#and i still cant get my ass into gear and work on it today
cost-of-chaos · 1 year
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xerospaced · 10 months
So it's taken me a ridiculous amount of time to attempt this course that should have been completed in 12 weeks. And I've only just finally submitted the assessment of my second unit (2 of 4). I did actually submit it initially on schedule but I was asked to add some info. And then after doing that was asked to add yet more info to another question! Ma'am!!
Anyway. This is not really anything to be proud of (to most anyway) but I am proud. I have attempted to get back to work on this course for a HOT minute. And each time I have sat down or tried to sit down to work on it I have ultimately failed and done, nothing.
Today, I actually REMEMBERED that my tutor had given today as a deadline to add this additional info as it was only a small amount required. Thankfully I remembered coz I had no reminders set, nor did I note it anywhere.
But, after having less than three hours sleep due to my period crippling me late into the night and a contractor turning up first thing to work on my en suite (which he didnt finish til about 1), and then - when I was finally thinking about decompressing in my space alone for a grip before approaching this task - I had to take my ma to the doctor on a last minute urgent thing.
I handled both disruptions incredibly well. Brought my ma home and went out to cop me some energy drinks and a couple snacks coz I'm still trying this maintaining glucose levels thing and I knew I needed to work.
I very almost started gaming when I got back in coz I cant stand going from external thing to focused thing without a transitional period. But I knew I was running the risk of getting sucked in.
Instead, I kept in my ear buds, danced around, started on my energy drink (and a cheeky glass of moscato) sat down to work - laptop tried to beef me so I got myself prepared for the task I had to approach while it sorted itself out. Got distracted by a linkedin email and found myself on the app job searching. Yes, productive. No, not conducive to the matter at hand.
Hennyway, I managed to shift my focus back to the assignment. Did one part and was gonna take a one song break (coz pressure from Encanto came on shuffle and I'm not gonna work through that coz like I NEEDS to belt) but ended up pausing it while I prepared the second part. Then ended up just completing the second part and submitting and now I'm done.
And sure, all in all, it was about ten to fifteen mins of work. And yeah, it's a relatively minor thing in the grand scheme of things. But still! I did something and focused when I intended to and stopped myself getting distracted and stayed on task.
I will add that part of what helped the transition was D asking me if I'd submitted my poems for the competition yet just before I headed to the dr. [As established, deciding to work on my poetry was that THING I needed to get excited and motivated] It set me in a space where I was wanting to be productive. I sent him a few poems for his insight. He doesn't do poetry and all that so it was an odd choice but he is also not afraid to be critical and won't just tell me everything is great (also he gave v positive feedback to the poem which is like... the crux of me and the manuscript I'm gonna put together so omfg YES)
Long long long ass post coz I'm typing on my surface and not as limited as when I'm on mobile, plus typing speed lord jesus.
Anyway, I'm proud of myself. And even tho D didn't provide any overt or particularly hands-on application of accountability/responsibility, he did put my attention on a worthy task, and the best one he could've to kick me into gear.
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lostacelonnie · 6 months
Sorry this took a bit to get to time slipped right by & life happened a bit. Plus i got my first tattoo & thus couldn't use my right arm as well for a bit. Weather here has been like. Back & forth between rain/snow & mostly sunny so i can only blame the horrors. Oh good! Im glad its mostly easy stuff for you this month. Wait what? Thats all wild & im glad those teachers got fired for that. If only we were that regulatory of teachers in the states. A win win situation indeed. A carnival? That does sound like a lot of fun i gotta add that on my list of stuff to hopefully see one day. Yeah honestly! Like something about schools just. Is way different & can only be explained by school air. Thank you! I got sparkle decently quick which i needed her for her buffs so im glad. Those 30 free pulls from the anniversary will help my archeron gain i hope. Shame jingliu is in the same patch so ill have to wait for her again. One day clara will come to me. I hoped it would be on sparkle's banner but i got e1 gepard instead. I cant even reach gold & gears because the final boss of swarm disaster is still beating my ass i need better imaginary units. Or to work on ratio maybe he can deal with that damn boss duplicating itself. Oh talents are another thing i should focus on maxing for characters i just. Keep forgetting. Next patch we have triple drop coc & su planar ornaments which is gonna be nuts i cant wait to farm then. Ive played wendy's arc a bit more & like. Wow cocolia is awful what the hell. Worst mom of the year. Im excited for you to continue them both are so good. Oh thats what all that was about okay. Seele best girl always. Oh no worries take all the time you need to jot it down. Yeah some people get. Real intense about their us patriotism & its. Embarrassing. My condolences on losing such an impressive noita run. One day ill get into honkai part 2. But for now its a slow movement through part 1
ah very fair and apologies on my part as well!!! yknow how it is. same old same old. i was personally also Quite busy with our dear beloved school festival which drained me for like a solid week 😭😭 but it was SO worth it. im def helping with it next year as well. AND YOO TATTOO??? THATS AWESOME....... man i wanna get tattoos when im older (and piercings. i dont have a Single one i feel inferior to like all of my friends) but ive never really known what Of. and yeah same with the weather..... it was like. 9 celsius like two days ago and its 25 celsius today. Wild. and thankies!!! i Got Through it (with varying results tbh) but not anything to get me really down so we chillen. AND YEAH RIGHT???? our school is just generally a hotspot for strange individuals (both students and teachers) but its usually in the positive way. but ah what can you do. and yeahhhhh i heard it kinda sucks in the us. and same!!! ive heard a Lot of things about the carnivals in spain since theyre a pretty Big Thing and our teachers love to tell us about them so i actually ended up looking quite a bit forward to seeing one someday. if money allows for it, that is. AND GOD FOR REAL. school air my beloathed school air. OH CONGRATS ON THE SPARKLE!!! to be fully honest i do Not know what her kit is because i wasnt playing That much when her banner was up. or rather focused more on just going through penacony, both story- and exploration-wise. AND GOOD LUCK ON ACHERON!! i managed to get her, her lightcone, AND claras eidolon in like. a 100 pulls which is probs a new record for me. currently saving but i dont know who for yet SHJD. ill see if any future penacony chars interest me (ive been Thinking about boothill, or aventurine for clara) but if not then its gonna be either jingliu or topaz. and ahh good luck with getting them as well in the future!! GOD I HATE THE SWARM. I HATE THE SWARM SO MUCH. GAHHH. the most annoying enemies in the game by a MILE. but ah what can you do. oh yeah very real i always forget in genshin but luckily dont really have that problem in hsr. and yeah im Waiting for that triple drops for my acheron since rn she just has. Very scuffed temporary gear. but not gonna lie her damage is pretty good regardless. i think the mechanic with not needing energy to use her ult but stacks of That One Thing instead is very fun and interesting. brings a bit of spice into the gameplay. AND AHHH I HAVE VERY COMPLEX FEELINGS ABOUT COCOLIA shes a really interesting character imo. but thats revealed a bit more in the later arcs so i wont share too much hehehehe. tho yeah i agree she is Not a great mother. SEELE BEST GIRL ALWAYS!!!! and thankies!!! also yeah... but at least theres a lot of ways one can make fun of them. i literally cant stop saying "MY PRONOUNS ARE U/S/A" whenever i get a good mark on my english tests its just embedded in my vocab now. and have fun with honkai!!!!
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bahamutgames · 2 years
D&D Notes 3!!!
Next round of D&D today! It went alright. I saw a dragon. Here’s my unformated notes!
Back in vandalin we be chillen. We decide to take a rest and then head out to thundertree when tomorrow. We all stay at the inn for 2 silver each and chill the fuck out!!!
The next day we all exit the inn and hear flapping wings and a screen above us. Circling and quickly coming down on top of us is a griffin, it lands right in front of us. And Sildor greets the griffin and introduces it as "Galeforce". He explains that he used to be in a cavelry of griffins but he's retired. But you're with a griffin for life like an air bison. While he was getting gear and junk for us he asked for his old griffin to come help, and so here he is! And then he goes pay the loans.
He tells us of a ruins that may live in the ruins of thundertree that might know the region and tell us the location of the castle where gumdrop was taken.
We all head out to thundertree! It takes 2 full days to get there and we arrive the morning of day 3.
Thundertree has 2 entraces, south and west. We enter through south. The trail is old and every- thing is all fucked up with vines growing everywhere. Everything is silent. There's a sign warning about plant monsters and zombies.
I know 30 years ago there was a volcano that erupted and fucked everything up
We're here to find MY TREASURE and the druid who can tell us where gumdrop is
Sildar is still riding galeforce
I start excitedly peeking into each building trying to find the building with my treasure. In the first farmhouse I find we start poking around for junk, but we hear the rustling of branches. Sildar shouts "there's movement!"
We get attacked by like a bajillion dudes. I squeeze past my teammates and hit the first guy I see! The monster shatters into a pile of sticks Caraway tries to stab but it dont work none Sildar and Galeforce swing at the next enemy and kill it! Vova uses ray of frost on another monster, killing it! The enemies (twig blights btw) all move in slowly around us. One of them attacks vova for 4! Next attacks Sildar, but he parries it, but he still gets hit smh 2 damage Next swings at Galeforce for 3 damage I run up to the one attacking vova and kill it in one hit! Caraway attacks one enemy and insta kills it! Sildar attacks and kills the next one! Then they move to the other 2 Vova also tries to move in on the last 2, but they're in a building now so she cant see them. But she redies a ray of frost and it doesn't kill. The enemies move in and dash up to vova but cant attack I rush into the building and attack the next one killing it instantly (epic) Caraway moves in. Sildar are there for moral support Vova hits with her staff but it dont work good. She then rabbit hops away! The last enemy rushes in at me and doesnt hurt me at all, so I just kill him. We win!!
I walk to the next building and look for an apothecary sign but I dont see nothing. This building is weirdly nicer than the others and reinforced with iron bars and shudders.
Kepesk remembers WEST is NOT EAST. So we continue east to where EAST is. Idiot. As we continue on we come across 3 BIG ASS webs. Nasty.
I want to burn the webs but I'm not sure it's a good idea so I ask the team what to do. Caraway suggests cutting it and I think it's such a good idea I tell him he's the smart one and he gets very happy about it. So I take Nage's rapier and start poking at it (After inspecting it over night I know it deals extra damage to goblins, it lets me disguise self once per day, and it's fucking possesed by nage). I cut through the webs!
On the south east part of the building, I just excitedly check all the buildings. The first one is full of glass!? I take a look under the busted ass shelf and find a wooden case! It's got the treasure the lady told me about! I run out telling everyone about the treasure I found!
Satisfied, I head on over to the statue. It's wooden. I investigate the statue with a good look over! It's a regular ass statue!
I realize the dude is probably in the house I was too scared to enter. So we trek back (my poor teammates) and I knock on the door. It cracks open! Inside is an old ass man with a big ass beard. I ask him if he might know where the castle gumdrop is is. I have to ask soldar for the answer to the name of the castle.
He only offers to tell us where the castle is if we inspect the fucked up town. He tells me there's nothing wrong with the statue. There's a bunch of shit wrong with the town, WAY more than I thought lol. But he wants me to get rid of the dragon that's moved into town.
I ask for more info, it's apparently kinda younger and it's causing some issues around the region. It's a white dragon. We walk up to the cottage! It's very eerily quiet, there's a strange chill. Two giant corpses are next to the cottage and they look like they were mauled by a large animal. I knock on the door and there's no response (asshole dragon)
I creak open the door to see if there's anyone home but there's not much here. I'm just walking around the house. I knock on the door to the tower AGAIN. I poke my head and I say hello? The top of the tower is 40 ft high. But there's no roof. Big wooden beams. And there's a giant ass dragon!
FIGHT TIME! Dragon already knows I'm here, I already know it's there. I go into a rage and I just fuck it up and miss everything The dragon tries to blast the fuck outta me with ice. I do not get a good roll! I take 34 cold damage! holy shit! (1/35) Vova casts Magic Missile lvl2! 14 damage! Sildar comes into the room, he hits with his long sword twice but misses both times... christ Galeforce comes in through the roof and pecks at the dragon and misses! Then with his claws for 13 damage! Caraway heals me at lvl2 for 10 points of hp! And uses bardic inspiration on me! I miss my attack AND my bite???? I run away and the dragon hits me for 5 damage. cool. I run away like a little sissy baby. The dragon bites and claws at Galeforce and Sildar but all miss, FINALLY GOOD LUCK FOR ME Vova uses magic missile lv2 again for 11 damage! Sildar gets on top of Galeforce and the two of them hit for 5 slashing damage, then apply unwavering mark, marking the dragon! Sildar's second attack misses. Galeforce misses with a nat 1. Cool. And the next attack misses too WHAT THE FUCK WHY HOLY SHIT Caraway heals me for 8 damage! Caraway gives bardic inspiration to Sildar as well! I rush back in and hit the dragon for 10 damage and then bite for 12 damage! +2 temp hp! Dragon breathes fire at us and I take 48 damage and I'm at 0 hp! Cool! I'm ded Sildar is unconcious but Galeforce still has a bit of HP. If you're curious we're getting the dick kicked out of our shit. Vova uses magic missile for 8 damage Sildar uses a saving throw Caraway heals me for 8 hp I swing for 8 damage! Dragon is bloodied and a little ticked off so it climbs up the tower and fucks off. Asshole dragon. We win... enough...
Sildar comes to and we tell him the dragon pissed off. Sildar asks Caraway to heal Galeforce. We walk back to the house and tell him we got the dragon to fuck off. He agrees to tell us where the castle is. Marking out map with quagmire castle (I know it's cragmire) It's somewhere in the woods south of thunderwood. The druid closes the door on us and I say "thank you..." We're not in any condition to keep going so we leave.
We hit the road to the castle!
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)
Warnings: Swearing
Genre: FLUFF, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: It’s not a secret that Corpse prefers taking care of his hair himself rather than going to a hair salon to get it trimmed and/or tampered. However, he only has so much knowledge of how to properly do it without having to obliterate his budget. Luckily, his girlfriend comes to his rescue.
Requested by Anon. Hi lovely! Thank you so much for the incredibly fluffy request! I’ve been very pumped to write it and now here it finally is - so sorry it’s taken me so long to complete and post it but I still hope you come across it and give it a read! Love, Vy ❤
“Um, what are you doing?“
I just walked into Corpse’s apartment to find him barricaded in the bathroom, giving himself a hair appointment. We were supposed to have a chill night in watching movies, but it seems to me like those plans will either have to be delayed or canceled, given the chaotic state both Corpse and his bathroom are in. I mean, how dumb was I to expect he was actually doing his hair justice when he told me he styled it himself? Why didn’t that immediately raise an army of red flags in my head and lead me to question his methods?
I’m honestly quite jealous of Corpse’s hair. It’s always so soft and silky and no matter how much or how little effort he’s put in it, it always looks good: either evidently carefully styled or boyishly messy, it leaves me with heart-eyes regardless. But to see him massacre it like this, it makes me wish I could report it as a crime.
“Ain’t obvious?“ He sounds rather frustrated and I feel at least slightly better due to this fact. He deserves to be as frustrated as I am by the sight of the crap he’s doing. “Sorry, you’re gonna have to wait for me for...a little while. I just need to get this under control and, um, clean the mess. Sorry for ruining your night like this, babe. I-I really wasn’t planning on it to take this long but I forgot to buy one of the products and I thought I could wing it without it but...I very clearly can’t so...“
“Please, stop talking. I don’t need to know what sins you’ve committed - if I do I’ll probably have to give you the silent treatment for like a week or so.“ I call out to him as I quickly skip over to the kitchen to leave the food I bought on my way over before returning to the bathroom and carefully taking a step inside, mindful of where there are hair strands on the tiles. Even severed, his hair is beautiful and I have a ton of respect for it - ok fine, I adore it. Corpse definitely doesn’t appreciate it properly. I walk over to the shower, reaching out to the two shelves inside which are lined with different types of hair products. “Oh fuck...“ I let out the whisper without even realizing it because I’m so stunned by the brands I see on those shelves. “Corpse, um, what the actual fuck?”
He turns to me, eyes wide and terrified because of my menacing tone. “What? What is it?” His gaze searches the spot where mine was just pointed at, looking for anything that could’ve provoked such a reaction from me. Seeing nothing but the hair products, he meets my deadly glare yet again, “What’s wrong?”
Alright, this man-child needs some serious help
“I’ll tell you what’s wrong.“ I say, stomping towards the exit of the bathroom, “You’re gonna stay here and wait for me to come back and don’t you DARE, even touch your hair, let alone bring a pair of scissors or any chemical near it. Copy?“
“Copied and pasted, ma’am.“ He salutes me, knowing better than to ask questions when I enter my commander role. There are quite a few things that set me off into this bossy-ass persona, and hair mistreatment is most definitely one of them. Thing is, Corpse doesn’t know that. Well, he didn’t know that, pretty sure he’s guessed it by now.
Feeling myself soften at his obedience and trust, I give him a smile and a wink over my shoulder as I go to grab my bag and leave the apartment to complete my mission, “Good boy.”
                                                              *  *  *
“Isn’t that a lot better?“ I ask, gently running my fingers through Corpse’s freshly cut, washed and dried hair. I’ve spent a good five minutes just smoothing through it with my fingers. I bet he’s expecting me to say ‘my precious‘ at any moment now, and trust me it’s tempting, but I still don’t, I won’t give him the pleasure of predicting my actions. Wow, we’ve really reached that level of being familiar with one another that I predict that he’s predicting what I’m gonna do next. While I’m a guessing game for him, I tend to think of myself as more of an open book. You just gotta be fluent in the language it’s written in to understand it.
I’ve gone off-topic, my bad.
“Yeah, you’re a lot less scary now.“ He tells me, his hand finding mine in his hair and taking it to his lips to place a kiss on my knuckles.
We’re positioned so that we’re in front of the bathroom mirror with Corpse seated in a chair in front of me and I’m for once in my life towering over him from behind. Our height difference was threatening to be a hinderance in my work on his hair, but we easily figured it out.
I can’t help but laugh, “You know what I meant.“ I curl one of his already curly strands around the pointer finger of the hand that’s still wandering around the soft dark curls while the other remains in his gentle hold, resting on his shoulder.
“And you know what I meant.“ He shifts in his seat to look at me directly, not via the mirror, “Since when do you have a hair infatuation?“
I roll my eyes and retract my hands, defensively folding my arms over my chest, “It’s not an infatuation with hair, dummy. It’s an infatuation with your hair.” I correct him, doing quick work of styling the stray strands that fall over his forehead and eyes. “I really like your hair, you already know that. I can’t handle the thought you’re doing such a shitty job taking care of it.”
He shrugs, furrowing his brows, “Hey, I was buying top-shelf products, cost me a fortune every month, my hair was being treated like royalty.”
I roll my eyes once again, “High price doesn’t always equal high quality, Corpse. Did you ever stop to read what was in those products?” I don’t let him answer, I don’t need him to confirm what I already know. “Even if you did - which you didn’t - you wouldn’t know what each of those ingredients do to your hair. You see, taking care of hair, especially hair like yours, takes patience and knowledge. It’s practically an art form. It’s not like you can just buy any product that has ‘suitable for curly hair’ on it. There’s a lot more to that.”
