#and i thought my comp was just being weird
dimplesflint · 2 months
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9-1-1 → 7x05 “You Don’t Know Me”
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herbert-best · 3 months
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…a labyrinthine series of lines, criss-crossing each other in all sort of ways. These covered the paper so thickly that only with difficulty could one make out the white spaces in between. "Read it," said the Officer. [...] Then the Officer began to spell out the inscription and then read out once again the joined up letters. "Be just!' it states," he said. "Now you can read it." […] "'Be just!' it says," the Officer remarked once again.
In The Penal Colony, Franz Kafka; transl. Ian Johnston [x]
pawn / tool /puppet / cog BE JUST another gear / in the / Harrowing machine
This was originally intended to be (bc I am very normal about all the very normal things I like) a piece of Kafka-referential fanart of Amanda Young, from Saw, with my rendition of the Officer’s design from the execution machine carved into her corpse… didn’t go that far with it, obviously, because I can’t draw for shit. If you’ve never gotten a chance to read it or not read it in a long time, this is your call to arms to read In The Penal Colony. It’s VERY short, albeit somewhat disturbing— the pdf I linked to with the quote is the whole thing, which is 19 pages long as formatted there— but it’s one of those things that lives in your brain afterwards.
It centers around a large, incredibly elaborate and complex machine used for tortuous executions, and the legacy of the now-dead man who designed, built, and used it. I’ve sort of always been fascinated by the idea of trying to create the illegibly elaborate designs it’s described as using— this one contains more than the central, aforementioned words, of course— highlighted under the cut.
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lorarri · 2 months
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summary , being forced to go to a gp was not something on Y/N's 2023 bingo card but who knows maybe she will create a friendships that could help her thought this tough time
pairing , step dad! lewis hamilton x fem! young teen! reader
pervious part | series masterlist | main masterlist | f1 masterlist | lewis hamilton masterlist | next part
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MOTHER Lewis has got us VIP tickets to the Australian gp Isn't that exciting!
Y/N but I have an archery comp on that weekend
MOTHER dw about it I've pulled you from the comp you can do the next
Y/N are you fucking kidding me you pulled me from a comp to go watch you boyfriend's race what the fuck?!?!?!
MOTHER language young lady first of all he my fiance and he is gonna be your step father soon
Y/N he is not gonna be my anything as far as I'm concerned and the only way I am going is if you drag me there kicking and screaming so fuck you
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MINJI babe where is u at?
Y/N @ the Aussie Gp 💀 ... girl don't u remember me telling you guys about this 🙄
HANNI We do but your mom just called asking if we knew where you were 😭😭
Y/N wtf would you guys know where I am 😐
DANIELLE cuz aparently she can't find you and she thinks you are trying to catch a flight out of the country to avoid spending time with her and lewis 🫣
Y/N tf is this bitch on? I would never put that much effort into her let that be know first and for most 😝 second of all I'm hanging out with Max and Daniel 😌 so dw I'm not trynna skip town 😔
HAERIN Max and Daniel? as in like Red Bull's drivers Max and Daniel as in like Mad Max 😡 and big dick Danny ric 🤠
Y/N ew 🤢🤢🤮🤮 never say that again 🚫 but yes that would be them 👍
MINJI ... proof or it never happened 👀
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happy now?
HANNI okay but how did you even meet?
Y/N walked off to have a smoke and ran into them and started talking
DANIELLE ain't your mom gonna be pissed though?
Y/N why?
HAERIN cuz your created a better bond with Max and Daniel then what you have with Lewis
Y/N tbh I don't really fucking care Lewis seems like an alright guy ngl but I don't like how my mother is forcing me to spend time with him it's awkward and weird escpially since my dad is refusing to answer my calls or texts and everytime a ask my mother about it she says "maybe he is busy sweetheart" and "well look at it this way it will be the perfect opportunity to bond with Lewis" so yeah I have 0 shits to give rn anyway I need to go time for the race max says I can watch in the red bull garage
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NANA (EX WIFE) my plan isn't working I thought by forcing you to stay away Y/N and Lewis could bond but I think she hates him more now
JUNHO (EX HUSBAND) no shit sherlock btw I'm coming to pick Y/N up this weekend she staying at my house till she has to go back to school
NANA (EX WIFE) is that bitch gonna be there?
JUNHO (EX HUSBAND) yes my girlfriend is going to be there and I am going to show you the correct way of introducing your kid to your new partner and that starts by telling them the truth about why you marriage ended in the first place and since you refuse to tell her I will read
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cranberryjuice-posts · 4 months
Like Clarisse finds out cus reader was like feeding off a animal or smth and offers reader to feed on her instead if reader uses her superspeed to like win capture the flag or something!
Maybe a camper sees a old scarred bite mark on Clarisse and asks about it but Clarisse quickly makes a excuse 👀 (they eventually date ofc)
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- Apex predator -
Pairings - Clarisse La rue x Fem! Vampire! Daughter of hades! Reader
An - this is pretty short and rushed I’m sry I had a comp today and I just wanted to get sum out🙁🙁🙏
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“Y/n!” Clarisse yelled running around the forest.
You heard her. Only problem you were to busy to answer. Clarisse continued to move about the forest trying to find you.
After a few minutes the stronger girl noticed you crouched down with your back facing her. “Shit.. there you are” the girl panted. You didn’t respond only keeping yourself hidden from her. “Hello? Babe what are yo-“ clarisse stopped once she saw blood pooling around you.
Cautiously clarisse set her spear down against a tree before slowly stepping to you.
You were frozen not knowing what to do, if clarisse saw what you were doing she would hate you and if you ran she would be suspicious. In anxious thoughts you hadn’t realized clarisse turned you around.
Once the She had saw you with a dead rabbit in hands and blood dripping from your mouth she looked down at you with horror. Taking a step back clarisse grabbed her spear storming off.
You threw the dead rabbit aside quickly getting up and chasing after the girl. “Wait wait please let me explain” desperately you tried to catch up to clarisse who was now walking away.
“Explain what!” She turned around looking You up and down “explain why you were eating a dead rabbit raw?! Yeah I would love to hear about how my girlfriend is a psycho”
“Clarisse please” You begged grabbing her arms. “I know this is weird but I can explain I just need you to trust me” looking in her eyes you watched as clarisse started to calm down. “Fine” she bitterly spoke. “Explain”
You let out a slow breath before speaking “being the daughter of hades im a forbidden kid.. I had been killed a long time ago and in an attempt to save me my dad made a deal with thanatos to bring me back but even that costed something, my humanity. In Order to keep living and aging like a normal person I have to drink blood”
Clarisse looked like she didn’t belive You but at the same time she knew the gods did unbelievable things. “So what your a vampire now or something” she scoffed, nodding your head you looked down embarrassed by it all. “I’m sorry.. I know I should of told you but it’s just… fuck” you sighed
After a few moments clarisse grabbed your face, confused you followed the girls lead allowing you to turn your face in different directions. Eventually she pried your mouth open taking a look at your sharp K-9’s.
Clarisse sighed pulling You Close by your waist into a hug. “You should of told me” she kissed your forehead. “We’re having a talk about this later ok, a serious sit down talk got it” she pulled back holding your face. You nodded once again placing your hand over hers. “Good, now I need you to come with me to do something to get the flag”
“And That’s Everything” You sighed, sitting on your girlfriends lap as you both were in clarisses bed. Clarisse nodded rubbing soft circles on your hips. “Have you ever tried to feed off a person?” She asked looking up at you.
You shrugged your shoulders “once I mean human blood holds me over much longer than rabbit or animal but I don’t know anyone who willingly would let me do that”
Shifting around some clarisse pulled her camp shirt collar down tapping her neck. You looked confused earning you an annoyed scoff from clarisse “do you need an invitation just do what ever it is you do”
“Are You Sure? It’s gonna leave a mark I don’t know”
“I don’t care about a damn mark”
Debating it for a second you sighed leaning forward. Sinking your teeth into clarisses neck you punctured the girls skin. Immediately sucking on her neck you reveled in the warmness of the girls blood.
After a few moments You pulled pack panting. Looking at clarisse you started to laugh as the tough girl covered her face from how flustered she was.
“You liked that?”
“Fuck off”
You leaned in giving her a teasing peck on the lips, laughing as the girl jokingly complained.
Random camper - Jesus clarisse what happened to your neck
Clarisse - Thats none of your damn business
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foone · 2 months
had one of those "being raised christian didn't fuck me up at all" where I had difficulty forcing myself to reblog a very cute image because it had cleavage in it. my brain was convinced that as soon as anyone saw it, they'd tell jesus or something and I'd get shot, because people might think I have sexual desires.
and it's like, even though I'm asexual and I'm legitimately not reblogging it because AWOOGAH BOOBS, it's like I'm automatically thinking "I can't let anyone see this and think I might be into it. something terrible will happen if that's the case!"
what? what will happen? even if it was true, and I just thought it was sexy, what would happen? fucking nothing! I'm on tumblr! plenty of people on here are openly lusting after sexy women, because they're attracted to women! a very normal thing to be, you know?
and all this is completely separate from the different hangups I have from that upbringing around homosexuality and transness. This is a separate "sex, and any form of sexual attraction, is bad" pile of bullshit.
It probably took me twice as long to figure out I'm asexual because it was conflated with this weird comp-ace nonsense I had grown up with.
