#and i know what she was thinking. the same thing everyone thinks. crazy little quiet girl was homeschooled and it made her crazy + quiet đŸ„ș
rootedinrevisions · 2 days
Enough for You: Part 2
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SUMMARY: After deciding you need time away, you ask Tyler for some space to process everything. During your absence, Tyler finds himself constantly thinking about you, realizing how much he misses your presence and what you mean to him. Struggling with how to approach the situation, Tyler begins sending you small, thoughtful gifts, hoping to keep some connection alive while respecting your need for time. Each gift carries a subtle message, his way of reminding you of his feelings without overstepping. Finally, unable to stay away any longer, Tyler shows up at your door, ready to talk and confront the growing emotions between you both.
WARNINGS: More Angst. (with a little fluff)
NOTE: There will be a PART 3! I have it mostly written and just need to finish editing it. Part 2 got away from me so I decided to break it up as to not have one crazy long fic.
TAG LIST: @omgbrianab I @shanimallina87 I @callsign-diva I @starshinegrl I @willowpains I @beltzboys2015-blog
The team gathered around the RV, tension simmering beneath the surface. Things hadn't been the same since Kate joined, and you could feel the shift in every quiet conversation, every glance that Tyler cast in her direction. After the last storm chase, when Tyler sat next to you and apologized for breaking your heart, you knew it was time to make a decision. You couldn’t stay—not with the constant reminders of everything you wished for but couldn’t have.
After a sleepless night, you made your decision. You requested a leave of absence from the team—just two weeks to get your mind straight, to figure out if you could stay and watch Tyler build a life with someone else. When you approached Tyler, he looked at you with a mix of regret and reluctance, clearly not wanting you to go but knowing he had no right to stop you.
“I need time,” you said softly, your voice steady but your heart anything but. “I just
I need to clear my head, and figure out what’s next for me.”
Tyler's eyes searched yours, his jaw tightening as if he wanted to say something but couldn’t find the words. “If that’s what you need,” he said quietly, “I won’t stop you. But
I’m gonna miss you around here.”
You nodded, knowing he meant it, but it wasn’t enough. He wasn’t enough, not when he had already chosen someone else. “I’ll be back in two weeks,” you told him, and without waiting for a response, you turned and walked away, feeling the weight of his gaze on your back.
Tyler stepped into the familiar cafĂ©, the warm smell of espresso and freshly baked pastries hitting him as he waited in line. He pulled out his phone, scrolling absently through messages and notifications, his mind elsewhere. You’d been gone for three days now—three long, silent days. The truck was quieter without your voice, without your little side comments or the music you always played to keep everyone’s spirits up during long chases.
Dexter had grabbed his coffee the first morning you were gone. He hadn’t even noticed at first—it wasn’t quite right, but he’d brushed it off. Just a small thing, nothing major. Today, though, as he stood in line, he realized he didn’t even know what he wanted. You always got his order just right without him even having to ask.
The barista behind the counter smiled at him, her pen poised over the notepad. “What can I get for you?”
Tyler opened his mouth, then paused. Was it a double shot of espresso or a single? Did he like anything else added to it? God, how had he never paid attention to this before?
” he hesitated, trying to piece it together. “Just a regular coffee, I guess. With
The barista gave him a polite nod, but he could tell she was already moving on, another nameless face in the line of customers. He sighed as he handed her his card, feeling oddly unsettled by the whole interaction. Black coffee wasn’t right—he knew that much. He’d drink it, but it wouldn’t be what he actually wanted. Just another thing that wasn’t right anymore.
As he took the cup and left the cafĂ©, he couldn’t shake the nagging feeling. It wasn’t the coffee that was bothering him. It was the fact that you weren’t there to get it right for him, to know the little things he hadn’t even realized mattered. It hit him, harder than he expected. He’d taken you for granted—your presence, your attention to detail, the way you just knew him in ways no one else ever did. And now, with you gone, he felt the emptiness in every small part of his day.
Tyler climbed back into his truck, setting the coffee in the cup holder without touching it. He sat there for a moment, staring at it, the silence around him feeling heavier than it ever had before. You weren’t there, and for the first time, he was starting to realize how much it bothered him.
The truck rumbled down the highway, the storm clouds gathering on the horizon. Boone was riding shotgun, his hand casually scrolling through his phone as he played DJ for the drive. Tyler had barely noticed at first, too focused on the darkening sky ahead, but as the third song in a row played, something nagged at him.
It wasn’t that Boone had bad taste in music—he didn’t. It was just that none of these songs hit quite right. The rhythm was off, the mood wasn’t there, and Tyler felt an uncomfortable itch in the back of his mind, like something was missing.
The music was background noise, sure, but when you were the one picking the playlist, it had never felt like just noise. Somehow, you always knew exactly what to play. Whether it was an old classic rock song he loved or something new that perfectly matched the mood, every song you chose seemed to be one of his favorites. It was uncanny, really, how well you knew him.
Boone scrolled through another song, switching it halfway through. Tyler’s fingers tightened on the steering wheel, the silence between songs suddenly feeling heavier.
“Everything good, man?” Boone asked, glancing over at him.
“Yeah,” Tyler muttered, though he wasn’t sure he believed it himself. He didn’t say anything, but inside, his thoughts were racing. How had he never noticed before? All those times you were riding beside him, picking the perfect song, knowing his favorite tracks better than anyone else
 It was like you could read his mind. Or maybe it was something else—something deeper.
Boone finally settled on another song, some alt-rock tune Tyler didn’t recognize, and the sound filled the cab again. But it didn’t feel right. None of it did. The whole drive felt off without you there beside him, smiling softly as you hummed along to the music, your eyes flicking over to him when a particularly good song came on.
Tyler’s chest tightened. You’d always been there, quietly in tune with him, noticing things no one else did. It was in the way you picked the songs, the way you knew when he needed silence, or when to play something loud to get his energy up before a storm. It was in the little things, all the details he hadn’t appreciated before.
How had he been so blind?
He thought about you now, at home, away from the team, from him. He thought about all those moments—so many little things that added up to something big, something he hadn’t let himself see. The music was just one piece of it, but now that he was noticing, he couldn’t stop. The playlist had always been yours, just like so many other parts of his life.
Boone’s voice pulled him from his thoughts. “You good with this song?”
Tyler blinked, shaking his head slightly. “Yeah,” he said, though the truth was, no, he wasn’t. Not at all.
He missed you. And for the first time in a while, he wasn’t sure what to do.
Tyler's hand hovered over his phone, thumb tracing the edge of the screen as the truck rumbled beneath him. They were pulling off to the side of the road, another quick pit stop before the storm hit. The others were already filing out of the truck, stretching and talking about what was ahead as they made their way into the gas station for drinks and snacks. But Tyler’s mind wasn’t on the storm, or the chase, or even the team. It was on you.
He should call. He needed to call. He could feel the weight of your absence settling deeper with every passing mile, every quiet moment that used to be filled by your voice or your laugh. The last few days had been hell without you. Coffee tasted wrong, the music sounded off, and for the life of him, he couldn’t shake the hollow feeling in his chest.
His finger hovered over your name in his contacts, but then it hit him, hard, like a punch straight to the gut: those words you said to him before you left. “I just want to go back to before. Before I met you. Before I let myself believe that there was a chance.”
He closed his eyes, the memory slamming into him with full force. The look on your face, the tremble in your voice—God, how had he let it get to that point? How had he been so blind, so caught up in everything else that he never noticed the way you felt, the way you saw him? All those moments, all those signs, and he missed every single one of them.
The phone slipped from his hand and landed on the seat beside him with a dull thud. His chest tightened, shame twisting deep in his gut. You’d believed there was a chance. And he’d taken that hope and crushed it. He’d hurt you, someone who’d always been there for him, always knew what he needed before he even asked. You’d been everything.And all he did was break you. And he hadn’t been able to see it until now.
Tyler’s jaw clenched as he stared down at his phone. He could call you, tell you he missed you. He could apologize, say all the things he should have said before. But would it even matter? You were done with him. He could still hear it in your voice when you walked away—how tired you sounded. How heartbroken. He’d made you feel like you weren’t enough, and the truth was, you were more than enough. You’d always been more than enough.
He was the one who didn’t deserve you. He was the one who wasn’t enough for you.
His hand curled into a fist, the phone still lying untouched beside him. He’d been blind, selfish, wrapped up in his own world while you quietly slipped through his fingers. The thought of you never answering his call, of you moving on without him, stung like hell. But why would you answer? After everything he’d done—or failed to do—why would you want anything to do with him?
He let out a breath, heavy and shaky, feeling the full weight of his regret pressing down on him. He didn’t deserve you. Not after what he’d done. Not after how blind he’d been to how much you’d cared.
Later that night, Tyler sat on the edge of his bed, the quiet of his room pressing in on him. The team had settled in at the small motel, the storm still hours away from reaching them. Normally, nights like these were his favorite—calm before the chaos, time to relax before the adrenaline kicked in. But tonight, there was no calm. Just the heavy weight of everything he’d been trying to ignore since you left.
He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, tugging open his duffel bag to pull out a pair of sweatpants. But as he reached for them, his hand brushed against something solid at the bottom of the bag. Frowning, he pushed aside his clothes until his fingers closed around a book—a book he hadn’t touched in weeks.
He stared down at the cover, his heart giving a sharp twist. The Self-Help Guide to Letting Go of the Past. He had forgotten all about it, shoved in the bottom of his bag after he’d lent it to you. You’d asked for it just last week, something about being curious, but at the time, it hadn’t made much sense to him. You’d never been into these kinds of books before.
Tyler’s thumb traced the worn edges of the cover as the memory of that conversation came rushing back. You’d caught him in the middle of a busy day, the two of you sitting in the RV while the rest of the team was setting up for the next chase. You’d looked almost nervous when you asked if you could borrow it, your voice light, like you were trying to keep things casual. He hadn’t thought much of it then, just handed it over without a second thought, teasing you a little about branching out into self-help.
But now, it hit him all at once. You hadn’t wanted the book. You hadn’t been interested in the advice it had to offer. You’d been looking for something—anything—to connect with him, to spark a conversation, to get his attention. It was just another one of those small things you did that he never took the time to understand.
His chest tightened painfully as he stared at the book, the realization settling over him like a weight he couldn’t shake. You’d been trying to reach out, to bridge the gap between you two, even when he was too blind to notice. And now you were gone. You’d given up, walked away, and he couldn’t blame you. How could he, when he’d been so clueless?
His breath came out in a heavy exhale as he tossed the book onto the bed, running a hand down his face. How could he have been so stupid? How could he have missed all these little moments that showed just how much you cared? The music, the coffee, the book—none of it had seemed like much at the time. But now, with you gone, they all felt like pieces of a puzzle that he hadn’t bothered to put together until it was too late.
He leaned back against the headboard, his gaze fixed on the book lying open beside him. He thought about calling you again, his phone sitting within reach on the nightstand, but the same thoughts stopped him cold. You wouldn’t answer. Why would you? You were done trying to make things work with him. And after everything, he couldn’t blame you for that either.
Tyler’s hand curled into a fist, his frustration building. He wanted to fix this, wanted to make things right, but how could he, when he’d already let you down so badly? He’d missed his chance, and the thought of that—of losing you for good—made his chest ache in a way he hadn’t felt before.
The next morning, Tyler sat on the tailgate of his truck, absently sipping his coffee as the team went about their business. They were prepping for the day’s chase, double-checking equipment and reviewing the radar. Normally, he’d be in the thick of it, but his mind kept drifting, pulled in a direction he wasn’t ready to face.
Lily wandered over, her brow furrowed slightly as she eyed him. "You okay, Ty? You seem
He shrugged, taking another sip of his coffee—too sweet, as usual. "Just got a lot on my mind."
Lily gave him a look that said she wasn’t buying it. She leaned against the truck beside him, crossing her arms. "You know, it’s kind of weird. Things have been off since she left. I mean, I knew she did a lot for the team, but
it’s more than that."
Tyler’s grip tightened around the cup, his jaw clenching. He didn’t need the reminder. Every day since you’d been gone, things felt off. The coffee wasn’t right, the music wasn’t right, hell, he wasn’t right. But he couldn’t put it into words—not without admitting what he’d been too stubborn to face.
Lily didn’t stop there. "She always knew what you liked, what you needed—even when you didn’t say it. You might not have noticed, but the rest of us did." She paused, giving him a sidelong glance. "It’s kind of strange not having her around. Things just don’t
flow like they used to."
Tyler said nothing, his mind racing as he took in her words. He hadn’t noticed how much you’d paid attention to him, all the little details you got right. But now that you were gone, it was painfully obvious. The realization gnawed at him, twisting the knot in his stomach even tighter.
Before he could respond, Boone approached, his usual easygoing smile replaced with a more serious expression. "Tyler, can I ask you something?"
Tyler nodded, relieved for the distraction—until Boone’s next words hit him like a punch.
"What’s the deal with you and Kate?"
Tyler blinked, caught off guard. "What do you mean?"
Boone raised an eyebrow. "Come on, man. It’s obvious something’s up. The way she’s been hanging around you, and now that
" He trailed off, his gaze flicking to the side. "Look, everyone’s been wondering."
Tyler let out a slow breath, running a hand through his hair. He didn’t owe anyone an explanation—but the question hung in the air like an anchor, forcing him to confront what he’d been avoiding. "Kate and I
 it’s just business. We work well together, but that’s it. She’s brilliant and could really be changing the game with this theory. I care about her, sure, but she’s not
He stopped, his words catching in his throat. But what? He didn’t know how to finish that sentence because the truth was sitting right there in front of him, and it was something he hadn’t wanted to face.
Boone’s gaze softened. "She’s not what, Ty? What’s going on?"
Tyler swallowed hard, the words heavy in his chest. "Kate’s not her," he finally admitted, his voice low, almost as if he didn’t want to say it out loud. "The one I pushed away."
Boone nodded, his expression knowing. "You mean
Tyler didn’t need to say your name. It was clear who they were talking about. He nodded, his jaw tightening as he tried to hold back the flood of emotions. "I messed up, Boone. She was always there, always
paying attention to everything, and I was too blind to see it. Now she’s gone, and I don’t think she wants anything to do with me."
Boone sighed, leaning back against the truck. "You know, Ty, you’re not the first guy to mess up. But you don’t have to be the guy who keeps messing up. If you care about her, you need to talk to her. And not through some half-assed text message or phone call."
Tyler glanced up, confused. "Then what do I do?"
Boone smiled, though it didn’t quite reach his eyes. "You have to show her. Show her that she means something to you. It has to come from the heart. Do something that proves you see her, that you care, and that you’re willing to make it right."
Tyler let Boone’s words sink in, the weight of it settling over him. He knew he’d messed up—badly—and now he wasn’t sure how to fix it. But the idea of showing you how much he cared, of putting action behind the words he’d never said
 it was the first thing that made sense in days.
But could he do it? Could he find the courage to face you after everything, after knowing that he was the one who made you feel like you were nothing more than an afterthought?
Tyler stared down at his cup, the taste bitter on his tongue. He had to try. He had to show you that you weren’t just another person in his life. You were the one person he couldn’t stop thinking about, the one he never should’ve let go.
Tyler stood in the parking lot of a gas station, his phone in hand as he stared at the DoorDash app. He’d scrolled through countless options, debating whether to go with something safe like pizza or take a risk. In the end, he decided on the riskier of the two options
He remembered how often you talked about that Chinese takeout place near your apartment, the one you always craved after long days. You’d even convinced him to try it once, and he’d never forgotten the way your eyes lit up when the food arrived. The memory was clearer than he expected, and now, standing alone in a parking lot, he wondered how he’d managed to let someone who knew him so well slip through his fingers.
He couldn’t remember your order. But he remembered that it was something with chicken. He used the pictures on the app and his memory to narrow it down to the dish he thought it was that you liked. With a deep breath, Tyler hit 'order' and added a note for the driver to leave the takeout at your door with a message: "For the long days. I know you love this place. —Tyler."
He hesitated before sending it, wondering if you’d even accept the delivery. Maybe you wouldn’t. Maybe you’d throw the food out without a second thought. But a part of him hoped that you’d understand what he was trying to say—that this was his first step toward making things right.
You sat on the couch, the remnants of the Chinese takeout scattered across the coffee table in front of you. The familiar flavors had been a comfort, even if you were reluctant to admit it. When you first saw the delivery bag at your door, your heart had skipped a beat, reading the note that was attached.
For a moment, you’d considered ignoring it—pushing it away like you’d been trying to push away the thoughts of him. But after a long day, it felt easier to accept the gesture, at least for what it was: food. Nothing more.
Now, sitting here with your phone in your hand, you debated whether or not to send a message. It wasn’t like you owed him anything, but the gesture had been thoughtful in its simplicity. And a small part of you knew he wasn’t doing it to get something in return—at least, you hoped that wasn’t the case.
Finally, you typed out a quick message: "Thanks for the food. It was good."
You stared at the screen for a moment, your finger hovering over the send button. It wasn’t deep. It wasn’t emotional. It was just an acknowledgment. Before you could overthink it, you hit send.
A few seconds passed, and you saw the notification that the message had been delivered. No reply came immediately, and you didn’t expect one. After all, it wasn’t like this was going to fix things between the two of you. But somehow, sending that simple thank you felt like a tiny weight off your chest, even if it barely scratched the surface of the bigger mess you were still sorting through.
The next morning, Tyler paced around his room, racking his brain for the next move. The takeout had been a start, but he needed to do more. He needed to show you that he hadn’t forgotten the details, even if he’d been too blind to see them before. 
His eyes landed on his phone again, this time opening a florist app. He wasn’t going to send roses. You hated roses. You’d said they were too clichĂ©, something people picked when they didn’t really know the person. He wanted to send something that mattered.
Blue. Your favorite color. You’d mentioned it a few times, and while he didn’t know which flower you loved most, he figured blue would be a safe bet.
He scrolled through the bouquets until he found one that seemed perfect—a mix of blue hydrangeas, forget-me-nots, and white lilies. Simple, beautiful, and meaningful.
When he hit send, his heart pounded. It felt like such a small thing, but at the same time, it felt monumental. He was trying to show you that he was paying attention, that he knew you better than he’d let on.
The knock on the door was unexpected, especially after the Chinese takeout from yesterday. You weren’t sure what to expect this time, but as you opened the door and saw the delivery man holding a bouquet of blue flowers, your heart stuttered.
You took the bouquet, your eyes scanning the shades of blue nestled together in the arrangement. There were no roses—just as you’d once mentioned in passing. Instead, there were lilies, hydrangeas, and forget-me-nots. It was simple but thoughtful. He remembered.
As you set the bouquet on the kitchen counter, you caught sight of a small card tucked between the flowers.
“Not roses, just like you said. I hope you like these instead. –Tyler”
A soft sigh escaped your lips as you traced your fingers over the petals. For the first time since leaving the team, something stirred inside you—a mix of gratitude and maybe even the smallest bit of fondness. The forget-me-nots, in particular, caught your attention. They’d always been your favorite, and though you weren’t sure if he knew that or if it was just a lucky coincidence, it felt... special.
You sat down, flowers still in view, and grabbed your phone. Again, you hesitated, unsure of how to respond. But the flowers were different. They meant something more. He’d thought about this.
After a moment, you started typing: “The forget-me-nots are my favorite, by the way. For future reference
You hit send, and for a moment, you almost regretted it. Was that too much? But then you shook your head. No, it was just a small hint. A little crack in the wall you’d built. You weren’t letting him back in, but... you weren’t completely pushing him away either.
When your phone buzzed a few seconds later with a reply, you almost didn’t want to look. But curiosity got the best of you.
It was simple, just like your message had been. But there was something in that word—Noted—that made you think maybe, just maybe, Tyler was trying to show that he wasn’t giving up. At least, not yet.
The sound of the doorbell jolted you from your thoughts. Another delivery? You stood up, your heart sinking slightly, bracing yourself for yet another gesture you weren’t sure how to interpret. When you opened the door, though, it wasn’t another delivery person—it was Tyler.
For a moment, you just stood there, frozen. Tyler was at your doorstep, looking both determined and vulnerable. He glanced at you, his eyes searching for something, maybe a hint of how you were feeling.
“Hi,” he said softly, as if unsure of how to begin.
“Hi,” you replied, your voice barely above a whisper.
He took a deep breath, his gaze shifting from the floor to your eyes. “I know this is probably the last thing you expected, and I know I don’t really have the right to be here. But I needed to see you.”
You stepped aside to let him in, your heart pounding. Tyler walked into the room, glancing around as if trying to take it all in.
“I want to start by saying that I’m truly sorry,” he began, his voice steady but filled with emotion. “Not just for leaving like I did, but for not seeing how much I hurt you. I’ve had a lot of time to think about it, and it’s clear that I messed up.”
You watched him, your eyes brimming with unshed tears. Tyler ran a hand through his hair, looking both pained and determined. “You know, I’ve been trying to adjust to how things are now, and I’ve realized just how much I miss you. Like, seriously. Boone’s music choices have been driving me nuts. It’s not even that he’s got bad taste, but I keep thinking about how you always knew exactly what songs I liked. And then there was the coffee—Dexter tried to get it for me, and it was all wrong. You always knew how I liked it. It’s the little things that I miss the most.”
A faint smile tugged at your lips despite yourself.
Tyler noticed and seemed to take a breath of relief. “And Kate
 she’s a great person, but she’s just a professional colleague. I got caught up in this idea we were working on, and I was so intrigued that I didn’t see how it was affecting you. I should have never left the team like that. I’m sorry for that, too.”
He took a deep breath, his eyes locking onto yours with a mixture of hope and desperation. “But the real reason I’m here is because I can’t stop thinking about you. I’ve had time to think about what I want, and it’s you. I love you. I love how you’re always there for me, how you know my favorite songs, how you care about the little things. I love your smile, your laugh, and even how you get annoyed with me sometimes. I’ve realized all the ways you’ve shown me that you care, and I’ve been blind to it.”
A heavy silence fell between you. Tyler’s eyes were pleading as he awaited your response. When one didn’t come after several moments he sighed. His shoulders tensed, and he began to fidget, anxiety evident in his movements. “Maybe I’ve messed this up. I didn’t mean to make things worse. I should probably just—”
Before he could finish, you stepped closer, reaching out to gently touch his arm. “Don’t,” you said softly. “I’ve waited a long time for you to say something like this. Don’t make me wait any longer.”
A smile of pure relief and happiness spread across Tyler’s face. He pulled you into a tender embrace, his lips finding yours in a kiss that spoke of all the words unspoken, all the emotions unexpressed. It was a kiss full of apologies, regrets, and hope for the future.
When you finally pulled back, you looked up at him, a sense of calm settling over you. “I love you,” you whispered.
Tyler’s eyes softened as he nodded, holding you close. “I love you,” he said, his voice barely more than a breath. He then leaned in, pressing his lips to yours in another kiss.
As your lips finally part, the soft hum of shared breath fills the space between you. Tyler’s forehead rests gently against yours, both of you lingering in that quiet, electric moment. You’re still standing close to the door, the rush of the kiss slowly giving way to a deeper warmth—something steady and grounding. His thumb brushes along your cheek, his gaze locked on yours as though he’s memorizing every detail of this moment.
You both stand there for a beat longer, neither in a hurry to move or speak. But then, Tyler’s eyes drift past you, landing on the bouquet of blue flowers in the vase on the kitchen counter. His lips curl into a smile, a playful glint flickering in his eyes.
“I see the flowers made the cut,” he teases, his voice soft but with that familiar hint of humor. He steps back just enough to point toward them. “Did I do okay?”
You glance over your shoulder at the flowers and then back at him with a smile. “You did more than okay,” you say warmly. “But I think I still owe you a proper thank you.”
His brows arch in interest. “A proper thank you, huh?”
Before he can respond, you reach up, pulling him back down into another kiss, this one slower, more certain, like you’re sealing the promise of something new between you.
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rose-pearls · 8 months
The perils of love
Summary: being in love with Luke seemed to be a bad idea as you realise that he doesn't seem to be interested. But as you get ready to move on from love entirely your father decides to appear and two people fall for you.
Main Taglist : @avada-kedavra-bitch-187, @nyx2021, @thestarspangledcaptain, @kmc1989 (open)
Part 2
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Luke Castellan, everyone knew him at camp either for his sword skills or just his kind smiles for every camper that walked into the Hermes cabin. You had fallen for him the moment you met him, sweet brown eyes and a kind smile had you into a puddle. 
You had been twelve, wandering around the Hermes cabin, waiting desperately for your parent to claim you but the days went by, and you still were there. The little girls crush however didn’t went by but grew stronger every day you saw the boy who slowly turned into a man that had all the girls going crazy over him.  
He had been kind to you but there was always a look that you couldn’t decipher, until today that was.
“So, where is your number one fan Luke?”, you hear Chris say in a teasing tone and after a moment you hear Chris say your name, as if to make it clear it was you. 
“I don’t know and frankly I don’t have the time to care right now,” Luke says after letting out a sigh, but you felt your chest tighten at the words. Chris snorts at the words and you don’t expect what he says next.
“You know that there is a betting pool as to when the both of you are going to date,” you don’t know how Luke reacts, as you are practically one with the wall, but you hear him snort.
“Please, she is a sweet girl, but I would never date her. I don’t know how to explain it but sometimes she can just be a little-”, he seems to be trying to find his words and as you wait for it you feel tears brimming in your eyes at his previous statement.
“Clingy? I mean she is practically everywhere you are.”, the words are like a bullet to your heart, particularly when you hear Luke agree.
“I know right, I mean I know that she is still part of the Hermes cabin as she hasn’t been claimed yet but still,” you try to blink the tears away, not willing to cry as you hear the words being said by the man you had always looked up to. 
“Maybe she will never be claimed, I mean after three years,” Chris says, and you can hear the grimace in his voice, he says it with such carelessness as if you haven’t been thinking about the same thing every night for the past three years, wondering what was wrong with you.
“We’ll see what happens I guess, but maybe it would be good for her to be in another cabin,” Luke says, he looks like he doesn’t want to talk about it anymore, but Chris adds one last phrase to their conversation.
“Or better for you,” there is a quiet hum of agreement and that is the only thing you need before leaving the cabin quietly, the book that you had come for quickly forgotten.
You knew it was pitiful, the fact that they all seemed to know that you liked the Hermes boy and that they all pitied you for it. Because in the end the boy would never go for you, he had a hundred girls waiting for him and yet here you were hoping for the impossible.
Tears are brimming in your eyes, but you quickly brush them away, not wanting to cry after what had happened, you needed to be strong now. It was time for you to get over that stupid crush and get on with your life, maybe if you trained more your godly parent would finally recognize you and claim you.
“What are you doing here all alone?”, you suddenly hear someone say behind you and you turn around to find Annabeth looking at you with worried eyes.
“Thinking, the lake always seems to sooth me,” you say, the words coming a bit weaker than you intended them too. The girl simply nods at your words before sitting down next to you.
“What about you?”, you quietly ask her, and she lets out a sigh.
“Needed to get out a little bit, I can only strategise so much before going crazy,” she says with a small smile, and you can’t help but smile at her words.
“I’m sure your strategy will be incredible, as always,” you tell her and she simply nods, looking too far into her thoughts.
“Chiron is thinking of splitting up the Hermes cabin,” she suddenly says, and you turn to look at her in surprise.
“Really? How so?”, you can’t help but ask, wondering if this is maybe your chance to get a bit away from a certain Hermes boy.
“He thinks that the unclaimed children and children of minor gods should get the chance to chose in which team they want to be,” she looks conflicted, and you can understand why, this could mean less people for the blue team, her team.
“It seems like a kind gesture,” you can’t help but say and Annabeth nods in agreement.
“It is, although he could’ve said it sooner, now we all need to find a different strategy and we are going crazy with figuring out who will be on our team,” she seems overwhelmed, and you can’t help but put your hand on her shoulder trying to calm her down.
“Hey, calm down it will all be alright,” you tell her, and she takes a deep breath before slowly nodding in agreement.
“I know, I just don’t want to lose,” she says with a pout, and you can finally see the twelve-year-old she really is, that childlike excitement at the thought of capture the flag.
The both of you are deep in thought before her voice breaks the silence, her voice small as she talks.
“Which team are you choosing?”, it was probably a valid question to ask, you were unclaimed so you could technically choose which team to be on, but you just couldn’t get the previous conversation you had heard out of your head.
“The fact that you aren’t saying anything makes me think that you are going to go on the red team,” it seems like she is trying to tease you but there is some sort of hurt woven into her words.
“Don’t take it personally,” you can’t help but say, as much as you would’ve liked staying on the blue team you just couldn’t bear to be that close to Luke after what you had heard. You didn’t know what you would be doing tonight as you were sleeping in the same cabin as always, but he wouldn’t pay attention to you not unless you went to him.
“Did something happened with Luke?”, the carefully asked question makes you look at Annabeth with wide eyes, she had an understanding look in her eyes and you couldn’t help but curse the fact that she was Athena’s daughter.
“Nothing happened, I just realised that maybe I should get to know other people and that maybe it would get me out of my comfort zone,” there are a lot of things unsaid, Annabeth knows it too. Luckily, she doesn’t know of the conversation you had heard, or the fact that the words had cut you deeper than you could’ve ever thought they would. 
