#and idk if this was the actual intention behind the episode but
omletteleia · 9 months
Anyone else up thinking about that time that h2o just add water had an episode about rikki getting textbook groomed by an adult man and then getting cathartic vigilante justice and almost boiling him alive before being stopped by emma? Because I sure as hell am.
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kris-py-president · 4 months
Ok, but what did Old Ruby tell her mom to make her freak out like that? Was that even Old Ruby the first time around, or was that someone else? Because whoever that was seemed to have information about Ruby that Ruby herself never learned.
And also, whatever The Woman [I'm fairly certain it was NOT Old Ruby the first time around (I mean, for the majority of the episode) so I'm just gonna call her The Woman] was telling everyone seemed to scare them a lot, but they weren't able to tell anyone else. They had to keep it to themselves ("ask her."). So what was that information?
Also, what was the goal of The Woman? It clearly wasn't to get Mad Jack out of office, otherwise she would have went away after that happened. That means her goal was to wait til the end of Ruby's life and make her like her, in order for her to tell herself to not step on the fairy circle.
So what's so important about the fairy circle? I mean... what happened after they broke it? Nobody died, nobody got hurt, no monsters were unleashed upon the world...actually, a really bad politician was stopped from nuking something jusg because. So really, them stepping on the fairy circle was a *good thing*. (Other than the doctor disappearing?? Idk what that's about)
So why did the show writers disguise this good thing as something bad? What was the intention behind this episode? WHAT ARE THEY TRYING TO TELL US???
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Could Alastor be good?
Ok we all know he was a killer and a cannibal when he was alive, overall not what you would classify as a good guy, he is in hell for a reason after all...BUT there is something fishy about him: his moral code is a total mistery and everyone has been wondering whether he actually cares or not about the Hotel and Charlie.
Now, do I believe he is secretly a total sweetheart? No absolutely not but I do believe he is more caring than he lets to believe and Episode 5 shows that perfectly.
First off I believe his rivalry with Lucifer goes beyond jealousy, because if it really was just that he wouldn't have been quiet and accepting during Lucifer and Charlie's duet. Also the "sadly there are times a birth parent is a dud" line and his sweetness towards females...in the episode about daddy issues...mhhh are you hiding some as well Alastor?
Then Mimzy comes and says how much hell is scared of Alastor, how powerful he is and how many overlords he has tortured, nothing we didn't know...but why? Why target only overlords? Why target heavy hitters? If he really was that powerful from the start he could just collect random desperate souls in no time like Valentino per say but no, he chose to go after really bad overlords and I don't think he only did it for fame. He was cleansing, he was getting rid of bad souls undeserving of power. I know as of now it sounds like a stretch but why keep Husk alive if he only cared about hitting overlords, why listen to his advise about Mimzy and most importantly WHY does he know Alastor is on a leash. Husk is clearly a very caring person, a sensitive guy, we don't know what kind of overlord he used to be but I don't believe he was ever considered one of the most evil of the bunch. Alastor targeted big guys, bad guys. I am not saying they are friends but Alastor certainly values him in some (twisted) way.
I also keep thinking about the comic that was released about him a while back: why are you eating people and then protecting that lamb I just...he is such a mistery, he can't just be a twisted guy he hides something, some motivation we don't know, some goal that has yet to be revealed.
And then what about the Episode 7 sneak peak in which he says he hides behind his smile...
Idk where I am going with this I just think he is a very very very interesting character and yes I am curious to know who has him on a leash as everyone else is but to be honest I am mostly eager to know what kind of motive has pushed him to sign that contract and why does that bother him so much, why he is the way he is and what are his intentions with the Hotel.
I think he cares and I can't wait to find out why.
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genericpuff · 11 months
saw this pop up on /r/UnpopularLoreOlympus and I-
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Full analysis post that inspired this post can be read here, it's a good read, go check it out!
Now my natural reaction to not assume the worst (shocking, I know) is that what Rachel's actual intention behind making Leto a sun god was due to her being Apollo's mother and her clearly having a stronger relationship with him rather than Artemis. I'm abiding by Occam's Razor here, it's the simplest answer and it keeps my brain from getting too riled up right off the bat LMAO
There's a lot of emphasis put on Apollo being the god of the sun in LO, despite the fact that Apollo is one of the MOST prolific gods in the Greek pantheon, Rachel only ever really focuses on him being god of the sun with some loose references to him also being the god of music (as we see with him playing his lyre). There's really no real referencing to him being the god of medicine though (aside from that scene of him condom-bandaging Persephone's hand in Episode 22 ?? which is silly now in hindsight because she's a fertility goddess who can heal herself but ok lmao and the fact that Rachel established him as a LITERAL DAD with his doctor son Asclepius which ... just feels weird to have in LO tbh) and there's absolutely no referencing (from what I can find or recall) of him being a protector of the young, god of prophecy (for some reason he just magically gives Kassandra the ability to read prophecies... just so she can read his prophecy ??) or archery. Like, he's shown doing a lot of these things but they come across more as just side hobbies or extensions of him being Artemis' brother (like his archery) rather than aspects of his godliness or domains that he presides over. It's just like yeah, Apollo can shoot arrows and bandage people's hands I guess LMAO
All that said, I can see Rachel deciding to make him primarily the god of the sun and then going "oh! let's make his mom a sun god! then she could be a common enemy for both Persephone and Hades!" because Hades doesn't like sun gods yadda yadda.
But... we know Rachel has used front page Google sourcing in her comic before.
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(literally the 'source' was copy pasted from a 2004 study guide for Princeton.edu. And we KNOW this was taken right from the first result because it just says 'www.princeton.edu' with no slug attached, which is what showed up back when we first looked into this, the princeton version was deadass the first result with this definition word for word. She didn't even remove the typo where there's no space between Xenios:"Zeus !!!).
And while a bit more into sus territory rather than outright confirmed like the xenia thing above, there's the whole Metis / Métis theory, that has us wondering if Rachel seriously googled "Metis" on its own and accidentally used Indigenous Métis cultural depictions in her version of Metis, the Greek God.
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The fringe in her outfit, finger wings, and dark orange/red color really got my attention the first time I saw her design years ago, because she set off so many, "Wait a minute, is that an Indigenous woman???" bells in my Mi'kmaq/Cree brain LMAO And not even in a bad way, but now it feels a little :/ because of how much her character has been assassinated and how clearly accidental it was for her to look like that.
Of course, there's still a more likely explanation that her design was based on this vase:
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But IDK y'all. That vase is very distinctly orange while the character itself is depicted in dark garbs and with light skin, so Metis being distinctly red-toned with finger wings and fringe?
