#and give them a respectable and special burial
witchyfemking · 1 year
🌹🐉Queen/Mother Lilith master-post 🐍🦇
There are many people saying that working with Queen Lilith is closed, id ask that you please go to the last link. A Jewish content creator goes into detail about why 1.) That's false and 2.) Why claiming this is actually antisemitic.
I understand that this deity may hold a negative context to different people/cultures(i.e. people of Jewish culture)/faiths etc. Please be respectful and mindful. Both the people and the divinity have the right to respect. Just because a divinity/entity has been the best thing in the world to you, doesn’t mean that’s the case for someone else(vice versa). Thank you for your consideration.
Mother Lilith is a divinity that I hold very dear. She has been a big help to me and has guided me in my journery of self love and reparenting myself.
Lore/mythology (briefly summarized)
Lilith originally was the first wife of Adam; made from the same primordial matter as her counterpart by the one who created her. She has left the garden in anger because she refused to lay under Adam; Lilith wanted to be seen as Adams equal but he refused. God sent angels to take Lilith back to Eden at Adam’s request. She was located near/in/at the Red Sea. Her children had been slain because of her refusal to return. ( I have heard conflicting info from different sources but I’ll recall what I think is to be more accurate at this point). Some of the fallen angels (a big figure being Lord Lucifer) had made themselves acquainted with her and they had gained each others’ trust. This is the point where Lilith had became a demon and was at least set on the path to becoming a highly ranked Infernal deity(if not at this point already). Lilith at some point after this whispered empowering thoughts into Eve during her dreams; leading her to eat the fruit.
Lilith also has an aspect tied to the Mesopotamian demon Lilitu.
Signs/Symbols of Queen Lilith(some i’ve personally experienced as well):
Snake imagery
Birds( robins, cardinals, blue jays, doves, owls or any corvid/black bird) I’d like to mention that she left me a robin who had passed, cause she knew I’d give it a proper burial.
Witnessing any of her other sacred animals (mentioned below) or frequently seeing imagery of them
Me and other devotees of hers have known her to send really animal that’s black as signs
rose imagery
sudden interest in her
sudden yearning desire to explore oneself/identity
speaking up/ standing up for yourself in circumstances in which you normally wouldn’t
for uterus owners; in my personal experience she had gotten terribly frustrated that i wasn’t noticing her so she started affecting my ‘moon cycle’. I experienced irregularities, increased pain and moodiness. I also got much more fatigued during my time of the month in the time she was trying to get my attention. She may or may not feel the need to do something of this fashion to get your attention; My only assumption that she did so in my case is because I was extremely oblivious. However I highly implore you discuss things with your doctor before concluding that this is the cause.
You may notice the wind howling louder
Vampiric/Succubus imagery/energy
Draconic and/or primordial energy
Energy of water or the ocean
Feeling of not necessarily one certain element (maybe all of them together)
feelings of a motherly energy
dreams/visions of red or dark haired woman( i’ve honestly had her appear to me as blonde). She may be a witch, possibly a queen. She could be protecting you during the experience ( if you’re on her good side ofc)
Sacred animals of Queen Lilith
Cats of various kinds ( domestic, wild, especially with black or dark coats)
What does Queen Lilith specialize in? What can she help you with?
taking back your power
shadow work ( specifically the feminine side of the side)
tapping into/ welcoming your dark feminine energy
welcoming dark femme energy into your life
dark femme workings
defends women/femmes and children who’ve suffered abuse(especially s3xually)
Improving sexual relationships
asserting independence
support in women/womxn’s/femmes rights
fighting oppression/sexisim placed on women/fem identifying people by the patriarchy(or in general)
assistance in gaining respect and/or recognition for contributions
exploring/awakening sexuality (especially if you need assistance with you libido)
sex magic ( more specifically feminine dominance)
Assistance with menstrual magic/spells/rituals
Help in any women/female health issues ( menstrual issues, moods swings, feritility, MtF/FtM etc.)
( i recommend you be treated by a medical professional along with the last point; mundane before magical; magic/spirituality shouldn’t be used in place of medical treatment, simply as support.)
Correspondences/ Offerings
Belladonna (POISONOUS)
Nightshade (POISONOUS)
Mugwort ( still use with caution)
Sandalwood(Red + White)
Dragon’s Blood
Fire opal
Red Jasper
Red Carnelian
Black Moonstone
Black tourmaline
Clear quartz
Chocolate ( Especially anything Dark and/or spicy )
Pumpkins/ Gourds(idk if gourds are edible tho, but to a deity it doesn’t matter lmao)
Red velvet sweets
Chocolate cake
In my personal experience, she loved these Sriracha Peanut Butter Chocolate Cupcakes I used to be able to get.
Spicy foods
Pomegranates/Pomegranate juice
Reds (Especially blood red or velvet tone)
Dark pink
Dark Grey
Witching hour (either Midnight or anytime 3-4 am)
Dark/New Moon phase
Beltane Sabbat/May Day ( sexual theme of the holiday)
Oct. 24 ( some sources claim this is the day Lilith left Eden)
Feb 29 (on leap year. Woman are known to break traditional norms during this time)
Empress (Tarot)
High Priestess (Tarot)
Moon ( Tarot)
Strength (Tarot)
Any Queen Card ( More Specifically to my UPG, Swords and Wands suits)
Air and Fire are her main elements. However, she does not limit herself to one specific element, she has traits of all.
Vampiric/Succubus energy
Draconic/Primordial Energy
What is she like?
To me, Lilith is very much like a mother. Im sure you could probably guess by how I addressed her in the beginning of this post( which I call her Mother Lilith for personal reasons). She very much holds the energy of a firm mother who cares very much for her children. Lilith is very much stern when she feels the need, but knows when you need her to be gentle. Many times she has been a source of comfort and encouragement for me. If you show her the decency and respect she deserves, she will give it to you in return. If she sees you as her child (or holds you dear in anyway) she will go to distant lengths to protect you or to show your abusers not to mess with you again ( at times on her own accord). There are times where she made things difficult for people who wronged me on her own(probably a lot more I don’t know about). Mother Lilith is extremely supportive and will be there when needed, but she will not coddle you. She will not baby you. I see a lot of practitioners say “ she wont hold your hand” that’s true in a sense. Yes there are things you need to face alone, but a mother wont deny holding your hand if needed, she just wont do things for you. She will empower you to do things with independence. Lilith is definitely the kind of mentor to give you a rude wake up call when you’re not acting like yourself or doing things that wont benefit yourself or others. She is not afraid to be mean and wicked with you if need be.
Lilith’s energy generally feels airy and fiery. She carries herself regally and a sense of pride. Like i’ve mentioned, she doesn’t necessarily tie herself to one element, I’ve felt energy of all elements come from her, I assume this comes from her shapeshifting nature.
Sources and links
My own personal experience and UPG
Lilith Queen of the Night
Lilith and Witchcraft
Lilith: The Demonic Paradise Wiki
Lilith ( Occult world entry)
Tumblr users entry on Queen Lilith (i’ve honestly had a rocky history with the author of this post, I hadn’t realized who this was until after I recorded the information, but I still am going to give them credit where it’s due because it’s only right and their post gives solid information)
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morganaseren · 4 months
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So I started a second run of Baldur's Gate 3 this week. To no one's surprise whatsoever, I decided to throw my Niamh Cousland into the mix mostly with the hope that it would help nudge my muse into letting me write more. I'm also playing with mods on for this run, which explains why Niamh and her crew have access to armor and weapons not normally seen this early in the game.
As expected, she is a Storm Sorcerer with a Sage background whose expertise lies in both history and the arcane. I've often mentioned that if Niamh hadn't spent much of her life imprisoned as a mage in Kinloch Hold per her canon Dragon Age worldstate, she'd likely thrive as a scholar of some sort. Honestly, you can't tell me she wouldn't just love immersing herself in all that knowledge.
Like, I can see her getting a little smile on her face when someone mentions some obscure thing in conversation that she immediately has the context for or just idly noticing something about the other person (a pin on their outfit for instance) and being internally like, "Oh, I know exactly whom you work for." And from there, she can just work them over until she gets the answers she needs with little to no violence involved even in some of the most tense situations, much to the continual bemusement of some of the members of her party.
Them: HOW?!
Niamh: [blinks] I asked?
She's quite charismatic for being someone so soft-spoken. 🤣
In keeping with her Necromancer specialization in Inquisition, she also has necromantic abilities, such as speaking with the dead. Rather useful for getting clues that would've otherwise left others at a dead end (pun intended) even if it did startle her companions the first few times she did it. She's very respectful about the whole thing though. She gives them a burial afterward with the proper funeral rites.
Of course, while being remarkably intelligent, that's not to say that she doesn't get herself into trouble, especially when her curiosity gets the better of her. For instance, she managed to get herself into some hidden laboratory that had a tome bound in human skin sealed inside a booby-trapped room...
Yeah, she probably makes any lover of hers go grey so quickly with antics like that.
Speaking of which, she's romancing Shadowheart. 😌 Considering the parallels between her and Dragon Age's Leliana, it was no surprise that I was going to pick her. 😂
But, yes, Niamh's having a grand ol' time in Faerun while also looking like she and her companions never got out of their Hot Topic phase.
