#and going to the gatherings every friday night was so so good and i made a bunch of friends there that i absolutely adore
starkeygirlposts · 1 day
Boyfriend turned Step-Bro Rafe Cameron x Reader
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Summary: You've been dating Rafe Cameron for 3 years, and one day Ward and your mom tell you they're getting married.
This is a snippet of a fic I'm going to see if I want to continue writing. Please let me know if you'd like it to be continued.
I'm not diving too deep on details or character traits in this, as it's just a blurb/idea for a full fic.
Trigger warnings: stepcest, underage, drugs, pregnancy
The Rafe Cameron who became your boyfriend when you were sixteen years old was not the Rafe Cameron who people referred to your step-brother at eighteen.
The complete opposite, really.
Your parents separated when you were in your sophomore year of high school, your dad moving across the country to California when he met his mistress on a business trip while you and your mom kept a tidy home. The affair nearly killed your mom, and she learned to lean on none other than your boyfriends dad.
Ward was the perfect fill-in for your mom for a while. She was just having a good time, she'd told you. "He occupies my mind Y/N, does that make me such a bad mom?" Like you being upset with your mother being however which way involved with your boyfriends dad was so out-of-this-world believable. Truth was, yes it made her a bad mom. Not just because it put you and Rafe in an uncomfortable position, but because you were struggling yourself after having your family as you knew it blown apart.
But she wasn't just "having a good time." Or rather, maybe she was having too good a time. Because on a Thursday evening at the Cameron's dinner table that you all had gathered for, Ward held your moms hand and told you all that they were getting married.
That day, your world fell apart, and Rafe started to become someone you soon would not recognize. Rafe's hand slipped from your thigh, gone the tender loving warm fingertips, drawing lazy hearts on your skin.
You looked over at Rafe before doing or saying anything to anyone else, and his eyes were higher than yours, connecting with his father's in an expression you could only imagine was pure hatred. Because Rafe could never live up to his father in any sense, and now he was taking away the one thing that kept his feet planted to the earth. Of course he was. You flinched when Rafe's chair scraped like nails on the tile flooring, as he darted from the table outside to his truck, leaving you to pick up the pieces. How badly you'd wanted to chase after him. But when your eyes connected with Ward's, the decision made for you.
You didn't even need to ask.
"Unless you want to live with your father in California, you and Rafe will stop whatever it is you two have going on." Ward had told you.
You looked to your mom as if she'd help you - feel some semblance of remorse for you. You'd met Rafe first. Three years ago. You'd been the only reason your mother even met Ward. But why should you be so surprised that what she wanted was more important than your happiness?
From that day, Rafe started slowly slipping from you. A hollow shell of the boy you loved so deeply and painfully. He'd drink himself to sleep every Friday and Saturday night, breathe cocaine on the other nights, and wave you off when you tried to ask him to slow down.
"Y/N, you want me to stop? To make you happy? What do you do anymore that makes me happy?" You'd touch his cheek and guide his head down to make his eyes meet yours, and you'd stare into them - hoping for a shimmer of your boyfriend to snap back and remember.
He'd shrug away from you, his hand brushing you off and leave you watching his back as he'd resume slowly killing not only himself, but you too. But his coldness didn't stop him from sneaking into your room past midnight to have sex with you. Not that you wish he'd stop, because you so badly craved his touch, eager for it any way he'd offer it. Mean, rough, kind, tender; you'd take any of him just to feel connected.
So when you'd texted Rafe to meet you in your room after dinner on Thursday night nearly one year after your world truly blew apart, hoping you'd get to him before the white powder did, he locked the door behind him and the black in his eyes told you he'd already gotten his fix. But your small hand came up to his chest as he approached you, seated cross legged on your pink floral bed spread, clutching the stick in your other hand. You looked up at him and when you locked eyes, he understood, because he took your hand from his chest and squeezed it in his own before leaning down to touch his lips to yours.
"I miss you, baby. My beautiful girl."
His breath was hot against your mouth, his scent so familiar and home to you. You couldn't stop the tears from falling from your eyes, your hand loosening from his hand to hold onto his forearm that connected to the fingers clutching your jaw tenderly but firmly in place, kissing you like he loved you again.
How badly you missed him, too.
"Rafe, please..."
Your hand falls and his breaks from your jaw, and you take this moment to capture his hand with your fingers and place the stick into his palm. His eyes break away from yours to look down at what you've given him, and you watch with tears streaming down your face as his brows furrow, his feet shuffling to back up and you brace yourself.
He doesn't do what you expect him to do, though. He stares so deeply down into his palm that when his eyes do reconnect with yours, confusion in his own eyes, his head tilting just the slightest and you're trembling, waiting for the shoe to drop.
"This...this is a -- you're..." His eyes screw up shut and he shakes his head like he's imagining things and he's crazy. "A baby?" He finally asks, looking up at you again and you can only nod.
"My baby?" He asks again, and you nearly scoff, because really? Was he kidding? Who else was sneaking into your room after midnight, invading your body and your thoughts?
"Yes, Rafe, I'm pregnant with your baby." You tell him, standing and he's still shaking his head, eyes bunching up as if he's being told the craziest thing in the world - because really, he is. But you've sat with this for the entire day and while your reaction wasn't as confused, you too felt the familiar disbelief.
You watch his chest rise and fall, deep breaths in and out before you're in a whirlwind and he closes the distance between you and pulls you to him, tucking your head underneath his chin, the back of your skull rested protectively in his large palm. His lips are at your forehead when he tells you
"I'm going to take care of it. They're not keeping me from my kid."
AH, what do you think? My ask box is open for feedback. Please feel free to use it to ask for what you'd like to see from this fic!
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jayswing101 · 2 years
#warning for tag rant / sad feels incoming#in august i started going to a local youth group finally#ive been following them online and wanting to participate for over 3 years but was just too anxious until this summer#and going to the gatherings every friday night was so so good and i made a bunch of friends there that i absolutely adore#but today i found out that my work and the youth group have a negative history with each other#the founder of the group asked to talk to me bc she saw on my works website that i work there#and basically the old director of the organization i work for did some real sketchy stuff and hurt people in my youth group#since 2020 they've been keeping their distance from my work and they kinda feel betrayed that i work there and didn't tell them#and i get why she feels like that but it hasn't ever come up before#no one's asked where i work#and i didn't know about what happened between my work and the group so it wasn't like i was deliberately hiding things either#but now. fuck. idk what to do#bc i know i don't work at the same org as the one that hurt them in 2020#the old director was immediately suspended as soon as his actions were uncovered and there was a whole investigation#everyone who took part in those sketchy things the director did was also fired - even board of directors members that were involved#they published a report about it and theres still a 3rd party lawyer monitoring current anonymous reports from community for accountability#also even if the org was still the same as back then i can't just leave my job#my minimum monthly loan payments are 500$ a month and i can barely pay that as is#and i truly believe in what my work is doing and how we're helping youth and community#i do believe we're doing good work#but i also believe the youth group founder when she says she was deeply hurt by past actions and that she doesn't trust our org#and I've never felt more at home than spending time with the other youth on Fridays#so like. it's a whole mess and it's so complicated and idk wtf to do#like. even if i did quit work - would i even still be welcome at group?#if i am still welcome how many other youth would i make uncomfortable?#if i don't quit work but i stop going to the youth group - how many friends will i lose bc they feel betrayed i picked my job over them??#will i even be able to like. continue supporting the group from the background by donating beadwork or visiting the store?#i thought things were finally going well - i had a community for the first time and a job i liked and was making decent progress on my loan#but of course that was too good to last#if it had to end - i just wish I'd never had that taste of happiness and stability at all
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neo-percs · 9 months
DREAM GIRL:: ( mark lee )
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WARNING:: shy!mark, dry humping, Dom-mark, unprotected sex, cream pie, spanking, dirty talk.
SUMMARY:: Mark finally asks out the girl he’s been pining after for so long, nothing could top that in his book, except when he goes all the way the very same night he takes you out.
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Mark had finally done it, he had asked the girl he had been crushing on for so long on a date. The pining behind his actions had grown so needy that even his friends were beginning to get frustrated. He could hear the sighs of Jaemin and Haechan every time you sat close to them during lunch as they watched their friend make prolonged stares at you who had not a single clue.
Mark thought you were practically untouchable, too pretty to get his hands on, so mesmerizing it was hard to gather words. Haechan had gotten so sick of it to the point he dragged Mark across campus and settled his feet in front of you, setting him up ultimately for what Mark thought would be failure. Your pretty eyes shining as you meet his gaze “Hey” it was casual but the upbeat tone was enough to make Mark’s heart almost beat out of his chest for no reason.
“Mark wants to ask you something” Haechan says and almost immediately Mark wants to deny the accusations but with the wide eyed look on your face as you curiously look at him awaiting his question. He could barely trust his voice yet he clears his throat and shakily asks “are you free this weekend?” And it makes you smile “yeah I am. Why?” You ask and Mark feels like you were torturing him with the hopeful look behind your gaze.
“I was wondering if you would go…on a date with me? You can say no and I promise I won’t be upset or anything like that” he says and he cringes at the eagerness to save himself from the awkwardness “sure, is 8 okay?” You ask with a smile, the heat on your skin prickles at the thought of attending a date with the cute onyx haired boy who stood tall with nice posture, well kept and his features were to die for. It was almost as unbelievable to you he had even asked you out.
“That’s- perfect actually. I’ll see you Friday?” He says almost eager to hear you confirm when you hum and slightly nod with a dazed smile on your lips. Mark turns on his heel feeling as if he had just conquered the world, then a sudden pant or realization hits. Turning back around to see your still watching him he awkwardly laughs “I forgot to ask for your number””
God you had never met someone so unaware of how cute they were. Mark Lee was so unaware that his awkwardness, his habit of stuttering, and the slurring of his words mixed with his Canadian accent made you fold in seconds. He was sex on legs and he couldn’t even look you in your eyes longer than five seconds. You could just eat him up.
Come Friday you and Mark get into his car and drive around the city. Stopping at the Movie theater you both agree to watch a scary movie. The jump scares make you gently clutch onto Mark’s hand and he can only smile as he rubs his thumb gently against your knuckles for comfort.
Maybe it was the fact that when the movie was over Mark had taken you to eat dinner at a nice restaurant, he recommended you try one of his favorite dishes. Maybe it was the fact that when you didn’t like it Mark insisted that you share his food and that he would take your food home to eat himself. Or maybe it was even the part where he took you home and walked you to your doorstep hand in hand not insisting on even kissing you.
Mark was gentle and kind the whole night, never straying from his good boy ways, and it made you want to fuck him so badly. In other people's eyes your standards might be out of whack for wanting to go past first base on your first date with Mark Lee, but you can’t help that with just one date you wanted to rock his socks off.
So you invite him in. You take him to your room and you turn on a movie that you barely paid attention to as you pressed yourself close to his side and stared at his side profile. Mark could feel himself sweating under your gaze, so he looks at you with glazed over eyes. “Is there something on my face?” He asks gently and that breaks you.
You suck in a small breath through your nose as your lips move in a rhythm. Your hands find their way to the nape of his neck letting your fingers entangle in his brown and blonde locks. His hand touches your thigh giving it a small squeeze, his tongue licks a small stripe against your bottom lip making your part your lips, you brush your tongue against his shyly feeling his warm wet muscle against yours.
Letting out a small groan, Mark's hand makes way to the belt loop of your jeans, hooking two fingers inside and pulling your hips closer against his. Your chest pressed against his sent him into a small daze.His tongue now licking a stripe on your bottom lip begging for access, parting your lips, his tongue immediately brushing against yours, mixing your saliva. As you suck on his tongue the remnants of mint on his tongue.
You could see the tent in his jeans starting to grow, your thighs push together at the thought of Mark having such an intimate view of you that he has at his own dispense. But you aren't as slick as you hoped to be. Mark caught the way your thighs pushed together making the small boyish grin on his lips turn into a smirk.
Seeing how your pupils were blown out and your hands gripping his shirt he couldn't help but ask "you wanna keep going?" In a raspy voice, you could jump on the boy at any moment seeing as his hair was now messy, his lips now swollen with your lipgloss smeared on them, and his labored breathing making his chest rise and fall more noticeably.
You nod your head looking him in his coffee brown eyes with adoration and lust "I want you to fuck me" you say loud enough for him but just above a whisper in the silent room.
Your words make him twitch in his boxers. Letting out a groan his head falls back "you're gonna fucking kill me" he said as his cock aches within the confinements of his tight boxers and pants.
The way you looked at him was like you were begging for him to just fuck you dumb on his cock. So when he gripped your chin pushing your head back, you could feel his lips on your neck, aimlessly sucking hickeys on your neck leaving purple and red splotches on your supple skin.
Your hands find the button on his jeans and begin to fiddle with it until it comes undone, then working to unzip them you're given the view of his black and white boxers peeking through. Your hand slipping under the elastic band of his boxers, your fingers brush against his cock, twitching under the feeling of your hand wrapping around his shaft lazily jerking him off.
Groaning into your neck he pulls eager to feel skin on skin contact his hands grip at the hem of your shirt pulling it up over your head, your hair now messy and sticking up Mark wouldn't want to see you in any other way right now.
Your breast swelling and ready to spill out of your bra with the cute little bow on it, Mark thought of you as his own little present, as his fingers worked on unclipping your bra and dropping it onto the floor along with your shirt.
His hands needily grope your breast in his palms you let out small moans at the feeling of his palms making rough friction with your nipples. as your hand pulls his jeans down his hips to his ankles, he absentmindedly kicks them off as both of your clothes slowly begin to pile, you pull off his shirt as well dropping it onto the floor evening out how much clothes the both of you have on.
Mark was eager to have you closer to him, he trails his hands to the back of your thighs to hoist you into his lap. Your ass pressed against his hard on the only thing keeping you apart we're your underwear while your skirt was bunched at your hips.Sliding back farther against the bed he moves closer to the headboard his back pressed against the soft pillow.
You could feel as if your pussy practically stuck to the wet fabric of your panties while you grind your hips against him.
The small wet watch of precum becomes larger as your panties make friction soaking his underwear as well. The outline of his cock rubbing against your clit makes your head spin and you couldn't help but moan and grind harder against him.
"You feel so good" you whimper hearing the sticky sounds of your slick thighs rubbing together, it was messy yet the both of you were too eager chasing some form of an orgasm to care what kind of mess you make.
you look down at Mark whose head was thrown back while he lets out the deepest groans of pleasure. His hands guiding your hips against his at a faster pace makes you choke out louder moans.
"Fuck" he whispered harshly as your eyes finally find a dazed Mark who was on cloud 9. The feeling of fabric running against his sensitive tip has him breathing shakily.
You turn your head to look at Mark, you see how lost he was in pleasure, "you looked too good" you whisper, placing one of your hands down on his lower abdomen as you feel Mark buck his hips into you faster.
The feeling of the fabric running against your pussy slightly burned but it felt too good to care. "Feels so good" he grumbled as the pressure began to build. The both of you chasing your orgasms push your panties to the side rubbing your bare pussy against the fabric of his boxers at a fast pace that makes you whine.
You gasp feeling yourself being sent over the edge, Mark slows down but you only shake your head as you anticipate him reaching his peak. "Please keep going, I want you to cum" you moan as your nails drag against his skin leaving behind a trail of red marks.
Your needy words make his eyes roll back as he pushes your hips down, he ruts into you as he moans shamelessly. He had no idea if it was the thought of his dream girl absolutely getting off because of him or if your pussy had fucking magic but your sweet moans and the sloppy sounds send him into a spiral of pleasure.
His cum seeps through his boxers as his hips twitch in a bit of overstimulation he didn't care, his hips slow down and then stop completely as he feels himself slowly coming back down to earth.
He lets out a large huff as a shy smile finds its way on his face, he can't believe he just came in his boxers after literally letting you dry hump him like a needy puppy. His hands grip at the flesh of your ass he lets out a small chuckle with a smirk on his lips.
"You're driving me crazy- fuck" he groaned as he continues to catch his breath. You giggle at him still feeling your mind trying to process. "Lay down on your stomach for me" he says without much thought behind his words he just needed to feel you around him, and the way you just cum inside his boxers flipped a switch inside him.
You pull your leg from over top of him, you lean on your forearms as your back arches your skirt flowing over your hips, your chest pressed against a pillow you look over at Mark who had shifted as he moves onto his knees as they press into the mattress leaning in closer to get a good look of your ass.
"Spread your legs" he says as positions himself behind you pulling the elastic band over his hips he finally lets his cock breath from his boxers as he discards them he lets out a sigh in relief his free hand wrapping around his base he slowly jerks himself off as beads of precum drips from his tip glistening under the dim light, you spread your legs giving him space to fill between them.
"You look so good like this" He says as he presses his tip against your slit teasingly sliding against it as it makes a slick sound as your essence covers his tip and shaft, dipping his tip into your entrance Mark sucks in a deep breath as he pushes into you groaning at the feeling of your tight walls enveloping his tip.
Pushing deeper inside you he lets out a moan "fuck you feel so good" he says as he catches his bottom lip in between his teeth. "You're so big" you gasp, feeling how good he filled you up to the brim as you feel him begin to slowly move. Mark couldn't get enough of the sight as his cock disappeared inside your pussy.
His cock buried deep inside you that you moan and your nails into the pillow your chest was pressed against setting a pace for bouncing against him. The feeling of your velvety walls tightening around making him choke back a moan.
"Oh- god" you whisper shakily. His hands holding onto your hips guiding a pace, the soft sound of skin slapping with your small moans could be heard throughout the room.
A small sheen of sweat on your skin and your makeup smeared while your ass bounced on his cock it was addicting. "You like being fucked like this?" He asks as he bucks his hips into your sharply.
Moaning at his dirty words and sudden surge of confidence your head falls into the pillow muffling your sweet voice Mark's palm sharply smacks your ass "Answer me" he says groaning as he soothes the stinging feelings on your warm skin.
"Mhm, I want people to hear how good you fuck me" you say lifting your head from the pillow as you bite your bottom lip hard hearing how the bed creaked with each thrust he gave you.
Mark; eager to let his load off inside you, holds your hips stopping you from bouncing any longer and begins to thrust his hips into you harder. The feeling of his tip pushing at your cervix.
His hips piston into you as your thighs and ass jiggle at the repetitive thrusts "right there" You moan as you feel him pounding in a certain part of your walls. You tighten around him as your essence forms a white ring around the base of his dick.
"Just like that, I just want you to cum inside me" you babble mindlessly as his stomach churns at the words spewing out. "Yeah? Want me to fill you up with my cum?" he groans as the knot in your stomach begins to tighten and his death grip on the fat of your ass almost sending you over the edge if it wasn't for how hard he was pounding you.
You nod eagerly as you begin to alternate between grinding and bouncing, your nails drag against his inner thigh leaving behind a red and irritated trail- yet he didn't mind it as it pushed him closer to his orgasm.
Leaning down to him your moans against each other's lips push you closer and closer. Your back arching even more as you move faster wanting to cum so badly "keep going. Don't stop" he groaned, letting his head fall back.
His hair messily pushed against his forehead as it was covered in sweat and his eyes rolled back "god I'm gonna cum" he says breathily as you grind back against him to meet his thrusts as the sticky sound of him pounding your sloppy pussy resides in the air of your apartment.
The room was warm and all you could care about was how good your roommate was fucking you. "You like having an audience to be fucked like a slut in front of huh?" He says as he grips onto your hips harder to stop your movement as he pounds into a spongy part of your walls.
His hair sticking to his forehead and his breath becoming heavier "I loved being fucked like a slut" you rasp as you hear his chuckle at your words desperate to feel release "good" he says as he fucks into you harder. "Tell me how much of a slut you are" he groans as his nails dig into your hips, "I'm such a fucking slut for you, god I'm your cockslut" you whine as his thrusts are deeper and sharp it has your eyes rolling to the back of your head.
Pulling your back to his chest hitting an angle inside you that made you see white as your ass bounced into his lap your hands desperately thrash to grip the sheets on his bed. "Oh fuck yes- just like that! You're gonna make me cum" he moaned deeply into the nape of your neck.
Letting out a string of whines you clench harder "Oh god I'm so close" he moaned as he began to twitch inside you, his words buzzing in your ears making you grind against him eagerly "please let me cum" you beg as you turn your head over your shoulder to look at Mark who was absolutely pussy drunk on the feeling of you.
"You gonna cum?" he asks as his hand falls between your thighs, his fingers press against your clit "You gonna fucking cum?" he asks rhetorically as his words slur, you nod as your breathing becomes uneven "do it" he says pushing you back down into the mattress roughly gripping your hips and you were sure it would leave bruises his eyes roll back as he feels how you clench around him and let your orgasm washes over you, with a few more hard thrusts he would also be tipping over the edge to his orgasm moaning as his thick white strings of cum fills you up leaving your body feeling warm and fuzzy.
Fucking you both through your highs your thighs clench shut as overstimulation creeps up on you your moans began to come out choked which makes Mark slow down his pace until his hips were no longer moving against yours.
Pulling out you both hiss, as his cum drips down your thigh Mark chuckles at the sight almost wanting to use his fingers to fuck his cum back inside you but deems you're too fucked out. He rolls off the other end of the bed walking off to the bathroom to grab a clean towel wet with warm water to clean you off. You fall into his mattress looking at the camera seeing how your face was most likely in it.
Your actions finally sink in. You hear the footsteps near you, Mark walks back into the bedroom he wipes you off rubbing small soothing circles into your thighs he crawls over to the other side of the bed and settles down underneath the sheets. Mark would be sure you were comfortable as well.
After he takes care of you can hear "I'm sorry if I was being too rough," he says softly as he looks at you with soft eyes “don't worry about it. I like that stuff anyways" you say with a chuckle you roll over onto your side you look at your roommate "it felt good. No need to be sorry" you say waving him off.
"I feel bad though" he groaned which earned a laugh from you "if you feel so bad then you would run me a warm bath" you chuckle milking his sympathy for you. He only rolls his eyes with faux irritation dragging out his words "fine, but be glad I'm such a nice person" he says rolling out of his bed once again grabbing his boxers and putting them on, trailing to the bathroom down the hall.
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spookykoolkat · 9 months
kinktober | the man in apartment 6a - j.m.
