#and i cant even talk to anyone abt it cause no one would understand and would try to convince me i actually have nothing to be insecure abt
asakurahaos · 1 year
Mom keeps asking me to go w her to the mall and tbh i wouldnt mind going even tho usually hate going shopping but i feel so disgusted by my appearance
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lun6laveria · 10 months
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tumblr i would like to properly introduce you guys to my benrey oc, Little B.
ok so first and most important thing if you squeeze him in your hand he makes a squeaky noisethat is his true form, HE IS that small HIS PASSPORT IS EXACTLY THAT SIZE… i definetly didint just think correctly when i was drawing this but now its true not normal sized passport you can squeeze him like a stress toy but if you throw him against the wall it MIGHT crack 50/50 chance of him either becoming one with the wall or it breaking he can posses objects and make them float he choses to walk most of the time even tho hes SMALL and hes been stepped on atleast 6 times he also SCOURS through black mesa vents like the lil rat he is he does this real oftently and yes he has rat friends hes also "accidentally" fallen inside scientist's experiments causing them to fail dont ask HOW. none of the scientist like that lil mf bc he ruins so many things except for OOOONEEEE that i wont be naming.. his fav UNEDIBLE food IS battery acid his fav edible food is strawberry jam sandwich he could eat it entirely and the only reason he hasnt left black mesa yet is bc he does not like his own realm not bc theres something wrong with it, hes just not satisfied ANDDD THIS GUY DOESNT REALLY ENJOY SPEAKING he only lets out squeaks sometimes (rarely) thats when scientists try talking to him he either just..stares at them, ignores them or runs tf away but hes not that fast you can hear squeaky noises when he walks or runs too he flipped one of them off once he really likes chewing on passports his bmsv is like a bunch of distorted black lines that can exist for 30 seconds to 5 mins thats why scientists see weird floating black lines sometimes around the facility you can MOLD him theres time to time where his clothes, his helmet and his body turn into clay-like he doesnt do this by himself he cant control it, but this IS kind of hard to happen and he also becomes like unconscious while this happens but if you do mold him he takes 1 hour to go back to normal if nothing touches him he takes only 2 mins to go back to normal HE CAN STILL CHANGE HIS OWN SIZE THOU but he likes being tiny the only times he'll ever change his size to bigger is to play his cello that he keeps somewhere deep in the facility n he only does it at night only being specific on the last part bc i love cellos. he can't feel pain, and he understands all languages if anyone has any other questions abt him dont be afraid to ask
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reilliane · 2 years
Hi rei
May i vent a bit?Its not abt trauma or anything like that.Its more like rambling then actuall vent
Anyways. In case your answer is yes:
I have to make an entire school map, Choose teachers, choose students and their grades, choose majors, clubs, friend groups, its reader insert aswell, make up a council (which should be easy if i was going with archons but noooo i just had to have favouritism and choose other ppl for it now everyone has a role except one person and i cant find any more roles sooo), make their relationships make sense (i made ei scara's sis, how the f do i explain their relationship), who has which class with who so who knows who
And the worst part? I don't have an actual full build plot, the only thing i have in mind are some random texts(like a chatfic, smau, covos, scenes, etc..) so... Yeah you can say i'm torturing myself over nothing, and i don't have the courage to share this with anyone either, like i have no friends who can understand english(its too much work to translate it) or if they do they dont know genshin, i dont have a blog either soooo yeah, its... Fun?
Anyways did you recieve my vigil ask? I think it didnt get thru my internet was glitchy and it didnt say "ask sent" i hope you did
I hope you have a wonderful 24 hours, take breaks, hydrate, eat enough, stay positive, stay healthy, stay motivated, and thx for coming to my ramble i really needed that (if you wish to i can talk abt this au more, cus i would love to share)
Ask n.9(?)
Especially if you plan to be highly detailed in it or it's going to be the setting for your entire fic, not a scenario/oneshot yadayada, because yes lol courses exist- and are we even gonna bring up the ages??
M'flattered you came to me for this, come, I have some virtual tea and cake whilst agony prevails. Can't lament on an empty stomach /sobbing
I hope you have a darn nice mornight too! And don't be afraid to ramble more, I love hearing my anons out 🤗💜
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my-mt-heart · 2 years
Its really hard for me right now as a caryler. Im french and i like Clemence Poesy, had it been still a caryl spin off i would be over the moon. And im one of those who loves Rick (refering to your post). I know u said lets not again put the blame on us carylers because we re devastated and saying it, and i get it, im sick of the carylers being blamed for everything as well, but some carylers on twitter are really really really going too far, and also are judging carylers that are not by shaming them and calling them pathetics losers that need attention and approval by GA etc. What kind of bullshit is that? Where's the tolerance for different opinions? Its sad. Im tired.
We dont know yet how this spin off will turn out. Yes the night club thing is strange but its just a setting, it doesnt mean we ll see Daryl having sex with all kind of strippers or girls in the club. Yes, Clemence is younger than Melissa, and the "cast as a lead" thing can be upsetting, but as u said, there is also a male lead, being cast as a lead doesnt mean anything else than she ll be in all episodes and be important to the story. That doesnt necessarely mean she'll be Daryl's love interest (but mind you... donnie and co are gonna jump on that ship for sure, canon or not...) , plus hell for all we know the spin off could be set before the time jump at the end of 11.24 with caryl canon.
Maybe, just maybe, lets wait for the finale before being scared and disappointed, and maybe also lets really wait for that spin off to air or have real spoilers abt it before jumping to the conclusion that its gonna betray Daryl's character. About what Khary said, well, he does know Melissa better than we do so even if he cant talk for her it is worrying for me. On the other side she did say Carol's not over yet, so i guess we just have to wait and see.
I have litteraly nothing against what lots of carylers are feeling right now, i've been sad and pissed myself for months, but seing some of "us" making fun of Clemence on twitter, having decided before seeing anything that its gonna be shit and full of shitty male gaze doesnt help our cause. And i know its not everyone, but its still tiring. And again, we are not bad carylers because we dont hate the new female lead. Our because we re kind of "happy" (not really because its just Daryl but hope u get my point) our country is getting some kind of recognition in our favorite show. I really really wish it could be Caryl in France and not just Daryl, but its not...
There are probably going to be a few french actors on this show that are either half famous around the world or at least huge stars in the french speaking countries (France, Belgium, ect...). I might like them as a fan of french cinema or tv. Am i a bad caryler because i dont wanna hate them just because they are trying to "internationalize" their career with an american spin off of a very famous show ? Am i going to stop liking them because they are in the show? No
Im not saying its what u re asking, i know its not. And im NOT watching the show anyway. Because carol's not in there. I'll just spoil myself if necessary. But i dont want to hate on Daryl, i refuse (i dont care abt Norman).
Again, please, i hope u ll understand what im trying to say. Im so tired. And its not against you. Or anyone on tumblr really. I love your posts. As some other anon pointed out, you re the light here, very often. Im just exhausted. Now, i shared here my opinion but respect yours or everyone else, i just wished everybody (and i dont mean u) did the same.
I understand what you're saying and I agree we shouldn't be jumping down each other's throats or blaming the new cast. As for the general uproar, AMC has broken our faith in a lot of ways, they've mishandled Daryl's story before (thinking of Leah), they've sidelined Carol/Melissa, kept Caryl apart and the list goes on, so I think it's important to keep holding them accountable for that. The finale/finale event will give us more insight like you said, and if we aren't happy, then yeah, we don't watch. I don't think any of us are planning to anyway.
