#and heard me out about jiang cheng
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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While you were fighting in the war, I was falling in a pit.
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qiu-yan · 2 months
wow this post got depressing really fast. sorry
if you think about it. if you were just some random no-name cultivator who somehow got invited to the phoenix mountain night-hunt, and you heard something about 1. hanguang-jun of the sterling reputation, 2. wei wuxian the demonic cultivator already flouting social norms, and 3. a forced kiss....which would you believe? that lan wangji forcibly kissed wei wuxian? or that wei wuxian forcibly kissed lan wangji?
depressing thoughts.
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shanastoryteller · 9 months
Please more Marriage Assassin WQ, please! Thanks and happy holidays!
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
His wife was sent here to kill him.
"You cannot tell Lan Zhan."
She blinks at him, obviously not having expected that reaction. "I ... wasn't planning to?"
He'll kill her. Sort of gleefully too, because Lan Zhan has a possessive streak and Wei Wuxian bowed three times to someone that wasn't him and his wife has been planning to kill him for her first bow.
"Okay," he says, pacing the length of their room. "Okay. Do you know where your family is? Are they being kept at the palace? Because that will make things very difficult, let me tell you. Uncle Jiang is not going to like this." He pauses, tapping his flute against his lips. "I could maybe do it on my own, with some, um, back up," Lan Zhan and Jiang Cheng and probably even Lan Xichen if Lan Zhan has anything to say about it, "and if we wear, I don't know, disguises or something maybe we don't have to turn this into an interclan thing."
Or they could just kill everyone. No one to blab about what a bunch of clan heirs are getting up to if they don't leave any survivors.
Wen Qing is staring. "You - what are you - I was going to kill you. I came here to kill you!"
"Yes, I heard you the first time," he says patiently. She scowls and he's been married to her long enough to know his best bet is to head her off before she starts. "You were willing to do anything for your family, even if it was stealing and killing. I get it. When your uncle came after my family, I used this." He flicks the yin iron out of his sleeve and it lazily spins in the air between them, toxic and sparking and rotting the air around it just from it's very existence. "I made this. You were just going to kill one person. Not thrilled that it was me, obviously, but if we're weighing sins you're not even going to budge the scale."
Lan Zhan has been sort of anxious lately. If he gets him riled up enough, Wei Wuxian can probably get him to agree to secretly kidnapping and or assassinating various Wens without him wanting to know specifics.
Wen Qing is still staring at him, in a way that's frankly very unnerving. What did she think he was going to do when she told him? Honestly.
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incarnadinedreams · 7 months
This isn't really new or anything but the more I reread random passages the more convinced I am that there's something very unique about the way Jiang Cheng reacts to Wen Ning and it's just so interesting!
I'm convinced it's more than just being angry. It's more than just hating him, or blaming him for Jin Zixuan's death or his sister's life. It's more than being a Wen, and it comes long before so many of those tragedies unfold anyway.
There's a sort of urgent, visceral reaction to Wen Ning's presence that just has this different feeling to it than how he reacts to any of the other characters. Even characters he has strong emotional responses to, it's never with the same panic or recklessness. It's not the same as the whole "vengeful wrath, fathomless hatred, or raving ecstasy" situation he's got going on with Wei Wuxian (sexy as that might be).
When it's Wei Wuxian, it's all "...well, well. So you're back?" and "Haven't you got anything to say to me?" Even when he's not being very nice, even when he's throwing teacups and furious at Wei Wuxian, there's still an edge of calmness in the way he lashes out. He's fucking mad but he's had more than a decade to think about this and he's got things to say and he's trying so hard to get a reaction from Wei Wuxian that he just won't give him.
But he can't tolerate having Wen Ning anywhere near him. Much of the time he instantly lashes out, physically, in ways to create space between them. He's mean to Wen Ning, but he doesn't really have much to say to him; he just wants to get away from him.
It really stuck out to me how instinctive and instantaneous and emotional that reaction is when I was reading this passage from chapter 81 (ExR translation since I've got it on hand in digital text form), when Jin Ling returns Zidian and rushes back into the fray during the Second Siege:
When Jiang Cheng was unaware, he stuffed Zidian's ring back into his hand and sprinted toward the crowd, all the way up to the most dangerous area before the mouth of the cave. Jiang Cheng was about to chase after him when he managed to slice a few corpses, staggering. He felt that Sandu was no lighter than hundreds of pounds. Two female corpses threw themselves at him from both directions.
Jiang Cheng cursed. As he lifted his sword again, another pair of hands tore the two corpses into pieces, "Sect Leader..."
Jiang Cheng lost his temper as soon as he heard the voice. He kicked Wen Ning away and cursed, "Get the fuck away from me!"
Obviously that is not very nice and poor Wen Ning didn't deserve a kick for being legitimately helpful there, but the point is that not only does he lash out - the reaction happens even when he's clearly got higher priorities going on in a chaotic situation. Throughout that entire event he reacts in a somewhat more even-keeled way to almost everything except Wen Ning being in his vicinity.
And it's not just after Wen Ning's death, not just after he became Wei Wuxian's greatest weapon, not just after he was forced to kill Jin Zixuan - it's specifically a pattern established from the moment he woke up in the Supervisory Office without a core:
Before he could say anything, those sun robes reflected against Jiang Cheng's eyes. His pupils suddenly shrunk.
Jiang Cheng kicked Wen Ning, toppling over the bowl of medicine. The black liquid all spilled onto Wen Ning. Wei WuXian wanted to take the bowl of medicine. He pulled up Wen Ning as well, who had been shocked speechless. Jiang Cheng roared at him, "What's wrong with you?!"
At this point he doesn't even know how he was rescued, since he was unconscious for all of that, and thinks they're in a Wen trap and likely going to die (or worse). But there's so many echoes of that interaction again, and again, and again between them.
And combined with Wen Ning's remarks during the scene just before this, where he tells Wei Wuxian about the discipline whip injuries and how Jiang Cheng 'should have other injuries as well', the way the narrative is so deliberately ambiguous on what exactly occurred, it all makes me want to crawl up the walls and gnaw on the light fixtures wailing WHAT DID YOU SEE, WEN NING?! WHAT DID YOU SEE?
At a minimum, Jiang Cheng knows that Wen Ning was there at Lotus Pier prior to his capture by the Wen guards, because they'd both seen Wen Ning examining Jiang corpses on the training field before they fled for Meishan.
But everything after that is only implication and subtext and suppositions and speculation, not directly stated in the text. But based on his reaction, you can pry my headcanon from my cold dead hands that that Wen Ning probably witnessed all or much of what happened to Jiang Cheng after he was captured, and Jiang Cheng knows it.
I've also posted before how I think there's an at least nonzero chance that Jiang Cheng was never directly told that Wen Ning wasn't actually there with Wen Chao when they saw him early on, but came later to try to help (because when Wen Ning gives Wei Wuxian that information Jiang Cheng isn't conscious, and nobody tells Jiang Cheng anything. I don't think that headcanon changes much either way, but there is a slight difference, at least emotionally, between 'I helped you while I was there to slaughter your clan and destroy your life' and 'I came when I heard my crazy cousin was slaughtering your clan and tried to help you' and I think it's a juicy thing to add to the pile of misunderstandings they each have of the other's motivations and actions).
Which, if I go with these two ideas together, really drives home what a bespoke and specific nightmare the way the Golden Core reveal played out - not only the substance of the reveal, but the fact it was Wen Ning who revealed it.
He was already furious that they were even there at Lotus Pier, particularly Wen Ning. But the way it all happens it feels like it's not just echoes of the amplified emotions of the confrontation with Lan Wangji & Wei Wuxian in the Ancestral Hall, it's not just Wen Ning being a Wen, or even Jin Zixuan's death, the way the narration calls out. It feels like there are deeper layers to it.
I also feel a bit stupid for not noticing before this probably extremely obvious to literally everyone else who isn't a dumbass like me parallel of Wen Ning getting a gruesome scorching whip mark across his chest at Lotus Pier in the course of saving Wei Wuxian (more or less, sort of - we know as readers Jiang Cheng was intentionally trying not to hurt them with Zidian, but I don't think Wen Ning knew that when he jumped in).
Jiang Cheng looked to find that the uninvited guest was Wen Ning. Immediately, he raged, "Who let you inside Lotus Pier?! How dare you!"
He could manage to tolerate others, but definitely not Wen Ning, the Wen-dog who put his hand through Jin ZiXuan's heart and ended both his sister's happiness and her life. Just a look, and he felt the urge to kill him right there. How dare he step foot on the earth of Lotus Pier—he really was looking for his death!
Because of the two lives and many other reasons, Wen Ning had always felt guilty, and so he'd always been somewhat scared of Jiang Cheng, consciously avoiding him all the time. Right now, however, he blocked Wei WuXian and Lan WangJi as he faced him, taking the hard lash. A gruesome scorch climbed across his chest, but still he didn't flinch.
I don't know that it actually means anything but it's making me FEEL THINGS incoherently at this specific moment, so. Also I find it legitimately sad that Wen Ning has to live with guilt over things that happened when he was controlled by someone else, though the scene before the Ancestral Hall when Jin Ling starts crying on the boat is probably a better example of that. Anyway.
It's just there's so, so many layers to how uniquely horrible it is for Jiang Cheng that he not only finds out about the Golden Core transfer this way, but also that Wen Ning, specifically, directly witnessed this life-shatteringly huge deception and sacrifice too - while Jiang Cheng was unconscious, no less.
And, well, we know how everything got capped off in that scene...
Obviously the shock of the information was going to get a huge reaction no matter what, no matter who or how he found out. Even without the Wen Ning element, it already hits every one of his deepest weaknesses and insecurities and fears.
But to come from the guy who'd witnessed his family being slaughtered, who'd witnessed who-knows-what humiliations heaped on him (who also happens to be the same fucking guy that Wei Wuxian thought it was worth leaving Yunmeng Jiang for, breaking his promise for...), the guy he blames for his sister's tragic fate (whether that blame is misplaced or not), the guy he exhibits a panic response towards even decades later, and goddamn.
There are just so many layers to this perfect little nightmare reveal on so many different levels aren't there?
There's just SO much meaty stuff for these two to dig into post-canon and all we get is an extra with a 'oh yeah sometimes Jiang Cheng yells on night hunts and Wen Ning is there' about it?!
I should probably just shut up and go read some Jiang Cheng and Wen Ning focused fics or something (whether romantic or platonic that's probably an area I really haven't explored enough vs. the amount of sheer interesting hints and material the novel gives to work with! If by some miracle anyone made it to the end of this beast feel free to drop any recs that explore them, especially that 'what did Wen Ning see?!' aspect of the whole situation because that is the current little brain worm haunting me right now).
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mxtxfanatic · 5 days
Jc stans whining about being bullied out of the fandom when they should have been bullied out of the Wei Wuxian’s wiki:
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Or Jiang Cheng’s wiki:
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Or the official release of the novel like:
when it said that Jiang Fengmian showed favoritism towards Wei Wuxian over Jiang Cheng in the character descriptions
when it reworked the section where the novel says Jiang Cheng "has no love in him"
when they were omitting lines of text that reflected unfavorably on Jiang Cheng (just one example of this happening in one of the volumes).
Slick diction will get you every time if you don't stop to think about why the writer has chosen a specific word choice. Whoever's been doing the bullying has obviously not been doing a good job. Explanations with evidence under the cut:
Jiang Cheng doesn't "insist" on carrying Wei Wuxian; Wei Wuxian is carried onto him and he carries him out because he thinks Wei Wuxian's reaction to the pain will make him look bad:
After the beating finished, Lan WangJi silently stood up and walked outside after saluting toward the the disciples in the ancestral hall, showing no evidence that he had been injured. Wei WuXian was the exact opposite. After he was carried onto Jiang Cheng’s back, he groaned for the whole way. ... (break where wwx is explaining why he was punished to the others) "...Jiang Cheng, walk slower. You’re almost shaking me off.” Jiang Cheng wanted to not only shake him off, but, even more so, to make a few man-shaped dents on the ground by slamming his head down, “Is simply carrying you not up to your standards?!” Wei WuXian, “I never asked you to carry me, in the beginning.” Jiang Cheng was enraged, “If I don’t carry you, you’d probably stay in their ancestral hall and roll on the ground all day long. I don’t have that thick of a face to lose! Lan WangJi even had fifty more strikes than you, and he even walked by himself. Yet, you have the nerve to pretend that you’re crippled. I don’t want to carry you any more. Get off, now!” Wei WuXian, “No, I’m wounded.”
—Chapt. 18: Refinement, exr
Wei Wuxian doesn't "insist" on being Jiang Cheng's subordinate. He is giving Jiang Cheng a pep talk about how he will never replace him after Madam Yu accuses him of being Jiang Fengmian's bastard child in front of Jiang Cheng:
Jiang Cheng was stuck between his father and his mother. After a moment of hesitation, he moved to his mother’s side. Holding his shoulders, Madam Yu pushed him forward for Jiang FengMian to see, “Sect Leader Jiang, it seems that some things I have to say. Look carefully—this, is your own son, the future head of Lotus Pier. Even if you frown upon him just because I was the one who bore him, his surname is still Jiang! ... I don’t believe for one second that you haven’t heard of how the outside people gossips, that Sect Leader Jiang has still not moved on from a certain Sanren though so many years have passed, regarding the son of his old friend as a son of his own; they’re speculating if Wei Ying is your...” ... [Wei Wuxian] hopped off the fence, “And, who said that being a sect leader means that you have to go along with the style of the sect? There have been so many sect leaders in the YunmengJiang Sect, I don’t believe at all that everyone was the same. Even the GusuLan Sect had an outlier like Lan Yi, but who would deny her position and her abilities? When talking about the famous cultivators of the Lan Sect, who could skip over her? Who could skip over her Chord Assassination technique?” Jiang Cheng was silent, as though he had finally become calmer. Wei WuXian put his hand on his shoulder again, “In the future, you’ll be the sect leader, and I’ll be your subordinate, like your father and my father. So what if the GusuLan Sect has its Two Jades? The Yunmeng Jiang Sect will have its Two Prides! So, shut up. Who said that you don’t deserve to be the sect leader? Nobody can say this, even you can’t either. If you do you’re looking for a beating.”
