#and heres hoping that hostel is still at the other but i mean. whos buying hostel on dvd .
housefreak · 10 months
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my new moovies ^^ brba is now a movie bc the lady at checkout rang them up as that and not a box set x
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theoutlasttrials24 · 3 months
Inside The Outlast Trials: A Deep Dive
It’s easy to draw comparisons to Saw or Hostel, but The Outlast Trials carves out its own unique yet familiar atmosphere, and it looks beautifully gruesome, enticing gamers looking to buy Xbox games. Whether you’re playing with friends or solo, the game delivers on what Outlast does best, and Red Barrels nailed the game balancing perfectly for both styles of play. It’s just a pity there’s not much drawing me back once I’ve seen it all. Still, if they add more maps to explore and scream in later on, count me in for another visit to the Murkoff Facility.
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Character Roles in The Outlast Trials
Each session follows a similar pattern: sneak into the building, stay low-key, complete the task, and get out. The specific objectives change, but the core gameplay stays consistent, making it a compelling choice for those interested in buying PS5 games. Going solo is totally doable and probably the purest way to play Outlast, keeping that lone wolf vibe where your success depends solely on you. It ramps up the tension, though it does stretch out the missions by like three times. Playing with friends tones down some of the scare factor. One person can distract the creepy stalkers while the other handles the objective, and they can switch roles easily if needed. It makes everything more efficient, which is key since your performance gets graded each session. Being faster, using fewer resources, and taking less damage means a better grade and more XP. As you level up, you earn currency to upgrade your character at vendors in the main hub. The Pharmacist boosts your personal skills, like stamina or inventory size. The Engineer gives you powerful abilities, like healing everyone nearby, seeing enemies through walls, or throwing stun grenades. You can only pick one at a time, so having a diverse team makes a big impact. At level 10, you also unlock The Shadowy Dame who provides perks, sort of like power-ups to enhance your gameplay.
Unpredictable Thrills in Multiplayer Chaos
There’s a group finder feature, though, which is where things really kick off. Finding instant games or forming groups for specific trials—it’s like the game hits its stride here. Playing with randoms is wild and unpredictable. Lobbies light up with chaos—players getting chased, trying to survive while you either dodge the mayhem or jump in to save someone’s skin. But nothing beats rolling with your crew. The Outlast Trials is all about bringing your squad into the madness, where it becomes a savage, scary party. Sure, teamwork makes things smoother, but seeing your friends getting wrecked by horrors—it’s a mix of fun and fear like nothing else. One moment I’m decoding some signal, next thing I know, my teammate’s running past, and suddenly I’m the main course for some psycho killer. That unpredictability amps up the excitement—you never know what your buddies are gonna do next, just hope it doesn’t end with you as monster chow.
Challenging Modes and Team Triumph
The devs are dropping hints about what’s next for The Outlast Trials now that it’s out of early access. New zones and weekly challenges are on the horizon, keeping the hype alive beyond the current content. One thing bugging me though: there's this pricey Reagent Starter Pack with 4 legendary skins and other cool stuff, all just for looks. No in-game store yet, but dropping nearly $30 AUD just to glam up your character feels a bit much. They might rethink this down the line depending on how long the game sticks around. I hope they keep the freebie cosmetics interesting for us non-premium players! After smashing the trials multiple times, you unlock tougher modes like "Advanced Therapy" and "Extreme Therapy". It’s all about ramping up the challenge for bigger rewards, especially if you're brave enough to keep coming back. Collecting new gear after surviving the bloody trials is cool, but surviving with your crew is the real win!
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Concepts in Action (Glee)
Follow-up to Concepts of Insanity, spawned by a talk with @jwmelmoth
Slighty different mood than that one, but same base principle.
Returning to the loft after skating should be a relief after the awkwardness of doing such a loaded activity with his ex. Except it doesn't feel that good, and he's got some uncomfortable suspicions regarding Blaine's backpack.
“So, dad. You brought Blaine. Exactly when's his ticket back?”
“Day after tomorrow, same as mine.”
“Right. And where is he staying?”
“Well...” His dad's facial expression answers that question in a way that makes Kurt's heart sink.
“So when you said I could return my present if I wanted to, exactly how was that supposed to work? It isn't, is it? I'm stuck with him whether I want to or not.”
His dad's voice is full of surprise and a bit of censor, but Kurt isn't going to let that influence him. His dad's crossed a line, and Kurt's not going to pretend otherwise.
“Remember the first Christmas after mom passed away? How you sat me down and apologized for my presents, before I'd even opened them, because you just weren't good at buying gifts? And remember how I told you that anything you'd gotten me would be perfect, because it was from you and I loved you? Yes?
“Okay. I still love you, but I'm taking the rest of that back. You coming here to tell me you have cancer was bad enough. Finding out you consider my ex an acceptable 'gift' for Christmas goes from bad to really shitty, and I don't know what you were thinking. Especially seeing as apparently you felt it was okay to tell him about your cancer before telling me.”
“I didn't want you to be alone.”
Kurt just stares, unable to process.
“I have cancer, and I knew you'd have a hard time to deal. I brought Blaine because I figured you'd need the support, the comfort.”
“And you brought my ex for that?”
Then again, support wasn't Blaine's strongest suit even when we were together, was it?
“Hey, you're the one who told me he wasn't just your boyfriend, he was your best friend too.”
“Yes, but that was before” he cheated on me “we broke up.”
His dad still doesn't seem to get it and Kurt can't take it.
“You know what, I need some air. I'm going to take a walk. You stay here, make sure Blaine stays out of my bedroom.”
Kurt starts out with going around the block, but he's still upset after and takes another loop, this time longer. It takes half an hour for him to feel ready to go back inside and deal.
Sitting on the couch with his dad and Blaine as they watch baseball is annoying as hell. Any other time, he'd take the closeness and read Vogue, especially now that his dad has admitted to knowing about it. But with Blaine actually watching and interacting with his dad about the game Kurt feels uncomfortable not doing the same. So he tries. Once he gives up and reaches for his magazine he heard his dad and Blaine joke about having bet about how long he'd hold out.
And then the next hit comes.
“So, Kurt, I know that this might be a bit weird for you, and you can totally say no if you want to,” sure, just like I could return the 'gift' of your presence, “ but I'm applying to NYADA for next year.”
Kurt sighs silently. Of course he is. The thing is, he can see it, the way Blaine probably assumes it'll play out. Blaine moving to New York, going to NYADA, buddying up to Rachel just like in high school... Kurt being expected to just take it, regardless of if he had been accepted or not. Any contacts Kurt might have gotten supposed to be at Blaine's beck and call, Blaine talking his way into Kurt's classes trying to replace him, like he had in Glee and with Cheerios... Kurt bending over backwards to make Blaine happy, just like in high school.
Because there would never be a chance of him being allowed to continue to say no to Blaine with them at the same school.
Thank god that's not going to happen.
And really, what was Blaine trying to do here? Pretending that Kurt's opinion mattered? The time for that would have been months ago, before applying.
“Oh really? You know what, I think NYADA might be perfect for you.” Not in terms of actual schooling, maybe, as Kurt's had the blinds torn off regarding Blaine's talent, but for the rest... He imagines Carmen Tibideaux subjecting Blaine to some of her special treatment. The definition of Karma, surely.
“Oh yeah. From everything I've heard you'd get along really well with the dean, and well, Rachel seems to thrive. Good luck.”
With no encouragement to keep talking about NYADA Blaine wanders off to grab something to drink and Kurt refocuses on his dad, trying to squeeze out as much of this visit as possible.
“Hey Kurt? What does NUY want with you?”
Kurt turns his head so fast it feels like he's in danger of whiplash.
“Are you going through my mail? Stop it!”
The words come out hard and he can see both his dad and Blaine react. He doesn't care though.
“You know, you going through my personal things wasn't cute when we dated either. Back then I just cared more about keeping the peace than about keeping my privacy. Since that's not a problem anymore, let me just be clear. I might be allowing you to stay here, but that's not an invitation in any way. Not to snooping, not to feeling at home, and not to getting back together.
“This is my home, and you are – putting it kindly – a guest. Behave with the decency I know your mom expects of you. If you can't do that then leave.”
He wishes Blaine would, but knows it's not likely.
“Kurt! You can't mean that you'd throw me out. Where would I go?”
Blaine looks like Kurt has done the verbal equivalent of throwing a bucket of ice water in his face. It has no effect on Kurt's resolve though.
“I neither know nor care. You either respect my home or you don't stay in it. This is New York. There are thousands of hotels and hostels.”
His dad just stares at him, as if he doesn't know who Kurt is anymore, and it hurts. Out of all the people liking Blaine better than him Kurt had never figured his dad would be one. And yet here he was, feeling the same way as he'd once felt with Finn.
“Buddy, you're being a bit harsh here, don't you think? Yes, I'll admit that maybe bringing Blaine without warning you was a little...impulsive, but why are you so angry? And don't be so hardnosed about getting back together, for your own sake.
“Like I said earlier, love's important. Holding on to love is important. I don't want you to throw away what you and Blaine have, not when you never know what will happen, or how long you'll have that opportunity. It's a cruel world, Kurt, but having someone to share with makes it better.”
Kurt takes a deep breath and tries, really really tries to keep his bitterness in. He's not doing that great a job.
“Holding on to love is important, sure. But there's such a thing as holding on too long and too hard. Blaine and I broke up for good reasons, and I wish you'd respect that.”
It's like his dad isn't even hearing him though.
“You know, your mom and I found it hard being apart too.”
Kurt did know. As a kid he'd loved hearing about his mom's semester in France, and he'd been told enough to know that it'd been tough. He'd read some of their letters to each other though, and he doubts either of them dealt the way Blaine did.
“So? Yes, being apart is hard. But that isn't an excuse for everything. I didn't want to get you involved in all of this, but since that's obviously not going to be an option anymore, fine. Blaine cheated. He felt I didn't pay enough attention to him, you know, between finding a job and a place to stay, and making enough money to pay the bills, and generally trying to make myself a life here after he practically pushed me to go here.
“And so he went and found someone else to give him that attention.”
He practically spits out the last sentence. It feels good to finally allow himself to say it, but the look on his dad's face doesn't feel as good.
If he was less angry maybe he'd be able to stop himself, worry about his dad's heart. But the anger's been simmering too long for that.
“That's why we broke up, and that's why I find the idea of getting back together objectionable. And you can talk about holding on to love until you're blue in the face, but I'm not the one who needs that lecture.”
He swallows down the lump in his throat, but goes on.
“As for the rest of it, are you seriously suggesting I take back my cheating boyfriend because that's better than being alone? Or because I don't know how long I'll live? Because if you are... What's next, dad? Telling me I should marry him because you and mom didn't get enough time together?
“If any of those things are going through your head you are also welcome to leave. I'll never not welcome you in my home, dad, but I need you to respect me. I need you to not act like you're putting someone else's son above yours.”
That's a warning that hits the target, and it's obvious that Burt Hummel remembers a row of uncomfortable talks about Finn. He deflects by turning on Blaine though.
“No, dad. It is over and done with. Leave him be. Just... Just leave it alone. I don't want to take anymore fighting. Please?”
They stare at each other and for a while Kurt wonders if he should have done as he normally does and just backed down. Swallowed down his hurt and anger and frustration, kept quiet about the injustices done to him, and just pretended to be okay. Tried to not upset his dad, and risk his health.
Except he's done that for years, and it's clearly not working. His dad's health has failed again, with the cancer – and no matter how good the prognosis, or the treatments available, a cancer diagnosis is a health failure. Plus his dad is trying to fix him and Blaine, out of some misguided idea that they're going to be the next Burt-and-Lizzie, and he never would have done that if Kurt'd been honest about the cheating instead of blaming distance.
At least Kurt hopes he wouldn't.
“Sometimes, dad, first loves end. They end because of death, or because they're not meant to last, or because of something else. And then you meet someone else, and they make your life amazing. I'm not going to deprive myself of that by holding on to something that's ended. Just like you didn't. You found love again. I will too.
“I just need to be allowed to do so.”
They keep staring at each other, and then his dad nods. Kurt can't help it, he throws himself in his dad's arms, with tears already beginning to fall.
As they hug Kurt hear Blaine muttering in the background about finding a hotel, but he doesn't care. The door to the loft closing feels like it's closing on him and Blaine too, and it's such a relief.
After several minutes they let go. Both need to remove traces of crying, but that's good.
Once they're seated again Kurt searches for something to talk about, but his dad beats him to it.
“So, NYU? Or should I pretend I didn't hear that?”
“No! I have been thinking about things, about school, and I was an idiot for not applying to more schools last year. So, I did some research and then I did something about it. I've applied to half a dozen schools, and I've already been accepted to one for the fall semester. I don't know if there's any school willing to take me for the spring, but if there's not I'll just keep working and try to save up money.”
“And what about NYADA?”
There's no judgment in his dad's voice, and Kurt smiles as he tries to describe the situation diplomatically.
“It's...not looking as good in my research as I thought, so while I did reapply there I'm not sure I want to go there. I really shouldn't have listened to Rachel last year, because as it turns out? NYADA actually isn't the most prestigious school for performing arts, and it's probably not even the best for me. I guess we were both a little starstruck, you know?”
The game is back on, but they ignore it and talk, and it's everything Kurt would have wanted.
Months later as classes start up Kurt receives voicemail after voicemail about Blaine starting at NYADA, about how bad it is that Kurt's not been accepted, about them meeting up. Kurt ignores them as he did the calls and walks into vogue.com with a smile.
He doesn't feel the least bad about not getting in. Hell, he didn't even apply for the fall semester.
No, Kurt's happy where he is, with his job at vogue.com, a spot at the New School and a couple of scholarships helping pay the way. Oh, and a new boyfriend, which also contributes to his happiness.
Turns out? Acting in new ways can get you new and rewarding results. All you got to do is try.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years
Snowy stop (Din Djarin x Fem! Reader)
A/N:  And we start with little Christmas stories! Merry early Christmas, everyone!
P.S. The only reason I did this taking it for a Christmas thing, is because it has snow. Enjoy
P.S. 2. Yes, I am still crying for the end of the second season of The Mandalorian. 
Warnings: Spoiler not spoiler of season 2, I guess.
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"Where do we go now?" I sit in the passenger seat.
"There are still three days to reach Nevarro,” answers the Mandalorian.
"But we've been wandering in space for over two weeks," I complain.
"If we make fewer stops, we’ll get there faster.”
"And the food will end faster too," I reply.
He sighs, presses a few buttons, and turns his chair to see me through his helmet visor.
"You know how this is, Y/N.”
“We have never been so long on the ship. We can get to a nearby planet, buy food, and that's it. Surely it won't take long–“
“We don't have enough credits for food. Which means I have to find a job and it would take more time."
I bite my lower lip hiding a smile.
"You know how this works, Din.”
He sighs again.
"We won’t make stops,” he says and returns to the control panel.
"Oh, come on. Aren't you tired of being in front of those buttons, walking just to go to the bathroom, eat or go to sleep?" He ignores me. "I don't even know when was the last time you slept on your cot!”
I see how he tenses.
"I'm trying to continue the journey so that we can get there faster and you stop complaining," He growls.
"I would complain less if you even rested like a normal person.”
“I am not a normal person. I am a Mandalorian.”
"Yes of course, now you’re going to tell me that not sleeping is the rule that follows after not removing the helmet–”
"Why don't you go see how the child is?"
I roll my eyes.
“I hate when you’re so stubborn. That happens to you for not breathing fresh air…”
"Stop complaining and go with the child.”
"Alright, grumpy,” I say getting up.
I go down the metal staircase and walk down the small hallway until I reach the 'rooms'. Two capsules, in one Mando and the baby sleep, in the other there is only me, although it also depends on the baby's mood, sometimes wants to be with me and others with him.
As I get closer I hear the happy cooing of the little green creature, who is sitting in the little makeshift hammock. I smile and take him in my arms.
"Good morning, my little bean,” I pat his huge ears and he babbles happily. “Let's make you something to eat. I'm sorry, it’ll be the same as the whole week, your father is a disinterested grump who doesn't want to buy you anything else,” the baby babbles again as if he were answering. "I know, you should tell him something…”
But before he could coo anything, the ship shakes brutally and a crash is heard outside of it. The movement makes me fall and I do my best not to hurt the baby. I hug him against my chest and approach a wall. The alarm sounds and for a few seconds the light goes out. Then all is quiet and the ship stops.
"You're good?" I ask the baby.
Strong footsteps are heard approaching us and the imposing figure of Mando crouches in front of me.
“Are you okay?" He asks agitated. I nod and move my arm so the baby comes out of hiding. Din sighs in relief when he sees us.
"What happened?”
He sighs and taps his helmet.
"Something happened to the engine.”
I frown. He knows I don't know anything about ships, so he doesn't bother using big words, but he always tries to explain it to me so I can learn. This time it is different. He wants to avoid it. He stands up and offers his hand to help me.
"Something with the motor?" I ask suspicious.
“It's nothing, I can fix it.”
"Did someone attack us?" An idea crosses my mind and I can't help but smile. "The engine overheated, didn't it?"
He doesn't respond, which makes me laugh.
"There is nothing funny about it.”
"Of course not, grumpy," I say sarcastically. I lift the baby a little. "Did you hear that? Now we’ll have to land on a planet. You’ll finally be able to see the sun again!” The green creature just laughs.
Din growls.
"Don't be so dramatic.”
"Come on, Little bean. We’ll have something for breakfast and then explore a new planet,” I say ignoring the man's comment and walk to the kitchen.
"You have to be kidding me,” I say seeing the great landscape in front of me.
"What's going on?" Din asks next to me. I'm sure he's grinning like an asshole now. "You wanted to make a stop, right?"
All terrain is covered in an extremely thick layer of snow. Some bare trees surround the horizon and in the distance are some cabins, perhaps a town.
"But, you can hardly see the sun!” I complain seeing the cloudy sky.
"Now you complain about the planet?"
I sigh.
"Oh well. I'll go for more clothes…”
It doesn't take me that long to choose something more ‘appropriate’, but no matter how much I put on another layer of clothing, the wind cuts through my bones, making me shiver.
"If I become an ice sculture, it will remain on your conscience,” I say returning to the ramp.
"Come on," he says laughing.
Din keeps the baby warm in a bag and hides him with his cape so as not to attract attention. As always, he leaves me behind. But something besides my short legs is stopping me: the snow is so thick that it’s difficult for me to raise my legs again with each step and when I look up to see Din, I am infuriated to see that he has no problem.
"Hey, wait for me!" I yell at him, but he never turns around. I curse under my breath. And as if my luck couldn't get worse, after taking another step, I don't feel anything solid and I fall into the snow, leaving only my head in view. I complain and try to get up, but any movement makes it worse. It's like I'm in quicksand. "Din!" I screech.
I remove the snow from my body, but nothing works, only after a few minutes the Mandalorian returns. He looks at me from above with his arms crossed.
"Do you have a problem, princess?"
"I'm stuck," I say, pouting.
"I thought so,” he says taking my hand.
The rest of the way was better as Din had no choice but to carry me on his back. Only until we got to town, was I able to get off and feel the stable cobbled ground.
The three of us went into the first restaurant and sat at a table.
"I'll go find a job,” he informs us and he goes to talk to other people.
I sigh and remove my scarf. I put the baby in his high chair. A waitress comes over and I order two plates of soup, it's the only thing we can have.
"Do you like this place, Grogu?" The baby babbles and trembles slightly so I put my scarf around him.
The waitress comes back and we both eat until Din arrives.
“I got something. It shouldn't take more than two days.”
I nod and finish my soup. When we pay we return to the cold.
"Do you think that with the money from your work we can get more clothes?" I ask him, hugging my body.
“Maybe,” He tilts his helmet. “The ship is too far to return. They gave me an advance, we’ll stay in a cabin tonight.”
The room is big enough to have a double bed and the capsule where the baby sleeps. It’s nothing out of the ordinary and it doesn’t even bother us that it doesn’t have two beds, at this point we have gotten used to sleeping anywhere.
Also, I could never complain about sleeping near Din and neither does he.
The baby falls asleep as soon as he touches his pillow and I run to the warm blankets on the bed.
“I will go find information. Is it okay if you stay here alone?" says the Mandalorian preparing his blaster.
Normally, where he goes we go with him, but it’s not difficult to see that both the baby and I prefer to stay.
Din leaves and I spend at least two hours alone doing nothing more than getting some sleep and distracting me with some hologram videos that the hostel offers, but a bang disrupts our peace. In the corridors of the hostel gunshots and screams are heard causing the baby to wake up.
