#and i got some beautiful attacks of my own guys too.......was a good year for artfight!!!
planet4546b · 2 years
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fave artfight attacks of 2022, destiny edition!!!
vel by @s-t-r-a-y
theo-5 by @trialofthewolfkell
voksis by @astralabraxas
rhoan by @antlerlad
hykralix by @corvus-7
atheos by @salilaoceania
orchidia-3 by @lavenderarts
zisrea by @paracausalmoth
aylin by @Livfreeart on twitter!!
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vanteguccir · 3 months
Atelophobia | Matt Sturniolo
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Matt Sturniolo x reader
Summary: Where Y/N has suffered with an eating disorder for years, but lately, - because of the some "fans" and social media - her insecurities have been taking her to a more than dangerous path, which she couldn't get out without help.
Warning: anorex!a, eating disorder, comparison, self sabotage, self hatred, panic attack, pure angst... PLEASE read with caution!
Requested?: No.
Author's note: That is my work, I DON'T authorize any plagiarism! | English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error.
PS.: This is not intended to trigger anyone or an instruction of how to lose weight. Read at your own risk.
PS. 2: Written by a girl - me - who goes through this every day.
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Atelophobia; the fear of not being good enough.
This was one of the millions of fears and problems that haunted Y/N's mind. Her head convinced her a long time ago that she simply wasn't enough; for her school teachers, for her classmates, for her friends, for her parents, past boyfriends... not even for herself.
This led her to listen to what others said and thought about herself since she was very young, the desire to be perfect and within society's standards in all aspects of a human being consumed her; personality, thoughts, knowledge... body.
She was told all the time how she should behave, act, and be. She was just a child, but that didn't seem to matter to those who did it, clogging her up with responsibilities and comparisons.
One thing led to another. Her desperation to be the best at everything started to include her own body. "Fat" was the first word people used to describe her. She had no control over the situations around her, but she had control over her weight.
Y/N was always the biggest girl in her class, and her classmates seemed to love reminding her of that; often being excluded from work groups, forgotten in groups of friends, or not chosen in any team during Physical Education classes.
Until the year when everything changed. During the school vacation, she decided to change, intending to return to school as a new girl. The new cycle started well, Y/N saw a nutritionist, cutting out all fatty foods from her routine and consuming only healthy ones. She started going to the gym daily, doing the recommended training time. All of this led her to lose a significant amount of weight.
Soon, the vacation was over, and with that, the negative comments from her classmates were replaced by positive comments. Girls asking what she had done to lose weight like that, searching for advice and seeing her as a miracle. Boys saying how changed and prettier she looked.
How could she not fall in love with her own illness?
So, that made her feel good. Too good... her mind began to yearn to become thinner, more beautiful, just to hear more from others. And then the healthy diet and the one hour training at the gym were no longer enough for her. She needed more if she wanted to be better.
Y/N then intensified her training, staying at the gym for 2 hours per day, doing more reps with more weight. She crossed out several foods from the list of permitted that her nutritionist had made, choosing for herself the ones she thought were ideal, until it had almost nothing left.
Her brain self-sabotaged so that she wouldn't go out with her friends, because they would definitely want to eat somewhere and she wouldn't be able to.
She no longer participated in family dinners, creating excuses so as not to be forced to sit at the table and eat.
Her mind convinced her that she wasn't thin enough to satisfy her boyfriends' sexual and non-sexual desires, which made her pull away during or at the beginning of any relationship she had until the guy got tired, or she simply ended it.
She spent hours on the internet, searching for sensational diets that reduced daily calories to 500 or less, promising extraordinary weight loss. In addition to getting on the scale at least 4 times a day, hoping for a miracle every time she looked at the numbers.
Y/N replaced her eating schedules with random hobbies like drawing, learning a new instrument, or picking flowers from her garden to make flower crowns, occupying her time and mind.
Some things scared her, her period hadn't come in months, clumps of hair fell out every time she ran her hands through it. Her vision went dark at least 3 times a day. Her body shivered from the complete cold of her insides, and her stomach hurt more than usual.
But she had to suffer them alone since she had no one to talk to about, always alone.
Until Y/N met Matt.
Matt was the boy who made her want to get better. He encouraged her to look for a hospital that fit her preferences, where Y/N finally began to receive psychiatric and psychological care.
Her diet changed for the better, into foods that Y/N saw as safe. She did not abandon the gym but reduced the weight and time, maintaining her training just for the health of her muscles, as she had lost a lot of lean mass during her worst moment.
The calculator in her head finally stopped. Her eyes started seeing food as just food and not as the enemy. Her stomach craved for all the snacks she loved, and she finally ate them, without feeling guilty.
Matt was so thoughtful about her entire situation, having suffered himself with extreme anxiety from a young age. He could tell he understood in parts what it was like to live with a mental illness.
So he helped her maintain her healthy diet and eat all her daily meals within her limit - often opting to eat together in their room, since he knew the trepidation Y/N still felt about doing it in front of other people.
Matt praised her in every possible situation, trying not to be extreme but to show his intense love and support for the girl. All of that was helping her a lot.
Until it wasn't.
Y/N and Matt never hid their relationship from the public, the girl knew how famous her boyfriend was and how difficult it could be to keep their relationship hidden, they would be seen together at one time or another.
So it wasn't surprising that the girl appeared in some of the triplets' pictures sometimes, and that's what happened that Friday.
As usual, Nick posted a photo dump on the triplets Instagram to promote the publication of their new car video, and one of the photos was of Matt and Y/N, specifically one in which the two were sitting on the couch in their living room, the girl had her legs draped over Matt's thighs, while his tattooed arm wrapped tightly around her waist, huge smiles decorating their faces.
It was a cute photo, but apparently, that wasn't what fans thought.
While Matt and his brothers were in the kitchen, preparing healthy snacks - a habit they built through the girl, but which in the end helped everyone -, Y/N was lying on her bed in the room she shared with Matt, wrapped in too-warm covers, holding her phone with her right hand while her left hand wrapped around her stomach in an almost painful grip.
Her thumb scrolled through the comments screen beneath the post. Almost everyone there talking about her picture with Matt.
"Matt can do so much better than her"
"I really don't know what he saw in her"
"She's going to end up crushing him like that"
"I'll pay for the gym for her if that's the price for Matt to have a worthy girlfriend"
And so on, it was as if they knew all of Y/N's weaknesses.
Some fans of them could be cruel when they wanted to, and Y/N knew this by heart since seeing Nick crying several times because he was body shamed, or when she noticed Chris being quieter than usual after reading comments saying how loud he was and how that was unbearable.
Her heart was crushed every time she saw Matt suffer in silence until he couldn't hold it in any longer and finally cried in her lap for hours after reading people saying how insignificant and quiet he was in the videos.
Even though a huge mass of the fandom loved them with all their hearts and took care of them as much as the distance of a phone screen allowed, it still wasn't enough to swallow the hate comments.
But when it came to Y/N, more than half of the fandom turned against her. Maybe out of envy, but it was obvious that the girl didn't see it that way. She was convinced that they were right.
Her heart tightened as if someone was crushing it with their bare hands. The air seemed to escape her lungs, and the lunch she ate hours before seemed to want to go up her throat. Her fingers trembled as she held her stomach, feeling everything she had and didn't have there. Her eyes began to water, her lips quivering from the tears that wanted to escape.
Y/N quickly moved her finger to the back button, hoping to break out of the horrible cycle she was about to enter. A loud sob escaped her lips when, upon finally leaving the post, her feed reloaded, and a picture of a model that Y/N followed and admired appeared.
Comparison was her biggest enemy.
Negative thoughts about herself began to pollute her mind, everything around her becoming a fog. The sounds coming from the kitchen became muffled to her ears. Y/N's right hand - which was holding her phone - was gripping the device in such a way that her fingers turned white. Painful sobs escaped her mouth as her eyes remained fixed on the woman's perfect figure.
Why can't I be like her?
The longing for the sensations she felt when she starved hit her chest hard. The desire to want to be as thin as before - or more - filled her.
It didn't take long, and soon, the bedroom door was slowly opened, Matt's silhouette appearing behind it. His face was lit up with a smile - probably because of some joke his brothers made - while his right hand held a plate with two sandwiches.
His cheerful expression was replaced by a frown of concern. Matt quickly closed the door with his feet, walking towards the bed, haphazardly placing the plate on the nearest bedside table before sitting down on the mattress.
His hands flew to Y/N's waist, stopping over her own hand that was squeezing her skin with a force that was sure to leave it bruised.
The girl seemed to wake up from her trance, lifting her head and meeting Matt's calming - but worried - gaze. She cried harder as she imagined what her boyfriend would be thinking of her now.
Automatically, her mind started to play her current state, messy hair, swollen and red face, skin wet with tears, eyes half closed and mouth open, allowing sobs to escape from there.
"M-Matt-" Her sentence was cut off by a sob, her eyes closing tightly.
Matt took a deep breath, trying to process what to do next. His left hand - the one that didn't cover hers - slowly took the phone, taking it out of his girl's death grip. He glanced briefly at the screen, automatically understanding what was happening before locking it and putting the device aside.
He moved his body so that it was closer to hers, resting his hand on her spine and guiding her until she laid her head on his chest, caressing the area below his fingers.
Matt felt his heart break with every tremble that rocked the body beneath his caused by the sobs. If he could take that pain away from his girlfriend, he would.
"It's okay, baby, let it out. I'm right here." He cooed, his fingers caressed the tangled strands of her hair lightly, stroking the area while moving his upper body back and forth, slowly calming his girlfriend.
"Ma-Matty-" Y/N's voice was weak, wobbly from the pain in her heart.
Matt removed his hand from hers for a few seconds, stretching it to the bedside table - where the plate was -, taking the bottle of water that Y/N always filled before going to sleep. He opened the lid in one quick movement, bringing it close to his girl's face.
"Come on, my love. Sit down for a moment and take a sip of water. Please." The boy asked in a soft voice, helping Y/N straighten her posture before bringing the bottle closer to her lips, helping her take a few small sips of the contents.
He closed the bottle after making sure she was satisfied, placing it on the mattress before turning his attention to Y/N again. He brushed away the strands of hair from her face, tucking them behind her ear.
"What if they're right?" She asked in a whisper, catching her bottom lip between her teeth in an attempt to keep from crying.
"No, they aren't." Matt's tone was convincing, as if he was absolutely sure of what he was saying. "You are not worse than others because of your weight. You look great as you are. Your body is perfect, do you know why? Because he's healthy enough to carry you around and take care of you." The boy held her hands lightly, stroking the back of her fingers gently as he looked into her eyes. "The recovery journey is not easy, I remember the words your psychologist said to me when we had that session together. I imagine your head when you see clothes getting tighter, and these comments certainly make you want to give up, I know you, baby."
He paused momentarily, watching her reactions carefully.
Y/N knew that, recovery was hard work. Not wanting to die was hard work.
"Recovery is not a race. You don't have to feel guilty about taking less or more time than you originally thought or having relapses from time to time. This is part of the process, and I want you to understand this. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my entire life. When I look at the most beautiful things, I remember you. In the pink tulips of the flower shop across the street, in the Cassiopeia constellation, in the bees that fly in our garden and in the greenest tree I have ever seen." Y/N let out a tearful laugh when she heard him mention the tree, knowing his immense love for nature. "Because you're pretty like them."
"I-I'm sorry." The girl whispered, sniffling then lowering her gaze in shame. "I... I saw the photos that Nick posted, and there were comments..." She shook her head, closing her eyes tightly.
"Oh baby." He leaned slightly over Y/N, sealing his lips over her warm forehead. "If you want to apologize, let me do it. If you went through this now, it was because of me."
"No, Matt. It was never and will never be your fault." Y/N shook her head, wiping her eyes momentarily with the sleeve of her - his - hoodie, sniffling slightly before taking one of Matt's hands, intertwining their fingers. "You don't control people, much less through the internet. They will always talk a lot because they are behind a screen that protects them, but that will never be your fault. I would rather go through this a thousand times and have you with me than never have you again."
"I understand." He paused momentarily. "Please, don't let it get to that point again while you're alone. If you see something that upsets you or makes you feel bad, turn it off instantly and call me. I want to be there to help you. I want to be there for you." The brunette asked, staring at her eyes.