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While the Xenia thing is definitively copy pasted from the first search result on Google (literally there's no denying that at this point, Rachel's REALLY bad at doing research and then pretending like she was being smart by sourcing it from a university website... completely ignoring the fact that that website literally hasn't been updated since Rachel was working on The Doctor Pepper Show) the Metis and Leto depictions are definitely a lot more up for debate as to what 'research' Rachel did and whether or not they got confused with something else during her searching.
And really, the whole thing with Leto being a "sun god" doesn't make sense really when you think about it. Why is Leto a sun god? It's not even like you could argue there are "some versions" of the myths where she's a god of the sun, or other translations out there, or whatever vague source that could be used like what has been used for other gods like Hades and Persephone. Leto is not affiliated with the sun in any shape or form. Remove Apollo, her eventual son, who didn't exist when she was born and given the title of 'sun god', and it quickly falls apart as to why she would be a sun god in the first place.
She is a goddess of motherhood though, and that's NEVER mentioned in LO. If anything, Rachel makes her a terrible mom on purpose. Because god knows we can't have anyone in this comic be a good mom except for Persephone and Rhea (who are literally just carbon copies of one another). Basically the only thing Rachel gets right with Leto is the fact that she's a Titan and that she had Apollo and Artemis after sleeping with Zeus. That's it.
Unfortunately, unlike the xenia thing, there's no outright proof of what Rachel's reasoning was behind these designs or sources. So I'm not gonna accuse or outright state it as fact that Rachel confused Metis for Métis or ripped the idea for Leto being a sun god from an anime, because the odds of that being true in any way are fairly low.
But they're never zero.
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moondyad · 3 months
so i kinda want to talk more about this. The Acolyte and Qimir.
Qimir's true identity was a surprise to me because it felt like there were no smart hints at him being sith. none of the jedi got funny feelings around him. Mae didn't even recognize that the person behind the mask and her goofy accomplice were similar. he mentioned Mae's master would be mad she was using weapons because she wasn't supposed to but? he was her master and let her do it? the reveal seemed so out of left field, shocking for shock value alone. i read that his identity wasn't even supposed to be revealed until season 2, so maybe there was supposed to be more buildup to that moment? doing a subversive character who appears one way but is actually another takes a lot of nuance that just wasn't there. it's extremely hard to change a character from "just a lil guy" to big baddie. and yeah, i know he's in hiding and the whole point of this front is to trick everyone into thinking he is actually harmless (y'know aside from making poisons and whatever other malicious side jobs he does). he literally kills some of our main characters as soon as he's revealed (rip Yord, i'll miss you). but because of his previous presentation it just felt like a joke to me? their deaths all had this dreamlike, this isn't real quality to the point i have to remind myself that these characters are actually dead. i could not become invested in the rest of the episode because him being sith took me so far out of the immersion. idk if this is going too far in the crybaby direction, so i'll just say this characterization was not executed well in my opinion.
i must have missed it, because i was so confused, but apparently Kylo's theme plays after he's revealed? which i read was a very intentional choice. so, my preferences aside and lore cap on... is Qimir possibly the founder of the Ren? the concept that the knights of Ren are based on? This is the gist of the ideology:
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which actually does track so far with Qimir's seemingly random choices. also, Ren, the person Kylo kills to become the leader of the knights of Ren, wears a helmet which is vaguely similar to the one Qimir wears. both helmets have the eyes entirely covered by metal. this would essentially make the wearer blind, if they weren't force-sensitive. "The Ren" is a lightsaber Ren carries on him (i know this is all very confusing, bear with me). perhaps as a tie into the sequels, Qimir's saber eventually goes on to become The Ren. this all could mean that the ideology Kylo attaches himself to all the way in the sequels has roots in sith history in the high republic era. i do love a tie-in, but i wish this reveal hadn't been rushed.
the person, the lightsaber, and the ideology are all called "Ren". don't know who decided that, but it makes explaining or reading about it impossible.
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mazzystar24 · 5 months
One thing that I dont understand is why everyone quickly forgetting about Oliver's comments that he wants bucktommy to follow Tarlos history
Or Tim saying that he wants to write a romcom with this relationship
Also, Kenneth saying that Buck finally found love or JLH wants scenes with Tommy in the season 8
Like, I think there is a strong chance of Lou to be in season 8
Hi anon!
I’m assuming you’re asking why people aren’t more convinced of bucktommy endgame and are still shipping buddie, I’m taking this at face value with no malice behind it but I will say if your intention was to kinda discourage buddie shippers or whatever by asking this then that’s a bit impolite because I’ve been very vocal on my blog about not icking other people’s yums or put a damper on anyone’s enjoyment of a ship or fandom
Now assuming you meant this genuinely and giving you the benefit of the doubt-
About the tarlos thing I genuinely don’t think I saw that (if you can send it I’d actually wanna read it) but there was sm press around the bi buck canon ep that I think maybe it just slipped my memory if it was around that time, even saying that if he did say something about that that could still mean a lot of things, like Ive personally not watched lone star (except a few eps here and there) and only have a vague understanding of tarlos but it could be talking about wanting a dynamic similar or something like that
Like let’s not forget Oliver also spoke multiple times how his ideal for this storyline is for bucktommy to break up and remain friends and for tommy to still be this guide to buck as he goes through his self discovery
And Tim saying he wants the relationship to be a romcom can just mean what he also said about wanting buck off the hamster wheel and sort of wanting his queer arc to be lighthearted and fun, like the relationship being a romcom doesn’t necessarily mean endgame to me for me it just communicates tone, like he doesn’t want them to struggle or kinda be put through too much angst and he wants it all to be light and carefree and a good experience for buck, which even as a buddie shipper I genuinely agree with so much because every relationship with buck has ended very badly and he’s just constantly getting hurt and I feel like he needs to have a good relationship and he needs that end to be amicable and have that be a good and healthy dynamic
Again Tim also said multiple things about them being a brief relationship, called them a fling and to not expect wedding bells, etc
Kenneth is not a writer or part of the ship so his opinion is interesting to see but doesn’t really hold much bearing on whether I think buck and Tommy are endgame
I do agree that it seems like Lou/tommy will be in s8 and I actually wanna see how it unfolds and also I feel like with so many bigger storylines it makes sense to keep the relationship going until s8 when you can actually get to see their relationship and also if/when they break up give it the time it needs to have actually made this a relationship rather than like a two episode/ date arc, you know what I mean? (idk if I’m being clear with what I mean)
Thanks for the ask anon!
