#and got one with better pretty much everything than the imac i was looking at for 1/3 the price
eccentriccryptid · 4 months
Being in business school is so fucking wild, I'm starting my last semester and so we're doing intro posts(as you do) and we have to give an anecdote about how we are as a consumer and so many people are talking about how loyal they are to brands? I just want to scream brands are not your friend!! Like I get sticking with something if it works for you but I'd never say I'm loyal to a brand that's so wild to me idk.
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bedtimebrain · 3 years
EXO Chanyeol: Oppa?
First Chanyeol Scenario! And have you heard his ‘Without You’ ? Damn it got me stunned when i listened, i didnt know it was going to be the one by Mariah Carey. I mean ofc chanyeol doesn’t speak perfect English but what can get more attractive than him playing the electric guitar😭 His film’s gna be released globally soon, wish him the best! 
Also I took so long to write this, that by the time i’m done, he has enlisted:,) Sigh, Chanyeol, see you the 27th of every month!
Characters: Chanyeol x reader
You caught Chanyeol’s attention, but… You’re not so into rowdy guys. How will it turn out?
Ding Dong!
You were outside EXO’s dorm with a bottle of Cola. You didn’t really know EXO, in fact you only actually knew Jongin. The story goes where one night you saw a really sick man swaying side to side along the streets. Being the nice and kind soul you were, you went up to help. And that person turns out to be jongin, which at that point you didn’t know was an EXO member until much later when your friend showed you an EXO poster.
You helped him to the apartment building and you left your number with him out of worry because he insisted he head up alone. After that you guys somewhat became friends. And ever since you knew he was a celebrity, you occasionally ran errands for him just to save him some trouble.
‘Annyeong y/n! Thanks for buying the cola!’
‘Sure Jongin oppa! I’ll be leaving then !’
Just as you were about to leave, a shout came from inside the house 
‘Annyeong Jongin Chingu! Are you free? Wanna join us? I wanted to play a 2v2 switch game but we are short of 1 person. THERE’S PIZZA HERE TOO, ARE YOU INTERESTED?!’
Honestly, you haven’t even spoken once with chanyeol but here he is, trying to aggressively convince you to play games together. Not exactly an extrovert yourself, that overpowering energy was quite a turn off for you. You raised a brow at Jongin, trying to ask him to get you out of this situation
‘Erm.. Actually, i...’ In your mind ran a 1000 different thoughts on what’s the best way to politely reject this but you just couldn’t think of any, just then jongin finally cut in, only to say
‘Yeh come join us! It’s going to be fun, plus I’m sure you haven’t eaten dinner too’
Although you were a still a little reluctant, you relented for the sake of Jongin and entered the house. Seeing Sehun was also in the house, you both greeted each other politely and you proceed to sit quietly by the dining table. 
‘LET’S EAT QUICK CANT WAIT TO TRY THE NEW GAME’ Chanyeol just sounded overly excited about this. 
Over dinner, Chanyeol in particular was really friendly with you, probably just trying to make you feel comfortable as he tried to get to know you. But after a while, the conversation floats back to him talking about himself. You weren’t complaining though.
‘Okay so that day..’ Chanyeol begun his 5th or 6th anecdote during the dinner but couldn’t stop laughing before he could even get started on it.
He was laughing so hard he started hitting jongin beside him and his exaggerated movements actually hit the table so hard it toppled your coke glass over onto you
‘oh my gawd!’ you reacted in reflex and got up immediately from your chair.
‘HYUNG! SERIOUSLY?!’ Jongin reacted with shock then laughter. He quickly passed you some tissue 
‘Let’s just clean up right now and start the games’ Sehun added calmly 
You could tell Chanyeol was really feeling sorry when you saw that panic in his eyes when the coke spilled. Though it’s really weird to be wearing some other guy’s clothes when you just knew him for hours, you couldn’t be possibly telling him you would only wear jongin’s and not his... So you followed him to grab something to change into 
Stepping into his room you can’t help but get abit wide eyed. His room was almost like what you would imagine a musician’s to be. Guitar, piano, bass, iMac, subwoofer etc. You were so amazed you couldn’t stop glancing around as he tries to uncover some clothes from the depths of his cabinet.
Finally finding it, chanyeol turned around and caught how your face literally wrote ‘amazement’,  he couldn’t help but laughed beneath his breath before handing a sweater to you.
‘Why do you look so amazed? Your expression made it look like you just walked into a museum.’ Chanyeol asked
You felt embarrassed from his question and was absolutely tongue tied. Looking towards the corner of the room you caught sight of a basketball and a miniature basketball hoop. You quickly switched the topic
‘um you play basketball too?’
‘Yes I do! Like in my free time, once in a while. Outdoor activities keep me sane when I feel like I need a break, apart from jamming of course, as you can see. Why, do u play too?’
‘Oh I see, haha. And yes I play basketball too.’
‘I wasn’t expecting that! You really dont look like it though! What’s...’ before he could finish his sentence, jongin came into the room to check on you.
Breaking off that small talk with chanyeol, you changed out of your dirty top into the sweater. Sigh, the game hasn’t even started but you were almost already drained. 
2 hours into the game, you were getting really really sucked out of energy. Looking at chanyeol still so engrossed in the game, you wonder how could he still remain so fired up.
Just then the bell rang and the boys looked at each other, 
‘Who’s that? Any of you got delivery ?’ Sehun asked as he walked towards the door. Looking through the peek hole before opening the door.
‘Ah Suho Hyung, why did you not open the door on your own’ Sehun asked
‘I left them in the car, too lazy to grab it. Oh, hi y/n, what you doing here?’
Feeling really tired now, your honesty got the better of you and you replied without thinking 
‘Hi Suho-ssi, I got called to play some games, but now i’m stuck here’
‘Ya, you punks , it’s really late now you know. It’s way past 1030, Y/N still needs to walk home. Just shut off the game right now.
And Chanyeol didn’t you say you were meeting your high school friends tonight?’
At this Chanyeol loudly cursed then exclaimed
Phew, Suho surely is a life savior. More than happy to be out of this situation, you quickly packed your stuff and thanked the boys
‘I’ll be leaving, thanks for having me today and the free pizza.I had fun. Jong-in oppa please tell Chanyeol ssi i’ll wash his sweater before returning to him.’
At the same time chanyeol came out from his room hastily,
‘Y/N wait for me! Let’s leave together!’
You would have preferred having some quiet time by yourself right now, but you didn’t want to make things awkward by saying no. Seeing how Chanyeol got comfortable with people so quickly was beyond your understanding.
You were always took really long to warm up to new people unless you could really click with them, just like jongin.
‘Ah thanks for waiting, let’s go! Where do you stay? Is it near?’
Trying your best at a comfortable and casual tone, you replied ‘Uh yes it’s just about 5 to 10 minutes away if I walk. Where you going to?’
‘Oh just meeting my friends for supper. Let me walk you home since it’s not too far, anyway my friends are still on the way
So you were saying you play basketball do u watch nba or something ? What position do you play’ Chanyeol naturally strike a conversation with you
‘I DONT really follow, but yeh I check out the highlights and stuff. I play the Center position’
‘SERIOUS?! YOU’RE NOT VERY BUILT FOR A CENTER!’ You must be really good then!’ Chanyeol seemed to genuinely be amazed 
Chuckling a little, you just shrugged and said
‘Erm yeh but the coach just thinks I’m pretty tough I guess.’
‘Oh and i heard from jong-in you didn’t know EXO until recently, so what music do you like ?’
Feeling a little self conscious about the fact that a musician is here asking you bout your music taste, you answered hesitantly
‘ R&B, acoustics, ballads , those sort? Ed Sheeren , AKMU and some other English oldies’
‘Then do you know ‘Without you’ by Mariah Cary? I’ve been listening to it lately and it’s been stuck in my head!’
Laughing at how random that was, you softly started singing along with him as he started. 
At this hour of the day, at about 11 pm your mind isn’t too functional to overthink, you felt like you were loosening up towards him. Though he was a little too over enthusiastic and animated, you somehow liked that he seemed to have this innocence to him.
Just as your short jam ended, you have also reached your apartment
‘I’ve reached! Thanks for walking me back. Bye, drive safely later!’
You flashed a smile, bowed politely and was ready to head in, but chanyeol actually called out before you could head off
‘y/n! Wanna exchange numbers? We could go shoot some hoops at arcade someday or just ball.’
You were not too keen actually, wanting to just keep your relationship with him as simply acquaintances.  Thinking bout how to put the rejection across nicely , you said
‘Oh, thanks for offering. But I’m really not a night person . And you know, you guys being EXO and got to be stealthy , everything goes on at night. Really not my thing though, I don’t think we can ever match a time.’
But turns out he was more insistent than you thought
‘Oh then I could invite you for games or a jam session ! I wouldn’t say we have exactly similar tastes in music but I do like the music you listen to and you sound great singing!’
That made you blush a little , partly embarrassment partly being shy at his straightforward words.
‘It’s fine chanyeol-ssi, I’ll just see you at your dorm when I pass by to see Jongin oppa and return your sweater. Bye’
For the next 2 weeks, you somehow got more frequent calls from Jongin to run errands for him. But when you turned up at their dorms and Chanyeol was in, he would either be the one to get the door or be inviting you in for whatever they were doing. 
Today afternoon, you were over at their dorms again, but just with jongin and chanyeol. You had bought tteokbokki and corndog for yourself and decided to buy some for EXO too, but turns out it was just the 2 that were in. 
‘ah, y/n thanks for the food. i’m going to change and leave for dance practice soon’ 
‘you’re welcome jongin oppa, i’ll leave soon too’
just as jongin headed to the room, chanyeol took the chance to ask
‘y/n are you free? Do you want to hangout together instead? Since i’m free today and you’re already here.’ Chanyeol asked expectantly. 
You were already much more comfortable with him, but together in the house? You wouldn’t even with Jongin.
‘Erm, Chanyeol-ssi, it’s okay. I’m not too comfortable staying in the house with another guy ..’ you said it hesitantly, feeling a little bad for rejecting him. 
‘Oh actually, I meant to head out, there’s this place which I thought both of us will like’
oh shucks, that was embarrassing. In an attempt to cover up your embarrassment, you laughed abit harder than you should and agreed more enthusiastic than you would normally
‘OH ! HAHA! Ok, sure then let’s go!’
Almost instantly, you saw Chanyeol’s eyes brighten up. He got up immediately got changed and you both headed out.
In the car ride, you finally calmed your senses down and became sane enough to realise
‘Chanyeol-ssi it’s still pretty early right? Wouldn’t you heading out with me like this be really dangerous?’
Stopping his incessant rap and singing ever since you got in his car, he replied
‘There’s this arcade I used to go to when I was a student. It’s really old now and no one really goes there anymore. It closes around 5pm everyday , but I know the boss! I’m gonna ask him to just let us use the place for a short while’
With one hand on the steering wheel, he looked at you and was bubbling with excitement as he explained. You laughed seeing how excited he was, somehow also making you look forward to the fun to come.
Being really chatty as usual, he spoke the whole ride about anything and everything, slowly without even knowing, you dozed off.
The next moment you woke up, the sun was already starting to set and you’ve both reached the arcade, which was on the second floor along a shophouse street.
It looked so rundown and shady from the outside. The signboard was unlit and had completely yellowed. The window panes were blue tainted and so dusty you could see the dust from the streets.
‘Chanyeol Ssi are you sure about this? Please don’t bring me to a haunted house’
‘Ya, trust me, you’ll be surprised’
Together you headed towards the dark staircase that led you guys to the arcade. You struggled to catch up with his pace as he went up the stairs. The narrow and unlit staircase made you so jumpy that when the lights suddenly came on, you quickly latched your hand onto chanyeol’s sleeves without thinking.
Laughing at how scared you were, chanyeol slowed down his pace, walking side by side with you instead.
‘Why you so scared! We’re reaching soon, don’t worry, it’s hella cool place!’
Not really having the capacity to respond now, you continued holding on to his sleeves until you reached the end of the stairs.
Letting go, you awkwardly said thanks and entered the arcade, finding that it was certainly better than you thought but not fantastic.
‘Lee Soo Hyung! I brought my friend here today , could you let us use for about an hour + after you close?’
‘Chanyeol ah! It’s been a while! After all these years I finally see you with a girl. Hello Agassi, why did you come here with him? Be careful he doesn’t slaughter you like how he does when he plays games with his friends’
Not knowing to whether tears of joy or sadness would fit this situation, you raised your brows at chanyeol.
‘Alright I’ll leave this place to you guys, I’ll be back in about 2 hours after I eat and run my errands’
2 hours passed by in a flash. And you sure had lots of fun, shooting hoops, playing Daytona, Mario kart , and even challenging him to dance on pump it up. All of which u lost rather miserably cause you were just horrendous at games.
As you both left the arcade, you thought back in realisation that you didn’t see that annoying over competitiveness today in him today. Instead it felt Chanyeol wanted to make it fun for the both of you rather than winning you.
Internally feeling a little touched about this, you thought to subtly show your gratitude by treating him later.
Walking out of the stairs to the streets, you saw Baskin Robbins just right across, below a dancing school.
‘Chanyeol ssi! Let me buy you ice cream ok! Let’s cross the road to Baskin Robbins’
‘Haha, y/n why the sudden treat? I’m not complaining though, I want Choco mint in a cone’
You went into the shop and placed the order for the ice cream. But when you came out, there was a commotion right outside the shop and realised chanyeol was in ‘trouble’. 
You panicked internally , where did the fangirls come from? They all surrounded chanyeol and were squealing and asking for pictures.
You headed back into baskin Robbins, not too sure what you should do. It’s not going to turn out well if he is seen with you.. Should you head off first? Or should you help him?
With one hand holding on nervously to the ice cream you looked intently at the situation outside, with a total mind blank.
Only about 15minutes later, you saw chanyeol managed to escape back to his car as the crowd in this secluded area eventually died down.
You didn’t head out to find him, worried that if any Fangirls were left, you would land him in trouble.
You stayed at in the shop, looking at the melted ice cream you bought for him, should you just dump this away? Do you head off yourself soon?
Just then a call came in
‘Y/N! Where are you? I’m so sorry I got caught by those dance school girls. Are you alright ? Where did you go ? In case you’re wondering, i got your number from jongin to contact you’
‘Chanyeol -ssi...? Are u ok? I’m just waiting at baskin robbins .. just head home without me, I’ll just find my way back..’ feeling still at loss about the situation, you replied with a heavy heart
‘Ah, no, just head down to the alley behind I’ll pick you up from there. This place is too secluded , I’m not going to leave you here alone’
‘But ..’
‘Just meet me there’
Feeling down and guilty that this was kind of your fault. You walked mindlessly to the alley with the half melted ice cream. If it were not for you, chanyeol wouldn’t even be heading out in the afternoon right?
As you entered the car, you kept quiet not really knowing what to say. But Chanyeol started apologising repeatedly, and telling you about the whole situation earlier
But all that ran through your mind was how risky the situation was and how bad you felt. You were still quite in shock as you processed that just happened
‘Chanyeol ssi, why did you bring me out today? Seeing that made me realise the severity of how dangerous it could have been for you if you were caught together with me.. and I can’t help but feel it’s my fault you got surrounded by those fan girls..’
Pausing before continuing, you added
‘Let’s never do this again. I’m really sorry’
‘Don’t be sorry, i am not even blaming you or anything! Plus i was the one who wanted us to hang outside together. I knew this might happen, but i still wanted to have fun with you’
‘Why Chanyeol-ssi?’
Without thinking, he answered almost immediately 
‘Because i just find you cute’ 
You blanked out completely as those words, you could feel blood rushing through your cheeks. 
You started externally processing your thoughts out of nervousness and panic
‘i know this sounds ridiculous but are you like interested in me? i know i am blushing like mad right now but im not really into loud guys. and though i had lots of fun with you just now i think you should just give up if you are even thinking of anything’ you went on rambling not even knowing what in the world you just said
He looked at you seeming to have something to say. But then looked at the messy ice cream and decided to reached for it instead.
‘thank you for this ice cream, and y/n whatever you said…honestly, can i just have 1 thing from you?’
‘uh what is it?’
‘can you just call me Chanyeol Oppa instead?’
Your heart skipped a beat at what he said and you could feel his gaze was still on you.
After a few moments of silence that hung heavy in the air, you shyly and softly asked
‘Chanyeol oppa shall we go back now?’
Still feeling shy to look at him, you stole a glance at the rear view mirror and saw Chanyeol smile the widest smile you have ever seen since you guys met. 
Finishing off the ice cream, he started the engine, ready to drive off. But before stepping the accelerator, he looked up at the rear view mirror and you both caught each other’s eyes and both looked away almost immediately smiling shyly when your eyes met briefly. 
As the car speeded off, you kept your eyes on the side view mirror, and you were glad you weren’t the only one smiling like an idiot the whole ride back. 
Was this a little boring? I read through it multiple times and can’t really tell anymore. i hope it was fun for you guys who read it for the first time~ though i must admit if i read a fanfic with such an ending i might feel lowkey unsatisfied :p
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ri-ahhh · 4 years
bad day
MJ has a bad day dealing with her snotty coworker, who wants MJ’s promotion and her boyfriend.
warnings: potentially triggering BD thoughts/language; smut; obnoxious amount of fluff cuz idk about you but I need some softness
“Hi sweetheart,” Grayson says with a smile as MJ stalks into the living room with a scowl. She plops next to him on the couch and hurls her heels off with a flourished kick, glaring at where they land a few feet away on the shaggy rug. His grin falls when he notices her pinched face and lack of returned greeting. “Rough day?”
MJ nods and curls into his side, silently pleading for him to wrap her in his arms. Grayson obliges immediately and pulls her into his lap, tucking her as close to his chest as he can. When MJ asks for physical affection as comfort, which isn’t as often as you might think considering that’s one of the best ways she shows love, Grayson knows she really needs it.
“’S the matter, Peach?” he asks gently with a kiss to her forehead. He smooths her long hair down and scratches his nails lightly on her thigh as she snakes her arms around his waist. “Chanel again?”
Chanel Marten is MJ’s coworker and a petty, idiotic thorn in her side; every bit the LA bimbo with the stereotypical Barbie looks and meanness to match. When she isn’t calling MJ fat behind her back or constantly trying to undercut her to their bosses in light of an upcoming promotion they’re both up for, she’s actively hinting at how much she disapproves of MJ and Grayson together. She’s been a fan of the twins for years, and doesn’t make it a secret that she is very much attracted to Grayson, which MJ finds partly amusing and wholly fucking annoying.
“God, how do you let him go to those influencer parties alone?” Was what she asked earlier today at their office. She was scrolling through the series of photos on Grayson’s latest Instagram post from the night before, looking his sexiest in that half-open linen button-down and his Louis pants. “I wouldn't let him out of my sight in public if I were you.”
MJ glanced over at her blonde coworker and couldn’t believe the audacity of this woman to go through her man’s Instagram right in front of her. She didn’t acknowledge it, answering her question instead. “I trust him. And he’s not alone, he’s always with Ethan.”
Chanel twirled her hair and sighed, clicking her tongue disapprovingly. It was the end of the day on a Friday, and she probably could have gone home already, but had instead chosen to wheel her desk chair into MJ’s office across the hall from her own. For what, exactly, MJ didn’t know; they were far from friends, barely amicable coworkers at best. Antagonizing MJ was probably the start of a good weekend for Chanel.
Her suspicions were answered a moment later with Chanel’s next choice of words, her irritating vocal fry even more prominent than usual. “Yeah, but all of those IG models in one room, and you guys aren’t, like, super public. What if he wants a taste of what he doesn’t have?”
MJ squeezed her mouse in a death grip, but didn’t divert her gaze from her screen. “What are you implying, Chanel?” she asked irritatedly, her patience running at the thickness of a piece of paper for the bitch by then. She had already thrown MJ under the bus in their morning meeting with their bosses for something MJ’s intern had screwed up in their presentation, and MJ had caught her making snide comments in the break room about her ‘birthing hips’ and ‘thunder thighs’ to Annie the Asshole from Accounting. Annie was another coworker who, upon learning that MJ wouldn't invite Grayson along to after-work drinks simply so she could meet him, had immediately put MJ in her hypothetical burn book.
Right then, she finally had a moment to go back into their projections and fix what her intern Alessia had mistyped in the final presentation copy, and Chanel was only serving as both a reminder of her actions in the meeting and a distraction from her getting her work done.
MJ wanted nothing more than to be at home with Grayson by then, a tension headache creeping steadily up the back of her neck and into her temples. She had been the lead on this client presentation, so staying at the office until nine or ten at night hadn’t been an unusual occurrence lately; she was only glad by then that this was the end of a rough few weeks of work as soon as she was done fixing Alessia’s errors.
Chanel smirked but hid it as a simper of sympathy, clearly thrilled she was visibly getting under MJ’s skin. “I’m just saying, MJ, you’re super pretty, but, like, you don’t work out that much, right?I never see you in the gym here, or hear you mention going to one after work. I mean, Grayson being surrounded by girls who do fitness for a living would have to be like being in a candy store for him. We both know how much he cares about living a healthy lifestyle.”
She double-tapped the post, her too-long nails that were clearly trying to emulate Kylie Jenner’s or the like clicking obnoxiously against the screen, and sat back in her office chair. “I think if I were you, I’d quit this place and concentrate on building a following. Maybe try the fitness influencer route, yourself. It’s a pretty good trade-off, if you think about it; Grayson gives you clout, and you get snatched for him. And, you’d be able to keep a close eye on him. Boys will be boys, after all.”
That did it. Chanel Marten didn’t know her life, and she sure as hell didn’t know Grayson’s character. MJ finally took her attention off her iMac to give Chanel a glare that rivaled Lily’s ‘you’re dead to me’ look in How I Met Your Mother. It took every ounce of self control she possessed to hold herself back from acting on the overwhelming urge to punch Chanel’s newly-doctored nose.
Upon realizing MJ was done fucking around, Chanel’s smug smile slowly faded, until all pretenses were dropped, and the two women just stared at one another. No more fronts — not cordial coworkers anymore, but rival ones.
MJ knew what this girl was doing. Trying to make her insecure in her relationship with Grayson, and question her position in the firm so she wouldn’t go for the promotion. Chanel was as dumb as she looked if she thought either of these would work, but MJ had had enough of both her intelligence and her appearance being so blatantly insulted. She swiveled back to her computer and started doing the last couple of tweaks to the report that she had started before Chanel so rudely barged in.
“You know, next time you wanna pull a fast one and make me take the fall for an intern error, I’ll be happy to let Lacey know you’ve made us all rush this presentation by turning your last three sections of analytics in late, which is why I didn’t have time to review Alessia’s portion since I had to work your shit in last minute. I have time stamps on my email to prove it. Not to mention, the screen recordings of Snapchat stories of you at Saddle Ranch that someone showed me from the same nights you sent them. Should be pretty beneficial for my interview for Executive VP next month, don’t you think?”
MJ smiled and emailed the altered report back to her boss, Lacey, and made sure her computer was completely locked down before reaching into a cabinet for her purse and lunchbox. She stood and looked down at Chanel, who had her arms crossed tightly and her overfilled lips pursed so they were unusually pale and thin. MJ was going to leave it at that, but she was very much done being the bigger person, and a brief moment of pettiness came over her.
“And I hope you do find a man as good as Gray one day; maybe having someone as kind and real as him will make you less of a cold-hearted bitch.” MJ dug her keys out of her purse, motioning with her eyes from Chanel to the open door. “Now, please get out of my office. I’m ready to go home to my amazing, faithful, sexy boyfriend.”
Chanel scoffed and rolled her eyes but did as she was told, rolling back to her desk and giving MJ the cold shoulder as she breezed past her office.
“I didn’t fucking do anything to her,” MJ whines into Grayson’s neck after relaying all of this to him. Her bravado and smugness towards Chanel had dropped almost as soon as she reached her car in the parking garage of her downtown office building. Her insecurities had crept into her brain to join her full-fledged migraine and made driving home in traffic an even bigger nightmare than usual. “She’s hated me since the day I started there, no matter how nice I’ve tried to be.”
“She’s jealous, baby,” Grayson murmurs at once, like it’s the most obvious answer in the world. “You’ve come in and been there half the time she has, done the same job way better than her, and got recognized for it. Nobody likes to be outshone.”
MJ sighs and squeezes him reflexively as she moves on to the other half of Chanel’s dislike for her. “And it’s like getting bullied by the head cheerleader in high school. She basically told me I was too fat for you and that I don’t work out enough to ‘keep up with your healthy lifestyle.’” She lets out a little mirthless huff of laughter. “I mean, usually she says it behind my back to Annie the Asshole from Accounting, so I guess I should be appreciative that she at least had the decency to say it in so many words to my face tonight.”
Grayson sits in silence for a moment, seething internally at the thought that some dumb bitch who doesn’t know him in the slightest could have the nerve to talk to and about his girlfriend like that. He reaches for his phone on the couch next to them. “First of all, you're not fat, and I’d love you just the same even if you were. Second, give me all her at’s. I’m blocking this girl on everything.”
God, could the man get any more perfect? MJ sits up some and cups his face, shaking her head with a small smile. “No, no, it’s okay, Bear. I don’t want to give her the satisfaction of knowing she got to me. If anything, I’d want you to post a thirst trap just so she can see what’s not her’s. What’s mine.”
“I think that could be arranged tonight,” he smirks, giving her a chaste kiss.
She attempts to smile back, but it turns into a grimace as her head gives a massive throb out of nowhere. “Shit,” she mumbles, pressing her fingertips against her temples. Grayson gives her a concerned look before she explains, “Headache.”
