#and i couldn't find it in any of my dictionaries (and i have a lot)
nya-vivi · 1 year
Not to be that person but hoyoverse has transcribed Charlotte's constellation wrong and I can't bear to even look at it.
The word is from Greek and they transcribed 'hualina' instead of 'hyalina'. υ is pronounced like a y or a French u.
They really have to use the obscurest words 💀
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allaboutnayeli · 6 months
stupid lil headcanons about mapi
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author notes: i'm pushing out more of these dumb posts than fics but i swear fics are coming 🙏🏾 just let my mind work it's magic y'all. anyways stupid headcanons about mapi that hold no value, enjoy!
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➜ mapi probably asks ingrid to talk to the waitress when she receives the wrong order. it's not really that she's scared to say something, it's just mapi doesn't want to say anything herself
➜ she probably sends ingrid stupid memes in spanish about the most irrelevant things that ingrid is always like "wtf? where did you get these from?" (she got them from twitter)
➜ doesn't care for tiktok that much but sometimes someone sends her an edit off of that app and she giggles
➜ this woman be low-key confused when the barca coach talks about the team's game plan. afterwards she always asks alexia to explain to her in simple terms
➜ we all know she had that emo phase. during that phase she still listened to a lot of spanish music (she couldn't get with the actual emo music) and used tumblr like it was god sent
➜ mapi be giggling and kicking her legs while stalking ingrid's instagram during international break. she has like a thousand photos of ingrid in her gallery, but the instagram posts just hit different
➜ double texts everything. never writes in paragraphs and she probably have many typos in her texts because she be typing at the speed of light
➜ mapi's favorite type of kisses are cheek kisses because she finds them really cute
➜ if the word clingy had a picture in the dictionary, mapi would be the photo. this woman is attached to ingrid so bad and just likes hanging off of her. half of the time she just annoys ingrid but refuses to move away when her when ingrid tells her off
➜ clumsy at the worse moments. could be holding a plate full of food and mapi is going to slip on thin air
➜ likes piggy back rides especially from ingrid
➜ mapi is the biggest cryer when it comes to movies. it could be the happiest movie ever but let one sad thing happen and she's bawling
➜ begs ingrid to do her hair in silly lil hairstyles and always talks cute selfies after
➜ a cuddle bug. not just with ingrid but also her cat
➜ mapi shall not be trusted with knives or any sharp objects, she always end up cutting herself. ingrid has to comfort her afterwards
➜ is so annoying to play against in a fifa game. she will do anything in her power to make you lose (pushing, saying the most out of pocket stuff, screaming at the top of her lungs, anything to her opponent to lose the game)
➜ dyes her hair when stressed (but don't tell anybody that)
➜ either a fun drunk or a sad drunk. depends on the day and if ingrid is around
➜ she randomly flexes in front of ingrid to try to impress her (ingrid doesn't give a fuck but gives many compliments)
➜ speaking of impressing ingrid, this woman will stop a car with her bare hands just to have ingrid give her a compliment. what can be said? #girlfriendvalidationisthebest
➜ 100% is a pouter, a whiner, a "but babeee:("
➜ the type to get a tattoo for her girlfriend and not even tell anyone until someone just notices
➜ mapi is surprisedly flexible, don't ask how she figured that out
➜ follows ingrid around like a lost puppy. she just loves her girl so bad
➜ her favorite season is summer and her favorite thing to do during summer is to go to the beach. for one, she loves to be in the water and for two, she gets to see ingrid in a bikini. a win is a win
➜ says the most random shit that pops up in her mind like "do you think dinosaurs are related to chickens? and if they are related to chickens then when someone eats chicken, are they eating dinosaur meat?" and ingrid would just be like "please just eat your food"
➜ not the best dancer in the world but no body can tell her that
➜ mapi sometimes just gets baby fever and pesters ingrid before forgetting about it then she sees a baby & the process happens all over again
➜ overall mapi is just so silly 😝
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© thinkingaboutjaedyn
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theriverpointace · 2 months
i have this h2g2 headcanon that i'm really rather fond of. im gonna talk about it.
okay so first of all, ford has to be able to speak english. which means that he learned how to speak english. and no, i refuse to believe that betelgeusian Just So Happens to work exactly like english, wow what a weird and useful coincidence! because (a) that's just lazy worldbuilding, and (b) we have at least one word in betelgeusian that translates into english: ford's name, ix. "ix" isn't a given name, it's a betelgeusian word given to ford as a nickname because he couldn't say his own name—and, presumably, neither could anybody around him.
i say that ford has to be able to speak english because he lived for fifteen years on a planet full of people without babel fish in their ears. if he came down and started babbling in betegeusian, he would have had a very different experience here. so he either learned english before hitching a ride to earth (highly unlikely, imo, considering how little a role earth plays in the galaxy—i doubt any earth language is too well-known in the wider galaxy), or he had to learn english when he first arrived. this latter is also backed up, to me, by the fact that ford was a bit careless in his original research. i just feel like he would have done the same thing as when he chose a name: get it almost right, but just a little bit off.
i do think ford picks up languages really quickly. in most parts of the galaxy, it doesn't matter if he can speak a language or not, since babel fish are pretty readily available, and everybody has one. however, because babel fish are so readily available, there's no need for a universal language that everybody speaks. the babel fish only work for your ears, not your eyes, so somebody as well-traveled as ford would, by necessity, pick up some basics in a lot of different languages. these basics probably include primarily what you'll find on menus and in travel ports, if i had to guess. (maybe there's some kind of companion to the guide, a hitchhiker's dictionary. maybe that's part of the guide? idk.)
but aside from the necessity of being able to read at least bits and pieces of many languages when one hitchhikes, i think ford does it to make up for not knowing his dad's praxibetel. so what, he never learned the dialect his father loved. so what, he couldn't ever learn to say his own name. so what, he killed his own father/uncle by doing so. so what?? he's gonna learn every other language in the galaxy, just to prove that he can. he's running around the galaxy, convinced that if he can write an article about a planet and know its dialects well enough to read and write them, then what happened to him won't ever happen to anybody else.
and that leads me to my next conclusion: that ford speaks accented english. obviously, everybody does, but i rather like the idea that the way he talks on earth—and possibly, everywhere else—always strikes everybody around him as different. everything else about him does—why shouldn't his voice? so yeah my ford doesn't have a british accent.
but of course, once they're off earth, up in space, once arthur has a babel fish, there's no need for ford to speak english anymore, so he returns to his native betelgeusian ... which leads to a rather surprised arthur going, "ford, what the hell happened to your accent?!"
because since ford isn't speaking a language arthur already knows, the babel fish has to translate his speech now! and i suppose i don't think the babel fish translates accents. like, i guess i don't totally understand how the babel fish works (am i meant to?) but ... i don't know. i think the fish eats up sound waves and what it excretes is something the user can understand based on what's already in their mind. that is to say, arthur, who grew up british and with british accents, hears anything the babel fish as to translate in a british accent. so when ford stops speaking accented but understandable english, and starts speaking a language arthur doesn't know, the babel fish translates with a british accent because that's just what's in arthur's mind.
tl;dr ford picks up languages really easily because he's got something to prove to his dead dad, he speaks english, and it confuses the hell out of arthur when he stops speaking english because the babel fish doesn't translate accents. this is one of my favorite headcanons about ford.
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thankeywa · 2 years
hi babes i hope YOU MISSED MY SUPER DETAILED REQUESTS! so, for a long time now im craving for the “rut”, “heat”, “nest” and other a/b/o dynamics inserted on avatar universe, so i WAS HOPING:
could you pretty please write something about lo’ak and reader (a female na’vi) where they're best friends and both insanely in love w each other – reader already had her "cerimony" meaning she needs to find a partner soon, but lo'ak has been convincing readers parents to decline any mate offers because none of them is good enough for her. one day, reader's heat come and bsf lo’ak comes to the rescue? i need a cocky possessive lo’ak in my life and I KNOW you're the one whos gonna gimme !!!!!
lov u, drink water and stay safe <3
The Right Profile | Lo'ak x fem!Omaticaya! reader (a/b/o smut).
Happy Valentine's Day to all my readers! As always, requests are open. Minors DNI!
A.N= everyone needs to know that every time you send me a request my mind makes me put everything on standby until I get it done. Also, I have a major weakness for a/b/o and I've been dying for someone to send me a request like this, so yeah, your wish is my command. For anyone who wanted the new installment of Star-crossed instead of this, you can send your complaints to @punkrockrogers (I'm kidding, obviously).
Summary: exactly what's in the request but I found some juicy canon info about Lo'ak failing to tame an ikran on his first attempt and almost dying in the process, and you can bet I'm going to use that for this fic. So, our boi failed his driver's test therefore he does not get to smash. Both Lo'ak and reader are aged up (20 y/o). Title from the song 'The right profile' by the Clash. Quotes in this: one is from Avatar 2009 and the other is by Goethe.
T.W= this is going to be A LOT, if there ever were an Omegaverse phd course, I would be teaching that class, so if that stuff is not for you, scroll away now. NSFW: p. in v., a/b/o dynamics, mating cycles (heat, rut), marking, scent marking, knotting, breeding, also possessive!Lo'ak (our boi is a lil ooc in this, I don't condone this type of behavior in a relationship, it's all for the sake of the story, you know the drill, if this might be disturbing to you, again give this story a miss).
word count: 8k
Mini na'vi dictionary:
'evi= child (said affectionately by an elder)
Tsurokx= rest/sleep
yawne= beloved
syulang= flower
Ngaytxoa= forgive me
Oeya= my (possessive)
yìmkxa= banshee catcher
The Na'vi say that every person is born twice. The second time is when you earn your place among the people, forever.
"I do not wish to take part in the Uniltaron without you." Y/n had told Lo'ak, still distraught from the events of that day. His best friend had been the first of their group to manage to tame her ikran, of course, she had. And now she was set to take part in the Dream Hunt before finally taking her rightful place among the people along with the rest of Lo'ak's peers, while he was left behind.
He had failed and almost fallen to his death during his attempt, and now his parents were going to make him wait until he was 'truly ready' before he could try again. His father had thought it was somehow his business to step in and stop him from trying his second attempt at taming the banshee then and there. Lo'ak had never felt more embarrassed, especially because y/n had immediately dismounted from her ikran and run to his aid the second she'd seen the scene unfold before her eyes.
"You have already waited five years for me to complete my training..." Lo'ak dismissed her words. "And I won't be the reason you wait any longer..." Y/n had never said it out loud, but Lo'ak knew it was true. She'd been postponing her rite of passage so that they would have joined the clan together, and he couldn't deal with it anymore.
"But Lo'ak, I do not care about-"
"Well, you should care." He snapped at her, not really knowing where his anger was coming from. Sure, he'd just had what could have been described as the worst day of his life, but something and been simmering inside him all week. And now Lo'ak felt like he'd reached his limit. In a few hours, the young Na'vi male was going to discover that anger was only a prelude to his first rut. "Everything comes easy to you, but it's like you don't even notice! No one ever said we needed to be attached to the hip for the rest of our lives, so why don't you just get over it and do what's expected of you?"
