#and im legitimately treated different
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fallowtail · 1 year
i try not to let it get to me but the knowledge i am always going to be The Stupid One in every situation i’m in just…really, really sucks. sigh. oh well. i stay silly :3c
#cant even blame it on being audhd because everyone else i know who is#is smart and talented and their brains work alright 😭 i'm just stupid and incapable#i feel like i’m the only person out there who does not get to experience any of the benefits or joys of these things#for me it is nothing but brain damage and endless suffering with no brightside or intelligence or anything#but then everyone tells me i’m the bad guy because if there was a magic button that would make me not audhd i would click it immediately#like why am i wrong for not wanting to suffer#everyone else seems to have a special interest or a fixation and they can remember information about those things but i...dont. i can't. LO#i do not experience the autistic joy everyone else talks about. i dont have the adhd focusing on what you like superpowers or whatever#my autism made me barely pass highschool and i couldnt handle community college and i had to drop out and i can barely handle having#an entry level job that everyone patronizes me about#i'm barely verbal and i am losing my ability to function to brainfog and everyone around me treats me like i'm their little pet idiot#but wanting to change that about myself makes me evil and bad or something i guess#sorry to whine on tumblr like the good old days but twitter is sick of my shit LOL 😭#pmdd making me spiral worse than usual#one of those times where i'm realizing that if everyone else experiences these things totally different from me than maybe that was never#what was wrong with me in the first place lol. maybe i dont have an explanation and i'm back to being 10 15 19 24 sobbing wondering why im#like this. why i'm so stupid. not even in a self hating way in a legitimately proven way that i am functioning below average intelligence.#ok im done sorryyyyy god i forgot how good tumblr is to vent on#z
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aromanticweiss · 1 year
apropros of nothing reminder that if you joke abt sports being "just for the straight men lol" you are directly helping push out queer people in sports communities and reinforcing that we will never truly belong and your joke is not funny 👍
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Sooo, have you heard of Call Ducks? Because I just learned about Call Ducks. They are very small ducks that were bred to have a loud call in order for hunters to draw in other ducks. They are little bitty bait. (Also, so fucking adorable)
Anyways, AU time! Where Technoblade is treated with less dignity than a Call Duck!
Technoblade is an avian. A very small avian, true, and his claws aren't nearly as impressive as the stuffed hands that His Hunters keep as trophies. His Hunters treat him so well. He has a roof over his head, unlike wild avians. He has his delicious pellet food, unlike wild avians. He has a single blanket all for himself! Truly, he is lucky to be among His Hunters.
If he is REALLY good, they even pat him on the head. One of the Hunter's neices even called him cute once! Sure, she had pulled at his feathers, but-
All he has to do is sit alone in the woods and cry.
It's really easy! Most of the time, anyway. He's gotten good at crying on command. At first, he preferred to be quiet. There was already so much noise and he didn't want to be seen by Predators. But the Hunters were nice enough to teach him how to cry! Even if the pinching and slapping had hurt at the time. Now he's got it down! They only occasionally have to twist his wing to bring on the waterworks.
Then, it stops working.
He didn't do anything different. It had always worked before! But suddenly, no other Avians are falling for it! Even when they move to a different area, no luck! It has been a while since the hunters have seen so much as a FEATHER of other avians.
And Technoblade, well, he notices that things feel OFF. The hunters look at him with less patience. There is something disapproving in their gaze. Their words are harsher. They twist his arm harder and make his cries turn into screams. His throat feels raw from his desperate yells.
It doesn't work.
Technoblade feels like he is always only a moment from crying, but His Hunters don't want to hear it when he isn't working. So he curls up in his coop with his blanket and tries to sob quietly. It's hard to muffle the sound in the hay, but he lets himself indulge in his misery, if only a little while.
There is shouting happening in His Hunters' house, anyway. Arguing. Blaming. Pointed fingers and getting into each other's faces. It might even come to blows again.
Technoblade doesn't want to be anywhere near that. He doesn't want them to turn their anger on him. Again.
The angry shouts turn to fearful shrieks. Guns start to fire. Technoblade huddles in the back of the coop. Confused. Hidden. Scared.
Then it's silent. So quiet. Then, a heavy thud outside the coop. He hears the lock break, and the door slowly opens while Techno watches wide-eyed.
The BIGGEST avian that Technoblade has ever seen is standing in the door, blocking out the sunset.
Phil coos over the TINIEST avian he had ever seen. Kristin was right. He was so SMALL. Phil tries to convince him to come closer, but Technoblade doesn't move. He just yells for help, crying for help legitimately this time. Phil flinches, before just reaching closer and picking him up. He is so small that it is EASY. He's a child, yes, but also TINY. Phil hold him close and tries to calm him down as he flies back to the Nest and leaves the corpses of hunters for the worms.
Anyways, Call Ducks are cool. I want one.
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I need Techno to be so small that he fits in Phil's hands cupped together. Just like, huge ass avian. I'm talking 9 feet monstrosity. And Techno who is tiny tiny. As he becomes an adult, he grows a little but not much and Phil can still lift him by the back of his shirt one-handed.
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luckylarvae · 2 months
ok whores lets get to it.
