#and i was also like ''love how he's doing a song from my beloved bad buddy''
midnight1nk · 1 day
So, this week's episode...
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[Spoilers below cut]
And now here's my live reaction:
Hey, wait a minute, yeah... where is Mr Puzzles staying anyway?
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...uh Mr Puzzles, is this a bad time?
... no... I just... hmmm...
This reminds me so much of the YouTube Arc
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AAAAAA THE FACE IS BACK... ahem sorry just Eye of Ra theory stuff
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[*looks at my murder board and back to the screen*] ...do they know?
btw people have mentioned about the numbers on the board and I personally think it's a texture. Hmm, then again it could mean something so I'll try to see if I can figure it out.
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sorry Mr Puzzles, but there's unfortunately an audience for this
hey, kids can be terrifying
can I just say, these little bits of animation are so good!
correct me if I'm wrong but is that a new Mr. Puzzles face (animation)?
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Hold up, is he in Karen's house?
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Karen, you should really upgrade the security of your house. First, Marty, and now Mr Puzzles.
somewhere deep down in my heart i still love you [yes, i did say this out loud]
Karen's kids my beloved ❤️ love it when they act like cute siblings
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still the same SMG3 as always... uh, I mean it's totally not Three what are you talking about?
also I want to talk about my Ferris Wheel Wedding concept so bad
also pink…?
[*lays on the floor and zooms out of the room*] ok bye bye
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[*ducktales theme song plays*]
damn those kids are fast bringing Mr Puzzles from 10 million to 39.7 million (why is that number so specific though, hmm...)
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...oh ...oh ...now I feel bad what the hell
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Mr Puzzles: "My ratings haven't moved?"
please be the car please be the car YEAHHHHHHH
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ok, the traffic scene got me lmao (i have no sense of humor anymore)
seriously tho how did he fit in that little car, but hey that's canon now
god I'm annoying but I just love this, found family my beloved ❤️❤️
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Mario: "Do I join...?"
well, Mario, you did join Three back in the YouTube Arc (unintentionally) so this wouldn't be the first time...
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I seriously did not expect that, but it makes sense, I don't blame her having mixed feelings about this.
aww Mario and Four making sure Meggy's okay, family is found ❤️
Meggy: "Who does he think he is... thinking he can just roll up and ask me to join him-"
It's technically not out of the question Meggy, that's why we theorize
also I smell a redemption arc for Mr. Puzzles
well, Mr Puzzles, kids do deserve good stories and I'm sure they would've loved to know how you do things but looks like you picked that wrong your audience for that
oh hey Three :)
👀 "laughing stock" you say?
PFFT I was going to say, that was good cinematography
It's high noon...
wait, was that audio from AMPHIBIA? OH SHIT AMPHIBIA MENTION (timestamp 12:20)
hey remember what I said in my 'ONCE UPON A Ṕ̷̱E̴̺̽R̵̖̎̕F̵̢̗̈́̀E̴̞̍C̴͈̽T̶͓̘̈́ SMG4’ theory:
Every story, no matter how outlandish it seems, is grounded in reality.
The showdown is exactly how it played out at the end of the Meme Factory mini-arc, with the gun and everything!
"I thought we were friends." "You are not my friend(s) anymore."
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oh shit OH SHIT
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oooh that song at the end tho
damn Mr Puzzles really snapped. like, I know that's him breaking down, crying, but I can also hear it as insane laughter. he's broken broken...
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also congrats VerperrTea for your art making it to the credits, love to see it!!! 🎉
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.・-: ✧ :--: ✧ :-・.
so uh, that was a lot to take in. It was good to follow Mr Puzzles in this episode. Love to see all the fanmade faces featured as well. Overall, a great episode! I'm surprised at how much it got me. Now that we know FOR SURE that WOTFI is coming, we're getting the little bits of clues we have put together. And the title did not lie, Mr Puzzles really did reach his lowest point. I also loved the bit of the channel acknowledging the "i want the old SMG4" fans.
Aw, my dear fellows, I'm just anxious but ready to see how Mr Puzzles will go all-out villain again. (please goop!4 please goop!4) I've checked the WOTFI website and nothing has changed so we're good... for now. Can't wait to see what happens next!!!
...what do you mean I have to wait a whole week for the next episode?
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airenyah · 1 year
i keep forgetting that my boy dunk natachai was in bad buddy
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I will never say that I am in love (18+)
{ alternate title: you are the love of my life }
Aemond Targaryen x f!reader
When the one-eyed prince falls, the realisation comes to him in the scent of flowers. In his nephew's laughter. In his dreams.
themes/warnings : just pure sweetness, our emotionally constipated and repressed Aemond Targaryen, he thinks some *impure* thoughts in this one (how dare he!!!), he does NOT want to even think about falling in love (what a stupid distraction, he is not weak, you all should know) - also, he is DOWN BAD for the reader.
all my other works
a/n : this is the first fic I'm writing completely in the male lead's, in this case Aemond's perspective. Complete train-of-thought type of storytelling. (also, this is not in my scheduled works, the idea came to me after watching the new promo clips for s2... never in a million eons did I ever think I would hear Ewan Mitchell utter the word "cheugy" but oh well) - Enjoy! 🖤
{ I. flowers ▪︎ II. innocence ▪︎ III. dreams }
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Aemond decides that he finds pleasure in your scent.
The thought comes to him as he strolls through the halls of the Red Keep. Not a strong one, not a revelation by any means. A mere inkling of something he favours.
It is innocent. It is nothing.
He had spied some flowers peeking from just beneath a window. Roses, peonies, or some other, he did not bother to truly look. He glanced them out of the corner of his eye.
And he thought of you.
You smell something rather akin to those flowers - blooming and enticing and sweet.
A simple observation, rising to him now from his memory.
That is all.
Your scent reminds him of springtime in the gardens. You are pleasant, there is no doubt, but that very sweetness can only be construed as sickly if divulged in for far too long, too often.
Besides, his icy disposition does not really take well to flowers in the spring. They are more like to whittle under his boot, and shrivel from the coldness in his gaze.
You are not for him. No.
Flowers. Sweet things. The gentleness in your voice when you call him 'my prince'. Aemond scoffs at himself as he walks on.
It is no transgression to be distracted. It is a natural thing.
You are a distraction, and Aemond decides to think of you no more.
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Aemond comes to Helaena's chambers to visit with his niece and nephews. It is only by coincidence that you are almost always there too.
"Prince Aemond." Your voice resembles a song in greeting him. "Queen Helaena has just left to speak with Lady Alicent, but she should return shortly."
"Hmm." You are not a lady-in-waiting to Helaena, but more of a companion, a friend. Yet you do not mind looking after Jaehaerys, Jaehaera, and Maelor when their mother is indisposed.
This is where Aemond finds you, most mornings. Were it anyone else, he might have sent them away, so that he can spend time alone with the children.
But he lets you stay, because, of course, Helaena would prefer it so. She dotes on you so dearly, Aemond has noticed.
In these instances, he lets you stay only because it is what Helaena would want. Why else?
He settles on an upholstered stool and beckons to the children. They eagerly waddle their way over to their beloved uncle.
You watch the interaction with a smile, as you always do. With your legs curled underneath you, comfortably seated on the floor a few feet in front of him.
Aemond used to pay you no mind, but increasingly it has been nagging at him that you are observing, taking him in.
It is inane to be self-conscious; there is no reason to be. He is the Prince - being perceived has been a constant all his life.
He is the Prince, and you are merely a lady companion.
But when you say things like, "They are very fortunate to have you as their uncle, my prince," it makes him feel a sense of pride. Like it is some accomplishment to be complimented by you.
He knows this. He knows he is a good uncle.
Perhaps it is just that. Vanity.
You pointing it out has nothing to do with anything.
Jaehaerys crosses the many strides it takes for him to reach you again, and he pulls at your hand.
"Come," he giggles.
"Where, sweet boy?"
"Come, come here, come here," he mumbles mostly to himself, grunting when you are unmoving and his three-year old form is unable to magically transport you as he wishes.
"Okay," you laugh once, getting on your feet with your body bent to his level, and you let him pull you to where he wants.
Which is... right next to his dearest uncle Aemond.
"There." Jaehaerys claps his hands in glee, as you curl up on the floor beside Aemond's outstretched legs.
"He has a sense of humour, that one," you grin, looking up at Aemond.
Aemond sees your expression up close and you look okay. Comely. Fine. You are not bad-looking, by any means.
You are the most beautiful lady in the court.
You are fine, just fine.
Aemond would not mind seeing your face everyday; he already sees it every night in his dreams.
And it is just fine.
"Is something the matter, my prince?"
Call him that. Do it again. Or better yet, replace prince with his name. Call him 'my Aemond'.
Aemond desires nothing more than to hear it.
Because... because he is vain. Nothing more than that. It would take a high degree of devotion for someone to utter the words 'my Aemond' to him. And who would not want to be at the end of such idolatry.
Perceive him. Worship him. Consume him.
You already consume him.
Aemond stands abruptly, and you scramble to follow suit.
"Aem... Aemond," you stammer. "I mean, forgive me... my prince, what is wrong?"
Aemond looks down. Your delicate hand is gripping his arm, the sleeve of his tunic doing nothing to mask the heat of your skin.
He is of dragon, he is of fire.
But your touch burns.
The clacking of wooden toy horses ring in the background, the children lost in their imagination.
"Nothing," Aemond clears his throat, and folds his arms behind him so your hand falls. "I am alright. I must go."
The smell of sweetness lingers in his nostrils. Your sweetness. He is growing weak.
He steps away, "I bid you farewell, my lady."
"My prince."
Call him Aemond. Call him by his name, title be damned. By the gods, call him yours.
Aemond nearly rushes out of the chambers, his gait sure and his footsteps heavy.
Tonight, in his dreams, he will finally release his foolish desires and that will be the end of it.
Behind his eyes, he will touch you and taste you and watch you crumble underneath him.
And he will be your Aemond.
That will be the climax of this passing fantasy.
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Aemond has stripped down to his undergarments, supine above the silk sheets of his bed. He runs a hand over his face, and he sees you.
All the better for it, he supposes, that he gets rid of it now before it ruins him further.
It is a memory, from only one moon ago, but he sees it clear as day.
You had let your hair down that day, and it flowed freely, following the gentle breeze. Nestled in what Aemond found out to be your favourite spot in the gardens, needle and thread in your dainty fingers, you tell him that you are embroidering a veil for your dear mother.
You request for him to sit with you, and Aemond obeys.
Pleasantries are exchanged, about the weather, your duties, his training. All the while Aemond watches the contour of your lips, how it stretches back to reveal your smile when he says something that could not be the farthest from amusing, but you find it amusing anyway.
He stares you down questioningly.
You blush then, turning your focus back to your work, "Apologies, but I... I admire the way you speak, my prince. As if every word is deliberate, carefully chosen. You are intelligent, and you care what you say."
"Hmm," he said then, but now...
In his mind, he lets you know just what he wants, "Have you ever been bedded, my lady?"
You look at him in shock, of course you do. Those rosy lips part, and Aemond wonders whether your lips below possess the same shade.
In his grand chambers, Aemond lets his hand drift down, down from the planes of his stomach, to his hardened cock. He licks his lips, and imagines the softness of your own. He strokes the leaking tip with his thumb. The picture continues.
"Do you not ever wonder about the deed?" Aemond asks.
"M-my prince...I do not... I - "
"You must," he sneers. "You must, as I do, and when I do, it is you who floods my very thoughts, and consumes my very being."
"I do not know what to say."
"Say you want to kiss me."
His grip tightens, drawing down and up his cock, covering it with the milky white that has leaked from his tip. He is pained, teeth pressing down on his lower lip. He imagines your hands on him, your dress undone as you watch him come undone.
"We mustn't," you look down in shame. Your legs clench together to keep in the warmth.
"Come here, my sweetness," he leads you to sit atop him, and your work clatters to the ground.
You try to look away, try to hide just how much he is affecting you.
"Kiss me," Aemond pleads.
You comply. He slips his tongue past your lips.
Faster, wetter, he gets harder and it is unbearable. His hands are not enough, he wishes to plunge his aching member right into your soaking folds. Wishes to watch beads of his sweat fall on to you as he pounds you without mercy, his cock squelching deep inside your cunny until it is sore. If only you will ache as he does. Come as he comes.
Aemond lifts you up and the two of you end up stumbling down on the grass. He does not relent. His fingers make quick work of the strings and ribbons holding you together. Your breasts come free and he latches his mouth on one, his tongue swirling against the nipple.
"Oh Aemond!" you moan, and it is a scandal. It is everything unholy. It is every dirty thought nestled in his mind.
Soon he has you bare, your skin practically glowing under daylight. You are perfect, and you are his.
"Take me," you say, practically begging. "I want you to fill me with your cock. Fill me with your seed, my dragon prince. Please."
"My sweetness," Aemond reveals himself to you, undoing his breeches and slipping out of his tunic. How could he resist?
"Do you want me?" he asks.
"Say it."
"I want you, my prince," you affirm, squirming under him, you hips bucking up with desire, hopelessly attempting to rub your cunny against his skin.
"My Aemond," he corrects you. "Say it."
"I want you," you say, "my Aemond."
Aemond rubs his cock faster and faster, the thick green veins in his hand and arms straining angrily under his skin. He feels you, he sees you in his mind so clear. You are his, and he is your Aemond.
He plunges his cock inside you, and you are left mewling and writhing as he quickens his assault.
He groans loudly. The lewd squelching of his cock turning sloppy, hasty, mindless. A few more strokes and he comes all over himself, hot white streaks decorating his torso. His silver hair in disarray on the pillows, like a broken halo. Beads of sweat falling from his temple. His mouth parted as he whispers your name.
He gives himself a few more tugs, emptying out. You would do him so much better. Touch him so well.
In his mind, he still sees it. Fragments of his memory bleeding through his fantasies. He does not know anymore what is real and what is not.
He cleans himself up with warm cloth afterward, feeling shame at his actions.
This is enough. Now he has released you from his being. The desire he holds so closely to his chest must have dissipated along with the lewd act he just committed.
"My Aemond," you whisper from behind him, wrapping your arms around his torso.
Enough. No more of such useless musings.
"I love you, Aemond."
I love you too.
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* In III, reality is fully italicized, and his memories + fantasies are typed as normal.
this was meant to have more sections ( IV to VII )... maybe I'll come around to it eventually.
Let me know what you think of this sort of writing from Aemond's perspective!
To be tagged in Aemond or Daemon fics, comment on this post !
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electrosair · 11 months
Jealous headcanons anemo + cryo ver.
english isn’t my first language, sorry for mistakes
characters: heizou + kazuha + scaramouche + venti + xiao + kaeya + wriothesley
word count: 1k
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how jealous is he from 1 to 10?
4/10 He's not really jealous over you, it's more with people who may get close to you, mostly because of the attitudes they may have towards you. It's not something he likes and he's not going to tolerate it either, but he will always do it in discreet ways.
how possessive is he from 1 to 10?
7/10 Whenever he sees someone start to make moves on you, he will pull subtle acts, as if teasing the person who is looking for a good time with you. He'd never let you know if you haven't noticed, doing things like putting an arm around you or throwing glances when you're not aware of him.
what is he most jealous of?
In cases where you realize it, Heizou would be annoyed if you jokingly and having warned him about what was going on, you jokingly play along with the other person. It's something he would draw the line at and stop doing after he began dating you.
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how jealous is he from 1 to 10?
3/10 He is easygoing with everyone, so there are no exceptions with people who are looking for something with you. He wouldn't take it too bad either, he would leave it up to you unless you go to him for help, only then would he jump in.
how possessive is he from 1 to 10?
2/10 He prefers to leave you to your own criteria and freedom, as he himself has decided to do with his life. As long as you spend a certain amount of quality time by his side experiencing new things and places, that's enough for Kazuha.
what is he most jealous of?
It doesn't happen often, but it would be a thorn in his side if you go to places, which you discovered with him during your travels, with other friends or acquaintances of yours. He would like it to be something intimate and meaningful between the two of you.
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how jealous is he from 1 to 10?
10/10 Occasionally he may vent his jealousy on you, because of silly arguments or disagreements that you have, but mostly he would do it with those who are going to flirt with you. In the end he understands that it's not your fault, so gradually he tries to fix that problem.
how possessive is he from 1 to 10?
9/10 Most likely, he already felt this way about you even before you started dating officially. He would have behaviors like asking you to go out with him every day in the hopes that you wouldn't end up noticing someone else.
what is he most jealous of?
If you are outside and someone's attitude towards you really shocks him, he can't help it, an impulse in him would get you out of there immediately without thinking. Scaramouche's not going to tolerate that kind of stare over what he considers his own.
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how jealous is he from 1 to 10?
4/10 Even when something in him goes wrong and he feels jealous, it's as if at the same time he knows that he must give you freedom to act as you want and after all, you wouldn't change him, right?
how possessive is he from 1 to 10?
