#and how much of it is he looks like mikado durarara
starlightshadowsworld · 6 months
Agency informant Izaya
Thinking about characters in Bsd who share the same voice actors as Durarara characters.
And how jarring it must've been, and still is at times for Izaya to hear a familiar voice from the past.
Izaya knows he can never right his past wrongs. It's not like anyone would believe him if he tried. The best he can do is leave Ikebukuro forever and that's what he's done.
He erased any part of him from the city and never looked back. But that doesn't mean the past hasn't followed him.
Izaya's seen Junichiro lose it and think of the young Dollars leader. The first time he met Lucy he was tempted to ask if she was in the possession of an ancient sword.
Everytime Izaya watches Dazai fail to flirt with a woman he gets a glimpse of Masaomi.
Sometimes Izaya wondered if this was the universe's way of punishing him. To never walk again and hear the ghosts of his past in his new friends.
It was all rather poetic.
But it didn't bother Izaya as much as he thought it might. Because it was another reminder that he'd changed.
Lucy always gave him his coffee order perfectly and he'd tell her a new fact or story. She'd pretend not to care but Izaya knew she was interested.
Anri would never willingly listen to a word he'd say, and for good reason.
Junichiro treated him like a equal not someone with immense power. He laughed when Izaya went on one of his rants, nothing like Mikado ever would.
And Dazai, Dazai trusted Izaya. He let Izaya in and Izaya didn't break him. He had lead Dazai away from the body of his friend to a life in the light.
Everytime Izaya saw Dazai smiling and goofing off at the Agency, he's reminded that he helped him get here.
Masaomi trusted Izaya once and Izaya ruined his life.
Izaya couldn't change the past, and frankly he wouldn't because it bought him here. So let his ghosts haunt him, he was happy.
It also hasn't escaped Izaya that Ranpo sounded like him.
Both of them subtly smirked across from the room, not needing words to share they both were on the same wavelength right now.
This was going to be fun.
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dreamyfreak · 1 year
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Favourite ships in Durarara!!: Izamika
I have wanted to create this gifset for a very very very long time and dedicate it to the lovely @mikadokyun who makes amazing Izamika art and shares the same obsession with me about this ship😊
I'm aware that Shizaya is FAR more popular among the DRRR!! fans and in the past I actually loved this pairing very much myself. But in course of time, I realized how toxic it actually is to ship them since they're overly agressive towards each other and...well actually want to kill each other. This shall not be any hate towards any Shizaya shippers out there but to me this ship doesn't have the same thrill anymore as it once used to.
Instead, I started liking Izaya and Mikado more together about 5 years ago and since then they belong to my TOP 10 ships^^ I mean, Izaya himself said that Mikado is his favourite human among all human beings and that he finds him utterly fascinating. And then the way he always looks at Mikado with his beautiful red eyes!!!😍 Besides, I honestly think they look so pretty together and that Mikado is secretly also quite smitten with Orihara-san😉
I know the fanbase of this ship is quite small, unfortunately. But I still hope some people out there share the same thoughts about Izamika as me and find a little joy in this gifset!^^
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azumasoroshi · 1 year
minidura chapter 2 react (izaya has stopped functioning)
i already forgot what i named the last post whoops
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shizuo jumpscare
as a psychology student who is also taking sociology goddamn do i love the whole community aspect of durarara and the forms. wish i could start a festival in my town just by suggesting it online somewhere. it's so cool how you have no idea of the qualifications of the people you talk to (just like on tumblr except this is all ikebukuro people. and izaya)
i wonder if izaya being the only member of the cast (afaik) to not live in ikebukuro is symbolic of how he feels has to distance himself from the chaos at least a little bit in order to not get swept up in it himself. it's like a self restraint type thing
that's probably really obvious though forgive me im still dutsing off my character analysis lack-of-skills ANYWAY
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tom is such a malewife honestly
i dont think ive ever had chocolate bananas before. huh. strawberries sure bananas nah
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he looks so cute in that last panel ghghghjhhrhghgghjf
i dont get to see enough of normal laid back shizuo behavior with all the shizaya art i look at lmfAOO
i swear to god if celty's in a kimono 💀 shinra is about to be the most annoying man alive
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stupid puns my beloved
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the way tom's eyes are drawn in that last panel reminds me of like. american cartoon but i cant put my finger on it
is it arnold from the magic school bus or is it arthur from arthur. who knows
"you absolutely cant get into a fight today" ah so the peace wont last. damn
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i cant wait for izaya to show up this chapter and annoy the living hell out of shizuo
maybe i should make eggplantzaya my profile picture (i wont because im too attached to rantaro. not even him as a character just the profile picture) (also because i cant remember where i found the profile picture and im too scared to let it go)
i see that blurb with the really cute izaya picture on the left and im assuming it's just a "this is orihara izaya btw. he's really annoying and shizuo hates him for ruining his life" type thing but god i wish i could read it anyway ill take any crumbs
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oh nvm he's getting shafted for now, we transition to-
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celty in a kimono is inevitable. you cannot escape
she is cute though <3 this might be her first festival since she's irish too damn
that just reminded me god i wish celty talked in a super thick irish accent. some people have already mentioned that but im reiterating it because maybe some abridged series will consider it
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wait oh my god is this gonna be another hotpot party type "izaya organized all this because he's lonely and wants an excuse to hang out with people that tolerate him" thing. amazing wonderful i love the izaya slander going on in this manga today
and i was about to say "oh i guess that wasnt izaya's silhouette in the shizuo-tom panel" but he's holding a chocolate banana 💀rip tom's pay i guess
i can imagine how that went but i dont think ill have to imagine for much longer
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oh yeah it was right in the next panel lmAO at least you got free food izaya dont complain
"he looks like he's having fun" awwwwwwwwwwwww nothing more fun than ticking off shizuo and not getting hurt in the process
just realized he has the constantly closed eyes pff gin ichimaru lookin edgy ass bitch
he opens his eyes like it's a dramatic supervillain reveal but it's really just him being lonely. thanks for always exposing him shinra mwah
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WHY IS HE ACTING SO EVIL. doing the fucking arm spread like this is a bad thing what is wrong with him
i love how mikado shinra and celty are looking at each other like "this fucking guy. cant have one normal conversation"
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i know shinra is laughing his ass off beneath those glasses rn
izaya's face is amazing actually. you know that one scene in bungou stray dogs wan where atsushi gets dazai a gift and dazai glitches out and stops processing information because he doesnt know how to handle appreciation. this is literally that scene
huh. now i understand why durarara and bsd always get recommended together
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literal proof that izaya ceases to function when someone actually likes him. idc that this isn't canon it's canon because i say so
(side note MAN did they have to give airi noticable cleavage even in her chibi form. come on. you didnt do it for celty you dont have to do it to her 😭 the amount of fanservice with her drives me nuts in the main series)
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my man is BROKEN just look at him
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local gay baby realizes he accidentally made everyone happy. oops
walker and erika in the background too <3 they're so cute ugh
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i knew itd be another hotpot thing oh mygod he's so. fucking idiot you couldve just tagged along with them 😭
it's only once he imagines shizuo that he snaps too pffffffffft
also namie appearance!!!!!!! hope she appears more in future chapters
10/10 chapter would bully izaya again
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oops almost missed the ending drawing!! so cuteeee <3333
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four-loose-screws · 3 years
An Interview with Mr. Toshiyuki Toyonaga about Fire Emblem (Claude‘s Japanese VA), Pg. 4
Spoiler Warning: This page briefly mentions a huge plot spoiler for FE4, Genealogy of the Holy War. If you haven’t played it yet and want to go in totally blind, I wouldn’t even read this page yet.
If you’re okay with a vague mention that doesn’t say anything about the events but does mention when a huge plot twist happens, just skip the note labeled with this symbol -> ፠
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Toshiyuki Toyonaga
Actor, voice actor, and singer.
Born on April 28th, 1984. From Hachiōji City in Tokyo. Blood type B. Member of the comedy group “Super Eccentric Theater” (SET). Winner of the Main Male Voice Actor Award at the Twelfth Voice Actor Awards in 2018. He has a variety of nicknames, including but not limited to, Tosshii, Toshi-kun, and Toyōdo (the last one comes from his role as Claude in Fire Emblem).* His main roles include Mikado Ryuugamine from “Durarara!!” and Yuuri Katsugi from “Yuri!!! on Ice,” among many others. He’s even an active singer and songwriter for “T’s MUSIC”!
Signature: Claude von Riegan
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It’s a fantasy of righteous rulers known for having swords and dragons, and there’s wars that span across the entire continent. 
Toyonaga: Yes. Of course, the games just look like dots on a screen, but, probably because I’m such a day-dreamer, I can imagine perfectly inside my head my own interpretation of the image of the battlefield. When a character says “Charge!” I picture the armies advancing, and when someone says “Everyone, fall back!” I picture them retreating, and so on. I think maybe that’s what got me really hooked on the series. Because war is the theme, the games sometimes show cruel images and sad stories, but that makes them all the more immersive. The main characters suffer terrible treatment, learn who is really pulling the strings, and much more. But because the worst traits of humans are depicted so well, the empathy you feel, and the thoughts those things make you think, feel all the more powerful. I think I like the feeling that the game isn’t trying to get weirdly close to the player. ...When I say all those things together, it sounds like maybe I’m a masochist. Laughs.
Toyonaga: I think the feeling that you are vicariously experiencing history is very fascinating.
Is that because of titles like titles like Genealogy of the Holy War on the Super Famicom?**
Toyonaga: Yes. Stories like the end of Sigurd’s tale in Genealogy are of course, um…፠
They’re emotional tales, aren’t they?
Toyonaga: Yes, very much so. That is, of course, the very first time I thought, “Hey, wait, this is a joke, right!?” At that time, I was at an age where, until that moment, I had enjoyed thinking up strategies based on who was strong, or had good stats, rather than paying attention to the story, So I didn’t think I had the ability to read into deep moments like that. And then I was even more surprised, and shouted, “No way!” when the children of Sigurd’s army appeared! I remember being moved, while also thinking “So that’s why this game has a marriage system!”
Your Feelings Regarding Things Related to Fire Emblem
How did it feel when you received the offer to work on Three Houses?
Toyonaga: I think this is how it goes with just about every game, but at first, I’m told about the game before I know anything about it. This time, while following along with the script and thinking about what type of game Three Houses is, I also started to think, “This isn’t Fire Emblem, is it!?” laughs
You figured it out!
Toyonaga: I did! Then, I confirmed it with the manager, and said, “I knew it!” And a while later, I realized, “It’s a brand new game!?!?” As a gamer, it made me really excited. laughs While recording my role, I was of course really happy, but… hm, how can I describe the feeling… I like FE too much, so I didn’t want to be personally involved in it… but I also felt honored to be involved… something like that. But that dilemma only lasted for a brief second. From the moment I found out, I was mostly just happy.
That was all because it ended your relationship to Fire Emblem as just a fan, right?
Toyonaga: Yes, that’s exactly it. In the end, because I’m a fan, I felt that my feelings of “what I imagine Fire Emblem to be” were the best way to help me play the role of Claude von Riegan in a variety of ways. In Three Houses in particular, there are many traditional aspects of the story that remind me of the FE games I played as a child, so I couldn’t give anything less than my best work.
So you’re saying you have a personal relationship with Fire Emblem. ...Though you approach everything in a sincere and earnest manner, don’t you?