It’s only after I finish my monologue that I realize he’s looking at me with amazed amusement in his gaze, almost like a parent listening to their kid talk about their wish of becoming an astronaut. “Since when do you know so much about hair? You’ve been using the same shampoo and conditioner since I know you and now you wanna lecture me on hair care?”
I raise an eyebrow at him, exasperated by his stubbornness on the matter, “Who said being consistent with your hair products is a bad thing? You know, frequent changing of brands has the potential of being damaging as much as aiding.” I explain with the most amount of patience I can muster, now taking over the parent role myself, “And as for your previous question, I know so much because my mother is a hairdresser.”
His eyes widen in surprise. I can practically see the gears in his brain turning as he tries to recall if I’ve ever told him this before.
“How come I don’t know that?“ He asks finally after a long moment of silence. “Why haven’t you told me?”
“You ask that as though I just tell you things like that on the regular. Did you also want me to drop the info that my dad’s a mechanic in passing conversation about video games? Cause that’s a little hard to shoehorn in....“ He cuts off my sarcastic rambling with a brief peck to the lips. He’s the only person allowed to shut me up, and only like that. Anything else will earn him either an earful or a silent treatment. 
Just kidding....unless...
“So, does that mean you’re continuing the family business?“ he asks when he pulls away, “I mean, you’re technically my personal hairdresser now.“
I furrow my brows playfully, “Wait, what? Since when?”
“Since I hired you approximately an hour ago.“ He beams up at me, satisfied that I’ve fallen in his trap.
“And what about my payment?“ I ask, narrowing my eyes at him.
He looks to be contemplating for a second before he stands up from the chair, taking my hand in his leading me out of the bathroom, “Well, each appointment you’ll give me a different price, Miss Y/L/N. But, considering today was your first day, I choose to pay you with dinner.“ He sends a wink my way, laughing when he’s met with an unamused expression on my part as I stop in my tracks, causing him to halt his movements as well.
“You really plan on paying me with the dinner I bought?“ I raise an eyebrow at him, freeing my hand from his so I can put both my hands on my hips for the complete 'I’m far from impressed’ look.
“Yeah...? Problem?“ He asks, faking nervousness and guilt as he closes the distance between us, once again returning to the default of towering over me instead of it being the other way around.
“Several actually. First of all...“ I raise my finger in the air accusingly, ready to go off but the arm that wraps around my waist and lifts me off the ground causes my words to die down, evaporating in a frightened squeal, “Corpse no!! Put me down!“
Of course, he ignores me, carrying me into the living room while I don’t know whether to thrash or stay as still as possible. 
Tsk, so much for gratitude
@maat-the-prescriptive  @simonsbluee  @save-the-sky  @itsminniekat  @hacker-ghost  @bi-andready-tocry  @imtiredaffff  @jazzkaurtheglorious  @hereforbeebo  @fandomgirl17  @chrysanthykios  @maehemscorpyus  @loraleiix  @letsloveimagines  @annshit  @i-cant-choose-a-username-help  @enigmaticmaze  @divine-artemis  @waterlilypat  @idontknowwhatthisisfam  @evi-ka  @classyandfabulous00  @redperson58  @lilysdaydreams @solowheein  @mythicalamphitrite  @axen-gers  @luckygirl144  @nj01  @buddyemily   @the-albino-lioness  @stardream14  @gdhdkfnn  @nomadicgypsyy  @preciousskye  @fluffysuicideunicornsworld  @o-kaelin  @manacharlotte  @awkward-youtube-trash  @lolalee24  @bonky-beerns  @meme-lord-and-savior-sebastian  @strawbrinkofdeath  @teenloves  @tams0527  @browneyespinkhair  @starstruckllamapuppy  @daisychains012  @y0ulooked  @tinytacosuitcaseflap @supernatural-is-my-only-life  @jula-pauline  @melodykitty  @just-that-bi-girl  @crazybutconfidentaf  @lowellshade @alphakees  @bellero  @weallneednamjesus  @starryhanji  @boiled-onionrings  @husherstan  @fockingwhore  @melaningoddessthings  @prettypastelpetals  @haleypearce  @godwhyamiawkward  @y-napotat  @daisychainyoonmin  @little-miss-rebel3  @free-wheelin-bi-sexual  @redmoon261 @darkacademic2  @wiseflamingoqueen  @into-the-end  @namikhai-i  @nastiablr  @thelittleplantlover  @mirktuan  @dont-hyuck @jjk-bunny  @vintagegothlover  @easygoingtheatre  @itsrandombooklover  @miiaivi  @emmybaybee  @befourgolden  @jjk-is-my-shit  @eternalteaaars  @spacebadgerx  @princesslunalight  @acequinn14  @samm48  @misselsbells06 @simp-lykawa  @fo-love  @marishimomura-blog  @therealglenncoco  @cinnamonbun332  @killtherandomness  @sanshinexxxsan  @fee-btheweeb  @press-lay  @cathleenpotgieter16  @jazzydoesstuff  @moonlxghtbay  @forestrain2000  @hyunjinhugs  @blood-of-fandoms  @lovellylies  @ukiyolixx  @simpforhpcharacters  @chrisdylan17  @parkerjisung  @pedernille  @theodonyous  @wineandionysus  @malfoystilinskii05  @morbid-x  @coryisagee  @jessewa26  @scoobydooluver97 @mindintheskies365  @raeanneinwonderland  @indecisive-empanada  @gluttonypalace  @loriane2503  @btsiguess-kpop  @khaoticbunny  @lucidlycactus  @smiithys  @rottenroyalebooks  @kpopgirlbtssvt  @fangirl-tc27  @fr0z3n-1  @notmesimpingfortechno  @shotarosleftpinky  @kunoi-chan  @idk-whats-wrong-with-me  @yikeroonie  @goldenstarofthunderclan  @poetry-and-tea  @ama-do-writing-stuff  @wishbonewolf  @emeraldxhope  @t0xick1tty  @kusuinko  @speakyourselfloveyourself  @sophia902103  @lo-manburg  @classsykittykat  @dmgama  @depressedpuppythatneedscoffee  @btsiguess-kpop  @akaashi-baby  @gun-jong-simp  @geschichtenfee  @yerapotato-wp  @browneyedgirl365  @thysagclub  @sparklycloudnight  @helloatomicshadow  @queentorresstuff @vtte @val-gal  @lucy-bunny17  @aaliyahh0  @katluckybear  @boyleanti  @straybids  @franchesca-791  @cosmicstorm19  @averyisbackinthetrashcan  @aomi-nabi  @xlanawriter  @allensimpsforcorpse
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imherebabycakes · 2 years
donnie\femreader tmntbayverse 14/16 the guys are 20+
*i do not own anything tmnt*
i didn’t proof read a damn thing😂(sorry)
my oc’s name is Blaze,Neptune Marie
military veteran
a black woman from the south side of washington dc
she’s 5’5
has light grey eyes
black wavy hair *bra length*
lets just say she’s the type of woman you’d see in king magazine. she fire 🔥
loves trap, the 90’s hip hop r&b as well as Jamaican country
chill & laid back, can twerk also
so there we stood, the purple masked terrapin & myself , blushing at one another looking dumb as hell
ehemm…..are you to okay? raph say’s staring at me & his brother with a sly grin on his face.
umm yea…..yea im straight, i say almost instantly snapping out of a trance, and perking up as if i wasn’t just imagining donnie kissing me all over.
donnie! you good? mikey asks
oh yea mikey im…uh never better donnie answered. obviously lying through his gap teeth.
i peep the scene and its hella awkward and stuffy even if being outside.
well guys, umm it was nice to meet y’all but i better get home,im jhi tired…
jhi? what does that mean? mikey asks with a slight giggle.
well in dc its slang & we use it to emphasize a few things but in this case it just took the place of the word really.
ohhhh wow thats so cool, i love dc slang its different
im glad you do mikey,
but guys i do have to get gone. i got work in the morning unfortunately. as i got my stuff in the car i pop back out an ask , umm do you guys wanna link up again or is this just a one time thing?
well idk, will you tell people of our existence? asked leo hoping right in face , a little to close but i guess this was his attempt at coming off threatening . which wasn’t working at all
i chuckle to myself as i slide a little to the left to get some space between us,
“nah man i wont tell a soul” thats my word.
he looks me over and huffs “yea well see”,
almost immediately they ascend back to the roof tops disappearing into the night. 
see later sexy chocolate!!! mikey yelled
shut up mikey !! the rest
them yell in unison.
………….time jump…..2weeks later
it was now friday 5:30pm finally free from the plantation i call work. while walking to my car i thought about a few things, like i loved my job as an SPO, working at Children’s hospital  but my real passion is fashion design and today my sergeant caught me drawing a few sketches while on duty and grilled me for it.
she can kiss my black ass and i mean it , i cant stand that old bitch it wasn’t even that serious to be honest .
walking out of the elevator and into garage towards my car all i could think about were those four unique brothers out of my head, Especially the tall one in purple.
now that i think about it i didn’t even get his number, shit i been out the game for a while , but its cool i’ll see them again one of these days….. right?
i sigh and push all those thoughts to the back of my mind. i threw my sketch books and gear in the car and drove off.
about 25 minutes later i sluggishly enter my cold apartment kick my shoes off,lock the door then proceed to my bedroom. i plopped down my lush king sized bed, looking at the ceiling lost in my thoughts of the full day i had and the next thing i knew i fell asleep.
i woke up around 10pm realizing i had fell asleep in my clothes, i reluctantly made my way to the bathroom where i ran the shower to get it nice and hot to my liking, while stepping in the air/steam relaxed me even more, damn this feels good, i needed this….
donnie pov
its been almost 2 1/2 weeks since we’ve seen blaze.
patrols have been the usual not alot of foot clan activity a few attempted muggings but nothing has really changed.
but i noticed that i couldn’t concentrate on any of my work since i seen that Beautiful woman.
i couldn’t get her out of my head, i mean i’ve been with other women before, yea they were mostly in the police department but still. hell i’ve even had a girlfriend once upon a time.
it was something special about blaze, and i honestly think its because she a black woman.
to be honest i i’ve always been with a white woman or latin or asian and i don’t know much about black women or culture for that matter outside of rap & r&b music that i listen to.
or what the media sometimes portrays but im not one to judge and everything is not what it seems so i don’t stereotype people. i mean i wouldn’t have room to judge anyways im a mutant turtle for crying out loud. i sigh slumping in my chair, i don’t know what to do.
you should go see her bro,im sure she’d be happy to see you again, she seems cool even though i didn’t think you’d go for her type say’s mikey
umm……mikey first off how long have you been standing there listening to me? and secondly whats my type?
long enough to know you got the hots for blaze…..look bro she likes you man.
i saw the way y’all looked at each other. she fine as hell but you know usually go for white skinny girls like april.
you know the runway “model type”. & blaze is the opposite she’s got body oddy oddy for days he said laughing.
you cant handle all that wagon she’s draggin ,but you better get on that and wife her up before i do… he says slyly.
oh please mikey she doesn’t want you , your to immature for a woman like that and plus her having a curvy body doesn’t matter to me in fact that’s actually what i like about her
yea ok Donnie, im not the one who needs convincing , you’ve fucked only skinny white, latin,or asian woman only . you sure blaze isn’t just some fetish for you bro?
what!! of course not mikey i’ve only fucked those other women because thats all thats around us, people usually date who’s in close proximity to them you idiot. if more curvier women lived around here black woman included then maybe i would date them.
umm bro sorry to burst your bubble big bro but the thing is, black woman mostly definitely are around, and there’s alot that work in the police department to . open your eyes dude and admit you have a type he says laughing and walking away
damn he got me stumped… i…i guess i do, well did have a type but obviously not anymore. i gotta see Blaze again.
turning to my computers i figure its time for some hacking and background checking.
(blazes pov)
after that lovely shower and hot meal, i decided to sit on my balcony with some wine to look out onto the city. as im sitting there, i think about my life and whats ahead,like how i love fashion and design, and my dream is to be big time designer. but how will i get there.
just as I’m pouring another cup of wine my phone starts vibrate uncontrollably then all of a sudden a greenish hologram of green bean Donatello pops up
“hey there, its ummm Donatello you know the turtle guy!?….anyways umm well i hope im not interrupting anything. i’m a bit of a computer whiz & nerd hence me hacking in your phone .  I just wanted to say that you seem cool and I would like to meet up again sometime if that’s OK with you?
that’ll be great donnie i don…..
all right all right!. sheesh give me a second , feeling a bit stupid because i thought it was a live conversation . (hits 1) “you’ve chosen number 1, please stand by for follow up text.” then like turning off a tv the hologram of him shut off
!Bing Bing Ding!
damn that was fast as shit donnie, you really wanna see my sexy ass huh i joke. i open my phone and the text read
hey blaze this is donnie again, im glad you said yes, if you can, please meet me at the same spot where we met at 7:30 pm 2 blocks away from the double take on saturday. well im looking forward to seeing you😂😅
i chuckle to myself at the thought of he’s such a nerd, but a fine ass one, and i’ve honestly been thinking about this for weeks now. not knowing what he wants to meet up for specifically i don’t know what to put on. I want to look good but I also don’t wanna overdo it. aw who am i kidding i look good naked, he’ll like me in whatever. plopping on my bed i drift off to sleep with the wonders of whats to come tomorrow.
mmmmm…. donnie!
(Donnie pov)
yes yes and hell yes!!! i screaming and squealing while fist pumping in my lab chair,
whoa i say getting overwhelmed i have a date, well not a date date. but we’re meeting up! got damnit its a date thats unofficially officially a date! 
omg omg omg this is amazing…
wheeeew,wheeeeeeew….calm down donnie this is not your first date, relax buddy i say to myself. its honestly not my first date but with a girl like her it might as well be. I wonder what we will have to talk about she’s so much different than girls ive dated before, down to her her body ,skin tone ,her lingo and where she’s from. sitting down on my bed, i sigh and lay back with only one thing on my mind, in the words of Tpain
…time jump 3pm next day…..
( blaze pov)
I don’t know why I’m so nervous this man has me sweating like a hooker in church, not wanting to do too much I just do what drake said. put my hair tied up and chill with no make up on. and if he really fucks with me like he says then he’ll see that I’m beautiful naturally. but in the meantime all this planning gotcha girl hungry I think a quick meal will suffice nothing too heavy though, probably like a BLT with some chips because i don’t want the bubble guts on the first meet up.
time jump 7:28pm saturday night
(donnie pov)
hopping on the roof, i stare at the city below me, i got here with 3 minutes to spare. blaze should be here any minute now. well i might as well sit and wait and sing.
(start singing his version of ushers “nice N slow” )
its seven o clock on the dot im on the root top, looking at the city,….i’ve got a real pretty pretty black queen that im waiting to see, when she pulls up, ill be anticipating, her good looks, damn she’s amazing, i got plans to my hands on her waist,looking up to see if she’s really feeling me!! let me take you to the park where its quiet, there ain’t no one there to attack us, i can feel the rush, cuz i just wanna get to know you more…… blaze tell me what you wanna do
(blaze pov)
pulling up to the same spot i almost got robbed at made me uneasy, but since donnie was meeting me here i knew i was okay. i do one last look in my rearview mirror to look at my hair and face. and like i said earlier, I kept it chill and i put on my favorite black juicy sweatsuit & my black & white Jordan 12’s and my hair was in a messy bun. and i couldn’t forget my mouskatool. getting out the car i start to text donnie to let him know im here, when i hear singing and beautiful singing at that, i slightly walk into the alley where i hear the melody an look up to see my green bean singing what sounded like ushers nice and slow song
i didn’t want to startle him so i let him continue, & what i heard next made a shiver go down my spine, not only could he sing well but if im not mistaken he’s singing about… well me!! at least i hope he is. unless its about another black queen. not wanting to waste any more time I shoot him a text.
you sound amazing!….and am i a queen to you? 
(donnie pov)
hearing my phone go off I figure blaze is on her way but to my horror i see,
 **you sound amazing!….and am i a queen to you?**
which means not only was she here but she’s been here and not only has she been here she heard me singing and not just singing but singing about her. naturally my heart went to my ass and i felt my stomach tighten immediately. im so embarrassed. then i hear blaze say
**YO Rapunzel let down your hair! she says laughing. c’mon down here song bird or should i come up there?**
ummmm no ill come and get you give me a sec. i flip down and see blaze staring at me smiling at me with those beautiful grey eyes and she has cute button nose. wait when did she get a nose piercing? has that always been there?. man does she look stunning , i mean she’s effortlessly beautiful, her hair was in a messy bun and she had a simple but cute track suit on that hugged that body of her’s sheesh. baby got baaayyyack . snapping out of it i realize she’s leaning in for a hug, OH SHIT HUG HER YOU IDIOT*
hugging donnie i say, damn i didn’t know you had pipes like that green bean, you sound amazing. you remind me of a 90’s r&b singer,i love that. noticing he’s in a daze i snapped twice in his face, hello earth to Donnie are you there? “oh my bad blaze, sorry i got distracted. can you repeat what y said please?
shaking my head laughing i repeat myself. donnie i said your singing is amazing man. and what did you get distracted from that fast?
honestly blaze….. well..i got distracted by…umm… y-your beau…hmp…. I GOT DISTRACTED BY HOW BEAUTIFUL YOU ARE!!
going wide eyed by his raised voice and words , i just give a sly smile and say. like wise

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kaz11283 · 3 years
The Shape of You
Summary: While at one of Tonys top end parties the god of mischief asks you to dance to your suprise. You didn't think he was the type to dance muchless to the song that he decided to ask you to dsnce to.
Characters: Loki, Thor, Tony, Natalie, Wanda, Clint, Steve
Pairings: you x Loki, you x Thor (platonic), you x Tony (Brother, sister)
ANNOUNCMENTS: I got this idea while listening to "Shape of You", then I really started getting into the story everytime that I listened to it (which was a lot). Ive had this on my head for a while now but i had to finish up I think I'm in love and part 2. I also got 200 followers today, next is 300, lets get this! BTW I know that this is a GIF from High Rise but it gives you a PRETTY good iead whats going on. 💚💚💚
Loki Masterlist
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"Why do you insist on bringing me to the boring ass parties Nat?" You asked trying to pull the hem of the dress down that she had picked oit for you. It wad a dark blue thigh length dress with a very low v neck, the shoes where a high heel ankle strap black shoe with small bows on the side the same color as the dress.
"Stop. Stop pulling, your not gonna make it any longer by doing that." She said swatting your hands away. "I bring you to these 'boring ass parties' because you spend to much time in the library doimg research, in your room working, or sitting in the lab trying to make something better. Point is, you are always working."
"I dont hear you complaining when something of yours gets improved, or an upgrade. Nat I love you but I am a weponds expert. I work better in the quite, thats my zone. Not here."
