#and im right ✌️
jynxlovesluck · 2 years
Kim Dokja is autistic, in this essay I will-
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reineydraws · 1 year
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so there's this post that talks about how people call jason's curved knife a kris but it's not a kris 'cuz why would he have a southeast asian knife? and op's tags say if you're gonna give him an 'exotic' weapon at least make him malay or something. a later reblog adds a filipino kris as an example, and then i was like, 'omg, jason in a barong tho.' SO i tried designing a bat-barong inspired by his hood logo, for a filipino jason haha. and now here we are! 😊✨️🇵🇭
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rysttle · 1 month
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Doodle of a guy i only know via osmosis
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wszczebrzyszynie · 5 months
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What if you wanted to draw Ryba but przychodnia lekarska said szczepionka dzisiaj 15-16 chodź
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valeffelees · 14 days
update on this wip:
look i know im the artist but im fucking sobbing i love dev and niall so much im going to vomit
and listen. ok, listen. this is a redraw of this drawing i did a year ago and im having an anneurism over how much ive improved. what the FUCk? insane play from me ngl
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yinyuedijun · 19 days
I hate being a thotty gay sometimes it means when I really should be staying home to rot my friends won't let me 😔
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the-kipsabian · 23 days
just a quick thing i guess but like. if you've ever enjoyed any of my work, please do consider my tip jar mayhaps 💜
i post some arts, edits, gifs, and fics all for free and create for fun while im unemployed, havent been able to get a job for well over a year now and have very minimal income and mostly rely on government benefits due to all that. im also very mentally ill which makes things even more difficult, so money is tight but time and want to create is big (at times, admittedly not always) and, again, im doing it all for free so seeing a little financial nod or two if ive made something you have enjoyed in the past would make my day ;; but its absolutely optional, im just putting it out there that this ko-fi page exists if you wish to use it 💜
thank you 💜💜💜
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pponk · 1 year
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it's obvious who my favourite is
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cerealmonster15 · 2 months
I want to try you house out of the sheer curiosity of seeing it on so many people’s art fight bios and I want to SEE!!!! but I think u gotta get codes from real human beings (who pay to use the site I think?? That gives them codes??) in order get in there so. I guess I will be turning into a turnip instead.
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luna-the-bard · 2 months
Skeemus Main Storyline - Act II (Part 1)
The self-indulgent fan oc lore continues! Woo!
Act I <- x -> Te'rra Intermission
Samus’s ship, and, by extension, her living space, is very neat. Being a bit messy isn’t unfamiliar to her, but at large her ship is very tidy & organized. Everything has a place, or at least an “everything bin”; it’s functional. Having someone sick to care for brought a reasonable amount of chaos into this tidiness. Samus found herself cleaning at least twice as often as usual - mostly throwing out used tissues and changing sheets, but also disposing of empty IV bags and syringes and all else that is medical in nature. She had to dig up some old T-shirts and cut them in the back to make them fit around the alien’s wings, because her old clothes had to be discarded both due to wear and tear and for the purpose of decontamination.
A couple days later, after the little alien’s fever goes down, Samus notices her watching, intently, as she goes around her day. The next morning she notices all the used tissues stacked up neatly in little squares at the edge of the bed. Samus appreciates the effort. She makes a mental note to buy a small bin for paper trash to put by the bed once they get to the nearest port - she didn’t really need one before, but it would make cleaning a bit easier now. Since that moment she regularly took notice of the little ways in which her guest tried to be as low-maintenance as possible.
It comes as a shock when one night, about a week in or so, the avian makes a nest out of pillows and blankets and refuses to let Samus leave for the cockpit where she’s been sleeping. Samus has to bust out the drawing pad, because she can’t understand what the little alien is trying to say, yet, and her just aggressively patting the bed could mean pretty much anything. Samus has to make sure everything is okay.
The situation turns out to be a lot more awkward than initially assessed. Turns out her guest noticed not only the fact that Samus has been sleeping in her pilot’s chair, but also the way it had been leaving her neck and shoulders more sore with every passing day. The alien made space for her to sleep besides her - she stopped being contagious as soon as the fever went down, and Samus had just changed the sheets this morning, but she hasn’t had to share a sleeping space since her days in the Federation Police - and even there, she still had an individual bunk. On the other hand, waking up sore every morning was a real pain in the neck… Literally. 