Anyway, despite just being a random furry image, being able to reblog it openly and not on some kind of secret porn account (which I don't have, btw: I used to, but I haven't used it in over a decade!) was important to me with regards to getting over some ingrained hangups I've got from all this jesus-filled upbringing. So if you see me reblogging a bunch of apparently horny art, don't worry, it's just religious therapy :)
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bluecatwriter · 7 days
I watched the Wildhorn/Black/Hampton Dracula rock opera!
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Okay, okay, okay. As some of you know, one of the guys in my theater troupe got me comp tickets to see him in Dracula: The Musical. You guys. It was an EGREGIOUS adaptation that didn't even make narrative sense on its own terms. I also had a TOTAL BLAST. 
If you like the musical, no shade to you— please just keep scrolling and like what you like! However, I had so many thoughts about this that I had to word-vomit about it, and thought some of you might have fun reading my thoughts on the good, the bad, and ugly for 3,000 words.
TL:DR: Very fun experience, so glad I went, the play's narrative choices make me want to throw hands in a Denny's parking lot, much dunking/adaptation-hate ahead, my friends are amazing, I'm writing my own play now.
(CW discussion of rape, ableism, drug use, suicide)
-First of all, everyone take a moment to appreciate my eyeliner. I do not usually draw eyeliner that well so I was very proud of myself.
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-I went with my sister, since we both knew people in the cast. (I thought we knew three, but we actually knew four: the actors who played Dracula, Mina, Lucy, and Quincey.) My sister didn't know anything about Dracula except what she'd picked up from my incoherent ramblings (which I generally keep to a minimum around her). 
-It was a black-box theater, which I didn't expect: six or so rows of chairs on each side of the theater, facing each other across the relatively small room, with the stage in the middle and a live orchestra (!!!) on one end. The set was a minimalist Gothic castle design, with windows, a freestanding moving wall, and a large platform that, throughout the play, served as Dracula's coffin, a table, Lucy's bed, Lucy's coffin, and just a general place to stand and sing in a badass way. I absolutely LOVE black box shows because they're so intimate: you can almost reach out and touch the actors, and you can see every minute facial expression and gesture, the light glittering in their eyes, and so on. (Acting in a black box theater is much more like movie acting because the audience can see what you're doing with your eyes in a way that regular theater doesn't allow, meaning that things like eye contact between characters is much more electric and effective.)
-The sound design and lighting effects were doing a lot of heavy lifting in this show, and they nailed it. Very spooky!
-The play began with the weird sisters, and they were consistently my favorite part of the play— the actresses killed it (ha), bringing an intense, spooky energy to the story, often serving as narrators, background singers, extras, special effects handlers (such as portraying the wreck of the Demeter), and the physical manifestation of Dracula's will/presence. They were AWESOME.
-I had decided in advance that this play was a fanfiction written by Dracula about himself, and nothing about the show dissuaded me from this idea. The guy who played Dracula served major cunt from the moment he stepped onstage, wearing leather pants with laces up the side and a big sweeping coat and a huge amount of eyeliner that really brought out his unnervingly blue eyes. ("All guys should wear eyeliner and leather pants," I joked to my sister after the show, and she responded, with the most haunted look I've ever seen, "I agree about the eyeliner, but not the pants. I lived in San Francisco for three years, and you know not what you speak of. There are things I cannot unsee.")
-Actually, to be honest I liked Dracula's characterization (until the end; see below); whether because of the director or the actor or both, this version really did not downplay what a bastard he is. He was incredibly ruthless, in all senses of the word: focused on a single goal and not caring who got mowed down in the process. Anytime his sung lines talked about him being lonely or sad or whatever, the actor played it off as him trying to garner sympathy from his listener, rather than expressing his true feelings, which was a directing/acting choice I really appreciated.
-When Jonathan came on stage (from the door just a few feet away) I nearly squealed with delight! He just RADIATED "biggest sweetheart you've ever met" energy: tall and lanky and with a scruffy lil beard and clothes that didn't quite fit. I was in love with him from the beginning. Also he got to mention his Kodak camera, and I remembered that I could not actually cheer at moments like that because that would be weird.
-The Dracula-Mina "romance" was introduced very early, which I appreciated; from a storytelling perspective, it was good to have that continuous thread. Dracula looks at a picture of Mina, mentions how young she is, asks Jonathan if she is "pure," and then decides that they're soulmates. It was SO PERVY. Once again, I loved the Dracula characterization. If only it had stayed one-sided…
-I was fortunately warned that in this version Jonathan takes the crucifix off so the weird sisters can continue attacking him, but I still had to suppress a "BOOOOO!" (I did whisper "NOT CANON!" to my sister, and later she said that when that happened in the play she was like, "Oh, okay, I don't care what happens to this guy now.") But I guess it did have the effect of making him less sympathetic, which served the story the play was trying to tell.
-I was pleased that there was a Drac-drinking-from-Jonathan scene, and consistent with the storytelling, Drac had a whole song about how he needs Jonathan's blood so he can be young and hot and go seduce Mina (which, again, fits with the story they were telling). They decided not to have any sexual tension between Dracula and Jonathan, so the blood-drinking scene was pretty brutal (complimentary)— Jonathan laid out on the platform with Drac just. gnawing on his neck while Jonathan writhed and convulsed. It was still kinda hot though not gonna lie
-Lucy's characterization at first was pretty interesting, because her song about the three suitors (and the directing/acting) made it seem like she was just kinda stuck with three mediocre choices, and chose the least offensive one (Arthur, who she describes as boring and can't even think of one nice thing to say about him) and tried to convince herself that she would be happy. This was honestly the biggest moment where I had to just squirm in my seat to keep from actively booing. Don't be so mean 2 my boy! From a storytelling perspective, it wasn't clear at all why she chose Arthur, because Quincey was the only one of the suitors who had any personality at all (even Jack was bland. JACK. WAS BLAND. YOU COULDN'T HAVE HIM SIT ON HIS HAT OR AT LEAST FIDDLE WITH HIS LANCET? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU???). Anyway, Arthur was actually totally fine after that song (and had some nice lines in the group songs).
-Meanwhile, Drac is creeping on Mina by entering her thoughts without her consent and being like, "We're soulmates," and she just…. goes along with it???? With literally no rhyme or reason to her decision???? I know some of this is that I hate the whole concept of soulmates, but I expected at least SOME justification for why she was interested in him. There was no indication she was unhappy with Jonathan; there was no hint of any emotional connection; there wasn't even some weird "reincarnated lover" story to try to soften how incredibly strange it felt that Mina was randomly in love with this guy's voice in her head. His baritone is sexy BUT IT IS NOT THAT SEXY. GIRL PLEASE.
-In this version Dracula bites Lucy because he's trying to call Mina to him and Lucy comes by accident and he's like, "Well, nothin' I can do about that. CHOMP." Which, again, I honestly liked this characterization because he's not apologetic about who he is; he is just destroying everyone in his way and not caring about them as people. He just has a goal and he'll do anything to reach it.
-Then of course Lucy's like, "Oooh that was actually so sexy and I never want to wake up from that dream of him chomping on my throat." The directly seemed to imply that being bitten by a vampire just. instantly turns you into something that's not yourself, so I could kinda excuse it if I squinted, but it was still pretty icky.
-Renfield got to stab Jack! My sister felt sorry for Jack (because all his unethical science got shaved off in this adaptation) and I was just like, "YESSS RENFIELD YOU GO!" 
-Jonathan shows up again, in a wheelchair (a really cool old-fashioned one), and Mina goes to marry him, and their marriage is paralleled with Lucy and Arthur's while Drac looms in the background. The double wedding was a nice staging choice, although the optics of Mina somewhat reluctantly marrying disabled Jonathan while abled Dracula is standing by being All Sexy was… uh, it was not great. But on the plus side, maybe it emphasizes the ableism that a lot of people have toward Jonathan's disabilities in the story, bringing them out into the open? (I am grasping at straws here.)
-Van Helsing was perfect! The actor had wild gray hair and forehead bumps and a tenor voice that could shatter your heart into a million pieces. He did a great job of having the "weird professor" vibes even though his lines were more coherent and to-the-point than they are in the book. 
-No blood transfusions, sadly, but I see why they cut that part.
-Lucy turning vamp was very well done. I think I should mention at this point that the actors who played Dracula and Lucy are actually married to each other in real life, and they had really crackling chemistry and it was clear in every scene they were together that they were having just the best time. "Life After Life" was my second-favorite song in the play because it's just Dracula sending Lucy out to eat people— and again, both actors were clearly having SO MUCH FUN performing this song together. At the end of the scene I was all pumped up, like, "Yeah Lucy! Go eat some people!!!"
-Intermission. I told my sister this was like the part in Rashomon where the rapist tells the court his point of view and is like, "Oh, she totally wanted it." My sister shook her head at me and chuckled.
-The graveyard/Bloofer Lady scene was genuinely horrifying; Lucy's actress did an AMAZING job of amping up the horror, beginning the scene by cradling a baby and singing it a lullaby, then just CHOMPING down on it, and throwing it down and hissing like an animal when the Crew of Light approached her. Mina and Jonathan were in that scene, too, and even though Mina didn't have any lines, seeing her reacting to it (rushing to grab the child, dodging out of Bloofer!Lucy's snapping jaws) gave the scene a lot of emotional intensity. 