"Is that why you enjoy spending time with Loki? Because I have to tell you y/n hes not really the quite type." She rasied an eyebrow to look st you.
"Hes not the quite type around all of you because you all make snide remarks. Hes usually quite around me because I dont pick on him or call him names." You turned and looked straight at her.
"All of the other reindeer, use to laugh and call him names." Tony sang walking up to the two of you with a drink. "Couldnt be talking about reindeer game could you?"
"Thank you Tony, and we were just finishing talking and Loki." You answered walking off to sit at the bar where Steve and Thor was sitting.
"Your brother throws one heck of a party." Steve saod tilting his beer to his mouth. "Defiantly better than some of the parties I've been to."
"It is a good party but nothing like the ones on Asguard." Thor boomed with laughter. "You must come some time, we would have a grand celebration in your honor."
"Hes always been a little over the top, if you cant tell. Always had an eye for big, expensive things. Flamboyant parties, playboy style women, expensive cars. Whatever he wants he gets, now dont get me wrong he does work his ass off, but sometimes it would be nice to just have a weekend were the walls didnt shake while I am trying to work on something."
"Ah but little sister, all work and no play makes y/n a dull boy." Tony answered lightly slapping your back.
"Jesus Christ Tone, stop quoting movies, it gets rather annoying."
"Another round, bartender, for little sister." Tony said ruffling your hair.
"You realize I cant stand you right?" You shot him a sideways look.
"Thats why I dont let you work on my toys." He answered giving you a kiss on the top of the head before walking off.
"Thor?" You turned to the god of thunder.
"Yes Lady y/n?" He turned to were he was facing you, his legs on either side of your thighs.
"Do you know of your brother is going to show up?" He laughed turning back to the bar. "Dont get me wrong I absolutly love your company but...."
"You would rather have the company of a more slender, raven haired man tonight." He raised a brow while taking a drink of his beer.
"Well, yes. He is quite interesting to say the least." You laugh.
"Well lady y/n, he said he would be down shortly. He did say he was going to make an apperance though."
"Thank you." You stood, leaning down to kiss his cheek before walking off to find someone else interesting to talk to.
"Hey y/n! Over here!" Clint shouted waving you over to were he, Nat, and Wanda were sitting.
You sat talking to them for a little bit about what new stuff you had added to their weapons and gear, Clint was excited about trying out some of the new arrows that you had developed. You kept gnacing around the room hoping to catch a glips of Loki when he decided to come down.
While you and Wanda was in the middle of a conversation you felt a tap on your shoulder. Turning slightly you seen Loki stamding there was a know it all smirk on his face, he was wearing a completly black suit with his hair slicked back, you coud have swore that your heart stopped.
"Hello Darling, I heard you had been asking about me?" He offered you his hand to help you stand.
You laughed tucking your chin down slightly, you could feel your cheeks heat up. "I am going to kill your brother." He lead you back to the bar and getting you a drink handing it to you.
"You look quite ravishing tonight." He leaned in whispering in your ear. "Dont start being bashful tonight, after what happened last night." He had caught you off guard causing you to spit your drink back in your glass.
"Loki," you hissed smacking him on his shoulder. "We dont need Tony going all Iron Man on you tonight."
"Dance with me." He took your glass sitting it back on the bar and grabbed your hand.
"Oh no no no no. I dont dance." You tried stopping but he pulled you to the edge of the damce floor.
"Then dont dance, let the music guide you, or just follow my lead." He grabbed your waist pulling you closer to him, the song was an up beat song and he started moving. "Midguardian dances are so simple, it would be a type of tango I am assuming." He took you hand and wrapped it around the back of his head before placing his hand on your lower back pulling you even closer.
"This is crazy." You laughed after a few practice steps. It was simple yet intimate at the same time, you had a feeling you knew where this was heading.
"But simple, you are better than what you give your self credit for." He spund you around a few times as the tempo changed, when he spun you back to him his chest ws aginst your back as his hamd splayed across your abdomen.
He traced his nose up the side of your neck as you both moved causing you to give a small moan. "My bed sheets still smell like you." He whispered.
"Loki, can I let you in on a secret." You turned back in his arms to face him.
"Of course my dear." His fingers stroked your back.
"I think I'm in love with you." You wrapped your hand around his head so that you could pull his ear down to your level. You heard him take a breath and the dancing faltered slightly but he kept moving.
"It feels as though I might be returning those feelings y/n." You smiled up at him he turned you in a few more circles causing you to be facing away from him again. His hips following yours in a delicious manner causing your thoughts to go back to the night before. His trailing kisses down your neck to your collar bones, fingers caressing up your sides pulling your shirt over your head. You returning the favor and being speechless at finally seeing him with out his shirt on. He had a more slender figure but his muscles were still there. Remembering the feeling of his chest clenching as you ran your fingers up and around his neck to pull him closer for the earth shattering kiss that had lead to so much more.
"You reliving some of last nights activities, y/n?" He asked quietly.
"Yes but sadly I am having trouble remembering some parts. You might have to remind me." The song ended as you pulled him off the dance floor and through the doors leading to the hallway.
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ANNOUNCEMENT 2: Wow wow wow, ok so some slightly adult situations but oh dear lord, my face is a little red just from writting that. I've read worst but never wrote. What I would give to be twirled around the dance floor like that by him. Thank you guys for reading! I really hope you enjoy this one. Like I saod I have been thinking about this for about a week now and here it is. I habe to say this is like top 3 of my faves (my first was and still is my fave "Bath Time For a Prince") Thank you again for all the love and the support!!!!
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yatsugareboyf · 4 years
Could I ask for Dazai, Poe and Aku with an s/o that has an ability to change probability? I.e. The chance of me flying for an hour, 100%. Someone you know will die today, 0%. Thank you so much and I love your writing!💕😘💖
rlly went on a huge astral projection session to think of this but tysm for requesting, here you go. sorry it was late ;;
hcs for dazai, poe, and akutagawa with a probability manipulator!s/o
dazai osamu
it was interesting to him, ngl
since its also like, trying to assume the future because its vv hard to think of probability in the actual moment
so he asks to test it with you (ofc hes not touching u)
so he'll try and push a glass off a counter and you try and think of something to change inorder to save the glass kind of
so you glow like ability users usually do and chant the name of your ability, numbers somehow appearing around you
"the glass cup shattering into pieces ; 0%"
and then the glass bounces off the floor, and its still intact.
all of this happened in like... a split second
dazai was impressed tho, hed like to know more and possibly train it so it'll help
if you wanted to, ofc
"will you change the probability of me dying in a lovely suicide with you to 100%?”
"im not fucking doing that u idiot."
you have... no excuse... when ur late to dates....
"why are you late, y/n-chan :(("
"i got stuck in traffic...?"
"you could've set it to 0% traffic :(("
hes constantly teasing u abt it
"maybe you changed the probability of me falling in love with you, maybe this was ur evil plan all along, y/n-chan~"
but other than that, if you were just a normal citizen, he'd love you just as much
your ability is rendered useless when youre in his arms or in a somehow close vicinity of him
and any probability that involves him might be technically ruled out? i still think abt this a lot but it could also only be nullified if hes touching you
sometimes you use it to set up dates
the sunrise being very pretty for a picnic outside, you'll set it up
if you wanted to stay indoors and cuddle, you'll set the probability to rain 100%
and he loves it when you do
cause most if the time, he loves your idea as much
unless it works in a way where once you both cuddle, it suddenly stops raining because he cancelled it but oh well, at least they cancelled work
edgar allan poe
now HES vv interested
like.... hello??3!_!3!_(3 you could free the world of crime if you use ur ability!
ofc there has to be some sort of karma to your seemingly godlike ability, so you cant really do that
hes shy to do it, but he'll ask for you to change some stuff. not much, just small things hed like a certain way, and you'd obliged eagerly
would probably bring you to ranpo and do some shit like "probability of ranpo's snacks running out ; 0%"
jkjk thats not how it works
or is it?
like with dazai, you use it to set up dates
with addition of certain events to inspire your mystery writer such as things he would investigate while he was outside with you on a walk
that'll make his writing gears working now that hes inspired or motivated
hes not aware that you do this, but he'll thank you if he ever does
with karl tho....
"karl shitting on the carpet : 0%"
but its vv helpful
but ofc, he doesnt love you because of your ability
he loves you for you.
ur ability is just a little plus
plus he loves the way you look while youre using ur ability
hes ur no.1 fan
akutagawa ryuunosuke
now he...
doesn't care.
at first he doesnt really pay mind to it, its just another ability yknow
but when he sees it in action, for example, in battle
you were able to kill an entire squad without breaking a sweat
you somehow manipulated your surroundings to cause an accident
that killed the entire squad
and he was definitely impressed.
daily "can you change the probability of dazai-san acknowledging me to 100%"
"ryuu.... sweetie... my ability doesn't work on him."
jk hes probably like "i dont need ur help, i can deal with this my own way. its cheating if you help" kinda
but without him knowing, you reduce his like
the thing where his lung disease resurfaces and makes him weak?
you lower it down to nearly a 0%
to not cause suspicion and
rules of karma will apply, i just haven't thought of it
you save his ass with ur ability more than once
and he doesnt like it
he can handle himself??? so shh???
but with small things like
hes in the bath and you'll make it so that his bath water never turns cold
same with his food, never getting cold
help him wake up in the morning, etc
ofc he'll notice that its you.
and he'll try to repay you somehow with small bursts of affection
and you love it
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helloo! can i request the brother with a virgin mc who’s really nervous when they get intimate because she’s scared she cant pleasure them? you can make it nsfw if you want. btw i really like your writing! i hope you have a good day 😊
Hello anon! Thanks for asking, I’ll be making this one nsfw! It’s pretty long since I included smut scenarios at the bottom of each, and as an opening to each hc! Just skip the italics if you don’t like nsfw or feel free to skip this whole thing if it’s not your style, random tumblr user ✨ And thank you I hope you have a good day too anon 🥺🥺
I’m such a kinky person who had to include tail fucking by levi even if no one agrees that is his kink and no one can tell me otherwise.
Brothers react to a f!virgin!MC (NSFW)
Quiet moans filled the air as Lucifer began undressing you. Taking off your blouse, he cupped your left breast through the cloth of your bra, eliciting a yelp from your slightly swollen lips. Slowly, he etched his hand down to your core, rubbing it.
Before he could continue, however, you let out little sobs. You thought you were ready for this, but could you really do it? You were a virgin and judging from his height he’s probably as giant down there as his ego is.
Would you even be enough for him? There’s no way, right? What if he wants you to do something? Are you just going to ruin the mood?
Confused, Lucifer immediately stops his actions and tries to console you. Did he do something wrong? Was he pressuring you into this? Did you not actually want him?
Covering your face with your hands, you tell him that you’re actually a virgin, and don’t know what you should be doing. Would he even be satisfied with you?”
“MC, darling, show me your face.” This was not a command, it was a request. He wanted you to look him in the eyes when he talks to you.
Bringing your arms down, you look up at him and start to cry a bit more. Was he going to berate you?
“We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to, okay? I assure you, I want to do this with you, you are more than enough to satisfy me. And all you need to do is let me hear that beautiful voice of yours.”
Now a crying and blushing mess, you bring your head up to give him a quick peck on the lips, a sign telling him you want to continue.
Deepening the kiss, Lucifer easily starts the mood back up again. Kissing, biting, and sucking all over your neck down between your breasts. Dark purple hickies covered your body by the time he was finished. Somewhere along the lines of him biting and sucking, he had managed to discard your undergarments.
His finger slowly entered you as you stifle in a moan. As he fingered you, he gradually let you get used to it before adding a second, then third, and even a fourth. The sensation was so foreign to you, but oh so very welcomed. Clenching around his fingers, you let out a small cry that it feels weird, as your sticky fluids coat his fingers and trickle down your thighs.
Smiling down at you, he removes his fingers and licks them clean before kissing you and letting you taste a bit of yourself. “You’re doing perfect, what was there ever to worry about, love?”
“Of course the human wants to do it with me, who wouldn’t?” Mammon semi-yelled in an attempt to cover his embarrassment. Taking both your hands in one of his, he slowly lowered you down on his bed as he gave you a kiss.
Before he could do anymore, you brought your knees up and told him to wait. He was sort of offended and embarrassed, but decided to listen to what you had to say.
“Im-a-virgin-please-be-gentle-with-me-and-don’t-make-fun-of-me-I-don’t-know-what-to-do-or-how-to-pleasure-you.” you very quickly said before burying your face inside of his pillows beside you.
“What was that MC? You gotta say it slower! Slower! Ya know?” Mammon responded. Truthfully, he heard you clearly the first time, but he just wanted to hear you say it again, but slower, and let him soak in the glory of this.
Taking your face out of the pillow, you looked up at Mammon and repeated yourself. “I’m a virgin, Mammon. I don’t know how this works or how to pleasure you, but please, be gentle with me.”
Seeing his sly smile, you wanted to die. He did it on purpose, didn’t he? Before you could hide yourself from reality again, he pulls you into a deep kiss. “I’m gonna tell everyone the Great Mammon was your first in everything!”
“Ma- mpf!” You were cut off by another kiss. Turning you around, Mammon propped your ass into the air and gave it a small spank making you squeal. Today, he’ll let his little human be, and work hard for them.
Ripping off your pants and underwear, he pushed his fingers into your ass and began to slowly push in and out. His other hand worked at stroking himself, telling you to watch so you know how to do it next time, because you will be giving him a blowjob eventually.
Climaxing on his fingers, he pushed them into your mouth and told you to suck. You ate every last bit of it as if it were the tastiest substance. Pulling his fingers in your ass out, and pushed his length in, causing you to cry from the size. “You were that hungry for my cum MC~? Get ready.” That cocky son of a bitch.
Loud moans from the both of you echoed throughout the room. Levi’s hands were roaming your upper half while his tailed worked on getting rid of your lower half’s clothing. But just as he got to taking off your underwear.
You didn’t mean to, but you started to cry. You were shaking. You just couldn’t control it anymore, out of everyone, you figure Levi would be a virgin and not know what to do like you. But you underestimated how many eroge games he plays.
Startled, Levi was trying his best to function. Why were you crying?? Did you not want a yucky otaku like human? Did you not like him? Did you agree to date him for a few months out of pure pity and suddenly want to get rid of him?
Trying your best to calm yourself, for both your’s and Levi’s sakes, you let out a shaky breath and explain to him what you’re feeling. The gears in his head are finally shifting.
“You mean a beautiful and amazing person like you is a v-virgin?” Levi asks, unsure if he’s hearing it right or if you’re making an excuse.
Repeating yourself, this boy was ecstatic. It was the complete opposite of what you thought was going to happen. You mean he gets to be your first?? And otaku that likes to watch idols and plays video games 17 hours a day actually gets to be YOUR first time?
Levi was amazingly happy and even expressed that very loudly. His little tail was wagging. You couldn’t help but laugh at his reaction, soon enough forgetting your own worries.
Levi told you not to worry. Although he’s also a virgin, he’s played plenty of eroge games and seen enough hentai to know what to do!!
Spreading your thighs, Levi inches closer until you could feel his hot breath hovering over your clit. Using his tail, he pushed it into your mouth, causing you to moan in shock. As his tail began fucking your mouth, he began working on eating you out.
With one of his fingers, he reached up and began to pinch one of you buds while keeping up the pace. All of this was extremely stimulating for you, a virgin. Two of your holes were being filled and your breasts were also getting attention. Pressing your thighs against his face, you began to smush him as you got closer to your edge, which only excited him even further.
As he pulled out of your mouth, you climaxed and dug your hands into his back, leaving scratch marks. However, the night was still young and just one climax wasn’t enough. There’s a reason he was fucking your mouth, as he shoved his tail into your ass and pushed his length into you.
Swallowing, you look up at Satan to try and gauge what on earth you should do. Taking his length into your hands, you slowly began to rub and stroke, as best you knew how.
At that point, it was obvious. You couldn’t fake it. You were shaking, you looked confused, and you clearly did not know how to give a blowjob.
Satan was first to speak up between the awkward silence you two shared. Your boyfriend wasn’t going to judge you, but he wasn’t going to get off this way either.
“Do you, perhaps not you know, know how?” It was definitely awkward. The two of you were inwardly cringing. Sex wasn’t something you two often talked about, or well, ever talked about. You never thought about having sex with anyone in general.
Quickly, you responded with a little “no”.
He isn’t judgemental, he could predict it from the fact you would close your eyes if two people held hands in a movie calling it “lewd” and unforgivable. He thought it was a human joke at first, with Solomon saying that too, but the blush on your face was way too strong for it to be a dedicated joke.
Satan takes liberty to guiding your hands over the sensitive parts, and the general parts, telling you how and where to touch and suck.
While he’s explaining, he’s also boasting his knowledge of dick anatomy.
Placing your hands on his hips, you began to lick the tip of his dick before moving to the underside, making sure to give it all the attention it deserved. You soon took a third of him in, your limit, and used your hands to stroke the remaining parts.
Groaning, he entangled his fingers into your hair and began to accidentally choke you against him. Little tears were forming in your eyes, but if felt damn good to have his thick member filling you up, as you listen to hear his groans that you made.
Climaxing without warning, his hot bitter seed filled your mouth. You nearly gagged it out, but swallowed it whole in order to try your best to pleasure him. Patting your head, Satan tells you that you were amazing, and a very quick learner.
“How about we have some fun, darling?” Asmodeous whispered into your ear before biting it as he wrapped his around you from behind. His hands began to slowly fondle your breasts, but before he could any further.
You knew this day was coming. Asmodeous was the demon of lust, and he was your boyfriend. A very amazing boyfriend who held back on his lust and stayed loyal to you meaning he’s been sex deprived for months. It was finally time, or you might accidentally kill him.
You were more than willing to help your boyfriend, you really were, but you were also scared. He’s been with probably thousands of people by now- he’s probably a thousand and slept with a hundred thousand! How could you, a virgin, satisfy the master of fucking?
But only because he is the master of fucking, he could tell you were uneasy. He tried to avoid making too many moves on you, other than flirting, because he would just know you were feeling nervous, but he couldn’t understand why. He knows he’s beautiful but you don’t have to be so worried to see him nude?
Asmo began to stroke your back and slowly backed down, he could wait until you were ready. But you however, had made up your mind. You were terrified, you knew you wouldn’t be as good as him or the other succubusses who were literally born to fuck, but you wouldn’t want him to be horny and be unable to do anything about it because he loves you.
Grabbing his hand, you turned around and looked up into his eyes, and swallowed putting on a brave face. “Asmo... I’m a virgin, and I’m not sure if I could pleasure you, but if you would, please take care of me.” You started off strong but slowly began to mutter, blushing wildly.
Asmo was incredibly happy. You mean his darling MC is a virgin;; like his girlfriend was worried about pleasuring him and wants to be fucked by him?? And only him?? Ever?
He literally forgets he was trying to get the sick and begins to squeal. He’s holding your hands and telling you words of encouragement and that you’re the only one for him, and that he will teach you exactly what to do.
