#and i was like yeah alright (joking) then put my earphones in bc i was listening to this course
fakeoutbf · 2 years
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dreamsafterhours · 4 years
college boyfriend!markhyuk au series: III (mark’s pathway)
a universe in which roommates!markhyuk meet each other's s/o in class
markhyuk are roommates, my/n and dy/n are roommates, mark and dy/n take classes together and so do donghyuk and my/n — how will their fates intertwine?
genre: fluff pairings: mark+my/n (fem), donghyuk+dy/n (fem), platonic!mark+dy/n, platonic!donghyuk+my/n format: dotpoint AU universe: non idol, college bf warning: some swearing
or click here to meet your soulmate, paediatrics!donghyuk!
II ⇤ | III | ⇥ IV
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III: 별빛이 내린다 샤라랄라랄라라 (2+2=4)
the meeting of two souls: mark & my/n
hi hello good day how are you? i hope you're well today/tonight this is like 3 weeks late isn't it :D pls don't come after me i lost some motivation to write for a while but here i am now so let's get to it!!
aight so you met donghyuk's roommate for the first time yesterday and,,
you honestly had NO IDEA someone could be that cute
highkey regretting not asking for his name but you were so caught up in lingering on the fact that he implied you were pretty , like wHO DOES THAT ASDFKJL
you highkey shouted the verbal equivalent of a keyboard smash with ur roommate and she was all !! oh so this guy cute cute
you were contemplating whether or not to sneakily ask donghyuk for his name but you were worried bc hyuk has,, crazy sense when it comes to reading people and seeing through their words
and honestly you didn’t want to have to deal with hyuk potentially teasing the shit out of u for having a maybe crush on his roommate whom u’d just met
so you just beat your pillow sleep on it after your roommate reminds you it’s getting late and no life decisions should be made after 12am!! live by it
you wake up craving jjajangmyeon but alas if you were to get any satisfaction of that kind of hunger, it was going to have to wait because
~~ we love ~~ packed schedules ~~ in this house ~~
i hopes the sarcasm was noted in that previous sentence bc now u wish for life to cease
4 weeks into the semester and you were drowning in the midst of reports and lab pracs and content and revision
you were ready to ascend to the next life with only regret and an ability to vaguely explain the properties of a prokaryotic cell and endosymbiosis
but honestly donghyuk’s been a big help throughout the past month
your only friend in classes
official study buddy
2am revision session consultant
personal older brother bc he claimed you as his adoptive sister
another reason your roommate told you to go to bed was bc you literally have
a tutorial class + 2 consecutive 1.5 hour lectures + a 3 hour lab class to finish your day off
with no break for lunch in between :’((
looks like you’ll be starving through your library study session with dy/n
but oop
you find that dy/n had stayed up long after you’d fallen asleep writing her essay 
leaving your dorm feeling a twinge of guilt that u might have distracted her from focusing on her work to listen to your rambles and kept her up later than she should have been
but a text from her in the afternoon reassures u that honestly she wasn’t even planning to write that essay and The Feels™ had just hit her last night and that she made it to class
you: oh PHEW that’s good
you: sorry i didn’t wake you up on my way out, u looked so peaceful i couldn’t bear to disturb
dy/n 🦁: dw dw it’s all g i made it n e way
dy/n 🦁: also is it cool if my friend and his friend comes to the study sesh as well we have to go through some lecture content
you: ah yes don’t see why not :)) i’ll probs have my earphones in the entire time anyways lmao won’t affect me
but will it
“who u texting in the middle of diffusion” cue hyuk peering over at the phone you’re hiding in your lap
you click your tongue at him and lock your phone, “someone twice the man you’ll ever be”
he gasps in mock horror like he’d just witnessed a murder as quietly as he can ,,
“you’re texting a guy? in the middle of diffusion?”
“no. my roommate lmao”
“and what? is it me or your roomma—”
“—my roommate” you glance back up at the prof without looking at him
“you dare?”
“if i don’t dare, who will”
and due to this exchange, you miss the osmosis slide
“ah shit what was osmosis again”
“lmfao what makes u think i know that”
“isn't it just.. net movement of free water molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration”
sorry my bio neural pathways are being excited again after being revisited for the first time in two years
/stares at him/ “why was that infuriating to hear from u”
after class you prepare to head to your dreaded 3-hour lab class you have with donghyuk but he stands up and stares into the void blankly
“where am i going”
“where do u think”
“oh, hell, most likely”
you scoff at the accuracy and drag him out of the lecture hall
you look at donghyuk and he’s visibly resisting the urge to poke your cheek when he first puts on his gloves
“what’s with you today”
he stares at his hands forlornly, “idk ask that to my timetable”
“week 4 got u dead huh”
he glances at you with a frown, “don’t act like u’re not dying too”
“damn. touché”
to your dismay, the lab class runs later than scheduled and you get out of it 20 minutes after it was meant to finish but luckily it’s your last class
with a quick goodbye to donghyuk and a text letting dy/n know you were going to be a lil late, u stop by ur dorm to pick up ur textbook before rushing to the library
you were highkey exhausted and just. famished by that point
but a promise is a promise and you weren’t going to back out of one now
especially when you felt like you owed your roommate one and it was you who originally suggested a library session
so you get to the library, bag strap slung over your shoulder, checking the photo of the seats dy/n had saved for you in the library
highkey getting lost once or twice but you manage
you get to the general area and spot dy/n sitting at a four-seater (wow how’d they get that) but you
freeze when you see who’s sitting next to her
it’s ??
/error 404/
ur heart goes into panic mode bc
it’s not even kidding it’s donghyuk’s roommate
and despite ur brain short-circuiting
you manage to remember that dy/n had said that mentioned her friend’s.. roommate.. also coming along..
and if her friend was donghyuk’s.. roommate..
you: :                             )
you: oh my god they were roommates
and speak of the devil
“oh hey fancy seeing u here”
you turn around and it’s donghyuk legit chills right there
you barely reply a “hi”
“i thought u were going to ur dorm for dinner”
“ah yeah—no i’m.. gonna go over some.. diffusion”
“oii! over here dude” his roommate whisper-yells out at donghyuk
dy/n waves at you “heYY my/n”
donghyuk waves and turns back to you “welp i’m gonna join a study group.. you could join if you came alone? i’m sure they won’t mind”
“about that”
“u waiting for someone?”
“i’m going over there too”
he glances over at the table and then back to you
“that’s my roommate. right there next to your roommate”
you point her out and then donghyuk’s jaw drops
“what the fUC—” and you both. burst iinto laughter at the ridiculousness of the situation
like ?? how???
“talk about a coincidence.. oh my god my cheekbones hurt” he says as he clutches his side
so you get to the table and dy/n tries to introduce u to donghyuk’s roommate
“mark, this is my/n, my/n this is mark”
ah yes so mark is his name, you think
cute name for a cute boi
“nice to meet you again, mark”
dy/n: “?? again?”
mark gives u a rlly wide smile “yeah we’ve met. hi my/n”
you swear you’ve never had your heart flutter like this
then mark introduces dy/n to donghyuk and they start talking about how they’re your legal guardian and telling the other to “get in line”
leaving you in middle like “ok mum and dad” but also thinking back to when donghyuk was highkey flirting with you,, and now how he’s flirting with dy/n ,, oh dude he’s flirting
and highkey ,,, you don’t have any hard feelings about it ,, you know she’s also got this kind of humour code and she’s far more comfortable with meeting new people
until dy/n jokes about custody rules and donghyuk replies with “who says we’re split”
ok mum and dad
n e ways you came to study and study you will
so you settle down and go through your notes for the day
albeit being a lil distracted by mark who sits right across from you somehow, somewhy,,
somewhy should be a word you can’t tell me how to english
you keep wanting to steal glances at him but you have to physically restrain yourself from doing so
and also donghyuk who keeps poking u under the table and texting u even though he’s right next to you
💩hyuk: bro
💩hyuk: bro
💩hyuk: bro
💩hyuk: bro
💩hyuk: bro
you: wHAT
💩hyuk: nvm lol
you: im boutta slap u. give me my pen back i saw that
💩hyuk: damn
💩hyuk: also r u hungry
you: terribly
you: why
💩hyuk: does ur roommate have any allergies
you: not that i know of
you: again
you: why
you: u buyin?
