#they’re so bad but i need my fix of characters reacting to their show and if this is the only way i can get that then so be it
ladybracknellssherry · 8 months
My favourite part about the magic show in 1941 is that they really just didn't need to do it. It was totally unnecessary. They're up there, their miracles aren't working... Crowley could have just said look Mrs. H sorry we suddenly have tuberculosis, here's a wad of demonic cash, I'll drop you off a case of the next batch of hooch from the gents in Whitechapel when it's ready. (Might they have been able to miracle the bottles fixed/miracled new bottles???? 😂😭)
But Aziraphale wanted to do his magic. He wanted to do it because he wanted to perform. And he wanted to do it to impress Crowley. And he wanted to do it to help Crowley out of his spot with Mrs. H. But in that human way he seems to like doing things (poorly.)
And Crowley wanted to let Aziraphale perform. Crowley wanted for them to work together doing something fun. He wanted to let Aziraphale feel like he was doing something for him because once he did that - once he could pay Crowley back for saving him from the nazis - they wouldn't owe each other anything. Anything else that happened for the rest of the night would just be them just spending time together.
And that was the real point. Crowley and Aziraphale just wanted to spend some time together. As friends. But it also felt like such a good opportunity to say look, you know this is more than that, right? Because if we were just friends we could fuck off and say we had TB and just spend the night drinking. But no. They risked Aziraphale actually getting discorporated.
And it’s so funny to me that the idea is we're here to help out Mrs. H and they're on stage and Aziraphale is like "yes just shoot past my ear where Mrs. H is standing" LMFAO It’s affirming that no matter what happened in Edinburgh, St. James Park, all of the pretence of the arrangement - this was 'Trust in me that I trust you." And "This isn't a transaction or matter of convenience and I'm acknowledging it." It is..."We're a team...a group...a group of the two of us." And leave it to these two turn a "seriously just point a loaded gun at my face and shoot" into a perfectly them coded 'I love you.'
But you know...if we go the face value route of the final 15 and not some other theory...
(i had to edit this part multiple times because i am apparently just as bad as crowley and aziraphale at finding the right words to explain emotions so there's a lot of variation in any of the reblogs you might come across) I think that's a huge part of what hurts Aziraphale so fucking much when Crowley says "we could have been us." It cut down this massive thing in Aziraphale because for a while now he'd thought they already were. They were. They have been. They are. And Crowley tries to say they are in his confession, but in his clumsy hurt he jumbles it all up with negations and subjunctives. He never manages to get the words out to say "stay and we can stop pretending we aren't" or "we are but not like this." He gives his same jump ship offer as in past panics as the only scenario in which "we could be us." An unrealistic scenario. Aziraphale believes he is presenting a realistic offer (if the final 15 is face value.) But Crowley rejects him. Then that already weak "we could be" so quickly becomes "could have been."
People need to stop blaming Aziraphale for how he reacted to the kiss because there was so much happening there. So many thousands of thoughts and feelings and questions and fears and so much pain. They’re complex characters and behave in complex ways.
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avocado-writing · 5 months
First, I am absolutely obsessed with your writing. I go feral every time I get a notification that you've made a post. When you pick a request of mine I've been reblogging it multiple times so it's easier for me to find it to reread. Please keep up the good work. You are appreciated. 💛
I was wondering if you could please write how the bg3 companions+ Halsin, Rolan, Dammon and Zevlor would react to finding out that a Tav/reader with considerable facial scarring has been harboring feelings for them, but has been afraid to tell them because they're afraid they will be rejected for their appearance; something that has happened many times.
I know it's a big ask, so if it's too much please just pick the characters that you want. Though, I would appreciate it if you included Rolan.
Again, love your works! Make sure to take care of yourself as you go through your backlog!
hello lovely! i've actually written something similar to this for the ladies, so I'll just be writing for the men for this one!
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When he finds out you’ve been rejected for how you look, goes on a long rant about how shallow people can be (definitely ironic). Cue the “I probably draw more looks than you” line.
This is all to show you that he doesn’t care how you look. He fell in love with your kindness first, your actions.
Absolutely reciprocates your feelings no matter what.
Drops little affections every day. “You’re perfect you know.” “My love, you are wonderful.” “You have my whole heart.”
He admires your brain and heart. To him, you are perfection. Honestly he confesses to you before you get the chance to admit your feelings.
When you tell him you feel the same but were worried due to past rejections he reassures you it doesn’t matter to him.
But if it matters to you he will ask if it’s something you’d like to try to fix or hide with magic, and will take the appropriate steps afterwards.
He loves you. He’d do anything to make you happy.
Starts trying to woo you with romantic poetry recited or written out and left at your tent, which you assume must be for someone else - it takes his confession for you to realise he likes you.
You have a long heart-to-heart discussing your fears about how you look, where he takes the chance to confirm his feelings aren’t affected by anything, something you desperately needed to hear.
Holds you close every moment he has a chance to, giving you little kisses peppered across your face.
Is confused why you think he’d care about your scars? They’re a sign of your life lived, the obstacles you’ve overcome.
He points at his own face. “They are a mark of pride, my heart. Nothing more.”
Spends a long time holding you, whispering praises to you, especially when you’re making love. Nothing he likes more than pressing his mouth against the shell of your ear and telling you how lovely you are, voice gravelly with desire.
Will make you feel like the most treasured thing in the world.
The two of you are skirting around each other for a while. You too scared to tell him, him too proud to confess to you.
Perhaps one day you have a bad experience with a stranger’s reaction to your face, and he finds you crying. Asks what’s wrong. When he finds out, he’s furious.
“I can’t believe they’d care about something like that. You saved this city, they should love you like I do.”
And just like that he’s said it, and you’re overwhelmed. Leads to him choking out his feelings for you, cheeks even brighter red than usual. You tease him a bit, and kiss him. He’s never been happier.
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writingsfromhome · 2 years
Endgame III
A/N: Long awaited final part of Endgame!! Thanks to everyone who read it all and waited ages (oops). I really enjoyed going back to the characters for this final scene, hope you do too <3
Part 1 / 2 /
There’s a pit of dread that sits in my stomach, it’s made a home of it there all of Sunday while I work on Angels, and into Monday. It’s 8:30am sharp and I’m sat in the meeting room, nervous as fuck about this meeting with Mr. O’Neil. I’m scared that he hates me because I reacted too emotionally on Friday sending the manuscript back to him. I’m worried he’s going to find my comments on his new chapters worthless. And most of all, because I know it won’t go well, I’m scared about the way he’s going to react to the cover designs.
I don’t expect him to look so…giddy when he arrives 15 minutes later. He looks sharp in a crisp black button up and black slacks. I check my watch again, Harry was officially late which was unusual of him. I guess this was going to be a one-woman show until then.
“Mr. O’Neil,” I shake his hand. “Thanks for swinging by today.”
“Thank you,” he grips my hand tight. “You’re a spark Ms. Y/L/N.”
“It’s just Y/N,” I sit down once he finally lets go of my hand. “Now, I’m hoping those files in your hand are the last chapters?”
“They are,” he says slowly. “I brought them myself so they wouldn’t be sent back.”
My smile drops, “Ahm yeah about that, I-“
“It was the punch I needed,” he grins. He plonks down in the chair and begins pulling out more files from his bag. “Miriam has always treated me delicately, stern woman but always so delicate. You were the spark I needed, those chapters showed back up at my flat and you wouldn’t believe I wanted to chuck them across the room first--well, I did chuck them. Then I picked them all up because I’m afraid of my girlfriend. Then I laughed for five minutes solid, because nobody has slapped me like that without touching my face in a long time.”
“I…” didn’t know what to say. I was expecting major conflict today but this version of him is pumped and creative as he shows me his last chapters, takes in my feedback, and disagrees with me here and there. We flow well, that is until about an hour later. We’d done the copy edits live on the last two chapters together and he was going to take it back to fix everything Miriam and I had circled and underlined. But now it was time to reveal the cover options.
I glance miserably outside the glass room, but Harry is nowhere in sight. Leave it up to him to leave me presenting his shite.
“So…these are some of the options we have so far,” I flip over the mock-ups like I’m reading his tarot. From the look on his face, he hates what the future has in store. “They’re just some-
“No. No. These are shite. Steaming pile of shite, Y/N what is this?”
“Well,” I rack my brain for something. Anything. “We were trying for a modern and trendy cover as an option-“
“I hate all of them, why the fuck is this neon? It’s gonna blind my reader before they can even read my book! Is my book that bad?”
“No of course-“
“So why do the covers make my book look like something I’d wipe my arse with?” He stands in his chair, quickly collecting all the mockups. “These are insulting.”
“Right, okay well we’ve still got time to work on more!”
“I know we do,” he looks me in the eye and it’s intimidating, any traces of the happy-go-lucky O’Neil is gone. “But even presenting these to me is a fucking insult. I know you’ve read my book cover to cover so what’s the meaning of this?”
Ugh, it would be so easy to throw Harry under the bus. Shift the blame, say I told you so. But that wasn’t how I worked, I never wanted to create that kind of dynamic in the workplace.
“Look, Mr. O’Neil…I do sincerely apologize. If I’m honest with you, I don’t think they’re right either. But you know the book business is also now a marketing business and readers do judge a book by its cover. Our department was just trying to make something trendy, but I see very clearly now we should stick to an authentic cover that will show someone the heart of the book.”
He nods along to what I’m saying, and when I’m done he give me a once-over. “I like you kid, you know how to kiss up too.”
“I’m good at my job,” I say before I realize the weight of those words-I was good at my job and a man like Harry Styles wasn’t going to undermine the hard work I do like this. “I meet with you next Friday with your finished edits right? I’ll have new mock-ups then.”
“That’s grand,” he calmy folds over the neon cover, reopens it and tears it in two. I watch with a removed shock. “This is awful, worst of the bunch. Eh, I don’t hate the direction…just tone down those fucking colours.”
“Will do Mr. O’Neil.”
“And I want to meet this Friday for the covers and this fancy marketing bullshite. This book is my baby, I want to make sure it looks beautiful.”
I agree, mentally making a note to make room in my schedule. I shake his hand again and walk him through the office to the lift. He tells me again we work well together, and I remind him that I’ll see him next week.
Then I walk back to the meeting room, kick my heels off, and melt into my seat. What a fucking morning.
“Y/N?” I don’t know if I dozed off but my name startles me out of position. I blink the tiredness away and see a nightmare: Harry in the flesh way after the meeting’s done. “How did the meeting go?”
“What?” I look at the time, almost 20 minutes since I saw O’Neil out. I feel the familiar rage flare up inside me. “Are you asking me how the meeting went? The meeting you were supposed to attend?”
“I was supposed to be there?” Harry steps into the room. Almost sensing my impending explosion, he closes the door behind him. “I wasn’t informed.”
I laugh but nothing is funny. “You weren’t informed? So let me get this straight: we work on this together, we’re told by our director we’re on this together. And our client comes in and you didn’t think to attend? Did I have to personally email you to attend? Send you an email, a notification, maybe even an RSVP?”
“Hold on,” Harry holds his hands out as I stalk closer to him. He glances outside and it catches my attention, a couple of our colleagues stare at the entertainment. I move to the centre console and black out the windows.
“I’m holding on, what genius excuse are you coming up with?”
“No Y/N, I honestly didn’t know. I rarely attend the editing meetings, unless I’m told directly. I attend marketing meetings and-“
“You knew we were presenting the stupid mockups in today’s meeting right? Isn’t that marketing?”
“Right,” he doesn’t meet my eye. “I guess I could have came-“
“Yeah you guess?” I’m back to cornering him, my rage rearing its ugly face. “You gave me the worst covers ever, even though I asked and begged you to change them! Because you were too fucking stubborn to read the damn book or listen to anyone but yourself! And you left me all alone to present the covers I knew he would hate! And guess what? He hated them! And if I was any worse at my job, he would have eaten me for breakfast! All because you wouldn’t bloody listen to me!”
“I listened,” he crosses his toned arms. “I read through your notes and I tried! And you hated what your own notes produced!”
“Oh my god the notes?” I walk away from him, I was shaking. I take hold of the cover ripped in half and throw it by his feet. “You clearly don’t read shit if you’re saying this hideous cover was from my notes! I do my job well, and whatever this thing is, isn’t a product of my notes! It’s a product of your shitty work! And that’s exactly how O’Neil felt about it!”
He stares at the two pieces in front of him. And I don’t know how he’s still so calm, but he looks back at me with a blank face. “I’ll make new ones if he didn’t like them. I can call him personally if you want. It’s not that big of a deal at this stage!”
“Oh my god,” I whisper to the table, balancing on my clenched fists. I had moved past rage, past frustration, and into ballistic. He just didn’t get it: he was undermining my work with a client while I was trying to make a good impression for upcoming promotions, even stripped back he was a man undermining my skills as a woman, making me look like a fool while I presented his shitty work. He just didn’t get it.
“Just leave,” I say to the table because I couldn’t even look at him. “I can’t even look at you Harry just get the fuck out.”
The door opens, he hesitates, and then leaves, the door slams behind him. Only then do I go back to my seat, slide down under the table, and let the tears run freely.
This meeting, the pressure of this client, dealing with Harry and his brick wall…it was a lot but nothing I couldn’t handle. But I think seeing my ex on Saturday, reliving my past and realizing Harry giving me a hard time was an outcome of my toxic relationship. That a relationship I ended five years ago was interfering with my career today. That all men were the same…It got to me, and it just broke me.
I don’t plan on seeing let alone talking to Harry for the rest of the day but as I leave the office after staying later than I needed to, the lift doors open to him and him alone. He makes nervous eye contact with me, and it takes me back a little. That he was nervous seeing me. Usually he didn’t give a fuck no matter what happened between us, even bordering on snobbish and cocky.
The silence is a large presence in the small space. Since seeing him this morning, I’d cried under the table and then reapplied my makeup in the bathroom. I downed another coffee and got started on another one of my manuscripts. I could work hard as much as I cried hard.
“Y/N I’m-“
The door opening interrupts Harry which makes it ten times more awkward when someone from the third floor gets on and stands in between us. They must notice the tension because they step forward away from us, ready to bolt as soon as the doors open.
When they do, I hustle off but Harry and his damn long legs catch up. “Wait, I need to apologize.”
I glare at him but lead him out the door to our building courtyard. “Fine. Talk.”
“I am genuinely sorry. I can’t believe I let all that happen, and I don’t know why I let it get that far for something I…”
“What are you apologizing for exactly?” I ask. He was rambling, and some part of me understood what he was apologizing for, knowing what I knew from Saturday. But I wanted him to say it.
He hangs his head, “A lot. I’m sorry I didn’t have your back. I let…other things cloud my professional opinions and I didn’t support you when I should have.”
For a guy who worked with pictures all day, he wasn’t too bad with his words. But I needed more. “What ‘other things’?”
He looks at me with puppy eyes, begging me not to go there. But I wanted to, I needed to. I raise an eyebrow, he could talk.
“The past.”
“You mean other people’s opinions?” I demand clarity.
“I-sure. Yeah, just holding onto what happened in the past and I know it shouldn’t even matter anymore. We’re both adults, well you’ve been acting like one. I’ve been clinging onto the past and I know I should let it go. Even though it was…painful, I know I should put it to rest now. You could have thrown me under the bus and called me to defend my own covers but you handled it. I…thank you. And if I haven’t already said it I’m sorry.”
I don’t exactly follow him but I let my guard down a little. He didn’t need to know my past was clinging onto me, but if he could let go, maybe it would shed itself slowly.
“You owe me so hard,” I say. “Like, the weight of what you owe me indebts you for life.”
“A bit harsh,” he begins to argue but one look at my face and he puts his hands up. “Whatever you say.”
“Great, glad we’ve sorted this.” I move to shake his hand in a silly gesture of good faith. “Apology accepted by the way; thank you.”
“Great, you drive a hard bargain but...nice doing business,” he clasps my hand in his and-oh.
A warm tingle moves through my body and when I make eye contact I can’t look away. I don’t know what was happening, but I was in zero gravity and the only thing keeping me moored was the strong hand that held mine.
He drops our hands first, like he was burned. He looks down, staring at it. I’m embarrassed, and confused, so I do what I do best-confront it head on. “What the hell was that?”
