#and if the answer is genuinely 'well i didn't fucking watch the videos where he said vile stuff' well there u go
chadsuke · 10 months
ive seen a lot of posts floating around about how like. you shouldn't be out here hating on former james somerton fans/illuminaughti fans/etc. for not realizing what he was doing and i do firmly agree with that like. it's soooo easy to be like 'well *I* check that my youtubers cite sources!!!' but do you really? do you REALLY? and hbomberguy thoroughly showed that it's easy to act like ur properly citing when ur not, and if u go uwu i'm immune to propaganda then. well. throws the garfield meme at you.
BUT AT THE SAME TIME i still think it's perfectly valid for there to be criticism because some of the shit that guy said was VILE. like im watching the todd in the shadows vid atm and im genuinely blown away. like, yes, when you sub 2 a youtuber you don't necessarily watch every single vid they make (esp when they're churned out like with somerton) but like the AIDS THING? CALLING THE GAYS WHO SURVIVED BORING??? WHO DOES THAT??? if you genuinely saw him say that and thought that was acceptable like. nah nah nah that's a perfectly valid thing to criticize on holy shit. or the way he weaponized his identities - again, that's not something u should say 'uwu oh well i'd NEVER fall for someone weaponizing their identity!!!' but you might!!! you might!!! but imo i personally. think those are valid things to criticize ppl abt.
like dont go around attacking or harassing former fans. it sucks for them. somerton is the real asshole here. but if u are a former fan i think its worth asking why u let things slide that u did
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king-crawler · 15 days
Sorry for the random message here In the asks, it's ok if you don't see this or answer it since you probably got a lot already and I understand if you don't see this!/gen
But first of all, I just wanna say
It's so well done and so fucking funny, I was literally smiling and cackling through the whole thing, it's shocking how similar our humor is
It's insane how much dedication is put into it, let alone singlehandedly feeding turbo fans as myself
Genuinely thought it's so nice seeing more content for a hyperfixation I've had since 2012, and the fandom coming back along with this video Genuinely brings me so much joy as someone who's loved this movie since I was a kid
Sorry for the ramble but genuinely thank you for making that video, I can't wait to see what other stuff you do, wreck it ralph or not I WILL be tuning in/gen, pos
Okay second of all
The main reason why I'm sending this is because of sometning I noticed while rewatching a scene in the movie
Now, this might be me over analyzing as I usually do but it feels TOO. OBVIOUS.
IN the kart bakery scene where vanellope and ralph go to bake a kart, they obviously make their way into the building and into the main room
You see all the Karts of course, and It pans to the one vanellope chooses
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Which, at first glance you wouldn't really pay too much attention, especially when watching it for the first time, she's just picking the model she likes
..but looking back at the scene
Vanellope's kart model, how it was supposed to look, looks very
Because the kart she chose..
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...is a red and white kart
With stripes down the middle, with a very similar shape to a..certain persons kart. Now this might just be nothing, it's probably just like I said, and over analysis on my part
But the kart the chose looks WAY too similar to turbo's, not to mention the stripe is down the middle, just like turbo's car on the cabinet art of him
And vanellope could've chosen ANY kart
But it was that specific kart she chose, out of any of the karts
Not to mention in some of vanellope's concept art...
(Art made by Lorelay Bove)
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..Vanellope's concept design and turbos designs strike SCARILY uncanny resemblances to each others designs
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From the helmet and colors
All the way down to her GOGGLES having the SAME. YELLOW. TINT. that candy's have in the movie, which have the same effect here. There's no way that this didn't have the intent to mirror turbo purposefully
So with that in mind, the kart vanellope chose in the kart bakery scene being turbo foreshadowing, wouldn't be too out of place, nor would it be too far off
Turbo's foreshadowing was always prominent, even in the smallest details you wouldn't focus on, just like he's infecting this world as a virus, little by little, everywhere. You. Turn.
Aaaand that's basically all I have to really say
Sorry for the long ramble, I've been thinking of submitting this for awhile now, especially after I told a friend about this and they mentioned that this should be submitted to you
So I decided to go ahead and just do it, no matter how wild my comparisons might sound-
Anyways, I hope you have a good day, night, or what time it may be, and keep being awesome! I can't wait to hear back if you see this! Bye-bye! ❤️🏎🏆
I've been quoting these since I watched the video and haven't stopped
Thanks for destroying my humor even more-/pos
Okay bye bye now-
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-skitters away-
also God. This is 99% just a coincidence with zero merit because its such a common gesture- but Ralph and Vanellope doing their thumbs up.. maybe Turbo parallels ?? and like the EXACT same poses too:
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Vanellope having one hand on the steering wheel and the other doing a thumbs up while facing the camera.
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Ralph hunched over doing the double thumbs up with the visor tinting his face yellow. EXCUSE ME HMMM?? WHAT THE FUCK??
NOW COULD I BE CHERRY PICKING? PERHAPS. but when Turbo has barely a minute of screentime, there's not a lot i can pick from, and things SURE ARE LINING UP... (I'm cherry picking)
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shakingparadigm · 6 months
The thing to me is that i dont know what to expect anymore. After round 3 everyone first conclusion was probably that ivan would die for(or bcs) Till so i was waiting for something to subvert my expectations but no they played it straight.
“Luka vs Till is no competition”” They wouldnt do romh twice” now im not so sure.
Also I see the doomed toxic yaoi but I cant with how good my boys look 😭 Till in black or jacked + fingerless gloves, mullet ,maybe little bangs, ivan in white full coat , slicked back hair. They look so good.
Ivan's hair being slicked back was the only correct answer after we saw Till's long hair down. He looks so damn good actually. I know he died but at least he served one last immaculate outfit before eating shit.
Dude. I was the exact same. Ivan dying in this way was genuinely the most predicted outcome of ROUND 6, so I thought... surely it couldn't be so easy... VIVINOS must have another card up their sleeve! Yeah! The card up their sleeve was the same card they were fucking holding in their hand already because they PLAYED IT STRAIGHT. I laughed myself silly after watching the video because it just made sense. We expected something more complicated, more devastating, more drawn out than Ivan just straight up dying this round. VIVINOS set up the possibility of a jailbreak and we ended up getting too comfortable. Just because Mizi was successfully rescued doesn't mean lightning will strike twice. Ivan dying was a massive blow, yes, but an underrated frame that holds the same amount of devastation is the shot of Hyuna and Mizi hiding, Hyuna bleeding from the side. They were there. They tried to save them and they couldn't make it. They failed. And they don't even know that they failed yet because Hyuna was shot. If they played Ivan's death straight, they certainly subverted expectations with Mizi and Hyuna's jailbreak. They weren't even a part of the main video. They didn't even make it to the stage itself. And honestly, that's realistic. Of course things end up going wrong, that's just how it is. The hope for a jailbreak made the pain twice as impactful when Ivan starts getting shot. There's a sense of hopelessness watching it. They saved Mizi before her execution, surely they can do the same now, right? Where are they? We really got too comfortable with the idea of a rebellion rescue, we failed to remember that in the end, they're only human.
Well, now we're at Till vs Luka. Can't say I'm shocked. I'm just gonna sit back and see how everything unfolds from here. I'll try not to make castles out of playing cards next time.
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peachyfnaf · 3 months
haven't been watching I'm a angst person and character pain is the one thing that interests me but THIS!?! it's just a painful ark and I honestly don't like it.
I'll just stick to aus I like hearing of or my own where I make some characters have a better life then whatever this arc is doing.
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Harper, you are so in the right for just sticking to your au's cause, until canon gets back to a place where I enjoy watching lore videos again, I think I'm gonna do the same.
I love angst. I can't say it enough- I love angst.
...When it's well written, and ends in a way where the characters heal together, or at least grow together.
I don't think I can put into words how OOC I believe almost everyone, but especially Moon, was acting today, and have been acting for the past month or so. I think if the Moon from last December saw this Moon, he'd slap him across the face.
Anon was right, this entire arc was just senseless drama, with no proper exploration into the spiral that can come from extreme grief. Which is genuinely shocking, because the show has attempted those subjects before! Sun spiraling over losing Old Moon? One of my favorite arcs! But for here? We had enough drama with Eclipse being back and Solar dying, but now we've lost Moon and officially lost Bloodmoon, too??!?!?
Oh gee, sorry, didn't realize I was watching the "Sun and Friends Show!" :/
I don't have much to say that won't dissolve into senseless angry yelling (your First ask was much of that from me already lol), but I can list?? The few things I liked from this arc???:
Puppet. I'm somewhat conflicted over them intervening when their whole thing is that they don't want to intervene, but them going off on Monty like that, and crushing Bm like a bug was satisfying as hell to see. You go girl, slay.
Ruin. I think he was really the only one remaining in character. Him still being nice to Earth despite it all was sweet, and him trying to reason with Moon was cool.
Sun. He is gonna be fucking heartbroken once he hears the news, and I hope he can get the real Moon back as soon as possible for the sake of his health. And hopefully Dazzle can hold off on telling him ""their secret"" for a while longer ;w;
And, my #1, Eclipse. His slow but steady redemption is the only thing keeping me going rn. If no one else got me, Eclipse got me.
Now. I'm gonna go rewatch yesterdays vibby game episodes and take a chill pill KJDFHSDF
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foliejpg · 2 months
really long ass religious ramblings that ended up way longer than i expected
i started watching pbs eons recently and as i watch and learn all this stuff about extinct early mammals and plants and shit, i'm realizing that all of this stuff, all this stuff that's taken place over five billion years is all fact that i was outright told was a lie. i literally was told the devil put dinosaurs on earth to fool mankind AND I BELIEVED IT BC I WAS A CHILD!!! like well into high school!!!! i said that once in my ancient history class and i still remember the look my teacher gave me like "oh you're being so for real right now"
i know from reading r/exjw that other ex jws have similar issues kind of like. processing and accepting the fact that the earth is So fucking old, because that's the exact opposite of what was drilled into our heads. like i had no idea until two days ago or so that BC and BCE are supremely outdated and just not used anymore. i had no clue. i thought negative numbers were a thing that people used outside of religious context. i saw the abbreviation "mya" and could not comprehend that it meant "million years ago" like 4600 mya. that's 4.6 billion years and that is just not a number i can process
i had no idea what evolution was. really i could not figure out how plants and animals would evolve to suit their surroundings like that because it just didn't make sense that they just Knew randomly. there was an example of these white moths that were getting eaten by birds like crazy, but there were also some that had mutations that made them black. then it happened that pollution made the trees black too for whatever reason, so the black moths could hide and then breed with that mutation and evolved like that. NOOOO IDEA i had No Fucking Clue that its all just. happenstance. the moth happened to hatch a different color than the rest and that random genetic mutation saved that species of moth while the other one died off.
i recently learned what light was and where it came from because i asked my boyfriend (who will say he isn't smart and then rattle off the answer to every single one of my cult brain questions) where rainbows were. that was my question because i just genuinely had no idea and honestly?? still a little confused. i don't understand carbon. like i know what it is but where is it. where are molecules and how are they everywhere. what the fuck do you mean there's lava like... three fucking miles below me??? how did fish get to land in the first place They Have No Lungs
the last video i watched was "where did water come from." never never never once in my entire life wondered that and now i can't stop thinking about it. carbon dating confuses me too and i haven't even found a pbs video about it yet. i didn't know if it was one word or two but it is apparently two words but that doesn't really help
i'm learning all of this new (to me) stuff at the same time that i'm paying super close attention to domestic and international politics for the first time and getting consumed with a 24 hour news cycle which is absolutely breaking my brain. this is the first election i've been able to really be apart of and understand since properly waking up from being a jw, so i'm actually learning about politics and the people inside it instead of having to just choke down "lesser evil voting. " so lots of stuff happening.
sorry if you read all this nonsense 🤷‍♀️
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marleyybluu · 11 months
post outbreak!Joel x fem!OC (Molly)
Word count: 2.4k
Content warning: Jackson era, Joel being smitten bcus that's my favourite genre, flirting, fluff, pretty much love at first sight vibes. Joel is in his 40s, OC is in her mid to late twenties, probably some misspellings, oops, OC doesn't have many physical descriptions if any (I was lazy lol)
A/N: If I don’t swallow my pride and post this now then I never will :( I really just needed to get this off my mind it was killing me and if it flops...well... at least I wrote it lol
My dad introduced me to 'Joshua by Dolly Parton', it's been on repeat and it just screams Joel Miller to me.