💩hyuk: 🤡<- you
💩hyuk: 🤡, how do you feel about dinner
you: invalid question. no variable answer
💩hyuk: alright, 🤡. im not buying for u
you glower at him but he isn’t looking at u,, he leans back and laments about how he’s craving chinese food
did he read your damn mind how did he know
and apparently he’s read dy/n’s mind too at how she jumps up at the mention of chinese and agrees profusely
so you find yourself abandoning your studies for the rest of the night and in a restaurant lmfao
“chill,, guys,,, jjajang is fine”
rock paper scissors for the cheque ends in mark’s tears
“no it’s ok. i’m ok it’s our first meeting as a fateful group and it makes sense! for me to pay”
after you satisfy your cravings the boys walk dy/n and you back to your dorm
mark tells dy/n to give him her bag for him to carry and while she practically gives it up to him, he has to insist that he’ll carry yours too
to which you’re like omg no it’s fine i can carry it it’s not that heavy i swear—
until donghyuk takes ur bag off ur shoulder and passes it to mark
because of the narrow path, you’re forced to walk in pairs and you end up walking next to donghyuk who makes happy sounds about how good that food was and how priceless mark’s face was when he lost rock paper scissors
then dy/n takes the initiative to make a group chat for you four,, asking for donghyuk’s number to add
you give her a look like damn gurl but you have no idea if she saw or if she just ignored you on purpose lmfao
also donghyuk looked way too happy afterwards
either way you slapped her when you got back to the dorm like “SINCE WHEN WERE YOU SO ?? BRAVE?”
dy/n: um
dy/n: honey
dy/n: have you met me
and thus the chaos of a group chat was born and just like a real child, you spent hours on it
dy/n 🦁: ok we inside
you: thanks for dinner again mark!
💩hyuk: he says you’re welcome
💩hyuk: i say we “accidentally” lose our purses next time we go out
you: nah you’re paying next
💩hyuk: y
💩hyuk: y, 🤡
dy/n 🦁: yes y, 🤡
dy/n 🦁: HAHAH WHY IS SHE 🤡
💩hyuk: i thought you of all people would know
dy/n 🦁: why is she just as dumb in class as she is in the dorm?
💩hyuk: i knew it
dy/n 🦁: she poured too much hot water into her tea the other day it overflowed and spilt onto her foot
mark: oh no were u okay
💩hyuk: looks like you’re gonna have to study osomsis
💩hyuk: osmoiss
💩hyuk: fuck
you: yes i’m okay it wasn’t that hot i had socks on too
💩hyuk: osmosis
dy/n 🦁: avoided tragedy luckily
💩hyuk: finally
you: there is a reason you’re saved as 💩hyuk on my phone
seriously you just don’t know just how much this group was going to mean to you yet
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click here to meet your soulmate, paediatrics!donghyuk!
II ⇤ | III | ⇥ IV
shoot me an ask if you’d like to be tagged in future parts!
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fyars · 7 years
171216 Premium Unit Event #1 Jinyoung & Youngjae Full Fanacc
They were dressed in their Kono Mune Ni stage outfits - Jinyoung in a white shirt and Youngjae in a black silk shirt.
When they went up stage, Furuya-san (MC) asked them to introduce themselves. Basically it must be → "Hello! This is GOT7" then their names, but since JB was not here, the 2 stumbled a bit and said the phrase "We are GOT7" unsynchronizedly, then giggled in embarrassment.
When it's Jinyoung's turn to introduce himself, he lifted the mic to fast with exceeding strength, making it collide into his own teeth with a "BANG!". JY immediately held his lips like a kid clearly suffering but YJ just laughed loudly bc his hyung's accident is just so cute 
Since the event hall is very small, the "Bang!" sound from Jinyoung's mic even echoed harder, making it even more embarrassing for him. To cover up that embarrassment, JY quickly said "Everyone, I'm okay, I'M OKAY!" while his plumped lips from just got even redder ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
JY: (still embarrassed) Hmmm... Japan is really hot eh?  MC+YJ+Agases: ?????  MC: You meant like.."hot"? Really? In this winter weather?  YJ: Not...cold at all?  JY: Totally not cold at all. But hot. Since everyone is here~~~  MC: You meant Korea is SUPER COLD, while Japan is a bit warm, but here is TOO HOT bc your fans are here?  JY: *shy* MC: Everyone~ Is it hot in here?  Ahgases: Yeah~ㅋㅋㅋ  MC: Hey (that reaction is) cold~  JY: Sorry~ (for the lame joke)  MC: It's okay, took only 2mins anyway  YJ: AHAHAHAHAHA
MC: How do you feel working as an unit and having unit event like this, just 2 of you?  JY: It's the first time we do this as an unit right? Well after all, aren't we the best (among the 3 units)?  MC: You even make ranking of the units in your group???  JY: Of course! ㅍㅅㅍ JY: It's special. Since this is the 1st time we promote in this form, I'm super happy to be able to do event like this.  YJ: It's somehow "fushigi" (=strange)!  MC: Strange?  YJ: *innocently* Yeah strange desu yo↗︎!   JY: I'm sorry this kid says strange stuff sometimes. YJ: Uhm can we...sit now?  MC: Of course of course!  YJ: *in tiny voice* Uhmm and...I need water..please... (HIS OTTERING IS SHOWING!!)  MC: Ahaha okay~ *calls staff*   YJ: Oh and...uhm.. 2 water please For Jinyoung hyung too~  JY: Awww *holds YJ's hand* (my child is) so kind!♡♡♡
Furuya-san then asked some staff to get water for them immediately (seemed like they didn't expect Youngjae to ask for water so they didn't prepare) while 
JY: *raised both hands to clap nobly* Water please~  MC: Wow such a courteous way of ordering, sir!  YJ: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
When Furuya-san was asking for water into his mic so that the background staff could hear, Youngjae even said in tiny voice "Everyone, please gimme water~" in that super adorable expression while bringing his hands together. He's not an idol. He's an otter ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
MC: I went to your Osaka TURN UP show last time!  JY: Alone?  MC: Yup  JY: After the show we would definitely want to greet you, but you didn't show up..  MC: ....  YJ: Were you busy!?  JY: It's totally okay though....  MC: ....  YJ: Were you busy!?  MC: ...... JY: No, really, it's okay  YJ: I WAS OKAY TOO! But this place hurts a bit *places a hand on his chest*  MC: ...  JY: Why~  MC: Hey it's premium unit event today and you two came just to bully me??  YJ: Teehee sorry~  JY: He must have been "I forgot ehe~"  MC: NO I DIDN'T  JY: ㅋㅋㅋ MC: But the live was really amazing! Your stages were so cool! "Kono mune ni" perf was splendid too!  YJ: Oh really? So among 3 units which one is the best match to your style?  MC: ...  JYYJ: *turns to interpreter noona* Tell him he must answer right away! Must answer right away! MC: After all, it's "Kono mune ni" for me!  YJ: But after one show when we  asked which stage he liked best he said "Bam's 97 Y&R stage was~"!  MC: Oh no no I didn't say such terrible thing!  JY: Wow~ *unbelievable face* MC: *tries hard to convince 2young* I'm just a man seeing life in rose color  JY: Woa~ "life is colored rose" huh?  MC: Yea "life is colored rose"! This gentleman here really says something impressive!  JY: *giggles with his wrinkled eye-smile* ㅋㅋㅋ
MC: Let's talk abt their unit song. What thought did you have in mind when you wrote this song, Youngjae?  YJ: Its original name is "Daijoubu" (It's alright). Geunde...demo... (both mean "but")  MC: Awesome! Translating by himself!  YJ: AHAHA~  JY: *pats YJ* It's okay, just go on! :)
YJ: Its original title was 괜찮아/Daijoubu, but during the process of translating the lyrics I wrote, many changes occurred gradually too. 괜찮아 means "Wherever you are it's still okay, I'm still here. As long as you come back to me it'll be okay". That's what I had in mind.
