#and i'm like what the fuck are you doin. that was just a personal post / mundane and boring post about something very specific
sergle · 8 months
can I just say how much I love. love love love being able to turn off reblogs on a post. It's so freeing bc people will literally reblog or retweet shit that has absolutely no business being a reblog
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wileys-russo · 7 months
Maya blurb based around the tiktok mary posted!!! Her little giggles are so cute
hotshot II m.le-tissier
"are you gonna have one babe?" maya asked as you lounged about on the sofa in mary's room, only laughing dryly at her question. "not a fucking chance." you smiled sweetly as there was a knock at the door and mary let alessia in.
"oh come on! don't be a wuss." maya teased with a grin, poking at you as you swatted her away and mary moved to set her phone up, grabbing the hotshots out of the fridge. "oh there's only three, such a shame." you pouted sarcastically.
"you can have mine?" alessia offered right away, mary quick to yank her back down on the bed as she tried to stand. "no! you're doin it less." the older girl remained firm as alessia groaned.
"may what are you giggling at? nobodies even said anything!" you laughed softly at the brunette who couldn't seem to contain her amusement, the girl only unable to shrug as her giggles became infectious and soon enough all four of you were struggling to catch your breath among laughing at one another.
"right settle down girls i'm clicking record!" mary announced, tapping her screen and settling between the two younger girls beside her as you watched on behind her phone on the sofa. she introduced the three of them and what they would be doing, handing both girls a hot shot drink.
your heart melted at your girlfriends repeated soft giggles at almost anything that was said, she truly made everyone around her feel like the funniest person in the world with her constant laughter and you adored her for it.
"wait what's in them?" you questioned, crossing your legs underneath you as mary was quick to joke that you were also here but refusing to participate. "there was only three of them and i said no first, snooze you lose!" you popped your head in frame to clarify, maya's giggles increasing as you did so.
"orange, lemon, ginger, turmeric and cayenne pepper." alessia read the ingredients out off the bottle as you grimaced. "i'm not kissing you after this until you thoroughly wash your mouth out." you warned your girlfriend who grinned and sent you a wink.
"right! i'll believe that when i see it, lovesick idiots the pair of you." mary scoffed, alessia humming in agreement as both of you rolled your eyes at their comments.
it wasn't hidden information that the two of you were dating but you kept your relationship quite private, repeatedly popping up in one anothers social media's, insta dumps and goofing around at training but when on the pitch together you were nothing but profressional.
"no mary that's too big to do in one." alessia immediately argued as the eldest girl ordered they all down it, maya furiously shaking hers on the end of the bed.
"oh god i can smell that from here." your girlfriend grimaced as mary cracked hers open with a chuckle. "no you can't say that cause alessia eats with her nose." mary warned with a grin, the blonde beside her taking a whiff and recoiling instantly with a look of disgust.
"she does that too!" maya accused you, cracking hers open and standing off the bed. "go on." she held it out for you to sniff as you shook your head. "babe you're not even drinking it the least you can do is smell it!" she groaned as you gave in with a huff, leaning in to give it a cautious sniff.
"may!" you smacked her leg unimpressed as she shoved it practically right up your nose, retreating to the bed with a giggle and a victorious smirk. "that is absolutely rank. nah im definitely not kissing you after that." you rubbed at your nose with the sleeve of your training top trying to get rid of the smell which refused to pass.
"shut up you're not even drinking it!" alessia scowled, mary starting to count them down and alessia and maya started arguing over if less was gonna drink half or just down it.
"the quicker its down the quicker its done less." you of course took your girlfriends side, holding your hands up in defense as the striker fixed you with a glare.
"right. go!" with that said you watched in horror, shock and awe as alessia and mary sipped at theirs and maya downed it in one. "you right baby?" you asked, mouth forming an o in shock as she paused for a moment as if contemplating.
then with a wordless shake of her head she lurched forward off the bed, tossing the empty bottle in your lap and staggering at you. "no maya if you're gonna throw up get away!" you whined as she burped loudly and clutched at her stomach, leaning over you as you shoved her away and she stumbled back to the bed.
"oi stop showing your bum to the camera." you laughed, kicking it softly as she turned around and sat back down still gagging and burping again as you collapsed into a fit of your own giggles to her reaction. "not funny!" she managed out among her hiccups, shooting you an annoyed look.
"go on, tell the camera what you think." mary grinned, gesturing to her phone as alessia struggled to drink her own, pulling all sorts of faces making you laugh harder. "you want the rest of mine?" the blonde offered as you furiously shook your head.
"not a chance after seeing your reactions." you refused, clutching at your stomach which was starting to ache from your repeated giggles at their expense, never more glad you'd opted out than watching them all struggle.
"here babe." you handed your bottle of juice to your girlfriend who'd sat back down on the bed, face flushed bright red as she accepted and chugged a large mouthful, handing it next to alessia who did the same.
"it went up my nose cause i started laughing-" maya struggled to speak, throat burning as she couldn't help but once again giggle and grin at marys expense, making fun of how loudly the older girl had gulped down her own shot.
"i think less is going through the five stages of grief." you laughed, head thrown back at the poor striker who was again pulling all sorts of horrific faces as the shot worked its way down her throat, and she hadn't even finished it yet.
"shut up." the blonde managed to get out among a mouthful of juice, kicking you. "less don't kick her!" maya reached over mary to shove her friends shoulder whose eyes rolled at the two of you, handing back the bottle of juice.
"i need some lip balm it's all tinglin." your girlfriend wiggled her fingers around her mouth as you grabbed your bag off the floor, rummaging around to see if you had any.
"you liked that? you're a psychopath maz." your eyes widened in disbelief at your friends words, the older girl shrugging and again stating she found it quite nice as alessia tried to hide her half drank shot.
but neither of the other girls were having that, right away pressuring her to finish it as you found your lip balm and watched on with an amused shake of your head as alessia took painfully small sips.
"just down it!" you laughed, not understanding why the girl was punishing herself more. "here may." you stood to hand her the lip balm as she finished practically holding the bottle up so alessia had to finish.
"lifesaver coming in clutch." maya accepted it, pulling you to sit down on the edge of the bed with her as she slathered her lips in the balm and sighed in relief, tugging your legs to drape over her lap as mary did her outro and clicked stop on the recording.
"nah i need to go and wash my mouth out! that was horrid mary." alessia stumbled to her feet and toward the bathroom. "oh my god is she bokin?" you heard sounds of retching as marys eyes widened and she raced off to check on the younger girl.
"how's your lips?" you grinned, pocketing the lip balm again as your girlfriend handed it back to you. "why don't you come here and find out." the defender balled your top in her fists trying to pull your mouth to meet hers.
"no! maya i was serious get away!" you tried to run but her longer limbs wrapped around you, the two of you struggling and pushing one another around with soft giggles and protests before eventually you found your body pinned beneath hers on the bed.
"no no no may please at least brush your teeth!" you begged as maya hovered over you with a wicked grin, shaking her head at your request.
"stop squirmin and just kiss me!" the girl giggled, cupping your face in her hands as your head thrashed left and right causing her to miss as she kissed your cheek and forehead.
your head held still in her gentle hold there was no avoiding her lips finally finding yours, as always soft and welcoming as they moved against your own, her tongue darting into your mouth and causing you to let out a small gasp.
though as you came down from the love-drunk high of kissing her, did the burning sensation start to whip through your mouth from her hot shot and you tugged your hands free from under her knees and pushed her off of you.
"thats the worst kiss i've ever had." you admitted as the two of you lay on the bed, sheltering your body as your girlfriend smacked you for the comment.
"oh you want me to kiss you again? of course i will gorgeous!" she sat up suddenly and cooed, launching back at you as you laughed and tried to roll away as she kissed all over your face your combined giggles filling the air.
"oi hot shots, stop making out on my fucking bed!"
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drizztdohurtin · 3 months
BG3 Tiefling Purring Headcanons
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okay guys i'm so fucking serious right now I was working on my general tiefling headcanons post and I got to the purring part and I was like.... I literally have to make this its own post because I have SO MUCH to say
if anyone gets particularly inspired by any of my headcanons and decides to write something involving it, PLEASE send it to me so I can read it, or tag me in the comments or something <333333
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purring is a reflection of emotions the majority of the time, but it can be done both voluntarily and involuntarily
i think of it like a deep rumbling at the bottom of the throat where you feel your two collarbone bumps, and you can physically feel the rumbling if you were to put a hand on their chest or neck
some have louder 'default' purrs than others, but if they focus on it then they can manipulate the volume
my overarching concept for their purring has to do with the idea that it's mainly used for comfort
my absolute favorite purring hc that I've thought of is that it's used to soothe their babies!
if a parent tiefling is holding their distressed, crying baby, they will automatically purr to comfort them
I also think that they will use it to comfort other people that they're very close to when they're really upset
going back to the baby thing, I believe this kind of purr will almost always be an instinct...
okay bear with me for a second.... you know how people who breastfeed (STAY WITH ME) their bodies automatically know what nutrients to put more or less of in the milk based on their baby's needs? it's like that.
no matter the sex of the parent, their body automatically knows how it should purr to best comfort their baby (think of pitch, volume, and the resonance of the vibrations)
but I think this instinct goes away after their child is around the age of 7 or 8 -- and it doesn't apply to what I said earlier about purring to comfort people they're close to
NEXT: they purr to comfort themselves <3333
It sorta depends on the person, some might be quicker to do it than others, doing it even when they're just mildly upset, and others only doing it in the most extreme circumstances
NEXT ☝ obviously it's also a sign of extreme comfort or contentment <33333
I love a good fluff moment, thinking about one of our beloved tiefling NPCs cuddled up with their significant other and they're just so deep in their happy place that they start to purr
generally, I think of the concept of purring to be an emotionally intimate thing - so it's not to be done for just anyone
they use it for their babies, their loved ones, and anyone else that's very close to them,
it'd be rare to do it for just anyone, even if they're a friend... they'd have to be a very, very close friend
because of this, each type of purr will sound different in some way
Alright, let's take this party down below
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speaking of being extremely contented, they might purr in bed heh
because purring is an intimate thing, purring in sexually intimate situations would only happen in established relationships
they also might purr when they're trying to initiate sex, but this would be accompanied by feeling up their partner/giving them suggestive kisses or bites on their neck, or something similar
this "suggestive purr" would be light and hushed, hard to pick up on by anyone outside of a radius of 2-3 feet, as it's meant only for their partner to hear/feel
☝ take a minute to imagine your tiefling lover walking up to you and giving you a kiss, feeling the lightest flutter of a purr from their chest as they press a few gentle kisses to your temple, cheek, and jaw, then giving you bedroom eyes... maybe nuzzling their nose against yours or against your neck........ good god.