The only way to describe Harry’s expression is wistful. “That wasn’t just me.”
“I think we just like, altered time and space by getting along.” I laugh it off.
“Who knew we were so powerful together,” he grins and I’m fucking floored by how much I wanted to kiss the grin off his face. I take a shaky breath in.
“Fuck,” I take another breath. “We could run this place.”
“Oh that reminds me,” he digs into his pocket for his phone and taps away until he finds what he’s looking for. “I want to change the font but I have a design to show you.”
He turns the phone towards me and I immediately love it. A warm semi-circle goes from orange to golden towards its edges, emitting a transparent glow over most of the cover. A faint moon is present on the back, and the background is an off-white.
“And the shape will actually be raised, either that or the font will be…still workshopping it but,” he scratches his head. “I re-read your notes. You don’t have the neatest writing so I might have…missed a few words. The way you write moon looks kind of like neon?”
My jaw drops, “An apology, a re-read, admitting to being wrong, and a new design?”
“Don’t get used to it,” he nudges me with his shoulder and I ignore the inner waves crashing against my beating heart. “Anyway I gotta go, meeting some friends but I’ll see you bright and early tomorrow?”
I wave goodbye and walk towards my station. What the hell was happening.
The office is a lot calmer now that Harry and I have called a truce. And he surprises me with this new side of him. He can still be stubborn, and a bit stuck up. But he’s more agreeable and willing to collaborate with me. And when he turns his dimpled smile at me, I can’t help but beam back. We made a bloody good team.
I sit in the conference room 8:30 sharp on Friday. I put in some more effort this morning, feeling good about everything. Harry comes in just minutes before Mr. O’Neil but we settle down after getting him a tea.
“This is the ‘marketing department’ huh?” Mr. O’Neil winks at me when Harry hands him the new cover. His eyes roam over the whole thing and I hold my breath until I hear him say it: “It’s fucking fantastic.”
“There’s nothing you want to fix?” Harry asks for feedback as I grin from ear to ear.
“My name could be bigger, you know I wrote the book.” He taps at it. “But this is it, you two.”
We chat a bit more about the final version of the book, Harry pretends to know what’s going on since he’s never read the full thing. And finally, Mr. O’Neil calls an end to the meeting to continue working on his manuscript. I walk him to the lift. When I get back to the room, Harry’s organizing the papers that had traveled across the desk.
“We did it!” I shout after I close the door. I walk towards him with both hands raised high. “He loved the cover and the manuscript is on track!”
Harry returns my high-five, but instead of the quick touch, he slips his fingers in between mine and lowers them to our sides. The mood shifts from joyous to…dangerous.
“Who would have thought,” he says to me quietly. “We make a good team.”
I keep the eye contact otherwise I would be making eyes with his lips. And I didn’t want him to know how curious I was to how that would feel. “Who knew respect was a two way street.”
“It…” he looks down at my mouth. “It is. I’m glad I left our disrespect in the past.”
“Right,” I’m barely paying attention as he moves closer to me. But then his words hits, “wait, our disrespect in the past?”
I disentangle myself so quickly he has to balance himself on the table so he doesn’t pitch forward. He blinks away the desire, leaving a puzzled look. “I’m joking…kind of. I mean, it did feel a bit disrespected but we were kids so like I said the other day I’m glad I let it go.”
“I don’t get it,” I feel an oncoming storm, and it kicks my anxiety up a notch. “I don’t get what you just said.”
“I’m just talking about that party it’s-“ he chuckles. “It’s not a big deal Y/N. Anymore. We’re both different people now right?”
“What party?” I demand.
Realizing I had actually known Harry from my first day of uni was one thing, but I didn’t remember him anywhere else. If there was a party where something happened…something that caused him to misjudge me…I needed to know.
“Like, around the end of our second year? Spring. Jared and Dru had this huge year end party? And, this is embarrassing. I don’t care anymore seriously. But Dru was being my wingman, he came up to you to tell you that-jeez saying this is more embarrassing than I thought-“
“Just say it!” I urge, feeling sick. I knew this party. It was the night my whole life changed for the worse but I don’t remember this version of events. I needed to hear this.
“Okay, so I had this massive crush on you? From that first day. When…y’know behind the shed.” Harry chuckles. “Anyway I was too nervous to ever actually ask you out I’m sure you caught me staring at you a lot. All my friends knew how much I liked you and they were sick of hearing about it. So, well Dru was convinced you weren’t my type but he agreed to check you out and ask if you wanted to give me your number?”
I listen numbly as he tells me his version of events. That Dru asked me about his flatmate Harry who had a crush on me, if I would give him my number. How I’d looked at him sweetly and then kissed Dru. My jaw is on the floor but I can’t stop him from talking.
“And it’s whatever now but it felt cruel, I was so sure you were this one person and you ended up just making out with my best friend. And…dating him. And don’t get me wrong, it was your prerogative I didn’t own you or something just because I liked you first but…when you’re 20 everything is just more personal right? Hey, are you alright?”
I wasn’t alright. My head was spinning and yet it was cataloguing everything Harry said against my own memories. And when I think harder, I pin him down; he was the one staring at us when Dru came up to me. Of course he was staring so intensely, he wanted to know if I liked him and Dru manipulated both of us. He fucked us both up.
“That’s not what happened,” I croak. “Harry you have to know I-“
“It doesn’t matter,” he laughs it off but I see the hurt in his eyes. I unknowingly hurt him, left a deep scar, because Dru had manipulated us both. Fuck Dru.
“No Harry listen, Dru is a fucking liar-“
“Okay I don’t want to shit-talk Dru.” Harry interrupts. “He’s a friend, I know you ended up dating him and breaking up but he’s still my fri-“
“Would a friend date the girl you had a massive crush on? If you were in that position, doing that for Dru? Wouldn’t you have pushed me away and feel sorry for Dru that he had to see that?”
“Yeah but Dru and I are different-“
“No! No, Dru is different. He’s not decent. Harry I’m telling you that’s not what happened on my end at the party!”
“You were probably too drunk,” Harry denies my truth. “Anyway it’s not a big deal!”
“I wasn’t drunk. I remember everything!” I insist.
“So you remember seeing me there waiting, and still kissing Dru?” He pauses and this is how I know he was still not quite over it.
“Yes, no-just listen. Dru manipulated both of us-“
“Do you remember it or not?” Harry asks again, his eyes blazing with hurt.
I touch his arm, try to get him to calm down and understand even though feeling gaslit again was driving me crazy, “Harry, Dru isn’t who you think he is.”
Harry shuts down but I try again. “Dru used both of us,”
He grabs my arm so suddenly, jerking me away so my hand falls off. He keep it gripped as he says, “Dru’s my friend, just because you had a shitty relationship doesn’t mean you can turn me against him.”
“I’m not-” I begin to panic as his grip tightens. “Oh my god, Harry please just—let go. Harry let go of me!”
I don’t realize how loud I shout, but the moment makes me feel trapped and small like I had time traveled five years back. The silence echoes my frightened emotions in the spacious room and Harry steps back, almost shocked by his reaction. He looks at where he’d grabbed me, ashamed and scared.
“I didn’t mean to hurt you, I just got…”
“Is everything okay here?” I hear our director say as the door opens. “I heard a shout…what’s going on?”
“Sorry, we got carried away.” Harry plasters on a quick smile. I arrange my face into one too, turning to face her. We lie about celebrating too loudly, she relaxes and congratulates us on the small success before closing the door behind her once more.
“Y/N,” he chokes. “I’m sorry.”
I’m shaking so hard I can’t look at him, I was so fucking weak like this. He comes closer but I shrink away.
We stand in our aftermath in silence, I don’t know what he looks like, I can’t take my eyes off the stray red thumbtack on the carpet. If I break my focus from it, I was going to fall apart. I couldn’t freak out, not here.
Finally, I get through breathing normally, and my eyes dry up. I feel okay enough to look up. Harry’s already looking at me, his jaw set and his hands curled into fists. For a second, I think it’s because of me but when our eyes meet his gaze softens, his fingers uncurl and flex at his side.
“Did he hurt you?” He asks. When I don’t answer he takes a tentative step towards me. “Y/N. Did he hurt you?”
I swallow, my throat suddenly feels parched. “My scars aren’t on the outside, he knew better than that.”
His throat bobs up and down, his face hardening into something fearsome. I always thought Harry gave me his worst side because he had some issues with me, but seeing him look like this, I’m glad I never had this directed towards me. “Dru is…”
“Dru is a fucking narcissist,” I finally say and it’s so freeing. Carrying this around was so heavy, finally saying my truth out loud even if it’s to his friend feel good.
“He fucks people up Harry, including you-wait let me finish.” I hold out my hand when he tries to interrupt. “I only remembered you last Saturday, when you helped me through…my attack. It triggered the memory from our first day--you have to know I used to get so confused and lethargic after an anxiety attack, so I never remembered who you were. I didn’t even see your face! I looked for you a few weeks later because I remembered your jersey number but it was someone else-“
“I was kicked off the team for showing up drunk…” Harry pauses, seeming to process something but he doesn’t voice it so I take it as my cue to continue.
“I actually didn’t remember you at all from uni. I guess because I didn’t remember you from that first day, you never made a first impression on me.” I take a breath. “And as for that party, that awful party. That’s not what happened. When Dru came up to me, he told me he had a bet with his mates-you guys, that a ‘girl like me’ wouldn’t kiss him. So I thought I was helping him by proving to his mates that a girl like me might.”
With the revelation, Harry folds into the chair behind him, processing everything I’m saying. And I continue, telling him what happened that night from my end. I don’t tell him how Dru slowly began to gaslight me, manipulate and isolate me, toy with my feelings. I don’t want to tell him how much he really broke me, I just tell him what he needs to know.
Nobody speaks for a moment, and then several moments pass. He gets up in a rush, running his fingers through his hair. It had grown in the two weeks since he’d cut it and it grows volume as he runs through it again.
“He tried to convince me you were-” he cuts off. “You were high maintenance, you just wanted attention. He told me I didn’t want someone-I didn’t want endgame at 18 but…” he looks at me, crushed. A million thoughts must flicker through his mind as he looks at me for a loaded minute. “I did.”
My words are caught in my throat as I understand how he had felt. How fucking different both our lives could have gone if he was the one to approach me that night at the party.
Before I can say anything he grabs his phone and checks it, he grabs all his things in a frenzy and pauses. “I’m going to fix this Y/N, I’m gonna make it right.”
“Wait what? Harry!” I try to call him back but he moves past me. I rush to move around him, stopping him with a hand to his chest. “Harry don’t do anything crazy. C’mon, let’s just talk.”
“Y/N, there are so many times......” his jaw flexes as he swallows his words.
His hand reaches out to me but they freeze in mid-air before they reach my face. He clenches them, dropping like dead weight to his side. I almost grab them, place them where they would have gone if he had the courage to carry the action out. But he just look at me, a painful faraway look on his face. “I’m sorry.”
His long legs carry him to the door before I can speak another word. I reach for the centre console that make the windows transparent, but he’s out of view by the time I do. I rush out of the room and see him in the doorway of our director’s office. Before I can call his name again, he’s shot off and our director walks out behind him. She notices me, “Y/N. Bring me your notes on Angels--if you’re free right now. Let’s go over it while we still have the momentum.”
God the last thing I can think of doing right now is work but I have nowhere to go, no excuse to give. I get back to the desk and pick up my notes and my laptop, I breathe in and think of all my fragmented pieces reigning back into my chest. I breathe out all the confusion, I put it to the side. Then I go two doors down and present my progress like everything was fucking okay.
Rowan’s shows up with wine on Saturday afternoon. I’d been ignoring her calls all of Friday and Saturday because I didn’t know how to break it to her. There was so much I had to hold back from her because I’d never told her the truth about Dru. And it scared me when I thought about coming clean.
“You’re screening my calls now?” She asks, her pup in hand. She lets him down and he shoots through my flat, familiar with it from all the times I dog-sit.
“I’ve just be-I’ve been-I-” I burst out crying before I can finish that sentence. She wraps herself around me and holds me tight and I hate myself for never telling her the whole truth. She holds me until my sobs turn into sniffles.
“Got it all out?” She asks when she pulls away.
“Probably not,” I say miserably. “But come in, sorry for being a shitty friend.”
“Shut up,” she makes herself at home. Unloading the tote from her shoulder that’s filled with food. “I’m going to make you lunch and you’re going to tell me everything about Dru and Harry.”
“What?” I sit on a stool at the bar. “How do you know this is about-“
“I’m with Jared now? I have an ear to the ground!” I look at her shocked. Her and Jared were together? She answers as if she could read my mind. “Yes! Can you believe it? He asked me the morning after, if I wanted to have a serious go at all this. I was like, it took you long enough! But…anyway this isn’t about me. Tell me what happened.”
“No you tell me,” I lean over the countertop. “Did Jared say something? What happened?”
“Okay,” she puts down her ingredients and I take the moment to pick her pup up before he scratches a hole in my jeans. “So I go over to Jared’s on Friday and the house looks like it went through the war. Not like, physically. Well there were things everywhere, but the atmosphere was so dead quiet. Jared takes me to the room and we pass by Harry in the hall. Jared’s like, where are you heading are you alright? And Harry’s all like, I need to get out of here-“
“Harry was there?”
“Yeah he lives in their spare attic bedroom?” She surprises me with the information like I should have already known that. “So I ask Jared what happened when we go and he said Harry came back from work early on Friday. And y’know Jared has odd hours so he was home. And he said Harry was just like a maniac. Jared tried to talk to him but it was like he was going to kill Dru and nobody could talk him out of it. And Jared knew it was serious, because even though they’ve drifted a lot since uni Harry still acted like Dru was his best mate. Jared said…”
Rowan trails off, looking at me curiously. She had this way of telling stories that jumped from one place to another but I couldn’t handle the suspense. I nearly shout, “What?”
“Well Jared said Dru has this way of getting underneath people. He knew how they ticked and he used that against people sometimes. Apparently they used to fight a lot because of that until Jared really put his foot down…Y/N, did he do that to you? Fuck you up like that? Jared said he tried to talk to Dru once when you two were dating but Dru like, got up in his face and nearly bit his head off. He always felt like that’s why Dru and you broke up because that was like the day before you two broke up. Anyway, you never said anything but…did he?”
I swallow. I guess this was it.
Through a brave face, and then a crumbling snotty one, I tell Rowan everything. Everything Dru did, and everything he didn’t technically do. At some point she comes around to sit beside me, holding my hand, my shoulder, and finally pulling me in to hold me while I blubber about how hard it had been.
“I’m so sorry,” Rowan says gently once I quiet down. “Y/N...why did you keep all this to yourself?”
“I just-” I wipe my nose with my sleeve, not caring at this point how disgusting that was. “He took everything away from me, even my identity. I thought if I didn’t tell anybody, nobody had to know how little he reduced me down to. If I didn’t say it aloud, maybe it was only in my head.”
“Oh love,” Rowan’s bottom lip quivers.
“Don’t you dare cry or I’m going to find a whole new waterfall of my own.”
“I won’t!” Rowan laughs but tears trail silently down her face. “That piece of shite. And I...oh god and I always told you to get over it. No wonder you...”
“I always thought it was curious,” Rowan stares off into space when I only shrug. “I only remember Harry from uni because I always found him looking at you, no matter what room we were in, how many people were in there I was always like, this bloke must really like my mate an awful lot because he’s always looking! That or he was a creep. But when you started dating he-who-must-not-be-named, I never looked into it.”
“I didn’t remember him,” I tell her. “He was actually the footballer that helped me my first day. I didn’t realize until that party last weekend.”
“Shut up!” Rowan looks shocked. “That’s so cute.”
“Is it?” I hesitate, realizing Rowan still hadn’t finished her story. “Finish your story, about Dru and Harry.”
“Oh yeah,” Rowan glances to the other side of the kitchen. “I should get back to lunch too.”
She heads around, chopping the vegetables and finishes telling me what happened.
I feel fucking on fire, I can’t sit still and the more I move the more I want to punch the living shite out of Dru.
“Just, hold on!” Jared tries to stop me for the fifth time. “What’s this all about?”
“Dru’s fucking-he’s-he’s dead!” I roar. “How did I not see it earlier Jared? That little weasel got in between me and everything I ever loved!”
