#and i just also want to live isolated in the woods where only people i invite can find me
yrlocalghost · 3 months
chara being The Favourite is so frustrating because in this silly little haha game with so many goofy, endearing characters 15 year old me decided that the favourite should be God’s Most Suicidal Baby who's entire story exists near entirely as subtext and surroundings
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hatchetmanofficial · 3 months
Hi I just played this game recently but I'm curious about the lore and idk where to find it i see a lot of people mentioning boss stu (I keep reading stfu) and idk who those are do i have to read all the asked questions to get the lore going on or I can find it somewhere else? (Anyway here's a squished alan holding a red flag)
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MDHM LORE (no spoilers for the actual game):
This is only going to cover the backstories/extra details and the world of MDHM but does not touch what is going to happen in the game. Some TW for the lore, will contain stuff like substance abuse, suicide, toxic relationships, gore and child abuse.
Alan is the main love interest of the game. He is an assassin who lives in the woods in the town that set in the game, far from society but occasionally visits when he has "important" stuff to do. He is the second youngest of four brothers. Claude, Jules, and James. Alan has a pretty strained relationship with them especially after their mother passed away from suicide. Alan ran away during high school and has no connections to the current culture in the modern world.
Erika is a new college friend/classmate you encounter in your English class. She is the only adopted child of two dads with whom she is currently keeping secrets to not disappoint them. She works as an employee in the local skater rink and volunteers at the rescue cat shelter. Erika is very fashion-forward and is pretty smart when it comes to problem-solving and has a hobby of solving mysteries. She has a six-legged cat named Loki and lives with her roommate Rosie.
Stu is a child friend who harbors feelings for the player. He hasn't been in contact with them since they left for college as he stayed in their old town behind. He has an older sister named Toni who also left for university, his mom, and his dad who had a pretty unhealthy and dysfunctional relationship until he moved out. Stu lives in a frat house on school grounds and is a part of a band called the Critters of Wreckage (CoW). Stu struggles with pornography addiction as well as drinking as he became very isolated after not talking with the player.
Carver is Alan's coworker. I have not revealed much about him, other than he has the most trauma, especially during childhood, out of everyone. He has an estranged past he can't quite remember after being hired as an assassin. He is missing pupils but is still able to see. He has a fascination for experimenting and dissecting his victims, even though he really isn't allowed to. I would love to point out that Carver doesn't call the player "Guinea Pig". That name is for his OWN person of interest who he has yet to find. He still calls the player "Doe-Eyes" simply because Alan calls them that. His real name is Calvin and he is 31 years old.
Stitches is another coworker of Alan and Carver. Not much is known about him. He isn't human although he appears to be. Stitches, is in fact, made up of three different body parts from three different people. His head, the torso, and his legs. Stitches was created by Boss.
Boss is, obviously, the boss of Alan. No, he doesn't have a name as he simply just goes by "Boss". He is older than the town, older than time actually. He doesn't have much of a physical form but used roadsigns as a body for him to use. He communicates through images or texts from the signs.
Buck is Alan's dad. He doesn't know that Ophelia has passed away since their separation and is still in love with her. He hasn't seen Alan either but still wants to connect with his son.
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obsessive-valentine · 5 months
Dark-Yandere!Farmer x GN!reader (HC’s)
Much darker yandere than I usually write but wanted to give it a go, I kinda like it but I’ll proof read later. Open to feed back and requests like always !
TW murder, reader is kidnapped, mention of physical abuse and ‘punishment’
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He lives isolated from people, his modest farm house and barn in a valley surrounded by mountainous land -some open and other directions with trees. Most of the open land is fenced off and divided where his cows and horses roam but hikers still travel through his land on occasion, he doesn’t appreciate people coming to far into his land; and those who do usually don’t make it out.
...Feeds them to his farm dogs
He’s a busy man running a farm without help but enjoys it, he starts his days at the crack of dawn and finishes it with a cigarette on his porch watching the sun go down. He adores his animals and takes care of his land, he appreciates a quiet life, only venturing to the closest town once a month in his old truck to stock up on luxuries.
He inherited his farm from his father pretty young, he hired people to work it while he worked in the nearby town, until his mother died too and he decided to downsize the farm, fire the people running it and move out there for a quite life away from people and a dead end job. He had no family left near by and didn’t get along with people, the farm was all that he needed.
Until you came along of course, maybe you were a hiker who interested him or you were lost and he pitied you, maybe he killed the group you were travelling with but last second couldn’t kill you. However you found yourself on his farm, you weren’t going to leave, especially after he strips you of all your items- you’d never make it to the closest town on foot if you manage to get off his land without him dragging you back by the hair.
The only contact with the outside is his small flip phone he uses for work reasons, he keeps it locked away in his study with most of his guns etc. He does own a old TV and a few radios, would get you a old game console if that what your interested in but other than that he’s pretty tech free.
There are a two old landlines in the house but they have been cut off for a long time- he just has yet to take them off the wall and pull the wiring out, if he ever sees you trying it however, safe to say you’ll be sleeping in the shed outside. He doesn’t bother locking the windows or doors aside from his study, you won’t get far.
The shed is used as a punishment, it’s a very small worn and empty wooden shed with 2 big locks on the door. There’s no tin for the roof just wood planks that leak during bad weather and the wooden walls have no insulation and small gaps that allow for some beams of light but also allows the wind to whistle through. The only thing that saves you from hypothermia is the thick layer of hay on the floor and few old stale blankets usually crawling with beetles and spiders.
He marches you across the yard, not far behind the noisy barn of animals he pushes you into the shed, muttering as he slams the door hard that it shakes the whole shed and noisily locks it “you did this to yourself sweetheart” he shouts back to the shed as he walks back to the house, leaving you in the cold damp dark and only gets worse as the night rolls on.
At some point during the late hours he comes back to the shed and unlocks it, you can hardly see him in the dark, his silhouette outlined by the stars “you comin’ back to the house and behave or you gonna stay all night?” It’s up to you if he leaves you locked in the shed till morning or takes you inside and warms you up by the fire.
Loves you very much despite being so strict and occasionally physically abusive, he tries to not be so emotionally constipated when you behave. Likes to take you out with him to tend the animals, it’s where he and you are most relaxed and domestic moments come easier.
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yanderes-galore · 3 months
Could you make Yandere Zoroark(Pet-Like)?
Oh I actually have some good ideas for this... I'll try to make this unlike the other Overprotective Pokemon concepts.
Overprotective! Zoroark Concept
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation/Deception, Overprotective behavior/Possessive behavior, Violence, Stalking, Kidnapping, Blood mention, Murder implied, Dubious/Forced companionship.
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A Zoroark is one of the more intimidating Pokemon to have fixated on you, not just due to the Dark Type either.
Zoroarks are masters of illusions.
They hide their homes with illusions and can even disguise themselves as humans.
Which is why I believe a wild Zoroark could be just as attached to you as a caught one.
For this concept I'll focus on a wild Zoroark for plot.
Imagine a wild Zoroark managing to perfect their illusions.
Since they were a Zorua they pretended to be a human to befriend humans.
Now a Zoroark, they've managed to master human speech in their illusions.
Perhaps by chance you meet this Pokemon.
You befriend them, thinking they're merely another human.
The Zoroark is simply happy to find a human friend.
Who knows, maybe you even met them as a Zorua and never knew.
Either way, this Zoroark begins to grow protective of their human companion.
Perhaps they show up as a male human to you, maybe a female human.
Either way they pick the perfect appearance for their illusion form to stay close to you.
Poor you has no clue your friend isn't human...
Your friend's a wild beast... an untamed Pokemon who seems oddly attached.
The Zoroark even tries their best to blend in, learning human customs and various activities you enjoy.
They never tell you where they live, always claiming they're "uncomfortable" with the topic.
In reality they live in a hidden den deep in the forest.
There's little hints that your friend isn't who they say they are.
Things like them running off after being hurt, or them not knowing certain information.
For example... how to drive, currency, etc.
They try their best to excuse it as them being very isolated when growing up.
So as an adult... they struggle more.
But you'll help them, no?
The Zoroark is possessive of you due to still being a wild Pokemon.
They see you as their pack member, someone they have to protect.
Please don't question things when people go missing....
The Zoroark is willing to get blood on their claws if it means they keep their human.
Disappearances aren't the only issue, they also tend to stalk you.
Then later on they make plans to take you into their den.
After all... you trust them!
So when your friend says they finally want to show you their home in the woods... and you follow...
You aren't prepared for the Zoroark showing their true form.
They won't hurt you, but it's about time you saw their home.
Now they can care for you properly....
You've always wanted to visit, haven't you?
Well, now you can!
You never have to leave, either....
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enavstars · 8 months
Some characters in the Cyberpunk au (part 1)
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I tried to make Echo and Zane more robot-like since robots are pretty much treated like people regardless of their appereance. And Garmadon's design is from when the rgb are kids so he's younger (he's not an Oni in this au).
Characters details from within the story:
Echo is created by a younger Julien (like in his 30s) as a test run for his project to build himself an assistant to deal with his chronic disease, which, despite not being deadly per se, it could still leave him impaired in the long run and therefore he needed some sort of safe net just in case.
But sadly, the prototype's AI ends up being deficient for his purpose as he is not able to process neither human emotions nor their needs, so after much deliberation, Julien decides to set him free rather than letting him collect dust in his storage.
However, Echo could not fit into the city's human society either, as people would not accept his strange speech nor behavior. This eventually culminated in an assault by one of the problematic gangs that sprouted up after the crisis, where they thrashed the helpless robot relentlessly and even managed to damage his voice module. He then was trashed out to the Outside, and from there, mauled and hopeless, he wandered aimlessly and without a purpose in life for a long time.
But at one point through his senseless journey, he stumbled upon a couple of abandoned kids crying in the middle of the woods. Even though he did not understand what their tears meant, he was curious, so from then on he started acting as their guardian.
Thanks to them, slowly but surely he began to learn about human emotions and, as he could only do little beeps to communicate, he also figured out a way to communicate without words. Although sometimes he was still lacking as a caregiver, he worked hard to develop the necessary skills to look after their (newly discovered) basic human needs, like fishing and hunting. He even takes a third kid in after Kai and Nya find another lost boy in the woods and convince him to keep him.
