#and it's just humiliating to snap and yell and not be able to control myself in front of people who don't normally see me like that
trans-cuchulainn · 1 year
also what is wrong with me that when people try and be gentle-sympathetic when i'm in grumpy pain overwhelm shutdown mode i just want to hit something
"are you okay? ❤" no i'm filled with murderous rage, stop being soft-nice to me before i break something
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timeoverload · 2 years
Goddamnit fuck this week. I had a psychotic episode on Thursday at work and yelled at multiple people, including my coordinator. A doctor was pissed off which sent everyone into a panic and the tech came in and started freaking out on me and that triggered me so it just turned into a screaming match. Then, I stormed out of my department dramatically and ran downstairs to my coordinator's office and started yelling at her but I'm pretty sure I was totally incoherent because I don't even remember everything I said. I didn't immediately realize all of the higher-ups were in there because I had tunnel vision and I was shaking and I couldn't control myself and then I snapped out of it and ran away. I tried to apologize to everyone but I'm still humiliated. When I talked to my coordinator, I had to tell her what's wrong with me and now it seems like she's afraid of me even though she said she understood. I think maybe she was just in shock because I'm rarely like that in public and I always try to be nice otherwise. I didn't want everyone to know I'm a fucking lunatic and I feel like I've been having more episodes lately. I try my best to hide my illness from people but I snapped and it was totally irrational for me to get that upset. I've never done anything that extreme in the time I've been there so I'm dreading going back on Monday. I had been wanting to take a break from my medication for a while to see if I would be ok because I hate relying on it and it's bad for my liver but apparently I have to increase the dosage instead. I guess I'm probably tired and burned out because things haven't slowed down at all this year and normally they do during the summer. It also doesn't help that I'm working in 2 departments now and learning all new equipment and we're short staffed so I'm constantly going back and forth. I spent 8 hours training a new person on Wednesday which is also my busiest day of the week and I can't stop moving for 5 minutes or else I'll get behind. I like to teach usually but I had to put on my patience panties for that one since she wasn't taking things seriously and it was really discouraging. I thought she was super sweet but I feel like it was a waste of time because everyone already knew it wasn't going to work out and they told me that before I even started but I tried my best. Everyone else is in a bad mood all the time and I get bombarded with negativity the moment I get in the locker room every morning and I try not to let it get to me but after hearing it for so long it gets old. It's gotten so bad that I'm losing my only friend because she can't handle it anymore and I've spent almost every day for 6 years with her. She's the only one who really gets me and looks out for me there so I'm really sad but I want her to be happy. I've been looking for other jobs but nothing seems like a good fit for me. I know I'll figure something out eventually.
My spine still feels like it's crumbling and I tried to get in to see my doctor like a month ago and they didn't seem to think it was a big deal and can't get me in until next month. I've been trying to find a new doctor because I feel like she doesn't take me seriously. I've been debating going to urgent care because I don't think I can wait until then. I'm afraid to be forced to take medical leave before November because I don't want to get written up for sick days and get put on probation which would leave me ineligible for any bonuses or raises for like 6 months. I also don't think I can handle losing a portion of my paycheck right now. I can't do anything about it without feeling guilty and I don't want to be a burden on anyone.
I'm also really tired of living here already. It's so fucked up that I work over 40 hours a week now and I still can't afford my own place but I probably wouldn't be able to take care of it anyway. I don't have a ton of privacy. I like having my own space and everything but I still haven't been able to get everything set up the way I want it since I moved in and it's pathetic. I like things being clean and organized but it's been hard because I'm so tired and I hurt all the time. It was also like 85+ degrees in here almost every day this summer despite having the air conditioner and fans on so I was more focused on surviving and not overheating. It's always a mess and I have too much shit and no storage space. I haven't been able to see the floor in a month and every time I start to dig myself out of it, it just gets bad again. I can't find anything.
The whole house is a disaster actually and it breaks my heart because I basically grew up here. It originally belonged to my dad's parents and he and my aunt were also raised here. My family moved in here after my parents got divorced and filed bankruptcy and lost our house that they built and my grandpa and my aunt moved into a smaller house. I've watched this place deteriorate over the years and it used to be such a welcoming and happy place but it's so dark and depressing now. Someday my siblings and I are supposed to inherit it but I'm afraid if it keeps getting worse it will need to be condemned before then. My grandma died here from cancer in 2005 and I feel like her spirit is still lingering. My great grandma also stayed here in the last few years of her life and my room used to be hers. Two of the cats I grew up with (Elmo and Squeakers) also died here last year and my cat Harry always sits in the same spots that they would sit in. I always feel a presence here.
I also might be going crazy because of all of the mold and dust in the house because it is so old. When I lived here before I moved out for the second time, the roof had a massive hole in it from the tree in the backyard. It has since been repaired but it caused a lot of damage. When it rained, I could hear the water flowing through the walls and and it would come out through the light fixtures in the kitchen and there were puddles everywhere. The foundation is sinking. At one point, we had bad termites and they ate away the posts on the front porch. There's only one barely functional shower in the whole house and it's in my dad's room and there are 4 of us in the house so it's annoying. It's super tiny and old and I can't bend over in there and it's extremely uncomfortable. The water doesn't get hot so I'm usually taking 5 minute cold showers. A lot of the appliances don't work very well. The dishwasher is probably from the late 80's or early 90's and the pipes under the kitchen sink are rusting out. The refrigerator leaks and I had to buy my own because I don't feel comfortable putting food in there. I don't like cooking here so I usually have to eat microwaveable stuff or get take out. The washing machine sucks and my clothes don't always get clean and it also leaks every time I use it. There's no dryer and not enough room for everyone to dry their clothes so that's why I have so much laundry to do all the time. My bathroom used to have carpet in it but it was so gross that I had to rip it out myself so only the subfloor is exposed and it's been like that for a long time so I'm not sure if that will ever get replaced. This week I also discovered I can't even use the faucet in my bathroom because it needs to be replaced. My sister's room needs to be redone too and I want to help but I don't know where to start. The basement is full of shit too and a lot of it was my mom's stuff that she had no place for and she will likely never be back for it. Most of it is junk so we're going to have to get a roll-off dumpster in the spring to try to consolidate some of it.
I understand my dad is overwhelmed because he is constantly working and I know he tries to get stuff done around here but it's too much for him sometimes. I want to help too but I can only do so much. I wish my brother would help out a little more since he's a capable adult who doesn't have to do anything ever. He gets to go out and party and does whatever he wants and his girlfriend is always over here. He gets to sit in his room and play video games all day. My dad does everything for him and I think he spoils him because he's his only son. He's healthy enough to work but he doesn't have to. He's never had a job and my dad let him drop out of school. He doesn't even do his own laundry. My brother is also super rude to me. I have tried to talk to him and every time I say hi to him, he just ignores me. My sister is the same way so I feel like we're strangers so I have to spend all of my time in my room pretty much because they don't want me around. I got my sister a birthday present and she didn't even acknowledge it. I wasn't trying to abandon them when I moved to Florida and I still tried to talk to them all the time but they didn't care. I realize I wasn't always the best sister but I didn't know what I was doing and I was trying to parent them when I still needed someone to do that for me. I took care of them and protected them, I tried to be good despite being a horribly unstable teenager. I remember feeding them and changing their diapers but they don't remember any of that. I get it that we've all had a hard time but it hurts that they are the way that they are and I hope they grow out of it. I guess they weren't raised the same way as I was.
I guess I'm also bitter because I've always been expected to meet high expectations and I went and got a job when I was 15. I tried really hard in school or else I got punished. I got grounded all the time. I got grounded and yelled at when I was suicidal and had gashes in my arms instead of being treated with compassion. My mom would stalk my social media and she beat my ass when she found out I was bi so I've been afraid to open about that since then. She also forced me to do a bunch of church stuff so that was traumatizing. She encouraged me to stay with a bad guy because his family was taking me to church with them and she thought it was good for me. She restricted who I spent time with and how long I was gone and I couldn't go more than a few hours without her texting me asking what I was doing. She tried pushing her Xanax and muscle relaxers on me when I was stressed and told my doctor to put me on Prozac which made me worse. I always had to do chores when I was a kid and most of the time I didn't get anything out of it and I was lucky if I got some pennies. I remember having a lot more responsibilities and my mom would even force me to get down on my hands and knees to scrub the floors until my skin was raw as a punishment. She would even make me rub her feet when I was little while she would watch tv and drink and I would have to go fetch things for her so she didn't have to get up. I never realized until I was older how much I was taken advantage of. My brother and sister never had to deal with any of that.
I'm also concerned my car isn't going to make it through the winter. It's 22 years old and I've been driving on a patched brake line since it snapped last fall. My exhaust pipe also rusted apart when I was driving one day so that's just held together with some bolts and screws now. I can't really drive it when it snows or gets icy, but I'm already not very good at driving in those conditions anyway. I usually have to have someone take me to work if it's really bad and I hate relying on people. It's just falling apart in general so hopefully I can find something newer in the near future because it kind of feels like a death trap.
