#and dazai is. dazai. i don't expect him to be fair when it comes to blaming people for odasaku's death !
monstersqueen · 1 year
i love that so far the reasons i've found why Odasaku's Death Is Totally Ango's Fault are :
his betrayal had a severe emotional impact that lead odasaku to choose death
if he had been with dazai when dazai tried to prevent odasaku to go fight mimic odasaku would have listened
if ango had been honest and they had worked together they could have saved him
i think the closest to a real reason i've found that is not just 'he lied to us :((' is that ango potentially reported gide's power to mori, and that's what made mori decide to use odasaku to destroy mimic
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baby-tini · 2 months
general yandere dazai hcs pretty please
TW- Manipulative Behavior, Psychological Abuse, Stockholm Syndrome, Manipulation, Controlling Behavior, Implied Threat With A Gun, Love-Bombing, Isolation He's far from your average yandere, he is far too manipulative, intelligent and calculating too ever be categorized as something so simple. It's a slow-burn, for Dazai too develop an obsession- or even a relationship. It'd be pretty slow, and you wouldn't even know it's coming. He also has a deep understanding of people and how they work, so he would use his extensive knowledge against you. He'd use a mix of love-bombing and the silent treatment. It'd be more of a way too program you, as in, reward and punishment. He'd definitely use extreme versions of them as well, like, dousing you in affection when you do simple tasks for him and being almost brutal when you make mistakes. Now, he is a firm believer in that, a punishment should match a mistake, For example, if you start too go against his wishes, he'll just completely ignore you, because if you don't listen to him, there's no point in him even talking to you.. that's what you think it is anyway, and he lets you. When he does finally have you in his grasp, he'll slowly start too isolate you. He'll turn more into a toxic boyfriend then a yandere, because he does know how too keep his behavior in check when he needs too. If isolation doesn't work, he'll start too turn people against you, so that you'll really be isolated and all you have is him too run back too, just how he likes it... and wants it. He doesn't let you work, so expect too quit your job. If you work at the agency though, he won't let you do cases, you'll sadly be stuck doing paperwork, and when you try and complain to him. He'll over-exaggerate cases, making them seem more serious and gruesome then they actually are, just stating that he doesn't want your pretty eyes too see such... grotesque things. He is very good at making his obsessive tendencies and controlling behavior seem just like that of a protective boyfriend, and obviously you take his word for it, he's a detective after all, he's seen all the horrible things people can do... and, you can't be mad at him for just wanting too keep you safe, that's not fair to him. He is more into the psychological aspect of breaking you down. Your social life being first, then your confidence... which will then lead to your, what he sees as, misbehavior following suit. You don't have too do anything for yourself anymore, just let him do it all for you, and you mistakenly do, because he just wants too help.. right? I think the worst thing about being in a relationship with Yandere!Dazai is just the utter mind fuck you receive from outsiders, because of just how charming he can be with people, and they're constantly telling you how lucky you are too have such an amazing partner... but is it really that amazing when you guys go home that night and the light in his eyes die out as he asks you why you held such a long conversation with another man as his gun sits on the bed next to him.
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mncxbe · 1 year
what do you think about enemies to lovers with akutagawa x ada fem!reader with a really big sexual tension between them?
Yes. Just yes🫡 that's all I have to say. Hope you like it♡
𝑨𝒌𝒖𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒂𝒘𝒂 𝒙 𝒇𝒆𝒎! 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: smut♡/ one bed trope
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Akutagawa didn't know how he ended up like this, sharing a bed with you in a crappy motel room in Shinjuku. He took a deep breath in, feeling the thin particles of dust tickle his nose and sneezed, mentally cursing his overly sensitive body.
From the other side of mattress you mumbled a half-hearted 'Bless you'
"Oh shut up" he hissed, his head snapping in your direction. You were laying on your side close to the edge of the ragged futon, a chiffon robe wrapped loosely around your frame. The neon lights that filtered through the windows illuminated your figure well enough for Akutagawa to make out the little bird drawings that adorned your nightgown.
"Your voice is pissing me off" he added, voice laced with venom as he took in your figure.
"Then stop sneezing and coughing every five minutes. I'm trying to sleep" you replied in a casual tone which only fueled Akutagawa's anger.
God, how he hated you and your composed demeanour; a futile attempt to prove that you were better than him. He vividly recalls your first encounter when his former mentor introduced you to him and the way your eyes scanned his figure with pure amusement. Oh, he resented the way you always looked down on him, thinking that you were superior only because you were working at the Agency.
The fact that you were constantly competing for Dazai's praise only made things worse. Each time the brunette would pair you up for a mission you'd go out of your way to ensure that you did just a tad bit better than him, whether it was stealing the target's phone, a classified file or simply taking extra credit.
And what was worse was that this wasn't even a fair competition: no matter how hard he tried to prove himself to his former mentor, you'd still get all the 'Good job Y/N'. All you had to do was breathe and Dazai would shower you with praise. It was so easy for you and it filled him with burning rage, a fire that grew hotter inside him by the minute; you were utterly insufferable and yet...
Laying beside you in this god forgotten room, Akutagawa couldn't bring himself to hurt you. He knew he could; you were both far away from home and the mission Dazai assigned you was dangerous. If you were to get injured it wouldn't come as a surprise. Plus, your ability was no match to his so he could easily kill you, destroying the source of all his anger and pent up frustration that plagued him day and night.
Still, something was holding him back; a force that he could not explain. He simply scoffed, gritting his teeth.
"I cannot fucking control it. Get your own room if you really can't stand my coughing."
You remained silent and the man cursed under his breath. After a while you rolled on your back and sighed.
"It's too hot in here."
"It's the middle of August, what did you expect?"
"Some air conditioning maybe?" you said in that condescending tone he so resented.
"You're so irritating." he stated, not daring to look at you. He knew that if he did he wouldn't be able to keep up this act and God knows what he'd do.
"Come on Ryuu. I know you don't actually hate me. You're just mad about Dazai liking me better"
Akutagawa's body tensed upon hearing your words. "Don't call me that."
"What, Ryuu? Why not?" you asked innocently.
"Because you know I can't stand it." he lied. He did in fact love the way his name rolled off your lips; it was so soothing but he couldn't bring himself to admit it. "And don't drag Dazai into this."
You let out a low chuckle "But he is part of this. He's actually the reason for all this. For us and-"
"There's no such thing as us" he spat, nails digging deep into the calloused skin of his palms.
He could feel you scoot closer to him, one of your hands gently brushing a strand of charcoal hair from his face.
"Isn't it?"
Your words lingered between the two of you, a heavy, unspoken truth. There was no you but both of you somehow wished there was. Despite all the resentment he bore towards you, Akutagawa knew there was something more to his feelings. He couldn't exactly pin-point what it was tho, but it seemed that you shared the same thought.
"What are we?" you asked eventually, fingertips sliding along his jawline as you moved even closer to him.
Your touch sent goosebumps all over his body, igniting his skin. Yet he didn't push you away. Instead, he turned to his side to face you.
"What do you think we are? We're rivals for fuck's sake" he stated and you would've believed him if it weren't for his arm which wrapped around your waist.
"Are enemies usually so desperate for each other?" you chuckled, cupping his face.
"I'm not desperate" he hummed as he began caressing the side of your body. His fingers traced the outline of your body over your robe, languidly sliding back and forth from your hip up your waist and along your ribs; causing you to shudder.
"You sure are desperate tho" he said, a grin tugging at the corners of his lips. His slender fingers hooked under the loosely tied knot of your robe, undoing it.
A light hum escaped your lips when he touched your bare skin.
"Hey Ryuu." you purred, threading your fingers through his hair "Do you think things would've been different if we weren't in different organizations?"
"Not at all. I'd still hate you" he said plainly. Akutagawa was completely entranced by you; his mouth voiced of abhorrence but his hands spoke another language, gently cupping one of your breasts as he kneaded your soft flesh.
He pulled you closer until your lips were mere mere inches apart. "You don't think you could ever like me, do you? It would be so ridiculous."
"Really?" With a mischevious smirk on your lips you took his hand from your breast and guided it between your legs; Akutagawa gasped as his fingers brushed against your wet panties. "I think I like you already."
"You little..." he cursed under his breath as he closed the distance between you, lips finding your own. He kissed you deeply, feverishly and pushed you onto your back, climbing on top of you.
When he eventually broke the kiss he looked down at you, trying to ignore his forming bulge that pressed against your thigh.
You only giggled, tracing your thumb over his lower lip. "How about you put that mouth of yours to good use, hm?" you teased but Akutagawa noted the hint of urgency in your voice.
With a sly smirk on his face he slowly moved lower onto you, tracing feathery kisses along your heated skin until the nestled himself between your thighs. Each touch elicited sweet sounds from you which echoed through his entire being.
Before he hooked his arms over your thighs to keep you close your gazes met for s brief moment and he nodded, grinning from ear to ear.
"As you wish, pretty girl"
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chuuyaswifeandhoe · 7 months
If only
Pairing: Chuuya x femreader Warnings: swearing, mention of suicide attempts, language, hated, gunshots, death, mentions of killing, violence This is the second part of Not today. Enjoy!
Wake up, survive, kill, sleep, repeat. Wake up, exist, betray, sleep, repeat. Wake up, get yourself almost killed, sleep, repeat. Wake up, die. 
One year and a half has passed since Chuuya decided that you didn't have any value for him. You decided to celebrate it at the old apartment, exactly where it happened, so you would not forget why you're still alive. Revenge. No, you laughed at the flickers of the candles around the living room. Revenge was too kind for him. You wanted to make him hate himself. To feel useless, used, an incapable body having to survive with the consequences of his own actions. That's what you had been doing for the last year so he had to go through it for the rest of his life. Seemed only fair, an eye for an eye, a broken soul for another one. Even better, a broken soul to crush another. You blame yourself for the break up. If only you wouldn't have opened the discussion about marriage and kids. If only you would have been happy with the situation you were in, not craving for more, not wanting more from life, maybe he wouldn't have said those words to you. If only you would have acted differently. If only you would have changed to suit him better. If only…
You sipped another gulp from the expensive bottle of wine, his courtesy when he left you the apartment. No need to cry over spilled milk. Still, tears fell down your cheeks without warning. It stung, it is not like you could get rid of the feelings of betrayal and disappointment. In the dim lights of the candles you let yourself feel human again. It was a long year for you, one where you made permanent changes in your life. No more good girl behavior. Only a cruel bitch without a heart. One of the most interesting evolutions within the Mafia. That's what they called you. You had your underground name as well, Shadow. The one who kills her victims in their sleep, walking right behind you, living in the dark, never knowing when is going to hit. People don't fear their own shadows, so you took advantage of that. Befriending the target, using your innocence to make them trust you then slashing their heart in the sheets. Literally. 
