#and i appreciate it so much cause stuff like that had rarely happened
I know I'm not like anyone's favorite writer on here, but please know that the few times one of you recs my work or says sometimes nice about me and my blog that it makes so incredibly happy I want to cry so thank you 💛💛🥺
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the-kipsabian · 1 year
#idk if this is angsty or not so im just gonna throw it in the tags#but like. i fully know what my problem is. and how i could fix it. and literally the only thing making me sad and upset is myself#why? because my choice of medium is writing. because that makes it incredibly difficult to get anything out there and get people interested#in my creations. cause visual media is preferred so much over written anything cause its so much easier to consume#it doesnt help that i dont work with popular characters or ships (literally my current work im most excited about is for a ship only *i*#have contributed to so far. like.. we are talking that level of unpopular choices here)#and like. i dont say this to shame or blame anyone. this is obviously my choice. ive decided to do both of these things when i could have i#so much easier. i wouldnt be better at it if i did visual shit still. im way worse at that than writing. ive always been a writer first#but.. honestly seeing the difference with interaction and even in general interest due to these factors...#idk man. again i know this is entirely self inflicted like i chose this. i chose all of these things. and continue to do so#ive literally seen all of this. im not making it up. im not talking about just in general im talking this has happened to me personally#that rare time in june i made and posted art? do you understand the amount of ppl that said 'ive missed your stuff'?#the same people that dont consume my current works due to their form and have never went on the lengths to say the same thing about#my writing? when i took a two year hiatus from all of that basically? but a few months of visual arts?#idk fam im just. i understand all of this but im hurt. you know?#cause i know it doesnt matter. and its so much more difficult. i know there are people out there who love and appreciate what i do#and who understand how important this is to me compared to other stuff and before and whatnot#but at the same time the negatives (that are mostly in my head but they are still real things and they still hurt) are so much louder#i dont know where im going with this. im just thinking. excuse the brain barf#or dont. whatever. im just.. acknowledging my recent feelings. there is a reason i had a breakdown few days ago and yesterday was so rough#i should probably go to bed. sorry about this#its not gonna change anything in how stuff is viewed or how im gonna act about it but just.. you know. putting this out there#the inequality of how art is treated just has me thinking. that maybe im not made for this#maybe i should just be the below mediocre visual artist that does things that give them no happiness just cause it gets more attention#idk. just. yeah#good night#night is an absolute mess on main
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katebishopsbow · 11 months
PLEASE MORE CHARLES SISTER READER !! i loved it so much. could you maybe do like a young middle teen sister reader who kinda has a grudge against charles for him never being around cause he was racing and then angst when they see each other again but it eventually turns to fluff/comfort? thank you i adore your stuff !!!
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pairing: charles leclerc x sister!reader
summary: you and charles used to be inseparable, but with him constantly being away for all his races, an invisible wall began to form between you and him. it took a crash for you two to acknowledge what had happened, and try mending the broken pieces of your relationship.
tags: angst, hurt/comfort, miscommunications, charles being absent from reader's life
word count: 3.1k
(image is not mine)
─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───────
The first reactions whenever you revealed to people that Charles Leclerc was your brother had always been jealous glances, envious smiles, and words like “That must be so amazing!” And it was amazing indeed – Charles was amazing. So why did you feel so isolated, like you were stuck looming in the hidden shadows of your brother sometimes?
You tried to be understanding. Charles was incredibly talented in racing, and these few years would be the most crucial years of his life in climbing the ladder to Formula 1 – his biggest childhood dream. So whenever your parents would tell you with the most apologetic smiles that they might have to miss your events at school because Charles had an important race they had to attend, you didn’t cry, you didn’t throw a tantrum, you just nodded quietly and went back to your room.
It wasn’t your parents nor Charles’ fault – you knew that. You understood that your parents would never purposefully miss your events or neglect one child for the other, and Charles never wanted to make you feel like the less important one in the family. But somehow, it still stung to glance down at the audience at whatever school performance you were having and not see your parents or brother there, to feel like you were quietly fading into the background, to know that you would always be seen as an extension of Charles and never your own self.
Of course, Charles had noticed you becoming distant from the family – he always noticed everything. It pained him just as much as it upset you whenever he had to miss out on your life, and so he tried hard to be there when you needed it. On the rare days when he didn’t have training or a race lined up, he would offer to take you out for a little “sibling date” and try making up for the times he wasn’t there for you. While you appreciated his effort, there was no denying that an invisible wall had developed between you two, dividing you and your brother with all your missed events and unspoken words. 
How could you tell Charles that because of him, you felt like you were not seen? How could you tell him that it felt like his dreams and achievements took center stage of the family while yours had become shoved back in the dimmed shadows? How could you tell him that when you looked at him, you saw a stranger, that the bond that once firmly held you two together had begun to feel oddly unfamiliar? You simply couldn’t. 
The wall continued to grow as the years went on, acting as a constant reminder that things between you two could never quite be the same. Your parents would always say to your relatives that you and Charles were such good kids because you two rarely fought. You were uncertain if that was really a good thing though – how could you fight when you barely even talk to each other?
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
There was a soft knocking on your door, and you didn’t need to ask to know who it was. “Go away, Charles,” you sighed exasperatedly, not wanting to speak to your brother just yet. He had done it once again – saying that he would come to your school’s drama performance but telling you last minute that he had an urgent meeting with his sponsor and couldn’t come. It wasn’t his fault that something suddenly came up, but it still hurt like hell, and it left you feeling like a complete idiot for believing for a second that you were more important to him than his race.
Despite your protest, he opened the door and came in anyway. “Hey, ange.” He still called you by your childhood nickname, but that word that once held so much endearment and affection only sounded foreign coming from his lips. “I thought since Mom and Dad won’t be home for dinner tonight, we could go to that restaurant that you like?” he asked with a tired smile, trying to make it up to you for missing your show.
“Just stop it, Charles,” you said to him, rubbing your hands over your face in frustration. Your brother looked at you confusedly, the smile dropping from his face as he asked, “What do you mean?” You considered for a moment to stay silent and continue to conceal your true feelings, to keep acting like everything’s fine – but you were just so, so tired of pretending.
“Stop pretending that everything’s normal between us! Stop acting like you care, or that you aren’t gone most of the time!” For the first time in years, you yelled at him, voice cracking at the emotions that had stayed buried deep within you for the longest time. “It’s fine if you’re not going to be here, Charles, but then just please stay gone… don’t come back and give me all these false hopes when you’re just going to leave me again. Please…” You were already choked up by the time you finished your words, raw hurt and disappointment lacing through your pleas – a mixture of so much love and hate toward your brother.
Charles said nothing, he just stared at you silently while allowing your gun-wrenchingly painful words to set in. The boy hardly cried – not when he performed terribly in a race, not when he suffered a nasty sports injury, not even when he thought his journey to F1 was over when he almost got disqualified at a rather important race. But as he stood there in the doorway of your room, feeling the words stabbing into his heart, he thought he was going to fall apart and shatter into broken pieces.
“I’m sorry,” he let out a barely audible whisper, voice trembling from the guilt that weighed heavily on his chest. Hearing your cries made his heart clench with pain, and it hurt him even more knowing that he was the cause of it all. When you were kids, the two of you always joked that he was going to beat up any boy who would dare break your heart. It was a cruel twist of fate that he, the person who had vowed to protect you, had become the very person to cause you heartbreak, and that realization killed him inside.
Knowing that nothing he said could make things right at this point, he glanced at you one last time before leaving your room. That night while you soaked through your pillow with tears and heartache, in your brother’s room at the other end of the hallway, Charles was crying silently beneath his sheets too. 
Two hearts were broken that night, with both of you mourning the shattered pieces of your once unbreakable bond.
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. 
The air was humid when your parents and you arrived at the circuit, rain pouring heavily as the scent of wet gravel loomed over the track like a bad omen. Flying halfway across the world to watch Charles’ race wasn’t initially in your summer plans, but your parents insisted that it would be fun to travel as a family. So alas, here you were, standing amidst the rain-soaked circuit to support Charles in the pursuit of his racing dreams.
“Mom! Dad!” The excited voice of your brother could be heard in the distance, and Charles sprinted through the rain to give your parents a quick hug. Then when his gaze shifted towards you, he gave you a slight smile – one that hovered on the edge of awkwardness. “Hey, ange. Thank you for coming,” he said, and you flinched when you sensed the subtle tension of your past conflict lingering around the air.
The two of you never mentioned that night again, pretending it never happened for the fear of reopening wounds that you both knew would never really heal. So you went back to your old routine – with Charles chasing his racing dreams in the bright limelights and you disappearing back into the shadows where the world couldn’t see you. It was less frightening that way, not having to face your fears and be honest about your feelings, to admit how much you missed each other.
“It’s fine – no big deal,” you answered, returning a tight-lipped smile with a shrug of your shoulders. Perhaps Charles was overanalyzing things like he always did, but he felt a punch to his gut upon hearing what you said to him. Having you there at his race to support him wasn’t “no big deal”, because to him it had meant the world.
He wanted to win the race and make you proud, to dedicate his victory to the most important people in his life, to celebrate the moment with you – his best friend and biggest supporter since day one. Though it seemed that this meant much less to you than it did to him, and despite the sadness that clouded over him, he didn’t let his smile falter.
“Well, I’d better head back soon,” he announced quickly as he glanced at the time, accepting the doting kisses and hugs from your mother before walking off into the pouring rain again. You watched as he disappeared into the distance, the “good luck out there” you had intended to say lingering at the tip of your tongue, joining the countless other unspoken words between you and Charles.
The rain had never really gone well with car racing, for the wet conditions reduce traction and control, turning the track into a treacherous playground with accidents waiting to happen. Your parents and you spectated the race from the garage, and you couldn’t help the unsettlement that consumed you as you watched your brother drive, more aggressively than usual.
Sure, Charles had always been a competitive person who wasn’t afraid to take risks on track, but not like this – never like this. It was on a particularly sharp corner when disaster struck. Charles, attempting to overtake the person in front of him, pushed the limits just a fraction too far causing his tires to lose grip, and his car spun out of control.
It wasn’t the first time you had seen Charles crash – he had his fair share of incidents throughout his karting days – but the horror and utter helplessness, as you watched his car hurtle towards the barrier as if time had slowed down, was just as bad as the first. 
The piercing sound of screeching tires and colliding metals reverberated through the air, and you held your breath as you braced for the absolute worst – something you learned to do when your family was a part of the dangerous world of motorsports. When Charles’s car settled to a stop, only having a minor collision with the wall instead of a serious crash, you made sure to thank all the Gods in existence as you exhaled a relieved sigh.
Charles staggered out of the car looking relatively unscathed, holding a thumbs-up to signal he was alright and not severely injured as he awaited for assistance. Without hesitation, you headed straight towards the medical center when you watched Charles leave the scene with the medics, not only to check on him but to give him a proper scolding for driving so recklessly.
“Charles Marc Hervé Perceval Leclerc, what were you thinking?” you exclaimed as you made your way to Charles’s bed, feeling a palpable ache in your chest when you noticed the scratches on his face and the bandaged gash on his forehead. “How could you drive so recklessly…?” you asked again, your voice significantly weaker than before – how could you still be mad at him when he was already hurt?
Charles’s head dropped down in remorse after hearing what you had said, it’s only when the adrenaline during the race faded away that he realized how irresponsible he had been. “I’m sorry… I just really wanted to win and... make you proud.” You didn’t expect such an answer from him, finding it hard to fathom that your brother wanted you to be proud of him so badly that he was willing to jeopardize his safety. 
How could you begin to express how proud you were of him – so proud that every time you thought of him your heart swelled with uncontainable joy, that seeing him race filled you with so much admiration and respect, that even with all that happened between you two, he was still your biggest role model who taught you everything you needed to know in life.
“Please don’t be mad at me, ange. Here, look at what I got you…” he said to you before reaching into one of the hidden pockets of his race suit, pulling out a little flower. A daisy – your favourite. It was missing a few petals, slightly mushed up, and the stem was bent at an odd angle, but it was the most perfect daisy you had ever laid eyes on. 
“I saw it at the field before the race started and thought of you. You told me they were your favourite flower when we were kids, right?” he asked albeit already knowing the answer – they were indeed your favourite flower. “Charles…” you muttered in a hushed whisper, and you genuinely feared that you would start uncontrollably sobbing. 
He had remembered. It was a warm spring afternoon when the two of you wandered into a grass field, playing an intense game of tag when you suddenly got distracted by a little white flower that adorned the ground – delicate and so, so pretty. “Charles, what kind of flower is this?” you said to your brother, to which he answered, “These are called daisies.” You studied the flower carefully, admiring its beautiful white petals and soft yellow center, and that’s when you decided, “This is my favourite flower.” 
