#and if you’re wondering why i’m posting it. i’m sleep deprived
guys i have a confession to make. i think there’s something wrong with me. i can’t stop watching those terrible gacha react videos
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hotnbloodied · 10 months
Yan!Loser X Reader
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!Warning! This post contains yandere themes and topics that may be uncomfortable to people who are sensitive to the topic, read at your own discretion.
TW: kidnapping, drugging, non-con kissing and touching, stalking, mentions of axe body spray.
Pt. 2
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It was around lunch time and you were on your way to your university’s canteen. You normally had lunch a little later to avoid the crowds but today you couldn’t hold your hunger in at all and you needed to get something to eat. In doing so the canteen was packed and by the time you had gotten some food all the tables seemed full. You scanned around for a little bit before noticing a small table that only had one person sitting at it. A guy with a small frame and black baggy clothes with messy unkempt hair. Without thinking too much about it you walked over. “Hey sorry to bother, would you mind if I could just sit here and eat?” You asked.
He looked like he jolted a little and looked at you like he'd seen a ghost. “Y-yeah…” Not much of a response, but that didn’t stop you from going ahead and sitting down to start devouring your food. After you were finally satiated you looked over cause you felt like someone was watching you and needless to say, his eyes were glued on you.
“Uh, do I have something on my face?” You asked him. His face whipped away. “S-sorry, I didn’t mean to stare.” You laughed and told him it wasn’t a big deal. “What’s your name anyway? I’m (y/n), majoring in (major).” He raised his head to look at you again. “I’m Lester, I’m a biology major…” “That’s awesome!” You look at the time. “I should probably head out, my next class starts soon. See you around though!” Little did you know that your small act of kindness would come back to haunt you.
A couple of weeks pass and you seem to be seeing Lester more and more around campus. (Totally not because he’s trying to learn your schedule at all.) You don’t pay too much mind to it though considering a new friend is always nice. (As if he’d allow you to just be friends with him.) The two of you exchanged social messaging information which turned into an easy way for Lester to keep tabs on you. (You really should be careful about how you share your information.) You didn’t notice the increase of interaction from Lester, you were too sleep deprived and worried about school to notice which he’s grateful for since it’ll make it easier to make plans. Lester was a patient man, he knows how to make a pay off extra sweet.
You learn a bit more about Lester, even though he has a messy appearance he actually is a relatively neat person. He seemed to shower regularly and his clothes weren’t being reworn, but he only chooses to use axe body spray at his age for some reason. He doesn’t seem to have many friends cause, shocker, he’s an extreme introvert; Which makes you pity him which he fully knows and uses to play into to get your trust. With that trust he invites you over to his house, apparently his parents are in the science field as well and as long as Lester keeps his grades up they’d let him do whatever. The two of you would hang out and study at his place.
Six months had passed in a blink of an eye and the two of you were watching a movie together, it wasn’t that late but you felt extremely sleepy for some reason. The two of you just ate dinner that Lester cooked. “Hm? What’s wrong (y/n)? Are you tired?” “Haha, yeah I don’t know why. Maybe I was more tuckered out with finals than I thought.” “Why don’t you stay over? You’re more than welcome to spend the night.” You didn’t reply to Lester, it was because the sleeping pills he slipped into your drink worked like wonders and you were out like a light. Lester slowly dragged your body to his room and laid you on his bed. Chains were ready for you as he securely bound you to them. He loomed over your sleeping body in his bed, he couldn’t keep the excitement in his pants at bay. He took advantage of your lips and dry humped your leg, imagining what it would be like to finally be able to become one with you. Oh if only you knew how love sickness ran in his family. How that’s how his mom ensnared his dad and how having his ground and alibi covered was a learned family skill. No one will find you and you two will live happily together, forever. <3
Pt. 2
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Lester <3
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madschiavelique · 15 days
(i had written this in june and forgot to post it. after seeing you guys agree a lot with this post about isekaid reader i just had to put it out there)
What if Tav is conscious of the quick saves and the F8s, but not the rest of the team ? What if they remember every moment where their adventure companions stood on the very precipice of death or on the extreme of it ended up soulless, laying on the ground like a bag of cold limbs, deprived of any life ? 
What if they used F8s in the hopes that somehow, on the next try, no companions would receive a critical hit that would bring them to the abominable sight of matte eyes, missing the glint of light that shines when one’s spirit still remains ?
Perhaps then someone else could replace one of your companions in the group? Perhaps by using Withers' hirelings you could prevent the others from being affected?
Imagine one night after a long day,, you’re by yourself next to the campfire for the long rest.
The stars have been piercing the black sky like pins in the web of night for a long time now, and it's your turn to keep watch.
Everything was quiet, so quiet, too quiet. It was a sharp contrast between the little crackles of the fire taking hot splinters into the air, and the raging storm of your mind.
Your eyes are immersed in the flames, as if they alone held the precious strategy that would allow you to overcome the horror of the many deaths you wanted to prevent.
You consider the strategy you might employ for the next day. Maybe start with a small bomb? No, if the range is missed it could cause more area damage than necessary. 
Maybe throw a bottle of grease to slow them down? Except that if any sparks flew, it could get complicated.
Then maybe shoot an arrow of many targets... 
‘Can't find sleep ?
You could have expected any of the companions. But the one who came to see you was Karlach.
“No.” you replied simply, without taking your eyes off the fire.
“What’s on your mind soldier ? You’ve been… absent minded today.”
Absent minded was a euphemism.
You had seen up close all of your companions nearing the party wipe, more than a half of them on the ground trying to get their death saving throws as the rest of the party barely had any health remaining.
And out of the few dialogue options you had for her tonight, between them all, was : 
[PERSUASION] Nothing, it’s a bit of a personal matter, you’d find it very boring.
The rest of the options were either too rude for your taste, or would ultimately lead you to unveil of the true reason you were here. You knew that, it wasn’t the first time you were having this conversation.
The dice to roll was 15, and you had no guidance to get from Shadowheart, nor friends from Wyll. Barely a good bonus, you’d have to deal with it.
The first roll was a miserable 4, luckily for you, you had as many points of inspiration. The second roll was a 10. 
Maybe you should embrace it and tell her ? you thought.
The next was a 7, and the one after was a 14. 
Was the game really pushing you to reveal your situation?
Your last roll came, a natural 1.
“Come on, you know so much about all of us at camp !” she said as she sat down next to you. “Let us know more about you.”
You weren't surprised that it was Karlach who came to talk to you. You'd seen the video of Karlach breaking the fourth wall a while back, before you were transported into the game. But it intrigued you, why should she come at this precise moment of rumination.
“I just wonder... why can't the past just die?” you say, turning to her.
“I guess because sometimes you gotta kill the past yourself ? Or something like that, I don’t know, probably something wise about it. I could ask Gale if you want ? I’m sure he’d bounce on the occasion to talk about something that requires his intelligence!”
“No please, don’t get him up.”
Gale would ask too many questions, too many right questions, and would never get away from the subject. This was the last thing you needed at the moment.
“Why do you wonder that ? Something from your past chasing you ? I could take care of that.”
“I doubt you could.” you scoffed.
“Oh come on, there’s nothing that can surmount us.”
You observed her for a moment, her undying joy and energy feeling so natural. How could it feel so natural ?
“You’re not real.”
The sentence came out of your mouth, dialogue options all gone and unneeded.
She frowned, confused as the joy that inhabited her calmed down.
“What ?”
“You’re not real,” you repeated, the emotions twisting your throat.
“What do you mean ?”
A sort of panic slowly took hold of her as a heavy rumble echoed in the distance, like thunder.
“You remember all these memories, you feel all of these emotions.”
The rumbling grew louder, the ground beginning to tremble. 
“Your anger, your joy, your sadness.”
The camp floor cracked, Karlach standing up suddenly.
“None of them really belong to you.”
Beams of green light passed through the fissures of the cracked floor.
“Because you're not real.”
Your eyes landed on Withers, his gaze urging you to do the right thing.
A moment passed, and before long you were back in front of the campfire.
Back with your thoughts, with your torments, with heavy choices. 
They can't know, at least not yet.
i wrote this while listening to this and gosh it matches so well
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may-jailers-version · 4 months
The untold tale - a Lara Croft fanfic
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So this is supposed to evolve into a Lara Croft x (fem) reader thing but I pumped this sort of intro (in the middle of the night instead of sleeping lol) and I want to see if ppl are actually interested in knowing more about this fanfic idea I’ve been having for months. As you’ll understand it’s also a lot about Lara’s mother (bc let’s be honest this woman is so fine and deserves some fine ass story of her own) and it is set shortly after the shadow events, so don’t expect lots of adventure at least in the beginning of the story. Pardon me if there is some inaccuracies regarding the video game I watched the play through a lil while ago (yes “watched”, I don’t have the money to play the games, sorry, I’m a poor student leave me alone 😭).
Even though the following text isn’t really “mature” rated, if I continue the story there will be prob adult themes so I’ll kindly ask minors not to interact with this post :)
Enjoy now I guess, and please keep in mind that English isn’t my first language (+ I wrote this sleep deprived) ; if you notice any spelling or grammar mistake, you’re welcome to let me know in an indulgent way in the comments. Any other kind of criticism, as long as worded kindly, is also very much welcomed!
TW : mention of death and loosing a relative
Lara Croft finds out about the passionate but gut wrenching love story her mother had with another woman in her youth : in her quest for informations, she confronts herself to what remains of this love story, and what could ensue of it. 
What happens when the girl who wants to know more meets the girl who wants to forget ? 
Lara pushed the wooden panel still decorated by her own mother’s hand. The intricate scrolls of vegetation were faded in some places, the colours used had lost a bit of their brightness, but the spirit of Amelia Croft’s creativity and skills was still present. In fact, the whole room Lara was about to enter was still and always impregnated with the aura of the mourned and regretted mother and artist. That is probably why it was one of the first rooms the archaeologist was inclined to check after her return to the Croft Manor. 
3 weeks ago, she was done helping the people of Paititi in the Peruvian jungle rebuild and comfort their community. After days upon days  of giving more than a hand to the Mayan inhabitants, making amend, no, begging for salvation after all the wrongs she had caused, the call to home had finally hailed her. She had found her peace, somehow, seeing as the people of Paititi weren’t as resorting towards her as she was towards her own self. It had always been a wonder, how the people around her were not absolutely despising her after all the bad omens that had followed after her person. 
How could Jonah still be an infallible friend and partner after everything he has had to face because of her ? How could Joslin still speak to her after her daughter’s dad had been killed trying to protect her ? How had Sofia not shot an arrow between her eyes after witnessing her father die and the blood of so many of her people being spilled ? How could Unuratu’s people be so subservient towards her after what she had done ? 
The only time when shit seemed to have come back at her was when she had at last been forbidden from seeing Sam. There was not a week during which she didn’t think about her, about the brightness she brought to any room she entered, about the glow that used to dance in her eyes, about the softness that would envelop her skin, about the feeling of her arms wrapped around Lara’s waist. The vivid memories of times spent with what had probably been her first love, was probably the punition Lara was seeking every moment of her cursed life. The sinfulness of her existence could be purified by the aching provoked by her lover’s souvenir, and the feeling she had lost forever a part of herself. 
But today, Lara had decided to torture herself with the souvenir of another person. As she took some steps into the sunlit room, the wood under her life long partner rider boots cracked, and the floating dust twirled around her figure. Nothing had moved since the last time she had come here. This part of the house, much like the rest in fact, had been stilled, frozen into time, not as if its objects and furniture were waiting for their users to return, much like if the whole setting constituted some sort of mausoleum to the deceased that were once owners of this place. 
