#and i didnt really enjoy it but also i feel energized
I need to be more me
I need to be me and not afraid
I need to be the me who was loved since birth, who brightens a room, when she enters, and people think "I'm so glad she's here". even though she doesn't exist.
I need to accept that that being me doesn't mean I have to be perfect, it means being happy, it means understanding what I actually want, and letting myself try new things without limiting it based on expectations.
I need to actually do things I'm interested in, instead of thinking "oh that's be fun" yet never doing it.
I need to let myself be an embarrassment. to talk enthusiastically and incorrectly about what I care about.
I want to be happy.
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sereniv · 1 year
Today, I thought was going to be a good day.
I awoke this morning feeling oddly well-rested and despite having stayed up all night, as I do every night, this didnt seem to affect my sleep. For that I was grateful and I can easily say I still am. Or so I thought.
I used that energy I then had, to continue my routine of walking the dog which is something I had stopped doing for the past 2 days due to my hypersomnia getting the best of me. I not only felt proud of myself upon returning home from the much needed exercise, but I also felt...happy. I felt refreshed, rejuvinated, though also a little worn out; the type of feeling that really helps create a positive attitude for the rest of the day.
I made myself breakfast which consisted of a very basic 'dilla' filled with seasoned rice and pinto beans, sour cream, and some blue corn chips. Though I could have turned this dilla into a quesadilla, I still was wary of this energy I had and thus didn't want to extend more effort than I needed to.
Which you might be thinking, "How much more energy does it take to add cheese to a meal?", and with that I say: Do not question me.
During my meal, my grandmother and I sat down and enjoyed the rest of Chicken Run. We had started it yesterday night, but seeing as I was too tired we had to stop half way through. This is a common occurance and one that saddens me deeply.
After the movie, it was time to take our dog to the groomers for a scheduled nail trim and bath. An expensive appointment, but a necessary one.
We were told it would be around 3 hours until it was time to pick her back up, so I thought this would be the perfect time to work on my commission. And that I did.
I put my wireless earbuds in, which luckily I had remembered to charge last night, and set my playlist on shuffle and got to work.
Now, to be honest, I didn't just work on my commission. To help myself avoid burnout, I cycle through my commissions and my self indulgent fanart and I am very grateful to have a fandom to provide me with that. And though I sometimes get well invested in drawing said fanart, i cant say im not making good progress with the drawing I was paid to do.
After some time, I began to get tired and with great self control decided to take a nap; and though protested by a friend, I knew that if I didn't lay down then, that I would not be able to hang out later- that which we had planned earlier that day.
So I took a 6 hour long nap, and yet again I felt well rested (to my understandable suprise). I was feeling good, energized, and as per my usual routine, decided to check tumblr.
I did not expect to see what I saw in my activity feed: This Very Anonymous Message.
"No..." I thought to myself, "No, this can't be...this shouldn't be...". I started to weep.
I am now too bored and tired to continue this dumb thing lol
I love this hate mail so much i will cherish it always ty "Anon" ( @tea-withnofixinsplease )
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darlingpwease · 2 years
Ohh hush, I didn't even know she was also called Michiko, so ig I accidentally helped pave the road for that path <//33 oops
or already a slight discontent
a h
Hopefully the former– /hj
And hopefully difficult in a good way?? (If it can be a good way???) /t
I'm one of those people; I've told you this before
( ;∀;) I'm gonna go hide in a hole now, bye
Conveying some things can be difficult over text, I'm glad for tone indicators tho cuz they help out, but even then, sometimes text just doesn't send the whole vibe with it :///
Can't lie tho, sometimes I do forget to use them.... plus, as much as I love texting, sometimes verbal conversations are better purely due to tones being able to be perceived better aksbdkwks
the struggles of being online </333 /hj
Well I hope you can rest well, Dove!! <333
Thanks to the break, I've been able to sleep more, so now that school is back I'm all energized!!! Kinda, it's still school but yeah
alpha×alpha, beta×alpha, omega×alpha, omega×omega, I'm obsessed with "taboo" relationships, ones that go against the norm!! Sure, sometimes alpha×omega is okay... but when roles are switched? I'm sold. Especially when someone who is supposed to be "dominant" is all submissive, I'm so sold. I'm in love with the work right away.
AND WITH YUUTA AS WELL?? It's like the best mix, holy shit
With any pretty thing, really,,, but I feel like you've drugged me with too much Yuuta!! .......not complaining tho.......
Codependency and mutual obsession drives me crazy, and I love it too much. Especially when it feels like they can't live without one another??? Hhhhhh oohhh my goooddddd <3333 I love it when partners are mutually crazy about each other. Im crazy about it myself!! Lol
Me??? A bully??? Why I'd never >:0
...maybe..... sometimes.......>:))) /t
REALLT??? YES PLEASE YES PLEASE <333 I'm almost done with my profile, too. I'm just making it more "pretty" I guess lol, then I'm gonna post the first sorcerer!Yuuta works. So I'm very interested <33 very very /gen
-panna cotta
shush, stop being so peaceful, my heart will melt and will never be the same again </3333 /hj /pos
It's my fault that I forgot about it; I read this manga, so I have more reason to remember than you, charming joy </3
this is in a good way, even if you may expect a different answer, sunny <3 it's even more interesting this way, although it's still very tempting to grab you and carry you away
it's okay, honeycotta. it wasn't something significant, and the brain tends to get rid of unnecessary information, so it's natural that you don't remember it; I'm not offended or anything maybe /t
why a hole if there is the cute soft warm fluffy nest??? ?????? ?????????
thanks to neurodivergent people for the existence and creation of tone indicators <3
I also often forget and sometimes even confuse them. they are convenient, but it is difficult to cover all words with them, and sometimes it is not clear when they need to be used, and when their use is unnecessary
thanks to the Internet for existence, not thanks to the Internet for the lack of normal transmission of tones </3 /hj
school is hard to love. it was better in high school, since no one else tried to teach me anything and let me do my own thing, but middle school was wild </3 I hope you have a good time anyway; since it can't be avoided, it should be enjoyed, you know?
yes yes yes!!! taboo!!!!!!! I love dom top omega x sub bottom alpha, I adore submissive alphas, I love omega x omega <333333
alpha x omega are good, but there's something when it's two omegas who are in heat together, or when it's an omega who rejects any alpha since only their beta can satisfy them, or when it's an aggressive wild omega with a soft alpha who agrees with everything their partner says and the one who wears the collar in a relationship, you know?
omega, who is strictly in other omegas, and their mate, who is only in omegas and in omega-like betas </3 beta, who is courting alpha, who has never even accepted flowers as a gift and is not sure what they can do, since they kind of has to take the initiative, but they just like to feel pretty and submissive,,,, omega, who climbs into the window of their beloved beta, since they are in heat soon and want to spend it with them, but beta says that they should be quiet and find another place, since their sibling alpha has brought his alpha mate and they will smell someone else's smell in the apartment and will be very angry that an unfamiliar omega got into the house </33
hehehe <3 only yuuta, my my; only yuuta and no one except yuuta <33
I understand what you mean, dear, I'm no better. I can't think of anyone but him and toge, and yes, it's something unhealthy, but what's the difference??? he is cute and pretty and whines when you grab by the hair;;; yuuta, who is wearing makeup, but when you fuck him in the dressing room, his eyeliner is smeared with tears <3333
yuuta, who whines when you tease him that he's too excited for someone who shamelessly bares in front of his neighbor, and he can't even open his eyes in shame, but he's okay when you offer him for two and toge agrees, </3 look, he's definitely not okay when you offer to share yourself, but don't mind if you share him </333
big brain, so so so big brain<3333
they should mutually go crazy and be dependent on each other, even if it is absolutely unhealthy. no!!! and what!!! interdependence!!! codependency!!! their relationship should be a lichen where fungi and algae have to take care of each other and give themselves to survive!!! </33333
shameless bully </3333 shamebully </333333
I'm sure you'll have the prettiest blog <3 the same as its owner, you know <33
I'm happy to do it!!! <3
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* you can immediately copy a line with tags into the work and paste and then remove those that you consider unnecessary, my my <3
[fandom name] drabble, [fandom name] headcanons, for example
jujutsu kaisen drabble, jujutsu kaisen headcanons
actively used!!! highly recommend it for both sfw and nsfw works.
[character name] x reader, for example
yuuta okkotsu x reader
[fandom name] x reader, for example
jujutsu kaisen x reader
important tags!!! they give a lot of attention; the second one is very suitable when there is more than one character, while the first one should always be used. the more popular the character, the more popular the work with these tags will be.
attention: some characters have more attention when only their first name [gojo x reader] is used or their first and last names are rearranged [gojo satoru x reader]
[character name], [fandom name], for example
yuuta okkotsu, jujutsu kaisen
I don't use it, but I know some writers do. my reason: this is a common tag, while "x reader" should only inhabit its zone. a lot of people are annoyed that reader inserts are everywhere, and I don't want to contribute to that. but!!! it can be used; it's just not surplus and if there are too few tags, then it should be the first to be eliminated.
[fandom name] fluff, [fandom name] angst, for example
jujutsu kaisen fluff, jujutsu kaisen angst
a narrowly focused tag; it is used, but it is only useful in conjunction with more common ones.
yandere [fandom name], for example
yandere jujutsu kaisen
an obscenely popular tag in the yandere community of any fandom. your work will be noticed as long as you use this tag. I also recommend using it together with yandere [character name] / yandere reader. trust me, even dom!reader gets quite a lot of attention while it's working with yandere. from my experience — a wild tag, almost the same as male reader
[gender] reader, for example
gender neutral reader, gn reader, male reader, female reader
very useful tags!!! the most convenient way to look for an audience outside of the fandom. their use is mandatory according to the rules of decency and to find their audience.
listen, I didn't say this if anything, but the truth is that "male reader" readers often disdain gender-neutral works, as they consider them feminine, so if your reader is gender-neutral, but masculine terms are used, then I advise male reader & gender neutral reader simultaneously. of course, if it is clearly clear that this is gender neutrality or masculinity, then you should not confuse people, but while it is unclear, the use of two tags is very useful, actually.
I do not recommend fem reader, female reader, since this tag is often blacklisted by both gender neutral & male and is not used by the fem reader community; of course, if your reader is a fem, then it should be used, but if it is gender neutrality, then it is better to use masculine than feminine.
[trait] reader, for example
alpha reader, shy reader, crybaby reader
you have to look at popularity, of course, but I usually use them. they are not as important as their place at the beginning of the work than in the tags, but they are still very useful, as they help you find those readers who want you.
cw [things], for example
cw omegaverse, cw dark content
very important tags. they should be used at the beginning of the work, but "dark content" must be in the tags, everything else is variable.
you don't want to be visited by whining and swearing babies, my dear, you don't.
dom reader, dom!reader, sub character, sub!character
for works that involve a reader who holds control or remains in charge. I highly recommend it, since this tag is actively used in the community and is not only a warning, but also a brand that will attract attention to the work. even if the reader is not involved in bdsm in any way, this tag should still be used as long as they take the lead in sex. the first two (dom!reader and dom reader) are more active for searches than the last two, so if there are too many tags,
dom reader > dom!reader > sub character > sub!character is preferable
don't forget to also mention this in the work itself in the warnings — although the tag is in some sense enough, some people read the work without looking at them and may then come to you because they can't read, and, hm, I don't think you want to meet them.
sub [fandom name], for example
sub jujutsu kaisen
the same as dom!reader & sub!character, but this tag is more narrowly focused. it works very well in large fandoms and in fandoms where there are dom!reader writers, because sooner or later they start using such tags and accustom their readers to them. if you write in big fandoms and about dom!reader, then I highly recommend it — but if you suddenly start writing about sub!reader, I'm not sure of the effectiveness. sub reader community rarely and little uses them.
sub [character name], for example
sub yuuta okkotsu
popularity varies in different fandoms. somewhere you can attract a lot of attention, somewhere people don't even know about the existence of such a tag. it depends on the number of dominant writers to a greater extent than on the popularity of the fandom.
[fandom name] smut, for example
jujutsu kaisen smut
... ;)
any fandom has a part where only smut is stored. I rarely climb there, since this is the abode of a marked and unmarked sub!reader, but the tag works well for finding views! it turns out that even the audience you're looking for may be there.
[character name] smut, for example
yuuta okkotsu smut
... ;)))
[position] reader, for example
top reader, bottom reader
especially top male reader; male reader in general is a very hungry community, even despite the wave of arriving and arriving writers, but this tag (and male reader tags in general) should be nerfed /j
there is a very high probability of being noticed by big popular writers.
I honestly don't recommend afab reader & amab reader
use as many tags as you can; at first it was very awkward for me to use a lot of tags, since I was embarrassed to look needy, but it's not like that — if you don't use tags, then no one will find you, and non-smut works are actually harder to find readers, especially in unpopular/not huge fandoms. I recommend using ao3 as well, as it will also give pleasant strokes and is very useful for large and long works <3
0 notes
btssavedmylifeblr · 2 years
Hi Bee, I hope you’ve been doing well and been taking care of yourself! 🥰💜
So, I have a question and because you’re always so good at sharing your wisdom, I thought I might ask you. Since graduating from university, my path has been really up and down so I spent time focusing on applying for jobs and then reconnecting with my family after not seeing them properly for a few years, as they live in a different country. Then the pandemic hit and I basically saw no one apart from my family for two years. Then I came back to the city where I studied and now work. I’m a lawyer, so my job is really all-consuming. I’ve been in this job for just over a year and I feel like all I’ve been doing is working. I feel like I’ve lost myself. I don’t even know where to start because it feels like I can’t even make commitment to hobbies or people in case I’ll have to change things around for work. I really want a romantic partner and I’d love to fill my life with more things I enjoy. But I’m just so tired by the time it comes to the weekend and I usually have to work during it too. I live alone and barely see anyone outside of work anymore. I don’t even know what to do because my job is so high pressure and all-consuming but I’m also so devoid of joy in my life. I need to make changes but I don’t even know where to start when I’m so exhausted. Sorry that was a roundabout ramble. Anyway, thank you for giving me this space and I hope you have a wonderful weekend. 💜💜💜
As someone who just quit their own job because it wasn’t working with the life I want to live, I have many thoughts! Feel free to take whatever is useful to you and leave the rest.
1. The first few years after graduating from school were the hardest years of my life. And I hear that sentiment echoed from many people going through it now as well, especially with the pandemic and everything that has been happening in the last two years. So it is totally normal that it has been hard and it doesn’t mean you’re doing anything wrong. Establishing a career and figuring out how to live your life on your own as an adult is very challenging! It makes sense that you are exhausted!!
