#and how everyone in the cast was like 'if there's anyone who is strong enough for that it's julia'
kisses4reid · 1 month
red tissues | ·˚ ༘ aaron hotchner ,,
summary - you get nose bleeds regularly, the alarming increase in their appearances gets aaron’s attention, especially when you wake up one day to blood covering your entire face for aaron to see.
genre - hotch x fem!reader, fluff
warnings - lots of mentions of blood, nose bleeds, mentions of being over worked, sickness
a/n - i’m going to open a permanent taglist for anyone who wants to be tagged in every criminal minds fanfiction i write, so either comment on this or make a request that you’re interested! ❤️
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The office was buzzing with the sound of typing and chatting, pens being passed and chairs being adjusted. The night was surely coming, sun setting against the window panes to cast shadows onto piles of files. Your desk was dark and your pile was unfortunately much taller than everyone else’s. Funny how shooting a criminal earns punishment through 10 more files to fill out. 
But right now, all you cared about was filling your Snoopy mug with something. The coffee machine was broken by a certain muscly man, so some tea bags delivered that day were your only solace. Chamomile. Sounded tranquil enough. 
As you waited for your beverage to brew, you glanced back to your desk and then to your teammates. You should’ve taken Spencer and Emily’s offers to take some files off you, but being a perfectionist and selfless, you kindly declined. Shoulder’s slumping, you pulled the mug close to your nose and took a long smell, closing your eyes in relief. 
Suddenly, right before you could take the much needed first sip, a pang hit your head and your eyes and eyebrows ached, causing you to clench them. When you opened your eyes, the light brownish-yellow of the tea was mixing with red.
Blood. Shit. 
You swiftly turn to grab some tissues as your boss, Aaron Hotchner, was grabbing his plain mug from the top shelf, you hadn’t even noticed him in your panic. He followed you with his eyes as he grabbed a green tea packet. The tissues held against your nose were turning red and soggy. And before he could ask what had happened, you had abandoned your mug and vanished from the room, heading for the bathrooms. 
Aaron furrowed his eyebrows and noticed the discolouration in your mug, before grabbing it and washing it out for you. 
A few days later, Morgan and Reid were sat in front of you, JJ leaning on your seat’s armrest as Aaron conversed with a lawyer over the phone. Prentiss covered the basic details of the case but all you could focus on was the slight pang in your heart when you heard Aaron chuckle at whoever was talking with him. Though your eyes didn’t leave the case files, your ears were suddenly attached to your boss’ voice. 
Which was much closer, after he sat down next to you. 
You felt stupid, being happier now that his attention wasn’t on some other woman, even though his attention still wasn’t on you. He sighed as he sat, a whiff of his strong cologne circling the group as they updated him on other details they had caught. You mentally scolded yourself for acting like a 14 year old girl crushing on her teacher, but alas, you would continue.
“We noticed all of the victims went to private religious schools, most of them went to church as well. Y/n pointed out how in all of their photos, they were dressed in a conservative way - which is a contrast when we look at their ages.” Spencer started before Rossi added,
“They’re all teenagers, nearly turning 20. They all had boyfriends, and we found that one of them was already engaged.” 
You listened carefully, looking at the faces of the victims that were spread on the table, “As well as the common religious commitments, they all had one other thing in common.” You squinted your eyes with a short breath, feeling a headache approaching before you pointed something out that nobody else had noticed, “Same initials, all of them.” 
Hotch nodded, “Amy Sanders, Alice Soo, Adriana Santiago and Alexa Smith. Nice work, Y/n.” 
But before you could reject the complement and internally squeal, a throb attacked your head, and your eyes scrunched to create wrinkles you would try to massage away that night, before you threw your hand under your chin to swiftly catch a drop of blood. It was like a 6th sense these days.
“Excuse me.” You croak, leaving the back of the plane with Prentiss close behind you. You bent your head back before the raven haired woman’s hand pushed it forward. “Don’t do that, the blood might go down your throat.” 
You followed her instructions and raised any eyebrow, pinching the bridge of your nose. “My niece used to have a lot of nose bleeds whenever she had a cold.” She promptly explained as she bent to pull out tissues from the white bathroom cabinets. 
Around 5 minutes later, you and Prentiss returned to your respective seats, no one but you noticing a strong stare following you. “Are you okay, L/n?” Spencer asks, squinting in curiosity. “Yeah, sorry, sensitive nose, that’s all,” you lied.
These weren’t the first times you’ve had nose bleeds at work or around the team. There was one on your third day of work, the second time you went to a bar with Garcia, and one time on the plane around 4 months ago. You had been lucky that all your other nosebleeds happened either on the way to work or in the comfort of your own apartment. These days, when each case was followed by a heavier one, and each road trip was followed by a 10 hour flight, you were starting to get exhausted. You’re body has decided nose bleeds was the indication for you to take a fucking break.
The next week, you had almost forgotten about your unfortunate trait until a certain tall man called you into his office. “I need those finger print files done by tonight, is that alright?” He asked, smooth voice cutting through your fatigue, leaning on the front of his desk only a metre away from you.
You glanced at him up and down. He was clad in a smoke grey suit, perfectly fitted to his muscles and wide shoulders, tie loose enough to show the amount of work he had been through that morning. He smelt amazing, like wood and petichor, like metal and… “Yeah of course, sorry. I put the victims confirmed profiles on Spencer’s desk to check over before I could finalise the um…” Shit. Why did this have to happen right now?
But before you could even excuse yourself or hold a hand to your nose, a soft hand was cupped under your chin, careful not to touch you but close enough to catch droplets. Heat was radiating from the near contact, and you weren’t sure if it was because of the eye contact you were putting yourself through, or the blood that was currently pooling down your chin and into his palm. Aaron had appeared so swiftly, you wondered how he knew. “We should really get you checked out.” He said, recalling back to your third day on the job. 
“You can check- You’re right I should get… your hand is getting blood on it.” He broke your eye contact and glanced down at his palm, before taking a breath and nodding. “Right, let’s get you cleaned up.” 
His other, clean, hand is hovering over your lower back, and everyone’s eyes are hovering over the two of you, following you into the closest bathroom available. You can feel your cheeks heat up. As you pass the kitchenette, he picks up the box of tissues and you try to grab some from his hand, but instead of allowing you, he takes your wrists and holds one to your nose himself. His grip is soft, but restricting, warm. And you can’t help but look at him as he searches for an empty bathroom.
In the bathroom, he guides you to lean over the sink, washing his hands in a sink beside yours while watching you carefully. You look at him through the mirror, and you’re so distracted you almost don’t hear him tell you, “Lean forward more, don’t pinch your nose too hard.” 
You comply and he crosses his arms and leans adjacent to you. “Do you know what’s causing all these nose bleeds?” 
You thought back to shorter than 5 minutes ago and bit your lip, feeling your cheeks heat up once again. “Um, I think it was your cologne.” You glance over to him finding he was already looking into your eyes. You were embarrassed, he was your boss and you were basically insulting him. “You smell great, don’t get me wrong. My nose and I obviously have different… opinions.” 
Aaron nods with a small smirk, compelling you to look away before you say anything more. 
Thankfully, saving you from any more embarrassment, your nose stopped painting the porcelain sink reddish-orange. “Thank you for helping me, Hotch.”
Aaron returned to his computer and opened a tab, searching ‘Common causes for frequent nose bleeds’, and, ‘Ways to avoid nose bleeds’.
And the next morning, Aaron walked into the office to get his coffee (the machine had been promptly fixed after your nose bleed situation) before Morgan spoke up, “New cologne, Hotch?” 
Hotch nodded, and turned back to his coffee, pocketing some chamomile satchels to dispose of later. The comment reassured Aaron.
He wanted to be someone you could be around without risking anymore red tissues. 
Aaron placed himself next to you on the plane, the team had gone over the case six times already, and the plane flight was long. It’s always been long. You opened your mouth to greet him before he cut you off, “We can provide a doctor for you, if these nose bleeds keep happening.” 
You blink in surprise, “I’m sorry they’re inconvenient but there’s not much I can do about it.” You bit the inside of your lip, unaware that your bleeds had caused anything negative other than a decrease in tissue supplies and unwanted attention (not including Aaron’s).
“I’m not saying it’s an inconvenience to me,” he shakes his head, “They’re an inconvenience to you. I’m worried it’s because you’re overworked.” 
You cleared your throat and avoided eye contact.
He continues, “You get to work the earliest, stay the latest, you’re always the one travelling the furthest when we have to split up.”
A smirk appears on your face as you finally look back up at the stoic man, “Sounds like someone I know.” 
“I make time, Y/n.” 
You wrung your hands in your lap and sighed, “I’ve had this problem since I was a kid, Hotch. My longest record between nose bleeds was three months, that's only because I finally found some medication.” Aaron raised an eyebrow. “They had terrible side effects, it wasn’t worth saving some tissues. I can deal, is what I’m saying.” 
He nods and looks away in thought, that's when you allow yourself to look over his chest and arms, his posture and his… smell?
“You smell different.” “I didn’t want a repeat of yesterday.” 
You couldn’t stop thinking about Aaron Hotchner since what he said on that plane a little over five days ago. He changed his cologne, he offered to find a doctor, he listened to your reasoning. You thought he was being friendly. You wanted him to be a little bit more than that.
The plush seats and convenient seating arrangement that put you next to Aaron didn’t offer any comfort against the dry and hot weather of Nevada. If a place was your enemy, this was it. You had already concealed a small bleed in the drive over, Spencer not giving you a second look when you pretended to sneeze into a tissue. With the increased frequency, she didn’t want any useless worry. You weren’t going to take a break, so you needed to hide any signs of exhaustion as best you could. Even when the sheriff opened every window in the temporary office, JJ continued waving herself with a file, Morgan had already chugged three plastic bottles of water. Even Hotch only had a dark blue dress shirt on and damn did he look hotter than the sun. 
