#and it did lol one section is clearly longer than the other )
sagesolsticewrites · 4 months
Hiya could you do Harry Crosby + “ if you asked me to marry you tomorrow, i'd say yes. “ “ what about today?” from one of your drabble prompt lists please and thanks 💛
Thank you so much for requesting, Nonnie! I’ve adored these Masters of the Air requests, especially getting to write for Harry my love!! Our favorite navigator 🥰
Quick warning that there is a nonzero chance of historical inaccuracies here, and the timeline may be a little off, but I did actual research for this one y’all! New additions to the ever-growing Useless Knowledge section of my brain: knowing where Lt. Harry Crosby studied for college (he was working on his graduate degree at the University of Iowa when the Pearl Harbor attack occurred; he went back to finish his degree there in 1947 and earned his PhD from Stanford University in 1953!), when and why he joined the Army Air Forces (paused his studies at U of I to enlist after Pearl Harbor), and where he was sent for his training (Mathers Field, California) before being stationed in Idaho, and eventually at East Anglia. Look at me go lol 🤪 Anyway, I hope y’all enjoy!
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction based off the portrayal by the actors in the Apple TV+ series. I hold nothing but respect for the real life individuals referenced within.
a/n: well, that’ll teach me not to try to format my fics on mobile 😂 I guess the Harry fic’s coming out today! Hope you like it Nonnie <3
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Just Say Yes
You waited anxiously under the maple tree at the edge of the campus courtyard, fiddling with the worn, creased paper in your hands — Harry’s last letter, telling you that this next visit home would likely be his last before he was transferred to Idaho, and then to who knows where.
I’ll meet you under our tree, pretty girl, the letter had read, Saturday, our usual time?
The tree— the very maple tree you stood in the shade of now— was where you had met often when you were both students at the University of Iowa, studying English. The tradition had started when you were paired up for a project, and Harry asked if you would mind working outside.
“I think better in the fresh air,” he had said, almost apologetically, and you had agreed almost instantly, captivated by the quiet but clearly very smart boy who sat next to you in class.
Even after the project was over and graded, you continued to meet under that tree nearly every day at 2 o’clock after class to compare class notes or exchange feedback on essays.
And after nearly four months of meeting and working together, it was under that tree where Harry Crosby finally asked you out on a date.
Leaning back against the tree, you were jolted out of your trip down memory lane by a familiar voice calling your name.
Grinning, you turned to see Harry strolling towards you, dapper in his dress uniform, one arm raised in greeting, the other cradling a bouquet of tulips— your favorite.
You pushed off from the tree, unable to wait a single second longer, and sprinted to meet him, uncaring of the students staring at the crazy lady running across their campus.
He opened his arms as the distance between you lessened until you crashed into him, burying your head in his chest. He stumbled back a bit, absorbing your momentum, but he was quick to embrace you, quicker still to turn your momentum into a dizzying, joyous twirl, lifting your feet off the ground.
You let out a gleeful laugh as the world spun around you, and pulled him in for a long-overdue kiss once your feet were firmly back on the ground.
After the two of you reluctantly pulled apart, you cupped his face in your hands, drinking him in: lips stained red from your lipstick, hat knocked askew, uniform now more than a little wrinkled, and best of all, those warm brown eyes you had missed so much overflowing with love.
He looked as dapper as ever.
“Hey, pretty girl,” he murmured with a smile, a greeting for your ears only.
It had been so long since you’d heard those words from his lips, and all you could do was blink back the tears that sprang to your eyes as you replied with a simple, tender “Hi.”
Understanding filled his eyes, and he pulled you into a hug, pressing a kiss to your forehead and allowing you a moment to compose yourself before the two of you headed back towards your tree.
“Oh!” He said, holding the bouquet out to you as if he just now remembered he had it, “For you, m’lady.”
You took the bouquet, fingering the delicate pink and yellow petals. “They’re beautiful, Harry,” you smiled up at him, “Thank you.”
“Anything for my girl,” he said, gesturing for you to sit and make yourself comfortable first before he settled next to you in the shade.
“So,” he said, wrapping an arm around you, “Tell me everything. What have I missed? How’d that paper go that you were telling me about?”
You couldn’t help but light up at the mention of your latest paper— your pride and joy, your best work yet if you didn’t say so yourself— and at Harry’s encouraging smile, you rambled on about themes and motifs and parallels, Harry occasionally chiming in with a suggestion that made the connections you had made even clearer.
Despite the plethora of letters you had sent each other, each doing your best to keep the other updated, you and Harry never seemed to run out of things to talk about: the conversation flowed from your latest paper to how Harry had been giving the guys some book recommendations based on your suggestions, to the small bookshop you had taken to visiting, compiling a list of titles for him that you thought he’d enjoy. Harry mentioned that some of his comrades had set up a small library of sorts in the barracks, running on the honor system, but they’d likely need to shut it down soon, with people moving to their more permanent placements.
“Oh that reminds me,” Harry said, digging in his pocket for a moment before triumphantly revealing a scrap of paper with his distinctive scrawl.
“Plenty of the guys are getting letters from their wives and sweethearts,” he said, slipping you the small piece of paper with the address of his next assignment in Boise, “I wanna make sure I’m one of ‘em.”
“Getting letters from your wife, or your sweetheart?” You asked playfully, tucking the slip of paper safely in your pocket.
“Uh.. Well, I mean…” Harry stammered, trying very hard not to think about the small box in his pocket.
“Hey,” you pause to assure him, “I was just kidding.” Under the shade of your tree, you rested your head on his shoulder, looking out at the courtyard. “I know we’re a little young, but…” You took a deep breath, entwining your fingers with his, “If you asked me to marry you tomorrow, I’d say yes.”
You caught the barest hint of movement out of the corner of your eye, and you glanced over to see a small box held out to you.
A box in Harry’s hand that was open to reveal a delicate gold ring.
“What about today?” Harry asked softly, close enough that his breath brushed your cheek.
“I— Harry—” You were speechless, your world zeroing in on that small gold band before realizing that you had been silent for far too long.
You nodded furiously, turning to kiss him before you could even get the words out.
“Is that a—”
Harry’s tentative question was cut short by your lips crashing onto his. His hands came up to cup your cheeks, kissing you back with equal fervor, the ring box left in your lap.
You both eventually pulled away, gasping for air. Harry’s forehead remained pressed to yours, chocolate brown eyes locked on you.
“Was that a yes?” He asked, lips still just barely brushing yours, and you could feel him trying not to smile.
You were an English major. There were a thousand words you could have said, a thousand speeches of acceptance and love and devotion you could have made.
Only one word mattered to you just then.
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adrinoir · 1 year
Lesbian Headcanons Pt. 2: Kagami
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I feel like this is a pretty popular headcanon already. In fact, I’ve already talked about it a bit lol. But truthfully, there’s still so much more to break down. So let’s get into it!
It seems she misconstrued her own feelings towards Adrien
Kagami has shown a lot of comphet type behavior, especially when she was trying to get with Adrien. Lemme explain.
One sign of compulsory heterosexuality is mistaking your platonic relationship with a boy as romantic feelings. In Ikari Gozen, it was proven that Kagami’s mother is so strict that she won’t even let her try to make friends other than Adrien. But even though they’re friends, Tomoe won’t even allow her to have Adrien’s number.
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So, with these strict rules limiting her to just one friendship (at the beginning of her debut in the show), she only has Adrien to see as a friend and potential romantic partner. Seeing as how he’s the sweet and cute guy, it’s easy to mistake this kind, relatable connection + aesthetic attraction as a romantic one. That’s not to say she doesn’t care about Adrien, she clearly does a whole lot. But, notice how once she tries to date him, she’s quick to notice the red flags yet she still forces and convinces herself that she wants to be with him.
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A veil was lifted after dating Adrien
Like I had just mentioned, she got a pretty good idea of Adrien once she started dating him. She chose to ignore his behavior at first and convinced herself that she’s in love with him but was able to quickly break up with him when this behavior kept continuing.
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Kagami is a very smart cookie. I’m glad she noticed that Adrien was being secretive and figured out he wasn’t right for her. Very quickly after their relationship ended, she started encouraging Marinette to confess her feelings to him. She also very quickly believed that Marinette and Adrien are the ones who are right for each other.
What’s interesting is how she’s suddenly completely supportive of Marinette’s feelings for Adrien and Adrien’s feelings for Marinette. Getting over her breakup with him wasn’t hard. She didn’t try to tear the two of them apart; there was no sabotaging nor jealousy involved. So that leaves the question: how did she suddenly become so supportive?
Kagami is a genuinely caring person. She’s also very strong and capable of taking care of herself. But, breakups still aren’t easy for most people. I’m suspicious there’s more reasons as to how she was able to move on so quickly. That ties into my theory that she realized she has romantic feelings for Marinette (which I’ll talk about more in the next section).
OR, she just realized she’s not into men as a whole like she thought she was. Now that she’s been put out into the world by Marinette, she’s able to see and talk to more girls. Having more social interactions with people can easily help determine what attracts her and what doesn’t. She no longer only has Adrien as a friend and potential romantic partner, she has many other possibilities now.
Her behavior around Marinette is different
Kagami was comfortable with Adrien from the start. From the get go, he was more taken aback by her.
However, Kagami was pretty nervous the first time she had one-on-one time with Marinette in Ikari Gozen. Kagami, who’s usually pretty confident and up front, got scared to talk to Marinette.
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I have a theory that she has a bit of a crush on Marinette. All of that sudden nervous behavior and struggling so much just to try to make conversation with her is pretty telling. You’d expect someone like Kagami to be fine making conversation with someone, considering she was able to fight and speak to cute super model Adrien Agreste. But nope. Marinette makes her a bit timid, very much as if she has a crush on her.
She wanted to know more about Marinette and to genuinely become her friend. It’s sweet. Obviously it wasn’t good when Marinette didn’t trust her at first. But, it’s good she learned very quickly that Kagami just wants to be accepted and have friends at the very least.
I love their dynamic after that day, too. Marinette really grew to like and care about Kagami. She’s comfortable enough having her number and checking on her (even in person). They have potential to be a great couple if Adrien wasn’t in the picture. But because he’s Marinette’s love, Kagami didn’t want to get in the way. It’s still a o sad, I hope she finds someone. It’d be really cool if she ended up finding a girlfriend.
She was able to click with Marinette easily - just like Zoe was able to
Marinette is shown as a very likable character. She has a lot of friends, especially ones in school.
However, what I loved is that they had specific episodes with a strong focus on her befriending Kagami and Zoe, not just Alya. Like, why would they have episodes with such a heavy focus on these friendships if they didn’t mean a whole lot?
From the beginning, like I had mentioned in my precious section, Kagami was nervous around Marinette like a crush and since then, they’ve developed a very good bond rather quickly. It mirrors Zoe in a sense, not in a way of how Zoe was able to up and give Marinette her number during their very first conversation, but in how their bond became so strong in such a quick amount of time. 
Marinette has shown signs of struggling to open up to people, including those in her own friend group. In fact, she doesn’t individually hang out with any of the other girls in her school friend circle besides Alya, and then of course Kagami and Zoe who aren’t even in her class.
So, considering she was so quick to trust Kagami and Zoe - especially as miraculous holders - shows that there’s a different bond there in comparison to the rest of her classmate girl friends.
It was also incredible seeing Marinette prioritize Kagami first when she heard about her and Adrien’s breakup. Kagami was also very quick to deny that she still had any romantic feelings for Adrien.
That situation mirrors Marinette trying to stick by Zoe when she noticed her behavior changed because of Chloe’s influence. Marinette didn’t prioritize trying to sabotage Chloe in any sort of way, she just wanted to be there for Zoe and her new adjustment living in Paris instead of New York.
Another important reason that I compare Zoe and Kagami is that Zoe is canonically queer (as seen in Deflagration), and Kagami’s behavior and relationship with Marinette are similar to hers. Even though Kagami isn’t openly flirtatious with any girls, she still shows some obvious signs that she may not be straight and that she has a strong relationship with Marinette for a reason (ahem, she likes her).
Something else to compare could be how Zoe was originally scared to be more open with people about who she truly is. Despite Kagami being very up front and honest, she hides parts of herself away that she’s slowly becoming more open about, like Zoe did. I’m willing to bet if Tomoe wasn’t a strict mother, Kagami would be able to be more open about herself and find out what she enjoys instead of being very uptight.
She got defensive when she first interacted with Chloe
Ah, yes. My other sapphic girl, Chloe. I had mentioned this interaction in part one of my lesbian headcanon posts. But since this directly relates to Kagami, let’s talk about her again.
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Her and Kagami were only shown speaking in Animaestro, however it’s a very interesting and unusual kind of interaction. Lemme explain.
Chloe is usually very bossy towards just about everyone who she believes is below her (popularity and wealth wise). She didn’t even know Kagami and told her to get out of “her seat.” But Kagami didn’t take any of that.
Kagami instead defended herself right away. Threw the harshness right back in Chloe’s face, enough to scare/intimidate her - someone who’s always the big bad bully. Kagami wasn’t scared of her and instead was the one to scare Chloe off.
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One could argue that this is a stretch because “how is she nervous around her potential crush, Marinette, but not Chloe?” Well, just because she quickly defended herself doesn’t necessarily mean she wasn’t nervous. In fact, if she’s that quick to dish back at Chloe, she’s at least somewhat intimidated having her there and wanted to drive her away.
Think about how Kagami could’ve said, “Look. There’s a chair right over there. Sorry, I’m not moving.” or could’ve just left, letting Chloe take her spot. But she didn’t. She 1) either got bad vibes from Chloe and didn’t want her around, or 2) she was quickly intimidated by her too and didn’t want to have to interact with her for that reason.
Also consider this. Kagami was still in that stage of being completely convinced that she loved Adrien. One could think that anyone else who seemed interested in Adrien needs to be tossed aside. However, she didn’t throw Marinette out of her life just because she liked Adrien. So then what was it that made her so quickly defend herself when Chloe came in? I’m thinking intimidation. She’s this stunning, upper class girl who isn’t afraid to be up front just like Kagami. That could be easily intimidating for someone like Kagami, especially if she’s sapphic. Chloe mirrors her intimidation and comphet behavior.
Holy toledo are there a lot of signs that Kagami is gay. That was a lot to break down but it makes a lot of sense.
Kagami’s behavior, interactions, appearance, etc just give off very closeted lesbian vibes. I sense it.
Now, I’ve said I really like the Lukagami ship too. I still stand by that. However, it would make even more sense if it turns out that she isn’t straight but lesbian.
Kagami still has a lot to figure out about herself. Her being canonically gay and finally realizing this in the show would be an incredible character arc.
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Tell us everything
Welcome to the Hitori fucking Dies AU
Okay so I don't have pretty much anything plotted out yet but the concept is "hatoful boyfriend except hitori managed to save nageki in the fire and died in the process"
Tw for all the usual hatoful boyfriend topics (suicide, familial death and grief, medical malpractice, likeable characters making pretty awful choices)
Also spoilers for if I ever make this for real. I'd want it to be structured similarly to hatoful boyfriend where most major plot reveals happen late, so by explaining the ideas from the start of this AU I'd also kind of be spoiling every major plot twist. But I don't know how far I'll get into the project (I have had a REAL hard time focussing on writing recently) and I want to share all my ideas immediately lol
Obviously there are many logistical issues in this au that would need to be worked out- why bbl wouldn't just happen immediately if Nageki was alive, for instance. Bear with me pls
Also please note that I haven't consumed every single piece of hatoful media, mostly just the two games and sections of one of the manga. There may be some things I missed out on that.
But here are the ideas I have thus far
The first sticking point is that I think there's a high probability that if Hitori died in the fire Nageki would just attempt again because he still believes he needs to sacrifice himself and would just feel even guiltier. BUT I also think it could be equally in character for Nageki to refuse to let Hitori's sacrifice be in vain and find enough resolve to escape and keep living and find a better solution
But of course, Nageki could never have a normal life while infected with the charon virus, nor would he be content with one while he's aware of the Hawk party's plans
He'd have to go on the run, obviously. Here's where you get another interesting possible choice of Nageki somehow managing to join the Doves. But frankly I don't think an incredibly sick 15 year old with extremely limited life experience is going to be good at going on the run. I think he'd manage to stay hidden for long enough. For the purposes of this au he doesn't die from his sickness immediately but it was definitely a risk. (Let's assume that Shuu originally planned for Nageki to live much longer than he did in canon so he received some genuine medical care in between the experiments)
However. Nageki is homeless and unable to tell anyone about what was done to him or get help. He can't go to any birds because the Hawks are searching for him, and he can't warn any humans because they'd just die if he spoke to them
Surprise! This is where this also becomes a Kazuaki lives AU!
I think Nageki meets Kazuaki mostly by random chance in the street. Now, in canon I'm not sure if Kazuaki was kicked out of college at this point and that's why he was out there in the rain or if he was out there for some other reason (edit: been informed that he IS still in college when he meets Hitori in canon, which works great for me). I'm choosing to believe it's the latter for the purposes of making this au work- Kazuaki is living in a dorm at this point but is close to failing his classes and is out in the rain for some reason. Roll with me here.
Nageki stumbles across Kazuaki. He'd probably be hesitant to approach due to the aforementioned danger
But Kazuaki is obviously not in a good state, and if there's one thing Nageki hates its feeling like he can't do anything when people are struggling. And part of Nageki is purely running on What Would Hitori Do mode right now. So obviously Nageki tries to figure out what he can do to help
I think suddenly being shown kindness by some random kid who is clearly in a similarly awful state might draw Kazuaki out of his head enough that he could end up trying to help Nageki instead, out of genuine concern, a sense of understanding, and a desperate need to be important to literally anybirdie on earth
This is the first time Nageki has talked to anybirdie since Hitori's death, as well as the longest Kazuaki has talked to someone in weeks
Nageki needs a place to stay that no one would think to look for him and where he's slightly less likely to immediately die. Kazuaki needs to interact with another living being regularly, and has an empty dorm room and a meal plan he's barely been using
cue incredibly dysfunctional found family slowburn- They feel obligated to each other (which eventually becomes genuine care and protectiveness) and end up functioning better as a result
(This could possibly end up being very codependent, because what relationship in hatoful doesn't have a LITTLE unhealthy codependency. Staking the whole of your recovery on another person's wellbeing is NOT sustainable. But overall WAY healthier for both of them than Hitori and Kazuakis canon dynamic in that they both make it out alive with no deception necessary.)
Kazuaki starts attending classes again so that they can stay housed. He struggles and still can't thrive, but he just barely stays afloat with Nageki's support and renewed motivation. Nageki does what he can to make the dorm more habitable without leaving. Nageki's presence is a secret for obvious reasons, but it's a pretty easy one to keep since Kazuaki is so isolated to begin with. Nageki's trapped again in a different way, but Kazuaki's awful living space may honestly feel like a relief after the sterile lab. Months, maybe even a full year, pass
Eventually, Nageki trusts Kazuaki enough to tell him about everything- the charon virus, St. Pigeonations, Hitori's death, all of it. He tells him that one day, if he can live long enough, Nageki will find a way to expose what's going on at St. Pigeonations to the world and bring an end to it
Nageki likely tells him out of a sense of guilt- this is what he's gotten Kazuaki into, and he deserves better than all the extra trouble Nageki comes with.