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 11 months
Semantic Error | A Jeon Jungkook Series | Chapter 2
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Based off of Semantic Error (bl) by J Soori Summary: While y/n starts to discuss her vision for the game she finds out that JK was someone she had hoped she would never have to deal with again. Giving up on her game for now she focuses on work and school but Jungkook has other plans for her this semester. Pairing: Techie inexperienced fem!reader x Artist fuck boy Jungkook Word count: 2.4k~ Warnings: Explicit language (a little bit). Idk that's pretty much it for this chapter. A/N: This is heavily based off of the original bl (boy love) and it covers chapters (episodes) 2-12. I've switched around the timeline and got rid of a few scenes here and there so they're not exactly alike but I would like to stick close to the original story so let me know what you think! P.s. If you don't mind spoilers I would highly suggest reading the original story. I read it on the app Manta with the english adaptation being done by Angy and you can also find the Kdrama on Viki :) Read from the beginning
Sitting down with JK and explaining my vision for the project is becoming increasingly annoying, he picks out the flaws in the designs that Hana drew up as well as called my whole concept boring, basically making me want to just start ground ground zero at this point.
"Are you sure you'll be able to actually be able to create what I want? In terms of functionality and the coding behind it all on your own?" he asks, questioning my abilities.
"If you give me a chance I'm sure I'll be able to create a fully functioning 2D application" I say simply, knowing what I'm capable of. 
"You know there are other aspects that you have to think about besides the design factor of it all. Have you figured out how you're going to go about that or would you be needing my help as well?" he asks getting cocky, trying to belittle me.
"I am aware and it's your choice what you plan to help with. I just need a character and gaming environment design from you. I'm able to handle the rest if need be" I say plainly stating my intentions.
"Well if you want me then I'll work on it with you". We work out a rough layout of how this will all go and when I feel it's time to end the meeting I hand him my phone and ask him to put his number in so I will have a ways to contact him to set up future meetings. 
"Looks like you already have my number" he says and I tilt my head curiously, not sure how I would've found myself in a situation where I would need his number.
He calls himself from my phone so he has my contact as well and I see the name Motherfucker pop up on his screen. "Wait you're a girl?" he says clearly as confused as I am. JK = Jungkook, how did I not put that together?!??!?!
I snatch my phone out of his grasp and see the contact name I've assigned to his number and my heart drops seeing the name Freeloader 3 on the screen. Grabbing my bag I run out of that study room and don't stop until I've made it home. 
Closing the door behind me I pray I've somehow lost him and that he didn't chase after me to see which way I took to go home.
I'm a girl so there's no way that he could cause physical harm to me. Right? He seemed somewhat of an intimidating guy so I guess he could go either way. Guys like him seem like they could get away with murder if they wanted to.
I shiver as I feel all of my hairs standing on end praying that that somehow won't be my fate. 
That was a shit way to start off my summer but hopefully I won't have to bump into him ever again since I won't really have any reason to go to campus these days.
I'll just focus on working at the PC cafe and save up so I won't have to worry about working when classes are back in session.
My summer is uneventful just as I had hoped for and just when I thought that I had forgotten that disaster none other than Jungkook walks into the the cafe.
I keep my head down hoping he won't see me but as soon as I hear a lull in the conversation he was in I knew I was screwed.
I look up at him and see that he's clearly staring me down and as soon as he confirms it's me he rolls his eyes and scoffs before he makes his way over to one of the open PCs.
Why couldn't he have just turned around and gone somewhere else? There's another perfectly good cafe on the other side of town so why did he have to pick this one? 
Who am I kidding why would he go out of his way to go across town when all we had was a little argument and he's mad at me because he thinks I'm to blame for keeping him from graduating.
As soon as I finish restocking the snack bar I get a notification of a customer placing an order and I check the notification and see that low and behold it's from Jungkook.
After retrieving his food from the cook I make my way over to him and place his items down in front of him. He looks me up and down before opening his mouth to say something which I could only assume is utterly irrelevant to me.
"Hey we seem to have gotten off on the wrong foot, do you think there's a chance that we could just start over? I could even introduce myself since I never really got a chance to do it in the first place. Hello my name is Jeon Jungkook and I'm a visual arts major" he says while holding out his hand as a peace offering. 
"And that matters to me why? I don't think we have any reason as to why we should be interacting anymore since I don't want to work with you anymore. It's best if we just forget it and remain as strangers" I say turning to go so I can get back to work.
He follows me over to the front desk where I unfortunately am forced to stay so I'm stuck having to listen to him until he goes away.
"I'm not looking for a fight I promise. I just want to start over. You seem like a pretty nice girl and I would love to get to know you better" he says flashing me a smile that I'm sure many girls have fallen for before but I don't find it the slightest bit charming. 
"Sounds like you should try to get a bit more creative with your pickup lines, I'm not interested" I say and look through the system begging for someone to give me something to do.
"I promise I just want to get to know you, no ulterior motive on my part, but if you wanted to go about things that way then I can't lie that I find you extremely attractive a-" 
"I suggest you go back to your seat unless you would like me to call management to get you permanently banned and file a restraining order for sexual harassment" I say taking care of some emails from our vendors for next week’s shipment, finally having found something productive to do.
"Okay I get it I'll back off, I didn't mean to offend you like that. For what it's worth, I really did want to be your friend" he says and goes back to his seat, finally providing me some peace and quiet.
The first day back at school I fall back into my usual routine.
I always get up at a certain time so I have time to exercise and take a shower before class, I get my bike downstairs at 9:16 on the dot and I have my whole route calculated down to the second. I make sure to get to class half an hour early everyday so I don't have to worry about rushing and I have time to mentally prepare myself for the rest of the day.
Walking into the lecture hall for my Chinese class I find myself buffering at the sight of a bag on top of the usual seat I sit in. It's the perfect seat that provides me with the best view of the board and allows for next to no distractions. It's kept at a comfortable temperature and it gives me the best route out of the classroom when the lecture is over. 
Glaring down at the bag I'm temped to just move it but decide that I'll just wait until the owner comes back and ask them to switch seats.
I'm surprised that out of all the seats in this big lecture hall that they picked my exact seat.
I brush it off and go through the material we are going to cover today until I'm greeted with the mysterious owner of the bag that has caused me so much turmoil this morning.
Looking up to make eye contact with them I'm left with the sight of a smug looking smile from the bane of my existence, Jungkook. 
"What are you doing here?" I whisper since more students have started to make their way in. "I'm recruiting for my pyramid scheme. What does it look like I'm doing?" he says while taking a seat.
"Switch seats with me" I say standing up expecting him to do as I say. "No this is my seat" he says and starts to get out his class materials.
"Just switch seats with me" I demand starting to lose my temper, but before he's even able to mumble a response our professor comes in and asks us all to sit down, prohibiting me from trying to get him to give me my seat back. 
"Oh Mr. Jeon what a pleasant surprise, I thought I saw that you signed up to be my TA this semester. Class this is Jungkook, he lived in Beijing for a year so feel free to ask him a lot of questions. You'll also be turning in all of your assignments to him so if you have any questions please feel free to reach out to either of us. Right Mr. Jeon?" she asks to confirm.