—Chapt. 56: Poisons, exr
Wei Wuxian doesn't "insist" on giving his golden core to Jiang Cheng. He is coerced into it by the debt invoked by the Jiang leaders before their deaths to protect Jiang Cheng with his life, and at that moment, Jiang Cheng was determined to die if he had to live without a golden core:
Wei WuXian, “Do you really want to die?” Jiang Cheng, “I can’t seek revenge even when I’m alive. Why shouldn’t I die? Maybe I’ll be able to turn into a ferocious ghost.” Wei WuXian, “You’ve been undergoing soul-calming ceremonies ever since you were young. You won’t be able to turn into a ferocious ghost even after you die.” Jiang Cheng, “If I can’t seek revenge no matter if I’m dead or alive, then what’s the difference between the two?” After he said this, he wouldn’t speak again no matter what. Wei WuXian sat by the bed. He looked at him for a while. Slapping his knees, he stood up and began to busy himself. When evening came, he had finally finished making a meal. He placed everything onto the table, “Get up. It’s time for dinner.” Of course, Jiang Cheng ignored him. Wei WuXian sat in front of the table. He picked up his own chopsticks, “If you don’t replenish your strength, how can we go take back your golden core?”
—Chapt. 60: Poisons, exr
Jiang Cheng doesn't return Chenqing "once the truth of his golden core is revealed." He returns it mid-battle because Wei Wuxian's whistling wasn't strong enough to effectively contain Nie Mingjue's corpse. After the battle, he simply doesn't demand it back.
Lan XiChen turned the direction in which his blade pointed, while Wei WuXian and Lan WangJi sped up their melodies as well. But the effects of the whistle had already been overcome. It would be much harder than before for it to take effect again. At this point, somebody on the side suddenly called, “Wei WuXian!” Wei WuXian answered immediately, “What?” Only after he answered did he realize that the one who called him was Jiang Cheng. Wei WuXian felt somewhat surprised. Jiang Cheng didn’t respond directly. Instead, he took something out from his sleeve and tossed. Wei WuXian caught it by instinct and looked, only to find a black, gleaming flute along with a crimson tassel. It was the ghoul flute, Chen Qing! ... Remembering that Jiang Cheng was the one who brought it, he turned over there and commented casually, “Thanks.” He waved Chenqing, “I’ll... be keeping this?” Jiang Cheng glanced at him, “It was yours in the first place.”
—Chapt. 108, exr
Jiang Cheng didn't "feel gratitude" towards the Wen siblings for saving and protecting him. He owed them gratitude due to his life debt and for a debt for aiding him in reclaiming his parents' bodies and home. He repays neither:
Jiang Cheng’s brows were knitted. He rubbed the vein that throbbed at his temple and soundlessly took in a deep breath, “... I apologize to all of the Sect Leaders. Everyone, I’m afraid you don’t know that the Wen cultivator whom Wei WuXian wanted to save was called Wen Ning. We owe him and his sister Wen Qing gratitude for what happened during the Sunshot Campaign.”
With Sandu, he pointed at Wen Ning who lay on the ground, “The only way of making up for things is for us to end things before they get the chance to!” Wei WuXian, “End what?” Jiang Cheng, “You burn this corpse right now and return to them all these leftovers of the Wen Sect. That’s the only way to make the subject die!” As he spoke, he raised his sword again, preparing to attack. However, Wei WuXian clenched his wrist, “Are you joking?! If we return Wen Qing and the others to them, they’d meet nothing but a dead end!” Jiang Cheng, “I doubt you’ll even return all of them. Why do you care what kind of end they meet? A dead end it is, then—what does it have to do with you?!”
—Chapt. 73: Recklessness, exr
Jiang Cheng forgives Jin Zixuan because he wants an alliance with the Jin Clan, and his sister's marriage is his bargaining chip.
All the times Jiang Cheng has physically assaulted Jin Ling, along with how the boy views his uncle
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sandumilfshou · 9 months
still kind of insane to me that people talk shit about jiang cheng without fully understanding what he has been through so lets just understand what his mental state is like BEFORE canon begins:
born via a dysfunctional marriage to be the sect heir
father doesnt care for him, mother expects too much from him/everything he does is not enough
has his three dogs just kicked out randomly with no notice because of some kid he's never heard of by the father who never gave him love and/or attention
said father then favours this kid more than him, to the point that the entire world basically thinks that this kid is biologically your father's son as well, which causes even more family dysfunction
despite this still learns to love this kid as his unofficial brother
works his absolute hardest but is always second-best because his new shixiong is naturally talented
nobody appreciates the hard work he puts in at being second place despite the fact wwx literally doesnt work hard for it
masks his emotions with anger as a coping mechanism to minimise the amount of hurt he feels
ok great so now lets actually take all of the above and apply this mental wellbeing to canon events FROM HIS PERSPECTIVE (keep in mind this is literally what jc is seeing/experiencing because he DOESNT KNOW what the reader knows):
brother is off being the protagonist and getting in trouble and gets their sisters marriage ruined
comes home from a year away and then almost immediately has to go and be a hostage where brother continues his protagonist behaviour
gets trapped and nearly dies in a cave with a 400-year-old monster, is in charge of finding a way out and making sure everyone else escapes
brother and a guy who maybe hates him get stuck behind in the cave so now jiang cheng has to boost it home ON FOOT, without food, to get manpower to rescue them, which takes a minimum of a few days likely without any food or sleep
no appreciation or thanks for doing that since brother was more heroic and killed the 400-year-old monster
gets scolded by his father for being annoyed by this
parents immediately get into another fight about father loving wwx more than jc
because of the above shenanigans their sect is targeted next
tries to defend brother against being whipped to death and/or having his hand cut off by mother
witnesses his entire sect being burned and murdered
loses both his parents
decides to sacrifice himself to save his brother's life, instead of dying he is tortured and has his golden core melted
on top of his inferiority issues, the ONE THING he was expected to do was be the sect leader for the yunmeng jiang. the sect that no longer exists. he is now a sect leader with no sect and no golden core. no shit he wants to mcfuckin die
miraculously gets a new golden core but loses his brother
immediately plunged into a war and he's only like 17
spends 3 months trying to find his brother only for his brother to show up doing the Forbidden Magic and necromancy which is Super Disrespectful in their culture like holy shit what are you doing
brother refuses to use his sword in favour of the Forbidden Magics and kind of keeps undermining jc's orders as sect leader which makes jc look weak in front of all the other sect leaders when he's actively trying to rebuild their sect and be respected as a leader
fights a war for [handwaves] an amount of time, certainly a few years minimum, while watching his brother descend further into Unhealthy Behaviour but brother refuses to do anything or talk about it
ends up lowkey being a war hero
the other three great sects (of which there are now only four) swear brotherhood, leaving out ONLY ymj/jiang cheng, which, what the Fuck dude
is now a teenager who has lost his parents who now has to rebuild his sect from scratch with fuck all money, supplies, and support
brother, who promised to always be at his side helping, is not helping, and in fact is actively just getting drunk and being a nuisance and STILL REFUSING TO SAY WHY
entire cultivation world starts to turn on his brother who is now looking like a loose cannon bc he has Forbidden Magics that are Terrifyingly Powerful and also it has been proven that he does not give a fuck about jc's opinion since he's constantly doing whatever the fuck he wants
literally out of nowhere said brother decides to piss off everyone, start fights, and then KILL JIN GUARDS at a camp and MAKE OFF with like fifty people who are part of the family that he just fought a war against and were responsible for slaughtering his family/sect
go to the terrifying haunted mountain where wwx and the wen remnants are and sees that he's essentially starting a new family with a kid and crops, doesn't seem to care that jiang cheng is still trying to keep the ymj afloat and look like they have any strength
brother is still doing Forbidden Magic and refuses to explain why, and now says he'll secede from the ymj so his bad reputation doesn't reflect on jc like he HASNT BEEN DOING THAT THE WHOLE TIME
so now shixiong wants to just abandon jc completely after jc has lost his parents, had to rebuild everything from scratch, while ignoring the promise he's made their whole life? ok fuck you
jc also can't defend him in public because that would turn the ymj into a target and please keep in mind he is a teenager who was expected to do this ONE THING by his parents and he has poured his heart and soul and blood and tears into rebuilding the ymj and they are So Vulnerable Right Now
uhhh what the fuck suddenly wwx kills their sister's husband ?? bro what the FUCK?
everyone rallies to go and attack wwx for this and again jc literally cant do anything about it and refusing to go will just make everyone assume he's on wwx's side and their sect can't afford to be attacked rn
bro what the fuck now THEIR SISTER IS DEAD?????
oh even better now said brother is DEAD
jiang cheng literally has NO ONE LEFT. no friends. no family. no parents, no siblings, everyone he knew growing up is dead. its literally just him and his infant nephew, who by the way, is living with the sect who are the most powerful and also most likely to be super fucking shady so jc has to tread very carefully
so jc spends over a decade raising his nephew ALONE while trying to make ymj powerful and also hunting/killing demonic cultivators that now p much only exist bc his brother invented/popularised the technique
oh yeah and also this whole time the guy who maybe hated his brother is now like EVEN colder and more antagonistic towards jc like it was HIS FAULT that wwx is dead? get fucked lan wangji you didnt even like the guy (or if this is cql/untamed canon: you literally did nothing either so where do you get off on acting like you're better than jc)
over a decade passes and suddenly his dead brother is alive again and causing more problems and acting like the things he did were not major contributors towards jc's entire family and sect dying
More Political Drama Happens and jc has to manage it
suddenly its revealed that the guy he's been co-raising his nephew with is the major villain who caused the entire world to turn on wwx in the first place oh and also it turns out that the fucking miraculous core jc has IS HIS BROTHER'S, WHO NEVER SAID ANYTHING, AND THIS IS THE REASON HE STARTED THE FORBIDDEN MAGICS AND STOPPED HELPING AROUND THE SECT, but he didnt even BOTHER to tell jiang cheng about it
by the way did i mention this was done via an entirely unconsented experimental surgery
and now the brother of the doctor who did the unconsented experimental surgery is ?? mad at jiang cheng about it ???? like he was supposed to KNOW ABOUT THIS when wwx was KEEPING IT FROM HIM ON PURPOSE???
and now theyre all nearly dying in this dumbass temple - and the ONE family member jc still has is literally being threatened with a garotte
oh cool now jc's brother is saying forget the past let's just leave it all behind !!! as though THAT ISNT JC'S ENTIRE LIFE AND TRAUMA and the ONE THING he EVER wanted was for him, wwx, and jyl to be alive and happy, and now wwx is saying just forget it! like FUCK YOU???? does jc truly mean NOTHING???????
oh and now his brother is off gallivanting with the guy who hated him - who it turns out doesn't hate him - and now they're getting married
and jiang cheng is meant to just. pretend all of this never happened and live his life normally. while wwx is out there. being happy and married.
like... if you can read all of this and still treat jc like he's the bad guy, i'm sorry, but you have literally zero empathy. dude had it probably more rough than any of the other main ensemble cast, and i am including jgy in that, because jgy Made His Choices. jc literally just had to let things happen around him helplessly
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wutheringskies · 10 months
List: Wei Ying's Attitude Towards Lan Zhan (Pt 1)
Cloud Recesses Arc (Chronological)
1. First Impression: Lan Zhan is very, very pretty with a stern expression on his face, as if he's in mourning. Learning of his reputation, learning that he's well-spoken, smart and academically an ace.
2. Their dynamic forms: Wei Wuxian is annoyed by how Lan Wangji treats him, how he appears to be an immovable polished piece of jade and wishes to break through his composure by annoying him - he wants to be treated specially.
3. Respecting Lan Zhan's talents and genuine desire for friendship: Learning that Lan Zhan's reputation isn't fake. Despite being so young, he can carry three people onto his sword, think logically, and help people. Secondly, Wei Wuxian respects his integrity as Lan Zhan punishes himself as well for breaking the rules, despite the gap in their status. He wishes to become closer to Lan Wangji as they share similar values.
4. The first tones of romance: Wei Wuxian has always been interested in seeing how Lan Wangji would be as a romantic partner, thus baiting him with porn and "girls in Yunmeng." As Wei Wuxian hangs out with his friends, he sees Lan Wangji alone and wants to give him friends as well - the kind that Lan Wangji will like - so, he gives him two rabbits, which were in a compromising position and turned out to be both male. Secondly, he is very interested in Lan An's story as this is a new context to be applied to Lan Wangji.
Pre-Sunshot Campaign
1. Lan Wangji as his maiden: Wei Wuxian unknowingly always puts Lan Wangji into the place of a "maiden" - what I mean by this is that, when the girls chase after him in Yunmeng, he sighs and thinks of Lan Wangji. When he sees Lan Wangji's forehead ribbons, he thinks of pulling a girl's ponytails and tugs it. Thus, he has moved on from baiting Lan Zhan with girls to see how he would be in a romantic context to placing Lan Zhan as the maiden in a heterosexual context.
2. Stage of Denial: As Wei Wuxian's feelings for Lan Wangji keep surging subconsciously, yet he keeps facing with one rejection after the other, a proud man as him enters the stage of denial. Here, he constantly lies to himself, gives excuses for his actions, hides his thoughts and reframes events - aka, he gaslights himself.