Toyonaga: Of course I give it my all when I perform a role in any project! Laughs. In a way, that’s my philosophy, but it’s a way of thinking that gives as much as it takes. By that I mean, I don’t think it’s good to worry too much, but yeah.
፠The end of Sigurd’s tale: [Spoiler alert!] At the end of Sigurd’s (the main character of the first part of the story) tale, he finally returns home after overcoming countless hardships, but is executed at the ceremony supposedly celebrating his triumphant return. The curtain closes with no answer as to whether his allies survived or not.
*T/N: The Japanese pronunciation of Claude is Kurōdo. Toshi + Kurōdo = Toyōdo.
**T/N: Japanese equivalent to the Super Nintendo.
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coffintownkids · 3 years
Ahh, forgot to mention I actually did blow through all of volume 1 of the Durarara!! light novel over the weekend. After reading so many outrageously long danmei novels lately, I forgot that I usually get through books pretty quickly. (How much I retain from them is another matter.
Here’s my thoughts so far:
I had been wondering where all the portrayals in fic of Shizuo being a drinker/possibly an alcoholic came from. Figured it was one of those weird fanon things where bartender outfit=drinker for no reason. But nope! The dude spends the first book either fighting Izaya or getting drunk and...whining about Izaya. Also apparently beat a bar manager for having an existential crisis. (Not sure if he just beat the guy at the bar he was at or if that’s how he got himself fired from his bartender job.) I dunno if this continues through the rest of the LN series, but I honestly wasn’t expecting him to actually be a drinker for some reason. I had convinced myself somehow that his super-strength made alcohol not work on him.
Also lol at him being friends with Celty solely because she’s mute because people talking piss him off. This may be a translation issue (as I haven’t tracked down an ebook copy in Japanese from any of my usual sources) but Celty does come across as...angrier? than in the show. Not towards Shizuo, mind you, but just in general. It’s not a bad change at all. She certainly should be pissed, all things considered. Also, her knowing what the Razzies are did make me laugh.
Was not expecting for the book to be so upfront about Mikado being the head of the Dollars already. It’s only Book 1! There’s 12 more to go still (for the original series) so I didn’t think Mikado would get revealed so quickly. Or that he’s such an adrenaline junkie. Though it sure hasn’t scratched the surface of him being the craziest motherfucker in the whole series.
Kadota and his people are way crazier. They 100% come across as a gang crew, rather than solid friends who will surprise people with their antics.
Again delving into what I think is more fanon (and it’s been a while since I’ve seen the show) but Kadota doesn’t really know Izaya all that well? Like, it almost sounds like they haven’t seen each other since high school. I’d always gotten the impression from the show that they got on as well as anyone gets on with Izaya. Izaya, I’m sure, has kept track the entire time. He’s enough of a desperate weirdo. He also no doubt hands out nicknames like candy to ensure people remember him. Very strange to look at all of this in retrospect and realize how one-sided a lot of his interactions are.
This is definitely because I ultimately know how it all turns out, but Izaya comes across as a much sadder character. That whole bit about not believing in god but being desperate for there to be a heaven was...a lot. I know he’s just supposed to come across as manic and basically batshit here, but it sure hits different knowing how fucked up he really is.
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cynthiaandsamus · 3 years
Custom Toonami Block Week 69 (Nice) Rundown
Code Geass: So this episode is kind of a ride, like fuck. We kinda yadda yadda how Lelouch fucking escaped from Nunally’s sinking airship and just have Rolo sitting over him in bed kind of conflicted that he’s still stuck on his old little sister, so therefore he programs the tvs in Lelouch’s train to blast Nunally’s appointment but it’s funny because he probably didn’t even have to do that because directly after that Lelouch runs into the station and Nunally shit is just everywhere, like I get it’s a metaphor but it’s just funny that Rolo had to plan for him to run into something Nunally-related only for him to run out of the plan and run into ten times more Nunally shit. Then we get Kaguya claiming herself, Kallen and CC as Zero’s harem directly followed by a depressed Lelouch hypnotizing a bunch of street punks to exercise, about to do drugs and asking to fuck Kallen, like this episode is fucking ridiculous and parts are hilariously contrived, thankfully Kallen slaps the shit out of him and Rolo’s like “yo bro we don’t need that bitch, come on and live it up in this ridiculously racist system and the one place where it’s slightly less racist with me” and then they go back to school and have the “Happiness is Like Glass” scene which is genuinely amazing and moving, like for all the weird zany stuff that happens in the first part of this episode, this is a little oasis of pure sincerity and quality where Lelouch makes a promise he knows he won’t be able to keep. Inspired by this amazing moment, Lelouch returns to the Black Knights with the thought of “Maybe there are other reasons to destroy an oppressive dictatorship aside from my one ridiculously crippled sister” which he probably should’ve thought of before. And then he defeats Suzaku’s navy with the power of FUCKING BUBBLES, like yeah, this episode is right back to being crazy ridiculous but Lelouch is back and wants in on Nunally’s special zones… okay, phrasing.
Inuyasha: So we open with a scene of Kagome playing cards with Miroku which is genuinely adorable if pointless, but it just makes me laugh that Miroku and Sango seem to know all the rules of the game but are still stumped when Kagome tells them they’re Playing Cards, probably a culture thing. Anyway, Inuyasha has to kill a Barrier Demon to get the power to break barriers, which is a bit of a conundrum because Barrier Demons have, you know, barriers, which Inuyasha currently cannot break. Worse still said demon is a little girl and a half-demon like Inuyasha which understandably puts him in quite a quandary. Inuyasha does his usual thing of “Let’s just go in swinging and figure out the rest later but Shiori’s grandfather deflects the admittedly cool-looking Water Wind Scar Inuyasha throws at them with Shiori’s barrier. Shiori’s mom is all “Gimme back my daughter you said you’d stop attacking us if I let you have her” and he’s all like “Well make me, I have a fucking barrier and can hold you hostage” so everyone’s generally pissed off about the situation and Shiori’s granddad with the long name sends all the bat demons to go destroy the village which makes no fucking sense because the only reason she’s still cooperating is so they won’t hurt her mom, without her she has no reason to keep doing it but I guess he’s hoping having nothing to live for will make her do what he says out of nihilism or some shit.
Yu Yu Hakusho: Yusuke gets to face off against Suzaku, the final boss of the Saint Beasts and the gang get to demonstrate the teamwork lessons from this arc by doing a reenactment of the jumping Bahamut scene from Advent Children so Yusuke can get up the tower to fight him. It’s really pretty cool how they splice in Keiko’s Day of the Dead montage with Yusuke fighting Suzaku, tying things together thematically and culiminating in Yusuke and Keiko both fucking decking their opponents. I also really like how Yusuke’s so confident Keiko won’t go down to a zombie hoard so easily, like she’s not a fighter but she’s smart and has got guts so he’s pretty sure she can last a while while he pretends to punch Suzaku with his shoes. Overall a really good start to the fight that means Yusuke still has to wiggle his way out after using his Spirit Gun already and Suzaku still has a lot of shit to pull.
Fate Zero: So Saber and Lancer do their fight and there’s a bunch of fightnobabble talk that someone who’s actually held a weapon in their life would probably enjoy but to me is just “Oooh cool jabbies, flashing lights” which is still fun. Basically everyone’s watching though, Kirei has his ninja squad on the job, Kiritsugu’s Black Ops is monitoring things and Iskander is watching from the Radical Highway Bridge from Sonic Adventure 2. Eventually Iskander is like “Well damn they might kill each other if this keeps up” and Waver’s like “yeah duh.” And Iskander shows who wears the booty shorts in this relationship by storming into the fight against Waver’s wishes cause he wants to fight everyone anyway. So yeah, giant lightning chariot in the middle of this First Boss battle.
Konosuba: Now that the party’s all formed the group settle into a daily routine of Kazuma being Megumin’s wheels for her Explosion training, Aqua being a waitress and Darkness doing… probably better not to think about what Darkness is doing. Anyway, Megumin bombs the shit out of a Dullahan’s castle and before the Dullahan can call his friend Celty to come kick her ass, Darkness gets hit with a death spell and he issues a challenge to Megumin to come to the tower of the Four Saint Beasts and (wait wrong anime again) but Aqua just breaks the curse on her own and they just don’t bother showing up. In the manga this is really funny because Aqua’s in a maid outfit from her waitress job and just does it like it’s nothing and then they show a panel later of the Dullahan waiting for them like “The fuck when are they getting here…”.
Sailor Moon Crystal: So for some reason even though we only have three of the five Sailor Guardians, Luna decides this is the time to give a recap and reintroduce our protagonists for the first part of this episode. Anyway there’s a big party to celebrate a dated princess Di reference that’s kind of in poor taste at this point and Usagi and friends get in based solely on having fancy dresses and being hot, man I had no idea getting in with rich people was that easy. Anyway, Usagi gets a new tiara because of love and shit and gets an upgraded Ancient Egyptian Laser Beam from the moon. The Four Kings show up to be all “Ha-ha! You defeated my demon but now there’s all four of us and even though we still think you have the crystal and outnumber you and there will never be a moment when you’re weaker than this we will now… LEAVE FOR NO REASON!” like the logic of people in this show oh my fucking god. But of course the dated princess reference’s treasure isn’t the crystal they’re looking for and Tuxedo Mask kisses Sailor Moon while she’s asleep which is definitely sexual assault there was no fucking consent there, I don’t care if they’re moon soul mates or whatever she barely knows who he is and wasn’t conscious. But yeah Luna calls him out on his shit and despite clearly being an ally he has to be all edgy and be like “Well maybe I’m a friend, maybe I’ an enemy, who knows~” because I think he gets his power from how mysterious he is, like he’s going to be utterly useless if anyone figures out who he is, not to mention Luna already knows his identity but for some reason doesn’t tell Usagi. Idk man I just have a hard time following the logic of this fucking show…
Durarara!!: So yeah, this is the “The Yagiri Family is fucked” episode Namie has a weird fucked up brocon yandere thing going on, Seiji’s an asshole that because of having two stalker yanderes going after him has become a fractured manchild that thinks love is everything and pretends he knows shit but knows less shit than pretty much everyone around him and has his sister do all the shit for him. But yeah, Celty sees Seiji with the girl with her head and freaks out, and Shinra A DOCTOR if you remember says “Hey maybe your head just attached itself to a corpse Parasyte style” like either he’s a terrible doctor and really thinks that or this is a smokescreen to make Celty think her head has moved on and she should too which is a fucked up level of gaslighting. But yeah, Mikado takes Head Girl, Seiji keeps stabbing people with pens for some reason, luckily it’s mostly Shizuo so it doesn’t do anything, and Izaya’s just like “oh shit, chaos, I’m down”. Basically everyone is awful in this episode except for Mikado who just wants to help and doesn’t know shit, Celty who’s doing her best, and Shizuo who’s just awesome as usual.
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yandereboss · 4 years
May I request some headcanons for yandere!Izaya, please?
Even though its been a few years I’ve actually been hoping for another season of Durarara. But other things have filled the void shaped Durarara in my Durarara shaped heart. 
Because the world isn’t as bad as you think.. or maybe it is with Izaya on your trail.  
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
- You’ve heard of the infamous info-broker of Ikebukuro you approach him first out of needing information.
- Or you move to the city out of nowhere and he’s the one who introduces himself to you because of bored curiosity and for mild entertainment value. 
- Long story short news travels fast and it comes to your attention he’s bad news, but nothing ‘horrible’ has happened to you yet.
- Your just another pawn on his board, so naive and easy to manipulate maybe he’ll come up with a use for you later.
