#the main character is confronted by a group of adversaries
jamieaiken919 · 11 months
I saw this and thought I was funny so you must see it too
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hayatheauthor · 1 year
Forging Epic Battles: Techniques for Writing Gripping War Scenes
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I want to start this post off with sort of an author's note: this is a long one! I tried to keep my detailing to a minimum but I guess this topic Is just so vast I couldn't help but pour it all out. This really is sort of an ultimate guide and I hope it helps! Also, it was requested by @xweirdo101x (if you want to request something just send me an ask)
War has long captivated readers' imaginations, evoking a sense of grandeur, sacrifice, and the clash of ideologies. As writers, we have the power to transport our readers to the frontlines, immersing them in the chaos, drama, and emotion of epic battles. 
Crafting gripping war scenes requires a delicate balance of research, skillful storytelling, and an understanding of the human experience in times of conflict. In this guide, I will explore various techniques that will help you create dynamic and compelling war narratives, transporting your readers to the heart of the action and leaving them breathless.
Setting the Stage: Creating a Compelling War Setting
When it comes to writing gripping war scenes, creating a vivid and immersive setting is paramount. Whether you are crafting a historical war or inventing a fictional conflict, the setting serves as the backdrop against which your characters and their stories unfold. Here are essential steps to help you create a compelling war setting that captures readers' imaginations:
Research Historical Context or Build a Fictional World:
For historical wars, immerse yourself in research to understand the time period, social dynamics, and political climate surrounding the conflict. This knowledge will lend authenticity and depth to your narrative.
If you're building a fictional world, establish the rules, geography, and cultural aspects that shape the war. Consider the unique elements that set your world apart and make it feel real to readers.
Describe the Physical Environment and Atmosphere:
Depict the landscape, whether it's a war-torn city, a rugged battlefield, or a desolate wasteland. Pay attention to sensory details—sights, sounds, smells—to transport readers into the heart of the war.
Convey the atmosphere of the setting, capturing the tension, fear, or anticipation that hangs in the air. Is it shrouded in darkness and despair, or does a glimmer of hope persist? Use descriptive language to evoke the desired emotional response.
Incorporate Cultural and Societal Elements:
Explore how the war has affected the culture and society within your setting. Are there new traditions, rituals, or customs that have emerged in response to the conflict?
Consider the social dynamics at play—class divisions, power struggles, or the impact of war on marginalized groups. These elements add layers of complexity to your setting and provide opportunities for conflict and character development.
By carefully constructing your war setting, you transport readers into a world brimming with authenticity and intrigue. Whether it's the trenches of World War I, a futuristic intergalactic battle, or a mythical realm engulfed in strife, the setting sets the stage for compelling storytelling.
Building Conflict and Tension
In the realm of war fiction, conflict and tension are the driving forces that propel your narrative forward and keep readers captivated. From the clash of opposing ideologies to the internal struggles within characters, here are essential techniques for building conflict and tension in your war scenes:
Establish Clear Goals and Stakes for Characters:
Define the objectives and desires of your main characters within the war. What are they fighting for? What personal or collective goals are at stake?
Create conflicts of interest between characters, where their motivations and objectives may diverge, leading to tension-filled interactions and confrontations.
Introduce Opposing Forces and Ideologies:
Develop compelling adversaries that challenge your protagonists. These opposing forces may represent different sides of the conflict, ideologies, or even personal vendettas.
Explore the contrasting beliefs, values, and philosophies driving each side, heightening the ideological clash and intensifying the conflict.
Utilize Internal Conflicts within Characters:
Explore the internal struggles and moral dilemmas faced by your characters. How does the war affect their beliefs, principles, and sense of self?
Delve into the emotional turmoil and psychological toll of war, showcasing the internal battles characters face as they navigate the chaos and make difficult choices.
By effectively building conflict and tension, you create a dynamic and engaging narrative that keeps readers invested in your war story. The clash of goals, the ideological friction, and the internal struggles of your characters add layers of complexity and depth to your storytelling, drawing readers deeper into the heart of the conflict.
Developing Dynamic Characters
In the realm of war fiction, dynamic and well-developed characters are essential to breathe life into your narrative and create an emotional connection with readers. By crafting relatable protagonists and antagonists, you elevate the impact of your war story. Here are key considerations and techniques for developing dynamic characters within the context of war:
Crafting Relatable Protagonists:
Give your main characters depth and complexity by exploring their backgrounds, motivations, and personal histories. What drives them to participate in the war? What are their hopes, fears, and vulnerabilities?
Develop relatable goals and desires for your protagonists that resonate with readers. Show how the war impacts their lives and pushes them to grow, change, or make difficult decisions.
Creating Compelling Antagonists:
Craft antagonists who are more than just one-dimensional villains. Give them their own motivations, beliefs, and reasons for engaging in the war. This adds depth and complexity to their characters, creating a sense of empathy or understanding.
Explore the potential for redemption or transformation within your antagonists. Are they driven by misguided ideals, personal vendettas, or the pressures of their circumstances? Allow their development to challenge readers' perspectives.
Conveying the Psychological Impact of War:
Explore the emotional and psychological toll that war takes on your characters. Depict their fears, traumas, and inner conflicts as they grapple with the horrors and realities of the battlefield.
Show the evolution of their beliefs and perspectives as they confront the brutalities of war. Allow their experiences to shape their character arcs, highlighting the resilience, resilience, and vulnerabilities that emerge in the face of adversity.
By developing dynamic characters in your war narrative, you create a multi-dimensional and emotionally resonant story. Readers will become invested in their journeys, experiencing the triumphs, losses, and personal transformations that unfold throughout the war.
Writing Action-Packed Battle Scenes
Action-packed battle scenes are the heart of war fiction, where the intensity and stakes are at their highest. These scenes immerse readers in the chaos, danger, and adrenaline of the conflict. To craft gripping battle scenes, consider the following techniques:
Structuring Battle Sequences for Maximum Impact:
Begin with a clear sense of purpose for the battle scene. What are the objectives? What is at stake? Establish the goals and set the stage for the conflict.
Build tension gradually, starting with smaller skirmishes or encounters that escalate toward the climactic moments. Consider pacing, alternating moments of heightened action with moments of respite for emotional impact.
Balancing Fast-Paced Action and Descriptive Details:
Use concise and vivid language to convey the fast-paced nature of battle. Focus on capturing the essence of the action, highlighting key movements, and sensory details that immerse readers in the experience.
Strike a balance between brevity and providing enough detail to engage the reader's imagination. Avoid overwhelming readers with excessive description, ensuring that every word serves a purpose and contributes to the overall impact.
Using Sensory Language to Immerse Readers:
Engage multiple senses to transport readers into the battle scene. Describe the sights, sounds, smells, and tactile sensations to evoke a visceral experience.
Leverage sensory details to enhance the emotional impact of the battle, capturing the fear, adrenaline, and urgency felt by characters and evoking a similar response in readers.
Good action-packed battle scenes bring the war to life on the page, immersing readers in the heart-pounding action. Remember to focus not only on the physical aspects of combat but also on the emotional and psychological experiences of your characters. 
Conveying Emotional Resonance
In war fiction, it is crucial to convey the emotional impact of the conflict on both individual characters and the larger society. By tapping into the raw emotions experienced during times of war, you can create a profound connection with your readers. Here are key techniques for conveying emotional resonance in your war narrative:
Show the Human Cost of War:
Portray the personal sacrifices, losses, and tragedies that characters endure in the face of war. Highlight the emotional toll on their relationships, families, and communities.
Explore the range of emotions experienced by characters, such as fear, grief, anger, and resilience. Through their struggles, allow readers to empathize with the profound impact of war on the human psyche.
Engage the Senses to Evoke Emotion:
Utilize sensory language to evoke emotions within readers. Describe the sights, sounds, smells, and tactile sensations associated with war to create a vivid and immersive experience.
Connect specific sensory details to the emotions they evoke. For example, the acrid stench of smoke may elicit a sense of danger or the distant cries of anguish may stir feelings of sorrow.
Develop Authentic and Complex Relationships:
Showcase the bonds formed and tested amidst the chaos of war. Explore friendships, romances, and the camaraderie among soldiers to highlight the connections that sustain characters in the face of adversity.
Depict the conflicts and tensions that arise within relationships due to the strain of war. This adds layers of emotional complexity and authenticity to your narrative.
By effectively conveying emotional resonance, you invite readers to experience the human side of war. They will connect with the characters on a deeper level and become emotionally invested in their journeys.
Navigating Moral and Ethical Dilemmas
War is often accompanied by moral and ethical dilemmas that test the values and principles of individuals and societies. As a war fiction writer, it is important to explore these complexities and shed light on the difficult choices characters face. Here are key considerations for navigating moral and ethical dilemmas in your war narrative:
Present Conflicting Perspectives:
Introduce characters with differing moral viewpoints and beliefs. Show the diversity of perspectives within the war, whether it's among the protagonists, antagonists, or the larger society.
Challenge readers to contemplate the gray areas of morality and the complexities of right and wrong by presenting conflicting viewpoints and the reasons behind them.
Highlight the Consequences of Choices:
Illustrate the consequences of characters' actions and decisions. Showcase how their choices ripple through the narrative, affecting themselves and those around them.
Explore the moral dilemmas characters face, such as choosing between duty and personal convictions, sacrificing the few for the many, or grappling with the aftermath of their actions.
Offer Reflection and Discussion:
Provide opportunities for characters to reflect on their choices, engaging in internal dialogue or discussions with others. This allows readers to contemplate the moral implications alongside the characters.
Invite readers to reflect on their own moral compass and engage in discussions surrounding the ethical dimensions raised in your war narrative.
Navigating moral and ethical dilemmas makes your war fiction go beyond the surface-level action and delve into the deeper questions of humanity. It prompts readers to question their own values, moral boundaries, and the intricate web of choices that arise in times of conflict. 
Research and Authenticity in War Fiction
For war fiction to have a lasting impact, it is crucial to conduct thorough research and strive for authenticity in your narrative. By grounding your story in accurate details and historical context, you enhance its credibility and immerse readers in the world of war. Here are key considerations for incorporating research and authenticity in your war fiction:
Study Historical Events and Settings:
Research the historical events, conflicts, and time periods that serve as the backdrop for your war narrative. Gain a comprehensive understanding of the context, including the political, social, and cultural factors that influenced the war.
Dive into the specifics of battle strategies, weaponry, and tactics employed during the time period. This knowledge will help you create authentic and realistic war scenes.
Explore Personal Accounts and Memoirs:
Read personal accounts, memoirs, and interviews of individuals who have experienced war firsthand. These sources provide invaluable insights into the emotions, challenges, and nuances of the human experience during wartime.
Pay attention to the details of daily life, the physical and psychological tolls, and the individual stories of courage, sacrifice, and resilience. Incorporate these elements into your narrative to add depth and authenticity.
Consult Experts and Military Advisers:
Seek guidance from military advisers, historians, or experts in the field to ensure accuracy in depicting military operations, protocols, and terminology.
Engage in conversations or interviews with individuals who have expertise in areas relevant to your story, such as veterans, soldiers, or scholars. Their perspectives can offer valuable insights and help you portray the realities of war with authenticity.
Strive for Emotional Truth:
While research and accuracy are crucial, remember that emotional truth is equally important. Balance historical accuracy with the emotional resonance of your characters and their experiences.
Capture the human aspects of war, such as the impact on relationships, the psychological trauma, and the bonds forged in the face of adversity. Connect readers to the emotional core of your story.
By incorporating thorough research and striving for authenticity, you create a rich and immersive war narrative that resonates with readers. The combination of accurate historical details, personal accounts, and emotional depth brings your story to life.
War fiction is a genre that holds immense power to captivate readers, evoke emotions, and shed light on the complexities of human nature during times of conflict. Through the techniques and considerations I have explored in this guide, you have the tools to craft compelling war narratives that resonate with authenticity and engage your readers on a profound level.
I hope this blog on forging epic battles will help you in your writing journey. Be sure to comment any tips of your own to help your fellow authors prosper, and follow my blog for new blog updates every Monday and Thursday.  
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twilightsagasworld · 5 months
I need two people to Beta read a new fic Im starting for Twilight; I need ship suggestions, name suggestions for my main character (female) and if she should become a vampire and what tyoe of ability you guys would like to see her have and if she should even become a vampire or not.