In this mausoleum of the matriarch, Lara was ready to bend and bow at the relics, reminders of the past, beholders of present nostalgia. So she stepped further, and let her eyes glide over the surface of the walls, of the tables, over the dryness of the paint buckets, the stillness of the brushes neatly stacked in clear goblets, or negligently sprawled on the floor. Her heart squeezed tightly when her gaze fell onto the unfinished canvas throning on its easel. A scenery, a lavender field in the french Provence, in the middle of which the faint silhouette of a woman holding down her hat could be deciphered, had been left incomplete by Amelia. 
Lara remembered what had pushed her mother to depict this specific landscape. It was some days after her mom and dad’s dispute, to which, unbeknownst to them, she had assisted, hiding behind the door of the office. Her mother needed to decompress, and found herself in her shed to practice her art in its most meditating form. But here she had been struggling to find inspiration, the conflict with her husband clouding her mind. That is when Lara had mentioned missing the sights of the southeastern french region of Provence, to which she wished to return soon. 
After her mother’s death, Lara never returned to Provence. She never got to see once again the azur blue sky, feel the wind as it brushes under a woman’s hat, smell the lavender fields her mom had been trying to captivate in her last moments. 
After some time freezing on the spot at the sight of the canvas, Lara decided to redirect her attention towards something else. The wardrobe. The same pastel green patterns of the room’s door were adorning the wooden structure of the piece of furniture. Lara pushed the clappers open, her eyes roaming its interior ; various objects were sitting on the different shelves, mainly paint brushes in other glass goblets, boxes full of paint tubes, argile statues deprived of any polychromy, some créations little Lara had made on her own. Her eyes settled for a wooden box littered with childlike drawings made of striking colours and her hand reached for the top shelf on which it had been sitting for years. 
After sitting legs crossed on the floor in front of the wardrobe, she opened the box delicately and instantly started smiling. In there were preciously conserved sketches, simple drawings that yet held bits of the Croft family’s intimacy. Pencil drawings of a chubby baby Lara smiling ear to ear, Richard reading a book to his daughter sitting on his knees, Amelia teaching her little girl how to paint… A time in which comfort seemed granted. A time in which emptiness and longing were unknown feelings to Lara. 
As her mind and heart yet again mingled with sorrow, her ruffling stopped at the drawing of a singular person. Her hand held onto the paper displaying the traits of a woman in her early 20s, a beautiful woman at that, but that she failed to recall. She must have missed the drawing during her precedent scorching, because such beauty in a woman’s face would have easily been remembered by the archaeologist. After some more contemplating, she flipped through the rest of the drawings, stumbling in the same time upon some of her own attempts of creation that her mother had kept as treasures. She finally put everything back in the box before closing it and getting up to stack it back right where she had lifted it. 
But when trying to push it in the back of the shelf in order to ensure its safety, she felt the box bumping against something hard. Intrigued, she tried to check what was constituting the obstacle, but found herself not tall enough to get a good view. Placing the drawing box upon a nearby table, she took a chair and climbed on it. Now she could see that there was nothing else than an other box sitting in the back, one she had never seen before. 
Gliding the box over to herself, she then picked it up to get a better look at it. Upon sitting it on the table, she noticed there was a lock to it, but unfortunately, no key in sight. She quickly looked around, scanning the room for any object that would be of help in her situation. She finally settled for some sculpting tool, a steel linear object with a pointing end that could easily be inserted in the little hole. After some seconds of struggle, Lara could hear the clicking sound of the interior mechanism giving up, granting her access to the content of this mysterious box. 
The felted inside revealed itself to be full of letters, written in a style that she didn’t recognise as her mother’s or father’s handwriting. She picked up the first paper, and unfolding it, started reading. 
“My dear Amelia, 
I saw you at the bar the other night. I saw you sitting right in the middle, legs crossed, chest proud, eyes piercing but oh so charming. There was only you for me, in this room, and I like to believe there was only me, too, in your own irises. My voice that evening, I hope, carried itself to your ear in order to let it hear the whisper of affection and longing. My melody, I wish, wrapped your heart in the most tender embrace. My words, I pray, have led your soul into a waltz into which each step is the remembrance of a dead poet. 
After the show, that night, your face has filled my dreams the same way my voice had filled the room. But I did not remember the clapping, the applauding, the whistling. All I could recall was how your eyes held onto my lips like the roses hold onto that morning mist. And what a rose you are to the world, what a bloom you are to me. 
Your last letter has lingered on me like a winter fur. Warm and reassuring, it’s all that keeps me from deflating by your absence on my side. Because you are like the sun to my harsh winter, only your rays can melt away the frost that the world impend on me every day. I get weary of anything foreigner to your sensuality. 
You can join me in my dorm by 9pm this Friday, where my eyes will survey the movement of the  clock sting, waiting for time to bring your physical envelope to my arms, as you know how your heart already and forever lies in mine. 
With deep and devouring love, Gabrielle.” 
Lara stayed still, frozen for the third time in a single hour. Her brain was processing what she had just read, her psyche fighting to accept the words that had been put under her eyes. Gabrielle… who was this Gabrielle ? When had she written and sent that ? Why was there so much passion in the way she spoke to her mother ? Clearly if the letter had been kept so meticulously in such a box, it must have meant a lot for the latter. 
Lara’s heart race fastened at those thoughts, her mind racing, questions fusing. Frantically she grabbed handfuls of letters and sprawled them onto the table surface, her eyes feverishly jumping from one piece of paper to the other, not knowing which one to pick next. There must have been at least 3 dozens of letters in this box, but upon emptying it, Lara’s eyes stopped on pictures stacked at the bottom. 
The first few ones were of a woman singing in a café displaying a 1920s look, a “année folle” aesthetic. Despite the picture’s quality not being the best, Lara could clearly spot a striking resemblance with the woman in the sketching. She flipped through the other pictures, where she could observe the woman’s trait more clearly, the latter being shot in different settings, at different moments, in different lights and angles. All of those pictures were showing a beautiful woman in her 20s, a captivating look in her eyes, and an almost bewitching smile adorning her face from time to time. 
And then, a vision that made Lara’s heart skip a beat. A picture of the same woman laying on her mother’s thighs in a minimalistic bedroom, the first looking up to the other looking down at her, both holding hands, both adorning a tender full and fiery expression for the other.  
Lara spent minutes observing the picture, her brows lightly furrowed, her stomach in knots, a strange sensation in her chest. She took the chair, put it back before the table and sat on it. She rested her back onto it, flipped the glossy paper to read at its back “I wish this moment had last forever, just you and me in this room, without the struggles of the outside” which was, this time, of her mother’s writing. Lara straightened her back and starting flipping the other pictures to spot any other indications and left messages. Behind one of the pictures of the woman singing in the bar, there was written “her voice like silk, her movement like water, her body like a dancing flame. She’s my angel.” 
A tear rolled down Lara’s cheek. What was all this about ? Why hasn’t she never heard of this ? How come her mother had experienced the same thing Lara had felt so shameful of in all her teenage years ? Had her father known about this ? And who was this woman her mother had loved so fiercely ? 
The curious spirit of Lara and her palpable need to know more about her lost mother drove her to spend the rest of the day into reading more of the letters, decipher all the pictures and try to find hints of this past love story in her mother’s art laying around the shed, attempting to reconstitute a puzzle to which half of the pieces were missing… 
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I need to find my ao3 password and stuff back so I can publish it on there. In the meantime, here some kind reminders :
🍉Keep getting informed on the situation in Gaza (Palestinian genocide) and share the story of unfortunate endangered families. 
🇨🇩If you can, donate to charities for Congo so that shelters can be built for families and especially women and children fleeing exploitation, mass murder, and SA.
🕊️Keep your eyes on countries which are currently suffering from imperialism such as Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, Kanaky (New-Caledonia).
💙Boycott fast fashion brands like Shein (just one example) to protest against the exploitation of endangered ethnic groups in China. 🌧️Last but not least, stay HYDRATED, the world needs healthy activists ! ♥️
Happy pride to all also :)
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nat-the-octo · 7 days
man, Splatoon 3 is basically over, huh?
Everyone is doing their Splatoon stories rn, so I guess I’ll do mine I got Splatoon 2 with some Christmas money in New Years of 2020. My only previous knowledge of the series was a vague concept of the game when the first came out and watching old Failboat videos on it like Octo Expansion and photoshopping new weapons. I wasn’t really into video games as an interest (hyper fixation) until the pandemic, where my mom got a switch lite for the family to see the new animal crossing, and me later getting my own console for my birthday later in the year. All of which is to say: I didn’t know what I was getting into with Splatoon.
I sat down minutes after midnight (probably sleep deprived) and I was thrust into this colorful, creative, and diverse world where you’re constantly encouraged to stand out, make a difference, and live by your own rules. It’s difficult to explain why this game where people living how they want get to cover mundane gray cityscapes with color and life was so instantly appealing to me, but it struck a chord that sent me hurtling down a rabbit hole that would without exaggeration, change the course of my life.
I immediately played through the story mode, then played it 8 more times to collect every weapon, got my ass beat by Octo Expansion, cried during Into the Light, 100% Octo Expansion, and was lucky enough to be just in time for the real final splatfest of Splatoon 2. (I lost) This also boosted me to be able to actually experience and understand more video games as a whole, but that’s a different topic. This all led me to February 2021, (yes that all happened in 2 months) where me and my friend skipped online school to watch the direct on a playground in my neighborhood, and saw the reveal of Splatoon 3. From here, everything begins to speed up. I found my way onto Inkipedia, consumed all possible knowledge about this tiny trailer that was available, then consumed all info and lore about the current games, including characters, old splatfests, previous metas, splatband lore, and more. THAT led me to splatoon theories, (shoutout to rassicas), which later led me to splatoon fanon with theories and ships and ocs and suddenly it’s September 2022.
Ironically the section of time with Splatoon 3 might be the part I have the least to say about, mostly because it all feels so recent even today. I watched the trailers, read the twitter posts, thought Shiver was nonbinary, played the testfire, everything. Everything post launch feels so wonderful and great and everything I wanted from the game and more. I actually felt like I was apart of a community as I debated splatfest topics with my friends and complained about my weapons being nerfed. (I still get upset about the tenta missile nerf from like. a month after launch.)
I think this part of the story will hit a lot harder in a few years, when I experience my first actual content drought instead of joining at the end of one, but for now, I can just be satisfied by my memories and experiences with the series so far. This franchise has truly changed who I am today and will be in the future. I’m a completely different gender person now because of playing the game, and now I have my own little theories and ships and ocs that I haven’t put to page and all the things that made me start in the first place, and it feels like I’m truly part of a community for once.
idk how to end this so to whoever read this far, thank you, honestly. I hope we both get to live the lives we want in the future, no matter what life throws at us.
P.S. here’s a pic of my main OC for the first time, might do more stuff with her if i feel like it
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animeomegas · 2 years
Naruto boys and the inside jokes they have with their alpha
(some are n-sfw lol)
Yours and Naruto’s inside joke also kind of includes Sasuke, in that it’s about him, but Sasuke doesn’t find it funny and reacts with violence whenever you two bring it up. 
(I stole this from that post I reblogged not long ago.)
Sasuke said dattebayo by accident once. He immediately wanted to forget it ever happened, but you and Naruto don’t let him. 
Whenever Sasuke asks you for anything, you always say ‘only if you say dattebayo’ as if you were asking him to say please. 
“Pass me that kunai, dobe.”
“Hmm, only if you say dattebayo.”
“Yeah Sasuke! Remember your manners!”
“I’m killing you both.”
It happened during one of his bad days. 
You were at a loss of what to do to help him when he was miserable and stuck in his own head. 
Your last hope was that maybe some physical contact with you would offer some comfort for him. 