- He always does, so its the reason why he keeps you around in the first place.
- In the mean time he enjoys seeing how you react to the different situations and instances he throws you in.
- But some deep repressed part of him longs to vulnerable with at least one person.
- For whatever reason he finds himself slipping. Izaya will seek you out to just talk maybe finally you’re being pulled into one of his dangerous schemes. 
- It’s strange how he finally gets attached to a single person like a child becomes enamoured with a pet. That’s all it is at first a small clandestine obsession. 
- Soon he’s become more controlling but since day one you’ve always been under his thumb so its hardly noticeable at all.
- Usually he’s driven by logic but irrationality is a constant if it has to do with you.
- Somehow you’ve found yourself in the position of being one of the only people besides Shinra to be labeled a ‘friend’ by Izaya sarcastically.   
- However, its a frustrating endeavour with the new found emotions he has for you. It’s intense for days that he can’t think straight that he has to figure out what’s going on.
- Its scary when his insane wild love of humanity starts to get directed at only one person, you.
- You’re not annoying in the way Shizuo or the rare stalker fans of his. No you’re so sickeningly ordinary, a plain human but the fact is he comes to see you as his. 
- Once he’s managed to convince you his feelings are genuine and not a game your relationship won’t be very different from before just that he’s more affectionate.
- Izaya lets you have free rein of the city, clearly it wouldn’t be much fun if he locked you up but aside from causing his usual trouble his eyes and ears are on you at all times. 
- Don’t even look at Shizuo, Shinra, or Mikado…
- As much as I’d like to think that he’d give harsh physical punishments because he is cynical how he deals with misbehaviour is psychological abuse instead. 
- Every time you reject him his invisible heart hurts so in return he only makes you feel what he feels. Deep inside he feels super lonely and you fill the void.   
- If anything were to get in the way of your relationship is totally ready to destroy Ikebukuro.
- Lastly Izaya adores when you wear his jacket.
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autumn-foxfire · 4 years
For the ask game- Kida Masaomi from Durarara (b/c I was obsessed with him for foreverrrr) and Fatgum from BNHA (just b/c I think he's neat)
Kida Masaomi:
favourite thing about them: I love how flirty he is. Dude has got some serious balls to just go up and flirt with women much older then him. Also how he will just flirt with 5 girls at once. 
least favourite thing about them: Dude, my friend, why did you run away from your friends when they needed you?! I don’t understand his reasoning for running away or why he didn’t just come back. I’m reading the novels now so I might gain some extra insight but right now I just don’t know why he couldn’t just come back.
favourite line: when he calls Anri boobielicious to her face ‘If you think it’s a flaw, fix it’ (I’m pretty sure he said that) It’s actually really good advice
brOTP: Chikage and Masaomi. Chikage just casually tries to beat him up and when he learns the situation is more complex then he thought, kidnaps him so he can help him confront Mikado. The guy’s a true friend.
OTP: I actually really like his relationship with Saki despite the rocky start. They’re very sweet together and she’s very supportive without being too harsh or a pushover.
nOTP: Masaomi and Izaya. I’m pretty sure it’s obvious as to why I don’t like them together.
random headcanon: Dude pretends he’s got game but the first time Saki offered to go further then kissing, he panicked and backed out. Saki teases him over it forever.
unpopular opinion: He blames Izaya for his problems too quickly and just assumes he’s responsible for everything.
song i associate with them: The bird and the worm by the used, at least at first.
favourite picture of them: he looks so shocked and scared and it broke my heart (I’m a sucker for angst)
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Fatgum/ Taishiro Toyomitsu (I think he’s neat too)
favourite thing about them: He’s just so friendly and kind and underrated (I was so shocked when I learned he was ranked 58! This guy tackles the yakuza and underground smuggling rings and is completely lovable so why isn’t he ranked higher?!)
least favourite thing about them: That we don’t see more of him. That’s it. I wish we saw more of him because he’s actually really cool and someone stop me before I gush over him again.
favourite line: ‘Some buns comin’ in hot’ seriously Fatgum. He managed to cheer up a very dark chapter for me.
brOTP: I want him to meet Hawks and them bond over food! Let him take the birb out to all the best chicken restaurants around and become friends! Please Horikoshi!!
OTP: I don’t know, I don’t really have one for him yet. He hasn’t been shown close to many pros that I would really ship him with.
nOTP: Same as OTP.
random headcanon: I’d love if the dude just gave his spare hoodies to his friends so you’ll sometimes see people he’s close to wearing very oversized hoodies that are more like dresses then anything else.
unpopular opinion: Hmmm, I don’t think I have one, unless it’s unpopular to wish we get to see more of him.
song i associate with them: For the glory (but it’s a song I apply to the heroes as a whole rather then just him. I don’t think I listen to many songs that could apply to him personally)
favourite picture of them: The dude has no right looking as cool as he does here
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orihara-infobroker · 5 years
I should be writing but instead, my brain is meandering. I was thinking about the visual presentation of the characters in Durarara a few days ago and went flipping through the first novel. The anime presents them very differently than the descriptions in the books and it kind of makes me sad to see those changes because I don’t think they’re positive ones. 
Specifically, the one that I think bothers me the most is our protagonist, Celty:
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^^ Anime version of Celty
Below are some descriptions from the first novel, where we are introduced to her:
The shadow of a figure stood over him. Not metaphorically, either—it was a shadow. The figure was dressed in a black full-body riding suit without a single pattern or logo on it, making it look as though the black material had been dipped into even darker ink. Only the reflection of the parking garage lights signified that there was even something physical there at all. From the neck upward was even stranger. An oddly designed helmet sat atop the figure’s neck. In comparison to the uniform blackness of the body, the shape and patterning of the helmet seemed somehow artistic. It didn’t clash with the overall dark look, however. The faceplate of the helmet was like the dark mirrored glass of a luxury car. It showed nothing of what lay behind the glass, only the distorted reflection of the lights overhead.
<The guy riding the black motorcycle—has no head.>
Celty had been patrolling Ikebukuro for twenty years, and for much of that time, she’d known this man. Of course, he had no idea of Celty’s true nature or her gender, but Shizuo was also the kind of man who didn’t bother with little details like that.
Hair as black as darkness, just tracing over her eyes, features that were carved into her heart long in the distant past—right atop the shoulders of the woman stumbling across the sidewalk in her pajamas!
Rumors had spread about the headless rider, but the rumors didn’t identify her as a woman or a dullahan. She didn’t feel a particular need to hide these things, but neither did she plan to reveal them.
So yeah... We have an androgynous form of a person that almost everyone mistakes as being male. Even Shizzy. Also, her head has black hair.
Yet the anime puts her in a catsuit, gives her obvious female features ( . Y . ) and changes her hair to brown, which I am guessing is to emphasize her not-Japaneseness? But there’s no significant reason to change her physicality. Especially when you’re talking about Celtic fae who are very often quite androgynous in their beauty.
And the catsuit thing is just plain objectification. Biking suits do not look like catsuits. They are actually quite different. They’re leather and usually armoured to protect the wearer from injury. They don’t have the vinyl catsuit look that is given to Celty (or later Vorona whose biking leathers also look more like catsuits than actual bike gear).
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I know there are plenty of reasons why they might have made changes to characters, some of which might actually be valid, but it still bothers me because I know that on some level the choice was sexy-sells because Celty isn’t the only character who faces this.
Shizuo is actually spot-on between books and anime, for example. As are Mikado and Masaomi.
But Big-Tits McSchoolGirl (Anri) is not. Nowhere in the first novel is she described as having big tits.
Izaya is also not entirely the same. I mean, on the one hand, they make him an anime pretty boy, which he is in the books, but they give him a very nondescript outfit and that’s not how he’s described. You can’t get more generic than black slacks, black shirt, black jacket. but the novel says this of him:
But in the next moment, all of that was destroyed as a fresh new maelstrom of anxiety and excitement burst into life. “Hey.” It was a very pleasant voice, crisp and clear and vibrant, as though being hailed by the pure blue sky itself. And yet, the instant he heard that voice, Masaomi grimaced as though he’d been shot in the back with arrows. He slowly turned in the direction of the voice, an instant sweat congealing on his face. Mikado turned the same way and saw a young man with an equally pleasant face. He looked soft and gentle, but with a bold, intrepid edge—a perfect materialization of some ideal of handsomeness. His eyes were warm and all-accepting but glinted with a hard scorn of anything that wasn’t himself. His outfit, while possessing its own personality, did not show off any obvious features or characteristics. All in all, he was very difficult to grasp or classify. Even his age was indistinct based on appearance alone. He had to be more than twenty at least, but there was no way to tell anything beyond that.
Everything clicked into place for Mikado. The man not to get involved with. The man not to make an enemy out of. But the fellow standing before him didn’t seem all that dangerous. Aside from his sharp gaze and handsome features, he seemed like any other young man. Even his plain, glossy black hair stood out amid all the bleached and dyed hair around him. He looked like the kind of sharp young man that would be teaching at a cram school out in the country somewhere. He’s more normal than I expected, Mikado thought, and decided to introduce himself.
Izaya chuckled shyly. If that expression was the only thing to go on, he’d never be mistaken for someone fully immersed in the criminal underworld from head to toe.
In Izaya’s left hand, held behind his back, was a very sharp knife. The scariest part was that Mikado had been watching the man’s movements the entire time, but he never noticed where the knife came from or when he’d slashed the bag free of the strap. Izaya smartly folded up the knife and slipped it into the sleeve of his suit jacket, all one-handed behind his back. Mikado felt like he was watching a magician at work.
Now I don’t know about other people but I don’t find this:
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To be an outfit that has any personality. Aside from the coat. Which... Maybe this is because I am Canadian but... coats with fur lining aren’t that weird? I mean, not even winter coats but we have fall/spring coats with fur trim? So why does everyone comment on his coat? Why is it so weird to y’all? But the rest of his outfit has absolutely no personality whatsoever. Literally, the blandest thing you could wear.
And the last quote: when he meets Mikado during the bullying incident, he’s wearing a suit, my dudes. A suit. In which he hides knives. :3 Give me more Izaya-suit-porn pls. Need it. For research. :3
I know anime has a habit of sticking characters with a single, identifiable outfit but honestly, they could have given him something better. And it’s not that I’m opposed to his look exactly... I just don’t think it entirely lines up with his character.
So yeah... These are just some points from the first novel. I might go through more of the novels at some point and do this for other characters too because I’m curious. When I read them the first time, it was with the anime images already in my mind as visuals so I didn’t pay as much attention to physical descriptions.
Done rambling for now... XD
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Durarara Pirates of the Caribbean AU:
Basically the same as normal Durarara, but everyone is wearing pirate outfits all the time!
Mikado is the Elizabeth-esque character, in the sense that he ends up on a pirate ship somewhat by accident and appears at first glance to be entirely innocent and inexperienced, but over time he proves to be really good at it, until suddenly all the other pirate brethren are calling him ‘King’ and he’s commanding war fleets, and all that jazz.
Anri still has her cursed sword, of which legends are told in every port across the globe. No one really knows it’s a cursed sword, though. From the outside, during a standard pirate melee, it just looks like a normal sword, nothing suspicious about it.
Masaomi and the story of the Yellow Scarves is pretty much the same. The crew broke up after a devastating loss to the Blue Squares, which sank their ship. Most of the survivors assume that their former captain went down with it. These days Masaomi is happy to live in relative anonymity, letting himself get caught up in Mikado and Anri’s adventures instead of leading his own.
