#and i anticipate going to bed at maybe 5-6 am
timetrees · 1 year
what are you guys's sleep:wake ratio. i mostly do ~10-15 hours awake, ~12-15-rarely 18 hours asleep but apparently this isn't "normal"
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cheynovak · 3 months
A new addiction - Part 9   
Jensen Ackles x F/reader (Y/N)    
Warning: 18+, soft smut, age difference, Open relationship    
Side note: English isn’t my first language.    
Let's make it very clear I don't want to denigrate, break up or talk bad about Danneel, their relationship or family. I love them and wish both all the happiness.    
This story is pure fiction. Have fun!    
-- Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 – Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 --
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Story recap:  
Jensen and Danneel are going through a difficult time in their relationship. After being together for so long and married for 14 years the excitement and sexual tension is gone. After going to marriage counselling Danneel had the idea of trying a semi-open relationship.   
Who will Jensen choose, Danneel or Y/N? Whose heart will he break? 
As Jensen stirred from his slumber, feeling the bed beside him is empty but still warm. Remembering they shared the night in each others embrace, feeling safe, knowing this was where they belong without saying a word.
With a contented sigh, he rose from the bed as he made his way to the kitchen, where the aroma of breakfast greeted him like an old friend, mingling with the sound of sizzling bacon and the clinking of plates.  
As Y/N moved in the kitchen with effortless grace, her hair still messy and a soft smile on her lips, Jensen felt a swell of affection welling up within him. He crossed the room, his arms wrapping her waist as he pressed a tender kiss to her shoulder. 
"Good morning," he murmured, his lips a gentle caress against her skin. Y/N leaned back into his embrace, her body moulding against his. "Good morning, sleepyhead," she teased, her voice laced with affection. 
As they stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, Jensen felt the weight of his heart pressing against his chest, the words he had longed to say bubbling up within him like a wellspring of emotion. With a steadying breath, he summoned the courage to voice the question that had lingered in the depths of his soul. 
"Are you ready for this, Y/N?" Jensen asked, his voice soft yet filled with conviction. "Are you ready for us, an item, for real?" Y/N smiles turning in his arms. Her arms around his neck. “The question is, are you ready Mr. Ackles?” He smiled and kissed her lips. “I am.”  
Y/N looked at Jensen with a glint of adventure sparkling in her eyes. "Hey, now that the kids aren't with you for a couple of weeks, why don't we go on a small vacation?" 
Jensen's brows furrowed in surprise at Y/N's suggestion, the idea taking root in his mind like a seed planted in fertile soil. The thought of a spontaneous adventure with Y/N filled him with a sense of exhilaration, a welcome distraction from the weight of his own uncertainties. 
"A vacation?" Jensen echoed, his voice tinged with excitement. "Where would we go?" Y/N's smile widened as she painted a vivid picture. "We could explore the countryside, visit cute little towns, maybe even camp under the stars," she suggested, her eyes alight with anticipation. 
The miles unfurled beneath the wheels of their car, each passing moment filled adventure and discovery. With the wind in their hair and the open road stretching out before them, no car insight, they felt a sense of freedom wash over them.  
As they drove, Jensen found himself swept up in the rhythm of the road with the music playing softly in the background, he began to sing along, his voice filling the car with a sense of joy.  
Y/N's eyes dancing with delight as she captured the moment with her camera, each click of the shutter immortalizing their journey in vibrant snapshots him. Jensen glanced over at Y/N, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.  
He couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude wash over him, a deep appreciation for the beauty of the world and the preciousness of the moments they shared together. 
Jensen's hand found their way to Y/N's bare legs, the warmth of her skin beneath his touch sending a shiver of electricity coursing through him. His fingers traced gentle patterns along her thigh, a silent declaration of his desire and affection. 
Y/N's breath hitched at the sensation, her heart racing in tandem with the rhythm of the road. She turned to look at Jensen, her eyes meeting his with a mixture of anticipation and longing, the air between them heavy with unspoken desire.  
Y/N's heart fluttered with excitement as she turned to Jensen, with a playful smile tugging at the corners of her lips, she mirrored his gesture, placing her hands on his legs and giving him a teasing squeeze. 
Jensen's breath caught in his throat at the unexpected sensation, a rush of warmth flooding through him at the intimate contact. He met Y/N's gaze, eyes sparkling with amusement, she undid his belt her hand slipping in between his skin and pants.  
Y/N's touch sent an electric jolt coursing through Jensen's veins, making it difficult for him to focus on anything else but the warmth of her hands. With each gentle squeeze and teasing caress, she ignited a fire within him, her playful touch stirring up a storm of desire that threatened to consume him whole. 
His grip tightening on the steering wheel as he fought to keep his attention on the road ahead. "Y/N," Jensen managed to choke out, his voice strained with effort. "You're making it... hard to drive." 
Y/N's laughter filled the air, a melodic sound that danced on the wind like a symphony of joy. "Sorry," she teased, her voice laced with amusement. "I can't help myself." Y/N moved closer “I need to feel you.” she whispered in his ear. Jensen parked the car, his hand moved to her shoulders, pulling her in.  
“Na-ah. You’ll have to wait till we’re at the cabin.” She looked out the window “I think we should grab some groceries before we check in," Y/N suggested, kissing his cheek and hopping out the car.  
Jensen's brows furrowed in confusion, a hint of frustration creeping into his voice. "Groceries?" he echoed, his mind already wandering to the comforts of their room and the intimacy they would share. "Can't it wait? I was hoping for some... alone time." 
As they strolled through the aisles of the grocery store, Jensen couldn't resist the opportunity, with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, he sidled up to Y/N, his lips quirking into a sly grin. "So, what's on the menu for tonight?" Jensen teased, his hands caressing her back.  
Her lips curving into a playful smile. "Oh, you know, just the usual," she replied, her tone tinged with amusement. "A little of this, a little of that...” she whispered against his lip before she bit his lips soft driving him insane.  
As Jensen and Y/N stepped into the cozy cabin, the warmth of the hearth enveloping them like a comforting embrace, Jensen found himself unable to resist the magnetic pull of desire. “Where are you going?” Asked noticing Y/N walking straight ahead.  
As Y/N's silhouette moved gracefully towards the private lake behind the porch, a seductive sway in her hips, losing her clothing. Jensen couldn't tear his gaze away. She moved with a sensuality that left him breathless, her every step a silent invitation to join her in the cool embrace of the water.  
Unable to resist any longer, his movements slow and deliberate as he followed Y/N towards the water's edge. Without a word, they stepped into the water together, the cool liquid enveloping them in its embrace as they moved as one. Their bodies pressed together, skin against skin, as they lost themselves in the intoxicating rhythm of the night. Teasing him, seeing how long he can contain his needs.  
Y/N wrapped her legs around him, feeling his excitement rubbing against her core. Their bodies moving together in a dance of desire that knew no bounds. He buried his face in the crook of her neck, trailing kisses along her jawline and down her throat as he lost himself in the intoxicating scent of her skin.  
Unable to contain himself any longer, Jensen lifted her out of the water, his hands reaching out to trace the curve of Y/N's waist with a touch that was both tender and urgent as they walk back inside. His fingers tingled with a longing that bordered on desperation as he pulled her closer, his lips seeking hers with a hunger that consumed him whole. 
With a soft sigh, Y/N melted into Jensen's embrace, her body moulding against his with a perfect fit as they sank into the cushions of the sofa. Their hands roamed freely, tracing the contours of each other's bodies. 
As their bodies entwined in the throes of passion, Jensen's voice dropped to a husky whisper, his words laced with desire and longing. "I want you, Y/N," he murmured, his breath hot against her ear as he pressed his lips to the sensitive skin of her neck. "I want to feel every inch of you, to lose myself in the heat of your skin." 
"I want to taste you," Jensen growled, his voice low and guttural with need. "To make you scream my name as I drive you to the edge and back again." 
Y/N's breath caught in her throat when his lips moved over her body down to her heated core, her body quivering with anticipation as she surrendered to the intoxicating rhythm of Jensen tongue. With a soft whimper, she arched into his touch, her fingers tangling in his hair as she pulled him closer.  
"I want you to make me yours in every way possible, Jensen.” she whispered, this seductive promise made him move back up claiming her lips in a searing kiss.  "I need to hear you beg for more," he murmured, his voice a seductive rumble as he whispered sweet promises against her earlobe. "To feel your nails dig into my skin.’  
"Jensen," she pleaded, her voice a soft, breathless whisper against his skin. "Please... I need you." "That’s it baby, tell me what you want." Jensen commanded, his voice a low, velvety growl that sent shivers down her spine. "Beg for it."  
"Please, Jensen," she pleaded, her voice a soft, desperate whisper. "I need you... I need you to take me... take hard.” With a primal need driving him, Jensen's movements became more urgent, his thrusts growing harder and more insistent with each passing moment.  
Y/N's gasps filled the air, each one a symphony of pleasure and ecstasy as Jensen's movements pushed her closer and closer to the edge. Her nails dug into his skin, leaving faint marks in their wake as she surrendered herself completely to the heady rush of sensation. 
Jensen's movements grew more possessive, his hands gripping Y/N's wrists firmly as he held her arms above her head. His touch was both commanding and tender, a silent declaration of his desire to possess her completely. 
Jensen's lips crashed against hers in a searing kiss. "Is this what you need, Y/N?" he asked, his voice a low, husky whisper that sent shivers down her spine. "Tell me, is this what you want?" They lock eyes. "Yes" she breathed, her voice barely above a whisper. "This is exactly what I need."  
Jensen's movements became more frenzied, his need for release driving him to push Y/N higher and higher until she felt herself spiralling towards the edge. With each thrust, each exquisite moment of connection, they drew closer to the pinnacle of their pleasure. 
Y/N's breath came in ragged gasps, her heart pounding in her chest as she felt herself hurtling towards the brink of ecstasy. With a fierce longing, she arched into Jensen's touch, her nails digging into his skin once more as she surrendered herself completely to the heady rush of sensation. 
And then, in a moment of exquisite release, they tumbled over the edge together, their bodies wracked with pleasure as they soared to dizzying heights of ecstasy. In that moment, there was nothing else in the world but the two of them.  
Y/N gently brushed a stray lock of hair from her forehead, her chest rising and falling with the rhythm of her heartbeat. She looked up at Jensen, her eyes reflecting the depth of her emotions. 
"That... that was amazing," she murmured. Jensen's lips curled into a tender smile as he brushed a gentle kiss against her forehead, his touch tender and reassuring. "You liked it?" he asked softly, his voice filled with warmth. Y/N nodded, a soft blush spreading across her cheeks. "I more than liked it," she confessed. "It was... incredible." 
“We should get ready for dinner. It's getting late." he said, kissing her soft. She nodded but let him wander off to the bathroom alone. He re-entered the room, his gaze fell upon the sight that awaited him on the porch. There stood Y/N, bathed in the soft glow of the moonlight, wearing nothing but his shirt and a pair of panties. Her silhouette was illuminated against the night sky. Leaving him breathless once more. 
Y/N looked at his with a soft smile, Jensen's arms wrap around her from behind, she lets out a soft gasp, the unexpected touch sending a shiver of pleasure coursing through her body. She leaned back into his embrace, revelling in the warmth of his body pressed against hers. 
Jensen held her close, his touch gentle yet possessive as he buried his face in the crook of her neck. His beard tickled her skin. “Let’s stay here.” she said. "we’ll order something to eat and make love under the stars?”  "I want nothing more." he confessed softly. 
As the night sky stretched out above them, dotted with countless stars, they made their way back to the porch, a blanket spread out beneath them. They lay side by side, their fingers intertwined as they gazed up at the heavens above. 
As they lay together, basking in the afterglow. Jensen's heart swelled with a newfound sense of certainty and purpose. "Y/N," he began, his voice filled with sincerity. "I know this might be sudden, but... why don’t we move in together? Let’s find our happy place.”  
“I’d love to” Y/N said kissing his lips. Their kisses grew more urgent, Y/N moaned softly against his lips, her fingers tangling in his hair as she pulled him closer, her body arching against his in a silent plea for more. With a growl of need to feel her closer, Jensen lifted Y/N into his arms.  
Addicted to feel every inch of skin against skin. They were lost in each other, In the moonlight, their bodies moved as one, in a search for the waves of pleasure once more.  
As they lay in each other's arms, their hearts pounding in unison, they knew that this was just the beginning of their journey together, a journey filled with passion, intimacy, and a love that would burn brighter with each passing day.  
And as they drifted off to sleep, wrapped in the warmth of their embrace, they knew that they had found something special.  
Something addicted.  
What do we think. Are we happy with this ending?  
Please feel free to like, share or comment. Make sure you check out my masterlist.    
@mayafatimakhan @anundyingfidelity 
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jhilsara · 3 months
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I Can See You
Pt. 1/��Pt. 2/ Pt. 3/ Pt. 4/ Pt. 5/pt. 6/Pt. 7/Pt. 8/Pt. 9/ Pt. 10/
Pt. 11/ Pt.12/Pt.13/Pt. 14/Pt.15/Pt.16/Pt.17/END
Mariana Jimenez-Watson or MJ works in a normal pub living life paycheck to paycheck. Nothing exciting happens to her except the occasional drunk getting thrown out. She's 24 working away and finds a wrench thrown into her very boring life. His name is Hobie and she thinks maybe, a little excitement isn't awful. In fact she might start to crave some change for once.
Small moments of Hobie meeting his world's MJ. AKA I made an MJ variant and I think she's neat.
Chapter 15
She is mortified, Mariana is utterly and fully mortified. Her jaw is dropped and her face is burning from anger and embarrassment.
“Mum! ¿Pensé que hablamos de que llamabas antes de que decidieras venir?” MJ says in a strained voice looking at her mother like she’s insane.
To be fair, her mother was.
“I don’t need to call ahead Mari, I am your mother.” She says sternly, glaring at MJ. She turns to look back at Hobie, eying him skeptically from head to toe.
“Please tell me he is at least your boyfriend.” She demands judgmentally raising a plucked brow.
MJ groans and shakes her head, “Mum we have talked about this, you have to call before you come over. End of discussion. Also, please don’t call me Mari. Adiós.” She replies coldly.
Her mother glares at her, huffs exaggeratedly and throws her hands in the air before she turns on her heels. She mutters under her breath as she shoves past Hobie, slamming the door shut as she leaves.
Hobie stands in front of the bedroom doorway, stunned and confused.
“What the bloody hell was that?” He asks tentatively, looking at her cautiously, as if he’s opening a can of worms.
She sighs and falls on the bed, “Do we have to talk about it?” She mutters pulling a pillow over her face.  
“I think so… I have too many questions.” He says softly and sits on the edge of the bed.
MJ turns away from him, curling into a ball and gripping onto the pillow like a vice, close to her stomach. She squeezes her eyes shut. She doesn’t want to do this, not now.
“That’s my mum… we don’t really talk.” She mutters, she pauses and sighs. “well more like I don’t talk to her. She has plenty to say all the time.” She whispers.
She feels Hobie’s large warm hand press against her back gently, rubbing circles.
It makes her want to vomit. She feels her skin prickle against his soft touch. She doesn’t want to think about her mother. Her mother’s presence always leaves her feeling like she’s drowning, gasping for air.
“There’s a reason yea?” he asks softly.
She groans in irritation, “It doesn’t matter, I don’t want to talk about it… she’s just going to bother me for a few weeks then piss off.” She hisses out in irritation.
Silence sits heavy between them. She feels hot anger just running through her body, but then she feels how heavy Hobie’s hand is on her back.
She immediately feels guilt sitting like a lead weight in her chest and her eyes fly open and she turns to look at him, “Sorry… I don’t mean to be bitchy to you.”
She pushes herself up and leans against him, “My mum, she just wants me to be her perfect Columbian daughter… and I’m…not.” She whispers to him, looking down at her lap.
He presses himself against her, kissing the top of her head. “We don’t have to talk about it.” He tells her.
She just nods and curls herself into his lap. Her moods shifted to one that only lingers when her mother is involved.
She feels like she’s tainted her time with Hobie, her mind whirling over what her mum wants.
She just lays with him until they fall asleep again. His hands softly brushing through her hair. 
MJ’s sitting at a coffee shop, legs shaking in anticipation, waiting for her mother. Her arms are crossed, she’s already defensive and her nerves are on edge. She feels like she’s fifteen again. She grabs her coffee and almost chugs it, just to give her something to do.
It doesn’t make her feel less anxious, in fact coffee probably is the opposite of what she needs, but she doesn’t care. She’s half awake and exhausted.
Her mum texted her what time and what coffee shop she wanted to meet at. So of course, the woman’s late and of course it’s ungodly early when MJ always works the night shift.
Her mum wasn’t ever known to be considerate of others though.
She’s uneasy and has no idea what her mother even wants to talk to her about. She just knows she’s not excited and her mother’s appearance always puts her on edge and jumpy.
“You’re early.” Her mother says as she sits down across from her. Legs crossed raising a brow at MJ. Her gaze always sharp and critical.
“No, you’re late.” She sighs already feeling the argument brewing before it even starts. “What do you want mum?” she says, looking unamused at her mum.
Her mother scoffs, “I just wanted to visit your new place, something wrong with that?”
A waiter comes and places an espresso in front of her mum who couldn’t be bothered to notice.
MJ gives him a tight smile and a small nod of acknowledgement.
Her gaze travels back to her mum, “I’ve lived there for three years now… it’s not new.” She states coldly.
Her mother rolls her eyes, “Well it’s new to me. Besides if I had known you’d had company I would have never come in.” She gives MJ a pointed look. As if she magically would know her mother was going to stop by.
“So, is he your boyfriend? The last time I checked you were with that girl, what was her name?” Her mother takes a sip of her espresso acting like she cares enough about MJ’s life.
Which if she had she would have known MJ’s past relationship ended five years ago and she hasn’t bothered since.
“Her name was Quinta mum, that’s not the point and it’s not what you wanted to talk to me about.” She raises a brow at the woman, already sick of where this conversation was going.
“Oh yes that’s right, Quinta… so you’re not gay then?” She whispers gay to MJ like it’s poisonous.
She huffs and goes to stand, “I’m bi mum. Me liking or dating a man right now does not change that I like women as well. I’ve told you this. If you only have to make comments about my lack of a dating life I am leaving.” MJ reaches down to grab her bag but is stopped by her mothers’ hand.
Her mother’s gaze won’t meet hers but her demeanor changing is enough to halt MJ’s movements.