You put a hand on his knee and just to make sure he was okay with it, you said “Does this help?”
Sasuke blinked at you for a moment before he cracked a smile against his will. 
You realised that you just asked if you putting a hand on his knee helped his massive trauma filled breakdown... 
You flushed and tried to back pedal, but Sasuke wouldn’t let you. 
Now, whenever one of you is stressed or tired or grumpy, the other puts their hand on their knee and says “does this help?”
“The mission was shit.”
“Oh, I’m sorry... Does this help?”
“I hate you so much.”
You and Neji were at the park, watching your daughter play, as normal, when you got chatting to another parent. 
Everything was fine until they called their child over and called them by name... Pika Pika. 
This parent had genuinely named their child sparkly... 
You and Neji made significant eye contact and when you got home, couldn’t stop laughing about it. 
Now, whenever something needs to be named, whether it be a plant or a pet, whatever, one of you always suggests Pika Pika, in the most serious voice you can muster. 
“I bought this little plant for the kitchen from the market. It needs a name.”
“Hmm, how about Pika Pika?”
“The 7th?”
“Yes, Pika Pika the 7th.”
Your inside jokes with Shikamaru are absolutely at his expense. 
Mainly on the topic of his weird Nara obsession thing and his old habit of trying to get away from his dad and to you by climbing out of the window. 
You once saw those spikes that people use to discourage birds from landing on their rooves and windows, and decided to cover your window sills with them as a joke. 
Shikamaru’s unimpressed face sent you cackling to the ground. 
Now, your kitchen window sill not only has spikes on it, but also a ‘do not cross’ sign and red tape in an ‘X’ shape. 
People always ask why, but you both refuse to explain. 
“I still have no idea where you found a bunch of miniature red cones.”
“Don’t they suit our window sill perfectly though?”
“That’s what you said about the ‘no entry’ sign you stole.”
“And I was right, just like I am now.”
This inside joke is  about Chouji’s magic touch with pups. 
Like, he can keep even the most unruly pup or the most fussy baby calm, it’s like magic. 
Before you had pups, you used to always say “You’re going to be an amazing oma/dad one day.” when Chouji would interact with his friends’ pups. 
It was cute, but it become something of a habit, hence why, when you had your first pup, you turned to Chouji and said “You’re going to be an amazing oma/dad one day.” as he literally cradled your new baby. 
Sleep deprived, you both just blinked at each other, processing what you said. It was pretty funny. 
Now, whenever he does anything with your pup, you say that line. It always makes Chouji smile and roll his eyes. 
“Shh, come here little one, it’s dinner time.”
“Damn, you’re going to make a wonderful oma/dad one day 😌”
Whilst breastfeeding one of his many, many children, he had a milk clot in one of his breasts. 
His doctor said to use that breast often with feedings to encourage the clot out, which Kiba immediately decided meant you had to suck on his tit of course. 
When he brought it up, you genuinely and with a concerned voice said “but babe, I’m lactose intolerant 😞”
Kiba cracked up laughing for like an hour. 
Now, whenever one of you asks the other to do something, they use that response. 
“Hey Kiba, can you do some laundry real quick?”
“Sorry... I’m lactose intolerant :( “
You were punishing him in bed (spanking) and wanted him to count up the number he was going to get. 
You were giving him 20 for disobeying you, 5 for talking back to you, 5 for being too slow getting his collar and 5 more because he talked back again. 
You teasingly asked him to add up how many he was going to get. 
He said 35, which was correct. 
But you had added them incorrectly in your head and confidently said “Wrong.”
Kakashi’s brows furrowed. You could see him running over the number again in his head. 
At this point, you started to feel self-conscious and added them up again, realising that you’d made an embarrassing mistake. 
“I mean, that’s right.”
Kakashi snorted and the mood was ruined and you ended up stopping the scene. 
Now, whenever one of you is obviously doing something correctly, you just say ‘wrong’ to the other one. 
“I’m just putting on my shoes...”
Gaara will almost always get inside jokes wrong. 
He doesn’t really understand them, but he thinks he does. 
This creates inside jokes. Meta inside jokes, if you will. 
One time, Gaara misspoke and said ‘broccoli’ when you asked him his favourite drink because he was distracted and thought you were aksing about dinner for some reason. 
You laughed and next time he asked you a question, you said ‘broccoli’ back and then had to explain what an inside joke was. 
A few weeks later, you were having dinner with his family when Kankuro asked what Gaara put in the sauce because he liked it. 
Gaara smiled and said ‘broccoli’ before giving an exaggerated and very awkward wink and then looking at you for approval. 
Kankuro and Temari sat there confused as you burst out laughing at his attempt at copying the inside joke. 
And Gaara sat there proudly, thinking he’d made you laugh by successfully using the inside joke. 
“This sauce is great, what did you put in it?”
“Broccoli :D” 
(Ran out of ideas for the rest, so that’s it for now lol. Let me know your favourite.)
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daisyvisions · 2 years
Daisy my love its like 5am and i woke up because a fucking sparrow was yelling ourside my window and saw your post abt requests and im. Pls. If im not late. May I request (We will never speak of this ever again) hyunjae + 10
Iw ill leave b4 my sleep deprived brain gains coherent decision making skills and unsends this mwah
(My my my, fancy seeing you here Adonis 😏 I hope you enjoy the mess I made for you 💕)
All Planned Out
Member & Prompts: Lee Hyunjae (TBZ) + 10. “Spread your legs wider”
Warnings: Smut (18+, minors DNI), Roommate! Hyunjae x Fem! Reader, Use of sex toy (vibrator) Oral (f. recieving), Power play? ish?
Extra content warning: ⚠️ this fic contains a cnc kink (aka coercion) but please know that consent is key ALWAYS. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!
⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧‧⋆
It was a Friday night, and you were ready to call it a day and get right to your “self-love” routine. You had been preparing for this night for weeks since it was the only time you got a day off from work.
And you made sure it was going to be perfect and according to plan. Bubble bath, lit candles, jazz music, drink your favorite wine, order good take-out, and maybe even use that vibrator you had bought but forgot about over a month ago (yes, because you consider that self-love too).
Everything had been going so perfect, almost everything in your list was checked off except the last segment of the night: using the vibrator.
Just as you were already wearing said vibrator, getting ready to try it out, you hear a doorbell ring. You knew it had been your roommate’s food delivery since you already had yours earlier in the night. You ignored the sound since it wasn’t for you.
Ding… Ding… Ding! Oh my god, where the hell is Hyunjae and why isn’t he answering the door? You decided to put on your shorts and answer it yourself, your vibrator still lodged inside you and the remote on one hand.
“Hyunjae your food’s at the door!” You shout, hoping he’d hear you from wherever the hell we was. As you’re walking down the hall you place the vibrator’s remote on the kitchen counter so you could get the delivery outside.
While you were making your way to the door, Hyunjae emerges from the bathroom just having finished his shower. The moment he got out of the bathroom, he sees an unfamiliar pink device on the kitchen counter. Curious about what it was he decides to walk towards it and hold it in his hand. What the hell is this? He wondered as he pressed the button without thinking.
Suddenly, he heard a strange noise coming from the entrance of the door. Huh? He presses it again and hears the moan once more. He peaks out at the hallway to see you, holding his food delivery but frozen in place.
“Oh, y/n! Thanks for getting me my foo- are you okay?” He raises his eyebrow. Of course you’re not. Your vibrator suddenly moved while you were closing the door. “Yeah I’m f-fine”. It was a real pain trying to walk back to the kitchen and not make a sound.
“Okay, anyway do you know what this is?” You look up at Hyunjae, trying not to make it obvious of what was happening down at your core but your gaze suddenly whipped at the object he was holding.
“Wait Hyunjae don’t touch tha-” he pressed another button again, making the vibration increase in speed. You suddenly grasp the edge of the kitchen counter and let out a loud moan.
The look on Hyunjae’s face was in pure shock, he was practically freaking out on why you had made such a lewd noise so randomly. It took him a matter of seconds to realize that the device he was holding was the reason why you reacted that way, making him grin from ear to ear.
“Since when did you have things like this y/n? hm?” He presses a button once more, making the vibration at its highest setting.
“Fuck- Hyunjae stop!”
“Nah I’m good. I like watching you like this.” giving you an incredibly cocky smile.
“Jae- please! Oh my god!” You try to control your reactions, trying not to egg him on further.
“…and what if I dont?” he responds back. You were starting to feel out of it that you couldn’t even think straight anymore. “Please. Please stop” you plead.
“…Only if you allow me to replace that toy with my mouth instead.” He looks at you dead in the eyes. You knit your eyebrows in confusion and couldn't get any coherent word out of your throat.
“Answer?” He lifts up the remote in his hands, practically waiving it infront of you as he waits for your reply.
“O-okay! okay! Just turn it off!” He follows your plea and presses the button again, shutting off the vibrator. You lean over the kitchen counter, trying to catch your breath. You hadn’t noticed Hyunjae pocketed the remote in his pants and walked right behind you, up until you feel his hard on press against your ass.
He quickly turns you around and lifts you to sit on the counter. He suddenly pulls your shorts off and the vibrator out from your core. You whine at the sudden emptiness inside you. He quickly dives into your pussy, licking one fat stripe between your folds with the tip of his tongue grazing your sensitive bud. You groan as you feel your hips jerk towards him.
“Spread your legs wider.” He commands and you instantly place your feet on the counter, spreading your legs far apart as much as you can while leaning back on your bent elbows with your glistening core fully out on display for Hyunjae. Oh how he wish he could take a picture of you like this right now.
He lowers his head and starts eating you out deliciously, his hot breath and his glorious tongue moving inside you has you seeing stars. “Just so you know-” He pauses to look up at you and you look back at him with hazy eyes,
“You don’t have to use toys anymore while I’m around”. There goes your Friday night plans out of the window.
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zealfruity · 1 year
Clones as Incorrect Quotes 2/2 Master Post (Domino Squad Lives AU and Fives+332nd Live AU version)
Unholy mixture of random generators, unsolved/ghost files banter, and things my friends have said
Mostly just headcanons following below
A few notes for these: Tup is NB he/they. Hardcase is genderfluid. Vaughn is agender they/them. Nax is a she/her. Jesse has no idea how any of this works, someone help him. Domino Squad Lives AU has the main blue boys interact with the 212th on a more personal level, so some of these involve a mix of the two groups. Every single character is having an existential crisis in the other AU. NO CLONESHIPPING HERE!
(Domino Squad Lives Fix-It AU):
Echo: Do you take constructive criticism?
Cutup: No, only cash or credit.
Waxer: The best part of an oreo is the cookie part, not the frosting. Deal with it.
Echo: Darkness without light is an abyss. Light without darkness is blinding. You cannot have a coin with one side.
*Everyone is playing a board game together*
Cutup: I will put 'A' down to make 'A'.
Droidbait: I will add onto your 'A' to make 'AT'.
Hevy: I will add onto your 'AT' to make 'RAT'
Echo: I will add onto your 'RAT' to make
Hevy: *flips the board*
Cutup: *standing on a balcony and sneezes*
Fives: *standing on the roof* Bless you.
Cutup: God?!
Cutup: Get in loser, we're going shopping.
Droidbait: This is a McDonald's drive thru.
Nax: Arson? Oh, you mean "crime brûlée".
Wooley: I need life advice.
Cutup, sipping Gatorade and eating cookie dough: You came to the right person.
Fives: *coughs blood*
Droidbait: Don't die, Fives!
Fives: Don't tell me what to do!
Cutup: I'm not mean. Name one mean thing I've ever done.
Droidbait: When we were younger, you convinced me eggs weren't real.
Cutup: They're not.
Droidbait: Haha, very funny.
Cutup: I'm serious. Didn't you hear?
