#and idk when i'll have time to rewatch the show in peace
airenyah · 2 years
i have a day off you know what that means... COMPLETE แค่เพื่อนครับเพื่อน BAD BUDDY SERIES (my beloved <3) REWATCH
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lordsukunas · 4 months
best! friend sukuna headcanons
yall, ngl, he's just a red flag. he has his 'nice' moments but he's still an asshole! uh this is bound to be at least a little ooc bc lets bffr being his bff is unrealistic. anyway, pls enjoy! :3
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best friend! sukuna who kicks the backs of your legs when you're standing, and then snicker when you crumple to the ground.
best friend! sukuna who skips the line and drags you along with him. he ignores the pathetic bitching and whining from the people who were in front of him. if they wanted their spot so bad, they should've got back in front of him.
best friend! sukuna who takes your phone off of the charger to charge his. and once his is on a hundred, he won't put yours back. you don't need your phone when you're with him anyway.
best friend! sukuna who insists on walking with you to the convenience store. it could be late at night or he could be in the middle of ripping someone's throat out for not giving him his damn money, and he'll still go.
best friend! sukuna who always makes sure you eat. post-sleepover and you're hungry? he's up, getting you something luxurious to eat at ten in the morning, and back at his apartment in a flash. he may have violated several traffic laws to do it, but at least you aren't starving.
best friend! sukuna who, ironically, cannot cook for shit. he always uses too much seasoning or disregards the given temperature from the recipe or doesn't bother with a crucial ingredient because he finds it nasty.
best friend! sukuna who enjoys poetry. it's something calming, peaceful, a stark contrast to all the blood he sheds daily. if you ask him for recommendations, he'll have an entire list engraved in his mind, tailored just to suit your tastes.
best friend! sukuna who eats up all of your snacks. oh, you have a bag of hot chips? he's eating them. the second he hears the rustling of a wrapper from your direction, he's holding his hand out. he knows you'll share. you always do.
best friend! sukuna who claims he only went to college because he was bored. while that does have some truth to it, isn't it convenient he's attending the same college as you? especially when he's never mentioned going or even caring about it, and the waitlist was so long.
best friend! sukuna who only cares for the things that directly interest and benefit him. he lives for him and him alone. you're lucky you've entertained for him as long as you have with that pretty smile, that annoyingly joyous, pure laugh and those endless rambles about the shows you've rewatched more times than he can count on one hand.
best friend! sukuna who hates how his breath catches when you show off a new outfit, how heat creeps up the back of his neck and warms his cheeks when you genuinely thank him, how he wants to cup your face in his massive, rough hands and press a kiss to your forehead.
best friend! sukuna who has never cared to love or be loved, not until he met you.
note: at some point i'll quit changing the way i format these posts... maybe idk. ALSOO i wanna write sumn abt yuuta to combat this post bc hes just a corny romantic n i love him ><
if u saw this w/o the cut... no u didn't.
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perfectfangirl · 22 days
notes after rewatching fallout s1 ep1
so once again like a crazy person [i've done this with star wars sequels before] i've decided to take three and half pages of notes over the course of an hour. i've been a fan of the games for at least a decade and i'm actually always watching lore content between the installments though so while i do know some minute details, within the show, there was some things i was interested in and curious about that i just decided to jot down. some of this may be things discussed already and some of it might be something i wasn't sure if anyone brought up before but anyways! maybe i'll do the whole season, but here's my ramblings • them titling the episode "the end" was when i knew i'd love the show • ok but i really wonder if cooper can still do those party tricks? he was really good at them and lucy would probably love them too 🥺 • thinking back, the radio in the first scene mentions not knowing where the president is--- beginning to wonder if he was the guy sitting in on the vault tec meeting • just realized they introduced the mr. handy robot in some of the first scenes • ten years of nuclear threat according to anchor but the show is careful not to give away all the cards because why does the weather anchor make it seem like they know when the bomb will drop? idk but birthday boy mother turns off tv real "head in the sand" like • the nat king cole song that's playing though [wondering if the song is mirroring specifically cooper's feelings about barb despite everything hmm] • horse's name is sugarfoot 🥹 • him having to pay alimony... wonder what the prenup? was like... [still think he probably loves barb 😞]
• them calling him a pinko despite him being an architect of vault boy's persona, a quintessential presentation of a "man's man" acting as a cowboy, a real cowboy, a former marine--- wondering if there was a smear campaign after his situation with barb and vault tec, him working children's parties leads me to believe... • did the kid's say the birthday boy's name was boyd? [if so, there's another character in the games with this name and this is also the name of a character walton has played in another series, funny] • weather man show's up again distressed, wondering if we'll get more info about that day • everyone ignoring, cognitive dissonancing their own nuclear annihilation is so prescient if not disturbing and damning
• him teaching janey the thumb thing ☹️ • cooper's voice when he says "let me see if i can't rustle you up a piece" 😩 • janey being the only one to notice the first bomb • the fear in cooper's eyes • cooper being in denial one last time before realization sets in • people becoming animals the moment they realize what's happening--- one guy punches his friend not letting his family into the fallout shelter • people getting into their cars and cooper onto his horse to escape--- wonder how fast they could be since it doesn't seem you could outrun nuclear annihilation
• lucy being raised so well under the circumstances 😔 [hope she never becomes her father] • i haven't trusted steph since episode one • lucy being a teacher [amongst other things] and asking maximus about what happened after the bombs fell makes so much sense [and also much like another person suggested is an interesting juxtaposition to cooper's pre war knowledge] • lucy showing how skilled she is for being a marriage candidate when in reality we are seeing someone fit for the wasteland is crazy on second watch • is lucy not watching a cooper howard movie with her dad? hello??
