#and i was like ok and then i started watching naruto and then i blacked out and four years later i have an active naruto blog
sanjiaftersex · 5 months
cant believe 20 y/o me was like "im a grown adult now and i should have some productive social media time" and opened a naruto blog
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disneyprincemuke · 9 months
the camouflaging cat * fem!driver
(series masterlist) | (📂 a day in the life)
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she wakes up in a jolt in the dark, the sky momentarily lighting up with the soft rumble of a thunder. she sits up, squinting her eyes trying to make out the shape of her camouflaging cat.
“kidnapper,” she whispers, grabbing her phone from beside her pillow. she shines her flashlight around her room, frowning when she doesn’t find her cat in it.
“where are you, you stupid camouflaging cat?” she mutters, tearing her duvet off her as she climbs out of bed. she tiptoes around her bedroom, looking for her house slippers before she entails on a mission to find him. “you’re scared of the rain, i’ve got to find you before you meow and logan hits me with a pillow.”
it’s not long before she figures of his whereabouts. because when she opens the door to her bedroom, the living room that’s dimly lit by the television screen showcases her cat on the couch.
and her roommate that’s fallen asleep under her cat with her dog snuggled up between his calves.
she resists the urge to be in awe at the sight. so, she snaps a quick picture before walks over to where logan’s decided to take a slumber for the night. she raises an eyebrow at the cartoon dog on the screen, but turns it off quickly.
she puts her phone down next to the tv remote and sighs, smiling slightly at the sight of her pets adjusting well to their presence.
she reaches out and carefully lifts kidnapper from logan’s chest. a loud meow passes his lips before he starts purring, settling in her arms quickly and attempting to go back to sleep.
“hey, i was watching that movie,” logan mutters, woken up by the sudden lifting of the weight on his chest. “why’d you turn it off?”
“you stole my cat,” she mutters, sending him a glare. “we agreed stubby is all yours because you’re a dog person. but kidnapper is my baby.”
“he really likes me. give him back,” logan scowls, reaching his arms out for the cat that’s softly meowing in her arms. “we were having the nap of our lives.”
“no,” she frowns, patting the black cat’s head while he purs against her chest. “and, it’s raining. it wouldn’t have been long before he came back to my room for a cuddle.”
“you’re such a hater. first, you turn my movie off and now you steal my cat.”
“what movie were you even watching?”
“i hate to break it to you, but bluey was on the tv when i came out.”
“i guess i fell asleep,” logan shrugs, folding his arms over his chest. “but give me kidnapper back. he likes me more anyway.”
“no. kidnapper is my baby,” she scoffs. she reaches out to grab her phone before turning on her heel. “we’re going to cuddle while it rains. goodnight, logan.”
“no cuddles for me, then?”
“not in this lifetime.”
“oh, ok.”
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taglist: @wcnorris @treehouse-mouse @laura-naruto-fan1998 @mindless-rock @inejismywife @vellicora @leilanixx @meadhgbcavanagh @2bormaybenot @ironmaiden1313 @angsthology @cherry-piee @christianpulisic10 @elliegrey2803 @cashtons-wife @love4lando @sadg3 @bborra @a10vely-yutazen @mellowarcadefun @glitterf1 @megatrilss1885 @peqch-pie @gentlyweeps-world @woozarts @sadg3
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oh-no-its-bird · 3 months
Dungeon Meshi Naruto founders AU
I want either Madara or Izuna as Falin. Thematically I think Izuna would fit best, but I kind of just wanna see chimera Madara more than Izuna. Also like, smthn smthn Madara's falcons smthn smthn bird boy,,,
Very torn between Tobirama being stand in for Marcille or for Thistle. Bc like, dungeon lord Tobirama with his chimera Madara goes so hard
Then again it's not like I have to do a 1 to 1 crossover, so. We can totally just work off of the setting and basic premise of "Oh no one of the party members got got by the dungeon and we have to go back for them" then do our own thing from there
(Note; Ive only watched the anime, so while I have seen a lot of different spoilers for the manga my knowledge plot wise p much ends w season 1)
The party;
Elf Hashirama as healer and plant magic guy
Half elf Tobirama as a heavy hitting mage
Tallman Madara on the physical front as their tank
Tallman Izuna as their secondary physical fighter who plays as a mixed support / dmg depending on the situation and what Madara needs most atm
Touka, undecided on race, similar dmg + support build to Izuna, also dabbles in rogue stuff
Hikaku, also undecided on race, party rogue / jack of all trades and armed with a crossbow
Ok so, Madara gets eaten by a red dragon right as one of the partys magic users (Hashi and Tobi) are using that return spell to go back to the surface
They wake up and Izuna is immediatley like "What the fuck happened to my brother"
Argument ensues! Hashirama and Izuna want to go back for Madara in the very rare case that he may be revivable. Tobirama and Touka thinks he's fucked and they should cut their losses here. Hikaku is somewhere between both parties but his loyalty to Madara wins out and he sides with Hashi and Izuna despite internally agreeing w Tobirama and Touka that it's probably too late.
They go back in and adventures happen!!
The whole time they're going down, Tobirama is grumbling about Madara and how this is doomed and the man is probably dead and blah blah blah. Finally Izuna snaps and yells at him ab why he's even here then, and Tobirama honestly doesn't even know why himself. He just goes dead quiet and has no real response, which satisfies Izuna
Queue internal conflict on Tobirama's part, who largley stops complaining ab their adventure from here on out as he asks himself that same question, then decides to fully commit to the party's goal.
Anyways, continuing on and !!! They find Madara !!! Only oh no he's a pile of fuckin bones!!
Tobirama, again, now fully committed to this shit, is like "I did NOT come this fucking far to turn back now" and breaks out the black magic.
P much everyone is on board with this except maybe Hashirama. Maybe we can have some fun plays with how he's like all about life and nature and ooo leafy elf man or whatever vs Tobirama's blasphemy against life itself necromancy jam
So they bring Madara back with the dragon meet and the power of Tobirama's undying spite, yay !!!
Madara is very confused at all of this, and very out of it. By the time he's started to really come back to himself dinner is over and they're all quietly laying in their bedrolls
I want a quiet confrontation between Madara and Tobirama when everyone's gone to bed. Madara needs some air and finds Tobirama by the seals used to bring him back to life. Madara says that it's not that he's ungrateful, but he is very, very confused at why Tobirama did this. Not only breaking several taboos and laws but doing it for him. Madara didn't even think Tobirama liked him, so why...?
Tobirama scoffs and says not to flatter himself, this was a choice he made for himself, not Madara
They hold very prolonged, silent eye contact surrounded by the blood and bones of the dragon. It's kind of gay.
Izuna appears to break up the staring competition with a well timed "What the fuck are you guys doing" (they'll just have to resume the staring contest later)
They go back to bed fr this time but just like in canon, Madara is woken up by the call of the dungeon master
Enter the mad mage; Mito
Instead of being the brother of the king of the golden kingdom she was instead the wife.