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rabbitcruiser · 8 months
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Visit A Cemetery Day
Visit a Cemetery Day is a holiday that takes place every last Sunday in October. This year it falls on October 29. It is a day that allows us to honor the life of those who are gone. It is a chance to admit that, though they’re no longer physically with us, we still have them in our memories. It is a day when people go to the gravesite of friends and families who have left this world. On Visit a Cemetery Day, many choose to redecorate the gravesite of their loved ones. Many other activities give life to this holiday as well.
History of Visit A Cemetery Day
The culture of visiting gravesites and cemeteries predates most modern cultures, and it has been a way of life of humans since ancient times. A cemetery is more than a collection of gravesites and headstones. It is a place for deep reflection and connecting. It is not a lonely place where you can’t learn anything. It is a place of meditation, where you get to reflect on the memories you shared with those who have left us. The headstones also contain messages about the people we cherish and are worth reading. It is usually a wisdom quote that captures the essence of life, and it can be inspiring.
Visit a Cemetery Day reminds us that we’re not entirely disconnected from those who have left this physical world. The memories they left remain with us, and we can cherish them as much as possible. We can also reminisce on the times we spent together and how they have helped us get to where we are today.
Visiting a cemetery is also sometimes a gathering affair where people come together to honor the departed. This is done for soldiers who died in battle and also victims of casualties. The essence of it all is to remember them for the good they’ve done and honor the memory we have of them. This is why cemeteries are generally known as memorial parks, emphasizing the memories left behind by the dead.
Visit A Cemetery Day timeline
7 A.D. Burial Under Church Control
The church handles burial services and takes charge of burying the dead in Europe.
1797 First Chartered Burial Ground
The State of Connecticut incorporates a new cemetery in New Haven.
1800s Company and Municipally Owned
Cemeteries not owned by the church become more popular and accepted.
1860s Tribute to Fallen Soldiers
Americans visit the graves of fallen soldiers to place flowers and honor them.
Visit A Cemetery Day FAQs
Can you observe from a private gravesite?
Yes, you can observe this solemn holiday from a private graveyard.
How can you decorate a gravestone?
The gravestone can have carvings and inscriptions. Also, you can bring flowers occasionally to beautify the place.
What if the gravesite is far away?
You can observe a solemn time with friends to honor the dead, even when their resting place is far away.
How to Observe Visit A Cemetery Day
Visit the burial place of loved ones
Decorate the gravesites
Have a picnic with family and friends
On this solemn holiday, you can visit the burial place of dear ones who have departed. It helps us honor the memory they left behind.
You can bring flowers and other ornaments to beautify the burial place of the departed. By doing so, we remind ourselves that the dead deserve respect too.
You can have a quiet time with family and friends. It is a time to reflect and share stories about those who have left us.
5 Facts About Cemeteries
Epitaphs are a great source of knowledge
Most gravestones face east
Meaningful carvings are common
Cemeteries are sometimes multipurpose
Number of graves on an acre
Apart from being words of hope, epitaphs are also known to convey vital information.
Many gravestones in the world face east, mostly to acknowledge the rising sun.
Several gravestones have very meaningful carvings.
Sometimes, cemeteries feature other things like art, historical artifacts, and museums.
An acre of land can occupy close to 2,000 graves.
Why Visit A Cemetery Day is Important
To honor the dead
Understand life better
Helps to remember the dead
On this special holiday, we get to honor those who have gone before us. It is good to cherish the memories they left behind.
When we visit the cemetery, we get a better insight into life and appreciate that we must cherish it.
On Visit a Cemetery Day, we get to recall the times we spent with departed loved ones. We remember all the things they’ve done for us and the memories we shared.
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leah-halliwell92 · 8 months
Summary: The kidnapping of His Eminence Papa Emeritus III and essential calls are made.
Disclaimer: This book is rated 18+! If you are a minor DO NOT interact! Book contains depictions of violence, dismemberment, age gap relationship(s), and includes themes that revolve around religion and darker themes that maybe uncomfortable for some readers.
Chapter 1: The Kidnapping
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Secondo stood by the door that led to Primo’s private garden arms crossed keeping guard and a somber eye on his family as they and their respective ghouls paid their respects to their husband, friend, and brother. He watched as Primo led a small service in honor of their fallen brother, Terzo’s wife, and Prime Mover Jenesis sitting between Rosie and Copia as she tried to keep a strong front as they laid Terzo to rest. He watched as their youngest brother fought to keep his tears at bay. And no matter how hard, bitter, or angry he may be, Secondo had a soft spot for his two youngest brothers. And now here he stood, witnessing the burial of one of them. He fought the urge to flee to his father’s office and confront him on what in Satana’s name he had been thinking in allowing such a thing to come to pass. How could he have allowed them to kill his own son? But he wasn’t a naive little boy anymore, he knew better. 
Special stood beside him offering his silent support and reassuring nod. Secondo didn’t know what reassurance he needed but nonetheless appreciated the ghoul’s efforts. 
“No one comes in,” he told the ghoul, voice gravely and deep in barely restrained grief.
Special nodded and took his place resisting the urge to sigh. He wished he could somehow comfort his charges but knew now was not the time.
Meanwhile, Secondon took a seat next to Copia offering his fratellino as much of his silent strength as he could while trying to keep himself afloat. Copia had yet to look up at anything but his fisted hand on his lap, while his other held onto Jenesis’ hand offering her all that he had in that gesture. Primo looked decades older than he should, though the eldest of their hellish foursome, he’d always kept himself healthy. It was a necessity in order to successfully raise two brothers and run the church.
The family ended their service and wandered back to Primo’s suit in the Papal wing. 
“How can we be sure it was him?” Copia quietly asked, no unkindly the disbelief and shock still very evident through his grief. 
“ Nostro Padre said there was physical proof delivered to the church,” Primo stated, voice bleak.
The family shuddered at the thought, each thinking around the same thing…a body part had been delivered.
In this case, Secondo thanked Satanas he had not decided on bursting through his father’s office. He had no idea what he would have actually doneshould the proof of his brother’s murder be present. 
Jenesis looked to her family, a hand firmly on her still flat tummy, and resolutely said, “She better keep her distance from me and mine or there will be consequences.”
Secondo had to give it to her, Jenesis had balls of bronze to openly declare anything against Sister Imperator. No matter how much they all knew she was at fault. Turning his gaze to Copia he noticed his fratellino’s shoulders drop further and his complexion pale even more at the possibility that his own mother could be behind this. He shared a look with Primo who took their baby brother aside. No sooner had this happened, Copia practically fell into their eldest brother’s embrace sobs shaking his wiry frame. The combined emotions of their brother’s murder on top of there being a very likely chance his mother was behind all of it too much for him to carry.
Meanwhile a week prior in Sweden…
Omega sniffed at the air before taking to the shadows and following after the van they had shoved Terzo into. The faster he approached the van the clearer the argument the kidnappers were having got.
“Papa! That’s who we were sent out to fuck up!” Dickhead one yelled, incredulously, “For the love of everything that is unholy Sergio please tell me that you didn’t just accept a job to kill the fucking leader of our church!?”
Once the van slowed to a stop at a stop light, Omega used the shadows to sneak into the van. He saw Terzo bound and gagged on the bed of the van, a sigh of relief was quietly exhaled as he noticed that had been all that was done to Terzo.
“She said we’d be rewarded,” Sergio replied, voice shaky as the implications of what he’d agreed to do started setting in.
“We’d be ostracized and maybe even be executed, you moron!” Dickhead one yelled angrily, “Did you stop to think what the other Papas could do to us if they find out we did this to their brother?”
Sergio remained quiet and stepped on it once the light turned green. It had been late enough in the night that no one was out, giving them the advantage of stepping on it and getting out of the city.
“If you were going to step on it why even bother with the stop light?” Omega asked, voice cold as ice as he released Terzo from his bonds.
Luckily, they’d been far enough away from that city that when Sergio did push on the breaks nothing and no one was hurt…yet.
Omega growled ready to pounce.
“Omega stop,” Terzo spoke.
Though shaken to his core, the order was clear. Terzo the popstar had disappeared and in his place was Papa Emeritus III.
Dickhead One noticed the change and made quick work of opening the van.
“What are you doing Matthew!?” Sergio asked in disbelief.
“You agreed to this so-called job for me without thinking through anything,” Matthew stated, voice hard, “You took the easy way out thinking there would be glory behind taking down Papa. It would have made more sense for God himself to kill him than us. What in the seven hells were you even thinking Sergio!? Glory? Recognition? We’d finally found a home dammit!”
Omega watched as Matthew broke down, recognizing the heart that one had.
Through this tirade, Sergio stood still with a shame-filled resentful sneer on his face. Matthew stared at his brother embarrassment and shame riddled into one as he waited for his brother to say literally anything to justify the taking of a life.
“We wouldn’t have been nothing anymore man,” Sergio said through gritted teeth.
“Did you ever stop to think that I was happy doing what I was doing? No matter how big or small or insignificant you think it might have been I was happy just being a part of something?” Matthew asked, his voice thick with tears.
This clearly had not been something that Sergio had taken into consideration. The fool had been thinking of himself at that point in time and only included his brother to keep him close and share in the glory. But never had he ever thought that finding a place to call home and belonging would have been more than enough for Matthew to find peace.
Terzo and Omega watched the exchange with interest, Terzo feeling for the eldest of the two brothers as he saw true regret. Things could not just be left alone now though, answers were needed to make calculated plans come to fruition. 