“What? Har, I know he’s a dick but what did he do?”
“Everything!” I shout. “He’s the reason I showed up drunk to football, he got me kicked off the team! So she never found me! And that internship in first year, he convinced me to be young and free and turn it down! He-Jared he lied to me about her! He knew how I felt and he took her, he fucked her up! He fucked her up!”
“Wait, who is this about-” Jared tries to dig deeper but I push past him when I hear the door open. Jared’s barely taken his jacket off when I have him pushed against the wall, my arm pressed against his throat.
“Harry, mate, what’s-”
“You’re sick, you’re fucking sick for what you’ve done.” I let him go, and he gets a moment to glance from me to his brother before my fist connects with his face.
“What the fuck!” He falls to the floor, clutching his face. “What the fuck’s wrong with you!”
“You lied!” I push him back up. “You lied through your fucking teeth about everything!”
He shoves me in the chest and the narrow hallway catches me on the opposite wall. That only pumps me, I shove him back and with no more words between us we’re a tornado of fists, one to my face, another to his abdomen, his head in a lock, Jared trying to break us apart and gets clipped in the face by his brother.
By the time I have him laying flat on his back, I deliver another fist to his face, but Dru spits blood up at me and laughs. He has the fucking nerve to laugh.
“It’s got to be about a girl,” his voice is hoarse, his breath comes out shaky. “It’s about her isn’t it?”
I lift him by his shirt and crash him back down onto the floor. I vaguely hear Jared, his hand catching my fist before it hits Dru again. I get one more punch with my other hand but Jared is pulling me away from Dru’s defeated form on the ground, sitting my ass on the staircase. But Dru’s sick enough to still have an amused smile on his face.
Everywhere hurts, but I can’t even focus on my own pain when I still want to cause Dru more. Jared holds me back like he knows. Dru props himself slowly on his elbows, shaking his head.
“Did you two talk? Did she finally give you that number Styles? What did she say about me? I’m a monster, I fucked her up? She’s a manipulative bitch-”
“Shut the fuck up-” I jump up but Jared pulls me back again and his hand presses a sore spot on my ribs, I crumple on the step.
“She really did a number on you didn’t she?” Dru sits up. “She knows how to get in your head. Did she tell you I lied? She was obsessed with me Harry, she was a clingy bitch and you don’t know her-”
“I know her,” I use the banister to stand up. “I’ve been working with her since I started my new job, I know her more than you ever did. You were wrong about her. About everything, you only ever gave me shitty advice.”
It gives me satisfaction, seeing the look on Dru’s face. I’d caught him by surprise, he really never knew. “So you’re keeping secrets from me now? You’re letting her come between us?”
“I don’t owe you shite. You’re nothing to me,” I walk over to him still sitting on the ground. “Don’t you ever put her name in your fucking mouth. And if I ever see you talking to her, looking at her, you won’t be able to tell your face from your arse. I know exactly what you are, I can’t believe I was so blind this whole time...you’re fucking dead to me Dru.”
It takes a moment for Dru to focus on me, “I’ll see what happens when she breaks your heart, you won’t have me around when that happens. And it will happen, she’s a slut who’s going to-”
I’m out of body when I swing my fist at his face and it makes a sickening crunch. Dru howls in pain and I stumble back, my fist throbbing in hot flashes.
“Enough!” Jared shouts, jumping in between us. When Dru goes to say something about me Jared blocks Dru from my view. “Enough you fucking dick! Enough! You’ve done enough!”
Dru shuts up; in all the years I’d known them, Jared never raised his voice at his younger brother. I’d heard them bicker plenty, arguing behind closed doors, but Jared never shouted at him like this. The shock is enough to push me out of the fog I was in.
The pain comes to me all at once, I was pretty sure my ribs were badly bruised, and blood gushes down my cheek. My hand feels useless, like the bones had turned to dust.
“Both of you are shutting the fuck up, and getting into the car. I’m driving you both to hospital because Harry’s taken a beating and Dru your nose is broken at the least.”
“I don’t-”
“No,” Jared says calmly to his brother. “In the car. Now. Not a word out of both of you.”
“Shotgun,” Andrew says weakly. Jared throws his jacket in his face and looks back at me. I follow him silently and get into the backseat. ***
I knock and knock but nobody answers the door. I stare at my phone, but I didn’t even have Harry’s number. I move the bottle from one hand to the other, knocking and I take a step back when a face I wasn’t expecting answers the door. It’s Dru, his face is massively discoloured, his nose is bruised and a gash on his cheek is stuck closed with steri-strips.
His grin sends cold dread through my body.
“Looking for your lover boy?” he asks me when I go silent. I stare at his face, at everything that Harry had done and he notices. “He’s good with his hands, but I’m sure you already know that.”
“Y/N,” Jared’s voice comes from behind Dru. “Sorry I was in the shower. Are you looking for Harry?”
It was unreal, how Jared walks up to the door like Dru wasn’t even there. He steps around his brother and in front of him, as if he’d been the one to open the door. I head Dru scoff, mutter something distasteful and move back up the steps.
“Yeah,” I clear my throat when the word gets stuck. “Yeah, uhm, is he here?”
“He moved, you haven’t got his number?” I shake my head no and he texts it to me along with his new address, I have no idea how Dru had my number. He look behind him before stepping towards me, closing the door behind him.
“Y/N, I just want to say I’m sorry. The way my brother treated you, it was wrong. And I should’ve said something to him earlier, but by the time I did it was too late. And then you two broke up and...I know Dru’s younger than me but growing up the way we did...it’s not always been the easiest to stand up to him.”
“Oh,” I wasn’t expecting such a confession.
“Too little, too late—I know. Rowan...she’s not happy with me. I would never hurt her—I���m not trying to get you on my side or anything but I just want to let you know. She said she needed space and it’s made me realize how stupid I’ve been not paying attention to her earlier and...” Jared trails off when he noticed my surprised face. Jared had never said this many words to me, and I also didn’t know Rowan had asked him for space. It was touching.
“I’m talking a lot aren’t I?” He laughs, ducking his head. “You’re probably itching to get to Harry but...I just want to make sure you know I’m sorry. Truly sorry.”
“Thank you,” I say stiffly, not quite sure what to do with his apology. This was the most we ever spoke and he got vulnerable very quickly. Maybe I would speak to Rowan about this break she’s on.
We depart awkwardly and I map out Harry’s new address, it’s less than a 20 minute walk so I go on foot.
My hands nearly drop the bottle in my hand twice, slick with sweat and distracted as I turn the last corner to Harry’s street. A housing complex with a staircase leading to the top level leaves me even more winded by the time I get to the top. I knock and wait a few minutes, just when I think I’m out of luck a movement behind the door stops me from going back down the horrible stairs.
“Y/N,” Harry says from behind the crack in the door he’s opened up.
“Hiya,” I say awkwardly, waiting for the door to open the rest of the way. When it doesn’t, I continue. “Jared gave me your new address...are you free?”
“I don’t know if it’s a good time,” Harry says.
“Right,” shite. “Right, of course sorry I should’ve called. I’ll go, talk to you later. Oh wait, this bottle’s for you and...” Harry still doesn’t open the door wider than a crack so I leave it on the doorstep and scurry down the steps.
What the fuck was that?
By the time I reach home, takeout in hand, my phone lights up with a notification:
Thanks for the wine, I can’t drink it right now with the pills I’m on but maybe I’ll wait to drink it with you.
I don’t know what to say to it, I had this whole speech planned to say in person and now it’s got nowhere to go. I simply heart the message and put my phone away, confused and a little heartbroken.
Harry doesn’t show up to work on Monday, apparently he’s out sick. He’s also not in a Tuesday meeting and I would’ve gotten worried but my manager tells me he was working from home. He’d had an injury.
“By the way,” she tells me as I head back after the meeting. “I’m liking the cooperation between you two. I don’t know what you two did to finally get over being enemies but I owe Miriam a big thank you.”
I choke out a laugh, “We realized we’re on the same team.” And even as I say it I realize it, we were on the same team now; he knew about Dru. But I still felt unsettled that he didn’t let me in on Sunday.
I get back to work, happy with the acknowledgement and hoping it gets me somewhere with a promotion. But work is slow moving without Harry, I realize I miss working closely with him. Or popping by his desk to bother him. I take out my phone to text him but upon rereading his strangely removed text he sent on Sunday, I decide against it.
I pour myself a glass of wine as soon as I get home, putting in a load of laundry and taking the work day off. As I’m going to heat dinner, there’s a knock at my door. Somehow, I think I know who it is.
Harry, bruises fading on his face and stitches on his cheek, leans on the doorframe with a massive bouquet in his hands. “I’m sorry,” he says as soon as I open the door.
“I…” I suddenly don’t know what to say. “Do you want to come in?”
He peeks behind me, into my safe space. His expression is unreadable but I don’t know if that’s because of how nervous I am. He looks at me for a solid minute.
“I can’t,” he sighs. “I just want to give you these. And say I’m sorry. About everything. And for shooing you away on Sunday—I looked fucking grisly, I was embarassed and…yeah. I’m sorry. For everything.”
“Okay,” I say tentatively. I take the flowers from his outstretched hand. He flashes me a smile, pushing away from the wall to leave. “Wait.” I stop him from going. “Why can’t you come in? It’s not my murder house.”
“No? Is that a few doors down?”
“It’s actually in the basement if you must know.” I grin. This felt okay.
But he sighs, “I can’t come in Y/N. Not right now, okay?” He brushes back a lock of my hair back and I realize I was no longer wearing any makeup, and my sweatpants definitely had a few questionable holes. “I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Okay,” I whisper. I watch him hobble off.
The bouquet goes in two vases of water because they’re too big for just one. I keep them on my coffee table and I can’t stop staring at them all night long.
“It makes you look rugged, just hit up a few pubs with that mug and you’ll have yourself a girlfriend in no time,” a few colleagues stand around Harry in the kitchen examining his fading bruises. Even though my own floor has a kitchen, I came to his for a tea in hopes of bumping into him. I don’t think he’s noticed me yet since his back’s to me.
“Who’s telling you I need a girlfriend?” Harry laughs.
“Mate,” a few people laugh too. “You’re oozing single bachelor. You never come out to drink with us either, you’re the resident mystery man.”
“Yeah he doesn’t ever come out with us does he?”
“Maybe he does have a missus at home.”
“Not with the way him and Y/N are always going at it, those two are like an old couple. Have you heard ‘em?”
“Yeah what is it between you two?”
“Harry’s a pain to be around,” I finally say. Everyone turns towards me, and when Harry’s eyes finally meet mine there’s an inside joke there.
“I’m in pain when you’re around,” he shoots back.
“That’s because someone finally did something about your face,” I motion to his bruises.
“Oh there they go,” someone grumbles and it doesn’t take long for them to disappear.
“Hello,” I say as Harry approaches the counter. “Was that last hit too fresh?”
“My doctors say it’s healing.”
“Mmm this team of doctors you seem to have.”
He smiles at the reference to an old joke and we stand in silence until I ask him.
“And you? You alright?” I busy myself with steeping my tea, not wanting to know if he wasn’t okay with me anymore.
“Yeah, it’s an oxymoron but I got most of my healing done with some violence. Don’t recommend it but it did feel good. You?”
“Oh,” I look up. “I’m…closer to alright than I was before.”
“Anything I can do to help?” Harry briefly touches his pinky to mine. I get we can’t do anything right now in the workplace, but my sudden urge to go around the counter and hug him tightly scares me.
“You’ve already done a lot,” I link my pinky with his instead when he doesn’t move it away. “It’s just…a me thing.”
“Y/N I am sorry I-“
“Harry,” I cut him off. “It’s okay.”
“But I should’ve-“
“Stop,” I tug his pinky. “It’s neither of our faults.”
“Imagine how different everything could’ve-“
“Don’t do that either,” I pick up my tea and finally walk around to his side. “Trust me, you won’t come up for air in time if you drown yourself in that.”
He sighs. “I think I have been.” We begin walking towards his desk in silence, thinking about this last week. Even though I’m left reeling with all the new information, with the what-ifs and could-haves, I also feel like I could finally close a chapter. I had read it aloud to people I trusted and they believed me. They had my back. I felt supported and I felt stronger in the face of my past than I had in a long time.
“This is me,” Harry says outside his department. When I notice none of his team was around I motion my head towards his desk. We walk in.
“You don’t have to punish yourself y’know that?”
Harry puts his mug down on his desk and stares at me with so much sadness it makes my heart hurt. I realize on the way to his desk that’s what he had been doing, that’s why he wouldn’t let me see him. I’d done enough self-punishing, I knew it wasn’t effective at all.
“I sort of feel like I deserve it.”
“Oh Harry,” I put my mug down and finally give in to that hug. And it nearly takes my breath away when he wraps his arms around my waist, rests his head on mine. It felt so right. Dru had fucked both of us over, but we had found each other even if it was just as friends.
“I’m sorry-“ Harry chokes out before his body shudders and I squeeze him even tighter. I pray nobody walks in because I needed this as much as he did. I keep my own tears locked up tight, not prepared to ruin this morning’s makeup. I just hold him for as long as he needs.
“I should be comforting you,” Harry says, his voice a bit stuffy.
“Nah, things are getting better,” I say as he sits down. Now I’m looking down at him. His eyes are pink but it only adds to his bruised look. He takes ahold of my hand, strokes my knuckles.
“You really squeezed my broken rib,” is not what I expect him to say but he always knew how to surprise me.
“I’m so sorry,” I take a step back. “Are you okay? Did I break it again?”
“As if you could break my ribs, you’re too weak for that.”
“Who are you calling weak?” I demand. “I could flip you over now if I wanted.”
“The only flipping you’re capable of is-“ Harry holds up both fingers and I can’t stop my mouth from falling open.
“Seriously you two?” Harry’s teammate walks in on the scene, Harry flipping me off. “It’s bloody 9am.”
I laugh, and so does he. I apologize for the early morning profanity and head towards the door.
“Y/N,” Harry takes two long strides to reach me, away from his colleague who’s settling into her desk. “You forgot your drink.”
“Right,” I take it from his hands, mischief twinkling in his eye. We had inside jokes now.
“I’m okay by the way,” he says to just me. “My ribs were only bruised. I’ll see you later okay?”
I don’t even hide my smile as I walk to the lift.
“Y/N,” my name snaps me out of the focused state I’d been in. “Have you finally lost your mind?”
“It’s perfectly intact thank you,” I roll my eyes at Harry, leaning over my desk. “Did you want something?”
“Ehm yeah, it’s end of the day?”
I look at the time: 5:10. When did that happen. “Lost track of time.”
“I’m following you home,” Harry says as I gather my things and start walking to the lifts.
“Did you just invite yourself over?” I raise an eyebrow.
“Sort of,” he has the decency to blush. “I just want to be around…” he trails off as a few of our colleagues join us in the wait for the lift. I want him to finish his sentence so bad but we file into the lift silently and listen to the chatter going on in front of us. Harry brushes his hand against mine but when I glance at him he stares ahead. I can tell he notices me looking when his lips twitch.
I pinch his hand and he yanks it back, “Ow!”
The group quiets and turn to him. He gives an awkward smile, “pinched my finger.”
As soon as the chatter resumes he glares at me but I smile sweetly and stare ahead.
“How did I ever think you were sweet?” Harry says as he follows me out of the building and towards the station.
“I am. You force me to forget my sweet nature,” I shrug.
He bumps into me, “I think I romanticized you too much in my head. You’re really a prickly cactus.”
“Me!? A prickly cactus??” I push him playfully, not entirely forgetting the rest of his words. We part as the crowd sheppards us into the station and onto the tube. We stand side by side close to the doors. “If I’m a prickly cactus, I’m just protecting myself from assholes.”
“That’s not me.” Harry wraps his arm around my shoulder in the close quarters of the tube and my insides go liquid. “Let me in little cactus. We can protect each other.”
I look up at him as the tube rushes to its next destination, and smile. Because even though we’re joking he’s still serious. And it’s seriously sweet.
He notices me looking and raises an eyebrow, “Well?”
“Fine,” I say with a smile on my face. It falls when he presses a kiss to my forehead, my body flushing with heat.