7/10 He likes to keep you close all day long, write songs and ballads of his beloved without the need to name names or tell the rest who exactly you are. He's not going to do that if it means that others also know who you are and will approach you, whether to ask about the archon or a simple bard.
what is he most jealous of?
One of his greatest fears is to keep losing the people he loves even though he knows that it is inevitable with the passage of time. Venti would not be able to bear that, apart from factors like this, you would be the one to voluntarily leave his side and go with someone else.
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how jealous is he from 1 to 10?
6/10 I feel that individual acts would make him feel insecure and jealous over you when you're away from his side, so he tries to always keep an eye on you so he knows where you are. That way he could be ready all the time when he needs to do something because of another person flirting with you.
how possessive is he from 1 to 10?
8/10 His way of expressing that you belong to him in some way or another would be with small marks made by his own teeth on your skin, in places where only he can see and no one else. That's why they are there after all, isn't it?
what is he most jealous of?
When you start spending more time and hanging out with other people, specifically a single one that he doesn't even know by sight and you get to complain to him that he's been checking you out more than usual. Xiao likes to think to himself that he's doing it for your safety.
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how jealous is he from 1 to 10?
3/10 Even if he occasionally feels upset by people near you, he prefers to trust you enough that he won't try to do anything unless he feels it's too much and you're not doing anything to stop the situation.
how possessive is he from 1 to 10?
5/10 Only when he is aware that someone is making moves on you will he become more possessive. Whether it's to make you feel a little safer if you send him a look of distress, or to scare off whoever you have after you, no one is going to mess with the cavalry captain's partner.
what is he most jealous of?
It's something he enjoys taking you to bars so you can try his favorite drinks and he can see your reactions. But every time he goes away for more than three seconds and someone comes to buy you a drink Kaeya's face changes, he would come back as fast as possible to your side.
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how jealous is he from 1 to 10?
2/10 Just enough to throw a glance, although he would only do something directly to the person who is flirting with you if their actions escalate quickly. In those cases it would be more to defend you than for his own jealousy, he is not afraid to come to blows.
how possessive is he from 1 to 10?
6/10 He would like to show everyone with a minimal amount of interest that the two of you are doing well together and that you are his, whether it's by pressing you against his body or asking you to stay in his office on his busiest days.
what is he most jealous of?
Definitely some people would only approach you to do you favors and earn Wriothesley's or get closer to him in some way. He would try to keep you away from these people whenever he could, keeping you by his side whenever he saw strange behavior.
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mysicklove · 1 year
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With: Levi Ackerman
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: gn! reader, sub! levi, nightmares + insomnia mentioned, oral (m! receiving), handjob in dreams, implied age gap, set in around season 2 timeline? im kinda forgetting which season erwin was in... kissing..lots of kissing, reader being puppy coded and levi is sick in love
A/N: sorry this is late!!!! i hope this also isnt too confusing considering it switches back and forth between his dream and irl. idk. also title is named after a song by The Mamas and The Papas that i LOVEEEE
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Levi Ackerman finds himself plagued with nightmares. It was always like that though, since he could remember at least. Three to four nights a week he awakes in the middle of night dripping with sweat with his heart nearly beating out of his chest. He has grown used to the lack of sleep by now, it barely bugs him anymore.
That is, until he found someone to share his bed with. 
You were his light, as dramatic and sappy as it sounds, and something he will never admit out loud. But it was true, finally in this dim world he finds himself in, you came crashing in, brighter than the sun. He had fallen for you in record time, and you, drawn to his stoic and feisty aura, came tumbling down after him.
It's been a year now since you've gotten together, and Levi swears the nightmares are getting less frequent. 
Well, at least in the nights where you lay beside him. The nights where you hold him, and he has easier access to your heartbeat. The steady rhythm of your chest rising and falling. Alive.
He doesn't go into too much depth about the nightmares, but you know the general scene of them, usually relating back to his comrades deaths. He has mentioned that the recent ones involve you, and it makes your heart crumble for your beloved each time his voice cracks through the explanation. You don’t press too much on the matter – the nights he wakes up in a cold sweat, you are there to ease him back to sleep, reassuring that you and he are safe. He almost gets a full night of sleep with you around.
But alas, you aren’t all sunshine and rainbows, and neither is he. Nope, you happen to be one of the most erotic people have ever met (though, he hasn’t met many). A sick brat is what he calls you, or sometimes a disgusting pervert, if he’s feeling extra grumpy. The nicknames fly past your head, as you pepper his face with kisses. It was all in good spirit, is what you remind yourself at least. 
“Soooo, Hange recommended–”
You pout at the man, pulling away from his chest to glare at him. “You didnt even let me finish my sentence.”
His cold face doesnt let up, even if his eyes hold a playful light to them. “I am smart enough to recognize that anything having to do with Hange is a bad idea.”
You playfully hit his chest, and the man raises his eyebrows at you. A smile pulls at your lips, and Levi cant help but stare whimsically at you. It was unfair, really. “Fine, get on with it, brat.”
“How would you feel if I woke you up with a blow job?” His reaction is immediate, first shock, and then as a couple seconds go by he seems to be much more inclined to agree, but then finally settles on an scowl.
“Why were you talking to Hange about these things?”
You cock your head to the side, tapping on your chin. “Well, I mentioned that your nightmares have started again, and they told me that oral sex helps stop them. Something neurologically with your dick and brain? I don't know.”
He stares at you for a couple of seconds, bewildered at your explanation. But, he realizes quickly what is up, and he immediately pinches the bridge of his nose with a long sigh. “They are fucking with you, idiot. Just trying to get me laid. Hange has always been like that.”
Your face falls at the words, and Levi swears you managed to master the kicked puppy look. He grabs your hands and pulls you back onto his chest, rolling his eyes when you hum into his skin. The warmth brought him comfort, and he finds himself more at peace. “I mean…It won't help with the nightmares, but who would turn down waking up to a blowjob?” Levi mumbles into your hair, while rubbing his hands up and down your arms.
You twist to look up at him, the familiar grin back on your face. “Yeah?”
He scoffs at you, an embaressed blush coating his cheeks. “Just dont wake me up early, alright. Just gonna piss me off.”
He swears he can see you wagging a tail. “Of course, Captain!”
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Two weeks have gone by, and Levi has not woken up to your face anywhere near his dick. He has awoke to kisses along his cheeks, and neck, but that wasnt new, you were always disgustingly affectionate in your half awake state. He holds a content (half) smile for about ten seconds as he shuts the door of your room, only for it to drop when he sees Hange.
He wasnt the one to complain though, maybe you were just teasing him. You always did like to press his buttons. He wasn't going to give you the satisfaction of knowing he wants it. So, the dark haired man continues on, nightmares and all, through the weeks.
By the time a month came passing by, he knows that you forgot all about your stupid little promise – your stupid naive words that only worked to piss him off. He glared at you from across the halls for a whole week – never daring to actually show you real signs that he was upset. But after you accidentally caught him frowning at you from across the training grounds, he was immediately dragged back your shared rooms, and fucked lovingly, as you apolgized for everything you could think of that would piss the man off.
You didnt mention the blowjob, but Levi was content with the disheveled hair, and the hickeys and bite marks littering his body, so he forgives you. 
He forgets about the blowjob after two months. You were more horny than usual, so the two of you were at it multiple times a week. He would end up too exhausted to hold any real dreams, including his nightmares.
Levi was okay with it.
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9 am. Levi, for the first time ever, was oversleeping. Of course when you woke up at 8 am, on your day off from training, and found your lover by your side, you couldnt help but be shocked. He was usually gone by 5 am to get to training. 
But you heard him woke up multiple times in the middle of the night. The nightmares were back. His shaky hands wrapped around you, and he panted into your neck, trembling like you've never seen before. You don't know what triggered it, but Levi seemed to have a really bad night. 
He deserves to sleep in. So, at fifteen past 8, you scamper to Erwins office and beg the commander for Levi to have a day off. He always did have a soft spot for you. For one, you brought happiness to humanities strongest, and also because his friend silently threatened him death if he was to mistreat you. Erwin agreed without much hesitation. 
You crawl into bed next to your lover, and begin to trace his content face. At least the nightmares were gone for the night.
Then, the realization hits you. This was the perfect time for you to finally do as promised.
You waited months because you wanted Levi to forget about your words. Of course, you assumed he forgot them after a couple of days, paying no attention to your promise, but you waited it out just in case. 
And now, the both of you dont have any plans today. A once in a lifetime experience, it has got to be.
So with one more glance at your lover, you kiss his cheek, hold back a small giggle, and slowly remove the blanket from his lap. Then, you slide yourself down on the bed, and carefully manevuer yourself in between his legs. He doesnt sleep with much attire, growing hot in the night. Plus with the addition of the cold sweat he often finds himself in, he learns that going next to bare was easier. 
You pull down his boxers, and are immediately exposed to a dark patch of hair. It's trimmed properly, but he prefers to have a little hair down their over being completely shaven. Something on the lines of protecting his dick from germs or whatnot. You dont listen to the details, only thinking about how hot it is.
The boxers make it past his thighs, and you glance back up at the man. He doesn't even seem to flinch when the cool air comes into contact with his skin. He snoozes peacefully into the pillow, his dark hair covering his eyes. 
His dick lays limp against his leg, and you pick it up slowly, careful to not wake him up. You run your fingers over it a couple of times, and then, holding the back of it with your fingers to support it, you run your tongue from bottom to top of the length. 
Levi doesn't move. You take that as a sigh to continue. 
Another stripe of the tongue, and then two more, and nothing happens. You grow bolder by the moment. You place his still soft cock into your mouth, and this time you do hear a reaction. Its a quiet sigh, but it was something. His eyes still remain shut.
Slowly, you begin to suckle on the tip, finding it easier to fit it in your mouth while soft. Your tongue roams the shaft, and you press sloppy, wet kisses to his veins. Blood rushes to his cock unconsciously, and Levi still has not stirred, even with his cock now hard. You chuckle with amusement, but dont stop your movements, now dragging your hands along his thighs to appreciate his body.
Levi was having a good dream. It wasnt like the past couple of nightmares, no, this one seemed to have a light hue. It was just the two of you, laying with your backs against grass. A open field, far away from everyone, and not a threat in sight. Titans were gone.
A peaceful world for the two of you. A world Levi craved. 
His hands trace your face, and he stares at you, admiring every crease and divot of your skin. You slide your way over toward him, leaning forward to kiss him. “I love you.”
He hums, eyes falling shut, as he wraps his arms around your body. “Yeah, yeah. Love ya too, brat.”
You giggle at him, and suddenly the smile on your face shifts. It turns soft, the tips of your mouth curling up in an almost feline way, while you eyes become hooded. He watches you lean forward and press your lips to his. The man doesnt stop you, gently kissing you back while your tongue slips into his mouth. Levi gulps when your hands trace down to his pants, and he quickly looks around the meadow, afraid to discover an unwelcomed guest. Of course there was nobody, it was a dream, not a nightmare. Your hand slips into his pants, and Levi’s back arches in the grass.
He twitches in his sleep and you smile fondly at the man. The tip of his cock rest against your cheek, as you admire him for a second too long, only to be rewarded with jolt of his hips from the source unknown, sending it slapping across your face. You hold back a laugh, and then grab at it again, mumbling out a, “Even a brat in your sleep, huh Captain?” 
You lean forward and wrap your lips around him again.
“D-Don't stop!” Levi groans out, hands clutching at your shirt while he squeezes his eyes shut. It doesn't stop the sun from getting past his eyelids, so he moves closer to you to hopefully block it out. You press your lips to his neck, nibbling at the space just beneath his ears.
“Would never,” You purr, and the man glances at your hand. His pants are pulled down completely now, and your pace was rutheless in its up and down motions. It sends him shivering, and covering his face with the back of his arm. He breathes through clenched teeth, and tries his best not to let out a whimper. The man hears your giggle, and before he could stop himself, the whine slips out.
The first noise of the morning was a low whimper. Not much, but definitely there, and unbelievably cute. You grip at his hips and try to take him deeper, but his hips thrusts back into your mouth with another paired whine. Your eyes widen, and you gag out at the unexpected movement, having to pull away to catch your breath. His dark hair whips back and forth, and he continues to make low mewling noises. “Huh, and you call me the pervert. What are you dreaming about, pretty?”
Levi moans into your mouth, wrapping his arms around your neck. His hips buck up into your hands, and you playfully bite his lip, earning a dramatic grunt in complaint. He grips your hair and pulls you back to his lips before you try and let out another teasing remark. Precum leaks onto your hand, and he swears that it provides more of the makeshift lube then usual. Your hand feels better than normal, strangely damp, and so warm. Did handjobs always feel this good?
He can feel his high approaching and his breaths come out quicker. “Gonna..cum. Fuck!”
You detach yourself from his lips. “No, no, no! Not yet!” You tease, voice light and almost giggly. It wasn't the first time you denied him of his release, but it was rare. You always di did pamper him. 
The man scowls at you, borderline on the cusp of baring his teeth. “Why?” He demands, short and simple, but shows exactly how peeved he is. Levi is more than surprised to feel that you didn't squeeze his cock in warning. No, still the warm, tight feeling, that does not make any sense to him.
“Can you do something for me first?”
A demand from you? Unheard of. “Get on with it, I-Im close”
Your hand movements become louder and louder, and it shouldn't sound like that. It's so lewd, and the squelching noise are never that loud. 
You press you lips to his ear, and a shiver runs down his spine at your breath, which is strangely cooler than usual. “Wake up, Captain.”
His eyes snap open immediately and he pants into the dark room. Levi hears it first, before he feels it. A loud slurping sort of noise, and the man feels his cock trapped between something warm, wet. 
A throat. Not a hand. 
He is quick to manevour himself to hold his weight on his elbows, and glances down at you, breaths coming out shallow and quick. You smile when you catch his eye, and for a second you pull away from him. You pepper his length down with kisses. “Well, well, good morning, sleepy head,” You mumble, letting another swipe of your tongue graze his thick blue vein. Then, with little hesitation, you dive back onto his cock, taking it as far as you can into your mouth.
“What are you–Fuck!” His legs instinctually bend outward, and his back arches. His head was still foggy in his half sleepen state. Was that all a dream? Was this real? He grips onto your hair, and does his best not to force you deeper onto his cock.
Levi could feel his orgasm approaching and rapidly, same as the dream. But this time it was real, and by god did it feel that way. His hips buck into your mouth and he lets out loud moans, tucking his face into the pillow to try and muffle them. 
He tries to ask for permission again to cum again, hoping that this time real you wouldnt lead him on. It comes out more as a command, but you just roll your eyes with a smile, the giggle in the back of your throat sending him spiral. 
“Cumming. Oh god. Thank you, thank you, thank you!” He chants, and your eyes widen in shock, but you don't pull away from his cock. He was never the one to be polite in bed, the little brat was always barking commands and half hearted complaints. He must be really enjoying this treat if he was to thank you.
You dont have time to dwell on it much, because he forces your head lower onto his cock and cums into your mouth. You wince at the taste, but bear no mind to it as you watch your lover unravel. His back still continues to arch (which you will never get over) while his eyes are shut. The noises he lets out are soft, more of a mewl and a groan, but adorable nonetheless. His whole body trembles and his legs lay out wide, shaking under the force of the orgasm.
You pull away when he is done, and wipe your lips with the back of your hand. “Taste perfect as usual. Always so good on your diet!”
He rolls his eye at you, but it doesn't hold much bite considering that the man seemed to be basking in the post orgasm glow. “You are gross. I know that shit tastes bad.”
“Nope! Anything that the Captian makes is amazing”
He throws a pillow at your face, and you pout at him, a dramatic whine slipping past your lips. “Don't call me that, I am not even your Captain anymore, brat. And stop pouting!” He demands, pulling up his boxers before letting out a big stretch.
“Why are you so mean to me?” You complain, crawling forward to lay on his chest. “After I gave you head too!”
The frown does not drop from his face, but he does trace his fingers along your face. A silent token of affection that you purr into. “Took ya long enough. Thought you forgot about it.”
You fake hurt, taking in a dramatic breath. “Of course not! I would never lie to you.” The words are light, and holds a smile in them. “And hey, dont you think you are a little spoiled? Complaining that you got a blowjob too late.”
Levi doesnt even seem to react, his facial expression remaining neutral, and his words flat. “No ‘m not. Said thank you and everything.”
To this, you do nod, practically vibrating with affection to give. It was too hard to really be upset with him. “Super polite of you! I was so impressed!”
This does make him roll his eyes. “You really think low of me, huh?”
You poke at his cheek with a smile plastered on your face. “Aww cmon dont be dramatic again. You know I dont. Oh! Also, did it help with the nightmares?” You tease, knowing exactly what type of dream he really was having. “You sounded very….Scared in your dream.”
He seems to flush red, but alas, Levi was never the one to be on the losing foot. “....Yes. Seems like you are going to have to do this for me everyday. To stop the nightmares.”
You burst out laughing, and fail to see the small grin that creeps up the dark haired man's face.