Instinctively, I close the curtains and turn to the capsule. A new shot is heard and the baby presses the button to close the crib. I laugh and push him into a corner, pull out my blaster and open the door a little. I slowly went out until I reached the stairs, went down to the first floor and crouched down reaching the corner that overlooks the hall.
"The child and the girl with the Mandalorian!" yells a Twi'lek pointing at the receptionist. She answers with our room number.
The machine nods and turns to the front door. Then a group of at least eight Twi'leks and other unfriendly creatures enter the hall ready to go in search of us.
“Shit…” I ran back to our room, closed the door and pushed a piece of furniture against it. We take my things and bring the capsule closer. From my bag I take out the emergency intercom. "Mando!" I call and while I wait I look around the room for some other way out.
“Y/N?" He answers back.
"There is a group of Twi'leks in the hostel, I counted six and other creatures, but I'm sure more are coming,” screams and more shots are heard. "I will not be able to deal with all!” I say agitated.
"Get out of there!”
I roll my eyes-
"Great idea, how did I not think of it?" I go into the bathroom and find a tall window. “Bingo."
"I found a way out, but…” Someone knocks on our door. I take the baby and go out the window very carefully.
Only that this time I do appreciate the thick layer of snow. Grogu and I go down smoothly, although running is hard for me.
I return to town and problems chase us. More enemies gen here from every part of the place.
"There!" Someone yells pointing at us.
I don't wait any longer, I put Grogu in my bag and run towards the nearby woods, where at least the snow lets me run more easily.
I hear screams behind me and some shots graze my body. I dodge attacks and trees, but I know this won't work for long. No tree is thick enough to hide us. Only until I get to a recognized part does an idea occur to me.
I deviate from the forest and in the distance I see the Razor Crest, now I just hope not to be wrong.
Every part of my body is about to freeze. Inside my sweater, the baby moves and his head pops out.
“I-I don't hear n-nothing. T-it's your turn…” I raise my arm and with what little strength I have left I push the snow around us a little. As soon as any light is visible, I push the baby out so he can get out. "G-g-go f-for-” I complain. “He-help…”
The light increases and I can only feel the little hands of the child trying to remove the snow, at one point he even uses his powers, but it doesn’t take long for a shadow to arrive and now the snow moves with more force.
I raise my head and see the Mandalorian armor.
"I- I’m- I’m stuck.”
As soon as Din scooped me up to the Razor Crest along with the baby, he did his best to warm us up. After a quick, hot shower, I now find myself in front of the radiator with both my and Din's clothes and a warm blanket. But even so, my body doesn't stop shaking.
Grogu is asleep in his hammock, he didn't have so much trouble, I kept him safe before falling into the snow.
Din's footsteps come closer and he sits next to me on the floor in front of the radiator. He raises an arm behind me, but I jump away.
“You'll be better with my body heat.”
I smile thinking of a comment that would make him uncomfortable, but I decide to lose the opportunity for now.
"Y-you, your b-beskar is frozen,” I say pointing to the armor.
Din leaves and after what was maybe half an hour, he returns to his place next to me wearing only a black sweater and pants. This time I let him hold me.
He leans against the wall behind us, settling in to sit me on his lap and wrap me in his arms. I sigh resting my head on his chest.
“It was a great idea what you did. Dangerous and stupid, but it worked,” He says hoarsely without his helmet modulator. Although I have already seen him without it, sometimes he still uses it and only when he’s comfortable does he take it off. Like now.
"N-no, I didn't know what else to do,” I reply. "I-I'm sorry about your work."
"It doesn’t matter. I thought I had lost you,” He tells me tightening his hug. “But I also knew that you would find some way to escape. When I saw Grogu moving the snow, I could breathe again.”
I lift my head and he looks back at me.
"N-no, you won't get rid of u-us so e-easily,” We both laugh and Din leans in to kiss me.
"I don't plan on doing it for a long time, my ka’rta," he replies. Din kisses my forehead and I return to his chest. "Ni kar'tayli gar darasuum, Cyar'ika"
I smile.
"I love you too, Din.”
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somethingwritey · 4 years
my writing samples!
if you’re interested in commissioning my work (or you just like reading excerpts), i’ve taken some time to prepare writing samples! 
more commission information can be found here or you can private message me for further questions! 
💖 dramatic
this is an excerpt from a rangi/kyoshi one-shot i did recently: 
Rangi’s exhalation is loud in Kyoshi’s head, but perhaps almost silent in the world. “I used to see you guys around the mansion,” she confesses. “I would… watch you two. It was my duty, of course, to watch him. But not you.”
This isn’t exactly news to Kyoshi. Rangi has spent lifetimes saving her from herself and the world. Her bodyguard before she knew she needed one.
“I know.”
“You wanna know what I thought?” Rangi shakes her head, a strangled bit of laughter escaping her lips. “When I saw the way he’d admire you? I thought… The Avatar and his servant… what a pathetically tragic way to love. So caught up in the power imbalance of it all.” 
“Rangi -”
“And then,” Rangi stares up at the sky now, squinting into the brightness of it all. “I fell right into it myself. Only you’re not the servant, Kyoshi. You’ve never been the servant. It’s me. In love with the great and powerful Avatar. Hopelessly and endlessly lost in the difference between duty and pleasure.” 
That is absolutely wrong. If nothing else, Kyoshi knows that. “You’re not.”
“In love with you?”
No. That’s probably true, even if Kyoshi still doesn’t know why.
“You’re not my servant. You’ve never been, and you never will be.” 
Rangi finally meets her gaze, and Kyoshi is surprised to see a glassiness there, reflecting in the bronze of her irises. She reaches out and runs a hand along the girl’s jawline, gently tracing every scar, every ghost of pain.
“Whoever made me the Avatar was really, really stupid,” she whispers. “You would’ve made a better one.”
“I’m not Earth Kingdom.”
“I don’t care.” Kyoshi knows how the cycle works. And she still thinks the Era of Rangi would outshine any past or future Avatar.
💖 comedic/light-hearted
 this is an excerpt from a jay/carlos de vil one-shot: 
“You have a crush?”
Carlos whipped around, staring at Jay who had just come up the stairs. “Where the fuck did you come from?”
“Uh -” Jay blinked, pointing down the stairs. “Downstairs? Look, someone said you go ... oh, you found a friend.” His gaze fell on the cat.
“He’s my new best friend.” Carlos was only half joking. “You’ve been demoted.”
Jay feigned hurt for a moment. On the whole, he didn’t look as drunk as Carlos would’ve expected. “So, this crush of yours,” he said at last. “Is he the reason you agreed to come?”
The irony wasn’t lost on Carlos, and if he weren’t too busy wishing the earth would swallow him whole, he might’ve laughed. “Uh - I don’t -”
“Come on,” Jay laughed. “I won’t tell anyone. Not even Mal. What’s he like?”
Carlos made a face. “The one time you’re not hammered at a party, huh? Just my luck.”
Jay shook his head. “Come on, man! Just give me a hint!” 
Carlos mimed zipping his lips. 
Jay is here. With you, his brain whispered unhelpfully. Not downstairs. Maybe you have a chance. 
Jay smiled, oddly genuine. “I get that parties aren’t your thing, ‘Los. Must be one hell of a guy if he’s worth all this.”
“Yeah, well,” Carlos mumbled, picking at a spot on the carpet. “He looks cute when he says please.”
💖 alternate universe/timeline adjustment 
this is a sneak peak of an unpublished equalist!asami/korra fic that i’m currently working on :) so stay tuned for more of this: 
“Miss Sato,” a voice called from beyond the reinforced door. “You have a visitor.”
Her father, surely! Or one of his associates. But when door slid open and someone stepped inside, it wasn’t Hiroshi.
Asami turned towards the wall. “I don’t want to talk to you.” 
“Asami, wait.” Korra didn’t try to get any closer. “I just -” 
“Just what?” Asami muttered. Her voice dripped with sarcasm. “Wanted to see me put away? Make sure they’d gotten the right girl? A non-bender standing on the sidewalk at night is so dangerous, see. Glad you’ve got the police force cracking down on the issue.” 
She could feel Korra’s frustration and revelled in it. She liked being able to get to Korra. 
“No! That’s not! Ugh!” Korra paced, her footsteps heavy. “I don’t have much time! I just wanted to ask you to meet me! Away from anyone listening! Under the Silk Road Bridge.” 
“I’d love to, but you see,” Asami gestured around her cell. She still hadn’t dropped the cynical act. “I’m kinda busy at the moment.” 
“Your father is already trying to buy your way out,” Korra told her. “You’ll be released before most of Republic City wakes up. I know you, Asami. You wouldn’t… you’re not -” 
“Not what, Korra?” Asami finally looked at her. Hard. “Like the rest of the non-benders? One of the good ones?” 
“You betrayed us!” 
“And you couldn’t save those people from being rounded up like animals!” 
Korra opened her mouth, but no words came out. She threw back her head in frustration. “Fine! I’ll leave you alone! But tonight, at midnight, I’ll be under that bridge. I hope you will be, too. I just want to talk.”  
💖 angst/pining
this is an excerpt from a casey/izzie fic: 
Casey couldn’t breathe. 
She was used to the breathlessness that came with running, the burning and tightening of her lungs as she demanded more from them. But when her feet skimmed across the pavement, racing, racing, like her heartbeat, it didn’t scare her. Rather, she relished it, craved it. The way her whole body felt alive, how she could feel every tingle in her arms and legs, how everything seems to still and grow quiet around her - she loved it. 
This was different. 
Her vision tunneled, entirely swallowed by Izzie and the boy in the corner who had his tongue in her mouth. The people around her suddenly felt too close and the music too loud. She wished she had Sam’s noise canceling headphones. 
Casey wasn’t even trying to inhale anymore as she stared, watching the girl whose lips she’d taken a chance on kiss a boy - a stranger. She could feel her chest burning, could feel the rest of her body screaming at her to take a breath, to do something. But she couldn’t. She could only stare until the need for air became too much.
She gasped, her feet moving against her will. The room smelled like too much weed, stinging her eyes and nose. Casey began to back towards the door.
It wasn’t that she was heartbroken; no, she knew what heartbreak felt like, and right now, that space was occupied by Evan. 
This was on her. She’d decided to break off something good and consistent and wonderful to chase after someone who played hot and cold like Evan played video games. She had no one to blame but the person in the mirror. 
Somehow, after being jostled around by several other bodies, she made it to the hallway. It was quiet, thankfully, the noise of the party muffled to the pulsing of the base inside the hotel room where she knew Izzie was still liplocked with that tall stranger. 
Stupid, stupid, stupid.
How could she have thrown away something so good for this? 
She wanted to go back to being normal; to the time when she looked at Evan’s eyes and didn’t see Izzie’s reflecting back at her.
💖 hurt/comfort 
this is an excerpt from a nico minoru/karolina dean fic: 
“You’re still glowing.” The words came out low. Nico’s eyes flicked up and down her girlfriend’s illuminated body, taking it all in. She knew Karolina could control her light now, which could only mean one thing.
“I wanted you to see it,” Karolina admitted, ducking her head. Now that Nico’s eyes were open, she could see just how much fear flickered behind Karolina’s warm glow. She had removed her arms from Nico now and twisted her hands together in front of herself anxiously. “I needed you to see it.”
Nico swallowed hard, unable to pull her eyes away. The light brought so many emotions flooding back. The first time she’d seen Karo glow. Early nights at the Hostel when the power would short out and Karolina walked around like a glowing flashlight. All the times Nico ran her hands down her hips and kissed her neck and watched her glow brighter than all the stars in the sky. 
“I see it,” Nico promised. 
“You’re not scary,” was Karolina’s response.
They were words Nico had said many times to Karolina, but never had anyone said them to her. 
“Then why am I… like this?”
“Nico.” Karolina shook her head. “Your darkness isn’t evil. It just… is. And I know you can master your magic without the Staff. You’re more than its power.” 
“Am I?” Nico didn’t know what she was. She’d been trying to figure it out for a lot longer than she cared to admit. 
She was the Dead Girl’s Sister. She was That Goth Bitch. She was a loner, an outcast, a freak.
“You’re Nico Minoru,” Karolina said quietly. “And that’s… that’s enough.”
💖 fluff
this mal/evie moment is an excerpt from longer fic titled In Loco Parentis:  
Evie had really outdone herself. She’d managed to put together a figure cutting, sapphire satin dress that fell off the shoulders in the most tasteful way possible. With her dark makeup and striking updo, Evie could’ve passed as at least twenty-five. And Mal had never wanted to kiss her more.
“I’m proud of you,” Mal said during a quiet moment, rubbing the other girl’s shoulders gently. “You look great. You did good.”
“Well,” Evie laughed, tipping her head back. “I did well.” 
“Whatever, princess.” Mal’s voice had gone soft, her chin resting on Evie’s shoulder. Unable to help herself, she pressed a gentle kiss there, glancing up to see if she’d overstepped. But Evie didn’t look upset; on the contrary, her eyes were wide and her cheeks pink.
“So that’s what it’s like when a girl kisses you,” she breathed, tucking Mal’s hair behind her ear.
“Believe me,” Mal purred. “You ain’t seen nothing yet.” She waited for Evie to correct her grammar again, but instead, the girl pulled Mal gently out from behind her, capturing Mal’s lips with her own. 
And just like that, Evie was kissing her.
“You’ve got lipstick on your face,” Evie whispered as she pulled away, doing her best to wipe it off.
“I don’t care.”
“I can’t fail you today.” Evie tugged at the hem of her dress, sighing. “I can’t. Mal, this means so much to you.”
But for the first time in a very, very long time, revenge on her mother was the last thing on Mal’s mind. Evie’s eyes and lips and voice took up all the space, blooming in her chest. “You can’t fail me,” she promised.
And that was the sheer and utter truth.
💖 single character-centric
this is an excerpt from a catra-centric exploration:  
She’s lost count of the nail marks. 
When Hordak first threw her in this cell, Catra resolved to count every single tally Shadow Weaver left on the walls. But now that she’s fifty-two marks in - or maybe fifty-three? - her determination is beginning to waver. 
She also doesn’t remember Shadow Weaver being locked up for fifty days. Maybe the nail marks don’t represent days at all - or maybe the old lady is as crazy as she is evil. 
Lowering her gaze to the green glowing shackles around her hands, Catra tries - not for the first time - to wriggle out of them. Their buzzing is growing increasingly irritating.
How dare Shadow Weaver leave? Did she stop to think what would happen to Catra? Did it even cross her mind that she might be thrown in this cell as her replacement? Or maybe she did and just didn’t care? 
Catra’s face twists in a grim smile. Of course her own fate hasn’t given Shadow Weaver any pause. She got what she wanted.
She tries to think back, to find the place where she went wrong - a single moment she can pinpoint where her plans went to shit. But the pieces just don’t fit. Nothing adds up. 
Because Catra has done everything right. She’s climbed the ranks. She’s done her job well. She’s accomplished everything Adora could have and more. She’s surpassed even Shadow Weaver’s authority! 
And yet, here she is. In chains. Awaiting punishment. 
Adora always comes out on top. Hasn’t that been beaten into her since day one? Adora gets to walk away unharmed, with her new best friends and glowing hair. Adora gets Shadow Weaver, despite being a defector, a traitor, a failure! 
I would’ve stayed for you.  
Catra kicks out with her back foot and pushes away the tray someone delivered to her earlier. She’s not that hungry anyway - and certainly not for brown ration bars. 
The tray makes a satisfying clatter as it skids across the floor, and Catra bares her teeth in a halfway smile. If she’s going down, she’s going to go down fighting. She’ll make it as difficult and as painful for Hordak as she can - right until the very end.
💖 second person
this is an excerpt from a summer/tessa fic i wrote by request: 
She’s happy now, you know. 
She’s brighter and happier and just really fucking in love. 
You can see it. You can hear it in the way she talks and the way her eyes light up when she walks into the room. You notice how she perks up when her name is dropped during casual conversation and how she makes a point of talking about her at every possible offhanded moment.
And honestly, you’re happy, too. You’re happy for her. You’re happy for them. Because they’re just so cute, and everyone says so. 
And if you notice that Tessa is wearing her sweater - the one you used to wear because it made her mad and got those sparkling eyes to fix on you for just a few more seconds -  you don’t say anything. 
Because it wasn’t like the sweater belonged to you or was anything other than a polyester cardigan with a small hole in the elbow. 
It’s not like when you draped it over your shoulders, she would roll her eyes and grumble and demand you give it back. Your heart wouldn’t jump, and your mind wouldn’t rush with the adrenaline that came with shooting a snarky response. 
It’s not like you memorized the way she used to scoff - that sound in the back of her throat - or how she’d wave her hand dismissively while you wondered what it would be like to hold it and never let go.
 It’s not like you’ve ever wanted anything from her - attention or otherwise. 
It’s not like that sweater gave you an excuse to touch her shoulders, to catch a whiff of her perfume, to pretend the old sleeves were a good substitute for her arms. 
When words finally do form in your mouth, they’re not the ones you want to say. They’re snarky or sarcastic or snide. They’re perfectly in-character for you, the airhead, the fair-weather friend, or just The Bitch. 
Plain and simple. Easy to categorize and even easier to overlook. 
You won’t think about what it feels like to hug her or how comforting it is to rest your head on her shoulder for those brief, world-stopping seconds - so close you can smell her shampoo and whatever else she uses to make those curls behave themselves. Those moments are meant to be locked away, to be kept safe, where they can’t become anything they shouldn’t. Because the two of you have come so far, but nowhere near far enough. 
Yeah, you’re not my type. 
It’s confirmation of a dead end.
if any of these pieces catch your eye and you want one of your own, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me! i’m in the process of working on some really cool commissions right now, and i’m more than happy to add yours to the mix!
♡  ♡  ♡
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kpopdancings · 3 years
New Post has been published on http://www.whatsupkpop.com/from-up-on-poppy-hill-the-struggle-of-young-generation/
Link Video:
  As a film from the famous Ghibli production studio, “From Up on Poppy Hill” must be the best choice for those who are looking for a beautiful movie with both photo and content.
The love of school age is always a topic that makes them flutter when turning on the screen. “From Up on Poppy Hill” a rare Ghibli work on the subject. Directed by Miyazaki Gorō, son of legendary filmmaker Miyazaki Hayao. The main theme of the film is the love between Umi and Shun, a love that is both beautiful and complex.
The journey to light up “From up on Poppy hill”
From the  beginning, this was a huge challenge for Miyazaki Goro, the wounded son who suffered an invisible pressure from his father, Miyazaki Hayao, who brought his life to the works. associated with our childhoods such as: Spirited Away, Howl’s moving castle,  My neighbor Totoro, … Everyone expected that he was “the second Hayao”, and that expectation overcame on his shoulder a huge burden. Until his debut Tales from Earthsea was released to the public, despite being well-received and successful in terms of sales, it was a failure when the work received a lot of words. Disparaging comes from critics. And when he decided to do his second animation, but this time he was making the movie with his father, Miyazaki Hayao. This unique father-son combination led to the birth of one of the Ghibli works that I consider to be worthy of viewing, From up on the poppy hill.
This is the highest-grossing Japanese film of 2011 with the proceeds of 4.46 billions yen.If you haven’t seen From Up on Poppy Hill, enjoy the movie now. If you have seen this movie or don’t care about the spoiler, Let’s start now.
Main content
Set in 1963, in the port city of Yokohama, near Tokyo. The drama revolves around 2 main characters Umi and Shun. Umi is a 16 years  old girl, energetic and courageous. She lives with her grandmother and two children in the family building, an old hospital that has been renovated to become a hostel for several girls. Umi’s daily jobs are cooking, cleaning, looking after the children and running the building while her mother is in America. The building is located on Kokuriko Hill. Every day, to commemorate her late father, who was a captain who died in the Korean War, Every morning she pulls colored flags that carry the message of asking for a safe journey for each ship.
Kazama Shun – a male student at the same school as Umi, is seen as the hero by a stunt performance to attract interest in the school newspaper – the club he joined after school. Wanting to get Shun’s signature, Sora – Umi’s sister asked her sister to come to the Quartier Latin. It is a very old building and is also the site of historical events and full of club memories. Here, Umi watched Shun and his friends devote themselves to keeping the building in danger of being dismantled. Realizing the sagging, old building of the building, Umi came up with an initiative to call the girls to come clean and renew it together. 
They gradually became close to helping each other in everything. Then one day in a meeting at the house on the top of the hill, they accidentally discovered they have the same bloodline. When Shun avoided Umi, after demanding, Umi also discovered that the two were siblings.