Oh right and the king was a little guy you may know of by the name Ashura. Which brings us a new oh no bc Hashirama is totally that guy's reincarnation and the second Mito lays eyes on him she loses it
But that's not for a little bit. Bc in this first confrontation, Hashirama gets to be conviniently absent till after Mito leaves (and Mito can only recognize him if she sees him in person bc I say so)
So Mito and Tobirama have a super cool mage battle as Izuna tries to shake a non responsive Madara back to himself. Good attempt, doesn't work tho sorry Izuna
Stuff happens, Madara and Mito fuck off, and the party is left back at square 1.
Madaraless :(
So the adventure continues!!
We get Kagami as Izutsumi to be our parties ninja cat boy (Kagami my beloved son,,) which is also extra fun if we wanna play into the parallels of Marcille trying to mom/big sister Izutsumi and Tobirama doing the same to Kagami (Kagami is soaking in the attention he is having a great time rn)
Stuff happens, chimera Madara appears, more adventures happen blah blah blah
Tobirama becomes new dungeon lord and bc I have no idea what goes on from dungeon meshi canon from there I'm just gonna leave that here.
Dungeon lord Tobirama and his pet chimera Madara he's trying to return human tho, that fucks so hard. Even once Madara is human again he still has all those cute feathers like Falin which I think suits him. When he gets all flaily and embaressaed now his feathers can fluff up with his hair too
Anyways, alternative kind of bad end where Izuna was the one who got turned into a chimera and we get definatley not brainwashed guys I promise toxic hashiizumito (Mito is living her best life with her reincarnated Not Kidnapped husband and Not Brainwashed pet chimera)
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brbzonedout · 1 year
Earth 42 Miles Headcanons/Observations??
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-Before the death of his dad, Mr. Morales would take Miles on patrols and the occasional pursuit when something suddenly went down, and watching that he learned how cops operate so now he uses that information to avoid them while doing prowler work.
-I know some of y’all think he’s a hood nigga but in my mind, I just can’t see it all that much. Like yeah, he knows the streets very well he has no choice but to but, he's still Miles, and EVERY Miles is some form of a nerd and lowkey sensitive.
-Speaking of being a complete nerd every little nerdy black boy got their anime to start with Naruto so he's no different. He could probably also get behind death note because it's dramatic and suspenseful.
-He's not straight-up disrespectful. Although sometime the way he words things or his tone could come off as rude he doesn't necessarily mean for it to come out that way…usually. He was raised by a widowed single mom Rio Morales to be specific and just from her minimal screen time in both movies we know she doesn't play.
-But don't get it twisted if he has to pop a mfer in the mouth he will no doubt.
-I feel like he's into different music genres that somehow fall under the category of calm/chill ness(???). His life is chaotic and dramatic enough as it is so the things that he can control, he keeps chill. For instance, the song “Fantasy” by Bazzi seems like his vibe. (I'm not self-projecting I promise!!).
-Definitely feels like he has to grow up and be more mature than his peers due to all of his responsibility. I imagine one day he's just in his room thinking and contemplating life then looks around at how his room is decorated with toys, action figures, and old drawings.
-So he gathers it up getting ready to give everything away until Rio sees and stops him reminding Miles that even during all of this he’s still a kid and deserves to be able to enjoy life like one.
-With that being said, Mrs.Morales tries to get Miles to put himself out there again, asking him to join different clubs and things of the sort, and after a while, he finally lands on two robotics/computer club and baseball (I had to add this because of that one piece of fanart ITS SO GOOD). He even makes some acquaintances in these. Once he gets comfortable with speaking semi-freely people find him likable. 
-I would love to say he joined the art club but I feel like he keeps his art private.
-He’s 100% a mamas’ boy but not a toxic weird incesty type, he just really loves her and looks up to the way she operates. The way she's able to hold herself together and support his needs and even Aarons’ if he needs it.
-He looks up to Aaron in the same way too just doesn't express it as much, not saying that he verbally expressed love all that much with Rio but they both know he loves them and accepts his nonchalantness knowing he's just scared to really express his feelings casually.
Ok that's it!! Thank you for reading I enjoyed making this and I do want to write more things so if y'all have any request feel free to submit!!<3
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dullahandyke · 5 months
yippee yippee yippee yippee eimear con haul!!!!
Hi. It was my birthday recently and I'm bad to shop for so instead of gifts I got money to spend at Kaizokucon. So here's a haul. Under the cut bcos I couldnt fit it nicely in one picture and I wanna ramble
ok we're gonna take it one picture at a time ^_^ the ID in the alt text explains what everything is if u just wanna see what i got without the rambling sure to come with it. links in rambling r to the artists of the fan stuff where i can find em ^_^ only one of them is a direct link to the product tho bcos some ppls shops r down and some ppl dont have all their stuff online. lemons_arent_green youre a real one
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Ok the flat stuff!!! black rock shooter poster bcos i already have a figure but i liek her... badass anime girl ily.... was so so sure i saw a reigen keychain but when i went to go get one there weren't any so i got this sticker sheet instead :3 SPEAKING OF KEYCHAINS!!! yippee yippee kaguya i love you youre my special little tiempsy. yue you are a gay anime boy with a cool design. tomoyo ive always felt a kinship with you and its because im a desperate dyke. monokuma is here ig 🙄 i put him on my carabiner and hes fun to stim with. i am not immune to the sdr2 fanboying. also full disclosure ive not watched naruto (its in the spreadsheet) i just thought funko pop sasuke keychain was really really funny. my son who stares into my soul. comparatively i dont have as much to say on the badges!! luka luka fever for real girlie ily. the bandori ones were blind bags and i got himari on my first try <3<3<3<3<3<3 sorry eve i kind of dont care. 🙁 the dr girlies i kinda picked at random based on who i've been vibing w lately.
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THE POKEMON DIORAMA!!!! its soooo cool, staff were setting up the trade hall so i was in there all day friday and this shop was one of the first to set up their stands and i was literally staring at it all day... so fucking awesome. the rings n the necklace r from the same shop look at them... im fucking obsessed w the catgirl necklace. literally look at her. i dont thiiink shes supposed to be a specific character but she might be. oh well. cat girl ily. aaaand the arisa stand is actually a little clip for papers n stuff!! she was also a blind box but specifically for popipa so i was gonna b happy w whoever <3
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MIIIIKUUUUUU MY PRINCESS MY EVERYTHING!!!!! she was calling to me she beckoned..... shes actually rlly big irl shes the biggest figure i have, replacing my kokoro one... shes the one where i audibly said 'it was my birthday i can buy things' bcos figures spencey... she wasnt too bad actually i just like bitching. 6 euro axel for scale
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BOOKS 💥💥💥 i was reading nana a while back and i dropped it but i gotta pick it up again... rlly pretty and awesome... aaaand the summer hikaru died!!! kay if youre seeing this then know you posting abt it convinced me <3 i originally got it bcos i was on door duty in a quiet area and didnt wanna spend my time draining battery life on my phone but after i bought it i realised that that was literally a terrible idea so <3 we'll get around to them soon
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FINALLLYYYYYY TSHIRTS!!! the top yellow one was my staff t-shirt, it has 'staff' on the back i was wearing it all weekend and yippee i love it.... emotional bond.... and if this is a safe space can i just say. if kaito was a woman? would. next up FAYE FUCKIN VALENTINEEEE!!! do u remember that post i made going thru all the sellers that were gonna b at the con that started like 'i hate shounen fans. name a woman'? well this is the seller i was talking about but all was forgiven in the name of FAYE ! GODDAMN ! VALENTINE ! ugh i love you girlie. and the last t-shirt was given out free to staff after the closing ceremony!! it was the tenth anniversary of kaizokucon so we got this awesomes design yay.... wore it to classes today hoping somebody would comment on it and nobody did 😌and in the middle i got CLOW CARRRDS BITCHES!!!!!! i saw them and immediately all thought left my fucking brain. i needed them. so important. the seller also recognised the axel in my fanny pack yippee!!!! a few people recognised him over the weekend actually and i was always like yes!! the him
anyway. yippee! yippee! yippee! yippee! yippee! yippee! yippee! yippee! yippee! con con con con con :)
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nexysworld · 15 days
hi nexyyy !! i don’t really watch anime but i started watching jjk because of your & kenny’s fics. i’m almost done with s1 and ahhhhhh mhm mhm thank you for getting me to watch it !! i know it’s super popular but i wouldn’t have started watching if it wasn’t for your fics. are there any other anime’s you can recommend ? I’ve watched death note and i’m currently also watching hunterxhunter with my brother. anyway - sorry for the long ask !! mwahhh
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Anon!! That's so sweet! I'm glad we could inspire you to watch! There's tons of anime I love, so sorry if the list gets kinda long. They're not all the same genre as HxH and JJK, hope that's ok tho!