• We know he has been thinking of Lan Zhan well after studying in Gusu (he studied for 3 months, Jiang Cheng studied for a year. In the lotus pod extra he's still talking about Lan Zhan and it's a common occurrence, so at least until 9 months later, he's still talking about him) yet he says in Qishan Archery Competition that he has forgotten about him. Secondly, he says he doesn't recognize Lan Wangji, yet he mentions that his fingers look suited to playing the guqin, thus he already recognizes this handsome man and his emotions surge, yet he calms himself down by framing his thoughts to make himself seem less attached.
• This behavior continues throughout the Qishan Wen Indoctrination. He went to Mianmian's side to get the perfume pouch after he heard it had medicinal herbs, and Lan Zhan's leg was injured. Yet Lan Zhan gets jealous and refuses his help, Wei Wuxian later takes a jab at his broken leg when he's bejng supported by Jiang Cheng - upset that he was refused once more.
• At this point, 2 years after meeting Lan Zhan, Wei Wuxian is giving up on his thoughts of them becoming friends, even petulantly whining to Lan Zhan, that "why do you not like me???"
• He shoves all of his feelings down, and accepts that he needs to give Lan Zhan more space.
• Yet even after the Xuanwu Cave, we can see that though he wished to give Lan Zhan more space, he continued to ask questions after question about him to Jiang Cheng.
Sunshot Campaign
1. Takes a Hint: Now, Wei Wuxian is no longer a child. He has been through too many things, has too many responsibilities to worry about his "childhood ambition" of becoming friends with Lan Zhan. After his return, the first thing they do is have a fight - to Wei Wuxian's point of view, it is that, after each of his attempts to become closer have been squashed, now finally they're fighting - aka, they are on opposite sides. Thus, Lan Wangji suddenly turning 180 degrees back by wanting to take him back to Gusu registers as a "punishment." He simply can't even imagine a context where Lan Zhan likes him. Thus, this stage, I call - Wei Wuxian takes a hint (the wrong one.)
2. Confusion and Hurt: Wei Wuxian is already suffering through major identity crisis and plenty of trauma. In such a setting, he cannot evaluate Lan Wangjj's actions and arguments with him as "concern, care or worry." He cannot think of his opinions over digging graves etc as "righteous." Lan Wangji is "against him." Wei Wuxian suppresses his feelings well, and has moved on from wanting to be friends. Yet he does not agree with those who call them enemies - refusing to take Lan Zhan's behavior towards him as "hate."
Post-Sunshot Campaign
1. Hiding all his weaknesses: Now, Sunshot Campaign is over and Wei Wuxian is very aware that he's going to be hated by everyone sooner or later. He's scared and he doesn't know what to do, where he stands, and also regrets some of what he has done. He is without any backing, without any support - he covers up his vulnerability by standing up too tall, by talking arrogantly, by pretending that he's so strong - in his act, he doesn't notice Lan Zhan subtly moving towards him (metaphorically and literally), and walks past him, leaving him behind.
2. Shifting of Dynamic, Rekindling Hope and Extreme Fear and Vulnerability: Now that for the first time in years, that Wei Wuxian has time to breathe and momentarily, no immediate responsibilities or distractions his feeling surge again. He is still in denial about his feelings, but now the amount of gaslighting he does is truly remarkable. Firstly, he wished to place Lan Zhan in a romantic context (whether or not it included him), secondly he imagined Lan Zhan as a maiden for HIM, now thirdly, he is placing himself into the spot of "the maiden"
-> Throwing flowers at Lan Zhan along with other girls
-> Conveniently making the remark that of course, he doesn't imagine that Lan Zhan will ever take the initiative and kiss someone (aka, he wishes Lan Zhan will take initiative because he's put himself out there for so long, and he is tired.)
Now, Wei Wuxian's feelings towards Lan Zhan are very much real, the minor crush growing into something more - like a flower bud that wants to be watered to bloom. But since it isn't welcomed, he forces them back into his heart:
1. Admitting he finds Lan Zhan handsome - admitting some degree of physical attraction and admiration by throwing a flower at him.
2. Asking for his headband knowing it is somehow symbolic (something important to him, a privelege). Subconsciously playing Wangxian, and then finally getting kissed. For some reason, he FAILS to mention Lan Zhan's signature scent of sandalwood despite his senses being so keen. Why? In my opinion - it's him suppressing that thought. He knows the maiden is remarkably strong, he has an inkling that it is HIM so, he allows the kiss to go on, excusing it with the excuse that "how embarrassed the maiden will be once he sees her." After all, even when Lan Zhan asks him much later "you didn't know whom the person was so why didn't you resist, and then why did you tell me this?" Wei Wuxian doesn't answer him, but instead laughs at him for being jealous. In truth, I feel, this is another one of Wei Wuxian's deflections.
He knows admitting that he smelt the sandalwood would make it impossible for him to not relate to Lan Zhan. He knows only Lan Zhan was in the vicinity. He knows only Lan Zhan has showed any significant connection to him - someone like Wei Wuxian would definitely know if a girl liked him. But he can't read Lan Zhan. He also knows Lan Zhan is conveniently acting different than usual - yet, he doesn't probe too much, which is uncharacteristic of him. Not to mention, Lan Zhan is showing significant negative emotion towards him - asking him to go away. Wei Wuxian subtly sneaks in one of the doubts he's carried for three years now, "do you hate me?" But it's unanswered. Wei Wuxian is afraid and he's feeling self conscious again, eyes tearing up, so what does he do?
Act pretentious.
"Of course, I've a lot of experience. Even if it was you, it doesn't matter, haha. This isn't special to me. You aren't making me feel anything special. You aren't making me weak. You aren't hurting me."
After this, he is relieved. He has hid well. His feeling are hidden perfectly. To confirm, he even asks Lan Zhan og he's ever kissed, etc. Lan Zhan doesn't say yes or no, but Wei Wuxian has convinced himself that it wouldn't have been Lan Zhan. He makes up an imaginary maiden who kissed him. He says he never tried to find her to not embarass her. After he is sure it wasn't Lan Zhan, he is not interested in finding out who kissed him.
Successfully gaslighted □
The next incident is at Yunmeng, and it's by far the most obvious thing Wei Wuxian has done to show his feelings towards Lan Wangji. He casually admits that Lan Zhan is very handsome, and bestows plenty of flowers of all meanings upon him.
But the most important is the peony. Wei Wuxian reaches out towards Lan Wangji all the time. Each time, he's a bit more hurt, a bit more scared, a bit more vulnerable. So, this time, he's giving Lan Wangji and his surging feelings a chance - either Lan Wangji takes it and he allows his feelings to surge, or Lan Wangji doesn't take it and he swallows all his feelings back inside, rewrites the whole narrative and moves on with his life.
Thus, he throws out a flower that can either mean "a confession" or a separation.
He doesn't expect Lan Wangji to come up the inn. He expects it to be a separation. But he does come up - yet what follows is an argument, their last one. From Lan Wangji's point of view, it is also last time he asks Wei Wuxian to come to Gusu with him - to walk the same path moving forward, a last offer of protection. In a way both of them are confessing, yet they don't know.
When they part on dubious terms, Wei Wuxian doesn't know what to do - Lan Wangji DID come up, he did talk to him - that is not indifference or hate. It does not guarantee separation. Wei Wuxian just takes it as concern, without any confirmation from Lan Wangji himself.
Now, Wei Wuxian goes back to Lotus Pier in a dark mood. He says he met someone who wanted to lock him up - in a way, it must be addressed that Wei Wuxian's feelings are like chains for him. They don't liberate him. He needs to constantly suppress them. Jiang Cheng remarks it must have been Wei Wuxian who called out to Lan Wangji. Wei Wuxian comments that he himself is ridiculous. He is frustrated over his feelings, unable to understand why he is placing himself into a position like this, why he has hopes only for them to be crushed again and again, yet unable to actually realize anything as he hasn't admitted it all to himself yet. Later, they talk about Yanli and Zixuan, and Wei Wuxian finds himself the perfect cover to talk to his shijie. He asks why people like one another - why does he have to feel so scared and afraid and vulnerable - and tells himself he's asking on part of his shijie. He convinces himself that he won't ever like anyone that much, thus once again - suppressing his feelings.
Later, at Koi Tower, he drinks from Lan Wangji's cup, unable to see him be disrespected and presents his case to the banquet. He ends up having to threaten everyone. Wei Wuxian HAS to make himself into something he is not. He's unafraid. At least that is what he wants to think.
Wei Wuxian glanced over at him (Lan Wangji). In those eyes, light as cat’s eye chrysoberyl, he saw his own near-hideous reflection.
This is how he truly feels - not just about himself (my boy literally has to carry a fake persona and be so strong and so alone for YEARS) but also how he perceives Lan Wangji's attitude towards him, and it stings him, but luckily he has more things to do than worry about how Lan Zhan feels about him.
YiLing Laozu
1. A ray of hope, separation and acceptance: Few weeks in the Burial Mounds has matured Wei Wuxian. He is naturally someone who works better when there is a goal, when there are people depending onto him. He has made his decision to walk his chosen path to its bitter end. Far away from the public's eyes, with his fear of being hated and ostracized, realized, now it is like he has little to lose, so he tries to make the best of it. When Lan Zhan visits YiLing, Wei Wuxian doesn't throw any curveballs to him. He doesn't ask too much, doesn't hope for anything, doesn't play around. Just enjoys some company time with him. Even when Lan Zhan brings up their persistent issues and pushes back them into the sphere of reality, Wei Wuxian deflects and only then shows some of his frustration. Yet, when Lan Zhan leaves, he chases after him to bid him goodbye. He tells him of his chosen path, asks him to form his own opinions about things, shows some trust in his integrity. They eventually go their own ways, the mood sombre. This time Wei Wuxian accepts that they aren't meant to be friends, but does say that they aren't enemies. Just people meant to walk separate paths. Thus, his feelings are no longer useful to him. They can't lead towards anything. He accepts it.
2. Extreme, Extreme Hurt: Acceptance doesn't mean it does not hurt. Just how long has Wei Wuxian suppressed his feelings? Just how long has he swallowed every hurt, every rejection? Just how many times has he called out first? Just how many times had he waited? When Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji stand on different sides in Nightless City with their weapons pointed at each other, Wei Wuxian finally "terms" Lan Wangji's attitude towards him: I knew from the start that we would have a real fight like this one, sooner or later. You've always found me disagreeable, no matter what.
"Wei WuXian had already lost his judgement. He was already half-mad, half-unconscious. All evil was being augmented by him. He felt that everyone loathed him and he loathed everyone as well. He wouldn’t be scared no matter who came at him. It wouldn’t matter no matter who came at him. It was all the same anyway."
He'd been scared, vulnerable and weak for so long, masking it with a layer of arrogance and humor. Yet now he simply can't do it any longer and his fears spill out, the darker thoughts he'd suppressed. He's like a child crying, saying it won't matter whatever his feelings were, he'd hurt them all. He was done of being hurt and scared, of hiding, of being treated like the problem. Note, that he has always wanted to be Lan Wangji's friend, always stated that they weren't enemies even when everyone around him laughed at his audacity. Now, he is done harboring hopes. He is ready to spill out all those things he's been holding back, all the fears he held.
Yet later, Lan Wangji is the one who helps him, hides him away, talks to him softly. If any part of Wei Wuxian was conscious, he'd have felt utter and complete exhaustion. "Get lost." As in, he is done. He doesn't wish for Lan Wangji to owe anything to him. He doesn't wish to change his perspectives once again. He has lost all hope, all will. He doesn't want to deal with it anymore. He can't leave by himself, he can't pretend otherwise, he can't make excuses, he can't hide in the face of Lan Wangji's action - so he can only drive him away.
If Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji ever had a few years of peace after they hit the age of eighteen, they would've figured their feelings out. Yet, everytime something is about to come out of their relationship, Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji go through a major ordeal that pushes them back to base zero. In their first life, their relationship ends on a tragedy.
Lan Wangji's full-grown tree of his feelings doesn't get to provide Wei Ying with its shade, left forever alone until the tree eventually dies. Meanwhile, Wei Ying's sprouts never get the water it needs to grow spontaneously.
One can't fall in love as deeply as Wei Ying is with Lan Zhan after his revival in just three months. Thus, I hope this post made it easier to see just how deep his feelings ran. I will write a follow-up post about his attitude towards Lan Zhan in his second life!
Do let me know your thoughts as well.
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bnnywngs · 1 month
Wei Wuxian is a good child. It's what every adult around him says, at least. If you ask for what he thinks, he'll say he's just doing his best to not be a burden.
At 13 years old, it's the first time he's been truly alone in his family house. His parents are always traveling somewhere, they used to bring him with them when he was little and didn't need to go to school, and Wei Wuxian still remembers those days with bitter fondness, but after he started school his guardian for a while was his grandma.
But now she's gone and his parents did not ask him if it was ok before they took off overseas once again. Although, his father did look a bit guilty.
"You're old enough, now, and you can cook, so it's fine for us." his mother said.
"If the school needs a guardian to sign a paper, our lawyer can do it, you just have to call him." his father forced a smile "Although he's going to visit you once a week. And we asked the neighbors to help, too."
"Oh! And your uncle Fengmian is going to look after you, too, ok?" his mother had no problems with smiling "We're going to do our best to come back more often."
"And you can always call us, ok?" his father looked at his wife's smile and suddenly his expression softened and his smile turned more real.
Wei Wuxian felt sick, but didn't say anything.
If they didn't want to stay, he wouldn't make them.
So, he tried his very best to live his life without complaining and with little to no tears. He smiled, laughed and joked around, trying to convince himself he was ok. That he was happy.
