#and it’s like. if you don’t want to educate someone why is it hard just to say nothing
theghostofashton · 1 year
seeing someone make a dumb ignorant comment on a post but then seeing people respond w like “stfu and die”….. this is why shit is always polarizing and nothing changes lmfao
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There are a lot of reasons i feel intense resentment (at the very least) towards anti vaxers and anti maskers. There are a lot of things that I quite possibly never do the same way again. Every time I go out or think about going out I’m reminded of this. Every time I go online and see one of those assholes I’m reminded of it. Every time I see some of my own relatives I’m reminded of it. I hate it so much. But there is something different about the feelings I get when I’m reminded of something small I can’t do. I don’t know what it is but it’s almost more sadness than anger, and when my ears hurt because I’ve been wearing a mask all day as I buy groceries and go to appointments, that enrages me. When I’m told I’m being brainwashed or paranoid because I can’t stand the thought of long covid and the fact that I could get even more health problems because those fuckers joined some cult mindset I’m enraged. When I open up the cabinet behind my bathroom mirror and see my black lipstick it’s more sad. I miss the theatrics of wearing dramatic colorful makeup. I miss the drama of having black lipstick and Wes all black. Sure, I can still wear all black (and most often do) and wear dramatic eye makeup, but my favorite thing, the lipstick, isn’t an option anymore. Only some gatherings of people or something where I need to take off my mask would show it, and getting lipstick all over the inside of a mask isn’t very fun tbh. I was never super into makeup and I have never worn it even close to everyday, but I miss when I did.
#emma posts#this post is about my personal experience. its not about how much I care about other people getting stuck in the crossfire#there are plenty of posts about that and i don’t think I have much to say that hasn’t been said before#I’ve seen people get long covid and i don’t want it#I wish they didn’t have it either#if this breaks containment and someone is like ‘covid isn’t all about you’ I’m going to stab something#yeah. no shit it’s not. but I’m making a post about my own experience with this#i hate my country#kinda love my state. but hat my country#the fact that actual government officials spread even more misinformation and encouraged people to follow it is so fucked#antivaxers were seen as crazy a decade ago. now they’re all over the place#I mean. they are crazy. that hasn’t changed#we eliminated smallpox. we had a chance to eradicate a new terrible disease before it became endemic and you fucking stopped it#I knew about pandemics as a highschooler. how are you all so fucking stupid#and don’t say that they are all uneducated. my brother and my aunt have perfectly good educations#and you know the fucking tv people have them too#and don’t turn this into an ‘oh the makeup industry’ post#i have self image issues yes. but I go outside with my face naked all the time. I just like being fun sometimes#you seen a drag queen? I wouldn’t go that hard at it but they fucking get it#it’s why I dye my hair too. when I look in the mirror and see my favorite colors it makes me smile#my body is a canvas#and I decide what goes into this gallery#so more than one canvas? but i only have one body. this analogy doesn’t work but you get it… I hope
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sundrop-writes · 3 months
Careful - Chapter Two
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(Dad)Spencer Reid x (Mom)Fem!Reader
Chapter Two: Liar
Why should I deny what's all at once, so crystal clear?
Spencer is eager to talk to you - to find out if your son is actually his. But there are more important matters at hand, like the fact that you might be the next target of a serial killer who is actively stalking single mothers.
The two of you get locked in a battle of wills when you stubbornly refuse his protection and Spencer remains determined to keep you safe.
Dad!Spencer Reid x Mom!Fem!Reader. Exes to Lovers. Angst and Smut.
Word Count: 8,900
Criminal Minds Masterlist | AO3 Link | Series Masterlist
Detailed warnings and author's notes below the cut.
Warnings: again, general warnings for a Criminal Minds episode - mentions of killing/murder, mentions of the reader being a target for a killer; mentions of the reader buying and using a vibrator (does not take place during the fic, more so mentioned as the reality of the ‘sex life’ of a single mom); the reader and Spencer parted on very bad terms (but the details of the situation are not yet revealed); the reader is very angry towards Spencer; the reader and Spencer argue; the reader is in denial that she is the target of a killer; there is some mention of Sebastian having similar hair to Spencer - but I don’t want that to describe or exclude the reader’s race because in the next chapter, there is a mention of Sebastian having the reader’s skin tone; mention of the reader ‘shoving’ Spencer out of anger (not hard enough to cause harm); mention of the reader owning a gun (registered with gun training) as a form of self defense; mention of the reader character celebrating a birthday - but there is no mentions of specific dates or months when the fic is set, so you can easily imagine that this takes place around your birthday (aside from mentions of holidays or seasonal weather); mentions of JJ x Will; JJ talks about her trauma regarding dogs after being attacked in 2x15; this ends in another flashback, this time including flashback sex (smut); Spencer cuts off foreplay to give the reader a birthday present - mentions of heated kissing and some groping; Spencer calls the reader ‘Princess’ (not during sex - in the context of ‘I am here to serve you like royalty’); the smut basically consists of Spencer eating the reader out. And I think that’s it for this chapter. 
A/N: Okay so something I did not intend to happen - a lot of this chapter is from JJ's perspective. It just naturally started happening while I was writing it, and it was really interesting to me to write about Spencer and the reader's relationship through her eyes (especially to keep the conflict between them vague to the audience, because JJ doesn't know the details of what happened), and it's not something I did intentionally, but I really loved how it shaped the chapter, so I kept it in. Also, I really wanted to include a lot of JJ x Spencer friendship and comfort moments in the fic because (as a lot of people in the fandom have discussed) - the writers love to have the characters say that JJ and Spencer are best friends, but they don't often show it. They just show a lot of conflict between them. So I wanted to show the potential of their friendship. And I had a lot of fun exploring that. So - I hope you guys enjoy the second chapter, and definitely hope to see you come back for chapter three!!!
When you heard someone knock on your door, you thought it was a delivery. 
You had ordered Sebastian some new educational coloring books, and some new CDs with Mozart concertos to fall asleep to, because he was getting bored of his current ones. You often felt like you couldn’t keep up with him - Sebastian was so damn smart, and you always tried to provide him with the best resources to learn. Even if he was getting to a point where he was asking for high school level chemistry text books and actually seemed to understand the material in them and you were confused about how he could comprehend any of it. 
The package also could have been the new vibrator you had ordered. You weren’t sure if that package was small enough to be left in the mailbox or not. You had to roll your eyes when you thought about how pathetic your sex life had been since having Sebastian. But you couldn’t risk bringing random men through the house just for sex when you had Seb around. So battery power and smut novels, it was.
You called out, hoping the delivery person would wait, as you raced to get to the door. You hoped they wouldn’t just slip one of those ‘failed to deliver’ notes into your door handle and force you to run an extra errand with a kid under your arm. You tripped over a toy truck and cursed yourself for procrastinating cleaning up (again). 
“Sorry, I almost didn’t hear you. I was-” 
‘I was in my office, in the back of the house.’ 
The sentence died off on your tongue when you finally fumbled the door open - your mouth going numb from shock when you saw him. 
Spencer Reid. 
The father of your child, the man you had once loved. 
Your heart raced inside your chest, your body so overwhelmed so quickly that you couldn’t even decide on an emotion. 
Happiness. Joy. Lust. Longing. Sadness. Relief. 
You lingered on shock for a while as you stared at him, your eyes locked on the sight of him - wondering what the hell he was doing standing on your porch. How did he know where you lived? Why was he here? 
Was he here because of Sebastian? Was he angry? He had to be angry that you hadn’t told him about Sebastian for all of these years. He had to be angry that you had given birth to his child and not told him about it. 
You flickered back to lust for a moment as your eyes traced over him. 
He looked good.
Somehow, he had grown up so much in just four years. He had gone from a gangly, boyish man to a full blown man. But he was somehow still so much the same. His hair had grown out a lot since you had last seen him - instead of the neatly combed, short cut you had last seen him with, it was downright wild. The chocolate brown locks were sprawling out into the thick curls that you had come to see sprouting from your own son’s head. It wasn’t a look that you were used to on Spencer, but it looked damn good on him. 
He was wearing his usual leather messenger bag - probably the exact same one from years ago. And he clearly had the same dress sense, but these clothes in particular made you want to jump his bones. A lavender cardigan that complimented his skin tone so well - and his usual button up shirt and tie, along with his usual gray slacks. 
You desperately wanted to blame the sting of attraction that you felt for him on the recent lack of male suitors in your life; the fact that you hadn’t gotten laid in a long time. But you knew it was something else, too. Your previous attraction to him - the fact that because you had slept with Spencer before, you could still feel the ghost of his hands and tongue on your body. 
How did he look so good? 
He made you feel like a slob in your casual ‘work from home on a random Tuesday’ Mom clothes. If it had been your choice, he definitely wouldn’t be seeing you for the first time in years while you were wearing jeans and a sweatshirt that you were sure had raspberry juice stained on it somewhere, and eyeliner that you had slopped in between traffic lights in the car that morning. 
(You hated it.) 
He finally broke the silence, speaking your name in that honey-sweet way. 
Unfortunately, it brought you rocketing back to that night all those years ago. Your stomach dropped, and you felt like you were standing in that apartment all over again, tears in your eyes as you faced down the crashing reality that the best relationship you ever had in your life was over. 
This chased out that tiny splash of lust and brought on a whole new wave of confusing emotions. 
Anger. Rage. Sadness. Bitterness. More longing. Regret. 
Like your brain was a spin wheel, it whirled around for a few hectic moments, and then - you landed somewhere between anger and pure rage. 
And that was when you finally spoke. 
“Spencer Reid.” You hissed out his name like it was pure venom, your neck aching as the blood pumped hard through your aorta. 
Immediately, Spencer’s features fell from looking at you with nostalgic fondness, and fear took over his face. 
“What the hell are you doing here?” You asked fiercely, this question rocketing back to the forefront of your mind. 
Spencer opened his mouth, seemingly to answer this question, and the rage pumped harder in your system. You found that suddenly, you didn’t want to hear whatever it was that he had to say. 
You stepped through the door, easily stepping into his personal space as you came onto the porch. Without even thinking, you gave him a hard shove in the middle of his chest as you spoke your next words - much louder than you intended. 
“What the hell is wrong with you?” You screeched. 
You let your emotions carry your actions before any sense of logic or common decency could kick in. It was resentment and heartache that you had locked away four years ago - and apparently, it had been aging like wine, only becoming more potent with time. 
“You think that you can just magically show up in my life again after I specifically told you not to contact me?” You screamed. “Do you think that order has a fucking expiration date on it?” 
You gave him another hard shove. Perhaps expecting to prompt an answer out of him, or wanting to shove him off the porch entirely and get him out of your life once again. Which of those it was, even you weren’t sure. 
Spencer just looked at you with wide-eyed shock. Clearly, for once in his life, at a loss for words. 
“You better have a good fucking reason for showing up here!” You screeched, your voice becoming so loud that it wore out your throat. 
“Look, Y/N, I-” He stuttered out. 
“Don’t say my name.” You hissed, cutting him off. “Don’t say my name like we’re friends.” 
You glared at him, crossing your arms over your chest, and Spencer shoved his hands into his pockets, now finding himself utterly speechless. 
He definitely was not expecting this kind of reception. 
The two of you became locked in an icy staring contest, neither of you speaking. Spencer found his throat too dry, and for once, his head far too empty. You were simply too angry and too stubborn to speak in those moments. 
This stalemate was only broken up when JJ walked around the corner. 
“Spence, Hotch just told me that the first woman doesn’t even match the-” 
“JJ!” You cried out her name happily, your entire demeanor changing when you saw her. 
She grinned, completely forgetting whatever news she had to report to Reid as you practically flew off the porch and ran to meet her. JJ eagerly opened her arms to hug you, and you squeezed her with all the warmth and kindness of an old friend. 
Spencer felt a pang of jealousy that he wasn’t being greeted with as much affection. He knew that the last argument between the two of you had been bad, but he didn’t know it had left such a distinct impression on you. He didn’t know it had been enough to make you hate him. 
When you pulled away from JJ, you looked between her and Spencer, and then it suddenly struck you. 
If Spencer wasn’t here alone, that meant this wasn’t personal. He wasn’t just here to see you over some lost love, or - maybe he didn’t know about Sebastian at all. You felt a pang of guilt twist your gut because of that. 
“What - what are you guys doing here?” You asked, now entirely confused, directing the question toward JJ. 
JJ looked toward Spencer, and according to his ill-concealed frown, his reunion with you had not gone well. She doubted that you would take the news that you were possibly being hunted by a killer well on top of that. 
“Is it alright if we come inside?” JJ asked, her voice tentative and soft. It was the same voice she usually used with victims and their families. 
“Yeah.” You said, knowing there must be something big that you were missing, and hoping that you would be filled in soon enough. “I’ll put some coffee on.” 
You walked back up the few steps of the porch and breezed right past Reid. You didn’t even spare a glance in his direction as you went back in through the open front door, leaving it open for the two of them with the expectation that they would close it behind themselves. 
“So - I take it things didn’t go well?” JJ whispered to Spencer as she moved up onto the porch. 
“Not quite.” Spencer mumbled in return before moving into the house, waiting for her to follow. 
This made JJ even more curious about what had gone down between you and Spencer all those years ago. 
What could have possibly made you so cold and distant toward him? 
But she couldn’t just come out and ask. They had a job to do. They were there to ensure your safety against a man who had already killed five women and orphaned five children. 
JJ walked into the house and closed the door behind her. She wasn’t surprised that she nearly tripped over a plastic toy truck in the entryway. Even though your son didn’t seem to be here (it was far too quiet for a small boy to be around), this was definitely a house where a child lived. 
The first space that was visible to her eye - the living room, was clearly a space that belonged to a young child. There was a large, colorful play mat underneath the coffee table, and a few toys scattered over across the floor, showing that he clearly liked to have hands on play. In the corner, there was a child-sized desk with a small chair, which seemed to be surrounded by art supplies, and advanced textbooks? Some of them opened and were dotted with bright, colorful stickers. One glance told JJ that the reading material very advanced for his age clearly belonged to him. 
So he very likely was Spencer’s son. 
She wasn’t sure why, but that did bring a cluster of joy through her. Likely because she knew he would be so excited to have a child of his own. 
JJ couldn’t help but to notice that many of the toys were Paw Patrol themed - it was a favorite show of Henry’s, too. In the back of her mind, she wondered if your son and Henry might be friends. 
“Ugh, I’m so sorry.” You huffed, rushing around with your arms half full of toys now - distracted from getting the coffee, as you had mentioned. You were clearly rushing to pick up some of the mess now that you had realized how it appeared in the eyes of your ‘guests’. “All the - stuff.” 
You hesitated to say ‘toys’. Clearly, you didn’t want to bring up the subject of your son, even though the evidence of him was so visible all around. You didn’t want to give Spencer the smallest opening to start asking questions about him. It was something you wanted to avoid speaking about for as long as possible. 
Spencer looked at you with a mournful look on his face as you dodged around him, purposefully avoiding eye contact while you picked up a coloring book and a handful of crayons off the couch. You still refused to look his way at all as you rushed off to stash the items away somewhere. 
Clearly, he wanted to ask you more about your son, and simply ask that penultimate question: was he the father? 
But now wasn’t the right time. 
“It’s alright.” JJ assured you. “You can just come sit down. We really need to talk to you.” 
You heaved out a sigh, defeated in your effort to clean up, and then came back from one of the other rooms. (JJ could only assume you had stashed the toys in a playroom or a closet, because much like her own home, all areas had become a domain for toys and playtime). You motioned for them to sit on the couch, and you scooted over a rocking chair from the other side of the room to sit in front of them, blocking the shut-off TV on the other side. 
“So, what is it?” You asked, clearly eager and curious to know what they were doing in your home - why they had contacted you now after so many years apart. 
JJ and Spencer exchanged a look, and with a gentle nod from him, JJ took the lead. 
“Well, um… there’s no easy way to say this, but we believe that you might be in danger.” She told you, introducing the topic gently, while wanting to be honest and direct. “Perhaps you’ve seen it on the news? But if you haven’t… several single mothers have been killed in the area recently, and we have reason to believe that you might be the killer’s next target.” 
You looked at her, entirely observant, quietly taking in her words. Your face was still and expressionless, and JJ was unsure if you were going to take this calmly and logically - if you were going to panic after you had fully absorbed the news, if you were going to cry. 
After a moment of silence - you burst out laughing. Your laughter was harsh and nervous, a sound that cut through the air like the rip of a chainsaw. Clearly, it was the stark opposite of someone taking the news with tears. 
“Oh my god.” You sighed, taking a breath from the non-humorous laughter. “You know that you didn’t have to make up some excuse just to come and see me, right?” 
Spencer’s face curled into a deep frown. He was upset that you weren’t taking this seriously. JJ found herself in shock. Usually when people found out they were potentially on the radar of a killer, they were paranoid, afraid, questioning why. 
But it was very rare to see denial. 
She did take notice of the fact that you didn’t immediately ask about what kind of evidence or reasoning they had to believe that you were the killer’s next target. Perhaps if your brain let you assess that reasoning for yourself and found it to be valid, then fear would take over. And you couldn’t let that happen. So this laughter, this posturing and not taking things seriously - it was an unconscious way to protect yourself from that fear. 
But JJ could only theorize about that. 
“I did miss you, JJ.” You said, very pointedly looking at her while you said it. “But you could have just sent me an email or something.” 
You continued avoiding Spencer’s harsh gaze as he bored holes into the side of your face with his intense, intrusive eyes. 
“Look, this is serious-” Spencer began, and you cut him off. 
“Okay.” You shrugged. “Let’s say for argument’s sake that there is someone trying to kill me,” 
You spoke of this lightly, the words entirely condescending on your lips, as though Spencer’s theory was entirely wild and imaginative to begin with. 
JJ saw the movement in his jaw as he grinded his teeth out of the corner of her eye, and she was surprised that he let you continue. 
“I have an alarm system that I set every night before I go to bed.” You informed them. “I am a proud gun owner. I have a registered revolver that I keep in a lock box beside my bed and I renew my gun training every single spring.” You told them, not seeming the least bit worried at the idea of a killer hunting you down. “If someone wants to kill me, let them try. I’m sure you guys have much better ways to spend your time than sitting around here, chatting with me when there are people out there, actually in danger. People who probably need your help.” 
You said this, trying to dismiss them. And then you moved to get up from your seat, looking to escape the conversation entirely. But once again, Spencer stopped you. 
“That’s it?” He fired back, entirely indignant, standing from his place on the couch. 
This caused you to roll your eyes and let out a hiss, your lungs deflating like an annoyed balloon as you paused in the middle of the room. 
“Yes, that’s it.” You groaned back. “Look, I know it’s your job to see problems everywhere, but-” 
“It’s my job to protect people.” Spencer replied, cutting you off. “And-” 
“Funny!” You scoffed, your voice escalating in volume. It had turned into a full-blown argument now - you were entirely uncaring that JJ was there to witness it; Spencer was locked in your sight like the crosshairs of a scope, and you were ready to fire. “You give a shit about ‘protecting’ me now, but what the fuck happened four years ago?”
You glared harshly at Spencer, and he locked his jaw, staring right back. It turned into a poisonous silence as neither of you spoke - he didn’t have a good answer for this question. And it made JJ all the more horribly curious about what had happened between the two of you. But she didn’t need to be a psychic to sense that the two of you needed some privacy. 
“Do… do you mind if I go get myself a glass of water?” She asked, tentatively standing up from her place on the couch. 
“I’ll get it.” You huffed out, moving to leave the room. 