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kinktober day three - dumbification
pairing: older!joel miller x younger!plus size!reader
wc: 9.0k
summary: your older, grumpier yet handy neighbor can hear everything that goes on in the comfort of your pink four walled bedroom, simply because shitty apartment buildings made the walls so thin.
warnings: 18+ ONLY! minors are NEVER welcomed. pervy!joel, creepy!joel, older!joel, JOEL IS WARNING IN HIMSELF LOL, mentions of self loathing, uncomfortable sex (not with joel), marijuana use, alcohol use, fingering, oral (f receiving), manhandling, degradation (slight), creampie/breeding, pet names (sweet girl, sweetheart, pretty girl, baby, dumb, stupid, daddy), a little bit of ass eating (whoops), raw penetration (p in v) *wrap it up pls*, aftercare
reblogs, likes and comments are very very appreciated!
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IT WAS A FRIDAY NIGHT, work was tired, and you needed to take the edge off with a fat blunt and a full glass of wine. it was so quiet in the apartment complex you lived in that you might be the loudest one there, since three of your neighbors are older than 50. 
so after you poured your bottle of wine into a glass, you turned your led lights under your coffee table on and the bulbs that are in your two lamps beside your couch. it was such a colorful scenery, you loved smoking and drinking like this with music or a movie on in the background. making sure to not turn the volume up too loud, or else joel would come knocking on your door asking you to turn it down. 
joel was your neighbor in 6a and to you he always seemed like he had a thorn stuck in his ass cheek. he was a bitter old man who seemed like he hated fun, or maybe he just hated you. 
but you didn’t care much. nothing was going to stop you from being you, being bubbly and optimistic. it makes no sense to you to sit solemnly and think about every wrong turn you’ve ever made, and yet it seems that’s all joel does. 
he was always on edge, noticing the way he would flinch meeting you as the two of you locked your doors and headed off to work. you watched him from your window when he walked into the complex up the stairs, and noticed how he always had his jaw and fists clenched, head whipping in every direction before seemingly slipping inside his apartment and locking up. 
it made you curious as to what made him so tense, so frustrated and even paranoid. you wished you were someone he could go to, to release all of his ugly emotions and thoughts onto you. maybe you were being young and naive, having irrational sex daydreams as you gathered your paraphernalia to roll a blunt. It was delusional, yes you knew that, but you couldn’t help but fantasize about your neighbor.
but you wanted him in every way. you didn’t care he was twice your age, and you didn’t care that he was about as introverted and mean as they come. he’s a real asshole. to you, you felt you were allowed these fantasies given he’d never be the type of man that would want you. i mean, you were young enough to be his daughter, and you weren’t so sure that he even liked bigger women.
shaking your thoughts of him, you hummed along to whatever song that was on your halloween playlist playing loudly. soon after it’s rolled, you spark it up and take hits of it as you throw your body back on the couch.
you feel at ease as you listen to your playlist and smoke your blunt, enjoying peace for a day. your hair was still wet from the shower you took, and your blunt was barely starting to form a good cherry when three bangs hit your door over the music that startled you. 
you take a few more hits trying to get the most out of your blunt and ash it out quickly, yelling a choked out, i’m coming!!, over the music. you get up with your wine glass, walking barefoot to the door and opening it as your eyes meet a broad chest in a button up black and gray flannel, buttoned over a plain white t-shirt. 
“uh, hey. what’s up?” you say, setting your glass down on your door side table. 
“you told me your toilet wasn’t workin’? didya need me to take a look?” he asked as he unsubtly soaked in your attire. shit. you completely forgot your piece of shit toilet stopped flushing. 
you noticeably had no bra on, and your tank top was resting at the curve of your waist with one strap off of your shoulder, showing off your plush body and midriff. he could almost see the hardening of your nipples when you opened the door. 
“oh, right. i thought you meant you could do it like, monday.” you said, wishing to just relax tonight. he shook his head and looked back over your body, before meeting your eyes. 
“i’m busy monday. it’s now or never,” he bargained with a hard tone and you rolled your eyes.
“of course, right, sorry. come in.” you said and moved out of the way to step inside your girly apartment. you went to your coffee table to grab the remote and turn the volume down a little on your tv. 
“the restroom is-,” you start to say and go towards it until he cuts you off. 
“i know where it is. i’ll be done in a bit,” he said coldly and you pressed your lips into a thin line. he renovated these apartments dumbass. 
“alright.” you said and let him go to the back hall to find the restroom, and you released a breath. 
you felt like you looked messy, you just got out of the shower and had no bra on, and didn’t have panties on either. you were embarrassed. 
it was a free night for you and he had to barge in. of course. you decided to grab your wine and sit down on the couch, eyeing the blunt wishing you could be smoking it right now. instead you sip on your wine and scroll on your phone for maybe thirty minutes until he calls out for you. 
“coming!” you replied a little too cheery, and walked to the back rooms to see him on his hands and knees trying to reach under the toilet with his tools sprawled out on your pink bath rug. 
joel tried to hide the smile that grew when he heard your eager voice.
“yeah?” you asked and blushed at his image. he looked so sexy with his eyebrows furrowed, even sexier looking so manly in such a pink room. His dark colored clothes made an exciting difference in your bathroom. 
joel quickly scaled you over, from your bare feet with black toenails up to your week old shaven legs, up your wide thighs, to the fat of your tummy and the curves of your breasts. 
“you think i can have me a water bottle?” he asked, and you smiled, completely unaware he was thinking of bending you over the sink and making you watch yourself take all of him.
joel had a teensy crush on you the second he saw you at his doorstep. 
you mustered up the strength to knock on two doors to be greeted by two elderly ladies, and introduce yourself as their neighbors while giving them cookies you baked for them. 
you figured it was the best way to gain their trust and familiarity as you were going to be living here for a while. and while it worked on them, you weren’t so sure about your last neighbor. you were nervous. you hated socializing and to introduce yourself as the new person in the area, but the last door you knocked on was one that truly ruined your day. 
the door swung open ferociously to present a tall broad figure with tan skin, eyes tired and hair all ruffled. you could tell he just woke up, and you instantly regretted it. the force of the door opening made you feel a gust of wind, and chills. 
you were taught it was common courtesy to introduce yourself when you’re new somewhere, though it didn’t seem he was happy to see you at his doorstep all cheery and energized.
“uh, hi, i’m your neighbor in 6C, i just moved in and i just wanted to introduce myself,” you said and told him your name, with a small smile. he kind of just looked at you blankly, adjusting his eyes to your figure and face. 
“i, uh i made cookies for everyone so, i thought i’d bring them by cus i just like to bake and i thought maybe it’d be a peace offering... it’s okay if not i just wanted to be nice,” you rambled looking into his brown eyes as you held the plate covered in foil out with your hands. he looked between the plate, you and next to him to look at the clock on his doorway table.  
you were nervous, tapping your fingers on the plate and biting the inside of your cheek. he was so handsome. so manly. 
“you’re knockin at my door at eight thirty in the morning ona saturday to give me some cookies?” he asked, making sure what was happening was real. it was a little comical to him, only seeing shit like this in the movies. but to him, you were cute. he knew he didn’t carry southern hospitality and kindness like most, like you.
“you don’t have to take them. just tryna be nice,” you mumbled and pulled your arms back, your texan accent almost as thick as his. 
“Mmhmm, well i don’t need no cookies this mornin’,” he said surely. it kind of pissed you off honestly. 
“forget about it,” you said and turned your head down, moving to the door next to his and opening it right before mumbling, “asshole,” and slamming your door shut.
you were just so cute, so lively that he was drawn to you. it was odd because joel’s taste in women usually ranged, but he’d never been so drawn to a woman who seemed so eager to take on the world everyday. joel wasn’t used to seeing people so happy to leave the comfort of their homes to go into the city and interact with people, he wasn’t used to people making small talk as you fetch the mail at the same time. but that was you. 
he would just shake you off, mumble words to get you to stop being so cheerful and kind. he didn’t want you to waste your time on him, he didn’t deserve your kindness. you heard the small comments. 
“so damn pink,” 
“ya have to hum all the way down four flights of stairs?”
“you ever not dressed in glitter and ponies?” 
which he over exaggerated, you just liked pink. you would ignore the mean comments, and you would force yourself to remember that he is a man of cutting down trees and building houses with his bare hands. whatever you think is manly, he is. he wore nothing but dark colors, denim, work boots, and still had the iphone eight which seemed like it was forced on him. 
but this is the first time he spoke to you remotely nice, and asked you for anything. 
“yeah, uh do you want like, ice or just room temp?” you asked a bit embarrassed, wondering if that was a dumb question to ask. and a small, very small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth but it was so slight you almost gaslit yourself into seeing it. 
“don’t matter sweetheart, whatever ya wanna get me,” he said and went back to doing whatever it was he was doing. 
your tummy just fluttered at the small pet name as you pushed yourself off the door frame and moved to the kitchen.
never did you ever think you would hear a word like that come out of his mouth when referring to you.
you grabbed a water bottle and grabbed some ice chips with a scoop to pour it into a tall thermos. you took it straight to joel, and he faced you as you leaned down a bit to hand him the cup. from your stance, he could practically see down your shirt but only stole a small glance. 
you couldn’t notice, you were just excited to do something nice for him. 
“you need anything else?” you asked with your hands behind your back, your chest poking out a bit more and the light made it easy to see your nipples against the cloth. 
“nah, i got all i need, you can go relax.” he said and went back to work as you walked off. 
you wondered if there was a softness to his voice as you sat back down on the couch, turning your music up a little bit but not loud enough to get bitched at by joel. you figured he’d might be here for a bit given his outbursts of cursing because something wasn’t working with him, so you grabbed your blunt and lit it again. this was your apartment. 
joel was frustrated enough from the stupid toilet. a bolt kept untightening every time he tried to flush, and it pissed him off enough but kept him busy as he smelled the scent of strong weed filling his nose. he knew he smelled it when he walked in, but now he can smell the smoke and hear your muffled coughs every once and a while.
he was actually a bit surprised, for some reason you didn’t seem like the type to partake. he knows in his days he did, so he wasn’t judging you at all, it just didn’t seem like something a girl like you would do. you seemed so… behaved.
he ended up managing to find the bolt he was looking for because it fell somewhere and skidded across the restroom floor. 
joel didn’t mind working on things for the neighbors in his complex, he was really the only one that was able to fix almost everything in sight. he was never bothered by it either, in the back of his mind he wanted to feel like he was needed. like he could do some type of good for people even if he was closed off and cold. his hands were godsend, and in many ways. 
but he’d always see things maybe the resident wouldn’t want him to see, like a box of condoms or a sex toy. it didn’t bother him, he’d just ignore it.
but here he was, still and frozen as he finally found the bolt laying on a pair of red panties that were laid on your floor like you just had these on. and you did. 
you managed to get all of your clothes in the hamper except the pair of panties you had on, you actually thought maybe it was in the tangles of your clothes. but no. there they were, and he was on his way to losing his mind. he couldn’t move, he just stared at the red high cut panties that even had a black bow on the trim. 
he couldn’t stop himself. before he knew it, he grabbed your underwear and almost inspected them quickly before taking them, pushing the fabric into his nose and breathing in your musk, and folding them to put in his back pocket. he felt drunk on you already. he knew it was wrong, he knew he was probably a sick man. but he needed something from you, anything. 
the opportunity showed itself, he just took it. 
now, he still smelled you lingering on his nose, and imagined what your pussy looked like puffy and red for him. he wanted to fill you up completely and fuck you until you were sore and throbbing, he wanted to see those cute little glossy lips of yours kissing the tip of his cock and taking it in your throat like a fleshlight. 
you were just perfect. so much for him to grab, kiss, and mark. he wanted your eyes to watch him devour you whole, and he craved to watch you break for him.
he knew he was a creep. he didn’t care. joel never acted on his desires and his pervy ways, until now, when really he wanted to do it all. whenever you came out to the mailboxes the same time as he did, he wanted to get his phone and sneak pictures of you, under your skirts more specifically. 
he was thinking of if you’ve ever fucked yourself here in this very restroom he’s crouched in, thinking of the way your leg would lift to rest on some vantage point, fingering your hole until you fought to stand upright again. he imagined you walking in a little white towel back to your room, drying off and getting dressed in front of him. his cock was throbbing at the image, pairing it with the image of the red panties he stole. 
he couldn’t work like this, not thinking of all of the ways he wanted to make you whine, make you squirm, make you cum. 
he finally managed to fix the problem after 30 minutes and flushing once to test, smiling at his success. it was always satisfying seeing something broken be fixed, he was a problem solver, he loved the challenge. he cleaned up his area and picked up his tools, putting them in the bag and fixing himself before he washed his hands and wiped them down with a towel, leaving the restroom to see you puffing a small roach of your blunt. 
“y’know you shouldn’t be smokin in here,” he said and you jumped a bit, exhaling the last bit of smoke and ashing it out in your ashtray. you just looked at him with a small smile, but realizing this is your apartment. he can’t tell you what to do. 
“oh, well i mean, i thought… i mean it’s my apartment, so,” you said as you blushed, feeling like you’re in trouble now. 
“don’t worry yourself, darlin’. i ain’t gonna tell on you,” he suggested and you blushed, somehow even more. 
“would you want like, a drink? the least i can do,” you said as you grabbed a dos equis from your fridge and walked up to him, handing it to him. he was hesitant at first, really in deep thought about whether he should accept this or not. was it opening a door? he hoped so. 
“thanks,” he said and took it from you, not looking at the green bottle at all. he put his tools down on the small table you had in your kitchen and followed you to sit on the loveseat on the right side of the living room. 
“it’s joel by the way, no one calls me mr. miller,” he said as he took a swig. you nodded and responded ohh, moving to drink more of your wine. you ended up changing your music to a horror movie and kept your eyes trained on that instead of his eyes. you felt him watching you, every breath you took, every blink, every lip bite. 
“so who lived here before me?” you asked to break the silence, looking to him from the movie. his eyes were already on you, you just met them. you figured you’d make some sort of conversation if he was going to sit there and drink a beer. who drinks together silently? 
“nother’ older lady, she was a good neighbor,” he trailed and drank from his beer. you quirked your eyebrows, drinking from the wine glass and keeping it by your side. 
“am i not a good neighbor?” you asked sweetly, genuinely curious. he refrained himself from getting up from his seat and showing how good of a neighbor you really were to him. 
“you are, just a little loud from time to time.” he admitted, more so talking about your unsatisfying experiences with the men you bring him. 
“am i? i’m sorry, i’ll try to keep it down,” you said softly, almost embarrassed and you looked at your fingers tapping on the rim of the wine glass. 
“s’alright, it ain’t too distracting.” he lied. of course it was distracting. he was begging to know what you sounded like when you were really enjoying yourself, how you looked under him and on top of him. how he imagined you in his room instead. 
“still, i don’t wanna be that neighbor that’s annoying,” you said and looked back up at him to where he’s sitting. “i feel like you hate me.” you finished. 
he doesn't blame you. he doesn't make it easy for people to know him, or make a nice impression firsthand. he kind of feels bad for making you feel like that. but he was just not that friendly honestly, not that nice and not that comforting. at least he felt he was. he didn’t know how to be. 
“it’s nothin’ personal,” he said and drank from his bottle again, letting his eyes trail over your body. you felt it, hell you saw it, and you still squirmed. 
“i prefer to be by myself.” he said and you nodded, but he was still watching you. 
“i see. i understand now, sorry for imposing most of the time.” you say with an apologetic smile, and he kind of smiled. it shocked you really to see any emotion other than anger and discomfort displayed on his face.
“you don’t bother me, not one bit.” he said to reassure you, but he wanted you to know you did far more than “bothering” him. you just smiled, blushing a bit at his confession.
“so is it just you living here?” you asked and saw his face look a little pained, and again you regret opening your mouth. 
“uh, no actually. i have a sixteen year old i sort of adopted. just me and my daughter.” he said and you were a little shocked. how did you never manage to see her? or hear her?
“she goes on her own a lot, friends places, parties. i know she can handle herself so, she has my number if anything happens.” he answered your internal questions. 
“that’s really sweet. i wished my parents did that. i kind of had to move away from them’ after i graduated. m’ not really on speaking’ terms with any of my family.” you admitted a little sadly, even though he didn’t ask.  you seemed as though you could talk for hours if no one shut you up. 
“i’m sorry to hear that,darlin’,” he said and continued to drink his beer until he finished it. 
“it’s fine, i’m a lot happier now than i was before.” you said with a small smile, and drank from your wine glass. joel was glad you took the attention off of him and his daughter, not asking any questions about his situation. he appreciated it. 
he just nodded, finishing his beer as you finished your wine and suddenly you were nervous. again. it was just you and him, in this colorfully lit room. you looked at him as he got up, and walked to the kitchen to grab his tools. no no wait wait you can’t leave, not yet. 
“thank ya for the hospitality, i should go,” he said coldly and you almost scrambled to your feet to step in front of him. 
“um, wait uh,” you tried to think of an excuse. anything. something to keep him here a little longer. he looked down at you, how flustered you were, how you looked like you were trying to come up with an excuse. you really even didn’t think it through, you were just acting on the pulsing in your shorts.
but suddenly, you got a bit insecure. you didn’t know joel’s type, and you wondered what the outcome would be of throwing yourself at him. 
“yeah?” he asked and tilted his head, curious as to what you had to say. truth is, he didn’t wanna leave either. how could he wanna leave when you looked so desirable right now? he couldn’t even feel bad that he was practically 20 years older than you, he wanted to ruin you. 
“um, nothing, m’ sorry.” you said. you admitted defeat. there was nothing you could’ve said or done to make him stay, at least that's what you thought. 
“have a good night,” you said and he repeated it to you. you walked him out, shutting the door behind him. 
⛧°。⋆༺♱༻⋆。°⛧ °。⋆༺♱༻⋆。°⛧°。⋆༺♱༻⋆。°⛧°。⋆༺♱༻⋆。°⛧
joel was still awake after his shower. not by choice. he was laying in his bed, checking the time on his clock that flashes at 2:30am, and back at the wall that connects the two of you. were you seriously this unaware at how loud you were? 
he was thanking god that ellie wasn’t home, so she wouldn’t be hearing any of this either. but he was also wondering if you were even enjoying yourself in the first place. 
after joel left, you felt this aching feeling that you couldn’t satisfy yourself so you just called a friend over. one that you really don’t know, and you don’t care about, but one that wanted to have sex with you just as bad as you wanted to have sex with joel. 
one thing led to another and there you are once again, laying in bed as this guy poorly ate you out and uncomfortably fingered you. it just didn’t feel right, and at this point you were hoping he was done. your fake moans rang through the apartment again, wondering if you were over or under selling it. to the lanky guy between your legs, you were selling it just fine. 
you even tried thinking of joel being the one sliding into you as this guy did, but you doubted he'd be this painfully terrible at sex. it didn’t feel enjoyable, it just felt like blindly jabbing at your cervix. not even 10 minutes later, that man is out your door and you're back in bed, feeling miserable with yourself. 
you wanted for once to have a good sexual encounter, constantly feeling ugly and used. these men didn’t even care about you and didn’t care if you were satisfied, and you hated yourself for it. the physical intimacy you wanted seemed like it was something you wouldn’t be able to find. 
you craved a man’s touch even if you hated it or not, maybe blaming it on your daddy issues or just blaming the fact that you looked for the wrong things in the wrong thing. you wanted comfort and protection and looked for it in sex. 
you wanted joel. you wanted him since you moved in despite him being a dick. you wanted to know how it felt to be protected by him, to be held by him, to be wanted by him. and you wanted it so bad, you started crying. loudly, at that. 
in the moment, joel felt like he was imposing on your privacy. he felt bad listening to your muffled cries like this, and he wanted to do everything he could to help you. he knew so little about your family situation, but to him you had no family. he never saw you with friends, he only saw you with a new man every week. he wanted to comfort you, to show you that he and you were more alike than you thought.
he heard it stop for about twenty minutes all of the sudden, and then something bump into the wall he was staring at. then, it started again.  
you just laid there after your shower, now softly crying and sniffling as you heard a soft knocking on your front door. you got a little scared, so you wiped your tears fast and slipped on the shorts you had on to go open your door. it was dark in the main room, only a small orange lighting shining in front of your windows. you even noticed finally that it was actually pouring rain outside.
“who is it?” you said a little loudly, too nervous to peek through the hole. you fiddled with your polished black nails before the person answered. 
“it’s joel,” he said and you paused. 
“joel?” you asked. 
 you quickly unlocked your door to open it enough to peek your head out. 
“what are you doing here?” you asked, looking up at him. you scanned over his attire, now barefoot and in a simple black shirt and pajama pants. his head was whipping right and left, seeing if anyone else was in the hall to see him. 
now, he was the one that was nervous. what was he doing here? what did he think was going to happen? if he played it right, everything he ever wanted. 
“can i come in?” he asks, rubbing the back of his neck and you gulp, opening the door wider to allow his broad figure in your home. your eyes were trained down, refusing to let him look at you. 
“can i get you something? water?” you asked, still not facing him and turning a lamp on next to your couch and moving past him until he grabs your wrist firmly. you still, and you have no choice but to look at him with your bloodshot eyes. 
“i can hear, y’know,” he said, paying attention to your tear stained face as you slowly looked up to him. 
“hear? hear what?” you said unknowingly. 
“everything. i can hear the guys you bring home, i can hear you moanin’, i can hear you cryin’,” he said, pulling you closer to him. by now you were almost to his chest as he grabbed your other wrist and held you tight. 
“i-,” you began but you felt humiliated. you didn’t realize he could really hear everything, that he heard everything that transpired in your room tonight. 
“did he make you cry?” he asked grimly, his eyes dark and his stare serious.
he wasn’t squeezing hard enough to hurt you, your breath just caught in your throat because you were nervous. nervous to admit to anything. 
“no, he didn’t, he didn’t do anything to me,” you said and looked down at his hands gripping your flesh. 
“it doesn’t matter. i’m just really sorry, i didn’t know that’s what you meant earlier. i’m sorry it won’t happen again.” you apologized with tears in your eyes. the guy who you fucked wasn’t even worth all of this embarrassment that flooded you. 
“then why’re you cryin, sweet girl?” he asked, moving his hand to your chin so you can look up at him. 
“i, it’s nothing, i’m sorry for waking you up,” you said and blinked your tears away, your hands falling to your side when he released you. you just stood there though, his hand on your cheek while his thumb rubbed circles into your face. 
“it ain’t nothin. he wasn’t makin’ you feel good? made you feel bad?” his southern accent was thick in this tone, but for some reason you felt at ease. better now that he was here. 
“he made me feel bad,” you were too nervous to lie, he already heard you through the wall. 
“i know, baby, i know,” he said. you really couldn’t move, the words coming from his mouth were insane to you. you couldn’t fathom the fact that he was talking like this, to you. his hands slid to grip your hips, to feel the way they curve into your waist, resting at the small of your back so that now you’re pressed against his body. 