But sometimes, it was always too much for him and he felt negative emotions he tried with all his might to smother inside a deep box and kick to the back of his mind.
"Jealous." he said out loud "I feel jealous."
"What? Of who?" Jiang Cheng looked at him weirdly, as if doubting his words and thought he was crazy.
They were alone in the other boy's room playing video games before dinner, during one weekend Wei Wuxian was forced invited to stay over.
"You." Wei Wuxian shrugged, making his character die in the game.
"...Why?" Jiang Cheng's right eyebrow was almost kissing his hairline.
"Your parents are here." he hugged his knees, trying really hard to not cry "They fight a lot, but they love you and are here." sniffing, his voice trembled as he confessed his deepest feelings "I'm lonely."
Jiang Cheng looked down at his hands still holding the controller, biting his lip. He thought about what he should do, and ended up scooting over and throwing an arm around his friend's trembling shoulders.
"It's ok." he said, feeling awkward.
"I hate them." Wei Wuxian whispered against his knees.
Jiang Cheng felt his heart freeze for a moment "Sometimes..." he started "Sometimes I hate mine, too..."
Wei Wuxian cried silently for a while and Jiang Cheng kept half hugging him until he lifted his head and they both laughed at their red eyes and wet cheeks.
They didn't talk about it again until they were already in highschool and Wei Wuxian decided he wouldn't update his parents about his life anymore, and not be the first to call. Jiang Cheng kept supporting him silently and they started planning their future away from their parents.
When Wei Wuxian came out and started dating Lan Wangji, he didn't tell his parents directly, but his father liked his social media post. Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes and called them gross, but didn't tell any adults that the boys were sleeping together at that lonely house.
They were accepted in different universities. Wei Wuxian decided to go overseas by himself, while both Lan Wangji and Jiang Cheng were accepted at the same university in a bigger city.
"I will wait for Wei Ying." Lan Wangji said, a few days before moving.
"You know..." Wei Wuxian snickered "There's this thing called vacation, I don't know if you heard..."
Lan Wangji huffed, amused.
"And my lawyer said I can come back every summer for vacation. But Lan Zhan could go visit me too, right? Lan-er-gege is richer than this lonely man." he chuckled, hugging his boyfriend.
"...Fine." Lan Wangji silently sighed "I can visit Wei Ying during winter break and Wei Ying can visit me during summer."
When they were hugging each other in the airport saying their farewell to Wei Wuxian, Jiang Cheng clung to him hard and long, eyes closing forcedly.
"Are you still lonely?" he asked in a low voice.
"No." Wei Wuxian smiled, squeezing him back "A little."
"Still hate them?"
"A little. Yes."
They parted with wobbly smiles.
"It's ok." Jiang Cheng said.
"It's ok." Wei Wuxian nodded "I'll be back soon."
"You better!"
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angelheony · 3 months
'Make it stop, please make them stop!'
✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆✶ Synopsis ✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆✶
You used to think that you were good at hiding your emotions beneath the surface. Well simply because the hints you've been throwing at this someone you like have been getting ignored. On purpose or just his obliviousness? You have never told a soul about your affections, which hurt a couple of your crackhead friends, but in their defense, it was quite obvious to the naked eye what you both have been stressing over.
You were also quite sensitive to the other's feelings for you (said by them) and it hurts your friends' eyes to see the both of you pinning on each other but were clouded by self-doubt and overthinking.
So cue Wei Wuxian and Nie Huaisang scheming to get you to confess to each other.
Pairing: Jiang Cheng x gn! Reader
Content- Fluff, crack, idiots in love, straight up chaotic writing srry srry this author is tired
wc: Approximately 3k+ words
Warnings: Bad grammar, might be ooc, spelling mistakes
More Author's notes at the bottom
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Your head hurts when thinking about how the hell you got stuck here, in a small room, in a haunted house (or what Huaisang claims it to be). With the person you admit to being in love with.
Jiang Wanyin.
You sit with your back leaning on the wall, not making eye contact with the equally flustered man in front of you. Covering his face with his hand, trying to conceal the effect that the situation has on him. Not so slick really, but who are you to say that? when you are as stunned to be here as he is.
✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆✶ ✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆✶
It's now lunchtime in the Cloud Recesses, fluttering white robes pool at the entrance of the dining halls. Only just having finished their tasks and some lectures.
The light pitter-patter from the soles of their shoes can be heard and a few whispers thrown in secrecy. Disciples, afraid to be punished by the elders in the vicinity.
You keep your eyes open for a set of black and purple robes sitting, so you can grace them with your presence.
And there they are, seated on the near edge of the room. Odd why would they pick that place specifically? Unless we're in for knack of trouble again. You sigh out whilst striding towards them.
Wei Wuxian's eyes show a glimmer of mischievousness as he says albeit a little loudly,
"Well if it isn't our favorite person in the world, Aish so tardy what's got you so late? Jiang Cheng here was quite worried-"
A snicker can be heard from the person beside him, Huaisang. Which earns them both a smack in the head by the purple clad man.
You smile whilst sitting beside him, seeing it's the only space left. As both of the trouble makers are facing you.
"And you both didn't ouch, well at least someone did.."
You tease back only lightly, nudging the shoulder of your seatmate. Earning a flustered glare from him.
"Stop with your games." Jiang Cheng says firmly, Handing you a bowl of soup and utensils.
You give a sheepish smile in defeat to not piss him off further, "Okay, okay I'll stop. Thanks for leaving some for me, you're the best A-cheng"
You grab the soup in his hands, fingers touching for a brief second. Though it was enough to render you breathless, you hide it with a cocky demeanor.
✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆✶On the other side of the table✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆✶
"Do they think they're so slick with it....? I swear they're oblivious..." Wei Wuxian rolls his eyes at the pair in front of them as he whispers to his partner in crime.
"How do they not notice at all, it's stressing me out"
Huaisang nods fervently, fanning himself dramatically faster.
"Ugh, when can we make this stop...It hurts my soul just looking at them" Wei Wuxian groans, looking exasperated enough as it is. After all, he just finished copying a lot of the Lan clan's rules as a punishment.
"Well then let's hurry up with the plan," Huaisang, says menacingly, Betraying his always jittery demeanor. As they both snicker at the plan he concocted just a few nights ago.
✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆✶✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆✶
"What are you both scheming again?" You say with raised eyebrows and a small smile. Curious about what adventures await from the both of them.
"Guys, you know I think you're the coolest and strongest people here-"
A scoff can be heard beside you, making you crack a grin.
"Just spill it out, what is it?" Jiang Cheng says with impatience.
"Ugh... Can you please, please come with me? I want to explore that abandoned house just on the outskirts of town!"
Huaisang whispers-shouts, with his hands clasped together pleadingly.
You nod, willing to go on an adventure as well. As place bores you to death, all of you sharing the look of agreement.
"I'm in, when will we do this little escapade of ours?"
"In a few days time, Qiren says that we have a test coming up and you know I can't fail, my brother will kill me now for real..."
Huaisang panics, before excusing himself in the library pavilion to study. Just now remembering it.
Wei Wuxian slumps on his chair, defeat evident in his face.
Guessing he'll have to endure a couple of days of this pure torture. "No A-sang come back, Why not now..."
"Go annoy your favorite Lan brother if you are so adamant about causing some trouble right now," Jiang Cheng says sarcastically,
"Ah, nice idea A-cheng.." His eyes light up 'Better than staying with you cowards!'
He saunters off with a grin, excited for some amusement.
"tch, that guy..." He says in disbelief, he wasn't even being serious about that.
"Wei Wuxian being Wei Wuxian, just let him be it makes him happy," You say in a soft tone. Wishing to have that carefree personality in life, your eyes following him.
"He enjoys being punished so much?", he sighs crossing his arms on his chest with a solemn expression "Hopefully he won't bite on something more than he can chew in the future with his antics"
You could only smile, gaze falling on him. He's such a worrywart for the people he cares about. Just odd at showing it.
You both sit there for a while enjoying the peace, after going through your separate tasks much to your dismay.
✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆✶✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆✶
Now you are here in front of a shabby and abandoned looking house with your peers,
"That was close, Hangguang-Jun almost caught us"
Huaisang said clutching his fan with relief.
"Thank god we have Wei Wuxian here with us, Lan Wanji recoils at the sight of you."
Jiang Cheng grins out, patting Wei Wuxian on the back. Much to the black and red clad man's dismay.
"Hey, I would say that we have become good friends already!"
"Mhm, ask the ghosts in here if they want to be friends with you too. So we can have a safe passage"
You join in on the teasing, moving to the door. Wanting to get on with the exploring already, Huaisang follows suit with a smile.
"Why am I friends with you guys again?" He pouts dramatically, a rhetorical question that you don't bother to answer.
You all look into the house, debating on who should go first,
"Aish just go in and stop your sulking"
You ruffle his hair, at the same time pushing him in first.
"Cowards" He mutters under his breath yet walks in anyway,
The light from the sun outside dims as you all move in deeper. A chill permeated in the air.
Huaisang is far behind the group, clutching onto your robes
"It's so dark someone make a palm tor-"
The sound of something heavy falling cuts you off, Readying your sword in hand.
"What the hell was that mhmp-"
The sound of Jiang Cheng getting muffled out by something worries you, making you call out to him loudly.
"Wei Wuxian? Where is he?" You ask him but there's no response, not knowing where they're both gone you were about to light a palm torch-
Getting cut off again by Huaisang's shrill screech behind you,
"Ah, there's a ghost help me, help me!"
He jumps onto your back, almost outbalancing you,
"Huaisang- I'm trying, get off! How can I fight with you on top of me!-"
He moves around sporadically making you stumble around, dropping your sword,
"Gah A-sang I can't see- ugh get off. You're choking me-"
You struggle under his struggling, for someone who doesn't train as much, Huaisang can get pretty strong when scared.
You get dragged by another person by your wrist, and though it doesn't feel like a monster you still can't help but try to struggle in their hold. Your friends, Like they're both two different people, not listening to your pleas and shouts.
You hear some screams and banging from a door.
It sounds like Jiang Cheng- thank god he's all right,
A door creaks open as you get pushed quite harshly into wherever your sight is is a blur.
You brace yourself for a harsh fall, eyes clenched shut,
Only to be met with a firm wall-? You didn't get hurt as it broke your fall
Arm snake their way to your side to stabilize you.
You stiffen, maybe it's one of your abductors. Almost giving them a harsh slap but thankfully you stop yourself in time to see a familiar face.
You sigh in relief, almost falling back onto his chest with your gladness...
His chest-? You freeze in your place in disbelief,
Meeting his flushed gaze, he mutters 'Are you okay?'
You quickly fall back, face flushing with color as well,
"Sorry- sorry I didn't mean to do that you see people pushed me in here-"
You stutter out, pointing to the already closed door. This looks so bad.
"Where are the others?" You ask flatly, finally catching your breath and calming down.
"They're the ones that pushed us here." He says darkly, pissed at their intentions.
"But why?..."
"Hey, are you all okay there?" A voice resounds from the other side of the door, It's all sickeningly happy and sing-songy, Must be Wei Wuxian.
"Wei Wuxian! Cease your jokes, Let us out!" Jiang Cheng exclaims, standing up to continue his banging on the door before you rudely interrupted.
"No, You both have been insufferable!"
"Isn't that supposed to be your job? Why are we the insufferable ones now," You nip back in confusion,
"Huaisang- let us out, stop following that idiot's schemes..."
Moving to the door as well, You say softly. Hoping to get his mercy.
"Hmm, sorry then all my planning would go to waste..."
He says leisurely, "Don't worry, this will all be for the very good of all of us. So you'll still owe me another escort after this!"
You could envision him saying that with a smile, you really won't trust him after this that's for sure.
"I will break both of your legs off when I find a way out of here" He stops his banging, looking for more plausible exits in this small room.
"Hmm there's nothing you could do to get out A-cheng, all you both have to do is confess your hidden feelings to each other so we all can be done with this bother!"
Wei Wuxian explains like it's so easy to do and after this, we can go back like nothing happened,
"Hidden feelings, stupid. what are you talking about?"
Jiang Cheng chokes out, which kind of hurts. expecting something different, but it is, Jiang Cheng.
"Oh come on guys, stop ignoring it. You both are always so close and so sweet to each other..."
"Those love sick gazes too eurgh..." What a hypocrite, When he unknowingly does that to the younger Lan brother too.
Your gazes meet, both clouded with worry and embarrassment.
" This is some sick joke, just let us out.."
"No, you sort out your stuff, we're gonna explore the rest of the place now-"
"Wuxian seriously?... That seems like a bad idea, what if there are fierce ghosts around here? Were incomplete!"
"Well they're locked in there, you wanna stay outside where no one can protect you? Just come with me and have some trust" Wei Wuxian says cockily. The sound of walking echoes only but faintly now.
"Okay, Okay wait! Don't leave me please!"
"Plus give them some time, they'll be busy eating each other's faces or doing something even more interesting in there like some papap-"
"Wei Ying!" You both say in unison almost harmonizing, which earns a laugh from the shameless idiots outside.
Jiang Cheng spurs insult to insult in embarrassment
And you just freeze there, muttering some curses to them outside.
✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆✶✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆✶
You sit with your back leaning on the wall, not making eye contact with the equally flustered man in front of you.
Hopes shattered after seeing that there were no plausible exits in this small room, and the stupid door seemed to be blocked and locked on the outside.
You can't burn this house down with a palm torch or do full-powered attacks. Simply because the space in here is ridiculous, it might hurt the other one due to proximity.
Seriously, every movement you do has your shoulders touching it may have been nice when outside, but this predicament has your thoughts tangled now.