Celty is the old sea goddess, but unlike Calypso, she’s been cursed to stay in her (almost) human form until she meets her true love. Her story mirrors that of the original Calypso, of Greek mythology: One day, Shinra washes ashore on the island where she lives alone, and she nurses him back to health. Once he’s better and wants to get back to his life in the real world, she decides to hang on to her human form for a little and goes with him.
Russia Sushi is neutral ground, located on Tortuga. There’s not a huge market for sushi in that area, but they also have a variety of decent alcohol, so business is good. 
Tom is an accountant, dammit, not a pirate. Yes, he takes bribes and passes them along to the various port officials. That’s part of his job. But that doesn’t make him a pirate. He doesn’t loot and plunder. 
Shizuo is his bodyguard and no, your sword Will Not work on him, so don’t even bother trying. Pay the money you owe and maybe he won’t break your legs for turning it in late.
Izaya is the most comparable thing to Jack Sparrow in this narrative: a human with no special powers, more than a little out of his mind, always getting roped into complex series of plots and double crossings. He only cares about himself, and even though it might seem at times like he’s helping you out, you best believe that he only has his own interests in mind. He’s a pirate if ever there was one, but he owes no loyalty to any ship or crew. No one really knows how he manages to be everywhere, with a hand in every little thing, when he doesn’t even have his own ship.
The other Ikebukuro gangs are represented too, of course, as their own pirate crews with their own goals and ambitions. There are frequent battles among them. You might fight with one crew one day, and ally yourself with them the next. You know. Like pirates do.
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funeralfeastanon · 5 years
I would like to expand the Durarara and Baccano ask game to the rest of the questions :D
Can do, anon. ;)
Ask game is here. Questions 1, 3, 7 and 17 have already been answered here. Spoiler warning as usual.
2 - My favourite aspect of the story.
This goes for both Durarara!! and Baccano!: I appreciate the complete lack of a “main character.” Instead we have all these intertwining stories of multiple people who are each their own “main character” and are often not fully aware of how important they or everyone else are in the grand scheme of things. To spice things up, the characters have varied personalities, moral codes, motives and goals that clash with each other. It’s chaos and I love it.
The anime adaptation of Baccano! does it better in my opinion though, since it decides to have several loosely connected arcs, all with their own ensemble cast and taking place in different years, take place all at once and somehow makes it work as a coherent whole.
4 - My favourite male character.
Izaya Orihara from Durarara!! and Claire Stanfield from Baccano!, for fairly similiar reasons. Namely, they are both crazy bastards having way too much fun doing what they do best - manipulating the various people and factions in Ikebukuro for kicks and brutally murdering two groups of train hijackers respectively.
Their roles in their respective stories are interesting too, where Izaya is the closest thing Durarara!! has to a main villain/mastermind (for awhile) but Claire is a “hero” protecting his train.
5 - My favourite female character.
Celty Sturluson from Durarara!! and Rachel from Baccano!.
I was intrigued by the Headless Rider from the beginning, but what I didn’t expect was for her to be one of the few fairly sane, well adjusted and genuinely heroic people in Ikebukuro. When an immortal fae who literally lost her own head looks normal in comparison, you know your city district is a madhouse.
As for Rachel, she is also one of the more normal people in the story, as a resourceful informant who just wants to hitch a ride and stay out of trouble, but damn, does she have nerves of titanium, calmly coming to the hostages’ rescue while unarmed. It also takes a special kind of person to befriend Claire Stanfield.
6 - My favourite villain.
Uh. I already used Izaya, so I guess I’ll give some love to Mikado Ryuugamine and his slow descent into darkness. Who would’ve though the supposedly normal highschooler would set someone on fire one day?
For Baccano!, the award goes to Ladd Russo, yet another complete lunatic enjoying himself way too much.
8 - A character I think needs more love.
Hm, well I already gave some love to Rachel, so… Eve Genoard. It takes guts for a little girl to try to shoot a mafioso for killing her brother. Yeah, her brother was a terrible person and she didn’t end up shooting the guy herself, but still.
For Durarara!!, Tom Tanaka deserves recognition for being one of the other sane people in Ikebukuro and a fantastic friend to Shizuo.
9 - What I ship.
I ship the canon Baccano! pairings mostly. However, I’m a Durarara!! multishipper, though not really invested in any of them, so these are the things I lowkey ship: Celty/Shinra, Shinra/Izaya, Izaya/Shizuo, Izaya/Namie, Shizuo/Vorona, Masaomi/Mikado/Anri and Erika/Walker.
10 - My favourite canon relationships (romantic, familial, platonic, antagonistic, etc).
Celty and Shinra are the healthiest couple in Durarara!! and considering Shinra is a mad scientist in love with a headless woman since childhood, that’s saying something!
My other favourite relationships all involve Shizuo Heiwajima, ha ha. He really does try his best to be a good brother to Kasuka even if his temper and Kasuka’s emotionlessness get in the way, his friendship with Celty is adorable and his deep hatred of Izaya and general simple-mindedness leaving him immune to his mindgames, driving Izaya up a wall in turn, is very entertaining.
Baccano! has the iconic couple in Isaac and Miria, who are so attached at the hip that it’s impossible to think about them seperately and who share one big heart and one tiny braincell. Of the others, I like Firo and Maiza’s almost father-son relationship, the weird friendship Rachel has with Claire and Claire and Ladd trying to out-crazy eachother never gets old.
11 - My favourite group/faction.
I love the concept of the Dollars in Durarara!!, as a gang made up of (mostly) anonymous people from all over Ikebukuro ready to act on requests given via cellphone messages in a surprisingly coordinated manner, they have the potential to be very dangerous. Hopefully its more morally upstanding members can stop Mikado from doing anything too bad.
As for Baccano!, I love Jaccuzi and his friendly neighbourhood gangsters, they might have tried to rob a train but dammit, they will protect it from the other really bad hijakers.
12 - Most iconic scene.
Durarara!!: Shizuo hurling a vending machine at Izaya.
Baccano!: Isaac and Miria trying to steal a museum by stealing its door, while posing for the security cameras in mummy disguises. That or the scene where Firo’s finger gets cut off only to immediately regenerate.
13 - My favourite scene.
Durarara!!: I think I mentioned it already, but the scene where Mikado reveals himself as the leader of the Dollars and the faceless gray masses bloom in colour as members.
Baccano!: it’s a very unimportant scene in the grand scheme of things, but Firo taking down several men without dropping his hat never fails to make me smile.
14 - My favourite story arc (for serialised works) or favourite act (for self-contained works).
I’m having difficulty dividing Durarara!! into distinct arcs but overall I enjoyed the events shown in the first season the most. Regarding Baccano!, my favourite is the Flying Pussyfoot/Trainjacking segment. I mean, you have a violent cult trying to get their leader out of prison, a group of psychos looking for a massacre, a street gang and a pair of incompetent loony thieves all independently deciding to target the same train. Which happens to have an assassin, an informant and several immortals on board. Watch the fireworks!
15 - My favourite plot twist.
Durarara!!: I already used “Mikado is the Dollars leader” for favourite scene, so I guess “Masaomi is the Yellow Scarves leader” comes in here.
Baccano!: the Rail Tracer being revealed as the random and supposedly killed conductor who is actually Claire Stanfield the assassin. The execution was perfect.
16 - What I’d like to or would have liked to see happen.
Oh man, I really need to catch up on both series, especially Baccano! since I didn’t read past what was already covered in the anime. So, no answer for this one because for all I know what I want to happen already happened lol.
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medea10 · 2 years
My Review of Koikimo
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(short for: Koi to Yobu ni wa Kimochi Warui)
(translation: It's Too Sick to Call this Love)
Oh goodie, this is only going to go south from here.
How did I get into this anime? Seeing as I didn’t have many slots open for Winter 2021 animes, I wanted to pick up as many random animes for the spring season. That’s all. Wow, I’m late as fuck with putting this one out. Apologies for the lateness of this review…I’m being lazy.
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Meet Ryo Amakusa! He’s a businessman in his mid 20’s. And because he’s very handsome, he’s a constant target for loose women. One morning on his way to work, he felt a little dizzy and almost fell down a flight of stairs at the train station. He was saved by a high school girl named Ichika Arima who proceeded to give Ryo her handmade lunch to make sure he’ll be okay. That night, he heads back to his parent’s home to find Ichika there. Turns out Ichika is friends with Ryo’s little sister, Rio.
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Ryo didn’t fall down those flight of stairs, but he certainly fell head over heals in love with Ichika. And this girl is not feeling the same way Ryo is! In fact, she finds him creepy. Ryo ends up smothering her with compliments, flowers, chocolates, and all this unwanted attention. This is the story of a businessman falling in love with a normal high school girl.
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Oh God, this is getting too Matt Gaetz for my liking!
BETWEEN THE SUB AND THE DUB: Not a Crunchyroll original, but one that is being streamed on the site. It’s been a full year and still no dub. Although, a dub could happen. In the last few months, Crunchyroll has been going back through their old catalog and giving dubs here and there. I mean, if Natsume’s Book of Friends and Given were NOW able to get a dub after all these years, Koikimo could get one in the future as well. Aside from the notable male seiyuus, this is actually my first time hearing Yurie Kozakai. She seems relatively new but I think she carries the role of Ichika very well. Here’s what you might recognize these folks from.
*Ryo is played by Toshiyuki Toyonaga (known for Yuri on Yuri on Ice, Mikado on Durarara, Hideyoshi on Tokyo Ghoul, Asahi on Free!, and Shun on Kimi to Boku)
*Ichika is played by Yurie Kozakai
SHIPPING: Oh geez…
Let me look over my notes of what I was screaming during the first episode.
“How old are you? Dude, you’re a businessman and you’re coming onto a high school girl. Weren’t you just fucking some random skank the night before meeting Ichika? This ain’t one of those sick hentais that snuck onto Japan’s primetime slot, right?! How the fuck old are you? Remind me what the age of consent is in Japan! Are you some sick masochist that gets off of girls making a disgusted face while insulting you? WHAT IS YOUR AGE?! 27?! Da fuck, man!
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Ah-ha, yeah this is not good! Ryo, bring it in. Sit boy! When a girl says “no” or she feels uncomfortable around you, that’s not a sign that she wants to see more of you. I feel like a restraining order video featuring Gary Busey should play when talking about the start of this ship. As you can tell, I’m not digging the Ryo x Ichika ship all that much. But like it or not, this relationship is developing throughout the series. I guess I should be happy that Ryo doesn’t treat Ichika like all of his other girlfriends/one-night stands. He actually treasures her! So yeah, dude gets a point there.
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Then in episode 3, we’re introduced to Tamaru. He’s a space cadet, but there’s some potential for a ship with him and Ichika. So expect some jealousy moments from Ryo. We do get some cute moments between Ichika and Tamaru, especially during the field trip episode. I thought it was cute because Ryo wasn’t there to make things weird or ewwie. Things do come to a climax between those two in episodes 8-9 when Tamaru confesses his feelings to Ichika. It went as well as one would expect in this situation.
Dude is friend-zoned!
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On the other side of this, Ryo has been with a plethora of women throughout his youth and into his 20s. Not only that, he’s pretty popular at his work. The girls in the office find him pretty. And one co-worker (nicknamed Arrietty) has a crush on him. Problem for her is that Ryo is in deep love for Ichika and only talks to Arrietty for anime advice to get on Ichika’s good side. Arrietty ends up finding out that Ryo’s in love with a high school girl and she worries about Ichika’s well-being having to deal with the stress of a May-December relationship. And at the same time, tell Ryo she loves him!