MC: Jinyoung, when you first listened to the song how did you feel?  JY: I thought it's a very well written song. It's a song containing so much of Youngjae's own color, that's why it's really fun when we practiced it. MC: So you mean you can feel the emotions in this song while practicing, that's why it's enjoyable right?  JY: Honestly speaking if a song sounds so-so to me I wouldn't want to practice it, but this song is different! It inspires me!  YJ: AHAHAHA~  JY: Gotta do what you want right!? MC: So basically you won't feel the urge to practice songs you don't like?  JY: But not this song!! What I said is just for example!  MC: If your company gives you songs you don't like you'll be like "I don't wanna practice~ don't wanna~" too?  YJ: AHAHAHA I'M SO HAPPY XD MC: Also, the piano scene in your unit teaser is awesome!  YJ: Oh really? You saw it?  MC: Wh...what did you mean by "saw it"?  Of course we saw that's why we are talking about it now, right?   YJ: AHAHAHAHA OH RIGHT HAHAHA  OUCH *almost choked on his own spit*
YJ: I just wanted to play the piano, since it's how I made "Kono mune ni". I wrote lyrics for it first, then made the melody after using the piano. That's why I wanted to put the piano playing scene into our video too. My scene was filmed as exactly as how I created the song.
Since YJ's Japanese is still limited, all the explanations on Kono mune ni were in Korean and got translated. But YJ always ended his long explanation with Jpn phrases like "imi desu" (It means~) or "deshita" (that was), which was really cute 
 JY: He's really studying Jpn hard!
JY: YJ's scene was easy. Mine was hard tho. At least YJ still could play the piano, while I had nothing to do!! Like, just sit there and made blank face. PD would tell me "Look that way!" and I was like, *looks*. When it's done, I was just "Thanks for the work!" then went home  MC: "Kono mune ni..." stage was great, but of course we're also looking forward to Budokan live too!  YJ: Yes please look forward to it! Because~  All: OOOHHHHH~~  YJ: WOOOHH~ hehe let's stop here! I will just reveal this much! JY: So, who are going to Budokan!?  Ahgases: \\٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و//  MC: ' v ' JY: WHO. GONNA. GO. TO. BUDOKAN??  MC: *finally realized he is targeted* Wait, are you bullying me now?  JY: *shrugged* Again, who gonna go to Budokan? *turns to look at interpreter noona*  YJ: She has schedule alr~
MC: Let's move to Unit song associated game. It's confession time!!! Please give it an applause everyone! *Kono mune ni is playing*  YJ: Why did you play Kono mune ni when the atmosphere is about to hyper up like this?  MC: Now using your song title "Kono mune ni..." (In this heart), let's try confessing something you can't say normally to each other! Since today there're only the 2 of you here, I think it will help strength your bond too.  YJ: *already places both hands on his left chest* MC: Youngjae, you feelin' it? Anything (confession) came out (from your heart) already?  YJ: *tugged the shirt's neck to look at his bare chest inside*  MC: Wait this is getting strange!  YJ: Still nothing~  MC: GYAAA WHADDA YOU LOOKING FOR FROM THERE!?  YJ: Nothing coming yet~  MC: Jinyoung first! Confession please!  JY: *Thinking REAL hard*  MC: Wow his head gear is running desperately at the moment  JY: Can I have some times? I can't recall any, so maybe I'm just gonna make one.  MC: "Making" something to confess, okay.... ^^'' MC: So Youngjae, your confession?  YJ: *also thinking hard* Hmmm.... I ONLY like everyone right now~ HAI IT'S A JOKE! HAHA~  JY: Oh wait, how about everyone? Do you have something to confess to us?  MC: What a splendid thing! Now they totally kick the question to their fans  YJ: Anyone wanna confess? You! *points at a random fan*  Ahgase: Gyaa kawaiiii!  YJ: Kawaii? Okay so her confession to me is I am kawaii 
Youngjae then went off the stage all the way to a fan at 3~4th row to ask her confession. But her voice was small so 
YJ: I can't hear you. Let's speak louder, like this *places the mic to his mouth* Ah AH AHHHHHHH And it was very explosive. I hope the fan was alright.
Another ahgase: Actually I want to ask a question more than a confession to JY. 「Jinyoung-san」「Jinyoung-oppa」「Jinyoung-hwangjanim」just「Jinyoung」&「Jinyoung-chan」which do you like best? 
YJ: From my perspective it's Jinyoung-chan~♡  JY: Hmm I'd like to be called "Jinyoung-oppa" MC: Everyone let's call "Jinyoung-oppa" together!  Ahgase: Jinyoung-oppa~~  JY: Hey, are you alright? That noona over there clearly looks terrified by the "oppa" thing. She kept shaking her head like this *imitates*  Ahgase: No I don't~  JY: Noona if it's hard you don't need to try, okay~ 
JY: I now got one confession to YJ. It's an apology though. In the van that takes us around for activities, YJ always practices his singing and enunciation. But I'm really sleepy... and it keeps blasting to my ears...  MC: Always?  JY: Yeah always... YJ: Because I'm a singer, and I got a super loud voice. Plus the van is small so my voice echoes even more...  JY: So when YJ isn't looking, I....secretly turn UP the volume in my earphones....  YJ: I gotta confess to hyung too! Everytime JY hyung feels cold he'll turn on the heater full-fledged. When he does that, it's super hot for me, so when he's sleeping I secretly adjust the temperature DOWN All:   YJ: Bc the hot air can't flow outside, I just switch it OFF~ MC: Well then, with these confessions as an opportunity, will anything in the van be changed in the future for the 2 of you?  JY: I will...just turn up the volume of my earphones louder~   YJ: And I will turn down the temperature of the heater more lol~
After this was the fansign segment, and last greetings before the event ended. Both of them said they're looking forward to seeing Ahgases again in Budokan. When they both exited already, JY playfully peeked out from the stage wing again to wave at fans and tease Furuya-san lol.