But even with your best techniques and play-pretends (never looking down for too long, staying hydrated, avoiding the hotter places in the precinct), an unfortunate pang hit the front of your head and travelled to your nose. Your eyes shuddered, and you started to look for a tissue, before one appeared at the bottom of your chin before blood even trickled down your top lip. 
It was Aaron holding it there, eyes on the case. 
You looked at him in surprise and awe, before you took the tissue off him and excused yourself, getting a worried look from the old sheriff. 
The tall man had learnt when you were about to get a nosebleed, a sudden stop in motion, scrunched eyebrows and eyes, stopped breathing. And as you left his line of vision, he tried not to worry about the amount of blood you would lose in this weather, and it motivated to close this case even more. 
Everyone around the table glanced at Hotch and then at each other, putting on blank faces when Hotch looked up. 
It wasn’t much better in the hotel rooms you had been given. They had aircon, and free water, but small windows, and broken fridges.
It was a relief to be able to sit on something that wasn’t covered in someone else’s sweat, even if it would be covered soon by your own. You had the coldest shower you think you’ve ever had, put on a larger t-shirt and a small pair of basketball shorts to fight against the heat during the night.
It came a surprise to you when you were blood free the entire afternoon and you counted it as good luck for the flight home, forgetting to place tissues or water on your bedside table. After denying an invitation to poker, you threw yourself onto the bed with crisp white sheets and soft pillow cases, in the direct shot of the air conditioning and only window in the room, and passed out.
There was a frantic knocking on your door, or maybe a pounding in your head. You couldn’t tell, and when you tried to investigate, you felt like your eyelids were sewn shut.
You were able to peak them open and lift yourself weakly, when suddenly a figure appeared in front of you with long blonde hair and soft hands on your shoulders.
“JJ?” Your lips felt tight.
“Jeez, Y/n. How long have you been sick?” Her voice was muffled, but as your vision became clearer so did your hearing. Hotch stopped in your open doorway, already dressed and bags dropped in the hallway, before walking in.
For a second you were going to try and stand to clean your room, realising how late it was. But as soon as you tried to stand, everything went hazy, and you could taste metal on your tongue.
“Y/n, we need to get you cleaned up.” JJ said sweetly, as if you were a child. She took your heavy arms and pulled them to the bathroom, light making your headache into a migraine.
You lifted a hand to the bone between your eyebrows, and when you took it off, it had dried blood on it. As JJ grabbed your body towel from last night and wet a corner of it, you stole a sight of your face. Your mouth and nose was covered in dry blood, some of it had travelled to your left cheek, and between your eyebrows. There was fresher blood on your chin and some even on your next.
You had a delirious thought that you had been stabbed, or you had stabbed someone, but when you looked out into the bedroom and saw Aaron taking the pillow case off of the pillow you were using, you wondered if you caused it to go from white to red overnight.
“What happened?” JJ asked, carefully placing her fingertips on the bottom of your jaw while her other hand dabbed softly at your face. You couldn’t answer, even though you had a fairly good guess. Aaron appeared in the mirror to hand JJ some pain killers, for you.
Swallowing was painful, but as your blonde friend wiped off the last bit of blood from your top lip, you looked worse than your throat felt.
“I’m sorry JJ, I could’ve cleaned myself up.”
“Don’t apologise Y/n. You worried me. You weren’t responding to your texts, not even Hotch’s,” she put the towel down and looked into your eyes with a motherly concern. “I think you need to listen to Hotch when he offers you a doctor again.”
And you nod, because she was right.
JJ left the room with a hug, leaving you with a very cross Aaron Hotchner.
“You could’ve choked, or suffocated, or passed out- Actually I think you did.” He motioned towards your alarm clock that had been running since 5 a.m. “Y/n…” He looked confused, worried, sad? Your eyes hadn’t 100% cleared yet, a headache slowly throbbing, knees still slightly buckling. You wanted to lay down and be thrown into an ice bath.
“How was I supposed to know this would happen?” You croaked out.
“You’ve got one window open, cold and dry aircon on, and no water bottle on your bedside table. You should’ve asked to sleep in the same room as someone, in the same room as me.”
You looked down to your feet, only noticing now that Aaron had packed all of your things for you.
“I thought you had been…” He raked a hand through his hair and paced before placing his hands on your upper arms, “I’m going to get you to a doctor, and you can’t say no. That’s an order.”
His grip tighten only slightly, before he turned around and left with your luggage, heart beating fast in his chest.
You were back home, thank god. The air was cooler and clearer, and you didn’t feel like you needed to moisturise every two minutes. You stretched your arms above your head, squishing your eyes closed for some relief to the sting from the computer screen. Your chest expanded deeply, and your nose finally cleared. 
And when you opened your eyes, you glanced over to your boss’ office windows to see if he was still working. But he was already out of his door, looking at you. 
Butterflies played tag with each other in your stomach, a blush crossing your face and you both shot your gazes away. 
His shoes were nearly silent against the floor, but when you quickly stood to pack your shoulder bag and take the sweater off the back of your chair, Aaron was there to greet you when you turned around.
“Let me walk you out?” He asked, as if the last words he said to you weren’t full of unprofessional emotions.
You were silent for at least 3 seconds, Aaron getting worried for a second before you stumbled over your words, “Y-Yes plea- Yeah. Sure.” 
He smiled, a genuine smile. 
Side by side, his briefcase touching your shoulder bag, you made your way towards the elevator. Aaron fiddled with his fingers and felt unfamiliarly nervous, heart thumping a little harder than when he walked out of his office. 
“Thank you for everything. Caring, catching my blood. I would ask how you knew, but you are a profiler after all.” You smile softly, and he nods. “I’m glad you noticed.” He presses on the car park level in the elevator, hands coming to discreetly fidget once again. 
And you can’t take the silence, “You still smell good.” 
“You always do.” Aaron looks as surprised that he said that as you do, looking away quickly before looking up and sighing, “Tomorrow is Saturday.” 
“Do you have any plans?” 
“I have a movie I want to watch, maybe a recipe I wanna try,” you reply oblivious, shuddering at the sudden change of temperature when you both exit the elevator. Suddenly a thicker layer of fabric was draped over your shoulders, one that smelt like new cologne. You blushed, looking up at him. 
The cold breeze was pushing his hair out of place slightly, making his nose a little redder, his eyes clearer. He looked like the word handsome humanised. 
“I think that you should watch that movie and try that recipe at… my place.” 
You widened your eyes chasing any regret or embarrassment in his eyes, but all you got was nervousness, something you had rarely seen in him before. 
He is so handsome, I can’t believe this is happening, I have to tell Garcia- Can I tell Garcia? He’s my boss after all- I mean this doesn’t mean it had to be a date or anything- 
Some blood dripped onto the jacket draped over his shoulders. 
“You could’ve just said no.” He joked as you pinched your nose, smiling against the small headache. It must’ve been the last bit of blood from that morning. “No, I wanna go, I do- Just, could you get a tissue from my glovebox? I don’t want to get anymore blood on your coat.” You reply, nasally and carefully. 
“We’re definitely getting you to a doctor.” 
“Sounds like a fun first date.” 
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k0juki · 1 month
Could you please do a one-shot with jealous! Kimi? Maybe during an interview, he's already had enough and wants to leave, but after seeing a journalist or somebody else trying to flirt with his gf (they both agreed to keep their relationship private), he loses it and once he goes up to her after telling that guy to get lost, he physically relaxes and basically melts to her touch...forgetting that they were surrounded by cameras that had just recorded every second of the exchange.
I'd like to imagine how the other drivers and the fans in general would react to that :))
Thanxx <3
Yur!!!🧊 Sorry it took me too so long...school is pain.
His girl
Kimi Räikkönen x fem!reader
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English is not my first language so feel free to point out any mistakes or errors!
More stuff here!
Words: 573
It wasn't strange to see Kimi annoyed. Most people that worked with him knew how he could get and this was no different. But what annoys him the most are only two things. 
Firstly, not winning the race and media being dick about it and secondly, when anyone flirts with his girl. Of course nobody knows that you are together, but still, it makes his Finnish blood boil.
And let's just say that today wasn't his best day at all. Not only he fucked up the rece, but as the interview progressed, Kimi patience wore thinner with each passing question. He'd had enough of the same inquiries, the same stupid questions and the same attempts to extract emotions from him that he preferred to keep hidden. Yet, he maintained his ice cool demeanor, answering tersely but efficiently. 
However, his face cracked when he caught a glimpse of someone leaning a bit too close to his girlfriend, Y/n, who was standing just a few feet away, watching the interview with a supportive smile that he loves. She is his safe place. When something happens, he knows that he can go to her. To make him feel loved. 
And when he heard the journalist's flirtatious tone and lingering gaze he held on her, made Kimi's blood boil beneath his calm exterior. In a rare moment of unfiltered emotion, Kimi abruptly ended the interview, muttering something about needing a break and with determined strides, he made his way over to Y/n, who looked surprised at his sudden approach. 
"Hey, is everything okay?" she asked, concern evident in her voice, but Kimi ignored her question and pulled her into his arms possessively, caging her in and casting a sharp glare at the journalist who had dared to encroach on his territory. His girl.
"Get lost" he growled, the words were laced with a dangerous edge and it almost sounded like a threat. Once the unwanted intruder had retreated, Kimi felt a wave of relief wash over him. His tense muscles gradually relaxed as he buried his face in Y/n's hair, inhaling her familiar scent that he loves so much. 
