#and fellowship of the ring is so dear to me!!!
glitterghost · 8 months
Lord of the Rings is just so healing.
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lightthewaybackhome · 8 months
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thedeadthree · 2 years
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ADDA (pathfinder: km) / ADEMARTA (pathfinder: wotr)
SÉRËDHIEL (lotr) / LIOSLAITH (dungeons and dragons)
HANNA (dc) / VIANNE (vtm)
the darlings @chuckhansen, @risingsh0t, @marivenah and @leviiackrman tagged me to make a few of the girls in this loveliest picrew! ty so much! <3
TAGGING: @griffin-wood, @blackreaches, @queennymeria, @adelaidedrubman, @florbelles, @dihardys, @jackiesarch, @belorage, @aartyom, @stormveils, @confidentandgood, @aceghosts, @multiverse-of-themind, @roofgeese and you!
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wulfhalls · 3 months
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And thus it was. A fourth age of middle-earth began. And the fellowship of the ring though eternally bound by friendship and love... was ended. Thirteen months to the day since Gandalf sent us on our long journey we found ourselves looking upon a familiar sight. We were home. How do you pick up the threads of an old life? How do you go on when in your heart you begin to understand there is no going back? There are some things that time cannot mend some hurts that go too deep that have taken hold. Bilbo once told me his part in this tale would end... that each of us must come and go in the telling. Bilbo's story was now over. There would be no more journeys for him... save one. My dear Sam. You cannot always be torn in two. You will have to be one and whole for many years. You have so much to enjoy and to be and to do. Your part in the story will go on.
the lord of the rings: the return of the king (2003) dir. peter jackson
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edges-of-night · 1 year
Hello! I was wondering if I could request something? Fellowship x reader where the reader gets injured in a battle or something and confessed their feelings before passing out… and when they wake up they find out their feelings r returned 🤭 I love ur requests they r so very cute! Thank u!
That was such a lovely request to write, nonnie! I’m really sorry you had to wait for it so long. Also, thank you for your kind words!
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・゚✧ Aragorn.
Initially, Aragorn would not treat you much differently after your recovery – so much so that you start wondering if you actually confessed your feelings to him or hallucinated that whole part. But all Aragorn wants to do is find the right moment to talk to you. Once he does, he’d gently take your hands in his and tell you how much you mean to him – and that your feelings are in fact reciprocated! Confessing your love first gave him the courage to do the same. “I am not well versed in these fields. But I hope I can show you my heart just as bluntly as you did yours.”
・゚✧ Boromir.
Boromir would not be around when you wake up. The others tell you he was simply shocked by your passing out and that he needed time to adjust and would be overjoyed to hear you’re fine – but you suspect it would be something else that scared him away. You’d find him pondering in a lone corner, afraid of how he’ll react to seeing you again – only to see his hardened face light up when your eyes meet his – and then he’d rush to kiss you! “I’ve been a fool for not understanding it sooner. Forgive me…!” ♡
・゚✧ Frodo.
I like to think that out of the Fellowship, Frodo would be the most mature to handle your love confession. After all, he knows your injuries aren’t lethal and worries not about what happens next, since he is very clear in his own feelings. After you wake up, he greets you with a smile, takes your hand to make sure you’re fine – and lowers his voice to say, “I’ll call the others right away. But before that, I need you to remember the last thing you said to me. I feel the same.” He’d give you the cutest smile, shining all the way up to his blue eyes.
・゚✧ Gandalf.
Gandalf, being the one who tried to heal you in the moment you passed out, tries ignoring your dramatic love confession and silently urges the others to forget what they overheard. That said, he is very flattered – after all, he’s been enamoured with you for a while now. Still, his romance is quiet and subdued. He’d sit next to you with a smile when you wake up. At first, you thought his behaviour was unchanged – until he ends his sentences toward you with “darling” or “my dear”. There is a playful spark in his eyes that tells you everything you need to know. (Eventually, he would also spell out ‘I love you too’ in fireworks or butterflies!)
・゚✧ Gimli.
Gimli stays with you during your recovery, guarding your bed day and night, so dutifully that the others need to remind him of eating. Once you wake up, you’d meet his soft eyes, only to watch them harden when you try to speak to him: “Don’t do that again! Ever!” – “What? Talk to you…?” – “Scare me like that!” he corrects, grumbling into his beard. “What’s a lad supposed to do when his sweetheart passes out in his arms?” You smile blissfully as you understand and offer him a hug that Gimli more than eagerly returns!
・゚✧ Legolas.
Legolas is entirely stumped when you pass out after that dramatic “I love you”. There is a frown on his pretty face for the next few hours, waiting for you to wake up again. When you do, you’re terribly embarrassed by the way he’s staring at you through his Elven eyes. He’d fixate you and ask, “Did you mean it? What you said to me?” You’d blush and retort that yes, of course you meant it – and that is enough to make his bright smile and joy return. “What a relief! I feared that if it had been but a fever, my reciprocation would ring false, or sound like a mockery. Please know it’s nothing but the truth!” And he’d take your hands and lean in for a quick and happy kiss!
・゚✧ Merry.
At first, Merry would not believe what he heard just before you passed out. During your recovery, he retreats into dark corners to think and rationalise – people say all kinds of stupid things when they thought they were about to die, right? You couldn’t possibly be in love with him – not when there are so many other people – taller people – all around you. So, imagine his surprise when you do ask him for a private conversation after waking up, to set everything straight. Only Merry doesn’t accept your apology. “What’s there to apologise for? You said what you felt in that moment. It’s not like I didn’t like what I heard, I feel the same, after all…” And then, you both share an ‘oh!’ moment before you laugh and fall into the other’s arms!
・゚✧ Pippin.