“i never hated ya,” he said, his face getting closer to yours to where you could feel his breath on your lips. while your breathing was faltered and shaky, his was calm and collected. he wasn’t nervous anymore, he was determined. 
“actually, i think i like you more than i’d like t’ admit,” he whispered, moving his lips to your ear and your neck. 
“what are you talkin’ about?” you breathed. your arms just went slack, you didn’t know what to do with them, if you should finally touch him and feel his hard chest, feel his body the way he feels yours, or if you just want to accept that this is a dream. 
you finally move your hands to his waist and grip tightly onto his shirt, almost like if you let go you’ll fall. 
“i know you feel the same, darlin’. i can hear you, remember? i can hear you callin’ for me, moanin’ for me when you touch yourself.” your breath shook slightly and he smiled against your neck, moving his hands up your back. 
and the only thing you can say, that your brain can think of, is to apologize. 
“none of that, don’t do that. tell me sweetheart, do ya want me to make you feel good?” he asked, and you pulled his body closer to yours. 
“do, um, do you want to do that?” you were so unsure of all this. did he truly like you? did he truly find you attractive? you never failed to question men’s sincerity, was this just for pleasure or was this emotional? 
“my sweet baby, if i ever say no to you like that, i’ve gone fuckin’ senile,” he groaned against your neck. 
“y’know how many times i've thought about being between these legs of yours?” there was nothing else that could’ve made you as wet as you were right now, you heard the roughness of his texas accent, the lust mixing with desire. he wanted nothing but you. 
“been wantin’ t’ ruin those little skirts you wear. jus’ wanna watch you fall apart on my cock,” your eyes widened and you felt a pool of arousal coat your cunt. you’d never been talked to like this, the crudeness of his words sliced whatever tension there was, and you gave in.
his lips moved down your neck and to your chest as you pant against him, your body pressed into a wall near the hallway that leads to your bedroom and restroom. he pressed against you enough so you could feel the hardening bulge on your thigh and he could feel the softness of your breasts pushed into him. while kissing your neck and shoulder, he moved your hand to feel his hardness while grunting a bit into your skin. 
“you feel what ya do to me? you see how i get for ya?” he asked, and you whimpered a bit feeling how large he really was through his pajama pants. he pulled away from you a bit and looked down at his hand on top of yours, your own hand voluntarily softly massaging his cock. 
“fuck, sweetheart, you know,” he cooed, smoothing your hair down and grabbing the nape of your neck to crane it back, “you know exactly what that pretty face does to me,” 
he tilted your head to look at him, to be close enough to his face to feel his breath on your face. 
“tell me you want me, honey,” he said sweetly, looking between your eyes and your lips. you just kept your eyes on his while he examined you. 
“i, i want you,” you said in a whisper and blushed. joel smiled to himself, another smile you’d never seen, and slid down against your body and grabbed the back of your thighs, urging you to jump and instinctively you did. 
only he made you forget you were three times the size of a skinny woman. 
“joel, wait i’m too heavy for this wait,” you said but he stayed put, didn’t move, didn’t talk. he just stared at you. 
“ain’t no such thing as too heavy, princess, i’ll still pick you up and fuck you stupid,” he assured, playfully tapping your ass as he carried you all the way to your room, laying you on your back. you swore he could feel the pulsing of your cunt against his abdomen. 
he brought you to your room, dark and quiet with the help of your small lamp illuminating your face as he laid you down on your back, falling with you. 
“gonna let me see you, baby? let me see all of this,” he said lowly, crawling to straddle you and put his hands on your tummy, groping and massaging. 
“i-,” you said, out of breath already and joel smirked. he was loving you like this. so dumb and innocent for him. 
“you’re jus’ the sweetest little thing, baby,” he said as his eyes roamed your body. “gotta use your words, baby, let me hear that pretty voice, tell me what you want,” he said again. 
“touch me, anywhere, p-please,” you whimpered out enough and he hummed in satisfaction. 
his fingers creeped up your stomach, leaving a burn with their trail and acted like he was going to help you out of it, but instead he bends down and grips the center of your tank top with two hands and careful to not hurt you, but fast and swift, he rips the weak cloth in half. 
“what, joel oh-” you said and joel’s fingers wrapped around your throat with no pressure, and held you in place as his eyes trailed over your body again, his other hand roughly moved the two halves of your tank to either side. 
“what did he do that you didn’t like, baby?” he asked you as he stayed on top, playing with your breasts by squeezing and pushing them together, only thinking impurely about you. 
you couldn’t think of anything as he felt you up as he pleased, his calloused hands rubbing your smooth skin, tugging and pinching your nipples to watch them harden and extend just for him. 
“he, ugh,” 
he laughs. “can’t even talk while i play with these pretty titties? goin’ dumb already baby?” 
“mmmph,” you couldn’t muster any words. it was a new feeling, feeling lightheaded and only drunk off of joel. 
“please, fuck me,” you whimpered, moving your hands to play with his waistband and try to tug at it. but he stopped you quickly, never letting you even grab a hold of the fabric when he grabs your wrists. 
“need you to tell me exactly what you want, can you do that?” he asked you and you whined, squirming with his hands still locking you in place. 
you looked up at him, his eyes only on yours and his cock straining against his pajama pants. “fingers,” 
it’s all you mustered and he accepted it, moving down a little to move his fingers down into your panties and spreading your legs with his. his fingers immediately felt heat when he spread your cunt and moved down to your hole, teasing and prodding in your arousal. 
“baby’s so wet for me, yeah? you ever thought about me, honey?” he asked you as he looked between you and where his fingers hid in your shorts, waiting for an answer. you were a whimpering mess, soft breaths and pants falling from your lips with every touch. 
“mhm,” you mustered, clenching your eyes shut when his middle finger circled your hole and pushed his palm against your clit, “always wanted you,” 
if you weren’t so dizzy, you probably would’ve scorned yourself for saying that. but he was amused, moving his scruffy cheek to glide against yours and leave kissing on your neck. 
“thought about you too, pretty girl. just so damn cute all the fuckin’ time, couldn’t stop thinkin’ about how you’d look taking my cock,” you whined at his words, trying to shut your legs to stop the pressure but he just shook his head and pried them apart. your hands were tight on his wrist, begging him to let up as he fucks you with two fingers and uses your slick to rub circles over your clit. 
“r-really?” you asked through choked moans, your body lifting up to watch him finger you. he chuckled softly, “yeah, sweetheart. can’t stop thinkin’ about ya,” 
he pauses before taking your shorts and panties off quickly, spreading your legs further and throwing them over his own spread thighs you went back to gripping at your sheets, your body responding to every touch as he spread your cunt even more and spit on it. 
“you want me to fuck this pretty hole, baby?” he asked, watching your slick cover his hand as he curled his fingers inside of you. you were a mess, incoherent, making sounds and guttural noises as he brought you closer to your edge. all you could do was nod erratically and try to close your legs. 
“i’m gonna need you to cum for me then, sweetheart. needa’ see this little cunt cum for me,” he growled, his other hand pulling his pajama pants down, easily taking them off. 
“i, i-,” you choked, your chest tight as you watched him abuse your pussy and watched as his eyes flashed quickly. he managed to lift your lower half up in the air by your ass cheeks, bringing your core to his mouth and pulling you closer to him so he could taste you. 
“daddy,” you moaned as he pulled away with a harsh breath. 
“‘s that right? that’s what you like, baby? want daddy to make you feel real good? go fuckin’ stupid on my cock?” he taunted, his words making your stomach flutter and your clit throb. 
you whimpered a small yes, but you couldn’t think. you’d say yes to anything he offered. you’d take anything he gave you. he didn’t even have to ask, you wanted him to give you anything he wanted. he went back to lapping at your cunt, slurping up any of your juices that ran down your crack, licking at your unused hole that puckered for him. 
it was a new feeling, something no one had done but the way he lapped at both holes made your orgasm build ten times faster, and soon you felt it creeping down your shoulders and sending a cold chill down to your toes. it was blinding, the noises you made were yelps and gasps as if the air had been knocked out of you. 
your entire body shook within his grasp and his mouth never let go of your overstimulated bud, sending more of your juices to leak out of you nonstop. joel wasted no time to lick you all up and manage to strip naked, watching your body go through aftershocks of your orgasm and smiling. 
“pretty girl, such a fuckin’ pretty girl,” he cooed, crawling between your legs again and grabbing you by your waist, flipping you onto tour tummy and chest as he helps you move to steady yourself on your knees. 
“you’d let me do whatever i want to ya, ain’t that right princess?” his voice was like velvet, making you feel warm all over as you pushed your ass into his groin. you whimpered as you felt his hardness against your cunt and you wiggled your hips, making joel laugh a little and slap your ass. 
“so eager too, huh?” all you could do was nod into the pillow, using your forearms to fold under it and hold your head up. the arch in your back was exaggerated, but you wanted him to be able to get the best leverage on you. 
he gripped your hips tight like you were going to leave him, and spread your asscheeks to see both holes shining for him. 
“tell me you want me, can you do that for me?” he asked condescendingly and you hummed, drunk off him grabbing your ass to pull your cheeks apart and watch as they jiggle. 
“i want you,” you muffled, your voice not sounding recognizable. it was hoarse, from moaning and crying and was about to get even more raspy. 
“good girl, you tell me if you want me to stop yeah?” 
“no! please,” you clung onto whatever he was giving you, “i want it, all of it, please,” you cried for him. 
he spits down on your asshole and watches it slip down to your cunt, and he positioned himself at your hole as he keeps your ass spread apart for him. 
“so fuckin’ messy, such a sweet cunt for me,” he moaned as he pushed the head of his cock inside, making you whimper at the small stretch. you didn’t think he could stretch you anymore, until he sunk deeper into your hole and made you start gasping for air. 
“what baby? is it too much? can’t take daddy’s cock?” he taunted behind you as your weak arms went from under the pillow to trying to push his thighs back. unfortunately with your strength, it was no use and only gave him incentive to pin both your arms behind your back, right where your back arched. 
you could feel your drool leaking onto the pillow as he slid slowly into you, not stopping until you felt his balls hit against your cunt. your legs were already trembling from his sheer size, making joel put one hand on the fat of your hip to steady you and one hand on your wrists. 
he started to pull out again, just to slide back in and repeat the movement as he slowly started to speed up the pace. you could hear faint groaning and the sound of your slick gathering on his cock, the wetness being the only noise that was distinct. 
it was pain and pleasure balled into one as he kept gliding in and out of you, feeling your walls tighten and release around him the faster he went. you felt each thrust make your body lurch forward, pushing your face into the pillow as he kept his relentlessness up. 
“oh, baby you feel so fuckin’ good, so good for me,” he groaned. he grabbed both your wrists with his hands and yanked your body up off the mattress so that your breasts are exposed for him. he takes advantage of the space between you and bed, and pulls you even further up to press you against his chest. 
“keep makin’ those pretty sounds for me, makes me wanna ruin this little pussy even more,” he grinned against your shoulder as he wrapped his arms around your waist, and you threw your arms back to grab onto his hair and head. you needed something to balance yourself now that you were standing on your knees, and being fucked into like you weighed absolutely nothing. 
“d-, fuck, i can’t,” you choked through a loud moan, one that made joel grunt as he fucked into you harder. he wasn’t doing small strokes, he was pulling out almost all the way and slamming back into you in a way that sent pain to your cervix, but pressure on your clit begging to be released. 
“can’t what princess? can’t think? i know baby, gettin’ fucked so good you can’t even talk,” he chuckled, moving his hand to grab at your breast and knead your flesh. his hands molded onto your body like they were made to fit you, but all your mind could focus on was the sound of his skin slapping against yours. 
joel knew you were going dumb already, not expecting answers from you as that would just be cruel. he wanted to make you feel good, and the way your spit covered your chin and your mouth fell open but hardly any noise was making its way out, he knew he was doing a damn good job. 
“hear that, baby? such a fuckin’ pretty mess, you like soakin’ my cock like that? so damn wet, so fuckin’ tight,” you couldn’t get enough of his words when he plucked at your nipple, teasing and pinching to get you closer and closer. 
“s-so big, m’ so full,” you cried and he smiled again, holding you closer than ever as he wallowed in your voice. 
“my baby’s full of me, full of my cock,” he repeated, never slowing down as he pulled out just to push all of him back into you at once. he was in love with how you felt, he even felt like he was losing his train of thought at you let out deep moans that made his cock jerk inside of you. 
“‘s okay baby, you look so cute all fucked out like this, can’t even fuckin’ breathe can ya?” he asked and you shook your head no, reminding yourself to unclench your chest so you could let in a good breath. he heard it, and rubbed up your chest to grip your throat, which elicited a harsh whimper. 
his other hand traveled down your body, past your larger stomach and reached down to your cunt. he used the slick between your lips after stuffing them in your mouth and started to rub circles over your nub, making you squirm and wiggle against his body. 
“uhn-uh, thought you liked takin’ my cock like a slut? take it, baby.” you couldn’t even move if you wanted to, wanting to fuck back on his cock and meet his thrusts. you were almost empty headed, words sounding like words but not being able to form them yourself. 
“there you go, take it all baby it’s yours,” he repeated as he watched you grab onto his arm that held you by the neck and let him ravage you like no other. he was the animal, and you were his prey. 
the feeling of his thick cock ramming you, splitting you open while he fingers worked your clit makes you throw your head back on his shoulder and shut your eyes strongly. it was blinding, the pleasure you felt that he inflicted, and you felt yourself clenching your entire body as your orgasm reached its peak. it’s all you focused on. his hands grabbing you everywhere, soaking you in as he pushed your thick body into his chest and managed to lay on his back. he let our body fall onto his and held you up like that, his hands spreading your legs as you tried to sit up on your hands. 
you couldn’t, of course, couldn’t even think about how he changed positions so quickly, or if you were too heavy for him. your body was limp as he held you open, his thrusts becoming harsher and faster as he fucked into you. 
“m gonna, j-joel, gonna cum, gonna cum, m’ gonna cum,” you chanted in a strained whine, one that sounded needy for him. one of his hands lets go of your leg and rests his palm on your forehead, pulling you back to his shoulder so he can kiss along your jaw and neck. 
“cum for me baby, such a dumb fuckin' slut, taking my cock like you were made f’ it,” he was so insulting, so degrading, but the feeling of losing your autonomy so he can fuck you like you deserved made it even sexier for you. you didn’t know your neighbor felt this way for you, that he’d been wanting to feel you and have you like this. it was exhilarating and when you finally let go, when the ringing in your ears started and every muscle in your body tightened just to go slack again, you realized how much you’d been missing. 
you’d never been fucked to the point of silence, nothing but quiet moans and strained breathing falling out of your lips because you couldn’t think, and as joel holds you by wrapping an arm around the thickness of your tummy and letting you close your legs to alleviate the intensity, he whispers nothing but dirty things in your ear. the shaking never stopped, even as joel started to reach his peak. 
“such a pretty girl,”
“love watchin’ you go dumb on my cock,” 
“gonna fill this cunt with my cum, ya want that sweetheart?”
“can’t even talk, such a dirty fuckin’ whore,”
you were mumbling, blabbering, making noises that couldn’t even be registered as noises as his hips slammed against your ass lazily. you feel it the minute he empties inside of you because he holds you even closer than before, stilling your moving hips and you feel the heat of the white ropes that cover your walls. it was so dirty, so messy, so filthy that you wouldn’t be surprised if you were embarrassed after this. you were still mindlessly groaning, humming as your orgasm buzzed through your body and the feeling of his cum trying to push its way out. 
you both lay there, breathless, sticky and with joel still buried inside of you.
“i have… i have to get off,” you breathed out, coming back to the sense of reality. the air in your room felt cold, pricking at your skin like needles. the sweat didn’t help either. 
“no ya don’t,” he said, only to hold you tighter. 
“joel, i’m like crushing you,” you tried to wiggle out of his grasp and he just gave a quick slap to your cunt, making you jolt and still. 
“don’t be ridiculous, ya need me to show you exactly how strong i am or are ya gonna take my word for it?” he warned and you swallowed, blinking at the ceiling before you turn your head to look at the side of his face before he turns his head to look at you. still, the back of your head rested on his shoulder and your legs were between his.
“i can’t even move, joel,” you said in a smile and he laughed, leaning in to kiss your forehead and over your face. 
“i’ll help ya with that.” 
joel proved once again that he was strong enough to pick you up, because he carried you bridal style to the restroom and got a bath ready for you, joining in to help clean you up and massage your muscles. you were dazed, so entirely fucked out that you let him do whatever he needed to do with you to get you into bed. and he didn’t seem to mind, because after taking care of you he got to snuggle in the same bed he made you drool in. 
he let you cuddle into him all you wanted, wrapping your arms and legs around him to bury your face in the shirt he put on. even though it was your bedsheets and your body wash he used, he still smelled like joel. and it was all you needed, ironically the man you longed for to make you feel good was the man who stayed in 6a.
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urfavlarry · 5 days
hi!!! can you write joost x fem!reader
where joost and reader are on the tour together, so many people are shipping them, but them themself are too shy to act on their feelings, when finally during the concert joost performs friesenjung (while reader does some back vocal or shit) and when it comes to the part "Motherfucker, ich küsse deine Schwester" he randomly takes courage to kiss the reader!?!?!?!? 🫶
Have to get this off my chest, I’m telling you today
Joost Klein x fem!reader
warnings: not proof read, swearing
A/N: this is a bit short and the ending is so baad but I tried to cook something up for you cuz I havent been posting that often lmao
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╰┈➤ ⋆。‧˚ʚ 🐦 ɞ˚‧。⋆
It was a long day. Your whole body was sweating and you were almost out of breath, the hot hair in the bar you were performing in making it hard to grasp even a small amount of air. You were a DJ of sort for Joosts concert, playing his songs, some backing vocals and overall just made the experience just a tad bit livelier. It was amazing, the people singing along to every possible song, even Joosts new song “Luchtballon” which was surprising how people already knew the words after such a short period of time. It was time to play one of his classics, Friesenjung which you yourself adored and Joost knew that. He smiled at the crowd, that beautiful, silly smile that managed to light up the room.
The flash of the phones making you barely see the crowd but their excited voices could only make you imagine the looks on their faces. The song was slowly coming to an end, only about a minute left and you could finally go home and have a fun weekend with friends.
“Motherfucker, ich küsse deine Schwester.”
You felt soft lips on yours, the world around you stopping as you collect your thoughts. The voices, screams, music were muffled, everything blurry except one person, and that person was Joost. He eyes you for the rest of the song, your stomach turning and knees weak. The song finally ended, thanking all the gods, before quickly going backstage and gathering your stuff, speed walking out the front door and look for your car in the dark parking lot. When you did find it you heard footsteps behind you, fast ones at that. You knew it was Joost, no fan would be crazy enough to chase you in a parking lot when you looked like you just had the worst nights of your life. Ever since that kiss, you got terribly aware of yourself. Your body was sweaty, hair sticking to your forehead and your clothing clung to you in a very uncomfortable way making you squirm. Before you could shut the door of your car, Joost stopped it and opened it once again, letting the cool air hit you like a truck.
He gently pulled you out the car, pulling you into a hug you didn’t return. You still felt disgusting, the awareness not leaving you so Joost awkwardly pulled away. He looked you in the eyes, it looked like he was desperate to know what you felt in that moment. “Liefde I.. I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.. I really didn’t.” He said, but you just stayed silent, looking down at your feet hoping for this very awkward situation to end. You loved Joost with your whole heart, but all of this was very sudden and you didn’t get time to gather your thoughts.. making your voice get stuck in your throat every time you wanted to say something. Joost looked hurt, it was like you but a dagger through his heart but he put on a soft smile. “Yeah I get it liefje.. I’ll see you next Friday yeah?” Right, you were supposed to perform again next week, how exciting. You nod before getting inside your car, giving him a small wave before driving away leaving him to stand alone, heartbroken in the empty parking lot.
Friday came by faster then usual, you felt more happy and confident then you did last Friday. You were wearing one of your favourite outfits you felt good in, feeling clean and pretty.. everything goes as planned so far which was how most good days started so you were more then confident to perform that night. When you got to the venue, Joost wasn’t there yet which was odd since he was always there to greet you with a hug and smile on his face, sometimes even a small gift like a coffee or sweet treat. It felt lonely without him but you decided to wait patiently, setting the stage up when he finally showed up looking very upset. You ran up to him, pulling him into a hug which he returned. It looked like the hug lightened his mood, making you smile. “We got this yeah? We’ll talk after the show I promise.. Do your worst.” You tease making him chuckle and walk on stage along with you, the crowd screaming.
The show went by smoothly without any complications, which was relieving but now you had to talk to Joost. Suddenly everything you practiced you would say left your mind, your knees going weak and hands go cold and shaky.
Joost stood there backstage, waiting for you when he noticed you and eyed you closely. You hyped yourself up before walking towards him, cupping his cheek and pulling him into a loving kiss. Joost smirked into the kiss, his hands trailing down to your waist, pulling you closer. It was a long kiss, air slowly leaving your body but even after Joost had the energy to kiss you. He slipped his tongue into your mouth, swirling it around and tasting every corner of your mouth. By the time he pulled away you were breathing heavily, lips swollen and your whole body weak. “Missed my touch so badly, hm?” He asked with a smirk making you look away, cheeks hot and head fuzzy. He put a finger on your jaw so he could make you look right back at him. He smiled and kissed your forehead, bringing you into an embrace. “I’m so glad you came back.. I was literally going mad without you.” You smirk and look up at him. “Missed me that bad, hm?” He chuckled opening the back door and walked you to your car, this time hand in hand.
You turned to him, the moons light shining into his beautiful blue eyes making him look angelic. “Thanks.. for tonight. You were great.” You say, awkwardly scratching your head and he nods. “Yeah, thanks. Well.. see you tommorow?” He asks and you raise a brow, your next show was next week? Did you have plans for tommorow you forgot about? The confused expression on your face amused him, laughing it off and whispered in your ear. “Just get ready for 7pm. Nothing too fancy but dress nice for me.. ‘kay?” He says and kisses your cheek before walking off. “Slaapwel mijn lievered.” (Sleep tight my sweet.)
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gtgbabie0 · 1 year
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Candlelit kisses
{When your apartment complex loses power you and Spencer have a sleepover leading you to both share your first kiss}
It’s a long one. Hope you enjoy lovelies!! 💕
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The last thing you were expecting today was a power cut this late into the night, and perhaps that’s why you let out a little yelp with a jump when Spencer knocks at your door causing you to almost drop the small tealight that you were lighting.
“Hey, is your power out too?” You ask, and he nods with a slightly frustrated sigh, his eyebrows knit together as he tries not to drop the papers and books he’s holding against his chest.