The second he saw the heartbroken look on y/n's face, Lo'ak wanted to take it all back. He hadn't meant to say any of those things, of course he hadn't. She was his best friend, she was the woman he loved, yet he'd passed up his chances to ever be with her twice in a single day. He was petty and weak, unable to own up to his own shortcomings, and now he was taking it out on the only person in the world who would have never judged him for it.
"I see..." Y/n said, her voice laced with grief. For a single, stupid second Lo'ak had deluded himself into thinking she was about to say 'I see you', it was what he wanted to tell her. He'd been wanting to tell her for so long. "I have... been foolish. I thought that maybe you... that we..." Y/n wiped a tear away from her face, and stepped back from Lo'ak when he tried to reach out for her. "I do not need your pity." She hissed at him, feeling that Lo'ak had just rejected her. "You have made yourself understood."
With that, y/n disappeared from Lo'ak sight and into the darkness of the night. By the time Neteyam found him, Lo'ak was already in the throes of a terrible fever. His father and brother took him to a secluded place where he would have been safe, but couldn't do much for him besides that. Moat had said the rut hit Lo'ak so suddenly that he was beyond being helped with any sort of treatment. He had no mate, and neither did he have the right to choose one. Left alone to endure the most excruciating pain known to the Omaticaya people.
A lot could change in a week. Especially when it came to things taking a drastic turn for the worse. Lo'ak, who was still experiencing the occasional violent aftershock from the trauma he'd just finished enduring all by himself, was about to get accustomed to a whole new kind of pain.
"We seek your guidance, Tsahik." Y/n's parents had come to speak to his grandmother, while she was still in the process of checking he hadn't suffered any irreparable damage during his absence. "Our daughter, y/n, does not wish to wait for love to find her. She has invoked the old ways, asking us to choose a mate for her." Another violent fit wreaked havoc over Lo'ak's body, but this time he wasn't entirely sure it was due to the aftermath of his rut. Moat had told him the worst was now behind him. "Cease your whining, 'evi." She reprimanded him. "Only by regaining your strength will you find the way to be whole again." While that statement sounded overtly obvious to him, the look his grandmother gave him made him think she was trying to tell him something more.
"Forgive us, we have come at a bad time." Y/n's mother said, directing her sympathies to Lo'ak. They had always been kind toward him. "Your grandson is still injured, y/n has been heartbroken about it. We have prayed to Eywa every day for your swift recovery-"
"He has recovered." Moat cut her off. "And your daughter cannot force her childish whims on you. She is a woman, a warrior of this clan, she cannot hide behind her parents. We only arrange the marriages of future Tsahik and Olo'eyktan, for they are given gifts by Eywa herself to guide the people. The old ways have brought nothing but suffering, I remember the time when they were enforced all too well. They are only to be invoked in drastic situations, such as the event of a heat."
"We are grateful for your wisdom, Tsahik." Y/n father said. "But that is precisely what we fear... she is already showing signs. Every day our daughter grows weaker. We know she may not survive without a mate, and now it is too late for her to make her own choice."
"Fools." Moat almost spat. "Bring her to me at once-"
Lo'ak was on his feet and running out of the healing tent at once, no longer willing to listen to a single word of that conversation. Mating cycles were usually something that a couple faced together, but he and y/n had waited too long for their rite of passage. In that time they hadn't found the person who was truly right for them, so now y/n was going to force herself to be with someone or face her heat alone, along with the consequences that entailed. And it wasn't like Lo'ak could step up and ask her parents to marry her, he wasn't even part of the clan. Not only that, y/n also probably thought he wanted nothing to do with her.
He went looking for y/n everywhere. She wasn't in her tent, nor was she staying with her parents. Word was she'd gone hunting, and after a desperate search, Lo'ak ended up finding her in his own living quarters when he returned home in the early hours of the morning. As much as Lo'ak wanted to yell at y/n in frustration because he'd been worried sick over her, the sight of her sleeping peacefully quelled his anger. He knelt down to touch her forehead, and let out a breath of relief. Her body temperature hadn't drastically risen just yet.
Lo'ak took a look around and only then noticed y/n had rounded up the entirety of his possessions to surround herself with in her sleep. She had made a bed out of the skins and paintings which used to adorn the inside of his tent while holding on rather tightly to a piece of fabric he quickly recognized as one of his loincloths. He felt himself turn into a deep shade of blue in the face and attempted to gently tug the item out of her grip, but y/n growled menacingly in her sleep, immediately making Lo'ak give up on his intent. He did not wish to wake her. Not when it was clear she'd been so distressed, she'd felt the need to make herself a nest just to feel safe.
"Tsurokx, yawne..." Lo'ak wished her a good sleep, and went to tell her family she'd been found.
Her parents were thankful, and just because Lo'ak was not allowed to catch a single break, it turned out y/n parents trusted him so much they began to ask him his personal opinion on the skxawngs that had already shown up to ask them to be her mate. Lo'ak respected y/n's parents and knew they were only worried about their daughter, but he was running on zero hours of sleep, and the image of y/n curled up in a nest she'd made of his belongings was still too fresh in his mind, so he let his worst side get the better of him. He lied. Something so deeply human, his people did not even have a word for it.
"...I would not even consider Selkath, he is too arrogant to even see past himself..."
"Pantoran is weak, I would not trust him to provide for your daughter..."
"... I have known Skakoan to have used cruel words against y/n. She does not deserve her..."
The more he spoke, the more Lo'ak realized he was describing himself and the way he had treated y/n, not giving a true judgment of his peers. And her parents were trusting him with that information, even though he had absolutely no authority to be judging anyone. But there was no reason to worry, a fresh batch of idiots would have shown up to declare their 'love' soon enough, over and over again until eventually someone was found.
Lo'ak slept on the cold hard ground just outside his tent, barely getting an hour's sleep before the day began for the rest of the clan.
"Showing your worth to the clan, as usual, Su-ly?" A voice Lo'ak knew all too well asked, as he was 'accidentally' stepped on and woken up. Tholothian had never been too shy about disliking Lo'ak, and the feeling was entirely mutual. "Watch where you're going, Tho'lo." He growled as he stood up, certainly not in the mood to be taking anyone's crap. The other Na'vi was also standing entirely too close to the tent where y/n was currently resting, and Lo'ak was about the get real territorial real fast if the skxawng didn't back off. The low rumble in his throat was still there, and Lo'ak was making it very clear he was not to be messed with at that moment.
Tholothian, who thrived off humiliating the younger Sully brother in any way possible, had to take a step back. Lo'ak had been missing for an entire week, and now that he was back, he seemed to have doubled in size. He was taller, his shoulders wider, his once delicate-looking human hands bigger, and his muscles considerably more defined. And his entire demeanor also seemed... different, menacing almost. Never before would he have considered Lo'ak Sully competition, least of all a threat. So he decided to back off, for the time being at least.
What he wanted was y/n, and Lo'ak couldn't claim her. There was no pride in kicking someone down when they had already lost. Or was there? "I was just on my way to see, y/n..." Tholothian gloated, knowing it was a sore subject for Lo'ak. "You must have heard... she is searching for a mate..." The look on Lo'ak face darkened considerably, and it would have been a lie not to admit he was reaching for his dagger to challenge Tho'lo to a duel and see which of them could draw first blood, when y/n audibly called Lo'ak's name from inside the tent.
Tholothian paled considerably when he heard y/n call out to his rival and Lo'ak smirked, basking in the pride he felt at that moment. Y/n was probably waiting inside to give him an earful about disappearing for a week, but Tho'lo didn't know that. "Yeah, man. I heard." He sneered, his cocky attitude back in full swing. "I'd wish you luck, but I think it'd be fairer if I gave you a little advice instead..." Lo'ak lowered his voice and pointed his dagger in the direction of Tho'lo chest. "If you, or anyone of your friends, come sniffing after y/n again, just know you're going to have to get through me first." He snarled, showing a full set of teeth, before heading back inside to see y/n.
"Hey? That's all you have to say?" At least she was still lucid enough to be mad at him, Lo'ak thought. There was still time. Y/n threw the first thing she could find at his head, but Lo'ak managed to dodge it. "Where were you?"
"I was sick." Lo'ak said, and cautiously sat down next to her. He didn't know how else to describe what he'd been through, without inadvertently bringing up her own situation.
"Sick?" Y/n asked, still not understanding why he'd been away from home if he'd been ill.
"I'm sorry I missed your ceremony." Lo'ak said truthfully, the regret clear in his voice, even though he'd just avoided her question. "And the dream hunt, and all of it... the reason why doesn't matter, I should have been there for you."
Y/n hugged her knees to her chest, her worry not subsiding at all. What could have been so bad, Lo'ak couldn't even tell her about it?
"So... you're going to be mated soon..." Lo'ak didn't even know why he said it, other than the fact he was always the one to break the silence and say the things others wouldn't. "Why are you making your parents choose for you?" He asked when she didn't respond. "Y/n you know that's stupid..."
"What? Now honoring our traditions is stupid?" Y/n snapped at him, barely leaving any distance between them. "Weren't you the one who said I acted like I didn't care? That I should start doing what's expected of me?" She threw his words back in his face and Lo'ak immediately understood how the entire insane idea of an arranged marriage had come to her in the first place. He'd made her feel less than worthy, like she wasn't grateful enough to be part of the people, and now she was trying to make up for it, even though it was never true in the first place.
"Y/n... I never should have said those words... I wasn't myself that day, you have to believe me..." Lo'ak implored her, but it wasn't enough to keep the tears from rushing down her face.
"Well, it doesn't matter now..." Y/n kept half the truth to herself. She'd childishly thought that Lo'ak would have tried to prevent her from her recklessness and chosen her himself. But clearly, it had been a fantasy. "Lo'ak, I know what's happening to me... and I'm scared, I don't know what's worse, facing it alone or...or..."
Lo'ak pulled y/n into his arms then, holding her close as he felt her tremble against his chest. "You won't have to face this on your own, and... and I'll make sure you'll be with someone worthy, who'll take good care of you..." His words were like daggers to her chest, because there was no one else she could ever want besides him, yet she understood Lo'ak was trying his best to comfort her. Y/n buried her face in the crook of Lo'ak's neck, breathing in his scent. It was a lot stronger now, and only at that point did she realize so many things about his appearance had changed.
There were two small glands, one on either side of his neck, where his scent seemed to be strongest, and she was suddenly overcome by the need to be covered in it. Y/n began to purr softly, rubbing her face against Lo'ak's neck, not really knowing what she was doing other than chasing after the feeling of comfort and protection that came along with dousing herself in Lo'ak pheromones. "What are you doing, y/n?" Her bestfriend asked, his voice sounding considerably deeper than it had been a few seconds ago. "Feels nice." Was the entirety of the explanation she gave him, without showing any intention of stopping. Not that Lo'ak wanted her too.
He suddenly understood why she'd come to his tent in the first place, and that was to seek out whatever still held his scent, to numb out any feverish symptoms her pre-heat was going to throw at her. Lo'ak knew they were treading a dangerous line, but he also knew he would have given anything to have felt any sort of comfort during his rut, and he couldn't bring himself to tear himself away from her. The type of contact y/n was craving at that moment was completely harmless, yet the idea that she needed to be marked with his scent so badly made a Lo'ak feel possessive in a way he hadn't even known was possible. "Yeah? Is that what's been stressing you out, baby?" He cooed, wrapping her braid around his hand and tugging it softly. "You just wanted to breathe in my scent, didn't you?"
