#and gun shot wounds
puhochi · 1 year
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yup, sooo.. that happened-
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chloepleasestopdying · 3 months
You know it’s been awhile since I’ve posted my appreciation of Alex Chen. I love her to pieces. She’s such a good and interesting protagonist and I wish True Colors got the amount of love that the first LiS game got because she’s amazing
Shout out to Lightly Murder Alex, who might be the one character hotter than Ripped Vest Chloe
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lulublack90 · 3 months
Prompt 2 - Thriller
@wolfstarmicrofic July 2, word count 989
CW- Blood, guns, gunshot, open wound
Sirius darted down side streets and into alleyways. He gasped for breath, his chest heaving as it dragged oxygen into his exhausted body. Pounding footsteps approached. He ducked down behind the small rubbish bins, clamping his hand over his mouth, so his rapid breathing didn’t give him away. 
Multiple footsteps ran past his hiding place, but one set lingered, turning into the alleyway. Sirius took a few steadying breaths and tensed his muscles, ready for action. The person came closer, kicking the bins out of his way. There was only one bin left between them. With all his remaining strength, Sirius kicked the bin, knocking his pursuer to the ground. He launched himself over him, catching a glimpse of his face on his way past. The man’s mask had slipped. It was Regulus. Fuck! Sirius took off running the way he’d come, the others long gone. A shot rang out behind him as he sped around a corner. It just missed him, ricocheting off the wall right where his head had been a second before. Regulus never missed. What was he playing at? Sirius didn’t hang around to find out.
He laid low until he could get to the safe house. When he finally felt it was safe, he made his way there, making sure she wasn’t followed. A grizzled man was waiting for him. He held a gun to Sirius’s temple while he searched him and took the flash drive from his pocket. 
“Congratulations, Black. You managed to not fuck up an assignment or get killed doing so,” Moody grunted at him. 
“Regulus was there,” He told him. Moody took a deep breath and growled. 
“Did he make you?” He spat through his teeth. 
“I don’t know. I threw a bin at him and ran. He took a shot, but he missed and you know he never misses his target.” Moody grumbled something under his breath that Sirius didn’t catch. 
“We’re going to get you a partner for your next mission. Ah, no, I don’t want to hear it, Black,” He said when Sirius tried to protest. “If Regulus is caught up in this then it’s too dangerous to send you out alone. He knows how you think, how you move and how you fight. You’ll be a liability we can’t afford to have.” Sirius gritted his teeth, but he knew it was for the best. 
“Who do you have in mind?” He blew out. Resigned to his fate. 
“New lad. Ridiculously smart. Calm in a crisis. Perfect balance for you and your chaos.” Sirius rolled his eyes. 
“Has Mr Perfect got a name then?” 
“Remus Lupin,” Moody grinned a toothy smile. Sirius felt a chill wash over him. 
Remus Lupin turned out to be a tall, skinny, well-spoken man who shouldn't have been anywhere near all this.
 Moody had them train together. “I want you to know each other inside and out. Shut up Black, that is not what I meant and you know it.” Sirius bit his tongue to keep from smiling. “You need to work together or no assignments. Do I make myself clear?” They both nodded.
They trained together for weeks, learning how the other moved and thought until they flowed around each other, predicting what the other was going to do before they’d even thought about it. 
The other side had a plan for something terrible and it was their job to infiltrate and find out what was going to happen. 
Sirius watched in awe as Remus expertly picked the locks on a small side door and they slipped into the dark building. 
It was freezing inside. Sirius shook it off, getting his head in the zone. 
They made slow progress up the levels. Riddle would be on the top floor, with his second-in-command on the floor below. That’s where the information would be. 
He couldn’t shake off the feeling that this was too easy. Why hadn’t they met any of the grunts lower down? 
He gingerly pushed open the door to the floor they needed and crept into the large-decadently-styled open room. Remus sped across the room to the computer and began trying to find the information. It was taking too long, and Sirius felt the panic setting in. 
“Hurry up, Remus,” He hissed, his gun trained on the only door in or out of the room. A hidden door on the far wall opened silently. 
“Tut tut, brother of mine. I don’t think you’re supposed to be in here, are you?” Regulus drawled, his gun pointing at Remus. “Call off your man and I might let you out of this building,” Sirius froze and turned to Remus in horror. 
“Come on, Reggie, you know it’s me you want.”  
“I’ve been watching you, Sirius. I know exactly how you feel about him,” Sirius swallowed. Remus typed furiously on the computer. He gasped and met Sirius’s eyes. He’d found something. Remus suddenly jumped up, a flash drive in his hand.