The anger started to melt away and was replaced by a sense of calm and contentment that only she could bring him. Unbeknownst to Kimi, their intimate moment had been captured by the surrounding cameras, broadcasting his uncharacteristic display of jealousy to the world. 
Among the other drivers, reactions varied. Some were surprised, having never seen this side of Kimi before, while others like Sebastian just gave a knowing look, he understood the depth of Kimi's feelings for Y/n. As for the fans, social media and everyone else erupted with speculation and commentary. 
"I think everyone knows that we are together now." You murmured against him. His strong arms still wrapped around you.
"Yeah, but at least they won't be flirting with you before my eyes."
In the days that followed, Kimi and Y/n found themselves surrounded by an outpouring of support and affection from fans, friends, and fellow drivers. Despite initially feeling exposed by the public display of their relationship, they soon realized that it had only brought them closer together. 
As they retreated to the quiet sanctuary of their home, Kimi and Y/n reveled in the simple joys of each other's company. They shared laughter, tender moments and whispered words of love that were meant for each other's ears alone. 
Requests are open!
Don't copy or translate my work! Also the picture is not mine! Credit goes to owner!
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merrunzs · 3 months
anyway does anyone ever think abt how lonely the chosen are.
how ketheric does everything for his family but he is the only one really left. everything in his home and everyone he loves are either dead or twisted by the shadow curse that kills everything there anyway. isobel, the daughter he had being doing Everything for, ran from him when she found out what he had become to save her
how gortash was always too smart for his own good that he was cast out and sold like damaged goods by his own parents . he was sold to the hells where nobody is your friend . he is the chosen of bane, representing the sphere of tyranny and subjugation, in which nobody is your friend. he has the entire city under his thumb either through fear or his charm and the brittle, tense partnership with ketheric and orin and yet he has no true allies (except the durge arguably but. theyre either gone or dont remember him) . how he Seeks Out the equal partnership with tav/amnesiac durge which to me seems So antithetical to banes sphere- i cant imagine theyre too fond of sharing- in a way that fascinates me so much
how orin is a bhaalspawn that has never been good enough. never pure enough. she has always been second best, the childish girl to durges mastery. how she does everything for sarevok and for bhaal she has nothing but her family and that temple. no matter how much she devotes herself to them she is only ever looked upon by her only loved ones with hatred and contempt. orin whos own mother attacked her on sarevoks orders. orin who is unwanted wherever she goes no matter how hard she tries to be the very best
the dark urge, too. durge who is a tool, a vessel and instrument for their fathers will. when sarevok says 'you belong to bhaal. he manifests within you' . how theyre shackled to bhaal and kept from everything else. the first people they ever killed were their family. even in the temple, with their True family, durge is alienated from orin and sarevok by virtue of being made and not born, not connected to their shared bloodline. durge who is constantly pushed onto a pedestal by those in the temple through their divinity and purity and has never had a true peer to stand beside before gortash. durge who is so so cut off from other people and intimacy and who is forced to kill everyone they get close to or love by their father and the urge. durge who is an object for bhaals use, unafforded the mortal luxury of real connection
deeply deeply interested by how they are all such powerful and influential characters and yet all have such a strong theme of isolation. :(
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subskz · 5 months
making any of the members of 3racha go to the gym with butt plugs and make them do squats 😋 and just to be cruel, a vibrating one that you can control 💕also would be fun to make them wear leggings so whenever they squat down, you can see the outline of the plug hehe
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this is already such a delicious idea in itself but the added bit abt making them wear leggings ♡_♡ the material hugging their thighs and ass (binnie and chan esp hehe) so tightly that you can see the plug vibrating inside them is so good
watching him fumble and struggle w the simplest of workouts would be so entertaining, esp if you turned up the setting of the vibrator as soon as he squats down and watched his shaky legs struggle to lift himself back up. it’d be extra fun if you verbally teased him to add a lil tinge of frustration to the embarrassment burning up inside his stomach, like asking him how he got so big and strong when he can barely manage a single squat, or asking why he’s not going for the heavier weights today~
channie would be flustered out of his mind, face and ears glowing so red that anyone who walks by would think he’s been pushing his body to the limit for hours. he lets out lots of breathless, nervous giggles and shoots lots of helpless glances your way, begging you to take pity on him bc you know he’s hopeless at masking his reactions, esp when it comes to keeping quiet. he already makes a lot of noise while working out, so the amount of huffing and groaning he’d be doing would be insane, definitely enough to get some weird looks which just makes his dick throb harder, much to his horror <3 he’d be so cute simultaneously trying to continue his workout while trying to hide the very obvious bulge in his pants w his veiny hands hovering awkwardly over it. poor baby is not equipped for this he definitely wouldn’t last very long, and by the time u get him home he just abt falls to his knees for you
the moment you turn the vibrator on, hannie is one step away from letting out the filtheist, most shameless moan he’s ever made in his life for the entire gym to hear. it thrills him to do smth risky like that in public bc he’s a lil bit of an exhibitionist, but at the same time he’s mortified over the thought of anyone catching him w a full hard on, leaking and twitching through his underwear like he’s seconds away from climaxing, which makes for a nice little show for you hehe. one second he’s whimpering for more, the next he’s holding his breath, puffing out his cheeks in a desperate attempt to shut himself up. his expressions would be to die for when he’s trying so hard to focus w his eyes wide as moons, glazed over w lust and his eyebrows scrunched up. any touch from you at all would probably be enough to make him cum in his pants right then and there. whether you take him home to fuck him properly or decide to overstimulate him in front of everyone is up to you
binnie feels a lil proud w you watching him at first, he can feel your stare practically boring holes into his ass, and every now and then he casts his eyes shyly up in the big mirror that takes up the wall to meet yours, and he nearly shudders bc he feels like he’s abt to be eaten up. you can see how hard his nipples are through his tight compression shirt too <3 he’d go crazy if you came up behind him, running your hands all over his body to “help w his form”, but it’s really just an excuse to feel up his muscles and make his sanity slip little by little. he’ll start to get a lil whiny, whispering out a panicked “more?” when you turn the setting even higher, but he still wants to do well for you and tries his best to keep squatting even his brain is starting to go haywire trying to do two things at once. all it takes is you pouting at him and saying you thought he could take it bc he’s your big strong boy, and he’s clenching his jaw, thighs trembling and whimpers building in his throat as he sinks back down. keep whispering praises to him and promising how good you’re gonna fuck him for each squat he completes, and he powers through for you like a good boy ♡
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smallestapplin · 5 months
I love your stories and the way you write! I'd like to request a story for Alucard as a loving yandere, it's rare to see anyone writing for game castlevania these days!Perhaps female s/o originally found him and awakened him to help beat dracula together after Richter went AWOL and afterwards he took her with him home?
I am so sorry. You sent this back in august and I've been dying 😭 I hope you like it, though I'm very sorry if it's a little all over the place. Please enjoy QwQ also I love you, thank you for allowing me to write castlevania. I adore the games so much.
🔞Cw : light possessive/yandere thoughts🔞
Word count : 2,044
When Alucard was awoken he expected to see a Belmont, or someone related to such, knowing the only reason to awaken him is for dire circumstances. Yet when his golden eyes opened to see who, it was just…you?
The tall vampire lowered himself to the ground, walking towards you. His eyes never leave your frame.
“I’m sorry for waking you up, but I knew you’d be the only one who could help us.”
“What happened.” He sighs, knowing exactly what you’re going to say.
“The castle of Dracula is back.”
Because of course, it is.
“But with its sudden appearance, Richter went missing!”
“Richter?” He supposes that’s someone of importance.
“Yes, he’s a Belmont and was determined to put an end to this, but he hasn’t been back for three years and that castle is still there. Please, I don’t know who else to turn to, no one else is strong enough to face the monsters of that castle.”
You don’t back away as he gets closer, it intrigues him.
He takes notice of how small you are compared to him, but that’s not saying much as he’s aware his height is not humanly possible to reach.
“You’re no Belmont, who are you?” His eyes never leave you, taking in every detail he can.
You have no courting gifts on your person, so you’re not a lover of one.
His ears twitch at the sound of your name, one which he repeats.
“I am a friend of the family, and I’m worried for him. I’d like to help you defeat Dracula and save my friend.”
He hasn’t had a companion in what, three hundred years? Oh, Trevor is mocking him in the grave, he just knows it.
“You may tag along, but I warn you this will take longer with you traveling with me. Dracula’s monsters are not to be underestimated.”
Why is it that when your eyes light up he feels something…warm inside his chest? He’s a monster just like the rest, he shouldn’t taint such lively humanity.
“Of course! I’ll do anything I can to help!”
The vampire hums, walking passed you as he takes his leave, with you tailing right behind him. He hates the feelings stirring inside him, he’s a creature of the night, a disgrace, and you are a saint in his eyes.
Day in and day out as you two travel, heading straight for Dracula’s castle, he can’t help but find himself smitten with you.
“Do you need to eat?”
“If you’re asking if I need blood, no I don't, I can eat whatever you bring.”
He finds it so cute how you worry over him.
You’ve only met him days ago and yet you still insist on checking on him. You’re so warm, so inviting.
That Belmont is lucky to have someone like you as his friend.
But something twists in Alucard’s chest, something darker. Just how lonely had he been all this time? It was better for everyone in his mind, and yet here he is, longing for you to stay.
It grows each night as you sleep peacefully at your little campsite.
Every time he looks at your resting form, he can’t help but feel the urge to hold you, to have you, to listen to you whisper your love for him.
You wouldn't want a monster like him as a lover, he's a vampire for heaven's sake! You deserve someone who could properly love you as you should be.
And yet each night he finds himself sitting closer to you, each night he finds himself inching closer to your sleeping body.
If he's close enough he could feel your warmth.
How he wishes to curl around you, cape over you two just to bask in it.