They  decided to hide their feelings and continue to be friends, and then one day, when the sun was still shining in the green bushes, Umi’s mother returned. It was also when Ryoko revealed that Shun’s biological father was Tachibana Hiroshi – the second man in the photo. In 1945, Tachibana died in a shipwreck accident. Shun’s mother passed away after giving birth to him, and relatives all died during the US atomic bombing on Nagasaki. Ryoko was unable to adopt Shun because she was pregnant with Umi, and was currently a medical student. Yūichirō issued a birth certificate for Shun in his name so that he would not have to become an orphan in the tumultuous post-war years that followed. Shun was eventually adopted by the Kazama couple. After being verified by Captain Yoshio, they rejoiced … not only because from now on being together and not worrying anymore … 
The film’s success is not only based on the content, but also on the profound meaning that is meticulously incorporated in the movie
  Image of  dynamic and enthusiastic young people
  The fact that the Quartier Latin was about to be dismantled at the behest of the district president was a challenge for the students living in the clubs in this building. Young students who are still day and night diligently devote their youth to research projects, they learn and cultivate everything outside of school, they do not hesitate to choose the difficult path of resisting directives to pursuing what they think is right.
They are willing to devote all their energies to renovating the building, which is not an individual’s work but a collective work of a team with so many enthusiastic people working. They try to the last minute, with only a little hope, the students here still make efforts to create opportunities, not easily surrendered. The trio of  Umi, Shun, and Mizunuma together went to Tokyo to meet the chairman, waited patiently and bravely asked the president to visit the building before executing his dismantling instructions.
Young people working together to save the club can be a metaphor for the country’s rebirth. Together With other students, they are the embodiment of the future Japan, enthusiasm and determination, enthusiasm and optimism, passionate love and foolish youthful aspirations. touched and inspired those of the same generation. The film recreates the spirit of a time that helped that generation to rise up to revive the country, heal the wounds of war in the past, protect and preserve traditional values.
 “From Up on Poppy Hill” can be said to be one of the most “Japanese” films of the Ghibli studio.Not only because the port area’s street space is faithfully reproduced in every small detail/, but also because of the strong and resilient spirit hidden in the characters’ personalities. They embody the country with determination, youthful enthusiasm and optimism for the future.
History lessons are appreciated without being cliché
Every effort comes from the thought: “… There will be no future for those who always talk about the future but forget the past …” that Shun raised in an argument between students. One detail I really like in the movie is the image of everyone singing solemnly and singing the national anthem of Japan. Never before has the atmosphere of national pride exploded so deeply, it crept into the consciousness of each student. Everything they are fighting for seems to be for the noble purpose of preserving and promoting historical and cultural values.
  “Eliminating the old means erasing the memory of the past”
Actually, this statement by Shun is very correct. Always remember that history is the connection between the future and the past, there is the past, the present, and the present, the future. Thanks to the cultural identities, customs, monuments, and historical records, we can look back on our own country’s past and take it as a lesson to rise later. 
Even the girls who do not join the club in the building, still spend time, effort and enthusiasm to renovate it, to give the Quartier Latin a new interface, with the desire for prices. Historical values ​​are preserved.
The story of a group of young people fighting together to protect the old clubhouse building /with sacred memories of generations of seniors is a metaphor for Japan in its renovation towards development. /Still fighting to preserve precious traditional values. /Through these activities, they met and gradually a love between them began to arise …
The pure love of the young couple
Actually, Shun still notices and responds to the signals that Umi sends to her father every day, but because her garden is out of view, Umi has not noticed it for a long time. The author of the poem about the girl pulling the flag on the top of the hill is also written by Shun for Umi. We can feel the sincerity and very cute before the subtle vibrations integrated. The scene of Umi holding his hand during the show, the scene of Shun passing Umi down the hill to buy some evening preparations, the scene where the two of them go home together and discuss the upcoming exam, or simply keep quiet and intently together. After completing the school newspaper, all the videos are lovely and gentle.
“I like you, Shun, even though we are bloodline, even if you are my brother, my feelings won’t change”  Umi’s words in the movie.
Love is like a Rose, sometimes sleep quietly, like Umi once buried in her heart … there is also a compromise between the pain, so go on or stop … /maybe expect peace , when the waves are quiet, the sea is together …/ and sometimes simple, reunited after days away. /Far away from war, distant because of obstacles, distant because of painful feelings … /but in the end, it will be as sweet as a child’s sleep, still meeting.
Family affection is always warm
Umi’s memories of her father are still standing, as evidenced by the flags she sends every day to inform her father at sea about the way back home. She still loves her father even though she is doubting Shun is his son. Or Shun’s adoptive father, who insists he always loves him like his own son, is willing to find ways to let Shun know the identity of his deceased father.
Both Shun and Umi are poor children who lost great fathers because of the war, but still cherish and are happy with their current family.
General conclusions
From Up on Poppy Hill, a work from Ghibli never disappoints from image to sound. The poetic and artistic scenes have always been the specialties for each of us, the films to feel the life, the daily activities from the  beginning of the film, combined with the melodies from the composer Takebe Satoshi, has created an extreme … peaceful atmosphere. 
See and feel the daily beauties of life, love and cherish our values, and constantly strive to dedicate living in accordance with the youth we currently have.
  Although building a love story between two high school students in the most pure, sweet and vague way, From Up on Poppy Hill still makes us wonder, is it the ideal type of love, when two  people have opposite personalities but a common desire?
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Treasure- Part 1
M/F Pairing: Y/N x Kim Hongjoong (Ateez)
Word Count: 3,565
Genre: Fantasy AU, Pirate AU
Warnings: Language, Violence, Some Smut, Mentions of Blood
Summary: For her entire life, Y/N has always been at the disposal of the men who treat her like she’s less than human. Her father was an alcoholic and her mother is unable to support the two of them after his death. Years later, Y/N feels stuck and there’s nothing worse than feeling trapped in your own home. However, after being kidnapped by a gang of ruthless pirates, Y/N finally gets her first chance of freedom and she very much likes the way it tastes even if that means playing with the heart of the notorious pirate captain whose affections become more and more obvious every day.
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When I was younger, my mother told me stories about the ocean goddess Amphitrite whose husband, Poseideon, commanded the endless tides and waves. She was a jealous lover, envious of the women Posideon would often bed, resulting in demigod children which he treasured and kept safely hidden away from his wife’s thirst for vengeance. But children can only be controlled for as long as their curiosity remains sated, choosing the comfort of land instead of that deep-spirited desire to return to the water. Eventually, his demigod children could no longer resist the call and that’s when Amphitrite would rise from the deepest trenches, commanding the ocean to overhaul boats of brave sailors, thunderous power splitting the ships in half while the demigod children lose themselves to their father’s perilous domain.
But Posideon grew angry with Amphitrite’s actions, demanding that she leave his children alone or else she would be banished to the Underworld where his ruthless brother Hades prevailed. Bitter and disappointed, Amphitrite sought a new solution to the problem of her husband’s illicit affairs. Amphitrite decided to try her luck on land and she lived amongst the humans for many years. One day, while she was wandering a distant shore, Amphitrite fell in love with a gorgeous sailor whose long, silky hair and endless sea-green eyes commanded her deepest affections. The sailor, who never realized her true identity, also fell for the mysterious way he felt drawn to the woman who climbed aboard his ship. He promised that he would do anything to please Amphitrite and the clever goddess requested that the sailor track and kill the children of her unsuspecting husband. So, with a crew at hand, the love-struck sailor spent years at sea burning the ships of Poseidon’s demigod children, earning him the nickname of “Pirate” for his bloodthirsty crimes at the behest of Amphitrite....
“I think that’s enough for one night,” my mother would say, noticing the way my eyes grew wider despite the fact that I was meant to be sleeping.
“Are there pirates here?” I would often ask my mother once she was finished.
“They’re only stories, my dearest,” my mother would reply, holding me close at night while my gaze wandered the darkness, searching out the window with a mixture of fear and trepidation, wondering if a pirate would sneak through the window with blood dripping from his blade.
But that was my childhood and, as the years slowly passed away, those stories grew as distant as my memories, lost to the powerful effects of time. I grew as tall as my mother, discovering her features whenever I would look into a mirror. I also inherited her passion for storytelling and would often sit on the hills overlooking the brilliant sea imagining myself exploring the distant lands that the maps at school promised would hold all sorts of possibilities.
Sadly, my dreams of leaving the island became less and less of a possibility as the realities of life replaced the fantastical wanderings of my imagination. When my father eventually died and left me alone to deal with my despondent mother who could no longer take care of herself. She would usually sit in the living room throughout the day, looking out the window at nothing in particular. It was a miracle to hear her speak, and I knew that my mother had become nothing more than a shell of her former self. To take care of us, I was forced to leave school which only dampened my curiosity in the study of Astronomy and the brilliant stars that always inspired me when I was younger. 
I would always miss my youth because now, at the tender age of 21, I had nothing left of the Spirit that once fueled my every hope and desire. I walked through each day dreading the possibility of another, watching everyone else around me move through their lives like the waves washing up on the beach, there at one instant and then gone the next. Leaving for a distant land in the small ships that frequently visited our small island. But nobody liked to stay forever because the human instinct to explore and conquer was present in every man and woman. Sadly, I’d never get the chance to satisfy mine.
Trapped here, like the fish brought in at high tide, to suffer through an endless cycle, wishing to escape to the stars because only then could I be truly free.
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“You’re a little slut, aren’t you?” the heavy-set man groaned at my ear, thick hips pounding against mine with bruising power.
“I’ll be whatever you want,” I responded robotically, gazing at the ceiling and creating constellations out of the boards.
It was the same every night, depending on what sort of customers were drawn into the hostel. The owner, an older gentleman with greasy, balding hair, would accept payment for our services, setting aside a gold token or two if he was feeling generous towards his whores which only ever happened when the place was full. Our best customers were merchant ships full of drunk and horny sailors looking to forget about their unfortunate circumstances and stick their uncut cocks into whatever comfortable hole they could find. 
“It’s good business,” the owner would croon, gathering us girls together around him. “My sluts make me good money.”
I would always hold my tongue at the term because, despite the fact that it was true, the connotation still struck a nerve, especially considering how my father had treated my mother. He would often come home at night completely wasted, slapping my mother like she meant absolutely nothing to him. Yelling obscenities while requesting that his slut get him something else to drink.
My father had passed away years ago, but my mother took his loss a lot more than I was expecting considering his treatment towards her. Her eyes lost the light I had cherished as a child, spending her days gazing out the window in my father’s old armchair while I was forced to find work. And those young girls like me who were unable to stay in school on the island could always find work at a whorehouse, selling her body for enough money to buy food and pay rent. That’s all that mattered to me for survival, but it still didn’t satisfy my wildest imaginations, dreaming of escaping to a place far away from this horrible island.
My client for the evening let out a deep-throated moan, cumming inside and I winced when I felt him lean down to kiss my forehead, the gesture far too intimate for my comfort. “I’d buy you again a heartbeat,” he told me sincerely while I impatiently waited for my shift to finally end.
I was usually a lot stricter about the type of contact I allowed. However, these days, I usually endured far more than I used to back when I was still new to the services required of me. Skittish around the older men touching my body or afraid to even ask the other girls for advice. I’m sure some of those clients took advantage of my innocence, but that had since worn off and I was nothing if not completely stoic when it came time to satisfy another customer.
I was still often ignored by the other girls, especially since men usually preferred me because of my younger age. There was only so much that makeup could hide before the body itself bore its secrets in the wrinkles creasing one’s forehead or the bulging veins in a girl’s thighs and arms. My body was still soft, enjoying the effects of youth before those looks would inevitably become lost to a steady decline.
But then again, most men didn’t care since they were usually drunk and reeking of desperation when they entered the hostel. “Sell me your best,” they would often request of my boss to which he would simply signal whichever girl happened to be closest at the time. It was always unfortunate when it was someone simply looking to negotiate their pay so that they could feed their family.
I walked down the stairs from my room with heavy steps while trying to ignore the new ache between my thighs. Carefully, I avoided the lingering patrons while taking a seat at the bar. Someone had discarded a glass from earlier, but I didn’t care about whose lips might have touched the rim, downing the rest of the nasty-smelling liquid without care. “Don’t look so down, kid, you’re too young for wrinkles.”
I offered Wendy, the kind hostel bartender, a small smile. “Any news on how many ships are coming into port tonight?”
“Heard a lot of rumors today,” she said, toweling off another glass. “It might be a pretty busy night. You know that makes the boss happy.”
“But it also means a long shift for me,” I said. “I can only handle a few old bastards a night before I feel completely numb in my legs.”
“Try stretching,” she suggested. “Good business means you might get paid more.”
“Still won’t be enough,” I said, barely acknowledging one of the other hostel workers who had suddenly joined us at the bar.
“Sounds like someone should have stayed at home if she ain’t on her best game,” her nasal voice informed me.
“I don’t do much of the work.”
A snort of laughter. “That’s true. You might be the best of us at spreading those pretty thighs.”
I gritted my teeth together as I signaled for Wendy to refill my glass. “This coming from someone who’s always chosen last by the clientele.”
Barbara paused next to me, spine rigid. “Watch your mouth, little girl. We don’t talk that way to anyone, got it?”
“Whatever,” I muttered darkly, eyes narrowing as more men started to walk into the hostel, eyes shiny with evidence of their desires which I would have the obligation of fulfilling.
“Work hard,” Barbara snapped at me before wandering out onto the main floor sporting her best smile.
I glowered in her direction, surveying the crowd with disinterest. “There’s a big group,” Wendy remarked, nodding at the door.
I spun around in my chair, holding tightly to my glass as I discovered the boisterous crowd of relatively young sailors who had just entered the hostel.  It was a large group of men, clothed in ragged attire barely held together by worn stitching, black-toed boots scuffing the floors. They were loud and obnoxious, clearly oblivious to decorum. They wore matching black masks and hats, overcoats thick as they carried themselves with an air of superiority. “They don’t look like regular sailors,” I remarked loosely to Wendy, unaware of the consequences of my words until a few moments later when the leader of the group suddenly confronted my boss who had been talking with a few regulars.
“How many do you have here?” the masked man demanded, flaming red hair contrasting with his pale skin.
“H-how many of what?” my boss asked, cowering back as he took in the sight of the gangly crew.
“Whores,” the red-head said, surveying the hostel with interest, eyes pausing on me for longer than I would have liked.
“Tonight?” my boss spluttered. “I got six working the floor.”
“We’ll take all of them,” the red-head said. 
“I don’t know if I have enough rooms to accommodate that many pairings! If you could just-”
“Not here,” the red-head sighed impatiently, turning to look at one of his partners. “Am I not speaking English, San?”
“It sounds like it to me,” the one named San pondered, gaze thoughtful as he considered my boss. “Did you not hear him, old man? Give us all of your whores.”
“W-where would you take them?”
“Onboard, obviously,” the red-head snapped. “The crew needs some new entertainment.”
“They got bored of the last ones,” a deeper voice joined the fray belonging to someone whose eyes crinkled at the sides with mischief. He was undoubtedly smiling beneath that unusual disguise.
“Hurry up, Mingi, Captain’s not gonna wait all night!”
“Those girls aren’t leaving this hostel,” my boss said, standing straighter even as his shoulders fell against the heavy gaze of Mingi, tall form looming in a dominant fashion.
In a split second, Mingi pulled a gun from the belt around his waist, aiming directly at my boss’ head. The entire hostel grew silent, all eyes watching the impending situation with fear evident in their dilated irises. “What did you say?”
“Alright, alright,” my boss said, waving his hands like a lunatic. “You can use them for one night.”
I heard a distant squeal when his body finally hit the floor, but I was too caught up in my unexpected self-satisfaction at seeing my slimy boss bleeding out against the wood I had spent hours cleaning last night. “He said six,” Mingi growled, glancing back at his men. “Take whichever six you want, including her,” he said, pointing in my direction. “We can save her for the captain.”
His words were the catalyst for the sudden action of the other men, swords drawn from their scabbards as they ran at the crowd with excited cheers as if the prospect of attacking innocent civilians was too much to anticipate. Screams filled the hostel, men and women alike running in opposite directions in their desperation to escape. “Pirates!” someone shouted and the word sent a shiver down my spine as I met the gaze of the man who had murdered my boss in cold blood.
“The Captain will like you a lot, girl,” Mingi said, nodding appreciatively as he openly appraised me like I was particularly worthy of his attention. Around us, the other girls were sobbing and pleading, struggling in the grasps of the pirates who had since taken them hostage, pulling them towards the door of the hostel which I once associated with long nights struggling to sell my body to the highest bidder. “Are you gonna give me a hard time like your friends?”
“They aren’t my friends,” I retorted coldly, surprising the pirate standing before me.
“You’ll be coming with us.”
“I understand,” I said calmly, gazing out across the now mostly vacant hostel, a few bodies littering the floors covered in blood. “I’ll go with you.”
Mingi smirked, gripping tightly to my upper arm even though it wasn’t necessary, leading me out into the chaotic streets like I was nothing more than a common dog for him to command. The island itself was a complete mess, townspeople running through the streets cursing and yelling, trash loitering the sidewalks, children mindlessly glancing around with wide, confused eyes. And through it all I managed to keep myself together, vaguely wondering what my mother might be doing at that moment. But it never crossed my mind to beg this pirate to allow me one last chance to see her. It didn’t matter that my mother depended on me to take care of her because, for a fleeting second, I could only think about how unfair it was that I was stuck with a mother like her who could no longer protect me from harm
The dock was glowing in the distance, lanterns lighting the worn pathways leading to different ships anchored at port. I had only been to the docks a few times in my life, mostly to help my former boss whenever the hostel received a large delivery. Nevertheless, it still managed to fill me with a sick feeling of hope that maybe one day I could find myself a ship willing to take me far away from the island. Somewhere warm and inviting where I could study Astronomy and remember all the delicate patterns I had once memorized when I was still a young and impressionable child. 
Of course, being kidnapped against my will was certainly not the way I envisioned leaving the island, especially when it involved pirates. I studied Mingi from the corner of my eyes. How many people has he killed? Would I be just another body to add to his list?
Such questions were useless to consider because fear was the last emotion I needed to feed into right now, paralyzed with the wide-eyed desire to run or fight and protect myself. I would stand no chance with these pirates, especially Mingi who was taller and strong, leading me to a ship that stood in contrast to the others anchored down. The ship in question, with the name “Precious” painted onto the side of the hull, was larger than any boat I had ever seen docked at the bay. It was actually quite beautiful, dark sails trembling in the breeze while the forlorn flag at the highest point indicated that it belonged to the pirate order. But that was just the ironic contradiction of the ship because despite its outward appearance, the men who commanded her wheel were nothing short of barbaric. A nasty breed of man who plundered the seas and killed without remorse.
I stumbled up the narrow plank, glaring at Mingi from the corner of my eye as he continued to push me onboard. The other girls were already kneeling, hands tied behind their backs as they suffered from various states of undress. I glanced down at my disheveled skirts, grateful that they at least covered my legs. “This one is for the Captain.”
“But she’s the youngest!” another voice complained, glaring almost enviously at the other girls.
“For. The. Captain,” Mingi repeated, jerking me to the right. “You can do whatever you want to the rest of them.”
I glanced back over my shoulder, wincing when I saw one of the pirates dig his fingers tightly into Barbara’s dark hair. “You should be grateful,” Mingi growled at me. “The Captain doesn’t like to share.”
“I don’t feel grateful,” I hissed back at him, completely unprepared for the accompanying slap as my head twisted to the side.
“You won’t talk to me that way,” Mingi said, shoving me against the wall, fingers tightening around my throat. My lungs were screaming for air, toes hovering above the deck, hands scratching against his impossible hold. I was gasping, desperate for air while my mind screamed at me to fight back, but I was powerless against his predominant strength.
“Is this one mine?”
My feet landed on the floor and I dropped to my knees, breathing in the air like it was the last time I might be able to do so. “It might not be worth it, Captain,” Mingi spat. “She’s got a mouth on her.”
“Is that so?”
I was slowly recovering from my temporary brush with death, lifting my gaze to locate the mysterious Captain I was now meant to serve. He wasn’t as tall as Mingi, but he was somehow far more intimidating, wearing all black from the mask hiding his face to the boots echoing against the deck. His hair was a strawberry color, delicately framing an angular face that might be handsome if it didn’t belong to such a despicable person. “Tell me your name, whore,” he demanded.
I swallowed hard against the raw ache in my throat. “Y/N.”
The Captain nodded. “Mingi, you can leave the two of us now. Go enjoy the other girls.”