-Both Bloofer!Lucy's death and Renfield's death were directed beautifully; they were both somewhat quiet, almost slow motion, focused not on the violence but on the emotional weight of both their lives ending.
-Jonathan and Arthur, while both being incredibly bland characters, have I think more dialogue in this play than they do in the book. Every time they spoke I was like, :D :D :D! My blorbos!!!
-Throughout Mina's whole song "Please Don't Make Me Love You" (sung, of course, to Dracula) I focused VERY HARD on my friend's amazing acting, her beautiful voice, the way she was playing this with absolute conviction, while in the back of my head I was screaming. Just a primal, Nazgul-like shriek. GIRL WHY (I think my sister was amused by how much I was squirming)
-Van Helsing has a nice little song about his dead wife, saying that it was a vampire that killed her and that's why he's a vampire hunter now. He was also shooting up with a comically large syringe during this song, but sure, yeah, that's fine. Like I said, his voice was SO BEAUTIFUL, so I was entranced. If only he had gotten a chance to find connection and family ties in order to continue that character arc HINT HINT
-Ah, then we get the Blood Baptism scene. Mina sings a song about how she doesn't want to run away (because of that sexy baritone voice I guess) so she invites Dracula into her room, he knocks out Jonathan, and then they make out over Jonathan's body. Le sigh. The funniest part of this scene is that they had her drink from his chest but they didn't use any fake blood, so he just unbuttons his shirt and she buries her face in his boobs, no context. I asked my sister afterward, "What did you think was going on in that scene?" and she said, "I figured she was drinking from his vampire-milk titties."
-Van Helsing and Dracula got an "I will take you down!"-style song that was actually really cool.
-Then, suddenly, out of nowhere, BOOK-CANON MINA SHOWS UP! She was in a wheelchair now (a great directing choice, I thought), and demanded that Van Helsing hypnotize her, insisted on them keeping the information from her so that Dracula can't get to it, makes them all vow to kill her, and figures out where Dracula is going based on the maps. I was like THERE SHE IS! THERE'S MY GIRL! …But unfortunately this characterization makes no sense in the story the musical is actually telling. Why is Mina leading them to him? Why is she taking such pains to make sure Dracula is not warned of their coming? It didn't fit with any of her characterization in the rest of the play (and especially not with the ending), so it felt really cobbled-together and odd.
-Also Jonathan vows to kill her and there's a whole song about how sad he is that he will have to do that. I was gritting my teeth the whole song being like It's a storytelling choice it's a storytelling choice it's a storytelling choice it's a storytelling choice it's a
-Okay. YOU GUYS. YOU GUYS. The song "Deep in the Darkest Night" WAS AMAZING. It's a song by the Crew of Light (and in this version, sung by all six of them, including Mina) about their quest, and how they must be points of light in the darkness. It was SO BEAUTIFUL and SO THEMATICALLY ON POINT and it was EVERYTHING I WANTED from a Dracula musical and it is a CRIME that the whole play was not built around these themes and motifs!! *chewing on the scenery* Also, holy cow, everyone in the cast could sing like nothing else. Full-body chills. Stunning, incredible, showstopping, no notes.
-In one of the hypnotic sessions, Dracula came to stand behind Mina and they sang a duet, a reprise of "Life After Life" (the song for Bloofer!Lucy), and that was an incredibly effective storytelling choice (also their voices just blended so. well. together that even in the songs I hated, I still got chills because their voices were SO DANG BEAUTIFUL TOGETHER). Again, I am haunted by what this play could've been if the Drac/Mina thing was one-sided.
-In this version, Quincey gives Mina his Bowie knife for protection, which I thought was sweet.
-Drac has a big sad-boy song about how he's actually in love with Mina now. BOOHOO MOTHERFUCKER. NO ONE CARES.
-Quincey got killed by trying to stake Dracula and Drac grabbing the stake and shoving it into his stomach. (My sister gasped and squeaked, "No!" when this happened.)
-Meanwhile, Van Helsing and Mina get separated, and Mina has a whole song about how she's made her final decision: she's gonna become a vampire and live with Dracula forever. At this point in the play I was like, Okay, girl, whatever, you do you…
-But then. BUT THEN. *frothing at the mouth*
-(Don Black and Christopher Hampton meet me in the Denny's parking lot I just want to talk)
-Drac's like, "Ooooh no actually I don't want you to be a vampire so you need to kill me now."
-Mina's like, "Nooooo this makes me so sad I have chosen to be a vampire and it is what I truly want!"
-Drac's like "Nobody cares what you want because the authors couldn't care less about your agency as a person"
-Mina's like "nooooooooo i'm so saaaaaad!"
-(Me: *still frothing at the mouth*)
-Finally, weeping, she takes Quincey's knife and places it over his heart.
-Like, I am just so mad that Mina doesn't even get the tiniest bit of agency here at the end. She is just blown about by the whims of the men, and at the end none of her narrative choices are respected in any way. A lot of this is, I'm sure, the directing for this particular performance: if I were trying to make this ending a bit more narratively satisfying, I would give Mina a moment where you can see her agreeing with him and deciding to kill him herself. This ending just felt… cheap. It didn't even form a satisfying closing even based on the rules of its own storytelling. It was so ridiculous that I actually had to cover my mouth to keep from laughing. 
-After the show we got to talk to all our friends who were in it and it was easy to sincerely compliment them because they all did an AMAZING job. I feel so honored to be friends with such amazingly talented people!
-We drove home in a lightning storm while blasting Blondie's song "One Way or Another" (my sister said she was thinking of this song all through the Drac/Mina story arc) and singing loudly along. "ONE WAY OR ANOTHER/I'M GONNA FIND YA/I'M GONNA GETCHA GETCHA GETCHA GETCHA!"
-I asked her which two characters she thought I shipped the most and she guessed Jonathan/Quincey. Not a bad guess.
-Got home, rambled to my very tired spouse, curled up in bed, turned to him and said, "I promise to never leave you for some random dude who speaks in my head and says we're soulmates," and he replied, "And I promise to never leave you for three sexy vampire ladies," and if that's not a wedding vow renewal I don't know what is.
-Laid awake for nearly two hours brainstorming a Dracula play (not a musical, I'm not that talented). And, uh… yeah. A script is gonna happen. I've written plenty of plays (and co-directed/co-produced a few times), so it's definitely in my wheelhouse, and my brain will not shut up with ideas. So! *tosses it onto list of creative projects*
(P.S. If you reblog, please don't tag this as the Dracula musical because I don't want any fans to be exposed to the hate. Thanks!)
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4-linz · 6 months
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Pairing: wooyoung x y/n
Genre: fluff, chaotic fluff lol
Warnings: some cursing(I gotta stay minimal with it tho bc I write these on my school comp 😭) , wooyoung is kinda panicking lol, wooyoung is called an attention whore but in a good way pls dont hate me 😭 ,reader is called ning like 3 times , grammar might not be correct I'm tired lol, I think that's it
Summary: wooyoung is confused on how you got into his heart, he never told anyone about his mental list he made, not even san so that should say something, so how did you do it? Was its on purpose to mess with him? Or on accident
Wc. 1.69k
A/n I wanted to write and I had just reread @yuyusuyu princess chronicles and I wanted to do something similar with wooyoung :) pls I'm dieing I h8 using ppls ideas but I'm in writers block and I need to write rn 😭 so creds to @yuyusuyu for the idea lol I hope this is good cuz I luv her work and I don't wanna ruin her reputation lol I also have a feeling this is gonna be a short fic bc again I'm in writers block and that's all i can take rn lolz
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Wooyoung never thought he could find a relationship that was near the thing he and san had going on (even san doesnt know whats happening tbh), but here we are, you slowly winning over his heart. How? He doesn't know. He has a very very very very very- i can keep going but what i mean is he has a very secret procedure that even san doesnt know about, but it's a way you can take over his love life, so you somehow slowly completing the 5 steps was very concerning.
Step 1. Treat him like royalty
Well you don't have to bow down and worship him but you just have to treat him him like the mona lisa, praise him- and maybe worship him, he likes to be praised and feel noticed-attention whore is his middle name after all- so when you walk into the room with him and everyone else and you notice him first and COMPLIMENT HIM AND ONLY HIM?!?! He was feeling a little lightheaded, “ oh hi woo! I like your hair, it looks different! In a good way of course-” you said slightly rambling at the end “ oh- um yea… i um-” he stumbled out “ i uh WASHED IT, yea, yea i washed it." He said trying to redeem himself and act cool because seonghwa was looking at him weird. “ for once you washed it” san said scoffing, without him knowing- or did he? San had saved him from an awkward situation “HEY i do wash my hair thank you very much” he said huffing, pouting but quickly opening his eyes when he heard you laugh.