You sighed, he should be back in two days. You found out after joining that the executive was sent on a suicide mission, having no communication with the outside world. A mission that has been extended longer than anyone anticipated. But everyone trusted him to accomplish the impossible and come back alive and successful, destroying some gangs, scoring some diamond deals, and bringing back the prize of the rarest diamond in the world. Easy, for the most powerful ability user in the Mafia. Not so easy to understand why he acted like that more than a year ago. You saw the reasoning behind it, but still, there were other options if he wanted to protect you. You shake your head, no, he did not want to protect you, he wanted to get rid of you. 
In retrospect, he tried to protect you after his departure, after the breakup.  You were desperate, you wanted to turn off your feelings so bad, everything hurt. In a desperate attempt, a message was sent to Dazai if his offer for the double suicide was still up. But he expected the message when he met you on the roof of the building his scope was to get you down, to hold you, and to make sure you didn't do it. What an ass, Chuuya informed him and knew already you'd try to kill yourself. “Bella, is not worthy, I promise you I'd take your offer under other circumstances, but now I know for sure that is going to get better.”
After that night you laid out your options on a piece of paper. The first was to get over with this life. Not an option anymore, Dazai did not help you and suddenly members of the agency bumped randomly into you at the grocery store. Atsushi wanted to accompany you and Yosano wanted to go shopping. Nice of them but it was making you feel worse. You wanted to root under a rock. Fragile. You felt fragile, ready to break if someone looked at you the wrong way. You wanted to move out of the apartment, but couldn't, you were between jobs and you were in no shape to start looking for one. To put on a fake smiling face… no. And ironically after three weeks, a position was available at the agency, for a secretary. What a lovely coincidence. And for a bit you even considered it, to have them around wasn't a bad idea after all and would also comply with Chuuya's demand to never get in his face again. But then, after the “interview”, while at the caffè, Atsushi -bless his innocent heart- left out a secret in his blabbering “Chuuya must really love you Y/N-san, kneeling to ask the president for the Agency to protect you”. He received a smack over his head from Kyoka and you acted like you did not hear him, but it was the moment you decided you weren't going to take the job at the agency. 
Bastard. Thinking he can control your life after breaking you like that. To make sure you were having a good life, that you would be under Dazai’s careful eye. The second option was to move back to your village, back with your not-so-close family. Not really an option, but more a desperate attempt to get the attention off the agony present in your life. And you tried it, with a short visit, wanting to understand if it would do you any good. But at the news that you and Chuuya broke up, your family started blaming you and accused you of being such a stuck-up bitch. Everything good about you was your relationship with Chuuya and you screwed everything up and your life did not have any value anymore. And maybe, to a certain extent, you started to believe it.  So after that weekend, you got back, having to deal with life again.
The next option was to just get on with your life. Going out, dating, meeting new people, living again. Well, you got yourself somehow functioning in those six weeks before deciding that there was a fourth option that was more suitable. You tried looking for other jobs, and you got yourself on two random blind dates which were absolutely horrible, but a friend of yours decided it was a good idea to get you out of your slumber so you accepted. You decided you were going to be single forever because there was no way you were going to deal with all that. And you also wanted revenge and when the opportunity arose, you went straight for it.
The fourth option you never envisioned or dreamed of. Joining the Mafia. A friend, of a friend, of another friend found out from some underground source about a recruitment process going on so you decided to join. You started preparing for it, hitting the gym and having shooting training on Chuuya’s money, because if he left you the card you might as well use it. One of your biggest qualities was the attention to detail and to anyone’s surprise shooting a gun. You remember the ‘basic training’ Chuuya gave you after telling you about his job so you could shoot a gun if you ever needed to protect yourself and he was amazed by your skills to not miss any of the targets he put in place. So, until the recruitment stage came around you trained. It was not like you had any better to do, apart from moping around in your sadness.
You started as a weakling, a mere nobody. No particular skill, apart from a good aim. The rest was hard work, broken bones, lots of cuts and bruises, not getting in your own way, being in constant fear for your life, and learning to kill. The first time was the hardest. Then you went on autopilot. No regrets, no remorse, no feelings. Exactly what you were looking for, a way to numb out your heart. No more worrying about a lover, a relationship, a breakup, or a future. Then, it was a question of being in the right place at the right time and saving Mori’s life in an altercation. The boss rarely participated in those things, but there were times he wanted to feel the thrill of fear and descend into the dirty underground. Obviously, some Black Lizard mission you were involved in by accident, but they did not fully clear the perimeter and a sniper got away.
You were feeling very suspicious about the whole deal, it was intuition, and you just knew something was wrong. Luckily, you saw the red dot on Mori’s chest, had enough balls to push him aside, and got yourself two beautiful bullets in your chest. You survived and got the permission to have one wish granted. You could ask whatever you want. You thanked your new direct Boss and asked him to keep this for the future when you would find a wish worthy of the occasion. You got yourself noticed, what weakling would dare touch the Boss in such a manner? So you started to be involved in more high-profiling missions. You received special training from the Black Lizards, transforming you into one of the finest assassins the Mafia had at its disposal. A killing machine, who did not ask twice about the victim, just got the job done. ‘’No hard feelings’’ was the last phrase every one of your victims heard. And your way of doing your job was very interesting to Mori. Approaching the targets in plain sight, gaining their trust in so little time, then breaking it when killing them. Every one of your missions seemed like a personal revenge you took. And Mori was definitely pleased, his mind coming up with different plans on how he could use his new pawn.
How ironic everything seemed to you. To be in front of the man Chuuya was trying to protect you from. Saving said man with your own life and getting your hands dirty just like him. Definitely, he did not expect his plan to backfire like that. You were dying to see his reaction when he would find out. Well, you will not be there, probably, as you were set to have some solo missions, which started exactly the day he was going to return. You were grateful, it would give you a bit more time. For what? You didn’t know. But you did not feel ready to see him again. Well, it was something you’ll worry about another day, now, you let yourself cry, be desperate again, and hope for the release of death. Tomorrow, you’ll get your knives and guns attached to you again.
The days rolled around and you departed to your new series of missions first thing in the morning. Little did you know that at the same time, in Mori’s office, a meeting regarding your future was happening.
‘’Chuuya-kun, as always your results are impeccable. You’ll get days off until your new partner will return from her missions’’.
Chuuya raised an eyebrow. He was tired and done with it all. But he definitely did not expect to have a new partner upon his return. He liked his solo missions and did not want to have to carry someone’s slack around. But he had little to no energy to fight. He just wanted to get in contact with Dazai right now and ask about her. His mind was only about her and how to make things right again, in case she did not move on.
‘’Thank you and who is her?’’
‘’ Her name is Shadow’’. 
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honeydazai · 2 years
୨୧·࣭࣪̇˖ 𝆬  ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ʀᴇᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴀᴛᴛᴏᴏꜱ 𝆬 𓏸
feat.: Dazai, Chūya, Kunikida, Ranpo, Atsushi, Akutugawa, Nikolai Gogol
content: implied f!reader because of some pet names, maybe—?
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DAZAI knows about your tattoo. Of course he does. Still, he makes sure to raise an eyebrow while sauntering over to where you're presenting it proudly to the other Agency members for the first time, mimicking surprise.
He doesn't hesitate to openly compliment you on it; he's a charmer by nature and syrupy-sweet words fall from his lips with ease as he traces his fingers over the swirls of ink, gaze appreciative. He can deal with all kinds of reactions from you, but he's all the more pleased if you smile bashfully or blush a bit at the cascade of compliments he's showering you in.
“My, my, bella, and here I thought you couldn't possibly get any more interesting. That suits you awfully well, you know? Ah, the fact that I'm even allowed to lay eye on a being as gorgeous as you gets me get all excited.”
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While CHŪYA is surprised at the sight of your tattoos, his lips curl into a smirk almost immediately. He likes tattoos a lot, and you having some only makes you all the more irresistible. To him, they don't just look amazing, but they're also proof of you being strong enough to endure the pain of getting them — whether you've taken painkillers or not beforehand doesn't matter to him —, and that's impressive in itself. He's awfully lucky to have scored someone this gorgeous and badass.
He might just have to ask you for your tattoo artist; yours are so skillfully done, the design is nothing short of amazing and, hey, don't you think he'd look hot with a tattoo somewhere?
“Those are a damn work of art, babe. Hey, where'd you think I should get one? I'm thinkin' hip. Gotta fit into the whole tattooed mafioso cliché, right?”
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Honestly, KUNIKIDA doesn't expect you to have tattoos when he first falls for you, but he grows fond of them more quickly than he ever would have thought possible. They're a part of you, which makes them perfect in his eyes; perfect, just like you are.
Even though you might assume he's not too knowledgeable when it comes to the topic of tattoos, he has a keen eye for detail — he's quick to marvel at how well done yours are, how clean the lineart is and how artfully they decorate your skin. He might just come along if you ever get more tattoos, if only to check if the place is up to standards; the risk of an artist using an old used needle on you doesn't leave his mind until he personally makes sure you're in good hands.
“I have to admit that these are very nicely done, dear, and they suit you well. Really well, even. Are you planning on getting more in the future? What? No, I'm not against it. Of course not. Quite the opposite; I'm merely interested in the things you like.”
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For someone pretending not to care much about your tattoos, RANPO stares at the ink decorating your skin quite a lot. He doesn't care enough to be subtle, either; the second your eyes meet when you catch him looking, he merely turns away o so slowly, his attention once more on a document or a piece of candy.
If you let him, though, he'll gladly inspect each and every line, each dot and curve with utmost interest. You're his lover, after all; of course he's intrigued when he sees a part of you he hasn't until now. Really, he wants to know everything about it, even though he's got a few ideas about what they could mean — if they do mean anything — already.
“So, what about this one? Does it have a meaning? Yeah? Tell me, I wanna know. Actually, I know already. Well—, just tell me that I'm right, alright?”
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To say that ATSUSHI is stunned when he spots your tattoos for the first time would be an understatement. Sure, it's not like he's never seen tattoos before, but he still didn't expect them on you — besides, yours look so cool, it's only fair that he's quite astounded, right?
He doesn't make the biggest deal out of it, but he'll listen eagerly if you want to explain the meaning or any design choices to him, nodding all the while and complimenting the work. If you ever get another tattoo, he might just come along — not to get one himself, he's not sure if that'd work with his quick regeneration ability, but simply to keep you company.
“These are amazing! I had no idea you had tattoos this cool! Do they have a meaning? Oh—, I mean, you don't have to tell me if it's too personal, of course. They're just so pretty.”
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AKUTAGAWA isn't the type to mention your tattoos, though he is quite surprised when he sees them for the first time. Surprisingly enough, he quite likes the look of dark ink splattered artfully on your skin, and, for a moment, he even considers getting a tattoo himself, only to quickly decide against it; it'd be no use, given how he's fully covered up at all times either way.