GOD I love Loop from In Stars and Time, they're SUCH A WELL WRITTEN CHARACTER. Everyone in the group are such sweet hearts and Bonnie is just insensitive but they have a heart of GOLD. BUT LOOP.... Loop is the type of person who will make it worse when you're at your lowest. If you've hit rock bottom, Loop will be there to get a pickaxe and make it deeper while calling you names. If you're bleeding out dying, Loop will pour sea salt into your wounds and call you a little bitch. BUT LOOP IS ALSO NICE?????? Although they do like fucking with Siffrin a bit, they actually give legitimally good advice and do their best to help you and I LOVE THAT.  Unlike other mean characters where they're like "haha fuck you I'm miserable now im gonna make your life worse" Loop is like "haha fuck BOTH of us, haha whiny bitch, now lets try to get out of here." 
ALSO the fact that Loop used to be Siffrin IS SO FACINATING. I just played through SASASA and the ending had me go NUTZ. At the core, SASASA siff and ISAT siff are the same, with really the main difference being that ISAT siff had Loop to help them, while SASASA siff (aka Loop) had no one but themselves. They had no one to give them a reality check, no one to say "u ok bud?" and sat in an echo chamber of their own thoughts. They were also in the loops for FAR longer than Siff. Instead of the mental world ending breakdown we saw in act 5 of ISAT, SASASA siff just... numbed it out. Just an endless cycle of hearing the same monotonous thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, and dying just as much. The fact that they even forgot the gang's NAMES tell you so much. Plus, Loop was doomed to become loop from the very start. In the true ending. Considering that the wish was "I want to stay with my friends" the fact that the loop reset immediatly after killing the king is TELLING. Siffren was able to get information out of the house maiden, while Loop never even got a chance to. That means that no matter what, Loop couldn't have gathered information from the house maiden, and Siffrin most certainly couldn't have broken the cycles without asking the house maiden. That means that no matter what, Loop couldn't have broken the cycles, and was stuck in basically hell for all of eternity. That is, until (presumably after the true ending), they go to the wish tree and ask for "Anyone to help me". THAT is when Loop BECAME Loop. Loop got to help Siffrin in ISAT, and by connecting to someone who was also suffering from the cycles they were able to connect to them also. (ALSO LOOP??? WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU EAT A STAR??????)
This brings me to my last point. THE PERSONALITY CHANGE. Loop's personality is VERY different from Siffrin's. I have two main theories for them. One, is that Loop suffered what I'll call "Flowey syndrome" AKA: When you've "reseted" or in this case "looped" so much that you stop seeing other people as real people, and that you and the others who aren't bound by the repeats are "the real ones". This creates a false sense of superiority, as whether you like it or not, you're going to treat those around you more poorly. Added with the fact that Loop sees Siff from the start of the cycle as well as the self hate they feel, I can SMELL the amount of RAGE. You're standing at a clone of yoursef who hasn't suffered as much as you have, is living the life you once lived, and it's UNFAIR. Loop witnessed themselves reducing their friends to just mere set pieces despite them caring about them very much, while SIFFRIN (although starting to go down the same path) gets to live what loop DEARLY missed. And the fact that SIFFRIN is the one who got out with their happy ending while their friends will NEVER see Loop as Siffrin, forever robbing their past friendships, is really the final straw that caused the Loop fight. I also seriously doubt that Loop thought Siffrin was "real" as well.  To Loop, they're just a clone to them, they are the original, and Loop is the one that supposedly deserves anything. It's a huge slight to what's fair. However, here's my second, less probable but more interesting theory. Loop not only had the deal with one, but their transformation ALSO changed their personality and soul. Not only are you dealing with all of the above, but you KNOW that you are VERY much not the person you were. It's not a semi wholesome "ah, I've changed so much over the years" type of deal, but a *HORRIFYING* realization that your very being was changed. The chemistry of your soul is forever altered.  You are no longer the person you thought you were. Where there was "happy go lucky siff", there is now "bitter, angry, sarcastic loop". Loop talks about "making a personality specifically designed to annoy you", but what if that was denial? What if "Oh god, I've CHANGED. Something is HORRIBLY wrong with me and I don't know why I'm acting this way and having these thoughts. Instead, let's pretend that I'm wearing a mask of a personality, and therefore my sense of self remains stable!!!! Yippie!!!!" But at some point, the line between the face and the mask blurs, until they become one and the same. Now the question Loop has to deal with post game is this: 
"My entire identity was based in the fact that I'm Siffrin, but the people who know me best know me as Loop and not Siffrin, and this Siffrin continues to be recognized as Siffrin. Then, if I no longer look, act, or think like Siffrin... then who am I? Who is Loop?"
maybe this is my calling to write my first au who knows.
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uchihaharlot · 5 months
Hello there, i really love your headcanons tbh maybe the realest ones here
Since I'm here its obvious im in Uchiha hell so,
Could I politely ask for uchihas turn ons and turn offs? I swear to god when i think about them horny it brings a tear to my eye from blissfulness
The realest ones? Nonny, you honor me to the highest degree and I am forever grateful you feel this way. ❤️🥹
I think a better question would be what doesn’t turn these men off (I also think I answered this differently than you might have wanted, I hope not though). 😮‍💨😌 Though none of these men are shallow individuals, so rest assured, anyone would be their type.
Semi-NSFW; just some things that make an Uchiha melt inside
All natural women. I’m gonna be honest here; in Madara’s time, the more rounded a woman. The better (for breeding). But in all honesty, he appreciates all shapes and sizes.
His turn off is weakness, she needs to be confident. Which sounds callous, but if she’s not at minimum as much a firecracker as he is. The chemistry is off. Madara needs someone who is going to keep him on his feet with excitement, not someone who will make him second guess their intentions. The more outgoing and confident. The better.