You and Spencer have been neighbours for a while now and somewhere along the line, you two got closer. He would come over almost every Friday, sometimes he even stayed over, well more like he would accidentally fall asleep and you never had the heart to wake him up.
“I can’t work like this” he complains walking into your apartment as he drops his work onto your kitchen table. You can practically feel the stress radiating from him as he rolls his shoulders, it was strange seeing him so tensed up.
You walk over to him with a flashlight, “Well hello to you too Spencer, oh yeah no, my day has been good” you sarcastically ramble, and he lets out a dry chuckle looking over at you as you sit down next to him.
“Sorry, I just— it’s a big inconvenience” he sighs once again as he rakes his fingers through his hair. Your hand rests on his shoulder as you give him a gentle look, soothing his arm.
You flick the flashlight on illuminating the table, “Yeah you’re telling me— but hey, I could be your very own personal lamp” you say trying to lighten up the mood, but your attempts are fruitless, and you frown when he shakes his head with a heavy sigh.
In all honesty, Spencer doesn’t want to do any work tonight. He wants to play silly board games with you, only to catch you cheating horribly and watch as you try and defend yourself through a fit of giggles. He wants, more than anything, to just hold you and go to sleep.
“Sorry, I just barged in here complaining- I’ll- I'll leave” he panics slightly. Your relationship is still new, everything felt so thrilling and Spencer is terrified of messing up somehow because he's so insanely in love with you. He doesn’t want to lose this feeling or you, ever.
“Spencer what?— don’t be silly, I don’t mind you staying here you know that” You try to stop him from gathering up his stuff but he’s stubborn as he makes his way towards your door, completely ignoring you.
He stops when you tug on his elbow, “Don’t leave, please” you mumble deciding to swallow your pride, “It’s really dark in here and I don’t want to be alone” you whisper, feeling a little childish but it was true nonetheless.
Your apartment was completely engulfed in darkness, the only thing lighting it was the small tealights that you scattered around, and the cool light of the moon, that splayed across the room. But yet even that made it seem scarier, something out of a horror movie.
Spencer thinks he might melt by how sweet you sound, you wanted him to stay and the thought of you needing him makes him feel all floaty inside.
“Okay, yeah I’ll stay,” he says, smiling softly as he watches your face light up with excitement. He wasn’t too much of a fan of the dark either, the mystery of what might linger within the shadows always seemed much too daunting. Something he couldn’t shake even as he got older.
You clasp your hands together with a smile, “Oh!- I have something actually” his eyebrows furrow with slight confusion as he watches you disappear into your bedroom, but not before your turn around, “I’ll be one second” you inform him, he responds with a quiet, ‘okay?’ Still confused by what’s going on in that wonderful mind of yours.
He sets his work back down on your kitchen table, deciding that it’ll just have to wait until tomorrow. You soon return with a globe-shaped night light in hand, “Spencer Reid, be prepared to be amazed” you smile, and he would be lying if he said he wasn’t a little excited watching you click the batteries into the light.
You set it down on the coffee table before pressing the small button, a hopeful gleam in your eyes, silently praying that it will still work. And it does, the light shines in different colours projecting stars and moons onto the walls and ceiling. Spencer looks around the room, turning around as he does, admiring the way the room is suddenly lit up with warm colours.
“There was a study that found red to be the best colour to fall asleep to as it increases the production of melatonin,” he says, eyes still focused on the stars and moons that litter across the room in an orangey hue. He looks over to you and he goes to ramble off about night lights and their pros and cons but he finds himself completely taken back.
Spencer can practically feel the words leave his mind, and all his thoughts are replaced with you, how pretty you look underneath the warm light. He notices how your soft skin glows and the way your eyes seem to glisten, he doesn’t think there’s anyone in the world who compares to your beauty, in fact, he knows there isn’t. You’re so radiant, and he hopes that the smile your wearing is because of him.
You go bashful once you realise what’s happening, he’s looking at you as if you were a piece of art, sculpted by the gods. And he has those love-filled eyes, the same look he had when he finally asked you out on a date.
“You- you’re beautiful,” he tells you as if it was an undeniable fact, his voice so quiet that you almost miss it. Your smile breaks wider with his gentle words.
You can’t help but giggle, you felt so giddy inside. A feeling you haven’t felt in such a long time and it warms you. “Thank you Spence” you smile.
He feels almost prideful at your reaction, a feeling that settles in his chest blooming through to his heart and it takes his breath away, although you always have that effect on him no matter what you do.
There’s a beat of silence. “So, what about a game of Uno?” You suggest sitting down on the carpet as you reach for the box, patting the floor as an invitation for him to sit, “Loser pays for dinner” You wiggle your eyebrows and he chuckles joining you on the floor.
There is no winning when it comes to Spencer and board games, especially when it’s Uno. In all honesty, you regret going through the rules so intently with him. It’s impossible to win for a multitude of reasons. One because he’s so incredibly smart, and two because he’s a profiler, he can tell when you’re bluffing from a mile away.
So you’ve resorted to hiding cards underneath your thigh, and it worked for a solid minute, then he gives you a look as if to say ‘I know what you’re doing’ and the chuckle that unceremoniously leaves you doesn’t exactly help defend you.
“You’re totally cheating!” He claims, noticing how you’re three cards less than before. You gasp, a hand against your chest as you look at him with shock.
“Cheating? I wouldn’t” you exaggerate your offence, leaning forward to try and take a peak at his remaining cards, but he’s fast to hold them against his chest.
You take the cards from his hands, dodging his hands as he tries to grab them from you. “I would’ve won anyway, and you know it, that’s why hid those cards under your thigh- you know you probably would’ve won if you played your cards correctly, but you’re-” he blabs on, not even noticing how close you are to him. It’s not until your lips are against his that he completely falls silent, taken back by the sudden closeness.
You shock yourself a little too, it was almost as if you had no control it just happened. You push away from him, consumed by a sudden surge of panic.
“I’m so sorry Spencer- I” he grabs your hands before you lose yourself to your own worry, and beneath the dim lights you can see the slightest red dust against his cheeks.
“No!- it’s okay, I- I erm, I liked it actually” he tells you with an almost hopeful smile that you’ll do it again.
You smile back at him and this time you decide to simply ask, “Can I kiss you again? Properly this time” You study his face for any signs of discomfort, and there is none. He nods whispering a bashful, ‘Of course, you can'
And without missing a beat his hands rest on either side of your face and he meets you halfway, his supple lips against yours, a movement that seems to come so naturally to the pair of you. It’s sweet and gentle, and there’s the slightest taste of peppermint and something else, him.
Spencer thinks his heart might just jump out of his chest it’s beating so hard and he swears you hear it too or worse his thoughts. He can’t believe that this is happening, with you.
You tilt your head to urge him closer, your tongue against his and he loses himself. His hold changes as if he’s scared to let you go, that you might not be real, that all of this is just pretend. He kisses you with urgency as if you might just disappear.
You pull back to rest your forehead against his, “Spencer, I’m not going anywhere- you can slow down” you tell him, your tone so gentle as you take his hands guiding them away from your face to rest on your lap.
He nods against you, “I'm sorry- it just, feels too good to be true I guess” he admits, noticing the way you squeeze his hand, your thumb grazing against the curves of his knuckles.
“You don’t have to apologise- just know I’m not going anywhere, I’m staying right here with you” you whisper, brushing his hair behind his ear as you press a kiss to the tip of his nose, then another to his cheek then to the corner of his mouth and so on.
You pepper kisses against his face until he’s laughing, trying to push you away and the sound makes your heart clench with love, it’s something you’ll never grow tired of hearing.
“You're still paying for dinner by the way,” he says lips grazing against yours. And just when you’re about to kiss him, in an attempt to persuade him otherwise, the lights turn on and it’s then you can really see him, in much better lighting. Rosy cheeks and glossy love-sick eyes, and you think you fall for him ten times harder.
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willowpains · 1 year
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pairing: drew starkey x fem. reader!
summary: cast member reader goes out with the obx cast to a bar
warnings: mentions of alcohol, drinking, being tipsy
disclaimer: inspired by don’t stop the music by rihanna, the song always makes me daydream!
it was friday night, and after wrapping up filming for the day in Charleston, mostly everyone in the cast had decided that going out for drinks in town sounded like a solid plan, so after everyone gathered their things they split into cars to drive downtown into a bar JD had heard good things about.
you were in Austin’s car, and while he was driving, drew was sitting in the seat next to him, and left to chat and be the life of the drive where madelyn, madison and yourself in the back of the car.
you guys couldn’t stop laughing, making jokes and singing to the songs on the radio like you were all doing karaoke, and the boys in front of you just keep laughing and singing with you three.
every now and then drew would look back and lock eyes with you, sending you a playful wink or replying to a joke you made. this was something normal in your friendship, so it wasn’t something weird for your friends, even though they saw that the way you two acted was as if you two were more than friends.
but that was not the case, you two had instantly kicked it off, even though you had different personalities, that didn’t seem like a problem for you to become close and have a fun time whenever you were together.
at first, you were intimidated by drew. getting to be the new cast member in a show were everyone else already knew each other was hard, and then, when you realized that the person you needed to have more chemistry for the sake of your character was tall, handsome and with a sarcastic personality, it was safe to say you were scared.
but you quickly realized that everyone was really nice and welcoming, as well as getting to know drew and finding out that he was the sweetest man you had probably encountered. he always made sure you felt comfortable with him in every scene, cause even though his character was pretty violent, he always wanted to make sure you knew that it was all an act, and I mean, you two were great actors, and made a great match in the show.
so your friendship in real life was not something that came as a surprise to anybody, you had most of your scenes with him the first few days, so rehearsing and going through lines together was an everyday thing. and thats how you became an iconic duo, as the fans would call you two.
arriving at the bar, everyone gathered around at a table and ordered drinks, starting to chat and laugh at the jokes and funny stories from set everyone was sharing.
“y/n, we should do tequila shots!” madelyn suddenly gasped grabbing your arm, as she was seated next to you.
“that’s the best thing I’ve heard all night!” you answered looking at her “who’s down for some tequila shots?” you shouted so everyone could hear, and immediately approving noises were heard.
“we’re starting out strong huh?” drew asked, as he was seated next to you, sipping on his bear.
“we’re not wasting any time which is different” you smiled to him as you saw the waiter approach with many shot glasses and a bottle of tequila.
“then I guess we should get to it”
Drew got up and started pouring the alcohol on every glass, handing one to everyone as we all cheered.
“to great friendships and an awesome filming season!” chase shouted as we all cheered and clashed our shots together.
before i could take my shot, drew took my arm and tangled it with his so we could drink our shots together.
“we need to do it this way” he said as he finished crossing both our arms while we stood face to face holding our shot glasses.
“says who?” I asked laughing enjoying the dynamic way too much, as well as liking to have him that close to me.
“everyone knows it, this is the right way to do shots!” he shouted as he raised his hand a little ready to drink.
“let’s do it then”
I smiled before we both downed our shots at the same time.
after a few more rounds of shots, french fries and sloppy drinking from the bottle, people around started dancing and letting loose, which made us want to join the fun.
plus, the alcohol in our system definitely made us more confident than usual.
madelyn and chase were the first ones on the dance floor, while the rest of us stayed drinking and eating at the table, watching them like they were part of a rom com.
after a few songs had passed, drew stood up next to me and offered me his hand.
“let’s dance” he said as he gave me a smile.
he knew I couldn’t say no. not when he looked at me like that.
I quickly took his hand as he guided us to the dance floor, where everyone was singing and jumping up and down, moving to the rhythm of the songs.
i was glad the lights were dim, because the blush on my cheeks was something that I couldn’t hide, not when the alcohol made me react to him like it always happened.
Do you know what you started? I just came here to party, but now we're rockin' on the dance floor, actin' naughty
around us, everyone was dancing, and staying apart was difficult, so we found ourselves dancing very close to each other. not that we would’ve liked it any other way.
“I didn’t know you liked dancing” i shouted a little, getting close to him so he could hear me over the music, which was a lot louder in the dance floor.
he smiled while letting out a laugh.
“I’m not the biggest fan, but I know you do love doing it” he answered leaning down as he took my hand and gave me a little spin making me giggle.
lord did he make me feel some type if way.
“so if I told you I love going to the beach and swimming in the ocean at midnight, would you come with me?” I asked getting closer to him, looking into his eyes.
he smirked while he let out a small laugh, leaning down on my ear.
“I would go anywhere with you, even if you didn’t ask me to”
Your hands around my waist just let the music play, we’re hand in hand, chest to chest, and now we're face to face
his hands held me by the waist, while we swayed slowly side to side, trying not to stay still in between the sea of bodies jumping up and down to the music around us.
my hands went from resting on his chest, to around his neck, letting them hang on his back, making us closer than ever.
i could feel his gaze on my lips, as I couldn’t tear my eyes from his, being fully captivated by the blue color, that seemed darker under the lights in the bar.
“I really wanna kiss you right now” drew said as one of his hands went from my waist to my cheek, brushing some of the hair out of my face.
I wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol, or the adrenaline of him telling me that, but i was scared that he could hear or feel how fast my heart was beating, almost wanting to get out and answer for myself.
“and what’s stopping you?” it almost felt like a whisper, but his smile gave away that he had listened to me.
so he closed the distance between us.
his lips were soft and hungry at the same time, like he had been waiting to do that for a long time. and i wouldn’t be surprised, because this was something i had found myself daydreaming of a few times.
one of his hands still held me by the waist, as the other one was between my cheek and my neck, keeping our faces together, and i didn’t want us to pull apart.
how long can someone survive without breathing? I’d be willing to find out.
Don't you feel the passion ready to explode? what goes on between us no one has to know, this is a private show
after breaking the kiss, i rested my head in his chest, attempting to hide my smile while trying to catch my breath.
“oh don’t go shy on me now doll” he said as he slowly lifted my face with one of his hands, softly stroking my cheek.
his eyes softened as his smile took over most of his face, and he laughed a little when he saw my flustered state.
“will it make you feel better if I told you that i had been wanting to do that for a long time?” he said as he looked me in the eyes.
drew just couldn’t let me compose myself.
“now you’re just bluffing” i said as i hit him in the chest in a playful way.
he laughed with me in between his arms, as i placed my hands in his chest, looking up to him with a smile on my face.
“did you really never noticed how down bad i was for you?” he asked as his arms kept holding me close to him.
I smiled as I confidently stood on the tips of my toes and kissed him again, this one being a bit shorter that the other one.
he smiled looking to the side trying to hide his now rising blush.
“I guess i thought something a couple of times, but i didn’t wanted to disappoint myself, it could’ve all been in my head” I said honestly.
drew turned to look at me, and we stayed like that for a bit, staring at each other, being close, and soaking in what had just happened between us.
“well, for the record, this is real” he said motioning to us “and it was never in your head”
drew leaned down and pecked my lips.
“let’s get out of here” he took my hand in between his as we started walking towards the exit.
“what about the rest?” I asked trying to find them in the now crowded bar, while we headed to the door.
“they’ll figure it out” he laughed as we were now on the parking lot.
“and where are we going?” my eyes locked with his, that shined under the moonlight.
drew smiled while he held me between his arms.
“I’m taking you for a swim at midnight, just like you wanted”.
*I loved this one<3
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daisynik7 · 7 months
cw: fluff, established relationship, suggestive at the end
Author’s Note: this drabble was inspired by my snookums @dprkento because we were talking about building forts together the other day and I thought how cute would it be if we did that for husband!Nanami?! anyways, ily, thank you for always making me feel so special and loved. Divider by @/cafekitsune.
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It’s been a stressful week for both you and your husband, more so for Nanami though, who has worked overtime nearly every day since Monday. When Friday finally arrives, you come up with an idea to help the two of you unwind. It’s a bit unconventional, maybe even a little childish, but you have a good feeling that it’s just what he needs. 
Around seven in the evening, you hear the familiar jingle of keys from the other side of the front door. You crawl out from under your creation, chest thumping with excitement, unsure how he’ll react to all of this. Waiting by the entrance, the door swings open to reveal Nanami, eyes tired, shoulders hunched, the aura of an overworked man surrounding him. He shrugs his jacket off, hanging it on the coat rack while he removes his shoes. When he sees you, his expression brightens, a small smile forming on his lips, always happy to be home. You greet him with a warm embrace, wrapping your arms around his torso, squeezing him tight. He nuzzles his nose to the top of your head, inhaling your scent, exhaling a heavy sigh. “Hi.”
You giggle into his chest then peer up at him. “You sound exhausted.”
“I am exhausted,” he admits, bowing down to kiss you on the lips.
“Have I got the perfect surprise for you then,” you say, smirking. 
He stares at you with a brow raised, curious. “Oh no, what now?” You’ve got another trick up your sleeve, keeping him on his toes. And while he pretends to be hesitant at first, he always looks forward to whatever you have in store for him. 
Tugging on his hand, you lead him into the living room, where your masterpiece awaits. “Ta-da!” You hold your arms out, presenting the pillow fort you constructed for him. The base is made of the chairs you dragged all the way from the dining table, concealed by mismatched throw blankets laid out on top of each other to act as the roof. The interior is designed with every pillow you could find lying around the house atop the thickest comforter you have to provide enough cushioning. The finishing touch is your favorite stuffed animal sitting in the corner inviting you in, the same one that Nanami won for you years ago after spending far too much time and money on a crane machine to get it. 
His lips are parted in surprise, inspecting each inch of it carefully. When he doesn’t have any response, you nudge with your elbow. “Well, what do you think?”
He kneels down at the entrance, appreciating the interior, eyes wide with wonder. “You built this? For me?”
“For us,” you correct him, beaming. “I thought we could give up on being adults for a night and relive our childhood.”
He chuckles, crawling inside, his muscular body filling up nearly the entire space. “I never built a fort like this when I was kid. This is a first for me.” Loosening his tie, he rolls over on his back, leaning his head into the pillows, finally relaxed. He waves over to you, beckoning you to join him. 
“Hold on. Let me get the snacks.” You shuffle towards the kitchen counter, gathering all the treats you prepared for tonight: chips, candies, even a box of pizza from one of your go-to restaurants. You dump all the food near the entrance of the fort and shimmy beside your husband, laying the pizza flat on your laps. He presses a sweet kiss to your cheek before grabbing a slice to indulge on. 
When you finish dinner, you set up a laptop on a small standing tray near your feet, snuggling closer to Nanami, who has since removed his tie and unbuttoned his dress shirt. From your peripheral, you can tell he’s not paying attention to the movie. Instead, his focus is on you. 
Still facing the screen, you grin. “What?”
He hums, leaning in closer, his mouth hot on your skin, not answering. He places a delicate kiss on your neck, lingering as his hand slides across your thighs, slipping between your legs. “Kento,” you breathe out, turning towards him, capturing his lips with yours. 
“Thank you for this,” he whispers between kisses, sliding his other hand beneath your shirt and up your back, fingers at the clasp of your bra. “I love you.”
It doesn’t take long for the two of you to undress and christen the pillow fort properly. As Nanami cradles you in his arms, watching you sleep against his chest, he admires the fort one last time before slipping into a peaceful slumber with a smile on his face. 
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gogogodzilla · 8 months
day 30, corruption
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shane (stardew valley) x reader warnings: nsfw 18+, unprotected sex, creampie, possessive!shane, no aftercare, no preparation, public sex, one instance of dirty talk, dubcon kinktober ☠︎︎ main masterlist ☠︎︎ read on ao3
The first time he saw you was when you entered the Stardrop Saloon. You were prettier than anything he’d ever seen before and so full of life. He watched as you bounced between the tables, greeting the various patrons as you made your way to the bar. 
Shane huddled over his beer, watching you out of the corner of his eye. You interacted with everyone like you’d lived here for years. It wasn’t fair. 
You sidled up next to him as you waited for your drink. You introduced yourself and began chattering away. You leaned on the bar, putting your chest on display for the entirety of Pelican Town.
“I don’t know you. Why are you talking to me?” 
The words slipped out of his lips before he could catch them. He hadn’t meant for it to come out like that, but a small part of him enjoyed seeing the way you tucked your bottom lip in between your teeth, and you straightened at his comment. 
As the days passed, he began to feel a deep desire to be closer to you. You were good and you were pure. Everything he wasn’t. A sick part of him wanted to ruin you, to see you come apart at his hands. 
You always made an effort to stop and chat with him while he walked to the Joja Mart in the morning. You were always there, waiting for him as he exited Marnie’s house. He wondered if you had memorized his routine or if it was a coincidence every time. 
Slowly, he acted less like an asshole and you warmed up to him. His head began to perk up at the sound of the doors to Joja Mart opening, just hoping to catch sight of you. This increased as spring turned into summer and you’d show up in clothes that left little to the imagination. He dreamt of you every night, skimpy clothes discarded as you fell apart on his cock. Infatuation quickly turned into an obsession. 
It was Friday night at the saloon, which meant everyone in the valley was there. Shane kept to his corner, awaiting your arrival. He watched the clock as the seconds ticked by and you failed to make an appearance. 
Eventually, you arrived with Sebastian at your side, a laugh gracing your lips. Shane felt the burn of jealousy consume him, and he scowled into his drink. He was patient enough to wait until you made your way over to him, swaying a little from the drinks you’d downed earlier. He grabbed your hand and practically dragged you out of the saloon. He was going to make sure he was the only thing you needed. Not Sebastian, not Sam, just him. 
He shoved you against the wall of the saloon, too desperate to take you home and fuck you properly. His lips crashed against yours, and he held you with a rough grip on your jaw. You moaned against his lips as you pawed at his shoulders. He reached a hand down to slide under that pretty little dress of yours that drove him crazy. His dreams didn’t do the feeling of your skin under his fingertips any justice. 
He slid a finger over your clothed core, eliciting a small whine from you. He wondered if you’d ever been touched like this; his cock twitched at the thought of being your first. A pretty thing like you must’ve had all sorts of people fawning over you. 
He pulled away to catch his breath, shoved his face in the crook of your neck, and pressed open-mouthed kisses there. Your skin tasted almost as heavenly as it felt, and he groaned. He pushed your panties to the side and drug a finger through your folds, relishing how wet you already were. 
His movements were hurried as he removed his hand from your jaw to reach down and free his cock from his jeans. He was already painfully hard, desperate to see you absolutely ruined as you came around his cock. He slid his cock through your folds, gathering your slick. 
He lifted your thigh, giving him more access to that pretty pussy of yours. Slowly, he inched his way inside of you, and you clawed at his back as he did. You hissed at the intrusion, and he wished he would’ve had more time to prep you properly. He pressed a soothing kiss against your temple as he bottomed out. Your walls fluttered around him as you adjusted to him, and he almost came there and then. 