2. When I was first starting out in my career, I thought that I had to take everything on myself. That I had to do everything perfectly and respond to every email and take on every additional responsibility I was offered. I didn’t want to ask for any help because I didnt want them to think I couldn’t do the job. But then I started to forget things and miss deadlines because I was just doing too much and my boss actually pulled me aside and was like “you have to ask for help if you need it” and I had never realized that was option!
3. Related to point #2, when I was starting out, I thought that if I drew boundaries around what work I would do or what time I would spend at work, that people would value me more for being such a hard worker. But as I’ve advanced in my career, I discovered that setting clear boundaries with people, like “i’m not going to answer emails on the weekend” or “if it’s urgent you need to come talk to me instead of email me” actually then made me respect me more. Like they would be a bit bothered about it at first but they would live with it and work around it and I would do my job better, which is what really made more valuable. So don’t be afraid to say no sometimes or draw some boundaries around the less valuable parts of your job.
4. In contemplating my own career goals, I recently read Daniel Pink’s book Drive and found it super useful. He talks about how people need three things from their jobs to feel energized and motivated: 1. Autonomy over their task, time, technique, and team 2. Mastery - the feeling of being good at what you do/able to improve over time 3. Purpose - connection to why your work is meaningful. In my own job, the thing that was really missing was autonomy over my time and task. In the book, he actually specifically calls out lawyers as having a poor relationships with their work because the construct of the billable hour prevents them from having autonomy over their time. But one could have all of these things at work and still be burnt out if the workload is just too much.
5. It may be good idea to ask directly if there is any way to reduce your workload. Most employers would rather retain the employees they have than try to find and hire new people and may be more willing to negotiate than you think.
6. Try to find something that brings you joy and is entirely yours. For me, this is writing about BTS, but anything joyous and creative would work. It doesn’t matter if you only have a couple of hours a month for it, because there’s no expectations. Dont fall into the trap of thinking that hobbies are only valuable if you do them consistently or perfectly. If it makes you happy and gives you a break, it’s worth it.
I hope you find some peace and rest soon! 💜
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simpinforkirari · 4 years
picnic dates :]
(with hinata, yams, and lev)
masterlist over here >> voila !
✎ warnings: none tbh. if you see something, send me an ask/message :D
✎ word count: all of them are 300+ words, so its around 1.k words ( 〃▽〃)
✎ also-! gn pronouns will be used
✎ other stuff: for the sake of the story you have a pet cat :))
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hinata shoyo
you two recently went on a picnic but it was with natsu
(spolier alert: this was when shoyo realized that you were perfect 🥺🥺)
this time shoyo wants a picnic with just the two of you, so he called you :D
he swears that his heart just burst with that nickname
before you could respond, he already ended the call >:(
“hi shoyo :))”
“y/n-chan!! wanna go on another picnic?”
“on a thursday, love?”
he wanted you to bring your cat ¿?
“actually, nevermind. i’d love to go shoyo”
“ok, ill se you in a bit. love you :DD”
“i love you too :))”
“oh, and y/n. bring your cat”
you have a very lazy cat who likes to be comfy at all times so you decided to put your cat in a carrier 
mwah, 10/10
whatever you were wearing, absolutely beautiful (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`)
shoyo greeted your parents while you hurriedly put on your shoes
once you said goodbye to your parents hinata tugged you outside
baby boy stared at you cuz you just looked so perfect (♡μ_μ)
he was carrying a lil basket with all the snacks and food you two liked
swinging your hand back and forth, shoyo lead you to wherever he was gonna lead you
your cat was just chilling enjoying the scenery while you and hinata chatted
he led you to a lil hill, and laid everything out
(he even brought your favorite candies ಡωಡ)
and your cat, had their own buffet 
(he watched those people on tiktok who made really appetizing food for cats 😌)
AGHGHDHG he loves you so much
at one point you two get tired so he pulls out a book for you to read out loud
lays his head on your lap cuz he knows how much you love to play with his hair
your cat sorta just cuddles near hinata and let’s hinata pet them
one of the best and calming days you’ve ever had
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yamaguchi tadashi
beach!! picnic!!
this was something you’ve been planning together for a while now
and now was the perfect time
the sun was very much bright, but it wasn’t too hot  (⌒▽⌒)☆
“yams. yams. yams. yams.”
“yes, y/n?”
“let’s have the picnic today, if you’re free”
“alright, love. ill get ready then ill pick you up, how does that sound?”
yamaguchi peaks outside his window to see that it was, in fact, the perfect weather
“perfect :)) bye ‘dashi, love you :D”
“bye-bye :]”
like a lil strawberry 🍓🥺
he stands frozen on his spot for a little bit cuz he’s just so fcking in love with you
yams even has an outfit planned for you
while you didnt- HAHHA
while you were getting ready, you’re cat sorta just became your judge
once yams knocked on your front door, you let him in
like they would look away anytime they didn’t like the fit lol 
he placed the basket of food on your dining table while you take out the food you promised to bring 
your cat practically gravitated towards him so you bet your ass yamaguchi went to your cat first before you (ಥ﹏ಥ)
(dhmu only the real ones know)
you got very pouty and all he did was laugh at you 
mans knows you too well already
giving your cat one last head pat, you and yams head out to the beach
“soryy, baby”
* gives you a lil kith kith 
(。・// з //・。)*
(its 12:12 rn, gotta love angel numbers)
“you ready to go?”
once you arrived, you picked out a spot that wasn’t too busy and laid out the blanket
one of the snacks tadashi brought was lunchbox cakes :DD
oh i forgot to mention that at one point, the both of you got bored so dipped your feet in the water 
but it ended with both of you soaking wet
and smelling like salt water 
its alright tho, you came prepared and brought the both of you towels :DD
and a change of clothes
the picnic ended with a couple of smooches
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lev haiba
your picnic wasn’t really planned lol
it was a friday and their training just ended
lev was a lil sad cuz he got a harsh scolding from kenma AND yaku (눈_눈)
(lol if you take the eye used in the emoticon (눈) is translates to “eye” in korean)
there was a new convenience store nearby that just opened
they sold pre-made sandwiches, you took 2 of them and a couple of drinks
just in case lev got hungry after training
lev leaned by the wall of the gym while waiting for you
leaning down to your height (if you’re shorter than him), you placed a chaste kiss on his forehead
“ Lyovochka! im here  \(^▽^)/”
“y/n-chan :DD”
istg no one from the team ever seen him so excited before
“i’m feeling energized already! mm. whats this?”
“i got some sandwiches from the new store :] i was thinking we could share some”
slinging his bag over his shoulder with one hand, his other hand rested on your waist
“wahh, thank you  y/n-chan !!”
“you’re welcome, lev :DD ready to go?”
“mhm :D”
it was already pretty dark out but dont worry you have lev to protect you   ʕ •̀ ω •́ ʔ
(spoiler: people who were walking past you thought ya’ll were so cute 🥴)
anyways, so you two found an empty playground with monkey bars 
you both climbed the monkey bar and sat on top of it
your pinkies were lightly touching while the other hand held onto the sandwich you were eating
lev had your drink resting in between his thighs
there was a festival happening nearby, you guys were able to catch some firework action ╰(*´︶`*)╯
(this seems cliche, ik, but i’ve experienced this and it was actually really fun)
once you two decided it was time to go home, you climbed down the monkey bars
passing by some vendors, lev found a toy that your cat would surely love :))
so he bought it :DD
lev followed you all the way home, making sure you were safe
he welcomed himself in and gave the toy to your cat
(your cat loved it btw)
he said goodbye to you with a thank you and a peck to your forehead
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hi there!! i hope this was ok. my second post got a hundred notes lol :DD that made me very much happy  (*¯ ³¯*)♡
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babysizedfics · 4 years
For the ask game, what's people's favourite memory? -T
*sweats because thid is so much more serious than i was expecting* aha okay
edit: oh wow this got long shshhdhdh
during the first few weeks of living at the lightsides house, he was shy around roman and logan and hid in his room a lot, so patton asked if he might like to get some fresh air and help him do some gardening. it was autumn, they raked leaves and pruned pumpkins and picked last of the last harvest of berries and patton was constantly cracking jokes and being kind and gentle and explaining to vee what he had to do to help when he didnt understand something.
it was the first time vee felt like he was really being given the care he needed in pattons patience with him and the fact that patton was constantly smiling and clearly happy to be with vee made him feel much more secure as a part of the household
probably a few years after finishing high school before vee lived with him, he got the starring role in a community theatre play and on the closing night both pat and lo came to see him perform then the cast had a massive party that roman invited patton and logan and his best friend seraphine to - he had a ton of fun with his friends, patton was so proud of him, and he got to see logan get tipsy and dance so its just a really funny energized memory for him
but if u wanted his fave family memory then probably one of his and vees sleepovers where bee got to wear a skirt in front of roman voluntarily for the first time, roman talked about writers block and it was instantly solved when vee just listened and didnt say anything, and later they ended up wheezing with silent laughter so hard that roman had to literally carry a squeaking cackling vee into the closet because she couldnt stop laughing and they didnt want to wake the CGs up in the next room
this is the HARDEST i dont know if i can decide... so im doing one for each of his family
his favorite vee memory is probably a couple weeks into being vee's cg, it was the first time vee got in a giggly mood with him and kept babbling and bouncing and giggling and patton found it so deightful to see vee so happy from being little
his favorite logan memory is definitely the first night they confessed their feelings because they just eneded up kissing and cuddling and talking for hours
favorite roman memory..... maybe their shopping trip that only happened a few weeks ago - because for the first half of it roman was little (for the first time outside of the house) and so cute and excited bc patton was buying him a new stuffie, but in the second half of the trip roman was grownup and they hung out like adult friends for the first time in months and it was just a really nice day to remind them that yeah sometimes theyre daddy and son but theyre also sometimes just great grownup friends
this one is a lil unexoected, but logans fave memory is the night he realised he liked patton romanticaly. it was actually about two or three years ago, somewhere between 1,5 and 2,5 years before they got together. you would think logan would panic and feel insecure about such vulnerable feelings
but on that night he realised that the way his eyes lingered on pattons fluttering eyelashes when he looked doen to sip his tea, and they way his cheeks suddenly felt hot when patton laughed big and chesty, and the way he felt his heartrate pick up the moment patton patted his knee softly before getting up to go to his room
and as soon as he was alone and realised what he felt for patton he just paused... then smiled so big and couldnt sleep that night bc he was practically giddy
its a strange one bc the memory is maknly of him being alone and reflecting on his feelings, but he just felt such immensely giddy and flustered and happy and hopeful, it really changed his attitude in general since he started to notice the little things everyday like he consciously acknowledged his feelings more. like noticing just how much he loves when pattons eyes crinkle when he smiles and acknowledging that consciously. and from that he in general started to notice more things about his loved ones like the way romans eyes light up when he was praised and the fact that vee tended to knock on his door quietly to hang out and clearly found logans presence comforting - idk it just generaly made him more sappy once he acknowledged his feelings for patton
honestly, that day when vee still lived with him and janus and the three of them gave each other stick n poke tattoos - at that point it was only a year before vee ran away from home and he was so secluded, he never left his room and hardly ever spoke to janus and especially not remus. it was for the best because remus was just not great with vee he was way too loud and obnoxious and lowkey mean and janus thought vee was just going thru a natural teen thing of not wanting to talk to their parental figure.
but the day they did those tattoos was genuinely one of the very rare times (as in like u can count them on two hands) that they all actually got along and had fun together - there were some unsavoury comments from remus and vee did end up slightly anxious at one point but in general it was a fun day
and honestly... when janus was giving vee the tatto, it was the first time they had touched each other in literal months maybe even years. physical touch is a massive thing for both janus and vee but they werent comfy enough to ask or seek it out when they lived together and their relationship auffered bc of that - thats why bby vee and nana jan are constsntly cuddling - but this time janus got to hold vee and even tickle him teasingly at one point. it was subtle and dodnt last long and it was a lil awkward bc they hadnt touched in ages but to janus it just meant a lot to him that he got to look after vee like that, even if he didnt realise thats why he enjoyed it at the time
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Love and Care
Fandom: Pokemon
Characters: Leon, Raihan
A/N: This is an AU leading up to my pokemon story, just a heads up. After loosing the title of champion, Leon takes up a new position as chairman. Raihan is still a gym leader.
Description: After loosing his position as champion and becoming the chairman, Leon has been working himself into the ground. It's starting to worry his loved ones who only want to see him healthy.
Leon sighed as he felt a familiar presence enter the room. "What do you need Rai? I'm in the middle of something important." The chairman looked over the paper he'd just been studying before marking off where he left off.
"Well that's some way to greet your loving, handsome, amazing husband," the other teased as he walked around the desk to pull the shorted into a small, awkward hug; and kiss the purple fluff. 
"It is when I'm busy. What brings you by," Leon asked, sounding somewhat exhausted. He didnt move away when the other stood up straight; leaning more in Raihan's side. "Break."Leon nodded before sitting up. Break huh? Sounded nice but he was pretty busy. Ontop of his normal duties his brother was stopping by with new research soon. 
"Maybe you could feed Charizard for me then?" Said Charizard was curled up in the sun that shown through the window. It was rather big to just have in the office, but the aging babe didn't mind. It was almost the only time it got alone, or at all, with Leon anymore. 
Raihan blinked before sighing. "Yeah," he said before starting over towards the familiar pokemon. "Hey bud, you up?" Charizard slowly opened an eye, being fully awake since the loud one entered the room. As the taller went to feed the former Champion's prized not so small smol, Leon looked over his work again.
The budgeting was something for someone else to worry about but he didn't want to bother them with fees and charges that could be totally unessicary; but he also had other things to be looking at right now. 
He could have hired someone else for this, but this was his job. He wasn't just going to sit around all day like the last chairman and leave most of this to an assistant. Perfect teeth started to gently gnaw on the end of a pen as the purple haired male thought out his priorities.
"Okay, Charizard's been fed. Your turn." The words didn't register to the smaller as he was in deep thought. Raihan sighed before reaching over the desk and gently lifting the other's head. "Leon." Golden eyes were a bit wide as reality came in once more. 
He looked adoreable! Man, Raihan wished he could just keep the other home for a day and cuddle him. Gently removing the pen from his husband's mouth, he set it on the desk. "How about something actually edible. My treat." 
Leon paused. It would be a nice break, and get him some fresh air. But.... could he really afford the break? There wasn't too much on his desk but he wanted everything done.... now. Eventually, the former champion shook his head. "I'm alright."
Raihan's face fell slightly, looking a bit shocked from the rejection. He turned to Charizard who merely huffed out a sigh and curled up once more. Leon hadn't spent much time with it lately, being too consumed in work.
Frankly, Raihan knew how it felt. Yes, a pokemon's bond with it's trainer is probably stronger than that of someone in a romantic relationship with it's trainer but still; despite his own pokemon, Raihan was rather lonely. 