Here is a summary so far:
Title: "Whispers in Twilight: A Twilight Fanfiction"
"Whispers in Twilight" is an enthralling Twilight fanfiction that follows the journey of OC, a deeply introspective and devout teenager, as she grapples with her inner conflicts and faith-based values upon discovering the existence of the enigmatic Cullen family.
When OC transfers to Forks High School, she is immediately intrigued by the enigmatic group of students known as the Cullens. As she unravels their supernatural nature and delves into their complex lives, OC finds herself entangled in a web of curiosity, danger, and unforeseen desires.
As she navigates the challenges of high school and the captivating world of the Cullens, OC's heart is drawn to a mysterious person whose identity remains shrouded in secrecy. Their connection deepens, challenging her beliefs and pushing the boundaries of her faith. OC must confront her own prejudices and question the principles she holds dear as her feelings intensify.
Caught between her unwavering devotion to her faith and the allure of the unknown, OC embarks on a personal journey of self-discovery. Along the way, she forges unlikely alliances, unravels long-held secrets, and faces formidable adversaries.
"Whispers in Twilight" explores themes of self-exploration, faith, and the universal struggle of choosing between the familiar and the unknown. Join OC as she unravels the mysteries of her heart and navigates the shadows of her own desires, all while trying to maintain the core values that define her.
Thank you✨ kindly leave your email below or in my submissions box.
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klqrambles · 2 years
This is my shitty ass summary of 곤차로브 (Goncharov the musical) (2018) Enjoy!
1. 시간은 어디로 갔을까 (Where had the time gone?) - intro song Goncharov before his final confrontation. lots of allusions to later moments (namely Katya and Andrey’s betrayals) with major themes of loss and regret
2. 러시아 이탈리아 (Russia Italia) - sets the scene in Naples, Italy in 1968 at the height of the Cold War. A Russian man flees the military and ends up in Italy, working up to become a mafia boss. This is his story.
3. 우린 마피아 (We’re the Mafia) - a half serious/ half lighthearted song introducing the four main characters and life in the mafia. Goncharov is the boss with Andrey being his right hand man, Katya his wife, and Sofia being a socialite with a side job in intelligence gathering.
4. 그냥 일 (Just work) - a marital dispute disguised as a song. Goncharov complains Katya is doing God knows what behind his back. Katya is complaining she isn’t doing anything “behind his back” if he’s always out on business. Goncharov says it’s for the good of the family and Katya rebukes with a “yes, your family of one”. There’s obviously no love lost as Katya saunters out.
5. 끝장 내자 (Let’s end this) - Goncharov and Andrey take out an adversary mafia group. Shows how well the two work in sync, constantly having one another’s backs. Time dilation like what is felt during high adrenaline situations is used in really fun ways.
6. 지지않는 꽃 (Undying flower) - Katya and Sofia have a walk through a garden discussing their lives. Katya implies she doesn’t enjoy what she is doing very much while Sofia happily talks about her own role. Katya eventually says she enjoys seeing Sofia so happy and would do anything to keep her that way. Sofia tells Katya to live and that would be enough.
7. 계획 (Plans) - A solo by Goncharov discussing his future plans for the family. Feels a bit exposition-y but is an ok song overall
8. 시계탑 (Clocktower) - A solo by Andrey wondering about the top of a clocktower. What would it be like to stand up there? Heavily implied to be a metaphor for the head of the family.
9. 나의 것 (What is mine) - A dinner dance with all the characters. Goncharov and Katya’s dance is awkward whilst Katya and Sofia’s is vivacious and Goncharov and Andrey’s is slower but comfortable. Goncharov and Sofia’s dance is very professional and Katya and Andrey’s is interestingly salacious. If you thought they were straight, think again. Ends up as a shootout as things go awry. Time for the dance is kept by the ticking of a clock.
10. 당신을 지키기 위해 (To protect you)- Katya recieves an anonymous letter that says Goncharov plans to take out Sofia as she is too high of a risk. Katya plans to put a stop to that.
11. 사르노 (Sarno) - bridge scene. (Different from the movie i think? But they sure are on a bridge) Katya suggests it is time for them to go their separate ways and says she wants to meet Goncharov on her riverboat one more time. Goncharov agrees.
12. 궁금해지는 편지 (Curious letter) - Sofia receives a letter from Katya telling her not to read it until nightfall. Sofia speculates what could be in the note. A lighthearted interlude to the rest of the story
13. 지옥으로 가자 (Let’s go to Hell) - Goncharov runs down to meet Katya as agreed only for Katya to also reveal her betrayal. Goncharov and Katya fight on the boat. Katya ends up falling over the side after being accidentally shot
14. 가지 못하는 길 (Unreachable path) - Sofia learns of Katya’s assumed death and reads Katya’s letter. In it Katya begs Sofia to run away with her saying that she wasn’t safe. Thinking that Katya died for her sake, Sofia commits suicide in her distress.
15. 지지않는 꽃 Rep. (Undying flower reprise) - Katya finds Sofia dead and realizes it was all for naught. Solidifies her resolve to kill Goncharov. At the end of the song she finished the last part of her makeup and it is a very powerful and hot moment
16. 시계탑 Rep. (Clocktower reprise) - Goncharov confronts Andrey at the top of a clocktower and Andrey reveals his betrayal, having wrote the note that turned Katya and having altered Goncharov’s gun although he had planned for it to kill Goncharov not Katya. He did this to become the head of the family after having been under Goncharov for years. Goncharov asks if their relationship meant nothing. Andrey hesitates, but says yes. Ends with Andrey getting killed by Goncharov
17. 마음이 찢어져도 (Even if my heart is torn apart) - A song about Goncharov’s world tearing itself down around him and him having to keep moving towards the final conclusion. Arguably one of the most depressing songs of the musical.
18. 시간의 끝 (The End of time) - final song Acts as a reprise to 시간은 어디로 갔을까. Goncharov and Katya’s final duet discussing perhaps this was always how it was meant to be. Even revealing Andrey’s betrayal, the two agree nothing would have changed except maybe the speed at which they got here. Behind Katya appears Andrey and behind Goncharov appears Sofia, and both reach out a hand. Ends with Katya killing Goncharov by gunshot.
Bonus: the curtain call is overlaid with a remix of the main Goncharov theme from the movie
Disclaimer: I heard a lot was changed whilst changing it to musical form, and having not watched the movie I can’t say what exactly changed :P this is just what I can gather about the musical based on song and video clips. What I do know is the creators said, “homoerotic subtext? No homoerotic domtext” XD I also think I might be missing some songs so if you know any, or have alternate interpretations for any of these, let me know!
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vividsoh · 1 month
Secret societies have long captured the human imagination, weaving tales of hidden agendas, mysterious rituals, and covert operations that influence the world from the shadows. The concept of a select group operating in secrecy, often with vast power and influence, is both intriguing and unsettling. These organizations, shrouded in mystery, are often depicted as puppet masters pulling the strings of society, governments, and economies. The allure of secret societies lies in their exclusivity and the unknown, feeding into our fascination with what might be happening behind closed doors. In this post, I’ll explore how the mystique and influence of secret societies have inspired aspects of my game, adding depth and intrigue to its narrative.
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The Supernaturals (Men of Letters)
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The "Men of Letters" is a secret society of intellectuals and scholars in the world of the television show "Supernatural." The society is dedicated to the study and preservation of knowledge about the supernatural, with a focus on magic, demons, and other paranormal phenomena. The Men of Letters are portrayed as being highly knowledgeable and well-educated, with a vast array of resources at their disposal. They are also depicted as being somewhat aloof and detached from the world of the supernatural, relying on their intellect and knowledge to protect themselves and those around them.
The Men of Letters play a significant role in the show's overarching narrative, serving as both allies and adversaries to the main characters, the Winchester brothers. Throughout the series, the Men of Letters are portrayed as being the guardians of the supernatural, possessing vast libraries and archives filled with knowledge about the supernatural, as well as an extensive network of contacts and resources. They are often depicted as being well-informed about the latest developments in the supernatural world and are often able to provide the Winchesters with valuable information and resources that help them in their quest to stop evil from threatening the world.
In addition to their role as protectors of knowledge, the Men of Letters are also depicted as being highly secretive, with their existence and activities being known only to a select few. This secrecy serves to protect both the Men of Letters and the supernatural world they study, as well as to keep their knowledge and resources from falling into the wrong hands. This secrecy also adds to the mystique and allure of the Men of Letters, as their knowledge and resources are only accessible to a select few who have been deemed trustworthy.
The Men of Letters also play a significant role in shaping the worldview and beliefs of the Winchesters. Throughout the series, the Winchesters are often confronted with supernatural entities and events that challenge their understanding of the world and their place in it. The Men of Letters serve as a source of guidance and knowledge for the Winchesters, helping them to understand and navigate the supernatural world they find themselves in. The Winchesters also come to rely on the Men of Letters as allies and confidants, turning to them for advice and support in their battles against evil.
The Bavarian Illuminati
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The Illuminati, also known as the Bavarian Illuminati, was a secret society founded in Bavaria in the late 1700s. The society was founded with the goal of promoting enlightenment and advocating for free thought and freedom of speech. However, despite its noble intentions, the Illuminati quickly gained a reputation as a dangerous and subversive organization that sought to undermine the established order and instigate social and political upheaval.
The Illuminati was active for a relatively short period of time, lasting only from its founding in 1776 until its suppression by the Bavarian government in 1785. Despite its brief existence, the Illuminati has had a lasting impact on popular culture and has become the subject of numerous conspiracy theories. Many people believe that the Illuminati still exists today, and that it is a powerful and secretive organization that seeks to control the world through its influence over politics, finance, and the media.
One of the reasons that the Illuminati has gained such a reputation as a powerful and secretive organization is because of its reputation for secrecy and its association with influential figures in history. The members of the Illuminati were sworn to secrecy, and the organization was structured in such a way that it was difficult for outsiders to learn about its activities or membership. Additionally, many of the members of the Illuminati were influential figures in their own right, including philosophers, scientists, and politicians.
Another reason that the Illuminati has gained a reputation as a dangerous and subversive organization is because of the role it played in the Enlightenment. During the Enlightenment, there was a growing movement towards free thought and reason, and the Illuminati was seen as a symbol of this movement. However, this association with the Enlightenment also made the Illuminati a target of conservative and religious forces who saw the organization as a threat to their power and influence.
Despite the suppression of the original Illuminati in the late 1700s, the concept of the Illuminati has continued to endure in popular culture and has become the subject of numerous conspiracy theories. Many people believe that the Illuminati still exists today and that it is a powerful and secretive organization that seeks to control the world through its influence over politics, finance, and the media.
The Vampire Diaries (The Brotherhood of Five)
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The Brotherhood of Five, also known as the Five, is a group of vampires from the popular TV show "The Vampire Diaries." The group is made up of five vampires who are bound together by a powerful curse that requires them to work together to defeat an ancient evil known as the Hellfire. The Brotherhood of Five is an important part of the show's mythology and serves as a source of conflict and intrigue throughout the series.
The members of the Brotherhood of Five are chosen for their strength, their cunning, and their ability to work together. They are sworn to protect the world from the Hellfire, a force of darkness that threatens to consume the world. The Brotherhood of Five is a formidable force, and their skills and abilities are put to the test as they work to defeat the Hellfire and keep the world safe.
One of the main themes of the Brotherhood of Five is the idea of loyalty and sacrifice. The members of the group are bound together by their common goal and are willing to risk their own lives in order to protect the world. This theme of loyalty and sacrifice is demonstrated in several key moments throughout the series, as the members of the Brotherhood of Five come together to face their greatest challenges.
Another important theme of the Brotherhood of Five is the idea of power and its effects on those who wield it. The members of the group are incredibly powerful, and their abilities are coveted by many other vampires. However, the power that the members of the Brotherhood of Five wield also comes with a great deal of responsibility, and the group is faced with difficult decisions and moral dilemmas as they work to protect the world from the Hellfire.
Direct influences on the Game
I took inspiration from past secret societies like the Brotherhood of Five, the Men of Letters, and the Bavarian Illuminati when creating the group known as Legion in my game. Legion functions in secret, much like these real-life organizations, and possesses great power and information that is kept from the general public. These societies have historically kept secrets under wraps, and in some stories, they still do, to keep control over the populace and shield it from potentially harmful information.
