#and it goes bum. bum bum.
keikoayano · 1 year
Thinking about how in The Horse and the Infant there’s a secondary beat that starts to play after he brings up Penelope and Telemachus, drops off once the other soldiers pick up in the background again (or becomes covered by the rest of the score and I can’t pick up on it as easily?) but then returns and stands out even more strongly against the rest of the music after he screams in pain and Zeus explains the vision. It drops off again while Odysseus is asking what threat an infant could pose, then comes back when Zeus is explaining he has to do this or his people will die/Ithaca will be in trouble (with another focus on Penelope) and it mimics the sound of a heartbeat
Bum. Bum bum. Bum. Bum bum.
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quirkle2 · 8 days
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he thinks he's so cool (he is.he is)
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emkini · 1 year
Currently thinking about 18/19 year old Toph getting thrown in some random podunk fire nation town’s one-cell jail and being like “hey I’m broke as hell but I’ve got a friend who can bail me out can I make a call” and then 2 hours later Fire Lord Zuko himself slams open the door yelling “WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO THIS TIME YOU SHIT” 
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yesmissnyx · 3 months
An Unsexy Post About Censorship
Sooo...gumroad is shutting down NSFW content sales because of Stripe and Paypal. This is also why Wishtender has been down as well, if you weren't aware. And why Patreon is also cracking down on anything remotely kinky.
(If you're wondering why your favorite FICTIONAL sexual content isn't allowed on most platforms, it's payment processors.)
Please be extra kind to anyone who works with NSFW content right now, whether it be art, writing, audio, photos or video. Whether it be tasteful erotica, or the kinkiest BDSM porn you can think of, we're all in the crosshairs right now.
And, judging by trends from these past few years, this is only going to get worse.
Support NSFW creators where you can, whether by tipping or buying our content (where you still can) or just helping boost content on sites where algorithms want to drown us out.
Call representatives where you can and complain about payment processors acting as arbiters of what YOU are and aren't allowed to pay for and enjoy.
This may be about porn right now, but censorship of this caliber doesn't just stop with porn. Any transgressive (read: non-conservative) media is fair game.
Fight against it where you can. Support creators where you can.
Art is important. Reflections of our sexuality are important. We don't want a world where people aren't free to make or see the things they love and enjoy.
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viveela · 9 months
If you draw dip i woul be sooooooo happy
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So I like to imagine Damien likes to fill in Pip about what happens back on Earth
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bebemoon · 4 months
today on "things im convinced rockgod!lestat would wear": ludovic de saint sernin a/w 2o24 edition
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rat-princess · 1 year
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pineappical · 5 months
A rip in the space-time continuum lands NBC Ted right in the middle of AFC Richmond, and he's stuck there until they can figure out how to send him back. Which is fine by him because he LOVES England, and while he misses his Beard, he gets along great with this other Beard. (NBC Ted was never married/no kids.) And Ted thinks it's neat, if strange. Except that NBC Ted clearly has a crush on Trent. And they start spending time together. Ted isn't jealous. He isn't. Nope. [1/2]
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god can you imagine Trent's POV through all this.. is he actually into NBC Ted or is it just a fling because it's not like his version of Ted actually likes him, right? he can indulge in this for now, it's not like this version of Ted would stay forever. got to make the most of it while he can and all that. two of the most clueless people in richmond, honestly 😔
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batbabydamian · 4 months
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Nikola Cizmesija is back for another Batman and Robin issue!! 😭
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feline-evil · 7 months
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Master Miller time
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babyblueetbaemonster · 3 months
What do your elder scrolls ocs wear when not in armor or battle robes? Casual outfits!
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Jo usually just wore the Fine Clothes uncle Sheo gave him in that quest, with the cool Mage's Circlet from Savos Aren. Nay got her dress (Belted Tunic) from uncle Alvor's "Help yourself to whatever you need" gift basket. Dubak got a Blacksmith's Apron. I can't recall where he got it... cough, yeah.
