#and i don't mean that in a dismissive way to be clear like. please only do what you feel comfortable with. even in a game!
nottapossum · 1 day
What did you think of full moon?
Okay for realz this time.
Trigger warning...
I'm not very nice in this post.
I'm upset. Lol 😆
So if you guys are hard-core Stolas lovers and think stolas can do no wrong...
Please don't read this.
I love stolas.
But he messed up in my opinion.
Here's my nicer review
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1) glad loona is talking again...
Just sayin.
Her not talking much made me feel like we just got introduced to a brand new character.
2) This whole scene made this episode go from no expectations to really high for me. Blitzø being worried that Stolas is growing bored of him...idk I wanted to expand a little on those feelings.
It's blitzø so...yeah.
He doesn't talk about them.
I would have liked if he talked to Fizz about his fears, and maybe Fizz could have been like: "no blitzø, that's silly, stolas loves you."
Then Blitzø can be like: "Nah, they don't care about people like us."
Then Fizz can be like: "Blitzø trust me, they're not all like that. I'm sure Stolas has a good reason for acting like this...give it a chance."
But nah.
We get this.
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...pretty funny ngl.
But still- nothing else!?
Pre emotion is okay guys!
It doesn't just have to just be at the end like barbie in unhappy campers.
Which I felt could have also used more build up.
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3) Like in unhappy campers...I felt this side-plot deal was a huge waste of time. The cherubs didn't even do that much.
I'm not hating on the episode- I'm just saying this could have been 2 separate episodes and it would have been a lot better IMO if they were.
I like the idea of the cherubs and dhorks working together, I hope it'll come back soon, actually! I'm very interested in what they'll do!
But they were a bit too easy to defeat, in my opinion, and Blitzø seemed to be filling screen time with random stuff that was only kinda funny...?
Some of it, really funny. But I was just sitting and waiting for something more to happen.
Like I said- it's fine. It's a good episode, I'm sure I'll be rewatching this at least six times this week alone.
It's just not how I personally would have done it. And that's okay. I don't have a TV show. I don't know how this stuff works!
My opinion on this means literally nothing.
I'm a random person who writes fanfiction. I'm no one!
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4) I think Stolas's apology was pretty good, actually!
I think he did a good job talking about his mistakes and being open and honest...you know...at first.
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5) Blitzø was not wrong and Stolas deserved what he got from this interaction.
I'm sorry, Stolas lovers - I love stolas! He's my favorite bird prince! I want him and Blitzø to be happy! I think theyre great!
But you can't deny that Stolas was wrong to hold Blitzø to all of that. (I'll get to Blitzø in a second, hold on!) Stolas made lots of comments belittling Blitzø and his kind, made sex an obligation, and would often talk about sex when it was clear Blitzø wasn't into it.
"It's always about sex." *bird noises*
Stolas. Sweetie. Baby. Honey. My precious little idiot. You made it that way! Of course Blitzø thought that you were just being playful! You're always doing that!
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And after Blitzø realizes that Stolas is serious, he's so quick to turn to being passive-aggressive!
I got so annoyed! I hate the passive nonsense!
Bro!!! Let Blitzø think about it! Give him a second before getting so upset! You could have still worked this out! Like- christ on a stick!
Stolas thinks he's desperately in love with Blitzø...but...well. he doesn't know him that well, and he doesn't open himself up to Blitzø either.
So Blitzø can't know how he feels either!
All he knows is that he doesn't want it to end!
I'm not fully blaming Stolas though...
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Side note, how sad and hopeless Blitzø was feeling...the "I'll do better, I'll do anything, please don't do this."
Even after giving him the crystal! Homagawz!
He did not get to talk a lot in this...but to immediately dismiss everything Stolas said when he was trying to be sincere- bro! Deal with your emotions better! I know you're upset, but jeezus christ super star!
Instead of being like: "Stolas, wait let's talk-"
He's all angy like: "Nah bish, let's fight bro!"
Nah! Calm down, Buckzo! Take a chill pill.
He did kinda bring this on himself.
Mocking Stolas for being honest?! Come on!
That's just hurtful! Even If unintentional!
I think they both deserved what they got in this episode.
Blitzø I think is receiving Karma from what he's done in every other relationship in his life.
He's always pushing everyone away, and this time, it's stolas doing it to him.
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7) But at least Blitzø was willing to hash it out instead of ghosting!!
Da fuck stolas! That was not the right move at all!
"I love you...oh you don't feel the same? You dont belive me? Bye then."
Da fuck!? Ya bird brain!
You both need to apologize now!
Apology tour better just be an hour of these two saying their sorry ohhhrrrr so help me! (I'm joking.)
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8) Did someone else like Stolas hurt Blitzø before?
The way he was saying "you rich assholes do this every time."
Every time!?!
How many times has this happened to you!?
But what did you guys think?
Agree? Disagree?
That's fine.
Let's talk nicely and not murder me, okay? Lol 😆
I've had me way too many emotions today- guysss!!!
I'm gonna go write and pretend I'm not angry and crying at the same time. Lol ✍️
@todayimfour @trophyxtissues2 @abby5577 @ask-dusty-boy @im-not-paying-my-taxes @stormy-is-hyperfixated @attagirljessy @legeufygeuber100 @thatswhat24 @hinata-chan-utaitelover
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damnation-if · 1 year
Since Suchebh shifts forms every day and night, does one need to be attracted to both forms in order to pursue them? Or is the MC generally just assumed bi/pan? Also how do you pronounce their name? My brain keeps defaulting to Suckbeth, in a weird portmanteau of suck and Macbeth, which I think is probably wrong lol
i've been having a bit of trouble in regards to answering this for a while, mostly because some of it is something that i really can't answer For anybody. parts of it are easier though at least lol
there's a pronunciation guide here - i do think Suchebh would be amused by your particular idea of it even though it wouldn't make sense in-universe given that you're Hearing their name instead of seeing it written haha
secondly, the mc is never assumed to have any particular sexuality (as i think most mcs in most IFs aren't? that could be me not knowing about some where you're explicitly one thing or another though, i just haven't personally encountered a game like that i don't think). like it won't be Expected for any mc to have attraction for any RO, as that's (rightly, in my opinion) up to the player to decide 🤷
as for the part about whether one needs to be attracted to both of Suchebh's forms, i guess this one is mostly up to the player also? like if you suspend disbelief for a moment and pretend that there really was a person whose physical form changed every 12 hours in real life. would you feel comfortable being in a relationship with them if during half of the time you spent together you weren't attracted to them, if the transformation affects your level of attraction? the answer won't necessarily be no for everybody, but by the same token it won't be yes for everybody either.
if you're asking how They would feel about an mc who is explicitly not interested in them 50% of the time, i don't think it would have much of an effect on a casual sex level of relationship, but they wouldn't be keen on a more committed relationship under those circumstances... so i guess it depends on what you mean by "pursue."
i hope this helped answer your questions... even though i feel like maybe it might not have lol. sorry
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pin-k-ink · 30 days
rendezvous // nanami kento
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tw ⇢ implied age gap, possessive!nanami, sexual tension, teasing, gloryhole, fingering, grinding, dub-con, semi-public sex, unprotected sex, biting, rough sex
wc ⇢ 6.4k
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The door to Nanami's apartment burst open without preamble, the familiar whirlwind of energy you'd come to associate with your personal brand of chaos already whipping through the space.
"Nanami-san!" Your melodious voice rang out in greeting before you even fully crossed the threshold. "You'll never guess what outrageous thing just happ---ooh..."
Your impish flow of words stuttered to an abrupt halt as you caught sight of Nanami emerging from the bathroom. A towel hung precariously low around those slender hips you'd admired far too many times, leaving miles of toned muscle and glistening skin distractingly on display.
Despite your own tendency to flirt shamelessly, you still felt heat blossoming across your cheekbones at the unexpectedly intimate sight. Somehow you managed to rally enough to let your eyes perform a very slow, unabashed rake down the ridge of his abdomen and back up again.
"Well hello there, Nanami-san," you purred with a devilish lilt, emboldened by the brief flare of something akin to panic flickering across his typically unruffled features. "Don't mind me, please...continue putting on a show."
There it was - that fractional tightening at the corners of his clear grey eyes that signaled you'd successfully managed to rattle him, if only momentarily. Nanami tugged the towel a bit higher with an air of lofty disregard even as he arched one cool brow.
"You're incorrigible, you realize that?" His deep timbre managed to convey fond exasperation despite the husky undercurrent your mind unhelpfully insisted on reading into. "What part of boundaries or personal space fails to register with that troublesome brain of yours?"
You made a big show of propping your chin in your palms and appeared to consider his faux-stern chiding with exaggerated seriousness. "Well, now that you mention it...wiggling my way into your personal space uninvited is one of my favorite hobbies. Especially when you react like that."
Relishing the sight of the muscle feathering along Nanami's squared jawline, you punctuated your remark with another shameless once-over that had him huffing out a longsuffering sigh. You counted it as a victory any time that impeccably stoic facade chipped even a little.
"You're insufferable," he muttered again, somehow managing to infuse the insult with grudging fondness even as his eyes glittered like flint. "Well? Out with it then. What petulant nonsense demands my attention this time?"
Waving a hand carelessly, you straightened and finally tore your roving gaze away from the feast for the eyes that was Nanami's physique. "Oh, you know...the usual. One of your fellow Jujutsu sorcerers was being a disrespectful ass, prompting me to put him squarely in his place. By which I mean I may have given him a black eye..."
Nanami simply stared at you for a long beat, clearly trying to discern if you were joking or not. When your bright, innocent expression didn't crack, he blew out an exasperated sigh and scrubbed one hand down his face.
"Of course you did..." He muttered the words more to himself than you. "I don't know why I even bother questioning the antics you'll stoop to anymore."
"Hey!" You acted affronted, putting your hands on your hips. "That jerk had it coming. He made a few off-color remarks that I simply couldn't ignore."
Nanami's gaze sharpened a bit at that. "Remarks aimed at you?"
There was an undercurrent in his tone that sent a little thrill down your spine. You fought back a grin, having successfully piqued the protective edge you so loved provoking.
Waving a dismissive hand, you assured, "Nothing I couldn't handle, trust me. Let's just say that pig will be rethinking his vocabulary from here on out."
The slightest downturn of Nanami's lips signaled his disapproval, but rather than lecture, he simply shook his head. "I shouldn't be surprised you took matters into your own hands, as usual."
"You know how I abhor jerks who can't keep their traps shut," you said breezily, plopping down on his couch like you owned the place and stretching out languidly. You made sure to let your shirt ride up just a bit, offering a teasing glimpse of toned abdomen.
True to form, Nanami's eyes strayed there for the barest flicker before he averted his gaze with an undecipherable grunt. You bit back a grin of triumph.
"Why do I get the feeling you went out of your way to instigate this...black eye instance," he drawled after a moment, rejoining you in the living area. His towel had been swapped for a simple t-shirt and lounge pants that rode dangerously low on his hips. You made no effort to hide your frankly appraising gaze this time.
Stretching your arms up over your head, you played innocent. "Whatever do you mean?"
"Don't play coy." Nanami fixed you with that no-nonsense stare that always made something in the pit of your stomach go warm and liquidy. "You actively court trouble when left to your own devices."
"I simply have zero tolerance for rude, ill-mannered asses who deserve to be taken down a peg." You shrugged nonchalantly. "I'm doing the world a public service, really."
Nanami scoffed at that, but you caught the subtle twitch of his lips in a suppressed smirk. "A public service, she says..."
"Oh, admit it." You shot him a sly look, getting up and closing the distance between you with a provocative sway of your hips. "You love how I never back down from a conflict. How I always dish it back twice as hard as I get it."
Nanami visibly stiffened as you invaded his personal space, though his expression remained studiedly impassive. "And just what," he murmured in a pitched undertone, "is that supposed to imply, exactly?"
You grinned slowly, delighting in the way his gunmetal eyes involuntarily dropped to trace the swell of your lips. "Oh, I think you know perfectly well what I'm implying, Nanami-san..."
Trailing one fingertip up the center of his chest, you relished the way his musculature twitched beneath the whisper-light caress. Felt his shallow inhale as you leaned in until the subtlest shift would bring your bodies flush together.
"You can play dumb all you want," you murmured, purposefully allowing your warm breath to fan across his parted lips. "But we both know you get off on my...tenacious spirit, so to speak."
Nanami's jaw worked wordlessly for a moment, those versatile eyes darkening with unreadable intent. When he spoke again, his deep timbre had taken on a distinctly reverberated edge that danced like static electricity across your nerves.
"You seem to be operating under the misguided impression that I find your hotheaded antics charming in the slightest." One calloused palm rose to splay against your hip, the blistering heat of his skin raising delicious prickles despite the layers between you. "When in fact...I find them unbecoming. Childish, even."
You couldn't repress your full-body shiver at the subtle increase of pressure from his fingertips digging into your waistline. Nanami's mouth curved into a sharp smile at your reaction, gaze locked with searing intensity.
"Then again, perhaps a little...discipline might go a long ways towards reforming your more reckless habits." He punctuated the oblique suggestion by slowly trailing his other palm up the slender column of your neck until he cradled your jaw with just a hint of constriction.
Fire lanced through your veins at the titillating implication and naked challenge burning in Nanami's stare. You allowed your lashes to dip in a pointed sweep as a flush crept across your cheekbones.
"Is that...Is that a promise, Nanami-san?" You all but purred, leaning further into the scorching brand of his coaxing grip. "Because you know how I do love a good...disciplinary session..."
An imperceptible muscle ticked high on his cheekbone. Then Nanami gently but firmly extracted himself from your tangled orbit, spinning away to put critical distance between you. His next words emerged pitched low enough to resonant straight through your solar plexus.
"As tempting as that proposal is, you and I both know it's a dangerous road to travel." A weighty pause as you stared, rooted and ragingly at the rigid line of his back. "Play with fire often enough and someone inevitably gets burned, little wildflower."
He threw the husky endearment your way over one corded shoulder before slipping towards the kitchen, leaving you flushed and thunderously aroused and more than a little confused by his abrupt dismissal.
Something indecipherable and molten seeped beneath Nanami's parting words, igniting embers you couldn't allow yourself to fully comprehend lest they catch and blaze into wildfire between you. You were left with the unsettling feeling that behind the constant push-and-pull provocations you'd grown accustomed to...a deeper truth was steadily taking defiant root.
The next time you barged into Nanami's apartment unannounced, it was to find him fresh from the shower once again. He emerged from the bathroom in a cloud of steam with a towel slung precariously low on his hips, damp hair in artful disarray.
You froze mid-stride, rapidly becoming an expert at not overtly ogling despite the instinctive flare of heat suffusing your gaze. Nanami merely arched one brow at your abrupt halt, calm as a lake at dawn.
"Boundaries, wildflower," was his only chiding as he brushed past you towards the bedroom to dress. "Do learn them."
You snapped your jaw shut, determined not to be so easily flustered into silence. Turning, you trailed after him with purposefully loud footfalls. "You say that, and yet it's clear you have no problem prancing about with your delicious body on display, sensei."
The slightest falter in Nanami's stride was the only indication he registered your boldly provocative tone. Rallying, you closed the distance until you could reach out and brazenly trail fingertips along the rigid planes of his back.
"One might even think," you practically purred, "that you leave so little to the imagination on purpose. As a...delectable temptation."
Nanami stilled then, a detectable frisson of awareness tightening his shoulders. His next exhale emerged slightly more uneven. "Is that so?"
You hummed a wordless affirmative, thoroughly enjoying the way he was so clearly struggling to maintain that vaunted stoicism. "Oh, absolutely. Which begs the question...who exactly is the tease here, sensei?"
When Nanami turned at last, his expression was severe enough to stoke fresh heat through your veins. In two large strides he was looming into your personal space, turbulent eyes searching your expression.
"You're playing a very dangerous game, wildflower," he murmured in that raspy timbre that never failed to liquify your insides. "One I'm not certain you have the...discipline to withstand."
You tilted your head, aiming for an air of nonchalance despite the wild thrumming of your pulse. "And if I said that was exactly the sort of game I wanted us to play?"
Something flickered behind Nanami's gaze then - a blazing mix of hunger, yearning, cherished restraint. His hand lifted as though of its own volition to cup the line of your jaw, thumb rasping along the swell of your lower lip. You shuddered at the overwhelming intimacy of the contact.
"Then I'd advise extreme caution, little wildflower," Nanami husked, robbing you of breath. "Because this particular game has very...severe consequences if indulged for overlong."
You swayed towards him like a flower seeking the sun's warmth. "Is that a promise...or a threat, sensei?"
Nanami's lashes swept downward briefly, shielding his expression. Then his fingers contracted in a searing grip, tilting your face upwards once more to impale you with a look more heated than a newborn star going supernova.
"From me?" His voice emerged little more than a graveled rasp edged with dark sin. "Always...both."
Then he released you, spinning away with an abruptness that nearly sent you staggering in its wake. You blinked dazedly for several moments before finding your voice.
"You can't keep running from this, you know," you called after Nanami's retreating back, striving for some semblance of composure. "Whatever...this is."
He paused in the threshold leading out as if weighted down by your quiet accusation. For an endless beat, you didn't think he'd respond. Then finally his head inclined a fraction.
"No..." The deep timbre seemed to come from someplace infinite and cavernous within him. "But neither can you keep recklessly goading the beast, wildflower. Not unless you're prepared for when it inevitably turns...and gives everything you're baiting it to consume."
The unspoken warning hung taut and thrumming between you like a live wire as Nanami exited without a backward glance. As always, you were left scorched yet painfully unfulfilled by one more near miss on the razor's edge of capitulation. Left to wonder just how many more times you could bait the line between you before one of you finally tumbled over into the abyss.
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It was one of those unseasonably warm nights when not even the whirring air conditioning unit could quite displace the thick, languid humidity that seemed to cling to every surface. You shifted restlessly on Nanami's couch, skin feeling feverish and tightly confined by your lightweight loungewear.
"Are you always this fidgety?" Nanami's dry remark dragged your gaze over to where he sat in the nearby armchair, seemingly unbothered by the stifling mugginess. Unlike you, he looked perfectly at ease in a thin sleeveless top and loose pants.
You tried not to stare too overtly at the bared expanse of toned arms and chest on display, but it was difficult not to be transfixed. Nanami radiated an almost elemental sort of virility in the low lighting that made your mouth water.
Forcing your attention upwards with arduous effort, you shot him a flat look. "Easy for you to say, all cool and composed over there."
One dark brow inched upwards at your unsubtle admiration and subsequent grumbling. "Are you quite alright, wildflower? You seem..."
"Don't start with me," you warned, unable to disguise the breathless lilt your voice had taken on. You tugged at the neckline of your shirt, trying fruitlessly to coax in a cross breeze. "It's stifling as hell in here."
Nanami's gaze grew distinctly hooded at the motion, tracking the bead of sweat that trailed down the hollow of your throat. "Is that so?"
You fought back a squirm at the molten weight of his stare roving your heated skin. "Yes, so unless you've got a better way to cool me off..."
The suggestive words hung heavily between you. An inviting sort of hush seemed to settle over the room as the air conditioning unit puttered to a halt in the corner. A few protracted beats of silence ticked by, the only sounds your mingled breaths.
Then Nanami unfolded himself from his chair with that unhurried, predatory grace you'd come to admire. You were already flushed warm from the smothering atmosphere, but fresh heat prickled outwards across your exposed curves at his approach.
Rather than stop or re-establish the usual measurable distance between you, Nanami continued stalking forth until his shins brushed the sofa. Your breath came a little quicker as he loomed over you.
"There are," he said at last, deep tone thrumming like a resonant bassline through your nerve endings, "other ways to find relief from the swelter."
The sheltering weight of his body blocked out most of the low light, casting you in austere shadow. As if moving in slow dream sequence, Nanami braced one knee beside your hip on the couch and extended a calloused palm to toy with the top button of your shirt.
You swallowed audibly, utterly pinned beneath his smoldering scrutiny as one by one, those deft fingers slipped each fastening free. The thin material slowly parted to expose damp skin and bra-covered breasts slicked with perspiration. Nanami's heavy exhalation stirred wisps of hair at your flushed nape.
"Allow me..." he murmured, so softly the words seemed to skim your parted lips.
Then one broad palm seared a scorching trail up your abdomen and over your ribs, leaving sizzling imprints in its wake. You arched helplessly into the shocking contact before Nanami smoothed back down again in an unbearably light caress. Over and over until you were trembling and dizzy, nerves going haywire beneath his carnal ministrations.
When Nanami eventually drifted to a stop with his knuckles just grazing your lower belly, you were panting harshly. He regarded you through lowered lashes with an indecipherable gleam in his turbulent eyes.
"Better?" Nanami rasped at last.
You could only shakily incline your head, not trusting your voice. He hummed vague acknowledgment, then leaned in until you could taste the bittersweet tang of his skin on the hot exhale that gusted across your slick throat.
"Good..." Nanami's voice plunged to a bass register that seemed to resonate within your very bones. "Because we're just...getting...started..."
Those last words emerged with searing emphasis alongside the smoldering graze of his teeth against your hammering pulse point. You didn't even have time to process the full-body convulsion that lashed through your every atom.
With one final inscrutable look, Nanami rose and turned on his heel for the refuge of his bedroom without further comment. Leaving you scorched and reeling and somehow aching more intensely than before in the aftermath of his singularly incendiary attentions.
The charged encounters seemed to escalate after that pivotal night of Nanami doling out his own scorching brand of torturous relief. As if a dam had fractured, allowing those deeper undercurrents to steadily bleed through in increasingly overt ways.
You started noticing the little unconscious habits – like how Nanami would trap you with that darkly penetrating stare and simply hold your gaze hostage for protracted beats. Saying nothing, but letting the weighty lasciviousness of his attention prickle satisfying frissons across your nerves.
Or the way his palms seemed to migrate towards any naked slice of your skin when you occupied the same space. Calloused fingertips feathering delirious patterns along your arms, the dip of your spine, the swell of your ankle as if staking proprietary claim. Never overt enough to blatantly cross lines, but absolutely calculated to leave you buzzing on that razor's edge of sweet agony.
In the training rooms, the subtle touches evolved into something more...purposeful. Nanami's solid frame would bracket you from behind under the guise of adjusting your stance or redirecting a strike. His pelvis would grind lightly but meaningfully against your backside as anvil-calloused palms mapped the feminine curves of your body in sweeping, indolent arcs.
You'd shudder overtly at the branded heat of Nanami's chest sealing against your back, ogni sculpted ridge and hollow etched in searing bas-relief. The rasp of his words would gust hotly against the nape of your neck, each consonant seeming to reverberate straight through to your very core in delicious impact tremors.
"Loosen your grip, wildflower..." He'd murmur with quiet authority, those skilled fingertips adjusting your wrist ever-so-slightly. "Don't let the tension compromise your form."
You always fought not to whimper at the flickering caresses skating so perilously close to your breasts and inner thighs. But Nanami never missed the tremors that betrayed your responses, nostrils flaring as if he could physically sense the spiking arousal suffusing your scent.
Sometimes you wondered if he did it on purpose - stoking those banked embers until your entire universe contracted down to the searing brand of his touch claiming you from all sides. Other times you knew with dizzying certainty Nanami was simply struggling not to fully unravel like you, forcing every iota of discipline not to tumble over that event horizon together.