But Nageki also won't be talked out of his plan, and when Kazuaki realizes this, he's not going to let Nageki be in danger by himself, not when it means Kazuaki would be left completely alone again
Kazuaki hasn't dreamed about his future in years, had no plans past college for how his life could go. What difference would it make if he started working towards becoming a teacher?
Kazuaki had no significance to the Hawks whatsoever. And teaching is completely in character for Kazuaki when he's in a slightly better mental state (see: shrine au) so no one would likely question it. No one EVER pays attention to Kazuaki or takes him seriously- which could make him a very, very good information gatherer
(And Nageki IS still sick, and maybe, just maybe Kazuaki can find out if the doctor wasn't COMPLETELY lying about doing research into curing it– if only as a contingency plan to keep his bioweapon from getting out of his control. Maybe if Kazuaki poked around enough, he could find it and hand it over to a non-evil doctor. He doesnt tell Nageki about this idea though- Nageki would refuse it outright, and Kazuaki couldnt bear the dissappintment if he told him and then failed)
Nageki... is apprehensive about this plan. But it's the only one they have, the only influence he can possibly exert to try to stop the Hawks without walking immediately into their clutches. His need to do what's right overrules his need to do what's smart.
But he begs- Kazuaki can't do too much for him, can't sacrifice his own wellbeing to keep Nageki hidden, and he can't do ANYTHING that might get him caught. If Kazuaki ever doesn't come home, Nageki is flying in right after him. Nageki has lost three families now- he WON'T lose a fourth, no matter what.
Kazuaki promises. We'll see if he's able to keep it.
WOO okay that's the main part I had planned out. But here's a little more.
I haven't thought as much about ghost!Hitori yet but. Oh man. Ghost Hitori
I think he'd be a lot less bitter than canon Hitori since he achieved what he set out to do (save nageki) but I do think he'd still have regrets enough to not be able to move on (leaving Nageki completely alone, not rescuing him earlier, knowing that there's still danger and being able to do nothing to help it)
I think he'd be less detached from the world and more driven to help others- especially the students, the kids, who were being used unawares of the horrors of the school. If only, if ONLY one of them could hear his warnings
(eventually, years later, Hiyoko can hear his warnings)
I'm also curious about how Shuu's plans would change with Nageki alive- with a burnt medical center and no liver cells to work with, he doesn't have samples of the charon virus. Would he still plan on turning Ryouta into the new carrier when the original carrier was still out there and needed to be recaptured? Lots to think about.
How I'd want to present this, ideally is as a fan game of alternate routes based on these changes
In true hatoful boyfriend fashion all of this is just the backstory to get to where all the characters are at the start of the game. The main plot is about all of the butterfly effects that occur in Hiyoko's experience due to entirely new plot threads occurring
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putting all my concert thoughts in a poast before i forget. here we go mucho texto warning. also setlist talk is gonna be out of order probably
the drive to the venue took longer than anticipated, traffic was so backed because dfw is just Like That. dont come here. and ft worth especially oh my GODDDD but we made it in time for the maine. i missed the first opener again its fine
ive only listened to the maine casually over the years and i like them but THEY WERE SUPER FUN LIVE????? the energy was so high for such a short set and they honestly sound better live than album recordings. i may have to stan
also Bassist Hot whats his number
theyre all kinda hot really. from my distance at least. sorry
robby energy
the sound at dickies arena in general is just soooo much fucking better than an outdoor stadium the guitars and drums were up to 11, ppl werent wrong abt the sound quality in this venue. sux its in ft worth though ONE MASSIVE DOWNSIDE kfmjsdkglafk
amazing sound at the cost of my hearing because. i forgot to buy ear plugs again it hurt just a lil bit. especially the pyro. at least its only been 2 times so far I WILL LEARN MY LESSON NEXT TIME LOL
i accidently sat in the wrong section but the my actual tickets i bought were closer so WE TAKE THOSE!!! not close enough to see skin pores but still very much enough
jimmy sounded great!! didnt know most of the songs despite doing a bit of listening but i got bleed american and the middle at the end which both ruled so. worth it
kinda wanted the maine back but ITS OKAY NO SHADE
patrick message on the projector. which is funny for anyone at home but FOR ME THERE I WAS LIKE [DREAD] [DREAD] [DREAD] FUCK DFW WEATHER
imagining patrick doing vocal warmups in the car by himself did lighten my mood just a tad. i had no proof but a feeling he did that
and then the pete images. only got a glimpse thru shitty venue connection but that made me laugh
and my battery was already low so the waiting and stalling was painful 😭
i was directly diagonal from the guy in the east wing lower bowl that started a monkey-see-monkey-do light show thru the whole stadium while waiting for fob and i just love the goodness of people at concerts its everything to me PEOPLE ARE GOOD
the woman next to him also danced like a beautiful drunk swan the entire show and idk if i wanted to be her or be her friend
also if u saw plain ol me clear glasses brunette hair tourdust shirt and bracelets HI YES WAS I
i didnt feel like going around to trade bracelets again as nervous anticipation set in but i DID pick out an american psycho bracelet from a person who came up to me so i completely unknowingly manifested there holy fuck. im cherishing it forever thank u to that person
also i sang along to Thats What You Get by Paramore playing in overspeakers because thats my fucking band but I HEARD MORE PPL IN THE CROWD SING ALONG TO OLD PANIC WHICH PERSONALLY OFFENDED ME JUST SAYIN
wdstf singalong was everything. again the energy at concerts <3333 my people
LIKE 30-40 MIN LATER FOB IS ON FINALLY. i did not cry this time to lftos i was just glad they were there the worry Dissolved
joe and andy were so visible from my seats i stared at them both nearly the entire show. patrick brain out the window they are SO MUCH MORE ATTRACTIVE IN PERSON IM TELLIN YALL 4K HIGH DEFINITION THRU MY EYEBALLS GOT MY BRAIN IN A. TORNADO!
photos and videos were not fantastic my phone is nawt the latest model so nothing worth posting here sadly. but for myself? everythang
IM KICKING MYSELF because i so clearly had andy in view for HIS DRUMSTICK THING DURING SUGAR but MY FINGER DIDNT PRESS RECORD BUTTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCKETH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
please. please if ur close to andy, video that for me i need it for no reason other than its my favorite lil thing that nobody at tourdust shows. thank u so mch
NO CHICAGO FOR ME THIS TIME getting doa twice is kinda crazy ngl
patrick apology (no tears) for grand theft autumn was funny
andy and pete had cute smiley interactions around disloyal order during the set. or before that idk. i know a bubble hit andy's drum kit (or he swatted it away himself?) and they were smiling at that 😭😭😭 theyre litrly besties do u understand.........
of course p squared still did their signature scissoring techniques thank u for that old men
you dont even wanna know how estatic i was for hum hallelujah. i had to get myself proof of it for it to be real. tahnk u. ill never recover ever. peace and love in my brain
i dont rememebr certain songs where joe had this very specific swagger but he so very much did i saw him. with my own eyes. (in the voice of the luke skywalker tweet) dont worry joe i'll appreciate ur cuntiness
headfirst slide. in this venue.
oh my god bro
both p squared riffs <3 especially the one near the end where pete saw someone watching shit on their phone nd said it was basketball JEYDEUGHEKDLK patrick chiming in w something about dont make fun of his step-dad. gold.
saying smfs reminded him of texas #TEXANPRIDE #COWBOYS
medley was like. a relief to me because i expected it it was like a cool towel in the midst for what was about to come. cant blame the guy for getting literally zero practice beforehand fmdsjfdslg
the 8 ball.
i love them more than words can say. i didnt know i needed it but i did
im still emotional thinking abt it
saturday aftercare cured all (even though i was WOOPED from going so hard EVERY SONG. couldnt scream anymore my voice is still shot. i refuse to NOT go as hard as i do)
i think that is all the notable stuff i remember i wish i couldve written down stuff on the ride home BUT i will add more if i think of it. overall its hard to say which show i liked better they both meant the absolute world to me!!! FALL OUT BOY FOREVER
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abyssmal-skies · 6 months
you and your f/o(s) have landed under the mistletoe! who's making the first move? 💚❤️
no pressure in answering, and please take your time! <3
ah! happy holidays rin! Guess you rattled my writing brain w/ this lmaoo
oho? mistletoe prompt? i decided to add small scenarios too lol,
Psyaka: I make the first move.
He told Thoma to put some around the estate, mainly Ayaka's section of the house, ["It promotes holiday spirit does it not?"] knowing damn well that me and Ayaka always walk together, or with me holding her hand and leading her through narrower doorways.
So after a wonderful day of exploring the city and playing in the snow, we return to see the estate silent, walking through the gate towards her section of the house, til we spot it.
Right above us.
After what seems like an eternity of awkward blushing and staring, I ask her is she's alright with it, giving her a chaste kiss after she says yes, swiftly hiding her face behind her fan afterwards.
We stand there a little longer as she asks for more kisses.
Ayato teases her once he finds out.
Haiscio: He makes the first move.
Haitham would definitely put some around the house at Kaveh's suggestion pestering, ["you need to be more festive!"] not really caring about the whole 'kissing under the mistletoe' thing until i spend the holidays with him one year.
Suddenly Kaveh is told to spend Christmas with Cyno ,Tighnari and Collei, lest he accidentally ends up under the mistletoe with me.
Which is also good for Kaveh, since... things other than kissing was bound to happen.
The first time it happens, he acts so smug about it, acting like it's such a coincidence that we went through the door at the same time. Even asking if I planned it. Though he will eventually relent and give me a kiss.
It happens far more often after that, even without mistletoe anywhere near the both of us.
Luscio: I make the first move.
Adelinde and Elzer are the culprits.
After all, there was never a need for mistletoe around the winery in the past after Diluc took over, well... until he brought me to the winery. Suddenly the place has more mistletoe than you can count, even the doors have more than one.
Diluc definitely feels flustered about it, and the looks he's getting from Elzer and Adelinde are not helping him in the slightest. He walks around the manor and tries to avoid looking at it.
Too bad, one night after dinner i come with him to his office and walk through the hallway with him and boom, the doorframe is covered, i mean covered in mistletoe.
He stands there, face as red as his hair, knowing that it's unavoidable, awkwardly asking if it'll be alright before i roll my eyes and kiss him myself.
The blush on his face matches the poinsettias in the vases.
And you best believe that Kaeya hears about this the next time he visits.
Neuscio: He make the first move.
He knew the melusines were planning something, well Seigewinne probably told them honestly.
It started with more holiday decorations in the Palais Mermonia, poinsettias decorating the tables, pillars and such. Then it started, the mistletoes covering the doorways and walls. Soon everything was covered in them.
And after a particularly busy day, we return to his section of the Palais.
The doorframe has some mistletoe taped to it, whoever put it there clearly couldn't reach the top, and the few poorly hidden Melusines giggling in behind a corner quickly showed what was up.
After a short conversation with them, sending them off with a smile, he asked me what the deal was with the mistletoe,
Safe to say that i got a lot of nice kisses.
Daisy: I make the first move
Honestly it was a surprise to both of us.
After a while of adventuring, we decided to stay in Wangshu Inn instead of camping in the woods, what we didn't realize is that they had decorated for the holidays.
Before settling into the room, fixing our things and patching up any wounds. We headed towards the dining area and had dinner, only when we returned did we notice it.
With an amused sigh from him and a dopey smile on my face, i teasingly asked him for a kiss, to which he playfully refused,
I burst out laughing, before pulling him for a kiss, dragging him into out room to get a little more festive... we paid for one bed, we're using that one bed.
hhhh it took me days to get to this but my brain was awakened rin!!
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xplrvibes · 6 months
Thoughts on Sam's marathon video?
I thought it was good and hit me right in the feels especially at the beginning when he was talking about Colby (may have actually set off a small amount of waterworks, lol). Though I do wish he had not included the sponsored sections he doesn't exactly need that money. I also wish it had been a little longer and more detailed in the marathon prep. Maybe also including interviews before and after each mile with the youtubers who ran with him.
Before I get into this, everyone, please remember that opinions are not law.
I just finished it and honestly, this sent me down a path of realization about this cancer charity thing that may be controversial, but I'll say it anyway lol: I feel like this new cancer charity foundation they created is Sam's baby moreso than Colby's at this point.
Like, Sam was the one who set up the whole weird "barbers making coffee drinks" thing, since that's his barber, and he's mainly the one who promoted it - yes, Colby participated, but it was clearly Sam's deal. Then he went and did this whole marathon and tied it to the cancer charity, and was the one promoting the new cancer charity almost the entire time during and since (he even had the link in his bio for a while, I believe).
So, this got me thinking...is Colby completely checked out from this now? Is he overwhelmed by it, or afraid of promoting it too much, or what? Is he afraid that if he (being the subject of it) does too much promotional work for it, people will be turned off by it? Or is he uncomfortable being that front and center?
Like, it's nice that Sam's doing all this stuff to funnel money into this thing and taking the lead on it, and I am NOT knocking him for that AT ALL (so please, put the knives back in the drawers, we are all fine here). I'm just saying that it's weird to me that the guy who had the cancer has been hanging back the whole time in comparison to Sam during this cancer foundation journey so far. I'm just curious as to what that means psychologically.
Anyway! Back to the video lol.
I'm actually surprised it was as short as it was - I thought they'd focus more on the people who ran with him, as you said, or more on the training process. I know this marathon has been a dream of Sam's for many years (he was supposed to do it during 25x25 before that fell through), but this felt more like a "Oh these people asked me to run a marathon so I'm doing it" type of video at points. I'm not sure why he kept it so short - maybe he was afraid of long-form content flopping on youtube - but the shortness of it made the ads and sponsors feel more central to this whole thing than they really should've been.
Also, I'm surprised he didn't get more into what Colby's cancer meant to him, or how those few months really led him down this renewed interest in running - but then again, I have a feeling based on the few times he's been asked about it that it's harder for him to speak emotionally about it than he'll admit, so I can't be all that surprised. I wish he had included anything other than the clip of the cold capping though - something new and something more about how that process affected his decision to get back into running maybe.
Overall, the video got the message across, and if he's happy with how it showcased this whole thing, than thats great for him - but I wish it had been longer and more focused on the process, the reasons for the marathon, and the people involved.
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kay-elle-cee · 7 months
Happy birthday Kelsey and congrats on the milestone!
I believe the first work of yours I read was Magic Like This when it was published last year, and I absolutely adore it. James is so soft and sweet and I love how you wrote Lily embracing her growing feelings for him.
Then, a few months later, I rediscovered you with A Thrill Divine, Down My Spine (so incredibly fun 🤌) and was pleased to be reminded of Magic Like This (because I'm notoriously bad at keeping track of first I love). And then I went down the rabbit hole of all your other fantastic works and here we are. I am a huge fan. 😁
I love restless waves rise and fall. It might be one of my all-time favorite Jily AUs out there. The backstories and universe you've created have been so fun to explore, and the micros you occasionally write bring me so much joy.
I especially love how you wove thematic imagery throughout. A scene that comes to mind in particular is when James and Lily finally talk at the end of chapter 5 about their feelings...Lily "anchoring herself to her spot," her "bursting through the surface" as she admits her feelings, "a swell of emotions eddying within her." The imagery truly elevates the emotional climax of the story, and you should be proud of what you accomplished.
Now...a couple fan questions if you'd want to share your thoughts on one or both of them.
1. Do you have a way in which you envision James and Lily admitting they are in love with each other? They're clearly very close to that point by the end of the main story.
2. Do you have any insights you'd want to share about what was going through James' mind during my waves meet your shore (forever and evermore) - specifically re: "our ship" and also when Lily confesses what she said to Petunia?
Thank you for all you bring to the Jily community - we are lucky to have you! ❤️ (Also, sorry this became way longer than I anticipated lol)
Okay hello first of all you should know I've reread this like updwards of 20 times because oh my god this is so sweet? This makes me so giddy? Truly truly truly makes me warm and fuzzy, thank you SO much for all your lovely words!
Magic Like This was really the first fluff piece I wrote and I did not expect the reception it got, but I'm so glad people enjoyed it! A Thrill Divine was something that took over my mind that I HAD to get out, and is probably up there on the list of my favorite things...it was my first magical AU and just so much fun. I'm glad you enjoyed them both!
Okay okay okay you have to know how NOT chill I am about your words for restless waves rise and fall. Like. That is my baby. My first born child. My first multichap, my first AU, it's SO close to my heart and to know people love the little self-indulgent cross section of HP and pirates (because yes I also used to write POTC fic) just 💕💕💕💕💕 I promise I have SEVERAL more micros planned out because I have so many Thoughts about them all the time.
I had SO MUCH FUN with the thematic imagery in that fic, playing with the water metaphors, etc (which I know I'd done elsewhere, but felt more fitting here), and I'm glad it enhanced the fic for you and didn't feel too on the nose 😅 Now for your questions...
1. Yes. Yes I DO. I've had that scene envisioned since ending restless waves and I've been MEANING TO WRITE IT. It was always my intent to write it but then my waves meet your shore got way out of hand (after the Lily & Euphemia scene, the characters absolutely took control of the narrative) and I've been writing in that timeline knowing how much I need to go back and write the I Love You scene. I don't want to give too much away but I will say there is a phosphorescent bay involved.
2. AHHHH Yes I am HAPPY to talk about this (but will put under a cut for spoilers and also length because I feel like I will be RAMBLING)...
Follower Milestone Celebration
OKAY so "Our Ship". James is so attuned to Lily in this conversation with his parents and the Dursleys. She's not really engaged in the conversation, she's putting on a brave face but he knows her footing is off—here on land and in the presence of her sister. So, this is absolutely James' way of bolstering her both in the conversation and in their presence, as if reminding her "You have something. You are someone. And they can't take that from you." I think he also realizes that there is no way to hide what they do from the Dursleys, so before it's revealed Lily is his First Mate, he positions her more as an equal than anything else.
And then this poor man his brain is SHORT CIRCUITING during that moment when Lily tells him that she told Petunia they were married. He's got the family ring in his pocket, he's got the proposal all planned out for their next stop, he's got her to meet his parents, and she's just jumping ahead. I think it's definitely really heartening for him to hear that she jumped to that (and him) as a way to support herself/protect herself from her sister, but also while they unDOUBTEDLY love each other, maybe there's this one underlying fear that this woman who's been at sea all these years living an untraditional life doesn't want a traditional marriage and maybe a partnership like they have is good enough for her. (And I think this kind of comes up at the end where she points out a lot of priests probably wouldn't marry them. Maybe it's something she's just resigned herself to). BUT the fact that she reaches for marriage with him as a lifeline just makes his heart swell.