"Lee, you need a break." Leon hummed as a reply, blantently ignoring his husband. "Yep," followed after, queuing that he wasn't listening. The dragon tamer huffed a bit before moving around the back of the desk; parting the ever growing purple, thick jungle. 
Leon shivered gently from pleasure from the hair play, trying to stay focused on his work despite the nice feeling. Raihan smiled softly, deciding to hold back on a massage for now. 
Surprisingly gentle fingers combed and parted through the hair, earning more shudders and small sighs as he went. These were pleasant, small rewards that would hopefully lead to the biggest of all; a relaxed Leon. 
"Raihan, come on," Leon sighed. He was getting distracted from the feeling and loosing track of his work. "Alright, alright. How about this?" Loving hands took to familiar shoulders, thumbs behind the base of the neck. 
Leon gasped before melting gently at the touch, eyes closing as his back straightened. He'd been so tense for such a long time. "Ah, R...Rai, can't work.... like this." Charizard glanced over from the gasp that had left it's trainer, now just watching in curiosity. 
It had seen all these actions before between the two, and had felt some as well. Raihan had given the flying and fire type massages since it was a Charmander, just to help it grow big and strong. Or at least, that's what Leon had said.
But Leon was strong, was Raihan trying to make him grow bigger? The big bab couldn't quite understand. "Babe your stiff as hell. How can you work like this?" Leon moaned softly again as his husband started to move down to his shoulder blades.
"Rai," he huffed. He had things to do! "Work through it. Come on former champion, you can do it." Raihan didn't bother to sound teasing. He was invested and getting all the knots and tension out of the other. 
Leon mentally sighed before grabbing the paper he was working with and looking it over as his husband continued to form and squeeze at his torso. It took forever, but he finally managed to complete the one page. 
Setting it down, he went to reach for the next before being stopped. "Mind sitting on the desk?" Leon paused before looking at him in confusion. "What for?" Raihan pointed to his legs. "Massage." He was sweet, but Leon shook his head. "Go get lunch Rai. I have to do this." 
He didn't bother waiting for a reaction, he simply continued his work. Raihan sighed before walking around the desk like a energized kid and just piling the done and not done bins neater. He organized the few books Leon had to look over before looking back to Leon. 
"All right," he said finally giving in. "I get lunch, bring it back here. You have some nice bonding time with your husband and Charizard, and then I'll let you work in peace.... until dinner. Then I'm forcing you home this time." Leon chuckled, glancing up from his work again. 
Such a workaholic. Sure, Raihan should have seen that before; but most trainers were workaholics in a way. But Leon didn't drop that determination for success when he lost his title and started a more stable job.
Sure, as The Champion, he recived quite the income; but most was for sponsorships. This was a steady income and though it wasn't as much as he used to get.... it was steady. He enjoyed what he was doing and there was no tearing him from it; though Raihan would love to.
"We'll see," he hummed before looking back to his work. Charizard slowly got up before walking over to him for some love. Leon gently pet the scaly head, still not looking away from his work. Riahan sighed, this was going to call for desperate measures.
Entering the office once more, Raihan was practically shinning from how big his smile was. But.... maybe it was more of an evil grin. He held two paper bags in his arms, one containing lunch, and the other a few toys.
Most were for pokemon, yes, but others he had different intentions for. "Rai," Leon huffed upon seeing the two, large bags. "Thought you said you were getting lunch." The dragon tamer placed a bag infront of his husband.
"Your sandwhich and sides my love. As for you Charizard." He reached in the food bag and pulled out a few treats. Raihan had fallen into a habit of spoiling their pokemon rotten. Granted, he'd always spoiled them but it was just getting worse as they aged; and they weren't even in their mid twenties just yet.
Leon sighed but said nothing as his first pokemon took the offerings and went back to it's sunny floor spot. "What's in the other bag, dare I ask." Rajhan smirked before kissing his husband softly on the forehead and moving the bag aside.
"Toys for the pokemon." Leon huffed before shaking his head. "Rai they have seperate chests of toys for themselves that are all overflowing." The other shrugged. "And? They deserve it. Look how long they've been battling at our sides. We can't give them a vacation so giving then distractions is good."
Leon couldn't fully argue with that. He finished the last form on his desk before looking at the books and sighing. Could start now or eat first. The choice was made for him as the dragon tamer started placing his lunch infront of him.
He even put the straw in Leon's drink for him. The purple haired male laughed a bit before just smiling. He looked so exhausted. "Thanks, I appreciate it." Pulling up a chair beside the other, Raihan nodded. "Have to make sure you eat. Could get lost looking for the food place."
Leon rolled his eyes before gently pinching the other's side, earning a small squeak. "Hey! Is that how you thank your loving husband after he got you food. Huh?" Leon quickly fell into a small fit of giggles as fingers gently tickled his closer side. 
"Hehehehe! Yhehehes!" He moved away from the other, rubbing the already forming tears from his eyes. That right there really showed how exhausted he was. Raihan let him eat in peace, quietly just eatting beside him. 
When they finished, Leon looked just about ready to fall asleep. "If you want, I can see what I can do here and you can go rest on your couch," the taller offered softly as he started to collect the garbage. Leon shook his head. There wasn't much for the other to do, that he could be able to do.
"I'm alright. Besides, Hop is coming in soon with work I have to be a part of." "So isn't that more inventive to nap?" Maybe it was. "Rai.... I have too much to do to nap." The other made a face before gently lifting his husband off the wheeled chair. 
"Yeah well, your also to busy to get enough sleep at night so, suffer." He gently laid Leon down on the small, office couch. Ignoring the protests and glares, the taller gently took both feet into his lap.
Purple brows furrowed in confusion before the leather, business man shoes came off; followed by socks. Leon blushed a bit, this wasn't the place for a massage. But lucky for him, Raihan wasn't fully planning on giving him a massage.
A single finger gently traced up the chairman's foot. Toes curled, a small smile formed on Leon's face. "R-Rhai," Leon giggled, "Not here." Raihan shrugged before sighing. "Should have thought about that before you let work start to affect your health." 
Another finger, and a little scratching. Leon snorted, gently scooting down the couch arm more. Half lidded eyes watched the other tiredly and adoreably. "Mmmm," the shorter was trying not to laugh; almost making a game out of it. 
"Something wrong," Raihan teased with the stupid smirk that made Leon want to melt. "Love, you look so relaxed. Why not just rest your eyes for a while?" And give him that satisfaction? Phat chanse. 
Leon started to play with his husband, making this almost a competition. He wiggled his feet around, trying to make them harder to catch and tickle. This wasn't exactly working considering both ankles were in a head lock, but it was worth a shot. 
"Coochie, coochie, coo~!" Two could play at that game. Raihan started to add a bit more pressure to his touches, earning laughter once more from the shorter. "Chehehater," Leon giggled as he continued to wiggle his feet in defense. 
"You know, I'd say this move is pretty effective on you Mr. Chariman." Ugh, the full dork was coming out now; and Leon would be lying if he said he wasn't a sucker for it. "I wonder what types of pokemon know this move? Maybe they can come to work with you and Charizard to remind you, your human. Humans need rest."
The dorkiness lost a bit of charm from the jab, but Leon knew his lover meant well. He really hadn't been taking care of himself and it was scaring those around him. He'd fallen asleep in the tub, on the train, in the taxi bird carrier; he was more depressed, less talkative, and loosing weight fast. Raihan was feeling his sides up, knowing fully about the weightloss, and earning squeaker giggles and small slaps on the hand.
"Shahahaoot this thahahickles..... mmmmmm- hahahahaha! Rai!" He drew out the name as he wiggled around weakly. "Come on Lee. I know your getting sleepy." Maybe he should seriously consider looking into a pokemon to help Leon out.
He was joking before, but the guy might need a Hypno to to aid with sleep. "Ah! Hahahaha! Eek!" The laughter suddenly increased, throwing Raihan off gaurd. Looking around, he noticed Charizard was tickling Leon too now. He smiled a little at the depressed lizard, who frankly just wanted his trainer back.
"Chahahar! R-Rhahai!" Leon was hardly awake at this point. He was so sleepy and the tickling was making him more tired yet awake. Maybe a small break was in order until later?
But the way Charizard was going after Leon's feet, maybe not. "Nhahahahah! Yhahahaour claws!" Leon was loosing it under the touch of his best pokemon friend. Those claws were so evil yet skilled in the art of ticking. Leon wished Raihan and Sonia had never shown that little Charmander how to tickle him when they were kids. But it would have learned from Leon tickling it eventually anyway.
"Noooo! Ah, nhahaot the toes! Bhahaud please?!" Raihan had stepped aside, letting the not dragon type dragon take over. He gently held his husband instead, luring him even more to sleep.
The claw touches genuinely became lighter, Charizard not wanting to fully let out it's feelings on it's trainer from lack of attention but just enough to get the point across. Whether the message was recived or not it may not find out until much later as quickly, Leon was asleep; curled into Raihan's side.
The dragon tamer sighed before looking up at the good bab and smiling. "I was gonna use some feather toys I got on him but since you did such a good job at putting him out.... wanna play?" Charizard blinked a bit before sitting in the sun again, just waiting.
Raihan chuckled before grabbing the toy meant for smaller pokemon. Even though so much had changed and so much was a struggle.... he loved how life was turning out. Even if that meant nearly getting burned or scratched by a Charizard who was trying to get a feather.
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eldritchsurveys · 5 years
Have you had any experiences with the supernatural? >> I don’t divide my experiences into “natural” and “supernatural”. It seems like a false dichotomy, to me. Regardless, I’d say I’ve experienced things that I imagine many people wouldn’t regard as common or relatable, and strict materialists would regard as straight-up fake.
Do you feel at peace when you look at the moon? >> I’ve never really thought about it. I do like looking at the moon sometimes, though. Especially when it’s full.
Are you part human, part supernatural being? >> I am whatever I am, unceremoniously stuffed into a human body.
Do you have a mentor or a guide? >> No.
Do you have any supernatural gifts? What are your supernatural gifts? >> I don’t know if I have any “gifts” ("strengths” seems like a better word to me, but). I’d have to do some testing to figure that out, and most of the time I don’t have the executive function required to do all that.
Do you know what your calling is? >> I doubt I have one.
Does your city park have portals into another realm? >> I don’t know, the only city park I’ve been to here is Millennium Park, and since we did watch a solar eclipse there, who knows what might have happened, lol. I will say that Central Park in NYC probably has several thin places, considering all that’s happened in there.
Do you always wear a moon amulet or some other charm necklace? >> I have a Yog-Sothoth necklace, does that count? I was mad when I forgot to wear it when I went to see Color Out of Space, but it’s fine. Movie wasn’t all that great anyway.
Do you feel the most alive at night? >> I don’t feel different gradations of “alive”.
Are you aware of your destiny? >> Not really.
Do you believe that life is sacred and holy? >> No.
Do you believe that each day is sacred and holy? >> No.
Is your life one big grand adventure? >> That’s one way to look at it, sure, but it’s definitely not the only way -- and it kind of glosses over some of the really awful shit that has happened.
Have you ever felt like you were being followed, but there was no one there? >> I don’t think so. Are you able to become invisible? >> No.
Have you ever felt invisible? >> Sure.
Do you think of your gift as a blessing or a curse? >> ---
Do you wish you were normal like everyone else? >> Sometimes, but that’s a fallacious thought -- when you really get down to it, “normality” is just a set of social standards that everyone is trying to live up to, not something that people naturally embody by default. Some people are just better at wearing the mask than others. I don’t necessarily wish to be better at wearing the mask, I wish to not have to wear it at all.
Do you sing? >> Sure, sometimes.
Does your mom sew? >> ---
Do you have a boyfriend? >> No.
Have you ever been betrayed by your best friend? >> No.
Do you feel that you couldn't bear to lose another friend? >> ---
Would you risk it all to fulfill your destiny? >> I can’t imagine being in this scenario. I don’t know what I’d do if I was.
Would your give up your life in order to risk it all to save the world? >> I don’t know. See above.
If you were the world's last and only hope, would you feel defeated? or would you feel energized and excited and ready to go! ? >> The problem with this kind of scenario is it really only makes sense in storytelling. I don’t quite know which mythic role I embody, but I’m pretty sure it’s not the “Selfless Hero” one, so...
Do you follow the rules to a tee? >> No.
Do you feel like you have to keep your supernatural gifts and encounters a secret because no one will like you and they wouldn't believe u if u didnt? >> It’s complicated. Most of the time I don’t talk about mythic stuff simply because people are not interested and do not understand what I’m on about. But I do know some people who love talking about this kind of thing, so I talk about it with them instead.
Are you afraid to reveal your true self to the world? >> No. I just don’t see the point of putting all of myself out there to everyone.
Are you indecisive and hesitant when making important decisions? >> Sometimes. Other times there’s just no time for that.
Would your risk it all to save a friend? >> I can’t imagine being in this situation either. Do you enjoy lying in bed and looking out your window at the night sky? >> Well, I can’t see the night sky very well if I’m lying on my bed. That’d take some real neck-craning.
Have you ever had someone accuse you of being or wonder if you were an alien? >> I don’t think so. That’d be one hell of a logic leap for most people to make, but I wouldn’t necessarily mind if that was the conclusion they came to.
Have you reached your seventeenth birthday? >> Yeah, almost half my life ago.
If you had to choose between losing your memory of the supernatural being you were and becoming normal, or to remain a supernatural being, which would you choose? >> I don’t always enjoy being me and I don’t always want to be, but I can’t imagine being anyone else, so. Might as well make the best of it when I can.
Have you ever felt the presence of angels? >> No.
Have you ever felt the presence of demons? >> No.
Have you ever felt the presence of God? >> No. Not for lack of trying with this one, either.
Are you intuitive? >> No.
Can you sense what's in the atmosphere? >> I have no idea what’s in the atmosphere.
Do you ever just know things? >> Nah.
Do you ever have power in your hands? like heat or tingling or sparkles or electricity? >> Nah. If that would be anyone’s province, it’d be Can Calah’s. But I doubt even he could make that happen on this particular plane of existence.
Have you ever been transported into another realm? >> I mean, Inworld is another realm.
Have you ever had a teleportation experience? >> No.
Have you ever seen an angel? >> No. Well, there was Islington, but--
Have you ever seen a dark shadowy figure? >> No, but I’ve seen a white misty figure.
Have you ever seen a demon manifest? >> No.
Are you open to the supernatural? >> I’m open in general.
Is the supernatural just a normal part of your life? >> That’s more like how I think of it.
Have you ever come under the influence of a spiritual force? >> Any force trying to influence me first has to contend with my own influence.