Charles chuckled beside you and teased, “You say that to every flower!” When you smacked his arm jokingly with an annoyed pout on your face, he pretended to yelp in pain and raised his hands in surrender, “Okay, okay! Whatever you say, mon ange.” The two of you erupted into a giggling fit and resumed your game of tag – the game you never seemed to lose because Charles would always let you win.
It was a precious memory you held dearly in your heart, a distant thought that you remembered with such fondness. The simple times when you and Charles were still close as ever, when he didn’t have to constantly be away because of his races and you didn’t push him away every chance you got, before all the unexpressed thoughts and misunderstandings had created a barrier between you two. You had always thought that Charles had long forgotten about it, but now you realized that the memory held a special place in his heart as well, and it made you want to burst into tears.
“Charles, I’m –” you hesitated, almost like you had forgotten how to be honest or vulnerable in front of your brother, but you knew you would never be able to get the words out if you didn’t do it now. “I’m sorry – for pushing you away, for not making an effort to fix things between us… And I’m scared, so scared that if I try, my effort won’t be good enough, and then I’ll have no choice but to watch you leave, ” you let out a sigh while keeping your gaze trained on the flower in your hand, knowing well that if you looked at your brother, you would start crying, and you weren’t sure if the tears would ever stop.
Charles’ face softened at your apology, shaking his head vehemently because he never once blamed you for anything that happened. “No, ange, it’s not your fault. I’m sorry for not being there for you and for ever making you feel unimportant, because you mean the absolute world to me… It’s my fault for not being the older brother that you deserved, and I want to do better, for you,” he admitted truthfully, taking the blame for all the hurt he had caused you over the years for being absent.
When you lifted your gaze to meet his own teary eyes, for the first time in forever, you felt… seen. You had gotten so used to being invisible, letting yourself fade away in the distance as the haunting loneliness swallowed you whole. But with Charles, you didn’t feel invisible, you felt like he could see you – the real you, down to every flaw and every insecurity, and instead of judgment, you could only feel acceptance and love.
Charles had always seen you, and remembered every little detail about you – even the small, unimportant things that you presumed nobody would care enough to notice. To him, you were not a mere extension of him like the world had always seen you as – Charles Leclerc’s sister. To him, you were your own person with your own goals and aspirations, with a heart so big it could embrace the world. You were his best friend, the one who knew him like nobody else, the only person who could understand all his unfunny jokes and odd sense of humor, and he loved every fiber of your being with every fiber of his.
“I love you more than anything, you know that right?” he asked while looking into your eyes, he was not going to let any more unsaid words get between the two of you again. You nodded your head at his question, because despite all your distance and miscommunications, you had always known you were loved. “I know.”
“And you know that I will always be proud of you regardless, right?” It was your turn to ask him, and Charles stayed quiet for a few seconds to think. In the world of racing and its harsh realities, your value was measured by your achievements – you performed well, and the world would love you. Charles had gotten used to that way of things, and so he pushed himself harder and harder each time on track for the fear of making a mistake and being discarded by the world. But with you, with your family, he knew that he would always make you guys proud. “I know,” he smiled.
“We’re gonna fix this, ange,” he said as he reached for your hands. His fingers felt calloused and rough, unlike the hands you had always held onto back when you were kids, but somehow it had felt so familiar, so comforting, so like Charles – those same hands that held yours when you two were running across the field, the one with all the beautiful daisies.
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fatuismooches · 2 years
Hello!!! May i request how the habingers men act when they are drunk? How will the reader will take care of them? If you are not taking requests im very sorry you can decline my request
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Imagine the Harbingers when they’re drunk. 
Pierro is even more somber when drunk. It’s not like he does it on purpose, it just sort of happens. He does like to drink some wine to relax after many long days of work, but the idleness somehow always causes his mind to wander back to the old days, to before the Fatui. And he thinks. He ponders a lot and reminiscences about the past, how things could have been different. He has always been left alone with these wandering thoughts until you came along.
Don’t let the melancholic tone steer you away though. When Pierro drinks, he’s usually alone, but that’s not to say he doesn’t want you here. He’s been alone for as long as he could remember, even lonelier after the fall of his homeland. It was just natural for him to be this way. Having you there makes him unsure of what to do because he doesn’t want to make you sad, but please reassure him. Lay your head on his chest and put your hand on top of one. Tell him it’s okay, and it will always be okay, that you want to be here for the good and the bad, through everything. He’s silent, but Pierro appreciates your kindness so much more than he lets on. You don’t need to do much after that because your mere presence and warmth are more than enough for him as he strokes your hair until you fall asleep in his arms.
Dottore has a varying amount of emotions when he’s drunk. It really depends on which segment you’re talking to. The younger segments tend to get more argumentative with each other. The older ones are more mature and handle it better. With the younger segments, they’re a lot to handle, even more so when drunk. You’ve witnessed them throw stuff at each other, hurl some nasty words (about other people as well), and generally be gloomy at the end too. They can be immature and hotheaded compared to the older, calmer segments, but it’s honestly quite funny to witness. They just say the darndest things with the most humorous phrasing, sometimes gossiping about that one Harbinger who always cuts their funding. Thankfully, it doesn’t take much to placate them. The moment one of them starts to get pouty, you simply usher them into your embrace, successfully shutting him up. This has a domino effect, and soon you have a bunch of clones on your shoulders, hogging your lap, even against your legs. 
Though, don’t expect the same outcome with the older clones, especially Omega and the original Zandik. Zandik has had his body modified to the point where such drinks do not have much of an effect anymore, and Omega is just… well, yeah, it takes far more than that to bother him. Zandik does not care for nutrition in general, much less alcohol, so you’ll rarely ever catch him drinking, but on the occasion you convince him to have a drink with you, he wouldn’t mind too much. It’s not as though he hates the taste. Though, a lot of it goes untouched because he tends to ramble on with his research and breakthroughs instead of drinking, so most of the time he ends up taking care of you.
Columbina gets even more clingy when drunk, if that’s even possible. While that aspect of her doesn’t change, she suddenly gains a lot more vigor. Normally she’s calm, eerily so, but it seems like the alcohol brings out a lot of laughing. The Fatui don’t know which side is scarier. She also has a very high tolerance and the recruits always watch in amazement as she downs bottle after bottle. She’s also the kind of girl who insists on refilling your drink. There’s not much you can really do than other go with her flow. 
She’s very upbeat and giggly when drunk. Tugs you to your feet and twirls you around, giddily humming and swaying around with you until she dramatically falls back so you could catch her in your arms. Columbina has so much energy when inebriated that you wonder how she does it. But, always be on guard with this girl. She will stop all of a sudden, and then fall asleep and literally crash on top of you. The first time she did that you nearly had a heart attack as both of you were now on the floor, her body completely sprawled out on top of you. And she did not budge one inch. So you were stuck there until the next day when you woke up in the afternoon with her now in another weird position. But hey, there are not much people who have the opportunity to see the third Harbinger like this.
Capitano doesn’t drink very often. He sees it as unnecessary and more of a distraction from his duties than anything else. Even on the rare occasion he drinks, it’s not much to look at. The liquid just disappears behind the ever-present darkness that his helmet brings. You can’t see any blush, any smiles, any hazy eyes, nope. He has a high tolerance for quite literally anything so seeing him drunk is a tall order. If by any chance he does get drunk, which seems really impossible, Capitano gets a bit more clingy. When sober, although he does give a good amount of affection, it’s still a bit of a struggle for him. Because really, him? Of all people? Being soft? It’s still surreal to him and he’s still adjusting. 
But on the rare occasion he’s tipsy, there’s a chance of him desiring such fondness, both giving and receiving. Normally, when sober, he gets a tad bit embarrassed and awkward when you shower him with love. But when he’s drunk, he’ll welcome it a lot more. Just silently though. He’ll always be a quiet man. He’ll return the favor with a strong embrace. He likes to hold you in his lap with an arm around your waist. For some reason, he likes to tilt the cup to your lips as if you can’t drink it yourself. He doesn’t really need to be taken care of, but it’s still cute nonetheless. Capitano prefers if you don’t bring up this experience. He’s honestly a bit mortified you saw him in such a disgraceful state. (You and Dottore definitely worked together to make this happen. There was no other way.) Then again, don’t get your hopes up too much. Your man is resistant to possibly every force in Teyvat.
Scaramouche doesn’t care much for alcohol. He is a puppet after all. The drink has no effects on him. And the taste doesn’t do much for him either, as he says it himself - he enjoys the taste of bitter tea far more. But, if you do manage to convince him, with all of his reluctance, he can’t deny that some sake and cherry blossom viewing is pretty nice. Although Inazuma brings up some distasteful memories for him, he can’t deny it’s beautiful. Kunikuzushi doesn’t talk about it, but he does have some warm memories regarding the drink. Sometimes, his family, his friends from all those years ago, would drink alcohol in celebration. The young puppet would watch in fascination and down all the bottles while his friends lay passed out in amazement. So really, despite all of his moaning and groaning, he won’t mind. 
Even though Scaramouche doesn’t actually get drunk, you like to think he does from the way he acts around you. You have a tendency to drink more than you can handle so that you could see Scara reveal his secret affectionate side. Whining and slurring your words results in a lot of grumbling and eye-rolling from your lover, scolding you for your recklessness. But no one would ever believe you as he begrudgingly guides you to his lap, confiscating the sake cup. Rearranges his legs so you’re comfortable. Strokes your hair and brushes it away from your face, drunk on you. But then of course pinches your cheeks, earning a squeal and a few curses from you. After becoming the Wanderer, the taste is unsettlingly comforting for him. Perhaps because it was one of the things that began to connect you with him. Even if you can’t remember him anymore, he still likes to go to that same spot to enjoy some sake and the view.
Sandrone isn’t very much of a drinker. It distracts her from her work, and she’d much rather enjoy some tea and sweets too. So, it is going to be a long and arduous wait to see Sandrone drink, much less get drunk. That is until you recruit some of your favorite robots to oh, just innocently put a few drops of alcohol in her cup instead of tea. Luckily enough, she sips it without a thought. After all, there was no reason to be suspicious. She programmed these robots to obey her. The only thing is that she programmed them to listen to you too.
Please stop her from working. She’s been trying to unscrew this bolt from a robot for the last ten minutes and she still hasn’t realized she’s using the wrong screwdriver. Some Automatons may need to be enlisted for help but just get her away from that and into a chair. Sandrone huffs and puffs with a blushing face about how she’ll get revenge on you later, but you can’t really take her words seriously when she’s leaning on your shoulder so cutely. Her coat is off and her porcelain arms are intertwined with yours, her way of “punishing you.” You strive to get her tipsy more often in the future. At least she actually takes breaks that way. You’re so glad Sandrone built a Kamera into some of her creations because damn, it was really useful right now.
La Signora is a chatty drunk. She has the tolerance of a normal person, getting drunk after a good amount of refills. Many times she drinks to relieve some stress, as you have to listen to her complain about all the useless recruits and how unreliable her subordinates are most of the time. She always tells the best stories when drunk, always going into depth about how stupid this person was and how this person did that. It’s best not to interrupt or console her yet. She just wants to vent her frustrations right now.
How to take care of her? Just be a good lover by keeping her glass filled, her lap warm, and her boredom away. With all of the fuss she makes, she ends up winding down by the end of it to thoroughly enjoy your presence. Rosalyne gets very comfy during these sessions - hair flowing free from its usual bun, mask and makeup off, a silky nightgown adorning her body. She is a very tall yet soft lady, so her lap is much more suitable for sitting than any old chair would be, she tells you. Signora likes to have a firm grip on you, her hands playing with your hair as she swishes around the alcohol, her legs entangled with yours so you could not leave. Her voice tipsy and a bit slurred she’ll ask you about your day, what’s been going on, how she misses her lovely butterfly dearly. Anyone besides you would be shocked to know how sweet Rosalyne is as a partner. Experiencing love and loss changes a person more than what they show. So really, taking care of her means letting her take care of you.
Pantalone is a flirty drunk who has no problem telling you exactly what he thinks, very unfiltered. He is quite a charmer when sober, but alcohol turns up the flattery a hundred times more. A lot of times, the two of you have drinks together late into the night, after he is finally done with his paperwork and whatnot. Usually, it’s paired with an exquisite dinner. Of course, he only purchases and drinks the most expensive and delicious kinds of wine of course. Whenever he buys a new brand, he always does the same thing though, which you gladly welcome. Pantalone makes you take the first few sips, asks you how it is, and then kisses you to try for himself. You always playfully scold him but you can never be mad at that devilishly sweet smile.
Pantalone actually likes to be pampered and taken care of when he’s drunk. Brush his hair out, help him bathe and slip into his robes, tuck him under the blanket with you. More specifically, he likes when you read to him. While he can handle his liquor well enough, when he gets overly drunk, he gets quiet. You never pry into what exactly he thinks about, but after being with him for so long you can gather that he’s remembering his childhood. So, although his weight may crush you a bit, just let him lay on your chest for a while, stroke his hair while you talk, and take his glasses off once he’s asleep.