The weeks it takes you two to get to the castle are some of the best and worst for Alucard.
You seem to find his dry humor and sarcasm hilarious, even shooting back with your sass.
He wonders how the Belmont managed to have you so close...
With the castle in sight, he can't help but feel a pit form in his stomach.
He's just one step closer to losing you.
"Alucard quickly, the gate!" Your voice brings him from his thoughts as he sees the gate's door being raised.
He huffs, grabbing you, having you over his shoulder as he sprints towards it. His vampiric speed lets him get there just before it closes.
And with a jump, he makes it, landing perfectly.
His arm around your hips and thighs doesn't loosen, but he can feel you shaking.
"Are you alright?" His voice was low, edging on being gentle.
You take a shaky breath, trying to steel your nerves.
"Yeah...yeah I'm okay. Just a warning next time, please?"
Next time? You want to spend more time with him, is that what you're saying? He carefully sets you down, making sure you're behind him as he turns to face the rest of the castle.
He narrows his eyes which stay locked onto the enemies ahead.
The low deep growls of the beasts before you keep you on guard.
"Stay behind me. I will protect you."
He stayed true to his word, you're almost certain he didn't even need you here. You watch in awe how the dhampir makes quick work of enemies, most of the time he'd catch them before they could even touch you.
In turn, if you could not put your sword to work, you decided to put your mage abilities to good use then, healing Alucard when the hips got to be too much for him.
Death couldn't get close to you, even when taking Alucard's items and yours. Yet you two held firm, pressing onward to put a stop to this and find your friend.
Walking through the castle, getting closer and closer to the end of the hallway you have to tell him.
"It's impressive how quickly you adapt to using weapons and items that aren't yours."
To you, you think he glances at you casually, as if he's done this all before.
But you miss the soft look in his eyes.
"My father and his minions made sure I could fight. I honed my skills in killing any monster in my path."
You know there must be so much to his story but you don't press for more, he's been through enough.
"Still, the skill of yours is deserving of praise. Do you think you could teach me sometime?"
Alucard can feel his heart pounding.
Why do his hands feel clammy? Has the room gotten hotter? Before he could answer as you two walk through the door, his words die in his throat at the sight of a human sitting in the stadium, laughing.
"Who are you?" But his question goes ignored.
"Servants, come forth from the gates of hell!"
Alucard widens his stance to fight, placing an arm in front of you to block you, yet his attention is pulled from the man to the two summoned monsters on either side of you two.
You jolt forward, hands on Alucard's bicep as you seem shocked.
"....Your blood. The scent of your blood. You're a Belmont!"
"Richter!" You finally call out, you should be relieved to see your friend is alive but it's tainted in confusion and hurt at his behavior.
"Attack! Rid my castle of these pests!"
With that he sits back, watching you and your companion fight for your lives against the Minotaur and werewolf. Though he's so disappointed when you two manage to beat them, and leaves before you could land the final blow.
You rush over to Alucard once it's safe, worry etched on your face.
"Are you okay? You didn't get hit too bad, did you?" You check him over, unaware of the emotions coursing through him at that moment.
He grinds a hand up slowly, placing it on your cheek, his thumb lightly rubbing across your skin.
"I'm alright, but what about you?"
He could feel a foreign feeling bubbling in his throat, almost akin to a purr when you lean into his touch.
"I'm fine. But that was Richter but he...he'd never want to resurrect Dracula, or do anything of this."
His heart hurts seeing you so conflicted.
"Worry not, we will stop him."
"Just...please don't kill him."
Alucard takes a deep breath, easing the anger welling up inside him. Do you want to protect that Belmont? He might've been your friend, but he just sicced monster at you two without a care.
He even had the nerve to call you a pest!
But how can he say no to the pitiful expression of yours?
"I'll do what I can."
Making your way once more through the castle, finding relics that you need, and trying to fight monsters for their items. You run into Maria, who's so happy to see you, even if she questions the stoic man next to you.
Alucard stays quiet as you two converse, though you seem relieved when she hands you the holy glasses. You're quick to hand them to Alucard.
He's already tired of everyone when he defeats a possessed Belmont, that annoys Priest Shaft by having the nerve to make him go through another castle.
But you are at his side, talking with him, healing him, and giving him just small touches to his arms and back.
He never realized how touch-starved he had become.
His quick strides become slow, he doesn't want this adventure to end, he needs to keep you with him.
He can't let you go, he can't let anyone hurt you.
As the castle goes up in a blinding light, he can faintly hear you happily chatting with your friends, how you sound close to tears knowing they made it alright.
The words of his father rang still clear in his ears.
'You're more like me than you think.'
He dreads ever thinking he'd be anything like Dracula.
But as he looks at you, he sees your smile.
He can understand his father's actions a little better.
Just the thought of you dying sends him into a frenzy.
"Alucard, I-"
"Come with me."
You jump back, a little shocked at his words.
"I'm...I'm sorry?"
The nearly seven-foot-tall man hunches over, making himself level with you.
"Join me in my travels. You make a perfect companion."
After watching you fight alongside him, even watching you fight the fake versions of his old friends in there.
How you came right back to his side to offer him comfort.
How you did the same right after the fight with the succubus.
He needs you.
You make him feel loved, and wanted, even if he's just a monster like the rest.
"What!? You can't expect them to go with you!"
His golden eyes lock with Richter's blue ones.
The Belmont looks flabbergasted the dhampir even suggested that.
"Richter, let them decide. They did save you and the world with his help you know."
He snaps his head towards Maria, mouth agape.
"I understand that, but who knows what other dangers they could face out there!"
Your chuckle brings them all to silence. Richter has always been so worried for you and your safety, much like a protective brother to you.
"Thank you for the concern, Richter, but I think I'll be fine." You look to Alucard, a soft smile on your face.
"I'd love to join you. This entire trip has been so much fun."
You can feel your knees go weak at the barely there smile that graces Alucard's face.
"I won't let you regret it."
As you bid farewell to your friends, promising to visit them.
You're blind to how Alucard eyes your neck.
If he turns you, you'd be stuck with him for the rest of your life, you could never leave him, and you'd be his betrothed for the end of time.
He could make or find you two a nice place.
Oh, he wants to hold you like he's dreamed of since the start of your journey.
And now you'll be alone with him, with no one expecting you home soon or at all.
You're his now.
He won't make the same mistake his father made, he will never leave you alone.
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temp-propaganda · 2 months
Lewis Smith should have everything he ever wants. he took the trauma of losing his parents as a kid, and his childhood special interest, and coalesced them in his personality to become a man who only wants to help.
he saved Isami from getting waterboarded. he tried to hide Lulu from the military because he knew they'd try to do the same to her, and he never contested that she was his responsibility after that. of course he would... she's a child in need.
he specifically doesn't want to get left behind while "the hero" goes off on their own and dies where he can't help them. so he fights Isami, to prove that he's strong enough to support him. he tells Isami that people will care if he dies, and he can't just shut everyone out, and try to shoulder this alone. and of course he'd say that... he recognizes the symptoms of stoic, self sacrificial heroism.
he never felt bitter about Isami being chosen as Bravern's pilot. I know a lot of us read his dwelling on Bravern rejecting him as forlorn pining or something, but it's more like... he knows there's a global crisis going on, and Isami was a mess after Lewis got him out of that horrible waterboarding session, and Lewis would really like to have the tools to do something. specifically, Bravern is exactly the type of hero that he used to derive such comfort from. of course he'd want to provide something like that to anyone who's sad or scared.
but very importantly: Lewis never felt bitter because he never saw Isami as undeserving. Lewis never had thoughts about how Isami couldn't do it as well as he could do it himself. Lewis instead views himself as the guy who needs to keep up. if he can't, then something might go wrong when he can't be there. Isami might find himself in danger, and alone. of course he'd never let something like that happen.
when Kunuth chooses to fixate on Lewis, it's because he has undisclosed feelings. feelings that could actually be selfish, if he let them. he wants to be special to Isami, but this whole time he's been trying to earn it. and now he's become "the hero" in the one way he never ever wanted to be. he's become the kind of hero that leaves his loved ones behind and never returns. of course he'd never accept it.
becoming Bravern allows Lewis to shine in ways he always wanted to, but never thought he could. his theme song, his attack names, his logo, his upgrades... the way he presents himself as someone you can always come and talk to... he even tries to give his enemies a chance to talk, and hears them out, because he's that type of saturday morning cartoon hero. he wants to help. he wants to comfort people, and tell them that everything will be okay. he's Bravern. of course he'd do this.
and he finally gets to tell Isami that he loves him... but only after Isami chooses him back. he tells Superbia to live, because of course he'd do that. that's everything he's ever wanted to tell anyone he cares for at all. and when he seems like he's going to die for real, it takes the kind of hero that he's always believed Isami could be, to bring him back for real. Isami chose to want him, love him, and save him. and having the power to do that is the absolute best, isn't it? Lewis always thought so. and he's always ended up casting Isami in the role that he would've wanted, and then tried his very best to support that. it's no surprise that this worked.
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exilethegame · 7 months
For the spookiest day of the year, what would the cast dress up as? 🎃 I feel like maybe Emeline could get a few years worth of family-themed costumes at least.
I'm late on this 😔
Vethna: A witch costume because yes, they find it hilarious. Or maybe a black cat costume...? I can also see them going dressed as Maxine from X.
Nikke: ... (Me: *Sweating, eyeing that one skeleton boner costume, knowing what I have to do but not knowing if I'm strong enough to do it...*)
Jost: A pirate, hands down. Puts an astonishing amount of effort into her costume which takes everyone aback except Nikke, who's been receiving her stress-fueled rage texts as she was getting ready.