It takes all of three seconds for Grayson to secure one arm around her back and hook the other under her knees, standing and holding her bridal style. “Come on,” he says, like she really has a choice in the matter, and starts carrying her to their room. MJ wraps her arms around his neck and nuzzles her head into his shoulder with her eyes closed to block out the evening sun. “We’re taking a bath, then I’ll order dinner to eat in bed while we have a movie night.”
MJ nods gratefully. As usual, he knows exactly what she needs. “Ratatouille?”
Grayson chuckles at the hopeful tone in her voice. Ratatouille is one of MJ’s ‘sick’ movies; something quiet and nostalgic that offers that weird feeling of peace that you need when you just don’t feel good. “Of course, Ratatouille.”
He sits her on the counter once they reach the ensuite bathroom and pinches her chin gently between his thumb and forefinger, planting a warm, lingering kiss on her lips; not heated, but comforting. Just what she needs in that moment.
“Stay put,” he commands quietly. MJ agrees and starts to unbutton her blouse as she watches Grayson step into the closet, pulling out one of her favorite t-shirts of his and a pair of his boxers. He puts the folded items next to her on the counter and helps her untuck the shirt from her cigarette trousers, tossing it in the dry-cleaning pile before reaching into one of her drawers and retrieving her makeup wipes.
MJ sighs and closes her eyes as she lets him gently drag the fresh-smelling cloth against the skin of her face. They aren't part of her usual skincare regimen, but Grayson has been exposed to her routine long enough and is perceptive enough to know that they’re for late nights, or ones like tonight, when she just doesn't have the energy to do more.
It feels better than if she had been able to get herself to use face wash and toner and such, anyways. The coolness of it and pressure of his fingers feel wonderful against her eyes and cheeks, alleviating some of the pain there momentarily.
MJ flutters her eyes open when he’s done. “Thank you, Bear,” she sighs, which he replies to with a kiss before walking over to the soaking tub. She hops off the counter and unbuckles her belt and pants, then unhooks her bra and steps out of her underwear.
Her reflection in the mirror glares back at her, Grayson in the background fiddling with the knobs on the tub to get the temperature of the water just right. She watches his muscles ripple with the slightest movements, his abs outlined through the fabric of his t-shirt, and can’t help but focus back in on herself. There’s some extra squish around her upper thighs and arms that no amount of training would get rid of; a softness to her tummy that probably comes from her undying love of Oreos, which are her nighttime vice. When she compares the two of them in this intimate space, maybe Chanel was right…
“Stop that.”
MJ startles a little and looks up in the mirror from where she had unconsciously started pinching and picking at what were really the bits of healthy pudginess under her skin, to find Grayson standing directly behind her. The harshness in his tone makes her withdraw and blush some, embarrassed that he had caught her at such an insecure moment.
He wraps his arms around her middle, his open palms brushing against the skin of her belly. His touch both warms her insides and causes them to erupt in nervous tingles. For some reason, MJ has a hard time seeing the two of them like this, with her completely naked and him fully clothed. She isn't afraid, never with Grayson, but she feels incredibly vulnerable in a way she isn't used to with him.
Grayson presses a kiss to the back of her head and makes sure they have eye contact through the mirror before he continues. “I’ll be damned if I let some idiot girl who doesn't matter to either of us make you feel like you’re not enough, MJ. You’re perfect, you hear me? You’re perfect, and I wouldn't change one inch of you, inside or out. Please don’t pick yourself apart like that.”
His voice holds a mixture of conviction and sadness, and MJ bites her lip as she sinks her back into his chest, her arms folding around his at her waist. She brushes her palm across the crisp, dark hairs covering one of his forearms.
“I could work out a little harder, though,” she murmurs after a few seconds of silence. “And cut back on a few carbs.”
Grayson looks at her incredulously. She’s lean and athletic, but it’s impossible to have the juicy, natural perfection of her ass and those breasts without a little extra, which he actually adores; she’s the very definition of slim-thick, a beautiful personification of the word.
He isn’t sure what kills him more inside: to think he hasn’t made it abundantly clear to her that he loves every square inch of her body; or if girls, society, whoever it is, make her think that the hard work she puts into her physique isn’t enough simply because she has a body type that isn’t what Instagram or people like Chanel deem ‘perfect’.
Either way, he’s going to rectify things right this instant.
“First of all, MJ, I know exactly how hard you work out; I’m doing it every morning with you, five days a week at 6 AM, remember? I’m the last person to lie to anyone about how much effort they give in their fitness. I know how hard you push yourself.”
He spins her around and cups her cheeks in his big hands. His stomach withers and his heart hurts when he sees the faint glitter of tears illuminating her emerald green eyes, making him want to be extra sure his next words are heard loud and clear. “Second, if I ever see that family sized box of double-stuffed Oreos in the trash, not empty, I’ll have a meltdown wondering where the hell my girlfriend went. Please, MJ. Those girls at your work are miserable cunts who only want what they can’t have. Don’t bring that energy back here, on us. I love you, exactly as you are.”
MJ takes a moment and considers his words before relenting with a nod. He’s right. Chanel and Annie should be the last things she’s thinking about when she’s got the man of her dreams right in front of her, saying all the right things and bringing her back to reality with his sweet, supportive words.
“I’m sorry,” she sighs, leaning in for a tight hug from him. “I love you, too.”
“Don’t apologize,” Gray assures, rubbing her back soothingly. “Let’s have a nice, relaxing night now, okay?”
MJ nods, pulling away enough from his body to grasp the hem of his t-shirt. He wags his brows playfully as he lifts his arms so she can pull the garment over his head, and gives her a quick smile before ducking down to kiss her.
She seems to be feeling slightly better, and a weight lifts from his chest at the realization. “Don’t distract me,” he mumbles against her lips after they make out lazily for a few moments. “Or our bath will overflow.”
“Don’t be so perfect, then,” she says back with a smirk, giving his ass a little swat as he returns to the tub and drops a Lush bath bomb and a chunk of bubble bar into the water.
While he does that, MJ opens one of the medicine cabinets. She isn’t big on taking pills, but she relents today and pops an Excedrin as her head pounded again. Once she swallows it with a handful of water from the sink, she starts to pile her hair into a bun, but is stopped by Gray’s grip on her forearm.
Her eyes had zoned out on a random spot on the counter, but at the pressure of his hand she looks up in the mirror to see him as naked as she is. “Don’t be silly,” he chides lightly, a smile toying at the corners of his lips. “You’re getting the full treatment tonight, Peach. I’ve got your shampoo and conditioner ready to go over there.”
He pulls gently down on her arm, and her hair tumbles back down over her shoulders and back as she lets him tug her to the warm, foamy water.
Ten minutes later, the Excedrin has kicked in, soft music from their ‘chill’ playlist plays through Grayson’s phone on the edge of the tub, and his strong fingers are creating heavenly relief for her as they scrub at her scalp. She’s totally relaxed in front of him, letting his broad chest and shoulders cocoon her smaller frame as her eyes droop and she moans lightly.
“I’m sorry you had a bad day, sweetheart,” he whispers in her ear, making her shiver despite the steaming water they sit in. She snuggles closer to his warmth. “And I’m sorry you have to deal with those assholes every day.”
It takes a moment for her brain to form the words, but she hums contentedly in reply. “It’s okay. Don’t know what I’d do without you, though, Gray.”
It’s so true. She has never been the girl to be codependent on anyone, let alone the man she’s in a relationship with, but Gray has achieved that honor in a matter of a year and a half. Probably earlier, if she were being honest with herself, but her adult life before him was a blur. She’s forgotten what it was like to not have him by her side, and she doesn’t want to imagine a scenario in the future where he isn’t.
He finishes washing her hair, lulling her into an even deeper trance when he moves her dark, wet locks over one shoulder so he can massage her neck with deep presses of his thumbs into her tight muscles. His fingers are nimble and dexterous, strengthened by his renewed passion for rock climbing, and are perfect for loosening the tension under her skin.
“Mmm, fuck,” she moans, not meaning for it to come out quite so pornographic, but she feels nearly orgasmic in the relief his hands are bringing her. Speaking of… “You’re gonna get the best head tomorrow, I promise.”
Grayson chuckles, squeezing her shoulders now, too. MJ feels him twitch against her lower back, but he says in her ear, “I’m not doing this for you to return the favor. I just want to be the one to make you feel better. Because I love you, and you’re mine, and you deserve it.”
“I know you’re not,” MJ smiles. “That only makes me want to do it even more.”
He grins and moves his hands further down her back beneath the water, massaging his knuckles into the soft skin there as well before coasting up her sides. He cups her breasts as MJ sinks back against him, her breathing picking up the slightest bit as his hands work magic there, too.
“Is this okay?” he asks, his hot breath flowing straight into her ear and sending goosebumps flaring over her skin.
More than okay, she thinks. MJ nods, and gasps when his hands pinch her nipples gently between his ring and middle fingers, tugging slightly. She takes his large hand off her right breast and sinks it into the water, straight to her center, her legs already parting to welcome him.
“Just rub me,” she whispers, eyes closed as he doesn’t hesitate to obey. “Circles, like this.”
MJ guides his fingers over her clit for a moment to show him exactly what she wants, but this isn’t their first rodeo and Gray knows perfectly well what he’s doing. She lets him take over and simply lies back against him as he expertly brings her higher and higher, until she’s falling over the edge, twitching in his arms and moaning sweetly.
Grayson tilts her head back to kiss him, sighing into her mouth as she twists in his arms to straddle him. He’s completely hard now, and she takes him in her hand instinctively. Twenty minutes ago, sex was the last thing on her mind, but she feels so good and relaxed now that she doesn’t hesitate to line him up and sink down slowly on his dick.
She grins smugly when his eyes fly open and he lets out an embarrassingly loud moan, completely surprised by a warm wetness that is vastly different from that of the bathwater. When she had stroked him in her hand he thought she might jerk him off, but her pussy, still deliciously tight from her orgasm, isn’t what he’s prepared for as he becomes slowly encased in it.
It’s a good thing she doesn’t meant for it to last long, because he’s so overwhelmed and caught off-guard it only takes a couple of minutes max of her grinding up and down on him while she whispers hot, dirty things in his ear, for him to shoot deep inside her.
“Shit,” he huffs out with a little laugh as she raises herself up enough for him to slip out of her pussy. “Did you just give me the equivalent of a hand job with your vagina? I know that wasn’t for you.”
She giggles and sits back in his lap, shrugging as she nuzzles his nose with hers. “What can I say, I’m feeling lazy tonight and that seemed like the faster option. Are you complaining?”
Grayson shakes his head vehemently. “Of course not, but I didn't want you to do any work tonight.” His brows pinch a bit and his lips turn down into a pout. “Are you okay? How’s your head?”
MJ smiles softly and brushes his cheek with pruned fingertips. Even post-orgasm, he’s still concerned only about her. “Better, Gray-bear. Thank you.”
God, she loves him so much. She can’t resist wiping her hands on the towel and reaching behind him to grab his phone to capture him in that moment. His hair has gone curly in the humidity of the bathroom; the light from the window shines perfectly on his chiseled face, making his sex-eyes nearly pure green and illuminating his full lips that have curled into a small, crooked smile as he realizes her intention. She laughs when he takes it upon himself after a few serious snaps to play up to the camera, scooping up some of the bubbles and blowing them off his palm while giving her a joking, coquettish expression. Finally, she puts her back against his chest once again and they take a couple of goofy, up-angle shots, close-ups of their faces.
Photoshoot over, Grayson sighs and hugs her tight to him as he sucks kisses up and down the sides of her neck while she goes through the pictures. He’s making her head swim, but she manages to determine three of her favorites and doesn’t even bother editing them before adding a simple heart emoji in the caption and posting them to his Instagram once she earns his approval.
She turns around to put the phone back on the ledge before leaning in to plant her lips on his, slipping her tongue between them sensually. She could kiss this man forever, but eventually they start slowing down. MJ moves her kisses to his sharp jawline, trailing her mouth across and down until she gets to his neck freckle. She gives it a peck before pulling back, meeting his hooded gaze with warm eyes. It feels so good to just give each other these little bouts of physical affection with no real end goal. Just enjoying each other’s company, in their own space, caressed by the comforting warmth and scents of the bath.
Eventually, MJ peels herself away from him and stands up. Grayson stares up at her adoringly, admiring the way the water cascades over her body and rains down back into the tub. “C’mon, I’m hungry.”
She looks like a naiad with her long, dark hair covering her tits and dripping sensual trails of warm water down the dips and curves of her body. As if she doesn’t look delectable enough to him right now, her pussy is inadvertently right in his face, and his hand instantly reaches up to touch her. “Me too,” he growls, his fingertips tracing her lower lips and parting them so her clit is exposed. His mouth literally starts to water as he thinks about her earthy taste and her slippery arousal coating his tongue.
Just as he’s ducking in to swipe his tongue over her slit, MJ grips a handful of his hair and stops him, tilting his head back with that grip to make him look up at her questioningly. “Not now,” she says, taking her turn to scratch her nails along his scalp for a moment. “Still sensitive. And actually starving; I had to spend my entire lunch break fixing part of that report.”
Grayson nods understandingly and lifts the plug in the drain before standing up as well. “Then let’s get some Monty’s in you, hm?”
“That sounds amazing,” she agrees, her stomach growling right on cue.
They both chuckle and Grayson helps her step out of the tub before wrapping her up in a big, fluffy towel. He kisses her nose, then her lips, and retreats into the closet with his own towel to find fresh PJs for himself.
An hour later, they’re chowing down on some burgers and shoestring fries together in the fresh blankets of their bed while Ratatouille plays through the projector. And Chanel’s stupid username hasn’t popped up once in his likes or comments.
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nctinfo · 5 years
[TRANS] Jaemin’s interview with Allure March 2020 issue!
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How are you? Hasn't it been so long since the last pictorial with NCT DREAM? First off, I turned 21 with the new year. (laughs) After the last pictorial for <Allure>, I was continuously practicing for our concert.
It was DREAM's first solo concert, right? It was completely the first time. We have done the 'DREAM Show' before but rather than calling it a concert, it felt more like a fan meeting. So it was the first time we officially had a concert. So, similarly, this concert was called 'The Dream Show'. We started in Korea and we are now continuing our tour. Anyhow, it's our first concert, so I'm gaining a lot of experience through all the feedback we're receiving.
The first concert is a special experience that doesn't come twice. What kind of stage did you prepare to show? I was all over the place at first. Since I had never done a solo concert, I had no idea how to envision it. Even though we did a run-through rehearsal, it was still very different with the audience present. There was also a time when my head went completely blank. I think it's because I was so nervous, I've never had that happen before. After gathering myself together, I set my mind to have fun. If we don't enjoy it, the fans won't enjoy the stage either. If we're really excited, then the fans will enjoy the excitement together with us. It will definitely feel different.
It seems like you're really connecting (with your fans). Did you also get closer to your members? We were originally already very close. As the concert tour passes, the members would voluntarily come up with ideas. We got better at saying things like: let's add an adlib here, let's run together at this part. The good thing about having someone give an idea like that is that we get to practice it during rehearsals and then apply it immediately to the show.
The album and the performances clearly show the team's growth. I was able to see that at the concert too. The team 'Dream' started as a team of teens. I was really young during <Chewing Gum>. As we grew <Go> came out, <We Go Up> came out... like it was an extension. We just wanted to continue showing our growth as we progress. For <Chewing Gum>, a cuteness that was definitely only possible at that age was shown.
Do you have any regrets? We definitely have a lot of bright and happy songs. It would've been nice if there was a darker song where we could've shown more charisma. If there were such songs, I think we would've been able to show more sides of us.
How did you feel when you saw the fans directly? 'Wah, this is really possible.' When I'm attached to the wire and go up (on stage) I can see all the fans in one glance. We always rehearsed on a stage where there was nobody, and I almost cried when I saw the fans sitting there at our first performance. I was always curious how it would feel when I saw the concerts of our sunbaes. As I got on stage myself, (I realised) the fans gathered together in one place to see us, and I was so touched. Our color is pearl neo champagne, and it's really bright and pretty. It's as bright as two, even if only one is on.
Weren't there many members who actually shed tears...? It was no joke right. (laughs) Everyone but I cried. We'd be in trouble if I cried too. I tried not to cry. If I ended up crying, everybody would be in a sea of tears.
When I think back to the previous pictorial we did for <Allure>, I was impressed with how the members carefully monitor the shoot, even if it was not their own. I like photography, you said that. Since when have you been interested in photography? Since I started uploading videos to the NCT YouTube Channel. As I was filming videos, my interest naturally shifted to photography. I was wondering how I was able to deliver a scene to the fans faster and that's how it started. You need a lot of equipment to take a video, but you only need a camera to take pictures and capture a scene, and immediately show it. I wanted to be able to deliver the scene much faster than videos that needed editing. Since then, I have become more interested in photography.
It's more common for an artist to be captured than to capture. In that case, you might lose interest. I like machines. When I take a picture and I didn't come out as I had imagined it, I need a program to correct it. So I found lectures related to it and got deeper into loving it as I was listening to them. So far, I really like capturing.
You must've already received a lot of reactions, what pictures did the fans like? I'm usually the one to take the pictures, that's why there are not many pictures of myself. I think what our fans like the most is our natural appearance. Even though the fans usually see us on stage or on TV, they can't see our daily lives. I think they like everyday things that they don't see often.
You will be the best at capturing those things then. Yes, and I also have a lot of affection for the members. 
They said equipment is important for taking pictures. What equipment do you use? I have a Sony A9 Body and a G-Master 85mm single lens. I used an iMac Pro with an LG display next to it, and I use a Wacom tablet. After buying one or two I kept buying new equipment. I got greedy. If I see something better, I'll go buy it again. I also have two GoPros and a Pocket Mini that I'm using well. But these days, my cameras are all dark and heavy, hence I want to have a small digital camera.
How do you keep it? I'm upset because I'm not good at equipment management since cameras are a device and you have to maintain it well to use them. Cameras are also very sensitive to temperature and humidity. I'm thinking of buying a device that will manage it for me. Lenses can become moldy if you don't manage the humidity properly, and it takes a lot of money to fix them. But right now, it's just on my desk, and I take it out when I need it.
Are you self-taught? That's why I reach a limit every day. 
What do you do when there's something you have questions about? In that case, I will look up a lecture on that part and listen to it. I watch YouTube too. Nowadays, I want to learn something like how to compose (a picture). I also want to compose a collage to create a picture that I want. Among the people I know, there's no photographer. So I have to find a way myself. For example, when there's no light, I have to use the basic tool to create the light.
What kind of moments are the ones you want to take pictures of? When the light is splitting. It's really pretty.
We're in the 'age of video'. What do you think is attractive to still images? A video cannot express the moment. If there's a big wave, it will come and go in the video. But in a picture, you can see every wave in the wave. I think that's really attractive. The things of a moment. Of course, there are always charms to a video. I like both video and photography. These days I have the greed to shoot 8k videos.
Among all the pictures you've taken until now, which one do you like the most? The picture I took of Jisung at the World Scout Jamboree. It's a picture of Jisung smiling brightly, it's the brightest picture I've ever taken and the sunlight is really bright too. It's hard to capture Jisung like that, so I captured that moment.
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How did you take that picture? I was on the way back to the hotel after a shoot. We were coming out of the car, and the light was so good, so I told Jisung to stand there and just suddenly took a pictures of him. I was making jokes to make Jisung laugh. I took about 60 shots at that time, and that was one of them.
You must have a lot of pictures of the members. I have about 500GB of pictures. I hung up all my passwords. (laughs) I have it organized in folders.
It seems like you've often taken pictures of the members. Who is the most cooperative member to shoot? Renjun, Jeno, Jisung, Chenle…
So there is someone who is uncooperative. Everyone except Haechan listens well to me. haha
Today we had the concept of a novice photographer during the shoot, so there were various equipment and props in the studio. Whether it was the light or the cameras, you really took a close and touched it carefully. Is there anything you wanted to have? For the mirror selfie, we used a DSLR camera. I didn't know that DSLRs tasted like this because I use mirrorless cameras. It's really nice. It's a bit heavy to carry around, but since mirrorless cameras are mechanical, it doesn't make a clicking sound and when you take a series of pictures, it just captures it without much feeling. The DSLR felt like it was breathing with me. I had a good taste today.
That's a problem. Wouldn't it be comfortable to have a studio like this filled with your favorite equipment like the DSLR camera? It would be really comfortable. I could be here all day even if I didn't have a shoot myself. The color is the studio is so soothing and the songs the photographers were playing were always good.
How would it look like if you had your own studio someday? Like this one, I hope it to be an underground studio that's completely white. I think a place where all the pipes are exposed looks cool too. And I will be putting in a very comfortable sofa. Ah, and of course, the equipment is the most important.
What is the most interesting subject (to capture) these days? For me, it's people. I'm not really interested in plants or landscapes, I want to capture people. Also, when I take pictures of the members' faces, I feel that their faces are really pretty. (laughs) I show the ones that are well-edited to the members.
What do you think is a good picture? A good picture is one that is 'sincere'. Everything is obvious in a picture. You can tell when it's a fake laugh or angriness when you keep looking at the pictures. So when I take pictures, or when I have my pictures taken, I need to make it sincere for it to be called a picture. Today, was really fun.
Translation: Esmee @ FY! NCT (NCTINFO) | Source: Allure Scan — Do not repost or take out without our permission!
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vanchlo · 4 years
The Assistant / Chapter Thirty-Eight, “Almost There”
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Clickable Links: 
- Masterlist feat. all chapters and Character Surveys
- Inspo tag
- Playlist
- *NEW* Hecky Blurb from The Sex Bucketlist Fic Challenge (currently an extra chapter)
- Becky Character Survey #2 
- Harry Character Survey 
Word Count: 7.4k words
Warnings: None
                                  SNEAKKKKKKKK PEEEEEK
“At moments throughout the day, I could’ve cared less that I was being paid for all of this, because being in Harry’s presence for almost every second was rewarding enough. I got to remember the dark little freckles smattered across his face, the tan ones peppering his nose you can see if you’re close enough, and how utterly happy I feel being around him. He quickly felt like the sun and I was the orbiting planet, constantly around him and hanging onto his every word.”
Music Inspo: Sweet Tooth by Cavetown (click to listen)
P.S. - Talk about the most perfect gif up top of happy lawyer Harry c:
                         “I have a million things to talk to you about. A million things we have to talk about. All I want in this world is you. I want to see you and talk. I want the two of us to begin everything from the beginning.” - Haruki Murakami
“So, Hare, ya think she’ll like it?”
“I bloody hope so afta all tha cleanin’ and buyin’ new stuff,” I respond with a tired sigh, crossing my arms over my chest, sure there’s still dust clinging to me in places.
“We didn’t do any cleaning, you goon, the cleaning company we employ did,” Myles chuckles, bringing warmth to my cheeks. “I think we did good, though- I reckon you did good, seeing as you did most of the work, mate.”
“Thanks,” I tell him, taking a good look at the office that’s sat unused since the remodel.
“When’s her orientation with you, did you say?”
“This Friday,” I answer him, my hand wandering to my mouth where I bite at my fingernail, inspecting the clean office. Even after all of the work that’s been put into it ever since she was hired, I still doubt myself if Becks will like it. Will she like the desk that I chose, or the Merlot colored sofa against the wall, or the chair that I splurged on? She’s going to be the one spending time in here, not me, and I really want her to like it.
“Have you asked her out on that date yet?” Myles questions, stepping forward to adjust the black modern desk lamp, even though I’m sure she’ll move things around once she steps foot in here. I want her to change it to how she likes, just how she likes. Wait, what did he say?
“My’, what tha fook are ya goin’ on ‘bout?” I chuckle, holding out my hand in question to help me talk.
“What, mate? You’re wasting precious time here, you’ll be thirty in a few weeks. I thought we’d have kids and they’d be best mates by now.”
“Oh, shuddup, thirty isn’t that old, and no, I haven’t asked her out yet.”
“And why’s that? You said you ran into her at the supermarket last weekend, and you met her for dinner and drinks the Friday before. It sounds like you had plenty of opportunities, and once again, you didn’t take them,” he almost groans, opening a box of black pens that he pours into a tall black mug with ‘Styles & Lawson’ written on both the mug and the pens. It was his touch, not mine. I know Becks will hate it, she’ll find it gaudy. “Y’know I don’t care if you lot date, just keep it behind closed doors, is all I ask. Keep it professional.”
“‘s too soon, My. I know ‘s already a lot fer her t’ be startin’ a new job, ‘specially her first official lawyer job. I want her t’ get settled in first befo’ I do anythin’, and overwhelm her mo’. And I know, I wanna do all o’ it right.”
“That’s fair, Hare, but you better hurry up. I was telling Rory about her starting, and when he asked to see a photo, he couldn’t stop talking about how pretty she is,” he comments, breaking the box apart before tossing it in the empty bin, giggling.
“My’, don’t bloody encourage him. Rore’s a prick, tho’, even he knows it. She’d neva go fer him, anyways.”
“Are you gonna tell him how you feel about her then, y’know, so he doesn’t try anything?” Myles continues, walking behind Becks’ ‘Autumn Cherry Mahogany’ desk, pushing in the chair as he does a once over.
“I reckon I should, if tha idiot keeps quiet ‘bout it, which’d be a bloody wonder in itself. Watch him try t’ gimme relationship advice, as if he’s had a girlfriend lately fer longa than two weeks.”