“Good,” he whispers to me. He pulls me closer into the ring of his arms and I have to say it’s the safest tube ride I’d ever had.
“Here’s home,” I say once we reach my flat. The 5 minute walk to my flat was pretty silent. Harry had grabbed ahold of my hand as soon as we left the station and with my insides buzzing I couldn’t think of a single thing to talk about. Harry seemed content in the silence.
“It’s very you,” Harry comments. “That’s a lot of books. And blankets.”
My sofa had half a dozen throws and behind my sofa were stacks of books growing up from the ground; impractical but I never got around to installing shelves. Eventually I liked the way they looked and kept them on the floor.
“I’m in publishing,” I shrug. “Books are my life!”
He flicks through the top few and suddenly I’m nervous that he’s here. So much has happened. He was twenty-one, my innocent saviour on a memorably bad day. He was a thorn in my side, and then he wasn’t. He saw me for who I was, not who people said I was. I think I loved him for it. The intensity of that last emotion sends me into my room, mumbling about changing into something more comfortable.
I sit on my bed, making sure my thoughts were actually my own. This was really something I thought.
But it comes to me so easily, it’s like the drawbridge had lifted and the ship carrying all my baggage was on it’s way out. It left behind so much space and I finally saw so much so clearly. Harry and I had a boatload of twisted history, we were always in each other’s peripheral. Now he was here. In front of me. It was scary and exhilerating.
“Do you want dinner?” I ask as I walk back out in a sweatshirt and leggings.
Harry’s standing by my gallery wall, my certificates and art, and photos of loved ones all gathered above my desk.
“I remember her,” he says sadly. He points at me in a photo from a Halloween party in my second semester. It was the first time I went a whole night with zero anxiety, I loved the new friends I made. It held a special place in my heart. “Look there’s me.”
“What?” I move closer, there’s no way I’ve had a photo hanging on my wall with Harry in it for the last 3 years.
But he’s right, in the background slightly cut off is Harry with Jared and someone else I don’t know. Him and Jared are dressed as what looks like Peaky Blinders characters, he’s smiling and when I take the frame off the wall and look closer I notice he’s smiling in the direction he’s looking in and that happens to be where I’m kneeling. He had been right there and I never even knew.
“Wow,” I say. “I never recognized you there.”
Harry takes the photo from me, he stares at it for a long time.
“Dru, he told me back then I wouldn’t have wanted Endgame at 18, 19 whatever. But I don’t think I would have minded.”
“What?” My mind slows down, trying to understand.
“When he was…manipulating me. He told me I wouldn’t want someone like you. I was young! I could be free and not tied down. I didn’t want endgame at that age. But I think I did. I was just too blinded, and scared, to go for it.”
“Are you scared now?” I ask him.
“What? No.”
“So go for it now,” I point to him in the photo. “He’d be proud.”
He looks at his younger self for a moment, lost in thought, and then slowly puts the frame down. He stares at me, a million thoughts behind his eyes. He was overthinking it, I realize. I link my fingers through his belt loops and tug him towards me and it snaps him out of it. His hand cups my face gently and he finally kisses me. It’s unlike any kiss I’d ever have, I feel every emotion he’s trying to say as he presses into me. I feel every heartbeat that ached for me in the way he holds me. It’s gentle, yet passionate, and I was drunk on it.
“Wow,” I breathe when he pulls away. From the dazed look on his face I can tell he feels the same.
“I think I lo-“
I shut him up by pressing another kiss to his lips and he reacts by pushing me into the wall. When we part again I brush his hair off his forehead.
“I love you,” I say even though it makes me want to shit myself.
He freezes for a moment before closing his eyes, a smile creeping onto his lips. “That’s not fair.”
“It is,” I grin. “I said it first.”
“You stopped me from saying it first!”
“I win,” I pull him back to me but he tilts his head to the side so my lips brush his cheek instead. “Sore loser!”
“That was not fair play,” he whines again.
“Who said I play fair?” I challenge him. “I love you! I even said it to you second.”
“No wait!” I slip away from his arms and saunter away. I hear him come up from behind and he pulls my waist back so my back is flush against his chest. “I love you, I love you, I love you.”
With each time, he presses a kiss into my neck and I’m jelly in his hands.
“3-5 is me,” he says as he turns me around.
“I was still first,” I say but with less conviction as I come to face him this close.
“Cheater,” he mumbles into my neck.
“I’ll break your ribs again,” I threaten but it sounds like a joke the way it comes out of my mouth.
“As long as it’s not my heart,” he says and even though it’s a joke I can hear the doubt. The past seeping into the present.
“Hey,” I push him away so we’re looking at each other. “I never would have. And I never will.”
He nods but I hold his face in my hands. His hands come up to grip my arms. “Harry, I might be a prickly cactus but you know I’d never hurt you. That wasn’t me.”
He closes his eyes, taking a deep breath. “I know. And I’m not him. You’re the air in my lungs Y/N, if I can have you, I’ll never let you go.”
“You have me,” I swear.
This time the kiss is slower, a promise to each other, to stay tender. We move that way into the bedroom, under the covers. He’s perfect. His hands roam every inch, and then his lips. By the time his hands grasp mine in the sheets, I’m blissed out of my mind. But he takes his time and I savour it, even when he whispers about forever.
“Something’s changed.” O’Neil states in the middle of our last meeting with him. “You two are calmer together. Have you finally slept together?”
Y/N’s cheeks burn with embarassment but before she can speak I laugh, “we finally figured things out.”
“Good.” He nods. “I like you two together. Even though you didn’t read my book.”
Now I turn red and Y/N barks a laugh. This makes O’Neil grin and Y/N kicks me under the table.
“He’s very good at reading notes,” she says, gloating that someone other than herself has finally called me out. “Unless you write moon, then it’s neon.”
“It’s all good,” O’Neil claps my shoulder as he stands. “You did my book justice. I know she’s the one that deserves the credit but you two are finally a team. Stay that way.”
“We plan to,” Y/N says. I stand with her as we see the author out of the final meeting. He shuts me up when I try to apologize and tells me privately to hold her close. I intend to.
“That was a success,” Y/N says as we tidy up the meeting room. “The book’s on shelves in four weeks and we made that happen.”
“We did,” I can’t help but lean over and plant a kiss on her cheek. I loved when she got flustered at work.
We thought nobody had noticed the change in us at work until last week when our manager asked if we had gone to HR yet. That was an awkward conversation but she didn’t seem too bothered so we’d made the trip to make our relationship work-official. Y/N and I had been spending a lot of time in her flat, wrapped in each other. Sometimes we went out with Jared and Rowan, and Rowan threatened me many times to be good to her. I told her to do the same with Jared.
After everything with Dru, Jared moved out as well because Rowan wouldn’t date him if she had to see Dru around every time she went over. I wasn’t sure what Dru was up to but I know Jared got lonely sometimes. I could never understand their relationship but I was happy to see him with Rowan, they were good for each other.
“What are you thinking about?” Y/N snaps me out of my thoughts.
“Stuff,” I say.
“Sounds juicy,” she teases.
“Might be,” I walk over to her, unable to keep my hands off of her. It was a problem at work since we tried to stay as professional as possible but here in the blacked out room I took the risk.
“Tell me more,” her eyes are glued to my lips as I lean into the table, towering over her.
I draw her into a deep kiss, her hands tangling in my hair which usually tips me over the edge. She knows it. She knows I know she knows it. So I step away instead and her sweet smile vanishes.
“Come back,” she reaches for me.
“I’ll see you at home,” I peck her on the lips and grab my laptop.
“Not fair!” She says after me.
“I’ve got a meeting and you,” I grin. “Have to learn to play fair.”
“You’ll regret this,” she crosses her arms, trying to look menacing.
“You look cute when you don’t get your way,” I say before opening the door and shifting into work mode again. “Great meeting!” I shout back as I leave the room. I wouldn’t see her until the end of the day and with her mounting frustration at me, I couldn’t wait for 5pm to come around.
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doubleaspectrum · 1 year
Ruby Gillman, A Lesson on Earning Moments (Spoilers)
So, I recently watched Ruby Gillman: Teenage Kraken. Overall, it was… well… it wasn’t particularly great. It had potential, but I would most likely prefer the fix fics that people either have written, are writing, or will write.
Now, I could say what everyone else has already said, or I could go on a tangent, but how about I just try taking one writing lesson away from the movie instead?
Today’s lesson is on earning your moments, with Ruby Gillman standing as an anti-example.
You see, when I saw the scene where Brill talks Ruby out of her obligatory “My actions made everything worse, so I’ll start moping before the final battle” moment, I flipped out.
Looking back at the scene, what he said to Ruby word-for-word was, “I could never understand why [Agatha] chose to leave the ocean. Until, I saw the awesome life she created on land. And I realized, your mom chose her own path. She chose you.”
Now, this sound like something that should come out of the tail end of a character arc. It contains an admittance of bad understanding, acknowledgement of a transformative moment, and a declaration of new ideals following said moment. Overall, it’s a summation of somebody’s character development.
You see where I’m going with this? My problem is that Brill is acting like he’s just conquered his character arc, when most of his time in the movie has been:
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And… you get it by now
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My point is that with Brill’s comic relief antics dominating his character, he had no arc! So getting to say, “I didn’t get it at first, but I do now” isn’t earned in the slightest!
It wouldn’t have taken a lot to earn this moment either! He may be a dumb marshmallow, but he’s a well-meaning marshmallow! All we’d need is to have some moment which fits his character and still progresses him to the “I get it” moment that would justify his speech!
The solution would be either bonding with Agatha, or bonding with Ruby. I could see how either of those would be structured too!
For Agatha, all Brill has to do is express any emotion beyond “happy puppy” when he’s with her.
Seriously! She left home without an explanation and he makes it clear that he looks up to her! All he would need is a moment to say, “I missed you” and the conversation could take off from there!
Such a moment would force Agatha to respond and that could give Brill a chance to understand why she left. Heck, it would benefit Agatha too! Being confronted with the idea that her choices have harmed her family would force her to reflect on her actions! She could either go out of her way to justify her choices, or show some remorse at having hurt her brother’s feelings. It would be a revelatory moment that would show us how to see her character.
Sorry about the tangent, I’ll get back on topic.
The alternative to get Brill to his “I get it” moment would be to have him bond with Ruby.
What I’m thinking in particular is for him to act as a firsthand witness to Ruby and Grandmamah’s relationship. Grandmamah’s ideas of making Ruby the heir to a warrior kingdom is shown to make Ruby uncomfortable. If Brill was shown reacting to this, and if he took into account any accusations Agatha had about Grandmamah being a controlling mother, then it would have helped him have a “So this is why Agatha left” moment. That would validate a later claim that he understands that Agatha only wanted what was best for Ruby.
Overall, what I’m saying is that an emotional revelation should have emotional buildup. It makes the character’s actions flow in a logical manner, and it gives us a chance to determine their natures. But when you have the emotional revelation without the buildup, it’s jarring. If we can’t see how it happened, then it doesn’t make sense to us why it happened at all!
To sum up the lesson, take your time to give characters moments to have emotions and react to the events and ideas they’re exposed to. It’ll give moments to develop their relationships, character traits, ideologies, and most importantly, their character arcs.
If you give characters the time to become who you want them to be, we’ll get to enjoy watching it happen.
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Let’s talk about cycles of abuse and how characters in Good Omens react to it.
Heaven and Hell in Good Omens are a true ‘both sides suck’ example. This isn’t news to anyone who watched the show either season. It’s made clear numerous times that they both have arbitrary evils that they commit, but only one side (Hell) actually admits that their actions are evil.
And so you get characters like Beelzabub and Gabriel who are both, predominantly, bullies. They have some power within the structures that they’re in and are some of the people spearheading the apocalypse. Other people pointed this out but neither were really afraid of their station so walking away from it, while definitely scary, wasn’t as scary as it would be for someone else.
And then you get people like Crowley and Aziraphale.
Crowley questioned Heaven thousands of years ago, learned they won’t ever forgive him for his existence. And Hell? Well Hell is only every happy if he’s pretending to be monstrous but he’s always one mistake away from being destroyed. He knew that. He’s known it for a long time. He ‘quiet quit’ (gag) before that ever became a thing. And he makes it clear what side he’s really on in season 1. He’d turned his back on his abusers ages ago. That’s not to say he’s thrilled about it, he still acts out his trauma in his plants and pulls away from love, but he’s given up on becoming something his abusers like. He stayed out of convenience but he asked his angel to run away with him years ago.
Aziraphale meanwhile has bought into the lie of Heaven this entire time. He has never once admitted that it’s an abusive system that has never cared about him. He thought the apocalypse was a misstep rather than emblematic. And that’s how he reacted every time Heaven was shown to be monstrous. And so he is the epitome of someone who believes a bad situation just needs new leadership. So when he’s given a chance to FIX Heaven, to make Crowley a ‘good guy’ again who smiles easy and calls the world gorgeous, he clings to it. Because this had to have been going toward something. Heaven has to be worth saving. Aziraphale has been telling us for thousands of years that he can’t admit heaven has always been fundamentally broken. And let’s be clear, that’s incredibly naive, but it’s a naive character. And also the thing that might have been able to convince him otherwise, his attempted execution, is something Crowley shielded him from. And that was good for his safety but he was never forced to confront that ugliness that Crowley could never forgive or forget.
And also I should have seen it coming with the arc that Nina goes through which I believe (and shout-out to @mywingsareonwheels for being lovely to talk to about this) was foreshadowing. Nina is in an abusive and controlling relationship with a character who is never seen. All we get to see are the hurtful messages and how Nina reacts. And the way Nina reacted was to alter her behavior in an attempt to save the relationship. The reason it ends, the reason Nina gets away, is because her partner dumps her. Not because Nina realized on her own that she deserved better. And also her arc still ends with her not being ready to do anything further with Maggie.
And I just don’t think it’s a coincidence that an abusive relationship only ends in season 2 because the abuser gets tired of the abused right when Aziraphel goes back to heaven. Mark my words, that angel is going to have to be forced to see the truth in season 3. And it’s going to be a long fall.
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Hello! I hope I’m not bothering or annoying you. Can I request you to write something really comforting w/ Fruit Tart and Whiskey (as a separate characters) in a format of headcanons? Like they’re calming (or at least trying to calm) gen neutral reader who had a really bad day. Or just what their methods of comforting someone are? Are they being gentle with you? Or are they can left you behind until you simply calm down yourself?
I’m sorry if im troubling you. Have a good day! Thank you so much for your blog, this is one of the most special places for me.
Combatting A Bad Day
A/N: You're not troubling me at all, anon! I'm so flattered that my blog is a special place for you, it makes me happy that you enjoy it here. Thank you for requesting, I hope you enjoy.
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Fruit Tart
Fruit Tart sees you as an equal, and as her attendant she sees you as worthy of her time. But if you catch her having her tea time, you won't be in luck if you wish for her sympathy. Nothing matters more to her than that, not even you. However, if you leave her to her own time, she'll come see you on her own volition after she's had her tea. She may be a little arrogant, but she isn't so cold as to not pay attention to your downing mood. Fruit Tart would notice something like that anytime.
She's got a very direct personality; with a butterfly accompanying her, Fruit Tart asks you what the matter is without beating around the bush. If something is bothering her attendant, she would find it an inconvenience at most. It wouldn't do for her attendant to look as troubled as you are now. If she can do something to fix your state of mind, you best tell her. It isn't a suggestion, really. It's more like a demand.
No matter what reasoning you tell her, Fruit Tart can listen well. Even if she doesn't relate to what's making you feel upset, she still respects it without much judgement. On one hand, her hearing you out may help you feel better. On the other hand, no promises that she'll do everything she can to cheer you up.
Fruit Tart isn't the type to have an inspiring speech or a comforting collection of words to help you out of your rough day—calming someone down isn't exactly one of her strengths. In fact, she might get upset on your behalf listening to the day you had. How terrible it must've been... However, if you had a bad day because of a certain individual, she can help with that no problem. She isn't afraid to... have a chat with someone about how poorly they've treated you. If you just didn't feel like you had a good time in general, she might invite you to have tea with her next time the clock strikes four.