Amilia: ... a fairy... 😅 or one of the witches from Hocus Pocus. She'd want to be Sarah, but b.c of her hair I can see her reluctantly agreeing to be Winifred...
Sabir: Someone do the ghost busters costume with him, guys, come on, please, it's just not the same if he does it alone, please-- (Nikke would def join him in this... all it takes are two more...)
Syfyn: Whatever MC forces her to dress up in... (she's the Tom Kaulitz to MC's Heidi Klum)
Freedom: They're a mouse! A slutty mouse, duh!
Trystan: Literally just craves to be part of a duo or group costume and will go along with anything thrown at them... (... maybe Trystan is the third link to Sabir's ghost busters costume that he keeps pestering everyone about...)
Esmerelda: Sticks with her niche and goes as scantily clad Disney princesses much to everyone except her mothers' amusement. Yes, Cinderella is her OG.
Marcelle + Emeline: Emeline wanted to do family costumes, but how that actually goes would heavily depend on MC. If MC wasn't into it, it just wouldn't happen because literally no one else in the family wanted it. Otherwise, if MC did want to do it, her and MC totally could've guilt trip Marcelle + Esmerelda into doing it...
Bonus (for me and no one else <3) Victor Omaren (MC's Mentor): Batman. Also dramatically sits in the corner and doesn't talk to anyone and will only say "I am Batman" if anyone he doesn't know tries to talk to him. Forces MC, Syfyn + Trystan to dress up as varying members of the Batman Family.
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baldurs-gape · 3 months
Shape of You
Nearly a year in his tower had made a bit of an impact on Gale. He hardly left, tried to drown out his woes with study, figuring out just what the orb needed and, when he could think no more, he sat on top of his tower with cheese, wine and any other easy food. Nothing eased the pain though. Then the nautiloid had snatched him and thrown him into a whole new mess. At least it meant he had new things to worry about. No, not the tadpoles, nor the Absolute, not even the probable end of the world as they knew it that was looming over them all. Gale's newest worry was much more vain and basic. Surrounded as he was by a group of beautiful beings, he stuck out like a sore thumb.
There was Shadowheart, lean and muscled while Lae'zel had the githyanki physiqu, Karlach was solid and strong, and those were just the women. The men, well, Gale would have been a liar if he said he wasn't appreciative of his new company. Wyll was toned from years of wielding a blade and fighting. His whole stance exuded that of a fighter, fit and youthful. Next to him, Astarion was the other side of the same coin almost. Much more lithe but no less shapely, Gale could only imagine what it would feel like to cuddle up to him, all sharp elbows and teeth. By contrast, Gale was soft. Nothing he did required muscle and it showed.
So selfconscious of his looks, Gale did everything he could to hide himself. Even so, having a quick wash in a stream was no private affair, not with so many of them and trying to keep a low profile. Gale sank to a new low; he cast a mild illusion on his body. Just like that, he fit in with everyone else. On the surface at least, he had a defined abdomen with hints of a six-pack, his chest was firm, all dusted with a nice bit of hair. It looked nice but Gale could only wish it was real. At leat he was no longer wary of who saw him and how. As far as anyone was concerned, he was just like the rest of them. Nobody was going to touch him so it was safe to pretend.
How wrong he was. Sure, Gale realised Astarion had a tendency to set his tent up next to his. It didn't mean anything more than the fact he was a good neighbour. Even as Astarion began to wriggle his way under his defences, Gale fastidiously maintained that it was nothing more than a ploy or boredom. He stuck to that until it became nigh on impossible to deny that there was something more. Astarion sidled into his tent like he had been doing so for the last who knew how long. Nothing nefarious, just seeking company to coexist with in the silence of the night. However, this time he looked cold. As if vampires would get cold. But Gale fell for it all the same and offered a throw. It made no difference. Ever the fool, wanting to feel useful, Gale rolled onto his side to watch Astarion next to the tent flap.
"Want to sit by the fire for a bit?" Much to his surprise, Astarion shook his head. "Maybe another throw? Or I could cast a heating charm on the tent."
"Or you could be a real gentleman and let me snuggle into the bedroll with you."
Taken aback, Gale didn't think, merely acted on instinct. He shuffled closer to the wall of the tent and lifted the cover in invitation. The speed with which Astarion moved was definitely not the one he used to try and maintain a human facade. Nor was the pleased purr in his throat.
"You okay there?"
Rather than reply, Astarion burrowed against Gale's chest, face mashed into the valley he found there. It was just as well he didn't need to breathe. Cold hands landed on Gale's sides, just about his hips. The squeak was silenced only by sheer terror. Astarion was holding him, feeling him. No matter how good his illusion was, it would never hold up to touch. Ever so gently, he tried to pull away from Astarion but nails dug into the soft flesh that bulged at his waist.
"I just-"
"Wanted to hide the truth from me again, I know. Took me long enough to figure it out." Head popping up, dark eyes stared at Gale. "You've been holding out on me."
Laughter bubbled from Gale's lips. That was not what he was expecting to hear. Nor the "I want all of it, all of you. Let me see as well as feel."
Anxiety rocketed Gale's heartrate to something probably unhealthy. However, as Astarion heard it, he petted his soft sides, like soothing a spooked horse.
"I think it's sexy."
Brain screeching to a halt so fast that Gale's tadpole probably got whiplash, thoughts tumbled into a mess. He could but he shouldn't. But with each passing second, he couldn't quite remember why not. With a dismissive wave, he ended the illusion. The sharp inhale of desire from Astarion was a relief. So were the wandering hands, fingertip pressed dents into his belly.
"Definitely holding out," Astarion purred.
Finally remembering how to smile, Gale stretched under the devotion filled look.
"Wanted to make sure you were after me for more than my dashing looks. My tongue also has its appeal, Starling."
Craning his neck, Astarion stole a kiss before returning for another, deeper one.
"Nobody's called me that before. Though it isn't my favourite bird, I'll be honest."
A nose wrinkling smile creased Astarion's face. "No, I much prefer a night-in-Gale."
Groaning, Gale let his head thump onto the pillow. He couldn't muster up even a token protest when nimble hands roved over the planes and dips of his body. Astarion was definitely going to be the death of him but in all the best ways.
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lucifers-rubber-duck · 2 months
Hello, hope you’re doing well! Really loving the Hazbin posts you’ve done so far, they’re wonderful ☺️
If it’s alright, could I please request some platonic HCs with Charlie, Vaggie, Angel Dust, and Sir Pentious for a slightly younger reader than the rest of the cast who’s on the shy and anxious side, very easily rattled in hell, but takes a liking to their fellow demon(s) enough that they feel comfortable around them to express themselves a bit more and start to develop a sibling/parental sort of bond with them?
Sorry if that’s a bit specific of a request, but thank you for reading!
A/N: I'm sorry for taking so long Anon but I absolutely loved your ask! Shy!Reader is so me tbh. Hope you enjoy it.
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• She's mostly concerned about how young you are, not that you're a teenager or something, but the age you died is concerning since you're younger than anyone at the hotel.
• She's an extrovert so she might not notice how shy you are at first because she's just so excited to have you around that she is already showing all of her hotel to you and wishing you a good stay.
• Even with that bubbly personality of her's, it's actually pretty easy for you to feel comfortable enough around her to express your feelings, she's just so sweet like that. You feel like you can tell her all of your problems that she would listen to carefully within a day of meeting her.
• She's the type to be a sister figure, she's always trying to make you open up more with weekly trust exercises and besides her looks wouldn't hesitate to put a demon in their place if they treat you badly. She considers everyone at the hotel family, but you're the one that needs most protection out of them, so she's going to be the best host you could ask for.
• She's the least chaotic of the people in the hotel, she likes to solve things calmly and sometimes with brute force but only when it's necessary. Your more timid demeanor is a breath of fresh air from all these sinners full of themselves.
• She's the one that gets more rational the moment she sees you're not dealing very well with the things around, she gives you space and time to be comfortable around the place, especially because she feels that you really want to change for the better. She also calms Charlie down when she's being too excited around you.
• She wants to help you be more sturdy tho, Hell is a dangerous place and you need to fight for yourself, so she gives you private fighting lessons on basic self defense, she can get a little too aggressive while training but if you actually get hurt she'll say sorry and help take care of you.
• The way she makes you feel welcomed is very different from the others, she makes you feel safe, she protects you from Angels comments and teaches you how to stand up, she's just like an older sister that wouldn't hesitate to kill for you and has a strong sense of bonding.
• He finds you almost adorable, he probably just enjoys having someone that kinda looks up to him as an example, you almost envy his personality and how easy-going he seems to be, he enjoys the attention and praise.
• Will eventually grown attached to having you around but he's very good a not showing it, he's an actor for a reason after all, but he can still be very sweet with you and sometimes even protective, not so much, but he'll tell a demon to suck a dick if they are mean to you.
• He helps you try and lose up more, be more extroverted, he takes you to drink on bars or go to clubs so you can try to make more friends. He can easily get distracted if Cherri is also there and might not notice if you get uncomfortable at first, but don't be afraid to tell him that you want to leave, he won't be mad at you and will do as you ask.
• He really makes you feel like you belong, especially when you two are just doing skin-care and telling gossips, he feels like a older brother and you appreciate how much he takes care of you.
𖤓Sir Pentious
• Daddy issues? Naahh, this man got child issues if that's even a thing. He craves for the feeling of having a child like it's something he misses deeply without even knowing why, so the moment he realizes that you, the shy one of the crew is looking up to him he's being all clingy with you.
• He tries to look cool, something that either he fails at or his Egg Bois do it for him, he wants to make up to your expectations towards him because you're one of the little people who treat him nicely. You mainly admire him because besides being a little timid like you, he's a very intelligent inventor.
