#and i guess two of the hermits aren’t really hermits
sepublic · 4 months
I just gotta say I love the pun of this episode’s title; I thought Homesick would allude to it being about Luz missing home, but it was actually a joke on Hooty being sick!
That said, we DID get what would’ve been our first look at Manny, as well as an early version of Camila lore! Turns out she was going to be a nurse, but in the end I think I like veterinarian better. Still, I remember discussing healing back during S1A as a potential track for Luz because of this, so to see that theme be apparent with both parents was cool!
Manny’s face being shrouded also seems to indicate that the dramatic reveal behind him -the illness- was always planned, at least since the pilots. Luz said he drove an ambulance, past tense, which seems like some dark irony given he probably needed one at one point. Remember how some of us theorized after Reaching Out that the Abomaton alarm reminded Luz of an ambulance siren related to her father? Man… On the plus side! We can guess Camila and Manny met through their professions, so we could try applying that to canon as well! Compassion is such a Noceda trait I love it.
Likewise, I appreciate how these two leaked storyboards have Luz and Eda covering for each other! One sticks their neck out because something means a lot for the other, but the other decides it’s not so important they’d sacrifice the one for it… With this episode, Eda doesn’t want Luz to look like a dunce but Luz is honest and can’t bear to see her mentor be mocked either, and is trying to take responsibility for what she feels is HER mistake too! It’s really sweet seeing Eda inadvertently teach Luz the Healing glyph.
Speaking of, it seems we would’ve gotten individual glyphs for all spells, as the fandom once assumed! I guess the show did glyph combos to explain why Luz doesn’t immediately find everything, as well as create a sort of fun system behind Luz having to mix and match things. And we even got to see what we always wanted; Luz making an ENORMOUS glyph around her enemy! Goes to show my speculation that since glyphs rely on the magic around them, they aren’t physically taxing; Something we see brought up with Eda’s own magic.
Caduceia reminded me of an early Hermonculus, being a teacher who didn’t really care much for the actual students and even seemed to enjoy mocking them! She looks like Raine, so much that I wonder if the design was repurposed for them because it was such a nice one! I dig the play on Caduceus, with Snakeslie as a palisman! Snakeslie looks so much like a worm on a string. Given Luz and Caduceia are both healers, it’s neat they have a snake in common, though Caduceia’s seems to allude to her being a snake (liar); Her palisman’s name is literally Snakeslie. Snakes lie. Glad to see Stringbean with the positive rep!
I also love the gag of King calling himself the King of whatever’s convenient, and it was really cute seeing him want to prove his own worth! Because two witches, it’d be easy to feel like he has nothing to offer, which is part of Sense and Insensivity in canon! There’s parallels between the A and B-plots, with Luz and King feeling ineffectual and their owl friend supporting them, only to be helped as well! Eda and Owlbert are linked and hell so are the demon hunters and Caduceia!
The House Demon lore was neat, even if it was stuff we already figured out with canon; House Demons being like hermit crabs, and also rare! Seeing healing magic be used to make someone sick and even control their mucus/phlegm was disgusting yet fascinating! And I was delighted to see the demon hunters again, they’re underrated side characters imo and we even got a crew nickname for another one of them!
I also like the bit of the moral here; That sometimes, it’s not that a student is bad or isn’t trying, sometimes the teacher is failing them. Maybe some people think this generation is raised too soft and coddled, but I think it’s an important reassurance for a lot of kids who struggle and blame themselves for it; I’ve taken teaching classes before, and we were taught to be vigilant with ourselves as potentially inadequate for students. It’s the onus of the teacher to adapt to a kid’s needs after all, and actually care!!!
What an unexpected delight! I never imagined the crew made storyboards for additional episodes and not just the pilot! This one has no voice alas, but it’s better than nothing and I feel storyboards have such a nice charm to themselves as well! I really thought the pilot would be my last episode review, but I keep getting pleasantly surprised and gifted by this show…!
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tarditzgrade · 2 months
i thought this one was gonna be longer and then i hit the last line and thought 'wait i could just end the fic here' and i did
Day 3 - Stars/Flowers
Stargazing fic :). a strange constant with me. Only dialogue, so no dialogue tags or thought descriptions or anything like that. Brad's the first speaker, if it's unclear.
around 218 words :D
“Y’know, I don’t think I’ve seen the sky like this in a bit. With all the stars and stuff.”
“Mhmm. It gets too bright in Ninjago City. Light pollution and all the tall buildings cloud up the sky.”
“Huh. I don’t think I’ve ever thought about that.”
“Yeah, ‘cause you’re always up here in this monastery in the middle of nowhere. You’re higher than the clouds up here. You probably see the stars every night.”
“I guess I do. I think I’ve started taking it for granted.”
“Yeah, you should come to the city more often, country boy. See what it’s like on the ground.”
“Country boy?!”
“Oh my bad. Mountain dweller.”
“That’s not better!”
“Hermit crab.”
“You act like I’m some kind of recluse. I’ve been in the city plenty.”
“Yeah, the two times you’ve stayed at my place.”
“Alright, city boy. Why don’t you tell me how much better your loud noises and bright lights are than my peace and quiet?”
“My loud noises and bright lights are superior. I’m walking distance from everything.”
“Okay, but you can’t deny getting to see the stars like this is nice.”
“Yeah, yeah. It kinda is…but you know what’s nicer?”
“…aren’t you sweet?”
“You love it.”
“So what if I do?”
“Then, that’s alright with me.”
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They’ve stopped at tons of different planets in their time in space, but none so many as on their long, long trip home. Desert planets, jungle planets (a lot of those, actually) sprawling urban planets, you name it. They’ve seen ‘em all, and they’re all cool in their own ways.
Tonight’s planet, though, is particularly spectacular. It’s essentially a giant evergreen forest, and the locals all live in quiet cabins and huts. The very air is green and fresh, and it’s wonderful.
Keith’s biased, of course. He’s always been fond of forests, ever since he was a baby — his Pa regularly took him to the giant ones in east Texas, where the only thing you saw for miles was pine trees and dirt. He’s always found the scenery beautiful, and camping is always fun. (Even if that’s the only way they’ve been living for months. Poor Hunk is at his wit’s end, as are Allura and Shiro, but Keith could live like this the rest of his life and be happy.
Well, maybe not the rest of his life. His back certainly misses mattresses, that’s for sure.)
“Earth to loverboy.” A dark hand waves in front of his face, shaking him from his thoughts and back to the present, where he’s gathering firewood with Allura.
“That doesn’t even make sense. We’re not on Earth. Who taught you that?”
She shrugs. “Pidge and Shiro have been updating me on Terran slang so I blend in once we get there.”