“It’s your abuela, Mariana…She’s not,” Her mum pauses and it’s the closest thing to sadness she thinks she’s ever seen on her face.
“She’s not well.” She finishes with a whisper.
MJ doesn’t move, her own thoughts stirring and racing a mile a minute. It makes her sit back down in her chair.
“What’s wrong with her? Is she dying?” She asks her voice shaking as she looks at her mum.
Her mother just rolls her eyes, “Oh please, she’s too stubborn to die at this age.” She takes a sip of her espresso.
“She’s requesting we all get together though, for a family dinner.” She tells MJ with a pointed look.
MJ bristles at this. “Mum, you know how I feel about going to events like that…”
Her mother huffs in irritation. “It’s your familia Mari, you know they miss you. They ask about you at every birthday, which you’ve missed the past... I don’t even know how many! Your tía’s upset, you’ve never used to miss them.” 
Her mother’s tone is a mix of anger and disappointment that MJ definitely doesn’t need right now. She stares down MJ with her dark eyes and it makes her feel like she’s a child again, with her angry mother who was always picking at something she didn’t like about her own daughter.
“Mum, I’m not going. You’re just using abulea as an excuse! Is she even sick?” MJ asks in disbelief.
Her mother just shrugs, “Yes, she has a cold.”
MJ stands abruptly and grabs her bag, “I wish I could say I can’t believe this but that would be a lie. I can believe you would lie to get me to go to a family gathering!” She shakes her head and shoots a glare at her mother.
“Oh, please don’t be so dramatic! Always the drama queen with you. Why won’t you just visit your family. Family is everything to us!”
MJ feels the rage boiling to the surface, and she has to remind herself she’s in public but she also doesn’t care anymore.
“I am not dramatic! I don’t go anymore because no one respects my boundaries! They’ve never looked at me the same after I came out and every time I see tía she’s asking if I have a boyfriend or if I’ve gotten over my ‘phase’!” She tells her with a sharp voice.
“They don’t know me mum, they don’t want to. I’m tired of having to dance around them all the time… Dad never does that to me…” She mumbles angerly.
Her mothers face sours at that statement. She scoffs before looking at MJ again. “He’s too soft on you, always coddling you, Mari you’re grown. You have obligations to your family.”
She glares at her mother, “I do not. And he doesn’t coddle me mum. He loves me and his love doesn’t come with unspoken conditions.” She hisses out and turns on her heels to walk away. Trying to not start a full-blown fight with her mother.
“Mari this is why you can’t keep anyone around! All you’ve ever done is push people away, you’re so selfish.” Her mother says to her, tone cold and distant.
This is why I don’t love you, goes unsaid, but it lingers in the air between her and her mother. MJ knows how her mom feels about her. She’s always known.
It still stings and breaks her heart in a way she thought would stop by now.
MJ ignores her and keeps briskly walking. Hot tears burn the corners of her eyes but she refuses to cry over this woman anymore.
Everything with her mother has a fine print she must follow, a condition she has to meet. Her love comes at a price she just refuses to pay anymore.
“That boy will leave you too if you don’t fix your attitude!” Is the last thing she hears her mother shout at her before the door slams shut behind her.
MJ presses the heels of her palm to her eyes and tries to not cry. The last comment hurts in a way she wasn’t prepared for.
It’s never a good day when her mum shows up.
MJ calls out of work that night, instead choosing to sulk in her living room eating junk food. She’s curled up on her couch eating popcorn when she hears a familiar knocking at her balcony door.
She ignores it at first. She doesn’t want to move from her spot on the couch.
Then she hears it again, a little louder and more persistent.
She lazily drags her eyes over to the door and sees Hobie standing there. She can’t see his face too well but she does see he’s holding a bag of take away.
She stands up and drags herself to the door opening it for him.
He looks her over and frowns. She can’t find it in her to care, she knows she looks bad. She knows she’s wallowing in self-pity. It’s just how it goes after her mother visits.
She’s drained and if she’s honest, doesn’t want to see anyone.
Hobie places a gentle hand on the small of her back guiding her back to the couch. He’s saying something, she sees his mouth moving, hears words coming out, but it all sounds garbled.
It makes her prickle uncomfortably. She feels her anger still lingering in her body and she doesn’t want Hobie to see this side of her. It’s the worst of her and she’s ugly when she get’s like this.
He’s being soft and gentle, speaking to her softly in a way that’s chiseling away at her cracked facade.
So, she bites.
“You didn’t have to bring me food. I’m fine.” She tells him, voice sharper than she means to be. Words she doesn’t mean.
He looks at her skeptically for a second, taken a back.
“I know, Andy said ya called out tonight. Wanted to swing by.” He tells her, giving no reaction to her tone. He gets comfortable on the couch, waiting for her to settle back down.
“You don’t have to check on me. I’m not sick.” She says, cringing at her own tone of voice. It’s coated in irritation and she can’t stop.
It didn’t matter that Hobie was being nice, checking on her, bringing her dinner, just being his normal Hobie self.
In a weird act of self-preservation, she does what she’s always done, pushes back. She feels like a kicked dog, biting at anyone regardless on if they’re trying to help.
She suddenly remembers what her mother told her today, and she knows she proving her right, but she can’t stop. It’s like she’s on an autopilot and it’s too keep everyone away.
Hobie raises a brow at her but doesn’t move. “I know. I wanted to.” He says softly not raising his voice.
“Why?” She asks him, tone harsh. She’s still standing, refusing to sit on the couch. She’s been winding up all day in her own head and Hobie’s unfortunately about to be the recipient of her anger.
She hates herself. Hates how she bites back to keep herself safe and secure when she’s been wounded.
He leans forward and looks at her in confusion. “I care about your wellbeing…? ya okay? Did something happen today?” he asks her voice even and calm. Just looking at her in concern.
Yes, she thinks to herself, her mum happened.
“No, I’m fine.” She lies through her teeth. “I just don’t know why your bothering with this.” She says raising her voice. She crosses her arms over her chest and she avoids looking directly at him. She doesn’t know why he bothers with her.  She’s not special, she works at a pub for Christ sake and here’s a man who literally saves the city day and night.
Why does he like her? She doesn’t even like herself.
 She’s spiraling.
“People who are ‘fine’ don’t usually say it aggressively.” He tells her softly. He stands up and walks over to her, she flinches and he stops moving.
She’s clamming up, doesn’t want to move or talk. She’s ready for a fight, an argument, something! Not… whatever Hobie’s doing.
“MJ-” He starts but she cuts him off.
“Just go. Get out, you checked on me and I’m fine alright, I just want to be alone today!” She says looking up to glare at him, her voice raising.
He looks unamused but doesn’t move to leave.
“Mariana ya clearly not alright. Just tell me what happened yea?” he asks her.
He never once raises his voice. It unsettles her.
“Why won’t you fight back? Why aren’t you angry?” She asks voice straining and her façade breaking. She doesn’t know what to do with his reactions.
“A little annoyed yea, but not mad. Something’s clearly wrong. I’m not gonna argue or fight ya.” He tells her calmly. He shoves his hands into his pockets and just shrugs.
She bristles at his words and feels herself dig her nails into her palms.
He tilts his head and gives her a soft look, “I’m not gonna yell at you Mariana. I won’t.”
She instantly deflates. All of her anger washes out and is replaced with an overwhelming sense of relief and sadness.
She covers her face and tries to hold back how much she just wants to cry.
“I’m sorry.” She says her voice cracking, “It’s been a rotten day and I can’t... I can’t understand why you care so much when I’m not special.” She tells him, voice quiet.
She hunches over on herself, and Hobie thinks she’s never looked so small before.
He steps closer to her, gently pulling her into his embrace. “Who told you that?” He asks her, his voice thick. He presses a kiss to the top of her head.
She bristles, feeling the tears burning at the edge of her vision, everything getting blurry. Her senses are overloaded with him, his scent, his touch, his voice…She just wants to be consumed in it. He feels safe, like home.
“No one had to tell me, not when she makes me feel it every time.” She says, her voice watery and her tears falling onto his shoulder. She tries to hold herself together, but she can’t. A broken sob escapes her.
Hobie rubs soothing patterns into her back affectionately. “So, it was your mum.” It’s not a question, but a statement.
She freezes, but she knows there’s no use in hiding it. She’s crying into him already, he didn’t run or get angry at her when she snapped at him… she has nothing to lose.
“Every time I see her it’s like I’m a teenager who just keeps disappointing her and I don’t, I can’t be what she wants me to be.” She cries into him, her bodies shaking and he holds her to him tightly. Listening.
“She wants this perfect daughter, one who’s straight and can give her grandchildren and do whatever she says… she’s never once asked me what I wanted.” She unloads her worries onto him through broken sobs and she doesn’t know if he can understand a word she says. She’s word vomiting. It just keeps coming out.
She’s soaking his shirt, she knows it, but she can’t stop. She doesn’t know how long she stands there sobbing into him, but she eventually calms down enough to breath.
She looks up at him, and she knows she looks a mess, with her red eyes and puffy face. He pulls back enough to gently grab her face, kissing her forehead.
“It’s gonna be okay. Don’t worry about what a tosser your mum is or what she wants. All that matters is you.” He tells her.
She nods, she’s listening, but it’s easier said then done. “I just wish… I wish she was different. That her words don’t hurt, but they do and always have.”
“You don’t have to have her in your life, that’s a choice you get to make. Your boundaries are important Mariana. Regardless of her being your mum.” He reassures her.
She nods and leans into him. “You’re right, I- thank you. For listening and not… not letting me push you away.”
He gives a soft chuckle and presses his forehead against hers. “I don’t give up on people. Besides, I know what lashing out looks like, I’ve done it enough.” He whispers.
“You? You’re so calm, I can’t believe that.” She gives a soft huff of a laugh.
“Wasn’t as a kid, trust me. Teenage years are brutal.” He teases her.
She rolls her eyes but gives a laugh. She wraps her arms around his waist, “I would have loved to see that.” She snickers.
“Nah, was a bloody menace…” he whispers bringing her close to him, nuzzling his face into her neck, “we wouldn’t have gotten along. Woulda ran you off.”
“You couldn’t get rid of me that easily… I’m pretty persistent and I’ve been told I’m quite stubborn.” She says in a light tone.
He snorts, “You are stubborn. Can’t keep you outta danger sometimes.” He teases.
She starts laughing, “Touché.”
They spend a while in silence just holding onto each other. The silence is warm and not awkward.
The food lays forgotten for a while, until she can peel herself away from Hobie. She's too busy enjoying his warmth for the moment. They can always reheat their dinner anyway.
Tag List: @missshelleyduvall
Message if you would like to be added to the tag list!
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headcanonandburn · 6 months
Fran Bow Theory from Reddit
"I'd like to preface this by saying that I am by no means experienced in coming up with theories on my own. However, Fran Bow is a game that I really like, and I figured that for fun I might actually try and figure out what was going on. So I tried to pay as much attention to detail as possible and take notes. And what better place to share what I think than with you? I don't know if anyone out there even still thinks about this game, but if there is anyone, I'd love to hear your opinions. This isn't a complete theory in itself. Fran Bow is such a dense game in terms of lore and in terms of symbolism versus reality that I think the best way to approach decoding the game is to try and examine parts of it at a time. For this post, I thought I'd pitch one idea: could Fran be a twin? Some evidence that might support this:
1.Twin imagery in this game is everywhere. The most obvious example is Clara and Mia, the attached twins that Fran encounters, but Fran's mother and aunt are also very important to the story.
2.It is also later revealed that much of Oswald's research centers around twins. Gemini symbols in the twins' house, pictures of apparently the same twins over and over in different places, attached and separated. Different ages, different times. Multiple Frans. We see Fran's body several times (doctor's office in Chapter 1, being eaten by kamalas in Chapter 4), and also are confronted by several Ultrareality versions of Fran. The "Young Fran" we see at the end of the game.
3.This one takes more explaining. To start, when Fran wakes up chained in her bedroom in Chapter 5, she decides that to escape she needs to contact herself in "the same place, but a different time" (paraphrasing, but that's the idea).
4.Also worth mentioning that when this does happen and we see what we think is a past version of Fran, the room changes very little outside of some aesthetics being removed. Same wardrobe, same bed with chains, same door placement. So is what we think of as Fran's room actually in the asylum?
5.Next, young Fran herself. Young Fran knows who Itward and Palontras are. She talks about traveling to Ithersta, as if she has done it many times. Our Fran in the beginning of the game acts as if she has lived a normal life up until her parents were murdered. Young Fran, on the other hand, acts as if she has lived in the asylum her whole life, and has always known about the many realities. Which one is the real Fran?
6.Aunt Grace tells us at the end of the game that Lucia Dagenhart, Fran's mother, tried to hide Fran from the asylum, but they discovered her betrayal and killed Fran's parents because of it. The timeline doesn't add up here. Oswald and Grace knew that Fran was going to be born and were very much anticipating it. How could Lucia have kept Fran hidden for so long? Or, if they did find out earlier and Young Fran really is her in the asylum, then what happened to Fran's parents? And why would the game start with a completely different storyline?
With all of that in mind, here is my take. Everything we hear about Oswald is true as we hear it. He was very invested in his studies of twins. He experimented first with Lucia and Grace, and later Clara and Mia. Years and years went by. Oswald ran some sort of experiment on Lucia, hoping that she would give birth to a child with some kind of special significance or ability. When he found out that Lucia was pregnant, he was eager to begin experimentation on the child. Lucia, however, did not want to give up her child. Maybe she knew that she would have twins, or she found out after giving birth. (It was the 40's, they didn't have ultrasounds yet.) Either way, Lucia gave birth to twins, and decided to give only one of them to Oswald, while hiding the second. The girl that we think is Young Fran in Chapter 5 is actually a different person altogether. Raised in the asylum her whole life, already knowledgeable of the many realities. Our Fran, on the other hand, was raised in a loving home by her parents, until Oswald and Grace learned of her existence and came for her. The rest is explained in-game: Remor manipulates Fran into murdering her parents, and she runs into the woods, where she is finally retrieved by the asylum and reported dead in the news." (Game Theorists on Reddit
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eruden-writes · 1 year
The Unexpected Human Problem - Part 28
Part 1 | Part 2| Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5| Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23 | Part 24 | Part 25 | Part 26 | Part 27 | Part 28 | Part 29 | Part 30 | Part 31  (coming soon)
Tag list: @ajarofpickledtears, @boogeysmoth, @omg-the-nutella-queen
☆ ☆ ☆
Summary: The night her abductors die, Rayelle finds herself running for her life. She doesn’t know where she is, what is following her, where to go. All she knows is she’s not on Earth any longer and the thing chasing her has the capacity to kill.
Tai'qdei never anticipated finding a human when he took the job of tracking and subduing a small contingent of smugglers. It was only when the human attacked and fled fled, Tai'qdei - hopped up on the euphoria of a successful hunt - gave chase, instinct burning at his center.
Will sense return to Tai'qdei before he catches Rayelle? Or will Rayelle be subjected to the yautja’s natural inclinations?
And what happens afterwards?
☆ ☆ ☆
The next time Rayelle roused, it had to be the next morning. Late morning. Maybe afternoon, she thought, as she laid in the bed. Tai'dqei was gone. Most likely, he let her sleep since he'd put her through the ringer yesterday. Multiple times.
Faintly, she realized she wasn't even sure if their continuous fucking had really only been a day. They had stopped to eat or wash at intervals. But, invariably, their hormones would pique and they'd find each other wrapped up in the other.
As she worried at her bottom lip, Rayelle wondered if their carnal hunger stemmed from uncertainty. How long did they really have to be together? Would they soon be separated by time and space? Or was their eagerness born from sexual tension and, in her case, a blessed stamina boost from some futuristic rejuvenation process?
Whatever it was, they had gotten the bulk of it out of their systems. For now.
Sitting up in bed, Rayelle winced as her abdominals twanged with pain of exhaustion. A sweet delicious pain, but still a little uncomfortable.
The door to the room hissed open and the familiar footfalls of Tai'dqei announced his entry, before his soft words broke the quiet, "Rayelle, are you awake?"
"I just woke up." Rayelle flashed Tai'dqei a smile, but something in his demeanor made her sit straighter. Even as he neared her, she could see his mandibles fidget, his fingers flex. Clashing thoughts hurtled through her head, hope and dread. "What's wrong?"
A pang shot through Tai'dqei's chest, hearing the longing anticipation in Rayelle's voice. He paused a little ways from the bed, giving her ample space to get to her feet if she so chose. Even as the lump formed in his throat, threatening to make the words dissipate, he answered her, "The Temporal Authority Council wishes to speak with you."
As he expected, Rayelle scrambled off the bed. "Am I going to be told if I can go back?"
Tai'dqei swallowed down the unfair, bitter feelings at seeing her so excited. Now wasn't the time. He tried to stow the hurt as far down as he could, imagining it taking residence beside the now dull pain of losing Ah'ke. "They didn't say. They just asked for your presence as soon as you're available."
Rayelle nodded, trying to restrain the excitement building in her chest. With the excitement, something else swelled. Something that would make Rayelle cry if she stopped to focus too long on it. That very feeling kept her from looking too closely at Tai'dqei, from brushing up against him. If she touched him, she thought she'd break down into tears, all the same.
Too many thoughts, too many feelings, careened around her head. Taking a deep breath, she tilted her gaze up at Tai'dqei, forcing herself to look at him. "I'll shower and get dressed, then we can eat before going to see the Counsel?"
There was half a beat, before Tai'dqei could answer her. He was too tempted to ask hard questions, too sobered by the potential of losing her to tease about joining her. An uncertainty wavered in the air around both of them, weighing on their shoulders. Right now, he needed to give her some inkling of support, without making the pain worse for himself.
Instead of offering to join her, Tai'dqei simply nodded and chose an alternative, "I'll cook something up while you get ready."
As Rayelle said a weak thanks, watching Tai'dqei turn and leave the room, she fought back a burn at the back of her eyes. She forced herself to gather clean clothes, to head out of the bedroom and into the bathroom.
Briefly, she caught the sound of Tai'dqei moving implements in the galley around, muttering to himself about what to cook. Or maybe he was on a comm with Ah'ke. Rayelle ducked into the bathroom before she could be certain.
It was hard to focus as she started up the shower. Her thoughts chased one another, tumbled over each other. She might be able to go home, be able to see Elliot and Skylar again. If that was the case, what was she going to do? How was she going to make sure Evan wasn't going to hurt them? Or try to hurt her own self, again?
While part of her mind raced through options, trying to remember the restrictions of the past, another part of her thoughts lolled over Tai'dqei.