“You should probably tell Chiron and the red team, I heard that they were planning a strategy evening to talk about what they were going to do tomorrow,” you try to find anger in Annabeth’s eyes but there is only understanding and a lingering sadness that seems to disappear as you get up.
“Good idea, I will be doing that right now. Good luck on the strategy and don’t drive yourself crazy Annabeth you will do great,” you tell her, and a sweet smile appears on her lips as she nods slowly making you smile at her.
“Don’t be a stranger!”, she yells as you are about to leave, and you turn around to smile at her.
“I won’t!”, she looks reassured at the words before turning back to the water, leaving you to go towards Chiron office. 
“A little birdie told me you were on the red team,” you hear someone say and turn around to find Clarisse smirking at you.
“Would that little birdie be Chiron?”, you ask, feeling breathless after trying to stab the dummy about a hundredth time with your sword.
“I don’t reveal my sources princess,” she says with a smirk while you feel your cheeks heat up, you tell yourself it’s because of the work out you just did.
“We have a meeting tonight, after dinner at the Ares cabin,” she says while looking around the rink before picking up a sword.
“I’ll be there,” you tell her, expecting the girl to leave you alone but she just comes closer to you.
“After that there is a movie night and a sleepover, one of the Aphrodite kids managed to convince Chiron to allow it,” the words leave you confused for a moment, how would you even have a movie night with all these people.
“Only a few people are invited for that part,” she clarifies, and you feel breathless at the sight of her warm brown eyes, seemingly forgetting about other brown eyes.
“How come I am invited?”, you can’t help but ask, wondering why the Ares girl suddenly seemed sweet to you when she was practically attacking anyone else. 
“Don’t ask too many questions or you’ll be uninvited princess,” the nickname rolls of her tongue in a way that makes your cheeks go red, once again.
“Fine I’ll stop asking questions and just come with my pajama’s,” you tell her, and a satisfied grin makes his way on her lips.
“Good, now back to serious stuff you were holding your sword the wrong way,” she says like it’s a fact, as if she was pointing out that the sky was blue.
“No, I wasn’t!”, you can’t help but say looking at her with wide eyes.
“Yes, it is, let me help you fix it. I need the best people on my team after all,” you get ready to object but as you feel her get behind you putting her hand over yours on the sword to put your hand correctly you find yourself speechless.
The next hour is spent fighting against each other, but you can’t stop laughing as Clarisse tells you stories of her siblings to try and distract you, which ultimately works as you often end up on your ass. You don’t even seem to notice another pair of brown eyes looking at you, farther away, brows furrowed as he looks at the scene in front of him.
“Welcome to the exclusive sleepover,” you hear a soft voice say and you turn around to find Silena smiling kindly at you, two glasses in her hands before giving one to you.
“Thank you, guess they really were exclusive as I had never heard of them before,” you say, feeling a bit nervous as you look around the room only to find Clarisse in a heated discussion with another Aphrodite girl.
“Clarisse only invites people that she trusts or likes, which isn’t many, but she does cares for them,” Silena smiles at the Ares girl in front of you and you can’t help but do the same, Clarisse always seemed to be angry but in that moment, she seemed far more softer.
“I’m glad she trusts me,” you say, somehow missing the look Silena gives you, a look of confusion as you seem to have missed her clue on Clarisse liking you.
Clarisse had always been discrete about it, but Silena had caught her looking at you far too often to not know about it. Her fingers always seemed to itch when you were sword fighting, as if she was itching to get your posture right and to be able to touch you even for just a few seconds. You only had eyes for the Castellan boy, or it seemed that way until yesterday when Chiron told them that you would be on their team. Silena didn’t ask much of her mother but in that moment, she couldn’t help but ask her mother for help to get the both of you together. Clarisse deserved her happy ending and you deserved someone who would love you for who you were.
She gets woken from her thoughts as she hears Clarisse talking to you, there is a nervousness in her gestures as she pushes her hair behind her ear, but you don’t seem to realize it as you recount a story. Silena quietly gets up from her spot, and sends and encouraging look towards Clarisse, who seems a bit more at ease now. 
Capture the flag is a mess, more than the last time but you try not to let your mind wander too long. A boy that you think is from the Hephaestus cabin runs towards you and you sigh in annoyance before starting to fight against him, quickly ‘killing’ him and making him surrender. 
You had been tasked with trying to find the blue flag, but it seemed as if Annabeth had found a really good spot this time, and she had put more people in defense. After a while you wondered if you had the wrong hunch until you saw something blue flickering in the reflection of your sword. As you turned to look behind you, you saw the blue flag but weirdly there was no one around it.
“This feels like a trap,” you can’t help but whisper under your breath as you try to hide behind the bushes but a blade against your neck makes you stop in your steps.
“Sorry, but I need to do this,” you hear someone say and you turn around to find a sheepish Percy looking at you.
“Hi Percy,” you say with a kind smile and the boy smiles back, looking reassured that you aren’t mad or swinging your sword at him.
“How are you doing?”, you can’t help but ask, you hadn’t seen him since he had been claimed by Poseidon, but the boy seemed healthy.
“Good, well as good as you can when you learn that your father is one of the big three’s and that your life will be a hellhole,” he says with a roll of his eyes, and you can’t help but snort.
“Still as sarcastic I see,” you can’t help but say while laughing and a sheepish grin forms itself on his lips.
“Can’t help it,” he says while shrugging his shoulders.
“It’s a shame you aren’t on our team,” he says quietly, and you smile softly, the two of you had talked a lot when he had arrived, and you felt close to him.
“Maybe next time,” you tell him and the boy smiles at the answer before asking you a question and the two of you talk for a moment before you hear a battle cry and see the red team suddenly making their way in the clearing, the blue team also appearing.
Percy and you look at each other with wide eyes before you take out your sword.
“If you don’t say anything about this, I won’t say anything,” Percy nods quickly and the both of you break away from the tree you were behind before joining your team as Percy joins his.
An Apollo girl comes running towards you, but you quickly manage to disarm her, others following behind her, but you are in such a haze that you don’t realize how close you are getting to the flag. That is until you are met with a familiar blade, Luke’s. 
The boy is looking at you, slightly out of breath from the fighting just like you.
“You can always abandon now sweetheart,” he says and can’t help but blush slightly at the familiar nickname. 
“No chance Castellan, give me your worst,” this seems to make the boy laugh before he quickly wields his swords, yours clashing against his in familiar movements. You had fought many times against Luke as he had taught you how to fight but you had a new trick up your sleeve that Clarisse had taught you. She had told you that his left leg was his weakness, a bruise that had never really fully recovered. 
So, when the opportunity presents itself, you wield your sword against his left leg, making sure not to hurt him too much. But as you hit the spot Luke winces in pain and his sword leaves his hand. You don’t think at that point and simply continue straight to the flag, whispering a soft ‘sorry’ as you go to the Hermes boy.
You manage to take the flag before seeing Percy coming towards you with his sword, you expect the hit, but he seems transfixed, looking at something above you. There is a loud silence, on a battlefield that was filled with battle cries just a second ago.
Chiron’s voice suddenly comes up, suddenly saying your name.
“Daughter of Zeus, king of the gods,” the rest of his words are lost as you look up, only to see the symbol of Zeus above your head, your father’s symbol.
You didn’t know how to feel, you had been waiting for so long but now that it was happening you just felt lost. Why was he claiming you right now?
“Congratulations! Seems like we are cousins now,” you suddenly hear Percy say, he has a bright smile on his lips, but there is also sadness in his eyes. It takes you a few seconds to understand why, you were now a child of the big three, which meant your life was about to be a hellhole as Percy had said.
“Always though there was something familiar between the two of us,” you try to say in a teasing tone, but it falls flat, Percy nodding in understanding.
As you turn around to look at the rest of the camp you see Luke looking at you with wide brown eyes, as if he was seeing you for the first time. You turn your gaze towards Clarisse who is looking at you with a proud smile and something else that you can’t quite understand.
There was surely a lot of trouble coming but not the one you were expecting, it would be far more complicated than monsters or a father that decided to appear after fifteen years. Matters of the heart were after all the most complicated of all, particularly between a daughter of Zeus, a daughter of Ares and a son of Hermes. 
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#i love working in retail in the months of November and December as a person who doesn't celebrate Christmas :)#its my favorite activity and hobby actually!!!!!#friends. it is literally required at my new job for us to play Christmas music starting nov. 1st to the end of the year#its been 2 shifts and my brain is melting#and basically all of the cookies now are Christmas themed. which. whatever#i decided a while ago thats not a fight im gonna pick bc everywhere is gonna have holiday themed pastries#im not gonna be like UM ACTUALLY i dont celebrate Christmas im not doing that#but its EXHAUSTING#this time of year is EXHAUSTING#and this one coworker is EXHAUSTING#I don't want her to be like oh you dont celebrate Christmas???? :( :) whY NOT????????? tell my your life story so i can JUDGE IT#i had to tell her i was homeschooled today bc she asked me about high school#and she whas like :))) OH :)))#and i know what she was thinking. the same thing everyone thinks. crazy little quiet girl was homeschooled and it made her crazy + quiet đŸ„ș#and i dont owe anyone an explanation about anything i know#but the social anxiety cant handle people thinking things like that about me but also makes it impossible to stand up for myself#and not celebrating Christmas comes down to a very important thing to/about me (my religion)#which is like. its personal but i will share it in the right circumstances. i feel like a lot of times work is not the right circumstance#and i dont wanna talk about it to a person who i know is gonna be like 😀😀😀😀 oh OK#but the manager is arranging a secret santa so im gonna have to say i don't wanna participate. I DON'T WANNA BE QUIZZED#the whole retail Christmas thing is like. it sucks on a personal level bc its literally tiring to be surrounded by it constantly#but i can handle that. ik it makes other people happy#but it gets worse when it turns into a big thing to other people who are just now finding this out about me#and its easy to tell which people are gonna be like 'oh ok cool!' and whos gonna be like 'BUT WHY THO????? okkkkkk i guessss'#and unfortunately :) the other baker at my new job :) is definitely an option B kind of person :)#anyways sorry im tired im going to bed now
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nadvs · 2 months
please can we have sleeping with the enemy reader taking care of rafe with his hangover (from your last blurb) 😚😚
aaaa yes omg the fluff! (and the everyone but them can see it trope!) (and the overdue confession!) đŸ™‚â€â†•ïž
based on this fic, continutation of this blurb
rafe can’t even open his eyes yet. he feels like he’s an inch away from death.
about a month ago, he moved out of his dorm and into a house with a group of his teammates. it was a nightmare securing a lease on a house because of the reputation athletes have left on the landlords off campus.
but because rafe was the one who worked so hard on getting the house, and because he’s the team captain, he got the biggest and best room, ensuite attached.
it’s in the top floor. it’s quiet. it gets the best ac. but no amount of ac can make the sickening heat of the hangover he has this morning any better.
he finally opens his eyes. she’s not beside him. if he remembers correctly, he asked her to sleep over last night. and
 goddamn it, he called her his girlfriend.
there’s a good chance he scared her away. they’re best friends who hook up sometimes. that’s it. no matter how much his teammates - at least the ones who have the balls to - fuck with him about it.
a few nights ago, a girl struck up conversation with rafe at a party and one of his buddies told her not to bother because ‘he’s basically married’ and the crazy thing is, he let her believe it. he hasn’t hooked up with another girl in ages. he hasn’t wanted to.
it got to him. maybe that’s why he slipped up last night, calling her his girlfriend. if he remembers right, it’s like they agreed to being something more in a roundabout, drunken way. or maybe she was just humoring him and is planning to let him down easy when they’re both sober.
she’s in the kitchen, wearing one of rafe’s shirts, cutting up what little fruit the guys have lying around. the blender was a bitch to clean, tacked with residual protein powder.
she’s awake before everyone, making rafe a smoothie to help cure his hangover. this is 100% girlfriend behavior. she’s doing the absolute most. she knows that.
she tells herself it’s because they’re best friends. she’d do the same for any other friend. but doing it for rafe feels so much more gratifying than if she did it for anyone else.
as she drops banana slices into the blender, she thinks about the regret that washed over rafe’s face last night.
she wonders why he so obviously wished he hadn’t called her his girlfriend. was it because he accidentally exposed what he really thinks of her? or because he didn’t want her to get the wrong idea?
she blends the smoothie, cleans up and pads upstairs to rafe’s bedroom. when she opens the door, he’s sprawled out on his bed, down to his boxers, the duvet half-covering his body.
she’s seen him naked so many times before. but this weirdly feels like it’s the most intimate they’ve ever been.
“did you take my clothes off last night?” rafe grumbles, staring up at the ceiling.
“somehow,” she answers. “i fell on my ass trying to pull your jeans off.”
“oh, yeah,” he laughs. he heard her fall to the floor in the dark. it was hilarious. but then he clutches his head. even laughing hurts. “fuck.”
“imagine how bad you’d feel if i didn’t force water on you last night. you’re welcome, by the way,” she says.
she places the glass on the nightstand and sits on the edge of the bed, glad she only had a couple of drinks last night.
“i made you a smoothie. you need to replenish.”
his tired blue eyes finally land on her. he takes her in, the way her brows are knitted in concern, the way she looks in his shirt.
“and your blender was disgusting,” she adds. “it’s pretty sad that a whole group of grown men don’t know how to properly wash dishes. it took me forever to clean it.”
“you’re talking too much,” he rasps, massaging his temple with his thumb.
normally, she’d tease him back. she knows he’s joking. but the joke doesn’t land. she looks away.
in the sober brightness of the morning, she realizes she feels stupid. they agreed they were just friends, but she’s playing house and acting like a girlfriend to someone who either doesn’t want her like that, or does and won’t admit to it when he’s not drunk.
she doesn’t mind taking care of him. but she’s catching feelings. how can she be friends with someone when every second that passes that they’re not more than that feels like a little dose of rejection?
they’ve always been direct with each other. at some point, that stopped. at least on her side.
“i’m fucking with you,” rafe clarifies. “thank you.”
she scoffs. he hardly ever has manners. she must really look mad.
“sure,” she says. she leans forward, picking up and handing him the smoothie, knowing he’s too tired to get it himself. “do you remember what you said last night?”
rafe’s eyes dart away. he rakes back his tousled hair, sitting up slowly to hold the smoothie. tortuously slow, he takes a sip, making her wait for his answer.
“what’d i say?” he mumbles.
she tilts her head, her lips in a firm line. he said he wouldn’t be embarrassed the next day. he’s acting like he is now, though. or maybe he really doesn’t remember.
she suddenly feels bad for pushing this heavy of a conversation on him when he’s clearly exhausted and feeling so terrible.
“we’ll talk about it later,” she says. it gives rafe a wave of anxiety. maybe she’s planning to let him down gently. to tell him they can’t be more than friends. “hydrate, got it?”
she stands, pulling his shirt off over her head.
“where are you going?” he asks, watching her bend over to pick up last night’s clothes.
“home,” she says. “text me if you wanna hang out later when you feel human again.”
she leaves. he lets her.
he’s in a funk the rest of the morning. he eventually finds the strength to take a shower. he eats his first meal at three p.m.
when he sees the blender on the drying rack in the kitchen, his chest tightens. this isn’t normal. he shouldn’t miss someone he saw just this morning. but he does.
and whatever happened last night is hanging over him. if he knows her, he knows it’s bothering her, too.
he texts her: feeling human again. u busy?
she replies: i’m free and starving.
he smirks at his phone. pick you up in 30
when she sinks into the passenger seat of his suv, she’s uneasy. jittery. as if this is a first date. but when she takes in how tense he looks, she pushes all her feelings away.
“what’s wrong?” she asks. “you good?”
 this feels weird,” he admits. she stills. so it’s not just her who senses it.
“weird how?”
“what do you wanna eat?” he asks. “where am i going?”
“you’re staying here until you tell me what’s up.”
rafe chews on his lip. he turns his key, shutting the car off, parked in front of her dorm building. he knows there’s no point in arguing with her. she can be stubborn.
“weird how?” she repeats.
 i’m nervous or something.”
rafe has known for a while now that he’s someone else around her. or maybe he’s actually himself, and she’s the only person who coaxes it out of him.
“nervous?” she echoes. rafe is only ever nervous before an important game, and even then, he’s more hyped up to win than anything.
he can’t take it anymore. he’d rather rip off the bandaid.
“be straight with me,” he says. “what’d i say that you wanted to talk about?”
she can’t recall the last time she felt so shy around him, if ever.
“do you remember calling me your girlfriend?” she says.
he shuffles in his seat, expelling a heavy breath.
“if i fucked things up, just say it,” he rasps.
“so, you remember?”
“do you remember how you said you wouldn’t be embarrassed for saying it?”
“yeah,” he mutters sharply. “can you get to the point?”
“can you not be a dick right now?” she says.
he sighs. can’t she tell he’s anxious?
“are you?” she says. “embarrassed, i mean?”
“no,” rafe begins. “i’m annoyed that i said it. it made things awkward.”
“it did,” she agrees.
“okay,” he huffs. “so what now?”
she clasps her hands together in her lap, looking out at the side mirror. she could just say they can forget about it. grab takeout. go back to normal. but going back to normal kind of feels impossible.
“my friends always tell me we act like a couple,” she finally says. “this morning, i was washing your dishes and organizing your fridge and i thought, they’re right. this is the kind of stuff a girl in a relationship does. but then i was like, no it’s not like that. we’re just best friends. but then last night... you said you’d be a good boyfriend.”
“mhm,” he says, bracing for the rejection. the let’s just be friends. or worse, the things are too weird now and we should probably stop hanging out.
she swallows hard.
“i wanted to know if
 did something change? were you just drunk or do you actually want to
” she trails off.
for once, it feels odd saying her thoughts out loud to him. because he was always as adamant about not wanting commitment as she was. things have gotten so messy all because he blurted something out last night.
rafe stares at her profile as she looks out the window. she’d fiddling impatiently, like she was the night they first talked at the bar months ago, waiting for someone to take her drink order.
“the guys mess with me about it, too,” he tells her. “they say we act like we’re married or some shit.”
she quirks her eyebrows. they basically do. they see each other almost every day. they bicker. they’re constantly subconsciously touching, whether it’s through joined hands or bumped knees. they have too many inside jokes. they take care of each other. she reminds him of things he can’t afford to forget, like appointments or exams. he makes sure she eats and he pays for everything they do together.
“i don’t look at other girls,” he confesses. “and i know you get hit on when you go out, but it never goes anywhere. i
 okay, yeah, fine, something did change at some point. i don’t know when.”
for the first time since she got in the car, she cracks a smile. they’re best friends who are ridiculously attracted to each other and joined at the hip. if that’s not a relationship, what is?
“are we already kind of dating?” she says, finally meeting his eyes.
rafe breathes a chuckle, the heaviness in his chest lifting all at once.
everything was always so easy with her. he assumed it’s because they had no expectations between them. but that wasn’t it. in reality, they had been quietly meeting each other’s expectations without having to try.
“yeah. we are,” he says.
her eyelids flutter as she looks down, gazing at his hand splayed over the dark denim on his thigh. her stomach is numb. her mind is buzzing.
“how’d you get so lucky?” she teases.
rafe doesn’t even have it in him to joke back. he needs to touch her. he leans forward, cradling her jaw, capturing her lips in his.
they’ve kissed a thousand times before. but never like this. this is a kiss that says there’s an understanding that she’s his and he’s hers. and maybe it took them a while to realize that, but now that they’re here, they’re not going back.
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mercurygguk · 1 year
head over skates · jjk ; part i.
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··· SUMMARY; jeon jungkook is the captain of the hockey team and one of the biggest fuckboys on campus. you happen to have known him for as long as you can remember but he is not who he used to be and you simply can't stand it.
so what happens when you're suddenly stuck doing a project with him for three weeks?
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PAIRING; hockey player!jungkook x f. reader
GENRE; fwb au, childhood friends to enemies to lovers au, college au
WARNINGS; swearing
a/n; HEAD OVER SKATES SERIES IS HERE!!!! it’s a drabble series now so these chapters will be short but that’s better than nothing amirite :)) i hope you like this first part! enjoyyy <3 also, please lmk what you think!
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“The project will be done in pairs of two–”
Jihyo copies your smirk from across the room as you lock eyes with her. You were thinking the same thing – you and her will pair up and do this project together. As best friends and classmates since freshman year, you’ve learned that you work the best alongside each other. However, both of your smirks crumble into tiny pieces as Professor Kim finishes her sentence.
“–which have already been decided beforehand.”
You let out a quiet, frustrated groan as you slump in your seat. Jihyo pouts and shoots a glare at Professor Kim without her noticing. You watch with a bored expression as she pulls up a document showing the pairs for the project. You skim the document until your eyes land on your name, written in Times New Roman right next to–
Oh, hell no.
The universe has a sick sense of humor, is the first thought your brain is able to process as you stare at the name written next to yours. It’s the name of the one person you haven’t spoken to since senior year of high school. It’s the name of the one person you still hold a grudge against. It’s the name of your childhood best friend and high school crush – Jeon Jungkook.
When you first met Jungkook, he was just 5 years old and nothing like the man he is today.
Back then he had just moved in across the street and it didn’t take long for you to realize he was the cutest, most shy little boy – you can ask anyone who knew him back then. He was careful with everything from animals to dead objects to other people and yet he was just a pinch of wild and reckless enough to allow himself to do some of the crazy stuff kids do when growing up. He was smaller than the other boys at his age; short and skinny, a round head, framed by his thick strands of black hair. He also had big, star-filled doe eyes that could convince any adult to let him have everything his way. And having his way was something Jungkook got used to as he grew older – sometimes a bit too much perhaps.
As his best friend during all the years going from elementary school through middle school and the first years of high school, you witnessed it first hand – teachers and his friends alike were all willing to go out of their way to make sure Jungkook was satisfied. No one really knows how that came to be – perhaps it had nothing to do with Jungkook at all but everything to do with the fact that his father was the board director at one of the biggest enterprises in the country.
Jungkook has always been very oblivious, hence why he didn’t put much thought into the special treatment he received from everyone as soon as people found out just how rich his parents were. 
While in middle school, he had yet to realize how girls were starting to look at him, how they would giggle whenever he would flash his boyish smile in their direction, how they would almost trip over each other to get his attention and call his name during lunch breaks only to blush and say ‘nevermind’ when he would finally react. Jungkook had yet to realize that he was becoming hotter and less shy. He was oblivious as ever but still cute nonetheless. 
And while all this went down, you watched from the sideline, wondering when he would realize – wondering when your friendship would end. Because it would. You knew that from the moment Jungkook flirtatiously smirked and winked at your friend one day without realizing. Or maybe he did. Either way, you realized it on his behalf – he was slowly becoming a big flirt.
It’s now five years later and you were right. And as much as you like to be right, you’ve never hated it more.
Your friendship did end.
It started fading out almost as soon as Jungkook realized what he was able to achieve with his good looks and flirty nature. Now you and Jungkook attend the same college but in two different worlds most of the time. The chances of you and him ever going back to being friends like you were when you were pre-teens are minimal. And it’s not like you’re trying to befriend him again.
Cocky jocks who think they’re the shit aren’t exactly your first choice when making friends. 
And somehow during your high school junior year, Jungkook became one of them. He picked up on the term ‘working out’ and found out he had muscles and how to grow them. He also found out how to use those exact muscles to make the girls swoon, making them feed his ego way more than what is considered healthy. And as if that wasn't enough, Jungkook began practicing hockey.
And guess what? He was damn good at it.
Ego overfed.
As time went by, you and Jungkook talked less. He was busy with his new friends, playing hockey, and hanging out with girls that were way more interesting than his best friend, also known as you. Eventually you found yourself spending time with other people instead of him, finding it tiring and painful to be the second choice whenever his other friends didn’t have time or when his parents would mention you and he would 'suddenly' remember you existed. 
The sight of different girls from school entering and leaving his house without his parents knowing wasn’t that fun either if you’re being honest.
Although, you never actually told him that – but you didn’t have to because the two of you were gliding apart by each day you spent doing your own thing. It hurt but your silly crush eventually turned into anger which later turned into despisal and borderline hatred towards your former best friend. Because Jeon Jungkook was nothing more than just another jock with an overfed ego and way too many fangirls trailing behind him everywhere he goes.
Your point is deemed proven the moment Jungkook gets up from his seat in the back and makes his way to you – said fangirls all turn their scowling gazes to you the second they realize what is happening. You feel his presence before he opens his mouth to greet you, something about it making your stomach churn as he plops down in the seat next to you.
“Hey, partner,” he grins when you slowly turn to face him. “What are the odds, huh?”
You don’t spare him a glance nor a reply as you get up from your seat, leaving him behind and trying your very best to ignore the way his eyes follow your every move. Your professor seems less than excited to see you standing next to her desk as she looks up at you.
“Mrs. Kim,” you offer her your best polite smile, “is there any chance it’s possible to change partners for this project? It seems-”
Professor Kim glances back to your spot where Jungkook is sitting in the next chair, arms crossed over his chest as he leans back, hints of a smirk on his lips as he watches you and Mrs. Kim. “Miss ____, the pairs have been decided beforehand for a reason. I was hoping to save time and energy by doing this and will not be spending said saved energy on splitting up pairs just because you’re unhappy with yours.”
You feel a frustrated whine push at the back of your throat as the words leave her red-tinted lips. “But-”
“____, I know you prefer to work with Jihyo in every class you share,” she pointedly and calmly says. “But as the professor, it is my job to challenge the students and push them out of their comfort zone. If there aren’t any actual issues with having Mr. Jeon as your partner, I suggest you take on the challenge and get the best out of it.”
The fake smile she shoots at you has you frowning as you turn on your heel, defeat hanging over you in a gray cloud as you make your way back to your seat. Jungkook’s smirk has widened and he seems more than satisfied by the fact that your request got rejected by the professor. You slump in your seat once again, stealing a glance at Jihyo who got paired up with none other than Kim Namjoon – the top student of this class and her crush.
What a lucky bitch.
“Cheer up, ____,” Jungkook’s voice intrudes your thoughts, pulling you back. He’s smiling smugly when you turn to face him for the first time since he sat down. “I promise I’ll behave.”
You huff out an unimpressed scoff and turn your attention to your notes, the grip on your pen so tight your knuckles turn white. You miss the way Jungkook’s smile falters a little as you look away.
This is going to be the longest three weeks of your life – you’re sure of it.
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leonw4nter · 7 months
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She Likes The Way It Feels When He’s Right There
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ID!Leon x F!Reader
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“Mom, for the last time, I don’t want to go on a date with him!” You emphasize for what seemed like the nth time that night. Inviting Hunnigan over for dinner with your mom causes regret to pool in the depths of your belly; she doesn’t need to be around to hear you and your mom argue over your love life. Work was already stressful and your mom is piling up on that tall tower of things that plague your mind. You keep your head hung low, gaze trained on a piece of quinoa on your plate with your fork poking at it as you feel your attention slipping away, making no effort to rein it back in if it means not hearing your mom ramble on about having kids and settling down with someone.
“Y/N? Y/N.” Your mom’s voice snaps you back to reality, bringing you back down to this godforsaken dinner. “Did you hear what I just said?”
You temporarily shut your eyes, fingers stiffly curling over your fork. Deep breaths, breathe in and out, don’t flip the table over like a crazy person.
“No, I didn’t. I was busy thinking about work,” you grumbled in a low voice.
“I was just saying that he makes a good amount of money, maybe a little more than you do. It’ll be greatly beneficial for you,” she urged you. You love your mom, you really do, but there's a time where she gets a little suffocating for you and still acts as if you’re 13, not 30.
“What are you suggesting, mom? My job is just fine and I don’t need a man to rely on for money or my future or anything at all!” You snap, forgetting that your friend is in the same room as you are right now. Hunnigan comfortingly places a hand at your back, causing you to jump a little bit before relaxing down and taking a forkful of your dinner even if your appetite is almost gone.
“Ma’am,” Hunnigan begins, placing her elbows on the table and interlocking her fingers together. “I think whoever Y/N should get with is entirely up to her– that is, if she wants someone in her life. You may be her mother but you don’t have control over how she lives and besides, she’s a grown woman.”
Your mom shuts up, her lips pressed into a thin, burgundy line. For the first time in what felt like forever, silence befalls over the three of you on the dining table. “I was her age once so I know what she’s going through. I’m just giving her suggestions on how to secure a stable future because that’s what I want for her–”
“Well, mom, surprise: I’m still not going to see him. I’m doing just fine and–”
“I’m seeing someone, okay? I have someone else!"
Those words shock everyone, including you, even if you’re quite literally the one who said that. Your mouth moved faster than your mind could move, spouting nonsense in desperation to cut this draining conversation. Hunnigan reaches over for a napkin, blotting her mouth and trying to keep her coughing subtle and quiet after choking on her white wine. Even while dabbing at her mouth and still making an active effort to keep her coughing at a minimum, her eyes are wide and bore right into you with heightened interest.
“Who are you seeing then?” Your mom breaks the silence.
“Leon,” you promptly answered. All of a sudden you’re self-conscious, worried that she’ll sense your fib and call you out. You want to smash that bottle of wine against your head and knock yourself unconscious and wistfully get sent into another existence, going missing until everyone forgets you ever existed. It’s too late to take that back now, you really had to name-drop instead of saying “someone from work”. This is going to be one hell of a dinner and even more one hell of a talk with Hunnigan.