He pulled out of you before ramming himself back in, earning a high-pitched mewl from you. He clamped a hand over your mouth as he rutted into you. His free hand drifted up to knead your breasts, your nipples hardening under his touch and showing through the thin fabric of your dress. 
He reached a hand down to draw quick circles around your clit as he felt the familiar heat building in his abdomen. He wasn’t going to last long with you squeezing him just right and making those desperate noises that had his eyes rolling in the back of his head.
He hoped Sebastian could hear them from inside the saloon. He wanted to make sure everyone in this goddamn town knew you were his. The thought had him thrusting harder into you, each drag of his cock releasing a breathy moan against his hand. 
You gripped his bicep as you clenched around him, your orgasm rapidly approaching. 
“C’mon, baby. Make a mess around my cock,” he begged, words slurring together as he neared his climax. 
You rutted against him and clenched his cock as you came. You whined against his hand and he loved the way your face scrunched up as he jutted into you, riding out your high. 
With one final drag of his hips, he was coming in you, marking you as his own. He relished the way his seed painted your walls. Slowly, the twitching of his cock stilled and he pulled out of you. He groaned as he watched his cum drip out of you and down your thighs. 
His movements were hurried as he tucked himself back into his shorts, and made his way back into the saloon. He hoped you’d come crawling back to him. He hoped you’d stay. You had to.
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btsworldz · 26 days
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BLACK HEART (Yandere! Taehyung x Reader)
yandere! black swan taehyung x reader
yandere taehyung, he's sweet and a rule breaker, but you control his thoughts (both in a baaad way and a sweet way), bts taehyung x reader
Masterlist | Black Swan Universe
It was Friday, when he realized that he was different from his hyungs.
Taehyung can't talk normally.
And apparently it isn't his unique superpower, but rather a disability.
From the day that he was born up to ten years old, he had never interacted with people outside of his family. So, he held onto whatever his brothers are telling him.
"You have unique superpower tae!"
"Your mind is too powerful for words to describe, that's why God gave you the superpower of being silent."
Somewhere between the praises, Taehyung believed in his hyung's words like it was a verse. He was always childlike. Because he believed in his brothers so much, he also believed their one and only warning for him.
"Avoid humans at all costs."
Especially Seokjin. His older brother. Even at the mention of the H word (human) made his eldest brother turned his back on him, not before throwing anyone who mentioned it a cold glare. He was the strictest among his brothers. He had always been there, signing at him, HUMAN. DANGEROUS.
Taehyung became timid of breaking the rules, only going out if there's a need and never let himself get too far from their nest. His only task in the family was to get berries every Friday.
And Friday it was, when everything changed for him. He was about to go pick berries from his usual spot when he heard laughter from somewhere not far from him, but he also heard sparkles of wings. He didn't move from his spot, but he smiled to himself. He knew it was the faeries and everyone is good as long as it's not the humans.
"Do you know that one of the black swan brothers had a disability?"
"What??? I thought they were perfect? They look like it."
Taehyung thought to himself. A disability?
Taehyung knew it was wrong but he begin to hide himself in the bushes and masked his scent, wanting to hear the conversation more without them being aware of his presence.
"Yeah, it was the 6th son. Taehyung, I believed his name was. His mother got her wings chopped when giving birth to the twins. When she delivered Taehyung the pain was unbearable from the torture that his neck cracked a bit in the process, man can't talk now. So I've heard. But luckily his twin brother came out perfect, Jungkook. Stronger than him, so I've heard."
Taehyung felt his heart beat quickened. Tears begin to gather in his eyes. He felt like he was lied to all of his life. He realized now, he had small tasks not because he was special and needed to be guarded, but it was because he was pitiful.
"Bet he's weak, I've never seen him outside."
"Maybe ugly too?"
The faeries laughed. Their laughter poured salt over Taehyung's already wounded heart.
"But if he is Jungkook's twin. He can't be ugly. Man looked like he could be the heaven's people, and I would believe him in a heartbeat if he had said so. And his brothers, all mouthwatering to look at."
Taehyung felt his heart ache. He felt ugly, the truth was he looked different from his brothers and his twin, Jungkook. He was not an identical twin.
He wondered if he were Jungkook's identical twin, maybe it would lessen his dis-disabilty?
He can't bear it anymore. He fled through the night in stealth movement as if he was never there.
In the comfort of his nest, he locked himself with his wings. Not letting anyone in, not even Jin, his eldest brother.
"Taehyung, what happened?"
"Please open your wings."
"Jungkook what have you done to him?"
"Whaaatttt? It's not me!!! I swear."
Taehyung was sick of being babied, especially now that he knew he was less than his brothers and even his twin brother. He opened his wings and six brothers already surrounding him with concerned on their face.
He signed to them, DO NOT FOLLOW ME.
He fled away from their nest, tears gathered on his eyes making his path blurry. But he couldn't care less. At least the night sky won't judge him. He didn't think his brother was truthful towards him all this time. And maybe, God knows, humans are nice!
He wasn't really paying attention towards where he was flying, anger and sadness surrounding him. That was when he fly to the part of the forest close to the human territory.
He felt sick. He didn't want to fly any longer. He just wanted to cry. So he did. In the middle of nowhere, he cried his heart out. In the thick of the snow, he cried silent anguish tears. If he could shout he would have.
He heard a gasp from his right, making his head turned in seconds out of instinct. His eyes met with the most expressive eyes he had ever seen. And that eyes expressed fear. Then he smelled it, a smell so distinctive he had never smell it before. Humans. It must be.
His face turned stoic. He felt rebellious, he wanted to prove his brother wrong about humans. He wanted to approach this human.
Without thinking further. Taehyung spread his wings and land in front of the human, the human fell to her knees from being frightened. Right when Taehyung stretched his hand to make himself acquainted. The human closed her eyes and shout. "Please don't kill me!"
And here he thought humans are dangerous. He felt like laughing. Humans are entertaining. He felt a smile coming through his face, but he didn't want to show it yet. He lightly tucked his wings towards him, so it didn't look as menacing, before he kneeled in front of her. He lightly tapped twice on her shoulder. The girl shook from fright, her eyes then met Taehyung's again.
He mouthed: Hi.
No voice coming out of his mouth. You thought his smile that grazed his face for a millisecond might be an illusion, since the only light source was from the moon. All you can say was that the man or the super man in front of you was beautiful.
The most beautiful being you have ever seen, maybe. The wings, the face. He must be the black swan that the village has talked about all of their lives.
"Hi...," you answered. Afraid that he would kill you if you didn't.
You find the situation funny, here you are in the forest. Not "caring" about your life, but kneeled weakly afraid of dying when death presented itself in the form of a beautiful being.
You chuckled to yourself. "You want to kill me?" You asked the man, finding the surge of courage from your own comedic thoughts. Perhaps you have gone mad from being undesired all of your life. You have six sisters and all of them are married at the first month when they turn nineteen. And here you are 22 years old, with no man asking for your hand.
The village liked to talk, you have gone from waiting to not wanting to expect anything anymore. The single men in the village have found you undesirable.
Taehyung looked at you with his eyes blown open. He shook his head harshly, mouthing: No!
You sighed. "Then, do you find me beautiful?"
Taehyung had his mouth gaped open. Not expecting that kind of question from you. He turned around and held his heart. He wanted to say yes, but he didn't know why his heart beats so much. He felt embarrassed for some reason.
"I knew it! I'm hideous. Not a man find me beautiful after all, let alone the mystical black swan!" You bursted out crying. You didn't know why you feel emotional, perhaps your frustration and the thoughts of dying mix into one cry.
Taehyung felt his heart ache from your cries. He wanted to comfort you and say what he truly felt. You're beautiful. But you were too busy wiping your eyes so he couldn't mouth it to you. He then opted to accompany you in silence.
"My sisters, six of them are married! And I'm nowhere near it. Not a single man asking for my hand. And people said it's because I'm the ugly duckling out of them!" You cried again.
Taehyung frowned. How can people compared ducklings to being ugly, ducklings are the most precious. He wanted to tell you that he knows how it feels, being compared to your own siblings.
"And now you!" You suddenly pointed at him, your eyes glaringly red from crying. Your nose and cheeks red. Taehyung can't help but find that you looked funny, your expression might have make him forget about his own problems the longer he stared at it.
Me?, Taehyung mouthed while pointing at himself comically.
"You are one of my problems now. Just kill me and get it over with." You were only saying it, when in reality you could feel your heartbeat raced afraid that he would actually do it. You turned your back at him and slowly walking away. The snow crunches under your soles. You could hear him behind you, following you. You quickened your steps while closing your eyes, at least when he did it you wouldn't be able to see anything. You were sure of being killed in just seconds from then.
Meanwhile, Taehyung couldn't understand why the woman in front of him was suddenly walking away. And much more when he realized that the girl was closing her eyes while walking. He find that amusing, he wanted to tap her shoulder but maybe it was her ritual? Taehyung wouldn't want to bother whatever it was she was doing.
Taehyung opted to follow her.
In the midst of her walking faster, a tree was in front of her and Taehyung knew if he didn't do something about it the girl would crash. As much as he loves being a watcher for her ritual, he didn't want her to get hurt. So he did what he thought to be harmless, he grabbed her shoulders wanting to direct her to a clear path.
You screamed as loud as you can when you suddenly feel a touch on your shoulders. You opened your eyes and turned your head to the black swan having his eyes wide enough looking at your surroundings, while still holding your shoulders.
Why. Scream? He genuinely looked confused as he mouthed that to you.
You looked at him dumbfounded, still breathing hard from the adrenaline. You gulped down whatever sanity left in you and decided to speak your mind like you always do. Men don't like that about you.
"You! You scared me. Please don't touch me out of nowhere."
As if a hot coal was put into his hands, he released his grip from your shoulders. He looked at you with wide eyes. Shaking his head no, as if saying "I didn't mean to do that" and you wish the ground had swallowed you whole when he pointed towards something behind you.
A tree.
You realized that he was only trying to prevent your idiot self from planting your face to a tree.
"Oh my god..." you can only close your mouth out of embarrassment.
You okay? He mouthed after you met his eyes.
"I'm okay.." your voice getting lower. "I'm sorry," you genuinely said to him. He was only looking at you curiously when you said that, he can't talk you realized now but the man can surely hold a gaze.
"I'm Y/n." You stretched your hand towards him.
He looked at your hand before looking at you, silently asking for permission. He was probably traumatized from the way you screamed, you smiled a little and nodded. He took your hand first touching the fingertips, when you didn't scream and only smile at him he lightly hold your hand. It could almost as if he was barely touching your hand.
Taehyung. He mouthed.
"Taehyung?" You asked in a meek voice, afraid that you would say the wrong name.
Taehyung felt his heart skipped a beat hearing your voice said his name. You say it so tenderly, Taehyung didn't know how to respond. He was just in awe.
Meanwhile, you gulped seeing the man froze looking at you. You wondered if you have said the wrong name. "Sorry?"
Taehyung looked away, unable to contain his heart the longer he stared at your eyes. They were bewitching, he believes so.
Why? Taehyung mouthed after getting a hold of himself.
"Because I say the wrong name?" You looked down in hope of not offending him, or worse angered him. But deep down you feel like he was a good guy, he hadn't shown sign of aggression. Yet.
Taehyung shook his head harshly, no you are right. But you didn't look at him shaking his head, your face crestfallen and downwards not facing him. He wanted to badly wipe it off your face. So he took both of your cheeks on his hands and gracefully make you look at him as he shook his head no. He then pointed at himself, I'm Taehyung.
He smiled softly, his eyes tender as he looked at your round eyes. Tears gathered on your eyes. He wiped them away, almost immediately. You are right, Taehyung mouthed.
He noted that his wings can be scary to you. So he did his best to tuck it inward, in hopes that it appeared much smaller than it was. He tried to not make as much as eyebrows movement, maybe it scared you. He was hoping to appear more soft like Jimin, his brother. Sadly he can only be himself.
Are you afraid of me?
Taehyung waited for your response. He felt as if he can't breathe when silence is between the two of you. You hold your gaze with him, as you shook your head from side to side.
"No," you said it in all honesty that it resonated in Taehyung's heart. He smiled and you are his mirror.
Thus, that was the beginning of an inevitable friendship between a man and a woman.
"You didn't talk much, and I like that about you Tae!"
Taehyung frowned, having to drag a basket full of bread and jams he can't sign to you. But he was mouthing "I can't" with his whole chest and face full of emotion. You laughed as hard as you can, you were sure it would invite bears and others predators if you hadn't been in a presence of the biggest predator in the forest.
"You say it sooo passionately, I think I heard your voice."
Taehyung frowned again while you laughed. He almost think he hated your jokes, but in honesty. You treated his disability as if it was nothing, and whenever you laugh he had never consider it as an insult rather weirdly enough it was comforting. You treated him as if he was normal, he felt like he was a completely normal person when he's with you.
You laid down the shawl so it became a mat that you and Taehyung can both lay on. Once you have laid it out, Taehyung occupied most of the space and laid out his left hand he smiled cunningly. You frowned, "Tae... what if you smell?" You knew about his brother's hatred for human and you didn't want him getting punished.
Come here. He wiggled his left hand and throw in his best puppy eyes, that it made you sighed and laid your head in his arm.
Taehyung turned his head to yours, he inhaled the top of your head and smiled to himself. He loved your smell, your hair, and everything about you. He didn't know why, but if all humans are like you he didn't understand why his brothers hatred to your kind.
Taehyung felt his head getting pushed back from your head. He met with two round eyes glaring cutely at him. He was in awe at your presence, he felt like keeping you locked away in his embrace forever.
"Stop, I smell." You felt self conscious for some reason.
You smell good.
You feel your face getting hot from his statement. You didn't know why you feel shy all of a sudden, that you have to get away from his embrace or you feel like your heart might burst. So you sit abruptly, showing your back as you grabbed for the basket wanting to busy yourself by making a sandwich.
Taehyung frowned not liking your absence. He quickly got up himself, and he think of how to still be close to you while you make a sandwich.
He came up with an idea of sitting behind you and hugging you, as he put his head in your shoulder. It turned out he loved this a lot.
In the midst of his bliss, he didn't realize you have froze a little from his hands encaging your waist and from his proximity. "Tae... what are you doing?"
Taehyung, hearing your voice, turned his head closer to your neck. You smelled more divine for some reason. His head getting hazy. He signed with his left hand almost sloppily, hugging you.
He didn't waste a second to attach his hand back at your waist. Feeling drunk on your scent he felt the need to get closer, he started by planting his lips on your neck softly. Your breath hitched, sandwich is forgotten as it plopped to the mat. Your hands gripped his hands that seemed to snaked around your waist more tightly.
"Taehyung," you said again in warning. You felt overwhelmed, your heart wanting to burst. You didn't know what is this feeling. But you felt good when he started to kiss your neck. Both of you indulging in this heavenly feeling.
Taehyung wanted to growl at your voice, how soft it was making him want to keep you to himself. The thought of you being married to another human entered his brain, making him feral. His wings encaging both of you. You sighed when he started to put more pressure on his kisses. You moaned when he started using his teeth. And Taehyung couldn't help but tightened his hold on you and bring you closer, that you have now sat on his lap.
You drive him crazy, he felt like biting you. Claimed you as his, so you wouldn't spread your wings and fly away from him. He grounded you to him, you felt adrenaline shot through you as he bit you on your neck. It hurt at first, but he lapped at your skin sucking the blood that bleeds a little it started to feel good. Maybe you were getting crazy. This feeling is new to you.
You can't sit tight on his lap, you draw his head closer to you turning around so you can look at his face better. His eyes hazy as they were focused on yours, almost black but still as beautiful as ever. I need you.
Your desire spiked as he was getting closer to your face, inches apart he put his forehead into you. Your eyes still stared at him, both of your breathes collide as the nearer you are with him you find it harder to breathe.
He then put his lips on you. Colliding both of your heart in one single kiss.
He felt alive. You are truly breathtaking, he couldn't find a single reason of his still breathing heart other than to find its pair. You.
My love. He mouthed to you, breathless.
You were panting yourself from the kiss. You felt shy looking at what he said to you. "I-I..."
Taehyung smiled from ear to ear looking at your shyness, he tucked the hair that falls on your cheek. He then tugged your chin, dying from wanting to look through your eyes. He wished that he could read your mind. Insecurity started to slowly entered his mind again, afraid of you hating him.
He felt his chest hurt so much from the thought.
He was taken aback from the strong feeling of hurt. That was new.
"I-I... I will be married to someone else, Tae."
When he thought he could only be hurt from his own thoughts he was wrong, what you have said might have broke his heart right then and there.
"I wanted to tell you," you said again.
Taehyung felt anger seeped in his heart. It wasn't fair, he knew you first. It wasn't fair that it wasn't him. He deserved you. He didn't realized he still had his grip in your hand and it started to tightened and hurts. You moaned from the pain and wiggled your hand, but Taehyung out of instinct tugged you closer with force.
His hug was sure to leave a mark on how tight it was, the sun was covered as his wings are starting to form a shield around you. You haven't been afraid with your friend before, but now you were starting to.
"Please, Taehyung..."
You didn't know what to say, you feel guilty of kissing him back but at the same time you know you have feelings with Taehyung. And that was your heart telling you to follow it for once.
But now that you were in his embrace, away from the light and you can only hear his harsh breathing and feel his face beside yours.
Mine. You heard him whisper on your ear, as you shivered from the way he said it. He began kissing your neck, right above the place where he bit it. You felt your body weakened the more he kissed the spot, wanting to surrender itself to its aggressor.
"We can't-," your protest died down when he shut your mouth again by kissing you. He was passionate, you can almost feel the words spilling from his kiss. Words full of longing and wishes for this moment to never end.
You kissed him back, lone tears spilling from you. It was for the best.
You realized you can't be together. It would put him in danger, your mother has become suspicious of your activities that she started punishing you whenever you were caught going to the woods. Going as far as slapping you with sticks in your thigh, to teaches you to stay put in your place. Now that you have a suitor coming to whisk you off, your mother was ecstatic and stricter than ever.
"You will be in danger," you said. Taehyung stopped his movements, his heart was beating fast. You still thought of him, even when he hold you like this, caging you away so you wouldn't fly away from him. You are perfect, the most perfect thing he had ever come across and come to cherish.
He felt a lone tear coming down his cheek, as he started to slowly kiss your cheeks. He was sure you can feel the wetness colliding with your own tears. He wiped away yours as he begin kissing you all over your face. Starting with your eyes that are the most beautiful thing his eyes ever land on, your forehead the thing he loved the most to forever lean his own in hopes of ever reading your mind, your cheeks that are the softest thing he had ever touch, your chin that he wanted to grab every chance he get just to steal your attention, and your lips...
The way when both of your lips touched, Taehyung could say that he saw heaven and tasted it. When starts fall from the sky, he knew it was for him to wish upon this lips of yours to forever collide in his constellation.
You took his breath away, everything you do to him and away from him. He was ready to give his heart whenever you asked, whenever you need it. He was ready to suck his soul and sold it to whoever willing to attach it with yours, so he would forever be in your presence.
I love you.
He put his whole heart as he mouthed it to you, your teary eyes staring at his after you had seen what he said to you. You didn't answer him, instead opting to hug him again. Your face away in his embrace and close to his heart. You can feel it beating ceremoniously.
"I love you too," you said in almost a whisper and Taehyung has heard it. He felt like breathing again now that he knew his feelings are returned, hugging you closer to his chest.
Taehyung went back with a big smile on his face, of course he showered deeply in the lake before coming back to his nest getting rid of your smell as much as he detested to do so. His twin brother, Jungkook, smiling big as he looked at Taehyung's happy face.
"You are awfully smiling a lot now, it's a good look on you. But what got you smiling so big? Care to share?" Jungkook put his arm on Taehyung's neck.
He quickly signed a quick no to his twin.
Jungkook snickered. "No fun."
Taehyung went to his bed and his mind immediately replayed the scene of your lips meeting his, he can't help but bit his lips in response. Kicking his feet on his bed and smiling uncontrollably. He can't wait to meet you again tomorrow, and maybe steal a kiss or two from you.
He was sure you were not going to marry someone else now that he knew you love him too. Even though it boiled his blood just thinking about you being courted by a human, but at the same time he didn't blame the man for taking an interest at you. You are a sight to behold, yet it didn't take away the promise to get rid of competition. You are his mate.
Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows and nodded to himself, strongly agreeing his own thoughts.
A new voice entered his eardrums. He quickly snapped his attention to the source of voice, his eyes met with none other than his eldest brother, Seokjin.
He quickly sat on his bed, fixing himself in hopes that Seokjin didn't catch him acting like a lover boy just now.
"Can you promise me that you'd be honest with me?"
He felt his heart rate spiked up, as he hoped to whoever's in charge that it's not what he thinks it is.
Yes. Taehyung quickly signed, not wanting the silence becoming suspicious.
"Are you with a human today?" Seokjin asked, his tone pressing. His disdain clear as day when he was speaking about human.
Taehyung felt his heart skipped a beat and his body froze, before he tried to relax. But Seokjin catches all of it.
No. Taehyung mouthed.
Seokjin sighed, he pinched his nose to control his anger. His eyes piercing when they met with Taehyung's again. "I told you not to lie. I know you have met the human girl, several times now."
Taehyung felt his breath stuck on his throat. His doom has finally reached him, his eldest brother finding out about you.
Please brother, I love her. I'm sorry. He signed desperately. Immediately on his knees.
"What were you thinking?!" Seokjin shouted at Taehyung, walking back and forth to calm himself. But it was no use. His anger got the best of him, his past coming back to haunt him. Fragments of memories coming back of his own mother getting her wings clipped, and dying from the loss of blood after delivering the twins. It was a gruesome sight for little Seokjin to see, his mother died in the hands of humans who threatened to kill her child.
"You weren't thinking." Seokjin answered Taehyung for himself. He was getting more mad when Taehyung didn't look as disgusted as him, rather he looked afraid of Seokjin. Or he was afraid of what he was going to do to that girl.
"That's it, you are forbidden to meet her again."
Brother, I can't. Please. I must see her. Taehyung frantically signed, holding his hand towards Seokjin's chest to grab his attention.
The eldest brother was fuming from what his little brother was saying, harshly tore his brother's pleading hands away.
In the midst of his anger, he bit down his thumb and put it on Taehyung's neck. Holding his brother's neck as an act of making the younger surrender, he made a promise. "I promise to kill her if I see you meeting her again."
Taehyung felt his heart drop.
What Seokjin did was a death's promise. Promise that can't be broken, it was powerful enough that it can effect humans, fairies, and other beings. It what separate the swan from other beings, and made them the apex predator. But it won't affect swans to swans. Unless...