Tokyo Ghoul Season 1 (the rest don't really follow the manga and weren't as good 😔) is worth the watch. And if you ever feel like reading it, it's one of my favs of all time.
Fruits Basket. Watch the remake, not the early 2000's version. It might seem really cutesy at first, but that story has a special place in my heart. The anime isn't that long and is completed too.
Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood. A classic, well done, perfection. <3
Chainsaw Man
Demon Slayer!!!!!
The Castlevania series on Netflix is a really well done more western type of anime.
Attack on Titan - its gorey and the end is controversial to a lot of fans.
Anime classics I love: Naruto, Bleach, Gintama, Cowboy Bebop, Neon Genesis Evangelion
Code Geass
Owari no Seraph
The Apothecary Diaries
Black Lagoon
I haven't finished it yet, but a lot of people who like JJK also like Bungou No Stray Dogs as well. I am enjoying it so far. Dazai and Gojo share the same english VA.
Ermmm that's it off the top of my head. There's probably WAY more but then the list would be 10 miles long. 🙏
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cartoonrival · 1 year
kakashi and ummmm spins wheel akane from r1/2
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i dont really talk about kakashi and theres not really a reason for that beyond i dont super have anything intelligent to say about him but i do really love him ToT i dont think he works BETTER as part of a dynamic bc that implies i dont care for him much on his own but i think his character shines BEST as part of a dynamic... in pt 1 he was one of the characters who most most emphasized how young the team 7 kids were and it makes me SICK it makes me sick seeing how much he loves them, the way he talks to them and about them like theyre really children and he cares about them so much and has loved watching them grow up and helping them train, i looove how the chidori becomes one of sasuke's signatures after kakashi taught it to him and how excited naruto gets about getting to train with kakashi again and how kakashi was disappointed at the start of shippuden that naruto and sakura werent as easily amazed by him anymore and he had them try and steal the bells from him again as a little welcome back exercise .... and when he watched the three of them defeat kaguya together he was thinking how much he loved them .... BWAAAAAAAA
and and. i think his relationship with guy honestly balances his relationship with the kids rly well because we get to see him as a protective figure with them but with guy he's talking to someone whos his age and on his level and who he's known for like 2 decades, obviously not to say he never lets loose or relaxes or is irresponsible with the kids but the way he is with guy and the childish competitiveness of their rivalry (which he acts like he's annoyed by but this is obviously not true) is just idk. i like seeing that other facet of him. i think the race through konoha that ended w guy giving him a bouquet was an anime original scene but idc it was so cute and i think it was lee and neji who said smth about them finally being able to have fun and let off steam or w/e. augh. yeah.
ALSO esp in the anime i love how noticeably his tone of voice shifts when he's talking to someone ranked above him when he's usually so nonchalant and casual its something something about how he used to be part of the black ops. idk idk i rly love him and i love how he has pretty distinct facets of himself that come out depending on who he's interacting with it makes him feel very real. he's laid back but on edge and kind and blunt. ill be honest though i dont care about the stuff w obito and rin im sick of that dead girl and that man whos still obsessed with her!!!! but its ok because i love you kakashi.
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SHES EVERYTHING .TO ME. as with all of r/2 i think her struggles with bisexuality (ambiguous) couldve been carried further and her martial arts abilities kind of fell off towards the end which SUCKSSSS AND MAKES ME SO MAAAAD but anyways. she gets a lot of hate for being a jerk BUT LIKE. YEAH? she's scared and angry all the time and doesn't know who she is and is afraid of who she is and everyone's telling her she's living wrong so she's forcing herself into a box where she doesn't fit because she's afraid of nonconformity and she takes that fear out on the person closest to her and the one person who might actually understand what she feels. because it is so scary to admit that you are not what you are supposed to be and intimacy and honesty are so much scarier than bullying someone who'll do it right back. she's been engaged at 16 years old and burdened with the expectation that she'll marry ranma and carry on the legacy of her father's beloved dojo, and now she's been thrown in to this situation where she is forced to confront her wayward sexuality head on and directly in front of her entire family.
will say though possibly unpopular opinion. i dont like transmasc akane reads .. i think shes cis. she has a tomboy thing going on (meaning characters (mostly ranma) make fun of her for being boyish and violent and she has an arc about cutting her hair and no longer growing it out as assurance of her own femininity even though she really prefers it short) but i dont think taking "this female character has some issues with not being seen as feminine enough because of her behavior/struggles with not tying her worth to how feminine she is" should be immediately taken as "this character is not a girl" because i think the potential for her gender nonconformity (esp in relation to her bisexuality) is just as valuable a theme, especially considering r/2 already has very potent transfem (ranma) and transmasc (ukyo) stories. idk "this character has some not traditionally feminine tendencies -> cannot be a girl" doesnt sit right with me. in any series other than r/2 it wouldn't bother me because people can take little tidbits of possible transgenderism as they'd like, but since the trans themes are already so potent in r/2 i tend to lean towards more realistic interpretations of the characters and i dont feel like "akane doesnt fit into traditional femininity and is therefore not [fully] a girl" is reaaally a win. expectations and gender roles are a huge theme in r/2 and i think its valuable seeing how they impact a cis girl as it is how they impact trans people in terms of determining what even MAKES someone a girl or a boy. is it what you wear? what you do? how you talk? these are genuine questions that r/2 asks and i feeeeel that transmasc reads of akane kind of respond to these questions in a really surface level way. this is the reason for the slash over the everyone else is wrong box. because not everybody thinks this and i know some reliable akaneheads (hi jordan)
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sunglassesd0ggo · 1 year
Hi, this is a list of animes I like so you can get to know me even more. (I WILL UPDATE THIS LIST AS I WATCH THE SERIES)
🔴 - Didn't finish and prob won't continue.
🟡 - Didn't finish but prob will continue.
🟢 - Finished!
🤍 - Liked it too much and read the manga.
❤️ - Won my heart forever.