Arlecchino is a lightweight drinker. No one has ever seen her drink and it is because of that. She would rather die than have anyone witness her being drunk. She has only a few weaknesses, the most out-of-place ones being you and alcohol. Normally you wouldn’t mind, but it gets to be a bit awkward when you’re drinking and she’s just there with her cold hard coffee. Even during a relationship with you, she’s still adamant about not drinking. Arlecchino is serious about not appearing vulnerable in front of you. She doesn’t want you to think about her any differently. 
She’s super observant too, so there’s not really going to be a chance of swapping her drunk. Perhaps if you beg and plead with her she could have just a cup with you. It is endearing to see her so unguarded and cute in front of you, but her lack of tolerance ends up cutting the quality time you have with her. There’s really not much you’re going to do when she’s drunk. Arlecchino tends to hiccup when drunk along with some intoxicated mumblings. Generally, she falls asleep rather quickly, so just cover her with a blanket and make sure no one enters her office. Otherwise, they’d have to die.
Childe is a happy drunk with a good amount of tolerance, so it’s a bit hard to see him actually get drunk, but it is certainly possible. He is instead the kind of person who tries to convince you to drink Fire-Water with him because he enjoys your drunk blabbering. He loves to bring up the things you said while drunk to embarrass you. While drunk he loves to chat and catch up with you, but he also tends to challenge you to drinking competitions (he has a competitive streak after all, always up for a contest) which usually ends up with you passed out and waking up the next morning to Ajax making breakfast (donning an apron if you’re lucky.) Though there have been times when you’ve been blessed to see a red-faced, drunk Ajax.
It would be funny if he was a fighty drunk. The kind of drunk who suddenly wants to spar with you out of nowhere. Wants to go to the Golden House with you but he can’t even make it halfway, literally about to make both of you fall from how much he’s clinging onto you. Though, it’s not too hard to take care of him, if you’re okay with a dozen smooches to your face and a lot of whining. He is incessant with his cuddling, arms tightly bound around you. It takes a lot of persuading to let him release you. What he would appreciate is a nice home-cooked meal at this point, especially if it's Snezhnayan. He’s the one who usually does all the cooking, so he’s actually really grateful when you make something for him. The only problem is that when he’s drunk, he wants you to feed him. After that, the only plan of action is to comply with his demands for cuddling in bed. Somehow, you still fall asleep after him because Childe refuses to slumber before you. Zhongli has dropped him at your house quite a few times so you’re used to the routine by now.
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ashs-cardboard-box · 6 months
Bark; don't bite
~ Sean MacGuire/Male!Reader
~ Platonic or romantic
~ 1.2k words
Request :3
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Loneliness. A word that stung in each and every which way and yet, it’s how you felt more often than not. To put it simply, you were terrifying. Easily towering over the gang by a good few inches depending on the person. Built like a tree that had just been through the worst of storms, intimidating was an understatement. Skin tainted with scars and blemishes alike. 
You had been in the gang for a long while, though you can count on one hand the amount of interactions you’ve had with everyone aside from Dutch and Susan respectively. While they didn’t outright fear you, it’d be a stretch to assume they’d go out of their way for a casual conversation. 
You were, essentially, a guard dog. Anyone in their right mind would shit their pants if they saw you coming towards them. As such, you don’t leave camp much. On the rare occasion you do, you’re put up front. Acting as the silent brute you’re built as. You’re not even sure if your family, the gang, has heard your voice.
While you appreciate their company, their stares said more. You were self conscious in your own right. Having people, friends, family, and foes, gawk at you and prod for answers on which injuries you got when...not fun. 
You couldn’t necessarily fault them either. You kept to yourself for a reason. A confidential, disturbing reason. Spending most of your days doing mindless chores around camp and whatever favors people asked of you like lifting a wagon to put a wheel back on, or scaring people into their word. It felt like Dutch was the only one who could withstand your stare most days. On the plus side, you’d never have to deal with the real annoying folk like Micah.
That was, at least, until an Irishman by the name of Sean MacGuire joined the gang not so recently. If you could describe that man in one word, it’d be loud-mouthed. You never paid him mind all too much, considering you were out on a stagecoach robbery with Charles and John when Dutch brought the redhead in.
When you got back, Dutch all but shoved Sean in your direction, causing him to stumble slightly with an offended “oi!” Glaring over his shoulder towards Dutch before the latter makes a gesture towards you, causing him to turn right back around.
Sean’s eyes widen subtly as he comes face to face with your pecs before he cranes his neck to look up towards you. A slow grin begins to spread across his face, his eyes practically twinkling incredulously. “Holy Mother of Mary.. bet your ma fed ya the good shit, didn’t she?” He jokes causing you to crack a hint of a smile, much to Dutch’s amazement.
“Well I’ll be damned..” Dutch mutters. Remembering his presence, you’re quick to dig into your pockets and pull out what little money the stagecoach carried, passing half up to Dutch. Unfortunately not nearly enough, causing the heist to be a dud. Charles and John walk back into camp as if the whole debacle never happened– you can’t blame them. 
Dutch accepts the money and flips through the bills, only to sigh in disappointment and pockets it. “Ya gotta name, big lad?” Sean pipes up once again, causing you to look back down towards him. “Y/N.” you respond curtly as you stuff your money back into your pocket as Dutch walks off to do something you don’t care to ask about.
“Y/N..” Sean echoes with a bark of a laugh. You can’t deny he’s a change of pace around camp. He has a spark you haven’t seen in a long, long time. Sean grins and extends his hand forth to be shaken, to which you echo his motion and grip his smaller hand in yours, giving it a firm shake.
“Sean MacGuire.. but the ladies call me the Irish Terrier. If ya know what I mean.” He flaunts, seeming proud of that title. You hadn’t a god damn clue on what that meant, but his laughter was contagious, causing you to chuckle lightly, of which Sean points out in a teasing manner. “Hadn’t a clue mountains could laugh.” He lets go of your hand and playfully backhands you in the chest.
You weren’t sure why Sean was being so polite with you. You weren’t used to it whatsoever. You were scary and fucked up to the highest caliber. And yet, here Sean is. Not only relentlessly teasing you, but actually conversing. That’s more than you could say for most people around camp.
Your dynamic was a strange one. Sean could talk so much that it would make anyone want to tear their ears off by hand. You talked so little that your presence would easily be forgotten, had you not been built like a brick shithouse.
He often spoke up for you. You kept your head down and stayed silent at almost any instance of judgement or staring. Sean, however, wouldn’t have that. It was like a chihuahua standing up for a great dane. Amusing, yet not exactly effective.
He would go on and on and on, for hours if he could, blatantly threatening and causing a ruckus on anyone who stared. He didn’t quite understand your distaste for leaving camp, but he sure tried. His bickering often ended up with you having to stand up for him without a word. Towering over him and staring down at whomever Sean picked a fight with was more than enough.
“Serves ‘em right. Oughta carve their eyes from their sockets for starin’, I will. They don’t got a clue on ya, lad. Taller than the Heavens above, ya are but yer a damn sweetheart.” Sean huffs as he folds his arms over his chest, turning to look up at you instead of the person you scared shitless.
You could feel your cold heart melt just a bit at that. You were scary. You’d been through more than even you could comprehend. Yet Sean saw through all of that. He saw the man who liked to draw in his journal or embroider patterns onto patches of cloth. He saw the man that would drop off random flowers for him without batting an eye.
You chuckle as you push the brim of his hat down over his eyes, causing him to scoff and lift it back up. You only had him to thank for pulling you out of your shell as much as he has– even if it’s nowhere near enough to make a difference to anyone else.
The two of you acted on the other’s behalf should either not be able to do something. For him, it was speaking up for you. For you, it was picking up his slack. You loved him, but he was damn lazy. Despite that, you enjoyed helping out. Especially when your efforts were paid in cheek kisses..and maybe a couple dollars.
He was overconfident in his abilities, though you didn’t humble him. Instead, you silently taught him how to shoot better. Pressing your hands on different parts of his body and forcing him to straighten out. Unfortunately, he struck two of six bottles.
Instead of being disappointed like anyone normally would, he seemed prideful and arrogant. Impressed with himself for even getting that. His antics amused you, as much as you cared for him. You were starting to consider that maybe, gang life wouldn’t be so bad with him around. Now all that’s left to do is plan for the upcoming trip to Rhodes.
Thank you for the request !! this was a really cute prompt !! :3 I hope you like it !!
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factual-fantasy · 6 months
One why are you scared of horses and two do you mind if we show you art not fanart like stuff we drew ourselves just a general question?
People are always free to show me what ever artwork they happen to make! :0 I don't mind at all! :}
But if you're wanting to show your appreciation for me/my artwork, don't draw something specifically for that- comments/asks/reblogs are all I want please <:}
As for the horse thing.. you know what time it is?
Ok so when I was very smol me and a friend of mine went out into a field that had one big black horse in it.
The horse was allll the way across the field just minding his own business so I figured he probably wouldn't bother us.
Now this field had a pond and a HUGE WALL of blackberries that divided the field in two. Me and my buddy wanted to go to the other side of the pond and explore.. but the literal only way to get there was to carefully trudge through this narrow path that was formed in the blackberry bush wall.
So up we went. Slooowly stepping through this narrow path.. stomping down the protruding spiny blackberry vines and carefully pushing them out of the way with our bare hands. I think we were wearing shorts and sneakers which just added to our slowness and carefulness.
Now picture this, we're almost at the top. There was probably about 2-3 meters left to go before we were finally through the blackberries.. then we hear..
We turn around and the black horse was running up the path towards us. Keep in mind that we were very small, and this very much larger than us, horse was not stopping. He was absolutely going to mow us over.
We. freaked. out.
We scrambled as fast as we could up the rest of the path, tripping in the blackberries and getting cut, screaming all the way-
We made it through just in time and stood flat to the fence. The horse made it through right after us and then jumped around and kicked his feet in the air, nearly nailing my friend in the face.
After a moment the horse stops jumpin around and just kinda looks at us. My friend and I have jello legs and are scared out of our skin-
So for several hours, tiny me and my tiny friend slowly wandered around the space behind the pond. Blubbering and shaking the whole time. With this giant black horse just kinda following us around and sniffing us.
We were terrified of this horse, and we wanted to go back to the house asap- but the only way back was through that narrow spiny path. We didn't want to risk the horse chasing us again..
Eventually an adult came looking for us and was calling out our names. The horse got spooked by them and ran through the path and back out into the field. The adult came up and escorted us through the berries and back to the house.
So anyways, since that day I have learned that horses are way more scared of you than you are of them. All you gotta do is wave your arms around and scream and they'll run. But even so, I don't go out in the field without the scary adult or horse expert by my side. And I'll only feed or pet them through the fence. I am just forever spooked by horses <XD
We found out later that the horse was just playing. Seeing us and running up to greet us and to jump and play! Only for us to be completely spooked and not really engage with him. Causing the horse to kinda sniff us and follow us around like "?? :0 Play? Hm?? <:0 What happen? (Sniff sniff) We're having fun? Play..?? Why not look at me...? So slow..??🤨"
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years
Ooooo, requests are back open!! 🏃‍♂️
If you are still in the mood for some DC requests maybe Barry Allen x cat burglar!reader. Like he is super flexible, like former gymnast type orr stripper type
would be down for some smutty content too if you are in the mood 👀 totally down for just fluff stuff tho
Barry Allen x male reader
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No smut in this one, since I just really wasn’t in the mood but wanted to write this anyways. I’ve been listening to a lot of limp bizkit lately, idk what that says about me though.
You would have met the first time during one of your robberies, he would definitely make some joke about how he thought the cat burglars were in Gotham.
You’d give him the runaround and somehow escape him even with his super speed, which gets on Barry’s nerves since that rarely happens, especially from someone who doesn’t have any meta powers.
He’s never been one to resolve all his issues with violence like other heroes, so he would want to know why you steal and if he can help you out of the situation you are in that is leading you to steal. It becomes flirty pretty quickly, especially when you use some of your flexibility to wrap your legs around his head, or around his waist.
He finds out you mainly steal to give back to the people, like a modern day robin hood. So whilst he appreciates the enthusiasm for what you do, he cant let you rob all the places you want as much as he thinks it’s a noble cause.
At some point your flirting becomes steamier and more real as you learn more about each other, and at some point, you stage thefts just to see him. You don’t even make it out of the place you’ve robbed before he’s there and meeting you.
Neither of you can really say how or when you started dating for real, maybe it was one day Barry was hurt and you took him back to your apartment and patched him up, or that time he had to take your mask off to make sure you didn’t have a concussion.
But one thing lead to another and you both kissed, and your chases became even more of a game, the people of central city soon learned that you didn’t really pose any threat and that the flash would be there soon enough.
It becomes a meme in town that it’s just foreplay for you two, that you both like to play that little game of yours before the flash scoops you up and takes you home. Of course, that part has never been proven, but it’s part of the joke.