• them reading "war and peace" in the family book club is rich • lucy [thinking] she's not good at guns, ironic • steph having to step in like a sisterly type because lucy's mom isn't there 😞 • the wedding dress on lucy being ill fitting, tight as symbolism for lucy not truly "fitting in there" and being constrained [foreshadowing] oof • the vault boy sign in the back saying "don't lose your head" lmao • didn't catch the "cousin stuff" until someone mentioned it on tumblr and twitter 💀
• the flashback we see of lucy ending up being almost a false memory, a misrepresentation of her actual memories, that she has been on the surface, in the sun • norm taunting lucy about her future husband being "anybody" and a "cannibal, crammed full of tumours" 😭 unfortunately for ghoulcy, this was some of the heaviest foreshadowing [the raider also could have been one too] • why didn't hank recognize moldaver? • so many things i still don't understand about vaults 31, 32, 33 • the growing realization they are raiders was pretty funny to me lmao
• moldaver having to sit through the disingenuous lies of hank ugh • norm going into vault 32 like they wanted them to know what was up? or is that just how vault doors work? they used lucy's mom's pip boy [that hank lied about burying] • lucy putting norm in a storage vault, she really is so strong • the handed down wedding dress getting messed up • i am curious if the raiders [shady sands survivors?] only mostly harmed vault tec aligners but maybe not • the way hank and steph retaliating a little too well • hank acting like he doesn't know moldaver when everyone really does know moldaver • moldaver telling lucy she looks like her mother is really such a tipoff
• realizing maximus is getting bullied 😭 • dane... might love maximus a little idk • from latrine duty to basically ruling over the brotherhood of steel • they really showed some dude jacking it lmao it's just normal i guess 💀 • maximus being defeated and having a rightful outburst of emotion, poor guy • the poster saying "the outside world can never harm you"--- funny • chet would've died up there 😭 • them not opening the vault back up for her, wondering if the vapourized bodies are from the initial bomb drop or the subsequent shady sands ones • dane almost gets maximus killed three times tbh • maximus joined the brotherhood of steel to get back at what vault tec did, essentially hank's doing, hank has many enemies • knowing the enclave, it makes sense why siggi is hunted • cooper the ghoul's introduction though • the bounty hunter saying his captors dig cooper up every once in a while to cut pieces of flesh off him 😞 no wonder cooper acts the way he does 😔 he's been taken advantage of, no wonder he doesn't trust anybody and is horrible to everyone • "why is this an amish production of "the count of monte cristo" or the weirdest circle jerk i've ever been invited to?" why would he say this 😭 • cooper's... been invited to circle jerks 👀 • does the bounty hunter know the ghoul is cooper howard?
• him not harming the chicken, him healing dogmeat, there's something there, folks • people only digging him up to use him again 😞 • what a coincidence he's dug up just as lucy leaves the vault • "i do this shit for the love of the game" he's a character, he's playing a character, real theatre kid • hence why cooper is introduced as "the ghoul", cooper is long gone • "us cowpokes, we take it as it comes" something about this lineee
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Am I here again? Yes i am. Am I here because I have no idea how to write my thoughts out? Lol YES. I JUST DONT KNOW HOW TO WRITE MODERN AU HELP. Aight so at first I was thinking about Childe since he probably would be one but since I'm a heavy simp of Pantalone and your way of writing him... *casually scratches Childe out * (sorry childe, Scribe can only take one at once QwQ *i guess*)
so... yan!Pantalone (i mean if we can get a but of childe as well then why not) with fem reader who's in a popular girlband.
This one will purely be based on your whole ideas about it since I don't even know what I had in mind. Sure, he's your typical crazy fanatic fans except that he can do even more with his power. (Right what do you have in mind? Here's mine) You who's not really the main (idk what but u get the idea) and doesn't really get as much screentime than that one member. Oh what will he do to make you shine even more? (Yeah right idk what, no need to make it sounds logical if you dont know too-) You being the third out of five doesn't sit right with him. You need to be the first and he'll do whatever it takes to make it comes true.
Oh yeah while we're at this, I have the idea that Childe would probably be the one who rewatch your MV over and over everyday to boost the numbers while Pantalone will also do the same but not as eager as him lol. Sure they both make everyone do the same everyday too lol but it's just that Childe seems to be a lil bit... nasty (im sorry) when doing so. Oh i mean both of them do notice how your outfits show so much skin in this one particular MV but even Pantalone won't rewatch that one part of the video of you where something slips away over and over (im sorry 2)
Anyway BACK TO PANTALONE,  he'll probably have a shit tons of informations about you ... i mean sure he had already knew you even before you debuted or even before you were a trainee! I mean, how can he forgot someone who's kind enough to give him a coat in the middle of the endless winter? You looked as angelic as how you once looked like when you stopped in front of him only to give him your coat and money for him. (Heh im sorry i cant with this trope). Sure, your family might be rich enough to pull some dirty strings for your debut but how surpirsed would you be if you knew they were not the only one who pulled the strings. (You know, Childe and you had been friends since HS smthg like that and I can see how he might do the same for you as well. Imagine them both seeing each other tho) The rest of his fanatic behaviours (and actions lol) are all up to you because I want to know what you had in mind so much qwq.
Also bonus is that this girlband is kinda... ehe...you know, quiet unique with its music *istg this is not my idea, it's because I just watched some Umetora mmds and can't stop brainrotting about this theme for the whole 2 weeks* which is... there's an element of moaning in it sometimes so make sure to keep an eye on these crazy yan okay. Who knows if they might go feral
There's actually a shit tons of extreme behaviours of them i had in mind but i dont even know if ur fine with it so i'll just *peaces out*
Yeah my request this time is so unorganized prolly because I really want it to be based on your thoughts completely (and yet i still write my mind out-) but still ty for reading my dum dum brainrot (fr wondering why do I always put some bits of love to Pantalone's past) qwq
The dark melody of the twin black stars
Yan! Modern! Pantalone x idol! Modern! Reader x yan! Modern! Gangmember(?) Childe
Lyrics from Melody in the dark from Undead, Star ensemble
Using all Childe's known name for this fic
Tw: sexual themes, stalking, panty sniffer, blackmailing (implied), yandere stuff, kleptomaniac, first time writing in a modern world, and please state more of your mind next time bubbles.