In a similar vein, Legion is in charge of handling supernatural crime, which entails handling information flow in addition to suppressing threats. Legion makes sure that people don't know about the threats that lie in wait by keeping things hidden. However, this secrecy gives them a great deal of power, enabling them to quietly affect and control society. The core of Legion's operations is this duality of control and protection, which reflects the intricate motivations frequently ascribed to the secret societies that served as their inspiration.
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mineofilms · 6 months
Review of: “Stake Land”
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Stake Land (2010) Writers: Nick Damici, Jim Mickle Directed by: Jim Mickle Stars: Connor Paolo, Nick Damici, Kelly McGillis, Michael Cerveris, Danielle Harris IMDB Rating: 6.4/10 Stars Rotten Tomatoes Audience Score: 62% Runtime: 1 hour, 36 minutes
Spoilers Ahead, You Have Been Warned...
Jim Mickle’s film "Stake Land," has a different feel, a different vibe than your typical end-of-the-world zombie-vampire apocalypse-type film. Take “The Walking Dead,” the more popular post-apocalyptic standard and “The Road,” the somber tale of a surviving father and his young son in a post-apocalyptic future and 2010’s “Stake Land” is somewhere in the middle with a post-apocalyptic world where zombie-vampires rule. The performances, particularly by Connor Paolo as Martin and Nick Damici as Mister, are commendable, grounding the human elements of the plot with believable characterizations. “Stake Land” offers a fresh take on the vampire genre, blending elements of horror, drama, and worldbuilding to create a decent movie here. I saw this over the weekend of April 7th, 2024 and was left uncertain as to why I had not heard of this back when it came out. I really liked this. It grabs you from the beginning. “Stake Land” stands as a hidden gem in horror, offering an intimate and beautifully crafted story of human survival, not just from zombie-vampires, but other groups of surviving humans. Some that use these creatures as weapons for their own dominance. The movie doesn't shy away from violence or difficult themes, presenting a stark portrayal and more realistic take on a collapsed society. Despite its limited theatrical run, “Stake Land” made some noise and earned praise from its audience. It’s original and does not feel forced. It was originally envisioned as a web series before it evolved into a feature film. Mickle's background in horror, demonstrated in previous works like "Mulberry Street," shines through here as well.
The story follows Martin (Connor Paolo) and Mister (Nick Damici) as they navigate through a world ravaged by zombie-vampires, encountering both allies and adversaries along the way. The addition of characters like the pregnant Belle (Danielle Harris) adds depth to the story, characters and struggle of the complexities of human survival in the face of horror by the undead and the living.
The notion of humanity is challenged relentlessly as characters confront the dual threats of zombie-vampires and ruthless human survivors. The film portrays a world where the line between humanity and monstrosity blurs, forcing individuals to deal with their moral compasses in the face of loss and death. Whether it's the visceral terror of encountering the bloodthirsty undead or the sobering realization of betrayal by fellow humans. The characters are constantly reminded of their fragile existence. Yet, amid the chaos and despair, moments of compassion, love, humanity and resilience shine through, underscoring the enduring spirit of being human. Despite the horrors surrounding them, the characters cling to their humanity as a beacon of hope, like Kelly McGillis’s character of Sister Agatha (a Nun) navigating through the darkness with courage and determination. “Stake Land” serves as a poignant reminder of the essence of being human—adapting, surviving, and finding solace in the bonds forged amidst adversity.
What sets “Stake Land” apart is its ability to deliver a compelling story on a small budget of $650,000, utilizing practical effects and smart storytelling to create a fully realized world where you care what happens to the main characters. The film's pace keeps viewers engaged. One would think having this much human-relationship-building in the film that it would be over two hours. This movie moves along pretty quick, but doesn’t feel forced or too long for its 96-minute runtime. The pacing feels very natural, while its atmospheric score by Jeff Grace adds to the overall experience. The special effects and make-up are on point. When it is necessary this movie provides plenty of action, gore and it gets dark with the reality it portrays. It is not shy about its approach to the violence which I was appreciated for. These movies tend to try to scare people rather than just freaking people out with the gravity of reality dealing with circumstances that come with a story like this. While it may not have achieved blockbuster status, “Stake Land” remains a fine gem of indie horror films that do not get enough credit. As Danielle Harris herself attests, it's a film that deserves more recognition and discussion within the genre. So, if you're looking for a hidden gem to add to your horror collection, look no further than “Stake Land.”
“I've seen things you wouldn't believe. Things a boy shouldn't see. I was like any other kid; I didn't believe in the boogeyman. Then the world woke up to a nightmare.” ~ Martin (Connor Paolo).
Review of: “Stake Land” (2010) by David-Angelo Mineo 4/7/2024 788 Words
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animixplayis · 1 year
Overview about Dragon Quest: Dai no Daibouken (TV) with AnimixPlay
Do you know about Dragon Quest: Dai no Daibouken (TV)
It is a popular Japanese manga and anime series that was created by Riku Sanjo and Koji Inada. The series is based on the "Dragon Quest" video game franchise, specifically the story of "Dragon Quest: Dai no Daibouken," which was released as a video game for the Super Famicom (Super Nintendo) in Japan.
The manga series was serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump from 1989 to 1996, and it has a total of 37 volumes. It follows the adventures of a young hero named Dai, who embarks on a quest to defeat the Dark Lord Hadlar and save the world. Along his journey, he is joined by a group of companions and encounters various monsters and adversaries.
The anime adaptation of "Dragon Quest: Dai no Daibouken" was first aired in 1991 and ran for 46 episodes. It gained popularity not only in Japan but also internationally. The series has been praised for its engaging storyline, memorable characters, and exciting battles. It has since become a classic within the fantasy adventure genre.
In recent years, there has been a new anime adaptation of "Dragon Quest: Dai no Daibouken" that began airing in October 2020. This new series, simply titled "Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai," features updated animation and a retelling of the original story. It aims to introduce a new generation of viewers to the world of Dai and his companions.
Overall, "Dragon Quest: Dai no Daibouken" is a beloved franchise that has captivated fans with its epic tale of heroism, friendship, and the classic elements of the "Dragon Quest" series.
1. Who is the main character of Dragon Quest: Dai no Daibouken (TV)
The main character of "Dragon Quest: Dai no Daibouken" (TV) is Dai. He is a young boy who dreams of becoming a hero and is the central protagonist of the series. Dai is initially a resident of Dermline Island, where he lives with his adoptive grandfather, Brass. He possesses great potential as a hero due to being a half-human, half-dragon hybrid known as a "Dragon Knight."
Dai's journey begins when his peaceful life on the island is disrupted by the resurrection of the Dark Lord Hadlar, who threatens to bring chaos and destruction to the world. Determined to stop Hadlar's evil plans, Dai leaves his home and sets out on a quest to defeat the Dark Lord and bring peace to the land.
Throughout his adventures, Dai learns to harness his dragon powers and acquires new skills and abilities. He encounters allies who join him on his journey, such as Popp, a young mage, and Maam, a warrior and former bandit. Together, they face numerous challenges, confront powerful enemies, and strive to protect the world from the forces of darkness.
Dai is characterized by his courage, determination, and unwavering sense of justice. He is a kind-hearted and loyal hero who inspires those around him. Over the course of the series, he grows both as a warrior and as an individual, facing hardships and discovering the true meaning of heroism.
2. What is the main plot of Dragon Quest: Dai no Daibouken (TV)
The main plot of "Dragon Quest: Dai no Daibouken" (TV) revolves around the adventures of the protagonist, Dai, as he embarks on a quest to defeat the Dark Lord Hadlar and save the world from his malevolent ambitions.
The story begins with the resurrection of Hadlar, a powerful sorcerer and servant of the Demon King, who seeks to conquer the world and spread darkness. Hadlar's return prompts Dai to leave his peaceful life on Dermline Island and join the fight against evil.
Dai, a young hero-in-training and a half-human, half-dragon hybrid known as a Dragon Knight, sets out on his journey accompanied by his friends. His primary goal is to defeat Hadlar and prevent him from obtaining the power of the Legendary Hero, which would enable him to unleash untold destruction.
Throughout their journey, Dai and his companions face a series of challenges and battles against various monsters, demons, and followers of Hadlar. They visit different locations, encounter powerful adversaries, and engage in epic clashes to protect innocent lives and maintain the balance between light and darkness.
As the story progresses, Dai not only hones his own abilities but also forms bonds with his allies and learns the importance of friendship, teamwork, and self-discovery. Alongside the overarching conflict with Hadlar, the series explores Dai's personal growth, his determination to become a true hero, and the sacrifices he must make to fulfill his destiny.
The plot of "Dragon Quest: Dai no Daibouken" encompasses themes of heroism, adventure, friendship, and the eternal struggle between good and evil. It combines elements of classic fantasy storytelling, epic battles, and the charm of the "Dragon Quest" video game franchise to create an engaging and exciting narrative.
See more: You can read more about Dragon Quest: Dai no Daibouken (TV) https://www.flickr.com/photos/animixplayis/52939161684/in/dateposted-public/ 
3. Where can I watch Dragon Quest: Dai no Daibouken (TV)
A streaming service called Animix Play combines a variety of channels and content repositories. It has AnimixPlay as one of its channels, therefore Cardcaptor Sakura: The Movie might be streamable there.
More information about AnimixPlay:
Website: animixplay.is
Address: 6596-6620 W Ocotillo Rd, Glendale, AZ 85301, USA
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greatvintagetoys · 1 year
Amazing Spider-Man #23 CGC 3.5 Qualfied 3rd Appearance Green Goblin Marvel 1965
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Amazing Spider-Man #23 from 1965 is a significant issue in the original run of "The Amazing Spider-Man" comic book series by Marvel Comics. It was written by Stan Lee and illustrated by Steve Ditko. In this issue, titled "The Goblin and the Gangsters," Spider-Man faces off against his arch-nemesis, the Green Goblin. The Green Goblin hires a group of gangsters to assist him in his criminal activities. Spider-Man confronts the Green Goblin and tries to put an end to his plans while also dealing with the gangsters. This issue is notable for featuring the debut of the Spider-Man signal, which was a device created by the Green Goblin to lure Spider-Man into battle. The signal becomes an iconic element in Spider-Man's mythology and is reminiscent of the Bat-Signal from Batman comics.  
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Amazing Spider-Man #23 CGC 3.5 Qualfied 3rd Appearance Green Goblin - Available NOW on eBay   Other Notable Appearances of the Green Goblin in Amazing Spider-Man The Green Goblin is a prominent character in the Spider-Man comic book series and has made numerous appearances in various storylines. Here are some notable appearances of the Green Goblin: - "The Amazing Spider-Man" #14 (1964): The first appearance of the Green Goblin, known as Norman Osborn, who becomes Spider-Man's most iconic and enduring adversary. - "The Amazing Spider-Man" #39-40 (1966): The Green Goblin discovers Spider-Man's secret identity as Peter Parker in a two-part story arc. This revelation has a lasting impact on their ongoing conflict. - "The Night Gwen Stacy Died" (The Amazing Spider-Man #121-122, 1973): The Green Goblin plays a pivotal role in this tragic storyline, where Peter Parker's girlfriend, Gwen Stacy, meets a devastating fate. - "The Death of Jean DeWolff" (The Spectacular Spider-Man #107-110, 1985): The Green Goblin features as a major antagonist in this storyline, targeting Spider-Man's ally, police captain Jean DeWolff. - "The Clone Saga" (1994-1996): The Green Goblin, both Norman Osborn and his son Harry Osborn, are involved in the controversial Clone Saga storyline that spans multiple Spider-Man titles. - "The New Avengers" (2005-2010): Norman Osborn becomes the Green Goblin once again and assumes a position of power as the director of H.A.M.M.E.R. during the "Dark Reign" era. - "Superior Spider-Man" (2013-2014): Otto Octavius, the villain known as Doctor Octopus, takes over Peter Parker's body and becomes the "Superior Spider-Man." During this time, the Green Goblin plays a significant role as one of the main antagonists. Read the full article
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min-jpg · 3 years
Hi!! Can you do they boys getting kidnapped but its Diluc, Childe, and Kazuha? Thank you!!💗💗
Note: I just want to point out that there's no actual reason on how I choose for the reader to beat up the kidnappers since part 1,, it's totally random as long as I'm trying out different ideas whatever fits ehe. Enjoy! 💖
Kidnapped Genshin Boys x Fem Rich!reader pt.2
Part 1 (Kaeya, Zhongli, Xiao)
Characters: Childe, Diluc, Kazuha
Genre: fluff, established relationship, some woman kicking ass action, (TW: mentions of blood and violence)
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Your boyfriend would definitely try to go head-to-head against the shady group of people who abducted him. The gang accountable must be living under the rock for even considering one of the most dangerous Harbingers as their prey to carry out their schemes.