Y/N sighed, nodding her head and leaning slightly closer to him, resting her forehead on Matt's shoulder, exhaling the softening scent and perfume that exuded from the fabric of the hoddie on his body.
Her eyes burned from the tears she shed, closing them tightly to prevent more from falling, her heart still feeling sore from everything.
"If you want, we can contact that psychologist again, the one who helped you throughout the process at the hospital." Matt lowered his head, bringing his face closer to the back of Y/N's head, pressing his lips against his girl's hair, closing his eyes as he felt the warmth of her body close to his. "I want to attend some sessions just like we did last time, so I understand how I can help you this time."
Y/N felt her heart warm instantly, her free hand snaking to Matt's thigh closest to her, stroking the covered skin lightly.
Matt loved Y/N more than he loved himself, and he would make sure that she understood that she wasn't alone anymore.
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My asks are always open. Feel free to send requests or anything at all 🩷💋
And remember to treat people with kindness always!
‼️: If you relate to any of the things that I wrote on this, feel free to send me a message, my DMs are open!! I'm always open to talking to you all. You don't need to suffer alone. You're all super strong, and you got this!! I love you 🩷
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~ taglist:
@lustfulslxt @ladybunny44 @worldlxvlys @earth2starkey @remussbitch @freshloveforthefit @il0vebeingdelulu @sturniolowhore @mimi-luvzyu @alorsxsturn @urfavgirllyyyyy @domizzzsstuff @sturnizd @hearts4chris @cupidzsq @dracoflaco @leah-loves-lilies @tylerthecreatorsrealwife
(If you want to be added to the taglist, please comment here)
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Golden Hour
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Pairing: Luke Castellan x Apollo kid!Reader
Summary: Everything Luke did was out of love for you
Warnings: Ominous Foreshadowing, english is not my native language
Word Count: 979
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The sun was slowly going down and the camp was buzzing with life. Around Luke, campers were rushing around, everyone was trying to finish their afternoon activities before it was time for dinner. But he only had eyes for you. You, who were sitting with a few other campers, a guitar in your lap and glowing like the sun. With your sun-kissed skin and your smile brighter than the star you all revolved around, nobody could doubt that you were Apollo's daughter. Of course, he couldn’t help to gravitate to you like the earth did to the sun. You were his sun.
For a short moment, doubt overwhelmed him. Finally, you seemed happy. But in a world like this, your happiness wouldn’t last unless he took care of it personally. Therefore, he had to do it. He had to do it for you. Because he remembered. He remembered the many months you were struggling in the Hermes Cabin, still unclaimed, asking yourself, far too often, why you weren’t worth it. Back then, seeing your self-doubt had destroyed a part of Luke. He always had known that you were worth more than the gods could ever give you. And, it seems, like he had to take matters in his own hands.
He could only hope that someday you would understand his motivations. However, even if you didn't, at least you would have a better life. And that was enough for him. You had already given him more than he ever hoped for since arriving at camp. He would always remember it, like he remembered your arrival.
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You were lost, figuratively speaking. Three days ago, some guy, half boy, half goat had told you, your father was a god, and now you were hunted down by monsters. Of course, first, you didn’t believe him. But the evidence was speaking for itself, and after you barely escaped a monster attack with your life, you couldn't deny it anymore.
When you finally reached Camp Half-blood, a sanctuary for kids like you, you were so relived, that you didn’t die, that you felt like crying. So, this was what you did. You started to cry ugly, fat tears were streaming down your face while you gasped for air.
This was how Luke found you. And even with fourteen years, he found your beauty rivalling Aphrodite’s. Not that he would ever say that out loud, gods were merciless when it came to things like that.
He took you under his wings. In a world where you felt like an intruder, he gave you a home. It quickly became clear that you were not a child of Hermes. Living in the far too full cabin, you couldn’t help but feel out of place. They told you, all you had to do was find the thing you were good at, and your father would claim you. But days, then weeks, then month went by, and you stayed at the Hermes cabin. The only thing that kept you sane was your friendship with Luke.
But luck wasn’t on your side, and Luke had to go on a mission. Following the god’s wishes, he left you behind. Many nights, you cried yourself to sleep, feeling worthless. Until after 7 months, your father finally took pity on you.  
Luke barely managed to get back from his mission. The cut he received had become inflamed. He didn’t remember how he got back to camp, but when he opened his eyes, he thought he had died and ended in the Elysium.
Your face was hovering over him, and you were glowing. Gently, your fingers were working their way over his wound and Luke needed a moment to realize, that you were healing him.
“Welcome back, hero”, you whispered when you saw that he was finally awake. “I missed you.”
Probably not more than he missed you. But he didn’t say it. Instead, he chose another topic.
“Looks like he finally claimed you”, his words made a happy smile form on your lips. However, Luke wasn’t happy. He could only think about, how he would miss your presence in the Hermes Cabin and at the dinner table.
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Back in the present, you finished the lesson. Giving the guitar to one of your siblings, you made your way to Luke. You were so much more than his best friend, but he had never talked about his feelings for fear of complicating things. However, everything would soon change, and he would have to leave.
“Walk with me?”, he asked and with hesitation you agreed.
Without thinking, his feet led him to the lake, where the sun kissed the water on the horizon.
“Something is bothering you”, you broke the silence, after a moment of just watching the sunset.
Taking a deep breath, Luke tried to calm his nerves. All these years he hadn’t mustered up the courage, but from today on this would all be in the past.
“Some things will change in the near future, but I want you to know, that my feelings about you will never change.”
“Your feelings about me?”, you echoed surprised, and instead of an answer, Luke did the one thing, which he had been waiting for since he was 14 years old. He kissed you. You did what he always dreamed of, you kissed him back.
“Everything I do, I will do for you. I would fight for you, I would lie for you, and I would die for you”, Luke whispered against your lips, after you interrupted the kiss to gasp for air.
“I love you too”, that was all he wanted to hear. Looking down at you, the last sunbeams of the day were illuminating your face, he couldn’t help but think, that you were his golden hour. But now the night was starting, and he could only hope, that tomorrow the sun would rise again.
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agendabymooner · 9 months
MASTERLIST: O-Z by agendabymooner
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LINK TO MASTERLIST: A-N F1 DRIVERS by agendabymooner
note: part two of my masterlist!
a = angst g = general fic hc = hurt/comfort h = humour
s = smut (minors, dni) mc = mature content (minors, dni) f = fluff
★ - newly added ♡ - favourite piece
esteban ocon (eo31)
the royal wildcard, smau: the british media's good at getting the juiciest details of gossip from the palace, but much to their dismay, princess albertine spencer followed the footsteps of her brother harry and had done an amazing job at hiding her marriage with a certain alpine driver for three months. (f, g, h)
the royal resemblance, smau: albertine ocon lived to give her estranged family something to talk about because of her physical appearance that could be confused with her mother's ghost. too bad, ditty ocon was born into the world with the same heart attack-inducing features.
ditty and estie greet the world, fic: diana 'ditty' ocon looked so much like her namesake but act more like her father with her shyness.
pato o'ward (po29)
caught 'em lacking, smau: diwa arellano is mclaren f1's social media admin. so what if her constant teasing of oscar bites her in the ass and accidentally posts something that could potentially compromise her job? meanwhile, lando and oscar laugh at her demise while pato finds it endearing.
sergio perez (sp11)
she's beauty, she's grace, smau: in which carmella ayala perez, the miss universe 2018 winner, tied the knot with checo after their five years of relationship and the birth of their second child.
oscar piastri (op81)
lomi and the piastri fiasco (filo!gen z!ofc)
jollibee, madrid and all that romantic fiasco, smau: paloma san pedro is carlos sainz's cousin-in-law who also introduced oscar to his newly found filipino fast food chain addiction. safe to say that he bought a ticket last minute just so he can obsess over her, too.
live tweets, japan and all that romance fiasco, smau: how oscar's podium win in the japanese gp led to the revelation of his relationship with carlos sainz's in-law, paloma. lesson learned: just call her "pal" then she'll spill the tea for the both of you easily (f, h)
lucky charms, qatar and all that romance fiasco, smau: oscar is quite a forgetful guy, he forgot to mention to carlos, his future in-law, that paloma was his sprint lucky charm. (f)
long distance, england and all that romance fiasco, smau: paloma moved to england a year after enduring a long distance relationship with oscar.
other pieces
12345sex, smau: oscar is secretly freaky and mercury nicoletta had to show him off at some point. ★
kimi raikkonen (kr7)
stop the world i wanna get off with you, smau: vera 'coppa' coppola-raikkonen is the only one who can make the iceman talk a lot. she's also the only one who can make the chatty versions of him as their three older children (romania, rooney and johann-lauri) make their presence known to the racing community. (f, g, h)
someone's dad, socmed snapshot: kimi being the coolest dad, a series. ★
daniel ricciardo (dr3)
rush series (x måneskin member!ofc)
honey (are u coming), smau: how lester alessandro got blocked by daniel ricciardo before meeting him in monza 2021. (h)
own my mind, fic: it took lester almost six italian grand prix races to come across daniel ricciardo once more. sure, she was hesitant to speak to him regardless of the fact that she was his fan but the mclaren driver was certain he’d rather cause a stir in the f1 community with her after his win in monza than celebrate his victory with a lot of people. OR the second close encounter between the two of the most unhinged people of f1. (g, h)
read your diary, smau: it's 2021 and everyone thinks that lester and daniel are dating. lesson learned: never underestimate a fan's investigation skills. (g)
mamma mia, smau: an interview with jimmy fallon gives a brief idea of how lester and daniel came to be. (g)
mamma mia (again), smau: a youtube playlist was created to compile clips of danny talking way too much about his beloved girlfriend (f)
gossip, smau: everyone thinks lester's only here to be a formula one girlfriend with a bad reputation. it's not her fault she's confident. (mc, hc, h)
kool kids, smau: lester and daniel are going to new york to see a musical... while babysitting their "kid" (feat. lando norris) (g, h)
timezone, fic: lester wasn't normally like this, but she's more than willing to pay twice the price just to get to the next flight to where he wanted her: his arms, her home. (hc)
if not for you, smau: messages exchanged between lester and others as she takes care of the wolff children and an ex with the poorest decisions to have existed. (feat. lando norris, max verstappen, charles leclerc and characters from a story) (f, g, h)
baby said, smau: many tweets are posted that they don't often mean. their fans thought that his marriage proposal was one of them. (f, g, h)
supermodel, smau: how not to cry when you're talking about the man who'd give you the wedding that you dreamed of? (f, g, h)
rush series: wedding special
london bridge, smau: the alessandro-ricciardo wedding week is nothing of a peaceful week, and the monday only proved that thought right. (feat. f1 drivers) (f, h) - wedding special 1
fergalicious, smau: the grid singles need to touch some grass… or in lando’s case, go swimming. (feat. f1 drivers) (h) - wedding special 2
l'azienda di famiglia (e le donnole dell'isola), smau + fic: the alessandro family arrived and lando and george found themselves alone with two of the sisters. (feat. lando norris and george russell) (f, g) - wedding special 3 ♡
rush series: mrs. ricciardo special
part of you, smau: mrs. lester ricciardo asks her followers what to get her husband for his 35th birthday. little did danny know, she’s already got one ready to surprise him (f, g)
when emma falls in love, smau: as her pregnancy progressed, lester ricciardo made sure that her sanity wouldn't go the other way as she posted a thread of journal entries talking about her pregnancy. (f, h)
slipping through my fingers, smau: beau ricciardo was his dad's carbon copy and his mom's little heartbreaker.
here comes the sun, smau: despite having a red bull driver dad, beau ricciardo - or "little par" - is converted to tifosi, thank god for his full-italian mother. OR lester ricciardo's one year old son and his chaotic dad attended a måneskin concert when the bassist returned to the stage after almost two years of absence. (f, h)
pocketful of sunshine, scenario: beau ricciardo turned one and what's a good way to show his personality besides from showing it in front of an irwin? ★
other pieces
leaked, smau: daniel ricciardo is a borderline blabbermouth. (filo!ofc)
when danny said, smau: daniel + sadie samuels = it feels just right. (country singer!ofc) ★
george russell (gr63)
his family and her lover, smau: eleanora 'nora' alessandro was more than happy for george's willingness to step up as her children's father regardless of how people poorly reacted on their relationship.