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(not my pic, got it from Pinterest. I'd let him obliterate me. fuck.)
(I pictured video game Joel, but you can picture whichever your heart desires. They're both hot.)
He was a stranger. Three years in this town and he was still a stranger. No one had ever really gotten a good glimpse of him, they said he never left the house unless it was to come into town for groceries or food, or out on patrol with his brother Tommy and even then they always seemed to be in a secluded area where no one else could find them.
And though he was a mystery man people talked, said that he was the meanest and grumpiest man in Jackson, never smiled at anyone and had a permanent frown. They said that if you ever stepped foot on his porch he'd send his dog after you, chase you off his property shouting never to come back. But all these allegations never wavered her fear, she didn't believe the rumours one bit, if no one had a genuine interaction with this man how would they know what he was like?
She wondered though if he was tall if he was handsome, if was he young or was he an older gentleman, what he sounded like-- if he had the same southern drawl as Tommy or if it had faded, though she doubted that. As she leaned on the side of her friend's truck she stared down at the mystery man's house, or at least she guessed it was based on the descriptions she's heard in the town's whispers. He lived a few feet down the hill from her friend's house. It looked big enough, it had two floors and seemed to have at least two bedrooms, she wondered which was his. The longer she stared the more her curiosity ate at her.
"So you've never seen him? Not even once?" She asked, her eyes never leaving the architecture. Her friend, busy packing up the trunk, answered. "I mean I've seen him, but I've never seen his face."
"Is he tall?"
"Looks like he is."
Her eyebrows twitched with interest. "Is he... big? Like muscular?" She felt silly asking these questions but she just needed to know. "Probably."
The trunk slammed shut signalling that her friend was done with their task and ready to go, but she wasn't, almost shocking herself when she blurted out. "I'm going down there." She didn't hesitate, she pushed herself off of the side of the car and took determined steps down the hill leaving her path of footprints behind, her friend watched with her arms crossed and amusement on her face, ready to see her being chased away by that sleeping grizzly bear on the porch.
The closer she got to the house, the nerves and regret suddenly made themselves present but nonetheless she was committed to at least getting to the front door. She made her way up the steps that led to his porch, she tiptoed as best as she could but one misstep caused a creeeak in the boards and the once-sleeping animal had woken from its slumber. She froze, unsure of whether he'd bark at her like the tale's told. They had quite the staring contest before the four-legged creature stood up, shaking its fur off from the faint snowfall before trotting over to her, its tongue hung out while it panted and a soft "ruff!" escaped. The dog nudged her leg with its nose and she giggled dropping down to her knees.
"Well hello, sweetie pie." She greeted giving him a good scratch behind his floppy ears. "You are so handsome, and a good boy." She cooed, his tongue swiped across her face rendering a bellyful laugh from her. "Ugh! I could just take you home."
"Wouldn't recommend that." A low and deep voice spoke above her. Oh shit. It's him. She gulped, her eyes remained on the ground as she rose to her feet. "I mean if you want to steal my dog, least y'could do is look at me." His shoulders bounced as he chuckled, she looked up at him, her pupils dilating at the man in front of her. He was tall, shoulders nice and broad, biceps humungous compared to the size of her head. Head full of salt and pepper hair with a full beard to match the contrast, a sign of his transition into his older years. He had a lovely nose, it curved perfectly and fit his face nicely, freckles scattered over the bridge and faint spots on the rest of his face.
God, he's beautiful.
"H-hello." She stammered, almost stunned by him. "Who are you? What're doin' snoopin' round my place?" He grumbled, well, they were right he was a grumpy man. That infamous scowl splayed on his face. She swallowed hard. "Sorry, sir-"
He shifted his stance, his biceps flexed as he folded his arms across his chest. She tugged at her bottom lip. "My name is Molly, I-I was just visiting a friend and, uh..." It's as if her brain had short-circuited trying to come up with an excuse as to why she was being so nosy. She was tripping, stumbling over her words and he just couldn't keep up his persona anymore. Molly was cute, the blush creeping across her face from either the frost-bitten Jackson air or her nerves, or maybe both but either way it tugged at his heart. 
The creases in his eyes became apparent as he smiled softly. Molly blinked. "I'm just fuckin' with ya sweetheart." She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding and shook her head. "Sorry, sir." She didn't even know what she was apologizing for. 
"Joel, sweetheart, you can just call me Joel." He charmed. 
She quickly glanced past him, the door wide enough that she could catch a glimpse of his humble abode. "Do you live here all by yourself sir- Joel?" A bold question, he straightened up at the sudden inquiry. "I got my dog."
He fought the smirk on his face, she was cute and her wit was quick, he could admire that. "That's it." He answered.
They held a stare, it was long but it wasn't awkward, she got lost in those pretty brown puppy dog eyes of his. So fucking handsome. Joel nodded at her, "You want to come in? I've got a pot roast, big enough to share." She tingled at his accent, his deep voice and his inviting aura. All her sense of 'stranger danger' suddenly flew out of the window, her promise to go back to her friend had long been broken. She accepted his invitation and stepped foot inside his house. Nobody had made it that far, so they say. Molly looked around, it was quaint, surprisingly neat and tidy. But you could tell a woman did not live here. It was very man-ish.
"I can take your coat." He offered his hand. Gentleman. She shrugged off her jacket and handed it to him, her knuckles brushing his calloused palms— she felt a spark shoot through her. She thanked him and slid off her boots. Her polka-dot socks made an appearance, he was tickled. "Lovely home you have here."
"Thank you. D'ya like anything to drink?" 
She spun around. "Do you have iced tea by any chance?" It was a long shot, he looked like didn't drink anything but beer, whiskey too if he had it. "You're in luck, Maria and Tommy came down here a few days ago. She likes to bring me some, I don't drink much of it though." 
He excused himself and disappeared into the kitchen.
Molly eased her way around the first floor, he had little trinkets and knickknacks but again, it was obvious he lived alone. Her eyes landed on a picture of two young boys, she could only assume was him and Tommy, baseball bats in hand and the field in the background. "Can't tell you the last time I swung a bat," He muttered announcing his return, he handed her a tall glass of Iced Tea, even accompanied it with a straw. "Well, at least, at a ball." 
She softly laughed taking a sip of her beverage. She continued to wander but she took note of his watchful gaze, it wasn't weird or creepy, he just seemed pulled in by her. 
After a small tour he announced that he was going to eat, she joined him, asking if he needed help with anything but he declined. "You're my guest darlin', you don't needa lift a finger." 
She wiggled in her chair at the comment. 
It was only a moment before a nice red bowl was in front of her, the aroma hitting her senses, it smelt wonderful, it smelt like home. He grabbed a seat next to her, she thanked him for the meal before digging in. Her first spoonful knocked her eyes to the back of her head, and she groaned. "This is so fucking good." She said with a full mouth, her eyes widened and she covered her mouth realizing what she'd done lacked basic etiquette. "Sorry." 
"No need to apologize, darlin'. I appreciate the compliment." 
The two ate and chatted. They got to learn about each other. She discovered that Joel used to be a contractor, had a nice house, an old but reliable truck... a daughter, all before the world went to shit he was somebody just like everyone else in Jackson. Said the only reason he came out here was to find Tommy, to rescue him from danger, but his little brother had found solace in this town, found a home in Maria. And it took a lot of persuasion from him in order for Joel to stay. He'd gotten his dog, Titus, when he was on patrol once. Searching through a recently abandoned home he'd found the black dog, barely clinging on to life. It was risky bringing Titus into Jackson, he could tell the poor thing wasn't infected but he brought him by the vet to make sure. 
He'd gotten all his shots and was good to go home, with Joel, and suddenly he wasn't so lonely anymore.
Empty bowls sat on the table, and another round of Iced Tea made its way to her while he just settled for a beer. He took a sip, and she watched his head tossed back, his strong Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed every drop, she wished he was drinking her instead. 
Joel put the bottle down, his mouth twisted as he bit back a question of his own, but he had to know. 
"What were you doin' snoopin' around my yard today?" 
She played with her straw, swirling the cubes inside the glass and with each swish they would melt bit by bit. 
Molly cleared her throat. "I wanted to see if the rumours were true. You've got quite the reputation out there Mr. Miller." 
He knew what people thought of him and honestly, he didn't care, it was easier this way. No one comin' over to his house to borrow some sugar, or just have a friendly chat. He wasn't in the mood for all that, he was a simple man with a simple routine. Patrol and then home to Titus. 
"They say you're a mean and grumpy old man, who yells at anyone who sets foot on your property." 
He scoffed raising his eyebrows that also had a hint of gray in the hairs. "And you still came here?" 
She shrugged. "Wasn't too worried about it." 
He tilted his head. "Why not?" 
Molly's eyes caught his. "Because I didn't think someone could be so mean. And now that I'm here... I stand corrected." 
His eyes softened, her words meaning more to him than she'd ever know. "Thanks." 
She winked bringing her straw to her lips. His eyes drifted down just a bit, watching the way her pretty lips wrapped around the plastic, the way her cheeks would hollow in order to suck up the juice. He shifted in his seat, his eyes quickly moving over to his beer bottle. Molly looked out the window behind him and gasped, the sun had vanished, the only light provided was from the moon. 
"Shit, what time is it?" 
Joel looked at his watch. "It's eight. Got somewhere to be?" 