now, purrs of pleasure during the act having a much wider range of pitch and intensity
I offer you a brief description of a blurb that I often see in my head before falling asleep: Rolan going down on reader/tav, instinctively purring because he loves doing it so much (fear not, I will definitely talk more about this in my rolan nsfw headcanons &lt;333)
the general takeaway is that when they feel great pleasure (physically, mentally, and/or emotionally) you might earn a purr from them
the caveat to that, though, is that they would only be able to do it when they're not exerting a lot of energy, as it would be hard to purr and breathe heavily at the same time - their body would prioritize breathing
because of that, I really only see this happening if they are having slower sex, maybe something very intimate, or just lazy? like early morning sex or sleepy sex
really just anything slow, including giving and receiving head <33
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That's all I have to say for now but I hope you enjoyed this because ☝ I certainly did
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josibunn · 5 months
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(I accidentally posted it bf I meant to😭)
ahh L!! I was literally just thinking about u like where'd you go?! I ran to respond the second I saw. I'm glad ure back n i love this concept!! 18+ below the cut :3
I think who best suits this is maybe jack with euro on the side:3 hes alr so sarcastic outside of bed it just fits perfectly!! and I personally write him as mean and nasty and rough in bed already >:)
(also in this fic I make jack say things like ‘i’m gonna fuck you up’ but it’s not in an abusive manor, it’s just meaning that he’s gonna fuck you/punish you. just wanted to preface that)
you squeeze your eyes shut and your jaw hangs open with each deep, mean n animalistic thrust he’s throwing at you. he has your arms crossed over your chest holding you down to the bed, giving you no room to squirm or grab onto anything.
he only moves a hand off you to slap you, pull your hair, or tuck his own fluffy hair away from his face. you’re babbling and whining, tears flowing down the side of your face as your mouth hangs, lips kiss swollen and cheeks puffy. “jack-” you cry, squeezing your eyes as you clench down on his cock. you don’t even notice euronymous when he casually lays next to you, stroking himself at the scene.
“jack m’gonna cum, can’t take it m’gonna cum!” you moan high, more hot tears flowing. “you don’t cum until I fuckin’ say so, got it? look at me,” he grabs your cheeks before slapping you, you gasp and your eyes pop open, watching the corner of his mouth twitch when he feels you tighten around him. “you don’t fucking cum until I say so. you want me to fuck you up? hm?” he says, and you shake your head, though you love the punishments he gives you.
“you’re so mean to er’.” you gasp when you hear euronymous from your right side, lookikg over with big eyes. “he bein mean to you baby?” he cooes, kissing your forehead. “nah, nah i’m being so nice, right baby?” jack asks you with a wide grin, sarcasm heavy on his tongue. “huh? i’m the nicest guy in the world, tell em. tell em how good I am,” he continued to pound into you, making you moan out.
“yes y-yer so nice, so nice! awh!!” you moan, throwing your head back. “so fucking good, so fuckin’ good ohmygod,” you whine, but cut yourself when you feel a steady finger toy with your clit, sucking in a breath and your eyes popping open and your jaw hanging, a guttural moan coming from you.
you follow the hand, it’s øystein, he’s trying to push u over the edge n get u in trouble :( “—gasp—oystein n-I can’t, I can’t!” you squirm under jacks hold on your, clenching on his cock to delay your orsgasm but øystein notices and speeds up, kicking his lips in a grin. “s’good baby? m’just bein nice to you,” he taunts, and your chest is heaving as you try to squirm away, your hands still held to your chest.
“n-no no I can’t that’s-jack! that’s not fair!” you whine but he’s not focused on you, his heads tipped to the ceiling, eyes shut and mouth slightly parted as he fucks you, feeling his own orgasm come over his. his stomach tightens n his adam’s apple bobs before he’s holding you down more, telling you, “stop fucking moving.” and making you sob more.
“yer’ gonna get me in trouble :(” you whine to øystein, “you better fuckin listen to me, I don’t give a fuck what he’s doin,” jack breaths. “imma fuck you up, don’t fuckin cum before I say s-so,” he’s breathless as he locks eyes with your pretty, gushing cunt, brows furrowing at the pleasure that consumes him before he’s pushing euros hand away and ducking between your neck, letting you go and locking arms around your waist as he gives you his last loads, groaning deliciously as he grips your head and cums inside you.
you hug him instantly and he almost collapses into you as he breaths in your scent, kissing your shoulders as he still ruts inside you, moaning lowly. he turns his head to face øystein, “you wanna finish her off or me?” you smile at the skin on skin action of his cheek against yours, “i’ll do it, you’re an asshole with her,” øystein says, clipping his hair swiftly and peeling off his shirt, and you whine when jack lifts up from you and pulls out, his load leaking out of you. “she clearly likes it, right sugar?”
“yeah :3”
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I loved writing this one thank u sm L and it’s so good to hear from u again!!! love u!!
join my taglist! @angelsanarchy @sugarinte @monkeyfart @444rockstargf @bambi-horror @auggiethecreator @wonkinoo @brithedemonspawn @yungbloodsuxca @weezinrnween
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jazeswhbhaven · 6 months
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HEY WHB FAM HOW WE DOIN???? New Update coming our way December 20th and BOY HOWDY IS THIS FUCKING EXCITING SHIT. First...3 new L cards, all our seraphim boys (drools at Raphael's card) and I literally shook when I saw they are wearing fucking chastity cages (iirc that's what they're called I used to sell them at an old job) and I'm just here like....OUR ANGEL BOYS WEARING THIS DELICIOUS ASS CAGE???? I'd have so much fun with Raphael because he has a ball gag and he's drooling up a storm fuccckkk. But let's talk about how they'll be obtained. Chance up banner, only for Michael and Raph and Gabe can only be obtained by playing the newest unlocked level in Dark Sanct. "Nightmare Dungeon" And we get new characters??? Cherbiums??? And they're hot too???? HELPPP Guys...I can't do this, I am crawling. And then this happened....the announcement of uncensored content for our Erolabs folks (though unfortunately, I don't think any of that will be allowed on tumblr for us to see....so I'll just have to make a buddy who has erolabs and scream about it on here with cropped/heavily censored pics) Did you fucking peep Lucifer spread out
and his cock
is out
and it's fucking massive
it's just that he has it out there, and we're in the fucking horse stables???? LIKE LUCI PLEASE
I wanna pull for Raph but when shit like this is put in my face I can't help but cream and screm for my blonde haired fallen angel I want him to bite on me while I struggle to suck his cock, I want to cry for him like the pathetic little person I am while he praises me for taking the pain I AM NOT OKAY The fact that I saw this and forgot about everything else in the update really goes to show how down bad I am. 10 toes down bad.
I'm hoping I find the image floating around so I can keep it in my folder down bad.
But best believe I'm about to be on my angel arc and bullshit, so for the next couple days yeah I'm trucking through these requests so I can be fucking ready. The angel headcanons are about to fly even harder than before. *crying that I do have the EROLABS version, it's just that I am so far behind on catching up on it because yeah playing two different platforms f2p is ass and not possible without trying to spend a bit of cash....so yeah RIP to me on seeing uncensored content for my own eyes*
OH AND Chapter 5 is being released in January so we get to see what happens to MC! *side-eyeing Levi so hard rn* And that little Minhyeok mini-game? Our bestie is coming back slowly ^^ That's all for me ranting on this post....I need to stare at Luci some more. A lot more. goddamn that thang is huge
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lxstfuleclipse · 1 year
I just want more louis just like you.. so how about something gentle with him, like caring for this cutie after a hard day when he just wants to be in the arms of his beloved?
if the order is bad or not interesting, just ignore
and sorry for my english, it's not my native language, heh
hi!! your english is just fine bae, let's see what's brewin' in the pot for you!
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【 summary!! luis comes home not his usual self, his sweet spouse cheers him up. 】
【 content warning!! gn!agent!reader, mentions of workplace bullying/discrimination, mentions of death, slight angst, post-canon RE4 + possible spoilers, canon divergence, kissing, cuddling. a very sad luis :( 】
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He didn't know how much more of it he could take.
The staring, the whispers, the dirty looks. .
What else was he supposed to do?
After Ashley's rescue, things seemed to take a turn for the better. He was granted immunity, along with a job as a researcher for the government. He was a proper researcher now, he was going to help save lives instead of standing aside as they were being destroyed.
He wanted to change, he wanted to be a better person. He wanted to try everything to atone for the past, the pain and chaos he's helped cause.
People can change, can't they?
Everyday, he'd walk into the office to make his way down to the lab. He'd catch the stares, hearing the whispers about him made the hairs on the back of his neck stand, and those looks. . those fucking looks.
"Wait- isn't that the guy who was apart of that cult?"
"What if he took out that Saddler creep so he could be boss. .?"
"What's he doin' in that lab? Bet he's making more of those sick parasites. ."
"He's probably the reason the president's daughter almost died."
He thought they'd eventually pass, that it wouldn't matter anymore. He tried his best, he really did. He just wanted to prove them wrong, that he wasn't the cultist monster they thought he was. But, he couldn't help but feel guilty.
He helped create Las Plagas, and by the time he realized his mistake it was too late. He just hoped- no, prayed that it wasn't too late for forgiveness, to pay his retribution.
He sighed, fiddling with his house key. He never talked to you about what was going on, he never wanted you to worry about him, especially about something so trivial. So, he shook it off, took a deep breath, and put on his poker face.
"I'm home, mi corazón!"
A smile on his face, he chuckles as you leap into his arms. Your arms and legs wrapped around him tight, like you were afraid to let him go.
"Ay! Where's all this coming from, eh? I'm sure I wasn't gone that long, cariño." He smirked, pressing a sweet kiss against your lips as he gently sets you on the floor, but his arms never leaving you.
God, he missed you. After another long day, he just wanted to be in your arms, just wanted to be near you. You were his home, his sweet paradise.
"I made your favorite for dinner. Go ahead and get comfortable, I'll make you a plate, babe." You say, pressing a kiss against his cheek before making your way back to the kitchen, so excited to spend the rest of the evening with your boyfriend.
He smiles as he watches you return to the kitchen before sighing as he crashed onto the couch, his hand combing through his dark locks as he finally got a moment to just be. . in peace. He was safe within the walls of your shared apartment, with such a sweet and loving partner like you here waiting for him.
He didn't deserve you. Of all people, why him?
"Luis. . you okay, baby?"
He quickly lifts his head to face you, you looked so worried. Fuck, he didn't want that to happen. How was he supposed to play this off?
He chuckled nervously, nodding, "Yes, yes, of course I am. Why wouldn't I be? I'm here, in this wonderful city with a wonderful partner and using this brain of mine to help people. I'm doing just fine, mi vida." He said, pressing a soft kiss against your knuckles after you set your plates down on the coffee table.
"Lu, honey. . I know something's wrong. You look so tired and. . over it, honestly. Are you sure that you're okay? You know that you can tell me anything, sweet baby." You assure him, caressing his cheek.
He couldn't contain it anymore. He just couldn't.