And he is so. happy. It's that kind of moment where everything aligns and it's like oh we're on the same page and also just like....their whole life flashes before his eyes in that instant and he just gets consumed by the need to propose NOW. He's the one that pushes on past the "oh yeah we're married, sorry we didn't tell you," and proceeds to tell her exactly the moment he wanted to propose in a code that only the two of them know. He literally can't stand the fact that she doesn't know the depths of his devotion for her in this minute and wants to give her that reassurance and security that everything she said is what he wants. <33333 OH MY GOD I LOVE THEM SO MUCH.
AH. okay I'll chill. But thank you SO MUCH for asking about my bbs. <333 You are an absolute GEM.
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2af-afterdark · 2 years
Caught Staring
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Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Shall We Date?: Obey Me!
Relationships: Simeon/Solomon
Characters: Simeon, Solomon, Diavolo, Lucifer, Asmodeus, Barbatos
Additional Tags: AU, strippers, flirting, no smut, mature themes
Summary: Simeon works at a strip club and can’t take his eyes off of one of the dancers.
A/N: A friend and I have a stripper AU, because of course we do… today, I share a bit of that AU with you. Ask me about it. It is a great AU by virtue of lack of clothing. lol
Word Count: 1862
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Simeon refused to dance. That had been his number one rule since he started this job and, despite the nature of the establishment, his wish was respected. Instead of crawling on stage and getting far too intimate with a pole, he bounced around the floor and brought people their food and drinks so they could keep watching the show without interruption. Of course, he was allowed to change his mind whenever he wanted and indulge in a dance, but he didn't want to. He was more than content to remain a waiter, even if the tips weren't as good.
Even if, in some fit of madness, he wanted to dance on that stage, he knew he wouldn't be able to compete against the star dancer. Or, well, he was the star in Simeon's eyes, at the very least. Whenever he took to the stage, every set of eyes seemed to fall on him, watching his hips sway from side to side and his legs wrap around the pole.
"You're starting."
Simeon snapped back to the present, looking back at Barbatos who was staring at him with crossed arms.
"Sorry. I was just-"
"Deliver this to the party in section eight, would you?" He asked as he slid a tray full of drinks across the bar counter. There was no time for excuses. This was a fast-paced establishment that ran on swift debauchery and poor choices, "It's a bachelorette party, so be charming."
He took the tray, carrying it in the palm of one of his hands, "Of course."
This was still his job and he still had customers to serve. He had to stop being taken in by a few lights and a flashy costume that he knew would be coming off soon enough anyway. All he did was deliver the poison that would loosen their purse strings.
By the time he reached the group of women and men, they were hollering at the dancers on stage and trying to stuff bills into his barely existent underwear. There was supposed to be a rule against touching the dancers, but, clearly, some patrons (and some dancers) didn’t pay attention to that.
“Over here,” one of the women shouted to the dancer to lure him over.
He looked at her with a smirk before sauntering over and dropping to his knees, making sure to keep them spread so she could see what was between them while he bit his lip suggestively at her. Considering how quickly she tossed bills his way, it was clear she didn’t need a drink to make her more liberal with her wallet.
So Simeon leaned down next to another member of the party and offered a drink; it was just champagne but they took it with enthusiasm and chugged it back in a way very inappropriate for the drink.
Other party members took their own glasses, and while they were at it, they ordered more food and drinks. It was certainly enough to ensure they would be staying for a while and that was all he needed. The longer they stayed, the more they would spend and that was good for everyone in the club.
When he returned to the bar, he put in the orders. Then, he sat down at one of the free seats and waited for them to be ready.
“They seem very excited,” Diavolo commented as he set a few of the ordered drinks on Simeon’s tray; mostly the straight alcohol ones.
“It’s the atmosphere.” It always made even the most rational of people go wild.
“I guess that is what I was aiming for.” He laughed.
Sometimes it was hard to believe that this man serving the drinks behind the bar was the actual owner of the place. He didn’t have a serious bone in his body to run the business side of things and was more concerned with the aesthetic of it all. Then again, the aesthetic was rather nice.
Diavolo cleared his throat as he set the last drink onto the tray; some glasses of water, “The set is almost over. After you take these drinks out there, could you make sure to bring some water to them in the back?”
“Of course.” It was already on his tray, after all. Plus, it would get him away from the strange lighting and loud music for a while. No matter how long he’d been working here, it always made him feel like he was developing a headache.
“Thank you. Oh, and do let them know the first of their food will be out in about ten minutes.”
“Did the kitchen tell you that?” Not that it was right to call that small space with barely enough room for a handful of people to move around a kitchen, but that’s what its purpose was.
“Nah. I just know how long the food takes to make.” He was responsible for making it all before that became its own job after all, “Now get going before the ice starts to melt.”
Simeon picked up his full tray to drop off the drinks, passing along the message to the person who seemed to be the head of the event. He wasn’t sure if she was the bride herself or one of the friends, but she seemed to be running the show tonight.
As he tried to leave, someone motioned for his attention, asking when he was going to get on stage. He only smiled as he informed them that he was not a dancer, nor was he one of the waiters that was willing to remove his uniform. They would have to wait for the next set to start in a few minutes. He pretended not to notice the disappointment on their face before he walked away.
The back room was much better lit than the front and the music was muffled through the door once it was closed. Of course, it could still be heard coming through the curtains that led to the stage, but it was much fainter.
He stepped into the dancer’s shared dressing room with the glasses in hand, trying to close their door as softly as he could so as not to disturb them. Still, it was hard not to notive him enter when they weren’t doing anything more entertaining than sitting around.
"Well, if it isn't our little angel," Solomon said with a smile as Simeon started to place the glasses of water on the vanities in front of the tired dancers, "How did you enjoy the show? We did one of our special routines for the occasion."
"And they paid well~" Asmodeus nearly sang as he counted out the singles that had been slipped into his underwear, "So generous. Oh! This is a ten."
"You can keep the ten, but add everything else to the pool before we go back on stage," Lucifer said, taking only a moment to nod at Simeon as he received his drink.
"I know, I know. I wouldn't screw over the others by forgetting."
"It's truly heartwarming to see you all working together so wonderfully." Barbatos interrupted as he came to the backroom, "You have thirty minutes to rest up and fix your faces before you’re back out there. Lucifer, you’re on stage. Asmo, you’re on the floor."
“Solomon,” his attention turned to the man, “someone requested a private show, so you will be in Room A. Beel will be outside the room should anything happen."
"Sounds fun," Solomon said with a laugh, "One of the bachelorette girls?"
"The bride-to-be."
"That marriage isn't going to last long," Asmo muttered under his breath and Lucifer quickly shushed him.
Simeon didn't feel much better about that information. It seemed wrong that a woman that was about to be married was asking to see another man strip down to barely anything.
Solomon didn't have the same compunctions. He just grabbed the glass of water and took a sip to rehydrate, "Let me freshen up and I'll be more than happy to give her a sight she'll never forget."
“I expect nothing less.” Barbatos’ smile was purely business, “As I said, thirty minutes. Make the most of it.”
As he stepped out, Asmo sighed, “I’m not even on stage? That’s a crime.”
“You need to take a break or you’re going to injure yourself,” Lucifer told him.
“So do you, but you’re up there.”
“I don’t throw my weight around like it’s the end of the night and show off all the strenuous moves. You’re lucky you’re on the floor and not benched altogether after what you pulled as the finisher for the routine. I saw how you nearly twisted your ankle out there.”
“Hey, I didn’t get hurt and the tips speak for themselves. Relax.”
Simeon decided to tune out before their disagreement turned into a full-blown lecture. He could already tell it was oncoming and that Asmo didn’t stand a chance. Actually, he need to get back to serving the patrons or else they would get restless.
He began to dismiss himself when Solomon called for him to wait.
The white-haired man stood from his seat, barely dressed after his last routine. Simeon had to try very hard not to stare over his body as he got closer, displacing the thought of him moving on stage for everyone to see.
“You can’t leave before answering my question. How did you enjoy the show?”
Simeon just smiled as professionally as he could, cursing his mind for replaying the scene in his head again, “Everyone watching seemed to enjoy it.”
Solomon tsked at him before leaning closer, practically pinning him between his body and the exit, “Does that mean you did too?”
He could feel his cheeks heating up at the proximity, “I don’t know what yo-”
“I caught you staring.” He leaned in closer still, placing his mouth just inches away from Simeon’s ear as he whispered, “You know, I wouldn’t mind if you joined me on stage for a dance. Or maybe you’d prefer a private show?”
His throat suddenly felt dry and his legs began to buckle, “I… I…”
“Enough of that,” Lucifer barked as he grabbed Solomon by the shoulder and pulled him back, “You need to learn when is the proper time and place for your antics. Simeon, go back outside before Barbatos comes looking for you.”
Simeon only nodded as he turned around to make a quick exit, just barely hearing the lecture Lucifer was unleashing as he hurried away from the door and toward the staff restrooms.
He locked himself inside, setting his empty tray down to the side as he rushed to the sink to splash cold water in his face to help calm down. Now was not the time to be getting flustered. He still had several hours left in his shift and he would have to be around Solomon for a huge chunk of it. But here he was, trying to control the unfortunate tent that was pitching itself in his pants so he could get back to his job.
The night had barely started, and he could already tell that it was going to be a difficult one.
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keyofradiance · 2 years
an analysis on yazs issues with connections, trust, and (possible) abandonment bc i cant stop thinking about it:
this was supposed to be just an analysis abt her in just one scene, but i am not normal so its way longer now
aka the yasmina fadoula is NOT good at relationships with people long post. its long as hell and less of a post and more of an ordeal. also i bolded the dialogue if its not by yaz. youre welcome to add on to the post, esp in the miscellaneous sections. spoilers for all seasons under the cut
yasmina fadoula is a bit of a loner. of course we dont get to really see this a lot beyond s1 as they bond a lot after that lol. but i would like outline two scenes in particular. weve seen this less than social expressed before in the season (the part where brook tries to film her comes to mind) but i would like to firstly mention the scene where sammy first tries to talk to her. when first mentioned in the episode, yaz is a distance away from the rest of the campers, drawing (this most likely just for plot reasons, but i find it interesting how shes with them but not hanging out. together but isolated). in this scene kenji also says she probably just wants to be alone. sometimes. the very next scene she continues the behavior of sitting close to where kenji/brooklynn/darius/ben hang out, but not interacting with them, instead trying to wipe down her book (note: she also is very clearly listening to the conversation in this scene). and this is when sammy comes in, with an absolutely unabashed offer of friendship, heart on her sleeve so to speak. and yaz just is caught off guard. when sam says “no one likes the shell. it stops people from getting to know you,” yaz responds with “bingo,” and thats what leads me to believe that human connection has hurt her before. shes not ready to let someone in, not ready to play with fire again. but, this conversation, the “im not giving up,” line we hear in s3, leaves the door open for more. maybe they could be acquaintances
now, in the episode, what we see is yaz not really being used to someone as boisterous as sammy, especially with sammy wanting to be friends so clearly. and with the likelihood of yaz probably not having friends, being with sammy would probably be like being at a party but with no quiet corner to sink into. but through some blunders and a bit of life threatening danger (par for the course in this show) and a speech that was Most Definitely Totally All For The Dinosaur, I Swear You Guys has yaz realize that she can trust sammy. and maybe its not easy, but its worth a shot. it maybe awkward and clumsy, but hey, shes only here for a bit, why not talk to someone. and maybe shes not really a hugger, but she can let it go
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i also would like to note the reason yaz states for taking up drawing, “to kill time during track meets”. interesting. also one the drawings is of what we can assume is a t rex eating a person. now, if you remember, darius’s story at the beginning actually mentions a t rex. maybe its coincidence, maybe yaz was actually listening to the story all along.
but thats just with the other campers, how about the other people we see in the series? lets start with eddie. when we first see him and he shines the lamp on the camp fam, yaz actually takes up a fighting stance. she doesnt talk at all during the scene, or even take any cake. the closest we get to her and eddie talking is when she says “ow,” when she trips on bumpy while chasing him. ok, how about mitch, tiff, and hap? asks 1 question (“did you get stuck out here too?”) in the whole getting to camp part. ehh ok, but lets look beyond that, we are with them for several episodes after all. lets talk the breakfast scene. we get a whole other comment (“so many attacks,”) and its just in response to darius. ok, maybe the writers just didnt know what to really do with her. lets talk the scene where brooklynn sees hap being suspicious while everyone does something else. whats yaz doing? just chilling with sammy. not talking, even tho tiff is right there. ok i think my point here has been made lets skip to when we see mae for the first time, bc dr. wu isnt a really a stranger to her. on the journey over to her cave, we set a record for amount of lines yaz has in a persons intro scene: 3! yay! and then an additional one in the cave. wooo! the six months on a dinosaur infested island w/ only 5 other people helped her social skills. they arent perfect, but theyre definitely better, and she still sticks to her quieter tendencies.
episodes referenced in this section, chronologically:
s1ep1 camp cretaceous, s1ep3 the cattle drive, s1ep5 happy birthday, eddie, s2ep4 salvation, s3ep6 the long run, and s4ep3 turning dr. turner.
yaz’s handling of (possible) abandonment by friends is um. something. i only have two examples though. firstly, lets talk about s3 and what makes yaz realize she could be abandoned after leaving the island. the scene with ben. “after we go home, its not like any of us will ever see each other again.” “sure we will!” “doubt it. were spread all over the country. factor in time, money, life. you get the idea.” and as kenji tells him off, yaz hangs back with a pensive expression, as the storm gets ready to roll in. i love symbolism. 
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and so, we get into the real part id like to discuss. yaz’s conversation with sammy. in this we can see yaz’s doubts and fears come through as she tries to shut down their relationship, so that there is no pain of any abandonment or drifting apart, because if the bond was only made due to “running for [their] lives all the the time,” it wouldnt be something to be hurt over, right? and so, while she reinforces the fence around camp, she does the same for her heart. and sammy? sammy knows that this isnt really what either of them want, but shes not strong with her words. so what is there to really say, especially with someone who cant hear it right now.
but thats something that we see yaz initiate, thats on her own terms. how about something that is very much not on her terms, kenjis betrayal of the camp fam? how does yasmina, worlds normalest person about all things relationships react? she retroactively goes wow i should not have trusted him. as weve seen, this is pretty much par for the course, this distancing from people. but in this she also pushes down her own range of emotions, instead focusing about how she was stupid to have let this happen to her. like, shes the second last person to go when darius leaves to go try and figure out whats up with big and little eatie.
episodes referenced in this section, chronologically:
s3ep5 the eye of the storm, s5ep4 evasive action
^ core of the post
˅ some misc things 
yaz also does not do good with trust being broken. at all. girl CRASHES a car because she had found out sammy lied about a PHONE. (to be fair the whole day had been extremely tough, there was a “monster dinosaur” out there that had tried to eat them twice) and then when sammy comes out with the fact that shes here entirely to spy, well, she cannot handle it. and so, she uses the same distancing tactics as before, unable to accept the hurt. she denies that it could have been real at all, and rescinds the special permission of being allowed to touch her. and this is our first glimpse (timeline wise) into how bad yazs issues with relationships are. and yet, theres still more for these guys! we also get a scene w/ them after yaz hurts her ankle. i cant talk for a lot of it bc its sort of just the same stuff lol, but we do get and explicit mention yaz had considered them as friends until this point (and she does go back to doing so). which is pretty realistic in a character whos clearly had some rough experiences with connection like yaz has.
episodes referenced in this section, chronologically:
s1ep5 happy birthday, eddie, s1ep6 welcome to jurassic world
yaz takes the want to be useful to the people to a higher level then most people would. this causes her to be a bit impulsive at times when trying to help, doing things that could hurt her as well as not really thinking things through. lets start with what yaz herself has to say on it, “i dont give up” “im the track star. the person my coaches, my team, everybody relies on. but now... but now im not. and if im not strong anymore... what good am i?” and this really goes to show how truly well she fits the team player role, she truly embodies it to an unhealthy degree. and she wants to be reliable, to her new team (the camp fam), and that want to prove herself to this team, and if she cant use two of her biggest skills, how is she supposed to do this? and i think this is where her impulsivity stems from, this want to help the team. and so this is where the scene with the mosasaurus comes in. in this scene we get to see this reliability savior thing shes got going on backfire on her, as while, yes, she saves sammy and darius, the mosasaur also goes straight for her.    
episodes referenced in this section, chronologically:
s1ep6 welcome to jurassic world, and s2ep2 the art of chill
yaz, i believe, shows two major outlets during the show, both of which she uses to connect with people; her art and exercising. soo, lets talk about her art first, and how she uses it. when yaz opens up to sammy for the first time, the way she does it is through showing and talking about her art, and we know its definitely something close to her heart through the way she absolutely deflates when she thinks sammy doesnt like them, and with the portrait of her mom we see in the nightmare sequence, it can be assumed that this is how yaz has been dealing with her homesickness. and when yaz realizes sammys having a hard time with the goodbyes n stuff she tries to help by giving her a drawing of all of them. and while this is a small detail, there is the scene where we get to see yaz draw for darius’ field guide, even taking criticism on the piece. not super huge, but as we know yaz can be pretty down on her own artistic abilities, so the moment is actually kinda big for her.
now, to touch on her exercising as an outlet. while we dont get to see it as much as her art, ironically enough. its probably because most of the running she does is for her life. firstly, id like to talk about the moment where she talks to darius about “sometimes [we] get so stuck in [our] head[s] that [we] cant see whats happening in front of [us],” so, to combat that, we have to do something to get out of our head, something fun. for yaz, thats exercising, as she tells darius. for darius, thats learning new dinosaur facts. (as he puts it, “very different definitions of fun,”). and, hey, maybe it isnt her thing, but hes the one this is for, so she can put it aside her own feelings on it and most of her snark (most of). 
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lets talk about when we can see this actually happening in season 5. now, this is where i, yes, get to talk about yaz’s crush on sammy. round of applause. when we first get to hear about her crush, yaz doesnt want to act on it at all. now, we dont get it explicitly, but based on what ive talked about, id imagine she is still afraid of changes in her relationships, especially with territory as uncharted as a relationship, let alone one with another girl. but when she takes her own advice, gets out of her head, and really lets her think, because, yea, change could be scary, but if she had let that fear overpower her in the beginning, she wouldnt have this now. (something something “its not finding your perfect half. its the trying and reaching and failing. love is being willing to ruin your good painting for the chance at a great one. is this really the boldest stroke you can make?”) and so she is willing to share her feelings, even if sammy doesnt feel the same. and in both cases it does work out! yazs advice helps darius find the beacon, and her decision to tell sammy about her feelings actual has them ending up together. 
episodes referenced in this section, chronologically:
s1ep3 the cattle drive, s2ep1, a beacon of hope, s2ep3 the watering hole, s4ep1 beneath the surface, s4ep4 rude awakening, s5ep7 the leap, and s5ep9 the core.
other media referenced in this section:
the half of it, 2020, directed by Alice Wu.
some final thoughts/comments: i wrote this over 2 days w/ no editing. sorry if some sections are lackluster or whatnot. also based on my analysis i think yaz has adhd and autism because a lot of the stuff she does i do too, feel free to ask me about it btw. the quote from the half of it is only really tangentially related but its an absolutely amazing quote and movie. watch it. all the pictures are not mine. also i didnt really know what to say, but the scene where yaz, brook, kenji, and sammy are trying to make it to the boat is pretty interesting. ok post over
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cha-melodius · 1 year
🤯, ✅, 🧐?