“Who sent you?” He asked plainly.
“Sister Imperator,” Matthew answered directly, head bowed and hands balled into fists at his sides.
Sergio looked at his brother in shock, how could he give it all away just like that!?
Omega saw this and stepped in, “You’re dead anyway. You were going to die anyway and one way or another answers would have been obtained.”
Sergio swallowed heavily at this and remained silent.
“We don’t know why exactly, I swear,” Matthew continued, “My idiot brother took the job thinking he’d find glory in ending the line but as for the why on her part I, or we, don’t know.”
Terzo nodded at this and gave a thoughtful sigh.
“Boss, this means the end goal was for you to turn up dead or not turn up at all,” Omega pointed out, “This means that you need to make a full disappearing act sooner rather than later.”
Terzo nodded at his ghoul’s sage knowledge.
“Which means she’ll want proof of death,” Terzo added, an unidentifiable edge in his voice that put Omega on his own edge.
Without much warning, Terzo reached into the van, dug around until he found a small wood ax, and walked away until he came across a fallen log.
The trio of men looked on in horror as Terzo placed his empty hand on the log fingers spread as wide as they could go before relentlessly letting the ax fall.
The scream that was heard was deafening, the pain that it came laced in indescribable. And yet here was the proof of death needed for Terzo to make his escape.
“You do realize that no act can go unpunished, si?” He breathlessly asked the brothers, “Omega if you would.”
Matthew’s eyes widened at what the statement implied and nodded in understanding at what it meant. He’d threatened Papa’s life, there was no forgiving this.
“No please!” Begged Sergio as Omega drew him deeper and deeper into the tree line. 
Matthew’s lips quivered as he heard his brother’s screams as the ghoul ruthlessly ended his life.
Terzo meanwhile had taken what was left of his glove and covered the stump where his finger used to be.
“Do not mistake I left you alive as a mercy,” Terzo grimly stated, “Your punishment will be this, the death of your brother for his own actions. You are alive as a lesson, whether or not you learn it is not up to me.”
Matthew nodded regardless of the tears that fell from his eyes. 
“Take the finger,” Terzo ordered, “...and should Imperator ask what happened to your brother…”
The latter looked in the direction Omega went with the other man, Terzo’s comment revealing what it was Matthew was going to say upon returning to the States.
Omega returned, corpse thrown over his shoulder as he made his way back to the van.
They all piled into the van, Matthew on the wheel as Omega made quick work of tarping up Sergio’s body.
Matthew drove on hoping he’d wake from this living nightmare but knew the nightmare had only just begun.
Let me know what ya’ll think! Tag list open and all feedback is welcome! Don't forget to comment, reblog, and do all them good things.
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Arthur Morgan SFW Headcanons
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A-Affection (How do they show their affection? )
Arthur’s affection isn’t really that sweet, so he says. Every day, he gives you a flower he picked up nearby, and on certain occasions, he might give you a bouquet of them. Even when he’s passed, he’s asked the nearby town to give you a bouquet of flowers, and a note that’s not the same as others, until your passing. And when you pass, there will be a proper burial and a special wreath for you, with a ribbon around it that has your and his initials. And he says he doesn’t give good affection, that he’s just there to give you company.
His sarcastic jokes even make you laugh, and there’s sometimes where you break him out of prison in a style where you play the woman that just lost her man and needs the sheriff and his men to find him. You would steal the keys and quickly escape with Arthur, who takes you with. You do leave the keys for them though.
B-Best Friend (How did you two meet? What would they be like as your best friend?)
As your friend, he highly respects you and tends to greet you each time your presence is known to him. With a sweet and sly, “Hello” or even a “Miss. Y/LN” you’ll always reply in the same manner of greeting. As a woman, you tend to find yourself in situations where Dutch tends to flirt with you, or even Micah or Bill when he’s drunk. In the event it happens, Arthur always comes to the rescue, and even starts an argument about why they can’t just make you uncomfortable or feel vulnerable around them. This is how you start to fall in love with him as well.
The scenario would be he meets you on one of his random encounter events, being outside of a nearby town and asking Arthur for some assistance with your bags. You’ve might’ve been moving out of said town, or you might’ve been a working girl and the bags are just full of dresses that are very worn out and even other things you might need. He helps you with moving them, and since you tell him you have no living relatives anywhere, Hosea shows up outside of the camp to introduce himself and jokingly ask Arthur if he’s found a new woman to love, to which he jokingly tells him no. Though this scenario gets you into the gang, thanks to the lovely Hosea.
C-Cuddles (Do they like cuddling? How would they cuddle?)
He doesn’t actually like cuddles that much, but if you’re really needing one, he’s quick to do it. He knows they’re longer than a hug, and secretly, he sleeps like a baby when he has you in his arms. You know it though and let him do so, even if his hat hides his face.
D-Domestic (Would they help you around the house? Are they willing to settle down?)
Well, with Mary, he wanted to settle, he really did, but she didn’t like his outlaw style. You’re not Mary, though.
Once he gets his TB, the thoughts of settling down are gone from his mind, whatever they were before. But, he’d still try to be with you, no matter what. He’s just afraid of giving it to you, which is why he tends to be distant as much as he can. Though, the day of betrayal, you have the bravery to kiss him, which has him shocked and worried that he’d just given you the disease.
(Non TB) He’d think about it whenever you dreamed of it, well, told him about that dream. And one day, he’d get another ring, as he gave the other to John for Abigail, and propose to you to the gang, which you happily say yes to. Now, when you get married, he’d go to buy a plot of land with the money he saved up and, with Uncle’s and Hosea’s help, he’d built the house on the land. There, you’d become the happiest person ever, being with the man you love and adore, and he helps around the house, mainly to hunt for food outside.
E-Ending (What would happen if they broke up with their partner?)
The only time that the relationship would end is with TB, and it’s close to his death. You two would be heartbroken though, but it’s for the best. He doesn’t want you to die by his stupidity and the disease. He’d give you money and tell you to go find another man who would treat you like he would, to which you know that wouldn’t happen. But from there, you know it’s the end. The next day, you learn of his death and every day, you would visit his grave, but you would move on, but not from him.
F-Fiancé(e) (Would they be interested in having you as their bride or promised one?)
Of course he would! He’s the sort of guy that if he wasn’t an outlaw, he would get married to you. He loves you with all his heart, calling you his sweet love or lil’ darlin’.
G-Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Arthur thinks he isn’t a gentle sweet boah, and that’s a goddamn lie. Physically and emotionally, he wants you as his little teddy bear, that can also kick ass. Physically, he wouldn’t leave a single violent trace on you, and he be damned if he did it on accident, never on purpose. Emotionally, if you do get hurt, even if he’s hurt, it’s your care before his. The gentle, sweetest touch.
H-Hugs (How would they hug and do they like it? Might compare it with cuddles)
He loves to hug you, especially after a long day of dealing with Dutch’s “I have a plan” shenanigans. He’d either hug you by your waist with one arm and pull you close, or he’d open his arms and have you run into them. Either way, he’s holding you and he loves it more at night.
I-I love you (How fast would they say the L-word?)
It’s not that fast, he wouldn’t really say it unless he knows he can say it. It’s complicated. You become friends with him, his partner in crime, and now he has romantic feelings for you. It takes some time for this to get to his head. Though, one day out on the town, he’ll actually say it drunk. In the morning after, he’ll say it for real, cause you’ll be the one taking care of his hangover.
J-Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
When he gets jealous, by god, he wants to murder or pick a fight with the guy that did it. Well, if one of the ladies flirts, he doesn’t want to fight them, but he sure gets angsty which has the girls giggle as he embarrasses himself like that. If he’s super jealous, expect him to go take his anger out on a bear or somethin’.
K-Kiss (What are their kisses like? How often would this be happening? Where do they like to kiss you and where they would like to be kissed.)
His kisses are a little coarse, and these kisses would happen even in front of the gang members. He’d just ignore their mockery and bullying. His kisses though are loving and passionate, though if his lips do bother you, (and this existed during this time, I checked) give him some Chapstick. He’ll feel much better about it. He loves to kiss you on your nose, which has you giggle slightly when he does it. He loves to be kissed on his cheek, a sign of affection comes a long way for him. He’ll get all flustered about it too.
L-Little Ones (How are they with children?)
Well, as we see with little Jack, he’s a pretty good uncle figure. So, if you were to have a child with Arthur, he would treat it like he found the world’s precious mineral that can only be obtained, and that is his child. With the child, he’d try to do the same thing as John, get him to not be an outlaw like his dad, but he might do it anyway. Though, he does take him fishing, has Hosea teach him to read and write when Arthur is out, and secretly, if your child is a girl, would be getting lady lessons from Mrs. Grimshaw and possibly The others.
M-Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings with him depends. If he’s with you, he’s waking up feeling all groggy and usually wants to stay asleep for a little while longer, even after you wake up. Though, Hosea or Charles drags him out of his bed, and John might put his head in a barrel of water, just to have the morning start out with John getting his ass hit, and a nice cup of coffee.
If he wakes up before you, he tries to shake you awake and say sweet things in his sexy cowboy voice, “Awww come on, gurl. Get up.” If you groan and say, “Five more minutes” you’d immediately regret it when Mrs. Grimshaw somehow hears it and drags you out of bed, which only makes you whinier. She does her little boss waggle of her finger and soon you’re up helping the ladies with the chores around the tent, while seeing Arthur on the side. Though, sometimes, you get away with the five more minutes thing and get to hug Arthur a bit longer before you two have to go eventually.