He sighed, resting his back against the couch. He finally shook his head, "It's. . been a rough few weeks, cariño. I feel like I'm barely keeping it together, if I'm being honest." He said, beginning to fiddle with his trusted lighter.
"Ever since. . you know, my co-workers look at me strange. While I'm on the way to the lab, I hear whispers and rumors, seeing those dirty looks they shoot at me. At first, I understood why. I mean, how would you react if your new co-worker used to work under a cult leader? That I stood by and let it all happen? I don't blame them. ." He sighed, flicking the lighter closed.
"I've been trying to atone for my sins, amor, I really have been. I feel. . horrible for what happened. All I wanted was to get out of that village, somehow, and I thought maybe that would be my chance. . obviously, I was wrong. I want to change, to be a better person. Ever since I was granted immunity, I've made that my mission. So far? It's going pretty damn poorly."
You could feel your heart break as you listened to him, you felt so bad. How could they? How could they just. . make those assumptions and accusations about him without actually asking for his side of events?
Luis was a brilliant man, an amazing boyfriend to you. Sure, he's done some major fuck-ups in the past, but he regrets every last thing. He just wanted to make-up for it all. He looked so sad, he never meant any harm, especially to the president and his daughter. That's why he helped when he did.
"I just. . I just want to help. I've lived a shitty life, and the moment I get a do-over. . more shit comes my way." He sighed, trying to keep his tears. They didn't deserve them, he had to be strong. But, he felt like he was reaching a breaking point.
"Lu. . whatever they say, it's not true. You and I both know that. Yes, you fucked up then, but you're making up for it now, and if they can't see that then they better not ask for your help when shit hits the fan." You said, getting a little pissed about it now. If you could, you'd kick every one of their uppity, government asses.
"You're a wonderful man, you've showed me that during that mission and you continue to show me that. If you truly were the ruthless bastard that they say you are, then you would've let Ashley die, you would've let all of us die." You say, wiping his tear away with your thumb as he looked so lovingly at you.
"Luis, I love you. You're going to help make this sick world a better place, and I'm so fucking proud of you." You say with a smile.
"I-I. . I don't deserve you, amor. Mi vida, la luz de mis ojos. What has this bastard done to deserve such love?" He whispered, finally being able to let go of his tears as he holds you close. You wrap your arms around each other in a warm embrace. He was so happy that you chose him.
"You're you, and that's all that matters, Lu." You murmur, holding him so close to you, wanting to squeeze out all those doubts and thoughts from him.
You loved him for him, and that was never going to change.
"Now, how about we enjoy dinner and some mind-numbing television? Then a nice, warm bubble bath and a movie with yours truly?" You ask, booping his nose.
He chuckled, sighing as he shook his head.
"That would be wonderful, my darling. . how can I repay such kindness and love? Would a massage suffice?" He spoke, smirking as he bounces his eyebrows, possibly hinting to something more.
You giggle, "I'm sure that'll do just fine as payment for my services."
He didn't deserve you. But, he damned sure wasn't going to fuck this up. No. . this was his second chance, and he was going to cherish every minute of it.
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n1cholaswang · 2 years
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nonidol!au — boyfriends!bestfriend!jiung x afab!reader
cw: established relationship w/ intak, cheating (i don't condone it so don't do it mfs), first orgasm (lol ikr), unprotected sex, oral (f!r), praise, degradation, name calling, choking, rough sex, fingering (f!r), squirting (?), getting caught, idk tell me if i messed something
wc: 2.7k
a/n: after a long wait, here it is! i removed a little bit of content from my teaser post but that's cause i felt a little rushed and i wanted to get this out like... asap. i hope y'all enjoy even tho it's not the best. oh btw! lmk if you want a part 2 ;)
YOU and intak have been together for almost a year now and while things have been more than great, you couldn't help but feel like something was lacking.
two months into the relationship, intak had introduced you to his closest friends, taeyang, keeho, shota, jongseob, and jiung.
they all quickly became your friends and took you in as one of their own.
all except jiung.
while he put on the front that he was alright with you around, he wasn't. and that was mainly because, even if he had his eyes on you for a second, his cock would harden under his pants.
you are the most beautiful person he had ever seen before, and your intellect only intrigued him more. he wonders how someone like you could even be with someone like intak.
sure, intak was his friend and he adored him but when it comes to you, he could care less about intak, or anyone for that matter.
you didn't begin to get close with jiung until keeho's new year's get together.
you had found jiung on the balcony, looking over the city and quietly sipping his drink.
"whatcha doin out here all alone?", you joke, taking a seat next to him
he shrugs and takes another sip, staying utterly silent.
that was until your drunken thoughts got to you and made you start crying.
"you hate me!", you sob
he chokes on his drink, some of it spilling out of his mouth, "what?! what makes you think that?!"
"you never talk to me-"
"that doesn't mean i hate you, [name]"
the way your name rolled off his tongue was perfect. like, your name was made to be said by him.
"i thought intak already told you i'm a man of few words"
"he mentioned it but... i didn't believe him. you just seem so... friendly and outgoing"
he chuckles lowly, "why thank you. i try to be"
you and jiung talked all night, and right when the countdown started, here came intak and theo.
"3! 2! 1! happy new year!"
intak cupped your cheeks and kissed you with much adoration, while jiung sat on the other side of you, not bothering to look at the two of you.
it should be him kissing you. it should be him touching you, holding you, fucking you.
he thought about how cute you'd look with glossy eyes, begging to be fucked like a little bitch in heat.
he thought about how you'd look cumming around him and squirming under him while he fucks you through it.
he thought about how precious you'd look with your lips wrapped around his cock, pretty pink lips stained with the white thickness that would be his cum.
and there it was again, like clockwork, a fucking boner.
four months in and you finally got through to jiung.
so much so that you'd consider him one of your best friends.
you told him everything, even things you'd never dare to tell intak.
your declaration made water trickle down from his nose, "intak can't make you cum?"
you nod.
"so... you've never had an orgasm?"
"nope", you respond calmly
jiung's mind went wild. thought after thought of wanting to be your first everything.
you both sat in silence, you gnawing on your bottom lip to ignore the fact you're incredibly embarrassed and jiung fighting with his thoughts to not say what he really wanted to say.
"would you like me to change that?"
and of course, he let his thoughts win. but in his case, who else but him should make you writhe?
and that's where it all started: just one orgasm forced by his fingers.
who knew from that day forward you two couldn't keep your hands off each other.
every time you're left alone together, it's within seconds that your lips are pressed together and moving in perfect sync, your clothes on the floor, and getting fucked deeply into the mattress.
you'll never do it again, you promise yourself, for intak's sake. but why does it feel so good? why does being with jiung feel so fucking good?
your affair with jiung was a sin but why do you not care so much?
intak was a beautiful lover, taking the time to pepper every inch of skin with kisses and whimpering in your ear about how much he loves you.
but jiung, he was a devilish lover. all he has to do is look at you and you'll know exactly what he wants. he'll look at you then to the floor and you'll know exactly what he wants. with one calling motion of his fingers, you're on your knees for him.
intak has told you about how thoughtful and kindhearted jiung is. but with you, oh he's a demon in disguise.
on intak's birthday, jongseob and soul came up with the idea to eat lunch at this luxurious restaurant in seoul.
but little did the birthday boy know, his girlfriend was stuffed full of his best friend's fingers.
jiung would slowly thrust his ringed fingers into [name], making her hunch over their plate.
"doll, are you alright?"
intak's sudden question pulled you out of that state of pleasure.
you look up at him and nod, "mhm, i'm fine lover boy"
you reach out to grab his hand then jiung's fingers curled up inside of you, thrusting faster than before and nearly pressing the spot that makes you whimper and clench around his knuckles.
you slam your thighs shut, giving him the signal to stop and thankfully, he does.
and as soon as jiung's dessert was set on the table, he took two of his fingers — the same two fingers that was just inside of you, scissoring your hole — and gathered the whipped cream, placing his fingers in his mouth and licking it clean.
the whole table looked at him weird, keeho's face curling up in disgust.
"jiung, we are in public"
"what? it's sweet"
keeho rolls his eyes, "bitch we're still in public"
"let me do me"
"today is not your birthday, do you in two months"
jiung leans back in his chair and pokes at his piece of cake with his fork, "i know someone who'll do me in two months", he muttered.
"your hand isn't a who", jongseob says nonchalantly before eating his spoonful of his dessert.
everyone but jiung bursts into laughter at jongseob's snarky remark, but he was right.
someone would be doing him in 2 months, on his birthday.
you went into jiung's room, seeing his headphones on his head and a fashion show playing on his monitor.
you snuck up behind him and slowly pulled his headphones off, giving him a gentle kiss on his earlobe.
you see the corners of his lips curl up before he turns around, his smile fading.
jiung didn't know you had owned a choker.
jiung didn't know you had owned a short pastel blue and white plaid skirt.
jiung didn't know you had owned a lace bralette.
and jiung certainly didn't know about the white stockings with the prettiest, little blue bows on them.
his eyes traveled up and down your body endlessly, his eyebrows raising and jaw dropping.
"do you like it?"
"like it?", he huffed, "i love it"
he extends his hands, going straight for your waist and pulling you in between his legs. his calloused but gentle fingers felt you up, sliding up and down your sides to your outer thighs before comfortably slipping under your skirt to cup your ass.
you giggle at his excitement, his hands kneading with the flesh of your ass and placing little kisses on your stomach.
"is this mine tonight?", he asks before slapping your ass.
you smile at him, resting your hands on his shoulders, "since it's your birthday, i'm fully at your disposal today"
"happy birthday to me then"
jiung pulls you into his lap, your thighs straddling his. he leans back, taking you down with him and kissing you.
you felt yourself getting warmer, and wetter, his experienced hands cupping your tits. he begins to kiss your collarbones, gradually making his way up to your neck.
"since you're mine for the next 24 hours", he mumbles against your skin, "if i want you, you'll come to me, right?"
you hum in response as jiung's hands grope your ass once again.
"even if you're with intak?"
your lips press together into a line as you thought about how to answer that.
on one hand, it was jiung's birthday and you wanted to make him feel special since you've been spending all your time with your boyfriend. but on the other hand, you didn't want intak to be suspicious.
"yes, even if i'm with intak"
what the fuck [name] i thought you were still thinking, you cursed at yourself.
you assume that was the answer he wanted to hear. as soon as those words left your mouth, jiung lifted you up and stood from his chair, walking over to his bed and placing you on it, his body hovering over yours.
his hands traveled up your legs to your thighs, groping at the flesh of your outer thighs then moving down to get on his knees.