Some of the league would be uncomfortable in the beginning with Barry dating you, but when they voice their opinions, he’s quick to point out just how many of them have done the exact same or dated even worse villains.
Bruce decides very smartly to not say a single thing, because he has his own cat based burglar he likes to play tag with across the rooftops.
You are of course good friends with Selina, you both being cat based and with an eye for high quality goods. You also like to share stories of your lovers, you about the flash and her about Batman.
You visit her in Gotham sometimes, and she will come to Central city every now and then, just so you two can hang out, go shopping, commit a couple of thefts. Selina ends up loving Barry and says he’s just right for you, which makes your blonde lover blush.
Barry himself is pretty flexible in my opinion, but you are on a whole other level. You two like to exercise together or do yoga, so when you can pull off the super difficult poses he Is amazed and wants you to teach him.
There’s been multiple times during your games of chase that you have swung around poles and used it to change the direction you were running in, or have caught Barry with your legs whilst still holding onto the pole.
The two of you will never tell anybody, but you have most definitely given Barry a show or two with what you know on the pole, and he is a very enthusiastic viewer.
At some point you two are caught kissing by the public and it becomes like a secret only the people of central city know, but they honestly aren’t surprised at this point.
You end up becoming more of an anti-hero or vigilante, just stealing from the corrupt and only ever going after the normal persons items when you want to play with Flash on slow nights. You give large majority of the money you make back to the public to better the city for those who don’t have much, so you end up having fans too.
You end up meeting the league at some point, having to join during a meeting because they could truly use your expertise. Instead of sitting in the chair they offer you, you sit down in Barry’s lap which he just smiles about, looking almost as red as his suit.
Nightwing and other heroes who rely a lot on gymnastics end up going to you for advice because of how skilled you are, so you become a more permanent part of the league as you train others on how to use gymnastics and their bodies during battle, and in exchange you get some other training yourself.
You never become an official member of the league, because you don’t want too. But they get used to seeing you together with Barry, and they get especially used to you draping yourself all over the speedster like a big lazy cat, which always makes him flush.
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doetic · 8 months
There's Doodles of Rams in the Margins - Enemies to lovers!Jschlatt x F!Reader (pt.1)
Plot: During a lunch with her best friend and roommate Shae, the love hating cynic Y/n is introduced to her new boyfriend Ted Nivision and his friend Schlatt. Little does she know, her and Schlatt would butt heads at a party later that night, leaving her storming out soaking wet and enraged, but with the phone number of a charismatic and attractive curly haired man named Hasan. Warnings: drinking, asshole schlatt, mentions of hookups, swearing Word Count: 2983
A/n: This is just setting up the plot. It'll have better pacing in later chapters. As per usual, not proofread, adhd has me in tight grip and if I get started on proofreading I'll never end and edit it forever. Might look for beta readers soon.
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Perhaps in the past it was a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife, but nowadays you couldn’t help but scoff at the notion. 
In the 21st century, the very idea of a man wanting to settle down with pure intentions seemed far-fetched, especially if the man happened to be wealthy. Many called you cynical for this point of view, but as a sex and romance advice columnist you’d heard of enough horror stories to swear off the concept of love entirely. So, when your best friend and roommate Shae told you over your regular saturday lunch that things were getting serious with a guy she had met, you couldn’t help but be suspicious of the man’s intentions, although you tried to politely bite back the majority of your thoughts on the matter.
“His name’s Ted, Ted Nivision.” Shae smiled as the name left her lips. The instant the name hit the air you pulled out your phone, ready to do a thorough background check on the man.
Shae’s hand flew across the table and landed on top of yours, gently lowering your phone. “That’s not necessary Y/n. Besides, you wouldn’t find anything personal anyways.”
“It’s not that rare of a name,” You reasoned. “It couldn’t be that hard,” You paused, eyes widening. “...Unless he gave you a fake one!” Shae let out a small laugh. “It’s not like that! He’s just a youtuber, he’s got all the personal stuff locked down as much as he can.”
You sent Shae an incredulous stare, putting your phone back onto the table. She smiled in return, used to your protectiveness, knowing what was coming next. “LA men are bad enough Shae, but an influencer?” You began to chastise her. “He’s–”
“I know the drill Y/n, we don’t need to go through this every time.” She rolled her eyes lightheartedly. 
Others found your skepticism annoying, but Shae got it. She understood in ways no one else would or could. As your lifelong best friend, Shae knew your biggest secret: you were completely hopeless when it came to love, you’ve never had a romantic relationship. The shitty experiences people wrote to you about, your parents, and her own failed relationships were your only windows into what a relationship was like. Throughout your life she had a front row seat to witnessing you become so closed off to the idea of letting a man into your life. So, she appreciated and understood the pure intentioned concern,  but still patiently tried to change your mind on the matter, even when everyone else considered it a lost cause. 
“I’m just saying, you know how men like that are. Big fucking egos Shae, it gets in the way of everything,” You stabbed your fork into your salad a bit harder than you intended. “Is he actually successful or just some wannabe? You don’t want a guy with some trash soundcloud rapper mindset.”
“He’s got over a million subscribers I think?” She hummed, unlocking her phone and scrolling for a few moments before turning the screen to you, a dark haired man with glasses staring at you.
“I mean he’s cute I guess, if you’re into the geeky look,” You examined his face. “You could find someone hotter, but I’d probably hate him more if he was.”
Shae put away her phone and swatted the side of your arm playfully. “You haven’t even met him yet!” You paused as you lifted another forkful to your mouth.
“We both know how this is gonna go, Shae. He could be Jesus-fuckin’-Christ himself and he still wouldn’t be good enough for you.”
She let out a small laugh. “Well, please don’t be too obvious about your feelings. He should be here about–” She quickly checked the time on her lockscreen, but before she could finish her sentence the tall dark haired man you recognized as Ted speed-walked over right on cue, a brunette above 6ft with odd facial hair trailing after him. You couldn’t help but think he pulled off the mutton chop loop. In fact, with his sharp, prominent nose, large stature, and flowing, wavy hair that was partially covered by a NY Yankees cap, you found yourself admiring the man’s appearance.
“Sorry, sorry! Am I late?” Ted leaned down to kiss Shae’s cheek, your friend grinning at the small action. 
“Right on time, Ted.” Shae’s grin was plastered on her face, but a quick glance toward you showed that her eyes asked you to play nice. “This is Y/n by the way.” She gestured to you expectantly. It took you a few moments to catch on, busy chewing on your salad and sneaking glances at the man who seemed to be a friend of Ted, but once you realized you were meant to do something, you quickly waved. 
Ted sat in the seat beside Shae, leaving the uniquely attractive man who accompanied him standing beside the table. “Sorry, Schlatt wanted to tag along, but I figured he wouldn’t be too much of a nuisance.” He apologized, mostly to Shae.
“I wanted to spend time with my friend if I’m stuck here in smoggy L.A,” ‘Schlatt’ huffed.
“Oh Schlatt, you can sit beside Y/n!” She pointed to the chair beside you. You moved your purse onto the floor, watching the tall man as he crossed over to sit beside you, giving him a polite small smile. “It’s nice to meet you again.”
“You too.” He nodded in response, giving you a silent, examining look.
The man didn’t seem socially awkward, instead Schlatt just came off as reserved. From Ted’s comment about him being a nuisance, this behavior seemed odd to you. Perhaps he was just being good for Ted’s sake, or just getting a feel of the situation before getting more comfortable. 
“I’m Y/n,” You introduced. Not knowing what to do or say, you went to take another bite of your salad, only to be greeted by an empty bowl. You tried not to frown at the betrayal, opting to take a sip of your drink instead. Schlatt let out a hum, turning on his phone. Perhaps he was just tired?
“So, are you two looking forward to the party tonight?” Ted spoke up, breaking the silence that fell over the table. Although his body language made him appear comfortable, with his arm stretched around Shae’s shoulders, you noticed the awkwardness he felt through the apparent stiffness of his shoulders.
“Party?” You looked over to Shae who smiled sheepishly. 
“Ted! I was gonna ease her into it!” Shae laughed. “Ted invited us to a party with him and Schlatt, it’s gonna be a good one apparently. Some group rented out a mansion on AirBnB. You totally have to come!”
“I’m busy that day,” You said quickly. Schlatt, who was busy on his phone, let out a small chuckle that he tried to bite back.
“It’s tonight,” Ted restated.
“Yeah and I have plans tonight,” You said quickly, searching your brain for an excuse. Your search was cut short by Shae.
“You were complaining about having nothing to do all day when we got here. C’mon Y/n, It’ll be fun!” 
You went to sip your drink to stall while you thought of an escape plan, only to end up slurping air. The world seemed to be against you today. “Okay, okay, only for a bit. And I’m stealing back the Jimmy Choos I let you borrow.”
Sometimes you wished you were better at saying no to Shae. Especially right now.
The party was lively. The bass throbbed throughout the rented mansion as if the building had a heartbeat and the large crowd of people gathered throughout the house swayed in time with it as if the party had cast a spell upon them and commanded it. Although you were committed to being huffy in the corner, you couldn’t help tapping a foot as well. Outside, in the absurdly large yard took place a makeshift game of baseball while others mingled on the deck.
Hate was a word you used quite liberally, despite being warned against it your whole childhood. Despite its secure place in your vocabulary, it was rare for you to truly mean the word as defined. However, in your current situation you felt yourself feeling the word so deeply it was as if you created it yourself. Your irritation was worsened by the knowledge that if the party was populated by any other group of people, you’d be having an amazing time. It wasn’t as if you were upset just because you were a buzzkill, usually you were the first one to suggest a night out and the last one to get into the uber home (after being pulled in by your friends). No, it wasn’t for a lack of loving parties. You just hated the people at this one specifically. You couldn’t stand Influencers.
Your eyes scanned the crowd for Shae, noting the amount of cameras out with scrutiny. You couldn’t help but wonder how many of these people actually liked each other. How many of them were actually friends once the cameras shut off? You couldn’t stand the insincerity that seemed to permeate through every interaction they had, not to mention the egos that they broke their back carrying. 
Unfortunately, the familiar brunette you were searching for was not to be found, the two of you had been separated an hour ago when a group of people pulled her and Ted away to talk. Your phone battery was dangerously low, so you didn’t send more than one text her way. It was only a mansion, she couldn’t have gotten far, surely you’d find each other if you stayed in one spot. The situation made you feel a bit like a child lost in a supermarket. What was next? Practicing a stop, drop, and roll?
The sigh that escaped your lips was rendered inaudible by both the music and the laughter floating through the open patio door to your right, where out in the backyard a makeshift baseball game seemed to be occurring– with cameras out, of course. Unlike usual, your carefully crafted, much too expensive outfit wasn’t enough to lift your spirits. Opting for plan b, you raised your lips to take a sip of your drink. 
It seemed as if brunette men over 6ft were scurrying into your life like rats, with the man who just came to stand beside you being no exception. You tried to subtly look at the attractive man under the guise of scanning the crowd for Shae once more as you sipped your drink, only to notice him staring at you. Like a cobra, the moment the rim of the cup left your lips, he struck quickly.
“I haven’t seen you around this type of thing before, what’s your name?” He questioned. You took the opportunity to get a better look at the man before looking away with faux disinterest. You were opposed to love, yes, but a good hookup was something you were glad to indulge in.
“Isn’t introducing yourself first the chivalrous thing to do?” You commented, opting to act hard to get to give him the thrill of the chase.
“Excuse my manners, I’m a bit buzzed. I’m Hasan Piker. Can I know your name now, mystery girl?”
You let out a small laugh, turning to face him finally. “Y/n.”
“Y/n? I don’t think I’ve heard of you. I’d certainly remember if I did. What type of content do you make?” 
You tried not to grimace at his assumption. “I’m sort of a sexual anthropologist.” You stretched your job description to the limit.
He raised an eyebrow. “Onlyfans?” 
“A magazine advice columnist. It focuses on sex and relationships,” You elaborated with a laugh. “Though I’m trying to break into real journalism.”
He laughed. “‘Sexual anthropologist’?” He ruminated on the words. “Well that’s a creative way of saying it, although it doesn’t seem to be entirely inaccurate.”
“Circumlocution is a guilty pleasure. I’m assuming you’re a streamer or something?” 
“Quite a bit of political content.”
You hummed. “More respectable than most.”
Hasan let out a small chuckle. “But let's not talk business. I can’t talk long, content obligations. But I saw you across the room and wanted to give you my number, maybe we could get more acquainted later.”
You pulled out your phone, opening it up to the contacts app and handing it over. “I don’t hate the idea of that,” You smirked, internally beginning to enjoy being dragged along to this party now that you had the chance at spending a night of meaningless sex with his muscular form.
He took the phone from your hand and typed in his number. “I have to go, but text me. I’ll be looking forward to it.” His warm hand brushed against your exposed back, rubbing a small circle into your flesh with his thumb before slinking into the crowd from where he came.