As they grow, he also begins to teach them how to be self-sufficient, because he is painfully aware that he would never be capable of being a better parent due to his poor programming. It is in this context when, years later when Echo finds a potential job opportunity as the ferryman to the city, the RGB urge him to take the chance, knowing that he wants to work to feel more useful and wanting to have more solo adventures.
Even though he was reluctant to leave them behind, he is now the happiest he's ever been and still looks after his children whenever they need him (even going so far as to risk his job) out of his gratitude for granting him another chance in his doomed life.
Currently retired, he used to be a renowned mercenary and bounty hunter in his youth. However, he gradually gained more and more enemies and got himself into more and more dangerous trouble (which is why he’s a full cyborg now), until eventually, battered and grown past the age of peak physical strength, he decided to quit to save his ass.
From then on, he started looking after the demon children around the most miserable parts of their struggling segregated neighborhood in exchange for minor treasure hunts; this is why he is now protected from his remaining enemies, as many of them grew up to become members of some of the local gangs (also as an added bonus Garmadon is a pretty ominous legend and people are kind of afraid of hurting demons because of him, but more on that later).
Although he lives rather isolated from the rest of society because of his (extensive) criminal record, he still manages to make ends meet with the treasures he got from all his exploits and the profits of the little side quests he tasks the children in exchange for his care.
No he’s not charity, he’s a wine uncle, but he is an asshole to everyone (especially humans) except the kids. In fact, even though he does not give out help for free, he always ends up rewarding them with his teachings and advice and about life on top of the food and shelter, so almost every child he's taken under his wing ends up becoming pretty competent to face the harsh society they live in.
And in particular, he grows to like the RGB a lot because he recognizes their wit and appreciates how cunning they can be, sometimes even negotiating with him and being capable enough to uno reverse his little tricks on the kids like they are equals (for example, Nya stealing her brother’s bionic eye blueprints to avoid being totally dependant on Ronin for maintenance).
In fact, later on when Nya introduces him to Jay (a human) to be his apprentice as a mechanic, she somehow convinces him despite his hate for his kind.
Bonus: when he meets Jay at first he’s irritated at him because he takes his fear and shyness as racism, but the kid is just intimidated by the sassy cyborg (don't worry, eventually he figures it out and the child grows on him, Jay is too cute).
(I will talk about Jay in my next post dw)
Zane (24NE)
He’s the successful final product of Julien’s project, a kind and refined assistance nindroid knowledgeable in human care. His role is very important to him, so when his father died he lost all purpose in life and, unable to deal with his grief on top of that existential crisis, he became depressed and stagnant, trapped in his own mind inside his creator’s abandoned home and slowly wasting away due to his mental stress and a lack of maintenance now that nobody could look after him.
And he stayed in that sorry state until the RGB found the house and, upon looting it for supplies, Nya stumbled upon the nindroid lying dormant next to Julien’s bed. When she wakes him up, his rusty voice module is damaged and he can’t speak properly (Julien is shit at making those apparently), so she repairs it as best as she can and as a result, he eventually becomes their friend.
Although they were wary at first, they understood his situation, and in the end they decided to help him by introducing him to Doctor Rashid (an oc) to learn more about biology and medicine.
Speaking of, I’ll talk more about Dr. Rashid in another future post but basically he’s an oc of mine I inserted in this au, a friend of Kai and Nya’s and sort of a parental figure.
He is an elusive red-eyed demon, the rarest of his kind, and a criminal brought to legendary status. Now vanished and rarely ever seen amongst the city shadows, he used to be an undefeatable wandering warrior. He would spread chaos everywhere he went and, along the way, he would mercilessly murder anyone opposed to the Demon’s Rights movement.
However, one day he disappeared suddenly from the face of the earth. But his legacy carries on to this day: he is feared universally, considered an antihero by his followers and a bloodthirsty criminal by the rest.
A few months after his disappearance, though, a human woman named Misako gave birth to a demon child with ominous red eyes. Soon, people started making the connection and his mother, who by that point had developed a deep hatred towards demons, was put under such public scrutiny that she ended up abandoning him on the Outside to leave behind the city and her trauma along with it.
Sadly for Garmadon, it was too late when he finally learned that he had a son. He’d left Misako pregnant without either of them knowing, and after he was gone she had been unable to reach him. For that reason, when he came back to the city years later and at last he found out, in the end he decided to let Lloyd be with his new family, as he he realized he had no right to take him in after being absent the entirety of his short life when he already had the two loving siblings looking after him.
After that, he turned back to his wandering, and he was barely ever seen again.
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captain-mj · 2 months
First of all, I love your writing and your fics. I love your IWTV au so much. And I'm a fan of your other stuff.
Sooo I have some ideas I'd like to share with you , dear MJ. I was thinking of an isolated Ghost. He almost hides himself from people, some place like Alaska or in the wild. Somewhere cold and out of humans, so he can be all by himself. He doesn't want to be around people because of his past, and he hides himself from people. He lives in a cold forest or somewhere unreachable in winter because of the snow. He lives in a cabin.
And there is Soap, who goes on a camping trip with himself after breaking up with his boyfriend. Thinking that camping would help him get better emotionally. But it starts snowing, and he is not prepared, and he gets lost in the wild. He is desperate and cold. While searching for help and walking for hours. He comes across the cabin where Ghost is staying. Ghost doesn't welcome Soap at first, but because of the heavy snow, they are stuck for about a week or a month. So Ghost helps Soap get better, and they start to get close and hot...
I think I explained it in so much detail, but you can change it however you want. I'm always hungry for your stuff, in any form. And feel free to ignore this if you don't want to write about it. And of course, please don't mind my English; it's not my first language.
Ily,take care.
Very much can do that!! Yes!
Ghost sat in his cabin up the mountains, using his sniper to look down at everyone. He knew that right now there were two different groups of people camping. One further down that seemed to be full of experienced campers and one a bit higher up that set up their spot for their view. They were way too close for comfort.
Neither were particularly good company. No one was.
Ghost hated people. Especially fuckers who came on to the mountain for camping.
He had hoped this secluded place in the middle of nowhere would provide peace. Instead he just dealt with this.
Ghost put his gun away. It was for hunting and he was worried any gunshots would send the campers into a frenzy. He had plenty of food for the winter thanks to Price sending him stuff. Price insisted he just used Ghost's pension for it but he didn't believe him. Old sap probably used his own money.
Ghost went to his cabin and cleaned instead. Not that it really needed it. Besides the fact that he meticulously cleaned most of the time, nothing he did made much of a mess. It was mostly just dusting the books off to make sure they didn't get dry rot.
The snow started. A lot harsher than he had been expecting. It started to pile up on his porch and it made the roof creak a little.
Ghost imagined it caving in and crushing him. Suffocating under the weight of wood and snow.
There were worse deaths.
Further down the mountain, Soap went a little away from the group he came up with. He set up his tent and planned to relax for the next two days.
No cell service which was exactly what he needed. No worrying Mam, no angry ex trying to get him back. Just silence.
Soap was so bored. He supposed it was his fault for expecting anything less. He was not a person that sat still often. Always searching for the next thing. The next adventure.
This did not feel like an adventure. It felt stale.
Soap noticed the snow so he only walked within the vicinity of his tent. He followed the protocol, but it took one stumble for him to fall out of bounds. Quickly, Soap scrambled back up and glanced at his tent. Still right there, just slightly farther than before.
Maybe some sleep would do him some good.
Soap settled into his tent, ignoring the snow piling on top of it. It just kept coming. Covering him in a freezing cold blanket of water.
The tent had a hole in it. He had just bought it, he had no idea what he did to cause it. Although small, it was definitely messing up the whole insulation part of this. It also let snow in which started to melt, getting him and his clothes wet.
Frustration started to bubble over. He wasn't experienced at camping but he wasn't an idiot. This wouldn't work. He'd have to either fix it or leave and he wasn't sure how he could even leave.
Thanks to the water, his arm was soaked, cold digging in so hard it felt like actual needles. He tried to dry himself off but the whole situation wasn't working.
Reluctantly, he ignored that he was still slightly wet and got dressed. He'd just go out for help.
The people he came with weren't there. Or at least, they weren't where he thought they were. He didn't want to believe the guide they came would be so stupid as to not count the people before evacuating if they did, but he also said he wanted seclusion and lied about being experienced.
Maybe they assumed he already left?
Soap panicked for a moment. He allowed himself that. Before he straightened up and started thinking. There was no way he was the only person on the mountain. While he couldn't make it all the way down on his own, he was sure someone had to be there. It was mid morning, he had time before it got dark and cold.
Ghost sat on his porch close to twilight. He smoked silently, watching the trees.
The man had been walking around his property for a few minutes and Ghost was trying to figure out if he was a real person or not.
He sighed and whistled, watching him yank his head around painfully to stare at him.
"You okay?" Ghost called out.
Soap stepped a bit closer, no longer shivering. He was also holding his shoulder. "Are you God?"
"Oh for fuck's sake. Sure. I'm God. Where are your things?"
"I took them."
"Why are you jacketless in the middle of the snow?"
"It had gotten wet. Was trying to dry it out but it didn't really work..."
Ghost sighed. "Come closer."
Soap stumbled to the steps. His pants up to his knees were soaked and his face had pale skin with rosy patches.
Ghost sighed in frustration and opened the door. "Come on." He'd get the guy warm and then send him on his way. The snow wasn't too bad yet. Neither of them had a radio to know that it was predicted to get much worse.
So Ghost accepted him in and had him sit in front of the fire. He found a dry blanket and wrapped it around his shoulders. "You okay?"
Soap started to shiver.
"Guess not."
"Got a drink?" Soap rasped out.
Ghost poured him a nip of bourbon and handed him.
"Don't suppose you got Scotch?" Soap said softly before knocking back the drink. He grimaced and Ghost was sure he heard a mutter under his breath about British people having shit taste.
Ghost watched the way the alcohol raced through him. Color almost immediately back in his face. "Thanks. Name's Soap by the way."