Step 2. Find him funny
(or just try to laugh at his ridiculous jokes)
The sound of your laughter filled his dorm, san had left to go out with Seonghwa, leaving him alone and so of course he invited you just so he could hang out with his now crush for a movie night!! Why else would he invite you over…?He found himself in a trance listening to your laughs, they sounded like music to his ears, literally he was listening to the rhythm in your laughs and thought they sounded so much like you, the beat matched your personality. ‘ wooyoung stop that's weird, and nothing like you.’ he said when he came out of his little bubble when ever he heard your voice tinted with worry as your friend was looking at you with an unreadable expression on his face and was very silent, which was very concerning given its wooyoung. The look of worry on your face made his heart flutter, where you really worried for him…? ‘ shit im fucked’ he thought
Stept 3. Worry/care for him
“ wooyoung? Are you in there?” your voice sounding small compared to the yelp wooyoung let out upon hearing your voice in his dorm.” OW SHIT, ning is that you?!” he yelped, he had hurt his leg and couldn't attend practice, him not being there worried you given he had always been there, so you went to his dorm. “Woo what were you thinking laying on the edge of the couch,be careful you could hurt yourself more if you do that?!” You said scolding him lightly,the worry in your face very clear,” you didn't hurt yourself more did you?, here let me get you some food so you don't have to walk.” wooyoung hoped you didn't notice the slight blush on his face when you lifted his chin forcefully checking to see if he hurt his face during the fall. “ Goddammit, step 3 , 2 more to go and I'm done for..” he mumbled “ did you say something?” you said, peaking your head out of the other room. “ OH-UM-NO '' he quickly said, hoping you don't suspect anything and hoping you truly had not heard anything he said.
Step 4. Being rough with him.
(do i really ahve to explain?)
Wooyoung's heart fluttered when you cupped his face and moved it left to right to see if he had hurt his face, he had fallen trying to learn how to skate. He had failed horribly but that's not what mattered right now, what mattered was you were holding his face. “ Wooyoung, I told you, you have to be more careful” you said with a slight pout, worried about your best friend. You had to put your whole body strength into helping him up because he was so zoned out all his body weight was on the floor. But the words that snapped him out of his little trance were enough to heal him right then and there “ when we get home do you wanna cuddle and watch a movie?”
Step 5. Physical affection.
“Ninggg hurry up and bring the popcorn” wooyoung shouted, he had been alone in his and sans dorn because apparently san couldn't deal with wooyoung's ramblings about you so he left with seonghwa, of well at least that means he can invite you over more right? Wrong, this is the first time in weeks he's invited you over because he couldn't muster up the courage to ask you.” I'm right here..?” you said laughing when he turned around and saw you, his eyes widened in amazement on how you could find that much popcorn in his house, where it came from? No idea he's been trying to find popcorn for a month and has found none so how did you find some? No clue, but he didn't really care as his heart picked up when you sat very close to him. Very close.and his heart picked up even more realizing you two were watching a scary movie. He could be your knight in shining armor and hold you close when you got scared. Well you ended up holding him like he's a baby but that didn't matter to him even though he's going to be very embarrassed later. What mattered right now to him was trying to calm his heart, from the jumpscares and the fact that you two were there cuddling?! Mostly the first option , but hey those things were scary, don't judge>:(
Another time he found himself in this situation was on his birthday, wooyoung and you tangled up in each other limbs, the others where getting the place ready so of course you offered to keep him busy while the others fixed up the dorm for him, so you invited him over, which he couldn't say no to you. He was laying on you the couch and you were running your hands through his hair, which in hindsight helped him alot with what he was going to ask you. You had single handedly finished all 5 steps without knowing? Or maybe you did know? He doesn't know but he needs to ask you about it. It's been eating him alive for the past week. He knows he shouldn't ask on his birthday because what if you say no? But he couldn't wait because, what if you say yes? No birthday present could top that. Here he goes, his heart racing he manages to strangle out a “ hey ning…? “ ew he thought, why did it sound like that, he was cringing until he heard you say back “ yes? Did you need something?” you smiling down at him calmed him down a lot more than he thought “ can i ask you something?” he took a deep breath “ of course, anything woo” you laid your phone down to put all attention on him, still playing with his hair. “ i um- do you um “ he stuttered “ dammit” he said sitting up “ is there something wrong wooyoung?” concern filling your face “ i like you. Like I ‘like like’ you.” he said getting it out there, but before you could say anything he continued “ and i was wondering if you wanted to go out with me sometime…?” he couldn't look you in the face because he felt like he would explode. For real he was holding his breath for so long he felt like he was going to burst. “ woo i-” you giggled and he turned around ready to be faced with rejection. “ of course i will” you cupped his face and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. He looked like a lost puppy, eyes wide and frozen in shock “ wait you- you like me to?” ugh he sounded like a 2nd grader finding out their crush likes them back. “ Of course I do woo, who wouldn't love you?” you giggled at the end. Just as wooyoung went to speak he got interrupted by your phone going off saying it was time to bring him back to the dorm for his surprise.
Hwa: hey were done over here if you wanna bring him back
You: okay! But warn san if he's coming back to stay with wooyoung lol
Hwa: oh good lord
Smiling at yourself you took him by the hand and told him you two where going back to his dorm for something.Lets just say he went back to the dorm holding your hand and he was the happiest birthday boy in the world. But wooyoung had one more question before he went back to the dorm "wait so did you know about the list or not?" He questioned you "what list?" You questioned back "wait so your telling me you completed a whole goddammit list without knowing it ever even existed?!" He squealed out "Oops" you shrugged and laughed
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the-river-runs · 1 year
My best friend Fandom has once again returned and asked me to post to Tumblr for her! Once again, I have permission to post this video and all edits were done by Fandom (http.redshoes on Instagram)
These memes are all based on Cryptid Sightings by @naffeclipse
She has a lot to say this time around!
A message from Fandom:
"Hello Naff!! And hello everyone :D
It’s me, your girl, your local meme and edit maker, Fandom (aka http.redshoes on Insta 😎)
I’ve come back to make another meme comp for you guys! I wanted to make this earlier, but:
1. I was busy saving/collecting ATSV content on Instagram like Pokémon to getting noticed twice by Jack in the Box ☺️
2. I had to create an Ao3 account (understandably ofc AI theft sucks) and was um. You know… being silly in the comment section 👀 (please don’t mind me if you ever stumble upon them - I react and appreciate the stuff I enjoy in weird ways 💔)
3. Was waiting for my friend here to finish reading so I didn’t spoil anything in the memes! We both loved the series so much and man. The Naff do be eclipsing fr in releasing chapters left and right biggest round of applause for one of my favorite authors here 👏👏👏
Naff, you did such a great job writing this fanfic. I’m going to repeat myself from the comment section BUT you need to give yourself a pat on the back, relax, take a break - just reward yourself. You deserve it all and I hope that you take care of yourself for all the hard work you’ve done 💞💞💞
I’ve also included the lovely artist themselves, @themeeplord , again in one of my meme comps.
It’s only one meme but dang they always draw Eclipse to be getting that gain 💪💪💪 (bc of how muscular he is haha.) Mad respect to all of the drawings they create - they’re always a banger to see.
(Most of the memes surround the last episode + epilogue so if you haven’t read those chapters LOOK ‼️ AWAY ‼️ Don’t get spoiled 🤯)
(P.S. for the imagine scenario that’s not a meme, this is what they’re saying in the audio:
“[Amused] You can hear their heartbeats? Come on, that’s a little far fetched.”
“[Soft chuckling] I can hear yours too… Your heart’s beating pretty fast.”
I’d like to think this would take place around the beginning of “The Episode Bedeviling Bodies,” where the Hunter is still trying to understand their dear friend and what they’re capable of. I thought it was fitting ngl and included it in the comp.
There were uh, more memes I wanted to include, but I’m running low on storage space atm. I’ll get back to making more after I’m done clearing that out ^^’)
(P.P.S. Okay I don’t have Tumblr obviously but 🕴️ apparently you guys really liked the SJ memes I made??? Because my friend’s been receiving notifs of it still??? Thank you so much you guys!! I didn’t really expect people to enjoy them that much 😭💘💘💘)
Now without further ado, enjoy the meme comp! >:D " -Fandom
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xoxoladyaz · 11 months
AU-gust, Day Two: Immortals
TW: Major character death (sort of?), allusions to sex, vampires
“Do you believe in reincarnation?”
“Hell yeah, dudette.”
Maybe Argyle wasn’t the best person to ask about this after all, Stevie thought as she sipped on the final dregs of her vanilla latte. (Comped coffee was the only real perk to working at Starbucks. That, and spending time with Argyle.) 
Argyle hummed as he took a bite of his warmed-up pizza. “I’m pretty sure I was a dragonfly in my last life. Righteous, huh? Hey,” he said as he chewed (which, gross), “why do you ask?”
Stevie shrugged as she set her now-empty cup down. “I’ve just been having weird dreams lately.”
“Ooh, yeah, that’s totally a sign of a past life,” Argyle nodded emphatically. “What are you dreaming about?”
A man dressed in a suit but, like, an old suit, something out of one of those period pieces that her mom always used to watch when she got drunk. Long black curls that fell like water across his shoulders and back. A bejeweled cape, as black as the midnight sky.
Eyes as red as blood.
Teeth as sharp as knives.
“Hello, darling.”
“Just some guy.”
Argyle quirked his eyebrow as he took another large bite of pizza. “Just some guy, huh?”
A manor in the far distant European countryside, teeming with life – or, rather, filled with a wide circle of those just like him: alluring, red-eyed and cold. Voices that lilted like music. Opulent rooms filled with beautiful people (if they were, in fact, people), entire ballrooms filled with nobility but she was not one of those guests: no. 