Mingi obeyed, albeit reluctantly as he trained those suspicious eyes on my recovering form. “Aye, sir.”
I watched him as he walked away, fingers massaging my still-tender throat. “Does it hurt?”
I carefully considered the Captain. “He tried to kill me.”
“You shouldn’t mouth off,” the Captain said, nodding towards a door. “Come inside.” I bit my tongue, withholding a sharp retort as I did as he directed, brushing off my skirts. “My private quarters,” he said, shrugging off his thick overcoat while I examined the dozens of candles lining the mantlepiece. 
“Will the others be hurt?”
He paused at my question. “Does it matter? You can’t do anything to help them.”
“I just want to help myself,” I told him honestly, brushing my fingers across a rather ancient looking bookcase.
“Then this should be easy,” the Captain said, tearing off his mask. “You can be good for me while I fuck you.”
I took a moment to admire the Captain’s features, far more delicate than I was anticipating with dark, thoughtful eyes. “I’ve been doing that my whole life, Captain.”
He smirked. “Then this should be second-nature to you.”
I bristled at the insinuation. “Maybe I’m tired of being treated like a whore.”
“Why else do you think you were brought onto this ship?” the Captain asked, tone growing hostile.
“I was forced to come aboard,” I said. “By that bumbling idiot who tried to kill me.”
“And I could do the same,” the Captain said, drawing a gun from the holster hanging off his belt. “Get on the bed.”
“I’d rather die,” I told him honestly, staring down the silver weapon to meet the Captain’s narrowed eyes. “Kill me instead.”
A chuckle escaped from between his lips. “So that’s what you want? I could always force you.”
“I’d fight back.”
“But I’m quite strong, love,” he said with a barely distinguishable accent. 
“It wouldn’t be easy for you,” I said. “Didn’t you say you wanted someone easy?”
The Captain was quiet for a long time before he re-holstered his gun, crossing his arms in a closed-off manner. “Then perhaps a few nights in the brig will change your mind.”
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dzifasblog · 3 years
Chapter 4
Read from Chapter 3
It would be a bit of a stretch to say no one had ever rejected me . Yet, it did not happen often and it did not happen when I like like someone. Not only was I rejected but I was also friend zoned. Which is crazy because I usually did the zoning. Everything comes back full circle indeed. It had been a week since I had my ego bruised and I have to say, I was being a big girl about it. With Darcy's friend shooting the cheer "movie", she was left alone a lot of the time. Time she usually spent with me....because we're friends now.
Kill me now!!
Not that I don't enjoy her company. Au contraire, being near her all the time. Listening to her silly jokes, hearing her laugh and the way she would get pa Her boyfriend is one lucky bitch.
I was currently sitting in the house's common room, making use of the uncharacteristic quiet. Seemed like there was some party I was not invited to because the whole house was almost empty. It didn't bother me much; but as time ticked on and Darcy still hadn't made an appearance I became more and more curious.
Darcy did not strike me as a party girl. and her friend could not have dragged her because she had a meeting with Mimi today. (Yes I had learnt the schedule to see what times I could be with Darcy, yes I am a simp.) It took everything in me not to barge out and go look for Darcy: 1. We hadn't made any plans and 2. It would be plain weird. So I stayed my ass in the chair.
A couple of minutes after trying to focus of the copy of Shakespeare in my hand. The door to the common room burst open to reveal Kaitlyn, one of the girls in the opposite dorm. Putting her hands on her knees (thot shit), she tried catching her breath.
"Boys, " she panted. "The boys are here."
So this is why she ran?
All of a sudden it hit me. Darcy hadn't ditched me, she was busy with her boyfriend. I wasn't sure how to feel about that. On one hand, she hadn't ditched me and that gave me semblance of peace(??) And on the other hand she was with her boyfriend, someone who I didn't need to see to hate.
I was so engrossed in weighing the pros and cons of my love life. (if you can even call it that) That I hadn't realized Kaitlyn had been speaking until Darcy's name came up.
"What did you say about Darcy, sorry I'm hard of hearing" I needed to not come of as too curious.
"Her boyfriend came in a car and brought her a bouquet of flowers," Kaitlyn swooned.
"How do you know that?" It wasn't strange for guys to bring presents to their girlfriend. But I doubt Darcy announced it to the whole school.
"He came in a car, with his friends. He's like a year older," Kaitlyn spoke so animatedly. "He got out of the car with this huge ass bouquet and got on one knee and everything." After narrating the story complete with hand gestures. she fell onto the chair opposite me with all the drama of a Disney princess.
"How romantic," I deadpanned.
"I know right" Kaitlyn sighed completely oblivious to the sarcasm. "I wish someone would do that for me." Men would do the bare minimum and hetero girls would swoon. The bar was in the absolute pits of hell. Also, I doubt Darcy liked all the fanfare around the bouquet of flowers and their delivery. I needed to go see all this for myself.
Standing up I dusted imaginary dust of myself and moved to put the book back in its place. Kaitlyn was still sprawled in the chair with a goofy smile on her face. I do not know what would have happened if she been the one to get flowers. I wanted to say goodbye to her but I doubt she would have heard it over her self-excitement, so I made my way out of the room.
I had not made it far when I heard someone calling my name. I turned to find my longtime friend and partner in crime Robin jogging towards me.
"Where the hell have you been? I've been looking for your bitch ass everywhere." Robin and I had been friends for as long as I can remember. Our mothers had been bestfriends and roommates in the same sorority house. Our friendship was a given. We lived on the same street, went to the same school and did almost everything together.
We even came out together, him as bisexual and me, as lesbian. This broke our parents who had hoped we would end up together hearts but they got over it. Or at least I think they did.
Ignoring his question, I asked one of my own. "Why is my school crawling with degenerates from your school?"
"Wait you didn't know?" He furrowed his eyebrows in genuine confusion. "We're having some lame ice breaker. Never wrote to you cause I thought this was something you'd have been all over."
"I've been busy," I shrugged.
"Busy doing what?"
"You knowww....this and that" He looked confused. I wanted so desperately to share this whole Darcy thing with someone else but the thought scared me. I don't know what of, but the thought of another person knowing terrified me. Maybe it was the shame of being friend zoned.
"Is it a girl?"
"Wh..what...no" Hesitating and stuttering through your answer is never a good thing. I cast my eyes to the ground to avoid Nico's.
"Uh huh" Was all he said, not buying my bull.  "You know what I think?..." I didn't get to find out what he thought because just then the loud revving of a motorcycle cut through the air, demanding everybody's attention. I looked down to the park in front of out hostel to see one big motorcycle flanked by two smaller ones. I guess the big one belonged to the head honcho.
"Ghost riders," Robin said, coming to stand beside me. "Ninja name, trash guys."
I giggled at that. "I'm guessing they don't tickle your fancy." I teased.
Robin just rolled his eyes at me. "They are bad news, like really really bad news. Like gang shit, and not in a cool fun way but in an you could probably get killed way." My brows shot up at his statement. Gangs were nothing new but high schoolers in a gang would be pretty bad. Imagine being this hormonal and having the equipment necessary to kill.
"That sounds bad,"
"Bad? Try awful. I stay 5 feet away from them all the damn time, I will not be caught up in any of their shit. Not even by accident." Robin was usually very dramatic but something told me he wasn't exaggerating.
Suddenly, the girls seemed to burst out in cheers, I looked down to see the head honcho lip locking with Darcy.
My Darcy! My grip on the railing tightened hard, and I tried leaning forward to get a better look but I felt a hand pull me back. I turned ready to give Robin a piece of my mind before catching myself. Did I really like Darcy enough to yell at Robin?
Robin had one eyebrow arched at me. "I know I said some stuff but you look ready to end him"
I cast one more look at the park and grabbed Robin's hand and started dragging him to the common room where no one would see or hear us. There I spilled my guts about everything till now. Robin sat there quietly listening to me ramble on and on. It felt good to get it all out.  When I was done, he had a very Joker like smile on his face and for once I was grateful he would eventually have to leave.
"I've seen a lot of strange things in my day," he started. "But I have never seen anyone get under your skin so fast."
"You don't get it, she's just amazing" I argued.
"Look at you with heart eyes," Robin teased. I punched him in the arm. "Stop it"
"Ok, ok," he laughed. "Look, I know you think you've met the love of your life but you might want to pace yourself a little. I mean do you really know this girl? Like know know her? She was kissing one of the ghosts for crying out loud."
"I know her," Sort of. "I know she would never be mixed up in some illegal shit." Robin had raised some good points but I knew Darcy would never get mixed in any illegal activities. Or would she?
"How do you know?" Robin asked
"I....I just do, ok?" But did I?
"All things you know about Darcy are very surface level things-"
"I wouldn't consider knowing the way she looks when she comes surface level," I interrupted.
Robin shot me a look but continued anyway. "Why don't you take sometime to get to know her better, like where she's from and where she met her terrible boyfriend." He was right, I knew he was right and judging from the look on his face, he knew that I knew he was right. "Besides," he continued. "You and her are not together so use this friend zone wisely."
"Gah, fine." I hated playing the waiting game, I'm not known for my patience.
"Good," Robin pat my head. " Let's go, I need to get back to school as soon as possible."
"Alright" With that we left the common room and made our way downstairs. I walked Robin over to his ride, a 6'5 muscular guy I was 85% sure he was fucking. "See ya later, alligator." Robin yelled as the car took off.
"You're such a loser." I yelled back as the car disappeared behind the gates.
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ohtheseboysilove · 5 years
Omg, I’m living for the winter writing prompts! Could you possibly combine 1 and 6, smutty and fluffy with Ben?
01. we just had a one-night stand but a massive storm hit so now we’re snowed in, hello awkward.
06. we always carpool home for the holidays from college but a storm hit and now we’re taking the last room at the local b&b (bonus: bedsharing! we’re adults!)
4248 words (???). Smut and fluff.
!!! Christmas / Winter prompts !!!
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"You got everything ?"
You nodded with a tired smile and slid into the car seat, buckling your belt, immediately turning on the heater. The weather was bloody cold and foggy, making you winced.
"You’re sure it’s safe to drive home ?” You asked as Ben jumped behind the steering wheel, taking off his favourite brown beanie from his head.
You chuckled at the mop of curly blond hairs emerging on the top of his head, making him looked much younger than his age.
"My mom said it must be alright, if it’s not snowing we should be okay" He shrugged, always the positive one and started the car, letting you decided for the music. "And I don’t know you but I, really want to go back home for Christmas, no way I’m staying in my shitty uni room for the holidays” He smirked, one hand on the wheel and the other hand scratching the stubble on his chin, eyes focusing on the busy road.
“Yeah, true" You agreed and changed the radio station until you stopped when you heard the familiar rhythm of an old Arctic Monkeys’ song.
You and Ben were from the same little town in the north of England so for every holidays — when the two of you went back home at least — the both of you did the travel together. You shared the petrol price and sometimes when Ben was really tired, he would ask you to drive. It was a win-win situation. So for the third year in a row, you were driving to home, only five little hours away from your native town.
Only two hours into the travel, the traffic was still awful, cars barely moving as everyone wanted desperately to go home for Christmas.
"Ben, close this fucking window ! It’s bloody cold" You scolded him as he took a big puff of his cigarette, blowing the smoke outside the car.
"If I don’t have my fag right now, I’m gonna wreck this asshole who is honking for the past five minutes" The blond groaned and yelled something to the man, giving him his middle finger when he finally managed to pass him. “What a prick" Ben scoffed and watched him drive away, his hands and lips red from the coldness.
"You have literally no patience" You chuckled and popped a m&ms in your mouth, lazily chewing it.
The blond shrugged and threw his cigarette butt on the road, earning a warning glance from you. He gave a big innocent smile and you would lie if you said that your heart didn’t miss a beat at this moment.
"Gimme one, missy" He opened his mouth, head lightly turned toward you.
You threw it one which fell on his lap then somewhere on the floor, he complained about your aptitude to throw correctly and you gave him your middle finger for all answer. He asked again and this time the sweet hit him square on the teeth, a pathetic whine escaping from his plump lips.
"You’re such a baby" You rolled your eyes.
"Am not, you could have break my fucking teeth" He scolded and ran his tongue on his mouth, checking if everything was still here in the little mirror above his head. "Now gimme one correctly please"
"For a rugby player you’re a total pussy, you know that ?" You sighed and handed him the packet, ignoring the memories about the few times you had the chance to witness Ben in his tight little rugby short. It was true sight for the eyes. The blond smirked with amusement but didn’t move his hand, simply opened his mouth. "I’m not gonna feed you, Benjamin" You stated with a death glare, pushing another m&m’s in your mouth instead.
"My hands are busy" He gave you a cocky grin, wiggling his fingers firmly wrapped around the wheel. "Come on, pretty please ?" He fluttered his eyelashes exaggeratedly but you simply ignoring him, gaze looking outside the window.
"Ouch !" You gasped when you felt a harsh pinch on your right thigh. "Asshole" He simply smiled wider, still waiting for his chocolate.
He squeezed your thigh again and this time you decided to cave. The warmth of his hand around your leg was distracting you way too much. And you still have few more hours before arriving home so it wasn’t really the time to get naughty thoughts about Ben. You pretended to be annoyed and grabbed two m&ms, popping them between his pink, pillowed lips. You felt warmth spread around your neck when he playfully bit your digits, giving you a teasing smile.
"Thanks, love" He sent you a smirk and gazed back at the road, a satisfied smile floating in his face.
You mumbled a low ‘you’re welcome’ and swallowed nervously, hoping your cheeks weren’t as red as you were feeling hot. That was the thing with you and Ben, this constant...sexual tension. You knew each other for three years, hanging out together sometimes, no quite as usual as you did with your other friends but still friends nonetheless. Ben was hot, you couldn’t denied that and you weren’t bad yourself, you caught him checking you out more than once and he probably did the same with you but nothing never happened. Mostly because when you met, you had a boyfriend for most of the year. Then he started seeing this girl from his class when you broke up with Chris. Timing was always a bitch for the two of you and honestly you weren’t a fan of one night stand with one of your friend. It could be really awkward. But for the first time that you found the both of you stuck in the car for hours, you were both completely single. Meaning anything could happen. But you weren’t sure if you wanted something to happen. Or if he wanted that.
You were already three and half hours into the drive home but still bloody far away as the roads were busy and slowed down because of the bad weather. You both decided to stop for a wee and a coffee at the first gas station.
"I took you a latte" Ben yawned when you came back from the toilet, seating in front of him at the little picnic table outside.
"Thanks Benny” You lazily replied, the cold wind making winced.
You drank in silent and quickly, stealing little glances to each other. You hated how cute he looked with his beanie back on his head, few curls escaping from it.
"I’m gonna buy fags, do you need anything, love ?" You shook your head and thanked him when he threw you the car keys.
You rapidly went back into the warmth of the car and slid off your shoes before dropping your clothes feet on the dashboard, stretching lazily your arms.
"It’s so bloody cold" Ben complained when he came back few minutes later, rubbing his hands together as he sat back. "And bad news, it’s snowing"
"It is ?" You gasped and opened the window to check, few snow flakes falling slowly onto your hands before melting. "Shit"
"The cashier said a storm is coming and most of the road would be close soon enough" You dropped your head back into the seat with a desperate groan. "He said there is a little motel not far from here but we should get going if we want to find available rooms" He sighed and looked at you, a grimace on his face.
"Great, this is great" You crossed your arms above your stomach and shrugged. "Well let’s go I guess. We don’t really have any choice, right ?" You watched Ben nodded weakly as he started driving again, fingers drumming nervously on his thigh.
You only had fifteen little minute to the cheap motel but the weather turned out absolutely horrible. It was now heavily snowing, you could barely see the road and it was quite dangerous to keep going without snow chains. When Ben finally reached the motel you were both relieved and quickly made your way to the reception, praying there way still rooms.
"Hi, could we rent two rooms for tonight, please ?" You asked with your nicest, pleading smile.
The old lady at the reception checked the reservation on a clipboard, her glasses pressed on her nose as she looked for available rooms.
"Unfortunately we have only one room left for tonight, would you still have it ?"
You and Ben exchanged a quick glanced and immediately accepted. The options were pretty limited anyway. She handed you the keys of the fifteenth room on the second floor and the blond told you he would go grab your and his stuffs. You walked to the room and sadly, it wasn’t twin beds but only a double one in the middle of the room. The situation was awfully cliché but it did make you nervous.
You sighed and checked the tiny little bathroom, your body craving for a hot shower. You decided to take one now, it would be done for the night as it was already six in the evening.
"Feeling better ?" You almost jumped as you found Ben laying on the bed, one arm flexed under his head as he watched something on the small t.v hanging on the wall.
"Yeah, much better" You tightened your grip around the white towel around your body as you entered the room, looking into your bag for some comfy clothes.
You felt your heartbeat quickened as Ben’s eyes followed your movements, glancing at your legs freshly exposed. It was certainly going to be a tense and long evening.
The both of you were munching on ham sandwiches nicely made by the lady owning the hostel as mostly everything around was close because of the snowstorm, the electricity was long gone because of the weather. No t.v or lights. That why you were in a strange romantic atmosphere with candles and flash lights, seating criss-crossed on the bed, sharing a bottle of rhum together. The heater wasn’t really good and there was nothing much to do expect play cards and get drunk.
"Alright, you won again" Ben sighed and threw his cards on the night table after losing for fifth time in a row against you. "Can we do something else ? It’s not fun anymore” He complained as you beamed with pride, loving teasing him about your wins.
"You’re a sore loser Benjamin” You smirked and took a good swing of the rhum, grimacing a bit at the strong taste. "But I agree, it’s a bit boring to always beat your ass"
He rolled his eyes and snatched the bottle from your hands, taking an equal big sip as you.
"Never I have ever...suck a dick" Ben grinned, apparently really proud of his phrase as he knew you would probably drink.
"Very mature, Benny" You clicked your tongue but took a sip, feeling like in a fucking teenage movie. You played to this kind of game quite often but with much more people in the room usually. You felt like the situation could get out of hand really quickly. "Never I have ever...lick a pussy" You decided to play his little game and childishly blew him a raspberry.
"You don’t know what you’re missing. Pussies are delicious" He shrugged and drank, running his tongue on his pillowed lips to catch a lost drop of rhum. Your neck warmed at the thought of Ben eating you out, his pretty red face buried deep inside your thighs could certainly be a beautiful view.
The game went on with stupid sex questions which had for only goal to make the other drank more. When you both ran out of ideas you stopped the games and instead told each other awkward and a bit embarrassing anecdotes.
"He didn’t not !" You giggled loudly as Ben’s eyes were wide open after you told him about the time you ended up spending the night with a weirdo. "God, that’s crazy"
"Right ? And fuckin’ embarrassing, I was so drunk" You giggled more and squeezed Ben’s knees. "You turn now, mister Jonesy"
He nodded and wiggled his button nose, thinking about something funny to tell you. Your gaze lingered on his face, admiring his strong and perfectly well-define jaw, his high and beautiful cheek bones or his large shoulders barely hiding by his thin white cotton tee-shirt. You felt your features burned when you met his — gorgeous — green eyes, catching you checking him out shamelessly. He held your gaze for few seconds, wetting his pink lips with his tongue. You quickly looked away, pressure bubbling in your belly at his intense stare.
"Okay, I have a good one" Ben announced with a raspy voice. You looked back at him, ignoring the goosebumps spreading on your arms. How where you supposed to sleep next to him tonight ? "Do you remember Sasha’s party for his twenty-two birthday ?"
"Of course I do" You snorted at the memories, it had been a wild night.
"And this girl I brought home with me ? Natalia ?" You frowned your brows then nodded, remembering the beautiful blond girl from Sasha’s class. "So we hum...we had sex but I called her the wrong name" He confessed, the tips of his ears reddening.
"What ? Oh Ben, this is awful" You cackled loudly, covering your mouth with your hand to stop the stupid giggles.
"I know I wasn’t very proud" He playfully smiled and swallowed quietly, his Adam’s apple bobbing harshly. "And now she hates me"
"Can’t really blame her" You teased him.
"True but I can blame you" Ben said bluntly, his large palm rubbing his chest under his top. Thing he did when he was embarrassed.
"Me ?" You squealed with arched brow, not sure where he was going with this information.
"You" He repeated and you shared a long, heavy gaze, only broke when you watched his hand slowly rubbed on your clothed thigh. "I...I said your name that night" Your eyes widened but you stayed silent, not knowing if you were supposed to laugh or not. "I saw you wearing this tiny little skirt, the brown one and I couldn’t think about anything else that night" You felt your breath stopped for a long second, excitement bubbling inside your stomach.
