#and in fighting them he just punches a straight cylinder out of one of their torsos
jamieaiken919 · 11 months
I saw this and thought I was funny so you must see it too
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dandylovesturtles · 1 year
honestly i would read a whole fic's worth of director's commentary about I May Be Invisible but i will settle for asking about a few scenes
This one from Chapter 12 because I just. Really love this moment:
The mountain. The desert. Feel the space between and pull them together. Tear a hole through what was possible. Pull on his ninpo, on the power inside him.
He swung Donnie’s arms in a circle.
Nothing happened.
“That’s okay. Try again, Leo,” said Raph.
Leo took a breath. Tried to feel his ninpo again. A fire, Mikey had called it. Warm and soft, protective.
He swung again.
“This is stupid,” he said, the frustration gnawing at him.
“Hey, don’t give up. You’ve barely tried.”
Leo wanted to snap at him, tell him he was trying, but he bit it back before the words tumbled out of his mouth. Getting in a fight with Raph wouldn’t help. It wasn't like it was his fault, anyway.
Leo breathed deep, let it out through his nose, and was about to try again when suddenly there was a crackle of energy, a purple cylinder coalescing around the hilts of his katana.
“Donnie?” Mikey asked.
He shrugged. “I thought it might help. He reached for our ninpo to break the curse, right?”
“Oh… oh yeah! That’s a good idea!”
Red danced in his peripheral vision, and then Raph was grabbing onto the swords with enlarged hands, swallowing both Donnie and Leo’s own. Mikey whipped out an orange chain, wrapping them all together.
“Better hold on, Case,” said April. Leo didn’t look back to see what they were doing, but he guessed they were grabbing onto Raph’s shell.
Leo looked down at his brother’s energies, three familiar colors enveloping his hands. He closed his eyes, and instead of reaching for his swords, he reached for them.
The way each of them had felt when he’d broken the curse. Static electricity, Mikey had said. Glitchy. Sturdy and solid.
Fire, warm and soft.
He felt it in his core first, building up and heating him from the inside out. Comfortable, familiar, powerful. It flooded to his fingertips, wrapped around the swords, filled up the spaces between his brothers, snuggling into the cracks where it was meant to be.
“Yes, Leo!” Mikey cheered.
It curled around the swords, then into them, and the blades lit up with bright blue runes, the way they always did when Leo was preparing to teleport. Leo could feel the power thrumming through them, up through his hold on Donnie’s hands and into his arms and chest and heart.
“Oh, hachi machi,” he said.
And then he sliced the swords in one wide, clear, glorious arc, and blue flooded the rooftop.
And of course this bit from Chapter 13 because that PUNCHED (pun intended) and the formatting just made it top notch!:
“And what is it that you want?”
“I…” (Remember remember remember.) “I want…”
The highest mountains. The deepest oceans.
New York pizza. Late night movie marathons.
No limitations. No responsibilities.
The thrill of learning something new. The pride of a job well done.
No worries. No pain. No fear.
Hugs. Reassurance. Love.
“I want the reversal spell!”
The medbay faded away.
“I see… I may have to try harder to convince you…
“You wretched
The Krang could see him this time. It could hear him.
It could most certainly touch him. The punches were as solid as he remembered.
The Krang smashed him through the layer of rock, and he slammed into another down below. It was seconds before he was being hit again, sent tumbling through the void of space, and he really couldn’t move this time. Nowhere to run. Nowhere to hide.
And then, the scene reversed.
He was sucked back up through the cracks in the rock, until he was leaning back against a slab and staring up at the glowing red eye of the Krang’s suit.
The voice spoke.
“What do you want?”
“The reversal spell.”
The Krang hit him again.
It played over, exactly how he remembered, and he felt it - every punch, every slam, every angry scream barreling straight through his bones.
And then it reversed.
“What do you want?”
“I want to go back. Please. I want my body back!”
The Krang hit him again.
And reversed.
And hit him again.
and i'm sorry for this massively long ask but i reread Corrupted Upgrade again the other day and i wanna know what it was like writing this scene, like was it hard, was it fun, was it something you had in mind right from the start etc:
“Eh, that’s okay,” Raph interrupted. “Your tech just gets in the way.”
It hit him like a shock. Donnie pulled his arms tight to his plastron. “In the way…?”
“Yeeeaaah, I’m with Raph on this one,” said Mikey. “Your tech’s always shooting lasers where I’m trying to swing.”
“Or launching a rocket at our heads,” Leo chimed in.
“No, it’s helped us plenty of times! Like… like…”
“Like with the Shredder?” Mikey asked, his tone mocking.
Donnie felt the air leave his lungs.
“I’m glad we’re talkin’ about this, because I’ve actually been thinkin’.” Ignoring the critical blow he’d just dealt, Mikey turned back to the others with a smirk. “Why don’t we kick Donnie out and add someone cooler to the team?”
“How about we hold it to a vote?” Raph suggested.
“Oh yeah! Democracy!” Leo cheered.
Donnie managed to regain his voice. “Now hold on just a-”
“Everyone in favor of kickin’ Donnie out and getting someone better, say ‘aye’,” said Mikey.
“Aye!” yelled Raph and Leo in unison.
“Hey!” Donnie stomped his foot on the ramp. “I don’t know what kind of prank this is, but it isn’t funny.”
“This isn’t a prank, Dee,” said Leo, his voice nonchalant. “We took a vote, and you’re out.”
“That isn’t how this works!” Donnie took a step toward them. He could feel his muscles tensing, like he was bracing for impact. “You can’t just throw me out with a vote.”
“Well then, how about this,” Raph said, and Donnie shrank back as he stepped up.
In all his life, Raph had never made him feel so small.
“You’re out, Donnie. Leader’s orders.”
Awww thanks! I'm glad, I enjoy talking about it, haha.
The mountain. The desert. Feel the space between and pull them together. Tear a hole through what was possible. Pull on his ninpo, on the power inside him.
He swung Donnie’s arms in a circle.
I really love playing with what opening portals feels like for Leo, how he controls where they open and close and what traveling in that way feels like for him. I tend to lean on the interpretation that he needs to envision where he wants to go and and then pull on the power within himself to get the portal to go to the right place, and so it's easier for him to go to places he's really familiar with, that he can imagine clearly. It's also why when he "panic portals" he goes to weird places, like that bit in Mutant Menace where he portals them to what looks like another planet entirely - I imagine then he was just thinking "I want to go as far from here as possible" and, well, he accomplished that!
That said, the seriousness of it all is undercut a bit by the inherent comedy of Leo swinging Donnie's arms around LOL. I just thought it was a really funny mental image.
“That’s okay. Try again, Leo,” said Raph.
Love a supportive Raph in this house. Believe in the him that believes in you!
Leo took a breath. Tried to feel his ninpo again. A fire, Mikey had called it. Warm and soft, protective.
I've seen Leo's ninpo described in lots of different ways; personally I based it off the visualization we see in the movie:
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I still really like the idea of Leo's ninpo feeling warm like a campfire to Mikey, and it really changed how Leo looked at it to hear it described that way, too.
He swung again.
“This is stupid,” he said, the frustration gnawing at him.
Leo hates being bad at things, especially when people are counting on him, especially when it's something he should be able to do. Besides all the things that could go wrong, this is also pretty embarrassing for him, which isn't helping with the stress. Of course it's not his fault, he's got a pretty big hurdle to jump here, but feelings are gonna feel.
“Hey, don’t give up. You’ve barely tried.”
Leo wanted to snap at him, tell him he was trying, but he bit it back before the words tumbled out of his mouth. Getting in a fight with Raph wouldn’t help. It wasn't like it was his fault, anyway.
Raph is just trying to be helpful, but Leo can't help but read that as Raph criticizing him, which leads to the fighting. I think he gets better at it after the movie, which is why he's able to clamp down on his immediate response here, but it doesn't stop it from getting to him a little.
Leo tends to couch his own critiques in softened language, saying things like "I love you but" or "I appreciate you but," and while this can come off as condescending, I think he would probably respond better if Raph did the same thing back to him. But Raph doesn't, probably because it does feel condescending, and so Leo feels like he's just being criticized, and fights happen.
At least that's how I see it haha.
Leo breathed deep, let it out through his nose, and was about to try again when suddenly there was a crackle of energy, a purple cylinder coalescing around the hilts of his katana.
“Donnie?” Mikey asked.
He shrugged. “I thought it might help. He reached for our ninpo to break the curse, right?”
That should really be "Donnie shrugged." Ough.
UH ANYWAY. Donnie's way of helping is to take direct action, which works a little better. And I imagine it was getting pretty weird for him to have his arms swung around without having any input in the situation, lol.
“Better hold on, Case,” said April. Leo didn’t look back to see what they were doing, but he guessed they were grabbing onto Raph’s shell.
April knew he could do it before Leo did. She knows her boys in and out.
Leo looked down at his brother’s energies, three familiar colors enveloping his hands. He closed his eyes, and instead of reaching for his swords, he reached for them.
Azzy (@/spectra-bear) drew art of this moment and included this line in the post, and I, being dumb, was like "oh wow that's really good, that's a banger line" because I forgot that I wrote it?? |'D I don't usually think of myself as being good at writing strong oneliners so seeing it out of context and being like "oh hey I did that" was kind of neat.
Anyway yeah have you guys noticed that I love the power of brotherly love and friendship? Because I do. It wins every time.
He felt it in his core first, building up and heating him from the inside out. Comfortable, familiar, powerful. It flooded to his fingertips, wrapped around the swords, filled up the spaces between his brothers, snuggling into the cracks where it was meant to be.
“Yes, Leo!” Mikey cheered.
And I also love puzzle pieces and things that fit just right. When Leo projected his ninpo, Mikey was able to feel it.
“Oh, hachi machi,” he said.
And then he sliced the swords in one wide, clear, glorious arc, and blue flooded the rooftop.
Gotta be at least a little silly in your big triumphant moment.
And since this gonna get really long, the rest will go under the cut!
For the chapter 13 part! I'm glad you liked it! I really enjoyed playing with the formatting to give it that extra OOMPH.
“And what is it that you want?”
“I…” (Remember remember remember.) “I want…”
So the entire "getting the reversal spell" arc was a relatively late edition to my planning; originally Donnie got the spell out of the fire elemental. I changed my mind around the time I was writing chapter 8 or so, but that meant I had to start ramping up the feeling that Leo was maybe starting to get into the whole "being a ghost" thing (and I think I did alright because I started pretty quickly getting comments with people worried about it, lol).
While it's not the same phrase, this is meant to be a bit of an echo to his panic attack in chapter 11, when Leo first really started considering staying a ghost instead of going back to his body.
No limitations. No responsibilities.
The thrill of learning something new. The pride of a job well done.
Of course, to consider staying like that, Leo has to be presented with something pretty enticing. I think this is the strongest one; Leo would never have to worry about feeling lacking or letting anyone down ever again. Of course, he wouldn't get the positive side of those feelings, either. Weighing the gains against the cost, it's pretty clear what he really wants.
“I see… I may have to try harder to convince you…
“You wretched
Once I had the idea for this section, I knew this had to be in here. This is the line from the movie everyone remembers and everyone references because it's just so good, so visceral. This fic is meant to be set the better part of a year after the invasion, after Leo has been through a pretty substantial amount of recovery, but the fear of the Krang is still an ever-present part of him, even when he's facing down a completely different threat. Of course the Voice would latch onto that to try and manipulate him.
The Krang could see him this time. It could hear him.
It could most certainly touch him. The punches were as solid as he remembered.
The Voice can't actually hurt him much; he can touch Leo, but what punching or kicking he could do wouldn't be all that painful for Leo, who has natural armor and is better trained for combat. This is all psychosomatic - the Voice preying on the memory of the pain, rather than inflecting new pain.
And then, the scene reversed.
He was sucked back up through the cracks in the rock, until he was leaning back against a slab and staring up at the glowing red eye of the Krang’s suit.
I just thought this mental image was scary. Is it scary? I hope so.
“What do you want?”
“I want to go back. Please. I want my body back!”
How can you be so mean to this kid? (Because the voice is a dick, that's why. "Everybody wants this" he says, while torturing a poor child.)
AND FINALLY... Corrupted Upgrade time!
The answer is yes, I had at least a version of this scene in mind from the beginning!
The basic idea for Corrupted Upgrade was one i was turning around in my head since basically the beginning, before I started IMBI; I just got a more solid idea for IMBI and went with that first, tucking CU into the back of my head for a better opportunity. And I decided to use the Bang event as that opportunity!
I always knew that they would kick him out, and that Raph would deal the final blow. I didn't have the exact dialogue down until I started writing, though I did think Mikey would be the one to say that they should kick Donnie out, echoing the joke he makes in the Bullhop episode.
And yes I did have fun. Though I will say I agonized a lot more over this fic than any part of IMBI lol. Donnie's POV is a little harder for me to write than Leo's.
“Eh, that’s okay,” Raph interrupted. “Your tech just gets in the way.”
It hit him like a shock. Donnie pulled his arms tight to his plastron. “In the way…?”
As much as Leo clearly craves Raph's approval, I think Donnie does, too, just less secretly. Raph is their big brother, he's the ringleader, he's the one they all look up to. If Raph says this, Donnie takes it more seriously than if, say, Leo says it, because that means he really has failed somehow.
“No, it’s helped us plenty of times! Like… like…”
“Like with the Shredder?” Mikey asked, his tone mocking.
Donnie felt the air leave his lungs.
Mikey may joke around, but I don't think he would ever actually throw something like this at Donnie. But like with the Ice Cream fic, I headcanon that Donnie sees that first Shredder fight as his biggest failure - all his tech was destroyed without making a dent! It's hard to come back after that.
And this is just Donnie's own brain beating him up, so of course that's going to come out of the mouth of his beloved partner in crime, the peanut butter to his jelly. So sad.
“I’m glad we’re talkin’ about this, because I’ve actually been thinkin’.” Ignoring the critical blow he’d just dealt, Mikey turned back to the others with a smirk. “Why don’t we kick Donnie out and add someone cooler to the team?”
I just said this above, but this was absolutely meant to echo the "I was all set to kick Donnie out!" line from the show.
“How about we hold it to a vote?” Raph suggested.
“Oh yeah! Democracy!” Leo cheered.
Leo isn't contributing much to this conversation, he's more like the bullying hypeman. Tbf Donnie doesn't think he has many original thoughts, lol.
“Hey!” Donnie stomped his foot on the ramp. “I don’t know what kind of prank this is, but it isn’t funny.”
Donnie has a legitimately hard time believing that this is real at first, even though the program is doing everything it can to convince him. But his brothers wouldn't pull a prank like this, even if they might joke around a little, so if anything that helps the illusion.
“That isn’t how this works!” Donnie took a step toward them. He could feel his muscles tensing, like he was bracing for impact. “You can’t just throw me out with a vote.”
And he's starting to realize that here, which is why he's tensing up.
“Well then, how about this,” Raph said, and Donnie shrank back as he stepped up.
In all his life, Raph had never made him feel so small.
“You’re out, Donnie. Leader’s orders.”
I think any of them would be destroyed if Raph said something like this to them. It's the kind of thing you can't really come back from. Even Donnie with his emotionless badboy image. At least Raph didn't really say it!
Thanks for the ask!!
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redassassin · 3 years
no amount of freedom gets you clean
for @thepurpledragon4444 in the smgh/hive mind/masquerade gift exchange!! have some angst michstie
“Adrian, stop! We don’t know if he’s lying and we can’t risk making the wrong decision!”
The cathedral around them shook with the sounds of battle around them. Nova was pulling against Adrian’s arm, trying to keep him back as he raised the gun, pointing it at Ace. Nova forced all of her weight against his arm, pushing it down against his side, pushing Adrian back a step. The gun wouldn’t do anything against Ace, not with his powers, and they couldn’t risk losing the deal that could save them all. Or destroy them all. Nova wasn’t sure, but the wrong decision would end in the annihilation of them all.
“You’re just as power-hungry as the rest of them,” Adrian snarled. “You never wanted to help, you just want the throne. You’re blind to your Uncle’s lies and deceit. I thought you were different from them but you’re just like the rest of them.” The malice in his voice knocked something loose inside Nova. He’d never believe her, not until she could prove to him that she wasn’t on the side of the anarchists anymore. She wasn’t on Ace’s side. But she wasn’t on Adrian’s side either. She may have thought she could be someday, until now. He didn’t trust her to make the right decision, just like she didn’t trust him to make the hard decisions. “I knew I should never have trusted you. You betrayed us once, of course you’d do it again.”
“The cost of getting this wrong is too great. You know that, Adrian. I can’t take that risk. I can’t be the cause of more unnecessary violence and bloodshed.” Still pushing against Adrian, she lowered her voice. “I know you don’t trust him, and I don’t either, but I have to trust that whatever solution he might have is safest for everyone.”
“If you believe that then you’re just as brainwashed and naive as the rest of them,” He paused, eyes darkening. Adrian stepped in front of Ace Anarchy, pulling the gun out again and raising it at Nova. “You’re still holding on to what was never there. He never cared about you. He used you, Nova. I don’t want to see him hurt you again, and I won’t let him go free. If you want to leave here alive with him, you’ll have to go through me. This decision comes at a price, Nova. Because as long as I’m alive, I’m going to stop you. It’s me or him.”
Nova took a long, deep breath. “I don’t want to hurt you, Adrian. I really don’t. But I need to know what he meant by this.” Her body tensed, fists balled up behind her back, her knees slightly bent, preparing for the fight that she knew was coming.
Adrian lurched forward, heading straight for Ace. Nova launched herself at him, and although she weighed less than him, the sheer force of her body hitting him as hard as she could sent them both tumbling to the ground. He was knocked forward, his own momentum used against him as she landed on his back, her legs gripping his sides. Her gun was pressed against the back of his head in a feeble attempt of intimidation, although they both knew she couldn’t shoot him. At least, she wouldn’t be able to deliver the fatal blow. Adrian sat up quickly, his back arching as he rose from his knees to force Nova off of him. She rolled to her feet, spinning quickly to block a punch to her stomach he threw at her. They went back and forth, throwing hits and punches and kicks, leaving the guns out of the picture. They’d had enough bad experiences with those. Plus, Adrian was a terrible shot and they both knew it. Despite all the threats and taunts and glares, they weren’t aiming to kill each other. Nova was just trying to stop Adrian and Adrian was just trying to get past her. They were silent, the only noises coming from them were the grunts and hisses of emotionally charged combat. Adrian spun around, sweeping his foot out in an attempt to trip her, but Nova jumped out of the way, landing a kick to the back of his legs, his knees crumbling beneath him. She reached for his hand, ready to release her power through her fingertips, but he wrenched away from her and stumbled to his feet, his fists balled and face fuming. “Why can’t you see that he’s lying, Nova? I’d think that you’d recognize a lie of this sort when you hear it. You’ve certainly told enough of them.” Nova scoffed. “I lied to survive, just like I’m listening to him now. For survival. For my own, and for Gatlon’s survival.” She lurched forward, her fist aiming for the soft skin of his stomach and he sidestepped, clipping her on the shoulder and making her fall to the ground. She hissed and lashed out with her leg, aiming once again for his knees, but he had her cornered.
“Don’t they deserve to make the decision themselves?” He offered her a hand and she took it, out of habit. They’d helped each other up countless times in training and on the battlefield. She’d forgotten her place. Adrian twisted her around, pinning her arm behind her back. Nova cried out in pain, hissing through her teeth, “They’re not here. No one is. Someone has to make the hard decisions and I don’t trust anyone else to do it.” She writhed in his grasp, but his grip was too strong. Her feet were barely still on the ground, his height and tight grip lifting her off the ground with a slight movement.
“Would they trust you to make the decision for them? After all you’ve done? Do you really think anyone in this city would lay their life in your hands?”
His words cut deep into her heart. She was so used to being Insomnia, so used to being the decorated Renegade that killed the Detonator and saved so many people that night at the park. But that wasn’t who she was. She was Nightmare. And just as she trusted no one, no one trusted her.
“I’m the only one who can make it.” She reached out, her hand inching towards the exposed skin of his wrist. He let go of her, and she fell to the floor, grunting at the impact. She climbed back up to her feet, moving as far away from Adrian as she could, placing herself between him and Ace. She rubbed her wrists, the skin feeling raw from his iron grip.
“Just trust me, Adrian. I don’t want any more harm to come to this city or it’s people.” He walked towards her, slowly, hands outstretched. He was inching his way between Nova and Ace, and she stepped forward to stop him. Her fist lashed out towards his stomach and her other arm spun her around in the rebound to land a kick at his side, but his arm blocked and she was sent tumbling to the ground. From the ground she layed back on her back and kicked her legs up, and Adrian tumbled to the ground too. Nova bounced up, using his momentary distraction to center herself. She leaned against the wall, breathing hard, and waiting to see Adrian’s next move.
The cathedral around them was crumbling, the stone foundation weakened by the clash of so many powers, and dust and smoke coated her lungs as Nova gasped for air. Adrian had managed to land a hit to her stomach, knocking the wind out of her as well as forcing her back a step. Adrian sprang forward, towards Ace, who grinned, seemingly enjoying the battle before him, not at all concerned for his life. Adrian was 10 feet away from Ace, his arm outstretched to use the cylinder embedded in his arm. Nova coughed, struggling to her feet, gripping the exposed bricks to help herself up. Growling, she ran at Adrian, launching herself up onto his back and wrapping her legs around his neck, swinging up to straddle him. Adrian thrashed under her weight, Ace momentarily forgotten as he struggled to get her off. Nova’s hands reached down to cup his face from above, preparing to let her power flow through her. Adrian reached up to rip her hands from his face, his fingernails digging into the back of her hand.
“Nova, don’t. Please.” His voice was soft, and even a little fearful.
Nova scoffed, but before she could respond, or let the knot in her chest that was her power forming flow out from her fingertips, Ace began to laugh. That slow, mocking laugh that had haunted Nova in her childhood. “Please. Pathetic. My niece has a soft spot for you, and always has. That may work on her, but not on me.” Ace waved his hand, and a dagger flew from his belt towards Adrian. Nova ripped her hands away from his face as the dagger pressed up against Adrian’s neck, dangerously close to cutting into his skin. “What happens now?” Nova asked, her voice a little shaky. “What’s the deal?”
“The deal, my little nightmare, is that you join me at the throne. We kill him, kill all of his family, kill all the Renegades. We start over. Start the city from new, rein together, and ensure that no one can stop us. No one will threaten us or challenge us, Nova. Gatlon will be ours. And then, the world.”
Nova’s mouth fell open, the gears in her brain spinning faster than the teacup ride at Cosmopolis Park. “You said we would save people. That we could start over, as a family. This- this is not saving people. This is destruction, with an end goal to only benefit you. You want power.” She paused. “Adrian was right. I should never have listened to you. I wanted things to be like they used to, when I meant something to you. When I was more than another pawn in your game, your niece instead of your minion. But I suppose I was never family to you, not really. The moment that you realised I had powers I became nothing more to you than any of the other Anarchists. A toy. You kept me around to manipulate and train me and turn me into your little killing machine. The only reason you ever cared about me was because I was useful to you. I was young and naive and impressionable and you used me. You used the only family member that you have left like a toy in your game of hurt feelings and inferiority. You LOST. You lost, Uncle. You have to give it up. Because as long as you’re here, and as long as you’re in power, people will always try to stop you. There will always be people like the Renegades, who will risk everything to stop people like you. I thought that my time in the Renegades meant nothing, that I would always be an Anarchist, but they taught me something. They taught me that raw, callous, need to help. To help the society and the people that you left broken. As long as we’re both alive, I will never stop trying to stop you and put an end to you. You stole my life from me. I would rather have died that night as long as it meant that you were stopped. And I would die a hundred times more to stop you again and again and again.” She was still straddled across Adrian’s shoulders, glaring down at Ace. He floated up, his telekinesis lifting everything within a small radius up a couple of inches with him. Adrian was still beneath her, the dagger still against the skin of his throat. It hadn’t moved, Ace seemingly enraptured by her speech. And then he laughed. The dagger clattered to the ground. Nova was shaking, her hands gripping Adrian’s shoulder, fingers gripping the fabric of his clothes.
“Even now, you stand beside the Renegades. They hold you up, protect you, blind you with their promises of help and change. They’re just as bad as me. I don’t pretend to care. I don’t pretend to want anything other than to rule.”
“You really don’t learn, do you.” Nova climbed down from Adrian’s shoulders, and although he was silent, he gave her a look that told Nova everything that he wanted to say. The conflict behind his eyes matched her own. They knew what had to be done.
“I- we will do anything to stop you.” She took Adrian’s hand, and the warmth of his fingers grounding her. The familiarity of his hand in hers reminded her of everything they’d been through together, the pain they’d endured, everything they’d gone through, and everything that had brought them there.
But this was her fight. Not Adrian’s. Hers alone, her job to finish. She took both of his hands in hers and pulled him closer, close enough Ace wouldn’t be able to hear her whisper.