fanacc by coded4d9dc
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starboyholland · 7 years
Date Night
Requested: yep! Rating: PG-13 bc mild cursing, tbh this is 100% fluff Summary: it's been 2 years now and the team keeps asking where Baby goes every night and why they drop him off at a coffee shop after work and not at his apartment. Well, it's been 2 years now, and Baby is ready to show them why. //// The job was over. The sun was low in the sky, shadows running like wet paint off of every surface and Baby pulled one earbud out of his ear, stepping out of the car that he'd been driving, allowing Buddy to sit in the driver's seat now that it was his turn to leave for the evening. He waved subtly to the team and began to walk across the street to the coffee shop where you worked when Darling's window rolled down and she spoke with slight concern. "Hey, kid, why don't we drop you off at home anymore? Everything okay, with your dad and everything?" He nodded again to signal everything was fine and began to walk away again when once again he was stopped. "Baby, why are you going to a coffee shop that's about to close?" She asked, and Baby saw the lights flicker off in the building, the bell on the door jingle and the lock twist shut. It was your job to close up tonight and that's just what you were doing, he watched you take your hair out of its pony tail and run your hands through it, looking around because your boyfriend Baby had committed to meeting you here after work. He watched as you reached your hands intocyour bag that was slung over one shoulder, probably looking for your phone. He'd call to you, but the team hadn't met you yet and he figured that this wasn't the right time, then again there may never be a right time to introduce his dream girl to his coworkers. "We're like family, Baby, you can tell us," she pleaded, and Baby, wanted Darling to let the subject drop so he could go to his girlfriend to avoid her thinking even for a moment that he had forgotten her. He quietly agreed to tell them soon without thinking about it, and walked away, slightly jogging over to you, who hadn't seen him in the low light, the car had driven away before he reached you and he was glad, up until this point you had been his secret, hidden from the team and all of the things he'd had to do since he'd began working for Doc. You knew what he did, and like anyone who cared about Baby, you didn't like it. But you accepted it as a part of him and loved him anyway. "Hey, YN!" He greeted you and you turned to face him, glad he hadn't forgotten to meet you. "Hey, yourself," you replied and your hands found each other without either of you having to look. "How was work in there?" Baby asked as the two of you started the short walk to your apartment. "Crazy, I didn't have time to eat lunch," you laughed, your stomach growling as you mentioned it. Baby looked at you with slight concern, "you need to eat lunch, YN," he chided and you smiled, the two of you had had this conversation many times before, you didn't skip meals on purpose, not even close, you just got so caught up in the whirling torrent of people constantly in and out of the shop, that you forgot to feed yourself as well as them. "I know, I know, don't worry, I'll get something when we get home," Baby nodded, he loved it when you said things like "let's go home" it made his heart warm and beat even faster in his chest. It's been two years and you still made him react like it was a first date. "Good," he said, leaning onto you a bit to make you stumble slightly as a joke, you moved accordingly, used to him messing with you like this, your body leaning slightly to the side, you reciprocated his movements, nudging him slightly to the side and the two of you shared a quiet laugh, your hands still connected comfortably. "So how was work out here?" You asked, looking up at your boyfriend, you still loved hearing about his day or the music he was working on like it was the first time you'd ever heard him tell you. "It was alright, pretty standard, Doc gave me my cut, Darling and Buddy made out, Bats did that weird anti-capitalist rant he always does, and I listened to our mixtape in the car," he said with a smile at the bit about the mixtape he'd made of all the songs the two of you had bonded over. Every song on it had at least one memory the two of you shared tied to it. You'd asked about his coworkers before, and he'd answered all your questions without argument, but you knew that he hated to talk about work when he didn't need to so you didn't bring up anything too specific about it often. "Everything went okay, right? You didn't get hurt at all?" You always asked this, you knew the kind of people Baby got mixed up with every time he was called in and you couldn't deny it made you uneasy, but you also knew that Baby could really do nothing about it. "Everything went just fine, nobody got hurt," he reassured you, you nodded and relaxed, the two of you entered into your apartment building after you swiped your key at the front entrance. The two of you reached your apartment, stepping inside. Baby put on some soft music, you began making dinner for you and Baby, him sitting on the counter watching you boil water for the noodles. The two of you ate, and Baby looked slightly preoccupied. "Everything okay, love?" You questioned from your spot on the counter across from Baby, who was also seated on the counter. This had become your dinner tradition, the two of you eating together in the warmth of your slightly cramped kitchen, legs dangling. "Yeah, just thinkin'," he said with a smile. "What about?" "The team, they've been getting kinda suspicious of me asking to be dropped off so far from my house, Darling keeps asking if everything's okay, I hate to make her worry," he explained. You nodded in understanding as he spoke. "You gonna tell them where you go every night?" You smiled, thinking about how for the last two years, Baby had slept over at your place, at first he had been wary of leaving Joe, but his father assured him it was fine and Baby checked on him often, most times bringing you along to visit his dad. "Do you want me to tell them? About us?" You knew Baby had thought the pros and cons out a billion times. "It's up to you, Baby, I'm okay with whatever you choose," you said, and he nodded thoughtfully, taking your answer into consideration. ~ It'd been a few weeks since you and Baby had visited the subject of talking about you to the team, when you and Baby were out for dinner one night at a cheap Italian restaurant when you noticed a group of three adults spot Baby from across the room and walk over. "Baby, are these your friends?" You asked while they were still out of earshot, and Baby subtly looked to see his team walking over to your booth, the two of you sitting on the same side of the table. "Yes, ma'am, that would be the team," he replied. You nodded, a bit nervous as to what their intentions were. Your hand clutched his subconsciously under the table and he held your hand in his. "Don't worry, babe, they're alright," you nodded, knowing Baby wouldn't lie to you, especially not about potential danger. "Baby, who's this?" A beautiful woman in high heels said once she was within a comfortable distance of the table. She smiled, looking you over. Suddenly, compared to her outfit you felt slightly underdressed in what you were wearing, a hoodie that belonged to Baby, some leggings and a pair of sandals that had been laying by your door that had been convenient to pull on. "This is YN," Baby said, you could tell the two were comfortable with each other, the woman reached out her hand and. You reciprocated, shaking hands. "I'm Darling, it's my pleasure to meet you, YN," she grinned and you smiled back, watching two men make their way to the table. "Is this why you've been having us drop you off on the opposite side of town?" Darling asked with a knowing smile, Baby just nodded. "Don't think I've ever seen you without a pair of sunglasses, kid, and those damn earphones," one of them said and Darling rolled her eyes slightly but smiled. "YN, this is Buddy," she said, and you nodded, glad for Baby's reassuring arm around your waist. "And this is Bats," she said, motioning to the last of the three, who moved to sit down in the booth across from you and Baby. "Bats, you're so rude, don't ruin their date!" Darling chided and Bats seemed unbothered, simply replying "I think we've already interrupted whatever date they were having just by walking over," "Well, you heard him, mind if we barge in? I'm hungry," Buddy inquired, already moving to sit down next to Bats. Darling sat down last, still smiling at you. "So, YN, are you and the kid together?" She said, he arms on the table as she leaned forward with interest ever so slightly. You nodded shyly. "Are you as quiet as the kid always is? Because Jesus, being together must be like watching a silent movie all the time if you are," Buddy joked and you laughed slightly. "Ah, there's a real smile," he said. "So, what do you do, YN, are you still in school?" You answered her and added that you worked in the coffee shop down town. "So, Baby, you've been going to see this lovely lady after every job?" She said, and made an "aww" sound when Baby confirmed this to be true. "These damn teenagers and being in love," Buddy said, feigning annoyance with a smile showing through the facade. "So, how long have you too been together?" Darling inquired, you felt like you were meeting family for the first time, Darling practically radiating maternal waves. "Uh, for like what? Two years now?" Baby questioned, looking at you for confirmation. You nodded happily in agreement. "Kid, you kept this a secret for two years?" Darling questioned with surprise. "You can't be too shocked, when he's barely said 2 words to us in the time we've known him," Bats said and it was only them you noticed a waitress had walked up to your table with a pad open in her hand and a pencil tucked behind her ear. "Can I get you guys anything?" She questioned and you tried to hide your surprise when the team began ordering meals. "Not the dinner we had in mind," Baby said with a slight chuckle into your ear. Baby and you ordered a pasta to share and as the waitress was walking away Baby leaned over to whisper to you again. "Let me know if you want to leave," you squeezed his hand in confirmation you understood. "Hey, keep the dirty talk to a minimum, yeah?" Buddy joked, causing your face to get warm and Baby's cheeks to go pink. "Oh, hush," Darling scolded, the smile never leaving her face. Your food arrived after a few minuets of small talk and you and Baby ate together, every so often squeezing each other's hands under the table to make sure you were both doing alright. Bats and Buddy seemed much less on edge than Baby had described them,you could tell he felt the same by how relaxed he was. "So, you two are dating? How's the kid in the sack?" Buddy inquired with a deep laugh, you felt your face get hot as you leaned against Baby's chest, your head near his shoulder. Baby had rolled his eyes but his face was pinker than usual and he let out a laugh as well. "You're going to make them leave early!" Darling chided her lover with a hand to his shoulder. Bats asked you if you knew what they did together for work and you just nodded. "You tell her or did she find out?" He inquired to Baby, who truthfully answered that he'd told you as soon as he could. Bats nodded thoughtfully. "And you stayed?" He tried to cover up his genuine interest with a scoffing sort of laugh and you nodded without pause, smiling. You could feel Baby's chest rhythmically rising and falling beneath you. You and Darling had definitely gotten off on the right foot, the two of you felt like friends by the end of the evening, talking about everything from hair and makeup to books and movies, the entire table getting involved to talk about music, especially Baby, who naturally had opinions on every genre any of you could think of. The time had flown by and by the time the restaurant was ready to close and all the stragglers had spilled into the street outside, the five of you had become closer to friends than ever, Darling had typed her number into your phone and had instructed you to keep in touch. When you and Baby had said you were going to call it a night and go home, Darling wrapped her arms around you and spoke softly into your ear. "The kid is lucky to have you, I can tell how much better his life is with you in it, you can call on us for anything okay?" You nodded with a smile. "Thank you, I'm so glad that you're with him, I can tell he cares about you a lot," you said truthfully and she smiled. "We all love the kid, it's just a natural response," she joked so that everyone could hear her. Bats and Buddy pretended to deny it but you could tell that they agreed. Baby and you began the walk home hand in hand as always in the cool evening air after parting ways with the team. "I'm glad you have them, to look out for you," you confessed to Baby once you were out of earshot. "Me too," he said. "And even more glad to have you."