“It’s okay.” JJ told you. “I can get it for myself. Just point me in the right direction.” 
You motioned toward the kitchen and JJ left, and she heard Spencer hiss out something about you being stubborn, which turned into another cluster of voices. The argument turned even more personal and sour now that the both of you didn’t have a witness. 
When JJ made her way into the kitchen, she was happy to see that your backyard was full of toys. A pair of sliding glass doors let her peek out to see a colorful swing set and a large playhouse, and a scattering of other toys meant that your son obviously spent a lot of time outside. She smiled to herself, trying to ignore the rising, angered sound of voices from the other room as she found a glass in one of the cabinets. When she moved to the refrigerator’s water dispenser, something along the way caught her eye. 
A vase of fresh flowers was sitting on the counter. 
White carnations. 
It made her stomach churn ominously. It felt too perfect to be a coincidence. 
She abandoned her half-full glass and grabbed the vase, walking back to the living room with it. 
“You just can’t accept help from anybody, can you? How can you not understand that your life is in danger here? This man is not going to stop until-” Spencer ranted on. 
He was still trying to convince you to take the threat seriously - but you were still boiling with rage over the past, blind to anything else. 
“I can’t accept anyone’s help?” You scoffed, crowding into his personal space to hiss the words closer to him. “That is so rich coming from someone who-” 
JJ cleared her throat loudly, cutting you off. 
“Spence.” She got his attention from the intense gaze he was keeping on you - anger hot in his eyes even though he was staring heavily at your lips. 
When Spencer looked over and saw the vase in JJ’s hands, his entire face shifted in a blink. His expression went from tight-knit anger and annoyance to ‘shit-your-pants’ worry. The danger went from being theoretical to being very real in that moment. 
“Where did these flowers come from?” Spencer asked. 
“What?” You gaped, so entirely confused. 
“Where did you get the flowers?” He asked, rephrasing the question, his tone more urgent and demanding now. 
“Why does that matter?” You replied, exasperated. You didn’t see how it was at all relevant. 
“All of the women who were killed received these exact same kind of flowers within days of their death.” JJ told you. “Do you have any idea who sent them?” 
“I thought my mother did.” You shrugged. “There was no name on the card. It just said ‘Happy Birthday’. She didn’t get to see me in person for my birthday, she’s traveling right now. She’s one of the only people who would send me flowers for my birthday.” 
“Yes, but your mother knows that your favorite flowers are lavender and baby’s breath. Why would she send these?” Spencer replied. 
Naturally, he remembered your favorite flowers. 
You couldn’t get stuck on that, though. Instead, you pondered the question he posed. 
Why would your mother send you white carnations without even signing the card? 
It wasn’t something you had thought about. At the time, you had just thought it was considerate, and sweet. When you had called her to thank her for the flowers, you had gotten her voicemail. You had left her a message thanking her. She was away on a singles cruise with shoddy reception and she hadn’t gotten back to you yet. 
“They’re just flowers.” You said, letting out another nervous chuckle - but your voice broke over this one. 
Obviously the reality of things was truly starting to set in with you. 
“We need to set up protective custody for you.” Spencer said, taking out his phone in order to get this done. 
“No!” You snapped. “I am not having some random cops follow me around because you think I might be in danger.” You hissed angrily. 
Spencer paused and stared you down, debating if he was going to go against your wishes or not, his phone still in hand. 
JJ hated the look in Spencer’s eyes. That deep, bitter fear. Whatever had happened between the two of you, there was still enough care lingering there that he would fight for you no matter what. He was terrified for you. He wasn’t going to let you meet the same fate as the other victims. She knew he wasn’t going to let this go. 
JJ put the vase down on the coffee table, and turned to you. 
“It doesn’t have to be random cops. We can stay with you, in order to-” She started to explain, only to be disrupted by the digital ringtone of your home phone echoing through the house. 
You rushed to grab the phone, and JJ heard some of the quiet conversation from you on one end. 
“Yeah, okay. Yeah, I’ll be there soon. It’s no problem. Thank you so much. Yeah, twenty minutes. Bye.” 
You hung up and then rushed back into the living room - and before either of them could speak further on the matter, you rushed past them. You went to the entryway, taking off your slippers to exchange them for sneakers. 
“Look, guys, I would love to stay and hang out, but I have somewhere important to be.” You huffed out. 
“Seriously?” Spencer replied, entirely frustrated with you. “This isn’t some tea party. We aren’t just hanging around here for fun. Call whoever that was and tell them that you’re gonna be late. Or call and cancel, or-” 
“No!” You yelled back, entirely frustrated with him. “Dammit, Spencer! People have responsibilities, you know! I have responsibilities. I am an adult, I’m not some child you can talk down to. Now get the fuck out of my house so I can lock up, and get to the important things that I have to do. Things that don’t involve wasting my time talking to you.” 
You said the last part so snidely, resenting that Spencer’s unexpected visit had been part of your day. 
He opened his mouth to argue against this, but JJ put a gentle hand on his shoulder, nudging him toward the door. He sighed and flexed to this movement. He angrily stormed past you to leave through the front door, which he left wide open like a toddler having a tantrum. 
You grabbed your keys and your purse from a side table near the door and JJ moved to leave as well. On her way along, she put a gentle hand on your shoulder, capturing your attention. 
“We’ll check back in with you later, okay?” She said, using her most gentle, non-confrontational voice. 
“Sure.” You easily agreed, unable to be angry with her. “But just call, or something. There’s no need to bang down my door over some stupid flowers. It’s nothing.” 
She stepped through the door and you followed. As you used your keys to lock up, you added on: 
“I would give you my number, but I’m sure Penelope can find it for you in five minutes flat.” 
JJ chuckled at this. 
“More like two and a half, I’d say.” She replied - it was a joking tone, but she did truly think this highly of Penelope’s skills. 
You smiled over your shoulder at her and she nodded before she began to walk back to the car, where Spencer was already sitting in the passenger’s seat, stewing in his anger. 
When she got in beside him, they watched you pull out of the driveway and drive off before either of them spoke. 
“What the hell happened between the two of you?” JJ asked, the question finally unleashing from her lips. 
“It’s complicated.” Spencer huffed out in reply, tired. 
In order to distract himself from all of it, he was staring down at some files in his lap - some of the case files of the other murders that he had pulled out of his bag. He needed something to do to keep his mind from churning more on the fact that you seemed to hate him. He wanted to find a way to protect you now, instead of focusing on the past. 
But JJ seemed hellbent on walking backward - getting him to look back on what happened between the two of you. 
“I can do complicated.” She said. “We’ve got plenty of time. We should just sit here and wait for her to come back.” 
“You should go check in with Hotch.” Spencer told her, dodging around the question once again. “I’ll come back after.” 
“After what?” JJ questioned, finding this wording particularly strange. 
JJ started the car and pulled away, hoping that you would be safe during the time they didn’t have eyes on you. The UnSub had a particular routine - he liked to stalk his victims for a few weeks before he broke into their homes and killed them. So she hoped that he wasn’t ready to make contact with you yet. She hoped that if he did, your gun and your alarm system would be enough to deter him. 
“I - I wanted to get her something nice.” He answered, sounding rather shy about this proclamation. “Like she mentioned, her birthday just passed. And, according to the preschool forms, her son’s birthday was a week ago. I want to get something for him too.” 
“They have the same birthday?” JJ asked. 
“Not exactly the same, but their birthdays are only five days apart.” Spencer replied. “I missed his birth.” He added on, a quiet sigh, entirely melancholic. “I missed the whole pregnancy. I - I missed everything.” 
“You still didn’t answer my question.” JJ reminded him. “What happened?” 
Spencer knew she was asking as a friend. He knew that of all people - she was the one to talk to about this. 
“It - it was right after Hankel.” He admitted quietly. “That was when Y/N and I broke up.” 
“Oh.” JJ said quietly. 
The air in the car became thick as the heaviness truly overtook her. 
So, it was complicated. 
But she definitely couldn’t understand your rage toward Spencer. 
“When I came back from Atlanta, she knew I wasn’t the same. And things - we - we fell apart.” He admitted this barely above a whisper, hesitant to even voice the words as a reality. “You knew what kind of person I was back then. I wasn’t good to her. I wasn’t good to anybody.” 
Spencer let out a harsh chuckle - a defense to all the hurt he was feeling about it. 
JJ spotted a sign for a shopping center, and pulled into the parking lot. She knew that Spencer likely had a good idea about buying into your good graces with a late birthday gift. Even if it wouldn’t instantly make up for everything that had happened all those years ago. 
“Yeah, but you’re sober now.” She reminded him. 
“She doesn’t know that.” Spencer replied. 
JJ ruminated in thought for a moment. 
“You know, I met Will afterwards, right?” She said. 
Out of the corner of her eye, Spencer nodded. 
“It was only a few weeks after everything happened, when we were working that case in New Orleans.” She explained. “And he looked at me like I was a hero. Because I helped him finish what his father couldn’t. He didn’t look at me like I was fragile or broken. He didn’t tip-toe around me. He didn’t see me as some ghost. And that is part of the reason why I fell for him. He always saw me as this goddess. Like Superwoman.” 
Spencer smiled at this. 
He wanted to be that person for you. He wanted to be your Superman. (But he feared that he couldn’t live up to that. That he would fail you when the time came.) 
JJ found a parking spot, and parked, but Spencer lingered - sensing there was more to the conversation. 
“You know… Henry wants a puppy.” JJ’s voice shook, her throat clenching up around these words. 
Spencer’s stomach shook. 
He hadn’t been there, but he had seen the scars on JJ’s arms. He had seen the footage of the other poor woman being torn apart by those dogs. 
“And I had to tell Will everything. How I was chased down, how I had to shoot two innocent animals - the stupid fact that I still feel guilty about it, even though they would have killed me if I hadn’t done it.” She said, her throat becoming more closed off with each word. She cleared it before she spoke again. “How I lost you, how it was all my fault.” 
“What happened to me wasn’t your fault.” Spencer felt the need to say this aloud, reaching over and putting a gentle hand on her knee. She nodded at him before she continued. 
“Just - it was all so overwhelming. The idea of having a dog in our house. But… I told him that I wanted to try, at least. For Henry.” JJ explained. “But when we went to the animal shelter - the sound of dogs barking… I couldn’t stop myself from flinching. And next thing I know, I’m sitting on the curb outside with my head between my knees and Will is putting a bottle of water to my lips.” 
“Henry seems more like a cat person anyway.” Spencer replied, hoping this slightly humorous comment would offer some comfort to his friend. 
JJ let out a tired laugh. 
“He’s three and a half, I think we’re still in the stage where a goldfish is more than enough for him.” She added on. 
“I - I never told Y/N.” Spencer said, suddenly shifting the conversation. JJ raised her brow, prompting further explanation of this. “I never told her what happened to me. What happened with Hankel.” 
JJ gave him a sad look. 
“Why not?” 
“I - I didn’t want her to view me as weak. I couldn’t fight him off. I accepted the drugs. At certain points, I…. I even pitied him.” Spencer replied. “I didn’t want things to change between us. Even though they did anyway.” 
“Do you still wanna be with her?” JJ asked. 
“What?” Spencer gaped, not expecting the question. 
“If the kid is yours, obviously you wanna be in his life. But co-parenting as separate, single people is one thing.” JJ explained herself. “Do you still want to be with Y/N? Do you still love her?” 
“Yes.” Spencer replied shyly. 
“Then you have to tell her everything.” JJ said firmly. “Being with someone for the long term isn’t about creating some fantasy. I fell in love with Will because he looked at me like I was Superwoman, but I stayed in love because he takes care of me when I’m powerless. You have to be weak in front of her and let her take care of you, so that you can be strong everywhere else.” 
Spencer sighed - letting this wisdom fully penetrate him. 
He knew that being a genius sometimes meant that he wasn’t the smartest person in the room. Apparently, this was one of those times. 
“You’re right.” 
Then, he reached for the car door’s handle, feeling like JJ had taught him a lot with that conversation and he needed some time to think alone. 
“You want me to come with you?” JJ asked. “You might need a woman’s opinion on what to get,” 
“No thanks, I know Y/N pretty well.” He replied. “At least I hope I still do.” He opened the door fully and stepped out. “And I wanted some alone time, to… think all of this over. To think about what I’m gonna say to Y/N. I’m gonna walk back afterwards, the house is only a few blocks away.” 
JJ nodded. 
“I should check back in with Hotch.” She noted. “See if they found anything with the other women on the list. Otherwise, all we’ve got is the flowers.” 
Just as he moved to close the door again, JJ spoke up one last time. 
“Rubble.” She said suddenly - which sounded very strange with no context. 
“What?” Spencer asked, ducking his head down to see inside the car to potentially hear her words better. 
“Rubble - it’s a character from the kids’ TV show, Paw Patrol.” She explained. “There was about five action figures of him sitting on the living room floor back there. So I would assume that he’s your son’s favorite character.” 
Spencer’s chest jumped at the way she said ‘your son’ - so casually. 
He could really have a child in his life. This could really be his future. 
If he played his cards right, this could be his future with you. 
“Thank you, JJ.” Spencer grinned at her. 
She smiled back and he stood up to his full height and closed the car door, walking off into the shopping center by himself. 
And of course, his thoughts drifted back to you. 
He thought back to the last time he had spent your birthday with you. Before Hankel, before all the madness. Before everything good in his life slipped through his fingers and he was left feeling so alone. 
For someone with basically no serious relationships under his belt before you came along, Spencer was excellent when it came to romance. 
Perhaps it was because he spent his time reading the classics - he could recite Elizabethan poetry off by heart, he could whisper epic romantic ballads in your ear before kissing you with such intense passion that it left your head spinning. He had such a perfect picture of what romance should be, and it meant that he knew how to plan a date that left you feeling like a queen. 
Every single time he took you out, he made you feel like you were the only woman on earth - like he would move the seas and the sky just to show you how much he cared. 
And because he insisted that your birthday should be a day all about you - a day dedicated to celebrating you - then this was certainly no different. 
The night had been a whirlwind of perfection. 
After dinner at a gorgeous fine dining restaurant downtown, Spencer then drove the two of you to an art gallery to stroll around. He cited that he wanted you to have some down time for your food to settle before he gave you your present. From the spark in his eye, you had a feeling that you knew exactly what that present would be. The whole evening was so utterly beautiful and peaceful. And like everything with Spencer - it was a pleasant enrichment of the mind, looking at art while he told you things about the artists or the origins of the paintings. 
Before you got halfway through the gallery, he checked his watch and told you that it was ‘just about time’ for your present, and then he drove you back to his apartment. 
The two of you barely made it through the door before you had him pinned against it, your mouth enveloping his in a hot, desperate kiss. You were so utterly grateful to have such a romantic, thoughtful man in your life. 
The entire evening had been nothing but a reminder of that - the way he looked at you with love so pure in his eyes. Him opening doors for you, keeping his hand on your lower back to usher you gently around, speaking lowly to you as though his words were precious and only meant to be yours. 
You needed him. You needed to show him how much you appreciated all of it. You needed him to know how much of a treasure he was in your life. 
You reached for his belt and Spencer let out a choked off moan into your mouth. 
You were surprised when he reached for your wrist, gently pulling your touch back - stopping you from unfastening the belt as he pulled his now slightly swollen lips away from your kiss. 
“As - as much as I want to,” He huffed out against your mouth. “I - I still have to give you your present.” He noted, flashing you a smile. 
“I thought this was my present.” You replied, reaching down to grope Spencer’s half hard cock through his pants. 
He let out a groan; but then he reached for your wrist again, pulling your touch back. 
“I - I promise - later - afterwards? Later tonight.” He stuttered out, hard pressed to focus as more blood rushed to his cock. 
Spencer puzzled you. You had never known any other man to interrupt foreplay for something other than sex, unless it was life or death. But it made you very curious about what your present was and why he was so desperate to give it to you. 
And sex was still on the table, so that panging need between your legs would be taken care of eventually. 
You hummed in ascent and stepped back, releasing Spencer from where you had him pressed against the door. He gulped in a large breath of air before he moved across the room. 
You were surprised when he didn’t move to turn on any lights in the apartment, leaving the two of you settled in comfortable darkness. The only lights being the light from the bathroom that he had left on before leaving, shining down the hall, and the dim lighting coming in the windows - some street lights and the occasional passing car’s headlights. 
Spencer shrugged off his blazer and tossed it over the back of the couch on his way toward the window. He yanked up the blinds in front of the space where he had set up a very expensive, advanced, gorgeous telescope - one that had been there the last few times you had visited. Astronomy was one of his many hobbies, and he often invited you to view different stars or passing comets. It was just one of the many things you learned from him - knowledge you absorbed from being around him that made you feel infinitely smarter. 
You always indulged in the joy of feeling smarter just from being in his presence. You loved that Spencer was someone so gifted who loved to share his knowledge, rather than gatekeeping it or being snide toward others who weren’t as privileged as him. It was just another thing to love about him - the fact that he was so kind in sharing his big brain with others. 
You watched him with intrigue while you took your wrap off your shoulders and tossed your purse onto the couch. Enjoying the quiet and the peaceful darkness and watching him work, you moved to sit on the arm of the couch to begin unstrapping your heels. 
He checked his watch again, and then looked to a small side table he had near the telescope. He flipped open a notebook that he had there, and you supposed that the minimal light coming in through the window was enough for him to see whatever it was that he had written there. He adjusted the telescope slightly, then looked at the notebook again, then adjusted the telescope again. 
Then he said ‘aha, there you are’ under his breath, grinning widely to himself. 
The entire thing made your insides glow with curiosity. 
Spencer then turned back to you, still grinning widely. When he noticed your shoe half-hanging off your foot, he stepped over to you and softly grabbed your ankle, sliding your shoe off the entire way before gently rubbing the sole of your foot. 
“Let me help you with that, Princess.” He said quietly, before moving to take the shoe off your other foot. 
Again, your insides tingled as he made you feel like you were the most important woman on earth. 
“Thank you.” You replied, almost speechless at the action. 
“If you’ll step right this way, I can show you your present.” He said, motioning toward the telescope with a dramatic flare. 
You let out a giggle as you stepped over your abandoned shoes and moved to look into the telescope. 
You wondered if he had written some poem and taped it onto the other end of the lens or something like that (it was Spencer, it must have been something epically romantic). But as you bent down and closed one eye to get a good look, it was entirely ordinary. 
The telescope was focused on a single, tiny star. 
It was beautiful, but it was very… plain. And more than anything, it was confusing. 
Your present was… a star? 
“Spencer, I don’t really get it?” You sighed, standing up to your full height once again. 
“I got you a star.” He said proudly, grinning even wider now. 
When you stared at him with more intense confusion, Spencer reached over to the notebook and pulled something out. After he handed it to you, you leaned into the light of the window and studied it carefully. 
It was a certificate stating that Spencer had paid to name the star after you. 
He had literally changed the night sky for you. 
“Oh my god.” You gasped quietly. 
You felt so overwhelmed. 
If he had made you feel like the most important woman in the world before, then now - you felt like the most important woman in the galaxy. 
“Spencer, this is - this is too much.” You said, your throat clenching up slightly due to the intensity of the emotions. 
“No, it’s not.” He said firmly, reaching out and putting a hand on your jaw, tilting your face up from looking at the certificate to look at him. 
There it was again, all of it spelled out in his eyes - the adoration, the pure, overwhelming affection that he felt for you. It bloomed nothing but those same feelings in return from you. It was almost so overwhelming that you felt like you could have exploded from how much love you felt for this man, all of it swelling inside of you so quickly that you felt like your body couldn’t contain it. Like it was a sickness that was going to overrun your body if you weren’t careful. 