It was done by the leader of the pact, and Seokjin was it.
He was anguish and cried his whole heart out. But Seokjin left him to his own, in hopes that his little brother will reflect on his action.
Taehyung felt his heart dropped, the thought of possibly never having the chance to meet his mate again was suffocating. He clutched his chest in pain.
That night changed everything, Taehyung cried tears that he had never shown before. All of his brothers wanted to comfort him, but they were too late. Taehyung was gone.
It has been what? Two years.
Two years since Taehyung became the dark soul that he is, the way his face became hollowed. His face stoic, he didn't talk at all. Him and Seokjin grown apart, they didn't even look at the flower blossomed in the winter. Something that Jimin always took notes of.
Their bond was inseparable, but now it was only left in pieces never to be fixed.
Taehyung only allowed his brothers to follow him around, never once he talked again to anyone. Jimin almost think he had gone. But Taehyung was still there, at least Jimin liked to think so, because one thing he never skipped of was going to the same spot.
Barren from anything. Just trees.
Jimin didn't know what it was about this place that got Taehyung sitting on from noon to night, his eyes hollowed in on one pathway.
Jimin knew about the human. Surely he can't think that humans are loyal right?
"I sort of heard... from the fairies, how to break a sacred bond," Jimin said breaking the silence, he had a habits of saying whatever comes through his mind in hope of his brother ever responding.
"She hurt you right? You can ask the moon to grant your wish. And maybe-"
Taehyung hold out his hand to Jimin's neck. Shutting him up in an instant. After an unfiltered anger burning on Taehyung's eyes and Jimin felt lightheaded from the pressure, suddenly Taehyung let go of his neck. Jimin didn't budge from his position, still in disbelief that Taehyung actually responded to him.
You didn't know how it feels.
Was the only thing Taehyung signed at Jimin, before his face went stoic again as if the him that choked the living out of Jimin was never there to begin with. Taehyung went back to his seat and stared at the same pathway.
Jimin touched his neck, the hot feeling from being choked by another's hand was still there. He's not dreaming. Jimin felt ecstatic. He wanted to tell his brothers that Taehyung was still there.
Jimin quickly flew away from there, leaving Taehyung to his own.
Taehyung felt weak. His heart broken in a million peace hearing what Jimin had said. He kept telling his heart that his brother didn't know anything. But his heart never took lightly of anything regarding his mate.
Mate. You.
Where are you?
Taehyung asked a million times. Wondering if you were okay. His heart calls for you, it longs to beat alongside yours, to be calmed by the magic of your kiss whispering life through him.
He still remember your warmth, your eyes.
He could no longer take it. Or maybe it was his heart. His wings have a mind of their own, suddenly taking flight through the dark of the night. His heart the guidance.
My love.
Taehyung noticed a small house. Not far from the woods, but was already in town. Taehyung wasn't supposed to be here.
He looked at a girl from behind that was hanging fabrics while looking up at the sky. Taehyung knew of the smell.
His heart has no bound when it comes to finding its owner.
He took fast steps and hugged you from behind. He kissed your neck in longing, passion in between each kisses. His tears flowing uncontrollably.
You gasped, knowing the familiar wings now encasing you and a familiar hard chest meeting your back. Possessive hands snaking on your waist, tightening with each kiss.
"T-Taehyung...," you said. With disbelief you reached for his head to see if he was real, he welcomed your hand that touched him enveloping it with his own.
He whimpered on the way you still remembered him. His heart was healing.
I love you. He mouthed as he was facing you.
Your eyes only cried silent tears.
I need you. He said again, wanting to kiss your lips. But you stopped him with your hands.
"Taehyung... y-you shouldn't be here." Your voice timid.
There was something about you. You have changed, Taehyunh felt his heart worrying for you. A sense of protectiveness coming to take over him. You weren't safe, all this time you weren't safe. Taehyung felt anger towards himself, from failing as a mate. The energetic girl was long gone, you have become timid with the way you hide yourself. Your skin now almost sticking to your bones. Taehyung felt anguish tears slipped from his eyes, he has failed you.
He hugged you wanting to calm you down. But you trashed on his hold, but Taehyung didn't want to budge from his position.
"Taehy-yung. Get away, quickly, b-before he sees you."
Taehyung felt anger seeping through his head once more. He let go to really look at your face, he noticed the blackness around your eyes. He wanted to kill whoever did this to you.
Who did this?
"Ple-please just get away, before he sees you. Please. I'm begging y-."
You looked scared. In a hurry. But Taehyung wouldn't budge, wanting to calm your beating heart. He was so overwhelmed by his anger, by your tears, that he failed to hear the arrow piercing through the air and into his back straight to his heart. He still failed to realize anything.
His heart sickened by thoughts of you hurting, instead of his real physical pain. He noticed your eyes widened in horror as the blood seeped into his chest.
"N-No... no, no, no!" You touched his bleeding heart. "Please get away from here, fly away, please. He will hurt you."
Taehyung cried one single lone tear, and not because his chest got shot by another arrow, but because you told him to leave you again. Taehyung will protect you this time. You are hurt, you are his angel mate needing his protection.
Taehyung felt drowsiness entering him, maybe it was the tenth arrow that got poisoned with something else or maybe it was your hold on him and his hold on you that calmed him down.
I'll protect you.
He promised himself, surely he had bleed and it was a death promise on his part.
The moon knows, how much he loves you and wishing to always be with you.
He pulled you closer his wings are opened creating a shield so the arrow won't pierce you at all, he felt footsteps crowding him. People, not one, but multiple steps.
He pulled you closer again, if that was even possible. Spending his last energy on protecting you. He didn't miss the way your tone was desperate telling him to go back to the woods, leaving you here, to seek protection towards himself. But Taehyung only smiled at your words, welcoming another arrows on his body knowing that you care for him and that was enough. He felt the softness of your hair, he can still smell the scent he had longed to inhale, and your soft skin.
Taehyung felt his wings gripped by multiple hands, they burned his wings. He knew that he had to sacrifice himself, in order to protect you.
You wouldn't last in the place where he belongs, and you belong here. To the people who oddly didn't worship the ground that you walked on, when Taehyung was on his knees at every touch. But he will make you a deity. And he was willing to be the sacrifice.
He smelled that one odd smell, that has your scent. He didn't waste his time before he turned around and gushed the man's head on the ground. The people scurried to get away from him, the fire burned out with one swept of his wings. The powerful black swan was back.
The people eyes shone in fear, nobody moved as they all watched how the poor man, your abusive husband, was taking all the hits. It was gruesome sight to be watched. How he shreds the skin of your husband bones with ease as if he had been doing it forever. Bloods everywhere.
When he had enough he turned around again, slowly walking to your shaking body. Now on the ground. He was on his knees, facing you. He smiled, knowing you will be protected from now on.
He lifted up your chin, your eyes met his. And he swore he saw the heaven in your eyes. How could he hadn't look into it forever he didn't know.
He would die for you.
I love you.
He professed again. As the hands come back, one by one, knowing that Taehyung didn't move the hands no longer hesitated and shown no mercy since then. Humans are cruel. But you aren't, and you never were.
Taehyung knew in his heart that he was yours. You have been his mate from the day he had been alive in this world, you were destined only for him.
With each blood shredded from him, he made a death promise.
With each hands included in ripping him apart from you, would keep his love towards you alive. Their fear of him, would turned into feelings of love towards you.
With each blood ripped from him, you were loved more and more.
People might ripped his wings, but they can never ripped the love he had towards his mate.
He died with his wings ripped from him, his death was a gruesome sight to see. But his face...
Taehyung's face hold a smile, and his eyes... they were soft as if they had seen an angel themselves, even when they were lifeless.
He can be mistaken as a savior that died in a field of flower, if it weren't for the blood that was pooling around him instead.
He died with a smile, knowing that he protected his mate. Even when the mate didn't want to be protected, let alone worshipped.
The end.
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writingdumpster · 10 months
goodbye kisses
pairing: Rhett Abbott x reader
warnings: none
summary: the morning after a bad fight with rhett you don’t give him his goodbye kiss.
word count: .8k
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You woke up without Rhett beside you for the first time in years. The night before you had instructed him to sleep on the couch, but waking up without his arms around you still felt uncomfortable. You sighed.
The fight had been bad. The worst you ever had. And it was your first since being married. You had made it a year without having one, which you were informed by all your friends was a very long honeymoon period.
Earlier that night Rhett had gotten thrown off his bull in the first round. He had been immediately rushed off to the hospital. He was fine. The doctor said he had two broken ribs and a mild concussion. When you got home that night you had said you would stay home with him for the week, but Rhett had told you he didn’t need it. He said he would just keep working. You spent the next two hours fighting about how he didn’t take care of himself enough. It turned into a fight about how you didn’t support his career and then a fight about how bull riding was going to kill him.
“You always want me to stop! You’ve never supported me!” Rhett yelled.
“That’s not true and you know it!” You spit back. “I go to every single one of your competitions.”
“Because you’re scared! Not because you care about it!” Rhett yelled.
“Of course I’m scared, Rhett!” You shouted. “You could die and you never let me help you when you’re hurt!”
“That’s because I don’t need you!”
That had ended the fight. You had left the room without another word and slammed the bedroom door behind you.
You took a deep breath as you headed out of your bedroom for the kitchen. Rhett was standing at the counter with breakfast made as he waited for you. You stopped in the doorway when you saw him.
“Good morning, sweetheart,” Rhett called hopefully. You stared at him for a moment.
“I don’t need breakfast. There’s always donuts in the teacher’s lounge on Fridays,” you said. Rhett’s whole posture deflated.
“I thought you were going to stay home with me,” he said.
“I thought you didn’t need me,” you responded. You gathered your things by the door. “Bye, Rhett.” You left without another word. Rhett stood in the kitchen in complete crisis.
You didn’t kiss him goodbye. That had never happened before. Rhett started rushing to clean up so he could go after you but immediately gasped in pain when he moved too fast. He almost started rushing again, but paused. He was doing exactly the thing you hated.
Rhett took his time getting ready, being sure not to stretch himself too far. Rhett called Royal to drop him off at your school. He waved at the receptionist and then made his way back to your classroom. He opened the door and looked at you, a small smile on his face. You looked at him and then at your class full of second graders. They were in the midst of a reading assignment. You reluctantly rose from your desk and stepped into the hall with him.
“What?” You asked in a whisper.
“You didn’t kiss me goodbye,” Rhett said. You screwed your eyebrows together.
“Yeah, I know—”
“And I’m sorry,” Rhett continued. “And I need you. More than I need anything.” His hands came to rest gently on your hips. “I’m sorry,” he said again. You sighed.
“Me too,” you said, letting your hands fall against his chest. Rhett smiled.
“Please come home and take care of me,” Rhett requested.
“You don’t have to do it just to humor me,” you said.
“I’m not. It’s for me. I love it when you take care of me,” he said. “I just don’t always think I deserve it.” You gave him a sympathetic look before leaning up on your toes to kiss him. There was a small commotion behind the door. You looked over and saw a pair of eyes peeking through the crack in the door.
“Mrs. Abbott’s kissing the cowboy!” You heard a much too loud whisper. Rhett chuckled.
“Can you watch them while I go get someone to cover the class?” You asked. Rhett’s eyes went wide.
“You want me to walk into that room after that and let all those kids question me?” He asked.
“Yes,” you said. “It’ll be good practice for when we have ours.” Rhett beamed.
“Will making them be part of your caretaking?” He asked. You shook your head in disbelief.
“No,” you said with a smile. “You have two broken ribs.” Rhett groaned. “Don’t whine, you know I’m right.”
“Can I at least have the goodbye kiss you stole from me?” He asked. You giggled.
“You just got one,” you said.
“That was a makeup kiss,” Rhett said. “I want my goodbye kiss too.” You rolled your eyes before giving him a short peck. You started to release him to go find a substitute, but his hands stayed on your hips.
“You’re leaving me again,” Rhett said. “I get another goodbye kiss.”
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nolita-fairytale · 1 year
Carmy as Your Baby Daddy | Social Media AU & Headcanon Series | part one
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masterlist | part two now that i've finished my top gun: maverick series, it's me i'm back and gearing up for season two. after a bout of food poisoning, i finally cracked and am writing this pregnancy headcanon that i said i wouldn't bc my ovaries would explode (looking at you @allthefandomstogether). anyways, a huge thank you to @carmensberzattos who pinged many an ideas back and forth about carmy as your baby daddy and screamed into the abyss about this on a friday night. i'm writing this with my main character from the make your heart surrender-verse, but can absolutely read as a standalone piece. posting now because i'm so damn excited but i may go back and add some more things later.
oh and this a headcanon series now so. that part.
carmy as your baby daddy:
sometime after the wedding, you and carmy decide that you're ready to start a family. you're not trying but you're not not trying, meaning you've gone off of birth control but you're not carefully monitoring your ovulation cycle either. you both figure that it'll happen when it happens and if it doesn't, there are many other ways to make a family.
carmy never really thought about having kids until the two of you got together. after adopting your kitty together, carmy got to see a your more nurturing side and taking care of something together as a team made him think about how much he wants a family with you. after sugar has her baby it really ups the ante. seeing carmy become an uncle is what starts the conversation about seriously starting a family, and every time carmy sees you holding the baby, it's 'when our kids this, and when our kids that' for days after.
you swear it's food poisoning. after a somewhat questionable late night meal, you spend half the night vomiting while carmy works a later night at the restaurant. you text him to bring ginger ale and tums home. of course he comes through because are you kidding this man is a caretaker?!
you insist that you're fine and much better, even though you're absolutely exhausted. things are so busy at work for you (and have i mentioned the pregnancy fatigue) that you don't think much of it when a few nights later, you find yourself kneeling on the bathroom floor once again.
there are always little kids running around at the extended family gatherings and which led to your realization (when you first met everyone) that carmy is surprisingly good with kids.
it's not till a week or two later (after your little bout of 'food poisoning') that you're at cicero's place for a family birthday party that it hits you. one of carmy's cousins (not richie kind of cousin teehee) has just had a new baby with his wife. you've been catching up with ava, richie's daughter because you've become an auntie of sorts to her. you find some time to steal away for a some girl-time but when you return, carmy is holding his new niece/nephew in his arms.
the sight of him holding the baby not only takes your goddamn breath away as he stares long and hard your way, his blue eyes piercing right through your heart, but it's then that you realize that you're a few weeks late. it's like time stops as you look at him, seeing him coo at the baby with the softest look on his face. the realization hits you, clear as day.
"holy shit." is all you say, earning a few funny looks from the berzatto extended family and friends. "carm, can i borrow you for a second?" you and carmy find a quiet place to talk inside. "you okay, babe?" "carmy i think i'm-. what if i-. i'm late." "what do you-? like.. late late?" "now that i think about it, a few weeks late, honey." "yeah?" he asks you, totally in shock and eyes wide. "yeah."
the two of you make an excuse to leave the party as soon as possible, and hurry to the nearest drugstore to pick up a pregnancy test. you wait till you're home to take it. "do you want me to come in, sweetheart?" "no, carmy! i don't want you to watch me pee, you weirdo!" you answer, even though you know he's just excited.
the two of you are pacing back and forth, practically making dents in the floor with your footsteps for what feels like the longest two minutes of your lives. when your timer goes off, you're both simultaneously freaking out about the fact that you're lives are about to change forever, while also really, really hoping for a positive result. and as the fates would have it, the test is positive.
"holy shit. holy fucking shit. we're- you're-, we're gonna-!" carmy is ecstatic as searches for words. "we're having a baby, baby!" you squeal jumping into his arms." "god, i love you so much," he says, grinning at you as wrap your legs around his waist. "i love you too, carm. so, so much."
you literally get the biggest kick out of calling him your baby daddy: to friends and family, coworkers, random strangers, in restaurants, at the gas station. you'll take photos of him at the farmers market and post on your ig story referring to him as your baby daddy because you find it hilarious. carmy doesn't find it as funny (even though he secretly loves it) and he's cherry-tomato red when you tell the checkout clerk at the bodega across the street from your place that your baby daddy is going to pick up the tab.
everyone at the restaurant is so excited for you! even richie cries a little when you tell him the news. you hadn't really gotten close to richie until ava grew super attached to you, which opened up a whole new avenue and understanding for your friendship with richie.
ever since you found out you were pregnant, carmy always has bread and ginger ale on hand for your morning sickness. he started making you your favorite soft scrambled eggs with toast, but the chives have been way too strong of a flavor for a sensitive tummy. it's slowly become eggs & toast and then just... toast, which you promptly apologize for stripping away any kind of artistic freedom he may have previously had.
you get near compulsive cravings for certain foods, and carmy is always ready to throw on a jacket and run across the street when you get midnight cravings.
carmy hates seeing how tumultuous pregnancy has been during your first trimester. he's always ready with a hair tie or a glass of water for when you're done throwing up. okay hear me out: but carmy starting to wear hair ties because he wants to always have one ready for you. he'll even take off a morning with you or call your workplace if you need a sick day just so that he can take care of you. even if you don't need care, he just wants to spend time with you and be there for you while you go through it.
we already know that carmy is an acts of service king. he is the tenderest, most gentle partner and wants to be as helpful as possible. if you're sick, he wants to make you feel better. if the pregnancy hormones are raging against the machine, he's more than happy to let you be upset, or get you off by any means if the hormones go that way too. he'll sit on the bathroom floor with you and rub your back until you need to vomit again. he'll give you the best morning head of your life. he'll run a bath for you when you need one. he checks in every hour on the hour in your first trimester, which you appreciate, but eventually have to ask him to chill the fuck out.
speaking of physical changes, the pregnancy boobs are ELITE. carmy is always there to make you feel beautiful despite your rapidly changing body, esp when your clothes start fitting differently.
the first time your bump starts showing and you point it out to him, carmy cries. or maybe he notices it first and he's just like... weeping and you're like: babe r u ok? and then you realize that you're showing and carmy is kneeling and admiring your baby bump and now you're crying. sorry, but i don't make the rules it's just a fact that this is how it would go down.
carmy is so emotional about this because he realizes that he finally gets to build the family he didn't have and he gets to build it with you.
well this just hijacked my writing plans oops. part two will be more 'you & carmy pregnancy things' and part three will be birth & post-birth.
tagging my carmy taglist in the comments below!
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sturniozo · 5 months
In The Shadows I
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Most people that work for their father’s company have no choice, they’re thrown into it against their will. I was no different. Ever since I learned what my father really did for a living he had decided it would be what I do to. And I do it well. I’ve been training since I was 16. Now, 6 years later I’m the greatest assassin his company has ever produced.
My father runs a business, a hit man business. Some people are rich enough to hire people like us, people like me. We don’t just kill, we erase. We make people suffer and we make them silenced. Some people hire us just to investigate, gather information on an enemy.
You wouldn’t believe the amount of people that have wanted others dead. Exes wanting revenge, spouses wanting to collect life insurance, adult children sick of their parents. Some of their reasoning isn’t even good, but hey, moneys money right?
The cash isn’t even why I do it. It’s the thrill. Being undercover, being sneaky, solving things people had made difficult because they thought they were smart enough to hide them.
Everything I do, I do for the thrill. That rush of adrenaline that I’ve yet to let anyone who cares about me know about. Most assassins are like me though. No one really does it for the money. That’s just a bonus.
My father’s the only one who knows what I do. He made me what I am today. A killer. Not even my boyfriend of two years knows. He thinks I’m a planner at a company that sells stocks. That’s my cover. Thats my lie.
My eyes snap open as I hear my alarm go off. I dig under my pillow for my phone and shut off the alarm. I set my phone down on the night stand and rub my eyes. 5 am. I look over to my side and see my sleeping boyfriend, Luke. No doubt he went to bed not even an hour ago. He spends most nights staying up all night playing video games.
I sit up in bed and yawn. I get up and make my way to my bathroom. I take a quick shower before leaving to my usual coffee shop for breakfast.
The barista hands me my usual order with a smile. I’m used to seeing her here almost every day. Her usual days off are Wednesday and Friday. I sip on my coffee as I head back to my car. The clock on the console reads 6:53 am. I set the coffee down in the cup holder and drive off to the building I spend so many days in during my childhood, before I knew what it held.
I park in my usual spot, right next to my father’s car. I get out the car with my purse and my coffee, heading to the building entrance. I nod at Bobbie, the security girl, as I swipe my access card. It grants me access to the building and I head straight to my father’s office as I do every morning.
“Ah, good morning my dear.” My dad says as he gets out of his chair and walks to me for a hug.
“Good morning, Dad.” I say as I hug him back tightly.
He pulls away and smiles at me. “What do you have for me today?” He asks.
I dig through my purse and find a little paper bag. I hand it to him. “Open it.” I say while biting my lip to contain my excitement.
My father smiles at me and opens the little paper bag, letting a ring fall out onto his hand. “24 karat diamond?” He asks as he examines it.
“Yep. Fresh off the finger of a very unlucky divorcé.” I tell him.
“Ah, so this is the proof of contract completion for that Mrs. Aubrey then?”
“Ms. Aubrey.” I correct. “And yes, her ex husband won’t be bothering her or her children anymore.”
“That’s a good girl, I knew I could count on you.” My father smiles and puts the ring back in its paper bag. “I’ll have it delivered to her tonight, expect your payment in full my tomorrow morning dear.” He sits back down in his chair.
I sit down in the seat in front of his desk. “That’s my last contract, I’m officially out of running orders.” I say with a laugh.
“Oh don’t worry, I’ve got something for you.” My dad smiles as he begins typing away at his computer.
“What is it?” I ask, leaning in.
“I’ll tell you in a bit, go on back to your office dear.”
“Why wait?”
“There’s more than just you and I for this contract, it’s a big one.”
I smile brightly. My father’s finally giving me a big important contract for my own. “All right. Just call my office when you’re ready for me, Dad.” I say with a smile as I get up from the seat.
“I’ll see you in a bit, dear.” He says as he waves me off.
I walk out of his office and to the elevator. My father’s office is on the top floor, while mine is about seven floors below that, a bit more than 2/3 of the way up the whole building. I walk out of the elevator and see the cubicles. I’m glad I got to skip that part.
I walk down the cleared walkway to my office, but am stopped when someone waves me over.
Casey. She started here as an information analyst just over a year ago. Now she profiles the subjects of our contracts. She’s the one who decides which assassin does what job.
“Hey, Casey.” I rest my arms over her cubicle.
“So, your new contact.” She smiles at me.
“I take it you chose me?” I laugh.
“No, this one came straight from the big man, your dad.” She says.
“Ah, okay. So you have no idea what it is then?” I ask.