If Madara’s laying her in his bed, she’s going to have to be a very patient woman. This man can go for hours, and a woman who can appreciate his stamina without complaint is high on his priority list, possibly good for breeding. Madara needs to fuck her this way, ok? A test drive so to speak. It’s just how he does it, raw and unadulterated lust. He also won’t tolerate a quickie like some men.
Its no secret that Obi, bless his soul, is the black sheep Uchiha. The quiet ones are easier for him to talk to, not because they’re touch starved or anything. But because they are legitimately sweet and soulful. A woman who is confident won’t really make him feel nervous. But what he really wants is to kinda be taken care of, tenderly.
He definitely doesn’t like loud noises or sudden changes, so the more ground and constant, the better. So a woman who has a temper, is not for him. He might get riled with a little spice, but Obito definitely doesn't and won't be a push over, even he has his limits. Obito thrives in a static environment where he can make mistakes without being treated like a child, even better if she babies him a little. I'm sure there is a mommy kink somewhere to explore.
And in bed, he’s a total mess for her, does whatever she wants. If she wants to be treated like a pillow princess and owned, he'll be man enough for it. If she wants to make him beg underneath her, that too.
Shisui 🥹🔥 he’s so fiery!! Definitely is turned on by a woman who is into self care. Bonus points if she agrees to partner stretch with him, it's so hot being able to feel her this way and not sexually...yet. Someone who eats well, the occasional bad food here or there isn’t a problem, but damn if she’s into good diet and exercise, sign him up and don't forget, sparring is like foreplay for him. So, if she ends up pinning him down (like he planned all along), he’s gonna be so desperate for her. And she has to be loyal; to him, to the village and morality.
As for in bed? Their chemistry is so far off the charts, neither one can keep from switching positions. I really think Shisui is one of those men, like most Uchiha but on a different level even to his family, that can go for hours. Just because he can and because he likes to see her all fucked out, it's different from her usual mouthy self, which reminds me. She needs to be just as spunky and spontaneous as he, maybe not on the same level, but a woman who is down for whatever is the best kind of medicine. Especially for a man with the whole village on his shoulders.
I love him, he's such an old soul. They say opposites an attract and while I think he would like someone like himself, I also feel like someone who could keep him on his toes a little. If she's a scholar, this is perfect. Itachi would really enjoy someone who he can discuss world politics with. Not too in-depth, but casually. That level of self awareness the sharingan gifts them with can often leave many Uchiha feeling mismatched, but someone who has wits to his is a godsend.
As for in the sheets, Itachi is someone who is very reserved when it comes to matters of the flesh. Trust and sex go hand in hand, he's not like Shisui who can stick it anywhere, pretty quickly too, (he once told Itachi he used a spaghetti squash as a fleshlight). Trust is earned, gained and has to be absolute. Once this is accomplished, he's so damn tender. The softest moaner, but he does it right in your ear. Hearing and seeing you enjoy sex with him is what ends up getting him going harder. Even better if you speak your desires as he rearranges your insides. As time goes on, you learn what a closeted freak he really is and end up in the false atmosphere of his Tsukuyomi.
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AITA for being truthful with my husband's coworker?
I (23f) have a husband (25m) who is very close with his coworkers. They come over to our house a lot for DND, holidays, etc.
One of his coworkers, N (27m) and I were close. N is very charismatic and flirts with EVERYONE. My husband legitimately did not care, I've even showed him me and N's texts before which look the same as my husband and N's- yes some flirting but nothing actually serious. Most of it is joking
Well, N started dating someone they all work with, J. I had never met J, I have 0 clue her age. The first time we met, I tried to be inviting as there isn't a lot of girls around except those of us that are married or who already are coworkers. She seemed shy, maybe a bit socially awkward.
Then the second time, I caught her pointing at me and whispering to her best guy friend and they both started laughing. It felt like I was in high school, but I ignored it. N had been out of the room. This was at MY house.
We've met a handful of times since, and by a handful I mean literally 5 times. Every time she does not say a word to me. I've tried talking to her and she'll blankly stare at me. So I've stopped. If she doesn't want to be friends that is her choice.
Except my husband caught her vagueposting about me on social media. N doesn't have social media fyi. She basically posted the exact outfit I was wearing, something that happened, and then put "what a dumb situation caused by someone stupid, but at least the outfit was cute". She also replied to a comment saying i was flirting with her man and a homewrecker, which is why I brought up how N is because he is like that with EVERYONE. So I haven't liked her since because, sure she can be upset with N and me joking and "flirting" even if N is like that with every coworker and even my husband, but to post about me and call me stupid just seemed petty and rude
I asked N if she was uncomfortable with our interactions, because J had me blocked on social media and I couldn't ask her, and N said she shouldn't be because he treats me no different then anyone else.
Well, any group hang outs she doesn't come to. There is always an excuse, and I dont even want to invite her because of what she said about me. Except for DND which I am not a part of (I do enjoy it, but the way they play is so fast paced and im dyslexic and not good at math, I have a better time watching then playing so I do other things while they play, it also gives my husband time to enjoy a hobby he likes alone). Anytime J is over for DND she ignores me or whispers to her guy friend when I'm around. N is still N, flirting with everyone (me, my husband, the guy who plays an orc, J, etc.). I dont even think he is intentionally flirting i think he is just very charismatic and some stuff he says can be taken that way
Well most recently N invited us to his house so me and my husband went. J came home started talking to everyone there and then saw us and went to her room (N, J, and two other people live together). She didn't come back out the entire time me and my husband were there, but I found out later she came out once we were gone.