They both knew this would come... eventually.
She was just glad Ah'ke had showed up soon after the liberation of the resort. Ah'ke said she was there to tend to the wounded, but Rayelle was pretty sure she was there for Tai'dqei. He probably told her what was going on between them. What would happen when the TAC got back to Rayelle about her options.
Scrubbing at her face, Rayelle wicked away moisture, trying to convince herself the warm droplets weren't from the few tears that had crested from her lashes.
She wasn't even sure if she was going home! For all she knew the Temporal Authorities would decline her and then... She'd have to live with knowing she could never return. Or fight and find a way back.
With a harsh shake of her head, Rayelle focused on taking one step at a time. First, finish her shower. Second, go eat. Then head to the TAC agents set up on Rerli 3. Any plans beyond that would have to wait, until she knew what was going to be allowed.
Another twenty minutes passed, before Rayelle emerged from the shower. Dressed in a fresh outfit and with hair slightly damp, she headed into the galley area. Tai'dqei turned at her entry, as if he'd been listening for her. "Good timing, I just finished some... oatmeal."
Rayelle couldn't stop the smile that curved at her lips. During their brief reunion, they had talked about a number of things, including foods. She couldn't recall how oatmeal came up - perhaps some teasing remark about something that was good on a cold day? - but it had. And it seemed Tai'dqei had endeavored to make some, probably with the guidance and resources from the humans on Rerli 3.
"Thank you," she said, as she accepted a bowl from a rather large pot of the still simmering food. The spicy sweet scent of cinnamon and sugar and cardamom drifted up on the steam. He definitely had help, she mused with a smile.
The gesture made something in her chest twinge. Ignoring it, she took the warm bowl to the table, Tai'dqei following with his own serving. Sitting down, side-by-side, the two would eat quietly. Neither really tasting the food, with their minds focused on other things.
Each bite, every passing second, got them closer to a possible end. What were they going to do? Both of their minds prepared for the worst. For the sad and lonely path, for the aching and the pain.
"Tai'dqei?" Rayelle finally hedged, placing her spoon at the edge of the bowl.
Her eyes didn't tilt up toward him, he realized, as his attention focused onto her. "Hm?"
A lump formed in Rayelle's throat, a tangle of words that she wanted to say but was having a hard time getting out. She couldn't bring her eyes to meet Tai'dqei. Even as he shifted in his seat, giving her his full attention.
"No matter what happens... I... I am glad, you know. That we..." Despite her mental grip on herself, Rayelle couldn't stop the tears. Couldn't stop the crack in her voice. Her shoulders hunched and shook, quiet tears slipping down her cheeks.
It only took a single crack for Tai'dqei to slowly, softly, lean over to her. Rayelle her head toward him, about to apologize, but quieted as he gathered her up in his arms, pressing his forehead gently to hers. In silence, she stared up at him, finding the weight and texture of his forehead against hers both enjoyable but heart wrenching.
Rayelle realized it took him a long breath, before he said something in a painfully even voice. "I understand."
Those two words hung heavy in his mouth and struck her hard in the chest. As true as they were, his heart ached. Something in his bones told him she was leaving. She would be returning to her time, her world. He tried to shrug it off as paranoia or just being prepared for the ache of losing her. But instinct told him she'd be leaving. Their time together was dwindling painfully short.
As much as Rayelle didn't want to admit it, she felt the same sense of an end coming, as well. Perhaps that's why she threw herself against Tai'dqei, her arms wrapped tight around his neck, still quietly crying.
They sat like that for a little while, both memorizing how the other felt against them. Tai'dqei committed to memory Rayelle's plush softness, her warmth, the scent of her, the feel of her smaller body shifting minutely against his. Rayelle basked in Tai'dqei's arms, his body heat, the certain solidity of him wrapped around her.
It wasn't until Rayelle carefully disentangled herself from him, wiping at her tear-streaked face, that Tai'dqei spoke once more. "Are you ready to go?"
"No, but I don't think I ever will be," she mumbled, turning doleful eyes up at him. It was silly to already be crying, to already feel as if they were saying good-bye. Still, she offered a watery smile while giving her head a shake. "But I have to know."
Tai'dqei nodded, his own mandibles pulling upward in a reciprocating smile. Like hers, it didn't reach his eyes.
Once Rayelle dried her tears, she pushed back in her chair and stood. He followed her lead, feeling slow and heavy despite his lack of armor. Tentatively, she held out her hand to him, half-expecting a gentle wave-away the longer he stared. But his hand soon encompassed hers, swallowing down the premature grief as he burned the memory of her palm in his into a permanent memory.
Together, Tai'dqei and Rayelle left his ship, hand in hand, enjoying whatever time they had left to touch.
It took far shorter for the Temporal Advisory Counsil heads to call on Rayelle than she expected. With Tai'dqei by her side, the two were led into an auditorium that had been converted into a sort of hearing room for the head committee. It was a huge room, filled with rows of chairs and a stage. People bustled in and out, carrying stacks of papers, addressing one of the five non-humans sitting at a long table on the stage floor.
As chaotic as it was, it somehow reminded Rayelle of a high school, during some big function. There was a method to the madness. She just didn't know what it was. From the way Tai'dqei held tightly onto her hand, he didn't seem to know, either.
"Ah, you must be Miss Brooks, yes?" One of the five obvious leaders looked up, offering Rayelle what she hoped was a friendly smile. It was hard to tell, since their form seemed to constantly shift. Not that Rayelle could put a finger on how. It just seemed they were... changing. Her mind turned to aliens capable of dimension hopping and time travel, wondering if they were one of them.
What she did manage to register was blue skin and six glowing eyes and two smiling mouths, one right atop the other. Or maybe that's simply how they wished to be perceived? She shook her head, trying to dislodge the complicated thoughts concerning dimensional transmission.
"Yes, I am. I'm supposed to meet with the Temporal Authority Council," she said, diverting toward the stage stairs as the alien waved her in that direction.
Tai'dqei followed her, if only thanks to the fact she still grasped onto his hand. Or maybe he was holding onto her for dear life. That sense of instinctive dread swelled in him. On top of the misery he was doing his best to keep at bay, the busy nature of the area grated on his nerves. His shoulders hunched, tension winding down his back.
The blue shifting alien abruptly nodded, before turning to one of their colleagues. "Oh, ah, Sh'thal, I believe you were handling this case?"
"Which case?" From across the stage, another alien looked up. Their skin shone like purple glass, little specks of light flickering beneath the surface. Crystalline eyes looked to the blue energy alien, blinking owlishly, as if they were readjusting their thought process from one task to another, completely unrelated, one. Even as they tilted their attention to their co-worker and Rayelle, four of their six hands continued to presumably sort through holo-pads.
"The temporally displaced human, Rayelle Brooks of 2022, Missouri, United States." Sh'thal still stared, no answer. Tai'dqei and Rayelle exchanged a look. The first alien sighed, crossing their noodly arms as they said, in an almost deadpan voice, "The one a yautja brought in."
"Oh!" Tai'dqei's stomach dropped - Rayelle's heart twisted - as recognition struck the crystalline alien. She turned to one of her six wrists, inputting data and pulling up a holoscreen. "One second!"
Rayelle glanced up at Tai'dqei, who had - at some point - released her hand. The sudden realization sent a chill through her, but she shoved it away. It didn't mean anything. That was just some attempt to build a new wall between herself and him. Instead, she focused on him in the moment. The physicality of him. The way the lights of the room played off his skin and the metal rings on his tendrils, the barely-there scars that ticked along his arms and knuckles.
He'd been staring off into space, watching the crystalline alien - a Corizite - scrolling through files and messages. Vaguely, he wondered if she was just delaying bad news. Guilty hope fluttered through him, at the mere idea of it. Feeling Rayelle's eyes on him, Tai'dqei tilted his attention down to Rayelle, eyebrow ridges raising with curiosity.
"I just enjoy looking at you," she answered softly, so low that no one else could hear her comment.
To that, Tai'dqei made a scoffing grunt and playfully pushed at her, but couldn't help the way his mandibles quirked upward, just slightly. They'd come so far, she realized, to the point she could catch such expression changes. Returning the gesture, Rayelle pushed back at him, giving a short laugh, before leaning into him. Tai'dqei didn't fight it. His arm came around his shoulders, hand resting on her far hip as he relaxed against her.
For a brief moment, the hustle and bustle around them died away.
Until the Corizite turned toward them with a triumphant trill.
"It has been decided that Miss Brooks may return to her time, if she so chooses." Sh'thal looked up, their countenance beaming as they closed out of the file. They clapped two pairs of their hands together, giving off guidance counselor energy as they chirped, "Isn't that exciting?"
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sakurasfallingstar · 1 year
ShiSaku Week: Day 6
Comebacks were always Sakura's favorite. There were interviews, guest staring, dance practices, and just the hype that her favorite group was releasing a new album.
Now that her favorite group was releasing their title track MV, Sakura couldn't wait until the school bell rang. At the moment, she didn't really find Iruka's lecture of the invasion of mist on their homeland a priority. She drowned out his lecture, eyeing as the minutes ticked on by.
"Just a few more minutes," she thought,.
Her hands twitched with anticipation, toward her bag.
that was her cue, she grabbed her bag in a hurry, and practically ran out the door. Their was no way Sakura was going to to miss this. Not this time. She unlocked her bike and pedaled as fast as she could home.
There were only a few more minutes until the MV was released, and she wasn't going to miss their special message from the group. It was something they always did seconds before the release. She's missed so many times previously, but this time would be her chance to catch it.
By the time she got home, there were only 5 minutes until the premiere. She hopped off her bike, not caring as it fell on its side, unlocked her front door, and ran inside.
"I'm home," she shouted, as she ran to her.
Her parents could only stare at eachother a bit dumbfounded.
"Well, she's your daughter," said her mother to her father, before resuming with dinner.
Shutting the door to her, she jumped on her bed, turned on the TV, and set up NinTube.
Clicking the video, she saw that the count down had already began.then it all turned white.
"Obito, I think the camera's good. You can move away now," said Sasuke.
Sakura's been stanning this group from their debut, she can already tell who is who, with just a picture of their nose. Of course she'd be able to tell who's talking without seeing who's talking.
"Ok. Ok," Obits said, moving away from the camera to stand with his group.
"Ichi, ni, san. Hello, we are F4N," they introduced together with a bow and wave.
Sakura couldn't help, the smile that spread across her face.
"There's my favorite person, " Shisui said, with excitement to the camera.
"Shisui, don't you mean 'persons?'' You'll  have Celebrities saying you're flirting with them," joked Itachi.
"Well, maybe I am," he replied, before turning to the camera yelling, "Celebrities, I love you!"
Shisui then began to do do some silly, cutesy poses.
'He's so cute,' Sakura thought with a giggle, as she watched her bias. She's sure she'll find screenshots on Tweeter later. She'll download them then.
"Shisui, quit it. We're on a time limit," stressed Sasuke.
"Oh, right."
"Anyways, we worked really hard on this MV. Each of us did our best with this concept, despite it being different from our usual stuff," began Itachi.
"Yes, got to admit. I am kinda happy we are not wearing our usual amount of eyeliner," commented Obito.
"Yes, and since we've gone with a more  bright and upbeat concept; we hope you'll enjoy seeing this side of ourselves," Sasuke, said with a smile.
"Now, without further ado, let's roll the MV," Shisui said, winking at the camera.
That wink almost killed Sakura.
The video began with them out on a boat enjoying the sun. Then, the next thing you see is them shipwrecked on an island. The music begins then. It's upbeat and makes you want to dance.
Each one of them is trying to make the island livable, from starting a bond fire to setting up some Christmas lighs around the area. Shisui even chased Sasuke around with some seaweed.
By the end of it seemed like they set up for a beach party. It was a fun concept.
Sakura was sure that this song would be the summer anthem  of the year.
Group Name: F4N (pronounced FAN)
Members (oldest to youngest): Obito, Shisui, Itachi, and Sasuke
Fandom name: Celebrities
(Get it? Cause they are their fans' biggest fan. Ok, I'll stop.)
Shisui is Sakura's ultamite bias.
Most of their concepts are dark or horror. Some may even call ot erotic...
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steveisagay · 1 year
How to fix the damage
Disabled Munver
I physically "aw"ed at the end so loud. Also I am so excited for the next part cause there's something pretty big for my boy J.C. No warnings, just fluff Taglist: @shieldofiron @ebbiemunson (if you wanna be added lemme know!)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 6.5 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
After the two boys had their little talk about a week ago where the two apologized they figured out how to make it so if Eddie woke him up by screaming he'd be able to comfort him. The problem the last time was that his wheelchair wasn't in the right place for Jason to get on it properly by himself. When their times for lunch overlapped they tested out how he would be able to get on his wheelchair without falling to the ground. They explained what they were doing to the nurse and Jason ended up only falling once. Now it was only time to put it in practice.
That night Jason barely could sleep, mainly from anticipation. He'd finally be able to help out Eddie, and also get sleep. He did manage to sleep but it was probably close to midnight when he woke up. Before Eddie went to bed he put Jason's wheelchair between their beds, but he made sure to try to stay up a little later so Jason would be able to sleep a little longer. When Jason woke up he took a second to wake up so he wouldn't "end up cracking his skull on the tiles", Eddie's words, not his. After he could fully see the darkness he shuffled himself over to his wheelchair. This time he made sure to be more careful.
Eddie's crying and screaming filled his ears as he turned in his wheelchair and went forward about a foot so he was right up against his bed. "Psst, Eddie," He moved a hand to his arm, which was tucked under his pillow, "Hey, Eddie,"
Eddie's only answers where a few whimpers and a faint "No-". Then he started to shake his arm, first slow and gentle, then becoming faster as he started to grow more desperate. The brunette showing no signs of waking made his own anxiety shoot higher than before. He had to be able to wake him up, he had to help him, it was the least he could do.
"Hey, psst, Eddiee," His small whisper got louder and louder, "Eddie you have to wake up, it's just a nightmare it's not real." He felt him twitch as Jason moved his hand up from his arm to his cheek, because maybe that would work instead nothing else. "Eddie, you're fine, it's only a nightmare, you're not there." His thumb gently caressed his face to either comfort him or wake him. He moved his other hand to his arm, "C'mon, wake up, you're not there. It's all over and everything's gonna be okay. Everything's fine you just gotta wake up, come on Eddie, come on."
Eddie stirred as his noises went down, "yeah, that's it." Jason cooed, "You're not there, you're 100% fine" He moved his hand a tad bit farther up his cheek. Eddie's eyes began to flutter, not in the way they normally shoot open from his nightmares. "There you go, see, you're fine." Eddie let his head rest fully in Jason's hand as he let out a sigh.
"It worked," he had to have the biggest smile on, "It actually worked!" A laugh erupted from his chest. Meanwhile Jason's cheeks were probably tinted with a pink, although neither of them would be able to see it.
Eddie could've died at that moment, except there had to be just one more thing to top it off. "So..." Jason started slowly, "It would probably just be better if I stay right here. Cause- cause I'm not sure how easily I'd be able to get back in bed and if you end up having another nightmare we don't wanna take the risk of me falling onto my wheelchair again."
"Oh, oh yeah of course, no problem." Eddie swore that he fucking giggled, "Yeah I could never forgive myself if something like that happened to you again."
There was a small "mhm" from the blonde, then before Eddie knew it Jason was fucking snoring. A pang of guilt hit Eddie as he realized how tired he must've been. That was something to worry about tomorrow, but tonight, now, Eddie truly found a fucking angel.
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mistiell · 2 years
This event is CLOSED
I finally came up with an event to celebrate reaching 500 followers! I decided to do a mix of prompt requests and match up requests. Prompts will be listed at the bottom of this post.
As of right now, I’m anticipating that most of the prompts will be short little blurbs. Some might be a little longer depending on what I can come up with from the prompt you’ve given me, but I can’t promise a full length fic for every single request.
I also can’t promise that I’ll get to every single one of these. I will do my absolute best, but I can’t guarantee anything.
All that being said, how is this going to work?
Prompt Rules
- Tell me which prompt/prompts you want me to write as well as which category it’s from. (Example: Fluff prompt 1 OR “You’re such a dork/But I’m your dork”)
- Specify the fandom and the character/characters you want it to be about. The list of fandoms and characters I write for are on my Request Rules which are here.
- Specify whether it should be platonic or romantic
- If you want reader to be Fem or Male, please tell me! Otherwise, I’m just going to write them as GN.
- If you want to get a little more specific and add onto the prompts a bit, go for it! (In fact, it’s encouraged)
Matchup Rules
- A description of who you are/what you look like that’s as in depth as you’re comfortable with (though the longer, the better!)
- List some of your interests! Could be music taste, hobbies, favourite movies/media in general, etc.
- Tell me which Fandom you’d like to be matched up with. The list of fandoms and characters I write for are on my Request Rules which are here.
- None of these headcanons will be NSFW.
1. “You’re such a dork”
“But I’m your dork.”
2. “You noticed?”
3. “You remembered?”
4. “You’re so gorgeous.”
“Baby, I just rolled out of bed.”
“Okay, and?”
5. “That really suits you.”
6. “Can you braid my hair? You’re the only one that does it right.”
7. “Love. Me. Now.”
8. “Shut up and help me, damn it.”
9. “Since when do you watch [favourite show/movie]?”
“Since somebody peer pressured me into watching it and got me hooked.”
10. “You’re lucky you’re cute.”
11. “You look so good!”
“Sweetheart. Baby. Light of my life. I love you, you know that. But I am not setting a single toe outside that door looking like this.”
12. “Oooh, someone looks fancy!”
“Shut up before I kick your ass.”
13. “Ah, ah, ah, you haven’t paid your tax yet.”
“You’re insufferable, you know that?”
“Maybe. But I’m still going to hold your food hostage until you give me a kiss.”
14. “You listen to [band/singer]?”
“Since when?”
“Since always??”
15. “I thought you forgot.”
“Your birthday? Babe, I would never!”
16. “Just shut up and take the fucking jacket, [name].”
17. “I never thought I could love someone as much as I love you.”
18. “Okay, so we may have a small problem-.”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake- What did you do this time?”
19. “How the fuck are you still standing?!”
“Fuck if I know!”
20. “Did you change your flavour of chapstick? I can’t quite tell what it is. *kiss* Hang on. *kiss* Almost got it. *kiss* cherry?”
1. “Hold me? Please?”
2. “Can I just… can I have a hug?”
3. “You can talk to me, y’know.”