she's magic (youtuber!singer!ofc)
the multifaceted gf and her pets, smau: arabella 'ara' elgin is multitalented and her haters couldn't do much about it as she released a new song about her relationship with george.
carlos sainz jr. (cs55)
two worlds entangling (filipino!ofc)
ride home, smau: the ferrari driver accidentally outed himself as a married man, so mona magdalena sainz stepped in to say hi to his loyal fans. (f, g, h) (extra)
dear, smau: nobody loved each other more than magda and carlos sainz. OR a series of tweets in which magda and carlos never took each other seriously. (h)
pag-ibig, traducido (love, translated), fic: no matter what cultural context and backstories, magda and carlos' souls were entwined into one all thanks to the languages of love that they shared. OR times when the spanish and filipino defined their love in many languages. (f) ♡
logan sargeant (ls2)
he's her lobster, smau: eugenia 'genie' newton + logan sargeant = mondler (h)
mick schumacher (ms47)
big mick energy series (x filo!ofc)
she's everything... and he's just mick, smau: barbara 'barbie' blanco is the vettel family's foster child that gradually turned to kimi vettel's nanny and mick's crush? (f, g)
"besties", smau: everyone swore that mick and barbie are more than "babysitting pardners" (f)
who is kenough, smau: mick nearly took the piss from arthur leclerc after the posts that the monegasque had of barbie. too bad, mick was already hers before arthur could even try. (feat. arthur leclerc)
kenergy unfolded, fic: written version of who is kenough OR arthur leclerc was only scheming just so mick could do something about revealing his relationship with barbie. ♡
the vibing allan and the reluctant ken, smau: for mick, there are only two words to describe his girlfriend's best friend arthur: a headache. OR arthur leclerc is a third wheel that mick always get on a fight with. thankfully, barbie had fair experiences with boys who are petulant and childish at times (kimi and seb)
barbie and the schuminis
mick multiplied, socmed snapshot: girl dad!mick that's all
the little schuminis, fic: 4 times when mick showed his devotion + 1 time his devotion paid off
lance stroll (ls18)
gotta be you, smau: bora mckinnon made her presence known in the paddock one year after lance broke up with her. now, they're all over the media because of his presence in her three birthday celebrations. the question still stands: are they getting back together?
diors and diecasts, socmed snapshot: lance stroll is sassy but so was his carbon copy. OR according to him, his son was a victim of the only child apocalypse. he also said that while buying his son everything he could get his hands on. ★
yuki tsunoda (yt22)
line without a hook, smau: pia ellis misses her mystery bf that everyone thought to be her delusions. it turns out he's a formula one driver who definitely misses her too.
chaos family, socmed snapshot: yuki is a dad to the little mini yukis known as hana and shin.
max verstappen (mv1)
✿ to loathe and to love series - max verstappen x hearth sister!ofc (sylvie ford) ♡
to loathe and to love: extras (x ofc)
lost in japan, smau: just two lost souls (with a tour guide) travelling to japan to make up for the childhood they missed. (f)
the purple chronicle (x ferrari!ofc)
paint him red, smau: alfrieda 'dina' ferrari is the only woman who can mark him as a ferrari fan - and he was quite alright with that.
sebastian vettel (sv5)
sweet rich life series (x filo!socialite!ofc)
crazy rich wife, smau: everyone (some twitter account) wonders where the recently retired german driver had gone to after the 2022 season. thank god for bel vettel, his fans now know that he’s still alive and is being spoiled and pampered by his wife. (f, g)
sweet spoiled husband (+ son), smau: mick schumacher is a grown man that both bel and seb treat like their own child. (f, g)
sweet spoiled schatzi, smau: bel and seb introduce the newest addition to their little family, and mick seems to love kimi vettel as much as a godfather loves his godchild. (f)
sweet little similarities, smau: bel and everyone could tell that kimi vettel was becoming more like his father, sebastian's, carbon copy as days went on. (f, g, h)
sebastian and sons (and soufflés), fic: day in the life of a retired sebastian vettel, featuring his kids kimi and barbie (and a nervous mick). (f)
sweetest spoiled sons, smau: sebastian was a father to not only two- but THREE kids. OR stefan vettel is the newest addition in the vettel household after years of trying and it's safe to say that everyone welcomed this news with open arms. (f)
crazy rich and famous, smau: the vettel couple stepped up to address the scrutiny that their children faced OR sebastian activated his instagram account just so he could show his masterpiece: photographs that he took of his wife for their anniversary.
seb's best girl, scenarios (x daughter!ofc)
Summary: Sebastian Vettel understood the downfalls of infertility just by being there for his wife. What he didn’t know, however, was that his life would drastically change when their foster daughter, Barbie Blanco, was put into their care. OR, what made Sebastian the best father figure to a teenager who had nobody but herself. 
one, enter barbie: fifteen-year-old barbie blanco thought that meeting new people was intimidating, and sebastian learned that making her comfortable in her new home was a responsibility he should uphold as her father figure.
two, meeting mick in malaysia: barbie was brought to her first race ever and had met her newest best friends there. it was obvious that she and mick schumacher would get stuck to the hips after their first meeting.
mark webber (mw2)
the problem with following orders, smau: lydia 'liddy' vettel was what everyone considered 'a revenge best served cold.' of course that was a joke, it wasn't entirely either of their fault they were too drawn at each other. (g, h) ♡
toto wolff
✿ colour me your colour series masterlist - toto wolff x hearth sister!ofc (tilly marie hearth) series
colour me your colour: extras (x ofc)
the paddock's resident it girl, smau: besides from owning three of mercedes' competitors in the track and being the mercedes team principal's wife, she's also known as the cool girl of the paddock for her taste in fashion and husband. (f)
the paddock's lucky husband, smau: with him being spoon-fed with love from his children and wife, toto really couldn't ask for more. OR tilly wolff liked to talk about fashion but her family? she might as well write a whole book about them. (f)
the paddock's resident menace and the dame, smau: tilly wolff was presented with a damehood and her daughter tia, the girl who tends to act on her mischievous way (all thanks to toto), celebrated her 7th birthday during the silverstone gp week. fans recall her best moments in sky sports and media overall.
the paddock's iconic team owners, smau: toto and tilly wolff are considered the king and the queen of formula one for a good reason.
the arrow and the bull speared through the hearth, fic: tia wolff learned a lot from her papa and uncle christian, and tilly had to teach them a lesson too. (h)
the paddock's drive to survive, smau: in which, toto's wife tilly became a part of the season six of the netflix series 'drive to survive'. OR everyone believed her to be a part of big controversies in the formula one season of 2023. ★
#tbt, socmed snapshot: too many throwbacks, so little time. ★
many sommers with you (x supermodel!ofc)
twentieth sommer of love, smau: toto wolff celebrated his 20 years of marriage with his childhood friend/wife and their four kids. OR everyone wondered why irish sommer was referred to as 'the bitch of the runway.'
f1 drivers (general / multiple pairing)
✿ 9 to 5 series masterlist - f1 grid x ofc (lester alessandro) ft. fictional wolff kids
too much caring, smau, sv5 + jb22: kpop idol juno was assumed to have cheated on retired driver jenson button with his best mate sebastian vettel. oh how wrong those people were... ★
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sevynavenue · 3 months
— ໒person on da block꒱‎ ‎‎sanji vinsmoke ೀ moving into a new town could be hard but maybe the boy next door can help you move in a little more smoothly!
— ໒including package꒱‎ ೀ soft dom sanji, sanji's an eater cause I said so, f! reader, oral sex (f receiving), sex on the living room couch, sanji and reader are kind of strangers and sanji's a little slut, unprotected sex (don't do this at home kids), praise, creampie!
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Who told you that moving a couch on your own was the best idea you’ve had since moving into your house? It was 80 degrees outside, and you were sweating, and you could feel the sweat drip from your forehead to your chest. The neighborhood was so quiet, but it was nice and decorated, and you finally got a place on your own. 
From afar, Sanji was watching you; he had lived in the house next door for about a year now. He was known for flirting with every woman who walked down the street in the morning. His “good morning, beautiful,” and “looking good today” always had them smiling when they walked past him on the streets. 
“Need some help, beautiful?” You hear him from afar, and you turn around to see him. Sanji had a cocky smirk on his face, but you couldn't help but feel flattered. “You don’t think I can do this by myself,” you joked. Sanji chuckled at your smart remark. “Not that I don’t think you can’t do it, baby, but you’ve been squatting and trying to lift that side of the couch for the past 20 minutes.” You scoffed at his reply. “Oh, I see,” you said sarcastically. “You just think I'm too weak to do it.” Sanji simply shrugged and said, “No, I just think it's too heavy for you.”.
You stood up and put your hands on your hips, shaking your head. “Grab the other end of the couch, boy.” Sanji smiled and nodded, and you grabbed the other end. With both of you pulling, the couch lifted easily, and you stood back, feeling proud. Sanji grinned at you and said, “I told you I could help.” Sanji looked around at your little house. You had a couple of pictures hanging up already; all you needed was your couch. You practically did everything yourself. 
“You have a little nice house here, but the most important place in the house is the kitchen,” Sanji smiles. Sanji's smile was contagious, and you couldn't help but grin back. “Why is that?” You questioned him, walking into the kitchen to see if he would follow. Sanji followed you in and pointed to the stove. “That's the most essential part of the house,” he said. “It's where you can create memories and make delicious meals.”
“I was cutting these green peppers for my chicken pepper skillet for dinner.” You walked over to the sink to wash your hands. “Let me help you,” Sanji insisted, washing his hands in the sink as well. You didn’t mind the help; your mother would probably have a heart attack if she saw that you just had a random man next door in your house, but you felt safe. For some reason, Sanji finished washing his hands and dried them on a dish towel. You did the same. 
You and Sanji started cutting on separate sides of the cutting board. Sanji was observing the way you cut your peppers, and he put his arm around you. You felt the warmth of his body, and you felt your heart flutter as Sanji's arm was around you. You carefully followed his instructions, and the peppers were sliced perfectly. “Atta girl, see how easy that was.” Sanji patted your back as you slid the peppers into the pan.
“Would you like to stay for dinner, Sanji?” Sanji smiled and nodded. For the rest of that day, Sanji helped you in the kitchen; you got to know him better. You mean, you were going to be neighbors? So it’s good to know you’ll be able to knock on someone’s door when you need some sugar. 
Sanji was an amazing cook; he taught you new ways to make your food taste tender. He was an overall nice guy. Of course, you didn’t see Sanji stealing quick glances at your breasts and curves while you bent over to put your rolls in the oven. Or when he was standing you, how incredibly hard he was when he smelled your aroma. He couldn't help it; you were so beautiful, and he was so drawn to you. He wanted to be closer to you, to feel your body against his. He wanted to take you in his arms and kiss you. But maybe he was just being a horny dog that wanted to runt into you non-stop.
Sanji was even serving you your own food, and he was your guest. “Sanji you didn’t have to serve me; you’re my guest.” Sanji smiled and said, “It's no problem; I wanted to.”. Sanji had been nothing but generous and respectful, and he couldn't help but be drawn to you. 
After you and Sanji had dinner, he expressed that he had to go home for work the next morning, since he had to be there in the early morning. You packed him a plate to go as Sanji was about to leave. You leaned in and gave him a hug. You both said goodbye, and Sanji left with a smile, not knowing if your schedules would align to be able to see each other again.
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It’s been almost a couple of weeks since you moved into your new house. You would see Sanji leave and go, but you weren't to be fast enough to speak with him, since he’s always coming and going. You could not help but feel a little jealous, seeing the women he brings in his home.
You felt a pang of envy, but you knew you had to focus on yourself. You made a promise to stay positive and make the most of the situation. Until one night, Sanji came knocking on your door. You looked out your living room window to see him with a whole dinner in his hand. You decided to close your curtain and go back to watching your TV.
“I know you see me out here; I got your favorite, chicken and shrimp Alfredo? It’s cold out here, Y/N,” Sanji said, dragging your name out. You couldn’t help but deride him. You opened the door, and Sanji walked in. He set the dinner on your table, smiled, and said, “It’s ok to say that you missed.”. You rolled your eyes while sitting back down on the couch, opening the Alfredo he brought over. 