"No, I just... I didn't expect to stay this long. Plus I have an early patrol. I-- I should get out of your hair." She suggested. He wanted to grab her wrist and tell her to sit back down and stay for the night so they could talk more but he decided against it. "You need a ride home?" 
Molly sighed, she could just go back up to her friend's place but knowing her she was either sleeping or at her sister's place, probably telling her about how bold she was today stepping foot on Joel's land. "If you don't mind." She grimaced. 
"Course not." 
Joel stood to his feet, she stretched her neck to take one final look at the handsome man before he eased past her to head over to the little corner where their shoes sat. They got dressed and headed out. Joel whistled at Titus who was still enjoying his time on the porch. "Get in there bud." He nods over to the entrance of the house. The obedient dog stood but instead of going inside, he headed over to Molly. 
She drops to his level. "Thanks for the warm welcome Titus, I'll see you around sweetie pie." She cooed scratching his ears once again. He nudged her face with his wet nose and she giggled turning her face. "Okay, okay, get inside."
Titus huffed and trotted inside the house. Joel closed the door and walked her over to his truck opening the passenger's side for her and making sure she was good before heading to the driver's. 
They talked in between her feeding him instructions on how to get to her house. They arrived and she hopped out, he was hot on her tail walking her to her door. She searched her jacket pocket for her keys. "I had a great time today." She admitted.
"I did too, s'nice having someone to talk to." He confessed. 
"Oh don't worry, I'll be back." She softly giggled unlocking her door. "Now that I know Mr. Miller isn't so scary." 
Joel smiled earnestly, what was this fucking feeling? He always said he was fine, didn't need another human companion, didn't need someone he had to care for, didn't need someone to catch a headache over. But he'd made the exception for her. "Well, you're welcome back anytime." 
She propped herself on her toes to deliver a quick kiss on his cheek and he swore his stomach flipped around. "Goodnight Joel." 
"Night, pretty girl." 
She was safe inside and he headed back over to his place with a smile etched on his face. 
Molly skipped upstairs, falling face-first into her mattress, she screamed with excitement. She could not wait to see Joel Miller again. 
To the two (i think) followers/mutuals who are aware of TLOU. I hope this reached you, piqued your interest, if this doesn't flop I'll do a part two or something If you liked this fic, feel free to like this fic, comments and reblogs are appreciated. peace and love🤙🏾
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morphogenetic · 1 year
i recognize this might be a bat to a hornets nest but curious about more in-depth ndvr3 opinions
hi anon im sorry this took one million years to answer properly (bc i never got an answer back about how long you wanted this to be) but im answering it now. spoilers for v3 and very concentrated dislike of dr as a series (and especially v3 lol) below the cut
as a whole, dr does a very poor job at making its characters feel fleshed out. this is, i know, kind of the point - they're all supposed to essentially be very exaggerated versions of some specific tropes common in jp media, i.e gundham being an extreme chuuni. after the first game though, which feels like more of a proof of concept than an actually well-designed game, the extreme flatness (ironically shown very well by the pop-up-book art style lol) just gets worse and worse and the characters in v3 in particular are even less fleshed out than before. i realize that for v3 this is somewhat a consequence of them trying to drive home the 'these are characters written by someone else' point, but like.......even if you're trying to make the point that someone wrote the characters to be like that, you can still write the characters well if you're trying to pull off genuinely emotional moments w them. e.g. every time they tried to make kaito's illness sad i could not give LESS of a shit about it because he just has the one-note personality.
dr has always had the problem where characters - outside of komaeda and hinata in sdr2, who are IMO the best developed characters in the whole series, especially komaeda - are only as well developed as the amount of time you spend doing their social links (or occasionally the particular trial that focuses on them, if that applies). of course, it's literally impossible to complete everyone's social events during the main mode of the game - unlike, for example, p4 or p5, where you can at least get close if you dont finish the whole social link. as such, it is extremely difficult to form an attachment to more than 1 or 2 characters before they kill/are killed. this is especially true when it's immediately obvious who has less of a personality than everyone else - or has more of a trope of a personality - and it's intensely predictable who is going to die early. for example, in v3, it was almost immediately obvious to me that tennis guy, maid girl, and angie and tenko were not going to make it to the end of the game, and were all early deaths, because of how paper-thin their personalities are. of course, this meant that i didn't bother doing their social events at all, so i had no attachment to them when they did inevitably die. this is a problem w every single dr game but its especially bad with this one.
(don't even get me started on how ive been able to figure out the majority of the solution to each case before the trial even starts or gets farther than like 30 minutes in. or how the issues that the students raise are often incredibly stupid and take WAY too much time and energy to shoot down when its so obvious that they're completely wrong. it's just. filler for in so many of the trials and it is incredibly annoying. the amount of filler before seesaw effect made me insane.)
now for my main v3 specific complaint: the fucking ending.
i actually like meta endings, you must understand that about me before reading the rest of this. meta in video games in general is something i love as long as it's well executed. i adore how uchikoshi handles it in [GAME REDACTED TO AVOID SPOILERS], for example, even though a lot of people seemed to have missed the point with it entirely.
the key word there is "well-exectued." v3 is not.
first of all: if you're trying to make this a meta case where v3 is part of the ongoing DR series....why are you trying to say that the video game you're playing is part of a TV show???? it feels as natural to say that a TV show you're watching is secretly a book someone else is reading. it's not a natural jump between mediums in the slightest, and what makes it even more annoying is that dr as a series is a primarily-video-game series!!!!!!!!! what on EARTH are you doing trying to be meta about your video game secretly being a TV show. it makes no fucking sense. if they tried to say that it was a mixed-medium franchise, that I would accept, because DR IS a mixed-media franchise. but it feels incredibly stupid to retroactively say that 'these two video games we wrote in the past are actually tv shows.' what? no. that's not how mediums work.
secondly: the meta does not work effectively in a series like dr to begin with when it already is constantly breaking the 4th wall for comedy - which i don't actually have any significant problems with. i personally think it's a lazy way of trying to be funny when it's the primary way you try to make your game funny, but i can accept that it works with the general character trope adherence of the series as a whole. however, because of how meta is often used as a joke in the series, when they suddenly try to make the meta serious, while also still keeping elements of the meta comedy at the same exact time that you're revealing that the meta Is Dead Serious Stuff, the complete tonal dissonance really works against you.
lastly: it does not really feel like the writers wrote v3 as a whole to be meta, if that makes sense. [redacted uchi game] feels like it was always meant to be that way, and so it feels completely natural that it leans into fourth-wall breaking all the time. however, the way that the meta ending comes across in v3 is just that they didn't have any other better ideas on how to end the game/were running against a time deadline and just threw in the 'ehhhhhhhhh we're already meta all the time for comedy let's do that for the ending but serious this time' towel. as i said earlier, i like meta in games when it's well-exectued, but poorly executed/written metanarrative always sticks out, and in the case of v3 it is especially bad because it doesn't even seem like they wrote the first case AFTER the last case....which you need to do in order to successfully pull off the meta in a case like v3. and is also wild considering the very beginning of the game makes it clear that they did actually go back and try to drop foreshadowing earlier without editing much of the rest of the game to accommodate for that.
tldr the writing around the metanarrative ending is just so intensely bad that it's kind of unbelievable to me that people think it's a good ending.
sorry if you like dr but tldr its a mediocre series and its baffling to me how it got popular, but also people saying v3 is better at being meta than [redacted uchikoshi game] is an opinion ive seen more than once that just makes me fucking laugh.
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fnaffersblog · 1 year
Spoilers for the newest Sun and Moon Show episode "Sun and Moon's NEW ENEMY in VRCHAT" below
Beware, word soup below the read more. I'm just throwing out thoughts willy nilly.
The sarcastic laughing is SO goddamn funny. I'm crying. I love the AI's. They are such funny characters to me.
I would love to see just, like, a funny side episode where Moon's two AI's meet up with Monty's AI on his space craft. Interactions between the three of them, especially if Moon, Sun and Monty are there. I think that has the mixings to be a funny episode.
I don't know how to describe why I like the way the AI talks to Moon now. Pre-mind wipe it was so much more respectful towards Moon and now it treats him with the same level of what feels like contempt to me as it treats Sun. I like the way their interactions have changed, I wish I could articulate why. (Also the concern that pops into it's voice when Moon sets the portal or whatever? Yus.)
"The Entity" jumping out of the ball pit caught me off guard. It was really cool to see, but it was also so unsettling. It felt like a lot of movement for VR Chat, watching them just vault over the thing with ease. Super cool.
I LOVE this new character. This "Entity". Heavy Nobe vibes, a character of Invisible_Davis's whom I also like a lot, I'm SO excited to see where they take them. They're all sing-songy and cheerful but also threatening. Goofy but capable. Good shit. The LAUGHING. Genuinely making me nervous.
Also, another thing I noticed. Pre-Wipe, Moon was always a very threatening character to me, he had a sort of 'this is a villainous character on the side of the good guys' vibe to me and now his threats against the Entity just didn't hold up here. For some reason his 'negotiating' which he's done before didn't hold as much weight while I was watching it. Super interesting for me to realize I've had this perception change of the character.
Everything post 9:25 before the return to the present in the video was great. Moon getting sucker punched and then screaming for the computer to take the Entity down. The AI immediately responding. The Entity's joy at having sucker punched Moon. The Entity dodging fucking lasers as well as their whole unconcerned reaction to being shot at. Moon's reaction to hearing the Entity had left the daycare already. "It's just you... and Sun in there." Moon getting scratched, physical damage. That entire section was fantastic.
The entire conversation about what they should call the Entity is really funny.
What happened to Moon's mic at the beginning of the episode? He went "Spiiiiiiinnnnneeeeeerrrrrrrr̷r̶r̷" It was really funny.
Sun launching the barrel into the far cosmos a la animation error style had me crying. Fuck me that was hilarious.
The AI bashing Marvel
Tiny detail I really liked, the 'ha' being cut off mid articulation after Moon told the AI off
Based Dragon Ball opinion from Moon
I appreciate they got distracted talking about Dragon Ball being mid that was funny as hell
"Welp you heard it here first! My Dad said no!"
"We could play hide and seek." "Stab and seek? I like that idea." "That's not what I said."
"Like stab and go seek." "But like... rewind."
" I don't have lips I don't know how I'm doin that noise."
"Three years. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. That was a joke."
"Give me a legitimate answer you sarcastic [REDACTED]."
It occurs to me that when Moon said "C'mon you're a gamer Sun I believe in you!" He meant Sun and not son, but I heard son the first time which is infinitely more funny.
I love this show so fuckin much. Absolute banger of an episode all the way through.
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leetotters · 3 years
sassy quips
note: this was so much fun writing. credits to the funny tiktok audios and instagram videos i saw to write this short fic! the writing in italics is the 'youtube video'. i need a better title for this
warnings: tom and reader are together ofc, cursing, sassy/funny!reader? lmao
tom holland x reader, tom holland and co x reader(platonic lol)
summary: harrison stumbles upon a youtube video containing funny/sassy moments between y/n and the holland brothers(including harrison)
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Tom and Harrison's loud laughs could be heard from the living room, the boys were currently doing an Instagram live, claiming it was the perfect time to do one since they were bored and Tom hadn't interacted with his fans in the longest while.