N texted me asking my opinion of J. I was truthful and said, and I quote "Well she seems smart and she is pretty, but I don't really know her. I don't think she likes me, which to each their own. I wish she was a bit more polite about things when she is at my house. Cant really speak on someone i dont know except that shes a bit cold and not who i had thought you would be with.. Otherwise, as long as your happy, what does my opinion matter?" To which N replied "so you have a bigger opinion" and then blocked me.
My husband agrees with me but N is his best friend, they haven't discussed it at work. I have seen J recently, we ran into each other at a store, and she called me a bitch (I guess N told her what I said). AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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iatrophilosophos · 1 month
The other thing I'm thinking about this morning is the limitation of any one analytical lens and poor application of gender theory to interpersonal relationships.
Gonna frontload this post with the caveats that 1) this is about cafab relationships to transmisogyny, which i welcome discussion from anybody on but also recognize some ppl are just not invested in or interested in hearing, and thats fine 2) i am speaking from a place of good faith (classical def.) and assuming that we can take what people say about their intentions at face value and these topics are occurring within relationships with grace and legitimate desire to do right by eachother, even though this approach does not always work and is not an exhaustive or universal lens.
My friend said sumn last year that was really foundational for me--"there's always another explanation [for interpersonal instances of transmisogyny]". Meaning, transmisogyny is the sum of small and big events across a person's life, and for TMA people it doesn't really matter if a partner has hateful or "transmisogynistic" intentions behind an action that contributes to the structure. There's always a self-centered reason that has nothing to do with The Structure. My other friend has a line that I think also fits here, which is the idea that most people most of the time don't really have "rational" or cognizant motivations prior to action, just post hoc narrativization of why they did what they did. I don't know how much I agree, but I think it's an interesting lens to use to think about our past actions that can get useful results--how much of the story that I'm telling about this event got written after it, and how does that affect everything moving forward?
This stage setting brings us to a specific cohort that I've definitely been a part of and am working on distancing from: strong willed/bullheaded cafabs with significant personal needs and abrasive interpersonal tendencies. Being someone that only very aquiescing, self-sacrificing people can stand to be around means you're gonna benefit a lot interpersonally from transmisogyny, because trans women and especially young, vulnerable, and/or early transition women are gonna be a large % of the people you attract.
People in this cohort usually know it on some level IME and feel a lot of shame and anxiety around it. Transfem friends and partners will bring it up. We get one of the good ones type behaviors, compensatory hating and policing of other people, and white knighting; and we get various manifestations of definitional games that all fit into the "ontologically incapable of violence" header. Your classic uwuification of cafabs, but also misguidedly trying to find common ground and misconflating relationships to womanhood (talking abt how ppl treated you ten years ago doesn't paper over the thing You are doing Now), and getting into some really bizarre IME feminist ally dudebro shit that seems copypasted from 2012 cishet feminist ally lines (these are also??? Bad????)
All of this shit behavior can((see above caveat #2)) stem from being too lost in the sauce of structural analysis. I think the line that there's always another explanation has a corrolary: you can basically always, to varying levels of accuracy and usefulness, paint an interpersonal problem in the context of structural analysis. And this can be very useful, and it is mainly useful to people who are subject to that structural oppression to understand what is happening and why it feels bad. I see for my friends theory around transmisogyny often (but obviously not exclusively) function as a frame of understanding that says "it isn't your fault. No amount of personality modification will keep this from happening again. Time to take a different tract." This is very useful and good.*
However: this specific understanding of the function of transfeminist theory does not play the same for this cohort of cafab people, because behavioral modification IS the way to get better about shit and stop it from happening. In a lot of these circumstances WE have to understand explanations of transmisogyny as an explanation for why behaviors, attitudes and modes of interaction feel bad to our friends. Yet a third dear friend has a line in a piece of writing that I don't remember if is published or not that says, paraphrasing: "transmisogyny is not 'real', it is a concept we use to understand patterns and attitudes". The essence of a transmisogynist action or behavior or pattern that we exert towards our loved ones is only that it triggers a pattern and understanding of the world; not that it has a big red "GENDER CRIME" stamp on it somewhere.
If we want to throw off the benefits and privileges of being TME in the interpersonal sphere, we have to get fucking nicer to people. We have to yell less and listen more. We have to interrogate the ghosts of our loved ones that set up shop in our heads and challenge how they diverge from the evidence of the real people in front of us. We have to employ whatever dumbass therapyspeak tools let us be more thoughtful and intentional with how we treat eachother. We have to confront the anxiety that we are Problematic and not imbue metaphysical significance to the fact that we Hurt Someone, because that opens the door to us trying to fix it with yet more metaphysical action and not just going "oh, I need to work on the way I percieve your words because the way you express dissent doesn't immediately register to me and I've been steamrolling you for weeks. Shit, I'm sorry, can I ask some questions that will help me notice next time this comes up and react better?"
Finally I'm gonna end with this: transmisogyny as an understanding of lifetime patterns of experience is not One Thing that applies evenly to every TMA person. One of the biggest pieces of me landing on all this above is being frustrated about how everyone I know has a slightly different bar and I couldn't just "stop being transmisogynist", cuz different shit hurts different people. This is kinda my connecting thread to my earlier post about offensive jokes: once we hit the sphere of microaggressions and non-overt patterns and loved ones that want us to actually work on shit instead of divesting, there just isn't actually a prescriptive answer and we have to be familiar with the theory shorthands ppl around us are using, AND aware of how our personal tendencies and patterns of behavior fit into that theory, AND exercising curiosity and care to figure out what the tangible steps for people we love are.