“Nope.” She shakes her head.
“Then what did you call me over for?” I ask with a laugh.
“To gossip, duh! What else?” She laughs.
“I’m not one to gossip, Casey, you know that.” I say as I begin to walk away.
“I just wondered if you heard anything about the new guy.” She shrugs.
I turn back to her. “New guy?” I ask.
“He’s on loan from another industry. Apparently he’s their best assassin. Might even be right up there with your skill.” She chuckles.
“Who is it?” I ask.
“Well, I didn’t get a name, but he’s handsome. I snuck a peak at his photo in his file when I was in your dad’s office yesterday.” She smirks. “He’s gorgeous, like a god!” She whispers.
I laugh. “He’s a trained killer?”
She nods. “His file was definitely an assassin file.”
I shake my head. “Don’t be spreading this around. Idle gossip isn’t what people come here for.” I say before walking into my office.
I shut the door behind me and let out a breath. I walk to my desk and set down my now half drunk coffee and my purse. I rub my temple and check the time on my phone. 8:14 am.
I groan and lay my head down in my arms on my desk. No contracts, no one to research or study. Nothing. I sigh and start scrolling aimlessly on my phone.
I get bored fast and see my phone down on my desk. I run my fingers over my face and bounce my knee up and down. The agony and boredom is killing me.
I shake my head and begin searching through my drawers, taking everything out and organizing everything. Within an hour I have everything in my office rearranged. I step back and look at it all, smiling.
I turn around and look out the glass wall of my office. Anyone who looked in here would think I was crazy. I just tore apart my entire office and rearranged it all in an hour, just out of boredom.
Staring out the glass I see someone who makes my breath hitch. Matt Sturniolo. Matt worked at this company years ago. He was one of my father’s greatest assassins. He even taught me most of my tricks. But that all changed when Matt betrayed me.
The call finally comes. My father telling me it’s time to go back up to his office. I have a weird feeling in my stomach, a feeling Matt has something to do with it.
I make my way to the elevator and go back up to my father’s office. I walk out of the elevator and stop when I see him. Matt standing in my father’s office. Just talking with him.
I gather my courage and walk into his office, ignoring Matt completely. “Got the call,” I say to my dad. “What’s the contract?”
“Y/n, you know Matt Sturniolo.” My dad gestures to Matt. I side eye him before looking back at my dad.
“Yes, I remember him.” I mumble.
“He’s your partner for this contract.”
My jaw drops. “He- what?” Matt laughs and I turn to glare at him. “What’s so funny?” I ask him.
“Just you.” Matt says. “You’re like a high school girl with a grudge.”
I glare at him before turning back to my dad. “There’s got to be someone else, or I could just do it myself!” I tell him.
“No, you two are the best assassins I’ve ever met, the best trained killers, the best investigators, the best of the best. I need both of you for this.” My father says in a demanding tone.
“What’s the contract?” Matt asks.
“Finley Wilson.” My father stands up and hands both Matt and me a folder. “Collector of rare curios. He’s not the target though, your job is to befriend him. Pose as a couple in search of useless art and befriend Wilson. Find out who he cares about the most.”
I stare at my father. “Us? A couple?” I point between Matt and myself.
“I won’t hear any of your complaining.” My dad says. “This is an important contact, I want reports every night. Your flight leaves tomorrow afternoon, I suggest you be ready then, understand?” My father says sternly.
I nod and keep my mouth closed.
“Good. Don’t worry, I’ll have your things for your cover sent with you. You’ll need to make a believable couple, and Wilson will have to believe you’re a rich couple looking to buy his curios. That is important. You need him to believe this cover. He’s paranoid, it won’t be easy.”
Matt closer the folder and holds it under his arm. “Where are we going?” He asks.
TAGS: @sturniolopookie @savageking3 @tastesousweet @jko3005 @sturniolo0ntop @bernardenjoyer @sturniolosreads @mbbsgf @xxsadlovexx @whicked-hazlatwhore @sturnsgirl @keira324 @stuniolobbg @timmyscomputer
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melanieph321 · 6 months
Ruben Dias x Reader - City Girls Part 4/8
Yeah, this chapter is not for the kids 😮‍💨
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Reader plays for the Man City girls academy. She struggles a bit but gets Ruben to mentor her. The the two don't hit off despite having many things in common. It all gets worse when Reader eventually catches feelings for Ruben.
You've done well in training, well enough for coach to let you travel with the first team to their away game in London. If there is one thing you've gotten in bedded in your head from training with Ruben, it would be to "play with your mind." He would shout this at you every time you tried to dribble, or dribble when a pass could be made instead.
"Play with your mind, Y/N."
It was during the last minute's of Manchester City's fixture against Chelsea when their coach called you up from the bench. It was unexpected, terrifying even. But when an opportunity presents itself you take it.
"Play with your mind." You mumbled, as you ran down the field like your life depended on it. A pass was made and suddenly the ball was at your feet. You charged towards the Chelsea defenders, sweping past one without challenging the others. With a late pass to another charging City girl you managed to assist your first Super League goal whilst taking a knee to the side of your body. A price you were willing to pay for more moments like that.
"You should have seen me Ruben, I was amazing."
Despite it being a Friday night, Ruben had been more than willing to train you. "You shouldn't have charged the defender." He said. Raining on your parade.
"I got knocked down, so what? Isn't that what football is about, sacrifice?"
"You call getting injured and missing games sacrifice? I say it was a selfish move against your own teammates."
"Whatever." You scuffed.
You didn't expect anything less from Ruben. What you had gathered from spending more time with him was that he was uptight and practical beyond what was necessary. However, he did help you collect the balls at the end of every training session and for that you were grateful.
"Some of the girls invited me to celebrate the win with them, you should come." You said.
"You're going out? Tonight?" Ruben grabbed a ball, dumping it in the bag you held. He wore a skeptical look on his face, judging you.
"Just for a few drinks." You shrugged. "I thought it'd be good. Who knows, if I get cozy with the first team coach might let me play with them more?"
"Y/N, you're rated based on your performance, not your ability to socialize. Besides, you should be recovering from a game not to risk future injuries."
"Well, how do I do that?"
You tied a knot on the ball bag, letting Ruben carry it for you.
"Recover?" He frowned.
Normally you'd consider a goodnight sleep the best way to recover, however, Ruben thought otherwise. "Hydration is most important, preferably water. And you must eat somthing, not less than forty-five minutes after you've exercised."
It was strange, being invited to Ruben's  apartment on a friday night. It was big. You stood in his kitchen, his dining table overflowing with healthy nutrients. The two of you were quite comfortable with each other by now, and Ruben was nothing short of a gentleman around you.
"I've prepared the heating pod to help with your blood circulation and then you can continue recovering in my message chair."
It was a passion of his, you could tell from the way he was explaining everything to you, like he really wanted you to learn.
"But first we eat?" You said hopefully.
Ruben blushed realizing that he was getting a bit carried away. "Yes, first we eat. Could you grab that jar for me?"
You reached up, the jar of pasta within your reach. Just as you grasped it with your fingers, a sharp pain shot through the side of your body.
"Y/N, you okay?" Ruben rushed to your side, seeing how you winced.
"My ribs." You groand.
"Let me see."
His arms grabbed your shoulders, helping you stand up straight. Your fingers trembled trying to raise your shirt, the pain too sharp.
"May I?"
Ruben asked for consent to help you. You nodded, letting him roll up the hemn of your top.
You didn't need to look down to know that it was bad, Ruben's reaction said it all. He looked to you. "Ice bath, now."
Your body shivered in the cold water. Ruben had you sit in it for eight minutes, a timer going off when it was time for you to rise.
"Y/N, you alright?"
There was a light knock on the door, Ruben's voice heard on the other end.
"Yeah, I think I'm good."
"Um...I brought some clothes."
You wrapped a towel around yourself, moving to open the bathroom door. Ruben appeared in the frame. "It's just a t-shirt but it's big enough to cover..." He coughed. "....you know."
"Thank you Ruben, the t-shirt is fine." You moved to shut the door but Ruben's arm appeared in the gap. "I um....I also brought some ointment."
"For the pain." He said, offering you the bottle.
"Thanks Ruben, really. I just don't think..."
"What's wrong?" He frowned.
You shook your head, seeing how worried he became. "It's nothing, really Ruben. It's just that..."
"Y/N, please. If there's somthing I can do."
"Well..." You closed your eyes and sighed. "It hurts too much to lift my arms, so you're gonna have to help me apply the ointment."
Ruben froze.
"Of course, If you're not comfortable..."
"No." He protested. "only if.....you don't mind me helping you?"
Heat rose to your face, realizing what you were asking of him. Either way you nodded. "I'll be right out."
It was awkward, so fucking awkward. You stepped out of the bathroom wearing Ruben's t-shirt. It was shorter than you had expected, cutting just above your knees. Ruben sat on the edge of the living room couch, raising his head when you approached. His hair sprouted upwards as if he had compulsively been running his hands through it. "Shall we begin?" You immediately regretted uttering those words. Ruben looked unsure weather to sit or stand so he let you decide as you stepped up to him, letting him raise your shirt until he could see the bruise on your ribs. Your legs tremble beneath you, the draft between your legs not making things easier for you.
"Is this okay?"
Ruben scooped some ointment out of the bottle, applying it to you skin. He was gentle with his touch, easing up on the pressure if his movements made you wince.
"Ruben, I'm so sorry that I..."
"Sshh." He hushed. "It's okay, I agreed to it."
"Yes but..." It was really awkward, not to mention the tempting weight you felt in the pit of your stomach.
"It's okay Y/N, I'm almost done."
He kept his eyes above your waist, despite you practically offering him a view of the shape of you. Your legs, your thighs...your ass. He looked so focused, eyebrows furrowed and one hand held flat against  your lower back to prevent you from moving as he applied the ointment. It was strange, being taller then him for once.
"I could have challenged that defender." You said, still thinking of the game. "If I was stronge enough."
Ruben grunted. "It's why you don't see as much dribbling in the Super League or female football in general."
"What do you mean?" You frowned.
"Well, defenders are usually the fittest players on the field. They're supposed to be. But the rest of the players..."
"Ruben are you saying women aren't capable of dribblin because weren't strong enough?" An outrageous opinion, to you.
"No, not dribbling." Ruben raised his head, his chin caressing your abs. "Dribbling is easy for men and women, but getting past a defender one on one is different and not recommended in women's football. I'm sure that's why you can't get your coach off your ass. To him, passing the ball would the most efficient way to get past another teams defense."
"So you're saying there's a chance coach will let me play football the way that I want?"
Ruben chuckled. "If your willing to gain a few pounds, sure."
You frowned. The idea of gaining weight was not that appealing to you.
"I meant pounds of muscles, Y/N. Not fat." He read you like an open book. You looked down and smiled. Ruben was done applying the ointment. His hands now caressing the back of your knees, slowly, moving up and down.
"I should probably call Ester, tell her to come pick me up?"
Ruben shrugged. "Or you could stay the night?"
"If you want."
He pushed you forwards, his hands moving from your legs to your ass. You gasped as his nose nudged your belly. The nerves along your spine came to life, raising the hair on your arms.
Ruben looked up, eyes drowsy. "Can I kiss you?"
"Please, yes."
You were practically begging for it, for Ruben to touch you, pleasure you anywhere that ached. He pulled you forwards his face nuzzling against his t-shirt. "You smell good."
You smiled. "I smell like you."
It felt like unfamiliar territory, a man in awe of your body, his hands moving all over you.
"Is this okay?"
Ruben had gone to raise your shirt again,  serenading any exposed skin with lingering kisses.
"You have to tell me if you're not comfortable with what I'm doing."
"Ruben." You raised his head, cupping his face between your hands, his rough beared between your fingers. "I want this." You nodded, not sure if you've ever wanted anything else this bad. Ruben's eyes burned in the dimmed light. "But you're hurt." He said, arms wrapping around your body, craving something that he couldn't have. Forbidden fruit.
"Fuck me with your mouth then."
Ruben looked up, his eyes batting in suprise. You met his gaze, biting your lip.
"I'm sure."
It's all he needed to hear. Ruben's hands suddenly become less gentle. They had previously moved around the area where it ached the most, but with your permission he slid a hand up your thighs, not stopping until you drew a sharp breath.
"Yes, baby. That's the spot isn't it?"
It was filthy. Whatever was unraveling between you seemed forbidden, meant to be kept behind close doors.
"Y/N, say you want this."
"I want this."
Ruben slid fingers between your folds, moving to please the aching burn that had its epicentrum at the tip of your clit.
"Tell me what to do?" He demanded, his hand not rubbing you fast enough.
"Please, fuck me Ruben."
"Fuck you how?"
You threw your head back, the pleasure immense. "Fuck me with your mouth."
It was wet and warm. Ruben's head tilted in search for your opening. Your panties had already been pushed to the side, revealing the part of you that needed his attention the most. "Yes." Your cried, almost loosing your footing to the pleasure that shot through your body, head to toe. "Yes, Ruben, just like that."
He groaned below you, his tongue helping himself to all you had to offer.
Your hands went to his hair, your eyes squinting shut. Ruben had covered your clit with his mouth, gathering it between his wet lips, sucking you dry.
"Please Ruben, I'm gonna...."
It sent you over the edge, that and Ruben's rough hands reaching under your shirt, rolling your stiff nipples between his fingers.
"Yes." You cried out. Melting into a puddle of nothing as you climaxed. Ruben caught you in his arms, immediately climbing on top of you as he layed you back against his couch.
"I want to fuck you so bad right now, but I can't because you're hurt."
"No." You whimpered, your thighs wrapping around his stem, the bulge in his pants putting pressure against your sensitive pussy. "Yes, like that. Fuck me just like that."
"You sure." Ruben paused all movment, raising his head to look at you.
"I'm sure Ruben, please keep..."
You could say no more. Your shirt came off, tossed aside. Ruben then lowered his hips against yours, his hard erection aligning between your thighs. The friction between you wet pussy and his jeans would be enough to send both over the edge. And so he began, dry humping you like a horny dog.
"Please Ruben, harder and faster." You clung to him, locking your legs around his hips. Ruben groaned, his body trembling like yours. "Fuck Y/N, I don't want to hurt you."
"Por favor, Ruben, me machuque." (Please  Ruben, hurt me.)
He continued to hold back, sucking your nipples to slightly increase the pleasure. You were horny enough to be satisfied with what he was already doing to you.
"Ruben, I'm gonna...again."
Your head fell back against cuchens, mouth open, eyes rolling back in your sockets. Ruben himself moaned into the crease of your neck, with one last thrust ejaculating his load into his pants. You were both out of breath laying on top of each other, coming down from the high together. Ruben sat up once the mist of sex seized to linger. He ran a anxious hand down his face, looking less than pleased with himself. You felt strange too, a sudden need to put your panties back on. However, Ruben rose to his feet, towering over you.
"This can never happen again."
He picked up your shirt from the floor, tossing it your way. The expression on his face said it all, it was obvious regret.
"I'm calling a cab. You need to leave."
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girlactionfigure · 2 months
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Rabbi Reuven Israel Kott was a Torah prodigy whose cleverness and chutzpah saved thousands of Jews from annihilation by the Nazis.
Born in a Polish shtetl in 1897, Reuven was one of fifteen children. His family were Hasidic followers of the Ger Rebbe.
Reuven’s exceptional intellect was apparent at a young age. He was a gifted scholar of Talmud and Jewish scripture, so precocious that he was given rabbinic ordination when only 17 years old.
The Rebbe took a special liking to Reuven, and every Friday night Reuven sat next to the great man at his festive Sabbath gathering. Small in size - he stood only 5’1” - Reuven was known for his big brain, and big heart.
Reuven was selected by his community to represent them as the Jewish voice on the local provincial council. When the Polish president died in the 1920’s, young Reuven stood at the graveside with other clergy and delivered a eulogy on behalf of the Jews of Poland.
Although life seemed fairly good for Polish Jews at the time, the Ger Rebbe sensed that big trouble was coming. He urged his followers to get out of Poland and move to Eretz Yisrael (the Land of Israel), at that time British Mandate Palestine.
As the Rebbe’s right-hand man, Rabbi Reuven Kott threw himself into the mission of helping Jews leave Poland and return to their ancestral homeland.
The British had a quota system restricting the number of Jewish families they let in. Reuven took advantage of a bureaucratic loophole defining “family” as two parents and an undetermined number of offspring.
Reuven collected money and bribed Polish authorities to get blank birth certificates. He would then “create” new families, matching people up, changing names and identities as needed. Every “family" had at least a dozen children.
Reuven told those he helped that they must stick with their fake identity. Most people complied, but a few didn’t and were caught. Under threat of being sent back to Poland, somebody gave Reuven’s name to the authorities.
Reuven and his brother were on a train in Warsaw when three plain-clothes officers approached. After verifying his identity, they arrested Reuven for bribery and forgery and threw him in jail. As a pious Jew, Reuven couldn’t eat the non-kosher jail food, so every day his daughter brought him a kosher meal - a two hour journey each way.
After several long months, his brother finally got word that there was going to be a hearing in the case. He went to visit Reuven in jail, told him the news and asked which lawyer he wanted to hire.
Reuven scribbled something on a scrap of paper, folded it up and slipped it through the bars of his cell. Outside the jail, Reuven’s brother unfolded the note. He was shocked to read the contents: “Hire me the most anti-Semitic lawyer in Warsaw!“
Reuven’s family was baffled. With so many top-notch Jewish lawyers, why would he want an anti-Semite? Had his incarceration led to a mental breakdown? Reuven’s brother assured them that he was of sound mind, and he went to Warsaw and found an attorney notorious for his fierce hatred of Jews.
The day of the hearing arrived, and the courthouse was packed with hundreds of Hasids from Reuven’s community. Reuven was allowed only three minutes with his lawyer, and then the hearing began.
To everybody’s shock, Reuven’s lawyer stood up, made a brilliant argument, and got the case dismissed.
Back home in the shtetl, everybody wanted to know what Reuven had said to his lawyer in those three minutes. Reuven said his Talmud study had taught him that in a business deal, if you get three “Yes” answers, the deal will close.
He asked his lawyer three questions:
- You hate us Jews, don’t you?
- Do you want to see me rot and die in jail?
- Would you like all of us Jews gone from Poland?
The lawyer answered yes to all three questions. Reuven immediately shot back, “What good would it do if one measly Jew rots in jail? If you set me free, I can get all the Jews out of Poland!”
Reuven got what he wanted by blinding the lawyer with his own hate. He continued his work “creating” large families and helping them move to Palestine. The anti-Semitic attorney even helped him procure more blank birth certificates. People often asked Reuven when he would go to Eretz Yisrael. He said, “I’m like the captain of a sinking ship. It is my responsibility to get all the passengers out before I get in the lifeboat.”
Over the course of 20 years, Reuven helped tens of thousands of Jews escape Poland. Today, almost half a million descendants of those Polish Jews owe their lives to Rabbi Reuven Israel Kott.
Unfortunately, Reuven himself never made it to Israel. He was murdered at Auschwitz in 1942.
For proving that one small man in three short minutes can accomplish miracles beyond measure, we honor Rabbi Reuven Israel Kott as this week’s Thursday Hero at Accidental Talmudist.
This story was told to us by Reuven’s granddaughter, Ziporah Bank. She heard it from her mom - the daughter who brought kosher meals to Rabbi Kott in prison. 
Accidental Talmudist
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vettelsdarling · 10 months
Omgg I felt in the mood for some 1D and was listening to “Change my mind” and all I can think about is Lando, so like a friends to lover, mutual pining slow burn and was wondering if you can write a fic based off that pls? Your writing is too good 😩❤️
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Lissie note… I hadn’t heard the song until now, but it’s pretty good! I really enjoyed writing this, thank you for the great idea!!! Tysm for the kind words as well, you’re so sweet!<3
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Things to note:
Reader is a college student graduating early (so basically her junior yr)
Lando and Reader are both clueless
Lando and Reader have been best friends since childhood
This doesn’t follow a specific timeline
Charlotte is amazing
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Pairing: Lando Norris x Best friend!Fem!Reader
Warnings: Slight cursing
Word Count: 5.3k+
Playlist recommendations: 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟💗, 𝐋𝐍𝟒
Taglist: @ophcelia, @allwaysallyway
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The Abu Dhabi Grand Prix. The last race of the season, and one that you always attended despite your busy schedule. It was something you simply couldn't skip, even if you wanted to.
Lando Norris, your long-term best friend, had been there for you through thick and thin. You’d just started your junior year in college, and it was nothing but constant pressure. Lando would call you late at night to help you with anything you needed. Therefore, you came to any races that you had time for. Abu Dhabi, however, was non-negotiable. You had to be there. Especially seeing as it meant you’d finally have more time to spend with the Brit. Whenever a season would come to a close, he’d spend his time with you.
Your parents were great friends with his, so it was only natural for the two of you to have grown up together. You came to many of his karting sessions to cheer him on, whilst he attended your spelling bees and other academic competitions. It was a give-and-take relationship that you couldn’t wish differently for the world. He was truly the only friend you could lean on.
He’d driven you to college. He’d helped you unpack. All the whilst you’d frequently check up on him and stream all of his races. Somehow, the two of you made that friendship work. It was something like giving and taking. You were one of the reasons why he chose to pursue his passion. In the beginning, he felt discouraged due to the amount of pressure, but with your words of encouragement, he pulled through.
Sitting on your bed in your shared hotel room, you admired a pair of earrings that Lando had gotten for you. Apparently, he wanted to have you attend a special gathering before Friday would dawn the free practice rounds. You’d done a week’s worth of work in advance to appease your professors by your absence, so taking some days off never proved a hassle.
“Hey, can you tell me how long I have left?!” The Brit yelled from the shower. He wasn’t the type to rush, and was often “fashionably late”. Excuses of various kinds were his forté, and you could only go along with whatever ruse he brewed up every time. You didn’t mind though. He was a nice change of pace from the back-to-back seminars and classes you had to sit through.
“About 20 minutes until we have to leave!” He didn’t reply, but you knew he’d gotten the message.
You continued to eye the jewelry in your palms. It was an intricate design with different gemstones in one piece. It was quite beautiful. Something you wouldn’t see at any regular jeweler. Lando was generous, if anything. You always tried to refuse his gifts, but would eventually wake up to a present by your bedside table. There was really no stopping him. If he wanted to spoil you rotten, he was going to do it without fail. You would surely end up a soaked sponge from everything you were taking in. He didn’t ask anything in return, besides your company and support. Something as simple as that sufficed. You couldn’t understand his train of thought, but that’s what made him unique.