She was family.
And no matter the pedigree or riches of the hopeful young women that entered those rooms, his eyes never strayed from her.
“Was he, like, your boyfriend or something?”
Darkness broken by candlelight. Silken sheets, cool to the touch. Her skin on his skin that was cold, so cold, it should have been warm but her racing blood made up for it.
“My one.”
“My only.”
“My love.”
And then, the soft bliss of ecstasy.
“I don’t know, something like that,” Stevie shrugged, her eyes nervously darting away from Argyle. “It just – it felt so real, you know?”
“Yeah? What part?”
Meeting in a garden – or was it a conservatory? Perhaps a shop along the street? Wearing a dress that she wouldn’t be caught dead in today (mainly due to the huge, layered skirts and corset.) A crooning voice holding a handkerchief out to her – “I believe this belongs to you” – and the owner’s smile setting her chest ablaze.
The blur of time in those gilded halls: dancing, laughing, making love, eating and drinking and being merry. Wishing in that moment, in that dream, that she could just stay there forever and ever.
The cold kiss of the blade as her father withdrew it from her chest. No apologies, only that they “could not risk it.” A roar of rage followed by the cool splatter of her father’s blood on her face.
Those same cold hands that grasped at her, murmuring prayers that she’d believed he’d forgotten.
“It’s okay, my love.”
“No, no,” her love’s voice swore as he tucked her head underneath his chin. “This is not the end! I will not allow it.
“I will find you again someday.
“I promise you that.”
“All of it.” She looked up and met Argyle’s eyes. “Kind of wish it was real.”
“Wishes are powerful things, man,” Argyle nodded solemnly. “Whoever this guy is, he’s going to come back to you. I can feel it.”
Stevie can’t stop herself from smiling. “Yeah?”
“Oh yeah,” Argyle grinned back at her before shoving the last of his pizza into his mouth. “I’m catching those energies big time.”
“You’re going to be catching something else if you two don’t head back onto the floor,” Keith interrupted, sticking his head in the door. “Your mandatory fifteen is up.”
“Pretty sure we’ve only been back here for ten.”
Someone hit the service bell near the register. Keith quirked his eyebrow at Stevie, completely unimpressed. “Well?”
Stevie shot Argyle a look before standing up. Argyle, bless his heart, was too sweet to ever say something rude to Keith. (Stevie’s not, but she sure as hell doesn’t want to lose this job.) “Yeah, yeah, I’m on it,” she muttered, and she threw her emerald-green-corporate-mandated apron over her clothes. Keith barely moved out of the way, meaning she got a whiff of his perpetual nacho-cheese stink on the way to the register, and she barely had time to swallow down her disgust before passing through the swinging doors and entering the main room.
“Sorry about that,” Stevie said as she crossed over, quickly adjusting her nametag before glancing up. “How can I - ”
The man is dressed in a pair of torn yet obviously expensive black jeans with a matching black linen shirt. His leather jacket is as black as the midnight sky. Long black curls that fall like water across his shoulders and back shine underneath the store’s fluorescents. His eyes have an almost reddish tint, and when he smiles, his teeth are as sharp as knives.
“Someday,” Stevie breathed back to her love, the last word she spoke before diving into the darkness that follows life.
“Hello, darling.”
It looks like someday is today.
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gay-jesus-probably · 3 months
What was your 9/11 sona
God, I wish I remembered. Unfortunately, while the whole mess is absolutely hilarious in hindsight, back in the day I just thought it was incredibly tasteless and an insult to the people who actually lost loved ones that day (which it absolutely was!), so I was mortified to have to participate in it. But I didn't want to argue the point, cause with how subjective English is, getting on the teachers bad side will just obliterate your grade, and I'd always been in the high 90's for english so I wasn't about to break that streak over a stupid insensitive writing assignment. So I grit my teeth, wrote some shitty, generic OC, gave them a tasteless, non-offensive eulogy, then tore up the paper and threw it out the second I got the marked assignment back.
And that was about a decade ago now, so I can't remember any details about my tragically deceased 9/11sona - all I can really remember about grade 9 english is the 9/11 stuff, the teacher being really weird about demanding we say 'zed' instead of 'zee' because we're Canadian, and the look of absolute shock on her face when she informed me that I'd gotten a perfect 100% on the reading comp part of the PAT exam (still lowkey proud of that lmao). Moral of the story, don't throw out really embarrassing school writing assignments; they might be hilarious in hindsight.
...The real punchline of all this is that while I went to all that effort to avoid pissing off my teacher and tanking my marks in grade 9, in grade 10 I hit that exact problem literally before my first class had started. I had english in the second semester that year, and my older sibling had given me the book version of Les Miserables as a christmas gift that year, and I was still working on it when school started back up. So I made the terrible mistake of walking into english class about ten minutes early, cracked open my book to pass the time... and then after a few minutes of watching some punk teenager casually reading les mis, the teacher got up, asked me to step out into the hall, then led me into the classroom next door to introduce me to the AP english teacher, and inform him that I was probably better suited for his class. I had to hastily clarify that no the fuck I was not, I had three core classes that semester and a mixup with my one elective meant I was stuck in the goddamn grade 12 band class, so if I didn't have one class I didn't need to put effort into, I would die of stress. Grade 10 english teacher tried to pressure me into taking the AP class anyways, and after I kept refusing, she eventually was like "fine, you can stay in my class, but I'm going to grade you like you're an AP student the whole time."
And for the entire semester, she refused to mark any of my work higher than an 80%. Can you tell I'm still angry about that, because I'm still really fucking angry about it.
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dr-trafalgar-law · 2 months
Tumblr media
Trafalgar Law X CisFem Reader
"These aren't half bad for a pastry chef." Law smirked picking up another rice ball from the night before.
You didn't respond, gnawing on your lower lip distractedly.
'I need to see you.'
What does that mean? Did something happen? Had you been caught?
"F/N." your fiancé called startling you from your thoughts.
"Would you like to go back to bed?" he offered assuming your distant demeanor was a side effect of last night's events.
"What? No, I'm fine." you raised your gaze to meet his.
He looked more curious than concerned, "Care to tell me why you're about to chew your own lip off?"
You halted your nervous habit once attention was drawn to it.
"Just still a bit off from yesterday I guess." you lied.
He didn't believe you but accepted your answer for now taking a seat at the table with you.
"Was there anything you wanted to do today?" he felt weird asking.
The two of you never participated in joint activities and he had no clue what you enjoyed doing when you weren't working.
"I'm so used to being up to my eyeballs in work. Just sitting around sounds kinda good." you shrugged.
"Then sitting around it is." he declared.
You glanced at him sideways. Was he planning to spend the day with you? When you suggested sitting around you assumed he would leave you alone, it didn't really seem to be his style to lay about and watch TV.
An hour later you'd constructed a nest of blankets and pillows on the sofa with Netflix cued up. Law strolled in placing his laptop, a medical journal and a comp book on the coffee table before taking a seat on the floor.
"Comfortable?" he watched you settle and turned back to the TV picking up the remote.
You hummed as he pressed play and went about his research.
It seemed he'd had no interest in watching your shows with you, but still felt the need to keep you company. You glanced between the television and your fiancé frequently. He studied diligently, citing medical articles and highlighting passages in the journal. Eventually, he stopped to take a break joining you on the couch. Rather than watch the baking show you were now six episodes into he leaned back and closed his burning eyes. It was quiet but comfortable unlike the night before. At some point, you both fell asleep.
Buzzing on your nightstand jolted you from slumber. The room was still dark as you felt around for the device, squinting when you unlocked the screen nearly blinding yourself.
2:56 AM
"Fuck." you whispered settling back and opening your texts.
Law: I won't be home tonight. The on-call is overwhelmed and we're short on nurses.
It had been ten days since your episode. Before that Law probably wouldn't have bothered to tell you he wasn't coming home, you didn't share a room, it didn't matter to you. But you both agreed to communicate more even if you weren't quite ready.
Me: Your food is in the fridge.
Law smirked and pocketed his phone lying back on the cot in the on-call room. The staff insisted that he sleep for at least an hour, so he caved just taking the time to not be standing and interacting with people. He enjoyed that you were cooking dinner when you had time and that you even bothered to save him some. Cooking seemed to soothe you and he was reaping the benefits.
Your phone buzzed again earning a groan from you. What else could Law have to say?
206.555.4524: please.
The last message had gone unanswered, you even deleted it. Now you sat up wide awake slapping your phone across your thigh.
206.555.4524: I'm there. I'll wait.
You cut the engine after parking behind the house to be a little more inconspicuous.
"There" as it was referred to, was the Newgate lake house. You'd spent many summers there with the family and snuck away to have many nights alone with Marco. His truck was hidden around back next to yours, just like old times. You couldn't help the paranoid thought of it being a trap, but Marco would never do that to you.
Gulping down a few unsteady breaths you exited your car and walked up to the back door. Before you could knock the door opened and you were yanked inside colliding with a familiar torso. The light scent of burnt mesquite and chamomile wafted across your face instantly bringing a sense of ease over you. He held you for ages burying his nose in your scalp before you realized you weren't returning the affection. Your arms hung at your sides, you hadn't made a single move to bury yourself further into the blonde. The moment was so surreal and unexpected that you didn't hear him softly calling you.