“I wouldn’t trust them as a reliable source of information,” Keith says, snorting. He adjusts the stack of firewood in his arms. “Pidge enjoys lying for her own amusement, and when I was a kid, Shiro had this can of dried beans and every time I misbehaved he took one bean out. He told me that once the can was empty, the world would end. So I’m not saying that they’re intentionally misleading you, but, you know. Not sure I’d take them at their word.”
There’s a long stretch of silence between them. After several minutes, Allura adjusts her own stack of wood (which is, technically, several full-sized logs for them to sit on) and looks at him solemnly.
“Everything about your childhood is confusing,” she says. “But at the same time, explains so much about you as a person.”
Keith nods. He really can’t argue with that, as he was raised first by one (1) hermit monsterfucker and then two (2) gay losers.
“That’s fair.”
They chat idly as they make their way back. They’re the first to arrive to the campground, so they start setting up as everyone else starts trickling back in.
Pidge arrives next, face buried in her holopad. She throws a bag of freshly washed laundry at Keith’s head, snickers to herself, and then scampers back to her lion before Keith can grab her and throw her into a stream, like she deserves. (Allura also points and laughs at him, but Allura could beat him up blindfolded and with one working limb, so he’s long since accepted his fate on that front.)
Coran and Krolia aren’t far behind, completely wrapped up in their conversation about the rare medicinal ingredients in this quadrant. Next is Shiro and Romelle, carrying a massive bucket of water between them. (Well, it’s mostly Romelle and her Altean superstrength, but Shiro is Doing His Best, so.)
“Anyone seen Lance and Hunk?” Keith asks, once he’s gotten the fire going and Pidge has deemed it safe to emerge from her lion. (Fool choice, that, but Keith will wait until she least expects it.)
“You know Lance,” Shiro says. “Hunk too, honestly. We sent our two biggest nerds — besides you, Pidge — on what amounts to a nature walk. They’re going to stop to ogle at any bug and critter they see. Let’s just hope they actually remember to get us food.”
“We’re here! We’re here! Sorry we’re late!”
“Speak of the devil,” Pidge says with a grin. “Or, both of them, I guess. I’m fucking starving.”
“Sorry, we got distracted,” Hunk explains, hurriedly putting a pot over the fire and dumping in some ingredients. Lance speedwalks over to the pot of water Romelle brought to add some of that.
“Hold it,” Allura says, making Lance freeze. “You’re walking different. Explain yourself.”
Lance turns back to face her, hands behind his back and expression the picture of innocence.
“Dunno what you’re talking about,” he says, very obviously full of shit. Keith narrows his eyes, trying along with everyone else to figure out what changed. It’s not his hair — it’s gotten a little longer and curlier since they left Earth, but nothing drastic. He’s wearing his regular baseball tee and jeans. His eyes are as mischievous as ever.
But wait a second. Is that —
“Did you get your ears pierced?” Keith asks, and Lance beams.
“No!” he says with a lot of enthusiasm. Keith blinks. That’s — that’s a confusing mesh of a response, there.
“Tone doesn’t match what your saying, buddy,” Hunk supplies helpfully.
Lance is undeterred, but pats Hunk’s head in acknowledgment. “I’ve had my ears pierced for years! Couldn’t wear earrings in the Garrison, though, so I wasn’t wearing any when we went to space. But when Hunk and I were looking around for mushrooms and stuff, and I saw something cool in a tree so I climbed it to get it and it turns out it was this phial for a potion that this cool witch lost to a bird —”
“Cool witch?” Romelle mumbles, but Lance doesn’t hear her.
“— and she was so grateful that she wanted to give us a gift, and Hunk and I said she didn’t need to repay us, obviously, but she insisted and gave Hunk a cool bracelet —” Hunk dutifully holds up his wrist, showing off a pretty leather band with several ornate stone beads — “and me these beautiful little gold hoops! Aren’t they awesome?”
“They look dope as hell, dude,” Pidge says, uncharacteristically earnest, making Lance grin sunnily at her.
Everyone else offers their compliments, but Keith is — he’s struck. Without his permission, his brain is thrown back to his nine year old self, with a flashlight and an old, worn copy of collection of Greek myths under the blankets of his bunk bed in the group home. He remembers reading about the hearth goddess Hestia, and how all the gods loved her so deeply and desperately that they were ready to tear apart the universe to earn her hand. How she choose to remain an eternal maiden to avoid a civil war. He remembers rolling his eyes, wondering what was so good about a goddess of the hearth that made gods fall to their knees before her.
He looks at Lance, at how the warm glow of the flames sends dancing shadows over his face. His eyes — deep and dark and endlessly, endlessly brown — reflect the soft burn of the fire, and his new earrings gleam.
And suddenly he understands.
“I like your earrings.”
The words are nearly a rasp, barely escaping the dryness of his throat. He’s — he’s breathless, in shock. The feelings he has for Lance aren’t new, exactly, but in the warmth of the campfire and the quiet of the forest, the intensity of them nearly bowls him over.
Lance smiles, shy.
“I haven’t worn them in a while. I’m excited about them, but I — I wasn’t sure if they were right for me anymore.”
“They suit you. You look — you look really nice, Lance. I mean, you always do, but — you get it.”
Lance laughs softly. His cheeks are red. Keith wonders if it’s from the heat of the fire, or something else.
“Yeah? You think so?”
“‘Course I do,” Keith says, grinning. “You know it, too. Now you’re just fishin’ for compliments.”
“Am not.”
“Are too.”
“Am —”
“Alrighty there, Romeo and Juliet,” Hunk says drily. “Dinner’s ready, although I’m not sure I have the stomach for it after seeing that.”
Well, Keith sure as shit knows what Lance’s blush is from now. He’s got one that matches.
“Thank you for the food, Hunk,” Keith says, loud and telling. Lance laughs along with everyone else, even though they’re the butt of the joke. The conversation moves on quickly, warm stew and good company making everyone loose and jovial — even though a good amount of that joy comes from teasing Keith and Lance as often as possible.
Keith shakes his head, grinning. He looks at Lance, who’s happily teasing Allura right back about all the goo-goo eyes she makes at Romelle, and feels something warm settle in his chest. Despite all the teasing and nosy comments, he’s happier than he’s ever been.
He thinks that nine-year-old Keith, quiet and sullen, sure that love was stupid, would be so happy to see how things have changed.
based off this picture by @intrepid-class again because i’m so serious when i say i think about it every day
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hmshermitcraft · 1 year
Weekly theme : Love Language
Premise : Polyhermits, Gem and Pearl introduce them to Love Languages
Now, the Hermits aren’t stupid, it’s just, they are occasionally very dense.
Gem and Pearl had introduced them to the concept of love languages when they had officially joined their large polycule.