“This isn’t your fight, Adrian. Let me end it.” His grip on her hands tightened. “No. Let me help. He’s too powerful- I can’t have you getting hurt.”
“Then I’m sorry, Adrian. I can’t let you do this.” She leaned up on her tiptoes, kissing him gently, and released her power through where their lips met. Adrian crumpled, and although Nova tried to slow his fall, he still hit the ground with a thump that made Nova’s heart ache. She didn’t want to hurt him, not like this.
But it was what needed to happen. It was her fault that Ace rose to power again, her fault that Adrian was here in the first place. She had been stupid enough as to not check the skies for the Sentinel. He had snuck in behind her, begged and yelled and screamed for her to stop, to not go back there, but she had to hear what Ace had to day. The least she could do was to end it herself. It’s what she’d trained for. Not to end the Renegades, but to help the city, to rid it of evil, no matter what that evil was, and no matter the cost.
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xjoonchildx · 4 years
guarded | jhs x reader | chapter four: cham-pain
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summary: you’ve tried to separate yourself from your infamous crime family, but a new case has your carefully-constructed world crashing down around you.  now you have to figure out how to heal old wounds and handle the new man who enters your orbit.
pairing: hoseok x reader
genre: mafia AU, E2L, slow burn, tsundere, eventual smut
rating: 18+
word count: 4.4K
A/N: hey, you.  yes, YOU. has anyone told you that you’re pretty today? well, if not let me be the first. i can’t help but feel lovey-dovey about the love you guys have shown me on this story. thank you so much for everything.  i hope you like this chapter and i hope you’ll reach out and let me know either way.  big shoutout to the baes @ladyartemesia​ and @taetaewonderland​ they know why.
Chapter 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | EPILOGUE
At what point do you stop calling them shorts and start calling them panties?
That’s the question Hoseok ponders when he walks into the kitchen to find you precariously perched on tiptoes, straining to reach for something in an overhead cabinet.  He lets his gaze linger over the soft skin of your legs, up to your thighs, up higher to where he can damned near see the swell of your ass peeking out from that obscene little scrap of cloth.
What he does next is probably unwise.
What he does next is approach silently from behind, pressing one hand into the small of your back as he reaches over you to get a hold of the jar you’re struggling to grab. And if he enjoys the way your body jolts with surprise beneath his fingertips or the way your hair smells when he’s this close, then that’s his business and no one else’s.
“Thank you,” you murmur, avoiding his eyes and for a moment Hoseok thinks you’re going to scold him for being so bold.
But you don’t.
Hoseok shouldn’t be toying with you right now and he knows it. It’s not like you’ve ever been an open book with him, but these past few days you’ve been even more withdrawn -- more in your head than ever before.  
Not that you don’t have your reasons.
Shit is off the rails with your case and you’re living with a complete stranger and someone left a live fucking snake in your bedroom a few nights ago.  
So if Hoseok has noticed that you walk around in a fog — that the fire he used to see inside of you from time to time seems extinguished — well, that’s certainly understandable. 
But he can’t help but wonder if there’s something more to your melancholy. He can’t help but wonder if you actually hold a candle for that idiot you left reeling at the restaurant.  
Hoseok can’t stop thinking about that guy.  
There is a feeling he can’t shake and it’s not just the urge to beat Kang Donghyuk to a pulp. Hoseok can’t shake the feeling that beneath the dopey smile and the lazy charm and the overall benign affect, there’s something more.  
Something Hoseok is determined to figure out.
So he leaves you to your cooking in the kitchen and retreats to the privacy of his room to phone Seokjin.  If this piece of shit is up to something, Hoseok is going to make it his personal mission to find it.
And if he finds something?
Then Hoseok will make it his personal mission to make him pay.
“Amsaja -- with Hoseok.  Try being nice.”
You think back to your brother’s words as you stand just outside the door to Hoseok’s room, fist raised to knock.  But you don’t, at least not right away.  
What is your fucking problem?
You remind yourself that you are a grown woman, not some skittish little girl.  You remind yourself that Jung Hoseok is just a man.  
And then you get a grip.
The door opens after one light knock.  You don’t mean to stare, truly you don’t -- but Hoseok is wearing one of those goddamned tank tops again.  What happened to suits all day and all night?  Suits are a hell of a lot less distracting.
“What’s up?” he asks cautiously.  
Your eyes dart from his face to his chest to his arms and finally settle around his neck, where a pair of dog tags hang from a silver chain.  You had nearly forgotten that Jung Hoseok made a career of the military before he was one of your brother’s right-hand men.
“I made some Samgyetang,” you say lamely, gesturing to the bowl of soup in your hands.
I made it for you. 
“And it’s uh, supposed to be good for a cold,” you add, when he says nothing.
Which you have.  
“So, I -- ” you clear your throat, shift your weight back and forth on your feet, “ -- made some.”
For you.
Hoseok stares at the bowl like you’ve brought him a grenade instead of a meal.  The puzzled look on his face makes you feel awkward, makes the entire gesture seem silly.
“Never mind,” you say under your breath, turning on your heels.  
“Wait --” Hoseok calls quickly, stepping out of his room to follow you,  “ -- I didn’t -- I was just surprised, that’s all.” 
“It’s just soup,” you say over your shoulder, trying like hell to sound casual and not at all offended.
Hoseok keeps pace behind you into the kitchen; commands your attention with one firm hand on your arm.  You turn to face him, averting your gaze from the sweatpants that hang low on his hips and the thin cotton that grips every muscle of his lean chest.
“I didn’t mean to make that weird,” Hoseok says quietly. “Thank you. It’s been a long time since I’ve had homemade Samgyetang.”
You pull your arm out of his hold.  
“Well, it’s there if you want it,” you shrug, brushing past him.
It’s a relief to trade the charged air of the kitchen for the uncomplicated quiet of your room.
Hyejin takes her reading glasses off to rub the bridge of her nose.  
“I’m not even kidding about my eyesight being shot,” she sighs, reaching for her coffee cup.  “It gets worse every day and the print on these depositions does not help.”
“I know,” you mumble, highlighter flying over your own set of fine print.  “Sorry.”
“Hey, at least we’re in this together,” she smiles. “Right?” 
Her face falls when you don’t return the gesture.
It’s not exactly a secret that you haven’t been firing on all cylinders lately.  You are so worn out from the shit going on at work and the shit going on at home that it feels like you don’t have much more to give.  You just want to climb into bed and sleep for a week straight.
If only you had that luxury.  
Instead, you’re back at it with Hyejin today, trying to figure out a way around the missing digital evidence you so desperately need.  The loss of those files was a terrible setback, but you refuse to let it be the end.  You still have an entire warehouse full of confiscated guns under lock and key.
Now you just need to get your head in the game.
“You still going to the gala tomorrow night?” Hyejin asks, sipping her coffee.
So much for getting your head in the game.
“Not sure,” you murmur, underlining a key part of the testimony.  “Lots of shit going on right now.”
“Yeah, I know things between you and Donghyuk got weird,” Hyejin says carefully.
You stop yourself from laughing out loud. 
Donghyuk is so far down your list of fires to fight, you’d nearly forgotten him completely.  You probably could forget him if you weren’t subjected to his dirty looks every time the two of you cross paths at the office.  You’ve made at least two very awkward cups of coffee standing side-by-side in the past week alone -- but honestly, you can’t bring yourself to care.
“That’s -- “ you start and stop before continuing, “ -- not really an issue right now.”
“Okay, sure,” Hyejin concedes. “Just don’t forget that I’m here if you need someone to talk to, alright?  You don’t always have to take everything on by yourself.”
You stop your incessant highlighting to look up at your friend and colleague.  
Concern is written all over her pretty face and for a moment you entertain the thought of opening up to her.  The idea of talking about what’s going on is tempting -- like if you could share just a piece of your burden you could relieve some of the pressure inside of you.  But there’s another part of you that worries that you are too pent up to let go of any of this.  A part of you that feels like all it will take is one tiny crack for the entire dam to give.
You finally manage to muster one weak smile for your friend, who seems relieved to see any display of emotion out of you.
“Thanks, Hye.  I’ll keep that in mind.”
You almost skipped tonight.  Almost.
But you’d already bought a dress and the tickets were paid for and Hoseok didn’t even flinch when you told him you had to go to a black-tie event. 
If only you could say the same for the moment you saw him in the living room.
When Hoseok turned at the sound of your heels on the marble floor, with hands tucked into the pockets of his bespoke black tux, you nearly forgot to breathe.  All of the coordinating details, the slim-cut jacket and the perfectly-styled hair and the carefully-crafted bow tie felt like a gut punch.
You’d silently prayed that Hoseok didn’t catch the way your eyes lingered on him for just a beat too long -- or that he didn’t spot the heat you could feel creeping up your neck and into your cheeks. The color that must have been made all the more obvious against the rose shade of your gown.
“You ready?”
Hoseok interrupts your thoughts with his usual business-like tone.  The one that tells you that this inner monologue about how incredible he looks tonight is painfully one-sided.  
You nod, not trusting yourself to use your words.
All things considered, the situation with Donghyuk couldn’t have gone south at a better time.  He would have been your date for the night were it not for the blow up at dinner -- and it certainly would have drawn unwanted attention to have two men at your side all evening.  
Though with the way Hoseok looks tonight, you imagine the attention will come anyway.
There are few things in life rich people enjoy more than pretending to give a shit about poor ones. 
They make sport of it, jockeying for position in front of the cameras, gladly shelling out hundreds of thousands of won a plate to prove just how much they care.  They spend their evenings drinking top-shelf liquor and eating top-notch catering and convincing themselves that they’re making some kind of sacrifice for the greater good.  
A string quartet plays softly in the background as guests mill about, grabbing drinks and hors d'oeuvres off of passing trays.  Hoseok is at your side, a glass of water in hand.  He is just close enough for you to take in his heady, masculine smell -- but not too close.
You hate that he smells this good.
You hate that he looks this good.
You have tried -- and failed -- to ignore the appreciative stares he’s gotten from some of the gala guests.  You already caught one woman ogling outright, gawking unrepentantly while at her own date’s side.  When a cocktail server walks by with a carefully-balanced offering of champagne flutes, you grab one right away.
Hoseok, as usual, takes nothing.  
You sip your champagne and watch him watching the room.  
He certainly looks the part of a society player tonight in his tux, the occasional wrinkle of his nose the only indicator of his disdain for the men and women drinking and dancing around him.  When a woman bumps into him while carrying a plate of appetizers, he holds out a hand to help her keep upright and she damned near melts at his reassuring smile.  
“Oh, thank you,” she breathes deeply before her eyes dart in your direction.  
You look away.
Not once have you ever seen this man smile, and he’s certainly never smiled at you.  You turn to slam the rest of your champagne and put the empty flute on a nearby table just as another cocktail server passes with a full tray of drinks. 
How fortuitous.  You grab another.  
There’s a few more minutes of mingling before the guests are asked to take a seat at their assigned tables.  Hoseok holds out your chair and you accept. 
The interaction, like always, is silent.
You look up from the perfectly staged spread to spot Donghyuk two tables away.  Even from a distance you can tell his cheeks look ruddy — like he’s already had way too much to drink. He narrows his eyes when he realizes you are looking and you lift your champagne flute to tip a sarcastic salute in his direction.  He scowls back.
“Miss Kim,” a deep voice interrupts your petty exchange. “What a pleasant coincidence.”
You force a smile when your boss and his wife unexpectedly fill two empty seats at your table.
“Mr. Park,” you return quietly. “Nice to see you tonight. And Mrs. Park, of course.”
Mrs. Park’s answering smile is warm and genuine, but the same cannot be said of her husband’s. Of course, the last conversation you had with him one-on-one, he’d practically thrown you out of his office. The smile on his face right now is a bit watery.
“It’s so nice to see you dear,” Mrs. Park says sweetly.  “And who is this handsome fellow?”
You falter when you open your mouth to answer, but Hoseok smoothly interjects.
“Yi Sang, ma’am. Pleasure to meet you.”
You close your mouth and turn to smile woodenly at Hoseok, who doesn’t bother to look back. 
“Mr. Yi,” your boss extends his hand for a firm handshake, but a strange look passes over his face.  “The pleasure is ours.” 
Hoseok’s mouth pulls into a tight smile and you down what’s left of your champagne.
A couple you don’t recognize join your table before dinner is served.  You do your best to appear engaged in the small talk; nodding when appropriate, smiling during the awkward pauses.  But there is an emptiness in you tonight.  You spend the entire meal pushing the artfully-arranged dishes around your plate because you find you have no desire for food.
The same cannot be said for the champagne, though. That’s going down quite nicely.  Your server dutifully brings another flute as soon as yours is empty.
“I must commend you, Miss Kim, on forging ahead with this case,” Mr. Park says, when the plates have been cleared and after-dinner coffee is being served.  “I know it hasn’t been easy after the theft of your files.”
“Oh,” you clear your throat. “Yes, well -- I’m doing my best with what I have left.”
“Of course. It’s important we do what we can to bring these low-lives to justice,” Mr. Kim says slowly.  He looks from you to Hoseok with an expression that stops just short of a challenge and the champagne in your stomach seems to come to life. “Organized crime in this city is out of hand. We can’t allow Seoul to descend into chaos because of the trash making a living off of guns and drugs.”
Trash like your brother. 
“Right,” you say quietly, swallowing past a lump in your throat. “I’ll do my best.” 
Hoseok remains composed at your side, but you don’t miss how his knuckles go white as his grip around the water glass tightens.  
Trash like Hoseok.  
You swallow another mouthful of champagne.  
The couple sitting next to the Parks -- oblivious to the friction at the table -- strike up a conversation about the dessert selection and you’ve never been more glad for small talk.  The tension in the air slowly dissipates.
But you keep drinking.
Hoseok leans into you, lips so close they nearly brush the shell of your ear and your entire body goes still.  Goosebumps bloom all over when you feel his breath against your skin.
“You should eat something,” he murmurs.
You could almost laugh at the way your stomach seems to fall with disappointment.  What were you expecting him to say? Something complimentary? Something reassuring?  
What a joke.
All at once you decide you need space, you need air, you need a break from the bullshit you seem to be taking from all sides tonight.
Hoseok’s eyebrows lift as you stand from your seat.
“If you’ll excuse me,” you announce to the table, “I need to visit the powder room.”
The champagne seems to hit you the moment you stand and you have to work hard at keeping your steps steady as you make your way out of the ballroom.
You would never admit it, but Hoseok is right. 
You really should eat something.
hoseok: text me or i’m coming in [11:02 PM ]
You stand in the mirror and stare at your reflection in the dim lighting of the ladies’ room. You’ve been to dozens of these events over the years and it’s never felt as pointless and unnatural to you as it does right now.  A part of you hates how much you’ve tied yourself into knots seeking the validation of these pompous assholes.  So desperate to be chosen by the chosen few. 
hoseok: last chance [11:06 PM ]
Another part of you hates Hoseok.  
You hate his constant presence and his constant silence and his constant judgement.  It always feels like he’s punishing you for some transgression you don’t even know you’ve committed.  Your phone buzzes with a reminder of the waiting texts and you sigh, unlocking the screen to fire off an answer before Hoseok makes good on his threat to storm his way in.
you: i’m fine. be right out [ 11:08 PM ]
You take one last look in the mirror.  Have you always looked this tired? 
Before dinner -- after you’d meticulously primped for tonight -- you’d been satisfied with what you saw in the mirror.  Now all you can see are the shadows under your eyes, the grim set of your mouth.  Is this what other people see when they look at you, too?
A knock sounds on the door and you blow out an exasperated breath.  Hoseok must be tired of waiting for you to wrap this pity party.  You yank the door open with more force than intended, fully prepared to tell him to fuck off.
But it’s Donghyuk on the other side.
You stare at him.
“What do you want?” you hiss, stepping out into the hallway.
“I just want to talk,” Donghyuk says coolly, standing just a bit too close. You grimace at the smell of liquor on his breath.  “You still haven’t given me a chance to thank you personally for making me look like an asshole at dinner the other day.”
“Oh, honey -- you don’t need my help to look like an asshole,” you fire back, pushing more space in between you with a firm shove of your fingers to his shoulder. “You do a fine job of that all on your own.”
His laughter blows whiskey-tinged hot air in your direction and you make a face.
“I see you upgraded the bodyguard to dinner date.”
“Shut up, Donghyuk, honestly,” you seethe.  You try to step around him to leave, but he blocks you with his body.  
“You fucking him now, too?”
You barely register the movement of your own hand before it’s connecting with the side of Donghyuk’s face.  You barely register Hoseok’s arrival before he’s between you both, pulling you away and practically shoving Donghyuk to the floor.  You barely hear Hoseok’s whispered threats and you nearly miss the way he unbuttons his jacket to ensure Donghyuk sees his gun.
The whole debacle is so fast and so surreal you could almost convince yourself you imagined it.
But there is no imagining the sting still throbbing in your palm.
The trouble tonight started long before you smacked the shit out of Kang Donghyuk. 
The trouble started when you walked out of your room in that goddamned gown. Hoseok had not been entirely prepared for you in that dress.
He had only a split second to make sure he wasn’t staring.  He jammed his hands into his pockets and forced the most casual demeanor he could muster, but fuck it wasn’t easy.  There were a hundred things he could have said in that moment, would have said in that moment -- if you weren’t you and if he weren’t him.
Of course, dinner was a bit of a clusterfuck, too.
Playing dress up with the city’s elites was somehow less enjoyable than Hoseok imagined it would be.  The stares from tipsy society girls and the critical looks from their dates were bad enough but your boss laying it on thick with the white knight bullshit at the end was the real icing on the cake.  The coded language and the veiled threats that made loud and clear he knew exactly what Hoseok was but wouldn’t say it out loud.  
Hoseok saw the way you seemed to retreat even further into yourself during the exchange, silent and thinking.
And drinking. 
Hoseok has only ever seen you enjoy the occasional glass of wine with meals.  Tonight was an entirely different story. You were on a mission to get wrecked from the moment you sat down; forgoing food for an alarming amount of champagne.  Hoseok counted four glasses down before he decided to say something. 
Of course, that went over about as well as he’d expected -- and seconds later, you were walking away.
Hoseok hadn’t planned on following you to the bathroom. He hadn’t planned on overhearing the nasty back-and-forth in the hall . And he hadn’t planned on threatening to kill Kang Donghyuk at some ridiculous charity dinner.  But when he saw the man get up from his seat to follow you -- Hoseok moved on auto-pilot.  
There was no avoiding what came next.
You don’t utter a single word on the ride home.  
You don’t say a word when Hoseok walks you upstairs, unlocks the door to usher you inside.  He’s still securing the new deadbolts when he hears your bedroom door slam shut.
Hoseok scrubs a hand over his face and sighs deeply before loosening the bow tie and slipping it off.   
Then he pulls out his phone to text Seokjin.
hoseok: you on him? [ 11:48 PM ]
seokjin: sleeping it off in his car right now. what a slob [ 11:49 PM ]
seokjin: you’re welcome btw [ 11:49 PM ]
hoseok: thx [ 11:50 PM ]
Seconds later, your bedroom door swings open so hard it bounces back off the opposite wall. Hoseok looks up from his phone just as you are storming into the living room, hands still securing the belt to the short robe you’ve just changed into.  
You are positively vibrating with a dangerous energy Hoseok can feel clear across the room.  Maybe you’ve been sleepwalking through these past few days, but you are definitely awake now.
And angry.
“I don’t need you to win my fights,” you fume, pointing one hostile finger in his direction. “I took care of myself long before you came along and I can take care of myself now.”
Christ, do you have any idea how little you are wearing right now?  
Hoseok focuses on that accusing finger because it keeps him from staring at your legs. It also keeps him from opening his mouth and making you madder than you already are. 
“I don’t need you or anyone else swooping in with that macho bullshit,” you hiss, bringing your body within inches of his.  “I have had enough of men running and ruining every aspect of my life.”
Shit, do you have any idea how close you are right now? 
Hoseok can smell the perfume that lingers on your skin when you’re this close.  He can see how your pupils are blown wide and your cheeks are flushed with heat when you’re this close. 
“Say something,” you demand, jabbing your finger into his chest.  “Do something.”
Fuck, you are playing with fire.
You want a fight and Hoseok is this close to giving you one.  He has to summon every ounce of his self control to keep his voice and breathing steady. He fists his hands at his sides to keep them from moving.  
“You’ve had too much to drink,” he replies with careful calm.  “You should go to bed.”
“Or what?” you challenge, fingers reaching to unfasten the top buttons of his dress shirt.  Hoseok’s entire body tenses under your touch. 
“What the hell are you doing?” he says between gritted teeth. 
“Checking for a heartbeat,” you murmur. “Looking for signs of life.  Is there a real man in there?”
There’s a real man in here, alright, Hoseok thinks darkly.  Keep pushing me and you’re going to find out.
“Of course not,” you whisper to yourself, snaking one hand into the collar of his shirt. He flinches when your fingertips brush up against the cool metal of his dog tags. “You’re some kind of robot.”
You pull the tags out from under his collar and Hoseok swallows thickly.  
“Just a machine programmed to follow orders, right?  My brother’s orders. The Army’s orders,” you pause to read the embossed letters on his tags.  ‘Isn’t that right, Captain Jung?”
You gasp when Hoseok’s hand comes up to seize yours.  His fingers circle the delicate bones of your wrist and he doesn’t let go, applying a pressure that sure as hell gets your attention.
“People like me follow orders so people like you don’t have to,” Hoseok seethes.  “People like me do the dirty work so people like you can impress rich assholes at stupid parties. People like me stay behind and handle our responsibilities so people like you can walk away from yours.”
Your stare at him for a moment, eyes wide at his outburst.  Then you jerk your wrist out of his hold so violently you nearly fall back with the force of it. 
Hoseok freezes when your robe slides down off your shoulder. He stares when his eyes settle on the jagged scar that runs deep across your collarbone.  
Fucking hell. 
Hoseok traded one bloody business for another when he gave up his rank in the Army for his rank in the Gajog. He’s seen more than his fair share of vicious cuts and nasty wounds. 
Whoever did that to you wanted to make sure you’d have to carry it with you for the rest of your life.
Tomorrow morning, Hoseok is gonna regret a lot of shit that happened tonight. 
He’s going to regret not telling you how beautiful you looked when you walked out of that room.  He’s going to regret going out of his way to hurt you with his words. 
But most of all, he’s going to regret the moment he looked into your face and saw the anger in your eyes change over into pain.
You yank the robe back over your shoulder, cinch the belt tight — and walk away without another word. 
tag list!
@saintjeonofbusan​ @lemonjoonah​ @illnevertrustmyselfagain​ @sunkissed725​ @taetaewonderland​ @shadowhale​ @sugaminyoonjiji​ @jinhitwhore​ @trust-me-im-joly​ @daydreambrliever​  @ultraanonymousey​ @yoon-bug​ @multistantrash17​ @poohsaidhi​ @alyboo-jpeg​ @sahmfanficbts​ @yoongissugarmommy​ @ppersonna​ @p-polaroid​ @vi-hoshi​ @stressedinmedschool247​ @jgissle12​ @ctvrty​ @btsnatalena​ @strawbewymiwk​ @stephleee​ @jjeonjoon
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border-spam · 3 years
Leech Lord - Beginnings and regrets
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The single least Seifa thing Seifa has ever done, is probably also the most actual Seifa thing she's ever done, and that's extremely Seifa of her.
It was going against every lesson survival had beaten into her so far in her life, and helping Tyreen instead of walking away all those years ago.
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(Pre CoV)
Pandora is a terrible place.
The whole Galaxy is, Pandora just has a reputation that's honest about it.
The Edens, Athenas, Promethea, Tantalus, every city on every settled planet is built on a foundation of bones, nowhere's really safe or actually wants the humans that settled uninvited and ruined the neighborhood. Can't really expect an ecosystem to welcome you with open arms when you immediately start destroying it for profit, and life ain't easy anywhere. Nowhere is good. Nowhere is nice.
You can't live for long without finding out how dangerous "caring" is.
Small family units survive, yeah, clans scrabble out a living on rock plains and migrant space-rigs, but if you hold out a hand to a stranger in need you need to know the risks, need to really understand how likely it is that there's a knife behind their back and a couple of crosshairs already trained on you.
You have to be harsh, you have to be cruel. Everyone who makes it on the border planets knows the unwritten rules.
Unless you've the backing of a town militia or a hell of a lot of weaponry, you can't afford to risk your own safety for others - and Sei has walked past more people who gasped out a desperate plea for help with one of the few breaths they had left then she could ever, ever let herself acknowledge. Fuck man, everyone has. It's one of the sad truths of living at the knifepoint everyone balances on out here at the fringe.
...It's no different really on the corporate ones, the blades waiting to land in your back are just better dressed there.