Have you ever had a dark force influence your thoughts? visit you in your dreams? influence your memories? literally change something in the room, like turn a clock around? >> Nah. Or, maybe. But like... the “dark/light” dichotomy doesn’t really make much sense for me, personally. Even Red/White is iffy, but I have a little more understanding of how that framework operates.
Do you have dark forces out to destroy you? >> Not that I’ve noticed. Also, I’m sure if these almighty “dark forces” wanted to destroy me, it really can’t be that hard. Unless, of course... they’re just not that powerful... ~
How would you react if the moon goddess Selena came and visited you? >> I mean, sure, why not. It can be fun to play host to gods.
Do you believe that there is another realm intertwined with this one? >> Not, like, one specific realm. I think entanglement can happen between any realms.
Do you transfer between two realms? >> Yeah, Inworld and meatspace.
Do you believe that there have been two destinies woven for you? and you get to choose, by the decisions you make and by what you do which one will win?  Are you winning? >> I consider it sometimes. It’s like the “which wolf will you feed?” parable. But I also think that if I really had to choose, I’d like to choose a third of my own devisement. Because that’s just the kind of incorrigible bastard I am. Do you realize who you are? >> At least a piece. There’s never going to be a point where I’ll think “that’s it. I know exactly everything about myself and all of my selves.” because that’s... just not possible, not from this incarnation. But the discovery is always fun.
What are you so afraid of? >> The knowledge of annihilation. I don’t know. Something like that. I always come back to the words “knowledge” and “death” but the way I mean those things isn’t necessarily the way people would interpret them. Also, “afraid” would be a... simplistic and one-faceted way of putting it. Blargh.
Are you ready to go home? >> I’m not convinced I have one. That’s been a constant amongst myselves -- a pronounced lack of... foundation.
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blastthatsadfm · 5 years
for the ask thing, how about akihiko?
favorite thing about them: I AM CRYING, let me see!… How hard he works, and how disciplined he is, without being tough on others (at least, too much). How he expects so much of himself, and still tell others to not overwork themselves. HOW HE HELPS!!! JUNPEI TO STUDY!! HE’S SO !!! kind. and just because its the right thing to do. How he applies himself on things, believing to be his responsibility, thats such a??? Considerate thing to do ??? - But I honestly love everything about him, like. how he genuinely enjoys fighting, but he’s not an overly aggressive character, he’s cordial and polite and proper, but will lose his shit with a challenge and have fun on it! He’s always so energized during battles, doing little bounces. He! I think I just like his attitude about things, in general, despite not being a healthy one, but I also like how he’s not exactly rigid with it, he’s very adaptable to every situation.
Listen, man I dont know what to say. He inspires me. And his drive kinda got me through some tough times.
least favorite thing about them: The entire flanderization that happens to his character on subsequent games. … Hm… If I’m going to be completely honest, his haircut is not my fave, either, and I kinda wish he would grow his hair out only a little bit. I do like his hair on trinity soul.
favorite line: all of his victory lines on battle. I just… Love almost all of his dialogue. .. Right now, it comes to mind when he’s telling you about the masks he used to want on his childhood but he (and Shinji, presumably) couldnt afford.
brOTP: Aki/mitsu is pure mlmxwlw solidarity. they’re bros, the most ride or die for each other. Akihiko and Fuuka is super nice solely because of how different they are but how hard they work. Akihiko and Aigis is also.. good…
OTP Shinjiro/Akihiko. I just honestly dont understand how you can play and not see it… like, I respect the non akishinji shipper community, but it aint me.
nOTP Aki//mitsu, I think?? I feel like a romantic layer takes away exactly whats one of the most interesting things about both of their characters on canon. Aki/minato and Aki/Jun are also not my cup of tea.
random headcanon: He considers Mitsuru his best friend. He went searching for Shinji more times than he could count and got back heartbroken every time but he just couldnt bring himself to say anything about it to anyone and didnt want to burden Mitsuru with it. They both learned to endure very long sessions of silence between just the both of them, after October 4 - (the first one).
unpopular opinion: I do love everything the game implies about him but its a problem to me that it just… implies. Basically, I don think he, as a character on Persona 3 alone, holds that much depth. Just like Mitsuru, on that regard, Junpei, Shinjiro and Yukari all feel more fleshed out characters than him, Mitsuru or Aigis. While lots of points can be made about how he’s dealing with grief on unhealthy ways, those are also just things you assume under the surface. And the game itself almost, almost! seems to own the whole “yeah, forcing yourself to become stronger really is the best way to deal with feelings of loss” which is just… lmao… not good.
song i associate with them: Someday I’ll post my personal shinij/aki playlist but… Careful you is very them. Pls, I know TV on the radio is hard to get into, but give this song a try.
favorite picture of them: Do I even have??? one??? Man, so many good artists out there that are not in P3 anymore, though, lmao but… I guess Noctilin really is the one that comes to mind as as an artist with Quality Akihiko content. 
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Lost In Japan (Jimin x You)
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A/N: this idea just popped in my head while I am taking a bath, and I rushed through my skincare routine just so I can jot this down 😂 anyway, I am going to combined this request with another. This being part one and the other part two. but it can also be read as a oneshot. I had wanted to do a story based on this song ever since I heard it (Lost In Japan by Shawn Mendes) bcs it just reminds me of the feeling you get at night on your holidays when you are just strolling around after a long day of exploring the city and met someone exciting ❤ and I dont know from what country you are anon, and I am not from Japan either, its just based on this song so you can imagine elsewhere ❤ Sorry if this is not what you have in mind
A/N : And also, I’m trying a new thing here and you are in no way obligated to do it but if any of you like my stories and want to give some support, why not buy me a coffee? ☕💜
A/N: I cant just keep a good thing to myself, so for those who are looking for a variety and affordable BTS and KPOP merchandise. visit this link right here okay
"Ahhh finally!" Jimin dropped his carry on on the floor and lie down in the middle of the bed, spreading out as wide as he can after taking off his stuffy jacket and mask. Airport arrivals are fun. Fun seeing their fans coming out all the way just to catch a glimpse of them and to welcomed them to their country. But as much as it is fun, it is also damn tiring. Especially when they are mobbed by crazy fans. Jimin is thankful he and his brothers managed to get out from the commotion as fast as they could and arrived safely at the hotel. And he is more thankful that they  have individual rooms now.
Dont get him wrong. Sharing a room with Taehyung or Jungkook or even one of his hyungs are fun. Theres someone he can talk to and do fun vlive clips with, but sometimes he needs some space without anyone breathing down his neck too. Times like this, where he juat want to rest his tired body.
A country they are so familiar with already.
Two days of concert here and three days of free days for him and his brothers to roam about before they fly back to Korea for their other schedules.
Jimin cant wait to shop, sightsee and of course eat. He had learn long ago to treat every tour like a vacation in order to make the whole journey less tiring, more fun and less stressed. Just like what the others told him, it doesnt matter as long as they have fun performing, their fans will surely have fun with them too.
But Jimin can feel that something more exciting is going to happen this time.
He can just feel it.
Y/N calmly look up from the table shes wiping. Shes so used to her bestfriend yapping around like crazy. She used to get excited at first, but now, she learns that its better fir her to actually hear the news first. Mika can get super excited about a rock for all she knows.
"What is it that I wont believe Mika?" Y/N laughs. Thank god the cafe she works in has less customer today.
"BTS is coming! For a two days concert!" Mika shrieked.
"Okay... and?" She give her friend a short glimpse and turn back to her task.
"And?! What do you mean and?!" Mika went around and shakes her shoulders.
"Mika, they come here fir a concert every year! Sometimes even twice a year. Its not really a huge news," Y/N rolls her eyes.
"Oh right, I forgot," she giggles.
"You forgot they have a tour here every year? Every year that you become crazy everytime its announced?" Y/N eyed her friend, tapping her foot.
"No. I forgot about the news that you will not believe. The great news is...." she paused for dramatic effect before jumping and yelling, almost breaking Y/N's eardrum. "I got us two VIP tickets and a special fansign invite for both days! Both! Aaaahhhhhh!"
"Oh, thats great Mika! No wonder you are excited!" Y/N's smile grew. Mika has been trying to get tickets every year but she never made it. Online or physically lining up, she never gets the chance to get one. Y/N wonders how hard she work to get the tickets this time.
"Well, arent you?" Mika looks at her weirdly. "I know you are an ARMY too. And arent you excited? You can actually meet them, and converse with them! What if they fall in love with one of us?!" Mika exclaimed, already excited at the thought.
"Well, I am an ARMY," Y/N laughs at her friends cuteness. "But I only like them as a talented idol Mika. I dont even know what to talk to them about. And falling in love?" She giggles. "That only happens in fan fictions my friend. They will most probably already forget about you once the next fan came in view," she shakes her head and continue to clean the table, making Mika pouts.
"Sometimes I hate how practical you are. Cant you just let me dream a little?" She crosses her arm across her chest. "But still, you are coming with me right? Riggght?"
"Well, if you are willing to take me, then of course Mika," Y/N grins. "Of course I'll go with you. Who knows, maybe one of them will really fall in love with me," she giggles at the ridiculous statement.
Or she thought so.
"Lets go people. We can do this!" Namjoon calls out behind the curtains, a few minutes before they are meeting their lucky fans who won the fansign event. After some peptalk and group hugs they went out and start the event.
The crowd is packed and loud, as usual. Girls screaming out their names and waving, trying to get their attention. Each of them did they usual routine, smiling, asking basic questions, answering the questions given to them, making aegyo, handshakes, posing for photos, wearing cute headbands and all sorts of fan service. Jimin is enjoying his time meeting his fan. He loves the attention they gives him and he appreciate all the support they gave to him all these years.
"Next!" The security calls out so the line will move as the fans switched to the next members. Jimin reaches out for the album and booklet in front of him, still looking down at thr album, flipping to the post-it where he should place his signature. But the post-it came empty, its just there as a mark to where he should place his signature. Iy seems the fan has no questions for him, which is a first. Their fans always have multiple questions for them to answer
"No question?" He looks up and immediately stopped blinking. In front of him stood the most beautiful angel he has ever since. Well, shes an angel to him, at least as everyone else seems to be perfectly normal.
"N-no question to ask?" He stuttered and mentally slapping himself. Shit, what is wrong with me. You are Park Jimin, composed yourself!
"Oh," she laughs, the most beautiful sound Jimin has ever heard. "No. Just an autograph will do,"
"Uh.. o-okay," with shaky hands Jimin put down his signature. God, what is wrong with me. I have met so many girls before and I am never like this. Calm down Park Jimin, composed yourself before she thinks you are weird. Come on, say something!
Jimin look around at the laughing fans by around him, talking to to the other members, talking to Taehyung and Jungkook, who is on his right and left side and he realized how quiet and awkward he is with this fan.
"O-oh right. I am Jimin. Whats your name?" Introducing yourself at your own fansign? Are you stupid Park Jimin?
She giggles.
And Jimin's heart skipped a beat. How unusual.
"I know you are Jimin. How can I come here and not know you," she leans forward to a whispering gesture, making Jimin's heart thumped faster at her close proximity. "ARMYs will kill me if I dont," she giggles more and leans back to her normal position in front of him. "And my name is Y/N,"
Jimin smile. How bold. How interesting. And what a name. Beautiful. Just like her.
"And Y/N.. how come you have no questions to ask? Arent ARMYs always curious?" He taps her post it to show the blank paper and Y/N shakes her head.
"No. Not really," she smiles. "Nothing that I want to know,"
"Just nothing for me or for everyone?" Jimin feels the need to ask. He felt like he needs to know if Y/N is just not interested in him or she really doesnt have a question for everyone.
"Well, its not just you. I dont have a question for everyone," Y/N's smile got bigger. Jimin raised an eyebrow curiously.
"Oh? And why is that?"
"Well, because everything you are allowed to tell me, it will be published in the news, or articles or something anyway. And if I asked you a real question, you wont be allowed to answer truthfully anyway. Isnt that right?" she laughs. "So no. No questions,"
Jimin was stunt. Never has anyone ever throw that cold hard truth to his face. Its true. Whatever they are showing and potraying in public, the character that they show, all of it is something that they want their fans to see. There are still parts of them that their fans doesnt know. A part of them, rhat is the real them that they didnt show the world. Mouth agape, Jimin looks at Y/N's face, not knowing what else to say.
His gut js right. Jimin is right, fron the moment he looks up to her face, he knew theres definitely something special about her.
"Well, whats your real question?" Jimin finally find his voice and the bravery he needed.
"When you are allowed to answer it, then I'll ask about it," she giggles, just in time for the security to shout next, and Y/N waves a hand and move aside before Jimin could say anything else. Y/N move to Taehyung, leaving Jimin speechless, and fascinated.
Y/N... hmmm.. his feelings is right then. Japan is going to be interesting this time around.
Jimin knew he is going to see Y/N again at the concert. Everyone who attends the fanmeet has a VIP ticket, which is a particularly small section that is made special for them right in front of the stage. He is sure if he look hard enough, he will see her. Shes too beautiful, and too special to him now for Jimin not to notice.
And sure enough, the moment their went on stage, Jimin saw her face, smiling brightly with her Army bomb in hand, giggling with her friend. A surge or energy runs through him. Jimin suddenly feels like he needs to do the very best tonight, no, extra best tonight. He needs to show her that he is Jimin, and he is up here, looking at her  and apprently, only at her.
Jimin never kept her eyes off her, which is a little hard to do considering he needs to sing and dance and converse with his fans, well, other fans too. And its a stranger feeling for him, when a pang of jealousy hits him hard when he saw Y/N waving and taking photos of Taehyung, jumping and singing along to the other members' part.
What the hell is wrong with me? Shes a fan! She didnt pay for the tickets only to see you alone Jimin.
Without realizing, Jimin suddenly feek the need to futher make his existabce known. Known to Y/N. And keeping his eyes only on her, he starts to show off his dancing skills, making extra sexy moves and flirty gestures, which of course, make the packed stadium roared with cheers but reveiving weird looks from the other members.
It doesnt matter.
The crowd. The music. The members.
What matters is that if this will make Y/N looks at him, it was all worth it.
At least he hope she understand the sign hes trying to tell her.
"Woah, what is wrong with Chim today?" Mika stares at the satge, mouth dropped opened. "I mean, I know he is sexy and all, but thats like being possesed with a sexy spirit or something," she points to Jimin who was grinding on the stage floor. "I dont remember the cheography being like that,"
Y/N shrugs.
"Maybe its a concert only special performance," Y/N justified.
"How are you so calm? He is even looking at you while doing all that. Oh my god, he really is!" Mika jumped, waving her Army bomb with excitement.
"Not at me Mika. My direction. Our direction. He cant even see the crowd with all those blinding lights. And look around you, theres thousand of people here," she laughs. "You think he wouls pick me out from the crowd?"