Those unguarded moments always began the same - with you mindlessly palming a paperweight or odd trinket on his desk while waiting for Nanami to finish reviewing some bureaucratic report. Focusing so intently on anything besides how deliciously snug his shirt clung to those carved planes of musculature that you missed Nanami straightening from his task.
Suddenly the heavy, grounding warmth of Nanami's broad palm would engulf yours, fingers curling to halt the idle motions. You'd suck in a sharp inhale at the overwhelming physicality and subtle dominance of the hold even as Nanami crowded in from behind. Close enough that the scorching furnace of his chest brushed your back with each cycle of breath.
You knew better than to so much as shift beneath that vise-like anchor. Instead, you'd go utterly still and pliant, waiting with thundering heart for whatever darkly intimate encounter Nanami seemed intent on precipitating.
Sure enough, his unoccupied hand would eventually alight upon some stretch of naked skin. The sensitive inner crease of your elbow, perhaps, or dust featherlight across your collarbone. You'd tremble violently despite willing every synapse not to react, feeling the blistering heat of Nanami's stare tracking each micro-response.
"Keep still," he'd husk in that decadent timbre that somehow carried the laconic menace of a growl.
Then his palm would slowly, inexorably glide upwards in a searing map – following each tendon and hollow with merciless precision. Tracing the fragile wrist, meandering higher along your forearm in unhurried exploration until you writhed beneath the exquisite torture.
Only for Nanami to just as abruptly release and pivot away before shattering either of your rapidly thinning veneers of control. Leaving you frayed but unfulfilled, forced to clutch slick fists against clenching thighs while surreptitiously willing your body back from that precipice.
Each time, he'd turn just before exiting and pin you with a look so molten, so fraught with escalating promise, that you felt branded straight through to your very atoms. A look that clearly said one of these encounters would finally crest into irrevocable capitulation...
It was only a matter of whittling down whose restraints unraveled first.
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The cursed spirit had been more formidable than anticipated, ripping through the crumbling ruins and scattering debris like a vengeful tornado. You'd gotten separated from Nanami amid the chaos, flushed out into a small courtyard overrun with thick vegetation.
The explosive force of the cursed spirit detonating the ground sent you tumbling head over heels. Debris pelted you from all sides as the world dissolved into a disorientating vortex of darkness and noise.
Eventually, you fetched up hard against uneven surfaces - the wind forcibly expelled from your lungs. Dazed, you blinked against the ringing in your ears and tried to get your bearings.
That's when you realized the precarious positioning you'd ended up in. Your upper body was sprawled face down on one side of a deep crevasse in the courtyard's surface. But your hips and legs were wedged firmly on the opposite side of the narrow gap, splayed obscenely with your backside lewdly displayed.
You wiggled experimentally, but whatever rubble and stonework had you pinned refused to budge an inch. The sound of approaching footsteps filtering through the dust had you stilling instantly, stomach swooping with anxious trepidation.
"Wildflower?" Nanami's authoritative baritone cut through the settling debris like a blade as his tall silhouette emerged from the gloom. "Are you--"
His words stuttered off in a momentary pause as he clearly registered the revealing way you were positioned. You flushed hotly, not needing to look back over your shoulder to feel the weight of his piercing assessment raking across your trapped body.
A protracted beat of silence stretched between you, thick enough to almost taste. Then Nanami continued his unhurried advance until you could sense the imposing bulk of his frame looming squarely behind you.
You hunched instinctively, adrenaline spiking despite yourself as his next words emerged amid the susurrant whisper of him crouching down directly at your exposed backside.
"My, my..." There was a slumberous sort of appreciation threaded through his deep timbre that raised prickles across your sensitized nerves. "You certainly have an uncanny penchant for ending up in the most...precarious situations, little wildflower."
The lightest feather-brush of his fingertips traced up the sensitive tendons of your inner ankle in blatant suggestion - a measured, purposeful caress that had you sucking in a sharp inhale. Nanami didn't miss your microreaction if his low, rumbling chuckle was any indication.
"One might start to think you choreograph such incidents." Another few idle sweeps higher along your calf raised electrifying contrails in their wake. "Practically begging for...intensive correction through whatever intimate disciplinary methods I deem suitable."
You clenched your jaw, fighting the delirious spiral of heat those subtly lascivious implications stoked despite yourself. Still, you couldn't quite repress the full-bodied shiver as his calloused palms skated up your outer thighs in unerringly light, scorching trails.
Inch by agonizing inch, Nanami's hands roamed higher in unhurried exploration. Mapping every twitch and tremor you unsuccessfully tried to stifle as his fingertips blazed scorching paths along the innermost apex of your splayed thighs.
"So eager..." His approving rumble seemed to resonate straight through your very marrow. "Even in this unorthodox setting, your form practically begs for correction, wildflower."
You squeezed your eyes shut against the kaleidoscope of frissons detonating everywhere his callused palms grazed. Willing your body not to react so transparently to Nanami's purposefully provocative ministrations. The exquisite torture of having him so brazenly dominate your personal space in such an intimate manner while remaining infuriatingly composed.
"P-Perhaps if my mentor didn't insist on such...private discipline, I wouldn't find myself in these situations," you managed at last, voice emerging more breathless than intended.
Nanami tsked softly in clear rebuke, the sound vibrating against your over-sensitized nerves. "Now, now...we both know that's a blatant lie."
You shuddered freely as one palm smoothed up your thigh in a lingering, purposefully possessive glide. Higher and higher until he cradled the plush of your ass, fingertips searing into the flesh.
You squirmed ineffectually against the ruthless drag of Nanami's deliberate inspection, each measured graze leaving towering infernos in its wake. Yet somehow that only seemed to spur him on, fanning the sweet agony sizzling through your nerves hotter still.
"I can't decide," he husked at last, devouring you in a smolder that all but stripped you naked, "whether I should punish you first for such carelessness...or simply take advantage of having you so sweetly trapped for me."
Your lips parted on a tremulous sound you couldn't quite stifle as Nanami's palm finally curved around your outer thigh in a scorching, proprietary brand. He squeezed once in clear emphasis before dragging his nails up the sensitive interior in a whisper-light threat that detonated your senses into white heat.
"Then again, perhaps I'll simply keep you here a while longer," he growled with barely restrained wildfire bleeding through the rasped words. "As tempting as this tantalizing tableau is, I do so enjoy watching you writhe for me, little wildflower..."
Despite the sodden ache building with each lascivious caress and purring avowment, you managed to rally one last defiant spark behind a hooded stare. "Is that...so?"
Nanami's flinty eyes glittered like sun-struck obsidian as he bent closer still, allowing the solid ridge of his arousal to nestle against the juncture of your thighs.
"Oh yes..." he breathed, the words gusting across your damp, parted lips. "But allow me to give you a little...preview to ponder, hmm?"
Before you could react, his other palm cupped your opposite ass cheek in a stinging grip and gave a deliberate, carnal grind. The searing press of his clothed length against your swollen slit through the flimsy barriers between you left you gasping.
"Consider this a...taste," he rumbled darkly, "of what's to come should I decide to keep you here and thoroughly ruin you."
He punctuated the decadent threat with a second slow thrust, ensuring the blistering length of his cock grazed against your engorged clit in a way that made your toes curl. Then he withdrew, leaving you throbbing and panting and desperate for more.
Nanami straightened, a darkly appreciative sound reverberating deep within his broad chest. You shivered uncontrollably beneath his proprietary gaze raking across your prone, splayed body.
"Such a good little wildflower," he husked, eyes hooded with blatant carnality. "Just imagine if someone else were to wander across you in such a helpless state..."
He trailed off as his stare dipped meaningfully to where your slick arousal glistened along the seam of your pussy, fully visible in the obscene angle of your body. A low, feral rumble sounded in his chest before he spoke once more in a sin-dark timbre.
"How delicious it would be to have you like this..." A single finger traced the seam of your soaked panties in a searing, feather-light caress that made you jolt. "So helpless, so needy...so ready to be filled and utterly wrecked."
You sucked in a sharp breath at the erotic picture he painted with the suggestive drag of his fingertip against your drenched folds. Imagining being found by someone less discerning and honorable than Nanami – some other male who might not resist the temptation to sample the pretty little morsel on offer.
Nanami's eyes narrowed slightly as if sensing the direction your thoughts had strayed. A soft, rumbling hum issued from his broad chest as his calloused touch migrated higher, skimming the curve of your ass before delving lower.
"Imagine some stranger coming upon you in such a vulnerable state," he mused aloud, voice pitched even deeper and rougher with restrained desire. "How they would take advantage of having you so utterly at their mercy."
Nanami's thumb pressed in a slow, searing circle against your pulsing clit through the thin material, dragging a strangled moan from your chest. "How they would strip away these pesky coverings..."
He emphasized the lurid suggestion by sliding the barrier aside and stroking directly against your slick flesh, making you jolt at the scalding contact.
"And how they would bury themselves within your sweet, yielding pussy." He punctuated the final, filthy words by plunging two thick fingers deep inside.
You didn't stand a chance. Not with his sinfully skilled digits pumping at just the right angle, the lewd, wet sounds filling the space between you. Not when he'd already brought you so close to the edge with his earlier teasing.
You came explosively, the world contracting into a single pinpoint of blissful sensation. Distantly, you were aware of Nanami's guttural exclamation, his palm gripping your hip to anchor you steady as he wrung every ounce of pleasure from your body.
You were barely coming down from the mind-blowing high when his hand withdrew, replaced a moment later by the blunt tip of his cock. The scorching contact sent fresh waves of need lashing through your veins, reawakening the feverish ache in the space of a single heartbeat.
Nanami groaned deep in his chest at the molten contact, his pelvis grinding lightly against your backside. "God, wildflower, you're so...fucking wet. I could take you just like this. Would you let me? Or would you beg for me to stop? Not that you'd be able to do much beyond writhe in place and take it."
You whimpered helplessly, a fresh gush of arousal dampening your inner thighs at the depraved fantasy he painted.
Your core clenching hungrily at the thought of him sliding home with one relentless thrust, filling you to the hilt and pounding away with wild abandon.
"Tell me, wildflower," Nanami all but growled, hips jerking in an involuntary thrust that had the tip of his cock notching against your weeping entrance. "Would you beg for mercy...or would you spread those legs and take every inch I gave you?"
A desperate keening noise escaped as you arched into him, trying futilely to drive him deeper. Your body had already capitulated to the carnal temptation. But it wasn't enough, not when Nanami remained stubbornly immobile.
"Tell me," he ordered with quiet authority, calloused palms squeezing the swell of your ass hard enough to sting.
"Yes!" The word erupted from your throat with the force of a dam finally breaking. "Yes, I'd spread my legs and beg for you to fuck me. Please, Kento..."
The effect of his name spilling from your lips was instantaneous. Nanami's hips jerked forward, sheathing himself to the hilt within your clenching heat. A rough, primal noise was torn from his chest as he bottomed out, his entire frame trembling from the effort of remaining motionless.
Then his hands gripped the swell of your hips hard enough to bruise and began a ruthlessly punishing rhythm, pistoning into your sopping cunt with single-minded purpose. It was exactly as you'd fantasized, only better. Because you could feel the tension thrumming through every sculpted ridge and hollow of his powerful body, the coiled violence barely restrained.
Nanami was taking his pleasure just as much as yours, his every harsh, panting breath seeming to reverberate through you. As if your very bodies had melded, become one singular entity of pure, molten desire.
It was the most intensely, blissfully satisfying feeling you'd ever experienced, knowing he'd finally unraveled. Finally lost control and succumbed to the raw, animalistic lust he'd been harboring.
And it was all for you.
The thought pushed you higher and higher still until the only thing keeping you tethered was the brutal rhythm of his pelvis slamming against your upturned backside. It was all too much, and not enough, and not nearly enough.
You writhed uncontrollably, pinned on the blade's edge of pleasure as Nanami's fingers dug punishing grooves into your skin. The wet, vulgar slap of his cock pistoning into you drowned out the needy little noises tumbling from your lips.
You could tell Nanami was rapidly approaching his peak by the ragged hitch of his breathing, the increasingly jerky, frantic thrusts of his hips. And yet, even now, he was clearly striving to ensure you came first.
One of his broad palms shifted from its bruising grip on your hip, his calloused fingers finding the swollen nub of your clit and applying just the right amount of pressure. You cried out sharply, vision whiting out at the edges as he stroked you with the perfect mix of friction and gentleness.
"Let go, wildflower," he growled, each harsh syllable vibrating against your overstimulated nerve endings. "Cum for me..."
Then he gave a particularly vicious thrust, his cock bottoming out in your quivering channel. The sudden pressure and fullness combined with the wicked, knowing caress of his fingertips shattered what was left of your fraying restraint.
You came apart at the seams, crying out his name as wave after wave of indescribable pleasure crashed through you. Nanami fucked you through it, drawing out the exquisite sensations for several long moments until your body went lax.
Only then did his tempo shift, growing erratic and choppy. His hips stuttered against your ass once, twice, three times, before he buried himself balls-deep with a ragged groan. The thick heat of his release filled you, leaving you dazed and trembling from the sheer intensity of the encounter.
As you slowly came back to awareness, you registered that Nanami had sagged against you, his large frame still shuddering through the final ripples of release. With a concerted effort, you wriggled against the loosened debris.
That was all the signal he needed. In a seamless, predatory movement, Nanami surged upright. With one hand firmly anchored around your hip and the other braced against the rubble trapping you, he easily lifted your weight to free you.
Then he was tugging you upwards into his arms and claiming your mouth in a searing kiss. It was all teeth and tongue, devouring and dominant. A promise of all the ways he was going to ruin you next.
You shuddered in his arms, eagerly parting your lips beneath the demanding invasion. Your arms wound around his broad shoulders, pulling him closer as his scent and taste overwhelmed you.
"God, I want you," Nanami rasped against your mouth, sounding almost tortured. "Need to be inside you, wildflower. Feel that perfect little cunt squeezing me again."
"Yes," you whimpered, already achingly empty after only a brief respite. "I need you, Kento. Need to feel you..."
"Mine," he all but snarled, the words more beast than man.
In the next breath, Nanami had you pressed against a nearby wall, the rough stone rasping against your exposed curves. He lifted your legs around his hips, his thick cock notching against your swollen entrance.
His mouth crashed down upon yours once more in a savage, bruising kiss as he began driving into you. The thick, unbridled length of his arousal stretching you impossibly full, the sensation overwhelming and intoxicating all at once.
Each hard, possessive thrust drove the breath from your lungs. Your fingernails dug into his muscled back, no doubt leaving angry welts in their wake. Nanami groaned into the kiss, the sound resonating deep in his broad chest and sending electric shivers along your spine.
His hands gripped your ass tight enough to bruise, guiding your hips to meet his punishing rhythm. You couldn't help the breathy gasps that escaped, each exhale seeming to mingle with his ragged breaths.
Your entire world had contracted down to the molten points of connection between your bodies. The feel of his calloused palms searing your bare skin, the heady scent of him enveloping you, the wet, decadent sounds filling the air.
Nanami's forehead dropped to yours, his molten gaze piercing through the lust-haze fogging your senses. "Say it again," he demanded hoarsely, eyes glittering with something raw and fierce. "Say my name."
"Kento," you breathed, the single word seeming to resonate through every nerve ending.
His rhythm grew frenzied, the lewd smack of his hips against your inner thighs echoing throughout the courtyard. You arched into him, fingers fisting desperately in his hair.
"Again," he snarled, nipping at your lower lip. "Tell me whose name you'll be screaming as I fuck you senseless, wildflower."
"Yours, Kento," you gasped, teetering on the edge of another mind-blowing orgasm. "Only yours."
That was all the permission Nanami needed. His thrusts became brutal, the thick length of his cock bottoming out with every punishing stroke. Your entire body quaked, muscles tightening around him.
Then his hand snaked between you, his calloused fingertips finding your swollen clit. That was all it took to send you spiraling over the edge.
You cried out his name, nails raking his broad back as the orgasm ripped through you. Nanami followed shortly after, his teeth sinking into the side of your neck in a savage bite. The sensation sent another wave of blissful tremors shuddering through your system.
You sagged in his arms, utterly boneless as Nanami supported your weight. He was panting heavily, his broad chest pressed against yours as you both came down from the high. You couldn't help the giddy, satisfied smile that curled across your lips.
You tilted your head, meeting his heavy-lidded gaze. "Kento, was that your way of showing me a preview of what's to come?"
His lips twitched, the barest hint of a smile softening his sharp features. "That depends...did you enjoy yourself?"
"Oh, immensely," you murmured, leaning in until your lips were a breath away from his. "But I have a feeling I'll enjoy round two even more."
The low, feral sound Nanami made was all the answer you needed.
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heeliopheelia · 9 months
"don't do this to me, love" (jake x reader)
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genre: angst, fluff word count: 0.9k requested by nonnie ♡
a/n: guys i've ran out of my purple dividers 😩 and i know I KNOW i was supposed to update the smau last night STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT
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When your alarm vibrates quietly underneath your pillow, Jake still pretends to be sleeping as you sit up on the bed with a sigh. And he just knows that you also had an almost sleepless night as the fight the two of you have had the evening before still lingers heavily in the crisp morning air.
He hears you leave the bedroom, quietly closing the door behind you, doing your best not to wake up your sleeping boyfriend which only makes the guilt sitting on Jake's heart feel even heavier as he looks back on the harsh words he said to you yesterday. He clenches his eyes tightly, rubbing his face with his hands as he cringes at his own behavior.
Without wasting any more time with letting you go on while being stuck on his irrationality, he gets up as well and makes his way to the kitchen where he knows you'll be.
And he was right, you're standing with a cup of tea, leaned over the counter as your eyes are blankly planted into the wall in front of you. You don't even flinch or startle when you feel Jake's arms wrapping around your middle, putting your tea down as he buries his head in the crook of your neck.
"I'm sorry," he mumbles into your skin, pressing small kisses here and there. "I didn't mean to dismiss you like that yesterday, love."
You hate how the feeling of his warm body pressed to yours instantly makes you feel so at ease, so you move away from his embrace to make a statement. With gaze planted to the floor beneath your feet, you avoid his hurt gaze like fire. No matter how much you wanted to cave in, you just couldn't forget about his cold words spat at you some hours before, splitting your heart into pieces in the process.
"I was just tired and I know it's not an ex-"
"I just need some time, Jake," you cut him off, grabbing the ear of your mug again and nervously clenching your fingers around it. "I know you didn't mean it and I'm not mad. I'm just... hurt."
Pressing his lips together, Jake nods his head with a sigh and after pressing a kiss to the top of your head, he leaves the kitchen, not wanting to suffocate you any further. Your words only made him feel worse though, so the moment that he steps in the bathroom, he slouches on the shower wall heavily, letting the hot water hit his back and try to pry his mind away from your exhausted eyes.
And he gives you all the time you needed, trying his best not to bother you even when evening started approaching.
You walk into the bedroom and Jake watches you from the bed in silence up until your fingers clench onto your pillow and you lift it up from the bed into your arms. Before you even get the chance to grab one of the neatly folded blankets laying on the corner of your shared bed, Jake's hand wraps around your wrist gently and stops your movements.
"What are you doing?" He asks, eyes slightly widened as he looks down at you.
You clear your throat and pull your hand out of his weak hold on you. "I'm sleeping on the couch."
A flash of hurt runs through your boyfriend's face as he lifts himself up from the mattress, looking almost like a kicked puppy.
"C'mon, don't do this to me, love," the whine mingles at the back of his throat as he takes the pillow out of your arms and places it back on the bed, right next to his. "Look, I'm sorry. I know I've been an asshole but stop avoiding me, please. Let's talk about it?"
With a resigned sigh nod of your head, you sit on the edge of the bed, turning around just to face him. A frown appears on his forehead as he notices your eye bags, feeling responsible for making you so restless.
Jake reaches his hand out to take yours again, sighing in relief when you let him intertwine your fingers together. "I know I didn't have the right to snap at you like that and I'm really sorry for that. I know you were only worried for me and I acted like an idiot but I was just tired and I took it out on you. You know I never want to hurt you, baby."
You let him pull you by your hand closer to him, only to wrap his arm over your waist and drag you right on top of him. You lay on his chest in silence for a moment, enjoying the so missed feeling of his fingers running through your hair, gently untangling any knot that he's come across of.
"Just let me take care of you sometimes, alright? That's all I ask for," you mutter quietly, hand slipping underneath his shirt and caressing his skin gently as you rest your cheek on his chest. "You keep overworking yourself all the time, so it's normal that I worry about you. I only want the best for you, you know that, right?"
Jake hums, enclosing his arms around you tightly. "I know," he whispers back, leaning down for his lips to lay on your forehead. "And I'm really thankful for that. For you. I'm the luckiest to have you with me. Don't ever let my bullshit words tell you otherwise, okay?"
You nod your head, reaching your free hand up to caress his jawline tenderly. Jake catches your hand in his, pulling it a little higher to press a kiss to your knuckles.
"Let's go to sleep now. I hate to think that I kept you awake for the whole night yesterday. I'll take care of you tomorrow, hm? Will you let me do that for you, baby?"
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permanent taglist: @bambisgirl @arizejkt19 @luvmura @milisabunny @cathy-1997 @satoruskitchenrag @ramenoil @jenjnk @jaylaxies @yoongspi @nichoswag
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jadeysjasmine · 3 months
Follow the leader - Alexia Putellas x Reader
A/N: in the YOU BOUGHT A DUCK?' universe
Summary: The ducks have imprinted on alexia, seeing her as a maternal figure. based on this
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Alexia had been out of training for a few weeks, having a second surgery in her knee so she was currently recovering. In this time you were training alone, traveling to away games alone while Alexia stayed home, she was being her usual closed off self, dismissing any talk regarding her feelings surrounding the injury.
During these past few weeks Alexia has spent a huge amount of times with the ducks, she had been forming a special bond with them, sending you photos of their daily adventures while you were away.
Even though she was suppose to be resting as much as possible and refrain from unnecessary exercise, her knee had been fine so she decided that on her days off she would build the ducks a more permeant home with a pond in your back garden, much to your dismay, one with more space for them to roam as they were growing exponential amounts. 
You had just  arrived home from training, calling out for your girlfriend but you received no response, you checked all over the house for her, the kitchen, living room and even the bedroom but she was nowhere. Frowning you assumed she must be out with Eli or Alba and forgot to tell you, you make your way to the kitchen, properly setting foot and ready to make your post training meal, as you are chopping some vegetable, you hear a voice, shrugging it off as the tv you continue chopping but then you heard it again, louder and clearer.
"No, Louie. Sit!"
You were confused, the voice coming from your back garden, you head out and see Alexia with treats, trying to teach the ducks how to sit. Huey and Dewey were sitting patiently but Louie was not, more interested in getting the treat that the blonde had in her hand. You were leaning against the door, watching on in amusement as the duck continued to defy the words of your girlfriend, only enraging her further.
"You are not getting a treat until you do as you are told and sit!" 
"Do not talk back to me!"
"Why can you not listen like your brothers, you get your attitude from your other mami." She huffed, almost jumping out of her skin when you scoffed, not expecting you to be home as the bag of treats fell out of her hand and spilled everywhere, all three ducks taking it as a free for all.
"Hola amor, I did not expect you to be home, how was training?" she questioned, grinning sheepishly as she made her way over to you, trying to press a sweet kiss to your lips, missing and hitting your cheek as you turned your head away from her, the blonde pouted before trying to kiss you again, whining when you stopped her by placing a hand on her chest.
"No no no, no kisses. I don't want you to catch my attitude."