Droidbait: No... what happened?
Cutup: …Why would you fall for this again-
Shapeshifter: *transforms to look like Cutup*
Cutup: Okay, are you like BLIND? You look nothing like me. First off, I'm way taller. Secondly, I DO NOT look so sleep deprived and lastly, if you could drag comb through that hair you're like a 7 on a good day and I've been told I'm a constant 10.
Droidbait: Quitting! It's like trying, but easier.
Hevy: I like to play this game called nap roulette. I take a nap and don't set an alarm. Will it be 20 min or 4 hours? Nobody knows. It's risky and I like it.
Cutup: Hello friends!
His Squad:
Cutup: You might be wondering why I'm stuck to the ceiling
Cutup: You're mean!
Droidbait: You're meaner!
Cutup: Yeah, well, you're ugly too!
Droidbait: You're uglier!
Cutup: You're a dumbass!
Droidbait: You're a dumberass!
Cutup: You think "dumberass" is a good insult!
*Cutup and Hevy are planning to break in somewhere*
Cutup: We need to distract the guards.
Hevy: Right.
Cutup: What are we gonna do?
Hevy: I'm gonna break their elbows while you poke their eyes.
Cutup: Deal.
Nax: Hey, DB! Did you know you’re my BFFLWYLION?
Droidbait: What the hell is that supposed to mean?
Nax: Best Friend For Life Whether You Like It Or Not.
Droidbait: That’s one way to say it, I guess…
Wooley: I am strong! I beat Droidbait at arm wrestling!
Hevy: Anyone can beat Droidbait at arm wrestling!
Droidbait: Hey-
*Cutup sends more than 5 messages in a row*
Hevy: I ain’t reading all that.
Hevy: I’m happy for you tho.
Hevy: Or sorry that happened.
Cutup, to Wooley: You know, Hevy can be really aggressive, so it's important to take all the necessary precautions when approaching.
Cutup: *blows airhorn at Hevy* GET FUCKED!
Hevy: *Posts a super low-quality image to the group chat*
Cutup: If I had a dollar for every pixel in this image, I’d have 15 cents.
Hevy: If I had a dollar for every ounce of rage I felt in my body after I read this text, I would have enough money to buy a cannon to fire at you.
Jesse: Actually I did the math, Cutup would have $225, not $0.15.
Cutup: Fam I’m right here....
Wooley: If I had a dollar I would buy a can of soda :)
Tup: while you’re there could you buy me an apply juice please?
Wooley: Sorry I only have a dollar.
Tup: :(
Jesse: Hey I just realized my friend is right, Echo would have $22,500 because it's a dollar for every pixel, not a cent.
Wooley: If I had $22,500 I would buy a can of soda and an apply juice.
Jesse: You can buy anything you want with $22,500.
Fives: Yeah and he wants soda and apply juice.
Echo: Apply juice to what.
Fives: Directly to the forehead.
Rex: Great chat everyone.
Droidbait, opening a Capri Sun: Guess I'll drink my sorrows away.
Echo: Time for plan G.
Wooley: Don’t you mean plan B?
Echo: No, we tried plan B a long time ago. I had to skip over plan C due to technical difficulties.
Droidbait: What about plan D?
Echo: Plan D was that desperate disguise attempt half an hour ago.
Tup: What about plan E?
Echo: I’m hoping not to use it. Cutup dies in plan E.
Boil: I like plan E.
Oddball: Are we really going to let Hevy keep Beam?
Cody: We kept Cutup.
Kix: Someone’s trying to break in. Call the cops!
Droidbait: *loads shotgun* I got this.
Kix: Last week you fell up the stairs, what do you mean-
The poor Jedi that got Cutup assigned to them after the war: I assume you realize that this kind of idiocy will not be tolerated in this Order.
Cutup: Is there any kind of idiocy you would be more comfortable with?
*At the police station*
Denal: Hi, I’m here for Domino Squad.
Corrie guard: Who’s Domino Squad?
Denal: Ah, you must be new.
Fox: What has the galaxy ever done for you?! Why would you wanna save it?!
Jesse: Cause I’m one of the idiots who lives in it!
Hevy: How does that even work?
Droidbait, mocking him: hOw dO yOu UsE a cOmPUteR aNd KnOw wHaTS GoiNg oN iT DoEsNt mAke SeNSe?!
Hevy: Your face doesn't make sense.
Cody, to Trapper: If you see Cutup, give him this message *makes a neutral face*
Cody: He’ll know what it means.
Trapper: oh, and Cody said to give you a message.
Trapper: *makes a neutral face*
Cutup: Oh no. The neutral face of displeasure.
Hairdresser: How would you like your hair cut?
Fives: Preferably with scissors, but a sword could be badass.
Longshot: If you don't stop talking, I'm going to jump out of that window.
Cutup: ...We're on the ground floor.
Longshot: I know but I want a dramatic exit.
Hevy: I have no respect for Santa. Don’t sneak in through the chimney and undermine my authority by bringing my family presents. Walk in through the front door and fight me like a man.
Denal: What do you call disobeying the law?
Domino Squad: A hobby.
Denal: *crosses his arms*
Domino Squad: That we do not engage in.
Droidbait to Tup: First rule of battle, vod’ika... don’t ever let them know where you are.
Hardcase, shooting out of frame: WHOO-HOO! I’M RIGHT HERE! I’M RIGHT HERE! YOU WANT SOME O’ ME?! YEAH YOU DO! COME ON! COME ON! AAAAAH! Whoo-hoo!
Droidbait: 'Course, there’re other schools of thought.
Hevy: Really love that airports have to specify that you're NOT allowed grenades. Like damn there go my traveling plans
Droidbait: Ideally we get down there and Cutup’s just dead. And then we can end the mission, and I can go home. Obviously very sad, thoughts and prayers, but... I don't have to go down there, then. So... *weighs options between his hands* Lose brother, don't have to go in the tunnel. I think it comes out to be a wash, to be honest, so…
Hevy, about possibly getting too beefy for the armor: Regulations won’t look as good as my thighs will so they aren't valid.
Fives+332nd Live AU (possible official titles include Bones In The Ocean AU and Resistance Leaders AU, I’m workshopping it rn)
*The squad has just arrived in a new city. Fives looks around at the wanted posters to see if he’s on any of them.*
Omega: Fives, are you a criminal?
Fives: Not here, I'm not!
Rex: Uuh, watcha got there?
Fives, with a lightsaber: A smoothie.
Fives: Damn, Tech, are you secretly cool?
Tech: Well, poker is just math, so I guess it depends on if you consider the mathematician, Carl Friedrich Gauss, cool.
Fives: I do not.
Ahsoka, texting CF99: Want to help me murder someone?
Echo: Sure who we hitting?
Ahsoka: someone who looks evil
Some guy: What am I supposed to do?
Bounty Hunter Fives: If I were you? I’d try and make peace with whatever deity, pantheon, or Divine Other you believe in.
Some guy: I’m an atheist.
Fives: Then just get ready to die I guess.
Fives: So, are you two friends?
Omega: Yes.
Crosshair: No.
Fives: Hello Crosshair, made anyone cry today?
Crosshair: Sadly, no. But it’s only 4:30.
Fives: If you put a milkshake in one yard and crack open a cold one in another yard, which yard would the boys go to?
Echo: Schrödinger's boys.
Crosshair: FUCK!
Wrecker: What about cracking open a cold milkshake?
Tech: As we all know, the milkshake brings the boys to the yard. The presence of the boys is a prerequisite for the cracking open of a cold one, but cold ones do not have any inherent boy-attracting abilities. Milkshakes, however, do.
Tech: All else being equal, the boys would proceed to the milkshake yard. While it is possible to announce the presence of cold ones in the hope of attracting some boys, the pull of the milkshake is much more powerful by comparison.
Fives: ...
Echo: ...
Crosshair: ...
Wrecker: ...
Tech: Mind you, all of this nonsense hinges on whether or not the boys are back in town.
Fives: It’s impossible to make a sentence without using the letter a.
Tech: Despite your thinking, it is quite possible, yet difficult, to form one without the specific letter. Here’s one more to further disprove your theory.
Fives: Fuck you.
The self-taught medic with no license in the lower levels: Fives’ a 10 but that's all we know about him.
Kix: Bottling up negative emotions is bad for your health, so you shouldn't do it.
Ahsoka: I know, that's why I bottle up all my emotions, both positive and negative, so it cancels out.
Kix: Th-that's not how that works-
Fives, to the BB: The real secret to immortality? Not dying. You want to be immortal? Okay, that’s easy. Just don’t die. That’s it. Refuse to die. There you go.
Tech: But how-
Fives, ignoring him: “But how”, you may ask. Well, easy. Just don’t do it. Refuse to. Say “no thanks”.
Echo: *nods sagely*
All of them: If I can't cause tiny bits of chaos every day, I think my body will shut down.
Tech: At least try to sound slightly more sophisticated when you threaten someone.
Fives: Oh, I'm sorry. I should ask; dost thou want to engage in a duel, my good bitch?
Tech: Somehow that's worse.
Rex: Think you can answer some questions without the usual level of sarcasm?
Crosshair: If you can ask the questions without the usual level of stupid.
Hunter: Didn't you die?
Fives: That was months ago, dude. Things change.
Omega: A mosquito tried to bite me and I slapped it and killed it.
Omega: And I started thinking.
Omega: Like, it was just trying to get food.
Omega: What if I went to the fridge and it just slammed the door shut and snapped my neck?
Hunter: Are you ok?
Jesse 5 months into Resistance work: You know I think my life has value.
Wrecker: Who are you and what have you done with Jesse?!
Fives: I'm so sad woa woa womp womp.
Echo: I am tired of fighting my own demons, give me physical ones.
Fives, months into being on the run: I’d kill to go absolutely ham on a dexter-grade hamburgussy.
Echo: Nothing wrong with a little government overthrowing in the sake of friendship.
Wrecker: Aw you little reg guy.
Dogma: Shut up do not call me that.
Omega: Gentleman ori’vod.
Dogma: Stop I am a STRANGER who is RUDE!
Echo after Fives tells him that he tried to assassinate Palpatine: Yeah I think fighting the Chancellor’s a pretty good way to get labeled a traitor.
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jerzwriter · 2 years
Highways & Byways Part 1: Ethan x Kaycee
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Book: Open Heart (Post Series)
Pairing: Ethan & Kaycee
Rating: Mature
Words: 1,025
Summary: A highway worker hit the lottery and walked off the job, but before doing so, he changed all electronic highway signs to read: Do not touch your partner's private part while he/she is driving! Ethan & Kaycee were on an early morning drive to Providence, and while Ethan didn't notice the signs, Kaycee did... and she found them inspiring. 😉
A/N: I saw this photo, and I immediately thought of my two crazy pairings and wondered how each would react. I was debating which I would create a fic for, and I said, screw it, I'll do both. In fact, the comparison could be fun. This is a totally silly, fun fic. I hope you enjoy it! Participating in @choicesmonthlychallenge (Prompt is highlighted in the fic) Tobias & Casey's version will be posted tomorrow (well, later today, lol)
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Morning dew still coated the surface of, well, everything. Eager to beat the traffic, Ethan insisted on starting their drive to Providence at the crack of dawn. Kaycee knew sleep deprivation had her husband a little delirious. Not only did he fail to mock her when she asked to stop at the 7-11 for coffee, but he asked her to purchase a cup for him, too. Standing in line, she considered buying a thermometer; he may have a fever. Ultimately, she decided against it, chalking his odd behavior up to drowsiness. Besides, entering the car with a convenience store thermometer would probably push the man over the edge.  
She plopped his coffee into the cup holder and brought her drink to her lips. Ethan crinkled his nose as the aroma from Kaycee’s drink filled the car.