For some Hermits—Cleo, it was easy enough to grasp and they were definitely someone who appreciates quality time.
Now, if only the rest of the server would—
Wels— no— acts of service doesn’t mean you devote your entire life to every Hermit— that’s really sweet of you but—
Jevin, words of affirmation are normally things like compliments and positive things— not insults!—
Aww, Hey, at least Zed, Impulse and Tango get it! Yeah, cuddling is part of physical touch!
No— Impulse— very romantic, but please don’t gift two thirds of everything you own to your boyfriends—
Tango— quality time usually doesn’t include your boyfriend being murdered over and over again by ravagers while testing out your game— but sure I guess.
~🎨 anon <3
What's a little harder to get them to understand - and maybe they should've seen it coming with how the hermits are - is that it isn't a competition. Love languages are supposed to be a way to better understand what you want to give and receive in a relationship! They don't need to be anything new. No, Doc, you do not need to see how many you can do in a day, that's not how this-
There's a scoreboard by the end of the week. Maybe they should just accept the server's love language is competition.
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dmwrites · 2 years
“Listen, guys, I feel like we’ve outgrown our starter bases.” Impulse said.
“Yeah.” Gem agreed, leaning against Impulse’s house.
“Ehh, I don’t know, I feel like I could squeeze some more builds on mine…” Pearl said, gigging when Gem elbowed her.
“I think it’s time that we go search for a place for our mega bases.” Impulse continued. “And- I guess i should have brought this up first, but I was wondering if you guys wanted to base up together. I just can’t picture myself hanging out with any other idiots.”
“Impy, we were gonna come with you whether you asked or not, it’s like our job to annoy you.” Pearl said. Gem nodded in agreement, punching him lightly so he was only slightly winded.
“Great!” Impulse said. “Well, let’s go hunting, shall we?”
“Yeah!” Gem exclaimed, and took off in a shower of rockets. Pearl and Impulse looked at each other, laughed, and took off after her.
“Are we there yet?”
“…Are we there yet?”
“Gem, we don’t even know where ‘there’ is!” Impulse reminded her. Impulse, Pearl, and Gem were all flying in close formation, soaring over the unexplored lands of Hermitcraft. Pearl was doing slow loops around Impulse and Gem.
“Hmm… what about a birch forest? Guyyyysss!!!” Gem pointed to one with excitement as they passed.
“No.” Pearl and Impulse said at the same time.
“What? Guys! Listen, at least let’s stop for a rest here, okay? You’ll see how wonderful it is!” Gem did an abrupt turn in the air, headed down for the birch trees. Impulse looked at the time, sighed, but headed down after her. Pearl followed, landing lightly on the top of a tree.
“Gem, I hate to say it, but we need to get a move on, really take a look at all the places we can!” Impulse told the elf.
“Listen, snack break first, then we can keep looking.” Gem said, reaching down and stuffing some bright green grass directly into her mouth. “Plus, you can realize how lovely this biome is!”
Pearl and Impulse exchanged a look, both lounging on the grass. “I don’t know Gem… it’s not really what everyone here is looking for…” Impulse said. “It is very nice, though.” Behind him, Pearl plucked a blade of grass from the ground and chewed it a little bit, then making a face, and discreetly spitting it out.
“Oh, these trees! So lovely! And there’s a babbling brook!” Gem gestured around with a handful of grass.
“How about this: we’ll write it on the list, so we can look at it later if we don’t find something better!” Pearl suggested. Impulse nodded, taking out the small notebook he’d been keeping track of coordinates on, and scribbled down some numbers.
“Yay!” Gem exclaimed. “Okay, snack time over! I’m ready to keep looking, although I’m sure nothing will be better then this!” She stuffed her pockets with grass and took off in another flurry of rockets.
“Erase those coords.” Pearl muttered to Impulse.
“One step ahead of you, these aren’t even the real coords. I just wrote down random numbers.” Impulse whispered back. They high-fived each other and took to the sky once more, still in search of their forever homes.
“I think this is it, guys.”
Gem, Pearl, and Impulse stood at the sandy shoreline of the river, which wove between two large hilltops. One one side was a steep cliffside with a lush forest on top. On the other side was a scraggly collection of grass and stone, which Pearl was already itching to terraform.
“And like with a bridge in the middle so we’re all connected… omg guys, this is so lovely!” Gem sighed, munching on grass again. “I know we’re all heartbroken by the birch we left behind, but this’ll do!”
“Yup, totes heartbroken.” Impulse replied. “So, three hermits walk onto a blank canvas… I wonder what this will all look like when we’re done?” Pearl mused. They smiled at each other. They had a lot of work to do.
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ryuichirou · 2 years
I saw the spice 🌶🌶🌶 stuff on Twitter and lemme just say I love your art style.
I was wondering if there is a place to read the AU's you have?
And also what kind of Twst AU have you created?
Ahhh thank you so much! Extremely happy to hear that!
I post everything there is to know about our AUs here and on twitter, but there isn’t much: these AUs aren’t as thought out as, for example, our shingeki AUs; this is why we don’t even tag them. It’s more like having concepts we play around with, with the stories still being vague and pliable in our heads, even though we do have rough directions for them. That’s why we don’t really write long posts and descriptions for our twst AUs. I guess, just dropping random scenes based on our discussions of these AUs with little to no context is too much fun lol
We’ll probably have more AUs, we really love creating them, but for now we’re too focused on consuming all the canon stuff (vignettes, events, etc). But still, these are the AUs that we have for now:
AzuIde Marriage AU. This is the one we post the most.
Azul and Idia get married for convenience, and this marriage is indeed very convenient for both of them: Azul gets all the legal perks + a personal genius inventor who can easily bring him lots of profit; Idia gets to play videogames all day and not to do much else. He also doesn’t have to socialize at all: Azul does all the socializing for him, making presentations, networking, getting investors and such.
They’re amazed by how perfect their marriage turned out to be: both of them are very happy. Idia’s life is stress-free for once; he has all the time in the world for himself and indulges in games heavily, not worrying about having to communicate with anyone other than Ortho and his gaming buddy. Azul is doing his own thing, spending all days working, talking to rich people, doing shady stuff, expanding, expanding and expanding his business franchises. But the thing is, by enabling each other to live in this self-indulgent comfort zone and giving each other “that one thing that he craves”, they make each other the worst version of themselves. Idia becomes even more of a hermit; Azul becomes even more obsessive and unhinged.  This is why it’s a perfect marriage, but also a horrible one. It kind of depends on how you look at it, thus they are very happy in the funny strips, but the bad ending is still a thing that could happen. Actually, there could be more than one bad ending, some of them involve these two staying together lol
2. Prison AU. Pretty self-explanatory: some characters are the inmates, some characters are the guards. This AU kind of has multiple universes inside of it at this point lol, just because swapping characters’ roles is fun. The main “route” is inmate!Floyd/guard!Riddle though.