"try to stay still", he mumbles before lifting your skirt
his eyes dart up to yours, "no panties? wow, this really is a birthday gift", he nearly squeals
jiung wasted no time dipping his head into your core. his wet tongue flattened against your folds, prying them apart with the tip and gathering up all the sweet wetness seeping from your hole.
when he lightly sucks on your folds, you squirm and close your legs around his head but his arms link around your thighs, parting them and forcing you to keep them open as he continues to suck on you.
his tongue travels up and down before setting up a home on your clit, circling it with the tip of his tongue before bringing it into his mouth, suckling on the bud like it was a baby bottle.
you tried to keep your composure but you couldn't help but moan. the more you tried to close your legs, the tighter his grip got and the more he sucked on you.
his tongue pushed into your hole, your walls tightening around him.
your mouth opened to plead with him to stop, but the only thing that came out was a carnal groan as the fire in the pit of your stomach grows. jiung's tongue plunges in and out of you as his nose presses against your clit, adding pressure onto the already mind blowing head.
your fingers grip at his hair, yanking harshly as your orgasm is right around the corner.
but it was quickly ruined as he pulled away, lips glistening with your arousal. jiung stands on his feet, pulling him sweatpants and boxers down, his rock hard cock springing into the air. the angry red tip was leaking precum and you couldn't wait to put that beautiful cock of his inside you.
he grabs your thighs and pulls you to the end of the bed, his tip prodding at your hole before slowly sliding in. your wetness covered his cock from the tip to the base as you pull him down to your lips by his black tank top.
your lips collide and in the heat of the moment, jiung begins to thrust into you at a moderate pace, your soft moans muffled by his swollen and wet lips.
you begin to move your hips with his, fucking him back. and this only riled up jiung more.
he stopped, his hands placed next to your head and his blonde hair in your face as he watches you take his cock by yourself.
he huffs, "you're such a little slut for me", he looks back up at you, his eyes hooded and dark with desire, "aren't you, pretty girl?"
his voice was low which only made more arousal escape from your already stuffed hole, not that he minded. he loved the messes you made for him, and just for him.
normally jiung was a clean, very neat individual but once you're under him, all that goes out the window.
he pulls away, his cock slipping out with a string of wetness still connecting you to each other. he flipped you over onto your stomach, bunching the tight short skirt you had on and pulling you nearly off the bed.
he wraps a hand around himself, pumping it a few times before entering you again, this time at a dangerously slow pace. his thrusts became deep, his tip brushing against that gooey spot inside of you while he lays down on you and kisses the shell of your ear.
"i'm gonna make you mine..."
his hips lift up, slamming into yours as he puts much power and emphasis into his next words.
"all... fucking... mine..."
you cry out as his cock hits that spot again and again, more wetness leaving you and sticking to jiung's pelvis.
he groans as you clench around him, standing up and slapping your ass before pressing your hips deep into the mattress below you, putting all his strength onto keeping you still.
jiung's hips pull so far back you thought he was coming out of you before he pushes back into you again, your whole body moving forward from the force and you screaming out in pleasure.
he does it again, hearing you call out his name in desperation before he does it again.
he continues with that action, his tip kissing your cervix and your head buried into the mattress, fingers tugging on the bedsheets and arousal squirting all over his pelvis and lower stomach.
he smiles at the mess you're making together before he pulls out, slapping his hard wet cock onto your puffy lips and sliding back into you.
you couldn't hold out any longer, he's fucking you so good you don't know if you can even stand after this.
"can i cum? please?!", your head lifts up just enough for him to hear
"of course princess. i want you to cum all over me. cum on this cock, your cock"
"ain't this dick yours?", you could hear the smirk in his voice
"yes! 's mine!"
"and that perfect little pussy? whose is it?"
you groan loudly, your orgasm was right there.
"please... please... fuck please"
he could feel your legs shaking and he's satisfied, knowing he's the only man who would turn you into a babbling baby.
jiung pulls at your hair, forcing you to stand as he puts a hand on your throat and another on your stomach. he feels the bulge of his cock buried deep into you and the grip on your throat tightens as the thought of him breaking you invaded his mind.
and with one more powerful thrust, you're screaming. he acts quickly and kisses you, your noises being muddled again as your legs and body shakes under his touch.
your body collapses onto the bed, little tremors making you fuck jiung just a bit.
"ha-ppy birthday... j-jiung...", you say out of breath
"a happy birthday it is indeed", he smiles
he pulls out of you, getting back into his knees and licking his lips, about to devour your pussy again.
that is until the room door opens.
"hey jiung! happy bir-"
jongseob stops mid sentence, not being able to believe his eyes.
there you were, damn near naked and exposed in front of jiung and him with his cock out, still wet from just fucking you and his lips close to connecting with your folds.
jongseob rubs his eyes, seeing if he was just hallucinating but no, he wasn't.
"don't you say a word about this to intak"
"i... i wasn't even here..."
jongseob backs up slowly, shutting the door and shuddering in both disgust and confusion.
he never took you for a cheater, let alone a homie hopper. but as he stood there and thought about it some more, it begins to make sense.
every time you and jiung are left alone, you two always come back with messy hair and clothes. once, your lipstick was slightly smeared on his fingers after the boys left you two alone for an hour.
it all makes sense now to jongseob, but he couldn't dare to tell intak, even though intak was calling him.
"did jiung like his present?!", he was ecstatic
"y-yeah... he liked it..."
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deancaspinefest · 4 months
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Whatever Makes You Happy
Author: Rex_Writes | Artist: Kit Shay
Posting on Sunday March 24
An aspiring songwriter, Dean Winchester spends his days in the local coffee shop, which just happens to be run by the most gorgeous man he has ever seen, Castiel Novak. This gorgeous man becomes his muse, songs flow out of Dean’s pen with the speed of a rushing river. Unfortunately, just like getting his songs heard, Castiel is just another thing Dean can’t have. He’s had his heart broken by a straight guy before and he can’t go through that again. Thankfully, Dean meets Lee Webb who is an amazing singer, AND he’s actually /interested/ in Dean. Will Dean stay with the man who’s a sure thing or will he risk everything for whatever makes him happy?
Keep reading for a sneak preview!
Dean took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart and steady his shaking fingers.
"Hey. You're gonna be great. They're gonna love you," Charlie said as she placed a reassuring hand on Dean’s shoulder.
"It's not them I'm worried about. It's him. What if he just thinks I'm some sort of…creep." Dean huffed softly and dropped his head to his chin. "This was a stupid idea, Charlie, I can't do this." Dean stood up from the stool he had been sitting on. "Charlie?" Charlie had disappeared, but Dean saw the curtains flutter close as he heard her voice over the speaker.
"Guys, gals, and non-binary pals, welcome to open mic night, or as I like to call it, Artist Validation Night. Our first performer is a little shy, so let's give a warm round of applause for Dean Winchester!"
The curtains on the mock stage in the coffee shop swooshed open and Dean was suddenly faced with too many familiar faces. He couldn't do this. This was too much, he didn't sing in front of people. Hell, Charlie wouldn't even know he could sing if she hadn't come home early one day and heard him while he was taking a shower.
But here he was. There was only one person he was singing to, but he forced himself not to look, instead focusing on finding the right chords.
You were here before Couldn't look you in the eye You look like an angel Your skin makes me cry
Dean closed his eyes as he sang. Piercing blue eyes flashed through his mind.
But I'm a creep I'm a weirdo What the hell am I doin' here? I don't belong here
Dean knew that he missed notes, and his tone wasn’t perfect, but that's what happened when you put all your emotion into a song. His fingers deftly slid over the frets, playing the chords he knew by heart. Dean took a deep breath and finally lifted his eyes from his guitar during the next section, easily finding those blue eyes at the back of the room. He stared into those gorgeous blue eyes singing the next lines without looking away.
I want you to notice When I'm not around So fuckin' special I wish I was special
Dean broke the connection first by double checking he had the right finger placement for the upcoming bridge. He took a grounding breath and launched into the bridge.
Whatever makes you happy Whatever you want You're so fuckin' special I wish I was special
Dean looked back up to meet the icy blue stare yet again, but he was gone. Fuck. He knew this was a shit idea. He knew Cas was straight. He was gonna kill Charlie.
Dean finished the song, finding a cruel truth in the last chorus.
But I'm a creep I'm a weirdo What the hell am I doin' here? I don't belong here
(continue reading on Ao3 on Sunday March 24)
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player1064 · 3 days
gary goes into business instead of broadcasting post-retirement. carra still goes into puditry. they don't know each other/end up as friends.
they both end up on the same season of I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here and fall in love. this is highly apparent to the entire audience.
I've not done a request fic in like two months bc I've been so zoomed in on the beville fic but I wanted to write something quick and silly and yes this request has been sitting in my inbox for more than THREE months but dont worry i did not forget about it I haven't forgotten about ANY of u.
and this really is quick and silly it is Mostly dialogue bc idk how else to convey the Vibes of im a celebrity but I had soooooo much fun with this dkjfgdfjsgkk...
 “I’m Gary Neville, I’m a businessman but I’m probably best known for my football career, playing 602 games for Manchester United and earning 85 caps for England.”
“What am I doing in the jungle? Mid-life crisis, I suppose.”
“I’m no stranger to public humiliation – just look at my coachin’ career! My only worry is the food – I do love a dairy milk, to be fair.”
“I’m Jamie Carragher, and I’m best known as a football pundit with Sky – am I allowed to say other broadcaster’s names on here? – and for winning the Champions’ league with Liverpool.”
“I’ve always said the jungle is the only reality show I’d consider doin’, so I guess it’s time to put me money where me mouth is.”
“Scared? Eh, no, I don’t think there’s many challenges I wouldn’t do. You don’t get to where I’ve got without that drive to win.”
Jamie walks into camp, takes one look at the group of people stood in front of him, and almost considers walking straight back out. Would that work, saying the catch-phrase outside of one of the challenges? ‘I’m a celebrity, get me away from Gary fucking Neville?’
“Jesus Christ,” Gary mutters. “Don’t you ‘ave some children to spit at or somethin’?”
“Don’t you ‘ave a football team to coach – oh no, sorry, they both fired you.”
“How the fuck are they lettin’ you take three weeks off in the middle of season? What’re people gonna do when they want to listen to two hours of Scouse gibberish?”
The rest of the campers watch on, no longer even attempting to come and introduce themselves to Jamie.
“And how’s your club gonna manage without yous, eh? What if they need someone to fire another manager?”
“Yeah, I uh… is it mean to say I hope one of them gets voted off soon? Don’t get me wrong, they’re both perfectly nice guys, but…”
[yelling heard from outside the hut]
The first pairs challenge, shockingly, goes off without a hitch.
This is not a surprise because the challenge was particularly difficult – it’s early days, they’re still easing everyone in – but because of who the public had voted to complete it. Because the public is the public, and they’re nothing if not predictable.
“All twelve stars! I’m pretty pleased w’that, you know.”
“Typical fucking Neville, taking the credit for his partner’s hard work.”
 “Oh, I’m sorry, I don’t seem to recall you crawling about in the mud to get the –”
“—I was the one doin’ all the heavy lifting!”