His left hand moved to tip your chin up and meet his gaze, a heavy blush staining your cheeks. How could someone look so intense and nonchalant at the same time? His sapphires smoldered soaking up your flustered expression. It was exactly the reaction he wanted even if you didn't hug him back. The look on your face always gave you away.
"I shouldn't have come here." you stepped away.
Marco frowned, "But you did come, yoi."
"It was a mistake. You're married and I'm matched. People can't see us together even if it doesn't mean anything."
That hurt.
"Don't make it sound like we were nothing." his glare pierced your very core.
"That wasn't my intention. I'm sorry," you sighed pinching the bridge of your nose, "why did you call me out here? I thought something happened."
His shoulders dropped as he let out an exasperated sigh, "She's pregnant."
Your churning stomach worked quick sending stinging bile up your throat. You ran to the kitchen and spat into the sink. Marco followed offering a comforting pat between your shoulder blades.
"I'm ok." you muttered catching your breath, "Congrats is what I should have said."
Why did you come here?
"Yeah, I guess." he rubbed his neck.
"Why call me out in the middle of the night to tell me this?" you turned leaning against the marble countertop.
"I don't think it's mine, yoi."
The front door that led directly into the kitchen swung open startling both of you.
"Trust me no one ever comes out here babe." Ace stumbled in guiding a curvy brunette.
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silent-raven13 · 10 months
Billie's new best fren 2
(Part 1)
Miles sighs at his boyfriend as they walk to Miguel's office to discuss the failed mission: You know, she doesn't like it when you hold her like that! -Hobie spend the free time trying to get Billie to like him after he found out she is fond of Miguel-
Billie's cheeks puff being super upset that the punk Spiderman is holding her instead of her amazing big brother: NO! Nonononono! -she walks Hobie's face with her hand having to struggle from his grasp-
Hobie holds her close to looks at her: Come on, darling. You will like me! Look, I'm a kind, mate! -he took her hits, since they didn't hurt.-
Billie struggles using her web shooter: NO! Miles, Miles -she began crying for her brother-
Hobie grunts: No use! Why does she hate me? -he frowns-
Miles took his baby sister back in his arms, calming her down: She doesn't hate you. She's just like you! She gets jealous when all my attention is on someone else. And I thought you didn't care? You're just jealous because she likes Miguel. -it always goes back to Miguel somehow. Miles never understood why Hobie had this jealousy toward the older Spiderman. It not like he's going to dumb his boo over Mr. Grumps! Nah, Miles is too loyal, too faithful to his relationship with Hobie-
Hobie: It's just weird! I rather have her like me that's all! -they enter Miguel's office with their other Spider-heroes from the mission-
Miguel spotted the two coming in, his eyes seem to gleam at Miles' sister: Morales. Brown.
Hobie merely grunts having to sit on a desk being laid back. Miles happily said: Hey, tio! Look, who I brought today! -Hobie eyes rolled hearing Billie's cheerful voice-
Billie likes Miguel, because he too get annoyed with Hobie, so they both get annoyed: Tio! -she giggles having her tiny hands reaching over the older Spiderman-
Miguel let out a small chuckles as he got down from his platform to hold the little girl. His eyes soften by the sight of her, she reminded him of his Gabriella. Billie's dark skin tone, her big eyes, and dark hair resembles his deceased child, even thought Billi's hair is much more coily, Gabriella had the same amount of hair, thick, luscious and full of life just like her own curly hair: Hola, mi niña. Cómo estás? Bien? -he held Billie in his arms smelling her strawberry milk baby scent, which must come from her shampoo. The light hint of she butter tickles Miguel's nose when Billie's hand pat on his face, a habit she likes to do. The little girl always seem so fascinated by his face, he always assume maybe because he's ugly and funny looking-
Billie: Tio. Tio! Ahh...
Miles merely smiles watching the two enjoying themselves. The only reason he brought Billie was for Miguel. Maybe it would help the man get some closure or filled the loneliness he carries, and his little sister seem to enjoy his presence at the same time. So a win win!: She got happy when I mentioned we were gonna see you!
Miguel: Is that so, heh? -he chuckles with amusement still having his eyes on the baby-
Billie giggles when Miguel's finger tickle her neck: Hahaha! Tio! Tio! -she babbles a lot more-
Miguel: She's learning to talk more than last time I saw her.
Miles nodded: Yeah, she mostly understands Spanish
Miguel: Es bueno! Es importante para ella aprender ambos idiomas a diferencia de alguien. -he eyes on Miles, who has trouble speaking in Spanish-
Miles pouts: I do know Spanish! Look! Pue-do hah-ablar en-en orac- orca- I-ones comp- com- ple-tas! -Being put on the spot made him nervous, and he did carry an American accent when he spoke Spanish, but he proudly finished it. So a big smirk on his face-
Miguel blinks, and Billie glances at her brother then made a: Pfft. -she turns back to Miguel- Nononono.
Miles: Billie, you didn't had to do me like that. -Sometimes his sister is way smarter than people think-
Miguel chuckles a bit louder as he holds Billie closer to him: Tu Herman está aprendiendo, princesa. No podemos ser tan estrictos. -She only pucker her lips then gave a look that said you-were-thinking-the-same- He's doing his best. -He's a lot kinda to Miles over the couple of years, the young man been part of the team. Maybe it was guilt from the beginning, in the end Miles proved him wrong.-
Miles proudly puff his chest: Yeah!
Miguel: I wonder where she got it from? So strict, and mean.
Lyla's avatar appeared to look at Billie: Really? You have no idea? -she waves at the baby-
Billie tries to touch it: Ohhh! Bon-ita!
Miles snickers while Miguel said: I have no idea what your talking about, Lyla.
Lyla snorted: She obviously learned it from you! Babies learn from the source! -she turned smaller to stand on Bille's nose to get the girl's attention busy-
Miguel grunts: Pfft. -the same way Billie did it to Miles-
Miles laughs: Ah, so that's where she learn that. -the other group came into the office having brought lunch-
Pav came toward Miles and Hobie: We got lunch!
Peter grins nervously at a glaring Miguel: We brought those Empanadas! -He had Mayday hold a take out container stuffed with Empanadas with different meat fillings-
Mayday nodded: And-and milkshake, uncle Miguel! -she put on her cute puppy look, so her daddy doesn't get too much into trouble from the mission-
Billie eyed t Peter then grunts: Hmph!
Miguel nodded: Exactly. Solo tu me entiendes. Anyway, why are you all here late!
Gwen gave Hobie a bag filled with his and Miles' lunch: Hey, Obs! Miss anything.
Hobie: Thanks, Gwendy. You didn't miss much -still sounding jealous as his boyfriend spend the free time talking to Miguel-
Gwen grins widely noticing Hobie had this annoyed tone in his voice, only happens when he's jealous. Her eyes glanced over at Miles standing in front of Miguel, who's holding Billie. Looks like that's the reason: Right, sure. -she chuckles as she set her own lunch down next to him-
Mayday handed Miguel's lunch to the leader: Here, uncle Miguel. My daddy is really really sorry! -she put on her big eyes on him-
Billie eyes at Peter: Oh?
Miguel grins at the baby in his arms: Mira, nena. Your dad is reckless. -being honest seeing her pout- At least you and the rest of the team are fine. However, we need to discus WHAT -eyeing at Peter again- went wrong!
Billie's tummy growling: Ahh! Ahh! Leche! Leche! -she grab Miguel's pecks to give a sign she's hungry!-
Miguel sighs: Morales, Le trajiste comida para ella? -Gwen, Pav and Peter snickers at Billie's hand grabbing his right peck.-
Miles giggles: Yeah, right here. -opening a small pouch from his baby carrier that had a bottle of water and powder formula to mix together. Billie's mouth water for her food- I'm coming! I'm coming, gotta shake it well!
Mayday went over to Miles: Let me help! Let me help, big bro! -She had her hands up to help shake the bottle. Miles let her shake it.- Hehehe, I'm helping!
Miles smiles: Yeah, you are. Now, handed it to Tio. -Mayday went to hand the bottle to Miguel-
Miguel took the bottle and shake it a bit more till he feds Billie. The little girl took the bottle with joy: Rico?
Billie: Mmhhmm! -She holds her bottle enjoying her meal. -Gwen and Pav started eating their lunch being so hungry-
Miguel turns to the group: Anyway, -he holds the bottle helping Billie drink her milk- Parker, what were you thinking?
Peter gave a sheepish grin: Mig, I wanted to finish the mission early! It was supposed to be a level 2 anomaly!
Miguel growls: I told you it was unknown! Lyla scanned the anomaly, but her readings couldn't scale the anomaly's powers. -The view of Miguel holding the bottle feeding Billie made it hard to take the conversation seriously.-
Miles: Sir, it was sort of my fault! -wanting to take some responsibility- I shouldn't taken Billie since I failed to follow the plan!
Miguel turns to Miles: You did nothing wrong, kid. You were following orders, though I do expect you to be more responsible toward your sister about certain missions you take with her. Considering it's always hard to multi-task between Spiderman and your normal life. I'll let that slide, but -he glares mostly at Peter- Your the one in charge, Parker! I gave you a perfectly good plan and you ignored it!
Peter being nervous: I thought we didn't need it! Sometimes we can't depend on your plans! Look, I admit that I screwed up, but it's not the end of it. We can go back and fine the anomaly!