I feel like shit today and I can't stop thinking about stuff. I just have to complain about things sometimes because I know that if I repress it I'm going to explode again and I hate scaring people. My mental health has been garbage lately. I would like to see a psychiatrist at some point possibly but I haven't been able to get time to do it. I also just realized that I may have accidentally double-dosed on my Lamotrigine last night so that could be part of the reason I'm struggling so much today. I should be ok but I'm pretty out of it right now. I guess I'm going to try to get a few things done today while my back still feels good enough as long as I don't get sick. I'm going to do my best to be in a good mood and be happy even though it's really difficult right now. I really hate being a ball of negativity. I truly hope next week is better because I'm tired of being in this slump.
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
Can you write promp 15 to Shuu tsukiyama :) Thank you I love your writings.
I love my writing as well😉. No, but seriously guys. If it wouldn't be for my passion to write, I would have gone on a hiatus the moment I found out that I was being shadowbanned.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, delusions, clinginess, manipulation, paranoia, mentioning of kidnapping, catcalling, sexual harassment, blood, killing, Shuu being a sadist to the victim, eccentricity (?)
Prompt 15: “Shh princess… don’t cry over this scum, he doesn’t deserve your tears.”
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"Kanae!! What happened to her?!?! Why is she crying?!?!"
You hadn't wanted to burst out in tears like this, but replaying the scene in your head over and over again like a movie had caused you unimaginable frustration and embarrassment. Now you remembered why you hated people so much, they were all just greedy and disgusting jerks. Calling you such nasty names in public and daring to go as far as following you. If Kanae wouldn't have been there with you, you didn't even want to imagine what might have happened to you.
"My poor princess! What happened?! Tell me!"
Furious tears were falling down your face, even though you had wiped them away already countless times before. You were not in a very good mood at the moment, you felt quite etchy at the moment. And that was what caused annoyance washing over you when you heard Shuu's cooing words, taking quick steps towards you to comfort you somehow. You knew what would come now. Another smothering session of his. Something you didn't need in the least bit right now. What you needed was time. Alone.
You still tried to stay as calm as possible, not wanting to make a huge scene that would only gain you more annoying attention. All the servants were honestly so much like their master, they all appeared to be overly dramatic when it came to you, the only real exception was Mirumo.
So when you suddenly stepped back from Shuu, lips pressed together and a mixed look out of sadness and anger on your face, you knew that you had hurt him. It was all too obvious judging from his wide eyes, confusion and pain already reflecting in them, and the way he had frozen when you had suddenly put a distance between you two. The hand, which he had extended, was staying in the air, shaking slightly. As always, he was overreacting.
“(y/-y/n)…What did I-“
“You did nothing Shuu. You didn’t do anything. I just wish to be alone right now. So I ask you to do me the favor and leave me alone for once. If you don’t, I might say things to you that will hurt you and which I don’t mean. Don’t test my patience for now.”
You were surprised by your own tone of voice, you sounded extremely rude, annoyance dripping from your voice like venom. It was hard to keep a calm and collected voice under such conditions. But for the reason of you having been well raised and well treated by the people in this place, you wanted to return the favor by doing the same.
You just stormed past both, Kanae and Shuu, without saying a single word, chewing furiously on your lips whilst the voice of the man kept ringing in your head. You felt like you wanted to smash something to relieve yourself of the ocean of emotions inside of you. Today had been the wrong day to convince Shuu with the help of his father to let you out without him.
“Master (y/n)!”, you heard Kanae yelling after you, followed by a thud sound that caused you to turn around shortly, feeling slightly startled by the sudden noise. But you were left feeling a bit surprised when seeing that your company for the last few hours had gone done to her knees, forehead pressed against the floor of the mansion and bowing deeply down in front of you.
“I can never forgive myself for not being able to help you. I failed you! I’m so sorry! It’s all because of my own foolishness and incompetence that you had to go through all of this!”
Her voice was shaking and you guessed that she would break out in tears at any moment, she was just as theatrical as your partner was.
“Kanae, it’s not your fault. We were under too many people, you couldn’t have done more than you did already. And that was already a big help. Also, please don’t refer to me as your master, I don’t like it when I’m being called this way. I see you as a friend, so that makes things always a bit awkward when you call me your master.”
Only the fading and fast footsteps of yours were heard in the silence which followed afterwards, leaving two people left dwelling on what had just happened. Shuu, who was staring with still shocked eyes at the stairs where you had just walked up, and Kanae, who was still remaining in her humble position. Somewhere upstairs the rather loud slam of a door was heard, indicating that you had just entered your room.
Even her master seemed to be left flabbergasted by this sudden change of events, although tears were already starting to fill his eyes. It was not as much because of your rejecting behavior towards him, although that had hurt as well. No, it was because someone had upset his little dove so that she had cried and he hadn’t been there to protect her.
“So eine Scheiße!”, the girl suddenly shouted furiously and frustrated, slamming her head against the floor harshly as if wanting to punish herself.
By now she had bursted out in tears, drops splashing to the ground. “What am I good for when I couldn’t even keep her safe and this-this disgrace away from her?! Now she is angry! Please forgive me Master Shuu. You chose me because you trusted me to protect her, but I was the wrong person to choose.”
The last few sentences of her were told much more softer than the previous ones, only proving to Shuu that Kanae felt beyond miserable for what had happened. But it didn’t answe his question! It only made him more anxious.
What had happened whilst he hadn’t been there?! Who the duck dared to make his lovely darling cry?! Who?!
“Would you just please tell me what happened?!”, he yelled at the servant, his string of patience snapping right then and there and leading him into raising his voice.
Kanae flinched when hearing him shouting at her, the panic in his voice overwhelming her even more. It was all because of her that her master would have to go through the same pain as you as well. How should she even start explaining what had happened without him losing it right away?
“Mast-I mean (y/n)…She has been catcalled! And I was unable to take proper care of this threat! Watching this bastard…It was disgusting! Enraging! This rotten mouth of his…The things he called after her, I wish I could have gouged his tongue out! And he even had the audacity to follow her through the city, using every opportunity he had to spit more gross words out! And (y/n) had to endure all of this without losing her self-restraint. She even had to stop me. She stood her ground without breaking down in front of him. She was so admirable. I should have taken an example on her.”
The confession of the truth hurt, having to go through it all again hurt. Her master’s darling had been so brave, so perfectly in control of her emotions, so empathetic to rather let herself get humiliated instead of risking to let Kanae get triggered and reveal that she was a ghoul in the center of the city. And (y/n) still saw her as a friend! She was so kind. No wonder Master Shuu was so madly in love with her.
After that the ghoul waited for some reaction from him, shouting, yelling, crying, lashing out on her, anything. But nothing came. Instead another silence befell both of them, coming with a creepy feeling. An almost paralyzing feeling that made the violet-haired girl stay on the ground. The air felt like it was weighting her down. She knew this feeling.
"So you're telling me that ma chérie is crying because some walking useless trash thought that he could use her and play her for his own entertainment?"
His voice was beyond spine-chilling, spoken like a true lunatic. His voice sounded for the most part quieter than expected, though it was trembling slightly. But what made her body nearly forget to function out of terror was the icy blood lust in it, like he was on the brink of insanity.
Barely, only barely did Kanae manage to lift her head, enough to catch a glimpse of his face. It only made her break out in cold sweat more. She thanked the heaven that he wasn't looking at her right now, instead staring in the empty space, a murderous grin on his face. His eyes were wide, reflecting the craziness inside of him perfectly. Just by looking at him was enough for Kanae to know that he was tearing the culprit in his mind currently to a bloody and deforedly mess. Her master was thinking like her, she had planned on doing the same. But she hadn't looked that unnerving.
"As much as I would love to torture and rip this waste of oxygen right now, this will have to wait. My princess needs me right now."
The sudden change in his whole personality was delightening yet also the slightest bit stunning for Kanae to witness, how he went from psychopathic sadist to his normal dramatic and lovesick self.
"W-wait! C-can I do something, anything to make somehow up for my failure?", Kanae stuttered out, stopping Shuu from crossing the stairs with huge steps. She had to do something, she felt truly feeble.
Shuu noticed her still majorly guilty expression, giving her a small sympathetic smile. "Don't work yourself up to hard over it now. (y/n) was only right. You would have only done much worse if you would have let lost control then and there. You already did a better job than I did in keeping composure. For now just tell the others to prepare dinner, (y/n)'s favorite. And also..."
The sudden drop in Shuu's voice and his face was a dead giveaway what he wanted to say next. "Let's meet later outside when my darling is sleeping. I believe we have something to take care of, don't we?"