"Yes I'm here to help" he announces to the class. "And I'll be right there to hold your hand the entire time y/n" he mumbles to me, using my name to address me for the first time. It some how sends a shiver through my spine and I can see from out of the corner of my eye that he's pleased with my response.
Why can't my body just cooperate with me just once? He's just a mildly attractive guy that's it, don't let his antics distract you.
After class ends I rush over to my next class and am greeted with yet another bag on my favorite seat.
He couldn't have gotten to this one before me as well right? Is he some kind of super villain that is hell bent on making my life miserable? Maybe it belongs to someone else and I'll actually be able to reason with them this time.
As I sit waiting for class to start I see a flash of red show up in my peripheral vision "Oh are you in this class too?" I hear him buzz right in my ear as he sits down next to me yet again. "Jungkook what are you doing here? This class isn't even close to what your major is. It's also one of the more advanced classes so I know that you're just here to annoy me" I grumble while taking my textbook out. 
"And how do you even know my class schedule?" I ask and widen my eyes as the sight of the notebook I thought I lost a few months ago.
"How did you get that" I ask while reaching for it, which he childishly moves out of my reach. "You left it at the library that one day that you ran away from me. I was going to try to stop you to tell you but by the time I stepped outside the door you were already gone. Was I really that scary?" he says mockingly.
"No, you were just unpredictable so I didn't feel comfortable being in a private room with you, that's all. Now give me my book back!" I demand, trying to reach for it again and as soon as I think I've got a chance at reaching it I hear the professor walk in. 
"Mr. Jeon is it?" he asks, unamused at the sight he's presented with.
"Yes sir" he says while both of us quickly take our seats. "If you plan on taking this class just for the purpose of flirting then I suggest you drop it, especially since it looks like this isn't required for your major" he says clearly already annoyed with the both of us already.
Thanks for getting me on his bad side already Jungkook, I think to myself, trying to control the blush that wants to grow from the embarrassment he has just caused me.
"I'm sorry professor it won't happen again" Jungkook says apologizing for both of our behavior. "See that it doesn't" he scolds and starts the lecture.  
He finally gives me my book back and doesn't speak to me again, but he sure as hell still makes his presence know with all the fidgeting he's been doing.
As the minutes tick by I feel myself losing more and more of my concentration and as soon as the lecture ends I'm up and out of my seat and head out of the building as fast as I can. I can sense that someone is following me though so I decide to stop and then feel someone bump into me.
"Hey you could've knocked us over!" he says acting like it's my fault. "Well if you hadn't been following me then we wouldn't have had this problem now would we?" I finish crossing my arms.
"What is it that you want from me? Or are you just trying to make my life miserable because you failed that class and you feel like it's my fault?" I say genuinely curious as to why he's acting like this. 
"Well I mean I'm willing to put the class thing behind if you just start being nice to me. I'm actually a really nice guy to be around and I really meant it when I said I wanted to be friends. Plus you've got me interested in that game of yours so I was wondering if you would take me back?" he finishes really making an effort to start over just like he said before.
"So your way of trying to make amends is by annoying the crap out of me? You're a lot dumber than I thought you were" I say walking away and much to my distaste he ends up following me.
"Come on just think about it, I saw the way your eyes lit up when you saw my portfolio, admit it you need me" he says regaining that cocky attitude.
"I don't need anyone, and I especially don't need you. There are plenty of designers out there, you're replaceable" I say and storm off hoping my honest feelings stopped him from wanting to talk to me for the rest of the day.
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watchfuldeer · 9 months
“in the alternate universe where eps 8-9-10 didn’t get rewritten”
Wait, rewritten how?? May I ask? Should I?
i wrote way too much sorry
they were rewritten to include shiv being pregnant, which hadn't been written into the season until that point. everything in 8-9-10 relating to shiv's pregnancy was an extremely hasty last minute addition, which is why it made no damn sense narratively when they dropped it into the beginning of 4.04, in a scene they filmed towards the end of shooting. every person who said in the interim between s3 and s4, shiv is not fucking pregnant, was in fact entirely correct, and they didn't plan to write it at all and it sticks out like a sore thumb in terms of succession's otherwise quite delicate plotting. which is especially disappointing given the huge payoff that paying close attention had during s3.
so, it scuppered their plot big time, but they just about clawed it together, if you ignore like. every emotional beat between episodes 1-7 lol. which is a real shame! i'm sure jesse had good intentions. but yeah, that's why they were rewritten. i think 8 and 10 weren't even rewritten to a substantial degree, but 9 is hanging by a thread in terms of cohesion - it's the only episode where they had any time to put 'oh shiv is also having a baby' scenes in, and reading the scripts it's just so clear that other stuff not only hit the cutting room floor but got swept away completely. connor is pretty much a non-entity after 4.08, for instance.
as for tom and greg (and shiv and matsson, and greg and matsson, and that whole mess of a love square) i think reading between the lines there are things missing. i can't say for sure what they were, but the script books were highly edited for publication, and no way is jesse ever going to personally give me a straight answer to the question 'what was shiv's actual arc in s4, before it became She Is Pregnant', or 'why did you prevaricate in the edit on tomgreg and tomshiv to the detriment of both, but mostly at the expense of tom, which felt really weird while watching the season because where the fuck did he go'. and yet, i think the denouement for both was really fucking good. stuck the landing despite taking a bizarre, last minute route there.
but yeah, if tom and greg did bang, it was 4.09. because the final scene for tom and shiv in 4.09 > first scene for tom and shiv in 4.10 makes very very little sense for either of them. it's like something else happened for tom at the end of 4.09 than what we saw. because the beginning of the finale he's with greg like yeah we're divorcing byeeeeee, and like wouldn't that have a lot more weight if he'd done anything other than be so eepy at logan's wake, while greg was crawling on his knees for tom to mencken and had that deleted scene with ewan. wouldn't greg almost betraying tom in the finale be higher stakes if they'd slept together, wouldn't it be more obvious and devastating that tom invites shiv into the car because she's suddenly more useful as his wife because of the decision she made at the vote... i simply think it would have been delicious.
huge caveat that this is just my thoughts. just my lil ol theories and thots. i read scripts and think about this stuff alot and have kept an eye on behind the scenes shenanigans. maybe shiv slept with matsson instead! maybe greg did! idk! but there are hanging threads that were snipped imo, rather than wonky plotting from the outset.
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ofallthingsnasty · 8 months
This is highly unlikely to happen BUT imagine the show Wife Swap (old american reality show from the early 2000s). I never saw a single episode and don’t intend to but the premise is simple (and really weird lmao): two wives from vastly different families swap households for a while. Shenanigans ensue.