So yeah, Ryo x Ichika is inching closer and closer. Let’s see how the ending sizes up for this ship.
ENDING: After the events of Christmas, Valentine’s, and White Day, Ryo and Ichika are starting to feel something with this relationship. Ichika ends up rejecting and friend-zoning her classmate Tamaru some time after Valentine’s. It’s a weird new feeling for her, but it really seems like Ichika is really falling for Ryo. I mean, she turned down the sweet classmate to be with the same guy she called creepy not too long ago. Now what do you suppose would happen if Ryo x Ichika’s love is out in the public and around people not in the loop?
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We got our answer when Ichika lied to several female co-workers of Ryo’s. The two were in public and were asked if they were going out. Ichika lied and told them that she was just friends with Ryo’s little sister and nothing more. Oof. Yeah, Ichika recognizes the stigma and pressure in this situation. If you’re 16 years old and out on a date with a 26-year-old businessman…yeah, it doesn’t sound too pleasant. And what do you suppose is gonna happen when Ryo’s father learns about this little relationship? He literally blew up at his son. But I’m going to be real here and kinda take Ryo’s side on this one.
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Ryo’s father only learned about Ryo and Ichika through second-hand talk from Rio and her mother. The father started putting pieces together and jumped down his son’s throat without knowing the full story of any of this. Yes, it is kinda creepy that a mid-20’s businessman is taking an interest in a high school student. It’s generally frowned upon. But Ryo’s father is jumping to all kinds of conclusions that stray from the truth. Ryo’s father would always get angry at him for his promiscuous lifestyle and he immediately jumped to the thought that Ryo corrupted Rio’s best friend Ichika. I can’t say I blame the father for that. After episode one, I was calling for this mother fucker to get an AIDS test. But I grew to…lack of a better term, tolerate things for what they are in this series.
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It was well established at the beginning of the series that Ryo and his father don’t get along at all. And the endless fighting from those two mentally scarred Rio when she was younger and potentially ruining Ryo and Rio’s sibling relationship for years to come. I just can’t help but get angry with the father right now. Dude is away for months at a time and doesn’t take the time to talk to his kids. Then again, if there’s distance between father and son, no chance of either one opening up about this sort of subject. Life is difficult!
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In the final episode, Ryo decides to be cruel and intentionally puts distance between him and Ichika. Ryo sees how this relationship or lack-there-of is stressful. Arrietty had some good points and I don’t blame Ichika for lying in front of Ryo’s workmates. This distance was really bugging Ichika and worrying her to death. Even Rio was suspicious as her brother never uses “busy at work” as an excuse. Rio ends up laying it down for Ichika that she really needs to step up her game in telling Ryo her true feelings. Rio isn’t fond of anyone hurting her brother in any way. Rio’s very grateful for both Ichika and Ryo and hates to see them suffer.
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Ichika ends up running into Ryo at the train station, the place of their first meeting. Ichika yells at him for ignoring her. They say they love each other. They kiss. They embrace. And they came to consensual agreement that they would wait until Ichika was an adult. And it’s not that long, I mean it’s only until Ichika graduates from high school and that’s like in another year, maybe nine months.
I didn’t expect to like this anime as much as I did. And before anybody asks, I didn’t watch Higehiro. I know both of those were similar in the premise, but I think I picked this anime for convenience sake, like the anime aired on a light day in my schedule. I can go either way when it comes to May-December relationships, especially when it comes to one of the characters being high school age. But I’m still hypocritical as I nod in agreement with some of animes cutest ships that were also May-December. Whatever, the case! Yeah, at first it felt creepy. It felt VERY creepy watching a mid 20’s male fall in love with a 16-year-old girl. Especially the way Ryo was acting in the first few episodes.
Now I’m not sure how this story ends for real. The manga ended around the time of the anime’s airing and I haven’t gotten word of what happens between Ryo and Ichika or if there’s enough material to constitute a second season or special in the future. But I suppose it’s satisfactory to leave us with their decision and imagine that things got better once Ichika becomes an adult. If you’re not like me and have no problems with May-December romance…
I can’t finish that sentence.
Anyways, Crunchyroll has all 12 episodes available.
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Seiyuu Challenge (#1+2): Favourite and Least Favourite Male Seiyuu
Least Favourite?
I’ll start by saying that I don’t have a least favourite. I just have a lot of seiyuu that I don’t like as much as the rest of you like. Those ones will be revealed in question [blank].
We’re going to be doing this in the form of a top fifteen list.
I’m going to try to put a “keep reading” line because this is SUPER DUPER LONG. This took me quite a while to complete, and I’m too lazy to proofread, so whatever happens happens.
Honourable Mentions:
Takehito Koyasu 
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(the hate for him transcends animation; no gif of Takehito Koyasu on Tumblr)
Here’s to the guy who almost always gets cast as the villain. Seriously, his voice suits it too well. He even looks like an action-movie villain in real life. Some people are just born with a resting villain face I guess. But he’s not just that, he has played a nun, Deadpool (for Japanese dubs), and Excalibur from Soul Eater. All his other roles are mostly villainous stuff though in things like Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Gintama, Re:Zero, and others. I still need to watch a lot more of his stuff. He is the voice behind the infamous Dio. I think that’s enough to get him onto this list.
Roles | Singing
Kenichi Suzumura
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(Maaya Sakamoto and Kenichi Suzumura would make a god-tier kid)
I know him best for playing Okita from Gintama. Okita is a great character though who I know will get a lot of development moving forward in Gintama. He also surprised me in Osomatsu-san since he was responsible for the “SHEEEEEEH”. He won an award for that too. Hikaru from Ouran Host Club was a role that surprised me a little because he wasn’t expected to be a love interest from my perspective. Speaking of love interest, I may be a bit bias towards him because he has a really cute relationship with one of my favourite seiyuu Maaya Sakamoto. They also acted in the Kara no Kyoukai franchise together where they took on the two main characters. If it wasn’t for that movie’s timeline (eight movies, all out of order), I might’ve finished it. I love his work in Honeyworks. He’s good at singing, and I plan on watching more of his stuff in the future (especially D. Grayman)!
Roles | Singing | The Full 1080p “SHEEEH” Experience
Toshiyuki Toyonaga
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(The news that he had a child surfaced a while ago. Congrats to him!)
He just won the best lead actor award at the Seiyuu Awards a few months ago for his performance in Yuri On Ice, and he fully deserves it. He’s a talented musician, and he has such a soft-toned voice at times that can go to really deep in a matter of seconds. I haven’t seen him in shows like Free, SAO, Tokyo Ghoul Root A, Katekyo Hitman Reborn, Karneval, or Code: Breaker, but I have seen him in Yuri on Ice where he exceeded my expectations and definitely deserved that award (his speech was great too). He played Mikado who was a fun unexpectedly interesting character  in Durarara, he shocked me in Zetsuen no Tempest where he Mahiro Fuwa who I didn’t like, he had an appearance in Bungou Stray Dogs as Tanizaki, he was Takeru in Kamigami no Asobi, and I really liked his role in Kimi to Boku as Shun Matsuoka (I really liked that anime in general).
Roles | Singing | Bonus: Seiyuu Award Speech, “Day You Laugh” Durarara OP, Zetsuen no Tempest Duet (ft. Kouki Uchiyama)
Daisuke Ono
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(He looks like he forgot the rest of his lines)
He either gets those roles like Sebastian from Black Butler where he’s smooth and charismatic, or he gets those roles like Shizuo from Durarara where he’s the rugged thug. He is the fifth sextuplet in the notorious Osomatsu-san. Jyushimatsu is the loudest of the six, but he has the best episode in the entire show. If I remember correctly, I think it’s the second half of episode nine (I watched this a year ago). He has his own little episode where he falls in love, and it was nice to watch. My favourite roles from him personally are Sinbad from Magi, Shizuo from Durarara, and Handa from Barakamon. All of those anime were really enjoyable, and my favourites wouldn’t be the same without his voice.
Roles | Singing | Bonus: Kokkuri, “When you’re left with everyone’s bill” (Seiyuu Event Subbed), Barakamon (Highlights), Magi (Sinbad Highlights)
Ryouhei Kimura
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After watching Silver Spoon and Kids on the Slope, I just had to include him here. I first knew Ryouhei Kimura for playing Judar from Magi, and even though he did well playing the heavy eyeshadow magi, when he takes the spotlight as a really well-developed character, it makes it that much better. After watching him in shows like Gekkan Shoujo, Akame Ga Kill, Tokyo Ravens, Kimi to Boku, Grand Blue, that BNHA OVA with the zombies, I can say that he earned the spot on his list.
Roles | Singing | Silver Spoon clip (WARNING: CONTAINS COW BIRTH)
Miyu Irino
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(This whole thing is quite extra and overdramatic, isn’t it?)
His role in A Silent Voice left me shocked. Saori Hayami and his performance blew my expectations. They are both really talented individuals, and that movie was packed with feels. Even though I like Saori better, I think he deserves a place here. Sugawara from Haikyuu reminds me of a mom, and I think that’s kind of common. He gives the character a kindhearted voice (with a few exceptional moments). Todomatsu is another sextuplet in Osomatsu. I mention this show often because it’s really crazy. I can’t say I would recommend it to everyone, but the seiyuu definitely make the show funny at times. Ritsu Kageyama from Mob Psycho 100 is a character that is one of my favourite in the show because he is such a relatable person who just gets a little lost at times. And I’ve got to say that Miyu portrayed him well. I enjoyed that show a lot. Jintan from Anohana continues to be a show that I remember because it gave me the feels. I won’t get deeper into that because of spoilers and digging up old wounds and feels. But to end on a lighter note, if you like Osomatsu, I recommend checking out Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou because it has a hilarious cast in a bunch of sketches that can be quite funny.
Roles | Singing | Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou “RPG Quest”, Koe no Katachi SPOILERS
Jun Fukuyama 
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(You can see the moment the failure seeps his soul)
Koro-sensei and Lelouch would not be the same without him. He has given these two characters life. He was Souta Takanashi in Working!!, Ichimatsu from Osomatsu, Shinra from Durarara, Yukio from Blue Exorcist, and King from The Seven Deadly Sins. I recently watched him as the Dark Flame Master-- I mean Yuuta Togashi. The way his voice went from Dark Flame Master to Yuuta was funny even if it wasn’t realistic for a first-year high schooler. Same goes for Nura Rise of the Yokai Clan (which I haven’t finished). Bundo from Deadman Wonderland was fun to watch since he was a twist that I probably should’ve seen coming. Kassim from Magi is one character that I will never forget from him though because that backstory was sad, but his character along with Yuki Kaji’s performance really laid out one of the most exciting parts of season one of Magi.
Roles | Singing Compilation | Ichimatsu Compilation (Season One), Koro Sensei’s Weak Points
Satoshi Hino
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I first saw him as Sai in Naruto, but since then, he has been in so many anime that I’ve seen as all types of characters. He’s Kineshi Hairo in Saiki, Ash Landers in Black Butler, Momonga in Overlord, Emil in Yuri On Ice, Akito Takagi in Bakuman, Daichi in Haikyuu, Shinku from Yowamushi Pedal, and the renowned Tomoda from Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun (the real MVP and hero we do not deserve). But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. I’m looking forward to watching him as Kamui in Gintama.