Samus makes perhaps the most uncharacteristic decision of this month - it’s only until Skeets fully recovers and she can drop her off back on Te’rra, what could go wrong?
Besides cleaning, Samus spends her time in passionate research. It takes her a week to even identify the girl’s species - the last publicly available entry on them is dating over two centuries old. Samus feels as if she uncovered an ancient relic. 
She soon learns the reason behind such lack of up-to-date information: Te’rra has left the big political scene almost exactly a millenia ago, cutting all communications and public relations with the rest of the world. It takes Samus another two days to find a textbook on their language - it’s in a private library of some old philanthropist, but to Samus’s luck there's a scanned version of it uploaded online; it even has an audiobook with pronunciation guides and exercises to go along with it. She meticulously follows them all, making good progress - at least good enough to learn some basic phrases and the word “hospital”, since that’s where she was about to take Skeets (they finally got to a planet with a big enough interspecies infrastructure). Although, she also had to learn the words “new” and “clothes'', as she realized that maybe going out in public in just an oversized t-shirt (which was only held together by makeshift ties at the back, at that) might be a bad idea, and the alien’s condition was stabilized enough by now to not need an ambulance ride. As much as Samus hates the idea of leaving someone unattended inside her ship, she has to do a quick shopping run, leaving A.D.A.M. in charge until she could return with some adjustable pants and shirts that would hopefully fit the little bird. (She guesstimates a little on the bigger side, so the alien looks especially tiny in comparison to her oversized apparel. It would almost be funny if only she didn’t look so.. sad and disoriented in an unfamiliar place).
Samus spends another hour or so filling out all the paperwork for Skeets before they go out - names were one of the first things Samus established once she found that textbook, so now she knew at least who she took in, and if Skeets needed something, she could call Samus over. She arranges a taxi from the port to the hospital, so they wouldn’t have to go through the overwhelming ordeal of navigating foreign public transit. 
They come back from the hospital with a portable oxygen machine and a new set of antibiotics. Samus spends the following month feeding Skeets syringes full of medication (she will never admit it, but she almost laughed at the way the little alien’s face scrunched up at the taste), studying terranian, and keeping contact with the Federation officials responsible for rehabilitation of the rescued group. Skeets asks for some textbooks to learn Common and Chozo too, catching up pretty fast with nothing else for her to do on the ship but study. She makes quicker progress with Chozo, finding unexpected similarities to her native language (they’re nothing more than a coincidence, but an advantage nonetheless). By the end of the month they can communicate somewhat well; nothing fancy or too complex, but it makes a huge difference. Skeets helps Samus with pronunciation and vice versa, so learning is going quite well. 
After a follow-up at the hospital, Samus is left with a long list of physical therapy exercises for avian species and a detailed recovery plan. It’s not really a surprise that a full month of inactivity and illness would have consequences, but what it hurt the most was Skeets’s wings - she hadn’t used them since the Space Pirates’s ambush.
They spend evenings looking through various parks and recreational resorts (some of them take up entire planets!), picking and choosing what seemed best for flying. Samus suggests a couple planets with reduced gravity to start them off.
She can’t get the feeling of Skeets’s dry, warm hands in her own out of her head for the weeks to come. They go flying almost every other day - and every time, Samus makes sure to hold Skeets steady at least for the first few minutes, lest a sudden gasp of wind catch her by surprise and lead to injury. She lets go only when she’s confident that the avian is safe. (Skeets is fully capable of flying in harsher conditions, even after two months of forced inactivity. She accepts the help regardless, out of gratitude if nothing else - she doesn’t mind soothing Samus’s worries.)
As they share the bed, the awkward space gap between them grows smaller and smaller; until one night, about half a month later, Samus realizes that whenever she gets cold at night and tries to cocoon herself into the blankets, Skeets drapes one of her feathery wings over her.