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x0x0josephinex0x0 · 9 months
comfort | kmg
i am feeling icky (physically and mentally and basically in all the ways, send help lol) and as always mingyu is my comfort human so i guess i was just feeling it. reader is mentioned to be an introvert. also reader is in a bad place mentally, lowkey is implied to be a depressive episode (self-insert? hi). kinda sorta from mingyu's pov. pet names used (honey, baby, my love). kinda sorta based on this song (How to Love You Today by Son of Cloud).
mingyu understands the difference between being introverted and being quiet -- after all, he's friends with hoshi, an introvert, who can blow his eardrums at a moment's notice. he's also dating you, and while you're no hoshi, you're definitely not a wonwoo, either.
more than understanding the difference between quiet and introverted, though, he knows you. so he knows that look you have in your eyes -- the hollow, dull look that steals over your features, sometimes for weeks at a time, while you struggle to feel anything at all. he sees it in you now as you stare out the window at the gloomy clouds gathering over the hills.
it's getting bad again. he knows it. you're usually so still when you sleep, and so splendidly expressive while you're awake, but recently that has switched -- your dreams are restless and your sleep-talking more vocal, and you spend more time sitting and staring than you do normally, your face blank and empty, your hands cold whenever he reaches for them. these are the kinds of days that sap you of your saturation, leaving you feeling listless and drained -- times when mingyu has to remind you in gentle tones to eat, to come to bed, to join him in the shower. your mind is not always kind to you, so mingyu has made it his personal mission to be so.
the worst part is, you've stopped singing. when you'd been "just friends", sometimes your constant humming and vocalizing would peeve mingyu when he was trying to concentrate, but after living with you for almost two years, he barely notices it anymore. in fact, he only really notices when you stop, and it's one of his first indicators that something is off about you.
he's been waiting for you to tell him what's going on. usually he can tell you're in a bad state before you can, but mingyu also knows that if he tells you he's noticed, you'll start trying to hide it from him. because you don't want to be a burden. (the thought of you ever being too much for him is laughable to mingyu. he loves you like it's breathing -- just an instinct, something he never even needs to think about, because it's just that easy. every person is heavy sometimes, so why was it so unreasonable for you, his most beloved and treasured person, to believe that he'd willingly carry you, no matter how heavy you got?)
so he waits, staying aware of you always, noting how the dark circles under your hollow eyes get more pronounced. and he worries, of course he does. but he also knows that one day, soon, you'll --
he's in the kitchen shredding lettuce for a sandwich for you when he hears it: that tiny voice you use when you're sort of kind of hoping he doesn't turn around to look at you. because you're on the verge of tears, or you look like hell, or a million other reasons that he couldn't care less about. so he turns around. "hey baby. what's up?"
"i...i don't feel good."
that's really all he needs. that's really all it takes, if he's being honest with himself. he goes to you where you hover in the doorway, afraid to take up space, and pulls you into his arms. "i know, honey. i've got you."
there's nothing like the feeling of having your tense muscles relax into him, the way your body releases all that angst as he runs a warm hand up and down your back. you lean your head against his shoulder and repeat, "you got me?" softly, almost embarrassed.
but even as mingyu's heart aches for you -- even as the tears prick the back of his eyes as he thinks of how you must've been suffering -- he feels so grateful. grateful that you trust him. grateful that you feel safe enough to do what he knows is so scary for you. grateful that you choose to do it despite everyone in the past who has made you feel inadequate for needing a hand.
he presses one, two, three kisses to your temple. "i've got you, my love. i've always got you."
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certainlynotasimp · 1 year
Okay here me out miggy and sunny who get ambushed by another spider but it turns out to be there daughter from the future?! I feel like they’d be shocked to see a teenager (like 18) just trying to fix a mess she made to get back home. I love all your work especially Miguel and Sunny!
Our Girl
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(Miguel O'Hara x Female Reader)
A/N: Hey lovely~ So I kinda went off track a little with this one and kinda focused a little more on Maria, the daughter, and not so much her fixing the problem and more her being overwhelmed by the idea of the multiverse. I'm sorry I went off kilter but I loved the idea of seeing how they would react in general to meeting their child.
Also, I've been obsessed with this song on TikTok so I had to name their daughter after it.
A/N: If you guys wanna view more of my works then feel free to read my master list and if you wanna see what else is coming up, then check out this one-shot schedule. If you love the Sunny and Miggy fics like I do then comment on the taglist post because I add everyone who comments. I hope you enjoy it!
Warning: Grumpy x Sunshine, Barely any use of (Y/N) ((Sunny is the Reader's nickname, not her actual name)), Female Reader/ Female pronouns, Shinangins, Kinda fluffy, kinda a crack fic lol, and Google translated Spanish ((Pls forgive me, my wonderful Spanish speakers.))
Okay, I guess If im gonna do this, I’m gonna have to start with the beginning, Hi I’m Maria O’ Hara and I’m-
“Kids, Breakfast is ready~!” A soft cheery voice calls out causing a groan to escape the teenager’s mouth. The sound of two pairs of feet book it past her bedroom door with the notable bang of one of them being knocked into the wall.
“Mami!” A teary voice of her seven year old brother yells. “Gabriel keeps pushing me into the wall!”
“No I’m not!” The thirteen year old cries out with a loud crack in his voice. “He keeps getting in front of me!”
“Gabriel, Ben, quit bickering and come here before your father comes down.” The gentle scolding causes the boys to continue their run down the stairs while Maria rolls her eyes and goes back to her diary.
Dammit, okay, we can work with this. Hi, I’m Maria O’ Hara. I’m 18 years old and I live in Nueva York with my mama and papa and my two brothers. I’m basically your normal teenager except for one-
“Maria?” a soft knock on her door causes her to call back through the door.
“Yes, Mama?” “Breakfast is ready, honey. Come on down stairs before it gets cold…” She can hear the cautious edge in her mother’s voice as she tries to coo her child down stairs.
“I’m on my way, Mama, just let me get finish getting dressed.” She cringes at the lie as she was already dressed and ready for her day. Maria holds her breath for a couple of minutes until she can hear her mom mutter a simple okay as the sound of heavy foot steps come up beside her.
The low baritone of her father’s whisper can be heard along with her mother’s worried tone as she can hear her trying to urge her husband down stairs to give their daughter some privacy.
Maria returns to her writing as she knows shes definitely on a ticking time bomb now that her father was up and down stairs. He was a strickler for spending meals together as a family and the only time he let go of that rule was when one was sick or when…Maria and Javi were in that accident…
She shakes the haunting image of Javi out of her mind as she writes.
I’m basically your normal teenager except for one thing. I’m Spider Woman, the one and only beloved hero of Queens.Two years ago, I gotten bite by this funky spider at my dad’s lab in Alchemax and I gained these awesome super powers. It was honestly the best thing to ever happen to me. I got to swing around and stop bad guys all before fourth period. The only person who knew was my best friend Javi-
“Maria!” A deep voice booms as Maria gritted her teeth. “¡Tu madre ya te llamó dos veces! ¡Baja y come!”
“Shit!” The teenager curses as she rushes to collect her stuff into her bag. The white and blue fabric of her spider suit shines at the bottom of the bag before her necessities get piled on top of it.
“¡¿Qué diablos dijiste?!” Her father yells as she can hear her mother yell at him. 
“¡¡Miguel, no te atrevas a maldecir en la mesa de mi comedor!!”
Maria hurries down the stairs as she listens to her family interact at the table.
A muffled voice that she figured was her mother scolds the angry man while a soft more masculine mutter apologizes. A couple of giggles can be heard before a stern voice scolds them as well for what Maria can hear, “Chicos, no le faltéis al respeto a vuestro padre. La única razón por la que tu madre puede hacerlo es porque me echará de la cama.”
As Maria makes it into the dining room, she laughs along with her brothers as their mom playfully slaps their dad’s arm. The tall dark haired man chuckles at his adorable wife before catching her hand and kisses it, causing the woman to smile with a love sick look in her eyes. 
“Eww!” Ben cries as he tries to block his vision with his toast causing the couple to roll their eyes.
Maria sits down beside her father Miguel and Gabriel as she starts to fill her plate. All of the children looked exactly like their father with only slight changes in hair textures and certain facial features. Ben, the youngest of the trio, looked the most like their mother with his eye shape and nose matching hers while the middle child, Gabriel, was a copy and paste verison of their father with only his mother’s smile indicating that they were related. Maria was a better mixture of the two with her mother’s height and face shape making her her mother’s “clone”, Miguel’s words not their’s. 
All the siblings would disagree as their matching dark brown eyes and their dark hair. They also had his temper. There wasn’t a single day that didn’t end without a fight. But they all loved each other despite the stress they put on their poor sweet mother’s heart.
“Yahooo!” The web crusader swings around the city with a laugh bubbling through her being as the adrenaline pumps through her veins. Today wasn’t that bad today when it came to crime. No cat burgalurs, no bank robberies, No super mutants, No robots, and No…
A shrilling laugh fills the sky as Maria lands on top of a building. As she looks around for the source of the noise, a figure flies over her. Several flashes of gold falls down onto the streets below and a series of explosions go off at the chilling sound of a woman’s laugh among the symphony of screams. The woman was flying on a golden glider looking device with a skin tight blue holographic suit with an orange cloak wrapping around her features with a devilish jackolatern mask on.
“Who the hell is that?” She asks to no one as she swung up to catch up to the maniac, “Hey Spooky!”
Maria sticks a web onto the glider and propels herself into the air before slamming down on top of the villain. The woman shrieks as she falls off her glider with the spider until the glider follows them down. The villainess throws a purple bomb at the girl before her glider catches her. The teenager shoots a web onto a near by building and catches the bomb. 
“No thanks, I’m not on interested in what you’re cooking.” She throws the bomb into the air before it explodes. However, instead of smoke, an orange portal appears as a strong suction causes the spider’s grip to slip and fly into the air. “Hey!” She yells as she gets pulled into the portal.
A scream echos through the Lobby as a flaying spider falls down from a portal. Hobie rolls his eyes while Jessica looks up unimpress. 
“Another newbie?” She asks as the spider girl catches herself on a walk way above the duo. 
“I don’t know.” The rocker mumbles as he tunes his guitar. “You know that they normally end up in some alternate dimension where the floor is lave or some shite.”
The spider girl looks around her in shock as she sees millions of other spider people walking around her and she begins to hyperventilates. “No no no no. Please Please don’t tell me I’m dead……”  
Jessica frowns hearing a young voice panicking and she whistles up at the girl. 
“Hey, Newbie! Come here for a minute.”
Maria swings down as the older woman takes off her googles, her warm eyes brings the younger girl to ease enough to ask,
“W-where am I?”
Hobie chuckles, thinking that the girl was confused after failing to jump. “You’re in the Lobby, remember? Didn’t Sunny give you a tour?” 
“Sunny? Whose that?” Maria looks at the duo confused as Hobie takes off his mask to look at the girl more closely. 
Jessica looks at the girl suspiciously as Hobie examines the masked girl. “Your suit is certainly different. It kinda looks like O’ Hara’s.”
Maria jumps at the mention of her last name and faces Hobie as her patience snaps. “How did you know that? And who are you guys and why are you guys dresssed lik-”
The manic girl halts as she hears a familiar voice call out from above. 
“Hey,guys!” The gentle voice calls out as she swings down from several platforms above with a friendly smile plastered on her unmasked face. Hobie and Jessica return her smile as she lands infront of them. Maria stares in horror as the duo greets the cheery spider.
“Oi, Sunny, whatcha swing up to,love?” Hobie jokes as he hugs the woman he viewed as his friend and sister figure. 
“Boss man sent me out to look at what fell through the portal while Lyla was rebooting.” She says calmly as Jessica scoffs. Miguel sending Sunny out to check something out? Nope, thats not how he ran things. He would rather send out everyone else before he would dare risk his sol getting injured.
“Boss sent you to check out a portal?” The beautiful woman asks as Sunny rubs the back of her neck, clearly leaving out some details.
“Well, an anomalous Hobgoblin managed to hack into Lyla’s systems and shut her down so it can escape…Our comms are down too..He said to get Hobie and Ben so they can investigate the scene actually…” The jumping spider admits as she feels her cheeks warm in embarrassment. 
Jessica chuckles at her friend’s confession as she remembers the new spider who was silent the whole time they were speaking.
“Oh yeah, well this new recruit came out of the portal.”She shrugs as she directed Sunny to the small blue spider woman. “You really need to give these new guys better directions for portal jumping.”
The now confused woman shakes her head as she looks at Maria before looking back at Jessica. 
“There aren’t any new recruits.” She states as she frowns at the still masked girl as she walks up to her. “Hey, whats your name, honey?” She asks in her familiar concerned voice that Maria just heard this morning.
It was her mother…well at least someone who looks like her mother. She was several years younger than her mom, clearly in her mid to late twenties. Other than that, she was her. Even down to the same facial markers and the always warm edge of her voice. What really drawn her back was the fact her mom, or this woman that looked like her was wearing a black spider suit like her own with white along her chest and inner lining of her limbs. 
“Holy shit…” The girl gasps at the woman before she slowly reaches up and removes her mask. Her dark eyes peers back at her ‘mother’s’ in shock before mumbling, “Mama?”
“Mama!?” Jessica screams in surprise before she quickly studies the now unmasked girl and the paling spiderwoman. The similar way their wide eyes meet each other while their matching jawlines stuck in an a gasps expression. They definitely looked the part…
(Y/N) was the first one to move as she slowly lifts her trembling hands up to the girl’s face and cups it in a gentle grasp. She carefully traces her features with a haunted look on her face, almost like she was looking for something in her face, or maybe someone. As realization forms in her face that this was in fact her child, tears began to bubble in her waterline as her lips trembled.
“You’re my baby?...I have a daughter…” She says outloud before gently tracing under Maria’s eye with a look of disbelief and love. Maria’s own eyes burn as she sees her mother’s face in her clone as she nods. “Yea…My name is Maria…Maria O’Hara.”
And with that new revelation, the cheery spider faints due to the shock while Jessica yells out for help while Hobie was frozen due to the fact that not only that Miguel O’Hara and his delightful sidekick have a child from a different dimension, but that she was actually hot.
Safe to say, Miguel was not happy. 
After Lyla successfully rebooted and came back online, Miguel went to dimension 1784-B and recaptured the Hobgoblin. He never felt such satisfaction than when he tackled the flying witch out of the sky and tore apart her glider with his bare hands. He wasn’t very pleased that the villain easily gotten her hands on one of the gizmos and some prototype traps he was working on, so he made sure that the femal hobgoblin would never dare attempt to do anything like that again.
.After he returned to the surveillance platform, his annoyance grew as he hears that not only did some spider woman he had no idea about came into the Lobby, but that some incident caused his sunshine to be taken to the infirmary. 
“Lyla,” The annoyed man calls to the AI as he walks towards the infirmary. A tiny version of his fur coat wearing digital assistant appears on his shoulder as he focuses ahead of him with a glare. He can practically feel all the blood vessels in his hand pop as clenched his fist as he thought about all the ways he was going to say to the woman who had the nerve to injure his amor. “Give me all the information on this spider.”
“Yes ‘Miggy’” Lyla teases as she pulls up the file. “Spiderwoman 1784-B aka Maria O’Hara. 18 years old and has been spiderwoman for 2 years. A student at NYU with an undecided major and lives with her two younger brothers, Gabriel and Ben O’ Hara and her parents…Oh Shit!” 
The miniature AI starts laughing as she clenches her stomach. Miguel growls at Lyla’s outburst and seethes. “What is it?”
As she recovers, she throws up a projection infront of him with a smirk. “Check this out. You and Sunny do get a happy ending!” 
Miguel freezes as his wide eyes look at the image infront of him with a tremble in his form. The image displayed was a family picture that was clearly taken at a high school graduation with a family of five huddled together with wide grins splitting their loving faces. The first to catch his attention was the vision of him standing beside a teenage girl with a boy no older than seven on his shoulders with a look of happiness and pride in his gaze as one arm was slung across the girl’s shoulder. He was clearly older than he was now, but the lack of red eyes and fangs made Miguel nearly not recognize him. Its been so long since he’s seen himself before becoming spiderman… The next thing that caught his attention was an older version of his beloved also smiling at the camera with a teenage boy on your side a gentle hand placed on his shoulder as the woman’s attention was focus gazing a her daughter with such joy.
The children were a perfect mixture of you both despite the obvious favour in appearance being on his side. He carefully examines each child and their features as he releases a shaky breath as a single tear escapes his eye. 
This was impossible…How can you two have a family somewhere in the spiderverse and he didn’t know? the two have a family…they got married…she gave him the most beautiful children he could ever dream of and they both weren’t spidermen…they met and fell in love with out the worry of the universe on their shoulders…But their daughter…Their girl has this…burden instead…
“Miguel?” The unease in the AI’s voice brings him back to reality as he rubs his eyes. 
“I’m fine.” He snaps as he materializes his mask back onto his face. 