If you want to get an actual reaction out of him, though, you have to be the one to bring the topic up, whether that's by showing your tattoos to him directly or just by mentioning them. While he's not a man of all too many words, he might eventually grunt out some appreciation — you're dear to him, after all.
“They look nice. What? You understood what I said just fine, don't play dumb. I won't repeat myself.”
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Frankly said, showing NIKOLAI your tattoos is a mistake. He's immediately fond of them; really, his eyes light up at the sight and he's quick to grab you, pulling you closer to get a better look at it. It doesn't matter if you struggle — do you really think he'll let you overpower him? Besides, if you complain too much, he can simply cover the body part you've got tattooed with his coat and, well; his ability is quite useful in this situation, too. You really can't pull away when half your body is stuck mid-air.
He will get matching tattoos with you. If you ever so much as joke about it, be aware that he'll make it reality. What, you don't want a clown's grimace on your wrist? Well, too bad, because he thinks it'd suit you o so perfectly, and you wouldn't want to refuse him, now would you?
“Oh, oh, come look at this one, doll — don't you think it'd look just perfect on your skin? No? My, my, you're picky. I really don't think you could go wrong with a bird. Or, wait; could it be that you just want my name tattooed on you that badly, hm?”
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notes: dedicated to @pseudowho <3 also, i'm finally watching season 4 and!! i like mushitarō lots. and jōno. jōno especially.
tag list: @pigeons-are-rad @cicada-teeth @dzaixchuu @hanakotheghost @shinwifexx @rhaeena @irethepotato @beandaifuku @the-foreigner @ranpobb , @arixsux , @dei-lilxc @atsyushi @satoruislove @pastelsbaby @marina-and-the-memes @texchou @shiggysredhead @savagemickey03 @rosepxtlz @nikolaiswife @okura-s @ladykatakuri @lunerenzo @berywritesstuff @xelia25 @yuuotosaka3 @double-black-dazai @alice0blog @fyodorstolenushanka @ttaiyaki @itsnovariella @black-rose-29 @fyodorscumsock @ayshaashaya @qxxstuff
@serenareiss @atsvsh1 @dilucshandholder @reiikonee @1-800-mocha @xvocadooo @hexiisexii @cupxfcxffee @jodidann @Happymoon16 @yumidepain @nchuuyahq @janeinerz @aaronthegreatestsimp @fanfiction-waifu @KimxKiba @Morigumy @villainouspotential @ashthemadwriter @mrsdostoevsky @nikolaisgoofyahhhat @yeonwoomyheartbelongstoyou
@hellgirlwhore @Itssara-chan @lyrstybsd @angelsrunes @wuaoqu @disa-ster @aspookyscaryghost @nikolaisboner @urgodmoon @polish-anon @arisu-chan4646 @eroscastle @somnobun @birbysaur
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yandere-romanticaa · 2 years
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Dealing with anything outside of the agency was just not your forte. Being stuck to your desk 24/7 hardly helped either but desperate times called for desperate measures so you turned to the only thing that felt familiar. To any sane person, turning to the mafia was an act of absolute lunacy but you were scared and in desperate need of protection and frankly, you didn't want to stress out your coworkers more than you already did. You knew that if you told them the extent of your fear and worries that they would drop everything they were doing and would assist you immediately but ... So much has happened these past few months. It wouldn't be fair to burden them. The mafia was your only option, if they'd have you.
Oddly enough you were welcomed with open arms and by an executive of all people.
There he sat across you in all his mighty glory, a cup of blood red wine on the table, legs crossed and the usual smirk you had come to expect from the ginger man. Despite being in a rival agency, Chuuya was always oddly curt towards you, maybe even downright polite. Well, that was his usual attitude towards strangers (unless he was being provoked that is) but with you it felt... Different. Did you like it? You didn't know. But that didn't matter at this point in time.
"I didn't think you'd come so openly to us." said Chuuya smugly, never once breaking eye contact with you. Feeling yourself tense up you opened your mouth to say something but he interrupted you instead.
"It's alright babe, I know a poor soul when I see one."
Wow, he was oddly intuitive. Uncrossing his legs Chuuya slightly lowered himself, possibly to grab the glass of wine that lay dormant on the table. With a sharp breath you finally spoke up:
"I'm being followed and I no longer feel safe in my own skin anymore. I don't want to bother anyone at the agency but I can't defend myself either so..."
Raising his finger in the air he promptly silenced you.
"So, what you're saying is that you want us to take the fall for whatever happens to you?"
Crap you didn't even bother thinking about the implications. A sudden wave of nausea hit you like a truck but it soon was magically replaced by confusion as the executive started to laugh.
"I'm kidding. I can be funny too, when I want to be."
You couldn't help but to break out into a tiny smile yourself, albeit a very crooked one. Chuuya didn't seem to mind though. You suddenly felt something warm on the top of your hand and you came to the realization that it was most likely Chuuya's hand. You felt his fingers trace various patterns across the soft flesh, like he was trying to get you to talk more, maybe even to soothe you?
You honestly weren't too sure.
His eyes shined with conviction, like a man on a mission. "Tell you the truth, I don't mind you coming here." he said gently. An odd feeling of warmth filled your chest as you blushed but Chuuya didn't allow you the luxury of turning your head.
"Look me in the eye when you speak to me, please. That's all I want."
Was he always so gentle? The Chuuya you knew was brash, loud and, and...
And like magic, he was suddenly next to you, both of your wrists trapped in a tight grip. Feeling his hot breath fan your face you almost felt like squealing but your stupid brain immediately went into overdrive, causing you to say the absolute worst possible thing.
Shit. Shit, shit, he was going to crush you -
Chuuya was beyond vocal with his distaste for the suicidal maniac and you always understood his reasoning.
But you were a fool and Dazai was charming. It was a very common occurrence for him to flirt with you in the office, to hold you close like this. Dazai was always light and airy, he would be gone almost as fast as he came.
It was fascinating how Chuuya was the complete opposite.
His presence was heavy and the way his eyes glared daggers at you almost made you regret your decision coming here. However, instead of numb pain or a sharp impact you were met with only softness as you could feel him climbing on top of you, your head and back making contact with the soft couch in the process.
"You are here with me and you have the nerve to say that bastards name?"
If he said anything else besides that, you wouldn't know. After all, how could you focus when the mafioso held you so tight but oh so sweetly, almost like a flower you were to scared to drop. You saw his lips move but you couldn't hear any noises that came out of them. For the tiniest second, you imagined what would be like to kiss him, to kiss the fiery man that hovered above you, to taste the bitter wine on his delectable lips.
Your fantasies soon crashed and burned the moment Chuuya said:
"You really should consider leaving the Agency and join us, y'know."
He... He can't be serious. He was joking, you were sure of it. Confusion was written all over your face but Chuuya's stayed the same, no cracks whatsoever. He tsked, his left eye twitching ever so lightly.
"Those detectives can't keep you safe, obviously. But, the Port Mafia can, I can. I can give you anything and everything, just say the word and it is yours."
His words echoed loudly inside your mind and you gaped like a fish, looking at literally anywhere that wasn't him.
Well, what will you do?
The choice is yours.
ENDING 1. (you leave the ADA) // ENDING 2. (you stay in the ADA)
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yanderepuck · 7 months
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ME?????? NOT WRITING SMUT????? Don't worry. You're still making out. That's really all it is honestly. SO IT IS TECHNICALLY SFW. Shocking from me I know.
I finished reading Will's route for the 7th time and every time I fall in love with him more and more and this may or may not have appeared in a dream of mine which I then woke up and wrote in a panic.
The visions do crazy things I swear.
He pushes you against the wall, pinning your hands beside your head, his body pressed up against you.
You were scared at first, it happened suddenly. Who in the mansion would be- it's Will.
"Got thee," his voice was low. Barely audible if it wasn't for him being so close.
"Will, what are you-"
His lips cut you off. Holding you harder against the wall he kisses you roughly. He wasn't letting you go anywhere. You weren't expecting him to visit today so what is he doing here.
You panic a little. You're in the hallway, anyone could come by and see you. Granted it's early afternoon, so mostly everyone is out.
But Arthur and Dazai don't go anywhere! What if they step out? Or what if Sebastian and Comte need to come down the hall? No no no this is bad this is... so good
Will let your hands go seeing as that you were staying still. One hand gropes your chest while another wraps around your neck.
The grip around your neck got you to start kissing back, but not before you moaned.
Will smirks but doesn't once break the kiss. You grab the sash around his waist and pull him closer against you, wanting to feel him so over your body.
He's so warm. How could all the stories about vampires say they are cold when this is how warm one really is?
Your mouth opens, letting his tongue inside, and he quickly takes the invitation. His upper hand slides down your body, pressing against it along the way. Then go around your hips to firmly grasp your ass.
Your hips buck into him, almost grinding against him. You push his jacket further open to feel his chest, before settling in grabbing his waist.
It's not fair that he has such a small waist. But it makes it perfect for grabbing. He seems to chuckle as his tongue is in your mouth. He was not expecting to have your hands all over his body like this.
Will thought you would have been nervous about staying in the hall, but you're so irresistible that he didn't want to wait to take you somewhere. Besides, isn't the possibility of getting caught part of the thrill?
His mouth finally leaves yours while his hand leaves your chest. You wanted to pull him back for more, but you hadn't realized how out of breath you were.
His hand went under your chin, forcing you to lift your head. After licking his lips, he begins kissing your neck.
Before your first moan could come out, his fingers go into your mouth. The moans come out muffled. His lips go all across your neck before he starts nibbling in your skin.
You look up and down the hall but there is still no one. Did anyone come out of their room, see you two and go back in? You sure hope not.
His fingers go deeper into your mouth as he finds a good spot to bite you. Your body jerks, not expecting it at all despite his fangs grazing against you. Your tense body soon feels like jello.
As he drinks your blood you start seeing stars. Not from being light headed, but from how turned on you are. You got so horny so quickly that you aren't sure how to handle it.
Once his fangs pull out of your skin he laps up the blood, making sure it's done bleeding. He kisses around your neck a few more times, like he's looking for another spot to bite.
Instead he pulls his fingers out of your mouth, wiping them clean on his pants, and stands up properly.
Your face is so flushed but so is his. It's clear you both want more but you aren't sure if you can move your legs right now.
He kisses you again, but that's all it is.
"I shall see thee at dinner," he smirks and goes down the hall.
What was that about! You wanted to yell or go after him but you should be glad no one walked into the hall. Once he was halfway down the hall you finally were able to move your legs.
Fixing your hair, you go to the kitchen and help Sebastian with said dinner.
You begin bringing dinner out, setting plates down on the table. Not everyone is there yet but it's good to get the table set before it gets too crowded, then you and Sebastian will have a seat.
You reach beside Theo and just as you are standing back up he grabs your arm to stay.
"What's that?"
"What's what?" You look at him, you couldn't be any more confused. You then look at your arm but there is nothing there but his hand.
Without saying anything else he moves your hair out of the way
Oh. That.