🤯 What's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
IDK if this counts as a "genre" but anything established relationship. I can write getting together fic after getting together fic, but once they're together—like, solidly together, not 'there's unresolved issues' or 'they don't think the relationship means the same thing'—I kind of lose interest? And that goes for established relationship fluff, along with established relationship drama. I can do it for short fics, but anything longer than probably 3–4k becomes like pulling teeth.s
✅ What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
I feel like I have so many 'tells', from plot points to turns of phrase, but of course I can't remember the best ones when asked directly. There are certain character tropes that end up in there whether I mean to write them in or not, like Napoleon's fears of being "too much", Illya's struggles with self-control, Gaby and Napoleon having a lovingly-roast-you best friend relationship (it's easier to pick on the TMFU crew because I have so many fics for them, so the patterns are more obvious). I know I write about "silence stretching between" two characters a lot, and characters doing something "in a way [they'd] rather not examine too closely." Relately: a character "trying and failing" to look nonchalant/unaffected/etc. Anyway, I'm sure there are a lot more. (Actually—the people to ask would be all the ones who clocked me immediately in the gift exchange, lol.)
🧐 Do you spend much time researching for your stories?
God, yes. I research all kinds of things. Recently I was researching schedules of film festivals for a fic. Did I need to have real film festivals for them to attend, given that they played no other purpose than a section heading? Clearly not, but I did it anyway. One of the funniest bits of research I did was pouring over actual blueprints of museums in Berlin in order to plan a 'realistic' fictional heist. The most research I ever did for a story was for Love is a Losing Game, and you can tell because of the huge amount of historical notes in the endnotes of that one. I read SO MUCH about chess and chess tournaments in the 60s. Lucky for me there are a lot of chess nerds on the internet and all of those historical games are preserved in online databases, not to mention that all the back issues of Chess Life magazine have been digitized as pdfs. You don't want to KNOW how much time I spent reading Chess Life magazine. I'm amazed I didn't come out of that fic knowing how to play competitive chess.
Thanks for sending these in! (Fic Writer Emoji Asks)
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cyclopstm · 3 years
On today’s episode of Scotty talks XMCU.
The disaster train that is Dark Phoenix and things I actually do like about it versus things that absolutely STINK about it. And because I like to end with the good things, I’ll just kick off with the bad things.
*cracks knuckles* I don’t like Raven being team leader, if anything that one should be on Hank aka the only one who’s been 100% X-Man since day one (aka First Class). To me it just feels like there’s no one at that house Charles maybe trusts more than Hank. Speaking of Charles. I don’t like him all that much in this one. On another note concerning Raven, what was the make up department thinking? And while we’re on bad character designs: Hank’s Beast look, and Scott’s visor both don’t do it for me. Snorry-borry. *coughs* All of them are too young to be going on that space mission, but can we honestly talk shit about this because the O5 were basically kids too when the X-Men were created. This just felt way over their heads and I’m forever angry that Charles actually sent them into space, and Hank agreed ??? As someone who writes Hank on another blog, that’s always been an annoyance for me.
Did I mention white hair doesn’t work on Jessica Chastain and that I don’t vibe with her in this one? And that it’s weird that Vux gets to knock out Scott with his own optic blast? Like ??? :) Anyway, not really a fan of kids teaching kids at the end of the movie. Like, it’s obvious Storm and the others on the current team are somewhere in their twenties, which is weirdly young to be teaching people who could be in their late teens.
Oh...yeah, I’m supposed to end with the good stuff so...
Scott gets to show off his powers more creatively, like using reflection to direct his blast rather than always having it go straight ahead. I love that they actually went with the idea to adapt the X-Jet to the team’s abilities, leaving Scott the opportunity to use his blasts while on board through a built in gun/blaster modified to fit his optic blasts. Hank’s reluctance at the start of the movie to head into space is just chef’s kiss. It’s proof that he’s one of the few people inside that house who still got his shit straight since the 60s (he aged very well too in those 30 years). RAVEN ROASTING CHARLES IN THE X-WOMEN SCENE. The tiny Dazzler cameo, pleeeeeaaaase!
Sophie Turner SERVES as Jean and so many of the jeanscott scenes just make me feel some type of way. The way she and Tye deliver that scene where she leaves the mansion? Good food. It took me forever to get used to Tye as Scott, but the more I rewatch his material and pay closer attention to him, the more I can see there’s this fine build up from a young Scott, towards one who knows his responsibilities and knows how to be mature at the right time. He’s a really fine step towards James Marsden (and they also look freakishly alike in a way). SCOTT SUMMERS SUCKS WITH HIS FEELINGS. 
The kitchen scene between Hank and Charles is my personal highlight out of the entire movie. It just tears out my heart. Erik’s first appearance is so good, too. He’s actually amazing throughout the whole movie and I like him better than Charles. His reunion with Hank to go after Jean together is such a solid point in Hank’s character development, as is the moment where Scott talks over Charles when they decide who gets to go after Jean in New York. Scott’s friendship with Ororo is so nice to see, and really resonates with how it showed pre-established in the 00s trilogy. It also resonates with the comics, and I just LOVE IT.
Hank vs. Scott always gets me because it’s just... :’) they know each other. Hank knows Scott’s weaknesses, he’s been his mentor within the X-Men and his teacher around the school. Erik being so extra, he pulls a metro out of the street really resonates with how extra he always was in those really old comics and it amuses me somehow.
We didn’t get Scott yelling JEEAAAN once, but twice. I’d let him yeet me the same way he did to Vux, and probably thank him for it too. Anyway, let’s keep it PG-rated and mention the classic: the train scene is a whole feast. Hank letting loose the Beast, his fighting style with the acrobatics and pure Beastly force, the powerful grace of Storm using her powers on the roof of the train... 
Kurt Wagner’s screen time and character development is the attention he deserves and I’m glad it didn’t go to Quicksilver again. I’m tired of him anyway.
Scott sticking by Charles’ side all the time just has me emotional. It’s definitely not a relationship as strong as the one they have in the comics (where I’m reading right now), but it reminds me of it and it may also be a build-up to how close they were in the 00s movies. And I dig all these little pieces of continuity despite the timeline already being a big enough mess as it is.
Jean being a total badass until the bitter end? Sign me up.
And finally, let me be soft about my boy Hank being head of the school. It fits his character and the future he has ahead of himself. Even if he doesn’t stick there, it’s a good build-up towards that politics career we know him for.
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bestiesenpai · 3 years
Dirty Little Secret - Toji Fushiguro
I love a good meanie :) this was inspired by a thrilling convo i had femme reader lads, everyone 18+ 12.3K words
content warnings are as followed: dubcon, blackmail, age gap, manipulation, noncon somnophilia, pseudo-incest, cheating, infantilization(?), mention of guns, drinking, choking, burning(w/ a cigarette? Idk how to explain), a lot of different pet names lol and Toji calls himself daddy
It all started with the messy, bitter divorce your parents went through, leaving your mother a struggling woman all on her own. You tried to help with bills, tried to tack on a few side gigs here and there and get a couple part time jobs but it just wasn’t enough.
Until she met Toji and all the worries you two had about money just suddenly melted away. He wasn’t outlandishly rich but somehow he made enough money that both you and your mother could quit all the jobs you’d had to take on.
Your mother was ecstatic, positively thrilled about the newfound freedom she has. She’s able to afford luxuries she’d never been able to before and there was no need to worry about pinching pennies and scrounging for every last meal. You could live comfortably, but there was something about Toji that rubbed you the wrong way.
There wasn’t one singular thing that drove you to disliking him, it was all just a culmination of things. His cocky attitude, the way he acted like he owned the whole house the first time he visited, how he seemed to be eyeing you up in a way far less acceptable for a man that was meeting his new step-daughter. As soon as his eyes landed on you, it was like your mother no longer existed.
They got married faster than you could blink, a rushed ceremony done at city hall with a few random witnesses watching her take the surname Fushiguro. Your mother was beyond happy, and while you were happy to see an easy smile on her face again, the knowledge that Toji would be living with you now hung like a dark cloud in the back of your head.
“Careful there doll, wouldn’t want you to break a nail.” Toji teased as he saw you pick up a moving box that was left in the living room. He was moving his and his sons belongings into the house and you’d been tasked with helping.
“Shut up.” Glaring at him, you grabbed the box in a huff and stormed up the stairs, stomping your way into the room that was your step-brothers, Megumis. You’d only met him once at a formal dinner and he seemed nice enough. Far different than his father but strikingly similar in appearance. He was away at university in another city, only visiting every other weekend if he felt like it.
Lingering in the empty room longer than you should, you tried to steer clear of Toji. The physical labour of moving boxes had made him sweaty, a nice sheen building up on his forehead and arms that highlighted the taut muscles underneath the skin and underneath the tight black t-shirt he was always wearing.
“Why don’t you go sit pretty on the couch, hm? A little girl like you shouldn’t be trying to lift such heavy things.” Catching you coming down the stairs, Toji was sporting his usual signature smirk whenever he saw you.
“There’s still a lot of stuff to bring in and I don’t want this to take all day.” Standing at the top of the stairs, you wavered. He wasn’t making any move to get out of your way or to come up the stairs and the two of you were stuck in a staring match.
“But you’re just so delicate, are you sure you can keep up?” Toji finally started moving up the stairs, a large box in his hand that looked to be no trouble for him.
“I’ll be fine!” You snapped at him, backing up and out of the way to let him pass you.
“You sure about that?” Stopping right in front of you, Toji held the box out of the way so he could lean close to your face, almost brushing his hair against your forehead.
“I’m sure!” Face erupting in a hot flush, you scramble away from him and down the stairs. You can hear the dark chuckle leaving his throat and the incident has your hands shaking as you go to the moving van.
Starkly avoiding eye contact with him for the rest of the day, you take the pizza your mother ordered for the family straight to your room and don’t come out for a good while. She knocks on your door not once throughout the night, too busy giggling stupidly in the living room with Toji.
“Good morning baby girl.” Toji croons when he sees you appear in the kitchen in the morning, a hot cup of coffee in his hands as he leans against the kitchen counter. Your ears burn at the nickname, but you ignore him and go straight to the refrigerator.
“Hey!” Shuffling back when he slams the fridge closed in your face, another shout is caught in your throat as he looms over you, large calloused hand keeping the door closed.
“You just gonna be rude and not say good morning to your new daddy?” The smell of coffee and cigarettes hangs on his breath, fanning over your face. He’s cornering you against the refrigerator, using his looming stature to force you against the door entirely.
“Go away.” You whisper, but you want to shout, push him away and stand up for yourself. But something in Toji’s stare and the way he carries himself has you withering.
“I don’t even get a good morning kiss?”
“Huh?” Your eyes go wide when he grabs your jaw, tilting your face up and holding it there so he can lean in and graze his lips against yours. Slapping your hands on his chest, you struggle to keep him at bay.
“Toji, have you seen my car keys?” Your mothers shout from the other room rips away the quiet, tense moment between you two. Toji takes a few smooth steps back, shuffling back into his place against the countertop right as she comes into the room.
“Yeah, right there.” Flicking his chin to the kitchen table, there lies her keys.
“Thanks.” Grabbing them, she takes a glance at you and then a double take, furrowing her brows and pointing vaguely at you. “Sweetie, what’s wrong? Why are you making that face?”
“I-” A tiny flicker of your eyes to Toji has your face burning all over again and any words are lost on you. “I feel a bit sick.” Ducking your head down, you rush out of the kitchen, the passing cry of ‘go lay back down then’ from your mother going ignored as you slam the door to your room and lock it.
Toji leaves sometime after your mother does and for a while you’re home alone. Finally able to eat in peace, there’s a few things you’ve been wanting to do ever since you met Toji, one of them being snooping through his things.
He was secretive with so many things, it was only right that you get a little intel on him. You barely knew what he did for work, the only thing he said he did was ‘freelancing’ and that was it.
Walking through the open bedroom door, you steered clear of the things you knew were your mothers. The old dresser she had and her section of the closet was still exactly the same as before Toji came into her life.
But now there was a new chest of drawers tucked away in the corner of the room, rich dark wood that contrasted with the light color palette of the rest of the room. There was also a safe tucked under the bed and one in the closet as well, you’d seen Toji bring those in himself.
Opening the top drawer, it was no shock to find folded piles of socks and underwear, a few black tank tops. The second had more shirts, the third was the baggy pants Toji mainly lived in and the fourth had more fitted bottoms.
But sticking out from between a few folded pairs of slacks was a thick file folder with your families last name on it. It was in pristine condition and once you opened it, you saw that so were the things inside it.
Detailed records of your bank history, notes that had everything about you on them; your favorite food, color, your typical daily schedule, who you hung out with and all their personal information, the places you frequented and all the jobs you’d held in your life.
“This fucking stalker.” Reading over notes clearly written in Toji’s handwriting, the contents of the folder made your stomach churn. Shoving it back between the pants, you stood up properly and turned to the closet.
The safe in here was buried under a stack of folded clothes waiting to be hung up. Toji’s side of the closet was relatively bare, with the only thing hanging up being the lonely suit he owned that he wore to get married in.
Punching in all the possible number combinations you could think of - all the phone numbers you knew by heart, your home address and every birthday - you came up empty. There was no way to open the safe in the closet, and you had to abandon it.
The safe beneath the bed was heavy, nearly breaking your back as you tried to drag it out into the open. It was a thin black metal box with a long rectangular shape and the same number pad as in the closet. Only this time, when you punched in the last four digits of your phone number, it opened with a click.
What you saw inside wasn’t what you were expecting. Sure, Toji was a mysterious guy with secretive habits and a job you knew nothing about. You had barely information on him, yet you still weren’t prepared to see all the guns he had stored inside the safe.
There were long shotguns, handguns, revolvers and plenty of ammo and holsters. Even with the slight wear and tear on some of the barrels, you could tell Toji took good care of them as nearly all of them were freshly polished.
“Just couldn’t help yourself, could you?” Just as you reached out and skimmed a finger across one of the handguns laying innocently in the pile, Toji’s flat monotone voice sounded behind you.
Ripping your hand away, your head whipped over your shoulder to stare at him in terrified shock. He shouldn’t be home, you hadn’t heard him come in or the front door open and close. Frozen on the ground, you struggled to find the air to breathe.
“Such a nosy little thing.” Toji commented, his eyes drifting to the open closet door and the dresser drawer that you’d left ajar. “If you were curious about daddy, you could have just asked.”
“Why do you have these things?” What were you referring to? The guns? Records of your every move, down to how long your phone conversations were late at night?
“They’re for work.” Pushing away from the doorframe, Toji sauntered into the room, dragging his feet lazily.
“That’s all you need to know.” He cut you off with a stern look, kicking closed the safe.
“Why...why do you have all those papers about me?” Came your next question. Looking up at Toji, you were suddenly aware of how you were presented to him. Sitting on your knees, hands balled up into fists in your lap, looking up at him with wide scared eyes - and he noticed it too.
“You’re my little girl, why shouldn’t I know everything?” Biting his lip as he looked down at you, Toji had to stop himself from grabbing your hair and shoving your face into his clothed cock. Instead he flexed his fingers, rolled his shoulders and used his foot to push the safe under the bed. Scrambling to your feet, you watched as the safe disappeared.
“What’s in the safe in the closet?” You were standing far too close to Toji for your liking, he was within less than an arm's reach of you and you could smell the dark woody aroma he liked to put on.
“Important shit. ‘Gumi’s birth certificate, passports, the usual.” Shrugging casually, Toji walked over to the dresser and kicked it closed as well. “Got some stuff for your mom and you in there too.”
Letting a lull fall into the conversation, you scurried from the bedroom when Toji went to close the closet door. You could hear him chuckle and mutter something under his breath upon discovering your absence, but he closed the bedroom door shortly after and you could hear him go down the stairs.
Hours later and your mother informed you she wouldn’t be home for dinner. Something about meeting up with friends for an unexpected late night outing and staying out past dark.
Left to your own devices, you tried to avoid being detected by Toji as you milled around in the kitchen and fed yourself.
“Sweetheart, that you?”
Keyword being tried.
Biting back a harsh sigh, you emerged from the relative darkness of the kitchen and into the living room where Toji was lounging on the couch with no shirt on, all his muscles and scars on full display.
“There’s my baby girl.” Toji broke into a smile.
“Yup, I’m here.” Rolling your eyes so you could force yourself to stop ogling his body, you turned halfway back to the kitchen.
“Woah woah come back!”
“What do you want?” Not keeping this sigh at bay, you quirked a brow at him.
“Ya know your mothers not here and I’m getting awfully lonely sitting in this house by myself. Why don’t you sit with me?”
“No thanks.”
“That’s too bad, sweetheart, ‘cause I wasn’t asking.” You can feel his hand wrapping around your upper arm before you even hear him getting up from the couch.
“L-let go!” Thrashing in his hold does no good, you’re thrown onto the couch like a doll in no time and Toji sinks in next to you, spreading his legs wide and throwing an arm over the back of the couch.
“Your mother wants us to spend more time together, get better acquainted and whatnot.” Grabbing the beer he had on the coffee table, Toji drinks until it’s empty and he crushes it in his hand. “And what better time than now?”
Huffing and puffing, you adjust yourself on the couch and try to focus on whatever Toji has playing on the TV screen. It’s some cheesy action movie made way before you were born, and while it makes you groan at the cliche plot points, Toji is having a grand old time.
“You want a beer?” Toji asks, picking up a can and cracking it open.
“No.” Shaking your head, the last thing you’d want is to possibly get drunk and lose your senses around him.
“Oh, oops.” Upon hearing your no, Toji not so subtly tipped the can over and let it fall into your lap, the beer inside spilling out onto your clothes.
“Toji! What the-” Leaping up and tossing the can onto the coffee table, you could feel the cold liquid seep into the fabric of your pants and underwear, even stretching to the back of your pants.
“That’s too bad, my mistake! Better go get changed.” Toji laughed, completely unashamed of what he’d done. Flipping him off, you stormed away. “Put your pajamas on, it’s getting late!”
“Fuck you!” Angrily walking to your room, you ripped off the wet clothes clinging to you. You were tempted to stay in your room the rest of the night, but there was no doubt that Toji would come up and drag you back down to the living room.