*note that with all theory I do think that even this framing can get stretched to a point it is no longer accurate or useful to goals I think r worthwhile, but that's not my lane to talk about exhaustively.
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elliottshusband · 1 month
My theory(?) regarding the Stan Twins This may be obvious or overthinking, but i’ve had this in my head for a day while i was half awake.
I apologize if this comes off very off, im trying to explain my reasonings
Ford was more of a villain to Stanley than Bill was (to Stanley)
This is gonna be such a mouthful. Anywho, To start off, everyone knows it; Stanley is the adventurous free spirited twin. This is basically the root of his entire character. Stanfordwas always the geek-nerdy-know-it-all, and sometimes the “better Stanley” if you understand what I’m saying, both being treated much differently despite being twins, with Ford getting the good given to him in life, while Stanley on the orher hand was as said before
Free Spirited.
And despite all that, all he wanted to be with was his brother. Given so, Stanley was given a rough life after being a teenager doing teenager shit, but doing one wrong costing Fords chance of a prestige college and a comfortable life for Stanley.
No one bats an eye when the smart kid does anything, not even when he disappears for 30 years.
The dumb free-spirit though? Kicked to the curb, given a hard life, and the relationship with his family ruined.
After Ford’s machine was broken, Stan was kicked out when all he really wanted was to be with his brother, since no one really thought he (Stanley) would be in college. And yet the “barely made it out” one is the one who saved his brother after so many years.
And what DIDNT he get from that?
A proper thank you.
It may or may not be well known about Ford being a near-canon person with NPD (narcissistic personality disorder), due to behaviors and such he has expressed throughout the last season. Some factors could include the fact that Stanford had developed a dependency to alcohol during his inter-dimensional travels, yet it’d been seen on the website as well that Stanley also has some attachment to alcohol But to Stanleys dismay, not ONE legitimate sorry was expressed through the series. All he got when he finally brought back his brother was a slap to the face and a reprimanding, as if he didn’t want to be saved. This also factors in for the final episode.
Thank you (for no thanks)
Stanley, even in the last episode, never got a legit, from heart “thank you” from his own brother, Im genuinely not 100% about this part so im sorry. But once again, Weither it be for saving Ford, or literally sacrificing himself to destroy Bill. Stan never got the thank you he wanted.
Imagine, all you get for saving your beloved brother is a slap to the face and everything you remembered to be gone.
Despite the fact that Ford was gone for 30 years, he acted more like a “friend” towards the twins than an actual responsible figure. While Stan on the other hand, was “portrayed” as a con artist, cheap and (don’t know what else to use) money hungry(?), he did everything in his power to save the teins at every chance he could. Hell, to prove that he was so much better than he was portrayed to be, the final battle scene in Weirdmageddon 3.
Imagine being offered every single thing you could ever have, Money, power, but you decide to still destroy him, just to save the people you loved
Stan was a hero. Ford was the villain to Stan.
(Heres the original theory I wrote at 11 PM the other night inna discord server so it makes more sense)
ford was more of a villain to stannley than bill was to him in my honest opinion. emotionally and mentally for the most part.
yes bills a demon yes he literally tortured the shit out of ford but nobody bat an eye when stanley was literally thrown out, even though he was being a teenager doing teenager shit, always trying to stand up for himself when ford was acting out against him and just ford being a total narcissistic asshole towards him and never saying THANK YOU for saving him, always pointing out what he had done wrong (like fixing the portal or sm) while stan just wanted his brother back.
ford was an emotional villain towards stanley and stanley just let it happen. it could be seen as “how families act” but yet even in the last episode, ford once again was being an asshole and yet everyone blamed stanley for breaking out at him when stan was just seemed to be fed up.
despite all the times stanley messed up, he had always been the one with a free spirit, a loving one too. he spent 30 years fixing the portal up for his brother, was actually there for mabel and dipper multiple times (like the episode where Gideon gets ahold of the shack) and was actually caring, and yet ford was just, there for a bit before ultimately destroying everything again for Stanley.
but he did have a little bit of sympathy near the end for stan, upset when he had to erase his memories.
this may just be some stupid shitass rambling but its half past 11 and i need to brain spew on discord
hope yall enjoy
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velvetvexations · 2 months
Okay offering a bit of an alternative perspective, let me establish rn im not a fan of tme/tma either 👍
So i think it gets lost on people that tme/tma was coined SPECIFICALLY to describe intracommunity dynamics, like cis people were simply. Not factored into the coining of the terms, or the topics it was intended to discuss.
Honestly, i think the idea that transfeminine people being oft excluded from integrated community with transmasc individuals is grounded in reality, but it absolutely requires intersectionality for it to be legitimized and elaborated on in a meaningful way. Which, well, transradfems dont like intersectionality very much at all.
And speaking as a nonwhite perisex afab person. The trans women and fems who get excluded from trans men and masc circles are excluded for the same reasons poc trans men/mascs are excluded from those spaces. And you know the people i see doing much of the excluding, whether they declare themselves allies to transfems or not, are middle to upper class white transmascs. Speaking from personal experience, there does seem to be a demographic implicitly ignorant of the transfems they are in community with, and a lot of it stems from what i observe as a sort of inability or unwillingness to reject the politics of the communities they were raised in (lots of liberalism and cultural feminism). They sort of unconsciously reinforce socialization segregated by gender.