Groping your ass, he gave it a rough squeeze as you yelped. Taking advantage of the situation he shoved his tongue into your mouth and easily claimed dominance. Swirling his tongue around, he made sure to taste all of your mouth. You’re his.
“That’s just the basics on how to get a quick kiss~” he teased as he started to nibble on your neck. His left hand was already under your panty, fingering you, while his right was massaging your breast. Your small whimpers and mewls only encouraged him to continue and do more.
He knows he should only do so much while you’re a virgin and probably don’t have a high enough stamina yet, but damn were you sexy as fuck. You on the other hand, were drowning in pleasure as he sucked and bit your buds and was pushing even more fingers deeper inside you, hitting your g-spot.
Beel’s big figure dominated you as he pinned you down underneath him on his bed. You had always know he was tall and well sculpted, but being this close and intimate with him, you were having second thoughts.
“You’re so pretty, MC.” Beel whispered as he gently kissed you on the lips, as if going any harder would cause you some kind of harm.
Ah, of course he was gentle. He always was. It sort of made you feel bad, and even conflicted for having thoughts of being scared. But hearing him unzip his pants, and looking at his dick brought you back into reality.
There’s was no way it was going to fit. Your two hands could not wrap around that. Your mouth could not fit more than a third of that, even on a good day. How are you going to pleasure him or have sex if you can’t even fit him?
Beel was always watching you, so he could immediately tell you’re uneasy. And he immediately began to tell you not to worry, and it’s okay. And that he will stop and go get snacks for you if you want to stop right now.
It caused you to cry. He’s just so sweet, how did you land the greatest and softest boyfriend in the history of the world?
He wasn’t sure what to do so he went to his dresser and pulled out a bag of chips and offered it to you. Seeing Beel so worried and concerned made you feel a lot better.
“I’m fine, Beel. I just really love you, but I’m a virgin. I’m not sure if I could fit you, or well.. pleasure you. I’m sorry, it’s stupid.” You ended up telling him.
Did you think he was just going to go put it in without prep work?? Of course not! You silly goose, he was going to prep the life out of you. And him. Don’t worry. You probably won’t even be able to go all the way today.
“Oh.” Well now you learned about what prepping was. And you thanked whoever came up with that idea.
Bringing your thighs into his shoulders, he pulled your panties down and pushed his tongue into you, and started to swirl. One of his hands was covered in lube, working on himself, while the other was working on your ass.
Going deeper and deeper, you let out small whimpers that gradually grew into loud moans. Your body was no longer in your control, and the only thing in your mind was now your desires.
Climaxing for the first time, Beel didn’t even bother to stop. He ate you up like his favorite meal and continued to work on you, pulling his fingers out of your ass to give it a light smack before continuing his work. “One day, we’ll get to the full course, but let’s enjoy this first.”
“You’re such a good girl.” He whispered pulling you closer towards him. As he took off your shirt and bra, he gave your nipple a quick pinch before starting, causing you to yelp in surprise.
You honestly had no clue what you were doing. You knew you were being intimate with Belphie, but how did you get to this point? One second you two were cuddling, and the next he asks you to help with his hard on.
You didn’t realize there was so much to the bedroom world. There were different positions? Styles? Ways of pleasuring people? What on earth is a breastjob? Is that like plastic surgery?
Before you could say anything, Belphie could already see you shaking. Hell, you were shaking more than the time he kind of killed you.
He already had his suspicions that you had no idea how this worked, but is that really something to be scared about? He didn’t get it.
Sighing, he tried his best to tell you how it works. He didn’t want to embarrass you by making you say that you’re a virgin allowed, so in a way, he was being nice.
“Put your hands on my dick and suck. Afterwards pull out and put your breasts against it. It would kill you if we did it raw.”
Blushing, you stared at him with wide eyes. So he could already tell you’re a virgin, huh? Was it really that obvious? But before you had time to express your inexperience, and how it was obvious, Belphie unbuckled his pants and removed his boxers. He just wanted his hard on gone, not a therapy session.
Thanks, Belphie. You tried to be nice in your own way.
Letting saliva form in your mouth for a bit, you bring your face closer to his length as you open and start to suck. Belphie’s hands entangled themselves in your locks, guiding you on how to slowly bob, and when to stop.
As you removed yourself from him, he gripped you by the hips and pushed you forward, your breasts against his lower half. Parting your breasts, you push him all the way inbetween, before slowing starting to move up and down.
With the help of Belphie, you gained a steady pace and gradually began bounding on your own. His low groans encouraged you and you went as best you could. With him no longer needing to guide you, he began to squeeze and roll your nipples between his fingers, causing you to cry out in ecstasy as well.
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(A/N yes, this is an incorrect quote acc but I can write actual good stuff too 😳)
Drinks and Sunsets
7:00 AM (3 hours before the match starts)
“Renee!! Wake up please, there is breakfast!” Natalie shouted at the closed door infront of her. Renee had fallen asleep at an ungodly time trying to find out more about herself and well, it didnt work out the way she wanted. She groaned, squeezing her eyes tight while moving her arms up. She stretched and eventually popped her shoulder which caused her to scream but not really scream if you understand what I mean. She cursed at herself for not going to sleep earlier knowing that there was a game today. She sat up, shading her eyes from the window that shown the bright sun. Her head turned to the door when she heard knocks coming from the other side. “someone’s there” Renee’s voices whispered, echoing throughout her ears. “No shit sherlock,” She hissed.
“Wra- I mean Renee~ wait no- sorry. Renee are you gonna eat?” Elliot sputtered, clearing his throat. “Depends on what it is,” She sighed. “It’s uH..pancakes I think? I dont know, Ramya was chosen to be the one who cooks today. They looked..burnt,” He explained, shuddering from the thought of Ramya’s pancakes. “I guess, give me a minute to get dressed and I’ll head out. Wait for me?” Renee asked, getting up and walking to her dresser. “Uh..yeah, yeah I’ll wait for you. Dont worry about a thing..you worried cause I’m not..haha..ha..,” Elliot trailed off, sliding down to the floor until he hit his arse on the concrete. Renee chuckled to herself in his stupidity and got dressed. She wore a black tank top with short grey shorts and her black sneakers with her ankle high socks (black of course). She unlocked her door and peered over to the tall man crouched next to her door, falling asleep.
“Wake up Elliot, I thought I was the one to wake up hm?” She flicked his forehead, causing him to rub the spot where he was hit. “Ow ow ow- Why??” Elliot questioned, confused as to why he was hit. “You were gonna start drooling so..anyways, breakfast?” Renee pulled him up, almost falling backwards. “I mean that’s why I’m here right? Right? i hope Im right..,” Elliot trailed off again, starting his journey towards the kitchen with the small woman behind him. Everynow and then he would peek back to make sure she was still there and not inside a portal. “You’re safe with him” Renee looked up at Elliot, the voice echoing throughout her mind. “You like him dont you” Renee looked up at the ceiling and scrunched her face in annoyance, internally screaming at the voices. “I don’t, you guys always assume things,” she whispered, looking at the random framed pictures hung up on the wall. “Elliot!” Renee shouted at the still walking man. He jumped slightly and flinched, “y-yeah? What’s up?” “Kitchen is right here doofus,” She nodded her head towards the room, “How did you manage to miss this big ass room??” “I guess it was an accident, never done that before haha,” He sighed and apologized. The so called pancakes were sitting on a top of a white ceramic plate, getting colder by the minute. “I wouldn’t even dare to try them..I mean you could but- It probably wouldnt be good..,” He walked over to the counter, “If you want, I can cook somthing up for you?” “That would be nice thank you and uh..can you make me some coffee? You know how I like it already,” She sat down at the large dinner table, laying her head down. “Yeah I can do that for ya, anything you want in particular?” Elliot asked but was met with silence. He peeked over and saw she was sleeping soundly with her head in her arms. Elliot took off his sweater and draped it over her shoulders then went back to the kitchen.
8:37 AM (1:30 hours before the match starts)
“Breakfast is ready Renee,” he shook her gently until she stirred, “Mornin’ beaut- I-I mean um..sleepyhead..? Yeah..that’s the word..sleepyhead.” “Mmm..mor-“ She clears her throat and rubs her eyes, “morning..sorry I fell asleep I just didn’t get enough sleep last night.” She looked down at the scrambled eggs and toast that were neatly placed onto the plate infront of her. “It’s fine, I didnt wanna bother you because I thought you’d kill me,” He admitted, taking off the apron that was tied around his waist. He placed it on the hook next to the fridge where a stickynote was left by Octavio not to touch his jello. The only person he let touch his stuff was Natalie. Renee picked up the fork and began eating. “You should date him” “No,” She whispered, furrowing her brows as she picked up a piece of egg with her fork. She watched as the tall man made her coffee just the way she likes it; black with a little bit of sugar and creamer. She was never one to like sweet coffee like everyone else. He poured the jug’s contents into her prefered mug. He added the little things she liked and carried it over to where she was sitting. She thanked him with a small, almost unnoticable, smile. Renee sat there with her cup close to her nose, smelling the bitter coffee aroma. She cooled it before sipping it slowly, enjoying the taste of her morning coffee.
“Hey Elliot, do you know what time it is?” She questioned the other who was washing the pan. He checked his phone and replied, “8:52” Renee stood up and brought her plate to the sink after she was done eating. “Could you wash these for me? I need to freshen up in my room,” She handed him the plate, “thanks.” She started making her way towards her room; which consisted of one right and a lot of walking straight. But she never got tired of it since she was happy she lived comfortably with her friends. The 2 rooms that were next to hers were Natalie’s and Ajay’s. The boys were on the opposite side so in front of her was Elliot. The hallway she lived in held 6 legends at a time 3 girls, 3 boys. Renee’s hallway had Ajay, her, and Natalie and then Octavio, Elliot, and Tae. The others had their hallways, some with empty rooms for future legends. Natalie was never really in her room since she was always with Octavio. It was weird, seeing two polar opposites living together. Then there were Ajay and Tae, she managed to make friends with him. I’m pretty sure Tae is still annoyed but is warming up to her.
“Oh! Youre awake finally,” Natalie smiled, walking out of Octavio’s room, “You never woke up so I had to get Elliot to help me..” Renee stood there at her door with the key in the slot, “Yeah, Ive just been...thinking.”
“Hm, well I hope you get some more sleep. Oh and goodluck with the match today!”
“You arent participating today?”
“Non, Ive been feeling unwell for the past few hours”
“Why aren’t you in bed then?”
“Well, Tavi was getting Ajay but he hasnt come back yet”
“You should be resting Nat..”
“Im okay I swear! Pas besoin de s'inquiéter,” She smiled softly and weakly. She was still in the large shirt Octavio gave her to sleep in and pajama pants. She had a small nessy plush tucked into her elbow, being squished tightly. “Chica! Get back in the bed right now or else im going to llevarte allí yo mismo,” Octavio came back with soup and meds, shouting at the sickly girl. “Ah, Tavi.. Je suis désolé I was just wondering where you were.,” She hugged the plush closer to her fragile body. “Come here conejita, lets get you better,” He lifted her up into his arms, still carrying the supplies Ajay had given him, “When you are done being sick I am going to....”
“Lovebirds,” Renee sighed and closed the door to her room, preparing for the match ahead of her. She got her battle gear on and re-did her messy bun into a neat one. Her kunai rested on the counter, untouched in its holster. She picked it up and unsheathed it, smiling at the small sparks of void that emitted out of it. She put it away and hooked the holster to her belt. “You know you wanna be like them, you cant deny it” The voices teased. “You guys really want me in a relationship huh,” Renee flopped backwards onto her messy bed. She didnt have time to make it in the morning but now she can. She checked her phone and scrolled through her social medias. Elliot made her download them and every now and then, Elliot will make her post a picture or something. She always got tagged in fanart and random posts about her in the matches. She would occasionally like some and they would freak out and thank her. She scrolled through her tagged until she came across one post. It was fanart of her and Elliot, sitting together with their hands intertwined watching the sunset. Renee blushed slightly at the art. She saw that Elliot had already liked it, but seeing as he likes all posts that he got tagged in, it wasnt weird. She hesitantly liked it and turned off her phone. “Maybe I do like him” Her thoughts were interupted when someone knocked at the door.
9:34 (couple minutes until the match starts. The ship still has to arrive at the arena, World’s Edge)
“Renee! Get yuh ass over here ‘cause the match starts soon!” Ajay’s voice boomed through the door. Her footsteps could be heard on the other side as she walked away. Renee stood up and stretched while walking towards where Ajay just was. She opened the door to see Elliot walking out of his room. “Oh hey Ren..can I call you that? Im gonna call you that..anyways, hi. Wanna walk together?” She nodded, “Okay cool, lets start heading over before everyone leaves without us.” They walked in a comfortable silence over to their friends. Octavio was in a corner moping since he didnt have his love interest with him while Crypto spied on him from another corner. He was still mad that Nat rejected him a few weeks ago to be with Octavio. It was crazy hearing that he was sulking around in his room for hours on end. But back to the main girl in this story, Renee sat down on one of the couches that sat in the middle of the room. Everyone was ready to board the dropship to head over to the arena. Here is what was going around, Gibby and Ajay were laughing together,Octavio was..unenergetic for once, Tae was in the corner, Loba was fixing her nails while Rev watched her on the wall, Alexander was playing around with his gas, and lastly Ramya was chewing gum while playing on her phone. It was always bustling in the living space because its where everyone socialized other than the bar. A small yet loud alarm was sounded to let all the legends know it was time to board the dropship.
“Woo-hoo! It’s finally time to go,” Octavio said unenthusiastically. Everyone walked in one-by-one or in pairs. They all strapped up in their skydiving equipment and was prepared for the long drop ahead of them. Renee stood next to Elliot’s room in the ship while the others either went to their rooms or sat in the middle. (Reference back to the season 3 trailer for room placement) Renee was flippping her kunai peacefully while Elliot rambled about something in his room. She enjoyed listening to him talk about nonsense while the quiet humming of the ship was surrounding them. It was peaceful, atleast to her. It blocked out most of the voices and when she was around Elliot they seemed to shut up and occasionally tease her. The drop ship shook a bit and Elliot tripped a little but caught himself. Renee didnt mind turbulence since she didnt really care about anything really, she tenses up a bit sometimes but thats about it. Her scarf end swayed as the ship lowered slowly. Suddenly the screens flashed on and displayed everyone’s banners. Everyone gets a chance to customize and submit their banners to headquarters. The teams were as listed,
Lifeline, Crypto, and Gibraltar
Octane, Caustic, and Bloodhound
Mirage, Wraith, and Loba
Revenant, Pathfinder, Bangalore
Everyone stood on their respective platforms also known as where the screens flashed their names. The champions were shown not even a minute later, Wraith’s team was shown and she said a voiceline to taunt her enemies of the day. The metal shifted under their feet and lowered slowly, revealing the bright, cold arena. Everyone at this point was used to the cold though, they were glad it was world’s edge because kings canyon during those months was scorching. Comms were switched on and everyone tested out the mics. Everything was set up and ready to go so teams started dropping towards their locations. Wraith was jumpmaster and pinged on the map, Fragment West. Everyone knew both of Fragment was dangerous and it was hotdrop that game too. You can bet that there were multiple death boxes surrounding the small yet large area. Wraith was already kill leader with 7 kills from the popular spot. Bullets were heard in the distance and Wraith portaled to gain some speed while Loba teleported and Mirage had to run. He wasn’t a running person for long distances so he just took wraith’s portal.
“W- Wait up you two! I dont have a movement ability!!” He cried out to the two girls. The two looked at eachother and giggled while looking back at the energy drained man. “Danger move” Wraith looked around and pinged an enemy and phased away out of danger. Again, Loba teleported away and Mirage was left alone to run away. They hit him good but he managed to get behind cover. Wraith lended him some shield cells and syringes and shot at the other team with her sentinel. The other team was Octane’s team and they were stacked; Octane had gold armour while his teammates had red evo. Octane also had a peacekeeper that he got from a carepackage just next to them. It was a long fight, from gas being thrown on them to the ring closing in on the two teams. They had been fighting for so long they didnt even realize that there were only 3 teams in total left. Wraith’s team, Octane’s team, and lastly Pathfinder. I would say Pathfinder’s team but his teammates died and the banner timers ran out, he was left solo.
“Everyone try to watch your backs, the robot could try to ambush one of us,” Loba turned to face her teammates, occassionally looked up and around for the tall simulacrum. “Spotted him, up there. He has a longbow and what seems to be a flatline on his back. I could snipe him down if that’s what you want,” Wraith calmly called out, pulling out her sentinel and charging it. “Go ahead beautiful,” Loba replied. In an instant, a loud, charged sentinel bullet was shot and killed the robot up on the hill, instantly eliminating him. Now, it was just Octane and Wraith’s teams left to fight. “Nice kill Re- I mean,” He cleared his throat, “Nice kill Wraith..” Wraith smiled and thanked him silently while eyeing down the other team. Seconds went by and both teams rushed eachother. Bullets whizzed by eachothers heads and occasionally hit their shoulders or legs. Octane’s team was low on meds while the other team was low on ammo. Another minute of fighting passes and Wraith’s team is deemed the champion. When they were back in the drop ship everyone congratulated them for winning even though they were in a tight spot. There was an after match party happening in an hour so everyone went back to their rooms to clean up after a long day and get dressed. Renee was first to her room to take a shower while the others stayed in the kitchen or hallways sparking conversations with eachother. While Renee took her cold shower, Elliot decided it was be such a good idea to just waltz into her room to ask her a question not knowing that she was relaxing without voices for once.
“Hey Renee! I was just wondering if you wanted to match for the uh..,” He paused, looking around, “Renee? Where are you??” He looked around the empty yet messy room. Clothes thrown everywhere and notebooks and hairties were strewn about. Her messy bed showing how much she slept that night, which it wasn’t much. He began to worry about her well-being and if she even actually took care of herself. He heard the loud shower running so he went and knocked on the bathroom door. But before he actually knocked, he thought about the things that could happen if he knocked on her bathroom door when she didnt even know that he was in her room. He’d be killed. Before he knew what was coming he accidentally knocked on the door infront of him like a reflex. He heard the girl inside gasp loudly with a few things dropping. He startled her, which was a first for him. He was in shock and did not want to move. “She’s like a T-Rex, if I dont move she cannot see me-“ He was cut off when the door swung open and a semi-dryed off Renee was standing in-front of him. She had her body wrapped with a towel and her still damp hair dripped along the floor and her scarred shoulders.
“How are you in here and what do you want,” She said firmly with an annoyed face. “One, your door was open, two, I wanted to ask if you wanted to match outfits for the after match thing..,” He sighed looking away, “Nevermind, it was a dumb question of course you dont.” He turned and apologized but before he could leave the room Renee stopped him. “Who said I didn’t want to? I wouldn’t mind matching with you,” She stepped over to her closet and sifted through the dresses section, “What color or style were you thinking of?” Elliot was astonished that she actually agreed to do anything with him. “I was thinking accents of purple..? I think it would look nice on both of us,” He sat down on a nearby chair in her room, looking away from her slender body. “Fine with me, now turn around,” She made sure he had his eyes closed and was turned around in order to change. She dropped the towel and peered back just in case. “You want him to see you” “Tell him to turn around” “Let him touch you” The voices were surrounding her but she managed to ignore them. When she finished getting dressed she had Elliot turn around.
