#and it fucked up the tip </3
drowsystarlight · 1 year
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Chatty fella vs. literal crickets 
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welcometogrouchland · 15 days
I like to think that when the batfamily inevitably runs out of money and jobless Bruce, Tim, and Dick* find themselves in financial need, Steph reveals that she's made thousands of dollars taking odd jobs around Gotham City that we just never saw bc Steph hasn't been in a comic for months. Nobody checked in on her and while they weren't looking she made 6 grand babysitting and playing piano at a local theatre. Bruce has to grovel for enough money to buff out a scratch on the batmobile and Steph is revelling in it. This is the closest she's ever going to get to being a supervillain
*(Cass and Jason don't need money to survive on account of being homeless as kids + Babs funds Cass' basic needs and Damian is on his mom's payroll, same w/ duke even if it's obvs not al ghul money)
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ladymariayuri · 2 months
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minnow-doodle-doo · 5 months
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kirby-souljourney-au · 2 months
Meta time!!!!
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No, I didn’t forget he had a cape until I was almost finished, I knew the entire time I swear. (I definitely forgot.)
Once again, this man takes up too much canvas space for me to put his scar map in the same one as his full ref, so he needs a separate image as well.
All his information and hex codes are under the cut, as usual!
I still can’t draw abs. And I’m sorry this took kinda long, I got distracted… the Taboo rewrite & the planning for the fic itself has a vice grip on my soul.
Full name: Ione Argon
Aliases: Meta Knight, ‘Nene’ (don’t call him that unless you’re his friend)
Species: Earthling Dragon (Fire/Ground) x Dream-Dark-Matter Astral Hybrid
Planet of Origination: Popstar
Age: 231
Height: 6’10”
Gender: Intersex; identifies as non-binary
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Sexuality: Multi-spec lesbian, asexual
S/O: Galacta Iriam (fiancée) (and Ophanim/Morpho EX (girlfriend), in the future)
Family: Hano Agron (biological mother), Ekia Argon (older sister), Vaga Argon (older sister), Sirv Argon (younger brother), Kirby Argon (adopted son) (as well as Athena Iriam (daughter), in the future)
The famous Meta Knight of the Galaxy Soldier Army, well-known for his title and sacred blade, Galaxia.
Engaged to Galacta Iriam — currently has no biological children with him, but adopted 14-year-old Kirby as their son when he was aged 6.
Works as a Knight under Dreamland’s King Dedede, and is head of Castle Dedede’s Royal Guard.
Quiet and seemingly apathetic, though kind-hearted and meaning nothing but well, he finds general difficulty in befriending others due to his somewhat off-putting demeanour. He is very kind, though, just ultimately socially awkward and nervous as an individual.
He joined the GSA the second he turned 19, believing himself to be responsible for the safety of the Galaxy due to his Astral heritage, as well as to get as far away from his mother as possible. He worked with them for the majority of his life since he joined, until an attack by Nightmare wiped out nearly all the GSA’s forces and scattered those that remained. He’s worked for King Dedede as his Knight for about 30 years, and finds genuine enjoyment in his current job.
His weapon of choice is the sacred Master Sword, a sentient enchanted blade named Galaxia. He also uses his natural Fire magic, and on rare occasion, Dream Magic, when necessary. Very well-trained in swordplay, and certainly no easy opponent.
Hex codes
4F3224 — Scars / Palms
311A0F — Skin
101010 — Socks / Gloves
120E1C — Fuzz fade / Cape back
1D1D47 — Hair / Fuzz base
E0BEFF — Inner ears / Wing webbing
FCC66F — Iris 1
FFFFFF — Wing talons
BFBFBF — Ring / Thigh guards (or whatever they’re called) / Arm guards
18122B — Chestplate & Pauldrons 1
2C2240 — Battle shirt (?)