Anyways, there is not a chance in hell Crocodile would let his basement wife anywhere near Doflamingo, but imagine some devil fruit fuckery swaps basement wife and the family pet temporarily. Everyone, except for Doflamingo maybe, will be having a really hard time until wife and pet can be located and brought back to their proper places
Oh, anon if only you knew - the German version was a huge part of my tween years, mainly because of one specific meme that came out of it (Frauentausch-Andreas)💀 The thought is so fucking funny, though. Idk what it is about dark content with a crack-treated-seriously twist, but it makes me laugh.
tw. crack treated seriously, noncon (only for Doffy), basement wife is fat + fem, family pet is gn as always
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Oh my god, call that basement wife's terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. You thought your cartoonishly evil pseudo-husband was bad? Hah, you know absolutely nothing, you stupid little thing. When Doflamingo scrapes you out of the crate instead of his little bipedal dog, he's confused - but he can put two and two together, and quickly at that. Obviously, you're not some assassin (really, what kind of strategy is that? Killing one of his family, making the body disapear and then wait for him to appear? Hilariously bad, honestly), not some spy and you really, really aren't the one who's supposed to sit in that cage. And when you start crying the moment he asks you what the hell you're doing here, he knows this isn't intentional. At all. Another once-over, a look at your weird little outfit, at the clunky stone on your hand and it clicks - he only knows one man with a similar taste in clothing and jewelry. Would you look at that, it's Crocodile's well-kept (and apparently not-so-little) secret. Reality can be stranger than fiction, huh? He's real nice after that epiphany. Too nice. Sits you down with a cup of tea like you're old friends, seats himself across from you, legs perched on the table while he smiles. Chats. Laughs. Acts overly familiar. It's bizarre to witness - but he's trying to glean what exactly you, the little teary-eyed butterball you are, offer Crocodile over him. Really, he's a little hurt: you're drab and soggy and soft in more ways than one, you cower and snivel in front of him like some beaten dog. The only fact that saves you from being mind-numbingly boring is that you're immensely valuable to Crocodile - and it makes ideas pop up in his head. He really likes the way you're stunned into silence when he suddenly uses his powers to immobilize you, right as you're in the middle of talking. And he gets why Crocodile keeps you around when you're bent over the table and he fucks you until you're just a sobbing mess. It's at least a little different from his usual endeavours and he takes his sweet time with you, leaves some evidence for the other man to discover later on. Once the mix-up is solved, Doflamingo hands you back dressed entirely in pink and with a thousand yard stare in your eyes. Will ask Crocodile about you every time he sees him from then on, a shit-eating grin on his face while the other almost loses it.
On the other hand, family pet does pretty well, considering the circumstances. I'd even argue it's the best you've been in years - because someone is treating you like an actual person, for once. Even if they aren't being kind. Crocodile is wary, of course - every single member of Doflamingo's posse is not to be taken lightly - but he also knows you. The fucking bird dragged you into official meetings enough for you to be a familiar face to him. He's furious, seething, beyond angry - but it's not necessarily directed at you. Doflamingo has to be behind all of this, he's sure of it, and you're just the collateral. (Admittedly, weird collateral, as you're the apple of Doflamingo's eye, always kept on his arm, cooed at, just treated like some ghoulish human pet, but who knows how the bird works? He sure as hell doesn't.) He'll probaby try to squeeze some information out of you (and when that doesn't help, he'll just plop you into a seastone cage and try to solve the mystery on his own. Yeah, he almost killed you minutes before - but then again, maybe you're worth something? He can always get rid of you later, maybe you do still have some value... He's feeling a lot of emotions, give him a minute.) Really, it's not that bad. You've been through worse. When everything is cleared up, I think he'd even let you take a bath and feed you a proper meal (on a plate!! A plate! Not a bowl!) before he'll trade you back in for his weirdly apathetic looking wife...
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shitpostingkats · 1 year
I don't know if it's intentional; but it is genuinely saddening that Yusho is a better dueltainer than his son.
I'm in the home stretch of Arc-V episodes, and now that we actually get to see Yusho duel it's obvious that he's just more... entertaining than Yuya. He's got this fun "silly uncle who pretends to pull a quarter from behind your ear" charm, much better charisma, and wears the morals he preaches far more naturally than Yuya, in places where pacifism makes sense, instead of some of Yuya's duels where it just felt like naivety. He just makes the whole ringmaster shtick feel more natural, and totally an extension of his character.
Idk, Yusho showing up and being active in the plot just drives home how desperately borrowed Yuya's aesthetic is.
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polyhexian · 1 month
Murder drones pre-finale marathon begins. The new episode actually starts airing in two minutes but I wanted to wait until nightfall anyway. And also I want to be able to pause if like. I spill a drink or something. And my roommate left so now I have the house to myself. So it's time for a rewatch!!!
First thing is the same thing I always note when i watch the pilot again. It's incredible how MUCH the animation has improved over the last few years. And it was already great! I have also noted only the first episode has their eyes floating inside their visors rather than displayed on top, so when they turn their head to the side you can see both eyes. I definitely like the update.
The first episode also includes a lot of extra exaggerated subtle motion thats supposed to give it life but makes it look ever so slightly like motion capture rather than animation with intent behind it. The rigs improve so much along with the lipsync. And they were ALREADY good.
Tho, like future episodes, it can be a little too literally dark at times. That's why I want to watch it at night so badly; daytime screen glare really is a nuisance.
The humour is still perfect though. Absolutely incredible comedic timing. It's so SNAPPY and knows exactly how long to make a shot, how far to take a joke. And everyone's line delivery is positively incredible. Michael kovac is truly living for this role lol. He just sounds so delighted the entire time.
The score for MD is always great but they certainly have less diversity in episode one.
"sure. I love doing anything!" Is the single funniest line delivery I've ever heard in my life.
It's so funny seeing the v intro scene again because it's like. "Oh god, who are you?" Is so funny because. She can't see him. V knows exactly who he is because they've known each other forever. But she needs glasses lmfao. She's like oh god what the fuck who are you because he's a blob. Foreshadowing you don't know is foreshadowing!!
"I left an extremely dangerous we- excuse outside!" Fhjrjdjr
I love how n's legs look. They just have this extremely satisfying style the way they're designed. I actually like v and J's weird hips and legs but since there's only three murder drones anyway I think they should have given J something different. they fit V to a T but I think you could do something different for J that was more specifically her and offer some more design diversity! J should have feet. Maybe some smart Business Heels or something. Or, she's got kind of a very light gothic Lolita thing going on. Idk.
God I love when Khan abandons Uzi and even N is like damn that was fucked up wow.