"Hey, you never know. You personally met him at the fansign. Maybe he remembers you," Mika giggles at how practical her friend. Girl, dream a little!
"Hello," Y/N rolls her eyes. "Everybody here went to the fansign Mika. This is the VIP section!"
"Oh my god. I forgot! Maybe you are right. But hey, its not wrong to imagine!" Mika laughs, Y/N joining her.
"Stop imagining useless things and just enjoy the rest of the concert!" Y/N yells through the noise, laughing. "Besides, its Park Jimin, being sexy and flirty on stage is his thing. I dont think thats anything extra anyway,"
"Okay, okay, you are right. Lets just enjoy this!" Mika grab her shoulders and starts bouncing, waving her Army bomb around. Y/N joins in, singinf along and recording videons of her and Mika, totally not realizing how hard Jimin is trying to wink her way.
"I did everything I can, and she still dont even acknowledge me!" Jimin huffed.
"Are you serious? Shes a fan and you still cant get her to even look at you? Wow Chim, you really have no jams," Namjoon laughs.
"Hyung, its not funny! What do I do?" Jimin grumbled.
"Okay, okay. Lets think. The whole two days. She didnt look at you? At all?" Namjoon inquired, trying to help the younger man.
"Well, she does look at me..," Jimin ponders.
"Okay. Then whats the problem? You did talk to her at the fansign yesterday right? And today? Did you guys hit it off? Did you two share any interest? Maybe you are just not her type. What did you two talked about? Tell me everything from A to Z," Namjoon pulls a chair and sits in front of him, giving Jimin his full attention.
"Yeah. Talk. Like what we are doing right now. Hi I'm Jimin, I like you, can I have your number so I can take you out sometime, that kind of thing," Namjoon eyed him carefully.
"W-well... I didnt really talk to her hyung.." Jimin trailed off.
"What do you mean? You get her name. What else did you ask her? You met her twice at a fan sign Chim," Namjoon eyed him curiously.
"Well, at the first meef, I asked her for her name, so I can sign her album. And she explained to me why she dont asks any questiona, and then I blanked out and before I know it, it was already Taehyung's turn," Jimin pouted. "The time is too short for each person!"
"Well, you never complain before!" Namjoon roll her eyes. "Them what about today?"
"T-today?" Jimin stutter nervously as the memory of today's fansign entered his mind.
He was in no mood at all today After the concert on the first day, Jimin was frustrated. Y/N didnt notice him. After the concert she went back like everyone else. She went out so fast he didnt even get the chance to ask security or his managers to call her out. Jimin knew that he wont evenr see her again. Having that in his mind ruin his whole mood.
He went by fan by fan, signing their album and giving small smiles when required. When asked, he only says hes a bit tired and his fans will express their worry and tell him to get some rest. Never would have thought that he would hear the voice again as a a flatten box of their offical light stick and the photocarda were slide in front of him.
"You already sign all my albums and posters yesterday, so this is all I have left for you to sign," Jimin look up to the smiling face of Y/N and he thought hes dreaming.
"Yeah," she smile. "Wow, you remembered me!"
"O-of course I do!" Jimin tries to calm himself. "I didnt think you would come again, and both fansigns? Wow,"
"Well," she giggles. "I guess I am your biggest fan. All of you were great last night,"
"Yeah? But you went off so fast!" Jimin pouts and cursed himself for saying that when Y/N gives him a weird look. Now he sounds like a stalker.
"So fast? How did you know?" Y/N asked him curiously. Did Jimin really saw her in the crowd?
"Uh well.. call it intituition," he laughs awkwardly and Y/N just nodded.
"Well..." Y/N looks around, feeling awkward as she waits for the fan in front of Taehyung to move and lets a breath if relief when she does. "Okay, I'll go now,"
"Wait!" Jimin panics. This might be his last chance to have any sort if way to contact her. "Do-you-think-you-can-give-me-"
"And oh, good luck for tonight," Y/N suddenly say at the same time as his word jumble and patted his hand. The moment her hand touched his, eventhough its just a pat and for a second, Jimin blanked out, all his senses gone, heart pumping so rapidly it almost burst out. Bedore he can calm himself down and find words again, the security already shouted next and Y/N quicy waved and move on to Taehyung.
"Both times? Seriously? You blanked out both times??" Namjoon is shrieking out now. "God, you are hopeless!"
"Y-yeah..." Jimin look at his hyung, scared. "Its not my fault she touched my hand hyung!" Jimin try to defend himself.
"Touch Chim. Not even hold. And you have done this with countless fans! Girl fans!" Namjoon is at the brink of giving up.
"But hyunggg," Jimin wailed. "Thise firls are not Y/N! She's so pretty and smart, and not startruck and everything she said to Tae and Kookie are funny and smart then I'm the one who kinda got starstruck..."
"Oh my god, you are a bigger idiot than I thought," Namjoon hissed and slap Jimin's forehead, making him rubbed it  "Okay, fine. But if you barely even talked to her, why are you saying she didnt acknowledge you? I mean... even if she does, which I think she should with your stupidity, she didnt even have a chance to say it, right?"
"But hyungggg, even if I didnt directly say it, its obvious I am flirting with her. And only her!" Jimin answered as if his effort is the most obvious thing in the world.
"Flirt? How?" Namjoon asked, curious on what Jimin meant by flirting if they never even have a proper conversation.
"Didnt you see my extra sexy moves on stage? My winks, my flying kisses, my hip thrusts, how many times I run my hand through my hair, and seductively too if I might add, during these two concert?" Jimin smile proudly.
"Wait, are you saying your little cabaret show this past two nights is you flirting with her?" Namjoon rubs his chin.
"Duhh, of course hyung. What else? I am not a man slut like Kookie who do it for fun hyung,"
"Idiot!" Namjoon slap his head hard this time.  "That is what you call flirting? We thought you were possesed by some strip club ghost or something!"
"Ow hyungg, what the hell??" Jimin rubbed his forehead.
"How the fuck is Y/N supposed to know you are flirting with her when you do that in front of a packed stadium you dimwit? A stadium full of screaming girls too! And you always do those shit, yeah, its a little extra this time, but she will just think you are doing your typical flirting with the crowd thing," Namjoon hissed
"W-what?" Jimin panics. "Do you really think she thinks like that? That I am justsome big flirt to my fans?"
"Duhhh," Namjoon roll his eyes.
"But its all for her!" Jimin wailed.
"She didnt know that dumbass. You should have shown your interest during the fanmeet. Both freaking times!" Namjoon sighed and stands up.
"Wait, where are you going hyung? We are not done yet!" Jimin stands up and follow his hyung like a puppy.
"I am not entertaining this dumb shit. Im going,"
"But what am I going to do?!" Jimin wailed for help.
"Nothing. The concert is over Chim. Just pray that you will see her again," Namjoon shrugs before he leaves the room. "You have three days before we fly back home. Make it count,"
Their free day was filled with sight seeing, shopping and eating. Jimin had fun, yes, but he cant help but feeling down whenever he thought about his lost chance of getting to know Y/N more. He has never been this interested in a woman before, nor has he even felt this kind of amazing chemistry towards a girl. Y/N is special, Jimin know she is. And although he doesnt know for sure if she really is the one for him, but he is sure that he atleast wants to get to know her better. And he wants to see where they will go from there.
"Cheer up hyung! Its only a girl. You will forget her soon. I am sure of it," Jungkook smile and roughly hug his shoulder, dragging him into the anime store. "Atleast your amazing favorite maknae is still here with you,"
"Yeah. Annoying maknae," he laughs. "I am in no mood to look at animes abd robots Kook, and also in no mood to hear you and Tae arguing about whos the better hero or whatever," he looks around the street. "I am going to head there, the coffee shop. Meet me there okay?"
Jungkook shrugs and pulls Taehyung to the store instead as Jimin make his way to the coffeeshop. Securing his mask and cap, he enters and nothing surprised him more than seeing the perfect girl smiling at a customer behind the cashier counter.
"Okay.. if thats Y/N.. why are the three of us hiding behind this huge flower pot like some criminal?" Jungkook asks Jimin in confusion. His hyung rans in panics and drags both him and Taehyung to the coffee shop. And with panting breath, he nervously points towards a girl and only one word comes out from his mouth. "Y/N" and they have been hiding behind a huge flower pot in the coffee shop since then.
"Well, because I dont want her to see us. See me. What do I say?" Jimin wioes his sweaty forehead.
"Thats it? Thats the reason you ran all the way, drag me and Tae-hyung here, and hides behind this pot for 40 minutes now?!" Jungkook looks at his hyung, not believing his reason. "Thats it, I'm going in and introducing us and getting you her number!"
"Wait. What?? No!" Jimin drags Jungkook back behind the pot.
"Why? Isbt that what you want hyung? Her number? You have been moping since last night!"
"Y-yeah.. but how can I just ask her. Thats Y/N. Y/N! What if she say no? O-or she laughs at me? Or thinks I'm weird?" Jimin is freaking out and even he hinself doesnt know why he is like this.
"Well, we dont know if we dont try Chim. Let me and Kookie go and ask for you," Taehyung speaks up and stands up, revealing himself. Jimin panics and pulls him back behind the pot.
"What the hell! No! Sit Tae. Let me just think of something okay? I need to impress her somehow. So she would never ever say no," Jimin rubs her chin and the three sits behind the pot for a while longer, all in silence before Jimin suddenly shouted. "Okay, I got it! She will say yes to be my girlfriend after this! I am sure of it!"
"From Park Jimin? The Korean idol Park Jimin?" Y/N eyed the flower delivery man curiously as he smile and nods. "Is this a prank? Tell me, who put you up to this? Its a girl right?"
"Uh no.. its really Park Jimin. He came to the shop. With Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook. I know its them because I am a fan and also," he taps the note on the flower, "Park Jimin put his name there,"
"So right now... you are saying.. that the world famous idol, Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung, just walk into your store, in broad daylight, and ordered flowers.. for me?" She points to herself.
"Uh.. yeah. Thats about right," the deliveryman nods again and smile. Y/N lets out a loud sarcastic laugh.
"Okay, good one. I am pretty sure this is a prank now," she received the flowers and sniff it. "Atleast I get flowers, prank or not. Thanks,"
The delivery guy shrugs and leaves, but not before looking at Y/N as if shes crazy.
"It must be Mika. Shes the only one who thinks Jimin is looking at me at the concert," Y/N shrugs and continue her work, the flowers forgotten.
Or so she thought.
Throughout the day, many more weird deliveries were made. More flowers, big, expensive ones too, cupcakes, balloons, choclates, chocolates bouquets, and even a puppy, which Y/N immediately asked to be sent back. At this rate she knows it couldnt be Mika. Is it really Jimin?
But why?
How does he knows where she works?
Even if he did finds out, did he really remember her?
And even if he did remember, why is he sending her all this stuff?
Y/N was confused for the whole day, and shes also embarassed when the customers and even her supervisor keeps complimenting how sweet her boyfriend is. Truth is, shes nor even sure if its really Jimin whos sending her all this stuff.
The gifts continue for the next three days, and Y/N just accept and places it all at the store room, even fivinf out the food to her colleagues and loyal customers. After a long hard shift, its finally time to close up. And deciding to leave everything she receives today at the shop, she cleans up and cloaed up the shop. While locking the door suddenly someone tapped her back.
"A delivery for Miss Y/N..."
"Seriously?!" With a frustrated and tired sighed she turns around. "Its almost 12 am at- J-Jimin?"
Y/N couldnt ever imagine thats its really Park Jimin standing in front of her, holding a huge bouquet of flowers. His face is covered with a mask, yes, but theres no doubt that its him.
"Well.. yeah. Are you expecting someone else?" Jimin cocks his head. Even he is nor sure where he gets his sudden confidence.
"Well... no. But I didnt expect it to be you either. Is it safe for you to roam around Japan like this? Are you lost?" Y/N furrowed her brows. How can he be lost? Where is manager?
"No. I am not lost. Unless you count loss of words everytime I see you," he smile.
"Uh.. no, no, nothing. Uh.. you dont sound excited to be receiving all the gifts I sent you?" Jimin suddenly remembered hows frustrated she sound earlier when she thought he ia the delivery man.
"Well, to be honest. Not really. I mean.. I am not even sure it its really from you. And even though it is, I am still curious as to why? I mean... you dont really know me... and we are not really friends. Right?" Y/N looks at him.
Jimin is speechless. Doesnt girls like that kind of stuff? Especially from someone like him? But as he look at Y/N who is standing in front of him, face full of confusion, he realizes, Y/N is not like normal girls. thats why he felt attracted to her. Look at her right now, standing in front of him bur isnt starstruck at all.
"Uh.. to be honest, I kinda feel a chemistry between us when we first met at the first fansign..." Jimin takes a deep breath. Courage dont leave me now. "And.. I uh.. would like to talk more with you. To get to know you,"
"Okay..m so you decide to stalk me?" Y/n take a step back, a little scared. Jimin raised his hands up defensively.
"No, no! Its not like that. I didnt stalk you to find out where you work. I accidentally found out where you work 3 days ago, so I thought I could send you gifts, as a way to break the ice-"
"Wait, so you had known where I work for three days, and instead of coming in and say hi, like a normal person, you decide to flaunt your money and buy me stuff?" Y/N is trying to understabd what is the man trying to do.
"Well.. uh.. it sounds bad when you put it like that...but-but I thought you knew about my interest in you!" Jimin tries to safe whatever dignity he has left as Y/N eyes him carefully. "I have been flirting with you for the two whole concert days!"
"Flirting? When??" Y/n questioned him. "You barely even talk to me during the fansign Jimin-ssi," Y/N reminds him.
"D-dont you see me malong eye contact with you on stage? All those dance moves? Those extra stuff I did?"
"Huh?" Y/N looks straight at him. "Are you telling me that is you flirting?" Y/N didnt know if she should laugh or be pissed right now. "Thats the way to show me that you want to talk to me?"
"Jimin... If you want to talk to me you can just ask. To be honest, I find you interesting to talk to too," Y/N smile.
"Yeah... but after this weird gift giving thing... I am not sure..."
"What? No! I am not weird! Uh actually," Jimin panics. Is Y/N really going to just shut him away now? He has to do something. The thing that he planned to do when he came here. "Actually, I'm flying back to Korea tomorrow but before I leave... I just uh... wanted to ask you to be my girlfriend," he quickly pulls out a box with a white gold diamond bracelet inside. "And give you this,"
Y/N was silenced for a moment and Jimin hope that thats a good sign. He knows its rash, but hes leaving to Korea tomorrow and he needs a way to stay in touch with her. To just... make her his.
"Are you seriously kidding me right now?" Was Y/N's answer after the silenced.