Regulus cocked his gun.
“You don’t think you’re going anywhere with that, do you?” Regulus held out his hand. “Give it here, Lupin.” He swung his gun to Sirius, who’d started inching towards Remus. “Ah, ah, Sirius, no sneaking now. Hand it over, Lupin!” He repeated, pulling back the hammer on the gun. “Final warning, give it to me!” 
The gun went off and Sirius dove in front of Remus. 
He felt a strange pressure, he looked down and saw a small hole just below his heart, red liquid dribbling out. 
“Oh, shit,” He breathed out. Remus rushed to his side and grabbed his hand, pressing it into the wound. He screamed. 
“Keep your hand there and don’t move it,” Remus grunted as he threw Sirius over his shoulder and fled the building. 
He woke up in the hospital, somehow alive, Remus holding onto his hand and all he could think was Regulus never missed. So why had he for a second time?
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teacupcollector · 2 years
The Art of Misdirection - Part 2 (Task Force 141 x Reader)
Main Masterlist Modern Warfare II Masterlist
A/N: I wanted to go into how each character feels about Misdi so there is a POV swap. I don’t know if it will make sense but I hope it does! A/N: I made my own divider because I couldn’t find one. I hope it looks decent.
A/N: I also want to thank you for all the love and support! I didn’t expect the first part to take off the way it did. I hope you enjoy this part! A/N: Also I forgot who, but someone kind of guessed what happened which I found funny because it was like they read my mind lol.
Summary: Joining the 141 was a wild roller-coaster. Everyone had been apprehensive to you joining due to your age, but you are here to prove them wrong. Now as of this mission and maybe your last they are going to figure out what your nickname means.  
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Johnny was insistent that we go down and look at the person we just shot. I decided that we wait a minute or so to see if there was any more movement before I allowed Gaz and I to go. I have no idea what compelled them to look, but I found myself being compelled as well. Johnny stayed above and kept an eye out for us just in case. If it weren’t for his injured leg I would be the one keeping watch since I am the better shot, but in any case I wouldn’t let Gaz go by himself in case there were more enemies out there. You can easily become overwhelmed with: A. The lack of cover. And B. The brightness of night vision. Not saying that night vision is bad. That is what helped us spot the movement of this rat in the first place, but if an enemy were to shine a light it could be blinding. 
“Why would there only be one person out here LT? It is odd.” I hear Gaz say. “Could be a scout...” I grunt back. “Yeah... Maybe... But wouldn’t it be best to have a duo or a trio of scouts? It’s suicide to be out here on your own. Especially with you here.” I hear Gaz chuckle. I stay quiet as we continue to approach. I suddenly feel my hands twitch in discomfort and my brow suddenly break into a sweat. As we approach the body... The body I shot down. We see an American flag velcroed on their chest. “No... No, no, no!” I hear Gaz exclaim as he immediately rushes to the only person this could possibly be.
I follow in step with him as we approach her. I feel my breath hitch as I see the dark pool of liquid through my night vision. Some coming from her head and some coming from other various injures. Gaz kneels down next to her head on her left side. Her head is currently turned to the side to the right, which is where the blood is coming from.  “Y-You fucking shot her! She’-” “Hush it Garrick! We need to be quiet... Sound travels fast here.” I say in a hurried and hushed tone as I kneel next to her on her other side. I lift her head to see if the bullet penetrated any part of her head. While doing this I place two fingers on the pulse point of her neck. Blood is still spewing from her head, but she is alive.
“She’s alive sergeant... But just barely. We ne-” “Yeah because you fucking shot her ya’ prat!” Gaz exclaims again but I give him a harsh tap on the head.  “Hush it or we’ll all be dead.” I say sternly before passing my rifle over to him.  “Hold it.” I say as I take her pack from underneath her legs, put the night vision goggles inside, and put it over my own to carry.
After that I gather her in my arms bridal style before picking her up. Her head falls black as she feels like dead weight in my arms. I slowly and gently as I can reposition her so her head is tucked safely in my chest. 
“We need to hurry back and call for a med evac. This mission will have to be put on pause for now.” I say as I begin a swift trek back to base camp. Gaz follows behind, my rifle in hand. I can feel his glare piercing the back of my head. I can’t say I blame him though. I am the one who said she was dead...
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The sound of music was cascading and echoing through out the town, as well as through our earpiece. While we were talking to Misdi I was busy putting a tourniquet on Soaps leg. The ambush came to us as a surprise, but we were trying to handle it as best we can. Throughout all the chaos that was unfolding we were separated from Gaz. Now there is even more Chaos. Barbie Girl was playing non-stop in our ears as we hear the sound of a vehicle tearing ass down the street.