4. “Hey, woah, look at me. You’re safe. Just… breathe with me, okay?”
5. “You don’t have to justify your feelings to me. I’m not like them.”
6. “You don’t have to talk if you don’t want to. We can just be for awhile.”
7. “Do you, uh… want a hug? Or something? ‘Cause I can totally do that if needed.”
8. “Oh no, no, no, please don’t cry. If you cry, I’ll cry, and then we’ll be stuck here for another hour crying together.”
9. “Talking about your feelings doesn’t make you weak, [name]. If anything, it makes you stronger.”
10. “Screw those bastards! You’re ten times better than they’ll ever be.”
11. “It’s okay to cry. Sometimes, that’s exactly what you need to just… get it all out, y’know?”
12. “Please don’t go. I… I don’t think I can be alone right now.”
13. “Stay. Please.”
14. “I can’t- I can’t breathe!”
15. “What can I do to help?”
16. “Leave me alone.”
“Not a chance in hell, sweetheart. You’re stuck with me for as long as it takes to cheer you up.”
17. “Why do you even love me?”
“Why do I love you? Why wouldn’t I love you?”
18. “Who did this to you?”
19. “I can totally kick their ass(es) if you want. Genuinely. I’m offering. Actually, I’m insisting! Just give me five minutes and I’ll-.”
“Shut up and hug me.”
20. “I heard you were sick so I got you a tea and your favourite snacks. You don’t have to eat them yet. I figured you could have some when you’re feeling a little better.”
Pure Angst
1. “I feel like I’m drowning. Like no matter how hard I try to break the surface, I just get swallowed by another wave. Does that make sense?”
2. “I can’t keep watching you do this to yourself.”
“Then don’t.”
3. “I can’t do this anymore.”
4. “I loved you!”
“That was your first mistake! Your second was thinking I could ever love you!”
5. “You’re a liar.”
“Everyone’s a liar, sweetheart. The sooner you come to terms with that, the better off you’ll be.”
6. “So this is it? This is how it ends?”
7. “I thought I could love you. Turns out, I was wrong.”
8. “You can’t fix this.”
“Yes- yes I can-!”
“No, you can’t.”
9. “Please, just listen to me!”
“No! I’m done listening, [Name]!”
10. “Please don’t do this to me.”
11. “You still want them, don’t you?”
12. “I was never your first choice. I knew that going into this and I thought that I’d be okay with it but I’m not.”
13. “I’m sorry I couldn’t be what you needed me to be.”
“Me too.”
14. “Get out.”
“But I-!”
“I said get out, [Name]!”
15. “I can’t- I can’t do this without you!”
“You’ll manage. You always do, love.”
16. “I know about you and [Other Person]. You’re good at a lot of things, [Name], but lying is not one of them.”
17. “Fuck, that’s a lot of blood.”
18. “But I love you-!”
“You don’t love me. You never loved me!”
19. “Oh, come on! You’re the one who fucked this up and you’re crying? You’re fucking pathetic, you know that?”
20. “Don’t fucking touch me.”
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reilbec · 1 year
Saturday - reil bec
1 eyes
I saw her at the coffee shop quite reading a book
I saw her but we did not meet
Later I saw her again and she saw me our eyes met
2 we interact
All that had to happen was make eye contact and now i start to build a Fantasy
She goes back to reading but now all I can do is think I look up,
again our eyes meet
She starts to walk toward me with paper in hand
She smiles and puts the paper down on my table
I blush I wait for her to walk away
3 we text
On the paper it said her name and had a phone number
In my mind it said so much more
I look at the paper then back at her
and at the paper
I put in in my contacts but what to say
What what what
I’ll start with a name my name
4 I wait
I send my name but what now
Do I say say something or wait for her
I’ll wait after all I need to go to work
5 anticipation
I’m on the store floor not able to look at my phone
I can’t wait for my break it felt like an eternity
6 break
She asked me out
What do I say do I say yes
Of course I say yes
Now when am I free
I’m free Saturday night
Is she?
She is it’s a date
7 Tuesday
I am on the moon
Feeling like I can fly but limited time to breath
8 Wednesday
I’m afraid my fantasy will be so wrong
What if she’s crazy
What if she’s toxic
What if what if what if
9 Thursday
Well maybe she is for me
Maybe she’s the love of my life
Maybe she’s a crazy person
But I’ve got to try
10 Friday
We text to decide tomorrow
We gonna go to a guided paint night
At 9
11 Friday night in bed
Anticipation, fear, butterflies but mostly
Little sleep
12 Saturday morning
What’s for breakfast
Never mind I can’t eat
I look on the map to see where we’re going tonight
13 Saturday afternoon
I should eat
I make a sandwich
What to wear?
This or that or maybe this but definitely not that no one wants to see that
We’re painting so not this
That one it is
14 an hour before
I pace the floor I need to leave in 30 minutes to get there on time
Back and forth
Here and there
Only 15 minutes now
Should I wear a scarf
It’s not to cold
A hat
no that will mess up my hair
Well I said these shoes but maybe these ones no no go with you gut we’re wearing the first pair
15 the walk
It would have been good to wear a scarf
but it’s to late to go back
I hope she’s close to what I dream her to be
but I understand it’s just a fantasy I made up
16 the door
I’m at the door I don’t know if we want to meet outside or inside
I wait at the door
I decided to text her
17 she texts back
“She’s almost there” she says “to head inside and save us a spot”
18 we meet for real
She met me at the spot I kept for us
Were near the front
19 eyes
We link eyes and talk
We ask all the questions
well we wait for it to start
She is beautiful
Her eyes have a sparkle
Her hair in braids
Her smile so gentle so natural
20 paint
The painting begins
we start small put a little on her hand she put some on mine
Then a little on her face
She put some on my nose
We laugh
She smile we paint
21 the end of the date
We walked out paintings in hand she asks if we could trade
she has mine
She asks how I will get home
I say “I’m gonna walk”
22 she drives me to my block
She drove me back it wasn’t far when your in a car but she cracked a few jokes
Then we say good bye
23 that night
What now
What should I go to bed?
She was amazing I hope for another date
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crimswnred · 2 years
Alright I’ve listened to the album a few times now and I’m absolutely obsessed and I loooooove it. Ranking it was so hard! I didn’t really dislike any song so even the low ranks I still love????
Also, I did rate the vault tracks bc I’m never not going to listen to the 3 am version lmao and I also always love the vault tracks so much.
So here is my rating on release day! (which lets be honest, will probably change after I’ve listened to it for a few hundred hours lmao)
1. Bigger than the whole sky
2. You’re on your own kid
3. Midnight rain
4. Lavender haze
5. Sweet nothing
6. Anti-hero
7. Glitch
8. High infidelity
9. Dear reader
10. Vigilante shit
11. The Great War
12. Labyrinth
13. Would’ve could’ve should’ve
14. Snow on the beach
15. Maroon
16. Karma
17. Mastermind
18. Paris
19. Question…?
20. Bejweled
Aaaaaah! Do you have a favourite lyrics? I hope there’s some Borbie inspo in there somewhere for you :)
I kinda can’t believe it’s here now. The waiting and anticipation was so much fun I’m actually a bit sad it’s over now. But thankfully we still have soooo much content to look forward to! I really hope Taylor brings out another documentary someday! What’s something you really want her to do?
I’m also already kinda dreading tour announcements bc I obviously want to go see her but I also dont want to go alone and it’s gonna be expensive and with Covid still.. (I live with someone immunocompromised and have asthma myself so still have to be careful) but not going sounds shit and I would have the biggest FOMO. aaaaaaaaaah!!!
And I hope things feel better for you soon 💕 life gets so overwhelming sometimes but hey, we got this. Somehow, things will be okay. Just gotta always believe that. And sometimes we have to cry a bit and feel our feelings so they can pass. Just make sure to take care of yourself.
And you said you got 2 cats right?? What are their names? If you want to share of course :) give them a nice cuddle, there’s nothing better than kitty cuddles!🐱
omg sorry for taking so long :( but I finally got some time to answer (it's currently 1am so forgive any typo)
yeah, for sure!!! I love the whole album, even the ones I ranked lower. for me it's her best pop album to date, she did SOMETHING! and I'm so glad we are having visuals this era!!!! I missed it sm
I would love to see a documentary like LPSS! it was so interesting hearing about it and I love the "live" versions but I'm just so so so happy with all we got already!!! and the visuals?? impeccable
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this is such a good idea too! I'd love to hear her. maybe she can get a space somewhere and just record a few episodes? I don't know... I just would love to hear her opinion about random things like books or movies hahaha
awww I hope you can make it to the tour!! I'll be doing my best to get tickets for sureee, especially because she's coming here after a long time (can you believe the last time she came her was during Red era??)
favourite lyrics? hmm, I think You're On Your Own Kid. really resonated with me and how I see things/life. Would've, Could've, Should've hits HARD too!!
I actually liked Paris so much HAHAHA I haven't heard the deluxe yet when I answered you, I think?!
about Borbie, yeah! some songs reminds me of them but I'm not coming on them (cus spoilers) except for Lavender Haze, which is exceptional. Plus, Bejeweled and High Infidelity are so Barbie...
thank you for the lovely words! you're right, life ain't always easy but that's the ups and downs of being an adult, right?!
and yes, I got TWO CATS! their names are Hakan and Mustafa — the previous owner gave them those names, I don't much about it unfortunately.
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here they are on my bed hahaha 💞
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23 April 2023 Sunday 🌞 2:37 am pt
Incubus is seriously killing my brain. He put a lot of acid on it today. I imagine a lot more of it is missing. I’m going to lose. My younger sister is different from me so maybe 🤔 she’s not really related to me. They knew b4 conception that they were going to sacrifice me. They knew b4 my older half sister was conceived and she’s a nurse 👩‍⚕️. They knew b4 my cousin Jeremy was conceived. Bcz they’re all Leo ♌️ born in august (Caesar????? Idk 🤷🏻‍♀️. But people perceived them as good and have friends and are married. Same as my youngest sister. So if we all share a lot of the same genes 🧬 then it’s really only the luck of the draw ✍️ that I am sacrificial lamb 🐑 cow 🐮 ox. My youngest sister thinks she’s good too. Better than me. She’s honest about her feelings. 2:44 am pt. Surrounded by leo ♌️ I wrote this many posts ago. Auto save green box 📦 through keyboard ⌨️ 2:46 am pt. People make excuses all the time about how to treat someone. 2:46 am pt. 2:47 am pt
2:55 am pt door 🚪 slam.
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3:02 3:03 am pt here’s my intaglio print of radios 📻 with hearts 💕
3:50 am pt
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3:53 am pt incubus keeps removing pictures from this post b4 I can save. He is doing it for secretive heinous reasons (teeth 🦷pain 3:55 am pt) there’s always a secret hurtful reason. It usually is not what I expect Bcz of the way they mislead me. They are not honest to me probably Bcz I wasn’t Honest about my feelings growing up 🆙 but they often did confuse me. Like I felt none of the feelings I probably was supposed to feel to say that I love 💗 someone, except for some times when I anticipated ?something like buddy pictures the blooming beautiful blossoming feeling in my heart ♥️ literally after he said “I’d love to” and it made me smile in my sleep 🛌 in bed 🛌 and then I sang in the middle of my sleep 😴. 3:59 am pt I sang my heart ♥️ will go on Bcz we recently saw the titanic. And maybe 🤔 guy with middle name David had a little resemblance to Leonardo do caprio. Hit me now I realized (acid right arm pain 4:01 acid brain 🧠 pain) rose 🌹 Kate winslet. 😑 everything is opposite. They mean death ☠️ when they mean life. Vice versa. 4:02 am pt. 4:03 am pt.
5:54 am pt big harsh acid bite inside throat. A lot of random vehicles 🚗 have been parking in the street for a few minutes each. This time it was a construction 🚧 dump truck sky ish blue colored. 5:57 am pt when the incubus did the dainty kiss 💋 it was the kiss of death ☠️. It was intentionally to trick me though. Bcz they don’t mean anything they say to me when it’s nice 👍. When I was nice to people it’s Bcz I was trying to be respectful. Even if I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ if I’m going to like 👍 them or not. 6:01 am pt. Incubus tricked me. They are hurting my throat a lot, which was the trickiest move they last did Bcz that felt more romantic and intimate than the 💋 kiss. But it was very odd at the same time. But I was already hurt a lot by them so I needed to think 💭 more (left foot 🦶 pain 6:04 am pt) they keep giving me signs 🪧 of cancer ♋️ 69. 6:95 6:05 am pt. 6:96 6:06 am pt it felt as if someone put his/her mouth 👄 below my chin on my neck, (pain forehead bone 🦴 6:07 am pt) mouth 👄 open and slide the lips 👄 closed with out losing contact with the skin. It was weird. But now I know why they toyed with me incubus stuff in 2001 when I talked to Derek and “Brendan.” Bcz it was their excuse to toy 🧸 with me s*xually and emotionally. Boys will be boys. Back pain 😖😭sharp 6:11 am pt. They will touch whoever they want when they want. They own you like toy 🧸 inflatable dolls right shin bone 🦴 lower back hip? Bone 🦴 pain 😖😭😤🥵 and s/he rubbed that area that they bit into a minute ago 6:15 am pt. It was in the panty region some one (6:16 am pt 😖😭 right heel bone 🦴 pain) rubbed it in circles I think 💭 it was early 2022? Then I found the Adam Noah Levine picture with his hand 🤚 partially disappeared 👻 . I thought 💭 he was saying he was invisible. But now it feels like he’s biting into the bone 🦴 to make it disappear. 6:19 am pt. My eyes 👀 were closed for both occasions but they wanted me to believe it was him hence the picture. I posted it a few posts ago here. 6:20 am pt. Jordi died. He’s calling me his wife and himself incubus Bcz my (acid brain 🧠 skull 💀 pain 6:21 am pt again 6:22 am pt they did it a lot today) name transliterated is chavah with Greek letter nu. And eve did not follow directions 🧭 like other people Bcz this eve was not accostumed to hearing 👂 (right hip bone 🦴😖😭) him speak to me. But other people clearly hear 👂 him all their life? Why? Luck ?😖😭😤🥵😤🥵6:26 am pt. All this writing ✍️ or talking seems to lead no where. Except to kill me. 6:27 am pt.
6:29 am pt
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I tried to put 10. They took out 7. 6:34 am pt
7:02 am pt Backstreet Boys song as long as you love me. Makes me think 💭 that incubus really means that. With Q. With garrido. With s*x offenders who are his friends. Etc. maybe 🤔 if that one guy who I think 💭 he was Jon benet Ramsey’s kindergarten teacher 👨🏻‍🏫? Didn’t really do it, and it was some one else more normal, then we still don’t know. It seems even if you’re a thief and murder he still likes/loves you more than me. He (acid throat pain 7:07 am pt) he let garrido keep dugard. Even though it was wrong. But garrido didn’t murder. 7:08 am pt. So maybe did that save him? He allowed himself to be caught with dugard in public. (Right hip bone 🦴 pain minute ago 7:09 am pt) 7:10 am pt. Incubus said in 2018? The purpose of life is to be a parent/apparent (definition?). . 7:11 am pt b4 that I think 💭 I might have been trying to get comfortable with the idea 💡 of giving him a child 👶 when he was trying? To trick me into thinking 💭 he loved 🥰 me. Probably b4 the Q thing happened. I (😖😭pain right heel 7:13 am pt) it might have (chest stabbing pain 7:13 am pt) b4 he started tearing away at hip bone 🦴. When I was 16 years old I feared pregnancy 🤰 Bcz I thought 💭 it would hurt too much. 7:15 am pt. I m not sure anymore about chronology (acid mouth 👄 pain 7:16 am pt. I figure that’s maybe the order of events. I have a lot of shame about year end of 2017 w/ Q stuff. But that was probably the worst thing I did to Q, besides not having the courage to detach from her sooner when I had conflicting feelings that I had hoped would go away. 7:19 am pt I told her to make as many friends as possible so she would not be alone if and when I decided to end our friendship. 7:20 am pt
8:41 am pt yup 👍 they’re still killing me. I asked them to stop 🛑 burning 🔥 me Bcz I’m so tired I think 💭 I’m going to die they hit me with more acid in my brain 🧠 . 8:43 am pt I can’t stand to do dishes w/o my butt hurting again! Right foot 🦶 arch pain = arch enemy? If you hurt me duh 🙄. 8:44 am pt he’s the dragon 🐉 and I’m chavah/hoshiana/hosanna = Jesus. Burning 🔥 butt stings 8:46 am pt. When I die it means more apocalyptic bowls heinous activities child rape human s*x trafficking. Incubus justified it. I will be dead ☠️ and he’s going to say it’s people’s fault it’s my fault 🤦‍♀️ Bcz he’s going to say I’m sitting 🪑 on the throne opening the scrolls 📜 releasing the horses 🐴. 8 billion people. 8:48 am pt. The signs 🪧 say it all. But then he is going to say forgive everyone yadda yadda. 8:49 am pt back and forth flip flop 🩴 fake outs. 8:50 am pt something on the tv 📺 about Disney land tax... acid brain 🧠 pain 8:51 am pt autocorrect pregnant pretty. I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ why it’s saying that. 8:51 am pt I’m not pregnant 🤰. They did weird stuff to me when they told me that I was pregnant 🤰 last year they were pushing in my gut while I was sleeping 😴 and made my head flop back and forth (right knee sharp pain 😖😭 8:54 am pt) I forget how hard they were doing it if it hurt but I don’t like that they did that to me. 8:55 am pt they showed a lack of maturity and made me think 💭 they were trying to give me an abortion I guess. 8:56 am pt it might have been abusive but they’re good at taking away memory of pain. And they poured acid on my brain 🧠 after stroh and Maryka came out with news 📰. 8:57 am pt tummy ache 😖 diarrhea???? 😭😫😩 8:58 am pt
9:34 am pt
https://web.archive. Org/web/20111228065708/http://www.Newsweek Pakistan.com/culture/418
now I’m having cold feet 🦶. That the incubus really messed with my mind. 9:39 am pt but I have my print. 9:40 am pt but is anyone really looking and interested? 9:41 am pt and joe blocked me on Instagram. 😞😖😭😭🥵😤🥵 9:41 am pt
0 notes
madameminor · 2 years
In More Ways Than One, Part 5 - Bad Batch x F!Reader - Wrecker
Summary: Wrecker isn't great at breaking the ice - so you do it for him.