That alone was enough to make Kanae stand up, the anger and feeling of helplessness scratching her feeling of self-esteem. Her master knew that she had a score to settle as well after having only been able to watch. She felt grateful that he took that into reconsideration even though she had let this happen in the first place.
"It would be my pleasure to be from any help. I feel honored that you still chose me."
"Why are you here? I think I told you I want to be alone.", you shot out after Shuu had simply knocked and entered your room without permission, giving you nearly no time to wipe away all the tears on your cheeks. You hated crying in front of people, you hated looking weak and vulnerable and being it as well. That's why you always wanted to be alone when you felt like crying.
"You expect me to just stand away when my dove clearly needs someone right now?! You were just sexually harassed and want me to leave you alone?! Forget it!"
His reaction was what you had seen coming, the paranoia coloring his face being all too obvious and he looked distressed as well. Shuu wasn't good in handling something like this at all, not when it had you being in any sort hurt involved.
"Go away. I look terrible right now.", you just said without replying to what he had just said, though this had been a rhetorical question. You didn't look very good right now, tears smearing all over your face, your eyes reddened and puffy and your nose running due to all the crying.
"That doesn't matter to me. For me you look beatiful no matter what, even if you cry."
Despite feeling upset, you managed to let a chuckling scoff out when you heard the man saying this, still not being completely used to his more cheesy lines. But right now he probablly had the intention to cheer you up.
"Good grief, you're really too much. Let go of me.", you replied slightly ironically in between your sobs when he suddenly just clinged to you, wrapping you up in his arms. It wasn’t uncomfortable though, his hug was warm and managed to soothe you a bit.
You actually shouldn’t feel this way, not in the arms of the man who used to torment and hurt you out of pure and utter sadistic fun. Back then it had just been horror for you. And only thanks to his well-mannered father things had changed for you, only then. You owed Mirumo for that more than you could effort, but his only request had been staying, knowing the attachment his son had for you would never perish. But at the same time you had the feeling his father had helped his son as well, causing you to get along with him better and better until you had started to forget where acting stopped and where real feelings were showing.
“Shh princess…don’t cry over this scum, he doesn’t deserve your tears.”
He had a point. That asshole had wanted to get under your skin which was the second reason you had stayed strong in front of him. But you were human as well, you had feelings which could be hurt. You were currently hurt which was why you needed some sort of comfort right now and Shuu provided it. Maybe a bit too much.
You estimated that you needed about five minutes until you had calmed somewhat down, though the after effects from your crying session still shook your body every once in a while. But you felt the tiniest bit less shitty.
“I think I’m feeling better now. Thank you…Shuu.”, you told him softly, feeling your cheeks warming up the tiniest bit.
He just let out a content ‘hmm’, his chin resting on your shoulder and his one hand playing with your hair a bit. He didn’t look like he had any intentions to move despite you giving him the look. You had a rather silly bad feeling.
“Do you want to let me go?”
“Never. At least not until the dinner is prepared.”
“Shuu.”, you protested slightly, pushing him a bit against the chest which turned out to be good for nothing. He didn’t budge. Instead you could almost see with your inner two eyes on the back of your head that he was grinning upon your attempt to remove him.
“Oh well. I’ll let him have it his way. He deserves it.”
Kanae was walking, as quietly as possible, nervously back and forth. She would never blame her master for anything at all, but maybe she just felt extremely uneasy right now that she wanted to leave desperately. Tokyo was huge and finding one single man would be hard, though she remembered the few broken pieces of informations she had heard when the man had been taken away from some other people who seemed to know him.
“I have to avenge (y/n) or else I’ll never be able to feel like I deserve this happiness.”, the girl thought bitterly, intending to bring suffering over this piece of garbage.
“You seem rather impatient. Believe me, I am just as eager as you are, though we shouldn’t waste too much time with this sad excuse of a man.”
Kanae quickly turned around, anticipation shining from her eyes when she saw Shuu appearing from the shadows, already having put on fitting clothes and holding his mask in his hand.
“I apologize, I simply couldn’t bring myself to leaving my princess alone. She looked too gorgeous to not marvel over. That’s why I want to speed this all up, I want to return to her as fast as possible. It of course doesn’t mean I intend to let this person easily of the hook.”
He chuckled a bit, for a few moments softness dominating his face when recalling the sweet memories of his darling sleeping peacefully. But in the blink of an eye he changed, the lust to kill someone taking over him and twisting his face into something entirely else.
“Kanae, do you know where we should start?”
His voice was terrifying, his feelings and intentions dripping freely from it and a malicious glint shining in his eyes. Not like Kanae minded, her own face being overshadowed by her negative feelings.
“Yes, I do have an idea.”
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shih-coulda-had-it · 3 years
37. NanaHiko, please
37. “Because I love you goddammit!”
Consider this my sourdough starter for a Nanahiko Die Hard AU. If it ever comes into a fully-realized oneshot spectacular, well. Maybe for Christmas. Anyways, this is, believe or not, a break-up scene.
Fighting with Sorahiko is never pretty.
To clarify, Nana doesn’t mean physical fighting. They’ve honed that particular aspect of their partnership to near-perfection (always room for improvement), and when Nana has extricated herself from a fight, sometimes she has enough time to watch Sorahiko work his brutally efficient magic on loose ends.
That kind of fighting is pretty from a professional point of view.
Anyway, what Nana means is—having an argument with Sorahiko. It’s not the first time they’ve engaged in a war of cold shoulders and barbed words, digging up old insults and humiliating stories, resolved to leave reconciliation to the other party.
Nana has always thought it boded well that it never took a mortal injury to get either her or Sorahiko to apologize. 
She is, however, very close to inflicting a mortal injury.
Sorahiko also looks close to committing partner-cide. They are spending a break from patrol by cooling their heels on a rooftop no employee bothers to spend a cigarette break at, and for the past ten minutes, have been politely exchanging words like, “Please do this,” and, “Fuck doing that.”
A full month has passed since Nana digested the whole conspiracy theory about a supervillain controlling Japan’s underground. En’s transferral of One for All had been traumatic for all parties involved, even if Sorahiko didn’t have to witness the horror that was the shoulder socket gushing blood and the half-buried body. Why? Because the first time Nana tested out her new Quirk, she had broken her notoriously hardy partner’s arm.
… It’s been a scary month all around.
“I’m not,” her partner grits out, “going to just quit being a pro-hero.”
“I didn’t say you should ditch the license,” Nana says reasonably.
“You might as well have!”
She rolls her eyes. “Splitting up for a solo career would probably mean better pay for you,” she reiterates. “Better pay, more taiyaki. You’d be a treat by yourself, Gran Torino. Any high-profile agency would want you on the payroll.”
“The salary isn’t the point,” Sorahiko snaps. 
“And you shouldn’t conflate your position as a pro-hero with your position at the Eyrie! Don’t let the agency limit your ambitions!”
“What ambitions?”
“You know,” says Nana, gesturing aimlessly. She’s trapped herself with that useless encouragement. Sorahiko is so thoroughly unambitious, he would let a pet rock win an election to Prime Minister. “Whatever made you get into heroics.”
He stares at her.
“Get out there,” she adds. “Chase your dreams.”
“You’re being stupid,” he says.
“Don’t start.”
Sorahiko starts. His mouth twists into a snarl, eyebrows drawing together under the mask, frustration creeping into his posture. He is madder than she’s ever seen him, and Nana once witnessed Sorahiko yell bloody murder at his landlord. The landlord had been reduced to tears, and furthermore, had reduced the rent for the entire complex.
Nana does not intend to yield.
“First you inherit a transferable strength Quirk that knocks you out of commission for a week,” he says, “then you get all weird about tanking hits you know I can take, and now you’re advising I leave the Eyrie by myself? For my own good?”
“Yes,” she says, already feeling miserable.
“Are you on some kind of power trip?”
His gloved hands curl into fists, mirroring Nana’s, or maybe she is mirroring him. Another side-effect of being friends for so long; she can’t imagine what kind of pro-hero she is without Gran Torino next to her. 
A pro-hero that won’t drag their best friend into the worst conspiracy theory to come true. 
“I won’t quit until you do,” Sorahiko swears. “Are we partners or not?”
“Partnerships dissolve.”
He flinches back for once. “You don’t mean that.”
“People sometimes grow in different ways. It doesn’t mean they’re abandoning their partner, it’s just… You don’t have any obligation to hold my hand for my entire career. If there’s a roadblock ahead, and you see it, you should be able to jump out of the car, right?” 
“Shimura. Shut up.”
“I really mean it,” Nana continues doggedly. “One for All attracts way more attention than we agreed we should aim for, so if we split paths now, you don’t have to suffer all the cameras tracking and recording your moveset. Did I say cameras? I meant henchmen of some evil bastard. You didn’t sign up for this.”
“Don’t tell me what I did or didn’t sign up for,” he hisses.
“Well, I have to guess,” she says, “considering I never saw your origin story, haha!”