Sanji watched you eat the Alfredo, smirking to himself. You didn’t want to admit it, but his cooking was phenomenal. He sat beside you, smiling. You looked at him with a questioning look. Sanji just shrugged and said, “I'm just glad you're enjoying it.”.
“Who said I was enjoying it?” You joked, and Sanji raised an eyebrow. “Girl, the plate is almost gone; what do you mean you didn’t enjoy it, love?”Sanji laughed, and you couldn't help but join in. You finished the last bite and let out a satisfied sigh. Sanji's eyes sparkled with delight.
Sanji stayed to watch the game show you liked to watch, but you couldn’t help but have an unwarranted desire for something. 
“How did you know Alfredo was my favorite?” You asked, “You have an Alfredo lover magnet on your fridge?” Sanji replied, pointing at his head. You laughed and said, “It's ok to say you missed me.”. Sanji raised an eyebrow and then smirked. “What if I showed you?” Sanji moved closer to your face, and you could feel the butterflies in your stomach as you moved closer to kiss Sanji.  
You felt your heart racing as you leaned in closer to Sanji. His lips were soft and warm, and you could feel your heart melting as you shared a passionate kiss. You can taste the cigarette and the vinaigrette on his lips as you slide your tongue into Sanji’s mouth, taking over the kiss and trying to fight for dominance. 
Sanji felt his face get hot as you slipped your hands down in between your bodies to massage his hard dick. He moaned in response as you continued to kiss, your hands exploring his body and caressing his soft skin. His breathing became heavier as you pulled away and looked into his eyes; both of you were lost at the moment. 
“I want to taste you; I bet you taste heavenly,” Sanji groaned, pushing you down on the couch and pulling your legs up in the air to remove your shorts and panties in one swift motion. He spread your legs apart and started to kiss and lick your inner thighs. You gasped in pleasure as he made his way closer to your center, his tongue teasing you as he explored your body. You felt yourself getting more and more impatient as his thumb gently grazed your clit. 
“Sanji, h-hurry,” you plead. You were so desperate to put his tongue in your folds, that you were going to go insane. He finally gave you what you wanted—his warm tongue exploring your sensitive areas. Your body was trembling with pleasure, as Sanji pushed your legs closer to your chest, your thighs feeling a slight burn. 
Sanji was face-deep in your pussy; you could suffocate him in your juices. You felt like you were going to explode as Sanji's tongue explored every nook and cranny. His movements became faster and more intense, bringing you closer to ecstasy. You couldn't help but try to grind your pussy on Sanji’s face. Sanji could feel the pre-cum squirt out of his dick as he thrusts into your couch, your moans, and pleas turning him on. 
“I-I.” Your voice was cracking as you bit your hand harder, your thighs squeezing so tight around Sanji you could pop off.
Sanji's nails were squeezing into your thick thighs as he rubbed and sucked on your clit like your life depended on it. Your moans of pleasure echoed around the room as Sanji brought you to the brink of pleasure. The vibrations of Sanji’s moans send you over the edge as you buck and grind your hips, whining. Sanji's body shuddered as you came, his tongue still reaching deeper and deeper inside to collect all of your juices. Sanji's hand moved up your body, caressing your skin as he continued to please you. 
“Wan’ feel you inside, Sanji” You whine, spreading your legs again as you watch Sanji untie his sweatpants and pull his boxers and pants down with swiftness. His tip was just as red as his face and leaking with pre-cum. “Fuck you’re going to be the death of me. Sanji bent over to kiss you as he slid right inside you, his lips muffling your moans.  
Sanji began to move in and out; his pace was slow and deep, and one of his hands was on your face so you could look into your eyes as he thrust deep, slow, and rough. You wrapped your legs around his waist so you could feel him deeper. “Fuck! You take it so well; you’re such a good girl for me, baby.” Sanji groaned, kissing down your neck. 
Sanji saliva dripped down your neck as his thrusts were slow and calculated, his hands grabbing your nipples, squeezing, and playing around with them. You moaned in response, your head foggy and your cunt full of cock. Your hands scratched up and down Sanji’s back, making him groan.  
All of a sudden, Sanji pulled out, turning you around, your back arching as he pushed you down and pulled your ass up. He spread your legs apart and plunged back into you, his thrusts getting faster and harder. You moaned in pleasure, your body trembling with pleasure. He kissed your shoulder. “Such a tight pussy, y’re so dirty fr’ me, isn’t that right, princess?”
Sanji's thrusts got faster and harder, and his grip around you tightened as he thrust into you. “Sanjiiii.” You moaned at the sudden change in position, and your moans turned into screams as you felt yourself getting closer to the edge. Sanji's thrusts became faster and harder as your body shuddered in pleasure. It was too much pressure; you feel yourself pushing your hand back for a sense of relief. “Is my princess tapping out? I hope not; you can come one more time for me, yeah?” Sanji bent down to whisper in your ear. You nodded, unable to speak as your breathing became ragged. Sanji's movements became more urgent, and his breathing became ragged too. 
“G-Gonna c-cum Sanji, p-please,” you said weakly, your eyes rolling up to the ceiling and your nails digging into the pillow in front of you. Sanji let out a low moan as he thrust into you, his movements becoming erratic as you felt yourself approaching your climax. “F-fuck, mm gonna cum too baby girl,” Sanji groaned in your ear as he bit into your neck, as his hand came down on your ass, making you hiss.  
“Hnngh! S-Sanji-” You choked as you came hard, biting down your lip, your body shaking as your toes curled, and your eyes slightly watering. You let out a loud cry as you felt yourself reaching the edge. 
“Where you want it, baby?” “I-Inside P-Ple- Oh!” You whimpered as you felt Sanji's hot cum fill you to the brim, Sanji came with a loud moan and huff as his hips came to an abrupt stop. He smiled as he watched the cum drip back down on his dick and onto the couch beneath you both. You are both exhausted, basking in the afterglow of your intense orgasm.
Sanji pulled out of you with a satisfied smirk, his body still shaking with pleasure as he looked down at you with a satisfied gaze. Sanji fell next to you as you both caught your breath, and you still lay there as you panted.  
“So that Alfredo, huh?” Sanji said, looking over at you. All you could do was laugh and playfully hit him as you slowly leaned back up. Sanji chuckled and shook his head. “Yeah, that Alfredo,” you sarcastically said as Sanji smiled before kissing you again.
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©2024 sevynavenue — please DO NOT copy, change, or repost my works on any other platform. All rights reserved to @/sevynavenue
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vintagenahbi · 2 months
HOME pt.1
Jin x Reader
Summary: You and Jin discover that you are expecting your first child, but are faced with challenges that neither of you could imagine.
Warnings: topics related to pregnancy that could be considered controversial.
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Jin and the guys were about to start shooting In the Soop when I got the news I would be allowed on set with them. I had been dating Jin for two years now, but never got the chance to see him in his work element. I was so busy with work myself that I rarely had the time to visit him or even know what all went on behind the scenes.
Unfortunately, I had been sick for the past two weeks and Jin did not feel comfortable leaving me home. Since I had moved to South Korea alone, I didn’t have anyone to care for me, leaving the only option of going on set. It was entirely Jin’s idea to have me near him in case my sickness worsened.
When we arrived, everything was going smoothly for me. I made it to my room which was separate from the main house so I wouldn’t be seen by any of the cameras. I had my own space that Jin could come see me anytime, not to mention the beautiful view outside my window. Although I felt a little isolated I didn’t mind. It was peaceful being in nature, not having to work and only focusing on getting better. Plus I got to spend some time with Jin.
I put on my lounge wear and got into bed immediately after unpacking. I had been exhausted, I had flu symptoms that were out of this world. Some days all I could do was stay hunched over the toilet for hours at a time. After a while it started to take a toll on my body causing me to be tired all the time. I knew once my head hit my pillow I was going to be out like a light.
I heard a soft knock at my door. I sat up to see Jin’s head peaking through. I smiled as he walked his way over to me. He sat on the bed with his long slender frame. He looked at me with his stare lingering down to my lips. I quickly pressed my lips against his causing him to blush. He pulled me in for a hug, pushing me down back on the bed attacking me with kisses. I started to giggle.
“I’m so glad you’re here with me. I wish you felt a little better though.” I wrapped my arms around his neck. As I was about to kiss him, I felt the sudden urge to throw up. I moved him away, rushing into the bathroom. I lifted the toilet seat up and all the contents from my stomach came rushing out. Jin stood behind me rubbing my back. I tried to apologize but I was too sick to even speak.
I heard Jin sigh. Being this sick was almost unbearable. I had never felt this bad in my life. I wanted to cry and apologize, but nothing ever came out.
We heard someone yell out Jin’s name to signal him to come back for a side interview. He rubbed my back one more time kissing my forehead. He left the bathroom. I curled up in a ball on the bathroom floor simply because I was too weak to get up. I started to cry because having no control over my body for two weeks was causing me to suffer. Then it suddenly dawned on me. The light bulb went off and I gathered the strength to figure out what was behind this sudden illness.
I sat on the bed holding the slender object in my hand. Hours had passed and I had not seen Jin since earlier. I heard on a knock on the door and it was Jin. I hide the object in my hoodie pocket. I grabbed his hand and walked him over to the bathroom again. I turned off his mic as if I was a secret informant who couldn’t have this conversation get to anyone else.
I took the object out my pocket and handed it to Jin. He looked at it. I watched his expression closely. Nothing changed. Absolutely no reaction. He handed it back to me.
“Jin say something.” He ran his hand through his hair.
“We can’t.” Those words cut me like a knife. “We can’t have a kid right now. The timing is not good.” I looked at him shocked. His facial expression shifted from panic to a realization of what he had said. “I didn’t mean that.”
“So I’m gonna have to raise this baby alone? Like you said it’s not a good time for you.” I shoved him away. He grabbed my arm and wrapped his arms around me. I cried against his shoulder. He held me close almost as if it were for dear life. I could feel his breathing quicken and his heart was pounding.
Jin pulled me away and rubbed his thumb against my cheek. I cleaned my nose with the sleeve of my hoodie. He lifted my chin to look up at him. I could tell he was about to get serious. Before he could speak I cut him off.
“I want this baby.” He had no verbal response, he only pulled me back in for a long embrace.
“I want it too. I’m sorry I reacted that way, it’s just that it’s sudden. I thought I’d be married first. I thought you’d get to know my family better, not to mention I haven’t met yours yet. I thought it would be different.” I nodded my head in agreement. I thought it would be different as well, but these were the cards we were dealt. It was starting to make sense. All the sickness, me barely being able to stay awake during work, constantly bloated.
He grabbed my hand and took me over to the bed. We laid down and cuddled for a while. The entire time he kept his hand on my stomach, nearly imagining what was about to be. Jin checked his phone and saw that he had 5 missed messages telling him to come back to the main house. He left again and I was stuck there to face the reality alone. My mind excited, my body weak.
The next day I managed to go unseen. I got a ride to the doctors so that Jin and I could confirm if I was really pregnant. The doctor gave me the news I was already expecting. I was 9 weeks pregnant, however I was blindsided when I immediately found out this pregnancy could cost me mine and the baby’s life. I sat on that doctor’s chair frozen. The drive back I felt absolutely numb.
I got back into my room and crawled into bed. The room was spinning and everything felt like it was a dream. Jin walked in without knocking this time to make sure I was okay.
“What did the doctor say?” Jin said inquisitively.
“He said that it’s a high risk pregnancy. I could have this baby but there is a-“ I paused for a moment to clear the lump out of my throat. “There is a chance that I and/or the baby might die.” The last word nearly took Jin’s breath away. He sat on the bed immediately taking in the news he just heard. “Before you say anything, I still think we should keep this baby.” He looked at me with a stern face. He rubbed his tongue on his inner cheek to contain what I assumed was anger.
“Jin, I want this baby.”
“No Y/N, our story isn’t going to end with me losing you. You can’t. I don’t want you to. I can’t lose the thing that jolted me back to reality. I’m not losing you.” I started to get teary eyed. I understood his pain. Although it had been two years of dating, I had found my best friend. Now there was a chance that that would be taken from the both of us or we would have to grieve the pain of losing a baby.