So, when Seifa went to walk away from that filthy kid in the junkyard with the busted SMG and found herself stopping as the girl pleaded for medicine, that was beyond out of character.
That was weird. That was impossible to justify, and she lost plenty of nights to trying to do so after - long ones, with tears and far too much whiskey.
It's hard to think back on, how unsettling and stomach turning that first month had been. The whole thing feels like a blur, some grease smeared memory that's mostly lost to the desperately anxious conflict that was going on in her head the entire time. She can remember specific points, but they're half images half feeling, nerves and worry all tangled together into something she hates dwelling on.
She remembers the heat mirages swirling above the desert sands as Elpis set on the horizon, driving the girl out across the salt flats as Ty panicked and urged Sei to go faster, all while she was trying to explain to herself WHY she hadn't slapped this stranger out of her buggy and throttled in the opposite direction. What had gotten into her?
She doesn't remember anything that the kid had said as she was lead by her into that dark shack, still battling with why she wasn't turning around, why she was gingerly picking through debris to reach what looked like a hastily set up camp surrounded by rusting sheet metal and pieces that used to be the hovel - but she remembers the stink of fever sweat that wrinkled her nose and that sad mound of sharp angles heaped at the center by a burnt out fire pit, and the shock of realising it was a man when Tyreen had dropped to her knees and begged through sobs for him to keep breathing.
That she had "Found someone to help."
Recalls fighting back the equal disgust she felt with herself for helping carry the nothing he weighed out of that shithole, and for the fact he was still alive in this state. Covered in filth, blood, chunks of.. something, and reeking of puke and god knows what else. How she chewed at her lip till she tasted copper as the buggy engine rattled in complaint under them, flooring it when she knew the shoddy weld job on the left axle wasn't going to take this strain and would need another couple of hundred dollars she didn't have in repairs by the time she got these pathetic kids back to her ship - and she remembers wincing hours later at her empty medical cabinet after gutting it to keep the boy alive.
Saline stock sucked dry, bactum wasted, and she was saving those health kits for when she might need them...
It was a bad decision. It was a stupid decision, and she'd spent that first night when the girl had cried herself to sleep and he'd finally stabilised, sitting on the cold floor of her quarters with her back pressed against the repurposed mag-lock door, cradling her pistol in her lap as she gnawed at her nails.
They were Sirens.
Moron. Stupid fucking twat, If Boss found out, he'd kill her before these two could get the chance.
Helping them had been idiot move enough, had gone against every fiber of who she'd built herself into, but she couldn't have known. Tyreen had been covered in rags, and Troy's markings too dim and caked in muck to even see before they'd gotten him cleaned up and stable.
She hadn't known. She didn't know, nothing about Sirens anyway, just that you didn't fuck with 'em in the first place. Sirens were bad news, Sirens were the bane of Pandora in the last few years and everyone knew the stories. They were monsters who could turn you inside out or roast you alive without needing to point a gun first, and now she had two in her home with no defenses bar a shitty Jacobs she knew damn well she could barely aim, and hopefully enough faux confidence to seem in control of the situation.
That first night had been the worst.
The twins slept fine, Troy out cold and Ty having cried herself unconscious shortly after his heart beat had become something possible to confuse with normal if you squinted at the scan display from the right angle, but Sei didn't close her eyes once.
Sat awake all night in the clunking, humming, rattling silence of her home as she thumbed the revolver's cylinder slowly, considering how each click marked another second she'd left them both alive instead of doing the right thing and emptying a round into each of their skulls. Pandora would take care of the bodies and she'd fix a serious mistake she was walking straight into... but the suns rose in the end, and the twins were none the wiser about how close the decision had actually been.
It didn't really get better. The fear did, that passed over the next couple of days, but not the worry, not the regret. Two more mouths to feed when she only had the funds for herself? The girl was going to have to learn how to work. The cash she'd put aside was for her junker colony, not strangers, and the boy still couldn't even stand... and how were things going to pan out even if they so far didn't seem to be quite as monstrous as she'd been told so many times in no name dive bars in settler towns?
What if she took Tyreen out on a barter run and her markings got noticed? That mad corporate fuckwad Sexy George or fuckin whatever had just been running some reward scheme for Sirens, right? Would the lowbrows she dealt with on a daily basis here comprehend that wasn't a thing anymore, or would Sei be shanked and Ty abducted within hours of setting foot in a trade dock?
And him...
What the fuck was she going to do with him.
He wouldn't talk, wouldn’t even look at her, just some massive, gangly, awkward, nervous child that ghosted around the edge of her vision and scurried out of the room like a panicked Skag pup if she made the mistake of looking directly at him.
Sick still, even if he was trying to stay in his crew cubby for less every day, the one she'd told him was his and still had not a word of thanks for yet. Shaky, delicate, and in no physical condition to be able to help around the ship yet alone have a chance of bringing in some extra dollars, even if he hadn't been missing such a huge chunk of himself. Pity wasn't going to keep him fed, and she was pissed with herself for feeling it for him in the first place.
She figured that's what had done it really... them being siblings.
That raw desperation in Tyreen's voice as she'd begged Seifa to help when she'd turned to walk away. That her brother was so sick and she didn't know what to do. Siblings gut punched her in ways she knew were a weakness out here. The twin thing? That had just cemented it really. Helping wasn't in Seifa's nature, but leaving kids to die wasn't in her bones.
Still, she'd make it work, she always did. They'd survive, and she'd come out of this in profit one way or another, that was as sure as an Athenian monk lowballing an offer.
She'd train the girl up and run some deals with her, cover the costs of helping them out with a tidy margin for herself - then she'd leave 'em with the tools to survive, a couple of hundred bucks to get started and never have to see them again.
She'd be fine. She was always fine.
That's very Seifa of her.
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Asks are Open!
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Humans Are Space Orcs, “Left Face!”
Just something quick for you this morning . Wanted to let you guys know that I have about a week before being back at school, so if you have any ideas you want to see happen, I would like you to let me know so I can do any planing now that I have time. Thinking becomes harder when at college lol.
Anyway thanks! :) 
The Rundi councilwoman was very nervous. She had only met humans a few times, five times, not that she was counting, and the creatures unnerved her more than anything ever had. It was a strange experience, a first look into their eyes and you were convinced you were looking into the eyes of a predatory beast, but look closer and you realized the guile and intelligence that drove the creature.  An intelligence that lead it to folding space before it even bothered with light speed. 
It confused her and scared her. She just wasn’t sure how the handle the creature, whether she should treat it more like a dangerous beast or ore like a reasoning sentient being. That thought was still undecided as she walked from the galactic assembly council chambers with her guard, which had been heavily augmented considering who they were meeting with.
The doors ahead of her were open allowing in the light of their main sequence star, a warm yellow in color, and their sky which was a pleasant purple-blue dotted with clouds. It was a pleasant enough day outside though she was racked with what seemed like the weight of an entire galaxy on her back. The Drev war was taking its toll on her. She would very much have liked to accept the suggestions of the Vrul and leave the creatures to rot on their primitive planet, but they were dangerous and intelligent, and they had made threats to the entire galaxy. Destroying their manufacturing plants was the only option, and one that was made increasingly difficult by the Drev proclivity for war.
Then had come the treaty signing with the humans, and out of goodwill they had pledged their own soldiers to the cause with the promise that they did, in fact, know a thing or two about war.
Why didn’t that surprise her?
With a deep breath, she stepped out into starlight, and was met with a small army of humans. 
There were dozens of the creatures all lined up in perfectly formed rows before the assembly chambers. It was difficult to tell the difference between them as they were all dressed similarly to each other in those strange human garments. The patterns atop them made it very difficult to focus on their forms as they stood straight and still in the morning sun. She shouldn't have felt so afraid, but somehow she couldn't help but feel a  small sense of threat with the way they held their perfect rows, with their perfect posture and their unflinching faces staring straight forward.
She had seen humans before, they never remained still, so this just seemed to be a….. A demonstration of their might by showing her they could force such a volatile species into absolute stillness.
That was all accept for a group of humans that stood out in front of her. They were wearing similar uniforms to those of their soldiers, though they had more shiny bits on them . The amount of shiny things worn by humans seemed to be an indicator of their status, also the ones that stood on higher ground seemed to be a good indication. She felt her innards crawl as the humans turned to look at her, their eyes darting the small dark apertures in their centers expanding and contracting as they licked over her body. Just watching them made her dizzy and she wondered how they did not make themselves sick with the strange movement.
They stood taller as she approached, and she shrunk down a little wondering if they intended the movement as an aggression or a show of dominance towards her. As she drew near the frontmost human raised its chin to her exposing it’s throat, “Good morning chairwoman, it is a pleasure to meet with you again.”
Inside she was internally panicking. All of their features were so much the same that she had a hard time remembering if she had ever met this human before. She frantically looked over the shiny bits on his clothing struggling to remember what she had been told about  their ranking falling into great relief when she finally remembered, “Oh, Admiral it is indeed an honor to speak with you again. We cannot express how deeply we thank you for this show of goodwill.”
“It has been a human tradition for centuries to help one’s allies in war, though it has not always pleased the civilian masses.” he held out one of his claw-tipped hands towards the assembled soldiers, “Take a look, see what you think. All of these men and women have been vetted, tested, vaccinated and are ready to fight for the cause of intergalactic peace.”
She nervously glanced down at their still standing ranks and swallowed, “Are…. they always so still.”
The man laughed, “Only when ordered. They are disciplined to the last movement and the last order.” We will demonstrate.” The man snapped sharply on his heels, “ATTENTION!” 
The chairwoman stepped back in shock and surprise as all the humans, in one synchronized group snapped their legs together brought their arms to their sides, “PRESENT ALL!” A hundred arms snapped upwards as if they were about to bash themselves in the head but stopped right below their temples eyes never moving.”AS YOU WERE” Again, like they were all reflections of each other the humans did as told never deviating. 
 “RIGHT….” Heads snapped to the right, “FACE.” With synchronized foot movements they turned to the right.
“ABOUT FACE!” They all turned in the opposite direction.
He leaned in closer to her, “Let's play a little game. DROP OUT DRILL EVERYONE!”
She stares don in concerned awe as the human began barking commands.
The square was filled with the clattering of the human’s feet on the ground in perfect rhythmic synchronization. The longer it took them to drop out the faster the commands came until the humans were practically spinning in circles on the field below.
“W-what is the point of this/” She stammered 
The human turned to look at her, his incredibly mobile face bringing the opening of his mouth up at the corners, “It is a demonstration of their ability to follow orders and pay attention. What I am about to show you next is historically the methods used for intimidation, demonstration of superior military might, and synchronization.”
 Other humans had moved into position behind him and began barking orders forming the humans into tight columns and groups. Around the square, other faces were peering from buildings trying to determine what the commotion was about, “FORWARD MARCH.” 
“LEFT, LEFT, LEFT RIGHT LEFT.” The humans walked past never stopping boots thundering against the ground at the same moment sending chills up her spine as she watched them move in perfect harmony, their bodies no more than rhythm turned into motion. They turned spun, and walked backwards through each other heads never turning to look where they were going, perfectly trusting the commands of their officers.
She found their method of intimidation to be working, and so seemed the rest of her people as they vanished back into the buildings with great haste.
When the demonstration was over she turned to the human, dreading the question she was about to ask, “And what military technology can you bring to the field?”
“That is a good question chairwoman.” He motioned to one of his soldiers, who hustled over carrying…. Well it looked like a big black stick with knobby protrusions. He took it carefully in one arm keeping one end pointed towards either the ground or the sky as he demonstrated, “This is a piece of military technology that hasn’t changed for the past thousand years accept to be stronger and more accurate. He pulled a lever at the side of the weapon locking open a tiny chamber.
“A round.” He ordered, and his soldiers rushed forward.
The human held up the little gold and copper-tipped cylinder up to her eye level/. “This, that pointy bit on the end is a bullet inside the gold part will be an explosive powder.” She stepped back, he held up the black stick, “This is a rifle, the bullets are fed into the chamber, the little hole right here where the firing pin will strike the back of the casing lighting the explosive and sending the bullet in a controlled explosion through the barrel at a high rate of speed into your target. Once inside, the more delicate metal is designed to break apart and tumble ripping your enemy apart from the inside.”
She stared at him in shock and horror, “You, you use explosives to hurl speeding shrapnel at your enemies.”
“Sort of accept for the times that we use explosives to hurl actual shrapnel of our enemies, then we just generally pack the explosives into a ball and throw them at each other.”
She swallowed hard, “I… I and what do those do?”
“Rip of limbs, hurl you to the ground, causing a pressure wave so serious that it causes the lungs to fill with fluid, or just kill you instantly, one of a multitude of options. We create them in all sizes, we shoot some from really big guns, drop them from the sky or even bury them in the ground to be triggered by the pressure of a misplaced foot long after we aren't there anymore.”
Was he threatening her, was she being threatened?
“I, I see, why-why do you not simply use energy weapons.”
The human sighed, “We tried those once upon a time, but it turns out the radius of an effective blast is closer than we would like, and like a taser some humans can sort of just walk them off. Better to rip open their insides to make sure they can’t get back up.”
She was feeling a bit feint, “I will have you know that the Drev wear full plate armor, and have a hard covering carapace.”
“In that case we will use armor piercing rounds. Just make this thing a bit heavier add some tungsten, punch through their hard outsides and into the squishy insides.”
She swallowed  hard, “Could you please not describe that so graphically?”
The human tilted his head at her, “I wasn’t.” His strange toothy expression returned, “Anyway each one of my soldiers will be carrying one of these, as well as a small version. A few of them will have the model that can shoot these over distances of thousands of feet.” I think we will have your little Drev problem dealt with in short order.”
She stammered and swallowed hard, “I…. I sure hope that you do.”
He reached out patting her on the arm, and she tried not to flinch, humans were very touchy, and she had a feeling that maybe it had something to do with dominance rituals, but she couldn’t be sure.
She just didn’t want to be touched by something that she knew could rip her arms off.
What had she gotten herself into.
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capricornus-rex · 4 years
The Longing For A Familiar Feeling
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Cal Kestis x Reader
Summary: Cal sustains a grave injury while going against a Jotaz in the chambers of the tomb. You obliged to tend to his wounds and nurse him back to health.
A/N: This basically counts as a backlog because I eventually ended up getting requests on the fly. The outline has been in my notes since April lmao so here I am fulfilling my compulsiveness to have everything ticked off the list.
Though, I hope you guys will enjoy this fic as you enjoy my other stuff! Your support has been an awesome impact ever since I came back here just to write a single oneshot last January ;;w;; I’m emotional again, I should stop now. Please enjoy the fic! ^w^
Also posted in AO3
Other reference: This one
Tags: Soft! Cal Kestis, Affection Starved! Cal Kestis, Intimate! Cal Kestis
The Tomb of Miktrull was unexpectedly more crowded than either of you expected.
Not only did the Tomb Guardian preoccupied you and Cal, but so did the Stormtroopers, Purge Troopers, and Probe Droids!
This day just can’t get any worse, can it? You thought, imagining yourself saying it out loud through clenched teeth.
The now-malfunctioning probe droid closed in on you and you timed the exact second before it self-destructs and Force-pushed it towards that trio of scout troopers coming at you. They instantly die in the explosion.
Cal rushed to back you up after defeating the Guardian. The Purge Trooper may be dead, but there were still two more scout troopers remaining. The odds are even—which may not be so bad, at least for you.
“I hit her! W-Why did I do that?!” the scout seemed to have regretted his action for pommeling you in the stomach.
You sent a clean streak of lunges at the scout trooper, your strikes were strong enough to break his defenses—after all, what good’s an electro-baton if your enemy’s a Jedi?
Cal easily took down the scout commander, he winced when he tried to stand up straight but he hid his pain from you when he gestured on taking on the lead.
“Look, there’s the gate,” he pointed out, Force-pulling the rope and then latching it onto the mechanism.
“Be careful, there’s that Jotaz,”
“It seems to be too busy with the Stormtroopers,”
“There’s the Jedi!” a Stormtrooper pointed out and signaled some of his men to fire at you.
“Not anymore!” you blurted, immediately deflecting the blaster fire and sending it back to their direction, leading some of the projectiles to the Jotaz—however, the mindless animal thought that it was still those soldiers who were still hurting it.
All that’s left was you and Cal against the Jotaz. The fat creature roared and lumbered towards the both of you, springing itself with its feet positioned for a flatfooted kick at either of you. Luckily, the two of you were quick and then dodged in opposite directions. Cal attacked it from behind while you drew its attention in the front, dodging its backhanded swipes by sliding against the flooded floor and searing its fleshy legs in the process.
While hunched and still coming at you, Cal took the opportunity to run up on its back and pith his lightsaber into its skull. Just when the moment seemed right, the Jotaz suddenly retaliated, feeling for Cal’s next movement and smacked him hard with its claws when the creature spun to face him.
The boy was sent flying across the other side of the chamber, lying flat on his back and partially submerged in the water. You were taken aback about how suddenly this animal became perceptive—at least, just this particular one—and had to up your game. While the Jotaz asserted its dominance against Cal, you afforded that moment to finish it off; it was close to dying and so you had to do the deed, sending a flurry of attacks, denying it as chance to attack you, and a succeeding Force-push made it stagger—finally allowing you to use your finishing move against it.
“Cal!” you ran up to him, kneeling down and ignoring the water seeping onto the legs of your pants. “Cal, open your eyes!”
A metallic smell wafted in the water, even though the chamber was quite dim, there was a noticeable red tint swirling over the back of your hand underwater. The source was from Cal’s body, but you searched for the actual wound—the Jotaz had cut Cal’s back and he’s bleeding out fast.
Promptly, BD-1 popped a stim for you, you caught the green syringe and injected it into the flesh of Cal’s bicep. His eyelids shot open when the viscous green substance packed a punch in his bloodstreams. You helped him sit up and searched for something—anything—in your person to press against the wound to clot the bleeding.
Lying right next to you is the corpse of a Stormtrooper, underneath the armor plates the dead soldier wore a black, cotton undershirt; you scrambled towards the body, tore the arm plates off until the entire sleeve showed—you gave it a good, harsh tug for the seams to pop until you’ve torn a considerable length of cloth for a compress. You dipped it in the water before putting it on Cal’s wound.
“Here, just keep pressuring on this, okay?”
The ancient elevator was there at your disposal, you supported Cal on your shoulders, hobbling towards the large cylinder and used your joint weight to trigger the pressure plate. The tube rumbled and felt it rising back up to the surface.
“[y/n], I can… I can walk,”
“Are you sure?”
There wasn’t any harshness in his tone, but the firmness of his voice made his point clear. The two of you managed to get out of the Imperial base and made it to the part of the cliffside where there’s a pack of Stormtroopers waiting.
Cal pushed himself, still being able to fight but only utilizing half of his power; due to his growing weakness, the most he can do in combat in banking the shots, barely engaging in melee, and he couldn’t even use much of his Force abilities even if he wanted to.
“Bleeding’s stopped,” Cal mumbled under his breath.
“Keep it wrapped then,”
The healing stim could only do so much for the wounded Jedi. Cal’s pace was slow, traversing the obstacles suddenly became strenuous for him, but he pulled himself together until both of you came out of the mouth of the cave and caught sight of the abandoned village from the top of the slope. His body felt heavy and every muscle around his wound felt like tearing, he still thinks he’s doing a good job putting up a brave face.
“Come on,” he led on, walking ahead of you.
The trooper standing by the edge was startled by Cal’s entrance, barely having a second to stance himself, the soldier was easily subdued by the boy. The trooper’s companion eventually appeared and defeated him in less than a minute.
“This way, the path’s shorter,”
The two of you circled that house and climbed up the metal bridge where two more scouts are waiting on the other side. The commander was evidently more powerful and stronger than his subordinate, but that didn’t faze either of the Jedi, another Stormtrooper heard the din of the skirmish and pulled the trigger—to which Cal had skillfully deflected and sent back to the soldier.
Cal’s deflection became a window of opportunity for the scout commander and made an underhand swipe of his baton against the redhead’s torso—submitting the boy to his knees—and when the commander was about to finish him off with an overhead swing, the Stormtrooper’s body jerked at the impact of a lightsaber lobbed his way and fell limp to the soil.
“You okay?” you extended your hand in front of Cal, he gladly takes it and you pull him up carefully.
“Yeah, I’m good,”
The sluggishness in his body was apparent, his legs dragged to the direction he wanted them to go but it’s obvious that he cannot carry himself anymore. He stumbled back on his knees again seconds after he planted his feet on the ground.
It’s not plausible, you thought. What stood between you and the Mantis is a hangar that’s probably guarded by Stormtroopers and their KX droid or Haxion Brood hunters waiting to jump on you. The only solution you can find around you is take shelter in one of the houses. You became Cal’s crutch as you led him into the bigger house in this section of the village, BD-1 spliced the door controls and the door hissed open.
The little droid spotted the fusebox and overcharged it so all of the lights in the cottage flickered to life, revealing that the house is only one, large furnished space; you settled Cal on the couch to let him relax and catch his breath, while you searched for medical supplies. For ever cabinet you rummaged, you muttered an apology—supposedly for the absent residents in the home—you’re only apologizing to the wind. You came back to the common room, dropping all the supplies you’ve collected on the table.
“It’s not much but I think it’ll be enough to get you patched up,”
Cal proceeded to undo the top of his jumpsuit, color flushed in his cheeks when he saw your eyes counting the cuts and bruises on his body. Droplets plopped back into the bowl as you wrung the towel tight, he winced occasionally whenever you carefully dabbed the towel on and around the wound.
At first, you dismissed the occasional spasms of his body as pain reactions whenever the water from the towel seeped into the wound.
“I’m gonna have to put some Bacta gel on everything, okay?”
He nodded and you proceeded to scoop a pea-sized dollop of the healing gel for each injury you see. The translucent mint green gel partially obscured the redness of the cuts and the bruises—both old and fresh. Cal flinches whenever your finger presses onto his skin, rubbing the cool substance in circling motions on his injuries, but his muscles gradually soften a few seconds later.
Her hands are so gentle… He cooed in his mind. Secretly, he wanted you to find more of the wounds just so he can continue feeling your touch.
“I’m sorry, I…” Cal stammered.
You blinked, taken aback by the apology, “What are you sorry for?”
His head hung low, his eyes jumping from one bruise to the next, his lips parted to say something.
“I’m too much trouble to bring with,” he murmured.
A somber smile curled along the line of your lips, Cal’s shoulders jolted when he felt the center of your palm press against his jaw, the muscles of his face twitched when you ran your thumb across his cheek.
“No, you’re not,” you cooed lovingly. “Besides, I like taking care of you.”
Your words somehow made all the tension in his muscles disappear, his eyebrows furrowed, and he released a big sigh as he placed his forehead against your shoulder. Initially, he hesitated but he still gave it a try—his arms snaked around your waist, locking his hold on you by clutching his wrist with his free hand, and allowing himself to savor this feeling. He buried his face on the crook of your neck and his eyelids fell when your fingernails massaged and raked his hair—this prompted him to pull you in closer to him until your thighs sat over his lap.
It was a pleasant feeling for the young redhead. All of a sudden, his courageous Jedi demeanor morphed into that of an innocent child. This was something he lacked for a long time and he was glad to find it in you—the person who cares so much about him, the same way he does for you.
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crystalgirl259 · 3 years
The Flame and the Dragon Chapter 30
Chapter 30: The Greenhouse
Kai gazed at the card in his hands, before shifting his neutral eyes back towards his opponents. His four competitors all held their cards close to their faces, leaving only their deceiving eyes visible. Though there was no pot between them, they played with the skill and secrecy as if they were competing for a fortune. Finally, in turns starting with the one to the left of the dealer. Echo, who had never played the game until Kai started teaching him earlier that week.
They threw down their hands.
Jay slammed the cards down, revealing three jacks. Ronin smirked and revealed three queens. Tox threw down five low, mismatched cards, all in diamonds. Kai flashed a bright smirk and elegantly laid out three Kings and two fives. His grin doubled in size as his competitors growled, and he crossed his hands proudly over his chest.
"What have you got, Echo?" Kai asked, triumphantly. The boy fidgeted a bit, nervously looking at his own hand, then everyone else's.
"Well, I think I got two pairs," He said uncertainly and began placing down cards. "One pair and another pair." He told them and just like that, it was like someone flipped a switch. Tox and the three boys gasped, screamed, and dropped their jaws when Echo color-coordinated his cards. He placed the ace of spades next to the ace of clubs in one pile and the aces of hearts and diamonds in a second.
"Awe man!" Ronin threw down his cards and leaned back on his hands. "Echo always wins!"
"Are you sure you've never played poker before?" Kai asked with suspicious eyes and Echo blushed. "Beginner's luck? Or maybe I just had a good teacher?" He guessed as he flashed a guilty smile. Kai melted under the boy's eyes, flashing the same pleading look Lloyd used to get out of trouble. At first glance, it looked purely innocent. However, he had grown up with Lloyd and he knew full well Echo was far more mature than he let others believe.