His face goes a blotchy pink, starting with his ears. Sorahiko’s jaw visibly clenches. Nana, however, is one-hundred percent serious. Despite being friends with Sorahiko from primary school up till now (excusing the few years of junior high), Nana still has no idea what drives Sorahiko to be Gran Torino.
Reuniting in Class 1-A of U.A. High had felt a bit like fate. 
“You have to guess?” he grits out, sounding slightly incredulous.
“You’re a very private person. Ah, don’t tell me I’ve somehow forgot it.” Nana puts her hands at her hips, trying to drag this fight back into friendly banter. “Not for the applause. Not for the legacy, assuming the Commission ever gets their memorial site set up. Are you sure it wasn’t for the money?”
“C’mon,” she says coaxingly. “What’s the dream-goal, Gran Torino? Why heroics?”
“Don’t worry about harming my feelings! Oh! It’s for your namesake, huh? Ah, Sorahiko, you really gotta let that one go, I don’t think you’d have any fun driving around these streets. You’ll just scare all the pedestrians into throwing tomatoes at your precious baby—”
“Because I love you goddammit!” Sorahiko shouts, barking it loud enough to frighten some voyeuristic pigeons. 
“What,” Nana says. She has to process his words even though they ring in her ears. His confession is a curse. Typical Sorahiko, Nana thinks hysterically, except this is not typical at all. Torino Sorahiko, admitting to love? 
Torino Sorahiko, not being done yet, rails on. “Because you’re my best friend, and I like myself when I’m with you, so stop trying to cut me out of your life! If you—if you hate me, then just say it! Say I’m annoying! Clingy! Useless! Don’t just tell me to step out the front door and leave you behind!”
Oh, he’s properly mad now.
Thing is, Nana’s mad too.
“Don’t you use that against me,” she says, fury seeping in, because how dare he? Like confessing to loving her settles this argument, some deus ex-machina device that will defuse Nana’s very sincere attempt to prevent Sorahiko from being murdered. She can’t believe the nerve of her partner, trying to manipulate the part of her that’s a hopeless romantic. “Don’t lie.”
“Lie?” Sorahiko echoes, enraged. “You think—?”
“I think you would do a lot of things to win a fight,” Nana seethes.
“You’re impossible.”
She wants to punch his stupid face so badly, but Sorahiko’s hands are already scrabbling at his domino mask, ripping it off. After blinking several times to reorient his senses, he refocuses his glare at her.
“What part of that confession sounded fake?” he demands, crumpling the black silk-composite in one fist.
“The timing. The whole concept. Everything!”
“You don’t think I’m capable of it?”
“I didn’t say that,” Nana objects, but her immediate gut reaction had been to say, I’m not worthy of it. She has a name for Gran Torino’s behavior now—his loyalty, devotion, affection—he tied himself to her so long ago, and Nana never even knew she was holding a leash. How unfair to him, how stupid and shortsighted of her.
Sorahiko takes a step into Nana’s personal bubble. He persists. “Say you hate me.”
She can see where Sorahiko wants to take this.
“Do you hate me, Shimura?”
Nana bites her tongue from its reflexive denial; when she tries to lie, it sticks in her throat.
“Do you really want me to go?” Sorahiko asks, and without his mask, he looks vulnerable. Pale brown eyes catching the sunset, gleaming gold. How much of Sorahiko’s life has been deferring his dreams to follow hers? What has he given up that Nana’s never asked about? Does he have any commitments outside of heroics? 
“I think,” Nana finally forces out, “we need some time apart.”
One beat of silence. Two.
“You’re not joking.”
Sorahiko breathes, a steady and barely audible sound, and Nana finds herself mirroring it. She crosses her arms and looks to the horizon. Out of the corner of her eye, she sees Sorahiko slowly uncrumpling his mask, smoothing out wrinkles with his forefinger and thumb. Methodical for a nervous tic.
“It’s not that you’ve done something wrong.”
“Spare me the bullshit,” he says. The bitter tone sends a chill through Nana’s heart, but she steels herself. “How long?”
“Long as we need,” she deflects.
“What’s the goal here?”
Nana glances at Gran Torino, notes the grim set of his expression, and restrains herself from poking at the down-turned twist to his frown. Instead, she says, “You said you like who you are when you’re with me. I don’t think you’ve ever really been without me, so… Figure yourself out, Gran Torino.”
“And Sky High?”
“We’ll shelve the idea for a later time,” says Nana weakly, as though running an agency together hasn’t been their—her?—dream since high school.
He grunts in acknowledgment.
Together, they survey the cityscape. They will finish the day’s patrol. Gran Torino will, for the first time, clock out early and storm home.
And Nana will quietly file her two-week notice.
There’s an international pro-hero exchange program being organized with the United States, and Nana intends to join. The probation period is a year; if Nana can make it through that, then she can apply to be a mentor to aspiring pro-heroes, all the while cultivating One for All on the side.
(She doesn’t mean to forget the confession. But then again, who knows if that’s really what Sorahiko felt for her?)
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zeldah-writes · 4 years
Can’t Lose You (Spencer Reid x Reader)
Summary: A oneshot in which Reid’s injury leads to more than the usual “get well soon” from the reader. (Fluff, tiny angst)
Pairing: Spencer Reid and Reader (female)
Note: Hi there! I’d just like to say that I’m new to all of this and this is all in good fun. I love to read, so I thought that I’d give writing a chance. I’d love to hear what you think. Enjoy :)
Warnings: mentions of death, mentions of weapons, mentions of gunshot wounds, mentions of kidnapping, mentions of cheating, mentions of blood
Word Count: 2,159
“Jonas Everett, put the gun down,” Spencer demanded, as he assessed the situation in front of him.
You and the team have been in San Francisco for the past six days, working through another serial killer case. After many late nights and many phone calls to Garcia back at Quantico, the location and identity of the unsub was finally revealed. 
Right now, Jonas was armed and holding a young girl hostage.
“Who… Who the hell are you?!” Jonas yelled back at Spencer, clearly distraught at the fact that he was being disturbed by the FBI. 
So distraught, that Jonas forced the young girl he had tied up on the floor next to him to stand, while he pointed a gun to her head. The girl cried out, but was muffled by the cloth she had tied around her mouth.
“Alright, it’s okay, look. I’m going to put my gun away,” Spencer slowly lowered his gun and holstered it, putting his hands up after to show Jonas that he wasn’t a threat.
“My name is Spencer Reid and I work for the FBI. Listen Jonas, you have all the control here, I just want to talk. Me and my team have been studying your work. We think that what you’re doing is great and we want to show the world. You want to be famous right? We can make that happen.”
Jonas wasn’t picking his victims at random. The profile suggested that he was most likely hurt by a significant other because the only thing that linked all the victims was that they were all in a relationship where one partner was being unfaithful to the other. That, and the fact that all the victims had the word cheater cut into their forearm.
In the eyes of Jonas, he’s doing everyone a favor by getting rid of all the cheaters he could get his hands on. After killing the victims, he would place them in a public setting out in the open as a way to humiliate them as well as make himself known, without giving away his identity. He wanted any and all the recognition and reactions that the people could give him.
“Y-you think that my work is good?” The hand that Jonas held the gun in trembled as he tried to process what Spencer was saying to him.
“Oh, most definitely. Statistically, about 40% of relationships and 25% of marriages deal with at least one incident of infidelity. I think that all cheaters need to pay for their actions and face the consequences,” Spencer lied, knowing that he needed Jonas to trust him.
“You better not be lying, I need the public to know! They need to know what they’re doing is wrong! Everyone needs to know! You can do that, right?” Jonas yelled, as he took the gun away from the young girls head and pointed it at Spencer again.
“I promise you. I will make sure the whole world knows you name and what you did to keep people safe,” Spencer tried to reason, as he saw you and JJ creep around the corner behind Jonas, making sure to stay out of his line of sight.
Just as Jonas was about to lower his gun and surrender, he noticed Spencer’s eye flicker towards something behind him. That was the moment when Jonas knew Spencer was lying and trying to get into his head.
“You filthy liar! You’re no different!” Jonas became enraged and took a shot at Spencer.
As soon as you sensed danger, you retaliated and fired your gun towards Jonas, but you were a second too late. Your bullet hit Jonas in the back as Spencer got hit in his left shoulder, a place where the bulletproof vest didn’t cover.
Jonas fell to the floor, bringing the young girl with him as he used his last breath to whisper out, “liar.”
“Spencer, oh my gosh!” You sprinted across the empty room to Spencer as JJ ran to the young girl on the floor.
“We have an agent shot down, requesting medical asap please!” You frantically spoke into your earpiece, while applying pressure to Spencer’s wound.
“Y/N, please don’t worry. I’ll be fine. I hate seeing you so stressed out,” Spencer whispered, as he panted heavily. 