Roles | Singing
Top Fifteen
15. Yoshitsugu Matsuoka
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Despite being one of the most sought-after harem seiyuu, I can say that I don’t watch any of those. I haven’t watched The Pet Girl of Sakurasou or Food Wars or that Dungeon anime. I watched him as Sora in No Game No Life, but I didn’t like that anime. I put him on this list because of his smaller roles that I see him on. Titus from Magi is a perfect example. He may not get the most screen time, but when he’s on, he does a wonderful job playing his characters. His range is outstanding from playing the infamous Kirito to a crazy monster to an alleyway cat that got stuck (if you’re curious, watch Saiki). He also made me laugh quite a bit as Lubbock from Akame Ga Kill. Ah, that anime is just a tragedy. But speaking of tragedy, he apparently has a tough time talking to the people he works with which I relate to. Especially when he does harems (which have a lot of girls), you really can’t blame him. Plus, they make fun of him too. 
Roles (This one is a little longer, but it includes extras and everything) | Singing  
14. Toshiyuki Morikawa
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I first saw him as Minato in Naruto, but I didn’t realize how prolific he was until I watched him play a wide range of characters from the villain Boro in One Punch Man to the crazy priest Azuma in Deadman Wonderland. He has such a calm and soothing voice too. This is especially apparent in Magi where he plays Ugo. He has so many miscellaneous characters in so many anime, and I just like his voice in general. 
Roles | Singing
13. Akira Ishida
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(This is almost the only gif??)
He has said that he turns down a lot of roles now, but he has still done so many. He is Katsura in Gintama. That in itself is enough to land him on this list. Katsura is one of my favourite characters in Gintama. Name a more iconic duo than him and Elizabeth. Exactly, it’s impossible. He’s also Gaara from Naruto which is where I first saw him. Yunan from Magi is a polar opposite. He’s such a mysterious kind soul. He has been in Danganronpa, the Fate series, Mirai Nikki, Fairy Tail, Kekkai Sensen, Parasyte, Natsume’s Book of Friends, Evangelion, and so many other shows. He’s been around since the 80s, so it’s really no surprise that he is in so many shows. His voice is so versatile that it’s almost scary. He inspired Aoi Shouta to become a seiyuu too because he was a “beautiful woman with a beautiful voice”.
Roles | Bonus: One Man, Seven Voices, Katsura Raps, Trivia
12. Sakurai Takahiro
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He plays too many characters to count, and like Akira Ishida and Satoshi Hino, he has been around for a long time. He has characters that I’ve hated, loved, and wanted to “accidentally” push onto the road for them to get hit by a truck. I’ve watched him as the leader of Osomatsu-san who is just too insane for works, Fitzgerald from Bungou Stray Dogs who probably doesn’t know how it feels to be broke, Suzaku from Code Geass who I liked and hated at the same time, Yukiatsu from Anohana who you can’t help but pity, Jafar in Magi ho made me laugh lots, Arataka from Mob Psycho 100 who made me laugh so much with his antics, and Sakurai from (one of my more recently finished anime) Net-juu no Susume. He’s also kind of funny to watch in Ad-Live, but there aren’t any clips of that.
Roles | Singing | Bonus: Cringy Pick-up Lines, Anohana Festival, Osomatsu
11. Kensho Ono
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I first saw him as Hakuryuu from Magi where he gave a great performance. He’s a talented singer as well as a stage actor. But besides Magi, I’ve liked his role in A Silent Voice where he plays Tomohiro (who is just such a precious character). His role as Akutagawa in Bungou Stray Dogs eventually did grow on me as I got used to him being the edgy, scarcely eyebrowed Port Mafia member. But one of the most standout characters I’ve watched from him (besides Hakuryuu and Akutagawa) is Arata Kaizaki from ReLife. He seems like a useless NEET that couldn’t stand the world at first, but then we find out that he’s a useless NEET who couldn’t handle the really tough world. But in all seriousness, he’s a character that seems really bland at first, and now that I’ve finished it, I can say that he gets some development that makes you realize that he might be that same average guy, but the plot and the people surrounding him make things really interesting. Kensho Ono is also a part of Ad-Live.
Roles | Singing | ReLife Clip, Magi Clip 
10. Kaito Ishikawa
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(I just read a fake article about how he was attacked with shuriken during a home invasion. Fake articles are wild.)
I know Kaito Ishikawa for playing characters in a lot of new shows. A lot of the roles are the ones that I haven’t watched, and some roles were a miss because the anime was a miss (Tokyo Ravens wasn’t excruciatingly bad, but even with the good cast, they couldn’t save a lot of its flaws.) Some people didn’t like Zankyou no Terror, but I still enjoy it. The performances were quite strong even with the cringy “Engrish”, and the music was phenomenal. His portrayal of the colder part of the duo “Sphinx” was one of the highlights of the show. Kouto from Noragami didn’t get too much of a chance to show what he’s truly capable of (since they ended it when his role was becoming more apparent). And even though his time on Bungou Stray Dogs was short, I certainly enjoyed the time that we got to see his character Rokuzou. Kageyama from Haikyuu is a great main character from him. He’s such good friends with Hinata’s seiyuu Ayumu Murase, and he’s so involved in the My Hero Academia cast as Iida Tenya (as we’ve seen from many of the highlights of the cast). His role as Iida was really good especially during the Hero Killer arc. His role as Genos had me laughing a lot of the time even though it’s ironic because he was a very stiff serious character. I hope to see him a lot more in the future.
Roles | Singing
9. Junichi Suwabe
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(I relate to this too much because I don’t know where I am unless I’m inside my house)
His role as Aizawa-sensei made him too relatable. I’ve seen several pictures of him cosplaying as his characters which I have massive respect for. His role as Viktor in Yuri On Ice has probably wooed a lot of fangirls, but what stands out the most for me (besides Aizawa) is his role as Odasaku in Bungou Stray Dogs. That performance left me shaken up (especially from the storyline), and I’m sure a lot of Bungou Stray Dogs fans feel the same way. That scream near the end of the arc sent chills. He is also in a bunch of other things that I haven’t watched from Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Kuroko no Basket, Black Butler, Fate, Food Wars, Nana, Natsume’s Book of Friends, Space Dandy, and a few others. I have watched him in some supporting roles like Jamil from Magi (that was a great three episodes where he appeared as a spoiled rich guy), Jae-ha from Akatsuki no Yona, Freed from Fairy Tail, Juuzou from Danganronpa, and Junichi (yes, Junichi) from Sakamichi no Apollon. That was rollercoaster of a role, but his singing was so good.
Roles | Singing
8. Tomakazu Sugita
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You would think that with a voice like that he would be voicing a lot more serious characters. I guess that’s because I first watched him as Karasuma in Assassination Classroom. In reality, he’s a real jokester (especially when around Yuuichi Nakamura). His role in Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou was funny. It was thirteen episodes of craziness, and it features many of the regulars from Gintama. Speaking of Gintama, the reason why he’s on this part of the list is quite simple. Gintoki. If you’ve watched Gintama, you’d know that Gintoki is such a vibrant character with so much dick jokes and screaming that you really can’t imagine anyone else playing him. I say this as a compliment when I say that he yells just as much as Nobuhiko Okamoto. Just watching Gintama mentally strains your vocal cords. 
Roles | Singing | Bonus: “Voice Acting Meme”, Gintoki Exclusive, Yukana helping out Sugita, Sugita x Nakamura (Seiyuu’s Little Forest)
7. Mamoru Miyano
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I know everyone knows him for voicing Light from Death Note, but I haven’t watched that anime (don’t judge me, please). His evil laugh was good though. Speaking of other characters I haven’t watched from him, there’s also Rin Matsuoka from Free, Kiba from Wolf’s Rain, Lucifer from Hunter x Hunter, or Konoha from Mekakucity Actors. There’s probably a bunch more too, but let’s get to the stuff that I have seen. He has been around for so long, and his best characters are the types that appear goofy on the surface but have inner anguish and more depth to their personality. Dazai Osamu from Bungou Stray Dogs is such a character, and he’s the main reason why he’s high on this list. Dazai is such a funny weirdo. Kida Masaomi from Durarara is kind of like Dazai in an odd way too, and I don’t just mean his voice. He has humour that seems to hide something... or maybe that’s just me. Okabe from Steins;Gate (even though I haven’t watched that anime in its entirety) and Ling Yao also seems to keep up this trend. Shuu Tsukiyama from Tokyo Ghoul is just crazy though. It was fun to watch though. He brings so much fun to the characters, yet when they finally show a more vulnerable side to themselves, he still portrays them well. Not to mention, he has a great sense of humour and an awesome singing voice.
Roles | Singing  
6. Hiroshi Kamiya
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He’s way too easy to identify. Honestly, the first role I remember him for is probably Otonashi from Angel Beats. That gave me a bit of feels too, so I had to mention that. Besides that, he has had too many other notable roles, but I’ll try to mention a few supporting roles: Takeda from Haikyuu, Mephisto from Blue Exorcist, Araragi from Monogatari, and Ranpo Edogawa from Bungou Stray Dogs. Some roles I want to expand on are Natsume from Natsume’s Book of Friends. His chemistry with Kazuhiko Inoue is great, and they make for such an entertaining show. Izaya from Durarara is insane and neurotic, but he seems like a character with so many underlying insecurities. I haven’t watched the full series (only the first two seasons), but I still remember them (whether it’s because I hate him or not). Levi is a badass that I’m sure a lot of people know from Attack on Titan. He’s proof that short guys like me have a chance. Choromatsu is just crazy. He’s the most productive out of his siblings, but that’s like saying he’s the tallest among dwarves (shout-out to Veronica Sawyer for that quote). With that being said, my best role from him is easily Yato from Noragami. The cast of Noragami is strong, and he is the protagonist. He has so many funny moments and maybe serious ones as well. I could go on all day how he does a good job voicing Yato, but I’ll just leave it at that.
Roles | Singing
5. Yuuki Kaji
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He truly does have the voice of a main character. Sometimes his voice is a bit too recognizable for me, and sometimes I think that he does get some roles that don’t fit him as well as I’d like, but I think that’s more up to the casting director than Yuki Kaji. I didn’t like his portrayal in Ao Haru Ride and found it really cringy. A lot of the other anime I don’t like him in is because I don’t like the anime in general. Diabolik Lovers, Guilty Crown, and High School DxD are a few examples of that. Besides that, he has had many outstanding performances. His roles as Takami from Deadman Wonderland and Ayato Kirishima from Tokyo Ghoul were okay. Eren from Attack on Titan which just from the clips I watched were epic and emotional. The amount of strain you can feel for his vocal cords (especially considering that he takes hours for a single episode). Yukine from Noragami was not liked by many at the beginning, but I actually really liked this character, and he portrayed his hardship really well. Todoroki from My Hero Academia sounds like a complete badass. And even though he’s really stoic, he had made me laugh as the “Hand-crusher”. Sonic from One Punch Man made me laugh a few times (RIP his nuts). Shion was great, and his chemistry with Nezumi (Hosoya Yoshimasa) is almost touching. When he got bitten by the wasp, I felt bad for him. This anime does not get the credit it deserves as a nice post-apocalyptic anime). But above all, my favourite role is Alibaba from Magi. I read the manga (slowly but still), and I still hear him doing Alibaba’s voice. He nails the character’s strength, goofiness, positivity, and his overall personality. I’m looking forward to watching Kouichi from Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Soramaru from Donten ni Warau.