Y/n whined at his touch and nodded feverishly at his words. "Y-yes... I missed you, and I didn't know where you were. I just knew you were hurt..." She rambled, but Lo'ak kissed her temple, trying to let her know that there was no need to worry about him. "I'm right here, I'm sorry I was away. I let you down. I should have been here to help you with your nest. Look at this, you did it all by yourself, huh? Good girl." Lo'ak praised her, letting out a deep-sounding purr to let y/n know how impressed he was with her. Y/n nodded, smiling as she basked in Lo'ak's praise. "I did it for you, I wanted to be here when you got back..."
Lo'ak had to remind himself all he was doing was for the sake of helping y/n deal with how increasingly hormonal and emotional she was about to become over the next few days, and nothing that was saying in that moment held any real meaning. Somebody else would get to take care of y/n, and somehow he'd ended up on the council of people who got to determine who that person was going to be. As long as he kept his own feelings out of it, there was no reason why y/n shouldn't have stayed with him.
"Thank you, baby..." Lo'ak whispered softly and brought her hand to his mouth, kissing her wrist. "I'm going out to get you something to eat now, do you want to come? Or do want to stay here?"
"No." Y/n wrapped herself around him like a vine. "Stay."
"Huh-uh, it's like that, is it?" Lo'ak chuckled, powerless against her death-grip. So he took the opportunity to have a lie down. Unlike y/n, he was missing several hours of sleep. "Well, I'm not going to argue with the woman who has me in a choke-hold... and sleeping will do you some good too..." He sighed, resting his arms around her middle. It didn't take long for Lo'ak to pass out completely.
When Lo'ak woke up, y/n seemed to have been long gone. Someone had also brought him some food and water while he'd been resting. Lo'ak hurriedly ate something, before heading out to look for y/n, but he didn't end up needing to look too far. Moat had been in the middle of examining y/n when Lo'ak showed up out of the blue.
"Ever heard of privacy? Get out of here, skxawng!" Y/n yelled at him, and Lo'ak immediately did as he was told. At least y/n seemed to be once again lucid and back to normal. For the time being. And now that he knew she was alright he really didn't have any other excuse to be around her, so he left.
Lo'ak finally found the time to get back to his training, something he now did in private. It was embarrassing to perpetually remind the rest of the clan of his failure, and he would not ask his father or brother for help. His mother however, was a lot more difficult to get away from. And she understood more than most. "My son, it is clear you are hurting... we have not seen you for days... "
"So? What good is showing my face when I have failed you?" Lo'ak turned away in shame. He did not need anyone to look out for him, not anymore.
"Stubborn! Just like your father." Neytiri hissed at him, bonking him on his head with her bow and not too gently either. "It is clear... that Eywa made you and y/n to be together. Do not treat me as if I do not see. I see you, my son."
Lo'ak broke down as soon as he heard those words. It was true, he had been pushing his family away, but simply because he hadn't thought himself capable of facing them. What would his mother think of the twisted game he'd gotten himself in? What kind of example was he setting for his younger sister? He didn't deserve to be around any of them until he somehow managed to make things right.
Neytiri hugged him, even though it was something they hadn't done in a long time. She had immediately known how strong and independent her youngest son was from a very early age, and she feared that it may have been the reason why, out of all of her children, he'd most often been left to his own devices while she and Jake were forced to tend to the others.
"You have not failed us, Lo'ak. But you must still fight for y/n... and I will help you."
The next few days went by in a blur. If he wasn't training with his mother to successfully pass the Iknimaya on his second try, he was making sure to steer away y/n's parents from any candidates they may have seriously been considering to be her mate without seeming too obvious. If a certain potential candidate began to seem like a real threat to Lo'ak, then he would personally seek them out to politely dissaude them himself.
"If you ever try to talk to y/n, ke-he, you ever even look in her direction or... you just as much as think of her again, I'm dragging you out of your tent while you sleep and leaving you out to die in the forest. And trust me, the viperwolves will finish whatever meat the Thanator doesn't tear off your bones first."
The Na'vi might have been dangerous, but they were a peaceful people. Humans had been the ones to bring war upon them. And Lo'ak had begun to realize just how much of a scary breed he was of the two things. He was now turning on his own kind, on the very same members of his clan, his brothers and sisters. He was cheating and lying to get his way, just like a human would. And the scariest part was, that realization was bothering him less and less as time went on. Y/n's heat was approaching fast, and as a consequence, he was getting more protective and territorial by the day.
While y/n had been able to keep her head in the beginning, only going through a few 'fever dreams', as Lo'ak liked to call them, in a single day and quickly recovering from them, it was now rare to come back and find her to be lucid rather than not. She had a few lulls, here and there, where it was once again possible to get her to have a coherent conversation, but those instances were now few and far in between. Lo'ak would have to seize those opportunities to take her out so she could have a walk, drink or eat something, and show her parents she was still alive. One night he'd even managed to take her all the way out to the ponds for a swim, something she'd always loved, but she was way past that point now.
Y/n slept most of the days off; the nights were the real problem. Due to her body temperature slowly increasing to the point where it was eventually going to be unbearable for her, y/n had taken to refusing to wear any sort of clothing. Which was particularly hard on Lo'ak, especially since her body was also changing in ways that weren't so subtle. As much as he tried not to look, it seemed as if both her breasts and her hips were filling out little by little each day. By that point, he was sure it was some specific torture that had been crafted for him especially, but it all came to pale into comparison when most nights were spent treating the aches of y/n's fever.
"You need to drink some water for me, baby..." Lo'ak would try to encourage her. "I promise you'll feel a lot better if you do..." Y/n was struggling, and Lo'ak was thankful for the fact that after making a bit of a fuss she would eventually listen to him. He couldn't think of a single other person who would've had the same amount of care and patience to make sure she was eating and drinking regularly throughout her heat, and there was hardly any time left before she was completely under the influence. A decision was going to be made whether he liked it or not.
The only problem was that now, he didn’t know if he was going to be able to stand aside when the time came for her to leave. The two of them had gotten somewhat... close during their time together. Close in a way that Lo'ak was certain didn't apply to being best friends. Y/n had suffered a great deal the night her scent glands came in, two on her neck, two on her inner thighs, and one on each of her wrists, and Lo'ak had almost mistaken the event for the beginning of her heat. The sweetness of her scent had him so out of his mind, and he would have torn himself away from her if she hadn't been holding on to him for dear life. "Don't go, Lo'ak, please..." y/n had begged him through choked sobs.
Lo'ak still didn't know if he'd made the right choice to stay, because of everything that happened afterward. He peppered y/n's skin with kisses as usual, trying to bring her comfort, only this time the need to taste and sink his teeth into her was almost uncontrollable. "Y/n, I don't think I should be here..." Lo'ak tried to say, having never felt so at war with himself. Y/n shook her head and caught his lips in a kiss, completely tearing down any ounce of doubt he may have still had. For the time being. The fact that she was promised to another suddenly didn't matter anymore, and the two of them were painfully aware y/n had been dripping with slick from the moment Lo'ak had pulled her into his arms. They were all over each other instantly, reaching desperately for one another in the dark. The sound y/n made when he breached her walls was the most beautiful thing Lo'ak had ever heard, and they fucked so desperately, he was almost ashamed of it afterward.
"I told you, my sweet syulang..." He teased, regretfully having to pull out of her for the second time. "You're not ready to take my— a knot, I mean..." Lo'ak kissed her whines away, only taking a few more strokes before coating her belly will his warm seed. "But I want to try again, weakling..." Y/n huffed, having absolutely no mercy for her spent companion as she climbed on top of him. Lo'ak let out a groan and a laugh at the same time, pulling her in for a hug. "You have come so many times, I am literally covered in your slick... and since you're clearly in the right mind to give me attitude..." he pinched y/n's ass cheek and she yelped, slapping his chest. "You're more than capable to come with me for a swim and... help me clean up all this later..." Y/n had bit him in protest but eventually complied with his unreasonable demands.
In those moments with her, Lo'ak had felt so happy he'd almost forgotten what the future actually had in store for the two of them. Even though now he knew y/n so deeply, both at a mental and physical level, another would be the one to marry her. Another would the one to make a lifelong bond with her, mark her and mate with her.
'Sometimes I don't understand how another can love her, is allowed to love her, since I love her so completely myself, so intensely, so fully. I grasp nothing, know nothing, have nothing but her!' Kiri had once read out those words from one of her mother's old books, since the ability to read and write in English had always been important to his sister. At the time, Lo'ak had made fun of her, saying it was all a bunch of boring nonsense. Now, those words haunted him. Every day. And here he was now, acting in the worst of ways just to hold on to y/n for just a second longer, have every part of her until the was nothing left for anyone else to aspire to.
When he walked into the tent that night, y/n was sitting upright and wearing a large white T-shirt Lo'ak had stolen from the RDA supplies. Lo'ak was happy to see she was doing her best to eat some fruit, and the awkward smile she gave him made him understand she currently had her wits about her. "Moat came by... she said it will happen tomorrow... and she gave me... something to help with the pain. Medicine, I think. She told me... my mate will have to take me away. I can't stay here with the rest of the clan while it happens, it might be dangerous-"
Lo'ak shook his head, raising his hands as he tried not to laugh bitterly at the sadness of the situation. How could she talk about it so calmy?
"I don't want to know, okay?" He tried to say as calmly as he could, but she could hear the distaste in his mouth.
"If you can't even talk about it, then admit what I've known all along." Y/n managed to say in a weak voice. "Lo'ak, I see you... I see you... everything you're doing for me, because of me..."
Lo'ak's ears immediately turned down at the sound of the words he'd been waiting for y/n to say his entire life. His immediate instinct was to shut her out. Now that he wanted nothing more than to say those words back, he knew he was only going to make irreparable damage. He'd justified the fact they'd been having sex in secret because it wasn't uncommon for their people to do so, nor forbidden. The only problem of course was that he and y/n were painfully aware of being in love with someone who couldn't commit to them. They had chosen to live in the most blissful of lies until their time together was up.
Well, that time was now.
"Spend my heat with me." Y/n said, not even posing it as a question.
"I can't! How hasn't that gotten through to you yet?" He asked angrily, hating himself for the way she instinctively flinched at his words. Lo'ak got down on his knees, kneeling in front of her. "Ngaytxoa." He asked y/n for her forgiveness. "Oeya syulang, you deserve to be with someone who has shown enough strength and honor to be part of the people... If we'd only had more time, I... but you cannot face your heat alone, nor will I allow you to tie yourself to someone who is not worthy. Who may never be." Y/n had begun to cry at this point, and Lo'ak could feel that he'd been joining her soon. "An outcast. Someone like me."
Simply put, if Lo'ak had spent y/n's heat with her, got her pregnant, and then ended up dying on the Halleluja mountains on his second or third attempt at his Rite of passage, not to mention the unpredictableness of surviving the Dream Hunt as well, he would have committed the cruelest act of all: giving his mate false hope before leaving them behind forever, all for the sake of getting what he wanted.
"You are... impossible..." Y/n cried. "You say these words, therefore you must believe I deserve to be with someone I do not love when I have already chosen the man I belong to and he has chosen me... do you not understand that would kill me just as much as being alone would? I know you went through your rut alone, Lo'ak... I know you went through that pain and survived, Moat told me. I am willing to take that risk, and wait for you."