“Wow..,” Elliot had no words for the sight in front of him. She wore a long black dress that had a slit on the side with a fluffy, purple boa draped over her shoulders and she was wearing heels making her as tall as him. She played with her hair a bit out of embarrassment while looking away. “You look..amazing,” Elliot was admiring her features that he acted like he’d never seen before, “I just- have no words.” “I dont look that good relax,” Renee walked over to her dresser and put on a necklace that had a purple gem in the middle. “Are you going to just stand there and not go to your room and get dressed?” Renee peered over at him from the mirror. “Right..right yeah, Ill be back to ‘pick you up’,” He opened the door and quietly shut it behind him. She sighed and thought out loud, “What am I going to do about him?” She put her hair in a half bun-half hair down sort of style and finished her look with mascara and a slight tint to her lips. She slipped on short black gloves and grabbed a clutch that had small purple accents on it. “He will like it” “For once you look nice” “People are going to judge you” “Nobody will approach you” “People are going to hate you” The voices started off nice but went downhill and piled hate after hate onto her. She pushed them away and mumbled to herself that tonight will be a good night. Light knocking was heard and she went to open the door, her heels clicking with every step.
“Ready to gooooo-“ He looked her up and down and smiled, “You’re beautiful” He tucked a stray strand from her hair behind her ear, “Let’s be on our way before the limosu- limosio- limo gets here.” He held out a hand and she gladly took it. They held hands for most of the way until Renee let go to check her clutch for something. She pulled it out and checked it before slipping it back in. It was her Apex ID, aka the only way to get into Apex events. You can be one of the legends but they wouldnt let you in without it since people knew how to look almost identical to them. She didn’t regrab his hand after that, she wanted to make sure no one saw. When they got to the front of the building everyone was in their formal attire. Octavio was wearing a green suit top with tailored shorts to go along with it and Natalie wore a white party dress that had orange and blue accents, Anita was in a classic suit talking to Loba who was in a short gold dress, Crypto was in a white suit with green accents, Rampart was in a blouse and office pants, Gibby was in a suit while Ajay wore a long blue dress, Bloodhound wore their goggles along with a suit that had a red cloth in its pocket, and Alexander wore a plain black suit. Revenant doesn’t dress up he said. Pathfinder simply went as himself for the night. After a couple minutes of waiting the limo drove up to the curb of the building. Everyone piled in close together and began conversations with eachother. Elliot and Renee sat really close together due to the limo being quite small for a bunch of legends. Some minutes pass and Renee’s eyes are starting to close. She finally let the sleepiness take over her and her head softly fell onto Elliot’s shoulder. He looked over at her and smiled. Most of the legends eyed them and mouthed for him not to move one bit or she would murder him.
“Elliot..,” Renee mumbled in her sleep, “I..love you..” The small sentence was only heard by the man allowing her to sleep. He tensed up but relaxed as her arm draped over his. The limo pulled up to the event center and a red carpet was dramatically rolled out for the legends. One-by-one everyone was walking down the red carpet either together or solo. Im guessing you can guess which ones walked solo. Elliot nudged Renee and she slowly opened her eyes. She yawned quietly and her eyes met his. They looked at eachother and then she backed away, standing up. She turned away and quickly walked out of the limo and Elliot followed shortly after. Elliot caught up and walked beside her while she covered her eyes from the flashing of the cameras. He enjoyed all the attention on him but Renee never did. He realized what was happening and walked directly infront of her, taking the spotlight. The taller put his hand behind his back and Renee allowed herself to grab and squeeze it lightly. He led her somewhere private and sat her down on a wall away from everyone else.
“You okay? I know you dont like the atten- attentin- eyes on you,” he knelt down, matching his eye level with hers. “I’m fine, you dont have to worry about me so much you know,” She sighed and leaned back slightly, “Let’s just get back to the others before they think were fucking or something.” Elliot offered a hand but she declined, pushing herself up from the wall. She swayed her hips with every step she took towards the doors. Her dress flowed down neatly from her waist down to the carpeted floor. He watched her walk away as the boa she wore bounced with her strides. “W- wait up Renee!” He yelled, fast-walking towards her but she was already through the doors. When he made it through, it was bustling with legends from other ports and random game organizers. There was loud music playing from speakers up above and most of the legends were by the bar including Anita and Loba. Others were either on couches or talking near walls with each other. There were people dancing in the middle of the room where flashing lights and more sparkled along the area. His eye caught the bright purple boa from across the room.
“Hey Ren, glad I finally found you,” He sat next to the now relaxed woman, “Let me guess, appletini?” She gave a side-glance towards him while she sipped the drink he guessed. It was her usual at the Paradise Bar so it wasn’t weird. Minutes went by and the found themselves laughing at eachother from stupid jokes and random stories. A slow-dancing song played on the speakers and everyone got with a partner.
“Wanna go dance with me Ren?” Elliot grabbed her hand, pointing to where everyone was partnered together. “I can’t really dance Elliot, I dont know if I could do it,” Renee responded back to him, covering her face with her boa. “Oh, come on you can’t be that bad at dancing. It’s not that hard, come on I’ll teach you,” He grabbed her hand and pulled her off the seat to take her over to everyone else. He brought her to the dance floor and held her close, guiding her hands to where they were supposed to be. He placed her hands on her lower waist and swayed side-to-side with her. “See? I told you it wasnt that ha-“ He winced as she stepped on his foot, “It’s fine, I forgive you since you’re a beginner.” She apologized anyways and held him closer. As the song came to an end everyone seperated except for them.
“This is nice,” Renee pulled away from his arms, “Want to go somewhere more..quiet?” Elliot’s face contorted to a confused yet happy expression. “I know just the place Ren!” He grabbed her hand and practically sprinted out the doors with her, bringing her to a cliff just off the side of the road. He sat down far away from the edge and patted the spot next to him, signalling for her to walk over and sit next to him. The sun was setting and it was the most beautiful thing that Renee had ever seen. “Oh wow Elliot..I never knew about this spot,” She couldn’t stop gazing at the orange and red hues surrounding the hot ball of gas. “My mom would take me here sometimes, from the sunset, the sunrise, and the stars oh my god the stars. She’d make them so amazing but one day she got so sick and she couldn’t take me anymore. So everytime we get to come here I come out here, to escape the whole legend thing and relax by myself. But now, I see two pretty things infront of me..the sunset and well, you,” He gently grabbed her hand and her reddish face was hard to see in the dark. She turned her head towards him and he smiled softly. “This reminds me of something I saw today, a post with a drawing of us. There’s just one thing missing to complete the scene I believe,” Renee saw him thinking and it looked like a lightbulb just turned on in his head. He leaned in and so did she. They closed their eyes and-
The scene matched the vibe of the social media post that Renee had randomly come across. It was a strange feeling to Renee, for she had never felt this way towards anyone before. Atleast, not a time that she could remember. Elliot had a goofy smile plastered on his face afterwards. She grinned and leaned on his shoulder as they gazed at the stars that started to peek from the horizon. “Alright yuh lovebirds, get yuh asses inside before we leave without yuh guys,” Ajay leaned against the door, watching them. “Oh, alright. We’ll be right there Ajay,” Renee looked over her shoulder to the other girl and smiled softly. Ajay nodded and closed the door behind her. Elliot was the first to get up and then offered a hand for Renee to grab. She gladly took it and he hoisted her up to her feet. She brushed off any dirt that may have gotten onto her dress. As they went back inside, no one really looked at them apart from quick glances. Anita signalled to them over at the entrance that they were leaving the event. They held hands as they rushed over to the group, not wanting to let go of eachother. Anita counted them and led everyone back to the limosuine so they could pile in the same way they did when they arrived.
(Back at the Apex Dormrooms)(Specifically Elliots Room)
The two were sitting on top of the bed in Elliot’s room, talking. Everyone had just got back to the dorms and they had rushed out so they could get some privacy. “So..what are we now?” Renee turned towards Elliot, who was fidgeting with his hands. He looked up and shifted into a more comfortable position to look at the girl next to him. He looked back infront of him and flopped back onto his bed, staring at the ceiling. “Whatever you want us to be, Ren,” His eyes glanced at her features from the angle he was in.
“I want to be...more than friends-“
“Best friends?”
“Best best friends..?”
“I want to be together, as in I want us to date and do things that couples do,” her head turned towards him. “A-are you sure?? I-I-I mean I dont think Im that bad at being a boyfriend but are you really sure you want to be in a rela- rele- be with me???” He stammered, not knowing what to say. “Yes,” was all she had to say when Elliot pulled her in close to lay down next to him. He kissed her cheeks and her forehead multiple times before stopping to stare at her beauty. She giggled and smiled then held him down into a cuddle position on the bed. “This is what I’ve always wanted, despite me acting like I never did,” She admitted, tracing circles on the others chest. “Did you want to sleep here for the night? Or..we’re you going to go back to your room?” Elliot asked, but got no response from the other. Renee was fast asleep in his arms, snoring softly. Elliot smiled a loving smile and kissed her forehead lightly then fell asleep quick with the warmth she amitted.
Octane walked into Elliot’s room, knowing it was unlocked and because he was his best friend. He had his phone in hand, ready to ask a question about the future match. His eyes darted towards the bed after noticing that the lights were off. There, he saw his best friend with the stone cold girl, who never really showed emotion. He gasped quietly and opened the camera app on his phone. He snapped a picture but before he knew it, the flash went off and lit up the entire area of the man’s bed. Renee groaned and covered herself more with the blanket that was draped over her and Elliot. He quickly stepped out of the room where the couple rested and snickered at the photo he caught. His first thought was to post it, his second? To post it and then print it and frame it. He didnt want to seem like a bitch so he decided to post it with the caption, “Found the lovebirds mating LOL” Within a matter of seconds, the post flooded with likes and shares. Which meant that all if not most of the legends would see it. You bet that Elliot and Renee we’re furious when they both came across it the next day..
word count: 5,445
Hope you guys enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing it :] <3
Quotes will resume Monday,, 2:00pm CT
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Summery- Bucky returns home after a mission, and makes some slight changes. Soft, Sweet, Flashbacks in italiacs. Written for @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan​ Stars Follower Celebration. The prompt- “Im never letting you leave this bed again” Thank you @curtisbbq​ for letting me borrow your idea. 
Word Count- 2833
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Bucky returned to the compound, dirty, rough around the edges, and just fucken damn glad to be home. What an odd thought, he really start to feel like this was home, YOU were home. The first time since he left for the army way back when, now he had a place to settle down, let himself explore something he had yearned for for a lifetime to most.He was home, he had to admit being able to get used to this.
Following Sam to weapons lock up, he just replaced most of his tactical gear, the weapons, well they were his babies, and all needed to be personally attended to, cleaned before he could in good concious put them in the lock up. Sam slammed the cage door after putting away his Falcon Wings when he looked over at Bucky. 
“You know, you might wanna clean up before going up to Y/N, especially your hair man.” 
Bucky really didnt know what he was going on about, but reaching up, he could feel the rats nest of tangles that formed, 2 weeks in some remote bum fuck area being shot at would do that. And honestly he was ripe, it probably wouldnt do well for the upcoming reunion between the two of you. 
“Trust me, your not any better off.” Bucky retorts back, locking his own cage door, and headed towards the showers. 
“The ladies all love me!” Sam called to Buckys retreating back, chuckling in amusement, opting to head back to his own apartment. After the couple weeks they been with each other every waking moment, they both needed a break from one another.
After his shower Bucky stood at the mirror, alone in the facility, and the mess that showed back in his reflection made him wince. Sure the bruises and cuts, not a big deal. He would heal from those fairly quickly. He managed to work out the mess of a knot, It looked just like himself looking back, but he wasnt seeing James “Bucky”  Buchanan Barnes, no, he still saw The Winter Soldier, the man with an unknown number of kills under his belt.  But he knew... He remembered every single one. The knowledge brought him the greatest grief, it was heavy on his shoulders, even with the vibranium arm holding him up. It made his physical aches pale in comparison, 
Nearby his phone gave off your ringtone, and he snapped back out of his thoughts, glancing down to see a picture of you two lighting up the screen,and suddenly that heaviness was gone. 
You were playing music on your phone as the two of you walked the compound grounds after a long exhausting day. Honestly Bucky would have been content to crashing on the couch to reruns of Bobs Burgers, you always would giggle during that dumbass show. But you insisted on this first. “Please Bucky, just a quick walk down to the river” He relented, you did ask so nicely. His arm rested lightly around your hip as you would sweep down to pluck a flower and twirl it in your fingers before twisting it into the crown of your head. 
“Where the brave are free and lovers soar Come ride with me to the distant shore We won't hesitate to break down the garden gate There's not much time left today Life is a highway I want to ride it all night long...”
You phone sang and you plucked it out, opening the camera as you moved behind him, jumping up on his back, catching Bucky by surprise, his arm shoots behind to help hold you up. 
“Smile Barnes!” Resting your chin atop his head, and his eyes rolled up in a exasperated look, the corner of his mouth coming up in a grin at you. You wrapped your legs tighter around his waist and slid down a bit, like a hug from behind, and nuzzled your face against his own. 
God Damn He loved you. 
You gave him joy 
‘Heard your FINALLY are back. See you tonight when I get home. Im gonna blow this popsicle stand early. Picking up chinese. Dont worry, Im going to get that orange chicken extra spicy. Cant wait to see you. Love you Sargent. XOXO’ 
And ahh, there it was, Home. He thought seeing your message, the way you were all about blowing off the rest of your day to come back, taking care of him picking up his favorite guilty pleasure, and the way you insisted on calling him Sargent, even before the two of you started taking your friendship further. Simply setting his phone down, his gaze lifted back to the mirror, and thats when he decided he wanted to bring Sargent Bucky Barnes back. Collecting a hair clipping kit from the shelf, he got to work. 
Waiting for the elevator to bring him up the flights, his hand went to brush through the shortly cropped hair, it was a bit more in style with today, a mess of tufts atop his head, it was different, it would be different for you. You were so used to the longer look and always told him how you loved them. Hell the first time you two started hanging out, you snuck in his room and braided it just for the hell of it much to his horror. How would you react to this? The elevator buzzed open and he went down the hall to your shared apartment, the door locked. 
Digging out his keys, they clink against the vibranium of his hand letting him know he had them in his grasp and pulled them out of his jeans pockets, getting the door unlocked, and stepping inside, its all quiet. Usually you had a bit of music playing of some sort in the background. He never knew what it would be, you were set on giving him an education of lyrics and tunes. So far he had no complaints with your choices. Dropping his keys in the bowl you kept as your “Keep all the shit off my kitchen counter” bowl, he went to go see what you were last playing for music. Picking up the ipod you so lovingly cherished, he pressed play. And guess what the song was. 
Disney. Lion King to be exact. You had just gotten out of the shower and were singing to Hakuna Matata, and Bucky had been stretched out on the end of the bed, watching you in the steamy bathroom, wriggle your hips as you pull your panties up over your ass “When I was a young warthoooog!” Bucky broke out in laughter right here, pushing himself up to sit and you pulled one of his shirts over your head as you left the bathroom, continuing along with your song, and cupping his face, looking down at him. 
“It means no worries For the rest of your days It's our problem-free philosophy Hakuna Matata!”
You wink at him and kiss his forehead, his arm lopes around your hip, drawing you to sit in his lap, kissing in the curve of your shoulder and neck, placing feather light nips and trace of his nose along the softness, inhaling your honeysuckle softness. You trail fingers along his shoulder and nuzzle into him, enjoying the early morning moment, before the day truly started. 
“We should adopt that philosophy you know” You say chuckling as your still humming the tune softly, swinging your legs that dangled over Buckys lap. “Means no worries, no worries about us showing up to work on time.” He chuckles against your shoulder and lifts his head to kiss your lips, playing at nipping between tangling of tongues and pulling away. “And have Sam come barging up here demanding to know where my ass was not down training the new recruits? He wouldnt know where to start with this group.” You scoff with a roll of your eyes, and nudge him to fall back, straddling his hips and running hands up his chest. “You think Im scared of the Falcon, bring it Oversized Pigeon.”
Fuck he loved you.
You gave him so much laughter. 
Turning it up further, he went to go grab a beer from the fridge and with a twist, he flung the cap into the disposal, taking a drag off it. He never knew he would enjoy these craft beers you insisted on buying cause “There seasonal bits of goodness, let me have my weakness... well one of my weakness” A very obvious salacious wink thrown his way. A lick of his lips cleared any residue on the beer and he was about to check his phone to see if you sent him another message, usually you were good about blowing it up when he heard the door handle click open, and with your usual gusto of chaos, swept in. Your keys missed the bowl, of course. You never actually followed your own rules. And a quick kick sent sneakers flying off your feet. “Bucky Baby, that better be you. If it isnt, im about to whoop ass on whomever it is.” 
You come around the corner and dump the bags of chinese on the counter, still not having seen Bucky, but you caught sight of a flash of him over your shoulder, in the living room. You couldnt wait to see your man, it had been so long, and Fuck you just missed him. Tossing everything else down on the counter, hell you were all about breaking rules, especially your own, your turn on the balls of his feet, calling him again “Bucky Barnes, I so- “ Cutting yourself off immediately when you step into the living room and your mouth hangs open a bit in surprise. Self consciously he touches the top of his head. 
“You... You cut your hair!” It was said in surprise, pure surprise. Its not like normally something like this would surprise you with a regular person, this was Bucky Barnes, the man who tried to stay as routine as possible for the simple fact it was that he was in complete control of himself, and that is what he was all about. You had never seen him even have the desire to cut his hair, ever. 
“You like?” His voice is soft, almost a child like softness to it, and a worried look on his face, like maybe he made a mistake? You give a shake of your head, and that surprise looks fades into an excited one, crossing the room to reach him.
“Baby, fuck I LOVE IT”
You two are driving, no where in particular. You were restless, the hot sunshine weather making you itch to go for a drive, Imagine Buckys surprise when you held up a pair of keys to Tonys Acura Nsx, wiggling brows at him. 
“Is that... Starks keys?” Bucky questioned when you tossed them at him, wrapping your arm around his and tugging him along. 
“Yup, ssshh, we will bring it back. Were just borrowing it. For the day.” 
“You know your starting to remind me of Steve.” He accused as you two entered the garage, and he opened the convertibles door for you, slipping inside. 
“Sorry baby, he doesnt borrow rigs this nice. Im a class all my own.” Giving him a smirk, you slammed the door shut and he just shook his head while circling to the drivers side. 
Miles away, Bucky is loosening up to your little trip, your flipping the radio to some random station, singing along in that soft voice of yours. 