"Back at it again bubbles? Couldn't resist opening Pandora's jar of goodies, I see. Do you feel it? The harvest is here. Pity are those who have a place on the table… Unless you're giving up a piece of yourself for carnal desires. I have seen many fall and bend to the wordless will of our shrouded hearts. Its rewards are robust as it is unholy. Now, let us don our masks of vice and the feast could begin." -Scribe
" Thank you for coming to our concert everyone! It really means so much to us!" Rinna smiled, the leading singer. 
“On to our hit song!” There you are smiling so brightly, with a fist raised to the sky.
“And remember that we’ll have a greet and meet like always after this.” one winked at the audience, causing an uproar. They have waited for this concert, two certain individuals watched with great anticipation. One with tuffs of ginger, and the other rolling in dough.
Childe, a man who had known you for at least seven years. Wearing a jacket to conceal his tattooed gangster mark on his pelvic area.  He knew of you since your debut, who wouldn't recognize that lovely voice that overshadows the rest. With that growl shifting to a higher note, knowing how much work you put into shining brighter than any star known to man. He remembered that kind face anywhere, no amount of makeup could hide that inner beauty from him.
A bloodied handkerchief rests in his pocket as a good luck charm. In fact that’s how he found out about you in highschool, young and unafraid to get in a few fist fights before he got recruited by his foster father; the Rooster. Everyday of school he’d ask you on a date, but every time you'd turn him down he'd just laugh it off and just escort you back home. This is his first in person concert, and he’ll be glad that he sold an arm and leg to see you up close and personal with you in that costume.
Similar to the man that feasts upon the bloody tears of his prey. He had his own private view of you from where he stood. It's not shameful of him to be here since, why would he be, when the girl has done so much for him with nothing in return? Just like that one fateful snowy night. He hadn’t gotten rid of that cozy, fluffy winter coat, and nearly given everything you could to a grateful beggar like him. That sweet scent of pastry and comforting bitter coffee warms his frozen heart.
"You called for us wanting to be imprisoned, haven't you?//
You're simply a wandering kitten//
We'll show you the finest nightmare//
You won't be able to see anything else// Only jail//"
From then on, they promise to help you achieve your dream from the shadows of your life. Not minding that they were forgotten (oh, but they totally do mind!), buying every merch of you down to collabs with other brands/bands or even dare I say. Gacha games, where they try to max out your character and give you the best gear. Hearing your voice lines soothes them, almost like you’re actually conversing with them. These two are the ultimate whale-lords when it comes to you. Both have a shrine dedicated for your success, though one is more lavish than the other.
"Shake to your very core" Sierra winked at the audience followed by Faline
"Ignorant fools!" The tsundere of the group nearly stepped on the camera.
"I will protect the weak" then you picked up the camera, showing a kind smile with fake vampire teeth.
Childe's definitely going to use that screenshot as his wallpaper. 
"Let  me show you how serious I am. // Wallowing  in sleepless nights//" both Rinna and Lara sang.
Your line made the men swoon over your voice, singing your little heart out. Childe’s imagination got a hold of him when he saw how you hold the mic, swaying your body, it instantly reminded him of that one music video where you’re dancing up the stage with such a showy outfit. Giving much room for imagination, the gothic based uniform revealed quite a bit under your skirt and the dip of your curves. 
Not good, he's drooling. It was last night he found that solo album of yours, a very experimental one in fact. An interesting take on new music, combined with very steamy lyrics. He could only imagine what else you could do if you do accept him. 
The Regrator had long to meet you in person, so this meet and greet is perfect for him. Though part of him desires something more than just a brief meeting. To kiss your hand as thanks, he knows he might do something more than that. 
We'll sink our claws into your heart, strong and deep
Your heart (your heart) we'll dye it with the black of night
(We won't let you run away, our wanted angel)
This forbidden fruit that's playing an irregular cord
Your hope (your hope) just try chasing after it
(Be mesmerized in this misty show time!)
Out of the two men, Childe is the more gutsy type. Breaking and entering your house when you aren't home, rummaging through your things like a rat finding its next meal.
"Bingo!" Your underwear, a cute one in fact, with lace. You did notice it missing but you'd assume you just misplaced it and you'll find it once you stopped looking for it. Not knowing that a certain gangster is using it for his own unsavory pleasures. Occasionally he'd nab a few things like keychains, a fake pearl that fell off your costume. Or just getting that clam shell souvenir you got from the beach. 
Pantalone doesn't stoop to something so low like Childe, he has standards! But, he does have access to special bloopers and cut content of you through connections. Though that doesn't mean he doesn't enjoy what kind of show you'll provide him in your private quarters.
Remember that stuffed toy from your last window shopping with your friends? You'll find that doll delivered to your changing room along with a usual bouquet of exotic flowers in a heart shape.
There's a poem stuck to it like always, this time it reads: 
"Along the sea danced in gilt and cupidity. Only the haunting song of a siren to be heard. On the horizon showed the moon casted still-ly shade upon lovely, Rose." - R. P. 
Childe usually gets annoyed when you swoon over the different poems you receive with the flowers. He kept wondering who the hell gives better gifts than him, he's been your best buddy since highschool! 