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Tags: 18+. A Smutty Mcsmutterson with plot sauce. BEWARE. Warnings: Oral (m/f receiving) unprotected PiV (there's a reason it's fiction, folks) nicknames, light polyamory, rough, but not quite hard. Let me know if there are others.
Notes: So SO much gratitude for all of you who have said such kind words to me, for my beta readers @tecker @studioramekin, @kaminocasey and @dumfanting (go check out their work) and for all the writers out there keeping me sane with all their idle hotness. Y'all know who's up next 😏. On that note - I am starting a new job and will be settling into it for a mo- my goal is for there to be one chapter a month, plus maybe some short drabble/requests here and there. But I promise, I'm here. Enough outta me- enjoy!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 3.5 Part 4 Part 4.5 Part 5 Part 5.5 Part 6 Part 6.5 Part 7 Part 8 Part 8.5 Part 9 Part 9.5 Part 10
Wrecker has been hiding in his bunk since he boarded the ship and stowed their special explosives safely in the hold. No, not hiding, preparing. PrePARING himself to go out there and talk to you. He didn't hide from anything.
He wasn’t prepared to go out there and face you, not yet. His mind hadn't stopped swirling with the most...amazing images of you since he found out about this whole...thing. What did they call it? 'An arrangement'. The 'arrangement' where the whole squad was taking turns making you-
He groans to himself, putting one hand over his eyes, like that will stop the images from playing. How had all of them been ok just acting normally around you this whole time? Wouldn’t they want to be as close to you as possible every moment of every day? He would. He does. He has for months.
Just the thought of you applying bacta to a blaster wound makes him smile so much- almost as much as when he gets to blow things up. That moment of anticipation right before the loud noise and the debris flying- that’s what you feel like to him. And he liked that - that level of excitement just being around you. When you hadn’t done any of the things that girls normally did when they wanted his attention, he didn’t think you wanted him. So you were just a great friend who liked to have fun and make his brothers lighten up and drink with him and help him blow stuff up. It was great. It was enough.
Now he was being told that you DID want him after all? Or, you wanted him and his brothers? Why hadn’t you told him? Why hadn’t the others told him? WAS it obvious? Had he missed something? Had you been trying to say something the whole time and he just didn’t get it? This whole time he could have… he could have been…
His thoughts stray again to your lips, to your hips, to your ass, to your thighs, to what your face must look like when you’re so full you could-
He rolls over in his bed to try and get it out of his mind. This is what was making it so DIFFICULT. Stupid imagination, making it impossible to talk to you. He must have looked like an IDIOT coming aboard and not being able to say anything. He had just seen you and frozen, remembering the com conversation, thinking about what you and Crosshair had been up to the night before. Fuck if he hadn’t made you come all over the place last night. You were probably still wet from-
He groans in frustration. This isn’t working. What was he supposed to do? What did you WANT him to do? Pretend like nothing happened? He was pretty sure he couldn’t talk to you without getting hard- could you tell that sort of thing? You’re a medic, but he didn’t think you would know… you weren’t like Hunter. Would Hunter know??? That’s right, Hunter had said he hadn’t been with you either- maybe he could watch Hunter first, see how to approach you and talk about whether you wanted to take him or not. You DID want to be with him, right? That’s what his brothers had meant?
He had no idea where he would start. Was he supposed to look nice? Should he polish his armor and ask you out? No no no his brothers hadn’t done that. But you were so special- maybe he should anyway. Just to show how much he liked you. That sounded nice. He smiles at the idea of being in his newly clean armor, you’re so proud and impressed with him, and happy that he did something nice for you. You give him a long kiss while he twirls you in his arms. He snuggles into the idea of making you happy, wondering what else he can do to get you to smile. Maybe he could take you out for…what did they call those- a picnic. And you would wear a pretty dress or something while you both ate, and you would kiss him when you tasted like berries and they would fall so you were on top of him, giggling and kissing, and kissing more, with his hands on your waist and your arms around his neck while he holds you closer and you start to rub yourself over him, teasing him until he’s-
NO. This wasn’t working. He wasn’t afraid of ANYTHING. And if he had to beat off before talking to you- hey, actually, that wasn’t a bad idea.
He peeks out of his bunk to see if anyone's around. Coast seems clear. The fresher is open; he could take a shower, take care of himself, then he’d be all prepared to talk to you. He would tell you he wanted to make you happy too, just like his brothers did, and everything would be ok, and you’d find time to be together, where he could hold you against the wall while he slid so smoothly into your-
He bolts up, making his way with one purpose.
Oh, kriff.
He freezes and looks over his shoulder.
You're lying on your bunk, leaning on one elbow with a holopad in hand-
-in only your under armor.
He can see the outline of your curves, can feel the heat rising in his face. He feels his dick perking up against his codpiece, pulling him back into his fantasies again… Not ready – not ready!
You smile up at him, stretching a bit (exactly what he DIDN'T NEED RIGHT NOW). “Are you taking a shower?”
He nervously rubs the back of his neck, eyes looking anywhere but at you as he inches towards safety. “Yup, yes, just showering. Going to go shower. UH… in the refresher.”
He can hear a snicker from Crosshair’s bunk followed by a quiet “Smooth.”
Shutup, Crosshair.
“Ok,” you smile, finishing your stretch. "Sounds good."
Wrecker finally enters the safety of the fresher, frantically closing it behind him. Whew. This was gonna be fine. He was gonna be fine. He had a plan. And it was going to work out. And he was going to be fine.
He strips and turns on the water, stepping into the steam, letting the hot water fall over his scalp and down his back. He's still a bit hard from earlier, still thinking about you lying there in front of him, in the sun, smiling sweetly as you take him in hand and-
He strokes himself like it was you touching him. He closes his eyes, one hand on the shower wall while he firmly works back and forth over his cock. He’s never let himself do this before, think of you like this while he touched himself. Damn it feels good- feels even better knowing that soon it might actually be you. Fuck, what would your hand feel like - what would your lips feel like – what would your pussy feel like squeezing around him like this? Maker, he can’t wait until you're naked in front of him so he could-
His eyes shoot open, head whirling towards where he heard his name.
You're standing there.
Watching him stroke himself.
Without any clothes on.
“Mind if I join you?”
Wrecker stands up, pulling away from himself like he’s been caught in the cookie jar. “Oh I…uh…your majesty, you’re….uh….hi.”
“Hi,” you smile, a little breathless at the sight of him, warmth spreading up and through you. Big, thick, strong, tall, the steaming water lending a wet sheen to everything, his cock hard and ready-
“So? Do you?” You take slow tiny steps forward, already knowing his answer.
“Do I what?” You're inches away from him, eyes tracing up to his face.
“Mind if I join you?”
Poor thing looks like he's short circuited. Good. “Oh! Uh-um…yes- I-I mean, uh no- I mean, I, um, do-do you want to?”
You practically purr as you look up at him through your lashes. "Yes."
He steps back to give you some room, so cute that it hurts. You step in, letting the hot water stream over you while you comb your fingers through your hair. You let him get a good, long look at you like this. Wet, naked, bare. Here. With him.
You open your eyes to see him mesmerized by you. Maker, he’s such a sweet cutie, you want to give him the galaxy.
"W-what are you doing in here?"
You smile, gently taking his hand and lacing your fingers through his. “I think I owe you an apology, Wrecker.”
He practically gulps. “You do?”
You bring his hand up to circle your waist, your warm wet body slowly pressing against his, his breath catching in his throat. “The boys told me you didn’t know, and I didn't mean for that to happen.”
You feel a very small part of him relax. “So... I wasn’t missing anything?”
You smile up at him, one hand tracing down his pecs. “No, love, not at all. I’m sorry I didn’t come talk to you sooner, I shouldn’t have assumed." Your smile goes coy. "I came in to make it up to you.”
He can’t take his eyes off of you. “Does that mean…are we going to…like right now?”
You giggle at the excited look on his face. “If you’d like to.”
He nods vigorously. You can’t stop giggling as your arms wrap around his neck and you kiss him with complete, adoring abandon.
His arms encircle you, warm water flowing down your back as he relaxes into your body. You mold to him, feeling for all the galaxy like a puzzle piece that’s found its partner. It isn’t hot and heavy, not yet, just joyful, excited, precious, like sun is shining through your veins as you explore each other’s kisses.
You both stay that way for a long moment, relishing in the closeness of your bodies, in the play of your lips. Then his hand traces down past your hips, fingers tracing along your ass under the warm water, and the energy shifts lower.
You gasp lightly at his touch, so soft but such presence to it. “Wrecker.”
He searches your eyes for any hesitation. “Do you… like that?”
“Yes,” you sigh blissfully. "Keep going?"
You kiss him again as his other hand cups your back, holding you to him while he kneads your lower cheeks. Oh, he wants to SPANK you, doesn’t he? And in a different way from Crosshair’s one off. But he’s being such a good soldier, waiting till you’ve talked before unleashing a barrage. Just that small detail relaxes you completely. You feel safe and cared for by this gentle giant of yours.
You can feel his cock still firm against your stomach, leaving little doubt about how he feels. You move one hand down his chest between you, lightly grasping his shaft between your warm bodies. He groans into your mouth and you grin- THERE we go – before shifting your hips so that his cock is nestled between your thighs.
You start to slide yourself back and forth along him, your slick combining with the hot water to help your thighs slide over the sensitive skin. His breath picks up as he looks into your eyes, realizing what you’re doing, still not quite believing that he’s here. You feel him rock against you, sliding himself from tip to hilt between your thighs, hand firmly gripping your ass as he moves to keep up with his breath.
“Oh ad’ika. Ad’ika. Fuck, just your thighs feel so good around me.”
You meet his eyes, watching his pleasure earnestly. “Do they?”
“Yes.” He groans, losing himself a bit more with each thrust.
“Can I make you feel even better?”
He looks at you though crazed eyes, unable to stop himself to even consider your question.
You lean away from him, pushing him lightly against the wall before you kneel. His groan at the loss of contact becomes a strangled gasp when you guide his cock into your mouth, taking as much of him as you can and sliding your hand down the rest. Karking tooka balls, this man is BIG. You are going to need some practice to get all of him down your throat. Glancing up at his enraptured face, you don’t really think he’ll mind putting in the extra training time.
You smile up at him as you start to move up his shaft, trailing your tongue around his spongy dome, tasting the precum weeping out of his tip. You hold up his shaft while you run your lips down the underside of him, tongue carefully tracing along. His balls are tight up against his body, a testament to how fucking turned on he is, and the sound he makes when you take them into your mouth is practically orgasmic. His hand finds your hair, weaving firmly but not tightly.
“Ad…ad’ika. This is so…”
Every word he utters sends your heart aflutter. He could take what he wants from you, instead he’s accepting it graciously, with reverence- and you can bring him to that point. Kriff, it was precious- and so so hot. You trail your tongue back up to his tip and capture his eyes with yours.
“I’m going to go faster now, ok Wreck?”
He nods, hand tightening a bit in your hair.
You watch him as you take him into your mouth as far as you can, swallowing so he feels the back of your throat. You know his moan can be heard outside, know that Hunter and all the rest know what you’re up to, and you can’t help but shiver. He’s moving himself slowly along your lips, eyes glazed as he slowly loses himself to the sensation of your warm mouth on his hot rod.
His ragged breath against the sound of the water is all you can hear for a moment- and it’s all you need. You start to bob your head a bit faster, feeling him slide along your tongue as his pace picks up, the water from the shower keeping you in time. He can’t keep his eyes on you anymore. Too overwhelmed, he lets his head fall back with a gruff groan, wanting to feel every… last…inch of you. TAKING. Him.
“I… ad’ika, what do I do if I'm going to come? I shouldn’t, right? I want to make you feel good, been waiting so long to make you feel good.”
“Come down my throat first, big boy. I want to feel you empty yourself into me while I watch.”
"Kriff kriff kriff kriff yes yes yes I’m going to come ad’ika. I’m going to come down that pretty throat of yours I’m- UHNNNNNN.” He’s careful not to choke you, but he pushes in as much as he can, shooting himself as far as he can go. You can feel the wave of his release spread through him, releasing a whole day of pent up want and need in one glorious moment.
You lightly suck him clean as he pants his euphoria, not wanting to miss any of him. He watches as you slowly trace up and off, gently palming him to keep him grounded, standing to kiss him with his taste on your lips. He groans, tasting the proof of your mouth's efforts.
As he finally comes down, he looks into your eyes, blissed out, yes, but a little sad.
“What…about you?” He says, arms wrapping around you and pulling you to his chest. “I want to make you feel good like that.”
You trace a hand down the side of his face, kissing him again. Of course he did. “It might be a bit difficult in here.”
He blushes a little, looking away. “Oh. Yeah, I’m not… I haven’t had a lot of chances to learn how.”
You nuzzle his nose, earning his eyes. “I don't mind helping you practice. We'll just take it slow.”
Wrecker pouts. "OOOoooOOOOHH. I don’t LIKE taking it slow.”
You giggle. There he was, that big goofball. "So don't."
Your laugh makes him grin, his cute mischievous, floppy smile that makes you glow. He picks you up and pushes you through the water to the far wall, careful to avoid the hardware. He has you breathless as he positions you on his hips, tracing his hands over your breasts, your stomach, your thighs- he stops at the bite mark on your crease.
“Who left this?” His voice is curious.
You refuse to feel embarrassed. Dammit. It's not like he doesn't KNOW what you were doing last night. “Crosshair.”
He looks up at you. “Did you like it?”
He looks back to the bite, tracing it with his fingers. “Was he good at making you come with his mouth?”
Uh-oh. “Wrecker, you don’t need to compare yourself.”
“What?” He looks up at you in surprise. “No, no. I mean, would he be a good teacher?”
Surprised, you tilt your head to the side. “To teach you? Well, knowledge wise, yes, I suppose soOOO-“
You’re in his arms, up over his shoulder, the water is turned off, and he’s heading out the fresher door.
“Hey Crosshair!” Oh no.
“What.” Comes the irritated answer from Crosshair’s bunk.
“Show me how to do this.” Oh NO.
More irritation. “Show you how to do WHAT?”
“How to eat her pussy and leave marks like this.”
You hear something drop to the floor of the cockpit. “WHAT did he just say?”
Crosshair’s privacy curtain is yanked back and Crosshair’s head peeks out. He looks at Wrecker, sees the position you’re in, the embarrassment on your face, and GRINS.
“Put her on her bunk.”
He leaps off his bed as Wrecker lowers you onto yours, long legs getting him to the cockpit door in record time. You hear the door close and lock, followed by Tech’s pained voice.
“No. Can’t have ALL of you with my secrets.”
“At least record her reactions!! CROSSHAIR!!!”
Crosshair turns to see you on your back, face flushed and turned to the side. with Wrecker kneeling in front of you,
You keep your legs closed, completely overwhelmed and embarrassed under their gaze, the small heat of excitement buried under it all the only thing keeping you from completely curling in on yourself. You cannot believe this is happening. You knew this was a possibility at one time or another, maybe, but right now? This soon? Like THIS? Without any warning??
Crosshair sinks down next to Wrecker.
“Don’t be shy, Princess. Let us see your pretty pussy, mmm?” You want to say no. You REALLY want to say no. But the tiny voice underneath everything, at your core, whispers ‘yes’. Traitor. You slowly let your legs fall open, afraid to meet either of their eyes. “That’s a good girl.”
You can hear Wrecker’s breath picking up at the sight of you laid bare like this. The sound makes you squeeze around nothing, which they can see, which makes you squeeze more.
Crosshair's voice is laced with arousal- and authority. "Alright. Rule 1, and most important: enjoy yourself, and make sure she knows you're enjoying yourself." Crosshair smiles as he nestles himself against your thigh, kissing your hot skin with a brush of his lips. You gasp as you shut your eyes, feeling your face burning like a fire.
"Wow," Wrecker murmurs, fascinated. "That just from a kiss?"
You hear Crosshair's smirk, feel him plant a kiss closer to the bruise he left on you the night before, eliciting a small whimper. "It's easy when you've been riling her up this whole time."
You glance down as Wrecker at the excitement in his voice. "I have?"
Crosshair smirks as you. "Probably helps that she loves us watching her so much. Shy in front of an audience, Princess?" His eyes glint mischeviously. "Good to know."
You're on fire again, looking away, trying to keep your hands from covering your face.
"Alright, Wrecker, watch carefully."
Crosshair shows Wrecker everything he learned the night before about what your body craves. How you scream and squirm when he kisses here or bites there. He demonstrates the techniques he’s learned make you gasp rather than moan, when to tease, when to give, when to take. He practices each and every example on you, ignoring the bucking of your hips or your pining for more.
Then it’s Wrecker's turn.
Where Crosshair was firm, experienced, Wrecker is eager, excited, messy, he wants to TASTE you. Every moan and sigh from your lips is a victory point for him. Soon he’s adding a finger into you and you can’t keep yourself from crying out. Fuck, you know they can hear this in the cockpit. These two eating you out one at a time, but together, while the others listen, ACHING to be there with you- you couldn’t even imagine this in your FAVORITE fantasies.
Then Wrecker bites your other crease, and you can’t help it, you SCREAM your pleasure.
You look down just in time to see the fist bump exchange between him and Crosshair, both so smugly satisfied at their handiwork.
“I’ll leave you to it. You pass if you can make her come without my help.” Crosshair says through his grin, turning to head out. He pauses and places a toothpick between his lips. “And I want to HEAR it.”
“Al-RIGHT.” Wrecker has always loved a challenge. With a final smirk in your direction, Crosshair turns and lets himself into the cockpit, closing the door behind him.
Wrecker’s tongue returns to your clit, his finger continuing to explore inside you, stretch you. You moan as he finds the spongy spot Crosshair just told him about, grinning with satisfaction at the little cry that falls from your lips as your head tilts back. Damn did he learn that fast. Maybe Cross WAS a good teacher, when he put his mind to it.
You feel another finger slip into you while he sucks at your clit, your hips bucking down toward him, taking both fingers in faster than you meant to. “Fuck Wrecker, FUCK. Please go faster. I can take it, please.”
You can hear his breath hitch in his throat in his pleasure, his fingers starting to pump faster in a curved motion up against your g spot. A hand flies to his perfect bald head, nails all but scratching marks for the world to see, the other pushing against the bulkhead to get closer to his penetrative perfection. He gently sucks on your clit, using the pulsating move Cross showed him minutes before. You look down at him between your legs, beneath your hand, eyes so eager to please, so excited to have you right where he wants you.
“Fuck, ad’ika, louder. Know you want to.”