“Jin.” I whispered. He looked at me with tears flowing down his cheek. The door suddenly opened and we both looked. It was a PA telling Jin to go back again. He collected himself and stood up. Before he left the room he turned back to look at me.
“I can’t lose you Y/N.”
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
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gutterfuuck · 20 days
Human!Mark with a Super-powered/Viltrumite!Reader
It’s cute he’s so possessive, as if we wouldn’t break him like a twig... 🙈
THISSSS this is incredible!! i am going crazy!!
i love this idea so much,, perhaps reader is an child of thragg. i am now putting my little headcanon in where i think that mark would have glasses and braces… real nerdy guy x girl that is only gentle with him… cute dynamic hehe!!
this is sfw since im writing a full fic currently, just some headcanons maybe to get the concept out there!! the fic will be called “the perfect girl”
cw: nothing really, as i have stated this is short, maybe a blurb? i am not sure haha,
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the youngest viltrumite to be sent to conquer a planet. you’re sent to earth to take over another viltrumite’s mission that was supposedly cut short due to his untimely death. as soon as you burst onto the scene you’d had everyone’s attention; splattering kaijus like they were bugs, stopping criminals with your presence alone, saving those who were weaker, more susceptible to danger. you’re quick to rise as a favourite of the public, surpassing even the guardians in popularity.
mark meets you at a comic book signing at a con because of course he does. you’re there because you find humans interesting, that and you’d caught wind of a possible attack incoming at the event. you doubted they’d actually come along seeing as you’d made your presence known and you weren’t too kind with your beatdowns. you’d never admit it, but you found this type of media entertaining, the stories would interest you. even though you were a viltrumite, there wasn’t any law that said you couldn’t have a little bit of fun. (you also somewhat enjoyed the fame and the fanbases that had cultivated around you since you decided you didn’t need a superhero name, your name was good enough)
brown eyes stare at you through thick framed glasses, sparkling with interest and recognition, a goofy braced sideways smile forming on his face. you raised an eyebrow, arms crossed over your chest as you stared dead into his eyes. mark almost dropped the stacks of comic books he held in his arms, you were ethereal. he’d seen you on tv, you were all over the newsfeeds sometimes so you were hard to avoid. he thought you were beautiful before, thought you looked like an angel now. other people had gotten pictures with you earlier so he was sure there wouldn’t be a problem if he asked.
he got his picture but you had gotten his number, watched him walk away with pink cheeks, caught in a sort of daze. mark felt so comfortable to you, so… familiar..? maybe all humans weren’t so bad, mark was proof of that.
when you’d come over for dinner with his family one night, you’d finally worked out why. you’d never met nolan, but had heard stories about him growing up on viltrum. he’d been priming the planet for invasion but had been killed which put a cap on things until your arrival about two and a half years ago after you’d proved yourself worthy. you had the shock of your life when you sat at the table and squinted at your boyfriend’s father, heart dropping when you connected the dots. you and mark had been together for months now, you’d know if he was a viltrumite… had the great nolan faked his own death and fathered an offspring with no powers? you almost scoffed at the irony. what a tired and cowardly old man, the karma of having a child with no abilities must have been damning enough. you thought about you and mark’s potential future children and a warmth washed over you, the same warmth that made you feel all gooey and sickly sweet inside.
“tell me about your planet.” he’d say, resting his head on your shoulder as you watched the stars together, “ah, viltrum… haven’t you heard of it before?” you questioned, head tilted into his. you couldn’t wait to report back in a few years, couldn’t wait to tell everyone about how you’d found nolan and he hadn’t been killed… but mark would’ve been heartbroken. you couldn’t do that to him, not yet at least, it seemed cruel. plus, he had no idea what a viltrumite was, though your pride as a viltrumite felt attacked as you’d figured his father hadn’t even mentioned mark’s background to him.
you told tall tales about how you’d created the best civilisation, how your kind helped other planets and those less fortunate… you’d tell him the truth eventually, you’d have to seeing as you wanted to keep mark for as long as human lifespans allowed you to. he would open his mouth and his eyes would widen in awe, saying something about how you were like a character from his comic books which made you nod in turn, the conversation slowly changing to the subject of the comic book he’d been talking about. before you met mark, you would’ve probably never been able to experience life in such a human way. before it felt as if you had no sense of individuality, now it felt like you couldn’t stop being yourself even if it was a little alien to you.
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hawkins-losers · 2 years
Battle scars | Steve Harrington x Reader
Summary: Steve opens up about being self conscious of his ‘new’ body
Word count: 0.8k
Warning: mention of scars
Request:  Steve Harrington x reader + prompt 3 ! (‘’I’m naked!’’ - ‘’Was that supposed to stop me from coming in?’’)
A/N: Seeing Steve’s back is breaking my heart. This is also not how I had planned this fic to go, but I got sidetracked - as always
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‘’I’m changing! I’m naked!’’ Steve screeched in a panic when you almost walked in on him changing. 
A little laugh left your lips. ‘’Was that supposed to stop me from coming in?’’ You let go of the doorknob, and stopped, respecting his request for privacy. 
Being best friends and neighbors for ten years, you and Steve were past the shyness of changing in front of each other - with underwear on. You had gone swimming together in your underwear way too often to be shy around each other. 
You knew details about Steve’s body that would make girls jealous. Like the mole he had at the back of his left thigh or that he wasn’t tickling, unless you poked the right spot under his armpit. 
''Did you catch any weird things?'' you asked through the door, trying to find an explanation to his sudden modesty. ''I told you not to go out with Heidi. Everyone knows she gave herpes to Gareth.’’ 
Steve opened his door, wearing a polo and jeans. ''I don't have herpes. I didn't even have sex with Heidi.''
‘’Whatever you say.’’ You flopped on Steve’s bed like it was your own and began fiddling with one of his pillows. ‘’I wanted to ask if you wanted to go swimming. My friends blew me off.’’
It was only May, but Steve’s pool was heated, which was perfect for when it’s getting warm in late spring. 
‘’I’m good. But you can go swimming if you want. The pool guy came yesterday, it’s all clean.’’  
‘’Are you serious? You never miss on a swim.’’ 
He shrugged. ‘’I don’t feel like swimming, that's all.’’
You knitted your eyebrows suspiciously, not believing him. ‘’What is up with you? You won’t go swimming with me, you won’t have sex with girls and you screamed murder when I almost walked in on you changing even though it’s never been a big deal.’’ 
‘’Some things have changed…physically and I just don’t feel comfortable. Can you drop it, now?’’ 
‘’Since when is Steve Harrington insecure about his body? Since the day you got taken in Hawkins’s swim and basketball team, you’ve been jumping on any occasions to take off your shirt and flash that body.’’ You paused, trying to think of an explanation. ‘’Did you…gain weight or something? Because if it’s that, know that I don’t give a shit.’’
‘’It’s not that.’’ Steve sighed, pushing his face in his hands, profusely annoyed by all your questions. 
‘’Then what is it?’’
He sat on the edge of his bed, giving in. ’’I’m not King Steve anymore. I…do you remember the bats? In the Upside Down?’’
You shivered. The scene was engraved in your head. Steve on the ground, the bats biting and feeding on him and strangling him. The bruise around his neck had faded out completely by now, but it gave you quite the fright. 
‘’They fed on me, torn flesh and scratched, they dragged me for miles- My body is not the same anymore. I’m not smooth skin and perfect chest.’’
Your mouth formed a ‘o’. He meant scars. Your heart sank. He thinks his scars make him less beautiful. 
‘’Steve. You almost died and you’re worried about scars?’’ 
The way you were saying it, like it was no big deal, didn't apply to Steve's scars. It was for small scars. Ones you can easily hide or won't even notice unless you know they're there. A burn from a frying pan or a bike injury.
Steve's scars were much deeper than that. He saw them like a burn victim's or a bear attack surviror's. They were impossible to dissimulate unless covered with clothing.
‘’You don’t get it. It’s on my back, my stomach- They’re healing, but they’re still fucking gnarly.’’
You would totally respect it if he said 'no', but you had to ask. ‘‘Can I...can I see?’‘
He hadn't showed his scars to anyone - at all. Unless you counted the day Nancy wrapped his stomach with the bottom of her shirt so he wouldn't bleed out.
The idea of someone seeing his them made him uncomfortable. He was scared to be judged, scared someone will be disgusted or think less of him. Scared it will make him less attractive to others' eyes. That's why he couldn't take his shirt off in front of people anymore. Why he didn't want to go swimming or have sex with girls.
There was hesitation in his hazel eyes, but he ended up reaching for the bottom of his polo and pulling it over his head, revealing his biggest insecurity to you.
The first thing you saw was his mangled back, the skin resembling a burn victim's. Or fallen angel that got its wings removed.
You dragged your fingertips along the broken skin, feeling the rises and crevices of the second degree road rash. Tears welled in your eyes, remembering how smooth it used to be. The moles were still there, visible in transparency.
Without thinking, you kissed his shoulder, right above the scar. You would kissed his scar, but you didn't know if it was tender to touch.
‘‘W-what are you doing?’‘ Steve asked, his back stiffening under your lips.
‘‘Kissing your scars.’‘
Taglist: @broadway-or-noway @violetsleftfist @thelaststraw3  @cursedandromedablack  @Slashersimpfor  @savagejane1   @wh0reforbucknasty   @eddiemunson-slut   @slvdsjjk  @hehehehannahthings  @dreamdancers-world  @grace-loux  @iamharrystyleslover  @matildavol6  @Original_babababoo  @eddiemunsonbby  @notbeforelong  @lexi-2004 @violetrainbow412-blog  @tatespillows  @alwayslexii  @lilygreennn   @milkiane  @imahomeslice  @bunnygrl16 @cwritesforfun
Steve Harrington taglist: @dylanstilinskiposts  @captainbuckyyy12  @valevalentyne  @yourfavoriteakutagawakinnie  @heizenka  @eddie_munsons_girlfriend @scarlet-kazuha @uhidklol-26 @magicalchocolatecheesecake @swiftbyul @Fandomfaeryreads @harrys-tittie  @tinfoilhat2719 @straycatarang @wayfaring—-stranger @starstruckspring @fourlokiss @mi-amoree1111 @starshipsxx  @ghoulishlygrey  
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v1naco · 21 days
Okay hear me out
Simon Riley x reader but Venom AU.
Like Simon did go into the military but he left a couple years after when (I know this is not canon cause I love his family too much and my baby deserves happiness) his family gets attacked. They’re still alive (besides his father cause fuck that dude) but they got seriously injured.
The attack left him hurt mentally a lot and having to help them heal when he was struggling with his own things made it all worse. So when he went on a night walk he somehow comes across Venom and they bond(?I don’t know how to put it?).
Fast forward years later when his family is a lot better health wise, he uses catching bad guys and letting Venom eat most of them to blow off excess steam and as his therapy. He is out doing his regular shit eating bad guys and he comes across you getting robbed.
You just had a horrible day at work and just wanted to go home and sleep but this guy just had to choose you, a young woman a lone with her earbud(s) in and a backpack on her back walking past the opening of an alleyway at like 11pm.
You were too tired and smart to fight and decided to give the man what he wanted, money, but you only had $3.34 on you from tips and change. The man was pissed, but what is a woman in her last year of college supposed to have, a centurion card (Black Card)? You were living off of hard hours working in the restaurant industry and the scholarships you got to not go in dept after you graduate, even now. You were even an RA but tuition is still pricy.
Simon saw the squabble and knew you just needed some help, since the man just pulled a knife out, and you looked like you could just lay on the floor and sleep the next week away.
Simon (actually Venom) lands on the ground and politely, to the best of his abilities which is none, tells the man to hand back you your money and to walk away. The man argued saying he deserved it, you just wanted to walk away but as Venom took his first step out into the light the man grabs your arm and puts the knife to your neck.
Now you were not only pissed but scared, pissed that if this man slits your throat or puts you in the hospital it can ruin your chance at graduating, and after all those gruesome years of pain and suffering you did not want to redo a whole year. Scared because who wouldn’t be scared of a knife to your neck and the guy holding it looks like his off his rocker.