You yawned walking into the room finding Tom's phone propped up on the blue fruit bowl, showing his screen the lasagna Sam made earlier. "Hey guys" You spoke, jumping over Harrison's giggly body on the carpeted floor to seat yourself on Tom's awaiting lap.
"Hey love, sleep well?" Tom asked, brushing the loose hair that rested on your forehead before pecking the space between your brows. "Yes" You sighed, turning your attention to Tom's live.
You skimmed through the comments, laughing at some funny ones and awing at the ones stating you were pretty and all boosting your confidence, "Someone asked why is Harrison laughing" You read aloud gaining the blonde's attention.
"I found a video on YouTube and it's hilarious" He grinned pushing his phone so it was in front of your face. You twitched your brows up when you saw the title.
'Y/N and the Holland Brothers funny/sassy moments'
"Oh my, no way" You grabbed his phone, clicking the video. "Wait" Harry took the phone, connecting the YouTube video to the television before handing it back to you. "Now everyone can see" He explained, plopping down on the sofa with a bowl of pretzels.
"Ready?" You inquired, pressing the play button on the phone when the boys replied with an amused 'yes'. Tom flipped the camera so the live could also see the video being displayed on the flat screen.
The music of the YouTube channels intro played, the classic aesthetic sound and the accounts name saying to subscribe before the title finally showed up. 'Y/N and the Holland brothers funny/sassy moments part.1'
"I am single" You wistfully spoke, your lips forming into a pout taking a sip of your orange juice before continuing. "And you're single" You pointed at Tom making him get a sense of hope that you're finally catching on that he likes you. "And well that can only mean one thing" You closed the cap of your juice, Tom smiled waiting excitedly for your answer.
"Nobody fucking wants us yo what the fuck" You dropped your head dramatically on the marble counter. Tom rolled his eyes, resuming the task he was doing before you barged in.
"Why you do him like that Y/N" Harrison voiced, his words stuttering from his loud laughs. "Tom was practically waiting for you to ask him out" Harry added bursting out into laughter as well. Tom and you just chuckled remembering that was days before he actually choked up the courage to ask you out.
At that moment you wanted to rip Tom's head off, who gave this foolish boy the idea of buying chickens? you questioned yourself while trying to stealthily grab the egg that rested under the hen. The boys were right behind you, outside of the coop cheering you on whilst you collected the eggs. "You can do it" Harrison clapped, swaying his head side to side. "You can do it" Sam danced along bumping his hip with Tom. "You can do it" Harry encouraged. "You can do this" Paddy sang, grinning when he heard you let out a loud huff. "You can do thi-"
"Shut the fuck up" You yelled glaring at Tom. "We're just encouraging you" They defended. "No! You almost made me drop the egg"  You whispered yelled hearing the hen starting to cluck.
Tears welled in all of your eyes, chortling at short clip, "You all are so annoying" You playfully rolled your eyes, earning a light pinch from Tom. "Oh please we were encouraging you!" They spoke simultaneously making everyone erupt in another fit of laughter.
Paddy ran up the staircase, trying his best to conceal his giggles as he ran into your and Tom's shared bedroom. "Y/N get out of the house, it's on fire" Paddy exclaimed, dropping down on the floor and rolling his way towards you to make his so called prank more believable. "Well tell the fire hold up, because I'm doing some important shit here" You replied not even caring that the younger boy was crazily rolling on the floor. You gave Paddy a weird look before clicking the resume button on your phone vibing to the song once more.
"Paddy really started rolling" Tom wheezed through laughs, genuinely finding it funny that his brother really thought he could prank you, he knew nothing came between you and your music vibing time.
"Hey did you call our neighbor Mrs. Johnson a bitch?" Harrison inquired, seeing the scene earlier where you flipped off the old lady for some odd reason. You looked up at Harrison from your spot between Tom's clingy arms, "Yeah! She changed her Wi-Fi password" You huffed, cuddling Tom again because you were pissed off. "Yo you can't be- that bitch changed the Wi-Fi password?!" Harrison gasped. "Guys Mrs. Johnson changed her Wi-Fi pass" Sam groaned walking into the room. "Y'know we have our own Wi-Fi right?" Tom chuckled honestly finding the situation rather stupid. "Her Wi-Fi is faster Tommy, no offense" You patted his chest.
"I'm so happy we got it back" You spoke up, the boys agreeing by nodding their heads. "Please you all are so dramatic" Tom uttered scrolling through the incoming comments and hearts on his live. "We shouldn't have given him the password" Harry grumbled softly only for you and Harrison to hear.
It was Saturday, and on this day it only meant one thing in the Holland household, dance night! The legendary sound of 'Watch Me' filled the neon colored living room, you skipped over to Sam knowing the song was one of his favorites. And well what happened next was uncalled for, when you were about to 'whip' you accidentally punched Paddy in the face.
"Okay so explain to me what happened" Tom asked holding the pack of peas against Paddy's swollen face. "Y/N punched me in the face" The teenager whined, his words muffled. "Bitch? No I didn't, I tried to whip and he was in my way" You held your hands up, stepping back, grinning when Sam voiced 'She's right, he was in her way Tom'
The screen blanked off, the channels end card appearing, the same aesthetic sound played but was drowned due to the laughter emanating from the room. "I told you'll it was hilarious" Harrison held his chest trying to calm down. "Wait there's a part two" Harry pointed to the video next up.
'Y/N and the Holland Brothers funny/sassy moments part 2'
"More?!" Tom and you shouted not wasting a minute later to click on the YouTube video. "The live is officially chaotic" You glanced at the phone screen, seeing the comments full with laughing emojis and other ones portraying the way you 'punched' Paddy. Boy it's going to be an eventful evening you thought, stealing a pretzel from Harry and leaning back on Tom's chest getting comfortable.
"Hey people, we're back" Sam and Paddy called out from the kitchen. Oh yes an eventful evening indeed.
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klysanderelias · 2 years
I've come back to Elden Ring (because I'm weak, partially) and I have to say, after coming to terms with the sad reality that Fromsoft peaked with Bloodborne, Elden Ring is... fine. 6.5/10.
I think partially my opinion on it improved because I ended up watching some lore videos and being impressed with some of the Act 3 reveals - I can't give them too much credit, because if I'm 70 hours into a game and quit because I'm sick of it, whatever comes at hour 100 doesn't matter. Still, I think it raises my estimation of the game.
I'm still salty as fuck about what in the hell a Tarnished actually is, and how the whole dark souls -esque system is supposed to operate here, but I've seen at least some explanation given, again something I had to watch lore videos to see, but assuming there's any basis given in the game and it's not just wild assumptions or external interviews/materials, it's... well, it's better than nothing.
I guess basically what I'm saying is, I lowered my expectations. I stopped trying to understand things and I just started going no thoughts head empty. I began worrying more about my build and my runes than I did about what was happening in the story. And that sucks? It's depressing, to a certain extent, because the whole things dark souls games are famous for is something I just can't afford to engage with, because this game is so fucking long and expansive that I can go ten hours without seeing anything important.
And I guess once again I'm gonna complain about Melina, because once again I'm looking at my in-game time and trying to think about how many conversations I've had with her, and/or how many times I've even seen her show up, and it's like... I'm twenty hours into this character. I think I've seen Melina five times? Not counting the cutscene in the starting area?
It doesn't matter, at the end of the day, I guess. I shouldn't get so worked up about it. It just bothers me because there's usually a comfort NPC who you genuinely feel affection for, whether that's someone like the Doll in Bloodborne or Siegward in DS3, or even Gavlan in DS2, and I just don't think there's anyone like that in Elden Ring. I found Fia to be underwhelming and suspicious (especially after I progressed her questline far enough mostly by accident), and too many of the others just don't show up enough or with enough fanfare to actually draw a reaction. Blaidd is maybe the closest? But even he isn't the kind of character to make me go 'oh fuck yes it's Blaidd', I'm just like 'oh hey.' I went to go look up the list of NPCs and I had completely forgotten about Iron Jar Alexander, who is a fucking bro but so far across three playthroughs, about 150 hours, I've found him in three places? And the one I've found him the most at is just where he stands at a door and goes 'oh man the radahn festival sounds cool'.
Anyway the point is, I'll die mad about Melina, partially because there's so many cool things they COULD have done with her character and they completely whiffed, but also because the Frenzied Flame stuff is possibly the most fascinating of all the Elden Ring lore to me, and Melina is tied into that ending, and it's all really underwhelming.
I dunno man, Dark Souls games have always had kind of lackluster endings, and there's a part of me that's really been warring between 'just because they don't provide easy answers doesn't mean that there isn't a whole host of interesting information to draw upon in the visuals and implications given' and 'sufficient good faith will excuse the holes in the worst writing, and at some point you need to draw a line of what you're willing to accept.'
Like, when we talk about Neon Genesis Evangelion, there's a lot of truly fascinating imagery and symbolism in the anime, especially drawing on Christian iconography and mythology, and the creators have explicitly said that they put it in because it looked cool. They didn't have a plan, they didn't have any intention to pay it off. That doesn't mean that there's no value in analysing and extrapolating based off that imagery! But it also means that you're allowed to dismiss it as stupid and incoherent as well!
And I guess where I've fallen is like, Elden Ring is a new IP with a whole new lore created for it and I'm probably going to spend years of my life thinking about it! But I'm not going to be thinking about it the way that I spent years of my life thinking about Dark Souls 2 or Bloodborne, where I could gush about how much I loved the things that they did and how excited I was to think about the questions and holes left in the storytelling.
I could spend a lot of time being negative about it, and I've written and deleted a lot of words doing just that. It was sixty bucks, and I've gotten 150 hours out of it, and will probably get another 50-100. It's a good value for your money. The gameplay is good and engaging. I think it's fine.
I just don't think it's anything special any more.
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ambivalent-anarchy · 4 years
Part 1 of 2
Part 2
Gender: Female
Pairing: Peter Parker x reader
Warning: None
Anon requested- can I get a one shot where the reader does the body positivity trend with the new megan thee stallion song and the reader is insecure about how ppl will react to it?? Most importantly how peter will react to it?? K thanks
Awww I love doing smol readers and where Peter's actually the one that has it together lol sooo thanx for this
The TikTok is that new body positivity trend with that Megan Thee Stallion song. Couldn't link it because tumblr acts weird about links but part 2 will have a video for Peter. Also reader will be 18 (senior in high school) cuz some people think minors shouldn't participate in the trend lol
A/N: Either a motivation fairy hit me in the middle of the night or I'm really just that bored to the point where I had no choice but to get my motivation to write back. Either way I'm happy lol. Enjoy! Thanks to @yumings and @kelieah for helping me feel confident in this lol
Will definitely be a two parter🙂
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Body oddy oddy oddy oddy oddy oddy oddy-
You'd finally finished editing the video.