Gwen: Yeah! It'll be fine. We'll follow the plan this time, right Peter?
Peter grins widely: Look, Mig. I promise!
Miguel scowls at him: You will write me a ten paper report why this mission fail, Parker!
Peter groans: Ughhh! What is this? High school!
Pav chews: He could've suspend you.
Miguel: I should -being upset. Then, Billie mumbles pulling away from her bottle- Done?
Billie turn her face away from the bottle: Mm! -Miles took out a small baby blanket from his baby carrier's large pouch and handed to Miguel. The leader wanted to burp the little girl letting his own fatherly instinct appeared. Billie made more nosies as he placed the baby blanket on his left shoulder, and he let her lay over as he gently pat her back- Ahhh, bbrrrr, prrr!
Miguel softly said: Ya. Ya. Casi termino. -Billie made other sounds-
Pav giggles: How cute! -he pulls out his phone to take phones just like Gwen did-
Mayday watch Billie drooling and burping: Why she needs to be burped?
Miguel: Because babies can't burp themselves! It hurts them.
Miles: Should we call you Spiderdad, then? -Miguel eyed at the young Spiderman- Just saying, kids are always around you. Even Gerald likes you.
Mayday: I like uncle too!
Peter: What about me? I'm a dad, too!
Gwen whispers to Pav: Spiderdaddies.
Pav snickers: For real!
Miguel turns tot he two whispering: Qué?
Billie burps one last time before making sounds: Waawawaw! AH! -she became antsy-
Miles went over to give her, her pacifier so she can relax: You good, boo-boo! -Billie was more than good. She's happy. Being carried and full, she felt amazing- I'll take that as a yes. -he took the baby blanket away from Miguel-
Miguel held her: You go eat your lunch with Brown. I'll watch her until till then.
Miles: Awe, thanks, tio! I think Billie couldn't be happier. -Seeing his sister being happy-
Mayday: Miles, can i eat with you and Hobie?
Miles: Sure! -Mayday happily took his hand as they went to the other side of the office to eat their lunch with their friends-
Peter stood casually with his arm on Miguel's shoulder: You know, you got quite the crowd.
Miguel: Parker, your still in trouble.
Peter pouts: Awe, come on! How about a kiss?
Miguel: No!
Peter groans: This handsome face comes once in a life time -he frowns- Please, Miggy?
Miguel: Peter, leave me alone and go start on your report. I'll keep an eye on Mayday!
Peter grunts: Let me finish my lunch then -he dramatically sighs. Billie merely giggles at the grown men arguing like her parents.-
Hobie pulled Miles into his arms as they eat together: Still don't get what she sees in him? -He rest his chin on Miles' left side of his shoulder-
Miles chuckles having to open their containers filled with their lunch. They order Chinese food; fried rice with beef and broccoli, two egg rolls, chow men with orange chicken and bbq pork. He kisses Hobie on the cheek: Mi amor, no te preocupes! Billie is chilling, besides -he whispers lowly in his boyfriend's ear- this is good for Miguel.
Hobie pouts then sighs: I guess, mate. Still don't like it. How about another kiss?
Miles snickers giving him a peck on the lips: There? Better, mi amor?
Hobie: Sî
Pav kept eating his lunch which was Jamaican food; jerk chicken, seasoned rice and chicken curry: You guys always gotta be like that? -they're lovey lovey sometimes feel overwhelming-
Gwen laughs having her lunch; Greek gyro stuffed with beef, side of feta lemon salad and lemon rice: Haha, come on, Pav! Your just mad because Gayatri is on vacation with her family.
Pav pouts: I am not!
Gwen: Yes you are!
Hobie hugs Miles' tightly as he rubs his cheek against his sunflower: Heh, my sunflower deserves all my attention. -he gave multiple kisses on his boyfriend's cheek- Right, luv?
Miles giggles: Yup!
Hobie: Can you feed me some chow mien, darling!
Miles: Okay, baby!
Gwen: Whoa, now that's too lovey dowery for me.
Mayday eats her McDonalds happy meal: I think it's cute! -she giggles-
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Huh, I think you might be a bit hard on Hermione. Generally speaking I mean.
1. Is it really that surprising that Hermione had kids young, so much that it needs to be addressed in this TV show? In wizarding world it's very common to marry and have kids young, since they finish all their school duties at 18/19 and get a job after. So she would have had about 8 years of work experience before she became pregnant. And the whole "she's not family oriented" is also exaggerated and not really true. She clearly enjoys the Burrow chaos just as Harry since she's always there and she obviously loves her parents, even with the questionable Obliviate thing. You're acting like Hermione is some kind of robot. If your personal headcanon is that she's not family oriented..well that's another thing.
2. The canaries thing is obviously not good. Great! Meaning Hermione has flaws, she's not perfect and the readers/audience know this. But ..haha why do Harry and Ginny need to TALK about it so obviously as if the audience are some idiots who can't figure it out on their own.? That's a very beloved rule in movie making - you don't TELL something obvious to audience, let them think for themselves. And it's not like what Hermione did here was something horrible (and I say this as a Ron defender lol). It's pretty vanilla compared to some other weird stuff in HP (the exposing of Snape's underwear and possibly genitals, Harry's crucio, Fred and George's love potion.... So many weirdness) PS. It's not like Ginny would actually care about Ron here to be angry at Hermione. This the book where Ron and Ginny didn't get along and realistically speaking Ginny would've probably snorted or laughed if she heard that Hermione set the canaries on Ron. (Isn't that Ginny's thing - she appreciates dark humor or something like that..?)
So yeah, I think what's really going on here is that Hermione gets on your nerves and maybe that's why you exaggerate her flaws and have sceptical (almost negative) thoughts about her. Which is fine, but it's weird that these 'problems' that you have with Hermione... weirdly enough Ginny is guilty of having them too and yet you never mention these problems with Ginny. What was it that you criticized Hermione for? - being unrealistically capable and not showing flaws towards the end of the series? Not showing enough development? Having kids young? Having a mean streak and being too harsh sometimes and the fans still love you? That's BOTH Hermione and Ginny, my friend xD
Oh, God.
Thinking that not being family oriented means hating your family or being a robot might be a you problem. More and more people nowadays are not family oriented, there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. Hermione repetedely chooses to not spend time with her parents. Her liking going to the Burrow simply means she likes spending time with Ron, generally likes the Weasleys and it's not uncomfortable around a lot of people. And, I absolutely do not care if there are eight years between the end of the war and when she starts having children. She is not a real person, she is a character. What you put in the Epilogue needs to be coherent with what you have told until that point.
Hermione having flaws is not a problem, it's a great thing. Those flaws never being addressed narratevely is the problem. If in no way you adress the fact that what Hermione did is wrong, you are sending the message that what she did was right. If you as the reader percive it as wrong, that's good because critical thinking requires you while reading a book that you absorb the facts but question the interpretation of the author and see if the two things are coherent. Since the fourth book, with Hermione's character there's a divergence between how the narrative wants you to percive her and how she actually behaves, and it progressively gets worse. She never pays the consequences of her own wrongdoing. Which is why after your first reading of HBP you probably are going to think Hermione was competely right and Ron was a jerk, especially if you are a child. It's about the message that it's being sent. And yes, Ginny has flaws too, and that's great, and those are very much adressed. She hexes Smith, she calls Slughorn mad for not putting her in detention. She attacks Smith after the match, and it's hilarious, objectively speaking, but McGonagall still very much yells at her. She mocks Fleur, she admits she was wrong about her by the end of the book. It's not about characters having flaws, characters need to have flaws, it's about the message the story is sending. And, about Ginny not being angry at the canaries, I'm gonna guess you don't have siblings. One of the main rules of having siblings is that you can destroy them but if anyone else dares looking at them the wrong way, that person will die.
The canaries were just an example of one of the many very ugly things Hermione does and that are never addressed as such. What makes that specific episode particulary ugly is that she does it against someone she is supposed to love.
Ginny is not unrealistically capable. She is a powerful witch, that's a natural thing, it doesn't need development, and it's shown since the second book. It's also shown she takes her studies seriously by the way. If you are referring to Quidditch, she trains herself since she is six, what's unrealistic about her being good at it? It's also shown she is not as good of a seeker as she is a chaser. Also, I never said Hermione is unrealistically capable (are you referring to me saying she gets jobs she shouldn't be good at according to the books? That's just an objective thing). I mean, in DH she does things that she shouldn't be able to do out of nowhere, but in general, there's nothing particulary impressive in Hermione's abilities. The narrative desperately tries to make you think she is a genius by making everyone call her that but she just reads a lot of academic material and she is a bit smarter than average, there's nothing weird about that.
Ginny having kids young is extremely realistic??? She is very attached to her family, she is impulsive, and she grew up in a family of seven siblings, I'm surprised none of the Weasleys siblings had seven children of their own.
How can Ginny lack development? She is a character built on progression. She has the most structured development along with Harry. Her whole story is this progressive climb out of the shadow. She becomes the person she needed as a little girl, her helping the injured girl on the grounds is a parallel to her being the girl on the ground in the Chamber. She frees herself of her family need to protect her but still reconciles with her mother. If you are talking about her being well-rounded, Ginny checks out all the boxes in Karen S. Wiesner scheme which is the most detailed one for controlling the development of a character.
