#and i woke up at 8:19 pm
timetrees · 1 year
what are you guys's sleep:wake ratio. i mostly do ~10-15 hours awake, ~12-15-rarely 18 hours asleep but apparently this isn't "normal"
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yanderespamton78 · 5 months
for those following @turntableart's addison arg!! (sorry for the tag)
APR 16 :
 6:32 am : Turnons blog opened :D
APR 20 : 
8:35 am : Turnon makes the poll about whether he should investigate smth weird addons doing (this shows that addon has been slightly suspicious since the start)
8:35 am : First morse code!!! With the poll 
4:39 pm : “I miss my past” post (possibly relevant??)
4:53 pm : Maskons first post
4:54 pm : First interaction with maskon (through a comment on a post - he didn't yet have a proper blog)
7:24 pm : Addon makes a blog
8:01 pm : First interaction with the morse code entity
8:10 pm : Addon first translates what the morse code entity is saying
8:15 pm : the giftday party incident (i added this bc it makes me laugh a lot)
8:37 pm : rainbon mentioned. Possibly significant? 
9:24 pm : We find out the morse code entity is actually turnon (im guessing right after the acident but i could be wrong)  (the addisons never find this out)
9:47pm : First time the alphabet code entity speaks through turnons posts. Says “i think that's enough. you're scaring him. he's hurt, you wouldn't want him to dust would you?” presumably referring to the morse code entity. Right after this the morse code entity disappears, and any further interactions respond with “but no one came”
9:57 pm : Second interaction with alphabet code entity who says “stop talking to him you're giving him a headache”. Turnon complains about a headache. This is the first signs of a decline in his health. In the next post he says that hes going to go.
10:04 pm : Addon has been translating bits of the morse code for a bit now. The forth analysis ends up being corrupted, and all the characters are just black blocks. 
APR 21 :
9:26 am : First post says that he got a nosebleed and passed out on his desk the previous night. He also mentions that when he woke up there was a cup of tea on his desk which he presumes is from addon but it was never confirmed.
10:59 am : Mentions that the strange people are back (mentioned in the poll) and that hes getting a nosebleed. Mentions in the next post that he feel really dizzy and is going back to his desk
11:34 am : Turnon describes a building pressure in his head like bugs. 
11:50 am : Turnon says that the nosebleed stopped. Alphabet entity gets accused of being slick. It ignores the question and instead tells us to leave turnon alone as he’s stressed with work.
12:00 noon : This post from maskon? Not sure the relevance of the song. definitely creepy tho.
6:14 pm : Here addon confirms that turnon is in the medbay. This is later contradicted by addon himself.
6:14 pm : “turnon” says that he woke up and has no idea where he is. At 6:23 he tags addon for help.
6:19 pm : Addon says that he opened a zipped file and it shut down his pc. This is presumably what causes the medical documents to get leaked.
6:29 pm : “Turnon” says that he knows where he is and isn't happy about it. What??
6:52 pm : A few posts later “turnon” tells addon that he got hurt really badly. He says hes going to try to walk home against addons advice.
7:42 pm : Something happens and “turnon” starts making disturbing posts. They are in english but don’t have spaces. He seems frantic and scared and at 7:54 pm he doesnt respond to his own name, despite the fact that he mentions his goggles and crypton, which are obviously things that are unique to him. 
7:50 pm : Addon responds to the first spaceless post and comments on how turnon couldn't be making the posts as he is unconscious in medbay 
8:03 pm : When not-turnon is questioned on his name he says it is presson and seems confused. He says he found the phone in queens palace (if he is telling the truth, it would make sense why turnon was unhappy about where he was. Obviously he fell into the acid lake in queens mansion so its unsurprising that he would be on edge.)
8:20pm : Presson denies that it was him who typed the weird spaceless posts. 
9:34 pm - 9:59 pm : Presson comments on how dark and run down seraphim is. When questioned on it addon says its probably something interdimensional or timeline based. At this point, his text starts glitching out. Addon tells presson to put the phone in the big machine, but presson says that it looks dangerous and he doesn't want to. He seems genuinely worried about dying, but addon insists he returns the phone. Finally, he puts it in the machine and you are no longer able to contact presson.
10:52 pm : when questioned on the weird glitchy text, he again chalks it up to interdimensional lag
If we go by addons version of events (which he talked about a few days later on the 24th) at about 6-7pm turnon went out and got badly injured. At about 8 pm some kind of entity (presson) took his phone, who addon electrocuted. At about 9 pm Turnon was found in an alleyway with some kind of black fluid gushing out of his nose. 
APR 22 : 
5:37 pm : confirmation that Maskon is Slick
8:28 pm : The first leak of Turnons medical documents. 
9:07 pm - 9:53 pm : this whole saga... Look i know i put way too much trust into maskon and i apologise BUT ADDON STILL ISN’T TRUSTWORTHY!!
10:06 pm : Maskon refers to Turnon as his husband
APR 23 : 
11:04 am : Turnon wakes up!! In a bad state but alive :3 also at 11:08 am he says that hes missing a few parts
4:08 pm : turnon is told about the (made up) debt issues
4:37 pm : turnon is shown his medical document. At 4:57 pm hes told not to tell addon about it.
5:24 pm : Turnon is told about presson. He also says that his last phone is blown up.
5:25 pm : Turnon talks about maskon
5:42 pm : Turnon mentions his legs feeling numb D:
7:20 pm : Turnon secretly spells out help !! wow !! 
7:47 pm : second Turnon medical document leaked!!  (at 8:23 pm i made fun of addon for being bad at stopping important docs from getting leaked)
8:34 pm : we find out about the hats
APR 24 :
12:51 pm : Click gets a blog!!
10:30 pm : Turnon makes a post asking how long is legs are supposed to be numb, and asking why his fingers are turning black. Click reblogs the post and says that hes coming over. After that turnon starts typing his posts really,,, bad,, theres no better way to describe it. After a minute Surf (ambyu-lance) takes the phone and click demands to speak to him and addon
APR 25 : 
6:57 pm : the third medical document leaked. This hasn't been decoded yet, but the first bit seems to be in nihilistic cipher. 
8:16 pm : Turnon makes a post, a picture he drew of himself with the caption “im a little sad, i'll get better”. When questioned on it he says that hes not used to the feeling of being useless.
8:32 pm : THE TAGS. THE TAGS. LOOK AT THE TAGS turnon makes a post. In the tags it says “hes getting worse” “oops did i say that? oh well.” My dumbass cant tell if this is turnip or turnon saying this but worth mentioning anyway.
9:15 pm - 9:37 pm : Clickon is questioned on whether he talked to Surf and Addon. He says that he did, and no one is completely sure whats up with Turnon. Clickon says that Turnons condition is worsening. Hes paler than usual, his fingers are black, and Clickon accidentally pulled out a clump of his hair. Click says that Turnon is a survivor, but even this makes him worried. After this, Addon reblogs the post saying that he didn't talk to clickon last night and theres no footage of Click entering the building. Click is obviously confused, to which Addon tells click to wake up and to stop living in his fantasies. After this Clickon says he feels weird.
9:20 pm : cool lil drawing. Not really relevant but i thought it was neat lol
9:35 pm : TURNON STANDS!!!! He mentions that his legs are black and hurt like hell but hes standing!! (at 9:53 pm he falls over D:)
9:37 pm : Click makes a post that simply reads “Somethings wrong.”
9:57 pm : When questioned if he's ok, clickon replies saying he never made it, before a wall of binary. It reads “Everything feels stuffy, Shadows I'm in my car, I think I'm being watched”. At 10:02 pm Addon reblogs the post saying “get out. Now.” before a string of numbers that haven't been decoded. At 10:09 pm Clickon reblogs the post again with another binary code, this time reading “I don't know where I'm going, My eyes, My eyes, I can barely see, Is it following me”
10:15 pm : Maskon makes some kind of post about Cotton candy. It translates to “i do like cotton candy dont you?”
10:23 pm : someone asks maskon / slick if he did anything to Clickon. Slick said he didn't want yellow to hang out with someone like that, but he deserves his freedom.
10:40 pm : Clickon makes a post in binary. It reads “The stars are beautiful tonight, The stars are beautiful tonight, The stars are beautiful tonight, The stars”
APR 26 : 
Nothing from turnon all day. 