However, Childe learned that there would be ramifications if he tries to be rash without gathering solid intel first. Having no knowledge of your current circumstances and whereabouts troubled him to the core. They could have already sent out a corresponding group towards you and endanger you if he failed to listen.
Being wealthy is not a foreign concept to Childe as he is also a wealthy man himself. That said, the premonition of being a target for a ransom would not be unrealistic to him. For now, he is glad that he is the victim here instead of having to witness you kidnapped.
"You know, you could've asked me nicely for some money. I might just give it to you, instead of doing all this for my girlfriend's money." Despite being in a position far from desirable, Childe leisurely sat on the chair that he was bound to, crossing his legs. He was making small talks to push away the worst scenarios happening to you. Are you safe? Are you crying? Did they hurt you?
"I don't know who you are to be running your mouth, but you should value your life a little more." Their leader emerged from the group.
Childe's ocean eyes squinted as menace casts upon his pupils, his voice lowered, "Is that so? Ironic, because you guys seem to value money more than your lives."
The head stepped back slightly, "Enough with your empty threats! You should be aware of the current situation you're in. We're not fooling around here."
"I'm not fooling around either."
As sparks were thrown back and forth, you made your way in through the main entrance. Tapping the shoulder that belongs to one of the men, "Excuse me, I need to get to my boyfriend." Your fist sunk into the side of his face when he turned towards you. He collapsed on the ground with a few broken teeth and blood spewing out of his mouth. Moving on to the next adversary in your path, you fought with full faith in your abilities no matter how intimidating they were.
Soon, the leader and people further ahead finally took notice of it. You pave your way towards your boyfriend and eventually, both your eyes meet each other. Childe puffed out a breath of relief when he finally saw you, but also registering the fact that you just took down most of the men with your bare hands.
Kicking away the men who tried to grab you, you then waved enthusiastically at Childe, "Hey girlie, hold still." Rushing right ahead to the leader, you brought your arm near your face, elbow pointing outwards. The sharp edge from your elbow jabbed his throat, causing him to choke and lose balance.
As his reaction dulled, it was your chance to strike again. Thus, you gallantly overthrew their leader and the entire gang by yourself.
After helping Childe, he stood up abruptly and placed his hands on your shoulder with eagerness written all over the face, "I never knew you could fight so well! How about a spar with me right now?" Expect your boyfriend to continuously bug you to indulge in his rampant itch to fight anyone that comes across as a worthy opponent. Though, the real takeaway from this experience was the way your hair clings to your face with sweat as the adhesive and the triumph look in your eyes. It was a rather attractive sight to relish in his taste.
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Your boyfriend would be infuriated that crooked people like these exist, much less target him to extort money from you. Just another validation to add up on how incompetent the Knights of Favonious is, he thought. Someone will have to clean up their mess, that someone being him. What better way to do that than to follow them to their hideout to seek out the whole organization?
Diluc is renowned for being one of the richest men in Teyvat. Naturally, the group thought they hit the jackpot on not only holding him for ransom, but potentially garnering some money from him as well.
The only concern he carries is your wellbeing. Diluc fears that this incident will affect you mentally. His head started filling up with formulations on ways to resolve this matter without causing any uproar to guarantee your safety.
When the head was introduced to him, he gritted his teeth to suppress every ounce of his might to not reach for his claymore. Diluc still has to prioritize gathering information first regarding the gang. His patrons at Angel's Share are usually the ones providing him with promising intel of any evildoers, but some things are just meant to be obtained by himself.
"Is this the only hideout you have? Quite in a shambles, don't you think?" Diluc's eyes shifted around the dilapidated building, observing the surroundings to know his enemies better.
The leader rolled his eyes, "It wouldn't be so bad once we get some funding from you and your girlfriend." Diluc hummed. Judging from his answer, it is safe to assume that the organization is rather a small scaling one. Defeating them right now will result in uprooting the source once and for all.
As Diluc was about to do so, a lackey of the gang ran frantically towards them, panting labored when he reached and trying to catch his breath. "What is it?" The leader question.
"T-there's... there's someone." He pointed towards a direction with fear layering his voice.
"What? Why are you so scared?" They all glanced towards the spot.
"I swear there was a woman! I don't know who it is, but she took out some of our guys on guard outside."
In disbelief that a woman could have done anything so reckless, the leader trudged to said location. As it is a spot lacking light, the darkness and shadow made it challenging for him to pinpoint if anyone is there. When he moved closer, you crept out behind from his blind spot and kicked the back of his head, causing his head to spin. Your arm lunged forward, gaining a tight hold onto his nape. You put everything into pushing him, his forehead hammered down to the floor. Creating a loud thud, it gave him a concussion.
"Looking for me?" Your foot stamped onto his back, just making sure he stays down.
Everyone, including your boyfriend, had their pupils dilated at the scene. You sighed at the silence, "All of you just messed with the wrong couple." Lifting your foot away, you stomped forward without giving them a second thought. Your arms and legs are all warmed up for many rounds against your foes.
Diluc watched you from afar as you drove your way towards victory. Although he could step in to help, he admits silently to himself that he would like to observe you a little longer. Putting his trust in your calibers to carry you far, his eyes never left your brave figure.
Once you cleared the group, the next thing to do is checking on Diluc. Already unfastening the restrains himself, he walked to you, "That was well executed. Your abilities shouldn't be underestimated. Don't join the Knights though." He stressed the last remark, scoffing. You chuckled and held his hand to guide him out of here, "Thanks. Glad to impress you, Master Diluc. Let's go home."
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Your boyfriend is a rather hard target to impose on for their plans of kidnapping him. His senses are just too refined for an ordinary person to challenge. Basic tactics, such as overthrowing him with the element of surprise have proven to be futile. Thus, Kazuha will always be able to evade falling prey into their hands.
The only way Kazuha could have been kidnapped is through falsifying evidence of you being in a life-threatening situation. Although he has successfully saved his own skin, not the same could be applied to you. Feeling his resolve shaken, what other choices could he have? Prioritizing your safety is the most important thing right now.
Kazuha may have faced similar situations in the past when out in the sea, encountering pirates of other crew aiming for the Crux Fleet's fortune. Being in the position as a captive for ransom is new. He actually found it amusing, rather than having thoughts of blaming you. It is not your fault that you are blessed with wealth. It is the fault of the criminals.
"Ain't you that the kid who's with Beidou? You're part of her crew." The leader questioned his target, to which he was greeted by Kazuha's silence. "Tell you what. You're just like the rest of us. We want to be rich. How about you ask your girlfriend to bring some more money and we'll give you a share as well?"
Kazuha's face darkened, "I don't know what you've heard, but it must be really valiant of you to assume to worst out of the Crux Fleet and myself. I'd appreciate it if you cease lumping me together with criminals like you."
The Crux Fleet does put up with an infamous reputation amongst the Qixing. Perhaps the abductors concluded that Kazuha has a negative conscience just like them, as in upholding a relationship with you to have a taste of your assets. Still, if he tried to talk his way out of it, barbarians like them will never reach a mutual understanding with him. Kazuha shut his eyes, ignoring any further confrontations to preserve his energy as he contemplates a plan.
He was interrupted when he thought he heard your voice nearby, carried by the wind. The others around him did not hear it since it was just something only Kazuha could pick up. Applying full concentration, he managed to form what he heard, "Get out of my way, please, while I'm asking nicely."
Opening his eyes, he turned to stare at the entrance. As if on cue, the door swung open when you kicked it down, announcing your presence. Some men fainted below your feet.
The others instantly reacted by storming towards your direction to stop your advancement. You stood still in your position, taking a mindful deep breath. One thing you learned from Kazuha is to always remain cold-headed before engaging in a fight.
Kazuha wanted to get out of the restraints to rescue you, but instead, you started dishing out few moves against the men.
When you thought you finished with the remaining numbers, their leader was about to declare his victory, "I got you!" Encircling his arm around your neck in an attempt to strangle you, you huffed and grinned towards Kazuha to signal him you have it under control.
You elbowed his stomach and felt him loosen his grip when he winced. Making enough gap between his arm and your neck, you slipped away and swiftly kicked in between his groins. The color drained from his face and tumbled to the ground, passing out in pain, "Hmph, this is what happens when you touch a lady without her permission." You brushed away the hair from your face after an arduous fight.
Jogging towards your boyfriend, "Kazuha!" He brisked towards you as well and held you in his embrace, softly rubbed your nape, "You're giving me plenty of inspirations for a haiku after such a wonderful performance." Kazuha would appreciate you refraining from such a heedless approach next time. He was comforted to see you safe and knowing the threats were nothing more than to use you, his weakness, against him. After witnessing that, Kazuha will be slightly ashamed he even doubted you in the first place, so he trusts that you can watch out for yourself next time.
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Exalted 3e Villain Analysis
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When I was first going through the various Adversaries of the Righteous, I skipped right past Adeimantus, because I’m shallow. His art just isn’t evocative. But ho boy! Beneath that pale, bland exterior lurks a villain worthy of an entire campaign. So let’s talk about that.
Adeimantus is the ruler of a utopian City from the Shogunate named Beimeni-Ta. A city which was consumed by the Wyld ages ago. It now creeps into Creation like an infection transforming cities and slums into itself.
What a great freaking idea, wow. The sidewalks the towers, the people all transform into echoes of a golden age lost to time. Can’t you just see the brick back alley suddenly becoming a marvelous marble tunnel? The building torn halfway between one style and material and the next? The crowds of excited peasants waiting for their shacks to complete their transformation into mansions? Now that’s a threat! How do you even deal with something like that? Do you burn down the infected part of your city to keep it from spreading? Do you jail the new citizens to stop the from singing the praises of utopia, and converting more people to their cause? Or do you go after the Raksha that’s behind it all?
What I like most about Adeimantus is that he’s totally on the up and up, at least in my interpretation. He’s not doing this because he wants to eat every baby in Creation. He genuinely wants everyone in the world to live in his perfect city. So much in fact that he has a charm that not only changes the city to match the desires of an individual, but he himself changes to match that desire.
After the players have defeated Adeimantus and sent his city back to the mists: “That’s alright, we’ll start over as many times as you need. This is all for you.”
Which brings another terrifying aspect of Adeimantus into view. When he vanishes, so too does the city, and all of it’s people. Any buildings and individuals changed by Beimeni-Ta get whisked away to the Wyld, even victory can mean that a entire slice of a city is amputated. Spooky.
As far as a combatant, meh. If you’re using Adeimantus to beat people down, you’re doing it wrong. Although he does have a knife that can make you ugly to anyone who can read, which is fun. His main power in combat comes from his ability to summon battle groups of his followers to attack the pcs. Plus ya gotta involve the city itself in any combat you do. Potholes open up beneath your feet, shingles slide off the roofs onto your head, and other such irritants. Maybe give the city it’s own initiative, and stat block, why not?
His real strength comes from his ability to manipulate intimacies. Not only can he instill them in people through their dreams, but he can also make you disregard any that make you oppose him. Very fun, and could be interesting if you have players who are very dedicated to rp. Otherwise think of all the NPCs you can target, and turn against the players. Now that’s high drama. Solars want to live in Utopia too right?
Especially since as I said before Adeimantus is a chill dude. He doesn’t want to resort to violence, he rules a utopia, and wants to share it’s bounty with the world. Of course his Utopia ends up being pure madness when it returns to the Wyld, but no one seems to be dissatisfied.
So I’ve gushed on about this beautiful bald man long enough. What are some ways you can use him in a game?