Act I <- Act II p.1 -> Te'rra Intermission
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hollowknightinsanity · 3 months
hollow knight is so goddamn difficult to play on keyboard + mouse
maybe its just me bc im used to using a controller but. oh my god. this literally hurts my poor wrists
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boobiestarplanet · 9 months
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ok so obviously we have the gumball guardians, ricardio the heart guy, lady rainicorn, magic man, the jiggler (the jiggler! i didn't think we'd ever see him again! i love him!) and the lich, but who is that guy in the first gumball guardian's baby carrier thing? like that's a human baby right there right?
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feisaru · 8 months
Yeah yeah the worst concept yeah yeah that's why I'm not tagging this yeah yeah I sincerely hope it never happens again, what else...
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Fei's hair is down 'cause come on, babygirl has not showered in 2 weeks, he's scruffy, he's old, he has encephalitis in half of his brain, he is Plagued By Visions, his hair can be down as a treat for fuck's sake
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buildarocketboys · 3 months
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agentplutonium · 5 months
WIP Wednesday
I got tagged by @ejunkiet! Thank you for the tag <3
I can't think of anyone to tag, but if you see this and want to do it please do! You do not need to wait for a tag to do something like this
I will be honest I haven't been writing all that much recently, but there a few things I was able to clang out in between classes and other commitments I have, so there's that. Both snippets are Milo/Sweetheart (because of course they are), one being the Mafia AU I am working on that was inspired by Laveau and the other being a new genre I am trying out. Anyway, snippets under cut:
Mafia AU:
“Yeah, well, David thinks this is a great idea,” Sweetheart teased, arms wrapping around Milo’s waist. “I never said it wasn’t,” Milo said, smiling, “getting to watch you up on that stage while I’m behind the bar? It’s going to be like a dream come true.” Sweetheart rolled their eyes, but the adoration behind them was still there when they returned to Milo. “We’ll see what David thinks of you slacking while I’m up there.” “Speaking of David,” Milo said, pulling back just a bit, “were you able to talk to him? About-” “It’s all settled,” Sweetheart cut him off, waving away the concern. “He knows the risks, and he’s willing to take them. He said that he takes care of his dancers, and I’m no exception.” Milo nodded, relief flooding through him for a moment. He knew David wouldn’t refuse to help, but they both knew what Sweetheart was trying to escape. However, they didn’t have to worry about that. “Good. You’re going to do great tonight, Sweetheart.” Sweetheart grinned, “Of course I am.”
Another Milo/Sweetheart Snippet: CW for suggestive conversation. (This fic might be my first smut fic, honestly. but we'll see where that goes. moving on)
“We’re going,” Milo whispered into their ear. “hmm?” Sweetheart hummed, leaning back against him, a warm pressure. “What for? I thought you were enjoying yourself,” they teased.  “I’m going to get my hands on you in the next few minutes, whether it’s in front of these office jockeys or not,” Milo said, dark eyes watching them.  “But we still have the pack celebration to go to,” Sweetheart reminded him, turning so they could press into his side. He had a hand on their hip without thinking, holding them in place. “That was part of our deal.” “They can wait,” Milo said lowly, “besides, they are used to how I am with you. These buzz kills?” He paused to gesture to the other partygoers discreetly, “Wouldn’t know what to do with themselves if I kissed you right now. Without tongue.” Sweetheart laughed, hiding their amusement behind the glass that they were holding. “You can’t go calling them buzz kills, Milo, this is networking for me,” they chastised. They didn’t disagree, though.  Milo rolled his eyes playfully. “Well, they know about the other party, just not when. So, we can go.” Sweetheart considered it, not breaking eye contact with him while they did, always trying to see his intentions. As if he wasn’t already upfront about everything with them, but this was a game that they played. There was something in their eye, a playful glint that he—well, that he really liked. They smirked, taking a sip of their drink. They didn’t miss the way he followed the path the liquid took as they swallowed if the smug look they wore had anything to say about it. “Wait for me beside the car,” Sweetheart said finally, pressing the glass that they had into Milo’s hand. “Let me explain my absence before another rumour gets out about me.” They didn’t have to tell Milo twice.
anyway. i miss writing. i hate when university gets in the way.
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locrianking · 9 months
am yisrael fucking chai.
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