Pokémon - 🟢❤️ (First anime ever, didn't even knew it was an anime lol)
Beyblade - 🟢 (I mean why not, I like it haha)
Naruto / Shippuden - 🟢 (When it all started for real, in 2020).
Black Clover - 🔴
Fairy Tail - 🔴
One piece - 🟡
BSD - 🟢🤍 (I really love this, 8/10 bc the manga is better)
JJK - 🟢🤍 (I miss Nanami, Shibuya arc is near, let's suffer again jjk fandom)
TBHK - 🟢🤍 (It was one of my first anime ever, started the manga but stopped)
Tokyo Revengers - 🟢🤍 (Very good, the ending was kinda rushed tho)
Tokyo Ghoul - 🟢
Noragami - 🟢 (Need to start the manga!)
Chainsaw - 🟢🤍 (First anime I've read the manga before the anime)
Owari no Seraph - 🟢🤍 (Def homosexual but ok, need a 3 season)
Tower of God - 🟢🤍
Vinland Saga - 🟡🤍 (Finished S1 before the s2 was there so I started reading the manga, dropped it and didn't watched or read it anymore)
Food wars - 🟢 (Food)
Demon Slayer - 🟡 (I didn't had the time to go past S1 since 2020)
*Updated to 🟢: I finished the anime and I'm gonna read the manga!
Fire force - 🔴
Dororo - 🟢 (Work of art)
TPN - 🟡 (Dropped in the middle of s2)
SAO - 🟢 (I like classics)
Violet Evergarden - 🟡 (I wasn't understanding the story so I need to re-watch it)
BNHA - 🟡
Haikyuu - 🟢❤️ (My family)
TGOH - 🟢🤍
Horimiya - 🟢 (Meh)
Kamisama Hajimemashita - 🟢❤️ (I don't even need to explain)
One punch man - 🟡
Assassination Classroom - 🟢 (It gave me depression)
Rokudenashi Majutsu - 🟢
Mahoutsukai no Yome - 🟢❤️ (This kind of women are just✨)
Kuroko no Basket - 🟢
Blue Lock - 🟡🤍 (Started the manga)
Fullmetal - 🟡
Akame Ga kill - 🟢 (I was innocent, I had literally no spoiler, I cried my soul)
Elite classroom - 🟢
Fruits basket - 🟡❤️ (I always stop in S3 so I'm waiting for vacations to finish this masterpiece)
Kimi Ni Todoke - 🟢 (Fluffy)
Beastars - 🟡
Ao no Exorcist - 🟢
SK8 - 🟢 (Gay skaters)
Angels of death - 🟢 (Came after Naruto lol)
Inu X Boku - 🟢 (Came after the AOD)
Black butler - 🟢 (Suspicious)
Kaichou was maid-sama - 🟢 (Cute)
Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun - 🟢❤️ (Idk but this anime ost makes me feel sad and nostalgic but happy at the same time)
TYE - 🟡 (I had no courage to get past the 1 EP)
Goblin slayer - 🟡
Charlotte - 🟢 (Cried)
Angel beats - 🟢 (Cried)
Clannad - 🟢 (Cried)
Ao Haru Ride - 🟢
Akagami no Shirayuki - 🟢❤️ (I love strong women)
Orange - 🟢 (...)
Noblesse - 🟢🤍
Vanitas no Carte - 🟢🤍
Hyouka - 🔴
Free! - 🟢 (Gay)
Ouran High School - 🟢❤️
Akatsuki no Yona - 🟢 (Ah, woman...)
Gakuen Babysitters - 🟢❤️ (So cute pls watch it)
Assassin's pride - 🟢 (Don't watch it)
K-Project - 🟡
Sankarea - 🟢
Fate - 🔴 (I need someone to explain me this thing)
Kemono Jihen - 🟢
AOT - 🟡
Devilman - 🟢 (Yeah no)
Kekkai Sensen - 🟢
86 - 🟡
Munou na nana - 🔴 (I was watching the launch but I dropped it)
Little Witch Academia - 🟢❤️ (Watched on netflix)
TMD - 🟢 (Gays)
Death Parade - 🟡
Yuukoku no Moriarty - 🟢 (Catch me if you can Mr. Holmes~)
Bakuten!! - 🟢
Durarara! - 🟡
Nanbaka - 🟢
Gunjou no Magmel - 🟢 (no idea)
I'm standing on a million lives - 🟢
Lookism - 🟢🤍
Ballroom - 🟢
Tsurune - 🟢 (I love this)
Somali to Mori no kamisama - 🟢
Kiznaiver - 🟢
Buddy Daddies - 🟢 (Def gay)
Trigun Stampede - 🟡 (I just need time)
Cyberpunk - 🟡
Pandora Hearts - 🟡
Number 24 - 🟢
Gangsta. - 🟡
Hakuouki - 🟢 (Cried)
Ao no Hana - 🔴
Tanaka-kun - 🟢 (Cute)
Idolish-7 - 🟢
Hakkenden: Touhou - 🟢🤍 (I really need to find the manga)
Itsudatte Bokura no Koi wa 10cm Datta - 🟢 (I love the ost kikoemasuka)
Mekaku City Actors - 🟢
Sirius - 🟢
Anime (but BL)
Given - 🟢🤍 (I don't think I need to explain anything after this)
Junjou Romantica - 🟢🤍 (Told you)
Super Lovers - 🟢 (I don't like this tho-)
Yuri on ice - 🟢
Banana Fish - 🟢 (I hate this but I love this)
Dakaichi - 🟢 (Do not ask)
Sasaki to Miyano - 🟢🤍
Hitorijime my Hero - 🟢🤍
The night beyond - 🟢🤍
Hatsukoi - 🟢🤍 (I love this one, def stressing but also good)
Umibe no Etranger - 🟢🤍 (This is fluffy)
Doukyuusei - 🟢🤍 (You need to watch it)
Hybrid child - 🟢🤍 (I cried and cried, I just cried)
Monochrome Factor - 🔴 (I have no idea)
No. 6 - 🟢🤍
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HoloAdvent Debut Reactions
So we're finally getting another HoloEN generation and Lisa and I decided to fuck up our sleep schedule (I mean not that there's gonna be much of a sleep schedule left once BG3 comes out next week) to watch the Debuts live and I'm gonna write down my thoughts about them so lets get to it...
first up Shiori Novella
-this loading screen is somehow comfy and spooky at the same time... weird
-wow... not the voice i was expecting from that model
-"Age: eye-don't-know"... oh god we have another Ina
-well that was... certainly a story...
-i literally never heard of any of these books... but to be fair i only ever read like 15 books if you don't count the ones that i was forced to read in school
-hey, i recognize some of these cartoons... well i recognize blues clues... and I've heard of courage and south park
-so she likes harvest moon huh
-i also don't recognize any of her husbandos, anime or games... am i old or are these just very niche (I'm old... the answer is I'm old)
-eating with scissors... why?
-story-driven games... that's interesting could we finally have another Kiara?
-would you look at that... my phone finally got the notification that her debut stream is starting... thanks YouTube...
-Lisa: "oh god she dresses like me when i was 16"
Me: "well, let's be real you tried that for like a week before you decided it was too much work and went back to wearing sweatpants and t-shirts"
-everything at 9pm CST... sometimes i hate living in Europe...