His name swelled in your throat like that throbbing love, and you couldn’t help yourself from reaching out and grabbing him by the front of his shirt, pulling him into another kiss. Because of course, words weren’t enough. You smothered him with your mouth, trying desperately to communicate every ounce of passion and gratefulness you were feeling with the heat of that kiss. 
Spencer held you, engulfing both your cheeks with his large, warm hands, kissing you back with just as much intensity. 
Both of you lingered there for a few moments, savoring each other’s lips, mingling in each other’s breath. 
You were disappointed when Spencer pulled away. 
“There is something else.” He told you, a bit of glee edging on his voice. 
“What?” You gaped, shocked by this. 
“There’s something else I have to give you. Another part of your present.” He clarified, pulling back completely - likely in order to fetch this thing. 
You let out a breath. You weren’t sure how this magnificent man could possibly do more. 
You placed the certificate for the star down on the table where Spencer had kept it. Later, you would take it home and have it framed, wanting to display it proudly. You could imagine yourself putting it up in the front of your home when you eventually moved in with Spencer. You could put it next to your marriage certificate; eventually, put next to wedding photos when the two of you eventually got married. (And sometime later, it would be hanging alongside photos of you and Spencer with your kids. You tingled, realizing that this was the first time you had ever thought of having kids with him, but it fit so well. It seemed right.) 
The thought made you tingle. 
You could truly imagine yourself having a life with Spencer. Standing proudly because this was just the beginning of it. He truly felt like ‘the one’ you had always been waiting for. 
Spencer’s voice pulled you from your plethora of dreamy thoughts, and you turned to see him holding a velvet box. Your heart skipped a beat at the passing thought that it might be the box - but no. Now wasn’t the time. The two of you had only been dating for a year and a half. And while you were so deeply in love, you knew that it was a bit haste to assume that he was ready for marriage when you were his first serious girlfriend. You were still both so young. 
He opened the lid and you let out a small gasp when you saw it. 
It was a simple, elegant silver necklace. The pendant was a four pointed star, with a small, dainty stone in the middle. You easily recognized it as your birthstone, meant to represent the fact that he had given it to you on your birthday. And obviously the star pendant as a whole represented that he had also gifted you a literal star in the sky on that same day. 
“Spencer, it’s so beautiful.” You said, utterly breathless. 
“Traditionally, the four pointed star is believed to represent the designation of a goal. It marks one’s great endeavors, because it seems to point to the four cardinal directions. This star is meant to guide someone, like a map - the way that sailors used the stars to guide their path.” 
Spencer explained, knowledgeable as he always was. 
“I - I chose this for you because… well, because when I met you, I felt as though I had accomplished great things in all areas of my life, except for one. Academically, I was satisfied. In my career, I was happy. But when it came to matters of the heart… I was utterly clueless. And when I found you… it felt like you were my guiding star. Like you were the person I had been waiting for to finally show me - show me the meaning of love.” 
“Oh, Spencer.” Your voice cracked around these words, barely able to form them. “Oh, honey. I love you so much. Thank you.” 
It was all your mind could gather at the moment. It wasn’t the first time you had said it to him, but it was certainly one of the most intense. 
“I love you too.” He replied. Through the dimness, you could almost see tears forming in his eyes. “You truly make me so happy.” 
Spencer then cleared his throat harshly, wanting to clear away his intensely emotional tears. 
“Can - can I put it on you?” He asked shyly, motioning with the necklace in its box. 
“Of course.” You grinned. “I’d love that.” 
You turned around and Spencer took it out of the box, fiddling with the dainty clasp for a moment before he put it around your neck and then did it up for you. It felt so right around your neck. It felt like his love was being carried with you. You had a feeling that you wouldn’t want to take it off anytime soon. You could easily imagine yourself feeling so proud to answer whenever random strangers or your co-workers asked where it was from. 
When it was secured around your neck, Spencer leaned in and laid a gentle, open-mouthed kiss against the chain. This simple act reminded you of that needy throb between your thighs; of what you had been wanting so badly the moment you had come in the door. 
“So…” He whispered against your neck. “What else does the birthday girl want?” 
“I can think of a few things.” 
That was how you ended up with your back pressed against the softness of the couch - too impatient to even make it to the bed - with your dress pushed up around your waist, your panties tossed somewhere in the middle of the living room rug. Spencer’s glasses were pressed up onto his forehead while his knees dug into that same rug, his fingers splayed across your thighs, holding you open to makeway for his tongue. 
He ate you out with all of the intensity and passion that he had kissed you with - moaning into your pussy as though he was singing directly to the gods. 
“Fuck, Spence.” You moaned, raking your hands through his hair, holding him close - not that he would want to pull away for even a second. 
He loved your taste more than anything in the world, and he savored every second that he got the privilege of being on his knees for you. He moaned into your pussy, loudly, almost pathetically - hot echoes coming from his lungs as though he was the one being pleasured. He laved his tongue across you with an open jaw, drinking in as much of you as possible while your thighs quaked around his head. Your nails dug into his scalp and he only moaned harder, loving the sound of your needy whines and your gasping breaths as your clit throbbed under his tongue. 
Spencer hummed in delight while he bounced your clit on his tongue, loving the feeling of that sweet little bead throbbing against him; loving your taste, loving your echoing moans. Loving how much he could bring you pleasure. 
“Fuck, Spence, so close!” 
He put his lips around you and sucked then, holding you gently against him by the hips. He couldn’t help but to enjoy the feeling of your body quaking against his face while your orgasm overtook you. It was overwhelming and beautiful and warmed your whole body - just like the love you felt for him. 
He pulled away after a moment, when he was sure that he had seen you through to the satisfying end, and he grinned against the mound of your pussy. 
“Happy birthday, pretty girl.” 
After the break-up, Spencer often looked up to the sky and thought about you. 
On the nights when your star was in place overhead, he felt a particular pang in his chest. He wondered where you were and what you were doing. He wondered if you were safe. He spent many nights staring out his telescope, wondering if you were happy, blanketed under that inky sky. 
You thought about the star sometimes, too. 
You thought it was a lot like your relationship with Spencer. Placing all of your hopes and dreams onto something already dead - something where the light had died out long ago.
Continue reading: Chapter Three - Turn It Off
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prying-pandora666 · 3 months
I don’t know how to say this tactfully, but I’ll do my best.
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If other fans online have convinced you to see the gentle, optimistic, empathetic, fun loving, whimsical, forgiving, wise beyond his years genocide survivor, as a sexist, racist, xenophobic, abusive, pro-colonization, sexual assault perpetrator who doesn’t care about anyone else and doesn’t understand trauma…
You have been LIED TO.
Please just think for a moment!
ATLA was banned in China from the beginning for a reason. Because they didn’t want anyone empathizing with a character based on Tibetan monks. Why? Because they are an actual oppressed and persecuted minority IRL. Their religious leader lives in exile. Their second most important spiritual figure is the youngest political prisoner ever taken (and to this day no one knows if he’s alive or dead!). China has actual prison and labor camps. Tibetan people get sent there for “re-education”.
Can you please think about what these “fans” are saying when they stomp all over this allegory in TLA and try to frame Aang as the oppressor?
Do you really think it’s appropriate or these people who call Aang all these horrible (and inaccurate) things are being in anyway fair when they call Aang “white coded”???
Even without the real world context, Aang is explicitly the only survivor of a genocide. The last of his people. He has lost more than anyone else in the entire franchise. There’s a reason he clings so hard to Appa.
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Do you think it’s fair to compare a 12 year old misreading signals and trying to kiss a girl who already consensually kissed him before, and immediately backing off and giving her space when she says no, to rape?
Tweens and teens miscommunicating and trying to comfort each other with kisses, only to realize that’s not what their friend needed and immediately backing off is the same as having your body violently violated against your will? The same as having your “no” ignored?
How do you think this makes survivors feel? To see people use their experiences as a shield and cudgel for ship discourse? It certainly upsets me as someone who experienced intimate partner violence, let me tell you! And I know I’m not the only one.
And how is it in anyway feminist or pro-Katara to ignore her own agency and deep love she shows for Aang? Yes, that includes her own crush on him! It IS reciprocated!
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Lastly, you don’t need to demonize Aang to ship whatever you want to ship. Please understand that the majority of these takes are bad faith and born out of bitterness and insecurity over a friggin FANON SHIP.
And none of it is necessary! You can ship whatever you want! You don’t need permission or excuses. You can just ship them! You can make your case for why you like another pairing better without misrepresenting what happened in the show and what these characters are like, let alone what they represent.
There’s already plenty to work with in the show as it is! Otherwise why bother?
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I’m imploring fans taken in by persuasive and manipulative metas to please just think about it. Get off social media and rewatch the show for yourself thoughtfully.
It doesn’t need to be like this.
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nicromancytarot · 2 months
This is a general reading based on a collective of people. Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. If you don’t feel the pile resonates with you, don’t be scared to try another, if it still doesn’t feel right, that’s ok! Maybe our energies aren’t as connected and my readings are not for you.
I do these strictly for fun and educational purposes. I don’t change for these readings and I do not fake readings. I would tell you the cards I got but I pull like 20-30 cards each reading and that just slightly a strenuous task to write them all down lmao.
I asked my spirit guides how you will meet your future spouse, pick a pile to see what they had to say!
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Pile 1 ———> Pile 2 ———> Pile 3
For you guys I am getting the feeling that you’re at some type of work convention, possibly an important business opportunity. There seems to be a theme of money and work for this pile, I’m getting heavily that this is something that you either didn’t want to go to, or we’re reluctant to attend.
This mindset could have something to do with you possibly being nervous about what this opportunity has in store for you. Some of you may be at some big gala type event trying to build your reputation so you can get more business, or even a promotion. I see someone who is really on the edge of their seat with nerves, they keep topping up their wine glass. I can’t help but notice the outfit that they are wearing, for me I’m seeing a feminine figure, they’re wearing a long gold sparkly dress, apologising for almost knocking over a glass of wine as they pour themself another, this person does seem very anxious lmao.
I think you will be introduced to your future spouse through either a friend, or some older male figure that you work with. For a few of you, you will be really not wanting to meet anyone new during this time, you’ll be stuffing your mouth full of all these delicacies like pastries in order to not have to speak to anyone.
It’s at this point that this masculine comes over to retrieve you, for some it may be your boss, or manager, for others this will be one of your closest friends.
Your future spouse will take control of the conversation when the masculine leaves, they will be quick to bring you into an engaging discussion over possibly something to do with your job. You’ll be very confused as to why you don’t feel uncomfortable around this stranger, some of you may even notice that this is your future spouse since the spark will be there in an instant.
A select amount of you will be asked for your number, or email, something so they can contact you for “business”, this form of contact will absolutely not be used for business lmao.
You guys are really going through the ringer around the time that you meet your future spouse, for some of you, you maybe even be around the age of thirty at this time, the only reason I say this is because it could be your Saturn return which is influencing all this hardship. However, a lot of you will be pretty young, as I’m seeing someone going out to a club/party to go get absurdly drunk.
A lot of you will be going through a really hard breakup during this era of your life, this could be with a partner that you were will for a long while, as I’m getting the feeling that you though this was your forever person. I don’t think you’ve really given yourself much time to heal from this partnership before you go out clubbing to detach from the feeling of aloneness.
For a very select few of you, you may have been cheated on by your partner, and find out only a few days prior to this meet.
You’re going out to feel free and completely out of control of whatever is going on around you, some of your friends might even try to encourage you to leave before something happens, as I do see you trying to cope with your sadness by drinking yourself into oblivion.
A small amount of you will meet your future spouse, eye them up and then take them to the back or to your place, possibly even their place to have some intimate time. So yes, this could start of as a hookup.
Others of you are going to embarrass the hell out of yourselves, I’m seeing some tripping over and falling onto the lap of the other, in another scenario there’s someone falling down some stairs and some other person catching her just before she plummets.
This person may even stay with you to help you sober up lmao, you may confide in this person a little too much and cry to them about your failed relationship while in a drunken state. They could even hold your hair back while you’re busy throwing up #cute.
I’m seeing that they may ask for yours or your friends number so they can check on you later that night, or in the morning.
You guys are also going through something during this time, for some of you it’s a failed situationship which I think you were committed to for a long time, this seems to have come out of the blue, a completely unexpected betrayal.
Whoever the person you were dealing with is, they are the type to say that “labels are pointless”
Others of you were under the impression that you were in a relationship, but instead you were actually in a situationship and your person slept with or got with another person, this caused an uproar and you were quick to make the decision to leave.
For a very, very small amount of you, you possibly got up and left off to another part of the world, wanting to be completely disconnected from this person and their terrible sense of loyalty.
The rest of you are also travelling or on vacation in another country/state etc (depending on where you are stationed) I see that you may go into a store or to a market place and have to ask the clerk/seller for the price of the piece, or possibly you accidentally ask a random person, thinking that they are a worker.
Whichever way this goes, that is your future spouse. They will do their best to help you, if you mistook them for a worker, they will be sure to laugh it off.
I’m seeing someone that you just instantly click with, they may not be your ideal type, but the two of you just make so much sense together.
This person will either say something about your beauty, compliment your style or even the item in your hand, this will then turn into a long winded conversation about whatever it is they have brought up, some of you may give your number, others of you will leave and come back to the store/market place another day while on your trip and meet with this persons again.
Bonus: they have a gorgeous smile.
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applejuiz · 6 months
James Somerton sucks and his erasure of queer voices is such a horrible damning crime, but I think the biggest thing that I took away from hbomb and Todd’s videos is that we need to be more intellectually curious. It’s so easy to read a post or watch a YouTube video and absorb information that sounds cool and move on. Everything is hard and I am tired and it would be so much more fun to just trust people who sound smart and say they care about what I care about. But this guy’s whole schtick falls apart the second you try to look for a source or more information, attempt to read more about his ideas or his lies and find that there’s nothing there or something all too familiar there.
It’s so hard that our energy is sapped away into the capitalist machine, but going forward I want to be intellectually curious again. I want to follow up on things that sound fascinating and read different voices and books about a topic I care about and think critically about the world and what I consume. I want to formulate my own opinions based on research and share my own words with an ongoing conversation.
It’s so upsetting that, like so many other areas, critical thought is being reduced to an aesthetic. This hack got to use a fancy camera and lights set up and pre-made graphics to give the illusion of an educational environment, while creating a space completely hostile to original, researched thought and conversation. Don’t ask questions, don’t cite sources, don’t do more research, just say something that sounds smart or that someone else has said exactly without thought and start working on the next video. It’s antithetical to all progress.
Knowledge isn’t something that you can consume, it’s something you have to engage with.
P.S. I don’t think this was on the list of other queer creators that hbomb recommended, but I can’t recommend CJ the X enough. Their unwavering dedication to thorough research, thoroughly deconstructing every and any topic, and respecting their audience’s intelligence has taught me more about media analysis and why I care about what I care about than four years of a film degree. Any one of their videos feels like a dissertation and I can feel my brain engaging and synthesizing new thoughts. They’re also very funny and hot.
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notafunkiller · 7 months
treat you better
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Summary: Caught between playing the girlfriend of Bucky's younger brother and the unexpected allure of Bucky's genuine affection, you don't know what to do.
Pairing: (fake) boyfriend's brother!Bucky Barnes x female reader
Warnings: age gap (r is 26, Bucky is 38/39), teasing, pet names, language, no mention of y/n
Word Count: 3.7K
story masterlist
Bucky Barnes masterlist
A/N: This story will have around 4 parts, so this is just the beginning. And I also want to thank @marvelouslizzie and @lavenderhaze967 for their support!
Please, do not repost or translate without my permission!
It’s hard to ignore how loudly he chews or how some water drips down his chin as he drinks between bites. For someone educated well, he has no manners.
“Come on, eat faster. He’s gonna come any second.”
You drop your fork on the plate and give him a look. As if! “I am not gonna do anything like that.”
He is his brother, not the devil. And he actually seemed pretty nice when you met earlier. The fact that William is so scared is funny.
“You don’t ever listen to me.”
“I wonder why.” Your sarcastic answer gets a sigh out of him before he stands up, throwing a napkin on the plate.
“I’ll take a walk.”
“And? Do you want my approval?” You literally couldn’t care less what he does or doesn’t. He’s annoying.
“No, I told you in case he comes down...”
You can’t imagine dealing with this version of him for days, or however long The Devil decides to stay. You snort. “Go ahead, take a walk. Take three walks, I can handle myself.”
He leaves without saying anything else, and you smile, scrolling on your Instagram feed. Fucking finally!
You don’t know how your families considered this a good idea. You are close to hitting him every day, but it seems like things only become worse and worse. You just wish you could just run away and never come back.
“Do you mind if I sit here?”
You look up, jumping. It must be ridiculous to be so shocked since he’s the only one who could come here since William left. You let the phone down and wave to the chair in front of you.
“Please, this is your house.”
The Devil gives you a polite smile. Manners... at least one brother has them. “But I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
“You won’t eat me, right?”
He gives you a look you can’t exactly decode, and that bothers you. You are good at reading people usually.
“No, love, I won’t eat you.” He sits down amused, and you stare at his arms as he reaches for the chicken plate without realizing. He’s... big.
“Bon appetit!” You smile.
“I didn’t say I won’t bite, though.”
You freeze, thinking he is flirting with you for a second. But it’s ridiculous, there’s no way. Everyone spoke so highly of him: how he is always serious, how he’d be against this whole arrangement. No way he’d flirt with his little brother’s girlfriend. “Is the chicken not enough for you?”
He laughs softly, and you can’t help but stare at him a little more. He shaved and has a small cut right under his chin. Jesus, he is really hot! The little dimple, the eyes and that nose...
“Do what do you do?”
“As in for work?”
“Yep.” He empathizes the p in a very childlike way, which makes you wonder even more how old he is. You should totally ask William later.
“I work for my parents’ company,” you whisper ashamed. You always hate when you say that out loud, but, somehow, it feels even more embarrassing now. You can feel his eyes on you, but you don’t look at him.
“What do you do there?”
“Basic HR work.”
“Is the payment that low?”
You snort. “What?”
“You sounded, so I assumed...”
“It is a little low, not gonna lie. But I mean, no nepo baby judgement…?” You hesitate because you realize you don’t remember his name. Fuck! You and your bad memory.
“What? Why are you blushing?” He leans in, placing his elbows on the table to get closer to you.
How horrible can this situation get?
“I just... can I ask something?”
“I don’t know, love, can you?”
You roll your eyes. You know what? He deserves it.
“What was your name again?”
He doesn’t seem surprised or bothered by your question.
“Full name? James Buchanan Barnes, but you can call me Bucky. Should I write it down in case you forget?”
He gently takes out a pen out of his front pocket and grabs your hand. You tremble a little as he starts to actually write his name on your wrist. The letters get a little smudged, but they’re still clear.
Holy fuck...
He’s warm, but not too warm, so you wait for him to let you go.
“Do you always carry pens around?”
“Only on special occasions.” He winks and gets back to eating, letting the pen on the table.
“How old are you?” You ask before you can change your mind as you keep staring at your wrist. He looks in his early 30s, and since he’s the oldest one, it would make sense.
“Didn’t Will tell you?”
You blush again. “You can see my memory isn’t the best.”
He sighs, suddenly shy and reserved, and you wonder if this is somehow a weak spot. But how would age be a weak spot for a man like this?