He knows what flowers you love, the food you like, your favorite music. Hell, he even took care of the bastard that cheated on you. He wants you to look at him, look at him the way you stare so lovingly at those swans. Those lips of yours only tempt him to just jump on you, give every love and passion he has burning inside of him for even a moment to forget about that crybaby. Just LOOK AT HIM, he’s a mess. Head rattled with thoughts of you being so intimate with him. 
You'll even forget to breathe in this dramatic night//
Dance! Live!//
You'll be falling into our melody in the dark//
They both equally love you- no, adore you! They know your ups and downs in life, they witness you being sad, angry, but they love it when you have a smile on your face. Just give them a chance to please you, it'll all be worth it if you do. 
As Childe, he'd kept asking you to help him with various things. Like baking, cooking, or even asking to go shopping for his family's gifts, especially Teucer. His older sister is rather fond of your songs which is how he connects two and two together.
Hiding our unleashed fangs//
This bloody poison is your enticing catharsis//
Kindness continues to caress freedom//
Overwhelmed with a choking urge
In this labyrinth//
Shut up solitude with a kiss//
Even though they know not to jump whenever you have collabs with boy bands, especially with the one with long white hair you're so fond of. It irks them to no end that you're being so intimate with him and his words.
While you tried to rise in the popularity ranks normally, your obsessed supporters think you should be the best among the best. Alongside with merchandise hoarding, these two bribe certain individuals to fudge up the numbers. Oh, the sparkles in your eyes when you saw how many people love you for how hard working you are to be on stage.
We'll make the spinning hands of the clock kneel and let time stand still//
Your love (your love) needs no hesitation//
(Our blindfolded wanted fairy)//
Now conceal this cross that won't grant our wish//
Your hope (your hope) we'll expose it//
(The moment we bite, our show time begins!)//
Recently, Pantalone had hired a professional crew, and interior designer('close friend or not'). Do you know that fabulous apartment building near downtown? It was a separate place for everything that you love or even items you were interested in. A dollhouse if you would call it that.
It's nearly a replica of your room, even the dust bunnies in that one corner. The only difference between yours and this, is the big portrait of you and him that he commissioned. It looked like it was photographed even though it's oil paint. 
A reverberation more certain than a fleeting promise//
You  surely know what that is//
The  flowing voice of these string//
will lead you//
To  a night that harbors eternity//
It will never end//
"So he's here" The black haired man looked over at the near front row seat. "Call him over." He told the disguised bodyguard. 
"Didn't expect you of all people to be here. " The 11th seat walked up to the Regrator. That facsimile smile never left his face since they first met underground. 
"Same could be applied to you, Tartaglia." the silence they shared with the 'hardcore' girlband fanatics' crazed screams of delight. It was then they both knew, they either have to work together or fight against each other for one singular objective. 
We'll sink our claws into your heart, strong and deep//
Your heart (your heart) we'll dye it with the black of night//
(We won't let you run away, our wanted angel)//
This forbidden fruit that's playing an irregular cord//
Your hope (your hope) just try chasing after it//
(Be mesmerized in this misty show time!)//
They need to have you for themselves. It's clear as day that these two are a whole separate level on regular hardcore fanatics. Hope you are prepared to face them when the time is right.
No strategy is necessary in this dramatic night//
Dance! Live!//
Into the wavering night, our melody in the dark//
Once the song was done, Rinna took the stage. "Did you all enjoy that?" The fans erupted in cheers as a reply.
"Our lovely ghoulies, we have an announcement to tell you all…" Faline said sadly.
" I, Rose, will be leaving the group." The lovely flower took a step, it made the crowd go silent and news hit the gangster fool. It felt like their world fell apart. He knew of the contract but he thought you'd renew it. Looking at the wealthy man who just adjusted his glasses, seemingly calm and collected.
“You boys know what’s the plan, yes?” An agent bowed subtly and went away to begin the next phase.
Part 1 complete
Pt 2: Valentines’ nightmare
"And now with the appetizers served it is on to the next course the main dish. And of course the dessert." - Scribe 
Feedback people, I need feedback to improve. Always welcomed.
Tag: @youyue
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blanket-fish · 3 months
Ironman 2 rewatch time:
- I usually skip this one on rewatches so like. I barely remember the plot.
- oooooh this is the one with the lightning guy (not Thor)
- oh so his dad worked on the reactor with Howard? Sick
- wait is this the one with Justin hammer?
- 'Please, it's not about me' if it were anyone else the ego would be annoying. However, it's not.
- oh I've just remembered this is the one with Natasha
- 'Let the record show I observed Mr hammer entering the chamber, and am wondering if and when any actual expert will be in attendance' Brutal.
- 'God bless Ironman god bless america' He's so lame.
- 'Rhodey? What?' oof.
- 'You do understand that reading a single paragraph out of context doesn't reflect the summary-' love this guy.
- ah this scene has it all. Justin being incompetent. Tony trolling everyone else and hacking the screens. Rhodey pretending to be annoyed but finding it endearing. Tony swinging people to his side and making Justin look bad at the same time. Efficiency.
- 'You want my property? You can't have it. But I did you a big favour! I have successfully privatised world peace.'
'fuck you Mr stark'
- 'I'm trying to make you CEO. Why won't you let me?' maybe because you're incapable of clearly communicating idk
- 'Its you. It's always been you' Im totally normal about these two I swear
- oh god Elon musk is in this movie
- 'What is the difference between hold and cancelled?' Yes, what is?' these two are too powerful of a combination I fear
- 'I was hoping the present something at your expo.' 'Well, if you invent something that works I'll make sure to get you a spot.' tony please he's already dead
- 'I love tony stark, I mean, we're not competitors' Justin! I have good news! You're actually right about that one.
It's just. Not for the reason you think.