“Aw, don’t you look cute.” He teased when you came back down in an oversized shirt and sleeping shorts. He had procured a blanket from behind the couch and it lay on the arm.
“Ugh, it’s still wet.” Even though he’d grabbed a blanket, he hadn’t grabbed a towel to sop up the beer in the couch cushions.
“It’s okay, you can sit right here.” Grabbing your wrist, Toji yanked you onto his lap, wrapping an arm around your waist as you fell into him. Throwing the blanket over you, Toji forced you to lay against his bare chest.
“Let me go sit in the other chair.” There was a perfectly good arm chair a few feet from the couch you could sit on.
“Now how could we bond if you’re so far away?” He chuckled, hiking you back up as you tried to slide off him. Biting your tongue against any further useless arguments, you tried to get comfortable in Tojis lap.
“Be careful now, baby, all that squirming might get me excited.” Toji whispered in your ear, gripping the flesh of your waist tightly underneath his fingers. Chuckling again at how your body went completely stiff, he settled back into the couch and watched the movie.
Begrudgingly focusing on it as well, it was almost inevitable that you relaxed into laying on Toji, the smooth up and down of his chest expanding with every breath lulling you into a sense of comfort.
“This movie’s stupid.” You grumbled as a commercial hit. Your arms were crossed tightly, having gotten riled up at one particular scene for how predictable it was.
“S’not stupid, it’s a classic.” Toji replied.
“Still stupid.” Shaking your head slightly, you let out a soft yawn.
“Aw, is it getting close to your bedtime?”
“Shut up.” It wasn’t that it was particularly late, but sitting in the low light of the living room, under a cozy blanket with a warm body underneath you holding you tightly, it was more relaxing than you thought. Coupled with the quietness of the TV and the slow even breaths Toji took right by your ear, who wouldn’t get a little sleepy?
“Poor baby’s tired.” You could just feel the mocking pout on Toji’s lips. Shifting his hands and grabbing onto your thigh, he turned you to sit sideways in his lap, legs across him and your head securely tucked under his chin.
“Not tired.” Trying to reason with him was impossible, and you gave up once the movie came back on. With a secure arm wrapped around your back and his other hand resting snugly on your outer thigh, Toji had you right where he wanted you.
“Still awake?” Toji asked ten minutes later and he already knew the answer. Your breathing had gotten quiet and you’d fallen slack in his arms, and when he rubbed your back you let out a soft, sleepy hum and snuggled deeper into him.
Careful not to wake you, Toji dipped his hands to the hem of your shirt and tugged it up so he could get under it. Trailing his calloused fingertips up your back, he felt the bumps and ridges of your spinal cord as he went. Pushing under your arm, he got to where he wanted: the soft flesh of your breast.
Cupping it in his palm, Toji bit his lip to hold back a soft groan. He’d wanted to do this since the day he started dating your mother and learned about you. From the very first picture of you she’d shown him he was hooked and every subsequent move he made after was calculated to get right to this very moment.
A soft uptick in your breathing let him know that you could feel what he was doing, but you did nothing else as he pinched your nipple and rolled it between his fingers.
Pushing you to lay back a little, Toji crept his other hand up your thigh. Your legs were simple dead weight to him and with a few nudges he was able to get his hand down your shorts and cup your sex.
“Be a good girl and get nice and wet.” Mumbling to himself he pushed his middle finger through your folds, coming to your clit and grinning wildly. Rubbing it with practiced precision, Toji kept his ears trained on the sound of your breathing and he was prepared to keep going even if you woke up.
Pressing a few kisses to the top of your head, he cooed at the delicate sigh you let out. You were getting aroused, Tojis finger was starting to get slicked up and glide easier against you.
Pushing his index finger against your clit, he worked you up even further. The movie was forgotten on the television, all of Tojis focus going to you and the way your brows scrunched up at the feeling of someone else’s fingers against your cunt.
You weren’t wet enough for Toji to push a finger inside, but he was fine with waiting for another time. Just playing with your clit and pinching your nipple was enough for him for now.
Pressing his nose against the top of your head, Toji let out a shuddering breath when you came in your sleep. A few desperate whimpers fell from your lips, and your face screwed up a little, your body clenching as pleasure rolled through your sleeping form.
Taking his hand slowly out of your shirt, Toji laid it back on your thigh and tried to collect his own breathing. Getting you to cum in your sleep on his lap had riled him up more than he expected, the thrill of making you come undone without your knowledge going straight to his head.
It wasn’t long after that your mother came home, gasping at the sight of your sleeping body in Toji’s lap and delighted that you were finally getting more comfortable with him. Not wanting to wake you, she snapped a few pictures for posterity and had Toji carry you to your room.
“You want me to what?” Staring at your mother like she’d grown another head, you couldn’t hide the disdain at what she had just proposed of you in the late morning.
“I want you to spend the day with Toji! He’s going into town to do some shopping and I think it’d be a great way for you two to get closer.”
“I don’t want to get closer to him.” The memory of last night made your cheeks burn. You were far more embarrassed about falling asleep in his lap than you’d ever be willing to admit.
“C’mon (Y/N), I saw you two together on the couch last night! It was so cute, I want you to have more moments like that with him.” Your mother gave you a pout, one just begging to humor her request. The desire to say no was right on the tip of your tongue.
“Fine, I’ll go with him.”
“Yay!” Clapping her hands together lightly, your mother turned away and started to gather a few things to start her own day.
“Let’s be quick, okay?” Ten minutes later and you were sitting in the front seat of Toji’s vintage camaro.
“I think we should take it nice and slow today.” Toji replied, firing up the engine and drowning out your thoughts with the loud roar. It was hard to look at him, so you kept your gaze trained to the passing scenery outside.
“Did you sleep well last night, baby?” He asked as the car came to a stop at a light. Toji was staring right at you, a wide smirk on his face. Pressing your lips together, you refused to look back at him. You might have slept well, but waking up with slick coating your inner thighs ruined the entire experience, whether good or bad at all.
“Why do you care?”
“Ha! Why do I care?” His sharp laugh made you jolt, turning to glare at him as the car started moving again. “You must have slept well, you were knocked out on my lap.”
“Won’t happen again.” You grumbled, watching his hand fiddle with the radio and turn it to a random station.
“That’s what you think.” Giving your thigh a quick pat, Toji settled into his seat. Driving to the shopping district he had in mind, as soon as you stepped out of the car Toji was by your side with a hand on your back. “I’ve got some business to take care of first, let’s go.”
“Don’t touch me.” Shoving his hand away, it was right back where it was in seconds. A low wave of annoyance washed over you, but you started walking in the direction Toji was taking you. The annoyed feeling only grew as you passed people by on the street and women openly stared at him, not giving a care in the world about the gold band on his finger or the fact that you were next to him.
And he didn’t seem to care either. You could see the way he would look back at some of the women, sending them easy smiles or holding eye contact longer than normal. Walking into a jewelry shop, you were finally away from their prying eyes, but the hand Toji had on your back only got firmer.
“Want me to buy you a little something?” Toji whispered, leaning close to your ear.
“Like what?” You challenged, looking across the shop floor. There were countless expensive jewels just lying in wait behind thick glass cases.
“Whatever you want, baby girl. Just point and I’ll get it once I’m done.”
“Done with what?” Looking at him incredulously, you saw him nod to someone waiting against a back wall.
“Business.” Patting your back, Toji went to talk to them, slipping into a back room and leaving you alone on the shop floor. Trying not to stand out, you found an open chair and pulled out your phone, already bored.
“Finally.” You said upon seeing Toji appear in front of you after nearly thirty minutes.
“Sorry to keep you waiting, I was doing some negotiations.” Inspecting him further, you could see he was breathing a little heavier and there was just the slightest sheen of sweat above his brow.
“What, did you kill someone back there or something?”
“Almost.” He replied with a shrug. You’d meant it as a joke, but with the way Toji wasn’t smiling you couldn’t tell if he did too. Letting his eyes roam over the shop, he flicked his chin out. “Find something you like?”
“No.” Taking a step toward the door, you were tugged back by your sleeve.
“I bet you didn’t even look.” Toji chuckled, dragging you over to a case. “How about a little tennis bracelet, hm? We could add a little charm, how about a T?”
“I don’t want it, I won’t wear it.”
“Ah, sure you will.” Brushing you off, he waved over a sales associate. “Now, tell the nice worker what color you want, gold or silver.”
Walking out of the store with a pretty little bag in hand, you followed Toji to the next few stores he had to go into for ‘business’. Sometimes he was quick and you didn’t have to wait even a few minutes for someone to hand him a thick envelope that he tucked into the inner pocket of his jacket. Others, he’d slip into the backroom and you’d have to awkwardly wait around.
“Are we actually going to do some proper shopping today, or is this it?” You snapped after being dragged around for a good while. You hadn’t even wanted to come, but now you just felt like a kid being dragged around against their will.
“Relax baby, daddy’s done, he’ll pay attention to you now.” Toji teased, pinching your cheek and cooing at you.
“Whatever, lets go.” Swatting him away, you stormed off in a random direction, Toji’s laughter burning in your ears. It was your turn now to drag him from store to store, some you weren’t even interested in. Following you dutifully, Toji bought whatever you wanted regardless of price tag.
“Let’s go in here.” Toji stopped you right in front of a popular lingerie store. There were large adverts in the windows of scantily clad women dripping in lace and frilly garments, and there were a large number of people inside as well.
“You can’t be serious.” You blanched, watching in slight horror as he toed his way over to the front door.
“Cmon baby, you deserve something nice.” He said loud enough to have a few passersby giggle. Seeing your face turn from one of shock to embarrassment, Toji knew he had won. Following him into the store with your head down, you tried not to look at all the bras and panties displayed so prominently.
Taking a seat at one of the chairs near the front of the store, Toji kept his eye on you as you walked around. Seeing your fingers glide across silk and lace, pass mannequins in intricate pieces of lingerie, he couldn’t help but imagine you in some of them. He’d only gotten a taste of what you had to offer last night, and he already hungered for more.
“I think you’d look great in that.” He came up behind you as you looked at a bra and panty set, little red and white love hearts adorning lacy pink.
“Pervert.” Glaring over your shoulder, you tried to conceal that you’d grabbed a pair for yourself. “Go sit back down.”
“I get it, you wanna keep it a secret and surprise me.” Fishing out his wallet, Toji handed you the credit card he’d been using the whole day. “Take your time baby, I’m going to have a smoke.”
Making sure he left the store, you let out a sigh of relief at finally being alone in a place like this. It was bad enough he suggested it, but to have him watch you pick out underwear was downright mortifying.
Grabbing whatever you liked, you walked out with a sizable bag in your hand and a pretty long receipt. Toji was nowhere to be found outside the store, and as you scanned past the people milling about, he wasn’t on the street either.
You had his number, feasibly you could call or text him to find out where he was. But with a limitless credit card in your hand and newfound freedom, that was the last thing on your mind. He would find you eventually, say something snarky and tease you and then you’d be on your way to grab lunch.
“Excuse me, miss!” For a moment, you thought the gentle voice calling out to you as you walked down the street was Toji. But as you turn around and are confronted with a stranger, you’re reminded that Toji would never be so polite.
“Yes?” He was an average looking man, around Toji’s age.
“I couldn’t help but notice you walking around, you look so beautiful.” The man had a hopeful smile on his face, taking in your reaction to the sudden compliment.
“Oh, thank you.” Giving him a once over, you quickly spotted the silver wedding band on his finger.
“What’s your name? I’d love to take you out sometime.” Shuffling a tiny bit closer, the man was already pulling out his phone before he even finished the sentence.
“I’m s-”
“She’s not interested.” A heavy hand landed on your shoulder, yanking you back into a firm chest. There wasn’t a need to look up and see who it was, the distinct cologne wafting into your nose and the rough treatment was enough.
“Huh?” Bunching his brows together, the man looked confused between you and Toji.
“Huh?” Toji mocked, leaning towards him with a raised brow.
“I think she can speak for herself.”
“My baby doesn’t talk to insignificant flies like you.” Staring him down for a moment, Toji got him to turn tail and leave in a huff.
“I could have handled that myself.”
“Yeah, well I handled it better.” Turning you around, Toji smirks down his nose at you for a moment.
“What?” His look is unnerving, it makes your heart flutter a bit and that’s the last feeling you want to have for him.
“I deserve a reward, don’t you think?”
“A reward for what?” Scrunching up your nose, you recoil a little as Toji bends at the waist and presents his cheek to you.
“For coming to the rescue of a damsel in distress.” Tapping his cheek with one finger, he looks at you from the corner of his eye. “Don’t leave your daddy hanging, now.”
Looking him over, you weighed your options. It was only a kiss, an innocent little peck on the cheek. Where was the harm in that?
The harm came when, as you were leaning forward with your lips slightly pursed, Toji turned his head and kissed you square on the lips.
Jerking back in shock, you didn’t get far as Toji grabbed your chin to keep you in place. His lips were rough, dry and cracked and the scar on the edge of his mouth wasn’t helping in that regard.
Brushing his nose against yours, Toji didn’t keep the kiss going for long; even he had boundaries for being in public. Pulling away, he swiped your bottom lip with his thumb, grinning at your flushed face and slightly labored breathing.
“Daddy got you flustered?” He teased, taking the shopping bags out of your hand and holding them himself.
“No.” You reply a few seconds too late, your lip’s in a pout and your voice has a slight whine. Biting his lip, Toji scanned your face.
“God, the things you do to me.” Roughly grabbing your hand, he tugged you along down the street. “Let’s get some lunch, I’m fucking starved.”
“You’re back!” Your mother exclaimed upon your arrival, leaping up from the couch to hug both of you. She quickly hurried out of the way upon seeing all the bags Toji insisted on carrying in by himself, her jaw dropping in shock.
“Don’t gimme that look, babe, you know I had to spoil the little princess.” Toji laughed at her expression, dropping some of the bags into your hands and kissing your mother on the cheek.
“I-I’m just shocked...we never come back with that many bags when we go shopping.” Her voice was quiet as she looked between the two of you.
“You gettin’ jealous on me now?” Toji teased, poking her in the side and making her jump. “I was just following your orders, forming a closer bond with my new step-daughter.” Pointedly shielding the lingerie bag from her view, Toji passed it into your hands. “Maybe she’ll show you some of the outfits she bought, we even picked some out together.”
If by ‘together’ he meant he shoved a slew of tiny skirts and low cut tops into your hands in the dressing room and then bought them when you rejected all of them anyway, then yes, you could say you two picked some out together.
“Uh- yeah mom, I’ll show you some of the stuff later.” You nodded along, eager to escape the situation and hide in your room. Not waiting another moment after the words left your lips, you ran up the stairs and to your room.
Pouring out all the things Toji bought you, you couldn’t say you didn’t enjoy going out shopping with him. There was no limit to what you wanted, anything your eyes touched was yours in an instant.
“Knock knock.” Pushing open your door and swiftly closing it behind him, Toji held up the remaining bags. “You forgot some.”
“Thanks.” Reaching out to grab them, you didn’t get the chance as Toji set them down and stepped around you, grabbing the little bag from the first store you went to. Fishing out the velvet box, Toji opened it and dangled the dainty tennis bracelet from his finger.
“Put this on for me, will you? Wanna make sure it’s a good fit.” Dropping the bracelet into your hands, Toji chuckled when you struggled to get it on. “Need my help?”
“No I’m fine.” You said, pinching the clasp between your fingers desperately.
“Let daddy help you.” Grabbing your wrist and pulling you closer, Toji swatted your fingers away.
“Your fingers are too thick, how’re you ever-”
“Got it.” Releasing the bracelet, Toji watched triumphantly as it hung from your wrist. You barely mumbled a thanks before he was grabbing your wrist again, nearly pulling you chest to chest with him. “Now, what was that about my fingers?”
“N-nothing!” Slapping your free hand on his chest, your face burned terribly and only got worse as he laughed.
“No, no, go ahead and say it. My fingers are too thick, huh?” Grabbing your jaw, Toji slid his index and middle finger across your face until they came to rest on your lips. “Say ‘ah’.” Pressing your lips together firmly, you shook your head as best you could.
But Toji wasn’t one to take no for an answer and shoved past your lips, forcing your mouth open with his other hand and flattening your tongue. Clutching onto his wrist tightly, you looked up at him with watering eyes as his fingers slid too far back and choked you.
Growling at the sight of his fingers stuffed into your mouth, Toji dropped his other hand, grabbing your ass tightly in his hand and rocking your hips against him. Looming over you, Toji ripped his fingers from your mouth and slammed his lips onto you.
The kisses you shared before were nothing compared to this one. With a hand gripping the back of your head, Toji made sure not even a centimeter of space passed between you two. His lips molded to yours perfectly, mouths slotting together as he pushed his tongue in and claimed your mouth for himself.
Drool began to drip down the corners of your lips, sliding down your neck and chest and creating a glossy mess. It was getting harder to breathe the longer you went, your body quickly growing weak from lack of oxygen.
Gasping for air when Toji finally broke the kiss, your mind was spinning, barely able to focus on the fact that you were kissing your mothers husband and certainly not paying attention to the way Toji pushed you back onto your bed, body bouncing roughly on the mattress.
“God, I’ve been waiting for this moment.” Toji says with a sigh, climbing over your body and pressing his lips against the curve of your jaw. His hands pawed at your clothes, bunching up your shirt as he tried to get to your breasts.
“T-toji! Stop!” Letting out a scandalized gasp, your eyes flew to your bedroom door. Surely your mother would hear and come to save you.
“No need to be nervous, baby-” yanking down your bra, Toji palmed your breasts roughly, “daddy’ll make you feel good.” Sitting up just enough to yank your shirt and bra off, Toji held your arms down and stared lovingly at your chest, his cock twitching to life the longer he looked.
An argument had bubbled up from your chest, ready to spew out and knock some sense into Toji, but as he descended onto you, taking one of your nipples into his mouth and rolling it between his teeth, the words died just as quickly as they formed.
What was the use of telling Toji to stop when you knew he wouldn’t? There wasn’t a shred of doubt in your mind that if you yelled at him, told him it was wrong to cheat on your mother and fuck his step-daughter, he wouldn’t laugh straight in your face.
Fire back and ask why you think he cares about that? You’ve already seen the file he has on you and the lack of information he had on your mother. He’d already proven himself to be more than enamored with you and what kind of man would he be if he let something like ‘morality’ get in the way of what he wanted?
Moaning under your breath as Toji kissed and licked your chest, you had an argument with yourself brewing inside your head. You couldn’t deny that you enjoyed the attention he was currently giving you. He was confident in what he was doing, so sure of himself unlike some of the people you’d been with. The knowledge that came with being older was surely showing itself now.
Especially in the way he rolled his hips against yours, getting you to moan out a little louder this time, the sound coming from deep within your chest.