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soupdeewoop · 2 months
this isnt like very triggering (i think, its just a talk about my emotions) so like if ur gonna read read ig
and hopefully no ones gonna come to me being like “well whyd you put ur personal thoughts on the internet” well let me tell you one thing to one knows me here and wuite frankly ppl on tumblr are very kind. that being said if you know me in real life dont read 😭🙏
but yeah i hope it isnt triggering if anyone does read tell me im tryna be cautious
i think the thing about me is that i will start crying in public if i have to. idrc at that point bc when emotion come to me they come to me, and they typically dont come that easily. i dont feel much of anything like its all a mediocre feeling like im sad but not SAD. like i have to breakdown crying its whats healthly for me but i cant do it. so if i need to cry i will cry at that moment. or else i cst. process it. like i watch these sad shows and read sad stuff and listen to sad songs and ya a lot of times i do read enjoyable stuff but other times i have to or else i wont cry or get angry or whatnot. like theres not much in real life for me to feel from. i dont rlly go outside cause my friends dont live near me and nobody really know how i would love to bike to my friends house to get there. and ironically my dad has been trying to force me to go outsiede and exercise and bike. anyways. so emotions like i cant feel them to the extent i feel them at that particular moment or it will go away. my ex girlfriend texted me saying we need to break up and the thing is we had been dating for seven months but my parents are homophobic so they dont even know that i long distance dated someone so like at that particular moment i was suing my computer on the couch and my parents were around the house cleaning so i cant break doen crying in that moment so i did go to the bsthroom. but my parents get mad if im in the bathroom for too long they think im doing something bad (?) so like i cry for teo minutes, come out, go in again but its not it. i need to sob. like its been months and i forgive her (wells there wasnt anything to forgive i understand completely why she did so it still hurts yk) but i dont rlly think ive had that like breakup breakdown moment and thats not good. if i had just been in the situation where i was aloowed to do so i feel like there wouldnt be much lingering in my heart anymore. and idc if anyone will say im so depressed or mentally unstable for crying in public or showing emotion cause for me thats all im going to get thats all ill ever see cause thats all i have. anyways. idk i was just thinking how many ppl say theyll be v embarrassed to cry in public (and this rant is not to say i wont be like i will but for my personal mental health ig i thinks its ok) and like it just lead me to think abt the times i have cried in public. i think public isnt a very good word so just like around other ppl basically.
anyways idk what else to rlly say i dont think anyone will read until here but if you have heres some love ❤️❤️❤️
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imnotreal-png · 6 months
>:) -- Entry 1
OK i just smoked a joint after i wrote the date and now im kinda chillin but imma still yap on dis hoe.
I am a loser. Like a huge loser, okay? Like im not dumb or wtv, i may have reached a weird and insane level of self awareness, but im just as much of a loser as anyone else.
I keep catching myself trying to people please and overstepping my boundaries and justifying it with "oh everyone else does it, so what, its normal" like ok dumb bitch that doesn't make it okay, get a grip.
But i will be yapping away abt alot of stupid bullshit i deal with and stupid things make me sad. I am very well aware that I am irrational, but these are things i feel in those moments that i always hold in because i don't want people 2 see that weak side of me. It's embarrassing and it's not me.
In truth, i have nooo idea what i'm doing. I have 0 clue on where i'll be in the future. I didn't think i'd make it this far and not on some suicidal shit (idk if u can say that word here, oops.), i just genuinely thought that i'd somehow perish?? Like i wasn't really real in some weird way. I just didn't exist. Even though i was always the center of drama or the cause of all things chaotic, i was always misunderstood. god that's so fucking cringe but hear me out.
I always said shit that i believed was clear enough to be understood and yet it wasn't. Even my tone apparently has been rude this entire time. But no one would actually tell me how i come off, they just ate it up in silence and then spaz on me. Even now i don't really understand because i truly believe i am very clear on what im saying. Yet it's still...not seen the way im trying to show it? Idk if im making any sense bruh but whatever. Maybe im narcissistic but no one understands my brain the way i attempt to express it...or i guess how i see it. Idk i guess im just frustrated that no one understands me or gets my brain.
Also it's super cringe when people tell me im mature for my age. Literally eat my shit. actual ick. get away from me.
I hate my mom. She hates me too but she hates me bc I'm not the pussy she wishes she was when she was my age. She's the most childish person i know. I genuinely do not care what she thinks of me whatsoever. She's just power hungry and immature. Actually, I don't even hate her, i just hate that she gets to have all this power over me. I just want my freedom, thats it. She can hate my lifestyle or whatever the fuck, as long as im not living with her. At the end of the day, im truly content with who i am as a person and my moral compass etc, she cant affect that. I just need to have my own space and leave her household to finally be free and actually experience life in a comfortable and more peaceful way. I guess that's all i can say rn. I just wish she would respect my boundaries and stop treating me like im her competition and she'll always be superior. She won't and i cannot wait for the day she finally see's that lol.
!! super irrational moment alert !!
LMAO this is super cringe but like when i started music i put "listen 2 my moozik" in my bio bc we say muzik in albanian but americans wud have 2 read it as moozik to get it right + its funny? Ever since i started rlly getting exposure and performing out there, all these NON SLAVS/BALKANS have started putting it in their bio's 🙄 like be fr, its sooo obvious (at least to me). And now some of these mfs i've interacted w startes stealing my lingo and the way i type [this isn't how i type when i txt friends. its worse and i shorten everything in a miserable way cuz its funny] and it's cute at first but now mfs on social media posting the way i do and talking the way i do. [insert side eye bc yeah] and it's kinda cringe cuz they're actually rlly shallow and mainstream people, they just look like they trying 2 hard to be quirky. lol.
im probably tweakin tho idk.
i wish i grew up with art. i wish my parents had that and were able to introduce it to me. I feel like a fraud when i try to be creative and do things. Even with making music. As much as i enjoy it and love it and it really does make me happy, it feels fake. I can't play any instruments, i can't sing, im far from a good writer, fuck if know anything abt music theory...i literally just click buttons and make sounds on my computer lol. I didn't grow up indulging in art and creativity, i was actually always super bad at it. I wish i had a deeper connection with it. I wish i understood it better. I wish i expressed it better. I wish my ideas were my own. I want to be able to create something that is truly mine without feeling like im a fake.
UHHHH so imma just come on here and vent whenever i feel like i have something i need 2 say. This is intended for the void, if u come across it...cringe.
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bigmack2go · 8 months
Watching german newsies. Am disturbed. Need sleep now.
Jack „duzt“ (the not formal you) kloppman and i love it
So they have absolutely no singing skills which is weird considering its a musical
Not abt the german sync but i love boots so much ydek i love him almost as much as albert
They also call themselves newsboys in the german version like BRO WHAT ARE YOU CHANGING THE NAME FOR IF YOURE NOT TRANSLATING IT ANYWAY
PLSSSS „hast du keine aguen im kopf“😭
They did make it a whole lot clearer what jack meant when he talked about oscar with his shoes on
And you can understand what they say in the backround soooo much better
Mush’s voice actually fits better than his real one
Snaps is so funny😭😭
Omg boots singing in german is smt I didn’t know i needet (because i dont. Its terrible)
Blink cant pronounce Harlem „helm“💀💀💀 you go boy! Don’t let anyone tell you not to where that helmet!
WE LOVE U DENTON UR AN ICON *fucking fangirls*
„Spot kanlen“
They made „i spent a month there one night“ into „a night there always feels like a whole month“ :(
Wheres the fun in that???
What the hell is a spot kanlen
I take the thing with races sync back. In fact i think its really really good. And so is blinks (especially blinks) and skitterys.
I already didn’t understand why they would make a song called seize the day when it could be carpe diem but i guess in English it makes sense cause you can say both versions. In german u cant. No one ever said „nutz den tag“ if anything they say „nutze“ but like just say carpe diem christ. Maybe u can actually find some fitting rhymes then that aren’t just the same thing twice.
„das hinkebein? Ich hohl ihn“ why was that actually kinda cute????
„IcH wIlL NiChT dAS JeManD MicH tRäGt“
Istg crutchie is such a slow talker in german i cant even
„Brooklyn hält euch die Stange“
Thats what he said—
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(Im so invalid for this😭)
Ok just lemme get this straight cuz im not sure im correct. The newsies on the pic are the characters that actually got named right??
I have so many feelings about german kony and only very few of them are good
But snipeshooter still kind sounds like himself in it so i guess that good
Ok but „harlem bis nach sonst wo“ was actually handled pretty well
I only just realized mush swalloing a laugh when davey doesn’t wanna spit shake
Why do they juat completely change some things they say?? Like they could have easily translated it??