If you think I've never said Ginny can be mean or harsh, you have never read this blog. But it's adressed already by the story. There's a whole arc about it in HBP.
If I want to spend my days praising Ginny, I can. This blog is not a democracy. It's very much a dictatorship.
Ginny is loved since when?
I am not your friend :)
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silvereyedzoroark · 7 months
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Latimas AU: Pride
Day 20 Novembmas (I'm aware I'm late with these, real life stuff has been delaying me)
Autism pride flag!! as I support the headcannon that the Subway Bosses are Autistic.
Honestly it was very surprising for me when Submas remerged thanks to Ingo's appearance in PLA, that I started seeing people saying the Subway Bosses were Autistic. At first I wasn't sure how to take that idea, as an Autistic person myself, because I've become a little frustrated with people 'claiming' this character must be 'Autistic' because of their 'unique' behaviour/mannerisms/weirdness, basically claiming that every 'quirky' character must be Autistic, ignoring the fact many Autistic people 'mask' their behaviours.
I did so, many people didn't know I was Autistic until I had an 'episode' where I got overwhelmed and had issues, then suddenly I wasn't a 'Normal person' anymore I was the Weird Autistic kid. But I kept confusing my peers because I seem like a 'Normal Person' 90% of the time until something set me off. Because I didn't fit the classic media portrayal of an Autistic person, kids thought I must be lying about my Autism or that I shouldn't get 'special treatment' because I seem so normal.
Anyway I'm getting off track and a bit too personal, so yeah, I don't like people claiming every 'odd' character as being Autistic, but when I saw peoples reasoning behind the Subway Bosses as being Autistic it...it felt right, It felt so right, and it made me happy.
I didn't feel that it was a 'woke' sticker label people were placing on them because 'Every weird character must be Autistic', but it was out of love. Love and wanting good representation, but this was positive, it was like look! two healthy Autistic adults being their best selves and doing what they love and being 'Autistic' wasn't their whole character deal!! they didn't have savant syndrome, which made them 'useful' to society. They were just two guys who happen to also be Autistic, they were still great Pokemon trainers, they still train conductors, they were still 'normal' people! And it was also really great seeing people who like myself, started sharing/applying their Autistic experience to these character's, I got to learn new things about Autism, about comping methods and even discover/understand myself a bit more, like finding out I have a dissociation disorder.
Anyway at this point in time I see Ingo and Emmet as being the most positive Autistic people in media!
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ofliterarynature · 2 months
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[loved liked ok nope dnf (reread) bookclub*]
Supernova • The Last Unicorn • Cahokia Jazz • (Heartstopper Vol 1)* • The Hero of Ages • Godkiller • Humanly Possible • Traveller’s Joy • The Well of Ascension • Babel-17 • The Final Empire • Loot • The Death I Gave Him
Finished: 11 books (9 audio, 1 print, 1 ebook)
Not many books this month but by god I read THREE Brandson Sandersons, so -
I guess I may as well start with Sanderson while we're here. I promised a mutual years ago (who's sadly left tumblr) that I would read Mistborn and it's probably been at least half a decade but I did it Lourdes! I've read a few one-off Sandersons before, but nothing I fell in love with. The Final Empire definitely had some issues, some things felt a little off, but overall I think I liked it! Except those things did not then improve in the next two books, and by book 3 I was dragging and solidly decided that I wouldn't continue past the original trilogy. I was so mad at that ending y'all, and if the mixed vibes from the copy for the next books wasn't enough that definitely sealed the deal lmao. Happy for the people who like him but it's not really my vibe. (but god, did it remind me how much I love big, grand, epic fantasies. I really need to find a good one). 3 stars
Babel-17 (3 stars) - idk, I think I found this on a rec list for sci-fi about linguistics? Which it sort of was, maybe, ostensibly. It was weird in that old sci-fi way and I kind of wish I'd DNF'd it when I originally considered it.
Traveller's Joy (5 stars)- look I will never say no to more in the Greenwing & Dart series, especially if it's my good good boy Hal. Not to mention more info about the immediate post-college times, and an outside POV on Jemis (Jemis my dude I love you so much but you are not a reliable narrator). Victoria picked a great piece of canon to explore!
Humanly Possible: Seven Hundred Years of Humanist Freethinking, Inquiry, and Hope (4 stars) - I've been wanting to read this since I first heard about it (and Humanist thought in general), and while it was interesting and I'm glad I read it, I found my attention drifting a lot. It spent a lot of time in the early/distant periods of humanist thought, which ended up not really being what I wanted - I think I'm more interested in the modern Humanist movent, but at least I know I'm on the right track!
Godkiller (4.5 stars) - It was great! It was kind of idk, epic fantasy with fairy tale and D&D vibes sort of? My brain is throwing out T Kingfisher and Robin McKinley for comps, but I'm not sure if that's accurate. A great one for fans of less-than-benevolent voices in the back of your head that are nonetheless very concerned for your well being! A solid 4/4.5 stars from me, it switched pov a little to often and didn't stick well in my head as well afterward as I'd have liked. Can't wait to get the next book!
Heartstopper (5 stars) - so cute! at least half the people who have ever come to book club at some point have said they loved this, so since we're in our graphic novel era it just made sense! I read a good chunk of the comic online ages ago and it's still great (and much easier when not fighting my wifi to load pages lol)
Cahokia Jazz (5 stars) - y'all I lost my fucking MIND OVER THIS ONE. Absolutely going to be one of my top books of the year. I'm such such a sucker for books about an outsider trying to find themself, their place, and reconnect with their culture, and hnnnnnng it was so good! Not always easy, but I loved it. I sobbed over that ending so much, I had to get up at work and go hide in the restroom for a bit and couldn't stop tearing up for the next week. Warning that the opening is pretty gory/crime novel/these-cops-are-corrupt vibes that *did* almost make me dnf (GASP), but it gets so much better I promise. Give Joe a chance, he's got hidden depths.
The Last Unicorn (3.5 stars) - It was ok? I didn't really get into it and was glad it was short, but I'm sure if I'd gotten my hands on this as a kid I'd have read it 10x times. I've also never seen the movie. I'm debating if I want to keep my copy for future niblings, but probably not.
Supernova (3 stars) - finally, I am DONE with this series. I admit, the second book almost got me and had me reconsidering if I should keep my copies after all, but this one yanked me back to reality. The undercurrents of ethics/morals/philosophy? to this series are fascinating, but uh, I'm not sure the author is aware of them as much as I was? Because the ending was fine, but all of these questions it felt like the series was raising were just ignored or pushed past. Not a bad series, just don't think about anything too hard.
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Loot - I was here for the automaton tiger and clockmaking, but that wasn't really the focus? I'm not quite sure what was, actually, I dropped this pretty quick between that, not liking the writing style, or the narrator's voice.
The Death I Gave Him - I was SO sad to give this one up. It's told through excerpts and transcripts and all sorts of things pieced together that hint at events in the future, which is one of my favorite things!!!! Except I don't know shit about Hamlet, and it was giving more psychological-thriller vibes and less murder-mystery, and I wasn't really having fun. It made me want to reread Sarah Gailey's The Echo Wife.
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captain-hen · 11 months
Hi! So uhhh from the Blorbo Bingo you answered "most fandom takes are incorrect" about Eddie. Now. I've certainly read some takes that make me go ????? But what are some takes you've seen and don't agree with that you don't mind sharing with that class? 👀
okay well i'm just warning you in advance that you've probably opened up a pandora's box by asking me this, but. here are my many, many thoughts on the subject:
the take that eddie has 'anger issues' because of the fight club arc annoys me SO much, because it is: a) racist as hell given that eddie and chimney are the only characters who are treated like this even though bobby has been demonstrated to lash out (violently) in anger on multiple occasions, no one ever tries to say he has anger issues or that his loved ones would be at risk because of him. the fight club arc was more about self-destruction rather than anything else; and eddie wasn't, like. beating up random people in the street. all of the people he was fighting were there for the same reason he was and it was all 100% consensual until it got out of hand in 3x08—at which point he immediately stopped.
the trope that eddie is 'bad with words' or bad at expressing his feelings, is sooo inaccurate, like my man has some of the most heartfelt quotes filled with devotion to his loved ones, put some respect on his name! he's bad with allowing himself to have these feelings, sure, but he's never had a problem with telling his loved ones what they really need to hear when the time comes.
'eddie's panic attacks were only because of ana/comp-het' god. please stop. there were a large number of factors, the most pressing being the fact that he nearly died four months ago. the thing with ana was merely a catalyst and he had at least 2-3 moments like that that had absolutely nothing to do with her. pls rewatch 5A i am begging.
this one was particularly strong in the weeks after 6x10: eddie verbally expressed his fear for buck's life loudly, which means he obviously cares about him more than shannon. fucking hell. please stop. not only is it a weird-ass comparison to make, the way a normal human being might verbally/physically express their grief is in no way proportionate to the actual grief they might feel for someone they deeply love. eddie has been an extremely private person when it comes to his emotions and canonically has a tendency to compartmentalize. his ability to hold it together while shannon was dying is no way indicative of him loving her less. and i'm SO glad 6B emphasized how fondly he thinks of her still asjkdkd
there are definitely loads more but these are the ones that annoy me the most, so. hope you agree with me sjdkdk
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