You stop trying to hold it in. Each pump of his fingers rings a cry from your lips, your walls tightening around him with each noise you make, making each pump that much stronger, and the cycle feeds itself. Until finally, you’re so close. So so close. And you want the others to know that you’re about to…
“I’m going to come! Oh FUCK Wrecker please don’t stop please please please I- oh MAKER!” It’s like a dam breaking, the sudden convulsing of all your muscles around his thick, perfect fingers, pulling him further into you as your hips desperately ride him for every inch of pleasure he can give you. He laps at you, easing you down like a pro, massaging you through your last convulsions until you're just left panting.
“Kriff, ad’ika. That was so hot.” He removes his fingers, still covered in you, pleasantly surprised at what he can do to you. He’s up and over you, kissing you gently with your taste on his lips, his tongue eager to fill you again. You can feel him stroking his cock with your juices, swallowing his deep groan into your kiss as you buck against him, eager to cover him with more of you.
“Fuck ad'ika I want you so badly like this. Can I…?” You feel him at your entrance, his head barely breaching you. Your hands slide around the back of his neck as he leans down to kiss yours, his ragged breathing warm on your collarbone.
"Slowly, slowly love. You’re so big. I have to stretch to your size, Wrecker. UHN.”
He pushes in so slowly, one inch at a time, maddeningly slow, pushing you just to the edge of bursting. You both groan in tandem as he hits your limit, still leaving about an inch of him outside of you. “Wait, wait, let me. Nnnn. Maker Wrecker you’re so big I’m so full I'm so FULL.
"KRIFF ad'ika.” Your body shivers at the growl so uncharacteristic of him, betraying the control he is struggling to maintain. “You are so TIGHT. Not even MOVING in you and you feel so good.”
He pulls out a bit and gently pushes back in, his gruff groan muffled as his head falls to your shoulder. “And so wet. So wet for me ad’ika. My ad’ika. Tell me when I can...” He can’t even finish, opting instead to lightly bite your neck, leaving a mark right next to Crosshairs. You squirm under the amazing sensation, pushing yourself against him, slowly starting to buck and ride along his length. You’ve never been more ready in your life.
“Wrecker… I’m-“
“FUCK yes.” He’s never been one for control, but whatever control he had, he abandons it now. You can feel his need taking over, the lust, the passion, the karking WANT in him as he starts to fuck into you. His hands are planted above your shoulders, keeping you from sliding away from him. He looks down at your face to watch your eyes glaze, devouring the blissed out look that only he can see.
"So beautiful, mesh'la. Can't-nnn- TAKE how good you feel."
He doesn’t even notice when he starts pushing that last inch into you- but you do, and good Gods, Mother, Maker, you LOVE it. You've heard of the c-spot before, but lord is Wrecker making you a believer.
“Wrecker, yes yes YES. Don't stop, PLEASE.”
You can’t even care how loud you’re crying now, his cock hitting so far inside of you that you swear he’s practically in your stomach. It’s blinding, it overwhelming, you can’t fucking talk because there is nothing but his huge, thick, pulsating cock pushing inside of you. Your hands can only hold onto his arms for dear life, all while listening to the filthiest things you've ever heard come from his mouth.
“Kriff, ad’ika, that’s right, take me, take ALL of me just like that. I can feel you squeezing me while I fuck your tight little hole. I’m going to come so hard in your beautiful pussy, going to fill you up with so much come. Fuck, TAKE it mesh’la. TAKE it. YEAH."
His words have you floating up and out of your body, his blissful bass shattering your earthly tether as you continue to lose yourself to the intensity of him filling you. There is nothing else but his voice in your ears, his warmth at your fingertips, and the bliss of him entering you again and again. You can feel his thrusts speed up as his voice deepens.
"You feel me ad’ika? Feel how much I wanted to fuck you like this? UHN YES it feels so good, gonna make me bust so hard inside of you. Going to EMPTY myself into you. That’s right. Every last drop of me, and you’re going to take it all. Oh yeah, gonna take ALL of me when I come.”
You can faintly register how soon you're going to reach your peak, can barely think enough to contemplate forming the words. “Wre…cker…I’m…goi…to…”
His growling groan is the final straw. “That’s right, ad’ika. That’s right, come for me. Come for me while I come inside you. Kriff ad'ika you’re squeezing me so HARD. FUCK.”
Your combined cries are so loud they seem to shake the whole ship. You FEEL him spill into you, feel the warmth as his hips stutter and his stride slows while you pulsate around him, milking him of everything he has to offer. You can’t seem to stop coming- every time you think you’re done, you clench again around him, setting off another wave through you. You finally start to come down as he kisses you, his cock still inside while he ruts away, surfing your high as you do his. He finally lays his head on your collar bone, panting from losing himself so thoroughly.
“Did I…I didn’t hurt you, did I? I think I… went too hard…”
You almost chuckle- but you can't find the breath. Instead you gently squeeze his arm and turn to kiss his wrist. “Great Mother, Wrecker, no. That was amazing.”
He beams, then gently pulls out of you, groaning as you clench one last time- a parting shot. He pets your hair, placing a lingering kiss on your forehead, then disappears for a moment, coming back with a rag from the fresher. You reach to take it from him, but he intercepts your hand and kisses it, cleaning you up himself. You giggle at how careful he’s being, after you were able to handle him so rough before- but you aren’t complaining. Throwing the rag to the side, he slides down next to you, entwining his limbs around you in a blanket of blissful adoration and care. You turn your head to kiss him, basking in the purity of his feelings, entwining right back. You feel so safe, so cared for, so blissfully content, that you don’t realize your eyes are closing until you hear your own deep breathing lulling you to sleep. You smile to yourself, hoping he hears you as you drift off –
“My Wrecker. My Wrecking ball.”
You don’t know how long it’s been since you fell asleep, or how close you are to your destination. All you know is that you wake up cold.
The ship is quiet. The door to the cockpit is open again, you’re naked on your bunk- and Wrecker isn’t there.
You sit up slowly, biting your lip to keep your groan quiet- you ache in the most DELICIOUS of ways, but you don’t want to broadcast it. (Right now, anyway). You hear the hum of the engines, sleep breathing coming from multiple sources around you, and… small noises coming from the cockpit.
You stand and stretch before gingerly putting on your under armor. After a glance at the bunks you can tell that everyone seems to be accounted for- except Wrecker. His turn on watch, then; that explained his absence. Duty called.
You walk into the cockpit expecting to find him in his usual position – leaning back in the pilot’s chair, watching the blurred stars of hyperspace- but as you get closer, you see he isn’t there- isn’t in EITHER of the front seats.
He’s sitting in the center of the cockpit floor.
On a regulation blanket.
With two canteens and two ration bars laid out.
He turns as you walk in, face brightening with his sudden smile. He jumps up and sweeps you up in a kiss, spinning you around with his lips locked on yours. You giggle as he sets you down, nuzzling him as he pulls away.
“What’s all this?”
He blushes a bit, rubbing the back of his head while he steps away to show you his handiwork.
"Well, I, uh… I wanted to do something nice for you. I know it’s not outside, a-and there’s usually more food, but it’s a…it’s a picnic.
Your heart leaps so high you’re afraid it will hit the ceiling. “For me? You put together a picnic for me?”
“Y-yeah.” He smiles that beautiful lopsided smile again. “Do you like it?”
You leap into his arms to kiss him again, catching him by surprise and knocking him onto his back.
His smile could light up a whole solar system. You lean in to capture some of that for yourself, hands framing his face, hips straddling his, his hands falling to your hips while he settles into your embrace. Your vulva brushes against the plastoid of his codpiece, prompting a small gasp from your lips.
“What? What is it?” Wrecker worries, hands immediately up and away from you.
Just…something’s a little uncomfortable.” You sit up and reach behind you, undoing the bindings of his codpiece before tossing it away onto the floor. You turn back to him, a mischievous smile on your face as you settle yourself against his already thickening cock.
“There. That’s MUCH better.”
You love the way his eyes practically roll into the back of his head. “Maker…YEAH.”
Crosshair had walked in to the cockpit, wiping his chin, toothpick in place. Tech immediately marched up to him, incensed (well, irritated, which for him was practically incensed).
"I hope you realize what an opportunity you've just cost us."
“Oh, don't be like that. Let him have his fun.”
“There is IMPORTANT DATA being LOST right now because-”
“Kriff the data. You can gather all you need to from here.”
“Fuck Wrecker, FUCK. Please go faster. I can take it, please.”
"See? Like you're practically there."
"But I am NOT. And I can't possibly know the variables at play, and Wrecker won't REMEMBER-"
Hunter looked to where Echo leaned back in his seat, turning to face the hyperlane flying by. His flushed cheeks and dilated pupils betraying his excitement. "How are we ever going to get anything done around here? Aren’t we supposed to be soldiers?"
“I’m going to come! Oh FUCK Wrecker please don’t stop please please please I- oh MAKER!”
Echo closed his eyes and inhales deeply, trying to calm the hammering in his chest.
Hunter laughed, eyes glinting with satisfaction as he listened to everything happening with his squad.
"Come on, Corporal. Where would be the fun in that?"
Hunter has been hoping you would wake up to join Wrecker- and he isn't disappointed.
He can hear the happiness in your voice at the big guy's surprise- it made him smile himself. Wrecker would be good at this sort of thing- the sweet little touches that the rest of them might overlook. Just like Echo with his compliments, and Tech with his subtle support, like Crosshair with his carnal knowledge, and him with... hm, well, whatever he brought to the table.
All of them together could do this. All of them together would be enough, MORE than enough. He'd always sworn to keep this squad together- he was determined to keep it together through this, too.
The sound of plastoid hitting durasteel brings him back to the moment. He can hear lips locking, hearts pounding, a small gasp - the clicks of releasing buckles, and a codpiece hitting the ground. He can't help but smirk. Trust you to be hungry even after getting stuffed to the brim. Thank fuck for that- now it's more of a question as to whether five men could satisfy you, rather than the other way around.
He can hear you slide down on Wrecker's cock, the sinful squish of your walls, the vibrations of your longing moan, the smell of the sweat beading on your temple as your heart speeds your blood through your veins. FUCK he could feel all of you reacting to his brother filling you. Could feel the hitch in your breath as he starts to fuck up into you, murmuring your pet name like a prayer.
He could go join you two. He could- he was sure neither of you would mind. He could watch you take him down your throat while Wrecker fucked up into you, your cries vibrating through him to help work him even higher-
Each of them got their turn. Each of them had their time. They'd get to share eventually. But first they all had to make their 'claim'.
He slowly frees himself from his under armor, gently stroking himself in time with Wrecker's thrusts into your pussy. With this one down, you had made it through four of the five squad members.
It was his turn next.
And kriff, did he hope you were ready for him.
What up, tag list??
@nunanuggets @nightsister-babez @nonsenseandm3mes @in-the-crosshairs @mywheezingisalertingtheguards @allhailkingboba @valiantlyminiaturecreature @kaorikoizumi @ladykatakuri @ben-is-a-hoe @klay97 @kaitou2417 @dumfanting @kuromisheart @koifish08 @nivcole445 @echo-is-worth-more-than-2000 @badbatch-simp24 @pointy-sharp @rainytears2 @gabile18 @nedxwynert @chopper-witch @nexxxxxx @nightscissor @idrkmd @corona-one @babypandasugar22
@tinycollectivetrash @borderlinejedi @pumpkinkpatch @oohyesplease @princessclaire2 @just-a-shit-ton-of-trama @badbatch-simp24 @foreverhockeytrash @batmmarty @unholy-t-rin-ity @dabonem2025 @reeny26 @smurderous @xxeiraxx @discarded-beskar@just-an-anxious-ball-of-flesh @mybigfatspoonielife @whore4rex @andyoufollowyourheart
@lokigirlszendaya @captain-splock-you @tecker
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diaphragmjellyfish · 3 years
Finally wrote something again! Sorry it took so long. 
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How exactly do you get a dog to lose your scent? Because avoiding your werewolf boyfriend Embry was proving a lot harder than you had anticipated. Last weekend was… eventful. You guys had finally done it. Gone all the way. After 6 months of dating and an imprint bond, you both finally decided you were ready to take that next step. And you’ve only had one thought since that night. 
That shit hurted. 
It was borderline unbearable. The pain was searing. You lied there until Embry was done, faking moans and even faking the Big O, and you were less than eager to do it again. Were you broken? He seemed to enjoy it, so obviously you were to blame. He’d been super clingy and lovey since that night, even more so than usual, and you didn’t have the heart to be around him knowing you had faked it like that. What if he found out? He’d be crushed. What if he wanted to do it again? You couldn’t take that pain another night. What if he faked it too and was going to break up with you the next time he saw you? Yeah, no. Avoidance was the way to go. 
He wanted to take you out to see a movie. You mysteriously came down with a case of allergies in the middle of winter. 
He wanted to pick you up after school and give you a ride home. You had the sudden urge to join a club that was meeting after school that day. 
He called, your phone was on silent. 
He texted, you suddenly became illiterate. 
But he kept trying. God, why was he making this so difficult?! Thoughts like this swirled through your head as you walked the long way home from school. He knew your usual route, so obviously that was out of the question. You took a path through the woods that would eventually spit you out right by the beach where you could sit and think. The forest had always felt like a second home to you. Peaceful, comfortable, private. You walked for some time before hearing twigs snapping in the distance. Probably a rabbit or something. Louder snapping. Bigger sticks. Definitely not a rabbit. You halted, waiting for the creature to pass, when a large gray wolf stalked out of the trees. 
He was wearing the softest, cutest, most “kicked puppy” look on his face that you had ever seen. Head bowed, he walked up to you slowly, whining. So he had noticed your avoidance. You held your hand out to him, petting the thick fur between his ears. He sniffed your hand, giving it a soft lick. 
“Hi,” you whispered. He whined louder at this. “Embry…” you started, before he crouched down, a silent cue for you to get on his back. He waited. 
Guess this was inevitable. And at least him showing up in wolf form gave you some time to think about how exactly you would explain what had happened. With another soft sigh, you climbed up on his back, holding the fur tightly as he trotted off into the trees. After about 5 minutes, you realized that he was taking you to Sam and Emily’s house. You weren’t in the mood to be around the rest of the pack right now. 
“Embry, I’m kind of busy today. I don’t really have time to hang out with the pack.” 
He ignored you, trotting along as if your statement was the buzz of a mosquito in his ear. When you reached the house, however, you quickly realized that no one else was there. They must all be out. It was a Friday afternoon, after all. 
When you reached the lawn, Embry stopped and crouched once more so you could dismount. When you did, he ran off behind the house, walking back out several minutes later as the inky-haired boy you had grown to love. His face was full of sadness, yours full of anxiety. 
“Let’s go for a walk,” he said. 
You silently followed him down the path that led to the cliffs, waiting for him to say something else. He never did, only kept walking. You struggled to keep up, but were too stubborn in your silence to ask him to slow down. You both finally reached the rocky cliffs jutting out over the frigid ocean. He stopped, staring out at the horizon. You paused next to him, waiting. After another several minutes of silence, you grew impatient. 
“It’s supposed to snow Monday,” you said. 
You waited. Silence. 
“The news said they might even cancel school.” 
A pause. Nothing. 
“I don’t know about you, but I could definitely use a three day weeken-”
“Is there something you want to tell me?” he cut you off, seeming agitated. For as long as you’d known Embry, he was never in a bad mood. Never anything but happy. Maybe sad on a few occasions, but never angry. Never frustrated. And it was making you nervous. 
And now it was your turn to be silent. Yes! You wanted to say. You hurt me! But you couldn’t. Wouldn’t. He didn’t do it on purpose, so why would you make him feel guilty about something that was your problem and your problem alone? 
“Because, if I’m counting correctly, it’s been 5 days since I’ve so much as heard from you. Barely a text back. Not a call, not a ‘hey! I’m super busy this week.’ Why are you avoiding me? I thought… after last weekend, we should be more in love than ever right?! Did it not mean anything to you?” 
You remained quiet, tears pooling in your eyes. You gave no sign that you were going to respond, so he kept going. 
“Just tell me where your fucking head is at, Y/N. You can’t keep brushing me off like this. Did I do something wrong? Do you regret what we did? Am I, like… not ripped enough for you or something?” 
“Embry, no,” you pleaded. You could see the insecurity behind his eyes. You had to tell him what was going on, but you knew it would crush him. “It’s not that at all.” 
He waited. “Then what?” 
You closed your eyes, a tear slipping down your face. You wiped it away quickly before taking a deep breath. “I have been avoiding you.” You looked up at his face at this, finding tears building up in his own eyes. “I love you, Embry. But last weekend, just… I can’t do that again.” 
He clenched his jaw, looking anywhere but your face and nodded. He was hurt. You definitely could have worded that better. 
“Let me explain,” you pleaded. He wouldn’t look at you still, but didn’t walk away, so you kept going. “I think I might be broken or something, because that… It didn’t feel right.” 
At this, he looked back at your face, switching from hurt to concerned almost immediately. 
“Why would you think you’re broken?” 
Another pause. “I know you would never hurt me on purpose…”
“You were in pain?” he panicked, fresh tears pricking in his eyes. 
“It’s not your fault,” you hurried. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
“Why didn’t you tell me that? Why would you let me keep going?!” 
“I’m sorry!” you cried, causing him to walk up and embrace you. You sobbed into his chest as he pet your hair, all signs of anger gone. “You were having a good time, and I didn’t wanna ruin it, but it hurt so bad…” 
“Shhhhh,” he cooed as he rocked you from side to side, letting you calm down. “It’s okay.” 
After several minutes, you finally stopped crying. He didn’t falter in his embrace, only left light kisses on your forehead and cheek. 
“Y/N, I am so sorry,” he whispered into your hair. 
“It’s not your fault,” you replied. 
“Yes, it is. I’m supposed to take care of you. It was my job to make you feel good, and you were hurting that bad and I didn’t even notice.” You sniffled, just enjoying being in his arms. A few more minutes passed as you both calmed down. 
“To be fair, I did take a drama class last semester. I’d say I put on a pretty convincing performance,” you added weakly, an attempt to lighten the mood. 
He huffed a laugh, if for no other reason than to make you feel better. “Had me fooled,” he added. 
You smiled, looking up at him. “I’m sorry for avoiding you.” 
“It’s okay. I just wish you would have told me as soon as it started to hurt that you wanted to stop.” 
“I know. I should have, I just got all in my head about it.” 
“And I’m sorry for hurting you. I’ll never forgive myself, and I understand if you don’t want to be with me anymore,” he answered, nervously awaiting your response. 