Why is the refuge and orphanage in german
Edit: nvm its just a lollipop
Istg Esther is so done
(I didn’t even know that was a word)
Still can’t believe blush is cannon
Ok but in santa fee jack talks to a crowd, to himself and to someone else entirely all at the same time
The way jack say snoddy is simply just wrong
Skittery is weird too
„Spot conlen macht uns n bisschen nervös“ nawwwwww fucking cute ass
Omg the men in the backround talking????? Awesome!! Can hear every word!! „Die werden sich noch umsehn“ yass
Why tf they calling him captain instead of kelly
„ICh FrEsS n BeSeN“
Boots is so poursouled
Edit: i take it back
Reminder to anyone hc‘ing mouth as daveys nickname that in german his nickname would be SpRacHrOhR
WHY DO THEY TAKE DIFFERENT ENGLISH WORDS??? Either u translate it or you leave it. But if you’re changing it but not translating wheres the point??
Nothing. And i mean nothing. Makes sense in seize the day. And it doesn’t rhyme.
Fucking blink
Edit: rn -mush
Why is crutchie so dumb?
I just realized some of the scabs were already convinced before the fight w the Delancys
What is the woody gate??
Boots is a fucking icon
Spot just livked his palm instead if soitting in it??
What denton says doesn’t make any fucking sense istg
Some of the rhymes in kony are actually okay
cant fucking understand a word snipeshooter says
Why did snider donate to the strike??
Herrliche aussicht STFU ALREADY
Who casted Sarah‘s sync???
Motherfucking Pulitzer is licking the paper
Motherfuxker is one of them the guy frim umsere kleine farm
Wtf they didn’t even try to make emphasis‘s similar
They removed meddas accent:(
Just realized the bodyguard spot turns into when snider shows up
Also one lf the guys looks exactly like live‘sies spot
Blink being a bodyguard is the reason i‘m alive
Istg what did spot expect dumbass
Not them changing the order 💀
I love that the newsies have priority
1 children
2 women
3 jack
4 themselves
5 davey
6 their friends
7 other newsies
8 other people
I motherfucking love 92‘sies henry
Why is the mayor plying bodyguard now
Pulitzer poking jack is even better in german
Seiz is talking such bullshit tho??? Doesn’t even make sense. Je litteraly does have somewhere to go
what DID crutchie do to the sauerkraut??
Santafee be like📈📉📈📉📈📉📈📉
ScHoN gUt BiN nIcH tAuB
„Wie ein pinkel“????? Huh??
Boots is so dedicated about the clothes what the hell??
Why does davey say i dont even know your real name instead he of you didn’t even tell me your real name.cause lts not true?? And He could have said that?
Why did i think they replaced weasel at the end??? They didn’t. They have two at the beginning too
sarah decking morris is my motto of life
Les 🥺🥺🥺
MorriS‘s german laugh is my life istg thats so funny
Und das ist für crutchie
vorallam nicht klug? Yop. Absolutly. Positive. Correct.
Wait theres a picture of the irl Katherine in pulitzers office
How did they get the word „kriegsberichterstatter“ in the word „warreporter“ but not „kenne“ in „tell me“
Why does denton say pulitzer so weird “pOUUUlitser”
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monumentalslutt · 1 year
still have a lot of love for my ex, not like he needs it but idk i cant just ditch him??? like even from afar, he’s fine obviously he’s got a gf he’s living his best life but i think i’ll always care about him. no matter how angry or sad i get my care for ppl is always stronger, i wish i knew how to make ppl know that. no matter how bitchy i be i really do still care and at the end of the day that’s the main thing. obviously he would never come to me if he needed someone bcs hes got other ppl and i’m not the only girl he’s loved but he’s still the only guy i’ve loved so it’s still hard for me. i think once i finally start loving someone else i’ll be chillin bcs their won’t be a lil empty space in my mental u know what i mean. i just don’t really talk to anyone and i’ve gotta know them in person be comfy with them and allat and feel loved by them before i really start loving you get what i mean. i think it’s also bcs of my other lil mental quirks that i love and feel emotions way more intensely than like my ex you know what i mean, need to find me another mentally ill cutie who will feel just as deeply as me. or at least one that is sane but understanding abt mental shit. rn i’m in a good mindset i like when i’m like this, like normal and chillin but in like a couple hours i’ll probably be angry or sad abt somethinf and ranting on here, but that’s what i mean, no matter how angry or sad i get this is still how i actually feel like, it just kinda gets hidden under my emotions bcs i don’t really think i just feel. if im angry i normally just want to make them know how upset they make me and i don’t really think a lot. i’m very controlled by my own emotions and it really has gotten a lot more like out there this year. 2023 not my year for real i’m doing worse than i ever have and dis shit don’t be going away. it’s not directly even caused by one thinf, i’m not emo just abt my ex or anything it’s geniunely my entire mental about everything. even if i got a new boyfriend i’d still have these exact same issues and still be just as controlled by my emotions, it would just be affecting him too. i think my mum is probably the biggest thing that’s “causing” anything per say but that’s from the last 16 years of constant issues with her. it’s unfair how life goes with those kinds of things, i never did anything to deserve that but it still happened now i just have to learn to deal with the consequences of someone else’s actions. Also this year is really like when my mum has really become a big like thing in my mental. it’s like all the build up of my whole life dealing with her has finally snapped and it’s all starting to really affect me. i think i’ll show my therapist this post bcs i’m not thinking emotionally for once, i’m just chillin sitting on the toilet and observing myself. i wish i felt like this all the time but honestly im upset or whatever you wanna call it just as much pr even more than i am just you know chillin hmmm anyways catch ya later alligator
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unadulterated-syd · 2 years
is this one still up? looks really fun!
Send in a couple things about you, personality + gender + gender preference,, and I'll give you a character I'd pair you with platonically (add your fandom!!)
so, im an intp, i love horror movies and mystery books (my favs at the moment are those from stalking jack the ripper series yk), im a rock/metal music lover, i draw some stuff and write abt romance&horror (usually they walk together), i play rpg and atm im trying the dungeon master thing. i dont talk to alot of people, that takes tooo much energy, few people think im rude cause tbh i dont have much patience and i dont let people step on me yk, still i care too much abt others (i just dont like them to know it), so i help anyone that asks for it on my own way, but i hate being helped cause talking abt my problems makes me feel weak. also i go for she/her and i dont have any gender preferences.
my fandoms are stranger things, twd, supernatural, wednesday, hp and alice in borderland (yep you dont write abt some of these but i like to talk abt them:])
yes all my events are still up!
like you said, i don't write for all your fandoms, however i can give you a matchup for; stranger things, the walking dead, wednesday and harry potter!
we actually have a LOT in common,, you just seem cooler than me tbh
(id love to talk to u about horror btw)
stranger things -> this one id like to put you with eleven hopper!
the way id mostly support this is you seem a lot like max, and those two have one of the best bonds (though i ship elmax this friendship would be platonic)
youd help her with bullying problems and would NOT let her ever feel bad about herself
and tbh i think you guys could be a badass duo (not side kick way cause youd both bring equal amounts to the table)
plus i think will would warm up to you and im sure you could help him with his sexuality issues (we all know he thinks badly of himself)
but el would just really adore you, and you her i think itd be a good friendship all around
(i genuinely think shed be scared of horror movies and then she sees a slasher and then is a fanatic tbh)
the walking dead -> i think i want to put you with glenn
hear me out, him being a poser before the apocalypse and you GENUINELY teaching him about punk/rock, and horror culture
like when hes passionate about something he stands his ground,, and you stand his ground with him (you two always win bc youd always be right)
the two of you BOTH going on the ride in his red car
being friends with him since day 1 of the apocalypse and bonding
helping him in your secretive ways and him noticing it >>
he would hes very good at detecting things like that,, and would be v thankful but wouldnt tell you cause obviously you dont want to talk about it
plus hed silently understand your feelings so u dont need to express them
wednesday -> i give you ajax!!
see hypothetically, i think xaviers the type to also be super into horror and punk/rock
so ajax is already heavily exposed to your interests + i think hed be into some horror
and hes the type to enjoy a light amount of rock/punk
i think hed be big on apocalypse shows for some reason
i feel like neither of tou are comfortable sharing emotions you just kind of know everything about eachother and act accordingly
you guys could geek out over new horror movies and such!!!
