at first, but then concludes well fuck it if Sonic can do it then so can I. From then on Shadow displays the ability to spontaneously teleport WITHOUT needing a chaos emerald OR needing to say the words chaos control out loud. This to me proves that Sonic is just a dipshit and thought he was doing what he saw Shadow do but accidentally broke the laws of physics instead, and now they just CALL that Chaos Control as well because fuck fan wiki editors. You can think of this by the fan term "chaos snap" if you think it needs a name.
The third ability that is called chaos control appears to require all seven chaos emeralds and saying Chaos Control out loud, which then allows them to teleport the ARK or Black Comet through space. So that's basically Super Chaos Control if you wanna think of it like that. Consistently it has been shown that to move a huge stellar mass like that it requires all seven emeralds like what Black Doom does or while in a Super Sonic/Shadow state where the emeralds are manifested inside of their bodies.
The last thing that is called chaos control is in Sonic 06 where they use it to open portals through time to time travel. Every time it's done it needs at least two chaos emeralds and two wielders of those emeralds saying chaos control out loud in order to open the time portal. This only ever happens in Sonic 06.
So yeah Chaos Control is just confusing unless you're an insane person like me basically. And I'm mostly being a pedantic semantic by insisting that chaos control refers to any one thing because obviously in universe they couldn't care less.
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golbrocklovely · 10 months
It’s the fact Elton blamed snc for the hate comments, he said they are telling their fans that. Not okay and just trying to make snc look bad. I don’t think it’s appropriate that the fans are sending him hate, but saying they are coming from snc themselves it’s dumb
this might end up being super fucking long so i'm sorry in advance.
i read thru elton's replies on twitter and there was really only one that made it seem like he could have been implying what you're saying.
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i'm gonna believe that he was just mixing up his words bc i can't fathom him legitimately believing that snc are telling fans to be hateful towards him. they don't even mention him unless necessary, let alone tell fans lies about him and then tell them to spread the lies and send hate. i'm just gonna assume he meant something else bc he's a lot smarter than that.
so… i have always had a lot of opinions about elton. we all know this. i've jokingly said that this is an elton hate zone, but i'm gonna pull that back for a moment so i can really lay out how all of this is fucked up in both directions, if that makes any sense. i'm even gonna refrain from calling him old or any names really. i'm just gonna state the actual facts about all of this.
elton doesn't deserve hate. sure, he does things that i will never comprehend towards actual fans of his (like being really snappy or in the past outright blocking fans that criticized him). i mean, even on his newest video, you can go to his comment section and see ppl that actually sat thru the video and watched make comments criticizing the video and he responds back like they insulted his mother. even tho i don't agree with him or the way he interacts with fans, i still don't think he deserves hate. no one deserves death threats. no one deserves lies being spread about them, especially some of the ones i've seen about him on tiktok that eventually move onto twitter. but let's be honest here. let's have an open and honest conversation.
elton started a war he didn't think was gonna go for as long as it has. elton was not an innocent bystander that all of sudden started getting hate for breathing in snc's direction. that's not what happened.
snc came out with 25x25 and elton immediately stuck his nose where it didn't belong. he believed that they were stealing his content, tfil. reality is, that's not what happened. we physically can see everything they put out for 25x25 and none of it was ripped off or is in the same style as tfil. elton jumped the gun and believed fans who heard snc describe the content they were going to make (bc elton started this before snc had even filmed anything) and ran with it. he constantly would make comments about them copying and then eventually seemed to do the same with cerro gordo and other places snc went to. elton moved onto overnight when corey moved out, and snc had just started to ghost hunting again not too long after. elton then felt like they were in direct competition and made it his mission to put out as much content as possible, faster than snc, so that he could be seen as better. this later came back to bite him in the ass when he had 18 videos back logged and no editors and nothing to post for halloween weekend. he argued that he and corey were the only real ghost hunters in la when fazerug wanted to collab with someone. elton would go silent on snc for a while, and then pop back up with something else or some other random shade to throw in snc's direction.
all the while, snc were minding their business and making content.
there was a long period of time when elton was doing all of this bs that fans weren't picking up on it. i remember being one of the few that actively didn't like elton and i was an outlier. i remember arguing with ppl as to why elton was a dick bc a lot of his shit went unnoticed for a while. but then in 2022 is when ppl really started noticing the shit he pulled, especially when it became apparent that they were never gonna collab with each other ever again.
if elton truly felt slighted by what snc did, he should have talked to them behind the scenes. is it possible that he tried and snc blew him off or something else happened? yes, of course. i'm not gonna pretend that snc can't be dicks too. everyone has their shitty moment. but what we know, elton is the one that looks obsessed bc he's still shitting on a friendship that hasn't existed since 2020. if something happened bts, we don't know. share with the class there elton, and maybe ppl would side with you. you have made everything else a public affair.