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bangtan-spells · 7 years
Namjoon Scenario: Opposites.
Request: Namjoon fluff where you bring good luck and Namjoon brings bad luck (bc of his clumsiness) and you both are tired of it so when you two meet everything balances out.            
Genre: Fluff / Romance
The world was a harsh place for those who weren’t on good terms with luck, oh if Namjoon knew. He was a loner by choice, because not many people wanted to be around someone who attracted accidents and misfortune with only showing up and breathing, his only companion had been the bad luck weighing on his shoulders, floating around his form like a dark cloud while he went tripping and crashing on almost everything he could do so.
Namjoon tried his best to be attentive, to not let his clumsiness take everything around him down, but it was as if he carried a curse of sorts. He remembered complaining about his bad luck out loud when he was younger and his mother was around, she had laughed softly and told him that he could make something out of it, to make that bad his and turn it into a good thing and in all the years that followed, Namjoon was still trying to do what she’d told him, trying to find his strength in every broken cell phone and lost shoe.
That particular morning he was feeling hopeless and annoyed, there hadn’t been any rain announcement but there he was, drenched from head to toe because he went out and the clouds decided to play a joke on him, he’d lost the bus to his seven am class so he was also going to miss a test that was going to cost him twenty percent of his final grade if he was lucky, and he was never. Namjoon sighed, squeezing a corner of his shirt while he was almost at the bus stop, only to have a car driving fast by a rain puddle and getting him even more wet.
–Fuck this shit! – he groaned at the same moment you were arriving to the bus stop. He noticed your presence because you laughed at his outburst and then you were taking a small towel out of your gym bag and handing it to him.
–Here, seems like you need it–
Namjoon stared dumbfounded at the towel and then at you smiling prettily, yes, he needed it and for the first day of his life, he didn’t feel so stuck on his bad luck.
He laughed, taking the little towel you were so kindly offering him. –Thank you –
You laughed softly and dismissed the gesture with your hand. –You’re welcome, I always carry a spare one so you’re lucky–
Namjoon dried his face and shook his head at your choice of words. –I doubt so, that’s a funny way to describe me–
–Oh so you’re skeptical? There are people who would kill to say they’re lucky– you were smiling playfully at him and Namjoon looked down at his wet sneakers stopping himself from staring too long at you.
–It’s hard to explain…– he trailed off awkwardly, talking about all his misfortune didn’t seem like the type of proper ice breaking conversation.
You went to sit at the low bench of the bus stop and once there, you shrugged softly. –It’s alright, being lucky isn’t that good anyway –
–What? – he couldn’t believe your words, he’d give it all to be lucky.
You laughed but it was a sort of sad laugh. –I don’t know, everything turning out good every single time isn’t that good per se, when everything is perfect and good it can get tiring too–
You were the only two at that stop and the silence came, he didn’t know what to say to that since he’d never experienced a life like that, so he looked to his side and he noticed a crumpled ball of bills next to him, when Namjoon unfolded it, the quantity made him gasp. It only occurred to him then that the spare cash he carried on his pockets for transportation and a hopefully decent coffee that the wished didn’t end all over his clothes and burning him, was most probably as wet as his jeans, so this money came in handy.
You giggled next to him, observing the way in which Namjoon looked stupidly at the bills and he felt flustered suddenly, something was definitely weird today, he wasn’t one to go around finding help, let alone money, if so, he was the one always losing it all.
–Still thinking the same? I can recognize luck when I see it – You laughed airily, playing with the tip of your ponytail.
–I have no words – he truly didn’t have them, it was a mix of the events and you, you shared a look that had you both laughing softly and averting your eyes from each other after a moment.
–That’s my bus – you stood up with a shy smile, taking your iPod out of your bag and putting on your earphones before going away with a last look at him.
Namjoon managed to hear the slightest bit of your music, recognizing the same song he’d been jamming to for the past two weeks, so he smiled stupidly at nothing; perhaps at everything of that morning.
After his encounter with you, Namjoon found a forgotten umbrella at the bus, arrived at his next classes on time and managed to convince his professor about recovering the lost score of his test with some extracurricular work, he didn’t slip on the rain while rushing through campus neither did he break anything the rest of the day, so even now, while he was already lying on his bed and a few minutes away from falling asleep Namjoon couldn’t believe his day, not quite.
Maybe he’d gotten too excited with the glimpse of normalcy on his life, two days after that Namjoon’s usual bad luck came back full force. He sighed, looking at the torn strap of his back pack and his reading glasses broken at his feet.
–Fantastic – he mumbled, crouching down to pick up his broken glasses when a guy with a skateboard crashed against him.
Namjoon got away with a few awkward apologies and a sore shoulder, decided to go home and call it day even if it was roughly midday, until he saw you. He didn’t expect you to recognize him, let alone remember him, but you did.
–Hi – you eyed him up and laughed softly. –You look a lot drier today –
–Yeah, I guess, it’s the sun, good to dry people out – Namjoon rambled, and then laughed at his own lame attempt of a joke but you laughed along and hey, maybe he wasn’t doing it all that bad.
–But you still look troubled – the same little frown you had seen on his face the day you found him at the bus stop was there. –Or is this your normal expression? –
He shook his head. –Nah, it’s just… it’s been a long rough day –
You decided not to mention the fact it was only midday. –You have a lot of those? –
–You have no idea – he said with a tired voice but a little smile and it made you bite your lips, he looked good smiling even if tiny.
You laughed together at his words, he seemed like a funny guy, despite always looking so troubled and all over the place, you didn’t know what a bad day was like for your own experience, people always said how you were so lucky for things always working alright for you but you had started to hate it, there was nothing thrilling in knowing everything was going to always be good, whatever you did to ruin it and taste your so called good luck. Maybe that’s why you felt this imperious need of talking with him, like you were drawn to him or something, like you wanted to know him more. You suddenly found yourself also wanting to ease out his day too.
–Can I know your name? – he seemed surprised by your question and you wondered if you were too bold, but then he smiled, his cheeks dimpling cutely and reaffirming what you thought about him smiling.
–Namjoon, I’m Namjoon –
–Nice to meet you, I’m Y/N – You weren’t usually so blunt at introducing yourself, so before you deepened in why you were acting the way you were doing with this particular guy, you made your next question. –So Namjoon, do you have something to do right now? – His name on your lips felt easy, warm.
–Not really, why? –
You smiled –I’ll show you a solution for bad days – In your experience, a cup of high quality coffee and butter cookies could make anybody feel better, so you took Namjoon to the coffee shop you were heading to before encountering him, telling yourself it was only because you were already going there anyway but knowing it was because you wanted to talk with him some more without looking desperate to know him.