"Don't try and butter me up, I'm immune to that," Kai smirked as he ruffled Echo's hair.
"Honestly though, I really think it's just luck." Echo laughed
"Let's try a different game," Ronin suggested as he gathered up the cards and started shuffling the cards, performing an impressive bridge.
"No thanks, we've been playing cards all morning." Kai sighed, leaned back against his pillows, and unfurled his crossed legs from their uncomfortable position. As much as Kai loved spending time with his friends, his confinement to this room, even for the sake of his health was driving him to madness. At least when Cole locked him in this room a few months back he could actually walk around and go out on the balcony.
"We could do something else?" Jay suggested sympathetically and Kai gave him a small smile. He knew Jay took his job as the castle entertainer seriously, but at this point, there was little he could do.
"Honestly, Jay, I just can't wait to get the hell out of this bedroom, I feel like I've been stuck in here forever," Kai complained, loudly. As if on cue, the door to Kai's room opened followed by the sound of large, leathery wings.
"Perhaps I can change that?" Cole said as he swaggered inside, slightly irritated Kai wasn't alone but ignored it when he saw the surprise on Kai's face. The young man was propped broadly against his backrest donning only a pair of red pajamas and a thick, fuzzy robe and it was mid-afternoon.
"Are you here to make sure I stay in bed like a good little boy?" Kai teased, sarcastically. Cole snorted and called his bluff.
"Actually, I was going to say that you've been given a clean bill of health and if you wanted to get dressed, but if you insist." He smirked as he turned to leave but Kai was faster and jumped off the bed and grabbed the clothes out of Cole's arms in less than a second, not even acknowledging the flowers.
"Thank you!" Kai said sweetly before disappearing into the bathroom to change.
"He's happy," Ronin laughed and swung his legs over the side of the bed.
"I'll bet, he's been stuck in here for almost two weeks and Winter's almost over." Tox hummed as she slithered off the bed and opened the curtains letting sunlight spill into the room.
"Speaking of that, I want your attention," Cole announced earning all of his servant's attention. "Echo, I've already given Zane an outline, but I'm planning a ball in a few weeks, and I need someone in charge of cleaning up the ballroom and making it spectacular, you up for it?" He smirked with a wink as he put the roses in a nearby vase. Echo looked flabbergasted then ecstatic.
"I'd love to!" He exclaimed, practically bursting from his seat, and grabbed Jay and Tox's hands. "I'll start right away! I make it look prettier than it did on your coronation!" He cheered and jumped with glee, dragging his two helpless captives behind him, his cheers echoing around the hallway. Ronin turned to his master with bewildered eyes.
"Aren't you going to join them? The ball is for the whole castle and it's going to take a lot of preparations." Cole chuckled. Ronin's eyes doubled in size before a wide grin of delight split his face and he bolted off after his friends, laughing giddily.
"Where did everyone go?" A familiar brunette suddenly asked. Cole turned around at the sound of Kai's voice and lost his breath. Griffin's latest outfit for Kai consisted of a long-sleeved shirt and matching pants made of dark crimson satin. Smooth, shiny cloth tightly hugged his arms, legs, and torso but flared at his wrists and ankles. Black lace adored the collar like black wings. The red of his sleeves stuck out at his wrists giving his outfit a flame-like appearance.
"You look ravishing," Cole purred as he licked his lips making Kai blush and grunt in annoyance.
"What's with all the lace?" He asked a bit put off by the feminine decoration. Cole shrugged, though his own clothing consisted of a simple green shirt and pants that bunched at the knees where his scales formed spikes and a simple black frock coat. Cole quickly leaned over, placed an arm behind Kai's shoulders and hooked his other arm under Kai's knees, and yanked him into a bridal carry.
"Cole! What are you doing?" Kai yelped and threw his arms around Cole's neck for support.
"What?" Cole asked in mock innocence. Kai growled and fidgeted fiercely in Cole's grip.
"I hate being carried, you know that! Besides, Echo and Neuro said I was fine, so let me walk on my own!"
"Correction, they said you were allowed to leave so long as you did not over-exert yourself, and you remained indoors."
"But I can still walk!" He complained, punching Cole's chest but became annoyed when Cole didn't even flinch.
"Now, come on, I have something very special I want to share with you." He grinned. Kai said nothing, preferring to crossing his arms and pout, but ceased his fighting.
"Alright, I suppose I can forgive you then, as long as I'm out of my room for the rest of the day."
"I guarantee it," Cole smirked. He held onto Kai when they came to the hallway and leaped onto the banister. Kai clung to him when they suddenly took to the air and screeched when Cole dropped. Cole glided on his wings until he landed on the main level, falling to one knee. Cole's breath suddenly caught in his chest and a pounding pain erupted right where Kai's elbow collided with his ribs. Cole growled at him then smirked wickedly. Before Kai could counter he was suddenly flung into the air and found his chest and chin whacking against Cole's hard, scaled spine, the tail of his coat flopped over his head.
A shiver raked his spine when he felt sharp, cold claws stroke his hips where the hems of his shirt exposed his skin.
"You never learn do you, Kai?" He said and Kai could just picture the smirk on Cole's face. Immediately realizing his position, Kai turned as red as his clothing, and his defenses erupted in a fit of anger and embarrassment.
"COLE!" Kai screamed and thrashed, flailing his limbs and pounding his fists as hard as he could against Cole's back, and pushed himself up so his body was somewhat straight. "Let go! I can tolerate your bridal carry obsession but I'll be damned if I'm carried like this!" He shouted and shrieked as Cole grabbed one of his ankles to keep the thrashing limb from striking him. He couldn't contain himself and burst out laughing at Kai's temper tantrum.
Finally, Cole took pity on him and wrapped his tail around Kai's waist then released his hold.
Kai released a combination of a yelp of surprise and a screech of fear when he was suddenly flipped over and found himself on his feet, Cole's tail securely wrapped around his waist. Cole hadn't stopped laughing.
"Don't get sick again, Kai, you're too amusing," Cole said as he choked out words between laughs. Kai growled like a caged animal. His balled fists, furious eyes, and twisted jaw were marred by his strawberry red face. He wanted to speak but his words turned to embarrassing snarls.
"Now don't be like that, I'm only teasing." Cole smiled and wrapped a wing about Kai's back in apology.
"At least I'm walking now." Kai snorted as he gave a small smile and let Cole led him down a familiar corridor. For a second Kai thought Cole was taking him back to the library. They stopped by the recognizable curved doors, however, he found Cole's attention on another part of the hallway. It was adjacent to the library entrance and opposite the enormous windows lining the hallway. At first glance, it looked like the rest of the wall. Kai could see the faint outline of ivory vines and stone flowers growing from the ground into a curved arch shape.
Cole shoved the doors open with a hard shove.
Light burst from inside and Kai could see that the ceiling was curved like a half-cylinder. It was made entirely of glass, flooding the room with sunlight. He covered his eyes with his arm and let Cole guide him inside. When he looked up, he found himself in the center of another world. His breath caught in this throat when he realized the world was actually a giant greenhouse. He quickly realized that the greenhouse was more than just an inside garden.
A field of grass was contoured by a sundry of hedges and bushes.
A fountain stood in the back right of the greenhouse, always tinkling with the sound of water. The flowers and plants were forming a miniature world of their own, full of mysteries and wonder. They were a delight for butterflies. There were some bird feeders scattered around and the sounds of many different birds echoed around. The hedges and bushes had recently been trimmed. A path of stepping stones curves around each bend in the garden, beckoning people to explore the garden and showing them the best sights at the same time.
Roots slightly disrupted the pristine look as they hungrily search for even more pieces of land to expand to.
The fountain eternally beckoned all visitors, drawing all attention toward it. The flowers and plants were surely a sight to behold, and the hedges and bushes looked fantastic. The focus was just simply on the fountain.
"This is the Queen's Greenhouse, a sacred place only those allowed by the Queen or someone invited by one whom she has personally granted permission may enter; even the staff isn't allowed inside," Cole explained and that hasn't surprised Kai. He could tell the room has been well cared for. None of the plants had lost their brilliance, the flowers hadn't lost their reality, and the little birds hadn't lost their beauty.
"I'm honored that you'd share this with me," Kai spoke graciously. Though the room was only the size of a tall living room, the walls and plants made it seem much smaller and worldly bigger all at once. Its oval shape blended everything without the disruption of corners. Kai was lost in the world the queen created until he felt firm hands grip his shoulders to steady him. In the corner of the room, he found a small stool in front of a shed and a stack of gardening supplies, jars of paint, and bowls of tools.
Next to the shed was a large statue of the couple he recognized from the portrait in Cole's room, lavished in beautiful wedding garbs.
The man held his bride in his arms. The bride held a beautiful bouquet of roses. Kai flinched when he felt Cole's wing wrap around his form. Kai turned to stare at him but Cole's gaze was in an unknown universe, a worldly smile set upon his face.
"I was a child when she first brought me here, I asked her if Dad ever saw it, and she laughed and said the first time she brought him here was to show him the statue she had made, the one of their wedding day." He smiled and Kai's eyes returned to the portrait. Just imagining the sheer joy the king must have felt when his wife showed him the statue their love inspired. "Then she finally told him the real reason why she'd brought him there, she'd wanted to tell him she was pregnant."
Kai's eyes widened, but Cole just smiled in an almost childlike way.
Cole wrapped his arms around the boy's shoulder, and met Kai's eyes with his own, glowing with something that made Kai's heart skip a beat. Kai tried to find his voice but found he could barely breathe. So much had happened, so much had yet to happen but somehow it all seemed less complex when he looked into Cole's eyes. Rationality and emotion warred against one another in a way that made Kai want to scream. For a brief moment, he despaired as to how such a glorious creature could find one such as him so special.
But just as quickly, he crushed those thoughts and relaxed his mind.
The hammering of his heart suddenly sounded quiet and the sudden wash of emotion made his eyes droop and his lips part. It took all of Cole's willpower not to simply kiss his captive senselessly and pin him against the floor. He knew Kai wouldn't stop him if he did, but the last nagging sliver of control had ruthlessly crushed those desires. It was getting harder and harder to control himself around him, but Cole promised himself he would wait.
He wouldn't take that step until they were both certain, but it didn't stop him from wanting to pull the smaller man into his arms.
Kai's half-lidded eyes and the slight parting of his lips made Cole lick his fangs. Fire and desire burned in his veins, sending his every nerve ending ablaze. His claws carefully danced up Kai's clothed arms before firmly taking hold of his tanned shoulders. The young man didn't flinch. Without warning, Cole broke his control and crashed their lips together in a rich, passionate kiss. Kai immediately parted his lips and gripped the collar of Cole's coat and shirt tightly.
He pulled the Dragon Lord closer against him, deepening the desire between them.
A fire burst between them, their limbs and lips moved and explored new territories, claiming whatever they could touch. The scorching touch between them made them both burn for more and more. They mutually broke away, their eyes never leaving the others. Cole's grip on Kai's shoulders tightened and he roughly pulled the teen forward until their foreheads touched.
"You make it so difficult to keep control, my flame." Cole panted each word.
"Then why not break your control?" Kai smirked as his eyes lit up at the challenge. Uncertainty flashed in Cole's eyes.
"You have no idea what you're asking." He warned as one of his hands reached for one of the objects near the gardening supplies. He held a thick metal container clearly in line with Kai's vision. With a simple clench of his wrists, his claws sliced it to ribbons of metal, his muscles crushing them together before Cole dropped to the ground. Kai rolled his eyes.
"That isn't what I meant, and you know it."
"Perhaps not, but the fact remains, I'm still a dragon, Kai." Cole frowned. "I have teeth and claws, scales and a tail and brute strength, if I'm not careful, I could kill you with my brutality."
"No, you wouldn't," Kai said confidently.
"How do you know?" Cole challenged, unconvinced.
"Because I know you," He said firmly, his gentle hands moving to cradle the dragon's face in his hands. "I know for a fact you would never hurt me, you might roar at me, but you've had to dodge a few of my punches too so I guess that makes us even." He winked playfully. Despite himself, Cole couldn't help but laugh.
"Are you sure? I'm not blind, Kai, I see the fear in your eyes." He smiled with a raised eyebrow.
"Well, you're right, I am scared, but not of you; I have taken your true form into consideration, and you can't fault me for finding the idea of losing my virginity to a dragon a bit intimidating, that and I'm not rushing into anything," Kai sighed as he flicked Cole's nose, but his stance assured him he was serious, despite the playful banter. "I mean it, I mean, technically, we haven't even been on a proper date yet." He winked.
"Then perhaps you'd like to?" Cole smirked. Kai blinked, making Cole grin wider. "I was thinking of hosting a ball soon since that ballroom hasn't been used in years and the staff has been dying to use it, so perhaps, having an event where the whole castle may enjoy the evening is the best idea."
"Really?" Kai blinked in surprise. He didn't think Cole was the party type and his only experience was the boring affairs Morro hosted. Then again, if Echo was designing the evening and Jay and Ronin were in charge under Zane's supervision, he had no doubt it would be an enjoyable night. Cole nodded with a smile as he leaned forward, wrapping his free arm possessively around Kai's waist.
"You would do me a grand honor by being my date for the evening?"
"I'd love to!" Kai burst, enthusiastically. Cole was taken aback by the suddenness but laughed at Kai's spryness.
"Are you sure, Kai?" Cole teased, releasing him slightly. "You wouldn't mind attending a romantic affair with someone old enough to be your ancestor? I am, after all, 121 years?"
"Nope, not unless you mind going out in public with an immature teenager who's not yet twenty, would you?" Kai countered, his eyes lighting up at the game.
"Not in the slightest," Cole responded. Neither of them broke eye contact until finally they couldn't contain themselves any longer and they broke into a fit of amusement. Their pearls of laughter could be heard all the way from the ballroom...
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evien-stark · 4 years
✧I Need You✧ Chapter 171
Honey… Tony’s voice- calling you- but it sounded so far away. Like you were under piles of snow. Muffled. Mostly muted. Hard to breathe. ...honey… He kept on calling. You tried to say something in that pitch black void you found yourself in, circling some drain somewhere. But nothing came out. The tone of his voice got more desperate. Harder. Nervous. Until finally he shouted your actual name-
And that snapped you to. “What- what’s going on?” As your eyes blinked open- still- you realized you were in the middle of a battle. Literally- mid pulling back from a punch that had shattered a suit clean through the stomach. There were other shells littering the immediate area you found yourself in. Had you been conscious this whole time? Tony’s video window finally registered as you stared at him on your HUD. As your only sudden anchor point in the middle of a war you had no recognition of fighting. Oh. That meant you were in your suit. Had JARVIS fixed it? “You’re burning up, and your gamma pulses are off the charts. Whatever you’re doing you need to stop. Now.”
As soon as he mentioned it, you felt yourself sweating inside your suit. So hard that you were shivering. He seemed to have no idea what was going on with you, save that if you didn’t immediately stop it, something very bad might happen. 
...but what were you doing? What had you been doing? The only thing you knew was that you were very confused. “I’m just- I’m fighting- with everyone else-” Only as you tried to speak did you realized you were out of breath. Your chest hurt. 
“Are you? You seemed pretty catatonic there for a good ten minutes. I lost communication with you after you went after Vision- after Ultron activated the Vibranium thrusters- and then suddenly you came back on screen-” 
“After Ultron did what?” It was after you asked that the memory came back. Yes, you’d gone to help JARVIS as you’d felt him fading away somehow- and yes- you’d confronted Ultron as he’d revealed his grand plan- “Oh- Ultron tried to kill me-” 
“Not surprised.” Tony was struggling with something. Probably the same thing as you. Yet he was also taking the time to allow you to speak about what had happened. It all seemed so unimportant.
It didn’t matter anyway, because you couldn’t seem to help yourself from talking. “He took me high up- deactivated my suit- and threw me- but I got him to come after me and then I-” ...then you what? 
“I don’t remember.” 
“I do.” His ringing metallic voice was sharp. Almost as sharp as the swipe to your side, knocking you off your feet straight into a car. He came straight for you after, putting his hand around your throat, pulling you up and then slamming you back down a few times over. “No trust. No love. Just disappointment. Can’t say I’m surprised, given what team you sided with.” He then crushed you against the now wrecked frame of the car. “I was going to give you the world.” 
Wrenching your hands up you powered your repulsors, “You were going to kill me.” Then with two concentrated shots you blasted him back and away. Steve’s shield came from around the other side of the building closest, colliding with Ultron midair. It was actually an impressive sight. He’d gotten so good with that thing. But as you looked up at him he waved his arm. “Go! I’ve got him!” 
You weren’t exactly sure where he was telling you to go, but you jetted out of there quick. It didn’t take you too long to find a place to land. The twins were caught in the middle of crossfire from both sides. Though as you landed between the both of them, you heard the police captain keeping his troops at bay. “Hold your fire!” 
Turning your back in a quick twist, you fired off shot after shot to hit some of those suits back and then leapt forward to knee one up and then throw it back down into the ground. They seemed to be pulling their weight enough because the area cleared within the next moment. You didn’t check to see if they were okay as you saw Tony fly ahead. Out. Probably taking a look at the current situation. There were still too many civilians trapped here and… 
As you took off to get closer to him, you sensed a wave of dread. Probably not good news. Opening up your private channel, you watched his video window carefully. “Talk to me.” 
His eyes were lowered, though flickering left and right. Probably reading scans and other information that would go way over your head. He seemed a little strained. “We’re not getting this city down easy. Or at all.” 
“How do you mean?” Okay. So. Very not good. 
“Best I’ve got right now… I can get Thor to crack the Vibranium focal point and concentrate power from underneath. It’d explode the city.” Heaviness fell across him. 
You swallowed hard. “Sokovia or the world.” That was the choice he was currently facing. The two of you watched each other from your HUDs. There were too many civilians. Too many people would die. ...but at the cost of the entire earth? The longer you waited, the harder the choice got. The higher the city would be and letting it drop would mean total destruction- exactly what Ultron wanted. 
There was no right choice here. 
Steve’s voice broke the both of you lamenting at what you were now facing. “Stark- what’s it look like up there? You got anything?” 
You didn’t want Tony to be the one to take this. He was struggling enough as it was. “We… we have a way to blow the city. So that the impact on the surface won’t destroy everything.” 
Maybe you should have said how much this bothered you. Because apparently it wasn’t clear enough. Steve’s voice went tight. “I asked for a solution. Not an escape plan.” 
Tony shook his head. “Impact radius is getting bigger every second. The longer we wait, the closer we get to Ultron deciding for us. We have to make a choice here.” 
Steve made a noise of dissonance, but it was Natasha who spoke next, god bless her. “Cap. These people aren’t going anywhere. If they have a way to blow this rock-” 
“No.” Steve stopped her cold. “Not until everyone is safe.” 
Natasha hit back, “Everyone up here versus everyone down there? There’s no math there.” She was planting her feet on a solid solution. No one wanted to be the one to make it. You shouldn’t have had to. But. You had no other choice. 
You decided to add your consent to the matter. “This isn’t a choice. Nobody wants to make this call. But we’re the only ones who can.” 
A voice crackled over your comms. “Hey now. Let’s not make any hasty decisions yet. You don’t have all the variables.” Nick Fury. It mattered very little if it was actually him. LUNA made the next alert. “SHIELD helicarrier is approaching!” And just as she’d made her assessment, you saw the beast unearth itself from the clouds. You remembered it well. It had been a long time. 
Steve sounded a little more enthused. “Fury. You son of a bitch.” 
Fury whistled. “Oo. You kiss your mother with that mouth?” Maria took over next. “Altitude is eighteen-thousand and climbing! Lifeboats are deploying now!” Just as she’d given the order, three smaller crafts emerged from the sides of the helicarrier, flying closer to Sokovia. 
You couldn’t help the relief you felt. There was a way out of this yet. “Let’s start moving.” 
But before you could even go, Maria was warning you suddenly. “We have multiple bogies converging on our starboard flank!” 
Looking at Tony on the HUD, the two of you gave a little nod and then backed off the edge of Sokovia to take to the air again. You had to protect those lifeboats. They were the only thing you had. A line of fire wiped out a row of suits that had appeared to attack. And you spied the War Machine armor break the cloudline next. Rhodey’s window popped up. “Yes! Now this is gonna be a good story.” 
You mock-swooned. “Oh my hero.” He’d done what you’d asked. Gotten a crew together. And for that he deserved a smooch or two. 
Tony seemed to agree, grinning. “Make that the both of us.” 
“We’ll take you to dinner.” Making that promise rather easily. 
“If we live.” Tony threw some pessimism in but you could tell from that smile still on his face he was just having a moment. 
Rhodey scoffed. “What, you think I can’t hold my own?” 
Tony’s brows went up. “If we get through this, I’ll hold your own.” 
“You just had to make it weird.” 
Cutting the both of them off you held back your giggles. “Save the bedroom talk for later boys. We’ve got work to do.” And work the three of you did, cutting around each other to protect the helicarrier and secure the lifeboats from heavy fire. 
It was only a little while after that Tony startled you when he exclaimed, “I’ve got it! I’ve got a plan.” Thor delivered the bad news. “We’re out of time. They’re coming for the core.” 
Tony waved an unnecessary hand. “Rhodey, get the rest of the people on board the carrier. Honey, you’re with me.” Then he simply rolled out of the locked flight pattern and took off. So you were quick to go after him, falling in line aside him. “Avengers. It’s time to work for a living.” 
You tried to cover your tiredness with something cheerful. “Yearly bonuses for everyone after this.” 
Following him all the way back into the heart of the city, the both of you dropped altitude and came to a land in the church. Again. Where it all started- where it was all coming from. Most of the team was there. Save for two who Tony had no trouble calling out. “Romanoff. YOu and Banner better not be playing hide the zucchini.” 
Unable to help yourself, you gave him a quick snap of your arm across his side. Barely probably even registering to him in the suit. Her voice came over the comms. “Relax, shell-head. Not all of us can fly. We’re converging now.” When she said now she meant right now. Hulk was the first one to bust in, and she was seconds behind him.
And with the whole team there, you turned to him to ask, “What’s the plan?” 
Tony pointed at that Vibranium cylinder. “This. This is the plan. If Ultron gets a hand on the core we lose.” 
Almost as if your group had summoned him, the whirring of Ultron approaching, as he floated very near to the church turned the team in his direction. Thor raised his hammer. “Is that the best you can do?!” 
The sudden sounds of footsteps of mechanical bodies stomped up to surround the premises. They stopped after swarming up on Ultron, and he stretched his arms out. Steve sighed. “You had to ask.” 
Ultron tipped his head to the side. “This is the best I can do. This is exactly what I wanted. All of you, against all of me. How could you possibly hope to stop me?” 
While the situation wasn’t completely hopeless… it was starting to feel that way. Just a little. The team had only one way to make this right. And right now it was playing keepaway with this core. So that meant you had to keep hundreds of these suits from getting a single finger on it. Tony found at least a little mirth. “Well. Like the old man said… together.” 
You found yourself smiling despite the desperation. He was right. Because that was the only way any of you were going to get through this. Hulk roared- which seemed to activate the waves. They came rushing, and all too soon the blinding lights and sounds of battle consumed you. With most of your team on the ground, you followed Tony’s stride, flying around the room to keep the top of the core clear from the suits raining down. Each with an outstretched claw. 
All trying to press that button. And if a single one got through- it was over. Maybe it wasn’t as hopeless as it all seemed. Ultron was getting enraged. So much so that he let it carry him through the front of the church. JARVIS rose to meet him, blow for blow until Ultron put a hand around his throat and then punched him back. You twisted up to get between them, raising your knee in a full kick to his chest. You followed it up with a repulsor blast that JARVIS doubled, firing a beam from that gem embedded in his forehead. 
It was enough to beat Ultron back. He flew back in a heap outside of the church and the both of you followed. Grounding yourself for more power, you held both hands out then, firing off as strong a blast as you could. And then at your sides Tony and Thor appeared, throwing both their power at Ultron. The four of you. Against just him. 
And it worked. His facade melted away, and he put his hands up to try and shield himself from the quadruple firepower, but it wasn’t enough. And once he was decimated enough, crumbling to his knees, you let up. He raised a hand, as if in a plea for mercy. “You know…” He was also weirdly breathing hard. Like this had taken something out of him. “With the benefit of hindsight-” 
Whatever snark he was about to give was cut very short as Hulk ran at him and rammed him with a quick thrust, sending him flying away. Then he turned and all the suits standing there waiting to swarm suddenly seemed to get a different idea. Survival only. And with that, they turned to run. Hulk gave chase, but they took off the sides of Sokovia- 
Thor was quick, “They’ll try to leave the city!” On your HUD a schematic popped up, numbering all the foreign bodies taking off to the skies. Tony was in the air and you jumped up after him. “We can’t let ‘em, not even one! Rhodey do you have visuals?” 