what i think happened is that elton can't accept that he is no longer the bigger content creator. snc weren't always popular. there was a period of time when snc were smaller than elton and not as well known. the reason i know of snc is bc of elton. but i think that went to elton's head, and he can't accept that snc are bigger than him and technically "competition" even tho they aren't. and the moment he thought that they could succeed in a field he had plans to leave anyway (bc he did plan to shut down tfil and turn it into a documentary channel but that failed so he had to go back to travel vlogging), that was when he felt burned by snc. and if he didn't act the way he did, he could have coasted off of being known as snc's friend for a long time. but instead, he burned a bridge that didn't need to be burned. he shot himself in the foot and blamed everyone else around him.
all of this being said, the shit that has transpired on tiktok is really bad. idk why fans started lying about elton. idk if this is just backlogged old fans that want to start shit, idk if this is young fans that are reading into things that didn't happen. idk if it's fans that read too many fanfics and took it to heart. i'm not sure and i never will be. but what i do know is that there are fans on tiktok that lie about elton and it just becomes one long ass game of telephone.
elton has never made colby show self-harm scars. the pranks he pulled on snc were not that bad - snc were literally apart of the killing best friend prank aka the worse prank ever as dubbed by the internet. they signed off on the prank wars and what elton did. colby has admitted to a fan that elton never damaged his car. surprise! some pranks aren't real.
if you wanna dislike elton, you can - just actually dislike him for shit that really occurred. don't make up shit about him. and especially don't send him death threats.
and to any of elton's fans that think snc need to say something about this, i agree with you to a point. the thing is, even if snc come out and say something, it's not gonna stop the hate. case and point, literally any girl colby has ever been friends with. not to mention, elton has a tenth of the amount of subs that snc have. snc have more subs than there are ppl in the city of new york…… they can't control that many ppl. the best course of action is literally to tell fans they are wrong when they lie, and then report and block them. at this point, we have to govern our own fandom. snc can only do so much. snc are lovely ppl who are nice, but for some reason they attract the worse fucking fans. and this has been an issue long before elton.
if you, currently reading this, don't like elton - please just block him and move on. it is that simple. do not argue with me on this. just block him. there is nothing more to it. i don't pay attention to him at all anymore. i get told when he does shit and check it out for myself then. otherwise, i truly forget he exists. sending hate to him isn't gonna do anything except reflect poorly on snc. so just stop it.
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sttoru · 4 months
How did u manage to change all your masterlist post links from jabamin to sttoru
hi im kinda late, but i just remembered to answer this! i'll try to be clear w the steps t_t shout out to sabrina for this btw xoxo love u user osaemu
go to the web version of tumblr on your phone or pc. i recommend doing this on a laptop or pc, where you can have two apps running at the same time on one display.
go to your pinned or masterlist where you have all your links gathered.
click on the settings button on the right side of the screen that pops up like down below. go to text editor -> change to HTML .
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don't be scared when you see lots of codes pop up. just copy the entirety of the text with ctrl + a if you're on a laptop/pc. if you're on your phone, do it manually.
go to an empty google docs and paste that text in that empty document.
then, if you're on pc, press ctrl + f. a search box should pop up on the right side of your screen, that says 'Find in document'.
type in your old username. it will highlight your old url for you between all those words and numbers.
in the place of your old username you should paste your new url. do that with every highlighted part in the text until all of your old url's in those links are changed to your new one.
copy that entire text again and go back to the original post where you copied that text from.
remove the old text and replace it with the new one. then you save it and done! it should all be changed now.
it takes some patience to do this if you have lots of links, but it's easier to do it like this than to do every single individual link manually. hope it helps!
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graves4girls · 1 year
i just have to know — cause i wanna change my profile around again;
HOW DO YOU GET THE DIFFERENT COLORED TEXT?????????? like i know the standard colors, BUT HOW DO YOU DO CUSTOM COLORS 😭
ok i'm not good at explaining so imma use pictures to aid my rambling
also as far as i know you can't do this on mobile
first ur just gonna type whatever text u were planning on posting obvi
then ur gonna change whatever text u want colored to red. it's easiest to change the color from the red code tumblr uses
ur gonna change the text editor from rich text to html text (below the cut)
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then ur gonna copy the full html code and paste it into the text box on this website.
ur gonna put the red code (#ff4930) in the top box, and whatever color you want in the bottom box
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(this is the website i use for the color codes)
hit replace text, then copy to clipboard
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then paste it in place of your previous tunblr text while still in html code, change it back to rich text and it should work !!
sometimes it bugs out so u just gotta keep trying until it looks the way you want, since tumblr can't handle outsourced codes sometimes
if anything was confusing lmk i cannot focus on one thing at once and literally got confused while writing this but i hope i helped a little at least !!
(also tumblr deleted my first answer to this and i'm so disoriented rn)
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fountainpenguin · 1 year
If you were given the opportunity to reboot FOP from the ground up, what would you change, shake up, or put your own spin on?