1. A world saving device was once held in Beimeni-Ta, and it’s needed once more. Do you: look for a city infected by Beimeni-Ta. Crusade into the wild to reclaim the lost city. Or maybe infect a nearby city, long enough for the vaults of Beimeni-Ta to manifest.
2. Beimeni-Ta begins to arise within Great Forks. How does the city of a thousand gods react to such an intrusion? Is the draw of Utopia enough to tempt even a deity? Or do they hold firm as more and more of their followers join the cult of Adeimantus?
3. Every Winter Adeimantus visits a struggling village in the north, and provides them with supplies needed to survive the harsh winter. What scheme is he up to? It’s been generations since he started doing this, and no apparent harm has been done. The villages are convinced he’s a benevolent god of winter, how will they react when the players try to destroy him before he can corrupt their village?
4. Beimeni-Ta is ruled not only by Adeimantus, but also a Senate of Demons. So this Fair Folk, has an alliance with demons, as well as a permanent city in the Wyld. There’s something deeply interesting going on with Adeimantus. In his Stat block it does say the Senators are Raksha too, but I much prefer him being a complete weirdo. But as for plot hooks. A city has already fully fallen to Beineni-Ta. Now there is only one thing left to do. Characters must introduce a bill to the demon senate which will revoke the city’s hold on creation, at least this part of it. Can the pcs, get it through sub-committees, and over come a filibuster lead by a second circle demon?
5. Burns 100 Poets is a monk of the Immaculate order who has thrice vanquished Adeimantus from creation. He carries the weight of the many poets he’s killed to keep Adeimantus from spreading his corruption. He is retired now nearly 200, and works day and night to craft the poems which could have been were it not for his diligence. He may hold valuable information in how to stop Beimeni-Ta from spreading. However this gentle poet of an old man may suggest methods the pcs would consider frightful.
Finally let’s talk about a campaign that has Adeimantus as it’s big bad.
I call this one: Lookshy, Rise of The Shogun.
The basic premise of it being Beimeni-Ta was a city during the Shogunate Era, a pretty important one. Reclaiming it would finally give The 7th Legion reason to accept a new individual as Shogun.
Act 1
The Players, Dragon-Blooded protectors of Lookshy are tasked with looking into strange happenings around the city. The marching band plays a song hundreds of years out of date, a new building appears seemingly out of nowhere. Things escalate when a section of the city’s rampart’s becomes infected with shiny new lightning ballista. Suddenly the General Staff is torn on how to deal with the situation. with some opting to let the infection spread to access Beimeni-Ta’s ancient resources, to others wanting to combat the plague before it’s too late. The group is forced to navigate this tenuous situation, while beating back Adeimantus’ growing cult, and corrupted gentes. Culminating in the final confrontation with Adeimantus, and a member of the general staff he’s corrupted. Adeimantus vanishes with his pawn defeated, and takes however much of Lookshy he’s corrupted away with him, back to the wild. The walls are breached, the city is in ruins, the army is divided, and things are looking dire. Were The Realm not crippled by The Scarlet Empresses’ disappearance, this would be the end.
Act 2
After a brief recovery clarity comes to the surviving populace of Lookshy. The Shogunate Bureaucracy has records detailing this Beimeni-Ta many of the afflicted citizens were rambling about. It was once a seat of power for the Shogunate a place of immense importance, that fell into the Wyld never to be seen again, until now. Most importantly it was the final resting place of The Imperial Seal. The stamp with which The Shogun made words on paper law. With it, a simple document can be stamped and a new Shogun can be appointed, the shogunate will live once more. If only Beimeni-Ta can be dragged back out of The Wyld. If only... we could find it.
No maps of Beimeni-Ti’s location survive, only records of military assignments. Letters for a general to withdraw from the defense of the city, a general by the name of Tepet...
With the only lead they have the players are sent under cover to The Realm to find what they can about Beimeni-Ta from it’s ancient defenders. There’s investigation, spy work, a heist. All of which ends in a social confrontation with Tepet’s ruling Council which presents them with an offer: fulfill their oath to the Shogunate, regain their honor by retaking Beimeni-Ta.
Act 3
The impossible has happened. The players have convinced Lookshy to break with tradition, and march on the Wyld. House Tepet has given their only legion to the cause. The two armies of the Shogunate unite like something unseen in anyone’s time, and march through the river lands towards the end of the world. It’s a long grueling march, through an untold number of kingdoms. The centuries of Lookshy’s political favors, and military threats fray with each border they cross. Threats seeks to divide them with armies and from within. The Lookshy soldiers see their Tepet allies as traitors, and the Tepet aren’t too fond of the scavengerland barbarians either. The players must use their genius to get their army through in one piece. Until they reach, the border marches.
Act 4
From here on it’s all out warfare. The players and their small army must reclaim creation step by step enduring every machination the Wyld can through at them, from raining lava, to forests of grass as tall as a warstrider, and as sharp as a blade. All until they lay siege to Beimeni-Ta. At last the jewel is within their sight. They just have to overcome Beimeni-Ta’s endless militia of maddened citizens, their 100 Demon Senate, and of course Adeimantus fully empowered by the wyld and Beimeni-Ta itself. Who can with but a look, a touch, who’s very presence beckons you to join him in Utopia, in oblivion.
And what are the rewards for such an epic journey? A brand new city to rule over? The title of Shogun, and resurrections of the shogunate? An arsenal of first age weapons from the shogunate’s richest city? Who’s to say what dreams await you in Beimeni-Ta? 
Only Adeimantus knows.
Only Adeimantus can show you the way.
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rachelbethhines · 4 years
Tangled Salt Marathon - Rapunzel and the Great Tree Part 1
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We’re now finally at the mid-season finale of season two, and it’s easily the best episode of this season. That however doesn’t mean that it’s not flawed, so here we go... 
Summary: The group makes it to the Great Tree, only to be confronted by a new adversary: Hector, the brother of Adira, the most dangerous member of the Brotherhood; sworn to keep all from reaching the Dark Kingdom. Despite all that has happened, Rapunzel is determined to continue on toward the Dark Kingdom to uncover the truth behind her destiny. As they navigate through the Great Tree, Rapunzel discovers the Moonstone incantation which overwhelms the magical powers of the Sundrop in her blonde hair and causes injury and weakness to those around her. 
The Brotherhood Is Such a Wasted Concept 
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We have a group of highly trained warriors, directly connected to the series main macguffin, who consider each other siblings, who all have conflicting goals, and they’re all severely underdeveloped to the point of ridiculousness. 
For starters, in a show all about pushing sibling rivalries as parallels to the two main characters, it utterly fails to show the only other siblings who are actually connected to the plot acting like actual siblings. 
Adira and Hector should be a parallel to Cass and Rapunzel in this very episode. One that actually ties into the narrative, yet outside of calling each other brother/sister/brethren they don’t act like family; even feuding family. Adira also fails to treat Quirin, Varian, Edmund, and Eugene as family. She shows no real concern for any of them despite saving her home (which would included her family) from the rocks being her main goal. She should be just as every bit as invested in saving Quirin as Varian. Which is yet another reason why Varian should have been S2 and another entry point for him in the show’s plot. 
As for the rest of the Brotherhood, they never even interact at all. I don’t think anyone tells either Edmund or Hector what has happened to Quirin or Varian. And Edmund clearly didn’t inform Hector of Eugene, even though he logically should have. And did any of them know if Edmund was alive, despite Edmund having the means to communicate with the outside world with the crows? 
What we’re left with is a bunch of holes in the story, because there’s now a bunch of holes in everyone’s motivations and their actions never quite line up. 
And before you say, ‘well they’re not that important’, or ‘they’re aren’t meant to be a real family’; then that is in of itself a flaw because they should be. Not making them found family undermines Raps and Cass being found family, as it undermines every other sibling parallel in the show, and those parallels are the only build up we have to the sister reveal in S3.  
It also undermines the moonstone plot and the whole reason why season two exists. Don't introduce things that connect back to your story and not make them important. In fact don't introduce unimportant elements in a plot driven show like this period. 
Another Indication of the Timeline
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As stated before, Tangled is really bad at indicating the passage of time, despite the passage of time being a big plot point. We’re now a ‘few months’ past the island, which itself was 6 weeks, and before that it was several weeks to maybe even a few months before getting to the island... 
So when does this take place? Well we were told that season two takes place over the course of a year by the creator, and that this is the mid-season finale so 6 months since SotSD sounds the most plausible. We also see fall trees dotted around like we did during the first half of season one. Which is the only visual indicator we get of changing seasons in the show, but it’s too understated to be properly noticeable most of the time. 
However, the crew themselves can’t even seem to agree if Rapunzel’s Return is her birthday or not, so if you’ve heard conflicting sources, it’s because this shit wasn’t planned properly first. But all dialogue and visual cues point to the first half of season two being at least 4 to 6 months. With 6 being the most logical placement.  
Just a Reminder, that Hook Foot Is Still Useless 
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If all you were going to have him do is whine like a child during the only plot important episode that he is in, then why not just replace him with an actual child? 
It takes more work to leave Varian out of season two and force Hook Foot in his place, than it does just to write Varian in. There were so many potential entry points for his character, that the one they would up going with was the least natural to the characters and the story they were trying to tell. And even then, the Saporian take over they went with could still have worked had they handled things properly and pre-planned that stuff out. 
But they didn’t. By all accounts S2 was a hasty re-write to get rid of Varian and Hook Foot was shoehorned in as his replacement at the last minute. And it’s the most utterly baffling creative decision I have ever witnessed in my life. There was zero logical reason for it. 
This Plot Point Wasn’t Built Up Enough and It Goes Nowhere
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Look, had they actually pointed out that Cass is a bodyguard now, and that this line from Raps threatens her career goals, that would make sense; or they could have explored the idea that Cass’s identity revolves around her job, and so feeling like her job is pointless makes her feel pointless therefore making her feel insecure about her future. Either of those would have been interesting jumping off points for her character arc and later conflicts. 
But that’s not what they did. 
I think that’s what they were initially trying to go for here, but it got muddled in the mess that was last minute rewrites. 
Cass obtaining her goals in season one is ignored in favor of a bland and vague validation goal from this point onwards. Her issues with Rapunzel are then boiled down to be about; not identity, agency, class, or wanting a future, but into fighting over a dead mom and how one wasn’t ‘loved enough’ apparently. Which makes no sense given what we know of Cass from previous seasons. 
Cassandra isn’t deep or complex; she is convoluted. The writing team couldn’t agree on what her goals and motivations should be, and so she performs conflicting actions throughout the story that actively undermines what was previously established and what she supposedly wants. 
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Most people who try to defend the writing for Cassandra do so with this idea that because they had to work hard to ‘connect the dots’ for all these seemingly disconnected plot ideas, means that of course the writing is ‘deep’ but that’s ignoring one of the basic fundamentals of writing.   
The audience shouldn’t have to do the writer’s job! 
Having to think about a story doesn’t mean that you need to go digging around for basic information like the character’s goals or what happened when. A writer’s job is to first and foremost clearly communicate ideas to their audience. Plot and character analysis is about finding extras like, metaphors, moral messages, and coming up with fun headcanons that don't impact the wider story. Because all of the bare bones information needed to understand the story should already be there for everyone to see. 
If you gotta go into ‘analysis’ just explain the damn plot and why things are unfolding the way they do, then the story is badly written. Full stop. 
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Cinderella wanting to go to the ball is a simple goal, but it’s an understandable one that anyone watching can grasp. You could go into a deeper analysis about abuse and what the ball symbolises for Cinderella’s character or how the story is an analogy for wider social issues at large, but at the end of the day everyone needs to be in agreement that, yes, Cinderella wants to go to the ball and we know why she wants to go, so that her actions in trying to get there make sense.
No one knows what Cassandra wants. Cassandra herself doesn’t know what she wants. So the ‘why’ part for what she does is never answered. 
Hector Is Wasted
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As already stated, all of the Brotherhood is wasted, but Hector more so than most. Season two desperately needed an ongoing threat, a main antagonist to push the story forward. Hector should have been that antagonist. Instead he shows up for this one episode, and then in a few non-speaking cameos in S3. 
Then Why Not Just Stay With Them Adira?