You had to bite back the smile at the frown on her face, trying to keep the fake disappointed act going.
"I did not mean it like that amor, lo siento. I love you and your attitude."
"Oh so I do have an attitude? that is not very nice Ale."
You saw her eyes go wide, trying to back track on her words, she only stopped when she heard you laughing and she realised you were not actually mad, huffing she pushed past you, 3 sets of feet following behind her. You watched her flop on the couch, arms crossed as she tried to act annoyed but you could see right through her, the ducks eventually caught up to her and made home by her feet.
You plopped yourself in her lap, peppering kisses all over her face, you knew that she couldn't stay mad at you for long, you were her kryptonite after all. She was trying really hard not to melt into your touch, softly kissing her lips you whispered, "I'm sorry baby, please forgive me."
"I do not know if I can, maybe you have to earn my forgiveness and make it up to me."
The smug grin on her face and the way her hands roamed your hips gave you a clear indication of what she was after, you decided to play along, "Anything Ale," faux confusing lacing your voice, something you know the blonde loves. Squealing as she picked you up, making a beeline for the bedroom, you started peppering kisses on her neck and jaw, up to her ear, slightly nibbling on her earlobe, hearing a shaky breath coming from your girlfriend. You stopped when you heard multiple footsteps, pulling back from her neck you see the ducks following along.
She hummed in response.
"The ducks, they're following us."
She stopped abruptly, cause the ducks to walk into the back of her legs. Looking around and seeing all three ducks happily sitting at her feet, she opened your bedroom door, getting ready to enter, when the ducks also started to join.
"No, stay."
All three ducks listened to her, sitting in their spot as she closed the door, rolling her eyes as she spoke "Now they listen to me."
You tried to hide your smile at the captain. She threw you unceremoniously on the bed, making a move to get on top of you when you heard a quack. She tried to ignore it at first, meeting your lips in a sloppy kiss but the ducks were persistent and getting louder, groaning she got up and opened the door, they waddled in and straight to Alexia, she looked far from pleased at the interruption but she loved the ducks, clearly as much as they loved her so she wasn't too harsh with them, Instead she left the room with them eager to teach them more tricks.
You on the other hand, left high and dry, you were irked.
Later on in the evening, Alexia had made it up to you by showering with you. You both cuddled up on the couch watching shows before she had dragged you out to show you the new tricks she had taught the ducks, you had to admit you were quite impressed at how many tricks she had taught them and how they listened to her every word (minus louie).
She was now cooking dinner, you watched as she navigated your kitchen, ducks following her in a line and that's when it clicked, the ducks have imprinted on Alexia, now seeing her as a maternal figure. You quickly snap a pic, sending it to your group chat, a few of the girls tease her for being so soft, others announce their next visit because 'their children are getting too big'.
Alexia notices you giggling at your phone, completely engrossed in whatever is on your screen, she sneaks over - which is very hard to do with 3 very loud side kicks, and snatches your phone before reading your conversation, you see her eyebrows furrow before she huffs, giving you your phone back.
"I'm not soft."
You had to look away as she stormed off, knowing if she heard you laugh it'd make it worse, the ducks following behind in a perfect line. 
"Only a little bit but Amor they are so cute playing follow the leader."
You heard a loud huff before your bedroom door slammed, unable to hold in your laugh anymore as you were bundled over, clutching your stomach.
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tusks-and-claws · 1 year
The Death of Peace of Mind
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Miguel O’hara x female reader
Summary: "I miss the way you say my name/the way you bend, the way you break"
You think your fearless leader needs help relaxing, but another door is opened entirely
Tags/warnings: smut (18+), oneshot, fingering, blowjob, pronebone, blood, biting, unprotected sex, paralytic venom, dominant Miguel, dirty talk, God there’s so much to list : )
Word count: 3.3k 
Can also be found on Ao3 here. Please give it some love if you enjoyed ;_;
"I know better than this, I shouldn't be… we shouldn't be doing this."
Miguel O'Hara sat at the edge of your bed, your room softly illuminated by a candle on the bedside table. He liked the dark. His back was to you, his broad shoulders slumped forward, as you had your back against your headboard. He was still in his suit, his mask off.
"Miguel…" you said, starting this conversation again for the umpteenth time. "You have needs, too, y'know." 
He waved a hand dismissively. "What are my needs when compared to all this?" He gestured to nothing. You weren't even at HQ. You were both in your dimension. A vacation, you had said. You could never get him to leave HQ for long. "I know what happens when I try to get what I want. When I go where I don't belong."
You furrowed your brow. "But you do belong here, I invited you."
"You know exactly what I mean." He spoke quickly. Trying to expel the words as fast as possible. 
Your arms crossed over your chest as you eyed him. He'd been through a lot, yes, but what Spider hadn't? How long was he going to keep ignoring himself for the greater good? What purpose would he serve if he tore himself apart? 
"You're right," you said, finally. 
"What?" He asked, peering over his shoulder to look at you, incredulous. 
"You're right," you repeated. "You can leave."
"I… well. I suppose I can leave. Do you… want me to?"
You suppressed a smile. "I don't really care," you lied. 
"You…?" He turned around at that, hands on the bed as he swiveled his torso to meet your eyes. "You can't be serious. I- I made the effort to make sure Jess could cover me so we could come here, I… it's a huge waste of time. You see that, don't you?" 
"I guess so." It was hard for you to break eye contact with him, but you managed to do it, and stared pointedly out the window. 
"You 'guess,' I can't-" he rubbed his face with his hands. "You're so frustrating, I can't read you, you-" 
Your face broke, betraying you, a smirk cracking your façade.
He narrowed his eyes, fully turning around now, bringing his knees up onto the bed to crawl to you. His claws came out, and they pulled at the threads of your comforter, threatening to tear holes. "Is this what you want? You want to make me mad?" 
You blushed as he made his way to you, his sudden intensity stirring you into silence. 
"Well?" He asked. "Suddenly so quiet." He reached you now, looming over you with both hands on the headboard on either side of you, his muscular thighs straddling your legs. His huge frame took up your whole vision, his presence overwhelming your heightened senses. Heat was radiating from his body. His scent washed over you. He was all clean musk and warmth and something deeper, something primal. It played to your baser mind, telling you to lose control and give in. 
You swallowed. "You have no need to stay here." You weren't done teasing him just yet. 
"But you have need, hm?" He looked down to study your form, releasing his hands from the headboard to touch the hem of your shirt. "Don't you?"
You held your breath, nodding.
"Say it." His tone was casual. Flippant.
Your breath left you as your lips parted to speak, the words far from you as your brain grew foggy. He always liked to hear you admit how much you wanted it, how much you wanted him. And he always asked you when he knew you'd struggle to form a response. 
"Yes." It was the only thing your brain made abundantly clear. Yes. Yes, you have needs. Yes, in this moment, he was one of them. 
"Yes what?"
How cruel. Under his gaze for this long, intense and bloodshot, you grew more flustered and delirious. 
"Yes, Miguel, I have need of you." You impressed yourself with the eloquence of your reply. 
"Oh? Oh, do you?" His hands finally moved again, snaking under the bottom of your shirt, the fabric of his suit keeping your skin from touching his. "That's kind of selfish of you, isn't it?"
You nodded, biting your bottom lip and closing your eyes as his hands moved to firmly hold the sides of your waist, thumbs stroking soft skin. He was being careful to not scratch you. Though his claws were retractable, you noticed throughout your encounters that he had a hard time keeping them hidden when his passions were running high. But part of you didn't care if he marked you up. Part of you wanted to keep something from him. Something more than awkward passing glances and intimate encounters that were few and far between. 
"Mm? What is it?"
"You don't need to be gentle, y’know."
His gaze flicked to meet yours as he raised an eyebrow. He seemed amused. 
"It's just that," for some reason, you felt the need to elaborate. "I'm strong, too. I can handle it. You've been so stressed."
"So… you want me to use you?" His voice was low and level. 
Use. The word sent a shock up your spine. He could see the emotions flashing across your face, the thoughts of him, of what he might do to you. Was this safe? Could he control himself? He'd have to. You'd just have to trust him. 
You released a breath you hadn't noticed you were holding, meeting him in his bloodshot eyes. "Yes. Please."
He grinned, bearing his pearly fangs in the flickering candlelight. The fog in your head grew thicker at the sight of them. Would he bite you with them? How would they feel against your skin? How would they feel piercing you? Would it hurt? Would it-
The feeling of his bare forefinger, claw retracted, gently teasing your slit quickly shut you up. When did he move his hand under the hem of your shorts? You were so deep within your own clouded thoughts, you hadn't even noticed. He caressed you there before carefully plunging his finger into your heat. The feeling was immediately maddening. You bit your lip to keep yourself from asking for more, for another finger, for his mouth, for his- no. You were following his pace. This was what you wanted, yes, but it was mostly for him. You somehow knew that he needed this more than you did, though he'd never admit it.
The whole time, he kept his reddened eyes on your face, studying every reaction. "You're wet, you're so wet…." His voice was quiet. "So, this is what does it for you, huh?" He pumped his finger at a steady pace. You could hear the wet sounds he elicited with his efforts. You braced yourself on his hulking shoulders, preparing for him to quicken at any moment. But he was agonizingly slow. His free hand gripped the headboard above you as he leaned down to whisper into your ear. "Me, your leader, using you." There was that word again. You lightly arched your back into him upon hearing it, trying to keep yourself calm for now. Falling apart could come later. "I try so hard to hold it all together. But you… you threaten me. The looks you give me, your smiles, your smell, estoy cachondo, fuck." Your eyes widened. He only spoke Spanish when his emotions were heightened. He was unraveling. 
He slipped his digit out from inside of you and circled your clit with a slick fingertip. The feeling was intense and electric, and even though you were still half-pinned by his muscular thighs, your upper body curled into him. "Seeing you like this…" he swallowed, his heartbeat quickening. "Rendering you helpless… It's revenge for how you make me feel when you look at me the way you do. If I can make you feel half of that… that might be enough. You're going to come for me. Feel what I feel." 
You nodded fervently, unable to speak under his attention, his words, his touch. That delicious, warm feeling was building up and coiling in your core as he kept expertly circling your clit, until the coil finally snapped and you came, lifting up off of the bed and throwing your arms around his neck as you whimpered. Miguel continued as you rode it out, reveling in the newfound wetness that came with your orgasm, until you finally settled down, your heart still thumping in your chest. You released your hold of him, your arms weak, your gaze heavy. He seemed to match your labored breathing, his chest rising and falling in time with yours. You had hardly even touched him and he seemed as much of a mess as you were. 
He stared at you like that for a brief moment, seemingly awestruck at your reaction to this newly opened door. 
"God, I need… I need your mouth around my cock." He flipped unceremoniously off of you to lay on his back at your side. "Come here." Before you had time to react, he had a hand on your head, guiding you downward. Despite the forceful movement, he fondly scratched at your scalp with bare fingers, his hand shaking just enough for you to notice. You positioned yourself so your head rested on his hard abdominals while you admired the display he brought you down to see. His hard cock pushed against his nearly metallic suit. The sheen of the fabric left almost nothing to the imagination. You could see his thick shaft, prominent veins like rivers flowing over a landscape, all leading up to the bulbous head. He twitched eagerly as he sighed, trying to calm his heart. 
You reached your hand up to touch Miguel through his suit, and his reaction was bodily. He hissed a breath in through clenched teeth. You played with his hard length, running the flat of your palm up and down the underside of his shaft, until he couldn't take it anymore. He seemed to be able to dismiss parts of his suit at will, and he did just that, creating an opening so he could spring free. It was always an impressive sight, sizable and thick. His golden skin slightly red with anticipation at the head of his cock, soft dark waves of short hair at the base. Reaching up, you gently held it. You couldn't quite wrap your whole hand around it. He exhaled at your touch, skin on skin. The hand he had in your hair gently pushed your head until your waiting lips met the tip of his cock, and you accepted it, closing your mouth around it.
Miguel threw his head back, slamming it against the headboard and shaking the two of you on the bed. The sound startled you, but you knew the headboard would've taken more damage than Miguel. He gave no indication that he was hurt, and so you kept going, sucking on the tip of his cock and being as noisy as possible so it would overwhelm that heightened hearing of his. And overwhelm it did. The soft, wet heat of your mouth was nearly too much for him. And as you started to take him deeper, he reached his arms up and behind him, taking the headboard into a vice grip. You could hear the wood splintering. 
That should've worried you, you should've cared about your furniture being destroyed. But you didn't. You couldn't, not with Miguel O'Hara melting underneath you. He could destroy a thousand bed frames. So long as you could touch him, could hear him moaning, could watch him as he barely held his composure. This would always be worth it. 
You took him further into your mouth, humming around his length at the pleasant,  full feeling. You were slow, holding him there, savoring the taste of him and the weight of him on your tongue.
"M-move-" he croaked.
You turned your gaze towards his face, raising an eyebrow. He was straining. Muscles bulging, chest heaving, fangs displayed in clenched teeth. You could see the prominent cracks in the wood.
"Move your shocking head, amor."
His hands came down to tangle with your hair, grabbing handfuls so he could move your head for you. You happily let him, and he bobbed you up and down on his shaft as you opened your throat to him. 
"Oh, fuck, yes… that's it. Good girl. You're- you're taking me so fucking well." 
Your eyes started rolling into the back of your head fondly. Good girl. He'd never called you that before. You'd be good for him. You'd be so good. 
The sounds coming from you were the very definition of lewd, as were the strands of thick saliva that connected you to him. You closed your eyes, continuing to breathe through your nose, when you felt something prick your scalp. His claws. In and out, in and out. He was struggling to keep control of them.
"Ay, coño, I can't fucking do this." His voice barely a whisper. "You're gonna," he paused, swallowing. "You're gonna make me lose control, you know that?" Despite his words, he kept going, kept moving your head, even started to thrust his hips up to fuck your throat more thoroughly. His moans turned into what could only be described as growls, and the sound of them hit you like an electric shock, making you want him even more. If that were even possible. 
His claws kept scraping you, threatening to fully unsheath. But Miguel never let them. He finally let your head go, bringing his hands up to his face and rubbing it in exhaustion. You stayed on his cock for a moment longer, carefully lifting your head away and disconnecting from him with a wet pop.
He groaned to himself through his hands. 
"Miguel…? You alright?"
"No." He finally said, "no, I'm fucking not."
You cocked your head in surprise at the response, opening your mouth to question him further until you were cut off by him quickly grabbing you and positioning you underneath him. He was pinning your legs again, but you were faced down this time, your cheeks pressed against the soft sheets as he pushed you into the mattress. He finally let his claws out, and with one swift movement, tore your shorts and panties into ribbons. In that moment, you were glad he couldn't see your face. You were grinning like an idiot. Finally. You're finally seeing the side of him that you always knew was there. That you desperately wanted him to let out. Your previous encounters had been tame compared to this. He'd been holding back. 
"Because now," he grabbed your waist with both of his large hands, holding firm. "Now I know that you like being treated like a little fucktoy. I know that you'll be good for me and that you'll listen. What a rarity." He started to line up the tip of his cock with your entrance. "And if I thought you took up too much space in my head already, well-" he chuckled, pushing his tip into your pussy. "I'll never have peace of mind again."
He thrusted into you, and you were immediately seeing stars. With each pump, he took himself nearly all the way out of your warmth before plunging all the way back in. You could feel every delicious, hot inch of him. So deep and so filling. He fucked you into the mattress so thoroughly and so hard that you were convinced a crater was forming underneath the both of you. You felt the sharp points of his claws pricking your skin but not quite puncturing you. Your head swam as you grew dizzy. 
He released your waist, left hand steadying himself on the low headboard, which was bound to break again. His right arm snuck up underneath your right arm, reaching around your collarbone to grab at your left shoulder, pulling you up so you were close into him. His chest was flush with your back. You reached up to hold onto that arm for dear life, as he brought his mouth down to your ear. 
"Wanna bite you so bad, amor," he growled. "You smell so shocking good. Drivin' me up a fucking wall."
"Do it," you said, your voice strained.
"Wh-what?" His pace wavered. "You can't mean that."
"I- fuck- I do. Bite me, Miguel. Please."
"Are you," he exhaled a shaky breath. "Are you sure? It's a paralytic venom. I've- I've used it on Spiders before and we can withstand it a bit, but, shit… I need you to know what you're getting into." 
"Do it," you said again. 
His entire body shook against you. "Unbelievable…." His voice sounded reverent. "Hold on tight."
You listened, gripping his arm harder, shutting your eyes. His mouth came down to meet the crook of your neck. He inhaled, letting your scent wash over him, before carefully sinking his fangs into your skin. The pain was sharp and fast, and was quickly replaced with a wave of warmth and laxity. Your muscles loosened, allowing him to easily pull you in even closer. He moaned against you, his thrusts quickening, his cock feeling like it was hitting your cervix. With every smack of his skin against yours, he buried himself to the hilt. That incredible, intense feeling was building within you again, deep inside your core.
"Fuck," he hissed into your skin, releasing his jaws and lapping at the light trickle of crimson blood. "Good girl, good girl, I've got you."
He held you and didn't let go, caging you against his huge form, fucking you until that feeling turned into a huge sunburst that sent spots across your vision. Your body trembled involuntarily as you clenched around his cock. 
"Yes," he encouraged, "yes, come for me. Give it all to me. I've got you, bebé."
You smiled against the venom, and he was right, it wasn't too potent in your system. It was just enough to comfortably loosen your muscles. You came down from your high as he kept pumping into you, his pace merciless. His body started to shake again, his right hand's grip on your left shoulder tightening. 
“Too much for me to handle,” he rasped. “I’m gonna come… gonna come inside you.”
“Yes,” you croaked, finding your voice and gaining back enough control of your muscles to push yourself up into him. 
His tempo stuttered as he slammed his hips into you, curling against you as he came. His cock twitched inside of you, spilling hot seed in thick spurts. He held you there for a long while, savoring the feeling of being inside you, like he knew he'd miss the warmth once it was gone. Despite what he wanted, he let go of you and flipped onto his back beside you, placing a hand over his heart as his chest heaved. He closed his eyes, trying to compose himself. Silently reaching for you, he pulled you in so you could rest against his chest, your head rising and falling with each heavy breath he took. He stroked your hair as you stared up at him, his face glowing in the yellow shine of candlelight. 
"That…" he started to say, then stopped, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I…. I needed that." 
You smiled, nuzzling into him. "Thank you." 
"You're thanking me?" He asked, laughing at how ridiculous it sounded. 
"Yeah," you said. "I feel like I finally saw Miguel tonight. Not Spider-Man. But Miguel. And I really like him." 
He rolled his eyes but still smiled, petting your head until you fell asleep on him.
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ramp-it-up · 28 days
II Most Wanted Part 5: Wherever You Take Me
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Pairing: Syverson x OFC Reader "Buttercup"
Summary: The cookout gets hot and dinner with Sy is a revelation. Plus, you get to see his place. 😏
Warnings: 18+ Only, Minors DNI. RPF. S MUT, Fluff, Angst, Reader has PCOS, talk of infertility, talk of war, daydreaming about shower sex, anal play, natural hairstyles, clothes kink if you squint, voice/dirty talk kink, Graphic depiciton of sex. Woman on top, size kink, slight choking, squirting, nipple play, begging, raw p in v, copious amounts of cum. I did not mean to disparage yoga in any way.
Read at your own risk.  Not Beta’d. All errors my own.
A/N:  This is the fifth installment of II Most Wanted. I'm in love with these two; they are bringing my writer heart back to life. If you like it, please reblog and comment.
I don't have a taglist. Please follow @rampitupandread and turn on notifications to learn when I post! 😘
I Do NOT Consent to my work being reposted, translated or presented on any other blog or site other than by myself.
Previous part here
To say Sy had you shook was an understatement. You woke up expecting to find him there, but then you remembered saying a groggy ‘goodbye’ to him almost as soon as you hit the bed after the workout he gave you in the shower. 
You lay in bed as your anxiety spiked and wondered if he took that as a dismissal. You hoped that he didn't think that you didn’t want him around. But you didn’t want him to think that you were going to just fall into his arms.
You just didn’t know what to do with these old/new crazy feelings for Sy. How well did you really know him? You knew the kid from 20 years ago, but he broke your heart. How careful would grown ass man Sy be with your love? And would he still want you if he knew the entire truth?
You decided to relax and stretch and clear your mind of all the clutter. Yes, yoga was the perfect antidote to Jacob Syverson.
Yoga failed you miserably.
You found yourself checking for Sy as soon as you arrived at the cookout. You socialized as you lowkey searched for him at the function, and when you realized he wasn’t there yet, you inhaled a whiff of the shirt you were wearing for the dopamine hits. It was his dress shirt from the night before that you tore off of him and that you were wearing over your tube top and jean shorts. You couldn’t help it if he left it there and it was the perfect complement for your outfit.
It was well past noon and he hadn’t arrived. You chewed your lip and let anxiety in again. You avoided questions from Carla and Tiffani about what happened, and your mind drifted to how he’d handled you last night. 
Sy’s soapy hands were all over you, pulling on your wet nipples, grabbing your wet hair as his mouth attacked your neck, and sliding over your body under the hot stream of water. He was a quick study, and at the point of your fifth orgasm, it felt as if he knew your body better than you. 
And you let him take possession. 
His slippery fingers toyed with and penetrated your ass as he fucked you senseless against the wet tile, ramming his thick cock inside you again and again as you begged for more. You came again, harder than you ever had, and afterward your energy drained out of you just like his cum streaming down your legs. He had to dry you off and carry you to bed, all the while leaving sweet kisses all over you.
You’d never felt so…loved...and in trouble.
As soon as your towel covered head hit the pillow, you were out like a light. You didn’t see Sy’s look of adoration, didn’t feel the kiss on the forehead that he gave you as he whispered “Sweet dreams,” and his chest puffed out with pride at having put you to sleep, a cocky smirk on his face as he let himself out and strode toward the Bronco. You were snoring softly.
You were busy reliving the experience of the night before, relishing the slight soreness of your body as Carla and Tiffani chattered around you. You weren’t really present until fingers started snapping in front of your face.
“Come back to earth…”
“Oh shit,” you giggled, “sorry, Carla. What were you saying?”
Both of your besties laughed at you.
“Umm hmm. Yeah. Well you answered the question without answering it. That dreamy look on your face says it all.”
You just smiled, rolled your eyes and sipped your cider.
“I’m just chilling. Sy and I had a good talk, and a good time last night. We buried the hatchet.”
Carla and Tiffani exchanged looks.
“I bet you did. I bet you buried it hard. And deep.”
You scoffed at them both, but Carla was unswayed. 
“Tell us, Buttercup. Exactly what size hatchet does Jacob Syverson carry?”
You shook your head and took another drink, rolling at your friends’ ridiculousness.
”Well, if you don’t want to give the details about Sy’s dick, you’ve got to tell us the story of that hair.” 
Carla nodded toward your thick cornrows.
“Did Sy mess it up so badly that you had to detangle in the shower, or did you get tangled up with Sy in the shower?”
Your cheeks heated as you took another swig and scanned the park to avoid answering your intuitive friends. And when you saw the Bronco, you almost choked.
You put your beverage down and straightened up, patting your head. Sy had arrived.
“Does it look alright?”
“It looks dope,” Tiffani looked around to see Betty Bronco pulling into a parking spot.
“Oh shit, she is sprung. This is gonna be good.”