7:35 am : Ice cream blog opened
2:07 pm : The runner of the Ice cream blog says that he uses the alias pinup (but for some reason, he can't disclose his real name. Could be for privacy reasons though.)
2:32 pm : Pinup gets a coat!! He comments on how it doesn’t have a tag for some reason
5:12 pm : Pinup mentions addon. He says that he sees addon as a friend but he isnt sure if addon feels the same.
3:39 pm : Clickon mentions he just woke up in the woods with a massive headache. He doesn't know how he got there. 
3:42 pm - 4:26 pm : Complaining about various things. He mentions having frozen joints, so he probably slept in the woods all night. He says “at least hes alive” which means he probably thought he was genuinely going to die (or hes just being dramatic)
4:33 pm - 10:11 pm : lots of things happen in this thread. Firstly, Clickon says that it was him making the posts in binary. He says he vaguely remembers typing something out on his phone, and that he was very scared. The first two are relatively self explanatory, he was scared. The third one he said he remembered looking up at the stars. He describes everything feeling trippy and disorientating as he was running, and feeling like he was being chased. He ends up being told all about Slick and all that. He isnt actually too surprised?? He says that he is nearing the city and he can see buildings in the distance. Anyways Important Shit Happened Go read it
11:38 pm : Its confirmed that the reason why Turnon didn't post anything is because addon took away his phone.
APR 27 : 
6:37 pm : Clickon updates us saying he got back to the city and after a rough night and is driving to seraphim, presumably to check on turnon
6:44 pm : Turnon makes a post saying hes going to walk home and addon doesnt know. At about 6:55 pm he passes out in the middle of the road. At this point he is disoriented from the pain medication and thinks he is back home.
6:58 pm : Clickon finds addon in the road and mistakes him for roadkill. By 7:04 pm turnon is in his car and they were going back to seraphim. At 7:14 pm he says that turnon is speaking gibberish. 
7:15 pm : Addon says a taskforce has already been sent out to try find turnon
7:29 pm : no matter what turnip says, addon finds out that clickon has turnon and sends out a bunch of shit to stop him, presumably not realising that he has good intentions.
7:36 pm : Clickon gets fucking SHOT !! 2 mins later turnon also presumably gets shot. NICE!! Later addon confirms it was a tranquiliser dart.
7:51 pm : at this point both clickon and turnon have been captured. Addon refers to them as ”two ominous individuals” at 8:04 pm Addon reports that they have been hooked up to an experimental piece of darkner equipment that hurts them when they move. 
8:19 pm : Clickon makes a post saying he doesn't want to die. Addon replied a few minutes later with what is essentially a threat (8:22 pm) and at 8:28 pm he ends up confirming that he knows about Slick
APR 28 :
11:25 am : Turnon wakes up back at seraphim, chained to the bed and confused on why he is there, stating that hes supposed to be home.
5:17 pm : Turnon is acting weird. He is weirdly insistent to get home despite never complaining about the facilities at Seraphim, and says that he would break his leg to get home. At one point there is a font change. This is implied to be slick possessing him.
5:30 - 6:30 pm :Theres a whole thread thats very important. Despite there only being two accounts, there is obviously three people in the conversation. Turnon, Addon, and Slick. Addon seems insistent on getting Slick out, even if it involves hurting turnon (“You should be more carefully you signed the contract years ago now I can legally do whatever I wish to you to get the task finished. Parasite” “If not I can feed you to Melody, atleast someone should benefit from your pathetic existence.”).  Turnon seems scared and confused. POOR FUCKING WET TOWEL I WANNA HUG HIM SO BAD POOR CREATURES BEEN THROUGH ENOUGH
@emiplayzmc @tdlizardshinynest take it you freaks /lh
i put all of the longer threads in one bit to make life easier for everyone
Im going to edit this when needed so itll probably be updated once every day or two
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chuunai · 9 months
Chuunai’s 100 follower event!
As stated in the previous poll, it’ll be a list of 20 scenarios and 20 prompts that you can choose from (preferably you choose a scenario and a prompt). If you’re participating (please do, I’ll marry you ^_^), send the scenario and prompt you want to my inbox. Anonymous or not is fine. I think I’ll do around 10-15 of these requests, and it’s first come first serve.
It’s be helpful too if y’all wanna specify on whether or not you want a drabble (like my lists) or a full on fanfic. If it’s a drabble I can do up to three characters, if it’s a fanfic I’ll do just one.
Characters I will not do (out of dislike and because I can’t write for their personality because I forgot they exist) include: Mori, all members of the Guild, Hirotsu, Kunikida, Fukuchi, Bram Stoker, PM! Dazai, 15! Dazai and Chuuya.
The availability of the requests will be shown below:
- 13/13 requests taken so far.
Anyway, onto the list!
(1) Married life
(2) Babies (and other bullshit)
(3) Going on a boba date
(4) Teaching them how to knit/crochet
(5) Putting makeup on them
(6) First confessions
(7) How they are when they move in with you
(8) Their couple playlist
(9) Cooking with you
(10) Mistletoe kisses
(11) Questioning your loyalty as their partner
(12) Cheating on you
(13) How they comfort you when they cry
(14) Ass, tits or thighs?
(15) Getting a pet with you
(16) Neglecting you over work
(17) Wondering if they deserve you or not
(18) Celebrating their first one year anniversary with you
(19) Getting drunk in-front of you
(20) If they had to pick between you and the world, who would it be?
Prompts (totally not song lyrics):
(1) “My god I thought you were someone to rely on.”
(2) “You look so stupid when you dance.”
(3) “I wanted to be the one that you could understand.”
(4) “Just look at you, then look at me.”
(5) “Send you my love on a wire.”
(6) “And I don’t know if I’ma see you again.”
(7) “Only if you knew how much I liked you.”
(8) “All in all, it was a typical Tuesday.”
(9) “I need your attention in this frail dimension of a brain.”
(10) “It’s just the two of us.”
(11) “I’m yearning, I’m searching.”
(12) “‘Cause I got a good feeling about you and I.”
(13) “Yeah, I think that I love you.”
(14) “It wasn’t really in my plans.”
(15) “Lost your name in a shit storm I caused.”
(16) “And I’m the rotten apple of your eye.”
(17) “Oh God, you’ve got charm.”
(18) “And I don’t wanna go home.”
(19) “Then I woke up, still drunk.”
(20) “Said hello, you said hello back.”
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theoriginalladya · 2 months
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Tour de Fleece 2024 - Day 19
Gosh, it's been a day, y'all. Got woken up after only 4 hours sleep by the Ex (filling in for the boss while boss is on vacation) calling from work about something I was supposed to email yesterday (which I did and told him the time) and then the person looking for it shouting behind him, "It JUST GOT HERE (14 hours after I sent it across town)". Fell back to sleep, woke up and wrote an unexpected 1300 words for a fic that's been stalled because I just couldn't get the next chapter started. Also noticed at that point the crap going on with all the Tech today (probably what caused the email issue). But the kicker was when I came down to do my usual Friday work stuff, I could NOT get onto the website (also probably a Tech thing), so I did what I could without it, then went and spun for like...four or six hours until the website DID come back online (about 8 pm here). Finished up work. Spun some more. Made dinner. (kiddo's on second shift, so I've sort of gravitated to his schedule).
ANYWAY, finished up the first 200 grams of the new fleece to pair up with the Big Project (tm) spin. My goal is to fill as much of this bobbin as I can by tomorrow end of day so I can spent Sunday plying up some of it to get a better idea of how it's going to look. And that, as they say, will be the end of TdF for this year. (not really. - going to finish up and get this and a couple of other yarns I spun up plied before I totally put stuff away, but you get what I mean).
How can we be at the end of Tour de Fleece already???
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another few days update
you would think i would get my stuff together for the one week time mark, but no, lol. i didn't like wednesday at all, i had bad pains and again didn't do that much productivity wise. so, let's get to summarizing.