“Of course you were doin’ the heavy lifting, look at the fuckin’ size of you!”
Jamie storms off camera and back into camp, leaving behind a bewildered looking Gary.
“He’s a bit of a diva, in’t he?”
“The first few days? Erm, it’s been goin’ alright, I think. I’ve been told I’m not always the easiest person to get on with, so it’s a pleasant relief that the others seem to – I mean, obviously not all of the others, but – but he’s –”
“Oh, I’m loving camp. Missing the gym a bit –” for emphasis, Jamie slaps his bicep – “but the food’s not as bad as I were expectin’, and the banter is sound – we’re all great friends already –”
“—well, no, but you can’t count him. He’s so weird, ‘ave you seen him? Like a little robot, doin’ everything exactly the same every day.”
“Another pairs challenge…”
“I don’t get why people keep voting for us to do these trials. You’re useless at ‘em anyway, do they want to see us starve?”
“Maybe I’d be able to get more done if you didn’t always insist on bossing me around, James. Can barely hear myself think over that Scouse screech of yours, it’s a wonder me eardrums haven’t burst yet.”
“It’s a wonder nobody’s killed themselves in the boredom of having to listen to you drone on and on all day. Did I actually hear you talkin’ about the stock market the other day?”
“The stock exchange, oh my god. It’s my hotel, which you’d know if you took part in any conversation that’s not about you.”
“I can’t believe they let you have that.”
Jamie looks with pride down at the football he’d chosen as his luxury item, then drops it and kicks it towards Gary’s head. It’s wide by about a metre.
“Oi! If you were a half decent footballer that could’ve actually hurt me, you twat.”
“’least mine can benefit everyone in camp, what even is yours?”
“Fidget toy, innit. My niece got me into them, gives me something to do with my hands.”
“You’re a strange little man, you know that right?”
Gary, who’s still positioned closest to the football, picks it up and lobs it into the trees surrounding camp.
“Come have a kickabout with me?”
Gary looks around but there’s nobody else sat nearby. “Me?”
“No, Cristiano Ronaldo. Of course you, who else would I be askin’?”
“Literally anyone else here?”
“It’s not as fun when you’re better than everyone else –”
“—ah, so you admit I’m a better footballer than you!”
“That’s not what I said!”
“What are you actually doin’ in here? ‘cause no offence, Gary, but you don’t really seem the reality show type.”
“Dunno. Was having a rough week when the email came through, thought it might be nice to get away from everythin’ for a bit.”
“’and you, Jameh?’” Jamie says in a squeaky parody of a Manc accent. “Oh, thanks fer askin’, Gaz. I was worried I was goin’ soft, now that I’ve been retired for so long. Wanted to prove to myself I can still be a winner.”
“Still? When were you ever a winner before?”
“I’ve won a Champions’ League, I’ll have you know!”
“I’ve won two!”
“Have you fuck.”
“Who’s your letter from, then? Missus?”
“No, my brother,” Gary says absently, then he looks up from his letter with a frown. “I don’t have a missus, what’re you on about?”
“Don’t you? I could’ve sworn, in Baden Baden with the WAGs –”
“You’re basing your knowledge of my relationship status on a tournament we played in more than fifteen years ago?”
“You realise you’re literally wearing a wedding ring.”
“And you’re not. Any other observations you’d like to make? Sky is blue, maybe?”
“Normally people wear wedding rings to show they’re married.”
“Maybe some people wear them to avoid annoying questions. Anyway, Philip says that I’m coming across very well so far and that ITV has received hundreds of complaints from people who can’t understand your accent.”
“He did not fucking write that, give it here –”
“Am I getting along better with Jamie? I dunno, I never had a problem with him to be fair, it’s him that’s always –”
“Friends? With Gary? Behave. Have we managed to go a single day so far without him shoutin’ at me for somethin’ I did, or somethin’ I didn’t do right, or for – for breathing in the wrong direction. Christ, I’ve never met anyone this fussy. He’s too easy to wind up.”
“He must be doin’ it on purpose, surely nobody is that thick ��� I mean, is it so hard to stack a couple of dishes when you’ve finished washing them?”
“Well, no, yeah, he did stack them, but did you see – they were all out of order, there’s no stability – they’re certain to all fall and break in the night thanks to him.”
All the effort that goes into the Dingo Dollars task and all the camp has to show for it is a single square of chocolate each. Gary nibbles carefully at his, trying to preserve it for as long as possible.
Jamie gets up and goes to sit beside him.
“Here, I don’t like sweets.”
“You don’t – what kind of a psychopath don’t like sweets?”
“Will you just take the bloody chocolate before I change my mind.”
“You’re limping. Why are you limping?”
“Done my ankle in the last trial.”
“Trust you to get injured doin’ a trial. What’d you do, you slip or somethin’?”
“Why don’t you ask your mate, he’s the expert on slipping.”
“Ha ha. But really, Gary – you alright?”
“I’m fine, Carra, ‘s not even strained. Just a bit achy. Twenty years as a professional athlete will do that to you.”
“Give it here.”
“You what?”
“Give it here, I do an okay massage. Maybe that’ll stop yer whining.”
“I literally didn’t say a word until you brought it up.”
“I don’t know, he’s – ugh, he’s…”
“He’s not what I expected. I dunno. He’s just not what I expected.”
“D’you know how many times me and Gary played a full ninety together with England? One. We only ever played one full match on the same side, and it was shite.”
“It always felt like there was only room for one of us, so I just – I fucking hated him. ‘cause it wasn’t me the managers were picking, was it?”
“Carra?” Gary whispers
“Carra, I can’t sleep.”
“Don’t give a fuck.”
Jamie reluctantly sits up in his camp bed, squints at Gary in the dark. “What.”
“I can’t sleep.”
“You already said that.”
“I want to go for a walk, clear my head.”
“Good for you.” Jamie lies back down and pulls his sleeping bag over his face.
“I swear to God, Gaz…”
“Yer not gonna make me go out there alone, are ya? It’s the middle of the night.”
“What are you, twelve? Fine, just give me a minute to find my shoes.”
“It’s very dark, isn’t it?”
“It’s the middle of the night.”
They hadn’t ended up walking very far, just to the log benches in the next clearing over before agreeing the risk of tripping over tree roots was too high and sitting down to just talk instead.
“My internal clock’s all thrown off, we’ve been here nearly two weeks and I still can’t get the hang of it. At home to be fair I’m normally in bed by ten, half ten.”
“I remember, from England. You and Phil were such geeks, weren’t you?”
“Most capped brothers in England, thank you very much.”
“D’you miss him?”
“Nah. Don’t get to see ‘im much anyway, to be fair. He’s off in America, Trace is out here, they’re both just – getting on with it, aren’t they? I prob’ly miss my house more’n anything else.”
“Your house… not your friends? Not football?”
“I like my house! It’s got everythin’ just the way I like it.”
“Alright, alright. Fine, you can miss your house.”
“Wha’d’you miss? Your kids? The missus?”
“I dunno really… kids are both all grown up now, missus went back to being a ms a long time ago.”
“Is what it is. Anyway, I miss football even if you don’t, honest to God, what kind of a footballer are ya? I wish someone would slip me this week’s standings, feel like I’m going insane tryin’ to imagine all the results.”
“Should’ve said something sooner, twat. I can tell you how the league’s going.”
“You can?”
“Yes. Manchester United are on a – how many games’ve we missed now? – they’re on a three game winning streak and have shot to the top of the league.”
“Oh yeah? What about Liverpool?”
Gary tuts and shakes his head. “Relegation zone, I’m afraid.”
“We were top of the table when I came in ‘ere!”
“Well, you know what they say – anything can happen in football, can’t it?”
“You’re right, what’s that… I’m getting reports from Old Trafford that Salah’s just scored a hat-trick, Stretford end as well –”
“You twat! As if your Liverpool could win away against United, you’re dreaming!”
“Erm, yeah… it’s good to be going home, ‘course it is. Glad I wasn’t the first voted out, hah, I actually think I’ve done alright in ‘ere.”
“Yeah, no, it’s been a brilliant experience to be fair. I never thought I’d make such good friends – yeah, even him. I know, I’m as surprised as you are! Anyway, I’m wishin’ them all the very best of luck in the semi-finals.”
“I mean, I know fourth place isn’t bad, but I do think I deserved to get to the finals. I’ve worked harder than anyone else here, so –”
“Well yeah, ‘course, it’s up to the public, so – if it’s my time then it’s my time.”
“What’ll I be doin’ when I get to the hotel? Dunno. Check my messages first, probably!”
“What, Gary? I saw ‘im yesterday, it’s not like I’m missin’ him already! Might get ‘im to buy me a pint, though, least he could do after I had to put up with him for three weeks.”
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Cruel Summer Ch. 5
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Donations | Thoughts & Feelings | Cruel Summer Series | Chapter 4
(Thank you all so much for being patient as I worked through personal issues!! I'm trying to write and get new chapters out for you guys. I'm still dealing with personal issues but for now, I'll push through, thank you all so much for always sending kind supportive messages. Love you guys! Enjoy!
P.S. you can find clues about future chapters if you read through the tags ;) )
-Chapter 5-
You stared at him before giggling, “Funny Chris, you know….. about us…now that we’re…ya know…gonna be public and all that.” you smiled as he chuckled. “Baby…you know we could never be public…I can't ditch the perfect, good girl next door, to go out with an old co star…besides, we’d never work out publicly, we're better this way. Private, just you and me, locked away in a bedroom somewhere.” he leaned in to kiss you again, but you pulled back feeling bile rise in your throat. “You never planned on leaving her for me…did you?” you asked, staring at the bed. “Babygirl,” he walked around the bed to sit by you on your side of the bed. 
He pulled your chin up kissing your lips before you pulled back, he only had a moment to see your eyes before you slapped him as hard as you could. “Get out. Get the fuck out!” you glared at him before you moved quickly off the other side of the bed. “Sweethear-” “FUCK YOU!” you screamed. “GET OUT!!” you grabbed his clothes throwing them at him, he ducked as his shoes flew at his head. 
The door busted open, your security guards and Megan stood there. “Oh Y/N…” She said softly as Chris stood up after sliding his jeans on. “Y/N! Baby come on! Knock it off, let's talk about this!” he snapped back at you. You raced off into the bathroom, locking the door as the tears fell. You started the shower, a sob leaving your lips as you slid down to the floor crying. 
A few weeks later
“And in other news mega worldwide Popstar Y/N, has deleted all posts from her social media. Sources say, She’s “Blacking out any and all communication on tour, and while she loves sharing her life with her fans, touring has taken a toll on her, she’ll return eventually, but for now. She’s got to focus on herself.” wow, so no more thank you posts to all her concert goers? That’s gonna feel like a slap to the face.” the news reporter stated as her co-star started in on you and your reputation. You sat by the window staring out over the city, thankful that no one could see you all the way up here. “Turn it off.” you grumbled out, “You know it's interesting, one former Avenger star announces his wedding date with pictures of his fiance’ the same time another former Avenger star blacks out her social media? I smell drama!” he chuckled as she gasped. 