Whiskey notices when you've been feeling a little down, like the day hasn't been treating you well. Whether or not you seek him out is entirely up to you. He might give you a brisk visit, starting some small talk about your day to try to pry you open about how bad you're probably feeling. But if you show no signs of seeking someone out to confide in, he'll leave it at that and leave you to your own devices.
If you do choose to confide in Whiskey, he'll be ready to hear whatever you have to say. Venting or ranting to him won't shake him up in the slightest. He's had pretty rough business partners in the past likely much worse than any outburst you could possibly make. Would you like some comforting words? Advice? A distraction? Whiskey could probably find something to alleviate any undesirable feelings. His methods in calming down clients are flexible, depending on what they need. Your needs are no different.
He's a good talker and knows just how to ease someone out of an unhappy mood. He's calm and collected when talking to you, and his words are careful, sensitive to how you react to each sentence. Whiskey's good at keeping the peace when it counts. His neutral, undisturbed tone, as well as his stability and confidence to assist you in any means possible may help you feel less upset, too.
He's honestly so good at dealing with you that it feels suspicious, criminal. Oh, but you're his master. Whiskey insists that a simple chess piece like himself can only really do what he's supposed to, what he's commanded. He really doesn't mind what he does when it's you who asks him, especially when it's something as simple as comforting you after a bad day. Just know that if you ever need him again after another bad day, or a bad week, or even a bad month if it happens, he'll be there by your side to assist.
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wuxiaphoenix · 2 years
On Characters: In Praise of Downtime
Old engineer’s saying: “If you don’t schedule time for maintenance, maintenance will be scheduled for you.”
This applies to humans, too. So much. It’s been a very, very busy past... three weeks plus, gah.
With one emergency after another, plus preparations for more. One of said emergencies being all the prep needed to perform my civic duty yet again. This makes at least five jury summons in the past two decades, when I know plenty of people who’ve never been called on once... which actually does make sense for a random selection process, with those kinds of odds.
(Look, anyone who wants to get on their high horse about responsibility to do your civic duties, okay, I can’t stop you. But last time I was there they had only ONE working bathroom stall for women in the whole building. Think on that scenario, over 200 jurors on top of all the court personnel and lawyers, for a whole day from before 7:30 to after 5 PM with one fifteen minute break outside the courtroom for said jurors to grab lunch and any necessities. Yeah no thank you.)
Anyway, between that, the shift in the weather which meant freezing at work, untangling multiple other monetary problems (all of which were someone else’s screw-up, a different Someone Else in each case), and finding a possible pipe leak in my bathroom which thankfully turned out to be something much easier to fix-
Well. After finally ascertaining the potential plumbing disaster was handled, I pretty much fell flat on my face Thursday. Brain? What brain?  
Characters under stress are going to react the same way. You can keep going through a lot of emergencies one after another, but your ability to handle each new crisis is going to deteriorate, and every emergency stacked on top of you before you’ve had a chance to rest from the last one will eat more of your brain’s processing power. Human beings are stubborn, you can run on fumes a long time... but eventually something’s going to break. And once you get a clear spot of “current known emergencies now over”, your system is going to crash.
If you’re lucky, you just need rest, food, a lot of hydration, and some room to be silly and Not Think for a bit. If you’re not... stress crashes the immune system, so you may have to be handling emergencies while feverish and having other nasty symptoms. If you’re really unlucky and have an immune system that has No Sense of Humor, you may get an autoimmune attack of everything from allergies to serious organ dysfunction. Running yourself into the red zone is a bad idea.
And this is another place much of current Hollywood and fiction has failed us. Because all too often it shows the main character dragged backwards through the action mangle to save the day, yet never shows recovery time. Meaning people get the idea they’re supposed to be superhuman; that you can work a killer job every day, party every night, and that’s how it’s supposed to be.
This is extremely unrealistic. And harmful. If heroes are meant to model behavior we can aspire to, then every once in a while we should see them taking care of themselves. Getting enough sleep. Getting a hot meal. Sitting on a park bench and just breathing, once in a while. Being responsible, and keeping themselves in good mental and physical shape, so they can in turn take care of other people when the chips are down.
Think about how much stress your characters are under. Try to make sure they get something nice in their lives, a moment to breathe, so they can handle everything you’re going to throw at them. Your readers will appreciate it!
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guys i have a confession to make. i think there’s something wrong with me. i can’t stop watching those terrible gacha react videos
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strawberry-cowmilk · 2 years
Feeling violent rn 😈 (I totally understand if it makes you uncomfy and you don’t want to do it and I apologize if my request made you feel that way)
I’ve been seeing a lot of MC family hc’s that are pretty wholesome and comical so how about the brothers and side characters react to an MC who hates their family due to being severely abused by them for years, cut off all contact since they moved out, and never mentions them. And this isn’t your average hatred; like their personality does a full 180 to pure malice and it goes beyond human capacity to the point of it concerning everyone.
However and by some random reason we don’t need to disclose, MC’s family reunited with MC again and they show genuine remorse and want to fix things but MC tells them how dead they are to them, how they tried to give them chances only to be met with physical/mental wounds, and that as far as they’re concerned; they have no family on Earth and even though they have almost died and actually did die in the Devildom, they’d rather be killed a thousand times over than forgive their family.
(Let’s say MC has a Dad, Mom, Brother, and Sister while MC was seen as the black sheep and was often discarded)
MC’s “Dad”: Please, MC! We just want to fix things!
MC:*had soulless eyes* So you are capable of guilt, I’m a bit impressed that you have some capacity to be human.
MC’s “Mom”:*was begging* We’re so sorry, MC! We love you, please come home!
MC:*chuckles* I haven’t had a “home” the second I opened my eyes.
MC’s “Brother”: If there’s anyway to prove we mean it, we’ll do it!
MC: Then drop dead 😀
MC’s sister:*crying* MC, please! This isn’t like you!
MC: You’re right, this isn’t like me. I’m much worse and you all made me this way. Guess you miss your punching bag.*smiles a bit wider as they look to them* I’d rather have my limbs and intestines be splattered across this room than let you even have a trickle of hope that I would ever forgive you. I’m being merciful by not killing you all myself. *meant it*
Hello! Sorry I evaporated off of this platform for a while, thank you for waiting. I hope you enjoy!
the obey me cast with a mc who has a bad relationship with their family
-> brothers and side characters x mc (luke platonic)
mc's gender is not mentioned, not proof read
content warnings: implied past abuse, (implied) violent words, fighting, violence, torture mentions
he makes your family leave or takes you sonewhere away from them
lucifer is surprised you're capable of saying such things, you're usually so sweet, but he's proud of you for standing up to them
that makes him wonder how bad the abuse was, needless to say, lucifer isn't done with your family
he waits for you to finish your little 'talk' with your family
the whole time, he was staring at the scene before him with mouth agape
afterwards, mammon asks if you're alright after all that and he offers to punch each of your family members
like mammon, levi watches as you vent your grudge against your family
the whole time, he's trying to figure out how to comfort you later
does he play games with you? binge watch the tsl movies? he lets you decide
satan has to fight with every cell of his being to not attack your family then and there
whatever they had done myst be bad enough to provoke such a reaction from you, right?
after it's done, he comforts you first before doing what he wants to do to your family
'okay, honey, that's enough' he says as he leads you away from your family
he doesn't want you to work yourself up over people who don't even deserve a fraction of your attention
asmo does his very best to let you relax as best as possible with baths and massages when you're alone
family is the most important thing there is to beel
so it really hurts him to find out you were mistreated so badly by your own
fighting the urge to lunge at those who hurt you, beel takes you somewhere private where he can shower you in affection and your comfort food
he starts shaming your family with you
'you do realise mc hates you now because of what you did, right? or is all you understand violence, in that case I can teach you in a way you'd understand'
eventually he gets tired of your family's whining, so he takes you somewhere private
he realises he might have made a huge mistake by having sent you back to the human world after the exchange program
diavolo makes your family leave before you waste too much energy on them
then, he offers you a permanent stay in the devildom, so you don't have to see them again
barbatos is calm on the outside, and absolutely burning with rage on the inside
it's been a while since he had some fun with his torture equipment, perhaps your family would like to help him out
but anger aside, he will make you some nice tea to get your mind off of this
he sends your family away and takes you somewhere you feel comfortable
there, he'll let you vent all you want, and if you want to be held, he will open his arms for you
simeon uses his angelic powers to provide you with enough strength to help you cope with everything that had happened
you stopped what you were doing when you realised luke could hear and see everything
you tried to send him away, but he refused to leave you alone with your family
luke doesn't really know how to help, but he tries his best by baking you the sweets you like
he's secretly cheering you on to let your family exactly know how you feel
that doesn't mean he isn't worried about you, though
when you're done, and you two are alone, he'll ask you how you feel and let you vent all you want
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jtrokujo · 3 years
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paring: Mikaela Hyakuya x fem!Reader
(they’re 18+!!!)
word count: 4k
warning: this story contains sexual content
gerne: smut
summary: there are days when they get along well but there were also days when they hated each other like the plague and even though they love each other?
The weather is neutral, but I wish it got better.
The sun is obscured by the gray clouds, but it's not windy or anything.
You could even go out with a top.
However, y / n decided to take a seat in the four walls with a number of different books and a tall pile of books right next to them.
As she gently leafed through the pages of the somewhat older book, she felt a stab.
Of course it didn't hurt since no one was attacking her, but it felt like someone was watching her.
Without presenting her feelings, she took some books and put the rest where she got them.
Immediately after leaving the library, she stopped in the middle of the path and said with an annoyed sigh, "Bathory, I know you're here."
He stands grinning in front of y / n, but could hardly show a disappointed face.
With his head tilted to one side, he looked at his prey and smiled at her immediately. "I prefer you to call me by my first name, dear."
“I do what I want and not what you want, Bathory. Besides, I have better things to do than waste my precious time being influenced by you. "
When they told the vampire, she continued on her way, or at least intended to.
As quickly as he came, he grabbed her arm just as quickly. "But y / n, why is it in such a hurry?" asked the vampire, amused, pressing more and more on hers with every second, so slowly you could hear her bones. Y / n had to react immediately!
Without thinking for a second, she dropped all of the books on the white floor and immediately grabbed her gun. "You should let go of me!" y / n's voice rang out down the hall and immediately shot the vampire in the arm.
His blood spurted around her.
Y / n got his blood on her face as well as on her clothes - it was the same with Bathory, also the wall and especially the floor got his blood.
"Disgusting." mumbled y / n and wiped the blood on her face, although she knew herself that it would be of no use.
"What's going on here?" Everyone but not him.
"Hello Mika!" said Ferid with delight and turned to get a better look at him.
"Have you lost your nerve again?" he asked me annoyed, but he only looked at me for a few seconds and immediately saw Ferid's blood spatter.
"What do you mean 'again'?"
Even if we've known each other for a long time, we both have to admit that one and the other have diverged. Sometimes it was his fault, sometimes it was me. There were of course moments when we got along really well, but in the end they weren't enough in my opinion.
"Since you've lived with us, at least one vampire must have got something from your weapon."
Said the blond-haired vampire while his eyes stared at me.
I'm not understating when I say that his eyes alone make me feel naked.
Mika only manages to control me through his eyes, even though I should be the one who should control every vampire or the various books I spend most of my time on just one more bad joke.
It was enough for vampires to exist and more than hundreds of people took their own lives just to be able to enjoy themselves. To this day I cannot forgive any of the vampires for what they did to me or those around me. I know myself that there are bad ones, but what is their goal?
Or do you have a goal?
"Y / n." I heard his voice.
Awakened from my trance, I see his eyes again. However, they do not have this previous aura, no, they are a little stricter this time. When I gave him a sign of his attention, the lecture immediately came, "You are old enough to know how to behave and with whom to behave. If you show this behavior to someone else, I'll let that person do it . " and do what they want, because I haven't had the nerve for someone like you for a long time. So finally know your limits before I use my weapon against you! "
Impressive. From sentence to sentence his voice grew louder and louder. Seriously, I never expected or even had the idea of ​​this side of Mika in my life, but here it is. Wonderful y / n, now you have managed to sink deeply with Mika, which is actually the very last thing I ever wanted to achieve in my life, but life has never been a paradise.
With a chuckle, Bathory put his arm and my shoulders and spoke to Mika.
"But, but Mika shouldn't be so strict with her. She's just a little girl again, not even now, is she?" "If I were that little girl, you would surely have two arms instead of one." After saying my sentence, I picked up the books that were still on the floor and didn't say goodbye to anyone, why should I?
Bathory is nothing more than an idiot who uses his satisfaction to see others suffer rather than provoke them too.
While Mika nudges both children like a father, although the other is to blame for everything.
When I got to my room, I put the books on my table and sat on my bed, thinking about the old days. However, I don't think of the days with loved ones that I lost, but of those that I spent with Mika before he gave me a “better life”.
I could leave it all behind at any time and either not start an old or a new life, but I love to have him in my heart for it.
Sighing at my thoughts, I give up and stood in front of my closet for the next minute.
While the lukewarm water felt the white bathtub, my clothes landed on the floor.
This life is more of a calling expected of others than a life of its own. A break does no harm to anyone.
I said to myself and after a few seconds I closed my eyes.
After my bath or a break from the real world, I'm just choosing which book to read.
As I was about to start the new book, someone knocked on my door.
Hesitantly, I said the door was open and waited for the person behind it to appear. Please leave it all but Bathory.
Sighing, I immediately put my hand on my left breast and saw him, Mika.
To be honest, I'm happy to see him, but I'm not, but I don't need an explanation. "Good evening." he said in his usual tone. Without making a big head out of it, I repeated it myself, but added if he needed anything from me.
Shivering, I answered my question in the negative and came up to me with slow steps.
The only thing I could do was do nothing. I stopped. When our faces are a few centimeters away, his arm came slowly towards my body, until he reached for something, when he had this in his hand, he came back with a few steps and immediately held a book in my face.
"I really recommend it, I have to say, you have pretty good taste when it comes to books. I've read it several times because these stories, the writing style, the plot and most of all the characters are up to me." uniquely well written down to the smallest detail. "
I looked at the vampire in amazement. "You read that too?" "Y / n, if I hadn't read it, I wouldn't have a clue either."
A little ashamed of my oh-so-intelligent question, I also looked at the floor.
The whole time there was nothing to be heard, neither a little intoxication, nor even breathing. But after a few seconds, Mika also broke the embarrassing silence by taking a few steps and holding out his arm to me. I don't understand it about myself. When Mika is around, I either act annoyed or neutral. However, countless butterflies gather in my stomach when I think of him alone!
"Y / n ... y / n?!" Mika looked up, gave me a neutral look and at the same time held a few strands of my hair and asked me if he should tie my hair up with a towel. I gently took the wet strands of hair from his hand and began to giggle at my discomfort and nervousness. The thought of me being weird was always out of the question.
"I think I'll blow dry my hair. I'll see you at dinner or tomorrow."
"I'll see you at dinner or tomorrow." repeated Mika before she disappeared from my room.
Locked in the room and caught in his deepest thoughts, he stared over the ceiling.
The reviews of that day haunted him to this day when he also dreamed them.
Sleeping now wouldn't be for him, even though it is shortly before 2 o'clock.
But what can you do about it?
The vampire rose from the bed, stretched out, and decided to go for a walk immediately.
As he walked through the empty corridors, he always hoped not to meet anyone.
Whatever stays that way.
Bored and hands in his pockets, the floor caught his attention. It didn't take long, however, because he was amazed to get up when he saw the light coming from someone's room.
He was more than sure whose room, or rather chamber, it was.
It was Y / n's.
He stopped in front of it, thinking, held out his hand and wanted to knock on the door. At the same time he quickly put his hand in his pocket. This scenario takes about 3 minutes. But it wasn't the vampire's nervousness that was unusual, no, why should he be at y / n's door? This is funny.
Doesn't he often seem annoyed or stern in your presence?
Well, he doesn't even know what's going on in his head.
After an eternity, the vampire finally knocked on the human's door and immediately heard "Come in" from the other side.
Without telling himself twice, he opened the door and saw her. He saw her spread out on the large bed with several notes and books.
Stressed out. You can't see it from the outside, but even Mika can confess that he thinks it is strange to see y / n at this time.
"Do you need something?" she asked him and fixed him with her gaze.
"Shouldn't you be sleeping long ago?" he asked and at the same time crossed his arms over his chest.