When you turned your head towards Simon, not only did he see the fear and anger in your eyes but he saw how beautiful you were, even as he could see the light sheen of sweat on you, your dirty hair, and the prominent eye bags you were carrying around, but he would call those bags gucci with how beautiful you looked still with no make up and the bad situation you got unlucky with.
When you saw him your eyes widened. Apparently the man had gotten more scared than you seeing the big black and dark gray mass. Shaped with a human complexion of a body but the head was obviously alien.
The man shoved the knife’s dull blade into your neck enough to draw a small line of blood. Though he didn’t get far enough to cut you deeper since Venom shot a tendril out and grabbed the mans arm. The man dropped the knife due to the pain radiating from his arm. Venom asked (really he threatened) the man to hand you back what he stole from you and he threw insults, calling you all sorts of names you wished to never be called by anyone.
Simon, and especially Venom, was in a happier mood today and would have let that man go with a very distinct warning, but those insults thrown at you slammed that “good day” door right on their faces. Simon believed that no words such as the ones he spoke, should be heard by your pretty ears, those pretty ears with all those pretty jewelry on every inch of them, dangling and reflecting the street and store lights off of the jewels.
Simon didn’t wish for you to see this next part but Venom liked your ear piercings and tattoos and was getting very cranky and wished to take a bite of that man’s head. Simon couldn’t stop Venom in time and the next thing you notice is the blood and the top part of the man’s cervical vertebrae sticking out.
You were a wide eyed doe right then and there. With your hand on your mouth not trying to breath anything around you in. Venom then turns and asks if you’re alright. He was sorry you had to see it, you just nodded and continued to look at the body, slowly and weirdly getting used to it the more you stared at it. You believe you should take a break from all those movies and shows that has a lot of gore in it, believing that your reaction to this situation is not normal.
With how you reacted, and noticing you not shaking much at all anymore, Venom strikes up a conversation with you, much to Simon’s protest. He noticed the accent and figures out that you are not originally from the area, definitely from a different country. As seconds pass, Venom and Simon like you more and more. Asking to walk you home to make sure you are okay, Venom changes back to Simon and he walks you home. You’re much too surprised and still very much so tired and don’t try to fight him on his request to walk you home. But you enjoy the silence between you both, it was calming and you didn’t need to listen to music to fill that silence for once.
When he reached your home he wished you a safe and well night. You stop him real quickly, asking if you could do anything for him to repay him for helping you. He said he didn’t need anything from you. Just as he was turning to walk away you ask to at least cook him a mean sometime, him AND Venom of course, remembering that Venom said that that man’s head was not tasty and he was still hungry.
Simon did not wish to bring you into his pain filled life, but he wished to be selfish for once for his own happiness and with that Simon agrees. He walks away with one lesser bad guy on the streets and with a new number in his contacts, ready to set up a dinner with the woman he knew would later marry.
Anyway thats my little thought of a Simon Riley Venom AU. I did’t specify an age of the reader cause people are different ages during their college/university years and some people go to school for more than the regular 2-4 years. But I was thinking Simon would be about around 25 while the reader is around 22/23 but can be older, maybe even 21 if you want her to be, but nothing under cause those specific age gaps weird me out.
I also did not specify his and her appearance or what she wears bc I don’t really care but if I did I would say more so jeans, converse, and t-shirt with maybe a zip up type style. I do love a girly with many piercings and tattoos though so I wanted to put it in there.
Anyway…sorry Im a d1 yapper😔. I just thought a simon+venom au would be perfect and he would fit the role of Eddie so well. Especially with the motorcycle ugh creaming rn😩. Ehem. Do with this how you want but I do hope that if you do use this please tag me. Maybe give me credits for this idea since I have not found anything like this anywhere if you want. But yeah if someone writes this PLEASE TAG ME. I write for shit so I definitely am not.
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good-beanswrites · 5 months
A little comedy drabble for @kyanako5972 in return for their very impressive musical skills! (The Jailbreak mix wouldn't have fit together without ya👍) Fuuta gets his hands on some slime... They've done some art for it here :3
[I couldn't think of something funny enough, but insert broadway bootleg Milgram Slime Tutorial joke here]
Fuuta was open-minded. Of course he was. He was the most open-minded guy here. He knew that vengeance could come in many shapes. Sometimes it took the form of beautiful, poetic violence. Sometimes it was cutting words and a grand victory. And other times, it appeared as sticky craft slime. You just had to have an open mind to see it.
Not everyone was in as receptive of a mood. 
“A-are you sure it’s not a, a toy?” Haruka asked.
“It’s not.”
“B-but,” he pointed, “it’s --”
“No! It’s a weapon.”
“I don’t know if you know what a weapon is…” Amane looked down at the table. “You couldn’t have requested something a bit more… sharp?”
“Eh!? This is a pri-son. Like they’re gonna give me something like that. I’ve got to take matters into my own hands.”
To prove his point, he picked up his creation. The color wasn’t as flashy as the others’, but it held the perfect consistency for what he needed. It had taken some time to formulate the perfect plan of attack. There were rules he had to work around, after all. (No matter how open-minded he was, rules were rules.) There was a no-violence ban. Fuuta had already tested that one -- several times, actually -- and was sure he couldn’t get around it. Their requests were monitored, and it wasn’t as if he could go and order weapons. And then, even if he did get his hands on something truly dangerous, the original ban would stop him from using it. That left him with only one option.
“It’s definitely a toy. The others are playing with it.” It was true, Haruka, Muu and Yuno had their own colorful creations. Amane herself hadn’t grabbed any, though she sat with her eyes glued hungrily on the others’ projects. Her interest in it wasn’t helping Fuuta’s case.
“Exactly, it’s the perfect disguise! They’ll never see it coming.”
“There’s nothing to see coming…”
Muu poked at hers. “Look~ Mine’s cute and pink, see? I’m even going to add some glitter when Haruka’s finished with it.”
“I-I Uh, I think I added too much… sorry…” Haruka’s slime had lost all appealing texture, turned into a clumpy, sparkling mess.
Fuuta heaved the loudest sigh he could manage, but the others continued paying him no mind. He was doing this for them, shouldn’t they care? Es had slapped Haruka during his interrogation, for god’s sake! That was child abuse! Yuno was only a year older and returned from her interrogation with complaints of violence! And Fuuta --! Well, he actually hadn’t experienced any of that, but that didn’t matter. No hero of justice would let all that go unpunished. 
His moment came quicker than expected. He’d planned on ambushing Es coming in or out of their room, but they surprised everyone by coming into the common area. It was fate.
“I heard you all were playing with some crafts in here.”
Amane glanced at Fuuta. He shot her a look back that meant “don’t say a single word.” His exaggerated expression only drew Es’ attention.
“Something to say, prisoner three?”
“Yeah!” He wound up his arm. 
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He had an open mind, but not necessarily a quick one. With more time, he could have come up with a righteous cry, something along the lines of: “this is for Haruka and Yuno, you damned scoundrel!” Or even: “meet your judgment, tyrant!”
But as the slime came careening toward’s Es’ face, the only thing he managed was, “fuck you!”
The common room fell silent. Fuuta froze. The slime had hit its mark perfectly. It hit Es squarely on the side of the head. It splattered onto their hat. A good deal had tangled itself in their hair. It oozed toward their shoulder, clumps falling onto the uniform. As they tried to wipe it from their face, the material clung to their gloves, getting stuck between their fingers. 
Their eyes moved slowly from their ruined clothes to Fuuta’s still outstretched hand, to his face. “I see.”
They turned on their heel and left.
“That’ll teach ya!” He called out, a moment too late after they’d gone. He turned to Amane, who was watching with a mix of amusement and disappointment. “There’s no way that stuff’s washing out easy. Maybe they’ll have to put on a spare uniform in the meantime.” 
“You shouldn’t have made them so mad,” she said.
“Pah! What’s the brat gonna do? Name me guilty over it?”
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hatakemrs · 2 years
TR characters finding out Y/n's fighting skills:
Synopsis: What happens when TR characters finds out how well their s/o can fight?
Warning: Use of slight curse words. Mention of violence.
Characters: Matsuno Chifuyu, Mitsuya Takashi, Inui Seishu, Shuji Hanma
Matsuno Chifuyu:
You loved wearing makeup and dressing up feminine.
Chifuyu loved anything that you loved so obviously he liked makeup too.
You two had make-up dates often and doing Chifuyu's make-up was probably your most favorite thing to do.
You knew your boyfriend was a part of a Gang but it didn't bother you because you know he can fight well. So you didn't bought up the gang part often while hanging with him.
Even after that you wanted to meet his friends and he was excited for you to meet them too.
So one day he finally decided to officially introduce you to Toman members.
You were greeted by Mikey, Draken, Baji, Mitsuya, Hakkai, Pah-chin, Peh-an.
You all got along really quick and was having a great time until some other gang members pulled up on the spot.
Within blink of an eye a fight broke out
Chifuyu was trying to protect you but a guy came charging towards you from the opposite side.
With your fast reflexes you quickly turned your body and punched the guys hard across his face.
Your boyfriend was too stunned to speak.
Chifuyu just stood there with his mouth open "I-I didn't knew either"
Later Chifuyu started fangirling over you
Let's just say he left you embarrassed as hell by screaming all this phases is public.
Mitsuya Takashi:
A makeup artist and a fashion designer? Seems to go too well as a couple and You and Mitsuya were this couple.
Mitsuya Loves to sew dresses for you and obviously you love the dress which he makes.
You knew Mitsuya's friends and got along with them pretty well. You even took the initiative to plan Hakkai's surpise Birthday party with them.
You were going home from the cake shop with Mitsuya when so people from different gang surrounded you.
Their main target was Mitsuya but in that moment they tried to hurt you too.
While Mitsuya was busy fighting few guys two people attacked you at the same time.
You hit them with side kick while protecting the cake.
When Mitsuya finished beating the other guys his jaw dropped open to see you have beaten those two guys on your own.
"Takashi I think The cake is ruined-" You said your voice dripping with regret.
"We saved some money we can buy another one" Mitsuya hurriedly answered you.
"B-but Y/n tell me how did you learn to fight like that?" You could clearly hear the mixture of amusement and confusion in his voice.
"Oh that? I used to learn Taekwondo when I was young" you replied modestly.
After that you went to buy cake and the surprise party was successful but all that was going on in Mitsuya's mind was one thing.
"Holy shit, I've got a girlfriend who's beautiful and can fight too. Next time I better not make her angry."
Mitsuya knew you were talented but he could have never guessed his makeup loving girlfriend can beat the shit out of people.
Inui Seishu:
It has been a year since you and Inui had started dating.
You were in high school while Inui worked at D&D Motorcycle Shop with Draken.
Since you visited him quite often you were good friends with Draken and also with his other friends.
Inui trusted you very much and he even opened to you about this gang life and all the incident with his sister and his best friend Kokonoi.
He even told you sometimes how whenever he sees his scar every second of that horrific night plays in his mind.
You knew he was also a little insecure about his scar and you never missed an opportunity to remind him how beautiful he his without or without scar.
One day Inui was walking you home when some local bullies pulled up at the street.
The bullies and shifted few months ago at your apartment and lived on one floor below you and for some reason the leader of the bullies seemed to be obsessed with you.
You never paid heed to their words and ignored them as much as you could but when they started insulting your boyfriend that was your last straw.
"Damn Y/n, That's your boyfriend? He's so fucking ugly the scar on his face makes him look like a monster." the leader said while his followers laughed.
You let go of Inui's hand and walked straight up to those guys. It happened so fast that Inui couldn't even react.
You went to the leader and landed a clean hit on his face. The hit was so hard that the boys fell to the ground and his nose started to bleed.
"You say shit about my boyfriend again and I will make sure you can never speak for the rest of your life." You gave a cold glare to his followers and then ran off scared.
You grabbed the collar of that guy's shirt "And I'm sure you can't call anyone ugly again cause I made sure to break your nose"
With that he ran off too.
"Sorry Sei-" You started but he cut you off.
"Good Lord Y/n, I think I just fell in love with you more" he said amused while you blushed.
Hanma Shuji:
It felt good to be the girlfriend of someone who was the member of Kantou Manji Gang which was feared by many.
Nobody had the courage to pick up on you cause they valued their life
You were currently at a small party which was thrown by the Haitani brothers.
You didn't even know what was the party for but you were just dragged by your boyfriend.