7/100 days of getting my life back together
Tuesday, July 9, 2024
didn't study that much overall. my stomach decided to completely obliterate me, so i just gave up. i tried waking up early, but i think i ended up sleeping in. again
16:25 - 17:00 18:34 - 19:10 then i cleaned until 20:05 23:25 - 00:22
8/100 days of getting my life back together
Wednesday, July 10, 2024
really unproductive day, but hold on tight to your pants. it gets worse tomorrow. i did some exercises, that will be the first task on the exam, it went mostly quite good, actually, but i do want to do more of those and i still have some gaps in this area. other than that - not much else. did some notes at the end and that was it. what hapenned?
15:14 - 16:36 16:51 - 17:15
that day I think i also had the first since months time, when i couldn't fall asleep immediately, because i started to have panic attack/mental breakdown. it used to be almost daily few months ago, but kind of stopped eventually, and on that day it happened again. i had visuals of my old home and the home of my godmother, where i sometimes would stay for weeks, and started crying uncontrollably. anyways :D the day was over.
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i watched the video about dinosaurs and it made me want to draw some dinosaurs. so, here's that, lol. watch the video, by the way, if the topic sounds interesting to you, the guy is really funny.
9/100 days of getting my life back together
Thursday, July 11, 2024
~It got worse~
I slept the whole days, fellas. I managed (mostly because of my incredibly helpful boyfriend trying to support me :')) to wake up at about 11, stayed awake for maybe half an hour to an hour, and then just fell asleep. and slept the whole day, basically. i think i ended waking up at about 7 pm, did some miscellaneous things, had a long ass mental breakdown, crying more than my pride could take, and then went to bed.
L + ratio + skill issue
10/100 days of getting my life back together
Friday, July 12, 2024
But you know what? I feel quite hopeful for today. I woke up fully at about 9:30, had my coffee and cigarette (kids do NOT smoke), cleaned up my studying space, which took a lot MORE than i expected, but now I'm ready to study. i am quite sleepy, but I have to just get myself together and do it. you know, maybe all those failures are okay, because at least i keep trying. eventually one of those tries does succeed in one way or another.
10:50 - 12:42 pages 20-56 in DB5 13:15 - 15:36 finished SE4, 56-82 DB5 then i cooked some food, took a shower and rested for a bit 17:30 - 18:20 FINALLY done with DB5
18:50 - 20:00 finished SE5
I cannot express how happy I am to be finally done with this DB 5 lecture. i also calculated the overall amount of slides i should go over, it came up to 374 of them, which comes to about 30 slides a day if i want to finish everything like one day before the exam lol. anyway. tummy hurty but we must persist
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blindrapture · 3 months
SATURDAY JUNE 25TH, 2011 (Liverpool)
8:31 AM Holy cock. I woke up in a hotel. I don’t remember anything from the past several days. I mean, I remember being in that city, and running from that.. giant screaming face. And then I went down an alley and.. Motherfucker. It was the slender man. It’s like motherfucking Marble Hornets Part 2. What the fuck.
8:32 AM I have no idea where Donnie is. ..I have no idea where I am.
8:35 AM There’s a safe in my room. I’m gonna try the code “1102.” ..no? Well, fuck. I’m all out of ideas.
8:40 AM Okay, there’s a connecting door to the next room, and I knocked on it, and go ahead and guess who was on the other side. If you guessed “Donnie,” you’re wrong. Well okay, fine, you’re right.
8:58 AM We have deduced that neither of us remembers anything about the past few days. This is a very bad thing. But we’ll make do. We’re gonna look around the hotel.
9:01 AM Elevator’s working, right. We’re on the seventh floor. Trying the ground floor.
9:02 AM The elevator stopped on the third floor. It won’t do anything now. The doors haven’t opened yet. Oh, there we go. They opened. It’s just a regular hotel hallway. Takes a left turn after about seven doors.
9:03 AM Donnie’s coughing a lot. This door is ajar.
9:04 AM That window shows nothing but bricks. Where the hell are we? HELLO SLENDY DONNIE RUN
9:05 AM running down the haaaaall oh look at that that’s not Donnie ..slendy’s gone. And so’s that other person. What.
9:06 AM So, uh.. that was an old woman. I saw her for a little bit, standing in the middle of the hall, but now she’s just gone, man! It’s true! Donnie’s still here. We’re looking for the exit now.
9:13 AM Staircase! Hey! Finally. Aaand slendy’s up there fuck that shit we’re going down.
9:14 AM Ground floor ho boy see ya slendy wouldn’t wanna be ya!
9:15 AM We’re out of the hotel. Where are we now, we’re in Liverpool, okay. HELLO, LIVERPUDLIANS! WE ARE THE BEATLES, AND WE’RE flying zombies eat guitar controller eat it in the FACE oh god the blood dgjssdgwothaWHOA YEAH, YOU’D BETTER RUN, FLYING ZOMBIES. YEAH, YOU’D BETTER FALL TO THE GROUND AS IF YOU’VE JUST BEEN SHOT. YEAH, YOU’D BETTER DIE EVEN THOUGH I DON’T HAVE A GUN. Yeah, we’d better run.
9:19 AM Oh hi there! These are other nice people! Real people! Not twisted or demented or zombies or anything like that! They’re people! It’s a family of four, specifically.
9:48 AM The father’s name is Richard, that much I know. Mother’s name is Meredith. Man, British people have stupid names. >_> Even though I am one. It’s still true. They have two sons, one of whom looks about.. early-twenties, his name’s Rogers, other son’s probably around seventeen, name’s Bill. Completely generic names. They’re staying at a nearby inn until the Exodus sets sail. Donnie asked if we could stay with them, and they said we’d have to ask the innkeeper. Fair enough.
11:03 AM This town is large. See, I didn’t know that. Because I’ve never been to Liverpool before. Apparently it's not even a town; it's a city? Wow! I'm impressed with you, England. More than one city? Good job! But anyway, we just found the inn. It’s pretty close to the harbour.
11:22 AM The innkeeper’s given us a room. It’s a nice room, yes. But the innkeeper told us to watch out for the Masked Massacrer who’s been spotted in the area. I’m gonna ask around about this.
12:39 PM I’ve asked a good few people around here about this “Masked Massacrer” guy, and I’ve gotten a few details. Masky is a— oh. Actually, that sums it up, right there. Masky. A man in a mask. The Liverpoolians have dubbed him the “Massacrer” because he’s killed a whopping six people. How terrifying. I’ve killed more people than that. ..though I probably don’t want to start telling people that. They say this guy’s mask is funny. It’s like a crudely-drawn Jesus mask. There’s a beard and a moustache and the long hair and everything. So.. we’re up against the Masked Messiah. Except he kills people. How are these guys sure it’s not just Cockroach Jesus? Actually, then again, I’m sure if it was a human-sized cockroach, they’d be able to tell. Either way, this is gonna be a long four days.
1:03 PM Donnie wants to “listen to some music.” …”in bed.” “Together.” I’m “looking forward to this,” journal. I’ll see you after the “show.”
1:34 PM ffff neighbours came in! Guess we forgot to lock the doors. They said there’s a big inn-wide meeting going on downstairs. And they said we can work on repopulating the human race when it’s just the two of us left. Great, now we just look like the guests who fuck a lot. We weren’t even fucking, just cuddling. D: (I.. wasn’t ready.)
2:00 PM That meeting was boring. It was basically a headcount and making sure everyone was going on the Exodus. Oh, and a curfew. Eight o’ clock sharp, as Masky tends to strike after that.
2:27 PM We went to the local supermarket and got some non-perishable foods. Yummy! There’s lots of flying zombies in the sky, but they don’t seem to want to bother us. I’m glad.
5:09 PM Someone’s knocking in our door. At least they had the courtesy to knock. >.>
5:13 PM It was Rogers. He has something he wants to show us.
5:17 PM Out of the inn.
5:29 PM This is a golf club. Rogers led us here to play golf?