3. Catherine AU? Kind of. The one in which Idia takes the role of the main character of the said game (Vincent); Azul is his long-term boyfriend (Katherine) who wants him to get his shit together, find a better job, marry him and live together already; and Lilia is a mysterious cute-looking guy who seemingly just wants to be with Idia and have fun with him (Catherine). Hilarity ensues. I would’ve drawn more stuff for this AU if we remembered the game better, but still.
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dragonmasterhiccup · 7 days
She gasps excitedly, gently squeezing him. “I would absolutely love that, Hiccup. It would be so magical.” The girl sighs happily, once again resting her chin on his shoulder. 
The former mermaid looks down at the village, taking in every detail, leaning over slightly to get a better look. “Look at all the little people!” She giggles. “They’re like a ton of little minnows down there!” As Melodía studies the people, she tilts her head curiously. “You know how I said you’re a good walker? Well, some of these humans aren’t as good at walking as you are.” She chuckles. “Like, see that one down there? With the funny helmet with curly horns?” She points to a tiny Snotlout, who’s making his way through the village. “He walks like if a starfish tried to walk on two of its arms.” She giggles. “He’s silly. Aw, look at that one!” She points to Fishlegs, who was currently taking a stroll with Meatlug. “He walks like a hermit crab, scuttling along.”
As they descend, she holds onto him tightly, giggling as her long hair whips an auburn trail behind her. Once they land, she looks at his hut, utterly confused as to what it could possibly be. It was like a boat, but… different. 
She smiles, taking his hand and attempting to slide off of Toothless’ back, but she immediately stumbles, losing her balance and landing face first into Hiccup’s chest.
"Yeah, I guess they do look a little like minnows, huh?" Her perspective was unique, and fun to listen to.
He laughed as she compared Snotlout to a starfish. "Don't let him hear you say that! Though I may not be able to keep myself from thinking that anytime I see him!"
Seeing her confusion, he said, "Oh! I suppose you wouldn't have huts where you're from. Uh, this is where I live, where I sleep at night, that's one way to put it, I guess?"
"Oh!" He wrapped his arms around her as she fell into him. "Are you alright? Here, let's get you inside, and have you sit somewhere comfortably..."
Supporting her as they walked, he helped her get inside, Toothless trailing behind, and led her to a wooden couch with furs spread across it.
"Is this better?"
It was then that Stoick came out of the other room, surprised to see his son brought someone home.
"What's the meaning of this?"
Hiccup straightened up immediately, turning to face his father. "Dad! Hi! Uh, this is Melodía, she was shipwrecked in last night's storm, and washed up on our shores, Toothless and I found her in the cove. She's a little shaken, but otherwise is uninjured. Melodía, this is my dad, Chief Stoick the Vast."
As Hiccup spoke, Stoick looked between his son and the young girl. She seemed to be Hiccup's age, and he saw how she looked at him. A small smile formed, hidden under his mustache.
"Well, son, since there was damage from that storm, I'm afraid our usual huts for guests are full at this time...but, I don't see why she can't stay here, if she doesn't mind, that is?"
Hiccup was surprised, to say the least. "Wait, really?"
"Of course! She can take your room upstairs, son. You and Toothless can bunk down here. A lady needs some privacy, you know."
"W-well, yes, I'm aware of that..."
"Why don't you get her settled in, I'll come back with something suitable for her to wear, hm? I hope you enjoy your time in Berk, Melodía."
Chuckling, the chief left, and Hiccup was dumbfounded.
"Well, that was... unexpected. Are--are you okay with that? With staying here?" He ran a hand through his hair, a little uneasy but also a little relieved.
She didn't know anyone else here, and at least she'd be out of danger, but still...
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fryingpan1234567 · 2 years
so, in your post about your HC superhero AU, you mentioned that the villains were mostly helsmits, and you already gave us a few (evil x, helsknight, and the unnamed bdubs sibling that I’m not sure if they’re an original hels or Pungence), so what drove those guys to villainy in the first place?
So! Yeah it’s Pungence, and ofc we’ve got EX and Hels himself.
But there are lots of other Helsmits, most of the names of which are not mine obviously, but I’ve got some stuff on them.
As I mentioned, EX and Pungence ran away from the AHM when they were kids, leaving their brothers behind to be trained to be supers. Hels was knighted by the same ghosts as Wels, so he’s kind of stuck because he swore to protect. He’s got a loophole, though: his partner and the people he considers his family are all villains. Therefore, he is protecting what he has to. Wels is pissed about that but can respect it.
Just a quick list of Helsmits:
BadTimesWithScar (BadTimes)
Some of those are mine, most of them are just ones the fandom have come to conclusions on. If you guess them all right I’ll give you a cookie lol
Basically, they’re all related to the Hermits in some way- maybe they’re siblings, cousins, some rando who happened to be born at the same time, ex best friends, etc. They got sick of being in the Hermits’ shadow, and decided to do something about it.
Most have powers. Some are failed trainees. Some are self-taught. Some are just angsty and decided a life of villainy was what they needed to do. There are even one or two trained by professional villains.
I should mention that the Hermits and Helsmits are not the only hero/ villain teams out there. You thought the Hermits were bitter about being forced into hiding? How do you think the Dream SMP, the actual psychopaths who killed the president’s daughter, feel? The split about down the middle, but that’s a story for another time.
Fortunately, there aren’t very many all-out wars with full teams. Mostly it’s just a couple wreaking havoc, and the appropriate Hermits are sent out to deal with it.
There are a couple very specific backstories though, and I’ll tell you about them:
~ For as long as he could remember, Hels and his twin brother were actually very well off. They had that cool thing where they could read each other’s minds, and they didn’t even fight that often, despite sharing a bedroom and… pretty much everything else.
But. The biggest issue? Wels was a huge suck-up. To their parents, the teachers, the coaches. Hels was more of a ‘put a finger up towards the world’ kind of guy, because he knew it wasn’t kind, and he was happy to return the favor.
When he and his brother were given power as vast as they were, Hels’ mind went straight to what he could do to the assholes that called him slurs, made fun of Wels for every reason possible, their parents, who made both boys feel like they were failures no matter what they did.
Unfortunately, to become a knight, there’s an itty bitty problematic oath you have to take. You can’t harm anyone who doesn’t attack first, and you must hit back within reason.
“Within reason” meant a different thing to Hels than it did his brother and the knights. He’s not stupid. And he doesn’t let go of things easily.
His solution? Leave and find a way to make that oath his own.