It’s a reproduction of a general pattern of thinking you see with cis gay people, who also tend to be white: i cant be that bigoted because im x. Obviously, this is also an issue with white transfems, but not in the same ways as they are with transmascs, and i think anyone who sweeps this issue under the rug are being dishonest with themselves. But my point stands that, within the demographic, certain groups of transmascs can be afforded a specific form of privilege, not because they *are* transmasc, but because theyre *not transfem*. Because at its core, that is privilege— not being subject to certain types of treatment, or being less prone to certain conditions, on the basis of not possessing socially marked traits you dont have control over.
Transradfem discourse fails in that it cant decide whether it truly wants to be about intracommunity discussion or not. Whether it treats transmisogyny as a grand or local narrative depends entirely on what’s convenient to argue a specific point. The only thing consistent about their worldview is that transfems are at the bottom, dehumanized, abused, and cast aside always, with no room for any nuance, because to acknowledge situations in which such totalizing logic fails can only ever be an invalidation of their trauma.
And perhaps the most important thing that should be kept in mind when talking about these things is that other trans people are hardly ever the enemy. Trans people with differing viewpoints on intracommunity relations are not the same as sellouts like blaire white or brianna wu who do the “fuck you got mine” shit. This goes for the transradfems who constantly talk down to “transandrobros”, but it also applies to some of us in that we cant let a vocal minority sway our perceptions of the majority. Most transfems dont give two craps about this.
I do not view "not being a transfem" as a privilege for other trans people, regardless of any nuance or moderation one may take that view with. You may not be subject to some extremely specific behaviors, but to call it "privilege" when one faces oppression on that same axis is highly misleading at best. Exclusion of transfems by transmascs is not worse or more pervasive of an issue than the reverse.
I'm also not a fan of how often intercommunity discourse gets boiled down to The Whites Are At It Again, especially because transradfems are often saying that about transandrophobia believers. Plenty of white transmascs are also excluded simply for their masculinity and to say all (including presumably white) transfems are treated like PoC trans men is, I feel, very dismissive and inaccurate.
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the-s1lly-corner · 9 months
Hello, I saw that this account can write for creepypastas so can I please have some headcanons for characters such as Laughing Jack, Eyeless jack and slenderman (and maybe Jason the toymaker) with a S/O who often holds their emotions and anger in and gets easily annoyed and frustrated but they dislike telling them the problem (like out of fear of being humiliated or lack of trust)
Laughing Jack, Eyeless Jack and Slenderman x reader who bottles up emotions but becomes irritable!
not at all confident in my writing for jason since i never really got into him </3 hope thats okay !! runs around ehehehehehe another creepypasta request (chews) AND its with my favorites unrelated to this post but ik i said i was gonna get on that grind but admin hasnt ate yet today and he hungers for sammy so me thinks im going to knock out this request then take a quick break then come back!!
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honestly as much as i love this clown, hes a clown at the end of the day. he doesnt take many things seriously, and when he does hes still giggling and treating it lightly. so arguably, between these three he might be the worst.. unless having this goofy fuck trying relentlessly to get a smile on your face is helpful to you, at least in the short-term.. he DOES notice that youre tense and upset, but hes more likely to try to cheer you up or get you to laugh or smile instead of actually asking whats wrong with you. though, if youre crying.. i think thats where hed drop everything and ask if theres something going on. its that little caretaker bit in him thats still lingering from before he got all twisted, you know?
does not have much to say or any solutions, but he does offer to hold you while you cry or yell, hell he would even let you hit him around if it makes you feel better; though hes a little touched that the offer gives you pause.. clown physics be damned, you dont want to do that. crying/yelling into his chest it is then.. hes pretty soft and warm, i think.. might even start purring to try to soothe you during the tail end of your whole thing.. i know i just said that he doesnt have much to say but i think theres like. a tiny chance he would drop the most profound and effective reassurance.. so you know what maybe hes not the WORST, its just getting him to stop being silly can be a little tough...
dont snap at him, hes either going to keep riling you up or hes going to legitimately get angry, theres no in-between and it depends on the day and jack doesnt have the sense or thought to step away to let you guys cool down
doing ej first, but i think between the three hes the worst with you. not because he cant relate to you or that he doesnt care about you; but out of... him not being able to understand. which is a little funny since a lot of my hcs for him and his whole deal has to deal with suppressing himself but i think emotions and eating flesh are two different things. shrugs... every blunt with just telling you to talk to him, which can sometimes come off as cold and uninterested but rest assured thats not really his intention. he DOES care about you, but hes not exactly the softest person in this situation... rare that hes around when youre out and about doing things, given hes a hermit and is very careful about not getting seen... but when you do come to visit and he notices something is up with you he does ask if you need to talk. will snap back if youre being short with him, though, so both of you guys are going to need to take a few minutes before continuing the conversation to try to find a solution... if one can be found; he studied to be a doctor, not a therapist
though... i think overtime he would pick up on cues and things that make you untense just a tiny bit, and i just know he would utilize it. massages? hes already working the tension in your shoulders down. favorite food? sure hes not the best cook and he might have to go raid your pantry if hes visiting, but hes going to try his best to make you some food! just want to sit in the quiet? jacks already a pretty quiet guy, not too chatty, so youre set there already... wanna talk? he will listen, but a lot of his advice and solutions are more logical and straight forward rather than emotionally driven..