5:33 PM That’s a rabbit hole. It’s a vending machine, but every slot is taken up by an eyeball that’s blinking and looking around and ugh. It’s at the end of a hallway. I can tell that this door right here’s a rabbit hole. Rogers looks.. is he expecting us to go in? “You know what this is, right?” Donnie said it’s a rabbit hole. Rogers laughed. “No, no, no. What’s this?” He’s pointing at the entrance. I said it’s a door. “That’s right. It is a door. Do you know what that means?” We don’t. “It means we’ve got the key to Rapture right here in front of us.” He’s leading us away from the door now. “You don’t want to go into that door. You don’t want to go into any door, but what’s tricky is that sometimes you run into a door that doesn’t even look a thing like a door.” For some reason, I’m reminded of that huge vault thing that the Vorke was resting behind. It looked like a door, though actually… “The Exodus... why do you want to go on the Exodus, guys?” Donnie says we’re meeting people in America. “Nah, that’s not why. C’mon, be honest. Why do you want to go on the Exodus? Actually, let me ask a better question. Why do you have to go?” Uh.. shit. I don’t really know. “Why do you have no choice?” We don’t have a choice? WAITWAITWAIT, it’s because England is theirs now. Like that graffiti said. Rogers is grinning madly. "Ah, but whose? England is whose?” Donnie said “The things.” And I said “Fear.” “Yes. Yes. England belongs to them now. Fear. YES, yes that’s completely right. No one ever knows that, but you guys are the first I’ve found who knew!” He takes a bit to calm down. We’re at a window now, facing out to the driving range. Zombies are out there. “I’ve heard rumours. About what caused this weird stuff.” I asked if he meant Rapture, and he shouted. “It’s not Rapture. At least, this isn’t. I knew that as soon as I heard the blind prophets. They go around saying ‘Rapture is coming.’ ‘Cause it is. Rapture’s coming. It’s not here yet. The fears know that too, which is why they’ve come out to play. They were always here, you know. The fears. They used to just occasionally reach out to get people, but now they’re going crazy. They’re killing people left and right. Some of ‘em even use us to kill people for ’em.” ..fuck. Like the Harlequin. His face lit up. “The wooden girl. Yes. She uses people, uses us. I haven’t heard of her lately, though. Which is odd. Actually, a lot of the fears are doing odd things lately. Some of them are killing more than usual, but one thing’s certain: they’re claiming England for good now.” asdfgh oh, that was just Donnie grabbing my shirt, since my hands are occupied. “Do you know anything about the wooden girl? Why she’s gone quiet lately?” I looked at Donnie. She nodded at me. “It’s.. well, I subdued her, I guess you could say.” Rogers looked at me for a bit. Then he laughed. “But the wooden girl’s a fear. She can’t be subdued just like that. I’d be surprised if she could be subdued at all. I think she’s planning something. I dunno. Doctor Cloud, too. I hear nothing but trouble about what he found in JESUS IT’S THE MASKED MASSACRER HE KILLED ROGERS he’s gone. But. ._.
10:42 PM We’re gonna go to bed.
11:00 PM Rapture is coming.
(Attached: "The blind prophets are more of a continental Europe thing. Around the turn of the apocalypse, some Austrians woke up to find they were completely blind, and they all heard a voice telling them to go as far as they can around the world and spread the message that Rapture's coming. Lots of countries got this kind of thing, though only the Austrians were blind. Japan got long-haired girls, I guess to play on that cultural fear? Who can really say the logic behind all this? The point is, every prophet says it all started with a voice on May 21st, a disembodied voice that only some people could hear. This is only one of the many arbitrary things about the end of the world.")
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duallotearsey · 6 months
My 10 days experience as an immersionist student
Before our deployment in work immersion I already prepared all the things that I need for tomorrow which are my resume, application letter, my uniform, and even myself. Since Division Office is where the superintendent worked and some known people who really worked hard to make our Education presentable and smooth.
March 13 Tuesday, this is it I woke up at 6 am since I need to finalize all the things that I will bring in my duty. When I arrived in Division office Ms. Bernadez welcome us with huge smile in her face and she orient us. We introduced ourselves and asked this question; what is you expectation working in Division office? Afterwards she divided us where will be our final destination. The group of Edwin assigned in Records where Ms. Bernadez worked, my group were assigned in personnel unit. But here's a twist we asked again to introduce ourselves and state our strand, I was the only who assigned at Administrative unit and I'm a little bit nervous because I don't have anyone, I just have myself. Few moments within that day, Ms. Criselle one of the staff tasked me to segregate all the DTR or Daily time record in highschool level teachers, she instructed me what I need to do. It was a challenging tasked for me since there are plenty of schools within Talisay and when I got home I really felt the ache of my back.
My second and third day as an immersionist student in Division office. The same routine, I get the cleaning materials which is the mop and sweeper. I clean the entire floor and make it clean so that all the staff in Administrative unit when they arrived it will lessen their work and they can just sit instead of cleaning. 8:30 when ma'am Rachel tasked me to scan, change the last name to those teachers who are married and encode their names as well as their personal information in computer. Time is so fast, I ate my lunch together with Nica and Rheena and it wouldn't be complete without some chika, telling our day how it went. Since I already done the task that is assigned by me from ma'am Rachel afternoon that day, I did nothing but I helped my Glory when there is someone who will need their service records. Time check ohh it was already 5 pm, it's go home time.
March 18 my 4th day as an immersionist student and at the same time this day our first day of NAT examination. The most surprising part is I almost late since I woke at 7:08 and our NAT will start at 7:30, I wash my face then get my self ready for school and I didn't ate my breakfast since again it's time. I arrived at school at 7:25 am and I was so embarrassed since I'm the only student who is late for that day. I was just accept and move forward. 12 in the usafternoon we went to Division office to work, ma'am Aireen task me to encode the Designation and she instructed me what to do, it was so thick I just finished some and a lot more.
March 19, my 5th day and also my 2nd day in NAT examination, guess what I arrived at school at 6 am, yes 6 am I was like thinking that I know I can do it for the sake of our school and I really need to answer it seriously. Afternoon we ate our lunch and then went to Division office I continue what ma'am Aireen asked to do, I encode it as fast as I could but it was just so thick that took me at 5 pm, time is fast when you are doing something important that needed to be passed.
March 20, 21, 22 what a productive days! March 20 morning I finished what ma'am Aireen asked me to do which is the Designation letters, after that ma'am Louella tasked me to encode the clothing allowance for teachers. She instructed me what to do and I did some notes so that I can assure that all the things will smoothly went since ma'am Louella, she will be on leave. I finished the task within that day, there are one thousand plus teachers in elementary level and I encoded it within that day, and I felt really great. After that, ma'am criselle explained and she instructed me to received the DTR through computer and print it and gave it to Ma'am Flor, I extend my time for 30 minutes just to finish the tasked that is assigned to me.
March 27, continuation of my duty. When I finished sweeping the floor and clean the office I immediately worked what ma'am Rachel tasked me to do, which is the encoding of salary for those staff who made progress for their work, I also encoded the important information of those teachers who are substitute and those staff who are permanent I've finished it. Since it was a half day because it will be a holy week then we decided to duty in the afternoon. Then, ma'am Aireen told us that me and Rheena will be singing the prayer on April 1 during the flag ceremony and I was so shocked because I wasn't good at singing. Some of my schoolmates were assigned to lead the energizer. After some practice, we went outside to do some inventory and list all the clothes for unreleased CVRAA clothes and it was full of fun, since sir Pat is here with us counting then he treat us. Made some small talks and at 5 pm we took some pictures together ma'am Marf, sir Julius, Ma'am Aireen, and also sir Patrick.
April 1 my last day as an immersionist student. When woke up in the morning I am with mix emotions because I didn't know how to feel, I will be happy knowing that I am in the last day in my duty but at the same I was a little bit sad since I am already attached to those great and very nice people within my 2 weeks.
As usual, I clean the office then I decided to continue encoding the Leave cards. Unttil Rheena went into my work place to inform that there will be a small appreciation for us, they treat us with plenty of delicious pizzas and took some pictures for remembrance. For my two weeks as an immersionist student, I am proud to say that I've learned a lot only in using the excel but I've also learned how to appreciate those people who really work hard for the sake of all the teachers and students. I also appreciate the dedication and hardwork of my family for me to be able to have a good future. Before I went home ma'am Aireen and other staff for the last time give me some piece of advise that really hit me.
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omgkalyppso · 1 year
30 Character Questions for Étoile
sourced from here
1. When they tap their fingers do they use the pads of their fingers or their nails?
Their fingers. They would keep their nails too short.
2. What textures can they absolutely not stand?
Fish scales.
3. How long can they go without showering before they feel gross?
If they've experienced combat / got blood on them then 1 day. Otherwise 3-4 days. If Shadowheart has no spell slots for Create Water left in the Underdark, Étoile is inconsolable.