Namjoon handled his coffee with extra care, he didn’t want to make a fool of himself in front of you, more than he already did after walking straight into the glass doors of the coffee shop even if you warned him. You were too pretty and he was still astounded by you and a whole lot embarrassed too.
You talked lightly about too many things, books, college, life, movies, drinks, and he felt so at ease, so relaxed with you, nothing had shattered and you were still there, clearly interested in what he was saying. He’d never thought so much about what being lucky entailed, but he was kinda feeling like it despite everything. He almost didn’t want to leave that coffee shop to crash into whatever surprise destiny had prepared for him, but you had classes.
–I hope I could make your day a little less bad – you rested your chin on your palm and smiled at him, your lips were adorned with a deep burgundy lipstick and he couldn’t help but look at them.
–Yeah, yes you did – he rushed to say after clearing his throat, you stood up and he followed you too quickly, knocking over the little plate where the butter cookies had been but you caught it on time and placed it back on the table and at safe distance from him. Maybe you had already learned how to go around Namjoon.
–Don’t run into more glass doors Namjoon – you said softly and he smiled.
–I’ll try my best – he shrugged and you giggled, covering your lips.
–See you around then… –
–Bye– he waved at you, hoping you really saw each other again.
 You started to find each other more often, mostly at the bus stop. There were days Namjoon missed the bus to his early classes and then would catch you heading to the gym, other times, you would simply run into each other and talk. Bit by bit, he noticed how his luck didn’t seem so bad when you were around and the more time you spent together.
A few weeks ago, he’d asked you if you ever felt like the luck wasn’t on your side, and you had said no. He’d said that he would trade his life for yours and you’d laughed, shaking your head, telling him he’d get sick of it eventually and continuing reading your book, one he’d recommended to you. Maybe you were right, because lately you seemed so happy when something surprised you and didn’t turn out the way you expected it to, he was still amazed at that.
Namjoon was someone out of the ordinary, maybe you had known it deep down but only realized it after meeting him, and with him, your life seemed to start balancing out, like he was the missed piece of sorts. You laughed silly, you had seen your luck as an actually weight, but you were sure it had been the thing playing good to bring Namjoon to you, or maybe take you to him whatever way it was, you were glad because you liked him a lot. When you were together things stopping happening bad or good, they just happened normally and unexpected and it was good.
What were the odds of finding your perfect match in someone who said he had the worst luck out of everyone else? Now you actually wanted to taste the odds, to believe in the game of luck.
–What are you smiling for? – Namjoon asked by your side in his deep voice and you felt a stash of butterflies, he was holding your hand, walking you home and you were just coming back from your official second date.
–I’m thinking – you decided to tease him a bit, Namjoon was thoughtful but he was also playful and you liked that about him, he almost always had something to say, smooth, or awkward, or funny or really serious, he was a mix of all. –How did you do to take me out after meeting me all wet? –
He laughed, deep and husky and the sound was alluring, you held onto his hand a little tighter. –That’s because I’m a catch –
–More like the caught one – you had reached your house, and you turned in front of the door to look at his eyes. –If you’re like one of all the plates I’ve caught before you broke them, or the vases, or the…–
–Alright, alright, you’re the catch here –
Both of you laughed, because you compensated each other for more than one thing, because you could find solutions together and there was no good or bad luck, there were just you.
Namjoon looked at you and then he was moving forward, he wanted to kiss you so bad, but he tripped on the little echelon of the entrance and sent both of you to the ground.
–I can’t with you! – you said between laughs, propping yourself up a little to look down at him, Namjoon was spread on the ground and you finished what he started, surrounding his neck with your hands and joining your lips with his.
His lips were soft and his hands moved to your waist while you kissed, you felt too many things at once and when your parted for breath, Namjoon’s deep eyes held yours, he smirked and you felt your heart make a full on turn.
–Do you feel lucky now Namjoon? –
He laughed under his breath, his fingers squeezed softly your waist. –With you, I feel the luckiest Y/N –
Luck became a personal joke between you, but good or bad, you were sure it was what brought you together at once.
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todoroqis · 8 years
Rating: pg-13 Pairing: Jungcheol / Meanie+Woozi Genre: fluffy af Word Count: 2k Summary: Jeonghan narrates stories of all the people on bus 34, except for one.
a/n: Bringing this back bcs it’s the only fic i’m proud of posting online so bear with me... I promise I do have stuff coming up. I just need to be done with midterms ! Also gave this a little ending bcs it seemed quite... incomplete.
The bus is not as crowded as usual, Junghan notices - seating himself on his usual place, a forgotten corner at the very back, right by the window. Nobody notices him, but he notices everyone. He loves it - looking at people and imagining their stories through their moods, facial expressions and body language. He sometimes catches glimpses of conversations; it’s not his purpose to spy on people, but he can’t help but narrate the imagined stories in his little notebook, the one he carries everywhere he goes. He talks about the old lady at the very front with her cat and the sweet young girl who helps her to carry her groceries all the way to her front door. He also loved to write the story of the guy with the tattoos who stops by the animal shelter every morning. Lately, he’s been focusing on the couple sitting two rows in front of him, two model-like guys, tall, dark and handsome that get on two stops after Junghan. They’re always holding hands and smiling at each other like two lovers on their first date, and yet, it’s been a year. It’s a fantasy of Junghan’s to have someone look at him and only him the way these two look at each other. Recently, though, there’s something that troubles the flow of Junghan’s story - a small storm that’s impersonated by someone just as small, pink hair, a pair of headphones and a laptop; a focused expression that left the two lovers mesmerized. The smaller boy is working on a music software that Junghan doesn’t quite know the name of, and the entire process seems complicated. Even so it doesn’t phase the two lovers who follow each move of his, each change in facial expression, from frustration, to the small smile that appears on his face when things seem to be going the way he wants them to. Junghan records everything on his notebook, not omitting the small doodle of three cartooned bodies, totally into each other. The dynamics haven’t changed although a couple weeks have passed by, and Junghan is very tempted to shake things up, but he doesn’t want to play God - it’s one of his rules, to let things flow the way they should. He just sighs as he records the same events over and over again. There’s a new person on the bus today, who decides to sit right by his side. He’s wearing shades over his eyes and is mumbling the lyrics of a song that Junghan’s heard on the radio before. He’s too close, and it would be weird to write about someone who could read everything from where he’s seated; plus he hasn’t finished the story of the three at the front. The newcomer smiles at him as he sits down, placing his backpack on his lap and taking out a few books. Junghan does return the smile naturally and he’s about to return to his storytelling but the weight of the eyes on him is too heavy. Although his seatmate is wearing shades, it’s kind of obvious that he’s been staring at his hair for way too long. “Are you… alright?” Junghan asks. He’s confused, no one’s never seemed to care for him before (and he’s been taking this bus since he started college two years ago) but the other’s stare is so persistent and his mouth is parted, “o” shaped and he overall seems amazed. “You have really soft looking hair, can I touch it?” It takes Junghan by surprise, how straight forward the other is, but he nods nonetheless, tilting his head to let the other touch his hair (he’s always been quite proud of how soft and silky his hair was) “So pretty…” his seatmate murmurs, almost to himself, and Junghan feels like digging a hole and hiding in it for the rest of the trip. The other doesn’t linger, and smiles at him again before going back to his books. Junghan can’t seem to go back to his storytelling.
