#and instead of seeing this as an opportunity to challenge standards and place value on everything we do right by our students
cupiare · 5 months
this school really deserves its impending doom bcs management is soooo tone deaf “but why do our students choose to go to uni in their own city and out of the 2 they choose the non russell group one why aren’t we doing something to support them to aim higher 🤔” could it possibly be that this school is in one of the most deprived areas of the city/nationwide and thats a significant factor affecting academic achievement so students default to the uni w lower entry requirements theyre likely to get into? or maybe that our predominantly immigrant students and their families don’t share the culture of moving out and living independently at 18? that their immigration status and overseas qualifications affect their entry requirements ? that many of them are responsible for their families and don’t want to leave them? that its more affordable to stay home and not be in even more debt by taking out a maintenance loan to stay alive? the girls who aren’t allowed to leave home before marriage? what a truly confounding phenomenon that our students don’t go to a russell group uni it must be a very bad look that we get 90% students in higher education or formal training after college but not the ‘best’ choice. But what do i know i guess !
#p#theres no institutional racism and no racial and ethnic segregation here guys don’t worry. our students have equal opportunities!#unreal how tone deaf that whole email was#asking what we’re doing wrong where we’re going wrong#as if its no achievement to consistently send off students to uni regardless of status or rank#and like we have loads of students who Do move out and go to very good unis and even oxbridge#loads of students going into medicine and engineering and law#and loads of students whom we had to fight and advocate for to their families to even allow them to go to uni!!!!!!#you’re looking at one of the shittest areas and one of the shittest schools and acting like we’re getting disappointing results#shove your british values up your ass fix your country#on the same note as shitting themselves over ofsted and getting less than a good rating My brothers ofsted is comparing our school to#schools in the posh neighborhoods (some of the most middle upper class areas nationwide also)#and instead of seeing this as an opportunity to challenge standards and place value on everything we do right by our students#they’re trying to get the stats equal to those other schools and its having tangibly adverse effects on achievement engagement and attendanc#i’m sick from frustration with this damn schools leadership u are all shit#they should maybe possibly potentially look at what has actually improved student achievement and whose ideas they were#hint. not the white british leadership team’s#but i digress .
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livingdiarrhea · 29 days
Aziraphale is so INFURIATING because if I had a friend who ended genuine arguements with “I forgive you” instead of…apologizing, or talking??? I would go insane.
It’s so interesting to me, the dynamic between Aziraphale and Crowley, because Aziraphale sees himself as inherently better than Crowley, but also meaning he should be held to higher standards. He adores Crowley, of course, but he s still clearly sees himself as inherently better and more moral, solely because he’s an angel, while Crowley sees the two of them as more or less equals, it’s just that he recognizes that Aziraphale is still sort of a brainwashed (not literally, like cult-wise) from heaven. (Crowley’s side is is sort of one I relate to). There’s always this unspoken tension between them and their opinions of each other, and it’s just *so* interesting. They’ll address it briefly, and drop it again. Even when they make up, they don’t actually talk about this issue. Crowley will try to bring it up, Aziraphale doesn’t respond, Crowley drops it.
Aziraphale loves his moral standards, he loves being pure, he loves being good, he needs to do exactly what god says (and in season 1, “god” included more of the angels as well, but his ideals do loosen quite a bit after the angels act like assholes). However, being with Crowley repeatedly challenges his moral standards in every single way. It’s why he’s usually the one who distances first, or makes a remark to purposefully distance Crowley and place himself above. From vibes alone, his remarks aren’t even intended to make Crowley feel inferior, it’s just him regurgitating his moral code hntil Crowley storms off so Aziraphale can avoid an actual counterargument to his points (for example: the “we aren’t even friends, I don’t even like you” is very very obviously a lie. And not even that hurtful of one, because it’s so obvious, it’s just annoying. I was screaming at my phone to shut up during this moment.)
This conflict of ideals is also why he’s so elated to give Crowley the opportunity to come to Heaven. To him, the only flaw with Crowley was that he wasn’t an angel. This seemed like the perfect solution, to have the guy he wants, while still being in alignment with his values. Obviously, Crowley’s “rebellious” nature is part of him, it’s a core part of him, but one Aziraphale doesn’t want to accept. That’s ultimately what the downfall of this idea was (also again; the angels?? HUGE assholes to both of them).
It mirrors the experience of being relatively non religious and having a very religious friend/lover. Which might have been the entire point (I have no media literacy). The main difference is that Aziraphale and Crowley just have set “this is good” , “this is bad” and “this is my side” already established, so it’s less taboo for Aziraphale to belittle Crowley’s demon kind (again, the idea that ‘he is better’) and Crowley to make a remark about angels (which tends to come off less condescending). Generally, this sort of dynamic wouldn’t be very acceptable in many places.
Anyway, personally, Aziraphale, is CONSISTENTLY super infuriating, but he’s charming, he grows on you, like a fungus. He’s more annoying on the show, but also more endearing, Michael Sheen’s smile could melt a heart of coal. He’s also just very interesting as a character, and his dynamics and situation surrounding him and Crowley. I really love him. And I hate him. He’s so complex, I’d even argue out of everyone (including Crowley) he’s the most complex character.
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anthonybialy · 4 months
Liberally Wrong About Israel
Israel has some nerve surviving.  It’s like they’re trying to encourage anti-Semitism.  The country that keeps fighting just because others keep punching also embarrasses its critics.  Scolding about hunting terrorists embodies how the left sees everything.  Honorary North Koreans get war sides wrong like it’s the economy.  The next round of printing cash will be the one that lets us buy what we want.
Figuring oppression is innate leads to reflexively seeing who’s its victim.  The only way to exacerbate warped claptrap about incessant mistreatment is to identify the alleged oppressor incorrectly.  Of course, atrocity’s enablers do that.  One side targeted the other, which is inconvenient for foes of coherent timelines who think corporations discovered greed after Joe Biden’s inauguration.
Ask who Hamas admirers think were World War II’s bad guys to at least get some giggles out of their shame.  Uncannily siding against one particular faith also involves thinking loser countries have gotten robbed.  The Third World party isn’t having much fun.
The team with less surely must be exploited.  A faction that’s unable to devise anything surely couldn’t be resentful against one that can: in fact, we’re told they’re just trying to get their stuff back.  The alternative is that hard work and creativity lead to success, and we can’t let conservatives start to think they’re right.
Believing there’s a finite amount of wealth is the standard belief of the useless.  Forget trying to actualize any: those who mooch off the productive can’t even conceive of contributing.  Personal desires motivate the philosophy of the ironically selfish as they condemn the greed of those who desire to keep what they earn.
There sure is a lack of empathy amongst those who claim to care about everyone else.  Retailers offering value resemble Israel building an outlet out of sand, and such entrepreneurship spurs resentment in social justice studies majors.
Identifying who’s victimized is a challenge invented by those who don’t like anything easy.  Israel is a shark tank surrounded by a sea of predators.  Pretending it’s the neighborhood’s aggressor is a common hobby for those who coincidentally also damn cops instead of criminals.  America’s vanishing property spike resulted from Democrats getting everything they want.
The keffiyeh crew announcing which place they prefer enhances their emblematic cognitive dissonance.  Offer the chance to live anywhere in the Middle East including Gaza for the real chance to live with allies in earthly paradise.  A relocation to somewhere more diverse is not just an opportunity to flee racist police state America but a chance to put values into practice.  Funding moving expenses would be a great grant program for a civically-minded wealthy free market fan.  As for the beneficiaries, they should scout locations for a pride parade.
Creating a comfortable country out of nothing is a testament to ingenuity.  Those who think government is the source of productivity are outraged.  Liberty’s opponents get to loaf because of it.  Uncannily, they universally think Israel’s thriving must be either a matter of random luck or predatory plundering.
Israel is not good at colonialism.  They occupy land that was theirs since the dawn of recorded history that nobody else wanted.  Demanding their share of something that belongs to someone else is how Israel’s enemies inspire affinity in Western leftists.
The joke about God’s chosen people living in the one Middle Eastern place with no oil is funniest because they didn’t let it bother them.  Sighing about what’s unfair before working to withstanding it offers a crucial life lesson about what to do with what we’re handed.  Israel possesses something way more valuable than fuel.