"...Ghost. The fuck you doing up there?" Ghost went by his callsign since there was no way someone would name their kid Soap. He thought of asking him about his shoulder but decided against it.
Soap sighed. "Trying to clear my head." He flinched when Ghost laughed at him.
"Piss poor job of preparing."
"Aye. Suppose I thought myself a survivalist." Soap laughed softly before averting his eyes. He looked embarrassed.
Ghost put the bottle of bourbon next to him. "Drink as much as you want." He knew he'd barely make a dent on the bottle.
Soap only took what he had to. He managed to get himself warm.
Ghost looked out at the sky. Too dark to send him anywhere.
"In the morning, I'll show you the way down the mountain."
"Yes, sir." Soap looked at him. He seemed almost indignant. Like Ghost was being bossy.
Ghost bit his tongue. "fuck off. Go to bed near the fire. You'll need to stay warm all night."
Soap nodded and laid down. "Don't have to tell me twice."
Ghost went to his bedroom, brandishing a knife. He stayed there and watched the door all night. Just in case. Just in case.
Soap stayed in the living room and he tried to Keep warm. Ghost would come in like clockwork to put more wood on the fire.
During the night, the snow came down harder. Before long, it was at the door, covering the entire porch.
Ghost groaned as he watched it. While yes, he may be able to go down by himself, he'd never be able to get Soap down the mountain as well. As much as he hated it, he also likely wouldn't be able to make it back.
Soap stirred and groaned, holding his shoulder. He saw the outside and before long came to the same realization that Ghost did. "So we bunking together?" It sounded sheepish, like there was a risk that Ghost would throw him out into the cold.
Ghost sighed. "Yeah we are. I have a guest room that i haven't used in ages. I'll get it set up."
"And I had to sleep on the floor... why?"
"Be closer to the fire." Ghost left him alone to brush the dust off of everything. He had planned to turn it into a gym or something equally useful, but never did. The stupid room came with the house.
Once it was livable, Ghost came back out. "You can go in. I'll make breakfast. We'll be up here a while. It's still snowing so it's hard to tell."
"You have a vehicle or anything?"
"Nope. We'll be walking."
Soap cursed in a funny language and stretched, back popping. "How long you guessing?"
"A week. Minimum."
Soap winced. "Sorry for the... everything."
Ghost stared at him for a moment before just going in. He cooked breakfast silently and Soap sat nearby. Occasionally, he'd start talking, but Ghost didn't respond to any of it.
"Oh come on. You're going to be stuck with me for a week. Might as talk to me. What are you doing up here so isolated?"
Ghost put a plate of eggs, bacon and hashbrowns in front of him. He sat across from him and yanked his mask up just enough to start eating.
His scars had the effect he hoped. Soap winced at the harsh smile cut into Ghost's face. "Aye. I see."
"Good." Ghost answered, shoveling food down. He mentally counted through his supplies. He had enough for a few months, so with two people, it should be fine. This bastard was getting none of his ice cream though.
Soap ate quietly before swallowing. "Gang?"
"Military." Ghost admitted begrudgingly.
"Aye. I see. I'm a sergeant right now."
"Retired." Ghost drank some of his tea.
Soap nodded. "Look, I'm not trying to be an ass here. Really. You don't have to talk to me. But. Do you have any coffee?"
Ghost stared at him for a minute before getting up and checking. "I got instant and regular."
"Got a coffee pot?"
"French press. It was a gift."
Soap's eyebrows scrunched together. "You know how to use it?"
They put their heads together and worked with the French Press until they managed to get a cup of coffee brewing. Ghost watched the stuff bubble and huffed. "Tea is easier to make."
"Coffee tastes better."
"Yeah, right." Ghost continued drinking his tea.
"Since we got it figured out, do you at least wanna cup to try your gift?"
Ghost sighed. "Yeah, why not."
Black coffee was just as dreadful as he remembered. He added some sugar, ignoring Soap's mildly judgmental gaze.
The first day was spent with Ghost trying to do his normal routine of reading or working out and Soap being incredibly bored. Ghost felt too uncomfortable to do most of his workout routine with him around and decided to give up.
"Do you have internet? Or anything? Most of my stuff was left in my tent."
Ghost sighed. "No. How far away was your tent?"
Soap hummed. "No clue honestly. I don't think it was that far, but there should be a trail of my clothing. I have no idea why I started taking it off."
"Hypothermia makes you feel warm after a while. It's some psychological thing. It's why some people who are frozen to death are found naked."
Soap grimaced at him. "That's horrifying."
Ghost shrugged and showed him the guest room. It was pretty nice, if a bit plain. Soap fell on the bed and groaned. "Firm. I like that."
Ghost hit his boots. "I'll try to find your tent tomorrow. Get some sleep."
The second day he found himself being trailed by Soap despite the asshole clearly should be staying at home. He kept touching and rubbing at his shoulder. Ghost was trying not to ask, but he'd need to eventually. If he got infected, that would make everything a lot harder.
They found his tent and Soap went searching for his phone. Unfortunately it was dead and when they got home, they found that his charger had too much water damage to help. Soap sighed and rubbed his face. "I knew I shouldn't have come out here."
"Why did you?"
Soap thought about it for a second before turning towards him. "My ex." He was careful not to include man or woman. This guy could be homophobic for all he knew.
Ghost nodded. "Got it. Their fault or yours?"
Soap blinked. "What?"
"You cheat on them and up here hiding from it? Lot of guys do. Or did you come up here because they're a right prick?"
They. Not she. They. Soap picked up on the pronouns and took a deep breath. "They asked me to leave the military. I said no. They said stuff."
Ghost tilted his head. "I see. Well. They can't exactly find you up here."
"Aye. Guess they can't." Soap smiled.
On the third day. Ghost went searching and found his dvd player and old tv. He showed Soap his dvd collection.
Soap hummed. "More romance movies than I'd expect."
"I inherited my mum's collection." Ghost lied.
"Uh huh." Soap picked a movie and put it on, happy to have something else to do besides sit there. How Ghost did it was beyond him.
On the fourth day, Soap even managed to convince Ghost to sit with him through one of the movies. It was a romance movie that Ghost had memorized. It was a film where she had to travel across Ireland and stayed with a nice Irish man throughout the journey.
Soap drank some more of the coffee and it seemed to calm him down a little.
After a bit of hesitation, Ghost looked at him. "You smoke weed?"
"No." Soap glanced at him.
"You wanna start?"
Soap took a deep breath. "Fuck it. Sure."
Ghost pulled out a joint and lit it. He took the first hit and then gave it to Soap.
Soap coughed and Ghost laughed at him. "It's a little different than a cigarette."
"Yeah, a little bit, sir." Soap smiled at him and they passed it back and forth for a bit.
Ghost felt the pretty much permanent ache throughout his body disappear. It seemed to do the same for Soap's shoulder.
They both relaxed for a bit and Soap looked over at him. "You're a cool guy, Ghost."
"Thank you." Ghost smiled at him and kept smoking. They put on another movie and relaxed for a while. It took the edge off.
Soap swallowed. "Why are you up here?"
"It sucks down there."
"Does it get lonely?"
"Sometimes." Ghost mumbled, his head falling against the couch. Around people he was usually always wide awake. Too scared. But Soap made him feel weirdly safe.
Soap fell asleep against his shoulder and Ghost followed soon after.
When they wake up, the fire had been out for hours and the house was freezing.
"Fucking hell." Ghost got up and tried to start a new fire but it wasn't sparking.
Soap shivered. "Well, that's not great. Anything i can do to help?"
Ghost checked the wood. It was fucking damp for some reason. He couldn't figure out why but that would be better for morning when he had more light. "My bedroom has the least amount of windows."
Soap's eyes gleamed as they shacked up in there. Ghost covered his windows with curtains and grabbed some more blankets as he turned on the lights.
His room was far better decorated than any other part of the house. His bed was covered in quilts and high quality soft pillows. A cabinet in the corner had tons of photos from Ghost in his time in the military. Most of them had Ghost's own face covered with marker.
"You know Captain Price?"
"Yeah, I know John." Ghost rearranged a few things and started to strip off his jacket.
Soap paused to stare, admiring the muscles that were revealed when the shirt followed right after. His pants unfortunately did not come off too. "Take off your shirt."
Soap nodded and followed the order. Was this happening? Were they about to fuck right here and right now? The worst part was he was going to let it happen.
Ghost pulled him into bed and shifted so he was fucking spooning him. "Fucking hell I was cold." He settled into the warmth and promptly closed his eyes, pretending nothing was happening.
Soap was in heaven. Or maybe hell. Either way he was getting hard and that was not great.
Ghost fell back to sleep. Soap was ridiculously hard, pressed against a beautifully muscled chest. He could feel each of Ghost's breaths with the rise and fall of it. In a desperate attempt to calm down, he thought of war. His ex. The fact that his ex was probably trying to blow up his very dead phone.
Soap thought of his ex and felt a strange lump in his throat. God he didn't want to go home. He really didn't want to. His ex would be at his heels like a baying fucking dog to nip at his fucking heels.
Soap let out a sharp noise, a bit like a sob, and quickly bit his lip to shut up.
Ghost pulled him closer. "Soap?"
"My name is Johnny."
Ghost's thumb rubbed circles in his chest. "Johnny." Oh that beautiful voice. "It's nice to meet you. I'm Simon. You okay?"
"My ex tried to hurt me. I'm military, don't know why he thought it was a smart idea. But when I defended myself, he was just... so cruel. Called me shit I never wanted to hear again. Accidentally made myself upset over it."
"I'm sorry, Johnny."
"S'okay. Nothing to do with you. You're the first person that hasn't made me feel worse honestly."
"Not worse. I'll take it." Ghost sounded a tiny bit amused. He squeezed him. "Do you feel warmer?"
"Yes. Feels nice in this bed with you." Soap didn't mean to sound quite as suggestive as he did, but Ghost noticed. His grip loosened briefly before tightening again, tangling their legs together. "Simon."
Ghost turned him onto his back and kissed him, having pulled up his mask at some point. His scars tickled a little. It was pretty nice honestly.