Their teasing faded into the background as you watched Sy unfold out of Betty Bronco and were reminded of the night before as he ran his hand over his beard. That beard. How wet that beard got last night. Both in and out of the shower… 
You took in the vision of this man who indeed had you sprung after one night. You sighed when you saw him come toward you. Although he was dressed simply, a dark grey t-shirt and jeans, he looked like the best thing you’d seen in ages.
Damn, he was hot. Or was it that you’d just spent too much time in the sun? He strode toward you and the way his body moved was dangerous. You felt that you would hit your knees with the slighted signal from him. 
Sy was indeed hot. And you may have also had sunstroke. Both things could be true. What else would explain the way your heart was beating and the weird feeling in your stomach?
Yes. Sunstroke it was. And lust. And nothing else.
Your friends’ laughter pierced your reverie and you got up to meet him before he reached the group.
Sy got home that morning and fell into his bed, daydreaming of having you in it. It was 4 am, and he fully intended on sleeping just a few hours, then waking up and sending you a good morning text.
Soon he was dead to the world.
The next thing he knew, it was 11:30, too late for a morning text. He would just have to greet you in person at the cookout. He got out of bed to get ready, taking extra time with his hair and beard. He hadn’t cared this much about how he looked since high school. He hadn’t cared this much about anything since you. He wanted to be the one that you wanted. If it was a quarter of the way he wanted you, he’d be a lucky man.
Plans rolled around in his head as he rolled toward you in Betty Bronco, but also uncertainty. Was this just a trip down memory lane for you? Just a whim of a weekend, a chance to experience everything you didn’t 20 years ago? 
Whatever this was, he wasn’t going to waste any time. 
When Sy pulled up at the event almost an hour late, lo and behold, there you were. His eyes fell on you, a vision in his white shirt, your lips wrapped around what looked like a beer bottle. Your hair was different. Sexy. But then again, every look was sexy on you it seemed.
“Well, ain’t that a daisy.”
His heart did a thing and he took a beat, trying to be cool. Sy thanked his lucky stars before he got out of the Bronco, his destination not even a question.
You met him under a live oak tree, a few feet from the picnic tables. Carla and Tiffany and a couple of other people called hello to him, but he just nodded and waved at them as he focused on you.
You in his shirt was one thing, but the tube top and shorts you were wearing, he felt as if he hit the jackpot as his eyes feasted on your curves. He licked his lips as if to recall the taste of some of them.
You stood there as Sy’s eyes roamed your body possessively, and although it was 82 degrees, you shivered. Maybe you were getting the flu.
“Hullo there, Buttercup.”
Sy beamed down at you and you screamed at him in your mind as you flushed hot again. ‘Where have you been!? Why did you leave!?’
But instead you just said, “Hello, Sy.”
You grinned back up at him, suddenly okay. More than okay. Sy’s attention was a powerful drug and you’d forgotten that you were an addict. You wanted it all the time. 
“‘D’you sleep well?”
You bit your lip and grinned again as you played with the collar of the shirt you were wearing. Sy could glimpse a hickey that he’d put on your collarbone and he felt the urge to take you behind the tree and give you more. You had some powerful magic.
“Yes. Very.”
He took off his sunglasses then and stepped closer to you. His smile was contagious.
“I’m glad. You were knocked out when I left. Seemed tired.”
Your smile dropped as you chewed your lip.
“Yeah, about that. I didn’t mean to kick you out.”
Sy shifted his stance closer to you.
“You didn’t kick me out, Buttercup. You were exhausted. I said I was going to give you space.”
“You did?”
You stared at him, wide eyed. He chuckled.
“You don’t remember that, do you?”
You sighed in relief and looked at the ground, cheeks heated.
Your voice was small and Sy’s heart lurched, He had hope. Maybe you did have feelings for him other than lust if you thought you’d hurt his. He reached for your hand, just your fingers really, and caressed them softly. He smiled at you when you looked up at him again.
“It’s okay, Buttercup. Really. I got some rest. And If I’d stayed, I have a feeling that we would still be in bed right now.”
The deep timbre of his voice and the affirmation of what you already knew had you shook, imagining a morning in bed with Sy. You went silent, staring up at him with those eyes. His cock stirred. Shit, you were so hot when you went lust-mute. He cleared his throat.
“I like your hair.”
Sy nodded at you.
“Thanks. Got a little wet last night, had to do something…”
Sy smiled at the shower memories.
“Looks great. Like your outfit, too.”
He adjusted the collar of the shirt you were weating, eyes sweeping down your form to get a look at you underneath it. He knew that all he had to do was hook his finger in your tube top and your breasts would spill out. He licked his lips as he regarded you, eyes shining with need when he looked back up into your eyes.
Your mouth opened as if for air as you stood stock still, like a deer caught in headlights. You wanted the same things he did. Damn. You were dickmatized.
“I can see what you’re thinking, Buttercup. But everyone is watching us.”
You huffed out a breath, moved closer, grabbing his t-shirt to bring him down for a kiss. You heard some people murmur and your friends high five and laugh behind you.
Sy felt triumphant. He grabbed your waist and kissed you back. Thoroughly. Then you pulled back, out of breath.
“You’re right. Everyone is watching.”
Sy brought his hand up to the back of your head and looked into your eyes.
“I don’t give a fuck.”
The gruff whisper went straight to your cunt as he pulled you back in for another kiss. 
He finally pulled away and you were still holding on to the stainless steel chain of his dog tags. You looked up at him, ready to ditch the cookout on a word from him.
“Didn’t you get enough last night?”
You were posing the question to yourself, as well as Sy.
Sy inhaled oxygen, because he was drowning in your vibe right now. He grunted.
“Hm. I thought you understood, Buttercup. I will never get enough.”
Another kiss. You whimpered and he just knew that you were wet for him.
“I just want to haul you in the back of Betty right now, but we’re gonna do this thing today. Tonight we’ll go out for dinner, right?”
You nodded, licking your lips as he released your waist and took your hand, leading you back to the table.
You all were sitting around the table playing cards a couple of hours later with your old friend group when someone pointed at Sy’s arms.
“What happened to you, Sy? Did you get attacked by a wild animal?”
Sy looked down at the scratches you left on him with pride, smirked and started to answer, ignoring the look from you.
“Well… Sorta. Kinda. You know I like to live dangerously.”
The wink he threw the questioner was for you, however, and you knew it.
“Sy, you’re too much!”
“Funny thing. Someone said that to me recently.”
You tugged on Sy’s hand.
“Excuse us for a minute, please.”
You gave them your best dignified smile, even though you hot. Sy was chuckling as he followed you back to the live oak tree out of earshot of the group. All they could see was that he was laughing now and everyone could tell that you were giving him the business.
Your friends watched you two and smiled.
Sy put his hands up and nodded, still laughing. You turned away from him, but he grabbed your hand as you tried to walk away. You turned around, annoyed, but then he pointed to his lips, suddenly serious. You gazed at them, smiled and then reached up to kiss him, then pulled away and flipped him off. He laughed again.
"Promise?"  Sy called after you. 
You flipped him off again but grinned as you rejoined the table and Sy went to get more beer. 
“So, when’s the wedding?”
“Shut the fuck up, Carla!”
You let Sy pick you up that evening, and the mood was subdued. He complimented your dress and kissed you on the cheek, careful of your makeup, which you’d carefully applied. Your hair was curly again, the braid-out giving you the look that you wanted. You were quiet as you looked out of the window.
“What’s going on in that head of yours, Buttercup.”
You looked at him, anxiety written all over your face.
“Today was a lot.”
Sy looked back at you.
“Today was fun.”
You sighed.
“It was. A lot of fun hanging with our friends. It was like we were a couple. Carla asked… Well, I think people think we’re a thing. They expect us to…”
Sy understood. You were spooked.
“I see. Well, if you want to know, Buttercup, in my head we are a thing, but I know you aren’t there yet. I know you’re scared.”
“I’m not…!”
“It’s okay to be scared. We’ve been through a lot. Name it for what it is. I am not into bullshitting. Especially with someone I love.”
That sentence shut your mouth.
“And I don’t give a fuck what people expect us to do. I want to enjoy any time you grace me with. We’ve wasted enough time already.”
Sy picked up your hand from the leather seat and brought the back of it to his mouth. The tender kiss went straight to your soul.
“Just be here now. I mean, we can talk about the past, or the future if you want. But let’s take it one step at a time.”
You smiled at him as he pulled you closer to him and as he kissed up your arm.
Somehow, you wound up with your head on his shoulder as you drove to the restaurant.
The restaurant was nice, Meyers on the River, and it was a great atmosphere as you and Sy ate on the deck overlooking the lake. You chatted, filling in some of the blank spaces of your lives.
You asked a question that had been nagging you as you ate your salmon.
“Did you- did you go all in during the war? Did you agree with all of that? I mean, almost 20 years Sy. I feel like you had to have a certain kind of mindset to do that.”
Sy shook his head, leaned back, and sighed.
“It was a job. With good benefits. And my family had been enlisted, my uncle Mike. I went and after I found out about Jeremiah, I just dedicated myself to my job over there. I channeled the feelings that I had in order to prepare myself to be a father to being a leader. My men were under my care. It was hell. Hot, sweaty, full of hate. So I became Syverson, the asshole Captain who got the job done. I survived.”
Sy shrugged and toyed with his napkin. 
“There were problems to be solved. And most of the time we solved them.”
You took in what he said and saw there was something deeper there.
“I’m glad that you are back home now.”
He smiled at you.
“Me too. Everything happens for a reason, Buttercup.”
You smiled back and thought about what he said. He was right.
“Can I ask you a question?”
You sat back in your chair, trying to prepare yourself.
“How do you feel about never having kids? I know about your losses, and you don’t have to talk about it….”
This was part of the reason why you were so hesitant with this relationship. You took a deep breath and decided to name it.
“No. We need to talk about it. It might change your mind about me… us…
You fiddled with your fingers in your lap.
“Doubt that.”
“Just wait until I’m done, Sy.”
“I have PCOS, Sy. It’s a condition that makes it very hard to get or stay pregnant. I’ve been through surgeries and meds, natural methods. The stress of my relationship also didn't help me to have healthy pregnancies. We were going to do in-vitro, but when I found out about the second mistress, I was done. Scott and I divorced and I was content to be by myself. The condition can be progressive. It’s why I take the pill everyday.”
You looked into Sy’s eyes.
“I don’t know if I will ever be able to have a baby. And I’m certainly not getting any younger.”
“I’m sorry, all that has happened to you Buttercup. But none of this changes a thing about how I feel about you or us. I still want you. I still kinda feel like forever with you.”
Sy had your hand across the table now and watched as the smile spread across your face. Something shifted inside you. Sy knew everything and he still wanted you. Maybe this could be a thing. You wanted to say so much, but instead, you just nodded at his plate.
“Finish your steak.”
Sy grinned at you.
“Yes, ma’am.”
The conversation different, lighter after that. The chef came out and you spoke, then he comped your meal.
“I will never thank you enough for helping this place to happen Mr. Syverson.”
You looked at Sy quizzically.
“We solved that problem, didn’t we Ben?”
“Yes! Come back and bring your beautiful lady any time!”
“Will do, Ben. Will do.”
Sy stood up and shook his hand, then left what he would have spent on dinner as a tip. You walked out hand in hand as you looked at his profile. 
“I haven’t told you about my business. I used my payout from retirement and my injury to start a construction company. Captain Construction. We make a pretty good living. And we help folks out when we can.”
You scooted closer to him on the seat.
“Why does that not surprise me?”
“I don’t know. I feel like you are in my soul though, so…”
You gave Sy a peck on the lips, and he chased you for more.
“Want me to take you back to your place? Or would you like to see my house? Built it myself.”
You looked up in the air, as if it were even a choice.
“I want to see your house. You’ve got me curious.”
Sy grinned and started the truck. Then he shook his head and turned it off again.
“Ok, no bullshitting. If I take you to my place, I’m not gonna wanna take you back until daylight tomorrow. And maybe not even then.”
“I’ll go wherever you take me, Sy.”
“Please Buttercup. I’m just a mere mortal. I can’t take this.”
You loved the way his voice broke and how Sy’s eyes were glued to your body, your glowing skin, your breasts swaying with each movement, your hand which was clutching him between your luscious thighs, which were on either side of his pelvis. You were pumping his engorged and weeping cock, teasing him, and yourself, by bouncing on just the tip, your small fist preventing full penetration. 
Sy’s hands were grasping the steel bars of his headboard, stuck there by the promise he made you when you began the end of his house tour. It was a beautiful home, and now you were about to fuck his beautiful cock.
But you were testing his patience. His knuckles were white, and his biceps and pecs were flexed, forearms straining to hold back. His abs were tensed and he was gritting his teeth as he tried to respect your request, but he didn’t know that his struggle was the sexiest part.
“Hmmmm. I think this feels as good to you as it does to me, Sy.”
Sy looked to where you were connected, silently willing you to let him enter you fully. He growled.
“Please, it can feel so much better. Fuck me, Buttecup. I’m yours.”
You keened as you worked yourself open on him.
“Loot at me baby. Please. Need to see your pretty little fucked out face.”
You moaned and did as he asked. You spoke with him, halfway incoherent with pleasure as you slid down his cock.
“So, fucking hugeee. I love this big dick, Sy.”
Sy groaned as you clenched around him.
“It’s yours.”
He licked his lips as he gazed at you opening up for him. Your slick cunt clenching his cock was the most beautiful thing in the world. 
“I love that tight little pussy. Is it mine?”
You reached up and grabbed his shoulders as you adjusted to his size again. You looked into his dilated eyes and gave him a kiss in response.
“Shit is so fucking big. Ah.”
Sy was quivering beneath you, still holding back from going crazy on you. While he wanted to fuck you silly, he also wanted to savor this slow sensuality with you.
“Feels amazing,” you stared down into his blazing blue eyes as you slowly circled your hips.
“Yes, it does. Holy shit it does..”
You leaned down, kissed him and started moving. Sy watched your breasts as you arched backwards and he planted his feet to fuck up into you better.
“Oh! Sy! Feel so full. So good.”
Sy growled and let the bed go, causing a grin at his loss of control. He wrapped his arms around you and held you in place as his hips moved at the devil's pace. The sound of his dick breaching your wet pussy was everything. Skin slapping on skin was the music of your heartbeats at the moment. Sy’s hand found your clit and traced wicked circles there as he pounded you out, making your eyes spark as if with stars. 
“F-f-f- u-u-u-ck! I’m- I’m coming!”
It was embarrassing how quickly he had you there.
“Give me that shit, Buttercup.”
He stroked you through your peak as you gushed around him.
“Fuck. Got my balls dripping with you. This is my dream come true baby. Gimme more.”
He sat up, grabbing your ribcage and moving you up and down his now even slicker, impossibly bigger, cock.
“Shhitttt you feel so good!”
Sy looked down and then up at the ceiling, eyes rolling at the sight. He was about to cum. He manhandled you like a rag doll so that he could kiss you. Hard.
“You are hotter than the desert, Buttercup.”
Your hands moved up his abs to his pecs, rubbing your palms on his nipples as he growled and reached for you. He pulled on your sweaty breasts until your nipples remained pinched between his fingers.
“Ahhhhhh, Sy!” 
You moaned and rolled your hips as he pulled on your sensitive nubs.
“Love your fucking sounds, Buttercup.”
His hand was sliding up the column of your throat now, manhandling you in the way you’d come to love in such a short time. You moaned and Sy felt the vibrations of your voice box on his palm.
“You are so goddamn pretty when you are impaled on my cock. Can’t get enough of you.”
Sy leaned back on one arm so that he could pound you the way he wanted. 
“Fuck, want my cum, Buttercup?”
You were circling your own clit and squeezing your breasts at the same time. 
“God, yes, Sy. Give it to me!”
“Here it comes, godamn….!”
You felt his ropes of cum spurt against your cervix as he came forcefully inside you. Sy looked down to see it and your own juices eek out of you as he kept pulsling inside you.
“It’s like it’s never gonna end, fuck! Got so much for you Buttercup.”
You reached down and played in your combined slick as he pulsed again, bringing your fingers up to taste as Sy finally finished coming.
“You’re gonna be the death of me, you know that right?”
You grinned and kissed him, as you collapsed on the bed reveling in your wet, sweaty bodies as he held you close. You wriggled out of his grip.
“Time for a shower, Sy.”
You smiled as you walked into his en suite, seeing him hot on your heels.
“Damn if I don’t die a happy man.”
You laughed at Sy as he got your hair wet again.
Hit Reblog if you like it!
Next part here
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rerefundslocals · 1 year
drunk on lust j.jk
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Summary : drinking night with your best friend spills the truth upon secrets within you both.
>>paring - jungkook x fem!reader (she/her)
>>trope - best friends to lovers
>>genre - angst, fluff(smut in prt2)
>>warnings/tags - horny Kook, feeling and confessions, some tears, not many warnings as smut is in part 2.
a/n - soo this was supposed to be one thing but until I actually know how to put the keep reading thingy, my first will be longer, don't be shy, please help. But for now please enjoy and give feedback through reblogs or inbox me! Not proofread
"C'mon give me a kiss- infact make out with me and then make love with me. Pretty please ____."
"Jungkook, you drink too much beer. You're drunk." Internally his words make you hot inside.
Your feelings are kept at bay because you don't really want to ruin the ten year friendship with Jungkook. Though you always dream about having him in not so innocent ways, but that doesn't mean you don't think of the softer side of it.
Dreams of you holding his hand romantically in public, give him kisses when you feel like it and make love to him just like he'd said a minute ago,but it must be the alcohol in his system.
So you don't let it bug you too much.
"I'm not drunk, I seriously just want you." He smirks at you. It's a lazy seductive smirk, and definitely soaks your underwear right through. But your mind tells you it's inappropriate because the man is clearly drunk ; karaoke mic in his hand, the beat of the song acting as background music for this conversation.
Lips pulled into a light frown, you tell jungkook that, "it's time for bed, Kook."
"So yes? You'll make out with me and let me fill your cunt?"
"Jungkook, stop! Just stop it." You're hot all over. You wish he could stop putting ideas into your head and just call it night.
Just like every other night, the next morning is a harsh hangover and forgotten words.
"I'm sorry, love, I really am." He mutters, head thrown back with eyes closed, clear to see he I lulling to sleep.
"It's okay, Kook." You whisper.
You move closer to him out instinctively ; cuddling into his warm chest, your hand reaches up to his hair as you lightly brush his scalp.
Besides his words and his flirty demeanor, you nonetheless feel safe in his arms and everything almost feels the same, as if he wasn't talking about filling your cunt.
You irraduclly swallow your spit at that thought, focusing back on your mission, putting Jungkook to sleep.
Mission successful.
You know this because his snores and the burning candle are almost in sync.
You move even closer, if possible. Face tucked into jungkooks neck and his tattooed hand wraps around your waist, the blanket falling off your hips.
That's a normal night in Jeons household, the conversation long forgotten about and the mission is just sleep now.
The next morning is a cry for help as you turn to Jungkooks empty spot on the couch.
You can hear him throw up in his bathroom, the sounds making you jump off the couch to help your best friend.
Sliding onto your knees, next to Jungkook, you bunch up his hair in your hands allowing him more space to throw up ; your head is turned to the side as you avoid the smell of black noodles and beer.
"Holy shit." Jungkook, now leaned up against the wall mutters as he removes himself from your body.
"You okay, Kook? That was pretty bad." You ask.
He nods at you, simply standing up to flush the toilet and you feel dismissed as he walks out on you,not even muttering a thanks.
You wonder if it's still the hangover making him behave like that. It could be. The alcohol can't possibly wear off that quick.
That's what you tell yourself 3 hours later, sitting in jungkooks bed, cleaned up and feeling fresh as ever.
Except Jungkook hasn't spoken to you the whole day, only when he asked what you wanted on your pizza.
He is currently sat by his gaming setup, dressed in his black Nike tech, paired with socks and slides.
Most importantly, his incredibly sexy glasses.
You snap out of your sick thoughts as you stand up from the bed to finally get down to the bottom of this.
"Jungkook, can we talk?" You ask behind him.
He ignores you. As expected. He only responds to his teammates on the other side, shouting over at them to 'take cover'
Sighing with a prominent frown on your face, you shuffle on your feet, feeling really really sad. "I'll go home then. Goodnight." Despite him ignoring you, you'd never miss the chance to kiss him goodbye.
So you do that, leaning down to place a peck on his toned cheek.
Grabbing your duffel with a weight of a mini fridge, you start packing in your dirty laundry and other essentials you had left out in Jungkooks room, tant you had planned to keep for the whole week you were spending with him at his apartment.
But not anymore, you guess. The guy doesn't even want to talk to you.
"Where you going?" Pulled out from packing, you look up at Jungkooks hovering body over his nightstand, where you stand.
"I figured you didn't want me here, so I'm just leaving." Your response is straight forward.
"Oh, who said that?" Jungkook chuckles. For the first time today.
"I dont need to hear it from you. I can see it. Ever since this morning! You say different shit the night before but you're a different, bitter person the next day!"
"So what___ you want me to repeat the shit I said? I know why I did this. I figured you were uncomfortable so I gave you space." Almost shouting in response, Jungkook keeps his cool, his voice at a lower bass so he isn't scaring you away.
"You what-? I never once felt uncomfortable. I wouldn't have laid up with you or tried to help you if I want fucking uncomfortable, Kook." By the time youre done, the room is dead silent. It's just you and Jungkook locking eyes. Difference is yours are slightly watery, the tears threatening to fall.
At the Crack of your voice, you speak up, "I have feelings for you, Jungkook. What you said last night was under the influence of alcohol so I figured it meant nothing. And it probably still doesn't." You pause.
"You don't have to reciprocate my feelings, if it makes things awkward,I'll leave. I really am sorry that things turned out this way." When done with you mini speech, you turn away from him, continuing to pack.
He so then starts, "look, I...have feeling for you too and how I went about wasn't the best way. Yeah sure I was drunk and said some sexual stuff, and I do understand now that I should've been straight forward but you wouldn't believe me anyway. So yeah, ____. I feel the exact same way." He finishes.
You both stare into each other's eyes, shock in yours and hope in his.
"You really- really mean that?" You carefully ask. Not trying to ruin anything.
His lips lift in anticipation. A loving smile. "I mean that. Sorry it took so long. "
"It's okay. I kinda liked what you were saying." The last sentence was meant to be playful and Jungkook catches on, as his lips lift into a smirk.
Walking closer to you,hands in his pocket, and nose on yours. He whispers in question, "wanna make it come true?" You nod at him.
"I do."
Part 2 here
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lila-lou · 1 month
✨ His only exception - Pt. 24/? ✨
Summary: 12 months ago, Butcher went above and beyond to have you join his team. You had a simple office job at Supe Affairs. The same thing every day, working from 9 to 5 and watching Butcher and his team defeat one renegade after another. One evening, however, something changed.
Pairing: Soldier Boy x Reader
Warnings: 18+ only! Smut, Language, angst, hurt, VERY soft Ben, Ben gets hurt
Word Count: 7322
A/N: This is part 24 of “His only exception”.
English isn’t my first language, so please be lenient. 💙✨
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Butcher leaned forward, his gaze fixed on Hughie as he spoke. "There's still no word from Soldier Boy or (y/n)", he growled, his frustration evident in his tone. "It's been too quiet. By now, Soldier Boy should have made a move, tried to take out the team. It´s been over a week. There's something off about this".