“Old.” He smiles. “Thirty-eight.”
You try not to look affected as your eyes drop instantly on his left hand. No wedding band.
And he notices.
“He didn’t tell you I’m single, either?”
You take a few slices of cucumber and eat them fast. “Why would he?”
“I’m his brother.”
You throat feels dry as you nervously swallow. “And I am his girlfriend...”
Bucky nods and immediately starts eating.
“That’s all?” You ask. “No threat not to hurt your brother? No background questions?”
“How old are you?”
“I would have guessed twenty-five.”
You snort. “Really? I was told I look younger than that.”
Bucky shrugs in response. “I assumed you’ve been working for a while, and my brother likes them his age or older.” He pours himself a glass of water, and you watch him drink without any shame, not even caring if he notices. You’re already flushed, and he’s a good view.
“I guess I fit the standard.”
He bites his lip while placing the glass down and shakes his head. “Nope, actually you don’t, this is why it’s really interesting.” He smiles. “How did you two meet?”
“The office. He came with his... your dad and we met at an event,” you answer instantly. Your parents have already made up the story for you, and you had to practice it a few times to make it sound genuine, which was a real struggle.
“Was it love at first sight?”
You snort. “That doesn’t exist.”
You try to subtly take a deep breath and pray you’ll sound as convincing as you could. “Look, he seemed like a nice guy, good looking and smart. And he asked me out-”
“He asked you out?” His eyes widen in sheer astonishment. “He always waits for girls to ask him out.”
This is when you snap. What is this? An interrogation?
“And? He asked me out. People make exceptions sometimes, Mr...” you pretend you forgot his name again before you look at your wrist. “Bucky.”
“I understand. My bad, didn’t want to make you mad.”
You puff because his tone in everything but apologetic. “I am not mad!”
“No, obviously. Just like you didn’t pretend you don’t remember my name a second ago.”
You bite your cheek annoyed. “Do you not have something more important to do than this?” You gesture between you two.
Not a smart move, but you are exposed anyway.
“But this,” he copies your hands moves. “is fun. And I am just getting to know my little brother’s girl. Since we’ll live together and stuff.”
“You plan on staying?”
Bucky raises his eyebrows. “Of course.” He smiles. “Where is William? I want to know more about how he asked you out.”
You can’t say you’ve been avoiding William, but you’re not necessarily enjoying his company. Since Bucky came, he’s been like a bomb, scared, annoyed, always suggesting you to move in his room because his brother will notice, but you brushed him off constantly.
Unfortunately, you can’t tell him to go away now, too, as he drinks coffee in his gazebo.
“Do you want to go out? For a walk or lunch,” he asks, his voice carrying a hopeful note 
“No, thanks.” You don’t intend to sound rude, but it comes out like this anyway.
His face falls, a subtle disappointment etched across his features, but he tries to hide it by taking a sip of his coffee. Instantly, a pang of guilt hits you.
“Look, I’m sorry, I just... I just don’t feel like going out.” With you.
“Well, you should at least try to make an effort, we should be seen together, you know?” he remarks, his tone slightly reproachful. You nod, realizing he must be also pressured by his family the same way yours pressures you.
“I understand. I assume they put pressure on you.”
He sighs. “Of course they do, but like I think it’s a good idea.”
“What’s a good idea?”
You know it’s Bucky not only by the way William stiffens, but you can also easily recognize his voice, and it’s hard to ignore how attractive you find it.
“To go out more often,” you quickly say, avoiding his eyes. “I told him he should have fun since work has been stressful.”
“What about you?” He casually drops on the chair between you two and takes a bite from his sandwich.
“What about her?” William asks, , his tension evident in his voice.
“Don’t you need some stress relief?”
“I’m alright.” You finally look properly at him as you speak. He’s wearing a white tank top and his disheveled hair adds to the casual allure. He’s so well-proportioned...
“Good.” He smiles and turns to William. “What’s wrong, punk?”
“Just work, you know? Business, you wouldn’t understand.”
You and Bucky snort.
“Sure, buddy, I wouldn’t understand.”
“Are you having siblings time? Should I leave?” you ask, hoping for a positive response.
“Babe, no need.”
You try not to cringe at the way the word babe sounds coming from him and force yourself to give him a polite smile.
“Please, babe, no problem.” You stand up waving, toward Bucky. “Bye.”
Their brotherly time didn’t last long, though. You take a short shower, and as you finish dressing up, you hear a knock on your door.
“You can come in.”
You expect to see William's face when the door cracks, but no, it's not him at all.
You freeze.
Fuck, what will you tell him now?
“Trouble in paradise?”
“What? No. Uhm...” you look around. “What happened?”
“You sleep here, right?”
He leans his back against the wall, and you can't help but notice how good he looks in those shorts. Jesus, it's like you haven't seen a man in your life.
“Interesting.” He laughs.
“What’s so funny?” You cross your arms, annoyed. He thinks he’s superior or what?
“You are telling me you two have been together for less than six months and you sleep here?”
The judgement and amusement in his voice piss you off even more, as if the situation you are in isn’t bad enough.
“Yes, and?”
“And?” Bucky comes suddenly closer to you. “Are you seriously asking that?”
“Yes! I don’t see what’s your fucking problem. How does where we sleep concern you?”
“Can’t a man be curious?” 
Fuck your curiosity!
“What if we didn’t wanna sleep together now and wait... does that make us less of a couple?” You let out your anger by screaming at him. You don’t think you’ve said anything more ridiculous than that because, sure, you respect everyone who wants to wait, but that’s not you. There's no way you'd get engaged or marry a guy without knowing what your sex life would be like. No way!
“I didn’t say that, but I know my brother, and he is not this type of person.”
You let a deep breath, finding it hard to take your eyes off his lips.
“What if I am?”
He doesn't answer you, simply moving his right hand to his back pocket and taking out a small perfume, then handing it to you. "I think this belongs to you."
“Yes, thank you!”
“So you slept in my bed.”
The way he says it makes it sound like you had sex with him or something. But it still leaves you breathless.
You take the perfume from his hand. “Don’t worry, I changed the sheets.”
“See you at dinner, love.” He snorts, turning a little more toward you before opening the door. “You got taste, though. It smells wonderful.”
Maybe it’s the hunger or the lack of sleep. Otherwise, why would this make you angry?
“You look very well.” You roll your eyes as you imitate him before taking a sip of your water. Fuck him for coming here and disturbing you. It was enough you see him every morning and after work.
You hear a knock, then the door opens as soon as you put your bottle down. He didn’t even wait.
“Hi, love. How are you?” A few heads turn toward him and then you, and you groan.
“I’m well, thanks. Why are you here?”
Bucky shakes his head. “This is not a nice welcome.” And then he notices everyone. “Hello.”
You hear a few ‘hi’s, but he only focuses on you.
“Who are you waiting for?” You ask, and your thoughts immediately dart to Dana. He complimented her earlier, after all.
“My dad.”
You roll your eyes. “Fine, keep it a secret. I don’t care.”
“I’m serious.” He snorts. “What has gotten you so worked up? Did you eat your chocolate bar today?”
You puff, trying to keep your annoyance under control. “What’s this question? Are you my mom?”
You can't lie, though. The fact that he noticed your daily chocolate bar ritual makes you happy. Today, however, you didn't have time.
“I can be your dad.”
That makes you gasp.
“Bucky!” you whisper, and he leans in. “We are working here.”
“And go away, you disturb us.”
Bucky rolls his eyes and gets behind your back, dragging your chair away from the desk.
Jessica laughs behind you. “Such an older brother behavior.” she says casually, and you frown. You don’t want people to consider him your older brother. Well, it’s obvious why they do, but it still bothers you.
“I need you to come with me.”
You sigh. “Don’t you see I am busy?”
“Come onnn!”
You tell Jessica you’ll be right back and manage to take your phone with you before Bucky drags you by the arm to the hallway. Dana looks up, surprised, but this time he doesn’t even turn his head toward her, guiding you to his dad’s office. Dana looks up, surprised, but this time he doesn't even turn his head toward her, guiding you to his dad's office.
“You brought me here to be your babysitter? You are 38, not 8. I am sure you can wait patiently for your daddy.”
He closes the door, and you try to control your breathing. Why does he make you blush so much? It’s been one month since you two met, and he still has this power over you.
“You have a big sassy mouth, love, that is for sure.”
You cross your hands. “And?”
“And what?”
“You won’t even deny you brought me here cause you were bored?”
“Nope. Why would I?”
And there he is, getting closer to you little by little. You have to fight the urge to step back.
“Instead you talk about how big my mouth is...” you murmur and he snorts.
“Quite a big mouth for someone with thin lips.”
Well, that is a low blow. You don’t even have thin-thin lips.
“You’re an asshole.” You try to leave quickly, but he stops you instantly, realizing that made you mad.
“I didn’t mean it in a bad way at all. You have a spark.”
“I am working. I do actually work, Bucky. It doesn’t matter this is my family’s company.” You try not to yell, but it’s hard. “I get you’re bored, but-”
“I am sorry.”
“For what?” You voice is a whisper, as you’re still trying to calm down. You’re surprised he apologized so fast.
“For being like a douche. It’s the opposite, I wanted your company because you are really nice and smart. I love our conversations. And you having a big mouth means to me you have an opinion and limits.” He takes your hand and squeezes it.
As he speaks, you can't help but feel a mixture of warmth and confusion. His sincerity catches you off guard, and the tension between you begins to shift. Maybe, just maybe, there's more beneath the surface of his teasing and provocation.
You nod. Maybe you overreacted, he never said anything offensive to you. And you appreciate his company in that house.
“It’s okay, I understand. I am surprised you are here, though.”
He doesn’t let go of you hand, so you don’t either.
“He said he has an offer for the office renovation.” He shrugs. “I cannot refuse without talking first. It wouldn’t be fair.”
You want to answer him, tease and maybe fish for more, but you hear the voices right outside the office and you let go of his hand immediately. As if it burned you, as if you were doing something forbidden.
William steps inside first, followed by his dad and your dad, surprisingly.
Bucky immediately gives you a look and takes a step back.
“You came!” His father welcomed him before turning to you. “Thanks for bringing him to my office.”
You realize this is your clue to go and you slowly walk to the door, intentionally ignoring your father. What shocks you is William grabbing your hand, the same hand Bucky touched before, and kissing your cheek.You realize this is your cue to go, and you slowly walk to the door, intentionally ignoring your father. What shocks you is William grabbing your hand, the same hand Bucky touched before, and then kissing your cheek.
“Thanks, babe.”
You have to clench both of your fists not to punch him in the face, refusing to answer him. You don’t know what bothers you more: the fact that he touched you so casually and called you babe again or that he did this shit in front of your families, and more important his brother.
You feel Bucky’s eyes all over your back and face and you can’t help but turn to look at him. He’s expressionless.
You shake your head. What did you expect?
You get back to your office a little grumpy and upset. Jessica immediately asks you if you’re okay, and you brush it off. Fuck your family, fuck Bucky, and fuck his brother.
But the meeting is surprisingly short since you have Bucky back at your desk fifteen minutes later.
You just can’t take a break, can you?
“Shouldn’t you have lunch?” He looks around to emphasize his words, and you roll your eyes. You know everyone left but you.
“I have to finish a few tasks. Why?”
“Your boyfriend left the meeting halfway through cause he was hungry.”
You almost gag. You’ve never hated that word more in your life, but you can’t let him know that.
“What do you mean and? Why are you not having lunch with him?”
“Because I have tasks to do!” You snap, irritate, while looking him in the eye. You obviously don’t want to talk about it, but he continues, seemingly unfazed.
“Is he gonna bring you some food?”
“No, we didn’t even talk about it. Can you leave me alone now?”
You are so close to crying for no fucking reason. You can’t let anyone see you like this.
“Prick! He should have waited for you.” He strokes his chin as he speaks, clearly annoyed with his brother. “Want to come with-”
“I’m fine. Had my chocolate bar.” You interrupt him, your voice steady despite the emotional storm within. Finally, he takes the hint.
“Okay, love, I understand. I’ll leave you alone. See you home.” He smiles politely and leaves, giving you the space you need.
Alone in your office, you let out a shaky breath, your hands covering your face as you start sobbing. It’s really touching how understanding Bucky is, even if he’s teasing you. It’s a precious reminder that, amidst the chaos, there's someone who actually cares about your well-being.
You wait for William to return from his lunch break, and as soon as you see him, you drag him to his office quickly
“Easy! It hurts.”
“Good, it’s supposed to hurt!”
“What did I do?” He genuinely asks.
“You fucking touched me. You kissed my cheek. Did I allow you?”
“What?” He raises his eyebrows. He doesn’t remember seeing you so angry before.
“I asked you when I gave you permission to put your hands on me!”
“I’m supposed to be your boy-”
“But you are not my fucking boyfriend! You don’t have the option to touch me unless I let you by telling you that you can. And you don’t even have to display a shitty facade because guess what? He doesn’t care.”
“Look, I didn’t mean to...”
“You didn’t mean to what? Get in my space? Take advantage of the situation?” The bitterness in your tone echoes your frustration. “You’re just a man, that’s what you do.”
“Not all-”
You laugh humorlessly, not even a little surprised. “Not all men, right? Well, I heard that one before. But you are officially in all-men category.”
You leave like a storm, letting the door open, and before you can get back to your desk, Dana calls your name.
“Hi, what happened?” You try to sound calm.
“You got a delivery and a note.” She hands them both to you and you can’t help but ask:
“A note?”
Who writes notes anymore?
You take them from her desk, but you don’t enter your office. You want to read the note first, without Jessica’s eyes on you.
If you don’t eat, I’m gonna punish you... with my presence. So think twice before refusing :)
You almost cry again right there in the middle of the hallway. Fuck him! Just fuck him!
How are you supposed to stop thinking about him when he does this?
763 notes · View notes
meowzfordayz · 1 year
hashira find out that you self harm
Author’s Note: as always, pls heed CW (content warnings). These were not written purely for comfort, but also w/ ~realistic reactions in mind, so while they def lean toward comfort, there’s a certain lvl of inherent discomfort and pain in them as well. 🖤
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hashira find out that you self harm
Hashira x Reader
Word Count: ~1,900
CW: depression, explicit language, implied self harm, traumatic references
Emergency Request Fulfilled: Can I request kny x reader, (sanemi, michikatsu, genya, giyu, & rengoku)
of an s/o who sh & feels very s*icidal
tough times yk?
Emergency Request Fulfilled: A request, idk if this is gonna seem insensitive, but could you write the hashiras reactions if they found out the reader sh? I have been struggling with these things lately and would like to see something like that, but if you feel uncomfortable with it then you don't have to do this.
Emergency Request Fulfilled: I ended up breaking my streak of not sh-ing last night and I feel awful again. I was wondering if you could do a rengoku x Reader with that kind of subject material as a sort of pick me up. Sorry for bothering you like this it’s just I feel not so good rn and you’re someone who provides me comfort with your writing
kamaboko find out that you self harm
When they find out that you self harm…
… Gyomei doesn’t know what to say. His immediate reaction is to feel incredibly protective, but his gut tells him overreacting could push you even further away. “Oh.” A single word exhaled quietly from his mouth, and you feel yourself unraveling. “I-” Quickly, he collects himself. “Don’t apologize to me,” he asserts gently, “Thank you for telling me.” “You aren’t mad?” you ask shakily. “I’m confused,” he answers softly, “I want to protect you, but I’m unfamiliar with protecting someone from themselves.” Your heart twinges at his admittance as his arms wrap steadily around you, his palms pressed clammy and flat against your back, his embrace soothing even as his frown deepens.
… Obanai is furious. With himself, of course. A silent, dreadful anger that sticks to his spine, no matter how much he twists, turns, and talks with himself. He throws himself into research, a whirlwind of educating himself as best and as quickly as possible, all the while maintaining a light hearted, gentle facade whenever you’re beside him. “Are you okay?” you’ll ask sometimes, his sporadic urgency noticeable, “Something bothering you?” And he knows confessing his frustration won’t solve anything; guilting you or making you regret sharing yourself with him is the last thing he wants. So he shrugs, shooting you a lazy, intimate smile, suddenly grateful for how he can make his eyes twinkle above his mask, truthful grimace covered, “Just missing you.” “But I’m right here!” you exclaim, nudging him happily. “I know,” he mutters softly I know.
… Mitsuri cries. She doesn’t mean to. She doesn’t mean to make you comfort her. She doesn’t mean to make you apologize over and over until you’re both bawling, clinging to each other as though squeezing tightly enough might make your truth dissipate. But she does. She cries in your arms as you cry in hers, disbelief and sorrow rippling through her body. “I-I’m s-sorry,” you repeat, voice strained, unable to catch your breath as you gasp between sobs. “M-me t-too,” she whimpers lowly Me too. She’ll put herself back together later, determination to love you as hard and as fiercely as ever gradually overcoming her initial shock and dismay, even as part of her heart remains forever changed — forever afraid of losing you… to yourself.
… Shinobu struggles to maintain a boundary between being your partner and being your therapist. She’s not professionally trained in psychiatry, but she’s obviously knowledgeable when it comes to physical healing, sooo why not mental healing? That’s not how it works she often has to silently remind herself, seconds away from responding to your spiraling as though you’re in a therapy session together. Deep down, she knows all she can do is be there for you as she is. Not as she wishes she could be. Not as she feels she should be. But as she is. Am I enough? she wonders as she listens to your labored breathing, feeling you twitch beside her in your sleep I sure hope so she sighs, pressing light fingers to your overheated cheek, smiling faintly as your breaths gradually slow I really hope so.
… Kyojuro is distraught, but does his best to conceal it. For your sake. His sake. He isn’t really sure, actually. All he knows is he’s watching you fall to pieces in slow motion, and somehow, he still isn’t quite fast enough to catch all of you. Some days are easier than others. Those other days? He can barely bring himself to touch you.
“Kyo,” you sigh, fixing an even stare on his unnervingly neutral gaze, sorely missing his usual eagerness, “What’s going on?”
He promptly brightens, stepping forward to press a light kiss on your forehead, “Nothing is going on.”
Then why won’t you comfort me?
Wordlessly, you slip your arms around his waist, relieved when he accepts your embrace, confused that, “Then why don’t you hold me anymore?”
He frowns at that, head tilting, “I am holding you right now.”
With a snort, you mutter quietly, “No, Kyo, I’m holding you. It’s like you suddenly need my permission to-” interrupting yourself as realization hits, “Kyo.”
He blinks, feeling thoroughly ~caught, yet unsure what act you’ve caught him in.
“Yes, my love?”
“You don’t have to be scared of me!” you exclaim, bittersweet laughter rumbling in your chest, “I know I…” trailing off awkwardly, “I know I’m not okay, and I know you worry, but keeping yourself from me doesn’t help, solve, or ease, well, anything!”
“Are you certain?” he murmurs, dreadful despair leaking into his gut again, “I… do not know how to navigate this.”
Squeezing his hips, you glare fondly at him, “I know I’m not okay, and I know it pains you to hear me say that. I also know it pains both of us when you distance yourself. You don’t have to let me go. You aren’t the problem.”
But he nearly exclaims But I can’t save you!
“I don’t need saving,” you whisper instead, reading his perceived failure in the tremor of his fingers tracing up and down your spine, “I just want you to love me.”
I do he swallows thickly I love you so much.