“So baby pull me closer in the backseat of your Rover That I know you can't afford Bite that tattoo on your shoulder Pull the sheets right off the corner Of the mattress that you stole...”
Bucky glanced over at you while you were so lost in the moment, your feet were dangling out the door, you yourself were angled to lean into him, the aviator glasses slid down to the tip of your nose, and with a push of the button, you dropped the top down, your long tresses of hair whipping around you, you slid your hand into his and lifted it to your face, brushing his knuckles along the side of your face, your eyes sparking over the glasses at him. His foot pushed onto the gas, and the the Acura sped up, taking you two anywhere and nowhere at the same time, it didnt matter anymore what the plan was. 
Chaos and All, he loved you. 
You gave him adventures.
“Do you?” Relief crossing his face and easing the tension he held, your hands immediately brushing into the soft locks of hair, marveling now at how soft they were, sprigs popping in between fingers and you bit your lip, eyes shinning up at him, in a playful manner, you gave a slight tug and stepped in closer to him. 
“Bucky, absolutely I do, this is the best surprise ever, even better then when you let me call you Bucky Bear in public.” 
He rolled his eyes and snorted, tracing his hand over your hip to grasp your ass. “That was a one time thing, and the barista was clearly uncomfortable writing ‘Y/N’s Bucky Bear; on the cup.” Who is he kidding? He actually loved it and you knew it. You wiggle your nose at him and place a loving kiss on his lips. 
“Yet you still allowed it. But why, tell me why the change?” 
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How you managed to drag him to the museum display once again, he didnt know. But this seemed to be something you loved, the two of you walking quietly around the different exhibits. Reading over the information, and your questions would draw stories out of him that others didnt know, short of Rogers. His gaze would lift to the faces of his howling commando brothers, from a life time ago, and you would tumble into a decent part of his past. No, it wasnt perfect. There were hard memories edging the shadows of his mind, but you only encouraged the better parts, the parts he was proud to tell. 
“It was our fifth hydra outpost, and the prisoners they had kept there were the rowdiest bunch. They drank all of us under the table that night in celebration. Short of Steve... poor guy couldnt even catch nothing more then a few minute buzz.” 
You shake your head chuckling and wrinkle your nose at the idea. “Well that would suck, cant even get yourself a proper buzz, let alone drunk. I dont know, maybe the serum wasnt worth it.” Moving the two of you to the next display, and he caught a look on your face, and then turned his attention to what you were staring at. A picture of Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes, himself with a piece of his history. “This one here, my favorite display in here. You look so handsome, so proud.” Your head would rest on his shoulder. “But Im gonna be honest, your best picture is the one on my nightstand. They should have that in here.” One of all of you back at the compound, you and Natasha playing video games against him and Steve. in that photo he was laughing at something Natasha had said, a deep laugh, holding onto Steves shoulder as he doubled over.
He looked at the photo, tucking you in close to his side, but remained silent. That one on the wall was a life time ago, but yes, he was proud of who he was before Hydra.
Quietly, He loved you
You gave him Pride.
“It was just time for a change Y/N, time to say goodbye to that part of myself I just... I cant take any of it back, but I can move on from it. Im ready for our memories to be what I see in the mirror.” He confessed, his gaze falling down to look lower then in your eyes, and you, well damned if that man couldnt stir you to your soul. 
Your hands cup his face to bring his gaze back up, kissing him fiercely, no hold back, all of it was just poured into this kiss to your Bucky Barnes, he accepted it. His arms pulled you up to wrap your legs around his hips, and a hand snaked up the back of your shirt, pressing the small of your back in flush against him, your chest crushing against his and your arms loped around his neck. Falling back against the couch, you arch up from where you were sitting low on his stomach, running your arms down his chest. “Get comfy Sergeant, Im never letting you leave this bed again.” 
His brows lifted as his hands moved to lightly grasp your thighs on either side on his waist. “Baby, you know this is the couch....?” 
“Shut up Barnes, we will make it to the bed eventually, now kiss me like you missed me, cause fuck I missed you!” 
Always, He loved you
You gave him his Home.
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@p8tn0lish @what-is-your-plan-today @official-and-unstable-satan @jtargaryen18
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backtobackbakubabe · 4 years
Stuck in the Middle with You (Part 2)
Bakugo x Reader 
Reader is a closet couponer and when word started spreading that there was going to be a mandatory quarantine to fend off a virus you weren't worried. You had enough supplies to last for months. However it wasn't until now that you realized you had no idea how to cook and you relied on take out and fast food for most of your meals. The only person who knew about your crazy couponing habit was Bakugo, so when he called and asked if he could raid your stash you got an idea.
Words: 2054
You tried not to moan as you took your first bite of Bakugo’s pancakes. They were so delicious, but you didn’t want to add to his already huge ego. For the most part you both are in silence, locking eyes every so often before immediately looking anywhere else but at each other. There was still some awkward tension between the two of you. He had kissed you, like actually kissed you but neither of you wanted to be the one to bring it up. 
You knew he only did it to try and help you through your panic attack. There was no way he would have done it for any other reason. He was Bakugo after all and you weren't even convinced that he even liked you as a friend. Sure he always attended movie nights, and yeah he brought you coupons. But that was it. The two of you never hung out one on one and you rarely spoke to each other over the phone. You had known the man for years and you didn’t know a damm thing about him. 
It wasnt until he cleared his thought that you realized you had been staring at him, “Do I need to teach you manners as well as cooking? Lesson number one, don’t stare at people.”
You snorted, “Oh that’s rich. A lesson on manners from the same person who manages to find a way to insult anyone who dares try and speak to him.”
He slammed his fork down, “Well at least I wasn't the one staring at another person practically drooling while they ate!”
You stood up and tossed your plate into the sink, “I was not drooling! I was just thinking...”
Bakugo came up behind you and rinsed your dish as well as his before putting them in the dish washer, “You really shouldn't leave dishes in the sink. Its a bad habbit...”
When you didnt answer he took a deep breath, “If we’re going to be stuck here then we should probably at least try and get along.”
Again you were struck by how little you knew about him. How had you been friends with him for this long and not know anything about him.
He groaned, “Are you even fucking listening to me?”
You nodded and pinched the bridge of you nose, “Yeah sorry, just was thinking again... I can be kind of spacey.” 
He softened a bit before leaning on the counter next to you, “So I’ve noticed... What are you thinking about?”
You blushed slightly before regaining your composure, “Honestly you... Not anything weird... It’s just. Well I feel like I actually don’t know much about you. Like are you a morning person? Whats your favorite color? What kind of movies do you like? I know none of that seems important but for some reason it just weirds me out that I dont know.”
Bakugo scratched the back of his neck, “Well I mean you never asked...” 
You hopped up on the kitchen counter and swung your legs that were now dangling, “Okay well to be fair that can go both ways. I’m sure you don’t know anything about me either.”
He seemed to think for a minute before nodding, “Well I guess it’s a good thing we have some time to catch up. Just promise me that what you learn stays between us. I dont need any fucking extras thinking they know me.” 
You rolled your eyes at his abrasiveness. “How about you pick something to watch and I’ll go raid my closet for things you could wear. I doubt you want to wear the same clothes every day for the foreseeable future.” 
“Tsk as if I’d wear girls clothes. The director from my hero agency said he’d send someone over with some clothes. It’ll probably just be a bunch of training gear with the agencies logo on it but I guess beggars cant be choosers.” 
Bakugo was right because halfway through “Gladiator” a man showed up with a duffle bag full of grey and black shirts, shorts, and sweats with his agencies logo on it. They were all still wrapped in plastic just to be safe. 
He threw the bag full of clothes behind the couch and reclaimed his spot next to you. You were bundled up in a blanket, trying not to fall asleep but you were drained after your episode earlier. It was only a little after 8 and you could feel your eye lids growing heavier. 
At some point you woke up and to your horror you were leaning on Bakugo. You would have panicked except you could feel his arm draped around your shoulders holding you to him. This was odd. You slowly sat up and stretched. “Sorry. You could have pushed me off. I wouldn't have blamed you. Especially with social distancing or whatever.”
He chuckled, “Oh believe me I thought about it. But you were cold and if we stuck together I cant have you getting sick.”
You saw a slight blush creep up his neck. You knew there was no way you would have gotten sick from being chilly in your own living room. But you also knew he was probably more comfortable doing something nice if he had an excuse. So you game him a genuine smile. “Thanks. I’ll be honest that's the best nap I’ve ever had. Well best I’ve slept in months actually. I’m always tossing and turning.” You turned off the tv that was now playing the credits. You had seriously slept through the entire second half of the movie. 
You walked over and started pulling out pillows and blankets from the hall closet. “You can sleep on the couch. It pulls out into a bed but honestly its more comfortable if you just sleep on it normally. We can take turns sleeping in the bed if you’re here long enough.”
He accepted the blankets but held tight to your hand. “Hey you know I meant it earlier when I said you could talk to me. I’m the last person to voluntarily open up about my feelings, but you know... I worry about you sometimes.” 
You plopped down on the couch with a huge sigh. “I appreciate your concern. But I wouldn't even know where to begin... I’m just... I don’t know. I’m fine.”
Bakugo took a seat next to you, “You’re what? Smart? Strong? Badass? Because those are the first words that come to mind when I think of you...”
You could feel your eyes prick with unshed tears. “Well those are definitely not high on the list of adjectives I would consider for myself. More like small, scared, and incompetent.” You leaned your head back on the couch and stared at the ceiling. 
Bakugo crossed his arms over his chest in mild frustration. “Why? That couldn’t be further from the truth! Well except the small thing. You are kinda little. But last I checked that wasn’t a bad thing. If anything... its kinda.... cute.” 
You looked up expecting to see him blushing. But instead you saw him giving you a nervous smile. You wiped a tear from the corner of your eyes and returned his smile, “Well you know how my quirk can be really vague? I only get fragments of the truth and even then it’s up to me to decide what they mean... That’s a lot of pressure. I cant be wrong. Ever. And there was this one time when I was a child... I was living with my mom.. I interpreted something wrong and someone died because of it. That kind of thing sticks with you.”
Bakugo reached out and took your hand, “Is that why you decided not to be a hero?”
You nodded as you wiped away another tear, “Yeah. Now I work behind a desk, looking at files, and no body gets hurt.” 
Bakugo surprised you by pulling you to him and giving you a tight hug. “I’m going to say something and you better not ever repeat it.... But I was always nervous to spar against you. You always seemed to be able to read me like a book. You worked harder than the rest of us including me. You were always in the gym or the library. I’m not saying I don’t understand your decision. I just want you to know that I think you would have been great.” 
You leaned into his hug, “Thank you... for everything today. For helping through my panic attack, for making me dinner, for hanging out with me. I know you say you didnt have a choice. But you really are a great friend.” 
You both laid there on the couch. Bakugo holding onto you taking deep breaths, “You want to talk about earlier? You dont have to but it might help me out to know what might trigger you if we’re going to be stuck here.”
You buried your face into his chest. “I dont really want to talk about it. But I will say I dont do very well when I feel trapped, especially if I have to be alone.”
He gave you a quick squeeze, “You going to be okay alone tonight?”
You sat up and swatted as his chest, “Bakugo Katsuki! Did you just ask if you could spend the night with me?”
He rolled his eyed before he pushed you off the couch. “Sorry for being concerned. I promise it’ll never happen again. Next time I’ll just let you suffer.”
You giggled, “There’s the Bakugo I know.” You started your trek up the stairs to your room calling a goodnight over your shoulder to the man who was getting cozy on your couch. When you had woken up this morning there was no way you could have predicted your day would end up like this. You didn’t know what was harder to believe, the lockdown, or the fact that Bakugo was a secret softy.
You were already so exhausted that it was hard for you to fall asleep. The hard part was staying asleep. You woke up several times, tossing and turning. Your anxiety was truly kicking your ass tonight. At one point you felt compelled to go and check that Bakugo was still there. Not that it would make any difference. There’s no way your insomnia would magically be cured by knowing that Bakugo was still there. 
But logic wasnt on your side tonight.
You wrapped yourself in a towel and tip toes across the cold hardwood floor. You tried really hard to be silent, slowly making your way down the stairs. It was so dark, but you could just make out the silhouette of his rising and falling chest. At least he could sleep. 
After you had satisfied your irrational need to make sure he was still there you stood and turned to go back up the stairs. You were almost to the top when the board groaned under your foot. You froze. 
“Y/n?” Bakugo slowly sat up. “Y/n what are you doing up?” He picked up his phone and groaned. “Y/n it’s four in the morning!” You remained frozen to your spot on the stairs. “Y/n I can see you... Are you okay?”
You sighed, “I’m fine, I was just having a hard time sleeping again. Its nothing new. Go back to sleep.”
He stood up and wrapped the blanket around his half asleep form. He slowly made his way up the stairs. When he got to you he didnt stop but kept walking towards your room. He only paused when he got to the door. “Are you coming or not?” 
You silently nodded and joined him in your room. He laid down on  the floor next to your bed, which looked extremely uncomfortable. “You sure you’re going to be okay down there?”
He scoffed, “Of course I’ll be okay. I’m no cry baby.”
You rolled your eyed and threw a pillow at him, “At lest take a pillow!”
He muttered something under his breath but excepted the pillow none the less. 
You rolled over and pulled the covers up to your chin, “Thank you Bakugo.”
“You’re welcome smalls.” 
Smalls.... It was a nickname he had used during your time at UA. You used to hate it but after tonights confession, you found it endearing. 
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ranger-jedi-knight · 4 years
A New Hero Chap 14
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20887313/chapters/59619589 Taglist: ASK AND YOU SHALL BE PUT ON~~!!!!
Ok, so here’s the next chap! Sorry about the wait, life got....interesting to say the least. At long last tho, we have Mari n Co heading to Gotham finally! Cant wait for the small reunion later this chap!! I FORGOT THE TWEETS AGAIN DAMNIT!!!!!! I am SOOOO sorry i WILL remember to keep addin them on at the ends!!!
“Your brother wants me and Lana to what?” Alya asked looking over at Dick tired.
“Stay put. Easy!” Dick replied and Alya glared at him.
“Uh, huh. He wants, me a Detective to not leave the precinct, and Lana, a college student to not move even tho she has cleanses to go to?” she repeated and Dick pressed his lips together.
“Ok, when you put it like that-” he started but got cut off by Alya putting her hand over Dick’s.
“Damian isn’t even here. Why does he care what we do since your his brother who should get his butt over to the airport since his flight should be landing in 20 or so minutes and its already 9:50. Get your ass over to that airport to give your brother a hug,” Alya said glaring and Dick yelped. “Ya, give a call when your getting back since well, you’ll see,” she said gripping his shirt and pulling him close and DIck swallowed the lump in his throat, “that Babs ain’t the only one to kick your ass into shape.”
A smirk grew on Dick’s face at that. “Is that a promise?” he teased and Alya scoffed pushing him back.
“You had your chance buddy. Now get outta here before I make you regret being late to seeing Damian arrive,” she said and Dick gave a mock salute before scurrying off, grabbing his keys as he ran while their fellow cops laugh around them.
“Did he really have a chance?” A British African American FBI agent asked as he watched Dick leave, his accent still going strong even tho he’s been in New Jersey for the last 5 years.
“Eh, possibly, Xavier. I do have eyes you know,” she said and Xavier snorted as he straightened his stack of papers. “Once maybe, until you realize he’ll only have eyes for Babs,” she continued and Xavier nodded.
“You’ll find love, I’m sure of it. If Shrek can find love as an Ogre, so can you,” Xavier said and Alya made a fake offended sound in response.
“Are you saying I look like an Ogre?” she asked and Xavier raised his hands in defense. “Not at all!” he said and some people hummed at that.
“It really sounded like it~!” the precincts secretary, Mira, hummed out with a smirk and Xavier glared over at her.
“Don’t anger the Goddess! She’ll rain down on you the wrath of almighty Zeus himself!” a different cop, Sarah she thought, shouted causing Alya to snort.
“I ain’t no Goddess, silly!” she shouted over to them. The cop in question, it was Sarah she can recognize that golden blonde ponytail anywhere, stuck her head out the break room with a look.
“No, you are a Goddess. Especially in that flowing dress, you wore for the Halloween party Dick threw,” she called and Alya rolled her eyes as some nodded agreement.
“You guys are ridiculous, get back to work,” she called and that had everyone nodding agreement while Alya chuckled to herself as she went to her desk. Xavier followed and leaned against the desk with his hip.
“Sticking a pin in that ‘Is Alya Grayson a Goddess or Not’ conversation,” he said chuckling softly, “I do hope whatever it is Dick’s brother has planned for you is nice,” he said and Alya smiled at him while nodding slowly.
“So do I. Now, isn’t Agent Fornell waiting for those documents your holding?” she asked and Xavier nodded with a smile.
“That he is. Talk to you later then. Goodbye!” he said beaming as he walked backward, waving to everyone who returned it before he left the precinct.
Alya shook her head as she pulled her phone out and texted Lana: Als: Heads up, Damian apparently wants you and I to stay put where we r
Eagle-eye: whys that???? We rnt the closest
Als: who knows. Dick was just sending the message. idk, maybe Mari wants to hug us when she arrives?
Eagle-eye: maybe. I dont got time to theorize, got a test to do
Als: GL!!
Mari was bouncing between Damian and Xander as they boarded the plane finally after waiting for so long. They had to deal with morning traffic which took forever it felt like before they arrived an hour and a half arrive before their flight left making sure they didn’t have to worry about security taking forever. And the whole time Mari stared at the desk with her leg bouncing.
With 30 minutes to spare, Ms. Bustier arrived, the last one too. The other students had converged in the gate slowly at different times but with enough time to not worry. But Ms. Bustier arrived with less than 30 minutes to spare causing her class to worry.
Which to say the least?
Was awkward.
Alya and the others that didn’t know sat at one side of the gate looking at Mari and the people that knew awkwardly. They felt bad but knew they messed up.
BIG time.
Like MEGA BIG TIME that a simple apology wouldn’t work. It didn’t help that Mari’s friends didn’t let them thru. Kim, Nino, Chloe, Sabrina, Max, Lila, Xan, and Adrien all glared at them while Damian focused on Mari. Meanwhile, Alya, Alix, Mylene, Ivan, and Rose all tried figuring out what they could do to earn favor back from Mari. Juleka was the only one in the pure neutral middle ground. She skimmed the email and knew a movie was being filmed.
But didn’t know Lila was lying for sure.
She could guess. When Mari tried saying that and the disagreed she figured she’d stay quiet. She didn’t need anyone else trying to make her life hell. So Mari was neutral toward the girl as she hasn’t been present at that moment. So she was silently supporting the group and offering tidbits to help them realize that they need to change themselves before trying to regain Mari’s trust and friendship.
Only Time Will Tell.
They boarded the plane and sat back for the long flight. Most of them slept during the trip. Mari and Lila included. The two leaned against each other while Xan and Damian talked. Well, Damian talked. Which was odd. But it distracted Xan from the anxiety pooling in his gut as they flew.