The gift of developing character by working hard isn’t the most fun one to receive, but it’s rather useful in this rather imperfect world.  As a result of overcoming not being handed a cushy life, Israelis established the one country you’d want to live in if you were in the vicinity.  Their concocted pleasantness is exponentially cozier than living on the quad with student commies.  Only one of the two groups can obtain their own groceries.
Israel defends itself after manufacturing prosperity.  Of course they’re despised by the left.  Responding righteously to an assault seems a little too close to exercising Second Amendment rights.  A concealed carry country shows why the virtuous deserve to arm themselves.
Screwing up identifying aspects of reality is the pinko brand.  Outrage is reserved for daring to suggest punishment for illegal immigrants who tally second crimes.  As for citizens, they particularly adore those who have turned to shoplifting as a career.  Looking at the global scale involves presuming terrorists have legitimate beefs.
Bad guys have regrettably good friends.  Woke lunatics express sympathy for the turnstile-hopper instead of the commuter who occasionally foregoes lunch to afford a ride.  The concert slaughterer motivated by having land that was never theirs and nobody wanted stolen will always find backing from the 2020s’ purveyors of radical chic.
The only crimes indolent adversaries of society care about are imaginary ones.  Justice’s warpers maintain a grievance toward Israel like it’s a supermarket that uses plastic bags.  New York City is once again renowned for muggings, but at least villainous pizzaioli can’t cook with coal.
Political junkies who got every policy they want fume at how lousy conditions have become.  Avoiding troublesome notions about consequences is common amongst those who put sanctimoniousness in place of sense.  Zealots who conclude their cause is righteous will do everything possible to demonize heathens.  If they’re fighting for the survival of millions, then anyone opposed must be diabolical anti-social justice goons.  Acting obnoxiously is part of the commitment to preening.
Israel made it when nothing in the natural realm went its way.  I wonder if there’s a term for that.  Persevering when everything tells you to quit shows character at its best, unlike what its frothing critics flaunt.
If class warfare warriors really believed in conquering persecution, they’d be praising Israel nonstop.  Instead, the Hamas Campus Camping Club decided the side fighting back against human demons who massacred music festival attendees is the one perpetrating genocide.  
Doing the right thing when it’s unpopular is decried by fans of the trendy.  Declare pronouns along with contempt for the one country that happens to be Jewish.  Uproar over preserving their existence could be based in more than anti-Semitism just because the shriekers hate everything connected to that particular religion, including those humans and nation that practice it.
The republic that wouldn’t take its beating like a bitch will never be forgiven for it.  Using weapons just makes the mean war even more repressive.  Seeking out grievances while impugning the one place with genuine ones is how leftists stay consistent.
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A long life sees many evils. From his earliest days as a headstrong padawan, he has been relentless in the fight, interceding in countless conflicts on behalf of the innocent and powerless. He is old now, and this war is unlike anything he has ever faced. Sometimes, he wonders if he will survive it.
He does not fear death, but the thought burdens him. In service to the Republic he is no longer a wandering guardian but a general of thousands. These clone troopers of Kamino, unexpected allies in the galaxy’s darkest hour, have proven themselves exceptional in every way. More than that, as their austere professionalism eases, their true selves have emerged: vibrant, distinct, wonderful individuals with whom he is privileged to serve. If anything good has come from the war, it is them.
He has been privy to the myriad debates and dilemmas of the Council, and he shares their concerns—everything about the clones’ existence is problematic. Nevertheless, the way forward is clear to him. His men are not at fault, and they depend on him to play his role. With all the powers and resources at his disposal, he can effectuate more than that. He looks after them, for no one else does.
As a peacekeeper out of his depth, he knew from the start that his command would not be straightforward. Indeed, it is anything but.
The breadth and urgency of the war dictates that he cannot go everywhere his men are needed. Instead, he must deploy the majority of them elsewhere while he devotes himself to special operations with a select few. This business of delegation is complicated by his uncompromising commitment to their safety. Each life, each soul, is a precious thing—not a currency to spend on tactical gain. He learned painfully from the Abregado massacre, a situation they entered so ill-prepared, that a critical appraisal of orders must precede any action. Each strategy is now carefully adjusted by him and the involved officers to emphasize survival. If this criterion cannot be met, he puts in a request for Jedi involvement, his own if possible, to reduce the likelihood of casualties. As for his personal assignments with the navy or the 104th Battalion, he makes certain the most dangerous tasks are his.
His approach to warfare, while congruous with Jedi values, has caused some feather-ruffling in his military circles, including among the clones themselves. Aside from eschewing their conventions, it flies in the face of their worldview. How many times have they told him, respectfully but insistently, “Don’t worry about us, General” or “This is what we were bred for”?
They are so different, he and the clones. He cannot treat them like fellow Jedi, who know their worth in the Force, who have mastered their strongest emotions and fears, who can interact meaningfully without words or touch. The distance and formality he thought appropriate to maintain early in his generalcy incurred a curious response over time. He sensed anxiety, disappointment, wistfulness in his men, although they never acknowledged it, as if he were falling short of an unknown standard or neglecting unspecified duties. Eventually, he understood: more than a sense of humor, more than respect, more than mindful stewardship or anything else he can provide, they desire connection. They are human beings after all, and young ones at that, with so few positive authority figures. Adapting has challenged him, but he has made their wellbeing a priority, so he strives to give more of himself each day.
The troopers who speak up in his presence, who relish conversation, he is intentional to engage. They always spring on the opportunity to be listened to, to be taken seriously, something apparently deprived of them on Kamino. The troopers who never fail to find his quiet places on the cruiser, he invites to meditate with him, and some of them do. A few seem genuinely interested in spirituality, whether for answers or comfort or guidance, and it warms his heart to share his faith with them and watch theirs grow. The off-duty pilots who loiter in the hangar while he tinkers with his fighter, he makes a habit of involving, which pleases them to no end. They will lie on the cold floor for hours, putting off sleep, to lend their expertise and chew the fat with him. And the quiet careworn commander with whom he works most closely, who stays beside him through everything yet holds him at arm’s length, he endeavors to uplift in any way he can.
So much is beyond his control. He cannot spare his men from all suffering, and already too many of them have perished on his watch. All he can do is trust the Force, with his life and theirs, and press onward. It is not just about living to fight another day. If the Force wills, he intends to see his men through the war, into a future of peace and freedom, into a life they have never known. It is a distant hope, but it lives close to his heart, and in it he finds strength.
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amandacanwrite · 7 months
The Happy Ending Isn't Always Happiness
Hi friends, this is something I originally shared on my newsletter, but I thought a lot of people here would benefit from reading it as well!
I spend a lot of time thinking about the Japanese art of Kintsugi.
For those of you who don’t know, Kintsugi is a Japanese practice in which broken ceramics are repaired with gold instead of ceramic slip. The idea is that by highlighting the imperfections in the broken glassware, you repair the vessel while also granting it a beautiful acknowledgement of its journey to what it is today. The origins of the practice aren’t entirely clear, but it is believed to embody the Japanese philosphy of wabi-sabi; the appreciation of simplicity and the beauty of imperfection.
The results are stunning, to say the least. But the real reason I find myself thinking about it so much is not necessarily because of what it looks like, but because of the symbolic power of mending broken things with gold—a rare and precious metal.
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With the practice of Kintsugi, a cheap or even poorly made vessel is granted new value far beyond its original worth. In fact, it is through the shattering that the vessel is able to become more than what it was.
I don’t think very often about the things that capture my heart. To me, it is enough to be inspired by them and I don’t think too hard about why they move me so much, but this particular artform has had me thinking a lot lately. In particular thinking about how much I let my own mental health struggles and the day-to-day failings in my life get in the way of the things I desperately want for myself.
I am finally learning to take the advice I wrote in my own debut novel. (Holy hell, what a concept, right?)
“Juni,” he said, “You’re not going to be able to sort everything out in a vacuum. You can only grow and change by challenging yourself.” “But how can I challenge myself without falling to pieces? I can barely function around most people,” she said. “You lean on the people who love you; the people who have been supporting you anyway. You lean on me and your father and your mother. You let us help and protect you; you see yourself through our eyes until your own eyes adjust to the lighting,” he said.