N-Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights are also depending. If he’s in his tent, you’d join him in it tiredly, and all you want to do is cuddle against him and hear his voice lull you to sleep. If you ask nicely, he’s gladly able to do so.
If he’s not in his tent, he’s probably still out doing a task of his, but he’d be coming back eventually, and he’d see you in his tent cuddling against the bed with one of his jackets around you. He’d soon join you though, cause you probably like the smell of him.
O-Open (When will they reveal their true colors? How slow or fast is this?)
His true colors aren’t really there in the beginning, but if you’ve known him for a long time, they’ve been there for so long and you know where his loyalties lie. As I like high honor Arthur, he’d show his colors fast.
P-Patience (Do they have patience in this or are they very easily angered?)
Oh he’s not very angered by it. Since he’s an outlaw, and a busy one at that, he’s very patient.
Q-Questions (If you were to quiz them, how much of you would they remember?)
He would remember a few things, and when he tried to answer one question with a funny answer, you’d laugh a bit before getting serious. Sometimes, he is a bit stumped over some and you take your time to tell him what that thing is. During the months ahead, he’ll get better at remembering them.
R-Reminiscing (What is their favorite moment in the relationship?)
His favorite moment is the time he met you. How your eyes met each other and the way you smiled as you said howdy, or hello. He always goes back to this time, even when his life flashes before his very eyes.
S-Security (Are they overprotective? How would they protect you and how would they like to be protected?)
He is a bit overprotective. He likes to protect you by standing up to people who say you’re just going to move on to another man just like the other working girls that do. He’d protect your reputation and honor, and if you’d be the only injury in a battle, he’s damn sure to cure it, with the help of the ladies of course. He, himself, however keeps telling you he doesn’t need protection, and this makes you worrisome as his TB gets worse and he gets somewhat weaker. If he does get injured in battle, you’d do the same thing he’d do for you.
T-Try (How much effort would they put into important events, gifts, everyday tasks, etc.)
If it’s your birthday, he’s already planning your foods, what events you’re doing with him, what presents you’re getting, and the surprise from all this. Everyday tasks are no problem for him, he complains though. If it’s an anniversary, and if he forgets, he makes up a plan that’s better than Dutch’s, or Hosea might have to help him out with that and might ask you to go help Abigail with Jack.
U-Ugly (What are some of their bad habits/flaws of theirs?)
Some bad habits are forgetting important stuff until that very moment where someone mentions something that relates to it and then he’s like, “Shit! Got to think of something!” His flaw is obvious, that he’d keep saying he’s not a very good boyfriend or a wonderful kisser as he’s insecure, even if he’s a bit chubby. He’s still your handsome boah.
V-Vanity (How vane/concerned are they with their looks?)
I think that Hosea taught him proper care and that he is very concerned of his looks when it comes to impressing you. Whether it’s his clean shaven face or big scrawny beard, he’s still gorgeous.
W-Whole (Would they feel lost, lonely, incomplete without you?)
Yes. Defiantly. Especially if he’s out at night and wondering where you are, if you’re sleeping okay. He’d sing himself a crooner or sad cowboy song about his loneliness.
X-Xtra (One random headcanon)
Arthur loves to sing around the campfire with the others, and loves it when you sing along. Even if your voice is eh, you can just keep it on the down low. If you have a wonderful, beautiful voice, there might be some stares of surprise, but Arthur would be the most surprised. “I didn’t know you could sing so angelic! Why weren’t you into singing?!”
Y-Yuck (What’s one thing they would not like in a relationship or a partner?)
He’d not like a partner that would bully him for his insecurity or just wants him as a partner because he’s hot. He likes personality too, not just looks. Also no abusing, like physical. He’d dump you right away.
Z-Zzzz (What’s their sleeping habit?)
His sleeping habit with you is a bit more peaceful, though he snores sometimes. If you slap your hand on his face, he’d quickly fall asleep with no snoring. Though, when he wakes up, his groggy self isn’t that anymore. He loves to hold you in his arms, and sleeps better that way.
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kazesauce · 7 months
TWD:DD Rewatch Recap Ep 2
I'm rewatching the first season of TWD: Daryl Dixon to look for anything that stands out now that we know all the characters and how the season ends. The second episode was more fun on rewatch. The second recap is even longer than the first, so strap in or scroll on.
Mork and Mindy
The scene of Mork buying Mindy hideous clothes because he wants to take her dancing is from the series finale called The Mork Report. The plot of the episode is Mork sending a report to Ork about what it takes to have a happy Earth marriage. (His answers were honesty, respect, romance and compatibility if anyone is interested.) It makes Daryl's melancholy line “you can't miss what you never had” punch a lot harder. There's no doubt in my mind he was thinking about Carol, the only woman he's ever exchanged “I love you”s with.
Daryl, Isabelle, Laurent and the kids at the school
There's an interesting theme about lying in this episode. Isabelle, Daryl and Lou (the leader girl at the school) all lie, but for different reasons and handle the consequences differently. Isabelle lied to Laurent about who his father was, causing him to embarrass himself when he repeats the absurd tale to the kids at the school. She also lied to Laurent about Asterix the mule surviving after Daryl has to cut him loose for being loud and uncooperative. Laurent finds Asterix dead being chowed down on by 2 dogs (one of which looks a lot like Dog). Laurent yells “you lied to me!” at Isabelle and runs off. You see him later banging a stick against a contraption the kids set up in the yard, and he stays mad at Isabelle for the rest of the episode. Isabelle never apologizes. She only says that she babies him because he's special.
Lou lied to the other kids about the fate of the two boys she took with her to the castle where the peak “ugly American” trope lives. She told the other kids they were still on a mission, which isn't completely untrue because she didn't know their fate when she ran off to save herself. When Daryl returns with her, they rescue one boy and find the other a walker. She tearfully takes responsibility and puts him down. Lou is so mature and loving as a teenager being thrust into an impossible position.
Daryl lied to Lou about medicine being able to save their severely ill teacher. He knew she was too far gone, but needed the horse from the ugly American so he could hold up his end of the bargain with Isabelle and make it home. When they came back to the teacher having passed, Lou is crushed they're too late. Daryl confesses to lying about the medicine so he could get the horse and apologizes. Lou gives Daryl a nod of forgiveness. (Nobody mentions this, but the kids have access to everything in that castle now that the ugly American is dead, so Daryl did them a huge favor) Daryl gives Lou words of encouragement about what a good leader she already is and will continue to be, then offers to put down the teacher for her, but Lou declines and Daryl gives her privacy. The camera cuts to a mystified Isabelle, who apparently has never apologized in her life and doesn't understand how sincere human interaction works.
He's barely in the episode, but it's an important scene. He finds the map of their route, and because of Isabelle's detour, has time to heal from his multiple gunshot wounds and catch up to them in Paris. He also cries again as he finds the bodies of his compatriots rotting in the courtyard of the abbey while the nuns have all been given proper burials. Poor tender-hearted baby. I almost hope Carol has to mercy-kill him so they can cry pretty together.
Isabelle, Quinn and Lily – Flashback
@silver-shana-fox noticed a poster for the ballet Orphée behind Isabelle in the metro station. She explained that it's based on the Greek myth Orpheus and Eurydice and the story has parallels to Isabelle and Quinn. The original myth is that Eurydice (Izzy) dies from a snakebite and Orpheus (Quinn) makes a deal with Hades that if he leads her out of the underworld without looking back she can live, but Orpheus turns around right at the end and Eurydice is sucked back into the underworld, meaning Quinn and Izzy's relationship was always doomed. The title of the ballet is the same as a 1950 movie that adds extra characters, death and a pregnancy, so it might also be an easter egg hint that Quinn was Laurent's father.
At the abbey you meet little student Sylvie whose parents never came to get her. It's revealed that Lily was bitten after Izzy stole Quinn's car. She dies in childbirth and turns, forcing Father Jean to perform a c-section. He proclaims the baby's survival a miracle, so Isabelle takes the baby into a room and names him Laurent after the first statue of a saint she sees. I'm still undecided on where the show will go with how “special” Laurent is. Lily was having pregnancy complications before she was bitten, and likely died from those complications and not the fever. Everyone is already infected, but the virus was activated in her hours before Laurent was born. Science wise, how the baby reacts to maternal disease during delivery depends on the disease and whether the baby passed through the birth canal, so it's impossible to know how a made-up virus with no real-world analog would behave during a c-section. Lore wise this is also uncharted territory, so the show could do anything, but I suspect Laurent won't be the cure.
Odds and Ends
Isabelle is an inveterate liar and thief. There was no reason to say Daryl was a priest, and it put him in the awkward position of having to say grace later. As a southern man that lived with an Episcopalian priest, there's no way he would be that rusty on the rules of not eating before saying grace, or being so in the weeds about what to say. Shades of him suddenly not knowing how to drive a stick shift so Denise could make fun of him. However, I respect that they wanted to show Daryl's childlike innocence in that situation and have him give that painfully earnest blessing.
Knowing what we know now about Quinn being Laurent's father, it makes sense that he would be hesitant to take Lily with them. He deserved to be puked on, but did it have to go in his mouth? Gross. Quinn proved himself to be resourceful, unafraid and decisive, so it makes sense that he would survive and be the head of an underground club a decade later.