- The iron man suitcase is still the coolest version actually
- Here comes Pepper and happy driving recklessly towards a guy with lightning whips. I fucking love them
- 'Were you headed for me or him?' 'I was trying to scare him-' 'Because I can't tell!'
- 'Are you put of your mind?!!!! Get in the car!'
- These three are an underrated trio honestly
- Not to beat a dead horse but it all mechanically clicking into place is so much cooler than nanotech.
- Guy got hit with a car at speed. Was fine. Got hit with a car several more times. Was fine. Tony flings him to the floor. Coughs up blood. ???
- 'All I have to do is sit here and watch, and the world will consume you.' damn that goes hard
- 'Not everybody runs on batteries, Tony' pepper that's so deep. How long have you been waiting to use it?
- oh Justin this is so fucking pretentious. Even for you.
- 'I think, if I may' Justin say that one single more time and see what happens
- 'I don't know if you've been understanding everything I'm saying?' can you fucking imagine if he didn't after that whole monologue lmao
- 'You don't gotta do this alone-' 'I wish I could believe that' that hurt
- 'Thats where the pilot goes. Having a tough time finding volunteers' yeah I wonder why justin
- "Hypothetically, if this were your last birthday, how would you celebrate it?" Tony you are not subtle
- can't help but empathise with rhodey in this film. When the American government wants something you do not want to be the person refusing them. Tony can step away. Rhodey kind of can't.
- 'This is ridiculous, I just stuck my neck out for this guy!' 'I know, I know, I'll handle it, just let me handle it.' 'Handle it. Or I'm gonna have to.' We don't see these two interact much huh.
- 'Im only gonna say this once. Get out' Damn, rhodey snapped
- 'Dont miss Potts me, I'm onto you!' well yes, but actually no
- 'You wanna be the war machine? Take the shot' the fact that rhodey actually does go by war machine. Somehow I think the writer of this line was not responsible for that decision
- The complete absence of dialogue when rhodey flies away with the suit. That's so effective
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DS9 2x13 Armageddon Game thoughts (rewatching, so possible future spoilers)
Julian does seem to like monologuing XD
Miles giving Julian all the credit and Julian being so reluctant to accept it - my heart, I cannot!
"I suppose another day won't kill me" ...but it almost will! Foreshadowing!
Miles saving Julian when he had been well-hidden and Julian very much wasn't!
These officials are very good at lying, I'll give them that
Callback to Miles' defence of rations earlier in the season XD
Oh, he's ever the doctor and I love how consistently that shows
And I love it how Miles' experience is coming out with him knowing that the best thing is not to move
Aw, Julian biting his lip after offering to help: knowing he's an augment, this can definitely be seen as him deciding to put a more unusual skill he shouldn't have out there, possibly rising exposure, for it be dismissed
I'm glad we're shown how upset and shaken the crew are at the news of death. Their faces in Sisko's office are just... <3
This whole conversation Julian and Miles are having about women isn't quite banter, but it would be if they were friends. I really don't know if Julian is winding Miles up on purpose to get his mind off the situation, knowing what he's doing, or if he is just an idiot.
( Though ngl, my Julian/Miles addled mind is reading this as Julian totally overcompensating to cover up his massive crush on Miles by going on about women.)
Doctor Julian is best Julian
KEIKO MY BELOVED I wish you didn't have to feel this way
I am SO curious what is in Julian's diary. I suppose even in a diary - especially presumably one on a PADD - he wouldn't even hint at his augmentations, given the risk of discovery.
"I suppose I should send them to his parents..." - No, you reallly shouldn't.
I love how proud Jadzia is whenever Quark is thoughtful. That expression definitely feels like she's showing off to Kira: "See, Ferengi are actually good too!"
Also I'm noticing far more snippets of Jadzia and Kira just hanging out and supporting each other and being friends <3 Not sure why I didn't see this ship before but it has my entire heart now.
Keiko persuading them the footage is suspicious is all so much funnier knowing she's wrong about the coffee. Although WHAT a good job she was!
Huh, initially Miles was describing the components to Julian (dark blue coil beside the green cylinder), but now he's moved fto calling them by name (subprocessor, RFoscillators). Either Julian has faked learning quickly otr let on how much he knows about electronics.
Julian really doesn't want to listen to Miles' thinking he'll die - but even less to Miles talking about Keiko...
Oh, I've just remembered why they tried to kill them!
"The T'Lani and Kellerun have finally made peace" - and boy, what a way to ensuring it survives, iirc....
Julian's complete bafflement at the lengths they were willing to go. He cannot understand killing innocent people at all!
"I'm sorry I didn't get us home, Chief." And he probably feels responsible, too, seeing that he ended up being the one to make the radio and contact the T'Lani.
"You did your best. It's been an honour serving with you." MY HEART.
Oooh, not home and dry yet, a space race!
I can't believe they'd risk a BIGGER war against the Federation to protect their peace?! They're not thinking this through very thoroughly, are they.
Idk why, but this fight scene has very TOS energy to me
Clever clever clever! Took me a second to figure out after the runabout exploded, but I got there before the T'Lani did so I'm pleased with that :P
Oh, Julian's so genuine and sweet, he just wants to be friends and have Miles like him
I can understand your time alone with him being hell seeing as you were dying, but you're definitely overexaggerating how bad Julian was, Miles
That reveal is still a favourite. What a twist XD
O'BRIEN: You know, I wouldn't mind a cup of coffee right now. KEIKO: Miles, you never drink coffee in the afternoon. O'BRIEN: Sure I do. KEIKO: You do?
I really love this episode. What a banger.