Roles | Singing | Bonus: Kaji100 Staff, An Interesting Conversation with Hiro Shimono, Slippers
4. Yuuichi Nakamura
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Okay, so maybe he has had a few questionable roles that I won’t bring up, but we’re going to ignore those for now. I first saw him playing Gray from Fairy Tail, but I later saw him portraying Nozaki from Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun which made me laugh more than it should have. I haven’t watched Clannad yet (partially because I still want my soul intact), but from the funny clips I’ve seen, he certainly does a good job playing Tomoya. Greed from Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Sanada from Kimi ni Todoke (who I relate to on a personal level because names just don’t stick in my mind), Ren Kouen, and that dude on a bike from One Punch Man are his other notable roles I’ve seen in the past. But for the most recent ones I’ve seen, Sweetness and Lightning and Poco Udon’s World are two anime that I just finished. They are both very similar, and they bring out his fatherly side which he even said himself cleanses his soul a little. Sure, he has a lot of not-so-family-friendly-or-morally-right-roles, but he also has a lot of good ones too. A lot of these recently watched shows have given me a lot more respect for him too. I actually watched his full Ad-Live performance (only one of them since he has been a part of a bunch), and the fact that he was able to put up with the costumes, ridiculous lines, and everything else also brought him into a new light. Seriously, he was stuck acting as a moving truck guy who’s a robot.
Roles | Singing | Ad-Live: Download link (Subbed by Anokoe)
3. Kouki Uchiyama
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Let’s just skip Raku from Nisekoi. I didn’t like it. But onto the good roles. Hiroshi from Barakamon is a supporting character who doesn’t get a whole lot of screen time, but when he does, he certainly provides a lot of laughs. Tsukishima from Haikyuu is a character to rival the king of the court himself. Yuri(o) from Yuri on Ice is so edgy and butthurt all the time. He’s a salty ballerina, and his fans are supposedly very motherly which is fitting since he’s going through teenage angst. Takumi from Anthem of the Heart is a role I wasn’t expecting to like, but he actually kind of pulled it off. Shout-out to Hosoya for telling him about the movie! Gin from Hotarubi no Mori e is a role that brought me feels. If you haven’t watched it, you really should. Akira from Devilman: Crybaby is a role that was too intense for me to get through. It was an extremely demanding role which is kind of funny because he thought he was going to end up as Ryo. Tomura Shigaraki from My Hero Academia (I call him “The Man Who Needs a Hand”) is another one of my favourite roles from him because he has such a creepy aura thanks to character design and his voice. Soul from Soul Eater (who I like despite not being original). I really want to see more roles from him (preferably edgy).
Roles | Singing: Honeyworks (Vocaloid cover ft. Nobunaga Shimazaki), Zetsuen no Tempest Insert Song (ft. Toshiyuki Toyonaga) | Bonus: Yurio “HAAAA” Compilation, Horror Movies (ft. Ryouhei Kimura and Nobuhiko Okamoto)
2. Yoshimasa Hosoya
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Some people are just not like the people they portray on-screen. Number two and one are just like that. Here, we have a guy who usually plays brash characters actually being a timid softy whose backbone seems to be made of silly putty. I’m going to try to name a few of his roles that I’ve liked without drowning this whole post. Tokoyami from My Hero Academia whose quiet darkness I really respect especially with these new episodes. We need to see more of him! Asahi from Haikyuu who is the closest to him personality-wise that we will ever see. Daiki from Anthem of the Heart whose ending shocked me. Masmur from Magi who’s an underrated character. Braun from Attack on Titan who I know is a titan, and that shouldn’t count as a spoiler because everyone knows that by now. Saiki from WWW.Working whose his English wasn’t as bad as some shows. Seriously, Hosoya took an exam for English proficiency. He’s not that bad. In terms of outstanding roles, Nezumi from No.6 who is one of my favourite openly gay characters. He’s a badass, and along with Shion, they are an iconic duo in an anime that I found really enjoyable. Kunikida Doppo from Bungou Stray Dogs is the Armed Detective Agency’s soccer mom. He is responsible, keeps his ideals in check, and deserves happiness and a nap. 
Roles | Singing Compilation | Bonus: “Ghost Story” (First 5 minutes), Guess the Profile (ft. Yoko Hikasa), Inu x Boku Radio
1. Nobuhiko Okamoto
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This is a bit of an odd choice comparing to the usual popularity polls, but hear me out. This dude has range. He shares my love for sweets and chocolate. He does all kinds of crazy characters. He can voice the angry Katsuki Bakugou from My Hero Academia whose screams a lot. Let’s be real, he is not what we expected when we heard “Hero”. Some of his scenes can send chills down spines. The charismatic Karma from Assassination Classroom is another kind of crazy. He is quite popular in the series, and he has this personality that makes people scared and allured by him. Even in an anime I didn’t like, Juuni Taisen, he did an amazing job portraying the flamboyant crazy Usagi who only kills in fabulous stilettos, suspenders, and bunny ears. He voiced the best version of Obi in Akagami no Shirayuki with his laid-back attitude and confidence. I guess that’s why he’s cast for Otome games? Anyway, Obi was probably my favourite character from that anime, and he was just such a likeable dork who’s going to lose out in the end. Poor secondary love interest. Speaking of likeable, Rin from Blue Exorcist was fun to watch. Not for the story or anything (since that was lacking at times), Nobu provided a performance that was really enjoyable. He nails Nishinoya’s energetic personality in Haikyuu (”ROLLING THUNDAAAAA”), and he does a good job with Mikorin’s bashfulness and awkwardness in Gekkan Shoujo. Honestly, Mikoshiba is my favourite character in Gekkan Shoujo along with Seo who’s a legend. I haven’t watched Taoru Kagaku no Railgun, but Accelerator looks like such a fun character who I would like. Too bad I couldn’t get myself to like that anime.
Roles | Singing Compilation | Bonus Runniart Compilation Video 
7 notes · View notes
asphodelical · 2 years
The Great Anime Rewatch of 2022 - Part V
First watched: May 2011 Rewatched: June 2022
Original rating: 9 New rating: 5
Watched the English dub for this one. The first act, and a lot of the second act, were too repetitive. Each episode had the exact same story structure, and there weren't enough hints about Vash’s history dropped to generate any interest. (Not until episodes 7 and 8, and Wolfwood’s introduction in episode 9.) The story proper didn’t kick in until the final third. 
The world building also felt super lacking. All of the towns/cities looked identical, and each one had a single defining problem. I.E. A rich guy is monopolizing the water supply, the plant isn’t functioning, the sheriff is corrupt, etc. 
The characters really fell out of favor for me. Vash’s antics, particularly his ogling of women, felt super forced. Meryl and Milly never go anywhere. Neither of them had an arc, or nuance. Milly’s childish behavior was really dissonant with her (out of fucking nowhere) relationship with Wolfwood, who was absolutely my favorite character when I first watched Trigun. Now? I feel nothing. But Vash and Wolfwood were absolutely better when they were together. 
English dubs tend to lend themselves pretty well to Trigun’s genre, but the only performance I remotely liked was Johnny Young Bosch as Vash. Steve Blum as a nameless background character in episode 15 was a welcome surprise. Regardless of the acting, Trigun was a really disappointing experience. 
Trigun: Badlands Rumble
First watched: August 2011 Rewatched: June 2022
Original rating: 8 New rating: 5
English dub again. The main characters, except Vash, were all recast for the film. If I didn’t know that, I wouldn’t be able to tell. Badlands Rumble is one of those films that’s little more than an extended/glorified episode. The animation absolutely holds up, and the CG isn’t too terrible either. 
First watched: 2011, original airdate Rewatched: June 2022
Original rating: 8 New rating: 6
Oh boy. Where to start? 
Narita is someone who loves creating all sorts of characters, throwing them all together and let their relationships and goals drive the story. A large portion of those in Durarara!! feel like he protagonists of their own story. But not all protagonists are created equal, and neither are their relationships. 
Let’s go with the characters and dynamics I liked and/or cared about first: Izaya, Celty, Kyohei, Shizuo, and Kida. Sometimes I like Mikado, but he’s much better when he’s around certain characters (Celty and Izaya) and acting as the leader of the Dollars. I’m tepid or apathetic towards mostly everyone else, and actively dislike a few.
I like the first half of the show way more. The climax of the Dollars plot in episodes 11-12 is still great. Although, the characters I hate the most are central in the first half: Seiji, Namie and Mika. They’re all toxic yanderes and terrible people who need incredible amounts of therapy. The series also doesn’t exactly excel at romance. 
The second half of Durarara!! didn’t work for me because I don’t give a shit about the relationships between Mikado, Kida, and Anri. They don’t feel like inseparable friends, and we don’t really ever see them spend time together. (This is directly lampshaded by Celty to Anri in episode 22, when she asks Anri how much she knows about Mikado.) Throwing the whole Saika thing in the gang war felt like it was doing too much. I’d rather have Celty remain as the central supernatural point. 
Nearly all of Durarara!!’s ideas are things I should like in theory. But in the end I only care or a fraction of the cast, and it doesn’t come together or me. Great music and bookend themes, though. And Isaac and Miria’s cameo was very welcome.  
Tokyo Godfathers
First watched: August 2011| Rewatched: June 2022
Original rating: 9 New rating: 8
Liked it just a little bit less upon rewatch—mostly due to the frequent tonal shifts. But Kon doesn’t have a bad work under his belt. 
First watched: 2013, original airdate Rewatched: June 2022
Original rating: 8 New rating: 5
Kyousosgiga’s strength remains its wildly creative visuals, courtesy of director Matsumoto Rie. Beneath that, it’s a story of family. With that being said, I couldn’t get into it this time around. I think it was the pacing that killed it for me. The scenes either felt like they were five years long or five seconds long. And I don’t think this story warranted a TV series. It might’ve been better as a movie. 
1 note · View note
cynthiaandsamus · 3 years
Custom Toonami Block Week 72 Rundown
Code Geass: Lelouch continues his plan to kidnap a little Chinese girl and Todoh gets to show off his new Zangetsu so the Black Knights enjoy having two Knightmares worth a damn for once, though as if on cue Kallen gets caught in the most bullshit way possible bringing them back down to one Ace. Xingke has home field advantage and a new Knightmare with spinny dealies and turns Zero’s bullshit tactics of fighting in the one place that basically wipes out the enemy for him against him. However the gods of the Code Geass world themselves said “You know Xingke’s way too OP, better Kimimaro him and make it so he’s terminally ill so he can’t do too much” so now the Black Knights are literally backed into a cave and instead of letting Xingke just finish the job the Chinese government swoops in with Britannian reinforcements to try and claim victory and seize power all at once. Also Lelouch is somehow back at school despite being in China and I don’t remember this part at all but I guess it answers my question from last time. I think it has something to do with Sayoko and  realistic Lupin III style mask or something.
Inuyasha: The Panther Demon filler continues as Inuyasha’s Group, Koga and his two goons and Sesshomaru/Jaken make their way into Panther Demon territory after Inuyasha breaks their barrier. Koga meets up with Royokhan and gets the low down on the Panther Demon backstory with Taiga killing their leader hundreds of years ago and then Sesshomaru beating them 50 years ago but losing a lot of men in the process. It’s kind of a neat turn seeing Jaken go try to get Inuyasha and Sesshomaru’s like “fine I guess we’ll let him help” and then getting mad when he finds out he can’t even come because he’s nailed to a tree. Like it’s a weird bit of complexity for Sesshomaru to feel betrayed by not getting help he never really wanted and now being determined to fight off the Panthers alone. Anyway all the groups square off against the Panther mini-bosses, Lightning Panther beats Miroku and Sango and gets them captured with Kagome, Wind Panther fights Koga to a draw, Ice Panther continues her beef with Sesshomaru and Fire Panther keeps teasing Inuyasha. It’s kinda nice that they give every group someone to fight and something to do but I kinda wish these fights lasted longer and Fire/Ice panther were scaled up a bit to match Inuyasha and Sesshomaru’s power because they’re firing huge sword beams at this point and it just doesn’t seem like they’d have this much trouble with them. Also Jaken and Inuyasha meet and both of them are like ‘hey you seen my group?’ which I just thought was funny.