Lo'ak looked into her eyes then, and it seemed to y/n he was having a realization. Had she finally gotten through to him? She knew her chances of survival were slim, and she hadn't exactly prepared, but after finding out Lo'ak loved her as much as she did, he would sooner risk her life to be happy with him in the end than choose someone else.
Suddenly he was grabbing her face and kissing her, pulling away just as quickly. "I'll be back by morning... there's something... important I have to do." Lo'ak saw the look of distress on her face as he stood up. In many ways, I would have been their last night together, and he was leaving. "Trust me, syulang, I beg of you. Nga yawne lu oer."
"I love you, too."
And with that, he was gone from her sight.
As he climbed the path of vines and rocks leading to the banshee rookery, Lo'ak wondered if anyone had ever managed to reach the Halleluja mountains past the eclipse in the dead of night. If that person, whoever they may have been, had been so desperate to have made the attempt even though everyone around them had said they were not ready, because it was a question of life and death for them as much as it was for him. After the initial surprise of having made it to the top, he was immediately aware of a dozen pairs of yellow eyes blinking at him in the dark.
Lo'ak immediately whipped out the yìmkxa, swinging it around a little as he cautiously walked amongst the ikrans. "Didn't mean to spoil your beauty sleep..." He said, counting how many of them had already flown away at the sight of him. "There's just one of you I've come to settle the score with, some motherfucker who threw me off a cliff the other day-"
A very familiar hiss came from out of nowhere and Lo'ak now knew he was looking back at his banshee. "Long time no see bro, I sure hope I didn't ruin any late-night plans." The ikran lunged at him but Lo'ak knew exactly what to do this time, and moved without hesitancy, muzzling the creature's mouth with the yìmkxa. "Me? Oh you know, my girl is going through the worst experience of her life--- shit, stop that, man--- where was I? Oh right, I'm supposed to be back home with her, yet I'm out here, dancing around with you. Bet you can't wait to get inside this head, huh? Hope you enjoy all the angst, you mother-"
With a final struggle and a minor chunk taken out of his leg, Lo'ak was able to make the connection. The ikran, his ikran, immediately calmed down and let out a pained sound, that Lo'ak recognized as being directed at him.
"Yeah, well... no worries bro." He sighed from exhaustion and patted the banshee's neck. "Now let's get out of here, I don't have all goddammed night."
By the early hours of the morning, Lo'ak had returned aching from the fight with the ikran and still disoriented from the self-induced high he'd given himself with whatever concoctions he'd found in his grandmother's hut to make himself find his spirit animal. No matter what anybody said, he'd completed his rite of passage and now he was going to tell y/n they could be together. Y/n however, was not where he'd left her. Moat found him soon after, and after reprimanding him for stealing her supplies and acting so recklessly, she told him y/n's parents had chosen Tholothian to be her mate and they had left not even an hour prior to Lo'ak's arrival. The Na'vi, much to his grandmother's protests, immediately set off to find them.
With the sunlight by his side and the ability to fly over the forest, it didn't take long for Lo'ak to recognize Tho'lo's ikran resting on top of a branch and its rider wandering the forest below.
"I thought I told you to stay away from her." Lo'ak snarled, quickly dismounting from his ikran.
"Stay out of this, Sully. The fact that you did the bare minimum this time, doesn't get you a prize." Tho'lo took a threatening stance against him. Lo'ak immediately noticed his bow and dagger were missing, and that he had a large cut across his chest. "Y/n was left in my care and responsibility-"
"She attacked you." Lo'ak accused Tho'lo, charging at him with everything he had the very next second. "What did you do?" He roared with a murderous look in his eyes as he held his knife to his rival's throat. "What could you have possibly done to her to leave you stranded out here, huh?"
"What I have done? What have you done, Lo'ak?" Tho'lo accused him back, sounding all too calm for Lo'ak's liking. "She has clearly chosen you, I see that now. I had known you two were close, but I never thought it went beyond you recklessly amusing yourself with her. I never would have accepted her parents' decision if I had known-"
"The why. the fuck. did she attack you?" Lo'ak growled, actively losing his patience by the second.
"Because she's in a heat, you moron. She won't be with anyone who isn't you now that the two of you have clearly done everything except maybe name your future children...I just wish someone had warned me, so I wouldn't have to be here right now!" Lo'ak stepped back from Tho'lo then, realizing he had just been assuming the worst of someone who was meant to be his brother-in-arms. "She attacked me not two minutes after we were in flight. I thought she was going to kill my ikran so I got us all down to the ground. She escaped of course, but I still couldn't leave her out here... "
Lo'ak nodded, ashamed of all the grief his actions had caused. But he didn't even have time to dwell on it, or make things right with Tho'lo, because y/n was still out there, scared and alone.
"I'm sorry, brother-"
"I'll forgive you when you find her and bring her home in one piece." Tho'lo cut him off, calling his ikran and mounting it. "And I know you threatened others just as easily as you have just accused me. That's what separates you from the rest of the people, Sully. You reek of anger and distrust, toward yourself and others. You are selfish, just like the rest of the sky people. Whatever y/n sees in you... must be the true reason why I'm still willing to call you brother."
After a few minutes of frantic wandering, Lo'ak picked up y/n's scent and it didn't take him long to track her down. She'd hidden herself in a small cave behind the waterfall, a place they'd both discovered once when they were out hunting. The closer he got, the more overpowering the influence of her sweet pheromones became. As he climbed his way up to the cave, mindful of the water cascading above him, he knew she could sense his presence too because she began to call out his name. Lo'ak could hear the strain in her voice and ended up cutting his hands and feet several times on the rocks as he made his reckless endeavor all the way to the safe haven she'd chosen.
He looked up to see her looking down at him, and he made one last stupidly dangerous jump to get her away from the edge. "Where were you? You told me to wait, I waited for you but- you are hurt!" Y/n reached for him, she was shuddering violently and unable to keep herself from crying. Lo'ak knew exactly what kind of pain she was going through, and he had to dissuade her from fretting over his wounds.
"I know, I'm sorry Oeya syulang, I'm right here now. I'm with you..." Lo'ak kissed y/n, making quick work of getting rid of whatever fabric was left to separate them. He let out a guttural sound at the copious amount of slick that gushed out of y/n simply from his touch. "Lo'ak, it hurts..." Y/n begged him, holding onto Lo'ak so tight he was pretty sure she was going to end up rearranging his bones.
"I know baby, you're burning up..." He kissed her neck, feeling how scolding her skin was as she lowered herself onto his cock, taking him all the way with a desperate moan of relief. Y/n seized up around him and coated him with a second wave of slick, high on the feeling of finally having her mate buried deep inside of her. "Fuck--you really needed me bad, didn't you baby?" Lo'ak groaned, unable to even comprehend what was happening around him anymore. Y/n's cunt was impossibly tight and warm, and she was making a complete mess on his lap.
His mate nodded and began to ride him in earnest, her stamina never breaking for a second. Lo'ak was so in awe, he could barely keep up with her. Their moans and whines echoed off the walls of the cave, and Lo'ak knew y/n was desperate to get knotted. "You need to... relax syulang." He kissed her face when she began to whine in frustration. "Might have to fuck you a few more times before your body is ready for me, sweet thing..."
"But I want--" Y/n was beginning to sound completely unintelligible, but she never once stopped grinding down on Lo'ak, challenging herself to take in deeper and deeper every time. "Such a good girl, look at that..." Lo'ak praised her, earning a deep purr which he happily returned. "Gonna make you a proper nest... so my baby can be nice and comfortable while I mount her later, how does that sound?"
Y/n curled up against his chest at the idea, kissing him deeply and coming on his cock for the fourth time since they'd started (yes, he was keeping count), and without much warning Lo'ak began to feel the his knot forming inside of her. She gasped and began to frantically fuck herself back against it, giddy on the pleasure the foreign experience was giving her. Lo'ak gave a a few more harsh thrusts, until his knot finally popped deep inside y/n's walls, binding them together. "Fuck, baby you can't keep moving anymore..." He groaned, blissed out and slightly amused by y/n's attempts to bounce up on his knot while she was stuck on top of him.
Y/n wasn't particularly shy about being loud, but the sounds she made when Lo'ak finally began to breed her made him want to fuck her all over again right at that moment. "It's... it's so much..." She sobbed, overwhelmed by the constant stream of warm cum that was now pouring into her. Lo'ak wrapped his arm around her and made a second connection between them, bringing their cues together. Immediately he could feel how close she was to climaxing again, and he reched down between them to rub her small bundle of nerves while she was still split on his shaft. "Going to cum on my knot, baby...? You're been such a sweet girl, taking everything I have to give you... once I'm done breeding you, your belly's going to be so pretty and full---"
Y/n gave out another high pitched whine and came thanks to Lo'ak's expert fingers. He managed to lull her to sleep after that, while they were still tied together and in the process of mating. Lo'ak found his sleep to be rather light, keeping an eye open for his vulnerable mate and growling menacingly at any noise he heard coming from outside.
When his knot died down he left y/n to get some much needed rest and set out to get everything they needed to stay in the cave for the rest of the week. He knew that his scent was more than enough to let anyone and anything to stay the fuck away from the cave, and that y/n would have been safe. Even though he'd returned with food supplies and other creature comforts to make a worthy nest, y/n was not too forgiving of his absence and jumped his bones the second he came back. After she'd deemed herself sated, they made their nest together, but it was hard to do anything without eventually getting distracted.
Y/n's belly was beginning to stretch out a little already from their activities and Lo'ak was completely mesmerised by the sight of his cum slipping out of her. So much so he could help but hold her down and get a taste. "Lo'ak... w-want your knot again..." she mewled, tugging fiercely at his braids while he drank down the sickly sweet taste of her slick.
"Oeya syulang, I haven't eaten all day, you can't blame me for wanting a taste... " Lo'ak growled softly before sinking his teeth in the scent gland on her left inner thigh, making her cry out. He soothed the wound with his tongue, lapping up her blood. "Now, you're going to have to behave for me a little, or I'm going to eat you out until you're a sobbing mess... understood?"
Y/n was a lot more partial to taking a break to eat and drink something after that. Lo'ak was not surprised when she feel asleep again, and he curled up around her on the makeshift bed they'd made, holding her close to his chest. He immediately woke up when she began to cry next to him a few hours later, not even thinking twice about mounting her from behind as her kissed her shoulders and reassured her everything was alright.
Y/n was the one to link their queues this time, moaning softly as he began to move. "Still hurts if I'm not inside you, baby?" Lo'ak asked, genuinely worried that the heat was still painful even though y/n was no longer facing it alone. Y/n shook her head and tried to find the right words to express what she was feeling, Lo'ak kissed her temple reassuringly, stroking her tail to soothe her. "J-just now... I think... I think I'm ready..." It took a little while for Lo'ak to understand, but then he felt it through their bond. Y/n was at the peak of her heat, and his next load was sure to get her pregnant. "You're happy..." she said, Lo'ak still forgetting that she could probably feel his heart soaring at that moment.