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We’re never given an actual reason for why Adira keeps leaving the group, and indeed doing so conflicts with her stated goal of getting Rapunzel safely to the moonstone. It’s just shoehorned in here to create ‘mystery’, but mysteries have to be answered at some point. You can’t throw something in for drama’s sake and not explain why it’s there. 
Lance’s Crush on Adira Isn’t Handled Well 
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Look, this isn’t a judgment upon those who ship the characters. When I talk about relationships in the show I’m only talking about how well they are written on screen. I couldn’t care less what the fans do with them. 
Even when I discuss my personal preferences for ships, that is all that is, my personal preference. I don't give a shit if you ship something that I may dislike, or if you hate something that I do enjoy. I’m a grown up with more important things to do than worry over what a bunch strangers may write on A03 about a bunch of fictional characters, and as someone who hates bullies above all else, I’ll defend your right to make whatever content to want to because censorship is just a form of bullying and nothing else. 
No matter how gross or reprehensible I may personally find it. Different stories resonate with different people and for different reasons. I may debate your reasons, if the subject comes up, or critique professional media for the messages it puts out to the wider public, but I’ll never say you can’t like it or that you can’t make it.    
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So with that stated, I don’t like Lance’s dynamic with Adira in the show and here’s my reasons for that. 
She doesn’t ever return the feelings. 
At best she tolerates him, at worse she actively kicks his butt when he gets too close, and most of the time she ignores him. Which is for good reason; she’s old enough to be his mom. Why would she be attracted to him? 
Like I’m not saying that age gaps between adults are inherently wrong; I’m saying that if there is a significant age gap then you really have to work hard to build up a reason for why the two characters would go for each other when naturally they wouldn’t be in each other’s usual sphere of dating options. Which the series never does because once again Adira is clearly not interested in him. 
This leads to Lance basically being an annoying ‘nice guy’ who can’t take a hint. Like constantly badgering someone who doesn’t want you to isn’t charming or endearing, and Lance is old enough to know this by now. 
Basically the writers just took the Varian and Cassandra dynamic from Great Expotations and slapped it onto Lance and Adira despite the fact that it made zero sense for their characters. Lance isn’t a lonely teen who desperately wants to fit in and make a connection with someone. He’s not out to prove that he is mature, nor mistakenly believes himself to be an equal to the only other girl in the kingdom that has ever talked to him that isn’t already married/seriously dating and still living at home. Adira never comes around to considering Lance a trusted friend and confidante after shoving nearly everyone else away. She doesn’t seek out his help or approval, nor tries to build him up with compliments, ect, and so forth. 
Now, I dislike the Cass and Varian ship for many, many reasons, but as they are presented on screen in the Great Expo it makes sense for why Varian would at first have an unrequited crush on her. Now after that QfaD he logically shouldn’t ever want anything to do with her but we’ll get to that later. That’s not the case with Lance and Adira; they’re both too old for such a dynamic. 
To add on to the weird factor, they’re both related to Eugene. Adira is technically Eugene’s aunt, even if she never acts like it. Lance is also the closest thing to a brother Eugene has. They don’t recognize each other as such, so if you want to say their just friends or ship them or whatever, there’s wiggle room. But the end effect is like Maya in Girl Meets World crushing on her best friend’s, Riley’s, Uncle Josh. Only even with less basis, and it wasn’t that great there either. 
Why Do you Suddenly Not Trust Adira Cass?
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Forest of No Return was all about establishing trust in Adira, including with Cass at the end, so why the sudden back track? Especially since Adira hasn’t done anything but been honest with them, and has saved their butts several times now. All this does is make Cassandra look like an ass, which you don't need to be doing if you want the audience to side with her later on in the story. 
Everyone Now Knows Quirin is a Part of the Brotherhood, So There’s No Excuse For Later
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It’s an odd way to state that fact, but yeah, both Cass and Raps are told directly that Quirin is in the Brotherhood, and Lance, Eugene, and Hookfoot are also present and presumably listing to this exchange. So no one in S3 has an excuse to ignore this plot point until the finale. 
This Backstory Goes Nowhere
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Adira launches into this story about Zhan Tiri, Demanitus, and the Great Tree and literally none of it actually matters. It’s never brought up again after this episode. We never get any insight into why they were fighting, how Zhan Tiri corrupted a tree, what significance the tree has outside of being really big and holding some scrolls, nor how the scrolls got there, why the tree is still connect to Zhan Tiri hundreds of years later, nor how Demanitus magic spear works or what it even does exactly. 
Don’t introduce lore and then don't have it mean anything. 
Why Do you Care, Cass? 
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Cassandra isn’t a lady-in-waiting anymore. We’ve already established that back in Secret of the Sun Drop and in Beyond the Corona Walls. So why should she care if Adira calls her one? Adira isn’t from Corona. Adira isn’t in charge of anything. Cassandra doesn’t even like her, so Adira’s opinion shouldn’t matter. 
This whole season we’ve seen Cass treat Adira like shit, but apparently we’re supposed to feel sorry for her when she can’t take clap back for all the grief she’s given. Is she really so immature that she can’t just ignore a petty insult for what it is? Why does she have to behave so insecure that she will jeopardize the mission or someone’s life over it? This is the deuteragonist I’m suppose to root for and relate to? I mean she’s twenty three for goodness sake! Grow the hell up woman! 
Also while we on the subject, a royal guard and a lady-in-waiting are both servants. There’s no distinction between the two beyond what duties they perform, and that would be the case regardless of what job Cass had. Rapunzel’s a princess, everyone is her servant. That’s how the class system works, and by all means Cassandra enjoys more privilege than most people in Corona. She’s the Captain’s daughter, was granted next in line for that position in SotSD, and lady-in-waiting means to the princess means she’s above all the other maids except for Crowley and Friedberg. Cass may hate her job, but she hasn’t room to complain when Faith is right there and has things much worse. 
In short making Cass suddenly indignant over being treated as lower class when she didn’t give a crap about the likes of Attila, Caine, Varian, Eugene, Lance, ect... just makes her look like a hypocrite. 
The Other Reason to Dislike Lance’s Crush is That It Hinders His Development
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Lance’s arc is that he’s suppose to learn to be more responsible. This episode in particular is suppose address his habit of lying... only it doesn’t. We get no real resolvement on this point. We also never see Lance progress enough to give up on Adira and stop pursuing her even when it’s directly pointed out to him that she doesn’t reciprocate his feelings. So in the end he still remains immature and irresponsible. 
Though this conversation just proves that Eugene and Lance still have the healthiest relationship in the show. They’re about to disagree or call each other’s bullshit without resorting to insults or getting violent, which is more than what any relationship involving Cass does. 
Questions With No Answers
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We never learn why these scrolls are here, why they have the incantations on them and upon the wall, we don’t know who translated them, nor who came up with the incantations in the first place.
This is all important info that he series glosses over, because unlike the moonstone and sundrop, the incantations are things that someone had to have made at some point, and they could only have made them by studying what our plot macguffins are and how they work. Since the incantations are things that are also sought after by the big bad along with the magical objects, then we need to know how the big bad knows about them when no one else does. How they came about. 
Which is yet another reason why we needed a magic system in place. 
This Song is Catchy, But It Doesn’t Need To Exist
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In a musical a song needs to either establish the plot, build the world, or further the characters. This song does none of those things, it’s not needed for Lance and Eugene’s relationship, it doesn’t actually resolve Lance’s plot as he is high when he apologizes for lying, and it wasn’t needed to established the man eating plant. I honestly think this song only exists so that the animators could just reuse assets they built to save on money. 
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The Hurt Incantation Is the Coolest Thing In the Show! Shame It’s Not Utilized Well
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People are suckered into this show by one of three things usually, ‘Let Me Make You Proud Reprise’, ‘Ready As I’ll Ever Be’, or this scene. 
It’s shocking, powerfull, and a really, really awesome concept. It’s one of the best scenes in the show, and an interesting idea that offers up a lot of story possibilities. 
Possibilities that’ll never actually be explored on screen. The hurt incantation isn’t useless, it does affect the plot, but it’s not used effectively. There was so much you could have done with this but it’s then never explored. Characters outright forget its existence even when they have no reason to, or it’s used to do things that should have been accomplished in other ways. It’s also never fully explained or expanded upon. They couldn’t even bother to give it more than one verse. 
All of the incantations are mishandled in this show, but the hurt incantation is the one that has the biggest let down. 
So that ends part 1, join me tomorrow for part 2. 
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sepublic · 4 years
Something that I do think is very delicate and very good work the Owl House crew is doing is balancing the thematics of when characters actually mess up versus surviving and being scared. Amity is a good example. Amity bulling Willow and the burning of her memories - very bad, with problems happening and the narrative tags her on that. It is distinctly shown as bad. Her not fighting her parents - carefully neutral. It's not a good thing but it's not a moral failing.
I think that same treatment might have also happened with Lilith actually. Her cursing Eda, nearly killing Luz and general not being a good person? When did she actually succeed at anything this season? But her attempting to hide her betrayal from Belos? Lilith is a coward so it's not a good thing - but in contrast to how that fed into Eda's curse and everything else... Nothing additional is added on to events for the cowardice. Just the already present ramifications of the betrayal Nothing more
           It ties into yet another major theme of this show; About how the system can be incredibly skewed towards people, and sets individuals and groups at each other’s throats just to survive! Indeed, a lot of people ARE forced, or at least encouraged and enabled, to do terrible things just to get through in life… Lilith did claim that she and Eda came from humble beginnings- And given how presitigious the Emperor’s Coven is framed, membership there could be seen as a means of escaping poverty for some!
           Of course, individual accountability, as I’ve said before- It IS a thing, and even if you had reasons and the system was definitely enabling you… You’re still guilty, and one must acknowledge this! Amity acknowledges, maturely, that she was too harsh to Willow… But unfortunately, she’s a bit too harsh when she blames herself for not outright defying her parents, like she’s not a little kid who’s desperately trying to survive abuse!
           It leads into this question of where you draw the line, of someone just trying to survive and doing the most reasonable, pragmatic thing… And when even if they WERE doing what was best for them, they still screwed someone over and hurt them? Even if someone were to cross that line… Well, it doesn’t ALWAYS have to be impossible to fix things, or at least make them better! We see that with Lilith…
           And it gets to this theme of addressing the systemic cause and root of an issue! That sure, these people are still to blame… But in the end, punishing them isn’t productive, and while getting them to change their behavior helps; More people are gonna keep doing bad things if the system is still around! That in the end, it’s everybody’s top priority to dismantle an inherently oppressive and corrupt system! THAT is the main target, that’s the source of it all; And once you take it out, you can properly focus on mending those who HAVE been hurt and/or encouraged by the system… Without having to worry about more issues coming, further down the line.
           It’s kind of like how Luz is someone who gets to the ‘root’ (ba-dum tsss) of the issue between Amity and Willow, instead of just letting Amity speedrun through the damage and going back to how things adversarially, or at least neutrally and painfully, were- Luz says NO, we’re discussing why you and Willow severed ties, and for both your sakes, we’re confronting this! Even if you won’t be friends again, it’s still going to be better than what’s been going on beforehand… And it’ll probably mean that you won’t hurt other people for similar reasons, and Willow herself won’t be in as much pain!
           In contrast, Lilith is a character who doesn’t tackle the root cause of an issue… She instead focuses on symptomatic things because that’s easier for her! She doesn’t really consider why she cursed Eda, or at least tackle the cause of this, her own insecurity… Instead, Lilith just keeps deprecating herself! She doesn’t consider the root cause of Eda being distant with her, Lilith just focuses on the fact that Eda IS and tries to incentivize her sister to join the Emperor’s Coven, without actually reflecting on her support for such a corrupt group!
           But as you said; While Lilith is definitely to blame for a LOT, the Coven System isn’t exactly helping issues either, and laid the foundations for her sins. And sometimes, the way the system is set up… You can’twin, it’s a lose-lose scenario. No matter which Magic Track you choose, you’re still losing most of your magic; If you choose to be a Wild Witch and embrace free magic and individuality, you’re also persecuted! And if you join the Emperor’s Coven, you become a corrupt enforcer and a covenscout!