“Were you being for real?” Hunnigan asked. She has her arms crossed, red glasses placed on her head amongst ebony curls.
 we aren’t anything. Just friends,” you regretfully admitted. You rest your head against your desk, cheek in contact with the cold surface.
Hunnigan giggles, grabbing the empty office chair beside you and scoots closer. “Really. ‘Just friends’, my ass. I see the way you look at him– heart eyes and all.”
You close your eyes and groan even louder, burying your face in your hands as you recall that fuck-up from last night. She wasn’t wrong about the heart eyes; you’ve harbored feelings towards that man for years now but you were always too much of a chicken to confess your feelings. Besides, this guy probably has someone in his heart– this fact shouldn’t hurt but it kind of does but who are you to dictate who he should love?
“You’re being so helpful right now, Ingrid. Thanks a lot,” you croaked.
“Why’d you even say his name in the first place? Could’ve gone with Patrick, he and Leon are in the same department.”
Boom. Could’ve said I was seeing Patrick instead
 why’d it have to be that man with his stupidly pretty blue eyes and stupidly perfect, pink lips and his stupidly smooth voice and his stupidly charming smile

“Well– Leon and I are friends, of course he somehow popped up in my mind first! And last night was not one of my brightest moments, okay? People make mistakes!”
Ingrid laughed like it was the funniest joke she’s ever heard, leaning back into the chair and crossing her arms.
“It’s not like your mom’s going to be content with just hearing you date someone. She’s going to ask for proof and probably ask to see him, knowing her.”
“I know! I know, it’s just
 imagine going up to Leon and just saying the stupidest thing ever–”
“What stupid thing are you going to say to me?” Leon suddenly chimes in. You shoot up, almost stumbling backwards in the sheer speed you just exhibited. His sudden intrusion causes explosions of pink to burst on your cheeks, eyes to be wide.
“You look like you just saw a ghost,” he chuckles. I wish I was a ghost right now. I need to be 6 feet below ground.
“You’ll be in charge of keeping Y/N company the entire afternoon, Kennedy. I’ve got papers at my desk,” Hunnigan explains with a sly smirk. “Catch you later.” Leon throws her a thumbs up and as he turns around, she shoots you a wink. I swear, Hunnigan, I’m so going to throw hands with you!
“Don’t you have work to do?” You ask Leon.
“Nope. Finished them all yesterday,” he replied.
“Just came out of the last one earlier.”
“Training the rookies?”
“They don’t have training today.”
“Won’t be in one as far as I know.”
Fuck he’s going to be with me all day
 but didn’t I secretly wish for this
“What’s up with all the questions?” Leon asks. “You’re being weird today but then again, it’s not like you’re never weird.”
“Oh shut up.” You exclaim. Despite his joke, you remembered that part of Leon’s job includes being able to read people in terms of their body language which means that he would pick up whenever you were nervous around him. This is not my day.
“Well you’re always busy. It’s just new to see you not doing something,” you retort. You try to adjust your body language, making sure you look a lot less secretive and tense than you were earlier.
“And you’re the one busier than me this time,” he observes, tilting his head to the papers stacked on your desk. “I can help out if you want. They’re just reports right?”
“Um, yeah. I could use the help. That one’s the finished pile, the one beside it is the one that needs checking.”
“On it, ma’am.”
Shit that was kinda hot.
He takes a pencil from your mug and sets it right in front of him before taking a portion of the unfinished stack and placing it on the empty desk beside yours. He distances himself from you, brows furrowed in focus. He gets up and takes off his navy blue blazer, draping it over the back of his chair. If you think that was hot, he also proceeds to roll the sleeves of his crisp, white button-up up until his elbows, veins deliciously adorning his arms. His arms are straining against the fabric, ripples of his muscle bulging beneath. Leon, I swear to God, I’m going to get nothing done if you do my paperwork looking like an absolute snack– no, a 5-star Michelin meal that I can never, ever afford.
“Sight-seeing, I see.”
His voice snaps you from your swirl of diabolical thoughts, grounding you again.
“I wasn’t.”
“Your eyes on my hands told me otherwise.”
“Fuck off! Just do the paperwork!”
He simply smirks and chuckles to himself before really starting on the paperwork, blue eyes focused on the dark ink on paper, occasionally marking things. Lord have mercy, please, I just want to get work done.
Taking a deep breath, you take your own stack of papers and start work; it would be hypocritical if you kept urging Leon to work but you were just busy shamelessly drinking in your friend’s arms. Right. We’re just friends.
Since two people worked on the papers, you managed to get them done faster than you thought. After dropping them off at your boss’ desk, you head back to your cubicle to get your things ready before clocking out for the day. Leon had already finished getting his things together and changed into black bootcut jeans and a black leather jacket over his white long sleeves, black helmet on the nook of his arm since he rode his bike home.
“You wanna ride?” Leon asks, which causes you to raise your eyebrows and smirk. “On my bike, I meant. Get your mind out of the gutter.”
“Of course I know what you mean, dumbass. And as much as I want to, I brought my car to work so
 I’ll pass for now. Thanks though.”
He nods, before setting his helmet aside, and helping you pack your things even if they aren’t much. “Thanks again.”
“No problem.”
You two walk out of the dark office and make your way out of the building, heading for the parking lot. Just before you get into your car, he speaks up. 
 you know how Valentine’s Day is highly commercialized?” he begins.
“Mhm. What about it?” you asked.
“There’s this high-end restaurant downtown and they’ve got good food at the cost of a wallet-decimating bill. They’ve got a discount for couples who dine there and
 I was wondering if you’d wanna come along with me as a fake date. It’ll be easy on the pocket with the discount they’re offering.”
Your eyes widen, warmth creeping up from your back and settle at the nape of your neck. It’s not like he’s even asking you out on an actual dinner date, the man just wants to have dinner that’s easy on the pockets
 even if he’s out here riding on the latest model of a Ducati but he still asked you out, instead of other women in the agency– women who have fuller hips and better hair than you do. Women who you think have a better chance of catching his eye anyways.
“That sounds nice. Um, yeah sure. I’m free. I’m assuming that this is going to be on the 14th?”
“Yep. So uh
 I guess that’s a date then?”
The air turned slightly awkward, you two just standing around awkwardly with gazes either downcast or focused on something else.
“I’ll- I’ll go now, Leon. Um, bye!” you say.
“Uh, bye. Get home safe and goodnight,” he responds.
With a small nod, you get in your car and start it. Buckling your seatbelt, you pull out of your parking spot and drive home. You noticed that Leon stayed behind, making sure he got to see you leave before you catch a quick glimpse of his bike’s lights from your rear-view mirror.
You still felt kind of awkward around Leon especially with last night’s mortifying cover story but luckily his chill demeanor made you feel less on the edge. You thought about all the times he made you feel flustered: when he switched places with you on the sidewalk so he’d be the one on the outer part instead; when he ran to a convenience store to get you pads and new underwear when you bled while at work; see him interacting with one of your coworker’s kids; when he pretended to be your boyfriend when several drunk guys were trying to hit on you at a bar; the endless pet names he’d give you. Sometimes it felt like flirting but you know that Leon likes to joke with anyone; maybe you’re just looking too much into things and this is just a manifestation of your growing feelings for him. It’s hard not to fall for your best friend when he’s more than just good looks and his stupid jokes and beneath those he’s a truly brave man– probably the bravest man you’ve ever met. He’s stupidly selfless; in most situations where you’d probably run away and save yourself, he’d stay behind to finish the job at the cost of his life. He’s still standing firm at the faces of mind-bending horrors, doing this because “if no one does then who will”, as he always said. He probably has someone to fight for that’s why he’s this dedicated, even if he was forced into this kind of work. With a sigh, you turn up the volume on your radio and force all your thoughts to the back of your head; you’ll bring them out again later when you get home, accompanied with a cold beer.
“So let me get this straight: Leon asked you out for dinner?” Hunnigan’s voice comes out of your laptop.
“Yep.” you respond.
“And you two will go as a fake couple to be able to get that discount because the food is normally expensive.”
“Listen, girl. I’ve known Leon longer than you have and it’s not like he’ll just ask random women out to be his fake date.”
“He didn’t ask me to be his fake date, he just asked me to come along with him.”
“Think about it: he could’ve asked anyone. He could’ve asked me or Ashley or Shen Mei but he chose to ask you! This is something!”
“It’s nothing. Besides, I was the only one at the parking lot with him so he asked since I was the nearest.”
“Dude! He was free the whole day! He had plenty of time to look for anyone else but he chose you!”
“He wasn’t exactly free since I had him help me out with reports.”
Hunnigan lets out an exasperated sigh at the other end of the call, probably frustrated that your negative thinking is getting the best of you. The both of you stay silent for a bit, nursing your beer before taking a small sip.
“Well, regardless of whatever he thinks of me, I’m going to enjoy dinner. It wouldn’t hurt to think about it as a friendly get-together, y’know,” you speak up.
“It would hurt, Y/N. I know you; you’ll probably get home and blast your greatest heartbreak hits or something,” Hunnigan points out. You bite your lip, not even making an effort to tell her she’s wrong when she’s painfully right– you’d sulk and just berate yourself for being so pathetic with these feelings.
“You know, you should just ask Leon what you are to him. Tell him you’re not happy with all the meaningless flirting if he’s doing that with non-romantic intentions. I’m sure he’d just apologize and beat himself up over it.”
You stay silent for a little longer, thinking about Hunnigan’s words. You’re an agent, for God’s sakes– you‘re supposed to be comfortable with confronting people and you are
 just not with Leon but why? What are you so afraid of? For Leon to be distant from you and your friendship fizzling out into nothing? Maybe. Just maybe.
“Yeah. You’re right. Thanks girl, that was really good advice.”
“Hey, no problem. You can always count on me with your boy problems.”
Several days after that call, you managed to get out of work quite early. There wasn’t much to do since all papers that you and Leon did a few days ago were already good and there weren’t agents under your watch that were on overseas missions so you got off early. Since Leon offered to give you a ride to work on his bike, you didn’t bring your car along so you’ll commute going back home if you were to clock out earlier than him. You looked around for Leon, telling him that you were going to go home early to get yourself ready for the dinner “date” later this evening. You spotted him in the break room with a few other agents, chatting with Patrick.
“Leon, hey. I’ll be heading home now since I don’t have anything else to do. See you later.” You say with a small smile as you peeked around the door frame. Everyone turned from their conversations to look at you, then looked back at him.
“I can send you home, since I’m free too,” he offered. Though your gaze was on him, you could spot other agents with smirks on their faces.
“Yeah, Leon. We can take it from here, you can go out with Y/N. It’s Valentine’s Day too,” Shen Mei adds. She gives the agent beside her a small nudge with her elbow, shooting them a knowing look before shifting her eyes back to you.
“Are you okay with it, Y/N?” Leon asks. Though his voice sounds relaxed, you can see a hint of something that flashed in his eyes that you can’t quite put a finger on.
“Yeah. I’d like that,” you respond.
You swear you see Leon’s face light up when you say yes, instantly moving from where he was and going closer to you. “Let’s go.” he softly says. You don’t miss the ghost of his touch hovering over your waist, causing your heart to relentlessly pound against your ribcage. You bite back a small smile, chewing on the inside of your cheek and hoping that your cheeks don’t turn pink.
Now you two are in the parking lot, standing beside his bike. He hands you your own helmet while he wears his own, offering you his leather jacket, which you take anyways. Protection, he says.
“Hey, I think it’ll be a bit boring if you just head home so why don’t we do some things before dinner?” he suggested, putting his gloves on.
“What things?” You mused.
He averts his gaze for a little bit before continuing on, looking a little shy with his movements. “Maybe a visit to the park would be nice,” he offers in a small voice.
His sudden shyness makes you smile a little, a quiet giggling bubbles from your throat but you take his suggestion nevertheless.
“Sounds like a plan,” you say.
The afternoon was fun; you two went to the park and took nice pictures of the view, though you noticed that Leon’s pictures were mainly of you but you didn’t mind it. You also suggested having ice cream and going to an empty playground, the sight of two adults on the swings and having the time of their lives both silly and wholesome. Of course, he sent you home safe and made sure to come back in 2 hours to pick you up for dinner. This time, he said that he’ll be using his car so that the wind won’t ruin your clothes. Immediately, you dashed to your room and picked out a dress and heels that you’ll wear for the dinner while also planning the make-up look you’re going for and figuring out what hairstyle you’ll be doing. An hour later, you shower and get dressed; the dress you chose hugged your body well, which made you feel a little more confident in yourself. You got your hair styled and your make-up done, opting to do it a little different than you usually do. After getting ready, you sent pictures of yourself to Hunnigan. In response, she sent so many voice messages of encouragement where she’s practically screaming. After a few minutes of waiting, Leon calls to let you know that he’s waiting outside.
You walk out and see him leaning on the hood of his car, an elegant arrangement of flowers on one hand.
“Hey,” you softly say. He turns around and faces you, taking a hand out of his trouser’s pocket. It’s as if his eyes have the moon and stars on them, his face lighting up when he sees you. He lets go of a breath he didn’t know he held, a subtle pinkness dusting his cheeks as he places a hand on your waist and leads you to the passenger side of the car. He walks over to his side and opens up the door, taking his time in staring at you for a little more.
“You’re gorgeous,” he mutters in a low voice that’s something else entirely, his words coming out with a slight rasp.
Now it’s your turn to feel flustered; why wear blusher on your cheeks when you have Leon to keep a blush on your cheeks all night long?
“Thanks. You don’t look too bad yourself, you know.”
He turns his attention to the steering wheel before he remembers to give you the bouquet, that dorky smile of his completing his look.
“Here, got you these. Just because this isn’t an actual date doesn’t mean I won’t put effort into it.”
Here we go again with another game of “is he into me or am I just looking into things too much?”.
“Thanks. These look really pretty,” you observe. You noticed that the flowers didn’t make you sneeze or cause your face to itch, much to your surprise.
“I remembered how you have allergies to flowers so I got ones that didn’t trigger an allergic reaction so I’m glad that turned out well.”
Oh. Oh.
Oh boy were you in deep. Leon Scott Kennedy, he’s really more than just a pretty face and dad jokes. He even remembers the little things. Gosh, I’m in deep.
 that’s really thoughtful of you, I really appreciate it.”
“No problem. So
 shall we?”
“We shall.”
He starts the car and drives you two to the restaurant he talked about. During the entire ride, you noticed how his eyes wouldn’t stop flitting from the road and to you. You joked about keeping his eyes in front of him and how they can take their time admiring you during red lights or when you finally get to the dinner. You two sat in comfortable silence, sweet music coming from the radio filling in for the stillness inside the car. He stops at a red light, fingers drumming on the sleek leather of the steering wheel.
“Can I be honest with you, Y/N?” he suddenly asks.
You nod, turning your head to face him. “What is it?”
“I don’t want this to be a dinner between coworkers or friends.”
His words yank the breath from your chest, the inside of your mouth feeling a little parched. You can hear the thundering of your heart in your ears, drowning out the song on the radio.
“Does this seem fake to you?”
“Yes– well, no– I mean–”
“I’m going to say it now while we’re not there yet: all this isn’t just for a discount.”
You go silent, thoughts disappearing and trying to piece things together. What does he mean by “does this seem fake” and “all this isn’t just for a discount”?
“What are you trying to tell me, Leon?”
“I heard you and Hunnigan days ago. You like me. I overheard you talking to her about your mom wanting you to see someone and then you blurting out that you were seeing me as a way to escape being set-up with some dude.”
Shit! He heard! I’m going to dive head-first into a cement-mixer right now. Argrhaghrag–
“I knew and heard that, that’s why I didn’t press any further.”
Didn’t press any further? Didn’t press with– Oh. He didn’t press any further when he suddenly piped in with his “what stupid thing are you going to tell me?” question because he already heard all the context he needed. He was just polite by not telling me he heard Every. Single. Thing.
“Listen, Leon. I’m so sorry– I was not thinking when I suddenly blurted that, I hope you don’t feel harassed or anything–”
“I like you, Y/N. That’s why I asked you, you specifically. I could’ve gone to dinner with anyone else but I didn’t.”
He runs a hand through brown locks, soft strands sifted through slender fingers.
“I asked you to dinner under the guise of wanting to take advantage of this day’s commercialization but I lied. There isn’t even a discount, actually. I just want dinner with you. The food really is great but I don’t think it’ll taste as great as eating it with someone I love.”
And to think that you didn’t expect him to ever like you.
“I don’t just want us to be friends, Y/N. Unless you think otherwise, then I’ll respect it.”
You two just sit there in total silence, some 80s romantic song serving as background music for whatever magical moment is happening right now. Leon looks a little more anxious now, sapphires shifting between your eyes and lips.
“I feel the same way too, Leon, and I don’t just want this to be a fake dinner– not ever. I just didn’t think that you’d actually get feelings for me when there’s all those other women in the office,” you shyly admit.
“I’m in love with you and you only, Y/N. They’re not you.”
Those words set off a reaction similar to a factory reset in your mind and suddenly, you don’t have a single thought and you’re not thinking before moving. You lean in from the passenger seat and with a silent prayer that his windows are tinted (highly likely they are), your hand finds its way into his blazer. You bunch the fabric up and draw him in for a kiss, shutting your eyes. You feel him tense up a little bit before he relaxes into your touch, a calloused hand reaching to cup your cheek. The soft smack of lips can be heard inside the car before you pull away, half-lidded eyes staring straight into inky pupils that swallowed all the blue in his eyes. Your gaze is downcast, admiring the glossy smear of your pink lip gloss on his lips.
“I bet I look real good with your kiss,” he rasps with a small smirk.
“I bet you’ll look better without these later,” you hinted while eyeing his suit, giving him a wink.
This was not how you thought your dinner night would play out but you didn’t mind.
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NOTE - Finally done with 3/4 Valentine's fics!!! Personally, I don't think anyone's getting me anything for Valentine's Day but a girlie can continue to dream :') I finally got to see my grades and I'm really happy with how it turned out-- all my grades (except for one subject-- WHICH IS NOT MATH surprisingly) went up by several percent so I hope I get to do the same thing this quarter!!!! Anyways, that's it and thank you for reading this fic!!!!! I <;333333 U
The dividers are made by @cafekitsune , the images are made by me (sourced from Pinterest).
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ivegotyourbackbuddie · 2 months
I would love if there’s an episode of season 8 called “The Buzz” which of course starts with a bee emergency. But the thing about the emergency that gets to everyone is that a man was beekeeping for several years in the shed in his backyard, but he never told his partner.
So, when said partner finally went to check out what was so important in the tool shed or maybe they needed something, they panicked when they discovered the bees and started swatting at them. Long story short
 lots of bee stings and 911 is called.
After the 118 treats the spouse, they ask the husband, “Why did you keep this from your partner for so long?”
And the man simply answers, “Everyone keeps secrets from their partner. If they say they don’t, they’re just lying.”
When they get back, it sits uneasy with everyone and unfortunately for all of them, their shift is very very quiet. So much so that Bobby secretly goes off and whispers “quiet,” to try and keep everyone from going stir crazy. It does not work.
Of course, the stir crazy leads to 118 asking what’s the worst thing they kept from their partner and if they ever kept a secret from each other. And when they ask Buck, Eddie laughs and says, “No, he’s horrible at keeping secrets. He’s never kept anything from me for too long.”
And Buck kind of looks around uncomfortably and says, “Uh
 actually I have.”
Chimney then turns to Hen and asks if she’s kept anything from him, but Hen gets distracted by Buck abruptly getting up and leaving, offering them an awkward excuse about something he needs to do.
As soon as he’s gone, Chimney, Hen, and Ravi all start gossiping about what it is that Buck could be keeping from Eddie which generates a lot of buzz. But the main rumor that takes Eddie off guard is the possibility that Buck had a crush on him when he first joined the 118.
Of course, at the end of their shift, after many crazy accusations - including one about Buck secretly being British - Eddie finally asks Buck what he kept from him.
Buck blushes a bit before finally mumbling, “I don’t actually like video games that much. Yeah! I love playing them with you and Chris but on my own
 I don’t know.”
And Eddie lets out a huge breath of relief and confesses, “I didn’t really like them until Christopher, but hey, we can always switch it up a bit and play more board games.”
Buck just kind of smiles at the answer but then narrows his eyes at Eddie. “What did you think I was going to say? Obviously you had something else in mind.”
Eddie just laughs and shakes his head while grabbing his stuff out of his locker. “I don’t know. Honestly, we were theorizing about it all day.”
“And what was the main theory?” Buck asks, leaning against his locker with his arms crossed, a curious smile on his face.
Eddie sends him a nervous glance and shrugs. “That you had a crush on me when I first got here, but I know that’s ridiculous.”
Only, Buck doesn’t laugh in the way he does when he finds something ridiculous. He merely gets a pinched look on his face, the same look he’d have when he helped Chris with math - pre lightning incident.
Some clarity washes over his face, then Buck laughs and says, “You know, I thought I was jealous of you, but the crush kind of makes sense. I mean, it explains why I was so obsessed with you, always showing off in front of you, watching your every move on the job and back at the station. I even got this fluttery feeling in my chest when I first saw you, but I thought that was like
 my heart skipping a beat in jealousy. Which is really dumb.” And Buck just flushes a little and laughs again as if this confession isn’t literally sending Eddie spiraling. “I guess I did have a crush on you when you joined. Just didn’t know I was keeping it a secret from you.”
Eddie just stares at him and swallows hard. He tries to get some words out, but he doesn’t even know what to say.
Then, Buck puts on his coat and grabs his stuff asking, “We’re still good for the zoo tomorrow at nine?”
And all Eddie can do is nod and plaster on a smile, performing as always.
“Great. I’ll see you then.”
Then, Buck’s gone, and Eddie is left reeling in the confession. He suddenly understands why partners keep stuff from each other.
Later when Buck texts hey I forgot to ask. have you ever kept something from me? something I never found out about?
Eddie quickly replies I’m sure I have, but nothing too life altering.
But he’s absolutely lying because he’s pretty sure his own feelings for Buck that he’s always kept under the surface are, in fact, very life altering.
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shaunamilfman · 7 days
Dating Ghost!Jackie Headcanons
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pairing: Jackie Taylor x r note: I'm not sure what this is either đŸ€·
Jackie being a pain in your ass beyond the grave. maybe not getting on with her super well while she was alive, so while her death was sad, it wasn’t nearly as emotionally devastating as it was for Shauna or someone else. so when you suddenly start seeing Jackie standing behind Shauna and trying to get her attention as she sobs over Jackie’s corpse, you wonder why you of all people would “hallucinate” her.
she finally notices you can see her when you can’t quite muffle your laugh at some petty comment she makes as the girls start carrying her body off to the meatshed. her eyes immediately narrow in on you while you’re just standing like a deer in the headlights.
just thinking about Shauna out there sobbing and crying in the meatshed with Jackie's corpse while Jackie's screaming in your ear because you won’t respond to her and she knows your ass can see her. at the top of her fucking lungs like a damn toddler. keeps switching into songs that give Crystal and Misty a run for their money on being annoying. holding a pillow over your head and groaning to drown her out, and Lottie’s trying to put a hand on your shoulder to comfort you, thinking it's hunger pain or something.
she doesn’t talk as much as she did before—not that she ever really talked to you all that much to begin with. Jackie stares after Shauna a lot, following her around and trying fruitlessly to get her to hear her. she’s quiet a lot now, but if she’s not at Shauna’s side, she’s at yours. 
you finally give up and start answering her whenever you’re mostly alone, claiming it’s just because you’ve accepted that you’re crazy now—though it’s mostly because she just looks so damn sad all the time. she brightens up a lot after this, following you like a lost puppy as you find the emptiest corners of the room to sit in. the other girls sometimes catch you talking to yourself, but with how everyone else is doing, they don’t bother to be concerned about it.
makes it her mission to annoy you as much as humanly possible, commenting on every little thing you’re doing like she’s a game show host. if you have to listen to Jackie narrate the way you eat one more time, you might just join her. always finds the worst time to jump out at you, giggling as she makes you look insane for screaming in shock in the middle of the cabin.
Jackie knocks stuff over whenever the other girls start talking shit about Shauna’s behavior in the meatshed. she doesn’t talk a lot about what Shauna does there, but she always looks strangely flattered when she comes back.
keeps you up to date on all the little drama’s going on in the cabin that you don’t witness. there’s literally no stopping her from eavesdropping on conversations and giving you a play-by-play as they happen. sometimes you just hear a dramatic gasp as her ghostly ass is skipping over to you to tell you about it.
bullies you into giving some of your food to Shauna. Shauna looks at you like you’re crazy but eagerly accepts it all the same. Jackie is standing there looking so proud of herself, like she’s the one that’s going to be starving and not you.
you have weird dreams almost every night. they aren’t unpleasant, just a little strange. they’re always about Jackie, always in places you think she would’ve enjoyed. walking around the mall, passing the ball around on the field, that sort of thing. you don’t think much of it until Jackie mentions something in passing one day about it.
guilt trips you into doing things for her all the time. “Do you remember that time you let me go outside and die in the snow?” and then “yeah, that’s what I thought.” when you roll your eyes and go do it.
thinking about Jackie’s emotions bleeding over onto you. Jackie’s always felt everything so strongly, and this only seems to get worse after she’s died. you can literally feel her longing so strongly that it’ll wake you up in the middle of the night, just to find Jackie staring at you with the softest little look. you aren’t sure how to feel about it at first, but it’s better than feeling her grief.
who’s going to tell the dead girl she can’t have a little crush after all? besides, it’s not like you’re uninterested: Jackie’s the prettiest girl you’ve ever met. it’s a strange dynamic, but it’s not like either of you have a lot of options out here.
just as possessive, even in death. starts getting incredibly jealous whenever you talk to someone who’s alive. Nat’s asking if you’ve seen her headband and the fucking door slams open against the wall. you weren’t even aware she could do something like that. you can feel her eyes burning a hole into the back of your head as the whole room starts to get cold if anyone goes near you besides Shauna.
she always tries to touch you, but most of the time you can’t feel it. the only time you can is when she gets particularly emotional. a hand closing around your wrist and almost pulling you away when she gets particularly jealous about something, a finger brushing away your tears when you can’t help but cry, etc.
Jackie can’t really do much else, so she resorts to a lot of compliments. she compliments your three layers of random shirts like it was an actual fashion choice, and you finally have to draw the line. just thinking about Jackie complimenting you and then sitting cross-legged in front of you like “and now me,” all expectant.
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mcflymemes · 5 months
GONE GIRL (2014) PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue, adjust as necessary
what are you thinking? how are you feeling? what have we done to each other?
i felt i needed to shoot something.
we've never fucked in a bookstore.
you know i have to kiss you now.
sometimes i want to punch us in the face, we're so cute.
when you're upset, you bottle up.
brought you a present.
i need you. now. touch me.
that's very sweet of you and very unnecessary.
pour me a bourbon, would you?
it's a bad day.
i'm so crazy, stupid happy.
i met a boy. a great, gorgeous, sweet, cool-ass guy.
things could get ugly.
whose beer am i drinking?
i prefer men who are funny, not "funny."
i'm the guy to save you from all this awesomeness.
it's hard to believe you. i think it's your chin.
you are way too into that cat.
tell me how it ends.
i'm not someone who hits the panic button, but... it's weird, right?
you mind if we look around?
so what do you do now? for work.
perfect, time for a quick tour of my failings.
i love your parents, but they can be assholes.
people want to hear from you.
i thought that'd be embarrassing.
i am here on a strictly journalistic capacity.
[name], you are beyond amazing. you are incredibly smart but entirely unsnobby. you are kind, but never a martyr.
you surprise me. you challenge me.
isn't it time we fixed that?
we're going to take this very, very seriously.
i go there for the quiet.
we're still not sure what we're dealing with.
please don't take that tone with me.
everyone told us... and told us and told us... marriage is hard work.
technically we're supposed to fuck at the next stop.
books, sex, bourbon... life is good.
i knew you shouldn't have moved back here.
maybe i'll teach you a thing or two.
i'm a little drunk.
let's swear we will never be like them.
everything else is background noise.
why are you throwing that in my face again?
it's like you're daring me to be someone i don't want to be.
i'm not that person. i'm your wife.
suddenly i knew everything was about to get worse.
i'm asking you nicely.
everyone is projecting their shit onto me.
i feel like i could disappear.
i've been so worried about you.
i don't want to fight. i just want to be with you. that's all i want.
you fucking lied to my fucking face.
for valentine's day, i thought i'd buy a gun.
you have to fucking talk to me!
i'm not going to be scared anymore.
this man of mine may kill me.
men always use that as the defining compliment, don't they? she's a cool girl.
i will admit. for someone who likes to win, it's tempting to be the girl every guy wants.
we were happy pretending to be other people.
i need to show you something.
see we have the same taste in men.
you're reading it again? you know how it ends.
whatever the hell they found, we have to assume it's very bad.
everyone would hate me.
why are you so good to me?
my defense is the truth.
i've never seen it in my life.
i feel myself fading.
i just said what you wanted to hear.
take off your clothes.
i'm a fighter. i fought my way back to you.
kiss my cheek.
you're not at risk anymore.
you know you can sleep with me, right?
we should hold hands.
you called me a murderer.
i haven't touched you.
i've killed for you.