Im hoping to get a bit of closure on this in the end but J's entire shtick is the whole business boss thing. But obviously we know now that earth has Exploded so. There isn't a company left sending orders. N notes SOMEONE was sending her orders and we know that was Cyn as Tessa and I suspect J does not know Tessa is Cyn, but technically that's not confirmed I think. But sort of. J's big ol business thing. I wonder if we may get further context on that personality trait.
It's VERY funny watching Doll in this episode like girl why ain't you doing anything
LOVE how N just picks her up like a cat and puts her on his shoulders. Just like it's nothing. Up you go, Uzi!
Love how the stinger at the end of uzi laughing maniacally about killing all humans never really comes to anything. Like it sets it up as if that's the plot, they're going to go attempt to do that. But no lol that's nothing
Next episode we go!
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kyufessions · 2 years
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Polaroid Kisses
synopsis: lazy afternoons with your boyfriend jaehyun
genre: fluff, suggestive, drabble-ish (did not expect it to be this long)
pairings: boyfriend! jaehyun x s/o! partner
word count: 1.0k (again, idk how it got this long at all)
a/n: jaehyun brainrot is colossal currently so enjoy ~
general taglist: @jwnghyuns @eaudenana
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with your head on his shoulder, legs draped over his and his one arm wrapped securely around your waist as the other pressed play on the next episode of The Office. the past hour has been exactly like this: cuddling while rewatching an older show you both had begun watching when you first met years ago. and as outdated as the show was, it brought a sense of closeness to the two of you. watching it together was your favorite pastime with one another on your days off, topped with cuddling and learning new recipes together in the kitchen. but that was going to be for later in the day for dinner- right now you were both just picking at a bowl of green grapes with occasional laughter filling the room between comforting silence as the midday sunshine peaked through the opened blinds of your shared studio apartment overlooking the city skyline.
your fingers grabbed another grape from the bowl, tossing it into your mouth as jaehyun's hand played with the hem of the shirt you were wearing that not-so-coincidentally happened to be one of his that you ‘borrowed’. your eyes couldn’t help but advert from the screen up to the man allowing you in his arms, admiring every small detail of his. the way his tiny dimple popped out whenever his face slightly contorted, or the way his eyes would crinkle at the corner whenever the slightest smile spread across his lips. everything about him seemed utterly beautiful to you and you just couldn’t get enough. the luck you felt being able to call him your boyfriend was a constant overflowing stream.
lifting your head from his shoulder, you leaned up and pecked a few short kisses to his cheek right where his dimple would be. such acts of yours didn’t phase him since for the past three years you did it all the time, but each time you couldn’t help but notice the reddening tips of his ears as he held back a foolish grin. and everytime it never failed to make your heart do a backflip.
your lips found themselves trailing down from his cheek to his jawline, smirking as you noticed your boyfriend become stiff under your sudden movements. the kisses were short, nothing sloppy or sexual intent behind it. just small, playful teases to egg him on for a while. trailing from his jawline down to his neck, you started peppering more kisses across his neck that eventually earned a laugh from his lips. you giggled against his skin, looking up to see him turning his head in your direction.
“what’re you doing?” he asked, a small chuckle accompanying his words.
you placed your chin on his shoulder as you stopped your antics, smiling innocently at the man. “nothing.”
his lips met yours as you cocked your head to the side playfully, smiling into the kiss as he used his free hand to cup your cheek. you placed your hand on top of his, intertwining your fingers together to the best of your abilities. jaehyun was the first to pull away, his lips leaving yours and meeting the sensitive skin of your neck. you let out a sigh, your hands finding his hair and tugging on the strands gently. the vibrations he sent against your skin made you squirm in his lap, causing his hand that rested on your hip to grip hard onto your skin. but he pulled away before anything could escalate, making a pout form of your lips.
he chuckled, picking you up bridal style and placing you on the other end of the couch before walking to the end table to grab something. you watched him ain’t curiosity, unsure of what he was actually doing since it was so sudden. as he turned the corner, in came jaehyun with your shared green polaroid camera that you specifically used for travels or memories you’d want to preserve for the future. but today was a regular lazy day, so you were confused as to why he had pulled it out. the confusion on your face was evident, making jaehyun chuckle as he sat down next to you.
he pat his lap, motioning for you to come sit in it like before. you did as asked and cuddled back into his lap with no hesitation, laying your head back on his shoulder and playing with the hanging string of the polaroid.
“i thought we only used this for special occasions? what’s so special about today?”
he smiled at your question as he turned on the camera, turning it around so the lens was facing you both as his finger hovered over the button that would capture the photo. “just kiss me.”
your eyes widened in surprise, looking up at him and noticing a smirk on his face. you just shrugged and let out a small laugh, making him laugh as well. what was so funny? absolutely nothing. so why were you laughing? no clue. but this is how your relationship was at times: full of random antics from the tall man you were hopelessly in love with. but nonetheless, you planted your lips on his and smiled into the kiss that sent shivers down your spine. every kiss with him felt like your first, the zoo in your stomach erupting as your face rose in heat.
soon, the familiar sound was heard as he pressed down on the capture button. he lowered his arm when the photo was taken, putting the polaroid camera down onto the table beside him as the photo developed. not once did your lips leave each others as his hands traveled each corner of your clothed body, and your nails scratching at his back in a teasing manner. it wasn’t too long after that your body was pressed against the couch cushions as he struggled to removed his navy blue sweatpants, his member poking your inner thigh as he pressed his body against yours.
safe to say dinner was going to be made a little late tonight.
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godshivered · 2 years
not me stalking your posts and seeing your 'melissa has ptsd' headcanon. care to share more? 👀
okay so! melissa with ptsd — this is a headcanon i’ve had since the pilot episode, but i’m only working on my own experiences/observations as a person with ptsd myself. i don’t know how much is lisa’s intentional acting choices, but she puts a LOT of thought into melissa (as seen in interviews) so i wouldn’t be surprised.
so my thinking is: melissa has (1) a sketchy relationship with the law, and (2) a sketchy relationship with her ex. both of these can result in dangerous experiences and post-traumatic stress. there are brief moments that suggest her relationship with her ex was tumultuous — it’s clearly left a mark on her and kept her from dating again. i remember a line about her staying at her sister’s after a fight? and she has a rough enough relationship with her sister that i doubt this was an easy decision. just little things that stuck out to me.
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then there’s these psychosomatic details that catch my eye in lisa’s performance. off the top of my head:
the BIGGEST cue to me is melissa’s body language. she’s always taking a defensive posture — arms crossed over herself tightly — and usually seems to lean back into other people or the wall…
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… as well as what barbara mentions: she always sits facing the door. that screams “hyper vigilance” to me, which is a symptom of ptsd.