“Get ready!” I hear her scream over the music.
I see one of our get away vehicles tear through the road. It begins to take oncoming fire and it swerves before hitting a building. The music still plays from the car outside, but the radio went dead silent. “Corporal! Corporal! Do you copy?” I say into the radio, but all I get is static. I hear both Garrick and Mactavish both try there own radios. That is when I hear Soap say to me: “We have to get down there! We have t-” There is suddenly an explosion which causes the whole building to shake. “We need to get out of here.” I say sternly. “LT we ca-” “We can and we will! She is fucking dead Mactavish!” I say taking his arm and wrapping it around my neck and helping him up. 
Due to my height he is kind of elevated slightly. We start heading toward the back of the building and away from the commotion. “I can g-” I again interrupt the members of my squad. “She is fucking dead Gaz, and we need to get going before even more shit hits the fan!” I shout as I kick the back door open and drag Soap out of it. We start making our way Northward out of the city. 
“Meet us at the North face of the bell tower” I say to Gaz before continuing to drag Johnny, but he continues to squirm. “Johnny we need to get you out of here stop squirming!” I growl. “She could still be alive back there! She could have gotten away in time and we just left her!” The more Soap panics the more his accent thickens to the point I almost can’t understand him. “Soap she got shot and crashed the vehicle then it exploded, No way she got out of there.” I grunt. “You need to be quiet before we draw attention!” I hiss.
I know I sound harsh, but I need to think of the rest of my team. Soap is injured and I have no idea what Gaz would be doing or what his condition is. Misdi did this for us. I need to make sure we make it out alive, heal up, and maybe go back if there is a body. 
‘Jesus... I hope they are dead... for their sake...’
They were very bubbly. All bright eyed and bushy tailed. Ready to work and ready to prove themselves. The complete opposite of me. Completely different then all of us.  ‘Fuck... I am already thinking of obituaries.’
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Meeting up with Gaz at that moment was hard. His face was twisted in sorrow. Now I am jogging as gently as I can back to camp with a half dead Misdi in my arms. Approaching the camp there is a small fire, a few tents with cots inside, and finally Soap is sitting on a cot next to the fire. We meet eyes and he immediately tries to stand up. “Holy sweet jesus fuck!” Soap exclaims. He begins to limp toward us in a hurry, but I rush past him and place Misdi on a cot. When I look down I can see where her head was placed on my chest there is a big blood pool there.  “Get me fucking sheers and Johnny get on comms and call for emergency med evac!” I spout.  Gaz hands me some sheers and I begin to cut off her shirt and a portion her pants leg were I see more bleeding. I make sure to keep my eyes on the injured shoulder. The shoulder is dislocated so I turn her on her side to see a bullet wound and not exit hole. “Fuck...” I decide to leave it where it is and move to assess her head. 
I take my flashlight from my belt and open her eyes and move the light back and forth.  “Her pupils are dilated. She might have a concussion or severe head trauma.” I say as I take my water canteen and remove my gloves.
I pour the water on my hands and get out a first aid kit before squirting the cheap hand sanitizer on my hands. I take some gauze and some wrapping and place  it against her head. “The bleed-” “Yeah it is because you fucking shot her!” Gaz spits. “The Fuck?!” He hears Soap shout before entering the tent. “You fucking shot her! What the fu-” “Jo-” “What the fuck is wrong with you!” “WE NEED TO FOCUS ON HER” Gaz cuts in as he finishes wrapping her head.  “She needs stitches, but the bleeding is to severe. She is bleeding out right now and you both are being utter twats!” Gaz says as he begins to roll her on your side. Both Gaz and Soap cringe  at how limp her left shoulder is. Soap immediately grabs another tourniquet to wrap around her leg that has the injury, though it isn’t to severe they need to look at the elephant in the room, which is her shoulder.
“Did you call for medical?” I ask and Soap begins to speak. “They won’t be here for another hour. They suggested that we take the cars, but I told them that she might be to fragile to move.” All of us sigh. “I don’t know if she has enough time... We are going to have to get the bullet out ourselves. That is the only way we can stitch her up and stop the bleeding...” I say as I roll her fully on her stomach. I slide her bra strap down her crooked shoulder to see the gun shot wound. I take out a flashlight and hand it to Gaz. “Hold it here so I can see.” I say. He does just that and I take out one of my clean knives and a pair of tweezers from the first-aid kit. I hear Soap say a small ‘Oh fuck’ before I begin to dig around as gently as I can in the wound. ��It’s fragmented and it’s deep... Gaz it is important that you keep your eyes on it, so the flash light doesn’t move...” I can feel my voice beginning to shake.