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screaminglygay · 10 months
Warm welcome
pairings: kate bishop x fem!reader, avengers x reader (platonic)
summary: after 3 months of being gone, you finaly came back home, but there is a new addiction to the avengers, will the two of you come along?
warnings: new series so very very slow burn!, some swearing, bad grammar possibly (i hope not hehe), alcohol consumption, bad jokes, reader being little mess, that’s it for this part I think:)
word count: 5.5k
an: new series!! since i got back into being very obsessed with miss bishop, so i decided to start a new series, its gonna be long, cuz my ideas for this went crazy!
an2: and yes, this is an universe where everyone is alive, most of them are 100% happy and itÂŽs just a safe space, come at me as you want, but i just need them to be happy. thatÂŽs all, thank you.
an3: yup i am back! so sorry! work, school and sickness is just not it. ill answer all of you soon! thank you for support, i see youuu!
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After long time away from you found family, you finaly came back home. It was supposed to be quick mission in Morocco, but after you found out that this is something bigger than some usual drug trafficking you had to stay. Not just for FuryÂŽs sake, but for your own too.
And thatÂŽs how you stayed over 3 months in some old motel, that looked like a typical horror hounted house, alone. But that was a past, youÂŽre currently standing infront of the main entrance of the Avengers Compound, ready to open the door and see everyone.
As you open the door the voice of a F.R.I.D.A.Y., the StarkÂŽs AI. "Welcome home, miss (Y/L/N), should I contact the others that you are home?"
"No, no. I want it to be surprise. And (Y/N) is just fine, like IÂŽve said before, many times." you smile.
As you traverse the hallways, anticipation builds with every passing moment, knowing that you're drawing closer to that cherished destination—the main living room. The anticipation turns to a gentle excitement, a feeling of returning to a sanctuary that holds a piece of your soul.
And finally, as you reach the threshold of the living room, a soft sigh escapes your lips, and a smile graces your face. The sight of the familiar couch, but most importatnly the sight of your favorite people.
"ThatÂŽs the question, do you put cereals or milk first?" you hear PietroÂŽs voice, smiling at the fact that he didnÂŽt change a bit, still the same goof. Three months are not so long, but at the same time everything can be different in three months.
You watch him for a little bit and then you dediced to speak up. "Everyone who puts milk first is total psychopat," you calmly say as all of their faces turns to look at you.
"Oh my god! (Y/N)!" Pietro says and in a second heÂŽs lifting you up and pulling you into a tight squeezing hug.
"Hey Speedy," you chuckle as heÂŽs crushing your body. "Pietro... too much, ouch." He let go of you.
"Sorry, sorry. ItÂŽs been like what?" Pietro laughs and puts you down.
"3 motnhs, 17 days," you look at your phone, "4 hours, 18 minutes and few seconds." Pietro laughs at your comment.
"It was a long time, letÂŽs just say that." You can hear another sokovian accent, this time the voice belongs to a woman. Wanda.
She hugs you close, hints of warm vanilla and soft lavender dance around you. It's a scent that feels like homecoming, wrapping you in familiarity and a sense of belonging. You smile into the touch, as you felt that the touch is soothing the ache of missed embraces. You feel the gentle warmth of her hug infusing into your being, fulfilling a longing for touch that has been starved for far too. "Hi." is all you can mumble, while hugging the girl.
"Hi," she mumbles back, no words needed for the two of you, both of you missed eachother like lungs misses the air. To be fair, Wanda was the first person you grew close to, when youÂŽve joined the Avengers. She was quiet, but so well spoken at the same time. You never had to explain things for her to understand you. And the same went the other way around.
The rest of the Avengers come into the living room and all of their faces lit up, when they saw you. All of them are here. Except for Carol, who is probably somewhere in the space, you havenÂŽt seen her in almost half a year, since she had off world mission even before you went to Morocco.
You shared many hugs with all of them, and you didnÂŽt mind it a little bit. You were so touch starved after being alone, that you hold everyone closer for at least a few seconds and all of them did the same. Suprisingly even Yelena didnÂŽt said anything, like she always did.
You scan the whole room, chcecking if you didnÂŽt missed anyone and you in fact did. But the person is not someone you recognize. There is this tall, dark hair girl, who looks pretty much the same age as you. She looks effortlessly stylish in her well-fitted blue jeans paired with a cozy gray sweater. The jeans accentuate her figure while the relaxed elegance of the sweater gives off a vibe of comfort. The girl looks rather awkward as everyone greets you. Not that she wouldnÂŽt know who you are, she does, she heard a lot of stories about you, almost like she knew who you are, but you donÂŽt know anything at all and that makes her feel awkward.
You look at her and smile, not knowing what to do yourself, so Clint steps in, "(Y/N), this is Kate, our new help, Kate this is (Y/N), our old help." You nod at ClintÂŽs words and extent your hand for her to shake it.
"Pleasure to finaly meet you, (Y/N)." Kate smiles her hand has a firm grip.
"Nice to meet you too, Kate." You smile, maybe too much for a normal meeting. You have to admit she is georgous and her completly blue eyes are making you forget where you are right now.
"(Y/F/N)!" Natasha storms into the living room, her voice a sharp, controlled fury that cuts through the air, making you swallow... hard. "When did you arrived?" Even thoug she was mad for not knowing you came back, she was very relieved that you are okay and alive. As her hands wrap around you, you let out a squek and you froze knowing what comes afterwards. "Are you hurt?"
"IÂŽm fine," you quickly say as the rest of the team watch you closely.
"I didnÂŽt ask you, how are you, IÂŽve asked you if youÂŽre hurt." Her eyes scans your face where she sees the little cuts you have on your face.
"A little bit." You mumble and Natasha raises her eyebrow. "I might have or might have not fallen out of the third floor, " you mumble again.
"YOU FELL FROM THE THIRD FLOOR?!" Natasha is basically yelling at you right now.
"Kinda," sometimes you were terrified of that woman, and that sometimes is now.
Natasha takes a long deep breath, "(Y/N), how do you kinda fell out of a third floor?"
"IÂŽm gonna check her up." Bruce smiles and stand up, leading you to the hospital wing downstairs.
"Thank you, for saving my life," you whisper to him as youÂŽre leaving the living room.
"DonÂŽt mention it, but you know... sheÂŽs worried about you. We all have been." Bruce opens the door for you.
"I know, but IÂŽm really okay, just few bruises."
After 20 minutes of checking you up, and hearing your story of falling from the building, Bruce looks shocked. He didnÂŽt said a word yet, only wrote down something in his report.
"This is going to be a very long mission report, just from the medical side," he looks at you, "(Y/N)... you had your lower ribs broken, twice actually. And- IÂŽm suprised youÂŽre not screaming in pain right now. How do you truly feel?" Bruce finally looks at you.
"I feel good, really. I mean it hurts, yes. But I felt worse. It feels like a daily workout with Natasha," you shrug as you joke, but Bruce doesnÂŽt seem amused by your joke, but he still nods.
"You know Natasha can look into any mission report, right?" He looks like heÂŽs more scared than you are.
"IÂŽm aware, yes." You give him a confused look.
"Well good luck..." he pats your shoulder, "just rest for the next days, keep yourself hydrated and donÂŽt share the story how you fell from the third floor, please. She would lose it."
"But it truly wasnÂŽt my fault I-" Bruce looks at you and you stop, "got it." You nod.
"Alright, so picture this: I'm in this quiet little motel in Morocco, writing down some information I found out that day. It's just me, the mission, and this cute little stray cat that kept showing up at my door. Every night, like clockwork, she'd appear, almost like she knew I needed a friend. So, one day, I caved and let her in. You know, against all mission protocols and stuff. Bla blah blah... but she became my only friend, so I would not lose my mind completly." You talk about your experiences on the mission.
"And then, the weirdest thing happened. One day, she just disappeared. I was worried, you know? Felt a bit empty without her there. But on my last day, she came back. And guess what? She brought company—tiny, adorable company. She led me to this corner, and there they were, her little kittens. It was like she wanted to say goodbye and show me her new family all at once. It was
 unexpected, but kinda touching, you know?" You smile, thinking about the tiny family.
"It was truly cute and adorable, also it was kinda relaxing after seeing all the bad and negativity. Like... animals are truly precious you know." As youÂŽre talking you didnÂŽt notice another person coming into the living room, until that person decides to speak up.
"(Y/L/N)," you turn around and notice itÂŽs Nick Fury himself.
"Fury!" You smile.
He didnÂŽt smile back, he has the same old Nick Fury look, "I want your report soon..."
"Y-yes, sir." You nod your head, hoping he would welcome you a little warmer, but itÂŽs Nick Fury after all.
"And (Y/L/N)?" Fury says while basically walking out of the living room already.
"Yes, sir?"
"ItÂŽs good to have you back." He smiles, Fury smiles at you. There go your wish of a warmer welcome. Nickolas freaking Fury smiled at you and welcomed you home, warmly.
You have a pround smile on your face, when Tony speaks up, "I work for him for god knows how long and he never looked at me this way..."
Natasha looks at Tony and smirks, "can you blame him?".
You sink into the couch with a grin, finally getting a chance to unwind in your home-away-from-home. After swapping stories and catching up on compound news, Tony steps in with a suggestion—a special Avengers night. Not his typical flashy party, thankfully. He calls it a "Catching Up Night," just a laid-back dinner and some drinks.
It's not about going all out; it's about the simple pleasure of hanging out with your superhero pals, sharing laughs and updates. Tonight's vibe feels relaxed, a chance to chill and connect without the whole party frenzy.
Like always druing these 'non party party' you and Pietro moved to the bar section, as he loves to make people their drink based on their personality and you just like to sit and listen to him ramble.
"Do you want a drink called 'Tiny cold' or 'Closet paradise'?" he smirks, being proud of his jokes, like the usual.
"Really? First of all IÂŽm not that tiny, also IÂŽm not in the closet. What do you want me to do, tattoo a pride flag on my forehead?" You raise your eyebrow.
"If it wasnÂŽt true you wouldnÂŽt get so defensive, darling," he winks.
"I hate you."
"No, you donÂŽt." Pietro towers above everyone you know, his playful teasing is basically a form of big-brotherly teasing.
"IÂŽll get the closet paradise, please." You roll your eyes.
"Coming right at ya!" Pietro smiles, once again, he won your little fight.
"So, Pietro, spill the beans! Who's this new girl, Kate?"
"Ah, Kate, huh? What do you want to know about her?" Pietro say while making you the drink.
"Everything! No one's given me a straight answer. Or any answer at all. I mean I didnÂŽt ask, but IÂŽm doing that now..." You ramble.
Pietro smirks at your words, "I mean... sheÂŽs cool."
"Come on, Pietro, don't be like that! Is she nice? What does she do?" You are obvoisuly frustrated as not even Pietro is giving you any tea.
"Well, she's got moves, that's for sure. Quick on her feet, sharp with her arrows—" He almost finishes up the drink for you.
"Arrows?" You cut him off.
"Yep, a regular Robin Hood type, except with better aim and a cooler outfit." He put ice in the glass.
"Is she nice, though? Friendly?" You want to get to know her.
Pietro nods and serves you the drink. "Yeah, she's cool once you get past the whole 'I'm new here' vibe she's got going."
"What do you mean?" You smile at him for giving you the drink.
"Why donÂŽt we invite her and you find out yourself?" Pietro says, not really waiting for your answer and he is already waving like a crazy person at Kate, who is still standing next to the table by herself.
Kate smiles as she notices, that she doesnÂŽt need to stand there awkwardly alone, and she little less awkwardly skips over to the bar. Small "hi" escaping her mouth.
"Hey there archer, why were you standing there all alone, when you can have fun with us?" Pietro starts the conversation.
"I uh-" Kate starts, but no smart explanation leaves her mouth.
"Pietro..." you look at him.
"What?" He looks at you, not knowing what he did wrong.
"No, heÂŽs right. IÂŽm little socialy awkward." The tall girl responds.
You smile at her, slightly noding your head. "ArenÂŽt we all?" You try to make her feel a little better.
"IÂŽm not." Of course Pietro had to say something.
"Well youÂŽre one of a kind, Speedy." Pietro smirks proudly, while you roll your eyes once again.
"Um... what are you drinking?" Kate nods towards your drink in your hand. It was indeed very pretty colorful drink.
"I am drinking a drink that Pietro made..." You say while looking at the drink in your hand.
"The drink has itÂŽs name, (Y/N)." Pietro smiles innocently.
"Yeah, well... I forgot it." You simple just shrug while Kate looks very confused.
"IÂŽll get one too, please. It looks tasty." Kate looks at Pietro, who just giggles to himself and starts to prepare Kate one 'Closet paradise' too.
All three of you start to be a little tipsy after some time, since PietroÂŽ alcohol ratio was 2/3 and the remaining ingredients 1/3, heÂŽs just a begginer behind the bar. You realized that Kate is such an easy person to talk to and sheÂŽs not that intoverted as you though the first time you saw her earlier today. SheÂŽs the exact opposite to be fair, sheÂŽs very talkative. In some topics more than Pietro, which you thought is impossible.
After a little bit you excuse yourself to go to the bathroom, when you sit down on the toilet, you canÂŽt hide your stupid little smile anymore. Why are you smiling? You donÂŽt really know. But itÂŽs nice, itÂŽs really nice actualy.
After 10 minutes, you come back to the bar, seeing that Kate is sitting there alone. "Where is our bartender?"
"He was invited to an arm wrestling match and, of course, he went." You can notice, that KateÂŽs cheeks are a little flushed, due to the few drinks she had.
"Of course." You chuckle as you sit next to Kate on one of the bar stools and your eyes immedietly look at her. "Do you like it here? Being in the team? Superhero stuff?"
KateÂŽs eyes meet yours, "I do have to say, that I idolized it a bit, but itÂŽs not so bad. Not at all." She smiles at you, "what about you? Was it hard being away from your family?"
You nod, "First two weeks were okay, it went suprisingly fast, to be honest. Another week was really boring and then... itÂŽs just mashed in one big mess of fighting, bleeding, falling and running away." You chuckle, but the smile never reached your eyes and Kate notices that.
Kate knows that she needs to make you feel better, "I uh... you know people here missed you a lot. To be honest when i officially joined I felt like there is something missing in here.."
"Oh please..."
"No, no, really. When I moved in, Clint told me that no one gives better tours than you. He also told me that no one makes better coffeeÂŽs, which was a first big indicator, that you have to be a class." Kate let out a chuckle and so did you. You often had many stories to tell, when you were giving tours, even though you are the second youngest Avanger. And the coffee you make? It can bring a smile even to the grumpiest Winter Soldier.
"And from that moment I heard a lot of things about you, (Y/N). It felt like I knew you too, like I missed you too." Kate admits, after that she sips on her drink.
"Wow, thatÂŽs really... nice to hear." You smile from ear to ear. "I hope you heard only the good things though." You slightly blush. "But um... thank you, Kate."
"No problem." She smiles back.
"To be fair, I didnÂŽt heard anything about you, but I would like to change that." Smooth.
"That is pretty fair." Kate nods as she finishes her drink and so did you.
"We can go to the roof." Is a sentence you said at the same time and you also laugh at the same time
"Roof it is." You chuckle as you two get up and aim to the roof.
Upon reaching the rooftop with Kate, a gentle but brisk breeze sweeps by, causing a subtle chill to settle around you. The evening's tranquility is undeniable, yet the slight coldness in the air prompts you to huddle a bit closer to yourself, silently wishing for an extra layer to ward off the chill.
"I donÂŽt want to admit it, but Pietro makes really good drinks." Kate starts as you two sat next to eachother.
"He does, heÂŽs the best, really." You mumble as you nod to KateÂŽs comment.
She looks at you, for a bit scanning your face, then she speaks up again. "Do you and... Pietro you know? Are you two together?"
That question almost makes you sober, "I- what?!" You look at her, "oh god no! No, no, no," you laugh.
"No? Oh sorry, I just... assumed." She lets out a little shaky breath.
"WeÂŽre close friends, but thatÂŽs all. I actually joined a little bit after them and since all of us were scared and going into the unknown we decided to stick together. Including Wanda." You explain the situation, while Kate nods at your words.
"Oh- I see." Her eyes are still on you.
"I wouldnÂŽt choose Pietro in any scenario..."
"ThatÂŽs harsh." She chuckles.
"I mean it in the best way possible, heÂŽs... anyone who will date him is lucky and unlucky at the same time. Being his friend means having a strong willpower not to kill him, I canÂŽt even imagine what it would be in a relationship with him."
"ThatÂŽs fair, I guess." Kate nods.
"Give him few more moths and youÂŽll understand..." You let out a small giggle.
"So youÂŽre not into cocky people?" Kate is bold, very bold. it shocks you, but at the same time it excites you a lot.
"I- donÂŽt really know. I guess... if youÂŽre nice to me, thatÂŽs all IÂŽm asking, really." You shrug, once again making eye contact.
"Wait really? This little? Oh come on, not even type? Just 'Nice'?" Kate canÂŽt believe your words.
"Yup. IÂŽm not picky at this point."
"Oh wow, youÂŽre one of the migty heroes, and all it takes to steal your heart is to be nice?" Kate smiles at you, trying to hold a laugh.
"And a good smile, IÂŽm quite sucker for pretty smiles." You didnÂŽt even register you said it, until Kate repeats it.
"Nice and a good smile, whoa (Y/N), be little humble." She nudges your side with her elbow.
"Very funny, Bishop. Do you know how hard is to find someone, who is actually nice? ItÂŽs hard these days." You sigh dramatically.
"Whatever you say." Kate lays down, looking at the stars. You watch her for a few minutes and then you lay down next to her.
It feels like you two know eachother longer than just few hours. The alcohol might be a little helper, but at the end you feel like you two are gonna be close friends.
"I still think that there is way more good people than bad, so you might have a chance..." she mumbles as she watches the night sky.
"You think?"
"I know that. For example here, all of you guys are nice, super nice. And IÂŽm not saying it just because youÂŽre 'The Avengers', but I can tell that no matter what youÂŽre trying to do the best." Kate turns her head and looks at you.
"You know youÂŽre part of this punk family too, right? And also it would be weird and kinda pointless, if some bad guys were in the Avengers." You chuckle as you point out.
"ThatÂŽs not what IÂŽve meant and you know it." She rolls her eyes and looks back up.
"How did you even met Clint?" You ask, shifting your position so now youÂŽre laying on your side, facing the archer.
"Um... I saved a dogÂŽs life and he almost hit me with his car." Kate responds like it was nothing.
You laugh, "I have to say that is very original way to get into the team. 'You almost killed me and I wonÂŽt sue you, if you let me be an Avenger.' And bonus points for saving a dogÂŽs life."
Kate groans and turns on her side to face you, "it was not like that... I was running away from a weird kinda scary looking guys, which later on I found out they were called 'Track-suit mafia'-" As Kate starts to explain how she actually got on the team and how she is basically the young and female version of Clint, you canÂŽt help but notice how happy she is.
She's delving into these tiny details that might not matter to the story at large, but they mean the world to her, and you can sense it. Her storytelling consumes her so much that she's using her entire body, mostly her hands, to illustrate every bit of it. You find it incredibly endearing, the most adorable thing you've ever witnessed.
"Oh wow, so youÂŽre badass basically." You laugh.
"I- yeah, you could say that too." She laughs as well.
"Well it is a honor and-" you sit back up, while you still look at her. "Thank you for your service, miss Bishop."
Kate smile and notices your subtle shivers in the chilly air, gently nudging you. "Hey, you're shivering. Come on, let's head back inside."
You attempt to brush it off with a weak smile. "Nah, I'm good, just enjoying the view."
She tilts her head, giving you a knowing look. "Sure, you are," Kate teases. "But seriously, you're freezing. Let's go before you turn into an icicle."
Reluctantly, you nod, giving in to the undeniable truth. "Alright, fine."
The door creaked open, welcoming you into the comforting embrace of the heated indoors. With a grateful smile, you thanked Kate for her concern, secretly relieved to escape the biting cold.
"There you are! Where have you been?" A slightly drunk Tony takes your hand, "thanks to me, being so amazing, IÂŽve got a little suprise for you!"
"I was- what surprise?" You give Stark a confusing look.
"It was not thanks to you, but Fury." As soon as the voice echoes through the room, you instinctively recognize it—Carol, immediately drawing your attention her way.
"Carol?!" You turn around and notice a tall blonde lady standing behind you, with her hair down and a black pants with a black tank top.
"I heard you came home." She said with her typical smirk, while her big strong hands wrapped your body. You simply just nod.
"How long will you stay?" You knew right away, that it wonÂŽt be for long.
"Just tonight, IÂŽll be leaving tomorrow early in the morning." You sigh, it was like this all the time, Carol will come and go, you didn't hold it against her at all. She is the protector of the whole space, not only The Earth. It was hard for her too, you hoped that she will remeber to be Carol for a bit, not only the Captain Marvel. And thanks to Valkyrie, sheÂŽs taking care of herself too, but after what happened to Monica, it became worse again.
"So still nothing?" Carol just shakes her head and you frown.
"But we wonÂŽt stop looking and we will find her." Carol is trying to be strong, but all of the people in this room knew, that it was just too much, even for a hero like her.
Trying to ease the situation you speak up. "Well then letÂŽs ejnoy this few hours, all of us together." You smile, "IÂŽm glad youÂŽre home too, Car." She nods and smiles back at you.
"Natasha have mentioned, that you had fallen from third floor..." Carol sits down.
"You never finished that story, (Y/N)." The Widow stares at you and your eyes immedietnly search for Bruce, he only shakes his head.
"Oh um... it is not worth telling, nothing special nor interesting." You smile and quickly grab bunch of chips on the table.
Captain Marvel looks at Natasha and nods, "I see," and with a smirk on her face, she sips from her drink. "One would say, that it would be an interesting story to tell." Carol point out.
"Well itÂŽs not." You take some more chips.
The night flowed seamlessly, filled with lively conversations and shared laughter as everyone talked and truly enjoyed themselves. It was one of those evenings where every conversation was engaging, every joke landed perfectly, and the camaraderie among the Avengers felt stronger than ever.

As you wait for the elevator to your room, you can®t help but smile. After a long day, today was really good. After you reached your room it didn’t took you long enough to fall asleep.
"MY BEST FRIEND CAME HOME AND NO ONE TOLD ME?!" You hear a voice yell at you. Before you can open your eyes, your hit with what felt like pillow.
"Huh?!" You blink a few times to get use to the light in your room.
"WHEN DID YOU CAME? HOW LONG ARE YOU HERE-" Now it was your turn to take the pillow and throw it at the person. As you finaly focus you notice that itÂŽs Spider-boy himself.
"What time is it?" You mumble, still being half asleep.
"6 A.M. BUT WHY DID NO ONE TOLD ME YOUÂŽRE-" And he is hit with another pillow.
"DonÂŽt yell, please," you rub your eyes.
"YouÂŽre not happy to see me?" Peter sits next to you on the bed.
"I'm excited to see you, but maybe not with the yelling and at a more reasonable hour than 6 freaking A.M. I'll be much happier." You smile as you open your arms, inviting him into a nice early morning hug.
"Why did no one told me youÂŽre back? IÂŽm always the last one to know things." Peter whines dramatically as he pulls away from the hug.
"Well Tony told me you went with MJ and May on a dinner, so thatÂŽs why he didnÂŽt want to ruin it." You shrug, "Anyways how are things with you and MJ?" You raise your eyebrow and he blushes a bit.
"Things are good, really really good, (Y/N). And yesterday dinner with May was really good, we all had fun." You smile at his response.
"IÂŽm really glad." You are happy for you friend, it took him ages to finally confess to her. "Do you.. uh do you know Kate?" You look at him as Peter nods his head, "well... I met her yesterday, and we had a little converstaion on the roof and... she is nice. Really nice. Clint chose a good person" You say with a little blush on your face.
"Oh my god- is she like really really really nice?" He teases.
"Yeah..." You smile, knowing that Peter got your message.
"That is cute. (Y/N) (Y/L/N) has a crush. Awww." Peter chuckles.
"Eww stop. I donÂŽt know if itÂŽs a crush, maybe it is... but you- " Peter cuts you off.
"CanÂŽt tell anyone. Got it. DonÂŽt worry. But under one condition..." Peter points up a finger.
"And that will be?"
"You have to talk to her, actually talk to her. Not just youÂŽre super topic about the weather." You always talked to people about weather, when there was nothing else to do and you were dying to save the conversation.
"Easy." You smirk.
Spider-boy raises his eyebrows, "Easy? Let me bet, that you you will forget your own name when she looks at you."
"Oh shut up." You get out of the bed, taking just some oversized hoodie, since you already have a black swetapants and a shirt. "And since you woke me up this early, youÂŽre making me a breakfast." Peter just nods as you two walk into the elevator.
When Peter starts to make you some pancakes, Carol walks in.
"There you are! IÂŽm leavin for now, but-" You didnÂŽt let her finish, you just rush to give her a warm long hug.
"I know. Just be careful and donÂŽt forget to take care of yourself." The blonde one smiles.
"Copy that. So... see you later?"
"See you later, Cap." You salute her, which makes her laugh. And with that, Carol went into the skies once more and this time you hope you will see her sooner than in 6 months. The sentence 'see you later' is always better than a goodbye.
As you and Peter swap stories, reliving the adventures and crazy story times. Before he can finish his story about training with Bucky, a dark-haired girl strolled in, catching your attention.
"Morning." She smiles at you and then looks at Peter. Her raspy deep morning voice, messy hair and gray sweatpants with a white tanktop is something no one prepered you for.
"Hi, hello, morning, good- one!" Kate smile just widens and she goes past you to the fridge to get a fresh orange jucie.
Peter leans in closer and mumbles. "You owe me 10 bucks," having the most arrogant smile on his face. You just slap his arm.
"Can I get some pancakes too, please?" Kate watches as Peter flips another one on the plate.
"Of course!" He starts to make a few more, until he looks at his phone, "oh no! I completly forgot. (Y/N) watch the pancakes. I have to go, but you ladides have a good morning!" Peter gives you his spatula and even though Kate just nods and sits down, you know what his plan is.
"Bye Peter." You stare at him, but deep down youÂŽre glad that you can spent some alone time with the archer.
He just sends you a wink and leaves the room.
"Need any help with the toppings?" Kate asks, watching you finish the rest of the pancakes.
"N-no, I've got it. I mean, I can handle it. Thank you, though."
Kate chuckles softly, noticing your nervousness. "You seem a bit flustered. Everything alright?"
"Yeah, yeah, just... morning jitters, I guess. I'm not a morning person."
"I see." She smiles.
"Do you have any plans for today?" You look up from the pan.
"Just the usual, a bit of training, maybe some archery with Clint later." Kate asnwers as you put some pancakes infront of her. As Kate tries the pancakes, you feel a sense of relief mixed with a tinge of excitement.
"The pancakes turned out pretty great! Anyway, how about we plan something fun for later? Maybe a movie night?" Kate say while finishing her last piece.
"Sounds perfect! I'd love that, Kate." Oh maybe early mornings are not so bad.
Over the next month, the bond between you and Kate flourishes, evolving into a deep and cherished friendship. Training sessions become a shared routine, where sparring sessions turn into moments of encouragement and laughter, each victory and defeat strengthening the relationship between you. Kate's guidance and support during training sessions spark a newfound confidence within you, making each session not just about physical exertion but also about trust and shared goals.
Movie nights become a beloved tradition, the occasional heated debate over the best movie snacks were on daily basis. It's these moments, cozy and intimate, where you find yourself drawn further into the orbit of Kate's infectious personality, her laughter becoming the soundtrack of your nights.
Walking Lucky, Kate's faithful companion, becomes a cherished routine. You find comfort in these quiet moments, admiring Kate's easygoing nature and her love for Lucky, feeling your admiration for her grow stronger with each passing day.
Yet, as your friendship blossoms, so do the feelings within you. What started as little crush has transformed into something deeper, a warmth that lingers whenever you're near Kate, a longing that grows with each shared laugh and meaningful glance. But you bury these feelings deep, treasuring the friendship too much to risk changing its dynamics.
thank you for reading! hopefully you’ll love this new series!!! 💕💖💞
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mxqdii · 1 year
hey! i love love your work, and i was wondering if i could request a chris sturniolo x fem!reader?
maybe reader is also a well known influencer, or an actress or something of the sort, and there’s rumours about her and chris being together that they haven’t really confirmed?
but they are dating and she’s on live one day and he calls her like an intimate pet name, or just overall says something that shows they are in fact together and like the comments on the live just go crazy and stuff and shes like telling chris she’s on live or whatver
im so sorry if this doesnt make sense 🙏🙏
stop bc i requested pretty much this same thing to another author (on wattpad) a few months back, so when i read this request it was such an "i made it" moment (i love u sm, you're just like me fr fr)
baby - c.s
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pairings: chris sturniolo x reader
summary: chris accidentally calls reader 'baby' while she's on live, revealing to the whole world that they're dating/
warning(s): fluff, reader calling chris bro 😔
not proofread
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i'm sitting on the couch, watching tv, bored out of my mind.
then an idea hits me, i could go on live!
i used to go live a lot with the triplets, but only on their account, so it would be fun to go live on mine.
i open instagram and click the live button, watching the stream fill with thousands of people
"holy shit that's a lot of people" i say with a nervous laugh
"uhh i guess i'll answer any questions anyone has! so feel free to ask anything!" i add, smiling
i read through the comments, lots of them asking where the triplets are
i can't help but notice seeing a few asking if me and chris are dating.
fortunately, those allegations are true! but we've decided to keep it quiet for, just for now.
still, there’s only so much one can hide from the public
and although me and chris haven't said anything, i think everybody knows anyway.
people can see our glances, our gestures, how close we are, it's all pretty obvious.
i answer a few questions like my favorite singer, when my next video is coming out, podcast stuff with the triplets, and just some other various topics.
suddenly i hear the door unlock, looking over at it, but not really caring.
maybe i can get whichever triplet that is to join my live.
chris walks in and i smile in his direction
"hey baby" he says and my expression immediately drops.
i look at him, PALE.