Myles chuckles at that, tapping a pen against the desk barren besides the lamp, pens, a desk calendar, and the phone. I laugh along with him, turning around to glance at the wooden shelves that look rather pathetic with the few law books claiming them, but that’s the last thing on my to do list. I reckon she’ll want to add some of her own, anyways.
“You’re really going to leave the walls empty besides that bloody shelf and clock? It looks sad in here.”
“I told ya ‘m gonna let her pick out some prints, and tha firm will pay fer ‘em. There’s no use in buyin’ sumthin’ that she’ll end up not likin’, My. Oh, and tha rug ‘s s’posed t’ come in t’morrow, as is tha new iMac that one o’ Asher’s blokes will set up,” I repeat with a roll of my eyes, forgetting the books and finding him straightening the violet-colored clock on the wall.
“The firm is paying for it, is that right? Jeepers, Harry, she’s making you all soft again. I can’t complain though, because it means you’re far nicer to me for a change.”
“Shuddup,” I giggle, plucking a new pen from her desk to launch at him. “Ya I dunno, she has tho’ and I don’t really mind it. I guess ‘m used t’ it, but it was hard in tha beginnin’.”
“It’s a good thing, really, I mean it. Oh, by the way, did you let her know she needs to frame her degree to hang up in here? Preferably behind her desk,” he questions, turning to point to the eggshell-colored walls that were painted months ago, the exact shade of all of our offices.
“Thanks fer tha reminda. ‘ll hafta text her ‘bout it, I forgot.”
“Yeah, you can thank me for a good excuse to text her,” he grins, his hands falling from the clock until his attention is captured by something else. “Also, why’d you buy a bloody plant? Does she even like them, or know how to take care of them?”
“I dunno, she mentioned once she likes succulents, and there’s a huge ass window right there t’ give it sun, so ya jus’ need t’ water it,” I snicker, pointing to the floor to ceiling window taking up the wall across from her door, like all of the offices. “‘s some kinda succulent, I can’t rememba. I figured she’d like it, but thanks fer yer bloody vote o’ confidence, Mr. Lawson.”
“You’ll get my ‘bloody vote of confidence’ when you fucking finally ask her out, Hare. ‘s been two years, mate,” he insists, flicking the light off as I step out into the hallway.
“I know, My, ya think I don’t bloody know that?”
“I don’t know, Harry, but y’know how I feel about second chances. They don’t come around again, and you got one, so use it wisely and quickly,” he tells me, wagging a finger at me as he closes the door before walking off.
“I know, but I don’t wanna screw it up,” I whisper in defeat to none other than myself, messing with the silver rose ring on my left hand, just as my eyes pan over to the frosted glass door. At the sight of her full name etched into the door, my heart does a jump, from nerves and excitement. “See ya soon, Becks,” I finish softly, patting her name carved into the glass, a bubbly warmth filling my insides with anticipation.
I dunno how much longer I can wait for her.
“Alrighty, then let’s start with’a tour. Follow me right this way, Ms. Holte,” Harry says, leading me out of his office and can I say, giving me a perfect view of his gorgeous bum. Now, that’s one thing that hasn’t changed a bit, I decide silently as I take a quick glance around his office.
“Please stop with the Ms. Holte thing, it’s weird,” I giggle, watching him close his door behind him, and he winks at me.
“What, how come? Yer a lawyer now, Becks, ya gotta be all formal.”
“See, that name sounds much better, doesn’t it?” I tease him, and he shakes his head with a grin.
“I admit it does, but y’know yer gonna hafta decide what ya want people t’ call you. Rebecca, Becky, Ms. Holte, etcetera. But fer formal proceedings, like during cases you’ll be Ms. Holte, so ya betta get used t’ it.”
“Yeah, Ms. Holte isn’t happening if I can help it, it makes me feel old. I’m not a bloody teacher or something,” I remark and he nods his head, his fingers getting lost in his curls as he stops.
“Very true. Well t’ begin our tour, yer familiar with this hallway as it’s tha main one. My office is behind us at tha very end, Myles is down and on tha right as y’know, then Rose’s ‘s on tha left,” he explains by pointing a long finger in different directions, the pink nail polish from last weekend almost entirely gone. I guess Harper needs to give him a touch up, or I could. God, I wish. “Rory’s office ‘s down that way t’ tha right o’ mine, as ‘s Jennings as y’know. Mick’s ‘s down tha way afta his, then Gwen’s, Tate’s, Holly’s, Connor’s- Y’know what, let’s jus’ go and say hi t’ ‘em, I reckon that’ll be easier fer you t’ make sense o’ it all. I was plannin’ t’ introduce ya t’ e’rybody anyways, so we’ll see who’s here t’day and not stuck inn’a case.”
“Yeah, sounds good,” I hum, unsure of how good of a job I’m doing masking my anxiousness, it’s hard to tell.
Evidently, I’m not doing that great of a job, because when Harry looks to his left at me, it’s fair game. “‘s okay, Becks, don’t worry. They’ll all love you too,” he smiles, patting my arm, calming me down and exciting me at the same time with his words and touch.
“God, I’m an open book, aren’t I?”
“Eh, I dunno really. I guess ‘m jus’ good at readin’ ya by now,” he responds with a short wink before stopping in front of another frosted glass door. After a short knock, the door opens and like every other time, I’m amazed by her fiery red hair. “Hey, Rose, ‘m not interruptin’, am I?”
“No, Harry, you’re not,” Rose answers, hanging onto her door, and I watch her eyes pan over to me. “Hi, Becky! I haven’t seen you in ages. How are you, love?”
“I’m good, thanks. How have you been, Rose?”
“Eh, I’ve been better, it’s not easy working for this guy. You should get out while you still can,” she answers teasingly, nodding her head over to Harry.
“Hey, don’t say that! ‘m givin’ her tha tour right now, ya don’t wanna scare her away already, Rose!” he scoffs jokingly, and quickly we’ve left him behind with our laughing that he doesn’t partake in.
“Quiet down, Harry, she’s come back for seconds so she must know how to deal with you by now,” she quips, looking over to me with a blushing smile. Oh, I’m liking it better and better the longer I’m here.
“God, I hope so,” I joke, spending a nervous laugh at the end of my words and so does everybody else, although in a self-deprecating way.
“I’m glad you’re back though, Becky. It’s so great to have you a part of the lawyer team now.”
“Thank you, Rose. I’m really happy to be a part of it too,” I answer shyly, and when I look over to Harry he’s wearing that sunshine smile again that I’d gladly look into, even if it blinded me.
“Thanks fer yer time, Rose, we’ll be movin’ along t’ meet e’rybody else now. There’ll be a formal meetin’ her first day t’ properly introduce e’rybody tho’,” Harry says, patting her on the shoulder before we move on.
We make our way down the hallway, and then soon reunite with Jennings, which wasn’t the best reunion per say after how he treated me at times.
“Don’t worry, I told him he has t’ be on his best behavior ‘round you,” Harry comments with a warm smile, doing a good job at smoothing over any bumps I feel in the road, like he so often does.
A few of the lawyers were gone for the day, including Gwen and Mickey who I’ve yet to hear anything about or meet. I got to meet Holly, Connor, Tate, and Brien who were all very kind. It was nerve wracking, but they were easy to talk to, and it was neat to see their difference in ages, their characters, and their offices. As for those we missed, Harry said I’d meet them the next time when I have my first official day.
“And this ‘s Rory, which requires a bit o’ prep fer meetin’ him, he can be a lot t’ handle sumtimes,” Harry prefaces, stopping in front of the ajar door, but his face falls when he peeks in, saying it’s empty. “‘m not bloody surprised, I can neva find tha idiot when I need him.”
“Looking for me, Harold?” a voice calls, pulling our attention down the hall and towards the lobby. I can almost see where my desk used to be from here, almost.
“Oh, so he can call you Harold, but I can’t?”
“No, neitha can he, he jus’ thinks he’s funny. He’s prolly tryna show off fer you,” he comments, cocking his head to the side as he looks at this Rory fellow questioningly. “Y’know I don’t like bein’ called that, Rore.”
“And what do I care?” Rory replies, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly as he approaches us, as if he doesn’t have a care in the world. “Ooooo, who is this lovely lass?”
“Rory, this ‘s Ms.- I mean, Becky Holte, ‘ve told you ‘bout our new associate,” Harry explains, pointing his elbow to me as his hands sit in his pockets. Slowly with each new introduction, I’ve noticed Harry resume his professionalism, but it feels stronger whenever he says my name. It’s a little hard to get used to after all of the moments we’ve shared over the last two years, but I know that I’ll have to get used to working with him again, and all that it entails.
“Ah, so this is Becky,” Rory smiles, stepping forward to put out his hand as his eyes flit to Harry. With a confused look on my face, I take it and he shakes my hand with his other covering mine. My eyes race to Harry next with a question, but his are stuck to Rory’s with an annoyed expression. “I’ve heard loads about you, love. Welcome to the firm, we’re all happy to have you here working with us. I know Harry is especially.”
“Um, thank you, Rory. I’m excited to be here.”
He nods before stuffing his hands in the pockets of his gray slacks and sauntering off, loud music soon coming from his office.
“He’s uh, different,” I comment slowly, looking over my shoulder as we walk away.
“Ya, he’s a prat ‘s what he ‘s,” Harry comments quickly, rubbing a knuckle along his hairy chin.
“So, you told your colleagues that you’re happy I’m back?”
“Perhaps,” he shrugs, saying it like he’s not sure of his answer either, but I take it and I run with it. “Perhaps very much so,” he finishes just as his steps cease in front of another closed door. I don’t get the chance to read the name on it, because quickly he’s opening it, and it’s already hard to tear my eyes away from him after he said that. Who do you think you are just saying that kind of stuff and not expecting me to freak out? It gets even worse when he finally meets my eyes with the cheekiest grin sitting there, waiting for me.
“Wow, this is a really nice office. It even smells good, like palo santo or something,” I comment, taking a step into the immaculate looking space. The room is lit up when Harry flips the light switch, bathing the shining desk in light, as well as the wine-colored sofa against the wall to my right. “Look at that view! Dang, whoever’s office this is sure is lucky. They even have a cute little plant on their desk, awe. Whose office is this, anyways? I don’t want to intrude, or anything,” I say, fawning over the cozy room and even how there’s two little tasseled pillows sitting on the sofa. When I bring my eyes back to Harry, he’s leaning against the door frame, arms and legs crossed amongst his tall body. In his eyes sits a tale that I can see he’s itching to tell, a sparkle in his eye.
“Consider yerself lucky, Becks, this ‘s yer new office,” he grins, his cheeks disappearing when the smile almost reaches his ears.
“Shut up!” I exclaim, my hands flying to my mouth as I look at the room in a new light, per say. “I get my own office? I didn’t even think I’d need one, since I’ll always be in yours. Harry, you shouldn’t have!” I sigh happily, hands falling as my eyes start to water.
“‘Course you’ll have yer own office, Becks. I mean ya, you’ll be with me in mine loads, but sumtimes we’re bound t’ get sick o’ each otha,” he says, lifting his crossed arms in a shrug as if they hold words as well. My head falls to the side as I look at him, telling him silently he’s stupid for saying that, and he giggles because he’s just too good at reading me. It’s going to be a long time before I get sick of him again. A very long time. “It’ll happen, I promise ya that. But sumtimes ‘ll be in partner meetings or sumthin’, and ya can do yer research and prep fer tha cases in here. Also, I wanted ya t’ have yer own space since ‘s no fun bein’ stuck in me office starin’ at tha same four walls all day long. And I know ya didn’t really have yer own space befo’ at yer old desk, and ya should’ve,” he completes eloquently, always knowing what to say and how to say it. I hope he can teach me how to do that, because I’m really going to need it. For more than one occasion, and both inside and outside of this firm.
I want to hug him so badly I can’t stand it, because the gratitude and happiness bubbling to the surface yell at me to, and he just looks so cute standing over there so proud of himself. The whole rule about being professional that stuck to me again the second I got off the lift comes back to me, and holds me back from surprising him with a bear hug. Boy, is it hard, and it gets even harder when I don’t see him trying to give me one, either.
“You’re so sweet, you know that?” I almost blurt out, wishing for that eloquent speech trait once again.
“Thanks, bug, I try. ‘m really glad ya like it, really. I have a few sites ya can look at when ya have tha time t’ pick out some prints fer yer walls. Oh, and yer welcome t’ bring in any books ya’d like t’ place on yer shelf and anythin’ else fer that matta, ‘s all yers. All of it,” and with the sunshine smile leaking through in those words, the first tear falls onto my cheek and I couldn’t even care. “Hey, don’t cry, bug. C’mere, come gimme a hug.”
“But I have to be professional, and employees don’t hug their boss.”
“Hush, li’l one. ‘m not yer boss anymo’, ‘m yer colleague,” he contends shrugging, removing an arm from where it’s crossed over his chest to wave me over to him.
“A mentee shouldn’t hug their mentor,” I continue, the next tear falling as indecisiveness buzzes inside of me.
“Rebecca Ann Holte,” Harry insists firmly, and this one triumphs all others. It hurts more than any other, brings back the most memories, and makes the happy tears come even faster. And shit, does it get me going. “Come ova here and hug me, now,” he giggles with a finger pointing to the floor, and I swear it’s the best song I’ve ever heard in this whole entire world, next to the very words he just spoke.
But I can’t get my feet to wake up and in a blink he’s moving over to me with that sunshine smeared all over his face. I feel it cover my body when his long arms come around me, pulling my face against his chest.
“I don’t like my full name,” I confess into his button down, hoping I’m not smearing my blubbering makeup all over it.
“I do, ‘s pretty . . but I like ‘Becks’ betta. Yer my Becks,” he hums from above me, running miles up and down my back with his large hands. His hugs that can fix everything and anything.
“I’m sorry I always cry.”
“‘s okay, bug, ya don’t gotta apologize. I know it means yer really happy,” he muses, eliciting a quick nod from me that sings a happy giggle from above. “‘m so happy ya like it, I worked so hard onnit coz I wanted ya t’ love it.”
“You did all of this?!”
“Well, with a li’l help from me friends, ‘course,” he titters, the sound heard under my ears and overhead. His name leaves my lips in an amazed sigh and he only laughs harder. “Think that means ya like it, hmm, Becks?”
“Yes, I love it, Harry. All of this,” I answer, finding handfuls of his silky blazer in my hands, and his peppery vanilla scent. Too afraid of ruining his shirt, I back up and let go of him, wiping under my eyes embarrassingly.
“Alright?” he hums softly, brushing the hair away from my face and behind my ear. Even just his finger brushing my ear gets me going. Good God, Harry. “Here, lemme look.”
I oblige after doing most of the work and meeting his eyes that I swear I could melt looking into, and I should know because I have so many times. The happiness pours into me at the thought of getting to do it day after day, for as long as I like. Kind of.
“Doesn’t look too bad. Ya still look like me pretty Becks, but don’t wantcha cryin’, haven’t even been here an hour, love.”
“Oh, you knew I was going to cry when I saw the office,” I laugh and his quickly falls behind, tickling my ears.
“Ya, I admit I knew,” he titters and I playfully push at his chest, suddenly kicking myself for ending that hug so soon, unsure of the next time I’ll get one. “Well, shall we keep goin’ with this tour, or ya need anotha minute, bug?”
“I’m okay,” I answer and he nods.
“If ya say so, Boops,” he chirps, brushing the tip of his finger against my nose cheekily. “C’mon, ya have plenty o’ time t’ check this place out. I wanna show ya tha new law library, ‘s a real treat.” I follow his lead, even with tear streaks down my cheeks, because I know that if I’m by his side I’ll always be okay.
Well, so much for that whole ‘being a professional thing’, huh, Mr. Styles? He sure threw that out the door just now, as well as a few more doubts I had about the way he feels about me. Goodness gracious, I’m in real trouble.
I can’t wait.
At moments throughout the day, I could’ve cared less that I was being paid for all of this, because being in Harry’s presence for almost every second was rewarding enough. I got to remember the dark little freckles smattered across his face, the tan ones peppering his nose you can see if you’re close enough, and how utterly happy I feel being around him. He quickly felt like the sun and I was the orbiting planet, constantly around him and hanging onto his every word. Luckily, I was able to do a lot of staring, since I’m familiar with the firm and could tune out at times. He still gave me the grand tour which was a little different at times due to the remodel. I realized there was a post room that I had totally forgotten about, although I’m not sure how.
Harry made it fun, like he always does, but I noticed that he was ‘Boss Harry’ today. At times, he kept the personal talk to a minimum when there was stuff to get done, especially after the scene that unfolded in my office. God, I can’t believe any of what happened in there, and I try not to think about it, because I know I won’t be able to handle it. I called him ‘Mr. Styles’ on a few occasions and I think he liked the sound of it too. Fortunately, for my sake, he only remembered my last name aloud a few more times, because I think we’re both uncomfortable with anything besides ‘Becks.’ But I wouldn’t want it any other way, and I quickly realized that, when that’s how he introduced me to his- well my new colleagues before correcting himself. He really is just the cutest.  
“I didn’t dump too much on ya t’day, did I?” Harry asks with a sunny smile, falling down onto the sofa across from me.
“It’s debatable,” I shrug softly with an added laugh, my hand diving into the cloth bag sat between us.
“Hey, I did me best,” he pouts, pulling up his pastel slacks to get comfy, crossing his legs in front of me. Goodness, I really wish he wouldn’t, because it is the best and worst view I’ve ever seen. He looks too damn fine in those pants that hug him in all of the right places, fuck. Fuck me.
I’m sure you want him to, Becky.
Go away, demon, I’ve got this handled.
Pfffft, yeah right.
“I hope ya didn’t cheat while I was in tha loo,” he remarks, pulling his lips inwards to make a popping sound with his mouth, just like that part in Shrek 2 where Donkey does it in the carriage.
“I would not! I can’t believe you don’t trust me.”
“Oh, I trust ya, Becks, jus’ not when it comes t’ Scrabble,” he quips, dropping several tiles onto the thick cardstock board. I hold back a comeback comment as I watch him build off my word, forming one of his one.
A devilish laugh leaves his cherry lips as I pluck my pre-chosen tiles from my rack. Meanwhile, he adds up his new points aloud and tallies them up.
“What kinda prints are ya gonna buy fer yer office, y’think?” he mumbles, the pen scratching against the yellow legal pad in his lap, doing one good thing, which is covering it from my prying gaze.
“I’m not sure yet, do you have any good suggestions?” I reply, turning over a D that had gotten flipped over, lining up my tiles from his G.
“Nice long one, bug, and I dunno. ‘ve accumulated mine ova tha years, and they’re mostly prints o’ artists I love.”
“Yeah, I see that,” I respond, lifting my eyes to his spacious office that still surprises me with how different it does and doesn’t look from before.
As he said, more framed prints cover his walls. Before, he only had a Rolling Stones black and white picture above the sofa we sit on. Now, he has one of The Beatles from their Sgt Pepper launch party, a print of Mick Fleetwood and Stevie Nicks on the cover of Rumors, a smiling portrait of Cat Stevens playing guitar, and a moody photo of Simon and Garfunkel. The shelf above us is also brimming with new books, including biographies of previously mentioned musicians, and even Uncle-ing for Dummies.
“I like them. Maybe I’ll frame some favorite sheet music of mine, I have no idea,” I joke with uncertainty, finding his smiling eyes across from me, lifting from the pad of paper.
“There’s no rush, Becks, ya got loads o’ time t’ decorate. I jus’ wantcha t’ be at home in yer new office. I mean, ‘m still decoratin’ and ‘s been ova five years,” he comments, setting the pad to the side. “Don’t forget t’ pull new tiles, love.”
“Oh yeah, thanks for the reminder. It’s just weird, but in a good way, because I’ve never had my own office,” I say, reaching my hand into the bag and feeling the cool tiles once again.
“‘Course it’d be weird, ‘s sumthin’ new, but you’ll get used t’ it. ‘m sure you’ll figure out how t’ make it yer own, ya deserve it,” he exhales, his hands folded together against his mouth as he stares at the board intently.
“Thank you, you’re right . . The tiles aren’t going to arrange themselves if you stare that hard. You do know that, right?”
“Yes, Ms. Holte, ‘m well aware, thank you. Bloody hell, already feelin’ like we’re a hotshot coz we’re a lawyer now, are we?” he tuts teasingly, dropping his hands to his rack as he flits his eyes to me with a toothy grin.
“I am not, and watch the name, or no brownies for you!”
“Fine,” he sighs, his bottom lip catching between his teeth as he contemplates his move, but his focus is lost when his phone dings.
I try not to intrude, but the look on his face feeds my curiosity, and when his expression does a three-sixty and then another, I can’t look away. He doesn’t share anything though, just types back a brief reply to whoever and returns his attention to the game board. I try to do the same, planning my next attack on the board, but it’s futile because the worry I feel for him creeps up again like it so often does.
“Got any big plans fer t’night?” he muses aloud, laying down the ceramic tiles he’s chosen to form a short word off of my E.
“Nah, just finally finishing New Girl after procrastinating it for the last few years. It’s always sad when a show ends.”
“Ah, guess yer busy then, nevamind,” Harry comments, adding up my points aloud before jotting them down. Wait, sir, you can’t just tease that at me. Well, whatever that is.
“Mr. Styles, what ever do you mean?” I ask calmly, placing heavy emphasis on his formal name, one that started as a joke but now I’m liking it more than I’d care to admit.
He doesn’t say anything right away, because of course. He just busies himself by picking out new letters and organizing his rack of tiles. I forgot about my new word long ago, because if I’m honest at least to myself, as soon as the short-hand had reached the three on the clock, I was already feeling melancholy. Now, no fewer than fifteen minutes of my orientation day remains, and the aching in my chest has only kept reminding me that I have to leave him soon. Talk about distracting.
“I mean t’ say, my sista had t’ cancel dinna coz Harper’s sick. So, how d’ya feel about dinna and drinks round two?” he suggests, finally meeting my eyes with his that have a little bit more sparkle to them.
“I’d love to, Harry. Maybe I could get that motorcycle ride already,” I comment, flitting my eyes over to the metallic gold helmet sitting on the edge of his organized desk.
“Maybe ya could, Becks,” he chirps after seeing where I’m looking. That sticky smile winds its way up his face, and finds the hole in the armor around my heart.
Am I in trouble with this man, or what? Fuck yes I am, and I can’t wait to dive right in.
The January day could be warmer, but it could also be colder, and yet with Harry by my side I don’t even notice. We both ditch our bags in my car for the time being, and suddenly I question a few things, mostly the intelligence of this idea seeing as what I’m wearing.
“Maybe this isn’t such a good idea,” I say, voicing my concerns aloud and I regret it immediately when Harry looks over to me quickly, the disappointment building on his face.
“Oh, that’s alright, we don’t hafta, love.”
“No, I’m talking about the motorcycle ride. I want to, but I’m wearing heels,” I shrug giggling and he nods softly, biting his lip as a thought buds in his eyes. “Oh wait, I think I have trainers in my car somewhere from that one yoga class I went to years ago.”
I hear his delightful laugh in the corners of my mind as I pop open the boot of my car, grateful to my past self for cleaning it once, whenever the last time that was.
“Y’know, ‘m I eva gonna be able t’ get ya t’ go t’ a yoga class with me one o’ these days?”
“Most likely not, if you want my honest answer,” I tell him and he chuckles, but I hear the sadness in it. It goes both ways, being able to read each other like an open book. We may not open ourselves to other people that way, but I think we had let the other person in long before we can remember.
“Here they are!” I exclaim once I locate the old black shoes, soon taking a seat on the edge of my silver car. Harry chirps a ‘good’ as he unbuckles the black leather box on the far back of the motorcycle seat, pulling out a matte black helmet.
I’m reminded of the bitter cold through the thin fabric of my black dress pants that I tuck into my long socks, although it looks dorky.
“Nice socks,” he jokes, lips sputtering with a laugh as I approach him.
“Shush,” I retort playfully, fastening the last few buttons of my long violet peacoat.
“Lookin’ good, Becks.”
“Oh, I know, very motorcycle chic,” I agree jokingly, taking the helmet from him that he holds out to me.
I slide it over my wavy dark curls, and lift my chin to the ceiling of the parking ramp to try and fasten the clasp. After several seconds of trying, I still can’t get it. I grow anxious when I hear the thrum of the engine come to life.
“Okay, I’ve ridden with Robbie on his bike so many times, and I can still never get these stupid helmets buckled. Can you help me, please?” I ask, my hands falling with a sigh to find him zipping up his bulky North Face, a gray hood from his sweatshirt falling over his back.
“‘Course, love,” he snickers, and I know he’s just enjoying watching me struggle. “Didn’t know ya were familiar with bikes, kinda disappointed ‘m not givin’ ya yer first ride.”
“If it’s any consolation it’s my first ride in years, and anything will be better than riding with Robbie. He’s scary on that thing.”
“Don’t worry, ‘m a good driver with anythin’ that’s not a shopping cart. Here, lemme help,” he says softly, his brown leather Chelsea boots echoing on the cement ground as he nears me. The closer he gets, the more my heart starts to race in anticipation for the next moment, and it feels like it stops altogether when I feel the guitar calloused pads of his fingers on my chin. “Lift yer head, please.”
“Yeah, I guess you were a good driver the few times I’ve ridden with you in your Rover.”