… Sanemi leaves midway through your quiet, shaky explanation, fingernails nearly breaking the skin of his palms, mouth a thin line, lavender eyes too narrowed to discern the pain pulsing through his glare. You listen to the front door open, expecting a resounding bam, mystified when a nearly silent push of air signals his departure. Shit. You know then that he isn’t pissed. At least, he isn’t pissed at you. Which, really, would be easier to handle than the slow dripping tears glistening on his cheeks, clinging to his eyelashes; would be easier to handle than reading the single text he sends you I love you, don’t wait up; would be easier to handle than waking to the feel of him tracing hearts across your skin, bed warmer with his body, mattress dipping you toward him. “I’m sorry I left,” he whispers, somehow knowing you’re awake before you’ve even fully processed consciousness yourself, “I won’t do it again.” You mumble something incoherent in response, catching his hand with yours, pressing a sleepy kiss to his knuckles. “Fuck,” he hisses sharply, sob lodged in his throat, “You’re everything to me,” lifting your knuckles to his lips, returning your gesture Everything.
… Muichiro doesn’t understand why, but he does notice its consequences. He notices the tiredness glinting in your eyes, even though you’ve just woken up. He notices the slowness in your movements, even as you’re expressing excitement. He notices the harshness of your voice when you’re having a particularly difficult day, though he doesn’t understand why it’s particularly difficult. He voices his disconnect, curled up beside you on the couch, hands wrapped coolly around yours, apologetic and upfront. “I can tell when you’re in pain,” he says gently, “But I don’t understand the desire to then create more pain.” Shaking his head as you open your mouth to explain, he smiles softly, “I know it hurts to try and help me understand, and I don’t want you to hurt yourself,” brow furrowing as he sighs quietly, “That’s just it, I guess. I don’t want you to hurt yourself. I don’t understand.” You know he means well, you know he isn’t upset, but it doesn’t get easier listening to him navigate your pain. “I love you,” you offer, leaning over to peck his cheek. He sighs again, soaking in your warmth, unable to identify the tight numbness in his chest, “And I love you.”
… Giyuu nods, thoughts racing even as silence settles between your anxious stare and his unblinking expression.
“Giyuu?” you tentatively prompt him, “This… this wasn’t easy for… for me to tell you.” 
Like an unpaused movie, he blinks into action, reaching for your waist even as he watches for the slightest hint of discomfort from you, ready to divert his movement if need be. You crumble into his touch, leaning heavy and exhausted against his chest, melting into the smooth reassurance of his hands splayed across your lower back.
“I know,” he murmurs lowly, eyes closed, “Thank you for trusting me,” resisting the urge to pull away, cup your face, and press his forehead firmly to yours, involuntary tears pricking the corners of his eyes, “Thank you for…” his voice fades, knowing he’d crumble en suite if he continued, desperate to remain steady for your wavering breaths.
“For what?” you choke out, “Giyuu.”
Thank you for staying he thinks somberly Thank you for loving me.
“Thank you for choosing me,” he finally whispers, “And thank you for letting me choose you.”
You laugh roughly, sound mangled in his shirt, “I’m a mess.”
He doesn’t deny your statement, instead pulling you closer, his heartbeat loud and promising, tears falling freely now. And that’s okay he wishes he could say Two messes are better than one he wishes he could quip How do I fix this? his fear stutters on repeat What do I do? underlying his tenderness, knowing all too well that he has only questions, and no way of answering them.
… Tengen takes it unexpectedly well. He listens patiently, nods at appropriate moments, and gently interjects with the occasional question, all the while kneading your thighs as you sit on his lap, watching you with a careful, encouraging warmth.
“You’re amazing,” he declares softly, “Not to belittle your pain, of course,” sadness simmering just below his faint smile, “But I want you to know that, after everything you’ve told me, my first thought is how incredible you are.”
You shrug, unsure how to accept his compliments, stripped bare as you glance downward, eyes closing.
“Hey,” he murmurs, familiar hand cupping your chin, “I know I can’t make you believe anything I say,” bittersweet sigh grazing your skin, “But I can at least share my own beliefs. I can at least share my own perception of you. I can love you.”
Your nose scrunches, eyes opening to meet his honest stare, swallowing your breath with a shudder.
“I’m here. Whatever you want to tell me, whatever I need to know,” voice thickening, “I’m not going anywhere. If you need me to be firm, I can be firm. If you need me to be quiet, I can bite my tongue. I’m your lover, your partner, and a resource.”
So let me fulfill all of those roles for you. Let me love you. Let me walk beside you. Let me taste your burdens as you’ve stomached mine.
“You don’t have to be responsible for me,” you chuckle weakly, attempting to ease the tension, “I don’t tell you things to make you carry them for me.”
“But I would,” he speaks steadily, “I know you wouldn’t ever ask me to,” maroon gaze dark, “But I would.”
He doesn’t mean to be overbearing, but he doesn’t know how else to convey the fragility in his heart; its overwhelming swell of aching and anger — the stark hopelessness of knowing he can only watch. Of knowing he can only listen. Of knowing he can only handle as much as you’re willing to give him.
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dira333 · 2 months
Don't tease - Tsukishima x reader
A/N: 1k, fluff, requested by @missalienqueen
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Tsukishima is going to be the death of you.
“You really wanna do it that way?”
You tense immediately, hoping he’ll leave you alone just once. But to no avail.
“I didn’t think I’ve ever seen a filing system this… creative,” Tsukishima drawls. He’s looming over you, a tall shadow of incessant teasing. Ever since you’ve started working at the museum, he seems to have it out for you. He shows up during your tours, butts in when you get a few hours to yourself to work on your recent thesis and just never leaves you alone. 
If he could keep his mouth shut doing so, it would only be half as harrowing, because he’s actually kinda cute - as long as he’s not narrowing his eyes at you like this.
Tsukishima often reminds you of your old principal. That man too had been a pole of judgment, always present at the wrong time. You had hated that man and Tsukishima was beginning to… okay, you weren’t kidding anyone, you could probably never hate Tsukishima. If he isn’t tormenting you, he’s polite and sincere in his work and you can tell by the way he treats the rest of the staff that he can be kind when he wants to. 
So why does he treat only you like this?
“Let me do it,” he insists at that moment. “Wouldn’t want you to break a nail from all the hard work.”
Your mouth opens before you even register it. “If you want to work as an Educator instead of a Curator you could have just applied for that position when it was free instead of trying to bully me out of it.”
Tsukishima stiffens. He’s never resembled a pole more than at this moment, all his limbs locked tight to his body as he stares into space. You can’t really tell if his face is turning pale too because your own body is locking up, heat flushing your face as you press a hand to your mouth. You’ve never been this bold before. 
“I’m sorry!” You rush out when you can speak again, “I didn’t mean-”
“But you did.” He insists, voice low and… dejected? No, you have to be mistaken.
“I… well… yeah.” You stutter. “I mean… You have it out for me. I don’t know what I did to deserve that treatment, but if you want my job so bad, you should have just applied for it. The position was vacant for months.”
“I don’t want your job,” Tsukishima presses through his teeth. His eyes are looking everywhere but at you. His cheeks are flushed now and you can almost see steam coming from his ears when he adds: “I want you.”
You blink.
You blink again.
Tsukishima pushes himself away from the filing cabinet, his movements stiff and awkward.
“I’m sorry I made you think I was bullying you.” His voice sounds almost unfamiliar. 
When he bows you notice how red his neck has gotten.
He really is ashamed.
“You have a weird way of showing that.” Your hands itch to hold onto something. To make sure that this is real. 
“I… well…” Tsukishima rubs his neck with one hand, eyes darting across the room. “I’ve been told before that teasing someone instead of clearly communicating could go wrong but I didn’t really believe it. After all, it worked for my… friend.”
“Your friend was probably nicer about it.” You point out, your tongue heavy in your mouth. What are you supposed to do now? Knowing he likes you? 
“I… probably.” He swallows thickly, offers you his hand. “I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.”
You shake it. The warmth of his skin against yours and the strength of his grip sends a shiver up your back. 
He turns, cheeks still pink.
“Well, I’ll… I’ll let you do your work then. I’m sorry I interrupted.”
Tsukishima is almost at the door when you untangle the knot in your tongue, brace against the nervous stutter of your heart.
“You could have just asked me out.”
He swirls around so fast you fear it’s going to give him whiplash. The look on his face is something you want to burn into your brain. It’s the delight of a child mixed with the anxiety of someone who’s been let down before. His eyes narrow immediately like he has to make sure you’re not playing him.
You nod, no longer able to form words.
“So…” He clears his throat. “Are you… free? Tonight?”
You nod again.
A smile lights up his face, boyish and bright. Your heart stops for a second before it hammers at twice its usual speed. Tsukishima is going to be the death of you.
Tsukishima is going to be the death of you.
“You really wanna do it that way?”
You nod, typing away. Behind you, the cushions of your shared couch rustle as he maneuvers around. He leans onto you, heavy and warm, face pressed into your neck.
“But I want to cuddle.” Tsukishima drawls. 
“And I want to finish this thesis. You told me I would have more than enough time today.”
“And you will. You just have to cuddle first.”
You try to send him a glare, but his face is hidden away in your hair.
“Kei,” he corrects you immediately.
“Tsukki,” you compromise and he groans. 
“If someone would let me focus, I’d be finished in half an hour and then we could cuddle.”
He huffs. “You’re no fun.”
“You’re not either.”
“Fine.” He gets up. His tone is all snappy, but he winks at you to let you know he doesn’t mean it. He still might be infuriating and annoying, but he’s gotten way better at communicating when he’s actually mad and when he’s just playing for cuddles.
“What are you doing?” You ask when he stalks toward the bedroom.
“I’m going to put on my cutest outfit. We’ll see if that convinces you.”
“Take your time!” You call after him as you pick up your typing. “And send a picture to Yamaguchi when you’re done. I’m sure he’ll appreciate seeing you in the Dino-Onesie he bought you.”
He sends you one last glare.
You return to your document, surprised to realize that all you’ve left to do is write the last paragraph. If you keep at it, you’ll be finished before the Onesie is zipped up.
With a confident grin you pick up speed.
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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sehtoast · 7 months
The Mentor and The Mirror (Homelander x Reader)
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700 words, similar powers!reader, gender neutral reader.
Ask prompt: What if Homelander was "given" someone, by the higher ups of Vaught, to mentor? They have powers like his, but are a bit weaker and different. What Homelander doesn't know is that they are from the lab like him.
If he found out this person grew up like him, do you think he'd be meaner or sympathetic to them?
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“Someone could kill you with a sneeze.  They really think you’re worth training?”  He asks bitterly.  You two have been out in this field for hours now, and he’s fucking over it.
Well, for the most part.
There’s something endearing and fun about teaching your pet new tricks.  See, they’d told him flat out that you were his to mentor, but all he heard was you’re his. The sentence stopped there.
You’re a peculiar thing, equipped with all of his same abilities, except that you lack invulnerability.  You’re a liability for crime fighting, but those fucks on the board of directors already made their choice.  Besides, either he trains you or Stan will be an ever present thorn in his side.  Last thing he wanted was to deal with that asshole.
“Why the fuck can’t you fly yet?  Just do it,” he gestures with his hand, “like a… I don’t know, a normal person?”
“Sorry-”  You blurt out, accidentally flipping upside down.  “I uh, they didn’t let me practice much in the rooms growing up.  Ten foot ceilings, you know?”
He blinks rapidly at that, cocking his head slightly.  What rooms? 
Homelander stores that little bit of information away for later, chuckling instead as you plummet to the ground and land on your ass.
You groan pitifully.  This has been absolutely awful.
“I don’t think I can do it…” You murmur dejectedly, sitting upright.  “It’s hard.”
Now that bothers him.  No student of his is going to fail and make him look bad, and you’re certainly not going to make him have another fucking meeting with Stan.  He rolls his eyes in exasperation before leaning down to lift you.
You’re weightless in his arms as he spins, winding up to–
“N- NO, NO, NO!”  You shout as he hurls you into the sky.  You flap your arms and legs, begging your powers to work as you ascend past the clouds, further and further until the air gets thin and the world below is square patches of various greens.
“Always gotta do these things the hard way,” Homelander muses, clicking his tongue below.
You continue falling, tears spilling as you plummet faster than you can gather yourself.  You see your life flash before your eyes until–
You flex your shoulders back and suck in a breath, and suddenly…
“About fucking time!”
He’ll never admit it, but the excitement on your face and the hug you give him makes him so fucking proud of you.  
Later that night, he delves into your files.  Madelyn’s access codes still work, and he finds your full file with ease.  Your record is squeaky clean.  No past employment, no education, no family records…
There’s nothing. 
And that’s how he knows.
He knows exactly what you meant earlier, and he knows exactly where you came from.
He knows because that’s how his file looks, too.
He knows because he came from there, too.
The next day, when you excel with laser practice, he’s proud, but he’s also resentful.  You’re not just his student now; you’re him.  You’re a physical reminder of everything he’s gone through.  
He hates you for it.
But he hurts for you, too.
It breaks his heart when you pass the medical ward and shuffle closer to him.
He used to do that, but there was never anyone walking with him.
The next time you two are out in that field, he’s much more patient despite how much it grates his nerves to watch you flounder in the air again.
He looks at you and suddenly he’s back there.  Remembers when the doctors would correct his mistakes with enough electrical voltage to actually hurt him.
It always made the lights flicker.  Made the room smell terrible– all hot and rotten.
He hears Vogelbaum’s voice.  
Not good enough, John.  Do it again.
He’s angry that you clearly weren’t subjected to the same. How the fuck was that fair?
And yet…
He’s so fucking happy knowing you weren’t.
If nothing else… they clearly didn’t hurt you as much as they hurt him.
This time, when you fall, he catches you.
Just like he wished someone would have done for him.
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simmer-emsie · 1 year
Not So Berry Challenge 3
Couldn’t get enough of the original Not So Berry Legacy Challenge? Already played through Not So Berry Challenge 2? Wishing you could play a challenge with content from 2021 onward? If you’ve been daydreaming about an updated Not So Berry Challenge (2023), look no further!
Welcome to the Not So Berry Legacy Challenge 3, a ten generation rags-to-riches legacy challenge with colour-themed heirs. Note: This challenge requires basically every pack except My First Pet Stuff and Journey to Batuu (…y’all know why).
Thank you to @lilsimsie​ and @alwaysimming​ for the inspiration (and the rules!).
Basic rules:
Each heir must represent the colour of the generation (like hair, makeup, clothing), but brightly-coloured skin isn’t necessary.
The colours of the spouses don’t matter as they aren’t part of the challenge. Unless otherwise stated you can do whatever you please with them.
Cheats can be used, but not excessively.
You may live wherever you please unless something is specified in the rules of a generation.
Every generation is supposed to complete both the career and aspiration of the heir unless explicitly stated otherwise.
Keep the lifespan on Normal.
Generation One: Soil
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Well, you’re on your own now and you haven’t got much to your name except a plot of land and a couple of chickens. That’s alright though; animals tend to understand you better than Sims, anyway. Living off the land is difficult work but you’re determined to cultivate a respectable farm with livestock, fruit trees, and even some oversized produce!
Traits: Animal Enthusiast, Socially Awkward, Music Lover
Aspiration: Country Caretaker
Career: None
Complete the Country Caretaker aspiration.
Start on an empty lot in Henford-on-Bagley with 500 Simoleons. Hard mode: Start as a teen.
Max the cross-stitch and gardening skills.
Play using the Living Off the Land lot challenge.
Befriend Patchy the Straw Man.
Complete 5 requests for your neighbours.
Generation Two: Sprout
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Your best buddy growing up was a farm animal, and now you want to give back to the creatures that meant so much to you. As a veterinarian, you meet a lot of people and make a lot of friends. You spend your free time volunteering and training the animals you bring home with you.
Traits: Cat Lover, Dog Lover, Outgoing
Aspiration: Slumber Party Animal (Child), Friend of the Animals
Career: Veterinarian
Complete the Friend of the Animals aspiration.
Max the veterinarian and pet training skills.
Befriend one of your parent’s farm animals as a Child.
Adopt at least one cat and one dog.
Volunteer on weekends.
Generation 3: Blossom
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So, your parent was really into animals. And maybe that was a little bit too internalized in you… because now you can’t stop thinking about embracing your primal side and becoming a Werewolf. You still need to pay the bills though, so you work as a Green Technician to protect your territory’s ecosystem. On the weekends, you and your pack go bowling.
Traits: Lactose Intolerant, Insider, Loyal
Aspiration: Werewolf Initiate, Emissary of the Collective OR Wildfang Renegade
Career: Civil Designer, Green Technician branch
Complete 2 Werewolf aspirations.
Max the bowling and logic skills.
Become a Werewolf.
Find and marry your Fated Mate.
Go bowling every weekend.
Generation Four: Mist
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Uhh… you okay? You were kind of raised by… literal Werewolves. The experience was kind of traumatic, and now you’re trying to live a normal life. You eat grilled cheese as a coping mechanism and as a teen, you start a side hustle so you can move out on your own ASAP. You go to university and get a completely normal job in the city. You struggle to trust someone enough to fall in love, especially after the whole… “Fated Mates” thing your parents had going on. You just really, really want something normal.
Traits: Overachiever, Paranoid, Perfectionist
Aspiration: Goal Oriented (Teen), Grilled Cheese
Career: Any side hustle or part-time job (Teen), Education
Complete the Grilled Cheese aspiration.
Max the cooking, baking, and flower arranging skills.
If your Sim is given the option to graduate early, take it.
Get a degree.
After university, move to the city (San Myshuno, Del Sol Valley, or San Sequoia) and get a bonsai tree.
Marry someone with a secret (for example, is an Alien or a Criminal).
Generation Five: Lava
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Things were kind of weird growing up, and now you’re healing from your childhood. If therapy was a thing, you’d so be there. But since it’s not, you dedicate yourself to journaling, wellness, and less socially-acceptable coping mechanisms. 
Traits: Erratic, High Maintenance, Party Animal
Aspiration: Drama Llama (Teen), Villainous Valentine (Adult), Inner Peace (Elder) 
Career: Culinary, Mixologist branch
Complete the Villainous Valentine aspiration.
Max the mixology, wellness, and writing skills.
Have a negative relationship with your parents.
Have an affair with a celebrity.
Have a child with a married Sim.
Write a tell-all memoir book as an elder.
Generation Six: Ash
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You had a fractured family life growing up, but one thing your parents told you about was your ancestor who started a magnificent farm. You want to start anew, just like they did. But, well, you’re kind of a city kid… so you only grow avocados. Also, you’re totally in-tune with the paranormal and commune with ghosts for work.
Traits: Bookworm, Childish, Unflirty
Aspiration: Playtime Captain (Child), Soulmate
Career: Freelancer, Paranormal Investigator branch
Complete the Soulmate aspiration.
Max the medium and gardening skills.
Live in an apartment and grow avocados on the balcony.
Marry a Sim that you’ve brought back from the dead.
Generation Seven: River
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If there were an award for weirdest upbringing, you’d probably get it. Seriously… one of your parents came back from the dead to have you! The fun doesn’t stop there though. You’re determined to keep having cool experiences and write about them for your whole life.
Traits: Bro, Good, Jealous
Aspiration: Mind and Body (Child), StrangerVille Mystery
Career: Drama Club (Child/Teen), Writer
Complete the StrangerVille aspiration.
Max the writing and fitness skills.
Have a child with someone from StrangerVille.
Take your child on vacation at least once every life stage (infant, toddler, child, teen).