‘I never wanted this to happen. This happened under my watch. I need to make sure she survives.’ I think to myself The first two fragments have been removed, my hands are now covered with her blood. I can stitch up anyone else. I can cut and slice down anyone on the field, but feeling her blood on my hands makes me uneasy. I am not suppose to feel this way. I need to be calm, collected, stoic, and precise. What I am doing could possibly quicken her death. I need to get through this. Fragment after fragment and I am finally done. Now we need to relocate her shoulder. “Grab a sheet from one of the cots” I say to Gaz as he sets the flashlight down. He looks as pale as a ghost.
He does just that as I gently roll Misdi on her back. After that I go over to my water canteen and pour it on my hands before wiping it on some cloth near by to get rid of the majority of the blood. Afterwards I take the sheet from Gaz and wrap it underneath her affected shoulder in her armpit. I pull both ends across her body. One underneath her and one over her chest.
“I don’t know if you have done this before Gaz, but I need you to slowly pull on the sheet so I can put her shoulder back into place.” I say as I take her arm by the wrist in my hand.
Gaz only nods before grabbing both ends of the sheet. “I will count to three and we gently pull. Got i’?” I say and Gaz nods. “1... 2... 3.”
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Both Ghost and Gaz begin to pull and we suddenly hear a pop as it goes back into place. Suddenly there is a groan coming from Misdi. More groaning turns into panic screaming. She attempts to get up and tries to roll off the cot. “She’s Hypoxic! Hold her down!” Ghost commands as I hold her legs down. “No! No, no, no!” Her speech is slurred and her eyes are full of fear. “D-Don’t touch me! Let go!” “It’s us Lass! it’s okay!” I say and limp over and sits on the ground near the head of the cot. 
 I place a soothing palm on her cheek and turns her head to look at me. “ m'eudail (My dear) It’s me...” my voice turns soft  in an attempt to sooth her. I use my thumb caresses the apple of her cheek. “J-Johnny?” Tears were collecting in her eyes. “Mhm. I’m here. I am right here. Now you are bleeding okay? We need to stitch ya up. Can we do that?” I ask.
Her eyes are glazed over with tears and confusion, but she nods. “Can ya roll over for me Lass?” He asks as he gently rolls her on her side that has the uninjured shoulder. 
Her uninjured hand reaches for me and I take it in my hand. I press it against my cheek before moving my head down so her hand is in my hair. She begins to card her fingers through my hair. She has only does this a handful of times. I always found it funny because she thinks my nickname should be ‘Conditioner’ instead of ‘Soap’ because in her words not mine. “You have the softest hair that any women would want to grab.” She was immediately flustered after I wiggled my eyebrows suggestively. She tried to back track, and explain that she wasn’t trying to be inappropriate in fear that she would have to file SHARP paperwork. I chuckle at the memory and I wish I could go into more detail, but I just sigh as she scratches my scalp. She begins to whimper as Gaz begins to clean the wound and stitch it up. 
“That’s a good girl... You are doin’ such a good job...” I whisper to her as I reach my hand behind her head and massage her neck at the base of her skull. 
While doing this her eyes slide close and her breathing evens out. I continue to whisper praises and soothing words, but I turn my gaze to Ghost and I glare. After Gaz was done he wrapped her shoulder before moving toward her injured leg. The leg went quickly and she didn’t move. Then he moved to her head in which I moved out of the way. She was alarmingly still so I pressed my fingers to her pulse point under her thumb. Her pulse is weak and my heart seems to sink from my stomach to my ass. I am angered when I see Ghost exit the tent. I decide to follow so I stumble to my feet and follow after. I don’t care if he is my superior he is getting a piece of my mind.
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icedghostlatte-art · 5 months
Draw Vlad in the first murder pallette
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The Hospital Halls ran Red with blood that night...
{First Murder - 32}
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hurtcomfortguaranteed · 11 months
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In The Professionals 1x07, Peter and his bodyguard Vincent end up on the run from several villainous parties, leading to lots of whump for the both of them.
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juustozzi · 4 months
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Don't wait up, don't waste your breath Don't make up, we've got no time left Just make sure you lit the fuse right
a redraw of an old piece, we got to the gun episode on galaxy last time watching so of course I had visit this again..