plus you and enid would get along really well so you three would be best pals
i think youd bud heads with xavier so the two of you would probably argue a lot and Ajax would bully the two of you about it
Harry Potter -> I want to pair you with Fred and George
i cant even explain this one
you guys just are best friends
and youre the only one that ever gets serious (when you need to ofc)
plus they def dont discuss feelings to one another lets be honest
I hope these work for you!!! :)))
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p4inlands · 2 years
random stranger things headcanons!
a/n: basically the title. just random stranger things headcanons that me and my friend made. a lot of these are more humorous headcanons about bob (and him being an lgbtq+ ally HELP...)
we both miss bob so most are about bob...
bob would've been so understanding when joyce tells him that she thinks she may want to be with someone else!!! (this is barely a hc because we all know that bob would be like this)
bob would still be really close friends with joyce when she starts dating hopper
when will comes out as gay, bob would be confused but he would be super supportive and make sure to ask plenty of questions
whenever will talks about mike, bob winks (but its a bad wink because he cant wink with one eye)
bob would be like an awkward dad trying to get mike and will together
the party does a bake sale to try to raise money to help with repairs to the mall and bob does most of the baking. he doesn't even mind it, though, because it's for a good cause! (but he mostly does it for the kids)
bob would get super excited when joyce and hopper announce their engagement, like, he'd throw a huge party
bob is the #1 lgbtq+ ally.
(i have no clue when pride parades became popular and stuff but who cares) when bob hears about pride parades he shows will and is like "look it's more people like you!" he'd get so excited and convince will to let him take him to one in hawkins
every june bob says "happy gay month!"
bob's confused for a bit but he's got the spirit!
nobody corrects him for a while because he's so happy about it
we all know he loves supporting his loved ones!!!! it makes him happy
totally the guy that wears head-to-toe rainbow to a pride parade
will would be embarrassed because of this but he'd be so happy that bob is with him!!!!
whenever anyone makes a homomphobic comment towards or about will, bob would get mad and say something like "shut up! you people are so small-minded!"
bob barely gets genuinely angry, but if you mess with his loved ones... watch tf out!!!
when mike and will go on their first date, bob insists on taking, like, 50 pictures of them (he'd just be so emotional)
i can just see mike and will leaving the house after that and mike asks "is he always like that?" and will just smiles and says "yeah. wouldn't want him any other way."
okay onto some abt other characters!
when mike and will start dating, hopper is just so confused because he just remembers mike and his daughter making out almost daily back when they were, like, 14
then his daughter starts dating max and he's like is anyone even straight anymore ???
he goes to bob asking about it and bob helps him understand
bob and hopper bonding!!!! (it's what we deserve)
hopper: "my daughter is dating a girl... but she was dating a boy... and she told me she likes everyone despite their gender..."; bob: "wait!" *bob takes out his flashcards* bob: "pansexual!"
yeah bob would make sexuality flashcards
when he hears about different gender identities he gets so excited. "more flashcards!"
he'd let hopper borrow them so he could learn too
hopper is very confused but he loves his daughter and he will not rest until he can understand her better!!!!!
hopper ends up being a big ally as well of course
when max is questioning her sexuality and thinks she might like girls she goes to robin (because she knows robin is a lesbian) and robin helps her to figure herself out and accept herself!
max and will are best friends.
max would threaten to fight anyone that messes with will
"the hell did you just say? you wanna die today?"
even when the kids are, like, 17 and still growing, their parents will ask steve to watch them because he's so good with them
nobody minds it though!
robin even comes along and gets everyone free ice cream
mike: "you pay more attention to me than my mom does!"; steve: "i don't think that's a good thing..."
when steve starts to think that boys are cute, he goes to robin first!
if either of us does any more i will add them...
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jjkyaoi · 4 years
i’m bored, and at this point every bit of self control i have has been washed away ages ago, so take these random clingy duo scenarios;
• tommy’s always been the type of person where, if you’re somebody who’s older than him, or stronger than him, or just,,.. better than him, he takes it as a Personal Attack, so the mf is always picking fights w older kids who are a lot bigger than him??? and a lot of the time he fucken loses the fights, because obviously, so he’d always go to tubbo w his injuries and ask tubbo to help him patch up cause he doesn’t know how to do it himself
• TOMMY: tubbo —
• TUBBO: honestly you’re such a fuckin moron, tommy. you’re so dumb, i don’t understand how you’re so dumb?? i told you not to fight w those kids—
• TOMMY: tubbo, i—
• TUBBO; they’re like three times your size, of course they’d beat you, but no! you wouldn’t listen because you think you’re strong, and— *taking out a box of bandaids* ok do you want the micki mouse bandaid or the princess bandaid?
• TOMMY; the micki mouse bandaid 😊
• after tommys duel w dream, tubbo didn’t talk to him for a week. tommy was confused, because they’d just won the war, everything would be fine, he didn’t know why tubbo was so upset, & when he came to tubbo to ask him why he’d been avoiding him? he got scolded about the duel— got yelled at that he’d lost a life during the duel, got scolded that he’d be so reckless w his own life, and even if it was annoying tommy was relieved that tubbo was just concerned, and didn’t actually hate him
• tubbo always used to make friendship bracelets for certain people once they’d garnered his trust & companionship, and tommy always was given the most. even if he didn’t understand the purpose of them & thought they were embarrassing, he always let tubbo give him a new one every day.
• SOMEONE; tubbo gave me a friendship bracelet today! that’s so sweet, don’t you think—?
• TOMMY, with 10 bracelets on each arm; you are nothing.
• every time tubbo would give someone else a bracelet that wasn’t tommy, tommy would get weirdly jealous. every time he’d see someone w a bracelet on from tubbo he’d always sort of,,.. stare at it for a second. he’d always stare at it with absolute Murder in his gaze.
• WILBUR: uh,... tommy?? you okay there, bud?
• TOMMY: what’s that on your wrist.
• WILBUR: oh, it’s, uh. it’s a friendship bracelet that tubbo made for me —
• TOMMY: mhm.
• WILBUR: yeah, it’s purple and everything, it’s really pretty! i’m surprised he made one for me, i— tommy?
• TOMMY; can i have that for a second. can you hand it to me.
• WILBUR: ....sure?
• TOMMY: thanks
• WILBUR: i don’t even know why you want it, i mean, it’s mine —
• TOMMY, breaking the bracelet in in his bare hands; there can only be one, wilbur soot :)
• WILBUR: wh—
• when they were separated in the manberg/pogtopia arc, they would always find a way to communicate w each other. for awhile they used their communicators until those were taken away, and then they starting sending each other letters; most of the time they’d just be notes about what they were doing, and sometimes they’d just be stupid little indecipherable inside joke notes that they’d pass between each other. they were Pen Pals.
• TECHNO: what’re you—what’re you doing, tommy?
• TOMMY: i’m writing to tubbo :]
• TECHNO: oh. okay. well... that’s..,.., can i say see what you’re writing?
• TOMMY, handing techno the paper; yeah sure!
• TECHNO; this is just—... this is just a drawing of a giant penis, tommy
• after they were reunited after the festival, they didn’t ever really separate. they were too afraid about what would happen to the other if they were separated again, so they spent their nights in pogtopia just huddled up together in the cold. sometimes they’d even tell each other about how afraid they were without each other; they’d never go into any detail about what they went through, but they’d always just subtly tell ‘em about their fears. they spent the first couple of days in pogtopia, together again, holding each other’s hands for an entire day.
• after tubbo was completely healed from the festival, tommy kept feeling his scars. half out of curiosity, and half to check if tubbo was still there— if he was still alive. it felt a little weird, and tubbo was still a little bit adverse to touch after the festival, but it brought his friend comfort so he let it happen.
• TOMMY, running his hands around tubbo’s scars; can you feel that?
• TUBBO: no. i cant. it just tickles a little, that’s all
• TOMMY: that’s so so weird.
• TUBBO, shrugging; it’s fine. i mean, you’re so fascinate w them so it has to be fine, right?
• TOMMY: why do you care about what i think abt your scars?