After some time, and some crackers, the dread settled down. Damian told him everything that’s happened in Gotham since he left. Some he didn’t like hearing. But as Damian reminded him, everything was ok. No one is hurt.
Soon after Damian finished, Mari and Lila woke up. Lila smiled as she and Damian switched seats and she took Xan’s hand into hers. “It’ll be fine. They’re going to be so happy to see you,” she said quietly and Xan nodded.
“Even knowing what happened?” he asked and Lila hummed, tracing a finger along the back of his hand in nonsensical patterns.
“Ya, I think so. I think that they’re just going to be so happy that you survived everything and came back to them. From what it sounds like, if you didn’t, you wouldn’t be here today,” Lila whispered leaning her head against his shoulder. In return, Xan lightly leaned his head against her head with a sigh.
“Ya, that’s what Damian said too. I know it’s true, but my head just keeps pushing all these doubts,” he mumbled.
“That’s fair. It’s been 8 years since you’ve seen them. Lana watched you get hit. And then, seemingly right before her eyes, you disappear. People change with time. But, those bonds? They don’t typically change. I bet they still miss you as if it was just yesterday,” she replied and Xan nodded slowly, placing his other hand over their hands, squeezing her hands.
“Thank you,” he whispered as they relaxed in their seats and played a movie for the rest of the flight.
“I hope they enjoy the surprise,” Mari whispered and Damian gave a small nod at that.
“I have no doubt that they’ll love it,” he said and Mari smiled softly at that.
“Ya, and they have you to thank for that,” she said and Damian gave a shrug.
“You did most of the work and helped him get better,” he pointed out and Mari smiled as she pressed a kiss to his cheek, a faint blush on her cheeks from doing that, not seeing Damian’s faint blush either.
“Well, I wouldn’t have been able to help if you hadn’t helped him escape. You may not have stayed, but you certainly did help,” she said softly and Damian nodded slowly at that. He remembered it clearly. Even tho it happened over a year ago, it was clear to him.
Damian had turned the GPS off the batjet and flew to Nanda Parbat. He remembered the boy that his mother kidnapped and brought back to life. He remembered training with him a couple of times to let him know he wouldn’t tolerate anything but perfection. He didn’t know what happened to the boy older than him when he left. But then he learned and regretted everything.
Xander was the little brother to Dick’s partner Alya who disappeared. He learned from Issi that Xan, or better known as Whisper in the League, was alive still and there. She had wanted to help get him out since she helped care for him, but she couldn’t without getting caught or killed for real. But now he’d fix the mistake he made.
It was quite easy to sneak into the building. He made his way to where he remembered his bedroom was. He knocked out any guard he saw and pounded on the door. Xan was wearing his training gear when he opened the door. He didn’t recognize Damian as the angry 9-year-old that beat him up when he first arrived. He was wearing all black with a hood and mask on to hide his identity. “W-who are you?” Xan asked suspiciously as he picked up the sword he kept next to the door.
“Do you want to stay here?” Damian asked and Xan looked at him confused.
“Do you want to stay here or escape? I can get you out,” he said and Xan glanced around before nodding slowly.
“I want to go back home,” he said and Damian nodded as he then started tugging Xan out. Damian was shocked he was still able to recognize Xan after all this time and all the changes. He wasn’t the same short, scrawny 11-year-old. He had filled out and was taller than Damian by quite a few inches.
“I’ll get you home then,” he said leading them out. As they ran out in the snow, Damian was behind Xan making sure he didn’t get hit. Which was a miracle in the storm, slipping on hidden ice as they ran. But he had been. So the best bet was to get him to Mari and Fu who would help him heal. So when he reached the outskirts of Paris, he cloaked and flew to an alley near the fight and helped Xan out. “This is as far as I can get you. I’m sorry,” he whispered as Xan gripped his head falling to the ground with his backed pressed to the wall.
“I just wish I could have brought him home all the way,” he whispered and Mari took his hand in hers and gave it a squeeze.
“You did what you could, Dami. He was hurt and needed help. If he had been taken directly to Gotham, who knows what would have happened,” she argued and Damian nodded slowly.
“Yes, I know. I just....when he recognized me when I saw the tat on his back. I....I wasn’t prepared to see the tat on his back and I forgot he was there still. So much happened since I got him out, I forgot he was with you. And he didn’t remember me helping him out. And I told him and he was happy. Even thou I didn’t get him out safely, he was happy,” he said at length and Mari once more squeezed his hand. “Well, that’s probably because he knew you did your best. You went back to get him out of that place unprompted. You could have left him there, but you didn’t. You got him out with only a head injury that made everything fuzzy. Give yourself credit, Dami,” Mari said and Damian gave her a small smile at the end of her little speech.
“Thank you,” he whispered and Mari beamed at him.
After some time, the plane landed and they went thru the sequence to leave. Mari smiled as she watched Dick hug Damian with his brothers behind him smirking at his mock displeasure. When Xan appeared talking to Lila, the entire Wayne Family froze in shock. “Y-you-!” Jason started shocked.
“Xander?” Dick asked, a heartbroken tone in his voice. Xan froze where he was and looked up at the family. He didn’t seem to be breathing as he nodded slowly. “Your alive,” he breathed out before making his way over and setting his hands on Xan’s shoulders. Dick started looking him over while the other two made their way over. He then pulled Xan in for a bone-crushing hug causing a surprise sound to leave Xan. “I’m so glad your alive,” he continued.
“Man, this is your surprise, Pixiepop?” Jason asked and Mari nodded with a smile. “They’re going to love it,” he said messing up both Xan’s and Mari’s hair.
“I hope so,” Mari said and Tim gave Mari a reassuring look.
“Mari, they are going to love this. Dont doubt yourself, you’ll see,” Tim said as the rest of the class left the plane.
“You got him?” Mari asked and the boys nodded as they followed everyone to baggage claim.
“Ya, just meet us at the precinct in 20 minutes. I wouldn’t want you to miss the surprise,” Dick replied and Mari smiled with a nod.
Mari-aculous @MDC_Designs The BIG SURPRISE is in 20 minutes~!! Cant wait to see their faces!!! #soexcited #sosoon #almostthere #surprises Dick @ FlyingGrayson Theyre going to LOVE it! Be prepared for lots of hugs Mari!!!
Ok, so here it is!!! The next chap!!! So this was takin while to push out that I decided I wanted to give the reunion scene a proper thing by giving it its own chap. Next chap we will see the Grayson Reunion!!!!! I cant wait for you guys to see it!!! until next time!! ~Love Willa<3<3<3
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Dear Diary
Javi x Diarist - One Shot
Warnings: brief mention of some NSFW activities, mentions of tight jeans, some Carrillo thirst because I’m only human.
Words: 2.7k.
Summary: writing in her diary, the Diarist documents her first few weeks at her new job and her first encounters of Javi.
Day one - Monday
Dear Diary,
Today was the first day of my new job! Mom said I should keep a diary so I can look back when I’ve been in the job awhile and see how much I’ve progressed. To be honest with you, Diary, I feel a bit daft writing in you… but hey ho! Maybe you’ll be fun to look back on?
Anyway! Today was the first day of my new life in Bogotá! I’m a secretary for the DEA at the American Embassy in the city – the building is a bit posh! The university isn’t too far away so I can easily get to my evening classes (studying History with Spanish) and even though I’m classed as a ‘mature’ student (mature! HAH!) I’m hoping I’ll make friends both at class and at work… maybe someone with a car so they can drive me, teehee!
It’s a group of five girls working as secretaries for the DEA. We have a good age range and I sit sort of in the middle of the group age-wise I think. They’re all really lovely, there’s two other Americans and two Colombians so a cool culture mix. Hopefully they all like me!
I didn’t do much work today, just shadowing the others and walking round to meet everyone. The agents all seem to keep to themselves. There’s two Americans down the hall from my desk – I didn’t catch their names (whoops) but apparently they’re the two I’ll spend the most time working with. I should introduce myself properly tomorrow.
I’m looking forward to my first Tuesday on the job!
Day two - Tuesday
Dear Diary,
Today was day two. It was good, there’s a lot of information to learn and it’s especially difficult to flick between English and Spanish in my brain… But I guess I’m new to all this and I’ll get the hang of it! One of the other secretaries – Erica – has promised to speak to me mostly in Spanish so I can get into the habit of speaking like a local, I thought that was sweet of her!
But that wasn’t the most interesting thing to happen today, Diary, oh no no! Today I met Javier and Steve. They’re the two Americans I’ll be working for mostly. Steve is nice, barely speaks any Spanish which I can tell frustrates him and Javier, but just like me he’ll get there! I think I might end up his interpreter… but he seems kind and he is really into the job! He’s got a wife and they haven’t lived in Bogotá all that long either so we have that in common! Well… the being new here… not the wife bit(!)
And then there’s Javier, who all the other secretaries call Javi… so I guess I will too. I can tell he’s going to be trouble. He came up to my desk after lunch just to tell me that he liked my blouse and that the color suited me! I have to admit he is very handsome… But he strikes me as the ‘would ruin your life for a shag’ type? That might be harsh and he does seem nice. The others all say he’s lovely and is a man you can depend on but he is a dreadful flirt!
I wish I’d had something smart to say back to him as he stood in front of my desk telling me he liked my blouse but honestly, Diary, I think I just whimpered?? I was so taken aback by it! If there’s a next time I’ll have to be smarter!
Day 3 - Wednesday
Dear Diary,
This morning Javi bought me a coffee and brought it to my desk. He actually apologised for trying to flirt with me yesterday! He was very sweet actually. He said he wanted to make sure we got off on the right foot so wanted to apologise if he made me uncomfortable! I told him he didn’t I was just surprised he would even notice me! He was very sweet and said something like ‘I’d have to be blind not to notice you’… wait was he flirting with me again??
Diary, I am going to have to get better at this!
Day 4 - Thursday
Dear Diary,
I think we have a situation. I think I might have a teeny little crush on Javi. I mean, I am certainly not the only one! All the girls seem to melt slightly when he talks to them… Except Coleen actually… somehow she’s immune to his charms… Maybe she’ll teach me?
I caught myself actually waiting for him to come over to me today because I was looking forward to chatting to him. He always seems to make time to chat to us all and sees us as actual people… a lot more than most of the other staff.
He does wear some insanely tight jeans though. It's like it's 1985 and he thinks he's Axl Rose! But Javi does look good in them... like really good… Oh dear… I think I fancy a government agent. Who have I become??
Day 5 - Friday
Dear Diary,
That was my first week! Done and dusted! I think it was good! Everyone has been so kind and supportive and Erica has even invited me out for drinks tomorrow night with some of her friends! I cant wait!
School is going well too, I had my first classes this week and I think I’m going to be okay! The subject material isn’t going to be easy, but we like a challenge don’t we, Diary?
Now back to the important stuff – Javi’s outfit of the day. I was sat at my desk making some phone calls when Javi walks passed in a pair of those damn jeans and a red shirt. He caught my eye as he walked passed and gave me a smile and – I shit you not – my brain kicked in to gear and I said:
‘Nice shirt, the colour suits you’ and I was so cool and casual with a little smirk on my face, Diary I have never played anything so cool in my life. I got a chuckle from him and a wink and I swear down I would have taken my panties off right then and there.
Diary, my mom can never read you.
Day 6 - Saturday
Dear Diary,
It’s pretty late as a write this but that’s because I’ve been out with Erica and her friends! A couple of the other girls from work joined us as well so it was a lot of fun! We just went to a bar and had a few drinks and a giggle.
Erica did tell me she noticed me “making eyes” at Javi in the week though and I must’ve turned as red as the strawberry daiquiri I was drinking because she laughed at me. She told me he is, to quote her, ‘a bit of a slut’ and that most of the girls in the city know him in the biblical sense... I don’t think that put me off? I mean it’s the 80’s, do we still shame people for having sex? And to be fair, here I am making heart eyes at a man I’ve known for a matter of days. So no, Diary, I don’t judge him for that.
But I also don’t think I’m going to pursue him? I’m certainly not looking for a boyfriend. Although as I write this down I kind of figure he’s not after a commitment either? I mean I don’t know him that well but what kind of man shamelessly flirts with the new secretary on her first day if he isn’t looking for some fun? Maybe that’s what I’m looking for?
Diary, no more daiquiris for me!
Day 7 – Sunday
Dear Diary,
I went shopping today. Not the boring food type of shopping, clothes shopping! It was a lot of fun actually! I got to explore the city a bit and although it has a reputation (and my mom would kill me if she knew) I actually felt fine walking around on my own! I was in the busy shopping streets mind and it was daylight, but I really think this city could feel like home!
I bought a couple of pairs of jeans because mine are old and raggedy and I got some new shirts and tops for work, but the buy of the day – a pencil skirt that makes my butt look like I’ve done a 100 squats a day since the day I was born. I mean, not to blow my own horn, but I look GOOD in it!
I’m going to wear it to work one day… And yes Diary, I know I might be playing with fire, but a little fun never hurt anyone?
Day 8 - Monday
Dear Diary,
I wore the skirt.
Oh my! The girls all gave me compliments on my ass and legs (which lets be honest is better than any compliment from any man!) so that was great!
I’ll be honest though, by the end of the day I wanted to rip it off myself… I had severely underestimated how difficult sitting in a pencil skirt for 8 hours would be. Lesson learned!
I did see Javi though. He didn’t say anything but I was stood up as he walked passed and his eyes were stuck on me for so long Steve had to practically drag him up the stairs. Diary, I was very pleased with myself!
Day 9 - Tuesday
Dear Diary,
I don’t know what it is about the American Embassy but somehow the building attracts the most beautiful men.
Today, Diary, I met Colonel Horacio Carrillo and believe me I have never seen such a MAN! He must be 90% shoulder and 10% snark because Diary he is built like a wall and has a mouth sharp enough to even shut up Javier Peña! Not that I was listening in, I was collecting some papers in their office as the Colonel was talking to Javi and Steve.
Steve introduced me to the Colonel and he shook my hand (Diary, his hand was the SIZE OF MY HEAD)… he was wearing a wedding ring though. I’m no home wrecker… but my god is he beautiful!
I did catch Javi’s eye before I left their office though and I’m sure I’m not making it up when I say there was a flash of jealousy. I thought I was being crazy and arrogant to think that but no, I’m sure! The Colonel was very polite to me, very courteous, and were he not a married man I would have wished I was wearing my new skirt again. Diary, I can not stress enough the thickness of this man’s arms.
Anyway, despite definitely having the hots for the Colonel, I think I’d still rather go out with Javi. If we put the whole Carrillo-is-married thing aside, I just think Javi is more my kind of guy? Up for a laugh, not too serious, likes a drink and likes a smoke... very pretty!
I think we’d have a lot of fun if we went out. I’m beginning to wonder if he thinks the same?
Day 10 - Wednesday
Dear Diary,
Today the five of us girls went out for lunch. It was great! They showed me their favourite café, great for people watching but far enough from the embassy that we weren’t just looking at officials in suits! Great food too, I really do love this city!
I was sat with Coleen at lunch and she told me Javi had caught her after I’d left work for class and asked her about me. Apparently he asked if I was single!! Coleen told him she didn’t know because she didn’t want to drop me in it if I wasn’t interested in him (bless you, Coleen!) but I definitely am interested! Diary, when she told me he’d asked about me my heart raced! Like I’m some kind of school girl!
I really do like him and I’d like to get to know him better. But I think I’ll give it some more time maybe?
Day 11 - Thursday
Dear Diary,
I spent the whole day look at Javier Peña and his black fucking shirt. Oh my god, Diary! I am in too deep. He walked passed my desk while I was on the phone today and I stopped listening completely so I could concentrate on his butt.
It is becoming a problem.
So I have resolved to do something about it. I have decided that I’m going to ask him out for a drink tomorrow night after work. Fingers crossed for me!
Day 12 - Friday
Dear Diary,
Well… it’s sort of actually Saturday… I didn’t have time to write in you yesterday, Diary because… well because I didn’t come home last night (!)
Let me explain the events of last night:
When I got to work yesterday morning Javi was sat at my desk. He was wearing that damn leather jacket that, for no reason at all other than its his, I find incredibly sexy and was waiting for me. He said good morning to me then got up to let me sit down.
He watched me as I took stuff out of my bag and settled in before, seemingly out of nowhere, he asked me if I wanted to go for a drink with him after work!
Diary, I was so uncool. I was like one of those nodding dogs people have in their car or on their desk.
He laughed and said he’d come by my desk to get me when we were done. I spent the entire day obsessing about whether it was a date or just a friendly drink? Erica was sure it was a date, so sure in fact she made me borrow her red lipstick and made me promise to wear it.
I did wear it. And was I glad I did!
He complimented me on it when he came by my desk to get me. As we left the building he put his arm out for me and we linked arms and walked down the street and Diary it was the easiest, loveliest conversation I’ve ever had! He made me feel so at ease straight away, it was sort of like I’d known him for ages?
We actually ended up at the same bar I’d been to the weekend before… so I was back on the daiquiris!
We talked for ages, right up until closing but it was still like there was so much more to say! When we eventually got turfed out of the bar we ended up walking the streets, arm in arm again, laughing and chatting. Diary, it was lovely!
Turns out he only lives a few blocks away from my place but his is closer to the bar. We stopped at his door and he invited me up. I’ll be honest, I hesitated… but I was wearing his leather jacket (he’d let me wear it for the walk home) and he’d been such a gentleman, well I couldn’t resist the smile on his face!
So I ended up sat on his sofa as he told me about work and fixed me a whiskey… I don’t know what possessed me but when he came over to give me my glass I stood up and kissed him!
Diary, you know me, I’ve never been particularly forward! I blame those daiquiris… but oh no, it didn’t end at a kiss.
Before I knew it we were pulling each other's clothes off (I didn't even mind that he ripped one of my new tops)! I don't know if it's because he's well practised or he's just one of those guys that knows what he's doing... but lord did he know what he was doing!
Before I knew it he had me on my back on his sofa, screaming his name and Diary… well what can I say… I’ve had to write this all down quickly because I’ve just come home to shower and get a change of clothes before he comes to pick me up. That’s right, we’re going out again tonight!!
Diary, don’t wait up!
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letstalksymphogear · 5 years
Symphogear, EP. 2
Last time, on Symphogear!
An adorable little girl, stood up by her date for a reasonable explanation, jams it out with her favorite pop duo, caught unawares that they are also a monster-fighting syndicate experimenting with the power of sound (the power to make you dizzy) to activate an ancient historical relic. Shit goes south as the jams prove to be too powerful, guaranteeing tragedy amidst an otherwise baller concert. Hibiki is rescued by The Bigger Of The Lesbians before she self-destructs to make sure the entire threat is neutralized, leaving The Smaller Lesbian sad, yet still incredibly gay. Years pass as our protagonist goes to Music School, for Music, to bunk it up with her girlfriend as she tries to figure out what the hell happened. Her prayers are answered when she tries to rescue a little girl and is promptly cornered, activating the same outfit The Bigger Lesbian that saved her had on. Gungnir Dattos all around, The Smaller Lesbian loses her shit as everything goes downhill from there.