Soap's fingers ran down his chest to his pant's button and undid it for him. "Is this okay?"
"Should be asking you that." Ghost gruffed. "Don't have to do too much tonight, but you're hard."
"So are you. Can feel you through your jeans." Soap smiled at him. He slowly unzipped his pants and touched over Ghost's cock.
Ghost let out a small whine. "Fuck, it's been so long." He quickly unzipped Soap's pants and pulled him out, having no shame about it. His hand fit around both of them and his thumb easily ran over Soap's head.
"Me too. Won't judge you if you don't last long." Soap teased, pulling him back to kiss him again. He groaned as he thrust up. "Nice and easy, yeah?"
Ghost rutted into him and moved his hand in time. They kept kissing as his hand found a decadent rhythm, truly stretching the pleasure out for both of them.
Soap moaned and his back arched trying to press himself even closer. "Simon."
Ghost bit his lip hard and paid more attention to Soap's cock, trying to get him closer and closer. He felt him start to pant into his mouth and licked into his mouth happily.
Simon buried his face into his throat and came over his chest. Despite this, he managed to keep his hand moving so Soap followed after a moment later.
Johnny kissed him softly. "Later, if you have lube, I'll let you fuck me."
Simon wondered briefly if he was a rebound and then decided he didn't particularly care. "Okay."
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twdeadfanfic · 2 years
We used to share a bed
Daryl Dixon x Female Reader
Inspired by the prompt “Sharing a bed used to be quite normal for us, when did that change?” Short and fluffy with little spoon Daryl and comforting reader.
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You lay awake in the big, comfortable bed, staring at the darkness of your new, large bedroom in Alexandria.
You hadn’t expected you’d get to have something like that, considering the state of the world…A big, luxurious house, with several, ample rooms and a king-size bed all for yourself.
You wished it weren’t all for yourself, though, but that certain archer joined you.
Daryl had been acting strange since arriving at Alexandria. He was not the same after the prison fell, after the loss of many friends and companies, of Hersel and Beth, you knew it, but now, to all that, you had to add Alexandria.
It was not only that he didn’t trust it, you could also feel how uncomfortable he was, how he didn’t want to be there, how out of place and judged he felt… You hated to see him like that, you wished to help him, but you didn’t know how, and you also thought that Alexandria was a good thing, something that your people needed, especially the kids, a safe place with food, supplies…
But you hated to see Daryl so miserable and isolated.
You got up and decided to go find him, heading to the living room where you all had burrowed together to sleep the first couple of nights, until that evening Rick had said it was time you all started taking bedrooms.
Daryl was there, perched on the windowsill from where he could watch the dark street, and where he’d slept the last couple of nights. You had slept there too, lying against the opposite wall, your legs tangling with Daryl’s.
You walked until you were next to him, but Daryl kept looking through the window and into the darkness.
“Why don’t you go to sleep?” You asked quietly.
“I ain’t tired,” Daryl muttered. “I’m good here,” he added when you didn’t say anything.
Still silent, you sat down at the other end of the windowsill, nudging Daryl’s knee with yours to try and make him look at you.
“I’m sure there's still a bedroom left. With a real bed with a mattress and everything…”
“Told ya I’m good,” Daryl murmured before he turned to look back through the window.
You leaned back against the wall, wiggling and trying to get comfortable, one of your legs placed between Daryl’s, who gave you a side glance but didn’t say anything. You both stayed silent and after a while, you began to fall asleep, but Daryl’s leg nudging yours woke you up.
“Yer fallin’ asleep.”
“Yes, and you woke me up,” you whined, closing your eyes again. “Stop it.”
Daryl just gave you another nudge. “Go to that new bed you say you have.”
"I'm good here," you repeated his own words and Daryl rolled his eyes at you before looking through the window. You nudged his leg again. "Hey, what if we both go to sleep? In a bed I mean."
"Told ya I'm good here."
You let out a sigh. "I know you're not an idiot, Daryl, you know that sleeping on a bed is better than a windowsill." He just shrugged, stubborn. "Come on, we've been sharing a bed these days, it's the same."
"We've never shared a bed." Daryl scowled at you.
It was true, you hadn't strictly shared a bed, but two had slept holding each other on the hard ground of the woods.
You already had feelings for Daryl while you both lived at the prison, but you hadn't dared to act on them.
When the prison fell, though, and you ended up thankfully with Beth and Daryl, and you had witnessed how broken Daryl was, how devastated, beating himself with undeserving guilt, even more after Beth was gone, so you couldn't stop yourself from trying to bring him any comfort in any way you could, even if he tried to push you away.
On the rare occasions when he let himself rest, you were lying next to him, and soon enough, you were reaching out for him, pleased when eventually Daryl let you hug him to sleep, holding to you.
It might not have been a bed, but you both had shared sleep, and you missed his presence next to you. Besides, you couldn't leave him on a windowsill every night forever.
"Come on…you haven't had proper sleep in too long, and your back is going to end up hurting here," you tried again. "If you want to be on alert and ready in case something happens and we need to fight, you need proper rest...Come on, go to sleep in a bed…" You reached your hand to him. "You deserve good things too, Daryl," you whispered.
He looked at you at that, briefly, something going through his eyes, before he looked down again, swallowing hard. You thought he was going to ignore you and turn to look through the window again, but he didn't.
Instead, he took your hand, getting up, and you smiled, pleased.
"You don't need to come to my bed, I'm sure there's still a free bedroom, I think maybe in the basement." You wanted to sleep next to Daryl, but not if he didn't want to.
"Nah, uh…" He was still looking down, and you felt his fingers nervously twitching as he held your hand. "Yer bed is good."
Yout heart fluttered at that. "Are you sure?" You asked him gently and he nodded. "Let's go, then"
You walked to your bedroom, letting go of his hand when you flopped down on the unmade bed, and you shifted to the other side of the bed, leaving space for Daryl.
Silent, he lay down on his back, and you covered you both with the sheet. You waited until you thought Daryl was comfortable, and you moved a bit closer, carefully placing your arm over him.
"Is this okay?" You whispered. Daryl didn't answer, but you heard the rustle of the pillow and you hoped it was him nodding. As if to confirm it, he placed his hand on top of your arm, his touch ever so soft.
Slowly, you felt Daryl relax, until eventually, he turned around until his back was to you, still holding your arm so you were holding him.
A warm feeling spread through your chest and you smiled, shifting even closer to him so you could cuddle against his back, holding him to you.
After pressing a gentle kiss to Daryl's shoulder, you buried your face on his broad back, his body relaxing in your arms until you both fell asleep curled up together.
As always, excuse my English.
If you liked this, comments and reblogs are more than welcome.
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yandere-toons · 1 year
Aaaaaah I'm sorry but I developed some sort of obsession with the live action Alice in Wonderland (2010), especially with Cheshire cat, and I decided to make some heacannons or whatever you could call these-
•I see Cheshire as a yandere who would charm his darling before they knew what they would get themselves in to
•after they do realize the cats obsession with them, it is far late to do anything
• Cheshire cat would stalk their darling from afar, before deciding he wants to announce his presence, that is if he even wants to.
•Just like the way he has a weird liking to the Mad Hatters hat, he would like some sort of object from his darling, something to borrow/steal for whatever reasons he has.
•Maybe if you'd like that item back, he would trick his darling in to some sort of game to get it back. Maybe even ask you to solve a riddle for the wanted item.
•He would definitely take it back.
•This obsession will be hardly ever noticed by the people living there, especially Mad Hatters and March hare, as they are just too mad to see anything wrong about it.
•I can imagine a tea party, havoc everywhere, Dormouse throwing whatever at March as Mad Hatter laughs with them, a quite weird and maybe even uncomfortable 'tea party' to be in.
•Even if you live with the people there, the eyes of the Cheshire cat gawking at you from across the table makes it hard not to try finding excuses to leave the feast.
•Yet escaping the cat is hard as he evaporates and reappears at his will, making it impossible to know if he is following or not.
•Confronting the cat will only lead to denying of any kind of stalking, saying that he is simply tagging along with his darling, even if they are unknown to him creeping behind them.
•They better expect a lot of scares and strange disappearances from him as he can come and go unexpectedly.
•I also see Cheshire as a yandere who would want to isolate his darling, or at least make them somewhat dependent on him, especially by giving them either wrong or confusing directions and getting them lost in the deep, dark, woods.
•Its fine though, he was tagging along with you. And, Surprise! He's coincidentally there to help you get out of it.
•He can't make any promises to take the shortest path though.
•And can't seem to promise himself to leave when he bids you goodbye.
Cheshire Cat: If I were looking for an exit, I would go that way.
Reader: This way?
Cheshire Cat: Which way?
Reader: That way. The way you just pointed!
Cheshire Cat: Where did I point?
Reader: This way!
Cheshire Cat: What way?
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Excellent ideas by the way! No need to apologise for having good taste. Write about whoever comes to mind! Plus, I'm always happy to see this cat.
There's little a dreamer could do to ward off the Cheshire Cat, and no one else cares to listen when asked for help. Staying with others results in the Cheshire Cat either watching from a distance or materialising in the middle of the conversation.
He implies that you could be in danger at any time in the company of anyone, saying you never know what lurks in Wonderland. Thus, no one is necessarily a "safer" choice than he is.
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aita-blorbos · 3 months
AITA for wanting to separate humans from animals? I know the title sounds a little strange, but please listen to my story. I (20 when this took place, M) have the ability to speak with animals, and my adoptive father (50sM) said I was the "link" between the animal world and the human world. For some extra background, I was a feral orphan living in the woods before my father found me. He raised me to be the "king" of his animal rights activism organization, more on that later.
I was led to believe that all interactions between humans and animals would end badly. As a child, I was isolated from other humans, only really knowing my father and my two sisters (both in their 20s), who acted as caretakers for me. I spent most of my childhood in my room in my father's mansion. My father would introduce us to animals that had been injured or mistreated by humans, and I would begin to believe that all humans have a desire to harm animals. When my father decided I was old enough, I was officially crowned as the king of his group, and his (my?) underlings began to address me as Lord. It was a strange shift, but I had been raised to believe this was the right path for me. I was also now officially allowed outside of the mansion and to travel the world to spread the ideals of our organization.