32353E — Pants
6B5B86 — Straps
CCCFFD — ‘M’ symbol
472A77 — Sabatons
E4C69A — Chestplate & Pauldrons 2
000000 — Inner cape (plus multicoloured Nebulae)
1A1A1B — Shirt
343434 — Face mask / Dress pants
D2CDC4 — Iris 2
FFFBF4 — Eye whites
08003D — Base / Fade 1 (using Nebula brush)
00113D — Fade 2 (using Nebula brush)
0046FF — ‘Star’ patterning (using Glimmer brush on Hard Light, with base & fade colours overlaid on top using a clipping-mask Colour layer)
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mattodore · 4 months
a little update on what i've been doing in the sims lately! don't mind the huge walls of text for once i'm saying things in the post instead of the tags lmao
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matthias's scars are very slowly coming along! i really love his left leg scar but can't really show all of it because i'd have to get him naked for that and it also wraps around his leg. um, but it starts at the side of his hip and carves down at an angle before abruptly following a steep line to the back of his calf. it looks gnarly which is exactly what i'm trying to achieve with matthias's scars! i'm also pretty pleased with the scars on his wrists and side, but the scar he has on the back of his right leg is... a little too crunchy? i don't know, it just looks weird. it's kind of hard to get the scars i'm making to look good on matthias's body. especially scars that're smaller or delicate... like the instant loss of quality makes me want to chew on exposed wires. but that's where i've left off on them! his arms and back are where he has the most damage but my god... it's SO difficult trying to get scars to look nice over his biceps and back muscles. also the hair ties i made for him look nice on his wrist <3
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theo's apartment is also finally in the works. i've got the base layout finished and a general idea of what all the rooms are for. building and decorating isn't actually that daunting to me, surprisingly—instead, what's actually causing me a lot of grief is the realization that this is too big for theo to really be comfortable in. so, i was thinking, okay, that's fine, just get rid of three of the rooms and scale down the living area. only to pause and take into account the fact that theo's parents pay for this. they're controlling and also very big on appearance so i'm not sure they'd be fine with their son living in a shoebox—i mean, what would people say if word got to them that he doesn't even have a walk-in closet? like... that's the kind of people they are. but i wanted theo to feel comfortable in his apartment so now i'm feeling conflicted on how i want it to look. i'm definitely going to scale down the bedrooms and the living area... but it'll still feel too big to theo. there are just too many corners for him to ever fully let his guard down... which, hm... well, maybe that fits the story more anyway.
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this is his general aesthetic for the interior btw... i want it to be brown, cream, and green all throughout the apartment with splashes of orange (this mix between his old dorm and his childhood home but with something new blending it together). i really wanted him to have stained glass windows in his kitchen and bathroom but couldn't find any </3 so sadly that's not happening. and i need to find a nice curio cabinet for his collection of bells... along with bells too lmao. but that's where i'm at so far! i'm seriously going to just sit here in build mode for hours just... trying to figure out how to make this place more comfortable for theo. like it's supposed to be where he feels safe but it's just too much rn.
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maddies-chronicles · 2 months
(4 year shifter here hi)
I decided I'm shifting. Like I'm ready to dive back in because 4 years??? nothing should take you 4 years to do and thats utter bs and i will NOT stand that. im gonna shift!!! because 4 years of my life is not gonna be wasted fantasizing a world instead of improving my own. i could've mastered a skill in 4 years. out of pure SPITE I WILL BE SHIFTING AND ILL MAKE IT A CONSISTENT THING TO VISIT MY DRS!!!!
Only problem is. I HAVE SO MUCH ANXIETYYYYY around shifting. I mostly blame tiktok for this but i have such imposrer syndrome (i just learned that term maybe im usijg it wrong). i feel like nothing im doing is correct and my brain tells me with assurance im not gonna shift because of it.
i know if I just believed id be with my husband rn. but i dont know how and 4 years of conditioning myself to believe i wont im scared i cant undo it and my thoughts on life is *if you dont believe you can do it you won't do it*
l asked my tarot deck for advice on what to do and got:
situation: The devil, Page of swords
what to do: The Emperor
i have no clue what's this is meant to mean 😚
hm. okay so i'm not super well-versed in tarot but i'll consult my books for u
the devil (assuming upright): describes obsession and limitations. given the context, i'm going to assume these limitations are more percieved than actual physical limitations. this pretty much checks out with what you told me here. i'm getting that there is a lot of overthinking and maybe method hopping or trying to make something work that just doesn't align with what you need.
page of swords (assuming upright): tells me that you are very methodical and thorough with your attempts. this is great for most aspects of life, but in my own personal opinion, shifting is about letting go of the details and focusing on the big picture.
the emperor (assuming upright): this was most interesting to me! it appears that you crave structure, and so a method with more structure may still be what works best for you. however, it also appears as though you need to focus on practicality over smaller details. you might benefit from taking a more commonly-known rigid method and changing certain things like the breathing pattern or steps that just don't allow you to relax.