“Just stay awake, okay Spence? The medics will be here soon they’ll take care of you.”
After a few seconds, two emergency responders came and took Spencer away on a stretcher, spewing medical terms you couldn’t focus on. You’re biggest concern was Spencer’s well-being. 
“Hey, he’ll be okay. You know how strong he is. Now c’mon, lets go follow them to the hospital,” JJ comforted as she led the way to the SUV parked outside the factory.
Two hours later, you and the team were gathered in the hospital's waiting room, all anxiously waiting for an update on Spencer. 
As you sat with your right leg nervously bouncing, you couldn't help but feel guilty about the whole situation.
Spencer wouldn’t have gotten shot if you noticed the change in behavior quicker. If you hadn’t hesitated to fire your gun. How could you let this happen. What would you do without Spencer? You've already lost too many people in your life, you can’t lose him too. 
When you first started your job at the BAU three years ago, you specifically remembered Spencer catching your eye. He wore black slacks with a navy vest that covered a light blue button up shirt and a tie.
When you and Spencer were first introduced, you barely conversed with each other. You thought it was because Spencer didn’t take a liking to you, as you would always try to strike up a conversation with him, but all your attempts would end up with Spencer finding a way to awkwardly leave the conversation. Unbeknownst to you, however, your theory was far from the truth. When Spencer first saw you, he was entranced by you. He desperately wanted to talk to you, but whenever he tried, he found himself getting too nervous to hold a conversation, so to avoid being further embarrassed, he simply found ways to get as far away from you as possible. 
Just when you were about to reluctantly give up trying to talk to the handsome genius, he gained the courage to make a comment on a book you were reading, which led to a real conversation between the two of you. 
After that conversation, you and Spencer immediately clicked, and as time went on, you two eventually became best friends and basically inseparable. It started off with innocently getting coffee together in the morning and sitting together on the jet, but as you grew closer together, it turned into spending the night at each other’s apartments and being each other’s plus one to events. 
What you neglected to acknowledge, however, was the fact that you were starting to develop a new kind of love for Spencer. A romantic kind of love. 
Just because you pushed the new romantic feelings away doesn’t mean that the rest of the team didn’t pick up on it. According to Garcia, both you and Spencer were ‘blindly in love with each other.’
Despite the teams teasing, you thought that there was no way Spencer would ever be able to reciprocate your feelings. You were convinced that he saw you as a best friend, and absolutely nothing else. 
“Are you all here for Spencer Reid?” a man in scrubs holding a clipboard stood in front of you and your colleagues as you snapped out of your thoughts. 
“Yes, we are,” Hotch said, as him and the rest of the team stood up. 
“Alright, well, the bullet didn’t hit any major arteries or organs which made the surgery fairly easy, for us and Spencer. As for his recovery, I strongly advise for him to take a few weeks away from the field, and he’ll be back in full health rather quickly. He’s starting to gain his consciousness back and you’re all free to visit, but to avoid overwhelming him, one at a time please.”
As you listened to the doctor's words, you felt a big weight on your shoulders just disappear.
He’s okay. Spencer’s okay. 
You bit your lip and glanced at Hotch, seeing him already looking at you. 
There was no doubt he knew how much this was affecting you. 
“Go ahead, Y/N.”
You shot Hotch a small smile and turned to the doctor as he started to lead you to where Spencer was. 
“This is it, room 23D,” the doctor said, as he stopped in front of a closed door with ‘23D’ engraved on a sign next to it. 
“Thank you so much,” you turned to him. 
He nodded with a smile and walked towards a group of doctors a few feet away. 
You took a deep breath to brace yourself, and opened the door. 
“Y/N?” Spencer croaked out as you walked through the door. 
“Spencer… you’re okay,” you sighed in relief, closing the door behind you. 
You walked towards him and sat in a chair next to his bed. He looked tired, no doubt from all the anesthesia. You smiled at him and pushed his messy hair away from his forehead, something you would do often. 
Even after surgery he managed to look so attractive. 
“I am. A little sore, but it’s not like this is my first time getting shot,” Spencer smiled up at you, rubbing your arm that was pushing his hair back. 
“I know, but… I was so worried. Spence, I can’t lose you. I don’t know what I would do with myself. Especially because it was my fault! I shouldn’t have hesitated and-” I started to ramble before Spencer cut me off. 
“It wasn’t your fault. I know you probably don’t believe me, but it’s true. I’m here right now and I’m here to stay. I’m not going anywhere,” Spencer moved his hand that was on my arm to my cheek. He smiled reassuringly, but the action just made my heart beat faster than it was before. 
“I love you, Spencer,” you blurted out. You could feel your face getting warm as Spencer stared at you. 
“I love you too, Y/N,” Spencer replied after a few seconds, thinking that you meant it as a friendly gesture. 
“No, I mean...I just,” you stopped to take a deep breath. “Spencer. I’m in love with you.”
Spencer’s eyes widened, his grip on your cheek loosening. 
You looked down, embarrassed of what you just confessed. You weren’t even sure why you said it. It just came out in the heat of the moment.
“I’m really sorry. I didn’t-”
“Look at me,” Spencer cut you off and took your hand in his, but you refused to move. Gripping tightly, he whispered, “please.”
You cautiously trailed your eyes from the ground up to his chocolate eyes that were intensely focused on you. 
“Y/N, I’m in love with you too.”
Wait. What? Did you hear him correctly?
Spencer laughed lightly and pushed a couple strands of loose hair behind your ear.
“I am so madly in love with you Y/N.”
When those words came out of his mouth, you nearly fainted. On the outside, you kept your composure, but on the inside, you felt like you were on fire and could combust any second. You couldn’t resist the smile that broke out on your face, though. 
“I know you insisted you’re okay, but I do recall you saying you were a bit sore. Is there anything I can do to help,” you bit your lip and smiled at Spencer, subconsciously leaning closer to him.   
“Now that you mention it, I think that a kiss would really make me feel better,” Spencer smirked as he trailed his hand up your arm.
“Yeah? And where would that kiss need to be, Dr. Reid,” your faces only inches apart by now. 
“Right here,” Spencer breathed out as he pulled your face towards his, capturing your lips.
Your hands immediately found themselves tangled in Spencer’s unruly hair, while his hands were grasping your face.
The kiss was so full of passion and love. It felt like two pieces of a puzzle were finally conjoining, like you belonged together. When you kissed him, you felt your whole body heating up with desire. You wanted to stay there and kiss him forever, with no end. 
But alas, the beautiful moment was broken by the need to breathe. 
You were both breathing heavily, as you rested your forehead against his. You stayed in that position for a while before Spencer started to talk. 
“You know, if you keep kissing me like that, I think I’ll recover much faster than the doctor suggested.” 
“Well, we can’t have you away from the field too long, right?”
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boldycrazygirl · 3 years
Most People Think You Go To Either Heaven Or Hell, What I Experienced Was Much, Much Worse
By Elias WitherowUpdated June 26, 2021
 Forest Simon
I slowly opened my eyes. My head was swimming and a dull pain surrounded my throat. I was thirsty. That was the first thing I noticed. I licked my dry lips as my surroundings faded into focus. My body ached and I realized it was because I was tightly bound to a metal chair in the middle of an empty room. The barren concrete walls were stained and dirty, the floor beneath my bare feet was cold and slightly wet.
A single bulb lit the room, dangling from the ceiling by a string. It cast moving shadows and I blinked back darkness. An open door stood before me, but I couldn’t see anything but the wall of a hallway.
I tried to clear my head, tried to remember how I got here. I squeezed my eyes shut and forced myself not to panic. I slowed my breathing and focused my thoughts, desperately trying to summon some recollection of why I was here.
I couldn’t remember anything.
I opened my eyes and exhaled, my parched throat throbbing. I could hear sound echoing off the hallway walls outside the door. Screaming, clanging, howling, all very distant but that did nothing to help calm my nerves.
“Hello?!” I cried, the word tearing at my vocal cords. I felt my chest hitch in pain but I cleared my throat and yelled again.
“Is anyone there!? Hello!?”
The dark hallway remained silent except for the constant echoes. I shut my mouth and tried to wriggle free of my bindings, but the rope was knotted impossibly tight. I fought back against my imagination as it flooded my mind with horrific scenarios of what awaited me. If I could only remember!
Suddenly, footsteps erupted from outside the door, a rapid patter of small feet. My hopes rose and I trained my attention on the door, praying it was help.
A young boy ran into the room, dressed in a red onezie, complete with padded feet. Stretched over his face was a plastic Devil mask. The eye holes revealed massive blue eyes that greeted me curiously. Taken back, I opened my mouth to speak but that’s when I noticed something was off. His eyes were huge, impossibly round and bulging from their sockets. It sent a shiver of unease down my spine, but I shook it off. This child might be able to free me.
“Hey!” I hissed, urgently, “Hey kid, can you get me out of here?!”