“That’s horrific! It doesn’t even smell like coffee!”
“That’s because it’s not,” she shrugged. “I decided to go with a hot chocolate instead.”
Ethan snickered in amusement and shot a sarcastic grin his wife’s way. “How old are you? Five?”
“Ah… looks like Tobias was right about you. Is senility setting in, old man? You can’t even recall your wife’s age?”
“Of course, I know your age, which is why I can’t figure out your penchant for convenience store hot chocolate.”
“I wouldn’t exactly call it a penchant. More like my husband insisted on leaving at an ungodly hour, and my options are limited. After all, isn’t that why you’re drinking 7-11 coffee?”
“Good point!” he agreed as he took a sip from his cup, his face twisting with disgust as the bitter liquid hit his tongue.
“Well, it’s still caffeine. At least I know you’re awake enough to drive,” she laughed.  
“I would never drive if I was too tired,” he assured. “Especially not when I have such precious cargo on board.”
“Aww, you love me,” she teased as the car entered the highway.
Thirty minutes into the drive, Kaycee acknowledged that she, not Ethan, would need a nap when they reached Alan’s. He was chugging along just fine on his subpar coffee while her hot chocolate was doing nothing to keep her awake. She peered out the window, looking at landmarks along the way to help keep her focused.
That’s when she saw it… She rubbed the eyes she was certain had deceived her. “Nah, it can’t be.”
“What can’t be?” Ethan asked.
“Did you see that sign we just passed?”
“I can’t say I did. What did it say?”
“Uh, nothing,” she said, sniffing her cup. “I’m beginning to think my hot chocolate was spiked.”
“I told you that was poison!” He snickered, earning him a crooked smile.
About ten minutes down the road, Kaycee’s eyes fluttered again. She squinted to ensure she was seeing correctly, then broke into laughter when she realized she read the sign correctly:
Do not touch your partner's private part while he/she is driving!
“What’s so funny?” Ethan inquired.
“You still didn’t see the sign?”  
“Apparently not. What did it say we should do?”
“Actually,” she hesitated, a mischievous grin spreading on her lips. “It was instructing what we shouldn’t do.”
“And that is?” He droned.
Kaycee looked around them, quickly ensuring they were still the only car on the road. Confident they’d be safe, she set her plan into action.
“You know, why tell you when I can show you?”
Before Ethan could register what was happening, Kaycee’s hand breezed over the console and down the front of his sweatpants. Not only them but under his briefs, as well. His eyes popped open when he felt her delicate fingers toying with him.
“Kaycee!” He exclaimed. “What the hell are you doing?”
“I’m playing with your private parts. Jesus, Ethan, for a world-class diagnostician, sometimes, you’re a little slow.”
“I know what you’re doing, but why are you doing it… now?”
“Because the sign back there said not to.”
Ethan turned to her with an unbelieving smirk. He pulled her hand off him and placed it back in her lap.
“I’m sure that’s what the sign said!”
“It did! I’m not making this up; the last one said it, too.”
“You’re right,” Ethan admitted. “Your hot chocolate must have been spiked.”
Kaycee’s turned to him with indignance and yelled. “I know what I saw!”
Her hands plunged back into her husband's pants, causing the car to swerve ever so slightly.
“Kaycee!” He gasped, his annoyance increasing. “Would yo… are you… STOP! What the hell are you doing?”
She fell into a fit of giggles, playfully sticking her tongue out at her husband. “I’m playing with what’s mine!”
“Okay, even if you’re not high, and you’re right about the sign. You realize it said NOT to play with my private parts. Correct?”
“I do, but I’m bored… and… I’m a rebel.”
Ethan couldn’t help but laugh as he tugged her hand away again.
“Be that as it may, I’d like us to arrive at my father’s in one piece… and I’d like to get out of the car without pitching a tent in my pants.”
“Oh!” She teased. “I love when you pitch a tent in your pants!”
“I knew you were going to drive me to the brink of insanity the moment I met you. And you’ve been proving me right ever since.”
“And you love it,” she insisted, reaching for his waist again. “Come on, tell me this wouldn’t be fun!”
“Okay, yes… that’s… a fun… idea. But here’s another idea,” he pushed her hand away one last time. “How about… we don’t do that.”
“Fine!” she conceded. “You never let me have any fun!”
“I let you have plenty of fun,” he scolded. “Just not while we’re driving.”
“Can I hold your hand at least?” she asked.
“That’s an excellent idea. This way, I can keep it contained.”
Once again, she couldn’t control her giggles, and Ethan’s eyes crinkled as a smile spread on his face. She may drive him crazy, but he couldn’t get enough of it.
“I love you, Ethan,” she smiled.
“I love you too, even with all the grey hairs you’ve caused me.”
Permatags: @a-crepusculo @animesuck3r @annoyingmillenialnewbie @crazy-loca-blog @doriopenheart @differenttyphoonwerewolf @fayeswiftie @gryffindordaughterofathena @genevievemd @jamespotterthefirst @jennieausten @kingliam2019 @liaromancewriter @lucy-268 @onikalover @openheartforeverinmyheart @potionsprefect @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @secretaryunpaid @socalwriterbee @sophxwithers @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction @jerzwriter-reblogs-asks @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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cassiopeiasara · 2 years
I thought perhaps we’d get a little personal here friends seeing as how some folks are migrating from Twitter and it’s been a minute since I’ve done so much as a survey over here.
I think the last time I made one of these posts I was struggling with writing and while that’s gotten… slightly better, it’s still a struggle. Before I think I was burnt out from some great productive years, the pandemic and what inevitably happens when a show run ends (things just slow down). This year though it’s different.
This has legit been one of the hardest years I’ve had and I’ve had some HARD ones but dealing with two medical mysteries kicking up old personal stuff and trudging along the SLOWEST journey to get tiny human adopted, this year def took the cake. Now the mysteries have been solved (welcome to the party hidradentis supprativa and endometriosis), I’ve had some surgery, one would think I’d relax.
Only I’ve kind of realized the fandom that restarted my writing bug is sort of not really for me and I’ve been really analyzing why I felt both like an imposter and not really fulfilled. None of it is a surprise of course but it’s still just upsetting in its own ways. I’m not cut out for popular fandoms I think. Like at all and perhaps I knew that but having a constant stream of content is quite seductive and not having to build things from the ground up is a relief but it turns out I lose everything I love that way.
Modern fandom is so fast paced with a consumeristic mindset that will never fit me and definitely never fit a life where I have to take so many breaks just to get through the day.
So I’ve been trying to find a way to engage that makes more sense. I’ve been trying to make things smaller and revisit characters in previous fandoms that I miss so dearly. And I had PLANS for Nano! Such wonderful plans then we kind of acquired another tiny human and now I’m deliriously sleep deprived and can barely text some days much less manage fic.
But I think making things smaller will help when I do reach a time when I can sleep for more than a few hours. And I think revisiting older fandoms (including a couple that predate my birth) will help immensely. I need less pressure for the return of better enjoyment. And I’m glad I’m still ok this space not just bc of this migration and the vibes but because I started this thing 8 years ago to write. I wanted to carve out a space somewhere and return to telling stories and I’ve had such fun doing that and I want to stay in the hope I can do it again.
Anyway for all of you folks who are always here, I appreciate you. For newer followers, welcome. Somewhere in my about me tag is an edited intro post if you’re so inclined. Most of this post probably doesn’t make a whole lot of sense but I wanted to say something to document where I’m at.
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autumnalwalker · 1 year
Seven Snippets, Seven People
Thank you for the tag, @druidx.
Rules: post seven snippets and tag seven people.
Passing the (completely optional) tag to @saintedseraph, @moondust-bard, @maskedemerald, @mundanemoongirl, @camillenrose, @rmgrey-author, @nrivanwrites, plus the usual open tag to anyone else who wants to participate.
Here's seven snippets of the Empty Names cast talking about Road, the one who ties them all together, but never gets their own POV chapter:
1: Chapter 2
He walks over to the stage and leans an elbow on it, looking up at Ashan.  “Have you ever heard of the individual known as Road?”
Ashan arches an eyebrow in surprise.  “The guy who runs around in purple armor fighting subway dragons and saving goth kids from vampire cults?”
“Among other things, yes.”
“From what I have heard they are a noble fool who just happens to be skilled and lucky enough to back up their reckless actions.  But a fool whose heart is in the right place.  Supposedly they used to be a big deal before disappearing several years ago.”  Ashan stops himself and gets back to the still unanswered question.  “Why?”
Bridgewood chuckles.  “Because,” he drags out the word, “said noble fool just so happens to be an old friend of mine and recently got back to town.  They’re looking to put a team together and could use a proper spellslinger.”  He smiles just a little too widely and reaches up a hand.  “So, interested?”
2: Chapter 5
“What was it that you told them?”  Lacuna finally breaks the silence.  Not so much looking at Eris as past her.  “Road I mean.  About me.”
Not where Eris thought that conversation was going to go when it inevitably came back around.  She rubs the back of her neck as she takes a moment to think.
“After he gave me the pitch for this team he’s putting together,” she begins, “we got to talking about who else was going to be on board, and he said he was still looking for a ‘tech guy’ - finger quotes and all - and asked if I knew anyone.  I remembered you were in the market again, so I told him how the company you were working for on some sort of advanced AI thing got bought out by some big corp and you chose to walk instead of working for them.  Said you were the best programmer I know.”
“Eris, I’m the only programmer you know.”
“And while I’ve got no idea what you’re saying half the time you go on about it, I can tell that you do, and that you really care about what you’re working on.”
“What I was working on.”
“Sorry.  Sore spot?”
“Just a bit.  Also, ‘he’?”
“Road’s fluid about that.  And they were he at the time so, eh.” Eris shrugs.  “I try to handle that on an individual basis, and Road said something along the lines of ‘whatever fits in the moment’ when I asked them about it.
“Anyway, when I told them-slash-him about you he said that he remembered you.  They said some stuff about you having natural talent and being the kind of person to run towards problems to solve them instead of away to safety.”
“More like having dumb luck and being sleep deprived enough for my self-preservation tendencies to be shot.”
“You’re selling yourself short again.  Whatever it was you did, you made enough of an impression that I didn’t even have to say all that much before Road jumped all over the idea and said that he’d call you first chance he got.  Which was apparently before I even got home that night.”
The conversation hangs.
“Why do you ask?” Eris asks.
“Well...  I...  You know...  Haven’t actually accepted Road’s offer yet.”
“Oh?”  That one syllable is all Eris can think of as she wonders to herself if she should have seen this coming.
“Some of the stuff they were saying…  They were throwing out words like ‘hacker’ and ‘artificer’ and ‘magi-tech’.  Like they’d gotten the idea into their head that I was some kind of action movie cyberpunk net wizard and I’m just.  So.  Very.  Not.”
“And you told them that?”
“Tried to anyway.  Said that I don’t ‘hack’ things.  Just because I’m a programmer, that doesn’t mean I do cybersecurity.  You wouldn’t call a plumber to change the locks on your house.  You know?”
“The apartment maintenance guy does both.”
“Okay, bad analogy.  Also, Jim’s awesome enough to probably be an outlier.  But you get my point, right?”
“But I’m not sure Road does.  Even after I tried to explain they toned it down a bit but were still talking me up enough that I couldn’t help but feel they’re overestimating me.”  Lacuna lets out the longest sigh of the night.  “It would be wrong of me to jump into this unqualified.  Especially when…  well, I’ve seen how you wind up on nights I need to help you back to your apartment.  Or to Doc.”
“Well, I doubt you’d actually be in the field, and if you did end up there somehow, there’s no way Road or I would let anything happen to you.”
“But what if I let something happen to you?!”