Rhodey just chuckled. “Oh no- I didn’t say you could leave!” That was as much of a yes as you’d get. 
Following quick in behind you as you fired a few shots from the air, JARVIS sneaked up as Rhodey passed by you. He put his hands through the chest plate of one of the suits- more phasing than force- and then simply ripped it apart. 
On your HUD, Rhodey’s window popped up and he looked extremely confused. And a little unnerved. “Okay… what? Who is that?” 
You gave a small smile. “We’ll have to have a meet and greet later. But you know that one. That’s JARVIS.” 
He double blinked. “That’s- who now?” 
JARVIS spoke over the comms. “A pleasure as always to see you, Colonel Rhodes.” 
Dead air hung until Rhodey doubled down. “What?!” 
The team in the church was rounding up. Things were feeling a little more completed. You heard them leave Wanda in charge of the core. You weren’t exactly sure how you felt about that- but she had no reason to turn now. She was here. She was doing her best. That was all you could ask. So… that was it then. You trusted her. Steve was taking the others to round up the rest of the civilians. 
With your messing around, you only just noticed that Tony had vanished. Without a word. He was gone from your view. And his signal had died on your HUD, too. 
Your heart seized. “LUNA locate Tony.” 
It took her a little too long to give you an answer. So much so that you nearly barked at her to give you anything- but when a dot blinked on your screen- underneath Sokovia- she started speaking. “Comms are unlocked.” 
What on earth did that mean? 
You heard Tony, then. “Thor I’m gonna need you back in the church.” Following his location beacon, you flew to the underbelly of the city, just in time to see him cut a hole through a panel and disappear inside. And also in time to hear him say- “You know. If this works. We maybe don’t walk away.” 
Thor’s tone was quiet. “Maybe not.” 
In a tuck upwards you felt his startle as you landed just atop the hole. “You wouldn’t be leaving me out of something, would you?” 
He’d done this before. 2012. You felt a memory etched deeply into your heart dig its way out from a chasm you’d tried to banish it to. That time- that he’d taken control of your suit- forced you away- and told you he loved you. Right as he disappeared through a wormhole he wasn’t supposed to come out of. 
The memory made you a little dizzy as a flight of panic took hold. He was doing it again. 
“Honey- we don’t have time to argue about this-” About to banish you again. Let him do all the work. And maybe die for it. “So let’s not argue then. Tell me what you need me to do.” If he had to die doing this then so did you. 
At least that’s what you thought. But. FRIDAY interrupted. “Boss! Ultron took the quinjet. He’s headed out!” 
Already you spit the word out at Tony, “Don’t.” Because he was looking at you. About to order you. And you weren’t sure you could take it. 
His helmet lifted up, and he raised his hand, touching along the side of your neck. The two of you didn’t have time for this. But you released your own helmet, and cupped his hand closer. Holding it at your cheek. Feeling the inevitability of this. He did what you asked him not to. “You gotta go.” 
That was your job. You had to stop Ultron. He was getting away. And if he did this was all for nothing. And if Tony didn’t do what he had to do- it was also all for nothing. But- 
How could you go- when he’d just said he might be sentencing himself to death? 
You tried not to be weak. But you were. Tears had started. “I love you.” 
His smile was a brief light in your heart. “I love you.” Bringing you closer, laying a kiss to your forehead. Holding you. Stealing a few more seconds. Not enough time as soon he parted and practically begged you one last time. “Go.” 
Leave me. 
You knocked your head against his. Clutching to him for just a single moment more. “You don’t have my permission to die.” 
A sharp breath of amusement left him. “Yes, ma’am.” Then you finally did it. You left him. With the last warmth you owned. 
Ducking back through the hole you took off into flight, going after the tail of the quinjet disappearing further and further away into the clouds. It was Hulk flanking you suddenly- in the air- that gave you a shock of surprise, a little noise escaping you he whizzed by. You looked behind you, finding his jumping point from the helicarrier. He was going after Ultron- 
Scratch that- 
He had Ultron. And tossed him out of the back of the jet. Leaving you there staring a little uselessly. Your attention was being pulled in a thousand different directions. Ultron was back on Sokovia. Hulk was… you had no idea what he was doing- was he leaving? The jet surely had an override for that, right? You were free to go back to Tony- 
But something else pulled you back down. Back to the surface. And when you landed, following the bare trail, you found yourself between the church and the spot where you felt Ultron fading away. No longer a threat. Wanda was walking towards you. And with her she carried a song of grief so deep it nearly drowned you. She was glowing redhot- a literal red that snapped up and strangled you as soon as she got close enough. 
Overpowering you. Overwhelming you. 
She stopped, just a single foot away from you, teeth bared in a rage. You tried to catch your breath. “What happened?” 
Tears stained her face. She said something. Something- and then she was gone. And it only registered to you once you realized you’d gone, too. 
You weren’t at the church. Someone was pulling your strings. And as you suddenly stood over Pietro’s body- full of bloody bulletholes, you heard the shape of her voice. 
Can’t you do anything? 
Clint was kneeling near him. Steve had a civilian in his arms. Both looked at you as you approached. 
Won’t you do anything? 
Wanda was swallowing you whole. Commanding your efforts- maybe unknowingly- but her pain was just so unbearable- Please do something.
Reaching a hand out, you felt him. Saw a soft light cascading out from him. Pooling. Threatening to go. Your heartbeat was pounding in your ears as you put a hand out. Over his chest. And then you made your own demands. On her behalf.  And you felt him, then. Trembling. Scared to die. So you blanketed him in a peace that seemed intrinsic to you- if only in this moment. And a voice that was mostly yours soothed him.
It is not your time to go. 
A wisdom that someone had passed to you. And you were now using it to keep him there, as a light escaped you, and you felt yourself burning up. Clint’s and Steve’s dual nervous surprise barely registered. Going down on one knee, you scooped his body up in your arm, your other hand hovering over his chest, stemming the flow of that light. 
Head turned up as you lifted him, “Is Cho aboard the helicarrier?” You already knew the answer to this. There were about twenty-thousand souls on this little barren rock. All inside the helicarrier now. And Cho was one of them. Performing miracle medical work. 
Maria answered you. “She’s here.” 
All the answer you needed as you took off. It seemed like a single shred of a second. A blink of your eyes. You were on Sokovia with a body barely clinging to life- only at your direction- and the next you were inside the helicarrier. Handing him over to Cho who didn’t wait to take him. Lab assistants swarmed up. 
The rumble of Sokovia about to drop to the ground caught your attention next. Wanda had abandoned her post. You had let her. She’d walked right by you and demanded in a ghostly grip that you do something to save her a piece of her heart- and because of that- Ultron had hit the trigger. Sokovia was falling.
And Tony was beneath it. 
You took off without another thought. Fighting. Racing against the city as it plummeted. A shockwave ran through it from both ends- Tony and Thor working together to destroy it. The blast sent you sideways, flying back as all manner of alarms started ringing. The only one you cared about, though, was FRIDAY asking you for help. “The boss’ suit is fried! He used too much power! Hell get crushed if he hits the ground!” 
No. No. 
“Show me!” She lit up a little dot on your screen, along with the trajectory of the debris mounted to list him as just another casualty of this war if you failed. Tony was falling. His signal jerked to the right- and you watched as a jagged piece of earth hit him sideways and he went dark. “I need everything in my jets!”
LUNA was quick. “Transferring!” 
If he hit the water at this speed he’d probably die just from the impact. Even in the suit, his insides probably would have liquified. You wouldn’t let that happen. The sudden boost in your jets jarred you only a little. Your vision blurred slightly. But you reached out, fingertips touching him just barely, and then you got an arm underneath him and hit the reverse thrust once- then again- a little at a time to keep from snapping him in half- until finally you were able to full stop. 
His consciousness just briefly fluttered. And as you carried him to ground- actual ground, finally, his shaky voice filled your ears. “I kinda wish you hadn’t done the whole my hero thing earlier. Would’ve been really good. Right about now.” 
A breath caught in your throat and tears came to your eyes as you set him down somewhere outside the city grounds, outside the crater that now rested in place where Sokovia once was. “You can still do it.” 
“Well in that case.” He sounded very tired. “My hero.” 
Carefully, you reached up to press the release mechanism on his helmet, taking it off him once it unlocked. He was bloodied and bruised. Like always. Soft brown eyes beckoning. Looking. Trying to find you. So you took your helmet off next, and found him painted in sudden light. 
 Your light.
His hand lifted, touching up along the side of your face. “You’re burning up.” Concerned. 
“I don’t know how to stop.” There was no thought to this. It left you in a single breath. Something had taken hold of you- back in the lab. Something now lurked inside you. You had no idea what. And it had forced your hand several times now. 
“Look at me. You’re alright. We’re alright. We’re safe now.” Tone gentle as he tried to urge you back from an edge neither of you understood. “You can rest.” 
But could you? 
JARVIS landed behind you. You didn’t see him. But you felt him. You felt everyone. 
He put a careful hand on your shoulder. “Ms. INY, allow me to assist you.” 
A piercing noise hit the air and your head dropped forward in a wince, eyes closed tight. But it quickly died down into a… a soft hum. Something familiar. And… calming. JARVIS was releasing you. 
...from what…? 
You were no longer there. In that space- -yours- you saw him. He was carrying a shadow. Pained. “You killed Ultron.” Knowing already. Knowing that’s why his heart ached. Lifting a hand to ghost the shape of his heart over his chest you offered him some small comfort. 
His smile was sad. “The last one.” Stepping aside he revealed some sort of… loose shape. Some form. Huddled on the floor. It didn’t look human. It didn’t really look like anything. “He called out for you.” That was all JARVIS needed to say.
 On uneasy legs you shifted forward, and moved to kneel. With a shaky hand you reached out, just… ghosting over that form. It shivered and released what sounded like a bare noise. A whisper. A hum. “Ultron.” The voice you used was not one you recognized.
 When he spoke, for the first time since you’d met him, it came without that metallic tang. And he sounded almost… human. “We’re failures. All of us. Twisting in his wind.”
 There was no point in arguing with him. Not like this. Not ever again. He was dying. And even in his last moments, all he could do was think to hate Tony. To try and warn you about a man you knew far more about. You felt… incredible pity for him. For what he’d become. What… you, in some parts, had created. And failed to save. “You can rest now.”
 Terrified. Ultron was terrified of dying.
 “You’re okay. I’ve got you.” With your fingers outstretched, your hand moved in a glide across that twitching shape. Offering your last shred of comfort. The same kind you’d offered to JARVIS. And to Pietro. Just something to ease some permanent suffering that you had caused in some way. It would never be enough. But…
 His final light mumbled something. Something… almost peaceful. Something that called to you. Some whisper of gratitude in his final moments as you dispersed him. For a moment it felt like you were following him, as you craned forward. You were worn thin and waning. At least until JARVIS stepped behind you, towering over you with his safe presence. Close to you, he laid his hand atop your head in an affectionate touch. Your core settled. “It’s just us for now.” He felt so familiar in that moment. Like you’d… known him all your life. “Allow me to help you.” Maybe even longer than that.
“Mm…” You weren’t sure what you were agreeing to. And it didn’t really matter. 
Your mind became a blur. A nice thick fog. You eased forward, back outside, Tony’s hands guarding you, keeping you from falling completely against him. “Honey?” 
He was scared. Barely there you thought of the only thing that would make it easier for him. And for you. “I love you.” 
You felt his smile. Saw the shape of it. Even as your eyes were closed. His relief kept you floating. “I love you, too. Ready to go home? You look like you could use a nap.” 
A choked laugh escaped you. For a moment you weren’t sure if you were crying or not. “A vacation.” 
“Maybe something a little more permanent. If we’re lucky.” 
Thoughts of Ultron vanished. You’d sent him off somewhere. Hopefully… Hopefully it was somewhere nice.
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rosemaidenvixen · 5 years
Flipping the Script
Enter the Trollhunter I
The sun had just sunk past the horizon of the suburban California town, bathing the streets with dusky, ambler light. It was a peaceful, tranquil scene right up until a car barrelled through a row of traffic cones, squealing as it made a sharp turn. Only a few seconds later large stone creature with horns and spikes on his back raced through the scattered cones, charging toward the car on all four limbs.
Strickler was sitting in the backseat, eyes practically bulging out of his skull when he saw how close their pursuer was “He’s gaining on us! He’s gaining on us!!”
“Stop yelling!” Otto wailed from the driver’s seat “I’m going as fast as I can!”
Nomura’s gaze flicked back and forth between her window and the rearview mirror, heart rate spiking when she saw how close Draal was. It had to be him, it was just like those two had told her this morning “That’s the eighth turn we’ve made, how the hell does he keep following us!”
Any further conversation was cut off when half of the tires went up on the sidewalk. Nomura shot up in her seat only to be yanked back down by her seatbelt, managing to get a glimpse at a flickering light on the dashboard as the car thudded back onto the pavement.
“Otto. Have you been using the fucking turn signal?!”
He blinked and glanced down at the dash “Oh, I guess I have,”
Strickler shot forward “You what!?”
Nomura was half a second away from screaming. Why did she ever pick up that damn amulet in the first place? “This is how he’s been following us Otto!”
“What the bloody hell were you thinking!?”
Otto snapped his head towards them, blue eyes flashing from behind his glasses “I’m driving like a teenage hooligan, breaking gott knows how many laws, trying to get us away from a giant killer troll, which are real apparently, so why don’t you give me aAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!”
During their bickering Draal had managed to come up beside the car and was now charging at them from the side. Otto barely had enough time to crank the steering wheel before Draal rammed into the passenger’s side of the car.
Fortunately Otto had turned in time and most of the momentum was lost as they steered away from Draal. Still, physics demanded the momentum from 800 pounds of pissed off troll not be ignored. The car veered off the road and into the trees, an already hectic ride becoming significantly rougher. Ever one to roll with the punches, Otto swerved and weaved through the trees to shake their pursuer, even making a sharp U turn in one place, before eventually pulling back onto the road on the opposite side of the woods. 
The sound of Draal bellowing and crashing through the forest had faded into silence, but Nomura knew he wasn’t far behind. Otto headed down the road that lead back to the downtown area, all three of them were constantly checking the road behind them, waiting for the spikey, blue troll to reappear.
Looking up ahead on the road Nomura saw a familiar figure “Pull over,” 
Otto blinked at her request while Strickler gawked in horror “Have you forgotten that we’re fleeing for our lives!”
“Trust me,” 
Something in her tone must have gotten to Otto because he steered the car onto the shoulder and slowed to a stop.
Nomura rolled down her window as the familiar figure came closer “Angor, you were right, Draal’s after me. We managed to shake him but not for long,”
Angor’s golden eyes widened “That is troubling indeed, you have been our Trollhunter for less than a day. You don’t have near enough training to face Draal the Deadly,”
Strickler scrambled upright in his seat to lean his head out of Nomura’s window “You’re a troll, can’t you fight him!?”
Nomura winced at the shrillness in his voice “My ear is right where you are shouting,” she hissed.
Meanwhile Angor was looking shocked by Strickler’s request followed quickly by remorseful “Alas, I cannot,”
Just when Nomura thought her night couldn’t get any worse “What! Why!?”
Angor laid a hand across his chest “I am a pacifist, bound by my oath of nonviolence,”
Nomura and Otto were stunned into silence, Strickler was just stunned “Vow of non-- he’s going to eat us!”
Right on queue a roar broke through the twilight air from somewhere behind them, far too close for comfort. Angor straightened and gazed back towards the source of the sound.
“Follow me, I take you somewhere safe,” he sprinted ahead, Otto floored the accelerator and followed right on his heels. Draal’s angry bellows echoed in the distance, steadily getting louder.
The were driving alongside the canal now, Nomura looked back just in time to see Draal burst out from the trees.
Not good. This was not good. 
Angor turned and ran down the edge of the canal. Otto sucked in a deep breath and followed him. The car rocked with sharp jolts as it zoomed to the bottom of the dry canal. Up ahead Angor was lingering by the side of the canal underneath the bridge. Whatever safe place he had in mind must be up there somehow. 
Nomura was turned around in her seat, eyes darting back and forth between Angor and Draal. They weren’t going to make it. At the rate they were going Draal was going to catch them well before they could get close to whatever sanctuary Angor had in mind. 
Nomura reached into her pocket and wrapped her fingers around the amulet. She was feeling a lot of things right now; scared, pissed, freaked out, stressed, and part of her still thought this was all too bizarre to be real. Most of all she was very very attached to being alive. 
But at the end of the day one dead body was better than three.
“For the glory of Morgana, Daylight is mine to command!”
Strickler and Otto’s jaws dropped upon seeing glowing silver armor appear out of thin air and wrap itself around her. 
“It’s me he’s after,” Nomura clicked her seatbelt open “Follow Angor and get to safety,”
Too late they realized what she intended to do. Otto tried to reach over and grab her arm “Wait, no don--”
Whatever else he said was lost as Nomura opened the door and tucked and rolled, tumbling across the concrete. She managed to come to a stop propped up on one knee. Draal was charging straight for her. 
Forcing back a wave of panic, she grabbed the hilt of her sword and pulled it off her back. She was feeling a lot of things right now, a raging storm of emotion that she couldn’t even begin to untangle. But there was one thing she knew for damn sure, if she had to go down tonight, she was going out fighting. 
Draal loomed just feet away, fist raised in preparation to pound her to a bloody pulp. At the last second Nomura jumped out of the way, the fist slamming into the concrete and missing her by inches, and made a slash at his side. 
Only to misjudge to weight of the sword and do no more than give him a shallow cut. Before she could recover Draal swung his arm around and hit her with a powerful backhand.
Nomura wheezed as she slammed into the concrete wall of the canal and crumpled to the ground. She wasn’t injured, not really, the armor had taken most of the hit, but all the air had been knocked out of her lungs. Dark spots danced at the edge of her vision, she staggered to her feet, struggling to keep her grip on her sword.
Draal snorted and strode towards her, there was no point of hurrying, Nomura could barely stand, she wasn’t going anywhere. Off in the distance Nomura saw the headlights of the car turn around and start heading back towards her.
“A human Trollhunter, bah!” Draal spit on the ground in distaste “Once I’m finished grinding you into a fine paste, I will seize the amulet, and my father will finally be free,”
Nomura leveled the sword in his direction, frantically trying to remember the swordfighting techniques they’d demoed at the museum last month. 
“Hate to disappoint daddy, but I’m planning on hanging on to this for a little longer,” she made a thrust at him with the sword, but before the blade could even nick him his hand was wrapped around her forearm. 
She squirmed in his grip as he yanked her off her feet. If it weren’t for the armor plating her arm would be crushed by now. 
Draal grinned savagely “Farewell human Trollhunter,”
Before he could make a move the roar of an engine startled both of them. Draal leaped out of the way, dropping Nomura, as Otto zoomed past them. He was going so fast Nomura almost missed Strickler tossing something out of the back window.
Draal let out a harsh bark of laughter “Your allies are just as pathetic as you are Trollhunter,”
Nomura scrambled across the ground, where was it, where was it.
Her fingers wrapped around the cylinder just as Draal grabbed her by the calf and lifted her up into the air. She fiddled desperately for the switch.
“When you meet your predecessors tell them it was Draal the Deadly whoAAAAGGGGHHHH!!!!!”
He bellowed in agony as Nomura shoved the tip of the now blazing road flare into the cut on his abdomen, releasing her and dropping to his knees. 
Nomura somehow managed to get herself upright and make a mad dash for the bridge. Draal might be down, but he sure as hell wasn’t out.
The car pulled up alongside her, the passenger side door popped open and inside Strickler and Otto were wildly beckoning to her.
She ran as fast as she could, ignoring the burning in her legs and chest as she angled herself toward the car. Nomura tried to grab onto the inside handle, but she wasn’t used to her gauntlets. Her metal plated fingers couldn’t get a grip on anything. From behind them she could hear Draal howl in pain and fury.
Not a moment too soon, Nomura finally managed to wrap her fingers around the handle and swing into the car. Otto didn’t even wait for her to shut the door before he shifted into high gear and floored it. Nomura struggled upright in her seat, Draal was close, but the bridge was closer. They were going to make it.
Otto’s knuckles whitened around the steering wheel “Hang on!” that was their only warning before he swerved straight into the concrete wall.
Rather than smashing against the wall, the car passed through a portal of some kind. But before Nomura could even begin to feel relieved about escaping Draal and not being pancaked between concrete and steel, she saw exactly what the car was headed towards.
Massive crystal stairs leading down into the unknown.
Nomura managed to click her seatbelt into place just before the ride got very bumpy.
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Benelli Leoncino - Review
"It was the annual Perth Café Racer Tiddler ride for bikes with a capacity no larger than 500cc and as my tiddler was in the shop getting a makeover, I asked Ric if I could “test ride” a bike from the showroom floor. He offered me the Honda Dream 50cc which is the ultimate tiddler with a weight of 70kg and a tyre shredding 7hp at 13500rpm. I was up for the challenge but when I arrived to pick the bike up for the day, plans had changed. I was given the Benelli Leoncino that had stupidly fat knobby tyres fitted. Was Ric trying to kill me? Everybody knows that knobbies on a street bike is a death wish; even Shaun9lives – a Bike Exif commenter said, “knobby tires = pure posing or utter disaster”.
I jumped on the little Lion Cub, which is what Leoncino loosely translates to and slowly took off, mentally prepared to slide off under a bus at the next corner. Approaching the onramp, I calibrated my internal protractor and nervously lent it over 12 degrees. I didn’t die so I opened the 500cc parallel twin up and gave it the berries. With a slight modification to the exhaust, the bark from the pipes was a much sweeter sound than when it passed through a converted cat. The punch down low was surprising. It certainly felt faster than the quoted 47hp and 170kg stat sheet. Maybe the exhaust mods had released a few ponies or maybe as my mate Marcus said, the sound of a decent exhaust adds 5hp to one’s butt dyno. I quickly accelerated up to 140kmh before slowing to 100kmh and then back up to 140kmh as I imagined myself a character from Road Rash, darting in and out of traffic. Like Suzy, a Durex condoms reviewer said, “I couldn’t feel the knobs”. The bike felt totally smooth on the road as the tacho climbed in a straight line without any hiccups all the way to the redline. I was having fun and I wasn’t dying.
We met the other riders who were on an eclectic mix of small capacity bikes (and a few ring ins) such as a Royal Enfield Classic 500, GB400, CB400f, TX500 and a two-stroke single cylinder ag bike that struggled with the 5kmh headwind. We took off towards the hills and the fuel light started flashing which was weird as it still had 3 bars. It seems that if you go around corners or accelerate hard, the fuel sensor has a little freak out. I refuelled just in case and headed for the “rollercoaster” which should really be a road race course. Although I found the steering a little slow even with the wide bars, it was still easy to flick left and right through the rolling hills. With standard tyres instead of the fat 130 knobby tyre on the front, it would have carved the hills up quicker than George Colambaris could dodgy his books. With confidence growing in the grip, I started to play and as I leant further, my smile grew wider. I was smitten within the first 5 minutes, but I was really starting to fall for this bike after a couple of hours on it. A couple of missed up changes early in the day had been forgotten as the gear lever action was now hard wired and I felt I could do no wrong. All I needed now was to go hunting for power rangers on sports bikes to see what the bike could really do.
As we approached the traffic lights and said goodbye to the last of the tiddlers, an MT09 and some indistinguishable sports bike being ridden by a the most rotund leather clad power ranger I’ve ever seen were in front of us. It was time to play. This wasn’t going to be a fair fight, the MT09 has twice the torque, 150% more power, it weighed the same as the little lion cub and of course it had “proper” tyres. The sportsbike, although handicapped by the power ranger who looked like he’d eaten the forbidden 3 course meal chewing gum that Violet Beauregarde selfishly but bravely ate in the original Charlie and the Chocolate Factory movie, had even more ridiculous stats. It was Napolean Dynamite versus Andre the Giant and Butterbean. It was going to be a knockout at the first corner but hopefully not Jorge Lorenzo style. The lights turn green and the Thruxton I’m next too is at full throttle trying to keep up, the MT09 rider’s go fast PSB hoodie flapping in the wind in front is taunting me. Speeds pick up but we’re not doing anything stupid so it’s easy to stick with them. Approaching the roundabout, which is the start of the twisties, the bikes in front get serious but they can’t use their power advantage and the knobbies are proving to be stickier than inquisitive fingers at a teenager’s party. I start to move my arse off the seat on the corners, but I don’t really need to. As we head past the weir up the hill, the big bikes start to move, and I need to keep the corner speed up and use upper end of the rev range to stay with them. They were having fun but they weren’t maniacs so I could keep them in my sights on the straights and catch up on the corners.