Most of the people had left except some people whom we didn't knew and 6 of those whom you knew.
There was Sanzu, Kokonoi, Kakucho, The Haitani brothers, Hanma and you.
Sanzu came up with the idea of truth and dare and all the rest six of you agreed to play.
When finally your turn came you chose dare and Rindou gave you the dare to land a hit on the person to the left side of you.
On your left side was Ran. (Rindou just wanted to see Ran beaten up)
You accepted the dare and you both stood up and took your stance while rest of them watched.
You threw a kick and him with all you got and even though Ran tried to stop the kick with his hands the impact was so heavy that it had Ran fall on his back.
"Ran- I'm sorry-" You went up to him to help him get up while you could hear the laughter in the background and Rindou's voice was the highest.
When you went to sit back at your place you received several compliments and questions on how to learnt to fight like that
But you boyfriend didn't say anything sort of that he just leaned in your ear and whispered.
"I think you just unlocked a new Kink, princess". His voice caused a shiver ran up your spine and rush blood to your cheeks.
He just smirked at your reaction.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
A/n: I have not proof read it so I'm sorry for the typos and mistakes 😭✋.
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A Tale of a Lonely Heart- Na Jaemin
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You may like: Ghost of You with Nakamoto Yuta
Disclaimer: Here is the prequel to "Love at Dawn", first I would like to apologize to those who had to wait so long for this, second this is not what I wanted to be delivering to you, u see I had a completely different story ready in Dec (I wrote on my phone and went directly to my drafts on the computer while reviewing and I was stupid enough to delete the backup since I would post it the next morning), for some reason Tumblr ate my drafts and I ended up losing not only the og version of this but also everything that was there, I'm not proud of this work, but I still hope u guys enjoy it.
Word Count: 1.1k
Warnings: Jaemin POV, but also contains the use of bad words, descriptive content, mentions of alcohol, kinda angst, short mention about Jeno's bed, angry behavior, Jaemin crying, fluff if you squint
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Jaemin liked to keep his feet on the ground when it came to serious matters, despite the mixed image people had of the boy due to the near-bipolar discrepancy in his personality, everyone agreed that Jaemin was a carefree guy: unable to mind anything that wasn't on his priority list, which led to the belief that he wasn't a big fan of relationships, as his owns rarely lasted more than a few weeks.
What nobody knew, however, was that for him love was a very serious matter; the tales of souls carefully chosen to share the beauty of life with the children of the moon were universal, and having grown up listening closely to all the stories about how the imprint was the most precious thing in a werewolf's life, there was nothing he wanted more than find his mate and settling down, his short relationships being solely derived from the fact that none of the girls on campus were her.
And yet, he was completely taken aback when he saw her for the first time, things around him slowly losing focus as her scent completely overpowered his senses, his thoughts fading away and being replaced exclusively and immediately by her, a strange heat slowly rising through his body consuming every inch of his being, he even thought he would die trapped in the intoxicating sensation that took over his heart, the one that seemed to be on the verge of collapse the closer she got and before he even realized it, he was knocked down by the most beautiful creature he had ever seen in his life, his imprint.
Say that he had to hold back when she stopped in front of him would be an understatement, he violently fought the urge to get up and wrap his arms around her, which caused him to stare at the ground as Donghyuck introduced her as his best friend, obviously, her existence was no secret to any of them: Haechan spoke of the girl at every opportunity since the beginning of the school year, gradually making everyone extremely curious about the mysterious YN - being the means the boy used to keep her hidden from the group for half a year a secret to everyone.
Jaemin was so out of his mind that Jeno was the one to introduce him quickly, thank goodness the boys were too entertained with her to notice his strange behavior.
Unable to say anything, he just watched discreetly as the girl animatedly chatted with the boys about things he couldn't even understand. He was too busy trying to put himself in order to recognize any sound around him, everything has became a blur and he was no longer lucid, he would be lying if he said he wasn't afraid of the situation, he was terrified, trying all the time to calm down before he had a heart attack.
Jaemin was never really able to speak properly to her, not the second or third or any of the times that followed over the next year, little by little he managed to answer back, but for some reason, everything that came out of his mouth sounded like snarling attacks and the more time passed the more "what ifs" occupied the boy's mind as the unfriendly tension between YN and him grew. Slowly the hopes he had upon the relationship with the one he had imprinted on disappeared, and despite the frown that he put on every time he was around the girl the feeling that had taken over him the first time they met never really disappeared.
Although he considered himself a strong guy, there were moments that Jaemin had broken because of her, like the first time she spent the night in the house he shared with Jeno, Haechan and Renjun:
The first time the boys totally lost control around her (which, to Jaemin's dismay, only meant one thing: she was one of them now) and she ended up having to stay the night because everyone was too drunk to do anything, imagine Jaemin's surprise the next morning when he opened his best friend's bedroom door only to find the girl tangled up in his covers while Jeno was passed out on the couch next to her.
Jaemin drove for four hours straight, he realized at that moment that not only Haechan -to say that he had grown to hate his friend a bit would be more than adequate; their closeness disgusted him, Haechan and YN understood each other so deeply that the boy often doubted the veracity of the supposed connection he allegedly has with her- was a threat, but all of them, other than that, he couldn't help but dislike her at that moment not only for showing up in his life but for also stealing his friends.
Even though Jaemin wanted to hate the girl he found himself completely in love with her, so in love that the next time he broke down- so badly- over her was also the first time one of the boys found out who she was to him:
YN had a boyfriend, the news that Haechan shared so excitedly with the group while making fun of YN brought immediate tears to the boy's eyes, his heart squeezed so hard that Jaemin thought he was going to pass out, he was so busy trying to breathe properly that he couldn't he noticed his friends entering the library much less Mark approaching him worriedly. Fortunately, the older boy managed to drag Jaemin to the back of the building and patiently waited while he calmed down, however, the moment Nana noticed the sad and surprised expression on his friend's face he knew that the pieces had fallen into place for Mark and his secret was no longer so secret.
When her relationship finally ended Jaemin found himself having mixed feelings: he was happy that she was single, but hell, he hated to see her sad and was ready to kill whoever made her cry, in the end, Mark had to convince him that broke Hyunjin's face was not a good idea.
At a certain point, Jaemin found himself rooting for the end of any minimal relationship that the girl had with any man outside their circle - it was difficult, but the boy was proud of having reached an agreement on the closeness of YN and the boys: he decided that he would be happy that she had true friends who would always take care of her instead of hating his friends for it - on the other hand, the more time passed, the more he questioned whether the girl's permanence in his life was, in fact, a good thing: at the same time that he loved her, he hated the way his heart always seemed to be torn apart because of her.
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Please do not copy or translate any of my works, all creative work is copyrighted and therefore plagiarism is a crime.
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writing-frenzy · 1 month
Here come SI off the rails :D
Brain worms have arrived and shored up some of my remaining will to dream once more :D
And of course it dreams up a way to maybe, maybe give our favorite traumatized imaginary shield character a reason to actually smile and mean it. (Maybe?)
And of course, I forever fell in love with the SI OC trope, soooo weeeeee, buckle up everyone and thing, this one is gonna be a doozy.
First off, our SI boy was playing HSR, trying out a full imaginary team comp of Luocha, Walt, Aventurine, and Yukong when sudden, traumatizing death. It is not pretty, it is horrible, it is scaring, and it literally almost breaks our poor mc's mind; how can they not ask, beg for someone, anyone to save them?
It's a good thing (or is it) that something does.
Whether it is Aha on some sort of new kick, a manipulation of destiny, or even a certain Mother Goddess at work, our poor soul gets taken into a new world; but not as they were. Their mind and body were too broken when they were transferred, so the being had to get creative.
So, they took some inspiration from the team they were playing in their most recent memories, taking from doomed versions of themselves who were willing to trade for their own wishes in turn (and oh, how many were doomed in all the paths; there would always be one with a simple wish to fulfil easily.)
So, the MC becomes a meshed form of the Imaginary team of Luocha, Welt, Yukong and Aventurine: he is a good height, about 5-9, not six foot because Aventurine and Yukong are shorter taking it down a bit. He has Welt's brown hair, but it seems to be a bit messy and longer, what with all the hair styles, which he has to braid to keep in order and less annoying. And for all he seems human, he actually does have Foxian ears and tail, along with most of the bloodline perks, but hides it with illusions and tricks for reasons. His skins is tanner and kissed beautifuly by the sun, and his eyes are really cool, being a mixture of Aventurine's shape and style, but with the other three's colors. he also looks late 20's/early 30's just imagine him with welt's eye lines because the character maker doesn't have that. (The glasses are there for reasons and this is him illusioned because the ears were just not meshing for me.)
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As for the eyes, I tried my best TT^TT (headcannon that most Avgin's eyes are usually in shades of brown to gold, with rarer shades of darker purples and even green at times, going with how Avgin means Honey and all, so with Kakavasha being born with not only bright beautiful eyes, it also has blue in them like water? and it rains? yeah, no wonder they thought he was blessed.)
But yeah, with his appearance over, now we get an interesting little bit about him; his path is Remembrance :D how? he has no clue, only that his memories are pretty shitty now, he knows random ass stuff (gifts from the other four; my guy know so many loopholes now for the IPC) he instinctively knows how to use his powers, just has to practice with control, but what was his favorite food? his dream in life? his actual name? nadda, zilch. He does know his power is literally a mixture of all four of his Imaginary team, allowing his skill to produce shields that also buff and/or heal his allies, with them disappearing can either randomly heal, buff, or do nothing before they go. His Ult is a mixture of Luocha's, Yukongs, and Welt's, doing incredible damage while also debuffing his enemies to hell and back, and even letting his team heal like with Luocha's. This doesn't even count in the terrifying follow up attack, that randomly does whatever the fuck it wants to :D tiny black holes to devour enemies? shower of golden rain that heals allies by draining the enemy's own life? this is only scratching the surface~
Yup, our boi is a OP beast :3
Did I forget to mention he came to this world with half the damage he got from his death? So it's very lucky where he ended up; a few years before the Avgin's genocide, luckily found by the tribe where they took him in, who while hesitant about the stranger, couldn't turn him away, then felt well they didn't when they finally opened their eyes to see they were one of them. Even if he's of mixed blood, he is still one of their own and came back to them, even as harmed and damaged as he is.
Not to mention just how talented and powerful he is.-
The wise woman watches, with her guard, as the stranger to their ways learns with an appetite like starving dog, so keen and willing to continue struggling on even with the barest of scraps. It is a kin to someone struggling with quicksand, finally finding some leverage that can save them from demise just in time, light entering those eyes once more. But like a beaten dog, they shy from most touch, hesitant and still, eyes watchful as they take in all threats to their self before they settle into a long wait, ready to attack.
It makes it both tragic and amazing, seeing someone so strong, someone she has seen break rock and stone with but a thought, so obviously broken, but willing still to heal. She knows her guard would like for this stranger to become part of the guard, to let others know of his strength so that they can better themselves and their people.
But the wise woman did not live so long to be wise as she was with simple thoughts and hopes like those; she saw signs everywhere, she has read omens in the sands and wind, reads the bones with ease; besides a select few, no one knows of their stanger's talents.
She names him Sarth, for his always thoughtful ways (and to hide within sight, just that for all his power, it is his mind most terrifying of all.)
(He was found under the stars for protection and warning, waking only when the stars for secrets was high in the sky. She sees how gentle, ever so kind their stranger is for the children, and she makes her decision.
She finds she will never regret it, traitors in their mist, the men in the black uniforms abandoning them, telling their stranger to please, please, if nothing else, save their children and ill away from this mess. If nothing else, she knows that at least the 452 with him will live.)
-so yeah, I have feels about those still being missing being 3,452 people; i just yoinked a chunk for myself, my guy Sarth covering everyone with his ridiculous powers, stealing a ship he found (interestingly, it was an illegal drug merchant who was currently being killed, so it would be a long, looooong time before someone notices one missing ship that was destined to be scraped because of damages and age over the years.) My guy is desperate, knowing of the discrimination they will face from practically everyone in the universe, not knowing who to ask or even if there is anyone willing to aid them; the IPC is shady as heck, he doesn't think Himeko has fixed the express yet, and their ship is running on luck, prayers, and Yukong's memories and knowledge of flying through even worse with even more tragic of conditions.