Pippin would initially be overwhelmed by your confession and subsequent passing out. However, he’s positive you’ll be fine, firmly believing that no matter how important, these matters needn’t be so dramatic. He’d treat you as casually as always after your recovery, though you can’t deny there is a spring in his steps and a smile on his face whenever you’re talking. You now know that your feelings are returned, and yet you still blush when he tells you over a shared bowl of strawberries: “I don’t think I’ve told you yet, but I love you, too! Very much so! I’ve thought of a few different pet names to call you, but I wanted to clarify that first. So, just tell me which one you like best…”
・゚✧ Sam.
Sam would not leave your side, no matter how long you were passed out. Whenever someone would try and tear him away, he’d explain that he has something very important to discuss with you when you wake up. He would practice romantic speeches and poems to recite for you, really thinking the whole thing through – only to remain absolutely speechless when your eyes do meet his. After your initial greeting – “Thank goodness you’re alive!” – he’d just hold your hand and ask you to stay with him ♡
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spxllcxstxr · 28 days
Being a Maia Witch and in the Fellowship • Headcanon
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(Gif not mine)
Request: Hi, if you're taking requests, can I get headcanons for the Fellowship? The reader is a Maia witch and is sort of a colleague of Gandalf's but he's also a bit of a mentor. Just interested to see how you think everyone would interact with the reader :) thank you so much and I hope you stay safe, happy, and healthy — anon
Warnings: reader is one of the blue wizards, mostly gender neutral though you are called a witch, mix of book and movie canon
A.N: Thank you so much for your kind words! I hope you enjoy these hcs, I really enjoy writing about the fellowship!
Since stepping foot on Middle Earth you had always been a wanderer
Of course you had spent time with the other Maiar; though you had your own specialized magic, Gandalf mentored you a lot
You always felt closer to Radagast the Brown; he cared deeply about nature and the living world that you lived in
You had been known to almost vanish for years at a time, exploring some deep cavern or somewhere high in mountains, it was always on a whim
You were elusive--all the races of Middle Earth had their own names and tall tales about you
But as the Age of the Elves starts to dwindle you start to ease down on the amount of adventures you have
Until your dear old friend Gandalf the Grey shows up on your doorstep out of breath with and almost crazed look in his eyes
A hobbit has the One Ring
So much for not traveling
You join the Fellowship at the Council of Elrond--no one opposes having another magical being in their midst
You try to get to know the other members better, it has been some time since you have interacted with people so your communication skills are a little rusty
Gandalf trusts you, of course, he is thrilled you have agreed to join them
He confides in you about the quest and the situation; things he would not tell the others
You two understand each other in a way no one else in the Fellowship can
The two of you, to fill the time, talk about your own travels and the history of Middle Earth
"You have been gone for too long, (Y/n), Middle Earth has suffered in your absence."
"Oh Gandalf, I needed to see everything before it was too late."
Boromir is a little wary of you, in Gondor they believe your presence is a bad omen since you do not show yourself too frequently near Minas Tirith
He warms up to you while travelling to the Mines of Moria because you and Gandalf exerted so much power trying to save them
"You are not the ill portent my father has talked about, witch. Why did you avoid Minas Tirith for so long?"
Aragorn has probably seen glimpses of you throughout his life and because of his travels he has heard many stories about you
Honestly he's very intrigued and asks many questions about what you have seen
He really trusts you almost immediately, you were welcomed in Rivendell, showing that Elrond trusted you
In Lothlorien Galadriel also holds you in high esteem, she's surprised you're in the Fellowship; not because you do not care about the fate of Middle Earth, but because you never tend to stay in one place long
"You must guide me, (Y/n). With Gandalf lost...I cannot proceed without council..."
Legolas is all over you--endless questions about the world and the time that has passed, but in like a subdued manner
He trusts you, though in recent years your reputation has been tarnished by his father, who is of the thought that you and the other wizards should have helped them fight against the spiders. He believes the Greenwood fell to darkness due to the negligence of the wizards
"Do you believe the Greenwood will be cured after we destroy the Ring, (Y/n)? I have missed my home..."
Gimli goes through the motions of meeting a witch only a handful of people have encountered in your lifetime
He's the one that discovered your sense of humor and loves joking with you
You ask him about recent dwarven culture, dwarves are wary of outsiders so it has been a while since you have seen their tools and creations
"Just you wait, lass, what we have created is unlike anything you have ever seen!"
Merry is genuinely delighted that you joined them
He feels a lot safer with two wizards, even if you’re not that experienced with fighting
Merry trusts your judgement and certainly looks for your approval just like he does with Gandalf
(Also please show him magic he loves Gandalf’s fireworks and he wants to see what else magic can do since Gandalf doesn’t really show anyone that stuff)
“Can you make Boromir’s shield disappear, (Y/n)? Or perhaps make Legolas’ hair a different color?”
Pippin is like Merry on crack
He wants to know every little detail about everything but at the same time he is chewing your ear off
Honestly he’s probably telling you his life story too
He enjoys your company, like Merry he feels a lot more secure in this quest and he also comes to see you as a friend
Wants to see your magic, even if you just create sparks at your fingertips
Probably your number one fan
“Can I see your staff (Y/n)? I promise not to use it to singe Gandalf’s beard!”
Sam is very shy around you and is very protective of Frodo
Sure Gandalf trusts you, but you’ve only ever been a fable in the Shire
He knows nothing about you, what have you been doing this entire time?