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hippopotamusdreamer · 3 months
Doctor, Doctor
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genre. [AU] [M] [PS]
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warnings. 18+ due to violent nature, Blood, Bleeding, Wound description, You stick your fingers in there???, stitching up a wound, Bullet
additional notes. Female! Reader | You/Your pronouns, Mafia!AU, Lee Know as Cat Man, Jisung as Buffoon, Changbin as Buff Man, Felix is there too!
pairing. Idk yet? Depends on if people want more
w.c. 2K
synopsis. You were just a simple med student, you didn't sign up for this part of the medical world just yet.
Kpop Masterlist
Fandom Masterlist
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You think your neighbors were up to something.
Either that or they were fucking. A lot.
You moved into your place on the halfway decent side of town not even 2 weeks ago. While trying to get your undergrad in the medical profession, expenses were limited for obvious reasons. So when this studio apartment suddenly became available on the market, you jumped at the chance.
The location was slightly questionable but well enough for you that you could walk to and from campus without much of an issue.
The problem now was the constant noise that bumped against your bedroom wall in the middle of the night when you were trying to study. You tried wearing headphones to block it out but after a particularly harrowing moan 3 nights ago, you had yanked the already frayed device out of your ears so fast that they practically disintegrated in your hands.
Bye-bye headphones.
‘Maybe they’re masochists…,’ you thought with both intrigue and concern as you walked back to your apartment, groceries in hand. It was a nearing six o’clock when you had left the grocery store. Only a twenty minute walk back to your place and you’d rather not be caught out in the dark if you could help it.
You contemplated more about your neighbors on your walk home. Mysterious beings that they were. You still had yet to meet them, let alone figure out how many people actually stayed there. You suspected that they work at night though. Only because when you were not in your classes, you were at home studying and was usually quiet on their side. Around nine, nine thirty was when signs of life started to appear.
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
You were in the middle of highlighting the answer for the treatment efficacy results of complete blood counts for a final exam review when a pounding on your door broke you out of your concentration. The yellow of the highlighter now smudged and imperfect on your notes.
You frown as you glanced at the clock on your wall. 9:45 PM jumped out at you in bright LEDs.
Another succession of pounding on your door made you focus on the matter at hand.
Shoving your arms into a bathrobe you had, you reached your front door. Already a commotion could be heard on the other side. Muffled voices that only got clearer the closer you got.
“Damn it I.N open the damn door!”
‘I.N?’ You thought, confusedly.
The one thing you hated about these older apartments was that the doors, though really heavy, did not have a peep hole installed. So it was always a mystery whenever anyone stopped by. This always led you to be slightly weary whenever you weren’t expecting a package or anyone over.
Opening your door, you barely had enough time to step back in order to miss the fist that was connecting with the sturdy material. Big boba eyes stared at you in shock and confusion until he was pushed all the way through the frame. Caught off guard, you could only lean down to help him up.
“Outta the way Jisung,” another man huffed while stepping over him. He and a buff man were carrying a bloodied person between them. You were frozen on the spot as they came further and further within your apartment.
“Wait guys—,” The one in your arms said while trying to get their attention.
“Changbin, the couch.”
They completely ignored the two of you by the door.
“Guys, this isn’t—,” The man in your arms kept trying to butt in.
“I.N hurry, Lix’s lost a lot of blood already,” both men finally looked back towards the door. Confusion clouding their faces and yours zeroed in on the trail of blood that led to your couch.
Medical professional mode activated.
You immediately let go of the guy you had and made your way to the one in need of your help. With an oomph, he landed back on the ground once again.
At your couch, you pushed the two guys out of the way and examined the one not moving. Upon first glance, you could tell this one was messed up big time. Bleeding profusely from a wound on his thigh, face beaten to a pulp. From what you could see of his hands, both were battered and bruised which led you to believe that the rest of his arms didn’t fare any better. His face was littered in freckles and various cuts as well. A nasty busted lip and a swollen eye to add to the fray.
‘Just what the hell did this guy get into...’
You quickly moved into action. Removing your robe, you grabbed the scissors that were on the coffee table from earlier that day and started in on cutting open the unconscious one’s pants. Using the excess fabric as a way to staunch his wound to the best of your ability. His blood immediately staining your hands.
“Hey, wait—,” the cat like one tried to stop you. You had no time for his nonsense though as the time was ticking for your impromptu patient. A small part of you hoping the medical board wouldn’t find out about you practicing without a legal license.
Grabbing him by his shirt collar, you pulled him in practically nose to nose. The blood on your hands already smearing on his neck, “The longer you keep me from doing what I gotta do, the faster he bleeds. Do you want him to bleed out even more or not?”