4. Do they leave clothes on the floor or a chair?
On a chair. Definitely would ascribe to the ideology that some clothing can be reworn.
5. Do they sleep with the bedroom door open or closed?
Closed. They lived in a small house with their mothers as a child and needed their privacy (just as their mothers did).
6. Which do they prefer: 3am or 3pm?
3 PM. Étoile would have such a hard time transitioning to sleeping during the day for the sake of vampire social participation. They'd definitely prefer to be sleeping at 3 AM.
7. If they suddenly woke up with animal ears and tails what animal would they be?
Poor Étoile. I feel it's very "typical" to say wolf, but I'm committing to how I associate them with wolves because of their werewolf mother.
8. If they could only eat one thing for 20 days straight what would it be?
Some kind of stew with potatoes / root vegetables and tomatoes and some kind of chunked meat: beef, boar, moose? Hopefully someone more adept at spices and cooking times prepared it for them.
9. Are they the type to re-read a book?
Yes. Étoile would have a general academic approach to reading, rather than leisurely, and would reread to encourage themself to memorize information and consider parables and fables and history from many angles.
10. Would they want to know the exact date and time of their death?
Absolutely not. This would drive them insane.
11. What’s their favourite mythological creature?
If they're sucking up to mom, it's a werewolf. Otherwise I think the symbolism of a pheonix would appeal to them.
12. If they had to listen to one song on repeat 100+ times what would it be?
The real answer to this question is a bg3 spoiler. The modern setting answer to this question is Short Memory by Evgeny Grinko:
13. Do they believe in an afterlife?
14. When they get tired do their eyelids twitch?
No, not really.
15. What are their favourite textures?
Fur, leather, long hair.
16. Do they crack their joints?
Not intentionally, I think Étoile would have been taught it's bad manners and bad for their joints, so when it happens accidentally they feel especially guilty when it makes a joint feel better.
17. Would they eat/drink something too hot or wait for it to cool?
Oh, they absolutely eat/drink things too hot. Eager for the taste or the experience. Afraid something will happen to tear them away from their meal or drink if they wait for it to cool.
18. Are they the type to adopt strays? (Animals or people)
ksdfjgklsjdfhgk Yes.
19. Do they get work done straight away or wait until the last moment?
They start it straight away but it always takes until the last moment.
20. How do they bathe/shower? Long or short? Hot or cold?
In their primary setting it would either be a bucket of cold water / a river and a soapy rag, or a long hot bath. I think mostly the same in a modern setting: long cold showers more frequently, and long hot baths on occasion.
21. Are they the type to daydream?
Yes. It helps them worry.
22. Do they work best in a messy space or a neat space?
Neat. Étoile would generally keep a clean space and help their friends to do the same.
23. Do they keep any personal photos?
Ough. I hadn't previously thought of Étoile having a poor sketch of their mothers in their possession, but now I think it's the only think they hoped someone saved of their belongings left in Baldur's Gate.
Modern setting Étoile would definitely keep personal photos.
24. Do they indulge in anything?
Alcohol, but not frequently enough that it's a vice.
25. Would they do the exact opposite of what someone says just to spite them?
No. They might do this sometimes, but never just to spite a person's statement of the thing.
26. If they’re alone and hear a noise would they go and investigate?
Yes. Can't be too careful.
27. If they’re lost what is the first thing they would do?
Look for the sky, and where the sun is, or the stars. Try and figure out north.
28. What is that one dream that makes no sense but is absolutely terrifying?
Étoile would not enjoy any dreams.
29. What is the stupidest thing they’ve ever done just because someone said they couldn’t?
I don't think Étoile often rises to bait like this. The stupidest thing they've ever done though? That's spoilers. fdghdfgh
30. Are they stoic or melodramatic about being injured?
More stoic than melodramatic, but not unerringly. They'll hiss and scream and cry about their pain if it's significant enough.
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slutwithagut · 10 months
Post #2
The amount of cigarettes I’m smoking is insane for someone with no income! It’s time to ration. It would be cheaper to roll my own… but I don’t know how to roll. Maybe now is the time to finally learn? I digress. We will worry about that at a later time n date.
I have a close friend who employs me to give him rides home from work. Usually every Monday he needs a ride home from work around 8:10 pm because he goes in at 8 something the next day. Occasionally he asks for rides from the local trolley stop that’s about a 10 minute drive from my house.
I bring this up because my weekly income is about $28 on a good week.
So I need to chill on the tobacco.
Things were easier when I smoked spliff bowls (mole bowls, moke bowls, party bowls, whatever u wanna call them) which is cannabis mixed with tobacco. I’ve purchased a great many bags of bugler tobacco. It’s much more cost effective then buying a pack of cigs. The bugler pouch is roughly good for about 30 cigs versus the 20 you find pre rolled. It costs $7/$8 while a pack of cigs is $10/$11
I had purchased a joint rolling machine and filters earlier this year to roll my own. I found it just didn’t hit the same. I also proceeded to break the joint roller. A common theme in my life. Breaking useful objects due to carelessness and or intoxication. If only y’all knew me when I did XANAX and drank heavily while popping. I broke so many things… three lovely bongs, a babyliss hair straightener, bottles, and endured countless bruises and scratches. I also strained some of my personal relationships as you don’t give a single solitary FUCK when your xanned out.
So moral of the story is I am going to start rationing out my cigarettes.
I might buy a vape but I have to go on the black market for one and it seems like such a hassle.
Smoking cigarettes may seem glamorous and look cool. It feeds my oral fixation. But it makes you stink. I literally need to buy gum, scented hand sanitizer, and a small bottle of body spray so I don’t smell bad.
Wish my luck my loves! It ain’t easy trying to kick my vices.
It’s also 12:19 a.m. while I write this. My brain is tired but my body is on high alert. I do suffer from insomnia and weed helps that a lot.
It’s tough to learn how to live my life with out mind altering substances. I also find myself becoming more irritable. I might need to up the dosage on my medicine. I also kind of want to ask my doctor for sleeping pills… but it seems wrong? Since they have a potential for abuse. It would be nice to actually be able to fall asleep around the same time every night. I’ll probably be up until 2 or 3.
If I fall asleep before that I usually wake between 3 and 4 to pee. Then toss and turn till 6 or 7. Get up, smoke a cigarette and if I’m lucky fall back a sleep for a bit. I awake groggy and feeling worse than when I first woke. But still I nap after waking up. It’s a vicious cycle.
I’m going to start wearing my FitBit smart watch to bed again so I can track my sleep. It lets you know how many times you wake up, how deep your sleep was, etc. and it gives you a sleep score for the night. I want to see if my sleep is truly fucked up enough to constitute medicine. The less pills I’m on the better. But sleep is important and staying up late with my thoughts is not the most pleasant experience.
At least now I have you guys to talk and write to, to pass the time.
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etherchive · 1 year
[Pann] "NCT Mark's schedule that makes you wonder if it's possible to be carried out"
"Starting with the 2023's first schedule..
1. U.S. and South American tour (the 'and more..' here is the South American tour)
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2. NCT 127 'Ay-Yo' comeback music show activities (1st comeback [in 2023])
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3. NCT DREAM's overseas tour (it ends in May on the picture, but the encore concert announcement came out [after that], so they did an overseas tour until June)
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4. Solo track release (he released his own solo song in the middle of the tour)
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5. NCT DREAM 'Broken Melodies' music show activities (pre-release track) (2nd comeback)
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6. NCT DREAM's 'ISTJ' music show activities (full-length album) (3rd comeback)
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7. NCT 127 and NCT DREAM Fanmeetings (he's in two groups, so he participated in both)
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8. NCT DREAM 'Yogurt Shake' music show activities (follow-up song) (4th comeback)
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9. NCT U 'Baggy Jeans' music show activities (5th comeback)
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10. NCT full-team concert (tour in Korea and Japan) ended in September 17th
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When (we) thought he would rest a bit after the tour ends...
11. NCT 127 comeback schedule on October 6th (6th comeback schedule)
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In 2023 alone, because he's in 3 different teams, he did 3 overseas tours, 5 comebacks and music show activities, and even filmed a lot of contents in between.