One of my first notable interactions with people outside of the organization was at one of my father's rallies, where he preached about animal rights and liberation. I heard the voice of a younger boy, H's (14M at the time) pet, and I noticed they were speaking rather highly of their owner (I don't know the pronouns his pet uses). This astounded me. I had never expected a captive pet to speak kindly of their owner. I was intrigued and confused, but still firm in my beliefs. I truly believed that as long as humans could hold animals captive as pets, animals could never reach true perfection. That was what I told H and his friend before leaving.
I would meet H a few more times along our respective journeys. I eventually confessed to him that I was the leader of this animal rights organization he had been fighting with, and he seemed to understand my position. I did not want to harm him or his friends, I just wanted to fulfill my dream of separating humans from animals, to allow for both kinds to reach perfection, and to stop animals from being abused by their owners! But seeing all of these people who cared for their pets, and seeing the bond that formed between them was making me question myself. To resist faltering and failing my father, I started to sink even deeper into my old mindset, denying what I was seeing. I knew that fulfilling my dream would mean separating caring owners from their pets, and that made me sad, but I truly believed it was for the good of the world.
Things may get a little bit strange here, I apologize. While I was continuing my journey, my father and our underlings were searching for a legendary artifact. Our country has mythology of two legendary beasts who could destroy the world if left unchecked. The plan was, to my knowledge, for me to befriend one of the beasts and use it to gain control of the country. From there, our organization could begin to impose our beliefs on everyone else. This is what I had been told by my father. I did manage to befriend the beast, and was able to defeat the leader of our country. I was very close to achieving what I had dreamed of, until H showed up to confront me.
H had gotten his hands on the other legendary artifact, and was able to awaken the other beast. I heard the voice of the other beast: it wanted H to befriend it, to test H's belief in his truth. To my surprise, H was able to ally with the beast, and challenged me to a duel. I accepted, believing this would be the final fight, that I would win.
I lost the battle to H, and that was when my father entered the scene again. He began to berate me, calling me horrible names, and saying I didn't deserve to share his name. He turned to H and started hurling insults to him as well. He even said he was going to "eliminate" H, a teenage boy, in front of me! He revealed that the animal rights organization was a front for what he really wanted, which was control over the entire country, and eventually even the world. He had only taken me in to manipulate me, to use me for his plans. I was stunned to think that my father, who had shown me so much love as a child, was faking it the entire time. I don't know what he planned to do with me if H had failed. Luckily, H was strong enough to defeat my father. My father was promptly arrested and removed from the scene.
I didn’t know what to do. Everything I had known and believed in was revealed to be wrong in an instant. I gave H my farewell, and told him to follow his dream, to make his dream into a reality. I then left with my beast, and left the country to try and find myself again.
It’s been two years since this event happened. I’ve only just now returned to the country, as my legendary friend was worried about something back home. The organization still exists, in two factions: one that truly campaigns for animal rights and safety, and one that still follows my father in his quest for world domination. Those in the latter faction believe that I am a traitor, and all of the other horrible things my father called me.
I truly believed that what I was doing was right, especially because of my upbringing and how my father had manipulated me. I now understand that I was wrong, that I was thinking of the world in black-and-white, and that there are meaningful partnerships between humans and animals all around the world. Was I really a villain for following my father’s requests and trying to separate them?
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minty-mumbles · 2 months
Hello, I recently came across your old Linked Universe avatar au post and I have an au similar where the hero is the avatar and I wanted to ask what type of bender do you think each of them would start out as?
I know you mentioned you wouldn’t continue it but I wanna know your opinions :)
I'm glad you enjoyed it! Here's my thoughts on their starting elements:
Sky: Air. Everyone on Skyloft is an Airbender, and Sky is no exception. Sky slowly gained mastery over the other elements during his journey. No one even knew it was possible to control other elements before Sky came back one day able to control water.
Time: Fire. I know many people's first thought would be to make him a water or earth bender because he started out with the Kokiri, who would be water or earthbenders in this AU. However, I think making him a firebender would be a good way to further his sense of isolation from the rest of the Kokiri at the start of his adventure. It would also be very dangerous to have a young firebender living in the middle of the woods without anyone to teach him because he'd be liable to start some forest fires, which would make this problem so much worse.
Also, the only magic we've see him perform in the comic is Din's Fire, which supports this
Four: Probably earth? When he's split, each of the colors can only bend one of the four elements. Vio has Earth, Blue has Fire, Red has Air and Green has Water. Vio doesn't retain the ability to metal bend- that's something only Four can do
Wind: Water. Waterbenders are the most common types of benders in his era, because they were the ones most likely to be able to survive the great flood.
Hyrule: Water. I say this because he has definitely studied the healing part of waterbending extensively. However, I think fire is actually his strongest element. He's studied it to the point that he can lightning bend, and he is the only heroes who is able to do this. (Sky and Wild can redirect lightning and live, but are not able to fully control it.)
The rest of these I don't have a good reason for. Just based purely on vibes
Wild: Water
Legend: Fire
Twilight: Earth
Warriors: Fire or Air
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milkywayhou · 3 months
You've Got Email (König x OC: Medical Student!Snow) PART III
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Summary: When the Colonel from some Private Military Corporation group accidentally send KorTac's secret file via email to a random civilian girl and now they develop some weird relationship.
Snow now overthinking about how fucked up her situation can be
TWs: Slow burn (not really), Implies stalking behavior. I just wrote this for fun.
Words Count: 1.9k (The email contain 1.3+ words while the rest was Snow's 4Chan post)
To: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
05/13/23 at 01:38 am
Subject: A late night conspiracy ramble…
Once again it’s a late night and these weary med student brain cells are firing off all kinds of…interesting theories and connections, to say the least.
For example, okay hear me out, but what if Big Pharma is actually run by ancient shape-shifting lizard people from the center of the hollow earth who feed on human adrenal gland fluid harvested during rituals conducted at Bohemian Grove, and they started the pharmaceutical industry just to get us all addicted to medication so we’re docile little cash cows?!
I know, I know, it’s utterly ridiculous…buuuuut it would explain a few things haha! Anyways, somehow my winding thought process led me back to pondering your own doubtless intriguing backstory, oh mysterious Colonel.
You’ve given mysterious snippets here and there, but never a straight history lesson, you sly dog. Care to unravel some of those shadows for this thirsty student? Like how’d you get into this line of work anyway?
Maybe share something to take my mind off lizard people conspiracies before this insomnia kills me. You’ve got me curious now!
Conspiracizing but also bedridden,
From: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
05/13/23 at 02:01 am
Subject: RE: A late night conspiracy ramble…
You’ve a vivid imagination, to be sure. As for my own history…it’s nothing so fanciful, I’m afraid.
I grew up isolated, with only books as company. Social skills proved…challenging. The bullying was constant. All I wanted was to disappear into the quiet of nature, far from the incessant noise inside my head.
By 17 I was desperate to escape, and the military offered just that. I dreamed of being a sniper – controlling chaos from afar through calm precision. But my frame and restlessness didn’t suit remaining still for long. They saw potential elsewhere. They assigned as an insertion specialist instead. It was difficult, but taught discipline. In time I learned to turn noise into focus, chaos into strategy.
Now I protect others as I wished to be protected then. It brings…solace, of a kind. Purpose, where once was only turmoil.
Get some rest, Snow. Sweet dreams.
To: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
05/13/23 at 02:14 am
Subject: RE: RE: A late night conspiracy ramble…
I see.
Thank you for sharing that with me. I can’t imagine how difficult those experiences must have been, but I’m grateful you found your calling in spite of them. It takes real strength of character to turn trauma into purpose like that.
Also, I should say the bullying says far more about their weakness of spirit than anything about you. Their loss, as it brought you to where you’re meant to be – helping people in your own way. I can’t help but smile thinking of a tiny bookworm König dreaming of sniping lizards in the woods! Well, you may not be in the trees anymore but it seems your aim is truer than ever.
Thinking on childhoods, mine wasn’t all sunshine either as an awkward kid. Let’s just say blending in was…challenging, to put it lightly. Between moving a lot after my parents split and living with various relatives, school was an escape into study. Seemed the safest route to gain some footing and make the family proud, at least. Kept me busy avoiding the realities outside books for a while too, I suppose. Somehow I suspect lonely bookworm me and you may have gotten along splendidly if our paths crossed back then!
Anyways, not sure where I’m going with this aside from reflecting our younger selves may have found solace in one another, strange as that sounds now in these roles. At least we’ve come into our own in the end, in our own ways. Small favors and all that.
Just a light note before sleep – rest well, König!
Your friend,
To: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
05/28/23 at 08:27 pm
Subject: Essay Woes and Cadaver Flashbacks
My apologies for this incoherent word vomit you’re about to endure. I’m approximately 5-7 days into an all-nighter essay crunch and my last two brain cells are DANCING.
This final assignment is killing me dead but at least after it’s over I can finally be done with med school! *insert jubilant celebration emoji* Of course that’s if I don’t starve to death first living off instant ramen. I’m positively wasting away without a decent meal. At this rate they’ll be teaching anatomy lectures using my lifeless body.
Whoever invents a magic food delivery service that beams freshly cooked meals directly to overworked students is getting a freaking Nobel Prize. A girl can dream, right? At this point I’d kill a man for a good pizza. *hideshypotheticalmurderweaponbehindback*
Anyways, in my spiral of delirium my thoughts keep wandering back to that fateful day months ago when I randomly received your classified KorTac email out of nowhere. Still bewildered how you even had my address to begin with…were you watching me, Colonel? *pretends to be frightened but is secretlyflattered*
Getting that file was kinda scary at first, not gonna lie. Reminded me of the first time we received our cadavers – that creepy feeling of being watched even after leaving the lab. Is that what it’s like being you, always paranoid someone has intel on you? :)
Anyways, enough gibbering – just wanted to share my pain and also wonder again how our wacky email friendship began! Stay safe out there in whatever shady places your work takes you. And send help – I mean, good luck with all the classified stuff!