I'll have to give this a short answer, I no joke spent over 2 hours replying to this, then added a Read More and Tumblr told me that my post was too out of this world and it broke the editor. It kicked me out in a split second without any opportunity to save. Sorry to everyone who has to scroll past my stuff in the future, but I'm not living through this again. Read Mores have no place on my blog.
I'm furious because 1) I tried to copy-paste out of this editor like I always do and save in an external place, but the new editor is busted and only copies one paragraph when you do CTRL-A so I gave up, and 2) literally the last sentence I wrote before typing that was "Before my hiatus, Read Mores broke stuff, but I'm willing to give this another try." It's not even the same error it used to be. I can't. I can't.
At least we're friends and I think you know a lot of my thoughts anyway. Sorry it took so long to write an answer to this message, but I've already let it sit for so long that I HAVE to get it out of my inbox now or I'll never go back to it after losing everything :/ I can't believe that just happened. How ironic that one of the main reasons I went on hiatus was because stuff kept breaking and then it's worse when I return. Bleh.
So... Here's the short version of things I can remember talking about:
Update world lore, especially regarding Anti-Fairies. Anti-Fairies debuted in Season 2 and didn't reappear until Season 5; Anti-Fairy World itself made its first appearance in Season 6 because the Anti-Fairies were only seen in jail before that. Anti-Fairy World is kind of barren and stereotypical, and the general vibe of Anti-Fairies is that they are all evil because their magic revolves around bad luck. I'd prefer some gray area. I also feel like the characterizations for Anti-Cosmo and Anti-Wanda were rushed and we should say it.
Logically I know that Anti-Wanda can be said to parallel Wanda's high-class mafia upbringing, but I doubt that was planned since Wanda's family only showed up in Season 5. In another universe, we could have had a classy evil queen. I love the grubby gal, but there are so many cool aesthetics she could have had instead. The Anti-Cosmo and Anti-Wanda vibe doesn't bring anything to the table that Cosmo and Wanda didn't already have unless you take creative liberties.
Maps. Maps would have been great.
Designs. Cosmo, Crocker, and Dad really don't need the same shirt. Wanda's outfit is pretty bland too, and it's honestly a shame that Anti-Cosmo got a unique outfit but Anti-Wanda's is just a recolor of Wanda's. See also, classy queen.
Also I've never liked Timmy's Channel Chasers adult design; I just don't think it's in character. I feel like his body type would be much closer to his parents, and the existing one is just too extreme for my preferences. Doesn't say "Timmy the average kid" to me.
"Fairly Odd Baby" - As much as I enjoy the idea of Fairies placing a ban on babies because they're destructive and Fairy World likes to push away its problems, I'd have introduced Poof as part of an announcement that Cosmo and Wanda had been expecting a baby for 100 to 1000 years. Their lifespans are so long, it wouldn't be out of the question. A reveal episode could have been fun.
I also don't think I would have chosen to leave Poof a baby who can't speak for that long; I think he has a fun personality (Sasses Foop, deliberately puts Foop in harm's way, but also he's super chill and nice and likes sports) and I would have liked to see more episodes where he talks. I don't love how he was shipped to boarding school as soon as he was able to talk and dialogue was needed.
Vicky takes Mark back onscreen. She canonically decided she wanted to start dating him again, after she found out he was an alien and she broke up with him. She made the choice to take back her alien boyfriend and she loves him and we should talk about it. I'm obsessed with them and will forever treasure the deleted "Foul Balled" scene of them holding hands at the senior home while Mark is in his squid form. I support Vicky becoming the shapeshifting queen of a violent planet and being extremely in love with her squid husband.
Chloe / A.J. friendship. A.J. ended world hunger in Season 2 and he built a time machine a few seasons later, I feel like those two would have really hit it off.
More episodes of Timmy playing soccer. I will not re-elaborate.
More of side characters I love, like Molly and Kevin. I love them. I love Kevin falling farther and farther behind his uncle when they walk together, I love Timmy introducing himself to Molly's fairy by shaking her hand... They might be side characters but I feel like they add a lot more to the world and character dynamics in their few scenes than many of the characters do.
Sharing fairies. Timmy sharing fairies with Chloe (or Kevin) as part of a temporary program (like she was just here for one school year before her parents moved again). I think one of the issues people have with Chloe is that it feels like she's here for the rest of Timmy's fairy-related life, and I think a few months of hanging out with her would have been plenty and then there would have been a reason for her to leave the canon afterwards.
Make Chloe Dinkleberg's niece. My favorite headcanon. Also a perfect explanation for why Chloe's family would move to Timmy's street. Also a hilarious parallel of Timmy seething with frustration at his "perfect" neighbor despite spending the entire series making fun of his dad for doing the same thing.
More Timmy/Chloe "step-sibling" interactions. I support Timmy "I will sit with you while you have an hour-long panic attack" Turner in "The Booby Trap" but I cannot emphasize enough that I equally support Timmy "Will take a call from Chloe, listen to her explain that she vaporized a juice box, then hang up and go to bed" Turner. They are step-siblings...