"Y—yeah ?" You murmured quietly as he crawled next to you, his hot breath falling against your face.
"It’s wasn’t the first time I thought about when I was with someone else" He whispered back, the shadows of light from the candles were dancing on his face, the green of his eyes deeper than ever. "Thought about you a lot, more than I should" He slowly trailed a pad on your burning cheekbone, testing the water.
You were silent, a bit shocked by his words. Ben, probably one of the hottest person you ever met had naughty thoughts about you. It was insane. A pool of wetness was already forming in your knickers.
"I did too" You breathed quietly, shivers rolling down your spine at the just filling his pretty eyes. It was happening. For real.
"Can I kiss you ?" His nose bumped slightly against yours and for all answer you pressed your needy lips against his.
The kiss was hungry and hot, tongues quickly messing with each other, hands roaming on both of your bodies. It was a kiss from years of building tension finally exploding in a rough, eager kiss. You tugged on his top and he took the hint pretty quickly, throwing it somewhere on the floor as you immediately sponged pecks against his strong and smooth chest, heavy sighs escaping both of your mouth.
"God, I need to see you, love. Please" The blond murmured and you let go of his nipple, taking off your tee-shirt and exposing your bare breasts to the gorgeous man under you. "Holy shit, you’re so hot" He cursed, tongue trailing around your tits, one of his hand already working inside your pants, fingers rubbing against your socked panties.
"Ben, need more" You cried, hips bucking against his frame, your hand firmly gripping his curly hairs. "Take my pants off” You said in a panting pleading, watching him with quickly did it before doing the same with his own.
He didn’t lost a second and dove two fingers inside your mouth, making you suck them before caressing your folds, earning loud moans from you. Soon enough it wasn’t his fingers anymore but his burning tongue inside you, legs bended on his shoulders, his thumb taking great care of your throbbing clit.
"Oh shit" You whimpered, pressure building inside you dramatically quickly and you couldn’t do much expect pushing his mouth further between your legs. "Keep going Ben !" You rolled your left nipple between your digits, babbling incoherent words as you reached the edge of your orgasm.
You came in a shamefully loud pleading of Ben’s name, waves of pure bliss crashing down you. You could here him sucked his fingers clean, making you whimpered at the obscene sound. He grabbed your chin for a lusty kiss, teeth knocking against each other but frankly you couldn’t care less, you just needed him at this moment.
"Oh god, love !" Ben cried when you wrapped your fingers around his cock, giving few pumps on it.
"Do you have a condom ?" You breathed quietly, nails sinking into the skin of his neck as he nibbled naughtily your collarbone.
"Yeah" He pushed himself of the bed and you didn’t miss the occasion to look at his perky pretty ass before he came back, proudly shaking a condom. "Come here, love" You did as he said, spreading your legs just for him and he quickly rolled the protection on his hard length, his chest panting up and down. "You’re ready ?" You nodded, bottom lip trapped between your teeth as you watched his thick shaft disappeared inside you, a grunt falling from Ben’s throat at the same moment.
It was clearly better than you could have imagined.
You were freaking out. Hands against the sink and your gaze facing you into the mirror.
What now ?
You just had sex with Ben. Incredibly good sex by the way. But still, what now ? You hated this kind of awkwardness, you were already overthinking every little details of the evening and it was wasn’t looking good. You still have two hours and half of driving tomorrow with the blond, why on earth did you sleep with him ? Was it only a one-night stand ? Probably. He never mentioned any feelings toward you.
You swallowed nervously and after peeing, you splashed fresh water onto your face, taking a deep breath before joining Benjamin. He was casually laying under the covers, only wearing his boxer and it was incredibly distracting but you didn’t look at this chest, feeling already too uncomfortable. He was lazily scrolling on his phone and gave you a little, tight smile when he met your gaze. Awkward. He seemed as uncomfortable as you were. Great.
You hurried up to the bed, wearing your fluffy pyjama and slid under the heavy covers, barely looking at him.
"Goodnight, (Y/N)" He called your by your name and it was a very rare fact. You felt even worse, rolling the covers until your nose to hide your flushed face.
"Night, Ben" You closed your eyes and quickly fell asleep, as far away as possible from him, — without being too obvious — tired by the amazing sex you just had.
The next morning was even worst. Few words were exchanged as you both packed your things after a quick shower and a disgusting cup of coffee, making your way to the reception in a dead silence.
"Oh my dears, but the roads aren’t clear yet, the snowstorm is probably going back in the end of the morning so no circulation before at least tomorrow afternoon" The old lady explained when you handed her back the room’s keys.
"What ? Are you sure ?" You asked with nervousness, the thought of staying stuck here with Ben was making your stomach churned. You weren’t one for confrontation, more like avoiding awkward situation like this one.
"It’s all over the news, sweetie. The electricity is back but I’m not sure for how long" She gave you an apologetic smile and you kept the keys, not having much choice anyway.
Ben was surprisingly silent as you made your way back to the room, a ball of stress eating you alive. It was the worst fucking scenario ever.
"I’m gonna for a smoke" The blond said before disappearing quickly, leaving you all by yourself in the bedroom.
"Bloody hell" You cursed and let your face fell in your palms, wondering how the fuck you were supposed to spend more time together in this tense atmosphere.
You opted for a coward escape and slid under the covers, pretending to nap when you heard Ben in the hallway. He opened the doors and silently took his shoes off, seating on the side of his bed, sighing quietly.
"(Y/N) ? Are you awake ?" He murmured and ran a hand into your messy hairs, making you swallowed silently. "Come on, love, I know you don’t nap so early in the morning" You simply buried your face further into the covers, neck bright red with shame. "We need to talk" He added and tugged on the covers, trying to see your face.
"I’m sleeping" You mumbled and he simply chuckled, opting for an other tactic. He slid under the cover and moved until he was face to face with you.
"Hi there" Ben murmured with a little smile. "It too hot under these covers, how can you even breath ?" He exclaimed and you simply shrugged, nose buried into the pillow to avoid his intense gaze. "(Y/N), come on. I wasn’t that bad, was I ? Can you at least look at me ?" He tried to joke but the glance you gave him making stopped immediately.
You were so uncomfortable and Ben was just making the situation worse.
"I don’t wanna talk about it" You whispered. "We just had sex, it’s not a big deal" You mumbled with a bitter tone and wished you could just disappear from here right now.
The blond chewed on his lip for few seconds, one of his finger gently caressing the shape of your jaw, making you froze.
"I think it’s a big deal. Or you wouldn’t react like that. Not talking to me, barely looking at me" He stated the fact and you felt even more ashamed. It wasn’t your fault if you were the kind who get too easily attached or who couldn’t just have sex with someone then pretended it never happened. "I can’t read your mind, love. You need to talk to me" He slid two fingers under your chin, forcing you to finally look at him and you probably never felt more vulnerable than right now.
"Does it mean something to you ?" You murmured anxiously, cheeks burning from how uncomfortable you were. "Or was I just a...random shag ?"
"Of course not, (Y/N) ! You’re my friend, I would be totally stupid to go to you if I only want a quick fuck" Ben frowned his brows, a bit destabilised by your words. "I like you, (Y/N), I thought it was quite obvious" A delicate shade of pink painted on his face, his voice less confident than usual. "Especially after yesterday night"
You were both a blushing mess, the memories of the night before still freshly inked in your minds.
"I...didn’t know" You replied in a whisper. "You barely talked to me this morning, I thought you regretted it" You voice broke at the last word and Ben’s face fell when he noticed that you were hurt because of him.
"I’m sorry, I should have said something yesterday but you were so uncomfortable, practically running to the bathroom then going straight to bed..." He sighed heavily, his warm hand softly cupping your cheek. "I didn’t want to push you to talk to me so I thought we can talk about it today but it was even worst, I didn’t know how to speak about the subject anymore. I’m sorry if you felt like I used you like for a cheap and easy shag, it’s not true"
You let out a shaky breath, relief rolling down your body and pressed a hand on Ben’s cheek, giving him a timid smile.
"I’m sorry too, I hate awkward conversation and I didn’t know what to say so I just...avoid it" He rubbed his thumb against your skin before pressing a butterfly kiss on your cold nose. "But I like you too, Ben. For few months now" You admitted with a shiver.
"Try few years" He chuckled softly and you looked at him with shock. "It’s alright our timing had always been awful but we finally got it right” He winked and you nodded shyly, biting on your lip before capturing his mouth for a slow and tender kiss.
"You know what ? I’m pretty glad for this shitty snowstorm" You giggled as he trailed few pecks on your face, looking at you with tenderness.
"I think people called that a Christmas miracle" Ben smirked and you cackled louder before he found your lips again, sweet and perfectly shaped for each other.
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mimymomo · 5 years
Orphydice/Weathering With You AU Part 1
Okay this AU has been bugging me all night so I have to scream about it to my unknowing followers. (Damn it Mo, not another AU! You don’t have time for this!!) Do not be alarmed inner me, this AU will mostly be confined to a list! This one in fact! Or another one is this one does on too long...
I know for a fact that no one in this fandom saw this movie so I’ll try to explain it as best as I can here:
Eurydice was a runaway. Even at the bitter age of 16, she knew what kind of situation she was in and it wasn’t a good one. Neglectful parents, living in a small town where everyone knew one another’s business but that didn’t mean they were gonna help you with shit.
She tried to get emancipated once, saved up a bunch of money from side temp jobs between school but that plan ended up dead in the water before she could jump off the diving board. Her parents found and stole her savings, her hard-earned money. They gave her hell for it, going around telling stores, not to hire their “problem child” and she couldn’t find a permanent job afterward.
So she ran. Hopped on a bus and set out for the city. While traveling, the weather got bad. The weather had been doing that more and more recently. Sure it was April and storms happened, but not violent snowstorms that lasted days and frozen over lakes and roads, inches piling high along street-sides. Or rain showers the flooded fields and drowned basements. Thunder and lightning shaking homes and striking trees. Winds sweeping children off their feet, soaring in the sky like a tangled kite.
One such storm occurred during the journey, heavy rains and violent winds, forcing the driver to make an emergency stop at a motel and wait out the storm. As Eurydice steps off the bus, one of her bags (a small drawstring sack) gets swept up in the wind aim the direction of the street and she gives chase. As she reaches down to grab her bag, she sees a light in the corner of her eyes, shining bright and drawing closer, closer.
Suddenly she’s yanked back as a honking car zooms by. She’s being held snug against someone’s chest, someone who smells of something floral and a hint of alcohol. “Gotta be careful, girl. Don’t wanna be turned into a pancake now do ya?”
Eurydice turns around and freezes- the woman is beautiful: long ankle-length dress the shade of healthy green grass, her brown curly hair is braided back, flowers of different colors twisted in the mix. Her eyes warm and attentive. She’s carrying a small bag herself, with what looks like a few bottles of wine sticking out the top.
She introduces herself as Persephone and before Eurydice knows it, they’re sharing a room together. Eurydice tried to protest but the woman clad in green insist already arranging a room with a double bed. A few hours later, they’re showered and laying on their beds, room service spread out on trays and Seph half finished with a crack open bottle.
Persephone tells Eurydice she was visiting her mother up north (her mom apparently owns a vineyard) however her trip was cut short when her husband demanded (her words) her to return. “That man,” Seph curses drunkenly, waving her bottle, the liquid sloshing around the funneled glass. Eurydice’s only know Seph for a few hours but she’s already enamored with the woman and her attitude.
The next day when they arrive at the station, Seph offers Eurydice a business with her information on it: “Anthomania” in flowery lettering along with an address and phone number. A flower shop.
“I never asked but what brings you to the city? I can tell from your expression that you’ve never been here before.” Eurydice wasn’t ready for that question. “Oh just visiting, uhh some...relatives! Yeah, relatives! For spring break.” Seph rolls her eyes, not believing the girl for a moment but deciding to play along anyway, “so you know where you’re heading then?” Eurydice nods and they separate.
The first week is a struggle. No one will hire her with her limitations (no resume/references, she’s underage and constantly asked where she should be in school, she doesn’t have an address nor her social security number, and she can’t give out all her information in fear of her name popping up on a missing child’s list). So to put it lightly...she’s kinda screwed. She’s been staying in a really cheap hostel living off corner store food. She gets in trouble for loitering a few times and once while rummaging through some trash she came across a gun and decides to keep it for safety reasons (this will be important later)
One day, thinking she’s walking into a job site, she accidentally stumbles into an old, rundown bar. There’s barely anyone in there besides two people sitting at a table in the far corner, a man passed out at the counter. The air smells musky, traces of pungent alcohol fill the air and also the smell of someone buttery. Eurydice’s stomach growls. She didn’t have money to spare on breakfast or lunch recently. She knows she shouldn’t but she takes a seat at one of the tables, her back facing the bar counter. She contemplates what she’s doing and maybe if she should go home. But that thought disappears just as quickly as it showed up.
Out of nowhere, a tray of two burger sliders and a basket of fries are set down in front of her, followed by a glass of water. Eurydice whips her head and is met with two hazel eyes, the prettiest eyes she’s ever seen. The boy is young but has a charm to him. Lanky and tall, his brown hair sticks up to the sky as if his fingers had just run through them. “Sorry if I’m overstepping but you looked hungry and lost so...” his voice is soft and awkward as hell, but she finds it endearing. “Also Mr. Hermes will be back soon and he probably won’t like seeing someone underage so I’d eat that quick.” “How do you know I’m underage?” Eurydice shoots back with a raised brow. The boy flushes pink, blood floods his cheeks, ears, and neck, “oh! I’m sorry! I just thought-”
Eurydice laughs, “I messing with you.” “Ohhh...okay,” the boy smiles, scratching lightly at his cheek. Eurydice finds herself fighting a blush as well. ‘Why is he so cute??’ “I can’t pay for this.” The boy waves her concerns off, “it’s on the house.”
Before she can argue and refuse, a customer yells for around round and the boy begins to shuffle away. “Thank you,” Eurydice butts in, “for the food, I mean.” The boy grins and walks away.
That burger and fries were the best food she’s had in years.
The next day, she finds herself standing outside Anthomania, the brick building sits on corner, wide windows that let you see completely inside the shop. It’s flowers, everywhere- flowers along the walls, in stands amidst the floors, in pots, small and large, arranged bouquets in buckets near the front. Eurydice steps in and is overwhelmed by the sweet scent, sunlight bleeding in from the washed windows. What catches her eye is a small bouquet of carnations: reds, pinks, and whites. “Didn’t expect to see you here so soon.”
Eurydice jumps and spins around to see Persephone with her arms crossed, her green dress replaced with a garden styled apron. The two catch up and Seph calls Eurydice out for lying about visiting relatives. Eurydice stays the rest of the workday and later as Seph is closing up shop, she intends to walk about to her hostel room but Seph offers her a ride. Once the get there Seph forces her to grab her things and pays the bill. And drives her to her place.
It’s huge, a mansion guarded by a gate at the edge of town. The inside is just as beautiful as the outside but eerily quiet and somehow suffocating in a way. She meets Seph’s husband, Hades. He works as a CEO of some company, mining? Electric? Eurydice doesn’t know. He doesn’t seem particularly fond of her especially after Persephone announces that girl would be staying with them for now on and being working as an assistant/apprentice at her flower shop. Hades fights her on this but the woman wins out in the end.
As the days go on Eurydice notices how dysfunctional the couple are. They definitely love each other but...oof. Eurydice, when she’s not working her shifts, starts cooking meals and cleaning around the house and starts winning over the man of the house and the three slowly start to become a sort of family in the following month.
One day a customer comes into the flower shop, bracing the stormy weather. He’s an older gentleman wearing a silver suit with dark skin and gray hair. He’s coughing hard but still cheery. Seph and the man catch up and Eurydice figures they must be close. She doesn’t mean to eavesdrop but she hears them talking about something crazy: an urban legend of a child blessed by the gods who can control the weather. She thinks it’s stupid and doesn’t realize she said that fact out loud.
“Maybe child but you never know,” the man chuckles. Seph laughs at Eurydice’s shocked face, “brother, this is Eurydice. She’s working for me as an apprentice as sorts.” The man shakes her hand and begins to cough harshly again. “You should really go and get that checked out,” Persephone persists. The man waves her off, “I’m aight, just a little cough from the weather. Plus money’s been tight with the bar and all plus the boy.” He buys a few bouquets to be delivered next week and leaves. Eurydice ponders about why he said, ‘it’s impossible,’ and she leaves it there.
She’s the one who has to make the delivery. Turns out it’s the same bar she met that boy at. She hesitantly walks inside hoping to see the boy but no dice. She drops off the flowers and says hello to the man who she still doesn’t know the name of and heads out. Halfway back to Anthomania she sees something that catches her eye, no, someone. ‘It’s that boy!’ He’s being dragged by two older men, his face nervous. She can instantly tell something is wrong. She follows them and sees them leading him down a dark alley in the direction of a shady building. Before she realizes she already running. She grabs the boy's hand and they’re off.
The two men chase after them and corner them, knocking Eurydice to the ground. Eurydice reaches into her bag and pulls out the gun. The men at first think it’s a fake and start to roughhouse the boy saying that he set them up and will have to pay which causes Eurydice’s blood to boil. She grips the gun tightly, her fingertips turning white, she trembles and her vision goes hazy from rain and adrenaline, then suddenly...bam!
A shot gets fired off.
No one was hit but everyone is shocked. The boy is surprisingly the first to recover and he pulls Eurydice to her feet and they run away.
The escape to an abandoned half-underground train station. Trains covered in moss and plant life lay there rusty as sunlight barely shines through dirty grime-covered windows. Despite its uncleanliness, there’s something magical about this place, Eurydice can feel it in her bones.
“Why did you do that? Where did you get the gun?” the boy asks, huffing and puffing, athleticism is not one of his strong suits. “I thought you were in trouble,” Eurydice fights back. “And I found it.” The boy dips his head, “my guardian is sick but he always says that he doesn’t have the money to spare to get checked out. I needed to make some extra money and they promised me a well-paying job at this not exactly savory club if I performed there.”
Eurydice gapes, she has so many thoughts running through her head she doesn’t know where to start so she just says, “you’re a performer?” The smiles, “yup, I sing and play guitar. Plus I write my own music. I never introduced myself huh? I’m Orpheus.” “Eurydice.”
“Do you want to see something cool?” Orpheus asks, acting as if the previous incident with the gun didn’t just happen. “I mean, sure but it’s kinda a mess out there,” Eurydice points out. Orpheus ignores her and offers out his hand. Eurydice takes it and they walk back to the entrance.
When they reach the outside, the sky is gray and cloudy. Rain and sleet pour from the sky mixing with the dirty dusting of snow on the ground.
“Would you like the weather to be better?” Orpheus asks. “I mean of course I would,” Eurydice shrugs, “but I doubt that’ll happen anytime soon.”
“I don’t know,” Orpheus says, his eyes shut lightly. “I think the weather can surprise you. Just watch.” Eurydice looks around not sure where she should be looking until...
“La, la la la, la la la~!” A heavenly voice rings out, echoing among the buildings.
Suddenly the rain stops and the clouds part and disappear from the sky. Rays of sunlight breach out coolers by a rich sea of blue. The sun...Eurydice hadn’t seen the sun in so long.
“Oh my god, you’re a weather child! You can control the weather!” Eurydice screams, turning to Orpheus who finishes his song as a small red flower appears in his palm. A red carnation.
He offers her the flower and smiles. “Yeah, I guess you could say that I am.”
Wow, I typed all of this and only got like...1/3 of the way into the movie...so part 2 coming soon? I love this movie and subsequent au so it’ll probably be out tomorrow if people want it?