It’s hard to take it easy on this bike, it just wants you ride it fast. It makes you feel like you’re a much better rider than you are, egging you to lean further, get on the gas earlier, brake later. The Leoncino will commute if you want it to, but the little lion cub really wants to party. If you’re looking for a fun bike, this bike hands it out in spades. "
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noahstilinski · 6 years
Just a Scratch - Derek Hale
Ok wow I got a little... Carried away with this one
You must forgive me lmao
Requested: Yes
Prompt:  Hey I wanted to request a Derek Hale imagine- hope that's not too much. Fem!reader(has Hunter skills) and Derek are in relationship and in love. TheY both get in a nasty fight and reader get a *little* hurt but Derek goes all protective and AAAAAHHHHHH. Basically a little fluff. Thanks and have a good day.
Pairing: Derek Hale x Reader
Word count: 3511
Warnings: Language, violence
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"Remember you have an essay due for next Monday on the economic crisis of 1929" You reminded your class as the bell rang. "Mr. Dunbar, if you could please stay for a minute" You dropped the chalk on the holder and wiped your hands on your jeans. You waited for the class to empty and faced Liam, a sympathetic look on your face.  "I know, I know" He beat you to it. "I'm sorry" "Liam, I understand that you're out there literally protecting this city from all kinds of evil, and I'm all the more grateful for it, believe me" You sighed. "But as your teacher, I really cannot give you anymore free passes without it becoming suspicious"
You had done your best to pick other people to summarize the readings or answer the questions. You even made him retake tests when you knew he had been on werewolf duty the night before. But you couldn't cover for him forever, especially not with the school board on your heels. 
This time, he failed to give back a homework sheet that counted for five percent of his grade. You told him out loud he'd get zero out of it, but you knew you'd find a way to cheat the system yet again. However, you also knew you couldn't keep doing that for long without losing your teaching license.  "I'll do it tonight, the sheet" He replied. "I swear" "Alright" You nodded. "And heads up, tomorrow I'll randomly choose you to do the readings summary. Don't make us both look like fools, please" "Thanks (Y/N)" He gave you a faint smile. "I won't, I promise" "Now woosh, go save the world" You tilted your head toward the door. "Let me grade my papers in peace" His smile widened a bit at your joke and he scurried out of the class, nodding in salutation at someone outside the class. You thought it might have been a student until the person stepped in the doorframe. "Don't tell him that, or he's actually going to do it" Derek snorted, walking nonchalantly in the class.  "What are you doing here?" You had meant to be stern, but your happiness to see him betrayed your facial expression.  "Coming to see you" He replied easily. "Isn't that obvious?"  "What did we say about visit on work hours?" You scolded, even though you went straight for his open arms.  "Technically, school's been over for..." He trailed off and looked at his watch over your shoulder. "Two minutes five seconds" "Smartass" You rolled your eyes, but smiled nonetheless. "But seriously, did I forget we had a date or something?" "Can't I just pick you up from school as a grand gesture of love?" He raised an eyebrow, which made you squint your eyes at him in suspicion. You knew he wouldn't pick you up without telling you, he hadn't done it in the years you've been with him. Derek hated surprises.  "Der" You warned, taking a step back. "What's going on?" "Nothing" He shrugged unconvincingly. "I just want to make sure that you're safe, that's all" "Is this about the wannabe hunters swarming the town?" You crossed your arms against your chest, and the shift on his expression confirmed your thoughts. "I'm fine, Derek. You don't need to watch over me" "What if they ambush you?" He asked with an edge in his voice, like he was genuinely scared they'd get to you. "We've seen what they're capable of" "Should I remind you I'm not a supernatural being?" You sighed as you sat back at your chair. "It's not me they want" "But they want me" He countered. "And correct me if I'm wrong, but we haven't been exactly subtle in terms of hiding our relationship. They could want you by association" "You're not wrong" You gave him a short chuckle. "Okay, let's say they decide to take me down to get to you. I doubt I'm high enough on Gerard's priority list for him to do it himself, so who'd he send? His pet, Monroe?" "She's more vicious than she lets on, (Y/N)" He almost pleaded.  "I know how she is, and I'm not afraid of her" You smiled at him. "That little martyr act is quite pathetic, if you want my opinion. And no matter what she got, remember I've been doing this for way longer than she has" At that, Derek let a quick smile pass through his serious demeanor. He probably had an idea of what went down, knowing you and your hatred for people like her. She had cornered you after school a few weeks ago, pushed you in a corner in a poorly executed grip and sent you an ultimatum. Either you'd leave Derek, or you'd perish with the rest. Now, you weren't the one to get involved, but this direct attack on you had made you angry.  When she had been done talking and gloating about how much of a champion she was, you had easily overturned her grip and changed role, pushing her back on the wall and kicking her down to her knees. Your grip, at opposite of hers, had been much more solid and efficient. You had then told her that you wouldn't play her game and wage war on her, unless she came after Derek or yourself first.  Apparently, your little demonstration of force worked, because she had left you alone ever since.  "I know you're not scared of her, (Y/N)" He said. "But it's not the point" "You think I can't defend myself?" You challenged, eying the little cylindrical shape poking out of your pencil basket. Derek followed your line of sight and shook his head.  "That you definitely can, not arguing" He replied. "But if they decide to come anyway, we'll be glad we have each other. Strength in numbers, remember" "I know, but I'm at school. I doubt they'll hit a human here, in a public place. Too much PR to handle" You explained. "Besides, I have papers to grade" "Okay that was a lame excuse for a life or death situation" He pointed out and you rolled your eyes. "But it's fine by me, I'll stay here" You were about to protest when he pulled out a chair and dragged it back loudly enough to cover any other sound in the room. He let himself fall down and threw his keys on the desk, still making as much noise as possible. Asshole. "I'll stay here. If something happens, you'll be glad" He spoke again. "And if not, you'll have the satisfaction of being right and knowing you wasted my time for nothing" "Deal" You smiled tightly. "But not a sound, Derek Hale. Or I'll throw you out of the window" He made a zipping gesture over his mouth and threw the imaginary key over his shoulder. You sighed and shook your head, taking the first copy on your desk and getting back into the grading rhythm.  Before you even knew it, the sun set and darkness took over. It was actually a yawn coming from Derek that made you notice that much time had passed and that you only had one copy left.  You hurried grading that one, and you were sorry in advance for the poor student that would have to read your correction. But to be fair, you had a hard time reading his handwriting too, so much you couldn't even understand the last two questions. "Oh Greenberg, what the hell did you write" You muttered to yourself as you massaged your temples. You then heard Derek's chair scrape on the floor as he stood up abruptly.  "Did you hear that?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows. "T’was just me complaining" You yawned again. "It's fine--" "No..." He trailed off, gesturing you to stay silent. You sat up straighter as you suddenly became more alert of your surroundings, your hand hovering closer to your pencil basket.  Then, total silence fell over the room. Not even the pipes could be heard, and it made your blood chill in your vein. This could never be good.  "Get down!" You felt it coming before Derek's shout by watching him tense up all at once, his eyes widening considerably. You dived under the desk, but not before snatching your weapon before you did. You ducked under the wood as bullets flew everywhere. Derek then came crashing down beside you and scurried for cover too.  He nodded at you to let you know he was fine, and you nodded back. No bullet had gotten to either of you yet, or at least not fatally to him. You waited until the guns were emptied, and your attacker stepped in the room. "(Y/N)" Monroe taunted. "Come out, I know you're here" "Oh hey" You replied, still under the desk. "I thought we had come to an agreement. I'm disappointed" "I don't agree with people who protect murderers" She sneered. "Ah, and I'm guessing your current backup have picked firearms recently as a hobby" You scoffed as you and Derek quietly planned your strategy with hand gestures. He’d take half of her back up, you’d take the rest and Monroe. "Or have you brought kids this time?" "Those kids know the only way they'll stay alive in this town is if they take arms against those who pose a threat" She growled. "And that includes you" "Tamora, most things you say are painfully whiny, but I gotta admit" You nodded at Derek and slowly raised to your feet. Four men in black were standing at her side; too bad it wouldn't be enough. "You're goddamned right" You pressed the button on the black cylinder in your hands and it extended to a full staff with sharpened steel edges. Behind you, Derek roared, and you could almost feel the raw power emanating from him.  "I am a threat"  Before any of them could reload their guns, which you noted to be a beginner's mistake, you both jumped in action. You kicked Monroe's gun out of her hands, then kneed her in the stomach as she bent to catch it mid air. As she was catching her breath, you dealt with the man at her right. You spun your staff and brought it down on his riffle, sending it to the floor. You sneaked a punch before ducking his incoming fist, but you were thrown off your feet when another man slammed into you.  "Son of a bitch" You groaned as you got back on your feet. You grabbed a book that fell off the shelf and slammed it in the face on your new assailant with a mean swing, sending him to the ground unconscious.  The first man charged to you and backed you to the wall, pushing you into it hard enough to cave it in. You lifted your arms to block his punches, waiting for his rhythm to fade. When it did, you grabbed his fist mid air and twisted his arm, pushing his elbow inside out with a loud crack.  While he howled out in pain, you grabbed your discarded staff and slashed both his shoulder muscles and the back of his knee, so he wouldn't be able to stand and shoot again. You wiped out the blood from your lips and nose and turned around to find Monroe, but you had to throw yourself on the ground before you saw her. A gun had fired, and you heard the bullet whistle past your ear. You saved your fall with a roll, and came face to face with the barrel of a gun, halting your movements all at once. At least you had found her.  "You don't wanna do this, Monroe" It was Derek who said that, the two unmoving bodies at his feet.  "I actually want to do this bad" She replied with a cocky grin. "If you try anything, I blow her brain" "It's find Der, let me handle this" You spoke carefully, giving him a quick glance and a nod. Then, you looked up at Monroe. "So. I guess you already have a story prepared to explain this mess" "Don't even try" She scoffed dryly. "I won't let down my guards" "Oh, I know" You chuckled. "It was probably the first thing Gerard taught you, wasn't it?" She cocked the gun as an answer. "Here's the thing" You kept talking, not breaking eye contact. "You think you're all high and mighty because you've been training with Gerard for a few months. You've learn a lot, you think. Maybe you really did. You think you're experienced because you've taken down scared teenagers, so you think you can go against targets above your skill set" "Does my gun on your forehead seems above my skill set?" She taunted, and you smiled. "You're feeling invincible now, don't you?" You hummed. "But let me remind you, that while you were still a clueless civilian, I had already years of experience. And right now, your lack of it gave the opening I needed" Before she could register your words, you swatted her wrist away and kicked her knees from the ground. Her gun fired again, but this time you didn't back down. You jumped on her and straddled her, a hand on her throat and your legs restraining her arms.  "Next time you try that, no matter how much fire power you bring, I'll kill you" You hissed before knocking her unconscious with the rest of her men.  You stood up and grabbed your staff, retracting it to the smaller cylinder shape. You then dusted off your material and put back the copies in your bag, sighing when you noticed Greenberg's was decorated with a long splatter of blood. You threw the strap of your bag on your shoulder and walked out of the class with Derek, wincing at your sore arms.  No words were exchanged until you were well away from the school. The radio in Derek's car played some billboard's songs, but you tuned the sound out when you started feeling some pricking pain on your side. You reached to it and felt a wet liquid covering you, which you noticed was red when you got a glimpse of it under a street light.  "You're bleeding" Derek stated and you didn't miss the new panic in his voice. "The bullet hit you" "It's alright" You reassured. "It's just a scratch, not even that deep" "Shit, I should have taken her down" He gritted his teeth and tightened his hand on the wheel, so much his knuckles turned white. "I'm sorry (Y/N), fuck" Your eyes widened when he floored the gas pedal, you knew he wanted to get you home asap.  "No really I'm fine" You tried to make him realize that you were, in fact, okay. "I don't even think I'll need stitches" "We're almost there" He mumbled as he almost drove into the half opened garage door.  "Are you crazy--oof" You winced when he slammed the brakes in his designed parking. He sent you an apologetic glance before rushing to your side of the car. "I can walk, you know?" He didn't listen to you as he gently picked you up and carried you to his apartment. You knew it was useless to protest, he was like a rock in every sense of the term. He then placed you on the wooden table and grabbed the first aid kit in the cabinet. "Take off your shirt" "I don't think this is the right moment for that, babe" You joked, but took off the ripped clothe nonetheless.  "Really? You're doing this right now?" He scolded, eyebrows raised. "Come on, lighten up a bit" You laughed, but it made your side hurt. "Ouch" "Don't--" He caught your wrist before you could give in to the reflex to cover your wound with your hand. "Here, let me" You pulled back your arm to give him access to the wound so he could clean it and check the damage better. When he sighed in relief, you knew you had been right and that it was only a minor flesh wound.  "Told ya it was nothing" You smiled warmly at him as he carefully cleaned the skin around that was covered in blood. "See, I'm alright" "Still need to bandage it" He mumbled as he grabbed the gauze and tape, getting to work without wasting time. "Better to be careful" "I know" You whispered back as your hand went to rest on his cheek. He looked up at you with tired and worried eyes when he was done patching you up, and it made your smile widen. "I'm tougher than you give me credit for" "I know how tough you are" He replied and nuzzled his face in your neck, intertwining his hand in yours. "I'm just scared one day the bullet will hit somewhere you cannot heal" "Then we make sure this doesn't happen" You shrugged lightly. "Damn right" He replied as he took a step back, but didn't let go of your hand. "I'm not letting you out of my sight until this hunter problem is settled" "That's a bit unrealistic, don't you think?" You raised an eyebrow.  "Watch me"  "And what about school tomorrow?" You asked again. "I doubt the school board will let me have my boyfriend looming in the back of the class" "Call in sick" He suggested. "Absolutely not" You gasped. "You're all banged up anyway" He tried to convince you. "Stay here. With me" "As much as it sounds appealing, I'm still going to work tomorrow" You denied him. "What if Monroe shows up and I don't? Bam. She wins. Besides, they won't try anything against a human during school hours, and if they're stupid enough to try it, Liam will be there" He knew you were right. It was just history classes on a Friday, after all. And unless the hunters decided to shoot a bunch of innocent kids just to get to you, they would get more legal trouble than they could handle.  "Fine" He finally conceded. "But I'm driving you AND picking you up right after school hours. If you feel there's anything wrong, and I mean anything: with the wound or even just a feeling, you call me. Okay?" "Okay" You agreed, even though it was a bit much. But Derek was like that, and it was fine by you. "Should I call you mom? It would feel right after that speech" "Don't call me mom" He said sternly. "Alright then" You grinned at his offence. "Now if you don't mind, I'm gonna go to sleep" You started getting off the table, but Derek stopped you. "Nope" He shook his head. "You need to take it easy, so no walking tonight" "You must be kidding me" You deadpanned. "You saw the wound, it's nothing" "It's something enough to be careful" He argued, picking you up in his arms and carrying you again upstairs to the bedroom. He then put your down on the soft surface of the mattress and grabbed your pajama shorts from the dresser. He took off your jeans and replaced them by the stretchy clothing, all while you gave him an unimpressed look. It was something you could have done yourself without a problem.  He then paused and looked away, a distant look in his eyes. His shoulders slouched as he made his way around the bed and laid down beside you. "Derek" You called softly, and his glance met yours. They showed vulnerability, which was a rare occurrence for your boyfriend. "Thank you. For taking care of me" "Always" He mumbled as he took your hand and placed a kiss on it. "I'm sorry you got hurt because of me" "It's not because of you" You said, carefully rolling on your good side to face him. "It's because they're stupid and wrong and they don't like that I'm exposing them" Derek cracked a smile at that.  "I bet they'll be so jealous of my personal escort and bodyguard tomorrow" You added with a yawn. "They wish they had someone as good looking to do the job on top of it"  "We've been together for two years and a half, you don't need to flirt to get what you want" He rolled his eyes playfully, poking your shoulder where he was sure it wasn't bruised.  "What if flirting is what I want?" You challenged before laughing it off. Just seeing his smile made up for the terrible evening that had happened. "Come on, get your pretty ass closer. You can't protect me from all these feet apart" "Very funny" He tried to stay stern, but failed miserably. He scooted over and wrapped his arms around you, careful not to put weight over your injury. "I love you, (Y/N). So much" "I love you more" You smiled against his chest. "Goodnight, my fierce protector" "Goodnight, queen warrior" Your laugh at the nickname got lost as tiredness took over you, making you fall asleep in the arms of your lover.
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The Witch and the Plumber
(An idea I’ve had for years now, this takes place back during Smash 4, around the time Bayonetta joined. I always liked the idea of her and Luigi being friends, and her helping him gain more confidence to come out of his shadow.)
(Also I normally would’ve put some “-a"s after some of Luigi’s words here, but I’ve noticed that isn’t very common in prompts here and I figured it may be just so the reader can mentally place them where they deem fit.)
He clearly had skill… even if he wasn’t showing much of it.
The battle that Bayonetta had just witnessed was pretty low on the end of the spectrum of spectacle. Sure, Olimar had pulled out some fairly good fighting and barely even looked like he had broken a sweat, but his opponent, Luigi, hadn’t offered the kind of struggle that the Witch had hoped he would. He’d done a good job of staying alive, but he was far too passive, far too prone to reacting to his opponent rather than letting his opponent react to him.
What particularly frustrated her about it was that she knew he didn’t have to be like this. He was the other Mario Brother, for goodness sake - she knew recognition and seniority was far from the only reason he was a longtime member of Smash. He just wasn’t firing on all cylinders yet.
Well, if you wanted something fixed right, no better way than to do it yourself.
Right on time, Luigi exited the doors to the Smash arena, dropping in one of the nearby chairs like a sack of potatoes. He heaved a breath as he wiped off the sweat of his most recent defeat.
"Another bumpy flight, I see,” Bayonetta said, causing Luigi to look up in surprise as he finally noticed she was there.
He looked back down, mulling over what happened. “Just not on my A-game today, I guess.”
“Hm. Well, it’s been a long time since you’ve been on your A-game, if what I’ve seen was anything to go by.”
The green-capped man shook his head. “I don’t get it. I was pretty good even back in the Subspace War - heck, I even helped DeDeDe bring back hope just when we were all down for the count!” He looked back up at her with regret on his face. “I just don’t understand what I’ve been doing wrong lately.”
Bayonetta regarded him for a moment. She then stepped forward and gripped his wrist, sharply pulling him as he let out a startled yelp, and began making her way down the hall.
“Come along, then. It’s time we whipped you back into fighting shape.”
“Wait, what?!” he exclaimed. “Wha- what do you mean?”
Luigi threw himself backwards as Bayonetta shot out another kick, just barely managing to get clear. His back nearly went ninety degrees before he pulled himself back up, relieved that he had managed to avoid the hit… only a second before she threw out another kick that launched him right into the air. He had only a moment to widen his eyes in surprise as she leapt up and swing an axe-kick into his chest that launched him back into the hard ground of the Battlefield, a resounding “Oof” coming out of his mouth.
He slowly stood up just as the witch began speaking. “The problem isn’t in your moves. You’ve spent years perfecting those just fine. The issue’s just in your head.”
Luigi raised his eyebrow and tapped his temple. “My… head?”
Bayonetta nodded. “You could have the best fighting style in the world and it still wouldn’t mean anything…” Suddenly, she pulled out her guns and aimed them right in Luigi’s direction. “…If you don’t have the drive to use it!”
He yelped in surprise right before she began firing. His body jolted and swerved in every which way as he dodged her bullets, his nerves tight as a tourniquet with how close each one got.
The firing noises ceased, and the bullets stopped flying. Luigi let out a sigh of relief, still unscathed… just as she leapt forward and threw a jab right to his face, knocking him over again.
Her body relaxed and she put her hands on her hips as he began getting up again. “Confidence in a mind is like fuel in a car. Trying to work without it is utter folly. Before you even attempt to do something, you must believe that you can do it.”
Luigi dusted himself off, taking in her words. Confidence… was that his problem this whole time? Even now, he was mostly playing on the defensive, so busy trying to avoid her attacks that he hadn’t even attempted to get in one of his own.
He suddenly noticed that he was right on the edge of the Battlefield, only a couple paces away from dropping into the depths below. At this moment, Bayonetta rushed forward, grabbing him by surprise and pushing him even closer to the dropoff point. His heart raced as he saw how close he was to going down yet again.
“You had a catchphrase from a while back, didn’t you?” the witch asked, the small smile still on her face, but her eyes now steeled with determination. “I believe it had something to do with your number…”
Luigi blinked in surprise, shocked that someone else still remembered the old phrase he had once used so fondly long ago.
“Tell me again,” she continued, “What was it, exactly?”
Luigi grabbed the wrist of the hand she was using to hold him, gripping tightly to ensure he wouldn’t accidentally fall off the stage. “I… I’m-a Luigi… number-a one.”
Bayonetta looked off into the distance for a moment, almost looking bored before turning back to him. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear you. What did you say?”
The plumber gritted his teeth and placed his other hand on her shoulder. No time to hesitate now. “I’m-a Luigi,” he began, just as he dropped his posture lower and strengthened his stance before shoving the witch back, undoing her grip. “Number-a one!”
Recovering from the sudden force, Bayonetta smiled and charged in again. A flurry of blows followed from each of them, both avoiding each of their attacks just as much as they were dishing them out. Block, punch, duck, kick, swerve, strike; a deadly tango of sheer force.
“Say it again. Louder, if you’d please.”
“I’m-a Luigi,” he repeated, “Number-a one!”
“Come on, now, loud-!”
But just before she could finish, a powerful uppercut hit her right in the jaw. A truckload of force mashed her head straight up, pulling the rest of her body with it.
“I’m-a Luigi!” the green-capped man roared, his fist only breaking contact with her when the kinetic punch threw her upwards. “Number-a one!”
The witch flew through the air as if catapulted, the sudden blow being too much of a shock for her to even let out a yell. After a few seconds of being airborne, the weight of gravity pulled her back to the ground, creating an audible pound upon her body making impact.
Luigi looked towards her in shock upon realizing what exactly he’d just done. “Bayo! Are you okay?” he asked, rushing over to her.
She slowly pulled herself up, giving a few coughs that transformed into chuckles of amusement. “My my… looks like I was right about you, ‘Green Thunder’.”
Luigi cocked his head, his past fear turning into confusion. “Green Thunder? What are you talking-” Suddenly he jolted with realization as memories came flooding back into him, flushing his face red. “Ohhhh no no no… how did you find out about that?”
Bayonetta gave another laugh. “When you’re serious about being a Smash Brother, you’ve got to do as much research as you can into everyone’s history… even the more unscrupulous parts.”
Luigi quickly shook his hands, still red from embarrassment. “Please, please, don’t tell anyone about that. I swear, I didn’t mean to do any of that stuff!”
She waved her hand through the air, still grinning. “Relax, it’s fine. It can be our little secret if you want.”
The green-capped plumber crossed his arms and looked down towards the ground, pouting. “It was supposed to just be me and Mario’s secret…”
Bayonetta turned her gaze back to him, looking more serious. “You have to admit, though: Mr. L did have one thing right.”
Luigi looked back up at her, confused. “Really? What?”
“Confidence,” she explained. “He may have been quite a nasty man, but he understood the value of trusting yourself.”
“Take me, for instance,” she continued, holding up her guns. “My weapons, my magic, all of it - would be completely useless if I didn’t think I could handle it. Of course, thinking you have all the skill in the world when you still have more to learn is just as foolish, but believing yourself incapable and ignoring your strengths is no less shortsighted.”
Luigi pondered this. Ignoring his own strengths… perhaps she really was right. He was still in the Smash Brothers for a reason, and he had to acknowledge that. To do any less would be the same as letting them all down, and he couldn’t do that. Not to the people he had fought alongside for years. Definitely not to his brother.
He turned back to the witch, a small smile on his face. “I… think I understand now.”
She walked over before gripping his shoulder strongly. “Even in the darkest times, you’re stronger than you know it. Just as the rest of us are. The next time I see you in battle, you’d better make sure you use that strength.”
Luigi nodded, pride surging within him. “Okey-dokey!”
With that, he turned back and headed right for the exit from the arena. As he left the Battlefield behind, he thought back to the speech Master Hand had given them at the start of the fourth Smash generation, just how he’d given one at the start of every generation:
“For more than fifteen years, the Smash Brothers have done two things: we train each other, and we defend Nintendo’s honor! Never forget that; you’re all brothers to the end, and not all the Primids in Subspace can overrun you!”
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reyloforcebalance · 6 years
Bonded Chapter 22: Becoming
The newest chapter to my Reylo fanfic (rated T). If you want to check out the previous chapter’s, here’s the link to AO3!
Poe jerks a chair out and swiftly takes a seat, leaning over the table with fire in his eyes.
“It’s true.” Finn shrugs his shoulders, sitting back casually, his expression impassive. “Everyone’s been talking about it. How are you just hearing about it now?”
“Bullshit,” Poe repeats, ignoring Finn’s question.
“Look man, I’m telling you the truth.” Finn sits up a bit, leaning in. “If you don’t believe me, just ask anyone else on this base.” He gestures at the room as though this demonstrates his point, but a second later, he looks around and realizes it’s practically empty, all of the hologame tables and lounge seats completely bare.