• He makes you gadgets for your self defense and makes sure one of his Egg Bois is always following you to keep you safe, they can't do much but are very useful as bait so you can run while they get attacked.
• Expect a bunch of drama and dad jokes coming from him, that's his way of trying to sound cool and reliable to you, he wants to be a good father figure or whatever figure you need and that's what makes you feel so welcomed and cared for when you're around him. Make sure to give him a hug everytime he does nice things to you, he appreciates it.
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nikoisme · 10 months
tw for descriptions of zombies, death, slight gore and body decay (decomposition)
The Odyssey but Odysseus died at Troy. Yet his drive to see his wife and son was strong enough for him to lift his rotting limbs. He stumbles around - a corpse should not move. He has only one goal in mind: Ithaca, Penelope, Telemachus. His body is weak and frail, it constantly collapses and fails him. His body wants to return to the earth. He should be in the ground right now, his body grass and moss. But his mind lives, and he lifts his body off the ground no matter how long it takes him. His mind and body are divided, both long for their own goals. He makes no sound but a whisper: "Ithaca. Penelope. Telemachus." He doesn't remember where his home is. But he keeps whispering. People hear him. He can't talk, can't think anything except those three. They will ask him, "Who are you?". He can only give them a glassy stare, haunted and utterly wrong. It's not natural. He only murmurs "Ithaca. Penelope. Telemachus." and glances away, before dragging himself away. He has no name, at least not one he can remember. His mind consists only of those three thoughts. They think him a mad man. No one recognizes him as the king of Ithaca, his face sunken and destroyed. Even if someone did recognize him, well - Odysseus died at Troy, after all. They try to capture him, but no one dares approach that walking mass of rot and blood. They try to kill him. Arrows tear through the remaining muscle. Spear tips poke out of his ribs. He will collapse on the ground, they will think he died. But it's only his body. They cannot kill what's already dead. So he will push himself up - moments, hours, days or weeks later. And he stumbles on. And he whispers. He can't hear or register any words that people speak. He will only turn his head when he hears someone say Ithaca, Penelope, Telemachus. He follows those whispers. They get more frequent, until everyone around him is saying those three words sacred to him. Until his thoughts materialize before him.
Okay so now I have two endings:
1. A bit of his mind gives away when he reaches Ithaca, when he kisses her shores. Another fragment is gone when he holds his son in his arms, when he kisses him. He sees the suitors, 108 men trying to get their hands on his wife. On his Penelope. It's enough to make him think straight, at least for a bit. He wants to kill them right then and there. But Telemachus stops him, he has to restrain him. Odysseus obeys. It's easy to put something so breakable and weak under control. But he only thinks of suitors' blood. And eventually, they shed it. Odysseus is like a beast, death itself casting doom upon anyone his sunken eyes land on. And finally, he sees Penelope. His mind gives way when he is in her arms again, when he kisses her. His mind has no thoughts anymore, he reached his goal. There's nothing to hold his body upright anymore. No goal to reach - well, except one. One he should've reached on the beaches of Troy, a decade ago. Death. He finally dies the next morning, going still in their olive bed.
2. He is slow. His body is weak, he trips everytime his toes touch the ground. He is slow, but it's okay. He doesn't have to stop, he has no physical needs to meet, except the one of his mind. Not his heart, that one has been dead for a while now. And he follows the words of others, echoes of his own whispers. And he reaches Ithaca, eventually. But the people are different. They wear different clothes, they speak a different language. No one says those three words. It should have been obvious, the way those names slowly faded as he went from city to city, land to land. He was slow, too slow. Penelope and Telemachus are gone now. They have been dead for who knows how long. But his mind's needs are not met, the drive is still there. So he wanders the lands, searching for something long gone - always whispering under his breath.
I'm very fond of both endings aughh, I'll need to write this down sometime.
Another version is where Odysseus' personality and mind have been slowly chipped away over the course of his journey until he became nothing but the embodient of his drive to see his wife and son. His body is forgotten, thin and torn. He is dead. Perhaps he is not. It's hard to tell at this point. When does a man die - is it when his heart stops beating and blood stops rushing in his veins, or when his mind is gone? (probably would get the first ending).
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Just a non-comprehensive list of all the things P'Jojo touched on throughout the entirety of The Warp Effect:
The harm of forcing teens to promise absolute abstinence from sex while not providing space for safe and open discussions about it
Some people have a strong sense of their sexuality/gender identity. Others don't
Even guys who seem like good ones can do horrible things and be unaware. They are not required to be forgiven no matter how guilty they feel
Being single by choice is not shameful
Fwb is not shameful either
No one has any right to expect more out of a relationship when you have communicated what you are up for up front
Female friendship is a beautiful, wonderful thing, why would we pit so many bad bitches against each other when they're cooler as friends?
Nonsexual kinks are valid and with the right person can make for a beautiful relationship
There are several methods for pregnancy and it's important to discuss things with your donor (if you've chosen one personally)
Listen to your partner! It is actually possible to be together for a decade and still be unaware of something they like/dislike!
You can be forgiven for being shitty in high school but that is not up to you, it's only up to the person you have wronged
Always know the age of whoever you're talking to so you don't accidentally sleep with a minor
Fatphobia and transphobia have never been cool
Trauma hurts and the journey to work through it is difficult. It's not wrong to want to reconcile with someone and find that you can't. It's not wrong to try to push past it numerous times. It is not your fault someone ruined what should be a good experience for you
Nonsexual intimacy is valid and the right partner will work with you to understand your needs
The choice to have children is a really big one and no it should not be an excuse to keep the relationship together. The choice not to doesn't always have to break it up either
Abortion is a personal matter and should be done safely and legally
STDs have all sorts of origins and are an important matter to address in terms of being polyamorous or even going from one partner to the next. They are also not a reason to feel shame and are simply a matter of getting proper treatment and abstaining from sex while healing. Straight couples can get them, it isn't just a gay stereotype
Anyone can have a romantic relationship and not have sex
Parenting from afar isn't being responsible, but it is still possible to create a relationship with your estranged child
Dick size is nothing to be concerned about - you can find someone who enjoys a sexual relationship with you no matter what
It is so important to see your doctor. If that doctor makes you uncomfortable, though, you should be fine to leave and go somewhere else
Gay does not mean pedophile and it's important for you and your children to know the difference because there are gay teachers and coaches who have enough on their shoulders
Cheating doesn't have to include anything physical if you're seeking pleasure from someone who is not your partner and have not discussed such things with your partner or the person you cheat with
Sex work should not be criminalized and more of us need to standing up for the rights of sex workers
Masturbation is normal and doesn't have to be treated as sad or pathetic
Cishet people can be amazing allies. You can have your group of gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and trans people with a bunch of them included and it can be a fabulous group
Casting agents that don't allow for body and gender diversity don't deserve their job
The show gave us a whole PSA on pelvic exams????? HELP??????
I swear I'm still missing stuff but everything that The Warp Effect said is so special to me
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
I was rewatching the Mulan films to get that childhood nostalgia, and I remembered how much I love Mushu...
So I thought "what would the cast of TADC x reader be like, who is practically a copy of Mushu's personality", I imagine that in appearance he would be a Chinese dragon humanoid but with his personality
TADC cast x mushu type! reader !
im finally back on my computer, woohoo! ill probably answer a few requests, since i wanna draw stuff today </3 i dont really like leaving my wips unfinished for more than a few days TToTT side note i gotta rewatch mulan, used to be one of my favorite movies as a kid (though i barely watched movies back then so uh uh its not like there were many contenders </3) relying on the good ol character wiki to help me through this because its been so long since ive watched the movie
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i think caine would actually really enjoy you, a lot! in a weird way caine gives off similar energy, with the confidence and such you know? so you two probably bounce right off each other and build one another up... though sometimes this leads to more insane IHAs because you insist to caine that youre more capable than you actually are... as mean as that sounds... the only reason that things dont get too too chaotic is because caine, in my opinion, does hold some significant level of care for the circus members (at least as it stands for the pilot)
like would he die for them? probably not.. but he cares enough to keep the circus (mostly) safe and bothers with keeping them mentally stimulated and entertained; he doesnt even watch the IHAs himself so its likely that its not for his own entertainment
im getting off topic, though, point is i think you two would be friends !
honestly i struggle a lot with writing pomni, but i think the two of you would be friendly with one another ! i think she might be a little taken aback by your confidence, but hey, its not like its to anyones detriment, right? well... IHAs can get interesting, with you either insisting to run in, leroy jenkins style, into the conflict; or trying to push someone else to do (oftentimes ragatha, who i feel would be the most likely to do the most in IHAs if theres nothing pulling her away from it (cough cough checking on kaufmo cough cough)
honestly my brains a little fuzzy trying to remember mulan, but i feel like you and pomni would have a similar dynamic to mulan and mushu as well
i think jax would try to push you more than he does the others since oftentimes your reactions are more... out there, youre so desperate to prove yourself as this big strong individual that you kind of make an ass out of yourself. and jax revels in your humiliation everytime someone manages to humble you.. in terms of the other stuff, i think he would tease and make fun of any abilities you have.. assuming you also have (some) fire abilities like mushu, jax would just call you names like "matchstick" and "lighter boy", making fun of your weak fire powers
as mentioned in pomnis part, you and ragatha have... an interesting dynamic... but i can also see you two having a similar dynamic to mushu and cri-kee . with you being bold and ragatha keeping you grounded. often you two end up together during IHAs with either ragatha seeking you out or someone pushing you to her
not much to be said, i think ! very similar dynamic, ragatha keeps you in check, though i think she would occasionally scold you if you did something particularly reckless
ooo this ones a hard one, but i think it would be similar to my personal take on what his and caines dynamic would be but with you as a fellow circus member rather than the ring master... has respect for you (though i think kinger would have respect for just about everyone who has come and gone to the circus, he doesnt strike me as the type to just diss others unless theres a reason he doesnt like the person... and even then he would mind his own business, i think) which... honestly, i can see this either making your ego more intense or actually mean something to have someone actually respect you.. ponders... character degradation(?) or character growth.. both are fun routes, i think! ill leave this one up to you...
slides my favorite kinger thing
you guys tell each other stories about your adventures, both of you hyping them up way more than they need to be
writing zoobles part first because i think that they may be the hardest, but in the kindest way possible i dont think they would be able to stand your personality... maybe youre a little loud and out there, or maybe they just dont like your humor or often times self centered nature... i think they would tolerate you just enough to get through IHA but forming a friendship with zooble is going to be tough... though, they do find it amusing when you and jax butt heads
very similar to pomnis part, i think... but like, gangle is shy whereas pomni is nervous so things are a little different... i think gangle would just along with most stuff you decide to do, that you rope her into, because she doesnt have a backbone to say no or suggest something else.. well she doesnt have bones in general but... you know? honestly she kind of envies you in a weird way, she wishes she had the confidence you have so sometimes she probably approaches you for advice.. how this ends up is up to you !