“So we are all connected by this weird multiverse of spidermen?” Maria questions as she quips an eyebrow as she looks at the other teen.
“Yep.” Gwen nods as she leans back in the chair. 
The group were huddled around the hospital bed as their cheerful friend laid in bed unconscious. Upon pouncing the new spider about her life and what life was like on her dimension, Gwen took the initiative and began explaining about the Spiderverse, careful to avoid talking about the girl’s variant spider parents.
“And this is a team of Spiderpeople that goes around and makes sure that the events of their life goes on course? Like the time police? Does that mean theres other versions of me? “ She rapidly askes the punk. The blonde chuckles as she can definitely see how much of Sunny was actually in this girl. 
“Yep and kinda like that. We make sure the canon goes as planned so your universe doesn’t collapse. And when it comes to the other versions of you…” Gwen looks towards the unconscious spider before meet her ‘daughter’s’ curious gaze. “If theres other versions of Sunny and Miguel, then there is other versions of you.”
“Wait. Is there a spiderman version of my dad?” She asks as the door opens.
Jessica looks up from watching her phone and smiles at Miguel while Hobie curses. Miguel’s mask fades away as Hobie begins to speak.
“Look boss, the kid didn’t mean to…”
“Are you alright, Maria?” Miguel’s uncharacteristicially soft voice interrupts Hobie’s defense as his ruby eyes locked on the girl.
His rapid heart flooded his senses as he looked over his ‘daughter’. She didn’t look like Gabriella like he thought he would, even though he already seen her face. She looked like his sunshine despite her having a majority of his features. She was his girl, his beloved’s child…
“Um yea…”The starstruck girl mumbles as she looks at the variant of her father. Unlike the unconscious variant of her mom, the age wasn’t the biggest indicate that he was different from her dad, it was the gentle red eyes and the fangs peeking out from his lips. “Holy shit, you’re cool…” She accidentially admits out loud which causes the man to chuckle.
“Oye, no maldigas delante de tus padres, pequeña araña.” He playfully scolds before he starts fiddling with his gizmo. “I think its time you head home now. Its almost time for dinner and I’m sure ‘I’ wouldn’t like for you to be late.”
A portal opens beside them as Maria smiles at Miguel. “Cool…can I have one of those?”
“Absolutely not.”
“Well it was worth a try.” Maria giggles as she walks up to the portal before looking at Miguel concerned. “What about that Hobgoblin? And about…” The teenager looks towards her sleeping ‘mom’.
“I took care of it for you and don’t worry about her.” Miguel chuckles as he gazes lovingly at his love. “Yo siempre cuido de tu madre, ¿no?”
Maria grins as she feels giddy over the idea that no matter what dimension, her parents will always love each other.
“Yep and word of advice, stop having kids after one!” She jokes as she steps into the portal and goes home.
A soft groan emits from the bed as Miguel looks up from his book. The sleepy eyes of his love meets his as he leans over and caresses his cheek. 
“Good morning, mi amor…you had a good rest?” He coos as he pushes the hair away from her face. 
Tears prickle in her sleepy gaze as the memory of her new friend came back. In a horse whisper, she tearfully asks, “Did you see her? Did you meet our girl?” A smile forms on her face as Miguel nods and rests his forehead against hers.
“Sí, mi amor. Y ella era perfecta.”
As the portal closes behind her, Maria looks around with a breath of relief as she sees shes in her bedroom back home. 
“Thank god that’s over-!”
Before the stress could finally leave her chest, a shattering sound of a phone screen snaps her attention to her brother Gabriel looking at her in shock. Maria looks horrified as she realizes she is in the middle of her bedroom in her spidersuit and unmasked infront of her little brother…
¡Tu madre ya te llamó dos veces! ¡Baja y come!- Your mother already called you twice! Come down and eat!
Chicos, no le faltéis al respeto a vuestro padre. La única razón por la que tu madre puede hacerlo es porque me echará de la cama.-You boys don't disrespect your father. The only reason your mother can is because she'll kick me out of bed.
¡¿Qué diablos dijiste?!- What the hell did you say?!
¡¡Miguel, no te atrevas a maldecir en la mesa de mi comedor!!- Miguel, don't you dare curse at my dining room table!!
Oye, no maldigas delante de tus padres, pequeña araña.- Hey, don't curse in front of your parents, little spider.
Yo siempre cuido de tu madre, ¿no?-I always take care of your mother, don't I?
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eternalmoonlight18 · 2 months
Please Please Please (Don't Prove Em Right)
Trafalgar Law x afab Female!Reader
Next Chapter
You are the Heart Pirates' beloved cook and sniper. However, you were also an insufferable troublemaker who always seemed to get on Law's nerves. He swears he's going to get rid of you one day, but as much as he hates it, why does he find you fascinating? Was it because you reminded him of someone he was greatly fond of?
As your relationship with Law grows, he only hopes you don't fucking embarrass him. After all, he has an image to uphold as one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.
This story starts off as short stories between (Y/N), Law and the Heart Pirates, then picks up into the One Piece canon timeline, starting from Punk Hazard. This is a slow-burn Law x Female Reader story!
Updates every Sunday!
Cross-posted in Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/57651295/chapters/146705491
Notes: This is my very first fanfiction!
As you would have guessed, the title is based on the song Please Please Please by Sabrina Carpenter. It's like a more lighthearted reimagining of the song!
I'm mostly writing this for self-indulgence but I hope you guys like it as well :)
Chapter 1: Ice Water Poker
Chapter summary: you thought playing Ice Water Poker was a great idea until you injured yourself and almost damaged the Polar Tang. Law decides that he's almost had enough of your shenanigans.
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You hated the infirmary.
The bleak walls, the soft crinkle of the paper on top of the infirmary bed, and the fact that all of the medical equipment was just lying out in the open made it uncomfortable to be in the room.
You hated the infirmary, but you were there every day because of your endless carelessness and schemes against the Heart Pirates.
But you weren't an enemy to them, you in fact, were their beloved cook. You became the Heart Pirate’s cook just over a year ago, and it wasn’t because they loved your cooking. It’s because none of them can cook for shit and you felt bad for them. When you first met them, they were eating overcooked rice and burnt fish. You soon learned that those were Law’s favourite foods, but by great Neptune's Beard, it tasted terrible. So you decided (forcibly) to join the crew out of pity, out of Law's dismay.
However, you weren't new to the pirate life. You were a pirate before you met them, as you used to be in Kidd’s crew as their cook. But things got complicated so you ditched them. And by complicated, it meant that you accidentally food-poisoned Kidd and he was going to kill you the next time he saw you.
And so a year later, you were with the Heart Pirates. You loved it. You had a great kitchen to work with, and the crew loved every meal you made. Law was a great captain and you greatly respected him. You eventually gained his respect since you always cooked what he requested. And not only you were a cook, but you were also a decent fighter. You specialized as a sniper, which Law saw as a great asset to the crew.
You were a great cook, and you loved what you did, and you wouldn't trade it for anything else. 
But the only issue was that you got bored when you were not cooking. And so, you cured that boredom by doing what you do second best: being a gremlin.
At least that’s what Law called you. You would say it’s more like being the only sole entertainer in this damn submarine. The Polar Tang was so boring sometimes and you decided that a little fun might cheer things about around the crew. But as often as you did ridiculous stunts in the submarine, you also often found yourself sitting in the infirmary bed with your captain tending to your injuries.
And that’s how you found yourself in the infirmary for the 5th time in a week. And Law was not amused at all.
“So tell me,” Law said while he calmly walked in front of you as you were sitting on the bed. He stopped to face you. “Why the FUCK do you, Penguin and Shachi all have large gashes on the forehead?!” he yelled. He glared looked at you, then whipped his head to glare at the two men beside the bed. 
The scab on your palms suddenly became very interesting so you decided to stare and pick at it. To your left were Penguin and Shachi standing nervously next to the bed and both faced opposite ways, away from the doctor.
Law started to get irritated. “I asked you a question (Y/n)-ya,” he instructed.
You let out a small nervous laugh and looked up at the doctor. Penguin and Shachi also laughed.
“Well you see captain, we were all playing strip poker.” Penguin started. Law’s eyes narrowed at the man. Shachi continued after Penguin, “B-but instead of stripping, we had to dump a bucket of ice water whenever we placed the wrong bet. But then (Y/n) got mad because she was losing and filled up two buckets of ice water to dump on us, but she ended up slipping and hit both Penguin and me on the forehead with the bucket as she fell.”
You suddenly froze and realized you just got snitched on. You glared at the two men who for some reason also suddenly realized that they snitched, and they both quickly looked away from you.
“You fucking snitches!” you exclaimed. “You are so getting burnt food tonight.”
"But that's not fair..." Penguin and Shachi both mumbled. 
Law sighed heavily. He rubbed his temples with his tattooed fingers, most likely out of annoyance. “Shut up, all of you. So let me get this straight, all three of you decided that it was a good idea to dump water onto my submarine’s floors because of a card game. And I don’t care that you idiots are injured; have you considered the fact that the water can leak into the boiler room?!”
And as if on cue, the Polar Tang started to make a strange groaning noise. The four of you in the infirmary froze. A vein popped on Law's head as he suddenly began to shake in anger.
Seeing your captain angry, Penguin, Shachi and you all looked at each other. You were all thinking of the same thing. You all made a run for it. All three of you dashed for the door and ran out of the infirmary.
"Hey!! You bastards better come back here!!" Law shouted as he realized his troublesome crew left.
“Oh, we’re so dead! Captain is going to kill us!” Penguin exclaimed as he ran.
"Forget captain, I think the Tang is going to explode and kill us!" Shachi argued.
"Both of you shut up!" You shouted. "Let's hide before-" You were cut off because you and the two men were suddenly transported into the infirmary. A large thud was heard when you three landed on your asses on the feet of a very angry sea captain. All three of you groaned in pain from the impact. You slowly looked up and saw the death glare of your captain, staring down at you. You felt uneasy shivers down your spine and heard the two men gulp behind you.
"You all had the stomach to run away from me huh?" He darkly chuckled.
The three of you started to shake with fear. For the first time, you genuinely pissed the man off and you instantly regretted it.
"Hey captain, don't worry! We'll fix the boiler room right now!" you said shakily.
The raven-haired man raised his eyebrows at the comment. "Oh? And how can you do that with your current state?" he questioned you.
You were wondering why he gave you a strange look until you felt something wet and cold on your forehead. You instantly brought up your left hand to touch it and saw that you started bleeding from the gash. Then you blacked out. The last thing you heard was Penguin's unusually high-pitched scream before your head hit the floor.
You woke up to the smell of black tea. You slowly opened up your eyes and felt disoriented and cold. When you fully opened your eyes, you found yourself staring at the mute grey ceiling above you. You were still in the infirmary.
"Fuck." you thought. "This might be the worst day of my life."
You slowly got up to sit. You groaned in pain as you felt a sharp pain on the side of your head. You glanced at the table in front of you and looked at the steaming mug of hot tea. Then as you turned to let your legs down on the side of the bed, you glanced to the right of the bed and saw your captain sitting in his examiner chair with his legs crossed. While he looked at you with a neutral face, his eyes were unreadable.
"So you finally decided to wake up (Y/n)-ya. I was starting to think that we needed to find another cook," he said, dripped with sarcasm.
You squinted your eyes at him. "As if you could find one, I'm sure no one wants to cook for your shitty crew." you retorted.
Law ignored your comment and got up from his chair to walk towards you. You noticed that he was getting closer so you scooted back further into the wall behind you. The doctor placed both of his tattooed hands on the bed, trapping you in the box of his arms. Never breaking eye contact, he leaned his face into yours and stared at you with an annoyed smirk. "I usually don't mind your antics on my submarine but you have gone too far this time." he lowly said.
You ignored his words. Instead, you scrunched your nose. "Your breath smells like grilled fish captain," you said.
Law was suddenly taken aback by your random comment, his face twisting into an irritated scowl.
"The next time you pull another stunt like this, I'm throwing you overboard. I don't care if we're eating rocks for weeks."
"But I don't know how to swim."
"I don't care. Why are you out at sea then if you don't know how to swim?"
"But you can't even swim either captain, you'd sink like a rock if you fell in. I wouldn't talk if I were you."
Law scoffed. He couldn't argue with that comment. You were pushing his buttons and he didn't know whether to laugh or throw you out of the submarine.
Law kept staring into you and you kept staring back. This was the first time seeing his face up close and you saw how handsome he was for the first time. His small sweep of bangs along with his sideburns perfectly shape his rugged face. But what caught your attention was his grey eyes. You observed how tired his eyes looked, but your intuition told you that it was more than physical tiredness that was getting to him. You could feel the unknown emotional battles he was facing through his stormy grey eyes as if he was looking for answers he could not find. You found them unusually beautiful.
You broke the silence and suddenly blurted out;
"You have very pretty eyes, captain."
This time he was completely bewildered by your comment. Law blinked at you and his eyebrows slowly relaxed. His eyes slightly widened and he took a small step back. His mouth suddenly gaped slightly open and he felt his ears heat up.
"What are you talking about (Y/n)-ya?" he coughed. He completely broke out of his stern and facade and turned into a flustered mess.
However, you remained oblivious to the consequences of your words. You tilted your head to the left curiously.
"Why are your ears red? Are you getting a fever?" you questioned. The doctor stepped back even more but straightened up his composure. He was the captain of this crew and a feared pirate in the seas. He was not about to lose his image over his subordinate. Realizing that he was flustered, he quickly became angry again.
You'd think that a 25-year-old man would know how to properly regulate his feelings, but Law's display of emotional confusion would prove otherwise.
He finally blew up. "Enough! You caused too much chaos today. I'm punishing you for being reckless again." Law ordered.
While his tone of voice was stern, his face said otherwise. "Are you going to throw me overboard?" you teased. "Or are you going to make me fix the boiler room with Penguin and Shachi?"
You snickered and started to grin. You didn't care at all because you always got out of trouble. Penguin and Shachi said it's because the captain had a soft spot for you, but you think that Law accepts the fact that he has no choice but to keep you if he wants to eat edible good food.
Law placed two fingers on his chin and put some thought into the question. Then he smirked mischievously. "No. I got something worse."
There was a pregnant pause. Then he spoke again; "You're going to make me a week's batch of rice balls for me." he proclaimed.
The colour drained from your face. You hated making rice balls. It may be the captain's favourite, but it took forever to prepare and make. Now he wants you to make a week's batch worth of it? You understood that he was mad but he was taking his anger too far.
"I'd rather jump out and drown!" you protested.
"I'd like to see you try." Law retorted. "That's what you get for damaging my submarine!"
The man did have a point. You admit that sometimes your escapades can be too. much.
You pouted in defeat. "Fine. I'll do it," you said. You hopped off the medical bed and proceeded to walk out of the infirmary. You were in a bad mood, and you were going to beat the living hell out of Penguin and Shachi for snitching on you.
"I'm going to put flour and bread in those rice balls," you mumbled as you walked out the door.
"What was that?" Law asked. "Nothing!" you said out of fake cheer. You stomped away and headed to the kitchen. The captain extinguished your playful spirit in the meanwhile, but you'd be back.
Back at the infirmary, Law sighed. He took off his hat and placed it on the bed, then sat down in his chair. He brought his left hand and combed through his hair as he leaned back and looked up at the ceiling. Today's set of events was just too much for him.
As he closed his eyes, your previous words rang in his ears.
"You have very pretty eyes, captain."
The tattooed doctor's ears turned red again. "What am I going to do with you (Y/n)-ya?" He sighed.
It was midnight in the Polar Tang. Everyone went to bed. It was one of those few moments when the submarine was quiet enough to hear the hum of the sub's engine.
While everyone was asleep, the captain was in his quarters, wide awake. He was finishing up his crew's recent medical reports and your medical file. He was always stressed about updating it because you were getting injured every single day.
Law stacked up the final pages of the report and set them aside. He got up from his desk and stretched. He let out a big groan, a signal of his tiredness. Then he remembered that you were making his favourite food, rice balls, as a punishment and grinned. He was looking forward to eating a good snack before he headed to bed.
He carefully and quietly made his way to the submarine's kitchen. As he entered the room, he saw that you laid out a plate of 3 rice balls on the dining table. The doctor excitedly walked up and grabbed one of the rice balls. He eyed it for a second, like it was the last meal he was ever going to take, then took a big bite of the food you prepared, expecting to be thrown into a world of indulgence.
However, he instantly regretted his actions. He turned blue, spat out the food and coughed like he had the flu. He should've known better than to take a very inviting plate of rice balls in the kitchen that you prepared. It was like luring a fish with bait and the great Surgeon of Death, Trafalgar Law, fell for it.
He was so going to throw you out to the sea in the morning.
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yuri-is-online · 5 months
Ranted about this elsewhere already buuuuut . . . Hot take: OB Jamil keeping the reader as a pet/slave is pre-relationship.
Jamil's whole shtick is wanting to free himself from servanthood and getting the equality, freedom, and respect he deserves. Why would he not want that for his lover? Hell one of his biggest insecurities is trapping them with him under the Asims and being unable to give them the life they deserve.