(absolutely terrified to look back at the screen)
"what?" he says, walking closer, i turn my head to the screen, anticipating my death.
i let out a sigh of relief seeing the comments
@ssturniolo BABY???
@strniolo AWWWWWWWW
@lvrsparadise GOODBYE I LOVE THEM.
@ellieswifie this is such a chris and y/n mistake 😭
@lavieenvalentina i'm so happy for them i'll cry
(shoutout to everyone tagged ILY<;3)
as i'm reading the comments, i smile, chris hovering over me reading them too
suddenly he hugs me from behind, squeezing me tight
"chris!" i say laughing
"let me go bro" i whine
"you did not just call me bro" he says, immediately stopping
his death glare makes me laugh
"consider it payback for you calling me baby on live" i say laughing
(him clearly not amused)
"okay fine fine im sorry, guys it's all okay he's not my bro please let me redeem myself" i say joking on the last part
me and chris stay on live for another 30 minutes, answering questions about how we got together and just stuff about our relationship.
"bye guys we love you!!" i say, ending the live
i close out of insta, putting my phone down with an exhausted sigh
"so?" i mumble, anticipating chris's response
"so? so nothing" he say's with a smile and i face palm
"chris! we just told like, the world that we're dating" i laugh
"yeah, and i'm happy about it, like honestly i can't think of a better way it could've happened" he says
we both look at eachother and burst out laughing
"we're a little interesting thats for sure" i say
"i can't believe we tell the world we're dating ON ACCIDENT and then you start calling me bro" chris says, making me laugh harder
"i was nervous! im sorry!" i yell with my hands up in defense
"yeah yeah, it's fine" he says, wrapping his arms around me
"bro" he adds on
"chris i swear to god-"
@strniolo @stargirlv0id @annaisabookworm
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
Dude, imagine something like: TADC x Mime! Reader. Reader usually stays quiet most of the time, but sometimes they suddenly talk startling everyone around them. At the same time, they are like, very expressive, using exaggerated gestures and facial expressions, and usually communicates solely through their miming skills. And if you wanna go extra crazy THEY COULD ALSO HAVE SOMETHING LIKE MR. MIME FROM POKEMON, where they like, do a mimic of a wall, and then a invisible wall appears out of nowhere or something like that
I hope you understood what i meant, sorry for any mistakes, English is not my first language 💖💖
TADC cast x mime!reader !
eueueu i totally understand what youre saying and i love the idea sm!! i love it when mime characters have mime physics, or when clown characters have clown physics!! love it so so so much!! sorry if this is a little short, ive been writing personal stuff all day and the back aches are starting to creep back in already </3
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his jaw drops the first time you speak, he genuinely thought you were totally incapable of speech thanks to your whole theme going on... i think he would love your little mime tricks with the invisible walls and barriers and... did you just no clip through the floor while pretending to walk down some stairs...? where did you go?? where? was there another no clip glitch issue thing going on? he thought he fixed that...!
ah, a jester and her mime.... not the weirdest pairing... though granted pomni doesnt commit to the bit of being a jester and doesnt do tricks or jokes.. while you do commit... i think she would grow frustrated if you put a barrier up and made her slow down... calm down.. chill.. sure you understand the whole "finding the exit" thing going on with her, but rushing things probably wont help.... to time out she goes... probably gives you a side eye if she sees you just randomly walking on some invisible platform to just. leave in the middle of an IHA
tries to coax you into using your powers for evil... i have a feeling jax doesnt like people who arent talkers... like being incapable of speak is one thing, i think at most is that he would make decisions for you (ie wrap an arm around your shoulder and be like "oh well me and (reader) were just thinking about......." yk? like in a joking way) but i dont think he likes quiet people... tries to coax you into speaking more... imagine you never spoke before in front of anyone and you finally reveal that you can talk, to jax, and he tries to tell everyone but no one believes him. psychological torment 101
i like to think she plays along with your mime antics, pretending to also be putting up invisible props and such... though her actions and movements are noticeably more sloppy and not as... fluid...? afterall, ragatha hasnt spent time practicing to be anywhere near your level! is a little surprised when she finds out your stuff is at least somewhat tangible within the digital world... thinks your emoting is cute..
so you know how he gets startled by gangle simply standing next to him? its like that with you, but he jumps when you randomly start talking next to him.. ponders... invisible safe square/cube/whatever... though i think part of the comfort of a pillow fort is that hes out of sight... but i think he would enjoy it at least a little if you created something like that for him
enjoys that you dont talk much, zooble doesnt like chatty people i dont think... though they are willing to listen to you on days where you do feel like striking up a conversation... you actually get a laugh out of them when you banish jax to time out (aka putting up 4 see through walls around him for whatever length of time to atone for whatever crime he committed that day)
"he took my arm off.. give him an hour.."
art kid meets art kid, you guys are both a little silly... okay sure your stuff is more performative, and while gangle does have a comedy and tragedy mask her thing is more so in drawing and painting imo, i love me artistic gangle... loves doing your makeup, if its not just a permanent part of your digital face, and can be customized... not much to be said here... theres comfortable silence between the two of you when you hang out since you dont talk often and gangle doesnt know what to talk about and may or may not fear ruining the dynamic between the two of you
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sylusjinwoon · 6 months
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{ 137 }
like you do.
jinwoo sung x fem.reader
notes: this story is going to get so meta, so my apologies in advance. also, despite my status of requests being technically closed, this one was too good to ignore. full request description and story under the cut ♡
p.s. - listen to joji’s like you do.
{ and everyone else
 they don't matter now | you're the one i can't lose | no one loves me like you do
anonymous said: Thank you for answeringgggg. This gonna be long. Be ready to get boredâœšđŸ«¶ I keep thinking about your Jinwoo post. The divergent one to be exactly. What I've been thinking is kinda similar theme. What about, a reader who's always there for Jinwoo but not visible? Like she's a system or a quiet constellation that supports him from behind but under shadow. In the early chapter when Jinwoo is running out of coffee. Suddenly he found a thermos inside his bag with a warm coffee. He didn't remember to prepare it, but since it was already inside his bag maybe Jin-ah put it in or he forgot, but it was the readers! Another chance, readers always help him in silence like, sometimes heal him a little by little, didn't want make a big question mark if he suddenly fully healed in a sec right? Helping to take care of Jin-ah and his mom whenever he's not there for them, healing the resident when war so there's no much loss happen and many little things that she do to help him. She gets jealous seeing him asking Hae-in to the amusement park, but what she can do though, she just loves him too much to be happy for him to find love. In the end, when he reaches his happy ending, the reader finds the courage to say goodbye. Whispering to Jinwoo's ear softly, saying goodbye and hoping he'll be happy. Then it felt like a snap for Jinwoo. It's... Warm, it's felt like it's always there, the reasons able to fight every problem and challenge, then it's gone, he doesn't feel complete anymore. This time for Jinwoo for searching readers! 📾📾 Sorry if my English is not good, it's not my first language 😔😔. Just want to drop this idea instead let it run around my mind and make me crazy to thinking Jinwoo and his readers who are always theređŸ«¶đŸ«¶đŸ«¶ Love you, my top list favorite personâ€ïžâ€ïžđŸ˜Œ
{ ... }
it was pathetic, really.
sung jinwoo wasn't even someone that existed-
so why was it that your heart raced each time you would see his achingly handsome features against your phone's screen?
why does your heart continue to pound and fill your chest with butterflies with each new volume of solo leveling that came out?
and why did you have to get so jealous, witnessing the pure love jinwoo had in his eyes for cha hae-in?
it was so obvious that you were in love with him; genuinely in love with him despite how he would never be real.
in reality, you were bit of an introverted person, attending university with your head bowed down in a manner that let your peers know that you were closed off and shy. that you never could find the confidence to be your true self while in front of those who didn't know you.
perhaps that was why your heart was so drawn to a character like sung jinwoo. after all, he started out as being known as the weakest in the world; a meek and timid man who hid his anxieties behind a kind smile.
but you loved him all the same.
even when knowing he would never be able to see you-
or how you would never get to feel the safety of his arms around you-
or see the passion in his glowing eyes each time he would protect you from danger.
it would never be a reality for you-
yet still, you cherished jinwoo deeply,
like a lover would.
so, you spend your days reading stories pertaining to him, inserting yourself within these various daydreams as you tricked your heart into believing that he loved you, too.
after all, it was the one thing you could do to assuage the heartache you constantly felt whenever you saw jinwoo chasing after hae-in, even after he reset everything in order to protect the world.
even if you could never be his true lover, no matter how hard you tried to shift into his reality and be with him.
with a heavy heart while being surrounded by the various volumes of solo leveling, you lay still in your bed and put your phone down. you had finished re-reading the side stories that pertained to jinwoo's life after the reset and how his shadow soldiers were so happy that he found hae-in again-
and you had to stop because you felt your throat closing up due to the heartache and jealousy of it all.
feeling the warm tears streaming down your face, you close your eyes and fall into what you hoped would be a dreamless slumber-
only to be proven wrong the moment you lost your consciousness.
{ ... }
[ ... resetting ... ]
[ ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ]
[ now loading ]
a strange sensation was felt coursing through your veins, and you awaken with a gasp, feeling your heart pounding as your eyes take in the scenery that surrounds you.
it takes you a minute to reorient yourself, with you standing shakily on your two feet, wiping the sleep from your eyes. you were dimly aware of the translucent screens that block your periphery. but... you weren't paying attention to that.
you allow your eyes to look around, widening upon feeling the sudden nostalgia that fills you. somehow... you knew that you recognized this city. but something felt... off.
for starters, the colors were so much brighter than what you were used to. it was as though the city were made by an artist who was passionate about their drawings coming to life. as you were left feeling awed, all while wondering why this all looked familiar to you was when you finally realized-
you were in seoul, south korea-
specifically, the seoul that was the main setting for solo leveling.
you felt the air rushing out of your lungs in labored puffs, your heart seeming to palpitate out of your chest when you allow your eyes to look in front of you, finally seeing the translucent screen and its message:
[ the system welcomes you... ]
"i... can you understand me?" you were speaking to the screen, feeling your heart jump against your chest when another message appears.
[ yes. i have chosen you to help with the development of the future shadow monarch. ]
you recognize jinwoo's title, ready to say something had it not been for the fact that you saw sung jinwoo himself running past you. your heart was caught in the confines of your throat, seeing jinwoo who had yet been awakened.
even with his frumpy appearance and lackluster clothes, your heart still managed to race for him. his grey eyes was much softer now, not attaining the edge of his post-awakened self quite yet. he was uncertain and shy, but you knew that deep down he had a heart of gold that wanted nothing more than to care for and protect his mother and little sister.
that was the sole trait that never changed-
and you loved him for it.
filled with a longing to be with him, to reach out and touch him, you didn't even think twice when you extended your hands out to him. you wanted so badly to touch his shoulder and tell him how everything was going to be okay-
that all of his dreams (and more) would come true as long as he remained vigilant and brave throughout each trial and tribulations he had to face-
yet the moment your hand was place on his shoulder, you felt it pass through him

your eyes became wide once more, looking down at your hands as you saw that they were also translucent. that your appearance seemed to mimic that of static itself, not quite taking a physical form despite how much you knew that you existed in this realm.
[ i am sorry, but i cannot have your existence meddle with the monarch's story. ]
you turn your gaze back to the screens-
back to the system's way of communicating with you.
[ however, i do know that your heart and soul are pure, and that your feelings for sung jinwoo remain true. ]
[ so i will grant you your desire of helping him. the system i have made for you is deeply tied to sung jinwoo. whatever item you wish to give him shall appear as the young man continues to level up. ]
[ do you agree to remain as SUNG JINWOO'S GUARDIAN? ]
your voice suddenly became much stronger now, being filled with a determination that you didn't believe was even possible. just the thought that you were given this chance to be close to jinwoo was enough to bring you an immense amount of joy.
"i accept being his guardian... and helping him whenever he is in need."
[ ... very well. go on and carry out your first mission. ]
with one last nod, you await the system's next message as it read.
already knowing the scene that was meant to play out, you keep your gaze honed in on jinwoo as he quickly crossed the street, with you chasing after him.
your movements were fluid, and you were so happy that the system gave you the ability to fly, allowing you to keep track of jinwoo and where he currently was at all times. you bask in such freedom of flight and stopped when you reached the construction sight.
as if flight came as natural as breathing to you, you gently land next to jinwoo, seeing his forlorn gaze each time the older hunters insulted him, referring him to the weakest in the world. all you wanted to do was comfort him, and despite how you knew he would never feel you-
you couldn't stop yourself from wrapping your arms around him.
"it's okay, you will become stronger. and... i will be with you every step of the way." you say while keeping your arms hovered over his shoulders, your lips press against his skin in a phantom kiss while whispering lovingly within his ear.
suddenly, you take notice when he perks up, grey eyes filled with a newfound determination. you weren't sure what happened, but jinwoo seemed to find a bit of confidence as he steps closer to the coffee stand and speaks to the worker.
"hi, may i have a cup of coffee?"
the worker gives him a nervous smile while giving jinwoo a gentle shake of his head.
"ah, hunter sung jinwoo... i'm sorry, all the coffee ran out just now."
you watch as a look of disappointment appears on jinwoo's face, hearing him let out a sigh as you quickly called out to the system.
"please, give me a thermos filled with warm coffee, made the way jinwoo likes it."
the system then flashes you a screen, showing you your inventory as a green thermos was seen with the words FRESH COFFEE printed below it. you reach your hand and touch at the screen, allowing the thermos to appear at the palm of your hand before disappearing completely from your inventory.
with gentle movements, you manage to move the thermos filled with hot coffee towards one of the pockets seen on jinwoo's backpack, the sudden weight and appearance of the thermos making jinwoo take a step backwards.
"what the...?!"
you stand off to the side, feeling your heart beginning to race with happiness the moment jinwoo reaches into his backpack and pulls out the warm thermos, his eyes going wide. you couldn't help but gently laugh at his bewildered expression.
he was just so cute to you.
with a smile on your face, you watch as he opens the thermos, taking a swig out of the coffee while letting out a happy sigh. "wow, just how i like it, too. maybe jinah made this for me?"
"i'm really sorry about this, hunter sung jinwoo!" the worker calls out to him, but jinwoo simply smiles back at him.
"no worries! i think my sister packed some coffee for me before she left, so it's fine!"
before you could watch jinwoo enter the gate, you were suddenly pulled back by a force, preventing you from moving forward.
with a look of absolute yearning, you call out to jinwoo,
and for a brief second, before you were ripped away from this tiny portion of his life, you could have sworn that jinwoo turn around to look in your direction-
{ ... }
despite how this all felt unreal to you, you couldn't deny the sheer amount of happiness you felt, being labeled as jinwoo's guardian by the system.
in fact, you had felt so blessed, being a part of jinwoo's most prominent moments in his life.
from his second awakening, being resurrected due to the system's choosing while giving him several side quests and missions-
to helping him heal even the most grievous of injuries when he had to go against kang taeshik-
you were just so elated by it all.
never once did you leave his side, using your own system in hopes of making jinwoo's life easier.
it was strange, but each mission that was given to you was tied deeply to your desire to help and protect jinwoo. whenever jinwoo had a need for a certain potion or elixir to help with replenishing his stamina or mana (especially during his earlier stages of leveling up), it would always mysteriously appear in front of him.
and during the moments where jinwoo showed his concerns for his mother and the well-being of his little sister, you would always stay behind and make sure that they were doing well. you knew that someday soon, jinwoo would make the holy water of life for his mother, but still kept watch over her to make sure that she remained undisturbed.
you kept going through the motions of his life, and once jinwoo was able to safely awaken his mother, you left jinwoo's side to give him a moment of privacy between him and her. even though you knew what would happen (burning the image of his crying face filled with relief and joy into your memories), it didn’t feel right to intrude on such an intimate moment.
yet you leaving the scene in the hospital suddenly brought you to a different part in jinwoo's life.
it had to be sometime after his mother's awakening, as jinwoo was seen dressed in all black. his hair was blowing gently with the wind as he remained seated on top of a building. his eyes were glowing, and it seemed as though he was waiting for something. you trail your gaze up towards the skies, seeing it being painted in an ominous, glowing violet hue.
you suddenly felt a strange pang against your chest, recognizing this scene as being the one that made you so jealous that it hurt.
it was the scene where jinwoo ask hae-in out to the amusement park before showing her the starry skies.
you watch with your heart clenching so painfully when he chooses cha hae-in's number and gives her a call, his voice filled with a gentle fondness as he asks if she was free. knowing what would happen in the chapter, it was clear that she would drop her training, just to be with him.
despite how you felt your throat clenching in response, you were given little time to react as the scene suddenly shifts once more, leaving your form cast to the side as you landed haphazardly against the street of the amusement park.
you could feel the heat dyed against your cheeks, finally grateful that no one could see you. you look to your front to see jinwoo and hae-in walking together, feeling your heartache reach even new levels. surrounding you were people who looked at the two hunters with awe, clearly admiring them as they stepped aside and made room for them, allowing them to walk freely around the amusement park.
if you thought reading this chapter was difficult, then your past self was dead wrong-
for witnessing this in action hurt far worse than this.
you shake your head just then, fighting back your tears as you stood back to your full height. with a determined nod, you take to the skies once more, following the future couple as they continued their endeavors within the amusement park.
you kept your focus on jinwoo, ignoring the pain in your heart each time hae-in was beside him.
like a movie playing out on the big screen, you watch as they rode every ride the amusement park had to offer. their expressions were left blank and filled with a boredom, not feeling the thrills like normal people would.
in fact, the scene was so funny and cute that you couldn't help but laugh.
after spending a few hours tailing from close behind them, you follow jinwoo and hae-in as they had lunch together.
"are you getting bored?"
"hey, no. i'm having fun."
hae-in admits to jinwoo while taking sips of her soda.
you could hear the amusement in jinwoo's voice when he asks, "then how come you haven't cried or screamed at least once?"
he sighs while playing with the straw of his own drink, resting his cheek against the palm of his hand while stating, "the games are a bit 'slow', aren't they?"
"hm, ah... yes..." there seemed to be a bit of an awkward silence when hae-in trails off.
suddenly, your heart was felt clenching once more when jinwoo gives hae-in a charming smile.
"so should we get on to something more exciting?"
her blush was evident, and you could barely breathe when the scene shifts once more.
you were back to the skies now, with jinwoo and hae-in riding on one of his shadow soldiers, a large dragon that flew across the heavens while seeming to cut through the setting sun with its shadowy wings. even as the tears were felt streaming down your face, you couldn't deny that such a scene was utterly beautiful to you.
you could not hear a single word that was being said between them, but you recall their words clearly from reading it so many times, back when your pain felt so fresh- just like an open wound against your heart.
you continue to hover above jinwoo and hae-in, allowing your tears to fall down against his cheek as his eyes seemed to widen in response.
"what... is it raining?" jinwoo trails his eyes up at the sky, and you had to move away from them as hae-in gave jinwoo a questioning glance.
"no, there are no clouds... it's not raining at all."
forcing your heart to calm down its rapid beats, you let out a shaky breath, wondering if somehow...
he could feel you after all...?
you shake your head at the thought and continue to follow them, knowing exactly where jinwoo planned to take her as the scene shifts for you once more. you watch as they arrived at a gorgeous meadow surrounded by the gentle forest, remaining up high in the sky as they admired the stars together.
"system... could you do something for me?"
[ of course. ]
you close your eyes and allow the tears to freely fall now. "summon a meteor shower... a show of the stars and heavens themselves for the lovers to enjoy."
[ as you wish. ]
you allow the system to summon a gorgeous meteor shower, hearing hae-in's gentle gasp while looking up at the stars. streaks of light trailed behind each meteor as the starry skies seemed to glow in response to the strange and ephemeral phenomena.
"it's so... beautiful."
your smile was filled with a hidden sadness, yet you couldn’t deny just how happy you felt being able to do this for him. and as you look over to see jinwoo's own reaction, you felt your heart stop in response.
for he was not looking at the skies or the falling stars-
he was looking directly at you.
"yes... beautiful."
yet before you could even speak, you saw the system's message as you were pulled away from the moment once more.
your heart was pounding as the tears fell freely down your face, suddenly taken to what looked like a more peaceful time.
your feet were staggering, trying to maintain your balance when you take shaky steps against the sidewalk. the sun was setting, and you saw what looked like jinwoo in his university years, standing with hae-in as he spoke to her while admiring the setting sun.
you knew what you had to do. now that you had done what your heart had always desired to do, you step closer to jinwoo to whisper in his ear.
"jinwoo, even though i am certain that you never saw me, i thank you for giving me this chance to be with you... to help with making your life even the tiniest bit better."
you let out a sniffle before shakily continuing,
"you have always been a sole source of comfort for me, and i know i need to take this chance and let you go so you can find the happiness that you deserve."
as jinwoo continues to smile down at hae-in, hanging on to her every word, that was when you let your tears fall once more before telling him one last time.
"i love you, and i'll always wish for your happiness."
with those finally words set free from the depths of your heart and soul, you felt a warmth filling you, with your form disintegrating into thin air as you felt your consciousness slowly return back to your world. yet even though you knew you would never see him again, you felt... content-
at peace, even.
[ well done, it is time for you to awaken... ]
the last thing you recall was seeing a blinding light
 allowing your body to bask in its brilliance one last time

{ ... }
there was a sudden emptiness felt within the depths of sung jinwoo's heart-
and he wasn't sure what was wrong with him.
jinwoo was never the same after he lost... something; even after he had used the cup of reincarnation while proceeding to live his life as a normal human being, there was a gaping hole left within his chest.
he remembers the feeling of a warmth surrounding him; of the sounds of a gentle voice calling out to him while encouraging him. it may have been silly, but...
jinwoo developed a great courage and strength thanks to that gentle voice alone.
yet now, he felt as though he had suddenly lost it.
no longer did he feel such warmth coursing through his veins. no longer could he feel that comforting presence that made his courage soar to new heights-
heights that he never could believe he could even reach.
such feelings of emptiness was what ultimately made his heart feel closed off from those that he loved...
from his parents and sister...
from cha hae-in.
he spent the following days being lost in a trance, and he didn't know what to do to feel whole again.
"my, i did not believe that the loss of her presence would affect you so deeply."
jinwoo lets out a gasp, suddenly finding himself within the same meadows ashborn had confronted him in; the moment he had died and was fully reborn as ashborn's successor- the shadow monarch.
the wind was felt coursing through his hair, and he could not bring himself to speak to ashborn, eyes losing what little light it once had.
had he fallen asleep? was that why he was back in the land of repose?
"you are unhappy." ashborn's voice echoes throughout the realm, and jinwoo could no longer ignore him.
"am i unhappy?"
jinwoo was dimly aware of the bitter laugh that escapes from ashborn's parted lips before suddenly changing into someone-
an unfamiliar young woman as his voice takes on her tone.
"have you forgotten? i am you and you are me."
jinwoo recognizes that voice, eyes going wide as he reaches out to the unfamiliar figure-
he was certain he had never seen such a young woman before in his life-
yet that voice-
that resounding voice who always always always seemed to comfort him when his fears had taken over him-
the strange image of the young woman and that comforting voice-
it had to be one and the same.
"who is she?! and... how come i can't seem to find her, or even know her... yet- i-i know her voice! she-"
"the woman hails from another universe, one that is like the world you currently reside it, yet different."
jinwoo could feel his head begin to spin upon hearing such a revelation. "she... she is-"
"she is not from your world. your lives would have never collided had it not been for my intervention."
the young hunter's throat began to turn dry, unable to form a coherent thought when ashborn continues to speak.
"the world she lives in is a safe one; one where the only monsters that exists are simply those selfish humans and their own dark desires. gates and the presence of rulers and monarchs have never touched her world..."
he watches with a fascination, seeing the alluring girl flash him a smile.
"in fact, your whole life may be nothing but a mere story within her world."
jinwoo finally snaps out of it, hands clenched into fists when he asks, "how can i reach her? is there a way for me to be with her with the way i am now? can i use my powers as a monarch to find her?"
"... don't you think it's foolish to give up all that you've known for her?"
ashborn's words were enough to make jinwoo freeze in his tracks.
"think carefully about my words, i told you she comes from a world where beings like monarchs and rulers do not exist.
if you decide to find her; to join her in such a world that is so vastly different from your own, then you will lose your powers as a monarch. you will be reverted back to a normal man.
will you truly give up your peaceful life here? your family, your friends- every battle you have faced will be all for naught if you decide to reach her."
jinwoo allows his hair to fall across his eyes, covering them from ashborn when he steadily asks, "why did you allow her to come here, then?”
a silence was felt permeating at the air, becoming thick with tension as ashborn decided on whether to tell him the truth or not.
"i sent her here, allowing her to live certain moments of your life together solely because of the strength of love she held for you."
that was all the answer jinwoo needed as he met with ashborn's gaze, telling him his answer with a determination seen within his glowing, purple eyes.
{ ... }
you wake up with a start, your breathing coming out in shaky breath as the tears couldn't seem to stop. with a sigh, you cover your swollen eyes with both of your hands, struggling to catch your breath as you sorted through your every emotion.
you felt happy-
you felt love and adoration-
and the pinpricks of heartbreak coming into full fruition at the memory of jinwoo and hae-in together.
yet perhaps more so than that was the feeling of utter peace you felt after waking up from your dream.
feeling your smile going wide, you decide to wake up and begin your day.
you collect the volumes of solo leveling that you owned, making a note to yourself to buy the next volume when it came out. as you placed the solo leveling manhwa on your bookshelf, you begin to tidy up your room (making your bed and charging your phone in the process.)
it was strange; despite how you were 100% certain that you had been dreaming about being close to jinwoo as his guardian, you couldn't deny how much happier you felt once you woke up. it was true, the heartache was still there, yet you knew that as long as jinwoo was happy-
then you would be happy, too.
letting out a content sigh, you decide that it was high time that you changed your life for the better-
all while using the courage jinwoo had given you to become stronger.
{ ... }
there were rumors going around about a cute new freshman who transferred to your university, and despite how you held zero interest for any new students (because truly, new students came in troves each semester), you couldn't deny that you felt intrigued.
apparently, he was korean, with a face that could match with any current idol. according to the rumors, he had messy locks of black hair and dreamy, grey eyes. several girls had already tried speaking to him, practically throwing themselves at him-
yet he would always turn them down and tell them that he already had someone he liked.
but that didn't seem to discourage the girls (and some of the boys, too) from crushing on this handsome freshman. and admittedly, their antics seemed to greatly amuse you.
after completing your study sessions with your friends, you tell them that you had to go back to your dorm and make some dinner while working on your paper that was due soon. despite how they didn't want to see you go, you admitted to them how you would be too distracted at wanting to talk to them to get much work done.
in the end, they relented and allowed you to leave. you were simply walking back to your dorm, finding safety and comfort from within the street lamps that lit up the sidewalks. as you continued your trek, you look up to see an extremely tall young man walking down in the opposite direction.
the sight of him dressed in a hoodie and jeans makes you stop dead in your tracks, unable to look away from him. he also takes notice of your stance, yet instead of ignoring you and walking away-
he takes several steps towards you.
you were frozen on the spot, left staring up at him as the young man pulls down his hood, revealing unruly locks of ebony hair and a kind smile to you.
"hey, i've been looking everywhere for you."
his tone had a hint of an accent on it, but you couldn't deny that his english was impeccable. his presence made you feel butterflies all across your abdomen, and you weren't sure why that was.
"d-do i know you?"
you hear his rich chuckle echoing throughout the campus as he steps closer to you, allowing his large hand to gently touch at your cheek in an almost tender manner.
he whispers your name all while tracing at your bottom lip with his thumb.
"you do know me... i think you know me better than anyone else in the entire universe."
you then trail your gaze up to his eyes, only to see the perfect grey quality of them.
"sung jinwoo?!" his name comes out as a shock to you, yet before you could even fully process it, he takes you in his arms, allowing you to bury your face within his chest as a sense of relief courses through him.
"you have no idea how utterly lost i felt without you... how much my life had gone stale the moment you had said your goodbyes to me."
words were unable to come from your parted lips, your breathing coming out in ragged gasps as you suddenly felt the tears dot your vision. unable to deny the love you still held for him, you allow your arms to wrap around his back-
almost greedily.
"y-you know who i am?"
jinwoo's chuckle was a light one, and you felt something soft touching at the top of your hair when he admits to you.