You try to pull your arm back and push him away. But you should know better that you can't do that to Theo.
He stands up and looks at the rest of your neck. Not only is there a bite mark, but all those nibbles left hickies. It wasn't even the bite mark Theo saw until he got to the other side.
"Who bit hondje!" It wasn't even a question.
"Theo," you try to pull your arm out of his grip still. "It's nothing."
"Nothing my ass," Theo looked around the dining hall and Arthur was just walking in.
"Straathond!" He finally lets you go only to go over to Arthur. He is a good suspect as any.
"Whatever it is I didn't do it!" Arthur is already trying to defend himself.
Theo grabs Arthur by his ascot and pulls him close. "You bit hondje, didn't you?!"
Theo is upset, way more upset than you would have expected.
"Bit her?" Arthur tries to look around Theo at you using your hair trying to cover your neck. But Arthur can point out a bite or a hicky a mile away.
"No it wasn't me, you daft cow!" Arthur pushes Theo off of him and walks past his seat over to you.
If your face wasn't red before it is now. You take a step back.
"If it wasn't you then it must have been Dazai. You two are here all day."
You can tell he's over thinking this, and taking it out of proportion.
"I haven't seen that foozler all day," Arthur stands beside you and puts an arm around your shoulders. "Why don't you tell us, luv? Who manages to get a bite of you before me?"
Theo groans.
"It could have been Newt or Jeanie. You know how hungry those two can get."
"N-no. It wasn't them," seeing how upset two of them are looking there is no way you can say it was Will. This is definitely staying between you two.
"If she doesn't want to say who, then you should respect that, Theo," Vincent who had been sitting there quietly finally spoke up.
At least someone knows what respect is.
"Thank you, Vincent," you get out of Arthur's arms and go back to setting the table.
Arthur and Theo just look at each other. Both of them are definitely going to be talking about this later to figure out who it is.
They both sit down as more of the guys come in.
Will comes up behind you, talking in your ear. "That is a nasty bite thee has't there."
You jumped when hearing him and quickly covered your neck.
"I wonder who could has't done that?"
You turn to face him, hoping no one else could see the look you were giving him.
Arthur leans across the table to Theo. "Think Shakespeare could have?"
Theo looks over at you two. "That Elizabethan prick? He might have a way with words but he wouldn't do anything to Hondje while we are all here," he looks back at Arthur. "You're still not off my suspect list."
Tag list~
@kissmetwicekissmedeadly @fang-and-feather @xalxtusxiao @namine-somebodies-nobody @ana-thedaydreamer @evil-quartett @ameyoruakiikemenseries @yrenesposts @p1nkpandomium @tele86 @damekathearasi @lokis-laugh @candied-boys @breadmercury @aquagirl1978 @xenokiryu @nightghoul381 @vampiricpancake @lulu-the-smol-floof @tako-cafe @azulashengrottospiano @floydsteeth
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spacexseven · 2 years
HIHI its my first time doing an ask so I hope I'm doing this correctly so I was thinking about your subordinate au and it made me think about a random comic I read where this dude bullies a girl and she’s basically yandere for him so I was thinking yandere subordinate darling with dazai and chuuya and they find out and tease them about it
i have briefly talked about a subordinate reader that has a crush on chuuya before, if you're interested. also please do let me know the name of the comic :> sounds interesting~ i reallyyyyy like this lol i wanna do moreeee
cw: yandere reader, yandere characters, abuse of power, humiliation, invasion of privacy, mentioned stalking, nsfw mentions (of non-con voyeurism) MINORS DNI
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as always, dazai finds out first.
when it comes to humiliating you, he's the most eager, after all. you should have taken into consideration that he'd go to any lengths to air out your dirty laundry, even if it meant snooping around your house for something to use. and you, foolishly, had decided to keep a diary of sorts. a diary documenting your...strange feelings for the two executives that never left you alone.
to be fair, it probably wasn't the diary that gave you away. even before that, you weren't the best at concealing your feelings. it was all too obvious that you liked chuuya and dazai more than you should have, painfully clear that you weren't staring in their direction out of paranoia, that you weren't refusing to meet their eyes out of fear. dazai had long picked up on the hints. now, this only confirmed his suspicions.
"what's this about?" his tone, though seemingly inquisitive, is laced with mocking humor, "so you like me, do you? so much that you have a diary about me? can't stop thinking about me, can you?"
he laughs again, a dry, taunting sound, "god, you're so pathetic. look at you, watching me like a creepy little stalker. is this what you do in your free time? and here i thought you'd hate us."
you can't help the way your heart pounds and your head spins even when dazai is sneering at you.
"you think chuuya is pretty, do you? all it took was for you to see him smile and you've fallen head over heels for him? you're going to hurt my feelings, [name], how come you don't write about how pretty you find me? how cute my smile is, and how hot it is when i make fun of you?"
you might be imagining it, but you're almost certain that there was a hint of irritation in his voice. hah, was he jealous? the thought makes you feel an overwhelming sense of self-satisfaction. and to think he called you the pathetic one...
chuuya hasn't spoken a word since dazai dragged you out here. but the moment dazai mentioned what you had written about him, he perks up ever so slightly and looks over at your cowering form.
"hey, don't go all quiet now," dazai doesn't even bother hiding the delight in his eyes, "i really want to know! you like the way we look, don't you? say, do you touch yourself thinking of me? you do, don't you?," he laughs a little, "what else would i expect from you? have you tried following me home? i bet you like watching me sleep, too. do you wait by my window and hope you can catch a glimpse of me doing something filthy? if i read this, i'll know the answer to that, right? or do you have another book, for your dirty little thoughts?"
he turns around to acknowledge chuuya for the first time since they gathered here, "shall we have them read it all out to us?"
chuuya, then, smiles back; a malicious, wicked sight. it's a loud, clear yes that seals your fate.
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gaoau · 7 months
nobody expects you to remember your heroes
theory of the two demons warnings — none word count — 1.5k
prev. — next.
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[Name] flinches when Dazai suddenly halts in the middle of the hallway. they stop a safe distance away from him so they don't accidentally bump into his back. in a millisecond, a billion scenarios cross through their mind. Dazai is unreadable; they don't know if he'll turn around and attack them for fun or if he'll say something ominous before dismissing them or if he'll pull out a mangled puppy from beneath his coat to taunt them. they can't guess, but they ready themself for anything he might throw their way. he hasn't gotten physical with them in a while, though.
today is not the day either, it seems. he raises his arm above his head and waves enthusiastically. "hey! Odasaku! over here!" he calls out towards the other end of the hallway. [Name] peeks from behind his shoulder and spots the former assassin walking their way.
"Dazai, hello," Odasaku greets with a nod as he reaches mentor and mentee. it's not until [Name] forces eye contact on him that he notices them standing behind Dazai. he almost didn't see them at all, just Dazai's shadow. with practiced formality—truth stands, they're higher than him on the food chain—he offers them a nod as well.
Dazai lets a natural smile curl his lips. he steps to the side, presenting [Name] with his hand as if they were a trained dog. "i'd like you to meet my mentee, [Surname] [Name]." for a brief second, his gesture becomes cynical while he looks [Name] in the eye. they stare back at him. he exaggerates an exhausted sigh and a playful grimace. "[Name], this is Odasaku."
[Name]'s attention flickers towards Odasaku—that's not quite right, no. their gaze flickers towards him, but Odasaku notices their attention stays glued to Dazai with alert. a kind of alert not quite foreign to him, but nonetheless different. [Name]'s ability doesn't let them see into the future at all. it's the pain engraved in their mended bones and their normal mind that gives them a vague idea of what could come from Dazai moving an inch to the left. Odasaku wonders why. 
he looks between [Name]'s tense shoulders and Dazai's carefree grin. then he tells him, "we've met before."
the switches in Dazai's attitude could almost be comical in the presence of the right people. his eyes grow wide and his smile vanishes, mouth agape. "eh?!" he exclaims—whether with genuine or feigned surprise, neither Odasaku nor [Name] can tell. "you have?! no fair, why are you going behind my back?!"
"we just bumped into each other."
"he approached me."
their answers come at the same time. it's hilarious how the same sentence in Dazai's voice rings with a different tune for a friend and for a mentee. Odasaku finds it strange. his first meeting with [Name] wasn't remarkable at all. it was a coincidence. it might as well have not happened. he could tell, with one glance into their eyes, that despite the clear caution in their stance, there was an odd calm about them. serene and deep, indestructible, undisturbable. now that he's meeting them again, he struggles to understand why they overflow with such paralyzing fear.
"well, see?" Dazai wears contempt on his face. he vaguely gestures to [Name], sighing, "this is them. i told you they're annoying. i can barely read them."
that is not true. silence settles for a millisecond and changes the tempo in the conversation. it's off-beat. [Name] stares at the back of his head with a frown. Odasaku raises a curious brow. he knows how cruel this young boy can be; he knows how destructive—both to himself and to others—this young boy can behave. he doesn't know what it's like to be under his wing. he's starting to learn. the three of them know Dazai is babbling empty lies for the sake of fleeting amusement. (amusement for who?)
when it comes to reading people, Dazai is undeniably a master. (trying to anticipate Odasaku's thoughts might be an exception, but it only goes so far.) on the other end of the same spectrum, or perhaps on a parallel spectrum altogether, Odasaku knows his way around children. he's been personally taking care of five of them after the aftermath of the Dragon Head Conflict. he understands the variabilities in their behavior depending on their personality when reacting to various situations. [Name] and Dazai, to him, are no different than the orphans he's picked up.
Odasaku thinks he might be starting to piece things together. not quite the way he would like, but he tries anyway.
he sees [Name], a child so calm and collected. a child who should be afraid of death or rules. a child who has come to terms with the insignificance of their existence. a child who has no fears, suddenly so disturbed because of the presence of one man—one child. it's easy to forget sometimes that Dazai is five years younger than him. he forgets the young boy before him, the burnt black cat with the open wounds for eyes and the leveled voice on the verge of tears, is also just a child.
"don't stress them out too much, Dazai," he says to fill in the threatening silence, "they're just a kid." but that might be exactly the issue here. they're both just kids.
(Dazai likes to self-destruct out of boredom.)
"i figured you'd say that, but they're not like your kids. i don't think they can be called just a kid."
Dazai tilts his head to the side, only slightly. he locks eyes with [Name]. they stare at one another, waiting, expecting violence in the shape of fists or venom. they stare at one another, seeing nothing but trash on the other side of the mirror. [Name] scowls at their mentor, wary, hearing phantom echoes of Q's wails bouncing in their head. being just a kid seems like a luxury.
the ringing of a phone cuts through the growing tension. Odasaku excuses himself as he picks up the call. he worries about having to leave these two children unsupervised right now.
Dazai smiles carefreely at him as if the looming cloud of disdain was decoration. "we won't hold you, but i'd like to meet the kids sometime. i'll tag along next time." then he throws a glance over his shoulder. "you should too, [Name]. you're good with kids, aren't you?"