Annie paced back and forth, her expression troubled. "Maybe they're planning something", she suggested, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "Or maybe they're waiting for the right moment".
Butcher shook his head, his jaw clenched in frustration. "I don't buy it", he muttered, his eyes narrowing in suspicion. "We need to find out what they're up to, and fast".
Annie sighed heavily, her shoulders slumping in defeat. "Let's face it, Butcher", she said resignedly. "If Soldier Boy wants us dead, we're as good as dead. We don't stand a chance against him".
Butcher's jaw tightened, his frustration evident as he slammed his fist against the table. "We can't just sit around waiting to die", he growled, his voice edged with determination. "We need to find out what they're planning and stop them before it's too late".
Hughie shifted uncomfortably in his seat, his gaze darting between Butcher and Annie. "I just… I can't believe (y/n) would betray us like that", he muttered, his voice tinged with disbelief.
Annie raised an eyebrow, her expression skeptical. "Did you forget that we all lied to her for weeks?", she pointed out. "She has every reason to be angry with us".
Butcher grunted in agreement. "Doesn't mean she'd side with Soldier Boy", he interjected, his voice gruff. "But we can't rule anything out. We need to be prepared for anything".
Annie let out a sarcastic laugh, shaking her head in disbelief. "Do you still not get it, Butcher?", she groaned, frustration evident in her tone. "Soldier Boy and (y/n) are head over heels for each other, and they're just too stubborn to admit it. But trust me, they'd die for each other".
Butcher's expression darkened at Annie's words. "Doesn't mean we have to accept it", he grumbled. "We need to find a way to stop them before they do something stupid".
You glanced over at Ben, concern etched on your features as you sat in the passenger seat of the car. "Are you sure about this?", you asked, your voice tinged with uncertainty.
Ben met your gaze, his expression resolute as he nodded. "Yeah, I'm sure", he replied, his voice firm.
With a deep exhale, you settled back into your seat, trusting Ben's decision despite your lingering doubts. As the car pulled away from the hotel, you couldn't help but feel a sense of apprehension about what lay ahead.
The news of Annie and A-Train taking over Vought in Homelander's absence sent shockwaves through the media, dominating headlines for days. Reports of Ashley's dismissal only added to the turmoil surrounding the company, leaving many speculating about the future of Vought and the Seven.
As you and Ben drove through the city, the chatter on the radio and the buzz of conversations around you were filled with speculation and uncertainty. Even after all those months. It was clear that the power dynamics within Vought were shifting, and the implications of Annie and A-Train's rise to prominence were yet to be fully realized.
So when Ben entered the bustling lobby of Vought Tower, clad in his imposing supe suit, a hush fell over the crowd. People stopped in their tracks, their eyes widening in disbelief and fear at the sight of him. The front desk staff immediately sprang into action, frantically dialing Starlight and A-Train, hoping to quell whatever disturbance Ben's presence might herald.
But Ben remained unfazed by the commotion around him, his gaze fixed on his destination as he strode purposefully through the crowd towards the elevators. The air crackled with tension as he passed, his mere presence casting a shadow over the bustling lobby.
As you waited in the car, a sense of anxiety gnawed at your insides. You watched the chaos unfolding through the windshield, your heart pounding in your chest as you wondered what Ben was up to inside the building.
Despite the order to stay put, you couldn't help but feel a surge of worry for Ben's safety. You fidgeted in your seat, torn between the urge to rush inside and the knowledge that Ben had instructed you to stay in the car for your own protection.
As Ben entered the top floor, Annie and A-Train stood with arms crossed, their expressions guarded. Butcher and the rest of the team stood nearby, tension thick in the air.
Ben's arrival caused a momentary pause in the commotion, all eyes turning to him. With a wry grin, he addressed Butcher.
"Did you miss me?", he quipped, his voice laced with amusement despite the underlying tension.
As Ben strode past them, his presence commanding attention, Butcher tensed, ready for a confrontation. However, Hughie's restraining hand on his arm halted his advance, a silent plea for patience.
Meanwhile, Ben found his place at the head of the table in the meeting room of the seven, legs crossed casually as he leaned back in his chair. With a commanding tone, he addressed the room, his voice cutting through the tension like a knife.
"Sit down", he ordered, his gaze sweeping over each member of the assembled group, his authority leaving no room for argument.
With a flash of his glowing chest, Ben's voice took on a more aggressive tone, his patience wearing thin as he bellowed, "I said sit the fuck down!".
His words echoed through the room. Slowly, the members of the group complied, taking their seats with wary glances exchanged among them.
With that, Ben stood up again and paced back and forth behind their chairs. "Now fucking look at you all", he remarked, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "A bunch of good little pussies, sitting here like obedient lapdogs".
As he approached Butcher, his footsteps echoed ominously in the silence of the room. With deliberate intent, he placed both hands firmly on Butcher's shoulders, exerting just enough pressure to convey his dominance.
"Now, listen up", he began, his voice low and commanding. "We've got some serious shit to discuss, and I won't tolerate any bullshit. You fucking hear me?".
Ben's grip tightened slightly on Butcher's shoulders as he continued his speech.
"Now, first things first", he declared, his tone firm and unwavering. "You're all still breathing thanks to your friend, (Y/N). She convinced me not to rip each and every one of you to shreds". It wasn´t a lie. The two of you talked about it over and over again.
There was a hint of begrudging respect in his words, an acknowledgment of your influence over him in that crucial moment.
Ben's steps echoed across the polished floor as he made his way back towards the head of the table, his arms folded across his chest in a display of dominance. His gaze swept over the assembled group, each member tensing under his piercing stare.
"But here's the thing", he continued, his voice low and dangerous. "One fucking wrong move, and not even her pretty little mouth will be able to stop me from ripping each and every one of your cocksucking heads off".
His words hung heavy in the air, a warning of the consequences they would face if they dared to cross him again. The room fell silent, the tension palpable as everyone processed the gravity of his threat.
Ben's smirk widened into a self-assured grin as he delivered his next words with unmistakable confidence.
"So how about welcoming the new fucking head of Vought?", he declared. "America's first supe. Myself. I'm fucking America now".
His proclamation sent shockwaves through the room, the implications of his statement sinking in as everyone processed the magnitude of what Ben had just declared.
As Butcher began to rise from his seat, Ben swiftly raised a finger, shaking his head in a warning gesture.
"Uh-uh", he grinned.
Then, his voice rose to a thunderous roar, echoing through the room as he bellowed, "You sit the fuck down!".
Ben´s eyes starting to glow which left everyone breathless and frozen in place, cowed by the sheer force of his power.
"You know, actually, you did something good with capturing me", he admitted, his eyes no longer glowing with anger. "Leaving me alone with just my thoughts and my body I couldn´t fucking move, bringing my head pretty much back to russia… I discovered some stuff about myself".
He paused for a moment, looking at his hands as he continued, "Seems like the Russians actually gave me some strong updates, you know, all that radioactive energy. I can channeling it".
As he spoke, his hands began to emit a faint glow, a tangible manifestation of the power coursing through him.
What Ben didn't mention, however, was the difficulties he still had in controlling his power and himself.
"So since none of you got a fucking complaint", he declared, his tone firm, "I'll wait until 8 tonight to make this shit official. We will discuss everything else then".
His words hung in the air. "And now, leave the fucking building!".
The team began to file out, not wanting to escalate the situation further.
As everyone left, Ben texted you to come up. Just as you stepped into the elevator, your heart skipped a beat when you were met with Jay standing there. His presence sent a jolt of surprise and uncertainty coursing through you, momentarily stealing your breath.
"Jay…", you uttered his name, your voice barely above a whisper.
Jay's expression was a mix of concern and frustration as he spoke, his words tumbling out in a rush as he struggled to articulate his thoughts. "I haven't heard from you in two weeks", he began, his voice tinged with worry. "What's going on?".
You swallowed hard, feeling a wave of guilt wash over you as you met Jay's gaze. "It's… complicated", you murmured, your voice barely audible above the hum of the elevator.
Jay's expression softened slightly as he stepped closer to you, his eyes searching yours for answers. "Where have you been?", he asked, his tone filled with genuine concern. "I've been worried sick".
As the elevator came to a stop at the top floor, you struggled to find the right words, but Ben's footsteps echoed already towards the elevator, his expression darkening as he caught sight of you speaking to some guy.
"Who the fuck is this little bitch?", Ben's voice cut through the tension, his eyes narrowing as they locked onto Jay. His jaw clenched at the sight of another man talking to you.
Feeling the weight of Ben's intense gaze, you struggled to find the right words. You turned to Ben, a pleading look in your eyes.
"Ben, can you give us a few minutes?", you asked, your voice trembling slightly. Despite the urgency of the situation, you needed a moment to compose yourself and figure out how to navigate the delicate balance between your past with Jay and your present with Ben.
Meanwhile, Jay took a step back, his expression wary as he sized up the situation. He could sense the tension radiating from Ben and wisely chose to give you space to handle it.
Ben's brows furrowed deeper, his expression hardening as he regarded you with suspicion. "What for?", he demanded, his voice low. He wasn't about to entertain any delays or distractions, especially not when another man was involved.
You groaned in frustration, realizing that revealing the truth about your relationship with Jay would only escalate the situation further. But still, you had to be honest. Knowing Ben, he wouldn't give up so easily. With a heavy sigh, you mumbled, "This is Jay… We… dated".
Jay raised an eyebrow at your choice of words, his expression shifting to one of confusion. "Dated? Past tense?", he questioned, his tone betraying his uncertainty. "Since… you never broke up with me".
As Ben's anger flared, his eyes narrowed dangerously at Jay. He didn't take well to the revelation of your relationship, feeling betrayed that you hadn't mentioned any other man before. That you fucking dated someone while he was gone.
He was about to advance towards Jay, his intent clear in his demeanor, but you sensed the impending danger. With a quick movement, you stepped between them, desperation evident in your pleading gaze as you looked up at Ben.
"Ben, please", you pleaded, your voice trembling with urgency. "Don't do this".
It took a few moments before Ben roughly pulled you out of the elevator by your upper arm, pressed the exit button, and watched as Jay stood in the elevator and the door closed.
Turning towards you, Ben's gaze bore into yours, a mixture of anger, hurt, and frustration evident in his eyes. His jaw clenched even more as he struggled to contain the swirling emotions within him.
"You didn't tell me someone", Ben growled. "Why the fuck didn't you tell me about him?".
You winced at his tight grip, feeling the bruises already forming beneath his fingers. But actually Ben held back for your sake. Usually your arm would be broken by now.
"I-I wanted to, but…", you stammered, your voice barely above a whisper as you met his intense gaze. "I thought you were dead, Ben. I didn't think I would ever see you again".
"And you moved on that fucking quickly?", he snapped, his grip on your arm tightening momentarily before he released you. "You thought I was dead, so you just found someone else?".
You took a step back, feeling the weight of his words bearing down on you. "No, Ben, it wasn't like that", you protested, your voice tinged with regret as you rubbed your upper arm. "I thought I had lost you forever. I was lost and alone, and Jay was there for me".
His expression twisted with a mixture of disgust and disappointment. The sight of it made your heart clench in anguish.
Ben´s his hands clenching into fists as he watched you with intensity. Even though he didn't want to hear it, he knew he had to confront the question burning in his mind.
"Did he fuck you?", he demanded, his voice low and harsh, his eyes boring into yours with a mixture of fury and hurt.
As you didn’t answer right away, Ben pushed you back against the wall, his frustration boiling over into anger. His voice rose to a yell as he demanded an answer.
"I asked you a fucking question!", he roared, his tone laced with desperation and rage. "Did he fuck you?".
Your heart skipped a beat, torn between fear of Ben's state and your own rising anger. Without thinking, you reacted, lashing out and punching him in the face, the impact breaking your wrist in the process.
"F-fuck, he didn't!", you cried out, your voice trembling with pain and frustration. "Of course he fucking didn't!".
You cradled your injured wrist, wincing as the pain shot through you, a physical reminder of the chaos unfolding between you and Ben.
Ben staggered back, his hand flying to his cheek where you had struck him. Shock flashed across his face, mingling with the anger still burning in his eyes.
"You fucking punched me", he exclaimed, his voice incredulous as he stared at you in disbelief. "Are you out of your fucking mind?".
Despite the pain radiating from your broken wrist, you met his gaze defiantly, your jaw set with determination.
"I'm not going to let you treat me like this", you yelled, your voice quivering with a mixture of pain and anger. "I'm not just some bimbo you can push around whenever you feel like it. And if you ever lay a hand on me again, I swear, I'll fucking leave you!".
Your words hung in the air between you, heavy with the weight of their implications. Despite the intensity of the moment, you couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness at only the thought of walking away from the man you loved.
Ben pressed his lips together and tried to calm himself down. Losing you was the worst thing that could happen to him. He took a deep, very deep breath, before he placed a hand on your lower back and guided you towards the office kitchen.
You shot him a glare, your eyes flashing with defiance, but he merely rolled his eyes in response.
"Stop bitching around", Ben muttered under his breath, his voice laced with frustration. Despite your attempts to pull away, he maintained a firm grip on your lower back, refusing to let you slip from his grasp.
In the kitchen he fumbled out a bandage from the first aid kit.
"You brought this on yourself, you know", Ben mumbled, his tone tinged with sarcasm as he carefully wrapped the bandage around your throbbing wrist. "Trying to take a swing at me like that. That's the price you pay for trying to hurt the big bad supe".
Despite the pain in your wrist, you couldn't help but roll your eyes at his remark.
After a moment, Ben cupped your cheek, a conflicted expression crossed his face. His gaze softened as he looked into your eyes, a silent apology lingering in the depths of his stare. Despite his pride, he knew deep down that he had overreacted, but his stubbornness prevented him from vocalizing his regret.
For a moment, the tension between you seemed to melt away as you gazed at each other, the weight of unspoken apologies hanging in the air.
As the tension eased between you, Ben leaned in, pressing his lips gently against yours. The kiss was tender, a silent reassurance of his feelings despite the what just had happened.
With a swift motion, Ben lifted you onto the kitchen counter, his hands firmly gripping your ass cheeks as he positioned himself between your legs without breaking the kiss. The intensity of his touch sent shivers down your spine.
Your healthy hand wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer as the kiss deepened, your lips moving in sync with his in a desperate need for connection.
As the kiss deepened, Ben's hands roamed over your body, tracing the curves of your hips and thighs with a possessive urgency.
With each caress, you felt yourself melting into his embrace, your desire for him growing with every passing moment. His lips moved hungrily against yours.
Unable to resist any longer, you arched your back, pressing your body closer to his as the heat between you intensified.
As Ben's lips moved against yours, a low, guttural groan escaped from deep within his chest. "You're mine", he murmured between kisses, his voice rough with desire. "No one else is supposed to touch you like this".
His hands roamed up your thighs, pushing up your skirt roughly as he pulled you closer to the edge of the counter. The urgency in his touch spoke volumes, conveying the depth of his need for you in that moment.
You moaned softly in response, the sensation of his hands on your skin sending shivers down your spine.
As Ben struggled with his supe suit, his hands trembling with need, you steadied yourself on his biceps, your fingers gripping the fabric of his suit.
With careful movements, you avoided putting too much pressure on your injured wrist, mindful of the pain it still caused you. Despite the discomfort, the urgency of the moment spurred you on.
As his belt finally gave way under his fingers, he let out a low growl of satisfaction, his gaze locking with yours as he stepped even closer, the heat of his body radiating against your skin.
With a smirk, Ben pulled out his throbbing dick, his gaze dark with desire as he hooked his fingers into the waistband of your panties, pulling them aside.
"You're always wet for me", he teased, his voice husky with arousal. "I don't even need to check".
His words sent a shiver down your spine, anticipation building as you felt the heat of his breath against your skin.
You couldn't help but voice your concern as Ben positioned himself between your legs, ready to thrust inside you.
"What if someone walks in?", you asked, a hint of worry in your voice.
Ben chuckled, his lips brushing against your ear as he whispered, "Let them walk in. I want everyone to see how badly you need me".
His words sent a shiver down your spine as you realized just how possessive and dominant he could be.
As Ben bottomed out with the first rough thrust, a gasp escaped your lips, your breath hitching in response to the sudden, overwhelming pleasure.
His lips curled into a smirk as he felt your body respond to him. "That's it, sweetheart", he murmured. "No one else can make you feel this good, can they? Only me".
As Ben began to move, his thrusts becoming urgent and desperate, you surrendered completely to the pleasure he offered.
Your head fell back, your breath coming in shallow gasps as you surrendered to the sensation of being filled by him once again. The wet sound of your pussy echoed in the room, mixing with the rhythm of his movements as he pushed himself deeper with each thrust.
Every minute without him had felt like an eternity, but now that he was here, buried inside you, you couldn't get enough of him.
Ben's gaze was fixed on you, his intense stare capturing every small movement and reaction as he thrust into you. He was completely focused on the sweet sounds you made with each movement of his hips, savoring every gasp, moan, and whimper that escaped your lips.
With a low growl of satisfaction, he leaned in closer. "You sound so fucking good, sweetheart. I could listen to you all day".
With his words, your body tensed around him, your inner muscles clenching tightly around his throbbing length. The sensation was enough to send Ben over the edge, his own release crashing over him in powerful waves.
With a guttural groan, he spilled himself deep inside you, his hot seed flooding your core as he continued to thrust into you.
Ben collapsed against you, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he buried his face in the crook of your neck. You wrapped your arms around him, holding him close as you both savored the intimacy of the moment.
He savored the intoxicating scent of your skin mingled with the faint trace of your perfume. He couldn't help but feel a surge of desire coursing through him. The heady mix of his powerful presence, the tight confines of his supe suit, and the vulnerability he allowed himself to feel in that moment sent another wave of heat straight to your core.
You couldn't suppress a gasp as you felt the familiar throbbing sensation between your legs, your body responding instinctively to his proximity. Ben groaned softly against your skin, his breath hot against your neck as he too felt the undeniable pull of desire.
Lost in the moment, you pressed yourself closer to him, craving the feel of his strong arms around you and the electric connection between your bodies.
Ben carefully pulled out of you, his movements deliberate as he made sure none of his seed spilled. With practiced ease, he helped you adjust your clothing, pulling your panties back up your body.
"There", he murmured, his voice laced with a mixture of satisfaction and tenderness. "All taken care of".
“Keep it inside”, Ben ordered.
You raised an eyebrow at him, a hint of amusement dancing in your eyes. "Again?".
Ben chuckled, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he leaned in closer. "Yes, again”, he whispered huskily. "It turns me on knowing you're filled with me".
You couldn't help but blush at his boldness, feeling a surge of arousal at his words.
You hesitated for a moment, the thought of Ben's cum still inside you was both thrilling and slightly nerve-wracking. But the intensity of his gaze and the desire evident in his voice left you unable to resist.
"Keep it inside until tonight", he mumbled, his voice commanding yet tinged with a hint of anticipation. "I want you to sit through the meeting with me, knowing that my cum is creaming your sweet little pussy".
You swallowed hard but nodded.
After a few minutes of making sure you can stand on your own feet again, Ben made his way downstairs, his presence commanded attention, and the heads of departments from Vought fell into line, their expressions a mixture of surprise and apprehension. Standing before them, Ben wasted no time asserting his authority, making it clear that he was the one in charge now.
"I'm calling the shots from now on", he declared firmly, his voice carrying authority as he addressed the assembled group. "Any orders come from me, and you follow them without fucking question. Understood?".
His words left no room for dissent, and the heads of departments nodded in acknowledgment, knowing better than to defy Soldier Boy.
With his position as the new leader firmly established, Ben wasted no time in outlining his expectations and directives for the future of Vought. He laid out plans for expansion, innovation, and increased profitability, his vision for the company clear and ambitious.
As the meeting progressed, Ben's confidence and decisiveness left a strong impression on those in attendance. Despite initial skepticism, many began to see the potential for growth and success under his leadership.
after what felt like an eternity, Ben entered his office , his eyes locked onto you sitting on the couch, a mixture of pride and possessiveness evident in his gaze. He made his way over to you.
"You look good there", he remarked. "That's where you belong, by my side".
You couldn't help but roll your eyes at his slightly misogynistic comment, but a small smile tugged at the corners of your lips nonetheless.
Ben reached out to gently pull you to your feet, being careful of your injured wrist.
"Everything went according to plan", he mumbled. "I made it clear who's in charge now".
You nodded, relieved to hear that everything went smoothly. "That's good to hear", you said, a sense of pride in your voice.
Ben pulled you close against his chest, his arms wrapped tightly around your waist, he began to pepper kisses along your neck.
"You know", he murmured teasingly against your skin, "you're getting fucked by the strongest and mightiest being on the planet".
You couldn't help but chuckle at his teasing tone, a playful glint in your eyes as you tilted your head to give him better access to your neck.
"And here I thought I was just getting fucked by an arrogant, egotistical supe on coke", you teased back, a smirk playing on your lips.
Ben let out a low growl, his grip tightening around you as he nipped lightly at your skin. "Watch your mouth, sweetheart", he warned, his voice husky with desire. "Or I might have to remind you who's really in fucking charge here".
"Ooh, I'm scared", you mocked. "What are you gonna do? Spank me?".
Ben's lips curled into a wicked grin, his warm breath ghosting over your skin. "Maybe I will", he murmured, his voice low and seductive.
Your heart raced at the promise in his words, a thrill of anticipation coursing through you as you pressed closer to him, eager for whatever he had in store.
Ben's gloved fingers slipped under your skirt and into your panties. You gasped at the sudden sensation.
"You're really eager to check, aren't you?", you teased, a smirk playing on your lips as you met his heated gaze. "Can't get enough of your own handiwork?".
Ben chuckled as he traced his fingers along the delicate folds of your pussy. "I just want to make sure you're still full of me", he murmured. "And if not, I'll just have to fill you up again".
With a sly grin, Ben brought his hand back from beneath your skirt, his middle finger glistening with a mixture of his and your cum. Holding it up to your lips, he teased you with the intoxicating scent, his gaze smoldering with desire.
"Open up", he commanded softly, his voice thick with arousal as he watched you intently.
Your heart raced as you obediently parted your lips, welcoming his finger inside your mouth. The taste of your combined essence flooded your senses, igniting a fiery hunger within you as you sucked his finger greedily.
Ben's smirk deepened as he watched your eager response, his own desire mounting with each passing moment. With a satisfied hum, he slowly withdrew his finger from your mouth, his eyes dark with lust as he gazed down at you.
"Look what you do to me", Ben commanded. His hand guided yours towards the prominent bulge beneath his suit.
Your breath caught in your throat as you felt the undeniable evidence of his arousal pressing against the fabric, the heat of his desire palpable against your hand. With a mixture of excitement and anticipation, you eagerly traced the contours of his bulge, reveling in the power you held over him.
Ben's grip tightened on your hand as he watched you. "You like that, don't you?", he murmured. "You like knowing how much you turn me on".
You could only nod in response, your own desire mounting with each passing second. With a hungry growl, Ben captured your lips in a searing kiss, his need for you burning hotter than before.
With the sound of footsteps approaching, Ben reluctantly pulled away from you, his lips lingering for a moment before he stepped back, adjusting his supe suit.
"I would love to continue this", he murmured, "but business is calling".
You nodded softly, your own pulse still racing with excitement. As Butcher and the rest of the team entered the room, Ben straightened, his demeanor shifting back to his authoritative self.
Butcher's sarcastic tone cut through the tension in the room as he asked, "So, you two bloody lovebirds ready?".