His seatmate’s name is Seungcheol, Junghan learns three days after their initial encounter, he’s a transfer student who moved nearby recently. Junghan also learns that Seungcheol is quite talkative, a great conversationalist with a devastating sense of humor. Junghan comes to realize that he hasn’t touched his notebook in three days, too caught up in Seungcheol’s random stories. He doesn’t talk much - he doesn’t really need to. He has nothing to say and his seatmate does all the talking anyways. Seungcheol tells him about his previous university, his old friends, about how they used to play hide and seek every Friday night all over campus. He talks to him about his previous achievements and misfortunes, about how he couldn’t handle the dining hall’s food, and it amazes Junghan how Seungcheol makes it all about himself, without once running out of stories. Two weeks later, Seungcheol asks Junghan about him and Junghan doesn’t really know what to say. He smiles and shrugs, looking down at his lap where his hands were closed into two tight fists. “I really don’t have anything to talk about.” “Then what do you write about in that notebook of yours?” Seungcheol points at Junghan’s bag that’s once again, for the second consecutive week, sealed. Junghan’s never thought anybody noticed it, it’s a small book that’s not bigger than Junghan’s hand and it usually always went unnoticed -  but Seungcheol noticed. Seungcheol always seems to notice just the smallest thing and Junghan’s just a little jealous. “I’ll tell you another day.” It’s their stop, and as Junghan gets down, he’s again, shaken up by their conversation. His legs are wobbly and he has a lot to think about. The day that Seungcheol doesn’t get on the bus Junghan is surprised, but also somehow disappointed. He sits on the usual corner and makes sure to place his bag on Seungcheol’s seat. He doesn’t know the reason for that choice and no one would mourn that seat, as the bus is empty enough. Junghan doesn’t really feel like taking out his notebook even though it’s been weeks. He simply decides to narrate with his eyes. He notices that the love triangle has merged and the pink haired boy shed his laptop in favor of sitting by one of them while the second boy sits in front of them, turned around to carry on a conversation. It’s crazy how much Junghan missed, but somehow, he doesn’t quite feel bad about it. Meeting Seungcheol was worth everything he’s missed, and it felt almost empty without him by his side, cracking the usual cheesy joke or playing with Junghan’s hair. He almost wishes he had harbored the courage to ask the other for his phone number, his kakaotalk username, anything really… (but who was he fooling, he couldn’t tell Seungcheol anything about him besides the basic information.) Junghan is more than thrilled the following day, and the second he sees the familiar face, he has to fight the urge to go hug the older. Seungcheol doesn’t hide his excitement as he rushes to sit next to Junghan, a huge grin plastered over his face. “I’d give you a hug but I’m still ill and I wouldn’t want to contaminate you !” he beams, and he looks so bright for someone who was sick the previous day. “Yeah, we wouldn’t want that…” Junghan returns the smile and he’s half expecting Seungcheol to talk about his day inside for the entire ride, but to Junghan’s surprise, he doesn’t. He instead, points at Junghan’s bag again. “You still didn’t tell me what’s in that mystery notebook of yours.” Junghan doesn’t really know how to tackle that. He doesn’t quite want to open the notebook in front of Seungcheol - he’s too self-conscious about his writing so he just points at the people at the very front. “This little girl takes this bus every morning. She’s always crying on her way. Lately she’s sporting scars and she’s obviously been beaten up.” Seungcheol does look a little confused. He probably doesn’t know how that has anything to do with the notebook, but he still listens carefully. “This old lady has been taking this bus for as far as I remember.” Junghan points and the woman behind the little girl. “She goes to the local market every morning and takes her groceries back home. She can’t really carry them herself, but last year, she met  this girl who now helps her carry the groceries all the way to her door. She has her 8 a.m class with me and she’s always late for that reason.” Junghan narrates the story of each and every one, leaving Seungcheol in awe. “So yeah, this is what I talk about in my notebook.” Junghan chuckles at the little “wow” Seungcheol lets out, he’s looking at each passenger, a smile on his face, and Junghan is happy he’s left that impression. “What about you? How was your day inside?” The following day is no different than the others, Junghan is sitting on his seat, waiting for Seungcheol. The pink haired boy is sleeping, head rested on the tallest boy’s shoulder while the other is affectionately petting his cotton candy colored hair. They look cute and in love and Junghan is totally jealous. He’s about to take out his earphones when the bus stops. It’s Seungcheol’s stop and Junghan is already closing his bag, waiting for his bus-mate to tell him about something silly. Except it doesn’t happen. Seungcheol  moves two seats away from Junghan, puts on his headphones and takes out a notebook. It’s oddly similar to Junghan’s, a palm sized book with a pen hooked to the spirals. He doesn’t talk to him. He barely smiles and writes. He writes for the entire duration of the trip, looks up at Junghan, then back down at his notebook. It’s the first time Junghan sees Seungcheol so focused and he’s disappointed in the lack of contact. The routine carries on for days, that change into weeks and soon enough, Junghan just moves on and doesn’t expect much from Seungcheol anymore. The entire trip consists in Junghan watching the city by the window, earphones plugged into his ears, and Seungcheol writing. Junghan is about to get off the bus when Seungcheol catches him by the hand. He looks apologetic and he’s carrying that damn notebook again. “I’m sorry, I’ve been working on something.” He promptly shoves the notebook into Junghan’s bag and leaves. - “I really have no idea of what to write. Goddammit, I’m an engineering major and I passed my English composition class with a C-. What wouldn’t I do for you Yoon Junghan?” The first page says. Junghan is sitting in his Creative writing class, notebook on the table. It’s quite confusing, but he turns the page nonetheless. “I’ve been sitting next to a boy with the most gorgeous hair and face. He always looks so peaceful and focused and it’s probably the reason why I was drawn to him on the first day. This boy write the stories of the people on the bus. His writing is amazing and his sense of observation is just… crazy. I thought he’d have a lot to say about himself but he doesn’t. He doesn’t know how amazing he is. He’s written the stories of hundreds of people but has omitted one. One I’ll be writing on this notebook.” Junghan can’t believe it. Seungcheol is writing about him. He’s talking about how he hums and taps his foot to the music when he’s looking out at the window, about how that strand of hair is too much of a disturbance for him, but he finds it adorable. He writes about the way Junghan smiles with his eyes, about how expressive he is. He writes about so many things Junghan hasn’t noticed about himself and he’s probably on the verge of tearing up. Junghan doesn’t stop until he’s already reached the last page, and he’s longing for more. Sure his writing is average, but it’s obvious that he’s put so much feelings into this. Now Junghan can’t help but fall more and more for the weird boy with the shades, the loud music coming out of his headphones and the habit to talk a little too much. “I know this is stupid, that we’ve only talked for 15 minutes a day but I can’t help but fall for you. Would you go out with me?”
The bus is not as crowded as usual, Junghan notices - seating himself on his usual place, a forgotten corner at the very back, right by the window. He doesn't mind, though. He likes the quietude of the 7 a.m. lack of traffic, the soft roar of the heavy engine as it rides around the city, the chitter chatter of the passengers and more than anything, he loves the sound of Seungcheol's soft snores as the latter peacefully sleeps on Junghan's shoulder. Seungcheol's hand is tightly gripping his, breath tickling Junghan's neck and the proximity of their two bodies still mesmerizes Junghan to this day. It's a given that Seungcheol knows nothing of the notion of personal space, but it took Junghan more than a while to get used to this type of contact and fully bask in the warmth of the older. Junghan's free hand is on Seungcheol's hair, almost instinctively playing with the strands of black; he knows it helps Seungcheol sleep better. It's insane how much he's grown to know about Seungcheol in such a short period of time, from the fact that he claws at his own palms when he's nervous to his preference in coffee and weird sleeping habits. It's become almost innate, and as Junghan opens up, he gets to not only learn about his two months long boyfriend, but also about himself.
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lavendersmith · 5 years
[so this originated from a random thought I had when someone said that Simon Cowel is going to be put under investigation for abuse of the people that were contracted under him.
in this Harry and Louis dated and broke up
please excuse my spelling I’m kinda dyslexic]
The news broke out to the world like one big explosion. After the investigation started it wasn’t hard for them to find everything the companies were trying to hide. It was even easier for the news to spread to the media.