Tired and Hangry,
To: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
05/28/23 at 08:40 pm
I was joking in my last email! Sort of! Please say this was all just a coincidence. I don’t need some extra secret stalker on top of everything else ;____;
Explain yourself soldier man!!! My paranoia can only be quelled with answers.
Sending mildly panicked regards,
From: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
05/28/23 at 09:12 pm
I assure you, any capabilities related to surveillance are reserved strictly for operations.
As for your delivery, consider it a small kindness from one overworked soul to another. Now eat, regain strength, and get back to that essay. You’ve proven quite resourceful in pulling secrets from shadows. But some mysteries deserve to remain.
Worry not and carry on with your studies.
To: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
05/28/23 at 09:25 pm
Subject: Spill. Everything. Now.
I appreciate the pizza bailout, don’t get me wrong. But my paranoia has now reached DEFCON 1 levels and it WILL NOT stand down until I get some answers. So spill. Just how much do you actually know about me? Do you have my address on file somewhere? Photos? Socials? Pet peeves? Middle name??
I understand need-to-know for operations, but this is need-to-know for my own peace of mind. Please assuage these frazzled med student nerves and assure me you’re not some mysterious stalker Colonel (unless that’s just part of your charm). I’ll even send new Luna's pics in return! Consider it a debriefing – you give, you get. Otherwise the wheels will keep spinning in my head…
Sincerely (and only mildly obsessively),
05/29/23(Mon)22:37:10 No:132926391
Colonel Stalker Dude is freaking me out
Image: [Confused pepe scratching head.jpg 230kb, 400x400]
>Be me, a totally tired out and broke student
>Remember getting those shady files months ago
>Thought Colonel dude was cool and weird pen pal
>Even started to like him after long talks
>But NOW he knows my address???
>WTF how long has he been watching me
>On one hand it’s creepy AF but kinda flattering a high rank dude cares
>Other hand I don't want a secret stalker or to get disappeared
>Free food is nice but feeling stalked is not cash money
>Used to have bit of crush but now I'm skeeved TBH
>What do? Can't go to cops cuz questions. No close friends/fam
>Too broke to move or change info
>Maybe he’s just lonely but also maybe he climbs in my window ;____;
>What if he takes my organs in the night like some human harvester?!
>Only protection is my cat Luna and she's useless in a fight ;_;
>Try to be positive and asking him how much he know
>Currently waiting for his replied while I was writing this post
>Anons pls help, should I keep talking to possible stalker man?
Don’t want my organs harvested but also don’t wanna waste a free food connection
Very conflicted and slightly paranoid this girl is in DIRE need of advice
Anonymous 05/29/23(Mon)22:45:19 No:132926405: >>132926391(OP)#
Sounds like a thriller romance novel lol! He probs just cares in his own intense way. Keep talking but be safe, maybe feel him out more? Could be nnothing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Anonymous 05/29/23(Mon)23:16:08 No:132926439: >>132926405#
IKR it does sound like a book! But what if it’s a prequel to a snuff film?! I’ll try to subtly find out wtf he knows without pissing him off…
Anonymous 05/29/23(Mon)23:37:12 No:132926502: >>132926391(OP)#
LOL girl chill no one climbin in ur windows. He prolly just admires ur spirit. Keep lines of comms open, set boundaries if needed but relax!
Anonymous 05/29/23(Mon)23:45:01 No:13292623: >>132926502#
You’re right, I do overthink! I’ll calm my farm. Thank u stranger, maybe he’s just a bored soldier man and not a psycho (´。_。`)
Anonymous 05/30/23(Tue)00:25:31 No:13292684: >>132926391(OP)#
Change ur info anyway, maybe he won’t go to ur new stuff. And get some locks/alarms jfc. Play it safe.
Anonymous 05/30/23(Tue)00:42:44 No:13292692: >>13292684#
Can’t change anything, I used my student email! And too broke for moves or upgrades, these loans gotta last :’( but self defense is a must, thanks!
Anonymous 05/30/23(Tue)01:28:19 No:132922735: >>132926391(OP)#
Send Luna pics. Also tell col u feel weird, set ground rules like no stalking. Maybe he just wants friendship. Be safe!
Anonymous 05/30/23(Tue)01:46:31 No:132922757: >>132922735#
[sleepy_Luna.jpg 1,3mb 1000x1000] You’re so right, communication is key. I’ll lay it all out clearly and see how it goes. Thx fren <3
Anonymous 05/30/23(Tue)01:59:36 No:132922805: >>132926391(OP)#
Maybe he liiiiikes you ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) whatever happens keep us posted! We’re invested now lol
Anonymous 05/30/23(Tue)02:08:55 No:132922822: >>132922805#
omggg don't say that!! Now I'll be paranoid AND flustered X_X But I definitely will update y'all, this is quite the melodrama unfolding
Anonymous 05/30/23(Tue)02:15:36 No:132922811: >>132926391(OP)#
Girlll tell that stalker if he wants a piece he gonna have to pay your tuition first! Then maybe you’ll reconsider the organ harvesting. Gotta respect your worth sis 💅
Anonymous 05/30/23(Tue)02:23:12 No:132922834: >>132922811#
Omg you genius!!! If he’s really interested he can sponsor my broke ass med student life lol. Alleviate my debt and he gets unlimited Luna pics, win-win!
Anonymous 05/30/23(Tue)03:01:46 No:132922839: >>132926391(OP)#
Lmao girl you been reading too many thrillers! Military guys have ways of finding people, changing email won’t do shit. Just ask him wtf is up like a normal person
Anonymous 05/30/23(Tue)03:39:44 No:132922926: >>132922839#
Ugh you make a good point, confronting is smarter than hiding. But what if he locks me in a dungeon for being nosy?! I have no one to turn to if I disappear ;-;
From: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
05/30/24 at 03:45am
Subject: RE: Spill. Everything. Now.
Let’s just say I know more than you think. But rest assured, your privacy and safety remain my priority here.
As for debriefs, some questions are best left unanswered, even between…friends. Maintaining mystique has its place too, no?
Focus on your studies. I’ll focus on ensuring no more interruptions are needed.
Now get some rest. You’ve an early lab tomorrow if I’m not mistaken.
Sweet dreams.
To: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
05/30/23 at 03:47am
Subject: DUDE.
This one was short because I've been busy with other stuff hahah. It sure took some twisted turn hmmM? or maybe poor Snow just over reacted ;)
Also love, comment and reblogged are really appreciate! 💖
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nuctoria · 3 months
listen listen listen
Luigi's harem (yes again), marriage proposal.
*Cracks knuckles* here we go! Daisy: Luigi can propose to her and do the traditional one-knee, will you marry me show but it's also very possible for Daisy to be the one to propose. Luigi wants to get married to her but is really hesitant because he wants her to be ready for marriage too and she's royal so it might become more complicated for him. Daisy ends up getting too impatient and it's very obvious he wants to marry her (even though he tried to hide it) so she takes matters into her own hands and plans it all. She asks Mario for some advice and help, Peach joining in to make it more romantic. I think they would have a fun day out, nothing out of the ordinary, maybe playing a sport or two, eat out at a restaurant they like to go to and just have an lovely date, only for her to pull out a ring and ask him to marry her. These two are people who, as much as they like adventure, also like the simple and sweet moments of life, so a calm proposal after a lovely date would work perfectly for them both.
Peasley: He would make it as grand as his love for Luigi, full of flowers, with the important people present to witness this amazing scene, and he rehearsed the entire thing for months, only stopping because his mother forced him too. He was very much nervous but was able to hide it with his usual charm, but grew more excited the closer the moment came and it was so much better than he could have hoped for. To see the shock and teary eyes of his love as he said yes to his proposal, was a memory he'd cherish till the end of his days. A party was held right after the proposal and the two spent the night with each other as fiancés.
Dreambert: I think Dreambert would end up blurting it out after months of having the urge to do it but being too nervous to actually say it. It'd be while they are stargazing, perhaps having an isolated night-time picnic in Somnom Woods, ready to fall asleep as they talk and he had no energy to feel nervous while being sleepy and full of love for the human he's cuddling with. He'll be filled with a calm joy at hearing Luigi say yes and they'd fall asleep together, ready to start the next day as fiancés instead of just boyfriends, starting a new chapter of their lives together.
Bowser: Bowser would do a proposal the way he does everything else, impulsively and chaotically, pulling out all schemes to get the best items needed for the proposal, especially the ring, he'll ensure it is a day to be remembered, which means the wedding will somehow be even more grand and unforgettable. Unless Luigi insists he holds back, no promises that it'll succeed.
King Boo: this dude has more than enough money to spare, and best believe he'll spend it on this special occasion. Not before some good scares and a game of cat and mouse, those are important now. If they are actually together and in an actually happy relationship, the those scares are simple fun, it's not as severe as before, but they both knew they'd miss it if they stopped all together. King Boo would hand pick the best emerald to ever exist and pay as much as needed to tailor the perfect ring for his love, deciding to do it the old-fashioned way of taking Luigi to a candle-lit dinner and proposing under the moonlight, the boos doing anything they possibly can to make it the best proposal known to man. But if we go in the bitter ex route where King Boo wants Luigi back, he'd use the proposal as a way of bargaining, Luigi's hand in marriage even after death for his friends and family's freedom. This again has two routes, one being that Luigi defeatedly accepts so this can all end for good and with his friends begging him to not do it for their sakes but the deal is done. The second route is that he refuses and the final battle ensues but this time, King Boo wins in a sense. Luigi does manage to get the others free and to safety but this time King Boo didn't focus too much on them and manages to capture Luigi, putting the ring on his finger and taking him away where his friends won't be able to follow, keeping him forever.
Antasma: Like Dreambert, it will mostly be in an isolated area and instead of planning it, he'll wait for the perfect moment to happen on its own and use it to propose. He wants to make sure both of them are ready, when they've settled down, are sure everything around them is calm and the mood is set just right for the proposal to be made. Which works perfectly, it's not planned, it's not unique, it's not particularly special, but it's right, it's right for them and it truly feels real to them. It feels like this moment is theirs alone, like the world created this moment just for them.