The bed scene was even more tense than I remembered. Daryl is laying on the bed and offers to leave when Isabelle comes in. She says the bed is big enough and Daryl stays because he ain't sleeping on the floor for the likes of her when she didn't offer to do the same. Isabelle gets on Daryl for lying to Lou, and he throws her “the truth can wait” line back at her. She says a mule is different than their teacher and Daryl is visibly agitated. He says they just need to find a radio and Isabelle sounds irritated when she replies “So you can go home.”. Daryl, still agitated, says “Yes, so I can go home.” What is she doing acting possessive of him when they've known each other a few days at best? Back off, lady. The whole episode highlights that Isabelle is a terrible person.
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daeminia-archive · 2 years
The World of Daeminia
The Cosmics and Creation
There are two Major Daemons that preside over the aspects of life and death respectively. They are the only true eternal Daemons, their magic holding up the laws of the world itself. These Daemons lack a physical form, though they can craft one at will. The Major Daemon of life and creation is known as Chaos, a primordial energy of nothingness and potential. The Major Daemon of ends and decay is known as Death. Together, they are known as the Cosmics.
This world and all of its life sprang from Chaos, for it is in its nature to dispel from itself. This magic took the form of land and sea and sky, of grass and clouds, of wind and rain and the sun and moon. It created and created until almost all of itself was spent, for Chaos is not infinite. The more Chaos creates, the more of itself it uses until someday there shall be nothing left and the world would collapse upon itself. And to remedy this, Chaos’ brother, Death, would encourage creation to wither and rot, so in its death the magic would be returned to Chaos to cycle through again. This creation and stabilizing helped give magic a finer form, and thus Daemons were made.
The Cosmics’ powers and energies are able to seep into Daeminia through deep abyssal chasms in the ground. These chasms are direct connections to the Cosmics and are looked after by Watchers. These chasms are also used as a collective burial site, as it is thought that cadavers sent through the chasms would have its energies be recycled to the Cosmics faster.
It must be understood that Chaos and Death are neither malevolent nor benevolent entities. They exist out of the very nature of it, and care not for the creations they make. The natural instinct of any animal is to survive, and thus so they do.
Magic Takes Form
All things are made of Chaos; Chaos is the energy that makes things grow and live, and it is also the energy that is fashioned into “magic.” Additionally, there is also a second rarer type of “magic” energy known as Wan, which embodies the energy of the Cosmic Daemon known as Death.
The magic in this world is general, and anyone can shape the magic in any way they wish. Some might be more inclined to shape it in a more specific way than others, creating specialties like pyromancy, etc. For example, anyone can do pyromancy, but the ones who specialize in it can do more powerful and specific things with fire (summoning a candle flame vs trapping a forest fire). Small and unspecialized use of magic can be used in day-to-day life, like for factory work, cleaning, cooking, etc.
Higher subtypes of Daemons have more innate reservoirs of magic to use compared to the lower classes. Due to the power difference, society in Daeminia is class-based and reliant on how much magic a Daemon has. Little to no magic puts you lower on the class scale while a vast reservoir of magic allows one to be seen as more aristocratic.
However, the more magic a Daemon has, the harder it is to control it. Magic can alter the Daemon’s physical form and the consciousness of their mind; without proper control of their magic, a Daemon can devolve into a monstrous blob or wisp away to nothingness, and lose their sense of self. To combat this, Daemons wear a Wan-infused item called a Key to help keep the Chaos energies in check. With the Key, Daemons are able to maintain a stable physical form and have a cap to limit their power so it would not hurt them. Even Major Daemons are subject to this, but certain classes of Minor Daemons, such as humans, do not need a Key since they possess little to no magic. Keys can be made out of any material and can be any item; usually they are fashioned into something the Daemon can wear so it can be with them at all times. Common types of Keys include masks, necklaces, charms, buttons, and various articles of clothing.
Direct exposure to open vats of Chaos and Wan energies can further distort a Daemon’s ability and form, and can turn a Minor Daemon into a Major Daemon. This is normally a thing associated with Watchers, as they are Daemons Court-picked to watch over these open vats and commune with the Cosmic Daemons.
Chaos And Wan
To get to the bare basics: Chaos is creation energy and Wan is energy associated with death and decay. Wan energy is what breaks down Daemons and objects so that the Chaos energy inside them can be recycled back into the Major Daemon Chaos. Wan, and thus Death, exists as a check-and-balance to Chaos as an energy and entity.
Purified Wan is ritualistically infused into objects to make them Keys. This allows higher amounts of Chaos to be capped and controlled, disabling it from going out of proportion. The process of creating Keys is difficult and taxing; Key makers are known for having shorter life spans due to Wan manipulation. Keys must be replaced once they show signs of wear and tear magically, else if the condition worsens the Daemon will lose control.
Major and Minor Daemons
There are two main classes of Daemons: Major and Minor. An important distinction between them is how much magic they embody. Major Daemons are like mortal-gods and are at the top of the social hierarchy. Minor Daemons have less magic and power to them, and continue to diminish further down the caste system.
The caste system is presented as thus in descending order:
Major Daemons
Minor Daemons
Major Daemons
As mentioned prior Major Daemons are essentially mortal-gods, and only a step down from the Cosmics. They have strong magic and control over certain elements, and are responsible for the existence of that element. For example, a Major Daemon of water guarantees the presence of water on Daeminia. There can be multiple Major Daemons of the same domain, though Major Daemons are few and far in between in population than Minor Daemons. As Major Daemons are mortal, they will die, and so will their domains disappear from thew world. However, a bypass has been found in that if a Major Daemon has an heir/ess then they will inherit the power upon their parent’s death.
For centuries, Daeminia has been divided and ruled by four Major Daemons representative of the four seasons: spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Each respective kingdom is known as a Court, and each Court experiences an eternal season represented by its respective ruler. Each Court has its own culture, fashion, specialties, and beliefs. Other Major Daemons within these regions, if any, often serve as delegated attorney generals and other government officials.
Watchers are Psuedo-Major Daemons elected by the Court to be the conduits between the Cosmics and the rest of the world. Initially someone from the Minor Daemon caste, Watchers are often changed through both appearance and power due to over exposure of strong amounts of chaos and wan energies emitted by the open vats in the earth. These vats are known as Wells, and is the closest connection Daemons have to the Cosmics. Through these Wells, Watchers can communicate with the Cosmics and are thus responsible to relay messages between them and the sovereigns of the four courts.
A Watcher’s primary responsibility, however, is to maintain the balance between chaos and wan. Communicating with the sovereigns, the Watchers must meet a middle ground between them and the Cosmics on how to remedy imbalances. A world where there is too much wan than there is chaos incites baby booms, ceasefires, higher disease control and prevention, and more to rectify the problem. However, a world where there is much more chaos than wan will likely see mandated war and a series of destructive events until the order is given to cease.
The power and magical capabilities of Watchers are not on par with Major Demons; they do not control an aspect or element of the world around them making their abilities comparable to that of Minor Daemons, while the influence from exposure to chaos and wan making the intensity of their innate magic comparable to that of Major Daemons.
Minor Daemons
Minor Daemons make up most of Daeminia’s population and vary widely on size, shape, body type, and control. There are three subtypes in this category: Belua, Sith, and Human.
The Belua are far more beastly in appearance than the Sith, bearing little to no resemblance whatsoever to humans. Their body shapes vary greatly due to larger amounts of magic needing to be retained, and unlike the Sith, have little to no control over their magic when their Key is removed. Despite this, they have greater access to magical abilities and are much more powerful than Sith and humans. The Belua take up the upper most tier of civilian Daemon society and are often in positions of lower scale power. Typically, it is a Belua who is nominated to become a Watcher.
Daemons of the Sith category appear much more human than beastly. Due to their lower amounts of innate magic enabling them to have some control without their Keys, Siths master their abilities relatively early in their lives. Siths are the most common Daemon subtype to encounter and make up the middle and lower tiers of the social hierarchy.
Notable Sith Types:
Volans - bird folk; can have a variety of traits including feathers, fur, paws, talons, and more. Recognizable real world comparisons would be angels, harpies, and general humanoid bird monsters
Muruch - aquatic folk; they are recognized by their excessive fins, gills, and human anatomy. Some Muruch can shape-shift to look more or less like a human, though they frequently have a need to be by a body of water to hydrate. If these particular Muruch lose their item of restriction, they will be stuck in one form forever. Recognizable real world comparisons would be merfolk, sirens, selkies, the missing link, and general humanoid fish monsters.
Necrieflings - undead folk; though not truly undead, Necrieflings have only been recently accepted as a race of Daemons. Necrieflings are often pitied by others, mainly due in part to the fact that most of their energy and magic is used to rebuild their bodies with parts or fluids they’ve scavenged. Incredibly intelligent with an inside look of biological magic use, they are masterful bio-artificers. Recognizable real world comparisons would be zombies, vampires, succubi, and other humanoid creatures with similar themes.
Humans are the lowest tier of Daemons. They possess little to no natural magic, and in comparison to other Daemons live extremely short lifespans. Where humans lack magic, however, they make up for through their tendency towards renovation. Humans have been known to be very adaptive and are primarily responsible for changes in the world via architecture, government, the arts, etc. Despite this, humans are considered to have little value in the social order and are often the most neglected in all four Courts in spite of their large population number.