(Dazai, right now, is bored.)
[Name] contemplates their words carefully. "…do you like kids, Dazai-san?"
he hums innocently. then he cheers, "of course! why do you ask?"
when they don't answer, Odasaku cuts in with a bow. Dazai waves enthusiastically as he walks down the hallway and leaves two children unsupervised. there's no more vacant smiles or playful theatrics when mentor turns to mentee; when the image in the mirror glares back with self-loathing.
"does he know about Mucchan?" [Name] bites. however frightened they might be, it seems their anger will forever scream louder.
"of course not. are you planning to tell him?"
they bite and don't let go, no matter how much he tries to shake them off. "it's none of my business." so he doesn't try. he lets them taste his flesh and blood, nibble on his bones. "but it's disrespectful to betray someone's principles behind their back and then play innocent in front of 'em."
they taste the same. they'll eat themself whole if they have to. Dazai stares blankly at prophetic words that will come to haunt him.
"Q is different and so are you, kid."
(Oda Sakunosuke will regret being just a regular man. his ability only allows a few seconds into the future, so he won't know until it's too late he's made choices he won't be able to change. he will regret not stepping into Dazai's loneliness earlier, he will regret leaving two children unsupervised, he will regret not reading [Name]'s anger properly.
it's when he's watching Dazai taunt death that it slowly starts dawning on him. "awake me from this oxidizing world of a dream," he says so wistfully, like he means it, like his voice reaches anyone that isn't himself. Odasaku sees in his face a lonely child, the only of his kind, wanting to burst into tears. he thinks children should be allowed to bawl into the sky if they want to.
Mimic's sniper shoots and barely misses Dazai right in front of him.
he laughs, because his predictions are always right. then he looks Odasaku in the eye. he knows Odasaku respects the food chain, but otherwise, he would knock out one or two of his teeth. scornful memories swim in his head. "sorry for compromising your principles," Dazai apologizes before explaining his thought process.)
(Oda Sakunosuke regrets telling Dazai to help people only when it's too late to see it bear fruit.)
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wildflowerteas · 5 months
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hella has officially joined the tsp book club! part 2 of our reactions pending lmao those were some very intense hours
if this was an irl socratic circle i would pay to be a fly on the wall. I FUCKED UP BY ADDING TWO MARGARETS THATS MY BAD. they'll be distinguished in upcoming dialogue. Brown goes by 'Maggie' n_n. Precinct 1 breakroom has seen some things. Also, yes! The DA prosecutes for the state! In a civil dispute, it's person to person going before a judge. But in criminal cases, the government is trying to put you away, not receive money/fair compensation for damages, so the DA does that work.
Your flabbers will be gasted 😭 might need to start using that.
BEAST tag is there for a reason! I only tagged it 'beast skk' so that people wouldn't expect the same dynamics or roles for the other characters ( like akutagawa sibling dynamic ), but of course, if skk is beast-au inspired it would naturally affect a few of the characters closest to them as well. Also, Skk is slowly but surely devolving into the aesthetic of their BEAST counterparts. Dazai hasn't been written in that brown coat for a good while now. The white suit at the New Year's party was also a deliberate choice.
never seen or read All my Sons all the way through, but i've encounted this quote in the wild:
“...he'll come back. We all come back, Kate. These private little revolutions always die. The compromise is always made. In a peculiar way. Frank is right-- every man does have a star. The star of one's honesty. And you spend your life groping for it, but once it's out it never lights again. I don't think he went very far. He probably just wanted to be alone to watch his star go out.”
---and i absolutely loved it and have been influenced by it.
i would be sat for that essay honestly.
. . . yes. it's the same diner. implied only, but i do have art in the drafts of skk on a case-date of milkshakes and files with skk in the same seats to parallel it.
Kouyou's assimilation!!!!! I can't believe Rori noticed that!! yes, she's almost always mentioned in a kimono, tying an obi, or wearing her haori, and even needed Chuuya to translate for her during their first years together. but she's changing. super excited to introduce the Kouyou of the present ( yes, she's alive ).
Agatha Christie was. self indulgent.
Yep! Jouno! 😭 The hunting dogs have been in my notes-app plot web since the very beginning when I decided to write tachihara into this. Since I'm translating the insane post-war politics of canon BSD into this au, they were naturally going to find themselves written into it.
TV girl .. . save me TV girl.... taking what's not yours is tsp skk i will be adding this to my on-loop writing roster.
Unlike canon, TSP fyodor would, in fact die if you shot him. Not that I'm planning on writing that . . .
Jouno and Chuuya was lovely to write. They will be interacting again, unfortunately, so expect some introductions to the other members of the hunting dogs as well.
Dazai in the spotlight for once! Now he knows what it's like to be under the stagelight with Chuuya in the audience.
Kousano! Yeah that ship is preparing to set sail. Whether it's still afloat is the question. A question that hasn't been answered by Miss Medical Examiner's presence in the 1978 timeline. Yet.
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cosmic-waves7 · 2 years
PLS- I read your yandere househusband Dazai headcannons and my heart is 💓. So I'd like to request for the same concept but with Akutagawa and maybe Kunikida, if that's alright? Thank you for the food ahhhhhh
Notes: this request is lonnnng overdue I'm sorry, but in back on track (≧▽≦)
Doppo Kunikida
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Very organised.
I mean...very very organised.
He's very strict.
Cute frilly aprons are his staple apparently and you always tease him for it.
He'll cut up cute star shaped fruits for your lunches. Don't expect little notes from him though, he's only a sap within the safety of your home.
A home he's so diligently crafted to be picture perfect for the both of you.
He's got you on a schedule just like him. A set of rules you both follow even if he's your wonderful stay at home husband.
You'll always come in from work, toeing off your shoes for a quick peck to the lips.
But tonight there's a deep loving kiss with your noses brushing lightly and a rushed mutter of dinner will be a bit later then usual.
It took forever to clean up all the blood from earlier so it's only fair he wouldn't have time for cooking just yet.
Who knew a shot to the head execution style would cause so much trouble for the rest of his day.
It was a bloody mess to clean up and his Doppo poet ability was of no help unfortunately.
But he promises he's got your clothes folded all pretty - just like they do in hotels - and your outfit picked out for tomorrow.
Kunikida never lets you have takeout, it's always delicious home cooked meals. He's had to work hard to sharpen his skills just for you after all.
But tonight he's made an exception, he's been in an awfully giddy mood lately.
It's not every day you get to kill your wife's overly friendly colleague.
The rest of the evening is spent in bruising kisses and well...other activities.
Akutagawa Ryūnosuke
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You really didn't expect it from him.
A househusband? Didn't know he had it in him.
He's the type to spend hours deciding on a specific brand of orange juice in the middle of the grocery store.
Only the best for you.
That's why he's hired professional hitmen from the port mafia itself to watch over you while your out.
They're very confused to say the least on why they need to watch over your mundane life but he's the boss so there's no questioning him.
He's very particular about the order everything, not a schedule per say like kunikida. More like: my house my rules.
You joked about having him wear an apron, even bought him one as a gag gift.
At first he hated them, then one day you walk into the house and boom.
Frilly aprons part.2
They've really grown on him, he prefers the plain black ones though since you've called him hot when he wears them
He only wears them for special occasions though lol.
Which concluded to right now, you've walked into the penthouse and your sweet grumbling husband has a black apron on with his sleeves rolled up.
Carefully turning the stove off he lovingly helps your coat off your holders to quickly press down on the sore tendons and hear a hum escape you.
He's ushered you into your shared home with a kiss and his hand engulfing your own with the promise of your favourite on the stove.
So maybe you'll ignore the odd brownish splatter on his collar and the strong stench of bleach from the corridor.
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yokohamapound · 2 years
Hello there! could I possibly request the reader reacting to Chuuya,Kunikida and Akutagawa getting into a fight for them? the other person might have badmouthed the reader and that caused the character to get mad and get into a fight with the person. Thank you!! <33
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Haha, your choices for this request are perfect. 😂
Characters: Nakahara Chuuya, Kunikida Doppo, Akutagawa Ryuunosuke
Warnings: violence, murder, awful puns
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Nakahara Chuuya
Our darling short king already has anger problems and a hair-trigger temper when it comes to people insulting him. Can you imagine how fast he gets pissed off if someone insults his precious s/o? I'm talking the speed of sound here.
As in, the leg will be flying before the big-mouthed idiot hears their doom whooshing towards them.
Chuuya will honestly beat the crap out of them. The only person he has to take shit from is Mori, and anyone else is fair fucking game, baby. If you're not part of the Port Mafia then he won't even tolerate your name being spoken by the mafiosi. You are absolutely none of their business and talking about you is a one-way ticket to getting their ass floated off the top of Mukurotoride until they beg for mercy.
"What the hell did you just say, you piece of shit?!"
He's not as homicidal as some members of the Port Mafia (Akutagawa) but his temper is as short as he is.
If you wanna handle your own shit, he'll let you, but the second someone makes you uncomfortable he's stepping in. And if they make you cry, wellllll, then he knows a bunch of good places to dig a shallow grave.
And if someone talks shit about you behind your back, well, you're not there to defend yourself or tell him off for starting (another) bar brawl, are you?
Just picture him using the crushing weight of gravity to make someone kneel face-down in the dirt and beg for your forgiveness. Satisfying, isn't it?
Kunikida Doppo
Now, Kunikida's much less likely to actually get into a physical fight than the other two (and 100% less likely to get homicidal), but that certainly doesn't mean he'll tolerate any kind of slander on your name or reputation. That wouldn't suit his ideals, at all.
Unless it's Dazai. If Dazai says something lewd about you or insults you in any way, it's ON.
Anyway, Kunikida will happily deliver a verbal smackdown on your behalf if you aren't inclined to do so yourself.
"I see. Could you repeat that? I want to make sure I have it written down properly in my notebook. For my records."
I don't know how he makes that sound threatening, but he does.
This man used to moonlight as an algebra teacher, so he can literally lecture someone into regretting they were ever born.
Once he's done slicing and dicing them with his razor-sharp tongue, he'll either drown them in paperwork if they're part of the ADA, or gleefully inconvenience them to the point of madness.
If it's some chucklefuck on the street, he'll "Doppo Poetry!" up some handcuffs and march their ass down to the police station to report them for harassment or slander. He'll fill out the paperwork joyfully.
Again, if it's Dazai, he'll just strangle him.
Akutagawa Ryuunosuke
I don't know who was stupid enough to insult you in front of Akutagawa, but that was a real dumb fucking move. To an extent, Akutagawa expects you to be able to hold your own in a verbal dispute, because he doesn't think of you as a baby or a child. You're an adult, and I think he would actually enjoy it if you had a sharp tongue, but if the insult is unprovoked, crosses a certain line, or edges into a threat, that's it.