The surprised look on his face as he shook his head was enough for you to let him go.  You grabbed the belt of the robe out of its loops and began to wrap it around the bleeding thigh, a few inches above the wound. Looking around, you grabbed your remote and placed it there too. A makeshift tourniquet.
Without turning away you addressed the other one that carried him in, “You, Buff Man…”
“Y-yes?” He stuttered out in shock at being caught off guard.
“I need you to tie this as tight as you can, got it? Put those muscles to use,” you commanded him to take the reins of the belt. He doesn’t say anything, just does as told. Taking your robe, you began to try to wipe away the remaining blood. You could already tell the tourniquet was working as the blood flow began to slow down.
“You, buffoon on the ground,” you yelled to the one still by the door. He jumps in response. “My bathroom, only other door in this place, there’s a brown glass bottle of iodine in the cabinet. Bring me that.”
He looked briefly at the cat like man before nodding his head quickly and scrambled away.
“Cat man,” you called out, continuing to clean the area.
He grunts in acknowledgment and the buff one gives a small snark in return as he finished his task.
“Top kitchen drawer, there’s a mini sewing kit and a bottled water from the fridge.”
The first one you sent off returned with an unsure look on his face. Handing you the bottle, you made sure it was the correct one. Unfortunately, you could feel the one below you starting to stir awake. The next few moments were about to get even uglier.
“Good job, now hold his shoulders.”
Cat Man walked in then, both items you’ve asked for in hand. Without a word, you opened the water and cleaned the leg of the remaining blood. A slow trickle of the open hole was only left. What really worried you was the fact that whatever did this, there was no exit point. The wound itself was pretty neat, so that was good sign. No jagged edges and as far as you could tell there were no broken bones. It didn’t seem like his femoral artery was hit either. But there was only one way to know for sure.
Without a seconds delay, you opened the bottle of iodine and poured it on both the thigh wound and rubbed it on your hands. What a time to not have gloves in your apartment.
All three men stared at you in concern but you disregarded them. You had a self-appointed job to do.
Taking a grounding breath, you addressed Buff Man once again.
“Hold his legs…”
No warning, you stuck your fingers into his wound and everything popped off. The men started screaming and the one on your couch woke up. You couldn’t imagine the pain that he was feeling. There were a ton of nerve endings in the thigh and you were hitting a majority of them as you continued to dig deep. His bloodcurdling roar of pain was a sound that would haunt you as you lived your days.
“Hold him down!” You barked out as you used your fingers to feel for any obstructions in his wound.
The three men do as you ordered and hold the freckled man down. They struggled against his adrenaline fueled movements.
“Stop, it hurts!” he bawled.
“I know Lix, it’s almost over,” Cat Man tried to comfort. “ It is almost over isn’t it?” He tried to ask while addressing you.
However, you don’t respond as your nail caught onto something that shouldn’t be in there. This caused the guy to seize in even more pain as whatever it was bumped into his bone. His arms coming up to claw into the men at his head. Buff Man steady in struggling at his legs as they tried to kick him off.
“No please! Stop it!” His breathing became erratic and matched your own as your thumb and forefinger clamped onto the foreign object. Clenching your teeth, you hoped your fingers didn’t slip as you pulled it out.
Seconds felt like hours when you finally managed to free it. You don’t even have time to react to the bullet now in your hand so much as to just check to see if it was all intact. He passed out again through sheer pain and you tossed the bullet to the side. Now was not the time for questions.
Picking up your discarded and bloodied bathrobe you swiped the area clean to the best of your ability once again. Opening your sewing kit, you took more iodine and sanitized it before taking a piece of thread. With a hell of a lot of concentration you managed to insert it into the eye of the needle and made to begin stitching him up.
“I don’t have anything to numb with him but this has to be done…,” you whispered more to yourself than anyone else in the room.
Holding your breath, you don’t think about how you’re stitching up some random guy who has just bled all over your apartment. Whose friends busted into your private space without so much as a sorry. Who, thanks to this entire ordeal, could mean the loss of your—
Oh, you were done stitching.
Tying off the string, you finally looked at the others. They looked just as tired as you felt. It was quiet now that the guy on your couch was out again.
“He’ll need antibiotics and a hell of a lot of rest. He lost a fair bit of blood but he’s stable,” you relayed as you looked around your place. From the front entrance, the trail of blood that led to you and the puddle that was getting sucked into your upholstery.
“But he’ll be ok?” Cat Man asked.