Whenever the fans sent messages full of concerns to him, the replies are mostly like this:
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"I went to the hospital as soon as I woke up todayㅠ" [5:10 PM] "I will get better soon" [5:10 PM] "I'm sorry for making you worry" [5:10 PM] "Mark Lee who's not sick is here!" [10:49 PM] "Don't mind about anything else, don't worry about anything else, let's just have fun waiting for the days coming ahead of us and be together!!" [10:58 PM]
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The schedules in this post are only the ones in 2023, and he's been on this kind of schedule for 8 years. Except for the time that he got Covid-19, he has never been absent in any schedule.
Without including recording and dance practice, if the schedules that can be seen (official schedules) are of this extent, I think the fans would all understand if he unintentionally shows bad attitude or suddenly wants to rest."
[+12, -0] "Actually, all of the idol are busy, but I think no one is as busy as him.. so I feel thankful and I appreciate that he always does his best. Even if he suddenly takes a break, I think I would understand. I love you, Mark."
[+9, -0] "He even did (activities with) SuperM too, back then"
🔗 Original Post
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cero-sleep · 1 year
19 & 22 for the ask game!
19. Do you have a best friend? How long have you been friends? 
Hrmmmmm I don't think I have one best friend? I love all my friends tho
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22. How much sleep did you get last night? 
SHSJSHJSHSJSHS so idk exactly but I went to bed super early at like 5 pm or smth and woke up at like 8 am I think then proceeded to nap some more shjshsjs
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Safe in your arms by ebony solcum on wattpad
I promised commentary, and I shall deliver!
9:41 pm: LET'S DO THIS! Okay, Wattpad. I've been here before when I was desperately searching for new fics I hadn't read. I don't come here often because I hate the formatting. Have I read this one? It kind of looks familiar…
9:55 pm: I have definitely read this one. That's okay, I am a serial re-reader. I don't remember what happens. 2 chapters in and…Ads?! No thank you, Wordscapes.
10:35 pm: I was going to stop after chapter 3 but the baby woke up before I could get into bed. Feeding and fic, they go together around here. Lots of angst in that basement menagerie. Our awkward babies need hugs. They should just hug each other, already.
11:17 pm: I finally laid down and I'm too tired to continue. Pause after chapter 8. They finally hugged each other!
3:43 am: Up with the baby. More feeding and fic! I have definitely read this before, I remember them teaching Nagini magic! I think it's a really sweet part of the storyline. Achilles Tolliver needs to go away. I mean, he's not there, but he's in the way, darn it.
4:12 am: Whoa, anger Newt! Let it out, dude. 9 chapters down, I'm going back to bed!
6:48 am: Seriously, child. You need to sleep… 😴
8:32 am: UUUGGGHHH, ACHILLES…. *shakes fist* I am sure canon Achilles is a fine, upstanding guy, but we DO love to hate him in fandom, don't we? 🔥
9:14 am: I have to take my 4 year old back to my hometown for a birthday party today. No reading time for me. Bummer…
9:39 pm: All right, I'm back! Let's go, chapter 13… Sad Tina is sad.
9:51 pm: Oooohhhhh intentional hand holding. 👀
9:56 pm: NOOOOOOOOO! I hate him.🙄 His timing is impeccable. Also, Nagini knows…
10:17 pm: Yaaaasssss, Nagini! *snaps* Okay, real talk. They are grown adults and acting like they are 14 around each other. *shoves their faces together* KISS ALREADY! Jesus.
10:31 pm: Whoop, there it is! 😘🥳
10:41 pm: drama time!
12:36 am: my kid woke up…and someone in my story just got punched in the face. Hot damn. Also, there are so many ads… no me gusta.
12:45 am: I hate Achilles. 🖕 Newt is so sweet.
1:19 am: THERE IS MY FLUFF! ☁️☁️☁️ And Christmas!
1:29 am: Nagini is adorable. Her childlike wonder makes me smile. I also love that she was given magical ability. I have often wondered if Nagini is magical or not. I am assuming that there is at least a magical connection since she was born with the blood curse.
1:42 am: Pesky nifflers! Such adorable little posts! Okay, I'm going to sleep. I'm reading in bed and I'm going to fall asleep on my phone. 🤣 That's the end of chapter 33!
10:57 am: Okay, I think I'm almost done. Let's finish this. 💍 Wait, meet the parents time… and of course Newt’s parents suck.
11:13 am: Finished! It was a very sweet story! Thank you for the recommendation, @scamanderishredmayniac!
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yanderespamton78 · 4 months
im not great at stuff like this and ive kinda changed my style of writing at diff stages, so some bits are more lighthearted, some bits are more serious some bits are all shoved into one post, ect ect ect. sorry about that!! also this doesnt get updated often on tumblr, but if you want the link to the word doc just ask and ill DM it to you :DD
APR 16 :
 6:32 am : Turnons blog opened :D
APR 20 : 
8:35 am : Turnon makes the poll about whether he should investigate smth weird addons doing (this shows that addon has been slightly suspicious since the start)
8:35 am : First morse code!!! With the poll 
4:39 pm : “I miss my past” post (possibly relevant??)
4:53 pm : Maskons first post
4:54 pm : First interaction with maskon (through a comment on a post - he didn't yet have a proper blog)
7:24 pm : Addon makes a blog
8:01 pm : First interaction with the morse code entity
8:10 pm : Addon first translates what the morse code entity is saying
8:15 pm : the giftday party incident (i added this bc it makes me laugh a lot)
8:37 pm : rainbon mentioned. Possibly significant? 
9:24 pm : We find out the morse code entity is actually turnon (im guessing right after the acident but i could be wrong)  (the addisons never find this out)
9:47pm : First time the alphabet code entity speaks through turnons posts. Says “i think that's enough. you're scaring him. he's hurt, you wouldn't want him to dust would you?” presumably referring to the morse code entity. Right after this the morse code entity disappears, and any further interactions respond with “but no one came”
9:57 pm : Second interaction with alphabet code entity who says “stop talking to him you're giving him a headache”. Turnon complains about a headache. This is the first signs of a decline in his health. In the next post he says that hes going to go.
10:04 pm : Addon has been translating bits of the morse code for a bit now. The forth analysis ends up being corrupted, and all the characters are just black blocks. 
APR 21 :
9:26 am : First post says that he got a nosebleed and passed out on his desk the previous night. He also mentions that when he woke up there was a cup of tea on his desk which he presumes is from addon but it was never confirmed.
10:59 am : Mentions that the strange people are back (mentioned in the poll) and that hes getting a nosebleed. Mentions in the next post that he feel really dizzy and is going back to his desk
11:34 am : Turnon describes a building pressure in his head like bugs. 
11:50 am : Turnon says that the nosebleed stopped. Alphabet entity gets accused of being slick. It ignores the question and instead tells us to leave turnon alone as he’s stressed with work.
12:00 noon : This post from maskon? Not sure the relevance of the song. definitely creepy tho.
6:14 pm : Here addon confirms that turnon is in the medbay. This is later contradicted by addon himself.
6:14 pm : “turnon” says that he woke up and has no idea where he is. At 6:23 he tags addon for help.
6:19 pm : Addon says that he opened a zipped file and it shut down his pc. This is presumably what causes the medical documents to get leaked.
6:29 pm : “Turnon” says that he knows where he is and isn't happy about it. What??
6:52 pm : A few posts later “turnon” tells addon that he got hurt really badly. He says hes going to try to walk home against addons advice.
7:42 pm : Something happens and “turnon” starts making disturbing posts. They are in english but don’t have spaces. He seems frantic and scared and at 7:54 pm he doesnt respond to his own name, despite the fact that he mentions his goggles and crypton, which are obviously things that are unique to him. 
7:50 pm : Addon responds to the first spaceless post and comments on how turnon couldn't be making the posts as he is unconscious in medbay 
8:03 pm : When not-turnon is questioned on his name he says it is presson and seems confused. He says he found the phone in queens palace (if he is telling the truth, it would make sense why turnon was unhappy about where he was. Obviously he fell into the acid lake in queens mansion so its unsurprising that he would be on edge.)
8:20pm : Presson denies that it was him who typed the weird spaceless posts. 