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doberbutts · 2 years
so you were talking about star trek Literally over a month ago but. i read my dashboard like a freak sorry. have you tried star trek discovery? it does have spock but obviously played by a new actor so idk if that's a deal breaker. imo the alien stuff is a lot more fantastical in discovery even if it does have scientific explanations within the shows universe. there's other reasons i think its a great show but this ask is already hitting the character limit
Sadly my problem with star trek is resolutely: aliens are boring, time travel plots are annoying, and I could not care less about interplanetary travel. And if you take all of that out of star trek then it becomes... mostly nothing lol because that's a large amount of the premise of the entire show. Every once in a while something will catch my eye and I'll like it for a while (doctor who, homestuck, mcu) but you'll notice I'll fall off the wagon eventually (watched 9 thru the end of the ponds' storyline, stopped almost instantly after the time travel started, was losing interest quickly when the asgardians were revealed to be aliens instead of gods and then completely lost interest by the end of endgame and notably did not watch the alien-heavy movies contained within that timespan) or I'll like it for what it is without having much desire for a rewatch or continuing the series (pacific rim, men in black, alien) and, very occasionally, something will be done in a particular way that I find it interesting even though I'm not a huge fan of the genre (ff7, prey, assassin's creed- notably all videogames and I think the difference in the way the media is experienced helps, I also prefer alien: isolation over the alien movies and have rewatched markiplier play that multiple times whereas I have no desire to rewatch any of the alien moves I've seen).
I did watch the entirety of the first season of the original series for star trek, because Spock Hot and I was interested in figuring out this sad stoic sarcastic biracial hot jewish man (my love of tortured souls and angsty backstories and calm, quiet men with repressed trauma finally finding peace and love and happiness through their narrative really shows here huh), but sadly Spock Hot did not override my innate disinterest with the entirety of the star trek premise and so I haven't really been interested at all in picking it back up.
I don't think it's a bad show or anything, it just did not interest me, which isn't too surprising since I'm not really a big fan of the genre in general.
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vintageleatherdean · 7 months
"The Story So far..."
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I am rewatching (hi hello hi dormant spnfamily 👋) I am rewatching Supernatural from Season 1. I just finished season 1 and i'm like a few episodes into Supernatural Season 2. John Winchester is already dead, and Dean just repaired Baby. Anyway its my second time watching this since i watched it from the beginning the first time 15 years ago. (fuck! time flew!)
I have some thoughts. i was always a #DeanGirl from day one. and I'm realizing this now because when i first watched I didn't really put much thought into it. I used to say that the episode that confirmed for me that Dean was my favorite Winchester brother, was "Fear" or whatever the title was, where Dean is scared of everything. but more specifically the end credit blooper where Jensen let his dork flag fly and played his leg like a guitar while lipsyncing to "eye of the tiger." I USED to say that moment was when i fell in love with Dean, but actually it was when i fell for Jensen.
The REAL time i fell for Dean Winchester, was season 1 "Faith" because ot was the first time i saw him be vulnerable. and honestly, if you're a #DeanGirl, i think you can agree, seeing the usually tough brother let his guard down was really touching. —Jensen, i love you for bringing this character to life.
There are characters i miss from season one, Meg being one, and honestly the Yellow Eyed Demon being the other. Like Meg was fun. and The Y.E.D was a good Big Bad.
I also want to address something. John Winchester vs. Sam Winchester. Their bickering was so annoying to me. Dean being in the middle of all that was so holding things together. like the emotional toil their constant back and forth left on poor Dean? Ugh. John making them into little soldiers was bad enough, Sam constantly trying to pick a fight bothered me too. Okay, I'll excuse this a little bit bcuz it was a way for the family trauma to be addressed, so prior to season 2 it was okay. however, in "In My Time Of Dying" i was so annoyed by Sam picking a fight over Dean's deathbed at ghe hospital. like he couldn't have kept the peace a little for Dean's sake? Am i being unfair? IDK. I will admit though, that even on my first watch through all those years ago, Sam wasn't exactly my favorite character on the show.
Now before the #SamGirls attack me. I started liking Sam better a few seasons later. I don't remember exactly when, but i definitely wasn't as annoyed with his attitude sometime after John's death, but before he becomes Lucifer's vessel. Okay. I don't hate him, just don't love him like i do Dean. OKAY. More Sam for y'all anyway!
I miss Ellen Jo and Ash. My heart aches knowing whats gonna happen to them. Ugh I can't.
Sam's love interests so far have been Jessica and that art gallery girl from the "Provenance" episode. (Ruby/Genevieve hasn't shown up yet). For a moment there I really thought Art Gallery girl could have joined the Winchester team?? anyone else think that? Like I'm rewatching it and she just seems to have a Winchester like vibe... Dean was right, Sam should have married her.
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ladylannisterxo · 2 years
That bothers me more than it should when everything involves Billy Hargrove.. Like I know he's a controversial character which is definitely something I enjoyed about this character. Not because of how Dacre's appearance is - him being attractive is a bonus to be, but I enjoyed him as a character because of how Dacre brought this character to life. Any other time unexplained events happened to people, the group helps those people. But Billy? No. They'd rather just kill him every chance they had.
Woof. I popped OFF with this ask so I'm throwing it all under the cut because I just. couldn't. help. myself!
Hard agree. Like 1000%. I have only ever been able to watch S3 the one time all the way through because each time I try to do a rewatch, I get SO frustrated over how little everyone seems to care about him.
And it's funny cause like when I first saw S2 and he rolled up all 'rock you like a hurricane' style, I barely batted an eye. I was more preoccupied with Steve cause let's face it, S2 is a GREAT season for Steve. Hell, S2 is a great season all around. But then I convinced a friend to watch the show and I got a chance to do a rewatch of S2 and what's so incredibly fascinating is that when you watch it the first time around, you're like, "yeah, this guy's a dick" and you side with Max hella hard because why wouldn't you? But then the Duffers gave us that scene with Neil and when you go back and rewatch KNOWING that that scene is going to come back around, EVERYTHING he does up until that point starts to make sense and you're left with that feeling of 'Oh'.