Y/N scoff.
"You never even introduce yourself properly to me. Or get to know me. Or even talk to me for the matter! How do you know you even really like me? If its only a blind atttaction, only because you like how I look, then I dont want any of it! Yes, I am your fan and I kmow mostly everything about you, but I dont want to know you as BTS' Park Jimin, I want to know you as Park Jimin... do you get it? And giving me ridiculous expensive gifts for three days is flirting and a way to talk to me?? And please know that hip thrusting and swiping your hair back on stage doesnt count either. What are you trying to do? Do you think I am that kind of girl Jimin?" Y/N look softly at him.
"I want a guy to ask me out, to ask me if I have plans and take his time to know me. I dont need your money or your fame Jimin. If you really like me, you would know thats the kind of girl I am. I am leaving, I am sorry, I have to declined. Have a safe flight back to Korea," Y/N bows and walks away, leaving Jimin alone.
Jimin was silenced by her unexpected outburst. He really didnt think ahe would say all this, nor did he think about how stupid his plans are. Taehyung and Jungkook has warned him, even suggested to just greet her and ask for her number, but noooo, he has to feel like he needs to impress her with expensive gifts. Now look what happen.Everything she says just make Jimin realized that she is excatly what he wants, who he needs in a woman. In a life partner. He wants to get to know her, all of her, but it seems like hes too late now.
"Hyung? You okay?" Jungkook sat beside him on the bed. Its been a few days after the tour, and Jimin has been sad and locking himself in his rooms ever since.
"Yeah.. I guess?" Jimin answered lifelessly.
"You dont look okay Chim. You look... lost?" Taehyung sat at the other side of him.
"I am lost Tae. I have never been this lost in my entire life. I think I lost myself in Japan, I acted the way I would never have, and because of it, I lost my love,"
"Well.. if you lost something in Japan... I guess you have to go and get it back. Simple Chim," Taehyung grins and pat his back, hoping his best friend will understand what he meant.
What happened last week is still a blur to Y/N. Did Park Jimin really sent her gifts for three days straight? The Park Jimin? Worldwide idol Park Jimin? And did he really showed up to her coffee shop and tell her he lijes ber, and wanted her to be his girlfriend? And did she rejected him, just like that?
Everything is like a dream to her. She is not even sure if it really happened it shes just imagining it all. But the wilted flowers and uneaten chocolate bars proves that all of it is too real.
She cant lie to herself. Her heart did do a little flip at the sight of Jimin that night. Yes, shes practical, but theres still a part of her that wants a fairy tale ending for herself too. She almost say yes, her heart is beating out from her chest. She cant believe its happening, Park Jimin likes her... but then her practical side takes over. Reminding her that they barely knew each other, what if Jimin ends up not liking her? And what she told Jimin is true, she wants someone who will ask her out, who will take his time to learn about her, just as mich as she will learn about him.
Maybe Jimin is only a drean afterall.
As she walks along the sakura covered park, Y/N sighed. Shes at her happy place. Her beautiful home, but she has never felt so lost.
"Thank god I found you here," the voice behind her pants. Y/N immediately turns around only to see Park Jimin panting, holding his knees. Is she hallucinating in broad daylight now?
"Jimin? Is that really you?" She looks at the figure closely. Jimin looks up after catching his breath
"H-hi. I'm Park Jimin, and I came all the way from Korea just to find you, and someone told me that you are at a sakira park, but theres a lot of sakura park during during spring in Japan and I went to like 30 of them and then I got lost all over Japan, but I dont care, because I can handle being lost in Japan, but I cant handle losing myself again and worse, losing a chance to know you," he smile at her stunt reaction. "Y/N.. I got lost all over Japan, just so I can ask you..," Jimin wiped his sweaty hands on his jeans as Y/N smile at his stuttering form.
"Yes, Park Jimin?" Y/N flashed him a wide smile, easing his mind and making all his doubts dissappear, a surge of confidence suddenly surfacing in him.
"Do you... do you perhaps have any plans tonight? Because I want to take you out. I want to spend the whole night getting to know you, all about you," He took a step forward and bravely hold her waist, grinning widely.
"And why would you want to do that when you just met me three times Park Jimin?" Y/N hide her smile any longer.
"Because I.. well, because honestly Y/N..." he tuxks a stray hair behind her ears and look straight into her eyes, "I cant get you out of my mind,"
61 notes · View notes
A Long Overdue Review of  “My Fair Lady”
-i saw her just a little after Laura had had a cold and I was BEYOND THRILLED when I saw she was going on that night!
-can i just say how much i ADORED hearing an actual overture at the beginning of a show?! like an actual overture made up of several songs from the show? bring overtures back!
-laura is really brilliant and breathes new life into eliza. she humanizes the character and makes her more than the of a caricature guttersnipe she is supposed to be even from the beginning. Everything Eliza does is with the thoughtful intention of becoming a lady and honestly her acting is just superb.it is honest. It possesses an intelligence and gravity I’ve never seen before in the character.
-you could really see the desire for more in her eyes especially during “Wouldnt it be loverly” which was basically choreographed like the movie
-her cockney accent was okay. I mean I didnt really expect it to be perfect and it surprisingly didnt bother me that much (being the Julie Andrews purist that I am). I thought her high class accent was better though, however in her dramatic final scene it did come and go a little with the heightened emotion but honestly it really didn’t hinder her performance for me. 
-Her “aaaooowwws” were more low key but probably more realistic and not as caricaturish. 
-you really felt Eliza’s exhaustion and frustration with everything Higgins was doing(but it a very realistic way), which made him look like a far worse character than he has been portrayed as in the past, and rightly so I would say because it exposes him. 
-HER VOICE IS SO BEAUTIFUL. I mean wowww. I’ve heard her sing many times from Gypsy and Women on the Verge but she was never really required to sing the way she does in this and it sounded very operatic with lots of vibrato and it was magical. I don't know why I was so delightfully surprised, I knew she had a great voice before but it felt like yesss this is the show you needed to show off your instrument. “I Could’ve Danced All Night” was absolutely a dream and I will never forget it.
-the rotating set was super cool(only used for higgin’s house: library(two stories with couch, spiral metal staircase, desk, wooded banister, chair obs books, hallway with wood staircase, bathroom with shower for that one scene, and a small outside area which wasnt used)  it was beautifullll omggg. also as it was turning laura would do quickchanges and I was so impressed with how she did what looked like were really complicated changes in a very short amount of time
- Harry Hadden-Paton, who played Higgins was really great and I feel like he has gotten even better from the first time I saw him in August. He grew into the role and was much funnier and energized than before (maybe because of Laura?) He did a great Rex Harrison-esque voice and sang the songs very well but it made me a little sad because for an actor who can actually sing it must be a rather limiting role and Harrison’s shadow is cast in such a way that he feels the need to imitate him because I guess thats what they think we expect but I feel like the audience would’ve been fine with just an average higher class english accent but I enjoyed it.
- the man who played her father was good but I didnt find him super likeable and I think he’s supposed the kind of character who isnt really the best morally but is so charismatic you have to like him?? but it was ok
-during the ball scene there was a grand staircase at stage left which made for super lovely entrances as you can imagine. the orchestra was onstage during the ball and it was soooo cool to see them actually playing the music as people danced to it. I dont know why it struck me as so special because we all know shows have orchestras but they became characters in the show for a while “musicians” playing “musicians” and I thought it was special. like we don’t think about it often but we take the fact that there is a live orchestra for granted yet we never really see them. also the scene was so beautiful! there were gorgeous chandeliers and it was very stylized yet simple. all of the dancing and waltzing was so romantic and it was just beautiful honestly. also laura looked stunning but i think they could’ve picked an even better color for her because it was off-white and i wasnt absolutely in love with it.
-SHE IS SO FREAKING HILARIOUS *which we already knew* but just the little things she did were so fing hysterical. The scene where she's talking to Higgin’s mother and other high class people at the races was one of the funniest things I have ever seen. When she was saying “how do you do” to everyone she copied their vocal pattern for how they said it, which was different every time and when she got to Freddy he didn't say it so she mouthed “how do you do” and then looked panicky at Higgins like “wtf do i do?” The scene with the fire and saying “hah” to make the flame jump was so funny because once she got it she was like “hah, hah-hah, hah-hah-hah-hah-hah. hah-hah-hah-hah-hah..etc” and was moving back and forth with each hah in her chair and I died. There were a lot of other little things that were super funny too. 
-i feel like the move your bloomin arse line isnt even funny anymore because everyone knows its coming-but is it supposed to be funny?
-get me to the church on time was one of the most energized and fun parts of the show i mean it was really ALIVE and it made you want to get up and dance. It really had the feel of a lot of drunk friends together having a big party at a london pub and there was a lot of dancing and DRAG! there were men dressed as showgirls and one as a bride and a woman in a tuxedo and it was obviously for comedic effect but yass! It was one of the highlights of the show!
-Laura’s “Show Me” didnt really work as well as I thought it would. I saw the understudy Freddy so maybe that’s why but I feel like moments they tried to make comedic really didn’t sit as well with the audience as they would’ve liked. I think it needed more rage? and i wasnt really feeling the release of frustration?? which is ironic because she was so good at conveying it before?? but maybe she was saving it for the last big scene (she wore a pink outfit which looked sooo beautiful on her though omg it was like baby pink-i loved that color on her) 
-on the street where you live was classic and beautiful and just as romantic as we all imagine it to be and the background of a pinkish/purple sky really added to the mood.
-their dynamic(her and higgins) was very equal and they were clearly on the same plane the entire time because of the similarity in their ages(which made their relationship in the end a lot better I think and not creepy like in the past imo)  as well as Laura’s interpretation of the character which showed she was just as emotionally and mentally intelligent, except she really didn’t come into her own and realize this until the scene at the end which was soooo satisfyinggg.
-HER ACTING IN THE SCENE WHERE SHE REALIZES SHE DOESNT NEED HIGGINS WAS SUPERB. it had the same strength and power of the dressing room scene at the end of gypsy and i was blown away.
-i really liked the feminist ending where after he says “where the devil are my slippers” she runs into the audience and up the stairs out of the theatre (its an amphitheater) like she has finally found love but doesn’t depend on that and has finally found herself and that is the most important thing. (also she run up the side closest to me and i freaked out realizing she got that close i was like AHHH!)
-I LOVED THE SHOW! It was better than the first time I saw it! It totally lived up to the original production while not being an exact copy and I am so glad I got a second chance to see it! Brava Laura! Im so glad I got to see her in her dream role!
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cartoonishvendor · 5 years
A/N: This is the second of the fics I wrote on vacation. Enjoy!
Summary: (New) Cryptor gets used to life with Ava’s Team after March is no longer controlling him.
Word Count: 1715
"Cryptor? Cryptor, I'm talking to you."
The rising of a by now familiar voice above every other sound in the room caught the nindroid in question. He flinched and moved out of his previous position, resting his head on his hands, to look at Ava, who stood next to him, carrying two fully packed gym bags the size of fully grown greyhounds as if they weighed nothing. Confused, and admittedly a bit helpless - even if he didn't like to admit it, he tilted his head, which gained nothing from Ava but a usual, stoic stare.
"I assume that, even though you could use some training in practical combat like all of us, you would not be interested in visiting Sensei Garmadon's class on the arts of fighting, since you're not interested in training, nor information on how the Sensei managed to stay alive for so long like I am. Is my assumption correct?"
Cryptor couldn't believe how, despite Ava showing no signs of malice, her obkective wording still managed to hit, somehow. It was true, he avoided practical combat training as far as he could, but the way she said it made Cryptor feel guilty about avoiding it. Nonetheless, he nodded in agreement.
"Good. So, you will..."
A cough from across the table Cryptor sat on turned both the nindroid's attention away, and toward Chrissie, who shot a glare with lowered eyebrows at Ava. One that said things words probably couldn't.
"I mean, if you would be so kind, could you maybe watch Sam's training? They refuse to come along as well since they prefer to train in private, but it would come in really handy if we had someone to keep exact record of their progress."
'To compare how far behind they are?' Even if he didnt pay much attention during the conversations that didn't involve him, it didn't take much for one to notice that Sam was considerably less trained in combat, and especially their elemental power, than Ava or Chrissie. Why that is the case, nobody knows. He's heard the others fleetingly blame it on pacifism or not wanting to overshadow their sibling a few times, but for Cryptor, none of those excuses made sense. It was like they didn't want to actually know why they're behind. But, since Cryptor had nothing else to do, he figured he might as well just find out why, so he nodded again, accepting Ava's request, who, in return, smiled and clapped their hands together.
"Good. We'll be back around midnight or tomorrow morning."
And with that, she left the room, followed by Chrissie who carried about the same weights as Ava. Now left was Cryptor who, after locking the front door, went on to look for Sam. After knocking on the door to their room, the short reply "Over here!" sounded from a different side of the hallway, muffled by a door between said hallway and the bathroom in which Sam seemed to be in. Before Cryptor could start an awkward attempt at knocking on that door however, it suddenly opened and Sam stepped out, wearing their casual summer attire; a short-sleeved top,  pants that go just above their knees and no footwear. Though Cryptor couldn't even know if it was their casual wear; this was the first summer he spent with Borg after all.
"Is it time for training yet?"
Sam reached for a gym bag they left in front of the bathroom, looking at Cryptor, who in response, moved past Sam, nodded, and gestured them to follow him. Before he turned around, Cryptor noticed a smile on Sam's face as they swung the bag over their shoulder after having pulled a pair of shoes out of it and put them on. It made Cryptor smile a little as well, but as he became aware of it, that smile disappeared again.
The training went as Cryptor expected: Sam displayed every advantage and disadvantage they had in a fight, whether they realized it or not. However, to Cryptor's surprise, Sam hardly tried to utilize their elemental powers during the combat training they performed on dummys. Then again, was it really a surprise? Cryptor sunk back into his thoughts, not realizing that Sam waved at him from across the hall until they whistled a tone that caught Cryptor's attention. They gestured him to come over.
"Can we do a one-on-one combat?"
Cryptor's questioning expression turned into a rather sheepish one fairly quickly after hearing Sam's suggestion. It wasn't that he didn't trust them to be strong enough to take them on, he could probably even manage to tone down his fighting instincts to the bare minimum, basically becoming a moving dummy. No, it was the idea of fighting them - or anyone from the team - that kept him from agreeing to help. Who knew what crazy, dangerous malfunctions from the cracks of his damaged subconcious could occur if a fight brought up old memories? He shuddered, telling himself to stop acting like a sheep, and finally nodded. Though Sam seemed to have noticed that something was up, judging from the sorrowful glance they gave Cryptor as he went to his position, they didn't say anything.