“Larry Sylinson is real! aka the headline you’ve been waiting for since 2010.”
“Harry Styles is a confirmed homosexual, causes an outage online.”
“Charges are being pressed against Simon Cowel and his companies for arbitrarily lying to the media.”
These headlines ranged from emotion to emotion; everyone’s twitter feed was a whole rollercoaster
For Louis it didn’t come as a surprise. Since the day he knew about the investigation he never doubted that this would happen. It was all a matter of time before they knew anyways. His fans were pretty outraged especially the elounor side of the fandom but he was still doing alright with his career.
Emotionally Though? He doesn’t think he’s been alright since that day.
They new almost everything.
They didn’t know the way that Harry’s lips felt. They didn’t know about the way he smiled when he was around Harry. They didn’t know about how he knew he had met his soulmate and lost him all because he was too young to know he had everything.
This all went down before his first album came out. Things seemed okay. The band was on a hiatus so hopefully it would’ve been easier to sneak around.
There were the good days.
Like when he dragged Harry in the middle of the night to an amusement park. He didn’t even give him enough time to change out of his panda bedroom shoes. It was a bit hard to sneak around but thier laughter fueled them enough to run around fast enough.
“YAAAY!” Harry cheered as he hit the final dart, winning a small bear. The lady handed it to him and he giggled and held it close to his heart.
Louis smiled wider than he had in a while.
“Here,” Harry smiled and handed him the bear. “thanks for tonight. I love you so much.”
And God, he loved him too.
Then there were the bad days.
Somehow their companies still found a way to keep them apart. Harry’s heart would break everytime he’d have to see Louis and Eleanor together.
“DID YOU REALLY HAVE TO KISS HER THOUGH?!” Harry screamed through his tears.
“DO YOU THINK I WANTED TO?!” Louis asked. When Harry didn’t respond he let out a bitter chuckle. “Wow,” he walked backwards “if you really think that’s how it is, that I care about you so little that I’d just kiss anyone else with my own free will. Okay.”
Before anything else could happen, Louis walked out the door.
The two hadn’t seen each other face to face since.
And here Louis was, many years later and to many songs (by both of them) about it later and he still wasn’t over that night. He never seemed to be able to stop missing Harry. He’d spend his nights awake alone in his bed with the bear sitting on his bedside table.
The pain seemed to worsen now that all the news was out. He felt like the world just had to keep reminding him about what he fucked up.
12pm and he was barely awake when his phone rang. He pulled himself out of bed with the little stuffed bear in his arms.
He answered the call with half open eyes. “Hello?”
“Hi.” Harry said from the other line. His voice was unclear because it wasn’t a face to face conversation but it still sent the other’s heart racing.
Louis whole body jerked awake. His eyes wide and he was moving to get out of bed.
“Uhhh yeah-“ he could barely believe it. “it’s been a while since you’ve called.”
Harry laughed and Louis heart filled from the sweet sound. “Yeah it has.”
Silence filled the air and Louis barely felt stable. He wanted to cry and he wanted to scream. He just felt so much at once he didn’t know what to do.
“So,” Harry continued. “I wanted to ask you if you’d want to meet up. You know, now that we aren’t practically being forced apart. Maybe we could catch up.”
“Yeah yeah I’d love that.” Louis smiled. “Are you free today. We could meet up?”
“Sure!” His voice perked up. “I’ll send you the address of the cafe.”
“Don’t worry you don’t need to.” Louis said. “I still remember the beachwood cafe.”
Once again silence feel upon them but Louis could feel Harry’s smile through the phone. “Okay.” He said. “See you then.”
The call ended quickly.
“Bye.” Louis whispered even if no one else was on the line like he was still in shock.
Later that day he sat in thier usual table 15 minutes early. His hands felt warm against the cup of coffee with a little heart art on top of it. “Friends” by Ed Sheeran played gently in the background of the gentle chatter in the cafe.
“Hey!” 5 years ago Harry smiled as he sat across him. He leaned over and kissed him on the lips chastely.
Louis felt his cheeks warm. “Harry someone might see us!” He scolded but he was clearly happy.
“I don’t care.” He smiled.
Louis knew then that he would love this man forever. He wanted to etch ever part of him in his heart forever. He promised himself that he’d never let him go.
He broke that promise.
He was shaken out of his reverie when the little bell rang signaling that someone had entered. Louis looked up to be greeted by the same green eyes hidden behind shades.
“Hey!” Harry smiled and the de javu hit him hard. He sat down across him and called over the waitress to order his drink.
Louis tried to suppress the part of him that was disappointed he didn’t lean over to kiss him.
Once the girl walked away he took of his shades and those forest green eyes were looking straight into his soul.
“So,” Harry was a little hesistant. “How’ve you been?”
The coversation started like this. It was awkward and conservative. Though one very bad joke from Harry later and they seemed to fall right back into their old habits.
“Hey it wasn’t my fault!” Harry excmaied as Louis laughed. “The mic got stuck on the floor!”
They were both laughing hard and everything seemed okay. The realization hit Louis like a brick wall. This is how they should’ve been, laughing in the beachwood cafe. He should be holding Harry’s hand and kissing his lips. He should be falling asleep in his arms and waking up next to him.
He wasn’t. All because he fucked it up that one night.
His laughs slowly turned into sobs and sniffles as tears streamed down his cheeks. He tried to wipe them off but was unsuccessful.
“Louis are you crying?” Harry asked with his voice dripping with care and love that Louis wanted to cry harder. “Why?”
“Because,” he choked out. “this should be us. You should’ve been mine and I should’ve been yours. We were supposed to be together and build our life together. I was supposed to be happy.”
Harry sat in silence as “Too Young” started playing on the speakers. He chuckled at the timing.
“I-I’m miss you so much.” He finally looked up to let the other see his tear stained ocean eyes. “I messed up. I should’ve reached out instead of running like a coward and spending all these years without you. I just wish that that could be us.”
Harry smiled and leaned forward. He pulled his hands off the coffee cup and held them in his. “Let’s do it.”
Louis looked at him in confusion.
Harry smiled and pulled his hands closer. “I can be yours and you can be mine. We can be together and live our life together. You can be happy.”
Words couldn’t describe how much Louis wanted that.
“We-we can’t.” He tried to pull away but Harry kept holding his hand. “You don’t love me like that anymore. You’ve moved on and it’s unfair for me to hold you back.”
Harry sighed and let go of his hands. Louis felt so empty without his touch but knew him letting go was for the best.
Harry pulled out his phone and earphones. He handed them to him with a recording open on the screen.
“Listen.” Louis nodded his head and did as he was told.
The opening of cherry played and Louis felt like his heart was going to shatter because he remembered that this song wasn’t about him.
Though instead of Camille’s voice he could’ve sworn that he heard his own laugh echoing through.
“Don’t you call her baby.”
He had changed all the pronouns to female and Louis looked up at Harry in confusion. The other didn’t say anything; he just let him listen.
The music faded out and the voice recording was about to play. He braced himself for heartbreak.
Instead he heard his same laugh from the start of the video.
“Hey baby!” It was Louis in the recording. He remembered this. It was from years ago on Harry’s birthday. The management forced them to stay away on that day so Louis made this recoding to make Harry feel better.
“Just wanted to say that,” he paused to chuckle. “I love you so much. You’re the reason for my happiness and I hope that I can return the favor. You’re my sunshine I hope you have a a amazing day! See you tonight!”
Louis took off the earphones without breaking eye contact with Harry. “Sweet Creature” was already half way through.
“That’s the original version of Cherry.” Harry said. “Of course they made me change it so I could release it but I thought you deserved to hear it.”
Louis was still in shock. “So all this time,” he could barely fathom it “all these songs, were about me?”
Harry smiled and nodded his head up and down. “So now are you willing to take up my offer?”
Louis put his hand on his cheek and pulled him in for a long overdue kiss.
“Is that a yes?” Harry smiled against his lips.
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