"ashborn showed me your actions through the system... and once i realized how you were always there for me, i knew that i could not let you go."
he gently pulls you away from his chest, his eyes filled with emotion as tears streamed down his cheek, "i know that it was selfish of me, giving up everything that i have known just to be with you-
b-but in the end, it was worth it because i know that no one loves me like you do."
unable to hide back your happiness, you lean up to meet with his parted lips in a searing kiss. you could taste the saltiness of his tears as he held on to you, not daring to let you go as you basked in the arms of the man who loved you enough to give up everything he had ever known-
a man who would choose to cross universes, just to be with you.
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a.n. - damn, this story was 5k words đŸ„č but i hope that this was a story that you dreamt of, sweet reader of mine; one that would help put your daydreams to rest as i tried to bring each word to life. this is unedited, but i promise i'll make any edits after i post this absolute masterpiece of a request
all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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virescent-v · 6 months
“i don’t like being told what to do unless i’m naked” with em? 👀
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Summary: Emily's been a bitch. You fix her attitude. ;) Warnings: smutty smut smut, my normal tbh. quick and easy, like em Word count: 2.3k A/N: A little short thing to get me back into writing. Thanks Katt for the prompt :)
Emily was pissing you off. Ever since this case crossed JJ’s desk, Emily’s been uptight, more so than usual. You’ve seen her get overly invested in cases before, but something about this one was making her - for lack of a better word - crazy. She was hounding the local police more than normal, squashing peoples’ new ideas and theories before listening, and being short with anyone who tried to talk to her. 
She’s snapped at you multiple times today alone, glaring at you anytime you tried to talk about one of your theories. You’d take it personally, but she was acting like this with everyone on the team. It was causing everyone to give her a wide berth, finding excuses to not be in the same room with her. 
At the end of the day, Emily had frustrated every member of the BAU (including Penelope who was back in D.C.) and half of the local station to their limits. 
And, of course, you were the one who had to room with her this trip. Lucky you. 
The ride from the station to the hotel was tense, silence interspersed with the hum of tires on asphalt. The longer the quiet dragged on, the more angry you got at her behavior. 
Emily and you had become fast friends when you joined the BAU a few months ago. You had meshed well with every member of the team, but your dark humor and sarcasm bonded you with the raven-haired woman. You’ve spent countless hours with each other, both at work and outside of Quantico. 
You felt your phone buzz in your lap. 
JJ: You have GOT to talk to her. She’s driving everyone insane!! 
You: Why does it have to be me??? It’s bad enough we share a room! 
JJ: Because she likes you most! 
You: You’ve known her longer! 
JJ: Nose goes! 
You looked up to see JJ holding her pointer finger on her nose, sticking her tongue out at her. You rolled your eyes at her before typing out another message. 
You: Fine! But you owe me coffee and lunch tomorrow! 
JJ: Deal! Just make her Emily again! 
You locked your phone, glancing up at Emily driving. Her jaw was tense, as if she was grinding her teeth. Both of her hands were white knuckled on the steering wheel. You bit your lip, trying to think of a way to bring up her behavior over the last few days. 
Entering your shared room, Emily started pacing in front of the beds, her lower lip caught between her teeth, her hands fidgeting.
You sighed. “Em, are you okay?” 
Her eyes shot to you. “I’m fine,” she gritted out. 
You rolled your eyes exaggeratedly, making sure she saw. “No, you’re not. You’re frustrated about something. And it’s driving everyone crazy. So, again, what’s wrong?” 
Emily stopped pacing, glaring at you. “What do you mean it’s driving everyone crazy? I’m fine.” 
You huffed, shaking your head. “You’re not. Look at you,” you said, your hand gesturing at her body, every muscle tense, her hands picking at her nails. “You’ve been short with everyone, shutting down theories for stupid reasons. You’ve yelled at every single one of us today and you’ve managed to alienate half of the local cops. Whatever’s wrong needs to stop, Em, I swear, or it’s going to make this case even harder to solve.” 
Emily scoffed, not liking being told off. “You have no idea what you’re talking about.” 
Now it was your turn to gape at the brunette, your eyebrows twisted in annoyed confusion. “Em, I have spent the last few months getting to know you. Late nights in the office, movie nights on our couches, shopping trips. I don’t know what it is about this case that’s getting to you, but it needs to stop. You need to get your head out of your ass, Prentiss, before it causes you to get benched.” 
You watched as Emily stomped across the room to you, her nostrils flaring, her eyes darkening in anger. Her fists were clenched at her sides as she angrily whispered, “I don’t like being told what to do unless I’m naked, so you better watch what you say to me.” 
Emily had moved closer to you than she ever has before, her outrage and annoyance palpable in the air. You could feel her huffed breaths on your cheek. 
You shook your head, chuckling darkly, barely audible. Emily had never intimidated you before and it wasn’t going to start now. “If all you needed to calm down and be yourself again was a good, hard fuck, all you had to do was ask, Em,” you said, smirking as her eyes grew wide. 
You watched as she took in a shuttered breath, her throat bobbing from the nervous swallow. 
You could see the indecision in her eyes, the want and the nerves. How she wanted it, needed it, but didn’t want to cross that line with you for fear of wrecking your friendship, your work life. 
You brought your hand up, pushing some of her hair behind her ear, taking note of the small shiver that ran through her. “Let me help you, Em. We’ll cross tomorrow when it gets here.” 
Emily closed her eyes for a second, taking a deep breath. When she opened her eyes, they somehow had gotten darker, her pupils blown. She’d made her decision. “Fuck it out of me, please.” 
You tilted your chin up a little, settling into the role Emily needed you to fill. “Strip. Slowly.” 
Emily exhaled slowly, her hands grasping at the hem of her shirt, lifting it inch by inch. She watched you, but your eyes never strayed from her face. When she dragged the material over her head, your eyes never left her face. It furthered your in charge position, making Emily’s breath quicken in anticipation. 
The brunette slowly dragged her bra straps down her shoulders, slowly exposing her modest chest. It took a lot of self control on your part, but you still refused to look at her body. You could tell that it was starting to get to Emily, but she wasn’t going to say anything, excited to see what you were up to. 
As she drug her pants and underwear down her legs and stood back up, you made another few seconds of intense eye contact with her before letting your gaze slowly glide over her body. 
You’d be lying if you said you’d never thought about her like this. She was beautiful, striking in a way that made your breath catch the first time you met her. As your relationship with her grew, you were conflicted about thinking of her like this. You’ve come to cherish your connection with her, but you couldn’t help but want more. 
You took your time looking her over, trying to memorize every inch of her in case this was the only time you’d be able to see her like this. 
Emily’s toes started to dig into the carpet, her anticipation growing to a head, the nerves starting to creep up. 
“On the bed, on your back.” 
Emily didn’t need a second to think this time, eagerly moving to the mattress and laying herself across it. She settled her head on a pillow in the middle of the bed, awaiting further instructions. It was something that was exhilarating for you, unexpected. You didn’t think she would be this compliant, but you weren’t going to question it. 
Your eyes dragged across her body again, watching the way that her skin started to flush at your attention. “You’ve been a bitch the past few days.” 
Emily went to open her mouth, to argue. 
“No, no. That wasn’t up for debate. You have been. You’ve let this case get to you.” You started to crawl across the bed, your body between her legs. You remained clothed, the fabric of your pants sliding across her bare skin and causing goosebumps to erupt across her skin. You held eye contact, loving the way Emily’s dark eyes seemed to get darker, deeper. You could feel yourself getting lost in them. “I don’t know why, and to be frank, I don’t care.” You let your hands trail across her shins, up to her knees, pushing her legs further apart. You could feel your own heartbeat speeding up, fluttering inside your chest. “I’m going to fuck your attitude out of you and then we’re going to solve this case and go home. Understood?” 
Emily swallowed, her head nodding briefly. 
“Good,” you said, letting your eyes fall to her bare body. You licked your lips as you looked at her exposed pussy. Through her coarse curls you could tell she was wet, wetter than you expected her to be since you’ve not even touched her yet. 
You leaned down, your eyes back on her face as you gently blew across her sodden lower lips. Emily’s eyes closed, her back arching slightly, her hips trying to push further into the sensation. She was sensitive, something you were going to enjoy. 
Before her back could make contact with the bed again, your tongue made contact, licking quickly from her entrance to her clit, loving the way her voice got stuck in her throat. You decided you didn’t want to tease her, wanting her to get off and relax. Your tongue made a few more passes up and down, enjoying each sound you could pull from her. When she got used to the movement, her body expecting the up and down licks, you switched to swirls around her clit, sucking lightly, before moving down to her hole, entering her with your tongue. 
You paid attention to the sounds she made, the way she whimpered when your tongue made quick circles around her clit, how a moan would get caught deep in her chest every time your tongue entered her. You ate her out passionately, intensely, taking out your frustrations from the past few days on her. 
You could tell she was getting close, the way her leg muscles started to tense, how her hands started to fist in the sheet beneath her. With each swipe of your tongue against her, you could feel her get closer and closer to the edge, the both of you desperate to push her over. As she started to moan more often, gaining volume, you reached up your hands, grasping a breast in each. With perfectly timed pinches to her nipples, Emily came undone against your mouth. You continued to lap at her pussy, swallowing down everything she had to give you. 
Before her body had a chance to relax, you pushed in two fingers, enjoying the way Emily choked out a harsh gasp at the fast pace you set immediately. “You’ve got one more for me, Em. Give it to me,” you commanded, surprised at the strength of your own voice. 
Emily’s bottom lip was caught between her teeth as she struggled to keep up with the thrusting of your fingers. You pushed up her body, using the thumb of your other hand to pull her lip free. “Uh uh, baby. Let me hear those pretty noises.” 
Emily whimpered, her eyes catching yours, a million words being shared between you two. Respect, thanks, lust, love. 
Your wrist was starting to cramp at the position, but there was no way you were going to stop. Not with the sounds she was making, not with the way that Emily was looking at you. With each thrust in, Emily grunted, with each thrust out, a moan. On one particularly hard thrust, Emily’s back arched, her hands fisting into the shirt on your back. Figuring you had found her sweet spot, you focused there, watching with almost primal glee as her head tossed back in pleasure. 
With her throat exposed, your lips made contact to the skin there, kissing and biting at the tender flesh. You trailed your lips up to her ear. “Do you think two orgasms is enough, or should I fuck you into a third?” 
Emily’s only response was a garbled moan, her hands trying to scratch at your back through your shirt. 
You smirked against her skin. “We’ll see if your cunt can take another one after you cum hard on my fingers.” You curled your fingers at that, feeling the spongy spot inside her that caused her to sob in ecstasy, her legs tightening against your hips. On each thrust you made sure to hit that spot. You moved your head back, wanting to watch her come undone. 
You could feel her walls tightening around your fingers, it becoming harder and harder to move within her. You brought your other hand up, wrapping it around her throat, squeezing enough to send a euphoric rush through her. 
“Cum for me, Em, now.” 
She hadn’t disobeyed you yet. 
Emily moaned your name loudly as her walls clamped down on your fingers, forcing you to stay within her as she rode out her orgasm. Her hips undulated against you, riding each wave, reveling in the high.
You worked her through it, easing as her body started to come down. Gently, you removed your fingers, taking satisfaction in the whimper she let out at being empty. You brushed some of her hair out of her face, smiling a little to yourself at the blissed out look on her face. “Feeling better?” 
Emily started laughing, a true belly laugh. “You’re ridiculous.” 
You smiled, tucking her hair behind her ear. “Hey, you don’t get to be sassy to the person who just fucked you back into a good mood.” 
Emily rolled her eyes, her hands caressing your shoulders. “Thank you,” she whispered, her eyes expressing even more gratitude. 
You lightly kissed her, the first of many. “Don’t mention it. Next time, don’t wait until you’re a raging bitch before asking for what you need,” you smirked. 
Emily pushed at your shoulder, shaking her head lightly at your antics. She pulled you down, relaxing under the weight of you, feeling herself drift off to sleep. 
If anyone noticed Emily’s improved mood the next day, or the hickies on her neck, they didn’t mention it. The fact that you two solved the case before the day was over was good enough for them. 
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thisgirlnamedblusy · 18 days
Hello! Could I please request jealous as hell Donna but with a jealous as hell reader? Like, Donna hides her jealousy because she's scared reader wouldn't like it but then she finds out that reader actually loves it and finds it romantic and is equally jealous over Donna? And her feelings being validated just makes Donna incredibly happy/feral haha, they're a perfect match. Your writing is awesome bless you đŸ™đŸ»
Yesss!!!! Thank you for your request and for your kindness, bless you too ;)! I hope you like it and sorry about the language mistakes!!!! :))))
Everyone has flaws
Pairing: Donna Beneviento x Fem! Reader
Warnings: Fluff, jealousy
Word count: 5,054
Summary: You know the way she is, but she doesn't know yours...
N/A: Sorry about the language mistakes!!! Requests are open!!! I'm waiting yours!!! I love you all!!! :))
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“Am disturbing you?” you asked in a soft voice as you settled into the brunette's lap.
Donna was working on her dolls, as always.
She looked at you with a tender smile and shook her head, stealing a kiss from you, one of those that said much more than any word.
Starting a relationship was always a difficult step, a series of tests and obstacles that had to be avoided or endured. It was already that way with anyone, but Donna Beneviento, Lord and doll maker, was not just anyone.
Of course, you didn’t regret having taken that step, of approaching that mysterious woman covered with a black veil, that woman who always caught your attention at mass, that woman who always seemed quiet, absent, but who, at the same time, seemed to look at you in the same way.
Asking was daring, the result was extraordinary. Just telling her that you admired her work, that you liked her dolls, was enough for the shy lady in black to invite you to her house, to a tea, and then to another, and another.
Talking about feelings was complicated, telling that sick and dangerous woman that, in some way, you were obsessed with her, was an even riskier move. But luck was on your side, and you left your old, boring life, to live your own love story, a romance you longed for every day, that you dreamed about every night. You couldn't ask for more from the life of a simple village girl.
It could be luck, or it could be that Donna was as crazy about you as you were about her. Coincidence, luck, or a romance from a novel, what you called it didn't matter, the most important thing was to feel it every day, with every kiss, with every word of love, with every caress.
“What are you doing?” you asked curiously, while she dressed a new doll. Donna laughed, focused on her work.
“Putting a new dress on this new friend
” she whispered, not losing her concentration, even with you on her lap, even with you by her side all day, she never lost her focus, well, almost.
” you murmured amused, earning another one of her tender smiles as she shook her head.
“What do you think?” she asked, showing off her new creation, moving you on her lap so you were more comfortable, watching your expressions.
You nodded in approval at that new toy, one that would surely brighten the life of one of the village children, just like when you were one of them.
“Not bad
” you whispered, pretending to observe every detail, every little detail that Donna never overlooked. “Who are you going to sell it to?”
Donna shrugged, picking up the doll again.
“Whoever wants it, I guess,” she said amused, putting the clothes back on that piece of porcelain. “The Duke takes care of that.”
“Taking his share, of course,” you joked, holding on tighter to her body, being held by her soft hands on your waist.
“Money doesn't worry me, (Y/N),” Donna said, with a disinterested tone. “I just like to do it, it reminds me of
 better times.”
“Oh, times when you didn't live with a pretty village girl like me, huh?” you said mockingly, putting a finger on her nose, causing another soft laugh from the brunette.
“I didn't mean that, I
” she said nervously, misinterpreting your irony, as usual. You loved that innocence, that way of understanding everything that only Donna could have.
You interrupted her apologies with a kiss, and then another, until a sigh from her lips told you that the fear had passed, that she hadn't made a mistake. Laughter filled the sinister workshop, as did the sound of your rhythmic kisses, deeper and deeper, more and more
It could have been a perfect morning, one of many, but the screeching sound of the phone interrupted that intimate moment about to turn into a passionate one.
“How timely,” you said, rolling your eyes and getting off her lap, something Donna prevented by pulling you.
“Angie will take care of that, tesoro
 Come back here,” she whispered tenderly, returning the sweet taste of her kisses to your lips.
“Mm, I'm not going to complain,” you hissed with a mischievous purr, letting the subtle rocking of your bodies become rhythmic, the temperature rising little by little.
“Hey!” a squeal interrupted again, an annoying, irritating one, Angie. “Again, Donna? How disgusting!”
” you sighed annoyed as the lady in black elegantly lowered you to the floor, looking at the doll with curiosity.
“Che vuoli? Sono occupata,” the brunette said, fixing the hair you messed up with your caresses.
“One day we have to talk about how busy you are since that stupid girl lives with us. I feel neglected,” the doll protested, comically crossing her arms.
“The stupid girl is here, in case you hadn't noticed,” you said, with an ironic tone, the one you always used with the irreverent puppet.
“Of course I noticed, that's why I'm saying it. What's the point of insulting you if you're not there to hear it?”
You laughed with your eyes half closed.
“I guess that's a good point,” you sighed, letting yourself fall into a nearby chair.
“You can't handle my expert verbalization, loser,” the doll mocked again.
“Angie...” Donna sighed, fed up with the little fights between you and her partner, fights that, always, were just a joke. “Enough
“Leave her alone, she seems to be having fun,” you joked, kissing Donna on the cheek, only to elicit an angry growl from the doll.
“You Donna-stealer!” Angie protested. “Get away from her and pick up the phone,” she said, comically pushing you away as you tried to kiss her owner again. You raised your eyebrows.
“The phone? Oh, that’s right,” you said with a hand on your forehead, pretending not to remember.
“Who is it, Angie?” Donna asked confused by the doll’s words. The doll simply shrugged.
“A friend of the fool,” Angie explained, pointing at you unpleasantly.
“A friend?” Donna asked, with a slightly more serious look, glancing at you out of the corner of her eye.
“That’s what he said, he wanted to talk to the fool,” Angie repeated. You snorted with a smile and walked out of the workshop, leaving a confused Donna behind you.
“Hello?” you asked as you picked up the phone, feeling a chill from being alone in that dark basement.
“Oh, um, yes, um, in life, and in death, we give glory
“Shut up, you commoner! How dare you to disturb me?” you said, darkening your voice, exaggeratedly faking the brunette's accent.
“I, I'm sorry, Lady, Lady Beneviento
” the boy said, frightened. You covered the phone, holding back your laughter at that practical joke.
“You will pay for your insolence,” you threatened, with that same dark voice. “You have disturbed me and I’m very angry. I’m pinching and shaking my hands because I’m angry,” you joked, making the gesture with your hand.
“No, no! Please, have, have mercy
” your friend begged. Poor thing, it was time to enjoy your victory.
You laughed loudly through the phone and the boy sighed.
” he told you, relieved but annoyed by your usual jokes. “Don't do that, one day I'm going to have a heart attack.”
“I can't help it, it's very funny,” you said, still laughing, relaxing your breathing and speaking in a normal tone. “Do you want something?”
“I don't know, I'm thinking about it now
 Damn, why did you have to get together with her? She's
 Terrifying,” he protested, laughing amused.
“Because I love her, and believe me, she's not that scary,” you said in a calmer tone. “Irina in the morning produces more nightmares than poor Donna.”
“Poor Donna? You're hopeless,” the young man laughed.
“You know me,” you said, sighing, looking around. “What do you want? I'm quite busy right now.”
“Oh, sure, I was calling you because this afternoon we're going to the lake. Maybe you'd like to come,” he commented, to which you nodded interested.
“Mm, friends plan at the lake
” you said amused, pretending to think about it. “Sounds good, I’m in.”
“See you, (Y/N),” the boy said before you hung up the phone.
You walked back to the workshop, slowing down to listen to a curious conversation between Donna and her doll.
 what did he sound like?” the brunette asked, questioning poor Angie. “Was he really a friend?”
“He was a dumb boy, he almost peed himself when I yelled at him,” Angie said disinterestedly, pretending to whisper.
“A boy? Are you sure?” the lady asked, in a nervous tone.
“Either a boy, or the world champion of dark voices,” the doll joked. “Don't ask me any more questions, Donna, I've told you everything I know.”
“But, but
” the lady stammered.
“Shh, the silly girl is coming,” Angie whispered, just before you entered the workshop again.
“Ok, that's it
” you sighed with a smile, clapping your hands together. “Angie, go away.”
“Kick me out if you dare, you filthy commoner
” the doll said, comically moving her fists.
“Then stay,” you growled, returning to the brunette's lap, wrapping your hands around her neck. “Enjoy the views, you kind of doll with a voyeur kink.”
“Wait,” Donna interrupted, just when you were ready to continue with your kisses. “Who
? Who was it?”
You blinked, snorting, knowing that there would be no way to continue with your actions.
“A friend,” you said simply, getting off again and sitting next to her, playing with porcelain arms, scattered across the table.
“What friend?” she asked abruptly, staring at you, with a serious, worried face. It was strange to see her like that, she seemed angry.
” you sighed, speaking carefully, as the trembling of her hands betrayed her nervousness. “Dino, my friend
 I think you already know him.”
“No, I don’t,” Donna whispered, looking at you intently, searching for something in your gaze, something you didn’t know what it was.
“No? Well, nevermind,” you said passively, playing with those scattered and discarded arms. “Hey, can you give me a hand?” you joked, extending a porcelain limb towards the lady, who didn’t flinch. “Hey, you usually find my nonsense funny.”
“What did that friend of yours want?” she asked, taking the arm out of your hands, nervously. “I don’t like people calling home.”
“Well, yeah, but
 It’s the only way they have to contact me,” you said, with a more deflated tone, with the smile already gone from your face. “He just wanted to invite me to the lake this afternoon.”
“To the lake,” she said, blinking incredulously. “What for?”
“To kill huge monsters with a boat and a harpoon,” you said mockingly. “What do you think? To spend the afternoon, nothing you have to worry about, Don... Donna?”
The brunette trembled nervously, with a dark gleam in her eye, avoiding looking at you directly, as if she were controlling her own anger, an irrational one.
“This, this afternoon I wanted, I wanted... To spend it with you, (Y/N),” she said stuttering, thus evidencing her nervousness.
“I spend every afternoon with you, my love,” you said in a soft voice, taking one of her trembling hands, preventing her from clenching her fists too tightly.
“Donna, Donna, danger, danger...” Angie said, tugging at the lady's black dress. Donna seemed to be on the verge of losing control. “Remember what we talked about.”
“Hey, hey, honey, honey
” you said worriedly, getting up from the chair and grabbing her shoulders, studying her erratic expressions. “Donna, my love, calm down
 Do you
 Do you have a crisis?”
She shook her head, unable to seem sincere.
“Oh, hey, if that I go worries you, I'll call him right now and
” you said carefully, thinking that was what worrying her. She shook her head again, closing her eye to calm down.
“No, it doesn't worry me,” she sighed, being calmed by your soft caresses.
“Mm, you're such a bad liar,” you joked, lifting her chin. “Do you want a glass of water?”
Donna nodded, turning her face away from your caresses. You sighed with a sad look, sad for not controlling her problems, because the shadows of her mind were always lurking.
“That's it, slow down, don't choke,” you said, giving her a drink. She seemed a bit calmer, with Angie replacing your support.
“You, you should go with your friends, (Y/N), it's what a girl like you should do,” Donna whispered, with a calmer voice, with the trembling of her hands increasingly controlled.
“Are you sure? I don't mind staying. You know I love being with you, Donna,” you said softly, kissing her slowly. She, with an exaggerated smile, nodded, returning the kiss.
At least that crisis could be fixed soon.
Donna had an infinite number of virtues, but many flaws too. Her repressed possessiveness was often a cause for concern. You knew she was jealous, terribly jealous, but she always insisted on lying, on hiding her true feelings. Yes, it could be a flaw but, in fact, you didn’t see it as such.
That voracious need to always have you by her side, to growl or snort at anyone who came too close, was even exciting, romantic to you. But Donna was still Donna, she would never admit to feeling inhibited by the irrational fear of losing you. It was something she tried to hide with all her might.
Luckily for you, and unfortunately for her, Lady Beneviento was not skilled in human relationships. She didn’t know how to hide her feelings.
Actually, that was not a bad thing either. If it had been the other way, you would never have been able to kiss her, you would continue with your boring life as a villager.
The afternoon at the lake was funny, it really was. From time to time you liked to leave that dark mansion and remember you had friends, that you would always have them. When you returned home, you wondered what absurd strategy Donna had in mind, how she would attack, what way she would use to find out even the smallest detail of that outing with friends.
“Hi, hi
” you said amused, opening the door, finding an erratic Donna walking from side to side down the hall, waiting for you impatiently.
 Finally,” she sighed, throwing herself into your arms, covering you with tireless kisses that you laughed at, trying to breathe. It was the expected reaction, after all.
“Hey, hey, come on
” you sighed, gently pushing her away. “I haven't been away for three days.”
“It seemed like it
” she said, looking at you sadly. “It's been an eternity for me 
“How exaggerated,” you joked, kissing her quickly and entering the living room, letting yourself fall on the sofa.
Donna followed you, nervously playing with her hands, closely followed by the doll.
 did you have a good time?” she asked, sitting next to you, surely dying to ask many things.
You nodded with a bright smile.
“Yes, it was good,” you said passively.
“Do you want, do you want to have something for dinner, tesoro?” Donna asked, with a fake smile, holding her sweaty hands so they wouldn't move on their own. “I've prepared your favorite food for you
 Just in case you came home hungry
“Ufff, I'm not hungry at all, honey,” you said, rubbing your stomach comically. “Irina has prepared so many sandwiches that I think I don't have blood anymore, but bread crumbs,” you joked.
Donna felt disappointed by your answer, looking at you with a dark glint in her eye.
“Who is Irina?” she asked in a different tone, getting a little closer, studying your gestures.
“A friend, the baker's daughter, I think you know her,” you said casually. She hardened her gaze, nodding briefly.
“She's such a beautiful girl,” she whispered in a voice that betrayed a lament, something that made you frown.
“She's not bad, but she wears too much makeup,” you joked, wanting to be funny, failing again. Donna moved, looking away.
“I see
” she murmured, clearing her throat, starting to shake again.
“It's not that bad but
 Those sandwiches
 They're out of this world. You should stop by her store one day and
“Maybe I should,” she said with a proud tone, crossing her arms. “I think she'd look pretty with her insides out, don't you?”
You opened your eyes with a confused smile at that terrible threat, tilting your head in an exaggerated gesture of disgust.
“Donna, that was
 Terrifying,” you whispered, amused and scared at the same time.
“Donna, Donna
” Angie interrupted, tugging at her dress again. “Not threats
 You're going to scare her,” she whispered, failing in her attempt at being confident. You frowned.
“Do you like how she cooks?” Donna asked, with a calmer tone but the same resentment in her voice. “Does she cook better than me? Do you prefer to eat what she makes?”
“What? Donna
” you said sighing, rolling your eyes. No matter how much she tried to hide it, her jealousy always came to light. “No one cooks better than you.”
“That's what you say now,” she grumbled, pushing away the hand that wanted to caress her. “You know what? If you're going to be talking about how wonderful that cagna is, I'm going to bed.”
“I didn't say she's wonderful, I just
” you said confused, watching the lady get up from the couch, quickly followed by you. “Hey, Donna, wait, hey
“Lasciami stare,” she hissed, pulling your hand away from her wrist, growling angrily.
“Don't be jealous, come on
” you whispered with a tender smile, blinking smugly, your heart beating for that dark side you liked so much. “Come here, honey, let me show you how much I love you
 Come on, please.”
“Vaffanculo,” she hissed again, turning and disappearing from your sight, leaving you glued to the floor.
” you sighed, shaking your head. “What did she say to me?” you asked Angie, who shook her head with a wooden hand on her forehead.
“She said: Fuck you!” the doll said, running after its owner. “Donna, Donna, wait, wait! You're screwing it up again!”
You pointed at yourself, incredulous at such an inappropriate word and frowned.
You had to wait a while to go down to the bedroom as well, letting that jealousy you loved so much fade over time.
“Hey, Donna
” you whispered, joining her on the bed. She groaned, turning her back to you. “Are you feeling better?”
“I'm fine,” she whispered.
” you said, rolling your eyes and snuggling up to her. “You have no reason to be jealous, my love.”
“What?” she asked, feigning surprise. “I'm not jealous.”
“Yeah, sure you’re not,” you whispered, shaking your head. “Donna
“I just, I just care about you,” she corrected, turning on the light and sitting up in bed. “What if stupida had poisoned the sandwiches?”
“What are you talking about?” you asked amused. “Why would she do that?”
Donna shrugged, with a proud pose.
“Being with me puts you in danger, (Y/N)
 Don't forget that,” she whispered, cupping your face in her hands, gently pulling it to kiss you.
“Oh, so that was it, huh?” you asked amused, with a mocking smile. “It wasn't jealousy.”
“It wasn’t,” she answered dryly.
“It wasn’t,” you repeated. “Nothing to do with jealousy.”
 Good night, Donna,” you sighed, kissing her cheek, laughing internally at her fear of acknowledging her true concerns.
At least the next day was a normal one, well, almost normal. It was the day of the monthly visit to the castle, one that didn't make you particularly happy, but that you would have to endure so Donna wouldn't worry about leaving you alone at home. You didn't want any more absurd arguments, no matter how romantic their intentions were.
“Tea?” the lady of the castle, Alcina Dimitrescu asked, with her always kind, but impossibly seductive smile.
“Sure, thank you,” you said, sighing, wanting to end this little meeting as soon as possible. You didn't know why Donna insisted on going every month. She barely spoke.