Koseki Bijou
-so will Shiori do the intros for all of them?
-she already sounds like a gremlin
-okay, cool little animation
-140cm? So we continue the tradition of every hololive member being short...
-dislikes mushrooms... i can relate
-what the fuck is interactive food?
-oh ok she means annoying food...
-man i really have no idea what any of these anime are... then again i haven't watched any anime that hasn't aired on TV here in Germany... and we only really got the absolute most popular ones like one piece, dragon ball and naruto...
-long streams... by what metric? Kiara long or Kaela long?
-oh 3+ hours... that's... just regular hololive numbers
-play as herself... pretty sure holocure will take care of that
-okay I'll admit it... i don't get this joke... are gems one of these things that people want to eat despite them being non-edible like cattails or sea-foam?
-interesting segment...
-those times are not better... why can't we have someone in hololive stream at European times?
So those two were pretty fun now back to sleep and then the other two Debuts tomorrow...
Nerissa Ravencroft
-okay I like her voice
-is it just me or can her model turn around pretty far compared to other vtubers... it almost seems like that already is a 3d model
-175cm... we have a new tallEST Hologirl... we still don't have a TALL Hologirl...
-pepperoni + pineapple pizza... i'm okay with either of those on its own but not both of them together you should never mix savoury, sweet, sour AND spicy (wait I just remembered americans mean salami when they say pepperoni... that's fine)
-doesn't like underwear... artist are gonna have a field day with this...
-doesn't like mushrooms... likes Zelda, Mario, FF7... she's quickly becoming my favourite
-she's also the first one where I know at least two of her favourite anime, Naruto and sailor moon
-i mean who doesn't like binge watching (if I have to wait a week for the next episode I will forget what happened in the last one)
-500.000 subs... well she's already halfway there...
-ah Keffiy-papa should have known
-aaaand there it is... 7 pm CST...
The Twins
-not sure about these overly cute voices
-okay maybe it's the sleep deprivation but i'm having a hard time following what they're talking about
-fuwa likes cute girls... I can relate...
-mococo also likes cute girls... oh and black licorice... again I can relate
-IT'S THE BGM! THE BGM IS TOO LOUD! That's why I can't understand them...
-okay what's a pon-de-ring?
-nice song... but that's all I can really say about that... i'm not really a big music girl
-wait 16:00 GMT... that's... almost a good european time... no wait that's just their morning streams not their main ones... Fuck
Well that was fun. Out of all five girls I think nerissa is my favourite but we'll see how that works out in the future... kinda hard to tell in just 45 minutes... anyway i'll need to get ready for work now so I can't write anything more detailed...
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robingurl · 7 months
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About Me
My name is Robin Gurl and I've been in fandoms since the mid 90s and I've been writing fanfiction since 2000. I have SO many fandoms and I hop in between so many at a time.
My name comes from my love of Burt Ward / Dick Grayson / Robin. I’m a girl and I like Robin. Pretty simple right? 😅 my 10 year old self thought so.
Basically any series that has Dick as Robin I’ve watched or attempted to watch.
My main fandoms are the 1966 Batman (Robin), Super Friends, 1977 Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries (Joe), Ronin Warriors (Cye), Real Ghostbusters (Peter Venkman was my favorite since I found it at 3 years old.), and Lord of the Rings (Pippin is my spirit animal and Merry/Pippin gives me life).
But I have so many other fandoms that are near the top as well:
Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler (Sebastian), Voltron 1984 (Sven), Thundercats 1985 (Tygra), and Sailor Moon (Serena, 90s DIC, Also I'm like 99% certain she's the reason my personality is how it is today).
And yet still MORE fandoms: The Beatles (Paul) Gakuen Heaven Kuroko no Basket (look Kagami x Kuroko is to die for) Utapri (Tokiya/Hayato has my heart and always will) Phantom of The Opera (Broadway and LND are my loves. Ben Lewis will forever be my phantom) CATS the Musical (Mistoffelees/Jacob Brent stole my heart at an early age) Pokemon (water trainer here) Slayers Ghost Hunt Lord of the Rings (Pippin is my spirit animal and Merry/Pippin gives me life)
Still more that I'll have to add as I remember them.
I've been watching anime since the 90s and I've been doing my best to keep up. While I have a good handful of series that I watch solely in English because they were ones I grew up on, I usually prefer subbed.
I do not want a remake of certain animes because my heart can't take a new dub. If Ronin Warriors had a remake and they redubbed it, it would seriously send me into a depression spiral.
I am too attached to certain characters and I've come to accept it. I stay out of going too deep into fandoms for that reason. It wasn't until the last 5-7 years I felt comfortable fully opening up to the 66 Batman fandom. Just because I grew up with Bruce and Dick and they were like a second family to me.
I'm really easy going as long as no bullying and overly dramatic drama is going on. I just want to have fun and talk with people. I don't hate people for ships or anything - you do you boo! <3 it's your safe place and as long as people aren't getting physically hurt in RL then its fine.
Angry Important Rants Below. You can get mad and offended all you want but I'm tired of being quiet over this stuff. -shrug-
Cringy Fandom Shit
Yeah I've been there, done that, and more than likely still doing it. I have Mary Sue's/OCs out the wazoo and I'm over being embarrassed by them. I'm 38, if people are THAT bothered by it they can go fuck themselves.
Also news flash to new people in fandom starting from COVID who think they are hot shit - you're not. You're just popular kids who suddenly think it's "cool" to be nerdy and second news flash absolutely NO ONE wants you here.
Either fit in, shut your trap and hang or just leave.
I've spent my life running away from people like you and I'm over it.
Fandom is cringe. It just is. It always has been but everyone is ok with it. We're with people who are just like us and it's our safe space away from Becky and Stacy who think watching Super Heroes and dressing up is "soooooo cringe."
Yes we cosplay as our favorite characters and we will act like them at con. It's part of the fun of cosplaying. Yes people will Naruto Run past you and do DBZ type fights. Pokemon people will pretend battle in the hallways.
If you can't comprehend this then go back to your world. Leave ours alone and stop ruining fandom spaces.
I hate HATE HATE HATE Bullying and if I catch ANYONE bullying anyone over anything - I'll come over and smack them silly. This stems from my entire childhood of being made fun of for liking Batman. MIND YOUR OWN DAMN BUSINESS AND LEAVE PEOPLE ALONE.
I also don't do ship hate and story hate, fandom hate, etc. Let people do what they want with their fandom. They aren't physically attacking you, aren't calling you out on anything, they aren't doing nothing but enjoying themselves.
Fandom Purists
Honestly you guys can eat shit and leave fandom spaces. If you're THAT UP TIGHT about a FICTIONAL show and certain couples and tropes and themes - then FUCKING LEAVE.
No space on the internet is forced to make it a safe space for you. It just isn't. If you don't like something, can't comprehend a story arc that is visibly toxic ON PURPOSE, can;'t handle couples, parodies (looking at you new Ouran Fans), get offended by literally everything (and I'm liberal so don't call me MAGA) - ITS YOUR PROBLEM.
Politicially Correct Crap
Yes I support all the normal shit. I don't give a fuck about what pronouns, race or gender you are. As long as you treat everyone with respect, I'll treat you with respect. We're all human.