The Uprising
Due to rights and luxuries being rewarded to some classes over others, there is an intense social chasm between the upper and lower classes. Siths and Humans have formed the Virtues, the name attributed to the rebels dedicated in overthrowing the current caste system and each of the four sovereigns who lead it. They are willing to destroy the foundations of the world if it means building a better future. Not all Humans and Siths think similarly, as the Virtues’ goals seem dangerous and wildly unpredictable. In any case, the privileged Belua and Major Daemons are not so keen on giving up their positions or power no matter what it takes.
Though it seems there are allies in unlikely places, and enemies that stand in plain sight...
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ameliaoliverblogs · 2 days
A Seamless Experience with Peace And Paradise Crematory's Affordable Cremation and Burial Services
If you’re searching for a reliable and compassionate service provider for end-of-life arrangements in Chicago, I highly recommend Peace And Paradise Crematory. Recently, I had the heart-wrenching task of arranging a funeral for a loved one, and their team made the process seamless and dignified.
Peace And Paradise Crematory specializes in affordable cremation and burial services, which was crucial for us. Their pricing is transparent and reasonable, ensuring that families from all walks of life can give their loved ones a respectful farewell without financial strain.
From the moment we contacted them, their staff was incredibly supportive and understanding. They patiently answered all our questions and provided detailed information about the various services they offer. Whether you need a simple cremation or a more elaborate burial service, they have a wide range of options to suit different preferences and budgets.
One of the things that stood out to me was their attention to detail and commitment to honoring our wishes. We chose a beautiful urn for the ashes, and the staff helped us personalize it, making it a truly meaningful keepsake. They also assisted with the funeral arrangements, coordinating everything smoothly so that we could focus on saying our goodbyes.
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The cremation process itself was handled with the utmost care and respect. Knowing that our loved one was in the hands of compassionate professionals provided immense comfort during such a difficult time. They also offer a serene and well-maintained facility, providing a peaceful environment for final farewells.
Peace And Paradise Crematory goes above and beyond to support families during their time of need. Their affordable cremation and burial services are designed to ease the burden on grieving families, and their compassionate approach makes a world of difference. I can’t thank them enough for their kindness and professionalism.
If you ever find yourself in need of cremation or burial services in Chicago, I wholeheartedly recommend Peace And Paradise Crematory. They truly live up to their name, providing a haven of peace and paradise when you need it most.
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Navigating Cremation Services Near Me: A Guide to Making Informed Decisions
Planning a funeral is a deeply personal and emotional experience. With cremation becoming a popular choice for many families, it's essential to understand what "cremation services near me" entail to make informed decisions during such a challenging time. This guide explores the various aspects of cremation services, the benefits they offer, and how to choose the right provider for your needs.
What Are Cremation Services?
Cremation services involve the process of reducing the body to ashes through high-temperature combustion. This method serves as an alternative to traditional burial and has gained popularity due to its flexibility, affordability, and environmental considerations. Cremation services can range from direct cremation, which involves no ceremony, to full-service funerals with elaborate memorial events.
The Cremation Process
The process begins with preparing the body, which may involve cleaning and dressing. Any medical devices or implants are removed to ensure safety during cremation.
2. Identification:
A unique identification tag is assigned to the body and remains with it throughout the process to ensure that the correct remains are returned to the family.
3. Cremation:
The body is placed in a cremation chamber, or retort, where it is exposed to temperatures between 1400 and 1800 degrees Fahrenheit. This process takes approximately 2 to 3 hours, resulting in the reduction of the body to bone fragments and ashes.
4. Processing Remains:
After the cremation, the remains are cooled, and any metal is removed. The bone fragments are then processed into a fine powder, commonly referred to as ashes or cremains.
5. Returning the Ashes:
The ashes are placed in an urn or container chosen by the family and returned to them. Families can then decide on the final disposition of the ashes, whether to keep, bury, scatter, or use them in memorial items.
Benefits of Cremation Services
Cremation is often more affordable than traditional burial. It eliminates the need for a burial plot, casket, and headstone, which significantly reduces funeral expenses.
2. Flexibility:
Cremation offers greater flexibility in planning memorial services. Families can hold a service before or after the cremation or at a later date, accommodating schedules and travel needs.
3. Environmental Impact:
Many people consider cremation to be a more environmentally friendly option. It avoids the use of embalming chemicals and reduces land use associated with traditional burials.
4. Portability:
The ashes can be kept, buried, scattered, or incorporated into memorial items, providing versatile options for families to honor their loved ones.
5. Personalization:
Ashes can be made into jewelry, glass art, or mixed with soil to grow a memorial tree, offering unique ways to remember and celebrate the deceased.
Finding and Choosing "Cremation Services Near Me"
Research and Reviews:
Begin by searching online for "cremation services near me" and reading reviews from previous clients. Websites like Yelp, Google Reviews, and funeral home websites provide valuable insights into the quality of services offered.
2. Services Offered:
Ensure the cremation service provider offers the specific services you need. Some specialize in direct cremation, while others provide full-service funerals, memorials, and grief support.
3. Facility Tour:
If possible, visit the cremation facility. A tour can give you a better understanding of their processes, cleanliness, and how they handle cremation with respect and dignity.
4. Pricing Transparency:
Request a detailed price list to understand the costs involved. Transparent pricing is crucial to avoid unexpected expenses and ensure the service fits within your budget.
5. Legal and Ethical Standards:
Verify that the cremation service provider adheres to all legal and ethical standards. They should be licensed and comply with state and local regulations regarding cremation.
6. Personal Connection:
Choose a provider where you feel comfortable with the staff. Compassionate and professional staff can make a significant difference during such an emotional time.
Memorialization Options
Urns and Keepsakes:
There are various urns and keepsakes available, ranging from traditional urns to custom-made pieces that reflect the personality and preferences of your loved one.
2. Scattering Ceremonies:
Many families choose to scatter the ashes in a meaningful location. Whether it’s a favorite beach, park, or garden, scattering ceremonies can be a poignant way to say goodbye.
3. Memorial Services:
Holding a memorial service after cremation allows family and friends to gather, share memories, and celebrate the life of the deceased. This can be done at a funeral home, a place of worship, or even a family home.
4. Creative Memorials:
Some families opt for creative memorials such as planting a tree with the ashes, creating a memorial reef, or having the ashes made into a piece of art or jewelry.
Choosing cremation services is a deeply personal decision that offers flexibility, affordability, and a range of memorialization options. By researching "cremation services near me," understanding the process, and considering your family’s needs and preferences, you can find a service provider that will help you honor your loved one with dignity and respect. Remember, the right cremation service will support you through every step, providing the care and compassion needed during such a challenging time. Call us now!
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lacamorte · 2 months
~ Life and Death
(no fandom)
Typical apocalypse setting, where one farmer girl has no skill for battle and instead resolves to give all fallen warriors a proper burial. She writes autobiographies and learns their culture's funerary rites. The big bad kills so many people for so many years and approaches her to kill her, asking for her final words. She asks to bury her comrades; big bad shrugs and allows it. She also digs herself a grave and asks to be killed over it so she just falls in and big bad can just dump dirt over her body or summ. When she dies, turns out she was the last body she needed to bury to unlock a special class — Death. like fr. she's not a necromancer, she's just death. and also, she really was the last survivor of her world, and thus the final death.
When she wakes up she's in a garden. she's greeted by a cloaked figure with white hair spilling over his shoulders. ("It's you. I've waited for you for so long, I'd begun to doubt your existence. My dearest little sister.")
Basically they're the only two with the special class of Death, but had different awakening conditions. Hers was put to peace the souls of 100 people; his was kill 100 'evils' (bad ppl). They both came from the same world, but he died much earlier than her and had ages to get accustomed to this new world. Now, their job is to guide the souls to the afterlife/resolve their woes and collecting souls respectively. For a killer, the first death is a very good brother.
Understandably, if there is Death, there is also Life. They all came from the same world as the Death.
Those with the Life class so far are Birth, Regression, Reincarnation, Transmigration and Afterlife.
Birth is the oldest. She was an authority in the apocalyptic world in a big company, and a renowned prophet came and told her that she would give birth to the savior of their world, and that the child would have pure white hair. Thus, she began to ask every man with considerable skill and power for their sperm. You can see where this is going — she gives birth to many, many children. All of them are powerful, but none of them are the savior. The best healers attend to her and ensure her body doesn't deteriorate from the birthing. At one point, she seeks out powerful people at bars in the hopes that one day, the savior will come.
The savior never comes. She dies from the strain.
One thing she failed to consider was that the prophet was someone she had once been close with but at one point hurt, and had taken vengeance upon her by giving her the responsibility of saving the world. In the end, she had birthed all those children, suffered all those labors, for nothing.
When she wakes up in the garden, her hair is pure white.
One thing to note — there was once a child in the apocalyptic world who was praised fervently for his fighting prowess and power and rumored to be the world's hero.
She finds him. She covers his face and does what she thinks she has to do, and ensures the child never remembers. She never forgets.
When she awakens as the Birth, she also meets the First Death. It's him — grown up and jaded and still as skilled as she remembers.
She can never look him in the eye.
Birth's awakening condition was, as you suspect, to give birth to a hundred children. Because of her wealth, she sustained all of them and they all lived well. She knew them all by name, and gave them as much of her time as she could. She loved them dearly, and they respected her greatly because they were taught to. But she neglects them, too busy with her mission, and in the end, it's her staff and hired hands that raise her children.