He does warm up to you, though, once you prove to him that you are truly there to help them succeed
Learns a lot about herbs from you, whether they be for cooking or medicine
“Tell me about the Elves, (Y/n). You must know so much about them. Rivendell was so beautiful…”
Frodo is highly suspicious of you for quite a while
It is mostly because he is afraid of the Ring and its influence
He doesn’t know you like he knows Gandalf so it takes him a bit to trust you
Bilbo has only told him rumors of you
It isn’t until Gandalf dies that he really starts looking to you for guidance
He takes to you mostly at night when everyone is asleep because he is away from prying eyes
“This quest leads me to my death, doesn’t it witch? I do not know how to even begin to understand that…”
Overall you guys learn to bond and grow together throughout the quest
You have never been so happy to be around people despite the circumstances, and you start to understand why Gandalf has always been so involved with the people of Middle Earth
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faeriichaii · 9 months
hiii! Hope you're doing well <3 if it's not much trouble could I request Legolas x reader where the ring fellowship one night stopped at some kind of inn to rest, and reader happens to be a musician that performed there that night and catches the interest of Legolas??you can make up the rest of the plot !Thank you 🫶🫶
Music to My Ears ~ Legolas x Reader
A/N: Hii thank you for asking I'm doing fine atm <33 I hope you're doing all right as well! Thank you so much for requesting!! I love the idea and I really hope you love the story :) Ngl I even listened to like some tavern ambience stuff to really get into the groove haha
⇢ ˗ˏˋ Warnings: fluff, mention of alcohol (Just a bit cause Gimli) ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Words: 1.3k ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Request: Yes (Thank you <33) ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ A'maelamin ~ My Beloved ࿐ྂ
Summary: A trip to the tavern results in you not just winning new fans over with your music, but also winning the heart of a certain elven prince.
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Rain was pouring down as you walked through the busy streets, trying to find your destination. Stopping in front of a wooden building, you look up towards the sign that read ‘The King’s Head’. Entering through the door, you were greeted by loud laughter and chatter from various customers, who sat at their tables to take a relaxing break after their hard days. You have been working as a musician for quite a while and moved from one place to another, making a name for yourself on the way. “Welcome to ‘The King’s Head’. What can I get ya?” A woman asked you, as she mustered you from head to toe with a smile. Realization dawned upon her as she started to recognize you. “Hello, I am here for the performance of the night. Do you maybe know where my room is, so I can leave my baggage there and prepare myself?” Nodding brightly, the woman walked behind the bar counter, got a set of keys and signed you to follow her up the stairs.
“(Y/N) it is an honour to have you play for us tonight!” You smile at her, before she started to open the door for you. “I am happy for the invitation to play my song in this lovely tavern.” At that the woman grins, handing you the keys and leaving you alone in the room. It was a small room with a small wooden bed on the right side and a bedside table. You put your bag on the bed, before taking out your violin, strumming it and playing a few notes before leaving the room. While walking out the door you bump into the back of someone. “Oh- Excuse me I didn’t watch where I was going.” You say, before continuing to walk down to start your performance, not noticing the gaze of a certain elven prince linger on your disappearing figure.
Taking your place on the small makeshift stage, the waitress from before appeared again. Clapping twice into her hands, she silences the tavern. Now that the attention was set on the both of you, she stepped aside a little to introduce you warmly. “Dear guests, please welcome the star of the night, (Y/N)!” Claps and cheers filled the space, as you put your violine in its right place and began with your most known song. People started to stand up, taking others hands and began to dance around happily while laughing and chatting with glee. Some even started to sing with you, almost as if they knew your songs by heart like you did.
Letting your gaze wander across the tavern, you notice an intriguing party at one of the tables. Four hobbits were dancing around the table, while a dwarf laughed loudly with a pint of ale in his hand. Beside him sat two men, one who you knew as the strider. You two once met in a tavern a few months ago and conversed for a bit, sharing stories of your adventures, leading you two to become somewhat acquaintances. However, the other man is unknown to you. His long white hair was braided at the sides, making him reveal his pointy ears. A smile spreads on your lips as you catch his eyes staring at you, making him quickly turn his attention towards his smaller companion.
After a few more songs you take a quick break, to hydrate yourself and grab some food that the waitress prepared for you. Looking around the full tavern, you spot an empty seat beside Aragorn and decide to approach the table. “Is this seat taken?” You ask him with your plate in one hand and the drink in the other. “Long time no see (Y/N). I see you have really made yourself a name.” He smiles at you, before pulling out the chair. “What brings you here on this stormy night Strider?” “We are on an important journey, however I can’t really tell you more.” You look around the table, stopping at the ethereal looking elf beside him.
“Let me introduce you to the company. The hobbits dancing around are Merry and Pippin. Big fans of yours apparently. And these two are Sam and Frodo.” The both opposite of you give you a small wave, before continuing to eat, meanwhile the two dancing around stand beside you with pleading eyes. “Are you going to perform ‘The Elfin Knight’? It’s one of our favourites!” “How can I say no, now that you have asked me so nicely.” You smile at them, before they skip away. “My half-drunk friend is called Gimli and this,” Aragorn stops a moment to scoot back with his chair, so you can clearly see the man beside him. “This is Legolas.” You smile at him softly. “Pleased to make your acquaintance (Y/N).” “The pleasure is all mine.” Staring into his brown eyes you notice a golden swirl around them, making them look like the purest form of jewels. “Legolas just told me how much he enjoyed the songs you played so far.” You giggle at the confession and see a gentle smile grace the elven princes beautiful face, making him look almost like an actual angel.
“I will grab something from the bar.” Aragorn says, before disappearing into the crowd of people. Taking the now empty spot beside you, Legolas leans towards you. “Your music is very capturing. Can you maybe even play a song from the elven realms?” “I’m sure I will be able to play a song just for you.” He chuckles at that, making your heart melt on the spot at the soft sound. “I hold you to that promise.” His hand delicately brushes against yours for a split second, making you feel just a little bit warmer. Focusing your gaze on his eyes once more, you gasp softly at the warmth that radiates from them. “You have really beautiful eyes.” You remark, melting at the way they crinkle when he lets out a light laugh. “I think your eyes might shine more like mine. They look like they could rival against any star in the dark night sky.” A pink tinge accompanies your face at his heartfelt compliment.