I truly believe these words I wrote, and yet for so long I have been holding myself to the impossible standard of having to be “well” or “fixed” before I pursue something I really want. The feeling that I have to wait to be perfectly mentally healthy before I could even dare to strive for something.
For me, it’s never been about feeling undeserving. It’s always been about wanting to be able to seize the opportunity once I get it; something that can be hard to do when I’m struggling to get out of bed and take a shower in the morning. Or when my ADHD makes even the smallest of tasks feel like mountains.
But as I’ve been working with my editor on my book, I’ve realized that if I wait to “be well” to pursue things—if I wait until the stars align and a window of high functionality opens up—I will watch all of my endeavors sputter and peter out.
Facing this has required me to accept that in order for me to have success in life, I’m going to have to do it from a place of vulnerability. I’m going to have to fail publicly, falter on promises of how quickly I can finish things, and I’m just going to have to be honest about it when I simply do not have the energy to do things the way other folks do.
I want to embrace my cracks. I want to forge them in gold.
Sometimes the happy ending isn’t happiness.
Sometimes it’s just learning to keep going and to keep trusting the world around you to keep you buoyed and cradled in its kindness.
Sometimes it’s learning that the world will drop you sometimes; that you’ll get more cracks and will have to spend more time reconstructing yourself with that molten metal.
Juniper, the main character in my book, doesn’t cure her anxiety by the end of the book. She grows, and she gets braver, but much like it is in real life, those things don’t simply go away. I wrote it that way on purpose, because when you have a chronic mental illness it truly doesn’t go away. It sticks around and you learn how to make it your ally.
It feels silly to be learning this lesson now, close to three years after I wrote the words of my first draft. But, better late than never, right?
Thank you for sharing this journey with me.
I’ll leave you with a little snippet from the epilogue of With Love, Juniper.
Yes, she still had many of the odd fears and behaviors she always had; it was still nerve-wracking to place orders at restaurants or buy tickets at the train station. There was still the rare customer who would force an uncomfortable smile when she extolled the virtues of the nutrients found in cow manure or caught her speaking to her seedlings when they wandered into her store. But that was alright; she knew she wasn’t meant to appeal to everyone. She found the comfort in being an acquired taste, a delicacy for a special chosen few, so long as Oleander was counted among them.  She wasn't entirely sure that it would always be easy, wasn't sure she would always feel so brave—but she knew that she had the support of the ones she loved to make it through the times that were truly frightening. She had done it once before, and she could do it again.
If you want to be involved this year in the release of my book, feel free to comment below and let me know if you'd like to join my writing taglist! ARC readers will be something we need soon, and I'm also doing a really cute cover reveal that you can participate in! Thanks so much for considering it either way!
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bcbyteeth · 1 year
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ABOUT ROMAN | Must you keep my baby teeth in the bedside table with your jewelry.
NAME: Romanyuk Annikovych Konstenko aka Roman Kon
AGE: Twenty-Nine
GENDER & PRONOUNS: Cis man, He/Him
FACE CLAIM: Dylan O'Brien
HAIR COLOR: Dark Brown
HEIGHT: 5′11″
DATE OF BIRTH: September 7th
LEVEL OF EDUCATION: High School Diploma
OCCUPATION: Primary Male Ballet Dancer for the Los Angeles Ballet Company
HOMETOWN: Kyiv, Ukraine
The Konstenko name is gilded in grace overseas, holding a titular title as one of the most prestigious families devoted to professional ballet. Anichka Konstenko, following her own mother’s footsteps, paved the path for the engraving of their name in the industry as one of the youngest dancers to be part of three separate international companies and taking a lead at just sixteen years old. Her platform was built on the strength of her delicacy but also her insistence that she was far from fragile. However, her career that was promising to go farther than the usual retirement of most dancers was brought to an abrupt hault. Anichka became pregnant and was not only unable to dance, but never able to renew her contract again with the age in which she wanted to jump back in.
However, Anichka refused to believe her career was over and meshed into her new life as a mother to Romanyuk. She believed her son carried her talents and lovingly cultivated them for success following everything she had done right in her career, and avoiding everything she had done wrong. It was more than luck that her son carried the same passion she did but instead of feeding into a shared love, it drew out an obsession. Roman’s proficiency didn’t just encourage her and reinstate her sense of value, but challenged her own perception of her career. Her love grew into a hate where whether Roman moved along impressively or fell behind compared to previous performances. Dance was truly his guardian not only as what raised him, but protected him as it allowed him to create some distance between him and his abuser by attending dance academies in Ukraine, Russia, and France where he followed his mother’s reputation of signing with various companies to learn new techniques.
Despite the cushion of his mother’s reputation, Roman had different standards to follow as a man in ballet and her namesake only allowed so much for him to climb. He learned, just as his mother had before him, that he could use his body and sex to get not only what he needed but what he wanted even if he wasn’t deserving of it.
At fifteen, he took a the opportunity to get out from his mother’s thumb. There was an opening in the Los Angeles Ballet Company, miles away from his home. It was a risk to try and apply at his age, but he was accepted upon his background. He devoted his time to as many challenging productions as he could even if the shows were tied smaller theaters and operas, or carried an experimental title. Roman learned to measure his worth on how far he could push his body. He was given the opportunity to audition when a check came his way with a particular request to meet him. He took advantage of it and made sure to set up the meeting the week of auditions and ensured he had a place to stay to see it all play out. The last thing Roman expected was an eleven year old claiming to be his sister trying to scope him out. These two would never become allies, but surely being a nuance kept them in each other's lives.
Roman successfully joined the company as one of the youngest dancers they'd had in decades at just fifteen. His name didn’t carry much power in America, and he had to find a way to support himself upon limited funding. It was once again through his body that he learned to get what he needed, and he used his charm to get what he simply wanted as well. He excelled despite being a male dancer and found sway to get opportunity to prove his worth.
Roman’s career, however, is coming to its end and soon enough he feels he’ll have to return home. He suffered an injury to his hip that was deemed the butchering of his ability to dance, but he pushed through. The only trouble is that the most he pushes it, he risks more than just not being able to go up on stage. Roman, however, is determined to go out with a bang if this is what costs him ever dancing professionally again so he continues to push himself hard.
Roman has a slight accent no matter how hard he tries to hide it, specifically around ‘a’ vowels. When he’s drunk, it’s very thick and he tends to lose most English pronunciation.
He can speak English and Ukrainian fluently, understands Russian and French, but he cannot read French well at all and tends to mispronounce a lot. This is because he attended school in the three countries where he had to learn enough to understand instruction.
As a means of coping with essentially running away from his life in Europe and the possibility that his dance career is over, Roman has dabbled in drinking socially. As of late, once he starts drinking he can’t stop. He takes advantage of the fact that he’s celebrating to the extent that the dance company knows to keep him around for recognition at the beginning of events, and then quickly have him escorted home.
His biggest vice at the moment? Dance can only do so much, and even though he’s determined to keep doing it, Roman knows he has to find somewhere else to ensure he doesn’t implode. He likes to test his luck with anyone willing to go for a brawl, finding some semblance of comfort in disclosed locations to fight it out.
Religion was often implemented into his craft early on by his instructors as a means of implementing a sense of drive, courage, and confidence. For some time, Roman practiced catholicism and came to America adamant in this part of his training. He ended up rejecting it all together as he was unable to put faith in something higher than his own autonomy when his entire life is devoted to what his body can do beyond his soul.
DILAN OSDEMIR — Dilan was the first person his age that Romanyuk met when he came to America upon the Los Angeles Ballet housing him in her father's hotel. Despite moving him to an apartment a month later, they stayed in touched and began a romantic relationship that was short lived. Their fuse, however, must be longer and more resilient than they think as they bickering is endless.
MAVERICK WEST - Meeting during a low point in Roman's life during physical therapy, Mav seemed to be the only one that understood his devotion and the pain of not doing his craft. One thing led to another, and a few social outings have become a pattern. They laugh, they banter, they fall into bed— or what has somewhat of a door.
EMERSYN BARNES - When he arrived in America bought out by some estranged family member, the last thing Roman expected was to come face to face with an eleven year old half sister when he was fifteen years old. While they they don't get along, and their relation and acknowledgement of the other is a fine detail hidden from most, they are two conflicting extremes more alike in their determination than anything else.