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her body language during the phone call with joe, her ex, is SUPER interesting to me. she curls in on herself in an uncharacteristic way — she softens her voice, even tears up. her tough guy persona is absent and she looks unusually small?
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she seems to have a strong “fight” reflex and rises to conflict quickly, another aspect of hypervigilance. she often seems keyed up and sometimes expresses herself through aggression before using words (coming at sahar with the book, punching the samurai cutout). she jumps to assume the cameramen are cops, too. this reactivity is interesting to me because…
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when she reaches emotional conflict, she’s actually prone to concede. she accepts apologies easily — from janine in the courtney episode, and in the cooking episode — from barbara in the “play in the mud” episode, too. for a seemingly aggressive person, she’s a bit of a pushover sometimes, almost like she loses her nerve to defend her boundaries. that can be a trauma response, especially after being gaslit.
small note, but the first time i noticed lisa’s body language was in the pilot, when ava rushes up behind her to greet gregory for the first time. melissa jolts back a bit and doesn’t seem to react or say anything — just silently looks away. weird for a “confrontational” south philly native with a bad attitude, right? (gif source is @christinecagneys )
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also… keeping a bat under your desk at work. at an elementary school. that’s hypervigilance to a T 👀
idk these are just the little things i can remember right now! it’s a healthy dose of projection too fjdbdj anyway ty for asking!
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butchtwelfthdoctor · 4 months
i got peer reviewed on this post by @pikechris (sorry for the tag hope you dont mind) but still had way more thoughts hehe anyways i was gonna leave tags but it got pretty long sooo those tags and the rest of my Thoughts under the cut cos damn this did get really really long
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i looked in the replies of that post & people you're not getting it he didnt kiss rory with romantic feeling behind rory was just there and eleven got excited about something else and rory visibly looks weirded out afterwards. it was practically eleven kissing as stimming. like when he kissed jenny. it wasnt out of romantic feelings at all he knows madame vastra would kill him & he isnt interested he was just happy to be able to move after the crimson horror thingy. kissing rory was also played as a joke it was a funny haha yknow. i also dont remember eleven kissing the james corden character but like whatever i cant imagine that being meaningful in any way either.
OH in the same way that nardole having a crush on twelve (canon btw nardole practically says as much is played as a joke. like with the post i mention above, like thats played as a joke because can you imagine the cool very beautiful twelfth doctor having romantic or sexual feelings towards nardole, who is literally, as missy puts it, comic relief? i dont think that its queer is a part of that but idk it might be.
but in any case. the doctor hasnt kissed or been kissed by a man with romantic intent onscreen since 2005. we COULD have had a thirteen and yaz kiss but we didnt which is i think why? people forget? about them? doctor was confimred queer she had lesbian attraction but nothing really. happened about it. so yeah. also apparently a lot of people didnt watch thirteen like cmonnnnnnnnnnn it really isnt as bad as people make it out to be.
twelve kissed missy who was probably the only person he would have kissed at that point. he's horrified when she kisses him before he knows who she is but then the very next episode he kisses her in a... if not exactly romantic a very emotionally charged way. and she knows that. we dont see them kiss again even as their relationship grows more and more romantically inclined (which i actually support any amount of canon thoschei conventional romance would probably be. bad and kill the appeal immediately) because like i said. she turns every dead body on earth into a cyberman then lies about where gallifrey is then fakes her own death then tries to get the doctor to kill clara then he leaves her on skaro iirc then he is supposed to kill her but doesnt and instead locks her in a vault for ~70 years but its okay cos they have takeaway food in there together sometimes. and then world enough and time / the doctor falls happens which i cant even start talking about or i'll never stop & thirteen was 1) aroace and 2) too emotionally repressed to even get close to kissing Anyone, let alone the master after all the timeless child stuff, even though she probably?? wanted to kiss yaz?? a bit??? at least?? yaz wanted to kiss her but there was too much emotional repression going on on both sides but mainly the doctor Which Brings Me To My Point.
Fifteen is the most, shall we say, flirty doctor we've had for a while, and Ncuti is also the first openly queer actor to play the doctor on tv, and while of course everyone on tumblr is Very familiar with all of the ways the doctor is queer (and neurodivergent) without any need for the show to specifically say so, it is really really great that a) the doctor is played by a gay actor b) there are more queer characters and c) we got an actual episode where The Doctor Is Gay With A Man. especially after the. somewhat odd. way yaz & thirteen's relationship was dealt with at the end of thirteen's run, which even though was a queer relationship was like....... not really. shown. they just talked about it. and had icecream. okayyy i guesssssssssss
BUt NOW fifteen gets an entire episode where his mutual attraction to another male character (assuming the doctor is actually a man, pretty sure i read somewhere Ncuti was he/they-ing the doctor but he might have meant the doctor in general, not just fifteen) is a Main Focus of the episode. its the main tension, the main drama, the main interest - you pretty much know from the 'okay we'll teleport the chuldur away' that thats whats going to happen, and i for one went 'oh my god rouge is going to get teleported' from the moment the doctor fixed it to carry six. the Main Focus is now their flirting, their dynamic, the way Those Two Interact, their almost kiss (which the doctor was so ready to duck out of as soon at the thing beeped, but you can tell by the look on rouge's face that he's for sure trying that again later). the doctor showing actual episode-arc spanning romantic interest in a character, let alone a specifically queer one... that doesnt happen a lot.
(the girl in the fireplace has a lot of superficial similarities, though you could also argue that madame de pompadour was far more romantically into ten than he was into her. thirteen's characteristically very awkward attempt at flirting towards yaz in the sea devils special didnt have nearly as much focus on it)
but really the point is the doctor was kissed! for the first time on tv in ten years!!!! and it was a queer kiss!! and that romance was The Major Part of the episode!! the doctor doctorwho was gay kissing a man on out television screens after a genuinely quite good build up!!!!!!!!!!! it would of of course be amazing if rouge makes another appearance (i think he will, most likely in a later season instead of the next 2 eps), and even better if we had a longer arc of that romance, but we got it!!! actual canonical queer romance for the doctor!! their first canon kiss in like at least a couple hundred years of their life, and while i am an aspec doctor who believer there are 100% time when he feels attraction and this was for sure one if them. and it was really beautiful & emotional & the flirting was fun & rouge was a good character & their dynamic was really good and yay!!!!