After you finished your dinner, as well as your lovely chat with the elf, you fulfilled the wishes of Merry, Pippin and Legolas with the last few songs of the night. Grabbing the money for your performance from the waitress, you prepare to go back to your room for the night. However, before you get a chance to leave, the elven prince approaches you once more. “I really loved your performance.” “Thank you very much. Does this mean I can count you as one of my admirers now?” You ask him teasingly. “I think I might actually now be your number one admirer.” He responses while taking your hand in his. “It is quite sad that your performance is already over and the chances are slim that you might want to join our company, right?” “Even if I wish to join you and your friends on the journey, I sadly can’t. I am not really good with weapons and won’t be of good use to you.” A slight sadness washes over his face, however it dissipates as quickly as it came. Suddenly he gently pulls your hand towards his lips, giving it a kiss. Heat floods your cheeks at the sweet gesture. “I hope to meet you again sometime A’maelamin.” With these last words, he leaves your side and takes a part of your heart with him.
Weeks pass and you are once again playing your songs in a small tavern in a new village. The newest edition of your songs called ‘A lovely pool of honey’ Your eyes travel across the various dancing people until they spot a very familiar company at the table. Setting for a familiar set of honey kissed brown eyes, you smile brightly while your heart once again flows with warmth and love for the song you wrote for your one ethereal elven muse.
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tiny-tini-imagines · 1 year
Hi, read your headcanons about the fellowship and wanted to ask for some HC's about Legolas being in love with an elf reader. Preferably female, if that's possible. THX
Re.: Of course, Thank you for asking. I often thought about that, so I hope it's alright.
Headcanon Request - Lord of the Rings summary: Legolas is in love with a female elf
(added: character art, what they would say to them, or about them)
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Stolen Glances: Legolas can't help but steal glances at you when he thinks no one is looking. His eyes find your effortlessly, and he cherishes the moments when your gazes meet, a silent exchange of your affection.
"In your eyes, I see a world of wonder and courage, and in your heart, I find the most beautiful melodies of love and strength."
Whispers in the Woods: You often communicate through soft, whispered conversations in the heart of the forest. The tranquility of the woods mirrors the serenity of your love. Although you don't need words at all to comunicate.
Language of Flowers: Legolas memorizes your favorite flowers and leaves them where you'll find them, each bloom carrying a message of his love and admiration. (And he definitely knows the meanings of every single flower, everytime you get a bouquet it's like a poem)
Hidden Keepsakes: In his private quarters, Legolas keeps small trinkets and tokens you've given him over time, treasures he holds dear and takes comfort in during lonely nights, or when your away/ when he misses you.
Stargazing Together: One of your favorite pastimes is stargazing. You find constellations together, creating your own stories in the night sky and lay there for hours.
"Among all the stars in the night sky, it is your radiance that guides me through life's journeys, and I am forever grateful for your presence in my world."
Comfort in His Presence: Your presence brings Legolas a sense of calm and contentment. He often seeks solace in your company during moments of reflection. (You'd often find youself with him in your arms, stroking his hair, comforting him - especially after disagreements with Thranduil)
"My loyalty to you and our people remains steadfast, but my heart has found a home in a world beyond the borders of the Woodland Realm." Legolas to Thranduil
Loving Affection: He expresses his love through affectionate gestures, like gentle caresses, forehead kisses, and tender embraces. He's very soft, always making sure you're comfortbale
Your Laugh: Legolas adores your laughter. He often finds ways to make you smile, cherishing the sound as one of the most beautiful melodies in Middle-earth. It is not just the sound but also the sign, since he loves to see you smile. (He goes to great lengths to bring joy to your life, whether through humorous stories or playful antics.)
Shared Silences: You're comfortable in each other's silence. Sometimes, words aren't necessary as your presence alone brings peace and contentment. You just need to know that you're close.
Fingers Intertwined: Legolas has a habit of gently intertwining his fingers with yours whenever you walk side by side, a silent declaration of your connection. He'd also do that during audiences and other commitments he must attend.
Attentive Listener: He's a patient and attentive listener, valuing your words and insights and seeking your opinions on important matters. However sometimes he just enjoys listening to your voice, that gives him a sense of comfort
Your Elegance : He admires the way you handle your bow and arrows with such grace. It's a skill that he finds endlessly captivating. He'd often say that you're much better than him (something he would tell no one else).
Pride in Your Strength: He takes great pride in your strength, both physical and emotional, and often tells you how impressed he is by your abilities
Gentle Respect: Legolas treats you with the utmost respect, always considering your thoughts and feelings in any situation.
Secretly Protective: While you are a formidable warrior on your own , Legolas can't help but be secretly protective, always watching your back in battle and ensuring your safety. (You're definitely more important than him)
Your Name in Elvish: He often murmurs your name in Elvish under his breath, finding comfort in the way it rolls off his tongue. You can catch him smiling whenever your name is said.
Eternal Commitment: Legolas contemplates the idea of eternity together, envisioning the ages you'll spend side by side, facing whatever challenges comes your way.
Confidant and Supporter: You're his confidant, and he turns to you for advice and solace in times of uncertainty. Your unwavering support is a source of strength for him.
Shared Adventures: He involves you in his adventures, wanting to create memories together and share the thrill of exploration.
Unspoken Promises: You share unspoken promises of a future filled with love, adventure, and unwavering devotion, with every glance and touch reinforcing your commitment to each other.
"Every day by your side is an adventure worth cherishing, for you bring light to the darkest of places and joy to my soul."
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tar-thelien · 2 months
I need a Dagor Dagorath fic, where Elladan and Elrohir find Melkor right after the fellowship has left, they have no idea who he is, but he keeps talking about having to find his lover (or at least dear friend, husband maybe?), so they try to get him back to Elrond, weirdly they don´t get attacked on the way, expect from a giant spider that has no business being there, but are saved by orcs (?) where they begin wonder if he´s an Umaia who has changed alliance
Meanwhile, Turin is dropped somewhere in Middle Earth, with no idea where he is, and convinced Glaurung is still out there and he has to kill him
Does Mairon pick his husband and his two new pets up, or does Melkor end in Imladris as the ring is destroyed, and if the later, what does he do? Does he unleash Dagor Dagorath? Also, does anyone actually know who he is? I don´t know.