“I don’t need to hear how Lacey and Simon think I’m some big fuck up for not wanting to be on social media right now.” you said getting up and grabbing your phone. “I’m going down to the gym, maybe running will clear my head.” you said matter of factly before grabbing your headphones. “Maybe you shouldn’t go alone?” Megan asked as she stood up. Your phone had been blowing up from friends and family checking in on you, wondering why you’d gone radio silent. 
You felt your phone go off as you exited your room and felt the corners of your mouth turn up for the first time in what felt like forever. 
Hemsworthy: ‘This place is super boring without you here.’ 
Y/N: ‘Tell me about it. I wish you were here. Life fucking sucks right now.’ 
Hemsworthy: ‘Heard you went black out on socials….you doin okay? 
Y/N: ‘Yep…got a lot going on & I don’t want to see anything online…just, want to focus back on friends and myself for a while…’ 
You sighed as you sent the message, heading into the gym where you began to walk on the treadmill. You thought back over all your time with Chris lately, before he left for South America. The movie nights eating ice cream, playing new songs for him, talking him through his depression when it came to the divorce. You felt tears in your eyes, how could you have been so fucking stupid. 
Were you this desperate to fall in love and be with someone? You’d mistook your friendship with Chris, the things that friends did, as romantic interest and felt yourself developing feelings for him. He was just recently divorced…why would he even think about dating anyone; you needed serious help. 
Hemsworthy: ‘You know if you keep running on the treadmill, you’re gonna burn holes in those tennis shoes missy. :P’ 
You glanced at the message before you did a double take; you didn’t remember telling him you were going to work out to clear your head. “If I have to stand back here any longer I’m gonna go insane.” his thick Australian accent startled you, causing you to whip around as you pulled your headphones off. “Oh my god!” you dashed over to him jumping into his arms as he laughed and hugged you tight. “I missed you popstar,” he mumbled in your ear as you buried your face into his hoodie, breathing in his scent. “I missed you too,” you whispered against his shoulder. 
You jumped down smiling up at him, “Let’s go order some room service and catch up,” he chuckled and cleared his throat, “Uh…I wanted to see if you wanted to go to dinner tonight, with me?” he smiled softly. “Somewhere nice?” he asked as you grinned and nodded, “yeah! That sounds fun!” you said as you both walked to the Elevators. “I have this super cute outfit I’ve been wanting to wear anyways!” you grinned as he chuckled. “I’m sure you’re going to look as beautiful as you always do,” Chris smiled at you, his eyes twinkled softly as you talked about your upcoming show, which was a couple of nights away and Chris was thrilled he was going to attend it. 
When he was touring with you, he would stay back at the hotel, usually cooking a meal for the two of you and picking out a couple of movies for you guys to watch and relax after your shows. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to go to your shows, it was just easier to avoid the press. After the divorce, anytime they had the opportunity to print something about him or his ex wife, they jumped on it.  
Once you guys made it back up to the hotel suite, you got ready for the evening, excited to have a nice dinner with someone who didn’t give a shit how famous you were, or what was happening in your life. You looked in the mirror and smiled at the black sequinned dress, which looked like a night sky, with clouds and a half moon on it. You wore strappy black heels and a fur jacket; and paired it with a silver flashy purse with a diamond studded necklace. 
Chris grinned as he saw you come from your bedroom, “Whoa…you look…..incredible,” he held his hand out spinning you around as you giggled softly, “Thank you. My friend Kayleigh had this made for me, and I hadn't found the right occasion to wear it yet, but thought tonight was perfect.” you smiled as he smiled tenderly at you. “Well it’s perfect, come, I’ve made reservations for us.” he chuckled as you giggled excitedly. “Yay! It’s going to be so nice just…going to dinner and relaxing,” you said as you both headed to the car. 
Pulling up to your favorite restaurant you sighed softly, the paparazzi were covering the street and you looked at Chris. “I’m sorry…I know you want to avoid them, I can go first…maybe see if they have a back entrance you can come through?” you said as he reached over and grabbed your hand, smiling softly. “I think I can manage a few photos with a beautiful girl before we go to dinner.” 
The way he smiled at you, something felt different, you were starting to convince yourself that it was all in your head, but a small part of you wanted him to be into you. You knew you were developing feelings for him. “Y/N! Over here! Over here!” several voices shouted at you as you climbed out of the SUV and made your way around to the sidewalk. You smiled, waved at them, clearly not showing annoyance that you held toward them sometimes and even asked a few of them how they were doing this evening. 
You stopped and posed for a couple of photos, when the other door opened and Chris got out smiling and waving at them for a moment before he put his hand on the small of your back as he walked with you to the door. The camera clicks intensified as he placed his hand on your back and you could hear them shouting more questions as you walked in together.
Tag List:
@notebooks-of-nonsense @fdl305 @bval-1 @calimoi @syntheticavenger @mrsjenniferwinchester @chaneajoyyy @mommad @ellen-reincarnated1967 @adriellej @coffeebooksandfandom @patzammit @posiemax @auriel187 @ladybug05 @stoneyggirl2 @fallenoutofrose @mrspeacem1nusone @teamfreewill-imagine @inlovewith3 @auvisanspeur @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @leaveitbythewave @sleutherclaw @sandlee44 @aaqua-tofana @nohumanswereharmed @msgrandma49 @traceyaudette @cevansbaby-dove
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raincandyyy-u · 22 days
Starlo’s immaturity
(here’s that starlo post i promised i was gonna make in this post right here.)
So, we all know that Starlo is one (if not the) most well-liked character in the Undertale Yellow fandom. But for some reason I see a lot of people treat him like he is this perfect dude who could do no wrong, when in reality he is probably the most flawed character in the whole game. I also seem to see a lot of people criticizing Ceroba (and while I also criticized Ceroba, the whole point of this post is that Ceroba and Starlo are BOTH very flawed characters, so I’m making this post to be fair.) but not Starlo for some strange reason, so here we are.
1. Starlo and the feisty four.
Starlo’s immaturity is the whole reason the feisty five breaks up in pacifist. Ed criticizes him about putting Clover on a pedestal because they are a human, which in turn leads to everyone else in the feisty five to leave Star as well.
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Hell, even Ceroba tells Star that the Wild East was damaging his personality.
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Then, of course, There’s the fight with Clover.
(running out of space for images so i’ll just put this here for his pre fight dialogue)
Why did this happen?
I did everything in my power to entertain.
... So monsters wouldn't have to worry about being stuck down here.
At every turn I tried to cheer Ceroba up...
I just wanted Kanako off of her mind.
I'm trying my best to honor her memory.
Aren't distractions what's best for all of that?
Why'd you follow me?
Are you still my friend?
Hold on...
This all happened after you showed up!
Ed specifically mentioned YOU as the problem!
That's right! I was just bein' a good friend.
I made you who you are yet this is what I get?
Let's face facts. I couldn't keep you here forever, kid.
Word would've gotten out that Feathers hadn't clocked in, eventually.
Feathers... Wait a minute...
Royal Guard's like her have a ton of status.
They gain that status by doin' the King's work.
I'm sure... I'm sure everyone would come back if I did the same.
I'd be revered not only in the Wild East but the entire Underground!!
Clover, you've been a excellent deputy, but...
As a lawman, what I'm about to do is embedded in my SOUL.
My true duty.
Don't... Don't make this difficult for me.
Just hold...
Obviously, this is fucked up. And i’m saying all of this as a die-hard Starlo fan. Starlo directly pins the blame for his own actions onto Clover. “Ed specifically mentioned YOU as the problem!” And while Starlo was not in a great state of mind, what he did was still wrong and he still acted reckless when fighting Clover. And what’s even more fucked up is that he says “That’s right.. I was just bein’ a good friend” as he tries to rationalize 😭
2. Flawed Pacifist
Also, what he says if you kill Ceroba in flawed paci is so fucked up it genuinely makes me mad. Starlo says that “you’re lower than dirt” even though he KNOWS that Ceroba was gonna kill Clover and it was self-defense, not to mention that Ceroba literally asks to be killed. (obviously, martlet and starlo were knocked out when she asks to be killed, but my point still stands about her asking for it) Not to mention that he says to a CHILD that he should’ve fired the last bullet. That’s why I appreciate Martlet stepping in and bringing up that Clover was acting in self defense. Yes, Starlo and Ceroba were best friends, so obviously he would be very hurt about her dying. but like. what the fuck star
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intimacyequalsdeath · 8 months
Bubz's Slasher Fictober Day 5: Rusty Nail (Apple Cider)
Day five! The first week of October is already almost over!, At this point I will start compiling everything on a masterlist as I stated on the previous post I'm writing these in advance.
Notes: Minors DNI, No pronouns used only "You" and maybe a "Y/n" once or twice. Possibly suggestive themes, No smut tho (yet wink wink)
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"You ain't wearin that" Rusty said from his place on the cheap motel room bed. You rolled your eyes.
"Rusty this is what I packed to wear" You said
The two of you were laying low at a middle of nowhere truck stop after one of Rusty's "projects" got slightly out of hand. Rusty had cleaned it up well enough but still suggested the two of you lay low for awhile especially since he didn't have anything to ship at the moment.
"Sugar look, I told you that you aren't wearing that, the last thing I want to do is get into a fight with some lowlife with wandering eyes"
The outfit you had chosen to wear to the small truck stop bar wasn't the most modest but it wasn't as if you were wearing the most skimpy thing either. Rusty could be so jealous sometimes.
"Rusty there's a chance that no one will even be there, we're in the literal middle of nowhere" You sighed sitting down on the edge of the bed to slip on your shoes.
"Well if someone even so much as looks at your wrong then this place we'll have to put in the rearview after I teach em' a thing or two" He darkly chuckled. A smile spread across your face, most people would probably be intimidated as hell by Rusty but the only thing he made you feel was safe.
Rusty got off the bed and put his hand out to you.
"Well sugar what do you say we get too it then?" You nodded wrapping your arms around his much bigger one then slipping your hand into his.
The truck stop bar was about exactly what you'd expect, A few local drunks in the back corner booth, a old out dated jukebox in the corner and a sleepy overworked bar tender behind the bar that was really just their to bring the drunks their beers.
You picked out a private booth for you and Rusty while he walked up to the bar tender to get a beer and whatever you wanted. From the moment you walked in you could feel the eyes of the three drunks in the corner on you, for their sake you hoped they'd stay there.
Rusty made his way back over to you, drink in hand and a smile on his face.
"Well sugar it looks like I've got the prettiest partner in the bar" You blushed.
"Rusty stop" You teased him playfully. Rusty placed the drinks in front of you but didn't sit down.
"I gotta go take a leak darlin' you stay right here ok?" You nodded as Rusty left.