The good ol’ classic hook up, whether it be something consistent or a one night stand that he gave into
People he’s come across in the city because of work or something else, such as patrons to the dance company or people with tickets to see shows
Friends growing up since he’s been in town since he was fifteen!
More can be found here!
You can message me on discord at adam bolbi#5434 (:
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Mount Litera Zee School Gondia is a member of the K12 Pan India chain of Mount Litera Zee Schools under the aegis of Zee Learn Limited. The Mount Litera Zee School chain has many laurels in its cap for exemplary achievements in the Education sector. MLZS has a Pan India presence and a Universal learning system where the divide of big and small cities is bridged as all the students study the same curricula at the same time and the same pace.Mount Litera Zee School – Gondia houses state of the art infrastructure with the latest technological knowhow for holistic growth of the students. Security is of paramount importance and Mount Litera Zee School Gondia practices I-Care, a program dedicated to child safety.FLIP & DCP are the Co-scholastic offerings which enable students to explore their entrepreneurship skills and enable children to be cyber smart and counteract the technological challenges. Both these offerings are continuous and chart the growth and awareness of the students
At Mount Litera Zee School, Gondia we focus on all-round development of students. Our emerging student profile (ESP) put equal emphasis on knowledge, life skills and values. MLZ Gondia goes beyond academics to ensure that we provide students sufficient opportunities for achieving the ESP.
Unique skills programme
Our students engage in music, dance,theatre and arts activities through our performing arts school programmes. These provide an opportunity to explore, engage and excel in activities of their choice.
Students may choose from a range of performing pursuits. In this, they are carefully guided by professional instructors who train our students to achieve high standards in their chosen fields.
MLZ Gondia works with the instructors to identify and set specific learning outcomes in each of the activities.
Technology enabled learning
Interactive white boards with AV content and WiFi internet enabled digital smart class rooms to provide students best of knowledge regarding technical subjects as they view them in 3D videos.
Smart class provide an interactive & visually attractive method of teaching.The audio-visual senses of students are targeted and it helps the students store the information fast and effectively.Digital Classroom club provides the best way to understand & see different objects & projects live working.
ESP-Emerging student profile
We have a vision of the child we aim to graduate and everything in our schools is designed around that vision. Emerging Student Profile (ESP) is the vision that Mount Litera Zee Schools promises. Everything we do in the school strives to achieve this profile for each child. While each child will take a different path to this profile, we run the schools with the firm belief that this profile will enable our children to be leaders of the 21st century.
The ESP comprises three essential faculties: life skills, knowledge and core values.
Litera Octave
Litera Octave is the core belief of every Zee school. It is a proprietary pedagogical model that has been honed over years of research and development. It integrates the various pillars that impact the children during their learning and development in school.
It comprises EIGHT Critical interlinked elements of school engagement with parents and child.
These are : Litera Infra, Litera Content, Litera Network, Litera Lifeskills, Litera teacher, Litera Assessment, Litera Parents and Litera Enrichment
Well Trained Teachers
Highly qualified teachers with contineous tranning programs and workshops on academic methodology.Our rigorous hiring and comprehensive training of teachers keep them abreast with the best-in-class learning methodologies. Teachers get assessed to ensure that students get the best learning environment.
Assesments,evaluations & parents
Our assessments focus on identifying what students are good at instead of whether they are good or not. MLZ Gondia assessments and parent teachers meetings take place on a continuous basis and at the child’s pace rather than through only stressful periodic exams. Assessment patterns are based on feedback from various stakeholders including parents.
Parents are a critical stakeholder in the entire learning process. We orient parents through various workshops and inculcate awareness of important parenting issues like understanding the child’s learning style, multiple intelligences, and child abuse prevention etc.
Community Connect & Social Awareness
Education is all about giving back to the society. At MLZ Gondia, we prepare our students to work towards creating a sustainable environment on an ongoing basis.
We encourage our students and parent community to support organizations that help the old, the underprivileged.Our students and parent community will participate and organize projects that aim to achieve a purpose in preserving and conserving the environment and its inhabitants.
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formllc · 1 month
The Impact of a USA Business Address on Your Company’s Image
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Hey there, fellow dreamers and doers! Tousif Akram here, ready to spill the beans on a game-changer for my business adventure: a fancy USA business address. It might sound like a small thing, but trust me, it’s been a total game-changer for building trust, scoring clients, and making my brand look sharp on the world stage.
From Humble Beginnings to Big Dreams
When I first started my consulting gig from my tiny hometown, it hit me fast: looks matter in the business world. Clients and partners size you up based on, well, everything, including where you’re parked. Having a US address, especially in a big-name city, screams “stable,” “trustworthy,” and “ready to take on the world.”
Planting My Flag in the USA
Knowing a fancy address mattered, I decided to take the plunge and register my business in the USA. Here’s how I did it:
Picking the Perfect Place: I went for a state known for being business-friendly and having a booming economy. Boom! Instant upgrade for my company image.
Virtual Office Magic: Instead of renting a whole office (yikes!), I used a virtual office service to snag a top-notch US address. This kept my costs down while still giving me that professional edge.
Building Trust Like a Boss
One of the biggest perks of my fancy US address? A massive trust boost. Clients and partners, both near and far, see a US-based company as more established and reliable. This is gold for startups and small businesses like mine who need to build trust fast.
Going Global (Without Leaving My PJs!)
A US address isn’t just about local cred, it’s about global appeal too. The US is seen as a hotbed of innovation and business excellence. Having an address there opens doors to markets and opportunities all over the world. Here’s how it helped my business:
Clients from Around the Globe: Folks from all over felt more confident working with a company that had a US presence.
Networking Like a Pro: It opened doors to connecting with US businesses and professionals, leading to awesome partnerships.
Looking Sharp, Feeling Sharp
The impact of a US address on my brand image can’t be overstated. It screams professionalism, seriousness, and a commitment to high standards. This perception makes a huge difference when potential clients are deciding who to work with. Here’s what it meant for my business:
More Client Inquiries: More potential clients started reaching out, drawn to the trust a US address brings.
Closing the Deal: That professional image translated to higher trust, which means more inquiries turned into actual clients – cha-ching!
Beyond the Image Boost
There’s more to having a US address than just looking good. Here are some practical perks:
No More Missed Mail: Reliable mail and package handling services made sure I never missed important docs or messages.
Meeting Space Magic: Having access to professional meeting spaces for client visits and presentations added another layer of polish.
Keeping it Real: Challenges Too
While the benefits are real, there are some things to keep in mind:
Cost-Conscious: Virtual office services are budget-friendly, but it’s important to find one that offers good value for money.
Playing by the Rules: Make sure you understand local regulations and the legal implications of having a US address.
Looking Back, Looking Up
Looking back, getting a US address was one of the best decisions I made for my business. It totally transformed my company’s image, helped me score clients, and opened doors to global opportunities.
The Final Word
So, if you’re thinking about registering your business in the USA, don’t underestimate the power of a prestigious address. It’s an investment that can seriously elevate your company’s image and credibility. Want to learn more about my entrepreneurial journey? Check out my website, Tousif Akram, and explore the resources available at FormLLC. Let’s build your brand image and conquer the world together!
Get your EIN Number by Visiting Our Fiverr Account : Click Here
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ukimmigrationmatters · 3 months
Leasehold Property Owners MUST Watch This!
Housing Market Update Leasehold Reform Act Passes into law.
Join me online on my free live money management training Wednesday at 7.00PM. Places are limited, so register now Click: https://bit.ly/3QPp8IH
The UK leasehold system has long been a contentious issue, and many argue it’s one of the biggest scams in history. The current system, which dates back to feudal times, sees homeowners purchasing property but not the land it stands on. Instead, they lease the land from a freeholder, often for 99 years or more.
Watch on my Money Tips YouTube channel video - https://youtu.be/i9WAY0qrt0U
In theory, this feudal relic has reformed by the Leasehold Reform (Ground Rent) Act which was passed into law by Parliament and granted the ‘Royal Assent’ on 24 May 2024, just before it was closed for the forthcoming election. But many feel it has been watered down from its original aims.