Also maybe Melkor and Turin meets but Turin might not now the prophesy and does Melkor care enough to do something about it or does he just want to find his emotional support Maia??
I´m probably never going to write it, but here it is, and if it inspires someone pls tag me, I´m begging you
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the---hermit · 1 month
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More holiday pics
The week has been busy with work and spending time at a friend's place. My lotr reread continues slowly, but I am one chapter away from finishing tbe fellowship. I have been at home very little this week, which has me feeling a bit tired, but thankfully I am having great sleep at night in my beloved bed. I have not yet dealt with my responsibilities, such as figuring out when my classes will start, booking a dentist appointment and more things (like booking a tattoo appointment, which is the first thing on my to do list for next week). I am counting down days for the release of the wisdom saga, and in the meanwhile I am going insane over the lastest few tmagp episodes. My tma relisten is continuing, quite slowly, but I have noticed a few details and things that are fueling my tmagp existential crisis. Thankfully I have been blessed with a dear friend who is obsessing as much as I am so we sharing the chaos and feelings.
📖: The Lord Of The Rings by JRR Tolkien
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tiggersmoke · 10 months
Sooo this year marks the 50th anniversary of JRR Tolkien's death. Both the Hobbit and the Lord of The Rings have always been very important books for me : both for the emotional growth that they instilled , and for being the literary cosmos to which I return every time life puts too much pressure on me. So It seemed right to pick one of my favourite scenes from The Fellowship and Illustrate it. This part conveys a great sense of safety and calm whenever I read itor listen to it,and that's why it is particularly dear to me.
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annoyinglandmagazine · 6 months
Then They All Fell To Their Knees As He Raised His Fist Before He Spoke Chapter 1
Summary: Elrond decides fuck it and joins the fellowship of the ring. Sauron should be getting very worried right about now. Title from Hells Comin’ With Me because that’s kind of the vibe here.
He appraised those before him, many valiant warriors certainly, some with enough good in their hearts to perhaps fight the corruption. Maybe they would stand a chance, just maybe, of overcoming this darkness. They would have to he supposed, after all the age of the elves was coming to an end, his kind were dwindling after so many ages of loss, few remained on these shores and fewer still of the famed heroes renowned in song.
Even they were chiefly renowned in songs recounting their heroic deaths, their last stands, their attempt to fight against total despair just that, attempts; brave ones of course but…. The Elven heroes of song almost always failed, with particular emphasis on those coming from the house all three of his fathers belonged to who in their case were quite literally doomed, ‘to evil end shall all things turn that they begin well,’ summed it up quite succinctly he thought.
Now, Earendil had circumvented that Doom for himself but only by forsaking all else, an untold sacrifice of all he held dear and through incredibly fortunate timing that was unlikely to be replicated and they certainly couldn’t wait for. If there was hope to be found was it really to be found in those great heroes? Perhaps their time had truly passed, now their only role was to provide shelter and counsel to those who needed it and protect their own until the time came to sail.
Had they not already given enough to this Middle Earth? Now they were truly spent and the other kindred must finally learn to do this completely for themselves, they’d needed him less and less as the years wore on regardless, fewer travellers coming through as his house’s existence was occasionally forgotten to mortal memory . In a few more millennia it would be as if they’d never been there.
He was willing to see it done, the Fellowship of the Ring with the hobbit as Ring Bearer, least likely of all the kindred to be corrupted if Bilbo Baggins was any example to go by. He was willing to see it done until the youngest hobbit appeared from where he’d been observing proceedings and demanded to be included in the quest. Elrond knew he would not be able to turn him away, just as he and Elros could not have been made back down from bearing arms at what must be a comparable age.
How many times must this happen? How many would have to sacrifice their innocence for their safety, make such impossible decisions for those they loved? Could he truly let this continue, let more people continue to suffer as he and his brother did in a world torn apart by war? He could not in good conscience stop Pippin from fighting to save Middle Earth from subjugation or refuse him his loyalty to his friend but perhaps he could protect him as he hadn’t been protected.
If Earendil had broken the Doom through sacrifice Elrond would do it through sheer righteous fury. One thing the Noldor could not be criticised for was their lack of will to keep trying when all the odds and common sense were stacked against them. Besides, Luthien and Beren had won against Morgoth. Perhaps he could take some of those ‘whatever the opposite of cursed is’ genetics and combine it with the stubbornness and fury to end this once and for all.
He was definitely not doing the ‘and my weapon’ bit though. This was a time sensitive matter and it would take many more years than they had for him to list all the items he had on his person that would be considered weapons in his hands.
They waited for Elrond to finalise it, surely he must say something, after all this was his council so it only followed that he would announce its end. He simply furrowed his brow, Frodo wondered if perhaps he had decided they may not have hope after all; if Elrond believed it was futile he wasn’t sure what they would do next. There was nowhere else to go, no one more likely to have all the answers.
After a tense moment’s pause Elrond rose to his feet, all eyes in the room waiting for him to voice his approval of the quest. He announced with suitable solemnity ‘You will be the Fellowship of the Ring.’
Gandalf nodded to Elrond in a private moment of conference, accepting the path that had been chosen. Then, for the first time in Frodo’s memory, Gandalf seemed genuinely taken aback when his old friend continued to speak, eyes widening in complete shock.
Elrond smiled at Frodo, with just as much kindness as he had before but an edge of something, of light and passion glinting in his silver eyes that Frodo hadn’t seen anywhere before. ‘I will accompany you on this quest also and give what assistance you may require to see it to its end.’
This was met with a moment of confused silence, no one quite knowing if they had understood correctly; it was one thing for a reckless young archer prince from Mirkwood to volunteer his services but elven lords- elven lords known for their scholarly and healing prowess at that- did not go on quests. They simply didn’t, they hadn’t for more generations than hobbits as a species had existed for, they hadn’t since the One Ring was new to the world.