“I forgive you. And of course I still want to be with you, Embry. I love you. We just need to work on our communication skills a little bit,” you laughed. 
“We do. And I’ll start. I would really love another chance to make you feel good. If you promise to be honest about how you’re feeling, I know I can do a way better job. But I understand completely if you wanna wait a while… or if you never wanna do it again. You’re in charge here.” 
His words had your heart melting. He really did care about you, and you knew that if you had told him in the moment that you were in pain, he would have done anything to get you feeling good. You were always his first priority. 
“I’d be willing to try again, but what we did last time didn’t work. I think we need to think of some new techniques or something,” you mumbled shyly. 
“Tell you what. I’ll do some research, get some stuff, and you can come over tonight… if you want to. And we can maybe try again? And if you get there and aren’t feeling up to it, we can just watch a movie and cuddle. No pressure… I just miss you.” 
You thought for a second. Worst case scenario, you’d cuddle on the couch and eat junk food. You trusted Embry completely, and if you said stop, you knew he would. 
“Okay,” you replied. 
After a long shower, some fresh makeup, and a cute-yet-comfortable outfit, you were ready to go over to Embry’s. Sure, the nerves were kicking in, but you trusted him when he said he would do some research. When you pulled up, he was already standing in the doorway smiling. You ran out and gave him a giant bear hug (or wolf hug), and he picked you up and carried you into his room, kicking the door closed with his foot. 
“I missed you,” he said, face buried in your hair. 
“You saw me like 3 hours ago,” you giggled in response. 
“Yeah, but I haven’t seen you all week! Gotta get my Y/N fill or I might die!” 
You laughed loudly, hands threading up into his hair as he sat down on the bed with you seated in his lap. 
“Yeah, yeah, just try not to crowd me,” you cheekily replied. 
He raised an eyebrow before tackling you back onto the bed, tickling you like a maniac and placing playful kisses all over your face and neck. 
“Like this?! Don’t crowd you like this?” 
“Embry stop!” you laughed, trying to suck in a breath between his manic tickles. When he finally stopped, he was lying between your legs, one hand grasping both your wrists above your head, the other propped beside you so as to not crush you. He stared lovingly at your face before leaning down and placing a soft kiss on your lips. His grip on your arms loosened, as if to say You can stop me anytime, but you didn’t. You kissed him back, arms staying in place to tell him that you were okay. 
The kisses grew slightly more heated, but Embry kept them gentle. And every time you thought he was about to take things to the next step, he’d just kiss you some more. You were growing slightly impatient, breath labored and blood pumping fast. Your stomach became slightly warm, and every time you leaned up, he’d pull away. 
“You’re being mean,” you whimpered. 
He just looked at you and smirked before leaning down and capturing your lips once more. You could feel your blood heat in every part of your body. From your head to your toes, you felt warm and fuzzy, yet desperate for more,,, more touch, more pressure, more Embry. Growing frustrated, you hooked your legs around his waist and tried your best to pull him closer, unintentionally grinding your hips into his. When he brushed up against your core, you let out an involuntary sigh. It actually felt nice. He smiled into the kiss, pulling his lips away from yours and dragging them down to your jaw, and then your neck, suckling and sucking and leaving light red marks that made your head spin. The hand that was holding your wrists came down behind your back and up into your hair, firmly pulling your head back to give him better access to your neck. 
This movement made your entire back arch up into his body. His grip in your hair tightened slightly, lips sucking your skin up into his mouth as he nibbled, before soothing with his tongue. Your toes curled, legs pulling him impossibly closer. When he felt this, he ground his hips down into yours. The combination of his hands, lips, and weight on top of you made you let out a gasp. Your hands held onto his shoulders for dear life, pulling his shirt up in an attempt to take it off. He got the hint and sat up to remove it, being away from your body for far too long for your taste. He didn’t lower fully back down, however, instead sliding his warm hands under your shirt and onto your stomach. You sat up, taking your sweatshirt off and throwing it violently across the room. His eyes widened as they looked down at your bare chest in an almost feral fashion. He gripped your thighs, tugging you down the bed with ease, and resuming his position on top of you, hands roaming all over your torso. He cupped your breasts gently, rolling your nipples softly between his fingers. You shut your eyes and threw your head back, enjoying the sensations. His kisses trailed from your neck and down to your chest, softly. Lovingly. When he reached your nipples, his tongue poked out and licked around each of them, before taking them into his mouth and sucking. His hands continued to caress your back, and he took his sweet time switching from one breast to the other, and back again, until he felt your skin grow almost as hot as his. You were writhing underneath him, panting as your mind tried to comprehend the sensations. And his mouth, God it was so warm. You felt him kiss the undersides of your breasts, and then your stomach, and then lower… 
When he reached the waistband of your leggings, he brought his hands up as if to pull them off of you. He stopped, looking up at you for permission. You gave a lazy nod Yes, and lifted your hips to help him. He pulled your underwear off as well, spreading your legs and almost salivating at the sight of your soaking pussy. Not wanting to waste another second, he once again began placing kisses on your lower stomach, and then down to your hip bones, scraping his teeth lightly against the skin, which had you shuddering. He trailed lower, to where your thighs met your core, and began to suck lightly and the soft skin there. Your clit was throbbing by now, desperate for any sort of attention. You thrust your hips up, desperate for his mouth on the place you needed him, but he only pulled your legs over his shoulders and brought his arms across your stomach to hold you in place. Your hands went to his hair in an effort to control any aspect of this situation, but the boy was strong. He teased and teased and teased, until you thought you might very well crawl out of your own skin if he didn’t properly touch you soon. Embry brought his face right up to your center and licked into your entrance, making your toes curl once more. His hands gripped your hips as he brought you as far onto his tongue as he could, nose not quite brushing where you still needed him. 
“Embry…” you whimpered, about to tell him what you needed. 
“I know, baby. I got you,” he spoke, as he finally brought his warm tongue to lick a firm stripe up to your clit, swirling it around and sucking the swollen nub into his mouth. 
You let out a moan. A real one. Your first real one. And it only encouraged Embry, as he began to suck and lick with a steady rhythm that caused your legs to shake. You felt your stomach start to coil after several minutes of this, hands fisting Embry’s hair even tighter. It felt amazing, but that coil wouldn’t snap. He started to notice you coming down slightly, orgasm fading away, when he brought his index finger into your mouth. You sucked on instinct, before he pulled it out and brought it down to your entrance. He swirled the digit around a few times and began to push in slowly. One knuckle. Then two. And then he was fully in you. Sucking your clit into his mouth yet again, he rubbed his finger up into your front wall, massaging the ridges there. 
“Oh… Embry, oh my God,” you moaned. He used more pressure, and then brought his finger out and added another, slowly pushing them in together and resuming the ‘come-hither’ motion. You felt your muscles shake, losing all control, and the coil in your stomach tightened rapidly once again, only this time, it broke. Your back arched, eyes shut tight, mouth open in a silent scream as you came hard. Waves of pleasure drove through you, hands holding his head firmly onto your center. When you came down and opened your eyes, you looked down at his face to see an excited grin. 
“If you tell me that was fake, I think I’ll cry,” he chirped. 
You calmed your hard breathing enough to mutter a “That was real.” 
“Do you wanna keep going?” he asked. 
You nodded, taking note of the obvious tent in his shorts. You reached a hand down to grasp him, when he grabbed your wrist and said “Nuh-uh, I’m still making it up to you.” 
He stood up off the bed and went over to a plastic shopping bag on his desk. He opened it and pulled out a condom, some lube, and a small pink toy. Your eyes widened, and he cockily stated, “told you I’d do some research. Come here Sweetheart.” He held a hand out to help you up, and moved you so that you were on your hands and knees, bum facing him as he stood at the edge of the bed. He tore the condom packet open with his teeth and rolled it on, and then opened the bottle of lube and slathered it all over himself. He then brought what was left on his hand up to your sensitive core, distributing the substance gently. Throwing the bottle onto the floor, he lined himself up with your entrance. 
“You sure you wanna keep going?” he asked. You nodded in response. “I need you to say it, babe.” 
“Yes, I want to keep going, Em,” you almost cried. 
“Okay, but I need you to tell me if it hurts even a little. Promise?” 
He grasped your hip with one hand, guiding himself in with the other. Slowly, carefully, he became fully seated inside you, giving you a moment to adjust. You felt no pain, just a delicious stretch inside your walls. When Embry saw that you were relaxed, he pulled himself out a couple of inches and softly thrusted back in, looking for any signs of discomfort. He found none, and continued. He dragged himself in and out of you at a torturous pace that made your breathing pick up yet again. You needed more. You began rocking yourself back onto him, begging for a faster pace, and he complied. He pulled out several inches more this time, shoving back in at a quicker pace that had your toes curling and your moans going up in pitch. At this, he stopped holding back. Embry began pounding into you, hands gripping your hips tight enough to leave the good kind of bruise. You were moaning loudly, brain turning to mush. This is what sex was supposed to be like. What you’d always imagined it would be like. Passionate, loving, amazing. 
Embry found himself reaching the edge, but would not allow himself to finish before you. He reached down onto the bed for the small pink toy that you had forgotten about. He flicked it on, brought his other hand down and around your throat to pull you up against him, and held the small vibrator right onto your clit. The pounding pressure of his dick paired with the fervent vibrations had you seeing stars. You came. Hard. You didn’t know how long the orgasm had lasted. When you came to, you were lying on your back on the bed, breathing still labored, as Embry cleaned your thighs off with a damp towel. He noticed you looking up at him. 
“Hey, Sweetheart,” he cooed.
“Hey,” you responded weakly. 
“How ya doing?” 
“Really good,” you laughed. 
“Yeah?” he beamed at you as you nodded in response. “Good. I’m gonna get you some water and then we can cuddle, okay?” You only smiled in contentment as he walked off into the hallway, returning shortly with a cup of cold water. “Sit up for me?” 
“Can’t,” you answered, eliciting a laugh from him. 
“C’mon, I’ll help you,” he spoke as he gently held the back of your head, supporting you as you leaned up to drink from the cup he was holding up to your mouth. After you took a few sips, he seemed satisfied and placed the cup on the floor, lying down next to you and pulling you close. “If you start ignoring me after that, I might have to kill you,” he teased. 
“Don’t worry. I won’t ever ignore you again.” You sighed in contentment, listening to Embry’s soothing heartbeat, before you began to wonder. “By the way, what the heck kind of research did you do?” 
He huffed a laugh before responding, “Some guy on the internet called Owen Grey.” 
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whumpering-heights · 2 years
Interlude part 2: Hero Finds Out
CWs: child abuse (whumpee is 16), beating, guilt tripping, emotional whump, emotional abuse, verbal abuse, blood, injuries, gaslighting.
Tagging: @whumpsday @pumpkin-spice-whump-latte @octopus-reactivated @fanastyfinder @whumpy-arts-and-crafts @arsonfrogger @burtlederp @harri-00
Sidekick didn’t sleep all night. When the morning sun broke through his window, the anticipation was painful. Any second, now, Hero would go downstairs to find Villain missing. And then what? Would he be able to claim innocence? Would it even matter? He would be in deep trouble, no matter what he did. He watched the minutes tick by on his alarm clock.
5 am. He got hungry, but didn’t dare to move out of his bed. If he just stayed here, under the blankets, maybe he could delay the inevitable a little longer.
6 am. He tried to remember how kind Hero had been last night. It was just like before Villain arrived. It would be difficult for a moment, but he was sure Hero would calm down eventually.
7 am. He was probably going to have a terrible headache from the serum. Sidekick winced at the poor timing.
When he heard Hero scream his name at 8 am, he was flooded with relief and a nauseating fear. There it was.
He curled up tighter under the blankets, shuddering in fright, as he heard Hero storm up the stairs. The bedroom door hit the wall, and he flinched.
“Where the fuck is he?” Hero yelled, still wearing his pyjama and dressing gown. His curls were unstyled, which only made him look more explosive with anger. Sidekick sat up and pretended to wipe sleep from his eyes, like he’d just been startled awake.
“Wh-Hero? What do you mean, where is who?”
Hero’s dark blue eyes were alight with fury. His mouth was a tight line, and he stomped over to where Sidekick sat.
“Don’t you dare play dumb with me,” he hissed. “I can smell the guilt on you, and this is your last chance before I really get angry. Where is he?”
Sidekick held up his hands, and pressed his back against the bedroom wall.
“Please, Hero, I don’t know what you’re talking about! I haven’t done anything, I swear!”
He had to at least try to insist on his innocence. But just like he feared, that only made Hero angrier.
Sidekick wept, and tried to catch his breath. It was hard to do so in-between sobs. Hero had a hard grip on his hair, pulling his head up from the floor. The blood dripped from his nose, which might be broken. He could feel a wet aching hole where his incisor used to be. He tried to get enough breath to speak.
“I don’t know! Hero, please stop, I don’t know where he is!”
Hero yanked him upright into a sitting position and knelt down in front of him. The sight of his own blood on his guardian’s face made Sidekick sick to his stomach, so he tried closing his eyes.
“Look at me. Straight in my eyes, Sidekick.”
After another sob, Sidekick obeyed. It was hard, looking back at Hero’s cold glare. Still, he tried. Hero spoke, his cold anger radiating off him.
“I checked his cell yesterday morning, and he was there. I leave you alone for one single day, and he’s disappeared. Do you think I’m stupid, Sidekick? Do you?”
Sidekick shook his head as much as the hold on his hair allowed.
“N-no, I don’t. Please, I went back to bed after you left, and then I trained all day. You can check the machines, I used them! I didn’t hear or see anything, I am so sorry!”
Hero’s grip tightened, and terror caught Sidekick’s throat so hard, his begging faltered. At least the tears were making Hero’s face blurry, so it was easier to look at him.
“Please, please,” he cried out, “I honestly don’t know where he is, I swear on my parents’ grave!”
That, at least, was technically true. He knew he was with Vigilante, but had no clue about his exact location. He was sure his parents wouldn’t mind that he bend the truth a little.
Hero took a deep breath, held it for a few seconds, and let go. When he released Sidekick, the boy curled up, even though that made it harder to catch his breath.
When Hero spoke, he didn’t sound as furious. He was snide and cold, but no loner explosive.
“Did I raise a liar, Sidekick?”
Sidekick shook his head, wincing when that jostled his nose.
“N-no, Hero. I’m telling the honest truth!” he insisted. Hero ignored him.
“I thought we were close, Sidekick.”
The sincerity in his voice caught Sidekick off-guard, and when he dared to peek between his arms, he saw Hero regard him pensively.
“I’ve really tried, you know. I’ve given you food, shelter, I spared no expense. I wanted to make you my successor, but now I’m wondering if you listened to anything I tried to teach.”
Sidekick wasn’t sure what hurt worse, the injuries on his face, or the dejected disappointment in Hero’s voice.
“I have, Hero, please. Please, don’t be upset. I... I only wanted to make you proud.”
“Hm.” The sceptism in that simple hum made Sidekick’s heart sink. His bawling had calmed down, but now his skin ached for someone to hold him. He put his arms around himself, trying to quell the cold pit in his stomach.
“So,” Hero asked, “You understand I’m doing my best to look out for you? I know being a hero is not an easy job, but I have to , even if I don’t enjoy it.”
Sidekick wiped some of the blood off his chin with his pyjama sleeve.
“Y-yes, Hero.”
“And you understand we’ll both be in deep trouble, if I don’t find Villain? If you don’t agree with my methods, we can talk about it. I’m sure I’ve made mistakes, I’m only human. But you’re nearly an adult, you can use your words, can’t you? Instead of hiding and going behind my back like a coward.”
He let go of Sidekick's hair, and instead moved to cup his bruised cheek. His knuckles were stained red, and Sidekick shuddered under the touch. Yet, the warm weight was also desperately needed. It eased some of the nauseau in his stomach. He reeled as Hero continued.
“I need to find him, Sidekick, for both our sakes. Do you want me to get in trouble with the Mayor?”
Sidekick shook his head. He could feel guilty tears push against his eyes.
“No, Hero.” he choked out.
“Alright, glad we’re on the same page.” Hero moved closer, and Sidekick flinched. But instead of hitting or pulling him, Hero used his own robe sleeve to wipe his cheek. He let him, though he trembled. Hero’s voice was soft, but there was still an edge of warning to it.
“I’m sorry for being hard on you. But I know you’re not telling me the truth, and that made me angry. You know how I don’t like lying. I get it, though; you don’t want to get in trouble, right?”
Sidekick shook his head. “N-no, please, I haven’t done anything-”
“Shh, I’m talking now.” Sidekick shut up immediately, his lies dying in his throat.
“I’m not accusing you of breaking him out yourself. But Sidekick, look at me.”
With effort, Sidekick made eyecontact. He felt like Hero could see straight into his brain and pull the truth out himself. He tried to keep his squirming inside, wishing he could just disappear. Hero spoke softly, making him strain to listen.
“I know you’re hiding something. Tell me now, and I promise you won’t be in any trouble. In fact, I’d be so proud if you had the guts to tell me. Please, Sidekick. You said you wanted to make me proud, right?”
Sidekick’s face stayed still as he cried, safe from a trembling in his lip and eyebrows. The hot tears fell down his cheeks, and he nodded. Hero smiled gently at the sight.
“So, what did you see?”
“Nothing,” Sidekick whispered, and Hero’s smile dropped. Still, Sidekick stood his ground, though his voice wavered.
“I heard nothing. I’m telling you the truth, Hero, I swear.”
For agonizing seconds, Hero stayed quiet. His mouth was set.
“So you’re sticking with your lies.”
“I’m not-”
“You are.” Hero snapped, and Sidekick felt sick to his stomach. Hero tsked, and stood up.
“I thought I deserved better than to be lied to, but I guess I’ve learned whose side you’re on.”
Sidekick wiped his face with the heel of his palm.
“Yours..” he said, voice strained and barely audible. “Please Hero, I just want you to like me again. ”
Hero only shook his head, and left the room. Before he closed the door, he glared at him over his shoulder.
“Your real parents would be so disappointed in you. I know I am.” Every word was like a punch in Sidekick’s stomach. Then, the boy was left alone to stew in his guilt and anxiety.
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snelbz · 3 years
Tempting the Fates {Chapter 1}
Summary: It’s the final semester of Aelin Galathynius’ collegiate career and she is so beyond ready to be done. Her schedule is packed full of nursing classes and labs designed to test her knowledge and hone her skills for the real world and her “big girl” job. However, she needs one last elective to graduate, so she decides to study a subject she’s always been fascinated by: Mythology. Who would have thought that a class about gods and goddesses living complicated lives would end up complicating her own in such an unexpected way?