Game over.
"What did you say, cur? Do you value the use of your tongue? Perhaps I should cut it out."
Akutagawa's response will always be swift and violent.
Unless it's someone whose authority he can't refute, like Mori or Dazai, then Akutagawa is likely to kill them. It doesn't matter if it's one of his subordinates in the Port Mafia or just some dipshit in the street with a smart mouth.
Rashomon is hungry.
If you don't want that person dead then you better start talking fast and either a) distract Akutagawa or b) insult the person back so hard their ancestors need the aloe vera cream. If it's the first, he'll be pissy but will possibly allow you to pull him back from the brink of murder. If it's the second one, then he's amused enough to let it go. For now.
I'm not saying he won't go back later and turn them into a reverse-cactus when you're not around, because that would probably be a lie.
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May I request Dazai, Fyodor and Chuuya with a reader that comes from a very wealthy background (like their parents are filthy rich aristocrats) and they come off as apathetic/emotionless and out of touch with reality because they have been given everything on a platinum spoon since birth.
Dazai x gn!reader, Fyodor x gn!reader, Chūya x gn!reader
My Navigation is here.
Warnings: I made it so the reader is still rich, idk if that's how you meant it, miniscule angst in dazai's, a but of manipulation, slight enemies to lovers in Chūya's
Notes: btw ranpo would fully expect you to spoil him all day every day (he'll whine for you to buy him lots of sweets). Though to be fair, he always expects you to spoil him in one way or another
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He sees the wallet
I'm joking
Gets humbled so quickly by you being apathetic to any and all of his flirtatious remarks
Turns into a love sick puppy so quick
Don't get me wrong, he's still calculating
But he's also a bit of a simp?
He respects you and honestly at some point sees you as unreachable
If you do let him in at some point
He wants to be spoiled
Sometimes he'll be a brat about it - his normal drama queen style
But he'll still be surprised (and genuinly touched) if you do get him stuff - let alone spoil him
Especially if it is something meaningful that he didn't even ask for
He needs love
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He thinks you a very intriguing
And what's more: not only are you pretty, you have money too
While he is genuinly interested in you beyond your wealth...it would come in handy for him
I think he'd mostly ignore the feelings part and first pursue (manipulate) you to get the money
Now, whether you call him out on it or not at some point, he will stay with you (keep you) regardless of the money
As in: he won't stop pursuing you, if you do call him out
He'll just dial down the manipulation
(Or be more sneaky with it)
When he's finally dating you, he turns into a more...not-interested-in-your-money partner.
Thinks you two are a dream couple - both of you come of as apathetic
Imagine how many poor souls (victims of his) you two could terrify
Definitely fit to be next to him as god
Beautiful and cruel
Most importantly: apathetic and thus unreachable
He doesn't mind you being spoiled: as long as he has the means to, he'll buy you anything regardless of your household
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Kinda put off and intrigued at the same time
Don't get him wrong - you are hot af in his eyes
But I think he has a kind of love and hate relationship with that type of person
He loves your confidence
He hates that there is a bit of arrogance in your air?
He understands it as arrogance anyways: the out of touch with reality etc
With his childhood...it just doesn't sit right with him
I think you guys will have a bit of an enemies to lovers arc
Constantly arguing
And after some time aggressively making out
Good for you, tbh
The moment you're a bit more down to earth and only apathetic to other people
You are the classiest couple out there
Both rich, both attractive
Honestly the type that everyone just stares after in awe
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hanemiso · 3 years
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-> PART ONE (dazai and atsushi)
SYNOPSIS; what the boys do when you have a nightmare.
GENRE; scenarios, fluff
CHARACTERS; chuuya, akutagawa
A/N; alright here’s the PM boys for you :D pls forgive me i'm writing these while very tired so they may be shit. also akutagawa's is the longest because i like making him feel conflicted with his emotions okay bye-
WARNINGS; probably not accurate depictions of what it’s like to have a nightmare
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Chuuya found sleeping next to you to be the most rewarding thing to come home to. He found solace in the way you'd curl into him, bringing the light in his darkest nights. Even if he couldn't sleep, Chuuya relaxed just by watching the cute expressions you make in your sleep. With the way you smiled, Chuuya wondered if you were dreaming of him. Not that he'd admit it, though.
Chuuya enjoyed falling asleep with you in his arms, but sometimes he found more comfort drifting off in yours. There was nothing quite like the warmth of your hold, it remained as the one place Chuuya felt the most secure. Your heartbeat would sing his name like a personalized lullaby, only to play for him; it was his favorite tune.
Chuuya had his fair share of nightmares; it was to be expected from a man of his status within his profession. It was different with you, though. Tonight was the first night Chuuya ever witnessed you fall into terror.
At the sound of your first whimper, Chuuya's eyes shot open. He was concerned and fully prepared to kill whichever bastard might've wandered into his home. Instead, he looked down to see your pain-stricken face. You gripped his shirt tightly as tears ran down your face. It was as if you were trying to hide from whatever assailant was in your dream, hiding your face in his chest and letting out another whimper.
Chuuya's heart twinged; he didn't like seeing you tremble like that. If there was a way Chuuya could take away your pain, he would. He promised you that. Regardless of the situation, Chuuya would do anything to see you smile.
In the woes of his sleepy state, Chuuya placed a kiss on the top of your head. The comfort of a kiss, acting as a blessing upon your dreams. Chuuya's arms came up to hold you close, one being used to gently stroke your hair.
"Shhhh, baby it's okay. You don't need to cry," Chuuya mumbled against your head.
He left a couple more kisses on the top of your head, continuing his ministrations until your cries grew quieter. Feeling your shoulders still tensed, Chuuya sighed. He was hoping it wouldn't come to this.
With the low rumble of his chest, Chuuya hummed a familiar tune. A melody to hold all your good memories, it was a song you had regarded as yours. Though raspy, Chuuya's hum soon relaxed your mind like thawing ice.
You slowly released his shirt, as well as the darkness that plagued your consciousness. A small smile spread across Chuuya's face as he pulled you closer, hoping that this time his heartbeat could serve as your peaceful lullaby.
Akutagawa doesn't sleep much. It's not very clear if it's a bout of insomnia, or just a general distrust of vulnerability; perhaps, it was both. Growing up in the slums, Akutagawa only saw sleep as a weakness; your vulnerability was on display for all, and fate was the only one who decided whether you'd awaken the next day.
Staying with you helped a bit, but not much. As Akutagawa grew to know you, he was more willing to share sides of himself he'd usually keep under wraps. Opening up felt more tense than being on guard, but he couldn't deny the way he felt towards you. He thought you were foolish to leave yourself open to him, but the negative thought never met his lips.
When Akutagawa did sleep, he dreamt of anything but sugarplums. Too often he awoke drenched in his own sweat and coughing from his heaved breaths. But there were some times when he wouldn't wake until morning, with a warmth enveloping his hand. He'd be afraid to move, not wanting to wake you-- but at that hesitance, Akutagawa would stared annoyedly at you. The effect you had on him was truly a nuisance.
That being said, Akutagawa was at a loss. As he stared at your trembling form, watching as ragged breaths drew from your lips, Akutagawa racked his brain for a solution. If it was a nightmare, he should just wake you up, right? But he knew of the trouble that came afterwards; it wasn't always easy succumbing to the facets of reality, especially after such a surreal, horrific scene. If he could do something about it then, while you're asleep, you wouldn't ever have to meet with the terrors of your conscience.
But what could he do? This was only the first time something of this nature happened to you instead of him. Akutagawa was rough around the edges; surely his methods of dealing with it would not put you at ease. That's when his mind wandered...what would you do?
He sighed, hesitantly reaching for your hand. Though quite stiffly, Akutagawa grabbed your hand gently. He could feel how cold and clammy your hands were, as if reflecting the way your mind was held in captivity. He wondered if this was the right thing to do; what if you couldn't feel him?
His thoughts came to a halt when he felt you squeeze his hand. Your scrunched up face was ever so slowly relaxing. Akutagawa felt a bit of relief as he started rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb. He wasn't used to comforting people; in fact, he never cared enough to. But, watching your features melt into serenity made Akutagawa feel...accomplished. His chest felt weird, and he didn't know how to describe it. All he knew was that he wasn't going to let go yet.
Through your own vulnerability, you reminded Akutagawa that he was needed. Rather than bringing terror into the hearts of everyone, he was able to give you peace. And with that, Akutagawa was slowly learning more about himself, and more about you too.
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TAGLIST; @anotakugardener @qupiidx @pcytheeve @spacedoutcoffeebeans @darlingimawitch @kiougy @sonder-paradise @allisonlol @nameless-shrimp @ravenina14 @jessbeinme15 @rirk-ke @beomluvrr @pompompurin1028 @nullified-kiss @sebtomm @missrown @jadegreenimmortality @chuuyasboots @scul-pted @yoriyoimiya @tamakislover @irethepotato
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sxlver-sweet · 3 years
Chuuya would be the type of guys to pour his wine all over your naked body and lick it. He's just so thirsty and you and wine are his favourite things in the world. It would be a Friday night; he would take his Saturday off. His goal is to get drunk only with the wine on your body. He doesn't care how many times you cum -because obviously he would pour a lot of it on your pussy- and just... get tipsy like that. He would use his ability to prevent you from moving too, because he doesn't want you to make the wine fall, it would be a waste. :(
Akutagawa (senpai) would be the type of guys to be so fucking cold with you but he's just so needy at the end of the day. He would scold you if you did something wrong on a mission, and you would feel so bad but the way he fucks you late at night shows how your work doesn't matter when it comes to you & him. He would definitely use Rashomon too, taking advantage of your dazed state to make it nibble at your clit when he's deep inside you.