• TUBBO; because you’re my tommy! i always care about what you think about me
• tubbos always sort of been self conscious about the scars, as well. he’s never really liked anyone looking at his face for too long; never has liked anyone touching his face but tommy. he’s told tommy that the scars bring too much attention to him, and in response to that tommy brought out a packet of stickers; just random ones he’d found, and started sticking them all over tubbos face.
• TUBBO: what’re you—what’re you doing?
• TOMMY, placing a star sticker on tubbo’s cheek; well, you said that you don’t like the attention your scars bring, right? well, w a fuck ton of stickers on your face they’ll be too focused on how stupid you look to even notice ‘em!
• TUBBO: oh.
• TOMMY: mhm!
• TUBBO: ...thank you tommy :]
• in exile, tommy would go through their old notes that they used to send to each other back in the manberg/pogtopia arc. he was too afraid to actually ever send a note to tubbo himself, but looking back at their stupid little conversations and seeing their stupid little jokes brought him a sense of comfort. sometimes he’d even sleep w/ the notes, curled up at his chest. he didn’t ever tell anyone
• tubbo, however, didn’t ever really give up sending notes. he’d spent hours writing little notes to tommy about the things he’d gotten up to in l’manberg, signing it carefully and making sure his handwriting was perfect; he avoided the sour subjects and doodled little pictures in the corners like tommy always liked. he never got a response.
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eremiie · 3 years
i saw this post here and just wanted to dissect everything lmao
aot 139 spoilers 
“Eren admits that he literally killed 80% of the world’s population, he then says he only did it so it would look like eldians stopped a threat”
eren admit to killing 80% of the population bc he did... he’s admitting to what he did, and he says that he wanted to paint them to be the heroes— but not only did he do that, he ended the curse of ymir and gained freedom for his people. it wasn’t just to paint them as heroes
“He also did it so the rest of the world couldnt murder them”
he didn’t “also” do it for that reason, it was an effect, the rumbling ended up killing so many people that they can’t wage war on the eldians like eren says, it keeps them a little safe which they needed especially since some of humanity knows that paradis is what started the rumbling. it’s a cause and effect type thing. because eren killed 80% of the population that remaining population won’t be able to retaliate and try to kill the eldians since there are so little of them
the tybur family is treated like some of martyr and apparently pulling the strings which led to the deaths of millions of innocent eldians was actually a GOOD thing
this scene was interpreted wrong, armin says “...so you want us to be like the tyburs after the great titan war? we’re supposed to protect paradis from reprisal from humanity outside the walls?” he’s asking eren if that’s what they’re gonna do, he never says it’s a good thing. then that’s when eren explains that either way so much of humanity is destroyed that they wouldn’t be able to retaliate if they wanted to
Armin THANKS him for it
armin thanks eren for doing what he did to free them. not thanking eren for for mass murder period. it’s because of eren that the curse is lifted and that they are free and that’s what armin’s thanking eren for. mass murder is inexcusable, and eren knows that. that’s why after he panics and goes “but i dont want to die!” he comes to a realization that all the people he killed didn’t want to either, that the only way to atone for his sins is by dying himself. even if he didn’t die he would’ve probably been executed, or imprisoned for the rest of the life. just like in mikasa’s ova, “eren’s death is inevitable, no matter what reality you go to eren will always die because he carries death within himself.” 
in another translation of the chapter armin thanks eren for being the bad guy so that they could win. he knows what eren did was bad. he’s not excusing it, he just understands why eren had to do it and that eren had no choice if he wanted them to be free. 
from the get go freedom was one of the themes of eren’s character. if eren lived the whole entire world would be ruins and eren would’ve been even sadder than now, there would be nobody and it would’ve been worse than it is now. eren killing everyone was definitely not the ending to go. the ending we have could’ve been executed differently, sure, but in my eyes since i get the gist i think isa did an amazing job portraying what he had in mind. 
“Armin is more upset with Eren saying he doesnt know how he feels about Mikasa moving on than mass genocide”
once again, armin isn’t all that upset with eren because he understands that eren had a path laid out for him that he had no choice to follow. the point of eren committing mass genocide keeps getting brought up as if it’s not know that mass genocide is a terrible thing. it is and that’s why everyone was so angry about it from the get go, that’s why that one plan of blackmailing humanity with the rumbling and not actually go through with it was brought up once— because they knew how cruel it is. armin knew how cruel it is as i believe it was him who brought that up
he’s upset with eren about mikasa’s feelings in like a banter kind of way. it’s like “this whole entire time this is how you felt but you couldn’t tell her that and let her suffer???? don’t forget what you said to her, she went through hell!” kind of thing. they had already talked about the whole mass genocide thing, mikasa was the next topic of discussion
“Eren then finally shows some fucking emotion and cries abt how he doesn’t want mikasa to be with anyone but him”
in another post i say, "okay so first i think the issue is that a lot of people fail to realize that the way eren acted all throughout season 4 isn’t eren really, that is him putting his emotions at bay so that he can complete something that he laid out for himself for his friends.eren from season 1-3 still exists, and that’s lowkey the eren that was talking the whole time in chapter 139— you can see the how he cares for his friends, you can see the desperation again, the compassion, everything in between.” 
eren is still that s1-3 eren, season 4 eren just had to put his emotions aside so he could walk on the path that ymir put in front of him. 
him crying over mikasa was one of his selfish desires coming to light, and it was realistic. it’s finally dawning on him that he’s gonna die, he’s finally getting to sit down and ponder about mikasa, he’s getting desperate, he’s panicking, and that compassion that he’s always had for his friends is showing through again. this gives realism to his character— it makes his character all the more human. one second he’s complaining about how he doesn’t want to die and wants to be with his friends bc its crashing on him, and the very next second he’s trying to be at peace with himself, realising that the only way to atone for what he caused is by dying. one second he’s complaining about how he wants miksa to be with anyone but him, the next second he’s coming to terms with himself and that mikasa needs to move on, because he loves her and wants her to live a long and happy life even if it means without him. the selfishness that showed for that mere second makes his character realistic. it shows that he’s still whiny, that little whiny angry boy from s1-3. he was never heartless and he was never cold. he was and is still eren jaeger, and you get a glimpse of the eren we know in that scene.
The founder ymir was apparently in love with the king???? another women stupidly devoted to a man, great.
i’m not too in depth with ymirs story so im not gonna speak too much about this because i myself do wish that whole love thingy went more into depth. i get how mikasa and ymir parallel each other, but other than that i’m not too sure myself, and i’ll admit that. it could be a case of stockholm syndrome, it could be that bc ymir was infatuated with living and she was confined to such a familial role she wanted to live in that role again with the king bc he’s the only person who gave her that familial lifestyle. i’m not sure. but if anything mikasa was im pretty sure the only character “devoted” to a man in aot. and it was because of the role eren played in her life, she’s not a bad written character, she has her developement. which i explain here
apparently mikasa’s unhealthy devotion to eren is what took her out of it????? in fact the series overly romanticizes mikasa’s love for eren despite the two having no chemistry and eren being an ass to her
in a sense, but that’s a simple minded way of saying it. ymir’s devotion to king fritz was unhealthy, eren describes it as “agony of love” because it was pretty unhealthy obvi. like i said ymir and mikasa parallel each other, and seeing mikasa be able to let go and kill the one she loves was that realization for ymir that she was able to do the same thing— that’s how i interpret that scene personally.
and in mikasa doing so, killing eren lifts that curse of ymir and frees ymir regardless, so ymir was happy about that as well. thanks to mikasa for cutting eren’s head off. 
the series doesn’t necessarily over romanticize mikasa’s love for eren in my opinion. how i see it is that since eren is a big part of mikasa’s character he was necessary for her development as well, and her development was to let eren go because of how infatuated she was with him. this being said the series points out how unhealthy the way she loved him was especially in s1-3, and her love becomes more healthy when she gets her development in chap 139, finally being able to let eren go and move on. compare that to in the s1 when eren almost dies and she’s ready to die as well. thats development if you ask me. 
one of the themes of the show is sacrifice, and almost every character has made one, mikasa sacrifices eren— she kills him and she chooses to go through with that decision despite how much she loves him. 
eren was definitely mean to mikasa in s1-3 because she was overbearing, and thats one reason why i say the way she loved him was unhealthy at first. eren wasn’t able to reciprocate her love in the way that she loved him because it wasn’t healthy. eren also wasn’t able to reciprocate it because the last thing he was focused on was the concept of love. once again he had a path laid out for him that he had no choice but to follow, and mikasa didn’t have any play in this path until the very end, so the boy who keeps moving forward does just that and doesn’t pay her much mind, doesn’t get to sit down and think about his feelings for her, what she is to him.