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it’s time for ~a year in review~
ya bitch went to paris and became like good, like REALLY good friends with my current roommates!!! we got to see some really beautiful sights, do some STRANGE things like watch a french indie movie and get fucked up at a french gay party club in the basement of our hostel. i apparently shaved my head again (per the use lets be real)
accidentally started my Com capstone like a total moron but took it like a mf champ. got to party at a friends place and watch all of “dont hug me im scared”. made a friend try a grap for the first time (he was a sophomore in college). studied a lot with kelli -- and by studying i mean we mostly bullied each other. WENT TO SEE WATSKY with a super dope friend (sad we fell out of touch but she’s living her best life and im happy for her). also like got to meet george watsky uhm WHAT wild. bullied my college in the snow and also manically shoveled the walk. was a bootlicker for the college and dressed in a taco suit
WOOF i got pretty fucked up for capstones cast party and this is where the beginning of the end was for some of my friendships. however, other friendships were being built so im grateful for that. ran lights for a really awesome slam poet. FOUND THE KEY THAT WAS MISSING FROM THE THEATRE (turns out it was Sab whoops). spent a lot of time with someone who is no longer a friend -- her choice, certainly not mine. went home for spring break and took so many pictures of my cat. got selected as stage manager for comedy of errors which was a nightmare of a production but certainly not the worst.
became a vegetarian!!!! joined/started the flat earth cult because of comedy. helped randi film her weird videos, which was so much fun! the bat came back to the theatre and Basil and I both saw them. comedy of errors opened and it was intense and i really hated every second. ranted about being in a scene for directing, which means i’d been in it for a second. that shit sucked bros oh my god????? he was never on time, he was so disorganized and didn’t understand his own character. organized a dinner for the cast because they had missed a campus dinner for the show. celebrated my best friends birthday!!!! “I can read!” was on the news with two others for comedy. also presented my capstone research for academic showcase day (i still can’t believe people listened to me rant about birth order)
more videos! this one was zak bagel bites with again my best friends. was elected president for APO and i couldn’t be more grateful. did a research proposal with a friend and i cannot BELIEVE we’re still friends after it because we really could have killed each other. physically fought the MONSTER that is jess (didn’t actually, really should have). helped two friends fall in love on accident/purpose. was elected as KPY president (damn) and forcibly elected as parliamentarian for LPH. ended my junior year. started work immediately after going home for my dad. mostly answered phones, worked 7:30-5 every day for the whole summer yikes. managed to pass junior year with a 4.0!!!
 learned a lil how to quote and did NOT enjoy it. went to PRIDE with my wife and bought my first ace flag. it was actually petrifying to buy and wear, but i have one now which is awesome. holy shit got my first tattoo!!! it has faded a bit now but still looked awesome. it was the beginning of an addiction. picked up an internship at my old theatre company and... deeply regretted it as it pushed my 12 hour days to almost 18 hours. literally fell in love with the music director. 
a random woman complimented me??? so that was fun. watched after my old band directors kids (they were a nightmare i literally never want kids). got to hike and do all that fun stuff. went to the local county fair
my mom admitted to loving brooke more than me on her birthday (fair). got a card from my office team to celebrate my 21st a lil early. went back for SENIOR YEAR BOYS. got drunk at an old friends place. did marching band. moved in with two of my BEST FRIENDS IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD. took improv with friends which was lit. we even did a whole performance. met a new friend! my other roommate brought in a new kitten (which became a whole thing holy shit). used school sanctioned ipads to dick around. shaved my head againnnn. was sober at a party (woof why). got the drunkest i have ever been and puked everywhere and passed out on the stairs. have not ever reached that level again. also cracked my phone. fully assumed position as president of two clubs. started rhetoric (yucky) and theatre and diversity (also ick but for different reasons)
became NOT sober literally the next day nice. started the MASH group i think??? which is like the only thing im proud of. it was around here. had to pick up a friend whos car broke down. went to pride in a local town with friends!!! that was fun. turned 21!! couldn’t celebrate bc school and stage management, but my two roommates still made sure i had a good time. marching band boys! we did a LONG ASS parade with my cute lil section. did mixers for KPY and APO! had our first football game. held a band rehearsal in the dark because the lights didn’t work which was funny and SO weird. walked to the trains with some really awesome friends. broke into the cemetery and stole a traffic cone and put it on a statue on campus bc mania. went to a friends musical career takeoff and ran her merch table bc the person who was supposed to run it showed up almost an hour late. someone showed up at the lib while i was closing with a friend asking for a place to stay. i hope hes good now. tried omegle again for whatever reason. tried to go to a local diner and was DENIED bc they went from 24 hours to closing at 10pm so i had a mental breakdown in my car at 2am in a McDonalds parking lot. FINALLY got to celebrate my birthday and go to the bars!!! well bar singular. but had a really good time even if those people aren’t really my friends any more
homecoming boysssss!!!! also ace pride. worked the WORST thing I have ever had to operate in the chapel but the people were nice about it so i was kinda okay. also got to be a part of the dopest percussion show and ran lights and sound for it. rhetoric ended thank christ and i never want to talk about anti-war messages in MASH ever again. finally learned that my best friend has a partner and was ECSTATIC. worked a haunted house which literally sucked so hard but we made bank on it so im okay with it. were robbed (i still have suspicions who did it but ill keep my mouth shut). dressed up as a newsie for halloween, and my roommates and i all took pictures which was awesome. started my internship and movement and stage
LAST FOOTBALL GAME got drunk too often probably lol. got an impulse tattoo with my roommates. went to a soccer game. went to the trains drunk and also olive garden. did trauma training so i got to act hysterical (act?). did some KPY bonding. had a hella long saturday with a concert and everything. shot my shot and MISSED. did greek thanksgiving. played DD for someones birthday bc expired license. got my NEW license. had a horrible time driving to and from thanksgiving break. got to hang with my WIFE
made it home somehow?? did box office for the children’s show as well as publicity which was a lot of work tbh. went on a double date with my roommates and their partner. did the filming for the college christmas card. had an awesome party at our place and i regret nothing. celebrated the moving out of our 4th roommate. worked my last gig at the museum. managed to scrape by again with a 4.0. threw a great party at my place for like 5 days straight (jesus christ). did a horrible puzzle. tried an edible (suffered for it). hiked in the mountains a lil. caught up with high school friends by drinking which was AWESOME. saw Frozen 2. went out with my fam bam. had a great christmas. also threw a new years party (what??? that just got over) and felt like a pretty good hostess (i just provided alcohol lol but it worked) and got to catch up with some great great awesome friends and keep people safe and off the roads for new years. 
all in all a damn good year. its crazy how quickly things change, but im grateful for the place that i am in. can’t wait to graduate this year and see what happens next!!!
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jessiewre · 5 years
Day 22
Sun 26th Jan 💜
It’s been a year to the day since we lost Nanny. That’s mad isn’t it. Miss that legend.
Woke up at about 5am because we’d gone to bed too early, but managed to power through and stay in bed till 7am. Phil got up and continued researching his new obsession - a half marathon near Kilimanjaro - and I joined him at 8:30am for Spanish omelette breakfast included in our 25$ a night room. Good deal that init. People say that in London you’re never further than like 5 meters away from a rat. Well thats like me and good deals, there’s always one close by for me to sniff out. Maybe I’m more like one of those pigs and the deals are truffles.
I digress...
The hostel manager was now wearing a chefs coat and I realised he was now the chef. What a multi-talented chap he was. I threw him into a frenzy by asking for salt, pepper, ketchup and chilli sauce, and eventually went into the kitchen myself to assist.
The ketchup was in a huge bucket bottle in the fridge and he gracefully glugged it out into a plastic squeezey bottle that he couldn’t find the lid for. Yum.
Shout out to Stella and Helen who will surely boke at that description of keptchup.
We got bodas to the Woman’s Centre for the recommended walking tour starting at 10am - but there was a big bike race on believe it or not, and so road blocks meant we had to walk the last kilometre. Phil was loving the bike race, I could see his legs twitching like he was imagining himself on a bike that moment, but I soon snapped him back to reality by power-walking ahead to avoid us being super late to the walk.
The sky was rapidly turning a dark shade of grey but Phil assured me that the weather report he’d checked stated that there would be no rain until midday or later.
You may be able to sense where this is going.
We arrived at the Centre and sat in the sofa area for the introduction, and the exact moment the woman began to talk and tell us about the community, the rain began to thunder on the metal roof and no one could hear a word she said. After 10 minutes, the intro finished and the rain actually calmed down a little, but then it went totally crazy again and me and Phil looked at each other like...hmm should we just not do this walking tour.
Another English girl there was thinking the same thing and the 3 of us decided to ditch the tour and head back the next day, while the 3 older people and a young American woman went off in the torrential rain with umbrellas. Umbrella’s are all good and well but I couldn’t see another soul on the streets so I seriously doubted how good a community walking tour would be in this weather. We chatted to the English girl, Esther, and she was ending a weeks work doing research for the Princes Trust who she works for. In a nutshell, she creates programmes for local groups in different countries to integrate technology into their lives to improve their prospects and quality of life. Really interesting! Phil mentioned that she should hang at our hostel later if she wanted as we were planning on trying out the bowling alley on site, and she was really up for that, especially considering she was in Kigali on her own and it was her last night.
The rain eventually calmed down enough for us to jump on a boda and we decided that considering the rain, it would be appropriate to visit the Genocide Museum at this point. We knew we were going to visit it at some point so made sense to be inside during the rain.
We were really hungry though and didn’t want to rush through the museum, so thankfully there was a cafe on site where we had a vege burger and vege panini, both with chips. We decided we’d try and lay off the chips for a while after that meal, it was the chip that broke the camels back.
The Rwandan Genocide museum was a harrowing and necessary visit.
The below information is upsetting, I’ll warn you now.
noun: genocide; plural noun: genocides
1. the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular nation or ethnic group.
To briefly summarise, the problems began when the country was ‘colonised’ - or should we say if we’re being honest, when the country was invaded against its will. The Germans were first in 1899 then the Belgians in 1916 and then the Belgian’s decided to split the country into three different groups. Ultimately this created a sort of competition between the groups of people that had never existed before and this was what they say sparked the issues in the country. Fast forward to 1994, and the genocide officially began, over a period of 100 days - neighbours were murdering neighbours, friends were murdering friends. Relatives even betrayed each other. By turning people against each other, the ringleaders were able to sit back and watch the killings happen for them.
Being in the country now, its very difficult to imagine it happening, as it feels vibrant, friendly and safe. But the images in the museum leave you under no illusions. People were mindlessly slaughtered, no one was spared - children, pregnant women and men. It was absolutely mind-blowingly horrendous.
The museum talks a lot about how the international community sat back and let it happen, like Rwanda was on another planet that no one cared about. There is obviously a lot of pain from that which was difficult to read about.
But there were also a number of people who put themselves on the line by hiding people in their houses and gardens, saving many lives. Unfortunately, there were not enough of those people and over a million people were killed. They are still uncovering mass graves today.
There were videos playing with interviews from survivors talking about the guilt they feel from being the only member of their family who survived. But incredibly, they spoke about forgiveness and said they would like to forgive the perpetrators if they were willing to ask for forgiveness. They spoke about moving forward with only peace in mind, as this was what would move Rwanda forward in a peaceful way. By seeking revenge, the violence and pain would continue, they said. It’s unbelievable to hear that from someone who watched their innocent young siblings and mother murdered by machete in front of their very eyes. You can’t even imagine what this person has gone through.
One of the most difficult parts of the museum was The Children’s Room. This section had beautiful photos of child victims printed in large portraits displayed around the room, with a small plaque underneath each one with bullet points of information about the child, like:
Favourite Snack
Best Friend

Then the final point for every child was
Cause of death
The descriptions here were detailed and distressing.
Obviously there is a huge amount of detail missing from this account of the genocide and I urge you to have a read about it if you have time and are interested.
We left there after a few hours taking it all in and went to find the Inema Art gallery, as we’d read about it being a really cool artists space that has had a lot of international interest.
It was different to what I expected, as there wasn’t actually a lot of pieces in there - more like a few extremely large pieces, each priced around $5000. So obviously, we bought two and headed off.
Well anyway, some of the artists were there stood near their art in smart clothes and were hoping for a super rich muzungu coming in and buying everything. That was not going to be us, so we thanked them and headed to the cafe for a little coffee.
Not before I asked them if there were any female artists there.
One guy said No, the women in Rwanda seem to stick to the craft-making and THEN he said that even though many are good at art, he thinks they are lacking in passion.
I said Hmm perhaps you means Confidence, not passion.
He was like Oh yeah, maybe that.
Yeah MAYBE THAT mate.
We boda’d back to the hostel and Phil donned up in his gear for a run. Just before heading off, he finally booked himself a spot onto the Kilimanjaro half marathon in Moshi, Tanzania on 1st March. FFS. Better get practicing on my excited supportive girlfriend look then.
Meanwhile I sat in the hostel garden watching videos on how to use Procreate on the iPad. Suddenly realised Phil had been gone AGES and then he rocked up having run like 10 MILES and then said Oh also, I may have tripped over and potentially broken my toe.
He’d taken out his phone to check the map and ended up kicking a bit of metal sticking out of the group, and then he’d fallen over and made a few new cracks on his phone screen (to join the 5 that were already there).
Phil had a quick shower and change while hobbling around on his bad foot (I hear broken toes are brilliant for half marathons), and Esther arrived at the hostel, so we went searching for a restaurant open on a Sunday. After a few fails, we eventually stumbled across a place called Afrika Bite and negotiated the 10k per person meaty Rwandan platter down to 5k each for a vegetarian version for all of us. It was so good! Garlic potatoes, peanut sauce, rice, vegetables, fried banana, salad, plus some ‘fish fingers’ ordered as an extra. Such a welcome relief to eat something local and delicious. Shout out to those who are reading this blog mainly for the food descriptions.
We went back to the hostel to play in East Africa’s 2nd bowling alley (the only other one is in Nairobi!) and Esther made sure she mentioned she had a ‘bad neck’. That would explain her unbelievably bad scoring thats for sure. Ok now to be fair, Phil the physio also advised that she use the heaviest ball available which turned out to be truly awful advise and after a stagnant run of about 2 points in 6 goes, she tried a really light ball - and actually hit some pins! Go Esther.
Can I also mention that this bowling alley had a system where a bloke hidden at the end would organise the pins and reset them for us manually using a kind of lever system. He always managed to move his hands out of the way before the ball struck the pins of course.
Esther headed back to her hotel and we ended up playing basketball on the two hoops game with Desire the manager. Our quick game of ‘How many can you score in 1 minute’ managed to take over our lives for over an hour. My record was 23, Phil’s 24 (he’s taller init) and Desire managed 33 (well, he works there so ya know). Was addictive and super fun and I got the impression Desire will spend the next year working on his pb.
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exxxxuusmee · 5 years
YOU Part 1
Fem Reader x Taehyung
Warnings: oral male and female receiving. a loooot of filthy dirty talk be warned! Unprotected Intercourse (pleas stay safe and use condoms! this is just a fan fic)
Authors note: This is the first thing i ever wrote.. mostly filth, ops hehe. And in this alternative reality k-pop idols can walk in to a bar and get to know strangers and kiss in public without paparazzi getting involved hahah :’). 
Y/C = Your country
You couldn’t believe it. This was it, the trip you had wanted to go on for so many months.  It was hard to wrap you’re head around it. Usually when you were talking about places you wanted to visit, different countries and so forth it almost never happened. Especially not if It was to far away. But there you were waiting by the gate at the airport for a plane that was going to take you to South Korea. A 16 hour-long journey and that would be it. Your family was hesitant to let you go because it was so far away but they knew that it was something that you really wanted to do for yourself. They were afraid that you would like it way more than you’re small boring home country, and it would compel you to settle down there. And in the back of your mind you had already thought about it. But you promised your family that you would come back home.
Right before you got on the plane you got a text from your mother.
(Ice Mommy) : Hi love! I hope you will have a safe trip and call me the first thing you do when you land. I love you so much and I miss you so much already!
PS. Be carful of pickpockets, hold your bags tight. Xx
She was already so worried about you.  In the text she seamed composed but you had learnt to read between the lines. She was extremely worried. You hade never been this far from home before and who could blame her for worrying.
(You) : Hi mom, were about to take off any second now. Everything is going well! I love you to but I promise you this time will fly by and will see each other soon. Haha I will mom, love you xx
You started to settle in to your seat and looked out the window when the plane started to take off. You caught yourself smiling and with butterflies in your stomach but you couldn’t distinguish if it was just the feeling of the plane lifting or it hade to do with that you actually went through with this journey. Ether way it didn’t matter, you were happy.
After many hours of looking out the window and drifting in and out of sleep the captain informed that we were about to touch down in Seoul. You felt groggy from the long journey when you stood and awaited your luggage. You were probably pretty jet lagged, but you had never flown this far away before so you could only guess that was what this feeling was. Once you got your luggage you went to search for the cab driver that was going to take you to the place you were going to stay. You walked out to arrivals and saw an older man holding up a sign with you’re name on it. Miss. Y/N to be more exact. In your home country they didn’t use miss and mister, it was refreshing and a bit fun. You waved at the older man and started to walk towards him. He greeted you, and to your surprise he spoke to you in English. Well it wasn’t that hard to figure out that you weren’t from here and he was just being polite. But you instantly greeted him back in Korean. You didn’t want to waste all those hours you put down to learn Korean all by your self back home. He was surprised and flashed you a big grin and told you to follow him to the car. Once seethed in the car and the old man started driving he started to ask you what such a sweet young girl was doing all by her self in Korea. You told him that this was one of your dreams and he chuckled. With that the driver smiled once again and said ¨Well, welcome to Korea Y/N. I think you’re going to have a wonderful time here!¨ His kind words warmed your hearth and you were happy that the first person you met were so nice and welcoming. ¨Thank you, I believe I will¨
The place that you were staying at was a pretty nice place. An apartment with a small kitchen, living room and a good-sized bedroom. You hade first planned to stay at a hostel or hotel. But your mom and dad felt it was safer to rent an apartment instead. You were happy that they came up with that idea. This was mush more comfortable than a hotel room or a hostel. Since you were going to stay for a couple of months this was almost cheaper as well. And that made your wallet happy. And this way you didn’t have to put out so much money one eating food out. You could just go to one of the markets and by some ingredients and cook back at the apartment. 
Before you turned in for the night you picked up your phone to call your parents. The call was short, but you just wanted to tell them that you had settled in and that everything was fine. With that you threw yourself on to the big bed and drifted off to sleep, you were so exited to what these mouths here had in store for you.
The next day you had gone to the store to buy some things you needed for the kitchen so that you could make yourself some breakfast and so it lasted for a couple more days. You also picked up some necessities all girls need. You spent most of the morning settling in to the new apartment. Hung up your clothes and fixed the shelf’s in the bathroom. When you were all done you decided to jump in to the shower quickly before going out to get to know the city.
You walked around for hours you didn’t even notice how long you had been out. So mesmerized by your new surroundings. You were abruptly woken up from your hypnosis when your stomach rumbled so loudly you almost thought the people that passed you by noticed. You decided to still your hunger and you went in to a small bar you saw across the street. ¨Some food and a beer would be nice right now¨ you said to yourself. You ran over the street and went in to the bar. Once there you walked up to the bartender and ordered some nachos and a beer. You waited by the bar while your order was getting ready. You looked around the bar, it was a small bar with dark interior, almost like one of those sports bar you had been to when you were in London. You had always liked these kinds of bars. There was something warm and cozy about them. When your order was finished you took your food and beer and went over to what almost looked like a small scene with one step up were there stood two old brown chesterfield sofas with a small round coffee table in the middle. A meter long fence made out of wood enclosed the scene; it looked like small columns like they have on buildings but on a much smaller scale of course. You sat your beer and food down on the coffee table and sunk down on the comfortable sofa. You sat so that you had a panoramic view of the place, you could see the whole bar from were you sat. The bar must have a slow night cause there were only a couple other guests there. You ate some of your food and drank your beer in peace while you sank your self down in one of your books about sightseeing in Seoul that your sister bought for you just before you left for Korea.
After an hour or so and three more beers, it was almost 22.00. Your head snapped from the book when you herd the door open. In came two younger men that headed straight to the bar to order some drinks. They were dressed nicely in jeans and black hoodies and long jackets that almost hit the floor. They both had masks on their faces. You never really understood the meaning behind them but you knew that they hade become quit a fashion trend in many Asian countries. One of the men had a black fisherman’s hat as well. It almost looked like they were trying to hide themselves. You could see that one of them hade silver blonde hair and the other one charcoal black. You didn’t think much more of them and turned your eyes back to your book.
After a while you started to feel like the younger men were staring at you, so you turned your gaze towards them and looked the silver haired man straight in his eyes to see what his problem was. There was something familiar with him, almost like you hade either met him before or seen him. But that weren’t possible. The silver haired man didn’t stop staring at you, so there you were having a stair off with some guy you didn’t know. It started to feel uncomfortable but you didn’t want to lose this battle. But it became too much and you returned your gaze to your book. You could see in the corner of your eye that the men were headed straight your way. You didn’t look up when the to men stat them self’s down on the sofa opposite to you.
¨Hello¨ you herd a deep voice say. You hade no other choice than took look up at the men sitting in front of you. Now without their mask and hat. You froze. Now you knew why they looked so familiar. Its was fricking Jungkook and Taehyung from BTS, one of the most famous kpop bands in the world, and on of your favorite bands.