oh you dont think he would notice that you bottle your feelings up and shove them down? get real, he may not be the best with reading humans and understanding them but hes not clueless with your feelings. but do i think he would ask you to talk and open up? its hard to say... because on one hand i love the idea of slenderman just minding his own business, but i also enjoy the fatherly energy the old fandom have assigned him to... and finding a middle ground here is a little... hard... shrugs. he does take you away from situations that have you stressing out very quickly, though.. if youre alone? its as easy as just taking you and dipping.. but if youre around people (with slenderman standing off to the side out of sight, of course) hes going to wait until everyone is looking away. side note but to others it has definitely looked like you disappeared when a bus passed LMAO
rather than straight up asking you whats wrong and trying to coax you into speaking, i think he would give you journals so you can get your emotions out in some way... but if you want to talk to him, hes not going to stop you. centuries of living but not interacting much with others does offer some interesting advice, typically in the form of self care and meditation rather than trying to express your discomforts to others before they have the chance to stomp all over you... shrugs.. but if youre being irritable around him, similar to ej i think hes going to have to detach for a moment to avoid any conflict, though i dont think he would snap back at you unless you do something that REALLY gets under his skin.. buuuuut simple snark isnt going to do shit
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pixiecaps · 1 month
i hope you're already asleep it's so late for you but on the topic of the finale ending honestly i understand why people are so upset by it, i think it royally sucks, but imo it was created entirely because they really needed some way to wrap things up and i think almost everyone would agree that it shouldn't have and wouldn't have ended that way had things been different and had the server not needed to end so abruptly.
like idk you KNOW i'm a canon compliant guy but for this thing specifically i genuinely don't consider it canon and think it should fully be ignored, and i think basically everyone involved would be fine with that. also honestly in my mind everything purgatory and after is non-canonical in that it shouldn't have happened either and the reset is definitely not canon so that makes it easier for me to ignore it completely. i think what players and admins stated about their characters is canonical within reason and otherwise i don't think any of it matters all that much because of how the server ended. like to me i know the reality is that that is how it ended and we don't have any other ending to go off of but because of the circumstances there's just no way i could consider it canon and i already spend all my time dreaming up ways to rewrite all the shit that happened before then, nevermind a garbage hastily written ending that only wrapped up one plot thread (the eggs) and didn't even do that correctly (it completely retconned so much about the eggs and i know a lot of lore got retconned and changed over time but it's particularly agregious).
idk where i'm going with this insane rant in your inbox i really don't i just wanted to give my thoughts on that ending and how i take it as a fandom creator because i often see people treating it like it was a legitimate ending even though they hated it and i'm like this is fandom!!! we can ignore it entirely!!! in fact many characters' endings explicitly defy that ending, that was just the way to wrap up the idea of the egg event in some way that made sense. i totally get people being upset by it, i was too, but i was also upset by the previous. five months? of stuff so i kind of can't be bothered to be annoyed by this particular thing.
again this is nonsensical i'm just saying i think we should all ignore it and i've been saying that since the day of bc it was just so obviously not the kind of ending that would've been written under different circumstances. let's all make up better endings forever and ever amen.
anyway hi pix if you're reading this in the morning i hope you got beautiful sleep and dreamt of snoopy and roier all night
hiii 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶 i was in fact asleep by the time you sent this:3
that was another point i discussed with someone els where yeah it sucked because they had to wrap it up and “tie everything together” so i agree on that. everything with the qsmp ending wouldve been different under different circumstances.
you’re incredibly real for not considering canon up to a certain point where everything got messy. i think since we’re both very canon compliant people you can understand where im coming from with that frustration and being irked by how everything played out. it was going so well and then 📉📉📉. and heres the thing you know how much i love purgatory okay cause i do but god its truly one of those events where it shouldve been explicitly uncanon i feeeeel. so much of the lore it introduced and everything clashed with everything we had already established and not informing the creators of anything was such a poor choice. but anyways you already know the whole rant.
i do appreciate the reminder of its fandom who cares. i live by that i just get Even More emotional when sleep deprived and was like wow fuck everything and this stupid fucking ending so thats why i made those posts kkkkkkkk. but ye GOOD REMINDERS ITS FANDOM ENDINGS ARE OPEN TO REWRITES AND OUR OWN INTERPRETATIONS!!!!!!!
i did get beautiful sleep ty bell<3333 i hope you got beautiful sleep as well<3333
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ceasarslegion · 4 months
please dont let anyone stop you from speaking your truths. i am astounded at how youre able to bring up points that are well thought-out and correct, and I am very grateful to be able to read your posts
Thank you, this means a lot right now.
Im just... im so tired of it. Im so tired of being treated like im the devil incarnate no matter what opinion i express. And this happens especially often with the opinions that ive formed from years of real-world activism and pursuing a degree in political extremism. Like... its not coming out of my ass, ive read all the theory that gets thrown in my face like some kinda gotcha, ive read it multiple times and wrote papers on it all. I grew up in a dictatorship in the gulf, not the west, and im not even american originally. Im a fucking canadian.
These thoughts and opinions i have have been formed over a lifetime of direct experience and fortified with a degree from the best school in the COUNTRY. Like... i dont mean to throw my degree around, but in this case, i feel its warranted. And you know what that education made me do? It forced me to come to terms with WHY i believed what i did, it forced me to argue my place in the world and beat any flimsy belief that i didnt have a legitimate reason for having out of me. And it forced me to be civil to those whose ideologies were different from mine to make any progress (shocker, that one).