A Jamil who's in a relationship where he 10000% smitten, comfortable, and genuinely open with s/o would rip his own heart out before even thinking of trapping them or seeing them as lesser. This goes double for his overblot (we've seen with the Shround's that it is possible for overblots to do things out of love).
So what doth thou thinketh of this scenario: OB!Jamil who's just finished sending the gang to the middle of the desert having the immediate thought "FUCK YEAH! Now I can finally spoil my beloved!"
OB!Jamil just throwing embarrassment out the window and spoiling the absolute shit out of his lover. I'm talking shameless PDA, no filter whatsoever about how much he loves them, giving them just about anything they could want. Feeling hungry? Here's a feast of your favorite dishes and Jamil is the one feeding you. Little chilly? You're now dressed in enchanted fine silk fit for a queen and cuddled up next him. Worried about your friends out in the desert? Now you get an adorable pouty overblot asking for your attention and making it really hard to say no. Ironically any manipulation he pulls will be the light hearted kind he usual do to get their attention. Also worth mentioning that Jamil is calling them every pet name under the sun while being kissed constantly by the snakes.
Just Overblot Jamil willingly and happily going full malewife mode for his Sultana.
God it will be hard to convince him that overblotting it bad, won't it?
You know I usually have a hard time wrapping my head around Yuu being in a relationship with any of the ob boys pre blot, but the events make it pretty clear that the actual order the blots happen in is pretty flexible σ( ̄、 ̄=) so after squaring that in my head:
Pre-Relationship OB Jamil would want to keep Yuu in a cage because he subconsciously knows they aren't his but he still feels the desire to keep them close. The walls of the cage area physical manifestation of Jamil's emotional repression surrounding his feelings towards Yuu but that's not we're brainrotting about today~
Overblot! Jamil (and just Jamil in general really) is pretty hard to convince that overblotting was a bad idea. Granted he doesn't want to die so yes he'll agree that's bad once he comes to his senses but for now he's really pleased with himself. Finally, he gets to have your attention all to himself and there is no one to judge or interrupt him. He made sure to throw the biggest annoyances across the desert, you can stay right here with him in his embrace exactly where you belong. Being kissed by the snakes is such a cute concept TᴖT He has so many things he's wanted to say, so many many kisses he wanted to give, times he's wanted to touch and hold you that he was never able to do because of his place in the world. I like the idea of Overblot Jamil dancing with Yuu while he sings the sappiest love songs imaginable. Anything to make up for lost time, now that he's free there's so much he can finally give you.
That's what you've wanted this whole time too... right?
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lure-of-writing · 6 months
Where my soul can rest
Rhysand x reader
word count: 2.6k
Warnings: heartbreak
Authors note: Hii! this was heavily inspired by Ariana grandes song "I wish I hated you" but actor version. Let me know what you think! and as always your support is super appreciated! (I did write a little update on the reader if you would like that also)
You had been Rhysands first love and he, yours. You had spent the first hundred years of your life with him as friends, always dancing on the line of something more but never daring to cross the line in fear of what would happen if something went wrong. If it wasn’t for Cassian's and Azriel's timed intervention you would have never gotten the honor of being loved by your high lord.  
Deep down you knew that crossing that invisible line that separated friendship from romantic relationship was a terribly bad idea but when the opportunity had presented itself you couldn’t help but throw yourself into the whirlwind of being Rhysands lover. Something about it was so intoxicating. Loving him was like feeling the high of every drug and tonic that existed without ever having to feel any of the side effects or more importantly never having to come off the high that was loving him. 
There was a part of your mind that was constantly nagging you about how terribly this could all end. How in a moment's notice everything you had ever loved could be ripped out from beneath your feet and there wouldn’t be anything you could do to stop it. It truly was your worst nightmare but everytime you would voice your fears to Rhysand he would gently cup your cheeks and kiss along the path made by the tears that had rained upon your face whilst promising nothing would ever take him away from you, and each time you believed him. You had believed him because he was so convincing and his eyes were so full of love. How could you not believe him?
Over the course of almost five hundred years together you had been through every trial and tribulation and had always come out on the other side successful. That was until Rhysand was trapped under the mountain with no way of escaping for fifty years. In that time Velaris had been hidden away from the world and left to survive on its own. With Rhysand gone it was up to you and the rest of the inner circle to protect Velaris and keep it afloat. So without hesitation that's what you did. For years you took care of the people and city making sure to deal with any threat before it could make its way to the beloved city. 
Rhysands return was abrupt and unexpected but certainly welcomed. Running through the house of wind you round the corner to see your lover standing in the living room surrounded by the rest of your family. Silently you watched from afar as everyone welcomed him home. Tears once again found the familiar route they’ve taken plenty of time in the last fifty years, down your face. Slowly you made your way to the center of the room where everyone gathered, not approaching too quickly in case this was a dream and he would be gone if you made any sudden movements. 
Once on the edge of the small crowd you could truly take in the male in front of you. One look at him and you could tell that whatever happened under there had changed him. But nonetheless this was Rhysand, your Rhysand. The man you had loved your whole life and finally after so long he was standing in front of you again. 
He reached for your arm and gently tugged you into his chest where you finally broke down and let the tears reconstruct the routes along your face and the sobs rack your body. He held you in his arms, face pressed into his chest while his arm wrapped around your back squeezing your body further into his and his other arm rested against the top of your back while his hand rested in your hair. Rhysand hoped you couldn’t feel his heart breaking with the knowledge that what the two of you once had would soon be no more, for he had finally found his mate. 
For weeks after Rhysands return you could feel that something was off but you had just brushed it off as anyone who had just spent fifty years trapped underneath a mountain, with a crazy dictator as a ruler,  would also be a little off. Unfortunately for you that nagging voice in the back of your head had reappeard and its confidence had grown since the last time it had paid you a visit. But it  was not the time to dwell on the unconfident thoughts your subconscious  had decided to hand over to the conscious part of your mind. Now was not the time for Rhysand to comfort you and tell you everything would be alright. No, right now you needed to be there for him in the form of absolute unwavering love and support so you fiercely pushed those thoughts back into the abyss in the back of your mind where thoughts go to die. 
If there was one thing Rhysand was, it was a hard worker. So it came as no surprise to you when upon his return he hit the ground running and had resumed his role as high lord. No one would have judged him for needing some time to heal from the trauma he had endured but he insisted now was not the time for rest. Now was the time to pick up the pieces from Amarantha. Each morning you watched as Rhysand left to fix whatever thing he had deemed broken and it never came as a shock to you when he left before the sun had even risen and returned when the moon had taken over for its daily shift. 
What did come as a surprise was when Morrigan had returned from the moonstone palace with tears in her eyes.  “Mor? What's wrong?” your questions hit her like thousand pound bricks that had been hurtled at her. The pure concern in your voice had made her want to cry. Never had she thought Rhysand would find someone who wasn’t you but she had just returned from meeting Feyre and it made her want to vomit. In the empty halls of the moonstone palace Rhysand had begged his cousin for her to be the one to tell you of Feyres existence, of her relationship to Rhysand. Never once had Rhys ever asked anything from her and without a doubt she would do anything for him but this was a burden that was too heavy for her to handle by herself. But Rhysand had been by her side in her darkest moments so she would be by him during his darkest moment. “Y/n I need to tell you something but first you need to sit down.” Mor watched as your face shifted from concern to fear. She watched as you took residence in the nearest set and looked at her expectantly. Morrigan made her way over to you and silently kneeled before you placing her hands upon your legs and prayed to the mother above that what she was about to tell you wouldn’t destroy you. Deep down she knew her prayers were not going to be answered. “I have to tell you something. But I need you to listen to me no matter how much it hurts to hear. No matter how much it breaks your heart, ok?” Mor moved her hands to yours and gently rubbed circles against the back of your hand. Heavens know you will need the support. 
“Y/n.” The tone of her voice had your heart thumping against the cage of your ribs. If you weren’t scared before then you certainly were now. With a shaky breath she started again. “Y/n. Rhysand found his mate. She's the girl who freed them from the mountain. Eventually” you heard nothing more as a loud ringing sound overtook your hearing and you practically collapsed on top of Mor while sobs ripped through your body. Morrigan held you as the sounds of your soul breaking rattled off the walls piercing her heart. She rocked you back and forth while smoothing your hair down until you fell asleep from exhaustion and heart break. The sounds of your heart broken cries will haunt her in her sleep. Morrigan refused to move from her spot on the floor where your body had curled into hers in fear of waking you up and forcing you to relive your heart break. Mor didn’t look up as she felt the presence of her cousin in the room. She didn’t look up as he crouched down and gently moved the hair covering your face to behind your ear. She didn’t look as he took in your disheveled appearance and tear stained cheeks that matched while he had a look of pain painted across his own face. She loved her cousin but a part of her knew she would never forgive him for the hurt he has caused you. There may even be a part of her that hates him for what he did. And Rhysand knew it too. 
From then on out you had made it a point to avoid your past lover. Morrigan had carried you to her room where you slept for the rest of the night and into the early morning. Silently you made your way to what once was your shared bedroom to find it empty much to your relief. Without asking, the house had helped you move your items into a spare bedroom where you spent the next three days hiding from the inner circle while packing what was important to you and getting rid of what wasn’t. By the fourth day you were ready to leave everything was packed and all you had to do was say goodbye. As much as it would pain you to leave the people you had called family for your whole life you knew you couldn’t stay, it would be far too painful. And you weren’t willing to torture yourself everyday for the rest of your life just to be able to be around your family. You could love them from afar. From a place with enough distance that you could not run back when the overwhelming sense of heartbreak became too much. 
Rhysand knew you were avoiding him and he couldn’t blame you. If he had been in your position he was sure he would do the same but that doesn’t mean it didn’t hurt. If there was one last thing Rhys could do for you, it was give you the chance to have a peaceful goodbye with the rest of your family without him there. But he did ask that Azriel and Cassian inform him when you were done with your goodbyes. He had a lot of regrets in his life but not saying goodbye to you wasn’t going to be one of them. He was sure that he was the last person you wanted to see but after nearly five hundred years together there was no way he was letting you go without seeing you one last time. Even if it was the most selfish thing he has ever done. 
You could feel his presence in the room as you had gripped Morrigan in a bittersweet hug goodbye. Pulling back she takes in the unshed tears lining your eyes and it takes everything in her to be strong for you. “Go out there and make me proud, yeah?” There would never be a moment when she wasn’t proud of you but you knew she meant was go out there and do more than survive this heartbreak, thrive because you are more than capable. Nodding you quickly wipe the fallen tears “Don’t I always?” Morrgian gave your hands one last tight squeeze and reluctantly let go. Stepping back you take in the people who have made up your family for centuries, for one last time before moving to the balcony where Rhysand followed you out. For a while nothing was said, just the wind whispering quiet nothings as it brushed past your face while Rhys soaked up what he was sure to be his last moments with you. “I am so incredibly sorry it happened this way but I can’t let.” you refused to let him finish what he was going to say. “I know.” 
“You know that even with all of this, I still love you. There will always be a part of me that loves you.” slowly you pull your gaze away from the setting sun to look at him. “I know.” It was silent for a few moments, neither of you not sure what to say. Finally he got the courage to speak up. “I know you probably hate me right now. Hell, I would also hate me if I were you. You had always had your fears about what would happen should this day ever come and each time I told you not to worry because nothing could ever take me from you but I was wrong. I was so so wrong and it wasn’t right of me to pretend like this situation wasn’t a possibility. I know that no matter how many times I tell you I am sorry it will never make up for the hurt I have put you through. All I ask is that one day when you find the forgiveness in your heart and peace in your soul you come and visit us. Our family will never be the same without you.”  
“I wish I hated you. I really wish I did.” All Rhysand could do was nod at your confession as much as it broke his heart he knew he had no room to ask for forgiveness. “There was always some part of me that knew we weren’t meant to be but that doesn’t make it hurt less. In some ways it makes it hurt more knowing this end was inevitable. I can’t say that I will ever forgive you for what you have done but no matter how I feel about that I only wish the best for you. You deserve it. There is a part of me that wishes none of this happened, that I could keep you to myself and continue to live in that peaceful bliss with you but I would hate myself from keeping you from her.” Rhysand watched as the gold sun danced upon your face and reflected from your eyes and the tears lining them. 
“Our paths were never meant to cross like they have. We were always better off as friends. We both know that. So go live the life you deserve with the girl of your dreams.” Rhys' eyes tracked the rouge tear that gently slid down your cheek. Seeing you stand so brave in the face of heartbreak while refusing to yield to the waves that pummeled you relentlessly in overpowering emotions made a small part of him proud to see you so strong but another part was saddened by the fact he did this to you. “And what about you?”  shrugging you turn to face the fading sun. The irony was not lost on you, of the sun's departure along with your impending one. “And what about me?” you glance at him over your shoulder “Where will you go? What will you do? How will we know if you're safe?” for a moment you thought of an answer to give to your oldest friend but all the answers evaded you. “I will go where my soul can find rest and my heart can repair itself. Other than that I have no answers. I will find the rest as I go and figure it out along the way.” 
That was the last time anyone in the inner circle had seen you.
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slaymitchabernathy · 1 month
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The Legacy
“Daddy! Daddy look what Mommy did to my hair!”
Coriolanus looks down at his daughter, his heart and soul. His Ceraphina.
Born four years ago on a stormy night, Ceraphina stole his heart and never gave it back. She’s been an absolute light in their lives, always making them laugh and smile.
She looks nearly identical to Soarynn which only furthers his need to protect her, to always keep her safe from any harm that might come her way. It often leads him to wonder what their other children might look like should they have more. Soarynn has spoken about it many times, expanding their family and giving Ceraphina a sibling but only time will tell.
He smiles down at his daughter who proudly shows him the bow that Soarynn has fastened in her wavy blonde hair. Many things can be said for the Snow family and what they’re known for.
Some view him as a dictator rather than a President although most people who think that live in the Districts. They have no love for him or his family. Others see him as a wonderful President who only has the best intentions for his beloved country. Those are the people who he’s gladly welcoming into his home tonight for the Presidential Gala.
He’s just about finished with getting ready but he’ll always have a moment to spare for his darling daughter who gazes up at him with eyes identical to her mother’s. “Well, don’t you look fabulous darling? And this bow? Some of the best work I’ve ever seen. You’re sure to be the center of attention tonight.”
Ceraphina’s eyes dazzle at his words of praise and she smiles, “Thank you, Daddy! I can’t wait to go to the chocolate fountain.” Coriolanus grins because he knows that Ceraphina would spend the rest of her life next to the chocolate fountain if she could. It’s also Soarynn’s favorite part of the dessert table which further proves that Ceraphina is her twin.
“Yes, after you eat all your dinner hmm?” He asks while fixing his tie. He can't afford to look bad tonight, not with the amount of cameras that will be snapping pictures of them. Ceraphina’s small hands grip the marble countertop as she tries to peer at her reflection but she’s still too little to see.
Coriolanus scoops her up and places her on the counter, basking in her giggles when he tickles her. “Tickle monster!” She cries, shrieking with laughter. When Ceraphina was younger, she was terrified of sleeping alone in her bedroom due to her fear of the closet and what lay inside of it when the lights were out.
It got to the point where she’d bawl her eyes out when Soarynn or Coriolanus tried to put her to sleep. It didn’t matter how many books they read or how many songs Soarynn sang, she refused to be left alone. Coriolanus could easily see where the problem was going and how it would lead to Ceraphina sleeping in their bed and he just couldn’t have that.
So, the tickle monster was born.
He told Ceraphina that there was a monster in the closet and that he was very good friends with the monster and sometimes the monster took over and tortured her with tickles. It solved the problem rather quickly which he was glad for, even though Soarynn hated how he got her riled up right before bedtime.
“He’s returned, Coriolanus agrees, sneaking in a few more tickles before ceasing his attack. Ceraphina giggles and turns to look at their reflections, her blue-gray eyes going wide when she sees herself. “Daddy?”
“Yes, my darling?”
“Do I look pretty like Mommy?”
Coriolanus raises his eyebrows at the question and he doesn’t hesitate to answer. “Of course you do darling. Your Mommy is the most beautiful woman in all of Panem and you are the most beautiful girl in all of Panem. No one could ever compare to the two of you.”
Ceraphina smiles and nods at her reflection as if all is right in the world after receiving that answer, “Do I look like Mommy?”
Coriolanus hums and grabs his favorite cologne before liberally applying it to his neck, he can’t afford to smell bad either. “Yes darling, you and Mommy are practically twins. You’re a spitting image of her.” She truly is, with her wavy hair and her startling eyes. Coriolanus is glad that Ceraphina has taken after Soarynn when it comes to looks.
Soarynn who has been so openly praised for her youthful beauty and charming personality, her kind demeanor, and her graceful femininity. Soarynn is perfect which automatically makes Ceraphina perfect since she spends nearly every waking moment with her.