I think the biggest problem, especially with antis, is that they view Billy as such a black and white character, very surface level but you just can't do that with him. He's not a dick just to be a dick, he's a dick because that's what has been ingrained in him since, most likely, day one. I mean, let's think about it, Billy has probably never known a moment of peace, not even when his mom was still around. Neil wanted to make sure Billy was a rough and tough boy; the biggest, meanest, scariest, loudest thing in the room and if he ever fell short of that then he was worthless. But, of course, he could only be those things OUTSIDE his household because inside, well, respect and responsibility and all that jazz. Very contradicting of Neil if I do say so myself.
And this is why I think the Duffers really screwed up with his character because had they not gave us that scene with Neil in S2, it's possible that Billy would have been just "that dick" that was there to cause problems but they made him relatable, they made him a deeper character and I'll tell you, not understanding why a parent (mother or father) doesn't love you the right way or accept you for who you are is one of the HARDEST things you can go through as a kid. Especially because you spend SO much time walking on eggshells and trying to understand what it is YOU'RE doing wrong when in reality, it's not you, it's 100% them. And it takes years to fully understand that and so killing Billy the way they did in S3 just destroyed his character arc and he never got a chance to grow and "redeem" himself (if you will) which antis have such a fun time yelling about but it's like, how can he grow and redeem himself when he's not given a chance?
We don't know really what happened in between S2 and S3 so it's hard to say how he grew as a character but by the end of the first episode of S3, he's already taken by the Mind Flayer and then that's it for him for the entire season. And then with just a little love and some kind words, he's able to break free and sacrifice himself to stop a monster from hurting another kid, like the way he's been hurt his entire life. Idk, I just don't understand how anyone expects him to be perfect when the Duffers didn't even utilize him to his fullest potential. It was such a waste of a potentially fantastic character arc (one that could have rivaled Steve's had they done it right) but it was also a waste of Dacre's talent. I mean, the man BROUGHT it in S3.
Tsk smh... anyway, we love and support Billy Hargrove on this blog. This got out of hand but I had THOUGHTS and EMOTIONS and ahhhhhhhh!!! Will never be over how DIRTY they did my boy!!
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bowieisworried · 2 years
weird sleep schedule gang wassuppp lmao
In retrospect with how messy my list of groups i like is now, it's very funny how Peaceful my first two years as a kpop stan were. It was basically just me, bts and stray kids chilling. No wonder i can't keep up with anything today i know too many groups hhffh
There's no way tbz knew they were gonna be on a second season, otherwise they probably wouldn't have gone ALL OUT the way they did. I hope... ^^'
Exo and their lineup changes... me as an outsider i have no idea what's going on tbh. But exo was one of the first kpop groups i was really ionterested in back in 2013/14 and i looked up their wikipedia article - as you do - and then there was this whole thing about the different exo subgroups and stuff and i exited the tab and never tried getting into kpop again until a friend made me dghsdghgh. I'm actually laughing right now remembering that it's to stupid i could've been into kpop for so long but all it took were the phrases Exo-K Exo-C and Exo-L to make me give up xDDDD
I have this thing with a few groups now where i love all their music and have all the reasons to learn more about them but i just listen to them, watch some content and only know two or three members. And that's fine i don't have the energy for more rn but also some groups i rlly Wanna get more into like Victon and Ace but rn is not the time i guess
If you have any recs for videos i could show my friend, i'll gladly take them. She said she just wants to start with their music and performances so maybe some of your favourite stages? idk
I like your second hand policy hah but i can't scroll past a whole album for 3€ just bc there's no pcs. BUT SAME the whole "pcs are more valuable than the rest of the album so i'll sell each for 10€ and the album itself for 5€" makes me... so angry
The BM theatre version has me so confused bc normally i'm a sucker for special versions/editions but this one has like.. Less stuff than the other versions overall and i think less photobook pages too? so i probably won't get that one either.
The only group i've ever collected all album versions of is stray kids and they always had 2-3 versions but i stopped after 2019 i think so i have a lot to catch up on now that i've decided i want to collect them again hhh
I exchanged my cd player with my dad's dvd player that i cracked so i can watch korean concert dvds lmao but i guess that doesn't make a difference.
I used to collect books i never got around to reading so i guess kpop albums just make more sense for me. No words just pictures and sounds :D
It's so hard getting old shinee albums right??? Oh i see you also have the bad love space ray ver. Please tell me have you opened it? mine is still unopened on my shelf bc the collector in me screams when i think about cutting it out of there ahhhh
(but i just remembered i ordered the box set ver too so at least i'll be able to listen to the cd soon)
I would love to see your pulls and other albums!
Aren't yOU SUPPOSED TO BE MY SECRET SANTA; NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND?? hsdfjhsdjfh but if you want an excuse i'd love some leedo & seoho interactions bc i'm basic
oh or seoho in the heartbeat cover stage! i just rewatched that and he looks so fluffy uwu
have a nice day 💖
~ santa (or honorary advent calendar)
Answer under the cut cos it's a long one xD
Jesus two years with just BTS and Stray Kids? I applaud your self control, I’ve been here for less than a year and I’ve already got a bias list as long as my arm and far too many groups lol! I’m curious though, who’s your Skz bias? (or biases hehe)
Honestly I have no idea with Exo either. The most I’ve gathered is that all but one of the Chinese members left (or were pushed out by SM, who knows), although Lay isn’t really there either right now. Probably locked in a cupboard somewhere in one of SM’s basements xD There are so many units though, it’s mad so I don’t blame you!