You were looking out the window at Rusty's big rig parked out in the parking lot in front of the motel when you felt someone slip into the booth next to you. Rusty would never sit next to you, always across so he could "Look at that pretty face clearly" as he'd always say so knowing this was a stranger made you tense.
"What's a pretty little thing like you doin all the way out here?" a voice asked, slurred obviously from one to many drinks.
You turned your head to face the voice, deciding to try and get him out of here before Rusty came back.
"Me and my boyfriend are here together" You stated hoping for the man to fuck off.
"Boyfriend? That fella you came in here with? please honey he couldn't provide half the things I could" You reeled back in disgust as the man reached for your hand.
"Please don't touch me, and my boyfriend "provides" perfectly fine thank you, now if you wouldn't mind goi-"
"Now sweetie is that any way to talk to a person" the man interrupted,
"I think the lady was goin to tell you to git" Rusty sneered, having returned from the bathroom to the sight of his baby being harassed by some local drunk. The man smiled and turned to rusty.
"Oh yeah ? and what are you going to do ab-" Before he could finish Rusty grabbed him out of the booth and brought his fist down on the mans face knocking him to the floor.
You quickly took the hint and got out of the booth yourself before getting in the cross fire. Rusty brought his foot down to the mans stomach when he was on the floor, this brought the two friends out of the corner booth towards Rusty.
"Rusty!" You yelled warning him he was about to get ganged up on. Rusty wasted no time in pulling out the gun from his holster.
"Now gentleman c'mon" The bartender said nervously "This is my place of business and I will not have this nonsense here" Rusty still had his gun and his eyes trained on the mans friends when you spoke up.
"Rusty c'mon please, let's just go" Rusty turned to you and you saw his face soften. You knew that he knew that killing anyone here would be risky so it was best if you just left and didn't draw attention to yourselves.
Rusty placed the gun back in his holster on his side, but not before giving another swift kick to the drunk man still on the floor.
"You're lucky my darlin' is here or this would have a much different outcome" Rusty said before motioning for you to go to the door.
Nobody in the bar dared to say anything as the two of you left.
You waited till the two of you reached your motel room, before saying anything to Rusty about what happened.
"Rusty I get that that guy made you mad, but you can't get reckless like that over me! what if something had happened and you had gotten caught? what am I supposed to do if something happens to you?" You asked him while sitting on the edge of the bed taking your shoes off.
"I'm sorry darlin', I came back from the bathroom and saw him all over you like that I just knew I had to protect you" You sighed
"I get that hon' and I do appreciate it, But I'd appreciate you being around for me and not getting arrested a lot better"
Rusty sat next to you on the bed and took your hand in his, you gave his hand a reassuring squeeze before leaning over to peck his lips.
"You already have plenty to do when it comes to hitchhikers and pricks, Let's leave the dumb drunks alone ok?" Rusty laughed at that and nodded.
"Anything for you Darlin"
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intheholler · 4 months
I'm finding myself having less and less patience with people who make fun of Southerners and Appalachians (and rural people in general, though I do find it interesting how they always use our accents to mock all rural Americans...)
I follow a few Appalachian creators on tiktok who post recipes and the comments on their videos are always full of people making fun of their accents. "Um, where can I find 'oll'? I went to the store and all they had was oil 😂" or "'Worsh' must be some new technique I've never heard of!" Or even just basic insinuation that the creator isn't smart and that the food looks gross. It's annoying. I always wanna shake these people and make them remember that making fun of someone's culture is shitty! Just because they've been taught not to respect our culture doesn't mean it's not one.
I do also see lots of comments from the other side, though! Things like "You sound like my mamaw! 🥰" or "As soon as I heard you say 'cast iron' like that I knew the recipe was gonna be good' or "Ooh, nobody can make cabbage taste good like someone from the holler!"
I love seeing the kind of pride that comes from leftists like me who grew up there. I love living outside of Appalachia and making the people around me hear my accent and eating my recipes. I love thinking about the gifts that our home has given to people all over the world: foods, technology, music, inventions.
Basically, thanks for your blog. I love the perspective you bring to Tumblr
"as soon as i heard you say 'cast iron' like that i knew the recipe was gonna be good" YES that's what we wanna see when it comes to comments on our accent 🤩
speaking of, i maintain that the best way to change minds is doin exactly what you yourself are doin--sharing the food, culture & the overall beauty of appalachia complete with its inherently leftist ideals... in a thick ol fuckin accent.
dizzy em with cognitive dissonance until they have no choice but to accept they may actually be wrong! back when my accent was virtually undetectable, i used to love dropping the "oh btw, im from the south" bomb on em after they got to know me and respect me
but unfortunately, yeah, it's too easy for those kinds to just keep being ugly. takes far less effort to crack stale jokes, speak ill of us and call us stupid at every opportunity than, idk, confronting bias and growing as a person. i wonder if we'll ever stop being the butt of their jokes. probably not. fuck em.
anyway, amen to all you said. i have exactly zero patience for it now honestly, especially after getting to know yall and having this little community that has cropped up around my humble lil blog. i feel more protective of our home than ever before and i been gettin loud about it
thanks for sharing your thoughts and for being here <33
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mr-laveau · 10 months
The more responses I see to the earlier post regarding the fraction of issues regarding people's hcs and the way they enforce problematic racial stereotypes, the more I see people missing the point.
So! Let's revise the point in simpler terms!
POC: Hi! We've noticed this pattern of portrayal and we just wanted to know what's up with that? It's kinda weird as shit to see–
Fandom: You're telling us what to do! Mind your business! We were fine without this before!
POC: ...
No one, and I mean NOT A SOUL, gives a shit regarding who you headcanon as whatever race–not a damn soul.
We do think it's weird that these headcanons are depicted awfully similar to the racial stereotypes prevalent in the media and all we're asking is for you to examine where that's coming from because it's making the minorities who have been ever so patient about this uncomfortable. We don't need you to put on a show about how racist you aren't, validate your ethnic HCS with racist scenarios or change your shit. We just want you to consider what those headcanons look like and how they particularly affect others when done in negligence. If you're not willing to do that and you're not willing to look outside of your view point and get the idea then at least do us a favour and say your shit with your chest so you can get blocked instead of hiding behind anons and spouting your bullshit. It's disgusting and your ignorance is tiring to see. At least let me use the algorithm to take you off my feed so I can see the people who don't make me feel shit for existing and asking for consideration.
No one is calling you racist. No one has made this implication. We all just want you to unpack something because it's weird and we can't exist in a space where everyone is blatantly reinforcing damaging stereotypes and denying POC a welcoming space. But if that's too hard for ya then all I'm gonna personally say is:
It's pretty fucking hypocritical that y'all wanna consume media that discusses and critiques systemic racism enforced in schools, the media and society, but you wanna act like you're not adding to the problem those literary allegories represent.
P.S. Centrist behaviors and silence can and will be read by me as being complicit, and wanting to sweep this under the rug is telling of how fucked your mindset is.
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marzmeltdown · 1 year
Where the Wild Things Are
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⌦ Pairing: Woozi x Fem!Reader ⌦ Genre(s): smut,, enemies to lovers ⌦ Warning(s): pet names(woozi: sir ,, reader: dollface,, princess,, cowgirl,, ),, arguing,, brat taming?? kinda??,, spanking,, fingering,, spit eating,, oral (f receiving),, unprotected sex (pls practice safe sex),, creampie,, aftercare (idk if i should put this as a warning but just in case) ⌦ Word count: 2.53k ⌦ Summary: You and your gang of rough and tough cowboys/girls are never in one spot for too long. Despite never letting the weather deter your group from drifting from one town to the next, one particularly big thunderstorm left your group in a local motel. Unfortunately for you though, you end up sharing a room with Jihoon and getting a wink of sleep didn't seem to be in the cards for you two. ⌦ A/N: I'm thinking about making this some kind of series??? But instead of focusing on Woozi, it's a fic for every member in this like cowboy setting. Idk,, lemme know what you think. Idk about you, but cowboy svt is doin somethin for me. All the descriptors of a motel during cowboy times all come from the westerns my grandpa watched when I was a kid so I can't say for sure if this is gonna be historically accurate. If there's anything you feel I should improve on in the future, don't hesitate to let me know! You can find progress updates on my stories and everything else I write in my pinned post every Wednesday.:)
⌦ marz’s tag list ⌦ marz’s req form
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"Jihoon, I'm not sleeping on the floor!" You snapped, looking at your roommate for the night as he stood on the other side of the room, arms crossed, while putting all his weight onto the dresser behind him. He rolled his eyes, taking his hat off and placing it on the nearby dresser he was currently leaning up against.
"Well, neither am I, Dollface, so it looks like we're in some sort of predicament." He said, crossing his arms once more as his deadpan face fixated on your very clearly angry expression.
The nickname irritated you even more; he always used it for you and you alone. It didn't help that you were one of the only girls in their little gaggle of drifters; in a way, it felt demeaning. If you weren't angry enough knowing that you had to share a bed with the one person who always found a way to get under your skin, you were damn near fuming when the nickname left his mouth.
"Stop calling me that!" You snapped, stomping over to the bed and angrily yanking the neatly laid pillows from their spot on the bed to line them down the middle to create some sort of barrier between you two. It wasn't a foolproof solution, but it was a solution nonetheless.
Jihoon stood in place, his eyes following your every move as he chewed on the inside of his mouth.
"It suits you," he simply replied, shrugging to reinforce his nonchalant answer. You rolled your eyes, turning your back toward him so you could finish building the wall of pillows.
"Fuck off, Jihoon. I don't want to hear your excuses as to why you feel the need to call me dollface when we all know it's because you don't respect me enough to call me by my name." You didn't give him the satisfaction of looking back at him when you spoke.
Jihoon's response caught you off guard; in a matter of seconds, he was behind you, one hand around your waist and the other around your neck, effectively pinning you against his chest.
"You know, I've had about enough of your attitude," he growled into your ear. You couldn't help but gasp at the swiftness of Jihoon's actions. This was very out of character for him; Jihoon typically kept to himself, only really joking around with Seungcheol and Soonyoung.
"What're you going to do about it? Spank me?" You asked after you took a few seconds to regain your composure. The wavering in your voice hinted at the small bit of pleasure you were gaining from this stance alone.
"I just might," he said. You could hear the smirk on his face as he spoke, and he pulled away after what felt like forever. But he was just getting started. He sat down on the edge of the bed, pulling you to lie across his lap.
Jihoon always worked swiftly and to the point; you didn't expect him to work like that in the bedroom, though, not that you were complaining. The way he threw you around like a doll was already working wonders for you; the harsh pulling of your dress and tearing of your stockings caused your thighs to press themselves together.
He noticed this subtle attempt to hide your arousal; he only smirked again and raised his hand to strike your ass. You jerked forward, letting out a noise that could only be described as surprised and slightly aroused.