           The most people can do is just… Lose as little as possible. Minimize losses. That’s what Luz and the others did in the Season Finale, right? Because in the end… They lost a lot of things! They lost Luz’s way back home and her contact with her mother… They lost all of Eda’s magic, and most of Lilith’s! Luz says it herself, she lost… But then, she may as well ensure that while her own losses are minimized, Belos’ are maximized. If Luz can’t win, she may as well try to take the system down with her. Sometimes you can’t always ask for more, sometimes you just have to hold onto what you have, and appreciate it… And Luz is someone who already does this anyway, so it hurts to see this happen to her!
           With Lilith, it’s a bit more karmic as she still needed to address her support of Belos and his corruption; But even then, it’s worth noting that openly defying the Emperor himself has a lot of consequences that she’s intimately aware of. Even if you’re critical of someone for doing bad things to survive, in the end, sometimes you just don’t want them to keep them suffering… Because wasn’t suffering the reason why so many people did so many terrible things? Tearing down what others have or gained isn’t productive, but building things up IS…
           Of course, sometimes- The only thing to do is tear down! Specifically, the corrupt system that caused all of this… Whether Belos gets to survive and change for the better is irrelevant for now, because the Coven System hasto go! There is no keeping it around, and maybe there IS making it better, as Lilith may have aimed to do… But really, the only way to improve upon the Coven System is to delete it entirely, or reform it well past recognition!
           In the end, it’s for the best of a person to tackle their own issues; But sometimes, you just can’t bear to be too harsh or critical on them, for not being their absolute best! Sometimes a person not hurting others is enough… And it’s why people like Luz, who are so productive, can help people! Luz recognizes a problem and KNOWS it’s bad and treats it as such, and is intent on keeping it from ever happening again… But she also recognizes that holding a grudge isn’t necessarily going to make things better!
          Sometimes you have to focus on what you DID manage to at least do, or not do (such as not hurting someone). Give yourself some space to breathe, because even if what happened was bad, you need to at least give yourself a little credit because you’re just trying to survive in a system that’s skewed against you! And once you’ve caught your breath… As we see with encouragement from people like Luz; THEN you can focus on improving things! Every little step and bit of progress helps, don’t be TOO critical for not immediately fixing things, or doing what others have done.
          As long as you make the intent and effort to be better or at least stop doing worse, and then work from there… It’s good. Because sometimes, you can’t make things better, and can’t improve on them, nor hold onto what you already have… Sometimes, all you can do, as seen with Amity and how she handled Willow in the past- Is try to minimize your losses. And know that while what happened is bad, it’s important not to be too critical of oneself, and to ultimately focus energy into eventually fixing things, or at least finding an opportunity to do so… Or again, managing to salvage and protect what you DO have; Which is imperative for Amity, as she really needed to learn to at least protect her own sense of self-worth.
           Sometimes, all you can ask of yourself or a person, is to survive… And while what happened was indeed objectively bad, maybe the person themselves isn’t too terrible… Or at least, there’s room for understanding, and using that understanding to tackle the root cause of the issue, even if that understanding won’t necessarily lead to forgiveness. Mostly, it’s better to just focus on what productive things you can do- And when the chance comes to make things better, as seen with Lilith, or Amity… You better take it, because you don’t know if another chance is ever coming around!
          You’d better take that chance, if you really DO feel bad about what happened, even if you did ‘have no other choice’, because that means instead of beating yourself up or trying to reset what can’t be undone, you’re instead focused on preventing more incidents and tragedies from coming! And in the end… Is that not enough, or at least all you can do? Just as Eda can’t repair or undo her trauma in life, nor seize that education she deserved… The least she can do is ensure that people like Luz at least get to have that missed opportunity!
          If you can’t help yourself, you may as well help somebody else…! Eda or the Bat Queen can’t erase what was done to them, but they can at least pave the road so others later down the line can have something better, and never experience what they had to suffer. It’s just how Luz is someone who can’t undo her past ostracization from society; But she can work to change the system so that nobody else has to feel alone, nor left out! It’s because she went through terrible things that she’s so insistent on others being excluded from such experiences, and it goes to show how Luz really DID learn from what happened- Even if she shouldn’t have gone through it to begin with! Really, you just gotta work with what you have, even if it’s not ideal.
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razorblade180 · 4 years
So, how is Salem gone in your AUs?
Lasting Embers: The main nine characters and Raven reach Salem’s castle and storm it, while friends they made around the world face off against elite grimm designed to wipe out the kingdoms. The only relic in their possession now is destruction. The team gets split up and end up having to fight grimm versions of old adversaries; including JNPR killing grimm Pyrrha, Ruby fighting Roman and actual Neo. Raven goes against Cinder and Tyrian with Qrow. Blake faces off against a fake Adam. Weiss and Yang end up with Emerald and Mercury; all while Oscar tries to survive Salem. Neo, Em, and Merc are eventually forced to escape. The other heroes kill their foe. Ruby reaches Oscar first to save his life. Silver eyes purge Salem of her connection with the grimm. The sword of destruction nearly obliterates her. Enraged, Salem unintentionally draws grimm to her is ripped apart and eaten by hundreds of them. Ruby turned the group into stone and finally, Salem is gone. The relics are put into vaults again along with some of the stone grimm and other places they can’t be disturbed.
Twin Snowflakes: This world ended up pretty different since the entire world learned about Salem. A small group of people didn’t show up to Salem’s territory. The world showed up, armies and huntsman from each kingdom/menagerie showed up to battle the mass horde of grimm and Salem’s followers. Our main characters lead troops and took down hundreds in an attempt to overwhelm their enemies, but it wasn’t going well. They just kept spawning and reaching Salem seemed near impossible. That’s when Ruby’s plan changed. She wasn’t trying to get to Salem. She wanted the relics. The battle was a game of keep away. The first side to get all the relics in one spot for their leader was gonna win. Humanity eventually managed to gather them all and Ozpin summoned the gods. The brothers saw all the fighting and were about to erase everything but Ruby stood against that verdict, preaching how every kingdom, humans, and faunus were able to put aside their differences to get rid of a problem that the gods causes in the first place. Then she went as far as to say everyone here would challenge anybody who’d threaten Remnant; even if it was the gods. The brothers took another look around. Through the desire to fight for the world they live in, humanity really did unite. War brought about trust. An interesting outcome they never predicted. An outcome worthy of passing their test. The brothers commend Ruby and humanity. They showed their gratitude by restraining Salem and stripping her of her immortality. As they were about to deal the final blow, Oz forced his way in between them. After all she’s done, Oz didn’t want to see her go out like this. Being erased was a thing nobody should go through. The God of Light decided for Ruby to choose Salem’s punishment. Only one thought came to mind. Salem was sent to the afterlife. Ruby was sure her kids wanted a stern talk with their mother.
Rosebud: This universe sorta has a mix of offense and defense when it comes the previous two. The world knows if Salem but not all the details of gods or anything of the sort. The kingdom worked together in boosting defenses and providing aid while Ruby, her friends, and the extended group of friends like SSSN, Ilia, and others went to face Salem. People like Mercury and Emerald turned traitor and Cinder was betrayed by Salem in the final hours of battle for failing to stop Ruby; her maiden powers being taken out of her as a result of that failure. The attack on the castle was more subtle, planned. Thanks to her friends, Ruby was able to traverse it easily, trusting them to deal with any opposition while she aimed for the grimm queen herself. She encountered Cinder for a final confrontation. The woman was angry and desperate to reclaim the power she had lost by killing Ruby to get back into Salem’s good graces. Ruby made quick work of the Cinder and let her walk away with her life still intact. Cinder swallowed her pride and fled. Ruby went on to face Salem. The battle was rough and nonstop, but Ruby was able to cut Salem down and turn her stone. Salem’s immortality was now a true curse. Even if the stone shatters, it still comes back the way it was, stone. Making this Ruby the youngest and strongest Ruby to save the world in my AU’s.
Premonition:This is only au where I thought a little out of the box. Beating Salem was simply something no one was prepared to do at the time. Containment was the only solution. With the help of mostly Atlas and Haven, the team was able to seal Salem in a vault, temporarily giving the world a reprieve and for Ruby to properly train. Two years later, Ruby entered the vault with her friends and vaporized all of the grimm that was in Salem. With her empire destroyed and any chance of her plans ruined, Salem now roams Remnant with Oz keeping an eye on her as she finally starts doing the punishment she was meant to do in the first place; reflect on her actions and make peace with how the world is. At least this time she has her ex husband to keep her company for as long as it takes for her to get the message.
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changlingrogue · 4 years
Okay, a head's up, this got rambly and it will definitely have spoilers for Campaign 2 Episode 128, 127 and to be on the safe side 126. I'll tag it as "cr spoilers" and put it under a cut though.
Okay, so, starting from the jump the episode is a little anxiety inducing as it picks up directly where last week's left off with Caleb, Jester and Veth confronted by Trent down in the basement. Trent only appears to want to talk (being the mofo he is, his words are just as dangerous as his magic), but Caleb isn't having any of that and starts things off with casting Wall of Fire (I think?) to separate them from Trent. Trent dispels it and still seems interested in talking until Caleb casts a Firebolt at him. Veth follows up with her attack which does work and then Jester tries another Word of Recall which Trent tries to Counterspell with a horrifying nat 20, but it gets cancelled out by Caleb's nat 20 and the three of them escape to Nicodranas, outside on the Brenatto family's balcony. A couple of takeaways from this encounter:
Was trying to fight Trent the best idea, no. But like I can't say I blame Caleb. Liam made it very clear that Caleb was terrified. He was going off of raw emotions and being confronted by the man that ruined his life in a place that held a lot of emotional trauma for him... can't say most people would be able to keep a cool head.
It does still make me wonder how things would have went if Trent had been able to talk. Would they have been able to leave without things ending up like they ultimately did or was it just a way for Trent to keep control of the situation? Maybe a bit of both? Trent certainly risks losing more now that he has to come up with some sort of explanation for what happened at the sanitarium and given that the whole Cerberus Assembly is under investigation, its not a good look. Veth's decision to steal some of those crystals did alert Trent to what they were doing and is maybe part of the reason he's pursuing them so aggressively, but I feel like its going to be one of those things that really helps them out in the future. I was happy when it was proposed to keep at least one for evidence, because I think if it's used in the right way and given to the right people it might be a nail in the coffin Trent (hopefully) finds himself in.
To jump off from the crystal point, I'm really digging how in this campaign player choices have at times had some really interesting a longstanding consequences/rewards. Like it really makes the world feel alive, and that its not revolving around M9. Like for one of the more "positive" examples, Beau telling Dairon about how she was kidnapped and forced into the Cobalt Soul lead to the eventual arrest and upcoming trail of Zeenoth and the apology Beau deserved for years. But on the flip side, as we learn eventually, when the rest of the party joins back up with them in Nicodranas, Jester mentioning The Ruby of the Sea gives Trent a lead of where to find them. (I'd also like to mention that Team Outtie or Audi, lol, did a pretty good job. Fjord really came through with Arcane Gate, Marine Layer and even Major Image. It didn't stop Trent but it did keep the Guards busy. Caduceus got them out quick with Word of Recall and while Beau's umm, assassination attempt was brutal, she did keep the Guard on top of the tower from doing anything and she alerted Team Outtie to the arrival of Trent and more Guards.)
But back to Nicodranas and M9 trying to get their families there ferried away to safety. I really did nearly cry from the conversations Jester and Veth had. I adore Jester and mother's relationship, like Marion is one of my favorite of Matt's NPCs for more than reason and I love how just... loving and understanding she is. And I really like Yeza for that similar reason. Those two conversations really stuck out to me because of like... idk, I guess they sort of hit home a bit? With Jester and her mom it's the shift of being the one whose protected to the one who is the protector that I (and other adults) experience at one point when it comes to your parents as they get older. It's not as wild as keeping them safe from a powerful mage and his magic assassins, but it's a total flip in a relationship that you've had since you were younger.