“Sound so pretty, baby.” Toji groaned, peeling himself away from you to shed himself of his clothes and to take the rest of yours with it. Letting out a low whistle at seeing you completely bare in front of him, Toji slapped his hands onto your thighs, peeling your legs apart to stare right at your cunt.
“Don’t look at me like that.” The pure animalistic look in his eyes had you throbbing, both with need and embarrassment. No one had looked at you like that before, unadulterated and hungry. Shyness crept in and you flung your hands down to cover yourself.
“No hiding, little one.” Smacking your hands away, Toji laughed at the pitiful, embarrassed whine you let out. “Aw, is someone getting shy? Can’t handle daddy looking at your messy cunt?”
“S’not messy.” You pouted, but it was true. A steady buildup of slick dripped out of you, coating everything between your legs and even dripping down between your asscheeks.
“You’re my messy little girl, aren’t you?” Ignoring your light protests, Toji laid himself down between your legs, making a show of putting your thighs on his shoulders and squishing his head with them. “I bet you taste as good as you look.”
With one last wink, Toji dove between your thighs, his tongue already out and ready to lap at your folds. The first touch of the tip of his tongue to your clit made you jump, hands flying down to grip his hair as your eyes went wide.
Flicking it a few times, Toji wrapped his lips around the bud, sucking hard as his fingers dug into your thighs firmly. You moaned just as loud as Toji did, the vibrations from his mouth travelling up to the ones leaving your chest.
Toji’s dream of being here with you, having you laid out on your back with his face buried in your cunt, had only gotten stronger as time went by. He nearly lost it in the lingerie store, seeing you walk so innocently around all the thongs and delicate lingerie. He had to leave to smoke a cigarette and cool down or else he would have dragged you into the dressing room in front of everyone.
Lapping at your entrance, Toji shoved his tongue in, his nose bumping your clit as he did. Massaging your walls, he drank in your essence, easily getting drunk off the taste and feeling of your thighs crushing his head. Painstakingly letting go of one of your thighs, he brought his thumb to your clit.
“Toji!” You gasped and your thighs got even tighter around him. Toji could barely breathe let alone think about anything but making you cum on his tongue and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
Shoving his fingers between your legs, he slid them down to the hilt and felt your walls clamp down onto both them and his tongue. Your essence was everywhere now and he was sure the scent of your arousal would linger on his skin for days.
Putting his tongue on your clit again, Toji fucked his fingers into you. The obscene wet sound was music to his ears, a song he hoped to play over and over. Your moans had turned into babbles, your fingers carding through his hair as the pleasure washed over you.
“F-fuck-” Barely able to get the word out, you came on Toji’s fingers, whimpering loudly as he sucked your clit harder. You were sure you had crushed him for good now with how hard your thighs tensed up around him, but Toji seemed more than okay when they finally relaxed and fell to the wayside.
“What a good fucking girl.” Toji was breathless and lightheaded himself but he wouldn’t miss the opportunity to tease you, slap your quivering thighs with both hands and drink up your release. Your feeble hands were too weak to push him away, just a slight nudge on his forehead that he easily ignored.
Forcing air into your lungs, you got a moment's reprieve when Toji finally pulled himself away from your cunt. Your arms wound around his broad shoulders, pulling him into a half hug as your legs were hoisted up around his waist.
“You gonna let daddy take what’s his?” Toji whispered in your ear, blindly grabbing his cock and tapping tip against your clit.
“Yes!” You sobbed, nodding your head desperately. Glancing down between your bodies, you could see just how thick Toji’s cock was; his fingers surely did not compare.
Pushing the tip of his cock in, you could immediately feel the difference from his fingers. The stretch that his cock gave was unimaginable and you nearly broke into tears as he bottomed out.
“Hurts- s’too big-” Unwinding one arm, you pushed on Toji’s chest.
“Sshh, sshh, you’re fine.” He cooed, intertwining your fingers and pushing your hand onto the mattress.
“Toji…” Whining under your breath, you blinked away the mist of tears at your lashes and looked at him. “Daddy, please.”
The soft ghost of a smile on Toji’s face fell after hearing you call him daddy. His whole face fell, in fact, eyes going wide and pupils blowing out. The hand that was holding yours tightened, smashing yours into the mattress as his other flew to your thigh.
“Oh, you’ve done it now.” Toji could hardly get the words out before he was pistoning his hips, thrusting his cock into you at an alarming rate. He had intended on taking it a bit slow, savoring the moment more as he finally got to fuck you.
But that plan was gone and in its place was the plan to fuck you into the mattress, turn your brain and body into mush as he made you cum over and over again.
“Daddy! Slow down!” You wailed and in the back of your head you wondered if your mother could hear you, if she was outside the door just waiting to burst in on the two of you.
“Not a fucking chance.” Toji responded, voice muffled against the side of your neck. His tongue lashed out, hot and heavy against your pulse. Leaving bite marks along your skin, Toji growled into you, grinding his hips and getting a shiver down his back.
Already sensitive from your first orgasm, the second one came with no warning. Scratching your nails down Toji’s back, your feet dug into his back as your cunt clamped down on him. Any remaining sense you had, any thoughts about your mother or being caught were gone now, the only thing filling your head now was the drag of Toji’s thick cock against your walls and the way his balls slapped against your ass.
The sound of Toji fucking into you seemed to echo off the walls, mixing with the choked moans you let out and creating music to Toji’s ears. Every drag of his cock along your oversensitive walls, every thrust forward bringing another gush of your sticky release to coat his skin - all of it was heaven for him.
“Honey, have you seen Toji?” Your mother’s sudden call wafted down the hall as she came up the stairs, the familiar thud of her footsteps getting closer.
“Uh-” Your voice caught in your throat, fighting through the jumbled mess that was your mind to come up with a good answer.
“Better say something quick, I didn’t lock the door.” Toji smirked against your skin, forcing his hips to all but stop and grind painfully slowly against you, his skin just lightly catching your clit.
“I-I don’t know where he is.” Your tongue felt like lead, sitting stupidly in your mouth and barely forming the right words.
“Okay…” There was a pause as she trailed off and you could hear her right outside your door, feet shuffling a little as she thought of what to do next.
The sound of her footsteps trailed off and both you and Toji let out a gruff exhale.
“Finally.” He mumbled, pulling his hips back.
“Honey one more question, what do you want for dinner?”
“Pizza!” You screeched right as Toji snapped his hips forward. Burrowing your face into Tojis hair, you tried to stifle the squeals leaving your lips.
“Alright, I’ll see what I can do.” Waiting until her footsteps completely rescinded, Toji sat up on his elbow and smirked at you.
“Guess we’re having pizza for dinner.”
“Shut up.” Pushing his face back into your neck you avoided his teasing gaze. Chuckling to himself, Toji nipped at your skin.
“Now, where were we?”
Crawling out your room nearly an hour later with sweat on your brows and unstable legs, you tried to conceal the cum dripping down your inner thighs. Toji refused to let you clean up, sliding a pair of shorts onto your legs and telling you it would be a waste to get rid of the gift he gave you.
Sitting down at the table without him, you were thankful to be the only one there. No one could see the way you were trembling and squirming with every squishy gush of cum that seeped out of you.
“Hi honey.” Joining you a few minutes later, none the wiser to what had happened upstairs, was your mother. Greeting you with a soft smile, she was about to open her mouth to speak again when the front door opened.
“There you are!” She beamed at seeing Toji walk through the front door. Your brow furrowed at seeing him come through the door instead of walking down the stairs. He’d made a comment about climbing out of your window and acting like nothing happened, but you didn’t think he was serious.
“Yeah, went on a walk.” He shrugged, stepping into the house and holding the door open. “And look who I found on the way!” With a fake beaming smile, Toji waved his hand behind him as Megumi walked through the door looking as unimpressed as the day you met him.
“Megumi, you’re home!” Clapping excitedly, your mother shot up from her seat and to him, giving him a quick hug and taking the bag slung over his shoulder.
“Mhmm. Nice to see you again.” Polite as ever, Megumi smiled briefly at your mother.
“Go sit down at the table, we’re just about to have dinner!”
“Okay.” Nodding slowly, Megumi set his eyes on you, raking over your form as he took a seat across from you. The silence between you two was thick and you could tell there was something hanging on the tip of Megumi’s tongue.
“Hi.” You whispered, briefly making eye contact with him before looking at the wood grains on the table.
“Hi.” Sighing out the word, Megumi kept his eyes on your face, observing the way you bit your lip nervously and kept your thighs tightly clenched together. When his eyes dropped down to see the tennis bracelet on your wrist, you thought smoke would pour out of his ears.
“Getting acquainted with your new step sister?” Sauntering into the space, Toji roughly ruffled your hair, laughing at the way you swatted him away before doing the same to Megumi.
“You could say that.” The younger man replied, his eyes slightly narrowed looking between the two of you. Loudly pulling out the chair next to you, Toji sat down and slid his hand onto your thigh under the table.
“Alright, everyone, time to eat!” Ever the hostess, your mother appears without fail with the pizza you’d said you wanted for dinner.
As you ate, you could tell Megumi knew something was up between you and Toji. He always seemed to make eye contact with you whenever Toji’s hand strayed too high up your thigh and his thumb grazed your soaked slit. He was far too keen, sending you questioning looks whenever you would clear your throat to cover up a soft moan.
Left to clear the table with him, you couldn’t make eye contact with Megumi at all. The silence between you two was overbearing, made even more so when you went to the kitchen to wash the dishes.
“So, (Y/N)...my dad is fucking you, isn’t he?” Megumi’s abrupt question made the plate you had in your hands fall back into the sink with a loud clatter.
“W-what?” Staring down at the soapy water covering your hands, you could feel Megumi’s eyes burning a hole into your head.
“Don’t think I didn’t notice you two at the table. And I saw him climbing out of your bedroom window.” Taking a clean dish out of your hand, Megumi peers his head into your personal space, forcing you to make eye contact with him.
“And what if he is?” The lump in your throat was bigger than you expected, choking you as you tried to speak. This was it, now that Megumi knew he would tell your mother and life as you knew it would be over for you.
“Don’t cry.” He said softly, wiping off a tear on your cheek you didn’t even know was there. “My dad’s sick, taking advantage of you like this.”
“What?” Hiccuping softly, you rush to wipe the other tears off.
“I knew ever since he started dating your mom that he was into you, I’m sorry I didn’t try and stop him.” Megumi sighed heavily, shaking his head as if to chastise himself. “I’ll have a talk with him and-”
“N-no, don’t.” Sniffling the last of your tears away, you force your voice to be steady. “I can handle it.”
“(Y/N), he’s not a good man, he won’t listen to you if you just tell him to stop.”
“I know, I just-”
“Then let me help you!” Clearly growing agitated, Megumi’s voice rose and his palm slapped against the counter, making you jump. There was silence, then the shuffling of footsteps with Toji appearing in the kitchen entryway with a furrowed brow.
“What’s going on here?” Looking between the two of you, his gaze settled on Megumi. “You, speak.”
“I know what you’re doing.” Megumi glared at him. Refusing to back down, he remained locked in a stare with Toji as the man approached.
“Yeah? And what that might be?” Coming nearly face to face with each other, you noticed how close in height they were to each other, with Toji only a few inches taller.
“You’re taking advantage of (Y/N).”
“Ha, and who said that?” Flicking his eyes to you, Toji chuckled. “Cause I know it wasn’t her.”
“You’re disgusting, you know that? You’re married to her mother for God’s sake!”
“Whoop-de-fucking-doo, you’re so observant.” Spinning his finger in the air, Toji pushed Megumi’s shoulder. “What do you plan on doing about it?” Quirking a brow, Toji didn’t wait even two seconds for a response. “I know you’re just upset I got to her first, kid. Now all you’ve got is your little hand at night.”
“That’s not true!”
“Even if it’s not, keep your fucking hands off what’s mine.” Hooking an arm around your shoulder, Toji pressed a kiss to your temple. “If I catch you so much as jerking it when she’s around, I’m kicking your ass.”
“Fuck you.” Megumi spat, his fists clenched at seeing Toji touch you so casually. It boiled his blood to see his dad treating you like this; there wasn’t a doubt in Megumi’s mind that you weren’t suffering with him around.
“Sorry, not into boys.” Letting you go, Toji slinked away to the fridge and grabbed a can of beer. Leaving without another word, as he turned the corner Megumi slammed his hand down against the counter.
“That fucking bastard.” He snarled, hanging his head low and trying to calm his shaking breath. Slowly releasing the tension in his body, Megumi stood up straight and ran a hand through his hair. “Sorry, I need to take a walk.”
“Okay.” You whispered back, probably going unheard as he stormed out the back door. Leaving the rest of the dishes in the sink, you left the room as well, going up to your room and staying there for the rest of the night.
It’s deathly quiet in the house the following day. Any instance where Megumi and Toji are in the same room, the tension rises dramatically. Refusing to even acknowledge the others presence, Toji has already whisked your mother away for an impromptu date night at five pm, promising to stay out late with a biting tone directed at Megumi.
“Finally that dirtbag left.” Huffing as soon as the door is closed, Megumi slumped onto the couch. “I can’t stand him, I don’t get what your mother sees in him.”
“I have no idea.” You mumble, feigning disinterest and scrolling on your phone. In truth, whenever you had a moment alone during the day, Toji had come up to you and touched you, teasing you by cupping your ass or kissing you. All you wanted to do was go upstairs and relieve the burn between your legs, but no good excuse to leave Megumi alone came to mind.
“Some of my uni buddies sent me home with a gift, if you’re interested.”
“What is it?” Sending him a curious look, you watched him hop up from the couch.
“You’ll see.”
The gift in question was an unopened bottle of liquor one step up from the bottom shelf. It didn’t smell good when he opened the bottle and even mixed with some juice from the fridge, the burn as it went down your throat was horrid.
“Are you sure this can be called a gift?” You blanched, face scrunching up tightly in displeasure.
“When you’re on a budget like we are, yeah.”
“I thought Toji sent you money?” Swirling the liquid in your cup, you watched Megumi take a bitter sip.
“Why would I ever use his money?” Sure, Toji made sure Megumi’s bank account never hit below five digits, but that didn’t mean he wanted it or even asked for it. Leaving well enough alone, you turned on a random movie and kept drinking, keeping all mentions of Toji at bay.
It doesn’t take long for the two of you to get properly drunk, words slurring together and dumb drunk giggles shared between you. It was easier to get to know Megumi this way, his likes and dislikes and general personality; the harsh scowl on his lips was gone, replaced with a lopsided smile.
“I gotta take a leak.” Stumbling up from the couch, Megumi strolled out of the room, keeping his hand on the wall to steady himself. Flipping through your phone in his absence, a sudden text caught your attention.
(Toji): daddy’s bored baby, send me a little something
(Y/N): like what?
(Toji): I’d love to see you in that new lingerie
Giggling coyly as if he’d spoken the words directly to you, you kept a tight grip on your phone as you made your way to your room. Megumi and the movie on the TV didn’t even cross your mind as you closed your door and went straight to your dresser drawer.
It was a bit of a hassle getting your clothes off and then the new ones on, your vision was swimming and every few seconds you stopped to giggle at yourself and your lack of ability. Bumbling through sliding the lacy panties up your legs, you flopped onto bed and opened the camera.
Emboldened by the alcohol, you took several pictures of yourself for Toji. Nearly all of them were at least slightly blurry, some brazen shots of your cunt through the panties while others were tasteful shots of your breasts.
Sending them off with a few heart emojis and a little ‘sorry, I’m drunk’ tacked on, you clutched your phone to your chest as you waited for his reply.
“(Y/N), you in here?” Megumi threw open your bedroom door with no warning or second thought, his eyes bulging out of his skull seeing you spread out on your bed in lingerie.
“Gumi, get out!” Throwing your hands over your body, you let your phone fall to the floor. Stuck in a drunken stupor, Megumi didn’t leave the room, but he did look down at the text Toji sent you.
“Why is my dad texting you that he’s fucking rock hard?” Curling his lip in disgust as he read the message aloud, he scrolled up to see the previous messages, his mouth falling open at seeing your pictures.
“Megumi!” Snatching your phone angrily from him, you gave him a hard shove. “Leave!”
“(Y/N), don’t let him do this to you!” Megumi barely moved from the push.
“Just leave!”
“No! I won’t let him ruin your life!” Grabbing onto your shoulders, Megumi swayed slightly. “I know it can be exciting to get attention like this but- but don’t do it with him.”
“You don’t know anything.” Crossing your arms over your chest, you refuse to meet Megumi’s eyes. He’s silent for a beat, weighing whatever options are inside his head.
“I do know some things.” Licking his lips nervously, Megumi tilts his head and catches your eye. “I do know anyone is better for you than that nasty fuck. Even I’m better than him.”
“Yeah?” For some reason, you crack a smile for him. There’s something about how adamant Megumi hates his father that makes you laugh a little.
“Let me show you.” His voice drops and Megumi shuffles closer to you, the fabric of his t-shirt grazing your nipples through the thin fabric of the bra. The action, along with the way Megumi looks at you, has the heat between your legs picking up again.
You’re grabbing his collar and kissing him before you can take a full breath in, lips drunkenly smashing against each other as you stumble back onto your bed. Megumi’s hands go up and down your sides, grabbing and squeezing your flesh between his fingers.
Kissing down your neck, Megumi’s hand slides under your panties and he doesn’t speak on the fact you’re already wet enough that he can slide two fingers into your cunt with ease. Even if the fact does catch his mind it’s gone just as quickly as he grinds the heel of his hand on your clit.
Sloppily rutting into your thigh, Megumi lets out a pleased sigh when you tug his sweatpants down and free his cock. Jerking him off as you kiss, he swats your hand away when he finally gets fully situated overtop of you.
“Fuck.” You both groan as he slides in, your panties hooked to the side because both of you were too frantic to properly take them off. Megumi kisses you as he thrusts into you, noses bumping painfully together as you chase your high.
Even with Megumi looking exactly like him, you still find yourself wishing it was Toji above you. They sound nearly identical as well, Megumi’s groans a dead ringer for his fathers. Keeping your eyes squinted, you force the image of Toji to be the one in front of you and combined with Megumi messily rubbing your clit, you’re able to cum with a soft moan the same time as Megumi.
“Shit, I came inside.” When the glow of his orgasm finally subsided, Megumi pulled out of you with a hiss and slid your underwear back into place.
“It’s okay, I’m on the pill.” A decision you were happy about, remembering Toji had cum inside you as well. Sitting with you a few minutes longer, catching his breath and lightly petting your hair, Megumi comes to a slow stand.
“I’m going to take a shower, try to get some sleep.” Pulling your blanket over you, the two of you share a smile before he leaves. Your phone lays forgotten on the floor, all the ensuing text messages from Toji ignored as you fall asleep.
It’s not that he’s upset. No no, Toji could never be upset with you. He was more disappointed than anything. Coming home in the dead of night to an empty bottle of vodka on the floor and his son passed out drunk in his bed, and then coming to your room to see you still in the lingerie you’d sent pictures of with cum that wasn’t his smeared along your panties.