3: Chapter 5
It’s Lacuna who breaks the silence of the last stretch of their return home, asking “By the way, what’s up with that guy who contacted us after Road’s offer asking for ‘equipment requests for this new business venture’?”
“Oh, Sullivan?”
“I think that’s what the email said, yeah.”
“I’ll admit, I’m not entirely sure what his deal is.  I only briefly met him the once on a job Road was helping me with.  Apparently the two of them go way back.  Got the impression he does a lot of info gathering for Road.  Like, he’s the reason they’ve got such an uncanny knack for showing up just when they're needed.”
“Huh… guess he’s probably one of the other people Road mentioned being on this team.”
“Either that or just bankrolling the whole operation.  From what I hear, he’s absolutely loaded.  Old money shit.”
“That would explain the blank check for a budget, I guess.”
The conversation pauses momentarily as they reach the apartment complex gate and enter the code to open it.
“Although,” Eris picks back up as they cross the lamplit parking lot to their building, “I have heard some weird rumors about him when I tried asking around.”
“What kind of weird?” Lacuna asks after a moment’s hesitation.
“The big one’s that he used to be some kind of hitman.  And that he married some bigwig sorceress to steal her secrets and no one’s heard from her since.”  Eris shrugs.  “Can’t say I put much stock in either of them.  Just doesn’t seem like the kind of guy Road would roll with, you know?”
“Yeah… I mean, you know Road better than I do, but… okay, it’s sort of embarrassing to say, but when they saved me and when they were showing me around Crossherd for the first time, they had this aura about them.  Like they were some hero who’d just stepped out of a story.”
Eris leans against the railing of the stairwell they’ve stopped in.  They’re on Lacuna’s floor now.
“You’re actually not the first to say that.  More than a few guys I know in the monster hunting gig were originally brought Backstage by Road, and they all came away with the same impression.  At least two of them have admitted to getting into the biz to try to copy them.”
“Really?  I wouldn’t have guessed,” Lacuna says.  She’s looking down at the floor again.  
“Yeah.  And I’ll admit I’ve gotten a similar vibe myself the few times I’ve worked with them.  Strict no killing rule.  Encouraging speeches.  Putting saving people above catching the monster.  All the classic hero stuff.”  Hard not to feel like a punch-happy brute in comparison, Eris refrains from adding.
4: Chapter 9
There’s a soft electronic pop in Eris’s ear as Road’s headset abruptly disconnects and she, Sullivan and Ashan are left standing in the quiet dark of the hold.  
“Yeah…” Lacuna’s voice breaks the awkward silence, “they just turned their whole earpiece off.”
The muffled sound of captain Cabetha laughing some distance from her own microphone echoes in everyone’s ears.
Sullivan sighs and massages his forehead.  “I distinctly told them the button was power and the switch was mute.”
5: Chapter 12
As the the photophores on Dis!ma*s’s face flicker in surprise, it occurs to Ashan that the bruises that had covered the man yesterday are gone.
“But aren’t you one of them?  After the way you jumped in the fire I figured you must be friends or something.”
Ashan shakes his head.  “Perhaps one day, but for now ‘coworkers’ is the more apt descriptor.  From what I gather, the woman who built this place as her home valued her privacy and simply never intended to have visitors going in and out.  I suspect our temporary confinement is merely a lack of preparation rather than imprisonment.  I myself only set foot here for the first time yesterday and only met Road for the first time a week ago, although I have known them by reputation as a forthright and heroic individual for some time longer.”
“Road’s the one with the symbiote coat?  They seemed to be an alright enough sort, I suppose.  Stopped by to check on me this morning, talked me into getting out of my room and keeping busy instead of dwelling on what happened.  They even offered me an amnestic if it gets too painful.  I turned down the drug, but they were right about keeping busy.”
6: Chapter 14
Silence stretches.  Drinks cool, one of them still untouched.
“You mind if I share something?” Eris asks.  “An untold anxiety for an untold anxiety.  More of a confession, really.”
“Of course you may.  You are my friend.”
“Thanks.  Truth is, part of me was glad when I realized I lost my comms down there.  It meant that if I ran into anything Lacuna wouldn’t have to watch me go to work on it.”
“I am not sure I follow.  She seemed enthusiastic enough in her recounting of Road’s exploits and you said yourself that she has seen you in worse states after a hunt.”
“That’s the point, she’s seen me after, never during.  And Road doesn’t rip beasts limb from limb and cave in skulls with their bare hands.  Road doesn’t get covered in gore during fights.  Road doesn’t enjoy the smell and feel and taste of fresh blood or the sound of cracking bones and ripping flesh.  Road’s not a monster.”
“Is that how you think of yourself?”
“No, not quite, but I know I would be if I didn’t have a constructive outlet for managing it.  Autogenesis being what it is, I’m not being entirely figurative about that either.  I know it’s not normal or healthy to find what I do and how I do it fun or to go barehanded instead of bringing a weapon because I like feeling it all up close and viscerally personal.  But the point is I do manage it.  I just also know it doesn’t look that way from the outside.”
7: Chapter 16
Sullivan takes the paper, holds it up, and catches the ashes in a handkerchief that he subsequently pockets.
“A pleasure doing business with you, as always,” he says, pushing off of the counter.  Halfway to the door he spins around on his heel and adds  “By the by, if it eases your conscience any I’m actually going to save dear mister Whelan’s life.  This is one of my friend’s jobs, not one of mine.”
“It’s for Road?”
“Have I ever been known to have another?”
“Seven hells, man!  You could have just opened with that and I would have handed the damn address over.”
“Oh, I know.”
“Then why the wheedling and the threats?”
Sullivan shrugs theatrically.  “I wanted to see if I could still get a rise out of you.  You should have seen your face, even through the proxy dummy.  The real thing must have been just priceless.  Did you really think that I - what? - ate people and stole their magic?  Ooohhh, out of all the wild rumors to come out of my marriage and that’s the one you jump to?  And did you really think I’d be fool enough to seriously threaten so useful a contact?”  He chuckles and shakes his head.  “Don’t ever change Eustace.”
The exhale of relief comes through the wax proxy better than Sullivan would have expected.  When Eustace speaks, the anger is still there, but it’s duller now.  “Let the door hit you on the way out.”
Sullivan gives a flourishing bow and walks out the boutique backwards, making a show of bumping into the door to open it.
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moonlarked · 2 years
the damned prince: chapter one
(to read the prologue, just scroll through the “kotlc hamlet au” tag. I’m planning on uploading this to Ao3 later.)
Stina’s boots clomped over heavy stone as she slowly ascended the castle stairs.
Behind her, she could hear the boy’s nervous breath as he followed her. She wondered what he and the other guard had seen. A trick of the mist, perhaps? A manifestation of their sleep deprivation?
She had been assured, over and over, that what the guards had seen was real. That they had somehow glimpsed an apparition, a being from beyond the living.
Unfortunately for them, Stina had a hard time believing such tales. Throughout her life, she had often been the eavesdropper of whispering superstition, of boys chattering in the schoolyard about ghosts and demons and realms the mortal eye couldn’t comprehend. She had never once seen any proof of such stories, and she was content to keep it that way.
Besides, Stina had enough to deal with right now.
The stairs stopped at a wood door, and its rusty hinges squeaked as Stina pulled it open and stepped into the cold night air.
The boy following her followed her out onto the balcony. He scurried over to the person waiting for them. “Rayni, I brought her.”
The other person - presumably the other guard that was assigned to this post - nodded and stepped toward Stina, her sharp black bob blown askew by the wind.
“So… a ghost?” Stina’s lip quirked.
“I didn’t expect you to believe us. But trust me. I saw it with my own eyes.” The guard held out her hand. “Rayni Aria. And you’re Stina Heks?”
Stina nodded, accepting Rayni’s hand.
“Keep watch with us. Please. We’ve seen this thing for the past three nights in a row, and it l hasn’t spoken to us once. I think it’s waiting.”
“Waiting?” Stina asked. “For whom?”
“I… have an idea. It’s why I called for you specifically. Just wait with us.”
Stina sighed and leaned against the stone wall. This was going to be a long night.
The sound of Jensi’s nervous pacing filled the frigid night air as Stina burrowed her arms in her coat to stay warm. Rayni stood still and silent, head turned toward the horizon. Minutes passed.
There was a low, tolling sound. Midnight.
Rayni and the younger guard immediately stiffened, glancing around with spears up.
Stina stood from her position, stretching out her cramped legs and striding over to Rayni. “What now?”
Rayni held up her hand. “Quiet.”
Stina raised an eyebrow.
Suddenly, the younger guard let out a small gasp and rushed to the edge of the balcony. “I see it!” he cried.
Rayni ran to his side and Stina squinted into the darkness, trying to make out what the boy had seen.
Her mouth went slack.
Out on the castle grounds, standing as motionless as a statue, was a lone figure. Curls of mist rose from the ground around it and its head was tipped up, staring at them.
And its armor…
“You recognize it too, right?” Rayni whispered.
Stina nodded.
It was the armor of the late King Grady
“Talk to it,” Rayni prodded.
“What?” Stina hissed.
“It might listen to you! You are respected and known by much of the nobility. You’re friends with the Prince!”
“I…” Stina squared her shoulders. “Fine.”
She leaned over the balcony and took a deep breath.
“Spirit,” she called out, her voice shaky. “What do you want with us?”
The apparition wearing the dead king’s clothes didn’t move, its head still tilted eerily.
“Have you come to warn us? Are you to guide our country through this dark time! Tell us why you haunt these grounds!”
There was no answer.
“Please speak,” Stina whispered.
The spirit stepped back, and then vanished.
“It seems offended,” Rayni murmured. “It’s not here for us.”
“Then why did you bring me?” Stina snapped, still shaken.
“It’s wearing the king’s clothes. Who do you think the king would want to see?”
Stina blinked.
“The Prince,” she realized. “It wants to see her.”
Rayni nodded. “That was my theory. And I knew I could never get to the Prince myself, what with how she’s shunned herself away, so I hoped you could carry a message to her.”
Stina stepped back, mind whirling. “She… she can’t see it. We don’t know what this apparition truly desires. It could be an unholy demon from Hell, come to lure her to her doom!”
“Of course. But we can’t let it keep haunting these grounds. And besides… it may have guidance for us. As you said earlier. This country… it’s in dire straits.”
“You’re right,” Stina agreed reluctantly. “But… we must go about this with caution. Who knows where it may lead.”
She turned back toward the wooden door, careful to keep up a professional stance as she let the younger guard march her back down the castle halls.
Inside, all of her worries about her fracturing country had resurfaced. The new King, Linh Song’s inevitable approach, the Prince…
The Prince.
Stina would have to get to her quick. She didn’t know where this road would lead, but something told her the spirit’s arrival was anything but hopeful.
Some notes:
- I have never written Stina before. I hope I at least slightly did her justice. She’s older and more mature than she is in the books, and that’s why she has a more professional attitude.
- I’m going scene by scene so far, and I’m taking a lot of plot beats from the play. So although I may divulge from some narrative moments later, so far I’m sticking pretty close to the script.
- I hope you enjoyed! I’ll be posting the next chapter hopefully not too far in the future!
Tagged: @dizzythegreat
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sohmiya · 11 months
More hcs cause I promised <3
Crushing stage:
I couldn’t get over Miko and Ev casually bumping into each other at a coffee shop, so I feel like it’s part of their crushing stage relationship now and bc Ev’s a hopeless romantic, I imagine him coming back from like a South American tour with completely different timezones yet he’s still adamant on seeing Miko the morning after.