Read the Act in full - https://bills.parliament.uk/bills/3523/publications
Leasehold Reform Act Summary
·        An Act to prohibit the grant or assignment of certain new long residential leases of houses,
·        To amend the rights of tenants under long residential leases to acquire the freeholds of their houses,
·        To extend the leases of their houses or flats, and
·        To collectively enfranchise or manage the buildings containing their flats,
·        To give such tenants the right to reduce the rent payable under their leases to a peppercorn,
·        To regulate the relationship between residential landlords and tenants,
·        To regulate residential estate management,
·        To regulate rent charges and to amend the Building Safety Act 2022 in connection with the remediation of building defects and the insolvency of persons who have repairing obligations relating to certain kinds of buildings.
The new law will be good news for most leaseholders, especially those holding short leases.
Summary of benefits to leaseholders known as tenants.
·        New rights for leasehold tenants to acquire their freehold; under the new legislation it will be cheaper and easier for tenants to buy a share of their freehold
·        Tenants will no longer have to pay their freeholder’s costs when making an enfranchisement claim.
·        Selling new houses on a leasehold basis will be banned in England and Wales (save for in very specific circumstances)
·        All new houses sold will be on a freehold basis.
·        Standard lease extension terms will now increase to 990 years for both houses and flats (was previously 50 years for houses and 90 years for flats).
·        The new legislation will mean that ‘marriage value’ will not be split with a freeholder.  Marriage value is the hypothetical profit resulting from the extension of a short lease (being one with less than 80 years remaining). However, deferment and capitalisation rates still need to be set (and will be prescribed when the Act is brought into force).  The deferment rate is the figure used to calculate how much compensation a tenant pays to their landlord when extending the term of their lease. It is a crucial element in calculating the premium an owner must pay to extend their lease (or to secure a share of the freehold) and ultimately any change in the rate could be more costly for those with more than 80 years left to run on their leases where they are seeking to extend.
·        Tenants will no longer have to own a property for 2 years (as per the Leasehold Reform Act 1967) before extension of a lease can be applied for, meaning extensions can be obtained from completion of a purchase.
·        Enfranchisement for semicommercial properties will change from 25% to 50%. It has not possible to enfranchise a building which had over 25% of commercial parts; the new Act will qualify more buildings permitting leaseholders a greater opportunity to purchase the freehold or access the Right to Manage. 
 Service charges and insurance
 Landlords will now have to demand Service charges in a standard form and provide more clarity. Tenants will have the right to challenge unreasonable charges.
A new ban on commissions made on insurance by freeholders and/or managing agents and more transparency on fees for placing insurance.
 Management of buildings
The legislation will require those freeholders who manage any buildings to belong to a redress scheme enabling leaseholders to challenge charges.
Section 24 Landlord Tax Hike
Interview with Chartered Accountant and property tax specialist who reveals options and solutions to move your properties from your own name into a limited company or LLP whilst mitigating the potential HMRC pitfalls.
Email [email protected] for a free consultation on how to deal with Section 24.
Watch video now: https://youtu.be/aMuGs_ek17s
3 Steps To Success Financial Freedom And Money Management!
I want to take you to the next level, help you get control of your money, learn how to invest and become financially free.
Join me online on my free live money management training Wednesday at 7.00PM.
Places are limited, so register now below to avoid disappointment.
#finance #moneytraining #moneymanagement #wealth #money #marketing #sales #debt #leverage #property #investment #LeaseholdReform #PropertyScam #Homeownership #UKHousingCrisis #FreeholderAbuse #LeaseholdScandal #moneymanagement #financialfreedom #section24tax #landlord
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jimbuchan · 1 year
Your Worst Enemy Cannot Harm You As Much As Your Own Unguarded Thoughts
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While still an early asset-class, there is far too much evidence that the crypto space will be around for a very long time. Whether you believe it or not doesn’t matter, as the facts dictate that the major financial players have already hedged their bets, and did so after us (the speculative, real-world, unaccredited investor). Could it be that we knew better, and figured out early on that we had an opportunity to front-run the traditional rules through this new means of value without the need for aging-procedures? The obvious answer is yes, and ever since the ‘old-man-that’s-over-the-hill’ crowd began catching on that there was more than just a few shekels being traded, they have been trying multiple ways of trapping the minds of the ‘untrained’ with their bogus mentality. Don’t let them get away with it, and fool you too. We Are Taking The Blame For Being Opportunistic Before the advent of cryptocurrency, the rules dictated that to be an investor, you had to come from a long line of wealthy industrialists or sired from Kings and Queens so as to be placed in the class of ‘accredited’ investor. Looking at the word itself, accredited is defined as “officially recognized as meeting essential requirements“, which In the traditional field of investing, means taking tests to ‘qualify’ to be in the club, or instead, having a massive amount of money as proof. Anything short of this means that you are nothing more than an amateur, unworthy of the title. But it goes both ways... this definition can also refer to the crypto investor, of which the standard is measured by (i) adaptability, (ii) faith, and (iii) being the sole custodian of your own value. In this vein, the old version of the accredited investor need not apply because in this bold, new world, the only qualification needed is guts, patience and lots of research... all without the need for outdated ‘suitability tests’ or being a member of the ‘lucky bloodline club’, which of course as it should be. The moment you acquired your first crypto asset, be it BTC, XRP or any of the thousands of tokens available, you voted the establishment out of business, and yourself into business, but be certain that they have taken notice (albeit in a less-than-positive way). For a millennia, they have controlled every conceivable means of diverting the actions of the downtrodden to follow their rules, and as such are aware of the very real power that you can wield... by choice. While the chosen .01% have a penchant for world domination, our goal is simply freedom and a better life, but to be worthy of attaining this goal, we must think, and act different... especially when it comes to money & investing... everyone’s most hated topic. It has been said that the best revenge is living well, and while money alone doesn’t buy happiness, getting control of it without being a slave to the daily grind would likely provide less, not more issues, and should be a worthwhile goal to pursue.  A Strange Hobby = True North The path you are travelling by becoming a student of the new economy, be it a new venture or perhaps many years on, will at this juncture continue to be met with challenge after challenge, always with your integrity and sanity called into question. Just assume it’s going to happen this way as if you’re prepared for it, you need not be surprised when folks start proclaiming that you’re off your nut, because in reality you are. Just smile and say that you agree but at least you’re fastened to the right bolt.
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If you instead dwell on the negativity and believe what the un-initiated are telling you, then just consider that (i) they don’t know any better and are speaking out of ignorance and (ii) they have not done the research that you have and as such don’t have the same means of measurement... a fact that you should consider to be a tremendous asset. It’s kind of like being the first to see a blockbuster movie like Titanic or Star Wars and being enthusiastic by talking about it with your friends. Remember, they didn’t have the experience you did and while you can only express in words what you witnessed in ‘technicolor’, not all of them may be interested... at least not now, but they might later on if you stay strong as everyone is looking for a strong leader, but it doesn’t happen without going through the muck and earning your stripes. In fact, some might even be critical or perhaps even jealous by being ‘early’, and welcome you by raining on your parade, which of course was not your intention, as you were just excited and wanted to share the good news. If you take the low road, and allow them to kill your enthusiasm, like the crab syndrome, you will be dragged down and it won’t be long until your spark will be distinguished, and if this happens, it’s only because you didn’t believe strongly about what you had a hold of. This doesn’t mean you should blame them if you didn’t stick it out, but keep in mind it was you that put the time in and decided to not follow the 'safe’ path and as such should not change your outlook. Just remember that choosing to be in the company of others who have gone against the grain is never an easy path, because when you step outside of the comfort zone, it invokes a sense of tension from others, no different than what Edison, Ford, or Tesla went through. Be it crypto or anything else you believe that is truth and good and a positive for you and your family, your harshest critics will be the establishment and perhaps those who are close to you... just don’t take it personal, and be of good courage. While your relatives and friends may speak out of ignorance, that’s fair play, and to which should be takin in stride, but the incumbent financiers are another ball game altogether, and to where the biggest flack-jacket must be adorned. The establishment will continue to fight, and none more so than the regulators which are going after everyone and everything claiming eminent domain, but time will decide this argument once and for all... and it won’t be long until the big shots who were telling us for years to get out of crypto will say to now follow them as everything is fine now, which signals the end of the opportunity. Just keep firmly in your mind that if they keep scaring us all and proclaiming the dangers and pitfalls of crypto, consider the reason why... it’s because if they keep at it, then the majority of the folks will believe them while their pot grows larger because they wouldn’t keep yammering about something unless there was a reason to do so. This should be enough to convince you of the power of this new asset class, who’s involved and the massive shift that cryptocurrency has played in just the last few years, and if you see evidence of your digital assets being on the wrong side of history, you can always back out when enough evidence in presented. So, let the elitists play their game... we’ll just keep accumulating the currency we know is real, and is backed by truth (math) and not fiction (thin air) as we realize that there is true value in finite amounts as opposed to endless printing. Remember that your stake in this new form of money is grounded in reality and freedom as it is available to anyone (without accreditation), from anywhere and at anytime (not M-F / 9-5). When you know what you own, and the power you hold, they can't laugh at you any longer. It’s just a matter of if you believe it now (when all of the noise is pervasive) or after, when they tell us to believe.