Yeah, maybe seducing the leader of the only villain organization he knew (it was very small at the time) was a ploy to get out of being a hero. He didn’t feel like saving the assholes that had caused him so much pain. But then he really fell in love, and he made some genuine friends, and after that?
No one could stand in his way.
~ Pungence liked having powers. It put him above kids who made fun of him and his brother, not that they knew that, but it was nice to have a secret like that.
He had photokinesis, just like Bdubs, only his was more… dark. Bdubs produced light. Pungence sucked it out of things.
Still, they got along. When people were racist assholes at school, the brothers just let loose a string of random Spanish until they got scared and left them alone. That was pretty funny, no matter how many times it happened.
And then one day, there was an offhand comment about how America made the best superheroes. Anyone who wasn’t white or an American citizen could never live up to the heroes they had.
Especially Bdubs and Pungence.
That was the last straw. The boys had decided enough was enough, and showed all those kids right then and there just how heroish they could be.
Which… didn’t go over as well as they’d hoped.
Their family was shunned by the rest of their small town, and they were forced to leave. They ended up in New York, but it wasn’t long before the AHM tracked them down. A massive sum of compensation, more than either brother could comprehend, was offered to their parents in exchange for the two of them. There wasn’t much hesitation when the decision was made to hand them over.
Bdubs resolved to show everyone who had doubted them, their parents, everyone back home, even himself, that he could be great. The greatest, even. He’d be the brightest hero the world had ever seen.
But Pungence couldn’t forgive all of that. Frankly, he was surprised Bdubs could. Normally they were on the same page as far as things like revenge went, but not this time.
He wasn’t going to prove them wrong. He was going to prove them as right as he could, and he knew he’d go down in history… just not on the same side of it as his brother.
Martyn Littlewood used to be Ren’s best friend- more than that, for a time, but that went out the window when he discovered Ren was a werewolf.
At first, he was mostly horrified. He felt bad for that, mostly because the only reason he found out was that Ren came to him for help after being injured by hunters, thinking Martyn would help him. He was wrong, of course, but he didn’t know that at the time.
Once Martyn got over the fear and Ren was far away out of his life, he decided maybe powers like that wouldn’t be so bad. He happened to come across an offer to become a hero, and he didn’t pass it up.
They didn’t quite give him the powers he was expecting. But honestly, a wendigo wasn’t all that bad. Pretty sick, actually.
He realized the issue when his thirst for blood became too strong to control. It took the entire police department together to contain him, and he was handed over to the AHM, only to be recruited by EX and Hels.
Revenge on Ren and the people who locked him up, plus free usage of his powers? Not a bad deal.
~ Typically, heroes were respected more than villains. You know what villains have over heroes?
Fear factor.
People are terrified of beings with power and aren’t afraid to use it. Heroes could be pushed around, and villains could not.
The Void twins knew this. It’s why they came to the Earth dimension in the first place- power. Their powers don’t work in their own dimension, so Earth was a good place to make a name for themselves.
X wanted to go down in history, just like Bdubs.
So did EX. They wanted to be the most powerful interdimensional overlord in the history of time-space.
X was able to keep them at bay for a few years, but when they met a new boy with just as much ambition as them? It was too good an opportunity to pass up.
Pungence said goodbye to Bdubs when he left. EX said nothing to their brother, because they knew X had the power to catch up to them. So as soon as they were ready, EX got them to Britain and they didn’t come back until they were ready to take on New York with a brand new team of very powerful people ready to kick ass.
~~~ ta-daaa, how do we feel anon? does that make sense? I wanna start writing more actual stuff and not just concepts lol send in more y’all
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ow-anteater · 2 years
🥺 you wanna hear about them 🥺🥺🥺
Okay so Vermont and Kass are weird in that they started as kind of a joke inspired by two of my dragons on the petsim Flight Rising. And then they kind of crawled into my brain and became - first of all became people I guess - and also got full personalities and also a story I’d like to write for them. Homegrown blorbos with the weirdest meta story basically
So Vermont is the longhaired one, full name is Vermont James and he … he started as a spoof on Indiana Jones? He’s a chronically overworked historian on the good days and a weird lumberjack hermit in the bad periods. Funny and sly with a very strong loner streak, worse with his words than he’d like to believe and a tad prone to falling into an us vs them mentality if the people close to him are mildly inconvenienced threatened
Kass’ is short for Kassem and he doesn’t really have a last name atm. Decidedly bookish, has written a bunch of children’s books and a lot of longer adult very poetic scripts he’s never had the guts to pursue publishing for. Generally shy but very sharp when he wants to be and unendingly curious. Suffers from a bit of a restless heart if he’s stayed too long in the same place and can thus be a little flighty to be around
In universe they’re something akin to elementals, Vern is fire with strong ties to the sun and Kass is water and the moon. The world is basically magical realism and a couple hundred years ago they did partake in like your full out ‘grand battle for good and evil’ that wrecked and splintered the magical world. Since then, every time their own power has recuperated enough for powerful factions in their world to start paying attention to them again, Vermont wipes their magic away, basically uses it all up in a single surging ritual that leaves them borderline mortal the first couple of years and also keeps them out of all magical conflict. All of this is technically a spoiler since these resets also deletes most of both their memories
It’s about fleeing, it’s about responsibility, it’s about loving people enough to make decisions for them that really aren’t yours to make, it’s about being soulmates partly out of necessity and I think so much about them and write none of this fucking book I could be writing dnndndjsjdksk
Also very much considering just setting up an OC blog at this point hdhdjjks
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neoflames · 2 years
That awkward moment when your boyfriend starts a zombie apocalypse and also one of you watched him get attacked by a zombie
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In other words- first drawing of my new Expect The Unexpected/ETU AU :D (it’s a zombie apocalypse AU if you couldn’t tell)
Have two relatively traumatised bois, one of whom fled to the nether after watching one of his boyfriends get brutally attacked by a zombie, and the other, who’s just kind of chilling in the Overworld and trying not to ✨die✨. No zombies spawn in the Nether, so I guess Tango was really the smartest here.
Although as a Blazeborn, he really is a lot more suited to Nether life than the other hermits.
They aren’t the ‘main characters’ (I guess) but they’re still interesting.
Also yeah there’s gonna be a bit of death in this AU (it’s a permadeath/hardcore AU so no respawns lol) so don’t get too attached to any characters lol
Also also, it’s my second or third time drawing Impulse and Tango so if their designs look kinda rough and unfinished that’s why
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Version without the background btw :>
Feel free to send any asks about this AU :D
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zaph1337 · 2 years
Monster Hunter Rating 48: Hermitaur
Just as Blango introduced Monster Hunter to the magic of monkey, so too does our next monster bring a breath of fresh air to the series. We may have seen arthropods before, but those were all insects; none of them were the ultimate in evolution, the pinnacle of the animal kingdom, the true inheritors of the Earth. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, Hermitaur, better known...as CRAB.