I'm not going to talk about sensitive subjects related to real world events. it's not my place and I'm not using my safe space to bitch about a lot of things.
It's my choice and thats something you should respect.
If you see a post that says "DNI if you ___" and do it anyway, you are a jack ass and asking for a fight. When the person comes to interact back and you get all offended, just remember you caused it.
Don't Like / Don't Read
This runs with bullying. If you see something you don't like, fucking scroll past. Don't be that jerkwad that has to make it about them. It's not for you.
Cosplaying isn't an elitist sport
If you can't fathom why someone wouldn't just make their own costume instead of buying it, you need a reality check. Not everyone can sew, not everyone wants to sew, and no one should be required to make their own cosplay.
Fast cosplay is FINE. It's no different than a Halloween Costume. No one is asking you to go the extra mile, no one is forcing you to make your cosplay.
If you do that's cool and I'm impressed. But do NOT attack other cosplayers who are just there to have fun and dress as their favorite characters.
Don't be that mean girl that we've tried so hard to get away from.
And yeah some fast cosplays may win contests. That's just reality. But once again - NO ONE FORCED YOU TO MAKE YOUR OWN. THAT WAS YOUR DECISION. No one asked you to overachieve, no one held a knife to your throat and said 'you can't cosplay unless you make it by hand'. You came up with all of these rules and people don't have to follow them.
That's just reality.
Liking Dubbed Anime
To all of you anime purists who just hate certain dubs of certain animes... you can go to hell.
No I will not be embarrassed to say I prefer the 90s DIC dub. Yes it's not the best but that doesn't make me any less of a Sailor Moon fan. It was all we had growing up and you guys just can't fathom it.
But I refuse to you let you bully me over my preference for Sailor Moon to be called Serena over Usagi.
Stop assuming fans like me haven't been watching it in Japanese or know the true story. WE DO. I own it all in Japanese, I own the manga, I've seen the TV series in both languages. I KNOW the DIC dub isn't perfect and I knew of it's flaws growing up.
That doesn't mean I can't love it with all my heart. We were here first. Stop being toxic Moonies, it's not a good look. Once again another fandom over run by mean girl purists.
A fandom can exist with both. Thankfully the Ronin Warrior/Samurai Trooper fandom has calmed down and now both exist peacefully (that I've seen at least) together.
Don't get me started on the early 2000s RW fandom.
The YST fans thought they were hot shit but there wasn't a way to get ahold of the Japanese version of the series and if there was - they never shared it. So like 10% of the fandom acted like they were better than everyone else because they knew their Japanese names and treated people like crap because of it.
I didn't even have the ability to OWN the japanese version with correct subtitles until the mid 2000s. I remember the first set of YST DVDs, the subs were hilariously awful and I knew enough Japanese to be like "...they didn't just say that" XD.
The blue rays came out and we FINALLY got proper subs.
The Sailor Moon fandom is turning into that more and more each day.
Take a page from the RW fandom and chill out.
You can't and shouldn't police what version of a show to watch. This goes for the precure fans losing their shit over Glitter Force. It's a gate way anime for young kids. Let them watch it without bullying and nicely teach them about the real series.
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mitsuki-komori · 11 months
Question: are there any animes you are interested in other than black clover?
Of course, I love anime. I just have a powerful obsession with Black Clover. I’ve watched over 50 anime’s!
Sword Art Online
My Hero Academia
Toilet Bound
Demon Slayer
The Promised Neverland
Assassination Classroom
Seven Deadly Sins
Angels of Death
Blue Exorcist
Hunter x Hunter
Attack on Titan
Madoka Magica
Death note 
Black Clover (Obviously)
Wonder Egg Priority
Ouran Host Club
Kiss Him, Not Me
Higarashi: When they cry
Edens Zero
High-rise Invasion
The Future Diary
Tokyo Revengers
Spy x Family
Danganronpa 3: The End of Hopes Peak Academy
School Days (Nice boat)
Happy Sugar Life
Kaguya-Sama: Love is War
Magical Girl Raising Project
Romantic Killer
Masamune’s Revenge
Death Parade
Ghost Stories
Sasaki and Miyano
Chainsaw Man (Made me uncomfy sometimes)
Jujutsu Kaisen
The Devil Is a Part-Timer!
Black Summoner 
Saiki K (Good to put on when you have nothing else to watch)
Junji Ito Maniac: Japanese Tales of Macabre
Black Butler
Tokyo Ghoul
Re:Zero: Starting Life in a new world
Fruits Basket
That’s most of the anime I’ve watched, I’ve finished most of them. Anyway, thanks for asking. I like talking about anime because there’s so many amazing things about it. Every story is different with unique characters and the music is amazing, not to mention the art styles. Some fandoms are ok
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bsotted · 1 year
HELLO please help me decide which show should I check out next and in what order and reblog for traction if you don’t mind ❤️❤️❤️
Before you ask based on these choices yes I love to cry
Bonus questions for anime buffs:
Did anybody see citrus was it good? Does inuyasha hold up without the nostalgia factor if I never saw it when I was a kid?? What about Cardcaptor Sakura or Sailor Moon etc
Here is a list of all the anime I can think of that i have already watched and/or that there’s no need to recommend:
FMA & Brotherhood
Demon Slayer
Your Name
Your lie in April
Fruits Basket
Black Butler
Basically all the classics
Trigun (I haven’t seen the reboot though please feel free to recommend if it was good and I should watch it)
Cowboy Bebop
Samurai Champloo (damn 3 all time faves in a row)
Code Geass
Ouran HHC
Seven Deadly Sins
Gurren Lagann
Black Clover
Blue Exorcist
Assassination Classroom
Kill la Kill
Tokyo Ghoul (liked less than I expected)
Bungou Stray Dogs
Erased (I love to cry)
To Your Eternity (LOVED) (are you seeing a pattern)
Puella Magi Madoka Majica
Kaguya sama love is war
Hunter x Hunter (rewatched 3 times)
Mob Psycho 100 (rewatched once)
Kaze no Stigma
Crunchy roll just showed me Junjou Romantica I’m having WAR FLASHBACKS
If we mention jjr we have to talk about Banana Fish obviously
Dororo (I remember this one very fondly would rewatch)
Mushi shi
Dr stone
Soul Eater
Devilman Crybaby (complicated feelings abt this)
Kuroko no Basuke
Bubble ( I think that’s what it was called?)