Yeah, that’s the thing, it’s music first and foremost so really who cares if you don’t get super into the other content and knowing about the members and everything. Victon and Ace though... I adore both of them, so if you ever want to know more just hit me up. All I have with them is pain right now though because both my Victon and Ace biases recently enlisted.
Ooh, you could maybe recommend their MAMA stage where they performed Lit after a wee medley of other stuff (including Sherlock :D) or just any of their Stage Break series with 1theK, they’re all phenomenal!
Ok yeah, if I came across an album for 3 euro then I’d definitely pick it up, photocards or not lol. I might have to break my rule on not buying albums without them soon though... I’m dangerously close to having all of Taemin’s stuff but one that I still need to get is Ace. Which, without a pc is still about 40 quid or something ridiculous. So unless I get really lucky with finding it cheap somewhere, I might have to just bite the bullet lol.
The Theatre version is odd. The theatre stuff was really cool, and it’d be neat to have a photobook with the different stylings they had for the videos but like you said, it’s a smaller photobook and the whole thing just seems a bit... light on content?
Oh jeeze, you’d have an awful lot to catch up on I imagine, especially with all the stuff they released recently. I don’t think they’d stopped for even a minute xD
That sounds like a good swap to be fair, gotta have those concert DVD’s haha
Ugh I know that feeling. You always see a new book somewhere and buy it with the best of intentions but then it just ends up being a shelf decoration.
Yeah, old Shinee albums are a pain in the backside. I do, it’s so neat! I opened it the day I got it, using a very sharp knife. VERY SHARP. Thankfully it went well and I’ve kept the plastic covering and the backing so it basically looks unopened when it’s on the shelf. Ooh, do you mean the one that looks like a cereal box? I got that one as well, you’ll absolutely love it. Genuinely the best marketing/production/whatever I’ve seen for albums so far, Key’s an absolute gem.
Hehe, cool, I’ll maybe put a wee post together with all my pulls. Would be good to have them all in one place anyway so I can check them quickly if I have to.
Ok, yes, but still! I’m going to be without internet (mostly) for about 3 days until I get it installed at my new place so it’ll definitely give me something to do. Good picks by the way, I shall see what I can do :D
Hopefully your day was an easy one and tomorrow’s the same!
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anneshirlei · 7 years
Hello from your stydia buddy!! ONE MORE DAY until the finale!! Can you believe it?! I am very emotionally compromised right now I am NOT READY FOR MY KIDS TO LEAVE ME. Although I currently have like 6729295847284 fics that are still wips so I guess I'll just rewatch the good seasons and live in denial 😁 ANYWAYS. Lydia and Stiles in the future. I just wrote a fic the other day about how I'd ideally like the show to end, and honestly I think I'm going with that. (1/?)
I can see Lydia graduating and then moving in with Stiles while he finishes his undergrad and she works on her masters, and then of course Stiles works with the FBI and Lydia gets her PhD and wins the Field's Medal for her mathematical research and discoveries. They live in a cute little house really close to Scott's that is decorated impeccably, thanks to Lydia, and it has a big backyard for their dog (that definitely has a star wars themed name) to run around in. (2/?)
I always see them having 3 kids; idk why— a little girl who looks JUST like Lydia but has Stiles's eyes, and then a boy who looks exactly like Stiles, and then another girl. And I think Scott has a son the same age as their son so of course their sons are bffs just like their dads :) and all their kids are super smart and wonderful and Lydia always helps them with their math homework and Stiles helps them with problem solving and they just all love each other SO MUCH (3/?)
And there are pack meetings all the time where all the little kids just run around and play together and Stiles and Scott and Lydia all sort of stand together and watch and are just like, "we made it." They made it through all these supernatural disasters and battled all these creatures and now they just get to live their lives in PEACE. With their kids and their friends and each other. I can see Stydia just always being so casually intimate, like holding hands and sneaking little smiles (4/?)
And making inside jokes and holding full conversations with their eyes only, and just... living. Getting a peaceful happy ending where they don't always have to worry. They don't always have to run from danger. They just get to be together with their family, for the rest of their lives. GOD THIS SHOW MAKES ME SO EMOTIONAL. What about you? How do you picture them living life after TW ends? (5/5
God, I truly can’t believe tomorrow everything ends. Yesterday I was so sad, so emotional... I still am today but like... I can’t wait to see it?
I honestly cannot wait to know who you are so I can read your fics.... And I feel you. I have three more to post and I’m very excited for them, but at the time I know people will stop writing about them after a while and I can’t handle it. And rewatch the good seasons” you mean basically season 3, right?
So Lydia and Stiles living together is beautiful. They living right next to Schott? My life. I cannot see them living so far away from Scott, even though I can’t see Stiles and Lydia moving back to Beacon Hills. 
GOD THE KIDS YES. Even though I see Stydia with just one kid, a little girl, I also want for them to have at least 2 because I want so much for the Stilinski name to live on and having a brother is great. I also love the idea of Scott and Stiles's boys being BFF and getting in trouble all the time and Lydia just rolling her eyes because of course you two are just like your dads...
And Lydia and Stiles babysitting Scott’s kids (at least 3, I accept no less) and being amazed on how polite they are and how Scott made angels just like him.
Pack holidays @ Derek’s, everyone is married and with kids, Stiles having his first heart attack when he catches his daughter and Isaac son making out, Lydia knowing for a while this was happening, all pack kids loving Star Wars on some level and every single member of the pack hating Stiles for it. Stiles also makes one of Scott’s daughter be as into Star Wars as he is so now Scott is obliged to watch it and do cosplays with her and that is the happiest day of Stiles life.
Lydia and Stiles cuddling in bed at a Sunday morning, awake, smiling at each other because “Remember when I didn’t like you?” “Yeah, vividly.” “Well, I love you so much now.” “I love you too, Lyds”
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