Now, where were we?
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...right. The piss beacon.
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And the person taking the piss.
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Hibiki has nary a clue what to do. Symphogears don’t actually come with manuals, you see. They’re sort of a “close your eyes and wing it” kind of experience. In Tsubasa’s case, it’s quite literal.
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“FUCK that was COOL AS SHIT, tight as FUCKING HELL”
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Take pity on this face. This is the face of someone who’s last memories will be a confused lady wondering why she is suddenly part machine.
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“imma save you widdle kid”
Something to note about this show is that all the fighters sing while fighting. Hibiki is no exception, even after being confused about what the hell she’s doing. It helps that her voice actress is a professional singer.
It helps that every voice actress here is some sort of professional singer.
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This picture basically summarizes why Hibiki is cool despite being so goddamned dumb. She’s angry, and she’s gonna protect some kids even if she dies doing it. Kanade would be proud, if she wasn’t too busy being dead.
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No shit!
Have you ever watched the original Sam Reimi’s Spiderman? Like, the very first one? You know all those awkward scenes about Spiderman learning how his powers work? Hibiki basically does that under crunch time. There’s a long segment about how she’s forced to figure things out while protecting a kid and Not Dying.
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It’s going pretty great.
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I can’t believe she’s secretly Steve Urkel.
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“cannot FUCKING believe that girl my girlfriend saved managed to GET HER HANDS on her FUCKING CLOTHES that I WANTED to ENSHRINE IN A MEMORIAL to her how the FUCK did she do that cant BELIEVE i have to SAVE HER IDIOT ASS because she just CANT EVEN DO THAT-”
Tsubasa, preparing herself as a contender for the World’s Angriest Lesbian, barrels through the Noise in her motorcycle...
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...which she smashes directly into the Noise. It does nothing.
Tsubasa has many a motorcycle to smash. It’s a testament to her dedication following her aesthetic.
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She fueled the tank completely before smashing it in.
Tsubasa... is petty.
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As Tsubasa t-poses to assert dominance (a woman ahead of her time, this first aired in 2012), she comes down ready to kick some ass and vent some frustrations. And frankly? She’s all out of ass.
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“oh my god she’s even hotter up close i cant believe it”
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“fucking knock-off outfit looks like it came out of a bootleg flea market”
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You don’t need to know what happens next, because you already know what happens when someone shows up with a fucking sword ready to sing about their dead girlfriend and the conflicting feelings about seeing her armor pop up again on someone else.
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Lots... and lots... of murder.
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“we’re so fucking useless why do we even exist”
After Tsubasa finishes what could only be described as a massacre, we’re treated to how people clean up the aftermath.
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“hey, you know, make fun of me all you want, but at the end of the day, im the one holding the vacuum cleaner, and you’re literally turned to dust, so”
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Even this little girl knows shit’s about the go down. Got the tea and everything.
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This is one of the minor characters of the series. She works for the 2nd Division. Who is the 2nd Division? You’ll find out soon.
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“i didnt die! fuck yeah. today’s a good day.”
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Hibiki learns that her outfit unsets after a while, like bideo game. Who catches her mid-fall?
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Her new best friend, of course. Don’t be fooled by this look. Tsubasa tragically suffers from resting angry face syndrome. It is, unfortunately, incurable.
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“i hate how cute she is”
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Hibiki reminds her that this is technically the second time Tsubasa has saved her, which in the large scheme of things, seems incredibly innocuous for someone who escaped a major tragedy many years ago. Unfortunately, time doesn’t move forward for Season 1 Tsubasa. Not for quite a while...
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The funny part is it doesn’t even hit her initially. She never actually saw Hibiki personally during that moment, so she actually doesn’t even have a clue what she means.
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Look at her. Look at this clown. How could you hate her. Look at that smile.
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All the survivors are always forced to write NDAs about what they saw. This grows to comical levels at times, given the scale of what happens eventually. It might as well be the world’s biggest open secret by now.
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“aight homies looks like i gotta go home, the wife’s gonna be lonely an-”
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“sorry holmes but you’re going to gay baby jail like the rest of us singers”
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Hibiki’s face is riddled with guilt. The guilt of someone who just saved a little girl. How dare you, Hibiki. This is what you get for doing The Right Thing.
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And so she’s taken to “jail.”
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“sorry pal but you literally turned into a huge weapon and you have no idea how to use it so!”
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And so, Hibiki was never seen again...
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Alright, so she really isn’t going to jail. She is genuinely being taken into custody, though. To be honest, this kind of handcuff procedure is sort-of ridiculous for someone who literally just saved children, and you could probably bribe her to join them with a 10 piece chicken dinner, but hey, fuck it. 2nd Division has protocols, and that is to arrest people.
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“i cant believe i was a fan of a narc all this time”
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The school has a giant elevator that goes deep into the Earth. Also, look at that symbolism. Hibiki’s the only one looking at her own reflection. Deep.
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Thanks, Tsubasa.
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The interior decorator for this elevator is wild.
Tsubasa forbodes where they’re all going as some ominous, strange, and evil place where joy and happiness die. Where good feelings and innocence are destroyed, and hope is crushed and ripped at the seams.
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As it turns out, Tsubasa is just an angsty piece of shit.
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So here’s the situation:
The 2nd Branch, which are the people in charge of poking relics until they glow with the power of music to study and harness the power of as weapons to kill the Noise, live in a several mile deep high tech basement of an all girl’s boarding school dedicated to music. This is because, for the record, that the girls recruited to this school have the habit of being a little bit attuned to these relics. Hibiki, a newly christened Gear user, is now being recruited into this organized by Genjuro.
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“i never got this kind of party when i was recruited”
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“thats because nobody liked you, hans”
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“im skipping my soaps for this”
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“fucking hate my twin brother hans”
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“she?????? gets a party??? SHE. gets a party. I DON’T GET A PARTY. SHE... GETS A PARTY? and i dont get a fucking party. i was literally BORN into this job. NOBODY gives me a damn party. this MORON who CLOWNS AROUND with her SUBPAR SONGS. gets a party. oh my god. oh my GOD. FUCK. FUCK!”
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“if this is what its like to get arrested i gotta be gayer and do more crimes”
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“I’m not actually surprised. I’m just pretending to be. I’m just really not good at pretending to be surprised.”
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“fucking hate this family, im gonna eat all of hibikis cake and cry in my room”
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Remember: This show first released in 2012. Ryoko? Trendsetter.
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Ryoko’s screen is very dirty and foggy. Don’t ask why. Don’t even remember why I pointed this out. Just forget this point completely.
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Hibiki understands that handcuffs just aren’t fashionable.
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Genjuro casually explains that they’re the fictional japanese equivalent of the NSA, all while doing magic tricks. Truly a man of many talents.
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Tsubasa is already plotting how to vent about all this in her diary, which she addresses as letters of Kanade every time she writes in it.
Genjuro and Ryoko introduces themselves as everyone else apologizes to her, except Tsubasa.
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Ogawa also intro- yes, I’m recycling a picture- introduces himself. He’s pretty cool, too, and serves as Tsubasa’s ninja bodyguard, butler, and all around mentor. We never get a backstory on him, and likely never will. It’s best to keep it that way; it only adds to the mystery of who the hell this guy is.
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“weird flex but okay”
Hibiki realizes she’s being recruited, after being told she’s being recruited. Given some brain cells remain in her head, she asks the obvious and wonders what the hell happened to her.
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“ryoko, care to explain?”
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“well, it’s simple. you’re the protagonist now.”
Ryoko, who has no sense of boundaries, subjects Hibiki to a medical inspection. As creepy as her tone is, its to inspect the state of Hibiki’s newly formed gear.
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She’s finally freed from that long winded event and returns home to her wife.
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“buddy you smell like shit. and french fries.”
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“hibiki. you’re not dead, hibiki. come on, get up. i just cleaned this floor, hibiki. hibiki, please. this is genuinely unbecoming of you. hibiki, oh my god.”
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“miku please i learned how to kick ass and im tired and please let me enjoy this nice floor”
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Tsubasa does the thing real life Symphogear and all related products never actually bother to do.
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“god she’s so gay for her but i know she’d never cheat on me so”
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Hibiki ruminates on the day she’s had. This is where the really dumb angst comes in. You see, Hibiki can’t tell anyone about what happened, and Miku, now a civilian in her eyes, cannot know about her alter ego Symphogear antics. Hibiki feels bad about this.
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“y u no trust me. y u no tell me troof. im wife.”
After a brief heart to heart Hibiki smiles and snuggles her girlfriend.
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They’re gay.
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“im gonna marry her knowing full well she’ll sleep through the ceremony. god.”
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marvelmymarvel · 6 years
Herbert Sobel vs Captain!Marshall!Reader
Richard Winters x Captain!Marshall!Reader
Synopsis: Showing up to Toccoa with a strong head on your shoulders, you were determined to make your company, Easy Company, the best in the 506th. You were bold and unshakable, but Sobel still seemed to try and knock you down. But he was nothing but a Copycat, and with Richards help, you saw that as true.
Song: Copycat by Billie Eilish (Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebb5AinKxWI) (You can tell I have a huge love for her okay its. fineeee.)
A/N: This is just a fun story to keep you satisfied. :) I’m currently writing one fic a day just to catch up, but if I have moments like this (Before bed or when my mama is at work) where I have a bright idea, I will absolutely write them quickly and send them out right away. Keeps you on your toes... Doesn't it. Also, how I have it set up is that you will get the two scheduled weeks (This past week and next week) either back to back or combined (Meaning no breaks just to get back onto schedule), it depends if I can write all 20 fics in time ;). Trust me, I can write 5 fics a day with no problem, but it may not happen. Either way, you may at least get something at night or in the morning, but not really during the day. Love ya sweeties and enjoy the story!
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(Don't be cautious, don't be kind). Showing up at Toccoa was interesting, to say the least. You came in sweet and kind to all of the officers, but that changed. Winters and Nixon were one of the first officers to take you in as one of them so you wouldn't sit alone at the mess hall. Then the other Captains and  Lieutenants followed. But there was one. “Sobel” You called out as he ranted on and on to the other soldiers. (You committed, I’m your crime). He turned angrily to you and you just raised an eyebrow at him, as if begging for him to make the first diss or to throw the first punch. (Push my button anytime). “Why are you yelling at my men” you growled lowly. You didn't look away from his face, but the men behind him looked shocked, some even tried to stifle their laughter at the fact that a woman was putting the big bad Sobel in his place. “They drank from their canteens, they disobeyed my order-” 
“Yes, but that wasn't my order Lieutenant... Last time I checked... I control these men and they may follow what you say but you follow what I say. Got it.” you snarled out menacingly. He huffed out a sharp breath as his anger rose in his chest. “Lieutenant Winters, these men are excused, PT tomorrow morning at 0500 hours is canceled,” you called out as you broke your eyes from Sobels to look back at all the men who were smiling wickedly at you. You looked at Dick and nodded, he nodded back before throwing a wink, turning he dismissed them and repeated what you said as you turned back to Sobel who was seething. Leaning in, you got closer to his face. “You wanna say something Lieutenant?” you snarled quietly. (You got your finger on the trigger). “No Captain, nothing” He whispered out like a puppy who got in trouble and you nodded before leaning back. (But your trigger finger’s mine). “Dismissed then and remember, I own you” You whispered out snarkily and he turned to leave. You looked out to all the men as they disappeared into their barracks. Sighing you walked over to your own tent that was nearby. Walking in, you let out a deep breath as your mind raced over Sobel and his antics. Sobel got on your nerves, that was no shocker. (Silver dollar). He was nothing compared to you. (Golden flame). He was cruel and unfit to lead. (Dirty water). You, no you were the best thing to happen to Easy company. (Poison rain). You smirked to yourself as you changed out of your gear. Sitting on your bed, you thought back to all of the times he pissed you off to the point of you just embarrassing him to make a point. You controlled him. (Perfect murder, take your aim). It didn't matter what you did or said to him, you wouldn’t get in trouble. Y/n Marshall. The Colonel and your father were best friends... Meaning you got away with a lot, thankfully. (I don't belong to anyone but everybody knows my name). Flying back onto your bed, you smirked wider at the ceiling of your tent. He didn't know what hit him. 
*3 Months Later*
(By the way). You walked sassily past him as you approached Colonel Sink. “Hello Colonel Sink, I’m so happy that you called me up” you started out sweetly as you shot your hand out. (You’ve been uninvited). Sobel watched in anguish as the Colonel guided you into his office. You were going to be promoted. Sobel was going nowhere. “Please, Y/n. Call me Robert” Sobel heard from the room and he shook his head angrily before storming off. He was hoping to be promoted to Captain and overtake you, but that wasn't going to happen anytime soon. Or so he thought. When he got his pin only 3 days later, he walked past you all cockily... As if this achievement meant anything to you. (’Cause all you say are all the same things I did). Been there. Done that. Rolling your eyes at him you winked at Winters across the way. The corners of his mouth lifted a little but fell when Sobel walked towards them. You crossed your arms watching as he tried to copy your ways. (Copycat trying to cop my manner). He talked firmer but stood like you when you were the Captain. Like he owned the place, except he didn’t. He never would. These were your men. They will always be your men. He continued on and on and you didn't interject, until. “Your weekend passes are revoked, officers included.” He called out and you clicked your tongue angrily before approaching from the side. “Now, now, now... Haven’t we been over this? These are my men-” you started but he just scoffed at you. “You’re nothing to these men anymore Major Marshall... Now back away and let me lead my men,” he growled back angrily. (Watch your back when you can’t watch mine). You bit your lip before stepping towards him so your faces were inches away from one another. “Watch your back Sobel, these men are my men and they always, will be.” you snarled out before turning to storm away. Catching Dicks' eyes, he sent you a small smile but you just looked away, ashamed that Sobel did that to you. That was your move. (Copycat trying to cop my glamour). Days passed and you stayed back from Sobel as he led your men more and more without you in the middle of it. You hated it. What you hated the most? He was trying to act like you. And when the men didn't love him like they loved you... He became upset. You caught him crying one night near the bathrooms. It was a moment in which you learned that he was failing. “What” he snapped at you which made you recoil in fear before you remembered that you were in control here. You raised an eyebrow before silently passing him to head towards the barracks where Richard and Lew were waiting for you. You smirked as you walked away. (Why so sad, bunny, you can't have mine?). He deserved it. They were your men, not his. He wouldn’t get respect unless he gave it. Dick smiled at you as he saw you approaching “Hey sweets, Lew’s almost ready” he stated and you just nodded before standing next to him.
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Leaning against his body, you two just stood there in silence. You had grown fond of the Lieutenant. He had grown fond of you. You were thankful to have him by your side, especially with what Sobel was about to do. 
“She's a horrible leader” you heard as you slammed back to the wall, listening in as Sobel ranted to another officer. (Call me calloused). “She’s just doing her job Herber-” 
(Call me cold). “She’s a cold hearted bitch” Sobel growled out. Your breath was knocked out of you as your jaw dropped. “I wish she was in a different company because honestly, she's a horrible leader and she’s corrupting my men.” You pushed off of the wall, not wanting to hear any more of the mean and cruel words. Running into Richard on your way out, you burst into tears. He guided you out as you stumbled over your words like you stumbled over your feet. No one ever hated you so much to call you a bitch... No one. It made Dick angry, but he knew how to calm you. “He is just jealous Y/n” he stated firmly down at you as he pressed you to a wall so you could stable your self. His hands were on your hips, and any other time, you would be on him quickly. But today was not the day. (You’re Italic). “He wishes he could be you. Lead like you. Love like you... But he can’t.” (I’m in bold). You nodded at Dick’s words as you composed yourself. You were better than him, in every way. He didn't like that. Throwing your arms around Dick’s neck, you hugged him deeply. (Call me cocky, watch your tone). You didn't care what Sobel said about you from that point forward. He could call you cocky, but that would be detrimental to his success. He had to follow your rules... After all. (You better love me ‘cause you’re just a clone). He was just a clone. 
*1 year later; Aldbourne, England*
(By the way). You strutted past him once more as you walked from the Colonel's office. His first mistake was making Dick choose trial by court-martial. His second mistake? 
Was underestimating you. (You’ve been uninvited).
(’Cause all you say). You smirked to yourself as you swung your hips a little in joy at what you just managed to do. It was so easy... So easy to get him moved. So easy to show the Colonel just how horrible of a leader he was. (Are all the same things I did). After all. All he was-was a half-assed version of what you were. (Copycat trying to cop my manner). He was nothing but a copycat. Nothing more, nothing less. (Watch your back when you cant watch mine). He didn't even realize that his back was unguarded while he was watching yours. He was so busy watching your next move, that he didn't see your sneak attack. (Copycat trying to cop my glamour). These men wouldn't follow him like they would follow you. That would leave to many lives lost, and you wouldn't stand for it. (Why so sad, bunny, you can't have mine). Which is why you went back down to the role of Captain. His place to be exact. Anything for your men. For your boys.
You watched the building as you leaned against the tree beside Dick. He talked about his court-martial, but you were too busy waiting to see Sobel after he learned the news. He was being moved. All thanks to you. He walked out of the offices with a sad look on his face. (I would hate to see you go, hate to be the one that told you so). You hated it, hated to be the one to make it happen.  (You just crossed the line). But he crossed the line, he made you do this. For your men’s safety, you had to do this. (You’ve run out of time). It was only a matter of time before he was moved to a different area. He wouldn't lead your men into battle. Not on your watch. (I’m so sorry, now you know). His eyes locked with yours, and a knowing look set in on his face. You did this. ‘Sorry’ you mouthed sassily as he only glared at you. (Sorry I’m the one that told you so. Sorry, sorry, I’m sorry, sorry). He got into the jeep and you smirked finally when he looked away.
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(By the way). “Where is Lieutenant Sobel going?” Dick asked from beside you and you only turned towards him with a mischevious look on your face. Scrunching your nose up, you only smirked wider. (You’ve been uninvited). “I got him moved and I am taking his place as Captain of Easy” You purred as you put your hand on his cheek lovingly. You were feeling cocky at the moment. Getting Sobel out of the way only meant you could control your men the way you wanted to. The cockiness transpired into confidence as you leaned in closer to Dick. (’Cause all you say are all the same things I did). Your lips collided with his as his hand went to your side, pulling you closer to him. (Copycat trying to cop my manner). He couldn't copy you, Sobel could never, ever be you. (Watch your back when you cant watch mine). He didn't watch his back, you thought, as you kissed Dick deeper and deeper against the tree. (Copycat trying to cop my glamour). Sobel would never get the love and respect that the men had for you. (Why so sad, bunny, you can't have mine?). Pulling away from Dicks' lips, you smiled at him proudly. “I saved these men. The men saw who he truly was” you whispered against his lips softly. “And whats that” Dick whispered out before pecking your lips sweetly once more. You leaned back with a wide grin on your face. 
“A Copycat.”
tags: @hell-itwasyou @desired-love-
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