Annie's gaze shifted between you and Ben, her expression unreadable. You cleared your throat, trying to regain your composure as you followed Ben towards the office of the Seven.
As Ben pulled back the chair for you, he gestured for you to take a seat at the head of the table. Meanwhile, he positioned himself slightly behind you, standing in front of the window.
"Alright, listen up", Ben began, his voice commanding attention. "Here's the plan: you lot are the new Seven. Not because I like you, but because I need to keep you under fucking control".
His words were firm as he laid out his intentions for the future of the team.
Butcher's expression hardened as he crossed his arms, clearly not thrilled with Ben's plan. "And why the bloody hell should we listen to you?", he challenged, his tone defiant.
Ben's jaw tightened as he met Butcher's gaze head-on. "Because if you don't, you'll regret it", he replied firmly. "And I'm not asking for your fucking approval, Butcher. I'm telling you how it's going to be".
A-Train spoke up, his voice tinged with skepticism. "And what if we don't fall in line?", he asked, his tone challenging.
Ben's lips curled into a smirk, his gaze shifting to A-Train with an air of superiority. "Oh, you think I'll kill you if you don't?", he retorted. "No, A-Train. I won't kill you. But I'll make your life a living hell until you wish you were fucking dead".
Fortunately, no one made any major moves. Probably because no one wanted to escalate the situation. At least not at this moment
Ben dismissed the team and they filed out of the room, he turned to you with a determined look in his eyes.
He reached out, gently cupping your cheek in his gloved hand, his touch surprisingly gentle despite the intensity of the moment.
"I need to make some preparations for tonight", he said. "Will you be okay here on your own for a while?".
You nodded, offering him a reassuring smile. "Of course, Ben. I'll be fine. Just take care of what you need to do".
Ben's lips curved into a faint smile at your reassurance. "Good", he murmured, his gaze softening as he looked into your eyes. "After all this, I have a little surprise for you".
Your eyebrows lifted in curiosity at his words, a hint of excitement bubbling within you. "A surprise?", you echoed, unable to suppress the smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
Ben leaned in, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead before pulling away. "Yeah", he replied cryptically, his voice tinged with anticipation. "But you'll have to wait and see".
With that, he turned and left the room, leaving you alone with your thoughts and the promise of something special to come.
Two hours later, amidst a throng of flashing cameras and eager reporters, Ben stood tall and confident as he addressed the gathered media.
"I am pleased to announce that I have taken over Vought Industries", he declared, his voice projecting authority and assurance. "I am committed to working closely with the government to ensure the safety and well-being of our citizens, and to restore trust in our heroes".
The reporters clamored to ask questions, but Ben remained composed, his answers measured and deliberate as he outlined his vision for the future of Vought and its role in society.
As the press conference came to a close, Ben stepped away from the podium, a sense of accomplishment evident in his demeanor. He knew that this was just the beginning.
Despite the limited number of questions he answered, the media seemed satisfied with Ben's brief appearance and his vague yet promising statements. After all, as Soldier Boy, he wasn't an unknown figure, and his sudden rise to power at Vought was sure to generate headlines and speculation for days to come.
As you wandered through the top floor of Vought, your thoughts swirled with the events of the past year, from the tumultuous ups and downs to the unexpected twists and turns. Lost in contemplation, you were startled when Ben suddenly appeared before you.
"Hey", Ben murmured softly as he closed the distance between you, his warm smile melting away the tension that had built up within you. "There you are".
His voice held a hint of relief, as if seeing you had eased some invisible burden from his shoulders.
"Are you ready to head out?", Ben inquired, his gaze lingering on yours as he awaited your response.
You nodded softly.
As Ben placed his hand on your lower back and guided you towards the elevators, you couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort and security in his presence.
As Ben drove out of the city after getting some takeaway, you couldn't help but feel curious about your destination.
"Where are we going?", you asked, your voice betraying your fatigue.
Ben grinned mischievously. "I told you it´s a surprise", he replied, his eyes twinkling with excitement.
You sighed, leaning back in your seat. "I hope it's worth the mystery".
"Trust me, it'll be worth it", Ben assured you, his gaze fixed on the road ahead.
As Ben parked the car in front of a cozy house surrounded by beautiful nature, you couldn't help but feel a sense of tranquility wash over you.
"Is this… where we're staying?", you asked, a hint of surprise in your voice.
Ben nodded, a pleased smile spreading across his face. "Yep, this is it", he replied, his eyes scanning the surroundings with contentment.
You glanced around, taking in the peaceful scenery. "It's beautiful", you remarked, feeling a sense of relaxation settle over you.
Ben grinned. "I'm glad you like it", he said, his voice soft with affection.
With a smile, you leaned over to give him a quick kiss before stepping out of the car, excited to explore your temporary retreat in the midst of nature.
With the takeaway food in hand, you followed Ben to the front door. He turned the key and pushed the door open, ushering you inside.
As you stepped into the cozy interior, you glanced around, taking in the warm and inviting atmosphere of the house. The soft glow of the lamps cast a comforting light over the living room, and you noticed a crackling fireplace in the corner, filling the space with a cozy ambiance.
“This place is amazing”, you remarked, a smile playing at your lips as you set the food down on the nearby table.
Ben´s grin widend, pleased by your reaction. “Fucking glad you think so”, he replied, closing the door behind you.
As Ben rubbed his neck nervously, he took a deep breath before speaking. "Cause… I actually bought this place", he confessed, his gaze flickering to yours.
Your eyes widened in astonishment, and for a moment, you were rendered speechless by his revelation.
Sensing your surprise, Ben hesitated, his nerves palpable as he continued. "I know it's sudden, but… I was thinking, maybe you'd like to… stay here with me?", he asked tentatively, his words hanging in the air as he awaited your response.
Ben was nervous. Fucking nervous. You've never seen him like this before.
You cleared your throat, feeling the weight of his question hanging in the air. Hesitantly, you met his gaze and quietly asked, "Are you asking me to move in with you?".
Ben's heart raced, his vulnerability making him feel somewhat exposed. He took a deep breath before meeting your eyes again. "I just want to know you're safe, that's all".
As Ben's words sank in, you couldn't help but feel a flutter of warmth in your chest, but at the same time, a twinge of disappointment lingered. Despite all you've been through together, he still hadn't asked you to be his girlfriend or shown any clear commitment.
Biting your lip, you tried to hide the subtle sadness that crept into your expression, unsure of how to respond.
"I appreciate that, Ben", you said softly, forcing a small smile despite the conflicting emotions swirling inside you. "And I feel safe with you too. But…", you trailed off, unable to find the right words to express your thoughts.
As Ben sensed your sadness, he stepped closer and placed both of his hands on your lower back, pulling you gently towards him.
"But what?", he asked softly, his gaze searching yours with concern.
Ben's heart raced with apprehension, his usual confidence faltering in the face of vulnerability. He feared your rejection, uncertain of how to navigate this unfamiliar territory.
As tears welled up in your eyes, Ben's heart clenched with regret. This wasn't how he envisioned this moment. He had hoped that buying the house for the two of you would bring you joy, not tears.
With gentle hands, Ben lifted your chin, his touch tender as he looked into your eyes, searching for answers.
"Baby, what's wrong?", he asked. "Talk to me".
With a hesitant breath, you finally voiced the question that had been weighing on your mind for months.
"Where do we stand, Ben?", you whispered softly, your voice barely audible as you searched his eyes for an answer.
Ben's heart raced faster, his mind scrambling for the right words to say. He wasn't prepared for this conversation, not ready to confront his own feelings and desires.
"I don't know", he finally admitted, his voice tinged with uncertainty as he looked into your eyes. "I care about you, more than I can put into words. But I'm not sure where we stand".
Feeling your heart shatter, more tears gathered in your eyes. With trembling hands, you pulled back from Ben's touch. The uncertainty in his words cut deeper than you expected, leaving you feeling vulnerable and exposed.
"I understand", you whispered, your voice barely audible as you fought to keep your emotions in check. "I… I need some time to… to think".
Your words hung heavy in the air, the weight of the moment pressing down on both of you as you grappled with the uncertainty of your relationship.
Ben sighed heavily, his hand reaching out to gently grasp your arm. "Please", he said softly, his voice tinged with desperation. "Let me explain".
But you couldn't bear the thought of more uncertainty, the hurt too raw and overwhelming. Pulling away from his touch, you shook your head, unable to find the words to express the depth of your pain.
"No. I… I need to be alone right now", you mumbled, turning towards the door to leave.
You told him you loved him and he just couldn't bring himself to tell you how he felt about you. After all, he was the first man you had confessed your feelings to. You just felt so stupid. Maybe he just didn't love you the way you loved him?
Ben sighed again, his heart heavy with regret as he watched your tears fall. "Let me at least drive you to the next hotel. I can't stand the thought of leaving you like this".
You hesitated, torn between your desire to be with Ben and your need for clarity in your relationship. Finally, you nodded reluctantly, wiping away your tears with the back of your hand.
"Okay", you murmured, your voice barely above a whisper. "Take me to the hotel".
With a heavy heart, Ben led you back to the car, his mind consumed with thoughts of how he could make things right with you.
He knew that if he forced you to stay with him at that moment, he would only hurt you more. If there's one thing he's learned by now, it's to let you go your own way every now and then and not force yours on you. Even if every fiber of his body resisted. Even though he hated not having you around.
As Ben parked the car in front of the hotel, he turned to you, his eyes reflecting the turmoil in his heart. Without saying a word, he reached out, taking your hand in his.
"You won't leave me, will you?", he asked, his voice filled with vulnerability. The fear of losing you weighed heavily on him, and he couldn't bear the thought of being without you forever.
Feeling the weight of your silence, Ben watched helplessly as you stepped out of the car without another word. He clenched his fists, his mind racing with a whirlwind of emotions, but he knew better than to push you further. With a heavy heart, he remained in the car, allowing you the space you needed.
A/N: ._. down we go. Please let me know what you think.🥰
Part 25
Taglist: @deangirl96, @thatgirljayy, @suckitands33, @deans-spinster-witch@mimaria420@kaz11283@uncle-eggy@jackles010378@vxnilla-hxrddrugs @meowmeowyoongles@sarahgracej @zemosdarling228 @leila22rogers @mostlymarvelgirl@emily-winchester @blacknoirr @onlyangel-444@seasonofthenerd@staple-your-mouth@artemys-ackles@selfdestructionandrhum@mystic-mara @kat-nee
145 notes · View notes
rosalinrabbit · 2 years
Over - Pollination
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Pairing: Morpheus x Nymph!Fem!Reader 
Warnings: Smut, sex, oral sex, unprotected sex, vaginal fingering, sex pollen/sex drugs, drugging/spiking, slight non-con (reader isn't exactly sober/of sound mind...), cum obsession, begging.
Summary:  Desire has a fondness for trouble, but perhaps just this once, their goal is a little less nefarious. As their brother Morpheus, Dream of the Endless continues to shut himself off from everyone and refuses to let himself be happy, Desire sets a plan in motion. A plan that will only have one outcome, for Morpheus would never let you struggle alone.
Word Count: 3.7k
A/N: A super smutty one-shot in honor of our favorite King of the Dreaming. How can you possibly watch Sandman and not instantly become obsessed with this lovely man? I adore him.
In terms of new stories, I have been super busy but written A TON, but I don't like uploading multi-chapter fics until they are finished for editing/not abandoning and leaving everyone suffering purposes! Please bear with me, I hope to have them out soon.
SMUT 18+ / Minors DNI
Do not translate or re-upload any of my work. Works are only cross-posted on AO3.
Morpheus was interrupted from his work by a knock at the door.
“Come in,” he sighed, reluctant to have to speak to anyone. He only grew more annoyed when he laid eyes on his sibling as they entered the room, slinking about with that stupid grin on their face. “Why are you here?”
“What, I can’t visit my brother?”
“You never just visit. Why are you here.”
Desire smirked and leaned against the wall by Dream’s desk. Annoyed eyes narrowed at them, trying to discern the purpose of their visit.
“Death and I had a little chat the other day. And you know what she told me? She said that you’d gotten yourself a pet.”
“You mean Matthew? He’s hardly a pet.”
“No, not that stupid bird, I’m referring to your little nymph. The one that Death found, all lost and scared and without a home,” Desire said in a slightly mocking tone.
Morpheus’s jaw tightened at the mention of the you. “Do not refer to her in such a way. And do not mock the tragedy that befell her or her home. Death found her and her home was destroyed, she had no where else to go. I agreed to let her live here. That’s that.”
“Well, anyway,” Desire waved in the air, dismissing their brother’s disdain towards their attitude. “She’s very cute. Very sweet. I think you two would make quite the pair…” Morpheus said nothing as he continued to stare down his sibling who rambled on.
When it was clear Desire would not leave until he gave in to whatever it was they wanted, he responded. “She is very dear to me, but we are friends. Please don’t read into things.”
“You’re quite thick in the head, did you know that, brother? Which is why, sometimes, I think it’s best to force your hand…”
Morpheus stood up from his desk abruptly. “What did you do?” He asked in a low, stern tone.
“You’ll find out soon enough,” Desire winked. “Goodbye, brother!” They called as they left, likely returning to their own realm now that they’ve succeeded in causing trouble.
Dream of the endless tried to sit back down and go back to his work, but it was hardly an hour after his sibling left that two palace staff came rushing into his office.
“Sir, It’s y/n…. She- she um…” one of them spoke, panting from how quickly they had ran in and clearly unsure how to phrase it.
Morpheus simply stood up and headed towards your chambers, walking at a quick pace.
He heard a strange, high-pitched whimper coming from your door as he approached it, as well as the sight of vines and leaves creeping out from the cracks in the door. He swung open the door quickly to see you writhing in your bed at the far end of the room with the plants you kept growing and twisting around the furniture and up the walls.
The palace doctor was trying to examine you but you wouldn’t quit moving. Morpheus shut the door behind him and crossed the room to where you were, looking to the doctor for answers.
“What happened?”
The doctor turned to him and pushed her glasses up slightly, sighing. “It would appear that she has been given a drug which has greatly increased her libido. It’s like she’s gone into heat, her temperature is increased and her mind is all mixed up. According to Lucienne, she collapsed in the library after being seen with Desire… I think you can guess who is responsible.”
Morpheus’s pale face nearly reddened at the doctor’s words, and his eyes trailed down to you. Your face was flushed red and your eyes squeezed shut, a few tears escaping down your cheeks, and both your hands gripping the sheet that had been laid over your body, threatening the sheet to fall and exposing your breasts.
He quickly reached over to you and pulled the sheet up, and felt your hands gently wrap around his arm as he did so, refusing to let him go. You hummed in contentment through small sobs, eyes still closed yet savoring the contact.
Morpheus had been around a very long time. Of course he knew how to fix it, but he didn’t know if he could possibly overcome his own fears of doing so. He was terrified of letting you get close, and even more terrified of losing you.
“It should wear off in two days without anyone intervening, it’s just going to be a bit painful for her… If there is intervention, it could wear off in a couple of hours to a day. Unfortunately, there’s nothing else I can do for her… so I’ll be on my way,” the doctor gave Morpheus a look before leaving the room, making a point to lock the door behind her.
He sighed, looking down at you. Gods, he thought you were gorgeous. Even in your delirious state your hair shone and your skin looked as soft as silk.
You had been living together for a few years now, and he considered you a good friend despite his reluctance to allow you to live in the Dreaming. It was Death who had convinced him.
Death impressed upon him the importance of nature, the value of giving humans dreams and visions of lush greenery and delicate flowers. It was the lack of appreciation for those things that left you without a home, weakened and alone.
You were so good to him, and he appreciated you deeply. You somehow always knew when he was in a mood, when he needed to talk, when he just needed company. For the most part, you seemed to keep to yourself, crafting those visions of nature for the humans and filling children’s dreams with butterflies. You fit right into the Dreaming, effortlessly.
As you clung to his arm, he gently moved his other hand to push hair from your face. A small gasp escaped your lips, and experimentally, Morpheus cupped your cheek, stroking his thumb across your skin. Your eyes fluttered open, more tears escaping, and you sighed at the contact.
“Morpheus,” you whined, trying to grip his arm tighter and pull him closer.
“Little one,” he whispered to you, knowing how your heart skipped a beat when he called you that. You never told him how much you liked it, how it made you feel as though you were under his protection, but he knew. “What’s wrong?”
“Too hot,” you gasped, and it was painfully true. It felt like you had caught on fire, clenching your thighs together as you felt wetness seeping out of you and down your legs. “Hurts so much. Touch me, please,” you moaned. You would normally never ever be so brazen, but your brain wasn’t working quite right and the only thing you wanted was the gorgeous god next to you to rearrange your insides.
You felt your muscles cramp again, letting out a heady moan as more slick left your entrance and the vines around the room twisted up another few inches. You could never quite control the plant growth when your emotions were running rampant.
His thumb that had been gently rubbing against your cheek slowly edged towards your lips, and without second thought, you opened your mouth, your tongue curling around the digit and sucking on it. The black haired god sat down on the bed beside you, staring into your eyes intensely.
Those grey eyes were filled with indecision and restraint. Trying to assure him, you asked again. “Please, please, touch me, Morpheus. I need you,” you pulled down the sheet covering your breasts and grabbed his hand, licking and pressing kisses against his wrists.
Morpheus knew as soon as the doctor told him what had overcome you that this would only end in one way. He cared too much to lock you in here and let you suffer alone, and he was far too infatuated with you not to take the opportunity to bring you to several mind-numbing orgasms. Especially if you would be in pain otherwise. He might be a god, but Morpheus felt powerless against you. He knew he’d do anything for you.
You watched his eyes as his resolve broke, pulling his arm away and yanking the sheet entirely off your body. The cool air of the room felt better against your feverish skin, but you burned under his intense gaze, his hand ran over your skin, across your breast and down to the curve of your hips, before stopping. You whimpered, and his hand finally glided over towards your legs, up your thigh feeling the liquid that had been dripping out of you. A strange, low growl emitted from his throat as he felt just how wet you were, and you nearly cried when he finally touched your center, fingers circling through the wetness and around your clit.
“Shh, good girl,” he whispered as you moaned wantonly with his fingers on you, desperate to cum in any way you can get. “Does that feel better?”
“Mhm, so much better,” you sighed, trying to move your hips against him. His long fingers suddenly breached into your pussy and slid in with ease, curling up over and over again, making your body feel like it was being wound up impossibly tight. “Oh, gods, please,” you moaned as he continued curling his fingers slowly inside of you, the slow pace torturous yet making the buildup even more intense before you shattered, crying out his name and squirting liquid onto his hand as your legs shook and your pussy convulsed around his fingers.
The orgasm took the burning, painful heat away and took the edge off of the pain you had felt, leaving you warm and buzzing as the aftershocks rolled through you. Morpheus pulled his fingers out of you and his clothes were gone in an instant, climbing over you and claiming your lips with his own in a messy, heated kiss.
You kissed back fervently, feeling the needy heat inside of you flare back up as you wrapped your arms over his shoulders, whimpering into his perfect mouth and rubbing against his leg that was now between your own.
“You’re being so good for me, darling,” he told you in that seductive voice which had always affected you even when you didn’t want to admit it. His voice sounded like pure comfort and sin.
“Oh!” You gasped when his mouth came into contact with the spot under your ear, nibbling down and making you feel like you could burst at any second again.
You watched in awe as he worked his way down your body, clutching the sheets beneath you when his mouth sucked and gently bit on your nipple, giving attention to the other one as well before continuing down back to your center, eyes locked on you as he began to place kisses on the inside of your thighs.
When you felt his tongue part your soaked folds you were convinced that you must be dreaming. But you weren’t, and the man between your legs was the one responsible for all dreams in the first place. No, it was all shockingly real, and every time his tongue swirled your sensitive clit, the warmth added even more pleasure as he worked you back up to your peak.
He paused, and you felt a hand grip your breast as he spoke. “Look at me, y/n.” As if he needed you to see it was him bringing you pleasure. It was him you revered, him who was making you see stars, and you of course complied, looking down to see his ever-messy black hair slightly covering his eyes as he looked at you.
The sight of him between your legs mixing with the look of pure power he was giving you as he sucked your clit made you cry out his name as you came once more, juices dripping down his chin as you gushed and your walls clenched around nothing, his name coming out in pants through your overwhelming pleasure. When he finally ceased his movements his hands both gripped your thighs as he sat up, looking down at you. Your hair was messy and your eyes were beginning to glaze over in ecstasy.
Morpheus often wondered how you looked so perfect, so effortlessly beautiful. Perhaps it was because you were simply of nature, a nymph made to protect and nurture, sweet by mere creation. Now, looking at you in your post-orgasm haze, he realized he hadn’t been appreciative enough of you. You were beyond perfection, made of pure wonder, better than anything he could ever imagine. And now, you were under him. You were his, looking up at him as if he was the only important thing in the world.
How had he waited this long?
Perhaps, despite Morpheus’s disdain for the pain the condition was causing you, Desire’s meddling had worked out well for once. Not that Morpheus would ever let Desire anywhere near you again…
The feeling of his hands gripping your thighs was oddly comforting, making you feel powerless against him. And that’s all you wanted. You wanted him to absolutely ruin you, to pull you apart at the seams and put you back together as his.
Your eyes were skimming across his slender, long body before landing on his cock, erect and leaking, and you let out a whimper at the sight of it alone, moving to sit up and reach for him, but he didn’t allow it, putting a hand on your shoulder to stop you from getting up.
You let out an unhappy noise at the refusal but he quickly reassured you with kisses along the side of your face.
“You’re still burning up, let me take care of you, little one.”
Nodding, you opened your legs for him, but still quickly wrapped a hand around his length and pumped up and down gently, experimentally almost, and watched his eyes flutter closed for a moment as he let out a deep groan.
“Such a needy girl. You need to be filled up? Will that make you stop hurting?”
You nodded again, desperate for him to stop talking and shove himself deep in you already.
“Say what you want,” he taunted in his seductive voice.
“I want you, Morpheus. I want you in me,” you breathed impatiently.
He finally lined his tip up with your entrance, the intrusion warm and causing you to gasp.
As he pushed in, he began to fully stretch you out, causing a slight burn. But the burn felt so right, and you just wanted him deeper. You wanted him everywhere. You wanted to feel like you were so full of him you could burst.
You encouraged him by wriggling your hips against him as he continued to push into you, moaning softly in his ear and he let out a low moan as he finally bottomed out, fully sheathed inside of you. You were incredibly wet and your walls were squeezing him tight, and the overwhelming sensation of finally being inside of you forced Morpheus to pause for a moment so he wouldn’t cum inside you right away.
Before he even started moving you wrapped your legs around his waist and started rocking into him slowly, looking at him with pure lust and moaning in such a lovely, needy way that he had no choice but to give in to you.
He finally started fucking you in earnest, and your nails began to dig into his back as his cock dragged in and out of you, hitting every single spot as he did so and leaving you a mess. You couldn’t stop moaning, losing touch with reality quickly as he tilted your hips up and began thrusting directly into your g-spot, making you nearly scream as you saw stars.
Your eyes were locked on his, in near worship of the way the god was giving you pleasure. Your brain was obsessed with it, still locked on the idea of getting him somehow deeper, desperately yearning for him to cum in you as much as possible. There was nothing but him as his hips thrust into you, a hand moving to your breast to squeeze it roughly.