You couldn’t believe it, how did this happen and why would they sit down here with you?! You almost felt like this was some kind of dream and that in any second you were going to wake up in your bed. You never told anyone except your best friend F/N that they were one of the reasons that you got interested in Korea, or more Korean men.. And here you were sitting in a small bar in the outside of the city not with one but with two of the members from BTS. And one of your favorites non the less. Taehyung just ticked all of your boxes; he was wicked good looking, funny, cute and that amazing smile of his. You snapped out of your chock and hoped that it didn’t show on your face as much as it felt it did. ¨Hi there¨ you said way more confidently than you thought you were going to be able to. ¨Why are you sitting here all alone?¨ Jungkook asked with a smug smile on his face. That smile, oh my god, that smile you thought to your self. It sent shook waves all over your body. ¨Well, I was just out and about getting to know my knew surroundings when I craved a beer and some food¨ you sad with a chuckle. ¨Knew surroundings you say, hmm, were are you from then?¨Taeyuang asked while looking at you from head to toe up and down. You still tried to compose yourself, but you felt that you were doing pretty well considering. ¨I’m from Y/C.¨ You looked back and forth from Jungkooks and Taehyungs faces to see what they thought about that. Jungkook Just nodded while Taehyung stared you deep in the eyes and smiled. ¨Y/C you say? We have been there before, but it was a couple of years ago now, isn’t that right kookie?¨ ¨Yeah we have, it’s a beautiful country. How do you know Korean though? I must say that I’m pretty impressed by the way you speak Haden it been for you looks I would have thought you were from here.¨ You started to feel warm all over your body, you could feel how your cheeks started to redden by his praise. It was childish really but you couldn’t help it. ¨I learned Korean my self back home. When I knew that I was coming here I wanted to be able to speak to people and make new friends. You guys are one of the first people i’ve been speaking to since I came here. I’m glad that you can understand what I’m saying. That must mean that all that hard work was not in vain¨ Taehyung laughed. ¨It sure did I must say.¨ You were thinking about if you should mention that you knew who they were. But you didn’t want so seem as an crazy fan girl and you also thought about how hard it must be for them to go out and making new friends without hearing about their job. So you decided that you wouldn’t say anything unless they brought it up.
Suddenly Taehyung stood up and looks at you with wide eyes. ¨I’m so sorry, we haven’t even asked your name. I was just so caught up in knowing why you were here all alone haha..my name is Taehyung, but you can call me Tae. What’s your name?¨He asked holding his and forward wanting you to shake it. ¨Haha, that’s fine, I didn’t think about it ether. My name is Y/N, nice to meet you Tae¨ Taehyung and you shook hands, then Tae looked over at Jungkook and he immediately bend over the coffee table and introduced himself.
If felt like you sat there talking with them for hours. You spoke about what you were doing here in Korea, what your plans were. But also about many other things, fashion, animals, the culture chock that they thought I was going to go trough. The whole time you were sitting there talking the drinks had piled up on the table. You didn’t know how much you had been drinking but it had to be a lot because you started to feel pretty tipsy and by the looks of it Tae and Jungkook wasn’t immune either. You started to feel Taehyung eying your body whilst Jungkook told some funny story. You tried to concentrate on his story but you couldn’t ignore the looks Taehyung swung your way. He was so intense and you could feel your whole body heating up and your insides twisting. It could be the alcohol though. Why would someone like Taehyung be interested in you. He must have hundreds, no millions of girls swarming round him all the time. But still you couldn’t shake the feeling that he wanted to devoir you. Suddenly Jungkook stood up and announced that he hade to visit the bathroom. Left were you and Taehyung and the sexual tension you thought you felt. After Jungkook was gone Tae switched places so that he sat down next to you. Your body was tingeling with excitement but he didn’t have to know that. It seamed that he was pretty tipsy because it seemed like he no longer knew what personal space was, but you hade nothing against it. You were more than happy to have him this close. You sat next to each other and then he put his arm around your back. You could feel the warmth radiating from him. For a while you just sat there without ether of you saying a word. Then Tae turned in towards you and placed a hand firmly at your upper thigh. His face was less than a couple of cm from yours. He swirled his thump up and down a small perimeter on your thigh and you could feel how you started to get wet down there. How was that even possible, he had barley touched you and you were already so turned on. You just wanted to straddle him right there in front of all the other guests you didn’t even care. Taegyung then suddenly broke the silence that hade washed over you both.
¨When I saw you sitting here all alone earlier, I just had to come and talk to you. I have never seen someone so beautiful as you. There is something special about you, so beautiful¨ Tae looked at you with lust in his eyes. Hungry to crash his lips down at yours. You didn’t know what you should say back to him so instead you dug up your confidence that had almost gone away completely when they had sat down by your table earlier. You eagerly kissed his lips. Taehyung kissed you back with such passion you started to feel a little light headed. The kissed deepened when his though started to graze your lips asking for entrance. You gladly invited him in to your mouth and you could hear a small moan coming from him. You felt so good, because of him but also because how obvious it was that he were effected by you. You broke the kiss and looked deep in his eyes with a smug smile across your lips. Your hand touching his chest up and down with feather like strokes. He watched your hands while he groped your thigh harder. ¨Maybe we should slow down a little. There are still people here and Jungkook will probably come back any second¨ you said to him still grazing your fingers across his chest. He smiled at you squeezing your thigh ¨I suppose you are right. But don’t worry about Jungkook he has already found something else to do¨ Tae looked over at the bar were Jungkook stood and talked to some girls. You guessed that Jungkook saw you getting all handsy when he left the restroom and decided to give you two some space. But to be honest it didn’t seem like he minded that at all. The girls that he talked to almost hung over him, and it didn’t surprise you. He was a very attractive man. You turned back your attention to Taehyung and kissed him lightly on the lips. ¨Maybe we should go somewhere were we could get a little more privacy then? If you would be interested it of course¨ you hoped to god that he would say yes. It was some time since you had gotten with someone and Taehyung would be the perfect ‘’first’’ one since your brake from men. ¨You are speaking my language¨ He said and stood himself up from the sofa while holding out his hand for you to grab and get yourself up. He quickly dressed, put his hat and mask on the told me to wait for him by the door while he went to tell Jungkook were he was going. By the looks of it Jungkook had already gotten that message long before ether off us had. He just laughed and waved Taehyung away. Tae returned to you, took your hand and left the bar.
You decided to grab a cab to your apartment since it was quit a long way to walk. He told you on the way that it would be better to go to your place since he hade roommates and they would most definitely disturb you. You didn’t know if he thought that you didn’t know who he was. But he didn’t seem keen on telling you either. But you thought about how you already knew who all of his roommates were. You couldn’t even imagine going to their place and meet all of them. Especially not knowing what probably were going down once you guys got home to the apartment.
You and Taehyung walked up the stairs to your apartment in silence. The atmosphere was tense and you felt week, like your hole body was about to give out. But you didn’t allow that to happen right now. You were way to excited about what would happen once you got inside your apartment. Standing in front of the door, you searched your bag for the keys. You found them and tried to find the keyhole but without much success. Tae laughed and took the keys from you. Of course he had no trouble unlocking the door. You blamed the alcohol and laughed nervously. But deep down you knew that it had nothing to do with that.  You walked in to the apartment and told Tae to make him self at home. You watched him walk towards the sofa in the living room while you went in to the kitchen to bring you guys some beer.
Once you went back to the living room you watched how Taehyung had sat down on the sofa with his hands on the pillows. He looked so good. Before you joined him you walked over to your stereo and put on some low playing music just to lighten the mood and make the silence go away. You noticed how he followed your every move. You saw him standing up and how he started to walk towards you from the corner of your eye. But you didn’t move from the stereo. You wanted to see what he would do. Suddenly he hugged you from behind holding his arms around your waste, you gasped at the sensation, slowly swaying you side to side to the music. His face cupped on your shoulder pressing light kisses on your ear and the down to your neck. You hummed your approval, and you could here him smile against your neck. ¨Yeah, you like that don’t you?¨ He teased as he whispered in your ear. His low voice send chills up and down your spine. ¨I do, I like it very much..¨ You said with a tremble in your voice. ¨What would you like me to do to you huh? I know what I want to do to you, and I knew it from the second a laid my eyes on you¨ He continued kissing you, his hands starting to feel your body out. From your waist up, along your stomach till they reached your breasts and his hands started to massage them. You could feel how your panties started to get soaked through. So little it took to have such of an effect on you, his voice, his hands caressing your body. ¨Is that so? Why don’t you just tell med that instead? I’m intrigued.¨ You flung your head back to give I’m better access to your neck, and he jumped for the opportunity. He pressed his body hard against yours so that you could feel his erect member pressing against your ass. ¨Do you feel how worked up you have made me? All I want to do is to tear this dress off your body and kiss every inch of you. You are so beautiful, but I can bet that you are even more beautiful out of that dress, don’t you think?¨ You reached your hands up to curl your fingers through his thick well styled hair. ¨Please tear it off.. I want to feel your hands all over me. I’m getting all wet just thinking about what your hands can do to my body¨
With that Taehyung turned you to face him and he immediately ripped the dress off you. You gasped when the fabric ripped in half to reveal your almost naked body. Tae stepped back for a moment looking at you up hand down and hummed in approval. Then he reached to the hem of his shirt and pulled it of him and then the same to his pants so that he was left with only his black boxer. You hade seen men without clothes before but damn, this was completely different. He was more fit than you thought. But all you had seen before were only pictures and videos on social medias and they didn’t do him justice. He was lean but still well built, and it almost looked as he was glowing. What a sight.
You both stood there for a couple off minutes just to take in each other’s bodies. ¨Oh my god. You look so good. Ready to eat don’t you think? I bet you taste like a slice of heaven¨ You laughed at his bluntness and gave him a teasing smile. He lifted his gaze off you and in less then a second he stood in front off you lifting you up so that he held one leg in each hand. You could feel his hard dick rubbing against your wet core while he carried you to the bedroom.
He laid you down on the bed and then crawled up between your legs. He flashed you a sweet and teasing smile as he leaned over you to kiss you. You couldn’t take this. It all went to slow, you had been worked up for hours and you needed some release right now. With that in your mind you grabbed him by the shoulders and swung both of you around so that you straddled his crotch. Tae was shocked by your sudden determination but you could see clearly that he liked it. ¨Eager are we? I knew you were a wild one the instant I saw you. Isn’t that right baby? He said as he brought his hands up to cup your face, bringing you down to his face and kissing along your jawline up to your ear and the down your neck. The sensation made you shiver and you let out a loud moan. You were to worked up to get out anything in response so you just replied him with starting to grind on his erect cock. Hard but slow, back and forth. He helped you intensify it by meeting your movements and in a short while the room was filled with both of your moans. ¨You feel so good grinding on my hard cock baby¨ He said while e flung his head back on to the pillow. You decided to teas him a bit to get him to feel how he had made you feel the entire evening. You usually didn’t do much dirty talk but with Taehyung it seemed different. And you could tell that it was one off his kinks. ¨Yeah? You like feeling my soaked through panties grinding up and down you’re big cock ha?I love it, your cock is so big and I want to taste every inch off it¨ You said this while continuing your grinding and looking him right into his eyes. With your words he started to squirm under you and let out some low grunts. ¨God you are so dirty, I love it¨ He said whilst he put his hands on your thighs and squeezed them harshly then reached down to your as and slapped it hard with one off his hands. You gasped at the feeling. It didn’t hurt, it made you clench your walls around nothing. You were so ready for him. You lifted your self off him and crawled back and sat on your knees. You leaned over him to give him a small peck on the lips. You then presided to kiss him from his neck down to his nipples and down over his defied abs. When you reached his boxer you played with the hem.
You looked up to him to see how he liked what you were doing. But you couldn’t see his face because it was buried in the pillow. When he lifted his head from the pillow you could see that his eyes was closed and that he gritted his teeth. You slowly returned your attention to his boxers and hooked two fingers inside the hem and started to slid them down and off him. Once the boxers landed on the floor you couldn’t stop looking at the surprisingly big cook that emerged in front off you. It looked so hard that it could burst any given minute. You started to kiss him everywhere around his cock but not were he wanted you the most. You noticed him propping him self up on his elbows to see what you were doing. You knew you hade teased him for a good while and decided to give him some release. You brought your hand up to grab his balls, massaging them lightly. His whole body twitched at the sensation and with that you took his hard cock inside of your mouth. Like you had no time to spear you immediately took his whole length down your throat so that you were deep throating him. You could feel the tip at the back of your throat almost making you gag. You looked up to se Tae’s face expressing, pure bliss. He met your gaze and reached out his hand to get your hair away from your face. ¨Oh shiit.. If you keep going like that I’m going to cum any second. How are you so good at th..oo fuck¨ He was caught off when you started to swallow around his length. You continued bobbing your head up and down, taking in the feel of him in your mouth. He was heavy on your tongue and the taste of him was like the best flavored candy you had ever tasted. With that you decided it was enough. You didn’t want him to cum to fast.
You reached your hands behind your back and unclasped your bra and threw it behind you on the floor. Tae’s hands reached for your breast immediately massaging them with a good amount of pressure. ¨You are so fucking sexy Y/N. So beautiful, your perfect¨ And with that said he dove mouth first down to one off your breast to suck your nipple. Gently sucking and licking one of your nipples while his other hand continued to massage the other. You signed out in pure pleasure. It was so long since a man made you feels this way. And although you hadn’t come very far you could already tell that this was going to be the best sex you have had in a long time. You removed Tae’s hands from your body laid yourself down on your back and seductively slid off your thongs while still holding on to the eye contact with him. You wanted to see how he would react. What you could see by his facial expression could just be explained as pure hunger. You slowly spread your legs wide so that he could see every inch of you. ¨Do you like what you see Taehyung? Look how wet you have made me. My pussy is begging to be filled, its s-ooo e-empty¨ You stammered while flashing a fake pout and big puppy eyes. In one swift move Tae sifted from his position so that he now laid with his face between your legs he looked up at you and lifted one of his eyebrows. He looked so sexy between you legs, and you still couldn’t believe that Kim Taehyung laid their intoxicated by you. ¨You are such a teas Y/N, you are driving me crazy. And I can promise you that I will fuck you so hard that you will have trouble walking tomorrow, would you like that baby?¨ He started kissing your thighs, still looking deep into your eyes while he waited for your response. You couldn’t help but quiver under his touch and a couple of week moans left your mouth when you herd the words coming out off his mouth. ¨O-oh my god Tae, pleas just fuck me. I need you so bad¨ You said. ¨Oh I will, but first I’m going have a taste of you¨ And with that he faced your wet throbbing pussy and licked your slit all the way from your entrance up to your clit where he stopped and started sucking. The feeling was amazing. You had never felt this way before when someone hade been eating you out. It was always pleasant but not as good as this. You didn’t know if it was because of how turned on you were by him or if all the others that hade done this on you before just sucked at it.
You were a moaning mess when he continued his movements. He suddenly looked up at you and you whined from the loss of stimulation. ¨mmh shit, You taste so sweet, just like I imagined. I could stay down here for hours you taste so good¨ When that was said he retuned down to your clit and started kitten lick it the taking your sensitive nub in to his mouth again and started sucking. You could feel how he stared circling one of his long slender fingers around your entrance, coating it with your juices before pushing it inside of you. You, Laing down on your back, mouth agape moaning his name while he started thrusting his finger faster in and out of you. He then adding another finger, he curled his fingers inside of you and you could feel how your high was approaching.
¨Taehyung, Tae, stop!¨You almost screamed out. Tae’s movements came to an abrupt stop while his head flung up to look at you his face flashing true concern. ¨What is it?! Did I hurt you? I’m so sorry oh my god!¨He truly looked terrified. You swung yourself up on your knees simultaneously pushing him down the bed to his back. You then started to crawl on top of him. ¨Oh, no! Of course you didn’t! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you like that. I.. its just that I was so close to cum and I didn’t want to come until I had your cock inside me¨ You looked down at his chest shyly, a little bit embarrassed. ¨Oh.. OH. I see, that we can fix baby¨  you could see the relief in his eyes while taking your chin between his fingers pushing himself up to give you an hungry kiss. When you broke the kiss it almost looked like he was even more turned on by your words. And to be true, it boosted your ego. 
You probed your self up and reached your hand between your legs to grab his cock. You lifted your self up and positioned your self with him, slowly pushing yourself down on his dick. The sensation stole some moans from both you and Taehyung as the feeling of him filling you up intoxicated both of you. When you sat down on him completely you slowly started to move back and forth, while having your palms securely placed on his chest. Tae reached his hands for your ass, gripping both of your cheeks with force as he helped you with your movements. ¨Shit Y/N. You feel so tight, so warm and wet. You like riding my cock huh?¨He said mouth half opened gasping for air. ¨I do, your cock I so big Tae. Its filling me up so good. I cant wait till you cum deep inside my pussy¨ You said while continuing riding him, picking up your pace white every grind of your hips. Tae loosened the grip on one of your ass cheeks and slapped it hard with made you moan even loader making your walls clench around his dick. He could feel it, and it felt so good for him, almost to good. ¨You are so dirty aren’t you? Look how eagerly you are riding my cock huh?¨ He said while he started to thrust harder and harder in to you. ¨You feel so good around my cock baby. You want me to cum in your pussy hah?¨ He said while looking you deep in the eyes and giving you another hard slap on your as. He the proceeded to lift your hips with his hands to start drill his cock inside of you from below. It felt so good, and you could feel the knot starting to form inside your stomach. You looked down on Taehyung and you could see the sweat pearling on his face and chest. He looked out of this world drilling into you from underneath. You would never forget this moment.
You reached down to rub your clit to help yourself reaching your high while Taehyung continued. ¨Tae im..im, going to.. omg. Pleas cum inside me. I want to feel all of you¨ You could feel how close you were to coming, you felt your walls starting to clench around his cock. ¨Come for me baby, I want to feel you cum all over my hard dick shiit!¨ And that was all you needed to hear as your orgasm washed over you. Tae still fucking you hard through your high, your legs started to shake and clenching around his dick uncontrollably, your back arched and head flung back. ¨Omg Tae!¨ You practically screamed out. In one swift move Tae swung you around so that you laid on your back. He continued fucking you harder then you ever felt as he was chasing his own high. You decided to help him along and started to clench around him to give him more pleasure. ¨Oh shit Y/N! Your so good, im go…nna cum any second shit¨ He was a panting mess. You loved seeing him coming undone by your touch. ¨Yeah?cum for me baby! I want to feel you cum inside me. You have been so good to me tonight, now cum. Please I wan to be filled up by you!¨ Taehyung grunted and moaned, going crazy by your words. It only took a couple more sloppy thrusts until he pushed himself inside you as deep as was possible and came inside you. You could feel the warmth off his release. You preceded with clenching around him to milk every last drop out of him. Whit that, he collapsed on top of you, panting in your ear.
He rolled off you so that he laid beside you. Both of you silent, staring up at the ceiling. You were the one to break the silence, and all you could muster was ¨Holy shit¨. He looked over at you and smiled, kissing you on your cheek. His demeanor had completely changed. From the dominant and dirty talking man to something more innocent. ¨That.. you were amazing, are amazing¨ He said while kissing you on the lips once more. ¨You are to, I have never felt anything like that before¨ You confessed shyly looking away from him. He turned over to his side propping him self up on his elbow, reaching out his hand to your breasts and slowly starting to trace the outline of them with his slender finger. ¨Neither have I¨ He said continuing playing with his fingers on your chest. You did as he and rolled over to your side so that you were face to face. You both laid there, him playing with his fingers on your chest, you tracing the outline of his face and hair with yours. You stayed like this for some time, neither of you knew for how long. It felt so good and intimate, even more so then the sex.
Suddenly you could feel the aftermath of the act as his cum started to sip out onto your thighs. You slung your self up sitting on the bed a bit embarrassed. Tae flinched at your sudden movement. ¨Whats wrong?¨ He asked carefully. First looking at your face the down to your hands, which were cupping your core. He looked up at your face again with a smug grin on his face. There he was, the other side of him. ¨Oh.. haha. Let me help you with that¨ He said giving you a kiss on your forehead while lifting himself up to walk over to the bathroom, still completely naked. What a sight. He came back from the bathroom white a dampened towel. ¨Lean back baby, let me take care of you¨ You were slightly chocked by his actions. ¨I can fix it myself, you don’t have to¨ But he ignored you and pushed you down on the bed and spread your legs. It felt weird, and for some reason you felt so exposed. But when you looked at his face giving you a reaching smile you calmed down and the embarrassment faded away. He broke away from your eyes as they traveled down between your legs. He carefully wiped you clean and then threw the towel in the laundry bin. You looked at him while he returned to your bed patting at the spot beside him for you to come and lay down next to him. He really wanted to stay here? You thought to yourself. What about the other members, wouldn’t they be worried about him? But you couldn’t ask him about it either. Since he didn’t know that you knew. Or did he? You pushed you thoughts away and crawled up beside him. You both laid on your sides, him holding you tight in his arm from behind. You were completely drained off all your energy. And you could feel yourself drifting off to sleep while Taehyung left small kisses along your shoulder. This was the best night of your life.