"Sorry I don't know what they're playing at, listen they'll get tired of this charade soon and let us out"
"Is it true? do you like me too?" You ask with a glint of hope, retracing back to your conversation with your friends outside.
"I-I don't know what they're saying, I would never?..."
He says almost confused himself, trying to deny it but also not. Unable to make up his mind.
Pride or heart? which will he choose, as he is still going back and forth, one thing is sure to you.
"Ah is that so..? Cause I like you" Having lowered your pride and fear, you say it.
Your gaze falls on his widened eyes. It's like hearing a pin drop, silence envelopes the barely lit room. You could only inhale sharply, this is the ruination of the bond that took years to build.
The strings tugging on your heart, are too hard to bear. Almost pulling it apart slowly but surely. You could only close your eyes in hopelessness
Slow paced walking can only be heard, going towards you.
"I'm sorry A-cheng, I'll stay away from you after this if it bothers you-"
You got cut off by a sudden bone-breaking hug, "Don't say sorry, I like you too." He mutters out softly, vulnerability laced in his words. Like finally letting go of this facade that you raise to never be looked down upon. This burden of a secret getting carried for years finally being able to let go.
"No- not don't say that. Don't say that because you pity me, it's weird"
You try to pull him off you, disbelief clouding your mind.
"it was such a long time ago. I was a coward, I didn't think you would love someone like me...I'm a joke, I'm harsh, I don't know how to express anything-" He blurts out a wave of self-doubt, which you aren't having.
"No don't say any of those, the right question is who wouldn't fall in love with you..."
You lean his head closer into your embrace, finally choosing to embrace the facts. No use in denying it anymore.
"I know you care, somewhere deep in your heart. I understand, forever will."
"You must be crazy," He mutters out shakily, intertwining his fingers in yours.
"I must be. So stop denying my feelings. Or I'll go even crazier" You hold his hands, tightly not wanting to let go at this moment.
You stay in each other's hold for the time being, embracing the tranquility and letting this sink in. Embedding this moment deep within your chests.
✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆✶✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆✶
A few minutes have passed, and you still aren't out. You don't mind though, enjoying some peace.
"Seriously, I can't believe this is the place where we confess to each other" You cover your face trying to stifle your oncoming laughter, finding it too amusing. "Imagined it would be in some romantic place, amidst blooming lotuses, or in the rain all that poetic stuff"
"It would have been thanks to those idiots outside, where even are they? It's getting hot in here" He hisses out, complaining about the heat yet makes no move on detaching himself from you to cool off.
"Oh, it is?" You say with a mischievous tone, implying something as a joke. "Don't mind if I take a few covers off us, so we can cool off- and you know."
A sharp sting from your ear cuts you off, letting out a groan in response.
"You- I didn't mean that, What is wrong with all of you!-"
Jiang Cheng pulls on your ear with an embarrassed expression, not so slickly covering his face with his free hand.
"Oh you didn't mean that whoopsie!- ah okay okay sorry stop"
Clasping your hands on his, you try to pry his grip from your ear. god if Huaisang has some strength released by fear then this guy has some when embarrassed,
He let out a 'hmph' before letting go and sulking away from a distance.
"Ah don't be mad I was joking please?" You try to look as pitiful as ever, crawling into his embrace. Trying to hug him before a scream interrupted your wooing.
"Ah! Help There really are some ghosts here!" A shrill and loud scream can be heard echoing outside the halls
You roll your eyes, not caring if that's real or just an act again
Only leaning into your 'lover's' chest now.
"So this makes us official now right?" You poke Jiang Cheng's cheek. Checking if he's still mad, wanting an answer now.
"If you want to be? yeah." He mumbles out too quickly, breaking his mad facade for a while. Still trying to keep that calm and not affected act.
"You're adorable you know that right?" You point out his not-so-slick act right now,
Pinching his cheeks and admiring the flush in his expression.
"No I'm not your being ridiculous-!" He tries to pry away from your grip, feeling all too bashful as of now.
"Oh yeah fine, coolest most amazing, strongest-" You turn in a different direction, though still teasing.
"If you don't shut up! I'll make you" Jiang Cheng says albeit unsure of his threat, still has conviction in his eyes.
"Hmm, how so? I'm curious" tilting your head to the side, curious.
"I'll kiss you..." A meek whisper, barely able to be caught by your ear
"You'll what?" You exhale shakily, really amused now at his not so intimidating remark
Unsure to even call that a threat, who's he threatening you or himself?
" You all can burn in he- " He gives up, only squirming to get out of your vicinity
" You know you're really in no place to threaten, but I'll just give it to you" You exhale a laugh,
before leaning in quickly, not bothering to warn him. What you said was plenty enough as your lips intertwined in a clumsy kiss.
Running can be heard from outside the halls, with some matching breathless screams. It's Huaisang,
"Guys guys please help there's a ghost! Please don't be mad at me anymore, I'll do anything just help me-"
Loud thuds and scrapes on the floor, like furniture dragging can be heard. You could only smile in your shared kiss not minding the chaos outside one bit.
Jiang Cheng was shocked at your sudden initiation at first, frozen. Yet after some time, he kisses back clumsily, eyes closing in embarrassment,
As the door finally swings open, Huaisang stumbles in quickly. tripping un-ironically before closing the door, leaning his back on it as he takes some time to catch his breath.
His relief turns into disbelief as he rethinks his decision to come in here, seeing your quite intimate moment. Or if it would be better if he stayed outside.
Covering his eyes, he could only plead for it all to be over soon.
"Sorry for interrupting guys... but I'm here.. hi, hello... Can you please help us.." He says mortified by what he barged into.
"Huaisang help! make them come out here hurry!-" Another loud voice can be heard outside. Seems like he's in a bit of a pickle, eh whatever.
"As you can see we're in a bit of trouble-"
"So what?" "get lost," You both say in unison, stopping your entanglement just to be petty.
Huaisang could only whine with his hands clasped, as he flinches at the loud noises of destruction coming from outside. Pitying his friend amidst the trouble he's fighting alone.
"Find somewhere else to hide and maybe I'll reconsider, after a while," You say not wanting to let go soon of this fondness circulating in this tiny room.
"But where?-" He cries out, though accepting his doom with a cry as you continue where you left off.
Bolting out of the door in a panic,
✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆✶✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆✶
Bells echo around the cloud recesses, signaling the time of rest and the end of the day.
Not for both of the black-clad individuals, One with the gold accents dragging a tied-up one.
To be fair getting caught and being a distraction is better than getting mauled by a ghost to death.
Patrolling Lan clan disciples halt them in their tracks near the entrance, a knack of punishment awaits them for breaking a few rules of staying away past curfew.
A light revenge really, concocted by yours truly. A bargain in exchange for saving them against that fierce ghost.
After all, they’re the reason for your blooming bond right now, and your safe passage entering the recesses as the attention of the patrollers is now in the eyes of our geniuses. Rightly so with their brilliant plan.
✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆✶✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆✶
Did I get too carried away when making this? Yes. 3k words, you know it's bad when your notes app gets maxed out.
I was really tired when finishing this, might not be in character, but let's just imagine since this is just my self indulgent fic (all of them are)
Will probs delete the whole thing or just a few scenes after I get some well needed sleep, and fix some mistakes
byebye I will be passing out and hope you enjoyed your reading somehow.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 11 months
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MDZS Disco Elysium AU part 2 - Psyche Skills
Part 1 - Part 3
#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#disco elysium#MDZS disco elysium au#jiang cheng#jiang yanli#yu ziyuan#While it's more in vogue to draw a character's skill roster tailored to them -#One of the more subtle details I love in DE is how some of the skill portraits parallel character portraits of people hbd associates with.#Theres somethine rather poetic to be said about how other people shape out thoughts and sometimes act as a 'voice' in our head.#How we are in part a collection of impressions other people left behind on us.#I am a huge Skillhead (Those are my friends! My party members! They love me! They have their own agendas and alliances!)#so of course a healthy portion of this AU is dedicated to them <3#the Int skills go basically unchanged from DE. Psy as well (with changes to a few quirks in voice).#Fys skills though...well...wwx is in a different body! Those voices belong to Someone Else.#Esp electrochem (MXY in this AU also partied to near death. WWX is withdrawing and craving substances he's never even heard of before)#While I personally don't fully subscribe to Volition Jean I *do* see Volition Jiang Cheng. The voice of your Not Brother keeping you afloat#All three of these parallels make me unbelievably sad. They are also both purple. Art is like that sometimes.#Empathy Jiang Yanli...oh man do I have a lot of thoughts about her. Disco fans Who Know....you can probably see what I'm cooking.#Authority is a really interesting skill in DE because *yes* its about power and intimidation - but it's also about finesse and respect#Titus Hardie and YZY both abuse *and* finesse how they establish their authority - in a way that leaves quite an impression.#2 more mdzs disco posts that I *need* to create and then I'm off to working on raffles <3
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wangxianficfinder · 8 months
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Fic Finder
Jan 19th
1. Hello, I have lost a fic! It was an arranged-marriage au where WWX marries into the Lan sect. During the wedding all the Lans refuse to look towards WWX which hurts him deeply. Later on LWJ explains it is Lan tradition for no one to look upon the bride until the husband has removed her veil. This was just one of many cultural differences between the Lan and Jiang that the fic explored. Overall I think the fic was kind of somber and angsty? Probably had a happy ending though. Any ideas?
FOUND? Concord by Deastar (T, 41k, WangXian, Arranged Marriage, Gūsū Lán Sect Rules, Depression, Canon Divergence, Angst with a Happy Ending)
FOUND? In Love and War by Cataclysmic_Calamity (E, 68k, wangxian, A/B/O, Canon Divergence, Alpha LWJ, Omega WWX, Arranged Marriage, Kind of a slow burn, enemies to lovers ish, rampant sexual tension, WWX is a Menace to society and LWJ is doing his best, Miscommunication, past emotional abuse, Dubious Consent, Consensual Non-Consent, Semi-Public Sex, Anal Fingering, Dom/sub, Anal Sex)
2. Hello, I need help finding a fic. I'm pretty sure I found this fic through your blog.
It's from Lan Wangji's perspective and takes place during the early sunshot campaign before Wei Wuxian's return. Wen outposts are attacked by some unknown entity and Lan Wangji goes to investigate. The culprit is a human shaped being covered in resentful energy. After a few confrontations Lan Wangji discovers that the being is an unconscious Wei Wuxian and finds a way to free him from the resentful energy. @bluekittenfire
3. (First part added to an itmf) I cannot remember what it is called but there was one fic where WWX loses his foot/leg and the Wen build him a wooden prosthetic that I really enjoyed and am looking for more fics like this. Where characters are dealt a difficult hand but they work through it and yeah, any recs would be much appreciated thank you!
FOUND? we’re starting at the end by Miss_Enthusiasimal (M, 92k, WangXian, JC & WWX, Time Travel, Canon Divergence, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Golden Core Reveal, Burial Mounds, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Starvation, emaciation, Cannibalism, Self-Harm, Amputation, Suicidal Thoughts, Sunshot Campaign, let JZX and WWX be friends club)
4. Hi! I’m sorry to bother you, but maybe you can help me? I’m looking for a fic where Wei Wuxian is fighting at what I remember to be Qiongqi Path. I think Jiang Cheng makes a smart remark (something like “Are you just gonna play your flute or you going to help us?!”) and Wei Wuxian stops playing his dizi long enough to give JC the finger… only for them to realise what it means that he’s stopped playing and a flute can still be heard. Not long after LWJ pulls Su She out of the foliage with the other flute.
Vaguely I remember it being a fix it fic where less people die than in canon.
If you can help with this I would appreciate it since it’s haunted me for days now! And even if not I hope you have a pleasant day. ^^ @jestingknights
5. hi!! i’m been looking for a fic for days. i read it forever ago but it’s during the cloud recess study arc and in it lan xichen realizes how awful the jiangs are treating wwx and tries to subtly convince him to leave tywng and stay in gusu bc he knows how much lwj likes him and he sees how talented wwx is and knows he would be a good asset for any sect to have. a specific scene i remember is that lxc would pretend to accidentally bump into wwx to talk to him. and they would go on walks and lwj saw it and got jealous. i think lxc was lowkey manipulative but in a way where he was doing it to make wwx care enough about himself to leave the jiangs. it was not jiang clan friendly at all. i kno this is so vague sorry about that. but it’s driving me crazy how i can’t find it when i know ive read it more then once. thanks for any help u can give
FOUND? If 5 isn't 🔒💖 Hoards and treasures by apathyinreverie (T, 21k, WangXian, Siblings, Family, not particularly Jiang friendly, YZY Bashing, slightly darker Gusu Lans, LXC being the best brother, Some manipulation, But with the best of intentions, and not between wangxian, Dragon LWJ, Fox WWX, Smitten LWJ, Fluff, perfect happiness, adorable WWX, Romance, Some worldbuilding, courting), it's very similar so here's hoping!