And with Veth it's about being a parent and a partner and having to make choices and sometimes sacrifices to keep them safe. I'm really glad Veth and Yeza got a chance to talk and be open with one another, for at least a bit. I was surprised by Yeza's perspective of things and how he felt he was also guilty of putting their family in harm's way because I always assumed like, at least when it came to working with the Assembly he didn't have much a choice ( Idk if I just missed that part or it was mentioned in Talks or not), but him saying that he also took risks because he wanted to make something of himself and provide for Veth gives a new perspective of him and on his and Veth's relationship. Like now it seems more like he actually understands (on some level) Veth's conflicting feelings of wanting be an adventurer but wanting to be with her family too and that's why he's been so supportive of her vs him just kind of blindly supporting her. I really hope they continue to be open with one another and they keep talking about things, which I guess they might get a chance to again in the future if Veth actually does end up coming home to them for good after M9 takes care of the TombTakers. I'm sad about the idea of Veth leaving and not adventuring with the rest of M9, and I will legit cry if they say to goodbye but I can understand and respect her reasoning. She really did try to "have both" and for the things that they've been involved in, it, unfortunatly, doesn't work. Since reuniting with her family that's been one of her main conflicts and I'm happy that she finally seemed to come to a decision of what comprimises she can and can't make for the type of life she wants. I know a lot of the fandom won't be happy if Veth leaves and Sam creates another character but I like that Sam (and honestly everyone else as well) really plays his characters to who they are as people. After those heartwrenching moments, the tension in the game picks up again as they find out that they're being watched by two inviduals who turn out to be Astrid and Eadwulf. Astrid basically tells them to get everyone they care about and get the fuck out of Nicodranas since they've been dispatched to get them, and from some invisable tailing by Veth, we learn that there's another Volstrucker in town, along with fucking Trent himself and that they're only a few blocks away from the Lavish Chateu. So M9 gets themselves and the families together and steaths to Yussa's tower, hoping he could help them get somewhere else quick, only to find that he can't be reached at the moment. Luckily, his servant Wentsworth knows of something that might help and after some searching a Detect Languages spell, they find a scroll that has the spell Plane Shift and a tuning fork that they're unsure which plane its atturned to.
My thoughts on this are:
That I'm not sure if they're lucky or unlucky at this point. Because on one hand they're literally on the run from one of the most powerful mages in the Empire, but on the otherhand they've managed to escape him twice, despite the odds being against them. I really want to know what plane they're on, there's a lot of speculation that its the Plane of Fire which sounds terrible, but I'm not that versed in like D&D lore so maybe it's not as bad as it sounds in my head. I agree with Matt that thinking to use the Happy Fun Ball as a way to transport some of their people was pretty clever, I just hope they made the right choices for who went inside and who stayed outside. This is Yasha's first time in the ball! I wish it was under better circsumstances so that everyone could be there and they could actually explore but I wonder what her reaction will be. When she's not making out with Beau, lol. I'm not as worried for the group in the ball as I am for the group outside of it, I think Beau, Yasha and Fjord will be able to get to an exit without too much trouble as long as they don't stumble across any surprises that aren't on the map. And I'm very intrigued with how Astrid is shaping up as a character. I like so far what Matt is doing with her and I like that she's shaping up to not just be the "bad bitch/ruthless" villain archetype that a lot of female characters end up being. That character can be fun and enjoyable in certain things and when there's more beneath the surface, but it's nice to see that Astrid actually does care about Caleb. I was suspicious of her intentions before, but I feel that Matt has made it clear that while her and Eadwulf are still adversaries to the M9, they do care about Caleb and want to help him out. I feel for the whole Blumenthal Trio one way or another. To close things, because this had gotten way too long, lol. I can't wait for the next episode. Hopefully everything will work out for them and they can get the families to safety, though I don't know if sending them to the Gentleman is a good idea. But we'll see eventually!
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histoireettralala · 4 years
Charles Nungesser, fighter ace, adventurer, war hero.
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Charles Eugène Jules Marie Nungesser (15 March 1892 – presumably on or after 8 May 1927) was a French ace pilot and adventurer, best remembered as a rival of Charles Lindbergh. Nungesser was a renowned ace in France, ranking third highest in the country with 43 air combat victories during World War I.
After the war, Nungesser mysteriously disappears on an attempt to make the first non-stop transatlantic flight from Paris to New York, flying with wartime comrade François Coli in L’Oiseau Blanc (The White Bird). Their aircraft takes off from Paris on 8 May 1927, is sighted once more over Ireland, and then is never seen again. The disappearance of Nungesser is considered one of the great mysteries in the history of aviation, and modern speculation is that the aircraft was either lost over the Atlantic or crashed in Newfoundland or Maine.
Filled with an exceptionnal spirit and energy, Nungesser is very early confronted with the difficulties of life, he is not afraid to cross the Atlantic although he is not yet an adult. Once on the soil of the South American subcontinent, he will practice a whole series of trades. In turn boxer, gaucho or racing driver, Nungesser asserts himself as an adventurous heart. A thrill seeker, he already takes all the risks and does not hesitate to punch even with men, whose stature is much higher than his. It was in South America that he developed his passion for aviation and contracted the piloting virus. Therefore, all the elements are already in place to make Nungesser an extraordinary character, literally atypical and flamboyant. The Great War will give the young man the opportunity to find his vocation and become a legend ...
It is September 3, 1914, during a reconnaissance mission, Nungesser, freshly incorporated into the 2nd Hussar regiment, both rescues his wounded officer and with the help of a few infantrymen captures a Mors type automobile killing both its occupants and above all, recovering the documents it contained. Back in his regiment, after crossing enemy lines under heavy fire behind the wheel of the captured vehicle, his feat caused a sensation and rose to the ears of the general commanding his division. The latter immediately made him obtain the military medal and therefore gave him his nickname Hussard de la Mors, by reference to the Hussars of Death (”Hussards de la Mort”), a squadron created in 1792 and whose motto was "conquer or die".
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He is then granted his request to be transferred to the Service Aéronautique, to Escadrille VB106. While there, in July 1915, he shoots down his first plane, a German Albatros, and is awarded the Croix de Guerre. This action initiates the Nungesser legend. On 31 July 1915, Nungesser and his mechanic Roger Pochon are on standby duty. The two take off in a Voisin 3LAS despite Nungesser's assignment to non-flying duties. In an encounter with five Albatros two-seaters, the French duo shoots one down near Nancy. Returning to their airfield, Nungesser is placed under house arrest for eight days for his insubordination. He is then decorated and forwarded to training in Nieuport fighters.
Assigned to N 65, Charles displays a fiery temper and a courage that strikes the minds of all his comrades in arms. He also willingly shows a certain independence of spirit and cannot help frequently ending his patrols with acrobatics above his airfield, which will earn him a few days off, that the command will lift just as quickly as it cannot do without the excellence of Nungesser's services while the position war is in full swing…
Charles isn’t one for strict military discipline. His rugged good looks, flamboyant personality, appetite for danger, women, wine and fast cars make him the embodiment of the stereotypical fighter ace and contribute to his legend. He is sometimes spotted arriving for morning patrol still dressed in the tuxedo he'd worn the night before and even occasionally with a female companion.
He is well liked by his comrades. Determined, fiery, excellent pilot, he is selected at the beginning of 2016 to test a prototype fighter plane, the Ponnier. Decided not to go easy on the machine, the indestructible Nungesser soars into the air and pushes the plane into its entrenchments. The result was immediate: the plane went into a spin and Charles crashed to the ground. The broomstick crosses his jaw and he suffers from multiple fractures, particularly in the legs and numerous bruises. You would believe his career is over ? Not at all! Barely out of the hospital and after a period in a coma, he refuses to be discharged and fights tooth and nail to return to Nancy.
He can’t go without a walking stick and has to be helped into his cockpit. It doesn’t stop him from fighting above Verdun (ten victories) and then over the Somme (nine victories) during 1916. He shows concern for the infantrymen, and often comes to help allied pilots, which will earn him many foreign decorations (from the UK, USA, Belgium, Serbia, Russia, Portugal..).
This is the year he famously decorates his plane with a black heart-shaped field, a macabre skull and bones, and a coffin and candles painted inside, in tribute in particular to his nickname as well as to his terrible accident of 1916. At the end of the Great War, Nungesser will accumulate forty-five approved victories and his war cross will count twenty-eight palms and two stars… Nothing and no one will have prevented him from flying and fighting until the last day.
His Officier de la Légion d'honneur citation, 19 May 1918, reads:
"Incomparable pursuit pilot, with exceptional knowledge and magnificent bravery, which reflect the power and inflexible will of his ancestry. In the cavalry, where during his first engagements he earned the Médaille militaire, then in a groupe de bombardement where for his daily prowess he was cited several times in orders and was decorated with the Legion of Honor, and finally with an Escadrille de chasse, for thirty months his exploits were prodigious, and he always presented himself as a superb example of tenacity and audacity, displaying an arrogant contempt for death. Absent from the front several times because of crashes and wounds, his ferocious energy was not dampened, and he returned each time to the fray, with his spirit undaunted gaining victory after victory, finally becoming famous as the most feared adversary for German aviation. 31 enemy aircraft downed, three balloons flamed, two wounds, fifteen citations."
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By the end of the war, a succinct summary of Nungesser's wounds and injuries reads: "Skull fracture, brain concussion, internal injuries (multiple), five fractures of the upper jaw, two fractures of lower jaw, piece of anti-aircraft shrapnel imbedded [sic] in right arm, dislocation of knees (left and right), re-dislocation of left knee, bullet wound in mouth, bullet wound in ear, atrophy of tendons in left leg, atrophy of muscles in calf, dislocated clavicle, dislocated wrist, dislocated right ankle, loss of teeth, contusions too numerous to mention."
When the war ends, Captain Charles Nungesser is 26, and the third ranked French flying ace behind René Fonck and Georges Guynemer, in spite of his many wounds, accidents and physical disabilities.
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Some anecdotes:
In 1915 he does a bunch of wild flying over a nearby town, and many people complains.  The commander of the squadron tells Nungesser that if he was going to do aerobatics, do them over the German lines.  Nungesser jumps into his plane, flies to the nearest German field, and gives them quite a show.  He reports back to his commander, tells him what he did and is put under arrest again.
1916: during a flight, he runs out of ammunition and places himself in the middle of enemy planes, since they cannot shoot him if they risk hitting one of their own.
One of Nungesser's drinking buddies is Jean Navarre, another flamboyant ace. The two of them almost create the image of fighter pilots as handsome, reckless, hard-living, womanizing rakes. They dislike military discipline and enjoy Paris' many attractions as often as possible. Once, Nungesser is driving into Paris, amidst heavy traffic, when he spots his own aircraft heading that way. It is Navarre! He has borrowed Nungesser's airplane; he explains that his own has been shot up and that he "has forgotten what a woman looks like”.
On August 26, 1918 he gives his popularity a new boost by participating in the crossing of Paris by swimming, and, if he does not win the competition, asserts himself as the spokesman of the disabled veterans and attracts cheers from the public.
We still don’t know what really happened... but if he reached the land he was indeed the first man - with François Coli- to cross the Atlantic by plane.
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Even though René Fonck ended up as the French Ace of Aces, both Georges Guynemer and Charles Nungesser have enjoyed a greater popularity, due to their personality, the legend that quickly built around them, and probably to their disappearance up in the sky while they were world famous.
Opérationnels SLDS 38 39 hiver 2018 Nungesser le Résilient, article de Romain Petit
David Méchin, "Charles Nungesser, la rage de vaincre", dans Le Fana de l'Aviation no 551 et 552 (octobre et novembre 2015)
Wikipedia, French and English articles
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kiers-morbid-corner · 4 years
Prompt #12
There are so many stories with the common motif of good versus evil. I thought it'd be interesting to spin on to that idea. Very common is it for this motif to include the whole spiel about how good cannot exist without evil; I find this to be hypocritical as a lot of the time 'evil' character is beaten.
Instead of this why not have a world truly where the good cannot exist without evil. The main character is the pinnacle of morality and their adversary is the antithesis of everything they stand for. The quest would probably hedge upon obtaining some item that can kill their adversary. Perhaps they journey with a group of people due to the treacherous journey ahead. Due to the agathacological nature of the two, The hero has no intention of fighting their foe. Should the hero be journeying with a group, they would learn of the hero's intentions too late and find them and pailing themself with the weapon because they had decided that they would become a sacrificial lamb so that no more lives had to be lost should they had confronted their foe point blank.
On the flip side of things it could be a lot lighter where the group that the hero is journeying with stops them and they decide to work towards a compromise with the evil. While this seems unlikely, I believe it is possible for good things to affect bad things just as much as bad things affect good things.
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