"Mika, I could ask you that too, don't you think?" sigh y / n and slowly start piling up her notes and books together.
When Mika offered her help, she politely declined and slowly and carefully put the things on her desk.
"If you have nothing special to do, you can always keep me company, you know?"
Yes, even if there is an argument between the two, they still get along well. However, they don't seem to be as close as they used to be. Without saying anything, Mika accepted the offer and sat next to y / n.
Was that really wise?
The smell of y / n gets over his head, but he's not as easy to lose control as other vampires.
Breathing hard, Mika rubbed her eyes and hoped that this unbearable smell would go away any moment.
Easier said than done.
If only I had drunk blood in the last few days. The vampire cursed.
Y / n noticed his unusual behavior and tried to communicate with him, but to no avail. She called his name several times, tapped him on the shoulder, and shook him a little. He seems trapped in his own world. For the first time she seemed to see someone so trapped in his own world. When will he regain his senses?
Annoyed, she hit his skull with her fist, which led to a groan of pain from Mika's mouth. "What does this mean?!"
“If you are tired, please go to your room and sleep there.
Both rolled their eyes in annoyance.
"You have nothing to say to me, human."
"Oh really? What are you going to do about it, vampire?" It wasn't a mistake by y / n, but rather Mika's mistake. If he hadn't called her a human, she wouldn't have called him a vampire. Nobody except Mika knows right now how much he hates vampires and yet he is one himself, but you have to remember that he never wanted to be one. Not everyone is lucky in life.
As I said, even if it was his own fault that she reminded him, he completely lost his nerve. Slowly she approached y / n, she already felt the dark aura coming towards her. However, y / n did not want to show the fear that is in her and slowly rising above her head. She will regret it. "Repeat when you have the pity." "What is the problem? You called me human and I called you a vampire, but you know what makes me be silly, get out of here, vampire. ”Without further ulterior motives, Mika grabbed her wrist and squeezed the bones with her hand listened from print to print. When she wanted to reach for her gun, which is under her top, Mika was a second faster and threw it directly to the end of the room. When Mika immediately released his hand from Y / n's wrist, she saw an emotion in his eyes, sadness.
He was hurt, but shouldn't he care? What should a little person who plays with little guns do against a vampire, ask him about a game? However, he saw her more as a person, he saw her as someone he can love, with whom he can laugh, of course he had had these people before in his life, but they have long since disappeared. Oh how much he loves her.
If only she knew how many letters he wrote her, but never gave them to her, but hid them in his room.
"I'm really stupid." Mika muttered trembling to herself. Y / n heard it and slowly walked up to him "Mika, that was very childish of me and, to be honest, I'm sorry." When she tried to touch his shoulder, he knocked her away and looked into her eyes, it was their fault.
“I don't want your decisions! I never wanted to be a vampire! If you don't know anything about me, please be quiet and think twice before you open your door! ”The whole room went quiet, pretty quiet. It was rather uncomfortably quiet for y / n, but she preferred to keep her mouth shut because it looked like Mika was looking for the right words. "Why do I love you? Tell me Y / N, how can I love you when you hate me so much?" His voice was fragile and it was tormented to hear it that way. "Mika, I had never hated you before." Exhausted, Mika sat down on the floor and looked at the gun at the other end of the room. "Every time I see a gun like that, I hate myself even more." “Even if it sounds a bit clichéd, for example because of the current situation, I have to and want to admit that I love you Mika. You are in such pain and apparently you have torn old wounds. You didn't deserve that, nobody deserved that. ”Y / n sat like Mika on the floor and hugged him. Her warm body against his cold one. As if in slow motion, their faces stood a few inches apart until their lips met.
With my hands on the back of his neck and my tongue seeking his, his fingertips dance from my thigh under my top.
Only he managed to make me shiver everywhere in a few seconds with the help of his touch. Not through his ice-cold skin, no, only through him. In keeping with the mood, the cold raindrops hit my window pane. "Waiting." he whispered to me.
Not a second later it was pitch black in my room. The butterflies in my stomach just like Mika don't know when to stop, but I love it, never let it stop! His lips kissed every inch of my skin and whispered to me how divine my body was. His hands slide up my top until it finally brushes over my head. The first item of clothing is already on the floor. My legs were around his waist so he could pick me up and lay me on my bed. When he did that, his lips were still on my skin.
As I lay down comfortably, I watched his clothes land piece by piece on the floor. His belly is built like that of a Greek god and although it is dark the moon shines on him. One could have immediately thought it was a godsend. The boxer shorts were the only items of clothing that remained. While I was about to take off my pants, Mika took my hands and indicated that he could do it himself. When my pants peeled off my skin, he looked at my legs in admiration and immediately threw my pants on the floor. Now stand half-naked in front of my bed. The red cheeks on his cheeks were clearly visible. "Are we really supposed to pull this off?" I asked Mika and looked him in the eye. His lips approached my ear and he breathed softly, "Y / n, the question is not, we should, but we can. A human and a vampire, is that a good chemistry?"
"Why don't we want to find out?" I whispered and kissed his shoulder in time. Now he looked at me again, but with clearly red cheeks you could have thought he had a fever, but I can't blame him, because even when his ice-cold body is on top of mine, my body manages to have a hot temperature.
As our tongues played with each other again, our hands explored each other's bodies. While one hand pinches my buttocks, the other is right on my bra clasp.
Moaning slightly, I also pinched his buttocks and felt my muscles tense. A low gasp left his delicate lips, which made me even weaker. My temperature rises more and more with each of his touches.
I can not stand it anymore!
He knows very well that he has the upper hand!
When my bra, like the rest of the clothes, landed on the floor, his ice-cold hands brushed my arms up to my hips and brushed the last piece of clothing across the floor.
I was breathing hard down in my zone.
His hands were on each thigh so I couldn't pinch my legs together. Apart from the horniness, I could hardly move my legs because of his strength, you can not say that he is so strong. The horniness in me is going like crazy! With every breath Mika takes against my area, the butterflies in my stomach fly crazier.
When his tongue brushed my cervix for less than a second, I let out a gasp. Immediately afterwards he pressed his tongue against it and danced with it at the same time. That I'm getting wetter is not only clear to me, but also to Mika, when he was his tongue in my entrance, she explored every single inch inside.
Overwhelmed by shame and lust, I pressed one hand against my mouth so as not to make a noise from you, and the other on his white-blonde hair.
Every time his tongue penetrated deeper and he spread my thighs wider and wider, it honestly hurt, but I don't care about that at the moment because as good as he makes me feel no one is going to do it and I want it too nobody does it because I just want them. Because I just want Mika.
When I thought it couldn't get better, I was wrong. When he started sucking, I was done. My lustful moans got louder every time I sucked, but I do my best that nobody but Mika can hear it. When he freed his tongue from the entrance again, he stuck his middle and ring finger in the next second and didn't give me a second to get used to it. The speed of his fingers is unique!
No matter how much I press my hand against my mouth, my moans stay louder.
Several times his name groaned, which only drove him to increase the speed. My orgasm is nourishing. When I groaned and said I was about to be there, he didn't stop but continued. His tongue dances on my cervix and his fingers successfully hit the G-spot every time, it's just breathtaking!
When my orgasm came, I screamed his name with relish and breathed heavily as I stared at the ceiling.
His beautiful face approached mine, but he devoted his lips to my ears and whispered, "A second round won't hurt you." Aren't my trembling legs enough for him? In the middle of the kiss, I slowly felt his member inside me, but my nails clawed behind his back in pain, we continued the kiss. Now it was Mika who groaned in the middle of the kiss. He closed his eyes and kissed my chest as his hips began to dance. Is it still normal for him to make me feel this way? Because on the one hand I can no longer, on the other hand I want more! Mika's one hand is on my thigh while the other is on my chest. The way he plays sensitive nipples is superb.
I don't know how he makes me feel so good, but I want him to never stop. "Mika, don't stop." I moaned in his ear and wrapped my legs around his waist. When he saw me, I didn't know how to feel. Because his eyes are blood red! He slowly approached my neck. That cold breath worried me even more. He didn't bite me, however, but instead scratched his designated spot with his fangs as the blood flowed from the wound, so it propelled him and made him much faster than before. The clap of our skin was just as loud as the satisfying moans from our mouths. "Y / n." he groaned my name and immediately turned me around. Now my back was visible to him. With both hands on our hips, our bodies clapped together. When I moaned his name one last time, the orgasm came, Mika pulled his member out of me and rubbed it with his hand until finally the white sperm speared out of his body.
After Mika helped me cleanse my body, we are back in bed naked. "Do you think we can do it?" Mika asked out of nowhere. “I don't think so, I know, Mika. And I think you should too. "The vampire looked at me lovingly and finally kissed me on the lips and immediately afterwards whispered" Good night, y / n. " "Good night, Mika."
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shotorozu · 4 years
hello! i love ur writings <3
wanted to request a hc of todoroki, deku, and bakugou and their reactions to the tiktok trend where those two girls are laughing and ppl put their friends/family members in the camera thinking it’s their friend or something 💀 (here’s a link to one of the videos https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMe6oFVx5/ )
once again, love ur work and hopefully i did this request correctly 😩🙏🏽
s/o’s friends laugh at them
character(s) : bakugou katsuki, midoriya izuku, todoroki shouto (bnha)
legend : [Y/N = your name] they/them pronouns used, quirk’s not specific
headcanon type : crack, fluff (x reader)
note(s) : i always say that i’m going to upload more, since i haven’t in a day but i’m going to keep my promises this time. and maybe after my content dump, that’s when i’ll fix my masterlists
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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bakugou katsuki
this prank was very risky just like the other pranks you’ve pulled on him but that doesn’t stop you at all
you decided to do this prank after seeing it on the fyp— and also because of the prank’s simplicity since all you needed to do was download the tiktok
you called katsuki over when he finishes working out, and it all seems innocent “katsuki! come over here.”
katsuki, irritated— as he had just finished his exercise, he marches over to where you’re seated “what now, dumbass?”
“i want you to meet my friends!” katsuki only raises a brow, because he’s PRETTY sure that he’s met all of your friends
“now??” he sighs, “i thought i met all of your stupid friends.”
“not all of them,” you grin “c’mon please, katsuki?” and it’s over when your eyes twinkle, and he can only sigh— sitting next to you
“okay, let me meet them” he asks, and you pull up with your phone (that’s now filming, and with the video playing) and show him your ‘friends’
“this is katsuki! my boyfriend,” you introduce him to your ‘friends’
and he’s SO offended when your friends burst into laughter, “WHAT THE HELL’S SO FUNNY, EXTRAS??”
man was really about to explode your phone into pieces— and i’m serious about that part 🧎‍♂️ his hands were creating mini sparks out of anger
you had to coax him that it was just a prank, and they weren’t actually your friends
katsuki’s just 😐 “what did i expect from you?”
promise him that the video won’t go viral, and it won’t be seen by thousands and thousands of people.
you were wrong, and the video AND the audio ended up going viral. and katsuki had to hear his voice on tiktok for WEEKS.
“YOU TOLD ME IT WOULDN’T GO VIRAL DUMBASS” he fumes, red irises zeroing in on you.
“WELL SORRY— I DONT CONTROL THE ALGORITHM, but at least you’re famous!”
“fuck off,” he doesn’t mean that. but he just needs to learn how to not fall for your shit again, despite being really whipped for you
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midoriya izuku
you’d feel bad because izuku’s ALWAYS at the receiving end of your pranks 💀
similar to bakugou, you decided to prank him because of the simplicity of the prank— and he wouldn’t get TOO offended by the prank’s nature, right? wrong 💀
izuku swings the door open, a couple of snacks held in his arms, “hey Y/N! i brought some snacks— what did you need me for?”
“oh, i want you to meet my cousins!”
he immediately goes red, setting down the snacks he brought to your room “your c-cousins? oh no no no, Y/N why didn’t you tell me? i could’ve showered before hand— i could’ve fixed my face and wore something different—”
poor izuku. he’s gesturing to his post workout state, since he was in such a hurry to get to your room with snacks.
but you brush his concern off “don’t worry, izuku! it’s through call. they won’t be able to smell you anyway.”
he calms down, and this when you decide to start the tiktok. “i’m going to call them,” he only nods, quickly hurrying over to your side— to meet your ‘cousins’
“say hi, izuku!” he nervously smiles, showing his face to the camera and waving his hand— totally oblivious of the intentions
he’s stammering on the introduction, and that’s when the rather hysterical laughing starts
he blinks, the feeling of defeat courses through his entire body— the green haired boy immediately moves away from the view
why exactly is izuku genuinely sad from your ‘cousins’ laughing at him? well,, it was always a thing for him to try his very best to be likeable to your relatives
your parent(s)/guardian? they adore him. siblings (if there’s any) they’re also very fond of him. so while you say that they’re your cousins— it still means a lot if he made a good impression
“i,, should’ve changed!” he sulks, the fact that the laugh was quite hysterical didn’t aid the issue, “your cousins will never like me,,”
his mind is put at ease when you tell him it’s a prank— and they’re not actually your cousins. so he doesn’t need to do any redeeming, regardless of the fact that he ‘just met’ them
he sighs in relief, actually glad that it was all just another innocent tiktok prank (that did make his heart race 10x faster)
the video blows up, his distraught reaction being splayed across the fyp, it eventually getting onto twitter— his face being used as an reaction video
“you’re viral, izuku!”
he’s content, despite his distraught reaction being spread across the internet. but he just wishes that your actual cousins don’t see it 💀
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todoroki shouto
is most likely aware of your tiktok pranks— but please 💀 this one looked realistic to him, so how was he supposed to tell??
anyways, you decided to do this prank because you wanted to see how he’d react to your ‘family members’ laughing at him. his reactions are golden though
it’s harmless, in a way— it’s mostly a harmless prank. shouto knows how to not take things too seriously, but you just wanted to see his reactions.
“shouto, could you please come over here?” you call for him to sit right next to you, patting his usual spot next to you.
“what is it?” he asks, getting comfortable next to you, kissing your temple— and that’s when you pull out your phone
“i want you to meet my siblings!”
shouto’s puzzled, because one— he always prefers to meet your family members in person, and two— he didn’t know you had siblings (or more siblings)
“we’re not meeting them in person?”
“oh wait! i forgot to mention that they’re working abroad. so we can’t really schedule a meeting in person.”
shouto’s skeptical, but you reassure him further “it’ll be quick!”
the dual haired boy chooses to believe you which was honestly really wrong of him, “alright, i’ll meet them.”
he moves next to you, peaking at the screen “say hi to shouto!”
he was expecting a few things but,, them breaking out into hysterical laughter was just something else
shouto’s so confused 💀✋ someone please help him, it’s like you spoke to him in simlish. that’s what his reaction would be like.
and he’s just thinking things like— why are you guys laughing? is there dirt on my face? i didn’t even say anything funny??
“why are they laughing? love, i didn’t even say anything funny??”
oblivious shouto. he’s not even aware that it’s all just a tiktok prank. but he must say— he’s a little bit disappointed that he already has a bad impression on your ‘siblings’
it’s your turn to laugh, making his thinking at a vague state— shouto’s trying to think of pieces of dialogue he might’ve missed
“it’s a prank, shouto— look,” you replay the tiktok of the girls laughing, and it comes clearly to him now
“oh.” 🧍 honestly, why is he so shocked? it wasn’t the first time you managed to prank him in such a similar nature.
he’s not mad though— rather, shouto’s impressed. “love, i adore you— but i’m not sure on why i got surprised.”
“right? i’d think that you’re used to this but i guess you’re not!” nah, he just believes you a little bit too easily.
but that doesn’t mean he WON’T be suspicious when he actually has to meet your siblings.
“these,, are actually your siblings? no pranks this time, right?” he just wants to make sure. he won’t fall for your potential pranks again!
also, the video does well, the comments being filled with “LMAO HE LOOKED GENUINELY CONFUSED” “shouto todoroki being confused for 20 seconds straight 🤠❓❓”
shouto is very confused on why the girls were just laughing, putting everything aside— he just doesn’t know the context of that tiktok 🧎‍♂️
»»————- ♡ ————-««
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission
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emily-smx · 3 years
Lies of Omission
I know that this scene has been discussed hundreds of times already, and there are probably posts out there that are very similar to this one. However, I saw this being brought up again on Instagram, and I feel the need to say my bit about it.