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(How it appears in the Second Generation games)
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(How it appears in Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate [sorry for the poor quality; I had to enlarge it])
Appearance: I’ve been thinking: arguably the hardest part of these is assigning them a number rating. I’m constantly trying to figure out whether I like something better or worse than something else to keep the numbers consistent with my reactions, but I’m almost never sure which one I prefer or what each number actually means--they’re basically arbitrary at this point, so why bother stressing out over them so much? From now on, I’m just going to talk about my thoughts on each monster, rather than try to grade them.
On to what you’re actually here for, Hermitaurs are...well...giant crabs. That’s it, really. Don’t get me wrong, giants crabs have a novelty all their own, but it doesn’t leave me with much else to say about them. I guess the shells are pretty cool; they’re not big enough to hide in, which is kinda the main point of having a shell, but armor is armor, and it’s nice that Hermitaurs aren’t exactly like real hermit crabs and instead offer their own take on shelled crustaceans.
Behavior/Lore: Hermitaurs are juvenile forms of Daimyo Hermitaur, and are generalists that populate deserts and other biomes in great numbers, though their habit of hiding underground unless disturbed means that the majority of them likely go unnoticed. When I call them generalists, I mean it--they’ll eat basically anything, even humans. On the flip side, humans will eat Hermitaurs, too--specifically their brains, which are apparently a delicacy (not that I’d ever try it--blech). We’re not the only ones that’ll eat these things, as Plesioth and other Large Monsters will also gobble them up.
Unfortunately, that’s all we got: habitats, eating habits, and what eats them. There’s barely anything to talk about here, even for a Small Monster. C’mon, crabs, give me something to work with here.
Abilities: They protect themselves with their shells and pinch you. I have nothing more to say, y’all already know I’m disappointed.
Equipment: Just like with Blango, most of the Hermitaur weapons require parts from their Large Monster, so finding ones that were strictly Hermitaur was tricky. I’ve got two for your viewing pleasure, though, starting with the Great Sword, the Red Stripe:
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Y’know, now that I know more about MH lore, it’s weird that serrated or barbed weapons would ever be used in monster hunting; the Guild places so much emphasis on respecting monsters--even when hunting them--that you’d think they’d outlaw such weapons, as the added spikes and such don’t increase the weapon’s effectiveness so much as they increase the amount of pain and suffering the target is put through (which, “fun” fact, is why using barbed/serrated weapons in war is a war crime). Then again, this is a video game that operates on video game logic, so I guess the spikes do make the weapon better. Anyways, the Red Stripe’s fine; it certainly gives me the impression that it’s an early-game weapon, though that’s mostly due to the straightforward design and muted colors.
Now, here’s something special for you: a long time ago, back when I was first writing these, I got a message from someone who recommended a Monster Hunter database called Kiranico for weapon images, since I was having issues finding decently-sized ones on the wiki. I didn’t actually use the database since the pictures weren’t big enough for my liking there, either, but I recently found out that the MHGen database specifically has larger images available (none for armor, though), so I’ll be referring to it for certain weapons now, such as this Light Bowgun called the Striped Shell:
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I think the funniest thing about this weapon is that it’s clearly a normal rifle that all this Hermitaur stuff was attached to, and somehow those monster parts make it more effective. I was gonna make a snide remark about the spikes on the silencer (at least I think that’s what that is), but then I remembered that Bowguns have a melee attack, so I guess they’re good for that? Overall, this weapon has a sleek design, and I like it.
I’ll reserve my thoughts on the Hermitaur equipment for when/if we get to the Daimyo Hermitaur (my interest in doing these is flagging again, if you couldn’t tell by the time between posts), but so far, they’re on the right track.
Final Thoughts: It’s crab. It’s big. That’s all there is to say about Hermitaur, but trust me, their adult forms are something to behold. Hopefully we’ll make it to that point.
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artpies · 2 years
A Visit from the Divine Chapter 2
Chapter 2
In a distant place far away from civilization under the bright sun, the howls of the wind can be heard far and wide above the white glittering snow from the ground. A piglin hybrid walks through the snow full of battle scars while wearing a royal fluffy mantle with a long sleeved white tunic underneath. His pink long braided hair and emerald earring flow through the cold breeze of the vast tundra. He wore a golden crown with multiple colored jewels that shines from the casted sunlight above, while the cold snow begins to fall from the heavens. 
The piglin held his head high with crimson eyes determined to come back home before the blizzard arrives. His snout huffs from the cold leaving a trail of white mist “I should've brought Carl with me, looks this is gonna take a while.” he said to himself but in reality he was talking to the voices that only he can hear. It started when he was a young piglin with only a few voices whispering his name “Technoblade.” Unfortunately their numbers grew with their thirst for blood and violence. 
With every snowflake that continued to fall the sky began to darken, ears twitching Techno heard grotesque grunts and moans, as well as rattling bones all around him. As the sound of a bow being drawn was heard Techno held his weapon with one hand in an iron grip, an axe that was gifted to him by his half-enderman hybrid ally named Ranboo. He shrugs “Free loot I guess.” 
Techno observed his foes, four zombies, two skeletons and one creeper. Hmm, that amount of mobs shouldn’t spawn that fast, strange. He thought to himself as the voices began chanting “Blood for The Blood God.” Techno sprinted to one of the zombies kicking it on the stomach forcing the zombie to collide with one of the skeletons at the back, he then raised his axe in one fell swoop beheading two of the mobs at the same time. Quickly turning around with his body weight giving a powerful swipe from his axe, he was able to kill a zombie while dodging an arrow at the same time.
 “That’s three down.” he said under his breath grabbing the dead corpse he threw it at the approaching creeper causing the green creature to stumble, while the skeleton fired arrows from the distance. Jumping out of the way, Techno loads his crossbow, shooting the skeleton on the head killing it as he swiftly slices the creeper from behind him leaving gunpowder on the ground mixing with the snow. Sighing he slices the final zombie in half for he is the winner in this fight “I feel like this is gonna be a long day.” he said as the voices cheered while more mobs began to spawn behind him. 
 Inside a cave there is a humble abode that Grian built and is currently residing within, while wearing a warm smooth red cloak and taking shelter from the raging snow outside. Grian found this cave a week ago, deciding to make it his base for the meantime inside XD’s server. Although far away from civilization it’s perfect to keep the members of the server oblivious to what exactly he is, it’s also to avoid panic and conflict. Grian remembered XD’s warnings that the residents aren’t really good people and could take advantage of him one way or the other. Knowing that he wasn’t really too keen in meeting the server members just yet, from his observations mostly everyone had sides it would make things difficult to ask for cooperation. Grian went to the kitchen to brew himself some tea. “Good thing the other hermits gave me extra supplies before I left.” he said to himself while waiting for the hot water to boil. 