(and i dont think i even need to explain the “mikasa i’ve always hated you seen, the chapter covers that enough)
they do have chemistry time to time, the eren v dina fritz scene, the scarf scene, “what am i to you”, little stuff like that goes into play and gives them these little sparks of chemistry. they couldn’t always grasp onto the full scope of the relationship they had and it was only some times they were able to do that with everything going on.
apparently the titans are just gone now….??? i cant even tell if its because Eren died or because Mikasa really made Ymir calm down
... eren controlling rumbling, eren dies rumbling stops, ymir finally lifts curse bc 1) eren died 2) shes able to come to realization that like mikasa lets eren go, she needs to let fritz go and the curse go. ymir lifts curse, eren’s goal is complete, if titan curse is lifted there are no more titans
Characters who murdered thousands and were the cause for AOT’s entire plot in the first place are now treated as heroes to the eldians… despite the shit that they did.
everyone in aot did some “shit” they all are murders, eren commited mass genocide, reiner commited mass murder, annie murdered so many people, reiner, armin destroyed thousands of people in one go, they all have killed somebody. they are seen as “heros” because they stopped the rumbling that was going to kill everyone else...... idk about you but if you just saved me from a horrid death, my racist opinion on you doesn’t really matter because you just saved my fucking life lmao, yes despite the shit that you did— because they have killed people too, and they were ready to kill the eldians still until armin told them that they killed eren, that they saved their lives and eliminated titans for good.... like whew???
the series went from “The military is cool” to “the military did a lot of fucked up shit” to “the military is SUPER cool”, and buffed it up
i’m not really sure where you got that tbh,, like the military wasn’t really a big thing up until the whole marleyan thing??? and they didn’t have much plot in the story besides it existing so like i’m not sure what to say ab this, i can’t really remember many times the military was even mentioned until now, but if anyone wants to elaborate on this for me that’d be nice
oh and they buffed up the military because since paradis had eren jaeger who started the rumbling, just in case, they had to be ready to fight again if the rest of humanity wanted to do something. after marley they updated all their technology, why can’t they update the military as well? it’s realistic, new weapons, new military, and all that
The military was buffed up bc the eldians are scared of the rest of the world retaliating, so Eren didn’t really fix shit except giving the Eldians an upper hand in the war
eren jaeger was the one who always screamed “i will kill all titans, we will get freedom” ya de ya de ya.... didn’t he do both of those things????? i thought those were some of his main goals as a character, he fixed those issues, the issues that have been issues since the start of the show
the rest of humanity don’t know the full scope like the eldians or marleyans, they’re probably just as scared and like in real life not all nations are at peace with one another. this is just another realistic factor— attack on titan is becoming a world closest to the real one we live in, there are militaries, there are still conflicts, there is still all these little aspects that bring the manga even more to life.
in my opinion it’d lowkey be weird if the rest of the world was just like “oh yeah those mfs that started the rumbling we love them haha” no... it killed 80% of the population like eren said... that’s not something to love.
Historia has a really disturbing speech about how the fight isnt going to end until either the Eldians or the rest of the world are exterminated, despite Gabi has an entire arc about her being deradicalized and learning to see the other side of things.
and yes i am not kidding, the heroic conclusion is that there’s still going to be a war, eldians are going to commit mass genocide (which was proposed by eren) and people straight up thank eren for the evil shit he did.
“this fight will not end until either eldia or the world dissapears. this is what eren said and he may be right.” she doesn’t say that it’s for sure gonna be a fight until one or the other is wiped out, she says there’s a possibility of this being the case because of the fact that these nations aren’t at complete peace yet. 
not everyone is gonna be able to see the other side of things, and this applies to the whole word— us as humans will never be able to agree on one thing, and that’s what this shows. no matter what the cycle of hatred will always continue, and this applies to real life and this manga. we are human beings and that’s what makes what historia says even more real. “this is the world we live in, a world without titans.” titans are no longer their conflict. now it’s only like the real word— humans against humans, and as far as humanity existed it’s always been humans against humans. historia’s speech shows that.
the heroic conclusion is that as a human race nothing will always be agreed upon, eldians are going to fight if they need to like our military fights when they need to. people are thanking eren for freeing them and ending the curse of titans that they suffered with for 2000 years. nobody’s thanking him for his actions of mass genocide, they are thanking him for the motive behind his actions, and thats what makes him so heroic.
that he endured and did something so terrible so that anybody who lives after him can be free, and humanity can continue existing as humanity should’ve existed from the beginning.
and that concludes this for me, thanks for reading<3.
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bugb34r · 3 years
A Wide, Extensive List of c!Wilbur Headcannons(TM) (+ some quick Friend hcs-)
Alot of them are not connected, and alot of them are- I'll try to organize it as accessible + readable as possible !!
☁️Pagan!Revivedbur. (I actually created a whole pagan!dsmp thing one time off of this headcannon, might talk more about it some time-). I'd like to think he'd be into candle magic and shit, but overall have a very open path/practice.
⛤Revivedbur openly respects Ghostbur, and clings to the things he left behind.
⛤Revivedbur doesnt bother washing his sweater/getting the blood stain out because its a mix of his own red blood, and Ghostburs blue blood, and he doesnt want that small proof/trace of Ghostbur existing to disappear.
Aka Ghostbur had to live with the pain Revivedbur had and caused, even if he didnt truly accept/understand/know where the pain came from. Revivedbur realized he couldnt even live with all of that, so he just- respects the dude who tried to fix everything he had broke (Or: Im a sucker for Revivedbur and Ghostbur getting along/respecting eachother/etc. and I disregard canon-)
⛤Revivedbur is afraid of water/rain/getting wet, because he remembers it hurting Ghostbur, aka him
⛤Revivedbur uses neos prove me wrong you cant- /lh
⛤Revivedbur says no to gender, and he doesnt like it when ppl use he/him and masc terms for him but for the longest time couldnt figure out why
⛤He ends up talking to Ranboo, and later Fundy, abt it and theyre like "oh lol thats chill" and hes like "omg ok pog"
⛤Revivedbur has the majority of bad memories Ghostbur had forgotten/ignored/blocked out
⛤Revivedbur doesnt talk about Limbo, or his talk with Ghostbur, or that he remembers things from Ghostburs time "alive", but he vague mentions it alot when hes lamenting or upset or smth
☁️Ghostburs limbo isnt the train station, its the train. (Mumza comes onto the train now and then to check on him <33 she did the same with Revivedbur via train aswell)
⛤Following this, when Revivedbur got on the train when he was being yaknow, revived, he sat with Ghostbur the whole time, and the two apologized to eachother for their own reasons, and they just. talked. about everything the other had missed.
⛤Ghostbur finds peace on the train in Limbo. While he isnt happy, hes okay, and thats all that matters
⛤Ghostbur asked Revivedbur to take care of Friend for him
⛤Disregarding Canon, Revivedbur takes care of Friend, and has refused to let anyone so much as touch Friend since hes been alive
⛤Ghostbur didnt get/understand the fake sally at his revival because he knew it wasnt Sally, not because of Ghostburs memory
☁️Friend can visit Ghostbur in Limbo, because she has infinite lives
⛤Friend uses any/all prns including neos because I say so.