Glorfindel was the first to recover his voice, ‘My- my lord are you certain?’
The advisor at his side, Erestor if Frodo remembered correctly, looked at him incredulously, distracted from the look of pure exhaustion he was sending towards Elrond, ‘Of course he’s certain. We hoped this day would never come but just look at him, he’s gone full Finwean. There is no way you’ll be able to get him to back down now.’
The look of pure terror that took hold of Glorfindel at these words, when he had shown not a trace of concern at those black riders, was staggering to behold as he swung around in his chair and stared at Elrond in horror, ‘Elrond- I beg you to think rationally. Please don’t do this.’
Elrond spoke gently, ‘Glorfindel, you needn’t worry, I can manage-’
Glorfindel exclaimed in despair ‘I’m not worried about you! You don’t understand, your family will kill me if you pull a Fingolfin. We’ve gotten so far, you can’t do this to me now.’
‘Glorfindel no one is going to hold you responsible. I’m several millennia old, they know I make my own decisions-’
‘Do you think that will be enough to hold off the Lady Idril if I tell her her only grandchild rode off to face Sauron the year he was meant to sail! That’s not even to start on if the Feanorians in Aman have recognised your adoption as making you a genuine heir to their house, they’ll tear people limb from limb! Starting with me!’
Erestor seemed much more calm about the whole thing, inquiring in a voice dripping with sarcasm, ‘Will you require a large hound of some kind? Since we seem to be resorting to plan L of our Last Alliance contingencies?’
Elrond did not pay him much heed and began to move on to other matters, ‘Arwen will take care of Rivendell, she’s more than capable.’ Here Gandalf shot Elrond a questioning look and Elrond nodded in response which seemed to both satisfy and surprise him going from a brief rise of the eyebrows.
‘And I have full faith my captain and counsellors will assist her should she need it. My sons will muster the Dunedain, they are not as many as they once were but I’m sure Aragorn can attest they may be of no small importance in the fight to come.’
‘Is there anything else?’
By the end of the week Elrond had set as much in order as he could, organising a few packs, mostly comprised of whatever healing herbs he may struggle to forage for and anything he thought his companions likely to neglect, he had enough faith to know Aragorn would pack well but it was best to be cautious for the rest of them.
The hobbits were not used to such journeys and while they could be relied on to think of things that would be nowhere on anyone else’s list of priorities such as, from what some of his rather mystified kitchen staff had informed him, pots and pans, they may pass over more urgent matters such as tertiary blades in case they lost their first two. They would have packed at least two wouldn’t they? He’d heard the Shire was a peaceful place but surely not so peaceful they wouldn’t carry little knives in their boots just in case? Maybe it would be best he pack them five each as a precaution.
The old motions brought more memories back than he usually cared to respond to all at once, Maedhros drilling into him what he would need to have on him at all times, yes even while still in Amon Ereb you never knew when orcs could attack, grabbing the essentials from a camp that needed to be abandoned without a trace faster than anticipated.
He knew he was putting this off, it was a greater struggle than he should like to admit to relinquish the power Tyelpe’s last creation gave him; despite never seeking it out, to feel it leaving him, especially on the brink something that would require any reserves of strength he could call on, was no small thing.
The longer he left it the higher the likelihood he would manage to convince himself it was unnecessary when he knew how disastrous the consequences would be if one of the three left Rivendell, where it was safe from Sauron’s designs and protected this place that was so dear to him and would not survive without it.
He found Arwen by the shores of the Bruinen, the spray dancing about her hands as if it had already recognised her as its current mistress; perhaps it had. There was a melancholy air about her, an apprehensiveness; the fate of this quest certainly held more at stake for her than many others as now it would include both her love and her father in the balance.
He carefully slipped Vilya from his finger and gazed upon it for one last time, cradling in his palm the flawless work of one of the greatest smiths who had ever lived, his beloved, far too trusting, cousin, betrayed for his good nature by one he had let into his halls.
This was for him, for his Tyelpe and for his king who had pressed the ring into his hand, entrusting it to his keeping, in the bright dawn of the day he had ridden off never to return, a parting gift to the person he had loved most in the world, given with a chaste kiss to his hands.
This was for Celebrian, his wife who had endured horrific torment and suffering at their hands, who had been forced to leave by the vindictiveness of all that Sauron had created. This was for all of them, what they had begun must finally be called to completion, they must finally be able to see that it had not been for nothing, he would not sail and join those he loved until they could rest in the knowledge that Middle Earth was safe, that their tormentors were gone.
He could not hope to succeed if he allowed his desire for the power he could call on from this ring if situations left his control to cloud his judgement of what would truly be best for their goal. He must be able to trust that he was strong enough himself, if he was going to need to fall back on external power to save them once things got challenging there was no point in this entire endeavour.
So he smothered any lingering hesitancy and sat by his daughter’s side, holding the ring out before her. ‘I think it is time you take this, my daughter. It will give you the power to shelter this valley from those who would do it harm in my absence.’
She met his eyes and took it, watching for any hint of reluctance to relinquish it, cautious as he had taught her of the snare objects such as this held on those who possessed or coveted them. He watched her place it into her finger with a combination of many emotions but mostly an overwhelming sense of pride.
She closed her eyes and he could feel her mind pushing out cautiously around her, prodding her and there and embedding herself into the valley’s fabric, the force of the river setting in her consciousness with the throb of her heart, the earth beneath her bursting into bloom quite suddenly with the excess of power flowing through her veins and spilling out in the form of a few new rose bushes on the river bank.
The valley may have been reluctant to accept another guardian after so long, even one who was in many ways familiar to it, so to intertwine with it fully Arwen only needed a little push. Elrond’s heart was somewhat lighter after discovering that the process did not push him out of alignment but only have her settle in beside him, even without Vilya he could feel the hum of the valley around him as he had before.