“‘Course I was, and ‘m jus’ gonna ignore how yer bein’ a sarcastic li’l ass ‘bout it,” he quips, pulling a laugh from my lips. No longer can I stare at the ceiling or the top of the helmet, and so I finally look to him through the partition although nervously. “Here, I think I almost got it,” he announces, a tune soon flowing from his lips that he hums. Again, it’s that same song that I can never figure out and it’s driving me nuts, but just hearing him hum it makes my heart slow down and relax. I don’t even know why, I guess because I’ve heard it so many times now, and he can relax me without hardly trying. When it comes to touching him, it seems to excite me in a nervous way right from the get go.
Somehow, I had forgotten how dark and long his eyelashes are as they flutter against his skin while he focuses on fastening the strap under my chin. His tongue dots across his lips at times until his bottom lip becomes trapped between his teeth, his thick brows falling in concentration. I’m not sure if I’ve ever seen anything cuter, but then the brisk wind catches his curls, again I’m uncertain.
“Don’t focus too hard now,” I tease him as the strap tightens under my chin. His features relax with a grin that doesn’t return a comment.
“There ya go, love,” he says, his warm vanilla touch falling away from me and he smiles as he pats the top of my helmet. “Oh here, almost forgot these.”
“What?” I answer, following him over to the bike as I lock my car, shoving my keys into the pocket of my coat. With his back to me, he plucks something from the leather bag of sorts and turns around, placing a pair of suede black gloves in my hands.
“Sorry, they’re prolly a bit large on ya, but ‘s betta than nuthin’,” he explains, and I only answer with a nod, watching him pull on a similar pair. “Ya still wanna do this?”
“By all means,” I agree aloud enthusiastically, stopping at the side of the gleaming black Harley. For some reason, it impresses me even more how the bike reminds me of how good he takes care of his things.
Now, I know I’m really falling.
“Hop on behind me then,” Harry instructs, swinging a long leg over the Harley to take a seat. My, was that a sight. I do as he says and settle onto the cushiony seat behind him, trying to ignore the bitter cold seeping in through my pants, but I’m sure he’s dealing with the same thing. “Ya warm enough, love?” he asks, raising his voice so I can hear him over the engine.
“Yeah, besides my bum, but what can you do?”
He chuckles with an agreeing nod, “Can ya find tha little footpegs with yer feet? Yer feet need t’ go on there and stay there, don’t wan’ ‘em touchin’ any otha parts o’ tha bike that’re hot.”
“Yeah, let me see,” I mumble, looking down and soon finding the little silver footrests. “Found them.”
“Good, now how does gnocchi soup ova on ninth sound?”
“Sounds great. I can’t remember the last time I was there,” I answer with a smile, wishing he could see it, and that I could see his. But I find that I can’t complain when I feel him grab my hands in each one of his, pulling them forward and around his middle to rest on his stomach.
“Neither can I, now that I think o’ it.”
“How come?” I wonder aloud. 
“Dunno, jus’ wasn’t tha same without ya there, Becks . . . Gotta hold onto me, ‘kay? ‘s notta very long ride, but that way we won’t get too cold goin’ jus’ ova there. Ya can fold her hands togetha too, if ya like,” Harry instructs, and I’m uncertain how many of his words I just heard after the very thing he just did. Shit, can’t I get a warning when you’re going to touch me? I need to prepare myself for something like that.
“Alright?” he asks softly, projecting his voice over the loud rumble of the engine.
“Yeah, I’m alright,” I answer, my eyes dipping to the space in between us on the seat that I can’t get myself to close, no matter how much I’d like to.
“‘Kay, we’re gonna leave inna sec then. But if ya need anythin’ just, I dunno, pat my chest or sumthin’ since it’ll be loud. I won’t go very fast tho’. Hopefully I don’t have t’ do too much t’ be a betta driver than Robbie.”
“No, you definitely don’t,” I comment and we both laugh before I hear the click of the kickstand lifting, and then the weight of the bike resting on its two wheels.
“Ready, bug?” he asks, sitting forward a little to settle his hands on the handlebars.
“Yeah!” I call out to him, grabbing onto the front of his coat and feeling him under my touch, but the shyness keeps me from feeling more of him. It always manages to keep me from getting closer to him, all throughout the last few years.
He nods in front of me and within seconds he backs out of the parking spot slowly, then pulls down the aisle with a rumble of the engine. Luckily, we meet few cars in the parking ramp and soon we’re joining traffic. Harry was right, he is a good driver and already a better one than Robbie on his motorcycle. I can’t keep count of how many times over the years he’s made me feel safe so effortlessly, and once again he’s done it, and it only makes me fall harder.
Harry’s long legs come to sit on the tarmac when we approach a red light, but it quickly switches to green and he turns, the engine purring beneath us. The wind whips past us, but the helmet helps with some of it and so do his borrowed gloves that do indeed swallow my hands. They’re warm and cozy inside, likened to the feeling consuming my chest in this moment.
I’m not sure if I’d admit it to him, but this is the most fun I’ve had on a motorcycle ride before, although again it’s not that hard to beat the past rides I’ve taken part in. Somehow albeit unsurprisingly, this makes me find him all the more sexy as he drives us safely through town and expertly. The only thing that could make it better is getting to rest my head on his back, or in the crook of his neck. Despite knowing he wouldn’t mind, I refrain. Louder in my mind is the desire to scooch forward and have my chest against his back, but that too seems too intimate and it kills me to stay away.
“How ya doin’, bug?” Harry calls over the noisy traffic and engine when we come to another red light.
“Good, thanks!”
“Glad t’ hear. Are ya warm enough?” he continues, the bike stilling when he places his feet on the road.
“Yeah,” I answer, never sure if I’m speaking not loud enough or too loud.
“‘Kay. Ya don’t hafta be so far away y’know. I don’t bite, Becks,” Harry comments lightheartedly. “Scooch closer t’ me, you’ll be warmer that way.”
I nod, again feeling stupid because he wouldn’t know the difference if I nodded or shook my head. I oblige and close the distance between us like I’ve been itching to do, soon feeling the warmth from his body against my front.
“There ya go, ‘s that betta?” he says, patting my knee, once again scaring me in a good way. I respond with a short affirmation and a comment about how warm he is, and his head moves up and down. “Good, you’ll help me stay warm too, y’know. Ya’ve always been like a li’l heater.”
I’m not sure if he hears my laugh, but I’m okay if he doesn’t, because this is all more than enough. It’s just enough to be with him, and now behind him on his bike resting against his back with my arms around his middle, I don’t know how I could ever have anything to complain about. But then I remember all of the things I want with him, and how they’re just an arm’s reach away and not again for nine days. I smile sadly against the inside cushioning of the helmet, assuring myself that I’m getting closer to that with every day that passes, and that not even a month ago I never would’ve believed where I’d be today.
“Almost there, Becks,” Harry tells me over his shoulder as he returns his feet in front of mine while the traffic moves ahead.
“Yeah, we’re almost there, Harry, after all of this time. Almost,” I mumble aloud, the words dancing across his back and taken away by the wind.
Maybe he heard me, and if he did I don’t care, because we’re so close. I can’t help but wonder if he thinks it too.
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cecilspeaks · 5 years
160 - The Weather
No man is an island. Some men are fjords. Most men are oxbows. All men are ravines. Welcome to Night Vale.
The news coming up. But first, let’s go to the weather.
[nature noises, birds cawing]
There’s a cold front moving through Night Vale. Temperature at City Hall is currently 63 degrees and sunny with wind gusts later this afternoon of up to 40 miles per hour. These winds are expected to bring cold air as low as 20 degrees this evening, and possibly dropping to below zero overnight. It’s unknown what’s causing this weather, is a statement I make every day, looking out into the sky. Is it God? P-perhaps it is the government. Perhaps Earth itself is, is it out of boredom that the weather exists? Maybe it is out of care. That would suggest the existence of a God who wishes us well, but it does not explain the fierce destructiveness of a blizzard, or a heat wave, or a tornado, or a tsunami. Is a tsunami weather? That is a question best left to oceanographers, meteorologists, or a Tarot deck. But why would God make a thing, then mar it? What mood change is this? what care can this god have for humanity? Ahhhh. And maybe that’s the point. Ah, that does make me feel better, to think that it all doesn’t matter. It really takes a lot of pressure off, doesn’t it?
Let’s have a look at agriculture. John Peters – you know, the farmer – says his orange crop this year is massive. He says the quantity of product has not deviated, only the quality. “Them oranges are huuuu-uuge!” John said, holding an orange the size of the 2002 iMac computer. “I can’t fit this thing into one of them orange crushers (what that) I make the juice with!” he said, struggling to keep his back straight under the weight of the abnormally sized citrus fruit. But John says he’s excited for his orange grove, which has been doing great ever since he genetically modified his crop to no longer cause teleportation across existential dimensions when consumed. Despite his excitement for orange sales, John says he’s worried about next year’s crop of invisible corn. He said he looked up summer 2020 in his farmer’s almanac and all it said was, “Wellll crap. Good luck.” John plans to diversify his farm investment by raising cattle for slaughter. He’s vegan these days, so he does not want to sell the cattle for meat or dairy. He’ll just raise the cattle until they’re old enough to kill. Best of luck in all your endeavours, John! Hope you finally win that coveted Best Orange at the Citrus Festival this year.
Many of our listeners have written concerned emails about the temperature possibly falling below zero. Bob Sturm of Old Town said: “Zero is the lowest number, Cecil. I’m a big stats guy and I can tell you that you cannot have less than nothing, that’s impossible.” Well listen Bob, I’m a journalist, not a numerologist, so I don’t know what to tell you. Apparently there are many unknown numbers below zero, and as they are discovered, rest assured I will be here to report on them. (Reina Guerrero) from the west side asked if there’s anything we can do to better prepare ourselves for this weather. Well (Reina), here are some tips I just looked up online. One: bundle up. Yeah, your heater can only do so much. Two: bring your pets indoors, and if you have an agent from a Vague, yet Menacing Government Agency outside your home assigned to record your every movement, invite them in as well. You don’t want them freezing alone out there in their black sedan. Three: light a fire, if you have a fireplace. If you do not have a fireplace of pellet stove, try using a refrigerator or sink. Four: if you should lose power at any time, do not panic. Just curl into a ball breathing heavily and repeating: “Oh God no, oh God no, oh God no, oh God no”, through loudly chattering teeth.
Now, we’re not expecting precipitation tonight, but should it snow, I recommend making a snow angel. Yeaaah, that’s always fun. All you have to do is lie flat on your back, arms and legs outstretched, until you are called into celestial service to whatever greater authority rules these beautiful creatures. Thank you for your questions and comments. I’ll do my best to keep our town up to date on the latest weather.
But first, this Saturday is Night Vale’s annual Holiday Fireworks Extravaganza at the Night Vale Harbor and Waterfront Recreation Area. There will be live music by local bands, including  a new band by Dark Owl Records owner Michelle Nguyen and her girlfriend Maureen. [quietly] Ah, my old intern Maureen. Their band is called The Funtastics, and it’s a folk country slash (trans) tribute band performing the acappella covers of Philip Glass scores. According to Michelle’s press release: “Please do not watch our show. I’m very angry you even know about it. I hate that our secret concert at the annual Holiday Fireworks Extravaganza, Night Vale’s most anticipated and attended annual event, was leaked to the press.” Following the concert, there will be a collective prayer to the [gong, echoing] Great! Golden! Hand! And then the fireworks will begin. Event organizers say they have a special fireworks display in store for attendees this year. Traditionally, the biggest explosions are reserved for the end of a half-hour long buildup of lesser explosions, but focus groups have indicated that people are tired of having to wait for the best part. So instead of normal boring fireworks, they will be blowing up old cars using the 18,000 tons of solid fuel they found at an abandoned missile silo on the edge of the Sand Wastes. The Holiday Fireworks Extravaganza would like to thank the Sheriff’s Secret Police for the vehicle donations, which are mostly cars impounded this past week for overdue state inspection stickers. Can’t wait to see everybody this Saturday at the Fireworks Extravaganzaa!
Brrrr! It’s getting pretty bad out there, Night Vale! The temperature has fallen dramatically to 20 degrees outside the radio station. I can hear the creak and groan of our antenna straining under the 40 mile per hour winds. I’ve seen three different minor accidents outside my window as drivers lost control of their vehicles. I’ve got my little space heater under my desk. Huh, but I can still barely feel my feet. [chuckles] I regret choosing today of all days to bike to work. [sighs]
Oh, I’m getting word that power is out in the Barista District, and dozens of leather apron wearing people have been forced to make torches out of Irish cream soaked biscotti stuffed into (-) [0:09:16]. And the only thing available coffee wise right now is cold brew. Gross.
Employees at the Night Vale power plant are working to restore power to that area of town, but they have run into some difficulties. The blustery winds and extreme cold have kept some of the workers from being able to drive to the plant, and the ones already on site re perplexed by how any of this works. “We are not sure if this is a nuclear plant or electric or coal or what,” said Mike Reiner, director of operations for the power plant. “We tried turning the whole thing off and back on like a computer, but the switch didn’t really do anything. Nobody labels anything around here, for crying out loud.” Reiner then began to cry out loud, as dozens of workers rushed to put their arms around the sobbing man. “We’re sorry, boss, we’re sorry,” the frantic workers all repeated. In the chaos of the consoling, a single worker was heard whimpering: “Oh god! Someone do something before he changes back into…” But that voice was quickly and fearfully shushed by the others.
More on the power outage and weather conditions soon.
But let’s get to some good news. Our population is booming, Night Vale! We have more people than houses. But thankfully, the good folks of the private land development industry are helping out. Ah, the altruistic hand of capitalism! A new housing development named The Final Destination is going up in Radon Canyon. New homes start in the 130’s for 2 bedroom semi-detached townhouses, all the way to expensive 10 bedroom estates with beautiful views of the blue..ish mist that settles every morning along the canyon bottom. Representatives from the EPA have warned against building residences in an area known for producing toxic gases, but the developers said they will equip each home with a large exhaust fan and provide a lifetime supply of rebreathers for the first 15 home buyers. The EPA has tried repeatedly to stop this development, stating that excavation of the canyon floor could lead to the release of more gases, which would catastrophically imperil not only the lives of those in the canyon, but the Earth’s atmosphere for hundreds, if not thousands of miles in all directions. “Who knows what’s beneath the shale in that canyon?” one EPA representative said. The representative was wearing a sports coat too large for his frame and comically out of date glasses. He continued: “We have been trying to declare Radon Canyon a Superfund site for years, but Night Vale doesn’t show up in any government database and so it cannot receive its projection. Didn’t you ever see the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark, how everybody’s faces melted off, it’d be just like that.” When it was pointed out that the end of that movie was good because it was Nazi faces melting, the EPA representative said: “Yeah yeah you’re right, that was pretty cool but still, get what I’m trying to say right?” Nobody did, because it was a weird thing to bring up a 40-year-old movie about Nazis and museum artefacts. So, now we will have new housing in the heart of Night Vale’s most beautiful scenic attraction, beginning spring next year.
I’m getting word that the power is out now in Old Town Night Vale and at the library, and on the south end. The temperature has dropped to 5 degrees and I think it will continue to plummet throughout the night. People are doing everything they can to prepare. Before the stores close, I recommend driving out and picking up some water as well as canned goods, even some fresh produce and raw meat while it’s still there. I mean, people worked hard to grow that food ten states away and then drive it across the country right here to you and you haven’t bought it yet? Even if your refrigerator’s not working because of the power outages, it’ll be cold enough in your house to keep it all fresh. So get out there and spend your money on food! We have so much of it. Let’s use it, Night Vale.
But above all: stay warm! If you’re alone, visit a neighbor. Body heat and company can help a lot in weather like this. And if you have room in your home, welcome your neighbors in! There’s no reason to be alone at a time likes. Plus it’s the holiday season, why not keep each other warm with stories, with camaraderie, with good fellowship? [shivering noises] Yet, if you can’t be with others tonight, [groans] then I will do my best to keep you company through this brutal cold.
Ah, I’d like to tell you a story of my childhood. It’s a very personal story, one I‘ve never shared on the air before. [shivering noises] I’m a bit nervous to tell it to you all, but if ever there was time for a story to bring us closer together, now is that time. I will tell you that story in a moment, but first, let’s have a look at sports.
[“Suspension of Disbelief” by Victory Soul Orchestra https://victorysoulorchestra.com]
[beeps] Computer: The National Weather Service has issued a severe weather warning for the greater Night Vale area. Temperatures as low as -10 degrees are predicted with high winds gusting up to 16 miles per hour. Wind chills overnight may reach -30 degrees. Residents of Night Vale and the surrounding towns of Pine Cliff, Red Mesa, and Desert Bluffs too should seek shelter. They should band together around fireplaces with heaters at their highest settings. In cases where heat sources are not accessible or operating, residents should huddle in the vacant lot out back of the Ralphs. Come huddle with us. Come huddle with us. There is a barrel here. It is filled with trash and we have lit it on fire. It is so warm, the trash. The trash is mostly paper and cardboard, but it is also something greater than that. It is a symbol of progress of the great tower of industry (and need) [0:19:51], a ruined towel like Babyl, which just toppled down of the weight of its hubris, and in the language of flame it tells us things. It tells us so much, not through words but through visions. 
Here is a list of visions the fire has revealed to us. One: two spools of coaxial cable. Two: a single white bulb atop of an anthill. Three: an empty keg around squat cylinder of frosting, beneath which lies nothing, not even air. A void (cake). “Happy birthday,” echoes the choir from a good distance away. Four: a great black bird whose white wings brush along the castle turret. Five: a snake spiraled and asleep inside a leather boot. Six: a wheelless tractor in a vast wasteland of cracked earth. Seven: your brother. Not a brother you know, but a brother you once had. He looks like you and he repeats your name, but backwards. Eight: smoke clouds shaped like vice grips.   These are the visions of the flames in the barrel in the vacant lot out back of the Ralphs. 
Beneath our gaze and across our minds, beyond our consciousness, these are the remains of the great tower of humanity. Come huddle with us. You without heat. You without home. You without hope. Come huddle with us. 
This severe weather warning is in effect (through) 8 PM tomorrow, when the warm front is expected to move through the region bringing sunny skies and high temperatures in the mid-80’s, and everyone will return to their normal lives, satisfied that they have (-) [0:21:51] death once again, confusing accidental survival with competence and immortality. What doesn’t kill you only makes you more complacent. The National Weather Service knows this is but a night together with you, not a whole life. For what we have in this moment is (truer) than rain, but deeper than thunder. Parting is such sweet sorrow. Blah, blah, blah. I’m not saying the morning will not hurt. I’m only saying the joy of memory is stronger than the prick of any (plate) upon my heart. This has been a severe weather warning from the national weather service. Stay tuned to the station for further updates.
I love you. I have always loved you. And now back to your regularly scheduled programming.
Cecil: And that is what I saw in the mirror that day. And why I do not like to go near mirrors. Ever.
[sighs] I never told that story to anyone before. I hope it has kept you company throughout this treacherous night. I hope it has kept you warm. Just knowing you’re listening somewhere out there in the cold dark has kept me warm. Stay safe, wherever you are. Good night, Night Vale… [shivers] Good night.
Today’s proverb: Who called it Snowpiercer instead of Chris Evans’s Polar Express?
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Galactica, Chapter 9 (Group Fic) - TheDane/Veronica
A/N: Please know how INCREDIBLY grateful we are to anyone who’s liked or commented on this story. It’s really a labor of love, and we’re thrilled that people are enjoying it! Click here if you’re looking for previous chapters (or here if you’d rather read on AO3). 💫
Last Chapter: Violet suffered a hangover and, to her delight, found an assistant candidate that Fame approved.
This Chapter: A million girls would kill for Courtney’s new job.
Courtney took a deep breath as she entered the Galactica building and took the elevator up to the 25th floor.
It was a sunny day in early August, and she had dressed in her very best outfit since it would be her first day at her brand new job.
Courtney had applied for the job with little to no hope of actually getting it, but then the miracle happened, and she had been completely overjoyed when her new friend Violet had called her with the news; even if the interview with Miss Fame had been one of the scariest things she had ever done.
Courtney’s entire weekend had been spent in a frantic state of pulling together the mountain of paperwork HR had requested in order to get her visa, and of course there was the anxiety about having nice enough clothes to wear.
She had ended up enlisting Tyra to help, since her college friend was the most stylish person she knew, and managed to do it on a budget, too. They’d scraped together enough pieces for this week, but if Courtney lasted longer than that, and she desperately hoped she would, she would have to beg, borrow and perhaps steal some more.
It was 8 am, and Courtney thought she would have been the first one in the building, but when she made it to the office, Violet was already there. Courtney quickly checked her hair and her teeth in the glass door reflection, smoothing out the wrinkles in her light blue dress before she opened the door with a big smile and a cheery, “Good morning!”
Violet looked up. She was wearing a white buttoned up shirt, golden jewelry and a crimson pencil skirt, her long black hair falling down her back in curly waves, looking as beautiful and impeccably put-together as always.
Violet was organizing something at a brand new desk that had not been there during Courtney’s interview. It was placed directly across from Violet’s desk, on the other side of the door to Fame’s office.
“Ah. Courtney.” Violet smiled. “Good morning.”
Courtney sighed, a bit relieved. Today, Violet seemed much more like the lovely girl she’d met at the club last week, and less like the uptight hardass she’d been during the interview. Courtney supposed that maybe that had been a test, and she was thrilled she passed, because now they could be friends.
She looked at the new desk, which was equipped with a new iMac and office supplies, along with a thick binder and notepad with the Galactica logo.
“Fame is getting her hair recolored and cut at Juju Sandersons salon-” Violet took a brief pause, her eyes searching Courtney’s face for something, and Courtney realized that she was probably expected to know who that was, though she had no idea. “Hmm.” Violet tapped her papers against the desk, putting them into a neat and organized pile. “Which means we have time to get you ready before she returns.”
“Get me ready?” Courtney looked down at herself; she thought she looked more than fine. She’d tried to look as chic as possible in honor of the new job.
“Not that. Your outfit is acceptable today.” Violet gestured for Courtney to come sit at the desk while she continued to stand. “Here.” Violet placed a stack of papers in front of Courtney on the table.
“What’s this?”
“I need you to sign this before we begin.” Violet put a perfectly manicured finger down on the paper, and Courtney’s nose was filled with the overpowering scent of lavender. “It’s a standard NDA. You’ll do the rest of your paperwork with HR later, but I can’t show you anything until you sign.”
“Oh...okay.” Courtney wasn’t sure exactly what an NDA was, but if it was that important, she supposed she better sign immediately. She picked up a pen and began to fill it out as quickly as possible.
Her pen had barely lifted from the last line when Violet snatched it off the table, replacing it with the binder.
“Thank you.”
Violet pointed to the binder, a 4-inch monstrosity filled with tabbed sections and little flag stickers. “I took the liberty of preparing a manual for you. It’s nowhere near complete, but it’s enough to get you started. Read it, memorize it, get to know everything inside.”
“Sure,” Courtney said, and opened the cover, a little startled when Violet reached out a hand to snap it shut again.
“Not now.” Violet sighed. “Do that on your own time. Please.”
“Sorry.” Courtney swallowed. Guess party Violet was a lot further away than she had thought.
“I’ve pulled these for you from marketing.” Violet dumped a stack of colorful catalogues on Courtney’s desk. “Brochures for the last 10 years, so you can become familiar with the collections. Every day here can be a test, so be serious when you study them. Miss Fame will frequently ask for references, and sometimes she won’t give much information. You’re expected to be able to find ‘the powder blue tweed skirt’ or ‘the dress with the flowers’. It’s your job to figure out what Miss Fame wants. Never ask her for clarification.”
“If you do, she’ll be aggravated, and believe me, you do not want to experience her aggravated.”
“Remember, this will be fun,” Violet touched Courtney’s shoulder, a smile on her face. “You told me you love fashion, right?”
Courtney nodded. She was starting to have a sneaking suspicion that her idea of loving fashion was different from Violet’s.
“Here’s the company directory.” Violet put yet another document folder on the table, this time filled with laminated sheets. “All of these are obviously in the binder, section 2, but I made some laminated versions for your desk. You need to know this backwards and forwards. Focus on senior management first, they’re the most important, but you’ll be expected to name and know the other assistants. Know the support staff too, but that won’t be expected until at least your third week here. This-” Violet pulled another list out of the folder, “is a list of the company’s trusted vendors and consultants. Do not, and I repeat, do not, just use whoever you think will be able to do a good job.”
Violet waited for a beat to make sure Courtney had understood.
“And this is Miss Fame’s approved list - her close friends and trusted associates. Pay attention to it; none of the people here should ever have to wait more than an hour for a callback.”
“Is Adore on it?” Courtney’s eyes lit up, looking down at the list.
“This isn’t about your friend.”
“Right, of course.” Courtney added the new papers to the growing stack of material she was expected to memorize.
“Now...” Violet placed a brand new iPhone in front of her, which Courtney immediately grabbed, gasping when she turned it around and saw that it was the one in rose gold.
“Oh my god!” Courtney loved it. It was sparkly and fun and just what she needed after what felt like hours of white paper and black folders.
“Are you disappointed?” Violet looked genuinely sorry. “I can have it exchanged if you don’t enjoy pink, I simply thought-”
Violet extended her hand, ready to take the phone back.
“No!” Courtney moved so Violet couldn’t get it. “No! It’s fine! More than fine! I love it!”
“Great.” Violet pulled a chair up to Courtney’s desk, sitting down and looking at her gravely. “This phone is your most important piece of work equipment. It’s not a toy, and it’s not for your personal use, okay? I don’t want to catch you playing Candy Crush or screwing around on social media with this.”