It was a simple, short collage of all of your favorite selfies and pictures that showed off your body well. There was a new trend going around on TikTok and when you saw it you just had to jump at it headfirst.
People would take their favorite pictures of themselves, ones that showed off their bodies just the way they liked, and they'd put it to the sound of Megan Thee Stallion's song "Body".
You looked through your entire phone gallery to find pictures that you were confident enough to post, some you'd forgotten you even took in the first place.
When you were done, you threw in the simple caption that everyone was using.
Heard we're using this sound to show off. My turn then😜
Yeahhhhhh, the caption sounded much more confident than you actually felt.
You actually thought about deleting it from the minute you posted it. Insecure wasn't even the word for it. And even with your followers there to hype you up, you couldn't help but feel self-conscious. So, albeit hesitantly, you went to your friends for support.
The first person you showed was Michelle.
"You killed that," she said in math class as she passed you the phone underneath the table so that the professor wouldn't see.
"Thanks," you said. "I was honestly kinda nervous about it." You noticed her incredulous look and explained yourself, toying with the loose strings on your jacket. "Like seriously, I don't wanna fish for compliments, it's just that there are so many better ones out there."
Michelle gave a lopsided grin. "That's just you being insecure, you dork," she retorted. "You look hot." She gave an uninterested glare at the teacher when they told her to be quiet. Then she turned towards you with a smile. "You shown Peter yet? I bet he'd agree."
You shifted in your seat nervously and MJ immediately caught on. "What, you don't wanna show him?" She gave you a look when you took a while to answer. "Dude he's literally your boyfriend. I'm pretty sure he'll like it."
"MJ, we haven't even-" you looked around secretively. "-we haven't even taken our shirts off in front of each other yet. There's literally a pic of me in my sports bra and I.." You shrugged, a little embarrassed by the conversation topic. "I-i just don't know how he'd react."
You and Peter were a fairly new couple and were taking it slow. You'd only ever kissed, cuddled, and held hands so far. Plus, you were a major causal clothes wearer. Sweatshirts and jeans, those were your specialty. The two of you were in no rush and you were both fine with that, but you had no idea how he would react to seeing pictures of you like that.
And, though it wasn't the most feminist approach, you kinda wanted to impress him. Was that so bad?
MJ, forever the voice of patronizing reason, rolled her eyes at you. "So, let me get this straight. You're not fine with your boyfriend seeing sexy pictures of you, but you're okay with literal strangers seeing you instead?"
"Look, I know it's-"
"No, no I totally get it," she said with a sympathetic smirk, before laughing. "I just wanted to show you how dumb it sounded though."
The bell rang, signaling the end of class.
"Look," she said, standing up and getting her things. "You have nothing to be worried about. Peter practically worships the ground you walk on. He'll love it."
When you showed Ned, he genuinely didn't give a shit.
"Oh my God, there's a new Megan Thee Stallion album?!"
"Uh, yeah."
"I have to listen to it right now!"
"Yeah okay, but do you like the-"
He was already plugging in his headphones before you even finished your sentence.
You showed Harry next. If anyone was gonna rate you unabashedly, it'd definitely be him.
He was the only friend you had in your lunch period, so you met up with him every day. Towards the end of lunch that day, you'll pulled out your phone and asked if he wanted to see the video. He enthusiastically agreed.
He watched the short video with an amused expression, bopping his head to the music all the while.
When it ended, he handed you your phone back and gave you a high-five. "Damn girl!," he praised. "Just throwing it out there, if Peter fails you, I'm hella available."
"Heh, thanks." You smiled as you felt your entire face heat up. "Ya think he'll like it?"
"What, you haven't shown him yet?" You shook her head, giving a nervous smile. "Oh-" he nodded confidently. "-he'll love it. Trust me."
"Are you sure?," you asked.
"Yeah," he responded with a shrug. "Why are you so worried?"
"Because he's not-..he doesn't really seem-" You couldn't find the right words for it. "I dunno, I just really want him to like it!"
Harry scoffed. "Look. Let me tell you a little secret about Peter Parker," he snickered. "Or practically all guys for that matter."
"Okay?," you said, curious as to where this was going.
He smirked. "You remember when he introduced himself to you at my party last summer?"
You nodded.
"Well, hon..." Harry lowered his head to where he was whispering in your ear. "Your personality wasn't what he was noticing from across the room.. catch my drift?" He chuckled when he saw you blushing as you caught where his eyes had wandered. "Just sayin'."
Seeing your incredulous expression, Harry continued. "Peter likes to act like he's not checking you out every second of the day, but I promise you he is. That little "I'm so respectful and bashful" crap he has going is complete B.S."
You smirked and rolled your eyes as he pulled away from your ear and kept walking. "You're an ass."
Harry shrugged. "True, but I'm a realistic ass." The alarm on his phone sounded which marked his time to start heading to his next class. Standing up, he smiled down at you. "Seriously, if I could take back all the time spent listening to Pete go on about how good you look in your jeans, I'd be one well rested guy."
You rolled your eyes, but it betrayed the small smile growing. After all, he wouldn't be Harry if he wasn't a flirtatious dweeb. "Bye Harry."
"Show him the video, [Y/N]. He'll love it. You know I'm right."
And then there was one...
Later in the day, you were talking with MJ after school, waiting because Peter always insisted on driving you home because chivalry was not going to die as long as he was alive to keep it going.
When he finally showed up, the first thing he did was take you by the hand and give you a quick peck on the forehead.
"How are you guys doing?," he asked as your little trio started to walk.
"We're good," you chirped, ever so conscious of the phone in your pocket that you were suddenly very hesitant to pull out.
MJ noticed and nudged you. "You got anything you wanna show anybody, [Y/N]?," she asked with a smirk, causing Peter to look at you curiously.
You stayed quiet, but MJ still wasn't putting up with it. "I think you may have a video that you made..."
You remained silent and Peter looked at you, a lot more confused now. MJ frowned. "Um... cough.. cough."
Peter laughed and stopped walking. "Okay, what am I missing?" He looked to you and when he didn't see your expression falter, he looked to MJ. "What's going on?"
Michelle shrugged. "[Y/N] wants to show you a dumb TikTok she made but she's scared about how you'll react."
"Michelle!," you scolded.
She shrugged again. "What? You weren't going to say anything anytime soon."
"A TikTok?," Peter questioned. "Cool, which one did you do this time?"
You could feel your face heat up for the hundredth time that day. "It's a...um.." You stared down at the ground. Jesus, this was hard. "..It's a body positivity trend."
His eyebrows went up at that. "Oh, well um.. is it cool if I see it?," he asked.
You blushed. "Sure." You pulled out your phone and opened the app. When you got to the video you quickly shoved it into his face before you had a chance to second-guess yourself.
Both you and Michelle watched Peter's face as he watched the video.
His cheeks immediately turned red but his expression was unreadable. He had to have watched it over 5 times before MJ pulled the phone out of his hand. "Helloooo, earth to Peter Parker?"
She snapped into his face several times and he started to blink wildly, apparently being pulled out of a trance. "I...um- heh.."
You gave a small, nervous smile. "..did you like it?," you asked, growing confused as stared at you, his expression still the same. "Um, Peter?"
Suddenly, he smiled and let out a little chuckle. "Sorry... just..." He laughed again and scratched his head, unable to keep eye contact. "You're just- like.... really hot."
You blushed. Fuck. "You're not just saying that are you?"
"No, really like-" He looked back at the phone. "...Damn." He bit his lip. "How on earth did I get so lucky?"
"Okay, can we please get in the car before I throw up?"
The two of you looked at an uncomfortable MJ with embarrassment riddled on your faces. "Yeah, totally," you said with an awkward cough. "Sorry."
"Nice video [Y/N]," Peter murmured bashfully, opening the door of his car for you, his face still beet red. "Really nice..."
Tagging: @allegra-writes, @allegra-soleil l, @yumings, @hey-its-grey, @spideyyeet, @sunkissedspidey, @tommyunderoos, @chaoticpete, @snarky--starky, @sovereignparker, @thesherlockianavenger, @bubblebucky, @eridanuswave, @ithoughtthiswastwitterbutfr , @kidney9-9, @gwenvrse
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that-bajan-kid · 4 years
(This review almost never happened)
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The Japanese really said "Fuck human rights" when they built this thing huh.
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As much as I hate AFO this panel looks really badass.
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He literally prepared two faces. I genuinely didn't see that coming. Also rip Twice.
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THEY BONDED OVER VIDEO GAMES THAT'S SO CUTE. I really cannot put into words how much I hate AFO. All of this could have been avoided if they had just killed the motherfucker.
And Spinner is only just now realising Shiggy was hijacked?
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Also I cannot believe Gran Torino is still alive. Why didn't they use this life saving magic medicine on Night Eye?? Could've saved me the pain of watching Mirio, Izuku, and All Might cry. and also night eye wouldn't be dead if you care about that.
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Seriously?!? You can use your magic to heal GT's wound that 100% should have killed him and give him consciousness, but you can't even have Izu wake up once? Tho I guess his arms and legs remaining intact is a miracle in and of itself so I can't really complain.
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Well that answers that question. But how did Dabi even know where his mother lived? Or that he even had a mother for that matter. Also it totally looks like his wings might be growing back which I'm low key sad about. I really liked the idea of him permanently losing his wings as bad karma for killing Twice but, I'm not gonna complain if he gets his wings back either.
Also also, all these fake ass heroes that are just abandoning there agencies where only ever in it for the fame huh? The fact that Best Jeanist is still going out of his way to save those people pretty much proves he's legit. Suck on that haters.
Also also also, WASH CAN TALK????? I mean yeah he can talk but I thought the only words he knew where wash. Well damn.
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In his defence, he's an old ass man that should have retired years ago like another certain hero
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MORE TOUYA BUT HE'S IN PAIN. So your just gonna throw in the towel just like that. I get your going through a rough time and all but you're still the number one hero dude. More than half of the top heroes have either died, retired, or are unable to work rn. Plus it's your fault Touya even became a mass murderer. You gotta bring him in to the light. I still think he's to far gone for it to even do anything but at least he won't be able to kill anyone.
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Three things about this panel.
Rei looks like a total badass being framed by her kids like that. And I am so glad she didn't have another breakdown and that they let her out of the hospital.
That whole "Oh Enji isn't that bad he brought flowers so that means he's changed" demeanour is gone and replaced with "I've got a million and one problems and you are all of them" one and I am here for it. And the fact that she's taking control of the situation. I just love all the energy she's giving off right now.
Enji looked like he aged 20yrs in the page before this but here it looks like Hori said "fuck it" and added another 30. It makes his reaction to Rei's I'm-that-bitch entrance even more hilarious.