Timmy, Chloe, and Kevin. I support Timmy - Chloe - Kevin trio interactions in general. They're a comedic trio and I want them to support each other.
Gary and Betty. Unironically, we need to talk more about Gary and Betty canonically being aware of the magical world. Or at least they adjusted really fast to being teleported from California to Florida and back again. Also we should talk about that time Gary rang Sanderson on his cell phone, which gets funnier the longer you think about it. Also I love them and we should talk about the deleted "Totally Spaced Out" scene where they tried to flee to Mexico together.
Ending the series with a proper send-off. I'm not a fan of Timmy keeping his magical memories after losing Cosmo and Wanda. Being the protagonist doesn't make him immune. I feel like there are so many ways this could have been done in a sentimental way that people would have loved... I'm sad we didn't get a proper send-off.
On the list of things we don't need to change - Imaginary Gary, Norm, Mark, Molly, Jorgen, the Pixies, Flappy Bob, Foop, and Ed Leadly. They are flawless, 10 of 10. We also do not need to change Chloe casually swearing, but meanwhile Timmy will call you out for saying "Moron" on the radio, and we definitely don't need to change "This isn't a fancy French restaurant- this is a black hole!"
I love the Pixies. If they didn't exist, I would have come along and prepped some worldbuilding about characters who maintain magical paperwork. I love my snarky monotone wasp boys.
Also I just want to shout-out Chloe and Kevin and their personalities being hilarious. I think there are several Chloe-centric episodes that have flawed storytelling, but I do genuinely enjoy the character you're left with after brushing off some of her exaggerated perfectionism.
Kevin has some of the best dialogue in the entire series, and those two just seem to write themselves when you pit them together. I like the mental image of Chloe venting to Timmy about how unfair it is that Crocker shows him favoritism and then it slowly dawns on her that she also has a history of getting a lot of favoritism.
Thanks for the ask! I'm sad I lost the full responses, but I think I've learned my lesson and will draft in an external doc first. Please learn from my mistakes, I will not take back my venting >:(
Even if I lost it, it's nice to take some time and think about some answers to these things. I'm also pretty satisfied that I was able to make this post long enough to feel like a good answer. Yay.
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lampmanliveblogs · 2 years
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TOH #55
The good vibes continue back in the Owl House with Lilith patching up Hooty’s battle wounds. It’s adorable that Lilith even gave him his own nickname. Not as good as MY nicknames, but she’s trying.
(EDIT: That "TOH #50" is not supposed to be there. I accidentally copied it while copy n' pasting the text from the document where I wrote it into the tumblr post editor and then I didn't notice it until later. I've elected to let it remain though as a reminder of my failures. I don't have enough of those in my life.)
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I love this, this made me laugh. After all that hardship and trouble Lilith went through to make that scrying potion, it was not to get any strategical intelligence or information about the Emperor’s plans. No, it was so Eda could prank the guards.
I love this, because I feel like this implies that Eda has casually been pulling pranks on the castle guards for years, and Lilith has always been there to stop them because she knows how Eda thinks. But now, with Lilith gone? They won’t know what hit them!
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”Knock knock, human.”
Emperor Belly Boy here just had to have the last word, didn’t he?
Alright, let’s break this down.
In some secret room, Belos places the last piece of the eye from the portal Luz came through. It sparks a little. He turns to the camera and says his line.
First off, Belos isn’t wearing his mask at the beginning. He puts it on as he turns around so we don’t get to see his face. The question now of course is, why does he wear the mask? Is it to hide his identity? To conceal hideous disfigurement? I remember him using the essence of a palisman as eyedrops last season, I don’t imagine that’s too good for your skin. Oh, and we also get to see his hair and it looks kinda gross, I get why he’s hiding that.
Next, we shift focus towards the portal. I noticed almost immediately that this portal looks a lot different from the one we saw at the end of Young Blood, Old Souls. That portal was made from painted white metal and had large wings. This one is grey and lacks wings. This could just be an inconsistency, the creative team changing their mind about the design between seasons or such. Or it could be showing us the process of building the portal as experiments; the first prototype failed for whatever reason and this is version 2.0.
Either way, the Day of Unity is coming… and I still have no clue what the heck that means. Belos claims it is not a matter of invading the human realm or such. Considering he calls it ”Unity,” I’m thinking it may be more in line with either merging, combining or in some other way uniting the demon realm and human realm. Either by fusing them together into one or maybe connecting them through permanent portals. Or maybe he’s trying to get somewhere else; I remember seeing a theory shortly after Season 1 ended about Belos coming from a third realm, a realm of angels/divine beings. So this Day of Unity and hunt for the portal is him trying to get back home.
At this point I’m just spitballing ideas, hoping one of them is at least a little true so that I look really smart like all the actually good livebloggers.
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Oh, they’ve changed the outro quite a bit. 