6. Hello! I’m looking for a modern AU where WWX lives in and runs a theater, I believe LWJ is hosting his orchestra there for practice and for an event??? And it’s important that it’s successful to keep the theater open. I believe at some point, someone throws a rock or a brick through the front doors, and I believe the jiangs show up in the end and WWX confronts that. Im having such a hard time finding it or remembering more about it, and I’ve been looking for it for so long 🥲 @takemitchyleaps
FOUND? Talisman by Witch_Nova221 (M, 192k, WangXian, Modern AU, Eventual Romance, Theatre, Rock Band, Childhood Friends, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Spousal Abuse, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Fluff, Stalking, Minor Character Death, Friends to Lovers, Mutual Pining)
7. Hi! I hope doing this right, can tou help me find a fic ? I remember that the sects start making alliances because they notice how the Wens are acting. The Jiangs and the Lans are going to ally through marriage, the choice is up to LXC, but because he is jealous of LZ, thinking he never had it difficult, when WY is offered to the Lans, LXC decides to marry him to make LZ suffer, knowing LZ and WY like each other. LXC is the one whose core is melted and LSZ is LXC and WY's biological son. @old-rose-peonies
8. There's a fic I vaguely remember reading, and I don't know what it's called. There's a scene where Lan Zhan is trying to help Wei Ying eat again (residual starvation stuff), and there's an NSFW scene with honey where Lan Zhan is trying to help Wei Ying associate eating with Good Things. That's the extent of my memory. If you could please help me find it, I'd greatly appreciate it! Thank you! @amynchan
Oh oh! I know exactly which fic this is because it was written based on a post of mine! It's actually WWX helping LWJ and was written by the wonderful InTheGreySpaces (thank you again for writing this beautiful fic~) 😊 Though I could be wrong so please let me know if this isn't it 😅 - Mod C
FOUND! 🧡 Sustenance of the Soul OR Five Times Lan Wangji Refused to Eat and One Time Wei Wuxian Convinced Him To by InTheGreySpaces (E, 9k, WangXian, Grief/Mourning, Angst, Pining, Eating Disorders, LWJ Has an Eating Disorder, and WWX is going to help him get past it, Inedia, Inedia used in the wrong way, LWJ's 33 Lashes Punishment, referenced as the cause of his eating problems, Submissive LWJ, Sort of?)
9. Hello! I'm looking for a specific fic that I'm afraid might've been deleted. It's a modern au set in the 90s in California (possibly). The Spotify playlist "LWJ DJs your life 1999" goes with it. What I remember is that LWJ is both a goth club DJ and a cello player, WWX drives a terrible car, and the gang is looking to buy the perfect huge house to collectively live in. It might've been part of a series, there's a Halloween party bit where LWJ dresses up at a classic style gothic vampire and curates an extensive party playlist. Thanks for the help! @aceaviatrix
FOUND? The Quiet Room by trickybonmot (M, 39k, WangXian, Modern AU, 1990s, Goth LWJ, Cellist LWJ, College Student WWX, House Hunting, Dating, Clubbing, San Francisco, Implied/Referenced Past Child Abuse, Mental Health Issues, Academic Disaster Aftermath, Getting Together, Repressed Teen Crushes to Strangers to Lovers, Homelessness, in the form of couch surfing, background NieLan)
10. For the next fic finder: I'm looking for a longer fic where the wens find shelter at the nie sect. It was part of a way bigger plot and some wangxian shenanigans, but wen qing and nie mingjue end up sleeping together, mainly because wen qing is cold and is like "might as well". I do remember that nie mingjue was trans, also. Anyone have any idea what fic that was?
FOUND? 💖 Uninvited by WithBroomBefore (M, 13k, wangxian, canon divergence, fix-it, hurt/comfort, sect leader jyl, sick fic, happy ending) specifically chapter 3
11. Hi! I need help in looking for a fic where Nie Huaisang was the one who sacrificed his body and soul to summon Wei Wuxian back to life. Thank you @etutb
FOUND? Crowded by nirejseki (G, 1k, NHS & WWX, WangXian, WangXianSang, Canon Divergence, Different Body Offering Ritual, Atypical Relationship Dynamics, sentient sabers) this is a nhs sacrifice summon (gone sideways) fic
12. Hello. I am looking for a fic where there was a finger trap? You know, the “thing that traps the victim's fingers (often the index fingers) in both ends of a small cylinder”? Anyway i cant remember if it was a tweetfic or a fic on ao3 but wangxian had their fingers in this 🥲🙏
13. Hi, I don't normally lose fics but I lost this one: Post-Canon, Jiang Cheng basically goes round all the clans and tells them what was wrong with their defences during Sunshot and what they could do better. He also has some unkind words to say about Lotus Pier's organisation. It sounds like he's making enemies but he's really not. Any ideas, please? @solo----
FOUND? 🔒 The Cold Wind of Harsh Truth (or How We Nearly Lost the Sunshot Campaign): A Treatise by Icarus (T, 13k, wangxian, Post-Canon, Humor, Angst, JC digs and keeps digging, Zidian lore, Fun with talismans, JC-centric, Competence Kink, Strategy & Tactics, Cultivation Sect Politics, Arranged Marriage, Trauma, Logic, POV JC)
14. Hi, I am looking for a fic set post-canon (I think). I remember Wei Wuxian maybe living in the jingshi, possibly teaching classes, but definitely going into Caiyi with Lan Wangji and during a festival Wangji wins a game and the prize is this ugly turtle statue that Wei Wuxian adores. They go on to prank Lan Qiren with the turtle statue. I loved this scene but I can’t remember what fic it came from, please help!
FOUND! I think 14for the fic finder is from the actual book. It sounds like the last extra chapter. / Not saying there isn't a fic involving it, but #14 sounds a lot like the Yunmeng extra in book five, as well. Ring toss, ugly turtle statue, and Wei Wuxian considering pranking Lan Qiren included. The only difference is the location. Your searcher may have mistaken it for fic, especially if they read translations online. / #14 is one of the extra chapters from the actual novel (Extra 7 in the official English translation)
I found a few similar fics with a turtle statue if you want to check them out ^^ - Mod C
The Turtle in the Lanshi by Brierilee (G, 1k, WangXian, Post Canon, POV LJY)
Jin Ling and the No Good Very Bad Terrible Year of Cloud Recesses Bullshit by cringewerewolf (T, 2k, WangXian, Juniors)
15. hi!! looking for this funny fic based on a silly story. Lwj rejects wwx on a dating app accidently right in front of him, i think they're on an airport? they end up talking obvs and it's cute and funny @ilyweiwuxian
FOUND? Ticket to Ride by mistresscurvy (E, 18k, wangxian, Modern, Online Dating, Road Trips, Service Top, Phone Sex, Dick Pics, Wedding Banquet)
16. Hey was hoping you guys may be able to help, I've been look for a fic I read awhile back idk if it got deleted or something but. It is a modern time wangxian fic with tattoo artist wei ying, his parents are alive too. But he ends up renting a boyfriend/ Lan wangji off a boyfriend renting site. They have misunderstandings but get through it, he even gives lan Zhan a lotus tattoo like his own and they get together officially in the end. @yilingpatriarchsimp
FOUND! Rent a Gege by wayward_wing (E, 12k, WangXian, Fluff and Angst, Smut, Bottom LWJ/Top WWX, Bottom LWJ, Top WWX, Getting Together, Older WWX, Younger LWJ, Mention of wangxian with others, WWX’s parents are alive, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Happy Ending, Blow Jobs, Riding, Skinny Dipping, eating ass, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex)
17. I have lost a fic where Wei Wuxian is a catfish for sale and he helps jilted lovers get back at their exes. Su She hires him to target Lan Wangji but Wei Wuxian falls for him instead. Please help me find this fic!
FOUND! I'm pretty sure this one is we'll get him falling for a stranger (or a catfish) by sweetlolixo (T, 38k, wangxian, modern, College AU, Catfish AU, Eventual Happy Ending, Crossdressing WWX, Rich heir LWJ gets catfished by pretty Weiying online that's it that's the fic, LWJ learns how to text with kaomojis, Gossipy aunties NHS and WWX: canon, sometimes LWJ gives you secondhand embarrassment, this fic is on crack, Pining LWJ, Fluff, Humor, lwj is a grade A+ SIMP, Identity Porn)
18. lan xichen is driving after drinking at night and hits Jiang yanli and she dies. Plot twist ended up she committed suicide, but they didn’t know that before. The lans and jiangs had a fight and somehow lan wangji ended up getting married to Wei wuxian. Wwx is significantly older then lan zhan in this fic.
19. Hello! I was wondering if I could get help looking for a fic. It’s a doctor AU where LZ and WY are both surgeons. It starts with WY being late to a presentation and showing up right in the middle of LZ’s presentation time. Then WY eventually ends up working on a research project or something like that with LZ? Wen Ning gets hurt at some point in it too and WY and LZ save him against LQR’s orders. I’ve been looking for this for forever and can’t seem to find it. Thank you so much!
FOUND? Anginal Equivalents by fakeplasticlily (E, 23k, wangxian, Modern, Medical Residents AU, Childhood Friends, Mutual Pining, Oblivious WWX, WangXian.mp3, Sexual Content, Podfic Available)
20. Hi Peeps! Thank you so much for your dedication to this page, I'm a big fan! I'm looking for a specific fic: there's a cultural show being put on by the whole gang and Wei Ying is specifically doing a dance for it but he needs to have body paint and LZ graciously volunteers for it. He ends up writing characters out of an ancient poem that Huaisang tells him is LZ basically marking him for his own. It's not idiots in love, though that one was great as well. Thank you in advance! @nebuluscharlie
FOUND? Out of the Bin and Into Your Heart by Alaceron (T, 27k, WangXian, Modern AU, Fake/Pretend relationship, Oblivious WWX)
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shanastoryteller · 4 months
Happy happy birthday 🎂🎉🥳 As always, I’d love some more of thee MDZS Identity Porn (with the masks and LWJ getting jealous of all of his husband’s “husbands”) (Or JC traveling back in time?) Thanks!
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Lan Wangji wouldn't have categorized Jiang Yanli as chatty, but tonight there's really no other way to describe her. She talks at length about Lotus Pier, about the Jiang clansmen and her immediate family. That would be one thing, but she seems to forget that they don't have the same familiarity with these subjects that she does, mentioned names and places carelessly, as if they already have context for these things.
He doesn't know why Wei Wuxian would care about the minutia of Lotus Pier, but Jiang Yanli holds his complete attention. More than that, there are several moments when he has to bite his cheek to keep from laughing and at various points his smile can only be equaled to what he looks like when he's holding his children. If his husband looked at him with a tenth of that adoration, Lan Wangji doesn't think he'd have a complaint.
He prompts her to continue whenever she trails off, because as much as he wishes that he held Wei Wuxian's heart, he can't deny him the bittersweet happiness that conversing with Jiang Yanli seems to bring him. Lan Wangji should not be greedy. He knows the Patriarch's face, his voice, his affection. He's his husband and helping raise his children. It is not appropriate for him to want more than the abundance he already has.
It's nearing the end of the banquet, where mingling and drinking will take place and propriety won't allow Jiang Yanli to hold Wei Wuxian in place. She looks at him with a desperation that makes Lan Wangji feel bad for Jin Zixuan. "You know," she says softly, "years ago, before the war, before - a lot of things, I lost my younger brother."
Wei Wuxian goes completely, utterly still. Lan Wangji stares - as far as he knows Madame Yu has only ever had two children and Sect Leader Jiang is notoriously faithful, regardless of the state of his marriage.
"He wasn't mine by blood," she continues, as if answering Lan Wangji's thoughts. "But we grew up with him and A-Cheng and I couldn't think of him any other way. He was our first disciple and he and A-Cheng used to go off together all the time - but on our way to Cloud Recess, they got in trouble, and he led that trouble away so Jiang Cheng could escape and we never saw him again."
Lan Wangji remembers now. He heard about this then, remembers how Jiang Cheng's attitude had been near intolerable that summer. His heart sinks.
His husband can reanimate the dead, but not like this, there's nothing he can do for Jiang Yanli's long dead little brother.
"I'm sorry for your loss," he says to her.
She glances at him for only a moment, but when Wei Wuxian maintains his silence, her shoulders drop and she says, "Thank you," but it comes out more subdued than anything else had tonight.
Later, when they've retired to their room and he hopes Wen Qing and Meng Yao have done the same, and they're lying in the same bed with the darkness and the quiet between them, Wei Wuxian says, "He wasn't Jiang Cheng's younger brother."
Lan Wangji, just on the cusp of sleep, blinks several time until he feels more awake. "Excuse me?"
"The - the first disciple, of the Jiang," he continues, sounding very awake himself as he lies with his hands behind his head and stares at the ceiling. "The way she said it, it sounded like he was younger than Jiang Cheng, but he wasn't. He was older. Jiang Cheng was the youngest one."
"Ah," Lan Wangji says finally, "I see."
"Yeah," Wei Wuxian answers nonsensically, then looks over and offers him a weak grin. "Sorry. Never mind. Get some sleep, we have a long day tomorrow."
"Yes," he says, but it takes a long time for either of them to get to sleep.