With an entire country to run, Coriolanus doesn’t get to see Ceraphina a lot during the week. Soarynn however, has dedicated her every waking moment to taking care of their daughter and Coriolanus couldn’t be more pleased with her devotion as a mother.
It’s as if her ears are burning because a moment later, Soarynn walks into the bathroom looking gorgeous as always. She’s dressed in a floor-length gown, black to match his own attire it seems. The dress is strapless and clings to her figure in a most flattering way and it has a slit going up her right leg. Her hair is cascading down her back, flawless as always, and her face, her beautiful face.
Coriolanus nearly gets lost looking at it until Ceraphina voices his feelings for him.
“Mommy you look so pretty!”
Soarynn smiles at their daughter who thinks of her mother as the moon and stars and places a loving hand on her cheek, “Thank you my sweet darling. And don’t you look so beautiful in your pink dress? Did you show your father your bow?”
Ceraphina nods proudly, eyeing Coriolanus to confirm that she did in fact show off her hair bow. He chuckles and places a hand on Soarynn’s waist, admiring the stunning creature that is his wife, “She did, in fact, we were just talking about how you two look alike.”
Soarynn’s smile widens as she runs a loving hand through Ceraphina’s hair, “Well if I’m half as kind as you are darling then that’s more than enough for me. Now why don’t you go find nanny so she can help you with your shoes?”
Ceraphina pouts but one stern look from Coriolanus quickly resolves any tantrums and Soarynn carefully helps her down from the counter before she runs off to find her nanny.
Rarely do they ever enlist the help of others, of outsiders, but on nights like this where the drinks are flowing and their attention is pulled every which way, a nanny is more than necessary.
Coriolanus pulls Soarynn against him and she giggles, allowing him to press kisses up and down her neck, “You’re terribly possessive darling,” she purrs, her nails gently scratching up and down the back of his neck, his favorite spot.
Coriolanus places one last kiss before pulling away and staring her in the eyes, nearly losing his breath in the process, “Only with you my love,” he assures her, “only with you.”
Soarynn sighs and rests her head on his shoulder, seemingly content for them to just stay here instead of going downstairs to the Gala that awaits them. “Remind me of anyone important tonight,” she murmurs, her hand instantly finding his.
Coriolanus places a kiss on her temple before answering, “Quintus Heavensbee for starters, also the new Head Game Maker, Arthus Crane, and his wife will be attending.” Soarynn hums and her hand comes to rest on the necklace she almost always wears, a locket with photos of Coriolanus, Ceraphina, and Petunia.
Speaking of Petunia…where is she?
Coriolanus doesn’t mind his wife’s cat for the most part but he does always make sure to keep her tucked away when they have guests over like this.
"Well I'm sure tonight will be wonderful," Soarynn says with a sigh, "I just hope that Ceraphina will go down without a fuss." Ceraphina is a sweet angelic child, however, she often refuses to go to bed during things like this where she feels like she's leaving the party. She eventually gives in but it can be rather tiresome when Soarynn and Coriolanus have guests to entertain.
He gives her an encouraging squeeze, "It'll be perfect darling. I promise."
꧁ ꧂
"Oh, she's just precious."
Coriolanus basks in the compliments that Ceraphina receives while she plays on the grass with her teddy bear. It's normally frowned upon for children to be playing on the dirty ground during a party but Ceraphina, it seems, is the only exception. And besides, the Mansion's grounds are so well kept, not a blade of grass is out of place.
"You'd do well to give her a sibling to play with," Festus Creed says to him, nudging Coriolanus with his elbow. Coriolanus looks over at Soarynn who's standing amongst her own friends, laughing whilst sipping their champagne.
He'd love another child, she'd love another child. Perhaps they should really start trying again. Soarynn never got her implant put back in after giving birth to Ceraphina, but they haven't been keeping track of her cycle to know exactly when to really try.
Perhaps it's time to start back up again.
"I'll work on that," he says teasingly, taking a drink of his whiskey. The Gala is going extremely well, photos have been taken, compliments given and drinks have been flowing.
"Ceraphina darling, it's time for bed," Soarynn calls, approaching their pouting daughter. All the women fawn over how adorable she is when interacting with Soarynn who easily calms their daughters pouting with the promise of Petunia sleeping in her room.
Ceraphina loves Petunia, she’s always chasing her around the house and forcing her to partake in her tea parties. To have Petunia spend the night in her room is a treat as special as any. And that’s seems to do the trick because moments later she’s running over to bid Coriolanus a goodnight.
“Goodnight Daddy! I’ll see you in the morning!”
Despite being the President of Panem, feared by so many and respected by few, Coriolanus doesn’t hesitate to get down on one knee to press a kiss to her cheek, “Goodnight my darling. Have the sweetest dreams.”
Ceraphina nods and runs back over to Soarynn who takes her hand and begins to lead them up the many, many stairs that lead back up to the terrace. Coriolanus watches them once they reach the top where Ceraphina’s nanny is waiting for them.
Soarynn bends down to give Ceraphina a hug and kiss goodnight before she’s entrusted with the nanny for the rest of the night.
“Persephone won’t stop complaining about how much is left to do with the nursery,” Festus groans which pulls Coriolanus back into the conversation, “she’s acting like it’ll be the end of the world if we don’t have the perfect curtains or photographs.”
Coriolanus chuckles, remembering how adamant Soarynn had been on perfecting Ceraphina’s nursery while she was pregnant with her. “Women tend to fuss over these things my friend,” Coriolanus tells him solemnly, “all we can do is foot the bill and let them do whatever they want.”
Soarynn had been an angel all things considered during her pregnancy. Despite some morning nausea and the occasional snippy attitude when she was nearing the end of the grueling nine months, Coriolanus had nothing to complain about.
In the end, she gave him something he could never replace.
His legacy.
꧁ ꧂
There comes a point at every party when the drinks have taken their toll on the guests, including Coriolanus.
His head is slightly buzzing with the amount of alcohol he’s consumed but some of the other guests are much worse than he is. At least he can stand.
“I’ve heard rumors of an uprising in One,” Livia Cardew murmurs to his right which causes his head to snap in her direction. She’s talking to Soarynn, it’s a private conversation but he has no issue butting in where he sees fit. “We have absolutely nothing to worry about in One,” he tells Livia who rolls her eyes in return.
“Why not? Because you said so? We both know how much those people hate us Coriolanus. They’d do anything to get under our skin,” Livia says, looking at Soarynn who simply purses her lips.
Before Coriolanus can say anything, he sees a white blur run across the ballroom floor. He must be drunk because for a moment, he thought he saw Petunia. Which is impossible because Petunia is upstairs, in Ceraphina’s room asleep. They never let her roam around during things like this.
After taking a look at Soarynn’s face however, he begins to wonder if he really did imagine it.
Soarynn breaks away from the conversation without so much as a polite excuse as she walks towards the other end of the ballroom, her husband and good friend long forgotten.
“Where’s so going?” Livia asks and Coriolanus can only shake his head, “I think we both saw something. I’m not quite sure though. Would you excuse me for a moment?”
Coriolanus doesn’t wait for a reply, he just makes his way over to the doors that lead into the dining room where they always eat when they have large gatherings such as this one. Two Peacekeepers are stationed by the doors and both nod at him once they notice his approach, “Have you seen my wife?” He asks, wondering where Soarynn could have gone.
If Petunia was down here then they definitely would have heard about it. All of Soarynn’s friends adore Petunia and always fuss over her to his dismay.
“Yes sir. She just went upstairs a minute ago. She was carrying the cat.”
Petunia was down here.
Why was Petunia down here?
How would Petunia be able to get all the way downstairs if she was in Ceraphina’s room?
Coriolanus frowns while he tries to come up with a reasonable answer as to why Petunia was downstairs when he hears a scream.
Soarynn’s scream.
And he’s running. Running down the great hall. Running up the stairs. Running towards Ceraphina’s room where he finds the doors wide open, Petunia darting out and down the hall.
What he finds inside the room is blood curdling.
Soarynn on her knees, stifling her sobs while staring at Ceraphina’s nanny, dead on the ground.
His eyes dart to the pink canopy bed where Ceraphina sleeps and he finds it empty.
Someone took her.
Someone took his daughter. His baby girl.
“Ceraphina?” He calls, looking around to see if maybe she’s hiding somewhere. She loves to hide, to play games like hide-and-seek but this isn’t a game, it’s not funny. “Ceraphina Snow come out here this instant,” he says, his voice wavering despite wanting to sound authoritative.
Soarynn gasps for air and he turns his attention to her, to his beautiful wife sobbing in the floor, “Soarynn? Soarynn darling what happened? Who did this? Are you hurt?”
Soarynn shakes her head, going to wipe her tears but deciding against it at the last moment. She has nothing to hide here. “They took her Coriolanus,” she whispers, “I don’t know who but they took her and killed the nanny.”
The Peacekeepers finally made their way up and there all wide eyed when they take in the sight of Ceraphina’s room in disarray. The bedsheets thrown off the bed, toys scattered, the nanny dead.
“Search the house,” Coriolanus tells them, “search every room, every corner, every hallway. Find my daughter.”
They immediately take off to search the rest of the house and most likely question the guests. Everyone is a suspect now.
Coriolanus crouches down and carefully wraps his arms around Soarynn’s trembling frame, “We'll find her darling, we’ll find her. She’s probably somewhere in the house.”
Soarynn lets out a whimper and his heart breaks even more, he's never seen his wife like this, unable to speak, to cope. A million thoughts race through his mind while he holds Soarynn.
Who did this? How did people get into the Mansion? Was this an inside job?
It's no secret that many people hate Coriolanus Snow and would do anything to hurt him, but taking his child is on another level. There will be hell to pay.
He can hear shouting, the guests are being questioned no doubt. This had to be done by someone they knew, someone they trusted inside of their home.
But who?
Soarynn is in no condition to get off the floor but Coriolanus can't just sit here restless while his daughter is out there somewhere, probably terrified out of her mind. "I'll be back," he says to Soarynn whose eyes have gone vacant, "I'll go find her I promise." He presses a gentle kiss to the side of her head before standing up and leaving the room.
He finds the ballroom in disarray, everyone is shouting while Peacekeepers yell even louder. Festus finds him in the crowd and grabs his arm, "Coriolanus what the hell is going on?" He shouts over the noise. His wife Persephone is right behind him and she looks flushed. The Capitolites aren't used to being pushed around it seems.
"Someone took Ceraphina," Coriolanus says, his voice hollow. Saying it out loud makes it feel so much more real. Like it's the truth. Both Festus and Persephone gasp and Persephone places her hand on her chest, "Oh my...oh my goodness. Have you searched the grounds for her? Perhaps she wanted to go play outside."
Coriolanus feels his eyes light up at the suggestion, maybe she's right, maybe Ceraphina slipped out of bed before her nanny was shot. Coriolanus forges forward towards the terrace doors, ignoring the shouts he gets from his guests asking what's warranted this treatment.
"The President's daughter has been taken!" One of the Peacekeepers shouts, causing a hush to fall over the room. "Until she is found, we will be questioning everyone who attended the Gala tonight. Everyone is a suspect until proven otherwise. If you have any information regarding her disappearance, let us know."
Coriolanus pushes the large doors open and he's hit with the evening air. Just a while ago he was out here watching his daughter play and now she's gone. He can hear and see several other Peacekeepers searching for her outside, shouting her name but he has to look for her himself.
"Ceraphina! Ceraphina where are you darling?"
Coriolanus descends the steps leading down to the grounds with haste as his eyes scan the dark landscape. The only source of light is from the greenhouse which they always lock for events like this. But maybe she slipped inside. Coriolanus begins towards the greenhouse when he steps on something.
He looks down and feels as if he might throw up.
It's her bow.
The bow that Soarynn put in her hair. The bow that Ceraphina so proudly showed him before the Gala.
Coriolanus crouches down to pick it up and feels how soft it is. She was out here, they must've taken her through the grounds, whoever they are.
"President Snow, we found something in the greenhouse!"
꧁ ꧂
'You take our children from us every year, now we took yours. Find us where it all began.'
Coriolanus reads those words over and over again.
The Rebels. People from the Districts took her.
Coriolanus crumples up the note the Peacekeepers found in the greenhouse and lets out a frustrated groan. She's truly in danger now, who knows what those District scum will do to her.
They had broken some of the glass panes of the greenhouse, slipped in, and left the note by the fountain for him to find. How long have they been planning this?
"Put the entire Capitol on lockdown," he says, his voice cold and bitter, "no one in, no one out. Stop all the trains, question anyone working at the border. Search the city street by street."
He doesn't look up from the ground but he hears feet shuffling over broken glass and he hears a few Peacekeepers mumbling, "Madam Snow."
He looks over his shoulder to see Soarynn standing in the doorway. Her eyes are bloodshot, and her hands are still shaking as she takes a slow step into the greenhouse. "Where...where is she?" Soarynn asks him. If only he could tell her.
Coriolanus pinches the bridge of his nose and shakes his head, "I don't know," he admits, "it was the Rebels. They left a note, and...and I found this," he pulls out the bow from his pocket and holds it out to her.
Soarynn gasps at the sight and her lip trembles, "Is she going to die Coriolanus? Are they going to kill our baby girl?"
Coriolanus sets his jaw and his fingers wrap around the bow, nearly crushing it, "No. Not if I have anything to do with it. The city is on lockdown, and there's no way they already made it out. She's here somewhere we just have to know where to look."
Soarynn wipes away a tear and takes in a shaky breath, "What...what did the note say?"
Coriolanus looks back down at the crumpled piece of paper and he's already imagining killing whoever wrote that cryptic piece of shit. "They said to find them where it all began, and that they took her because we take their children."
The Hunger Games are brutal by design, a way to remind the Districts of their failure and to punish those who are seemingly "innocent."
A wave of recognition flashes over Soarynn's face and she steps towards him, "The arena," she whispers, her blue-gray eyes wide with realization, "where it all began. They took her to the old arena where we used to hold the Games, oh Coriolanus she's right under our noses."
It all clicks in his mind a moment later. She's right. They took her to the old arena where the Games were first held. An old arena that's no longer used, filled with corpses and bones no doubt.
Coriolanus gently takes her hand in his, giving it a squeeze, "I'll have every man we can spare surround the arena. I'll go find her Soarynn, I promise. I'll bring her back."
New tears form in Soarynn's eyes and she's swift to blink them away, "So you won't let me go with you?"
He nearly laughs at her question. He'd be a fool to bring his other prized possession with him to the fight. Only a fool would bring his wife to a possible ambush like this one. No, she needs to stay here where she's safe.
If their home is even safe anymore.
"No. I can't lose you too Soarynn. I need you to stay here, stay with the Heavensbees. I'll have my most trusted men watch over you while the rest of the staff is questioned, I'm sure some of them were in on this." It's no secret that the Snows have a wide variety of staff, some originating from the Capitol and a few from the Districts.
Those who are from the Districts are Avoxes but you don't need a tongue to betray your employer. Many will die tonight.
Soarynn nods, staring down at the bow still in his other hand, "Bring her home."
꧁ ꧂
"It's a small group of men. Seven. And she's with them. Unharmed from what I could see. They asked for you specifically, won't say anything to us."
Coriolanus is briefed on the current situation conspiring inside the old arena and he feels himself growing more and more angry as the seconds pass. The old arena's gates have been chained shut for years now but they've been blown wide open by the Peacekeepers who are all positioned outside with trucks and lots and lots of guns.
Anyone who leaves the arena will be shot on sight.
"I'm going inside," Coriolanus tells the Commander who gives him a worried look, "I have to get her back, and I also have to pretend to consider their terms. This isn't just a hostage situation, its a negotiation."
Coriolanus isn't really asking, he's just letting the man know and he seems to recognize that. "Let me get you a vest then, can't have you getting shot." That would not be good.
Coriolanus is prepped with a bulletproof vest, a concealed gun, and a flash-bang grenade. He's dressed like he's going to war, which he would happily do for his daughter.
He watches two medic trucks pull up to the side of the arena, he hopes those won't be needed.
"We'll surround them from above, just keep them talking and once we have a clear shot, we'll take them all down," the Commander assures him as they approach the front entrance of the arena.
When Coriolanus was a little boy, he came to this arena to watch the circus. He always took a different entrance, the entrance for the wealthy. It's fitting that these Rebels took the front entrance meant for poor people.
It's dark in the tunnel but Coriolanus can see a source of light coming from inside the arena. He pushes through the turnstiles and cringes at the loud automated voice.
"Enjoy the show!"
Coriolanus looks back at the army of Peacekeepers watching him guns ready. At least if he's chased, they'll shoot anything that pursues him but that does very little to soothe his nerves.
Coriolanus sucks in a sharp breath as he finally comes into the arena and comes face to face with a group of men and his daughter.
Ceraphina is dressed in her pajamas and is holding one of the men's hands. She seems fine, unharmed like the Commander said. Her eyes light up when she sees him, "Daddy! Daddy, you found me!"