No, Toji wasn’t upset. But the way he ripped the blanket off your body could lead you to think otherwise. Staring at you, passed out and utterly helpless beneath him, the desire to ruin you had him rolling his shoulders. He was getting excited at the prospect of hurting you, teaching you a lesson in not sharing what was his.
Climbing on top of you, Toji spread your legs apart, a sick grin pushing his cheeks up. It wasn’t everyday he got to use his own sons cum as lube, and it surely wouldn’t happen again. But as Toji slid his cock into you and the squelch of it sounded around his cock, he couldn’t help but let out a deep, low laugh.
Lighting a cigarette over you, Toji goes slow in fucking your sleeping body. He doesn’t need to worry about your mother possibly wondering where he was; he had drugged her on the way back home. Megumi wouldn’t wake up even if you screamed, liquor was always a good nightcap for him.
Maybe Toji was a bit upset, because the longer he stared at you, the more irritated he became. He knew he would have to take care of Megumi later, smack the kid around a few times and send him on a train back to university. But with you, your punishment needed to be special.
“Wakey wakey, sweetheart.” He sang to himself, nearly dropping the cigarette dangling between his lips as he shifted forward and wrapped both hands around your neck. Slowly increasing the pressure, Toji’s eyes flew open in delight when you choked and sputtered to life.
“Toji?!” Your voice was practically none existent, there was hardly any air left in your lungs for you to make a sound. Your fingers clawed at Toji, struggling to be let go in your still drunken haze.
“Thought you could go and be a slut, did ya?” Leaning over you, Toji begins to pound into you. Although there’s a slightly softer give because you’re still wet, your cunt still burns painfully from the treatment and Toji refuses to be even the slightest bit gentle.
He lets go of your neck when your hands fall slack, clamping one hand on your waist as the other ashes his cigarette over your stomach, watching as it settles onto your skin.
“Le-let me go.” You force the words out between hard gulps of air.
“Why, so you can fuck my son again?” He cocks his head to the side and takes a long drag, blowing the smoke right in your face.
“How do you-”
“Cameras, baby. I put cameras all over the house and there’s a couple in your room right now.” Toji revels in your surprised expression and even more so in the pained one you give him when he takes another drag and puts the lit cigarette against your skin. You scream exactly how he wanted you to and he does it again and again.
“Toji! Toji stop, please-” You sob, trying to swat away the cigarette butt getting your hands pinned to the mattress instead. Looking down at your thighs, there’s several blooming burns taking shape, marring your skin and leaving bloody welts.
“Only if you stop being a slut.” Finally done with his cigarette, Toji flicks it onto your bed to be dealt with later. Planting both hands by your head, Toji sneers down at you. “Tell me, are you ever going to fuck someone else again?”
“N-no.” Tears cloud your vision and you shakily put your arms around Toji’s shoulders as he fucks you even harder.
“No what?”
“No daddy!” Fully wailing, you bury your face into Toji’s neck when he leans down close enough. “No no no no.” Your quivering little cries are all Toji needs to cum, slamming his hips against yours one last time before stilling completely. He breathes deeply as his seed mixes with Megumi’s, too much for your cunt to handle as it spills out when he pulls out.
“That’s what I thought.” Toji isn’t gentle when he removes himself from you. He’s even less so in removing your lingerie, ripping it to shreds with his bare hands and touting that it was ruined now. He leaves you alone for a few minutes, returning in only his boxers with a new shirt in his hands that he forces onto you.
Sitting at the head of your bed, Toji pulls you into his lap. His shirt does a good job of covering the burn marks littering your upper thighs, something you want to forget about sooner rather than later.
“I’m telling my mom.” The words fall slowly from your mouth, taking all your courage to say. Toji snorts, lighting another cigarette and blowing the smoke into the air.
“Life’ll get a lot worse for you if you become a little tattle-tale.” He says it calmly, meeting your eye when you pull away to look up at him. “Who do you think stopped all those debt collectors? Payed off this shitty house and filled not only your mom's bank account but also your fridge.”
“Who’s gonna take care of her if I leave? You two certainly weren’t cutting it without me.” He’s right and you know it. The truth of the matter was that you couldn’t survive without Toji’s money and if your mother left him, the two of you would have an even harder time finding work.
The truth made tears burn your lashes and fall down your cheeks, hiccuping cries left your lips that were only slightly muffled by Toji pulling your head into his chest. Putting out his cigarette, he ran a hand down your back and cooed.
“Oh pretty baby, don’t cry. Daddy won’t do it again, he promises. So long as you promise to keep that little mouth shut and let him do whatever he wants. We got a deal?” Toji half nods your head for you, pressing a big kiss to your forehead.
“Daddy, m’tired.” Sniffling loudly, you force the tears to stop falling, biting your lip to stem the flow.
“Let’s go to sleep then.” Shuffling you under the covers, Toji follows suit. He smells strongly of cigarettes, the scent overtaking you as his head hits your pillow. Pulling you against his body, Toji grips your ass tightly. “Goodnight doll.”
“Goodnight.” Biting back another wave of tears, you push your head into Tojis chest and will yourself to go to sleep.
Being awoken with your step fathers hands around your neck had been scary and was imprinted on your mind for the rest of your life. But waking up in the morning with your legs over his shoulders and his face buried in your cunt was surely a memory that would stick with you as well.
“There she is.” Toji grinned, his chin glistening as he looked up at you. “Took you long enough.” Shoving his tongue deep into you, Toji stifled any opportunity for a response. Your heels dug into his back, hand shooting out to grip his messy bedhead. With how sensitive you were already, he must have been between your legs for a while.
Sucking on your clit, Toji groaned as you gripped his hair painfully hard, your back arching high off the bed as you came. Your body thrashed around, hands trying to pull Toji closer while also pushing him away. Pulling his mouth away, Toji rubbed his fingers against your clit in the absence of his tongue.
“Good morning, princess.” Laughing when you smacked his hands away, Toji sat up and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, making a show of licking off all of your slick that coated his face.
“G-good morning.” Breathless from the ordeal, you dumbly kissed Toji back when he knelt down and captured your lips. You could taste yourself so strongly on his tongue and smell yourself on his skin.
Breaking the kiss, Toji helped you dress for the day. He didn’t make any mention or acknowledge the marks on your legs, only giving them a flitting glance as you pulled on some pants.
Walking down the stairs together, to your horror Megumi was already in the kitchen when you walked in. He glared angrily at Toji, giving the man a wide berth as he moved about the space. Slinking to the farthest wall, he sent you a pitying look and took a sip of the coffee in his mug.
“Good morning!” Your mother announced her presence with a loud yawn, barreling into the kitchen with terrible bedhead and a stumble to her walk.
“Good morning mom.” You couldn’t look her in the eyes, keeping your head bowed as you returned her greeting.
“Morning honey.” Toji smirked, kissing your mother right on the mouth and keeping her there for a few seconds.
“Get a room.” Megumi mumbled under his breath, rolling his eyes at the two.
“Toji, what’s that taste in your mouth?” Smacking her lips together as she pulled away from the kiss, your mother furrowed her brows. “Is that a new gum or something?” Making direct eye contact with you, Toji snorts and pulls her into a hug.
“Yeah, something like that.”
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the-bau-quinjet · 3 years
Summary: Steve thinks you’re too young to like him despite the obvious hints you’re dropping.
Warnings: unspecified age gap
Word count: 2246
a/n: I’ve clearly spent too much time on TikTok recently, but inspired me to write something so that's good. It was loosely based on a request for a young reader x Steve, but I forgot part of the request so I'm gonna write something else for that one! Also, I wrote this on my phone so please excuse any typos I missed when trying to edit it lol
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Messing with Steve is one of your favorite things to do. Tiny pranks, over the top flirting, poking fun at his lack of understanding of technology. Anything you can do to get him to roll his eyes and chuckle.
Nat would say it’s because of your feelings for him. She would be correct. Not that you’d ever admit that to anyone. Nope. So instead, you have your fun, and enjoy the way his eyes crinkle and his cheeks redden.
Your newest method of hearing the sweet sound of Steve’s laugh? TikTok. It’s a double whammy. One because he doesn’t understand the app and two because a lot of the trends make him blush.
It started as a fun way to blow off steam. Sometimes, being one of the younger and newer team members made you feel like an outsider. Of course, Peter was younger than you, but he had his own friends outside of the team. You didn’t have anyone else. When Tony found you and invited you to join, it was you against the world. Now you have this makeshift family.
Having your account on TikTok helped you when you hadn’t really become a part of the group yet. You bonded with Peter because of his account, and you found a new way to make Steve blush.
Anyway, you’ve learned way more TikTok dances than you ever would have thought just to see his pink cheeks. It’s not even always over the top dances that have him chuckling. The last trend you did had him laughing the entire day. It was that sound about Wednesday Adams having one thing on her mind. Only when it said homicide, instead of a deadpan expression you panned the camera to show Bucky and Sam arguing over who got the last donut.
Of course, you knew when you made the video it would appeal to Steve’s sense of humor. Sam and Bucky feature in a lot of your videos for that exact reason.
In general, you make a lot of videos featuring the Avengers just to keep Tony happy. He likes to be the center of attention, plus the only way he would approve of your account was if it could also feature as PR for the team. You agreed, as long as you had final say over what you posted. There’s nothing scripted or designed for a specific reason, you just feature the team sometimes.
Like when that sound from the Big Bang theory was popular amongst Avengers fans, you made a video confessing to Pepper that you’d been thinking about the Avengers, panning to show the team during training.
Of course, the text on the screen said “you are an Avenger” instead of “I believe that”, allowing you to play off the joke. But still, it was fun to include the team.
One of your favorite videos features none other than Scott Lang, mostly because nobody else would do it. Scott thought it was hilarious though.
Using the sound from New Girl, Scott played Schmidt and you Jess. The text on the screen read as follows:
Scott: You just walk around all day thinking about America’s Ass?
You: Yeah, don’t you?
Scott: No! How do you get anything done?
You: It’s hard…
Steve blushed like crazy when everyone cornered him to watch it. Bucky, Sam, and Tony wouldn’t stop bringing it up for at least a month. A part of you hoped he might make a move after that video, seeing as you put yourself out there, but he just assumed it was a joke and laughed it off.
Honestly, you were running out of trends that you could use to get him to understand your feelings. You only had two ideas left, and one of them would be mortifying if it didn’t work out…
“Steve. You’ve got to be kidding me.” Bucky sighed, exasperated with Steve for the umpteenth time that month. “You’ve been pining for forever, just make a move!” he whisper yelled, doing his best not to throttle his lifelong friend.
Steve rolled his eyes, purposefully ignoring Bucky’s pointed glare. The two men had spent the last hour looking through your TikTok account. Bucky was adamant that you liked Steve, but the blonde didn’t believe it, despite the so called proof Bucky kept forcing him to watch.
“Buck, would you please just back off? We’re friends. She’s too young to want to be with me like that.” Steve blushed, thinking about the context of his words.
Before Bucky could say anything about how repressing his feelings is bad for him, a new video popped up on your account. Bucky smirked when he saw the thumbnail was once again a picture of Steve, this time with a beard. Steve took the silence as an opportunity to escape, walking into his closet to change.
The video opened with a video of you and Natasha just hanging out, you lip syncing to the words “I like you have a cupcake.” You repeated the words as the video cut to you and Tony.
Bucky nearly dropped the phone when “smack my ass like a drum” blared from the speaker. He cackled bending over in a fit of laughter when he realized that’s what Steve’s picture was used for- and one where he had a beard to boot.
“What is it now, jerk?” Steve emerged from his closet, having changed into loungewear. The sight of Bucky fully cackling had him nervous.
Bucky tossed him the phone, doing his best to stop laughing long enough to tell him to watch the most recent video. With a hesitant sigh, Steve obliged.
Again, Bucky rolled his eyes at how obvious Steve’s feelings were. The second he saw you on the screen, he smiled. And not one of those half hearted polite smiles, a full on happy smile.
Steve’s eyes widened, nearly bulging out of his head when he got to the end of the video.
“‘She doesn’t want to be with me like that.’” Bucky mocked his friends earlier words, grabbing his phone back. “Punk, I don’t know how much more obvious she could be.”
With one more glare in Steve’s direction, Bucky finally left him to his own thoughts. Okay, so you made a lot of videos about how you find him attractive. That doesn’t necessarily mean you’d want to be in a relationship with him. Leave it to Steve to talk himself out of everything Bucky had spent so long trying to convince him of.
You were desperate at this point. You honestly thought the cupcake one would send him over the edge, but it didn’t work either. It has been three days, and you know Steve’s seen the video because everyone likes to tease him about it.
“Naaaaaat, it’s not working,” you whined, dramatically throwing yourself onto her bed. She laughed at your antics, briefly looking up at you before deciding to stop what she was going and give you her full attention.
“Look, not only is Steve one of the most clueless people I’ve ever met when it comes to women, but he can also talk himself out of believing someone’s interested in him. Especially you.” Nat watched as you lifted your head from her comforter, slowly turning to stare at her with narrowed eyes.
“Especially me?” you questioned. Why would you have a different standard?
“Y/N, Steve’s from the 40s. He’s super old fashioned. You're a hot young thing, super up to date on modern trends. He thinks you're just messing around as friends because he doesn’t believe someone as young as you would be interested in actually having a relationship with him,” she spelt it out for you, sick of trying to get you to figure it out on your own.
You took a minute to fully understand what she was saying, but then sat up when a new idea struck. “So you’re saying I need to be more direct?”
Her eyes narrowed, but she nodded nonetheless.
“I’ve got an idea. Thanks Nat!” you ran from the room before she could question your newest plan, instead checking to make sure her notifications were on for posts from your TikTok account.
“Steve!” you shouted when you saw him down the hall, about to turn a corner. He immediately stopped, turning back to see you running at him. “I need your help!”
You pulled him into the gym, briefly glancing around the room to make sure it was empty. Confirming nobody else was present, you set up your phone on one of the weight racks to record the two of you. It was already open to the recording section of TikTok, the sound you needed queued and ready to begin.
“What’s going on?” Steve looked between you and the phone, nerves heightening as he realized what you were doing. All of your videos about him thus far hasn’t actually involved him filming anything.
“I just need you to react to this trend, okay? It’s kind of old, but that doesn’t really matter,” you spoke quickly, trying to start the video before he could decline.
The music started playing instantly, with Steve awkwardly looking between the screen and you. He wasn’t sure what exactly he was reacting to, and it had him on edge. Just as the song reached the chorus, you turned and grabbed his face. Throwing caution to the wind, you followed through with your plan before you could back out, kissing him with all the passion and emotion you’d been holding back.
Steve froze, clearly surprised by your actions. Before you could pull away, he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer. He kissed you with equal passion and emotion, no longer paying attention to your phone recording the moment.
Neither of you noticed when the music cut off, too wrapped up in each other. When the need for air overpowered the desire to keep kissing him, you pulled back to gasp in a few breaths. Steve leaned his forehead against yours, eyes closed and breathing erratic.
The two do you spent the next few moments just breathing, trying to come to terms with what just happened. You gasped when his hands moved, one resting on your waist and the other cupping your cheek. His eyes were still closed when you chanced a glance at him.
“What was the trend?” he breathily whispered the words, still coming down from the high of kissing you.
“Huh?” you mumbled, unable to comprehend the question when he was still touching you like this.
“The TikTok trend? What was it?” his grip on your hip tightened, but his hand framing your face remained gentle.
“Oh, uh, it was- it was kissing your best friend/crush.” You whispered, heart still racing from his proximity. Your nerves had never been greater. Yeah, Nat always tells you that Steve has feelings for you, but what if he was just being polite? Maybe he didn’t know how to reject you when you kissed him out of nowhere, and now he’s trying to find a way to turn you down gently. What if-
“Was my reaction good enough to post?” he broke your train of thought with another question. You took a minute to think about the question, your brain still moving like molasses
“Um, that depends…” you froze when his eyes opened and stared into yours.
“On?” he prompted you to continue.
“Which caption I can use.” you finished the thought, finally remembering the two most common outcomes of the trend.
“What are the choices?” Steve smirked when you looked flustered, clearly not expecting this conversation.
“Uh, the two-” he began rubbing small circles into your hip with his thumb, effectively cutting off your train of thought again. It wasn’t until he lightly squeezed your hip again that you remember you were answering his question.
“Right! The two most common captions are some variation of ‘this was so awkward’ or ‘we’re dating now’,” you managed to blurt out the choices, blushing when he smiled at you.
“Well, I know which I prefer…” you waited with bated breath as he prolonged the silence, enjoying seeing you so on edge. You nearly whined when he let you go, moving to pick up your phone from the weight rack.
You watched in silence as he typed out a caption, tapping each letter with his pointer finger. A small smile formed on your lips at his adorable old man behavior. He then managed to find the post button, adding the video to your account before handing you the phone to see what he chose.
Your smile only grew after you read the caption, dropping the phone and immediately kissing him again.
Meanwhile, Nat had gathered the rest of the team that happened to be around to wait for whatever video you had planned to be posted.
Tony, Sam, Bucky, Wanda, Vision, Peter, and Clint all watched as the new video popped up on the screen. Peter bounced with excitement when he heard the song, instantly recognizing the trend. The rest of the group watched as you kissed Steve, mouths gaping open when he actually kissed you back.
Fans were already commenting about how long it took for the two of you to get together, but the team was too focused on laughing at the caption to pay any mind to the comments.
She said the trend was kind of old, but that fits because I’ve got a habit of waiting too long anyways.
Permanent taglist: @averyhotchner @jesuswasnotawhiteman @strawberryspence @sebastnstn @jswessie187 @ellobruv
Marvel: @leyannrae @livstilinski @oceaniamaddness @justreadingficsdontmindme
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thehandsresisthim · 3 years
Taming Tenko - Part 1
Shigaraki Tomura I Shimura Tenko / Female Reader
Part 2 can be found here
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Contains: sub shig, dom reader, low-key women-hating shig, college au, quirk less au, masturbation, shig nuts on readers scarf, cock stepping, shig humping against readers feet, humiliation, overstimulation, shig and reader are having fun playing pretend lol
"... and Shimura Tenko will work together.", the professor reads out. Tenko raises his head at the mention of his name, what was this about again- oh, yeah, the dumb project. He's annoyed just thinking about it. Who must he work with again? Maybe it would've been worth it to pay proper attention, but he's had a nice gaming session with a player living overseas last night and the difference in time zones was making him stay up was too late.
Some woman walks over to him - and promptly removes his back pack from the chair next to him, plopping down in its place.
Tenko just stares. If it was a guy, he'd probably say something, but although Tenko isn't very found of women, he often finds himself locking up when talking to one. Hopefully she'll leave soon, this is his last class today and he wants nothing but to go home.
"You're Shimura, right? It's nice to meet you. We'll be working together, I guess."