Chapter Eight: Ocean
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As the heir to a wealthy writer, you’re used to having things handed to you, like jobs and vacations. Now that you’re old enough to make a name for yourself, you want to build your Trendi empire as a Simfluencer. You pick Sulani as the perfect place to make your mark; beautiful weather and beachfront property mean all your followers will be so jealous of you. You love the water more than anyone you know, until one day you see someone a little too far out to sea to be natural… 
Traits: Child of the Islands, Child of the Ocean, Mean
Aspiration: Admired Icon (Teen), Party Animal
Career: Trendi (Teen), Simfluencer
Complete the Party Animal aspiration.
Max the entrepreneur and media production skills.
Live in Sulani and become a mermaid.
Sell an outfit on Trendi for 9,999 Simoleons.
Get 1,000,000 followers.
Generation 9: Sand
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Your parent always encouraged you to do great things with your life… as long as what you want is to be an Interior Decorator. Your real passion is music and you practice whenever you can. You’ve always wanted to rebel against your parent, but never had it in you to actually do it.
Traits: Creative, Gloomy, Neat
Aspiration: Musical Genius
Career: Interior Decorator (Adult), Entertainment, Musician branch (Elder)
Complete the Musical Genius aspiration.
Max the violin and guitar skills.
Have a Strict family dynamic with your parent (you may cheat for this).
Get a Fine Arts degree at university.
If your Sim experiences a midlife crisis, you must complete it.
Generation 10: Flame
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As a little kid, your biggest goal in life was to one day become the best parent ever. Your own parent was sad a lot and you acted out because of it, but you want your own kid to have a happier home. You want to provide everything for your children with your own two hands. You like building on the woodworking bench and brewing herbalism concoctions.
Traits: Family-Oriented, Loves Outdoors, Maker
Aspiration: Live Fast (Teen), Outdoor Enthusiast
Career: Culinary, Chef branch
Complete the Outdoor Enthusiast aspiration.
Max the cooking, handiness, and herbalism skills.
Have at least three children, one of whom is adopted.
Go on family vacations to Granite Falls as much as possible.
Good luck and have fun!
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mhathotfic · 14 days
Based on this post it was really fun to explore the concepts in this one
If you liked it please consider leaving a small tip through my cash app I'm trying to save up for nail tech classes and every little bit helps
Warnings: non-con/dub-con, reader is bullied briefly at the beginning, oral(female receiving), afab reader with she/her pronouns, vaginal fingering and penetration, omegaverse
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x reader
“H-hey! Stop!” (Yn) yelled, knowing her pleas would fall on uncaring ears as the pack of girls shoved into someone’s room.
“Oh stop crying! We’ll let you out soon, probably”
She could practically hear the dismissive shrug and cruel smirk the leader of that little click likely gave.
“I guess that depends on how long Bakugou’s workout takes, you know how Alphas are! It'll probably only be an hour, maybe two? Hope he believes you when you tell him you weren't trying to steal from him!” they laughed, jamming the door shut and leaving (Yn) alone with nothing but her thoughts in the seemingly empty, strong-smelling room.
What did she do to deserve this? Whatever it was it couldn’t possibly warrant anything like this!
She was just a simple Omega, just trying to get a good education so she could get a good job, what did she do wrong to earn such scornful treatment?
Why di—
“The hell are you doing here?”
A heavy, labored, and husky voice sounded from behind her. She froze, her own voice trapped in her throat as she turned towards it to find the Alpha in question rising from his bed. His face flushed and hard to read as he observed her.
He knows her, well sort of? She's in a few of his classes. Always sticking to the corners of the room hoping no one noticed her, but he had.
He took note of every detail, head to toe, from the way her hair fell and complimented her face to the way she walked with a little sway in her hips.
He had wanted to talk to her at least once before his rut had started, but he never got the chance, and now that choice had been taken from them both.
“I uh, I don't know? I got s-shoved in here a-and.…” she stammered and rambled, getting his attention again.
But he couldn't focus on her words though. Her strawberries and cream scent was too sweet and distracting for him to ignore. In a desperate attempt to stave off his growing lust for the oblivious Omega, he tried to subtly palm himself quietly but he groaned at the contact making her jump.
He sounded pained, and her Omega instincts kicked in and brought her to his side quickly to see what was wrong and if she could help.
It was the biggest mistake she could have made. As soon as she was near, she could smell the scent of a frantic, rutting Alpha. It quickly became apparent the type of danger she was in quickly, but not as quick as Bakugou was.
He, in a matter of seconds, had torn through her clothes. Too far gone to ask any more questions or explain himself, too out of it to even notice her fearful begging for him to reconsider his actions.
All he could hear was that pleading tone and god was it easy to imagine that pretty voice begging him to breed her. A pretty little sound that made his knot twitch and ache. God, he needs to breed her.
He has to, needs to so badly, he couldn't stop himself when she smelled so danm good. He was going to breed her, but first, he had to make sure she was ready for him.
He shuddered at the thought, pinning her hips to his bed before laving his tongue over her sex, trying to put a taste to the sugary scent. This was the pussy he’d own. The one his Omega was in possession of. His, all his and he’ll make sure she knows it.
It didn’t matter that he’d never introduced himself properly to her, there’s plenty of time to know his mate better after this.
She tried to get him to stop. Squirming in his grip and tugging at his hair in a futile attempt to get him away from her, as she whimpered “Please, don’t”.
Only to be interrupted by a growl and a finger pushed into her already sopping wet cunt.
In his lust-altered state, her actions seemed like she was just impatient. Her plea was easily written off as her trying to beg him not to be a tease.
“Fucking god, you’re so damn wet, you want it bad don’t you?” he groans adding a second finger, and it must have sounded like some sort of sick taunt to her. His fingers thrusting and rubbing against her inner walls, unwanted and unwavering, but pleasurable in a way that felt like the deepest betrayal.
Her body was welcoming his actions and he seemed to be enjoying his perverse power over her. His lips pressed against her clit, kissing it before sucking and licking on the sensitive little bundle of nerves.
Pushing her closer to the edge of ecstasy. Closers to the cliff’s edge that she didn’t think she’d survive if she fell from it. It’d leave her broken, useless, and unable to fight his advances, but could she fight this anyway?
He seemed to have no problem overpowering her, seemed unbothered by her begging and feeble attempts to tug him off of her.
Should she just accept her fate? Should she just let herself fall apart and be his toy for the time being?
Her body felt hot and the little bit of internal thread he’s been toying with tangled, knotted, and pulled tighter and tighter until it snapped with a sobbing cry and blanking mind.
She clung tightly to him, not bothering to fight him when he kissed her and lined his thick cock with her entrance. Too far gone to even think about fighting this.
“P-please, at least be gentle with me, I um… I’ve never—”
“You’re still a virgin?” he cut her off, the gravity of their situation finally settling in his mind and he would have backed off. Apologizing profusely for how he behaved, how he let himself be taken by his rut.
She was probably waiting until she was more established to find herself a mate, and in a moment of selfish desperation he almost ruined her. He really did want to back off and let her go but…
“I— d-don’t you want me?”
But her instincts had kicked in and his hesitation must have read as rejection because she looked hurt.
Why did it hurt? She hadn’t wanted this, she didn’t want this!
But it hurts, it hurts so bad, tears started to prick up at her lashes.
Her body was going into heat because of him, and now he doesn’t want her?!
She was being rejected! She was being refused as an Omega and it hurts so much! Why would he be so cruel?
In reality, he doesn’t know what he was meant to do, he was no good at this.
No good at consoling words or gentleness, but he was good at expressing himself through his actions.
So he silenced her with one smooth roll of his hips, sinking into her until he was buried to the hilt.
Forcing back his growl and letting out a deep rumble of a purr in an attempt to assure her she would be safe sharing this first with him. He was determined to stay in control of his body through this, to touch her the way she wanted him to.
He was determined to force himself to be gentle, to slow his thrusts and take his time with her and…
Oh fuck.
He swallowed thickly, his pace quickening slightly. He didn’t know if he could keep this gentle facade for her if she wouldn’t even put up a fight against him. She’s being too accepting, too cute for him not to ruin thoroughly.
“I-it feels good! Feels— aha!”
Fuck it.
He took up the ruthless pace he was much more accustomed to and moved a hand to play roughly with her clit and a growl slipped out passed his lips. He couldn’t hold back after all, no, it was more like he just wouldn’t anymore.
He was allowing himself to get drunk off her whimpers and moans, taking pleasure from her blank and dazed expression as she practically crumbled under him.
“Are you, fuckin’ hell, you going to cum already?” He breathed against her ear, groaning at the resulting shiver that wreaked her body.
“You’re clenching around me so tightly, you wanted me to fuck you senseless like this, huh? Wanted to cum my knot, didn’t you?”. He grunted and she couldn’t find the words to respond.
She hadn’t wanted this at first, but now? She didn’t want to want this, but her legs wrapped themselves around his waist, and her nails clawed into his back of their own accord, her mouth ran without hesitation or thought.
“Please! Want it so bad! I want your knot Alpha!”.
She cried out and was silenced with a kiss and the overwhelming sensation of being pushed past the edge and stuck in that blissful free fall as he knotted her.
They stayed tied for what felt like hours before he could safely pull out. In truth it was only minutes, but the conversation they needed to have afterward made the wait unbearable.
Only for it to be as simple as explaining how she ended up trapped in with him, and a promise that he’ll never stop working to earn her forgiveness for this. Because no, it doesn’t matter how this happened or ended, he still did something awful to her and he won’t forgive himself until he’s made sure she’s living a happy fulfilling life with him.
The first step is tearing the heads off her soon-to-be former bullies.
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raya-hunter01 · 15 days
Not My Sister's Keeper Pt 1 & 2
Roman X OC(Kara)
Jey Uso X OC (Tia)
Rating: 18+
Warning: Smut; sex, fluff, couple arguing, Jealousy, infidelity, pregnancy
Roamn’s wife recently left medical school and returned home to save her marriage and travel with him on the road. Upon her return, she finds out things are not what they seem. Her sister is pregnant by her best friend Jey Uso, who is also Roman’s cousin, and her husband is acting suspicious.
What happens when a conversation overhead on a baby monitor blows her world apart?
This first chapter. I posted the ending of the chapter for the seven-sentence challenge.
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Pensacola, Fl
Roman's House
Kara's POV
“What’s wrong baby?” I asked my husband Roman as he seemed to be zoning in and out.
“Nothin, I just heard you talking to Terry this morning and I know you miss your friends out there in Boston. I feel like I forced your hand, and I don’t want you to regret your decision to come home.
“Why would I do that, I missed you too and we both agreed on it.”  
“Kara, I’m gone so much, and I don’t want you to look back and regret coming back. I should have made it a priority to come out more to see you,” Roman said as I caressed his face.
“Babe, I could never regret coming back. I did this for us and our family that we’re building. That means more to me than medical school. I can go back when your schedule is lighter,” I reassured him as he sighed.
“I just hate you had to leave, but I promise within the next two years my schedule will be lighter, and we can get a house out there so you can finish school. You have my word, I promise,” Roman said making me smile at the thought of us getting a house in Boston so I could continue school.
“I’m going to hold you to that,” I whispered as our lips met in a passionate kiss.
The past year had been hard on us, previously I had been traveling with Roman on the road. I loved it and I even had a job that allowed me to work from home.  Still with the perfect schedule I longed for more, so I accepted a scholarship to continue my education in studying medicine at Harvard Medical school. 
At first, Roman was supportive and even stood up to my family about me moving to Boston but then the distance began to cause a heavy strain on our marriage.
We would argue more, he became distant almost resentful that I wasn’t on the road with him anymore or at least in Pensacola waiting for him to come home. 
I didn’t see why he just couldn’t be happy and come see me more. That last argument we had when I was in Boston was an eye opener, I was going to lose my husband if we couldn’t find a solution.
Four months Earlier
Boston Massachusetts
Kara’s Condo
“We’re going to have to make a decision, because this isn’t working babe,” Roman said as I felt my heart drop as we calmed down from our weekly facetime sex session.
 “So, what are you saying? Like get a divorce? Are you seeing someone ele.”
“Kara, I would never, I’m just sayin’ this is getting to be too much.”
“Why can’t you just come out here more on your off days like we agreed. I mean we started off good then all of sudden visits became few and far in between,” I said as Roman frowned sitting up in bed pulling the comforter over his waist.
“I know what we agreed, but I got more stuff on my plate now baby. I can’t help that and then I have stuff to take care of things here in Pensacola when I’m off,” Roman said as I nodded in understanding wiping my tears as he looked at me sadly.
Ugh, Facetime was not the way I wanted to discuss this. We needed to talk in person.
“I swear I’m not saying this to make you cry, baby. Please don’t cry, I’m sorry, ok,” Roman pleaded as I tried to gather myself, sitting up and grabbing my phone.
“No, you have a right to say how you feel, and I understand it,” I whispered as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Kara, I’m just frustrated and miss you so fuckin’ much. We gotta work something out because I can’t take much more of this, especially coming home to an empty house” he whispered as I wiped my tears.
“I miss you too……. We’ll figure something out….I promise.”
The rest as they say is history, a few days later I left medical school behind and surprised Roman by joining him on the road and never went back to school.
Being back on the road with him and in our routine felt good. I knew I was where I belonged, and I felt safe wrapped up in his arms, but I also knew deep in my gut something was wrong, I just didn’t know what.
I couldn’t worry about that today though, it was an important day for Jey and my sister.
“We need to get dressed, babe,” I said stealing one last kiss as Roman caressed my stomach.
“A’ight but I’m ready for this to be over so we can come home and work on our own family,” he whispered in my neck as I blushed.
I truly did love this man and I couldn’t wait to have babies and more babies with him.
Tia’s Baby Shower
Kara’s POV
“How are you feeling, sis?”
“I’m feeling very loved,” Tia said rubbing her stomach as I smiled. “We do love you, especially Jey,” I said as Tia looked around nervously.
“Yea, I love my child’s father too,” she said rubbing her stomach, her use of the words felt almost like she was trying to hint about something.
I already knew Jey was the father so what was that about?
Looking at her it seems she in nervous but somewhat happy so I shrugged off her words.
“I can’t thank you enough for this, Kara. It really means a lot to me,” Tia said as I gave her a hug trying to overcome the tension behind us.
“Hey, stop thanking me, I just wanted to throw you my big sister a baby shower. I mean my niece is on the way,” I said as she laughed but her smile didn’t quite reach her eyes.
The dynamics of my family at times could be explosive at times, my parents though married seemed to be just tolerating each other.
For most of our lives my sister and I never got along, and my poor baby brother was always stuck in the middle of it.  
I think the relationship with Jey is a dig at me if I’m being honest. She knew I used to have a crush on him but we both agreed we didn’t want to cross the line and jeopardize our friendship.
Tia acted like she couldn’t stand Jey for all these years and then all of a sudden, she took an interest in him about ten months ago. Then a couple weeks later announces she’s pregnant with his baby.
 I think myy sister’s pregnancy was actually the boost I think we all needed to try to be a somewhat functioning family.
I would say today was a success as our family and friends got together to celebrate the pending arrival of my niece.
“Bae, I’m heading to Gram's to get her gifts,” Jey said sticking his head around the corner as Roman walked around him.
“Go ahead, Uce, I’ll help Tia put everything in the nursery,” he said as Tia avoided making eye contact with Jey and was looking at my husband with a smile.
“Oh, that would be nice, my sister is so lucky to have you,” she said as Roman looked nervous, rubbing the back of his neck.
What the hell is going on?
“Uh, well it’s my pleasure to help. I mean we are family after all.”
Trying to shake off the awkwardness, I decided to change the subject. “I guess ya’ll can start and I’ll put my pots back in the car, then help ya’ll,” I said as Roman shook his head.
“Nah, I got it, you did enough today. This will only take a second. You can go ahead, and head home, I’ll will meet you there,” he said giving me a hug as I smiled.
Roman was always so caring and loving. His soft lips against mine made me excited for what was to come later.
“I’ll see you at home,” I whispered against his lip he nodded.
“I Can’t wait to get home and take this dress off-”
 Tia cleared her throat as I blushed. “Sorry, I’ll see you in the morning, Tia.”
“I’ll call you later, and thanks for lending Roman to do this heavy lifting,” she joked as I saw Roman was seemingly in another world, avoiding her gaze.
Roman’s POV
“Always Ms. Perfect, I know I’m better than her,” I heard Tia mumble under her breath.
I felt my anger rising as Tia slick threw shots at Kara under her breath. Matter of fact, she had been throwing shots all day.
“What the fuck is your problem?!” I yelled as soon as Kara left, causing Tia to smirk.
“What are you talking about, I don’t have a problem, baby,” she chuckled as I snarled.
 “First off, I ain’t your baby and you know what you been doing all day to Kara.
“Oh, God forbid anyone upsets Kara. Oh, you so concerned about her now, but you damn sure wasn'’t when you were fuckin’ me,” she hissed stalking off upstairs as I growled snatching a few gifts off the table and following her.
“Look, I fucked up, and we slept together a few times. Stop trying to make it seem like it was some big love affair. I love Kara and that will never change I said as we walked into the nursery.
“A fuck up is one time, we slept together I know at least six times stop trying to lessen the blow of your actions and own it. I came on to you, and you took everything I had to give,’ Tia said smirking at my uneasiness.
“Look, I love my wife-”
“Yet, you were fucking me…. Her sister, and your cousin’s girlfriend.
“Ok, now that’s bullshit in itself, now you wanna act high and mighty. You only got with Jey to cover yo’ ass; he thinks he got you pregnant off of a one-night stand.”
“I wanted and still want to be with you, but you want her!  What was I supposed to do!” Tia yelled, frustrating me even more.
“Not bring other people into this shit and play with their feelings!”
“I ain’t playin’ with his feelings, I do love Jey,” she said as I scoffed at the bullshit she was spewing.
“Don’t do that shit Roman, we both agreed it was best if he and I raised the baby. You want to be with Kara, right?”
“No, you decided that shit, all by yourself and Jey doesn’t deserve this no more than Kara does!” I shouted trying to get my point across.
“So, what are you sayin? You got a conscious now!” Tia hissed as I growled.
“I’m sayin’ that I’m over this shit, and I’m telling Kara!”
“You really ready to risk losing everything now?!  We both Know Kara will leave you if she finds out.
“I have to tell her-”
“Look, I’m trying to compromise here. Just give me stipend and be a loving uncle to this baby. I promise you can see her whenever you like or say the word and we can be a family together.”
“I’m not her uncle, I’m her father, and even if I lose everything, we aren’t going to be together, Tia. We can co-parent,” I said laying it all out on the line.
“I’ve accepted that, why do you think I’m with Jey. Now you wanna fuck that up for me,” Tia whispered as I felt even more guilty.
We shouldn’t even be discussing this shit now, but it was like we couldn’t stop. It had been a long time since we had been able to talk alone besides on the phone when Kara or Jey weren’t around.
Kara’s POV
“Damn, how the hell did I leave my purse?” I muttered walking back inside my sister’s living room, retrieving it.
“You know Kara means the world to me,” I heard Roman say as I smiled picking up the baby monitor, listening to him talk to my sister as they put away some of her baby shower gifts in the nursery; “And I love Jey, that’s why neither one of them can find out you’re the father of this baby.
The silence after Tia's statement defining.
"F-Father," I gasped in shock trying to catch my breath as I waited to hear Roman deny Tia's claim, but it didn't come...Just silence.
I couldn’t breathe, it was as if those words seemed to be stuck on repeat in my mind and it wouldn't stop. “You’re the father of this baby.”
My eyes widened in horror as I lost my footing, collapsing onto the floor, looking at the baby monitor's red lights flashing.