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Some cute images of our main cast and then there are these two. Showing Belos and the Golden Guard together, throwing more fuel on my apprentice theory. It’s interesting that Belos has his mask on, while the Guard is removing his…
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And that concludes Episode 1 of Season 2 of The Owl House. I’m gonna go back and watch the whole episode in one go (you know, like you’re supposed to) and then I’ll see if I have any final thoughts.
(one watchthrough later)
Alright, here are some details I missed:
•Luz still has the key to the portal. Maybe Belos will need it to activate his bigger version, which will lead him into conflict with the Owl House gang again?
•The statue of Belos we see at the marketplace has a crack on the head that look eerily similar to the one Luz made in his mask in Young Blood, Old Souls. Representative of how despite his efforts, his iron grip on the Boiling isles is beginning to crack thanks to Luz’ involvement?
•I somehow missed on my first watch that the boat captain gives Luz her sailor outfit, meaning she didn't choose to dress like that herself which I initially thought.
•The purple person the ship is as far as I recall the only other character in the show we’ve seen do the whole detaching limbs thing that Eda does. This prompts me to once again raises several questions. Can everyone on the Boiling Isles do this? If not, then what determines who can? Can Lilith do it?
•On my first watch I thought the adventure n the ship was some kind of elaborate set-up for a trap, mainly based on the nod the captain gave to the Golden Guard when Luz joined. But on my second watch I’m not so sure? Maybe it was just a coincidence that Luz & Eda happened to stumble across the same ship that the Golden Guard was on and he decided to make some Plot happen. If it wasn’t a trap, then it makes the captain’s fondness of Luz very endearing and yet another example of the positive influence Luz has on the demon realm.
•I like that they used the shadow trick Garlog used at the beginning of the episode to lure the Golden Guard.
I really liked this episode. It had some comedy, some character stuff, some action, some foreshadowing and some action. The one downside to having so much stuff in one episode is that you can’t really get that much of anything. It was really obvious just how fast-paced this episode was when I watched it normally without pausing every twenty seconds. But this being the first episode of the new season it is understandable, they have a lot to set up and establish before we can do any deep dives.
Overall, a good start to the second season and I’m excited to see what the rest has to offer!
I’ll see you again soon. Until then, take care of the planet Earth and remember that anything can happen in space!
<--Previous Episode: Young Blood, Old Souls
Next Episode: Escaping Expulsion-->
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Triple Cone Cup - Part 1
☁️ HELLO EARTHBREAD! Welcome to the Triple Cone Cup! I’m your Editor’s Representative and Commentator for the blog, Lemon-Lime Meringue Cookie, and I’ll try my best to get everyone up to speed on how everything works… if the equipment doesn’t break down again.
⚙️ Don’t blame the breakdowns on me, Strawberry Crepe Cookie, for something that was CLEARLY caused by space travel! As such, I’LL be your on-field representative for whatever goes down… whenever that happens… and regardless of where he gets sorted.
☁️ Yeah… do you wanna just roll the description on what everyone can expect?
⚙️ Why not just copy/paste it from the original Discord server? That’s such a “you” thing, ha ha!
☁️ Yep. That’s what I did. ROLL IT!
Editor’s Disclaimer: The following patch notes below this note were indeed copy/pasted from the official Cookie Run Discord server’s new #kingdom-patch-notes channel, then re-formatted slightly to fit more reasonably into Tumblr’s system. All images posted here were also saved from that channel, making them a public announcement and not a leak. Refer back to that channel if you’re not sure if this is right, or send us an ask if you have things to clarify or want clarified.
Official Patch Notes
Greetings from the Kingdom team!
Let’s take a look at the list of new features coming with the March 30 update.
Please note that there will be other fixes and adjustments to improve your Kingdom experience as well.
You can find the detailed list of changes, additions, and fixes in the patch notes published on the day of the update.
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The Triple Cone Cup is a historic event that has been around ever since the three schools of Earthbread were built. There’s the unique and prestigious school of wizards, Parfaedia, the school of noble Paladins with the most wins, the Crème Knights, and the fiery school of warriors, Scovillia! Enter the Triple Cone Cup and play in the different games to find out the strongest school there is.
Students are sorted into the three schools based on their abilities and their traits.
You cannot change your school during the Triple Cone Cup.
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The Triple Cone Cup consists of 7 seasons.
One season consists the regular event, 'Fight for the Flag,' and a seasonal event that changes every season.
Your rank and Contribution rank of the season will be determined by the total score your classmates earned from regular events and seasonal events. You can receive rank rewards based on your rank.
The school with the highest score throughout the 7 seasons will win the Triple Cone Cup.
One season of the Triple Cone Cup lasts for one week.
The students of the winning school will receive Crystals, Titles, Decors, Profiles, and other various rewards.
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Once you are sorted into your school, you can meet your classmates in the Student Quarters. You can also visit the Student Quarters of other schools by using the Visit button.
The portraits of the top students with the highest Contribution of that season will be displayed in the Student Quarters.