You tried to hide the smirk that threatened to creep onto your lips, trying to play it cool in case anyone was watching. In an attempt to hide your smirk of satisfaction you raised your drink to your lips, only to find yourself wet and on the floor just a millisecond later, pain and the flashes and clicks of cameras flooding your senses.
The large form crashing into your body was far too sudden for you to even make a sound or register what had happened for a few moments. Slowly your brain began to piece things together. The open patio door in front of you, the baseball game going on outside that had halted with its players staring your way in shock, the impossibly heavy weight that kept you pinned to the hardwood floor. Some fucker had tackled you in an attempt to catch a ball. You were too stunned to speak, and the delayed full-body pain that flowed into your body only added to your silence.
“Watch where you’re standing, toots.” The voice, although with the telltale slur of a drunk man, sounded slightly familiar. Your disoriented brain took a bit to focus, but once it did you saw the face of Ted’s friend Schlatt hovering above you, illuminated by harsh camera flashes.
Your eyes stung as they teared up, embarrassment, pain, and anger flooding your senses all at once.
“Watch where I’m standing? You’re the one who fucking ran into me!” You shouted back in anger, not caring about the cameras and bystanders surrounding you. “Get off of me!”
The man huffed as he moved his large form to his feet, a motion your sore body copied once he released you from your prison beneath him. “If you paid more attention to your surroundings you’d’ve seen me coming!” 
“It’s a dark room!”
“Try drinking less, you’ll be more aware of your surroundings.” He retorted with a pissed off chuckle.
“I’m not the one who reeks of whiskey!” You angrily jabbed a finger into his chest. “I’m not taking this from some ‘influencer’ with an over-inflated ego,” You hopefully accurately guessed his occupation from his attitude before turning on your heel and storming away, focusing most of your energy on not stumbling in pain with such a variety of pitying and angry eyes on your form. Behind you you could hear Schlatt yell out in triumph about having caught the ball, his announcement resulting in loud cheers.
“Y/n! What’s wrong?” You heard Shae’s worried voice as you neared the parties exit. Ted trailed behind her, looking confused at the state you were in. You must have looked like a wreck. Even without a mirror you could tell your hair was messed up and your backless white dress was stained from your drink when Schlatt barreled into you. 
“That fucking guy, Schlatt,” You replied, sending a glare to Ted. “Crashed into me trying to catch a ball and blamed it on me.”
Shae’s face turned angry at your words, looking expectantly at Ted and presumably opening her mouth to tell him to do something about his friend.
“I’ll talk to him, he hasn’t been himself recently,” Ted spoke quickly, giving you an apologetic look.
“Don’t. I don’t want some coerced apology. He’s a dick, it’s whatever. I doubt I’ll even see him much after tonight.” You weren’t sure why Shae and Ted had such weird looks on their faces as you said that, but you felt too scrambled to question it. “I’m just worried about pictures and videos of it ending up everywhere.”
“I’ll see what I can do,” Ted comforted. 
“Let's get you home first, I doubt you want to be here any longer,” Shae spoke, placing a hand on your shoulder and guiding you out the front door.
The outside air was cool upon your skin as your drink dried into sticky patches on your skin. The slight breeze felt piercing on the wet spots of your dress that clung tightly to you. You let out a small sigh, the sound of the party fading into the background as the three of you walked to Ted’s car. He had agreed to be the designated driver for the night, something you appreciated. You would have felt awful making some poor Uber driver’s car reek of booze. 
You were so exhausted you didn’t pay much attention to Shae helping you into the car, your body feeling heavy as you rested your head against the back seat window. Thankfully, the two in the front seat respected your reluctance to talk much. You found yourself ruminating on your latest interaction with Schlatt. It felt so fast, there wasn’t much for you to think of at all about it, but of one thing you were certain: you deplored the man, and you looked forward to never seeing him again. 
Taglist: @ghostyoongs
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aydien677 · 12 days
My own little Psychological Headcannons on the brothers.
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A/N: oh my God this is a lot.
Warnings: lots of mental health stuff, like, lots
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Ok so I believe Lucifer has ptsd of the complex variety, maybe Bipolar, anxious and severely depressed as well with possible BPD and definitely autism and he will definitely have oldest child syndrome. His brothers don’t appreciate him as much as they should and he seems to rarely ever get hugs since even though he is doing what he thinks is best for them they do their best to ruin his day. He feels anxious he isn’t doing good enough for his brothers and that they’ll get hurt because of this. He’ll blame yourself for everything bad that happens to them. He has a lot of pressure to do everything for your siblings and his needs were put last as his brothers don’t appreciate you as much as they should and even now he’ll put himself last and will overwork himself for his brothers often not eating or sleeping like he should. Whenever his brothers are threatened he will immediately go into fight or flight always choosing fight as if it’s been drilled into him that he doesn’t matter and his brothers come first. That’s why he’ll act tough because he feels guilty for being vulnerable because that makes him feel unfit to protect his brothers and they’ll think he is weak and leave him for showing some emotional vulnerability making him unable to protect them when they leave. He has also turned to borderline alcoholism to help relieve some of his stress and anxiety because he never actually had the time to get over his trauma and learn to take care of himself. Yet most importantly it seems that his brothers are his only will to live.
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Then Mammons hyperactive Adhd is mostly what’s fucking him over because he can start something but will quickly loose interest causing it to fail because he can’t follow through and adhd can make you more likely to get addicted to things in Mams case it’s the casino but being the Avatar of Greed also plays a part because he feels like he’s missing something so he’s likely using possessions to try and fix it when he’s really just missing affection because he is used as an emotional punching bag by your brothers and this also caused him to have BPD, major depressive disorder and general anxiety disorder. Since He is mostly used as an emotional punching bag which is not good for him and he hardly ever properly retaliates. This is because he wants to believe you all care but he has a hard time believing it making him even more depressed and anxious especially after Michael pretty much abandoned and bad mouthed him . Despite his grades He is very smart and it’s mostly just his adhd. This can mostly be solved by more positive reinforcement and accommodations for his adhd.
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Levi has autism and anxiety and as the Avatar of Envy he is likely jealous of who he used to be but can’t explain that part so he’s just miserable and depressed but at least he’s more open about how he feels especially his anxiety. He really just needs someone to listen to him. Did I mention autism?
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Satan is a walking autistic existential identity crisis and as the Avatar of Wrath he is mostly angry because he is confused about why he exists and it’s also why his main comfort is books because they explain things and he’s using escapism as a coping mechanism. He needs reassurance that he is his own person and not a carbon copy of someone else. It’s seen over and over that Satan loves books and that he believes Knowledge is power but he doesn’t have the knowledge of how he came into existence except for the fact he split from Lucifer.
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Asmo is the healthiest with his self care but he has histrionic personality disorder and as the Avatar of Lust he is likely trying to Fuck away his feelings so to speak so he doesn’t have to think about it but then again his self care is also his greatest weakness since he believes that if people cannot see how pretty he is what else do they have to go by. His face is his mask and he thinks his mask is all people will ever see. They can't see what's underneath because he thinks that it does not matter.
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Beel is mostly just depressed and his guilt likely forms as a pit in his stomach which could also be mistaken for hunger so as the Avatar of gluttony he tries to eat to get rid of that pit of guilt. Belphie is depressed and has inattentive Adhd and if you’re too busy sleeping you don’t have to acknowledge reality of loosing Lilith and his coping mechanism is pretty fitting for the avatar of sloth.
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shittalkcornstalk · 11 months
“Take One For The Team”
Part 3
Synopsis- After another week of successfully placating Buggy the Clown, you start seeing him in a new light. You unassuredness on these feelings leads you to take some one on one time with him, maybe that’ll clear your mind, or just make things worse…
A/n: This chapter is longer than the previous ones since it was the first chapter I wrote after sharing the first one! I am still figuring out the order of how I want certain events to play out, but I have a few scenes/plot points figured out. This chapter is nothing but fluff. Any comments on missing tags is appreciated!
Warnings- xfemreader!, Use of Y/n, 18+ minor dni, Eventual Smut, mild manipulation on both your parts at h this point, alcohol use, weapons mention, age gap mention
Word Count- 3.8k
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Chapter 3 “A Change In Course”
Your pretty outfits continued, as well as Buggy’s new style of flirting. Every so often you were pulled into his gaze and words trapping you in moments that felt more and more intense. He got very good at making you lose yourself for a moment only to pull you back out and act like nothing happened. Comments were often in passing but they still made you go blank. It became very clear you were stepping into uncharted waters, but life had never been better. Buggy may have been a mean Captain, but he could be just as fun and exciting. The last week had been nothing but fun, as the crew lavished in drinks and music in the nights as you docked onto a small town. Whenever you all trained he watched over you all with an encouraging support rallying you all to his cause. It made you believe he actually wanted you all to succeed by his side. It was kind of cute seeing him so passionate about all of you. And that’s where the problem arose. You found yourself calling him cute in your head, genuinely giggling at his jokes at dinner, and maybe even enjoying his lingering eyes. Shit shit shit. You are not developing a crush on him, not at all, you can’t.
You meet up with the “Keep Buggy Happy” team a couple times a week to go over plans and celebrate your continued success. Lately though you find yourself drinking heavier than usual as the two men discuss your recent attempts at winning the Captain over.
“You’ve really upped your game y/n you look like you're flirting with him so effortlessly-“ Moji commends you.
You aren’t doing much of anything intentionally anymore, other than the outfits, all the giggles and blushing is all too real. Cabaji and Moji haven’t noticed you’ve been slipping on your act, but a very observant woman is well aware.
“Yesssss she’s been doing such a good job -faking- all those reactions, haven’t you y/n.” She chuckles to herself and takes a swig.
“ Well it helps he’s an easy target and this liquor makes things a lot easier” You take a sip from your glass and appreciate the nicer richer flavors of the liquor selection that Alvida has permitted you to take from. The stuff in there is only really allowed to be drunk by her and…
She leans in to whisper in your ears suddenly.
“You know that’s Captains personal favorite~”
Your breath hitches , maybe it’s the alcohol hitting your system but your body gets warmer. You’ve smelt this drink on his breath before whenever he leaned in to whisper his advancements in your ear. As the drink hits your tongue you can only imagine him drinking it. The way his mouth must taste like this after a night out… You immediately start feeling the heat rise to your cheeks. Alvida laughs at your reaction and pats you on the back taking you out of your intrusive thoughts.
“Well it seems our honeypot is doing just fine at her job without your input, why don’t you boys give us some time alone. On a ship full of men us girls rarely get time for girl talk” She waves them away. Alvida had never been this chummy with you before, but based off of that last line you were expecting more teasing to come your way. Cabaji and Moji left and she leaned into you closer.
“You little slut, you really like him don’t you-“ She laughed at your expense as you droop your head down.
“I don’t know, maybe…” You really weren’t sure. All this attention from him was getting to your head. You’d seen a slightly different version of Buggy this past week, and this one wasn’t totally reprehensible.
She sighed at your apprehension. “Listen, why don’t you take advantage of us docking in town tonight. I was supposed to run some errands with the clown tomorrow , but I can send you instead, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind the company. It’ll give you some time to clear your head and get to see him out of the context of Captain a bit. Maybe it’ll help you figure out some of this confusion.”
You took a swig of your drink and took a deep breath considering your options. You hadn’t had a lot of alone time with Buggy before, maybe this would make you realize this silly crush was just a phase.
“Ok I’ll give it a go”
The next day you got ready without Alvida. You took the time to take care of your appearance but you opted for a more relaxed outfit. You didn’t want to work him up if he was gonna spend an entire afternoon with you. Heading to the docks you met up outside with Buggy. He grumbled looking at a small paper with a list of supplies for the ship, adding a couple of things with a small pencil he tucked into his hat. You tapped him on the shoulder as he concentrated on the sheet.
“Captain Buggy? Alvida told me you needed help shopping today and sent me to find you.”
Buggy turned around fast and crumbled the paper in his hands as he was shocked to see you.
“Gah! You scared me y/n. Sneaking up on your Captain like that is how you get a knife to the throat-“ His chest puffed as his breath quickened, you noticed his limbs had detached at the joints only a smidge. He was always so reactive like that, always on edge, but you’d imagine you’d be too if you were a wanted pirate captain. You pat him on the shoulders giggling at the response, hearing the subtle noise of his limbs reattaching.
“I’ll keep that in mind- now what did you need to do in this town anyway?”
“Well Alvida and I were supposed to pick up some food rations for the ship and ammo before we headed out, this will be the last town for a while so we’re docking here until we’re fully set. I needed to order stuff now and I was hoping Alvida could keep track of todays shopping for when we needed to load the cargo, but you’ll do fine-“
Most of the time Buggy had been either ordering you around or flirting with you, you weren’t used to seeing him this calmly professional. You obliged and followed him around doing this busy work, after all you were one of his crew. You kind of forgot he was your boss sometimes. You made your way to the food markets where Buggy pulled a knife on a butcher who noticeably tried to upcharge him on meat. You never took notice of how much money it took to keep the ship well fed, it made your portion sizes seem more significant. After the food market, Buggy rushed over to the ammo shop he’d marked out on a little map of the town you were in. He was so giddy to restock on his favorite items, he didn’t realize he gripped your wrist to pull you faster to your destination.