The question brought up over and over again is “Why did Scott believe Theo over Stiles?”.
He didn’t.
In the entire scene, there’s never once the question of whose story he should believe – as far as the boys are concerned, there is only one story. That’s what causes the miscommunication.
I also noticed something else while watching the scene: nothing that Stiles said actually contradicted Theo’s story.
To go into more depth, I’m going to go through each bit of the dialogue and explain what’s basically being said from each character’s point of view.
[Scott holds out the bloody wrench]
Stiles: Where did you get that?
Scott: This is yours? Why didn't you tell me?
Stiles: I was going to...
Scott: No, but why didn't you tell me when it happened?
Stiles: I couldn't.
So far, it’s pretty straightforward.
Scott shows Stiles the wrench, who immediately reacts in a guilty manner. It’s important to note that Scott’s “This is yours?” holds quite a bit of surprise in it, so he clearly hadn’t already made up his mind about what happened.
Stiles takes the wrench and looks at it, while Scott asks him “Why didn’t you tell me?”
I know that, to some people, his question implies that he’s already leapt to a conclusion about what happened, but this isn’t necessarily the case. He hasn’t specified what it is he believes Stiles has done; all this shows is that he knows something big has happened.
Stiles’ response sounds incredibly guilty, and he struggles to look Scott in the eye. It’s clear at this point that he’s done something bad.
Scott: You killed him? You killed Donovan?
Stiles: Well, he was going to kill my dad. Huh? Was I supposed to just let him?
Scott: You weren't supposed to do this. None of us are.
This is where it starts to get more confusing.
Scott asks whether Stiles killed Donovan, and again the surprise and disbelief in his voice shows that he hadn’t already made up his mind prior to this conversation.
Stiles responds by telling him “he was going to kill my dad [...] was I supposed to just let him?” (i.e. “I killed Donovan because he was going to kill my dad”).
The worst thing about this is that it essentially confirms what Theo was saying. Theo said “maybe it was because he threatened to kill his dad”.
It also implies to Scott that this was not self-defense, because Stiles’ dad wasn’t there. Instead, it tells Scott that Stiles chose to kill Donovan because he couldn’t risk Donovan hurting his father.
Also, Stiles is asking Scott “Was I supposed to just let him [kill my father]?” (i.e. “was I supposed to let him go free and risk him killing my father?”)
If Stiles had explained how much he regretted it, Scott (despite still not knowing the whole story) would likely have reacted differently. Instead, it sounds to Scott as though Stiles has done something terrible and is now defending it.
Hence, he replies by essentially saying that no, his response was not justified. “You weren't supposed to do this.”
Stiles: You think I had a choice?
Scott: There's always a choice.
This is where it’s important to look at the different viewpoints. Scott is still under the impression that Stiles killed Donovan to protect his father. So, from his point of view, Stiles did have a choice.
Stiles: Yeah, well, I can't do what you can, Scott. I know you wouldn't have done it. You probably would have just figured something out, right?
Scott: I'd try.
Stiles: Yeah, because you're Scott McCall! You're the True Alpha! Guess what? All of us can't be True Alphas! Some of us have to make mistakes. Some of us have to get our hands a little bloody sometimes. Some of us are human!
Once again, it’s clear that they’re talking about completely different things.
Stiles is talking about what he can do physically. He’s saying that he couldn’t easily fight off Donovan the way that Scott could have. He’s saying that Scott could have found a solution that didn’t end in one of them dying.
But Scott still doesn’t know that. He still thinks that Stiles killed Donovan by using disproportionate force, because he was scared that if Donovan survived then he’d harm his father. From his point of view, Stiles is saying that murder was the only option, and he couldn’t figure something else out.
So he responds by essentially saying that yes, he would try and figure out another solution to protect his father and also not kill Donovan.
It’s an entirely reasonable response, but obviously from Stiles’ point of view, Scott is being very unfair here. This, along with the fact that he’s being crushed under guilt and stress and anger, causes him to lash out.
Scott: So you had to kill him?
Stiles: Scott, he was going to kill my dad!
Scott: But the way that it happened... There's a point when it's... It's not self-defense anymore!
Stiles: What are you even talking about? I didn't have a choice, Scott!
Scott, to his credit, doesn’t get angry, and instead gets back to the main point. He’s clearly very desperate at this point, desperate for there to be something he’s missed.
So he asks whether Stiles had to kill him – note that this isn’t simply if Stiles killed Donovan, it’s more about whether it was the only choice. Keep in mind, that Scott cares a lot about Stiles. He doesn’t want to fall out with him.
Unfortunately, Stiles’ response only emphasised what he’d previously claimed, making it sound like that was his only reason.
This is where both characters should have paid more attention to each other’s words. Scott’s comment about “the way that it happened” should have driven Stiles to questioning what he thought had happened; and Stiles’ confusion should have again made Scott question whether he had the story right.
However, they’re both upset and stressed, and so it’s understandable that at this point they aren’t thinking clearly and rationally.
Stiles: You don't even believe me, do you?
Scott: I want to.
Stiles: Okay. All right, so... So, believe me, then. Scott, say you believe me. Say it. Say you believe me.
[Stiles steps forward brandishing the wrench and Scott flinches]
Scott: Stiles, we can't kill people that we're trying to save.
Stiles: Say you believe me!
Scott: We can't kill people. Do you believe that?
This is where everybody hates Scott, but again it’s taking everything out of context.
When Stiles says “believe me”, he means “believe me that there was no choice, I was about die and it was an accident”, but Scott hears “believe me that my only choice was to kill Donovan to protect my dad”.
Scott wants to believe that Stiles’ actions were necessary, but he knows that killing somebody to prevent the possibility of something else from happening in the future is not justified (especially when there are other ways they could have protected his dad).
Also, Theo was cunning and he told Scott “maybe Stiles thought he had to keep going to defend himself” – which feeds into Scott’s belief that Stiles might have thought it was his only choice, despite this not being the case.
I also want to point out that Scott flinching is likely due to the trauma of Void Stiles. In Letharia Vulpina (3x19), by the animal clinic in the pouring rain, Void Stiles tortured Scott. The similarities of the situation likely caused him to flinch (and then there’s obviously the fact that flinching when somebody steps forward with a weapon is a completely natural response, even without all the trauma).
Stiles: Well, what do I do about this? What do you want me to do? Okay, just be... Scott, just tell me how to fix this, all right? Please, just tell me-- what do you want me to do?
Scott: Don't worry about Malia or Lydia. We'll find them. Maybe... Maybe you should talk to your dad.
This is when Stiles essentially gives up. From his point of view, he’s tried defending himself, but Scott is still condemning him; he’s being blamed for something that was in no way his fault.
Instead of lashing out again, he accepts that he was at fault (although he wasn’t – it was his guilt that was persuading him that he was in the wrong), and begs Scott to tell him how he can fix his mistake.
Scott, who is also very overwhelmed, suggests he talk to his dad, who will be able to fix it and sort everything out.
I know some people equate this to Scott kicking Stiles out of the pack, but I really don’t think it is.
Scott saying “Don't worry about Malia or Lydia” is not him forbidding Stiles from speaking to them. It’s simply a callback to the beginning of the conversation, when Stiles informed Scott that he’d been unable to get in touch with Malia or Lydia.
And yes, he dismisses Stiles, but that’s because so many other things are going on. Hayden is directly behind them, dying in the animal clinic. Scott needs to go and help her, and Stiles being there will probably just increase the tension and make things more difficult.
In Conclusion:
It was a miscommunication. Scott and Stiles both thought they were talking about the same thing, which led to them not understanding what the other was trying to say.
Scott did not come into the argument already believing Stiles was guilty. His reaction to Theo’s story was, literally, “that’s not possible”. It was Stiles’ accidental confirmation of Theo’s story that led Scott to believe it was true.
“believe me” does not mean “believe my story”, because to their knowledge there was only one story.
Scott did not kick Stiles out of the pack.
I firmly believe that the only mistake either character made (beyond hiding the whole secret in the first place) is not pushing further to make sure they were both talking about the same thing. Scott should have asked for Stiles’ full story of the events, and Stiles should have explained what happened when he had the chance. It can, however, be put down to their mindsets at the time: Theo chose a good time to tell Scott, when both of them were already overwhelmed with all the events going on.
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mcfuckity · 3 years
you are so right about lumity being every where. sometimes i want to see posts about luz and eda or luz and her friends because i think those relationships trump any ship. but i’m always drowned in lumity everything and it’s nice to see someone else whose tired of that ship being forced down everyone else’s throats especially when they want to enjoy other dynamics involving luz
Understandable. Imma have to keep it a stack,,,, lumity just feels like starco to me. It’s just a huge chunk of why people watch toh to begin with. I don’t really like lumity though.
Amity has only changed to impress Luz. She definitely didn’t feel bad about her actions to Willow until Luz showed up and even then, she never truly cared about her friendships, just what Luz thought. She was perfectly fine being mean and saying rude comments and if she didn’t crush on Luz, she probably wouldn’t have changed. There wasn’t any real glimpse of Amity having a facade because it was truly her. What made her change? Not the fact that she probably missed Willow, not the realization of the harm from her actions, not even a second regular moral thought of “hey, this is wrong”. She did it because she was caught burning Willow’s memories by Luz and was forced to fix it. Nobody held Amity accountable because all her blame fell onto her parents.
I’m tired of the nice characters always liking bullies. Like, she didn’t bully Luz but she bullied Willow for years and it’s never acknowledged. They also just don’t really compliment each other in my opinion.
I’m biased though, because I do like Willuz but that’s because i think they’d fit in the context of the overall theme of the show. I believe that Luz and Willow could’ve been a cute happy couple being the first to offer each other kindness, in their times of need. People love to bring up that Luz is a bi afro latina so why not have her in a relationship with Willow who is blasian? Why does every relationship involving a poc have to have a white person instead of just 2 pocs. They also parallel each other with being rejects from their own worlds.
Even platonically, I love to see her interact with Gus because they’re such a chaotic duo. I enjoyed the dynamic of 2 bundles of chaos and their wildcard voice of reason. Willow, Luz, and Gus had a very natural friendship dynamic with all of them looking as if they were finally allowed to be themselves with each other.
I was also interested in seeing Eda start to consider Willow and Gus as her own. She already adopted Luz so seeing her react and care for more kids than she thought cared about her would’ve been heartwarming and interesting. Add that with having Lilith also realize what family she really tried to take Eda from. I feel like theres so many more relationships could’ve happened and been explored with all of the characters instead.
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arcadejohn127-9 · 4 years
Okay so I got a weird request for you 🥸 how would the demon brothers and undateables react to an MC that is turning into a demon? Like MC gets fangs, tail, wings ect from being there for so long or is maybe being corrupted? Could you make it a little bit fluffy, though but I can also see this being funny 🤪❤
This doesn't seem weird at all! The concept is actually really interesting
Lucifer was going off on you and the other brothers; all of you were caught with his stuff
You just wanted to see what he was hoarding but turns out it was just cursed music and screaming skulls
He immediately charged over and began scolding his brothers
But when levithan made a comment about Mammon already selling his items
He went full demon mode, summoning a whip and began to twist it
Mammon bolted away, Lucifer hot on his trail
You soon found mammon tied to the chandelier
You glared at Lucifer and went off instinct
"let go off my horns-"
"not until you apologize!"
He kept trying to get out of your grip but you just held on tighter
They brothers were aware you were changing but he didn't expect you to get demon strength so soon
"I will prevent you from becoming a demon if you keep acting like this, this kind of behaviour will not continue-"
"Silence or I'll shake you like a goat!"
You found out about your corruption before anyone else
You've been trying to hide it - unsure if it's a curse or you're actually turning
You were hoping you could get the prince to see you but it turns out fate had a different path in mind
"Oi, I want my shades back, I've let you borrow them for too long-"
He was tired of going for his shades and them not being there
Too caught up in how cute you looked in them he let you borrow them much longer than expected
"Wait - no-"
"YOU GOT DEMON EYES! the hell- you turning into a demon?!"
"uh- suprise?"
He grabbed your face, examining your new eyes
"they're real pretty- not like your original eyes weren't but- forget I said anything, we need to find out what happened to you, dumn hu- uh demon."
The way you both found out was purely accidental
You both noticed your teeth appeared sharper but they both shrugged it off
Believing it to be normal as alot of demon food was meat and had that kind of fleshy tough texture
You were watching some new anime and you got excited
Your favourite character seemed to be on the urge of being killed off but then suddenly - they unlocked a hidden power within and survived!
You jumped up from your seat and cheered
You looked behind you and sure enough, a pair of wings were flapping behind you
"WHOA!!! wait so I can fly now?!"
"But how are you- YOU'RE TURNING INTO A DEMON!!"
You were too excited to care about the corruption of your body, jumping off the walls testing out your new wings
levithan had to quickly rush you to the others to show them what happened
None of them get how you're turning but glad you're taking it in stride
When you showed him your growing horns, he was fascinated
Immediately taking you to his room to find his study on demon and human history
"it says here that demon corruption can turn humans into lesser demons but it's normally for those who are already damned to hell and have a bad soul."
You gasped
Wiggling your fingers at him as a wicked grin grew on your face
"so I'm secretly evil, like a villian~"
He just handed you the book, amused by your attitude
He was glad you were fine with your corruption
His eyes wondered and noticing a tail forcing itself out from your clothes
He couldn't help but blush seeing it wag, watching as you read through the process of corruption
"you're the furthest thing from a villian, but if you'll let me - I'll document this, you'll be making history."
"Really? I guess so though - did something just fall out of my body? I'm too scared to look."
"it's just your tail, it seems your body isn't processing the corruption the same so some parts are developing faster than others."
You whipped around, grabbing your tail and began to squeal
Yep, Definitely was the furthest thing from evil
But perhaps it was how open you were to the devildom that it made corruption easier on your soul
"Fangs suit you, make's you look more vicious~"
He grinned, a small growl on his voice as he admired your new sharp teeth
You tried not to get embarassed as he prodded at the bottom of your fang
You thought the whole transformation was really cool
This is what most humans want! Or atleast you believed so
When he finally let go, you checked your teeth out in the mirror
"they're so cool! But what's the point it's not like I'm going to be eating anyone-"
"you could always bite me, you know that option has always been open for you."
You ignored his wink and amused smile
You knew he was just teasing but deep down you were happy he was so positive about your transformation
You were scared they wouldn't like you anymore
But they were all supportive, especially asmo
"It's not like you're really changing that much so I don't see any issue, besides I'm curious if you'll be like me and have wings!"
That was a discovery you were yet to find
Your horns were growing steadily and your eyes have changed along with your teeth
But you were yet to get any wings or tail
When the brothers found out you were turning Into a demon
First the reaction was panic and wanting to fix you
But you said you were fine with it and the process wasn't hurting you in any way
They relaxed after that
But you actually growing extra limbs such as wings and horns the panic was growing again
"you're going to be alot stronger now, I'm glad."
You flexed your arms, bringing up your fists with a grin
"Oh? You wanna try to brawl or something?"
Beel still easily overpowered you, keeping your little fists at distance from him by pushing back your head
He was smiling, a light blush on his cheeks whilst you were trying to punch him
"No, I'm happy I'll finally be able to hug you without being scared of hurting you."
You immediately got embarassed
You stopped trying to fight him, looking at him with a smile
"Let's test it out! I wanna see how much stronger my body is!"
"Get your tail off my tail-"
You glared at him, trying to pull away from his arms, Getting overheated from how close he was cuddling you
You processed his words; wondering what he was talking about
"My tail?! I don't have a -"
He raised his tail to reveal that his and another tail were looped aroulnd each other, clinging
You were able to shuffle away, bringing your tail up to your face
You were just staring at it, not expecting to see it
"you're becoming a demon........wanna learn some demon swears?"
"there's special demon swears???!!! TELL ME!"
He chuckled, rolling closer to you and began speaking in a different language, it easily rolling off his tongue
The words felt familiar but you couldn't understand what he was saying
"What does that mean?"
"Let's just say you shouldn't repeat it until you want a demon to die."