"Yeah..." He laughed, a little choked up. "Course I'm happy... so fucking happy" Lo'ak placed a hand on y/n's lower belly, firmly holding her there as he picked up his pace, pounding into her deeper and deeper. Y/n bared her neck to him then, submitting and asking him to mark her as his own. "Nga yawne lu oer..." He whispered before sinking his teeth into her scent gland, tasting the blood and sweetness there. Y/n cried out his name, feeling their bond deepen even more and the desperate need to mark Lo'ak just the same.
Both of them felt the exact moment when life began to blossom between the two of them when they were lying in each other's arms some moments afterwards. They were holding each other close and tending to the deep marks they'd left on each other's bodies. Lo'ak spent the rest of the night whispering promises and soft nothings to y/n, and she quelled all his anxieties about his wrongdoings or the fact that his child might have inherited his human features.
After all, she'd never cared for the right profile anyway.
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josphitia · 3 months
Josie's CowHRT Journey Part 2 - Telling the Husband
“You want to be… a cow?” Jojer asked with equal parts incredulity and curiosity. My husband was looking up at me from their chair, dealing with the brick I had just dropped onto their lap. I know it wasn't the best way to broach the subject, but I also know it was the only way I could.
Some history on us: We actually met at a nonbinary support group that Jojer was running. I'm not nonbinary, but it was the closest trans support group I could find. I ended up meeting a lot of wonderful and unique people there. Me and Jojer immediately hit it off and before we knew it, every free moment was an excuse to text or hang out with each other.
We were the best of friends for years, we helped each other in any ways we could. I was already on Estrogen and blockers when I attended that first meeting, but I helped Jojer to get on Testosterone. We helped each other get our names legally changed. So when the time came that we both found ourselves single, is it any wonder we jumped at the opportunity? We dated for a year and decided to get married. Jojer’s my they/them husband and I couldn't be happier.
Everything since then has been the mundane life of a married couple. That is until the past few weeks when I've been keeping to myself more, my nose glued to my screen as I process my newfound sense of self. Which leads us to this moment, to when I dropped my hopes and dreams for the future, to my husband asking with a puzzled face: “You want to be… a cow?”
“Yeah! W-well I mean, I think I've always been a cow. I wanna get on Animal HRT and help to see the bovine in the mirror that I am inside.”
“Okay, is this like a kink thing? Because I'm alright with us exploring more in the bedroom. Get you a cow print bikini or something and-”
“No! I mean, the bikini sounds cute, but it's not a kink thing… Not that it doesn't make me really happy thinking of myself like that and being intimate… But it's more than that, so much more. The idea of being a cow just feels like it's me, it's who I am. Like I can finally see myself as a complete person.”
“And you'd, what, be in some field all day munching grass? I also don't think a cow would fall under the pets policy of our apartment.”
“I wouldn't be, what do they call it… a ’feral’ cow. Though some people do go that route! I'd be more in-between than that. I've been reading all about it and what they can achieve with hormones nowadays is amazing and I'd finally have cute horns and a tail and even hooves!”
“Can't we just buy you some horns online if that's what you're wanting? And I know I've seen people with clip-on tails, we can get you some of those too.”
“It's not a costume I want to just wear at home or around you… it's who I want to be. Who I feel I am. Who I need help to be. Who I want to be with you.”
“Why haven't you opened up about this before? You're so sure this is who you are but you've never made any indication you've been unhappy just being a human woman. Now you're dropping this in my lap right before we're going to bed.”
“Because I didn't have the words for it… I didn't even realize it was a thing I could be. But I've seen other girls posting about this and it was so illuminating, it's like these girls had access to a dictionary I never knew existed. But their thoughts, their feelings, their journeys, it's like reading about myself in all but name. And it's not fair to you, but I've been so scared to bring this up to you… I know you're kind and understanding, but there's so many horror stories of people being shunned by their partners over this. Of people losing their partners over this because they weren't accepted… I love you and don't want to lose you but I also can't live my life without trying this…”
“Okay, okay. I don't completely get it yet but I can tell you've been putting a lot of thought into this. I don't want to give you the impression I'm not supportive, I am, this is just so new. I love you, Josie.”
*Sniff* “I love you too Jojer…”
“So, what would the first steps be?”
“It's basically like what we've already been through. See a therapist, get a letter, then going to a supportive endocrinologist who'll fill the prescription. And I even already have the name of a therapist who can help me! But, uh, I'm hoping you can help me with actually making the phone call… You know how I am…”
“Of course honey. C’mon, let's get ready for bed. You can talk to me more about how you're feeling when we're laying down. I do have to admit though, you're right about one thing.”
“You'd look really cute with horns~”
Josie's Cow HRT Journey
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myriadeyed · 3 days
This isn't just an essay about my archetrope identity; it's also the explanation for what it even is.
I've tried to narrow it down, I've tried to separate it, and I've tried to find convenient ways to define it. I explained it as having multiple distinct archetrope identities that were closely related—"wanderer," "mimic," "opportunist" "shapechanger"—but they aren't distinct. Most archetropes will say their archetypes are things like knight, or unreliable narrator—I don't think mine is inherently different or more internally complicated in any way, but the problem is that most archetypes and concepts have words that mean them. Everyone knows what a knight is. No matter where and how long I pored over the dictionary and Etymonline, I couldn’t find one single word that explains what I am. I had to realize that it's the very fact of what it is that makes an existing word or phrase impossible. So I made my own.
I call it Wayvariance. It's a portmanteau of sorts, between the words "wayfar" and "variant." A wayfarer is obviously a traveller or explorer, but the etymology of way (to mean the course by which something occurs) and fare (to mean to wander, to be/exist, or even simply just to go) implies a connotation of someone who doesn't just travel, but who's defined by it. Variance originally meant only the act of undergoing change. Its meaning of diversity, difference, came later; a result of inevitable change. The way evolution is a constant course of change, meaning inherently that it's also existence in infinities.
Wayvariance is being a wanderer. Not because I travel a lot, but ontologically. I always leave. I leave both physically and existentially. The wanderer grows bored with home, with comfort and familiarity. Not just bored. Sick. Sick to its stomach. Being in one place for too long creates a miasma. I could find something to hate about anywhere I end up. I've lived in enough places in a short enough amount of time to feel that anywhere I go next is implicitly not a place I'll stay for very long, and to feel like even just three years is a crazy long amount of time for me to spend living somewhere. A new city to become part of is my version of someone else’s return to a cozy childhood bedroom. But I never really am a part of them, I know by now. The homebody is a river carving canyons over eons. The traveller is always the fish.
"I would tell you about the ocean if I had a moment to stay and chat. But those other places call again and we will never see each other after this. I seem to be the only one who recognizes this. You say ‘keep in touch’ like I have hands and not fins."
I go where I go. It’s a matter of perspective whether it's freedom or being towed by an invisible rope to unknowable destinations, I guess. I choose to appreciate it, but only because I couldn't ever choose to stop it. To drift through existence. The word “plankton” etymologically traces back to the Greek for “wandering.” Plankton are defined as any creature which does not swim purposefully, but rather is carried by ocean currents. Am I purposeless? Rootless? Is this why so many people think their roots are their purpose? I never knew what it was like to have either. No wonder I'm anti-zionist as a Jew. Doikayt doesn’t just mean hereness to me, it means anywhereness. There is no soil or stone with my names already carved. There are no waters that whisper for me, only to. You get it.
Which is all to say: the difference between a wanderer and someone who is lost is only a matter of deciding that what you are is a conscious choice rather than being haplessly dragged along by the universe. Either way, there is no end and no source. I don’t even know what to say when people ask where I'm from. Whatever works, who’s asking?
Wayvariance is being a shapeshifter. One who changes. Not just their shape, too, but their whole self. Recreates the self. In fact, it’s my only constant. The one thing that will never change about me is that I will always change. I know that I'm trans because I seek radical physiological transformation more than any other reason. I cannot live a whole life without knowing what it feels like to be so drastically modified; not even out of a frenzied sense of curiosity, but out of an unavoidable instinct. I crave change, and I need it. The wanderer grows bored with home, with self, body, mind. It needs to leave. Stagnation kills me, like mosquitoes breed eggs in the still waters of my life. My name isn’t the same as it was 3 years ago and it won’t be the same three years from now. Even the way I write or draw is inconsistent. Even the way I type. An example: it wasn't a mistake to switch from digit to word when writing the same number just now. I felt like it—but I can't explain why.
Shapeshifter transforms the body and the mind remains intact. Wayvariant, on the other hand, becomes. Embodies. Change does not even have to be from the inside out. When I put something on myself—a name, an answer, an image, a character, a preference—it seeps into my epidermis like the ink of a tattoo until the only way to remove it is with the regular moulting of my feathers. I can't relate to stories of fictional shapeshifters because I can’t imagine turning into something physically but not becoming it in my entirety. What do the words mind, heart, body and soul mean? They are all equally mutable and impermanent. I have identified as otherkin for nearly eight years and I don’t have the same kintypes I did when I first realized, not because I was wrong about being a fox, but because I became a badger instead. Not even the same kintypes I did half that time ago, not because I was wrong about being a badger, but because I became a cladotherian instead. Queer, but never wanting to call myself “against labels” or “still questioning” just because I was aroace femme-presenting nonbinary and now I'm a butch bi man. You get it.
I used to relate to the phoenix. But there's no dramatic blaze of fire or victorious rising up from the embers for me. I don't need to burn to exist in the ashes of everything I used to be. Maybe someday a sapling will grow from them instead of a bird. If there was such thing as consistency, I would consistently be changing. But there isn’t. So when I grow into a tree, I certainly won’t be a bird anymore.
Wayvariance is adaptation, and by extension, survival. Sometimes Wayvariating is like being the last survivor of an apocalypse because you refused to die more like a cockroach than a hero, but that’s OK, you’re used to the loneliness. Sometimes it’s change that’s evolution at such a rapid pace it doesn’t need generations, only you and a certain willpower. Was there a reason the bird needed to suddenly be a tree in the first place? Sometimes Wayvariating is like chewing your leg off to get out of the trap. Backed into a corner snapping and hissing, it’s not very heroic either but I’ve always been more like a wild animal than that particular archetype allows for.
That also means Wayvariance is mimicry, inherently. Mimicry is survival. An adaptation. Some creatures will mimic a coloration of a poisonous species to deter predators. Some creatures will mimic the beats of a human interaction, perfectly memorized and choreographed to avoid being noticed. Some won’t even realize they are the only one in the room who’s having to pretend to be human. For a lifetime. They just know that snapping and hissing don’t protect them as well as dancing and laughing do. So I learned how to dance and laugh, but not because it's funny.
A terrifying concept for humans to think someone in the room might not be the same as them, but somehow smiles and speaks like them all the same. Like it has learned their behaviors, their patterns. A horror movie monster. One you don't notice right away, even speaking to it. What is it scheming? A great evil? To hunt, kill, devour? To make innocent humanity its victim?
Why would an animal have to pretend to be poisonous if it was the one who was bloodthirsty?
Wayvariance is opportunism. That’s also an adaptation. A Wayvariant is an animal that can survive on any diet, in any biome, because it takes what it can get while it can get it. That’s being a generalist. For a wild animal, at least. A sapient person's version I guess would be called eclecticism. My preferences are wide enough that I may as well not have any. Being a generalist means I say I “don’t play favorites” and I say I “have no taste” in things because I never know what to say when someone asks me my favorite type of movie, or game, favorite genre of music, what’s your dream job… where would you like to live? No answer, for me. Every answer. I could find something to love about anywhere I end up.