He was also much relieved that he hadn’t been relying on the ring as much as he’d feared, hadn’t become complacent enough to forget years of training and he felt his- well Galadriel didn’t like to call her own abilities magic but he was less certain about that matter in his case, as, he believed, was she though she hid it well- was as honed as ever, restless and waiting for a chance to be set free on it’s unfortunate enemy.
When Arwen opened her eyes at last her eyes were wide and shining, reeling from what she felt coursing through her, suddenly having things that she had only glimpsed in her father’s eyes her entire life at her fingertips in a single moment. She had most likely never looked more like Luthien Tinuviel, the certain sense of the otherworldly enhanced to a degree rarely seen in those with as slight Maia heritage as her.
‘Ada, I,’ she blinked rapidly trying to carry a train of thought through when bombarded by that of so many in the valley’s at once than she was used to, finally setting for a disbelieving, ‘Is this how you feel all the time?’
Elrond chuckled, ‘You get used to it my dear.’
‘Just give it a few thousand years.’ The glare she gave him was met with perhaps less cowering and a good deal more chuckling than she would have liked.
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ben-pincus · 2 years
youre my constellation. - frodo baggins x elf! reader
summary : you've joined the fellowship and travelled to mordor to help frodo destroy the ring. now, you're carrying him home. but he has one last thing to say to you before you head for your home.
song - my constellation - lord of the lost
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the twigs crunched beneath your shoes, the sleeping, the hobbit lay sleeping on your back. his hands wrapped loosely around your neck.
sam trailed behind the two of you, you bounced frodo up, hoisting him up higher onto your back as you could feel him slipping down, earning a grunt from him.
"sorry.." you whispered, turning your head slightly. he was probably still asleep.
you were hungry, tired, thirsty, and had a very traumatised hobbit on your back.
"we're almost there, we just need to take a right." sam called out from behind you, you turned around, nodding at him.
soon, you entered the shire. frodo was still sound asleep, and your back ached from carrying frodo.
"frodo, we're here." you murmured, nudging the hobbit awake with your nose into his shoulder.
you waited for him to stir, your head turned, awaiting the opening of his crystal blue eyes.
his eyes fluttered open at last, meeting yours. he then looked ahead of you, seeing the shire.
his eyes filled with tears of relief, you crouched down, letting the hobbit crawl off your back.
he walked ahead, stumbling down the path with sam. you watched, smiling as you went to turn around.
you stopped once you heard frodo shout your name. you turned, being greeted by the small man trying his best to run up to you, it looked like he was struggling, so you took a few steps and crouched down to his height.
"what is it?" you asked. he looked into your eyes.
"would.. would you not stay? it only seems right of me considering you carried me all the way here.." he fiddled around with the leaf on his cloak, avoiding eye contact now.
"frodo, i have to go-" you were cut off when he tackled you into a hug, wrapping his arms around your neck and resting his head on your shoulder.
"please.. please stay." he muttered into your shoulder. you could feel his tears drip down and wet the fabric of your shirt.
you brought one hand up, cradling the back of his head while the other spread over the expanse of his back, rubbing it soothingly.
it wouldnt hurt to stay, not when he's clinging onto you for dear life.
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invisiblewashboard · 10 months
Small Child’s Thoughts on “The Breaking of the Fellowship”
Well! We have reached the end of Fellowship! I am so glad I started doing this so I will be able to look back and read some of the things my dear Small Child said during his first ever exposure to my favorite story of all time. And I’m glad it has brought amusement to some of you!
Okay, I am just going to say immediately that something bad is going to happen or something will break if it is called “The Breaking of the Fellowship.” I am not excited.
Orcs are bad guys and that makes me nervous.
They shouldn’t break up their fellowship but I have a bad feeling in my stomach about this.
It is dangerous to go by yourself in the woods. I wish someone went with Frodo.
Oh, maybe this is good. Now Frodo is not by himself.
This is bad. I do not think it is good for Boromir to see the Ring.
Boromir is fighting with Aragorn and Frodo now and this is very bad.
Boromir gets a thumbs down. I don’t like him. He shouldn’t try and take the Ring, and he’s being mean and rude to Frodo.
Boromir is a bad, bad guy. (The Ring is very powerful, Small Child. And Boromir wanted to protect his city with it.) But he was going to take it from Frodo and it is not his to take!
Is that the Enemy looking for Frodo? He should take the Ring off! That will help him hide.
Ah, okay. I knew it would be better if he took it off.
I do not think Frodo is making a good choice. He should take someone with him because he will get lost by himself.
Gimli is making a good choice. I do not think Frodo should go by himself.
They should listen to Aragorn because he is in charge. But they are just not obeying.
Sam just loves Frodo lot, doesn’t he? He fell down and got hurt but he didn’t cry about that because he just wanted to find Frodo.
Um, if Sam was actually drowned he could not talk. He is being dramatic.
It’s good that Frodo is taking Sam with him. People shouldn’t be alone.
(Well, that is the end of the first book! What do you think will happen next?) I don’t know. We just have to start the second book for me to know that. But I think Frodo and Sam still have a long, long time to walk. Like… maybe 200 miles of walking. (What do you think will happen to everyone else?) I already told you that I do not know. I did not write that book so how am I supposed to know until you read it to me?
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lurkinglurkerwholurks · 11 months
It Wasn't Real (But We Were Happy)
First posted: June 6 2018
Focuses on: Tim Drake and the Fam
Favorite bookmark: "I was clutching my face for the last two chapters."
Second favorite bookmark: "Do you want to cry?"
Tier: Top five in hits and subscriptions, top ten in everything else
This is my “behind the scenes” series where I indulge myself horribly by annotating my fics. Link to the fic itself above.
This is a multi-chapter series, so this thread will be reblogged with each chapter's thoughts added beneath the cut.