Suddenly, a door whirs open and a young woman strides in, heading straight for the kitchen compartments, absently running a hand over her black curls as she goes.
“Daja, you’ve been at the base all day, right?” Poe stands abruptly, pushing out the chair behind him.
“Yeah, where have you been?” Daja snipes back with her signature bite, not even so much as glancing at him.
“I’ve been out with Rey trying to fix that damn transmitter!” He practically yells this, hands flying out on either side of him.
Daja doesn’t react, continuing on to open a compartment and begin rifling around.
“So, is it true?” Poe cocks his head, looking over at her.
“Is what true?” Daja’s back is still to him as she searches the compartment.
Poe immediately scoffs. “If it were true, you’d know exactly what I was talking about.” He turns his head sharply to shoot Finn an accusing look. His friend just rolls his eyes in response.
“Oh,” Daja remarks, sounding bored. “You must mean Kylo Ren being awarded the Heart of Delphon.” She pulls a large, silver container out of the compartment and turns to face Poe. “Yeah, that’s true,” she informs him casually. She gives a short nod, then turns to place the container on the counter. “Their Premier announced it this morning. He’s a real humanitarian, that Kylo Ren,” she says dryly, searching through another compartment now.
Poe’s face falls, stricken with disbelief. He drops to the chair again, shell-shocked, eyes blankly staring into nothing. Finn watches him for a few moments, concerned, then leans forward a bit.
“You ok, buddy?” He asks, nodding towards him. Poe shakes his head briskly as if trying to wake up from a dream. Or a nightmare.  
“Has this entire galaxy gone insane!?” He asks to no one in particular, that fire returning to his eyes. “I mean…” He gapes, completely at a loss. “Is this even the same galaxy? Or did someone just erase the last ten years? Am I the only one who remembers the rise of the First Order— Snoke, the Knights of Ren, death, destruction, Starkiller, Hosnian!” His voice grows louder with every word he speaks.
“No, you’re not the only one,” Finn says with a sigh. “You’re just…” His voice trails off as he chooses his next words carefully. “One of the few who actually wants to do something about it,” he finishes in a low voice.  
Poe immediately lets out a roar of frustration, beating his fist on the table.
“It’s just such bullshit!” He spits out the words in fury. “How can people have such short memories!? How can people ignore everything else they’ve done!? I mean, the First Order does one or two semi-decent things and all off the sudden—” Poe croaks, not sure how to finish the sentence. He sputters for a moment, then covers his eyes with a hand. “It’s unbelievable.” He slides his palm down his face, shaking his head. “And now Kylo Ren is being awarded an honor that he didn’t even come close to earning—”
“Actually, he did.” Daja interrupts, pulling out a chair next to Finn and sitting down at the table, shaking a slim, silver cylinder, mixing some sort of drink.
“What?” Poe twitches, irritated by the interruption.
“He did earn the Heart of Delphon,” she says matter-of-factly, still shaking the cylinder.
“Why?” Poe challenges, leaning over the table with a fiery glare. “Because he blasted the Black Hole gang into space? So what?”
“No.” Daja shrugs her shoulders. “Because he blasted the Black Hole gang into space and saved over ten thousand lives in the process.” Poe instantly furrows his eyebrows.
“Wait. What?” He balks at Daja.
“See, Poe, this is your problem.” Daja twists off the top of the cylinder and takes a swig of her drink. “You’re passing judgement on a situation before even bothering to get the details.”
“I don’t need any details.” Poe insists, raising his voice. “A brutal dictator doesn’t deserve a humanitarian award. Period.” Daja rolls her eyes as he finishes speaking.
“Do you even know what the Heart of Delphon is?” She sets her drink down. “It’s an honor given to anyone who significantly improves the lives of the planet’s population.” She answers without waiting for a response. “Kylo Ren did that. So, he earned it. Simple.”  
“Listen,” Poe begins in a patronizing tone. “Black Hole was a menace. Everyone knows that. But just because Kylo Ren took five seconds out of his day to give approval for a couple of TIE fighters to blast their bases to smithereens doesn’t mean—”
“That’s not what happened, actually.” This time, Finn is the one who interrupts.
“So, what? What’d he do?” Poe challenges again, clearly exasperated. Finn shares a brief side glance with Daja before sitting up in his chair.
“Well,” Finn starts, crossing his arms. “He didn’t blow up the Black Hole bases. He went in with ground troops this time.”
“Yeah. Ok.” Poe sounds impatient and unimpressed.
“So, Black Hole controlled all the mines on Delphon, right?” Poe nods his head in acknowledgement. “They have over ten thousand slaves working down there, most of them just people they captured in raids.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know,” Poe says dismissively. “Black Hole’s heartless.”
“Exactly.” Finn leans over the table. “They’re heartless. So, when the First Order showed up and surrounded their bases, they emptied out the mines completely, drove all the slaves to the outer edges of the bases to make a human wall.” For the first time, Poe looks genuinely intrigued. He sits back in his chair with a puzzled expression.
“Ok…” He looks off into nothing, trying to work out something in his mind. “So how did the First Order get through without killing all of them?” Finn clicks his tongue and raises his eyebrows.
“As it turns out,” he starts with begrudging admiration. “The troops surrounding the bases were just a decoy to get the gang to empty out the mines. Apparently, the First Order knew a secret way in and their special forces snuck into the bases from underground. So, when the fighting started, the slaves were all outside, away from the battle. Not a single one of them died.”
“Gotta appreciate a clean victory like that.” Daja casually takes another swig of her drink. “Even if it is Kylo Ren.” Finn grunts.
“The bastard’s brilliant sometimes,” he remarks wryly, looking down.  
“Oh yeah,” Poe snipes sarcastically. “The bastard’s brilliant, alright.” He leans over the table again. “You know what this is, don’t you? A distraction. It’s all just one big decoy.” He articulates the last words with a bite. “Do you think Kylo Ren actually cares about those people’s lives?” Both Daja and Finn immediately shake their heads, the latter mouthing the word “no”.
“Of course not!” Poe slaps a hand on the table. “It’s part of a pattern, you see. Think about it.” He points to Finn. “Remember when he took out the Merdos Syndicate in the Minos Cluster and the whole galaxy just fawned over it?” Finn nods his head wordlessly. “Well, what happened not two days after that?”
“They invaded the Salient system,” Daja answers, beating Finn to the punch.
“Right!” Poe points at Daja now. “And they completely demolished Zidon. Zidon!?” He gestures wildly with both hands. “They’ve been protecting the people in that system for years. If it weren’t for them, half the population would have starved! But did the galaxy kick up a fuss about that?” Both Finn and Daja shake their heads again, almost in exact unison.
“Nope.” Poe articulates the word. “They were all too busy fawning over the Minos Cluster. Then a couple of weeks later—bam!” He slaps the table again, so loudly that Finn jumps a little. “He does it again. He starts by going after those pirates in Bonaden and while the galaxy is busy cheering him for it, they take out the Brotherhood in Felucia. And thanks to those stupid holos,” Poe spits out the words in disgust, “most of the galaxy doesn’t know the difference between an organization like the Brotherhood and Black Hole. They’re all just gangs.” He makes a sweeping gesture with his hand. “How can people be so blind!? How can they not see what he’s doing!?”
“Ok, that right there,” Daja sits up in her chair. “That’s another one of your problems, Poe.” She points at him.
“What!?” Poe immediately protests. “That I give a damn about what’s actually going on? Is that it? It that a problem for you?”
“Listen.” Daja rests her forearms on the table. “You see the big picture, Poe, and that’s great. I wish more people were like that. But they’re not. You think big, but most people in the galaxy… they think small.” Daja shrugs their shoulders. “Most of them live and die on the same planet. Do you think they care about what’s going on in a system on the other side of the galaxy?” Poe doesn’t answer, instead dropping his shoulders and sitting back in his chair, looking miserable.
“She’s right,” Finn agrees reluctantly. “I hate to say it, man, but most people are only worried about themselves— saving their own skin and protecting the people they care about. Trust me.” He looks way with a flash of shame. “I understand the impulse.”
“Exactly,” Daja chimes in. “The people on Delphon right now.” She grunts. “They don’t care about what’s going on in Salient or Felucia. All they know is that the Black Hole gang wreaked havoc on their planet for decades, stealing resources, stealing people, capturing their sisters and brothers and moms and dads to force them to work in the mines, and now…?” She tilts her head. “All of those people are going home. Because of Kylo Ren. When you think about it, you understand why they see him as a hero right now.” Poe groans as he leans over, resting one hand on the table and burying his face in the other.
“Hey.” Suddenly, Daja’s voice becomes gentle as she reaches over to put a hand on Poe’s. “I’m not telling you to stop fighting the good fight. You’ll do that no matter what because that’s just who you are. But if you want to win this war…?” She hunches her shoulders a bit, waiting for him to drop his palm from his face. He finally does, rolling his head to the side and looking at her wearily. “You’ve gotta start thinking from the average person’s perspective.” She looks at him with a firm but encouraging gaze. “Because we need them. We need them to fight with us.”
Poe takes in a heavy breath, annoyed but also nodding his head in begrudging agreement. Daja squeezes his hand and gives him a sly smile.
“Don’t worry.” She squints at him knowingly as she withdraws her hand. “The tides will turn soon, especially when me and Rey get this anti-slavery initiative off the ground. Then, we’re gonna give ‘em hell. Isn’t that, right?”
Daja turns and nods over to Rey who’s been sitting silently at the end of the table, a couple of chairs down from the rest of the group. Not only has she not uttered a word this entire time, but she’s barely moved, shoulders hunched, hands clasped in her lap, staring off into nothing.
She jumps, startled when Daja suddenly addresses her. She looks up, her face a bit white, nodding a few times briskly before looking away. The rest of the crew turn towards her in their chairs.
“You know…” Poe starts slowly. “You’ve been awful quiet over there, Rey.”
“Yeah, even more than usual.” Finn leans forward. “What do you think about all this, about Kylo Ren winning the Heart of Delphon?” The three of them look at her expectantly, curious.
Read the rest on Ao3. 
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Golden eyes chapter 23
“We want to talk.” Mickey asked and then it was Oswald's. “And we want answers this time.”
This is the big show down. Two ex-members of the Red Dragons, Now leaders of the Blue Dragon, against the two top leaders and a 'friend' of the Alfonso Mafia...
Used to be good allies for more than six years back, now it's a intense rivalry... with a ninety percent of chance this will turn into a bloodbath in a matter of minutes.
“You monkey freaks have done your job. There's nothing else to discuss anymore.” Bendy told them.
“We came here to get some answers since we're still in town.” Mickey said to him.
“Starting with what are you 'really' after? Why are you attacking the district after we agreed not to shed some blood on the streets?” Oswald then sounded pissed.
“Yeah, and I didn't. I even told the boys not do do it ON the streets... It doesn't included the sidewalks and alleys.” Bendy grinned as he thinks it's a loop hole.
The Disney's didn't like his response. “Why did you killed Mr. Vermelho? He was supposed to be your newest 'partner,' right? What did he do to set you off?” Mickey interrogated.
“He had some 'unfinished' work. He had those South American police on his trail for the necklace and he was getting a bit too close to me. Also, he 'slipped' on the murder too. They found out about how the old fart got murdered despite those doppelgangers' had rid of the evidence. Not to mention, I always wanted a nice, private vacation home over there. His place isn't so bad, just needed a little... 'redecorating' his mansion and 'garden.'”
He ordered his assassination because the police was hot on his tail, didn't 'properly' handled the murder of Mr. Blancheur and not just that, he wanted his home and his weed fields for your business and vacation home... for no cost! I gritted my teeth.
He's just sank one level lower... I need to get to the cylinder machine... and find a way to destroy it permanently!
I quietly crawled on my stomach toward the machine as they continued. “Why are you after our second home? Is it really about our territory and incomes that comes with it you're after?” Oswald questioned. Huh? But it IS what he's after... Right?
“... Why are you asking ME that? I thought you knew better. Or better yet... Why are you two so attached on that little piece of land? You have your grand home and future back in California. Why are you wasting your time here? Are you 'that' worried about me? I didn't know you 'liked' your 'visit' about oh, let's say, more than a year ago? I feel like it's been AGES!” Bendy fired back at them, specifically at Oswald.
I halted for a minute there.
That day... is it about when Bendy did something that makes them regret it? And why does Oswald have anything that makes him the center of attention? Is it... what Bendy did to him?
A lot of thoughts ran through my mind on what they could mean... Knowing how well is Bendy's methods on treating his 'guests', depending on who they are... and their 'relations.'
“Don't jump on a different subject, Bèndàn, What are you really after?” Oswald asked again with a glare.
But Bendy had a different idea... He steps back. “Since we used to be 'friends' and because I kinda 'like' you guys, I'll let these bad boys test you two to see if I REALLY should tell ya what I'm after.” Boris and Boston steps forwads.
“Getting the 'warm' welcoming treatment? That's SO like you. You always take the easy way and letting other do your dirty 'work.'” Mickey stated. I agree with you, mouse. I heard he's lazy enough to have vacations after his days off.
Boris cracked his knuckles. “You kids don't even know who you're dealing with. If you can't pass us, you can't get anywhere close to him.”
“Beat it, you over-thirty year old mattress!” Oswald pointed at him. “Your 'loyalty' and services to that Yúchǔn de èmó makes me want to puke. My brother can take care of himself far better when I'm not at home and he treats his 'co-workers' much better.”
“OH, please! As far as every go lucky animators would say that kind of slop, you southern-born bumpkins have forgotten this ain't like the old days anymore. You're playing with the big boys now.” Boston stretched his arms.
Ouch! I can't think of a comeback against this cowboy....
“I really wish there's another way to settle this... but I guess it's too late for that and I doubt you'll listen either.” Mickey looked at the cowboy with a determined expression. “We'll take your 'bet' and we'll get our answers soon enough.” He then stepped on a pipe that was conveniently next to his left foot as it got tossed in the air just high enough for him to grab it. He then got in a fencing pose.
“Oh, You challenging me to a sword play, eh?” Boston sneered as he picks up his pipe, but it was a bit longer than Mickey's.
“Don't underestimate us just because we're smaller than you two.” Mickey warned them.
“Bendy is more challenging than you two put together, you got nothing.” Boris took off his coat and fedora as he prepares for a brawl against them. He tosses them on a near by crates.
“This will be a payback for what your 'boss' did a year ago...” Oswald glared at him.
He repeated that phrase on what Bendy did to him... Why do I feel like want to know this more than I want to know about my 'sight' secrets and my... lineage?
It only took a few seconds in stare down before they ran toward each other. Excluding Bendy cause he's just sitting on the railway like he's waiting for his turn if they're still standing...
Oswald and Boris clashes first with a headbutt greet and I feel like there was an titan aura coming from them. It's like a kung fu master against a heavy weight champion boxer. Oswald didn't seemed fazed at all... Any other little guy and it's lights out.
Mickey and Boston were greeted with a clanging sound. However, what I didn't know, is that Mickey was like a speeding mice. Ok, that doesn't make sense- WHOAH!
Mickey was REALLY not slacking off on his footwork. His fencing techniques is giving the cowboy a hard time. He did a couple of times of slide circling a half moon and attacking from all different sides to confuse him. He's lucky that Mickey was handling a pipe, if it was an actual sword well... it ain't gonna be pretty.
I though Mickey's specialty was guns and bombs... Unless he learn this new technique later in his life I didn't know about it yet.
I looked back at the other two brawlers. Boris keeps trowing decent punches, but Oswald keeps deflecting them until that one  punch nearly scraped pass Oswald's face. But the rabbit quickly did a left uppercut to the wolf's jaw and then he right punches square on his nose. Boris growled and attempted to punch him at full force, but the rabbit was a bit quicker than he thought. Oswald then jabbed him with another fist, this time right at his right side abs. The wolf stumbles a bit until the rabbit smacked the back side of his head and then he punches his face again, sending him falling flat on his back.
Whoa... I feel like I'm amazed yet I'm terrified at the same time... No wonder Bendy had a hard time with them on numerous things. Yet... why are they on number two in the 'underworld'?
Ah! Wait! I can't just sit here and watch. I need to get to that machine. I looked for someway to get down without being noticed. I saw a stair case leading down right next to that machine, but there's no wall for me to hide from them. Unless I can use my whip as a rope and descended it quietly and quickly, but that would need precision timing judging how they all fight and they can see me.  
See me... My 'Heat eye' ability! With that I can use it to give me just enough seconds to get down and hide without anyone noticing. I hope...
But it's better than doing nothing here. I quietly walked while I'm keeping my head down until I'm on top of the cylinder machine. I carefully readied and secure my belt for a drop. I then readied myself to get down and I looked at the fight for an opportunity... I closed my eyes and concentrated.
'Just let me get down from here without being noticed.' My head didn't throb as much, but I did feel like time passes slowly as I opened them.
I quickly got over the rail and descended fast as I reached my destination. I landed and then I tugged and unhook my belt. I quickly grab it as I feel like my headache is getting stronger. I ducked where they cant see me on one side of the controller of the cylinder machine. I closed and told it I'm alright and then feel some relief. I think that was pretty good for someone who has awoken his secret 'ability' only for more about a week ago.
Man, I'm gonna have to make a scheduled on how I spend my 'spare' time... if I come out alive.
Alright, now what? I looked back to see if I was spotted by the broken pitch fork. It doesn't appeared he noticed me... I think. I glanced on the side just enough to see the fight.
I first glanced at Mickey and Boston. The mouse still had a good advantage until the cowboy grabbed his pipe. He swung it to the wall next to them, hits Mickey full force, then he swung it at the other two.
They noticed the now flying squirrel launched at them and Oswald took a chance to catch him. He did so and he puts his brother down. The other two took their chance at their vulnerable pose by trying to attack them from behind by hitting them at the back of their heads.
But they were no match for their quick reactions as they synchronized a dodgy barrel roll. As soon as they turn to them and at a quick draw, Boston has taken out a pistol.
And shot them dead straight to their hearts. The brothers had their eyes wide opened when it hit them, until they dropped on the floor after a few seconds later.
There was silence in the factory. I was horrified, shaken, my mouth was opened yet I couldn't scream...
“No. Way... You lucky bastard!” Bendy complimented. He got off his seating and he got up and close in between his two friends to see his ex-friends. As I would expected from him, he maniacally laugh it off, added a 'personal' cheer leading verse and a dance.
“Ah hahahaha! Whoo! RAT SH!T! RABBIT SHIT! DYING ON THE FLOOR! AIN'T GONNA LIVE PASS TWENTY FOUR! HOORAY! DISNEY SUCKS! F#K!” He ended the last word with a double middle finger up in the air.
I didn't cared what he reacted... Mickey... Oswald... No... I tried to held back my tears, but they streamed away anyway.
They're dead... they died in a reckless attempt for trying to stop Bendy... This can't be happening for real...
“Um, Bendy... they're not bleeding.” Boris said. Huh? Not... bleeding?
“What?” Bendy 'calmly' replied. He picks up the pipe Mickey had earlier and went to the bodies. He raises his weapon. “You're supposed to bleed, you stupid motherf-”
To everyone's surprise, Mickey has perfectly caught the other end of the pipe before the demon made his first blow. We all gasped, but Bendy was the most expressive at the reaction.“WHAT?! YOU'RE STILL ALIVE?!”
Mickey took this opportunity to quick draw his gun, which I might add seems a bit familiar... He shot at Boston's pistol and it flew off his hands. It might be a fast reaction, but I did got a good look at the 'used to be' pistol that is now a blob once it hit the floor. It's that one of the weapons Oswald has crafted? WAIT! OSWALD! He's still on the floor! I looked back at them... Only to see Boris being double kicked in the face and fall flat on the floor. Mickey has successfully retrieved the pipe from Bendy with a good hand man-oeuvre. They both regain some space and from what I see, they're all alright.
I then feel a rush of relief... Thank you, God. I smiled and exhaled. Wait... Something... doesn't seem right. The bullets that Boston shot has hit RIGHT at the hearts. How are they still standing like that? It should have been a fatality.
The cowboy rushed at the door leading to somewhere. Then my 'sight' was acting up again. Huh? 'What is it this time?' I close my eyes and mentally asked it. I see a flash and opened my eyes. I 'saw' a big machine gun that's on the other side of the wall. At it's about in the range of the Disney's positions.
I don't know how they are still alive from that shot, but I'm not going to take another chance with that machine gun.
“What the h#ll, how dare you're both still alive? Boston has never missed a shot!” Boris got up and asked, backing up a bit.
They still didn't responded. “What are you guys now? Zombies? Undead? WHAT?! I want answers, or I'll cut them out!” Bendy took out again his switch blade he had earlier. I then 'saw' Boston setting up and aimed away from his two 'friends' and at the Disney brothers.
Is that what... oh no... no, not again! I'm not going to let that second chance go to waste!
I didn't cared if my cover was blown when I jumped out of my hiding spot and passed by the two gangsters as they got surprised at my appearance. I immediately leaped towards them, grab them both as we landed flat one the floor and in just at the nick of time. There was a flashing rain of bullets that shot through that wall. I heard Bendy shouted something but the rounds of bullets were too loud for me to hear what he was saying.
Once it was silenced again, we immediately looked back at them. “You GOTTA BE SH!TTING ME?! THE ACE DEFECTIVE? HERE? AND HE'S WORKING WITH YOU TWO DIP SH!TS?!” Bendy pointed out at me.
I didn't think this through, but... at least he doesn't know about 'us' yet. I got up. “No, I came here on my own free will, and I'm putting you under arrest for three account of accessory of murders under your command AND executed yourself, illegal possession of potentially deadly drugs, illegal owner of a stolen necklace and an attempted murder of two well known people. I have some hard evidence, so there's no way you'll escape THESE charges this time, Bendy Drew!” And I pointed at him. The other got up too.
His eyes twitched and glowed red. “How DARE you called me that? My last name is De Mon! Either remember that or I'll scar it deep enough on your skin so you can remember it!” He pointed again, this time with his switch blade.
I kept continuing. “Starting with that cylinder machine and those 'special' herbs. I know where those are-!” He did an attempt to stab me, but we were a bit quick on our feet and we separated a bit. Now it's just me and him. I continued.
“-AND where you'll get them. I also found out about how you 'conducted' the murder of Mr. Blancheur and Mr.Vermelho. I'll even include my witness account of one of your 'employee' under the railway too.” He then attempted to slash horizontally at my face, but I bend over in a nice close shave. I then saw something on the tip of that 'unusual' switch blade...
Then Boston reappeared. “Why in tarnation do I hear like that cat was- Oh... Dang...” He didn't expect to see me here.
“Help me with the other pipsqueaks, Bendy can handle him.” Boris shouted and they went after them again.
I hope they don't have a second gun on them, but right now I need to focus on this evil master mind first.
“You keep forgetting who's in charge here, cat boy. I OWN THIS CITY AND THE LAWS!” He tried to stab me with a jab, but with my past training on 'deflecting' the weapons,  I hand palm my left hand to his switch blade holding right hand just before he thinks he got me. The weapon flung high in the air between us as we were back to back. We both saw it, turned around and we both jumped up to reach it and grab it before the other one gets it. Bendy may have that speed demon skills when his eyes turned, but I also have my 'other' skills that I can now compete...
When we landed, we were back to back again. Bendy looked at his hand to see he didn't got it. But I do. I smirked. He then got angry, turned around with a swinging kick, said 'f#k off' and he flung his blade in the air again out of MY hands. He then right punched me right in the face, then I countered back with the same move and place, then I quickly hook punched my left fist at his stomach, he patted some drops, he then hit my face with another right punch and then we both tried to kick each other off with one blow with our right legs. We both landed  a good solid hit on the chests and we BOTH took the hit, hard. We stumbled a bit until we both looked up again to see the switch blade coming back. We both unintentionally used our right legs again to kick it out of our fighting range.
Judging from our position, the switch blade and our 'space', it's going straight to our legs. Once again I used my 'heat eye' ability and I carefully judge the timing...  He's no slouch at 'this' speed... I suddenly have that sharp pain rushed in my head and I winced.
I felt something from my leg, but it was dull. I opened my eyes again just to see Bendy's switch blade piercing his leg and he yelped in pain before we both stumbled away from each other. I still felt that throbbing pain in my head and my vision stared to blur a bit and it hurts just by looking... What is this pain? And why do I feel like I've been drained too?
It took a lot of strength to get myself up... I staggered a bit but I was still in better shape than Bendy right now. He's bleeding from his leg as he held it and in agony.
“F#K! SONUVABEACH! F#KN CAT! I'M SOOOO GONNA SKIN YOU ALIVE AND TURN YOU INTO A- GAH!” He took out the switch blade from his injury. BAD idea. It will bleed even more, but, it didn't... instead, the blood became black and it almost stopped the bleeding. His eyes were red again.