Yu Yu Hakusho: A new arc begins and honestly this is the Yu Yu Hakusho arc I remember the least because I think I missed an episode or two in the middle of it since YYH came on right around when I got home from school back in the day. But yeah, Kuwabara suddenly decides he doesn’t wanna do demon shit anymore and Yusuke’s like “fine it wasn’t your job anyway you made me let you come last time” and then Kuwabara immediately backpedals on it because there’s a hot girl he wants to save. Also they still need to give Keiko a lame backstory about Yusuke interning with a detective that doesn’t explain all the zombies after her but Kuwabara’s sister being like “Damn who’s the spirit baby, here’s $50 for the bus” is fine apparently. Anyway we get the Toguro brothers’ introduction and it’s neat to see them effortlessly make Yukina cry to make jewels and then have Younger Toguro give her some advice about making herself cry on cue so she doesn’t have to suffer every time which is some weird tough love take it or leave it advice that says a lot about his character right away. Also Yusuke and Kuwabara fight a giant plant demon who’s all like “Yeah I’m a demon but I got bills to pay bitch” and like what bills does a demon have and why can’t they just steal from the rich human but it doesn’t matter because Yusuke and Kuwabara just blow him away.
Fate Zero: So the church is like ‘yo free Command Seal to whoever fucks up Caster’ which is strange because yeah Caster’s killing children and shit but UBW Caster killed a bunch of peeps too and no one blinked an eye and Kiritsugu blew up a fucking building and no one cares so I have no idea where the line is here. Also Iskandar gets a shirt from amazon and it’s hilarious but he forgot to order pants and Waver tells him he’s not allowed to wear pants until he murders a historical figure and Iskander’s like “you know what that’s fair” so he’s just gonna be freeballing it for a while I guess. Strategy meeting with Kiritsugu, Iris and Saber happens and Saber seems more than a little pissy that Kiritsugu doesn’t address her directly and is basically treating her like a Pokemon. They talk about the four spots the grail can appear at and since we’ve already seen UBW we know it’s gonna be in the huge residential place so it can murder everyone and also Shirou. Also Caster shows up for Tentacle Hentai time with Saber along with more child murder but Lancer’s like “Hey I am the Vegeta of this story and no one kills Saberot but me” while Kiritsugu does his Homura Akemi thing to fight off Kayneth’s T-1000 Black Clover Nozel Silva Mercury Magic which is just amazingly amusing to me that Kiritsugu’s fighting style is to just shoot all these demi-god mages in the face and end his battles in the most anticlimactic way possible.
Konosuba: So Kazuma’s dead again. Shoulda really occurred to him sooner that dying again would get him reincarned again but nah, Samurai Santa has to come off him so he can meet Eris but he actually seems to miss his friends a bit. Like he doesn’t ask to go back specifically we’re not being that cheesy here but considering Kazuma’s two purposes in this story are to complain and explain the joke it is nice that he has some lingering feelings for his party. Then Aqua’s all “Hey fucker get back here, you’re not getting rid of me that easily” and despite Eris saying they can’t just revive him because he doesn’t belong there Aqua just does it anyway, really gives the vibe of an older coworker being like “you’re not supposed to do it this way but this is the way I do it” kind of deal. But yeah Kazuma has a crush on Eris now and despite these guys saying how much they hate being in a group together they sure seem to turn down every out they have to get away from each other, idk I get the joke and jadedness but a little more sincerity would be nice.
Sailor Moon Crystal: Usagi wakes up at Mamoru’s place and he gives her his backstory about how he became Amnesiac Batman in Evening Wear. Luna knows Sailor V but for some reason is really cagey about divulging that to the rest of the group even though literally everyone has been assembled now. There’s a dated plot about Blockbuster taking over people’s minds that Usagi literally handwaves away when Zoisite comes out and punches her and defeats the whole team with one dark energy wave. Tuxedo Mask comes in and punches him in the face and then remembers he doesn’t have any powers and gets owned. The two have a sweet but ultimately cringy reunion before Sailor V saves their worthless asses.
Durarara!!:  With Mikado’s status as Founder of the Dollars revealed, Seiji goes on a stabbing rampage again and luckily keeps stabbing the only people that don’t actually get hurt by it, this time being Celty. Celty’s about to go grim reaper on Seiji’s worthless ass before Mika Harima runs in and tells everyone she isn’t really Celty’s head, weirdly enough Mikado recognizes this right before she says anything somehow, like makes sense Celty realizes it’s not her head but Mikado has no frame of reference aside from knowing she was wearing Mika’s clothes which in her cover story would be explained by Celty’s head leeching off Mika’s dead body. But yeah despite Seiji spending 18 hours a day staring at Mika he apparently couldn’t tell either which really throws a wrench in his “power of love justifies indiscriminate murder” philosophy which amuses both Izaya and me. Mikado breaks down the craziness that’s just transpired what with the stalking, murder, incest, identity theft, actual theft, and stabbing and tries to put a positive spin on it in that Seiji and Mika are both fucking crazy and deserve each other but it’s a hard sell my dude. Izaya tells Mikado that he’s going to be an excitement junkie like him soon if he keeps ramping up life in this crazy city and Celty just kinda forgives Shinra for knowing where her head is without telling her and also plastic surgerizing a yandere girl to look like her and give her her name which seems a little weird for them to just punch each other and call it a wash when Shinra was arguably as yandere as Mika here and they still get unofficially married. Seiji tells Mika he doesn’t love her but because of all the shit she went through to literally mold herself into the object of his obsession he guess she can hang around until he gets the headless sex toy of his dreams so… happy ending I guess. Everyone in this town is fucking crazy and they forgive each other way too easily but for a show that swings back and forth between how fucked up people are and saying humanity is fundamentally pretty decent I guess that’s kind of the point.
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arsenicpanda · 6 years
If you haven't received the prompt yet: 001 for Riverdale, 002 for Bughead and 003 for Jughead. I'll give you some new prompts if you've received these already :P
I have not received these, thanks so much!  Let’s go!001 | Riverdale
Favorite character: Jughead, but Betty’s a close second
Least Favorite character:  Of the characters that actually recur, I’d say Hal because ugh.  Hal.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): bughead, choni, varchie, joavin, falice
Character I find most attractive: Toni is the most attractive, but I am personally the most attracted to Jughead, and it distresses and upsets me because.  Because Jughead Jones, what the fuck.
Character I would marry: I would not marry a single one of these disaster people.  I am not capable of the amount of crime required of a Riverdale relationship.
Character I would be best friends with:  Veronica, because she is one cool and nice lady who would cut a bitch for her friends.
a random thought: My favorite way to pitch this show is: a.) there exists an episode with a room full of wigs and it is exactly as weird as it sounds b.) an actual episode description: newly-minted junior gang leader Jughead Jones and future mob associate Archie Andrews drag race the leader of the gang the Ghoulies to get the drug jingle jangle out of the schools and off the streets and it is exactly as weird as it sounds.
An unpopular opinion: I really liked season 2b; it’s my favorite.  It’s like live action Durarara!!, full of crime and darkness and wtfery.  It is exactly to my tastes, and I love it.
my canon OTP: Betty/Jughead, hands down.
Non-canon OTP: This is a rare occasion where I’m on board with all the canon ships, so…Cheryl/Veronica/Toni?  Can I pick an OT3?  Let’s say I can
most badass character: Cheryl.  That girl is stupid competent and terrifying and I love her.
pairing I am not a fan of: B*rchie.  It’s just…not my thing.
character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):  The writers criminally underuse Josie and Kevin.
favourite friendship:  Based on what we’ve seen, Betty and Veronica or Betty and Kevin, but I want more of Jughead and Toni and, in an ideal world, Toni and Betty.
character I want to adopt or be adopted by:  Mary Andrews, who was smart enough to leave that helltown, can be my new mom
002 | bughead
when of if I started shipping it.  I genuinely do not know the exact point, but it was before 1x06.  By that time though, I was in deep and so excited when they kissed.
my thoughts:  Somehow this pushed its way pass almost all my other ships to be my all-time second favorite ship, and I’m still not sure how or why?  Like, they’re super sweet, but also full of crime and willingness to do anything for each other, and I think it’s the last part that gets me, but I’m not 100% on that.
What makes me happy about them: Seriously though, they would do anything for each other, and it is absolutely beautiful.  Also, they have so much in common and are clearly on the same wavelength.  Also also, the way they look at each other oh my god, have you ever seen anything so perfect?
What makes me sad about them:  The idea of unnecessary college-related angst and the possibility of them ever breaking up is DDD:
things done in fanfic that annoys me: When they don’t feel like themselves.  Like, Betty is too sweet without her spine of steel or Jughead is just mean as opposed to grumpy and kind of bitchy.  I’m also not a fan of role reversals for this ship; it just doesn’t feel right.
things I look for in fanfic: mutual pining, especially Jughead’s pining because that boy pines SO GOOD.  Also, crime is always a plus!
My kinks:  oh my god, these two…like, you could sell me on most kinks with these two.  But definitely varying levels of bdsm (preference for switch!bughead), choking/breathplay, knifeplay, edgeplay.  Jughead loving to eat Betty out and getting off on her getting off aren’t kinks, but they are things I very much enjoy.  Same thing goes for his love affair with her shoulder and their mutual tendency to cup each other’s faces.  That wig can choke though.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: hahaha, no.  It would take a different run of the show for that.
My happily ever after for them:  There are only two acceptable outcomes.  1.) Escaping Riverdale and living full lives literally anywhere else. 2.) Staying as co-gang leaders and fighting for the Southside community.  One of them can be a gang lawyer or something, idk.  The point is: crime!
003 | Jughead Jones
How I feel about this character: I love him.  He is so dramatic and full of self-righteousness and devoted to the people and things he cares about.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Betty.  That’s it.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: I love his friendships with Archie and Toni, but I think I’m more interested in the one with Toni at this point. Unless his relationship with his dad counts, then I pick that one.  Might shift to JB once we meet her though.
My unpopular opinion about this character: I loved him cutting off Penny’s tattoo in 2x09.  It was such a great moment of crazy and desperation and a desire to protect.  It weirdly worked too, even if there were serious repercussions later.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:  I want Betty and Jughead to solve a crime by committing one.  I also want to watch FP try to parent his son.
my het ship:Betty/Jughead
my fem/slash ship: Jughead/Sweet Pea
my OTP:  Betty/Jughead
my OT3:  Oh god, I am so bad at this.  Uhh…Betty/Jughead/Veronica?
my cross over ship: Jughead/Mikado Ryuugamine (Durarara!!).  They both seem like such nice young men, but then…
my kink:  See the Betty/Jughead answer, honestly.  But also, is the way he looks at her a kink?  It feels like it should be.
a head cannon fact: Jughead has either been in love with Betty for like 3+ years or since she said she believed him about his dad, there is no inbetween.
my gender bend:  None, really. But girl!Jughead would have the most beautiful hair, much like boy!Jughead.
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