“Have you heard what happened in the village?” the lady in white asked, serving some steaming tea to her sister. Donna shook her head. “It seems that someone has been destroying the bakery tonight. Apparently that poor girl had a panic attack.”
You turned your head towards Donna, widening your eyes accusingly. The lady in black moved into a defensive position.
“That way she'll learn
” Angie whispered, sitting next to you.
“What do you mean, dear?” Alcina asked, looking at you out of the corner of her eye.
” you whispered, nudging the brunette.
“It wasn't me,” she murmured behind her black veil, in a childishly comical way.
“Yeah, sure,” you said amused.
“Did I miss something, ladies?” Alcina asked, laughing amused.
“No,” you, Donna, and Angie answered in unison.
An unpleasant buzzing sound reached your ears. Oh, of course, they couldn't be missing.
Dimitrescu's three daughters materialized with sinister laughter, to Angie's delight.
“Donna, Donna, did you bring it?” one of them asked, Bela, leaning on the couch shamelessly, close, too close to Donna. You shifted uncomfortably.
The lady in black nodded, handing her a bag with a black cape inside, which the young vampire showed off with a gasp of approval.
“It's great!” she squealed, admiring her new possession. You frowned. Unintentionally, your hands began to tremble. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Bela shouted again, throwing herself at the brunette and kissing her effusively on the cheek, through her black veil.
You began to feel uncomfortable at this unexpected affection. Normally no one got so close to Donna, everyone feared her. You should have assumed that this was not the case with the Dimitrescu family, but seeing such exaggerated displays of affection for yourself stirred your feelings a bit.
“Bela, leave her alone, don't overwhelm her,” Alcina said, gesturing towards her daughter, who smiled pleased, hugging Donna from behind and rubbing her head against hers.
“I'm just grateful,” the young woman protested. “You are the best, Donna, the best,” she said, shaking her again, kissing her for the last time, dislodging her veil.
You, kindly, wanting Dimitrescu to move away, reached out your hand to arrange the black cloth properly. But Bela stepped forward again, placing the doll maker's veil with a concentrated look, something that only you could do, that only you had the right to do.
Your fists clenched in your dress unconsciously and your gaze darkened. The shadow of jealousy had not yet appeared to torment you, you thought it never would.
“Mm, done,” the vampire whispered, finally moving away from your girlfriend, an occasion that you took advantage of to get a little closer to Donna and kiss her unexpectedly where her lips were, also on the black fabric.
“Oh, I see so much affection,” Alcina joked, laughing amused by your attitude. Donna stammered something incomprehensible, nervous about that stolen and indiscreet kiss.
” she whispered scared, embarrassed by such a strange act.
“Hey, you, whatever your name is!” Bela said, pointing at you unpleasantly.
“My name is (Y/N),” you growled. You should know what they were like, you knew them, but on that occasion, an irrational hatred ran through your veins.
“Whatever,” she said, pulling your hand away from the couch. You, seeing it as an attempt to separate you from Donna, pulled away from her grip, sitting back down with your arms crossed.
“Don't you want to play? The maids have taught us a new game,” another of the sisters, Daniela said.
You shook your head, leaning on Donna's shoulder, taking her arm so she would surround your body.
“I'm fine here, thank you.”
It was a somewhat strange afternoon. In your mind you could only see Bela Dimitrescu's gestures of affection, Donna's passivity towards them. She spoke to you as you walked through the forest, but you didn't listen to her, you could only hear the vampire's mocking laughter.
“What do you want for dinner, tesoro?” Donna asked, closing the door and getting rid of the veil, with an innocent smile.
“I don't know,” you said with a brusque, spiteful tone, one that Donna didn't seem to notice. “What do you want for dinner?”
“I asked first,” she said with a sweet voice, gently grabbing your waist, kissing you affectionately among soft and shy laughs.
“Release me,” you said dryly, pushing those tender kisses away from your face, pushing her by the shoulders. “Do you feel like cuddles?”
Donna looked at you surprised, with her eye wide open due to your rejection.
“Well, I
” she murmured confused, with an embarrassed smile.
“What a coincidence, huh? We come back from the castle and you get tender
” you said in a cold tone, shaking your head.
She remained thoughtful, looking for a reason for your attitude, one that she couldn't find, of course.
“I, I want to make love, (Y/N)
” she said in a discreet whisper, trying not to let those words reach Angie's ears.
“Oh, do you want to do it now? Right now?” you asked with a mocking smile, narrowing your eyes.
“Yes, well
” she said, shaking her head, confused. “If, if you don't want it, I'll
“I don't want it,” you snapped, huffing. “I'm hungry.”
“Fi, fine
” she said, looking at you cautiously, searching for something strange in your gaze, something that didn't fit with your normal behavior. “Tell, tell me, what do you want me to do for you?”
“I don't know
” you murmured, controlling your anger, that sea of ​​jealousy that flooded your rational thought. “Something that fits well with white wine.”
“White wine?” Donna asked, searching for an idea in her mind. “I think, I think we don't have any. But red wine will do.”
“Of course, of course... You love red wine, don't you?” you asked, furious again, erratic. She shook her head, taking a few steps back.
“Yes, I, I like it,” she answered fearfully.
“Red, red as blood, right?” you mocked.
“Te, tesoro, what's going on? Have I done something wrong?” she asked, searching for your trembling hand, calming it with hers, with a pleading look.
“I don't know, have you?” you asked, sighing, controlling your anger, that jealousy you felt. “Really, Donna? A new cloak for the fly girl?”
“Cosa?” she asked surprised. “What, what are you talking about?”
“Bela Dimitrescu, that's what I'm talking about,” you confessed, turning your back on her. “Why do you have to make her a new cloak? Can't one of her hundreds of maids make it for her?”
“Um, well, she, she likes the clothes I make,” Donna explained, running a hand over the back of her neck, not being able to help but feel somewhat proud.
“She likes a lot of things about you
” you hissed, turning on your heels, with a crazy look. “Giving you kisses, for example.”
“Oh, well, you know they are that effusive,” she said with an innocent smile, approaching cautiously.
“And you love it, don't you?” you asked ironically, leaning threateningly over her. The lady in black looked at her doll, who shrugged, unable to explain your attitude.
“No, no, I
 Amore mio, what's wrong?” she asked, confused and a  bit intimidated by your unusual attitude.
“Look, I thought I wouldn't have to tell you this but... I'm sorry, I'm very jealous,” you finally said, looking away. “I'm jealous to death, I'm dying of jealousy. I can't stand it.”
“Y-You? Jealous?” the lady in black asked, surprised, frowning. “But, but...”
“What?” you snapped, pointing at Donna with your finger, making her back off again. “Of course, I can't be jealous, right? You can make a poor girl hallucinate because she cooks well, but I can't be jealous...”
“But, but...” the doll maker murmured, backing away while you chased her around the living room in a comical way.
“Yes, I am, I'm terribly jealous, I can't stand anyone laying a finger on what's mine, do you understand? Nobody can do that,” you said, poking the brunette with a finger on her chest.
“I, I didn't mean to...” she explained, shaking her head, grabbing your wrist with a nervous smile. “You, you don't have to worry, I'm only yours, you know that.”
“Oh, why does that sound familiar...” you murmured amused. “Don't be confused, Donna, and stop pretending, I know you're jealous even of the air I breathe, and do you know why I know? Because I feel the same.”
“I don't...” she said, closing her eye, controlling her breathing. “Okay, okay, yes, I... I can't stand the idea that someone, someone...”
“Mm,” you murmured, putting your hands on either side of your hips. “Well, at least you admit it.”
“I didn't want to admit it! That, that's not right, I... I didn't want to... Scare you,” Donna said, nervous, confused and hurt by having to admit her biggest flaw, one that you didn't even consider as such.
“The only thing that scares me, Donna...” you said with the softest voice, moved by those words, by the romanticism they evoked for you, the smile they formed on your face. “... Is that you might find someone better than me.”
“I fear the same,” the lady whispered, approaching you, bringing her hands to your waist again, brushing her lips with yours. “I'm terrified, tesoro... I don't want to lose you.”
“I don't want to lose you either,” you whispered, melting into her in a passionate, wild, even furious kiss. “I think the Duke have some insecticides, doesn't he?”
Donna laughed, shaking her head, kissing your neck mockingly.
“There's nothing you should worry about
” she whispered in your ear, caressing your cheek. “You're my first, and my only love. I love you, I love you so much
“Donna,” you said blushing, with a silly smile, hugging her to end that stupid argument. “You're very tempting, you know?”
“Do you really think so?” she asked amused, playing with your hands.
You nodded, kissing her again.
“Cheesy fools” Angie said, interrupting, as always.
“Hey, Angie,” you said amused, without letting the brunette go. “Look, we're just as jealous, what do you think?”
“Yes, yes, you make a great couple
 You're just as crazy
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daengtokki · 10 months
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Kim Seungmin/Female Reader
wc: 11k
rating: mature/explicit àȇ
comments: thanks everyone for the likes and reblogs and feedback! (Ž`) knowing someone is enjoying my fics makes writing seungmin so much easier. technically this is the last part, but not really...
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→ Blind Date
→ Second Date
→ Third Date
Part 4 of 4
Seungmin goes quiet after that, relaxes against the arm of the couch. You’re on the opposite side, doing the same. You watch each other carefully , but nobody makes a move, and nobody starts to speak.
You wonder if there was something you could have done to avoid all of this drama. Four and a half months of wondering; of being so down you can barely make it to work some days. Both of you have been really bad at this.
“Yes, I know it’s complicated.”
Counting the days and weeks until Seungmin comes back to you has been excruciating, sometimes anxiety inducing, and the only thing really keeping you together.
As of today it’s been 136 days since you spent the night with him. Twenty weeks, almost, since you looked at him face to face—touched him, kissed him, desperately wanted to confess how you’ve already fallen for him, and you never want to leave his side again.
But he did text you three days ago.
A part of you feels like giving up, because maybe this has gone on for far too long.
It’s nothing that Seungmin has done. He hasn’t said anything to you about things likely not working out. He talks to you in the same sweet, cheery way he always has when he actually has time to text, or call. You don’t resent him for his lack of communication, ever, because you know his lifestyle is worlds away from yours.
But the part of you that’s crazy about him sits and thinks: he can call for a five minute conversation, ask me how I am before I completely fall apart. You think
why hasn’t he messaged back? It takes a few seconds.
You hate having these thoughts. But you’re only human, and you have so much empty time to think about him.
It’s just not the same for him. It might never be the same for him.
Right now you’re staring out of your classroom window, completely lost in thought. The kids are working quietly, and it’s honestly the first time all day where you’ve been truly alone in your head.
There’s a loud knock on the door, and it makes you, and your students, jump.
“Come in
The door opens slowly, and the face that peeks through the door is a familiar one.
“Hey,” Choonhee waits a moment, then enters and closes the door behind her. She grabs a chair and finds a spot to sit directly in front of, across your desk.
“Hi, what’s up?”
“I’m on my way out, but I wanted to see you before I left. I keep missing you, and you’re not answering my messages.” The look she gives you is a little bit questioning, and a little bit irritated.
“Sorry, I’ve just had a lot on my mind. I’m trying to get out of this slump.”
“Slump? The same one you’ve been in for the last
” she gestures vaguely at nothing, “month? Maybe longer, I don’t know.”
“Yeah,” you manage, but it comes out shaky. You feel your throat tighten, and the air is pushed out of your lungs. Your eyes sting with tears. You can’t do this here.
“Hey hey, I’m sorry.” Choonhee starts to stand, “go pull yourself together, I’ll watch the class.”
You inhale deeply and make your way to the restroom. Luckily you have it to yourself, because when you catch sight of yourself in the mirror, tears are starting to stream down your cheeks. The result of bottling up until you explode.
Talking to Choonhee about this was always an option, but you haven’t. For some reason, you didn’t want her know how deep the cut is that Seungmin has made in you.
Her blind date was probably never supposed to turn into this; something serious, something you want, maybe more than anything you’ve ever wanted. You feel stupid and childish about it, because you know who he is. Sometimes you have to remind yourself that it was him that initiated date number two, and three, sort of, otherwise you’ll convince yourself you somehow forced him into all of this.
It takes far too long for you to finish crying and clean yourself up, but she’s still sitting there waiting when you return.
“I’ll be over tonight, and we’re going to talk it out. Okay?” She says.
You nod, eyes still red, makeup probably giving you two black eyes.
“I have to get going, I’ll see you later. Your phone went off while you were in the bathroom.”
You watch her as she walks out, then look to your students. In a few minutes, they’ll be dismissed. And you can go home and finish the crying that you’ve started.
First, you sit and poke the screen of your phone. It’s just a text message.
No, it’s not just a text message. It’s Seungmin. Choonhee probably looked, but all she would’ve seen is the contact name for him; SM.
Weeks ago, you almost changed it to Minnie, but you didn’t. The impersonal, secretive SM remained. You unlock your phone and open it.
I hope you had a good day. You’re just leaving work, I think
if I have my time right
And just like that, he pulls you back up, and back in. He says the right thing at just the right time. Although today, he he did miss it by a few minutes.
Now you battle with whether or not you text him back immediately, or wait until you get home. Neither feels like the right thing to do. You stare down at the message until it’s time for you to dismiss your class, thinking of what to say to him.
It’s personal. He took note of the time, and remembered when it is you usually leave.
Part of you feels like crying again, but your heart is fluttering. You hate this.
“I got your favorite!” Choonhee starts unloading the bag of food she brought with her. “Don’t look so defeated over there.”
She let herself in while you sat folded up on the couch. You’re still looking at your phone, trying to figure out what to say to him. Should you keep it casual and tell him your day was alright? Lie?
No, you could tell him the truth; that it was a rough day, and you’ve had a lot of days like this lately because you haven’t seen him in such a long time. But you have no idea how he’d react to that. Maybe he would feel guilty about not texting more, or feel bad because he’s been too busy to see you when he is in Seoul.
Or maybe he would feel overwhelmed by it, and decide enough was enough.
Seungmin—the Seungmin you know, at least, has always come off very laidback. Open when he needed to be, but not overly so. He’s a little bit reserved, but so many moments with him have been
And Chicago. It’s been so long since Chicago—long enough that the memory is fading a little. You have to think back on it and keep yourself there, in that moment, to remember all the detail. It’s all still there, in your head.
Finally, you start to type.
“Hi Minnie. I had a rough day today
I hope I get to see you again soon.”
You stare at it until Choonhee clears her throat in an attempt to get your attention.
You read it once more, then send it.
“Okay, dinner is served. Eat and tell me what’s been bothering you.”
You set your phone face down on the table and take a few bites before getting into it. Starting the conversation will be the most difficult.
So you just start.
“This is a little bit my fault, isn’t it?” Choonhee listened quietly, but you could tell she wasn’t expecting this to be about him. “I pushed this on you. I knew he spoke to you back in
June? I think it was June. But I didn’t know you saw each other again after the first date.”
“Yeah, there was a second date. And a third. And, well
ya know.”
Her eyebrows raise, “what? Fourth, fifth?”
“No, we slept together.”
She’s silent for a long moment, but her eyes remain fixed on you.
“When I went home in July. Remember?”
She’s still silent.
“I haven’t seen him since then.”
“Seungmin doesn’t like opening up to people. He doesn’t do that. Or he didn’t, at least. Are you sure you didn’t just
dream it?”
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure I didn’t dream about having sex with him and then convince myself it really happened.”
Choonhee throws her hands up and waves your remark away, “okay I’m sorry, I’m just
surprised. I mean, even the multiple dates is a little surprising.”
“Then why did you even set us up?”
She shrugs, and then struggles to find the right words, “I don’t know
you were both here, and alone. I didn’t want you to spend the holiday by yourself. I thought you’d like him
I guess I was right. I’m not usually good with matches.
are you saying I should just move on?”
“No, absolutely not! Text him right now, and tell him you want to see him when he gets home. He doesn’t get to fuck and run. I don’t care who he is.”
She goes quiet for a few seconds, but you can tell she’s frustrated and deep in thought. “I knew you’d like him. I’m sorry, I made this mess. If he doesn’t get himself together and talk to you like he should, I’ll go find him myself.”
By the time your text message gets to Seungmin, he’s home, undressed, and about to hop into a very hot shower. He smiles when he reads Minnie, because in the far too few messages exchanged, you’ve mostly called him Seungmin. His smile fades when he reads the rest.
He knows he’s been bad at this. Not just bad, actually—he’s been pathetic. He’s ghosted you, and strung you along for weeks.
No, he thinks. It’s been months of sporadic texting. Every time he was home, or close to home, he ignored you. Not maliciously, of course, and ignored is a strong word. He messaged you, but it really was the bare minimum. Especially after the last time you were together; you gave yourself to him, and Seungmin took all that he could.
Now he can’t admit to you how much it scared him.
He sets his phone down for now, and climbs into the shower—because once again, his mind, body, and everything in between is tired.
He’s so tired, he feels like he could cry. Maybe if he just let go, let himself wrap around someone and cry into their chest, he would feel better.
“When did he text you last?” Choonhee is cleaning up the table, throwing things into the sink, and generally doing a terrible job of tidying. But she means well, and you let her at it. “Has it been a while?”
“Three days ago, before today. He sent a message while you were in my classroom earlier.”
“Oh, is that who the buzz was? Did you answer back? Maybe you should just make him wait around.”
“I replied right before we ate, only because it took me a while to figure out what to say.”
You’re back on the couch now, phone in hand, eyes staring at the stagnant message thread. Figuring out his schedule is tough sometimes, and you try (and usually fail) to stay off of Twitter and fan sites. Right now you’re sifting through them, though—looking for anything new.
You pull up a few airport photos from earlier today. Seungmin is hidden behind a mask and a hat, but you can see his eyes. He looks tired.
It makes your heart sink. You return to your message thread again and read through the last few texts; they feel more and more impersonal as time goes on, and that makes your heart sink, too.
Maybe he is pulling away from you.
“I know saying this won’t help, but do not let this take over. Don’t let him get into your head like this.”
“It’s too late for that.”
Choonhee grabs your arm and shakes it furiously, “he’s just a guy!”
Seungmin is flat on his back, covers fluffed up all around him, a pillow under his head, another under his feet. No matter what he does, he’s uncomfortable. He desperately wants and needs to fall asleep, but it’s alluding him. His brain won’t shut up.
The room is chilly, and that’s usually what does the trick. Cold room, warm bed, and he’s out like a light.
He picks up his phone and reads your text again.
Hi Minnie. I had a rough day today
I hope I get to see you again soon.
If only he could figure out what to say back to you. There are so many things he wants to say, and so few ways he can think of to type it out.
Even if he were to see you face to face, he’d be lost for words. Seungmin is not one to let people in, but he has already let you in.
And now he’s stupidly pushing you away.
He pulls up a photo of you and stares at it. This wasn’t the way he planned on relaxing, but his hand is finding it’s way under his shirt anyway, touching his stomach, slowly moving downward until reaches the waistband of his sweatpants.
Thinking of your one night together, somehow still vivid in his head after all this time, is enough to get him hard. And looking at you
he runs his hand down the length of his cock, grabs tight, and strokes himself slowly. The breath he lets out is shaky. He has to be quiet.
“Is he?” You look at her, only slightly defeated. “
just a guy?”
“You slept with him, you should know.”
“He’s not.”
The look she gives you is almost enough to make you rethink what you just said.
“I promise you, beneath everything, he’s like any other guy you’ve dated who got too close, freaked out, and disappeared.”
You shake your head. Then your phone buzzes in your hand, and the feeling makes your heart jump to your throat, and your stomach sink all at once. You don’t immediately move your eyes to the screen—you can’t.
“Was that him?”
Now you look. SM. You nod.
you still want to see me?
You will see him again, and you’ll tell him exactly how you feel.
“What did he say?”
You turn your phone so Choonhee can read the message. She rolls her eyes.
“He sounds like a guy. I’m sorry I got you into this
but, you are going to see him again I assume.”
“Yeah, of course.”
It’s not until you’re in bed, hours later, that you open his text in an attempt to answer. But it might be better to do this in the morning, because sending one and waiting for his reply is going to keep you up all night.
You stare anyway, trying to get your thoughts in order; your words, your feelings. Do you want him to know how you really feel now, or when you have him in front of you? Can you even get the right words out when he’s in front of you?
You open your notes app and begin working on a reply.
You know I want to see you, Seungmin. I’m trying to be patient and understanding, but it’s so hard when you’re on my mind every day. I hope you’re getting some rest, and I hope you’re doing well. And I hope I can see you before you leave again.
You fall asleep writing. And in the morning, there he is again. One text message sent at 5am.
I’m so sorry. I should have made time for you in October, but every time I wanted to ask you, I froze, I don’t know why, I have no excuse
For a moment, you think you accidentally sent the rough draft of your text in your sleep. You didn’t. This was just him, awake before dawn, finally giving you something sincere. Now you have to rethink your reply.
The typing notification pops up while you’re reading over his message again. Still awake at 6:45.
I remember you telling me you wake up at the same time every morning... Good morning
You feel like crying again. But not like yesterday.
“Good morning” is the best you can come up with this early. He’ll have to wait.
Seungmin falls asleep, eventually, but not comfortably.
He gets up from bed to clean himself up, change (he’s warm now, so he opts for less clothes), and hopefully he’ll still be a little bit tired by the time he hits the bed again.
At 4:45am, his body decides he’s had enough. Now he’s awake, eyes still closed, bed far too warm. He throws off the blankets and flips onto his back.
Immediately, and not surprisingly, Seungmin’s thoughts turn to you. You’re sleeping soundly, he hopes, unlike him. He imagines you in the bed he’s never seen; curled up, tucked in. Maybe if he was there with you, he could sleep.
Every time he gets back home, he tries to push himself again, and he fails. He did it in October, and then again in September, right before his birthday. He knows he can’t keep doing this to you.
He pulls out his phone and opens your message thread.

I hope I get to see you again soon
Seungmin stops thinking and just types:
“I’m so sorry. I should have made time for you in October
He stops and reads it. October. He was busy with the album release, but if he looks back in his messages again, he can count the number of texts he sent on one hand. You sent just as many
well, one more than him. That last message he didn’t even reply to. You must have been fed up with him and his lack of communication. And you had every right to be.
but every time I wanted to ask you, I froze, I don’t know why, I have no excuse.”
This part is true. Seungmin is almost freezing again right now.
“I don’t know how to explain
Now he thinks.
how all of this is making me feel. Maybe I’m
Seungmin backspaces the last sentence before he even finishes it. And then he hits send.
At 6:45, he’s still wide awake. He remembers you telling him your alarm is always set for this time, so he sends one more message.
And you reply. He was right, you were awake. Just a good morning, though. He’s sure it’s far too early for you to deal with his wishy-washy bullshit.
When he doesn’t text again by lunch time, you decide he’s waited long enough. And you can’t waste time, really. He might not be in town for long.
“I want to see you, and I will see you. Today, tomorrow, it doesn’t matter. But I need it to be soon. Neither of us are allowed to be nervous anymore.”
It’s better, you decide, than whatever you wrote last night.
He’s silent as you drift through the rest of the school day (you assume he’s having trouble thinking of a reply to that), and right as the class is gathering their things and leaving, another teacher sneaks in and approaches you. Then you realize it’s not a teacher, but you recognize her. She’s a secretary you’ve spoken to a few times before.
She nods to you and smiles. “I know you’re on your way out, but there’s a visitor for you, a parent who insisted I bring them right to you. It seemed important.”
You have very specific times for parent/teacher visits, and this is not one of them. And there is nobody else who would visit you. You’re confused. “Okay, send them in
I guess.”
You look down at your phone—you doubt it, but maybe you missed a text message or a call. No, nothing.
The way his voice floats over to you almost knocks you out, and when you turn to meet his eyes, your throat refuses to let you release the air in your lungs.
“Your last text was very insistent. I know this probably is not the best approach
but I haven’t been doing a very good job of anything lately.”
Still you just stare at him, lost for words. You look around your classroom, then down at yourself. This is not how you wanted to see him again, but do you have any room to complain?
He takes a few steps toward you, “was this a bad idea?”
You manage to shake your head and swallow. And then you realize your legs still work, with some effort. Two steps later, your arms wrap around his waist, your face disappears in his sweatshirt, and you squeeze.
His tiny, relieved laugh is music to your ears, and then his hands slide across your back until he’s fully embraced you.
You keep him there for a long time, and he doesn’t protest or try to pull you away. When he does speak again, it’s a question.
“How was your day?”
You slowly release him, but making eye contact is a bit of a challenge. “It’s better now.” So you fall apart when he does show up; no strong words, no looks of disbelief at his absence. You knew this would happen.
“Where can I take you? Home? Or
anywhere you want.”
“Home is good.”
“Okay, there’s a ride waiting for us.” He moves his hands up and over your shoulders, and he rests them on either side of your neck. “I understand if you’re angry with me, and if you stay that way.”
“I am. I don’t want to be.”
Seungmin leans closer, and he moves painfully slow, but eventually he makes it to your mouth. His kiss is light and short, but he keeps going back to peck at your lips, over and over, until you open up and hold him there.
Finally, clear memories of Chicago fill you up. His scent and his touch pull you right back, and you hope he remembers it like you do.
It feels like your first date. A quiet car ride, a slow ride up the elevator, an awkward, unsure walk down the hallway to your apartment door. Then walking into your messy living room.
“Are you hungry? I can order something for us,” he says as he’s carefully removing his shoes. “And we can talk while we wait.”
“Yeah, that’s a good idea. I’ll make some coffee.”
Seungmin doesn’t follow you to the kitchen, like he’s done a few times before. Instead, he sits on the couch, situating himself so he can still see you.
You try not to look at him as you work, but you fail, several times. He smiles every time your eyes meet, but it’s a sad smile. It’s not one you’re used to seeing.
“No small talk,” you tell him as you hand him his coffee. “I’ll lose my mind.”
“No small talk.” He nods.
“Where have you been?” You start, staring down at your mug. “Not physically, I know that already. I mean
in every other way.”
“Uhm—“ Seungmin thinks. His face twists a little, probably in confusion. “Where have I
“Mentally,” you can’t take your eyes off of him now. “Emotionally.”
“Oh, okay I understand.” He clears his throat, adjusts himself. “It’s been hard to keep my thoughts organized lately. It’s not just that I’ve been busy with work
I haven’t been sleeping well.”
“I’m sorry.”
Seungmin shakes his head, “I could’ve fixed it, I’m sure. If I would’ve just talked about things with you a while ago, I probably would have slept easier.”
“I kept you up?”
“Yes. Well, thinking about you. I do think about you, all the time, even if I haven’t kept in touch. But I’ve been over complicating things, I think.”
“Talk to me now. Please.”
You think you can see his cheeks turning pink. His eyes are wide and shiny, but he’s unsure.
“I know, Seungmin
it is hard. It’s been hard for me, and I feel like it’s been a little more difficult for you. I kept everything to myself all this time, up until yesterday.”
He gives you another questioning look.
“Choonhee forced it out of me.”
He nods, sets his coffee down, and swings his legs up on the couch. Something about him making himself more comfortable puts you at ease. You remember him mentioning before that he felt relaxed being here, alone with you. "I don’t feel any pressure here." You hope he still feels that way.
“Tell me what you told her.”
“She did most of the talking.”
“Then what did Choonhee tell you?”
“That you’re just a guy, and I shouldn’t let you get to me like this.”
Seungmin actually nods at that—but he’s not looking you in the eyes now, so maybe he’s just
thinking about it. Or maybe he’s agreeing. You don’t know where this is going yet.
“I am just a guy, she’s right. I don’t want to be just a guy, though. Not to you.”
“I thought I knew what was going on when we were together in Chicago, and I thought I knew what I wanted. I’ve been thinking all this time that if this couldn’t be a normal, traditional relationship, you would not be happy, not satisfied. And you’d tell me you weren’t interested in me anymore. I thought you would tell me you couldn’t do it.”
You almost interject; tell him that’s never what you expected of him. You wouldn’t never do that. Why didn’t you say that before? Instead, you used the hypothetical “if you weren’t who you are” question on him. You remain quiet, though, hoping he continues.
what I’ve been doing isn’t much better than what I’ve been afraid of. But you’re very smart, and I always knew that.”
You just smile at him, waiting for more.
“That’s why you were so worried when you found out who I was. You know this is much more complicated than that.”
Seungmin goes quiet after that, relaxes against the arm of the couch. You’re on the opposite side, doing the same. You watch each other carefully , but nobody makes a move, and nobody starts to speak.
You wonder if there was something you could have done to avoid all of this drama. Four and a half months of wondering; of being so down you can barely make it to work some days. Both of you have been really bad at this.
“Yes, I know it’s complicated.”
He’s biting his lip. Tapping his foot. It’s almost touching you, and you want to stretch your leg out until it does, but right as you tell your brain to do it, his leg slides back. He sits up and leans forward, falls to his knees, and crawls across the couch.
Before you can squeak his name out, he’s straddling you, arms on either side of your waist. And then the full weight of his body is on you. Seungmin sets his head down gently against your chest and relaxes.
You freeze for a few seconds. You have fallen asleep on this couch with him before, but this feels like much more.
He doesn’t say anything, not even when you set your hand on his head—rake your fingers through his hair, wrap your other arm around his shoulders. He sighs, though.