“You’re gonna love this y/n” He spoke so excitedly rushing through the crowded streets not letting go.
His eyes lit up at seeing the selection this shop had. He pointed out the bombs he inspired his own Buggy Balls after and the tiny cherry bombs he practiced with as a kid. He pulled up to the clerk to talk shop with him and you browsed the selection as he negotiated. You took your time looking at a small gun that sat under glass. It was a cute little revolver with a bright red handle. You’d dabble with guns before but always stuck to more hand to hand combat. The bright red was eye-catching, certainly flashy enough to be a weapon for a Buggy pirate.
You hear the shop clerk and Buggy make some joke only two weapons experts would get. They get a bit louder as the joking continues when you hear a deal being made.
“I’ll give you the lot for a discount, and I’ll throw in the cherry revolver your little girlfriend keeps eyeing up-“
You immediately turn your head away to keep Buggy from seeing how the little misunderstanding made you feel. Buggy laughs it off and shakes the man’s hand.
“You’ve got yourself a deal!” He turns to you. “Can’t go wrong with a little added self defense, right doll?” He played into the clerk’s perception and watched as you shifted your head back to respond, seeing if you’ll take the bait and play into the role.
“Yeah… of course babe-“ You are flustered but want to keep on the clerks good side, he was giving you quite the deal after all.
It takes a little longer than expected for Buggy to finish off the transaction and shopkeep left the room for a moment with your new pistol. You both leave the store and you take note of the added inventory the ship will be taking in. Buggy watched you fill out the form waiting for the silent concentration to break so he could tease you about what just happened. You place the papers in your bag and he hands you a nice leather box.
“Anything for my girlfriend-“ He teased you, really emphasizing the last word. You open it and as expected it was the gun, what you weren’t expecting was his name engraved on the handle in a swirly font.
“Just letting the people you plan to shoot with that thing, just who your captain is-“
He’d held off on any greater advancements early today, but after that little scene in the store he couldn’t keep himself from being assertive.
“You did such a great job as my little helper today, why don’t we get some lunch before doing the rest of the day’s itinerary, my treat-“ He grinned at you as you still inspected your new weapon, now branded with his identity.
You nodded and walked with him to a fairly nice seaside restaurant. Now you two were alone with each other truly, no distractions or store workers to keep you from really talking. He ordered a drink and you followed suit, hoping to get some liquid courage as he leered at you. When it hit the table you gulped it down rather quickly, he noticed.
“Are you thirsty doll? You could always order another if you want-“ He looked at you humming before taking a long sip of his drink, taking it all down at once as you see his throat bob. “In fact let’s both get another round, we deserve to loosen up a bit don’t we?” He chuckles and signs to the waiter to bring two more to the table. It takes all your courage to break the silence, but you finally pipe up.
“So what does the rest of the day have in store for us Captain Buggy? More shopping I assume-“
“Captain Buggy…I thought I was babe now?” He laughed at you and your face tightened. “Take a joke sweets, I just thought it was funny that guy thought a girl like you would be seen with a guy like me-“ He waves his hands over himself taking a little too much time around his face, specifically his nose.
“Oh Captain I don’t see it that way, it was just a little awkward ya know? Since you're my boss and all? I just played along so we could get that discount he was talking about-“ Even if this little crush was a phase, it was kind of disheartening to hear Buggy talk about himself like that. You never noticed how self deprecating he could be. He wasn’t unattractive and you certainly wouldn’t be embarrassed if more people thought you were his- now you were digging yourself in a hole… luckily he broke you out.
“Yeah well it was nice to get to talk about my speciality with someone, as for the rest of the day we mainly need to pick up smaller items. Stuff we won’t have to worry about having the crew load onto the ship. I need to pick up more map making supplies, Alvida requested more liquor as it seems it’s been running out faster, and we’ll need a bit more medical supplies.” You never realized how much Buggy was really in control of. He had a moderate crew but his inclination to hire ‘freaks’ left him with a lot of fighters, but not a lot of specialists. You wish you could lighten the load for him, but you weren’t hired for any special talents either.
“Wow that’s a lot to keep track of, I don’t know how you do it Buggy-“ You looked down at your drink swirling the tiny straw. You didn’t mean too but you did two things that rang in Buggy’s ears like wedding bells. You stroked his ego so subtly, praising him for his underappreciated efforts, and for the first time you called him by just his first name. He liked how casually you saw him in the moment. It made his cheeks flush, maybe he was closer than he thought.
“We’ll it’s always nice to be appreciated- but it helps a lot to have a crew like you… you all..” He coughs out the last words, to make it seem impersonal.
Before you knew it the food came out and you two shared stories about your lives. Buggy told about his past like it was a performance but you noticed him skipping over a couple of ‘unimportant’ details. He mainly brushed over a straw hat character, but based on timing, you’d place the kid who stole his map a few months back was far too young to be the same person. He got so excited telling you about his adventures that you got lost in his words. He really had so much life experience, and even with the caveat that you were younger than him, you really hadn’t had any big adventures in your life, at least not till him. Buggy opened up the world to you with very little to go off on. And now you were sitting across from him as he told you about his life, things you never heard before from him. That kind of trust shouldn’t be taken lightly. You feel a warmth rush over you as you smile and giggle at all the little flourishes he does to make the story seem grander, to make it more entertaining for you, his only audience member. He really is one of a kind. As you look into his eyes you feel the pit in your stomach form you break your attention from him. You excuse yourself to the ladies room and feel the impending dread rush over you. You pull the gun from your pocket tracing your fingers on the engravement. You look up at your flushed face and it all falls together.
You have a crush on Buggy the Clown.
You give yourself a light pat on the cheek to get yourself to focus. He’s out there, you know how he feels about you, and now you return those feelings. How the hell are you supposed to go about this day like normal? How can you look at the guy and watch him flirt without losing your cool? Does this count as a date? The errands before could be chocked up to just a Captain and crewmate running inventory, but now you two were alone at a restaurant sharing drinks and stories. Maybe the second drink wasn’t smart. You could feel your cheeks get flushed and your head spin. You wondered what Buggy was thinking out there, you didn’t want to have him wait too long but you couldn’t bear to leave the bathroom just yet.
Meanwhile Buggy leaned back in his chair, thumping his leg up and down anxiously. He called the waiter over and requested another drink, anything to calm him down. This entire time he’s been flipping between that cool guy exterior he so desperately wants you to fall for and the absolute loser he believes himself to be. He can’t believe he talked himself into pulling that engravement stunt in the weapons shop, but seeing you get all shy at the clerk’s miscommunication did something to him. He wanted to draw more of that embarrassment out of you no matter how direct he had to be. He wanted to see you flustered and skittish thinking about how cute it was when you played along with the game. He tried to clear the air later, a bit of self deprecation always saved him from getting hurt, but when you fought back even just a little at the notion you two didn’t make sense he was over the moon. He wanted that to mean so much more than just an off handed comment. Buggy wanted himself to not be a joke to you. While you were held up in the bathroom he fought between wanting you back in his sight and wishing you’d stay in just a little longer. He needed to compose himself if you were to finish the meal in one piece
Meanwhile you finally calmed down enough to go back to the table. If this was a date or just two people sharing a meal there was no real reason to make it awkward. Buggy looked at you walking back to the table and gulped down his drink. He’d made sure to have the previous glass removed so as far as you knew he’d been sipping on the second drink just like you. He was already worried about looking like a jackass, he couldn’t deal with being a drunk as well.
“So this is the last time we’ll be on land for a while right? We’re heading out to a big stretch of sea after we get done here-“ You recall seeing the plans spread out at dinner a day ago. You’d be out at sea for at least a month before you’d be docking again somewhere.
“Yeah if all goes according to plan. Now's the time to pick up anything you’ll need in the incoming weeks. We’ve been making good time so if you need to stop anywhere while we’re out today, just let me know. I’ll add it to the list.” He leaned back into professional talk as it seemed to be the only way to calm his nerves.
You thought patiently about if there really was anything you’d run low on. You were fine on clothes, though you wished Alvida hadn’t ransacked your closet. Nothing came to mind until you realized you were low on shower supplies.
“Oh I think I need more shampoo and conditioner- the stuff stocked in the bathroom is running dry-“
“Ah well I’ll see if there’s a store nearby that sells that kind of stuff- what were you looking for anyways-“ He didn’t want to let on that he’d known the exact brand and scent of hair care you used.
You absentmindedly forget yourself and slip out how much you know as you respond “oh whatever you usually pick out for me works-“
Buggy gawks at you. Who told you this information? As far as he was concerned he’d sneak it to your room and drop them off without your notice . He never let on that he’d personally bought all of your shower supplies, taking special care to pick fragrances he enjoyed smelling on you when he had those moments where he was just close enough to catch it in the air. He loved vanilla and musky woody smells on you, it reminded him of sweets and old ships. But nevertheless you clearly knew something, what was he supposed to say?
You pick up on this slip of the tongue, you gotta save this somehow- “Well you pick out all our supplies, right? I always assumed you bulk ordered them, I’m sure the others will need some supplies as well. Should I add it to the list for all of us?”
Buggy could afford to maintain a ship, but he couldn’t afford to pay for a crew's worth of fancy soaps. It wasn’t cheap keeping you smelling like that, to give everyone the same treatment would not only break his wallet, it would totally kill the mood of your scent if he started smelling it on Moji…the thought of that pissed him off. He thought today was going smooth enough so maybe he could let this one little secret slip.
“Actually those are just for you- you always had such nice hair, I thought it’d be a shame to ruin it with the rest of the crew’s 3 in 1 garbage-“ He mumbled it a bit. You already knew he’d been going out of his way for you, but him finally being honest with you, especially about why, made your heart flutter.
“Oh, um…thank you Buggy, I really appreciate that-“Curling your hair in your fingers, taking notice to feel just how soft it really was thanks to him. He really did want to give you nothing but the best.
“You know I should’ve guessed you’d be the one on the crew to know about hair maintenance-“ You laugh a little. “You’ve always done such a great job on your own, I couldn’t believe it was real when I first saw it.”
Buggy had once again failed a task successfully. You were blushing at him, playing with your hair, and giving him compliments. He’d become jelly in the knees. You spent the rest of the lunch continuing with stories. After the little heart attack both of you endured, the conversation was a bit more stilted and quiet, both of you a little too on edge to really perform for one another. You told Buggy about your youth and how you used to want to be a marine till you saw how corrupt the system was. It had only been since you heard about Buggy and a couple others that the idea of being a pirate even crossed your mind. Back then when you heard he was in town, you’d rush to see if you could join them before it was too late. Now your audition seems a little different in context to what you now know about Buggy, but you'll keep that part to yourself. You didn’t originally plan on staying with the crew for as long as you’ve been, but the crew became more than a means to an end, they became your friends. As you voice this to Buggy he smiles softly and nods.
“I’m glad you feel that way y/n, we are truly all happy to have you on the crew-“
The lunch ends and you head out for the rest of the days shopping.
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ratskinsuit · 7 months
I’ve been thinking, since Velvette is something of a third wheel in Vox and Valentino’s relationship, I’d be nice for her to have someone to vent to about the drama that happens with them, or her frustrations with her own job?
Velvette and BestFriend!Reader
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A/N: Hello! So I didn’t know if they had wanted like headcanons or a story so I did headcanons and a short drabble, so i’m so sorry if it’s not what you wanted but I tried! Also I feel like Velvette is such an underrated character, so I am here to give her more love.
Velvette is one of those friends that you can go to anything with.
Like love struggles? She got you. Need to vent? She got you.
She will try to give advice (may be kind of shitty) but will always try.
But also expect that in this friendship you get to hear all her drama, and please listen to her
Will often come to you complaining about whatever bs Valentino and Vox are in that day
GIRLS NIGHT GIRLS NIGHT (and if you are not a girl or identify other wise it’s just a besties night :) )
During those nights you two will probably be in her apartment (or where ever she lives idk)
Will probably make a nest of blankets and pillows and plushies in the living room, grab a bunch of snacks and shit and just talk about drama with each other
She will get you friendship bracelets
Was kind of embarrassed giving them to you, but if you wear it and rarely ever take it off she will be so happy
She will also spoil you so muchhhh
Need more clothes? Shopping trip. Hungry? She will take you out to eat. Just wanna hang out and cause chaos? Mall.
Body positivity all the way.
If you insult yourself in ANY way, she will immediately start complimenting you and (in an affectionate way) yell at you for putting yourself down.
You two will just boost eachother up, like good vibes all the way.