⛤Friend is sheep buddies with Rosie (Phils Sheep)
☁️Poly relationship between Wilbur, a Sheep Hybrid, and Sally- Its why Ghostburs so attached to friend, cause they remind him of his old partner
☁️Sally wasnt a fish (i do like hybrid/siren sally but for this im ignoring that-), it was just Wilburs coping mechanism for coming to terms with loosing her. He had to create a fake version of her to be able to talk about her. (The only one who knows this is Fundy, but he learned to go along with it because it keeps Wilbur happy) (the same might also be said for the Sheep Hybrid in this universe- Wilbur just refers to them as a sheep to cope) Also he would definitely jokingly call Sally Ariel
☁️Wilbur is a shapeshifter I don't make the rules- He likes being in his fox form alot, so Fundy like- inherited the Fox bit- (Though Shapeshifter Fundy is also cool-)
⛤Wilbur is a shapeshifter whos three forms are literally limited to a) humanoid Moth, b) Humanoid Fox, and c) A weird mix of both
☁️Wilbur doesn't understand Gender, so when Fundy came out as Trans he was just like "Um. Huh??? Gender??? Trans??? Fundy whats a boy-" IKMJN and Fundy just kinda stared at him before going to Sally because he realized his Dad didn't even know Fundy had had a gender-
☁️Wilbur being tied to the earth through like, godly means? and the Earth is like "hey, no, our prince isnt where he belongs anymore, he must return home to safety <3". Just, the earth loving Wilbur more than anything else, and wanting their prince to be safe- <3 (Earth Deity Wilbur pog???)
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papers4me · 3 years
Fruits Basket,Se03, Ep 9 (part 1)
“ppl & feelings can’t be bound down”~
What an ep for my girl tohru! She completed her growth thanks to kyo’s rejection. really, It was so hard, cruel, understandable but above all so necessary for her to reach a logical realistic conclusion that “I can love/want things from the bottom of my heart, but at the end I can’t force or bound them to me, I won’t regret loving/wanting them, but I’ll move forward regardless, no more standing still”.
-The fear of being alone:
Aren’t we all? We’re scared to face the word after breaking bonds, changing, not getting what we want, having to start over. Such feelings run deeper into us all. Both tohru & akito were scared to face the word without the old comfortable bond that they got used to:
Tohru realized today, that she cant keep talking to a cold photo, can’t live according to her mom’s expectations, to fulfill her mom’s wishes, can’t narrate her daily life to her mom & fill her life with other ppl’s own issues to distract her self from facing her own loneliness & from looking deeper into what should she do with her life. As she fell in love with kyo, tohru started talking to him! forgetting to inform her mom abt her life’s details, thinking abt what will she do “after graduation?”. As kyo asked in se02, ep2. Graduating highschool is ur mom’s wish, What would u wanna do after?” Tohru didnt have a response of “an after”cuz her mom wasnt there to tell her! Tohru has to choose “the after” herself!!!! “The after” was being with kyo & starting life together! figuring what to do next together! She no longer alone! she found her most precious person!
Except: he cant be with her. Again tohru is scared. What to do now! she wanted a bond but is forced to leave it. Loving kyo was stage 1 to be free from her grief. Moving forward without kyo is stage 2 to learn not to repeat the painful journey again! She didnt let go of her mom & kyo easily. It was hard, scary but she must do it. You must respect their wishes & move on. As scared as she is, there will be sadness & happiness ahead.
Akito realized she cant keep an empty box, cant keep fulfilling her dad’s wishes to “be loved & special” cant bound the zodiacs to her for good. They may love her or not, it doesn't matter, if they wish to leave for whatever reason, she cant force them to stay.
Except now that the zodiacs are leaving, what does she have to live for? who will be with her? she isnt good with strangers? she never met anyone who wasnt forced to obey her & be grateful for her. Strangers cant be forced to love her! what will she do now? stretch you hand for a greeting. Tohru told her, make a friend, they might refuse you, but hey might accept u too, I’ll make it easy, Hi, I;m tohru, whats ur name?
The power of true love: ( reality vs fiction)
In fairy tales, the princess fix the prince. the prince save the princess. The prince kiss the princess, she wakes up & they be happy ever after. Except real life has no prince & princess, You cant always be saved, you cant always save others, pure intense true love cant always be the answer!
Yuki was first when tohru needed physical saving. he saved her twice! Yuki’s nickname in school ”the prince”. Yuki is always cool, thoughtful & kind. Yuki always knew what to say & do! he deserves tohru’s romantic love more than kyo, right? But “ppl & feelings can’t be bound down”~ . Yuki didn't feel this way towards tohru, granted no one (excepts kakeru) knows the reason why he loves her fondly (she’s his mom figure). The official” prince isnt the one for her. Real life isn’t a fairy tale. Yuki has someone who sees he isn’t cool, perfect or a prince “ granted no one knows abt machi, yet! ) XD
In tohru monologue: she didnt think abt saving, that's not why she loves kyo. She stated normal, silly, mundane things! a shy smile, awkward kindness & the likes. Stuff ppl love abt each other in real life. You dont say, I love my husband cuz he saved me from a burning building in the 7th floor! lol. But fiction is so full of this. Princes saving princesses.
Tohru didnt fix kyo, too! as much as her love helped him greatly to find hope, the best writing choice is that tohru’s love also brought despair to kyo! To him, she’s the symbol of hope, peace & comfort! she’s also, the symbol of despair, torment & unease! EPIC! The kyo who’s stuck in the past cant be with her, the kyo who will move beyond trauma, abuse & broken soul will be with her. The duality is all on kyo’s shoulder: what will he choose? Can he choose in his state now?
In fairy tales the princess wakes up after the kiss. In real life, we don't. Tohru didn’t. Regardless if she fainted during or after the kiss. The kiss fixed nothing. Kyo’s despair in seeing near-dead tohru in a not-so-subtle mimic to his nightmare, has manifested itself into the sweetest kiss upon seeing her conscious & talking. Kyo isnt good with words, his actions are his words. When he’s scared, sad, in trauma: running away. when he’s  fond of her, grateful for her existence: head knock, head pats, hand holding & a kiss. Still the kiss fixed nothing. Kyo is still traumatized more than ever now. Tohru still feels rejected “even if I’m not with you, plz live”.
Talking fixes everything. It didn’t here, kyo & tohru talked & showed their most vulnerable side to the other, but still didn’t meet half ways, regardless of all the love. That’s cuz they keep missing each other’s best timing. Kyo is stuck in the past while tohru has moved forward. even if in her mind she’s the one who stood & he moved. this shows they aren’t on the same wave yet. Before meeting each other again, kyo must learn from his mistake like tohru did. He must face his ultimate demon: his dad. The one who created the current broken kyo.
Rebelling against parents: ( sign of growth & freedom of choice):
Rebelling against parents  is a sign of a desire to choose one’s path, decide one’s own future. Away to express an oppressed desire.
Yuki rebelled against his mom in se02. he told her I’m not going to the college you chose. I’ll chose my path. I’m not staying away from Ayame. My bro is good in my book. I chose who I want to be with. He told her what he needed, turned his back & moved forward.
Tohru rebelled against her mom today. told her I’m not wasting myself doing only what you I think you’ll approve off. You might bot forhet kyo, thats ur choice, But I DO. I love him even if you might not approve of him, Even if he rejected me, my feelings wont change, but I’ll move forward from the grief & pain. mother. She told her what he needed, turned his back & moved forward.
Kyo WILL rebelled against his disgusting dad. He MUST. It is his turn now. He’ll tell him I’m not wasting myself being locked in a cage. I have a future! I’m not a monster. I am LOVED! I might not 100% sure why I’m loved, but the truth cant be hidden. I have ppl who love me! cheer for me! I want to live! enough of death! mom & kyoko died, tohru nearly did, but I’m not gonna die! I’m not killing ME! I’‘ll do what MOM didnt do! I’ll do what YOU couldn't do! I’ll live! He’ll tell him what he needed, turned his back & moved forward.  I cant wait! I’m in tears just thinking abt it! Kyo was punished enough! time for happiness!
Side Notes:
While I’m impressed with tohru’s growth, as they did her justice in this ep, this doesn’t erase that the buildup for tohru’s own journey & trauma was mediocre. There is a reason ppl commented ” omg tohru, you can love your mom AND kyo!. ” Grief is illogical, long process & it sucks that we weren’t allowed to experience tohru’s grief & her mom’s role in tohru’s abandonment issues. Huge lost opportunity that a good conclusion ep cant erase! but like tohru, I’m moving on ~
The path of growth for kyo will start by rejecting the demon: his dad. No. other. option. Hold abusers accountable for their crimes. Stop their madness. Tell them off.