The boy took a step closer, cocking his head, but remaining silent.
I rattled my bound arms against the chair, “Cut me free, please, I shouldn’t be here, this is some kind of mistake!”
The boy eyed me behind his strange mask and stopped directly in front of me. He leaned in close and whispered, his voice like wet silk, “You did a bad thing…”
Confused, I shook my head, “No! No this is a mistake! I didn’t do anything!”
The boy’s enormous blue eyes suddenly filled with sadness, “Oh, you did a really, really bad thing…”
I shook my head again, violently, “No! I’m sorry! I don’t remember, just please get me out of this chair!”
Suddenly, before either of us could speak again, a man came charging into the room. He was overweight and dressed in overalls, his grizzled face twisted in seething anger. He was holding a sawed off shotgun in his arms.
“I didn’t do anything!” I cried as he advanced on us, my voice cracking, “I’m not supposed to be here!”
The big man ignored me and instead grabbed the kid and shoved him hard against the wall. The boy grunted as his back struck the concrete and his eyes rose to meet the grizzled man’s.
Wordlessly, the man raised his shotgun, placed it against the boy’s forehead, and blew his head off. Chunks of gore splattered the wall as shock slugged me in the stomach like an iron fist. My ears rang and time seemed to slow as I watched in horror as the headless body crumpled to the ground.
My breath rushed back into my lungs and time seemed to readjust.
“Jesus fucking CHRIST!” I screamed, straining against the ropes, my eyes bulging in horrific shock, “WHAT THE FUCK!?”
The man ignored my screams as he bent down and picked up the boy. He slung the ruined corpse over his shoulder and walked out the doorway.
Suddenly, the hallway erupted with malicious laughter, a chorus of voices all howling in glee. I shut my eyes, the noise deafening, as absolute terror filled my every pore.
After a few moments, the laughter faded and I cautiously opened my eyes, unable to believe what I had just witnessed.
I jumped as I realized there was another man standing before me. He was dressed in a simple, white button down shirt and jeans. His brown hair was cut short and he appeared to be in his early thirties. His green eyes were dull and lifeless, his full lips pulled down at the corners.
“What is going on!? Where am I!?” I cried, new fear pooling in my stomach like hot blood.
The man crossed his arms, “So you’re the new one huh?” He shook his head, “You people disgust me.”
Questions bubbled on my lips but he waved them off with a sharp chop of his hand, slicing the air and demanding my silence.
He ran his tongue over his teeth, sneering, “You look like you’ve already seen some of the horrors this place holds huh? Yes, I can tell by the look in your eyes. You’re terrified. You’ve seen something haven’t you? It doesn’t seem all that bad now does it, looking back? You’ve been here five minutes and already you’re shitting your pants.”
“Where am I?” I gasped, unable to hold back any longer, “What do you people want?”
The man crossed his arms behind his back, “I bet you want to get out of here don’t you? I bet you’d like to go back to your home, your family, everything.”
“Please,” I interrupted, “Whatever I did to you…I’m sorry, I really am, but I don’t remember!”
The man rolled his eyes, “You didn’t do anything to me. You did it to yourself. You really don’t remember anything?”
I shook my head and felt tears brimming in my eyes, liquid fear.
The man looked at me with contempt, “You waited until your wife left for work and then you went out to the woodshed and hung yourself. You’re dead.”
The recent memory rose in my mind like a monster from a bog. My eyes went wide. As much as I wanted to deny it…he was right. I had killed myself. The incident tore through my brain like a bullet train and left me reeling.
“I’m Danny, by the way,” the man said, ignoring the shocked look on my face, “And I’m number two here. I run the orientation process. I want to make this quick because I’m tired of repeating this fucking thing to you pathetic Suicidals. You get one question before I begin.”
He stared down at me and I scrambled to organize my thoughts into something cohesive. This was all horrifying. Why had I killed myself? I fought against the fog and panic and the mists of confusion slowly began to lift. I had just lost my job. Yes…that was the start. I squeezed my eyes shut and forced more of the memory to emerge. I had lost my job and I was about to lose the house. My wife…Tess…she found out and was going to leave me. I didn’t have any way out, didn’t have any options. Getting fired had come out of the blue and I didn’t have much in savings. I was broke, soon to be homeless, and my wife hated me for it. There was something else…yes…that’s right. She had been cheating on me. I had seen texts on her phone while she slept one night and confirmed my suspicions. My life had degraded to shit and I had run out of options. Humiliated and ashamed, I had decided death was my only option.
“Hey, fucker, do you have a question or not?” Danny said, snapping his fingers in front of my face.
I was sucked back into reality and I asked the only question that mattered.
“Is this Hell?”
Danny snorted, “That’s always what you people ask.” He began to pace back and forth in front of me, “No. This is not Hell. It’s not Heaven either. This is the Black Farm. And no, I didn’t name it that. This is where God sends the souls who have ended their own life. Suicidals. You see, he doesn’t really know what to do with you…and neither does the Devil. There are genuinely good people who kill themselves. Seems cruel to banish them to Hell for all eternity for a moment of weakness right? Personally, I think God and the Devil were just tired of arguing about it. And so, they send them here, to the Black Farm.”
“Did…did God create this place?” I asked, growing more and more confused.
Danny spit on the floor, chuckling, “Sure, at some point. But he lost control of it when he put The Pig in charge.”
“What’s The Pig?” I asked, unsure I wanted to know the answer.
Danny held up a hand, annoyed, “Can I fucking finish? God created this place, eons ago, put The Pig in charge, and then forgot about it for a while. Well, when his back was turned, The Pig decided to use his new powers to try and create his own little world. This mess you see around you is the fractured remains of that experiment. The Black Farm use to be a lot nicer, but The Pig wanted things to be different. He wanted to create his own vision. These people you see, these monsters? They are The Pig’s attempts at creating functioning life. Instead of mirroring God’s Earth, these mutated horrible creations are full of sin and hatred. They run rampant here, unabashed. This place is chaos. The Black Farm is a circus of freaks and monsters. And it’s your eternity.”
Fear boiled in my gut like thick oil. No. No this couldn’t be my end. I didn’t believe in stuff like this. This wasn’t real! I would wake up soon and realize I was just having a nightmare! That had to be it!
Danny stood before me and lightly slapped my face, “Hey, hey! Don’t go into hysterics on me. I haven’t finished yet.”
I raised my teary eyes to meet his.
Danny smiled, “You can always Feed the Pig.”
My breath pushed from my lungs like burning steam, “W-what does that mean?”
Danny spread his hands, still smiling, “It’s as simple as that. Feed the Pig. If you do so, there’s a chance he’ll send you back to your life.”
“A-and w-what happens if it doesn’t?” I bumbled.
“You get sent to Hell. So flip a coin if you have one. Stay here with us or Feed the Pig. If you choose to stay, I’ll let you go…I’ll let you go out there,” he said, pointing towards the door, “But let me assure you…what awaits you at the end of the hallway…well…let’s just say Hell isn’t that much worse.”
I swallowed hard, trying my best to digest everything. Why wouldn’t I try Feeding the Pig? Whatever that meant. If there was even a sliver of hope, I would take it. An eternity in this place, the Black Farm, be sent to Hell, or…or Feed the Pig? I would do anything for a chance to go back. This nightmare made my problems seem nothing in comparison.
Danny raised a hand before I could speak, “I’ll let you think on it a while. I’ll be back later.”
“I want to Feed the Pig!” I cried, not wanting to spend another second in this awful room. I could hear a woman screaming down the hallway, her cries rising as something meaty pounded into her. My breath came in sharp pulls and my throat burned. Danny noticed the noise and grinned.
“Sounds pretty bad huh?” He said softly as the woman’s voice creaked with agony. Something was still slamming into her, the sound of beaten flesh igniting my imagination with horrors.
“Please,” I gasped, breathless, “Just…just let me Feed the Pig. I don’t want to stay here any longer.”
Danny turned away from me, “I’ll be back later. Enjoy your time alone. Really think about your situation. Weigh your options. And remember…you put yourself here.”
And with that he was gone, leaving me in the dim room.
Tears streamed down my face.
The woman didn’t stop screaming for hours.
At some point, I fell into a semi-sleep. The darkness in the room seemed to press in on me and my eyes fluttered shut. My body ached and my throat was a halo of fire. Thirst raked at my windpipe like sharp glass. My lips felt like crumpled paper. My head thundered like a drum. The room swam in and out of focus and my mind drifted towards the horrific sounds that never ended.
I was lost in a haze, unaware that something was sliding into the room until I felt a sharp prick on my big toe. I jolted out of my daze as my bare foot ignited with pain. I screamed and tried to move, but my bindings held me tight.
The room rushed back into focus and I blinked in agony as I felt blood trickle between my toes. I looked down for the source of pain and I felt a scream claw up my throat.