Will constantly bring you new clothes, makeup (if you wear it) jewelry (if you wear it)
if you ever want like your hair done or nails done, she will do it.
If she has a shitty day at work or is just annoyed, expect her to come over or to be on a call for hours.
And if you also have problems call her she will listen.
I don’t think that she has many friends, and with Valentino and Vox constantly making her the third wheel, having you just makes her so happy
Like you are her person, you are her best friend
And knowing she has you as her best friend makes everything so much easier because she has someone to hang out with, and go to for random things.
She will constantly text you about random things
She won’t be mad if you don’t always text her back but will appreciate it so much if you do
Expect to take so many pictures together (if you don’t like taking pictures she won’t however she will beg, and cherish the ones you do let her have)
She has like a folder of 200+ photos of you together
If you actually listen to her when she is telling you about drama, or his random stuff she will love you forever
If you two ever stop being friends she will probably fall into a very very deep depression, because it’s hard for her to make friends and she was so close to you (please don’t leave her)
You were invited over to Velvettes apartment while she was working, so you two could hang out when she got home.
You are chilling on the couch, scrolling on your phone, when the front door slammed open. You peek over the back of the couch to see Velvette, looking pissed.
“Girl you would not BELIEVE the day I had!” She says, stomping over the the couch, standing infront if you.
“What is it today, Valentino and Vox, shitty models, or just a mix?” You ask, turning off and putting down your phone on the side table, before turning back to look at your best friend.
“Oh.My.God. So first, I come into the Vees headquarters right? And you know what the very first thing I see is? That fucking prissy little bitch VALENTINO and the fucking TV screen whore GETTING AT IT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE GODDAMN FOYER.” She says, throwing her hands up, pacing infront of you.
“Seriously? In a public space, first thing in the morning? Those two can’t take a fucking break can they.” You say, a disgusted look on your face.
“I KNOW RIGHT?! And it gets worse. Because my top model apparently got hit by a fucking truck and so she “couldn’t come in today” CAN YOU BELIVE IT. ON THE DAY OF HER PHOTO SHOOT?!” She yells, her hands expressively all over the place.
“Did you manage to get another one in place before the shoot?” You ask, hoping they did because otherwise she will be in a pissy mood for the rest of the day.
“Just barely. Had to take one of the lower ones and make them look less shitty. Luckily I managed.” She says with a sigh.
“Girl you can make a hedgehog look model worthy.” You say, earning a smile from her.
She pauses for a moment, before grabbing your hand. “Come on, we are going to the mall to fuck shit up.” She says, smiling mischievously, and you smile back.
A/N: I had so much fun making this not even kidding, I feel like Velvette needs a lot more love because she’s such a fun interesting character. I do hope she finds a best friend in the show. Also I love hedgehogs, no insult to the little babies. Hope you enjoyed!
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mirpuzzle · 5 months
I've been really curious about this, who are your top ten Yu-Gi-Oh characters?
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Hello! 🌷 Usually, I only have a few favorites. So, aside from the first three, the rest is constantly changing. I'll try to put them in order (all under the cut).
♡. 10 ── Carly Nagisa (5Ds)
What's not to love about her? She's funny, pretty, and a complete mess of a person. She gets in all sorts of trouble, all because she's trying to make a living. I like it when she gets screen time.
♡. 9 ── Noa Kaiba (DM)
He was my favorite as a kid, so I still have a special place in my heart for him. His story made me cry. He did not deserve that. He only wanted others to understand him. You're valid, Noa.
♡. 8 ── Yusei Fudo (5Ds)
It's rare for me to favor a protagonist. That's how you know he's good. This man is a blessing to Yugioh. He has a natural charisma that's impossible to ignore. He's perfect.
♡. 7 ── Bandit Keith (DM)
...I think. I have mixed feelings toward him. I don't even know why he's on this list. I keep going to him in games where Kotsuzuka is not there. So, that must mean I like him, right? I'm confused.
Cross Duel showed me he can be really nice to you if you help him win. I appreciate how he helps other duelists fortify their decks, using the themes they originally had instead of giving them a completely new deck. He cares.
While there's no excuse for what he did to Kotsuzuka and the boys, the fact that, behind that 'bad guy' front, there's a sad, broken man makes me feel bad for him. He deserves to heal.
♡. 6 ── Ryou Bakura (DM)
The anime doesn't do him justice. The more I learn about him through other fans and Duel Links, the more I like him. He's a precious cream puff who likes spooky stuff and is treated terribly by almost everyone. He deserves better (friends).
♡. 5 ── Divine (5Ds)
This man is terrible in every way, and that's the point. I hate that his character was designed to be hated. He gets no backstory, no redemption arc, no nothing. He's just there to be blamed for every bad thing that's ever happened. I pity him. He's the worst. I love this guy.
♡. 4 ── Thief King Bakura (DM)
PLEASE give this guy a break. He has gone through enough. The way he pulled himself back up after all that tragedy is impressive. Imagine how one skillful Thief became a Pharaoh's major threat. A Thief who brings up important moral questions that society seems to ignore (deliberately). He deserves to be heard.
♡. 3 ── Kiyoshi Takaido & Satake (DM)
They share third place because I can't have one without the other. I automatically started loving them because they're close friends with Kotsuzuka. I like that they care about him. These guys have so much potential to explore, and it's a shame we see so little of them.
They're not 'Keith's lackeys'. They're duelists in their own right. They have ambitions and aspirations. They just didn't get to be in the spotlight.
♡. 2 ── Yami Bakura (DM)
Sometimes switches places with Takaido and Satake but usually stays in second place. He's wickedly perfect. From his gorgeous design to how he pretends everything is part of his plan, even though he's literally dissipating into nothingness. He has the nerve to make empty threats that he never carries out. And I love him for that. No one can deny that he looks cool when he shows how evil™️ he is.
There's something beautiful about this ancient evil spirit dedicating his existence to fulfill his objective - all while showing us that he can enjoy normal human activities, like playing games. The complexity of his character captivates me. You can study him for hours, and it will still take you a while to figure him out due to his confusing lore. I like reading what other fans have to say about him.
The way he makes others suffer causes me to have mixed feelings. Sure, I love angst. I just wish there were some feelings involved.
Seeing him make enemies with almost everyone he crosses paths with makes me think he wants to keep everyone away, and that's sad. I want him to care about someone other than himself. I want someone to care about him.
♡. 1 ── Ghost Kotsuzuka (DM)
Yes, that one guy who's known for using Zombie-Type monsters. That short, spooky 15-year-old who walks around hunched over pretending to be a ghost, not realizing he's too cute to be scary. That naive boy who trusted the wrong person and then was unlucky enough to cross paths with the main antagonist. He's my favorite.
I love him. The way his eyes light up when he talks about the things he likes is adorable. I could listen to him gush about ghosts for hours.
His character tends to be frustratingly misinterpreted and overlooked. It's sad that some people think of him as nothing more than collateral damage to Yami Bakura's 'mischief'. He deserves better than that.
When you see past his 'side antagonist' role, you realize he's a precious little guy who's trying his best. Behind that ghostly, mischievous smile, there's a lost youth looking for guidance from a 'big bro' figure he can look up to, whether he realizes this or not.
Despite the differences in his characterization between the manga, anime, and games, one thing remains consistent. He grows into someone who wants to prove he can duel by himself.
But what does he get? Nothing but pain. Betrayed, deceived, ending up dead or lost in the darkness, condemned in almost every canon, with only his sentient Duel Links data to remember him by.
He only wanted to duel.
I'll stop here. Otherwise, I'll be talking about Kotsuzuka for hours. Thank you so much for the ask! ♡ Sorry that it took a while. I was struggling to organize what I wanted to say for some of the characters, and I wanted to add some art :3
Keep in mind that I've only seen Duel Monsters and the first half of 5Ds, so there are many characters I don't know yet.
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candyheartedchy · 5 months
What really ticks me off about what happened in the server today was how fast they jumped in when I posted the link to your Ponyo AU art.
All I wanted to do was show off something cute that made me happy and support a friend, and someone tries to dump all that bs almost instantly?
It hurt and infuriated me all at once.
I wanted to stand up for you more and try to make them see sense, but at the same time I was scared I’d just cause more trouble and arguments in the server than need be by “feeding the troll”.
I’m really sorry you had to deal with that today.
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I didn’t see their comment until like an hour later in the server because I was out most the morning and afternoon, but the way they reacted was just rude. Like I rarely post my stuff in the server because of my shyness, but I know you been lately and it makes me happy that you enjoy my stuff so much to want to share it. It means a lot.
And it’s okay, you did stand up for me and I will always treasure that, and don’t feel like you had to do more, I appreciate what you did by speaking up. So thank you. And I agree, hence why I responded only once to the person and try to correct them in that reponse, because even though I’m not in that the server a lot, I didn’t want to cause trouble or make it miserable for others to be in.
And it’s fine, being on the internet, most have to deal with a few bad experiences here and there, especially when it comes to putting yourself out there.
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marvelmymarvel · 1 year
Guardian (Part 5)
Jiraiya x Sarutobi!Reader
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12
Synopsis: Your brother gave you an assignment, "Go ask Sakumo Hatake if he needs help with his newborn." It was a simple task, but it snowballed into so much more.
Naruto Masterlist: Here
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"Please tell me you're kidding."
Your eyes dropped to his feet at the tone of his voice; he was upset, livid even that you had gone to Orochimaru to ask for help. It didn't make sense to you why Jiraiya acted like you stabbed him in the back. What was going to happen was purely professional. Even if it did mean anything more, Jiraiya was dating Akira, so he didn't have a right to be jealous in that aspect.
"He's the best option. As I said, you're way too busy to help. Plus, I don't need Akira thinking anything else is going on between us-"
Jiraiya scoffed at your statement, annoyed that Akira was once again brought up as an excuse. Your eyebrows furrowed at that and your fingers clenched into fists, "Listen. I appreciate you helping me, I do, but I'm an adult and can make my own decisions-"
"You're making terrible decisions, Y/n. Inviting him back into your life will bring nothing but trouble-"
"And inviting you didn't?" His mouth dropped open at your rebuttal, the words driving a dagger deep into his chest. Silence fell between you, and your eyes drifted toward Kakashi's room, "There's a bigger elephant in the room, Jiraiya. Akira doesn't like this situation. I think it would be best for Kakashi and I to find another place to stay." You didn't want to say it, wanted to ignore the more significant issue, but you were tearing their relationship apart. That tension made him antsy and, in turn, caused more fights to erupt. You and Sakumo rarely had any conflicts, and considering that was all you and your brother do nowadays, you were tired of fighting.
"Is your goal here to kill me with words?" His voice cracked a little in the middle of the sentence, and you could tell from his stance alone that he was trying to build his walls up desperately. "You cannot hide from it forever, Jiraiya. You have a girlfriend; I shouldn't be living here-"
"So you're just going to take the two most important people in my life away without thinking about what I want?"
"I'm not your girlfriend, and he's not your son-"
"Fine, leave then for all I care. But don't even think about coming back when it all falls apart."
Jiraiya's sharp tone sent a wave of confusion through you as you watched him storm toward your shared room. A sinking feeling settled in your stomach, and you took a few seconds to compose yourself. He didn't mean it. You knew he didn't mean it. But you had to respect him and his wishes. Moving towards the room, you quietly began to gather up your things. Most of your stuff was still in your old house that you still owned, so really, you had only a handful of items. In terms of Kakashi, he would be leaving a lot of toys behind. But that was okay; you'd get him more.
Jiraiya sat on the edge of the bed, watching you move through the room. He didn't want you to go but couldn't stand to see you right now. As you packed the last items, you moved into Kakashi's room. He was sleeping peacefully as you moved toward his dresser. Jiraiya had followed, but his eyes were now watching the sleeping boy. He didn't know how it was possible, but in a few short months, that child had become something akin to a son, which is why this was the hardest part. Jiraiya's seen you leave his side many times, but a son was something new.
"Okay," you whispered as you slung your backpack on before moving towards Kakashi. The boy stirred as you began lifting him from the bed, but you were quick to soothe him back to sleep. Turning, you locked eyes with Jiraiya in the doorway. This was the right thing. You couldn't do this anymore to Akira. You couldn't do this anymore to Sakumo.
Jiraiya's face hardened the closer you got to him, but he didn't move out of the way when you tried to get through the doorway. "Jiraiya." You stated sadly, eyes morphing into a look of sorrow and empathy. Tears bubbled along his lash line as he once more fought the urge to confess everything to you. How much he loved Kakashi, how much he loved you. But he couldn't do it. You said it yourself. No one can replace Sakumo.
Not even him.
He nodded before moving out of the way, watching you walk towards the front door with bated breath. Your hand hovered over the door handle, and you glanced back at him, "Thank you for taking care of us. I hope we can see each other again, at least for Kakashi's sake." You were hoping he'd use the opportunity to take back his words from earlier, but he remained silent.