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cornerful · 3 months
I love the conversation between Frodo and Boromir so much. So much. It's dripping with overarching themes and character work and the tension is electric the way it builds, the physical environment-as-cue, the parallels between Boromir and Bilbo, and Gollum, Boromir saying "so much depends on you" Boromir the first son of the steward of Gondor saying those words... thinking to sway Frodo with this conversation, yes, and it gets out of hand yes, but what does he say first he says 'may I sit with you' and 'none of us should be alone' and I just think of the mountain of responsibility heaped upon Boromir and how kind he is anyway, and it only twists the knife further that were this Ring not between them things would be different. Yet without the ring they would probably never have met.
And Frodo is so measured, so gracious, so strong in his resolve even though he is so scared, I love him, I love both of them, they are both so good, and that this is how they part...
That Frodo is forced to flee, that even if he heard Boromir calling after him and came back, how long until the madness that passed would return? That this desperate escape, not friendly counsel, is what pushed him to set off alone. That he must witness those around him fall to powerlust and violence, no matter how grand or valiant their hearts it may be no one can withstand the ring's influence. And the one thing Frodo cannot do is cast it away. He has to keep it, whatever it may do to him, and to protect those around him he must isolate himself?? Using his body and soul as a shield in the hopes of containing this dreadful, evil thing long enough to save everyone else from it for ever!!! Excuse me??
And that Boromir, if he could just understand what the ring is, would recognize Frodo's bravery and his wisdom. But he can't see it. He is in need, and the ring uses that. His crazed ramblings about how he would overthrow Sauron are all the more tragic for how hopeless they are. If he could he would 1v1 Sauron himself, this is the man that toot tooted at a Balrog. I think of Fingolfin in his last despair pounding on Morgoth's door with a fey light in his eyes, a tiny star under an engulfing cloud, blazing his challenge, and dying there in blood and dust. Because that is the real story, Boromir. That is how this ends.
The little hobbit, who looks younger but is actually older, who has raised a blade against an enemy only a handful of times, has the right of it. And maybe this gets missed sometimes but it says so much about Frodo that he fled. He could have used the ring to stab Boromir in the back. He has been carrying the thing on his body for longer than Boromir has even been in proximity to it, and has owned it for nearly twenty years on top of living in the same home as it for even longer. Boromir's direct threat to take it could have twisted his mind to possessive fury, but it doesn't. Frodo just runs, puts as much distance between them as possible, and that is such a significant act.
Not only that, but the minute he takes the ring off he puts the blame of Boromir's madness on it. He does not decide that Boromir has secretly been false this whole time, he does not even think of getting back at him, or ruminate in anger over what happened.
And Boromir dying, saying "I am sorry. I have paid." ??? Breaking of the fellowship more like breaking of my heart
It just kills me that anyone could possibly think either of them cowardly or unheroic.
Frodo and Boromir are both so incredibly brave and good and this is the hill I will not die on but live on because I will win!! I love them
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cerastes · 7 months
I know Chalter somehow is still a touchy subject in this game but I wanted to know something. So people are really gonna complain that much about her to end of days and yet just shit on new casters for being created because Eyja gets a pass? And haven't kept up but I think Eyja got a medic alt? So now she's there as well.
Mmm I think this is a case of A Pretty Widespread Opinion (Chung being disliked) vs prevalent opinions in different circles (Casters in a game with Eyja). And they have different flows to each other enough that I really don’t think — and have never before seen — they should be discussed in the same breath unless it’s to compare and contrast them. So let’s do that.
Long story short, Chung the Hung isn’t just a strong unit, she’s a strong unit that is also a one trick, one skill pony, that trick being Fucking Everything — DEF decrease, insane damage, true AoE, skill cycling & effective uptime, ease of use — you’d need to severely crush most maps or at least significantly reduce their difficulty. This unit is also a bikini-clad alternate version of a lore-heavy character armed with what basically amounts to a poluted water Super Soaker. On top of that, she completely outstrips the existing members of her type instead of being a stronger but not objectively superior alternative. Furthermore, her availability is limited. And finally, she very well set precedent that HG could start releasing lazy, gamebreaking limited units as much as they wanted. Chung isn’t just a case of “unit strong”, she carried with her implications. Opinions on her were mostly unified.
Eyja is a different case: She’s a powerhouse from launch, and while she does invalidate a lot of other Casters as the objectively superior option — worse of all Splash Casters, in conjunction with how undertuned Splashers were even without being compared to Eyja — it’s vastly different to look at a unit from launch be weirdly overtuned, likely not intentionally, than it is to look at a unit after more than a year into the game be weirdly overtuned and limited, definitely bloody intentionally. What’s more, Eyja is strong, for sure, but the opinions on her vary depending on who you ask: A Gamepress brainrotted zombie will probably parrot to you that she’s the best of the best forever, while other player groups will tell you, well, yeah, she’s strong, but Goldenglow and Ebenholz are probably more relevant nowadays. Ebenholz was called a garbage Caster for a while because he wasn’t as fire and forget as Eyja. Nowadays, anyone with the ability to rub braincells together will tell you that Eben is an insane boss killer and also helps a ton with general use with his S2.
Yeah, you’ll keep hearing “Eyja is better tho” forever, doesn’t mean it’s true, and it’s not really an opinion that is necessarily championed by everyone. Probably Gamepress zombies or y*utube grifters will parrot that and thus cast a wide web of influence, but, I mean, you can also look at high risk/max risk clears or runs of high waves IS3 or any sort of high end content, and you’ll find a lot of other units. Eyja included, of course, since she IS good, but not an untouchable — or untouched — god in the way some people might say she is, which is not everyone. “Eyja is the only good Caster forever” is something I personally hear from people that don’t play the game anymore but feel like bitching about it, personally.
Mind you, I like Ch’en a lot and don’t care for Eyja, so these aren’t biases, it’s simply what I’ve observed.
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nexility-sims · 4 months
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𝐍𝐎. 𝟔   ❛ 𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐲 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐝 ❜   |   NAKAWE SACRARIUM, DEC. 1990
❧  𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬  /  𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭.
❛ As Mateo probed, Leonor allowed their father’s responses to crest and crash over her. Each question cast a shadow. Each answer, the impact. She could see the scene he described playing out. They stood in the courtyard of the sacrarium, but they also stood out on the deck of the Safyanora. They watched. Although not up close, Leonor had seen the yacht. She recalled enough to have a stage for the tragedy that unfolded; years of memories brought to life the clouded, halting admissions her father uttered. They were ghosts on the deck, shouting at each other and breaking things and following the only script they knew.
❧ poor gil left out of the family huddle :/ i wonder where he is
𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝 & 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐭 ↓
It was true what she said—that she hadn’t wanted to think about it. Leonor knew on some level that, while she and her brothers were cloistered away at Nakawe Palace, the police questioned her father and the other passengers well into the next morning. They pieced together a version of events, and they shared that story with Mother Beatriz. The children received the barest fact: she had accidentally drowned. That was what Leonor’s mind fixed upon. Her mother’s absence, so fresh that it was difficult to truly grasp, took the form of Safya submerged, screaming, terrified. When Rodrigo entered the frame, it wasn’t as a comfort or a consolation. He was the anguished figure apologizing to her at the marina while flashbulbs remind them of the harrowing truth at the heart of their existence: ‘ Nothing is ever simple, and no one has ever respected her privacy. ’
Although unwilling to shy away herself, Safya had been fierce in defending her children from the harsh scrutiny inherent to public life. She insisted they receive the benefit of childhood. Mateo and Gil, still, enjoyed the privacy that propriety demanded for them. For her part, Leonor was no longer a child but had yet to find the spotlight glaring. She stood on the periphery where her mother, tall and strong, happily shaded her. The death was disorienting; in an instant, it plunged the family into a state of suspension. Yet, that great and awful pause, the moment after an explosion of tragedy knocked them to the ground, was coming to an end. It was Rodrigo who seemed to regain his senses first. In doing so, he reminded them that their mother was also no longer there to shield them. The shade was gone.
[R] Can I disturb you?
[R] I’m not sure it’s a good time for quiet reflection—not for me, not yet. I need to talk to you, if that’s okay.
[R] Nora?
[L] Okay.
[R] I’ve missed you. I’ve been worried about you.
[R] You must have questions—about everything, her, what happened that night. How could you not? [L] I didn’t want to think about it.
[R] You need to know it was a terrible accident. [L] I do. [R] There was ugliness, but it was normal. Everything was going to be fine, and then she just never came to bed, and I—
[M] Why are you out here without me? [R] Where’s your brother?