Neon Genesis I can’t believe I almost forgot yes I have definitely seen the whole Eva enterprise several times
Please don’t recommend Naruto Jojo One Piece Bleach or Dragon Ball I’ll get to them all eventually ok. In my own time. That’s like a task for retirement or a gap year okay LMAO
There is just no way for me to remember every anime I’ve seen there’s too many but we can definitely eliminate a few for a start this way
THANK YOU if you’re even looking at this LMAO
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fictionfixations · 29 days
hhhi guys wanna see me talk about what anime/manga i like
my mal page looked kind of boring so i decided 'why not talk about what im fixating on'
and then it. expanded from there... (to be honest i think i just like yapping about anything and everything to people)
so im.
if i ever say a word that doesnt make sense. or well is typed then just know. that probably isnt meant to be there but i wasnt paying attention
also if i drop a line of thought suddenly. know that it is because i started typing on a different part because i kept hopping onto different areas and adding things that i mightve forgotten to go back to because i kept getting hit with thoughts on what to add
Current Fixations: Twisted Wonderland, Lout of Count's Family, Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint??? (i wanna get into it), Honkai: Star Rail uhh i cant remember anything else (i am slowly crumbling into a mess of sobbing noises as i delve deeper into the stories)
Potential: Debut or Die???? It seems interesting so far but I'm worried about how wacky idol drama might be. (..I remember googling something about it and there's just something about Park Moondae and.. pADS? or like tampons idk? And I'm pretty sure it's made up for drama (in story) but ??????) I really really like Dungeon Meshi. It's not something that's consumed my life that it makes up a lot of what I think of so uh not what I consider a fixation, but I like it and am excited to see it continued. (Yes I know there's a finished manga but I don't wanna get spoiled! This is genuinely a show I got into WITHOUT SPOILERS?? Which is insane because I usually get hit with MAJOR spoilers (end game type lol) that then make me think 'oh cool, that happens?' and makes me watch. But Dungeon Meshi had NONE OF THAT! I like cooking animes A LOT and just found it so I decided to get into it. It was great and I was not expecting there to suddenly be plot in my cooking anime but I don't hate it, it's really cool. I'm hyped.) Also Apothecary Diaries is great. I didn't get spoiled on that one either, I just got into it thinking it'd be something I could just put in the background (I did have it open though in dub so trying to pay attention while doing other stuff) and then it turned out to be actually really good. So, wow. The Promised Neverland season one was PEAK, best thing ever. Season two, uhh... (I did read the manga for that one though!) It also made me understand why MAL separates seasons, which made me very annoyed when I first made an account trying to add everything I watched and trying to add all the MHA seasons barely remembering which one had which. All Saints Street is cozy to watch. I have like the 3rd favorited because of that one episode where they're at like a play or something and Neil (with the help of like the Demon King I think??) suddenly busts out this really cool move. I want to read it's manga (listen I'm going to refer to it as manga because that's the term I'm used to otherwise I will be so confused) but MAL doesn't have that entry..?? It was in whatever state it's called when they're added but you can't interact with it because it's not added added. And now I can't find it so unfortunate. Apparently it has more gayness??
My thing is that I get fixated on something and devour so much content regarding it, and then drop it like a month later with little to no interest. Sometimes I come back to it but not as into it. (Sometimes I stay with it longer then that but I have my finger in a LOT of different fandom pies.)
Things I wanna get into: Black Butler, One Piece, Heaven's Official Blessing, Scum Villain's Self-Saving System (something like that i forgot the name), Bleach, Katekyou Hitman Reborn!, I'm Not That Kind of Talent, Naruto, Honkai Impact 3rd I went through Persona 3 Reload but I haven't seen the anime-related stuff to it yet. Have no idea what happens in The Answer. Vanitas no Carte. I watched one season and then stopped because I wanted to watch it while super focusing because I wanted to really pay attention. ..And then I never started. I wanna see what the hype about Nier:Automata is about but for the life of me I just can't get into it. Kind of want to get into Pokemon but I think I'm way too many years late on that train. Also I've started blanking out on what's going on with the.. Horizons?? Anime?? The new Pokemon anime.
Was fixated on but kinda not so much now? (Still keeping up with it): Oshi no Ko, My Hero Academia, Jujtusu Kaisen, Bungo Stray Dogs
Manga I want to read: Toilet-Bound Hanako Kun?? I saw the anime but that apparently skipped some arcs and then I never got into reading it. I finished Hunter x Hunter's anime and wanted to get into the manga to continue from it but then I never did it so oops but I don't remember what happened. Haha did I mention I forget things easy? ..Maybe Solo Leveling? I watched the anime but I honestly don't like the appearance change. It's probably just because of preference since it's not bad it's just not a thing I like. But I feel like I should because it is probably interesting maybe???? S-Classes That I Raised. I think the being looked down upon because 'so and so' would break me but TIME TRAVEL? Also story because goddamn like the beginning part?
Old fixations but will still like: Assassination Classroom was great to me. Ending always got me crying, and I like interacting with stuff related to it. Violet Evergarden is 10/10 always makes me cry even on rewatch, what a masterpiece. There's also Demon Slayer which I know the ending of but I really like seeing it brought to life in the anime. Hyped for the movies but also hell because movies take so long to appear in a streaming platform and already spoilers. Movie quality is crazy though so excited. Anyone remember that one fan animation of Zenitsu AND* (i said x but not in a shippy way but an 'and' way and i realize it could be taken the wrong way SO) Kaigaku or something that looked genuinely like an actual thing?? There's Spy x Family's movie which I haven't been spoiled yet but AHHHH. Danganronpa was a big fixation I had for awhile to be honest. Yuri on Ice was SO GOOD??? I do this thing where something gets popular and so I avoid it as much as I can. And then I turn around late to the party and get into it. I shouldn't but I do. I can't believe I didn't get into it when it got super big but I also probably wouldn't really remember what happened by then. Genshin Impact consumed my life until I ran out of storage so I got into Honkai: Star Rail. I'm not too too into Genshin anymore but trying to keep up with it? Kind of?
Dead fixation??: Fairy Tail I think was one of the first few anime I ever watched and I loved it so much. And also I don't remember anything that happened so... I kind of got into EDENS ZERO but I'm not that fixated and I'm not the biggest fan of fanservice. That one episode where, well, spoilers, but y'know the one where suddenly everything is going wrong and people are dying and then it turns out it's like a weird sort of power the protagonist who I cannot remember the name of for the life of me but is like Lucy but other character?? Her?? has??? It got dark QUICK and that was cool to see. There was also Sword Art Online? I really liked it but I have no idea what's going on now. One of my favorites was like Gun Gale Online to be honest though.
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it. was originally meant to be just current fixations. but then i thought isnt that too little??? so then i started talking about things i kinda liked but wasnt sure on and then it spiraled from there
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villystinka · 8 months
this is not a rant
So I'm going to try to reflect on the lowest period of my life - end of 2019 to spring 2022.