You nodded before exiting the apartment, the sound of the door clicking close behind you sending a shockwave of emotions through your veins. You had no clue if what you just did was right…
Your e/c eyes cast down at Kakashi sleeping peacefully against your shoulder. It didn't matter; Kakashi was your number one priority. You had to keep him safe, and if that somehow included Jiraiya not being in your life.
Then you'd have to bear the pain.
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mychlapci · 3 months
Hello yes I'm here to spread my rarepair bs to everyone I can so lemme introduce you to Skyfire x Enemy. If you don't know Enemy was another of Soundwaves cassettes that just never talked about but is very insufferable and that's why he's called Enemy cause nobody likes him. "How does this relate to horny?" GOOD QUESTIONS I HAVE ANSWERS. Enemy is this itty-bitty cassette that fits so perfectly in Skyfire's servo, but it also means he can't put his dick in him cause its basically the same size as him :((( So he just stuffs him full of his transfluid, having Enemy wrap around his spike like a hug and getting off like that. Just before he finishes Skyfire makes sure his mouth is at his tip so when he overloads Enemy chugs as much as possible until his belly is full and he's covered in transfluid. Or if Enemy has been especially good Skyfire will just let him suckle on one of his gigantic titties as a little treat. Either way Enemy can't be insufferable if his belly is full because he'll be busy groaning about it and getting special attention from his shuttle bf :} -CEO of Skymny
you're so insane for this but i appreciate it. a good rare pair to get obsessed with is good for the soul. Had no fucking idea who Enemy is btw. That guy has some kinda problems. Pair him up with sweetheart Skyfire and see what happens. Hopefully they'll fuck.
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strawbrygashez · 2 years
Postal 2 Dude x Reader
Get Away
This fic is based around the part in apocalypse weekend when he wakes up in the hospital! So tw for mention of a su*cide attempt & abuse. If I need to tag something else let me know. Also no gender specific stuff for reader. Dude calls them sweetcheeks tho 🤷‍♀️
A peaceful moment in Paradise, it rarely ever happens around Dude anymore but he supposes that just makes it all the better when it does occur, especially with you around. If there had been at least one good outcome of Dude living in this town and just the batshit situations he always finds himself in, it’s that it’s all really helped him appreciate the little moments more. And god was he appreciating it right now. There is no place he’d rather be right now than here with you, basking in the unusual calmness that washed over the town as you and Dude sat on a hill that allowed you two to watch people go about their daily life.
The past half hour had been comfortably silent between you two as you guys observed and snacked but Dude, being himself of course was the first one to actually speak up in a while. “Do ya think they are just like this now because I’m not down there?” He asked before glancing over to you, who was still resting your head on his shoulder. You only answered him with a shrug, not looking away from below yet. Dude seemingly thought to himself for a moment before picking up a near by napkin and whipping his fingers free of grease from the burger he’d just had. “Hm. Well if you’re getting bored I can spice things up a little bit, yknow?” A devious smile spread across his face. “Just one little sound of a gunshot and…” he trailed off as he watched you finally grin and unfocus off the mindless ‘sheep’ that walked below you two. You nudged him before finally sitting up right and stretching. “Oh shut up Dude. We were having a nice moment there.” You half heartedly berated him before moving yourself to lay on your side with your head in dudes lap. He continued to grin as he looked down at you. “Can’t help it. Watching these fuckers run around, beg for their lives, and fight each other has kinda become a stimulating thing for me. Kinda like white noise.”
You rolled your eyes with a scoff but opted out of say anything for the moment. You instead let out a content sigh as you closed your eyes which not to your knowledge, made Dudes heart swell a little. He couldn’t remember the last time someone seemed so comfortable around him or treated him like he wasn’t some dangerous unfeeling lunatic or a useless shell of a man. The only person he felt a genuine connection with was with you. You who trusted him so much to the point where even though a moment ago he suggested stirring up chaos just for the fun of it, yet, you still closed your eyes and rested on him. He knew it didn’t make any sense, he’s questioned why you stayed before but at a moment like this, all he wanted to do was enjoy the moment and watch you. He did so for a bit, only just occasionally letting his mind wonder off of you until he decided to reach out and move your hair back behind your ear since the wind had began to pick up but before he could, you suddenly spoke up, eyes opening.
“You know, this day could only get any better if you woke up.” Dude stared at you for a moment “uh, what?” He asked. “You need to wake up.” You repeated, your eyes suddenly looking up into his. ‘What in the fuck are you talking about?’ Dude thought to himself but only got out, “I..am awake?” He raised a eyebrow before chuckling. “Did you take something before we came up here? I told you tha-” suddenly, to Dudes surprise you sat up and took hold of his face, causing him to actually jump. And almost suddenly all the calmness from before had completely disappeared, he could somehow feel the people from below stop and look up at you two, he could hear what began as whispers and pieces of conversations slowly devolve into incomprehensible groans and occasional screaming, and the suddenly bright and clear sky had turned a disturbing shade of red..and worst of all your begs for him to wake up became more deeper and deeper groans. He wanted to shove you off but he couldn’t, he couldn’t move a single part of his body even when he’d wanted so badly to when your eyes slowly had gotten glossed over with a deep watery blue marble shade. “you need to wake up.”
“GAH!!!” Dude spat out suddenly as his body involuntarily jumped forward, he quickly regretted it even more as blinding lights hit his eyes and a sharp pain rushed through his head, causing him to groan. He covered his eyes as he blindly felt around for his sunglasses, starting to notice two distinct things. One being that he was definitely in a bed of some sorts, and the other thing being a constant annoying beeping sound from nearby.
Finally feeling his glasses next to him in the sheets, he uncovered his eyes just enough at first to notice the bedsheets were definitely not his, clueing him in that he wasn’t even in his house. Slipping them on, he was able to look without squinting and that’s when he noticed you. You had your arms crossed on the bed, the side of your head resting on them. From what he could tell, you were..awake?? But maybe out of it? You looked a bit rough, with bloodshot eyes with bags under them, at least that’s what he could tell from what he could see of your half opened eyes gazing into no where in particular. Why would you be wherever you two are like this? Why are you two even- oh….shit. It finally clicked for him when he’d put two and two together.
He was definitely in the hospital but why? Did some fucking civilian get their revenge for something he did in passing? Whatever the fuck it was, It did make Dude feel kinda happy that you had been there for him. He was about to say something smart until you suddenly sat back up after he’d just moved a little bit. Dude and you blankly stared at each other for a moment. Him confused with what was going on and you silently thanking god that he finally came to. You knew he wasn’t going to die according to the doctors but seeing Dude actually moving again…if you hadn’t cried yourself out already the other night…there was multiple things you wanted to say to him, ask him, fuss at him about, but you knew that it wouldn’t be any good right now. He’d just woken up so.. “O-oh. Dude you can’t…” you slowly stood up and pushed him back gently down to make him lay against the bed. He let you even though he still seemed completely indifferent to what was happening. “…your head.. they said when you woke up you shouldn’t move too much.” You continued before taking your spot back on the chair you had pulled up next to the bed.
“I..what the fuck is- agh fuck!” Dude suddenly held his hand up to the wound on his head, a awful ringing had came out of nowhere, bad enough to make him scrunch up his face. You looked down at him, a feeling of remorse washing over yet again as he began to realize what had happened to him wasn’t something he’s just gonna be able to walk off like he usually does. You slowly reached your hand up to move his away from the wound and found yourself not wanting to let go of the warmth of his hand, so you held it there by his side as you looked down, not really sure what to say. All you knew was you wanted to feel his warmth right now.
“Seriously..what happened? How long have you been here? How long have I..” Dude trailed off. You looked back up at him, he could see so much hurt in your eyes but for what? You knew he always gets up again and- “you seriously don’t remember?” You asked him. He shook his head no (only to be reminded not to move so much when that also sent pain through his head). You stared at him for a minute before somehow, it seemed you actually did have it left in you to cry again as your lips began to tremble. You tried to keep it in as best as you could as you looked back down so you wouldn’t have to meet his gaze. “Y-you shot….yourself Dude. How do you not remember?” The warmth of your hand left Dude as you went to wipe your tears that began to fall away yet again. You couldn’t even count the number of times you ended up crying the other night and this morning. Every time you thought you were okay and were ‘going to be strong for him’, you fell apart.
Dude had really needed to hear that though because slowly he put together what had happened the other night..the bitch non-stop screaming and arguing, putting out yet another cigarette on him, punching him…him reaching for the gun…..Fuck. As fucked up as it was to think, now he wished more than ever it would have actually killed him because you were here crying over him and by the looks of it, hadn’t slept at all and stayed by him for god knows how long. He hadn’t even been thinking of how it would have effected you in the moment, the only thing he knew was he wanted out so bad. There was tons of things he should be saying, so many thoughts bouncing around now but all that came out was a ‘pathetic’ “I don’t know…..I’m s-”
“Yknow, I w-watched them carry you out of the house..I saw it all..even the bitch acting like she suddenly cared and..I don’t know. I was so fucking scared seeing you like that Dude. I could barely make my way o-over here. I didn’t know what to do with myself and..” whatever else you had wanted to say in that moment left your mind as you couldn’t stop yourself from tearing up again, to the point you couldn’t try to get words out if you wanted. Dude was pretty sure that he has never felt shittier in his life watching and hearing all this..even compared to how he felt the other night. He was silent for a minute before he moved to sit up again. “Look..I’m sorry I just- I didn’t-agh!” he placed his hand up to his head again when another jolt of pain rushed through him but he carried on anyways, “I’m sorry I just..wanted to get away from it all. Not you just…everything else. I couldn’t deal with everything and the bitches nagging and just-”
He stopped himself once you sat back up, sniffling loudly and wiped most of the tears away that you could. “Don’t..don’t worry about explaining it all right now..it’s not gonna help anyone right now. You need to rest..I’m sorry I just..I just really care about you Dude. We can do this all later. I’m sorry.” You tried to give him a little reassuring look but he could tell you still had so much you wanted to get out at the moment. But as it was for right now… he took your hand again and held it tight. “Don’t apologize.. okay? I just wasn’t thinking about..yknow you. I don’t want you to think you weren’t doing enough. I just..I dunno. It’s all just fucked yknow?” Was the best he could say right now but you didn’t expect more..so you only nodded a bit. Him holding your hand did help you calm down just a tad so you felt okay enough to add something else in… “yeah..uhm if you feel that way I don’t think those cards that people left will help very much. Well expect maybe one had kinda good news..”
He glanced where you were looking to and indeed seen three cards. One that particularly caught his attention was the one that was signed from the bitch. Half of him wanted to just ignore it and say fuck it but the other half just wanted to get whatever new bullshit information out of the way since yknow, someone somewhere said it wasn’t his time yet so it was time for the same old, same old again anyways. He sighed and let go of your hand and picked that one up first, reading it out loud to himself..and what? He almost didn’t believe his eyes as he reread the part about her leaving him again and again and again..and shit he couldn’t help that feeling of excitement getting even more intense when he peaked over and saw you smiling a tad, knowing what he was double checking. “HAH! DID YOU SEE THIS?” He asked as he held it out to you. Seeing his excitement definitely did ease your own pain up a bit. Being able to see Dude give that goofy grin of his still… “mhm..I guess the dogs off the old ball and chain now so-” Dude suddenly tossed the card to the side. “Yeah, so come here!”
He grinned as you gave him a slightly confused look but complied anyways, once you leaned down just a bit, he used what energy he had left to drag you down into a kiss. It wasn’t a over the top, so emotionally passionate you could cry type of kiss but it was more than enough for you and you knew you were in for some more later but you did take it upon yourself to kiss him back slightly more deeply. Once you two pulled away, he was still grinning, “God I’ve wanted to do that..uh probably since I met you!” You couldn’t help but smile back at him. “Mhm. Same here.. and now I really can’t be called a home wrecker.” You joked. “What can I say? I’m a faithful man.” Too faithful but again, you can tell him all about how he deserves to be treated later. “Yeah, yeah.” You replied as you gently moved some of his hair out of his face which he seemed very content with, almost like he could melt. You felt like you could stay like this forever now, sitting with him but a sudden memory came up “Oh shit.. I forgot I needed to tell the doctor when you woke back up.” You said as you started to get up. “Don’t worry about it I’m fine.”
“You’re not fine. It will only just be a minute. And while I’m out I’ll get you something from the vending machines..unless you want hospital food I guess.” Dude shook his head again (still not learning from the last time) “you know me well sweetcheeks. Get me my usuals.” He said finally laying back down again. You kissed him one more time on the cheek before leaving.
A little while after, the door opened again. Expecting to see you he smiled and almost began going on about whatever again but it quickly faded once he realized it was just a nurse. He groaned and tuned most of what they were saying out. The only thing he managed to hear was “you are very lucky mr Dude” which…he thought on for a minute and decided that they were right. The only reason he was lucky was because he had you around and could be with you now.
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