Please note that for this March 30 update, Korean voiceovers for the Triple Cone Cup cutscenes are released first. Voiceovers in other languages will be updated soon.
The sugar-sweet love story of Kingdom High is now available in Romance Kingdom!
Join the excited Cookies in their campus life under the cherry blossoms!
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Capsaicin Cookie is a Charge Cookie who uses the skill, ‘Capsaicin Magma.’
Skill description: Capsaicin Cookie transforms with the surge of magma power. When he has transformed, his regular attacks will cause Lava Eruptions, inflicting Burn and Magma debuffs to enemies. The Magma debuff increases Fire type DMG. While transformed, Capsaicin Cookie will briefly become resistant to interrupting effects. After his transformation, Capsaicin Cookie will enter Spice Overlord mode with all the intense magma power and deliver his final strike. If he becomes immobilized during the battle, he will become Immortal, dispelling his debuffs and cannot be immobilized for a certain period. The first cooldown of Capsaicin Cookie's skill will be shortened, allowing for faster skill use.
Skill element types will affect the DMG, Healing, and other aspects of a skill.
3 new elements are added: Light, Poison, and Fire. The affected Cookies and Magic Candies are as follows:
LIGHT: Madeleine Cookie, Financier Cookie, Clotted Cream Cookie
POISON: Prune Juice Cookie, Poison Mushroom Cookie, Affogato Cookie, Alchemist Cookie, Licorice Cookie’s Magic Candy
FIRE: Capsaicin Cookie, Mala Sauce Cookie, Chili Pepper Cookie, Rye Cookie, Rye Cookie’s Magic Candy
You can now meet Capsaicin Cookie and his Soulstones in the ‘Magma Gacha.’
Collect ‘Magma Gems’ from events and the shop to use the Magma Gacha.
Depending on your results, you can obtain Magma Gem Shards instead of Mileage Points from the Magma Gacha.
You can obtain Magma Gem Shards whenever you obtain a Cookie or a Soulstone from the gacha, regardless of whether the Cookie has ascended or not.
If you collect enough Magma Gem Shards, Capsaicin Cookie will join your Kingdom.
If you already own enough Capsaicin Cookie’s Soulstones to max him out, you can obtain a Super Epic Cookie of Choice Chest (4 kinds) instead of the guaranteed Capsaicin Cookie.
After the event is over, the remaining Magma Gem Shards will be exchanged into regular Mileage Points and delivered to your mailbox.
Prune Juice Cookie is a Bomber Cookie who uses the skill, ‘Prune Juice Potion.’
Skill description: For Prune Juice Cookie's regular attack, he throws a Prune Juice Bottle at the farthest enemy, poisoning the target and nearby enemies. Upon using his Skill, Prune Juice Cookie will throw a giant Prune Juice Bottle containing poison. When the bottle shatters, it will inflict Poison DMG Boost, Sticky Goo, Poison, and summon Prune Jellies. The HP of summoned Prune Jellies is reduced by the number of hits. Summoned Prune Jellies will spread Prune Gas from time to time, poisoning nearby enemies. Summoned Prune Jellies consist of poison, are immune to any kind of periodic effects and are not affected by Shield or Healing.
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New Resonant Toppings that only selected Cookies can equip will be added with this update.
Trio Raspberry
Trio Chocolate
Trio Almond
Trio Caramel
Trio Apple Jelly
You can check the Cookies that can equip the above Toppings in the Toppings info.
As of March 30, only Capsaicin Cookie and Prune Juice Cookie will be able to equip these Toppings.
If you equip a Resonant Topping and regular Toppings from the same set, you will still gain the Set Effect.
Trio Toppings have higher minimum Bonus Stat values than regular Toppings and the same maximum values. Upgrading Trio Toppings will grant one of the following Bonus Stats:
ATK / DMG Resist / ATK SPD / CRIT% / CRIT Resist / Cooldown
Skill description: Mala Sauce Cookie's passion for spice grows fiercer! Upon using her skill, she'll inflict 1 more stack of Burn. The range of her skill increases and her mace DMG will stun enemies. To enemies that are immune to Stun, deals Fire type extra DMG. Her CRIT% Boost buff will be upgraded to the Spicy Mala buff and will be activated for all of her allies.
Spicy Mala Mace: increases range, adds Stun to mace DMG, while inflicting extra Fire type DMG to targets immune to Stun
Spicy Mala: increases CRIT% of all allies
With the introduction of Mala Sauce Cookie’s Magic Candy, certain stats of Mala Sauce Cookie will be adjusted in order to fully utilize the effects of the Magic Candy.
ATK: Increased by 25%
DEF: Increased by 15%
HP: Increased by 12%
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The Squirrel Shop is visiting the Cookie Kingdom to enjoy the warm spring weather!
You can visit the Squirrel Shop through the Squirrel NPC in the Kingdom or via the event pages.
The Squirrel Shop offers various items, special seasonal decors, and a unique Treasure available in the Squirrel Shop only.