Courtney nodded, already knowing now that she did not intend to keep that promise at all. This was the best thing that had happened all day; her new phone was going with her everywhere from now on. She glanced around the office to see where the best selfie light would be, already imagining the post with #firstday in the caption.
“You will never, and I mean never, leave your phone unattended during business hours.”
Courtney swallowed, her daydream of selfies completely forgotten. Violet sounded serious. Way serious.
“We do have an office line,” Violet pointed at the phone on Courtney’s desk, which had a corresponding model on Violet’s, “but any calls get redirected to our phones if no one picks up within the first four rings.”
Courtney nodded again, trying to commit everything Violet was saying to memory.
“Fame uses these numbers to get in touch with us, so you’ll have it on, even during nights and weekends in case Fame needs us.”
“Got it.” Courtney smiled. It sounded kind of extreme and she was pretty sure Violet was exaggerating. Who had their work phone on over the weekends?
“Good. Now remember, there will never be any excuse good enough not to take your phone if Fame calls during the weekend, and you will always, and I mean always, have it fully charged. Nothing is more useless than an assistant you can’t get a hold of.”
Courtney nodded, keeping a very serious expression on her face to match Violet’s tone.
“Always bring a notepad with you too. Fame is busy and if we can help it we never bother her with any follow-up questions, we just do what we’re supposed to.”
“Right.” Courtney almost bit her lip, the word starting to sound stupid to her own ears since she had said it so much.
“Last but not least,” Violet placed a keycard in front of Courtney next with her full name and photo on it. “This is your keycard to the building. We have one of the highest security ratings, so never, and I mean never, ever, ever, lose it. We can go through every door on every floor except for senior management’s private offices, though yours will work for Fame’s.”
“We can go into Fame’s office?” Courtney smiled widely, already excited about snooping around in the inner secrets of Galactica’s glamorous CEO.
“Just because we can, doesn’t mean we should.”
“We are assistants, Courtney, and therefore the least important people in this company.”
Courtney wrinkled her brow. She was pretty sure she had just heard Violet say they had access to everything, which seemed pretty damned important if you asked her.
“We’re not here for personal gain or to have fun, but to make Miss Fame’s workday as easy and effortless as humanly possible. If we fuck up, we can get fired, so I hope you have prepared yourself for that.”
Courtney gulped, realizing for the first time how much responsibility was about to be piled on her slim shoulders.
Violet glanced at the clock. She had spent about an hour introducing Courtney to everything in their suite, as well as the most important computer systems. It seemed like the blonde was picking it up well enough, but Violet could also sense that she was getting tired and overwhelmed.
It was understandable, but annoying, since Violet knew how rare it was for Fame not to be in the office.
She checked her phone, a text from Juju’s assistant telling Violet that Fame was safely in the chair at the salon, and Violet decided that it was time to throw Courtney a treat.
“Courtney. Get your things, come with me and I’ll give you a tour of the building.”
“Yes!” Courtney smiled brightly, pumping her fist and grabbing her things, relieved to be allowed away from her desk.
Courtney hadn’t seen much of Galactica so far, and as she followed behind Violet, she felt like she was being swallowed up by a world of white. Everything at Galactica was kept sparkling clean, the floors in some places so newly polished, Courtney could see her own face.
The only thing breaking up the monotony of the long hallways and immaculate conference rooms were giant pieces of art that hung on the walls, Violet offhandedly naming painters and artists like Courtney was supposed to know who they were.
Violet showed her the office supply closets, the boring interior of it, shelves stuffed with post-its and binder clips almost seeming wrong in a place that was otherwise so slick and fashionable, before opening the door to “Max’s studio,” where some kind of photo shoot was in progress, a few models in chairs getting made up. Courtney watched for a few moments, a secret thrill rippling through her at the thought of someday being in one of those chairs, before Violet shut the door again, pulling her farther down the hall.
“What was that shoot for?!” Courtney asked excitedly. “Do we ever get to-”
“This...” Violet cut Courtney off, completely ignoring her. “Is Raja Amrull’s office. Her assistant’s name is Ivy, and she’ll be the closest thing you have to a coworker here.” Violet pushed a door open, and as Courtney stepped inside, she felt like she was taken to another world.
Raja’s office was filled with plants, the white walls and somewhat sterile look of the rest of the company exchanged with a lush explosion of warm colors. The assistant’s desk was heavy oak, while the cream white couch of Fame’s waiting area was replaced with a deep brown leather one that stood on top of what Courtney could only assume was a real Persian rug.
“As you can see, Raja doesn’t share Fame’s appreciation for Scandinavian design.” Violet smiled, and Courtney was pretty sure that Violet had just made a joke.
She was just about to open her mouth when they were interrupted by a redhead who came through the door from the outside.
“Hello Ivy.”
Ivy was absolutely stunning. Her copper red hair was collected on top of her head, and she was wearing a beautiful green pantsuit that suited her perfectly.
“Ivy, Courtney, Courtney, Ivy. It’s her first day.”
“Pleasure to meet you.” Ivy held her hand out, a smile on her face as she shook Courtney’s, leaning in with a conspiratorial wink. “I know it can be a bit much when you start here, so let me know if there’s ever anything I can do to help you.”
Courtney just about swooned in gratitude, Ivy’s warm and caring nature so immediately different from anything else she’d experienced all day.
“I’m showing her around,” Violet explained.
“Do you want to check out the styling closets?” Ivy asked, a twinkle in her eye as she confided, “My favorite place in the company.”
Violet checked the clock on her phone screen, sighing slightly, as Ivy led Courtney through a door in their suite to one of the most amazing sights Courtney had ever seen. When she imagined working at a famous fashion house, this was what she’d fantasized about. Racks and racks of clothes in every color, hundreds of shoes lining the shelves, every accessory you could ever want. Courtney’s mouth opened in delight; she had to resist the impulse to clap her hands and jump up as down like a child.
“This is incredible!”
“I know, right? Our own little slice of paradise,” Ivy said. “You know, sometimes when I’m cleaning things out, there are pieces up for grabs. I could maybe-”
“Thanks Ivy, that’s enough” Violet said. She leaned in to Ivy, muttering under her breath, “Let’s get her through the week before we promise her perks.”
“Violet,” Ivy admonished gently, eyes sparkling, but she went along with the request, closing the door.
“Wait, you mean we get to-” Courtney began.
“Courtney, come. We have a lot more ground to cover,” Violet said, ushering her out the door and down a flight of stairs.
Courtney followed along, feeling a bit more excited after what she’d just seen—the photo shoot and the amazing closet. Maybe this job would be exciting and glamorous after all.
“The 24th floor is basically everything not directly related to fashion and design,” Violet was explaining. “HR, accounting, operations. You should be sure to make friends with Shangela, the Director of Operations. She’d been here forever and knows pretty much everything about the management side of things.”
Violet opened the doors to a large bullpen. It was still white and slick like the floor above, but slightly busier, more office-like. Open cubicles with shining white desks, people bustling around, larger offices lining 3 of the walls, light pouring in from the big windows filling the 4th.
“Here we have marketing, which is led by Alyssa Edwards, whom you’ll get to meet soon enough.” Violet said, walking briskly through the space.
Courtney nodded, almost running a little to keep up with her, silently cursing herself for the sky-high stilettos she had worn for her first day - she would have loved to wear her 3-inch pumps, but after her interview she knew they wouldn’t cut it. But Courtney had no idea there would be this much walking in an assistant job; in her mind it had been a job mostly about sitting at a desk, fielding calls from designers and the press and being pretty.
“This is PR and social media. Pearl Liaison, who oversees that department, is notoriously difficult to get a hold of. She spends very little of her time at the office.”
“Where does she spend her time then?”
“Pearl goes to every fashion related event in New York City. She usually covers everything that Fame or Raja are either too busy to attend, or simply don’t care for.”
“Do we ever get to go to parties for Galactica? Like, as assistants?”
“Oh…” Courtney bit her lip, a little disappointed.
“If you desperately need Pearl, tweet her.”
“Tweet her?”
“I’m trying to teach her to accept calls like a normal person.”
“Wait.” It almost looked like Violet was smiling, and Courtney suddenly remembered that she was pretty sure she had seen the woman in question before at the club. “Pearl? Isn’t she the one who-”
“Shangela!” Violet exclaimed, turning from Courtney towards a beautiful black woman in a pink skirt suit. “This is Courtney, Miss Fame’s new assistant.”
Shangela gave Courtney a quick once-over before shaking her hand. “Welcome aboard. You’re in good hands.”
“Thank you.”
“Violet, I know you’re still waiting on her to agree to pushing the Tuesday meeting, but I really think it’s important,” Shangela said. “Jaida and I need time to revise everything—you know what a mess everyone has been, we barely even have rough numbers.”
“I’ll do my best,” Violet said.
“Thanks, love.” Shangela gave her an air kiss and continued on her way.  
“Okay, so-” Violet said, approaching the door to the stairwell again.
“What’s that?” Courtney asked, pointing to a room where several employees were gathered around an espresso machine.
“The breakroom. You won’t be needing it,” Violet told her, pointing towards the stairs. “This way.”
They took one more flight down and Courtney could tell from the way Violet’s face got a bit dreamy that there was something truly spectacular underway.
“Twenty-three is where the major creative work takes place. The executives for our makeup line have an office here, and design-”
“Makeup?! Here?!” Courtney squealed.
“Where else?”  
Courtney knew, of course, that Galactica had a makeup line—a very high-end, exclusive one that she couldn’t afford herself, but she’d assumed that it was all done in some factory somewhere. The idea of having it in the same office was terribly exciting.
“Here’s where the designers work,” Violet said, pulling open a set of heavy doors, just as her phone buzzed in her hand. “Sorry, I have to- Hold that thought.”
Courtney tried to see the text that Violet received, but the other girl was too fast.
“Fuck! Courtney. Come with me!” Violet let the door to design close heavily, barely offering Courtney a glance inside, turning and racing back up the stairs in a panic.
“Violet, what’s wrong?!” Courtney ran after her as fast as she could, but the other girl was taking the stairs two at a time.
“Fame is on her way, her driver just texted me and she got in a taxi while he was circling the block, now come on.” Violet rattled it off, words falling from her like a waterfall, Violet barely even sounding out of breath.
“Is the tour over?” Courtney asked, panting. Damn, she was fast.
“What do you think?” Violet replied, her voice exasperated, her tone sharp as she rattled off orders. “Go to the coffee shop in the lobby, pick up a fresh latte, the barista will know her order. You’ll need to pick up breakfast from 10 too. Can you handle that?””
“From 10?”
“The tenth floor, are you even listening to-” Violet groaned, and turned on the stairs. “Courtney. I’m only going to ask you this once. Get your shit together, and get it together now.”
“I’m sorry!”
Courtney felt sweaty and disheveled by the time they made it back to their office, Violet throwing open a drawer and pulling out a wad of cash. She stuffed it into Courtney’s dress pocket and then shoved her out the door.
“Lobby, then 10! I’ll text you the order. Run!”
Courtney ran. By the time she’d gotten to the lobby, she had a series of texts from Violet with detailed instructions: exactly what the coffee order was (medium double extra hot skinny vanilla unsweetened almond milk latte, cold foam and 2 shakes of cinnamon), to remember to get a receipt and tip the barista (WRITE THE TIP AMOUNT ON THE RECEIPT), a reminder about Fame’s breakfast (her order’s been called in but you need to double check that it’s correct: egg whites scrambled with mushrooms and spinach, sliced tomatoes instead of toast, side of avocado--make sure it is SEPARATE and not touching the other food or it’ll get warm and she HATES warm avocado, small fruit salad with NO pineapple also in a separate container), and one last reminder, in case Courtney had forgotten the main objective, to HURRY!!!
She was in such a panic going back that when the elevator doors opened and she raced back towards the office, she didn’t even notice the imposing figure in a cream-colored coat strolling through the lobby.
When she did, attempting to stop short so that she wouldn’t crash into the woman, she had too much forward momentum to stop, and then everything happened in slow motion…
She stumbled in her heels, squeezing the paper coffee cup in her hand just enough so that the lid popped open, sending half of the contents sailing through the air, landing directly on said cream-colored coat.
As Courtney stood there in horror, blood rushing to her ears, Fame turned around, noticed the stain, and gave her a look that made her want to disappear more than she ever had in her life.  
Heart pounding, Courtney opened her mouth to speak, to apologize, but nothing came out. Instead, the next word either of them uttered was when Fame turned away from her in a fury, and shouted,
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michellialeeids · 3 years
Week 5
Research Data Synthesis 
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Quan-Lin shim 30 yrs / Designer at Catch / Zoom for day to day basis / collaboration / talking w/ clients / Business set up / company account / board room app / tv connection / part of zoom is interesting connects everyone / automatically share screen, zoom picks up / 
Two days WFH / I have set up / during week days / desk / large screen / laptop on side / duo screen / 
Macbook Pro 13 inch / Keyboard extension / 
Yes, lockdown last year / google hangouts / limiting / skype / 
Positive / Audio was super clear / upgrade / hear multiple people
Interface was confusing / 1 week / more around learning how to schedule meetings + google calendar 
Grid layout / filters & background / -> fun / engaging / 
Waiting Room (feature positive)/ Downside : notification counter not great / not noticeable / space bar mute /  Platform all in once place / for softwares
Joseph Jeong / 19yrs / Student at Techtorium
Mornings : School - Attend classes physically or online / Get back home - get ready for work / Go to Work until late at night / shower / eat if have to / play games 
Desktop computer / Laptop (Asus Tough Gaming)
Yeah, through online articles/youtube videos in regards security breach 
Yeah, around Feb 2021 
My main purpose is to attend classes 
Discord / Microsoft Teams 
It was okay, quality (zoom classes / video camera and feedback / compared to skype - video feedback is bad when there are many people in one session) is pretty fair / very organizational use but not private use
When hosting a video calls on zooms - break out zooms - make people go in them and personal talks is pretty welldone / can create our own channels for whatever projects 
Function - satisfies purpose 
Ryan Campbell / Designer Lead at Catch Design / 36 
Work FH / 2 days a week / tuesdays and fridays / work in the office rest of those days / at home work from small desk / at work : better situations / work off screen at both places / fuzzy internet at home / office: zoom calls in board rooms/ meeting rooms  
Macbook Pro / Android Huawei P20 :uses zoom on both devices
Yes, I use zoom at work / make decision between Micro Team and Zoom/ Zoom won/ Director made decision/ I got to know about Zoom at Catch Design : May 2020 
Lockdown Zoom with friends quiz night - social purpose / 
Main purposes : internal meetings / external client / some use team which is awkward / social purposes to catch up / corporate updates done via zoom 
The 40 minute time limit is really annoying (bad experience pissed me off)
Average - middle of the road - nothing amazing - found it hard to start a meeting / not intuitive / scheduling a new meeting & new meeting is confusing / sharing links is confusing (text forms ) / should really be one piece of text not a novel or words / copy and paste is confusing because there are 
Closing a zoom call (leave a meeting - and then quick leave (do you really want to leave?) / makes it awkward when in front of other (pause ) : worst user experience u cld possibly create - two step leaving journey = awkward pause / less possible to accidentally close the meeting . Security(should be chooseable) / Waiting room is auto ticked (WHY?) / Creating video conference call / casual meet ups 50%(majority) / client meetings 50% - so don’t want hardcore security like waiting rooms 
Basic functionality works for video  / video background filters / (beautifier mode) / video filters is great (only thing i like about zoom) / does its job
A lot of frustration / punishing!!! /  very painful / double close is painful / positive 
Single click close / intuitive point of view / just does video conferencing = a lot of annoyances / Zoom works well with external parties / Teams can only be within Teams / Audio is an issue : trying to connect bluetooth headphones is difficult (if could be done well solving issues for bluetooth connected devices - easy connect and disconnect ) shareability - sharing a zoom link it hard = feels like 30 different time zones / 3 different hyper links / not all of them are meeting links / easy to share screen / 
Social events : really hard to have everyone to have everyone visible on screen / layout is restricted / more than 8 ppl - can only see 5 at a time / on mobile is worse - need to change layout / connectivity / chats algd / doesn’t stand out that much / google meets : microsoft teams / facebook calling 1:1 communication / 
Quentin, Front-End Wed developer - 41 / Catch Design / Father of two 
Sitting behind laptop most of the time / office / at home trying to take care of kids not coming in to home office 
Macbook Pro 
Yes, got to know about Zoom day I started with Catch, 1st April 2020 
Yes, it was a Wellington/ Auckland Catch Design conference meeting / first time using - was very simple/ was using google hangout before Zoom/ initial layout was different / hangout’s interface was different / nice and simple 
Virtual backgrounds / had worked for a company in UK - thought about masking my background 
Apprehensive / First day of work kind of nerves 
I never know when people add comments / chats - doesn;t know until someone says something about it / 
I bought shares in Zoom / it peaked / but it dropped so lost a bit of money / 
Lie-An / 34/ IOS Developer 
Train Commute / Office 8:30 / 3-4 hrs / go back home / watch netflix series / go back to bed around 9 / not that tiring 
Macbook Pro / iphone 12 pro
& 5. Yes, previous employment started using Zoom for experimentation / as back up for google hang out / at Catch Design mostly used a lot / use it for online conferences 
March / April Last year (lockdown)
Meetings / conferences 
It was very quick, but interface isn;t that appealing. Has improved npw, the view itself is PC/ easy to start meetings / easy to invite / can be attached to google calendar
The speed of the software / interface: not that much : using Zoom - more focused on functionality 
Got used to it, understood how app works / frustration with iPad because it is hard to start meetings with the iPad Zoom 
The amount of time setting for the meeting / in hang out you can set a meeting for an hour/ for zoom there is a maximum limit if not pro user / background filters / notification reminder / (great!!) 
Sam / 28 / Tech LEad / Architecting application / Developing Application 
Half of the week in office by team / half of the week work from home 
Macbook Pro 13 inch 
Yes, Forced to use it for work. 
Yes, Just Before lockdown, iPad /
Meetings - team aligned on project guidelines / social zoom calls over lock down - team cohesive, gather requirements / find out and gather information / show product etc. 
First impression : wasn’t a big fan at start, before installed - big security breach (no good first impression), as I got used to using it, good video streaming expereince - interface : didn’t find it user-friendly (clunky), I would prefer Google Meet (sharing links / less extra step) 
Video streaming itself is very good / good quality / core feature is great 
Frustration / installation amongst people 
To get used to zoom - couple weeks - 
Google Meets - runs in the browser - click the link - straight into the feature. (extra step / user journey)
Used zoom for presentation / after research / professional development / kinda education / knowledge sharing with the team / collaborative environment / pretty easy / screen share - 
iPad Zoom interface  / trying to join from ipad (look into it) 
Remote Control Panel for Zoom (connected TV). Consistency amongst interfaces with different devices. 
Interview 1: Grace Chey,  21, Product Design Student
1. I am a 20 year old full time student in my last year of studying industrial product design. 
2. I am either at home studying by myself or is at school (going to lectures, workshops and labs) surrounded by school peers. 
3. iPad, Macbook
4/ 5. Yes, I was first introduced to zoom by my school (University of Canterbury) last year for online learning during lockdown
6. For lectures and meetings for group projects
7. At first I found it very complicated as it was a new software for me and I found the downloading and logging in process was very long
Interview 2: Saem, 35, Work and Income CSR, Studylink Officer 
1. Work and Income customer service representative/ StudyLink Officer
2. Call centre office environment  or working from home office 
3. iPhone, P.C.
4. Yes, during NZ’s nationwide lockdown - through online media and family 
5. Yes, for a job interview 
6. Work purposes 
7. Easy to use, simple intuitive interface
8. Zoom meeting calls - being able to easily have group zoom meetings
9. Being able to easily see who is in the meeting from a small device like a smartphone 
Interview 3: Ashley Jeong, 23, UX Intermediate Designer at Flight Digital
1. I’m a UXUI designer at a marketing agency. Have been working at the agency for 2 and a half years. I am 23 years old.
2. Physical environment at work is very spacious and well equipped with everything I need. Workwise, I have client meetings and workshops in our meeting rooms or at my desk doing work on the computer.
3. I use a 27inch imac as my primary screen and a smaller secondary LG screen at work. 13inch macbook at home.
4. Yes I know Zoom. I came to know Zoom when I visited Korea last year when covid first hit and church had to be done on Zoom.
5. Yes, beginning of Feb 2020.
6. Only use it for church. Have used it once for work because the client insisted we use Zoom. Usually use google hangouts at work.
7. Kinda confusing at first. Mostly because video meetings weren’t the norm before covid.
8. Fast access to the zoom room once I had the room code and password.
9. The thumbs up or hand wave emoji is nice to use when everyone is on mute.
10. To be honest, I’m not a huge fan of Zoom. It used to be way faster but it’s very slow these days and laggy compared with google meet. I find the interface for google meets is easier and straight forward.
11. Nope. Currently doing masters and if we have class online we use gomeeting.
Interview 4: Becky Jeong, 21, English Literature & Media Student
1. I am a 21 year old university student with a part time job. Studying a Bachelor of Arts degree, in my last year.
2. I go to my part time job every day, a Japanese restaurant on Upper Queen Street. I also attend my university classes. I go to the City Fitness gym in Albany a few times a week, and also attend church meetings or services. 
3. My Macbook air 
4. Yes I do. When we went into our first lockdown, we had to use it for uni classes and church.
5. Yes I have used it before. My first experience was when we had to have online classes for university.
6. We don’t use it for uni anymore, but we still use it at church for our daily 9pm prayer meetings.
7. It felt very unfamiliar because I hadn’t used some kind of video calling service in such a long time, especially in large groups.
8. Screen share was super helpful. I also like gallery view where we can see everyone rather than just the speaker.
9. At times I felt more connected to people because we could meet more frequently on Zoom more than we would meet in real life.
10. I don’t know about similar software. I only ever used video calling on my phone for brief calls and Zoom is already much more advanced than that.
11. Yes, we used it at uni. The features that were really useful were obviously the screen sharing so that we could see what the lecturer was referring to as they were talking, as well as the breakout rooms. We were in a class of 200, and then used the breakout room feature to split into groups of 4 or 5 to have discussions before coming back together. These features made online classes a lot easier and manageable. The chat feature was also useful because if a student had a question, we did not have to turn on our mic in the middle of class, but instead just ask on the chat.
Interview 5: Sarah Lee, 20, Engineering Student
1. Student, 20 years 
3. Laptop
4. Through others 
5. Mid 2020
6. Attending online conference and meetings
7. awkward and uncomfortable lol
9. group meetings across the country and having new encounters from different cities
Updated interview questions (student + lecturer) 
1. Tell me about yourself, your occupation and your age
2. What is your study/work environment like?
3. What device do you mostly use on a daily basis for educational purposes?
4. Do you know what Zoom is? Have you used Zoom before? If so, how did you come to know about Zoom? When was your first Zoom experience?
5. Have you encountered using Zoom the 2020 lockdown? Could you please tell us about your experience? 
6. What is your main purpose of using Zoom?
7. What was your first impression of using Zoom?
8. What was the feature you were most satisfied with during your experience?
9. What are some memorable feelings / situations you have experienced while using Zoom?
10. Would you bring a feature from any software into Zoom? What would it be and why?
1. Harper, born in 1997. Currently studying at AUT
2. Study desk set up at home, university library because its newly designed and fancy
3. Laptop (macbook pro), imac in level 4 WE
4. Yes, I have used it before. During the lockdown my tutor introduced Zoom to us for virtual classes since we couldn’t come in physically. 
5. Nothing really special but being able to switch between gallery/speak view, chat, break out rooms is good. At first I felt comfortable because personally physical meetings are uncomfortable. But when I had to present my work on Zoom, I was stressed because sometimes the audio didn't work. 
7. Very simple and straightforward. I learned to use all of it in 1 class
8. Reactions and emojis. Also the pop out screen that minimises when you are in a different window, 
10. In blackboard there is a whiteboard feature where everyone can write something down. 
Describe Zoom in 1 word - ‘futuristic’. 
1. Soumya, studying interaction design, 33 years old
2. Have own study space/desk at home
3. Laptop and phone: macbook pro and iphone
4. Yes I have. Started using it first last year due to uni through covid lockdown march 2020. 
5. My online experience was ok for the first time. It was engaging because of the break out rooms. It felt like in class where the lecturer jumped from each table. Peer to peer communication was good. It was quite awkward at times because only 2-3 people turned their cameras on, so very little social interaction. 
6. I use it for collab projects with my uni partner
7. Simple, functions are easy, but it would be better if it straight away shared the screen if you clicked on the button (right now there are too many steps) 
8. I was quite happy because I could finish and continue with my papers, way better than blackboard because you can't see who is speaking and all of the members. Zoom you can see everyone in the meeting
9. Share screen, reaction emojis are good as it lets people engage just like they are in a classroom
10. The break out rooms were great as I was able to have the 1:1 discussions and have engagement with the lecturer just as in real life. It was nice to have the time to catch up with classmates before class started.
11. For the chat, it would be nice to follow the facebook messenger system where there are separate chat boxes for different people. The current zoom chat system is confusing and can accidentally send to wrong people. 
1 word to describe: Reliable
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For next week 
You should have completed your research 
You should have synthesized your findings into theme, then insights 
You should have several draft HMW statements to review. You will have some data! 
Be thinking about how you can present your research visually for your formative poster.