Coriolanus pays the Rebels no mind as he smiles at his daughter who's seemingly unaware of the current situation, and he’d like to keep it that way, "I did sweetheart. I found you."
He’s still walking but one of the Rebels holds up a large gun, pointed right at him, "That's far enough." His District accent clashes with the ones from the Capitol and Coriolanus feels hatred coursing through his veins. "I've come to negotiate," he says calmly.
The men sneer and give each other looks, "We've been trying to negotiate for years, looks like you only care when we have something that belongs to you."
Coriolanus opens his mouth to respond but Ceraphina seems to have an agenda of her own, "Daddy I want Mommy!" Oh, Soarynn. Coriolanus hopes she's alright at home.
The man holding Ceraphina's hand looks down at her and nods, "You'll see your Mommy real soon, as long as your Daddy does what we tell him to do." Ceraphina doesn't seem scared of this man, or any of them for that matter, she simply nods and bounces on her toes, "Okay!"
Coriolanus turns his focus back onto his daughter's kidnappers, "Just name your terms." The ringleader it seems, steps forward with a cocky look on his face, "You're gonna stop the Hunger Games and stop taking our children. In return, we'll let her go and we won't keep showing up in your house. She's not the only one who matters to you is she?"
Now they've brought Soarynn into this, and for that, they'll have to die.
Coriolanus clenches his jaw at the threat so casually thrown at his wife, his darling girl who's worried sick about him and their daughter. "Fine, I’ll agree to your terms, but I want my daughter back first. She has nothing to do with this."
The men break into a fit of laughter as if he just told the funniest joke in the world. "She has everything to do with this! Bet you thought you'd be safe in that Mansion of yours but you aren't. The innocent must be punished."
Coriolanus spots the smallest bit of movement from the stands above them and adrenaline is coursing through his veins. He needs Cerpahina to move away from these men. He can't have her see this, not if he can help it.
“Are we done playing the game now?” Ceraphina asks with a whine, now rocking back and forth on her heels. She’s barefoot which infuriates him even further. They fucking kidnapped his daughter but couldn’t bother to get her some shoes to wear.
She’s given several nasty looks from her captors who clearly hadn’t anticipated her being so fussy but it’s past her bedtime and they’ve dragged her to the most undesirable place in the Capitol. They only have themselves to blame.
“Looks like your Daddy agreed to our terms,” the ringleader says slowly, tilting his head at Coriolanus as if taunting him, “so I guess the game is over.”
The game?
Coriolanus can only imagine what they’re talking about.
Once given a nod, the man holding onto Ceraphina’s hand lets go and she smiles up at him, “Goodbye!” Coriolanus waits with a bated breath as she slowly walks towards him, he knows she doesn’t understand but he wishes she’d walk faster. The sooner he has her in his arms, the better.
The moment Ceraphina is within reach, Coriolanus grabs her off the ground and wraps both arms around her small body, “Oh sweetheart, we were so worried about you.”
He spots more movement from above. It’s time.
Ceraphina returns his embrace and giggles, “Why were you worried Daddy? They said we were playing hide and seek, and you always find me.”
Coriolanus wishes she could always remain this innocent and naive but with attacks like this happening, he fears it may be impossible.
Coriolanus gives her a tight-lipped smile, “Yes, Daddy always finds you my darling. Now cover your ears and close your eyes very tight for me.” Ceraphina furrows her eyebrows and frowns, "Why? Why can't we play some more?"
Coriolanus can feel his patience thinning as the seconds pass but he can't snap at his darling daughter, not when she's the victim in all of this. "We can play when we get home and see Mommy. Now close your eyes and cover your ears for me sweetheart."
That seems to be enough to convince Ceraphina who squeezes her eyes shut as tightly as she can and places her hands over her ears. Coriolanus turns on his heel and he revels in the sound of guns firing and Rebels crying out as the bullets pierce their skin. Coriolanus rubs Ceraphina's back as he walks back through the tunnel, whispering soothing words even though she can't hear them.
The bullets cease and it's so quiet in the arena. It's wonderful.
And once again, Snow lands on top.
꧁ ꧂
The Mansion is empty when they return.
Guests are gone, music has ceased, the party is over.
Coriolanus quietly pads down the great hall towards one of the many sitting rooms they have, Ceraphina fast asleep in his arms.
He spots Quintus Heavensbee, his most trusted advisor standing in the hall, perking up when he spots the father-daughter duo. "Thank goodness," he whispers, clapping Coriolanius on the shoulder once they reach him, "we were so worried that neither of you would return."
Coriolanus lets out a tired sigh and places a loving hand on the back of Ceraphina's head, cradling her, "We took down the Rebel group, although now I wish we had questioned them first. Who knows how many more were aware of the plan."
Quintus shakes his head fervently, "No need to worry about that my friend. We captured four other Rebels who were in on it working in the Mansion." Coriolanus feels a newfound source of anger bubbling inside of him.
Rebels in the President's Mansion. What a fucking joke.
Quintus takes notice of his concealed anger and pats his shoulder lightly, "Let's talk about this tomorrow morning. Right now your wife and daughter need you more than ever." Ceraphina wakes at the mention of her mother and yawns, rubbing her eyes, "I want Mommy."
Both men smile at her sweet request and Quintus nods towards the doors that lead to the sitting room, "She's in there with my wife and Ms. Trinket." Coriolanus can't help but feel relieved to hear that Eudora Trinket, the woman who plans every second of his life, wasn't in on the Rebel scheme.
She’d been there for all the appointments concerning Soarynn’s pregnancy and she’d held Soarynn’s other hand when she gave birth. To lose Eudora to the Rebels would hit their family hard.
Coriolanus doesn’t waste another moment to push open the large doors revealing his wife sitting on the edge of a sofa, her knee bouncing up and down while she nervous awaits more news about the kidnapping of her daughter.
She looks up at them and gasps, her eyes focusing on Ceraphina as she stands up and crosses the room within seconds. She’s grabbing Ceraphina from his arms, cradling her, kissing her face, assessing her for damage all while trying not to cry.
“Oh my sweet darling,” Soarynn whispers, pressing a kiss to her head, “I was so worried about you. Thank goodness you’re safe.” Coriolanus wraps an arm around Soarynn’s trembling frame and rubs soothing circles on her back, “She’s alright darling, she’s safe now.”
Ceraphina simply basks in the attention she’s given from both her parents and rests a small hand on Soarynn’s cheek, “Mommy my pajamas got dirty.” Soarynn presses a small kiss to her hand and hums, “Mommy will give you a nice bath sweetheart, and then you can sleep in Mommy and Daddy’s room tonight.”
Coriolanus already knows how this will go, the never dissipating fear that will forever live in Soarynn now that she knows what it’s like to have her daughter taken from her. She’ll want Ceraphina with her all day every day.
Ceraphina’s eyes widen at the opportunity to sleep in her parent’s bedroom, something she’s never done before, “Really? Can I bring my bear?” Out of the all the stuffed animals she’s been gifted over the years, her stuffed teddy bear is by far her favorite.
Soarynn nods and runs her fingers through Ceraphina’s hair, “Yes darling, you can bring your bear.” That seems to be more than enough for Ceraphina who buries her face in Soarynn’s neck, seemingly exhausted from tonight’s events.
Soarynn lets out a shaky breath and leans into Coriolanus and his hold, “Thank you,” she whispers, her blue-gray eyes meeting his piercing blue ones, “thank you for finding her and bringing her back to me.”
Coriolanus feels himself getting choked up, their sweet baby girl could’ve died tonight and he refuses to imagine the shell of a person Soarynn would become if that happened.
So he simply holds her a little tighter and kisses her temple, “I’ll always fight to keep you two together my darling, always.”
꧁ ꧂
“Daddy look! Bubbles!”
Ceraphina’s voice is the first thing to greet Coriolanus when he walks into his bathroom. He smiles down at Ceraphina who’s sitting in the tub surrounded by bubbles and floating toys. She’s completely oblivious to what went down tonight and he can’t decide if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.
He watches Ceraphina play for a moment before watching his wife who’s sitting on her knees right next to the tub, watching Ceraphina as if she might disappear and never come back.
She almost did, he reminds himself.
He’s worried for Soarynn. Worried about how this might have affected her.
Despite Quintus and his protests, Coriolanus went over the events that conspired tonight and was able to see the other Rebels who were in on the plan. They had of course been detained but one was a Peacekeeper, two were maids and one was a gardener. He’d have them all executed before the week was over. And to ensure that they hadn’t planted any seeds of a revolution in the rest of his household staff, he’d execute them too.
Better safe than sorry.
He’d tasked a few of the remaining maids to clean up Ceraphina’s bedroom, wipe the blood off the floor. He wondered if her nanny had been in on it. Would Soarynn ever trust anyone else with the care of their daughter?
Probably not.
“Let’s get you dried off darling,” Soarynn says and Coriolanus snaps back into the present and makes his way into the closet to change out of his clothes. Hours ago he was getting dressed for the Gala so unaware of what would happen.
He dresses himself in some pajama pants before he comes back into the bathroom to wash his face and comb through his curls. He hears a meow and looks down to find Petunia watching him, her tail swishing back and forth in the air.
“Thank you,” he quietly says to the cat, “we would’ve never known if you hadn’t come downstairs to warn us.”
Petunia only blinks but it says enough to him.
He can hear Ceraphina giggling from the bedroom, not at all tired now that she’s allowed to sleep in her parent’s room. A moment later he hears her little footsteps approaching him, “Daddy! Daddy can you read me a bedtime story?”
Coriolanus grabs a towel and dries off his face, “Of course I can darling. Why don’t you get into bed and I’ll meet you there in a minute?”
An excited gasp is all he hears before she’s running back into the bedroom and Coriolanus takes a long good look in the mirror.
Will people always try to hurt his family? Will they always target the two good things in his life? Those men mentioned Soarynn, mentioned hurting her to him. Should he send the girls away? Hide them somewhere that no one knows about?
It would break Soarynn’s heart but it’s better than finding her with a bullet in her head.
He’ll talk to her more about his ideas tomorrow. They’re all exhausted from today.
When Coriolanus comes into the bedroom, Soarynn and Ceraphina are already in bed. Soarynn hasn’t changed out of her clothes from tonight but she probably doesn’t want to leave Ceraphina, even for a quick shower. She gives him a tired smile when she notices him, “She’s very excited for your bedtime story.”
Coriolanus grins and carefully slips into bed, his hand smoothing down Ceraphina’s hair that Soarynn braided down her back. She’s squished between her two parents and looks happier than ever.
“What game did you play tonight darling?” He asks her, his curiosity getting the best of him. Soarynn gives him a curious look but she wasn’t there in that arena with those men.
Ceraphina yawns, “We played hide-and-seek and they said we had to wait for you to come and find me.” Soarynn seems to have put the pieces together and she absentmindedly rubs her hand up and down Ceraphina’s back, “Were they nice to you? Did they yell or say mean things to you?”
Did they touch you?
That’s what Soarynn really wants to ask but Coriolanus can already see her holding back tears.
Ceraphina shakes her head and plays with the silk pillow case, “No. No, they didn’t yell Mommy. They said we were playing a game. Then I got scared so one of them let me hold his hand. Can I hear the story now Daddy?”
Coriolanus nods, his mind a thousand miles away from telling a bedtime story but he has to get through this first. “Of course sweetheart. Once upon a time…”
꧁ ꧂
Neither Coriolanus nor Soarynn can take their eyes off of their sleeping daughter. She’s been asleep for over an hour and yet they’re just…watching her.
“I remember when she was so little,” Soarynn whispers, her fingertips ghosting Ceraphina’s cheek, “when she was just a baby I would watch her sleep for hours. I was so terrified she’d stop breathing in her sleep. This was when you were coming home at all hours of the night, so it was really just me and her.”
Soarynn swallows down a sob, “And I would just watch her sleep. And think and pray to whoever was listening, ‘Please don’t take her. Please don’t take my daughter away from me.’ Then tonight I felt like it was some sick joke, like whoever was listening hated me and hated my daughter.”
Tears fall down Soarynn’s cheeks and Coriolanus reaches out for her, careful not to crush their sleeping daughter. “Shhh, shhh it’s alright Soarynn. She’s safe, she’s safe and no one will ever touch her again. Anyone who wanted to hurt her is dead now and they wanted to hurt her because they hated me. No one could ever hate you sweet girl.”
Soarynn shakes her head and wipes her tears, staring up at the ceiling for a moment, “They could’ve killed her Coriolanus. Or touched her or made her take something. I…I kept hoping that instead of hurting our little girl and torturing her, they’d just kill her instead. At least then she wouldn’t have to suffer.”
This attack has shaken the Snows.
They’ll be expected to give a statement to give a warning to those who try and hurt them.
Coriolanus quietly slips out of bed and rounds the other side so that he can properly hold his wife, “She’s alive Soarynn. She’s alive and she’s asleep in our bed. It’s been such a long night darling and we need to get you dressed in something else. Why don’t we go find you something else to wear?”
Soarynn shakes her head, pulling back when he tried to scoop her into his arms, “I won’t leave her Coriolanus. I’m never leaving her again.”
He sighs. His girl has always been stubborn but now she’s cemented in her mind. Surrounded by fear. “Okay,” he whispers, placing a gentle hand on her cheek, “okay then why don’t I go find you something to wear? I’ll be right back darling.”
That seems to sound better to Soarynn who nods and curls back up with Ceraphina, holding her tightly.
Coriolanus feels his hands curling into fists the second he’s out of her sight. Those men may have not touched Soarynn physically, but they did emotionally. They’ve terrified his wife and he’s going to make everyone in the Districts pay for it.
He’ll do anything to protect the ones he loves.
To protect his legacy.
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majorproblems77 · 7 months
Hello LU fans! I'm back with another LU update analysis! :D
Are you ready cause there's so much to unpack I'm gonna be here a while. Like last time I'm gonna put a timer on lmao, see how long this takes me.
As always grab your popcorn and drink of choice, cause we need hydration in this life.
all art belongs to @linkeduniverse and Jojo, and if I pull panels from any other pages I'll let you know where it's from! :D
Obviously spoilers for Dawn 8 :D
And a note, I've not played TP or WW, you'll see why thats important later.
Let us begin, shall we!
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Man, Poor wild, he's probably beating himself up like there's no tomorrow right now. He looks HORIFIED.
Probably because in technicality, he failed.
I love how he's holding his sword here too. Kinda acting as a shield to the conversation.
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Same expression as wild. He also looks horrified. Infact the resemblance between these two in uncanny.
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Man time really is the dad isnt he. Unimpressed dad look at 12'oclock. Jokes aside he doesn't look angry about it. He looks like he now gathering information from those who finished the fight. As we know once he left with Twilight he was the only other one to not make it back to the fight.
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Thats a fair sentence, thinking about it, I think the only other game where Iron Knuckles appear is in one of Hyrule's games? I'm surprised he's not mentioned anything about it.
Most of the others do have armoured enemies though. So while the others dont have direct experience I assume they have the basics.
All but, Sky and Wars None of them fight armoured enemies like that in their games.
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I assume because he's defeated this thing like it was a guardian (Stasis and then wailing on it cause that's what i would do lmao) He assumed it was defeated when it exploded into pieces. Like guardians are prone to do. tbh he was probably gonna go back to look for loot at some point.
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You tell them Wind. The small hero, underestimated by everyone BUT Time. Was correct thank you.
Justice for the windy boy.
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God Wild really is beating himself up about this. I love the fact that we see four's reaction to this statement. As to be honest. Over the last few nights, Four and Wild have had plenty of bonding moments. These guys are gonna become best friends.
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And now we get Time.
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The way he's looking over these panels. That look. He know's he's the leader of this group but something that Time isn't used to is making Permanent mistakes.
He has the Ocarina of Time, and when he was back in Termina every time something went wrong he could just play the song of Time and restart the three-day cycle with no trouble at all.
Time, as a person. Isnt technically used to failing.
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This panel is stunning. It's what I assume is going on inside his head. It's so pretty. It's so detailed it's just oh man easily one of my favourite panels.
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now you know i had to talk about panels with my beloved blorbo in.
first off he's so pretty. Jojo has really outdone herself with just how amazing these updates have looked. The lighting the shading its all just so incredible.
The first half of this panel with Sky's face. He, He is beating himself up about the injury. He had nothing to do with it but he cares so much about the rest of the group he feels bad. He kinda looks like he's thinking about it. Like he can see it. Like time did but we dont see inside Sky's head.
Makes me think about what exactly he saw.
And Twilight's face, he looks so sad. His little pout. Poor wolf boy, which we can now call you properly as the rest of them know now.
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And to be honest I'm glad he's standing his ground. Mr, My injury isn't that bad before falling over. the stubborn ranch hand strikes again.
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The parallels from this frame and the one from later have been mentioned elsewhere but I'm just gonna post the frame here as it's turned up. Run you coward lizard. Run.
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Captain link is back. Poor warriors, he's still showing signs of being stressed. He's one of the only one's who hasn't been able to rest over the downtime that they've had. He's been busy being in charge of the group while Time was out.