9:34 pm - 9:59 pm : Presson comments on how dark and run down seraphim is. When questioned on it addon says its probably something interdimensional or timeline based. At this point, his text starts glitching out. Addon tells presson to put the phone in the big machine, but presson says that it looks dangerous and he doesn't want to. He seems genuinely worried about dying, but addon insists he returns the phone. Finally, he puts it in the machine and you are no longer able to contact presson.
10:52 pm : when questioned on the weird glitchy text, he again chalks it up to interdimensional lag
If we go by addons version of events (which he talked about a few days later on the 24th) at about 6-7pm turnon went out and got badly injured. At about 8 pm some kind of entity (presson) took his phone, who addon electrocuted. At about 9 pm Turnon was found in an alleyway with some kind of black fluid gushing out of his nose. 
APR 22 : 
5:37 pm : confirmation that Maskon is Slick
8:28 pm : The first leak of Turnons medical documents. 
9:07 pm - 9:53 pm : this whole saga. An asker accuses Addon of experimenting on turnon and Addon denies it. Id recommend reading it.
10:06 pm : Maskon refers to Turnon as his husband
APR 23 : 
11:04 am : Turnon wakes up!! In a bad state but alive :3 also at 11:08 am he says that hes missing a few parts
4:08 pm : turnon is told about the (made up) debt issues
4:37 pm : turnon is shown his medical document. At 4:57 pm hes told not to tell addon about it.
5:24 pm : Turnon is told about presson. He also says that his last phone is blown up.
5:25 pm : Turnon talks about maskon
5:42 pm : Turnon mentions his legs feeling numb D:
7:20 pm : Turnon secretly spells out help !! wow !! 
7:47 pm : second Turnon medical document leaked!!  (at 8:23 pm i made fun of addon for being bad at stopping important docs from getting leaked)
8:34 pm : we find out about the hats
APR 24 :
12:51 pm : Click gets a blog!!
10:30 pm : Turnon makes a post asking how long is legs are supposed to be numb, and asking why his fingers are turning black. Click reblogs the post and says that hes coming over. After that turnon starts typing his posts really,,, bad,, theres no better way to describe it. After a minute Surf (ambyu-lance) takes the phone and click demands to speak to him and addon
APR 25 : 
6:57 pm : the third medical document leaked. This hasn't been decoded yet, but the first bit seems to be in nihilistic cipher. IMPORTANT : instead of having Patient 25 : Turnon.G. Addison at the top, it has Patient 24 : Crimson.K.Addison. This means that there could’ve been other addisons that Slick infected.
8:16 pm : Turnon makes a post, a picture he drew of himself with the caption “im a little sad, i'll get better”. When questioned on it he says that hes not used to the feeling of being useless.
9:15 pm - 9:37 pm : Clickon is questioned on whether he talked to Surf and Addon. He says that he did, and no one is completely sure whats up with Turnon. Clickon says that Turnons condition is worsening. Hes paler than usual, his fingers are black, and Clickon accidentally pulled out a clump of his hair. Click says that Turnon is a survivor, but even this makes him worried. After this, Addon reblogs the post saying that he didn't talk to clickon last night and theres no footage of Click entering the building. Click is obviously confused, to which Addon tells click to wake up and to stop living in his fantasies. After this Clickon says he feels weird.
9:20 pm : cool lil drawing. Not really relevant but i thought it was neat lol
9:35 pm : TURNON STANDS!!!! He mentions that his legs are black and hurt like hell but hes standing!! (at 9:53 pm he falls over D:)
9:37 pm : Click makes a post that simply reads “Somethings wrong.”
9:57 pm : When questioned if he's ok, clickon replies saying he never made it, before a wall of binary. It reads “Everything feels stuffy, Shadows I'm in my car, I think I'm being watched”. At 10:02 pm Addon reblogs the post saying “get out. Now.” before a string of numbers that haven't been decoded. At 10:09 pm Clickon reblogs the post again with another binary code, this time reading “I don't know where I'm going, My eyes, My eyes, I can barely see, Is it following me”
10:15 pm : Maskon makes some kind of post about Cotton candy. It translates to “i do like cotton candy dont you?”
10:23 pm : someone asks maskon / slick if he did anything to Clickon. Slick said he didn't want yellow to hang out with someone like that, but he deserves his freedom.
10:40 pm : Clickon makes a post in binary. It reads “The stars are beautiful tonight, The stars are beautiful tonight, The stars are beautiful tonight, The stars"
APR 26 : 
7:35 am : Ice cream blog opened
2:07 pm : The runner of the Ice cream blog says that he uses the alias pinup (but for some reason, he can't disclose his real name. Could be for privacy reasons though.)
2:32 pm : Pinup gets a coat!! He comments on how it doesn’t have a tag for some reason
5:12 pm : Pinup mentions addon. He says that he sees addon as a friend but he isnt sure if addon feels the same.
3:39 pm : Clickon mentions he just woke up in the woods with a massive headache. He doesn't know how he got there. 
3:42 pm - 4:26 pm : Complaining about various things. He mentions having frozen joints, so he probably slept in the woods all night. He says “at least hes alive” which means he probably thought he was genuinely going to die (or hes just being dramatic)
4:33 pm - 10:11 pm : lots of things happen in this thread. Firstly, Clickon says that it was him making the posts in binary. He says he vaguely remembers typing something out on his phone, and that he was very scared. The first two are relatively self explanatory, he was scared. The third one he said he remembered looking up at the stars. He describes everything feeling trippy and disorientating as he was running, and feeling like he was being chased. He ends up being told all about Slick and all that. He isnt actually too surprised?? He says that he is nearing the city and he can see buildings in the distance. Anyways Important Shit Happened Go read it
11:38 pm : Its confirmed that the reason why Turnon didn't post anything is because addon took away his phone.
APR 27 : 
6:37 pm : Clickon updates us saying he got back to the city and after a rough night and is driving to seraphim, presumably to check on turnon
6:44 pm : Turnon makes a post saying hes going to walk home and addon doesnt know. At about 6:55 pm he passes out in the middle of the road. At this point he is disoriented from the pain medication and thinks he is back home.
6:58 pm : Clickon finds addon in the road and mistakes him for roadkill. By 7:04 pm turnon is in his car and they were going back to seraphim. At 7:14 pm he says that turnon is speaking gibberish. 
7:15 pm : Addon says a taskforce has already been sent out to try find turnon
7:29 pm : no matter what turnip says, addon finds out that clickon has turnon and sends out a bunch of shit to stop him, presumably not realising that he has good intentions.
7:36 pm : Clickon gets fucking SHOT !! 2 mins later turnon also presumably gets shot. NICE!! Later addon confirms it was a tranquiliser dart.
7:51 pm : at this point both clickon and turnon have been captured. Addon refers to them as ”two ominous individuals” at 8:04 pm Addon reports that they have been hooked up to an experimental piece of darkner equipment that hurts them when they move. 
8:19 pm : Clickon makes a post saying he doesn't want to die. Addon replied a few minutes later with what is essentially a threat (8:22 pm) and at 8:28 pm he ends up confirming that he knows about Slick
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krishnasangani · 2 years
WEEK 1: JAN 25 - JAN 29
Hi Again! So I have started recording my sleeping logs and the coffee I consumed. This is week 1, which began January 25, 2023, til January 29, 2023. Unfortunately, some of the days were not able to be tracked by the SleepWatch Application. So for this week, I won't be adding pictures of my SleepWatch, but I promise to add them from next week onwards. I have added photos of the coffee I drank this week below. Every day I measure my data and take note of the following:
The time I go to sleep
The time I wake up
Total Hours of Sleep
Coffee Intake
The cause of sleeping at that time
The effect after waking up
The goal of this week: This week's goal is to sleep 6-8 hours daily with a minimum of 1 cup of coffee daily. To use the sleep watch app to track my sleep and to be in bed by 11:30pm.
January 25, 2023
Slept: 1:35 am and Woke Up: 9:35 am
Total Hours of Sleep: 8 hours and 2 minutes
Coffee Intake: None
Cause of sleeping at that time: No classes that day
The effect after waking up: I felt energized and fresh after waking up
January 26, 2023
Slept: 2:04 am and Woke Up: 9:00 am 
Total Hours of Sleep: 6 hours and 56 minutes 
Coffee Intake: 1 glass of Iced coffee at 9:34 am
Cause of sleeping at that time: I had a lot of academic work last night 
The effect after waking up: my head hurt a little bit when I woke up.