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wangxianficrecs · 4 months
💙 stay by my side by ravenditefairylights
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🔒💙 stay by my side
by ravenditefairylights (@ravenditefairylights)
T, 27k, Wangxian
Part of the MDZS Reverse Big Bang: 2022
Summary: “A-Ying,” Lan Wangji says quietly, trying to gauge whether the boy is asleep. Even as the boy’s figure tenses and his head peaks out from the rest of his body to look around, he doesn’t stop shaking. His clothes are wet, Lan Wangji can see in the candlelight, clinging to his skin. Winter has not yet passed. The boy must be freezing. “Hello?” A-Ying asks hesitantly, looking around. His eyes are big, but despite some suspicion in their depths, the boy mostly looks curious. “Hello, A-Ying,” Lan Wangji says kindly. “I heard that you prayed to me.” --- a boy, a god and a rebellion against the empire Kay's comments: THIS STORY!! I love it very much and I recently re-read it and it immediately had me hooked once again. This story really has everything. I loved the historical world building with the cultivation sects having fallen a thousand years ago and everyone living under the Wens' tyranny ever since, I loved God!Lan Wangji, who looks out for abandoned children and makes sure Wei Wuxian finds his way to the Jiangs, where he is raised as Jiang Cheng's and Jiang Yanli's personal servant, I absolutely adored Hanguang-Jun hypeman and the very best wing man Lan Jingyi and I loved how Lan Wangji didn't want to admit to himself that he had fallen in love with Wei Wuxian, very in-character for him. Also, the identity shenanigans were very fun! Exerpt: “It is an honour to meet you, Lan- gongzi ,” Wei Wuxian says politely with another bow. “This lowly one is Wei Ying, courtesy Wuxian.” “You have a courtesy name?” Lan Jingyi asks, surprised. Wei Wuxian is used to this surprise and doesn’t do anything other than nod. Lan Jingyi doesn’t pry either—must be the famous Lan restraint to abstain from gossip. “Come with me, I’ll show you to the guest dormitories.” “Many thanks, Lan- gongzi ,” Wei Wuxian replies. Lan Jingyi takes him through the grounds with only a lantern to light the way. Wei Wuxian has missed his chance to explore, but still… “Lan- gongzi , may this one ask you a question?” “Yeah, sure,” Lan Jingyi says. When he shrugs, the lantern he’s carrying gets jostled and the light plays on the shadows around them. “Is it true that the Cloud Recesses have the first temple that was built for Hanguang-jun?” Wei Wuxian asks. “And Zewu-jun?” he adds quickly, in case Lan Jingyi is offended that he’s included only one of them in his question. Lan Jingyi’s face brightens up under the yellow light. “Yeah! Hanguang-jun is the best —and Zewu-jun, of course, but he’s not as cool as Hanguang-jun, although he’s so close. Zewu-jun and Hanguang-jun were the last cultivators to ascend to immortality before the shift into the Wen dynasty when the cultivation clans were wiped out. They were both sons from the direct family line in charge of the Lan Sect—Zewu-jun was the heir and then the sect leader when their father, Qingheng-jun, also ascended to the Heavenly Realm. Zewu-jun is the god who protects leaders and musicians—you may note that his statues always depict him playing the xiao—he’s a martial god regardless, like his younger brother, Hanguang-jun.” Wei Wuxian knows all of this, but he doesn’t interrupt. Lan Jingyi sounds as excited to tell him about them as Wei Wuxian is to hear about Hanguang-jun again.
pov lan wangji, pov wei wuxian, canon divergence, god lan wangji, tgcf, tian guan ci fu fusion, historical, sunshot campaign, secret identity, identity porn, identity reveal, worship, angst with a happy ending, age difference, friends to lovers
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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s2pdoktopus · 6 months
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Jiang Cheng in Seclusion
Jiang Cheng: *squeezes his belly where his golden core is with a pained expression*
Jiang Xie: *watches him with furrowed brows*
Jiang Xie: *in the kitchen, talking to the head cook* Ayi, about A-Die...
Jiang Cheng: Hao Fei, this is the fifth day you've given me congee.
Hao Fei: I'm sorry if the food is not to your liking, Sect Leader, but young mistress Jiang had insisted that you only eat food that can help with your upset stomach.
Jiang Cheng: I don't have an upset stomach.
Hao Fei: Perhaps if Sect Leader communicated this with his daughter, he wouldn't have to endure four days of eating bland food.
Jiang Cheng: Are you telling me how to handle my kid?
Hao Fei: Xiao-Xie has been running around with the three trouble makers looking for the person responsible for your seclusion, sect leader. I heard she reached out to Jin Rulan and asked him to, and I quote "use his sect leader powers" to find a perpetrator.
Jiang Cheng: Nosy brats.
Hao Fei: I wouldn't dare ask sect leader why he chose to lock himself up in his room but I expected our sect leader, whom raised his home from the ashes while caring for his nephew after losing his family to be strong enough to be there for his children, especially at a time like this.
Jiang Cheng: ... *eats his food* Tell Jin Ling to bring his cousin home immediately. Otherwise I'll go to Carp tower myself and break their legs.
Hao Fei: Right away, Sect leader.
Jiang Xie: A-DIEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! (slams to Jiang Cheng's legs)
Jiang Cheng: *sigh* A-Xie, what did I say about running by the docks?
Jiang Xie: You never told me you have a big brother!
Jiang Cheng: I didn't?
Jiang Xie: You do! A-Ling called him Dajiu which makes him my Dajiu too!
Jiang Cheng: Bofu, your Bofu. And who's Da-jiu?!
Jiang Xie: Senior Mo! *Gasp* but doesn't that mean that insect really happened in our family???
Jiang Cheng: In...sect...? You mean incest? Where do you even learn these?
Jiang Xie: Do not change the topic, A-Die! You have a brother and you never told me!
Jiang Cheng: I... did have a brother.
Jiang Xie: hmph!
Jiang Cheng: But I don't have one anymore. It's complicated.
Jiang Xie: Is it that "you'll get it when you're older" thing?
Jiang Cheng: ... yes.
Jiang Xie: But Senior Mo was your brother?
Jiang Cheng: No?
Jiang Xie: No?
Jiang Cheng: Senior Mo... is possessed by my brother. No, Zidian can't make him leave.
Jiang Xie: Oh... is that bad? What about Senior Mo?
Jiang Cheng: I don't know. (I don't care either.)
Jiang Xie: *nods* But what should I call him now A-die? He's like, Senior Mo and your brother at the same time!
Jiang Cheng: Jin Ling will be annoyed if refer Wei- his DaJiu with respect before you do to him.
Jiang Xie: A-Ling is A-Ling. Senior Mo is your brother, I want to leave a good impression!
Jiang Cheng: Brat. (You already left a horrible impression I'm sure.) I don't know how you should address him.
Jiang Xie: It's complicated. (Nods sagely)
Jiang Cheng: It's complicated. But you can just ask him how he wants to be called and do as he says to make it simpler.
Jiang Xie: Oh! You truly are wise, A-Die! I'll go ask him!
Jiang Cheng: Brat. Wait. Wei Wuxian and Jin Ling are here?!
Wei Wuxian: Ah, Xiao-Xie, to what do I owe a visit?
Jiang Xie: Senior Mo, can I call you Bofu?
(Jin Ling in the background: *offended gasp*)
Wei Wuxian: ... YES OF COURSE! I'd be honored-(Glows)
Wei Wuxian: But, Ah... wouldn't your A-die mind?
Jiang Xie: A-die said I should ask you.
Wei Wuxian: *Glows even brighter*
Jiang Xie: A-Die?
Jiang Cheng: What is it this time?
Jiang Xie: If Senior Mo-
Jiang Cheng: Wei. His, my brother's name is Wei Ying. Courtesy name Wuxian.
Jiang Xie: If Senior Wei is my Bofu, doesn't that make Hanguang Jun my shenshen?
Jiang Cheng: (torn between accepting Lan Wangji as family and how funny it would be if his daughter calls him shenshen) Maybe. Ask your uncle how to address him.
Jiang Cheng: Wei Wuxian allowed my kid to call him uncle. What does this mean????
Wei Wuxian: Jiang Cheng allowed his kid to call me uncle. What does this mean????
Jiang Xie: A-die! a-Die! Did you know that Bofu has a son?
Jiang Cheng: A... WHAT???
Jiang Xie: A son!
Jiang Cheng: A son?
Jiang Xie: *nods* isn't that great? Our family doubled in just a year!
Jiang Cheng: Wei Wuxian.
Wei Wuxian: Yes, A-Cheng?
Jiang Cheng: If I learn one more life altering secret about the family from one of my kids again, consider this fledgling bridge we've been building broken.
Jiang Xie: A-Ling, A-Ling why are you sad?
Jin Ling: Nothing, I just-
Jiang Xie: Just?
Jin Ling: I just wish I have parents too.
Jiang Xie: We have A-die.
Jin Ling: He's your A-die. Mine is...
Jiang Xie: (contemplates) (with determination) A-Ling, swear brotherhood with me.
Jin Ling: Huh? Why? And what does that have to do with anything.
Jiang Xie: (brightly) If you're my brother then my A-die is your A-die too!
Jin ling: I'm not replacing my father.
Jiang Xie: yeah you're just getting two fathers now. Your Baba and my A-die.
Jin Ling: that's not how it works.
Jiang Xie: It is too! My brother should naturally my father's son too, no?
Jin Ling: that's not- sighs
Jiang Xie: well?
Jin Ling: (hugs Jiang Xie) I'll think about it, thanks A-Xie.
Jiang Xie: (hugs Jin Ling back)
During a Cultivation conference
Jiang Xie: *looks at Lan Wangji, cowers behind Jiang Cheng a bit* A-Die? Why is Hanguang Jun always mad at you?
Jin Ling: *winces and drinks his tea*
Jiang Cheng: ... He's not mad at me.
Jin Ling: *spits his tea* jiujiu?!!
Jiang Cheng: he looks at nearly everyone the same way. He's just born with that face, no need to put meaning on his stares.
Jiang Xie: *looks at Lan Wangji again* oh, you're right.
Jin Ling: he's no-
Jiang Cheng: Sect Leader Jin, if you're so eager to correct my words, I'm sure you wouldn't mind educating my daughter for the next hour or until her curious mind is satisfied.
Jin Ling: ah, *looks at Jiang Xie's eager eyes* of course, sect leader Jiang is right, the chief cultivator does look at everyone the same way.
Christmas (kind of)
Jiang Cheng: 'To make it clear, this wasn't my idea. A Senior Disciple came to me one day. "Sect Leader, how about we do something to boost the juniors' morale?" The proposition was thus: We tell the children that if they work their hardest, some of them will be given the chance to have their wish granted by some magic man, or something, Jiang Cheng isn't pivy with the details other than the magical wish grantor is actually just him using the magic of money. It was supposed to be a one time thing but it was a very effective motivator so it became a tradition.
In this year's conferences the Yunmeng Jiang Sect continued to rank among the top in competitions. And now, Jiang Cheng has to complete his end of the bargain.
Jiang Cheng: Next time someone asks to be whipped by Zidian, I'm going to do it so hard no one will ever ask for it ever again. *Picks up a letter separate from the stack* Xiao Xie has been loud but otherwise good this year. Maybe I'll give her something she wants
Xie's letter: I wish to have a Didi.
Jiang Cheng: I thought she already moved on from that... Jin Ling performed very well in the last archery competition. He's A-Jie's son so he's technically Yunmeng Jiang by blood. *Picks up Jin Ling's letter* why is it heavy?
Jin Ling's Letter: I wish Jiujiu and Wei Wuxian to reconcile.
Jiang Cheng: that brat, he should learn to mind his own business- *a gold drops from the letter* is he bribing me?!?!
Jiang Cheng: *massages his temple* picks up a letter from the pile. Yu Meilai, *nods* she more or less carried the sect during those competitions. She deserves to-
Yu Meilai: On behalf of lotus Pier, I humbly ask our wish grantor a torture dungeon. With-
Jiang Cheng: *puts it back in the pile. Picks another letter.* Ah, XinXue. She has been very good with the new Shimei and shidi, I'll try my best to-
XinXue's letter: I wish all demonic cultivators a slow agonizing death
Jiang Cheng: Ah, that's impossible. Even for Sandu Sengshou. I mean, I would attempt it but that would but the sect in danger considering who the chief cultivator's husband is. Yes. That's why I can't do it. I can but I can't. Sorry XinXue. *Picks up a different letter* Please for the love of every deity protecting lotus Pier, let this be something I can actually grant. *Read the letter
Jiang Lian: Our sect Leader works too hard, I wish him a day or two of rest.
Jiang Cheng: Jiang Lian has always been my favorite.
(Jiang Cheng slept soundly that night and then the next.)
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fiftysevenacademics · 2 months
A Fairy Tale
Summary: Jin Ling tries to sneak a puppy into Lotus Pier but gets caught by Jiang Cheng.
Jin Ling walked as quickly as he could without attracting attention toward his room at Lotus Pier, but it wasn't easy to somehow look graceful and unbothered with the load he was carrying.
"Where are you going!"
The familiar voice pelted his back from across the courtyard. He straightened and froze but didn't turn around.
He heard Jiang Cheng's long stride angrily eating the gravel between them and tried to calm the squirming bundle inside his sleeve.
"Is this how you greet your uncle after a journey? Speak to me face to face."
Jin Ling turned while carefully crossing his left arm over his chest and the right beneath it to support and hopefully hide his left sleeve. He often defied his uncle with arms crossed and hoped he wouldn't notice the difference.
"Yeah, so what?" he wanted to say, but given the urgency of the situation, it wasn't wise to talk back.
"It was a long, hot ride from Jinlintai and I was going to come see you after bathing and putting on fresh clothes."
Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes. "Sure you were. What's in your sleeve?"
"Don't lie to me. I could see the lump wriggling from across the courtyard," Jiang Cheng scoffed.
Without meaning to, Jing Ling had been gripping the sleeve tighter as Jiang Cheng spoke, and a sad little whimper leaked out from beneath his hand. Instinctively, he jerked his hand away, and a fluffy black puppy tumbled out. Jiang Cheng caught it before it hit the ground and lifted the now frantically crying and kicking animal to eye level and glared at its face.
"This spirit dog was a gift from xiao shu! Give it back!" Jin Ling cried, grabbing the dog and cradling it against his chest, stroking its head to quiet it.
"Hmph. I suppose he told you all about how to care for and train it, too?"
"He didn't have to. I already know, not that you ever cared to ask." Now that his secret was out, Jin Ling was feeling feisty.
"Sure you do," Jiang Cheng said. "I guess you'll find out soon enough if you're up to the task or not. Let me see this thing."
He took the puppy and held it gently this time, scruffling the hair on its head and getting his hand licked in return. Jin Ling thought he saw the grim line of his lips break and a fleeting curve at the corners before he handed the puppy back imperiously.
"Take good care of it."