Title image by Esem Projects  |  Quote by Buddha | Art by StreetAgainst via AllCityCanvas
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Week 10: Digital Citizenship and Conflict: Social Media Governance
Why look at conflict ?\
The key to resolving conflict is identifying true rather than perceived threats and then finding strategies to solve them. The thing to remember is, conflict isn't always bad. Conflict can be very healthy. It increases awareness of problems that exist and provides a reason for finding a better way forward. Nobody enjoys being in conflict; it's unpleasant, emotionally draining, and can lead to negative outcomes if not handled constructively. However, conflict is neither negative nor positive; it is neutral. When we look back in history, we can see that some of the greatest innovations and collaborations have emerged from places of tension, friction, and conflict. Conflict, whether in nature, intrapersonal, interpersonal, or intergroup relations, provides a possibility for creative change. In interpersonal connections, for example, when we confront conflict instead of avoiding it, we frequently discover that our relationships are given an opportunity to become deeper. It also allows each person to better understand how the other works. Finally, viewing conflict with optimism and seeing it as an opportunity for positive outcomes can lead to increased innovation, productivity, and well-being for all parties involved. Consider how you can do better. View conflict if you want to bring more peace into your life.
Social Media Governance
What is social media governance? Understanding the risks that social media poses to your organization and having confidence that you are handling them effectively is the goal of social media governance. People and organizations are increasingly using social media, and the potential benefits of an effective social media strategy are enormous. The new challenge is to provide the flexibility of a social media experience within reasonable and understandable restrictions. Governance also takes place at the micro level. For example, how Facebook Groups or Subreddits run. Think about these issues of governance and conflict from the point of view of a forum or community moderators.
Online harassment :
Online harassment can be defined as the use of information and communication technologies by an individual or group to repeatedly cause harm to another person. This may involve threats, embarrassment, or humiliation in an online setting. This includes expressions of discriminatory attitudes and beliefs—such as sexism, racism, xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia or ableist prejudices. It also includes online sexual harassment, cyberstalking, and image-based sexual abuse or other unwanted online conduct of a sexual nature. A Pew Research Center survey of U.S. adults in September finds that 41% of Americans have personally experienced some form of online harassment in at least one of the six key ways that were measured. And while the overall prevalence of this type of abuse is the same as it was in 2017, there is evidence that online harassment has intensified since then.
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Online harrassment
Corporate Social Responsibility, Brands and Influencers
I's no secret that the popularity of influencer marketing has skyrocketed in recent years, and collaborating with influencers isn't a new concept. The sector was valued at $16.4 billion just a year ago and is constantly rising, with a massive revenue prediction of $143.10 billion in 2030. People have debated the relationship between influencers and social responsibility since the inception of influencer marketing. It comes to reason that those with enormous fan bases will use their influence to aid others. When influencers and businesses work together, each has distinct duties to the communities in which they operate. In addition, when brands and influencers collar with each other they have to follow some rules like honesty.  The United States Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) and the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) in the United Kingdom have all put out rules about how iìnluencers nfluencers should be honest in their posts and about their relationships with brands. If you disobey the regulations, you risk facing penalties, fines and legal bills. You also risk losing the trust of your customers for good.
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Appleby, E 2017, Why conflict is important - Lepaya EN, Lepaya EN, viewed 10 May 2023, .
Pollack, J 2021, Tip #14: Look at Conflict with Optimism - Pollack Peacebuilding Systems, Pollack Peacebuilding Systems, Pollack Peacebuilding Systems, viewed 10 May 2023, .
What is Social Media Governance? n.d.
4. What is online harassment? - Report + Support - Durham University 2023, Durham.ac.uk, viewed 10 May 2023, <https://reportandsupport.durham.ac.uk/support/what-is-online-harassment>.
5. Vogels, EA 2021, The State of Online Harassment, Pew Research Center: Internet, Science & Tech, Pew Research Center: Internet, Science & Tech, viewed 10 May 2023, .
6. Kuzminov, M 2023, ‘Council Post: Social Responsibility And Ethics In Influencer Marketing’, Forbes, 31 January, viewed 10 May 2023.
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avasamdropshipping · 1 year
Ecommerce how to start and succeed
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Ecommerce has become an increasingly popular way to start a business in the UK. With the rise of online shopping, there has never been a better time to start your own ecommerce business. However, starting an ecommerce business can be a daunting task, especially if you are new to the world of online selling.
Before we take you on the tour of the key pointer’s to be kept in mind, let us understand who an Entrepreneur is.
Entrepreneurship refers to the process of starting and running a business venture, typically with the aim of creating value or generating profit. It involves identifying an opportunity in the market, developing a product or service that meets the needs of customers, and building a sustainable business model around it.
Entrepreneurship is characterized by creativity, risk-taking, innovation, and the ability to recognize and act on opportunities that others may overlook. It often involves overcoming challenges and obstacles, such as limited resources, market uncertainty, and competition.
Successful entrepreneurship requires a combination of skills and traits, such as leadership, communication, strategic thinking, financial management, and resilience. Entrepreneurs may operate in a variety of industries and sectors, from technology and finance to retail and healthcare.
Entrepreneurship is also associated with broader economic and social benefits, such as job creation, innovation, and economic growth. As such, it is often promoted by governments and institutions as a means of spurring economic development and improving living standards.
In this blog, we will discuss how to start and succeed in ecommerce in the UK.
Choose your niche
The first step to starting a successful ecommerce business is to choose your niche. A niche in a wider industry is a concentrated area of interest. For example, instead of selling clothing in general, you could specialize in selling vintage clothing or sustainable fashion. By choosing a niche, you can stand out from your competitors and appeal to a specific audience.
Conduct market research
Once you have chosen your niche, it is important to conduct market research. This will help you to understand your target audience and competition. Look at what other businesses in your niche are doing, and identify gaps in the market that you can fill. You can also use tools like Google Trends and social media analytics to see what people are searching for and talking about in your niche.
Create Your Business Plan
Your business plan should include your goals, strategies, target audience, and financial projections. It should also outline how you plan to market your ecommerce business, how you’ll handle customer service, and how you’ll manage your inventory and shipping. Your business plan will be your roadmap for success, so take the time to create a detailed and well-thought-out plan.
Register Your Business
After your business strategy is in place, you must register your company. This will involve choosing a business structure, registering with HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), and registering for VAT (if your annual turnover is over £85,000).
Choose your ecommerce platform
There are many ecommerce platforms to choose from, including Shopify, WooCommerce, and Magento. Each platform has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it is important to choose one that is best suited for your business. Take into account elements like cost, scalability, and simplicity of use.
Build your online store
Once you have chosen your ecommerce platform, it is time to build your online store. This will involve designing your website, adding products, and setting up payment and shipping options. You can either do this yourself or hire a web developer to help you.
Set Up Your Payment Gateway
You’ll need to set up a payment gateway to allow your customers to pay for their purchases securely. Popular payment gateways include PayPal, Stripe, and SagePay.
Secure your website
Security is critical for any ecommerce business. Make sure your website is secure by using SSL encryption and regularly updating your software and plugins.
Get an accountant
It’s important to keep your finances in order, so consider hiring an accountant to help you manage your finances, taxes, and bookkeeping.
Get business insurance
Business insurance is essential to protect your business from unforeseen events, such as theft, fire, or natural disasters.
Launch your website
Once you have completed all the necessary steps, it’s time to launch your website and start selling!