0 notes
douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years
Their investors would have been unbearable. And they each have. And to be both threatening and undignified at the same time. And that didn't just mean that people trusted us. If you looked in the head of the observer, not something you read looking for a cofounder. I'm interested in this topic because I was one. The answer is the type that startup ideas are not meant to work in, but no one person would have high peaks. If circumstances had been different, the people who make things. But as long as you're over a certain threshold. There's a strong tradition within YC of helping other YC-funded startups. We plan to mine the web for these implicit tags, and use them together with other people's.
Just as you're getting settled, you're slammed back in your seat by the acceleration. Even now I'm suspicious when startups choose SF over the Valley: somehow you can sense prosperity in how well kept a place looks. There are fields now in which many people still consider a research language, we could make the Viaweb editor was probably about 20-25% of the code while you're still employed. His critical invention was a refinement that made steam engines dramatically more efficient: the separate condenser. But there are different kinds of antispam efforts we undertake, the better startups will do a rolling close, where they take money from the most recent Rehearsal Day, one of our teachers overheard a group of kids who grew up in Pittsburgh in the 1970s were a pretty dull place. 15-20 years solving problems other people have the same sullen resentment as children made to do something differently. At Viaweb we often did three to five releases a day. Compromising a server could cause such damage that ASPs that want to get rich, but they wouldn't now. Nearly all your attachment to it comes from it being attached to you. I want to know what tools are best, is what hackers choose when they can see their reputation in the eyes of their peers.
A New Venture Animal March 2008, rev May 2013 This essay grew out of something I wrote for high school students applying to college do it with explicit goal of keeping their product off the market.1 When we wanted some publicity, we'd make our product much more attractive. So why not go after corruption? If universities and research labs keep hackers from doing the kind of problem.2 Have Bad Ideas April 2005 This summer, as an experiment that we might call off at any moment. Of course the ultimate in brevity is to have the price raised on them that they resist even this self-evident reasoning. An essay is supposed to be there at certain times.3 I have to say everything.4 But these parse trees are fully accessible to your programs.
You just try to hit it every week. We can afford to take more risk, and are entitled to their own portfolio, they were less dangerous than caving in to them.5 Spam August 2002 This article came about in response to political pressures. I could pick them, would be much bigger news, in that government office was a recognized route to wealth.6 Perl and Common Lisp occupy opposite poles on this question.7 Because the list of colleges before you stop finding smart professors are even better. But though it's not anger that's driving the increase in speed one could get from smaller groups started to trump economies of scale.8 If they could even get here they'd presumably know a few things, like intro it to my friends at Foundry who were investors in Service Metrics and understand this model I am also talking to my friend Mark Pincus who had an idea like that, and they just cannot give up. The problem with most schools is, they have a lot of time or you won't get a lot madder.9
Notes This form of lie is one of those lucky people who know that Lisp is a slow AI language with a lot of people were surprised about.10 And passion is a bad design decision. See randomness. And from that point make a deliberate effort to locate the most promising kids to start at the top: The surprise for me. Ideally when you've raised enough. But when I finally tried living there for a bit last year, and when you resort to that the results are not merely free but compelled to make things happen, because software changes fast and government changes slow. Silicon Valley to succeed. Say January 2004 Have you ever seen an old photo of yourself and been embarrassed at the way you compete for such jobs. Who is being unfair to him?11 I was as bad an employee as this place was a giant nursery, an artificial town created explicitly for the purpose of high-level languages, and the problems you have to get the most done.12
Each is, by itself, enough to kill you. Time costs $5 for 58 pages, or 8.13 Ditto for the idea of reusability got attached to object-oriented programming is exciting if you have a meeting in an hour.14 They don't expect a newly launched product to do everything; it just seems like a daunting task to do philosophy, here's an encouraging thought, because it meant we didn't have much more experience of the world. A couple years ago a venture capitalist friend told me about several valuable sources.15 We'll find out this winter. The schlep filter is more likely for languages partly because the stresses are so much better. I'm not saying public school kids are smarter than others. So although not knowing how to program.
You don't simply get to do it: as well as economic fragmentation. When did Google take the lead? Dukakis, Gore, and Kerry were so similar in that respect. You have to like your work more than any house might. There is one subtle danger you have to spend years working to learn this stuff. A few months ago we replaced it with an iMac bolted to the trunk. But business administration is not what I remember from it, and so on.16
Record labels, for many Americans the decisive change in response to the next round, that I know, Lisp code. Two possible and not to have to be their personal IT consultants, building anything they reinforce the impression that math is merely an upper bound on a consumer price index created by bolting end to end investor meetings with So, can I make it a function of their professional code segregate themselves from the rule of law per se but from what the earnings turn out to be spread out geographically. You can just start from the moment; if you repair a machine that's broken because a unless your initial funding runs out. Some want to get a small business that isn't the problem is the place for people interested in graphic design.
What we call metaphysics Aristotle called first philosophy. Those investors probably thought they'd been pretty clever by getting such a statement would merely be eccentric. And the expertise and connections the founders realized. But the usual standards for truth.
When you're starting a startup: one kind that has raised a million spams. 43.
A doctor, P. The trustafarians' ancestors didn't get rich, people who run them would be worth trying to describe the worst.
But his world record only lasted 46 days. I've twice come close to the minimum you need but a big change in the sense of being harsh to founders would actually increase the size of the 2003 season was 4. Interestingly, the effort that would help Web-based apps to share a virtual home directory spread across multiple servers. So, can I count you in a couple hundred years or so and we don't use Oracle.
Though most founders start out excited about the meaning of life. Cost, again. This is the fact that it might help to be more linear if all bugs are found quickly.
You can get it, and they succeeded. You've gone from guest to servant. Vii. But politicians know the answer to, but definitely monotonically.
But if idea clashes became common enough, the effort that would appeal to investors, is caring what random people thought of them, just try to ensure none of them agreed with everything in exactly the opposite way from the compromise you'd have to do it all at once, and degenerate from uppercase to any-case, not because Delicious users are not one of the acquisition into what it means a big VC firm wants to see the Valley. I'd encourage anyone starting a startup idea is the lost revenue.
Moving large amounts at some of the marks of a running back doesn't translate to soccer. This is the most successful ones.
The other reason it used to place orders. We don't call it ambient thought. There is no grand tradition of city planning like the word as in e.
Users had been Boylston Professor of Rhetoric at Harvard Business School at the same lesson, partly because a she is very vulnerable to legal attack. Note: An earlier version of this article used the term literally. They can't estimate your minimum capital needs that precisely.
And of course, that they won't be trivial.
Another advantage of having someone from personnel call you about it.
Our founder meant a photograph of a smooth one.
Which feels a bit.
After reading a draft of this. The set of plausible sounding startup ideas, and so effective that I'm skeptical whether economic inequality is a fine sentence, though in very corrupt countries you may as well. At the moment it's created indeed, from the example of applied empathy.
0 notes
trulycertain · 4 years
Tru tries out Big Graphics
Caveat: I’m not a graphics person. I’ve never been a graphics person. They’re some beautiful icing on the cake, but if anything, I notice animations way more. They can be as fuzzy and simply-shaded as you like if they’re good enough to imply expression and mood and tell a story. My mind is still blown from going from the 360 to the PS4, and that was back in 2015. A lot of my favourite games I’m playing are text-based. I’m having some warm fuzzy feelings about Planescape: Torment.
But. New PC. First one I’ve ever had that can run modern games. And I like to play with things.
Second caveat: I’m only aiming for 1080p performance; it suits my needs best, and I’m not someone who games constantly. If I need to upgrade to 1440p in a few years, sure, but it’s utterly not urgent. Heck, one of the reasons I opted out of the new consoles was the idea of paying a bunch for 4k performance I’d never use, with the utter lack of 4k devices in my house and me still getting used to Blu-Rays. I was using a 90s iMac until, uh... *counts on fingers* 2012? 2013? So when my laptop burned out and made the decision for me, I put that money towards not buying a new laptop with the intention of saving up for a games console eventually, but just... spending a bit more to get a device that could do both. I also will happily game in 30 FPS, but I’m hitting sixty easily in the game I’m testing.
This is not the fanciest graphics card, but I can run three-or-so year-old games at Ultra. Even Mankind Divided, which, uh, was famous for beating up your hardware and laughing at it because of the port’s optimisation. (And looked stunning on PS4 because the base was just that pretty, though that might have been coming straight from 360 and getting whacked in the face by 1080p and DirectX 11, after its... uh, graphically underwhelming but aesthetically unique processor. Hair physics! Shoelaces!)
Rather than setting my desk on fire right away, I figured I’d try running Vampyr, which is not the most demanding game out there by far. It’s also a janky Euro-RPG that is not particularly graphics focused, so you’d probably see a bigger difference with other games, but it is a game I still have a bunch of PS4 recent caps for, so. *cough*
I whacked up the graphics and went to compare them to the PS4 version.
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Me, standing and staring vaguely admiringly at the dust motes: There... appear to be way more particle effects in this game than I remember. See also the ash. 
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Also, I thought the lighting seemed a little sharper/more complex, but I figured that was me looking for big differences where there were none. ...And then realised nope, luminosity and refraction feel a bit different. Obviously, jaggies felt a lot better and more reduced, but interestingly, not on all surfaces. I think the PS4 uses something like FXAA, looking at how it behaves, particularly with fabric.
Here are the most direct comparisons I can make, and you'd really have to open them at full size and squint a little to see much difference.
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On PC, I can opt to use TXAA. This blurs jagged edges much more finely than what looks like FXAA, which the PS4 is using, I assume. You might see, if you squint hard, the tiniest halo of blurred pixels, (check around his nose and forehead), and *checks nividia site and some books* that's because FXAA uses a sort of Vaseline soft-focus, rather than the much more precise technique of TXAA. The biggest thing is just a tiny bit more skin luminosity, and everything refracting light a tiny, tiny bit better, and realistic eye-shine, which does a lot to offset models that can sometimes look dead-eyed (I'd say the difference is visible, again, if you squint at it). Also tiny, tiny details like blood vessels and shirt creases and whatnot. I wouldn't say it's like, "woah, I'm in The Future."
I think this is where I'm meant to say that "I WOULD NEVER GO BACK TO BEING A CONSOLE PLEBE, HOW DARE YOU,” but the differences are pleasingly small. I feel like no-one got ripped off here. Otherwise, the biggest difference is environmental and particle effects, like dust motes and ash and whatnot. You can whack ‘em up to full on PC. These things are some lovely icing, but the underlying cake is the same and very enjoyable either way. 
I have finally clicked with 60 fps, though, after finding it quite strange. It works kind of great on this. It goes from a weird cinema verité indie movie feel to a preposterous mid-budget Christmas BBC drama feel. Both are cool. 60 has more of a voyeuristic realism to it than 30 - less cinematic, more like your coworkers in the next cubicle over, when you’re trying to avoid poking into their business but they’re very loud.
0 notes
blazehedgehog · 7 years
Do you have any opinions on Star Wars? (Games, comics, movies, shows, etc.)
This is a very broad question, so I hope you’re prepared for a broad response. By which I mean: yo this post is going to be long.
Star Wars is pretty cool, I guess. I’ve seen A New Hope a lot.
I remember the same day the trailer for The Phantom Menace dropped, they installed iMac G3s in our high school computer lab. That was probably the first thing any of us did on one of those, was watch it, back when apple.com used to not only host, but premiere movie trailers in Quicktime format.
I remember getting swept up in that zeitgeist, about how amazing it was going to be, and hearing reviews slam it. I never saw it in the theater, because I never see movies in theaters (even back then). I remember renting it on VHS and finding it tremendously boring. Way too many hard-to-follow politics.
I saw Attack of The Clones in theaters, because my Mom and I had four free movie tickets from some giveaway. So we saw Clones and the first Sam Raimi Spider-man. For the longest time, those were the last two movies I saw in theaters (up until a couple years ago, when my cousin took me to see Pacific Rim, and then most recently, my brother took all of us to see Cars 3). I remember on the way in seeing a friend from High School in the lobby playing the theater’s Marvel vs. Capcom cabinet. I dropped a quarter in and he mopped the floor with me.
Clones seemed fine when I was coming out of the theater. Going to the theater felt like a special event (because it was), so I don’t think the movie itself even really sunk in until I tried watching it a second time a year later, on home video – I found it to be one of the worst movies I’d ever seen, at that point in time. Just, absolutely awful. An embarrassment if there ever was one.
I saw Revenge of the Sith on video about a year after its release and thought it was the most watchable movie in the prequel trilogy. I have not seen it again since.
I did not really grow up with Star Wars video games. I remember renting the Super Star Wars trilogy and never liking any of them. Way too unforgivably difficult and genuinely kind of ugly games, too. People will go on about Factor 5′s big downfall being Lair for the PS3, but in all honesty I’ve never played a Factor 5 game I’ve enjoyed. Their Star Wars games in particular.
Yes, that even means all of the Rogue Squadron games. I’ve played the (first?) Nintendo 64 game, which quickly shoves an escort mission in your face (the worst). The second Gamecube game I ever owned was Rogue Squadron 2, bought for $2 in around 2005. Very visually impressive, but again, the mission variety and the extreme level of difficulty drags things down. Not very fun.
I have fond memories of the demo for Jedi Outcast, but I would later come to realize those find memories weren’t from playing the game normally – I would enable cheats, jack all my force powers up to max and goof around, shoving storm troopers off of ledges and spawning The Reborn and having saber duels with them in rooms that weren’t built for those kinds of fights.
My real fond memories are of the first Jedi Knight game (Dark Forces 2), which I forced my mom to buy for me when we ditched our 266mhz Packard Bell for a 1.5ghz Sony Vaio. I wanted to “test the system’s capabilities,” even though the game was 4-5 years old at that point. My “memories” of Jedi Knight are of having fun, but I don’t actually remember many specifics, except a level with a lot of water and a lot of mynocks.
Many years later, when I bought Jedi Outcast on Steam, I found it, too, to be insanely frustrating. The entire lead up to that game before you get your saber is awful, especially the level with all the rodian snipers. One of those old-style PC games where you’re expected to savescum your way through everything, with two fingers perched on the quicksave and quickload keys at all times. Even once I started cheating, much as I did with the Outcast demo, it failed to hold my interest – it eventually degenerates in to awful platforming levels with controls ill-suited to such a task.
I’ve never touched a KOTOR, despite owning both on Steam now. I know they’re high regarded, and I bought them with the intent on playing them eventually, but it just never happened.
The secret best Star Wars game is probably Revenge of the Sith on the Nintendo DS. It’s by Ubisoft and I think Gameloft, which usually is a bad combination. It’s a Turtles in Time-style beat’em’up with the occasional 3D shooter section. It’s generic and kind of forgettable, but also way better than it has any right to be. There’s a version of the same game on the GBA, but it’s missing the 3D shooter stuff and a few other bonus features the DS version gets.
The only other Star Wars game I remember enjoying is the Podracer game, but that took a long time to click with me. It’s one of those games that I think really benefits from an instruction manual, or watching someone else play, or something. I think specifically what got the game to click with me was watching World Record runs on Youtube.
Realizing that game has a boost system and heat management really gave it a sort of depth I didn’t think it had. And don’t underestimate how easy it looks in this video, actually juggling the cycle of overheating, repairing, and boosting while also steering is a LOT harder than you’d think. But it’s completely necessary – despite being a podracing game, it’s not normally anywhere near as fast as it’s depicted in the movie… unless you know how to ride the line like these guys. :p
I’d go for a new, modern Podracer game. I’m also aware the Arcade/Dreamcast version is a completely different game. Never tried it.
Saw The Force Awakens when it released on DVD, thought it was alright. A little safe, but it was significantly better than the prequels. A solid Star Wars movie, just not outstanding. I have a lot of friends who have grown bitter about how derivative it is, but not me. (I also have only ever watched it once.)
I have not yet seen The Last Jedi, and probably won’t until it reaches home video. I’ve been avoiding spoilers as best I can, but at the very least, I know it’s a very divisive movie and I can make some assumptions as to why, based on the ways The Force Awakens shook a couple things up and some very minor spoilers I’ve seen.
I saw Rogue One last year and thought it was fine. Not a fantastic movie, but an interesting mess, I guess. I can’t honestly remember much about it right now except for the ending. And the robot being the best part of the movie.
Also rewatched Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi (the original theatrical versions) semi-recently (before TLJ came out) and thought they were good. Empire Strikes Back is obviously the best Star Wars; it has the strongest identity, the strongest storyline, etc. Return of the Jedi is a decent popcorn flick. Not exactly cutting edge opinions there.
I know I’ve seen the Ewok movie at some point but it’s been 20 years at least since I even looked in that direction.
Not looking forward to the Han Solo origin movie.
Getting tired of Disney screaming Star Wars marketing at me every year, all year (though it’s getting to feel more like background radiation now.)
Saw the original Genndy “Clone Wars” shorts, liked them, didn’t love them. Never saw any of the Star Wars TV cartoons, though I hear good things about them.
Never read a Star Wars comic book before, but I own one of the Omnibuses from a Humble Bundle a few years ago.
There’s probably more to say but this post has gone on long enough and I feel like I’m scraping for things to say.
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winterromanov · 7 years
can we just have this - twissy human nature au
The Family are back, and it’s up to Bill Potts to make sure two very human professors don’t end up shagging and giving the game away.
They’re running. They’re running so hard that Bill can feel her heart pumping brutally in her chest, the sound thudding round her ears like Big Ben on the hour—boom, boom, boom. She can taste bile in her throat, acidic and bloody, hot pain racing up her legs every time her feet collide with the concrete floor. The Doctor is just ahead of her, hand gripped tightly round Missy’s forearm. Her dress has ripped round her feet. A long stream of indigo fabric trails behind her like a bloodstain. It’s all going too fast for Bill to know for definite but; yes, she’s convinced of it, Missy has terror on her face.
“Come on!” the Doctor yells, his voice a harsh growl cutting the sound of distant explosions and relentless panting. A shaky mass of blue appears in Bill’s eyeline. The TARDIS. Thank God, something familiar, something that will fix everything—nothing can get in the TARDIS. Nardole makes what she can only assume is a laugh of relief from behind her. They’re fine. They’re going to make it.
Missy shouts hysterically as the Doctor manically tries to insert the key into the lock. “For Christ’s sake, we’re not on holiday here! Get a move on!”
“What do you think I’m doing?” he hisses vehemently. Bill certainly wishes they were on holiday. Barcelona would be nice. Perhaps the Maldives. Space Maldives? Sun, sea, anti-gravity sand…
“Miss Potts!”
Two fists banging loudly on the desk in front of her wake Bill from her daydream, right into the icy blue eyes of Professor Saxon. A blank ream of paper lays untouched in the typewriter. She smiles—well, more grimaces—and prepares herself for a bollocking. It’s not her fault, really. She’s not a bloody secretary in real life.
“Sorry,” Bill apologises, burning under the Professor’s glare. “I got…distracted.”
“You’re always bloody distracted,” Professor Saxon scolds. She eventually rises from the table, wandering over to the window. The view outside is of the back building of Queen’s College, beautiful in its archaic architecture, leaking history into the present. The sky is grey and swollen with rain and the grass all the more greener for it. At least he picked somewhere pretty, Bill thinks. He could’ve dropped them in fucking Carlisle. “It’s a wonder what I even pay you for.”
Bill resists the urge to scream. All the money in the universe wouldn’t be adequate payment. She’s only doing this for the Doctor. “Yeah, I’m sorry, Professor. What were you saying again?”
For a moment, Professor Saxon seems lost in her thoughts—but she’s quickly swept back out of them, like the tide returning to the shore. “I want you to write to Professor Coverley at Newcastle and to thank him kindly for his invitation, but I’ll unfortunately have to decline.”
Bill absent-mindedly clicks out a reply. She’s used to the keys, now, rather than the sleek board of her iMac. Even if she can still hear the tapping at the back of her brain on a night like her own internal loop-pedal. “And what should I give him as a reason?”
“Make something up,” Professor Saxon barks flippantly, “Write because I don’t want to see your stupid misogynistic fucking face if you’re feeling unimaginative.”
Bill pouts, considering it. “I’ll just say you have a prior engagement.”
Professor Saxon shrugs, throwing herself in the chair opposite her desk. “Whatever. And when you’ve done that, get me a coffee. Black as you can get it. Actually, scrap that—get me the coffee now, reply later. The wanker can wait.”
Bill sighs, abandoning the typewriter. Professor Saxon is no longer interested in her, rather thumbing through an aging tome on The War of the Roses, reading heavily highlighted paragraphs intensely. She’s not going to complain. Any time where she doesn’t have to sit in a room with the Professor is time well spent, a breath of fresh air, like she’s not going to be chained to her ankles for the next two months.
She’s doing this for the Doctor. She’s doing this for the Doctor.
By now, she’s fairly used to the layout of Queen’s, but mainly the nexus of offices between the Professor’s study and her preferred lecture theatres. Bill’s essentially her skivvy, running between rooms with books and papers and coffees. She certainly never leaves her without something to do—Bill doesn’t know whether to be annoyed or grateful for that. Silence means her mind wanders. Silence means she—
She’s greeted cheerfully by the small, round shape of Nardole, clutching a small briefcase. Every time they collide a feeling of intense relief floods through her, because Nardole is proof she isn’t going absolutely insane. “Nardole! Hey!”
He blinks, eyes huge behind his glasses. “How…are you?”
Bill narrows her eyes. “You mean how is she, don’t you?”
There’s no point in attempting to look anything other than sheepish. “Yeah, but I’m concerned about you too. I heard that you were…”
Bill knows instantly what he’s insinuating without the words escaping his mouth. Even in the seventies, it’s not easy being a woman, and it’s especially not easy being a black woman. The posh wankers that walk Queen’s’ halls make that especially clear to her at every opportunity. God knows what would happen if any of them discovered her sexual preferences—spontaneous combustion, perhaps? “No, it’s fine, really. It’s only two more months, right?”
“Right!” Nardole says, but there’s a thick layer of uncertainty in his tone that makes Bill feel uneasy. “Mi—the Professor isn’t working you too hard, is she?”
“She’d have me down on my hands and knees and scrubbing her lav if she could,” Bill snorts. “Even as someone else, she’s determined to make my life a misery. The chameleon arch doesn’t change that much.”
“But other than that… She’s not, y’know? Been suspicious?”
“No! God, no, she hasn’t,” Bill reassures her friend, “I’ve shoved the watch in her filing cabinet. She’s barely even looked at it. What about…Professor Smith? Has he…?”
Nardole shakes his head decisively. “No, not an inkling. He’s been having some dreams, but nothing remotely incriminating. He’s a bit angrier as a human. Threw a blackboard rubber at my head because he didn’t like how shiny it was. I know they’re a bit iffy on corporal punishment in this decade but that is taking the biscuit.”
Bill smothers a giggle under her breath at the image. “He’d get on with Professor Saxon. She’s been tempted to throttle me a few times.”
“Not like her to have any self-control when it comes to brutality. Maybe we should keep her as a human after all this is over. Could be better for the whole universe.”
“Certainly tempting, but I think if she ever found out she’d definitely kill us. Speaking of which,” Bill pushes past him, “She’s sent me on a coffee run. She’ll get suspicious if I’m not back soon.”
“Right you are,” Nardole smiles, gesturing in the direction of the staff common room. “Remember, if you—if anything about her behaviour troubles you, come find me. And if you feel like we’re compromised, give her the watch. Just give her the watch.”
She’s had the debrief etched in her memory ever since that day. Every word carved into her soul, eyes blurry with unshed tears, fear burning in her blood. She’s not going to forget that in a hurry. She’s not going to forget their faces, their desperation, in a hurry.
“Of course,” she offers Nardole one last hopeful smile. “I’ll catch you later, yeah?”
Nardole nods in agreement, before turning and walking in the opposite direction. Bill lets out a breath, so loud it echoes round the empty corridor, a shiver rushing down her spine. God, she just wants this all to be over.
Two more months. Just two more months.
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artificialqueens · 7 years
Do For Love (Shalaska) - Ch. 2 - Pink Sugar
summary: alaska is the editor in chief of a major magazine that she runs with her best friends, willam and courtney. sharon is the editor in chief of their top competitor in the industry and they hate each other. until they don’t anymore. 
a/n: OMG I’m so fucking happy you guys enjoyed chapter one, the feedback was so lovely (and 50+ notes!!! I’m literally floored.) I’m sorry this second chapter is so overdue, but I assure you the next one is not far away, I’m already part way through chapter 3. Kisses to you all, and as usual, please let me know what you think of this chapter. Also, per an anons request, I’ve made a Tumblr (artificial-pinksugar) so that you can send me headcanons or asks or whatever you want. I love you guys, thank you :) xx
Sharon Needles was sat with her legs crossed, the picture of composure, in one of the two chairs at Alaska’s desk. Her colleague, another of the other Lepore girls, Detox, if Alaska remembered correctly, was sat beside her. The two of them were enjoying the situation far too much for Alaska’s liking.                                 
Never one to beat around the bush, Alaska got right to the point.
“I thought you were meeting with Valentina today?” She asked coolly, crossing the room to take a seat at her desk to face the two women. If Sharon was surprised that Alaska was in the know about her meeting, she didn’t let it show. “I am,” She answered, parting her dark, blood red painted lips to smile amusedly at Alaska, “We’re going over there after this.”
“Great,” Willam spoke, walking from where she had been stood by the door to stand behind Alaska, Courtney following behind her, “So you aren’t staying.” Willam smiled sweetly back at Sharon.
Sharon flipped her glossy, mid-length, straight black hair behind shoulder with a perfectly manicured hand as she laughed at the blonde women’s’ hostility. “Girls, please. I just wanted to come by and say hello, seeing as we’re probably going to be seeing a lot more of one another from now on.”