Like he’ll be walking there, dressed down, all tired, on the phone to Cypress and Cy would go “Evren, why are you awake? You came back from tour yesterday” “I’m going to buy coffee” “…you have a coffee maker and a kettle” “yeah but…I get to see Miko at the cafe” and Cy would just go “oh” “oh? what do you mean oh?!” “no, I mean, it’s just nice you being like this” bc atp Cy would realise that he really likes her and Ev would say “hm, yep, sleep deprivation is such a hot look”
I see Ev and Miko sitting together, like at the same table and everything and they’d be talking, and Evren would say something like “you really didn’t know who I was when we met?” and Miko would shake her head like “not a clue. does that disappoint you?” and Ev would say “no, definitely not. it makes me like you more, actually” but I still see Ev being less confident than usual when he says that so Miko would tease him and say “ohh, you like me? :)”
Evren has a group chat with his band too and they’d definitely say stuff like ‘is this like just a thing or are you wanting to have a relationship with her?’ ‘you’re really falling for her, huh?’ and ‘as long as she doesn’t break your heart and we get good songs out of it, I’m fine with it’—bc they know how Evren can get when it comes to relationships.
And even though Ev knows he’s crushing, he’d definitely wonder ‘do I only feel like this because I think she’s pretty?” and then he’ll be at Miko’s practices, and then he’d hear her laugh at something and find himself smiling and realise it’s definitely not a ‘I’m just attracted to you’ kind of thing.
Relationship stage:
I imagine Evren being on some talk show like promoting his album and stuff and the host is all “your girlfriend is in the crowd, right?” “yeah, so if you see me looking around for her frantically it’s because I’m feeling nervous”
Him wearing Sanada jerseys to Miko’s games <3 which does a great job at confirming their relationship to the world.
But alsoo Ev having Miko’s social media notifications on for when she posts so he can like and comment on everything and his comments are emojis or stuff like ‘hot’ ‘you’re wearing my necklace’ ’if you wanna get married i’m down’ ‘thinking inappropriate thoughts ;)’
I also see Miko and Ev being around with Javier and Rosalie and they ask how Javier proposed, and Rosa would laugh and say “we were at home, he gets down on one knee, asks me to marry him and then flew abroad the next day to play a match” and Ev would roll his eyes and say “mom, that’s terrible. you need more romantic men in your life…unless you and dad are planning to get back together, hint hint, then forget I said anything :)”
each day i get sadder that evren does not exist 🕳️🚶🏻‍♀️
“yeah but…I get to see Miko at the cafe”
PLEASE evren always trying to show up at the cafe at times that miko is most likely there 😩😩😩 miko will 100% tease him at one point: “are you stalking me?” and when they’re about to part ways miko says “have a good day” and he replies with “it already is” UNGHHHH
“you really didn’t know who I was when we met?”
the way i knew he would eventually bring this up SHSHAJSJA and yes miko would 100% be a tease about like “what if i told you that my first thought was that you’re just a nepo baby? you’d still like me?” and i imagine evren saying something like “uhuh. you’re cute so i’ll let that slide” 🤭🥰🥰
‘as long as she doesn’t break your heart and we get good songs out of it, I’m fine with it’
LISTEN not to insert maxine but this is one of the conversations that second coming exactly had with her 😭
he’d hear her laugh at something and find himself smiling and realise it’s definitely not a ‘I’m just attracted to you’ kind of thing.
alsoooo this hc is actually perfect for miko because i always imagined her having a melodious laugh shsakdkak but she tends to cackle a lot LMAO so like when she starts deeply crushing on evren she’ll be so self-conscious about it and at one point she starts covering her mouth and idk why but i can 100% imagine evren saying “don’t do that” and miko just going “what?” “that” then he points at her hand just hovering over her mouth then proceeds to compliment her smile or how he likes to sound of her laugh 😭😭😭😭😭😭
“yeah, so if you see me looking around for her frantically it’s because I’m feeling nervous”
STOP I LOVE HIM :(((( miko would tell him beforehand where she’d be in the crowd during the interview then she’d say “but just in case you still don’t find me, just know i’m there” and i think miko would take a picture of the stage from her seat before the show starts and send it to him so he can kind of estimate the angle of the camera or something and have an idea which part of the crowd to search for her hehehe but yeah after every interview miko always tells him “i’m so proud of you” <333333
Him wearing Sanada jerseys to Miko’s games <3 which does a great job at confirming their relationship to the world.
I CAN SEE THIS TAKING OVER HEADLINES like miko would make a lighthearted comment about how “nobody even cares that we won. they’re just talking about us” and evren just chuckles like “sorry babe i couldn’t resist” or if he’s feeling cocky he’d be like “you’re dating me. everyone knows you won” 😭
evren having miko’s post notifs on reminded me of this:
Tumblr media
JDHSHSJ but i just know evren’s the kind of bf who would comment “first” or “mine” and when he comments “thinking inappropriate thoughts” miko jokingly says “you are so shameless” but in the comments she’d go along with it to drive the fans crazy and reply to evren “show me 😏” like i just know they’re in the same room sitting next to each other just laughing when the fans swarm the replies 😭😭😭
“we were at home, he gets down on one knee, asks me to marry him and then flew abroad the next day to play a match”
the way miko would literally look at javier all surprised like “you did NOT” and javier’s just 🤦‍♂️ SHSJSKSK also i think after that miko’s admiration for rosalie would skyrocket simply for her ability to make javier aka *THE* manager of inter city look like he’s Just Some Guy shdjsfhshdjsjsjsjs but miko would also just sit there in silence taking in the moment and feeling so soft and happy for evren
and like obviously she would never interfere in their family matters but when it’s just her and evren and they’re both in their feelings she’ll most likely blurt out something like “i want what your parents have” before she realizes they’re divorced and like she’s stuttering out an apology and how that’s not what she meant but evren just laughs and is like “no no i get it. i do too” and like not to push my evren x miko endgame agenda but in my head evren’s looking at her lovingly then he continues “and i think i found it” shhwjeajwhjwaj BYEEEEEEEEEE
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fairycosmos · 2 years
I know I’m about to overshare for no reason and complain about first world problems but! I seriously do not want to work anymore. I have two jobs and I feel like I can barely function in one of them even though it’s not that demanding. Maybe it’s because I’m depressed or sleep deprived for getting up early but I’m just so tired of it all. Working used to make sense it me, and now it’s beginning not to. Doesn’t help that my boyfriend come from money so he doesn’t work at all, doesn’t know what it means to have a menial job, so when I see him and I’m tired he doesn’t understand why. I don’t feel like I can do it very much longer.
Other than that life is pretty okay. I hope you’re managing Chloe, I wish you all the best <3
hey, based on what you've told me, everything you're currently thinking and feeling is completely understandable. even working one job is completely exhausting and time-consuming, so working two on top of dealing with sleep deprivation + mental illness is an extremely difficult position to be in. i think it doesn't make sense to you anymore because it's common sense that people shouldn't have to work two separate jobs just to make ends meet. it is really inhumane, goes against all logical thought. it's not fair and you have every right to be mad at the lengths you have to go to just to survive. it is no wonder that you're tired and fed up, anyone would be. people who come from money will never get it, they were raised in a diluted version of reality and can't grasp what it means to have to break your own back working just to keep your head above water. i'm so sorry he can't see things from your perspective, and i'm so sorry you're in this situation to begin with. i can't imagine how frustrating it must be. i'm sure you've pretty much looked into any sort for financial aid you quality for + that you're taking advantage of any sort of communal resource (such as food banks) that are available to you, but if you haven't, i really recommend it. food coupons, thrifting, every little helps....other than that, if you'd like to start posting and requesting for mutual aid, i'd be happy to share it. platforms like venmo, kofi, gofundme etc can really help people out of difficult circumstances and maybe eventually it'll allow you to lighten your own workload a little. i'd love to spread awareness and help out however i can. i know it's kind of an unconventional option, but there's really no shame in asking for support if you need it. you're clearly in a bad spot mentally right now and i can totally see why working so much is making it worse. i really hope you get a break and that you're able to prioritse self-care above your jobs in the future, it is so deserved. also thank you so much for the kind words angel 💘 sending you a giant hug. x
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spidertgirl · 1 year
Spider-Gwen and the Case of the Monday Blues
Part One- Monday Morning, So Forlorning
TW: This is just a little pre-Spider-Verse, ITSV Spider-Gwen transromance fic with Peter Parker (AFAB, before coming out). As the story takes through Gwen’s perspective, Patricia is dealt in prose as a woman. This is a plot point. Let me WRITE!!
This is also supposed to be cushy as shit so don��t take this too seriously. I literally finished writing it and immediately copy and pasted it here without any edits so its a bit rough. I just like posting.
Gwen hated Mondays.
Well, more than most. Sundays she tended to stay up all night, either catching up on schoolwork she missed catching criminals, or criminals she missed catching up on schoolwork.
Either way, loud blaring music kept her up far into the night. Last Night’s flavor was a local Hardcore band, mixed with some Beastie Boys, and a bit of Shoegaze.
Her ears were screaming bloody valentines like the worst hangover imaginable, and the wind rushing past them as she swung between skyscrapers did nothing to help. She had to stop and fall onto a nearby taxi just to get some relief.
Which was odd, she would have noticed if she had time to think. Her Sunday routine had long included ear-breaking decibels before and she thought nothing of it. A part wondered if she had just left her earphones in overnight, or taken a few too many hits, but the whole of her was somewhere else.
Something about this morning just drove her Spidey Sense wild. She barely felt it unless danger was right before her. Gwen looked everywhere- no danger. Well, a few dangers. She cautiously stopped a falling passerby, slowed a speeding car, tied a stranger's shoes, and a great deal more simple but thoughtful gestures. It did nothing to heal head, ear, or sense.
But her fears came and past, her school almost came and past before she realized it, and she was quickly distracted by another fear.
“Guess what day it is today?” Patricia asked. Gwen shook her head.
“No, I give up.”
“You didn’t even try! C’mon, one guess.”
“Mmm… the day Mr. Peterson is finally gonna commit to his alopecia and just go bald?” Her friend laughed, and gave her a light push on the shoulder.
“I’m serious!”
“So am I, there are only so many hats in the world that can cover up that sunk cost fallacy.”
“So you have no clue?”
“As clueless as Scooby Doo. Or Cher. Can I change my answer to Cher?”
“Honey, if you’re Cher I’ll get to be Tai.”
“Why Tai? Oh that rhymes!”
“Why Tai, why I always related to her untamable mass of curly hair, my Cheri.”
Gwen realized it was halfway through English and she still didn’t know what Patricia was talking about.
“I’m lost.”
“It’s not that hard Gwen, Mr. Morton is the subject of the sentence because-”
“No, what’s today?”
“One month.”
“Still nothing.”
“Babe, I love you but you really are clueless.”
“What’re you gonna do with me?”
“Maybe throw you out in a box like a cat. Or, I guess a Jar would be more fitting.”
“Wha- oh. Haha, very funny.” She thought for a moment.
“Do the cat’s really get thrown out with a box? I thought they found it. Like a hermit crab.”
“Of course, otherwise it’s just a cruel thing to do, throwing out a cat.”
“Yeah, but they have a bad habit of getting back in. We used to have-”
“This cat named Mary who used to sneak into your house and-”
“We could never quite throw out- what don’t you know about me?”
“Nothing, now think.”
Gwen could only think of Patty throwing her out the window in a glass cup.
Maybe the shock would get her feeling right. She didn’t know if it was sleep deprivation, embarrassment, or some secret third thing that was keeping her from focusing, but it was driving her insane.
She loved Patricia, and she really wanted to do right by her and their relationship. But she knew they had been dating for almost a year at this point, so ‘one month’ didn’t quite make sense. If only this damn fog would leave her head!
