#and i’m not so it’s fine
gregmarriage · 2 months
feel like i always have to have something to say™️ when i text my friends, but like, i always have to remind myself that i could just say hi, or like send funny image™️ and it will be fine ☺️ <(clenching fists)
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criticalrolo · 8 months
are you guys ready to admit that ofmd, good omens, and what we do in the shadows have Extreme SuperWhoLock energies or do I need to wait another year to post this take
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botls · 9 months
not being dramatic i promise but this is actually the best exchange i’ve ever read
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oobbbear · 6 months
Did a small practice :]🌟
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shepscapades · 23 days
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[dbhc flavored] Hermit a Day May: Day 14 — Doc!
Featuring both a current-day s10 doc and a verrry early s8 post-deviant doc! :]
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ahhrenata · 11 months
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Steve tries to stay quiet while he gets ready for work, but Eddie hears him. He keeps his eyes closed and just listens- to Steve grumbling to himself when his hair doesn’t sit quite right, who starts to hum and whisper some catchy song. Eddie turns his sleepy gaze onto Steve as he shuffles around their room- watching quietly as he slips on his clothes, his shoes, a simple chain with Eddie’s ring around his neck. A warm, affectionate smile breaks across his face. Before he leaves, Steve glances at what he expects to be a sleeping Eddie, but instead, he’s met with a rasped, ‘Hey.’ Eddie sits himself up, stretches his arm across Steve’s side of the bed, and reaches, fingers wiggling. Steve crosses the room to cradle his face.
Their foreheads press, noses bump, and Steve brushes his fingers across scars and dimples.
He breathes a quiet,
‘Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.’
Eddie huffs a tired laugh,
‘You know I never mind.’
Because, yeah.
Every morning Steve tries to stay quiet while he gets ready for work, but Eddie always hears him.
( another one from the poll | WIP )
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emmster · 2 months
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POV you’re at a pub and three guys ask you to take a picture and you capture a Ghost on it
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eyeballsoup7310 · 7 months
“We need more morally grey female characters” we absolutely do but some of y’all can’t even handle Vanessa afton
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wherewolf · 1 year
the responses i’ve seen to shiv’s ending seem very quick to write her off as just another sad victim of the cycle, which isn’t without truth BUT!!! that is not even remotely the summation of shiv’s story.
i don’t think she votes yes to “save kendall” or to try to finally set her brothers free. and i don’t think her main concern was that ken was becoming their dad. she absolutely noticed and didn’t love it, but that was not her motivation in betraying him. she was thinking about herself.
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it’s tempting to make a martyr out of her as she is the only female child and we see her suffer the onslaught of misogyny that comes with that. but to make her into a saintlike figure who got beat takes away the power and intelligence behind her decision.
at this point she’s stuck between two non ideal choices, but she recognizes that they have accidentally made her the single most important player in the game. because while she can’t have the outcome she’d prefer, she has the power to decide the fates of everyone else. the written off lone woman now holds in her hands the fate of every man in her life.
so she thinks about the long term benefits of both options and realizes that one side leaves her completely without any leverage.
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her brothers have proven to her multiple times in the last few days alone that they will cut her out and walk all over her the first chance they get. siding with them leaves her nothing to bargain with. she would just have to hope that ken would actually take care of her. and that level of vulnerability is not only unacceptable to her, it’s stupid. and shiv fuckin roy is not stupid.
so she thinks about the other side and about what she actually wants for her life. and against her better judgment, it’s becomes unfortunately clear that she wants tom. the way she wants him is not altogether loving or even good but it is necessary to her. she sees relationships as having winners and losers and she chose this man specifically so that she could be confident in her ability to win. except now he’s grown some balls and made himself unavailable to her.
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she may not like the way her husband is evolving but she already placed her bets on him, so she’s sure as hell not losing to him now. there’s also a part of her that feels intrigued by this new man she’s married to. it’s interesting to have a sparring partner in him instead of having to looking for excitement outside of their marriage.
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so for maybe the first time ever, she processes what tom has said to her and thinks about what he actually wants.
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he needs her to prove that she cares. he needs to know that she is capable of sacrifice. if she can’t find it within herself to do this for him, then she will lose him, and by extension, she will lose.
siding with tom gives her the opportunity to once and for all make a grand-stand gesture of love, but more importantly, it creates leverage for her. never again will he be able to hold the moral high ground over her head. never again can he say she doesn’t love him. never again can he call her selfish or uncaring. above all, he can never betray her again, because she just removed all of his moral justification for turning on her. he doesn’t realize it yet, but she’s just taken back all the power in their relationship. just in a more subtle way than she’s used to operating.
and just like that, she has the ceo of a multi billion dollar company in her pocket, while situating herself as the only descendant of logan roy to still be playing the game, having removed her brothers from the equation permanently. she may still be far from the top but she’s creating a path for herself to climb.
so yes, she’ll let tom play king for a day, and she’ll have his baby and say “congratulations,” and play the gracious wife, but tomorrow is a new day with lots of room to maneuver. and when her husband puts out his hand, she’ll place her own on top. but she won’t grasp it because she doesn’t need to.
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cupcakeinat0r · 4 months
<3 Girl who’s horny 24/7 but only wants to have sex with fictional ppl <3
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tomatoart · 8 months
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coffee cheetos chicken
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shepscapades · 1 month
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Maybe now would be a good time to mention that Etho doesn’t technically join hermitcraft until after the start of Double Life… which means. Yeah dbhc Etho is still in reset-mode for the entirety of Double Life (this is about equally upsetting as it is genuinely hilarious)
(Despite being explicitly told not to force Etho to re-deviate by Xisuma and Doc, and after roughly a month of no luck, I’m sure you can imagine the impatience and desperation that went into Bdubs’ decision to sign Etho up for the next life series, considering the last one was the last time Bdubs really saw Etho. Or. As himself anyway.)
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kittykatthetacodemon · 10 months
I too want to be so gay and in love that my relationship is part of an “institutional problem” and the actual Metatron, Voice of God, has to come down from heaven on high to stealth break us up because the miracles we do together are too strong. Power couple
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jeyneofpoole · 5 months
i do want to expound on the absolutely groundbreaking levels of respect i have for terroramc adapting book irving (drowning in pussy fuckboy blond) into a cow-eyed brunet youth pastor telling sodomites to just. do watercolor instead. also the dress (!!!) and the homoerotic assisted suicide were and i cannot stress this enough a wholly original aspect of the show. truly inspired. they had a book written by a grown man beefing with greta thunberg, a cast of completely identical men, tobias menzies, and a dream.
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cynderrfall · 4 months
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Fresh snow
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d0llfaac3 · 3 months
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No guillotine could stop the head I’m gonna give him
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