Do not copy or translate my work it will be reported. 
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shadowsof-thenight · 6 years
Had a voice: chapter 2
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Summary: For two years you had let him dictate your every move. Dictate your time, your friends, your work. Everything, literally.  And for the life of you, you could not understand why you’d done so.
Now, here you were. In a beautiful but still strange city that had never become your own. And you were all alone. It was time to take back your life.
A/N: This story will follow the reader, which in this case means that Bucky does not show up immediately. Slow burn we’ll call it.
Words: 1935
Ship: BuckyXreader (although not yet)
Warnings: none (Vague mentions of past trauma, does that count?)
Masterlist                                              Story Masterlist ***
“So, where would you like to go?” Wanda asked you, as she picked you up from the hostel.
“Not really sure. What do you think I have to see?” you asked, feeling a little silly, but hoping you were masking it properly. Up until her text, half an hour earlier, you had completely forgotten about agreeing to explore New York with Wanda. Therefore you had done none of your intended research on things you wanted to see. Usually you were prepared for things. You'd do research, make lists and now you just didn't know what to do without it.
As soon as she had texted, you remembered her late night promise to show you the city. And you remembered setting a time and date. However, the week had been busy and you had completely forgotten. You hadn't had much time off since you started working at the theatre and this week, you felt it. On Wednesday you had not been on the roster and you just slept, all day long. Apparently you had needed it.
Today, Saturday, was your first weekend off, since you started working at the theatre about a month ago. And Wanda had promised, baring any emergencies with her job, that she would show you around.
You had not seen or spoken to Wanda since that night in the bar. Apparently she had gone on a mission, she had called it, but it was all hush hush. And you didn't like to pry. You also hated to admit that you had no idea what her job was. She had been very interested in you and you felt like you failed in returning that gesture.
“Let's cover the basics first.” Wanda said with a smile and she grabbed your hand, pulling you with her towards Broadway. There she stopped to talk to a vendor and as soon as he pointed her in a direction she pulled you with her again.  
Not much further, she stopped and you stood next to her confused. Wanda had a twinkle in her eyes that didn't seem to bode well. She appeared to be up to something mischievous and you didn't know her well enough to know what to expect.
“Here we are” she said with a bright smile, looking up at the big red bus before them.
“You wanted me to see this bus?” you asked incredulous.
“No we're getting on it silly. Let me buy us some tickets.” Wanda said before walking over to a salesman. A few minutes later she came back with a 48 hour bus ticket for the hop on hop off bus.
“It includes a night tour, which it really good. So I hope you don't have plans tonight?” Wanda chuckled a little giddy.  
“Nope, no plans” you said, not bothering to mention the fact that you know only her in this city. Or, more precisely, her and your ex. Now he was not likely to spend an evening with you.  
Wanda grabbed your hand and pulled you aboard the bus. You followed her to the upper deck and she took a seat near the back, you following her suit.
As the bus began moving and many people started plugging in their earplugs, Wanda began telling you about everything you were seeing. She had little historic snippets to add to all the iconic buildings and streets and also mentioned things that you should explore at another time.
She mentioned going into the empire state building and enjoying the view from the top. And the cruise that would give a wonderful view of Manhattan from the water.
She also made you promise that you would take a bike ride with her through central park and you explore Brooklyn together at a later date. She mentioned she had some great people to do a guided tour there.
“How long have you been in New York?” you asked Wanda as you both got out of the bus at the exit for Ellis Island and the statue of Liberty. This was one thing she really wanted to show you today. She had mentioned being a history buff and seeing as you were one too, this was a must see.
“It's been a few years now” Wanda said a little vague.
“Where are you from?” you asked her and she looked a little confused, before seemingly shaking it off.
“Sokovia” she replied and your eyes grew big.
“I'm sorry. I...I didn't to bring up bad memories” you said quickly and looked down at your hands.
“You really have no idea who I am do you?” she suddenly asked with a small chuckle and you just shook your head confused.
“I'm Wanda Maximoff” She began and the name did spark some recognition you, “the scarlet witch” Wanda added and suddenly it all fell into place.
“You're an avenger...” you stated, feeling stupid now. You should have recognised her before. Somehow you simply didn't match the happy girl you met, with the powerful avenger you had heard about in the news. For a few minutes you stood in silence, as you waited in line for tickets to the boat.
“Wait, so I met the hulk?” you suddenly exclaimed and Wanda could not help but laugh.
“Yes, you did” she replied.
“He seemed so calm, collected,” you muttered and again Wanda laughed.
“He is, most of the time” she winked at you, before turning towards the lady in the sales booth and buying two tickets.
As you switched one cue for the next you fired questions at Wanda about who she is, who she was and how she became an avenger. She patiently answered all of it. Explaining that she and her brother had wanted to stop the avengers at first. And how Clint had helped her see the light. She mentioned an anger that consumed her and you had trouble understanding that this happy, kind woman could have been such an angry girl.
“When did you get your powers?” you suddenly asked and Wanda grew more quiet.
“Let's call that a collection of misguided actions, which led to this end result” she said and you just nodded, accepting that this was something Wanda was not willing to speak off. You had been surprised by how candid she had been so far. After all, you barely knew each other.
“Why did you ask me to join you at the bar?” you then asked and she looked taken aback.
“Should I not have?” she wondered, eyeing you curiously.
“No, it's just...you don't know me” you said meekly.
“Well, I was trying to change that” Wanda said kindly.
“Yes, but why?” you wondered again. It just seemed so outlandish. You weren't usually the kind of person that attracted people at first glance. Which wasn't a bad thing necessarily. You had always done just fine, making friends. At least before you met Daniel. You just didn't shine or sparkle or...well you didn't draw people in like some do.
“I don't know, I just, get a feeling with people sometimes.” Wanda explained with a shrug.
“A feeling?” you frowned.
“Yes, something told me you were worth getting to know” she said with a kind smile, which you returned. As strange as it seemed to you, it was really nice. And you surely were grateful.
As you got on the boat a little later, the serious atmosphere had vanished and you were back to being tourists. Which consisted of enjoying the view, taking selfies and discussing everything you wanted to see next.
When you got off the boat you quickly collected the audio tours and began walking around the Statue of liberty. You unfortunately could not go in the statue and visit the top. Access was restricted, but it did not quell your enjoyment of it all.
After a good 45 minutes, you walked back towards the dock and took a boat to Ellis Island. Here you spend a lot of time reading up on the history of the place. Both deeply impressed by the personal stories that were broadcasted in some rooms.
After Ellis Island you went back to the bus and enjoyed going around the entire downtown line, before stepping out near the empire state building. There you bought tickets to go up and you enjoyed letting the wind sweep your hair wildly around your faces. For some reason, being up so high felt freeing, even though the balcony was practically a cage.
For the past hour or so much of the conversation had been about things like movie-stars and celebrity gossip. Silly things to laugh about. You had been laughing so hard at one of Wanda's impressions that your side hurt, when the look on her face showed she wanted to ask you something more serious.
You just raised an eyebrow in an unspoken question, signalling it was safe to ask. Worst case, you did not like the question and you would inform her of that. Best case, her question was not at all serious or deeply personal. With your luck though, it probably was.
“Besides Daniel, why did you leave home?” she asked softy. By now you had left the building and were strolling along the street.
“I...I'm not sure really,” you began timidly, “I guess there wasn't much left for me to stay”.
“Why not?”
“Both my parents had died by then and many of my friends had left for college and never came back.” you said shrugging.
“I'm sorry. How did they die?” Wanda asked softly placing a hand on your arm.
“My dad, he died years before. He was an army captain, stationed in Irak.” you said, not really sure if you wanted to elaborate on that. Wanda didn't push the subject any further. She just watched you with a sympathetic look in her eyes.
“Mom, she...well I don't think she ever really recovered from that. And then she got sick in my last year of college.”
“Wow, I'm sorry” Wanda said softly. She was no stranger to heart ache, and she genuinely felt for you.
“It's...thanks.” you mumbled, looking down to the ground.
“What did you do?” Wanda then asked, feeling that there was more to the story, that would help her understand you better.
“I dropped out to take care of her. Met Daniel around that time. He was visiting someone in town and we hit it off quickly. He was really sweet at first.”  you said smiling ruefully.
“Until you moved here?” She then asked, treading carefully.
“I don't think he ever really meant to stop being nice. It's just so different, going from long distance to living together. And his character is pretty dominant. Which I am not” you explained simply. He had hurt you, more than you thought possible. However, you did not think that he truly meant to be this cruel. Not to say his behaviour deserved much praise. He wasn't winning any awards for it.
“No you are not.” Wanda said with a smile and you sighed. No you were not. You had been docile almost. Which did not help you or your relationship. But that was all over now.
“Did you ever go back to school?” She then asked, changing the subject.
Chapter 3
Tags: @slender–spirit
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wildlyplanted · 6 years
Part 1 of 3: “The Paris of Eastern Europe” – Budapest | Prague | Berlin Travels
Hello! Grab yourself a cup of coffee or tea and if you fancy, a treat too. I hope you enjoy this blog post (the first in a three-part series) about my trip to Budapest, Prague and Berlin. In the series, I share my hosteling and general overall experience in all three cities, the challenges, randomness and realizations I came to along the way of this splendid journey.
Hosteling. Anyone who truly knows me, knows that me, staying in hostels, means I have come a long, long way. During my recent trip to Budapest, Prague and Berlin, this past February, my travel buddy and I opted for the hostel life.
After staying in a hostel for the very first time, while traveling solo around Ecuador in 2017, my fears melted away and I understood the many benefits of hostel life, especially for those traveling alone and for extended periods of time.
Here are my top 5 reasons to hostel: 
The PRICE! Hostels are cheap, leaving extra cash to spend on excursions, day trips, and experiences that interest you. Also, you can have that nice dinner and evenings out on the town while staying in or under budget.
It puts you among fellow travelers. You can get great tips and the low down on where to explore, especially off the beaten path. Additionally, they can offer tips for one or more of your next destinations because some may have already visited where you're going.
A number of hostels offer free walking tours, their staff are highly knowledgeable and usually have time to provide you with extensive information on things like public transport, touristy areas to avoid when wanting to dine or shop, and they can point you to more authentic experiences.
You can socialize with people from different countries and backgrounds without having to seek it out.
You can team up with other travelers for day trips outside the city or to another city or region. While staying in Quito I joined 5 others on a day trip to Mindo Valley and I am so grateful I had this opportunity; I know I would not have visited that gorgeous region if I hadn't been staying in a hostel.
With all of that said, I must point out that however great the benefits of hosteling can be, it's not for every destination, and it must make sense depending on where you’re traveling and why. For these three cities, it made sense because my friend and I wanted to be among other travelers. This leads me to where I stayed; which first begins with an unplanned overnight in Berlin.
That morning, Feb 20th, it began to snow and our evening flight (Newark to Berlin) was delayed, by more than 5 hours! We had a connecting flight to Budapest two hours after our scheduled landing in Berlin, and needless to say, we knew we would not be in Budapest by the next afternoon, as planned. We landed in Berlin, late afternoon, to ultimately discover that we would not be making it to Budapest at all that day.
Our Budapest hostel was more than accommodating and moved our check-in and check-out dates. This is another great thing about hostels. As long as they are not fully booked, they are super flexible to change around your arrival and departure dates, even lengthen or shorten your stay, with no hassle or added fees. More on Budapest in a moment.
Once we agreed to stay the night in Berlin, we checked Hostelworld for the cheapest hostel within city limits. I learned during my travels in Ecuador that the price is not an indicator of what the hostel will be like—additionally, Hostelworld breaks down how travelers rated things like cleanliness, atmosphere, location, etc.
The cheapest hostel I stayed in, during my Ecuador travels, was my best experience, so, I was not surprised when our choice, PLUS Berlin, turned out to be great!
They had thousands of reviews, a great rating and we liked what we saw in the photos. We did not book or make a reservation; we saw that they still had a decent amount of available beds, so we just headed there. If you want to be on the safe side, you can always call or email the hostel and let them know you’re on your way and how many beds you need. I feel like most hostels would be fine with same day reservations without asking for payment until you arrive.
PLUS Berlin is located in east Berlin’s Friedrichshain neighborhood, a short walk from the Warschauer StraBe (Street) S-baun stop. From TXL airport we took the airport bus (TXL) to Hauptbahnof station (Central Station) and from there we took the S-baun to Warschauer StraBe station.
*Tip: If you have a suitcase don’t take the short-cut down the stairs. Take the walk along the wall and make a left under the bridge and then another immediate left (or take the 2nd set of stairs leaving you closest to the hostel). Our suitcases were light and small, so we were ok to carry them over the cobblestone until we reached smoother ground.
PLUS Berlin has an artsy, cool vibe. It matches the neighborhood and attracts guests with those similar qualities. We stayed in a 6-bed mixed gender dorm with an en-suite separate bathroom and separate shower room.
The atmosphere is relaxed and social. The lobby area is large, yet comfortable, and the building looks like it used to be some sort of campus at one time. The front desk is staffed 24 hours. Also, they have a restaurant and bar on premises, and get this, they have a pool and sauna (which unfortunate for us, they were closed by the time we returned from dinner).
We got to check out a bit of the neighborhood while looking for a restaurant to have dinner in, and I couldn’t be more excited about returning to Berlin, in the future, to see more. The best part about our unplanned stay was how nicely we connected with two of our roommates. The conversation about our travel plans, and about life in general was wonderful. For me, that human connection, however brief, is the best part of traveling and something money can’t buy.
PLUS Berlin is a thumbs up, and I plan to stay here on my next trip to Berlin.
Finally, we made it to Budapest the next day, where we stayed at Hostel One Basilica. Getting there from the airport was very easy. We took the 100E bus to Deak Frenec stop and walked a block to our hostel. I booked our stay here through Hostelworld a couple of weeks before our trip, but I could have also booked directly with the hostel.
The location is very central, across the street from Budapest Eye, and we were able to easily walk to other areas of the city. The hostel is housed within a large courtyard apartment building where they have an entire floor. There are tons of eateries and bars nearby which came in handy for our first night there.
Hostel One Basilica is a very social hostel, but it’s not noisy. They have created a very friendly environment that starts with the staff. Everyone said hello and I had nice chats with several other travelers and a couple of the staff. They have a 24-hour desk, a common area and a large open plan kitchen with tables and chairs. Use of the kitchen is open to all and it comes with free coffee and tea. 
Something great about this hostel is that they have a free family meal every evening, to encourage socialization, and it’s delicious. I ate family meal two out of four nights – Vegetarian goulash and a Vegetarian Colombian stew. You should still plan to eat before or after since the portions aren’t huge, although, we got lucky the night of the Colombian stew because not as many people showed up to dinner and we got to have seconds.
Our room was a spacious 10-bed female dorm. With people arriving and departing often, the room was never fully occupied during our stay. There were six of us at the most during its fullest (with two being myself and my friend). The bathrooms are all full, private rooms with toilet, sink and shower.
Our first night in Budapest, we had dinner at Drum Café, about a 15-minute (or less) walk from the hostel. The atmosphere was lively, the food was just ok, nothing to return for; however, the service was good. They serve typical Hungarian dishes such as goulash. I had a whole fish (I don’t remember what kind), along with pickled cabbage and vegetables.
After dinner we ran into a group of travelers from Netherlands, Germany and Israel and spent the rest of the evening at a nearby bar talking about everything under the sun – life, relationships, family, love. It’s something quite remarkable, to travel thousands of miles from where you live, to find that people can understand and relate to you, and you to them; and for people to share with you, a stranger, their fears and wishes. The best conversations I’ve had in a very long time was with them and it was special. My first night in Budapest was one of the best experiences of 2019 so far!
From the evening and afternoon walks across Szechenyi Chain and Szabadsag hid bridges, seeing the Hungarian Parliament building lit up at night, watching the sunset over Hosok tere (Heroes’ Square), enjoying great coffee at Madal Coffee Co., to dancing the night away at Froccsterasz Telikert and Szimpa; Budapest was a wonderful experience and I loved every moment. We ended up extending our stay by an extra day.
Coincidentally, during our visit, my friend discovered a friend of hers was also in the city, and we met up with him. He described Budapest so perfectly, “it’s like the Paris of Eastern Europe.”
Final Notes:
The bathrooms in our hostel could have been cleaner. They weren’t gross, but they weren’t the cleanest. I’m always prepared for this scenario and I share my tips in part 3 of this three-part blog post series.
Currency exchange – The money exchange just around the corner from the hostel (Valutavalto) has some of the best rates, and there’s often a line. We were warned to go at least a couple of hours before closing because they’ve been known to run out of money since they’re popular.
Szechenyi Hot Springs – This place, for me, was disappointing. Although they had 18 pools (2 huge outdoor ones), none of them were actually hot. They didn’t even range in levels of hot. They were all either just warm or very warm at best. Maybe this has to do with its popularity and needing to be comfortable for just about anyone who visited, I don’t know. Next time, I’m going to seek out one that isn’t so popular with tourists. They do have a steam room and sauna. Very small, but nonetheless, they have them.
*Important mention: I purposely took this trip with no concrete plans. Although I looked up main attractions and browsed through blogs, I wasn’t tied to any particular thing I needed to do or see. The only thing I wanted, was to walk around and see as much of the cities, and their architectures, as possible. That I did.
Look for the next blog post in this series:
Part 2 of 3: “Bus Station? Dog Bar? What ever happened to Eagle Eye Cherry?” – Budapest | Prague | Berlin Travels
Where you can find me/how to contact me:
IG: wildlyplanted (check out photos)
YouTube: Wildly Planted ( I uploaded short video and photo reels)
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my-camino · 2 years
Day 1: Porto (Matosinhos) to Vila do Conde
Date: August 19, 2022 (Friday)
Starting Point: Porto (Matosinhos)
Ending Point: Vila do Conde
Distance: 22.2 km / 13.8 mi
Time: 7 hr 0 min
Difficulty Level: 4/10
We awoke feeling rejuvenated and in great spirits, ready to say Adeus to Porto and hello to the Caminho! There are many ways to leave the city, and we chose to cut out the long slog through the suburbs by taking the metro to Matosinhos—a beachside town just a few kilometers to the north. This turned out to be a GREAT decision (more on that later).
The Porto metro operates on an honor system where you buy your tickets and then validate them on little posts. No turnstiles, and very few security guards. We followed the directions, purchased our metro cards like good pilgrims, and thought all was well when we paid for 2 cards and only got 1. Wrong. Just three stops from Matosinhos, we were intercepted by two angry fare officers yelling at us in Portuguese. Although I’m learning, I can’t understand this language when it’s being shouted at me! Other passengers tried to translate, but the male officer told them “No, in Portugal we speak Portuguese. They must learn how we do things here.” (I understood that much.) Luckily, a Venezuelan woman told me (in Spanish) that we had paid for two JOURNEYS for a single person… alas. We were set free, but if you happen to be in Portugal and see our faces plastered on wanted posters—this is why!
Arriving safely at our starting point, we crossed the Ponte Movel and began our Caminho along the Coast. The trail follows the beaches and is often on boardwalks or sidewalks, almost always within view of the ocean. It was a beautiful day, and we saw many pilgrims (who wished us “Bom Caminho”!) and locals enjoying the weather. With our accommodation booked, there was no need to rush things. We took our time and even sat down for coffee and lunch. Unfortunately, a leisurely pace in mid-August also means relentless heat and sun exposure. There is zero shade on the Coastal Way, so despite reapplying sunscreen we were still getting burned. By the time Vila do Conde appeared in the distance, we were slowing down big time. It took what felt like forever to pass the last beaches, cross the bridge, and make our way to our youth hostel. Thankfully, check in was a breeze and our room is perfect. I hope to explore this historic town tonight, at least a little, and then get some rest before tomorrow’s long stage and return to the Central Way. The forecast is similar—HOT! So, send us your prayers and best wishes.
From Vila do Conde, Portugal on August 19, 2022.
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