And as Cryptor expected, not once did Sam use their powers. Not once did they try to knock him over with a strong gust of wind he knew they were capable of. During a few times, where their powers could have saved him, in case this had been an actual fight, they didn't use them there either. Every fight went by like that, and after every fight, Cryptor got even more interested as to why. But he didn't. How was he even supposed to form an entire sentence without panicking? The next fight started; Sam attacked Cryptor, who could bring them to the ground mid-jump, by ducking down, confusing Sam, and then grabbing their legs, swinging them in the opposite direction Sam was jumping. A thud sounded through the otherwise empty gym hall as they hit the ground, thankfully remaining unharmed due to a piece of chest armor designed for training they wore. Cryptor didn't hesistate to help Sam up after they haven't made an attempt to try for themselves, like before. They grabbed his hand.
"Let's take a break."
On an old, defective jumping obstacle, the two made themselves comfortable as Sam took off the armor from their chest and arms, and stretched, letting the noise of their knuckles cracking sound through the area. Cryptor only sat and watched, having nothing to do but wonder. After having let his glance wander through the hall, it landed back on Sam, who, while wiping their face clean of sweat, brushed a strand of hair that was previously in front of the ear to the side, revealing something that Cryptor hasn't noticed before: a tube or cable-like device hung out of Sam's ear. At closer inspection, another part of that device was located behind Sam's hair, also partially hidden by a few strands of hair, and of course, the ear itself. Too bad that that closer inspection caused Cryptor to unintentionally move closer, which Sam noticed.
"What're you doing?"
That successfully made Cryptor shy away, even if Sam didn't want to. The nindroid was startled for a moment, and proceeded to point at Sam and then to his own ear.
"My hearing aid? What of it?"
The upset undertone in Sam's voice almost made Cryptor regret pointing it out, but his need to know why they needed a hearing aid. He tilted his head, interrupting Sam uncomfortably scratching their ear.
"So, uh, you didn't know I was hard of hearing? And you've never seen my aid before?"
He nodded, gaining a more confused than upset expression from Sam.
"I've had my aid for quite some time now, I'm surprised you haven't seen it yet... Then again, we don't really talk much, huh?"
Cryptor nodded again. It was true, he and Sam barely talked until now, even though Cryptor considered them probably one of the most pleasant people on the team. They weren't so overly positively energized like their sister, nor were they a... freak like Ava. They adjusted and worded all conversation they had to be easy for Cryptor to reply to by making everything a Yes-or-No question or something that could be easily signed out in response to, accepting that even though he could, he just wouldn't speak a lot. Not with them or anyone else. They were pleasant enough to be around, but Cryptor rarely ever was around them. Did he even spend that much time with his other teammates? It always felt like he was to sy trying to adjust to the new routines that spending time with the team felt so... overwhelming.
"Can I tell you a secret? Whenever I use my powers and move the air too close to my ears, it hurts. A lot. That's why I avoid using them at all. Even when I probably should."
Baffled, Cryptor just stared at them. This entire confession seemed unreal. Not only didn't Sam wait for an answer to whether or not they could trust him, like they didn't need an answer because they already did trust him, but he got the answer to a question he hasn't asked because he didn't know how to. Did Sam just... know? Could they figure out he got interested in why they didn't use their powers when he beat Sam into the dust over and over during training?
"Every action has reason. Mine do, at least. So, it's fair for me to assume yours do too, right?"
But before Cryptor could do anything, Sam jumped up from their seat, extending a hand to Cryptor with a warm smile on their face. They, again, needed no reply, because they already knew the answer. After Cryptor took their hand and jumped down, he pulled Sam into a tight hug they had no chance to escape from. But it's not like they wanted to do that anyway. As Sam returned the hug, they softly brushed their hand against his shoulder, letting a short, mechanic purr escape the robot. For a moment, he began to panic. But feeling Sam attempting to hug him closer helped him calming down almost immediately.
When was the last time he felt safe?
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mixyns · 6 years
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tagged by nini (@tanqram) to share the story of how i biased yanjun!
before i start, i want to say THANK YOU ♡ to nini ! i’m really, really glad i did this ! — it reminded me of all the moments that made me fall for yanjun, and gave me the freedom to address even the littlest details that i’ve come to learn & love about him :’) 
Idol Producer Era
to be completely honest, looking back on when i first started watching idol producer, i would have never ever ever expected yanjun to become my bias. but alas... he not only became my bias, but skyrocketed up my entire bias list and became my ultimate bias. 
i distinctly remember that the first video i watched of yanjun was his Upward! Challenge, and my first impressions were:
cute taiwanese accent
beanie man
the guy who told a cold joke instead of using the allotted time to promote himself (reflecting on this, it was actually a very tactful way of promoting himself because it made him memorable ! moreover, cold jokes are such a large part of yanjun, so he was really just being himself :’> )
this video was enough to leave an impression of yanjun on me from the beginning, but it wasn’t enough for me to remember his name. i also didn’t watch his introduction video until waaay after i was into the show, when i really started noticing him. so at this point in my mind, he was really just the ‘cute taiwanese boy with the beanie’. 
it’s such a shame that i didn’t notice yanjun all that much in the beginning. perhaps this was because of the lack of screen time he had, but because i didn’t see ‘cute taiwanese boy with the beanie’ again that much in the first few episodes of IP, he was quickly pushed back into the corner of my mind by the many many other trainees on the show. 
then came the first evaluation in episode 4, and yanjun was in codename contra team a. when yanjun introduced himself on stage, he kept it super brief and cool, only saying, “hello everyone, i’m rapper lin yanjun” and i thought, woah what a stoic guy...giving off such a strong aura despite such a quick and short introduction...and what enhanced his ‘高冷’ aura was of course his handsome face. i feel like the vibe he gave off here (cold yanjun) was so different than the vibe he gave off in the Upward! challenge (soft yanjun), that i literally didnt even acknowledge that this man in codename contra was the same ‘cute taiwanese boy with the beanie’. so i thought i was basically watching a new trainee that i havent noticed before. when the voting results came out for the members, yanjun had suuuch a high number of votes that i was like woooow this guy is really popular, and no wonder, because he’s so handsome :0 its all visuals man. boy was i wrong
i continued to watch the rest of the team evaluations, and yanjun basically didn’t pop back up again until AI NI TEAM in ep 7. and boy oh boy was my world turned upside down. 
if i remember correctly, i watched the clip of the ai ni performance video on youtube before i watched the full episode 7 on iqiyi, and let me just say that tHE MOMENT YANJUN STARTED HARMONIZING TO JEFFERY AND DINGHAO’S FIRST LINES, I WAS JUST LIKE. WHO. IS. THAT MAN. and WHY HAVE I NOT NOTICED HIM BEFORE???? (clearly, yanjun’s image changed so much that i could not link him back to the same rapper guy in codename contra, nor his upward challenge video) and then yanjun’s first line in ai ni just threw me out of the window and like i was sQUEALING the entire time. i’m rewatching it as i am writing this and I still get the butterflies in my stomach....because the concept is so fluffy and cute and i am weak to vocal yanjun. the whole time i was just asking myself who yanjun was, and his voice suited the song so much and i was just practically melting the whole time. (i still am every time i rewatch this performance tbh)
thanks to the ai ni performance, the rest of my idol producer journey was basically a scavenger hunt for every single yanjun moment i could find. i went to finally watch the entire ep 7, and found out how dorky and funny and playful yanjun really is during the training clips of ai ni team, went back to watch his introduction video, and like scrambled to find him in the first evaluation, where I finally realized that THIS IS THE SAME RAPPER MAN IN CODENAME CONTRA, AND HE’S THE CUTE TAIWANESE BEANIE GUY. i basically had an epiphany and was like WOW cute beanie guy is now my BIAS. 
so after ep 7 was when i REALLY really really really REALLY focused on yanjun. i was sososososo happy he and nongnong were both placed in firewalking, 1. bc it was my fave song from the concept song demos, and 2. he and nongnong are so compatible and i love seeing them together.
in ep 9, a really memorable clip was when dinghao was feeling down and the rest of the banana boys sat down with him to talk it out and comfort him. here, a lot of yanjun’s individual commentary was shown and i think this was when i first started to learn about his mature side that was really genuine, reflective, and empathetic to others. around this time was also when i watched the videos of yanjun reading fan letters, and i found how the fans and him communicated with each other was so cute, and how he smiled and laughed as he read the letters was so endearing.... it really showed how much he loved his fans, and how he thought about showing more of himself through the show. theres one part in the video where the fan wrote, “i wish you to fight for more screen time so more people can know about you!” and yanjun just laughed and replied, “omg sorry...i really don’t know how to...*nervously laughs* ok-no-nvm-i WILL TRY MY BEST” and IDK WHY but my heart kinda broke at this moment because i could relate???? like, he obviously wanted to try his best and have more screen time so more people would notice him, but at the same time he’s really not the type to show off, but rather, he’s the type to quietly work hard by himself to be acknowledged, and akrjhgkjhgjkhjjh i kinda had a moment of reflection that i didn’t notice him much in the beginning either because of the lack of screen time, so ;___; this moment really made me realize how he’s always quietly working hard and will show his efforts and thoughts in a more hidden and private manner, but once his efforts reach you, it’ll impact you so much stronger than if he went and announced his efforts publicly. (did this even make sense... do u know what i mean dkjhkhg)
fast forward to it’s okay - i’m still sosoossooso happy yanjun got to be the center. i think it definitely contributed to him rising in ranking and finally placing #5, which no one expected. i’ll never forget the moment he bent down on his knees and kissed the stage, it was really a life changing moment for him. 
Post Idol Producer
after IP ended and yanjun finally becoming a confirmed member, i wanted to keep up with his and 9%’s activities so i started a tumblr. hmmmm... this was when i started actively stalking following yanjun on weibo, and found quirks about him through his posts, and through other fans’ posts about him. for example, he always keeps the messages in his posts short, will express his thoughts in hashtags (much like tumblr, but he’s so much more poetic about it lol), will share songs with fans frequently, will share the books and movies he enjoys, will always wear the gifts that his fansites gift him to confirm that he’s received them, loves art&literature, is quiet and reserved so he may come off as cold but is actually very thoughtful and warm and always thinking about those around him, always tries to read his fans letters because they energize him, loves taking long baths to destress.....
and the more i found out, the more i realized that other evanisms also love the same things about yanjun - that he’s so much more than just a pretty face. he’s introverted, which makes his actions more complex as they are motivated by a deeper meaning he wishes to express. he prefers staying at home and engaging in activities alone rather than going outside, which makes fans more intrigued in what types types of books and movies and music he likes, all the more to better understand him. evanisms all really empathize with yanjun because of his sincerity and transparency with his words. what he says hold so much truth, and it’s hard to stop yourself from dissecting it sometimes. 
even though now i’m not as caught up with his activities as before, i still really really love and respect yanjun as both a person and an artist :) i really look forward to his future, i’m sure big things are in store for him. 
- miki
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17caratssi · 7 years
Cuddling with Dokyeom
aka lee zeokmin lolol
you can’t really tell if he is jeonghan’s or yours
cuz he always goes to han river with jeonghan after their daily practices and today he isn’t going to escape from the hyungs plan
when he gets home he sprint to your room to cuddle up but
he has to work a little bit more because he got a sulky girlfriend, more or less likely have to sleep in his room
he is too tired to even talk to you but since he s the one to blame on, he has no choices
you are currently crossing arms and legs on the bed with his puppy between your legs, woojoo
he kneels before you and pouts
“you know jeonghan hyung will ignore me if i didn’t walk to han river with him” you glance
he reaches your smol hands in his and sits properly while staring deeeeeep into your eyes
would be a lie if you didnt find him attractive and his enticing lipsㅡ
“next time just ditch him. whose pabo are you? ”
“Y/N~~” ﹋o﹋
gOod boi you grin upon the answer
you also love to study his features; fair and perfect amount of tan he naturally borned with, his obvious pointed nose that always being third wheeler in the kissing
he looks not very healthy when it comes to intense practices before their comeback
“aren’t you tired? you seem to lose weight.. and it worries me..” you have his cheeks in your palms and he nodded, not so much convincing
he isn’t the type to speak out his major struggles but whenever he would, you could tell he needs someone to be by his side, and it’s you
“don’t worry, okay? i have carats and my energizer bunny!!” he shakes his head and pecks the back of your hand gently
he stares blankly into you for a few seconds before coming up with,,
“can i kiss you?” he asks but you already with slight tinted pink on your cheeks
“seokmin youㅡ” his lips pressing yours the softest possible
urgh this man is too fragile and you chuckle softly against his parted lips
he holds you in his for security
you both arent the fan of some passionate kiss or bruising ones but tend to apply more tenderness and full of love, on every occasion
he loves to nibble on your botttom lip and angles your head precisely for more access for his lips to go along with yours within still safe zone
parting away, he wipes your lips with care and yoU JUST WOULD IMMEDIATELY MELT INTO HIS SMILE
“a good kisser indeed,” and pulls you into the duvet
while he is catching his breathing pace you take the chance to adore him
he must have taken bath before coming here as he smells very pleasant
his jaw is getting sharper urgh he gone through severe diet with seungkwan and some members which you had caught them snuck in snacks in middle of one night
you surely feel bad that they cant have proper meals especially when the comeback is nearing
sometimes you just let it slide and end up watching them shoving 50 servings of meat at once
“how was your day?” you ask him softly
you lean against his chest somehow he enjoys the warmth and position. his arms snakes over your torso and woojoo is between the two of you
“seungcheol hyung wasnt feeling well as well today and bla bla bla bla.. ” all you could register
the story telling is bringing you awfully close to sleep but manage you keep them eyes open
hard to believe that his voice can drift you away and you barely or more like never want to resist the fact
from “oh.. yeah.. ” to quiet “hm"s quite often
he notices it for awhile but doesnt stop until you fall asleep, snuggling into the crook of his neck
you breathe so quietly and has him pulled you closer and you unexpectedly wrap your arms around his torso
you, too, always have your way which wrapping your legs around his waist like a koala but in horizontal position
"and spending time with you is my favorite period in schedule”
“sleep well, baby.. ” he whispers in your ears, tucks the duvet higher to your neck
“woojoo too.. ” you say between the sleepy voice
“hm.. woojoo too” he kisses the top of your head before drifting off to your dreamland
it always indeed the best time in the world
so lets say you arent allergy to dog in this scenario :D
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eorumverba · 7 years
jongtae from demon au for the headcanon thingie? I miss it dearly. Have a safe trip!