When it feels like you’re drifting off to sleep, he finally speaks. It’s muffled against your shirt.
“You just want me, right?”
“Even if nobody is allowed to know. And we can’t go out in public, and I have to pretend you don’t exist.”
“Seungmin, I know that we can’t have a normal relationship. I just want you
and to know that you want me.” You say the last part under your breath.
“I do.”
“You do?”
“Yes. I promise I’ll be better. And that I won’t be afraid to talk to you, and tell you too much.”
“You can tell me whatever you need to.”
“I don’t usually talk much
to anyone.”
It never occurred to you that he didn’t have someone to talk to when he was feeling down, or having a bad day. A bad week. He’s been bottling everything up, just like you have. Maybe for a very long time.
“You can talk to me about your bad days, Minnie, or when you can’t sleep. And about your good days. I would like to be that person.”
“Am I the reason you had a rough day yesterday? Have you had a lot of those?”
“Yeah, I have had a lot of bad days because I missed you.”
“You can tell me about your bad days, too. Even if they were bad because of me.”
“Don’t worry, I will.”
Seungmin laughs, and it shakes your whole body. “Good.”
The next morning is almost normal. Your alarm goes off at its regular time—6:45, and you’re tired, which is also normal. The room is chilly, and it’s so warm under the blankets that getting up is nearly impossible. An ordinary morning. The one thing that makes it different is that Seungmin is there when you open your eyes.
The alarm doesn’t even make him stir, but when you finally turn it off, he groans.
“I’m sorry, go back to sleep.”
“Are you going to work?” He asks, eyes closed, voice raspy with sleep.
“No, not today. I found someone to cover for me.”
He smiles and reaches his arm toward you, and he feels blindly around where he thinks you might be. “Why are you so far away?”
You move closer and grab his arm, “I’m right here. Go back to sleep.”
“I’ll try.”

Sleep eventually finds both of you again. When you wake back up a few hours later, he’s still there, breathing deeply, melting into your bed. You need to get up, but you wait a little longer. You really don’t want to wake him right now.
When he eventually wakes up on his own, he’ll feel better.
You close your eyes. And again, you fall asleep.

Something warm against your forehead wakes you up for a third time. Your eyes open and all you see is skin; Seungmin’s neck, his shoulder. The collar of his shirt is loose enough that you can see the start of his chest.
You pull him closer and push your face into him. He smells good. He smells like sleep and sweat and whatever leftover cologne is still stuck to him from yesterday.
Part of you still wants to keep your guard up. He’ll be gone soon, and then you’ll have to wait and see if his confidence and trust in you remains, and if he’ll really feel comfortable telling you the things he doesn’t tell anyone else.
“I can start,” you say, face still in his chest. You move up toward his neck and set your lips against his skin.
“Start what?”
“After we were together last, in Chicago, and we didn’t
use a condom. I did get a morning after pill, and I took it.”
He pulls you away so he can look at you.
“My period came really late after that, so I thought it didn’t work. And I was really scared. But I didn’t tell anyone. I didn’t tell you because we hadn’t talked very much that week, and you didn’t need that on your mind anyway.”
“I’m sorry you had to deal with that alone.”
“Everything turned out okay.”
“You can talk to me any time you need to, even if I’ve been quiet.”
You nod, and you really want to believe him.
“Too soon for babies.” He whispers, just loud enough for you to hear him. He has a little smirk on his face, but he’s avoiding eye contact and staring at the little bit of space between you.
“You want them?”
“Hm?” Now he makes eye contact, and his ears are slowly turning red. “Uhm
yes, I always have. Do you?”
Having kids isn’t something you’ve thought about much (aside from the scare you had in July), because you haven’t met anyone you would want to have kids with. Well, until now, because looking at Seungmin and the sweet smile on his face is making you want them immediately. But you know that’s not possible for him.
“With the right person, yeah.”
“I’m sure someday I’ll be able to do that. Have the time to be there, for both of them. You and baby. I couldn’t be gone all the time and leave you alone.”
He stops for a second. You wonder if he’s even hearing himself speak.
“It was my turn to tell you something personal.” He brings his hands up to his face and rubs his cheeks, then his eyes. “Just in case I’m the right person.”
The conversation feels like too much, too soon. But you like it. He’s only been open with you like this once before: on your second date, when he admitted to being worried you’d like his friends more than him. You thought that was silly then, and now
you’re not sure you could like anyone more than Seungmin.
and if I’m your right person.”
Seungmin smiles and hides his face in the pillow.
As the day goes on, you wonder how long he’ll be here with you. Every time he looks at a message on his phone, you assume that will be his cue to get going—to start saying goodbye. But he’s still here, and he seems content.
It was his idea to stay, and he insisted on making breakfast.
“What do you normally do on your days off?” is what he asked as you sat and ate.
So it’s been a regular day off, aside from the fact that Seungmin is also here with you
eating, cleaning, sorting laundry, watching tv, and eventually, catching up with schoolwork.
He sits down next to you on the couch when you open your binder and pull out a stack of papers. He watches quietly as you shuffle though them, putting the pages in order before you start to look them over properly.
He picks the next one up before you get to it. “How old are your students again?”
“They are eight
a few are nine.”
“I don’t remember my English classes being this complicated when I was
older than them.”
“You should see their math homework.”
“Oh, I was very good at math!”
“Yeah?” You look at him, give him your full attention. “There’s so much I don’t know about you.”
“Not even what’s on the internet?” Seungmin leans back against the couch, and pulls you with him.
“I’ve read a few things. But I’m sure you’re a lot more complicated than your fun facts.”
“I hope so.” He grabs you around the waist, “what were you good at in school?”
” you laugh. “And I did pretty good in my German class, and history.”
“Do you speak German, too?” He’s holding you tight, head resting on your shoulder.
“No, I’ve forgotten almost all of that.”
“Why did you come here, to Korea?
You turn yourself to look at him, disturbing his resting head. But he keeps his arms around you.
“So close to Samseong-Dong?”
“I felt like I needed to start over after I graduated college, and this seemed like the perfect way to do it. I actually almost went to Japan.”
“Why didn’t you? Where did you go to college?”
“Northwestern University. And I missed a deadline. Luckily, I already had applications submitted to a few different programs here and nearby.”
“And you chose here?”
Seungmin’s hands wander throughout the entire conversation, stopping when they reach just below where the hem of your shirt hits.
“They chose me.”
“That’s very lucky.” They slide underneath and up your back, “maybe we were meant to meet each other.”
“I’m not sure I believe in things like that.” You move yourself closer to him, until your face is inches from his.
“I don’t either, really. Fate, and soulmates. I’ve been called a
uhm, I don’t remember the English word. A negative person.”
“A pessimist?”
“Yes. Maybe sometimes I am, but
not always. I can be positive. I just like to be realistic.”
“A pragmatist.” You lean in and kiss the corner of his mouth.
“Mhm, both of those P words. I did get lucky, though.” He pushes forward, gently coaxing you to your back.
“Was it there before?” You ask. He’s hanging over you, studying your face. “Before Chicago, after I asked if you would date me?“
“Was what there? You mean, did I like you?”
“Yes, but
more than that. Or was it spending the night together?”
“It was before that. That’s why I wanted to spend the night with you.”
You nod, trying hard not to beam up at him. But his hands are on your sides, and his fingertips are moving so delicately over you, you can’t help but smile.
“When was it there for you?”
Your heart starts beating a little faster. You have no answer ready for him except the truth.
“When you gave me Pochacco.”
“On our first date? At the coffee shop?”
You throw your hands over your face and nod, “yeah, at the coffee shop.”
“I felt kind of silly giving him to you, I thought you would think it was silly, too.” He pulls your hands away so he can see your face again.
“It wasn’t.”
“So PuppyM wasn’t silly either?”
“No, I love him. And your denim jacket you left, that’s hanging on my bedpost. I love all of your gifts.”
“Oh, I forgot about that jacket!”Seungmin comes down and settles himself against you, face in your neck, hands wondering more.
“You can have it back, if you want.”
“No, you keep it. But I do need something of yours to keep with me.” His hands slide under your shirt and across your stomach. He tickles your side again, then stops when he reaches your hip.
You’re surprised at his restraint.
“I’m sure I have something for you.” You set your hand over his and slide it up his arm. Then back down.
His fingers twitch and push under your shorts. As ready as you were, and as much as you wanted him to make that move, your breath still catches in your throat.
He props himself up with his other arm and looks at you. His fingers touch lightly over your underwear, taking his time, getting himself where he needs to be.
But you’re not taking your time. And it’s Seungmin touching you, so your body is already on fire. You push your hips up and push his hand harder against you.
His fingers slide up and sneak beneath the fabric. He moves slowly, and he’s watching you carefully, as if you might protest.
But of course you don’t. You grip his arm and slide your hand from his bicep down to his wrist, moving with him as his fingers slip inside of you.
“Am I doing okay?” He leans closer and whispers. He doesn’t wait for an answer before pulling out and sliding back over your clit, making you choke on your answer.
You manage a shaky mhm and Seungmin giggles into your ear. His fingers stay put, making soft circles around you, keeping his touch as delicate as possible. Then he takes them off again, and he pushes back inside.
The reach of is fingers is enough to hit just the right spot, and when you jump from the pressure, he does it again and again until he gets a moan out of you.
You lift your hips into his touch and pull him down for a kiss. Your grip on his arm tightens and he eases up, but barely. His mouth is working its way across your neck now, leaving you free to moan.
“Do you do this a lot?” He says as he nibbles across your ear and cheek. When he gets to your lips, he hangs above you and holds your gaze. His thumb slides over your clit again, like he wanted to remind you of what he was talking about.
hmm?” You slide your hand up and grab a handful of his hair. “Yes.” You laugh and knead your fingertips into his scalp—it makes his eyes roll back. He’s in your neck again, savoring his little massage.
“Do you think about me when you do it?”
His question sends another wave of pleasure through you. His fingers slip inside again, pressing hard. His thumb is on your clit, wet and sliding easily and hitting everywhere you need it to.
There’s hot, heavy breathing in your ear, and a sweet whisper, “do you think about me, hm?”
“Every time,” your climax hits fast, and Seungmin knows he’s succeeded by the way you’re pulling at his hair.
He holds himself up just enough to watch you squirm beneath him. His touch softens even more as you start to relax, and when you stop and stare up at him, he comes down and kisses across your forehead and down the side of your face. He lets you catch your breath before moving to your lips.
“Really?” Seungmin blushes and tries to stifle his laugh in your neck.
You nod slowly, “that was
very good.”
“Thank you.”
“Too good, maybe.”
“I did some research.”
“You did not.” But when you think about it for a second, it does seem like something Seungmin would do. “Did you?”
“Just a little. In case I’d get to try it out on you someday.”
Seungmin looks carefully across your desk, touching the books stacked there, the loose sheets of composition paper, the notes and pencils. He sits in your chair and opens the drawer—inside are a few notebooks, all used and full. He shuffles things around a little, searching every inch.
Now he gets up and moves to your bookshelf. It’s more of a trinket shelf, though. Seungmin only runs his eyes over this, until he catches sight of a snow globe. He picks that up and shakes it. Inside is the Chicago skyline.
He stares at it for a long moment, then returns it to his spot. His attention turns to you, on the bed.
You just smile at him. He keeps looking around.
The next stop is your bedside table. You sit up when he sits down on the edge of the bed, run your hand down his back. As soon as he opens it, he whispers an ooh, and reaches inside.
“What did you find?” You laugh.
“Me,” he holds up three photocards with his face on them.
You take them from him and fall back on the bed, “you”, and look deeply at paper Seungmin.
“Hey, I’m right here
” he pushes your hand away and bends down to kiss you. “Real me.”
The next thing pulled from the drawer is a journal. He looks it over, but doesn’t open it.
“That’s you, too.”
Seungmin points to it, and his head tilts, “this is me?”
“Yeah, almost every page.”
His face goes from confusion to understanding, and then it falls a little.
“You should add one more page.”
“I will.”
The journal goes back in, and then his fingers close around something small. When he pulls it out, it catches the light and throws a reflection across the room.
“Oh, I haven’t worn this since last time.” You sit up and Seungmin hands you the bracelet. It’s only a tiny gold chain, but at the very end of it is a star charm.
“This.” He says, and he watches as you unclasp it, wrap it around his wrist, and close it again.
An hour after Seungmin left your house the last time, he sent you a text that just said “I’m home”. That was a first, and it felt like a good omen. But only time would tell. He never really had a good start with keeping in touch.
But he also said goodnight. And then he said good morning. And sometimes he called just to tell you instead of texting.
Actually, this morning, almost two months later, he called early in the morning, when you were still asleep. You caught his name on the lock screen before you picked up, but you still lacked the energy for anything more than a groggy morning Min.
Luckily, he can make up in enthusiasm what you lack some days.
“I’m sorry, you’re still asleep,” he whispers.
“No, it’s okay. I’m just being lazy. What are you up to this morning?” You also caught sight of the time before answering: 10am, way too late for you to sleep in.
“Catching a flight home, from Thailand. Waiting around.” Now you can hear the sleep still lingering in his voice.
“Oh right. I forgot you were there
I did see some photos. You looked very handsome in your safety glasses.”
“Thank you,” he laughs. “I was calling to
uhm, say good morning, and also to see if you would be home tonight.”
“Minnie, I’m always home.”
“That’s true, but it would still be rude to just show up unannounced.”
“I give you permission to show up unannounced.”
“Can I have a key, too? Oh, that reminds me
uuh, well, actually I’ll just talk to you about it later.”
“Okay, don’t forget. And yes you can have a key.”
This is the first time you’re not nervous about Seungmin coming over. Well, not as nervous as you typically would be. You’re still a little on edge—a little worried about how you look and about how your food is going to taste.
He didn’t mention anything about coming over hungry, but you’re taking the initiative anyway. If anything, he’ll have something to take home with him.
A soft knock at the door. You know his soft, steady knock, and you never have any other visitors, so it’s him. But for some reason you stand there stupidly, not moving, not saying anything, because you know it’s really him on the other side of your door.
Finally, after a few seconds, you take a breath. “It’s open.”
The door swings open.
“Hi,” Seungmin closes it quietly, takes off his shoes and looks at you from across the room. “It smells very good in here.”
“I wasn’t sure if you’d eaten so
“No, nothing since lunch.” He takes a few long strides toward you. Big blue sweatshirt, matching sweatpants, a big smile. “So I’m very hungry,” he embraces you and squeezes you tight against his chest. “How have you been?” He relaxes, but he doesn’t let you free.
“I’ve been okay...I’ve been good.”
“I’m sorry I couldn’t visit around Christmas—oh!” He bends down and kisses you.
He kisses for a long time—long enough that you think you might end up in bed before you even eat dinner. But he slows down, and then releases you.
“Happy new year! A little late.” He comes down again for one more kiss, and then makes his way to the kitchen. “What did you make? Something American? It smells like something American.”
“Yes. It’s very American.”
“Should we eat first, or talk?”
“I’m sure we can manage both.”
The two of you stare at each other from across your tiny kitchen table. Seungmin sips his tea. You just watch and wait, because this is his conversation.
“Do you want me to start? Something about you having a key to my apartment?”
“Ah, yeah. Yes, I should have a key, but I was thinking of a different apartment.”
“Oh, like yours? No, you don’t have an apartment. Or do you?” You lean a little closer, “secret apartment?”
“No, no secret apartment,” he laughs. “But I thought it would be nice if you lived closer. Closer to the city, and closer to me.”
“That would be nice, but I’m not sure something closer is in my budget.”
“I know,” Seungmin smiles—there’s always something so clever and knowing about his smile. “I figured you might say that. I could help.”
“You want to help me with rent? Expensive rent. That’s kind of serious.”
“I do! It is serious. I am serious.”
“You are?” You sit back in your chair and study his face. He’s still smiling and nodding at you.
“Yes, I’ve been thinking about it for
almost two months. And I found somewhere I think would fit very well.”
“Closer to you?”
“Much closer. I could walk to you.”
You’re thinking, but you’re not really thinking. The obvious answer to this is yes, even though it’s hard to just come out and say it. The idea of someone else helping with rent, or helping with anything, is foreign to you. “I would like to be closer to you.”
Seungmin looks at his phone, pulls something up on it, and then slides it to you across the table. “How is something like this?”
You trust Seungmin’s taste and judgement, but you still want to look it over thoroughly. Distance, yes, but also the size, the layout. And you do not have enough windows in this apartment. You’d like more windows. If he’s as serious as he looks, it might as well be worth whatever money you’re both going to put into it.
“How about this one?” You pull up a different listing.
He looks it over, “still very close. Oh, two bedrooms. Maybe the extra space would be nice.”
“It is a little more, sorry (Seungmin shakes his head when you say that), but it has a bathtub instead of just a walk-in shower. And it’s own laundry.”
He laughs, “I could do my laundry faster if I bring it with me. And the kitchen is nicer.”
“I miss having a bathtub.” You hand him his phone back. “But are you sure this isn’t too much? I know you said you were serious—“
“I am
I want you to know that I’m very serious. I think this is a good way to show you. And it’s also very practical.”
“You seemed so unsure before. I just want you to be
good. I want both of us to be good.”
“I’m very good.”
“This is a little crazy, isn’t it? All of this.”
“Yes, it is. I’ll call about it tomorrow.”
“No, I can. Let me do that, at least.”
You sat on the couch after dinner, and it didn’t take much time before he had you on your back. He lifts your shirt as far as this position will allow, letting his fingers dance over you—making you squirm a little from how soft his touch is.
Forming the words you want to say is much harder than you thought. They’re dancing around in your head; you’re moving them back and forth, but every way it comes together feels like too much or not enough. Maybe right now just isn’t he time.
“What’s wrong?”
You pull your shorts down, open your legs for him, then shake your head. “Nothing.”
Seungmin reaches down and feels you, slips his fingers inside, then slowly pulls them back out. He smiles against your mouth and pushes in again, just to feel how wet you are. “Are we okay here
are you comfortable?” He asks sweetly. His fingers are still inside, moving delicately.
You nod, but suddenly you remember that you are not good, and you’re not ready. “Shit, no we’re not good. We need a condom this time.”
“Oh right, we should be safe. Tell me where they are,” he adjusts his sweatpants and very carefully lifts himself off of you.”
“In my black bag, under my bed.”
You listen as he slides it out and digs around. The contents of that bag are a mystery, but the condoms you bought back in Chicago, both boxes, have to be in there still. You’re not that bad at unpacking, but if it’s something you don’t use, you’re definitely going to forget I’m about it under there forever.
When he comes back in, he has one in each hand.
.not sure which one is for me.” His voice seems a little dejected. He’s looking down at them as he approaches you.
“Oh Minnie, they were both for you. I bought these a while ago, when I didn’t know which would fit you better.”
“Oh,” he finally makes eyes contact again. His face softens a little. “Sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking.”
“It’s okay, come here.” You spread your legs again and wait for him, “I’ll put it on for you.”
He crawls back onto the couch, settles between your legs, and opens both hands, palms up, in front of you.
You take the right one and rip it open. Seungmin looks like his mind is suddenly full. His eyes are big and soft.
“Min, what’s on your mind?”
His hands are already on his sweatpants, pulling them down his hips.
“You are.”
You touch him, slide your fingertips down, and then back up. The condom goes on easily. “Does it feel okay?”
He nods and adjusts, makes himself comfortable, and lifts your legs until he has more room. He pushes in a halfway, then leans over until you’re almost nose to nose.
“Hmm?” He sets his forehead against yours.
“There’s only you.”
“Just me?” He pushes his nose into yours, “only me?” Pecks at your lips.
“Just us.”
“Only us.” Seungmin pushes the rest of the way in, waits a moment, then begins to fuck you slowly and deeply, “you’re all mine.” He whispers in your ear as he drags his lips over it.
It takes you a second to pull yourself together. Each thrust sends you upward and knocks the breath out of you, but you manage a nod.
“Tell me,” he quickens his pace. The couch shakes the end table, and you can hear the clatter of things falling to the floor. “Tell me you’re mine.”
“I’m yours.”
It comes out shaky, and it’s not good enough for you. But Seungmin is still smiling. You try again
“I’m yours,” you grab the back of his neck and hold him still, “I only love you.” Your hand grabs hair and pulls—lips close on his before he has a chance to speak.
But he sighs into the kiss. He slows down, and it feels like he’s melting into you more and more with each thrust. What little skin is exposed between the two of you slides together, damp with sweat, and Seungmin kisses every part of you he can get to in the position he’s in.
He tries to get rid of your shirt, but he can’t stop, and he has to stop to make any progress—so you clumsily lift it, and your bra, until you’re free.
His hand slides up your ribs and his fingers graze over you, but for now he just watches how he’s making your body move under him. He seems hypnotized, but eventually he blinks, and then his eyes are fixed on yours again.
The room is quiet—no ambient noise from the tv, no music, nothing. The only sounds are the heavy breaths and soft moans you’re sharing. The condom is slowing him down, keeping him here much longer, and everything feels good in this position; good enough that you’d be satisfied staying like this as long he needs it.
He made you come last time, and now you want to do the same for him.
You lift him off of you until you can see him better.
He looks you in the eyes again, satisfied and smiling. “You feel so good,” he’s back down again, mouth on your chest, kissing down until he can close his lips around your nipple. He licks and works his way back up, stopping at your throat and staying there, his warm breath hitting you. “You love me?”
Your heart jumps. It was already racing, but now you feel it everywhere. In your throat, your chest, your head. You don’t think you’ve ever told anyone that before; not so soon. It’s been a year, but tonight is only the sixth time you’ve seen him and touched him. Everything else has been texts, phone calls, video calls.
It doesn’t matter. You said it because it felt right, and it still feels right.
Seungmin slows his pace. His exhales turns into a string of soft, dulcet moans. He lifts himself upright and holds your hips as he rolls into you. He comes quietly. You wouldn’t have even realized if you weren’t looking right him.
The satisfied look on his face makes your stomach swirl. You watch Seungmin smile before your eyes close, and you can hear him whisper something to you while you’re coming down from your own high.
He pulls out and carefully brings your legs together.
“What did you say?”
“I didn’t say anything, love.” He sits you up next to him and pulls your t-shirt over your head, “I was just
” he pulls you close, “nothing, it’s not important right now.”
“Will you stay here tonight?”
“Yes, I’ll stay.”
It’s been a long six weeks. You’re a little stressed out, but you’ve been holding yourself together very well, you think.
This apartment has been your only home for more than three years, so packing your things up and preparing to leave has been a little bit emotional. Almost everything is out of here and all that’s left are a few things you’re taking along on the last car ride.
Before this, everything was moving in slow motion and it was killing you. Now, it won’t slow down. You’re happy, and you’re grateful for everything that Seungmin has done for you
and it’s still sometimes hard to believe he’s doing it all just for you. But it’s so much all at once.
He told you he would stay tonight—your first night there. You haven’t received a text telling you otherwise, so you’re hoping he will be there when you arrive. You do have to remember that you’ll be there alone most of the time, though.
Some things will remain the same.
The elevator ride up is long, and you think back to you and Seungmin—your first date, bringing him home with you to your 5th floor apartment, thirty minutes out of the way, just to have him to yourself.
That was probably a good indication that he liked you. You just didn't realize it at the time.
You finally stop at the 17th floor.
The original apartment you looked at was unavailable when you called the next morning, so Seungmin insisted on taking everything into his own hands while you were at work. He knew what you were looking for, but he went overboard.
This apartment has the windows, the bathtub, and laundry room, but it also has double the space—and three bedrooms. When you asked what you were supposed to do with all of the extra room, Seungmin shrugged and said we’ll figure something out.
You don’t even own enough to fill up half of it. Everything that required any sort of muscle; the bed, the living room furniture, it all stayed behind. Most of the things in this apartment are new, or they will be new.
Before you have a chance to explore any further than the kitchen, you hear a very faint, soft knock on the door. You know it’s him and you run to open it, but he punches in a code on the doorknob, turns it, and peeks in before you get there.
“I tried to beat you here.” He smiles.
“You almost did.“
He closes the space between you and pulls you into a hug. “How was your day? Did the movers get everything here?”
“It was alright, and
I think so, but I haven’t gotten any further than this.”
“Just alright? I know it’s been a lot lately.”
“I’m better now that I’m here, and you’re here.” You take his face in your hands and squeeze his cheeks, “let me see, smile.”
Seungmin smiles widely and dramatically, and then bends down to kiss you. “How do I look?”
You pull him back for another one, “still handsome.”
He picks up the bags he walked in with and sets them on the kitchen chair. “I brought us dinner, and a few things to make you feel more at home.” Seungmin is pulling the food out of the bag, piece by piece. “So you didn’t see the bedroom yet?”
“Not yet, why?”
He shakes his head and smiles, “we’ll see it later.”
“What did you bring me?”
“Oh, let’s see!” He starts digging in the other bag.
You watch as he carefully places an assortment of things along side the food. There’s a candle, two candles, a small picture frame, but you can’t see the photo from where you’re standing. A stuffed dog. Another stuffed dog. One of them is Pochacco, the other is a mystery, but he does look familiar.
“That’s all for now but I do have more stuff to bring.”
“Well, we have plenty of space to fill.”
He beams at you, grabs one of the stuffed dogs, and pulls you against him. “This wasn’t mine, but I have one just like it.”
“I like him, he looks like you.”
Seungmin laughs and looks at Daengmo, “yes, he kind of does.”
When the sun goes down, and you’re both full and relaxing, you begin to feel even more nostalgic for the conversations you had and the memories you made with him at your old place, on your old couch. You have to work on new memories now.
He’s facing you on the new couch, eyes closed, slow, steady breaths. The flicker of the tv is hitting his face, making his cheek and the soft brown of his hair glow.
Very slowly, you reach your foot out and touch his.
Seungmin’s eyes open, and he gives you a sleepy smile, “how was dinner?”
“Good.” You sit up and move closer to him, “we should go to bed while you’re still sleepy.”
He groans and shrugs his shoulders.
“We gotta go see the bedroom, remember?” You grab his hand and pull a little, and he immediately gives in.
The bedroom is warm and cozy, like it’s already been lived in. You know Seungmin came in at some point and made it this way; the curtains are pulled, the soft amber lights are clicked on, and one of the candles he brought is lit on the bedside table. Both of the stuffed dogs he brought, and your PuppyM, are already laying on top of the pillows.
The bed is made, but not too made. The blankets are loose and fluffed up, ready to crawl into.
“How does it look?” He sounds a little more awake now.
“It looks perfect, come on.”
He shakes his head, “If we don’t brush our teeth now, we will never get back up to do it.” He smiles and kisses you softly.
“Yeah, you’re right.”
The lights are off, the candle is out. Seungmin is facing you in bed.
“Are you awake? Did you lose your sleepy?”
“A little.”
He scoots closer until his arm can drape over you. The bedroom is bigger, and the bed is bigger, too. You’re sharing one side just to be close to each other.
“It will come back soon.”
You set your forehead against his chest and feel it move steadily with each breath. It's quiet for a long time, and now sleep is really escaping you. You should be able to relax like this; you’ve shared a bed with him a few times before, and you haven’t slept as well since. And you’re tired—too tired. Maybe too exhausted for sleep.
You wonder if he’s awake, or if he’s quiet because he thinks you’ve finally drifted off.
You run your hand gently over his arm, waiting for a reaction. At first, he doesn’t make a move or a sound, but when you slide your hand back up, he moves his leg against yours.
“Can’t sleep?” He whispers
“Did I wake you?”
“You didn’t.”
“Then no, I can’t sleep.” You prop yourself up on one arm and look down at him. It’s dark, but you can just make out the details of his face.
He flips onto his back and pulls the covers away. “Are you uncomfortable?” Seungmin asks and places his hand on your cheek. He’s warm, his eyes are warm. His mouth parts slowly and turns into a smile. It’s a tired smile. “New bed.”
“New everything.”
“Except for me.”
Your hand closes around his, then you turn your head to place a kiss on the inside of his wrist. “Thank you for being here. I know you’re on a tight schedule.”
Seungmin pulls you down on top of him. His face is in your neck, kissing playfully and lazily, but the way his hands are exploring you is anything but lazy.
“You’re cold,” he stops, wraps his arms around your waist, and holds you there. “You need to be warmed up.”
You get your hands underneath his shirt, “you’re warm enough for both of us.”
“I can share.”
“Can I ask you something stupid?”
“Yes, I would love that,” he laughs softly and disappears in your neck again.
The stupid question bounces around in your head. His warm lips on you are starting to make your head fuzzy, and you wonder if you should just forget it. But now he’ll get it out of you somehow.
“Will you sing for me?”
He pulls back to look at you. Seungmin’s face lights up. It could light up the entire room. “You want me to sing for you?” If he was sleepy at all before, he’s not now. You’ve managed to wake him the rest of the way with a simple, stupid, request. But it wasn’t stupid at all.
“I always have, it just never seemed like a good time.”
“Right now? Should I sing now? Maybe it’s too quiet, and the walls might not be very thick.”
“In the morning?”
He nods, “yes, I’ll sing for you in the morning. What should I sing?”
“Surprise me.”
“We talked about singing together before, remember?”
“I remember,” you wrap around him and pull the covers back up in an attempt to get him sleepy again. “But I’d rather just hear you.”
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