The only way I can remember it is with what phases I went through like for example October and November 2019 I was obsessed with Avril Lavigne, December I was obsessed with Star Wars... I felt really down but don't really remember why. I'm pretty sure it was seasonal depression though
We going into 2020... God. First two months I was still obsessed with Star Wars and then Shameless but then quarantine started in march. I was 14 btw. Anyways .. I was living with my dad at our cottage which is in the countryside since in our apartment there wasn't enough space for me and my brother to study online. I had my own room at the cottage so it was perfect and I felt really free. I was obsessed with Harry Potter and 5sos and whatnot OHHH and Doja cat. Summer 2020 I went to the national round of the English Olympiad in my country and it was kind of exciting except there was covid and we didn't go to another town ... But it was okay. I think that was the last major competition I ever went to, I just didn't have the energy since then. Also summer 2020 I started anime LMAO. My first ever anime was orange❤️❤️❤️ it still has a special place in my heart and I watched it one night and it was 5th of July idk why I remember it. Anyways I had a very major phase with black clover and that's what I connect summer 2020 with. Except that I was almost every day third-wheeling but still going outside because I just couldn't say no to my friend (she's toxic btw and we're not friends anymore) when she called me to go outside with her fucking boyfriend. Keep in mind she was 14 and her bf was 20 at the time... We not gonna talk about that lol it's not my life anyway but she was Hella groomed and she had nothing against it, she was actively encouraging this kind of age gap in relationships .... Its not like she was suffering. Anyways. We going into September 2020. What I connect it to is my big phase with Naruto and then I watched fullmetal alchemist and then november-ish I watched death note but like in September we started school right and the separation between me and my friends started to feel real, although I kept contact w them throughout spring and summer 2020. Then we went back online in October-ish if I remember correctly. That's when it really started to feel bad but not really. That's actually when I downloaded discord and the reason was that when I was reading fanfics on wattpad I saw one of the authors I followed link to their discord server and I was like ok I'll join it! Met some ppl there but I'm not talking to them anymore but I was addicted to mudae 💀. Winter 2020 I connect to meeting a certain individual called David (he was 23 at the time and I was 15) and I fell in love with him but then I was ranting about it to my online friends in that server and they were like girl you're not normal HES 23. that's when I realized that age gap wasn't normal. Yeah anyways.... I also connect winter 2020 with haikyuu and Yuri on ice.
We going into 2021.. worst year fr. Started off with my jojo phase, and then MY AOT PHASE. I swear if I hadn't watched aot so many things wouldn't have happened. I joined a certain server and met so many of my current online friends and we've been friends for almost two years. They helped me ALOT throughout this period! Honestly I started drift off my irl friends and NOT because of my online ones but because of another reason.
Guess I should explain my whole relationship w my friends, that's exactly why I wanted to do this self reflect thing. Now that I'm doing better I can do a whole summary and look at it more objectively. They all already had build a lot more connection among themselves than I did with them even before I met my online friends. They were texting me at some point asking why I'm not texting them but they always made me feel like I was OBLIGED to do it and made themselves the victims and not actually considering the event in which MAYBE I'm not feeling well. Actually I'm still baffled whether I felt bad or not. I feel like the only thing keeping me alive was consuming media just to feel something. While sometimes I was feeling great there was always something missing you know? I knew I was isolating myself from everyone but I was rarely feeling bad about it until one point when I started feeling lonely. Before I didn't feel that way... Until like start of 2021 I didn't feel lonely at all. I felt almost free tbh. I felt like there wasn't school and I was in my own bubble "paradise" in which I was reading, drawing, watching shows, movies, anime etc. Man idk anymore. Then I met my online friends and I was sometimes talking to my irl friends about online ones and that was such a big mistake. It turned to the point when my friends would insult those people even without knowing them, just because they felt replaced or something??? You werent there, Emily. I'm quoting her: "If you keep talking to them, you're gonna lose all your REAL friends"
Yes I'm still holding a grudge about that. She wasn't there for me not even once and you expect me not to find a way to fill the void?? And when this solution worked for me at the time? I didn't have to look good to be friends with them. My past didn't matter, my anxiety didn't matter. We bonded over games, memes, shows, anime like??? Exactly what my existence was all about, the consumed media that we had in common was what bonded us, and we were doing fun things, like karaoke nights, dubbing over anime scenes, sharing funny stories from our lives, learning about each other and the fact that we were (are) living in different countries and could talk different languages was interesting. I learned a lot about different cultures/religions, I even fasted during Ramadan 😮. Anyways. One of my friends always said this:
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Translation: "I'm surprised that you've ever went outside and not being on discord 🙃"
"I'm even more surprised you opened that message instead of being on discord 🙃"
Out of every possible way to approach this situation, in his place I would never say this. By the age of 15 aren't you supposed to be able to feel sympathy? Not even empathy, sympathy. Someone could've asked if something is going on and I would respond normally and I wouldn't feel so bad but this is not encouraging in ANY WAY, like no this is not encouraging me to go outside and hang out with you???? What were you trying to achieve??? And if I bring up this this to the person rn he wouldn't even feel bad. Explain to me how this is right lmao I'm not going crazy right??? He's wrong right???? I'm not all bad right????
Because that's exactly how I felt, I felt like it was all my fault. I didn't even vent to anyone irl, I realized I shouldn't burden anyone with my own problems (family) but exactly cz they didn't know anything they were assuming I just did that on my own whim, because I felt like it. No? But no one really asked what happened. That's why you don't know 🤦🤦 and now it's too late, I don't need comfort now. The real reason I felt so bad was my own thoughts, my own brain. If someone had told me that the battle within myself should be won by ME and me only, if no one could actually help, it would've kind of been different. If actually realized it.
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imakuvii · 2 years
Yes I did mention the motion of threat of Nacy Pelsoy Husband Thank you well thank you not really thinking about them for Xi chi points well I’m not it is he’s play of choose which is strange I have been looking at very body What about Taylor that she confronted her about cooling down well I was right rash oral thoughts look at him Elon musk I moved around for you to get it in!!! You know what I’m talking about Twitter yeah I heard I said it already but sure I meant he’s older brother no the one that actually lives here on your skinny skin skin which you choose to care for ?! Yes Joe Biden I saw that Obama Black forever for my sis nope I got tired of not telling a soul okay good as long as no body cares I’m fine yup watch you guys f up yes Dune I saw your little brother yup candy mf umm just four or five sure Elon I’ll date your daughter I’ll date every on film and sell hard right there you happy now you better be look at tv not movie jack ryan my dads twins Stephen no way good Mr bee and save it for later alright move fools no there haunting right now the ghosts demons witch good luck yes Stephen Colbert yeah I know I did he’s missing out cause he does future comedy a lot yeah Lauren very we’re it was nice I seen Heather in the deep end in my sleep Roland se** peice of a** I already went up there the board I see you Graham Football MotherF my channel o see better s*** god nasty church all of though grandma’s fluffy omg you know what they f them over foul fuel lol I’m such a good guy lol I know you guys are better off stage we laugh all day long what jocks where I don’t see them oow that’s right American murderer is joining in on Steven twin Slavery andie where’s your family at I know her but that was just one is that ok lol I’m sorry here we go hit me omg wow I like that he judge where Batman thank you Antman ow you think your better then me cursing swearing yes like that save the action for laters what kind of person are you it’s totally Biblical totally I’m Phillip AH you start walking to be I’m little Jesus Christ I’m a Giant to them why god why you tell them wheelchair you tell them these my side walk total protest prohibition 31 do it no say yes please thank you the alien systems are coming lol my greatest creation no I don’t won’t cigarettes with flavor so * thank you minimize how your music is crashing on new phones I’m just saying but Naruto how do you know me lol thank you yeah prevy bleach totally did it that it your fired yup but trump no I’m not condemning these words nope come on women bring it final fantasy baby yes Taylor swift Such a wipe on digital coding upgrades yeah call of duty I really do need eight more maps yup buy the farms make it useful I would love it cause they need a back pack hip out I’m serious you better cover the batteries in the car I’ll wow chill only 215 million s up I’m picking up he’s b***s can you not f me in California dode people are lazy here
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simping4sugawara · 3 years
so I started jjk and there’s nothing you can do to convince me that this isn’t just a naruto au
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