And im just so insanely, utterly sick of people who have never left the west and never actually confronted themselves or if any of their beliefs are based in hard factual evidence of how the world works accusing me of being the worst person alive because i have a different worldview to their own.
If everyone who disagrees with you is a fascist, you might want to check whose house that call is actually coming from, because it sure as hell aint mine
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mrstsung · 4 months
Anyone who thinks kuai liang as the mantle of scorpion is or was remotely a good idea is a bit racist or at very least very ignorant to me. Sorry not sorry.
Kuai liang is chinese and always a cryomancer. Bi-han is also Chinese and a cryomancer. Both are brothers. And from the lin kuei. A CHINESE,ASSASSIN GROUP. And sub zero is their mantles. Tundra was kuais beforw he took his bros mantle after his death.
Hanzo hasashi is scorpion,he gave himself that moniker. Scorpion is shirai-ryu,is Japanese. A Japanese ninja,assassin. He used fire. Always has.
Just because two characters are far east asian doesn't make it right to exchange them because THEY ARE STILL TWO DIFFERENT CULTURES! They both have different characteristics and both characters are not to be irechangeable like a palate swap. This isn't the 90s anymore. They actually have a fucking history,personality,and different fucking problems.
Kuai is Chinese. Scorpion is a moniker for a JAPANESE ASSASSIN CLAN.
Not the fucking same.
Besides. This isn't actually groundbreaking as people wanna fucking claim. Oooo you switched the characters. Big whoop. They all get screwed over in the end. You dont really change anything. And it doesn't make sense.
Not to mention you legitimately give kuai hnazos backstory. That makes no sense. And you give him a "happy?" Ending?! Oh but hanzo has to suffer because status quo?! Fuck off boon go eat trash and die for that!
I will never forget boon for fucking ove rthe ninjas. A mk staple,the bread n butter.
Not to mention if y'all just don't actually get it. Then you never will. Don't play mortal kombat if you can't understand how fucked up them screwing over kuai liang and hanzo is.
No this isn't a ship post. I dont ship them. (Im more of a sub smoke enjoyer anyways. For many reasons) This is just over their characters in general.
Kuai liang and hanzo. The true and only sub zero(KUAI) and scorpion (HANZO) didn't go through so much character development and history for you to treat their characters as a prop. What's the point in a story or lore then? If you're gonna disregard it just so damn easily?
Kuai is fucking subzero
Bihan is subzero og and noob saibot.
Hanzo hasashi is fucking scorpion.
Vent over. Fuck the "new" era game,mk12/mk1(2023). It can go to hell.
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i think this is where best practice for personal internet safety butts up against best practice for actual organizing--common wisdom internet safety is to never give your money to an individual unless you know them personally, because on the internet nobody knows you're a dog etc, but best practice for actual organizing involves not sharing identifying information for vulnerable populations. i don't have any ideas for fix that and i don't really think it's fixable, i just wanted to articulate something about how everyone is talking past each other here. i think its part of a wider problem where some people use their blogs like they're a myspace network for talking to their friends and some people use their blogs like they're a public platform for speaking to an audience of mostly strangers, which require fundamentally different social norms and expectations. caveats that everyone who has pointed out material harm is correct im not trying to make any claims there tbc.
This is a very good point!
That said, this is actually really easy to address in social etiquette and I have literally made the comparison before, so it frustrates me a lot when people act and speak as if this gap is in any way new or unique.
What is your approach to giving cash to homeless people and panhandlers? Whatever that personal approach is, consider treating online fundraisers as the same functional interaction. In both cases, a stranger in an open commons asked you for money and told you why [ostensibly] they need it. You can choose to take their word or not, you can choose to give them money or not, but what you CANNOT DO is stand next to them loudly yelling at anyone who passes that "giving your money to strangers is a bad idea because they might be lying to you" in an effort to belittle and undermine the person as they move on to other potential donors.
I do agree that "common internet safety" is part of the issue here, but so is "people assuming that common internet safety recommendations are actually legitimately helpful advice vs scare mongering and stranger danger [aka known systems whereupon oppression acts to criminalize, harm, and even kill marginalized people]"
You'd think people who proclaim their commitment to mutual aid and progressive praxis would be able to make that relatively straightforward step forward when indicated that the step was available. It's deeply enraging to instead watch those very people double and triple down on "authoritarian social dynamics are actually good when they empower me at the cost of others"
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ty-bayonet-betteridge · 9 months
i just hate "neurodivergent"
its creating this culture where sane people think its supportive and cool to treat me like i don't have a legitimate disability. its created a trichotomy where all mental health is classed as either "neurotypical", "neurodivergent," or "mentally ill", implicitly if not explicitly. where sane people act like you have mental illness easy mode if you have ADHD or autism or anxiety and if you try to complain about it you get shut down. where it's still mostly okay to demonize schizophrenia and personality disorders and every other scaaaaaaaaaaary mental illness out there. where people are lumped together as if they have shared experiences regardless of what those experiences actually are. where support needs differences aren't recognized. where people still think all mental illnesses can be solved with behavioral changes. where what should be a blanket term is basically just used to refer to certain presentations of ADHD and ASD. where the myth of a "standard neurotype" gets perpetuated. im so tired. i just want to have problems and be unapologetic about having problems.
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