Staring up at me was an armless man. He slithered on the floor like a worm, his bald head scabbed and filthy. His legs were wrapped together in barbed wire, forcing him to wriggle his body to move. His eye were lidless and wide, two bloodshot white orbs that stared up at me with hungry intensity. His teeth had been removed and replaced with long screws which jutted from his bleeding gums like a broken rock formation.
Around his neck was a chain leash, which I followed across the floor to the open door. The end of the leash was held by a tall, naked man. His body was hairless and flabby, covered in similar scabs like his pet. A dirty bag was pulled over his head that hid his features except for a single red eye that peeked out at me from a crude cut in the cloth.
He stared at me and groped his engorged penis, his breath heavy and labored. As the armless man wriggled towards me again, his master started to masturbate. I screamed as the screw filled mouth bit at me again and my cries seemed to stimulate the naked man even more.
“Get off of me! Stop it!” I screamed, horrified. I tried to kick at the man, doing my best to avoid his sharp metal teeth. I brought my heel down on his head and he screamed as his face bounced off the floor.
A moan of pleasure escaped the bagged man’s mouth and I turned away as a mist of black sprayed out onto the floor. There was a rattle of chains and I turned back to see the two of them leaving, the armless man dragged by his neck out the door. I looked at where the bagged man had ejaculated and saw a puddle of dead ants. I vomited onto myself, thick chunky curtains of bile and slime.
“GET ME OUT OF HERE!” I screamed, strands of puke running down my chin, “I DON’T BELONG HERE!”
I listened to the two men retreat down the hallway, the clank of chains accompanied by the sound of flesh being dragged across the concrete. I screamed again, but I knew no one was going to help me. I spit a wad of phlegm and bile onto the floor, ridding my mouth of its sourness. I forced myself to calm down. It wasn’t easy.
After some time, I heard someone else approaching. I had been in a miserable lull, my mind a blank canvas of dark despair, but the noise roused me from my trance like state. The muscles in my arms burned from being restrained for so long and I shifted them desperately, trying my best to prepare myself for whatever horror was about to walk through the door.
Footsteps drew closer and then a woman walked into the room. She stopped at the doorway and looked at me. One of her eyes was missing, a dark cavernous hole in her skull. Her hair was ratty and wild, a brown tangle like a forgotten nest. Her skin was pale and filthy and she was dressed in rags. I couldn’t tell how old she was, but there was maturity in her one good eye.
“Still thinking?” She asked, her voice course and brittle.
She took a step closer, “Are you still deciding whether you’re going to Feed the Pig or not?”
I looked at her cautiously, “Yeah…I am. Who are you? What do you want?”
“I was once where you are now,” She said, “trying to decide my fate. I couldn’t believe that this was what happened…what happened after we die. It wasn’t what I was taught…religion didn’t warn me about this place.”
I tested my bindings again before asking, “You killed yourself too? You’re a person like me? You’re not one of those…those creations?”
She snorted, “Breaks my heart you have to ask, though,” she touched the hole where her eye should have been, “Though I can understand your caution. Yeah, I’m a Suicidal. I’ve been here a long, long time. But that was my choice. I decided to chance it here.”
I motioned with my head towards the door, “What’s out there? What is all this?”
She exhaled heavily and leaned against the wall, “I can’t even begin to describe this place. It’s like nothing you’ve ever seen. You walk down that hallway and go out…into it…and…” she swallowed, “You’d have to see it to understand.”
“How bad is it? Why are all these mutated people hurting and killing each other?” I asked.
She let her head loll back against the wall, “It would take years for you to fully understand this place. Years you don’t have. Right now you have to make a decision. Stay or Feed the Pig. They tell me Hell is worse than here, but it can’t be by much. Monsters and Suicidals roam the Black Farm…killing, raping, brutalizing…and then you wake up and wonder how long you can survive before something else kills you. It’s an endless cycle.”
“So why did you stay?” I pressed, “Why didn’t you Feed the Pig? I don’t even know what that means, but I would do anything for a chance to go back. I can’t stay here, I…I just can’t!”
She smiled sadly at me, “Why? Why did I choose this? It’s simple really. I’m a coward. I was a coward when I was alive and I’m a coward in death. When it came down to it, when the moment presented itself, I chose to stay here. I didn’t know what awaited me outside. It boiled down to a simple choice fueled by my own fear.”
“What is The Pig? What does it do to you?” I pressed.
She suddenly turned to go, “I’m afraid that’s for you to find out. But let me warn you. Think hard before you make a decision. Sometimes suffering through your fear is better than suffering for eternity. Be brave.”
“What do I do!?” I yelled, shaking in my chair as she walked out the door.
She paused and took one last look over her shoulder. Her eyes darted around and she dropped her voice to a whisper, “Feed the Pig.”
And with that she was gone.
I sat in silence once again. My mind was spinning, desperately turning over my options. I still couldn’t fully understand the situation I was in. It was too much, too overwhelming. The other side of death wasn’t supposed to be like this. I didn’t know what I had expected, but it wasn’t this nightmare. Questions crashed over my mind like cold waves onto a sinking ship. How was I supposed to make a choice when I didn’t even know what my actions entailed?
This place, the Black Farm…I couldn’t stay here. But what if I went to Hell? What if I didn’t get sent back? I would be out of the fire and into the frying pan. My existence would forever be damned to unending misery. Here though…here there were people like me. Suicidals. It wasn’t all monsters and mutilated murderers. Maybe I could hole up somewhere with them, try to scrape together a passable existence. Surely that would be better than getting sent to Hell!
No. No this wasn’t going to be how I spent my eternity. I refused to let it be. If there was even the slightest sliver of hope, I would take it. I didn’t want to wonder what could have been. I didn’t want to be tormented by doubt. I would Feed the Pig and accept whatever fate chose for me. When I boiled it down, that was the only option left.
I would Feed the Pig.
“Hey! Hello!? Danny!” I yelled, rattling in my chair. “I’ve made my decision! Danny!”
After a couple seconds, I heard footsteps echo down the hall towards me.
Danny walked through the doorway, an annoyed look on his face.
“I’ve made my choice,” I said, “I’m going to Feed the Pig.”
“Sounds like you’ve really thought a lot about it since I left you,” Danny said sarcastically.
I licked my lips, “You’d do the same thing if you were in my place.”
Danny walked behind me, “I was in your place once. And I chose differently.” My eyes widened and then Danny wrapped my entire head with a strip of thin cloth, blinding me. I sucked in as much air as I could, but each lungful felt empty.
I felt Danny cut me free from the chair and my body sighed as my stiff muscles were released. I rolled my shoulders as my hands were released and I moaned with relief. I dug my fingers into my back and I stretched, my bones creaking.
“Keep your blindfold on and follow me,” Danny said, pulling me up.
My legs shook as I put weight on them, my thighs trembling after their long cemented position. I groped blindly in front of me and found Danny’s shoulder. I rested my hand on it as he walked us out of the room.
As were entered the hallway, I could suddenly hear sound I hadn’t before. The clank of metal, a long fleshy tearing noise, something vomiting…these sounds sprang to life in my ears, painting the darkness before my eyes with imaginary scenes of horror. I gripped Danny’s shoulder tighter, stumbling behind him, my heart thundering.
I heard something trailing behind us, but Danny didn’t seem to notice. Or if he did, he didn’t care. Flesh slapped the concrete mere inches behind me and I suddenly felt hot breath on my neck and the click of a wet tongue against gums. My breathing became even more labored as fear choked me.
“Go’in ta feed da piggy are ya?” Something whispered in my ear. I felt something press against the back of my head and I tried not to think about what it might be. It was wet and slimy and I heard the thing chuckle.
“Ee’s a ‘ungry piggy, you make shor’ ee gets iz meal now,” the thing whispered again, its voice low and unlike anything I had ever heard before. It was like a series of grunts and moans jumbled together to form broken words.
To my relief, I heard the thing retreat back to wherever it had come from and I continued to follow Danny. He remained silent as we walked and I could feel shifts in the air. The thick heat gave way to a cooler, almost pleasant temperature, but then it kept decreasing and soon I was shivering violently against the cold. I couldn’t see anything but I felt a breeze on my face, like we were outside. I didn’t hear Danny open any doors, but nothing about this place was natural. It was like reality blurred and bled into itself, like reels of film melting together.
Teeth chattering, I was suddenly blasted with intense heat and I gasped. My feet tripped over themselves as the terrain changed and I was suddenly walking on what felt like warm iron. My ears were filled with the sound of blazing furnaces and the clash of working machinery. I couldn’t see it, but I felt like there was a vast open expanse overhead. I smelled ash and tasted dirt on my tongue, sweat already forming along my spine.
Suddenly, I crashed into Danny as he came to a halt. I backed up a few paces, quickly, and muttered my apologies. I could hear movement in front of us, a rustle of chains and an odd clicking sound on the metal floor. Something else too…something…snorting.