[M] Are you talking about her? [R] {Sighs.}
[R] Fine, together. There’s no good time for this conversation. Sooner is better. I was telling Leonor about what happened, how she— [M] She fell and drowned.
[R] Yes. But, well, you know what happens to us. Nothing is ever simple, and no one has ever respected her privacy. I just want you to be prepared for what comes next. Everyone else. The press. Others.
[M] I don’t … That’s not … Why would they do that to us? [M] You know why, sprout.
[R] I want you both to be brave and strong. But, you can’t do that unless you … Unless you feel like you know what’s going on. You can’t be in the dark about anything. I don’t want that—she didn’t, wouldn’t.
[M] Did you fight? [R] We did. [M] … Did anyone get hurt, before—? [R] A bottle broke. That’s this—see, small cut, that’s all. [M] And her? [R] She was drunk. Stumbling around, falling down. [M] Why were you fighting? [R] {whispering} We never needed a reason, did we? I don’t even remember. She walked off, and I went to bed, just exhausted, and then … She wasn’t there. She was gone, disappeared. Gone. I … I wish I hadn’t— {Rodrigo sighs, shakily.}
[M] I’m sorry. [R] I’m sorry. She should be here with you.
[M] We still have each other. We’re still a family.
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crilbyte · 17 days
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~Lucifer x Angel!Reader🪽
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Part 1 𖦹 Part 2 𖦹 Part 3 𖦹 Part 4 𖦹 Part 4.5 𖦹 Part 5
Summary: what happens between 4 and 5.
Warnings/promises: 18+, masturbation, pining, sadtimes.
Summary of part 4: You return to heaven to get your affairs in order only for everyone to be able to see you as tarnished. They know what happened and you are put on trial for it and punished. You are to be cast out of heaven, but first you are given to Adam for a 10 day long punishment of overindulgence of your sin. He gladly takes the job as revenge to Lucifer for stalking his wives. On day 10, Adam rips off your feather bracelet and Lucifer only then realizes just how much trouble you're in. He tries to save you only to have your livelihood threatened and is made to watch the rest of your punishment. In the end you fall unconscious and both men think that you have died. Lucifer flies into a rage only to black out and wake up back in hell. Alone.
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Lucifer wakes with a start, falling back onto the soft cushion of his bed inside the palace, the scent of hellfire and blood lingering in his nose. For a moment he lays there, dazed, trying to shake the image of Adam's smashed face from his mind. The nightmares come often, and he seems to always wake in the same panicked manner. He eventually calms himself, but it only lasts a moment before an even worse image takes its place. The image of your broken and lifeless body after Adam's assault.
Lucifer shoots up in his bed, the images now clear as day in his mind. "Shit..." He whispers, and there is pain in his voice.
No... this wasn't supposed to happen. you were an angel, you were meant to be strong… unkillable. The pain of losing you sets in again. He loved you... He can't imagine life without you. The realization hits hard... his fists clench, as if he could somehow hit his way out of the despair and loss that threatens to consume him. He loved you, more than he had loved anyone for a very long time... He had honestly believed that love would be enough to keep you safe.
He begins to think of your romantic night together, and a moment later a single tear traces its way down his cheek and lands on the bedspread as he remembers how perfect it was. He recalls every detail, from the scent of your hair to the softness of your skin beneath his fingers. It was all real...The memories flood back hard and fast, setting off an ache in his chest with each new vision. The night had been perfect, everything he had wanted it to be. The way you had smiled at him, your laugh, the feeling of your body against his... and now you were gone.
Dead. You're dead, he thinks to himself. That's it. A few months together, one night of bliss, and now the rest of eternity without you.
That's when Lucifer begins to scream his agony, the sound of a man who has lost everything echoing through his palace. He can't stop it. The tears continue to fall, and he can barely breathe for the force of his sobbing.
What will he do without you...? How can he go on?
For a while, he thought that there was no going on... he would just curl up in his bed and die; the rest of hell be damned. But then he thought about this whole mess. What would you want him to do?
He knew that you'd want him to stay strong. Despite the overwhelming pain the very thought brings, he finally straightens... And he's aware, that yes... that is what you would have wanted, for him to stay strong even when it was hard, and so he decides he will. He's still hurting, but somehow making that silent vow helps...
At first it's hard. Every morning is a chore, but morning by morning, day by day, it gets a little easier... Though his nights are still often filled with hauntingly bittersweet dreams of you that end too soon. He slowly starts to accept that, while you are forever in his heart, you are no longer by his side.
Then one night he has a dream of you like no other.
In this dream, he sees you standing by the bed. Your lips curve in a slow, seductive smile. The room is filled with the enticing scent of incense, the air thick with the anticipation of something deliciously sinful. You take a step closer, your eyes are gleaming with desire and amusement as you gaze at him. Your fingers trail down his chest slowly, leaving behind hot, tingling sensations. As the dream unfolds, it feels so real that he can almost feel your touch, your kisses… your caresses on his skin turn more passionate as you push him down. He eagerly welcomes you, the fire burning in his blood. You straddle him and take control of the situation. Your movements are hypnotic, like a sensual dance.
The world outside the room fades into nothingness, and it is just you two. You both breathe heavily, your hands exploring each other's bodies. The heat from the friction against each other slowly grows until neither can hold back anymore.
In the darkness of his room, he touches himself softly, remembering the dream. His fingers move with an urgency as he imagines your hands on him with their exquisite touch and warm embrace. He gently caresses his chest and stomach before moving lower to his throbbing member, grasping it firmly as he recalls your softness in his hands, your lips on him. His movements are slow at first, matching the rhythm of the dream, then faster as the memory becomes a reality.
Each stroke is filled with a mixture of pleasure, frustration, and longing. He thinks about you, your eyes, your voice, the way you touched him in his dream. His hand firmly grips his hardening member, fingers moving slowly in long, smooth movements up and down the full length. He indulges in the memory of the dream, letting his lust and desire play out as pleasure courses through him, imagining your body pressed up against his, your breath hot against his neck.
It's as if his body is aching to be close to you, the desire and lust overwhelming. With each stroke, his breathing becomes heavier, pleasure and satisfaction building within him. The memory of you in his dream only intensifies the bliss, as he touches himself, whispering your name. His eyes close as he envisions you in the darkness, and he whispers your name like a mantra. He craves to be wrapped up in your arms, but for now, this will have to do.
The thought of you in his mind and his hand tightly wrapped around himself, he can feel the release building deep within him. He bites his lip, anticipating the intensity you bring out in him. His movements become urgent, faster, almost desperate for that satisfying crescendo as he releases a low groan.
His breath hitches as his body tenses, the wave of pleasure radiates from his throbbing length in bursts. He imagines you there, kneeling before him, taking his release on your skin and in your hands.
His climax rushes over him like a tidal wave, his hips bucking against his hand as he imagines you on your knees before him. His cum shoots from him in ropes, coating his hand, chest, and abdomen. The satisfaction and pleasure ripple through him, a lingering sensation of contentment settles over him. He smiles to himself, knowing that just the thought of you has brought him such incredible release.
The euphoria fades quickly though, leaving him feeling empty and longing for you even more. The thought of waking up without you nearby still stings, the loneliness creeping back into his heart.
. . .
You wake with a start. Looking up you see a demon holding a broom, ready to hit you with it again, shooing you out of the alley beside their shop. With an apologetic bow, you stand and walk into the street, your hips still aching from sleeping on the hard ground. You head out of Pentagram City and make towards Cannibal Town.
Cannibal Town is a good place to reside during the day. Significantly less crime, if you don't count the murders and cannibalism. You aren't likely to get caught up in that randomly though. Mostly the cannibals reserve their frenzy for the already dead or people close enough to them for it to mean something to kill them. At night though, that's a whole different story. Anyone caught sleeping in the streets is fair game. You wondered if that's how they kept the place so nice, by inadvertently curbing the homeless population. Dark, but effective.
As you walk past shop after shop, looking for something to eat, some scraps, maybe forgotten or discarded food, you see a poster for the Hazbin Hotel. Seeing Charlie's face is like a dagger to the heart. She looks so much like her father.
You try to keep the thoughts at bay, and usually you could. You had significantly more pressing things to worry about, like finding food and not being murdered or attacked. But every now and again he'd slip back into your mind.
Lucifer. God, even his name was perfect.
You felt the tears coming before they arrived; ducking into a side street for privacy. You find a nice spot in a nearby park under a tree and curl up, hugging your knees, and just cry. You miss him. You want to see him. But you can't. You know you can't. He doesn't want to see you. If he did, he'd have come for you by now. Adam was right. He must have been so disgusted by your shared trauma that he couldn't bear to see you any longer. And well, if that's what he wanted, you loved him enough to respect that. It hurt. But seeing him turn you away would hurt so much more. You were sure of that.
So instead you cry, thinking of the times he smiled at you. The dates you didn't realize were dates until too late, the sweet things he'd say, the way he'd look at you…
Trying to avoid hyperventilating, you look up at the red sky through the leaves of the tree. Maybe you could go back today. Maybe he'd be there…
You stand, resolving to just go, and head towards the lake in Pentagram City that you used as a meeting place for your scheduled visits. You figure, if he was going to come to find you, that would be the first place he look. But you'd gone there hundreds of times now without seeing him. It'd been months now with nothing. But the hope kept you moving, kept you sane.
It was a long walk, but you find yourself at the edge of the lake just as the sun is setting. It's hauntingly beautiful. You imagine Lucifer there with you. Him holding you as you both sit there beneath the tree. A tear rolls down your cheek as you pretend to be living in a much happier timeline, meanwhile your heart aches, wishing for an end despite knowing that it cannot die…
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Some sadz before the happyz!
Taglist: @liveontelevision @honestlyshamelesskid
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