After that confrontation, Jin Ling had no desire to join his uncle for dinner, so he ordered a servant to bring his meal to his room with an extra portion of meat and rice for the puppy.
Jin Ling's room was some distance from the main halls of Lotus Pier, and Jiang Cheng's firm steps toward it reverberated on the wooden walkway that zigzagged around a lotus pond reflecting the full moon. He raised his fist to knock at Jin Ling's door. Laughter from inside caught his hand in mid-air.
He leaned toward the open window and peeked into the candlelit chamber. Jin Ling was rolling around on the floor with the puppy, who was jumping back and forth over his prone body to get a piece of rope he waved just out of reach. Every now and then, he let the puppy grab the rope to shake it, growling ferociously, and he could not help but laugh without restraint. Jiang Cheng watched for a few minutes, then left, stuffing down a wistful feeling in his chest. He would return tomorrow to reprimand the boy for not asking permission to bring home a pet.
Jin Ling awoke the next morning to soft snoring, spooning something warm and solid under the quilt. He retrieved the puppy from the bedding, its eyes blinking reluctantly against the light, and looked at the empty basket next to his bed.
"How did you get up here?" he asked.
Then he noticed a bad smell and saw, in the middle of the room, an almost neat little brown mound and near it, a puddle that was already beginning to soak into the wood floor.
"Bad dog," he whispered at the very moment his uncle's insistent fist sounded on the door. What should he do? Pretend to be asleep and hope Jiang Cheng went away? No, since when had that ever worked? Tell him he was dressing and to come back later? Might work if the window weren't open just enough to reveal the lie.
Jiang Cheng took advantage of his hesitation to swoop in uninvited, scanning the room with eagle eyes. Jin Ling bolted upright and clutched the puppy to him like armor.
"What's that on the floor?" Jiang Cheng accused. "Clean it up! And letting the dog sleep with you. Shameful."
Jin Ling scrambled out of bed and the puppy scampered to Jiang Cheng, its round belly swinging from side to side. He started to summon a servant, but Jiang Cheng snapped, "This isn't Jinlintai! Clean up your own mess."
"I didn't make this mess, and this is a servant's job anyway. Do you really want people to see me doing servant's work?"
"You let an animal use your bedroom floor like a toilet. The animal has an excuse: It doesn't know better. But you do, and it's your responsibility to teach the animal how to behave. Until it does, its messes are your messes, and you will clean them up."
Jin Ling felt heat rise to his cheeks because no matter how mean his uncle sounded, he was right. Living up to his uncle's expectations was the only way he would be allowed to keep this puppy. He stomped off toward the kitchen and returned a few minutes later with a bucket of soapy water and some rags.
Jiang Cheng was sitting outside holding the rope while the puppy tugged on it. He looked light, almost carefree, making Jin Ling feel awkward. He cleared his throat loudly when he was a dozen feet away, and Jiang Cheng jumped up, composing his face into its usual scowl and straightening his robe.
While Jin Ling sullenly cleaned up the mess, Jiang Cheng berated him.
"I thought you knew how to care for dogs."
Jin Ling, on his hands and knees, scrubbed at the floor without taking the bait.
"Puppies often can't wait till morning. You have to wake up and take them outside if they're going to learn they can't do this in the house. Didn't you hear it crying to go out?"
"I was asleep and must not have heard it."
"Is that why the dog was sleeping with you, too? Or did you take it to bed like a little girl with her doll?"
"So what if it crawled in with me while I was asleep? Who does that hurt?"
"It confuses the dog to sleep as an equal with its master."
Jin Ling threw the rag in the bucket with a splash and stood up, his blood boiling.
"How would you know, jiujiu? You've never even had a dog. Who are you to lecture me on how to train them?"
"You!!!" Jiang Cheng lunged for Jin Ling but the boy dodged, causing him to stumble and nearly fall. Jin Ling caught him before he did. Jiang Cheng steadied himself and pushed the boy away. Jin Ling wouldn't let his momentary upper hand go to waste.
"Well? Tell me, jiujiu. Where did you learn so much about dogs? I'm waiting." He tapped his foot impatiently.
To his surprise, Jiang Cheng sat on a chair near a table and poured himself a cup of tea, and spat it out after finding it cold. Jin Ling didn't know what to make of this or whether he should be scared, so he picked up the bucket and rags and set them outside, the puppy at his heels. When he returned, Jiang Cheng had poured himself another cup of cold tea and was sipping it pensively, having apparently changed his mind about its consumability. He picked through the remnants of last night's meal, still on the table, and fished out a morsel of chicken that he used to entice the puppy, who lay down at his feet after gobbling it up. When he reached down to pet it, the puppy rolled over to expose its fat pink belly, which Jiang Cheng stroked. Jin Ling had never seen his usually harsh uncle this tender.
"I once had three puppies. One of them looked a lot like this one."
Jin Ling's jaw dropped and he suddenly felt out of place standing in the middle of the room, so he sat at the table, too. Jiang Cheng continued, looking at the puppy instead of him, picturing his beloved Jasmine, Princess, and Little Love scuffling with each other on the grass.
"I was a lot younger than you. Three puppies were a lot of work to take care of, but I knew if I couldn't even properly train dogs, I would never be a good leader for the Jiang clan."
He picked the puppy up and set it on his lap. It stood on his hind legs to reach his face and tried to lick his mouth, but Jiang Cheng brushed its face away and gently nudged it back down.
Jin Ling was dumbfounded. Any person, or animal for that matter, that behaved with such familiarity would usually be smacked senseless but Jiang Cheng seemed to actually enjoy the attention and he realized how rarely he had seen his uncle this affectionate with another creature. He had always assumed Jiang Cheng had no close friends because his high status and responsibilities as clan leader made him both busy and unapproachable. But his xiao shushu, Jin Guangyao, was almost inseparable from his sworn brother, Lan Xichen. Nie Huaisang was friends with Jin Guangyao and many other people.
He had never seen Jiang Cheng with any friends. He spent his nights alone and his free time alone and received few invitations to social events that weren't about clan business. No clan leaders sought his hand in marriage for their daughters, nor did he have any lovers to the best of anyone's knowledge.
Jiang Cheng was the clan leader whose inability to control his subordinate had led to disaster, and if it weren't for his constant vigilance against the Yiling Laozu's return, and his intimidating temper, Jin Ling knew that his uncle would be one of the things the Jinlintai bullies teased him about. It occurred to him that if he was friendless because he was an orphan, Jiang Cheng was friendless because of his brother's betrayal. Neither of them had any control of the circumstances that had cost them the respect of their peers, which they had to constantly earn over unspoken protest.
"I didn't know that," Jin Ling said simply, hoping to tease out the rest of the story.
"My father gave them away."
Jiang Cheng petted the puppy harder.
"He had a good reason."
He swallowed and looked like he might cry before his stern face fixed itself. Jin Ling only had this dog for a few days and already couldn't bear the thought of even momentary separation. In that instant of weakness, Jin Ling recognized in Jiang Cheng his own loneliness, and knew better than to ask what his father's reason was.
"Have you thought of a name yet?"
Jin Ling had thought of a name and had been sure Jiang Cheng would threaten to beat him for it. But now a gap between them seemed to have closed, so he took the risk and said, almost rebelliously, "Fairy," fully expecting an upbraiding to break the spell.
Jiang Cheng looked surprised, but pleased. He held the puppy's face up to his and said, "That's a perfect name for your dog. Hello, Fairy."
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struggling-jpg · 3 months
Some Things About Ma Feima (Yanqing) I Learned
And it matters to HSR Yanqing only because some people have had what they heard about Ma Feima affect their views of him even though it really SHOULDN'T imo.
The underlying point I'm trying to get at is that when we hear about parts of a story or characters we aren't familiar with, it'd be fairer to at least try to look into it more before making final judgments, especially if we only hear see memes and short summaries from a person over the internet.
If you're also interested in this topic then this will be very long, so thank you for bearing with me.
And if not, especially because you don't care or don't want to read about 7S/HI3 Yanqing then that's also fair, Ma Feima and Yanqing are different characters, and I hope you have a good day!
(NOTE: CW for the mention/discussion of a notable age gap between characters in the story. There are details surrounding that but I'd rather place this here for convenience. Look out for yourselves and stay safe!)
It's wild how many different versions of what happened in the Seven Swords visual novel, which is understandable due to its lack of official translation + not being complete (as far as I know? I am open to corrections overall). But the amount of details that go missing or are incorrect is notably large and I find this situation interesting. As mentioned, anyone who knows better (content, translation-wise, etc.), please correct me on anything if needed.
I will use some screenshots from the videos that translated the available chapters (1-2 and part of the beginning/prologue of 3, I believe). The translations are not entirely accurate so heck, I might be wrong on stuff too.
From personal experience, there were two things I heard about Ma Feima from HI3 players:
He killed his master, Fu Hua.
He cheated on his wife.
Legit, the first time I encountered these points, it was as simple as that. And I took it at face value because it understandably takes effort to look into this stuff and a lot of players from HI3 were saying it. But over time, curiosity got to me and I wanted to see the context surrounding it, and here's what I found.
However, here are some things to know about Seven Swords and Fu Hua's disciples:
The Seven in order are: Lin Zhaoyu, Su Mei, Jiang Wanxi, Jiang Wanru, Cheng Lingshuang, Ma Feima, and Qin Suyi
The present of the VN is set in 1496 while the assassination of Fu Hua was twenty years prior in 1476.
Ma Feima, despite being the 6th disciple, is the youngest.
Ma Feima's original name was Yanqing but changed it to Feima when he got older.
Qin Suyi, the 7th disciple, is Sushang's mother in both HI3 and HSR.
Lin Zhaoyu, the 1st disciple, and Ma Feima are married.
Onto the points:
He killed his master, Fu Hua.
Yes, he was involved but some attribute the plan to him. BUT he wasn't. The person who formed this plan was Su Mei, the 2nd disciple.
Supposedly, all seven disciples participated though most, if not all of them, were reluctant to do so.
They were all bothered by Fu Hua's, effective but cruel way of dealing with Honkai-infected people (She would wipe out whole villages if even ONE person was infected).
The last straw for the disciples was when Jiang Wanru, the 4th disciple, got infected.
It was in that battle that Ma Feima got the scar on his face.
Also to note, Cheng Lingshuang, the 5th disciple, was the one to get the last hit on Fu Hua.
This is a straightforward point, a lot of people know this stuff, and is probably the point that's more elaborated on. But I still wanted to mention it because, oftentimes, a lot of the credit for the plan, and sometimes the last hit is given to Ma Feima. It erases the actions of other pretty interesting characters and is simply incorrect.
Onto the second point, because this is where things get really interesting and a lot is going on.
2. Ma Feima cheated on his wife.
This has given the idea that he had an affair, cheating on his wife, Lin Zhaoyu
No, he didn't.
It is true that he was in love with Su Mei but she never loved him back and was very clear about it so in a literal-traditional sense, he didn't have an affair.
Emotionally, yeah.
It seems that he had been attached to her since he was a child.
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Lin Zhaoyu seems to have always been aware of that and still pursued to marry him.
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BIG NOTE: This is where I'm going to cover the age gap stuff.
One thing that I have rarely seen anyone mention is the large gap between Lin Zhaoyu and Ma Feima in age.
It's said that Lin Zhaoyu is 15 years older than Su Mei.
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Supposedly, Qin Suyi was around eight years old when Fu Hua found her.
Remember, Ma Feima is the youngest of the disciples.
I wouldn't have harped as hard about the age gap if they met/didn't know each other in Ma Feima's childhood, but the disciples technically grew up together so I found it to be questionable.
For reference:
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In order, that's Lin Zhaoyu, Su Mei, and Ma Feima when they were younger.
At minimum and based on all the searching and math, at minimum, Su Mei would be thirteen there, and by the 15-year age gap, Zhaoyu would have been 28 years old.
Now, based on the writing, Zhaoyu and Feima most likely got married in the twenty years between the assassination of Fu Hua and the present of Seven Swords.
The youngest Feima would've been at the assassination was seventeen years old at that point.
For the present of the story, Zhaoyu, and Su Mei are 56 years old and 41 years old respectively. Feima is likely in his thirties.
Like I said, I'm making a big point to this because, like, what the heck. That's MAJORLY concerning even if you tried to reason your way around it. Besides any potential "normal in the era" type stuff and that they got married when they were both adults, it's still a huge yikes, isn't it? Also, I've seen barely anyone mention that, and the ones I did see it from, it was when I was looking into the visual novel.
It's mostly because Yanqing is the one in HSR, he's the character that gets the most eyes. And when people only know him as a "master-killing wife cheater" without any of the context surrounding it, it's a huge shame, albeit fair if people don't want to actively look into it themselves. But because a notable chunk of players have let those perceptions have weight over an unrelated by anything but appearance, old name, and the parallel of (potentially) killing a master.
The circumstances surrounding the two are very different.
HSR Yanqing has Jing Yuan to raise and guide him safely through his early life. He's still very young and while stubborn, has a good head on his shoulders, and has a lot of potential to grow into someone strong and stable.
7S/HI3 Ma Feima on the other hand, is shown to have grown very differently from his younger self.
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He is far from enjoying life, and don't get me wrong, he isn't completely innocent.
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But he's completely aware and is miserable.
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There's a lot more I could cover in terms of Ma Feima, his circumstances, and the things about the characters around them, but my brain is so fried lol. All-in-all, his story alongside the seven, is very...complicated.
My main thing is that, hey, maybe we should be a bit more vigilant when we learn things about characters. Beyond fiction, misinformation spreads very easily because we, understandably, take things at face value. In terms of media literacy, we see it time and time again when characters get reduced to a singular trait or a ship or get heavily misunderstood by the audience because a simplified summary will never do the context justice.
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