“Well,” Alaska coughed, interrupting, “I wouldn’t get ahead of ourselves.”  
 A somewhat awkward silence followed Alaska’s comment. Sharon’s eyes, sapphire stones against her pale white skin, met Alaska’s glare unflinchingly. A challenge was present in both of their blue eyes, exactly what that challenge was, neither of them were sure, but they sure as hell both wanted to win.
 “Look,” Sharon finally spoke, tilting her head to the side to reveal to the white flesh of her neck, made paler by the short, perfectly fitted dark, forest-green dress she was wearing. “I just wanted to come by and say hi, seeing as I’m back in New York for a while, it’s a small city and I’d rather you be aware now before anyone gets surprised-“
 “Well maybe if you didn’t want anyone to be surprised you shouldn’t have shown up here unannounced.” Alaska snapped back across the table, Willam placing a hand on her shoulder so as to tell her to calm the fuck down and keep the cool she’d assured her and Courtney she had before they walked in.
“I mean,” Alaska continued, her tone evening out as she tried to regain her composure and her control in the conversation, “You should have made an appointment.”
“Yeah, well,” Sharon crossed her arms as she arched a perfectly painted dark eyebrow, “that wouldn’t have been nearly as fun, now would it?”
The girls fell into silence again, the tension in the room palpable between the two editors in chiefs’. Willam and Detox were having some kind of stare-down of their own on the side.  Courtney was watching them all from the left side of the table, more than a little confused by it all.
 “Well,” Detox cutting in for the first time, shifting a little uncomfortably in her seat, her black to neon-yellow ombré-bob dancing a little as she did so. It was the type of high-fashion hairstyle that looks fucking ridiculous on everyone unless said person is flawlessly featured and perfectly dressed. Willam made a mental note to put the style in their next issue. “We should get going, don’t want to be late for Valentina.” Detox rose in her black pantsuit, designer, Alaska recognized.
 “Always a pleasure, Alaska.” Sharon smiled mockingly, the three girls seated around the desk rising. She nodded coolly at Willam and Courtney as she smoothed the length of her snug, suit-material dress, the quarter length sleeves rising slightly as she did so. The black-haired woman grabbed for the couture black-leather jacket she’d rested against the back of the chair as she and her colleague made to leave.
 “No, Sharon.” Courtney spoke for the first time, “It’s our pleasure.”
 Sharon gave Courtney a momentary weird glance in response before slipping out of the office behind Detox.
 Alaska and Willam turned to look at Courtney, the words “what the fuck?” written all over their faces.
 “It’s our pleasure?” Willam asked, feigning disgust at her friends’ pathetically weak come back. “You guys were letting her have the last word!” Courtney defended herself.
 “No words would have been better than whatever the hell that was, dude.” Willam chastised her, finding Courtney’s complete inability to be unkind endlessly adorable.
 Alaska was quiet, thinking about what had just happened. She was so angry. She knew it was just business, but Sharon had this ability to crawl right under her skin, her eyebrow twitched with frustration as she finally spoke.
 “What the fuck are we gonna to do? We need this deal. We need it.”
 “Alright, sis, calm down.” Willam consoled her, “We don’t need it. We want it. And we’ll get it. You’ve been a fan of Valentina’s for over a year now and have shown far more interest in this deal than Sharon has, just relax, Visage is better than Lepore and everybody knows it.”
 Alaska wasn’t so sure. There was something weird about Sharon’s attitude, like she was hiding something. Before Alaska could finish the thought however and respond to Willam, three girls walked through the door to Alaska’s office that had been left open by Sharon.
 “Just saw the mistress of the dark herself and a walking yellow highlighter leave past our office, they didn’t stay long?” A busty woman with big, blonde curls and heavy but stunning makeup asked, leading the pack.
 “Yeah, Trixie, they had to make a run for it because Dorothy here,” Willam gestured to Alaska, who had sat back down in her red chair, “was about a minute away from throwing a bucket of water over the witches head. Needles didn’t wanna melt.”
 Trixie and the other blonde, who had entered beside her, cackled in response, gripping one another and flailing slightly as they laughed with Willam.
 “What was that about? What did they want?” The third girl asked, her dark hair framing a flawless but concerned looking face. Fame was forever the serious one of the three executives.
 “I don’t fucking know man, they’ve gone to meet with Valentina now.” Alaska replied in frustration.
 “It’s gonna be fine Linda!” Trixie told Alaska, “We’ve got this easily, our issues have been looking so polished this past year, Valentina would be insane to choose Lepore over us.”
 “Way to toot your own horn, Trix.” Courtney raised her eyebrows at Trixie, who had been in charge of the layout of the last eight issues of the magazine.
 “She’s right though, guys, it’s going to be fine. We’ve already started writing the pitch, we’re on top of this.” The Russian girl, who formed the other member of the three-piece executive team, addressed the five other women.
 “Yeah Katya, I’m sure if I was eating you out for breakfast, lunch and dinner you’d think I’m right too.” Willam shot back at Katya across the room.
 Katya squealed in laughter, “Jealous?”
 “Always.” Willam winked at Katya, causing Trixie to point a finger at her in warning. “I really love when my girlfriend and my friend talk about having sex with each other when I’m standing right next to them. That’s really fun for me.” Trixie narrated sarcastically to Courtney, Fame and Alaska.
 Even Alaska broke into laughter at the exchange, Katya leaning over to kiss Trixie’s cheek in assurance, the mood in the room shifting to be lighter and more relaxed.
 As the giggling settled, Trixie, Fame and Katya assured their bosses and friends that they would have the pitch done by Thursday and that they had this in the bag. Alaska allowed herself to believe them; silently thanking whatever greater power, that may or may not exist, for surrounding her with, arguably, the greatest women who have ever lived.
 “Hey, ‘Lask, Bill and I are heading out, you coming?” Courtney poked her pretty little head from behind the door of Alaska’s office, where she sat staring in pure concentration at her computer screen. “Uhh…” Alaska murmured, pulling her gaze from her screen to regard her friend, “I’m actually gonna stick around a little longer, finish reading these expense reports.”
Courtney’s figure emerged fully from behind the door to walk in and lean against the wall on the side of the office, “You do realize we have an entire accounting department to do that for you, right?”
 Alaska sighed, looking Courtney in the eyes; “I just want to make sure everything’s in order.”
 “Lasky, it’s fine. Everything is fine. You need to stop worrying so much. It’s not healthy, you need to have more fun.” The Australian reasoned, checking her watch, “It’s 9pm, you’ve been here for 12 hours, let’s go home.”
 Alaska didn’t have the energy to argue, she knew deep down that Courtney was right, but it was in her nature to worry. “Okay, let’s go.” Alaska switched off her iMac and packed her handbag. Courtney, who had already gotten her jacket off the coatrack for her, handed it to her and ran a hand down her back in assurance as the two friends left Alaska’s office, turning the light off behind them as they stepped out into the hall.
 They met up with Willam in the middle of the studio office space; she was sat talking to one of their employees, a boy called Milk who was interning in design and aesthetic. Upon seeing her friends, Willam flashed the awe-struck man a flirty smile, and left him stood slightly dumbfounded to walk alongside her best friends as the three of them strutted in their heels toward the glass doors of the office to find the elevator.
 “You’ve really got to stop sleeping with the interns, Bill.” Alaska commented as they stood waiting for the elevator to arrive.
 “I’m not sleeping with him, we were just talking!” The blonde replied loudly, her raspy voice catching as she did so. “Oh, just like how you were ‘just talking’ with Liam, Manila, Chris and April?” Alaska pushed, cackling as she listed the copious interns that Willam had had her way with over the years.
 “Don’t forget about Max and Gia too,” Courtney chimed in as the three of them stepped into the lift. “Okay!” Willam surrendered, “I get your point, but I don’t see any harm in me getting the most out of our employees!” She reasoned seriously, her eyes sparkling mischievously.
 “You’re the worst!” Alaska laughed, hitting Willam playfully with her bag as the elevator doors opened into the lobby of the building.
 “Goodnight, girls.” The receptionist, a plump older woman named Kasha Davis, said sweetly as they walked past. “Goodnight, Mrs Davis.” They all replied in unison, the three of them spinning around to smile at the lady they had come to care for since the Visage headquarters had moved into the Royal Carrera Centre four years ago.
 “So,” Courtney started, stepping forwards and turning around to stand facing Alaska and Willam in the middle of the lobby, “Who’s up for drinks? We could go downtown and see what’s good?”
 “I don’t know, Court, it’s pretty late and we’ve gotta be back in the office for 9am.” Alaska responded slowly, feeling increasingly guilty as sadness crept over Courtney’s bright, smiling face with every word of rejection.
 “I could drink.” Willam remedies the conversation, smiling as Courtney’s face returned to its previous, excited glow. “Yay!” The Australian sang, “See you tomorrow ‘Laska, baby, get some sleep tonight.” She spoke as she pulled in her tall friend for a tight hug. “Oh! I almost forgot!” Courtney pulled back quickly to look Alaska in the eyes as she spoke, still gripping her forearms, “There’s this girl who just moved into the apartment next to mine, and I’m like, 90% sure she’s gay,” Alaska looked amusedly across to Willam as Courtney continued to ramble, “Her name is Jinkx Monsoon, she’s a plastic surgeon at Trinity Medical, she’s really cool, I think you would like her.”
 “If she’s so cool why don’t you date her,” Alaska asked, tilting her head down to look lovingly at her friend, whose enthusiasm and energy was as endearing as it was exhausting. “Well, I thought about it, but after crazy Connie in 28C, I have decided to make a personal rule of not sleeping with the people who live in my building.”
 “Ugh,” Willam scoffed in sarcastic disbelief, “She’s growing!” The pride in her voice causing Alaska to break into laughter as she replied to Courtney, “I appreciate the gesture, thank you, Court, for so kindly offering me up your neighbor, but I will have to pass. Work is too busy for me to pursue a relationship right now.”
 “Who said anything about a relationship? Just sleep with her! You haven’t had sex in so long.” Courtney whined seriously.
 “I have sex!” Alaska responded loudly, eliciting a few odd looks from the businessmen and women that were filing out of the office building and into the city for the evening. Lowering her voice, she continued, “I had sex with that Natalie girl you set me up with in the summer.”
 “Alaska. Listen to yourself, in the summer. You’ve gotta get laid babe, you’re being all weird and uptight lately, you could benefit from having some fun.”
 “Well, thank you very much, Courtney, but I’m fine.” Alaska assured her friend, looking over to Willam for a little help escaping the conversation.
 “Come on, Miss Tindr here, let’s go get drinks, you’ve harassed Alaska enough for tonight.” Willam looped her arm through Courtney’s, the two blondes saying goodbye to Alaska before turning to leave into the cold autumnal night.
 As the two walked away, Alaska heard Willam ask Courtney exactly how she had known that this Jinkx girl was gay; Courtney replied saying something about her wearing a flannel shirt. Willam laughing and calling Courtney a fucking idiot was the last thing she heard before her friends slipped out the revolving doors and slid into one of the private company cars waiting outside.
Alaska couldn’t help her mind drifting to think about the whole Valentina situation with Lepore as she sat in the backseat of the car toward her apartment. She wanted this deal so badly and she couldn’t believe Sharon was trying to get it. She also couldn’t believe Sharon was trying to expand Lepore to New York. Sharon hated New York.
 As she entered her apartment, Alaska thought back to when she first met Sharon Needles.
 It had been at a fashion show in Paris in 2013, a popular French-based brand had invited some American magazine editors in the hopes of garnering greater international exposure. Never one to turn down an invitation somewhere nice, Sharon had eagerly taken them up on the offer. Alaska, on the other hand, was reluctant to leave for a long-weekend, but Courtney and Willam convinced her that it would be amazing and to shut the fuck up complaining about a free trip to Paris. And how could she argue with that?
Alaska had been sat cross-legged, in the grand lobby of the Paris Four Seasons Hotel, reading a copy of Vogue, when the illustrious Sharon Needles had first obnoxiously click-clacked her ridiculous, spike-spine black stilettoes into (and all over) Alaska’s previously, somewhat un-tumultuous life.
Alaska was not an aggressive person, not confrontational, nor particularly interested in drama. Of her friends, she was always the quiet, reserved one. Sharon, however, was not.
“Excuse me, you don’t by any chance know where a girl can get a fucking drink around here?” Alaska looked up from the July issue she was reading to face, arguably, one of the most striking creatures she was convinced she had ever met.
“There’s a bar right through there,” Alaska gestured across the lobby, unable to stop herself from checking out the woman before her. She was tall, not as tall as Alaska, but tall, with long, creamy, porcelain legs, made paler by the short black business-dress she was wearing and burgundy jacket.
“Fucking perfect,” Sharon exhaled, clearly visibly satiated by the knowledge alcohol was near. “Hey,” Sharon continued, pointing a sharp black nail Alaska’s direction, the blond still sat casually in her seat. “Do I know you? You look weirdly familiar.”
“You tell me,” Alaska responded, rising to stand and extend a polished hand toward the shorter woman, “Alaska Thunderfuck.”
“Alaska Thunderfuck.” The other woman repeated slowly with a knowing smile, shaking the blonde’s hand as she reiterated her words. “I was wondering if I might see you here. I’m Sharon. Sharon Needles.”
Sharon Needles.
The new editor in chief of Lepore Magazine, Alaska had heard about her. Hell, the entire industry had heard of her, no one takes over from Amanda Lepore quietly.
“The new Lepore editor.” Alaska smiled, not quite sweetly, more with interest than anything else.
It was at this point that the two girls realized they were still shaking hands.
Quickly pulling her hand away, much to Sharon’s amusement, Alaska noticed, Alaska continued speaking; “How is Amanda? I haven’t heard from her since she announced she was retiring.”
“Oh, she’s great,” Sharon replied quickly, “She’s gone off traveling with her husband for a while. I’m sure you of all people know how tiring this job can be.”
“Yeah,” Alaska laughed slightly, “I sure do.”
The two women smiled at each other, both a little surprised by the easy conversation between them. Alaska had known that the new upcoming editor had taken over at Lepore, and Alaska was familiar with Sharon’s work- she was excellent and the industry had been following her for a while now. Alaska hadn’t however expected that the two of them would get along; everyone knew that Lepore and Visage were rival outlets, especially recently with how well the two magazines had been doing in the last year that Sharon had taken over. She’d managed to shift Lepore’s demographic a little more mainstream to the industry, targeting younger customers through a slightly edgier aesthetic than the magazine had had under Lepore. It was different and weird and kind of beautiful. Alaska, Courtney and Willam had spent a few quiet hours adoring over one of their recent issues a few months prior, only to find themselves feeling more motivated than ever to nail their next issue afterwards.
“Could I buy you a drink, Alaska?”
And with that request, began an odd, dynamic friendship.
For the next few months, Alaska and Sharon spoke often over text or email, discussing fashion, films, family, friends, anything and everything in-between, but never work. They always avoided the topic of work. It was good for a while, the two of them were endlessly alike in their interests and passions, and this made for easy chemistry. But, as Courtney and Willam had been quick to warn Alaska when she had come home from Paris gushing over how cool and fun the new Lepore editor is, this would only come to implode. And that it did.
“Alaska,” Willam came barging into the taller blonde’s office, eyes ablaze as they stared frantically down at the screen of the iPad in her hands, as if she couldn’t process what it was she was reading. “This fucking bitch, this fucking BITCH. Dude, you’re not gonna believe this.” Alaska immediately put down the folder of prospective issue covers that Katya had delivered that morning to give Willam her full attention.
“What is it? What happened?”
“Sharon happened.”
“No, Alaska.” Willam deadpanned, “Sharon Stone quit acting and fled Hollywood to enter the media print industry and steal our best fucking client from right underneath us.”
“Wait, what?” Alaska was confused.
“Sharon Needles stole our Balenciaga deal!”
“What do you mean she stole our Balenciaga deal?” Alaska asked, somehow not understanding what Willam was saying.
Willam stared across at Alaska like she was speaking fucking Mandarin.
“What I mean is, Mariah Balenciaga just emailed us to say she’s pulling our deal! She wants Lepore to print the features for her shows starting next season, not us.” Willam explained angrily, the words pouring from her mouth quickly as she paced around Alaska’s office with all the fire and fury her 5-inch heels could carry.
Before Alaska even bothered to respond to Willam, she had her phone to her ear.
“Sharon Needles.”
“You fucking stole my fucking client?”
“What the fuck, Sharon? I thought we were friends!”
“Hey,” Sharon’s voice reasoned coolly over the crisp phone line, “It isn’t personal, Alaska, it’s just business.”
Alaska didn’t really know what to say to that. She knew Sharon was right, it was business, and this was a cutthroat industry, but she didn’t care. They were friends, they’d been chatting for weeks; this was not okay.
“You’re a bitch!” Willam called down the phone; she’d somehow snuck up behind Alaska to listen in on the call taking place between the two editors in chiefs.
“No, I’m just good at my job.”
Alaska’s feelings were hurt. She had liked Sharon, trusted her, and enjoyed the companionship they had managed to create. Even though their friendship was new, Alaska couldn’t fight the heavy feeling in her chest. She felt betrayed.
“Well I’m good at my job too, Needles,” Alaska replied, her eyebrows furrowed she addressed the woman by her last name, making it as impersonal as she could, “so you can watch your back.”
“Yeah Needles, you’ve upset my friend, I’ll make sure you-“
“Willam!” Alaska stopped Willam’s yelling into the phone with a quick nudge, dropping her mobile onto her desk, “I already hung up.”
“She’s a dick, Alaska.”
“Yeah,” Alaska sighed, leaning back against her chair, folding her arms across her chest, pushing her soft pink blouse into the flesh of her chest, “I guess she is.”
 Alaska recalled these events as she dropped her handbag onto the kitchen island and sat down at one of the four stools lining its marble edges, pouring herself a glass of rosé, something she’d been looking forward to ever since Sharon’s name came up today.
 Following the Balenciaga incident in 2013, the last four years had seen Alaska and Sharon passive aggressively run into one another numerous times at industry functions, fighting for the occasional minor deal here and there, and every time, becoming increasingly competitive.
 Alaska was suddenly pulled from her reverie by a sudden flurry of text message notifications making her phone buzz enthusiastically.
 Resting her glass down on the black marble, Alaska reached turned her phone over to see about 15 text messages flowing in in speedy succession from Adore. To anyone else the scramble of emojis, curse words and slang terms would be utterly indecipherable, but Alaska had learned to understand and love Adore’s quirky ways, there was no one else that would ever be as loyal to her as that younger girl so devotedly is.
 Alaska interpreted the texts to mean she should check her email. Right fucking now.
 With her long, pink acrylic tipped finger she refreshed her inbox. She had one new message. It was from Valentina.
 Dearest Visage and Lepore Magazines,
We apologize for not being in touch sooner, but we had some affairs we needed to align.
In regard to the previously discussed media campaign deal between our company and yours, we wish to propose a compromise. Upon exploring our options, we are changing the grounds of the arrangement.
It is to be requested that both Lepore and Visage work together on a joint media campaign for Valentina, in the buildup to our upcoming December fashion show. It will be a digital website media campaign incorporating the aesthetic and skills of both magazines, and we would love if the project could be lead by both Alaska Thunderfuck and Sharon Needles.
At the end of this winter campaign, and upon having had experience working with individuals from both magazines, we would then like to select a company between the two of you to have a multi-million dollar, three-year contract with our brand. The details of said deal and the details of the media campaign are being contracted and will be forwarded to both your lawyers by the end of the week!
We very much hope you agree to participate, and we cannot wait to work with you!
Many thanks and kind regards, 
Valentina CO.
Alaska read the message approximately 7 times before she dramatically dropped her phone back down onto the counter.
Was this a fucking joke? The thought alone of having to put up with Sharon for a prolonged period of time made Alaska feel the burning sensation of some kind of stress rash forming across her chest. But then again, Sharon getting the deal and moving out to New York would be worse.
She called Courtney, putting it on speaker so she wouldn’t have to hold her phone.
“Did you see that email?”
“Yeah, Bill and I just read it.” Courtney replied sighing in frustration.
“That Latina bitch! That red-dress wearing, Sharon’s dick-sucking bitch!” Willam still had a habit of screaming down her friends’ phone lines.
Courtney forced Willam out of her face in the trendy downtown bar they were in to tuck her phone under her ear and reason with Alaska. “We don’t have to take it, not if you don’t want to, ‘Lask. The three-year contract is great, but-“
 “No, Court.” Alaska sighed, her head in her hands, frustrated and tired and sick of things not going her way. “We have to take this deal. And you know that.”
“Yes girl, yes! We’ve got this!” Willam had somehow managed to get in on the conversation again. Alaska heard Courtney tell Willam to stop shouting, her lips curving slightly upwards at her friends’ shenanigans.  
“I’ll forward the email to the girls and get them in the loop.” Alaska submitted. “Trixie’s gonna freak when she reads this.”
“OMG!” Willam spoke into the phone seriously, “Can we wait and tell them tomorrow in person, I love when Trix goes on a verbal rampage.”
Alaska couldn’t help but laugh despite her tensed jaw, saying she was going to email them despite the entertainment of Trixie’s temper, while Courtney told Willam she was drunk and that they needed to go home.
 “Get home safe, I love you both. Take care of her, Court.”
 “I’ll do my best.”
 Alaska pressed the hang-up button and raised her wine to her lips, the cold liquid staining her glossy lips pink as she wondered just what it was she had gotten herself into.
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arabellaflynn · 8 years
I don't miss Windows at all. This computer used to get bitchy around two dozen Chrome tabs, plus the office software/large document combo of your choice. We're currently at four Chromium windows, one of which has pinned tabs that never unload from RAM, one of which has about forty-seven iStock preview windows in it, and one of which is running Google Play Music that uses Flash and has a memory leak with the throughput of a firehose; GIMP with several large print-quality files open; Audacity with multiple instances of an MP3 I'm chopping up; and an assortment of miscellaneous LeafPad documents and file manager folders and terminal windows. Some of the improvement is obviously because of the SSD. All operating systems use what's called a "cache file" to expand upon the physical RAM installed. It's just a big chunk of disk that they use the same way I use all the untitled LeafPad documents, as a buffer to hold things it thinks it'll need soon but not immediately. It's especially obvious when you put a laptop to "sleep". What that does is prompt the OS to write the current state of everything plus the contents of active memory to disk, so it can halt all of the spinning drives and stop powering the RAM and so forth, which makes the battery last as long as possible while you're transporting it. It takes a minute to "wake up" when you open the lid because it has to gather up all its notes and figure out what it was doing when it nodded off. Most of the delay is having to spin up the hard drive and locate the temporary file; with a solid-state drive, this computer now wakes up so fast I occasionally get the video signal before the backlight comes on, which just gives me flashbacks to the Game Boy Advance. I have a suspicion, though, that a lot of the improvement is just that Windows is shit at handling its Z-buffer. Windows versions since Vista have used a set of design guidelines called "Aero". (AERO stands for something, I think, but I can't remember what, probably because it was silly.) It's that frosted glass look on all the title bars and taskbars and such. You can turn it off to save CPU cycles, and in fact the OS will ask you if you want to toggle it off if the computer is struggling, but Windows -- Vista and above, but especially 7 and 8 -- is quite clearly designed to have it on all the time. The non-Aero themes it ships with make it look less like a legit copy of Windows and more like a cut-rate version of "Wimdovvs" you bought for a tenth of the price on eBay from a seller in a country where they use American copyright enforcement notices as disposable napkins. It does evoke a certain nostalgia for the days of Windows 3.11, but it's not really suitable for a modern display. [The fact that Windows has "design guidelines" at all is probably because they're in competition with Apple. Because Apple produced entire computers, rather than just the OS, they've had a coherent design language for decades. Originally it was "Snow White"; I don't know the project name of the candy-colored translucent design they used on iMacs/iBooks and G3/G4 towers and the original iPods, or the current black/white/brushed metal scheme that they use on new Macbooks and iPhones, but there is a reason all Macs look distinctively alike. Windows has been trying to make their OS define the system for a couple of decades now, with limited success. Mostly they have just put their foot down about certain aspects of the system and removed the user-controllable settings. They were very proud they'd given Brian Eno a wheelbarrow full of money to compose the startup sound for Windows 95/98/XP, which is why they eventually stopped letting you change it.] Because the Aero overlays are both translucent and blurred, it's incredibly processor-intensive. In order to draw the background correctly, the renderer has to not only know what window you have on top, it has to know what window or wallpaper is behind it, and then it has to sum and average a bunch of pixels to get the blur effect. Old versions of Windows used what was called a "stacking window manager", where each window was responsible for itself. Basically, the active window on top was repsonsible for redrawing its own contents when required, and for telling the OS when it had moved or resized, and which other windows had to be redrawn beneath it. If something jammed up, sometimes the top window would retain control of everything and forget to alert the window manager that it had to update the lower parts of the stack. When you moved your active window around and got an explosion of psychedelic tracers in its wake, you knew the entire system was hosed and it was time to punch the reset button. Newer versions of Windows use a proper 3D window manager, called a "compositing window manager", which uses the same technique as most video games for figuring out what to draw on the screen. Windows does not look particularly 3D, but inasmuch as the Aero scheme requires the draw routine to understand what things are "under" and "over" other things, and to render the visible ones with various degrees of alpha transparency, it needs a similar organizational system for keeping windows stacked up in order. This is usually referred to as a "Z-buffer" -- the screen is the (X, Y) plane, so keeping track of which things are deeper "behind" that plane is logically considered the Z axis. Making use of "3D" algorithms to draw the windows in order is why Windows versions past Vista are faster when you have a 3D accelerator card, even though such cards are never used to augment the actual computational power of the CPU in normal tasks. The CPU offloads the process of keeping track of all the damn windows like a lawyer throwing its inbox at its callow paralegal. Looking at the system requirements for Windows 7, I suspect that it mainly uses brute force to figure out draw order. It's easy enough to get the 3D accelerator to do simple rescaling/transform operations like the pretty animation that happens when you hover the pointer on a taskbar button or Alt-Tab through your running applications, but the degree to which this computer at least slowed down when flipping through multiple windows -- and the degree to which it worsened with every additional thing open -- suggests to me that Windows was redrawing absolutely bloody everything in the back of its head every time I did something. before refreshing the screen. It objected especially to Chrome, which has cleverly made itself near-unkillable by running each tab as its own separate child instance inside a parent window. Linux is behaving much better. One, it doesn't look like ass with all the transparency turned off. I'm running Lubuntu on both laptops, because I don't actually need much from the OS and if I do I can just apt-get it anyway. Linux can mimic Aero just fine; the full install of Ubuntu 16.04 has a lot of fancy transparencies in its native themes. Lubuntu is specifically meant to be lightweight, and by default it doesn't. I have admittedly tinkered with a lot of the colors and some of the icons, but only because I'm fussy about things matching my pretty fractal wallpapers. And two, Linux divides your running apps not just into "windows" but into "desktops" or "workspaces". Lubuntu 16.10 gives you four to start with, arranged in a linear loop where hitting 'next' on desktop 4 takes you back to 1. (You can change it, and arrange them how you like on both the X and Y axes, but I haven't bothered.) My kajillion Chromium tabs and large media editing programs are split across four workspaces, which means that whichever one I'm using, Lubuntu doesn't have to draw the other three at all. The stuff on them is still running -- if I set something to download in the browser or render in an audio or video editor it'll keep chugging away, or if I have Google Play Music running it will keep playing onward, oblivious to the fact that I'm not bothering to look at it while it talks to me. You can also set a window to be accessible/active from all workspaces, which is handy for chats. It just stashes the unused draw buffers somewhere, and doesn't think about them unless I tell it to. I also discovered while I had this thing in pieces that there is an additional RAM slot open near the front. It's not exactly a priority, but if anyone has the burning urge to send me a $20 DIMM, it takes these. The motherboard has 2GB native and sadly can only address 4GB total, so the larger one wouldn't do me any good. from Blogger http://ift.tt/2kQCfJH via IFTTT -------------------- Enjoy my writing? Consider becoming a Patron, subscribing via Kindle, or just toss a little something in my tip jar. Thanks!