"Fuck!" You whined, letting your head hang low and your hands grip Jihoon's thigh, preparing yourself for another spanking. Jihoon spanked each cheek five times, each spanking getting harder, which in turn pulled louder and louder whines from your throat.
Once Jihoon felt satisfied, he leaned back to admire the red marks his hand had painted onto your skin. He let his hand rest itself against your stinging ass, soothing the skin as his thumb gently rubbed circles into the flesh.
"Still feeling cocky?" He asked, his eyes fixated on the red marks that seemed to slowly disappear with time.
"And what if I am?" You asked, lifting your head just enough for Jihoon to hear you. He hummed in response, moving his hand from your ass to your heat, using his middle and ring fingers to tease your hole through your panties.
"Then I guess we're not finished here, are we?" He said this, feeling your panties become wetter and wetter with each pass of his fingers. You bit your lips as he teased you through the fabric of your panties, letting out a small whimper when he finally circled his fingers around the bundle of nerves that would have your head spinning if he kept circling around the flesh.
His movements were slow—painfully slow—causing you to push your hips back in attempts to get more friction against your clit. He smirked as he felt the wet spot on your panties get bigger each time he circled his fingers around your clit. Soft mewls were already leaving your lips by the time he pushed your panties to the side to further tease your cunt.
"J-Jihoon.." You whimpered, letting out a gasp when the finger used to circle your entrance finally pushed itself in. His pumps against your pussy slowly sped up just enough to leave you wanting more. He hadded one, then two more fingers, stretching you out as you squirmed on his lap.
"You're so wet, dollface," he hummed, ignoring the whine of irritation that left your lips, though it was quickly turned into a whine of pleasure as his fingers sped up.
"Lie down," Jihoon said, pulling his fingers out. You scrambled onto the bed, pulling your skirt off and unbuttoning your shirt, allowing them to fall into a pile next to your boots.
You watched as Jihoon stood, sucking your slick from his fingers while he grabbed his hat from the dresser. He placed the hat back on his head before undoing his belt, pulling it from the belt loops to let it fall onto the floor next to your clothes once he stood at the edge of the bed once more.
You bit your lip as Jihoon crawled his way between your thighs, his lips hovering over yours. You propped yourself on your elbows to meet him halfway. He gripped your face, forcing your mouth open with his thumb. His next action caught you by surprise—not that you didn't like it, but because you didn't expect to like it.
You felt him spit into your mouth, leaning in to leave bite marks against your neck and chest just as fast as the spit left his mouth and landed in yours. His bites trail down to your breasts, engulfing one of your nipples in his mouth while his hand pulls and prys at the other.
You whined as he alternated between nipples, maintaining eye contact as he kissed his way back up to your mouth. This time, rather than spitting into your mouth, he instead captured your lips in a heated kiss. He reached up to take the hat from his head, placing it on yours.
You moaned softly into the kiss, helping him adjust the hat to your head while you two fought for dominance via tongue. Jihoon won that battle, leaving no part of your mouth unexplored. By the time he pulled away, you were out of breath and damn near dripping.
"Don't let that hat fall off, princess, if you want to finish tonight." He said it sternly against your lips; you nodded in response, and your eyes lidded with pleasure.
"Yes, sir," you replied, meeting his lustful gaze as you spoke.
You weren't sure why he had you so needy already; he had barely touched you, and your arousal was already staining your panties and running down your thighs. He moved back down to the edge of the bed, taking one of the pillows from your pillow barrier to place under the small of your back.
"Hey! You ruined my wall!" You whined, only to be shut up when Jihoon pulled your panties off and latched his mouth to your clit. You let out a small moan, shuddering when you felt the length of his tongue lick from your hole and back to your clit in one swipe.
He ate pussy like a starved man, letting his tongue slip into your entrance a few times and softly moaning from the taste. The vibrations from his moan sent a wave of pleasure throughout your body as his fingers found their way into your entrance, his tongue finding its way back to that bundle of nerves that seemed to have a neon sign on it with how many times he'd found it with ease.
You moaned as he pumped his fingers in and out of your hole, his free hand pressing down on your abdomen to prevent you from squirming away. He hummed as his mouth gently tugged at your clit, his eyes scanning your face as you moaned and whined with pleasure.
Your head flew back as Jihoon's fingers curled up against that special spot inside you, bringing you closer and closer to the edge with each push Jihoon was giving you. He smirked in response to you holding his hat in place as your head hung back, and the hand that was holding you up flew down to tug at the man's hair. Jihoon felt his cock twitch in his pants as your walls clenched around his fingers, signaling you were close to a release.
"F-Fuck! Jihoon, I'm close!" You whined as the coil in your stomach began to tighten with each thrust of his fingers against your sweet spot. He nodded in response, moving his mouth closer to your entrance, the pumping of his fingers moving faster, his other hand rubbing circles into your clit and his tongue sucking at your innerfolds.
It took a few more pumps of his fingers for you to let out a wanton moan, your thighs beginning to shake as the coil in your stomach finally snapped and you released all over his mouth and fingers. He let out another soft, satisfied moan as you came all over him.
He pulled away after a moment, using both hands to sooth your shaking thighs as he looked up at you.
"Are you with me, dollface?" He asked, and it took you a moment to come back down from your high, only looking down at him once you came back to Earth.
His hair was disheveled from your harsh tugging, his lips were swollen and glistening with your release, and his eyes told you that you weren't done yet.
"Yes.. I'm okay," you panted softly. He left a small kiss on the inner side of each thigh, wiping his mouth with his hand as he stood at the edge of the bed. He pulled his shirt off, letting it fall to the floor, while he kicked his boots off alongside his pants and underwear.
Your mouth watered at the sight of Jihoon standing naked in front of you. The sight of a toned man pumping his cock in front of you was doing something for you. Finally, Jihoon lied next to you on the bed, pulling you onto his lap.
"Let's see how well you can ride, cowgirl," he teased, helping you slide onto his cock. He let out what sounded like a whine when you finally bottomed out, holding your hips as he waited for you to adjust.
His cock was bigger than any other cock you'd ever taken. It stretched you painfully, but it was a pleasurable kind of pain. You shuddered as each inch of his cock rubbed against your walls with each rock of your hips. It took you a moment to pick up a steady speed, bouncing your hips against his cock.
"Y-You're so big.." You whimpered, letting your hands rest against his chest. Jihoon seemed to have other plans, though; it seems that your pace wasn't satisfying enough or he just wanted to see how well you could hold on while simultaneously keeping his hat on your head. Jihoon planted his feet into the bed, thrusting up into you with a harsh force.
You moaned at his harsh thrust, barely having enough time to move your hands from his chest to his shoulders before Jihoon started pistoning his hips up into you. The force of his thrusts jostled your body around his lap; each moan coming from your mouth was interrupted as Jihoon's thrust never faulted.
Your moans were loud; you were sure the patrons in the other rooms could hear you. Your hand rested itself on Jihoon's hat once more as your head fell back. Jihoon moved his hands from your hips to the small of your back, pulling you down to lie on his chest as his hips abused the inside of your thighs.
The two of you felt the cords in your stomach begin to twist and turn, and Jihoon's thrusts began to stutter as he got closer and closer to the edge. Your moans and cries in his ear definitely didn't help with anything. "Jihoon.." You cried; you didn't even have to finish the sentence for him to understand what you were trying to say.
"Me too, princess," he panted, his hands smacking and gripping at your ass cheeks. He thrust his hips into yours a few more times, each thrust hitting your sweet spot. The moan you let out when the cord finally snapped was so loud, you were worried something fragile would break. Your walls clenched around Jihoon, pulling him closer to the end as he began to let out soft moans.
"Fuck, yes, cum on my cock, dollface," he moaned softly, the cord in his stomach snapping shortly after the words left his mouth. His thrusts halted long enough for him to release, slowly thrusting his cum into you. You buried your face into his neck, whimpering when he began to pull out.
"You okay?" He asked, rubbing your back reassuringly. He didn't pull out the rest of the way until you answered, worried he would hurt you if he pulled out too soon.
"Yeah, you can pull out now," you said. Your voice was hoarse from the screams Jihoon had been pulling out of you all night. Jihoon finally pulled out, his cum following shortly behind and staining the bed beneath you too. "Can you lay here with me for awhile?" You asked, ignoring the fact that both of you were in desperate need of being cleaned up.
"Let me clean you up first," he said. You whined in protest once he stood up, wetting a washrag with the pitcher setting on the dresser to clean you off. He helped you get dressed after cleaning himself off and getting dressed himself.
You snuggled into him as soon as he lay down, ignoring the chuckle that came from his mouth as he wrapped his arm around your waist.
"I thought you didn't want to share the bed?" He asked, watching as you tiredly tore apart your pillow wall to get closer to him.
"Shut up."
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melmonquartelz · 3 months
hello! I've been following you since I was in middle school and i fucking LOVE YOUR ART!!!! Your ocs are so cool to look at and especially your animations too! I've always wanted to animate ever since middle school but simply starting is always the hardest part for me so I find it difficult to sort of just get in the zone as a fellow +perfectionist+ , I admire people like you who consistently post no matter any hate, because in my personal experience everytime I get even a bit of criticism especially related to my ocs, it really brings me down because of how closely attached I am to them. I sort of wish I was like you where you can just post and not think twice abt what could be said abt the ocs !
aside from that I used to be in your discord server but was randomly kicked and im not sure why or if theres any way I can get back in it? I really miss looking at all your art you posted on there, my assumption is because I didn't really talk at all in the server (im shy when it comes to servers) , so if there is anyway I can maybe get back into it that would be cool
I hope this wasn't too much to read! All i really wanted to get across is that I adore your ocs, art and animations and aspire to be like you one day where I can post freely and super consistently, with college in the way I don't see that happening anytime soon but hopefully in the future :) I admire your consistency in art!!!!
AAAWEWEA STTOOPPP, I'm gonan start bouncing off the walls ur so nice 😭💖 I'm always extremely proud of my work so it kinda comes as a bonus when I post stuff bc I'm always exited to show off what I've done haha If it's just hate it's always best to ignore it, mainly cuz whatever you're doin' prolly makes you happy yea? So you're the one winning, what you're doin' makes you happy and who's this loser to come into YOUR space and hate on YOUR stuff?? Everyone starts somewhere and if someone's hating because you're not immediately perfect in what you do, then they're not worth your time 🙏
As to my discord server, a while ago we wiped out a bunch of people that would be seen as inactive for my own safety reasons. I've had many people ask when my server's gonna be open again and soon, I don't wanna keep it closed for much longer cuz I feel bad I can't let people in yet lmao 😭 BUT hopefully soon! I'll be ready eventually but since I'm back on tumblr I'll be posting my art here too!
BUT AGAIN! You're very nice thank u smsm 😭💖💖💖I just woke up so this was a nice message to see haha I hope you'll be able to start posting your own content soon! Like I said, everyone starts somewhere
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