“Yeah, he’ll be ok,” you said, nodding slowly
He mirrored your actions and only says, “Ok, we’ll be in touch.”
“We’ll send someone to clean this up but for now we’ll keep him here,” he steamrolled.
“But what a minute—”
“If anything happens to him while we're gone, we aren’t the only ones who would come after you.”
‘Just what the hell did I get into...’
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a/n. I might make this a series? I have to see how well people take it, so I left it open ended. I'll put it in One-Shots for now and if people want more I'll move it to Series.
Tag List (Open): @elizalabs3
This in no way reflects the actual persons involved/based in this fic, nor their actual character. This is purely fiction.
© hippopotamusdreamer, est 2024. all rights reserved.
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airenyah · 10 months
happy to announce that ohm pawat made it through yet another show without being grazed by a bullet despite the fact that he had a gun shoved into his face on multiple occasions
and with that the gay romcom continues to be the only series in which ohm pawat ever ends up with a gunshot wound
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esosage · 25 days
Had another au idea where stone and robotnik, in their crab house, are being haunted. They hear whispers in their ears, chills creep down their backs at random, things go missing out of nowhere, stuff gets knocked off the shelves with nothing to mess with it, and the mirrors are always fogged regardless of wether or not someone takes a bath.
(Trigger warning for blood and maggots btw. None of it is drawn, but it is talked about! Even if its sandwitched in between breif "meh" level horror.)
Stone, naturally, is the first to belive they're haunted, and tries talking to ivo about it. But, robotnik is a firm anti-supernatural person.
He makes a billion reasons as to why its probobly not a ghost: Wind drafts, lack of sleep, the pressure from the crab house being under water..... But, One night, when ivo goes out to get a glass of water, he carefully rounds the corner only to see an shakey figure at the end of the hall.
At first, he thinks its stone: the hallway being far too dark for him to make out much. But as he starts to draw closer, the sound of his steps being the only thing to peirce the base's sudden silence, he begins to make out a few details. First it was their posture: hunched and drawn in. Second it was their hair: long and matted; smothering their face. And then, lastly, as he hesitently stepped a hair length away from them, their rancid order bashing against his senses, he spotted peircing crimson peaking out of their blond hair. Most was soaked in and dried up; deffinetly old. But yet, the maggot infested cavern that was the bullet wound in the side of their head still oozed thick, pulpy blood regardless.
He didnt have much time to hear them speak, because, once he saw their half rotted, blood shot eye peer up at him through their matt of overturned hair, he was already clambering to get back to his room.
He cant hear them trail behind him, nor does he hear them bang at the door once he closes it shut, but he doesnt need need to. He can feel their cold, horrid breath tickling the back of his neck as he dashes to saftey, and thats more than enough to make him keep running.
Safe to say, the next morning, he starts humoring stones idea about the house being haunted.
And much to robotniks poor ego, he has to eventually admit that, yes, ghosts are infact real.
It gets even worse for robotniks poor brain when they actually have to look at, ugh, supernatural forums, to figure out how to deal with the ghost in their house.
The first plan is salt, sprinkling it on every entrance and exit of the crab house. Although, robotnik quickly insists that they scrap it once he walks out of his room to see: "let me in >:(" written on the wall in blood.
He doesn't know where, or how the ghost got all that blood, but he doesn't really want to.
After the salt fails and they get rid of it, (much to the ghosts delight it seems as they draw a heart in the fog of the two's bathroom mirror,) they start throwing shit to the wall to see what sticks. or in other words: trying bassically everything.
Smudge sticks, insence, holy water, cleaning the entire house, even prayer in a very desprate attempt. (Ivo had stone be the one to pray, because he refuses to acknowledge gods exist. He caved in on the ghost thing, but he refuses to cave on this!)
But, much to their chagrin, nothing worked!
Meanwhile, the ghost seemed to appear a lot more often. Wether it be in pictures or in person, it didnt matter because the two started to see them more and more. Which gave them a couple of more discoveries about the ghost. The first one being that they're a little girl wearing a worn out, blue dress. And the second one being that they're not too hostile. They rarely bother them much, other than stinking up the place. But they are creepy, and come far too close for comfort most times. Which makes robotnik firm in wanting them gone: he values his personal space a LOT, thank you very much.
Now, if it wasn't obviouse already, the ghost is maria! Do the two know its her? No deffinetly not. But they do know that she seems to gravitate twards robotnik more than stone. She appears to him more often, and most of the time when takeing a pixture of robotnik, stone can faintly see her form next to him in it.