It's been a really rough couple of weeks for me. My country now has community spread and the cases in locals are skyrocketing so our PM issued a lockdown so I'm stuck inside now. Plus school is really taking up a lot of my time.
I read all four chapters today, mostly cause I got sick of YouTube almost spoiling me every time I open the app. Ngl it's probably gonna be mostly reblogs after this.
I'm very excited to see the family meeting next chapter if we get one. Time to relinquish your power Enji, the Ice Queen has arrived.
Until next time.
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agape-28 · 3 years
I wanna hear about how you went from an anti to a larrie (and why you were an anti in the first place)
Buckle up, bestie!! I've already made a post of my origin here, but I don't mind saying it again!!!
I was an anti because I was a part of the general public (I was never a directioner, I probably can't even sing like more than five 1D songs), but since I was ingrained in fandom culture, I've always heard about how "Larries destroyed their friendship". I'm a very volatile, reactionary person; like sometimes I just go search up negative things to fight people LOL. I also had an underlying sense of internalized homophobia, and was very much in my "omg not everything is gay" phase. Additionally, I used to love K-Pop, and I always remember hearing fans say "Just don't act like a Larrie" (aka "make your faves uncomfortable by shipping them" or "actually believe that their relationship is real"). Really, RPF shippers have become synonymous with Larries.
When looking up lyrics and chords for Sweet Creature, I saw how so many Larries existed. And I was like "WTF? Why are there so many of you?" And then I sort of thought, well, if there are so many of you, what could be the reason? So I found myself looking up "harry"/"louis"/"harry louis" on Twitter, and was baffled by the amount of people who tweeted about them were Larries. I also searched up "larry stylinson" on Tiktok.
But it took me a long time to actually believe in Larry, you know? I think it's because, like I said, I was a K-Pop fan. Ships weren't new to me. A lot of idols say “I love you” or other flirty things to one another, so that fans could go wild over them. This is called "fanservice". So I actually thought that they were "Larrybaiting" (I know, I know). I also started looking up Larry on Tumblr, and I fell into a "Twarrie" phase (maybe they were together?). But I still had this sense of doubt because of my dislike for Harry (sorry!), because of how strong and potent his womanizer image was.
I think I accepted its realness around the time AFHF happened. This isn't what totally pushed me to believe it (like I didn't watch this and think YEAH LARRY IS REAL), but I remember watching Louis' GQ video where he discusses his tattoos, and he just... doesn't?? And I was like "Well that's stupid, why participate in this vid if you won't answer?"
Also, people saying like "that's just them being platonically affectionate"... IDK, I'm super platonically affectionate with my friends and we're all fucking gay, but I don't think I ever look at them like how Harry and Louis look at each other. (Shout-out to the X-Factor GIF where Louis was blindfolded and leaned in for a kiss and Harry genuinely looked like he was gonna go for it.)
I also got rid of my "Larrybaiting" thoughts by realizing that One Direction is like... old. LMAO not old in that way, but I was looking at it from a “modern” perspective, which was clouded by how I viewed K-Pop groups. I also thought that "Hmm, isn't it counterintuitive to Larrybait but also insist Larries ruined them?" As much as it sucks, if they weren't real, I think they would be much more bait-y, you know? Like, management would have no reason to be so scared, because they wouldn't be real. And if they truly hated each other, management wouldn't act like that. It's in everyone's best interest to act like they like one another.
in reference to this
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devinescribe · 4 years
Knowing You Again
Chapter 6 of '100 Promises'
Chapter 5 | Chapter 7
Warnings: Swearing, bullying, I think that's it, let me know if I missed any
"Wow this place is amazing! So many games!" You awed, amazed by the amount of games and the lights. "Yeah, it's not anything like the one I went to on break, but since I can't take you there yet, I thought here would be good," he explained. "Thank you!" You exclaimed, hugging him and jumping up and down. He laughed, "Ok, ok. Calm down! What game do you want to play first?" You looked around, seeing all the different games, the people rushing from the machines and back. And you saw one that wasn't being used. You lead him over to it. "This one?" You asked. He nodded, and you two began on the game.
You walked into the grand lobby of the hotel, and sat on one of the waiting chairs. You watched in curiosity as people filed in their groups, cheering and laughing. Even if they'd lost a member, they were happy to be alive. A relief that it wasn't them. Maybe it was that everyone here had begun to accept their new reality. It made you smile in the slightest, that not all the people here were weak and useless. "Hey there new girl," someone said from besides you. "Hi Chishiya," you greeted without even turning to look besides you. "Hm? Attentive," he said. You didn't have to look to know he was smirking. "No, your voice is just very distinctive. It's soft, but also a very condescending undertone in it. Give people the illusion you know more than them," you stated, finally looking at him. "The hell did you study in college?" He asked with a laugh. "Major in forensics, minor in psychology. I'm pretty good at psychological mind fucking," you stated. He smiled, looking up. "Mind fucking? That's how I know you're friends with that idiot," he said. "Idiot? Niragi? No way. He studied game programming and engineering, and is 20 times smarter than anyone I've ever met," you said, surprised anyone could call him an idiot. How much did he change in the borderlands? Even then, his intelligence wouldn't have faded. So what did he do? "Hmm... maybe I'll change your opinion. You haven't met someone like me before," he said, looking at you. His eyes stared back into your own. It was like he was seeing into your soul, trying to really read into you. "I like a challenge. Impress me," you stated, a smirk playing on your lips. "Will do. Your friend is up on the roof for his patrol. I'll see you later at the pool. Kuina is quite fond of you. You two get along well," Chishiya said, walking off. You stood up, walking over to the grand stair case.
"I haven't slept in 4 days... gods help me," you groaned, running your hands up through your hair, it getting stuck from the knots. "Fuck me... SUGU! ARE YOU ALIVE?" you yelled. You heard a groan in response. He came out of his room, his hair sticking up every which way, his glasses were crooked on his face, and there were dark eyebags under his eyes. "I think... I think I'm alive..." he said. He was almost falling asleep standing up. "You need to take a nap," you suggested, standing up and walking over to him, yawning and rubbing your eyes. "No, I need to finish my project, you need a nap," he said, as you fixed his glasses. He could see that you were also running on no sleep. The dark eyebags under your eyes, your messed up tangled hair. It was different to say the least. You always looked nice, but college said no, please fuck up your sleep schedule to get this project done for me. Oh, and it a worth 75% of your grade! He hated school, but enjoyed what he was studying. Your projects took longer, and we're a bit gross at times, seeing as you had to take both forensics and psychology classes. "How about coffee instead then? I have a project to finish too..." you said, combing his hair out with your fingers, making it lay flat once more. "That sounds nice..." he muttered, the sensation of you playing with his hair almost making him fall asleep on the spot. "Yeah, I don't think you drinking that many energy drinks is healthy. Or not sleeping for four days. Let me get dressed, fix my hair, and we can head out, yeah?" You scolded at first, softening your tone.
"You look like shit," he insulted as you two walked to a coffee shop. "You're one to talk. When was the last time you washed your hair? Who are you, Snape?" You joked back, knowing his hatred for the character. 'He treated a kid like absolute shit because the kid's dad used to bully him in school. Oh, and his obsession with a girl who just saw him as a friend, but we're not going to talk about it.' He always said that when you asked him about why he hated Snape. It was funny to you because you had never met someone besides yourself that had that much genuine hatred towards a fictional character. "Ew, compare to anyone but him. Anyone," he said, genuinely grossed out by the fact you'd compared him to that character. "You really should take care of yourself more though. I need you to last me my whole life dude," you said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Mhm, if I remember correctly, promise 40 was if we were still 28 and we were single, we'd marry each other," he chuckled. You laughed. "Well, yeah. We keep our promises, you got that?" You said, punching his shoulder. "Ow, what was that for!" He whined, laughing. "I don't know. I don't want to go back to that apartment. I need to stay out of that, school is just... taking a toll on me. When we finish school and get jobs, I hope it's easier... Let's go on an adventure today," you said, leaning onto him. He thought for a bit. His project was almost done, and it was due in three days. He was running on no sleep, 5 energy drinks a day, and the occasional coffee you brought him.. Taking time off for you was worth it. He could finish the project tomorrow. You were worth that and more to him. "Sure what kind of adventure?"
"A little birdie told me you'd be up here," you said once you had opened the door to the roof. He turned around, facing you. "Really? Let me guess, Chishiya?" He stated. . He had his gun slung over his shoulder, and looked around boredly. You nodded. "How was your game?" You asked, going over, and sitting on the edge of the roof. He went over, sitting by you. "It went great. I'm alive, aren't I?" He stated sarcastically. You sighed, seeing as you were right. You had sensed it last night, but now it was more obvious. The games had changed him. For better or worse, you didn't know yet. "Mmm... and are the games any way to treat me differently? Because I'll hit you right now if you say yes," you threatened, glaring at him. He noticed your anger, but he guessed it could also be sadness. He'd left you alone for... how long had you said? 6 months? He didn't remember being gone for that long. Maybe time ran differently in the Borderlands than it did in the real world?
"No, it's not. Just know that I'm not going to act the same around you. I have a reputation here," he said, staring out. A light breeze brushed across the roof. A reputation? Well, you had noticed not many people coming up to talk to you all day. You heard whispers of 'that's the girl Niragi brought in. We should stay away from her.' So you assumed people feared Niragi. But you were curious. You know what they say, Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back. "Tell me about it then. Tell me everything that's happened. All the good, all the bad, I want to know. So spill," you said. He sighed. He didn't want to tell you. A part of him was confused about it. He wasn't proud of the things he did, but on the other hand, he wasn't ashamed of them. The only thing stopping him was the fact that you were the only person who's opinion he cared about. The only person he had his whole life who cared about him the way he cared about them. You were the only reason he wasn't completely alone. "You want to know? Why?" He asked, putting up a defensive front. You shook your head, noticing it almost immediately. He had built walls in the games, you could tell. But that wasn't going to stop you. "Because you're my best friend,and I thought you had died. Because I want to know what you've been doing here? How'd you get such a high rank? When did you learn how to shoot? What's your specialty of the card games? Is it fun? Have you killed anyone?" You asked, going off on a small tangent. "Ok... let's do this. I've been playing the games, I got a high rank by playing the games, learned how to shoot here in the borderlands, surprisingly enough it's almost like shooting in a video game, my specialty are diamond games, yes it's extreme fun, and yes I have," he answered. You nodded, leaning your head on his shoulder. You had a suspicion there was worse he'd done, but you didn't want to know. He could keep it to himself until he felt comfortable to tell you. It felt like before, in a way... When you two would sit on the roof of some apartment complex down the street and watch the stars. Where your worries would go away, and you didn't have to worry about being the perfect daughter or the bullies. You were just (Y/N) and Niragi, the two kids. Because that's what you had been. Kids. When everything happened, you were kids. No kids should have been treated like how you two had been treated.