ANYWAY that aside, you can totally shift even if you have doubts!! some people shift the day after they give up (baffling to me??? like omg universe i'm totally giving up... 👀) and i think something that helps a lot of people to know is like... anyone can shift. literally anyone. also i never do the methods right and i've shifted before so like... idk hopefully that helps you feel better about doing things wrong 😭
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How the FUCK do you draw DRAGON FACES AND EYES
I can get the body and head down ya know? but its the damn FACE that fucks me up when drawing faces
So if its not to much of a burden, could you please give some tips on how to draw dragon faces?
oh boy i am the Wrong person to ask lmfao - when drawing dragon faces 90% of the time im confused and fucking it up 20 times before getting it right and the other 10% is just "wait how the fuck did i do that? nice! anyway"
i've been drawing dragons for so long that the drawing process is almost entirely subconscious! and i'm not entirely sure what you mean by Faces instead of heads! but i can still attempt to offer Some advice - specific references, that kinda thing
uh i think one thing that's good to keep in mind is that dragons (typically - dragons are a Wide range of shapes and sizes so this is technically subjective) have Binocular Vision. forward facing eyes! just like us, predator animals, birds of prey. personally i like to mainly study dinosaur skulls when working on how i draw dragons, especially raptors and tyrannosaurs. i think dinosaurs are a Really good reference since they're pretty much the closest thing we have to real life dragons. so the eyes are generally higher than the snout or level with the top of it. tldr: understanding that they have forward facing eyes helps shape and Place the eyes correctly.
i'm not sure if i can help with the Shape of eyes? i tend to draw eyes mostly the same no matter what i scribble. but Another thing i'd recommend using as a reference - specifically for the snout and how it bunches / how the muscles move - is look at pictures of wolves snarling / facially expressing. they are a Great base point.
with the eyebrows/eyeridges uh. i suppose they tend to be rectangular! or Oblong! just flexible little logs placed over the eyes. they tend to be level with where the top of the head is. again i will recommend looking up photos of Tyrannosaurus Rex Facing Forward, they have some great ridges
but yeah just! look around! play around with facial structure and what feels/looks right To You! look up those expression sheets/memes and use 'em for practice, they're great for that! and as i will always say - Dragons Dont Look Just One Way! Fuck Around And Find Out What's Dragon To You!
oh, and also look at anthro art. there's a lot of really good anthro art that can help show you how to place/move facial features on an animal with forward-facing eyes and much room for expression <3
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lokh · 3 months
does anyone actually build a detailed linkedin profile. you've got to be fucking with me
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quietwingsinthesky · 2 months
pro t-shot tip!!!! (for subq)
when you’re wiping down the spot with your alcohol wipe, do it real hard and fast and vigorous. you’ll numb up your skin, so the initial poke will be minimal to nonexistant. (and once it’s in, it shouldn’t hurt at all. if it hurts a lot once it’s in, you should probably play it safe and withdraw.)
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the-trans-dragon · 4 months
I need them to lower the price of soup. What the fuck do you mean $2.68 for a can of soup. It's soup. In a can. What the fuck.
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notedchampagne · 1 year
not to be corny or anything but when you get over the initial frustration of not being perfect at something immediately theres a genuine high over realizing something Clicked for the first time. better than sex
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mirrortouchedsea · 6 months
Day 5
Madara is running, mind trying to keep up with everything that just happened. Take a left and then a right, there’s a contact there that can help. He feels blood dripping down his arm but he has to keep going. The shouts behind him are getting louder so he takes a left instead of a right, hoping to find a place to hide for a moment and catch his breath. 