Crunchy Acorns needed for the Squirrel Shop can be obtained by exchanging various goods at the ‘Acorn Market.
You will get a free draw in the Acorn Gacha every day. Or you can spend Acorns to make more draws!
You can also pull Golden Acorns and the special Treasure only available at the Acorn Gacha!
Golden Acorns can be used to purchase special seasonal decors from the Squirrel Shop. Collect Golden Acorns and get all the special decors!
The holiday decors as well as the holiday treasure from last winter’s Squirrel Shop will be available in the next winter season.
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New Treasure: [SPECIAL] Blossoming Acorn Bomb
Description: The Acorn Bomb blooms into blossoms, cursing 2 random enemies (excluding bosses) to turn into acorns for a certain period of time and deals DMG equal to the total ATK. Additionally reduces the DEF of cursed targets.
There’s a chance you can get the new SPECIAL treasure ‘Blossoming Acorn Bomb’ from the Acorn Gacha.
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Chili Pepper Cookie’s skill has been improved.
BEFORE: Sneaks behind the enemy, causing area damage to the rearmost line with 4 strikes. The final strike always deals critical damage.
AFTER: Chili Pepper Cookie increases her Crit DMG based on her CRIT%. Sneaks behind the enemy, causing area damage to the rearmost line with 4 strikes. The final strike always deals critical damage.
Certain stats of Chili Pepper Cookie have been adjusted.
ATK: Increased by 12.5%
HP: Increased by 22%
The Elder Pilgrim’s Torch treasure has been improved.
BEFORE: Use the torch to inflict a portion of all Cookies' ATK over time to nearby enemies.
AFTER: Use the torch to inflict periodic Fire type DMG proportional to the ATK of all Cookies to nearby enemies and increases Fire type DMG they receive.
‘Crescent Guardian Moonlight Cookie’ and ’Rippling Moonlight Sea Fairy Cookie’ is now available from the regular Costume Gacha.
Milky Way Cookie’s Soulstones have been added to the Mileage Shop.
The maximum number of Sky Islands in the Landmark Garden has been increased from 50 to 60.
Springtime Blossom Picnic Party and Blossoming Squirrel Shop decors are now available in the Decor Shop.
You can now purchase Arena Tickets in the Medal Shop
As per our descriptions in the packages, with the crossover for BTS x Cookie Run: Kingdom over, we retrieved the remaining Soulstones of the BTS Cookies as well as their Choice Chests during the March 9 update. We apologize for causing confusion by starting the retrieving process so abruptly without any prior notice. We will be returning the already retrieved BTS Cookie Soulstones and their Choice Chests in the March 30 update.
After the maintenance, you can use the restored BTS Cookie Soulstones and their Choice Chests. The remaining Soulstones and Choice Chests will be retrieved in a future update.
*The exact time of retrieval of these items will be announced in the update patch notes.
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link-london · 6 months
A Rough Timeline:
For those of you who know I’m working on a Spider-Man fic, I decided I needed to really specifically hammer out a timeline of events to make sure I stayed consistent as I wrote and as the story gets more complex with flashbacks and present day segments.
Thought I’d show you what I have so far, and reward you for giving me a follow!
12 years ago:
Sophomore Year of High School.
-Pete (15) gets the spider bite, uncle ben is shot, spider-man appears.
-Harry’s (15) Mom dies in a car accident.
-Peter fights the vulture.
11 years ago:
Junior Year of Highschool
-Pete (16) and Gwen (16) become friends
-Pete (16) meets Mary Jane (16) on a blind date.
-Pete starts working at the Daily Bugle after money issues hit Aunt May (61)
-Pete fights the shocker, electro, and the enforcers.
-Pete briefly dates Liz Allen
10 years ago:
Senior Year of Highschool
-Pete (17) becomes aware of Wilson Fisk.
-Mary Jane begins modeling.
-Pete (17) starts dating Mary jane (17)
-Harry becomes addicted to drugs, enters rehab.
-Pete (18) faces tombstone, the chameleon, and more.
-Pete (18) breaks up with Mary Jane (18)
9 Years Ago:
Freshman Year of College
-Pete (18) and Gwen (18) enroll in ESU, Pete wins a full scholarship from Wilson Fisk, which he refuses.
-Pete faces the Scorpion
-Pete (18) and Gwen (18) sleep together.
-Dr Curtis Conors becomes the Lizard
-Pete (19) faces the Lizard
-Pete (19) and Gwen (19) begin dating.
-Felicia Hardy (16) launches her first fashion line in partnership with fashion mogul and family friend Rodrick Kingsley.
8 Years ago:
Sophomore year of college
-Harry (19) returns from rehab.
-Peter (19) meets Dr Octavius.
-Pete fights the Rhino
-Captain Stacy of the NYPD is killed saving a child from falling debris. Eddie Brock (22) gets pictures that implicate spider-man in the murder.
-Mary Jane (20) comforts Gwen (20). Gwen encourages MJ to be friends with Peter again.