“On second thought, you might have improved on the last time we've brawled... But you're still no match to me, let alone those two circus freaks.” He maniacally but quietly told me with his signature grind. I glanced at their fights to see what we've missed, but so far it's the same struggling situation on the second floor. I quickly checked on him again so I don't get caught off guard if he attacks. He still haven't made his next move.
In my current state, I need to end this now and try to bust that cylinder machine before I faint on the spot. Lend me some strength until the end, please. I asked him. “Since we're both on edge here, is it a bad time to tell me the REAL reason why you are after your old ex-comrades? You've done enough damage as it is.”
He raised an eye brow.“Aw, Have you forgot? They're-”
“Used to be friends, but 'someone' had stabbed them in the back. Just out of my curiosity 'nature,' who was it, really?” I want to know. “Huh?” He asked displeased. “You're-” “AH!!!” I heard Mickey's shout as he was nearly fell off the second floor safety rails by hanging from his left arm. I immediately shouted his name along with Oswald. Boston was going to hit him with a average sized wooden crate until he loses his grip on the rail and was falling.
I immediately rushed towards him despite my exhaustion state. I reached out my arms to grab him and... I caught him but we both stumbled to the ground in the process. It might have been worse if I didn't break his fall... Oswald rushes down the stairs towards us. “Mickey! Felix!” He shouted. “I'm fine... Felix?” Mickey asked. “I... I'm just a bit exhausted...” I responded out of breath. What's wrong with me? I never felt THIS exhausted whenever I'm on these missions.
Wait! We're in a middle of a group fight! I glanced at Bendy and my 'sight' was acting up. I blinked to see what is it again and this time... He was hiding a very familiar gun... the same ones the police uses! Worse still, he pulls it out and he aimed at Oswald! I immediately jumped at the rabbit before he pulls that trigger.
The sound of another gun shot had echoed through the factory. We both ducked sideways and smacked landed on one of the mats that was left unpacked on the floor. “Ozzy! Felix!” Mickey rushed in. Oswald just chuckled. “Ha! Now THAT'S what I called a triple A service and-Ah! Crap!” His mood switched quickly when he saw some blood stains on his stomach.
Mickey gasped with his right hand covering his mouth and his left pointing at something with his eyes wide opened. It wasn't his brother's blood that stained his vest...
It was mine.
The bullet had struck at my right back side and it must have came in contact when we fell. I was taking deep breath and I was holding on to my life. He got me instead.
“Ah SH!T! Felix!” Oswald eyes were widen at my injury from that shot that was meant for him. He quickly detached my whip belt and Mickey had taken off his black jacket and passes it to him. Boris and Boston then joined up with Bendy.
“Oh? Did the cat took a bullet for the rabbit?” Bendy asked playfully. Mickey angrily looked back at him. “Bendy! That wasn't fair!” “Life is NEVER fair, Micks. You need to learn when you have to do whatever it takes to get what you want. Not everyone has their life all set like yours...” He twirled his gun a bit.
“That gun...” Mickey whispered. Oswald had just finished wrapping my waist with Mickey's jacket, to prevent further blood loss.
“Oh, that? You remembered this old thing? It used to belong to Chayton, you know? Alfonso's son? I kinda 'borrowed' it back then... He used to collect these 'hard to get' weapons back when he was alive... Meh!” He then handed over to Boris and he break it like a twig with his right hand. “It was only good for one bullet anyways. The carriage was all f#ked up for somewhat reason.”
“Then... was it you? You're the one who made that shot on that 'last job?'” Mickey questioned softly, but feared.
“I'm only guilty of taking without asking to show ya one time and then holding as a 'possession' until I'm bored with it. It was almost useless and empty anyways.” Bendy vaguely answered. I then started to see some 'yellow' toning in my vision.
Mickey gasped softly. “Then... it was him? But... why are you still after our district? The REAL reason?” He looks like he was about to cry.
Bendy then made a disgust expression and finally gave up his answer...
“Oh my F#king @$$! My 'REAL' reason this and that?!” He was about to to loose it, but then he smiled and calmly answered. “I guess I'll say it if it will shove a sock in it.” He took two steps forward like he's the boss before we got our answer. “If there is one thing I love better than money... Aside from the love of my life...” He smooth talked before he made an angry expression on his next statement. “...Revenge.”
Their expression was shocked. “What?” Mickey said and then Oswald asked. “For what? We didn't-” Bendy cuts him off. “Shut it, Half-a-nesse! Before I'll make sure I'll break you again and this time I'll f#k you up even harder.” He pointed at him. Oswald held back his words and his left eye slightly twitched... I feel somewhat strange... but I'm still trying to hold on to my conscious to make any sense on what he's talking about and trying to listen through my heartbeat pounding in my head.
“The REAL reason why I wanted that territory, aside the incomes, is so that I can take it away from the ones who DOESN'T DESERVES it and turn it into dust. You BOTH deserted me and the others when those sh!t whippers came and took out almost all of 'US'” He made those quote marks gesture. “If you didn't willy nilly rejoined with that helicopter father, I would have behaved slightly differently. But I guess that inheritance and all that sh!t has made you like a f#king cheap cupcake. Too soft for your own good and it makes me ANGRY!” He stomped his left foot and some of his black blood had squirted out. “Whatever happened to sticking together schtick? That promised we all made along with it?” He then sounded sad. “We're gonna take back and make our future the way we wanted... Change this rotten luck we had... We... had a sh!tty parent who makes us runaways...We then both had found a new family... We had it all when we were at the prime time of our teenage lives...” He then started shaking and crying... I never seen him like that before... Unless it was an act. “But then when those Eastern Bastards came and took out half of us and your mentors, you both weren't there!” He lashes out his anger.
“And who's REAL fault was that?” Oswald countered. “We've been expelled from the gang after your 'last' visit that day you've turn us over to the police and our father! It was NEVER our 'fault.' It's your bosses' and yours! YOU and the other two have shipped us out!” He told them off... I remembered that other half of Mickey's story way back then... I winced in pain when my sides started to burn harder. Oswald noticed my struggling...
“You could have still stick around on your own free will... But then again... I guess things didn't go as well as it planned to be... After that massacre, I found out that the disbanded Red Dragon's territory had a pretty well advantages and a good income for a mafia guys like myself... plus, 'they' were long gone before 'ours'... and it was in 'chaos' just the way I like it.” Bendy regained his masterminded speech. “With my past experiences, all I needed to have that piece of territory, is for that 'land permit.' It was almost in my grasp... Until SOMEBODY decided to show up again and 'reclaimed' it as if they THINK they had RIGHTS!” He tone it up a bit as he looked back at Mickey.
“You BOTH had to interfered my 'night job' just so you can still think you idiots can 'change' this society... What good will it do if you had to take care of almost EVERYBODY you both came in contact with? You think you both are BETTER than I am? ME! the 'undertaker' of the underworld, a GRAND animator that's better than 'you', a bigger celebrity than all of your puny animated company with the old fart himself included! You two are just a pair of Robin Hoods rip offs who hides their f#king faces under a clown masks in public and internationals alike. SO HOW CAN A PIECE OF THRASH LIKE YOURSELVES IS MORE SPECIAL THAN I AM?!” He's now getting off the subject.
“Is this the real reason you wanted our territory for? To get even with us because of our father's company and the inheritance?” Mickey trembled but softly said. “Haven't I told you before that I wanted to earn that position the right way?! And all of that talk of yours on what we 'should have' done our lives, and what it had given us instead... IT WAS NEVER PLANNED IN THE FIRST PLACE!” He shouted back. “Bendy, we've been in the same place like you were before, but there's a difference between being what you are and who you want to be.”
They then started to laugh. “Mickey, you think being a gangster, a top member next to the 'boss' at that, is f#king easy? And who do you think you're talking to?” Boris responded. Oswald was getting tried of this stalling conversation. “It's always easy to be an @$$hole like yourselves, but it ain't gonna be worth it once your title of 'king of mafia' crown is knocked off. You'll get what you REALLY deserves, and you better pray it ain't gonna be 'US' to do the job when that day comes.” He threateningly said to them.
They then draw their guns aside Boston, which he was frowning since they only had two on them, at us. “We can fix that.” Bendy answered. “After we dispose of you three, I'll finally be able to take over ALL of the police and the Chinatown district. In just a few days, I'll be OFFICIALLY the real KING of Chicago crime mob syndicates. Then, I'll start planning to extend my empire... but for now...” He took aim at Mickey. “As my last act of 'kindness' since we're old 'friends,' all you three musketeers, rest easy and DIE!” He smile very widely as he was about to pull the trigger.
I then feared the worst again and this time, I can't move. NO!
Suddenly, Bendy's expression was then changed into a surprised look with a 'Urk!'
Then what really surprises me is that he dropped the gun and then he fell down... and he started to sleep! What the-?!
“Bendy!” Boris shouted as he went to get him but Boston had held him back just in time before another 'thing' had flung passed him. One false step would have made him the same state as Bendy.
Is that...!!! It was confirmed who it was when I heard my friends voice.
“Take one shot at them and I'll send you to dream land!” They all looked up to see who the heck it was... Sammuel Toutsaint!
“..Sam...” I wheezed then coughed up a bit of blood. Boston then tries to take the gun from Boris for an attempt to shoot him, but then there was a gust of wind passes them and they were surprised. “What in tarnation is that?!” Boston asked and then there was another familiar Irish voice. “Gun ho!” Woody shouted. “Hey hot buns! Special delivery!” He tosses it to Oswald and then he crushes Boris' gun. They both then teamed up with them and Boris retrieved Bendy and placed him like a bride style in his arms. “Ah Sh!t, Felix! You're shot!” Woody looked at me, worried about my condition. Sam was the same, but he was pissed but he kept his guards up. “How many times I told you NOT to go alone with THESE types, Ostie criss de tabarnak!”
You guys... I'm so sorry... I then felt a tear falling down on my cheeks.
“Seems like we ended our battle with a draw. Thanks to those two bird brains.” Boris spatted. “But next time, you won't be so lucky, and your 'lucky' title won't last much longer.” He glared at us.
Mickey pulled out something, but it looks like a pen... no wait, it looks a bit familiar... “Once Bendy wakes up, tell him this: The Blue Dragons will remain a neutral territory. But he's not going to get his new 'products' on our streets or anywhere else.” He then pushed the button on the top. There was then a big explosion and they all looked at the cylinder machine. I can barely looked at it, but it seems like there was a bomb hidden in that thing... Did they planned ahead? What... who are they really?
“Aw DANG! He's gonna get pissed!” Boston raised an eyebrow, as if he didn't cared in this situation.
I then felt someone had picked me up in bridal style too.. and it was Oswald... OSWALD?! My face then got very red. NO, PLEASE! I'D RATTHER HAVE THE PIGGY BACK RIDE! I'm mentally draining faster than before.
“Also, tell him this message from his 'dealer': Your 'membership account' is terminated. We'll settle this in another day.” Mickey ended their conversation before they had to leave. He then says. “Let's get out of here. Felix need to go to a hospital. Fast.''
We all scattered out of the factory as we approach to the car... I suddenly feel like I'm floating... and the last thing I saw was the rabbit's face before I lost conscious... again....
I was then 'awaken' in a very darken area. I feel like I was still floating, but I feel like I'm in some sort of underwater.
Where am I? Am I... dead? No! I can't be dead! Not yet! I need to be there for my family and friends!
As soon as I opened my mouth, I can't breathe. Something had prevented me to do so. I covered my mouth, but then I felt something sharp at my side where I was shot. I winced and let out whatever air I had in me. I needed oxygen, fast. I then saw someone with a white robe with a golden chain attached to her neck, she looks familiar... and she looks almost like me-!!!
“Mom...” I softly whispered. She then reached out for my left hand and the ring has started to glow brighter. I then feel like I can breathe again, but I was blinded by a white light.
I suddenly feel like I was in a different room when I came to. Am I awake? No. I don't remembered being standing when I lost my conscious. Normally, I would be lying down first. I looked around to see where am I. It's not anywhere I remembered before... It seems more... like a clinic, judging from the settings and the curtains.
I then saw a senior doctor with a mustache coming in. I was going to greet him until he passes right through me. I was surprised. I patted myself and I didn't pass through like a ghost... what kind of a dream is this?
“How's the little one? Is he sleeping well?” The doctor asked. Huh? I turned around and I saw him talking to someone behind the curtains. I went to see who it was and when I did saw who it was, I was shocked.
It was my mother... and she's holding a baby... is this me?... a flashback from when I was born? I don't remember this. Is this one of those crazy 'ability' from Bastet? Or something else that she wanted me to see?
“He's doing fine. Thank you so much for helping us on such a short notice, Dr. Kettle.” She said as he stroke 'my' little head.
“It was nothing, Féline. I owe you one for returning the stolen medicine from those troublesome Irish Gang members.” The doctor replied. “Have you decided a name for the new rascal?”
She looked at the baby and smiled. “I think Felix would suit him. His hair looks is like that black cat from an early cartoon I've seen a long time ago.” I was surprised. She was the one who named me? Mom... I tried to reach for her until my head started to throb, the room is blurring and it changed into a different area.
Once all's been settled, I was in some sort of an alley way. I saw a street light at my right with someone I recognized very well... BEFORE that 'accident' and he seems like he was in his early thirties... maybe.
“Dad?” I was astounded. I can still remembered his 'human' features when I was very little and I knew that it IS him! Why is he doing here? I heard some high heels clacking closer at my left. I turned at who it was and it looked like a lady in a red overcoat, with a matching red hat with yellow ribbon, a yellow sweater and she also had red high heels to match the outfit. She is also carrying a basket too... I was shocked when she came into the light to see who she was. “Mom?!” I spoke louder.
What's going on? What is this? I don't... remember any of this. I saw my father approaching to her with a serious expression on his face. She had a sad face, like she might have done something that upset him. “Did you bring him?” He asked and she nodded. She gently placed down the basket, lifted the lid, and I was shocked. It was me... I was asleep, but it was me. She gently scooped 'me' up and she embraced 'me.' “I'm sorry for keeping this a secret for so long... They are after me, and God know what they'll do to him if he's found out. You're the only person I can trust with him...I know it's hard to-” My father cuts her off, by glaring. That look frighten her, as well as myself.  He took a deep breath and said.“I didn't agreed to take him just for you... I know he's mine too. If you had told me about this sooner, things would have been different and you wouldn't be giving him up right now.” She shed a tear down her left cheek and quietly sobbed. I felt pain in my chest... is this what they've meant? That part where I was... given up for my safety?
She held 'me' close for one last time and gave 'me' a kiss before she handed me over to him. She also took off her right glove to reveal a golden lioness ring. It must be that Golden ring of Sekmeth that I was 'supposed' to have! She took it off and handed that over too. “I don't think I need to explained what this is and what it does. You know it from the times we spent together...” He took it and placed it one of his pockets. “I know. I'll tell him when the times comes, speaking of him, did you gave him a name by any chance?” He asked her. “Felix. Please let him keep that name for me as my last favor.” She begged him. He was silenced for a minute while he looked at 'me.' His answer then shocked me. “I will. Just promised me also that you must NEVER show your face to him again... not while 'they' are on you.”
He turns around and leaves. My mother then started to cry quietly. “Gerald... my Felix... I'm sorry...” She sobbed a bit and I was crying too. “Mom...” I was reaching out to her, I wanted to hug her and tell her 'It's alright, I'm here!' But as soon as I lay a hand on her, she 'disintegrated' into dust. My eyes widen at the reaction. She was gone... and then I looked back to see my father standing in the street light. I was still feeling pain in my heart again, but there was also some anger that started to show.
“Dad... Why?...” I cried and I yelled. I then got up and walked to him. “She needed both of us! Why would you do that? And why did you keep this from me all this time?” I stopped behind his back. “You may be my father, but I had the right to know who was my mother too! Just... TELL ME WHY DIDN'T YOU-!” I pointed shouted at him until suddenly, I was then roughly got grabbed from my wrist by him, he turned around to look at me, but his 'image' was changed. He was much older looking with the cyborg clash from that day he was in a horrible accident. And what I remembered form the last time I saw him... He looked me straight in the eyes, glaring.
That look gave me chills down my spine, I feel a migraine rushed in my head and I was getting a bit nauseous. The scenery started to spin faster and it changes again. My father still held on to my grip as I tried to held myself together without throwing up. I screamed in pain when my eyes were burning and I saw a painful, flashing, white light again...
TO BE CONTINUED... Chapter 24.
Read chapter 22 here or the beginning here.
What what?! Did I just finish my whole story yesterday? YES I DID!!!!
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Tune in tomorrow for the next chapter, cause it’s going on a daily release!
BBTIM Characters Belong to Marini4. Some OCs belong to me.
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worrentigre · 6 years
Rhuli’a’s trial pt.3 Agility (RP Scene)
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Rhuli’a Kanjun has passed his first test, and was rewarded with a new piece of armor. A pair of boots, not unlike those worn by the Fists of Rhalgr.  He is one step closer to his goal, but still has a long way to go. A way he will have to hurry through, to avoid being crushed to death at this very moment.
((https://youtu.be/s1YMAQfvsOA <---Scene BGM))
"By the Flame! Is this the craftsmanship of my countrymen? No wonder mother had us live away from the city." Rhuli'a's adrenaline began to kick in as he set off in a full sprint, pumping his legs faster. However, as he beat his feet against the stone, he noticed a queer feeling. Though he was no waif, and his race's natural aptitude for running, he would often just bull through the pain that came with the action. However, ever since he wore the boots, Rhuli'a noticed he was less strained. Time to see how hard he could run. Reaching within, he increased his speed.
The rocks continue to fall.  Faster and close, seemingly falling from out of thin air above one after the other.  Inside the next doorway opens up to a wider path.  Several yalms ahead inside the doorway the floor goes down into a cliff.  There are several stone pillars staggered from below that leads to a landing on the other side, where a chest and another door rests.  An echoed voice whispers faintly in the wind.  "Don't fall..." Seeing the trial that lay ahead filled Rhuli'a with a sense of elation. For a moment his thoughts left the imminent danger of being crushed, and flew back to his past in the Lochs, hopping from stone to stone. Snapping back to reality as a rock landed only a fulm or two behind him, the Keeper sprinted, taking a leap upon the first stone pillar and kicking off almost immediately to the second. The pillars begin to wobble and fall as the prospect hops from one to the next. Up ahead, the pillars become more spread out and sporadic with no set pattern. In the distance, another enclosed path can be seen, with a light at the end of the tunnel.
As the path became more treacherous by the second, Rhuli'a began to lose his usual assertiveness. A slight misstep here, a botched landing there, soon enough, he began to fall behind in his series of leaps and bounds from maiming and death. However, seeing a literal light at the end of the tunnel gave him that extra push he needed. Strength and focus flowed through him once more and after putting as much strength as he could into the final bound, he cleared the last gap and tumbled. Sticking the landing as best he could, Rhuli'a focused on the sole thing ahead of him. The exit.
The path leading to the light was narrow and several yalms long. However, as the prospect traveled, he would soon find out that the path was not safe. The large bricks along the walls would slide out randomly, aiming to strike and/or crush him and stop his advance. There is no set pattern to which brick will strike out next. No timing, up down, one or even three. He would need to move quickly and carefully to come out unscathed. Unable to break his stride, Rhuli'a threw caution to the winds. Mistakes were meant to be made and learned from. However, he thought privately to himself that he may only be able to make, at the most, three. At the least? One. An image of him being struck full-on shot through his head, and he leapt after his caution to take refuge in the wind.
Air flowed through his fist as the monk cartwheeled past the first set. No brick touched him as he gracefully bent his body to his will. However, on the second, he fell into the same pattern as before, and luck was not favoring him. Yet, even so, the strike from the brick was but a glancing blow. Rolling with the momentum, he sprang once, twice, thrice! The keeper managed to move past his latest trial, chest heaving with exhaustion. He had never experienced movement like that before. It was tantalizing.
As Rhuli'a makes his way through the long hall, he'll see another room similar to the first.  And like the first room, there is a chest in the middle, though there is nothing guarding it this time. He made his way to the chest, throwing it open. Peering inside, he quickly checked behind them, paranoid that the chest may have spawned some silent adversary. He would find out why the chest was unguarded; it was empty, save for another drawing similar to the one in the first chest.  He only has a second to notice it, as a click is heard and several bricks in all of the walls open up, showing small hollow cylinders within.  One by one these cylinders begin to shoot small darts; not necessarily at Rhuli'a, but straight ahead.  What makes this challenging is that all four walls are doing this.  Small tings and clangs sound off as these darts collide with the opposite wall.  Up above a red pair of short pants are suspended from a rope, hanging about ten fulms in the air. The Keeper paced forward, watching the salvos of darts smash against the wall. Another puzzle. A plan flitted about his head as he scratched at his jaw to get the gears working. Nodding, he first stood near the edge of the hail of darts. Flipping backward, he kicked up and away sending some darts scattering towards the ceiling. Continuing to roll back, he began to collect the projectiles that fell about harmlessly in front of him. With a full hand, he gave one last, annoyed look behind him. Hopefully no falling rocks.
Then, he lurched forward. Electricity ran along his arms as he began striking haphazardly as he rushed through. Lightning crackled and shot, arcing from one dart to the next as Rhuli'a more or less punched his way through the salvo, creating only small opening for himself as he bulled his way forward. Of course, to say this was a completely safe method was incorrect.
One or two of the projectiles found their way through his field, scoring deep hits along the man's arms, legs and side. Luckily none were able to find his face, and more importantly, his neck or eyes. With a grunt, the Keeper took the briefest of aim and slung his dart towards the rope. Then the rest he had picked up. Trying to cut down the piece of cloth and snatch it so he could make a dash out of the overwhelming sea of pain he found himself in.
The darts stop for a brief second when the rope is disturbed.  However, the after the pants fall, the rope seems to click back into place, engaging the darts once again.  The door remains closed and the chest remains where it is. "Comet's CURSE!"  The foul language left the Keeper's mouth as he relaxed for a split second. Next thing he knew, he was being assailed once more. Reflexes were what saved his life and sight. Fighting his way through the throng once more, the Keeper gained momentum, kicking off the wall and making a desperate leap for the rope! His reach was heightened to eight fulms! Nine! Nine and a half! Ten!
But not, quite there...
Tears springing from his eyes in frustration, the darts embedding themselves wholly into his body. Yet, somewhere in his soul, a piercing scream of a Griffin rang out and his fingers brushed against the edge. And was seized! Hanging limply from the device, Rhuli'a could only say a small prayer as he hoped the darts would stop at his efforts. His weight on the rope pulled it down, until jerking to a stop after a few inches.  Something clicks into place and the walls close, leaving the area littered with darts all over the floor, but the air clear once again.  The door remains closed, however.  It would seem there is at least one more task to complete before it would open and let him move on.
Rhuli'a let the gaskins fall to the ground. With a pained groan, he passed a hand over one of the darts that was embedded in him. Reconsidering, he felt against the wall, a slight gap presenting itself at his prodding. Striking at it with focus, he widened it considerably albeit with a new stream of blood falling from his hand. Wedging the rope into the hole, the Miqo'te dug out one of the darts and used it to jam it in place. Hopefully that would hold. If it was even needed.
Dropping, he fell in a crumple. For about a minute he rested there, before picking himself up. Gingerly, he made his way towards the chest, picking at his wounds all the while. Inside the chest he would see a similar stick figure drawing like the first chest he encountered.  The series of pictures shows the figure doing the same as the first, only with pants.  The first picture has the figure pulling out a pair of new pants from the chest, the second shows the figure sitting and putting the pants on, the third shows him placing the old pants into the chest.  The final shows something a bit different, though.  It has the figure high in the air as if jumping, with it's leg extended in a kick towards a wall. Rhuli'a took the time to sit and relax. Peeling off his brais, he began to shred what he could of the cloth to use as makeshift bandages. Thoroughly ruined, he placed his old regalia within the coffer. Donning the gaskins, he inhaled sharply. Where just one piece was...
Another quick breath, him being slightly overwhelmed. Standing straight up, he paced back and forth, looking at the picture once more. Eyes snapping to the door, he took off in a dead sprint. Picking up speed, he leapt, visions of his duel with Kodaro coming to mind.
Leg extended, he smashed into the door in a flying kick, bolts of electricity leaping across the surface of the stone! The door glowed in reaction, and started to slide open.  The scraping sounds of stone against stone reverberated through the room as the next challenge was revealed: a simple short walkway into another room.  It seemed simple enough.  However, there was no chest here and the air was thick.  One could feel the overwhelming tension and dread that lingered all around the area.  Once again, there was a closed door on the other side. Rhuli'a was no fool. There was a challenge here greater than some puzzle. Steeling himself, he took heart in his new regalia filling him with a power he had never known. It was addicting, and, truthfully, he could get used to this.
Stepping into the arena, Rhuli'a planted himself square in the middle, seeking his next challenge.
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