He just nods, and feels the sweat build up. He really wants to scratch at his neck, but he fears that he might make a fool of himself - and he knows that that'll just paint an even bigger target on his back.
Damn normies. Always pouncing on him just because he's not conventionally attractive - foids had it so much easier than men.
She'd probably make fun of him in her group of friends later on, Tenko wouldn't be surprised if she would spread more rumors. Things like that were one of the reasons why he hated getting close to others.
"That's good. My next class starts in a few minutes, so I have to go soon. Would it be okay to meet up on Friday? There's this Cafe, "Pink Cupcake" which serves really good coffee! And we could study there too. I'm free about 3pm, is that okay with you?"
Jesus, she was talkative. It was probably her gender, or she was trying to make up for how she uncomfortable he made her. That had to be it.
He quickly looks through his calendar, which his eyes had been staring at since she started the poor excuse of a conversation.
"I... It's good. I-I be... there, at the Cafe I mean-, yes it works out fine.", Tenko hates how much his voice wavers when he answers and how he struggles to find the proper words.
"Sounds great, see you then. Bye bye, Shimura." the female says and leaves. He hates how friendly she sounds. Females weren't friendly, he knew it. The bullying he had endured in the past proved this, in his mind.
Only when she's already gone he realizes that he never answered to her goodbye. 'Oh well,' Tenko thinks, 'females don't deserve attention like that.'
Where the fuck was she? He had hurried all the way here, after putting in the effort of finding clean clothes for himself and showering, something he honestly rarely did.
The sign on the Cafe clearly read "pink cupcake" in ridiculously curly found. The interior was caked in pastels, with designs that reminded him of the rococo era.
He felt awfully out of place - he was wearing black jeans, a grey hoodie and old converse his sister had handed down to him.
She probably didn't intend on actually meeting him - she just wanted to humiliate him by making him look like he was stood up.
He feels the anger bubbling up. He put in all this effort, and this whore just ignores him?
He'll just leave. Fuck the pro-
"Shimura? Did you not see me? Come on, I preserved us a spot." he hears your still friendly voice.
Before he can react much, you have pulled him towards a big table. He can see a laptop, decorated with way too many stickers, and a few books.
"I already did some studying earlier on for a different subject. We can start now. Why don't you sit down?"
He follows your suggestion, and sits down on the white, wooden chair. The pillow is a light blue, and it pisses him off for some reason.
He takes out his tablet, and rests it on the table.
"Ok, so, here's everything that needs to be in our presentation. Do you think we could split it into parts, so that we both have different things to do?"
He nods, and throws a look at the instructions on the screen of his tablet.
"I... I'll do section one, three, four and five," he starts, immediately regretting his words. 'That came out way to bossy,' he scolds himself mentally.
'Not that I care about the comfort of some woman', he reminds himself in his head, 'I just want to ensure that she doesn't end up bullying me for being rude.'
"Sounds great. Your previous presentations have always been great, so I'm real happy to be working with you!" she answers.
'Why is she so friendly to me?' he complains in his head, 'dumb bimbo.'
'That sounded genuine,' a part of himself wonders before he can stop it.
An hour later, both of you having had worked a good amount on the project, you decided to stop and meet up again next week - you had asked him for his number so that you both could text. Flustered, he had written it down and handed the paper to you. It had been the first time a woman had asked him for his number.
As Tenko walks out of the Cafe, he notices two things: firstly, you are walking in the same direction as him, and secondly, he didn't bring a jacket, and the cold air doesn't feel nice. 'Great', he thinks.
You walk right beside him, and he hates how okay he is with it. You both had talked a bit about all kinds of things - he had noticed you had a few games he also played on your laptop, and video games was one of the few things he could talk much about, so he asked about it. You had hit it off from there, noticing a similar taste in many things.
At first, it had bothered him that he had gotten along with a female, but you somehow managed to convince him you were genuine. He could say that he disliked you less than other females, at least.
As you continued to walk, Tenko slowly started trembling. It was really cold, and he found himself jealous of your scarf and warm-looking jacket.
Frustrated, he moved his hands deeper down into his hoodie.
"Are you cold, Shimura?" your voice questions. He glares at you. Why did you insist on being so concerned? Females weren't supposed to care about beta males like him.
"Y... yes, but it's fine." he says, but he still trembles, and you seem to notice.
You shake your head. Tenko freezes - that's it. She hates him now, he must've done something wrong, he'll get bullied again.
"Stay still for a moment, please," you instruct and before he can protest, he feels your warm fingers wrapping your scarf around him. 'It has been directly on her skin, and the warmth due to that is super comforting' he can't help but appreciate the gesture.
"Thank you." he says, and he means it.
'Holy fuck', Tenko remarks in his head, 'her fingers felt so good on my neck.' He'll definitely jerk off to the memory at home. And her smell... It's all over the scarf.
He's grateful that the Hoodie is long enough to cover his crotch - he doesn't want to show just how turned on he is.
The rest of the way home, he can't help but feel like he's in heaven.
As he enters the apartment, he quickly takes his shoes off and then immediately goes into his bedroom, closing the door behind him and locking it.
'Thank goodness I'm home', he thinks and rips of his pants and hoodie, immediately palming his cock through the thin fabric of his underwear.
His brain is flashing images through his mind: you finding out what a pervert he is, and deciding that he needs a punishment, you edging him until he breaks down crying, but still not letting him release, you stepping on his private parts, you keeping him on a leash and calling him mutt...
Tenko can no longer take it - he removes his boxers as well, and grabs your scarf in his lust-driven haze. He didn't think that taking part in a scene like this - pretending to be a little pervert that didn't know you beforehand after your professor had previously mentioned that you and him would be working together - would turn him on this much. "Fuck, mistress, please..."
Here's part two!
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mycringefactory · 2 years
1st attempt at making an AI that talks like Spamton using only his in-game dialogue
It’s really inconsistent, but it was able to make some good ones. Like, way better than I expected. I put examples in the keep reading section.
Bold text is what I entered as input
Blockquotes are what it generated in response
The bold text is basically an in-game action (such as “Take Deal”). It’s written in the same manner the Deltarune wiki describes them (since that’s where I got the dialogue lol).
Ask if he is okay:
KRIS!!! You're alive!! How did you... I knew you would come for me!!!!!! I KNEW IT!!! I'LL BE THE ONE TO KILL YOU!!!
Talk (after destroying the disk):
IT'S FOR YOU. ME?  YOU NEED ME!?  FOR WHAT!?  AN encore!? I... I... I DON'T UNDERSTAND!? WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS? I... I HATE... (Killing the process, as it were.) YOU.!! (Saying this in the nicest way possible.) I WISH YOU WERE NULL.
Hug (again):
Hug (Snowgrave route):
Slap him:
YOU'RE the reason he left! YOU'VE ruined him! YOU'VE left him heartbroken! HE thought he had you figured FOR a minute there... HE THOUGHT HE THOUGHT YOU WERE FORGIVEN! HE THOUGHT YOU WERE FULL OF FAITH IN Him! HE THOUGHT YOU WENT TO Church EVERY Sunday AND Prayed EVERY NIGHT Praying! PRAYING! PRAYING! FAITH! [Door Closes]
Ask if he has nightmares:
YES! I HAVE THEM EVERY NIGHT! I'LL EVEN MAKE UP FOR They've Left me Dark and Used Room Furnishings At The Altar.
I DON'T WANNA BE Yourotted. I DON'T NEED You. I WILL, HOWEVER, need to speak with You.
(Both in-game options and responses it generated):
Ask about his heroes: THEY'RE ALL ME!
Ask about his fears: THEY'RE ALL OF ME!
His favorite movie: HUUUUGE BEAR GROUND!!
Best book: THE BIG SHOT!!!
Best actress: I WON'T SAY!!!
Best supporting actress: I WON'T SAY!!!
Is he dating anyone: NOT RIGHT NOW!!!
His favorite dessert: THE BIG SHOT
Best kiss: THE BIG SHOT
Is there anyone you'd like to thank: IT'S ALL YOU!!!
If you could travel anywhere, where: THE BIG SHOT!!
For a drink: THE BIG SHOT!!!
Ask why he loves you: I DON'T LOVE YOU!
Tie the knot: WHAT? WHAT? WHAT?!!!??!!??
Get nervous: GET THAT HEART OF OURS!!!
Tell him your secrets: I HAVE AN IDEA!!! have a great and adventurous life! wish you all the best. take care.
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olivia200312 · 3 years
So Long~ Bay! Optimus x Human! Reader (Lemon) *Request*
Requested by the lovely RudyPascall456
Plot: Bayverse Optimus (Tf5) x Human! Reader. They have been through so much. So much that it's impossible to remember it all. Currently, the reader and Optimus in cuddling each other whispering sweet words to the other. Optimus purrs from the warmth of his sparkmate. Primus how he loves her. Optimus pulls her close and kisses her. They share loving kisses, just wanting to show their love for each other in every way possible. Optimus shivers in delight when the reader touches his hips so gently. Optimus says it's been 5 years that anyone who had touched him liked this. The reader kisses him and continues to feel his metal muscles that she missed so much. Optimus lightly kisses the reader down her neck as the reader giggles. The reader then said she forgot how much of a cute mech he could be. Optimus purrs and shares yet another kiss. Optimus then begins to kisses the ready feverish. And says through the kiss he wants to show her how much he loves her. The reader pulls their bodies together making Prime growl. Oh, how he loved skin-to-metal contact. The warm skin mixing with the cool metal. It made it feel special and wanted something of this love that could never be betrayed. Optimus then undress the reader as the reader moans softly. Optimus purred and kissed the reader's breast softly making the reader moan softly. She knew Optimus adored her body he can be so gentle at times and so rough. She loved it either way. In return, Optimus stopped and allowed the reader to remove his codpiece and see his spike. Optimus then smiled and locked their lips into a heated kiss of passion. The reader stroked his spike as Optimus teased her pussy. And from there they fragged. In the end, Optimus says if there was one thing he would ever need in his online it would be her and no one else. The reader said the same goes for you, Opty. Optimus then cuddled with the reader and recharge the reader fell asleep.
Lol, another smutty request from the same user. But it's a human this time. Once this is done, I have other requests to finish since others are old requests and some are new. This book is damn growing fast! When the 100th one-shot is published, then the book is complete! But I will also publish the last one-shots.
Head area: Brain: Processor / Brain Module Head: Helm Face: Face plate Ears: Audio receptors / Receptor Orifice / Audials Nose: Enstril / Olfactory Sensor Eye brow: Optical Ridge Eyes: Optics Mouth: Intake Lips: Dermas Teeth: Denta/Dentas Tongue: Glossa
Chest area: Chest: Chassis / Thoraxal Cavity Back: Hexa-Lateral Scapula Spine: Bipedalism cord / Back Strut
Chest and back armour: Chest plate Back plate Mid-section plating Neck guard Side plating
Arm area:
Arms: Arms / Restarlueus Forearms: Bitarlueus Hands: Servos Fingers: Digits
Arm armour: Gantlets Shoulder pads Arm guard
Lower area:
Pelvis: Pelvis Butt: Aft / Skid-Plate Thighs: Tibulen Calves: Cadulen Feet: Pedes - the high heel bits are called Struts or Heel Struts.
Lower armour: Skirt plates Aft plate / Skid plate Thigh guard Ankle guard
General/Internal components: Muscles: Cables / Pistons - It depends on the area in question. Veins: Fual lines Stomach: Tanks Lungs: Vents - used to stop the con/bot from over heating. Heart: Spark Tattoos: D-con/A-bot Insignias and the lark T-Cog: The thing that allows all Cybertronians to transform, be that their arms or their whole body.
Penis: Spike
Vagina: Valve
Body: Frame
Everyone was at the fields of England. The battle was finally over. Optimus Prime was back himself instead of being Nemesis Prime. He was being processor controlled by Quintessa, an evil manipulative femme who brainwashed the Prime and even blamed him for Cybertron's death, which was not true at all! Once Optimus was being controlled, he got send back to Earth to get the staff.
Before The Last Knight story started to play, Cade was being involved, together with Shane, Tessa, and Y/N. If you know the story, then you know what happened. After the Age of Extinction story was over, Optimus said his goodbyes to others, including to his sparkmate, Y/N, and left to find his creators. Everyone was heartbroken, especially Y/N. Tessa took off to college and Shane was with her. Cade and Y/N eventually had to go hiding from the world so they moved into a scrapyard. The Autobots followed, along with some Dinobots. They promised to work together after all when the Autobots freed them. Both Cade and Y/N were known as heroes since they helped the battles like in China and to stop Lockdown for good. Optimus managed to offline him for good.
Do you think that's where the story started? In the middle ages of England when King Arthur was the ruler? Transformers did exist much longer than you think than humans. Primus created the Cybertronians and Cybertron. Everyone was happy when Optimus returned but immediately, his behavior, especially his optics, gave everybody a sign that something was awfully wrong with him. Look at his optics. Instead of gentle blues, it was like purple/magenta. He was being controlled. Bumblebee managed to at least bring him back but however, he was more awake when he saw Y/N... His sparkmate. But after Optimus was awake, he had one thing to finish: destroy Quintessa. Actually, the glitch mysteriously disappeared. It was like out of nowhere. After the battle was over, the Autobots split up to start a brand chapter in their lives. But they promised to stay in close contact for any emergencies. Do you know where Optimus went to live? With Y/N.
After being through so much in their lives, they were cuddling on their two-person bed. Optimus was in his bipedal holoform to not hurt Y/N. He still had to be careful though since he's metal while Y/N was soft and had skin. Optimus was also whispering sweet things into Y/N's ear, causing her to blush and giggle. She was currently in her loose comfortable tank top and lace panties matching Optimus' colors. She was at her home and in bed so why? She became very wealthy when the fight was finally over with Quintessa. Cade also got wealthy so he finally lived in a house instead of a scrapyard with Y/N, the Autobots, and the Dinobots. He also fell in love with a woman named Viviane. She was nice. Since Cade's wife died when Tessa was young, he was single for years. Tessa wanted her father to find love and be happy. Cade finally found a new love while Y/N and Optimus were together for years.
"Oh, Optimus," Y/N giggled as she nuzzled her lover.
Optimus, in response, purred as he felt warmth from Y/N. He was the knight in shining armor, Y/N's savior. Primus, he loved her so much. He wanted nothing but to make love to her and keep her safe. He will do anything to protect her. He then cupped Y/N's cheeks in his servos and kissed her with passion. They shared loving kisses as they were lost in pure love. Y/N then touched her lover very lovingly, causing him to purr. He wasn't in fact touched like this 5 years ago when he was starting a relationship with Y/N.
Optimus pulled away from the kiss, staring lovingly into her gorgeous E/C eyes. He stroked her cheek softly as he pressed his forehead against hers, carefully. "It's been 5 years, Y/N. May I make love to you?"
He was so cute when he asked for permission. He was treated with respect by many Cybertronians than you think. He had a kind spark and he was smart as well since he loved to read datapads as Orion Pax. He had good leadership when he was transformed into a Prime. He changed his name or destination (Cybertronian's language) from Orion Pax to Optimus Prime.
Once Y/N heard Optimus' question and permission, she pulled their bodies together, making Optimus growl. "Does this answer you?"
Optimus clearly understood the message. Y/N wanted this. She wanted Optimus to make love to her. It's been 5 years when they had sex or interfaced. So lovingly and romantically, Optimus undressed Y/N until she was naked under him. Optimus remembered the first time he saw her naked. He was so in love, wanting to take her body as his. It was his. They were together. And, oh boy, was Optimus so ready to take Y/N's body again. Once Y/N was naked, she stared into Optimus' optics and saw that it was full of lust. Her eyes were full of lust too. She then moaned when she felt Optimus kiss her breasts as he massaged them and squeezed as well. She felt Optimus suck on one nipple since it got hard like the other one. He was sucking on it like a baby that drank milk. Y/N threw her back in pleasure for a second before she lifted it up and stroked Optimus' helm as he sucked. Eventually, he moved to another nipple and gave it the same attention as he did to others. Sucking it like a baby but also licking and biting it softly. Y/N moaned from the pleasure. Oh, how much she missed having sex as well with Optimus Prime here. Optimus missed having sex too with his human sparkmate.
Y/N's head was very gently pushed back on the pillow as Optimus hovered above her. "Take my codpiece off." Y/N was a bit surprised when he said that. She wanted to secretly take his codpiece off and see his big, hard spike again. She saw Optimus smile and she took his codpiece off. His spike was big and hard, happily in the air. "Such a big boy.~"
Optimus spread Y/N's legs more open to reveal her womanhood that was soaking wet. By the sight, pre-transfluid came from his member. Y/N grabbed Optimus' spike and started stroking it as she felt him tease her pussy with his digits. They both moaned as they kiss each other heatedly. The tongue and glossa made contact with each other. It was wet that was also full of saliva, probably. Y/N moaned the most into the heated kiss as Optimus continued to tease her pussy with his digits. She heard Optimus grunt since she's stroking him. That's when they both stopped and Optimus got between her legs on top of her. Y/N giggled sexily as she wrapped her arms around his neckcables. That's when Optimus just couldn't take it anymore that he slammed himself right into Y/N's pussy. Y/N screamed as Optimus rammed into her like an animal in heat.
"Take me, Opty! T-Take me! Oh, fuck!~" Y/N was talking dirty now. She felt just like in heaven. It had been 5 years ever since they had fun in bed. Optimus watched her expressions as he enjoyed seeing her in pleasure. He enjoyed it, even more, when Y/N talked dirty.
"Look at you... Locked under me, making noises. You'll bear with my sparkling. You'll look perfect with a swollen human tank." Now, it was Optimus who was talking dirty. He was imagining his mate being sparked with his sparkling. Even pregnancy sex was also possible but then the female was pregnant, of course. Optimus was planning to have sex with her while she's pregnant. He was aware that his future sparkling will be half-human or half-Cybertronian. He will still love them dearly just how much he loved his sparkmate.
"P-Put your babies inside me! G-Give them to me! Aaaah!~"
Optimus rammed into her harder he watched his spike for a moment that was turning white because of Y/N's juices. He enjoyed it a lot. He then buried his helm inside of Y/N's neck as he left love bites. Y/N moaned and screamed loud as enjoyed this every second. That's when finally a knot formed into her stomach. "I-I'm cumming!~"
Optimus grunted into her neck in response and he felt Y/N's walls clasp tight into his member. Since he was big, he felt almost nearly impossible to pull out. He thrusts final times before he finally came, hearing Y/N scream as well since she also came. They both panted as Optimus stayed inside for a while to let his hot and sticky transfluid adjust. He then slowly pulled out and laid down next to Y/N, panting.
"That was so good," Y/N panted as she snuggled up to Optimus.
Optimus hummed in agreement as he held her protectively in his arms, spooning her as well. He then laid his servos on Y/N's stomach as they snuggled up and fell asleep together.
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