The thought alone of Morpheus cumming inside of you is what sent you over the edge. You wanted to please him, wanted to keep a part of him in you, wanted him to mark you and use you for his own pleasure.
You cried out through your fog of lust at the intensity of the orgasm, your pussy tightening around his cock and clenching down, you could feel him throbbing inside of you as you came around him and coated his thick cock with your release. Instead of giving you a clear head, the instant pleasure and release from your orgasm only lasted a few moments before you were sent further into hyperdrive.
“Oh, fuck,” Morpheus cursed at your tightness. “Give me one more, darling. One more,” and his hand moved to circle your drenched clit. You cried out, squirming under him.
“Deeper! Please, Morpheus, my lord, fuck me deeper! I need you to fill me with your cum, need it so much,” you babbled, desperate and dead set on being filled with his cum. It was the only thing your brain could think of, being marked, being his, filled to the brim with your king’s white and sticky release, the warmth spreading through your abdomen as it dripped from your soaked core.
Morpheus knew immediately that the drugs were fully affecting your words and desires, but he was quite sure that if he didn’t give you what you wanted, you would remain overheated and desperate and would go to whatever lengths it took to get him to cum inside of you.
He complied, shifting your hips once more to change the angle to reach even deeper, a high-pitched whine escaping from you as he hit your spot perfectly.
“You want me to come inside of you?”
“Yes! Yes, yes, please!” You cried, back arching as you looked up at him in pure desperation.
“How could I ever say no to you? I’ll fill you up so full, mark you, leave you dripping…” your moans grew in volume as he continued, still rubbing your clit. “Do you want that? Want to be so full of my cum that you feel it inside of you?”
Morpheus knew you were beyond words, you were so lost in pleasure that the vines you unknowingly controlled had began to creep onto the bed and wrap around the headboard. With the brutal pace and precision of the way he was fucking you, and the amount of liquid that kept seeping out from your core, he knew you were close.
“Cum for me again, and I’ll cum inside of you, my love. Cum around my cock,” he commanded, and you certainly complied. You gripped the sheets beneath you as you finally let go, sobbing out in your release, feeling like fireworks had gone off in your nerves and gushing around him for the second time. It was so brutally powerful, and even more so when you felt Morpheus’s hips slow as he released inside of you with a deep groan, the warmth coating your insides and filling you with inexplicable contentment. The feeling of him finishing inside of you prolonged your orgasm left you shaking. You felt perfectly full, overjoyed to be claimed by him in such a way, and your needy brain finally quieted giving you peace from the rampant lewd thoughts.
The vines and leaves shrunk away, not dying but reverting to their previous state. The overbearing heat finally left your body leaving you feeling only warm, buzzing, and sated, whispering your thanks to him in a small voice. You felt heavy and your legs felt nearly numb. Morpheus stayed inside of you but shifted your bodies to be on your sides, facing one another. “You were such a good girl for me,” he spoke softly as he pulled you closer. You quickly curled up against his chest and fell asleep, barely aware of your surroundings but feeling safe in the warmth of his arms.
You woke up feeling normal, the cool and fluffy fabric of the comforter against your skin, along with the warmth of Morpheus’s arms.
The man was always so stone-cold and expressionless that you thought he might be cold to the touch, but no, he was pleasantly warm.
Then, confusion hit you. Why were you naked? Why was he naked?
And why was he in your bed??
Your eyes widened and you shifted your head to look up at him. He looked so peaceful, messy hair hanging over his closed eyes, chest rising and falling with each breath.
As you watched him, realization began to wash over you as you remembered what you had done. You shot up in embarrassment and covered your mouth with one hand, using the other to pull the blanket up and cover your exposed breasts. The sudden shift loosened the god’s grip around you and his eyes opened.
“I- My Lord… I am so sorry!” you apologized still covering your face, bright red with embarrassment over your brazen actions.
“What are you sorry for, little one?” He asked with the ghost of a smile on his lips, sitting up to tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear and pull your hand from your face.
You looked down shamefully, face burning and unable to meet his gaze. “For what I did… earlier…”
“Look at me, y/n.”
When you didn’t comply he reached out to tilt your chin up.
“Do you regret what we did?”
You paused for a moment before shaking your head.
“Well, I do not regret it either,” he spoke in that ever serious voice of his, smooth as velvet and dark as obsidian. He took the hand that was holding the blanket over you and pulled it away, pulling you towards him to settle back against his chest. “Though I do apologize for not doing that sooner.”
You couldn’t help the laugh that escaped you, and you glanced up to see an obvious smile on Morpheus’s face.
Though an odd turn of events in your relationship with the King of the Dreaming, as you lay in his arms, you could not be happier.
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allforrafe · 15 days
hii luv<3
so I was thinking about a request, I don't have a lot, but something with Rafe, where she's like super shy and sensitive, very introverted, and doesn't really like being around other people, like she always says how much she hates everyone else, and only likes Rafe. and everyone thinks it's weird cause he's like an asshole to everyone else, lol. but she's like always on him, on his arm or his leg, very clingy, and she gets all teary and sad when he tries to leave.
just a little thought :)
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Hi ml! This is such a cute concept like rafe would def be so sweet to u, unlike how he usually treats others!!
Pairing: bf!rafe and antisocial!reader
Word count: 436 words !!
Warnings: use of nicknames, ignorant reader idk
Pulling up to the house, you step out the car, displeased with your boyfriends antics. Its safe to say you weren’t a ‘people-person’, but you’d go anywhere as long as rafe was by your side. walking through the houseparty, you slide your way through the crowd, head down, fiddling with your rings to distract yourself from the overwhelming amount of socialising taking place around you.
You look around in search for him. Across the kitchen, a familiar head can be seen slightly above the majority of the crowd, your tall boyfriend talking to his friends.
“Rafey?” You say, just checking it was him and not some stanger you didnt want to do so much as look at. His head turns to you, “my sweet baby”, his soft voice being a familiar sound, a comfort sound if you will. You rush forward, your arms latching around his waist faster than he could tell you to do so, as his arm rests comfortably across your shoulders.
“Im sorry i didnt come earlier, i saw the amount of people and winced” you admit, rafes sympathetic smile looking back down at you, “its okay sweetheart, im sorry i made you come”. You shake your head dismissively. “It’s all good, just don’t leave me alone, ‘kay?”
He nods, turning you around to face the group. They all greet you, your response being a subtle smile in an attempt to steer clear of any social interactions.
Throughout the night, you stay glued to rafe, clinging onto his arm, waist, neck, anything you could grab hold of really.
Once he finishes his neat whiskey, he looks down to you, his gaze tracing every inch of your skin, “I gotta go use the bathroom m’love” his soft lips graze yours briefly.
“But-“, you say, a frown growing ever so quickly on your face, “I’m coming with you.”
Rafe chuckles, shaking his head, “you can’t just walk into the bathroom with me baby”
After your petty back and forth arguing, you sit on the kitchen side, the overwhelming crowd filling the room. Your boyfriend’s buddies attempting to make conversation, “yo y/n?”. You glare at the boy, folding you arms, eyes on the bathroom, waiting as patiently as you possibly could for rafe to get back.
After a long 5 minutes, the door unlocks and you slide off the counter. “That was mean” you pout as rafe walks over. You sling your arms around his neck and nuzzle your face in his chest. His arms snake around your neck, holding you close to him, his body heat warming you.
“Just can’t live without me m’love, can you?”
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i really hope this is good bc im like 100% sleep deprived writing this :)
please send in more requests i love writing these!!!
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x-reader-theater · 8 months
Hi!! So glad to see you're back! This website has been a desert of good stories without you here. And thank the gods you are back because I have a bit of a sad request 🤭
How about a COD Ghost x male reader where reader has feelings for Ghost and ghost knows but doesnt reciprocate the feelings and reader dies while they are on a mission?
Only if you want to/feel comfortable with it!
Welcome back!!
pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x Male!Reader
word count: 750
warnings: Unreciprocated feelings, rejection, and main character death. Please read this as Ghost being an incredibly unreliable narrator. This is from his POV so any feelings he has are his own and not endorsed by the narrative.
a/n: i always get so excited seeing your notifications on my work. thank you for being such a stalwart supporter through it all. your support means the world to me. if anyone else wants to request something, you can find my request rules here to do so.
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Ghost knows why you hang around him so much. He knows why you say the things you do and try to touch him at every opportunity. But you haven’t said anything, and he doesn’t want to yell at you and make himself look like the asshole.
But you’re trying to ingratiate yourself with Ghost like Johnny did. You’re not Johnny, so it’s wrong.
“Say, Ghost, you get called on this new mission too?” you ask him, sitting next to him in the cafeteria. Ghost has his mask pulled down. He pulled it back down when you sat next to him.
“No,” Ghost says dismissively, but you don't seem to get the hint.
You shrug with a smile. “Maybe next time.”
“Hopefully not…” Ghost mutters to himself. You freeze beside him, and Ghost realises you heard him.
You curl in on yourself and grab your tray, muttering, “Sorry, I’ll leave you alone.”
Feeling a pang of guilt he’s not used to feeling, Ghost reaches out and for the first time initiates contact.
“Wait,” he says, and you stop, looking at him with his God damned hopeful expression on your face that he can’t help but succumb to. “I’m sorry I shouldn’t have said it like that. That was rude.” Besides what Ghost is referring to, that’s probably the longest sentence he’s ever said to you. “I know you're attracted to me.”
That hopeful smile drops instantly from your face and hurt, you ask, “Who told you?”
Not a denial. An admission without saying the words.
“No one. I can tell,” Ghost says, and at that admission you feel your hands drop the tray you were holding onto the ground.
“Oh,” is all you can seem to say, your lips staying in that little formed “o” shape.
“I just… I don’t feel the same way,” Ghost explains, his grip on your arm loosening, but you just stand there, arms at your sides.
“Okay,” you get out. It seems you and Ghost have switched, with Ghost doing most of the talking and you giving one word replies.
“Maybe… we can start over,” Ghost supplies in a rare moment of vulnerability that he likes to keep tightly locked in his chest.
“Yeah,” you say, looking down at your shoes, still sounding dejected. “Maybe.”
You and Ghost stand like that for a moment, before Ghost says, “Sorry ‘bout your lunch. I can buy you another.”
You shake your head, as if clearing your thoughts, like what Ghost said shook you from your daze, and you mutter, “‘m not hungry.”
“Oh,” is all Ghost says.
You stand for a good few minutes, probably looking kind of crazy in the middle of a busy cafeteria, but you don't pay it any mind, too preoccupied with what's happening. Ghost is singularly focused on you while you try not to be on him.
“Good luck with your mission today,” Ghost ends up saying finally.
“Thanks,” you murmur, before turning and walking away, leaving Ghost to clean up your spilled lunch.
“Johnny,” Ghost says with a relaxed smile as he enters the common room claimed by the 141. Soap is sitting on one of the couches, gripping a folder so tight in his hands the paper is ripping underneath his fingers. As Ghost gets closer, he sees the tightness in Soap’s shoulders and the strained look on his face like he’s about to cry but won’t show that in public. “Johnny, what’s wrong,” Ghost asks, his voice going from flirty and playful to serious in the span of a few moments.
Soap turns to look up at Ghost with wet eyes and says, “[Y/N] is dead.”
Ghost freezes, and his already pale face underneath his mask goes white. “What?”
“He was shot. Price said it was a stray bullet. Caught him in the neck. Said he was a bit distracted today, wasn’t paying as close attention to enemy movements and… well…” Soap trails off, setting down the destroyed mission report on the coffee table in front of him.
Ghost feels sick to his stomach as he leans against the back of the couch for support. Another person who cared about him, dead. And it’s all his fault. Soap would leave him if he ever found out. Johnny loved you. You were one of the best people to keep up with Soap’s ramblings, always there to listen and engage, more than Ghost did.
Johnny can’t know. No one can. And Ghost will take this information to his second grave.
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sycamorelibrary754 · 4 months
Guardian Angel
Chapter 8: Chocolate Coins
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Summary: Things are looking up now. You are finally heading back to work at The Candy Bar, and you have taken a big step forward in your relationship with Wanda by meeting Billy and Tommy. Can anything bring you down today?
Warnings: None?
Word Count: 3.2k
A/N: I’m so excited! We’re headed for some angst and suspense in the coming chapters. I hope you enjoy this chapter! 
Guardian Angel Masterlist
“Are you sure you're ready?” Wanda asked cautiously. 
The redhead had dropped Billy and Tommy off at school and then came over to the compound to help you get ready for your first day back to work at The Candy Bar. 
“Sweetheart, we've talked about this. Helen and Bruce have cleared me: no more walking boot, no more sling. I completed the required month of physical therapy, and I feel good. I’m ready for this,” pulling an outfit out of your closet.
“Ugh…you’re right, you’re right,” flopping down onto the bed and covering her face with her hands.
You crawled onto the bed and lay beside her, still in your pajamas.
“Hey,” moving her hands away from her face. “I’ll be fine. Besides, it’s not like I’m fighting fires or anything. I’m bagging candy and scooping ice cream all day.”
The redhead turned sideways to face you on the bed. “Just promise me you’ll listen to your body. Sit down if you need a break; if there’s something high on a shelf, let Harper get it.” 
You cut off her rambling with a gentle peck on the lips. 
“What was that for?” Wanda asked.
“It was the only way to get you to stop,” giggling at the redhead. 
After a hearty bowl of frosted flakes and a steaming cup of coffee, Wanda drove you to work. You hadn't figured out what to do about a new mode of transportation yet, as your car was totaled in the accident. Honestly, it was the last thing on your mind at this point. All you could do was take your recovery one step at a time, and the next step was to go back to work.
Walking into The Candy Bar after almost three months filled you with excitement and nostalgia. The familiar aroma of sweets filled your senses, and you couldn't help but tear up at the sight. You had kept in touch with Harper, your best friend and business partner, over Zoom and FaceTime, but you had promised yourself that you would return to the store only when you could walk back into it on your own. 
“Harper?” you called out.
“Surprise!” Harper shouted.
The lights flipped onto reveal your best friend holding one of your mini ice cream cakes in front of a banner behind the counter that read, Welcome Back, Y/N!
“Aww, this is so sweet, Harper,” walking over to hug her. “You didn’t need to do this.”
“Oh, Please! I don't want to hear another word. This is a triumphant return; of course, we will celebrate,” she said.
“Thank you so much. This means a lot to me.” You were so engrossed in hugging your best friend you almost forgot about the redhead standing beside you. “Oh, Wanda! Where are my manners?! Harper, this is Wanda Maximoff.” 
“Hi, wow. Harper Bailey,” shaking Wanda’s hand vigorously. “Thank you for everything you’ve done for, you know, the world,” still shaking her hand.
“You’re welcome,” Wanda giggled and looked over at you. 
“Okay, that’s enough, Harper,” you said, separating their hands. 
“Right! Um, I’ll go turn the closed sign to open,” she offered.
“It’s been a while since I’ve been here,” Wanda said, taking in the space. 
You put on your Candy Bar apron and adjusted your name tag. It felt so lovely to be back in your work attire. You glanced at your watch. 
“Sweetheart, don’t you have a meeting with the team at 10:30?” 
“Oh, don’t worry about that. They won’t start without me,” she said, dismissing your question.
“Wanda, it's okay. Truly, you don’t need to hang around here all day. I’ll call you on my lunch break. Go, have a good day, and I’ll see you tonight,” you said.
Wanda sighed and walked toward you. “Okay,” placing her hands on your cheeks, “but if you need anything at all, don’t hesitate to call me,” ending her speech with a kiss.
“I won’t. Bye, sweetheart,” you replied.
“Bye,” she said.
You watched the redhead leave. Just as you did the first time she walked into your shop. The feeling of Deja vu was mutual, as Wanda glanced back at you with one final wave as she walked out the door.
“Man, do you two got it bad,” Harper said as she joined you at your side.
“Shut up,” blushing at the thought. “I’ve waited three months to say this, Harper. Let’s go to work.”
Steve's voice jolted Wanda out of her daydream, and she quickly refocused her attention on him. "What do you think about running point from the compound on this upcoming mission?" he asked her. "It'll let you get your feet wet before you're out in the field again."
Wanda considered the proposal for a moment before nodding. "Sure, I'm up for it. Whatever you need."
"Great," Steve said, looking pleased. "I'll make sure to give you all the necessary details as soon as we have more information on movement from the targets."
Maria stood up from her seat at that moment, signaling the end of their meeting. "Thanks, everyone. Let's reconvene in two days to finalize the plan.”
As Wanda approached the door, Bucky stepped before her, blocking her path. 
"May I help you?" she inquired, puzzled.
"Okay, Wanda. What's going on?" Bucky asked, concerned.
Wanda tried to play it cool. "What do you mean?"
"You've never zoned out in the middle of a meeting before. What's on your mind?” The super soldier asked.
"Nothing," she replied, trying to dismiss the subject.
"You're a terrible liar, you know that," Bucky remarked, seeing right through her.
Wanda knew that Bucky had a knack for cutting through the bullshit. "Is it Billy and Tommy?"
"No, no, the boys are fine," she quickly dismissed the idea.
"Is it this mission?” He suggested. “I can understand why you might be hesitant. It's been a long time since you've been out there."
"It's not the mission," she replied, turning around and walking back to the conference table.
Bucky followed her. "Then what is it?"
"It's y/n's first day back at the Candy Bar, and I'm just worried about her, that's all," Wanda confessed, exhaling deeply.
Bucky smirked. "You realize our job is vastly more dangerous than hers, right?"
"Yes, it's just... This is a big step in her recovery, and the shop means so much to her. I want it to go well."
"She'll be fine," Bucky reassured her, wrapping his arms around her. "She'll be home before you know it. Plus, it's movie night. You know how Y/N loves a good movie."
Wanda relaxed into Bucky's embrace. The super soldier had become a trusted friend, especially since her return to the team.
"Ooh, shoot," Wanda said, glancing at the clock. "I have to go pick up the boys at school, and if I don't leave now, I'll be late."
Bucky nodded. "Thanks for listening, Buck. I'll see you later."
"Okay, see you later," watching her rush out the door. Despite his attempts to reassure her, he could sense that Wanda was still concerned.
“Thanks, and please come again," you said as you handed the customer her bag of candy and homemade chocolate chip cookie. "Phew," you added, wiping your brow with the back of your forearm.
“Are you okay?" Harper asked
"Yes, I'm fine. I just forgot what the afternoon rush was like,” you lamented.
"Why don't you take your lunch break now?” Harper offered. “I can handle things for a bit."
"No, that's not necessary. I can do it,” you insisted.
“I know you can,” Harper touched your shoulder, "I just don't want your girlfriend on my case for not making sure you're taking it easy."
You laughed and replied, "Okay, I'll take a break. But not because of my girlfriend, because I know my limits.”
“Of course you do,” Harper smiled.
You step out of the shop onto the quiet side street, craving fresh air. After munching on the delicious peanut butter sandwich and apple slices that Nat had lovingly packed for you, you take out your phone and dial Wanda's number. 
As soon as she picks up, you feel a wave of warmth washing over you. "Hey, sweetheart! I've been thinking about you all day. How's everything going down there?"
You smile to yourself, feeling grateful for having someone who cares about you so deeply. "It's going well," you reply, strolling back and forth. "I didn't realize how much I missed the shop until today. I'm on my lunch break right now. What are you up to?"
Wanda chuckles, and you can hear the sound of her kids playing in the background. "Just picked up the boys from school. They're supposed to be doing their homework, but I'm pretty sure they're playing rock, paper, scissors."
You laugh, feeling like you can picture the scene perfectly. "Why do I feel like I would be right there playing with them?" 
"Because you totally would," Wanda agrees, and you can't help but grin.
"I miss you," you confess, feeling a little pang in your chest. 
"I miss you too," Wanda says softly. "I can't wait to see you in four hours and eighteen minutes."
You chuckle, happy to hear she's also keeping track of time. "You watching the clock too?"
"Maybe..." Wanda giggles, and you feel your heart swelling with love for this remarkable woman. 
Suddenly, you hear a commotion from inside the shop. Harper is calling you urgently. "Hang on a second, Wanda," you say, quickly moving the phone from your ear. 
"What is it?" you ask Harper, feeling your heart racing.
"There's a strange man in the shop," Harper whispers, looking at you with concern. 
You feel a chill run down your spine. "I gotta go, honey," you tell Wanda. "Harper needs me. I'll see you in a little bit."
"Okay, bye, y/n," Wanda says, her voice filled with concern at the abrupt departure.
"Bye," you say, ending the call and rushing back inside the shop to face whatever danger might be lurking there.
As you scanned the shop, you noticed a man standing near the candy with his back to you. He wore a black leather jacket, gloves, and a black baseball cap. You felt a little uneasy and were just about to call Wanda back to ask for help when he turned toward you. Your breath caught in your throat momentarily, but you immediately recognized the familiar face and breathed a sigh of relief.
“Oh, for God’s sake! It’s okay, Harper,” you called out. “I know him. Bucky, what are you doing here?”
“Oh hey, y/n! Is this your shop? I didn’t realize...”
“Buck, what’s going on? Did Wanda send you down here? I was just on the phone with her. She sounded fine,” weaving through the rows of candy.
“Dear God, no,” Bucky said. “She has no idea I’m here. But you should’ve seen her during the team meeting this morning, y/n. So distracted with worry over you going back to work. I wanted to ease her mind a bit.”
“That’s very sweet, Bucky,” you said, patting him on the back. “As you can see, I’m fine.”
He nodded in agreement and wrapped an arm around your shoulder.
“You know, for an Avenger, I was expecting a more covert disguise,” you said with a smirk as you wiggled the bill of his hat. “Isn’t Tony in charge of ensuring you guys are badass in style?”
“I would rather take a bite out of brick than wear a superhero costume,” he chuckled.
You looked over your shoulder to see your best friend watching you with a look of confusion on her face.
“Come on, I’ll introduce you to Harper. You scared the crap out of her.”
“Oh, no. That’s okay. I should be getting back to work,” Bucky said, pointing towards the door.
“I thought this was work?” You asked
“More like freelancing,” he replied .
“Hmm, I see… You want some ice cream?” you asked, gesturing towards the ice cream display.
Bucky peered over your shoulder at the menu on the wall. “Do you have Pistachio?”
“I think I can scare up some Pistachio,” you giggled.
After a long day at work, Wanda showed up to pick you up and drove you back to the compound. Despite your insistence that you could call for a ride, she was determined to take you home. As you got into her car, you expressed gratitude and apologized for the inconvenience.
"Where are Billy and Tommy?" you asked. 
Wanda smiled and replied, "They're at the compound playing with Morgan. If you're up for it, I'd love to introduce you to them tonight. I know you've had a long day back, and it's a school night, so we won't stay long," she reassured you, "but I would love for them to meet the woman who's making me so happy."
As you listened to Wanda speak, you felt a lump form in your throat and had to look away for a moment to compose yourself. You had longed for the day when Wanda would feel comfortable enough to introduce you to her sons, but you didn't want to push things too fast. You knew that they had already gone through so much pain and heartache in Westview after losing their father, and you didn't want to disrupt the new life that Wanda had worked so hard to build for them as a family of three. Despite your desires, you respected Wanda's boundaries and tried to be patient, hoping that one day, she would feel ready to take that step with you.
“Nothing would make me happier, Wanda,” you said.
As you stepped out of the elevator and into the common area, you were greeted by the comforting aroma of food cooking. You spotted Maria and Natasha moving about the kitchen, preparing dinner. The sound of sizzling and chopping filled the air, making your stomach growl with hunger. 