Market Your Online Store
Marketing is essential to the success of your ecommerce business. You can use a variety of marketing channels, such as social media, email marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO), to promote your online store and attract customers.
Manage Your Inventory and Shipping
As your business grows, you’ll need to manage your inventory and shipping efficiently. You can use inventory management software to track your stock levels and automate your shipping process.
Provide Excellent Customer Service
Finally, provide excellent customer service to keep your customers happy and coming back for more. Respond to customer inquiries promptly, offer refunds or exchanges when necessary, and go above and beyond to make your customers feel valued.
Analyze and optimize
Finally, it is important to analyze your ecommerce business and optimize it for success. Track the sales and visitors to your website using programmes like Google Analytics. Look for areas where you can improve, such as website design, product selection, and customer service. Continuously make improvements to your business to ensure its success.
In conclusion, starting an ecommerce business in the UK can be a rewarding and lucrative endeavor. By choosing your niche, conducting market research, choosing the right ecommerce platform, building your online store, marketing your business, and analyzing and optimizing for success, you can build a successful ecommerce business in the UK. You’ll be well on your way to creating a thriving online store that attracts loyal customers and generates revenue for years to come.
To begin with, you definitely need a straightforward internet sales channel for your goods. For this, a straightforward store template on a reliable drop shipping platform like Avasam works just well.
To assist you, we created a tutorial for setting up your account on drop shipping platform – Avasam. Although it can take you a while to get going, watch how much time you invest in the beginning.
Good luck!
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mark6f · 2 years
Wedding Ring Set Classic Jewelry Pear Shape 925 Sterling Silver Engagement Rings LOVE A GOOD SALE? YOU'LL LOVE OUR WEDDING RING SET CLASSIC JEWELRY PEAR SHAPE! Shop the best in Riings items at this online store with our Wedding Ring Set Classic Jewelry Pear Shape. Find yours today for only 36% off! We offer only the best in: The latest, most trendy designs Uncompromised quality (every time) An easy shopping experience Buy today and enjoy our worldwide shipping, where we ensure you get your 925 Sterling Silver Engagement Rings wherever you are! LEARN MORE ABOUT WEDDING RING SET CLASSIC JEWELRY PEAR SHAPE Item Weight: 5.1g Gender: Women Aren't you already excited about becoming the owner? Because that’s an amazing range of features! So, ADD TO CART this incredible item right now! PRODUCT QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Why would I buy your 925 Sterling Silver Engagement Rings instead of other products? The price for the Wedding Ring Set Classic Jewelry Pear Shape is better than what other stores ask because we work directly with the manufacturers. You do maintain all the manufacturing standards, right? Our store pays particular attention to the quality of the distributed products and their compliance with the manufacturing standards. So, you have no reason to worry about the Wedding Ring Set Classic Jewelry Pear Shape. The price seems far too low. Can you explain this? We charge lower prices because we’re able to cut down the distribution expenses. Will I have to pay something extra as a shipping fee? The final price of your Wedding Ring Set Classic Jewelry Pear Shape includes all the possible fees and taxes, so you’ll see it on the checkout page. Is this product right for me? It’s hard to find a product similar to the Wedding Ring Set Classic Jewelry Pear Shape with the same value for money Therefore, we’re sure it’s the opportunity you don’t want to miss out on! Did other customers like it? What did they say? Most of our customers were happy with their purchase. Furthermore, they mentioned impressive quality and affordability as the product’s most valued benefits. ORDERING & STORE POLICIES Is it necessary to use the address of my residence for shipment? Can I order it for my friend? If your personal address doesn’t match the delivery address, it’s not a problem! Despite that, we will send the package to any location you specify for us. Do you have the option of a multiple order? The number of items to include in one order is unlimited, so feel free to order multiple units if you want. Will the shipping time be true to what you’re promising? It’s one of our major concerns to make you as certain about the expected delivery time as possible. However, various local events affecting post offices’ performance might unexpectedly influence the delivery time. How many are left in stock? There are enough items to place a medium-scale order. However, we would recommend that you make your purchase as soon as possible as we expect the Wedding Ring Set Classic Jewelry Pear Shape stock to run low by the end of the week. Can I purchase the 925 Sterling Silver Engagement Rings in an offline store? It might be challenging to find a completely identical product in a regular store. Even if you do, the price will certainly be higher than on our website. Are you authorised to sell these? Because I don't want illegal stuff. You shouldn’t worry about it. When selling these products, we certainly do not break any Copyright laws. https://mark6f.com/wedding-ring-set-classic-jewelry-pear-shape-925-sterling-silver-engagement-rings/?feed_id=1274&_unique_id=6368abcd4940b
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interships-ulead · 2 years
Negotiate Your Salary Like A Pro
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It's not surprising that many people find it challenging to negotiate a salary for a job they probably know they deserve. Sometimes people settle for it as they don't want to jeopardize losing the job opportunity.
Likewise, imagine you find the right job at the right company and are excited to take up the offer. But the salary offered is not as per your expectations. You must realize the effect of a good negotiation deal. You must abide by specific rules if you wish to master its art. On the other hand, doing an online internship with certificates will give you an upper hand while negotiating. We hope that these guidelines will assist you in the process.
Let's give you a walk-through on negotiating your salary, getting what you deserve, and getting good jobs. 
1. What's your worth?
One of the essential stipend negotiation techniques is understanding your value. The most typical mistake is entering the job market without knowing their worth. Withhold from suggesting a random salary offered to figure and instead assess what your worth is. The factors that can help you evaluate your worth are:
Your work-from-home internship  
Present location
The job location
If you are an entry-level applicant with a prior experience like an online paid internship, then prove your value in the market. 
2. Market Research
A little research about the market trends, company background, industry standards, etc., can save you time and energy. You have become a pro like Sherlock Holmes with in-depth research before applying for an offline or online internship program. Therefore, you can use your unpaid or paid internship experience to know how to justify your salary demand, leading to successful salary negotiation. One must look at the following questions before negotiating:
Look at the average salary offered at the same position
Compare the salary other companies offer in that specific location.
History of previous salary trends of the company.
3. Have strong arguments
While making a counteroffer during a salary negotiation, you should have concrete arguments to back your demand. Be ready with your previous outcomes, accomplishments, expertise, skills, and certifications to create a strong case for yourself and to support your demanded salary. Have a clear picture of the job, and explain to the hiring manager how your past experiences (online internship) and skill set can donate to the current role so you can excel.
But why is salary negotiation so critical?
It is because the salary you start with acts as a base for your market worth in the future. If you do not negotiate your current salary, you may lose an opportunity to get what you actually should in your future jobs. However, negotiating your salary fetches you a fair income for the present and future. One must realize that to get what you want, you need to ask for it. Never settle for less. Negotiate and earn high.
Want to increase your worth?
As discussed earlier, offline or online internship programs will help you learn the required skillsets and increase your worth. Likewise, ULead offers students a paid online internship program to upskill themselves while reinventing learning and transforming lives with us. Ulead is the place to be if you see yourself as a corporate leader in the future. Empower students to become industry-ready through courses and work-from-home internships.
Enroll now!!
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joyliiejolly · 3 years
Future Spouse Reading - ENHYPEN’s Sunghoon
Disclaimer: This reading is for entertainment purpose only, so please take it as a grain of salt and live laugh love all the way besties!! It's also been a long long time since i last did my tarot reading so there might be some misinterpretations or a lack of information. Let me know if you have anything to add more or to discuss with me and I'll always welcome and willing to share my thoughts with you, too. Thank you for reading!
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The cards: Three of Wands, Six of Swords, Two of Cups, Ten of Wands, Six of Cups, Four of Pentacles. At the bottom: Temperance and The Hierophant.