Roman was the father of my sister’s baby.
“Jey is going to find out sooner or later and so is Kara. They ain’t dumb!” Roman hissed as I felt like I wanted to vomit, my breathing shallow as I tried to process what was happening.
“Aye, Tia, I’m back!” I heard Jey yell as I snapped out of the daze I was stuck in and ran out the back door, trying to avoid him.
Jey’s POV
"Tia, I said i'm back!" I shouted looking around the living room, seeing alot of the gifts still around the living room.
“I see that you are,” Tia said appearing at the top of the stairs, as I frowned at her nervousness.
“Why you look so nervous?" I asked sitting down her gift from my grandmother.
 “Roman, Jey’s back!” she yelled, ignoring my question as I heard her voice echo.
“What the hell was that?” I asked as Tia smiled, coming downstairs.
“It’s one of the baby monitors, mama turned it on earlier to show us how it worked. The other one is in the nursery, that’s the echo you heard.” she said as I nodded in understanding.
“Oh, that’s cool we need that for when we need some alone time so we can still hear lil mama in her room,” I said as she laughed.
“You are so silly,” she whispered as I looked around for Kara.  “Kara still here? I need to talk to her about something, I saw her car out front,” I said as Tia shook her head.
 “No, Roman sent her home, matter fact she should be there by now,” Tia said walking over to look out the front door.
“Bae, I’m telling you, I saw her car just a second ago.”
“Are you sure it was her car, it’s not there now,” Tia said as I frowned. “Many times, I done rode in that car, I know my best friend’s car Tia,” I said annoyed at her assumption that I didn’t know what I saw.
“Maybe she had forgot something,” Tia said as I tried to shake the feeling, she was hiding something as Roman finally joined us downstairs.
“Since you back Jey, I’mma head out. Kara is waiting for me at home,” Roman said as I smiled.
“Uce, ya’ll probably will get home at the same time. I just saw her car parked out front,” I said as Roman’s smile dropped.
“Huh, Kara left bout thirty minutes ago,” Roman said looking at his watch as I shrugged my shoulders.
Nah, try five minutes ago, give or take," I said as Tia looked worried.
“Was her car where she parked earlier?” Roman asked as I shook my head.
“No, she was parked out by the street.”
Roman seemed to go white as a ghost and Tia began pacing.
“Uh, I’ll leave ya’ll alone, I need to get home,” Roman said as I followed him to the door. He seemed to be antsy and dare, I say scared.
“Let me me walk you out, Uce.”
“Nah, I’ll see you later fam, I got it,” Roman said walking to his truck as I closed the door.
Damn what had him spooked?
Kara’s POV
I knew I couldn’t go home, if I did, I would kill him…I really would kill him. I parked down the street from my parents and then made my way to their guest house. I didn’t want anyone to see me, not right now.
I was falling apart and needed time to think, this couldn’t be happening it seemed like the minute I closed the door the dam broke as I screamed breaking down in tears sliding down the wall.
“Why him?” I cried overwhelmed by the betrayal of my husband and my sister. The darkness surrounding me, only visible light was from my phone as Roman and Tia had been blowing my phone up.
Not knowing or caring which one it was I accepted the call just wanting the ringing to stop.
“Sis, is that you? Roman has been trying to call you, he’s worried, you weren’t home when he got-.”
 Ending the call without saying a word, I thew the phone hard as I could against the mirror on my parents’ wall. Almost feeling a sense of satisfaction as it shattered into tiny pieces just like my heart had .
“Sis?” I laughed at the gall wiping my tears… “You ain’t no sister of mine,” I whispered, my heart straining against my chest as I tried to control my breathing.
 Every look, nervous movements and awkward exchanges between them played over and over in my mind.
“Sweetie, are you ok? I saw you come back her and I heard a crash,” my mom said coming into the guesthouse, turning on the lights as I scurried to the corner pulling my knees to my chest whipping my tears.
“I’m fine mama, can you please leave,” I whispered as she gasped at my current state.
“Bill! Get in here!” my mother yelled as I shook my head. I didn’t want to talk about it; I knew if I did the tears would come harder.
“Mama, I just want to be alone, please,” I sniffed as she came over to me. “Who hurt you baby?” she whispered kneeling down, taking me in her arms as I sobbed my heart out.
“What the hell is going on?!” my father bellowed coming in seeing my mother and I on the floor, locked in a comforting embrace and the glass on the floor.
“Don’t freak her out, calm down Bill, we don’t even know what’s wrong.”
“Well, something fuckin’ happened Rebecca, and I want to know what it is. She in here breaking mirrors and hysterical,” he said as mother sighed pulling out her phone.
“Maybe Tia can tell me, let me call her-”
“Don’t! Don’t ever call her asking her nothing about me!” I screamed hysterically as my mother looked at me in shock.
I jerked away, her touch scorching my skin. Hurrying to my feet, trying to make my exit, but my dad stood in the way.
“This is not like you sweetie. What happened?” my mom asked, rubbing my shoulders as my father and her tried to calm me down.
“Kara, what is going on baby, did something happen between you and your sister?”
“Dad, please just drop it, ok,” I pleaded retrieving my phone, and wiping my tears.
“Let’s give her a little space to breathe Bill,” my mom whispered as I felt myself losing it slowly but surely.
Hearing a car pull in the driveway I went back into flight or fight mode. “Dad, please move, I need to go,” I pleaded as he stood steadfast, unmovable.
“Baby I can’t let you drive like this, let’s just sit down and talk” he suggested as I shook my head.
“I don’t feel like talking daddy,” I said as my mom sighed.
“Dad?! Mom?! We’re here to pick up the crib!” I heard Tia shout my blood ran cold.
The crib we slept in as kids….That crib?
“We’re in here baby,” my mom called out as I cringed as Tia and Jey in came in the guesthouse.
“Aye, you ok Kara?” Jey asked taking in my appearance. I didn’t even care how I looked right now; my eyes were focused on Tia who looked scared to death.
“Maybe we should come back Jey,” she whispered trying to get a feel of what was going on.
“No, I’m good, come in,” I said as she sighed in relief, thinking her secret was still safe.
“Mom, dad, can you leave? I need to talk Tia,” I said as my dad looked between us unsure of my request but threw his hands up.
“Fine, let’s go up to the main house Rebecca and let the girls talk.”
“I think we should stay Bill; something is wrong.”
“Nothing is wrong mama,” Tia said as I nodded my head in agreement.
 “It’s right as rain,” I added as my dad sighed.
“Least she’s willing to talk to Tia, let’s let them talk,” he said ushering my mom out of the room.
“What did you do Tia?” my mom asked as Tia lowered her head in shame as dad closed the door behind them.
“Do you need me to leave Kara?” Jey asked as I shook my head no.
“No, it involves you just as much as it does me,” I whispered as he caressed my shoulder.
“What happened baby girl?” he asked as I looked at Tia trying to see if she would confess but she just stood there as if nothing was wrong.
Jey had to know, I know it wasn’t my place, but he needed to know.
“Girl, you had Roman worried and so was I when he told me you weren’t home. I’m so glad you were here and safe. We thought something had happened to you,” she said as I chuckled at her weak attempt to change the subject.
“Oh, I’m fine….I just needed some time to process some stuff. The problem with that is I only ended up having more questions and I know you know the answers,” I whispered as Jey looked at me confused.
“Questions about what Kara?” Jey asked, looking between Tia and I, picking up on undeniable tension.
“Jey, can you leave Kara and I alone to ta-”
“Jey, stay because I know you’re going to want to know the answers to these questions too.”
"Jey, please leave us,” Tia whispered.
"When were you going to tell me that not only has you been FUCKING my husband, but you're carrying his baby?" I asked calmly as Tia gripped the counter trying to steady herself.
You could hear a pin drop as Jey looked at Tia for any sign of truth to my words.
“Wh…W..What are you talking about Kara?” Tia stuttered as I scoffed at the deer caught in the headlights look on her face.
“Tia, what is Kara talking about?” Jey asked, my heart truly went out to my best friend. He deserved the world, but he always chose the wrong ones to love.
“I don’t know Jey, she isn’t thinking clearly,” Tia said as I rolled my eyes.
“Tia! Words of advice, when you are confessing your dirt and playing God with someone else’s life, make sure the baby monitors aren’t on, projecting your conversations throughout the fuckin’ house, dumb ass!” I hissed as she covered her mouth in shock.
“Ok, let’s calm down lau pele, talk to me, because you ain’t makin’  no sense right now,” Jey said gently pulling me to him.
“I’m sorry Jey, but that isn’t your baby,” I whispered as Tia began sobbing.
“Jey, I can explain-”
“Logan is my daughter, what you sayin to me’?”  he asked, looking between Tia and I, his eyes full of tears.
“Tell him…For once in your miserable life, tell the truth,” I said truly done with the lies.
“Jey, Just listen-”
“Is she mine?” Jey whispered walking closer to Tia as she began to figet wrapping her arms around herself.
“Jey, please, baby-”
“Is she mine, damn it!" Jey screamed as I jumped at the anger and hurt in his voice.
"No!...She’s Roman’s” she whimpered as Jey trembled with anger.
“I am so sorry,” I whispered as he pinched his nose trying to stop his tears from falling but to no avail and began pacing.
“It ain’t yo’ fault Kara…. I shoulda' known betta right? He asked, my heart breaking for him.
“I…..I didn’t mean for it to happen, Kara was gone, Roman and I were spending more time together on the road and it just happened.”
“So, in other words when I was gone, you made a move on him,” I said as she sighed.
“Look you left him, and he needed somebody.”
“How could you do that to Kara?” Jey said as Tia wiped her tears.
“Cause she’s willing…Willing to bed flop with anything that moves and I fuckin’ hate you for it Tia,” I cried wanting to give her this work but I knew I couldn’t.
“I tried to make it right-”
“Oh, that’s right, you slept with me and then told me I got you pregnant,” Jey said as I cringed at how he described it, but it was true.
“Where did you do it?” I asked as Tia subconsciously rubbed her belly.
“Don’t do this Kara?” Tia whispered as I scoffed.
“In my house?.....In my bed?” I asked with a whimper as she shook her head.
“No! As much as things haven’t always been good between us, I would never do that,” she cried as I tried to piece together their intimate moments.
“His bus?” I whispered as she nodded. I felt like I couldn’t breathe, now we were getting somewhere.
“The first night of the UK tour when I couldn’t reach him, he was with you wasn’t he?” I asked as she dropped her head in shame.
“That night you left the show early proclaiming you were sick,” Jey added as she nodded.
“Oh my god I’m going to be sick,” I whispered.
“I swear it’s over, Roman loves you and only you. That’s why we did this!” Tia cried as Jey exploded flipping the couch and storming outta the house.
“Jey! Don’t leave!" Tia cried as I grabbed my keys preparing to leave as well. I had heard and seen enough.
“Actions have consequences Tia. That was one of them, a good man walking out of your life….A new life about to be born," I said pointing at her stomach.
"Your dead to me,” I whispered, heading for the door as she jumped in front of me.
“Kara, just listen-”
“Don’t call…Don’t text…Don’t come by my home… I never want to see you again,” I said as she gasped, falling against me and grunting in pain.
"Get off of me Tia!" I shouted as she held onto me to steady herself, but I didn't push her away.
 “Kara, my water just broke” she cried as I looked down seeing at the small puddle at her feet.
Are you serious right now? This cannot be happening.....
@reci24 @southerngirl41 @vebner37 @jeyusos-girl
@melaninsugababy @romanreignkisser @bebesobrielo
@arination99 @2-muchsauce @bakugoumarianawrites
@empressdede @alyyaanna @christinabae @harmshake @anonandwannakeepitthatway @venusesworld @jeyusosgirl  @theninthwonder @mya2real  @justazzi @whatdoeseverybodywant @reignsboy19 wooahmiri alichesmi pytbgeezy @ superpietom 
@truefant4sy @yana3sworld amandairene88
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sluts-assembled · 4 months
Your Body is a Shrine, and I am Your God
Dom!Gojo x Fem!Reader
Someone bought me a coffee. That’s why Reader is a bit descriptive.
F/B = Favorite Band
Warnings: NonCon, somnophilia, thigh fucking, noncon punishment spanking, Gojo is an asshole
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            What the fuck? What in the actual fuck? You can’t help but question the small and circular indigo bruises on the inside of your thighs. They’re spread out so unevenly. You don’t remember anyone grabbing you in this area during training yesterday. Did you do this to yourself in your sleep? This has been going on for months now, five if you remember correctly. As you lift your sleep shirt from your body, you reveal even more of those small bruises running along your hips. Blushing, you quickly get dressed so that you can get going to class.
            You can’t help feeling a little on edge throughout the day. Waking up with bruising on your body that you can’t figure out what the cause was will unnerve a person. You try to take deep breaths, but you just can’t help but feel like someone is out there watching you closely.
            And then, not too long after your classes start, you see Gojo. Oh, thank God for Gojo. He listens to you, really listens. You go to him, wanting to talk about how nervous you are.
            “I just don’t understand, Sensei. I keep waking up with all these bruises all over me. I just don’t know where they’re from.” You lift the hem of your skirt a little bit just until you can show him enough of the bruises without revealing too much.
            Oh, but Gojo wishes you would reveal more. Come on. Your thighs are just so plush and doughy. He just wants to grab and jiggle the fatty meat that makes his eyes sparkle like he’s looking at wagyu. He silently tries to override your will, begging you just to lift your skirt a bit more. Let him see what color panties you have on today. Let him see if you made a little wet patch on them yet. It’s all he can think about. He’s just about ready to rip your skirt off and stick his finger in the waistband of your tiny little panties if you don’t give him a peek.
            But…where’s the fun in any of that? This is kind of like a little game to Gojo. He can always just look at your cute little wrapped up cunt later when he comes to visit you in your dorm room tonight. He never needs a key, not when he can just teleport inside. You never seem to notice with how much of a heavy sleeper you are. Your soft little snores are so delicious to Gojo as you breathe in and out of his ear so steadily. Sometimes, he’ll even get you to whimper as he sticks two fingers in knuckle deep as your pussy sucks on his digits.
            He would never fuck you though. He’s…too…decent for that? No, he has no respect for you, not really. But it’s the fun of the game to Gojo that gets him so riled up, so unbelievably riled up. Who would have thought that little ol’ you sleeping could make his cock so hard? Who would have thought that his tongue flicks with excitement when he gropes your buxom chest? Who would have thought that Gojo simply sticks to ramming his dick between your breasts and thighs? Who would have thought that he wants to stay and watch over you to gauge your reaction in the morning when you notice your buzzing clit?
            Do you masturbate to deal with it? Do you even have enough time before classes start? Or are you such a bad girl that you place your sexual needs before your education? Gojo might have to give you a stern talking to and a punishment if it’s the latter, but he’ll save that possibility for his fantasies later tonight when he comes to visit you.
            For now, though, he smiles as he watches you poke the bruise on your thigh with a furrowed brow and a slightly pouty lip.
            “You know, you should try setting up a camera in your room. That way, tomorrow, you can watch it and find out if you’re doing that to yourself.”
            Oh, but Gojo isn’t saying that for your benefit. No, he never does anything for just your benefit, not even when he fucks your thighs and tits instead of your dripping little pussy.
            “That’s a great idea, Sensei!” You exclaim as you hug him tightly. “Thanks for the idea. I would have never thought to do something like that. Oh, wait…I only have my phone, and I don’t think my alarm will go off if I leave it on record all night. Plus, it’ll just take up space on my phone and probably cut off midway through the night.”
            “Well, it’s a good thing that your sensei has too many cameras to even know what to do with. I even have a tripod you can borrow.”
            “You really are the best, Sensei.”
            “Yeah, I know.” What he wouldn’t give to put a hand on your cheek and pull you in closely by your hair right now. “I’ll give you the stuff at the end of the day.”
            The day goes by smoothly. You train, learn a few things, and get the camera and tripod at the end of the day. You set them up right by your bed so that when it’s time for sleep, you’re all good to go. After changing into your pajamas, you climb into bed and close your eyes.
            And thus starts the game.
            Gojo teleports into your room after he’s sure that you’ll be asleep. It always takes two hours for you to settle into a deep sleep. He’s learned this from experience. Gojo walks over to your bed and looks down at you. You always wear that F/B shirt to sleep. It’s always so cute on you, clinging to you in all the right ways, enhancing those tits just enough to where your hardened nipples poke out at him in such a friendly and inviting way.
            “Well, how could I resist?” He chuckles to himself.
            Satoru sits down on the bed, simply petting your hair before letting his fingers trail down towards your shapely breasts. He massages them gently over your shirt, taking his time. There’s really no rush. There never is any rush with you when you’re like this. Hell, you’ve never woken up even once, not even for water or a late-night snack.
            Your head stays in the same place on the pillow, nice and relaxed, just how Sensei likes it. He rides up your shirt a bit, just enough to expose your belly button. He trails kisses along your stomach, all the way up and up until he arrives at the treasure he’s been waiting to get his hands on. He paws at you, gently, light caresses which elicit a deep sigh from you as you lie there for him. Just for him. Always for him.
            So precious, his golden student who listens to him like his word is absolute. You have no idea just how much he loves it all. The way you write down everything he says whether it’s a lecture or not because you think you might find something philosophical in his words, something that might pertain to life advice.
            “And you do it because stupid little you can’t think for herself,” he whispers into your ear. “No, you need Sensei to think for you, to tell you what to do and when to do it. That’s what you need. Stupid little girls like you just have such a hard time with life. Poor thing. So weak and helpless.”
            Gojo places one last kiss on your nipple as his tongue darts out and licks it, flicks it with his fingers to see if he can get your nipple to harden just a tad bit more. “There we go. That’s a good girl.”
            Gojo rids himself of his own shirt, simply burying his white hair in the depths of your chest as he unbuttons and unzips his designer pants. Everything about Gojo screams luxury, except for his taste in broke students who sleep in slutty band t-shirts.
            No, Satoru has more than enough to give, and he’s willing to give it all to a certain sleeping beauty. He breathes into you, feeling you as he shucks off his clothes, shoes and socks included, leaving him in those devastatingly tight boxer briefs. His cock creates a tent that he just needs to satiate right now.
            He leaves kisses all along your jaw line, his lips dancing down your neck like the light feet of a fairy. The ends of his soft hair tickling against your skin do nothing to jolt you from your sleep. You don’t even move from the position you’re in as Satoru lowers your sleep shorts, finally getting the chance to see what kind of panties you have on.
            “Aw, blue…cute.” He gives you a predatory smile as he uses his teeth to take off your underwear, dragging them down your legs like a dog.
            There’s nothing else on his mind but you. He wants you, has to have you, needs to have you. Your body is a shrine, and Gojo is your god. You may not know it, but your body is an offering to him whether you know it or not.
            Satoru finally gets your underwear off and lets them fall from his mouth to the floor. He returns to you, now taking your all too revealing band shirt and tugging it gently over your head.
            How pathetic. You’re too exhausted to even feel him jostling your body this way and that.
            “You know, I wish you fell asleep in class like this. Give me all kinds of excuses to punish such a naughty little girl like you. Do you know what I would do if you fell asleep in class? I’d have to make an example out of you. Maybe fuck your mouth while you drool in front of the other students. I’m sure that wouldn’t be enough to wake you up.”
            He spreads your thighs and rubs your milky slit. “You like the thought of that, don’t you? Yeah, look at how wet you are. My little golden student likes the thought of me coming down her throat while she’s knocked out.”