Maria noticed your arrival and greeted you, "Hey, y/n! How was your first day back at work?"
You placed your messenger bag on the counter and took a seat on the island, feeling the tiredness from the day setting in. "It was terrific," you replied, "I'm tired, but it's the good kind of tired. A successful day at the Candy Bar," you said.
Just then, Yelena walked into the kitchen with a bottle of Vodka and a shot glass. "Ah, perfect timing! The candy maker is home," she exclaimed.
Yelena explained that it was a team tradition to mark the occasion of someone recovering from an injury and returning to the field with a celebratory shot. Natasha quickly dismissed her sister's intention, saying that you didn't have to do it if you didn't want to.
But you liked the sound of it and picked up the glass, gesturing to Wanda. "To life," you said with a wink before downing the shot in one go.
Impressed, Yelena complimented you, "Congratulations, y/n. We're glad to have you here," patting you on the back as Wanda kissed you.
As you were chatting with Wanda, suddenly, you heard a commotion down the hall, and the next thing you knew, Morgan, Billy, and Tommy came running through the room.
“Careful!” Nat shouted as Tommy super-sped around the sofa.
“These must be the guests of honor,” you whispered to the redhead next to you. She just chuckled at your statement.
“Boys, could you come here for a moment?” Wanda asked. “I have someone I want you to meet.”
The two sons stopped at their mom’s voice and approached you.
“Boys, I’d like you to meet y/n. Y/N, this is Billy and Tommy,” Wanda gestured to each of her sons.
“Hi, I’ve heard so much about both of you from your mom. It’s nice to meet you!” You said, shaking both of their hands.
“Hi,” they both said, a bit shyly.
“Remember the special candy bags you two got for birthdays?” Wanda said. “It was from y/n’s shop, The Candy Bar.”
“Wow, you own a candy shop? That’s so cool! So you get to eat candy all day?” Billy asked, his eyes wide with excitement.
“I did for the first couple of weeks after I opened the shop,” you explained, “but I always had a nasty stomachache.”
“Did you bring any candy with you?” Tommy asked, looking at you with puppy dog eyes.
“Tommy,” Wanda scolded.
“No, that’s alright. Hmmm,” you rubbed your hands together. “I think I might have something,” you said, reaching behind Tommy’s ear and pulling out a chocolate gold coin.
“Woah, cool!” Tommy exclaimed.
“I think you may have one back here as well,” you smirked, reaching behind Billy’s ear and pulling out another coin. “Oh, look at that, I was right!”
“Awesome!” Billy said.
“What do you say, boys?” Wanda reminded them.
“Thank you, Y/N!”
“Yeah, thank you, Y/N!”
“You're welcome, guys.”
“Can we go back to playing now, Mom?” Billy asked.
“You may,” Wanda smiled.
“Oh, and Morgan, come here for a second,” kneeling to the little Stark’s level. “Ah, there we go!” Reaching behind the girl’s ear and pulling out another gold coin.
“Thank you, Y/N!” Morgan gasped with joy.
“You’re welcome, honey,” you said, wrapping her in a hug.
All three kids ran off happily back toward Morgan’s room.
“That was a surprise,” Wanda said. “Since when are you a magician?”
“You don’t know everything about me yet,” you smirked, repeating the exact words she said on your first date. “It’s part of the magic that is me.”
“Ah, I see,” Wanda said, wrapping her arms lovingly around your neck. “Well, I can’t wait to see what other tricks you have up your sleeve.”
“I’m just getting started,” you winked, feeling a rush of affection for the redhead.
The day had been long and tiring, and you were looking forward to movie night with the rest of the team. After saying goodnight to Wanda and the boys, you joined the others in the living room, where they were bickering over which movie to watch. Kate and Clint couldn't agree on the genre, but eventually, they settled on an action movie that you weren't particularly interested in. You found a comfortable spot on the end of the sofa and snuggled up in your favorite fluffy blanket.
Tony was sitting next to you, reading the newspaper, one of the many things that intrigued you about him. The entire compound was futuristic and filled with state-of-the-art technology, but Tony still enjoyed the simplicity and controversy of the printed word.
As you watched the movie, a name on the newspaper's front page caught your eye. You asked Tony if you could see the paper, and he handed it to you. The headline read,
"Onyx Petroleum Company seeks permission to drill on remnant Sokovian soil. Y/F/N Y/L/N, Y/M/N Y/L/N to meet with Slovakia and the Czech Republic.
Your heart sank as you read those words. No matter how far you ran, your parents always found a way to return to your life in the most unexpected and disastrous ways. You tossed the paper aside, feeling troubled and uneasy.
"Excuse me, everyone," you said, standing up. "It's been a long day, and I'm pretty tired. I think I'll call it a night. Goodnight, all."
You walked towards your room, feeling the weight of the news on your shoulders. Tony was the only one who noticed the troubled look on your face. He picked up the newspaper and read the headline. His heart sank, and his blood boiled. Without saying a word, he got up and followed you to your room, determined to help however he could.
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Best and Worst of Both Worlds (Part 29)
Tw: mental breakdown and thoughts that made you go a little "wtf", mentions of non con touching, a bit of smut, chapters kinda short
okay here u go Evangeline enjoyers
Part 30
You decided to confront her. The suspense as to why she did what she did is killing you.
So you have to work, on composing a long-winded paragraph with a beginning, middle, and end. Your hands were shaky from the adrenaline coursing through your veins, you were never really assertive. So this is very new to you, yet exciting, yet frightening.
You tried not to be too accusatory and not too dismissive. It was hard because you either tend to paint her as a horrible person or paint yourself as an overreactive dramatic. However, you managed to find the right balance with the ultimate goal of extracting her reasoning behind her latest behavior towards everyone.
You held your breath as you tapped send.
You waited and waited while chewing on your nails. Imagining all the ways she would respond. Anger? Remorse? Revenge? Nonchalance? It could be anything, even no response at all.
Which you thought you might be getting. She hasn't replied to you yet and it's been 30 minutes since you sent it. You sighed, she's probably just busy and will take her time to read too, you should be patient and find a way to calm your nerves.
You were about to put your phone down and prepare yourself dinner; which is just following the instructions Yves plastered on its container- usually only involving the microwave or the saucepan. You jolted when your phone buzzed to life, your mouth was gaping wide when you saw the contact to be your dreaded friend: Evangeline.
You whimpered, pacing around the room as you let it vibrate. You feel unprepared, inexperienced, and upset. You regret doing this in the first place. You wish you could just disappear into a hole somewhere, or disappear into Yves's warm embrace.
It stopped ringing. A text message took its place after that.
"Pick up"
She didn't give you more than ten seconds to read before attempting to call you again.
So you decided to take a leap of faith and answer her call.
"(name)? I read your text, what are you talking about?" She sounded concerned and worried, and there were hints of something darker that you picked up in her voice.
She did not read your text. At least, she refused to understand it. You were clear in what you wanted from her; which was to stop doing what she was doing and reflect upon her actions, giving you her rationale behind her offenses at the same time.
You summarized it, telling her that she was confusing and weird. You didn't like how she tried to touch you without your consent. You cannot figure out for the life of you if she was on Montgomery's side, Yves's, or yours.
"I'm on your side, of course. I'm your friend! What? So I can't touch you now? I think you need to get out of your shell more, (name). That didn't mean anything, you can touch me the same way too if you want to get even--"
You cut her off and told her no. You don't think whatever she's doing is merely a friendly gesture. You felt dirty and violated even having Evangeline suggest that you do the same to her.
There was a beat of silence, followed by a sigh.
"...I'm sorry you felt that way, (name). I didn't mean to hurt you. I was just trying to be a good friend."
You didn't know what to say next. Soon after, you heard sniffling and soft weeping.
"I'm so sorry. You're such a good friend to me, I don't want to lose you. Please don't be mad at me." Her voice cracked and wavers. You
You don't know how you feel about her reaction. But you do know that, unlike Yves, you have the power to walk away from her. He's coming back tomorrow anyway, so you won't be the 'friendless' on campus anymore. So you can afford to cut her off because she's acting strange and you think that being with her, will lead to more trouble.
You told her that you're not mad at her. But you don't feel comfortable hanging out with her anymore.
"What?! W-why? I apologized, what more do you want me to do?" She raised her voice and strained it painfully. You hear that she began to sob and wail.
You told her that there was nothing she could do except to move on. You wished her the best and said goodbye.
You hung up before she could get another word in. You immediately blocked her and flopped onto your bed. The breath you exhale felt like smoke evacuating your lungs, you felt you could breathe properly again without feeling too worked up. At least that chapter of your life is done, you most likely would either need to take the bus or Yves would drive you around. Fine by you, no Evangeline or Mr. Jones in sight.
You will let Yves handle Montgomery, he has a bigger, legal hammer to beat him with.
"Sweetie...?" Mr. Jones creaked the door to her room open, letting the lights from the hallway spill into her pitch-dark room.
She was crying, her breathing was choppy and her whimpers bounced off the walls. Evangeline was sobbing into her pillows, her blond hair was a mess around her, unlike her usual combed style. Her beautiful dress was wrinkled and her blue eyes were red and puffed.
Her father stared at her with heartbreak and pity. You must have told her already. However, he knows that this behavior of hers needs to be addressed. Evangeline's mother is cooking downstairs, she was never the type to be compassionate in her discipline methods. So Mr. Jones decided to be the one to break the news to her.
"Oh, Evangeline..." He switched the lights on and sat right next to her sniveling form.
She didn't acknowledge his presence, nor did she wish to talk to him. But he has to discuss with his daughter that some things aren't acceptable.
"Sir Yves... he called me earlier." Mr. Jones felt her entire body tense up to the mention of his client. "Mx. (Name) told him you were touching them inappropriately, is that true?" He was gentle with his words, careful not to provoke his already emotionally unstable daughter.
She neither confirms nor denies. Evangeline just stayed very still.
"...Please, Evangeline. You have to talk to me." He pleaded, rubbing a soothing hand on her shoulder. "What's going on?"
No response.
He shuffled himself on the bed uncomfortably. Mr. Jones cleared his throat.
"You can tell us anything. You know Mommy and Daddy love you no matter what." Evangeline moved a bit, but it was only to adjust her positioning. Her face remains buried in her pillow.
"I-I don't get it, I know you're a good girl but... these things that happened to you, these things you did... Why?" He asked, gently shaking her as Mr. Jones looked at her in desperation.
"Hitting your baby cousins suffering from illnesses, pushing your pregnant aunt Myrtle down the stairs, accusing your uncle Ben of infidelity, the rumors about some... ridiculous cheating scandals, and now this? Why?" Tears threatened to fall from his eyes as well, he bit back his lip to try and avoid it from rolling down his cheek.
He retracted his hand when he felt Evangeline trembling. It was soon made known to him that she was shaking in hysterics.
"You are all so ungrateful! I was trying to help everyone!" She snapped, her heart holding an ugly contempt for the world around her, which included her doting father.
"They weren't going to live long anyways, their mothers constantly complain of needing to take care of their children. I wanted to save Aunt Myrtle from that horrible, horrible fate, but I'm the villain? Uncle Ben hated his wife and kids, he wanted to escape. I gave him that escape, didn't I? He went ahead and married a woman much prettier and younger than his ex, didn't he? Why am I the villain?" She screamed as she hyperventilated, her father taking a step backward to avoid her erratic movements.
"I didn't- I didn't steal her boyfriend! I was trying to get along with him, I wanted us to be a big happy group but they were fighting. I didn't want them to fight..." She sobbed loudly into her hands. Her nails dig into the delicate flesh on her face as she tries to quell her rage. "They were my friends! (Name) was my friend, I tried to help them, I tried..."
She crumbled to her knees and bawled. "I tried helping them get along with Sir Yves, but I was punished for it. I tried helping them get along with Monty, but I was... told I was 'weird'. I just wanted something back, I just wanted to touch them, they were so good to me... I wanted to touch them. Was that so wrong?"
"Yes, Evangeline! You can't just... touch them like that! You don't touch your friends in that manner, you don't touch anyone in that manner! What are you..." He was at a loss for words. Her father tried looking back at what was being taught to her, nothing seemed out of the ordinary, but why couldn't she think normally? Her logic is distorted and her sense of entitlement is demented, it's much more serious considering that she began her unhinged quests for justice just a year ago.
She looked away and wept some more. Evangeline is alone again, a feeling so familiar to her. It's ironic, that her parents tried to expose her to as many people as they could to improve her loneliness as an only child. But in a room full of children and adults who she knew on a first-name basis, she was alone. So, so alone.
There is nobody in the world she could tell her thoughts to. She tried telling her mother, her so-called 'friends', her extended family... they all deemed her crazy. She was forbidden to have her truest opinion on life and Evangeline never understood why, it felt unfair, it felt like the world was against her. Not even the vastness of the internet allowed her to find like-minded companions, she was shunned out of communities she desperately yearned to be in for being true to herself.
"You're just like the rest..." She mumbled inaudibly under her breath. "It's useless..." She muttered, a bit more coherently now. Enough for her father to pick up on.
"What's useless, sweetie?" He wiped away his own tears of anguish, it was horrible to see his child suffer like this, but he did not have the skills or understanding to help her.
"Crying about it... it's useless." She sniffled and wiped away her tears. Mr. Jones watched her blink multiple times with a neutral expression.
Evangeline stared into the distance for a few minutes. She didn't blink nor did she speak, not a single twitch of her muscle could be seen or felt. Her father was worried that she wasn't even breathing because her sniffles stopped and the girl let her nose drip freely. Her blue eyes are dilated and blank.
"Evangeline...?" Her father hesitantly shook her by the shoulder. She blinked one last time, allowing a tear from each eye to roll down her already damp cheeks.
When she opened her eyes once more, her usual girlish sparkle was back. Evangeline blew her nose on a piece of napkin she pulled from her tissue box nearby. She crumpled the soiled sheet in her hands, a long strip of muscle on the inner side of her wrist was raised when she squeezed it in her fist. She let go and threw it into her trash can.
"All better." She smiled, patting the area under her eyes with her fingertips.
Baffled by her sudden, impossible change, Mr. Jones tried asking her all the questions in his head, but it came out as a pathetic stutter.
"I'm sorry for costing you a customer, Daddy." Her eyes were downcast. "I promise I won't do it again."
Mr. Jones's eyes darted around her. Confused and terrified at this strange switch of hers. "Sweetie, I-"
"If you'll excuse me, Daddy, I need to freshen up." She stood up and smoothed her hair. "Please leave my room, I will join you and Mommy downstairs for dinner, later. Okay?"
He has no words to give. So he nodded and as usual, became a pushover for his daughter.
She guided him out, waved goodbye with the sweetest smile, and closed the door. Her hand went to the knob to lock it shut.
She took a moment to stare into space as she listened for her father's footsteps. Once she's positive that he has gone downstairs, she lets out a sigh.
Evangeline switched her lights off and headed to her bed. She laid on it and picked her phone up.
The screen illuminates her face. She made a few taps on it and soon found herself scrolling through her picture gallery.
"Maybe it isn't so bad to be the Villain..." She mumbled to no one in particular, grinning to herself.
Her pupils dilated tremendously when her optics landed on a picture of you on the beach. You were bending over and collecting seashells, so focused on your activity that you didn't notice a pair of lenses capturing this moment.
Evangeline's breathing became more ragged as her eyes glimmered at the sight of your mildly saltwater-dampened rear. You're such a prude, how she wished you wore something a bit more accessible. That would have made her very happy. Maybe if it was a little warmer, you would have worn something a lot more revealing and easier to worm her depraved digits around.
Her soft hands slowly slid down to her panties, torturously tucking one finger at a time under the fabric.
The more the blonde stared at different pictures of you, the further her perverted hands and thoughts went.
She stifled a moan as she touched herself, she imagined doing all kinds of unspeakable things to you. She wanted to see you under her, she wanted to see you squirm and beg for her forgiveness. Evangeline wanted to ravage you like the beast she was under that heroine-like persona.
She quivered as she pumped her fingers into herself. But her eyes never strayed away from that photo of you. Evangeline wanted to take you so badly, she wanted to overpower you and have you pinned against the wall, the bed, the floor... She drooled at the thought of you so helpless and despaired.
Her baby blues shifted towards your clueless face. You looked like you never experienced the high of an orgasm before. She could fix that, she could make you cum over and over again until you fell unconscious in her fluffy pink handcuffs, eyes rolled back into your head, and all your orifices dripping with sexual fluids. What a sight, she thinks.
She had to push her face into her pillow as she let out a powerful moan.
Even then, she still went on. Furiously rubbing herself and imagining herself as this antihero in your story. But ultimately, you saw her as your savior in her mind.
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Well the comics did a good job squandering any sympathy and shiz for dicklander, and the show too. I only feel bad for his child self. His grown ass can get attacked by rabid kryptonian dogs for all I care.
i disagree.
and look, i ain't gonna tell you how to feel boo, i can't obviously. i can only spew out nonsense and hope i might reach you or someone else who comes along to read my long winded bullshit.
but while both renditions are pieces of shit, i feel so much for comics homie too if not more. he's even more whoobie than show homie but gets dismissed but i digress.
throughout the story, we're made to feel *suspicious* about the claims on homelander or that his story may have more than meets the eye. ennis presents it point blank. he doesn't tell the reader how to feel about homelander, or anything, or anyone. he makes it clear how billy feels, how other characters feel, but he also certainly makes it show that things aren't quite adding up about him and billy's claim. he presents the story and lets *you* the reader feel (which is what real *good* writing does)
BUT it's framed out in a way to make the reader realize he *wasn't* this big bad awful guy he was made out to be, a piece of shit sure, but and not the real monster they were after, that billy was fuckin' wrong (like his dumb ass always is), that his end and final point in the story was manipulated, coerced by outside force, and not truly justified as a result.
leik, this guy got his WHOLE LIFE fucking RUINED, his whole self image, gaslit into fucking oblivion to *believe* he was a bad guy until he *became* a bad guy, after literally never once getting a *choice* for anything, ever, at all, at any point in his whole gotdamn life.
this boi never had a chance... and even after ALL that. people STILL want to control or punish him when he lacks one major vital thing that would warrant him *actually* deserving that.
AGENCY. fucking agency, the answer is agency, homelander has none of it, never has, and still does not have it. (he pretends to but it's not quite the same, the lack of it is what makes him a ticking time bomb)
you seem like someone to really value your own agency so idk, i feel like you should get that??
just try to imagine if every single choice in your life was made *for you* by *someone else*, and that's homelander. and it doesn't stop into adulthood, it just turns into a fucking fucked up conservatorship beside someone who wants to kill you, oh yeah, and stunted growth so you never get a chance to really grow up and feel like or be your own person either.
like i'm not kidding, he might as well be a child STILL in that regard and it is super fucked up how often people exploit and groom him that way. i don't care if he's fucking 16, 40, or in his 70s, the man *ain't* grown like he should be and *needs* the space to actually *grow* before we decide to fucking judge him, else we're no better than his abusers.
and when a kid commits a crime, it's the parents/guardians that are brought up on charges/trial. there is a *reason* for that.
homelander's very clear lack of sanity/mental capacity and vought being his 'guardian'/conservator?? (if he even is a real legal person...) would put him under this spectrum of bullshit, and baby i don't want to say it's ableist not to acknowledge this, but...
this motherfucker is *CRIMINALLY INSANE*, emphasis on that last fucking part, in every sense of the word *CLINICALLY*. and when that happens, even the fucking laws in the fucked ol' U.S. of A. DO NOT 'punish' a mofo by regular 'incarceration', they still order institutionalization but with a HOSPITAL for TREATMENT. (granted there are a whole mess of other problems in this country that still do not handle this properly jesus fucking christ--)
ABLEISM! it's fucking ableism that doesn't let fandom recognize this!! EVEN some of the people who claim to love him!!
except THEN make it WORSE on top of everything *because* of the stunted growth and vought AND limited personal agency and... fuck me... UGGGGGGHHHHHHH--
but THAT is homelander. and uh... yeah. yeah, you'd probably lose your gotdamn mind too, i don't think ANYONE could walk out sane, realistically speaking. pain is easy to say we'd walk out clean from, and then we all turn into pussies the *second* it's our turn to deal.
and the whole point of the twist is to rob you of any satisfaction of his death and make you angry at his circumstances rather than at him. again, ennis doesn't explicitly *tell* readers how to feel because it's more of a graphic novel but...
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i personally think the show is aiming to recreate this effect because if they can pull it off (and manage to make an entire population feel like utter ableist shitheads for wanting him dead), then they'll be pulling off some kinda magical MAJOR amazing heist of the feels for the ages that will *hopefuly* be enough to push society in some better directions than its current state (man, we really could not have asked for a better time for this series... holy shit--)
as much as it pains me, *this* was why he was killed in the comics. not just for... ugh, sadness, realism... but because it was *part* of the lesson in exemplifying what was actually wrong.
man i am just way too fucking hyper analytical with this shit and also sometimes SO SLOW i--
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fer3112 · 2 months
no please get mad at people for denying dnp romantic relationship bc it’s getting fucking weird and pissing me off
Rant under the cut because I'm still mad
It is getting very weird! People are always denying what queer people say, just look at what happened with Rosalia and Hunter Schafer (Hunter said they were in a relationship in the past and a lot of people called her a liar or straight up denied it) or with pop stars like Miley who have said they were queer and people just call them straight. And Just for an example of the opposite thing happening we have Jenna and Julien. Remember when they used to joke around every single video and call each other friend? I didn't see people denying their relationship just becaused they would call each other friends. There's a very real reason behind the historian jokes in the queer community.
And the thing with dnp is that frankly you just need eyes and ears to know that they are not platonic. They are constantly making horny jokes (bj joke on the golf video anyone?), they make it very clear that they are spending the rest of their lieves together, that they don't really spend a lot of time with other people, Dan called them soulmates, etc? And that is just in videos. You pay attention to other things like Dan's interviews ("basically yes"), Crornelia calling Dan an uncle, we know you know, and even the symbolism in dnpc and it just gets more obvious. At this point if you don't see it you just don't want to see it (or you are just lying and saying things like "whatever they are to each other teehee' to not get cancelled because you think it's still 2014). With all of those examples and just they way dnp acts generally tbh you have to twist things really hard to convince anyone that they are not in a romantic relationship or that they are ex boyfriends (lol) because Dan dared to say "it was more than just romantic" when talknig about 2009... was is the correct conjugation of the verb to talk about the past people! and narratively when you talk about the past you have to use past tense even if things are the same in the future! If someone asked me about my best friend I could say 'oh yeah we were best friends in high school we used to spend all time together' and that doesn't mean she's not my best friend to this day it just means I'm talking about the past. Anyway no matter what way you are looking at it, it just makes more sense to think that they are in a relationship that is clearly romantic and even more profound than that, but platonic? I just don't blieve it I'm sorry it makes no sense, I think that the person from the reddit post was just projecting a lot of things when they made that post going around earlier because we know dnp are very horny men and hopeless romantics who have stated that the universe would break in half if they separated. Open your eyes people!
And I don't want this to come off as dismissive of qprs because that's not my intention at all, I believe they exist and that friendships can be as fullfiling and deep as romantic ones, maybe even more (believe me, I know, my best friend has been the only constant and most reliable person in my life for the last ten years) but I just don't think that's the case with dnp at all.
Btw excuse any typos I was heated and thinking in spanish like i tend to do when I'm mad
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