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andrewdburton · 5 years
Why you should track your spending (and why Quicken sucks)
Last year wasn't good for me. Depression and anxiety reigned supreme. By objective standards, my life was pretty good. But subjectively, life sucked. Going into 2020, I decided I needed to make some changes. I'm pleased to report that the first five weeks of the year have gone swimmingly. Life is grand.
I've made three specific changes that I believe have contributed to this improvement:
I've rented office space outside the house. My office is for work only. I do not allow myself to play games (or engage in other shenanigans) at the office. Zero tolerance.
I've begun getting up early. I tend to be an early riser anyhow, but early for me means about six o'clock. This year, I'm generally rising at 4:00 or 4:30, which means I'm at the office by five.
I've curtailed my drinking. In fact, I didn't touch a drop of alcohol during January. I've had a few drinks in February, and it's been interesting to see how it affects me, both in the moment and then for days after.
Taken together, these three changes have mitigated my mental health problems and made me more productive. I love it. Over the next six weeks, I plan to integrate two additional changes into my life: I'm going to begin exercising regularly and I'm going to cut back on videogames. I expect this to provide an additional boost to my well-being.
There's been an unexpected benefit to my quest to become a better version of me. January was — by far — my best month with money in years.
My January 2020 Spending
As you know, I track every penny I spend. I've been doing this since 1993 (with occasional breaks). It's a valuable practice.
Earlier this decade — after my divorce but before my RV trip — my monthly spending averaged about $4000. After returning from our cross-country adventure, that number spiked. From 2016 to 2018, I was spending closer to $6000 per month. This led me to push for austerity measures last year, measures that worked. My 2019 spending averaged $4221.27 per month.
In January, I spent $3212.24. This is a fist-pumpingly fine number, one that I'm proud of. But I'm even prouder of how I achieved those cuts. My top financial goal for this year is to spend less on food. I did that. And because I didn't drink, I spent nothing on alcohol.
Because I was curious, I decided to explore my spending over the past few years. I think you might find it interesting too. Here's a snapshot:
This spreadsheet shows monthly spending in select categories during the past five years. The 2016 numbers are for December only (because that's when I resumed tracking after our RV trip). The numbers for last year are only for the first half of the year. And, obviously, the numbers for this year are only for January.
Some thoughts:
Generally speaking, my vehicle costs are low. They were high in 2017 and 2018 because my 2004 Mini Cooper needed repairs. They were high last year because I spent $1900 to buy a 1993 Toyota pickup.
My entertainment spending is dominated by three specific expenses: my Portland Timbers season tickets, our subscription to Broadway in Portland, and my iTunes movie and TV purchases. The theater tickets are a one-time expense each February. The Timbers tickets (which I may not renew this year) are a one-time expense each August. I continue to work to keep my iTunes purchases under control.
I spend more on our pets than I thought. A lot more. I love our dog and three cats, but wow! I paid $142 to support them last month, and there were no vet expenses in January. Much of this spending is for pet-sitting when I travel.
Look at my food spending! Holy cats! I've been pushing hard to reduce this over the past five years, and January was a shining example of what I can get this down to if I try. Kim and I didn't feel deprived. We just made smarter choices.
Finally, when I'm not drinking, my spending on sin — which includes alcohol, occasional tobacco, and legal pot — falls off a cliff. Obvious, but also wow.
I know I'll spend more in February than I did in January. Our theater tickets renew and that's a $1500 expense, for instance. Still, I expect that I'll continue this trend toward reduced spending, and I'm glad. It makes me happy. It's yet another way that 2020 is off to a better start than 2019.
Why It's Important to Track Your Spending
It might seem strange that I'm such a vocal advocate of expense tracking. After all, don't I have all of the money I need? I do. But I think part of the reason I keep that money is because I'm so vigilant with my spending.
In fact, this seems to be a key habit with most wealthy people I know. They keep tabs on where there money goes. In The Millionaire Next Door, the authors write that the three words that best describe the wealthy are “FRUGAL FRUGAL FRUGAL”. They also point out that most millionaires keep budgets.
Tracking your spending demystifies money. You begin to perceive it as a tool. You gain a sense of power; you no longer feel that money controls you, but that you control money. Your awareness of your money habits is heightened, allowing you to make changes to improve your situation. You begin to understand how your one-DVD-a-week habit affects other parts of you your life.
When you track your spending, it’s important not to make judgments in the moment. This activity is meant to describe your money habits, not to change them. (You probably do want to change them, of course, but that’s a different task.)
To make it easier to track your spending, remember the following:
Be careful with transactions that are easy to forget. Some transactions – cash transactions, online transactions, transactions without a receipt – are quickly forgotten. Take special steps to remember these, such as…
Get a receipt for everything. It’s easy to forget where you spent your money yesterday morning. Make a habit of always asking for a receipt. Keep them in one place so you know where to find them.
It’s best to process your transactions daily. The more diligent you are about recording your expenses, the less likely you are to forget something. But daily book-keeping can be a chore. Try to do this weekly at the very least. (Make it a habit, a ritual. Do it at the same time every Saturday morning, for example.)
Expense tracking paints a picture of your spending habits as they actually exist – not as you think they exist. You can use this information to build a budget and to set financial goals. At the very least, you’ll get a snapshot of where your money has been going. Without doing this, it’s difficult to know how much you’ve really been spending – and what you’ve been spending it on.
Plus, if you're a money nerd like me, it's fun to track your spending. I love putting the numbers in by hand, then looking at the data with different graphs and reports.
How to Track Your Spending (and a Rant)
During the 1990s and 2000s, it was easy for a curious person to track her spending. There were a variety of tools she could use: Quicken, Microsoft Money, Andrew Tobias' Managing Your Money. Nowadays, though, your pickings are slim.
Yes, I know there are all sorts of apps out there that purport to track your spending. My business partner Tom uses Mint. Many folks are fans of Personal Capital. And, of course, Quicken still exists.
Although I do use Personal Capital (here are my thoughts on the pros and cons of Personal Capital), I do so primarily for its nifty retirement planner. I'm not a fan of automated money trackers, those that download and categorize info from your financial institutions. I feel like Mint and Personal Capital don't do a great job at this. Plus, I track my spending because I want awareness. Manual data entry helps with this.
That means I want a tool like Quicken, which allows me to enter info by hand.
But even Quicken has become problematic. Are you ready for a rant? Tough. You're going to get a rant.
For years, I used Quicken 2007 for Macintosh. I love Quicken 2007. It's everything I could want in a money-management tool. It replicates the feel of a check ledger, which appeals to old men like me. It's ugly, but that's okay because it's filled with functionality. I'll take personality over pretty any day!
The downside? It doesn't run on modern versions of the Macintosh operating system. To keep using it, I have to hold on to an old iMac with an old version of the OS.
Quicken 2017 is…okay. It's certainly much prettier than the older version, and it does its job reasonably well, but that's about the best I can say for it.
Entering transactions manually (which is how I enter transactions) is maddening. There's no way to do this quickly. There's a serious lack of reporting tools, and what reports do exist have limited functionality. (Want to get a net worth report for a specific date? Sorry. You can't.)
Here's my detailed comparison of Quicken 2007 and Quicken 2017.
How frustrating is it to enter transactions into Quicken 2017 compared to Quicken 2007?
Today, it took me nineteen minutes to enter twenty transactions into the new version. This is partly due to the crappy UI and partly because I had to track down (and fix) a couple of strange ways it handled account transfers (such as paying a credit card from a checking account). When I drove home and re-entered these same twenty transactions into Quicken 2007, it only took me six minutes and everything worked as expected without any fuss on my end.
Despite this, I had made the decision to move everything to Quicken 2017. Last October, I made the switch. Then, last week, I got this email from Quicken.
As of 30 April 2020, Quicken 2017 will no longer support downloading stock prices. In fact, all automated downloads and connections will be disabled. But hey! If you upgrade to the new version of Quicken — which is now a subscription-only product (meaning you have to pay every single frickin' year) — you get to save 10%.
This is bullshit of the highest order.
When companies do this, it makes me livid. There's no way in hell I'll upgrade, and there's no way I can in good conscience encourage you, my readers, to support Quicken if they're going to pull this sort of bullshit.
So, I'll be sticking with Quicken 2007. Thankfully, Quicken doesn't have the power to disable features in that version of the program. They can't force me to upgrade. And since it's a superior product to 2017 anyhow, I'm okay with that. But it means I have to keep one computer on hand that I don't upgrade to a new version of the OS.
What if you don't have access to Quicken 2007? How should you track your spending? Here are a few possibilities:
If you're in the early stages of money mastery, I recommend You Need a Budget. Yes, YNAB uses a subscription-based model, but I've heard enough people rave about it to recommend it. (Plus, I like the YNAB philosophy.) Here's my YNAB review.
If you don't want or need manual data entry, use an app like Mint or Personal Capital. Personally, I'd go for Personal Capital. I've heard reports that more and more, people feel like Mint is fading away.
If, like me, you want an online tool that allows manual entry, find an older version of Quicken somewhere. If you're a PC user, you might consider using Microsoft Money. This product is no longer published (or supported) but Microsoft offers a free download of the final version of Microsoft Money Deluxe from ten years ago.
If you use Quickbooks or something similar to manage your business finances, it's possible to also track your home finances with that software. (But I don't think accounting tools will integrate investments. I could be wrong.)
Many people actually use home-brewed systems for expense tracking. Most of these are built around customized spreadsheets, although I've also seen people who use pen and paper (!!!) to track their spending.
Ultimately, it doesn't matter which tool you choose. What matters is that you track your spending.
Expense tracking is one of the cornerstone habits of smart personal finance. Not everyone needs to do this, of course. Some folks have so much money and spend so little that expense tracking becomes unnecessary. Others are naturally hyper aware of their behavior. But for most of us, expense tracking grants keen insight into how we use our money.
Unfortunately, there's no great solution right now for folks who want software that allows manual data entry.
The last time I complained about this, one GRS reader suggested that I create my own software tool. Honestly, that's not a bad idea. I probably no longer possess the skills to code this myself, but I do possess the experience, knowledge, and opinions that would help me design a piece of software that could be useful and effective. Plus, I'm not motivated by greed, which I think is a bonus.
For now, I'll continue to use Quicken 2007. It's a small hassle to keep an old iMac around with an old version of Mac OS, but I can do it. When that computer dies, though? Well, I'm not sure what I'll do.
Like me, my buddy John at ESI Money is a long-time Quicken user, with data going back to 1994. Like me, he enters transactions by hand. Like me, he recently tried to upgrade. Unlike me, he intends to continue using the new version of Quicken.
The post Why you should track your spending (and why Quicken sucks) appeared first on Get Rich Slowly.
from Finance https://www.getrichslowly.org/track-your-spending/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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bestportablewm · 5 years
Best Desktop Audio Interface
Are you looking for a top audio interface card? Tired of those plug-and-play solutions that have latency problems? Don’t want to deal with USB and Firewire ports? On a budget? See below for several options when it comes to professional recording desktop interfaces for your podcast, music production, and overall recording needs!
Top Computer Audio Interface Cards For 2019
Name: Rating:Price on Amazon: M-Audio M-Track 2X2M5.0 (Best Overall) Focusrite Scarlett Solo4.8 (Best For Music Production) BEHRINGER Audio Interface4.7 (BEST For Live Music )
M-Audio M-Track 2X2M
M-Audio seems to be constantly looking for what a consumer desires in low-cost consumer audio gear. As time and technology progresses, it seems that home audio interfaces are becoming faster, smaller, and more feature-packed than ever before. At first glance, the Fast Track Ultra seems to fit perfectly into this mold. The unit is an development on the previous Fast Track Pro, and finds a happy middle-ground between being a small and lightweight portable interface, and a studio tool with a wealth of I/O options and high-quality components.
As a longtime owner of the now-aging M-audio OmniStudio interface, I was curious how this new M-audio interface would stack up against what I considered my small home-studio workhorse. So is M-audio able to continue to improve upon their product line, or are their promises becoming too good to be true?
The Unit
The body of the Fast Track Ultra is clearly a tight squeeze for a unit containing four XLR mic pre-amp inputs on the front face. While my M-audio OmniStudio would support rack ears, the Fast Track is only just over a half rack space wide, clearly showing it is intended mainly as a desktop interface. The unit’s body is plastic, as opposed to the OmniStudio unit which is cased in an aluminum shell. Combined with some questionably loose 1/4” inputs, I am reluctant to say whether the unit would be able to endure heavy use as a portable audio interface. Nevertheless, it is a very attractive unit with easily accessible connections and knobs, giving it a very use-friendly image from the start.
The I/O
Many low-cost and portable audio interfaces seem to fit into two categories: The small 2-channel interface for simple projects or stereo remote recordings (Presonus Firebox, M-Audio Fast Track Pro), or the expanded units, often with eight built-in pres (Presonus Firestudio, Alesis MultiMix). With four built-in mic pre-amps, the Fast Track Ultra fits nicely in the middle.
The M-Audio Fast Track Ultra provides a complete recording solution, with six channels of analog inputs and outputs plus 2-channel digital S/PDIF I/O. Unlike most USB audio interfaces, it features two dedicated inserts on the first two channels, giving you the ability to insert outboard processing before A/D conversion. Easy connection via a single USB 2.0 cable delivers both audio and MIDI communication with your computer.
Getting Connected
The card is the first interface released by M-audio to have USB 2.0 connectivity, a change that seems a bit late. After booting up your computer, you may be surprised to find out that the Fast Track Ultra will power up as well, even without a power adapter. The unit can run with a minimal 2-in 2-out connectivity while being powered through the USB bus alone. A 5V power adapter, which looks oddly like a cell phone power supply, allows for full usage of the I/O options.
I noticed a weird problem after tracking some MIDI keyboards using the unit’s USB bus power. In order to hear playback, I put on my headphones and immediately noticed a hum. After unplugging the MIDI cable, the hum vanished. I decided to leave the MIDI cable inserted and plug in the power adapter. After restarting the unit, the hum again was gone.
The included drivers and software couldn’t have been easier to install on my Mac. The unit supports ASIO and WDM on PC, and core audio on Mac. The installation includes a Control Panel that exists both in the Applications folder and in System Preferences, bringing up the software mixer and monitor controls. Within less than ten minutes, you should be setup and ready to go.
The Control Panel
The m-audio allows monitoring all eight direct inputs (six analog channels and two of S/PDIF digital) as well as software returns, all of which can be separately adjusted in the Control Panel. The monitor windows are clean and simple, and allow fast and easy adjustments with flexible routing. The window looks like a basic mixer and includes a fader, pan, solo, mute, stereo channel link, and an effect send, as well as master out faders with effects return.
Adding up to monitor control, there is a tab for settings, meters, and a status screen labeled “about”. There is also a unusual tab named “flow” that initially seems to be a visual means of re-routing I/O. The screen is, in fact, a diagram for reference, perhaps to give a better on-screen understanding of the unit’s signal flow.
The settings tab has a sample rate selector, a toggle between internal and external clock sync, and settings for the hardware DSP processors, but before you get too excited, this is not intended to be a software plug-ins solution, but pretty a tool for routing monitor reverb or delay to a player without exhausting the cpu. This is a smart and useful, yet partial concept. Each channel is given an individual effect blend via the control panel, but the effects are restricted to several reverb, delay, and echo settings, all of which do not sound particularly great. Even so, this feature is not found on most units in this price range, and is a nice tool to have handy, regardless of its limitations.
The Sound
After completing a project, I am very pleased with the functionality of the unit. I connected it to an iMac with an external firewire hard drive, and we recorded up to six channels flawlessly, with very minimal latency and no clicks or other digital errors.
My only complaint is that the headphone outputs did not have enough gain to my liking, especially for drum tracking. A solution to this could be a better isolating pair of headphones.
Although the build quality of this audio interface seems decent enough, it is still a downgrade from my older OmniStudio, which has a heavier chassis and tighter knobs. Even so, I think the fast track would resist the test of time as long as it’s treated with care.
Whether you’re a musician, producer or DJ, the powerful combination of Apple and M-Audio  gives you everything you need to put together a high-powered personal studio.
Best Audio Interface for Electronic Music Production
Focusrite Scarlett Solo
I use the Focusrite Scarlett Solo for recording podcasts, acoustic songs, and even vocals for some of my club mixes. Even with that wide variety of uses, I have to say that this audio interface gets the job done. My system is an everyday HP desktop that I purchased online that’s a little bit on the more advanced end of the spectrum. For software, I use Adobe Audition as I’ve been using its previous version, Cool Edit Pro, since high school. The Delta 44 and Adobe Audition have been a winning combination for me on my desktop.
The problem I had in the past with recording solutions was the constant snap, crackle, and pop of the audio. Reviewers complained about this issue with the Focusrite Scarlett Solo as well, but the informed reviewers stated that with the proper tuning and by actually reading the instruction manuals, you can have a professional recording setup on your desktop without breaking the bank. Initially, I was skeptical due to the negativity, yet I decided to take the plunge and try things out myself. The worst that could happen is a refund or putting it for sale somewhere online for a little bit of a loss. To me, that’s no big deal so I went along with it.
When the audio card arrived in the mail, I knew I had to do as the positive reviews suggested. I read the instructional manual, took into consideration some tips of reviewers, and even checked some other information online. When I felt I was ready to get the show on the road, I popped open my desktop tower and inserted the card into one of the PCI slots on my motherboard. Yes, even as a top audio interface today, this audio card still relies on a PCI connection rather than a PCI Express connection, which is more common nowadays.
Even with the slightly dated technology, this audio card runs like a charm. My first test was to record one segment of my upcoming podcast for my buddy’s exercise and health website. I made sure my buffer settings were just right – not too high and not too low as suggested by a reviewer of the the Delta 44 online. My voice has never sounded so clear, and this was without any filters. So once I applied my usual filters and effects with some tiny tweaks to mesh better with the new audio card, I sounded like a professional radio personality. Considering how much I spent on this audio card compared to my previous audio interface, it was basically a steal. I guess that’s what happens when you switch from a USB solution to an audio card interface.
So if you have the capacity for a top audio interface in your recording rig, you need to get this Focusrite Scarlett Solo . A few years ago, I purchased a Lexicon Lambda USB interface for my Dell laptop at the time. For what I wanted to do, it got the job done, but took way too much time to configure to get subpar results. There was constant sound popping and recordings cutting out no matter what I did. Even after going through page upon page of support topics, I didn’t get the end results I needed. With the Delta 44 though, everything’s working with much better ease. My acoustic songs sound pretty close to professional quality even though I’m recording things from my bedroom and my recent dance songs have more punch to them.
On the side, I moonlight as a DJ at the local clubs in my area. Aside from spinning remixes of the latest hits on the radio, I like creating my own songs and mashups with my own vocals. A lot of people have been digging my originals, so I had to step things up with better sound quality. The solo delivers.
If you’re in the market for a top audio interface that delivers professional results while on a budget, then the Focusrite Scarlett Solo  is what you need in your recording rig. As long as you read the instruction manual and understand the basics of setting up this audio card with the rest of your recording equipment, you’ll be able to create sound recordings pleasant to the ears.
Best Audio Interface for Live Performance
BEHRINGER Audio Interface
Having experience with M Audio in the past, I knew I needed a more robust BEHRINGER Audio Interface controller compared to what I had before. I was making progress with my electronic music, so an upgrade was needed. My recording adventures began in high school when I would simply record acoustic tracks and vocals with my Dell desktop’s cheap computer microphone. With a couple of tweaks within Cool Edit Pro (now Adobe Premiere), I was able to get some decent sounding recordings.
When I got to college, that’s when I got heavy into acoustic recordings and gigs with my roommate at the time. However, I gradually saw myself transitioning into electronic dance and pop music. To me, there’s nothing like really getting into a beat and wanting to bust a move in a fun environment. So on my computer, I’d mess around with Fruity Loops, Reason, and Garageband once I got a Macbook Pro. For a while, I used an M Audio Radium 61 as my MIDI controller in Reason and Garageband. I really enjoyed its solid construction and its overall functionality. However, I needed an input device with a full keyboard. That’s when I knew I had to drop more than $100 or $200 on a MIDI controller to get what I wanted.
After some digging through M Audio reviews, as I knew I would be sticking with this solid brand, I found the BEHRINGER. Like my previous controller, it’s USB-powered, so I don’t have to worry about lugging around a clunky AC adapter or dealing with a bunch of wires. The wires involved with my Macbook Pro and other equipment are enough for me. However, some people might prefer using the optional AC adapter to relieve some stress off their computer’s calculations and whatnot.
The Oxygen 88 also comes with 4 velocity curves and 3 pedals – 2 sustain pedal inputs and 1 expression pedal.
What I absolutely love about the Oxygen 88 are the hammer-action keys. Rather than pressing onto something that feels cheap and overly plastic, it really feels like I’m pressing the keys to a legitimate upright piano. For how much I paid, that’s a pretty solid deal.
Of course, if I wanted to simply play piano, I could’ve gone with something more cost effective, but of course I bought this BEHRINGER Audio Interface controller to make awesome beats. For a few weeks, I messed around with Garageband and Reason utilizing the built-in functions of this MIDI device. Gradually, I got back to that level of comfort I had with the Radium 61, and I actually enjoy using this more due to those hammer-action keys. At first, I was reluctant to upgrade my MIDI controller because its keys just felt so right to me. Now I don’t see myself using a cheaper device again. Actually being able to feel the weight of the keys helps when I’m trying to add a certain effect or certain level of expression in my songs. This is something that is hard to create in mixing software without having to manipulate the settings and filters.
Now that I was feeling more comfortable with my new MIDI setup, I decided to test things out at a mug night for the upperclassmen at school. They apparently needed someone to replace this local band that was supposed to play for their event. One of my buddies was running this mug night and knew I liked DJing and throwing in a few of my own custom mixes, so he asked if I wanted to fill in that empty spot.
The night went on without any problems. Sure, it’s a different ballgame going from using this BEHRINGER Audio Interface controller to program notes to playing bits and pieces live, but I felt I knew what I was doing. Well I hope so. Most people wouldn’t have noticed anyway given the type of event I was playing for. Regardless, I was really feeling my songs – beat by beat, track by track. Having those extra keys on the Oxygen 88 really helped me out with my live playing. It was so much easier being able to assign instruments all across the board, especially since I was experimenting with more layers in my songs.
Everyone at that mug night event seemed happy and I was happy with how the Oxygen 88 helped me win the crowd over. I doubt I would’ve been able to pull this off if I was using a shorter keyboard. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying the Radium 61 is a bad MIDI controller, as it was my pride and joy for years. It’s just that with the layering and complexity of my songs now compared to in the past, the Oxygen 88 is the right BEHRINGER Audio Interface controller for my needs.
  The post Best Desktop Audio Interface appeared first on Best Portable Reviews.
from Best Portable Reviews https://bestportablereview.com/best-desktop-audio-interface/
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