Dazai... yes bondage. I'm sure he's 100% into exhibitionism too. He's such a tease and never seems serious so you keep playing with him because your boy won't do anything to you, all jokes right? He would wait for everyone to leave the office, and would tie you in your chair, your legs parted wide enough for him to be at ease between them. You would stress so much because it wasn't uncommon for Kunikida to come back at night :( but Dazai couldn't care less so he's slowly fucking you, your moans so loud it makes him shiver. The day after you don't understand why but Kunikida is all red whenever you're around. Little did you know..., he never left the night before.
yes yes yes yes yes YES YES YES YES YES YES YES
CHUUYA'S HAS ME SCREAMING. he would start out by slowly tipping the bottle over your chest, lips quirked into a satisfied smirk as he presses your tits together to let the wine coalesce and trickle down your cleavage. quelling the urge to lick it off your skin as soon as possible, he'd flatten his tongue against your soft flesh, gazing directly into your eyes as he laps up the garnet stream trickling down the valley of your breasts. his self-restraint wouldn't be nearly as stable watching the wine drip off your clit and dribble down your slit to pool on the marble counter he has you perched upon. head buzzing from the alcohol he licked off your chest and from the view of his perfect girlfriend so exposed before him, he's sloppy as he slurps the wine off your cunt. his tie is stuffed in your mouth to silence your whines, his ability paralyzing your muscles so that the impulsive twitches of your body don't accidentally cause the wine to run off your skin before he can lick it up. the only proof you have that he’s acknowledged your muffled sobs of overstimulation are the hands smoothing over your calves and the soft kisses he occasionally breaks away to place just below your belly button—small signs of reassurance that he understands your jumbled pleas but is going to indulge himself just a little bit more before he allows you to rest.
the only reason AKUTAGAWA is so hard on you is because he’s already witnessed his fair share of death and doesn’t want you to experience an untimely end. but… his eyes are just so cold and unforgiving when he chastises you that you have to actively fight the compulsion to wither beneath his gaze. you always feel as if you’ve disappointed him, and the mere thought gnaws away at your chest. that’s why you get so emotional when he makes love to you at night, both of your bodies entangled and his head buried in the crook of your neck as he thrusts deeply into you. sometimes, tears of guilt well up in your eyes at the unconditional passion communicated through his ministrations despite you having fallen short of his expectations. sometimes, flames of indignation swell in your chest at the idea of him having the audacity to be so intimate with you after having held you at an icy distance a few hours prior. but, no matter how you may feel, you know that he cares for you and simply cannot afford to jeopardize his reputation for the sake of preserving your feelings. if the throaty groans frequently asking you how you feel aren’t enough proof, then surely the unmistakable reverence harbored within his dark eyes as he caresses your cheek with a tentative, feather-light touch is suitable evidence. it’s why you never reject him, why you loop your arms around his neck and whisper that you love him, why you let him melt into you each and every night. you know he loves you, and a few mistakes aren’t going to change that.
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sirenascales · 3 years
-> double black [final part] 18+
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-> Chuuya x 1stPOV!F!Reader x Dazai
-> Who knew getting fired from work could lead to this?
-> Content: SMUT, slight angst, violence, murder, swearing
Let's end this with a bang, shall we? Also, let's not cry too much, okay? [Chuuya x 1stPOV!F!Reader x Dazai]
4,004 words
warning: SMUT, double vaginal penetration, oral [M], face fucking, slight degradation, passing out, emotions in the end
note:  we're finally done! thanks to everyone who took the time to read my silly story! I truly hope this brought you some type of joy and entertainment! I would appreciate some final feedback now that we are finished. Please dont be shy 🥺❤
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Final || Masterlist
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I couldn't help the deep sigh that left from behind my lips as strong hands massaged my back, my body relaxing on the comfortable massage bed. A floral, relaxing scent wafted through my nose, further relaxing me.
"Your body is so tense," a soft, feminine voice said and I hummed in response, eyes closing as the person's hands continued to massage me. "Don't worry, I'll have you all better by the end."
I just hummed again, letting my mind wander as the masseuse massaged my muscles. If she noticed the bruises and bite marks left on my skin, she didn't say anything, just massaging them a little more carefully.
The night before... just thinking back to it made me chew on my bottom lip, remembering how both Chuuya and Dazai thoroughly fucked me deep into the night. They basically turned me inside out, pulling orgasm after orgasm from my body, using me in any which way to please them until I was a fucked out, shaking mess, lying on my back staring blankly at the ceiling.
I can hear their laughter still in my head, the dirty words they whispered still fresh in my mind. Can still feel their rough fingers digging into my flesh, in my mouth, inside me, pulling me into new heights over and over again until I was basically brain dead.
Last night was the first night in days that I had actually gotten some sleep, having woken up refreshed, yet still sore just this morning. It took a bit to get up and walk around, searching for clothes only to remember that I didn't even pack a bag when Chuuya brought me to the penthouse.
"You won't need it," Chuuya told me, sitting at the bar and sipping some tea. He only wore his pants, his shirtless form making me flustered a bit.
"I can't walk around naked, you know. What if I need to leave the penthouse?" I huffed, earning a laugh from Dazai, who was still cuddled up in the blankets.
"You're not leaving, bella~"
I scoffed. "Shouldn't you be at work?"
"I took vacation time."
Dazai just grinned at me and I rolled my eyes. I can just hear Kunikida bursting a blood vessel at this very moment. I shook my head, feeling Chuuya come up and hug me from behind, kissing on my neck softly.
"You won't be leaving," he confirmed Dazai's statement and I shivered slightly. "The masseuse will be here in an hour, so eat breakfast. I felt just how tight and tense your body was last night."
"We need you to be nice and pliable~" Dazai sang and I scoffed, my face heating up.
"Horn dogs..." I grumbled, Chuuya letting me go. After a much needed shower and breakfast, there was a knock on the door and now here I was, the very skilled masseuse kneading out every tight knot in my body.
"Thank you," Chuuya told the masseuse after finishing the session with me. He handed her a fat wad of cash and as she headed out the penthouse, more than pleased with the large tip.
"... and you really think you don't scream 'sugar daddy'?" I asked him, earning a huff and a glare from the red head. Dazai snickered, arm wrapping around my loose body. He led me over to the bar to join Chuuya and I sat on the stool. There was a bit of a silence and I took a look at the two of them before I set my hands on the bar.
"Okay," I started. "Let's talk."
"Ohhh, exciting," Dazai hummed, grabbing the whiskey and pouring himself a glass. "Now that things have finally settled down, I guess it's finally time to have this conversation."
Chuuya was confused. "What conversation?"
"What else? This," I gestured between the three of us. "Us."
"... aren't we just what, fuck buddies? Hell, we were only supposed to have a one night stand!"
"Yet, here we are, Chuuya."
"That's what happens when you have good pussy," Dazai remarked and I gasped, completely scandalized as my face heated up.
"What, it's true!"
"Ugh, even if we are just fuck buddies, we have to set boundaries! Expectations!" I exclaimed. "We haven't used condoms, we know Dazai is a little thot-" 
"Don't laugh, Chuuya, you are way too pretty to not be gettin' some."
"Well, if it makes you feel better, you're the only one I've been sleeping with," Dazai admitted and I narrowed my eyes at him.
"I don't know if I believe you."
"But it's true! Whose bed have I been in the most recently?"
"I... well, you have a point."
"And you're the first I've had in a while," Chuuya admitted himself. "I had a lot of things going on."
I nodded my head in understanding, fiddling with my thumbs a bit. "Well... I just want us to be safe. And well, you know, happy so... I don't mind... keeping things how they are now. You know, casual..." I was getting a bit flustered.
"I don't have a problem with it," Dazai said with a shrug.
"Of course you don't," Chuuya huffed. "But fine. It'll be better if feelings don't get involved anyway."
"Oh, most definitely," I agreed with a nod of my head. "And if anyone wants out, then that's okay."
"Oh bella, I don't think that's happening anytime soon," Dazai hummed, finishing his whiskey. He set the glass down, capturing my gaze with his heated eyes and I gasped softly. I then felt my hair being pushed to the side and I bit my lip as Chuuya pressed up against me, kissing on my neck.
"Wait-" I gasped, watching as Dazai stood up from his stool, already pulling off his shirt. "We need to-"
"Talking is over," Chuuya whispered, easily pulling me off the stool. We followed Dazai back towards the bed, it was made with fresh, clean sheets. My mind immediately wandered back to the night before and a chill went down my spine.
It didn't take long for things to get heated, me now sandwiched between them standing at the foot of the bed. My hands were in Chuuya's hair as we kissed, his hands going to undo the robe I was in. The soft material fell to the ground and from behind, Dazai cupped my breasts in his hands, leaving hot, open mouth kisses on my neck.
Dazai's fingers pinched and pulled at my nipples, while Chuuya pushed his hand between my legs, fingers finding my clit. I gasped when he started to rub circles on it, his free arm wrapping around my waist to keep me still.
"You're so wet already," Chuuya whispered against my lips and I whined softly.
"Are you surprised?" Dazai asked, his voice dark yet teasing. "Our dirty little girl is always ready for us to just... take her. Is that right?"
He had asked me and I whimpered softly, nodding my head as I bit my lip to keep me from moaning loudly as Chuuya pushed two fingers inside my wet pussy. Dazai tutted, Chuuya snickering a bit as Dazai grabbed me by my hair, yanking my head back. I cried out, Dazai hissing in my ear.
"I thought we taught you yesterday. Use your fucking words."
"Yes!" I cried out, Chuuya slowly fucking his fingers into me, making it harder for me to talk. I knew I had to answer, but the way that his fingers curled into me made it oh so difficult. No fair. "Yes... 'm so wet for you... I always want you..."
"And why is that?" Chuuya asked, curling his fingers again, Dazai reaching around to rub on my clit as he mouthed along my neck.
"Cause!" I squealed. "I'm- I'm a whore... your whore... your subordinate..."
The men cursed and I found myself thrown onto the bed, only getting a quick second to gather my thoughts before they were on me, Dazai now kissing me deeply while Chuuya kissed along on my chest, taking one of my nipples into his mouth. I moaned in pleasure, squeezing my thighs together, only for both men to reach and spread my legs open.
"Don't fucking hide your pussy from me," Chuuya growled and I whimpered and nodded, crying out when Dazai pushed two of his long fingers into me.
It wasn't long until I found myself on my hands and knees, Chuuya fucking me from behind while Dazai held a tight grip on my head, fucking my mouth. My moans were muffled, the two men moaning, hissing and cursing from their own pleasure.
"I don't know which I like better, your pussy or this hot fucking mouth," Dazai hissed down at me, thrusting his cock deep into my throat then going still, almost making me gag as he made my mouth cockwarm him. "That's right, savor it..."
"Definitely love this pussy, so fucking tight..." Chuuya grunted, hands digging into my hips as he continued to fuck me, the feeling of my walls convulsing around him bringing him near his orgasm. "Fuck, dollface... it's like you were made for us, made for me." He moved his hand around to start rubbing at my clit, my moans and screams muffled by Dazai's cock.
Tears were already running down my face, the vibration from my moans making Dazai tilt his head back as he groaned deeply. Chuuya only had to fuck into me a bit longer before my orgasm rushed through me, my eyes rolling back and my toes curling as I tightened impossibly hard around him. Dazai quickly pushed my head away from him, and I knew it was because I was so close to unconsciously biting him.
"Fuck!" Chuuya quickly pulled out, beginning to stroke his cock himself, when I suddenly shouted.
"Inside! Please!"
Not even thinking about it, Chuuya plunged right back inside of me, pressing me down onto the bed with his hands on my back. His thrusts were almost wild, rough with reckless abandon and I sobbed, clawing into the bed sheets until I found what felt like someone's thigh, clinging onto it.
Feeling Chuuya cum deep inside of me triggered yet another orgasm for me and my mouth was wide open in a silent scream. I barely registered Dazai's hand cupping my jaw, his other stroking his cock until he came right into my gaping mouth.