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Acelta wore variety of Mage's Robes that does fashion damage to Haskill. (after finding out the secret side effect he stopped wearing them)
Sunny is silly :3
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dark-elf-writes · 1 month
You know... you know when Percy goes missing Harry is jittery. Inconsolable. Aching to join the search.
I'm not sure if they COULD convince him to go back to Hogwarts while his brother is missing from camp, from home, from his whole life.
I had to google the timeline and ooooh boy.
Percy goes missing in December when Harry is in the middle of the Triwizard Tournament. Harry already can’t go home for the holidays for the first time ever and then he gets news that his brother is missing.
It’s a mess. Harry keeps trying to leave Hogwarts but is essentially trapped by the magical contract and Hecate herself stopping him because she can’t bear to lose another child after having lost so many. Harry is trapped knowing his brother is missing for months only for him to be found right around the time that Voldemort comes back and Harry… cant anymore. He runs off and gets swept into another prophecy. The wizarding world is in an uproar because Harry Potter, the boy that claims the dark lord is back went missing right after that announcement and no home has seen him in months.
Harry almost doesn’t go back at all, but Percy convinces him that he has to. That he needs all the training he can get for the third war they know is brewing all too soon. He is met by Umbridge on his first day back and things go… poorly to say the least.
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dcvina-claires · 8 months
i will always be a lucius spriggs stan no matter how weird and sinister he gets but i am also mourning who he was in s1 a little bit. remember when they let him be the campy gay polyamorous guy who most of the crew had a soft spot for? remember when he was a little bit mean and a little bit blunt but also optimistic and loving? remember when he used to be stede’s right hand man? remember how we used to run?
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magniloquent-raven · 2 years
fell down another rabbit hole fact-checking shit for one line of dialogue lmfao and i would like to share what i found cuz i have no idea if anyone's pointed this out yet
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apparently camels are eddie's brand of choice
and according to google he's smoking really mild ones. those look blue, right? dunno if there's any clearer shots of his pack, but that looks blue to me.
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ANYWAYS the point im getting at, because im a mungrove bitch at heart, is:
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billy's out here smoking super mega death sticks famous for tasting like shit and i just think that the difference in their brand choices is a fun little tidbit to keep in mind when writing fic
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zebratimw · 1 year
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#svsss#scum villains self saving system#shang qinghua#how I be feeling these days ahdnfjgkg#I keep stressing about life in general and its seriously bumming me out hajdjg#how nice it would be to not exist#everyday I wake up and do the same things I hate#time hasn't felt real in years and it goes way before covid times#I haven't felt real in most of those years either#Look I'm lucky I'm not like depressed or whatever but frankly this derealization shit is seriously startin to get a little worrying at times#tbf I only really notice it recently so maybe its just a bias#I've been chugging along this way for years all thats changed is my perception of it#but at the same time I really want to do more too#I get I'm a very boring and unreliable person#and I know I just said its my perception of it but like I do genuinely think my social skills my general living just like me mentally ig#I'm kinda deteriorating in my stagnation ig? artistically too but more worrying in my life idbfjg#priorities sorry anyways I also think I do have adhd or something and that rejection thing dhfjgjg I really can't start things anymore#idk I really just feel so clueless in most things now and I'm too scared or too confused or both to start fixing things#like how do I even fix things? what do I even search for in this kind of thing?#Idk I'm just gonna go sleep ig god I'm so tired of everything#I haven't been able to draw I've really lost passion for a lot of things again and everything irritates me#I can't stand my phone sometimes but it's kinda the only thing getting me through it all ha#ngl I wish I were depressed sometimes if only so I'd actually have the balls to do smth but Ik that's just the Metnally Ail part speaking so#chug chug going along#I also have to make wushi before I die. haha#god my life is so empty#what am I even doing#I'm really so tired why can't my life end here already? modern lifespans are too long how am I supposed to keep going on like this?#so pointless and vapid and its just me ? why did it have to be me that was born? couldn't someone else have been here I hate it here so much#I strive for nothing but I have such a long life and so many people to disappoint haha maybe I should go outside more
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Riddler belongs in spandex it's his natural habitat
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