We know kyo is baka! that’s his trade mark, the endearing baka! a lot of characters in the show think so! I love it, but I’m craving baka-yuki! XD! really, yuki is cool, level-headed & smart, but let him be baka too! this only shows up in tiny microscopic doses, but they’re my fave doses of yuki! it humanizes the “perfect prince”, the “gifted high status rat”! Thus him not seeing kyo running the other side, is my fave look on him! XD.
I appreciate that kyo & yuki put their differences aside when they’re with tohru. You cant tell yuki is hella pissed off with kyo, but he restrained himself. His gaze while full of anger is also full of sympathy as he heard/saw kyo’s panic upon the thought of loosing tohru. He understand they both only mean the best for each other, but also tried they both keep missing each other & not meeting half way! Also, yuki being the only one in the hospital is realistic & endearing. No need for them all to be there & yuki lives with her & is so close to her.
kyo not being the hospital is fantastic! thank you writer-San! why would kyo go to the hospital after thinking his nightmare came true? kyoko /his mom warned him, you’ll hurt another person.. he did.. he didn't cause her fall... but caused her sadness & hurt.
Momiji’s reprimanding gaze is my fave look on him! Also, the best response to what akito did. Akito isnt used to such judgemental gaze. Kureno grabbed her cheeks, gently told her you shouldn't do that, the old maid told her you are right, Dr. Hatori erased her mistakes from ppl heads & bodies, shigure being either cold or kissing her ass, coxing her to yet torment another zodiac in his grand scheme to break the curse as happened in the beach arc.
You bet hana & arisa will be there next ep! Arisa will meet kureno & akito for sure. To path the way for their romance as seen in the ED.
Shigure’s “remorse” is a whole can of worms. Playing with ppl’s hearts & feelings to gain someone’s affection is no laughing matter. Each time blood is shed, he contributed somehow. he didnt force anyone to hurt the other, but he played with matches & never got hurt.
Shigure must be glad akito stabbed kureno. Not cuz he’s sadistic or bad person. He isn’t, but cuz akito stabbing kureno is akito cutting her bond with him. Go shigure, your girl removed her lover with blood. Kureno is punished for sleeping with ur girl by blood! so, when is ur punishment for sleeping with ur lover’s mom? none? ok.
The animation is good. They didnt villinize akito by drawing extra manic features like se02. Kyo’s broken & tormented face once again epicly drawn. However, akito’s slaps on tohru’s face were comedic, unnecessary & such bad taste! Stop using violence for extra drama, furuba!
Also, tohru, I love you, I understand you are broken but charging at a person, who has a history of violence & physical abuse & holding a knife, is stupid. No other description. I’m glad she didnt accidentally kill you in her initial rage.
Everything akito’s redemption, kureno & shigure are part 2 in my review.
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thespoonisvictory · 3 years
i do wanna say though that it's just a bit tiring to hear constant criticism as like a ctommy fan or whatever. i know you specifically mean well, and i do agree w ur takes and criticisms, but at the same time theres just never ending criticism towards us from every corner of this goddam fandom, ranging in validity and intensity
it's like you cant be criticize at any character without being accused of only watching tommys pov, u cant be upset w any character bc apparently you cant "judge anyone by how they treat ctommy" (???), you cant talk about how you like a certain character without hearing "oh there the inniters go again turning every character into a father figure and im sure theyre gonna shit on them as soon as theyrr not perfect", you cant talk about how things might affect ctommy without "making it all abt ctommy" (even if hes fuckin namedropped), any fanart trend gets criticized, every headcanon gets scrutinized, you're glorifying him, smoothening him, woobifying him, it just never fuckin ends. to the point where even valid criticizism feels exhausting and you're like can we please just be left alone can we just like a character? please? can we do fucking anything without being endlessly scrutinized?
and again i know your criticism is perfectly warranted, and i know ctommy is a popular character w a lot of fans varying in maturity (and intensity) and some people get a little tired of us and thats fine, i get it. and im sure being the punching bag of the fandom isnt necessairly anything unique to ctommy fans. but idk id appreciate if you cwilbur fans would just be a little mindful of how accusatorily you word things and be understanding that we already get shat on a lot and w/e. just so the valid criticism doesnt get lost in the noise of the constant buzz of bad faith criticism from the rest of this fandom.
anyway love ur blog have a great day. hope midterms went well
midterms did go well! (I still have one but it's easy :D)
honestly, I try my best not to be critical the inniters (tm) because y'all go through it, and I think it's honestly that you can't... really be a c!wilbur fan without being a c!tommy fan, or vice versa. and 99% of the time, that's great! y'all have great takes, and I love c!tommy and follow so many of y'all for a reason. I hope it’s the opposite way around <3
but at the same time, I'm always looking from c!wilbur’s perspective, and it can get a little exhausting on my point to see just like a thousand little things that bug me (and others) about the way people treat his character, and it makes it less fun to engage with the fandom, yk. not seeing all the bad faith c!tommy stuff (cause I don’t follow anyone who would do that) and just seeing the slightly weird c!wilbur and c!niki stuff 100% gives me a skewed view of the fandom, but it’s definitely still something that I notice either way. 
if it’s any consolation, it’s very similar being a fan of wilbur and constantly having to police my language and double, triple check that nothing I say can be misinterpreted, nothing too fluffy, always have to acknowledge the hurt, always tack a ‘maybe’ onto the idea that he deserves happiness, yk yk
but yea, I’ll do my best to keep it measured cause I do love y’all
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elriell · 3 years
Hey im neutral on ships and everything so im coming to you with this out of friendliness, but i would be very mindful abt sayin gwyn is manipulating anyone intentionally or unintentionally. I dont mind the lightsinger theory but considering gwyns background and how she was violated and how she must value consent and permission, for her to be manipulating people, influencing their thoughts or emotions without their consent, would be insulting and show ignorance toward her trauma and healing. 1/2
And, you ship elriel so i assume you dont want gwyn to have a whole arc in their book, we wouldnt see gwyn recover from finding out she was doing this. It would destroy any healing she had in acosf. Its like evil elain except we know that wont happen cause elain is getting a book, she gets her hea. Ik gwyn and elain are being pitted against each other but lets not tear one down for the others story. That goes both ways. If you cant positively theorize abt a character then please move on 2/2
Hello there, I appreciate that you might be coming here out of friendliness and  that your intentions very well might be good and that is why I am replying right away rather than the older messages I have yet to get too. 
But it would only take two seconds on my tumblr to realise why you are wrong in several of your assumptions. You assume because of my ships I somehow don’t care for Gwyn or her ARC and that is wrong. I constantly post all kinds of theories and art of her and her potential future, I speak to people who ship Gwynriel or are neutral and come to discuss their thoughts, I have made Gwyn edits and even Elain x Gwyn friendship edits/headcanons to try to break this divide between the woman, as above any ship I think it is wholly unnecessary to ever pit woman against each other.
So to come to my tumblr when you clearly don’t know me and make these assumptions is... well upsetting. 
This has nothing to do with “positively theorising”, no one wants her to be evil, and I have never said she wont get her own full ARC so that is another assumption. While I agree in general with being mindful of what you post, simply taking canon text and discussing a character it is known I love is not “harmful” in my eyes. If ones past is a reason not to theorise potential outcomes we wouldn't be able to speak on any of them.
Every single ACOTAR character has had to deal with extensive traumas, and  we all discuss them/theorise them, I truly don’t understand where the difference lies?  If I was hating on her, or wishing her evil/to not heal in general I would understand but I have never and would never do so, like I said, we are just talking about things from the book. 
I don’t pit woman against each other. Not now and nor ever. I have never used ships as an excuse to hate anybody, whether that is Gwyn or Lucien, they are both heavily featured on my blog more than most other characters.
If you don’t want to see alternative theories on my blog, move on? 
So I don’t know what else to tell ya, I genuinely bode you no ill will but it is clear to me you haven’t been here long if you truly believe that second part... ❤
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