He has to make it to the meeting point and get his arm checked out before his date with Leo later. If he has to cancel again over this… He’ll make it. He has to.
Madara must have bled more than he thought at first. He’s stumbling and it’s harder to breathe and he almost doesn’t notice when he runs into someone else until that familiar voice cuts through the fog. 
“Mama? Mama are you okay?” Why is he here? Did he have something going on? Madara tries to turn around, find a different place to hide. He can’t talk about this right now, not with Leo. Leo grabs his hand and Madara is too weak to pull away. 
“I’m fine, Leo-san.” The shouts that were following him seem to be getting quieter. They must have taken the bait. He relaxes just a little bit. “I have somewhere I need to--” He collapses before he can finish, everything goes blurry and he has to force himself to focus on Leo’s voice. He can tell that someone’s speaking but he can’t tell if it's himself or Leo. Stay awake stay awake stay awake. 
He feels his lips moving and he’s trying to say something while Leo is on the phone and applying pressure to Madara’s arm. Please don’t leave. I love you I love you I love you. Leo places a hand on his face and forces Madara to look up at him. Leo is saying something but Madara can’t hear it. I’m sorry you had to see me like this. Leo looks stressed. Madara caused this. He needs to leave before he makes it worse but Leo pushes him down when he tries to stand. His arm is throbbing. 
Someone hands Leo a bottle which Leo then puts to Madara’s lips, cool water quenching a thirst he didn’t realize he had. His head clears just a little bit and he can hear Leo finally. Stay with me Mama, please stay awake. I love you too. 
There’s more talking and Leo is pulled away while the emergency responders put Madara on a stretcher and put him in the ambulance. He tries to grab Leo, get them to let him into the ambulance as well, but they just strap his arm to his side and begin to assess the damage. 
Madara wakes up in the hospital, Leo sitting in the chair next to his bed. Leo tackles him in a hug before he can say anything and the nurses are running in to check on his vitals. He’ll be okay but he won’t be released until tomorrow. 
“I’m sorry, Leo-san. I really wanted--” 
“What’s going on? Don’t lie to me.” Leo’s voice cracks. 
“I was… trying to protect you. There are a lot of people who want to hurt you and I can’t…” 
“I can make my own decisions, Mama.” 
Madara doesn’t speak. He opens his mouth but any words he could say die on his lips. 
“I know you want to protect me but I don’t want you to get hurt because of me either.” 
“I know.” 
There’s silence and Madara is afraid Leo might finally break things off. His cheeks are wet and he refuses to look at Leo. Instead, Leo grabs his hand and squeezes it. 
“I love you. I don’t want to see you hurting.” 
He was much more serious than the Leo Madara knew and loved. He couldn’t bear to see Leo hurting either, especially if he was the cause. 
Madara squeezed Leo’s hand and made a silent promise that he’d be more careful from now on. Something had to change and continuing to get hurt like this wasn’t helping anyone. Maybe someday they could be happy together with nothing to worry about, but he would have to work to make that happen. 
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I'm in the midst of a pretty bad chronic illness flareup (with other health issues happening at the same time! huzzah!) so I've barely been able to knit for over a week now.
I'm very behind on my Evenstar daily border to the point I'm just going to have to make a new schedule for it. However I planned around this kind of thing happening so I only have about a month of daily border knitting left and 3 months to do it in. While it's disappointing to not have it finished sooner, I'll live.
In good news crochet doesn't hurt nearly as bad as knitting so I've gotten a couple rows into the blanket for my mom and tentatively started a new bag project (as in I crocheted one panel for it while waiting for the blanket yarn to arrive and now I gotta decide if I'll finish it or not).
I've been slowly improving over the last couple days so hopefully by this time next week I'll be back to knitting
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fauvester · 1 year
thinkin bout postcanon garak and bashir getting around to a honeymoon like 3 years after they're actually (courthouse) married because they're both so busy. and even then they won't actually Go to a Location they just hitch a ride to ds9 from kasidy and fuck nasty in the holodeck for 3 days
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savage-rhi · 9 months
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Can't believe I'm gonna fucking do this
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