He was immediately informed about your predicament
Demanding to see you as soon as possible
When he finally saw you, you were barely changed
Less prominent changes were already in effect but you were yet to truely look like a demon
He was both excited and scared
Excited to see this unique change and that you'll be able to stay in the Devildoom
But scared that this is going to be a hard thing for you and you'll regret and hate them all for corrupting you
But he was surprised by your enthusiasm
"What kind of horns do you think I'll be getting? I hope they're cool."
"I'm glad you're enjoying this, I didn't know un-damned humans could turn into demons."
"me either but I practically live here already so there's not going to be a difference."
He laughed, squeezing your shoulder
You were looking at yourself in the mirror
Just trying to find any horn bumps
"I think they'll be unique type of horns, like Barbatos."
He moved his hands to the side of your head, mimicking his butler's horns
You both agreed barb had super cool horns
"Wait- won't I get that special outfit all of you have when you're in your demon form?"
"i- i actually haven't thought about that."
"do those just magic on or were they chosen and now they're just attached to that form?"
You both had to sit down and actually think about this
He wasn't too surprised you were having a transformation
It was only due time before the life of the Devildom effected you
But when you came rushing in to see him, tears in your eyes
That completely threw him off
"If you don't want this to happen, I'm sure my lord will let me shift the timelines and you'll be back to normal."
"No way! I wanna be a demon~ I'll have big fangs and spooky wings-"
Seeing your tears weren't one of despair
He smiled, cutting you off
"You'll have a tail actually."
You grew more excited, jumping up and down
When asked why you were crying
Turns out on the way to get him you bashed into one of the doors
He had to check if you had any bruises after you told him that
You took it as a good time to ask what kind of tail you'll have
But he just tapped his noses
"it would be better I keep it a secret, it's your corruption after all, I understand I'm doing this not to be mean."
You let him be
But as soon as your demonic features grew in more you were rushing off to see barbatos
"Hey, Solo! Guess what!"
You surprised your giddy up glee
Standing at the end of the stairs to his mini potions lab
He didn't look at you, too focused on his latest project
"What is it? You've turned into a demon?"
He laughed at his sarcasm
You just grinned, bouncing over to the opposite side of him
"yes actually! I'm finally allowed outside!"
His head snapped up SO FAST
when he saw your demon form he was shocked
Never would he assume you would turn into a demon
He's like Satan, wanting to research and document your progression and abilities
"We could make a pact, perhaps then the brothers will finally-"
"I'm not making a pact with you."
You two spent HOURS discussing your corruption
You were excited to learn more about the possibilities and he wanted to figure out how a non dammed soul was able to turn into a demon
"so, I'm going to be immortal like you, it's seems you're never getting rid of me~"
"After the first 10 hundred years you'll get bored of it."
"Oof- I forgot you're old-old."
He was not pleased
Explaining he was wise not old
You just shook your head, letting him ramble about how aging works for immortal beings and how the concept of age blurs
"Is it painful at all? When the brothers fell I know they had to go through a similar transformation like you."
He never saw his brother's transformation, just watched them descend from the heavens
He was looking at the few differences your new form was doing to you
But you seemed fine, smiling as you sat with him
"It feels weird, I know it's happening - it's more like an itch?"
"I'll see if I can get anything that'll help, you seem fine with the change."
You fully turned to him, grinning
"oh yeah! I think it'll be cool, I'll get to be immortal and stay with all of you."
His heart softened at your words
You'll be a peculiar demon, indeed
But that was okay and he was happy you were okay
He started guessing what animal would represent you
Wondering what type of wings you'll get
Or how your tail would look
"I'm excited to see what your demon form will be when it's complete, I want to see if my theories will be correct."
"I think you can see the future, your TSL story was remarkably close to what happened between me and the brothers and their bonds leading up to my arrival."
He just laughed, that secretive glint to his see
"it's but a mere coincidence but we'll see when the time comes."
His best friend is becoming a demon??!!!
This is so unfair!
You were his HUMAN friend! His favourite human out of all humanity!
He was so grumpy about it
Mumbling how the demons corrupted you and now you're forced to stay in the Devildom
Meaning if he wants to visit he'll have to be there which he definitely 'doesn't' want because his friends mean demons are there
"Is there no way to reverse it?"
"probably but I don't wanna - I'm happy to become a demon!"
"But why?! Won't you miss your human life!"
He felt very conflicted; he wanted you to feel the way he did so you could understand him
But he knew you were happy and he wasn't too opposed to it
It's just the fear of change and you being upset or regretting your fee decision
You were always so nice to him
He truly believed you'd become an angel like him and Simeon
"nah, the Devildom has made me the happiest I've been in years, besides if get wings we can go fly together."
You wrapped an arm around his shoulder, hugging him close as he finally un-puffed his cheeks
"you- you wanna go flying? I guess I do want that... it'll be nice."
He smiled, calming down but still wasn't sure how to feel
He wanted to fly with you and even if you didn't get wings, he always wanted to show off his growing wings
If you had a tail he'd just find a different way for you to sour into the sky
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beckface · 3 years
make a big ramble post about becky/wordgirl and how much you love her <3
hoooo boy lets go. The people are kind to me :D
Long rant below the break!
Okay like actually she is one of my absolute favorite kids show protagonists out there. I’ve talked about this before but Becky is SUCH a good character to base an educational superhero show around, the creators KNEW what they were doing.
First off I unironically find her one of the funniest characters in the show. Don’t get me wrong the writing for the villains is incredible (ftr I think Granny May is absolutely hilarious and we don’t acknowledge her enough) but the sheer concept of the main character of an educational show being an absolute know-it-all brat like a fourth of the time feels like something that should be in one of those kids-show parody videos.
Imagine if during an episode of a different show aimed at a similar age group was like “Hey kids! Where is the beach?” and the character was about to point at the beach to teach the lesson or whatever and Dora the explorer pops up out of goddamn NOWHERE to be like “UM ACTUALLY It’s right there! I can’t believe you didn’t see that, thank god I was here to help you ^-^” and then she punches them in the face
Becky lowkey having anger and ego issues too is just. So wonderful. I have a bias towards otherwise good characters with #problems and Becky is just the perfect example of that. I really like how it’s not treated like a comedy prop only though. The show portrays that Becky is allowed to be angry and that it’s normal and natural for her to react to things with anger, and it shows that she has every right to be confident and proud of herself, but if she lets it get the better of her and starts treating others badly the show condemns her immediately, and I think that’s a great lesson for kids to see. It shows the nuance of emotions and the appropriate ways of expressing them without turning the kids cartoon into a complicated, unfun mess.
Also I think tobecky is really cute, but I think that the way it is handled in canon was exactly how it needed to be handled and is a great subversion of the normal trope. There's more than enough media where the girl finally sees the good in the boy who does the bare minimum for her and loves him, or where the responsibility falls on the girl character to “fix” the guy character and it’s treated as incredibly romantic, and Wordgirl (the show) just actively making fun of Tobey trying to get WG to be that for him is great. It’s, again, a very important lesson for kids. 
I like how Becky isn’t mean to Tobey though (we’ll get to miss power in a minute) but she’s not wholesome uwu nice to him, she acts like a kid. They have dynamic that many kids that age have, they get into bantering, sometimes they take it too far because they’re kids, at the end of the day though watching them interact, whether at school or at a battle, feels like watching two hothead have a playdate (Go Gadget Go is the exception to this, we all acknowledged that was weird and too far but we can chalk it up to Tobey being 10 and not fully understanding how bad it was)
Keep making tobecky fan content though pls I eat that shit up like candy
Okay I went on to talking about the actual show BACK TO BECKY SPECIFICALLY
It’s kinda sad how easily the villains, especially the adult villains, can just trick her into letting her guard down. Like she has this very clearly instilled respect for just adults, which is understandable of course she’s 10, but it gets her in trouble a lot. It’s never that big of a deal though I just wanted to make a note of it. And anyways ABOUT THAT-
I swear I won’t talk about it for too long just hear me out okay (if you’re following me we both know damn well this is why you followed me so you legally have to stay for this part)
Her relationship with DTB grabbed me and like at least a quarter of the fandom by the face and told us we had daddy issues, the whole Boxlietner thing is :( but I think it’s very sweet how parts of their relationship remained when he transformed. They’re just on the same mental level throughout the show. Other word-smart villains like Tobey she just doesn’t seem to click with as much, and I think while a big reason is because her and TB used to be friends, I also think that they just. Mesh well. Their personalities balance each other nicely, and maybe i’m just absolutely fucking bonkers but WG like imitates his posture and shit a lot of times whenever they’re in a scene together I just think thats cute. Every time I think i’m exaggerating how much of a gay brooklyn dad he is I see another clip of him parenting WG or his henchmen. Like this man oh my god. DTB is the most fruitcake ever
Also him and a couple other villains are the closest thing she has to parents when she’s being wordgirl, which is literally half of her life : D pain. No wonder that's who she reaches out to when she can’t talk to Sally and Tim
ALso also headcanon that she got her fear of spiders from Steven because of that one spider episode where they were both scared of spiders.
Becky being OBSESSED with pretty princess is wonderful and every time something interrupts her show the universe should compensate her with 1000 dollars.
She’s just absolutely adorable. She reminds me so much of the kids I work with at summer camp and it makes me happy. Witty little superhero pop off queen.
The way she’s comically horrible at art and anything related to art is a funny gag and her FINALLY understanding art and making a good painting in the second to last episode just because she realized that the reason Becky loves Violet’s art so much isn’t because it’s good, but because it’s Violet is the cutest thing in the world I am holding onto these two like they’re my children
And then rhyme and reason happens because this show is cruel
Also Becky should go apeshit. I'm embarrassed to say that during the entirety of Miss Power I was like “yessss be horrible yesss” just because I personally need all of my favorite characters to
a) suffer 
b) do awful things
c) both
More fanfics where she either goes evil or goes vigilante please idc if it’s in character or not. My fatal flaw is being obsessed with trying to write in character to the point where I avoid things that could be fun, don’t be me kids. Make wordgirl evil just because.
I might add on to this later but it’s already over two pages anyways I love becky wordgirl botsford
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margarethx · 3 years
The Sambucky fandom spends a lot of time and energy on calling out writers for using problematic, often straight up racist, tropes in their fics. And rightfully so, because some of said tropes are not only unplesant to read for many readers, but also harmful if they help to perpetuate some awful stereotypes. That being said... I feel like we need to show the other side of the spectrum more often and sometimes focus on people who don’t make these mistakes.
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So here is my personal THANK YOU! to all the writers who have never used these offensive stereotypes in their Sambucky fanfiction and who:
1. Give as much attention to Sam’s side of the story as they give to Bucky’s and do not focus solely on Bucky’s emotions about their developing relationship when it’s a mixed POV.
2. Acknowledge Sam’s trauma and all the loss he experienced in the past (not only in the context where his pain is used to help him better connect with another person who’s hurting).
3. Show other characters (Bucky or not) helping Sam go through his more diffucult moments (bad days, nightmares, painful flashbacks).
4. Show Sam having these more difficult moments.
5. Don’t act like Bucky’s traumatic past is enough of an excuse for his unpleasant behaviour towards Sam. (E.g. they don’t write a story where Sam forgives Bucky every mean, ignorant comment without thinking, just because Bucky’s sad.)
6. Show Sam experiencing variety of emotions - not just frustration and adoration towards Bucky. Show him being sad, happy, disappointed, confused, hopeful, dejected, relieved, terrified, confident etc.
7. Show Sam being the more vulnerable one in the relationship (in general or just in cerain situations)
8. Write scenes where Sam is shy or a little awkward (about his relationship with Bucky or about something else). Also write him being insecure sometimes.
9. Write just as much about Sam’s appearance as they do about Bucky’s. (Both as a narrator and through a character’s compliments or thoughts.)
10. Mention how beautiful Sam’s eyes are... especially if there is more than one line about them. (Plus mention their colour like... at all.)
11. Describe Sam’s appearance focusing on something outside of his smile or muscles. (Not that these are not nice, but there are other things to compliment and they’re hardly ever pointed out.) (Very much including hair or skincolour.)
12. Write Sam making mistakes, but not in a way that insinuates that he’s stupid or incompetent, but in a way that shows he’s a normal person who can sometimes be wrong and own up to it. (Unless he’s the only person in the story who always messes up...)
13. Show Sam being very competent. And show Bucky appreciating Sam’s competence, skills, and knowledge in various fields. (Also write Sam being a badass.)
14. Write about Sam’s background in pararescue, his medical training, skills in combat, flexibility, speed, ability to fly, ability to fix his advanced equipment, strenght, the fact that he’s pretty stealthy etc...
15. Write about the importance of Sam’s relationship with Steve even when Steve’s past connection to Bucky is not relevant to the story at any point.
16. Write Bucky being openly grateful for all the things that Sam did for him and write Bucky helping Sam back even when Sam didn’t specifically ask, because they genuinely care about each other.
17. Write about Sam’s past as a therapist not in the context of him helping Bucky get better, but because it’s relevant to the story and it’s something he has a lot of experience with. Or simply because it’s a significant part of his previous life journey.
18. Show Sam being frustrated or angry without falling into bad stereotypes. And show why his anger was justified and he had the right to react like that, because he doesn’t have to be polite and dyplomatic about everything if other people (Bucky very much included) don’t act respectful towards him in the first place.
19. Acknowledge that Sam is AJ and Cass’s actual uncle. The kids might like Bucky, but they’ve known and loved Sam for way longer... and I rarely see that mentioned.
20. Write about Sam’s past romantic relationships without focusing only on Bucky being jealous about them.
21. Show Sam’s interactions with other characters - not just in a romantic context, but also in terms of friendships (MCU Natasha was closer to Sam than Bucky and fics rarely talk about that), professional cooperation, rivalry and so on.
22. Mention the social commentary brought up in tfatws without brushing it to the side or downplaying the importance of Sam’s race in the formation of his character and storyline.
23. Acknowledge that Sam is human and his body is not enhanced in any way... without making it sound like he’s too weak to do the job.
24. But also... write about Bucky using his super strenght to carry Sam around and to pick him up all the time (for whatever reason), because it’s cute. Sue me.
25. Point out that Sam is slightly shorter than Bucky without always making Sam weirdly insecure about it.
26. Write Sam as Bucky’s first choice... not a second option he picked for the lack of a better candidate for a boyfriend.
27. Understand that Sam has a life outside of Bucky even if their friendship and romantic relationship are obviously very important for him.
28. Write Bucky touching Sam in reassuring, delicate ways. (Holding his hands,  cupping his face, touching his hair, kissing the tip of his nose.)
29. Let Sam make harmless jokes, be charming, and be actually a nice person even when he’s not actively helping anyone. Just let him have a complex, but pleasant personality.
30. Let him be sarcastic without making him mean.
31. Add Figaro (Sam’s cat) to the stories about pets. Or show Sam’s emotional attachment to Redwing, even when it’s still a drone, not a bird.
32. Don’t forget that Riley died. And Sam’s parents died. And his close friends died. And other close friend left him without saying goodbye... etc. (Also don’t forget he himself died at one point...)
33. Mention and discuss Sam’s sexuality and romantic orientation (both in the tags to the story and in the actual text). ...I feel like it’s often unspecified for no reason while Bucky’s identity is clear from the start.
34. Give Sam little hobbys and interests that are unrelated to his work or his ability to make other people’s lives better.
35. Write about Sam’s fears and doubts while not forgetting he’s generally a very brave, mostly confident person.
36. Make the audience feel like Sam is a necessary part of the story. Not just a character added hastily at the end of writing just so the author can tag his name, because the ship he’s a part of is currently more popular than before and showind him at last minute will attract some readers to click.
and... 37. Do the things mentioned above in all of their Sambucky stories and use more than one of these ideas at a time.
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To people who wrote stories with these tropes... You guys are doing a great job and I appreaciate your work a lot. It’s easy to focus on complaining, because the Sam/Bucky tag on Ao3 was always kind of a mess, but my day genuinely gets better every time I find one of your stories. So thank you again and keep it up :>
(Side note: if you have any recommendations for fics that use the ideas I wrote in this post feel free to link them in the comments. Because the bar is hanging pretty low at this point and some authors still wouldn’t be able to cross a single point from my list if they examined their - allegendly - “Sambucky” stories... so we should promote the content that is actually good.)
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