Sarth could really, really use a break right now; everyone with him at that.
Then in walk some Fools; Sarth somehow not only impresses them, he even tricks them, getting one fool, who goes by as Tricky Trickster, delighted (because what's more delightful then tricking others? Himself getting tricked in new and innovating ways. After all, how else could one learn to better themselves?)
So, my guy is able to enter in a game of high stakes with the Fools; he has 6 chances to win his people the chance to live well, with food in their bellies, chances for education, no worries of threats, the complete secrecy of their survival, all that good chance... here is the thing; he has to win at least four games, because the hightest amount of people that can be saved per game is 113 people, so yeah, four games would equal the 113 peeps. (he doesn't count himself; he can at least get along in this universe, he has power and tricks on his side, he can do what must be done; all these sick, injured, or too young? they can't.)
So he plays the games, winning two at first, getting 226 from there... only to lose the third game; what he loses is decided by random on a wheel, with him in the end nearly ending up practically blind, his eyes basically just for decoration now... he almost loses the fourth, but by chance actually wins, getting another 113 people. but this luck doesn't hold by the fifth game, this time he loses 20 years of freedom, to begin after the games are done and to serve in the Tavern. the last game is done with bated breath, the last 113 people's lives hanging by a thread, when MC pulls off yet another miracle; he uses the memories of harmony and abundance, sealing with preservation to gain back what little sight he can to win the game, saving all 452 people that came with him. there is much tears, crying, sobbing and mourning because once more something is taken from the Avgins but they persevere, many promising that they will do what they can for him in turn.
(In the end, they find an interesting item, one that can channel things with multiple paths and contain it, shaping to whatever the owner needs. Those are now shaped into glasses for Sarth to wear so he can see, only able to be removed by himself. it doesn't feel like much to the Avgins, it feels paltry for all he has done for them, but Sarth loves and adores anything he gets from them, to the honestly little mudpies from the kids to even the gems others offer; his favorite is the company they offer.)
So yeah, in my head, when the Trailblazer enters the planet of Festivities, my guy is near the very end of his service term, with maybe a year or two left.
This is so far what I have for him, but I must say; he gives off Dilf energy like hard core and the thirst for him is real :D
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6 (continued)
In which we get a closer look at Mercymorn.
And Harrow finds out how to undo the nerve root twist keeping her paralysed; she would do well to heed Mercymorn's warning, tbh. That could have ended badly.
“Lie, Harrow. Now.” “Fifteen,” you said immediately, hoping your own meat would not betray you.
Why does the Body bid Harrow to lie?
I said, Put an age requirement in the letter! I said, Everyone will be pubescent if you don’t! And now we reap what he sowed. Hiss.
Hiss 🤣 Lady Mercymorn, you're funny.
She was right in calling Harrow and Ianthe babies. Idk how old Ianthe is, but she's still young as well. They're young for regular humans, nevermind Lyctors.
“You’ve met our respected elder sister, I see,” Ianthe said. “She accused me of being twelve, called me one of those animaphiliacs, then told me I wasn’t as good looking as someone called Cyrus. It was like being back with Mummy,” she added, with a touch of fond nostalgia.
Good to know Ianthe got the same treatment. Sounds like some Mummy issues are abound as well.
And what is up with this shuttle? We will see.
"Well, Nonagesimus, they do see action when the Cohort suddenly loses three warships to as many orbital radiation missiles, which is three more warships than we’ve lost in the past thousand years,” said Ianthe.
Eighteen thousand dead??? I have a bad feeling about this. Flashbacks to the prologue, when they were under attack from... those insecty things, who seem to be related to that thing the Emperor was talking about before. The Resurrection Beast.
As he drew closer, you could see that he looked as though he had prepared in a hurry; he carried a small bag, hastily packed, slung over his shoulder—the ever-present tablet peeked out of his pocket, along with what seemed to be at least five styluses—and he was dressed simply, as per usual, in a black shirt and trousers.
You know, for the God-Emperor, so venerated by everyone around him, he really just seems like some normal guy. Some totally normal, extremely powerful, practically immortal guy. Kinda like the Lyctors. I wonder what his story is.
Each leaf was intertwined with a match-sized infant fingerbone.
Sorry, anatomy nitpicking again. Infants don't have much in the way of fingerbones, it's mostly still cartilage at that point. What bones they do have in their fingers are going to be much, much smaller than matches.
Unless cartilage counts as bone, for these purposes? We may never know.
He turned to find the beautiful ward completed on the wall, and the Seventh adept quietly dying on the floor. There was a whorl of blood down her front; at some point she had levered her syringe deep into her subclavian artery. [...] Her expression changed from glassy-eyed expectation to resignation; she rolled over to kiss the dusty floor of the shuttle. You and Ianthe were left blinking, eyes and noses streaming, as though you had just eaten something slightly too spicy.
Ah, well, it's not Quite resurrection, as she wasn't Quite dead yet, but close enough. Interesting, the externalised power here, affecting Ianthe and Harrow. I want to study the Emperor and his powers under a microscope.
The non-sequitur conversation between the Emperor and Mercymorn is unnerving. When they start talking again, I have no idea what they're on about. I'm going to keep reading, assuming it will all be explained to me in due course.
She was deeply excited. That starry, far-off gaze refocused on you, and she whispered coyly: “Should we hold hands, in girlish solidarity?” At your expression, she puffed away a strand of colourless hair and remarked, “You’re the one who investigated my tonsils.”
Lmao, good point. I'm guessing that means she doesn't know the reason for the kiss - which I can only take as good news.
The shuttle might as well have been empty for all that you could sense within, except for that single foetal bundle of thanergy lying still inside the coffin.
Cytherea's, if I remember correctly. Ominous that Thalergy remains this long after she died.
Ohhh, we're getting more insight into The River and how it works. Absolutely Fascinating. It's like subspace, but also the underworld/afterlife, and apparently, full of man-eating monsters.
Interesting!! Sounds like a great place to take your two babyfaced new Lyctors to/through.
Mercy said lowly: “It turned out that being sensible and brilliant and careful doesn’t keep you from getting ripped to shreds by ten thousand feral ghosts.” Ianthe said, “But the Beast—?” “Emerged unscathed twenty minutes later,” the Emperor said. And: “Life’s a bitch.”
I wholeheartedly agree. It seems everyone here is grieving in some way.
You recalled the enormous construction of regrowing bone, your hands encased in it so that you could not wrench yourself free, your mind voyaging nauseously into the chamber of another person’s brain. God said, “You’ll need that skillset now."
How conveniently the narration/Harrow's memories twist themselves to avoid ever even mentioning Gideon.
And they're in the River, and this concludes the liveblog for the night. See you probably tomorrow for Chapter 7.
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freckleslikestars · 9 months
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It’s been kinda a weirdly emotional day today.
So, this hill here is one that my dad has climbed twice with my brother - once on my 11th birthday and once on my 18th birthday. And both times I wanted to join them, but my mum said no because a) you need to entertain the people who are here to celebrate your birthday (11th was my uncle and 18th was my brother’s partner which…he was the one who left her to climb a hill. She was his partner why couldn’t he entertain her) and b) “your dad and brother don’t get much boy-time together. Let them enjoy it” (when I said I wanted boy-time too I was told I was a girl and to sit nicely and serve the sandwiches so…)
My dad really isn’t a big bucket-list kinda guy, but he’s always said he wants to climb it with me one time before he dies. And over the last year his health…well, let’s just say it’s not been improving.
Now, this is not a big hill, not by any stretch of the imagination (I think it’s got a prominence of about 80 meters so it’s really not high) but you have to factor in that dad’s got a whole load of health conditions, I’ve got chronic pain in my feet that I’ve had since childhood and a bunch of injuries from just before covid that never healed properly, and some pretty severe asthma, and we are from the flattest county in the country. Like. We are not people designed for hills. I mean, the house I grew up in was below sea level. I get altitude sickness going upstairs. In my life I’ve climbed two mountains and a glacier and they all took me the better part of a day.
So we go today, because neither of us is getting any younger. And we leave stupidly early in the morning. Because we’re like ‘this is gonna take us a good couple of hours’. We get there and we say we’ll take it at our own pace. It’s quiet and truly a beautiful morning. I have an asthma attack halfway up, but that was to be expected.
Even with the five minute break we took for me to recover, we still managed to climb it in just over half an hour. We then had to sit at the top for forty minutes whilst I dealt with a touch of vertigo. (Look. I have really shitty depth perception, and my brain couldn’t handle the fact that I knew the hill next to us was quite far away, but it looked like I should have been able to touch it. I have the same problem when looking at the clouds in the sky. Always have. It just makes me incredibly dizzy).
And like. It’s kinda dumb but this is something that we’ve been saying we’ll do together for years and it’s never really happened for one reason or another (usually illness and injury) and like. Today we just,,,did it. And it took the morning. And like. Okay I hurt like fuck now but also it’s just feels like this stupid hill - not one that’s particularly hard to climb or anything - is more of an achievement than any of the hikes I’ve ever gone on, because we did it together. I dunno.
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theshinazugawaslut · 26 days
could u also do it the other way around with three characters u love from each anime watched?
a/n: i'm genuinely so surprised all y'all want my opinions on this stuff xxx
Bakugo Katsuki (my glorious carmine-eyed king, they could never make me hate you. he genuinely has some of the best writing and development i've ever seen, and i love characters who have boatloads of ambition.)
Todoroki Touya/Dabi (what a fucking guy, he's got such dramatic flair and his design is genuinely so sick. his backstory makes me sob every time but he's just so amazing. his writing is genuinely so brilliant, too!)
Midoriya Izuku/Deku (him, Katsuki, and Shoto really emphasise what it means to be a hero in different ways but Izuku contradicts typical hero society at its core. and he's a hero at his own core, too, and i love him so much for it!)
special mentions: todoroki shoto, hawks/takami keigo, all might, kirishima eijirou, aizawa shouta, shigaraki tomura/tenko shimura, nana shimura, tamaki amajiki/suneater, yaoyorozu momo, himiko toga, rody soul
Sanemi Shinazugawa (was there ever a fucking doubt? my goat, my king, my lord, my saviour, my husband, my everything in this world. writing, backstory, design, voice is mwah mwah mwah)
Tanjiro Kamado (he's such a beautiful, pure-hearted soul, i could go on about him for years. if you don't like tanjiro, you're probably genuinely a dickhead)
Mitsuri Kanroji (sweetest girl in the whole world, i feel as though her character is very universal whilst simultaneously being unique. though i feel like people constantly put her down a dumb bimbo when she's a whole ass hashira who fought an uppermoon and muzan)
special mentions: yoriichi tsugikuni, michikatsu tsugikuni, muzan kibutsuji , gyutaro shabana, lady tamayo, nezuko kamado, genya shinazugawa, kotaha hashibira, rengoku kyojuro, rengoku senjuro, sabito fujikasane
Choso Kamo (he's one of the best big brothers ever and he's the nicest boy in the whole wide world; i love his writing. best boy)
Itadori Yuuji (he deserves the whole entire fucking world, i wanna eat him up he's the goddamn cutest and he has such a kind heart i love him so much!)
Kugisaki Nobara (i love how well Gege showed her and she's the best written female character in JJK, especially how well she handles being 'feminine' and 'masculine', was very upset at her destiny)
special mentions: inumaki toge, geto suguru, sukuna ryomen/dickhead, uraume
Levi Ackerman (best character in aot hands-down, the warmest heart in the whole world and just such a cool badass to watch!)
Eren Jaeger (one of the best MC's in anime, his turn was both unexpected, devastating, and absolutely brilliant.)
Pieck Finger (I love her so much; she's so pretty and smart, like her intelligence genuinely blows me away!)
Noe Archiviste (what a fucking hottie cutie patootie. i genuinely love his positivity so, so much!)
Vanitas (he's so ethereal and mysterious, i love his aesthetic!)
Vanitas (except the majestical one who raised the MC Vanitas; they/she/he were so fucking cool!)
Guren (i would literally combust for him)
Shin'Ya (love this bro)
Mikaela (blondie)
Rachel Gardner (genuinely such a well-written mc and her bond with Zack was so, so good!)
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