Dimentio: for him, he probably talked about marriage as they got more comfortable with each other and doesn't think proposals are that special until he started imagining it for himself and being called Luigi's fiancé which got him to feel warm and fuzzy inside, igniting the excitement of later calling Luigi his husband. He made sure the proposal was the definition of magic, making it grand and magical, even making a short speech before asking Luigi to marry him, making the poor plumber flustered at seeing all these beautiful show just for him and accept the proposal. This is for the wholesome route, I got a whole other story for the darker route.
Hope this is satisfactory!
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veespee · 15 days
Jeff the Killer/The Butcher of The Woods - Jeffery Thomas
hello everyone! i got the idea to do my own little remasters of creepypasta characters (yesyes i know, not very original) and I'm starting with Jeff! first of all, i'm giving credit to @freezingmcxn of course for the inspo, although i haven't read her version of Jeff, i love the fanfiction soo much.
!! CW for: mentions of animal cruelty (not detailed), violence, and scenes with murder. !!
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ onto my version of him: he has changed quite a bit. first of course, i changed his last name to Thomas to differentiate him from the OG, and also his nickname is now The Butcher of the Woods due some of the photos that were captured of him (his body is muscular like a butcher's). i also decided not to make Liu his brother, and he's an only child now.
other changes include: his face is burned from gasoline now, not bleach. he didn't give himself a Glasgow smile in my version either. he still has his basic appearance (long black hair, pale skin, dark eyes, and i imagine him pretty tall and with quite some muscle).
also important: he was born in 1973 in my AU, and the incident were he got burned was in 1996, making him 23! I'll make a separate post about how he would get involved with Slenderman later, but the whole 'proxy' thing starts in 2000!
Leatherface and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre were HUGE inspirations for this (both Bubba Sawyer and Thomas Hewitt) and i also think he'd act like Bubba, not talking much and rather grunting or grumbling.
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anyways, onto the story! there's a TL;DR at the end as well.
Childhood/Teen years.
Jeffery Thomas, born June 6th of 1973, grew up in a small town of Texas, and was raised by his parents, Victoria Garcia, who worked in childcare, and Sebastian Thomas, a car mechanic. Jeff showed sociopathic tendencies since he was a child. He hurt animals, and other kids his age. He also had a strange fascination with fire, his hand often covered in burns when he would steal his dad's lighter and burn himself for fun. His parents got concerned, and took him to the doctor. He was suspected to have ASPD from the age of 12, and the doctor told them he could get diagnosed at the age of 18 if the behaviour persists. He was a living nightmare, breaking things, screaming when he didn't get his way, often hitting his parents. The final straw though was when he attacked one of his neighbour's sons, a 12 year old kid, brutally punching him to the point of the kid having to go to the hospital. He didn't have much of a reason, and when he was asked why, he simply responded “He was annoying. Talked too much.” After that, his parents really considered doing something. They loved their son deeply, but this couldn't fly. Jeff went to juvy for a year, and returned just before he turned 17. He was getting worse and worse as he got older, and after he ruined his dad's car after driving home drunk, he was kicked out at 17. He didn't have where to go, and he was seething. He called and called all of the people he knew, as he wandered the streets, until one friend picked up and told him he had a cabin in the woods that his family owned, but he never wanted to use it. Jeff accepted immediately, and set out to the cabin.
The Woods.
The cabin was small, but it had the necessities. It looked abandoned, and like a hunter leaved there, with animal heads and skulls adorning the walls. He organized everything, and now he was free without his parents over his shoulder, that's what he thought at least. But now, with the opportunity to be isolated and no one else to watch, he could he as depraved as he wanted. First, he took his anger out on animals, hunting them down for food. Although, that was from the need to eat. Then, after being isolated from society for a year, he really snapped. He was angry at the world, his parents, that annoying kid that talked too much, everyone. So he started wanting to hurt people.
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At first it was little things, walking around the forest with a knife to threaten hunters and hiker and campers to give him money. He robbed plenty of people, before he started actually hurting them. He got tired of the process, yelling at them with threats, waiting for them to find their money and give it to him, he was bored. So he started attacking immediately, grabbing them from behind and choking them, or giving them a sharp punch on the back of the head. That was only to get them passed out though, not to kill them. He had watched countless of true crime related broadcasts, the News, and even some medical shows, just to know the anatomy of a human and where he had to hit. After a while, that got boring too. He needed more adrenaline, he was a junkie.
The First Kill / Unsuccessful.
It all started when he saw a group of friends. They were out camping, and he had spotted them when he was out for a late night hunt. He watched them, hiding behind the trees. He planned an attack, and he would do it the next night. He memorized their tents, and their relationships. He even learned their names. Three girls, two guys. Names were Suzie, Nancy, Angelica, Liam and Lucas. He observed, noticing that Liam was dating Suzie, Lucas was dating Angelica, leaving Nancy single. He even overheard Suzie and Angelica gossiping, basically shit talking Nancy, calling her some nasty names. They were typical teenagers, he had hit the jackpot. The next night, at 11, he set out to find them. They were sat at the campfire, talking. He had his plan. Make noises, get the men out, and get the girls alone. So he did, he ruffled the leaves, making moves, pretending to be a bear and guiding them deep into the forest. The men left, just as he expected, trying to find the noises. The women were left there, and they were getting paranoid by every noise. Suzie was hyperventilating, and she ran to her tent. Angelica was left with Nancy, but she quickly left to comfort Suzie. That's when Jeff got his cue. He jumped out, grabbing Nancy's hair. She naturally screamed, but Jeff quickly slashed her throat. The girls could hear him from inside the tent, and they were horrified, especially Suzie. Suzie became hystetical, and she ran out of the tent. Jessica followed, trying to get Suzie back, but Jeff spotted them. He started running after them, and Suzie was running around in a panic. Jessica was the logical one, she ran towards the car. She looked inside for any weapons, there was a gun, but the car was locked, and Liam had the keys. Jessica panicked, looking around. She could hear Suzie scream, as Jeff was chasing her down, she wanted to get rid of her first since she made so much noise. Jessica spotted the gas tank next to the car, and she picked it up. Thankfully, Jessica was a smoker, and with shaking hands, she got out her matches. She started running towards the sounds of Suzie, and finally found her. She had a stab wound on her side, and Jeff was holding by the neck, almost taunting her and just watching the wound, letting her feel the pain. With her blood boiling, Jessica threw the gasoline on him. Jeff turned around, letting out a gruff huff. He let Suzie go and she hit the ground, while Jeff charged at Jessica. Jessica fumbled with the matches, managing to light one just as Jeff grabbed her, and she lit him on fire. The gasoline had hit his back and the back of his hair, so the fire spread all over his clothes. Jeff let out a bloodcurdling scream, even dropping his knife to the ground. He viscously glared at the girls with his blurry vision, before he started to run away. Just then, the boys returned, looking in shock at the scene of Suzie stabbed on the ground, although alive, and Jessica frozen in shock.
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The Aftermath.
Jeff run with all the energy he had, reaching the nearby river. He fell in, the fire calming down and disappearing. He was still in immense pain, but at least he wasn't on fire. He stayed in the water for a long time, clutching on some rocks for balance. Afterwards, he finally lifted himself up, heading towards the cabin with a limp. He grumbled under his breath the entire way, angry that he didn't get the kills he wanted, and that he was literally outsmarted by some teens. When he reached his cabin, he headed immediately to the bathroom to change. That's when he saw himself in the mirror, his face was burned all from his chin to his upper cheek. He stared at himself, not knowing what to think. He looked horrifying, and when he touched his skin, it felt leathery. Some of his hair had fallen off, leaving thin strands of his long black hair. He stared and stared, before deciding he couldn't care less about his appearance, and went into the shower.
He continued killing, his victims having his burned face and big structure burned into their minds. When the news spread about missing people in the forest, and the rumours started, he was finally dubbed as 'The Butcher of the Woods'.
okay that's it :3 okay i know this is a lot, and this isn't even half of it 😭 but yeah, if anyone is interested, I'll maybe get more into the details! my asks are open and feel free to ask any questions. 🖤
a TL;DR for anyone that's too lazy to read (valid tbh):
My version of Jeff was a sociopath since he was a young child. He had symptoms such as hurting small animals, or kids that were younger than him. He'd target and pick things that were weaker and smaller to give himself a power trip. At the age of 16 he assaulted his neighbour's son, who was about 12, punching him repeatedly while the kid was on the ground. That incident sent Jeff to juvy for a year. He came back when he turned 17, and his parents tried to see if he got better. Instead though, Jeff crashed his dad's car after driving drunk, and his parents finally snapped and kicked him out of the house. Jeff didn't have where to go, but one of his friends let him stay at a cabin in the woods that he owned but didn't want to use.
In the woods, Jeff would rob campers, hikers, hunters, anyone he could find. He would also hunt and kill animals to eat. But after a while, he got bored, and he wanted blood, human blood. While wandering, Jeff found a couple of teen campers, three girls and two guys. After watching them and observing their personalities, Jeff roughed up a plan. He lured the guys away, leaving the girls alone. He managed to kill one of the girls via slashing her throat, and the other two started running. He gave chase, managing to stab one of them. But while he was distracted with the chasing, the other girl found the gasoline they used for their car. She threw the gasoline on Jeff while he was busy trying to kill the other girl, and it his back and hair. When he tried to attack the girl with the gasoline, she quickly lit a match, setting him on fire. With that, Jeff angrily fled to the river nearby, jumping in. The fire goes out and he let the water run over him for a bit, before going back to his cabin.
When he goes to his bathroom to take a shower, he's met with his new face, burned and red. His long black hair had become thinner, some falling in his hand. But of course, he couldn't care less about appearances, so he took his shower. He continued killing, being dubbed 'The Butcher of the Woods'.
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leonenjoyer69 · 2 months
May I hear some HCs in regards to Jekyll and Hyde? 🤣
Of course!!