The reason this is, is because shes formed a spirit bond with ivo! Mainly because he is the only family member she has left besides shadow, but she doesnt know where the hell he is, and she wants to make sure her cousin stays safe. (Its of my personal headcannon that she got to see him once as a baby, and thats also another reason shes kinda attached to him. But i digress.)
Now, you might be wondering if maria is an agressive ghost, and the answer is a firm no! She's quite freindly, its just everything she does is taken as very agressive or creepy. So that time where she banged on robotniks doors after he ran away from her? Yeah it was really just her knocking, its just, as a ghost, she has to put in a lot more energy into makeing contact with things so it came across as banging.
And her appearing to him more often was her trying to say sorry for scareing him so bad, but he just kept going away when she came closer.
This is probobly the main point of the au, robotnik and stone being scared ahitless of her while she's just thinkimg: "god im haveing such a good time with my cousin and his boyfreind :3" sometimes she realises she's scareing them, sometimes she doesn't, but she tries her best to come across as nice regardless of if it works or not.
A good show of her trying to look as freindly as possible would be her covering her face with her hair. Her face is very scary (think a mandela cattaloge face, except with maggot holes and dried and fresh blood covering half of it. And also Some maggots being visible under her eye socket if she turns it a certain way.) And so she tries to hide it from everyone, to not scare people away. But even with their hair covering her face, robotnik and stone still think she looks very disturbing.
Maybe they realise its maria eventually, either by talking about her with gerald, or shadow once they're on freindlier terms with him. But still, until then its shennigens up until that point. (Because while maria does try her best to be freindly, she cant help but scare ivo just a bit. Its funny to hear him yelp.)
Side notes :D :
Maria likes whispering random shit into robotniks ear sometimes. She's tried to do the same thing with stone before, but the assistant has had to deal with a lot of weird shit (mainly from ivo) before so he's far too used to it for her likeing.
How i imagine it going down is her face (uncovered) fazeing into existance right ontop of ivos shoulder as she whispers: "i know what you are." Into his ear before fazeing back out.
It confuses the living daylights out of robotnik, but she thinks its funny.
Another thing she likes to do is watch ru pauls drag race with robotnik. They're both super invested into it (ivo religously watching ru pauls drag race being a headcannon i stole from someone.) And she quite litterally rushes over onto the bed with him whenever he turns it on. She's sad she can't share his popcorn, but hanging out with her cousin more than makes up for it!
Stone and robotnik eventually get a spirit box. Robotnik adamantly refused to get one, siteing him haveing standards as one of the reasons, but eventually he caved. Maria relentlessly teases him while talking through it, so he tries to avoid useing it as much as possible. But sometimes maria gets bored and throws a hissy fit, flinging things off the shelves and tables until he turns it back on to talk to her again. (Maria telling them that its her through the spirit box could also be another way they learn that they're being haunted by robotniks cousin if its not through shadow or gerald, but i digress.)
Stone, once he learns maria isn't all to hostile, actually kind of vibes with her a bit. Sure, she still scares the shit out of him sometimes, but due to his experience in dealing with robotnik, he learns to tolerate her presense. Even if its from 6 ft away. (Its a lot more than robotnik does anyways.)
Final thought! I'd imagine that sonic (and maybe the rest of team sonic) end up haveing to stay in stone and robotniks crab house temporarily while they're busying trying to track shadow down or something. and its only when maria appears to sonic (since he reminds her of shadow,) that robotnik tells him "oh yeah, the base is haunted." Which pisses sonic off a bit, because if he had known, he would have never agreed to stay in the damn crab house to begin with. But oh well, he'll deal with it. Maybe she's freindly! She did wave at him.. in a very creepy way- but that doesnt mean she's bad! In the end, sonic ends up being decent freinds with her. (This is litterally the only time that someone doesn't think maria is out to get them btw. Poor girl, she just wants to bond a bit more with her cousin that she never got to meet.)
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biggest-whump-fan · 2 years
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3 will be free EP 9
the soft collapse after feeling safe is just EVERYTHING !!
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oneinchfrog · 10 months
imagine hermie dies dramatically and then just rematerializes bc when you die you go to hell. and theyre in hell.
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charmac · 1 year
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whumpneto · 1 year
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Jake Gyllenhaal as Master Sgt. John Kinley in Guy Ritchie's The Covenant (2023) (Part One)
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izakk-tiberius-kyle · 21 days
What if I just...
*shoots you in the stomach*
...well fuck that ain't-
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The many injuries and long recovery of Felix Berner, and the protective instincts of his best friend Wolfgang Bogdanow across two seasons of Sense8.
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