When the garden calls her, she finds there, perched at the base of the tree, the Regression. He's one of her children.
The other Life classes are also her children. Regression's power was time reversal (exclusive to himself), and his awakening condition was to perform it 100 times. Reincarnation's was to die, then miraculously come to life again, then die of old age. Transmigration's condition was to perfectly assume the identity of another person and essentially 'become' them, to the point of almost forgetting one's self. Afterlife's condition was to rehabilitate a hundred people.
They spend much time together in the new world. The First Death is kind of jealous that the Life gets to be a family, and the others keep reassuring him that he's a part of their family too. Understandably, the First Death is ecstatic (as he expresses it, anyway. At one point in his childhood, he'd lost his ability to unabashedly express himself, and no one knows why) when the Second Death arrives.
When Birth sees her, everyone is nervous, knowing how rocky her relationship is with the First Death. But Birth runs up to her and embraces her tightly, crying.
(The Second Death is the only person that she herself had not sinned against.)
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farewellfuneralsau · 3 months
Cremation Services in Brisbane
Cremation Services in Brisbane have become increasingly popular as a dignified and less costly alternative to traditional burial. However, there are still some misconceptions about cremation costs and what exactly you get for your money.
A Direct Cremation is also known as a no service funeral, bare cremation or unattended cremation. This is the most affordable option. To know more about Cremation Services in Brisbane, visit the Farewell Funerals website or call 0404660974.
A cremation can be considerably less costly than a traditional burial service. This is because you do not need to purchase a casket and burial plot. In addition, you can keep the cremated ashes in a simple container. Moreover, you can save money by opting for a pre-planned and pre-paid funeral plan. This will lock in the price at the time of payment and help you avoid future increased charges.
The staff at Ruffles Funeral Services are a compassionate bunch that understand how shattering it is to lose a loved one. They are ready to help you with any questions you may have. They can also guide you through the various funeral venues that are available in Brisbane.
They are a family-owned and operated business that has been serving Brisbane residents for over 30 years. They offer a comprehensive range of services that will fit any budget and needs. They will even accommodate special requests such as a funeral on short notice.
As funeral expenses are rising day by day, many families are opting for alternatives to a traditional service. These include cremation services. These are simple, dignified and affordable options that have been popular due to a variety of factors.
A direct cremation is typically cheaper than a full service funeral, as you don’t need to pay for a casket or venue. This can help you save on catering, flowers and multiple transportation fees.
Some families prefer to have a final farewell ceremony before the cremation, which can be conducted in the crematorium chapel. This may include a eulogy, poems or readings and music. Then family and friends will usually follow a procession from the funeral service venue to the crematorium for the committal. This will take place with the coffin either on a trolley or a catafalque. Some people also like to include their wishes for a cremation in their wills. This removes the stress of making decisions at a time of grief.
Cremation is the process of burning the body to reduce it to very fine bone fragments, which are then called ashes. People choose to be cremated for a number of reasons, including cost and religious beliefs. The decision to be cremated is often made well before death and a funeral service can take place before the body is buried or cremated.
A funeral director can organise a service at the crematorium chapel for a cremation, or alternatively a family can hold their own ceremony elsewhere. Alternatively, family and friends can attend a memorial service or special ceremony later in life, when they feel ready to say goodbye.
The cremation process usually takes up to two hours, during which time the remains will be reduced to a fine powder of mostly grey colour, known as ashes. These are then retrieved from the cremation chamber and placed into a selected urn. Most crematoriums will provide a basic plastic urn, but you can also buy your own.
Some people choose to scatter their loved one’s ashes in a place that has significance for them. This could be a location like their favourite beach or a park, or it may be a house they grew up in. This type of resting spot can be a great way to keep memories close and give family and friends a place to visit and pay their respects.
However, it’s important to consider the future of your chosen spot. Will it be protected from weather damage, redevelopment or erosion? It’s also important to be aware that while you don’t need a permit to scatter ashes on State-owned land, you will require a permit for Commonwealth reserves. To know more about Cremation Services in Brisbane, visit the Farewell Funerals website or call 0404660974.
If you would like to discuss your options for ashes dispersal and disposal, please contact us. We are happy to answer any questions you may have and to help make your journey just a little bit easier.
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stolencrownsofplenty · 4 months
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Anonymous | Accepting
5, 13, 25, 37, 44, 56 >:3c
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5. What do you hope to see at your funeral/wake/burial/cremation? What do you think you’ll actually see?
((I would hope to see at my burial, my family would recycle my dead body to used as fertilizer for a tree; either its just a baby or a thousand year old one, it would not matter to me either way. I feel in some part while my family would be saddened I'd pasted away either due to an accident or just life taking its course, but I would want them to honor me in a way my life would still be apart of theirs' in some way. I don't know if that do that sorta program anymore, but it's a nice thought to think about at least.
What would I see on the other side though? I wouldn't know. I haven't lived it yet, so you never know honestly.))
13. If you could live in a movie or movie franchise, which would it be? Why?
((Monster's Inc or Zootopia. Both would lean into on the slight fantasy but still feel familiar to me if I ever got stuck in those universes somehow. If I even got the chance to have my form as my lambsona? That'd make it even better since I wouldn't be too different from those guys anyhow.))
25. Who is someone you admire?
((My friends! Would absolutely throw a rock if I got to visit them over the world some day. ^o^))
37. When was the last time someone texted you and what about?
((From my last text message? It was from my horse trainer talking to me and my mother about having horse riding lessons later this Monday night. We try to have them weekly when we can manage it, since riding horses is my physical therapy, and they are always something I look forward to during my long weeks.))
44. Think about some strong opinions (about anything) that you have. Could be about RP, life, school, work, people. Where did that come from; what happened to make you feel or think that way?
((I do have some opinions when it comes to how Neurotypical writers who work in the film industry write really poor autism representation and don't do the proper research to portray a person with autism with human respect; and I am especially talking about older media that still has some sort of cultural impact. As much as we've gotten some decent rep in the last few years and they're far and between? I do have a strong hatred for the characters like Ra.in Ma.n, Shel.don Co.oper, and The Go.od Doc.tor. Since fictional media is what the common everyday viewer often consumes on an everyday basis to either learn about the world or what autism might be like in some cases? Those older character representation leaves a bitter taste in my mouth since they leave a super surface level rep of the autism definition, and can often give someone who isn't neurodivergent an unfair idea of what someone with autism might actually be like
Sure, it can be possible to be really into a special interest to turn into a career for themselves, but it leaves a lot to be desired when characters like that are only written to be nothing but THAT one "Smart Guy" trait. Being mentally disabled doesn't make it weird I am super smart. As someone who is more on the average side of smarts? I'm just someone who picks up random facts because of my writing, but I wouldn't be able to help you if it came to terms of math though. Plus! A lot of time for this rep, they don't even show the good sides of the autism with it comes to interacting with the world and even the relationships around them.
It even makes me sad to think, while I do love the people I've built friendships with, that some people would get inconvenienced by me wanting to be effective in either communication or just not understand autism is not what we are entirely. We're a person with our own personality. And autism is just something that came along with our physical body; and we have to interact with the world with a body that wasn't build to survive in a loud world.))
56. How important is getting to know a mun when writing with them? 
((Super important actually! Not only would you want to get to know me better to learn what could be a potential no-no or yes-yes when it comes to boundaries? Getting to know me as much as I am getting to know you helps me feel me more comfortable when it comes to each of us writing our muses together. I like to learn about a person's muse when I have my muse interacting with them, but it makes the process go a bit smoother when I have an idea of what's going on in their head when I have some friend bonding going down with my mutuals. I WANT to see how our characters might become best friends, worst enemies, or even potential lovers, but it helps to bond with the writer first since building trust there lets me know what a person wants and how I can help make the best out of our writing experiences.))
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theprayerfulword · 5 months
January 10
Ephesians 5:25,27 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her, … 27 that He might present to Himself the church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless.
Proverbs 31:27-28 She is vigilant over the activities of her household; she doesn’t eat the food of laziness. 28 Her children bless her; her husband praises her.
Proverbs 1:10 My son, if sinners entice you, do not give in to them.
2 Timothy 1:7 The Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; 6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.
Matthew 6:21 …for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
May you respect all offices of authority, without agreeing with any sins of the individual, for God may draw them by the honor you demonstrate, just as Abraham did not flaunt God's promise to possess the land when he asked to buy a burial ground, for the sins of the Hittites were not yet full and the promise was not yet ready to be fulfilled. Genesis 23
May you trust the guidance and provision of the Lord in the assignments and tasks He gives you, knowing that He will prepare the way and lead you in it to complete His purpose and show His glory. But remember that you are only responsible for obeying, not for the results. Genesis 24
May you walk closely with the Lord, reflecting His love and generosity to others, obeying the nudge of the Spirit, going the extra mile. That is how others will know you are His. Genesis 24
May you listen to the wooing of the Spirit of God as He makes much of the Son of God. Allow your heart to be drawn in love to One Who has shown undeniably that He would rather die than live without you. Genesis 24
Release your heart into eternity with Me, My child, and abide with Me in the heavenlies. Your feet will remain on the ground and your hands will continue to work in the earth, but your purposes and your goals will be from Me, not from the prince of this world system. Your ears will be able to hear My Spirit as life and healing and wisdom are spoken into your heart from the throne of the Father. Your eyes will gain the ability to see the glory of the Lord as it shines on the path you are to follow. But you must grow into this, My love, through daily time spent alone with Me, in regular sessions of isolation from external voices, in periodic fasting from distractions, in special episodes of separation from the congregation, that you may practice the worship I give you and develop a taste for My presence. How will you spend eternity with Me if you cannot stay quietly thinking about Me for more than a few minutes? As you grow in your love for Me and develop in your expression of worship, My joy will be revealed in your life to others and My presence will be felt by those around you. Come to Me that you may rejoice in Me and that you may share Me with others in your life.