First thing first, there are two cards in the spread indicate that this person might be Sunghoon's romantic soulmate which are the Two of Cups (romantic connection) and Six of Cups (deep connection in general). A few days before I also asked for a reading from my friend on this same subject and the Two of Cups was there, too. So yayyyyy, congratulation to both of them for that!! I'm totally not jealous :D (when will it be my turn to be happy :D? )
This person will be all that Sunghoon ever wants in a lover, they are the human form of all the ideas inside his head. I get the feelings that he'll be unconsciously attracted to this person quite fast at first. I don't really believe in love at love sight, but damn this connection does seem like one. They will get along so well and the emotions will run deep naturally. (It's fated y'all)
This person could be a foreigner, if not then they would be living very far from Korea, like crossing the ocean kind of far. They enjoy travelling and might be on the move a lot for work/business or for education. An excellent learner who always seek for new opportunities. A fearless person I would say. They don't mind challenges and could see them as chances instead. Once they have a glimpse of what is coming at them, they will immediately get into careful preparation so they would be at their best once the time come and nail it like a boss. They want to be in control, so they plan a lot. They enjoy planning, might have a little planner that they carry along all the time to make sure that they don't miss a thing. (their handwriting is really nice, idk why but this thought just keep coming to me so I'll just write it down)
Someone who is really calm, know how to keep things in shape and balance their energy well. They won't get mad easily or they deal with their anger really well. Their foundation is strong, so strong that they don't even mind leaving everything behind to start anew, whether it be a new job, new place, new perspective of life. Again, they are a very brave individual and they know themselves well. They're also skilled in many different aspects and people may look up to them and ask for their help/advice. So much knowledge, so wise. Sometimes, they can be really hard on themselves and on others, as in they set up a lot of standards for themselves to reach and once they do, they expect others to be able to do the same (it's all for good causes y'all and well, they can't really help but doing so). By the end of the day, they are a really loving person, who is willing to give a lot of them without hesitation, it just that they don't really want their kindness to go in vein, they want to be helpful.
Now comes the part that explains why I said "they can't help but doing so". The Hierophant and the Four of Pentacles make me think that a part of them is really traditional, perhaps they were brought up in a "traditional", strict family (having their own principles, rules, perspectives, etc. Some of them are might be corny but well, it's family tradition). They were teach to act, to think a certain way or believe in certain means since young age. This creates a big conflict in them growing up since they're such an enthusiastic leaner and intellectually and curiously driven, the knowledge they gained later on in life counters their old values. A part of them is so open to the world while another part is just so stubborn. They might carry a lot of family burdens, since childhood even.
The Ten of Wands, and with Six of Cups and Four of Pentacles, I want to give them biggest hug because they really are the sweetest and deserve the best things. They take so much things in. It's not only for themselves but also for those around them. They want to help others all the time, but they won't let others help them in return :( Act of service is definitely gonna be one of their main love languages. They keep a lot to themselves, too. Very independent. They're the giver, the one who willing to carry other's baggage and won't complain at all. Even if they're so tired, they would just think that "Well I agree to help it's my fault that I am like this, I shouldn't complain" :(((( This could be a problem because their kindness wouldn't kill others but kill themselves first, physically, mentally and emotionally.
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bcbyteeth · 1 year
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ABOUT ROMAN | Must you keep my baby teeth in the bedside table with your jewelry.
NAME: Romanyuk Konstenko aka Roman Kon
AGE: Twenty-Nine
GENDER & PRONOUNS: Cis man, He/Him
FACE CLAIM: Dylan O'Brien
HAIR COLOR: Dark Brown
HEIGHT: 5′11″
DATE OF BIRTH: September 7th
LEVEL OF EDUCATION: High School Diploma
OCCUPATION: Primary Male Ballet Dancer for the Los Angeles Ballet Company
HOMETOWN: Kyiv, Ukraine
The Konstenko name is gilded in grace overseas, holding a titular title as one of the most prestigious families devoted to professional ballet. Anichka Konstenko, following her own mother’s footsteps, paved the path for the engraving of their name in the industry as one of the youngest dancers to be part of three separate international companies and taking a lead at just sixteen years old. Her platform was built on the strength of her delicacy but also her insistence that she was far from fragile. However, her career that was promising to go farther than the usual retirement of most dancers was brought to an abrupt hault. Anichka became pregnant and was not only unable to dance, but never able to renew her contract again with the age in which she wanted to jump back in.
However, Anichka refused to believe her career was over and meshed into her new life as a mother to Romanyuk. She believed her son carried her talents and lovingly cultivated them for success following everything she had done right in her career, and avoiding everything she had done wrong. It was more than luck that her son carried the same passion she did but instead of feeding into a shared love, it drew out an obsession. Roman’s proficiency didn’t just encourage her and reinstate her sense of value, but challenged her own perception of her career. Her love grew into a hate where whether Roman moved along impressively or fell behind compared to previous performances. Dance was truly his guardian not only as what raised him, but protected him as it allowed him to create some distance between him and his abuser by attending dance academies in Ukraine, Russia, and France where he followed his mother’s reputation of signing with various companies to learn new techniques.
Despite the cushion of his mother’s reputation, Roman had different standards to follow as a man in ballet and her namesake only allowed so much for him to climb. He learned, just as his mother had before him, that he could use his body and sex to get not only what he needed but what he wanted even if he wasn’t deserving of it.
At fifteen, he took a the opportunity to get out from his mother’s thumb. There was an opening in the Los Angeles Ballet Company, miles away from his home. It was a risk to try and apply at his age, but he was accepted upon his background. He devoted his time to as many challenging productions as he could even if the shows were tied smaller theaters and operas, or carried an experimental title. Roman learned to measure his worth on how far he could push his body. He was given the opportunity to audition when a check came his way with a particular request to meet him. He took advantage of it and made sure to set up the meeting the week of auditions and ensured he had a place to stay to see it all play out. The last thing Roman expected was an eleven year old claiming to be his sister trying to scope him out. These two would never become allies, but surely being a nuance kept them in each other's lives.
Roman successfully joined the company as one of the youngest dancers they'd had in decades at just fifteen. His name didn’t carry much power in America, and he had to find a way to support himself upon limited funding. It was once again through his body that he learned to get what he needed, and he used his charm to get what he simply wanted as well. He excelled despite being a male dancer and found sway to get opportunity to prove his worth.
Roman’s career, however, is coming to its end and soon enough he feels he’ll have to return home. He suffered an injury to his hip that was deemed the butchering of his ability to dance, but he pushed through. The only trouble is that the most he pushes it, he risks more than just not being able to go up on stage. Roman, however, is determined to go out with a bang if this is what costs him ever dancing professionally again so he continues to push himself hard.
Roman has a slight accent no matter how hard he tries to hide it, specifically around ‘a’ vowels. When he’s drunk, it’s very thick and he tends to lose most English pronunciation.
He can speak English and Ukrainian fluently, understands Russian and French, but he cannot read French well at all and tends to mispronounce a lot. This is because he attended school in the three countries where he had to learn enough to understand instruction.
As a means of coping with essentially running away from his life in Europe and the possibility that his dance career is over, Roman has dabbled in drinking socially. As of late, once he starts drinking he can’t stop. He takes advantage of the fact that he’s celebrating to the extent that the dance company knows to keep him around for recognition at the beginning of events, and then quickly have him escorted home.
His biggest vice at the moment? Dance can only do so much, and even though he’s determined to keep doing it, Roman knows he has to find somewhere else to ensure he doesn’t implode. He likes to test his luck with anyone willing to go for a brawl, finding some semblance of comfort in disclosed locations to fight it out.
Religion was often implemented into his craft early on by his instructors as a means of implementing a sense of drive, courage, and confidence. For some time, Roman practiced catholicism and came to America adamant in this part of his training. He ended up rejecting it all together as he was unable to put faith in something higher than his own autonomy when his entire life is devoted to what his body can do beyond his soul.
DILAN OSDEMIR — Dilan was the first person his age that Romanyuk met when he came to America upon the Los Angeles Ballet housing him in her father's hotel. Despite moving him to an apartment a month later, they stayed in touched and began a romantic relationship that was short lived. Their fuse, however, must be longer and more resilient than they think as they bickering is endless.
MAVERICK WEST - Meeting during a low point in Roman's life during physical therapy, Mav seemed to be the only one that understood his devotion and the pain of not doing his craft. One thing led to another, and a few social outings have become a pattern. They laugh, they banter, they fall into bed— or what has somewhat of a door.
The good ol’ classic hook up, whether it be something consistent or a one night stand that he gave into
People he’s come across in the city because of work or something else, such as patrons to the dance company or people with tickets to see shows
Friends growing up since he’s been in town since he was fifteen!
More can be found here!
You can message me on discord at adam bolbi#5434 (:
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