I also endeavor to diversify the self, too. Not just my options. It’s not just about differences. It’s about encompassments. It is difficult for me to make my self small because it naturally desires so many things. Therian, but struggling to whittle myself down to as socially acceptable a polytherianthropy as I can muster even if some people can only imagine I'm struggling to “maintain so many conflicting identities.” Autistic, and having special interests in topics some people find so impossibly broad like “art” that I have genuinely, not joking, had my disability fakeclaimed over it. Archetrope and having a 'type so conceptual and expansive as this that I need to make my own word for it. You get it.
Which means Wayvariance is to contain multitudes. It is not a contradiction for me to contradict myself. It comes easily because I'm not just OK with being confused or confusing, I embrace it. I don’t understand how others would find being "your own opposite" hard to wrap the mind around. Asymmetry? A walking paradox? Maybe in the eyes of others. Multitude eyes see those variating evolutionary infinities behind themselves. You can be both the desert and ocean. You can be snow and fire. You can be the desert and the ocean but not both at once. You can be snow and fire, but neither snow nor fire. This is so normal to me that it’s tricky to explain. When I write or do art, a million projects open at once that I chip away at over time across the board works better for me than putting all focus into one; if I'm playing three games, or watching three shows or reading three books at once, I finish all three before I would have finished just one if it was the only one. Something about the variety keeps my attention better than hyperfocus ever could, even with the autism/adhd combo. I liked having a million thousand nested links on my blog because there’s something about labyrinthinely navigated lists that makes more sense to me, and something about having different sideblogs for different topics that doesn’t. And I'm plural. No need to expound upon that one. Plural in more than one way, even. Plural in different ways that don't stay consistent. If I expound anyway, it's because I can't help it. You get it.
Wayvariance is ambiguity. I revel in it. I love those stupid link labyrinths, but I also like having nothing in terms of information that's accessible at all, even difficultly, because obscurity is my nest, where I feel safe. Vague isn’t uncomfortable for me, if anything, it’s familiar. Uncertainty is like a lullaby and a confident answer to a question is like waking with a start from the sensation of falling; you know the feeling—jarring, sudden. I'm not insecure when things don't make sense, though I know others sometimes see it that way if I'm nonsensical too often. I never feel more secure than when things don’t make sense. If there was such thing as home, mine would be the strange and ephemeral, and the antichronology of dreams, and enigmas. But there isn’t. So I am always waking up somewhere time exists, and you know the feeling, jarring and sudden. Making myself understood sometimes is like a fool’s errand, especially because way too many people think being esoteric is always a choice. I make an entire new word to describe my archetrope identity and then write an entire essay trying to explain it, because (as the modern adage explains) “human language is like trying to nail down the ocean” and unlike some, I am not human, I am the fish called to seas and from river to river, never with the privilege of walking back onto dry land where words lie.
G-d, why the hell was I an English major.
Wayvariants are outsiders, foreigners wherever they go, from across oceans to their home towns to the inside of their own heads. I am, after all, a wanderer, and I always leave. I leave both physically and existentially. Because I always leave, I also always arrive. I am a stranger wherever I arrive. Both physically and existentially. And a journey inevitably always changes the traveller. If I ever were to come back home, I'd be a stranger there too.
But like I said. There is no such thing as home.
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sumerianlanguage · 3 months
How would you write out the word mole; and how would that that translate? Like underground rat?
Thanks ❤️ I've been thinking of calling my pottery Mole pottery and because I love history, I wanted a nod to it in my signature
Hello! I couldn't find a clear reference to moles in Sumerian literature, and after looking I can't confirm there are actually any moles native to Mesopotamia, though there are several species in parts of Turkey and Iran. But I did some sleuthing and may have found something!
The closest match I initially found was peshgi 𒉾𒄀, which means "mole rat" or "canebreak mouse", a rodent that was eaten as a delicacy. But since a lot of Sumerian animal terms we know are from lexical tables matching them with Akkadian vocabulary, I did a search of an Akkadian dictionary and found ḫarriru, listed as "vole or mole". It's written with the signs 𒉾𒀀𒊮𒂵, which in Sumerian would be read as peshashaga, and sure enough that term is listed in the ePSD as "a rodent". In lexical entries it's usually listed as "field mouse" or "vole", and its literal meaning is "mouse (pesh) of the grain-field (ashag)".
Unfortunately, as with many Sumerian animal terms, the fact it's only known in (ancient) dictionary entries means the exact translation isn't known (see the hedgehog/chameleon saga for another example). But peshashaga 𒉾𒀀𒊮𒂵 is the closest match I can find, and I hope you find it useful. Let me know if you'd like any more translations, and best of luck with your pottery!
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forever--darling · 2 years
Hiiii! Your writing is just *chef's kiss*. Like seriously, I, for some time couldn't read anything, just like, I couldn't focus on the story, yk? Anyways, your Neteyam story got me glued to my screen!! It was so amazing, you deserve an award!
Do you have any tips to a fellow writer, to improve her writing? Thank you!
this ask has my heart! I was waiting for this one.
1. practice practice practice. seriously the only way to perfect your craft. I have been writing for years and over that time I have grown so much into my own style. that being said, when you start out present yourself with some grace. you may write something and not like it one bit and that's okay. it is a first draft for a reason.
2. read as much as you can. this was how I found what I liked and didn't like with writing styles. take note of what your favorite authors do or what writing pieces really stuck for you. note why it did. ---- for me, descriptions and lots of detail became what I preferred.
3. ^^^ with this though that doesn't mean copying word for word what authors say. identify what techniques they use that you like or certain themes and use them for inspiration.
4. outlines. I find these to be my savior. I use my notes app because it's always close by. when I have an idea I write it down. this way you can brainstorm and plan out the story. however, this also means you aren't obligated to follow it. outlines are not meant to be static. if you have thoughts while you're writing or a new idea, go with it. adjust your outline as you go.
5. dictionary, google, etc. research, and research if you are unsure of a phrase, the right word being used, or a topic. take breaks if it feels like it's too much. also, use google as a tool to spice up your writing and exchange words here and there. just don't overuse it. you want your voice to still shine through the writing.
6. take breaks, writing is energy-consuming, and sometimes you may feel pressure to finish with deadlines but your brain and hands need a break once in a while. eat or sleep or read something else, to rest your mind from writing. it will make your writing better in the future.
7. most of all writing has no bounds, especially fiction, rules are bendable and follow what your heart is saying. write about what inspires you and what you're passionate about. also let me reiterate, be kind to yourself and don't compare. you are your own person with your own style.
8. lastly, honorable mention: I like to make picture boards and playlists. anything to help me better visualize the plot and setting I am trying to convey, as well as my characters. it's a fun little activity and it adds so much to the aesthetic!
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Not planned...not at all
Cassian x reader
Azriel x OC!reader'scousin
Short Summary: Two girls, cousins, somehow find themselves inside a slightly modified version of their favorite book saga ACOTAR. What will happen to them, things have changed and not just their situation but themselves...are those pointy ears they now have?
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Chapter 15
Of course it's Rhysand that speaks first aww protective arms around Feyre's waist, bit ridiculous considering just how powerful she is but still aww!
"I will ask this one last time are either of you a threat?"
Of course Roxy and I answered as one and the same.
But I just couldn't help myself, clearly and loudly thinking "yes" only to watch Feyre's face morph into shock and worry as she not so subtly moving to protect her sisters. Meanwhile Rhysand's face went back to the emotionless cold mask a pretty scary glare sent my way.
Of course it doesn't take long for Roxanne to understand just what I'd done which earned me a good hit over the head before she pulled me down by my ear. I can't help but laugh and whine a bit at the pain.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I thought it was a funny joke, I said I'm sorry...let go"
Finally Roxy freed me so of course I stood back's straight rubbing my sire ear complaining.
"It's not my fault if they have zero sense of humor! Do I really look threatening to any of you? I'm not the one with the fighting experience, she is."
Pointing at a confused Roxanne, asking me why I would accuse her to free myself but this was everyone for themselves from the moment she tugged me down for an amazing joke. I cross my arms over my chest.
"That's called betrayal in my dictionary Nell!"
Rolling my eyes I smile innocently at her.
"Betrayal would be me naming your teenage crush from this book!"
After a bit of a stare off Roxy nods reluctantly. But I still can't help but feel the need to poke at her some more.
"Mine's pretty obvious when you know me but you...no one would even guess would they? So why can't I just give them a little push?! Say he's the-"
Just to be clear I was never gonna finish that sentence and out my own cousin like that! I just wanted her to feel the terror...and terror she did feel
I barely remember the last time she jumped at my neck like this, probably because the last time we were still in highschool.
I feel my back slam into the ground, for the second time today, although my wings seem to take away most of the hit. Curling my legs I use her inertia to push her off and roll over preparing myself for her next attempt, I'm not stupid enough to think I'll take her out that easily.
Sadly I commit the grave error of looking around for a weapon, a pillow or cushion would do, and get takled again this time I'm pined to the ground. Always thought the Bat boys were big babies complaining about wing sensitivity, but now I can testify Roxy's knees pinning my wings hurt a lot!
"That hurts...That actually hurts Roxy! I wasn't gonna say anything, I was just teasing. Why would I do that on purpose?!"
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just-a-carrot · 9 months
Hey, Carrot!
I managed to finally find the time to finish all the routes of OC, and I LOVE IT🤧🤧💜
You nailed the shoujo intro song and ending, btw, instantly had a smile on my face when I heard them🤣🤣
I was giggling with all the silly combos. Definitely going to replay to get every single one of them.
I was also looking up words to understand some of Orlam's messages (one of which was listed as "archaic" in the dictionary, btw LMAOOO). He's so weird when it comes to vocabulary, I love him😌🤣🤣
Also, that one chat about miniature Genzou was so cute it had me screaming😭😭. It reminded me of this ask:
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And I was ecstatic when I saw the Iggy pose I suggested, I love it so much!!🤧🤧🤧
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It was really touching when Gen said that he wouldn't change a thing about him for anything in the world and Iggy started CRYING 😭😭😭. The same thing with other times he's said it in the main game. That one sentence always gets me for some reason🥹🥹
Also, the little post-credit scenes were sooo sweet!!! I gasped with the first one that I got, wasn't expecting it at all🤧🤧
AHHHHHHHHHH thank you for sending this in with your thoughts??? Ahhhfdkgjadkfad I'm very touched AND VERY HAPPY YOU ENJOYED IT GUHHHHH 😭💕
LMAO ABOUT ORLAM'S VOCABULARY BEING ARCHAIC sounds about right... He uh... you know... he just has a very varied and interesting vocabulary~ 😌
HELP I FORGOT ALL ABOUT THAT DOODLE HAHAHAHAHA sob that's so real. I'M GLAD YOU LIKE HOW THAT ONE IGGY POSE TURNED OUT LAKDJFAD It was such a cute suggestion I couldn't resist (and also adding the variation for if you have Oswald teehee 🤭)
I'm really happy you liked Genzou's ending so much... it was the one that made me tear up a lot while working on it 💦 My heart can barely take it 💦💦
At any rate, I'm so glad you ended up liking the game so much!! It means so much you'd take the time to tell me your thoughts about it 😭💕 I'm so happy in general with how much people are enjoying it!! This game feels so special to me for some reason ladkjfas so I'm both really nervous but also really excited to have people finally be able to play it 🥺
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darkcrowprincess · 4 months
Mike didn't mean to:
*I'm writing this over frustration of the stranger things fanfiction. And how I haven't found any fanfiction for the manifestation theory. Listen to the song eight by sleeping at last to get the vibes of the little drabble nonsense I'm writing.*
If you were to look up the meaning of manifestation in the dictionary, you would find the following definition;
An event, action, or object that clearly shows or embodies something, especially a theory or an abstract idea. The action or fact of showing an abstract idea.