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jemmo · 8 months
rambles on that last twilight ending
my thoughts on the last twilight ending are so??? im gonna need to sit on this one for a while, bc i loved this show so whole-heartedly that i don’t want to write it off bc of a ‘bad ending’, but it also means it’s hard to reconcile that the ending was… well, i don’t think it was bad. i think it deserves more thought than that, but i don’t think it did what it wanted to, nor did it keep with what the shows message was, or should have been. and we can say it’s as simple as day shouldn’t have got his sight back, but I don’t think that was the only thing. if he stayed blind, the ending still wouldn’t have hit right for me. none of it hit right from the end of ep 11 bc it’s like I could feel the intent of the writing, but it’s not what the writing actually was. and if it was given maybe 3ish more episodes and all these characters were given more time, i think an ending like this could’ve worked. but again, it all comes down to that damn ep 11 curse that I thought p’aof was better than, bc you can’t squeeze everything that needed to be reconciled after this breakup and everything they wanted to do into one ep, not with this show.
i didn’t hate the idea of a breakup. if you’re going with the narrative of mohk having a fear of being away from day bc of his trauma and so on then fine, that works. and so it works that they had to be away from each other to grow in that way, but I do think it was unkind to mohk to send him away on that note. some understanding, and day wanting him to go for his own good would’ve felt kinder, and even if they were his real intentions, they didn’t communicate that either. it just felt like day had no empathy for him. and yes he was probably hurting too feeling like no one was trusting him, but whatever, it could’ve been done better. and if they wanted to play on anything else, then hey there was that whole bit with the car and day thinking mohk was looking after him just for the money, why not use that and the fact the opportunities mohk got in his career were connections bc he was with day. day could’ve been like well that was the whole point, you don’t work for me forever, you can do whatever you want now, or even just played more on him feeling like he’s holding mohk back. idk, i just mean if this breakup was going to turn out to be 3 years, no contact at all, which it did, it should’ve felt bigger than a 5 second argument.
anyway, then the finale comes and again, if they’d given more reason for a breakup, i would’ve understand more why day keeps on denying mohk a second chance, which i already don’t like the phrasing of bc it makes out like he did something wrong and needs to earn a second chance which he doesn’t. the whole thing would’ve been more understandable if this was day realizing that they both grew and found happiness in what they’re doing and he didn’t want to ruin that when the breakup meant it could happen. or they could’ve completely 180-ed and shown that one of them wasn’t happy, or both, idk mohk had no one in the states and was incredibly hurt and lonely, day was struggling after losing mohk like he did and reinforcing the idea that he couldn’t be independent made him retreat again. just anything would’ve given more strength behind a need to push away, and would have made it more satisfying when love overcomes it all blah blah blah.
and as much as i liked the airport scene and the fact day did go after him, do you know what would’ve been more impactful? day, knowing his full ability, and going against his mom who still worries for his safety or going bc of his mom seeing that he’s not truly happy, bc both could’ve worked given different writing, getting on a plane by himself and going after mohk, seeing him be able to traverse it all. for once we watch day by himself and unlike at the start of the show, we’re not constantly scared he’s gonna get hurt, bc he’s confident and able now and we can just watch him go after mohk and be excited about it, like the end to any other romance story. and it would’ve meant mohk got this moment where, after looking after day so much and getting broken up with bc he cared too much, he gets to see day caring for him that much too.
and the sight thing. yes, with the time they had they shouldn’t have done it, it should’ve been that they manage to find their own happiness despite it all, then the whole show would’ve been about day accepting his situation and standing up for his own ability and his own right to independence and happiness, and it would’ve meant mohk could overcome his fear of loss and guilt over his sister and learn that he isn’t to blame for anything, bc now day can make his own decisions and is ok on his own. now if there was more time, i could’ve seen it working, but only with stronger writing. I would’ve loved to have seen a conversation over day getting his sight back, maybe him not wanting it bc he’s accepted the way he is much like how some deaf people don’t want implants, and the opposing argument of how not all people in his place can have the possibility of seeing again. we could’ve seen fear in the opposite direction now that he’s used to his life, and that damn first scene of part 4, we could’ve seen him then wanting to go out into the world and look after people like him, just like mohk did for him, bc mohk made him see the importance of having someone there for you that cares for you and sees you as a person, as normal, not as your disability. and funnily enough, do you know what made me cry at the end of it? then showing the pictures that were taken when day was blind. that’s the kind of thing i wanted to see, and wished i did if they had more time. day getting his sight back but still showing how connected he is to who he was at that time and while not being thankful for it happening, being thankful for the way he’s grown, and loving the person he sees in those pictures. to go from someone who hid himself and his blindness to someone who shares his story and helps and advocates vocally for those like him, despite not being blind anymore. that way you still get to give day his sight back as your happily ever after but manage to retain the message.
so yeah. they missed the ball. but i also want to remove this idea that an ending ruins a whole show. at the end of the day, it’s one ep, and when a show has done so much good in all its other eps, at least in my eyes, that’s the stuff I’d rather talk about and remember.
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cactuupng · 7 months
I was staring at your Mounders fanart where they're all falling last night (...for far too long while just a liiiittle bit sleep deprived)
And I was curious if you have any notes or thoughts behind the various details to maybe share because there were just so many little things I noticed, and idk how much I missed or how much was me reading too deep into it, but it would be very cool to hear what your intent and thought process was if have any thoughts / remember them
Either way I just really liked that fanart and have Many Thoughts and Feelings! So Many ! I could probably make my own list of notes and observations and reading too deep into its at this point tbh
KEK HELLO THANK YOU if i'm being honest, there aren't than many details (at least i think so), but here are some that i added in conciously that i could remember:
- The falling order is intended! From bottom to the top, it's the order of who died first, so it would be that Mumbo died first, then Bdubs, then Joel and then Pearl.
- The colored squares behind each Mounder is the color they said was their favorite during the episode where Joel (i think) asked everyone what their favorite color was (or what color they would be, i dont remember fully)! The filter makes them look more silly and different though
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- Mumbo has fire on him because i associate traffic!Mumbo with fire and burning (mostly due to LL, i can talk about it if anyone is interested /silly)
- I see the whole composition of Mumbo falling into the darkness and away from the light in two different ways:
Him falling into the darkness of death, away from light as everything goes dark yada yada basic perma death stuff, hence the more glitchy feel (basic, boring /j)
Him falling into the darkness of his own mind, feeling like he's alone and doesn't belong where the light is (Mounders) as he falls deeper and deeper (cool, makes me depressed /pos /j), it makes Bdubs reaching out to him more meaningful, with the rest if the Mounders falling to catch him
- Blood coming from Mumbo's head because Warden beat his ass lmao im coping
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- traffic!Mumbo makes me incredibly ill so the falling anvil and the task holder thingy is meant to be his :-) or at least stuff that was tied to his character or to the red lifers in general
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OTHER THAN THAT i dont think there are any stuff that i fully intended to be small silly details? I would GLADLY listen to any if your thoughts, i love it when people read into my art and see possible references or details that i've accidentally added and didnt even notice :-) also makes me feel so smart actually because i am in fact not
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