I can only assume it's only a matter of time before this comes back to get him. Maybe he is next on the chopping block? (Pun kinda intended) Something could happen and he messes up and gets hurt of causes someone to get hurt.
oh and also
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None of us did, Hyrule.
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The boys ever, I'm glad they are talking about this like this. And that it's legend who's starting to throw ideas out there like this. As the one who's got the most experience in the group, it makes sense that he would be the one to start offering ideas as to Why not just how.
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Because you pissed it off Sky. Because half of you pissed it off. In fact I do believe he had a bunch of panels in Shifting Shadows pt2 where you indeed pissed it off.
The entire reason it started running from you and Twilight had to track it was because of FI's reaction to his sword.
Wait... that explains the guilt. It is actually potentially Sky's fault. Or if he's anything like I think he is. He remembers that fight with the shadow and knows.
He knows.
Also, with clenched fist Sky is ready for a fight. Next time the shadow turns up I assume he's gonna go after it when it's inevitablebly goes after Twilight/Wild. Maybe he'll jump in after being told not too because the Master sword appears to be the only thing as of right now that can fight the red stuff that comes off the shadows sword.
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did you hear Warriors shiver? I did.
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And you'd know all about that wouldn't you Four. :D
Mandatory Sky appreciation picture
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Him's my beloved blorbo. He's wonderful. Such a lil guy. Bestest bean. My beloved. /pl
Anyway moving on
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Oh yeah, the amount of power that the items list contains We've seen the arsenal that they have between them (in the December art).
We saw what just Time could do.
Now add the rest of them and the enemies dont stand a chance. They've just gotta figure out how to either avoid the weapons of each other or work as a team with the arsenal in hand to fight better.
Like imagine if Twilight used his gale boomerang to send Wild into the air.
(Writer brain go brr, gonna write that down)
It's basically Revalis Gale.
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This man is so damn dramatic I love him
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And here's the parallel frame
the shadow running towards Warriors vs running away from Twilight.
You know thinking about it... Shadow didn't shapeshift until Twilight did. The push towards Warriors was when shadow thought they were on level footing.
But when Twilight went after Dink, he was the one who had to flee because he lost his advantage.
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The man is pissed that Shadow hurt Twilight. He is so damn mad and I think that he is saying what he would assume Fi would. (With more emotion because well, Fi)
Also that last frame.
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time is looking towards the master sword. And he looks angry. This will absolutely have gone unnoticed by the others because if they saw he was angry it was probably just because of the conversation topic.
god I love the dynamic here and I'm excited to see if it goes anywhere
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Him's I love his simple way of agreeing its wonderful.
I approve to wind let's go blow some stuff up!
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Hyrule shows the group why he is called the traveller. The man just wants to go on his adventures let him go!
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Sky is so proud of himself
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this face says 'Look guys I didn't give it to the weird toilet hand! :D'
I love this man a healthy amount.
One last thing before I go
I love this update as a whole, seeing the group gear up and getting to see the layers of the armour and straps and fastenings being put on while they are having this discussion is amazing.
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I'd give you a collection of pictures but Tumblr is being rude and I can't post more than 30. So you can have these as all four panels show what I'm talking about.
Twilight adjusting his gauntlets warriors adjusting his scarf.
Hyrule attaching his shield to his back and putting his sword strap on.
God, I love this update so much. It was amazing and I very much enjoyed it. Let me know what you think! :D
Thank you as ever for reading my rambles i appreciate you :D
Have a wonderful day and dont forget to hydrate! See you next time!
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m1ssunderstanding · 7 months
Understanding Lennon McCartney Rewatch Part 3.2
The thing is Paul just physically can't say what he feels. It's just an impossibility for him. So if he says reading a negative article about himself “doesn't help” or “it's not good” but it “doesn't get home” I just assume he means ‘It hurts, but I can't think about that too hard or I'll go into a self-hate suicidal spiral again’. 
I always love how Paul says Linda. “Linder is er, nature mad.” 
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Hearing Paul talk about watching Mary be born makes me wonder if John was there with Sean? Also I wonder if Linda would talk about the experience so glowingly. Probably. She's tough as nails. I had a lovely experience, personally, after the epidural lol
“Dear friend . . . I'm in love with a friend of mine.” This is such a strange and beautiful song. It's a man who has to apologize to his friend for falling in love with someone else. At least, that's my interpretation. What's everyone else's?
I understand why he's so closed off. I do. But when John is going off every five seconds, we're missing half the picture here and it's turning out warped. They really are such a good study of attachment honestly.
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“Nothing will ever break the love we have for each other.” White-knuckling my way through this section with this quote clenched in my fist.
Yoko, talking about John fighting with Paul: any couple will go from swearing to kissing and it's like that. What favors are you doing yourself here, babe? Maybe John's the PR mastermind between the two of them.
I find John's comparison of working with his romantic partner to being ambidextrous very confusing. Does he mean just doing two things at once?
“If I can't have a fight with my best friend, I don't know who I can have a fight with.” -- Intro slutty gender-fluid Wings Paul my beloved -- “Tell me why, why, why do you treat me so bad? So bad? When you're the best friend a man ever had?” I heard on some podcast somewhere. Someone was going on about how forward-thinking the Beatles were to refer to the women in their songs as “friends”. And I was like, nununununu do not give them that credit.
This is just soooo. In this era? 90 minutes in the middle of a recording session?
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John: Sorry, my estranged fiance is calling, gotta take a break. Guitarist: again? Drummer: how estranged can they be if they call every three minutes? Yoko: should we just record the other parts or . . . John: (receiver cradled to his cheek, lovesick grin on his face) Hey, how was Heather's school program? Haha, yeah, I bet she was.
Okay, so you've made up with Paul and now you're done being homophobic? *Cardi b voice* well that's suspicious. 
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The fact that John's asking Paul to play on stage with him in 1972?? Ugh! If it was just about legalities and money and shit I would be genuinely so pissed at Paul for not going. If only because Come Together sounds incredibly lame without his bass and piano. But also for the obvious fix-it reasons. I have to remind myself of how truly awful Klein was. By being the only one to stand firm against him, Paul actually ended up saving them all from a lot of trouble. But gosh would this have been good!
Things normal people say, for sure, for sure.
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Okay in my head it went like this. John calls George and bitches about what an egomaniac Paul is because he won't do anything with him as long as Klein is involved. George gets off the phone and calls Ringo and they make a bet as to how long it is until John decides they should get rid of Klein. 
“Where's your audience, Paul?” “In the theater, Dave.” As he should. The cuntiness is unparalleled. Yeah, maybe people like to see a family friendly eclectic magic pixie sexy hard rock floor show? Ever thought about that, Dave?
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Anyway, he seems genuinely pissed when the interviewer even mentions the other Beatles and he refuses to even admit he still talks to any of them. Why? 
John's just so benevolent and selfless. He's completely straight, of course, but he's always offering to do gay shit. You know. To be nice. 
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I forget that not only was May their literal employee, but she was ten years younger on top of that. And yet, she managed to do so much good in that relationship. I have so much respect for her. 
There's obviously a lot going on behind the scenes that they don't say in interviews. Duh. But I wonder what it is that caused Paul to be so open and happy in this interview where he's asked about the other Beatles compared to before. I wonder if he and John had a really lovely talk, or if he's heard a demo of “I know, I know.” Or maybe it's just he's so reassured that they've got rid of Klein that he feels safe acting open to a reunion on record. Who knows, Yoko. 
So so smart to pair “In My Life” handwritten lyrics with the matching lyrics of “I know I know” playing at the same time. I forget about that connection (“I love you more”) because it's so overshadowed by the “than yesterday” right after. I seriously wonder if John thought he was being so obvious with this one the way he was with HDYS and half hoped people would ask him if it was about Paul and he could make up for the whole thing. Because it's just so heavy-handed. It's beautiful. I love it. I'm sure Paul loved it. But yeah. John's just beating us over the head with the references here. 
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I also wonder (very tentatively!!!) if Paul was maybe a bit more emotionally vulnerable with John than we usually think. I would never think this except for the “you know I nearly broke down and cried” “I'm sorry that I made you cry” and “no more crying!” I don't know. What do we think? 
His little baby smirk. It's so silly and cute. He's being very positive about getting back together, and the interviewer asks if John would initiate that. Just a very coy, “a, well, I couldn't say.” I wonder if at that point if he'd said on live tv that he wanted to get together again if it would've happened. Seems like it might have, but I understand him being scared. 
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Elton John taking pictures like a fan and John: I wanna impound all those photos till I get me green card. What a random idea for a commercial. I love it, obviously, it's hilarious. I wonder who thought of it. 
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This doc is so good at implication. The smirk as “loving in the palm of my hand” plays. That's not a reference to hand jobs, is it? Certainly not talking to someone with beautiful hands?
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Everyone go look up Nineteen Hundred Eighty Five on YouTube. The singing sex is something else, yeah, but I'm always so blown away by the piano part. The fact that he's self taught and doesn't read music and this man will go on to compose symphonies. 
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terry-perry · 2 months
Questions About Hell’s Cutest Couple Answered:
Who was interested first?
Y/N. She had a crush on Alastor since she first saw him at an Overlord meeting. She found him charming and funny but never thought he’d give her the time of day. You can imagine her surprise when he approached her one day to ask her out for coffee. His feelings developed a little later, but when they came, they came strong! He didn’t even realize how bad he had it until it was too late.
Who said I love you first?
Surprisingly, Alastor did. It was for all to hear during a radio broadcast. They finally went public with their relationship, which meant the press trying their hardest to get a closer look at them as a couple. Both despised the unwanted attention (it was another reason they wanted to keep things hush-hush in the beginning), so when someone had the nerve to get a few shots of them on a date, Alastor used this as an opportunity to send a message:
“Before we get to our next song, I'd like to announce something: those who choose to involve themselves in my relationship will receive an exclusive look at the Radio Demon. Just ask this aspiring journalist who stopped by to not only take photos of our private outing but also ask very in-depth questions about our activities in the bedroom."
Cut to the guy’s pained screams pleading for forgiveness and for it all to end.
"Anyway, I'd like to dedicate this ballad to my beloved Y/N. I love you sugar, and I can't wait to see you tonight. It'll be just the two of us!"
Who's more protective?
Both are protective in their own ways. As we know, Alastor always wakes up and chooses violence, and ensuring no harm comes Y/N's way is no exception. If anyone says anything uncouth towards her, flirts with her, or threatens her, they'll have him to answer to.
Y/N, meanwhile, has inherited the Carmine composure and doesn't let too many things bother her. However, she doesn't mind whacking a few heads regarding people she cares about. In the past, she's done so for business purposes. She's more than willing to do the same for Alastor.
Who cleans more?
Definitely Y/N. Whether it's cleaning up after they've eaten or a body one of them needs to dispose of, she's the one who always jumps up to take care of things. Alastor will find a way to help if it means less work for her.
Who eats the most?
Alastor! We all saw the deer right? He might've taken his time with it, but it was still a lot! Y/N can have a big appetite, but it's nothing compared to her cannibal cutie's.
Who spends the most money?
Y/N. She comes from a rich family, which means spoiling her loved ones. She loves buying things for Alastor like vintage radios and instruments he can play. He does his fair share of gift-giving, but she's the shopaholic who tends to ship things to him.
Who is most likely to start an argument?
Whether intentional or not, Alastor is the one whose actions lead to the most arguments. Y/N knew he could be a handful before they became a couple, but that doesn't mean she has enough patience to put up with him. He does find ways to make it up to her, be it through gifts or sincere apologies. She forgives him eventually.
Who falls asleep first?
Y/N. Alastor doesn't sleep much, if at all, and mostly spends his time lurking around while occasionally watching her sleep.
Who is more annoying?
Definitely Alastor! We already know how much of a smartass he can be and how invasive he is with others' spaces. Y/N is no exception, especially when she's annoyed with him. Eventually, he'll drop the act to be sincere with her and either comfort her or apologize if he did something that resulted in him owing one.
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angelsheartts · 9 months
#pairing : venti, albedo, kaeya, diluc, aether, bennett, razor, mika, x gn reader.
#cw : none, it’s pure fluff.
#note: this is my first time posting on tumblr, if there are any grammatical mistakes my bad 'cause english isn’t my first language so yeah. If someone is interested my requests are open!!
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࿔ ˚. VENTI .
words of affirmation are definitely his love language!! he would sing songs to you, especially if he's drunk at Angel's Share, making you leave the tavern from embarrassment and making him follow you like a puppy. he would also braid your hair by putting flowers in it while reciting the love poems he wrote about you.
࿔ ˚. ALBEDO .
giving gifts is his love language; he would probably, no, he has a sketchbook full of sketches of you, and he will definitely gift them to you, his beloved s/o! it‘s an easy way to show you his affection when his words aren’t enought to express his feelings.
࿔ ˚. KAEYA .
physical touch; he would love to show you off in a nonverbal form, such as holding your waist or teasing you with his cold hands. this guy would be extra cuddly if you started stroking his hair or if you burried your face into his chest while cuddling.
࿔ ˚. DILUC .
physical touch would be his love language. i think he’s a little shy about his feelings and he would probably get teased because of that (specially from kaeya), so he has other ways to show you his affection by being a gentleman !! he would press kisses along your knuckles; he would also surprise you with flowers and brush your hair behind your ear before he starts kissing every single part of your face.
࿔ ˚. AETHER .
words of affirmation. we all know he’s quite popular so there will be times where you are going to be jealous but i can assure you he would never do anything like that! he loves you too much and will always tell you such sweet things when you both are on an adventure or when you’re braiding his hair. he will also talk to you about how much he wants you to meet his sister. that’s literally all the evidence you need to know that he’s head over heels for you!!
࿔ ˚. BENNETT .
quality time is his love language; he appreciates that you still go with him on adventures, even though of his bad luck. adventures with him always end up 'bad' in the way that it’s not the way he planned it, but you just laugh, telling him that it was one of the best, most memorable, and amazing adventures you had!!
࿔ ˚. RAZOR .
physical touch or acts of service, i’m 100% sure about that, he literally lives with wolves, so he would nuzzle your nose, would hunt things for you just so you give him a head pat, and at first he would lick your face, making you go red like a tomato, so you started telling him to give you kisses instead of just licking your face lmao.
࿔ ˚. MIKA .
mika's love languague would be quality time; he loves spending time with you, and he loves when you both cuddle, but he’s just too shy to make the first move! he loves your presence, and by wanting to spend time with him, it makes his heart all flustered. At the end of your hangouts, though, he would be the one to give you a kiss or hold your hand.
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fieldsofwriting · 1 month
Can all the bachelors and bachelorettes from FoM sing, or at least know how to?
Ooooh this is a good one!! I’m gonna do who can and can’t sing as two separate categories.
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Can’t Sing:
- Balor: sorry buddy. I just look at him and I’m convinced he can’t hold a tune. I think he can ‘sing’ I can see an easier song- one that’s more spoken in tune rather than sung sounding really good. But as for singing? No. Mans can’t sing.
- Juniper: I love her. I really do. But I can not be convinced she can sing. I’ve heard her laugh (/aff) and I think she would be tone deaf. I’m so sorry.
- Adeline: Simualr to Baylor, I dont think she’s awful if she tries. But I think she’s a hummer not a singer if that makes sense.
Can Sing:
- Celine: My beloved girl can sing. She sings as pretty as the flowers in her garden. She probably sings shyly, I don’t see her being an overpowering voice. But I also like to imagine she sings lullabies to Dell when she spends the night.
- Ryis: He can sing. 100% there’s no doubt in my mind. He’s like a disney prince singing to his beloved birds. I also think he can whistle like a pro, he likes to say the birds taught him.
- Valen: I can not explain this. She can sing. And it’s Opera. I think she’d fuck up the Opera bro, she’s got this regal sophistication that just screams Opera.
- Eiland: I think he’s better at singing that his sister, but still not the best out of those who can sing. Similar to how Adeline hums while she works, I can see him digging and singing to himself.
- Reina: She can sing too, for sure! Hemlock is a performer, I definitely think it’s something she inherited from her dad. Plus I can see her jamming out in the kitchen and singing while she’s really in the zone for cooking.
-March: I think he can sing. But he would rather take that to his grave than ever admit it. He doesn’t hum, he doesn’t whistle. You would think this man has no musical bone in his body but then he’d be rocking your baby to sleep one night and you’d hear the most soft and beautiful voice from him.
Wild Cards:
- Hayden: I genuinely can not think if He would be a good singer, or a bad but endearing singer. If he’s good, then he sings to his animals every night some sweet country and they love it. If he’s bad? Then he still does it but they all love it still because he’s trying his best. I think he’d ether have the voice of an angel or sound like a raccoon trying to get out of a garbage can.
- Orlic: I think he’s got the voice of an angel. He gets so much praise and love from everyone because he sounds so good. He’d sing any and every where he got the chance. Not to show off necessarily but just because he likes it and it makes people smile! 
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