Suddenly he hears an explosion and a loud thud outside his house along with multiple gurglings of zombies. Peeking outside his window he saw someone fighting multiple dozens of zombies, Grian couldn't tell because of the blizzard. Shocked and confused but also curious, multiple thoughts ran in his mind. Who is that? Wait, there in trouble should I let them in? But they could be dangerous. Then he heard another loud explosion with that Grian had made his decision, grabbing a lamp as he quickly opened the door and yelled “HEY YOU GET IN!” The stranger was at first surprised not expecting anyone, they couldn’t see well because of the blizzard but they were able to see the light from the lamp. Laying down their options they decided to run to the light thinking to themself Whoever you are please don’t be an orphan, if I get helped by one chat will make fun of me. 
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fowlofprey · 2 years
You’re drawn from the program you’re working on by a knock at your bedroom door. You’re about to call out an answer, but before you can, a muffled voice on the other side beats you to it.
“Artemiiiiisssss,” calls Beckett, “stop being a weird hermit and come play with us!”
You sigh and cross to your door. Beckett was clearly not expecting you to open it so soon, because he’s already raised his hand to knock again.
“I’m afraid I’m a bit busy at the moment, Beckett. Is there nobody else the two of you can play with?” Despite your words, you can’t help the small smile that creeps its way onto your features. Your younger brother’s energy is contagious, it seems.
Beckett crosses his arms, pouting. “No. Mum and Dad are out on a date, remember?”
“Are they?” you ask, before you recall the text message from your mother that had lit up your phone’s screen not long ago:
Arty, your father and I are going out for the night. Make sure the twins don’t get into trouble, won’t you? Love, Mum 
“So they are. And Butler?” you continue.
“He’s no fun,” your brother groans. “And also super bad at Mario Kart. Worse than you!”
“Hey, now,” you say, amusement clear in your voice. “Insulting me isn’t going to get me to play with you, you know.”
“I said you’re better than Butler,” Beckett argues. “That’s worth something, right?”
“I suppose it is.” You step out of your bedroom, closing the door behind you. “Very well, then, let’s play.”
Beckett cheers, pumps his fists, and then drags you by the hand down to the living room, where Myles seems to be setting up the game.
“Myles,” Beckett calls to his twin, “I got Artemis to come out! See, I told you he’d come down; now you owe me the answers for tonight’s homework!”
“Hang on, you two were betting on this?” You don’t know whether or not to be insulted.
“We were,” said Myles, “and I was so sure that you’d stay stuck up in your room." He passes you a controller as you join your brothers on the couch. “Guess I was wrong.”
“Guess you were,” you say, accepting the controller. “So, Mario Kart, then?”
After a couple rounds, Myles pipes up, “You know something, Artemis? You really suck at this.”
“I could leave, you know,” you reply, but of course you don’t.
“Let’s play Just Dance next,” Beckett says.
“No,” you and Myles reply in unison. Beckett laughs, saying something about how alike the two of you are.
The three of you end up playing Just Dance anyway.
After your gaming session, Beckett runs off upstairs, saying he’s going to copy Myles’ homework now, leaving just you and Myles sitting on the couch.
“Well, that was fun,” you say.
“It was,” Myles agrees, then turns to you. “So you’re feeling better, then?”
“Hm?” When you meet your brother’s gaze, he seems uncharacteristically worried. “What are you talking about?”
“I know you haven’t been feeling well lately,” he says pointedly.
“Quite perceptive, aren’t you?”
“No, you’re just not as good as hiding things as you think you are. We’ve all noticed.”
You choose not to answer that part, and instead turn your gaze to the television broadcasting the console’s home screen, head leaning on your fist. Your brother waits for you to speak again.
“Alright, it’s true that I’ve not been quite myself lately,” you finally admit. “But I spoke to my doctor the other day, and we worked out a plan to get me feeling better again. So yes, I suppose I am.”
“Tuesday, right?” Myles asks, and you nod. “Must’ve been a long appointment; you didn’t come home until well after we got home from school.”
“I also went to visit a friend,” you explain. You’d gone to Holly’s place for tea after your visit with Dr. Argon.
“Your boyfriend?” When you turn back to Myles, surprised, he’s got a slight smirk on his face.
“No, Jasper and I are not dating. How do you even know about them, anyway?”
“I overheard Dad telling Mum about them. Mum said she’s glad you’re finally acting like a normal twenty-year-old.“ Your brother’s smirk grows wider as your face heats up, and you’re sure you’re blushing.
You rip your gaze away from Myles’ smug expression. “Well, regardless, no, I was visiting another friend. Holly.”
“Right, right.” Myles still sounds like the cat who caught the canary, but his tone grows softer as he continues. “Well, I’m glad you’re starting to feel like yourself again. I guess I ought to go stop Beckett before he copies more than just tonight’s homework.” He stands and stretches. “I can leave you to turn everything off, right? Goodnight, Artemis.”
“Hey, you’re the one who-- goodnight, Myles,” you say with a sigh, resigned to your fate as the responsible older brother.
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crackedmarrow · 1 year
Two of cups// soulmate energy
Oh I love for soulmate energy. I say you can have soulmates and you can have life partners. I’m highly aware of. My soulmates and they see me to. It’s just sad that when it come to the two of cups someone is either not ready or when they are it’s something. You accept it don’t try and fix it unless it’s something bad. I remember once I thought I had two of cups energy thought it was a soulmate it was someone wearing a mask. A liar everything I said came true they told me who they were. It lead to some abusive shit but I don’t completely blame them. I would never bring it up around the person because why would I? I don’t even speak to the person but I know this person has s connection to me still because web they try and come back. Little things in there life shows me everyday they didn’t forget who I am and what I was to them. I do however wonder from time to time do they ever think about what it could of been. I rarely think about it because I’ve forgotten the person I see them in other people sometimes. More mature and sophisticated mature and all still kinda an ASS hole though. Blunt and honest when they aren’t lying to boost their ego family oriented and full of despair. I think that’s the person who broke me and the person who broke me energy still effects me in a way because of something else. I don’t lie I don’t withhold it either but I think ever sense then that’s when I lost me in a way… I never truly recovered. I never stop fighting against it though. I’m crying because how do I fix me where do I start and how can that one severe thing be forgotten. It wasn’t the abuse but it was the lose of part of me. My baby image follows me around like a friendly helpful ghost. I can’t tell people that. No one can understand why I don’t trust anything. I try and be optimistic but it’s always something lurking. I constantly think about being forever alone closed off from the world but what a waste of talents.I wish for a clean slate. I’ll cry myself to sleep in hopes of being forgiven to myself because I was not wrong but because I was right and I lied to myself. What do I really feel right now?! Am I ok was I ever ok ? My tears cooling my warm face and forcing me to fall under the near death spell of sleep. Hoping to wake up free of pain and illusions. I hate going in to hermit mode but like a crab it provides safety and shelter to a wounded soldier who was in combat for the one thing that mattered love. Never wondered until idk forever so I guess I lied I always wondered why was I not good enough to have something good. I speak of worthy and honor but why can’t that be seen why must I fight for it to be seen? Why must the ones I try to help pull me down in to the depths of the unknown tortures of the sea of emotions why must I constantly be lied to and why do I not believe I can be loved. I see it but why is it that. I am my grandmother I am my mother I am my great grand mother I am images of all these strong women I am my aunt I am sadé I am me and I still can’t seem to find the answers because they aren’t true but why do I feel like that? Why is my forever question “ but why?” Why do people come to me? Why or what do they want from me. Why am I crutch a safety net or character development? Why do people do me the way the do me and leave me to rest and rot and turn in to dirt buried in a dead tree? Why am I here again? When do i to get to enjoy a moment of life and love. I share I care and I give yet I get nothing but confusion and mock ups of what live and life should be never the thing. I don’t belong anywhere. I don’t even seek death because even that to can lead to another war or more confusion or regret. I pain myself with thinking I can’t be stupid though just to be happy I can’t pretend I won’t pretend.