Or in simple terms; the public display of emotion or feeling, or something theoretical made real. Lets repeat the last few words again shall we, "or something theoretical made real." That's the thing that gets Mike Wheeler everytime he thinks about all of this. He made something not real, real. He changed things. All because he couldn't handle his emotions. His grief! How horrible is that right? How selfish! How childish! But, and thats a big but. Lets also look at things from Mike Wheeler's side.
If he didn't use his powers(and honestly Mike is still stuck on that fact, like holy shit he has powers! Like on one side so cool right?! But on the other hand! Shit why can't my life be normal! thinks one Mike Wheeler) Will would be dead. And not by the upside down like how he changed it. But dead being murdered, and murdered by his piece of shit dad Lonnie Byers.
Hopper would still be in his rut about his daughter. So having El (even though El was just an Npc Mike made up) and the Byers in his life really helped him.
Mike was 12 at the time when he saw Will's body at the quarry(the real first time not the fake one that he made up with his powers with the fake Will body) seeing something like that. Seeing the body of the person you known since you were 5(and might have even love though you'll never admit it. Trauma and inner homophobia being a toxic mix) like that broke something in Mike. Broke open something Mike wasn't even aware that was inside of him.
And lastly, Mike didn't mean to. He didn't even know he was doing all of this. Nancy has a theory it was all subconscious. Both to protect himself from the truth and the grief. But to also keep Will safe and alive. Above all else keep Will safe.
So add all that up, you can't help feeling some complicated empathetic feelings for Mike( and Will. Lets not forget Will. Dear sweet murdered boy) for this whole mess. Making his dungeons and dragons game real to save his best friends life? Admirable, one could even say sweet(romantic). But also very upsetting. The Wheeler's even before all of this was not a good family. His parents being what they are. Mike kept his emotions bottled up. Because boys in the 80s were ment to be men. Strong, unemotional, manily. However we know the truth. Emotions are not ment to be bottled up. Its like shaking a soda. Eventually any moment, any big disturbance will cause it all to come exploding out in a big pop. Spilling everywhere.
12 year old Mike seeing Will Byers (his best friend) corpse there at the quarry that day was the big popping moment of all his emotions. Like a breaking and a shattering. His mind came open and his unknown powers came spilling out. Changing everything. Unknowingly saving Will by turning their lives into one big adventure after another. One big game. One big Dungeon and Dragons campaign. He created everything. Every villian, every monster, every unusual thing he made up( a lot influenced by things Mike loved and hated of course) made real all without Mike realizing it. What did it matter if everyone was playing a game the weren't even aware of or wanted to be a part of? Thinks Mike, manifestation powers glowing all around his in his shocked state. Will was alive. Will was safe.
Even though Will hadn't been completely safe had he? Mike didn't have full control of everything. No. Once he brought something powerful into existence, they basically had a will and a mind of its own. The campaign kept getting more and more dangerous. Plus what about the things and people Mike couldn't control? It was all getting out of hand. And now Hawkins was split everywhere. The upside-down spilling into the real world.
*and thats all I have now for this. Maybe I'll write more to this later.*
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turtlemagnum · 3 months
when i was younger and hung out around my uncle a lot more than i do now, i remember whenever he referred to things regarding his native heritage, he always just called it "indian". called himself an indian, called the words he taught us indian, so on. since i was a little kid who didn't know any better, i didn't know that "indian" in the context of indigenous americans was a very broad, frankly bastardized term to paint a vast variety of cultures spanning two whole damn continents with one brush. it only occurred to me as i got much older than i was at the time that there'd be more than one "indian" language, and up until now since i had no idea what tribe(s) he even is i couldn't even begin to know where to look unless i found a download of every goddamn interlingual dictionary available and painstakingly checked every godddamn one for what their word for "thunder" is
the word he taught us meant thunder was hiloha. i didn't even know how to spell it until now, because he only ever said it aloud. literally just a few minutes ago, i decided to ask my grandma (his sister) if we knew what tribe(s) he belonged to. and apparently he's a mix of choctaw and makah. which gave me a lead, which led to me finding a dictionary on libgen, which led to me word searching "thunder" in the choctaw to english dictionary. it's the only word i remember him teaching us, and i'm unsure if he ever tried teaching us others. but it was his dogs name, and he was a damn good boy, so i remembered it clear as day. though, they normally shortened it to "hilo".
so, i guess what came out of this is that i now know a bit more about my uncle's heritage, and where to look for more research. so, if you're gonna have a takeaway from this, i'd appreciate it if you remembered the word "hiloha". it means thunder. and aside from being the name of a very good boy who deserves to be remembered, i think it's even more important to remember the histories, cultures, and of course the languages of all the indigenous folks who came before us and did their damndest to preserve their cultures in spite of it all.
#honestly a bit unsure if he was just simplifying it all down for us little idiot kids or not#regardless i think it's an important memory to keep alive#writing this up got me thinking about my time spent over at his place when i was real young. we spent a thanksgiving or two over there#both him and his wife were alcoholics at the time. she probably still is but she's been out of their lives for a while#i remember huddling in the corner with my cousin and my mom while they both fought. i distinctly remember her slapping him over the head#with a TV remote. not a very happy thanksgiving that one#it occurred to me while remembering this that there's definitely some kind of bitter irony to a white woman abusing a native man and his so#on thanksgiving. not even mentioning just a (mostly) native family having a bad thanksgiving in general. a bitter memory all around#god she was a cunt. talked shit about welfare queens and people on food stamps while me and my mom bought her food with our food stamps#claimed to be a vegetarian because how much she loved animals but still regularly ate bacon#i definitely don't remember my uncle being perfect in that relationship but i also definitely remember her being far worse#i'm almost certain it was mutual abuse but there's definitely a reason why my uncle's still in my cousin's life and mother isn't#aside from the fact that she did in fact abandon them and start a new family#as far as i know my uncle's recovered from his alcoholism and she hasn't. which itself wouldn't be a sin if she wasn't also naturally just#nasty piece of vaguely human looking garbage even without the alcohol#the way i understand it alcohol usually doesn't change who a person is at their core. it just amplifies who they already are#my grandpa's a very loving man and while i've never seen him get outright drunk i'm told he's very sweet and cuddly#saying this feels like a bit of a blanket statement but i definitely feel like for the most part if someone is an abusive piece of shit#while drunk they're also a lot more likely to be an abusive piece of shit sober#i've heard that some people are sweet and kind sober and turn nasty when drunk. i've never seen that firsthand but i'm sure it's entirely#possible. i can't speak whether it actually reveals who they really are or what. i'm not a psychologist#im rambling. oh well!#i'm glad that my cousin and uncle seem to be in a better place now. got their shit together#that's what matters
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iloveamagician · 1 year
what an insane band name, when I first started listening to them, I had no idea what "to dismember" meant, I only looked up the dictionary definition after seeing people's reactions such as "????????" and "the WHAT plan????!!!!", when they had been recommended the band. It happens. I feel it belongs to the experience of people who aren't native speakers of English, yet they've grown up surrounded by music in the language. Music comes first, lyrics second, meaning... third??
I still have a clear memory of ten-year-old me memorizing all the lyrics to my favorite Linkin Park songs. While I recognized some of the words I was singing along to, I wasn't able to decipher their meanings and wasn't even trying to. That band was my first real obsession. Hyperfixation, perhaps. They were the music I would play when I was given access to youtube on the family computer. Turns out I didn't get to grow up to be the person who gets the aux. In my teenage years I went through so many more music phases, a journey I'd love to discover in better detail across many more posts in the future. There was my metal phase with a milion subphases within it (since there is probably more subgenres than bands), then a prog and alt rock phase, then in the summer of 2019 a friend introduced me — 16 year old, coming to terms with their newly discovered queer identity — to car seat headrest, which swept me like an ocean wave and irreversibly changed my music taste and also me as a person.
The world of indie music opened itself to me, so many new artists, bands, but more importantly specific albums by those artists, dc snuff film/waste yrself, the glow pt. 2, itaots, souvlaki... all the classics, but none of them had a hold on me as strong as Twin Fantasy by CSH, Come In by Weatherday, Funeral by Arcade Fire, YWNKW by Sweet Trip, and – well, my Elliott Smith obsession was yet to come but we can count XO in there too. But in the midst of all these albums, you could find Emergency & I, a record that I enjoyed when I first listened to it, I didn't really think much of it, but I really felt the need to return to it. And then again and again, I best enjoyed the fun, most standard songs, What Do You Want Me To Say and Gyroscope, I loved hearing the small weird details in them, the time signatures, the mindblowing drumming... the album didn't mean a lot to me at first. I was still 17 when I first heard it, I needed to grow into it.
A year later I got into a long distance relationship, I started university, I moved from my small town to a big city. And it sucked, I wasn't really able to make any friends, I couldn't handle the pressure of schoolwork, my depression got much worse, my adhd meds weren't really doing anything, at some point I stopped leaving my dorm room and I ended up sinking into a deep metaphorical pit and eventually dropping out after four months. Fun stuff. The reason why I am mentioning all this is that there is a strong correlation between my music journey and my life journey. And Emergency & I is the college age young adult album. There is so much loneliness packed into it but it's not exactly sad or depressing. This album can be kind of laid back, or extremely anxious, it can be very nihilistic and dystopian, it can be very fun or it can completely rip your heart out, it can make you think "yeah I do know these people", it can be very silly and the next second it throws the most poetic and beautiful words at you that fill your heart and head with an abundance of images and feelings. And it gets better the more you grow into it and the more you relate to it, and even if you don't relate to everything, the songwriting and storytelling is so perfect and emotionally intense that it will rip its claws into you and never let you go.
In the last year and a half I've managed to get myself into a much better place in terms of mental health and academic success. I started studying again, this time a subject I love (languages), I found some amazing friends, the long distance relationship has turned into a less distance relationship and we see each other relatively often and things are going great and I finally realized that Emergency & I is the best album ever made. Because even when everything is going great, maintaining all those parts of my life is not easy at all and this album knows it too well. Okay, maybe it is not the best album ever made, but it is the best album for me. At this stage of my life.
But do I claim that after over three years, I understand the meaning of this album perfectly? Not really. Well, I bet not even Travis Morrison does, because how could he have predicted the intensity of the feelings I go through each time I listen to the album, or the impossible to fill void that appears inside of my chest after the final track ends, making me long for more of those feelings but also making me sad becuase there is nothing else quite like E&I...