That’s what first made you fall for him. Slowly but surely. There was no way to tell him though. He was far too occupied to be dating, and you were swamped with work. It wasn’t in the stars for the two of you. Lando never even showed an ounce of romantic interest anyway, so all you could do was hope your feelings would die down. Simple and easy… right?
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The paparazzi knew that your friendship with the McLaren driver was old news and not worth spreading rumours about, so when you arrived at the gala, there was no big fuss about it. You’d attended several events as his plus one. Additionally, you were well acquainted with the rest of the grid, by now the whole world knew that you were simply a close friend. Not a wag.
The gala was grand. From gorgeous chandeliers and fancy ceiling decor to fine dining, you couldn’t see an end to the luxury. Frat parties were a far cry from this lifestyle. Although you’d been to several gala dinners with your best friend, they only seemed to climb the sophistication ladder every year.
Since Lando had to talk to certain people at the event, you decided to mingle. What better way to move on from Lando, than to get with someone else? The least you could do was try. College boys were nothing compared to the men you saw lingering behind pillars and swirling wine.
“Oh hey, you!” Someone yelled from behind you.
“Lewis! It’s so nice to see you. We haven’t seen each other in a while.” The champion was a nice try, but you couldn’t. He was a close friend and it felt wrong. Almost as if you’d be dating your brother.
“You here with Norris?” You nodded at his question, quickly grabbing a flute of champagne as a waiter passed by.
“How’s college? I hear you’re graduating early?”
“I am! Yeah, I just took on a lot of work. I’d rather get out in the field sooner than later, you know?” You’d finish your junior year as your senior. That had been your plan from the beginning. You worked yourself to the bone, taking up extra assignments to get more credit.
“I get you, I probably would’ve done the same. You’re really admirable.” After you shot him a quick smile, the two of you were interrupted by Charles and Charlotte. It was obvious that the Monegasque had been dragged along by his girlfriend. Your favourite girl.
“Charlotte! Oh, it’s been too long!” The two of you immediately embraced each other, careful to not spill any champagne. She was stunning, wearing a gorgeous Prada maxi gown with a high slit. It was to die for, but so was your Alexander McQueen deconstructed trench dress. Anyone within a 50-kilometer radius would notice how it complimented your curves and the colour of your skin.
“It really has. It’s such a shame that I only ever get to see you at small events and at Abu Dhabi. You should come to more races. I know Lando misses you,” she teased the last part, but it still tugged at your heart. The slightest possibility that it was true… You wanted to believe it. So badly it hurt.
“He’ll have to exercise patience,” you chuckled and downed the last bit of champagne you had left. Charles and Lewis were somehow deep in conversation, so Charlotte decided to sneak you away.
The two of you were sat at a table near the back where the atmosphere was significantly heavier. It wasn’t as light as up front, but the dimmed lights made it cozy enough to sit and chat.
“So, tell me about you and Lando,” she said as if there was something between you and the McLaren driver. She knew very well that there wasn’t anything going on, but she had that feeling. You were hiding something.
“I mean… It's the same as always. We’ve been texting back and forth whilst I was busy with my classes and stuff. Nothing out of the ordinary?” It was the truth, but it definitely wasn’t what she wanted to hear. She proceeded to make that very clear to you,
“You know that’s not what I mean…”
“I don’t know what you mean, Cha.”
“Of course you do. I’ve seen the way you look at Lando. It’s very obvious.” She heavily emphasized ‘very’ and dragged out the ‘e’ in it. Charlotte was the type of person who you just couldn’t hide anything from. The girl was a literal detective.
“Is it really?” She could only nod pitifully at your question.
Sure, you’d started seeing Lando in a different light as of late. The way he walked, the way he talked, the way he looked at you as if he was in love with you whenever you spoke. You knew most of your notes were delusional. You were stuck on an island. That island being: Delusion Island.
“I hate myself.” You sighed and let your head fall onto the clothes table. Charlotte stroked the back of your head gently to console you.
“Does he know?” She posed a question she already knew the answer to, and when you didn’t respond— she confirmed it.
“I can’t tell you exactly what to do, but Lando is going to find out eventually.” You didn’t even want to think about that possibility. Burying your feelings and crushing them into oblivion was your only option and it seemed like the most viable one.
“The future version of me will have to deal with that. I can’t handle it right now.” You found little strength to pick yourself up and get another flute of champagne.
The rest of the night was spent drinking and blabbering. Charlotte was able to talk for hours on end, and so were you. It was one of the reasons the two of you were close. She was your favorite of all the drivers’ girlfriends. She and Kika both. Though you weren’t as close to Pierre as you were to most of the grid. Especially Lando.
When Lando found you again, you were absolutely shit-faced. You were slurring nonsensical words that melted together into a concoction of a drunken mess. Charlotte was just as far gone. Charles was able to carry her home though. Lando had to make a split-second decision. Was he really going to carry you?
It wasn’t a case of wanting to. He definitely did. The Brit was practically obsessed with you. For most of his life, he’d been orbiting you. Ever since the two of you were in your teens, he’d been utterly and irrevocably in love with you. You, however, were busy studying and he was busy with his growing career in racing. He was worried you’d never notice, but he also didn’t want you to. There was something holding him back. The looming doom of uncertainty. You were this gorgeous and intelligent woman, with eyes that looked as if they’d been painted by one of the greats during the era of romanticism.
Seeing you there on the table, totally blacked out and out of touch with reality, he wanted to be your knight in shining armor. For one night, he wanted to be the man of your dreams. There was one problem though. The paparazzi. He’d successfully fended them off about dating rumours between the two of you. But if he were to walk out with you slung over his back, he was feeding that bone to the hungry hounds of the media. Not exactly the best idea. It boiled down to you or his reputation. Which did he care about the most? Which would he prioritize?
“Fuck it.” He picked your drunken body up and slung it over his back, securing your arms around his neck. You weren’t heavy, but you were making it difficult for him with all of your kicking and wiggling.
“Leave me alone. I need to find Lando. Put me down,” You kept repeating words in a similar fashion until he finally brought you to his car. As he fastened your seatbelt, he saw the look on your wiped-out face. Even with runny mascara and bloodshot eyes, you were ethereal. Truly something else.
“Lando?” Hearing his name leave your lips nearly made his heart do a double take, much like his eyes.
“Yes, love?”
“I really have to use the bathroom.” How to ruin a perfect moment 101. But he could only laugh. It was cute.
“I’ll get you home in time, don’t worry darling.” He got in next to you and started the engine. The hotel wasn’t far, luckily, so you didn’t have to wait much to get your guts spilled into the toilet bowl. Lando held your hair in a makeshift ponytail, as he gently patted your back. Turning your insides out cleared your mind a little bit, and in turn, utter embarrassment filled every crook and nanny of your body. You felt it all the way to the tips of your fingers clutching the toilet seat.
“Ugh, you shouldn’t see me like this, Lan.” You sighed and fell back into his arms. He didn’t mind this. He let you rest there, whilst you slowly started drifting off. The alcohol levels were still rising and you weren’t coming down anytime soon. You were tired. Your eyes threatened to close.
“I don’t care. I really don’t. You mean the world to me. Something like this doesn’t matter to me.” He clutched you like he did his stuffed animals when he was a little boy. There was a newfound comfort in doing this. Something that he knew was limited. Something he knew he’d never get to experience again.
“I’m only telling you this because I know you won’t remember it,” Lando began, as he didn’t want to miss the opportunity,
“I love it when you give me attention. I love it when you cheer me on. Nobody’s opinion matters, but yours. I really only care about yours. I know you don’t feel the same way, but you’re all I think about, You’ve all I’ve ever thought about since we were teenagers. It’s stupid, I know. That’s why I’m saying it now.” Despite the lack of response, his chest felt lighter. Much lighter.
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You woke up in your bed with a pounding head and an unreal nausea. Shit. You were going to miss Lando’s practice sessions. You were still in your expensive designer dress, but your makeup had been washed off. On the bedside table, you saw a piece of paper. “Don’t worry about today. Just relax and I’ll be back later. See you. -Lando”. Was there really no end to his thoughtfulness?
“Fuck me, my head…” You groaned and haphazardly made your way to the bathroom. With no ibuprofen let alone Panadol, a splash of water to the face was the only cure. That or a cold shower.
You decided on the latter. After stripping out of your dress, you stepped into the shower and turned it on. The initial sensation of the icy water made your body feel almost electrical, but it soon subsided.
It was hard to recollect any memories from the night before. All that was left in your brain was flashes of Charlotte and more than just a few flutes of champagne. No matter how desperate you were for more information, you simply couldn’t retrieve it. Just trying to think back made your head pound even harder than it already was.
As you stepped out and dressed in one of Lando’s hoodies with some shorts, you fell back into bed. Your body felt too heavy to sit up straight, and you were still subconsciously trying to remember more details.
“I’m never drinking again…” you sighed and eyed the off-white ceiling. Your train of thought trailed towards the McLaren driver. The way he always looked out for you and took care of you if you needed it. You’d never been in any relationships, but you knew that Lando was the perfect guy. He was exactly what you were looking for. It was nothing but a chimera. You could only wish to feel the warmth of his chest against your head.
Speak of the devil, you heard the door open and saw Lando trying to get in without making much noise. He could’ve sworn his heart tumbled around inside his chest when he saw you in his hoodie. The way your shorts were barely visible due to his size being bigger than yours… it did wonders to his imagination.
“You’re awake,” he groaned as he put his things on the ground beside the door.
“That I am.” You smiled and watched as he let his tired body fall back onto his bed, cracking his neck and sighing in relief.
“Need a massage?”
“That’d be great, actually.” After he dragged his tired body to your bed, the two of you shifted in the bed, so that his head was in your criss-crossed laps. You proceeded to work the kinks in his shoulders, pressing your thumb against his skin in circles. The satisfaction on his face was enough to make the rest of your weekend.
“Why study when you can be a masseuse?”
“I’m not that good, Lan.” You moved onto his neck, which you found out was the place he needed to be kneaded the most. He flinched and seethed through his teeth, obviously feeling the exhaustion from the g force on-track.
“Sorry, it hurts. You’ll have to endure it until the pain subsides. It’ll feel good soon. I promise.” As you continued to work his neck, the Brit couldn’t help but take a peek at your face. Your eyes met his and it felt somewhat domestic. It was then, he realized just how domestic the situation was. You were both in bed, with him in your lap and you giving him a massage. That little hope he had left turned into determination. Even if you most likely weren’t into him, he’d want to fight. He wasn’t patient enough to wait around, and with your college situation almost coming to an end— it was the perfect time to make a move.
You felt your face heat up at the eye contact. Never did you even think that he’d be so bold. Yet, you couldn’t pull away from his gaze. You were completely lost in him. A tinge of lament filled your chest, knowing that you’d be selfish to do something in the moment. He was busy racing and probably saw you as a sister anyway. A kiss was completely off the table.
“There you go. Does it feel better?” You let go of him for his own sake. He got up and stretched, noticing how much lighter he felt.
“You’re amazing, thanks for that.” Just seeing his smile had to be enough for you.
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You sat beside Charlotte as the two of you watched the qualifying session in full swing. She wore a vintage summer dress, whilst you’d gone for a sophisticated but simple jumpsuit look.
“I missed the practice rounds yesterday,” you groaned and facepalmed.
“Don’t worry, I did too. There was no way I was getting out of bed with that headache,” she chuckled and fiddled with her phone to take pictures as Charles approached the view. She managed to capture his car speeding by and cheered him on with a wide smile on her face.
“So, what are you going to do about Lando?” She tilted her head to the side and gave you her undivided attention.
“I don’t know. He doesn’t even like me, why should I even try? I mean can you even hear what I’m saying? ‘Like’? It’s as if I’m back in high school. It’s so childish.” You desperately wanted to forget about him, but it would break him if you started distancing yourself. You were the closest friend he ever had and you knew it.
“Childish? It’s normal. You’re into him and if he doesn’t see how great that is, he’s just not worth it.” She was the voice of reason you depended on to save your life.
“Cha, I don’t want to lose him.” You saw a livery with the number ‘4’ on it. Your chest felt tight as it sped past you.
“You won’t, okay? You won’t lose him. I mean, the two of you share a hotel room. Separate beds, but a hotel room nonetheless. Ever wondered why he doesn’t just get you your own room?” She had a pretty clear point, but in your land of delusion— it was useless. It was nonsense.
“I don’t know, Cha… he probably does it ‘cause it’s cheaper, you know?” You wanted to believe her, but a part of you couldn’t take the risk.
“The fact that he let you sleep in until he came back late yesterday… I mean, come on.”
“I guess? When he came back, I offered him a massage and we had this weird moment. I don’t know if that’s just me though.” Charlotte had to do a double take at what just came out of your mouth.
“You did what?!”
“Quiet, please. I don’t want all of the paddock to know!” She proceeded to spill out a slew of quiet apologies.
“You’re telling me he let you massage him after midnight? That’s not just you. That is a moment. Why would you even doubt this?” You shrugged and sighed. Were you just missing all the signs? Were you really that dense?
“Okay, look. How about you go ask Kelly to ask Max about him?” It wasn’t a bad idea per se. There was one problem though. You almost never talked to Kelly, only ever passing by her in the paddock with a smile and a wave.
“I don’t really know her though. How can I ask something like that of her?” You were nearing the end of your rope, wanting to give up and let the last slither of hope you had left get crushed.
“Any woman would help out another desperate one.” Desperate. Was that really what you were being branded as? Perhaps it was accurate. Kelly really was your last ticket out of Delusion Land.
“Fine. I’ll go ask her, but where is she?” Charlotte pointed down, signaling she was in the garage. If that wouldn’t be awkward, you didn’t know what it would be.
“Shit, fine. Wish me luck.”
“You don’t need it.”
Charlotte turned out to be right. Kelly was in the garage with a set of headphones on. Her focus on the screen in front of her showed her dedication to her lover. Something you’d want to do for Lando… if only that’d ever happen. You approached her with a strong heartbeat, and a slight shortness of breath, and tapped her shoulder. Noticing you, she took her headphones off and smiled,
“Hey there?” The higher octave by the end went a long way to show her confusion. In her eyes, you were just an acquaintance. Neither of you had ever made any small talk and whatnot. So when you pulled her aside, she was completely lost.
“What’s going on?” She asked and furrowed her eyebrows.
“I need your help… I’m kind of desperate.” Having those words leave your mouth was beyond embarrassing and you felt so childish.
“Oh? I do think I have some stuff in my purse if you’ll give me a moment—”
“No no! That’s not what I need at all!” Fuck. You were getting cold feet. Standing there in front of her like a fool was somehow worse than just confessing.
“So then… what do you need?”
“Max.” Your mind was too scrambled to even string a coherent sentence together. Kelly’s eyes flew open and her face grimaced.
“No! Um, I need you to ask Max something.” She squinted her eyes in suspicion but was willing to hear you out.
“Could you please ask him if he knows anything about Lando? Just anything at all? As in… if Lando has any feelings for me. Just casually, you know?” Kelly was obviously relieved enough to help you out, so she gave you a thumbs up and the two of you exchanged socials so that she could update you. Weird way to make friends, but whatever.
You decided not to go back up to Charlotte, but take a little trip to the Mercedes garage. The team had made a blunder which left their no. 1 driver out of Q2. You went in to chat him up and possibly console him. He was a great friend, and you needed to take your mind off Lando for a bit.
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Lando finished qualifying in the front row behind Max, which left him feeling better than ever. When he saw that you weren’t in your usual spot though, a mix of emotions tumbled over him like that of a flood. You were in the Mercedes garage for some reason, talking to none other than Lewis. He saw the way you almost choked when laughing at his jokes. The way you looked at him. Listening and being attentive was a special talent of yours. Whoever you’d look at, it would always look as if you were deeply infatuated with them. All because you were one hell of a listener. It was one of the many things Lando adored about you.
“Mate, what are you staring at?” Max slung an arm around Lando’s neck and looked in the same direction to spot whatever the Brit was so invested in.
“Oh… I see. You’re jealous.” Lando snapped out of it and felt his head drop.
“Nah man, I just wanted to see how Lewis was doing.”
“That’s bullshit.” It was. Seeing you be so close with another man, let alone another driver— it was too much for him. He’d done subtle things to get you to notice his feelings. Always booking just one hotel room, Driving you to your college campus, calling you whenever you had time— even if it meant he’d have to miss out on a good night’s sleep.
“You should tell her.” Lando nearly lost it when you pulled the Mercedes in for a hug. Luckily though, it was short and you left shortly after. Conveniently enough, you noticed Lando with Max, which sent him into a state of panic.
“What do I do?”
“Just do whatever you think is right.” As you approached the two of them, Max waved and left the two of you to talk. Lando was frazzled and it was obvious.
“Hey, what’s up? Congrats on the position, Lan. I’m proud of you!” Your smile and your excitement regarding his near-win were enough to squeeze his heart dry for juice.
“Thanks, I’m glad you’re here to see it.” The two of you began walking towards the McLaren motorhome when you felt your phone buzz in your pocket. It was a text from Kelly. Unfortunately, Lando was right beside you and managed to see the notification.
“You hang out with Kelly?”
“Um well, yeah! We talk all the time. I thought you knew?” You deserved an Oscar for that quick save.
“Nice, we should go on a double date with Max and her soon.” You nearly cracked your neck, turning to face him.
“Excuse me?”
“Hey, calm down. It was a joke.” That was half the truth. In reality, he just wanted to see your reaction to the suggestion. Something told him Max didn’t have a point.
“Mhm.” You rolled your eyes at him and rested your hands on your hips.
“Actually, I have something important to tell you when we get back to the hotel.” Something didn’t feel right about him saying that. He rarely talked about serious things, but his tone was almost anxious. It was a side of him you’d never seen before.
When you finally got back to your shared room, you changed into something more comfortable whilst Lando took a shower. You went through your nightly routine; stripping your face of makeup, rubbing serum into your pores, and caring for the roots of your hair. Spoiling yourself was important to you. Almost as important as studying, really.
“Hey, can you pass me the comb?” You’d been too distracted to notice Lando finishing. You found the comb in the drawer of the vanity, turning to hand it to him. That’s when you saw him. Fresh nightwear and still dripping wet hair. It was the most attractive thing you’d ever witnessed in your entire life. Including meeting several heartthrob celebrities at races.
“You’re staring, you know?” Oh, you knew.
“So are you.” He was. His eyes searched for something behind yours. Any sign that you one day could be his.
“Touché.” He combed through his hair with a serum. Hair and skin care was something that you’d forced upon him. Safe to say you changed the rest of his life for the better.
He finished up and tugged himself under the fluffy white duvet. It was sort of contradictory sleeping with air conditioning, but still tugging yourself under heavy covers. He was cute. You weren’t nearly as tired as he was yet, so you decided to scroll through your socials before finally dozing off. The two of you had completely forgotten about what the curly-haired brunette had wanted to talk about. It didn’t matter though, as it was only a matter of time before it was going to be revealed.
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You’d done your hair and makeup, spending nearly two hours total perfecting yourself. Lando waited by the door, calling your name several times. With the last puff of your setting powder, you quickly gathered your things and ran for the door. The Brit seemed stoked for the race, but that wasn’t the only thing his insides were churning for.
The two of you arrived at the paddock in style. You wore a Vivienne Westwood tennis skirt, paired with a knitted sweater from the same collection. Your purse was Prada, and your shoes were Yves Saint Laurent. Lando had showed up in Quadrant merchandise, whilst also rocking a pair of shorts, courtesy of McLaren.
The Brit brunette was going to aim for pole position in Abu Dhabi, and he was going to confess before the interviews. That was his plan. Though a sappy one, he knew you’d appreciate the sentiment nonetheless.
You had once again decided to observe the race with Charlotte. Being in the garage was far too hectic with all of the engineers watching the race in anticipation. Sure, you were rooting for Lando, but you were no fanatic like them. Nor were you extremely loud about it. However, you definitely understood their passion. If it was your job, you would’ve been just as hyped and on edge for every race.
“Do you think Lando is going to win?” Charlotte asked, leaning against the railing overlooking the pit lane.
“Maybe. I can’t say for sure. I mean, he did well in qualifying?” You were quite literally manifesting a pole position for him. If you had a sigil and a set of candles, you would’ve performed a ritual. It wasn’t so much of an obsession as it was pure dedication to your best friend. What it really was— was love. You were utterly and hopelessly in love with the man. From the way he’d laugh at your sub-par jokes, to the way he’d drive you to and from campus.
“I think he’s going to win.” Charlotte was usually cheering her boyfriend on, but this time was completely different. She was rooting for you.
“What makes you say that?”
Lando managed to squeeze in a photo finish, nearly missing out on pole. All of the McLaren team gave you space to embrace him. The hug felt tighter than usual. Almost as if he was saying “I made it”.
“Lando, this is amazing! I am so so so proud of you.” That brief moment felt like heaven on earth to him.
“Can I tell you something?” He leaned in, but not too close for comfort.
“I’m so tired of chasing and I want to stop it. You can deny my feelings, but I have completely fallen for you.” You hesitated as your heart felt like it had been caught in your throat. You felt a strike of heat reach your face, watching Lando wait eagerly for your response. Shame you were at a loss for words, but then again— perhaps a blessing?
You immediately pulled him in for a kiss, hearing all of the fans roar and the teams gasp. Lando melted into it, cupping your cheeks with his hands. You felt the soft material of his gloves against your skin. When you finally pulled away, you decided to give him a proper response,
“You have me, as long as I have you.”
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𝗥𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝘀 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗰𝘂𝗿𝗿𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗹𝘆 𝗰𝗹𝗼𝘀𝗲𝗱...
𝗜 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗺𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗮 𝗽𝗼𝗶𝗻𝘁 𝗶𝗻 𝗮𝗻𝗻𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗰𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘄𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝗿𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝘀 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗼𝗽𝗲𝗻 𝗮𝗴𝗮𝗶𝗻.
𝘾𝙝𝙚𝙘𝙠 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙧𝙪𝙡𝙚𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙧𝙚𝙜𝙪𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨 𝙗𝙚𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚!
𝙃𝙚𝙧𝙚’𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
𝙃𝙚𝙧𝙚’𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙩𝙖𝙜𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩! (𝙄𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙬𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙜𝙚𝙩 𝙤𝙣, 𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚 𝙬𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙨, 𝙙𝙢𝙨, 𝙤𝙧 𝙖𝙨𝙠𝙨: 𝙒𝙝𝙞𝙘𝙝 𝙙𝙧𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙧(𝙨) 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙬𝙝𝙞𝙘𝙝 𝙩𝙮𝙥𝙚(𝙨) 𝙤𝙛 𝙛𝙞𝙘𝙨 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙬𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙩𝙖𝙜𝙜𝙚𝙙 𝙞𝙣.)
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