I read a fic where Hyde played the piano and I absolutely live for that. Jekyll probably got lessons or something when he was younger, but quickly dropped it on account of focusing on his studies. Hyde though? He ABSOLUTELY whips out some killer ragtime songs at bars (or anywhere with a piano OR reed organ, honestly) when he feels like showing off or bringing up the mood. Like, I imagine him to have the same energy as Will Wood when playing (speed and enthusiasm wise, here's a good video for reference lmao)
On the flip side, Jekyll sings/hums to himself when mindlessly doing things (like cleaning up) and when bathing. Usually Scottish ballads, but he's also picked up some more popular British ones from Hyde. Hyde also sometimes asks Jekyll to sing to whatever he's playing, and if Jekylls in a particularly good mood, with some coaxing, he'll give in.
Jekyll had to give Hyde his own little journal so he would stop defacing the journal he kept his experimental logs in. Hyde still uses it, and is actually on his second journal of shitty doodles. He likes to leave it open on pages with mean doodles of Jekyll, or obscene things he knows will make the other flustered, just to get a little rise out of the man.
Hyde has tried bringing some of the nicer street rats back to the society to keep as a 'pet' (he wanted to try and train one to attack and do things he says) but Jekyll has thankfully put a stop to that every time.
Jekyll's eyes before the potion were just a really pretty brown and only got that deep red color after. Surprisingly, no one really asked about it because of how his eyes already shone in the light.
Jekyll starts slipping into his Glaswegian accent when he's super drunk or angry (and when he's more sleep deprived than usual). It also slips into Hyde's voice a bit in high stress moments. At one point, Hyde got hit pretty nasty in the head and could only speak Glaswegian for a good few hours. Jekyll forced him to isolate, as to keep it a secret, and led him through brewing something to help. He didn't complain much about the few things that got broken, but he did scold Hyde for biting off more than he could chew (and for leaving him with such a horrible headache that he couldn't get rid of).
Hyde is surprisingly clumsy when he's not roof hopping. He's the type of mf to fall up the stairs. I'm also a firm believer that he does that ADHD walk thing where he just twists his body around tables and corners and such, along with drifting a bit while he walks (which has made him bump into many people, causing fights). Jekyll on the other hand? Yeah, he's got that high society gait and is super thoughtful about how he moves, but he also just runs into shit. Generally it's when he's alone and/or working (or super tired and weak), but there have been a handful of instances where he did it around Lanyon or Rachel that he still gets embarrassed thinking about (the bloody nose he had one time in front of Lanyon was not fun).
Anyways, that's all I really have rn, thank you for asking!!! :33
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the-s1lly-corner · 9 months
A, B, D, G, H, K, and M for Slenderman pls 😍
Fluff Alphabet w/ Slenderman!
but with these letters :3!
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A (Attraction)-
I'm still hooked on the idea that Slenderman is inherently curious, especially when it comes to humans. Sure he may find a lot of them a nuisance, but he can't help but look over them. Because of this I don't think Slenderman would have much of a type. Just don't be belligerent and really you're all set. Though... he has a soft spot for those who carry respect for nature, and have an interest in the supernatural. He doesn't get many people to talk about.. demon stuff with, you know- even if he ain't much of a talker it's nice to have a conversation or two on something that he can relate to/enjoy
B (Bonding)-
Usually bonding activities are domestic stuff; cleaning, reading together, normal everyday stuff. Which is a little funny considering who we're talking about. Slenderman doesn't have many hobbies, so he's more than willing to join in on whatever you have planned so long as it doesn't compromise his existence or home.
D (Dates)-
While I do HC that Slenderman can, if desired, make a sort of "human skin" disguise in my AU I feel he wouldn't be good at it thanks to. well. not really using it. Whole "there are some demons that can pretend to be people" thing, yk? That said, because of this dates are mostly confined to his woods
which is
fine, if that is something youre into. technology at his place is limited, due to his natural interferences with them. if you still have your own place, though, sometimes he'll come over. not much different, though
G (Gift giving)-
Loves collecting various things; stones, flowers, sometimes he presses plants into stuff to preserve them, makes jewelry sometimes with rocks he finds! mentioned somewhere that he refuses to gift you anything from a victim's corpse, thats a hard fat no, unless its something you need and you live with him 100% of the time (ex. meds, or something else) then that's the only time he bends the boundary
H (Harsh)-
speaking of boundaries, he really really REALLY doesnt like eating in front of other people since he literally. you know. dont ask, dont try to convince him, dont intrude, it will end up ugly
while hes not
unhinged, he can get angry; not that he would hurt you but rather he would isolate himself from you or even push you away out of the woods
very firm boundary
also no posting him, that ones kind of a given
tends to soften up after cooling down, though, especially if you're mortal. he's painfully aware that the time he has with you is limited and he'd much rather not waste it. apologizes for any mean behavior, but stays firm on his boundary
K (Kisses)-
very rarely does the thing where he rips his face open to reveal his mouth, and he doesnt really use it for kissing. tying back into the whole feeding thing he doesnt want to kiss you with the same thing thats used to consume humans
though, he does appreciate when you kiss him where his mouth would be
likes bumping his 'face' against your lips, forehead, and the backs of your hands
M (Marriage)-
he never really thought about it, but to be fair he didnt think he would ever have a partner at all. obviously, there wouldnt be a traditional ceremony or legally binding thing, but he might make a make shift ring and give it to you. due to slenderman being solitary there wouldnt really be any. wedding guests, and having your friends/family come over may also put him and them in danger
tough situation, really, but it is what it is
if you want him to, he will stage a wedding and set up a place in the woods, though
the proxies are good enough as guests, as are his brothers, right?
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cheshanoneko-draws · 1 year
Hi hi so I’ve finally completed my first twst oc, it was really tiresome but I really like how he turned out. He definitely isn’t perfect and I’ll probably change some aspects in the future, but I think he’s okay right now.
Name: Aurelio
Hobbies: taking long walks in the woods, cleaning, gardening and braiding Malleus’ hair
Family: he simply lives with his 3 aunts, he doesn’t know a lot about his parents
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Aurelio is a human born near Briar Valley, he lived in a secluded cottage located in the woods with his three aunts.
Always isolated, he often felt alone and lost. His only friends were the animals who lived in the forest, but even their presence couldn’t alleviate his loneliness, he dreamed of meeting someone special, someone who could be his friend. In a desperate attempt to run away from the monotony of his day, he started going for long walks, often staying even after the sun already went down.
Little did he know that his dreams would soon become true.
One night while strolling in the woods as per usual, he suddenly was met with something he had never encountered before: standing in the middle of the little path stood a tall figure, concealed by the pitch darkness of the night, he emanate an eerie aurora, but Aurelio could feel deep down in his heart that the man did not mean any harm, if anything he looked lost. He couldn’t help but approach him and as he slowly moved forward his eyes fell upon two long horns.
“ A child of man, aren’t you? I haven’t seen one in a very long time”
Aurelio flickered when he heard the man speak, shivers run down his spine, but he didn’t run away. His voice was hoarse as if he hadn’t spoken to anyone in a very long time.
“ Why are you here? I thought no one lived here apart from me and my aunts”
“ I just wanted a place where I could go to enjoy the peace of solitude”
The man said softly, turning around to face Aurelio. His glaze focused on Aurelio, a smile appeared on the man’s face, but he couldn’t help but notice a veil of melancholy in those eyes.
“ You remind me of someone I knew a long time ago…”
The figure however swiftly disappeared, leaving only a trail of fireflies. Aurelio remained still for a few seconds, unable to move as it took him some time to process what had just happened
“ His horns are so weird…. He feels like the man in my dreams”
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Almost every night after that, the two would meet right where they had first encountered each other. They quickly became extremely close.
“ Malleus, why doesn’t anyone want to be your friend? You aren’t as scary at it seems”
“ It’s delicate matter….often people are scared of what they don’t know or can’t understand “
“ Like your horns? They are a bit weird”
Malleus turned around to face Aurelio. His eyebrows clutched, a pout appeared on his face, his stare hardening slightly, clearly annoyed at the other’s remark. Aurelio laughed at the man’s childish reaction.
“ Not everything revolves around my horns, Aurelio”
“ That person you always talk about also thought they were weird though. They even called you ‘Hornton’, didn’t they?”
The two of them stared at each other in silence, Malleus’ body stiffened up as if it still pained him to speak or even think about this one person, his mind almost drifting elsewhere as his eyes looked now as if rather empty.
“ Do I really remind you of them ?……They left a long time ago. Were you two that close? “
“ They weren’t scared of me just as you aren’t…. Our relationship was a bit complicated, but I think you could say that we were close”
“ But why would they leave you like this if you two were so close? Didn’t they know that they would hurt you?”
The looks in Malleus’ eyes immediately darkened, his glare moved away from Aurelio and traveled unfocused onto their surroundings, looking intensity at the darkness of the woods as if he could see that person in front of him now.
“ I don’t want to talk about that right now”
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“ Hey Malleus…. Do you know what’s outside of Briar Valleys’”
“ Why are you asking that so suddenly?”
“ Just tell me, I wanna hear around your time at that college again”
Aurelio smiled, but he felt something tightening around his heart, hearing about what’s outside made him feel excited. He too wanted to know what was beyond this forest, he needed to see something new, something he couldn’t even imagine.
“ The outside world is unlike what we have here and every area has different cultures, customs and traditions. They don’t rely on magic as much as we do, in fact instead they use something called technology. There are also other species and not just faes or humans…”
“ I found this book in my aunt’s room, it talks about different landscapes all around the world…. I really want to see them”
Malleus immediately stiffened, he lowered his head as those worlds brought him in cold sweat, he swallowed hard, he felt as if he had a lump in his throat.
“ If I were to leave this place…. Would you mind it? I don’t mean to say that I don’t want to be your friend anymore but… I want to see what I dream about with my own eyes”
For once Malleus felt scared, he would be all alone again and so soon after having finally met someone who could cure him of his loneliness, he wouldn’t be able to go through it again, he had to do something. After what felt to Aurelio like hours of pure silence, the fae spoke again:
“ Aurelio… come with me”
It was wrong, he knew it. He should have just let him go but he couldn’t do it. He didn’t want to be alone again…..
“A-are you sure this is safe, Malleus?”
Aurelio’s voice trembled slightly, he felt that something was wrong, but he was quite sure of what, surely Malleus would never do anything to harm him, right? They were friends after all, weren’t they?
“ Of course it is….”
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