And, you know, maybe I was wrong and the song meaning does not come third. Maybe the first time you listen to a song, it already means something to you. Maybe that is why I was drawn back to the album. Each time I listen to it I am a different person. And the songs mean different things. Of course I understand more of the song lyrics the more I read them and listen to them and analyze them but words can only go so far in terms of meaning. The band created the songs with certain ideas in their heads but those ideas have been transformed so many times, from their minds through their instruments, on paper, to the recordings, the masters, and then to the ears and minds of thousands of people, through different mediums, through different means of discovery. Songs mean different things to you when a friend recommends them to you or when you find them on your own, even before you listen to them. And I am not even mentioning live performances where your body vibrates with the music and the room and the songs are changed ever so slightly each time. Nobody experiences music the same way.
And I could talk for hours about what exactly the album means to me but I cannot and also do not want to fit all of it in one post. I want to dedicate a separate post to each of the songs on this album, which is one of the things my blog is going to be about, but I don't want to limit myself to being only a dismemberment plan fan, I want to document my music journey here, both by looking into the past and sharing my current favorites (for example get ready for a ton of weatherday posting this year). This post is just me speaking random sentences into the void, to prepare everyone for all of my future long posts, which are also going to be me ranting into the void, hoping things will end up making at least some sense to at least one of you (assuming somebody will read this, but I know this place is full of nerds just as obsessed with things as me (or even more, actually) so my chances aren't a complete zero).
tldr listen to dismemberment plan, it might change your life. I am not conscious enough to proofread. goodnight <3
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Intro to pronouns in Norwegian
personal pronouns: I = jeg, du = you (singular), han=he, hun=she (booknorwegian), ho=she(newnorwegian), hen=they (singular), vi=we (both languages), me=we(newnorwegian),dere=you (plural), de =they (plural)
Norwegian Booklanguage has a fourth person pronoun "man". it basically refers to "people in general", etc. I think at least I'm less sure of this.
example: "man kan ikke se seg selv i speilet så tidlig om morgenen" -> one can't (reasonably) look themselves in the mirror this early in the morning.
You can (inflect?) change these very similarly to english, however we don't have themselves/himself etc.
I'm to do the possessives (my/your/yours etc) later because there are a lot.
first person:
singular: I/me -> jeg/meg (book-language)
singular: I/me -> eg/meg (newnorwegian)
plural: we/us -> vi/oss (both)
plural: we/us -> me/oss (Newnorwegian)
the reflexives (equivalent to "se" & "me" in french) are: meg (singular) and oss (plural). reflexive words go after the verb.
jeg gleder meg! -> I'm excited (literal / wrong: I am happyifying myself). (uses nominativ/subject form and reflexive)
Ser du meg? -> do you see me? (literal / wrong: See you me?). (uses accusative/object form)
Vi koser oss -> we are having a cozy time (literal: we are cozifying ourselves).
De ga oss en gave -> they gave us a gift.
second person:
singular: you/you -> du/deg. (equivalent to I/me for second person)
plural: you/you -> dere/dere
we also have an archaic formal form that is NOT used much, but you might find it in older texts. : you/you -> De/Dem. (capitalization is important here).
third person singular:
he/him/his/his/himself -> han/han/hans or han/ham/hans
she/her/her/hers/herself -> hun/henne/hennes
they/them/their/theirs/themselves -> hen/hen/hens
some nonbinary people use de/dem as singular pronouns
it/its/itself translates to den or det and I went through this in another post.
The reflexive for all singular third person pronouns is "seg"
hun gleder seg -> she's waiting excitedly / she's excited.
Hen kjørte ham til togstasjonen -> they drove him to the train station.
third person plural:
uh weird sidenote here, we imported hen as a neopronoun recently and like... we already had a pronoun that is "hen", it refers to a place and can mean where. so beware. like "hen kjørte han" could mean both "where did he drive" and "they drove him". You can elongate the sentence, use context or clarify. In speech this would probably come across through uh word emphasis or like pronunciation?
edit: I couldn't find it in the dictionary so it might be a dialect thing. The word is however an adverb according to NAOB (link).
they/them (plural) -> de/dem (not capitalized unless it's at the start of a sentence)
The reflexive for third person plural is also "seg".
De tenkte kun på seg selv alle sammen -> they only thought about themselves every one of them.
Please ask if you have any questions!
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kitakataramen · 2 years
Hi! I'm sorry if this is a strange or out of place ask, but you seem very knowledgable, and I was wondering if you had any advice. I am learning Japanese, and I can read quite a lot of it without issue. I don't know what any of it means, though... Like I'm seeing the words, and know how to say them, but not what they mean. I don't know what to do. Did you ever go through this? Sorry for the inconvenience.
Hi! I definitely did go through this and continue to do so. I first had this issue when I was studying N5 level material, because that tends to have mostly hiragana and very little kanji, so I could read the syllables but couldn't differentiate where one word ended and another began. There are so many words/combinations of words that sound similar that my brain really struggled to find meaning.
Now I'm studying things in the N4/N3 range and I still struggle, mostly in cases with grammatical points written in hiragana. Often I can understand the individual words, but can't parse out the overall meaning of the phrase or sentence.
My advice as both a language teacher and language learner is this:
Study vocabulary, and start studying kanji as soon as possible! Kanji is essential to meaning in Japanese. The quicker you learn to associate meaning with kanji, the easier a time you'll have. I've just purchased すみっコぐらしはじめての漢字辞典 (Sumikko Gurashi Hajimete No Kanji Jiten) to help myself review some old kanji and learn new ones.
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I love using material that actual Japanese students use, and I find that starting from around 3rd grade material is most helpful because by 3rd grade they've started adding useful kanji to the text, but they still have furigana to help you read it.
If you don't have the funds to buy a Japanese exercise book like this (it runs around $27 on Amazon and I believe it is called "The Secret Dictionary of Summiko Gurashi" in English) you can find all kinds of free printouts and materials by grade on this website:
2. Immerse yourself in the language. Quite a bit of meaning is garnered through context and body language, so without these, it can be difficult to understand what you're reading/listening to. You can immerse yourself in different ways; for example, watching Japanese TV (I like to watch it with both Japanese audio and Japanese subtitles on), chatting with someone in Japanese (I used HelloTalk to find people to chat with when I was first starting out), or playing Japanese videogames. The best thing to do is do something you already like and are very familiar with in your first language, but in your target language. This way, you can add some context to what you're reading/hearing, and this will help your brain associate a concrete meaning to the language.
3. Keep a notebook in which you write down any new words you encounter. Personally, I like to keep my notebook on hand when I'm reading. If I encounter a new word or grammar point, I'll write it down to help cement the meaning in my brain. Don't expect to remember everything the first time you read or hear it! While some people are proven to have an aptitude for language learning and can pick up new words and their meanings almost immediately, most of us can't, and some of us struggle harder than others. That's totally okay! Again, you need to find some way to associate the words you're learning with their meaning. Different methods work for different people.
4. Try putting the new words/grammar you've learned in action! Once you've studied something, practice producing that language yourself. You can do this by writing in a diary, or by recording yourself saying it, or using the word/phrase in a conversation with someone else in the target language. This will also help the meaning to stick in your brain better!
5. Keep going! Don't give up. Language learning is not a linear process. You will have periods of progress and periods of stagnation (these are known as language learning plateaus). It's natural. And just because you feel like you aren't making any progress doesn't mean it's true. Set an attainable goal for yourself ("I am going to read this book about cats" or "I am going to play Mario Kart in Japanese") and keep working towards it a little every day, and you'll find you're improving more than you think.
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Jason Sheeler at People:
Deep into a Malibu canyon, up switchback roads and overlooking a creek, is Wayne Brady’s house. With a view of the Pacific, a creek, and not much else, save for tall gates, it’s a fortress of solitude. “It’s a great place to think,” Brady, 51, says.  And he has been doing plenty of that. Brady — known as much for his deft comic timing as his fully loaded smile — is ready to tell the world how he identifies: “I am pansexual,” he says, meaning that he is attracted to persons regardless of their sex or gender. Brady puts it another way: “Bisexual — with an open mind!” he says with a chuckle. 
Today the house is bustling with activity. The Let's Make a Deal host's daughter, Maile, 20, and ex-wife Mandie Taketa, 47, are on hand. Taketa was the first person Brady came out to. “I just said, ‘Great.’ As I knew coming out would help him be happier," she says. Maile's response to Brady was mostly a shrug. “I just said, ‘Okay,’" she remembers, breaking into a big, proud smile. Also scattered around the house: a camera crew. Brady, Maile, and Taketa — along with Taketa’s partner Jason Fordham — are filming a reality series about their blended family, set to premiere on Hulu next year. Taketa and Fordham welcomed a new baby in 2021, and Brady is considered a co-parent. 
There’s a lot going on, but Brady finds a quiet corner of the home and sits down. He takes a deep breath, leans back into the sofa and opens up to PEOPLE. Below is Brady's story in his own words.
I’m pansexual. In doing my research, both with myself and just with the world, I couldn't say if I was bisexual, because I had to really see what that was, especially because I really have not gotten a chance to act on anything. So, I came to pansexual because — and I know that I'm completely messing up the dictionary meaning — but to me, pan means being able to be attracted to anyone who identifies as gay, straight, bi, transsexual or non-binary. Being able to be attracted across the board. And, I think, at least for me for right now, that is the proper place. I took pan to mean that not only can I be attracted to any of these people or types physically, but I could be attracted to the person that is there.
I’ve been attracted to men at times in my life. But I have never dated a man.
Let's be really honest: I've also been attracted to certain men in my life, but I've always pushed that aside because of how I was raised, and because I live in today's world, and it's scary as s--t. What's the fastest way to hurt another man? I'm gonna call you out of your name. I'm gonna call you gay. I'm gonna emasculate you. I'm gonna use the F-word. I learned that very early from the people around me, they're like, "Oh, so those are bad things? Yeah. You, you don't wanna be that."  So, what does it mean if I feel something? I don't think I'm gay, but what if I feel something for another [man]... That's still gay. I was already bullied about a bunch of other s--t. I didn't wanna add a top hat on top of that suit.
I’ve dealt with the shame.
A shame cake, just eating it every single day — and then worried about... people finding out. I've always had a wonderful community of friends who are in the LGBTQ+ community, people that I've grown up with in shows, gays and lesbians, and, later in life, my trans relatives and my niece. I've always had that community, but I've always felt like a sham because I wasn't being forthcoming with myself. I could speak out about Black issues because I can’t hide that. And you can play at being an ally, but until the day that you can truly say, "This is who I am, and I wanna stand next to you," that's not... I always wanted that day to come. I've told myself in the past, also, nobody needs to know my personal business. The world can absolutely go without knowing that Wayne identifies as pan. But that gave me license to still live in the shadows and to be secretive. What does that feel like to actually not be shameful, to not feel like, "Oh, I can't be part of this conversation because I'm lying?” I had to break that behavior. 
In an exclusive interview with People Magazine, Wayne Brady, the former Whose Line Is It Anyway? star and current Let's Make A Deal host, comes out as pansexual.
Pansexual and bisexual are often erroneously mixed up, as bisexual means being attracted to more than one gender but not necessarily all genders, whereas pansexual means being attracted to all people regardless of their gender identity.
See Also:
The Advocate: Wayne Brady Comes Out as Pansexual in New Interview
People: Wayne Brady Comes Out as Pansexual — What to Know About the LGBTQ Label
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