Chapter One
This is one of the rare fics where I can remember exactly what was happening when it sprang into being. Mostly. I was walking home on evening, post-rain, and skirting around puddles while texting with @starknjarvis27. I don't remember what started the conversation but suddenly I was knee-deep in emotions about Tim as The Replacement, Tim as Nanny McPhee ("When you need me but do not want me, then I must stay. When you want me but no longer need me, then I have to go."), Tim as Mary Poppins (That's gratitude for you. Didn't even say goodbye?" "No, they didn't.")
I don't think I started writing directly after that, though I may have. I do know I deliberately banked up the chapters and didn't post the first until they were all written. I was worried about losing steam and not finishing. Given how popular this fic is, maybe I should do that more often.
The title is from Dear Evan Hansen (it was 2018, give me a break), from the song "Words Fail," where the main character emotionally confesses the elaborate deception he had built, ensnaring the people he professed to love in a fantasy that he said was for them but really, in the end, was only for himself.
It was said that time was the great equalizer, but Tim didn’t know how that could be true. Time seemed to touch everyone differently, and everyone grappled with it in their own way.
As you've probably noticed, I do this kind of a lot. "It" being both a philosophical beginning and lining up each of the fam and examining what makes them different in certain ways. Both are a good way (for me, the writer, at least) to ease into a fic. Starting is hard.
Dick bobbed in its streams like a vacationer in a tube. He let it carry him along, neither struggling nor straining, but enjoying the ride wherever its path led. Jason floundered, striding through the water until his steps inevitably found the gap of his stolen life. He would lose his footing and plunge under, only to burst above the current with great, heaving breaths and push on determinedly once more.
Again with the water metaphors. I would say I'm sorry but I'm not. I'll also add that this is, of course, Tim's perspective. He's not wrong, but Dick, for example, would likely have a nuanced take of his own relationship with time (that also would not necessarily being objectively right or wrong because perception is subjective, even of ourselves.)
A good many endings surprised him, horrified him, came whistling out at him like fists in the dark. 
I think I use this metaphor more than once in fics. Mentally I tie it to "A Knife in the Dark," the Bree chapter title in The Fellowship of the Ring and later the song title from the Howard Shore soundtrack for the same scene. The whole point is wildly different, but the mental association is there for me, whatcanyado.
But it was only their timing that caught him off guard, never their existence, like turning the crank on a silenced jack-in-the-box. Without the music, he could only guess when the pop and cackle would come, but he knew the lurch in his stomach was inevitable.
My sister was scared of jack-in-the-boxes as a kid/young adult, like Buddy the Elf, so I stole this from her and him.
Alfred would have noticed, had he been around, but timing his exodus to Alfred’s annual sabbatical in England had been Tim’s one act of true cowardice. Alfred would have noticed Tim’s abandonment of the Manor and would have lured him back in with calls or threatening visits from the others or the sheer guilt power of a raised eyebrow.
I think if I were a stronger or braver writer it would have been a good challenge to keep Alfred present rather than shooing him off to England like Superman to space.
No, the hardest task had been quitting the Titans. They didn’t need Tim any more than the Waynes did, but they wanted him. They were his friends. Tim couldn’t see any way to continue with the Titans, however.
Commenters speculated on the Titans showing up. I hope they weren't too disappointed when that didn't happen but I do not know those children at all. And they weren't the point, anyways. The point was Tim and his family.
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meteors-lotr · 5 months
4 16 18 and 33 for the ask game?
Oh god many at once okay
4. Which movie from the Lord of the rings is your favorite and why?
I have always found it very difficult to actually rank the lotr movies, cause not only all they all very similar in quality but they’re all also so connected to each other, so it’s difficult to think of them as separate from each other.
With that being said, I must say that The Fellowship of the ring is my favorite. It’s the movie where the main characters are actually all together for the majority of it, which like I know why they all had to be separated but it’s fun to see them all actually interact, which if you know me you know that I love seeing characters actually talking to each other. I mean I run an incorrect quotes blog for fucks sake.
16. Do you have a favorite orc?
My dad and I have always loved this dude lol
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His name is Guritz
18. Favorite soundtrack of the series?
Listen I will always love the original lord of the rings soundtrack, it is nothing but iconic
Buuuuuut, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey soundtrack is just, very good. Like, very good
There’s of course the actual like, sung songs, like Misty Mountains and Blunt the Knives, but there’s also the classic Concering Hobbits music, the tragic My Dear Frodo, the foreboding Axe or Sword?, the whimsical The World is Ahead, the elegant but extreme Roast Mutton, the lighthearted A Very Respectable Hobbit, and the ever epic Out of the Frying-Pan
The music sets up the journey ahead so well, with it mostly being fun and exciting, but with an underlying dark tone throughout it, also the fact that the instrument of Misty Mountain became sorta the main theme is really brilliant and I get actual goosebumps every time it plays. Howard Shore knew what he was doing with the soundtrack, and he did it well. If you’re ever bored then check out the wiki page for the hobbit soundtrack, Shore goes into why he composed the songs the way he did and it’s all very fascinating to read.
33. What’s your favorite fight scene between all of them (Movies)?
This may be controversial, because yes I know that the battle of helms deep is incredible, as is the Moria Battle and Thorin’s duel with Azog
But I wish to draw all of your attention to the battle with the trolls, in the first Hobbit movie
It’s not a long battle, or particularly epic, but it shows of the strength of The Hobbit movies, with it being the dwarves and their relationships with each other. Because while all of the fellowship battles are great, it’s mostly just one character as an individual fighting against the enemy.
The dwarves all fight as one unit, taking advantage of each others strengths and covering each others weaknesses. You can see them boosting each other, doing combo moves, throw each other weapons, it’s all very cute and it’s very fitting for them, because they were all trained like this. In the scene where they do the dishes at Bilbo’s house, they are seen doing the same thing, and it makes sense for them.
I think it’s the most apparent in the trolls fight scene, because it’s simple, and a not very long fight, which I don’t like needlessly long fight scenes so that works for me. The music is also amazing, the Misty Mountains theme returning once more. I think the scene with the trolls is just brilliant as a whole, it’s one of my favorites of the series
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