January 27, 2023
Slept: 12:50 am and Woke up: 5:05 am 
Total Hours of Sleep: 4 hours and 15 min
Coffee Intake: 2 cups of Iced coffee at 6:53 am
Cause of sleeping at that time: Finishing my PA Log 1 and Binge Watching Grey's Anatomy 
The effect after waking up: I had to wake up early because I had a 7:30 am class and felt super exhausted. 
January 28, 2023
Slept: 5:07 AM and Woke Up: 12:45 AM
Total Hours of Sleep: 7 hours and 38 minutes 
Coffee Intake: none 
Cause of sleeping at that time: I Slept in the morning because I attended a farewell party
The effect after waking up: I woke up with a big headache and was hungover.
January 29, 2023
Slept: 7:04 am and Woke Up: 2:24 pm 
Total Hours of Sleep: 7 hours and 19 minutes 
Coffee Intake: 1 Tall Cafe Latte from Starbucks at 2:54 pm
Cause of sleeping at that time: I Slept in the morning because I went to a partying with my friends the whole night and I had breakfast with them.
The effect after waking up: I woke up with a big headache and was hungover.
Pictures of the Coffee I consumed
January 25, 2023 - no coffee
January 28, 2023 - no coffee
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Summary of the week
What I need to improve on
If possible, I need to wake up at the same time each day.
Go to bed around the same time each day.
I need to improve on only drinking coffee once and not twice a day.
I need to go to bed early, at least at 12:00am max
I should avoid taking naps during the day
What I need to maintain
Take a 30-minute to 1-hour walk every day
Avoid having midnight cravings
What I need to get rid of
To stop sleeping super late at night and waking up late.
Stop sleeping in the morning during the weekends.
Stop thinking of caffeine as the solution to drink before going to classes in the morning.
Recommendations/Suggestions for the week onwards
Instead of drinking coffee, I should drink tea as my alternative
Instead of sleeping late and waking up late, I should reverse: sleep early and wake up early
Instead of studying late at night, I should study early in the morning.
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#original fiction #floornight
It's been a while
Earlier this year, at the point that my attention had begun to wander a little and I felt the impulse to make a note of the days and the date in my calendar as if it was something that I had done already, it occurred to me that I hadn't been keeping an up-to-date record of the days I had been staying awake. This was a new low, and so, as a form of self-flagellation and atonement, I decided to attempt to do something about this by setting an alarm on my phone and staying awake for the day when the alarm went off.
I had not yet noticed that my sleep was getting more and more disturbed by visions and dreams. I suppose this might not be too surprising, as I had spent much of this past year getting less and less sleep due to the stress of moving and other such things. Nonetheless, the fact that I did not notice that I was having increasingly vivid, disturbing, and vivid dream-like memories of the night before until it had already happened did come as quite a surprise.
And, the more I did this, the more I found that my ability to remember the actual content of the past day of my life had also become rather foggy. The days blurred together. There were long, long spans of time during which everything felt like the same sort of indistinct mess. These spans of time could have lasted from minutes to weeks, or even longer. It was only during the actual night-times that this fog lifted, but the morning after seemed just as hazy.
[begin log]
Jan. 8, 2020: Today I have woken up at 4:42 PM. I have been awake for just over 14 hours.
Jan. 8, 2018: This morning I woke up at 11:25 PM. It is 5:30 AM. I have been awake for 19 hours. I have not eaten any food.
Jan. 8, 2013: It is 5:39 AM. I have been awake for 16.5 hours. I am still in bed. I have yet to eat.
Jan. 12, 2012: This morning, I got up at 7:11 AM. I have been awake for 18 hours.
Jan. 12, 2007: This morning, I got up at 9:31 AM, and I have been awake for 18 hours. I have not eaten.
Jan. 12, 2001: It is 10:16 AM. I have been awake for 17 hours.
Jan. 12, 1992: It is 11:22 AM. I have been awake for 17 hours.
Jan. 10, 1991: I get up at 5:24 AM. I have been awake for 16.5 hours.
Jan. 6, 1991: I get up at 4:39 AM. I have been awake for 16 hours. I have not eaten yet.
Jan. 6, 1990: I get up at 3:33 AM. I have been awake for 16 hours. I have not eaten yet.
Jan. 6, 1969: It is 4:23 PM. I get up at 2:15 PM. I have been awake for 18 hours. I have not eaten yet.
Jan. 6, 1963: It is 8:07 PM. I am about to go to bed, and I have been awake for just over 18 hours. I have not eaten yet.
Jan. 9, 1963: I get up at 3:35 AM. I have been awake for 17 hours. I have not eaten.
Jan. 10, 1963: I get up at 3:56 PM. I have been awake for 18 hours. I have not eaten.
Jan. 4, 1962: I get up at 6:38 AM. I have been awake for 17.5 hours. I have not eaten.
Jan. 3, 1960: I get up at 1:15 PM. I am at my desk, and I have been awake for 16 hours. I have not eaten yet.
Jan. 1, 1960: I get up at 8:13 AM. I have been awake for 17.5 hours. I have not yet eaten anything.
Jan. 1, 1957: I get up at 10:14 AM. I have been awake for 18 hours. I have yet to eat.
Jan. 12, 1956: I get up at 9:23 AM. I have been awake for 18 hours. I have not eaten anything yet.
Jan. 12, 1953: I get up at 9:36 AM. I have been awake for 18 hours. I have not had anything to eat.
Jan. 5, 1952: I get up at 9:49 AM. I have been awake for 17.5 hours. I have eaten nothing.
Jan. 2, 1952: I get up at 6:51 PM. I have been awake for 17 hours. I have eaten nothing.
Jan. 1, 1951: I get up at 8:38 AM. I have been awake for 18 hours. I have yet to eat anything.
Jan. 9, 1951: I get up at 9:42 AM. I have been awake for 18 hours.
Jan. 7, 1950: I get up at 5:33 PM. I have been awake for 18 hours.
Jan. 8, 1950: I get up at 7:44 AM. I have been awake for 18 hours.
Jan. 5, 1949: I get up at 7:57 AM. I have been awake for 18 hours.
Jan. 4, 1949: I get up at 9:08 AM. I have been awake for 19 hours.
Jan. 3, 1948: I get up at 9:19 AM. I have been awake for 18.5 hours. I have not eaten anything yet.
Jan. 2, 1948: I get up at 9:32 AM. I have been awake for 17 hours.
Jan. 1, 1948: I get up at 9:33 AM. I have been awake for 18.5 hours. I have eaten nothing yet.
[end log]
(I was going to write a post about this chapter when I was going to post it, but since that chapter is in that part of Floornight that I think about a lot less than the others, and I don't want to lose track of what I'm talking about, I'm just going to post this and link it here rather than trying to write a whole new post.)
I have a few notes about this:
more It feels like there has been a lot of work done on REM sleep recently, as a result of this phenomenon of dreamy memories. I haven't read much of this work, which I am now too tired to do. I have read that a common phenomenon where people who sleep with their lights on can remember dreams, which sounds sort of like my problem, though I guess only if my sleep light does something else.
But I don't know how to find out how to turn that on. In the last two years, I've learned the hard way that turning on the light is something that needs to be delayed, when I am actually falling asleep, and delayed, again when I'm waking up. I think if I knew how to turn on the light on command, it would not be an issue any more.
Also, I have no idea why I am falling asleep when
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frogdadskeleton · 3 months
My 21 day challenge
"It takes 21 days to form a habit"
Day 19
Wl: -0,0kg
Kcal: 1300
Steps: 5200
No "bad" foods❌
No eating after 22✅
Breakfast: lemon water, vitamins, coffee black
Lunch: iced coffee black
Dinner: roasted cashews, raspberry mineral water
Snack: cucumber, radishes, carrots, avocado, quark w hemp and raisins
Exercise: –
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I went to a funeral today. I had to wake up super early and drive to another city. So when i got home i fell asleep right away and that's kinda why i didn't workout.
Even tho i'm bit of a "no excuses" type of person. I j saw no point in going to the gym bc i woke up at 8 pm.
That is also why my dinner is ridiculous.
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