"Oh fuck, bella... c'mon, swallow it all..." Dazai cooed, closing my mouth for me, wiping my tears away as I did as he told me. I opened my mouth to show him and he smiled slightly. "That's a good girl..."
"Fuck... that was intense..." Chuuya breathed out, lying on his back as I slowly sat up on the bed, catching my breath. My body shook, my mind still hazing as I looked over the two of them. At the sight of blood on Dazai's thigh, my jaw dropped.
"Oh no, I'm sorry..." I whispered, seeing just how hard I dug my nails into his skin.
Dazai just chuckled, waving his hand dismissively as he made himself comfortable against the headboard. "Don't worry about it, bella."
"If you're that worried, then come make it up to me. Come sit on this cock."
A chill goes down my spine, but I was already moving to crawl over to him, straddling him and sinking down right on his cock. I gasped sharply, still feeling a bit sensitive but I took it like a champ, trembling on Dazai's lap. Immediately I start to slowly ride him, hands on his shoulders. My head tilted back, eyes closed as I moaned softly.
Dazai just gazed at me, a fond look on his face. The look went away as he looked over at Chuuya, his lips curling up just a bit. "Hey Chuuya..."
"Ugh, what, you bastard?" Chuuya grunted, lifting his head up to look over at us. He watched as Dazai stopped me, squeezing on my ass before he spread my cheeks apart, exposing more of how my pussy swallowed his cock. "Why don't you join us?"
I immediately tense up in his lap, Chuuya's jaw dropping just a bit at the suggestion. He listened to Dazai coo in my ear, hands now rubbing on my back.
"Wouldn't you like two cocks stuffing that pussy, bella?" he hummed, squeezing on my ass again. "Mm, even Chuuya likes that idea, he's hard again."
Chuuya blushed. "Well, who wouldn't be after hearing that?" he scoffed, noticing me looking over my shoulder to look at him, and his cock.
I bit my lip, my mind running at forty thousand miles an hour. The thought of both Dazai and Chuuya stuffing my pussy full of their cock honestly made my heart race, my body shaking as I got so aroused. There was no other answer to be said, and I slowly nodded my head.
A tut. "Words, bella."
"Yes... Yes please. I want you both to fuck me at the same time... I want you to ruin me..."
"Fuck," Chuuya cursed. "You're gonna be the fucking death of me, I hope you know that, dollface."
Dazai laughed, watching Chuuya rummage in the bedside drawer and producing a bottle of lubricant. "Our Chuuya, always so prepared!"
"Oh, shut up, bastard!" Chuuya shouted, climbing back onto my bed and positioning himself behind me. I tensed up again and he huffed, gently kissing on my neck. "You need to relax, dollface. We'll take care of you."
"Hmm," Dazai hummed in agreement, giving me a sweet kiss as Chuuya started to coat his cock with the lubricant. "Relax, it will feel good."
I nodded again, kissing Dazai as a way to distract myself as Chuuya started to rub some extra lube on my pussy. Dazai deepened the kiss, making me moan lightly as I felt Chuuya finally press the head of his cock against my entrance. I took a deep breath, Dazai kissing down on my neck as Chuuya slowly pushed inside of me.
"Fuck..." Chuuya gasped out breathlessly, shuddering deeply as he continued to push in slowly. My head was tilted back, a far away look in my eyes as my mouth hung open. It was like nothing I've ever felt before, so full, so fucking tight and intense. Chuuya pressed his forehead against my shoulder, breathing heavily as he finally bottomed out.
Dazai was just as affected, his eyes glazed over, his bottom lip caught in his teeth as he breathed heavily. "Shit... I could die like this," he whispered. "H-how are you, bella..."
"I..." I stumbled, whimpering when Chuuya shifted just a bit, all three of us hissing as he did so. "Fuck, it feels so good..."
Chuuya was the first to move, slowly pulling himself out before pushing back in. My walls around him, his cock rubbing against Dazai's, it was all too much and Chuuya found him struggling to keep himself in check.
Dazai slowly started to thrust on his own, our breaths coming out strained and haggard as they started to figure out a rhythm to keep. Soon, our moans and grunts sounded about the room, my whines and high pitched squeals ripping from my mouth while they both fucked me so deep, their mouths on any part of my body they can reach.
The headboard thudded against the wall with each thrust, sweat dripping down our bodies. No surprise that tears start to flow down my face, their hands squeezing my body. A hand grabs my face and Chuuya turns my head to kiss me deeply, our tongues swirling around each other as another tongue laps at my nipples.
"Fuck, bella, do you know how fucking beautiful you are," Dazai gasped out against my chest. I only whined, their thrusts becoming a bit more rough, the sounds of skin slapping against skin getting louder, as well as our moans and cries.
"Please... please, it feels so good!" I cried out, tossing my head against Chuuya's head, my hands gripping Dazai's shoulders tightly. "I feel so full..."
"Full of our cocks, huh?" Chuuya groaned. "Fucking you so good... you look so fucking pretty right now, so fucking dirty..."
"Like the whore you are," Dazai continued, smirking.
"Y-your whore..." I mumbled, biting on my lip. "Oh... God... I'm gonna come..."
That only seemed to spur them on, as their thrusts became rougher, their breaths labored as they squeezed my body tight as they fucked me nice and deep. My eyes screwed shut, another cry leaving my lips as the dam finally broke, orgasm tearing through me as my whole body just went rigid, walls convulsing and tightening around them as my vision went white. I just barely registered them cumming inside me when suddenly, my vision went dark.
I was on my back when I suddenly came to and I stared up at the ceiling in confusion, trying to remember what the fuck happened.
"Hey, are you okay?" A gentle finger along my cheek made me jolt and I looked over to find Chuuya lying beside me on the bed, worried look on his face. "You passed out on us."
I was stunned. "I did? For how long?"
"Just a few minutes," Dazai answered, still naked as he walked over to the bed, handing me a bottle of water before climbing into the bed on the other side of me. "Drink that. We're gonna order room service soon."
"I..." I was still stunned, even as I downed half of the bottle of water. "That has never happened before..."
"It was just a bit too intense," Chuuya said, still keeping a gentle hand on me. "Scared the crap out of us."
I frowned. "Sorry..."
Chuuya chuckled softly, kissing my cheek. "Don't be. Somehow, I feel quite smug about this."
I snorted, Dazai just laughing as he shot Chuuya a look.
"Better to make them pass out than to put them to sleep?" he taunted and Chuuya immediately reacted, vein popping on his forehead.
"I have never put anyone to sleep! At least not in the bad way!"
"Yeah, Chuuya is no way boring in bed," you interjected and Dazai whined.
"Bella, I was just having fun!"
I stuck out my tongue at him, Chuuya grumbling in annoyance. He glared at Dazai, scoffing again before he reached over to the nightstand for the room service menu. Chuuya soon made the order for us, and we still lazed around in the bed, honestly not willing to move.
Then a thought came into my head and I groaned. "Fuck. We still have five more days." I slapped my forehead, making the two men burst out laughing.
"Don't think you passing out will stop our plans, dollface," Chuuya teased, kissing my neck and I shied away from him, only to find myself in Dazai's arms as he kissed all over my face.
"This is just a much needed break," he hummed happily, making me roll my eyes. Even if I didn't admit it, I was looking forward to what was next for us, and my poor body.
"Does this place have a hot tub?" I asked and Chuuya nodded.
"They do. And they are private." The implications in his tone made my face get hot and I coughed. They laughed and I just couldn't believe how high of a sex drive they had. Even so, I had no room to talk, considering I was probably no better. And that was okay.
"Can we break for the rest of today?" I then asked them and they shrugged.
"All you have to do is ask," Dazai replied, sending a teasing grin Chuuya's way. "Besides, now I can finally hang with my best bud."
"Oh cut the crap, Dazai," Chuuya growled in response. "As if I'll be friends with a bastard like you."
"Yeah... being friends with someone with horrible shoe taste totally isn't cool. Especially if he wears a stupid hat."
"My hat is not stupid!"
The two continued to argue, their clear dislike for each other making me sigh. I just ignored them, pulling on my robe and getting ready to receive the room service for when it arrives.
Could I survive five more days of...this?
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"I'm gonna miss you so much," I whispered as I hugged my best friend tightly, feeling my eyes start to sting. The loud, busy bustle of the airport continued around us, folks from all walks of life coming and going. I pulled back from the hug, giving Keiko a wide, watery smile.
She wiped my tears away, her own tears threatening to fall. "Don't cry, honey. I'll be back before you know it."
As Keiko told me before, she was going away on an extended trip, and will be gone for six months, even longer. She needed to get out of Japan and go to a place where she could heal and find herself again, and Japan was not the place for that.
Just the thought of not having my best friend with me brought fresh tears to my eyes and I hugged her again. Keiko hugged me back just as tightly, the dam finally breaking and tears falling down her beautiful face.
"Thank you so much. For everything," she whispered, her voice trembling. "You saved my life. I will forever be indebted to you."
"No, Keiko," I pulled back again, shaking my head. "You are not. You will not be tied down to someone again, not even me."
Keiko frowned. "But-"
"Just get better," I told her firmly. "Heal. Become a better Keiko. Come back bigger and better than ever. That is how you can repay me." I smiled at her, reaching up to wipe her tears away. Her big eyes shone with tears and emotions, her lips quivering as she cupped my face.
"I'm gonna miss you so much," she said softly. "I love you."
I laughed softly, putting my hand over hers. "I love you too, Keiko. I am just a phone call away and I'll be here whenever you need me."
Keiko smiled wide, still cupping my face and I was surprised when she leaned in and pressed a soft kiss right on my lips. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped as Keiko pulled away, giggling behind her hand.
"What was-"
"I'll be back in a blink of an eye," Keiko said, picking up her carry on bag. "And we're gonna have sooooo much catching up to do, so you better be ready! And please, don't get pregnant."
I gaped at her and Keiko laughed loudly. It made my heart race, that small glimpse of the old Keiko making me even more emotional. She waved at me one last time before turning and walking towards security. I watched as she went through, holding back my tears until she finally disappeared.
I took a deep breath, wiping the tears off my face before I turned to finally make my way out of the airport. I had come alone, just wanting to have this moment alone with Keiko. I didn't like the thought of being alone, but I knew that Keiko needed this more than anything, and I was proud of her for making such a huge decision. Besides, we could always facetime, so it's not like I'll be truly alone.
Getting into the taxi I had flagged down, I reached into my purse to grab my phone, gaping when my one messaging app showed over 100+ notifications. Opening it, I snorted a laugh when I realized it was because of Dazai and Chuuya fighting in the group chat I forced them to join. I sent in a short message before putting my phone away, shaking my head.
Yeah, with those two, I truly wouldn't be alone. I did worry for my sanity though, but that was something I worried about before I even moved to Japan. I took a glance into the rearview mirror of the taxi, not surprised to see in my reflection angry tears going down my face, even though my face was completely dry.
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->The End
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