A/N: Fun fact about this one, y’all. I wrote the first chapter over 3 years ago and it was for a completely different story. This one has evolved on it's own and Tara and I are so excited to finally share it with you.
Word Count: 3493
Chapters will be posted every Wednesday.
Tempting the Fates Masterlist
Shelby’s Masterlist
Tara’s Masterlist 
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– King of the gods and ruler of Mount Olympus; god of the sky, lightning, thunder and law.
The waves lapped against the sand as Aelin sighed. Strong hands rubbed the muscles in her back and worked out the kinks in her neck as the warm sun heated her body. The smell of the salt water filled her senses and she settled into the cushioned chaise. Another set of hands set a fruity looking drink with a little pink umbrella on the table next to her head. She smiled at it.
“Can we get you anything else, miss?”
Aelin opened her mouth to tell them exactly what they could do to her.
Beep! Beep! Beep!
Aelin’s eyes snapped open and she glared at her phone, chiming at her to get up.
She groaned, reaching for the offending device and silenced it, pulling her pillow over her head. She began to doze back off when her bedroom door flew open, smacking into the dresser on the wall behind it. She sat bolt upright and found her roommate leaning against the doorframe, a bowl of cereal in her hands and a gleam of mischief in her emerald eyes.
“Rise and shine, princess,” Lysandra drawled. Aelin just continued to scowl at her roommate. The bright warmth of the sun in her dream faded away as she looked out the window. Ice coated it and she could see a fresh layer of snow coated everything. “Aedion is about to be up, too. If you’d like any chance of taking a warm shower before class today, I’d suggest-.”
She was up and in the hallway before Lysandra could even finish her sentence.
Thirty minutes later, she sat on the kitchen counter, hair wrapped up in a towel, eating an apple and going over her schedule for the thousandth time. Her four classes were split into two days each, mercifully giving her Friday off.
Her cousin, long golden hair tied into a ponytail at the nape of his neck, came into the kitchen, pulling the jug of milk out of the fridge. He leaned on the counter across from her and drank straight from the plastic bottle, glaring daggers at her.
“Can I help you with something,” she asked him sweetly.
“You used the last of the hot water,” Aedion sulked, taking another swig.
She looked over, blowing him a quick kiss. “Maybe you should have gotten up earlier.”
He rolled his eyes, identical to her own, and came over to look at her computer screen. “What classes do you have this semester?”
She scrolled down the list, reading them off. “Pathophysiology, Caring for the Childbearing Family, Health and Gerontology, a few labs, and Mythology.”
Aedion’s eyebrows pulled together as she read the last one. “That doesn’t seem like it will be very helpful to a nurse.”
She shrugged, closing the laptop and sliding off the counter. “I needed one last elective. I’ve always been interested in Greek and Roman mythology and it’s a freshman level class. I figured why not study something for fun for once?”
He couldn’t fault her logic and began pulling ingredients out of the fridge to cook breakfast as Aelin headed back towards her bedroom. “Whatever you’re cooking, make two,” she called over her shoulder. She didn’t even need to look back to know the obscene gesture being flicked in her direction.
Aelin was regretting studying something fun for once as she looked at the map of her classes.
All of her classes, save for one, were in the nursing building. Of course, that one other class was all the way across campus, in one of the general education buildings. At least walking there would take her right past her favorite coffee shop on campus and with an eight am every Tuesday and Thursday morning, she knew she’d take full advantage of that.
Thankfully today was a Monday, so she’d be spending the entirety of her day in the nursing building. But first, she had to have coffee. The first day of the semester required coffee.
Aelin parked in one of the student lots close to the nursing building. Throwing her leather bag over her shoulder, she slammed her car door. It was absolutely freezing and she suppressed a growl as she saw soft white flakes drifting toward the ground.
What a great way to start off the semester, she thought.
She made her way across campus, hands deep in her pockets and face buried in her scarf. As she crossed the quad, she pulled her phone out to check the time. She still had about twenty minutes to get coffee and get to class. Snow crunched under her boots as she picked up the pace, wanting to be sure she made it on time. Aelin was big on first impressions.
As she approached the door of the café, she reached for the handle, but the door swung open suddenly, slamming into her and knocking her off her feet.
The young girl, eyes wide, apologized profusely but said that she had to get to class and ran off. Aelin was mumbling something about where the freshman could go, when she heard a deep chuckle and a tan, tattooed hand appeared in front of her face. She glanced up and the air was pulled from her lungs.
The owner of the hand was a handsome man in his mid-twenties, with hair the color of the snow swirling around his head and green eyes. Not emerald like Lysandra’s, but deep and rich like a pine tree. A tattoo, similar to the one on his hand, snaked up his neck and onto his face. She’d be willing to bet it ran down the whole length of his arm. She’d love to find out for herself. He smiled at her, a wicked, beautiful smile. She could only stare at the gorgeous stranger as she gripped her hand in his. He lifted her to her feet.
“You okay?” He asked. Aelin nodded, pulling her hand out of his. He opened the door and motioned for her to go ahead of him. She stepped into the delicious warmth and immediately got her wits back.
“I’m Aelin,” she said, giving him a man eater’s smile.
“Rowan,” he said, a slight incline of his head in acknowledgment.
“Thank you, Rowan,” she said, letting his name slip out of her lips like a purr, as she’d heard Lysandra do it to her cousin many times. She knew it drove Aedion crazy and for some reason, that’s exactly what she wanted to do to this man. She walked to the line. He got in line behind her and she pulled out her phone, figuring that would be that. A bit of shameless flirting with a stranger was never a bad thing. She ordered her coffee and was surprised when the barista handed her the paper cup, a phone number written on the side. She quirked an eyebrow at the girl, who gave Aelin a knowing glance and looked over her shoulder. Aelin turned around, meeting a pine green gaze, and smiled at him. She headed back out into the frost and snow, pulling her phone out to snap a picture of the cup to send to Lysandra, knowing her best friend would love this.
Finding the classroom in the nursing building where she’d spent the bulk of the past two years was a breeze and she made it into the classroom with seven minutes to spare. She enjoyed her time with Professor Hafiza in the fall and anticipated she’d like her this semester again, too. Nonetheless, she settled in about three-quarters of the way up and looked at the coffee cup again.
Feeling bold, she entered the number into her phone and sent a quick text.
Any chance you want to sweep me off of my feet again and grab drinks later? I’m free anytime after 5:00. – Aelin.
Her phone buzzed almost immediately.
My last class lets out at 6:00 and I have to go to the gym afterward. How does 8:00 sound?
She typed a quick reply and placed her phone back on her desk.
Sounds like a date. The Beer Cellar, on Church Street.
She smirked to herself and glanced down at her watch. 9:58. Not even 10:00 am and the semester was off to a great start.
She unlocked her phone, shooting a quick text to Lysandra, letting her know about her new plans for the evening when she heard the door open and students started to hush.
It wasn’t the most exciting class, Aelin had to admit, but she supposed the information was necessary. Hopefully it wasn’t an indication of how the rest of her semester would go. She needed a little excitement in her schedule, that was for sure.
Aelin liked to be kept on her toes.
After two classes and a crappy salad for lunch from the school cafeteria, Aelin was hurrying across campus and down the street, toward her apartment. Lysandra was nowhere to be found, which meant she was either snuggled up with Aedion somewhere or still in class. Aelin’s bet was on the former.
After organizing her deskspace, Aelin went to her closet, and attempted to pick out what she should wear for the night. It was her first date of the semester, which either meant that it could be a complete win or a complete fail.
She ultimately decided that the sluttier the better.
Laying the gold dress out on her bed, she let herself into the Lysandra’s room, borrowing a pair of strappy black heels she knew her roommate would absolutely approve of and was back out the door, ready to suffer through her first lab of the semester. Three hours was going to drag by, but thankfully, it was only once a week.
And drag by it did, but Aelin wasn’t sure if it was thanks to the monotonous recap of her previous semester’s information or thinking about seeing Rowan again. She usually wasn’t so forward, even though Rowan had clearly been the one to start it all, giving her his number. But still, she typically would have at least waited a day or two before texting him.
But there was just something about him that she couldn’t get out of her head.
She grabbed her gym bag out of the car, thankful she had a bit of time to get a work out in before she went out. Thanks to tonight, Aelin was a pent up ball of energy and needed to get it out someway. After a solid forty-five minutes on the treadmill and nearly thirty on the free weights, Aelin was heading for the locker room when she noticed a silver head of hair across the gym.
She watched him as he pulled himself up on the bar, his chin going over the piece of metal each time. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, sweat poured down his chest as his arms swelled. Aelin had been right.
That tattoo went across his chest, and all the way down his arm. He did the pull-ups so effortlessly, and Aelin’s mind began to wander to unholy places.
It wasn’t until his feet hit the mat beneath him that she was brought back to reality and hurried into the locker room. If he was here, that meant their date was approaching, and she had to get ready. She checked her phone. It was nearly seven.
Aelin hurried back home and showered. She had once vowed, during her freshman year, that she would avoid the gym showers at all costs and only used them under emergency circumstances. Luckily, her and Lysandra’s apartment was only five minutes from the gym.
After a shower and a full-body shaving session, Aelin was brushing out her long, golden hair and blow drying it until it was flowing freely down her back. She kept her makeup decently simple - at least, that’s how she made it look, and straightened the slight waves out of her hair before putting on her little, golden dress.
Once she had slipped on Lysandra’s heels, she was looking at herself in the mirror and even she had to admit that she was looking hot.
After grabbing her clutch, she hurried down the hallway and into the living room, where she found Lysandra and Aedion snuggled together on the couch, watching a movie.
“Going out with a stranger?” Lysandra asked, brow raised. “I'm so proud of you.”
“Yeah, just keep it in your pants,” Aedion mumbled.
“I thought I’d bring him back here,” she said, winking at Lysandra. “You don’t want to have breakfast together tomorrow?”
“Absolutely not,” Aedion mumbled and Lysandra chuckled, leaning into his embrace.
“Have fun, call me if you need me,” Lysandra called as Aelin blew them a kiss and headed for the door.
Her Uber was waiting when she walked out front and before she knew it, she was walking down the stairs into her favorite bar. Glancing around, she didn’t see Rowan sitting at the bar or any of the booths around the room.
So she bought herself a drink and claimed one of the pool tables, setting her coat and clutch on a bar stool nearby. Over halfway through the game, she felt eyes on her and glanced up to find Rowan standing at the other end of the table. Giving him a smirk, she knocked the cue ball into the yellow-striped 9 ball. It sank into the pocket.
“Playing with yourself?” Rowan asked, and Aelin caught a slight accent that she had missed earlier.
Aelin’s grin widened. “Well, if I’m left hanging, a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.”
Rowan breathed a laugh. “Fair enough. And if I asked to join?”
“You sure you don’t just want to watch?” she asked, leaning on the table, making sure her cleavage was perfectly visible.
Rowan’s tongue shot out and subtly licked his bottom lip. “Tempting.”
Aelin pushed herself back and grabbed the rack, starting to collect the balls. “Buy me a drink and then we’ll talk.”
Rowan bit his lip to hide his spreading grin. “Fair enough. I’ll be back.”
Aelin watched as he left, watched as he went to the bar and bought her another drink, alongside one for himself. He came back with two glasses. One was the color of the sunrise, the other a caramelly brown.
“Sex on the Beach?” Aelin asked, brow raised.
He shrugged and handed her the glass. “Sounded promising.”
“So… Rowan,” she said, letting his name drag out as she said it. He was dressed in a pair of dark jeans and the black Henley he wore made his hair seem even brighter in the dim light of the bar.
“Aelin,” he purred right back, pulling a pool stick from the wall behind her, nearly boxing her in. She realized then how much larger than her he was.
She loved it.
“I hope your coffee helped you get through the rest of your day,” she said, resetting the game and racking the balls. She glanced at him over her shoulder as she reached into the middle of the table, and he was watching her, staring at her ass.
Slutty was definitely the right option tonight.
“It certainly did, especially considering how boring it was,” he replied, reaching around her for the chalk that rested on the edge of the table. “But when I got your text, it gave me something to look forward to. Even if it made the day last twice as long.”
“Happy I could help.” She picked her drink up and stirred it, before taking a long sip through the straw.
“Would you like to break, or should I?” He asked, nodding to the pool table.
“Let’s see what you can do.”
He grunted as he stepped forward, lined up his stick, and knocked the cue ball into the others. They broke apart, but none of them fell into the pockets. Rowan stood there for a moment, his lips pursed. Meanwhile, Aelin tossed her head back and burst into laughter.
“Alright, alright,” Rowan said, straightening up and turning to face her. “So pool isn’t my thing.”
Aelin stepped up next to him and aimed her stick, leaning over the table, her ass nearly rubbed up against Rowan’s front. “Hopefully you’re better at other things.”
Rowan’s hand brushed along Aelin’s hip, just as she got ready to shoot, causing her shot to go haywire. She spun around, eyes narrowed. “That’s foul play.”
“No one said we were playing fair,” he countered.
“What about playing for drinks?” She asked, raising an eyebrow.
He lifted his own eyebrows and he said, “I’ve got an eight am…”
Shrugging, she said, “So do I.” Then she leaned in close, thankful for the three-inch heels she’d pilfered from Lysandra’s closet and breathed into his ear, “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you’re up in time.”
“So sure of how this night is going to go,” he said quietly, just loud enough for her to hear him, and she felt his hand skimming over the curve of her ass. “Fine. We’ll play for drinks.”
It turned out Rowan hadn’t been lying about pool not being his thing. They played three games back to back, and he lost them all, but every time he returned with a drink for Aelin, he had one for himself as well. By the time she dragged him towards the small dance floor in the center of the bar, they were both stumbling and his lips found her neck before his hands even gripped her hips.
His lips were soft, gentle, nothing like she had expected. Maybe it was the alcohol, maybe he was just getting tired, perhaps he was usually rough.
But, when his hands found Aelin’s hips and he brought her back into him, she felt that roughness. It seemed Rowan was the best of both worlds. Gentle when prompted, rough beneath the surface.
Aelin turned to him and slung her arms around his neck, bringing his lips to hers. Their mouths crashed into one another, and their bodies slowed until it felt like they were the only two on the dancefloor.
Rowan pulled away, just a little bit, and breathed, his eyes wild, “Aelin-.”
“Take me to your place,” she said, her mouth finding his, once again.
Before she knew what was happening, they were in the backseat of an Uber, unable to keep their hands off of one another. Thanks to it being a college town, the driver didn’t say a word, just dropped them in front of an upscale building, just off the east side of campus.
She noticed how nice it was on the short elevator ride up, but was much more preoccupied by the way his hips pressed into hers. He dragged her along the hall, his lips never leaving hers, until her back was pressed against a cool door and he was fumbling to get it unlocked. It swung wide and she gripped his collar, pulling him inside.
Throwing her clutch and coat by the door, Aelin let her hands dive into his cropped silver hair and he responded by cupping her ass and lifting her up. Her legs were around his waist and he carried her through the apartment and into his bedroom. Neither of them had any delusions about how and where this would end and Aelin felt like she was going to combust as he dropped her on the bed and gazed down at her.
His eyes were full of lust, full of hunger, a wild animal with his eye on his prey. He wasted no time stripping Aelin down and admiring her body with his hands, his tongue, his lips. Rowan may not have been good at pool, but he was right when he said he was far better at other things.
He worshipped her, and Aelin knew it wasn’t the alcohol when she was sent into utter bliss.
When he rolled off of her, breath still uneven, Aelin watched as he dealt with the condom and fell back into the bed beside her.
She cleared her throat. “I can go…if you want me to.”
Rowan turned to look at her, and she could tell he was still just as drunk as she was. “What? No, of course not. You said you’ve got an eight am, too, right?” She nodded and he tugged on her hand, pulling her closer to him. They were both still gloriously naked and she could feel the heat radiating off of his body. “Then we can both make sure the other is up so we aren’t late. Or too hungover.”
Aelin snorted softly, resting her head on his chest. “I think that particular ship has sailed.”
“You’re probably right,” he mumbled and she could tell he was already starting to doze. She was on the brink of sleep herself.
Aelin decided then, as her eyes closed, that she didn’t care if she was hungover in the morning, or if she was late to her eight am. A night being praised by Rowan had been perfectly worth it.
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eruden-writes · 2 years
The Unexpected Human Problem - Part 28 PREVIEW
Part 1 | Part 2| Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5| Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23 | Part 24 | Part 25 | Part 26 | Part 27 | Part 28 (coming soon)
Tag list: @ajarofpickledtears, @boogeysmoth, @omg-the-nutella-queen
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The full chapter 28 is available right now on Patreon for my patrons! ;)
Comments, tags, and reblogs are real motivators for me, too! ♥ ♥ ♥
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The next time Rayelle roused, it had to be the next morning. Late morning. Maybe afternoon, she thought, as she laid in the bed. Tai’dqei was gone. Most likely, he let her sleep since he’d put her through the ringer yesterday. Multiple times.
Faintly, she realized she wasn’t even sure if their continuous fucking had really only been a day. They had stopped to eat or wash at intervals. But, invariably, their hormones would pique and they’d find each other wrapped up in the other.
As she worried at her bottom lip, Rayelle wondered if their carnal hunger stemmed from uncertainty. How long did they really have to be together? Would they soon be separated by time and space? Or was their eagerness born from sexual tension and, in her case, a blessed stamina boost from some futuristic rejuvenation process?
Whatever it was, they had gotten the bulk of it out of their systems. For now.
Sitting up in bed, Rayelle winced as her abdominals twanged with pain of exhaustion. A sweet delicious pain, but still a little uncomfortable.
The door to the room hissed open and the familiar footfalls of Tai’dqei announced his entry, before his soft words broke the quiet, “Rayelle, are you awake?”
“I just woke up.” Rayelle flashed Tai’dqei a smile, but something in his demeanor made her sit straighter. Even as he neared her, she could see his mandibles fidget, his fingers flex. Clashing thoughts hurtled through her head, hope and dread. “What’s wrong?”
A pang shot through Tai’dqei’s chest, hearing the longing anticipation in Rayelle’s voice. He paused a little ways from the bed, giving her ample space to get to her feet if she so chose. Even as the lump formed in his throat, threatening to make the words dissipate, he answered her, “The Temporal Authority Council wishes to speak with you.”
As he expected, Rayelle scrambled off the bed. “Am I going to be told if I can go back?”
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