May you bring your need before the Lord, confessing your belief in His ability to answer, so that He may demonstrate His willingness to answer. Matthew 8
May you express your faith in the Son of God before heaven and earth, acknowledging that He has the authority to speak the word and send the hosts of heaven to accomplish His command. Matthew 8
May you declare the praises of the Lord in the presence of His people and rejoice in His salvation with His saints, for in mercy He has lifted you up from the gates of death. Psalm 9
May you call on the Lord to arise, lest man should triumph, and judge the nations in His presence, remembering the needy and giving hope to the afflicted. Psalm 9
May you keep the commands of the Lord in your heart and not forget His teachings. They will prolong your life many years and bring you prosperity. Proverbs 3:1,2
May you bind love and faithfulness around your neck and write them on the tablet of your heart that they may never leave you. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man. Proverbs 3:3,4
May you trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge the Lord and He will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5,6
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rufflesfunerals · 8 months
Funeral Planning
While it may feel morbid, creating a funeral plan is a responsible and necessary step in ensuring that your wishes are met after your death. If you don’t have a plan, your loved ones will have to deal with planning the service while mourning your loss, and making these decisions can be emotionally exhausting. It’s also expensive.
It’s important to make sure you understand your options, which are many. Some things to consider include whether you want a public or private event, whether you want an open or closed casket, and what type of service you want. You can even choose to have a wake or vigil, and decide who you want to give a reading, eulogy, or tribute at the service.
You should also decide if you want to have a memorial service or reception, and who should be invited. You can also choose whether you want to display meaningful objects such as a sports jersey, vacation mementos, or a favorite book at the funeral home or graveside. You can decide if you want to have music at the service, and what type of musicians or songs you’d like to hear. And finally, you can decide where you want guests to send flowers or donations.
If you want to be buried, you will have to choose a cemetery and purchase a burial plot, or if you want to be cremated, you’ll need an urn. You’ll also need to decide if you want a graveside ceremony or a funeral planning service and what type of memorial marker or headstone you want (upright granite monument, flat bronze plaque, scattering garden inside or outside a cemetery, etc).
Besides deciding on the final disposition, you’ll have to choose what you would like your family members to wear during the viewing, whether you want a casket that opens or closes, and any other special requests you have. You can even select what you’d like to put in the casket if you’re having an open casket funeral, including personal items such as a sports jersey, book, or wedding photo.
It’s also a good idea to decide who you’d like your family members to call or write to to invite them to the service, and to create a list of people who you would like to be pallbearers, readers, or speakers at the service. And if you’d like, you can prepay for the service to help alleviate any financial burden on your family after your passing.
Once you’ve decided on your final arrangements and prepaid for them, you’ll receive a Statement of Funeral Goods and Services Selected. This is a legal document that outlines your arrangements and shows how much you paid for them. You should give a copy to your family so that they know what to expect when the time comes.
The last thing you want to happen after your death is for your family to argue over your funeral plans. And if you don’t have a plan in place, your family could spend hours, days or weeks trying to figure out what you want at a time when they’re grieving and struggling to cope.
Ruffles Funerals directors provide affordable burial and cremation funeral options in all areas of Brisbane, Ipswich, Moreton Bay, Logan, Redlands, Gold Coast and Tweed Heads. We are knowledgeable about the resources available in your community and respectful of all religious beliefs and customs.
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superstar36uk · 8 months
miscarriage at home devastated 1st baby fetus
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what happens to a baby if you have a miscarriage at home
miscarriage at home 6-10 weeks pregnant fetus what happens to my baby ? miscarriage at home what happens next you may be asking? If the baby was at a fetus stage 6-10 weeks of pregnancy . Do you have to flush it down the toilet? No not unless it happened by accident. Suffering a miscarriage brings on pain not just to your body but to your emotions to. You may be all in panic mode and not know which way you are coming or going. This is the early stage of grief. You can give your baby a little private ceremony by saying goodbye to them with the utmost care and respect.
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Saying goodbye is the hardest part when you have a miscarriage at home? Being prepared after seeing lots of blood when you find the baby in its amniotic sac too. Having a miscarriage at home between 6-10 weeks into a pregnancy means if you do see the baby or fetus it will be small in size. less than the size of the psalm of your hand. Yet perfect in nature almost fully formed in development of the embryo to fetus stage. what can you do next after suffering a miscarriage at home? Well you can sort out a private burial or cremation. But by law you don't have to use a funeral director or a hospital.Its only after 24 weeks of pregnancy loss that things change.
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burial after a miscarriage at home what to do? We don't recommend burying your baby /fetus straight into your own back garden. That's just in case you move house years down the line. A large planter or garden urn is perfect. place some soil at the bottom of the pot. after putting baby in a special coffin from Heaven and Hope or a box filled with soft bedding material. put the box next. then add layers of soil or compost. fill to the top . You can sprinkle seeds on or put a miniature shrub next. In summer you could add mini garden windmills that spin round when the wind catches them. These are so colourful and a wonderful tribute to show the baby is gone but not forgotten. cremation following a miscarriage at home. Another idea is sprinkled forget me not seeds on top of the final layer of soil. which do come up again around january year after year. How to keep babies remains cool until you get a coffin box. place in a tub in the fridge labelled or in winter kept in a cold garaged area. Then once your coffin is ordered online it will arrive in a couple days for a final farewell. This type of service means if you dont use the local crematorium you could do this yourself at your own home setting. a garden bin incinerator for the internment then once you have some ashes remains you can bury them or scatter them at a special place. Taking them to the beach. a woodland area the edge of a local park. So walks nearby can be a soothing place of rest for your little one. miscarriage prayers for baby loss on the home page of Heaven and Hopes website you can find lots of poems prayers and song ideas to use at the memorial. Then you have said a fond farewell with a true meaning of love. The love of your child just lost. The love that your baby experienced in its short life. Plus the continued love as you remember their precious place in your heart. more valued articles on baby bereavement can be found here at baby burial gowns online Read the full article
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deliveryflowercavite · 9 months
Delivery of Flowers in Taguig: A Tradition of Taking Care of Your Funeral Flowers
In times of sadness and loss, sending floral messages of sympathy and support may provide consolation and comfort to hurting hearts. Look no further than flowerdeliverytaguig.com if you are looking for a reputable and trustworthy flower delivery service in Taguig. Offering a thoughtful selection to assist you express your sincere sympathies to people who are grieving, they specialize in supplying Funeral Flowers with Stand and have a history of giving sympathetic service.
Flower Delivery Heritage Taguig -A necessary part of life’s journey is losing a loved one, and at these trying times, showing compassion to the grieving may make a big difference. Funeral flowers act as a symbolic remembrance that may convey feelings when words are inadequate. To assist you respect the memories of the deceased, Flower Delivery Taguig offers a large selection of Funeral Flowers with a Stand. They are sensitive to the delicate nature of such events.
Flowers for Funeral Taguig -Delivering Flowers Taguig has been providing services to the neighborhood for many generations, and their dedication to quality has earned them a well-known brand in the business. Their long history of providing support to bereaved families is evidence of their commitment and compassion. You can be sure that every flower arrangement is made with the highest attention and care when you use their services.Their talented florists create beautiful and tasteful flower arrangements that are appropriate for funeral ceremonies. They provide a multitude of solutions to suit your tastes and express your deepest condolences, from classic patterns to unique creations.
Funeral Flowers with Stand -Delivering flowers Taguig provides Funeral Flowers with Stand so that the floral arrangements of your choice are kept elegant and noticeable during the occasion. These standing floral tributes honor the spirit of the deceased while also providing solace for grieving friends and family.
Flower Delivery Taguig -The methods we remember our loved ones differ with each loss. Flower Delivery Taguig provides custom funeral flower arrangements considering this. You may communicate your precise demands with their talented staff, and they will create a custom memorial that captures the essence of the deceased’s character and life.
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Reliable and prompt service -Punctuality and dependability are essential when it comes to delivering funeral flowers during trying circumstances. Delivering flowers Taguig recognizes the necessity and makes sure that the burial service receives your selected arrangements on time, enabling you to concentrate on helping the grieving.Families dealing with grief may not always have the time or energy to go to a real flower store. With flowerdeliverytaguig.com, selecting and purchasing flowers is stress-free since you can browse their large collection of Funeral Flowers with Stand from the comfort of your home.
When it is difficult to find the appropriate words to express your sorrow in a time of loss, Flower Delivery Taguig is here to assist. We will help you convey your sympathies through the language of flowers. With their long history of helping the grieving and their extensive selection of Funeral Flowers with Stand, you can express your condolences with the greatest sincerity and elegance. Put your faith in their sensitive service to respect the memory of your loved ones and ease the pain of those who are mourning.
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