''I can't believe they broke your glasses," you muttered under your breath, brushing his hair out of his face. His bullies had gotten him while you were cleaning the classroom after class. He waited outside, but they decided to rough him up. The had beaten him up pretty badly. You had cleaned up the cuts and blood as much as you could, but it didn't change the fact his glasses were broken."It's fine..." he said, not wanting to look you in the eyes. "It's not fine, Sugu. You need your glasses, and glasses are expensive. Plus your dad..." you trailed off, seeing his hands beginning to shake. "Don't remind me..." he whispered. You hugged him, and whispered back, "You'll be ok. I promise."
"Don't make promises you can't keep, (N/N)."
"But I have to. Promise 1, we promise to keep each other safe, remember?"
He sighed, and nodded. You were scared for him. You knew somehow, you'd get roped into it. You looked up at him, seeing him pick at the cement on the roof. "Eventually... we're going to have to go back. We can't stay here the whole night," he said. You frowned. "I don't want to go back. We should run away. Just the two off us."
"(L/N)?" Someone called out from behind you two. You turned to face the person. It was Ann. "Hatter would like to see you... Alone."
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v-hope · 5 years
Someone speaks badly about you on a show
—and they defend you, ofc.
Pairings: OT7 x Reader
Genre: I guess fluff for default, angst
Request by @ally22042000: "Hey, I saw that request for reactions are open. Can I have one with the boys ( just Yoongi and JK if all of them are to much), where they are at an award show or interview or something like that and someone talks disrespectfull about the reader? Thx so much💜 and have a nice day."
A/N: I hope this is what you had in mind, I enjoyed writing these 💕 Also, you're an idol in a couple of them and in the rest you're not. I hope you like it!
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Kim Seokjin
Your boyfriend absolutely lived for whenever he got asked to be an MC at award shows.
So, naturally, he was very hyped up once he was handed his lines and had to go up on stage with two other idols – one of them being his good friend of many years, and the other one being a new artist who had debuted last year.
It was simple. Read the cards. Just read the goddamn paper notes you had been given and that was it. But, apparently, the idol by his side was way too new to this whole thing, for instead of reading what he had been handed to, he fixed his eyes on Jin to his side.
"Thank God I got to be with the fun one of your relationship".
Seokjin's eyes went to lock with his out of instinct, having not really processed what had just happened yet.
"The fun one?" his eyebrows furrowed.
"Yeah" the idol nodded his head. "Y/N would've made this so boring".
Jin glanced for a brief second to his friend, as if to verify he had heard just the same and his mind wasn't making it up – his awkward expression itself doing that for him.
Nonetheless, as much as he wanted to snap at him, he decided to be the better one, maybe just because he knew he was still live and didn't want to make a scene right in front of everyone.
That didn't stop him from putting him in his place though.
"Then you clearly haven't had the pleasure to meet her and witness her high class humour" Jin spoke into the camera, later placing his eyes on his friend. "Don't you think, hyung-nim?"
"I have never laughed harder than with her, Seokjin-ssi" he replied immediately.
And then out of nowhere, Jin dug his hand in his pocket, throwing multiple heart shaped red papers that had everyone screaming in a second. "Love you, baby. Don't let anyone tell you you're not funny".
What's the saying? Kill 'em with kindness? Well, Seokjin had just slayed that poor guy's soul.
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Min Yoongi
"Hey, it's BTS!" the MC greeted cheerfully once the seven guys came on the shot.
One by one, they went up to her to give her a quick hug before they took their place standing next to her.
Up until then, everything was fine, and maybe things would've remained that way if she had just said nothing after Yoongi hugged her. Instead, she laughed, catching him off guard.
"At least you are polite" she shook her head in amusement.
Yoongi pouted naturally because of his confusion. "Who of us hasn't been polite?"
"Oh, no. Not you" she shook her head one more time, only to clarify: "Your girlfriend".
"Y/N-ssi?" Hobi was the one to ask on his hyung's behalf, being just as puzzled as everyone else by that statement.
At the nod of confirmation coming from the MC, Yoongi brought the microphone up to his lips. "But you've never even met her, where'd you get that from?"
"The video of her not even looking at the paps taking pictures... when you were at the airport the other day".
Yoongi's hold on the mic tightened, suddenly becoming protective of you. "So just because she's a private person she's impolite?"
"She didn't even acknowledge your fans. Come on, that was just very–"
"She's not an idol" he cut her off. "She doesn't have to put up with all of this, especially when she's not comfortable with all the attention".
"She should've known this would happen when she decided to date you".
"Guys…" Namjoon tried to stop both of them from arguing any further, for they had apparently forgotten they were still live.
But Yoongi was already done, slightly shaking his head before he put an end to it for once and for all: "She's given up enough for me already, I'm not asking her to be all bubbly around paps or our fans when she clearly isn't comfortable with it. If that's impolite to you then go off, I guess, but I'm the one dating her and I know better".
On to the next topic now.
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Jung Hoseok
"Hoseok!" the girl interviewing them read effusively on her phone.
They had been interviewed person by person that day, since a few influencers had gotten the chance to record short clips with BTS to upload to their social media. This one, so far, had been one of their favourites, for its dynamics consisted in nothing but the young woman going through her Twitter reading fan questions or just letting them know about cute comments they had made.
However, that was soon to change when she caught Hobi's attention, continuing: "I loved you in the concert last week, I got to meet Y/N and she was the cu– oh, irrelevant much?" she mumbled with a small, breathy laugh, before dismissing the topic and scrolling down in search of another tweet.
Hoseok's eyebrows knitted together. "Wha–"
"Oh, here's a good one" she smiled as if nothing had happened, as if she had not heard him; having the seven men exchange uncomfortable glances. "Jimin, you and your girlfriend are such couple goals, I can't w–"
"Um…" Hoseok cut her off, stealing a quick glance to Jimin, who looked just as out of it, before his eyes fell back on the girl's. "How come Jimin's girlfriend is worth talking of and mine isn't?"
"She's an idol" she answered as if it was evident.
His jaw tightened. "So people are only worthy when they're famous now?"
"Well, no..." she uselessly tried to fix it.
"Then I believe you should respect her enough not to call her irrelevant or skip comments at the mention of her".
"But there's nothing interesting about Y/N anyway, so…"
That was all Hobi needed to turn his head to look at his members before he shook his head in defeat. "We're done here, guys. I'm not listening to any more of this nonsense".
Neither were they, which is why they were all soon to follow your boyfriend out of there.
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Kim Namjoon
"So, Namjoon-ah" the entertainer's eyes focused on him, "I watched a few pictures of you at your girlfriend's graduation the other day" he smiled. "You guys looked so cute!"
A big smile spread over Joon's lips, recalling the pride he had felt that day because of you, being the happiest to have been able to be there for you.
"Aw, thank you" he said truthfully, his dimples making their appearance. "I'm really proud of her".
"You are?" the man asked.
Now, there were two ways to say those words. One with a genuinely intrigued tone, and one that was looking to offend. In this case, given not only his tone but also the way his eyebrows had raised in impression, it had been clear to everyone present that his intention had been the latter.
"I am" he stated simply, hoping that would be as much as the host would say about the topic before he moved on to the next one.
It was not.
"Don't you ever wish you were with someone more successful though?"
Namjoon's jaw tightened visibly, his eyes turning colder. "What does that even mean?"
"I'm just saying, you're Kim Namjoon" the man shifted on his seat. "Worldwide known idol, producer, rapper… whereas she's just… ordinary".
The way he had said that last word made it seem like being like that was the worst of things, and Namjoon did not like it one bit.
"Her achievements are just as important as mine" he was fast to talk in your defence. "Just because she isn't a part of the idol industry doesn't mean her dreams and passions are any less worthy of recognition than mine".
That alone had the interviewer apologising in a second, realising then how bad he had messed up. Because, in all honesty, Namjoon couldn't really care any less about you being famous or not – he would always be proud of you and your achievements no matter what.
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Park Jimin
"Ah, Park Jimin!" the host exclaimed after a picture of you had popped up on the screen in between them. "You really got lucky with this one, didn't you?"
That sure did bring a bright smile to his lips, for he absolutely lived for these moments, when people acknowledged how beautiful you were.
Nonetheless, that smile of his was soon erased when the same guy added: "You should control her more, though".
With that and a frown adorning your boyfriend's face, the picture previously displaying on the screen was gone and replaced with one of you in a night dress from two days ago instead.
"Control her more?" Jimin asked through gritted teeth.
"Yeah" he nodded his head. "She has a boyfriend now, she can't go around looking that hot, it might get the wrong attention".
Now, Jimin himself hadn't really liked it when you went out dressed like that, but he was your boyfriend, so he did have some kind of right to feel a little jealous of other guys thirsting over his girlfriend when she was out alone with her friends, didn't he?
This guy, however? Neither what he said was appropriate on so many levels, nor did he have the right to talk about you and your outfit like that.
"I think you should think before you speak and induce people to have unhealthy relationships" your boyfriend spoke in a low, calm voice.
Controlling you? What kind of bullshit was that?
"Come on now, I was joking" the man brushed it off with a laugh, and a very nervous one at that.
"Were you really?" Jimin raised one of his eyebrows, not believing a word. "Even if you were" he went on before the guy could open his mouth to reply, "you should maybe reflect on yourself and, instead of telling me how to treat my girlfriend because of how provocative she looks, think of why you, a guy who's over his forties, thinks that way of someone who could easily be his daughter".
He had not been rude. He had not raised his voice. Yet he did somehow manage to look so fucking scary to the man in front.
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Kim Taehyung
"Y/N?" the interviewer asked in disbelief, only to scoff after receiving a nod of confirmation from Tae. "Of course she'd end up with one of you guys".
Not only did Taehyung's eyebrows furrow in that moment, but so did everyone else's – his members exchanging dumbfounded looks as your boyfriend looked to the guy in front dead in the eye.
"One of us?"
"Mhm" the guy replied simply. "She always seems to be with whoever is the most famous at the moment, so..." he shrugged.
"She's only been with other two people?" Taehyung raised one of his eyebrows.
"Who just so happened to be the moment's sensation" he reminded him. "And now she's with you".
"You can't help who you fall for" your boyfriend's stare became colder by the second.
"She's just going to break things off with you as soon as your moment of fame passes".
That was it.
"Okay, no" his voice came out like pure venom. "If she broke up with them, it's merely because they were both complete assholes to her".
"Taehyung…" Namjoon discreetly squeezed his wrist from his side.
"No, hyung" he shook his head before fixing his enraged eyes back on the interviewer. "She's the sweetest person there is, it's not her fault us guys fall for her. And it's not her fault either to have dated guys who don't deserve her. She did well to dump them, and I know she won't leave me just because of my fame's status".
And then, as everyone in the room remained silent, being absolutely perplexed by such situation, he shook his head in disappointment once again at the sight of the guy's desperate attempt to come up with something else to say.
"You know" he beat him to it, "for such an overrated interviewer, you are so goddamn misinformed".