tbh i forgot all about demon au ?? rip,, but ty for reminding me ♡♡♡this got Really long…..didnt know which letters to do so i just did all of them otl;; this also made me wanna write more of demon au
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
jong is rlly soft when its taem, always making sure he’s not hurt and cleaning him up before attending to himself. he can also be really cuddly and clingy, but that’s more with jinki because of how small jinki makes him feel even without trying. sex makes him energized actually, the exact opposite of taem. taem’s usually ready to knock out as soon as he comes, and if he’s ever up for round two, jonghyun ends up having to do all the work, something that neither of them mind at all
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
taem really likes jongs cheeks and lips. theyre puffy from sleep whenever he wakes up, and he looks so sleepy and soft that it makes taemins heart melt every morning. hes kind of a sap like that, not that he’ll ever say.
jonghyun’s very favorite part of taemin is his back. he likes taemins body in general for how long and lean and pretty he is, but he really likes the view of taems back, the dip just above his ass, the muscles shifting when he moves to clench the sheets, the bruises he can see from gripping taems hips too tight
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
jonghyun has a major oral fixation and just..really likes come in general as well. come on his face and on his chest is good enough, but he loves loves loves when jinki or tae come in his mouth. if he’s particularly needy and neither jinki nor tae are there or ready to sate him, he’ll sometimes just make himself come just to have that familiar taste on his tongue again
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
even if jonghyun thinks he’s subtle when he disobeys jinki’s rules, jinki always finds out. jonghyun is a horrible liar, too honest with his eyes and the set of his mouth and with his whole body, and jinki always manages to get the truth out of him, but then, watching jonghyun fumble for answers and start to tear up as jinki pushes more and more feeling into him is more than half the fun
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
jongyu are both very experienced, being incubi and all, and while taem had had his fair share of one night stands and messy handjobs before them, he’s learned so much from them that it’d probably be overwhelming if he ever slept with anyone else. not that he really wants to though, so…
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
taem likes jonghyun on his knees or riding him because of how small he looks like that, and jonghyun can work with anything honestly (he likes the same as taemin though, honestly) and they both love those lazy fucks when they’re still in bed, spooning somewhat with one of them (usually taem) giving a slow handjob to the other and fucking them slow and lazy
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
there’s a lot of banter during foreplay from both of them, but most of that slips away because jonghyun likes to focus entirely on taemin when they have sex, and taem is generally pretty quiet whether he’s giving or receiving. sometimes he’ll remember something cute or funny that jonghyun did earlier that day and it’ll start a burst of laughter from both of them, but otherwise it’s v intense and heavy
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
they all try to take baths together (or at least two at a time) and jinki likes to shave jonghyun and taemin while he tells them little stories or hums under his breath. it’s really lazy and quiet and sleepy, and jongtae are usually more than half asleep wihile jinki moves them however he wants, and he’s always sure to be gentle with each touch and lotion them up when he’s done. it’s the least he could do for having them do so much for him, jinki thinks, and taking care of jongtae is something he really enjoys
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
the only time they’re ever really romantic when they have sex is during those early morning fucks, the ones where they’re sitll both more than half asleep and slow enough with each movement to mumble i love yous and to call it making love instead of their usual fucks
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
jonghyun is loud when he jerks off, mostly because he’s so out of it and so deep in his thoughts. he’s really whiny and he tends not to notice if jinki or taem come in to watch. he also always has his fingers in his mouth when he’s jerking off, and it should muffle his noises, but his sloppy sucking only makes him louder. ontae don’t mind at all
taem doesnt really jerk off that much, not like jonghyun, and when he does, he tries to in the shower so there’s not as much to clean up, unlike jonghyun, who will tend to lick his hand clean or whine at jinki to wash the sheets
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
jong loves choking. he likes anything that leaves marks really - biting, scratching, choking, spanking - but on those rare times where he feels soft n subby, he loves loves loves praise. like…being called a good boy in those times could probably get him to come. but choking and biting is always good to him
taem just likes controlling jonghyun and making him flustered and needy. it doesn’t seem like a lot, but having jonghyun on his knees and begging for a cock in his mouth and clenching his fists tight enough to leave marks and being the cause of that…taem loves that
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
anywhere really?? taem likes the shower best so there’s not as much cleanup, but he also likes leaving the curtains open and fucking jonghyun out in the open of their living room, just for how needy jonghyun gets when taem tells him that anyone could see
jong is fine with anywhere as  well, but his favorite place has to be wherever jinki is. it can be taem riding him in their bedroom while jinki watches and tells them how pretty they look, or jong on his hands and knees for taem and begging for jinkis cock in his mouth while jinki watches tv in the living room, or even jong doing his best to suck taem off as he and jinki have dinner - so long as jinki is there, that’s jonghyun’s favorite place
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
for jong, a well-placed touch or word can make him needy in a heartbeat, but things like ‘baby boy’ or 'good boy’ or 'be good for me’ are just…instanut. he also really likes watching taem undress, even if it’s to put pajamas on. that and feeling taems breath on the back of his neck when he first wakes up and taems arm heavy aronud his waist still in sleep just…….he loves it. most of the time when taem wakes up already hard, it’s because of jong.
for taem, anything jonghyun does turns him on. the overt things like licking his lips clean or sucking and bobbing his head around a spoon, jonghyun’s absent habits like sucking on the tips of his fingers and playing with his mouth, jonghyun’s whining and pouting…he’s just really affected by jonghyun. which is entirely understandable, honestly
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
there are kinks they like in theory but wouldn’t do - taem doesn’t like excessive pain or blood, jonghyun hates the idea of being owned in an m/s context. they don’t really have any conflicting kinks though, which is good - the only thing they don’t share is jonghyun’s major daddy and petplay kinks. at least for a while, anyway
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
oral is jonghyun’s middle name, honestly. he likes giving way more than he likes receiving, but both are good, and as jinki says, both taem and jonghyun have 'cock sucking lips’, so it works out well. jong tends to be more sloppy and eager than skilled when he’s really needy, but taem doesn’t mind, because jong is So Good with his mouth either way. taem tends to like receiving more than giving - he doesn’t like the stretch in his mouth quite as much as jonghyun does. he’s more calculated with his blowjobs, knows how to get jonghyun to fall to pieces as quickly as possible, but also how to keep him strung out for ages, and both are good. neither of them really like rimming - taem hates the feeling, and jong hates the taste, so they tend to stick to blowjobs
P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
whenever jongtae fuck by themselves, it tends to be fast and rough, unless it’s in the morning or in the bathtub. then it’s slower and more romantic, and there’s more conversation and soft kisses passed between them, but otherwise it tends to be pretty fast and rough. if jinki’s there, he dictates the pace, and he tends to like watching them fall apart after what feels like hours and hours of teasing
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
taem is an expert on quickies, but he only thinks they’re fun if they’re with strangers/one night stands. otherwise, once he knows the person well enough (both literally and sexually) proper sex is better, and quickies get boring. unless of course it’s jonghyun already needy and willing to do whatever taem says - that’s never boring.
jong doesn’t really mind either way, because sex is sex, but he’s more used to sex being drawn out because of jinki. he doesn’t mind a good quickie though, if it’s with someone compatible - that’s how he and taem started fucking, after all
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
definitely, definitely. taem is a little more hesitant to try certain things since he’s still human, but so long as jonghyun doesn’t safeword, he doesn’t mind trying new, dangerous things at all. jong loves trying new things as well, the more dangerous, the better. even if it turns out to be only a one time thing, so long as there’s that aspect of risk and the nervousness of something new, he’s more than game
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
jong can go on a while - he likes the feeling and sensitivity of overstimulation, and that’s when jinki and tae say he looks prettiest. taem’s pretty done once he comes once, but he can give jonghyun a lazy handjob or blowjob after he’s already come once
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
they’ve definitely got toys, a whole collection, honestly. jinki tends to buy most of them as surprises, and he always watches. it’s mostly dildos and plugs to stretch jong out. taems more a fan of blindfolds and gags, but he’ll use jonghyun’s toys if he’s in the mood. sometimes jinki will tie jonghyun up all pretty for taemin to use - all dictated by him, of course
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
jinki loves teasing, always teases. taem teases too, but he’s so weak for jonghyun’s pouts and teary-eyed begging, so whenever jonghyun’s had enough and starts begging, taem is quick to give in. jonghyun definitely teases the least out of all of them since he’s the one that gets teased the most and knows how annoying and painful and frustrating it is to be teased so much. if he’s feeling particularly mischievous, he’ll tease taem to pieces, just as payback for all the times taem has teased him to crying
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
jonghyun is always the loudest: he whines and whimpers a lot, and he begs all the time. his blowjobs are full of sloppy noises and he often throws himself into it so eagerly that he chokes and ends up coughing and whining as he tries to get whoever he’s sucking off’s cock in his mouth again. when he’s fucking taem though, he’s quieter, lots of heavy breaths and grunts whenever taem taunts him that he’s not fucking him hard enough. (taem does that a lot) but otherwise, jong is very loud
taem is pretty quiet, except for the banter and taunts whenever he’s getting fucked. lots of panting and quiet curses and breathy 'ah’ noises, and he tends to muffle his noises with a hand to his mouth, much unlike jonghyun
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
taems favorite time of day is early morning, just for those slow, lazy kisses and jongs quiet mumbles of speech. jong is so much more clingy and affectionate then, and taem takes full advantage of it, because seeing jong sleepily pout at him and whine out i love yous is…one of the cutest things ever, honestly
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
they’re both usually shaved clean, courtesy of jinki, but otherwise there’s just a thin peach fuzz layer of hair, taems black n jongs whatever color his hair is (so usually blonde). taem couldn’t take jong seriously when he dyed his hair pink, so jong was sure to make sure jinki shaved him everywhere. jongs dick is longer n thinner than taems, n taems is of average length n wide enough to stretch jongs mouth out comfortably. taem sometimes bugs jong with questions like can he change the length or girth of his dick (yes) n if so why doesn’t he, to which jong responds that next time he’s fucking taem n taem is close to orgasm, he’ll make his dick super thin n tiny out of spite. taem kinda just laughs n rolls his eyes, but when jong is sure he’s forgotten about it, he shrinks his dick and instead of getting frustrated like he thought taem would, taem just starts laughing. neither of them orgasm that night, and that’s okay
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
jong always always always wants. it’s a low simmer beneath his skin that tends to spike because of jinki or taemin, but otherwise, that heat is usually there. taem’s kind of the same, but where jong is easy to spike, taem is easy to get to that simmer, which in turn spikes once the foreplay starts or the idea is concrete in his head
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
taem tends to knock out almost immediately if he comes more than once, but he’s always sluggish and sleepy after one orgasm. jonghyun on the ohter hand never feels as awake and energized as he does after a good fuck, but if he’s in bed with taem and he’s trapped by taem’s sleepy heat, it’s pretty easy for him to fall asleep as well
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sanhatation · 7 years
Wahh I'm so sorry I haven't sent an ask in like forever! BUT OMG YOUR CALLIGRAPHY!! IS THERE ANYTHING YOU CAN'T DO AHSJDGH I'm learning how to do calligraphy but I only know how to do the lettering sjdkjd how do you make it look so nice!? You're so creative!! I think you stole my talent when I was born 😩 what are some of your hobbies? Or things you like to do? Also have have you been!? Let's see I really love quotes but one of them has stuck with me for awhile now (1/4) -⛄
“People can be so quiet about their pain that you forget they’re hurting. That’s why it’s so important to be kind” those quotes are so beautiful and inspiring I love them!! I think my least favorite song hmmm it used to be cotton candy and star because idk they just didn’t…… Interest me or like call to me idk if that meshes sense but I think cotton candy has grown on me I listen to I a lot more but star idk it still doesn’t have that spark but I really love the lyrics (2/4) -⛄
Astros lyrics are so pretty! My favorite songs hmm I never really thought about it…… The first one that pod into my head is again or lonely I think I those two would have to be my favorite I can listen to them all the time and I keep thinking of sanha’s “hey hello” sjdkjd yes’!! Ahem then mj’s “I’m lonely againnn” I really like how it sounds because it’s like a soft sort of upbeat song if that makes sense but for again I always think of the dance practice video which I loVED omg (¾) - ⛄
That one move!! You know what move in talking about!? During the “떠오르네” I think that part..!!! oml it kills me!! And JUST LOVE HOW THEY ALL LOOK (especially sanha he be killing me!!) and then I also really like how thus me sounds as well and jinjin’s rap I’M!! I LOVE HIS VOICE HE BE SKATING!! And his little twirl AHH! Aha sorry this turned out to be really long 😅 (4/4) -⛄
AAHH thank u so much!!!! i think i picked up calligraphy a little over a year ago??? so ive been practicing a lot ;; and my hobbies yeet i have a lot tbh i love to sing, do graphic design, really any kind of visual art but especially calligraphy, line art, zentangles and painting !! and i enjoy dancing too even tho my skill is …questionable…and i also love photography, acting,,…fashion….astro…
tbh ive been GREAT !!!! smth exciting that happened this week was my sister came home and just last night my brother and his wife arrived and wow its the first time in five years that my whole family is all together !!!! my eldest sister has been in korea..my other sister has been in california..my brother has been at college…so ya its vvvv exciting!!!!! how are YOU?
thats a beautiful quote i love it!!! and i agree. kindness is so important, and when it comes down to it its all that rly matters!!! absolutely no point in being mean or rude for no reason
OK TBH IM SHOCKED !!!! i think Star is definitely a Fandom Fav^TM so ive never heard anyone who’s just eh abt it !! the lyrics to star pull me in so much and the melody itself is v me ig so i love her ! i get that tho, some songs just dont click….sis i love Miss cotton candy tbh she’s probably one of my faves too (a moment of silence for jinjin’s “GIBUNI JOA LA LA LA”) 
dude lonely is honestly so underrated. i cant figure out how to explain it…..it’s like……so chill yet so energized? like idk how else to put it other than it perfectly PERFECTLY captures the feeling of Fall???? like ?? there’s some sort of serenity to the breeze and falling leaves yet there’s like…a spark??? an energy and warmth???? aHHH THERES NO WORDS TO DO IT JUSTICE !!! but i know u know what i mean
again….shouldve held on…..she is so beautiful yet sometimes i still Cannot Believe astro produced that song when they did. like i cant even believe its real????? like WOW we didnt deserve her honestly
the dance practice????? we dont TALK abt her……………that One Move…yes i know exactly what ur talking abt and its off limits im sensitive why are they so loud…..literally everything abt the choreography is just so !!!!!!!!!!! BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i gotta say i think my favorite part is legit when they do like the rly cool “blindfold” move !!!! AND ofc moonrock’s SICK spins…and ugh u right they looked so good fhhsasdlkj i love skinny jean-stro
“HE BE SKATING” I CACKLED GHDJSAJ U RIGHT THO ! u ever just think abt his voice in Lie and just :( that man has so much Technique idek anything abt rap but he has TECHNIQUE OKAY
(PS i love reading ur long messages so dont be sorry!!) 
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