            Gojo sticks two fingers in and opens them in a V shape. He explores with his tongue to get a quick taste of what you have to offer, letting it swirl around inside of you as he indulges like one would with ice cream.
            How you’re so pathetically vulnerable right now for him. Just like a true gift, a toy for him to do as he pleases. Satoru is blessed to have such a sweet and innocently docile thing like you to ravage. And he’s getting it all on camera too.
            Gojo rids himself of his boxer briefs, the final thing keeping himself from fully being with you. He spreads your thighs apart about to fuck them when all of a sudden, he hears a tiny little whimper coming from you.
            Your eyes lock with his galactical blue ones, and you can’t help but ask with fear and confusion lacing your voice, “Sensei? What are you doing?”
            “After all that, this is what wakes you up?” He responds with a slightly sarcastic tone.
            He has no qualms with proceeding, however. You being awake doesn’t make a damn difference to Gojo. He sticks his hardened cock between the insides of your thighs and clamps them shut. The little bit of sweat from the heat between your bodies helping him glide his dick along as he fucks you sweetly.
            But you don’t think it’s that sweet. This draws you out of your sleepy state entirely. You sit up and put a hand out to stop him. “Gojo-Sensei, what are you doing?!”
            You watch the pink bulb of his thick member appear as he thrusts forward.
            “For my star student, you sure are a bit dense. This is called sex, sweetheart. I know, I know. We haven’t covered that topic in class yet. Why don’t I give you a private lesson on it now?”
            He grips your hair and forces you to lie back down. “What I’m doing now is fucking your plush thighs. You see, that’s where all of those bruises came from. Don’t worry, I haven’t gone all the way with you yet. Although, I’m tempted to now that you’re up.”
            Gojo reaches a hand down at the apex of your legs and feels for how wet you are. “There are many ways a Sensei can fuck his dumb little student.” He grabs you by the jaw with your creamy juices still clinging to his fingers, your lips puffing out in a pout as he squeezes your cheeks gently. “In the mouth. In the cunt. Whichever he feels like doing that day, and if you’re a good little student for your sensei, he might be kind enough to give you a reward. Would you like that, Y/N? Do you want your sensei to reward you for your good behavior?”
            You can’t help it as tears fill your eyes. He’s talking about rewards while his slickened length appears and withdraws from between your thighs again and again.
            “Or Sensei could always punish your naughty bottom with a good spanking. Misbehaving students need a teacher’s discipline. What will it be? Reward or punishment? Either way, you’ll still get your soaking pussy filled with my come.”
            You whine and wriggle your hips as you take in everything he’s saying. “Okay, Sensei…I’ll behave…”
            He squeezes your cheeks just a tad bit. “Promise?”
            “…I promise.”
            He withdraws his cock completely from between your thighs and hovers above you as he lets go of your chin. “That’s a good girl. Now, why don’t you just- “
            You immediately push Gojo away from you as you scramble out from under him. Completely naked, you have no choice but to make a run for the attached bathroom. Maybe, if you can lock yourself in there if-
            But Gojo doesn’t give you the chance to finish that thought as he appears in front of you. He walks you down, backing you up so much that the pit of your knees hit the edge of the bed. You buckle and fall back with the slightest push from your sensei. He crawls over your body in an instant, pinning you down in all the right ways. His large paws on your weak little wrists, his legs right in between yours so that you have no chance of kneeing him.
            “I didn’t think you’d actually be dumb enough to think you could get away from me. What a ballsy little bitch.”
            Sensei takes both of your wrists, so delicately supple, right in one hand as he pins them above your head.
            “I guess I’m going to have to punish my star student now. What a shame. Maybe, if you’re a good girl during your punishment, I’ll give you that reward I was talking about.”
            He immediately shifts you onto your stomach. He sits down beside you, placing you over his knee as you kick and scream for someone to help you.
            “Ah, not the observant type apparently, and here I thought I trained you better than that. Look around at your new environment. Can you guess where we are?”
            He’s right. You’re no longer in your dorm room at Jujutsu Tech. You’re in a bedroom that’s too elaborate to be anything you could ever dream of owning. Your hands spread across the puffy comforter of the new bed you are on, and you know you’ve never seen this room before.
            “Playing silent, huh? That’s alright. I’ll get you screaming again.”
            Gojo’s large palm comes down across your bare bottom, spanking you with an unnatural force. You immediately lift your head and cry out from the pain. He strikes you again and again, the slaps coming down erratically. There’s no specific rhythm, and you can’t even begin to try and guess a pattern. Suddenly, his hand comes down across the sensitive undercurve of your ass, and you let out another sharp cry at the hit.
            “Sensei, stop it!” you plead with him, begging him to end this horrible nightmare. “Please?!”
            “Aw, is someone feeling sorry for disobeying her Sensei?”
            You know what the correct thing to say is in this situation. You don’t really have any other choice but to respond the way he wants you to if you want this to end.
            “Yes, Sensei…I’m sorry.” You can’t help but hang your head, feeling oh so ashamed of yourself for giving in so easily. Your ass is a throbbing and stinging mess, mixtures of pink and red shades swelling together from the constant strikes of his heavy palm.
            Satoru caresses your hair, his fingertips gently scratching against your scalp as he attempts to soothe you. “That’s a good girl now.” He spreads your legs wide while you’re still bent over his lap, and he delivers a final spank to your wet pussy.
            You jolt over his knee and scream from the sensation. Everything was hit somehow, clit included.
            Gojo manhandles you onto your hands and knees on the bed. He lines himself up behind you, his cock nestling into your precious little cunt. He takes his time easing into your wet cavern, slow and steady with no rush to get anywhere. He wants to savor the delicacy of this wonder. So tight like a glove, like it was made just for him and only him.
            “Yeah, that’s a good girl, take it. Don’t tense up. Just relax.”
            You hear him guide you on what to do with your body as you’re bent over for him yet again. He fills you up all the way. You can feel his hips settling in against your sore ass only moments before he begins thrusting in and out of your weeping lips. You look over your shoulder at him, and all he does is dip his mouth into the nook of your shoulder, lips sloppily dragging over your skin as he hugs you closely to him with an arm wrapped underneath you.
            His teeth bite into your back, gentle nibbles at first before canines truly sink in. You yelp as he presses his long length deeper and deeper inside of you, bucking his hips as he goes. It’s like he can’t help it. It’s as if you alone drew out the feral animal buried deep inside of Satoru Gojo.
            Gojo doesn’t hold back as he drags his erection along your weeping walls. His hand hugging you tightly around your waist travels up to grope at your large tits. He refuses to let up on the biting, and you burry your face into the pillow as you sob.
            Why couldn’t I have just stayed asleep? Why did I have to wake up? you can’t help but think.
            You never in a million years thought your favorite teacher would do something so violating to you. There hasn’t ever been any indication from him that he could be so vicious towards you.
            Sensei grips you by the hair and pulls your head up from the pillow.
            “Come on, sweetheart, if you’re going to cry, I want to hear it.” He pulls on your hair even harder. “You can do it. Let it all out. Cry for Sensei.”
            And you do. Full on, heart-wrenching, mind-throbbing wails escape past your lips from the depths of your core. Your screams echo off of the walls of his room, but it all sounds like music to your teacher’s ears. It eggs him on to go faster and harder, slower and deeper, changing the pace to make sure you don’t get used to anything. Gojo simply can’t help himself as he slams into you from behind like a powerful stallion.
            You arch your back, allowing him to travel and locate that sensitive little spot that causes your pussy to gush and squelch. Your pussy pulsates with a familiar feeling as you come all over your teacher’s cock.
            He laughs into your ear and whispers. “That’s right. I never told you where we are. You just came in my room, on my bed, on my dick.”
            He finally releases your tousled locks as he rails into you with such ferocity, like a manic beast. You can feel the muscles in his arms and thighs tense up as he holds you closer to him. Finally, he spills his semen inside of you. He pauses for a few moments, just letting himself rest as he leans on your back before he finds the strength to sit up on his knees. He takes two fingers and dips them in the come spilling from your puffy pussy before stuffing his digits inside of up, far up and up.
            “There. That’s better. I think you deserve some rest now after all that. I don’t want you to be too exhausted for classes tomorrow. You can sleep here, and I’ll take you back to your dorm room tomorrow.”
            Gojo lays down on the bed next to you, pulling you into his side so that you can rest on his chest. Before you nod off, your eyes land on a camera set up on a tripod.
            Just how many cameras does he have?
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billskeis · 5 months
can you pls do like a one bed situation ( enemies to lovers ) with 2007 tom and ofc they do it☺️
ᡣ𐭩 sharing a bed w tom
“what!?” the two of you said simultaneously to then glare daggers into each other. both you and tom groaned in disapproval when the receptionist explained that the room you booked for only contains one bed.
there was no other way around such a situation.
your class was going out for high-school trip to the mountains. for majority of the day, you explored the small town and shops with your girlfriends while tasked with an ‘educational aspect’ of it.
none of the students cared much for it honestly.
strangely, your friend group and tom’s friend group were constantly running into each other. and as much as you and tom hated it, the friends of the two groups didn’t.
the continuous pick-up lines, slight touching, teasing. it drive you nuts.
“ugh, i’m gonna fucking throw up…” you pretended to gag as you watched one of your friends hug a boy with black semi-spiked hair. eyeshadow rings around his eyes that curve into a smile just like his mouth.
cheesy ass hoes.
“lighten up y/n! besides, tom’s been staring at you quite a bit,” emily, your best friend being too loud, you hear a scoff coming from somewhere next to you. “as if, i would rather suck on a horse’s foot than be with y/n” tom rolls his eyes as you cross your arms.
“at least i don’t look like a fucking horse’s foot..”
tom’s mouth gapes at your comment “what the fuck did you call me!?” “you heard me bitch!” this led the two of you to bicker and it almost threatens to become physical.
the two of you literally had to be stopped by emily and the now spiked hair boy who you later found out his name was bill, his twin and clearly more logical and cooler brother.
“they argue like an old couple,” gustav mumbles, “they’re gonna do such great things in the future…” georg adds in.
beforehand, you were each given a room number and a key to the hotel room you would be staying in for a few days. as the teachers and staff declared it a night, all students were to head to their assigned rooms.
as you made your way to the front desk, you see a particular dread-head already there.
you roll your eyes so hard you swear they went to the back of your head, but you’re too tired to fight this guy, having already gotten your hits in a few hours earlier.
“room 483?” you questioned the lady working behind the desk (get it ;D) as she types into the computer, “that can’t be your fucking room,” tom makes a jab at you but you’re clearly not in the mood for it, “and why the fuck not?”
“because that’s my room.”
you drop the keycard on the table.
the both of you then glare at the receptionist who’s already clearly in cold sweats due to the tense and thick atmosphere the air is bringing.
“okay—there’s clearly been a mix-up with your card tom because that’s my room.” “uhh i don’t think so kleine, look at my key card.” he drops it onto the table beside yours, the two of you analyze the numbers imprinted onto the plastic.
it’s the same exact goddamn keycard.
you sigh heavily, body achy, all you wanted was to rest, but in no way were you going to share a room with someone you hate down to your core.
“well is there at least two beds??” tom asked, he looks just as tired as you and at this point the bickering needs to come to an end. the both of your bodies are now leaned into the front desk, impatiently waiting for an answer. why the hell is this lady taking so long to answer a yes or no question??
she purses her lips, slowly shaking her head.
“what!?” you both managed to scream out at the same time.
she then explains because the rooms were intended for one student only, the rooms with singular beds were all booked. “are there any other rooms available??” yet again, she shook her head side to side.
you swear you were going to smack her so hard her head was gonna fly off her body even though it wasn’t her fault.
“i can’t fucking believe this, are you kidding me!? can’t even do your job and compensate us for something we paid for!?” you were so angry. you pointed your finger at her and just continued to berate her.
angry and tired, it wasn’t a good combination on you, it led you to become extremely irrational. losing total control of your actions, that was until a hand grabbed yours and squeezed it gently.
“y/n.. please.. can we just check in..? i’ll sleep on the floor—or the couch if there even is one—just, stop.. okay? how’s that sound.” this was a side of toms you’ve never seen of his in the past four years.
it reminded you of how soft and gentle he was when you first met freshman year.
you bit your lip, immediately regretting how you acted. like a douchebag, she was just doing her job. it wasn’t in her intentions to mess the rooms up for you, but you blamed her anyway.
your head hung low, to ashamed to apologize, you just instead slammed your hand on the desk to grab the two keycards and made your way towards the elevator.
tom followed behind after mouthing a ‘sorry’ to the receptionist who acknowledged his apology for you, immediately going back to her job.
as you exit the washroom, you see tom already laying on the floor, using whatever clothes he had packed to form a make-shift bed. he tosses and turns in attempts to get into a comfortable position that would allow him to sleep. you raised your eyebrow at him, what is he doing?
that was until you quietly crept your way to the closet to check for any extra blankets or pillows hotels normally provide to you.
nothing, nada. empty.
i swear to god you’ll never ever book a trip here again, you make a mental note to yourself if you were to ever want to take some time off in the future.
you inhale sharply, and exhale deeply. with every inch of your body, you cannot believe you’re doing this right now, “tom,” you called out. all you heard was a hum from across the room to acknowledge you, “sleep on the bed,” “i’m not gonna make you sleep on the floor y/n—” “well of course i’m not sleeping on the floor, we’re sharing the bed.”
tom sat up so quick in disbelief to what he’s hearing, “a-are you sure..?” “yes, tom, it’s fine.. we’ll just pretend none of this happened in the morning, got it?” he nods at your request and gets up from the floor.
the both of you enter the bed at the same time, the covers were so warm. your lamp was the only light source that lit up the hotel room. turning it off, the only source of light now was the moon that shone dimly through the windows.
you felt at peace, adjusting yourself to slowly drift into sleep.
however that peace was short-lived as you stretched your backside to hit the only other figure that was in the bed with you.
“shitfuck, sorry tom i didn’t mean to—” “to grind your ass on me? yeah right,” you rotate your whole body to now face tom, “okay first of all, don’t be so cocky—woah!” a pair of arms now wrapped around your body and embraced you into a hug.
“god you can’t even imagine how long i’ve been wanting to do this..” hesitantly, you wrap your arms around tom’s neck, taking in his scent. the room is silent, only filled with the heavy breathing that emits from the both of your bodies.
“kleine, i’m so sorry, so sorry for how i acted in the past..” “t-tom.. it’s fine i’m completely over it.” he places kisses all over your cheeks, “no, no it’s not baby lemme make it up to you yea?” he plays with the hem of your shorts, teasing you in wanting to take them off.
“i’m tired tom,” “pleaseplease just let me do this for you okay? you don’t have to do anything i just—just wanna show you how much i’m sorry for making you hate me..”
nodding, tom smiles and kisses you once more this time on the lips. he drags both your shorts and underwear down your legs shortly doing the same with his sweatpants and boxers down to his mid-thigh.
damn, he must be really turned on, the way you felt his hard on rest between your legs.
lining up his dick, tom slowly pushes into you. hissing at the slight burn from tom’s size. he’s always been big, and you’ve done it before, “god.. how long has it been? weeks? months? but you still remember the shape of this dick in you..”
you choke on a moan at you try to retaliate tom, his words embarrass you. but he’s right, ever since the two of you broke up you’ve been abstinent. he makes it sound as though he’s messed with other people. but little did you know, he’s the same. never fucked since the breakup.
“s-shut up..” “you’re right, ‘m sorry this is supposed to be my apology to you,” he thrusts hard and deep despite the awkward position, the both of you in a spooning position he attempts to find a good angle to fuck you in.
body sensitive, your stomach clenches as electricity travels within your core, a string threatening to snap at the way tom drags his dick inside of you, ensuring you feel every inch of him in you.
he’s handsy. his hands roam around and drag across your body. you shiver under his touch. the way his dick hits your g-spot along with the slight pinching and groping felt all over your body. he plays with your chest, runs his hands up and down your stomach. tom holds onto your wrists from time to time for great leverage in the way he fucks himself into you, desperate.
tom leaves open mouth kisses on your neck and shoulder, all you could do was whine and whimper letting him use your body as he pleases. it’s been so long since the two of you fucked so you feel, everything.
“close, i’m getting close meine kleine, tell me you forgive me,” his thrusts become a little faster, clear that he’s chasing his orgasm the same as you, adding more to the heat as you grind your hips on him.
“i-i forgive you tom, fuck! i can’t..” your body convulses as your orgasm washes over your body, clenching onto tom, this quickly leads him to come inside you, unable to pull out with the way you hold onto him so tightly, “fuck! y-y/n..”
riding out the high, tom finally pulls out and slips your bottoms back on, putting on his own right after. he looks up at you but you only hide your face within your hands, embarrassed about the fact that you just fucked your ex-boyfriend after what seems like forever.
but for the plot, am i right?
“i cannot BELIEVE i just did that,” you groaned as tom laughs at you, peeling your hands away from your face. all you can see in the darkness is the glint that lit in tom’s dark brown eyes from the moon and the small reflect of his metal lip piercing that shined from the way his mouth curves into a smile.
“do you regret it??” “no..” “then that’s all that matters,” he places a peck onto your forehead. “one final question,” he chimes in “tom, you already fucked me haven’t you had enough fun??” “yes. but can i just ask?”
“what is it now,” “wanna get back together?”
you said yes.
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punksocks · 1 year
Astrology Observations No. 8
*based on my personal experiences, take them with a grain of salt
-I wanted this to be my 18+ edition bc 8th house but I don’t have enough spicy observations yet lol
-Virgo placements & Scorpio placements having 100 invisible tests some has to pass before you let them get close to you
-Why yes my Jupiter is in my 3rd house. Why yes I did start recommending documentaries to documentary students because I watch that much educational content for fun.
-Cancer suns can beat out Leo suns for being the most charismatic one in the room and that’s coming from someone that loves Leo suns.
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-Someone said to be a full time artist you either need the external structure of a rich sponsor/family with money/sugar daddy or the internal structure of being an earth sign and I love that lol (Idek how to explain how I got to the mad men zodiac roast where I saw that line lmao)
-Geminis lie but get so boldfaced they often contradict themselves a lot. And Cancers manipulate but often go so hard on it that it starts to become pretty obvious. Pisces can actually be the best at both, especially if they don’t have any earth placements, no energy to ground those illusions.
-Ok I’ve been googling birth charts to practice reading them (thank you for your dms I’ll reply soooon!) and I was surprised Robert j Oppenheimer (the guy that spearheaded making the atomic bomb) was a cancer moon because of all the destruction the bomb caused (and from the beginning they knew that was going to be a destructive endeavor) BUT Cancer’s are very nationalistic so I could see this being his rationale. Until all the violent consequences, of course. (Very specific but he may have been apart of the scientists that advocated for peace after the bomb dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki but I don’t know fs)
-Also a LOT of actors have aries moon and/or Leo mars (including aries moon for Cillian Murphy who’s playing Oppenheimer in that new movie, full circle connection)
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-Virgo mars people can embody a certain gender fluidity. The women can dress in masculine clothing and carry a certain tinge of a masculine vibe and vice versa for feminine energy and virgo mars men. (Not sure if this applies to all mutable mars or not).
-Scorpio rising/pluto in the first house and wearing sunglasses on the streets just to avoid weird eye contact with strangers
-Saturn conjunction moon/Capricorn, Aquarius moon/Aquarius and/or Uranus 4th house - what was it like not having a childhood? (Gang, gang)
-*reads that Capricorn Mercury is straight forward*
Me with Capricorn Mercury rx:
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