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chrouya · 2 years
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[2022-08-28] Futatabi - One More Time (Cycling) https://www.relive.cc/view/vPv4e8nBK3O The name of the park, Futatabi Park couldn't have been more fitting for the situation. Futatabi translates to "once more" and it basically took me two tries to get to this area. One week prior, I tried cycling the same route as I did today, but the temperature on top of the humidity were getting so high my phone overheated and turned off. I could've just continued if it wasn't for the fact I usually record GPS for Relive videos. Just trying to think about how to fix the recording got me too annoyed to continue so I gave it another try a week later. While the landmarks here aren't that special compared to some of my other cycling trips, there are some remarks I have to share with you all. For example, sometimes you really can't trust Google Maps' cycling route suggestions. This time, it lead me through a forest that ended with a staircase. Perhaps this was still pretty doable with a mountain bike, but with a heavy e-bike it wasn't that easy. What lies after the staircase is seemingly a resort for the elderly called "Shiawase no Mura", a.k.a. Village of Happiness. Nice and cosy on a hill, separated from the city. Not something I would enjoy in my later years but I can understand the charm. Heading towards the Futatabi Park, we also come across the Kobe Municipal Foreign Cemetary, apparently for the foreigners who resided in Japan during the Meiji period (you can find those residents in Kobe's city center). It had a small little chapel, not surprising. Futatabi Park itself is mostly just a large pond with a small cafe. Was it worth the effort of heading there? For a hermit like me, I guess any decision to go out is a wise decision. ( ̄▽ ̄;) Stats: 4h01m19s 11.8 km/h 47.6 km #しあわせの村 #外国人墓地 #再度公園 #大龍寺 #shiawasenomura #foreigncemetery #futatabipark #tairyuji #japancycling #サイクリング #japanphoto #relive #電動アシスト自転車 https://www.instagram.com/p/CocHgkMLqjS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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alyjojo · 2 years
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Love Reading 💒 - December 2022 - Virgo
Overall energy: Queen of Cups
How you will meet: 10 Pentacles
How they will treat you: Knight of Cups
Long-term Potential: 3 Swords rev
Strange dynamic with this person, I can’t tell if you’re just completely oblivious (possible), or just not on the same wavelength. My guess is that you probably work with this person. They have a “pine for you” sort of energy that they aren’t very open about. Children comes up on your side, that could be something the two of you talk about or have in common. It could also be a difference between you, you show up as family oriented and they’re definitely more career focused…kids may not be their cup of tea. It could also mean you’re already taken, and this Queen of Cups has the biggest crush on you and is expecting a happily ever after with you. Could fully be in love with you, or they may think so anyway. In order to be “expecting” this, there has to be some level of flirting going on.
How they treat you is very kind, loving, flirty, sending sweet messages, maybe taking you out to lunch. It’s something that’s been building for a long time, it’s not just an overnight thing. They may also be trying to get your kids together for play dates, if that’s a thing, trying to get closer to you in a strategic sort of way, not just outright saying so. You don’t really seem to reciprocate this energy, maybe you’re unaware. As it stands, if nothing changes, your person is going to get over this eventually because you’ve taken too long and something big will be changing with them. Or they’re making changes themselves. They could find someone else, and by that time it’ll be done.
Messages -
Their side:
- I love our walks together.
Your side:
- Pet Lover 🐈
- Children
Signs you may be dealing with:
Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius & Pisces
Overall energy: The Hermit rev
Current: Temperance
Challenge: 3 Cups
Potential: 3 Wands
Your messages have got me kinda confused, it feels like you’re just messing with this person’s head. They’re stuck on you, and you like driving them to madness. Or something like that. I’m just not sure whether that’s intentional or not, depression and shadow self also comes up on your side, so you could just be aware you have a lot to work on solo…and this person doesn’t really get it, they don’t know what your problem is. You’ve probably taken a break from each other, there’s probably been fights, worries, upsets, drama. You’re talking about these situations this month, getting & giving clarity where it’s needed. I don’t see much of a reconciliation, but there’s a lot of talking. You seem to be taking your time with Temperance, and this can be a reconciling card, but you’re more like…completely starting over with Page of Cups. Small messages. Kind gestures. But very small, probably leaving this person feeling like they’re not a priority, they’ve got anxiety over what actually is, they probably stalk you. You seem to enjoy the game of it more than any emotional desire.
Challenges being actual reconciliation, celebrations, probably holidays. There may be issues with a mother, maybe not liking your person, or vice versa. Or baby mama visits, children, something family related that keeps you in your own lanes separately, however that applies, threes can be additional people. I don’t see you actually reconciling. But you’re nice. Well, you’re truthful. The potential is waiting, expecting The Lovers, expecting to be together (one of you anyway), but it’s not happening. If you don’t want them…why bother? The Hermit reversed may be an issue for you, it’s your energy, showing you’re out of your element. It’s time for alone time, reflection, figuring out what it is you do want 🙏
Messages -
Their side:
- There’s no one else for me.
Your side:
- Shadow Self 😈
- I’ll wait forever.
Oracles -
Their side: It’s your choice to make life easy or difficult; so choose to live with gratitude, loyalty, and commitment.
Your side: Depression comes from being trapped. Spring the trap and change your life.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Virgo, Pisces & Gemini
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