-Pete (20) reveals his identity to Gwen (20) to convince her that spider-man didn’t do it.
-Gwen (20), against peters wishes, comes out publicly as a witness in support of Spider-man. JJJ directs some fans to harass her.
7 Years Ago:
Junior Year of College
-Norman Osborn becomes the green goblin.
-Wilson Fisk and Tombstone begin a gang war, secretly influenced by Norman.
-Pete (20) and Daredevil (26) avert the gang war with the help of Luke Cage and Robbie Robinson. JJJ steps down and editor and Robbie takes his place.
-Norman Osborn discovers Peters (21) identity and murders Gwen Stacy (21).
-Norman and Peter (21) battle in Norman’s Penthouse, with Harry (21) has witness and hostage. Norman is seemingly killed.
-Harry learns the truth about his father and checks back into rehab preemptively.
-Felicia (18) and her childhood best friend Michael Morbius (20) agree to be married when he returns from europe. Morbius vanishes shortly after leaving.
6 Years ago:
Senior Year of College
-Walter Hardy, the orignal black cat, steals the last remaining copy of Captain America’s super solider formula.
-The Chameleon forces Walter to test the completed Serum on his daughter, Felicia (18).
-Felicia (18) frees both herself and her father, and Nick Fury takes Walter into “protective custody”, faking his death and recruiting him to Shield.
-Pete (21) and MJ (21) reconnect
-Spider-Man no more
-Doctor Octavius invites Peter (21) to work with him after graduation. Pete starts to intern for him and Doctor Connors.
-Doctor Octavius goes mad and Doc Ock is born
-Peter (21) Resumes his work as Spider-Man and faces Ock.
-Mary Jane (22) moves out west to try to make it in hollywood
-Pete meets Flash Thomson at the homeless shelter
-Peter (22) meets Felicia Hardy (19) while she was trying to steal from a museum.
-Peter (22) and Felicia (19) sleep together
5 years ago
Post Grad Year 1
-Spider-Man (22) and Felicia (20) begin dating
-Harry Osborn (22) returns and takes up a position running a minor Oscorp division. Harry relies on people close to him and his management style earns him a promotion to a higher level division .
-Peter (23) reveals his identity to Felicia (20)
-Pete (23) are Felicia (21) break up for the first time
-Felicia begins dating Daredevil (29). It is largely uncomfortable for them both, but the sex is incredible.
4 Years ago:
Post Grad Year 2
-Spider-Man (23) is again framed for murder by Wilson Fisk.
-Doc Ock, working with Fisk, attempts a master plan to destroy spider-man.
-Peter (23) recruits Felicia’s help after being shot by a cop.
-Felicia (21) and Matt Murdock (29) clear Spider-Man’s (23) name, and Daredevil and Spider-Man finally bring about Fisk’s arrest.
-Felicia (21) and Matt (29) promptly break up, deciding they don’t really have that much in common.
—(Somewhere in there, Felicia starts sleeping with Elektra, possibly introduced to her in a threesome with Daredevil. who knows. I don’t. Fuck it.)
-Felicia (22) and Peter (23) start sleeping together again.
3 years ago:
Post Grad Year 3
-MJ (24) returns from the west coast, having more or less failed at getting into movies and only doing a few rejected pilots.
-Harry (24) is promoted again, this time leaving the city to manage Oscorp’s Tokyo branch. It goes very well.
-Felicia (22) and Peter (24) break up again much more amicably, Felicia leaves for a year to help hunt vampires with Morbius (24) after his sudden return.
-Mary Jane (24) confesses her feelings for Peter (24), and the two begin dating.
3 years ago:
Post Grad Year 4
-other stuff.
2 years ago
Post Grad Year 5
-Felicia (23) returns from Europe, having walked away from Morbius after realizing the two had grown into different people. She returns to find Pete (24) in a new relationship and, heartbroken, returns to crime—but sticks purely to robbing from criminals.
-Pete (25) begins teaching at Midtown High.
1 year ago:
Post Grad Year 6
-Kraven the Hunter seeks out Spider-Man
-Peter (25) is badly hurt by Kraven the Hunter, and Felicia (23) saves him on live TV.
-Rio Morales is elected Mayor of New York and instates an ethical policing program. Supervillains, if they turn themselves in, may be tried publicly under their supervillain moniker while keeping their identity safe. Once released, provided they do not engage in criminal enterprises in costume again, they will leave their criminal record with the costume.
-Felicia Hardy (23) defeats Kraven the Hunter while Spider-Man is recovering.
-Felicia (24) begins working as a superhero, occasionally alongside Spider-Man (25)
-Felicia (24) and Spider-Man (26) uncover a plot to assassinate Rio Morales, and work together with Silver Sable to stop it. Rio has to publicly denounce the black cat, but privately offers to do what she can to reduce her sentence should she turn herself in.
Six Months Ago:
Post Grad Year 7
-Felicia Accepts the deal (24)
-Mary Jane (26) proposes to Peter (26)
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