And that creepy feeling down her spine, if she could help it. It’s terribly unhelpful to have a spider sense that’s always turned on. Like radar at a metal concert- useless. Absolutely and positively useless.
She took a hit of the dog that bit her between classes, a smooth, poppier song. It almost did the thing, but a tug on her shoulder stopped her and took her headphones before she had the chance.
“What, you avoiding me now?”
“W- No, never! I’m just… kinda out of it.”
“I’m busting your literal and proverbial balls babe. Go to the nurse, see if she can help. And keep thinking!”
Gwen was gonna refuse- super healing and all- but remembered an especially bad hit to the side of her head that knocked her vision out for a few seconds. And apparently some memory too- not good. That’s concussion territory, she thought.
Or not, she didn’t have a super good grasp on medical sciences, but she watched enough scary news stories with her dad about sports medicine to know concussions are common and quick killers.
Still nothing on the date front though. She thought about everything she did a month ago, everything she said. Only the foggiest came through, the rest a mystery.
“What seems to be the problem?”
“I, uh… fell pretty hard and I think I might have a concussion. So… could you check it out?”
The nurse laughed.
“Sure, Bren- is that right?” the nurse eyed her up and down, with a wary eye.
“Gwen, ma’am.”
“Well, Gwen, why do you think you have a concussion?” she said, pulling out a small flashlight.
“Follow my finger.”
“I just feel sorta odd,” she said, eye clinging to finger for dear life.
“A little.”
“A lot- I mean, huh?”
“Funny girl- loss of consciousness?”
“Uh, when I first… fell?”
“For how long?”
“Oh, a few seconds.” Barely two, by her guess. Not enough for her to lose her footing in the fight, but just enough to distract her, let them get the slightest upper hand.
It was a big job, with some fancy weapons. Not street level crime, this was something bigger. She kept one for questioning, but…
Wait, what happened to him? Gwen was half convinced she let him sit there forever while she went home in a fugue state, but that didn’t seem to likely.
“Ringing in the ears?”
“No, but they’re sensitive.”
“Blurry vision?”
“No? I mean, I wear contacts.”
“Blurrier vision?” Gwen squinted.
“Ok, anything else? You can quit following my finger now.” Gwen didn’t realize she followed it right into her coat pocket.
“Oh, sorry. I feel… on edge, I guess.”
“On edge?”
“Yeah. Tingly, frightful.”
“Yeah, that’s the word! Anxious- more anxious.”
The nurse walked back to her computer.
“Ok, you probably have a concussion.”
“Shit- I mean-”
“It’s fine. Did you drive here?”
“No, I’m a freshman.”
“Good. Call your dad and have him take you to the hospital.”
“Cool- can I go outside to make the call?”
“No, I don’t think you should honestly be doing any extraneous physical activity.”
Gwen made her phone call in complete view of the nurse, much to her chagrin. The Nurse didn’t even make an effort to turn away- in fact, it seemed like she was watching the detail with great detail!
Gwen did not like this Nurse.
Gwen almost toppled over Patricia.
“Oh, watch where- oh hey. Did you just swing into me? Do you have a concussion?”
“No time to explain- I need makeup wipes.”
Patricia did not look happy.
“I’d actually kind of like to know my if my girlfriend’s got a concussion, actually.” Gwen was taken aback.
“I- shit, I’m sorry, I’m just really in a rush and I’m in a hurry-”
“Spider-Woman shit?”
“Life shit! I finally have life shit again- P, I just need you to start rummaging for your makeup wipes and I’ll explain.”
“Fine,” Patricia said, swinging her bag around and digging through it.
“I totally do have a concussion and I’m super sorry that I don’t remember what day it is but I just snuck out of the nurse’s bathroom to find you because my dad’s about to pick me up and she made me take the phonecall in front of her, and-”
“I thought that would take longer-” Gwen said, grabbing them, before Patricia holds them back.
“And? Oh, I love you?”
“Sure, hon. Love you too.”
They both ran to the bathroom and started taking the make up off, four sinks running to hide their chat.
“So what actually is it?”
“It’s your one month transiversary, hun! Or, one month of being out at school.”
“Wait, really? Shit, I had no idea. Do you keep like a… handbook on me at home or something?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?”
“No, I actually kinda would. That’s sorta weird.”
“More of a scrapbook?”
“That’s sorta cute- how do I look?”
“Ready for a Proud Boys rally. Well, drop the wig. And the skirt. And the thigh highs. And the-”
“I get it, I need to change. I’ll be back.”
“Can I watch?” Patty joked from outside the stall.
“I’ll have to charge you!” Gwen said, rummaging through her purse, past her Spiderwoman costume from her morning swing, and pulling out her slacks and sneakers.
“How long do you have?”
“I don’t know, probably a good ten, fifteen minutes. I used a youtube compilation called Ten Hours of People Shititng Farting And Groaning.”
“Weird and gross.”
“Even weirder thing is I had it saved.”
“Ew, gross.”
“Yeah, but pretty clever. Bet you're proud of your ol gir-” when Gwen opened the door, Patty was holding a small colorful parcel, wrapped with ribbon.
“I- is this a gift?”
“Yeah. I was gonna do blue and pink but I figured that’s a lil sus, so it’s red and blue. Basically the same thing. I had to cut up an american flag wrapping paper to make it, so the lace has a few holes that were once stars.”
“Aww, I love a little rebellious flag code violation! This is so sweet Pats, you didn’t have to. Can I open it in the hospital.”
“Oh, not… here?”
“Well it’s been ten minutes so far, and I need time to swing back and find the right window. And honestly I think I probably shouldn’t even swing. Besides, it'll cheer me up, I hate hotel rooms. Sorry, is that not fine?”
“Uh, no. No, it’s totally cool, babe, I get it. I don’t want you to be depressed if you’re there for a while. Call me if you’re there past six and I’ll visit you.”
“Ok- thank you, for everything. I really mean it. I… I don’t know. I owe you something. A lot, really babe. I’m sorry this Spider-Woman thing is such a problem.”
“I get it. Great Power means Great Responsibility.”
“That’s beautiful. Is that from one of your poems?”
“A comic book I read.”
“Figures. See you. Love you,” she added at the end and ran away.
She wondered if she shouldn’t have said anything at all. She always had a bad habit of never knowing when to keep her damn mouth shut, and Spider-Woman only galvanized her wit and ego to dramatic parts. She rarely felt like herself, save for when she was Gwen. When she was with Patty. When she was happy.
She wanted to say all these things, run back into her and find her… but it was probably too late. She’d call her, at least. That’s the least that she could do.
Finding the window was quicker and easier than the run- Gwen’s head just did not let up. She wondered why her supposedly super healing wasn’t helping any. But the door was locked. She stumbled through the window, and sat for a moment composing herself upon the toilet, letting her head settle in the dark room.
But when Gwen stood and walked to the door, where the phone was so perfectly placed…
“Shit, I could’ve sworn I put it there.”
The door creaked open. The Nurse and Gwen’s dad were standing there. Gwen’s dad was holding her phone.
“And you just did, young lady. What’s that- fifteen dollars now?”
“I hate your swear jar.”
“And your hate is expressed in gentle and thought out ways. Why did you leave the room? Actually, how did you even get down?”
“Why did you guys even open the door? I was on the toilet!”
“Usually I make it a habit to respond when my students with brain trauma stop responding and start groaning. Also I didn’t understand why you were so obsessed with selling me Raid Shadow Legends.”
Curse that Autoplay.
To be continued
Chapter Two coming soon!
A Stunning Preview of this Story’s Action Packed Finale!
“What’s that?” Gwen had almost gone to sleep before Patricia’s voice woke her up.
“That… blinking red thing?”
“Pat, it’s a hospital, there are a lot of blinking red things.”
“Not really. It’s like, a laser. I mean not really, but it’s super bright. See look, there’s a dot there on the wall.”
Sure enough, Gwen stared on the darkness past her girlfriend… and there was the red light. Blinking. Unmoving.
Gwen was just as paralyzed. She looked to Patricia and Patricia looked back, more frightened.
“What is that
“I don’t know, but whatever it is Gwen… it’s coming from you.”
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rae-is-typing · 3 years
what about a teen!mom reader with the cast, she brings her baby to meet the cast for the first time and one if them (maybe tom or harrison?) gets like super uncomfortable when the baby starts crying while their holding her/him 8, 2, 6, 3, 14 and everyone is laughing
Again, this was written a long time ago and has just been sitting in my google docs cause I felt guilty for not posting. Sorry for the wait and thank you for the patience.
Opposite of Baby Fever
Disclaimers: This anon requested that the fandom be changed to criminal minds!! I also don't have kids nor do I want them so I apologize if this is inaccurate.
Description: You bring your baby to meet the BAU
Characters: You, a baby, the BAU
Warning: Babies and anxious Reid
Word Count: about 600
8: “Oh god, it's crying! What do I do? What do i do?”
2: “Why is it hugging me?”
6: “I’m out of ideas. Take it or leave it.”
3: “Was that really necessary?”
14: “Do you trust me?”
You had a baby very young
15, if you’re being specific
When your parents found out you were pregnant, they sent you to live with your uncle Will and aunt JJ
They were disappointed, but excited nonetheless for their new member of the family
JJ was uber supportive of you
Especially because you were terrified of labor
With or without drugs
Just the thought of pushing a baby out of you
Or getting a c-section
Either way sounded terrifying
But JJ talked to you about your fears. After all, she had two babies and survived it
The fateful day came ten weeks early
The labor was difficult
Very difficult
You had an emergency c-section after thirty six hours of labor
Your baby girl came out blue and had to spend the first few months of her life in the NICU
It was hard
But JJ, Will, and the boys helped you out during that awful time
But at three months and a couple weeks old, she got to come home
You kept her home for a long time until you began to cope better with your postpartum anxiety about other people being around your baby
Now, you were aware of all the darkness JJ and her team were surrounded by all the time, so you and Penelope decided to make a plan
After a hard case involving children, you decided to surprise the team with JJ’s boys and your baby daughter
They were so happy
JJ cried
Tara teared up
Roosi and Morgan couldn’t stop smiling while holding the babies
Spencer smiled while spouting off a multitude of facts about babies
“Babies are born with nearly 300 bones and no kneecaps. This is so the baby can squeeze through the birth canal with minimal damage.”
This made you and JJ snort
“Babies also have no sense of the circadian rhythm that adults do. They also deprive their parents of up to 44 days of sleep in the first year.”
“Only 44?”
“Yeah, but that is an average.”
“Huh. Feels like more.”
After each member has had a turn, Spencer squirms uncomfortably
“Do you trust me?” JJ asks, now holding your daughter.
“Of course.”
“Here,” She passes him your baby
You and JJ are both by his side, ensuring the safety of the young girl
She immediately cuddles up to Spencer, grabs his tie with one hand and his hair with the other
“Why is she hugging me?”
Everyone laughs
“It means she likes you, genius.” Morgan quips
They soon get into a rhythm with Spencer bouncing her gently and your daughter tugging on his tie
The she starts fussing lightly, and you hesitate
The fussing may wind down or it may turn into a full crying fit
Then she starts wailing
Spencer panics
“Oh god, she's crying! What do I do? What do i do?”
“Here,” You say, holding your hands out
He is happy to see you take her back
“Is she hungry?”
“No, this isn’t her hungry cry.”
You check. “Nope.”
“She didn’t like looking at Boy Wonder? That’s a shame.”
Spencer rolls his eyes. “Was that really necessary?”
Morgan throws his hands up “I’m out of ideas. Take it or leave it.”
You laugh, soothing your baby until she stops crying
“There we go,” You whisper as she falls asleep. “She’s just tired.”
“As we all are.” Hotch says with a smile. “Thank you for the surprise, Y/N. It was great.”
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