Good thing this would get bleeped out by the editors later, that if they ever wanted this to air at all.
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Jeon Jeongguk
"It's been a while since we last were together, hasn't it?" the host spoke after they had all sat down on the sofa placed in front of her. "A lot has happened since then…" a cheeky grin curved up her lips when her eyes fell on Jeongguk, "like the maknae finally getting himself a girlfriend?"
A shy bunny smile didn't wait to part Guk's lips, meanwhile his six hyungs started being chaotic like they, by this point, always were.
"He did" Namjoon was the one to answer for him, fondly patting his shoulder.
"Well, congratulations! It was about time you got someone" the woman said with a smile. "Though I must admit I never thought I'd see you with someone like her".
Your boyfriend's previous smile was replaced by slightly parted lips. "Someone like her?"
"I mean" the woman tried to get her point across, "you've said multiple times that IU is your ideal type, and Y/N's just…" she scrunched her nose in a displeased manner, "she's not exactly…"
Oh, no. There was no way in hell Jeongguk was letting her finish that sentence; the idea itself making him mad. That was the reason his shy side was long gone, being replaced by his protective one instead, which had quickly taken over him.
"She's stunning" Guk spoke in a low, determined voice. "IU is just a celebrity crush. Y/N's the woman I am in love with" he established without hesitation. "I really don't understand why you're bringing this up".
Although taken aback by Jeongguk's sudden way with his words, not having expected such outburst coming from the quietest member when it came to interviews, the woman went on:
"I'm just sayin–"
"No" Guk cut her off, shaking his head hastily, "you have nothing to say about my preferences, you don't get a say on us".
End of conversation.
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uweiy · 5 years
Can you do Xingchen with Sentence 38?
Soooo I’m assuming you meant Xicheng ?? If you meant Xiao Xingchen just tell me I’ll try to think of smth with him !
From this prompt list
38 - “You just feel really good. Soft and warm…”
His head is throbbing.
Lan Xichen squints his eyes, tring to bring his blurry vision back in focus.
He doesn’t know where he– wait. This luminous square, no, window, surrounded by curtains, seems familiar. He is lying on a red sofa covered by a blanket.A basin and a glass of water are waiting on the table next to him.
This is his home.
He has no idea how he got back. And he has no clothes on, save for a pair of briefs.
What in the world happened last night ?
“Did you just swear ?”
Lan Xichen’s muddled mind stutters.
1. He had no idea he had spoken out loud.
2. Jiang Cheng is here. Why is Jiang Cheng here, shirtless and freshly showered, holding a cup of tea. The hot water must’ve brought out the veins running along his forerarms, and his hair is mussed and Lan Xichen is dying.
He hasn’t gotten his composure and his manners back yet and looking like this is just unfair.
Jiang Chengs’s voice snaps him out of his thoughts, as if reading his mind.
“There is a basin next to your sofa because you kept throwing up. You’re on your sofa because at least I could watch stuff while I kept an eye on you.
“As for why I’m here and what happened last night well…” Jiang Cheng trails off.
Lan Xichen swallows.
Jiang Cheng continues “… Are you sure you want to know ?”
Lan Xichen nods.
Jiang Cheng sighs and pulls out his phone. “I did warn you.”
The video is low quality but Lan Xichen can recognize the people on it.
“my head is so heavyy …
He sees himself giggle.
“If it’s so heavy, why don’t you let someone else carry it ?” The voice holding the phone says.
Probably Wei Wuxian.
“Ooh good idea !”
And Lan Xichen in the video drops down on the floor.
Present Lan Xichen is mortified. But the video goes on and he hears himself speak.
“Ooh Jiang Cheng … You just feel really good… Soft and warmmmm.”
The camera turns to Jiang Cheng who is looking exasperated. “That. Lan Xichen, is Fairy.”
“You’re the fairy ! “Lan Xichen giggles
“Hey wanna know a secret ? I really like– ”
“Okay that’s it. stop filming you arse”. Jiang Cheng says to the camera.“
The video ends.
Jiang Cheng puts his phone back in his pocket.
"Wei Wuxian has some more, but ‘blackmailing a representative of another faculty is a once-in-a lifetime opportunity hahahaha’ he said.”
“I really can’t hold alcohol” Lan Xichen says in a small voice. “and your brother is… a…a scoundrel.”
Jiang Cheng sighs. “That’s putting it lightly. And yeah, you were pretty hammered.
"After that I decided you had had enough to drink, so I took you home. Also you were insisting that I carry you so…
"Then on the way to my car, you tried to dance with a street pole, and when it didn’t answer you said ‘sorry for bothering you sir’ and almost started crying.”
“Oh my” Lan Xichen says. He had thought this couldn’t get any worse.
“And THEN when we got here, you threw up. On my shirt.” Jiang Cheng sounds positively pissed “ So yes, I used your shower.”
Then the murderous glance disappears and Jiang Cheng finishes matter of factly
“So I took off your clothes so you wouldn’t puke all over them, put you on the sofa, basin, glass of water, and voilà.”
Lan Xichen wishes the floor would swallow him up whole. But he has to ask
“So we didn't–”
“No you idiot, have you seen the state you were in ? Of course we didn’t DO anything.”
“Did I… Did I say something ?” Lan Xichen presses on.
Jiang Wanyin looks at him flatly. “As you just saw, you said a lot of things. What else would you have said ?”
Well that’s a relief.
Lan Xichen slumps back against his pillow. “Nevermind. Thank you for bringing me home.”
Jiang Cheng nods"You should be thankful we had so many gatherings for the student committee I won’t ever be able to forget where you live.
“Since you seem alright now I’ll get going. I have a T-shirt to wash.” He adds.
“Take one of mine.” Lan Xichen says before he can think, because he’s absolutely positive the sight of Jiang Cheng in one of his shirts would kill him. “It’s the least I can do to repay you.”
Jiang Cheng considers it.
Wei Wuxian calls out to him when they run into each other at University.
“Heyy, class president, did you and my dear little brother sort things out ?”
Lan Xichen’s brows furrow in confusion. “I thanked him for bringing me home.”
“So he didn’t tell you ? You said some pretty … Meaningful things.”
Lan Xichen’s blood runs cold.
Wei Wuxian sighs “He’s going to murder me.”
“Oh well.” Wei Wuxian shrugs, resigned “Jiang Cheng said you told him you liked him and tried to kiss him like, multiple times.”
“Oh.” Lan Xichen manages to articulate, despite the knot in his throat.
“But it seems like he hasn’t gotten the memo.” Wei Wuxian adds. His gaze bores into Lan Xichen’s.
“So man up and tell him properly, Lan Xichen.”
“Here’s your Tee.” Jiang Cheng says as he stands by Lan Xichen’s doorframe. “Try to be easier to find at Uni, I had to drive all the way over here. ”
“I’ll… Try ?” Lan Xichen answers. Not very eloquent, but the visit caught him by surprise.
“Goodnight then.” Jiang Cheng says as he turns on his heels.
“Wait !” Lan Xichen just has the time to grab Jiang Cheng’s wrist.
“I’m sorry for… what I said the other night. When I was… When I was drunk.”
Jiang Cheng’s eyes widen and he clenches his fist “That little– I am going to have a word with him.”
Then Jiang Cheng pinches his eyebrows. “Look, I know you were drunk, and I was there and It was convenient. I won’t hold it against you. Good Night.”
“Please wait. Jiang Wanyin.”
That Jiang Cheng could believe Lan Xichen would have said that to just anyone, that he would use Jiang Cheng in such a way makes Lan Xichen’s stomach churn with revulsion.
He can’t let Jiang Cheng believe this one second longer. Even if it involves losing him.
“I meant it when I told you I liked you.”
Jiang Cheng instantly grabs Lan Xichen by the collar. “Don’t. fuck with me.” He snarls. But his voice is strangled.
“I’m not.”
“You said you’re fucking sorry. What are you sorry for if not for telling me… that, and not meaning it.”
This is horribly horribly wrong, Lan Xichen thinks. How can Jiang Cheng be so unaware of his own worth he can’t believe someone genuinely likes him.
Lan Xichen gently wraps his hand over Jiang Chengs’s clenched fist.
“I was sorry for possibly making you uncomfortable. I was sorry that I told you this way. And now I’m sorry this is what you were thinking all along. ”
Jiang Cheng shook his head. “You were drunk. There were a lot of people you could have–”
“And yet I didn’t tell any of them, I told you.” Lan Xichen insists. “Alcohol doesn’t make me … horny, it makes me honest.”
Jiang Cheng exhales sharply.
Lan Xichen needs him to understand. Needs with every fiber of his being. So he continues.
“There is no one else I wish to eat with at lunch. There is no one else with whom I turn meetings into movie nights. There is no one else I would tell ”I like you“ to. ”
Jiang Cheng’s fist finally loosens.
“You… Like me ?” He says, disbelieving.
“Yes.” Lan Xichen repeats.
“You –!” there was the fist again and Jiang Cheng sounds furious. He is going to walk away, Lan Xichen thinks. Walk away and never come back.
Instead, Jiang Cheng’s head hits Lan Xichen’s chest and he murmurs
“Do you know how hard I… I tried to stay away because I thought… ” His voice breaks “I thought I couldn’t have you.”
Oh, Lan Xichen thinks. Oh.
He doesn’t know what to say, but he has one last thing to confess.
“I was avoiding you at University because I would have combusted on the spot, had I seen you in my shirt.”
Jiang Cheng lets out something like a a half-laugh, half-sob.
Lan Xichen tilts Jiang Cheng’s head up. “I’m going to kiss you now, If that’s alright with you.”
Jiang Cheng’s voice is thick when he answers
Lan Xichen inches closer and, very softly presses his lips to Jiang Cheng’s. His hand slides to the back of Jiang Cheng’s neck as he increases the pressure, capturing Jiang Cheng’s top lip.
A needy moan escapes Jiang Cheng’s lips and Lan Xichen takes advantage of the slight opening of his mouth to deepen the kiss.
When they break apart, they stare at each other, breathless.
“Would you mind pursuing this inside, I have a couch much more comfortable than my front door.” Lan Xichen suggests.
“wouldn’t you know.” Jiang Cheng rolls his eyes. “But sure.”
“So,” Lan Xichen starts, as they are comfortably sprawled against each other on the couch “you’re still as ’,soft and warm’ as I recall– ”
Jiang Cheng elbows him “please do not confuse me with a fucking dog.”
Then he gets up and Lan Xichen misses the contact immensely.
Jiang Cheng comes out of the shower wearing a pair of briefs and Lan Xichen’s sweater and Lan Xichen’s heart just jumps our of his chest.
This is definitely vengeance. He’s not that pained.
A.N : I just watched Fullmetal Alchemist so my characterisation is all over the place. Ed kept popping in my head at random moments but ehh
I don’t know how universities work so hope the depiction of the student body elements isn’t too out of place hahaha
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