And then the room filled with a deafening sound of an immense pig squealing. I covered my ears, head splitting at the high pitched wail. I grit my teeth as the noise echoed off the metal and faded into a series of snorts and grunts.
It sounded absolutely enormous.
“I’ve brought another one,” Danny announced, a slight tinge of respect lining his voice. “He wants to Feed the Pig.”
I waited, expecting to hear some answer, the cloth around my eyes sealing my sight to darkness. I realized my knees were shaking and my back was coated in sweat. I was terrified.
“If that is what you wish,” Danny said and I felt him bow under my hand. Apparently some unseen conversation had just happened and Danny took my wrist and pushed me forward.
“Approach The Pig,” he instructed.
My whole body trembled and my knees locked into place. Robbed from sight, I raised my hands, trying to get my bearings, the heat and ash filling my head with nausea. I felt like I was going to throw up, my stomach rolling like a dead sea. I didn’t know where I was or what horror lay before me. I felt lost and tiny, a fresh splash of tears dripping from my eyes and soaking into the cloth around my face.
“P-please,” I begged, “Let me see what’s happening.”
Danny was suddenly behind me, pushing me forward. He guided my hands towards something as we stepped together in unison. Even with the cloth around my face, I could see a giant mass of towering darkness before me. It was a spot of black on an already darkened canvas.
As we walked forward, I was suddenly assaulted by a horrendous smell and I gagged, turning away. Danny’s grip tightened and forced me to continue. I could sense something just in front of me, a living shifting mass of flesh. The smell increased to a wretched level and I gagged again. Then hot air was being blown on my face, a blast of heat that came in repeated short bursts.
I vomited into my cloth, the source of the smell stemming from the hot air. I choked as the bile gushed over the fabric, soaking it and momentarily cutting off my oxygen. Danny slapped my hands away and I took a few seconds to steady my breathing again. I was opening crying now, fear and misery collapsing my willpower.
The wet cloth stunk as I sucked in soggy breaths. My own stomach acid coated my skin and I begged for all of this to be over.
And then something squealed directly in front of me.
I felt my bladder go. I was standing before The Pig.
It was the source of darkness in my obscured vision; a fat, titanic creature that filled my senses with every breath it blew into my face.
Danny raised my hands and suddenly I was touching The Pig’s snout. I recoiled immediately, but Danny forced my hands back. Its fur was stiff and brittle and as my shaking hands explored up its nose, the size of the animal became clear to me.
It was gigantic and had weight over a ton. Its flesh wiggled under my sweating hands and it opened its mouth slightly. My fingers curled around teeth the size of kitchen knives and I realized its mouth was absolutely cavernous.
The Pig squealed again and I heard its hooves clack against the ground. It sounded like thunder rolling across an open field in the middle of summer.
“Take this blindfold off, please,” I begged, my legs turning to jelly.
Danny had taken a few steps back and I heard reverence in his voice, “You don’t want to do that.”
I jumped as The Pig nudged me with its nose, the wet circle of flesh squishing against the length of my face. I shuddered away, raising my hands and omitting a cry of fear.
“Feed the Pig,” Danny instructed, his voice like cold steel now. “You made your choice. Now live with it. It’s the only chance you have of going back. Or maybe The Pig won’t like how you taste and send you to Hell. Only one way to find out.”
My eyes widened behind the vomit soaked cloth, “Won’t…like…how I taste?!”
“Climb into its mouth.”
My bladder let go again and I felt warm piss run down my leg, “N-no…no you can’t mean…”
Danny’s voice hardened, “Climb into its mouth and don’t stop crawling forward until its done with you.”
“P-please,” I begged, turning towards Danny’s voice, reaching out blindly, “Please there has to be some other way…don’t make me do this!” I was a mess of snot and tears, my words bumbling from my mouth like a toddler.
Danny stepped forward and spun me back to face The Pig, “DO IT! You made your choice! It will all be over soon! This is your only CHANCE!”
I could feel The Pig breathing onto my face, its snout mere inches from mine. The smell and heat it omitted made me want to vomit again but I held it back. This was insane, this wasn’t happening. My mind spun and twisted in chaos and fear. There had to be some other way. I couldn’t do this, I COULD NOT do this!
Suddenly I remembered the words of the woman: Sometimes suffering through your fear is better than suffering for eternity. Be brave.
This was my only chance to get back to the world of the living. I had made such a terrible mistake in killing myself. If I could go back and change my life, I wouldn’t have to spend eternity here. I could change my ways, ensure a spot somewhere else. Somewhere away from The Pig. But what if it decided to send me to Hell? How much more suffering could I endure?
I had to take the chance.
“Please, God,” I whispered, taking a step forward, “If you can hear me…please…have mercy on me.”
My shaking hands reached out for The Pig and I grasped its thick fur. I felt it slowly lower its head and open its mouth. It was waiting for me, its thick, hot breath stinking in my nostrils. This was it. No turning back now.
I slowly gripped its teeth and pulled myself forward into its jaws. Its head was at a downward angle and so I immediately fell onto my stomach at a forty-five degree angle. Its wet tongue squished under me and I was shaking so hard I could barely breath. Tears soaked my blindfold and my heart crunched against my ribs.
I slowly reached forward and found another tooth to grab onto. Gritting my teeth, I pulled my body inward past my knees. The Pig raised its head and I was suddenly completely horizontal on its tongue.
Saliva and mucus dripped around me and the heat was so intense I almost blacked out. My knees clacked against its front teeth as I pulled myself even deeper. Its inner cheeks pressed in around me, squeezing my body like a soaking fleshy coffin.
Crying, terrified, I reached ahead of me and found more teeth. I pulled myself deeper into its mouth and I felt my feet slide past its lips. My whole body was coated in slime and I openly wept, grasping in the darkness for another tooth.
And that’s when The Pig started to chew on me.
I screamed in crushing agony as my body was compressed between its massive teeth. I heard my legs snap instantly and felt wet bone pop from my skin. I shook violently as my body spasmed in shock, a mangled twist of blood and pain.
Its tongue shifted me in its mouth and I felt it bite down on my shoulder. My eyes bulged in their sockets as I howled, a hot pillar crunching down on my collar bone. I threw up violently, unable to control myself, the pain overwhelming.
Keep crawling.
Screaming, bloodshot eyes rolling wildly, I reached forward with my good arm, wetly searching for another tooth. I grit my teeth, blood squirting between them, as my fingers wrapped around something solid.
The Pig bit down again, its tongue twisting my body so its molars could snap down on my knees. The pain brought darkness, but my howling screams forced my eyes to remain open.
“JESUS MAKE IT STOP!” I bellowed, my trembling hand still gripping the tooth ahead of me, “PLEASE MAKE IT FUCKING STOP!”
I ground my teeth together so hard they cracked, screaming as I slowly pulled my body deeper into the mouth.
Something was changing, the tights walls of its throat squeezed my head and I realized I was almost through.
“COME ON YOU MOTHERFUCKER! COME ON!” I begged, vocal cords cracking. I reached ahead of me and grabbed onto a thick wad of flesh. My head felt like it was splitting and The Pig bit down on me again.
I gasped, blood exploding from my mouth in a great gush of red.
It had pierced through my stomach, obliterating my insides like bloated noodles. Darkness rushed in on me and I was in too much shock to even scream.
With the last of my strength, right as the blackness took me, I pulled myself forward one last time and felt myself slide down its throat.
Darkness. Falling…screaming. I was screaming. Heat. Heat so intense I thought I would melt.
Clanging. Something was hammering on a metal. Colors and images flew past me so quickly I could only make out their shape. Blood poured into my eyes.
I felt like I would keep falling forever.
Suddenly, my eyes snapped open and I was falling, my breath rushing back into my lungs in a great wave of purity. My face bounced off wood floor and I cried out as I felt my nose break. I tasted blood and saw stars.
I had stopped falling.
There was a ring of burning fire around my throat and I felt impossibly thirsty.
I was lying on the floor.
I slowly opened my eyes again and the darkness began to fade like morning mist under a hot sun. Colors blended together and shapes came into focus.
I was in my woodshed.
I reached up around my throat and grasped at the source of heat. It was the rope I had hung myself with, but now it was severed, releasing me from the grip of death.
Relief rolled over me in overwhelming waves of thanks. I curled up on the floor and sobbed, tears dripping from my eyes onto the dirty floor. My body shook, unbroken, as I wept, wet horse cries rising from my quivering lips.
I had been spared. I was alive again.
From my spot on the floor, I turned my eyes upward, my voice cracking, “Thank you God. Oh thank you.” I fell into another fit of uncontrollable sobbing, “I promise I won’t waste my life again. I promise I’ll make things right, I’ll fix everything.”
I don’t know how long it was before I got up. Time seemed to stretch for eternity. My mind refused to rebuild, the horrors of what I had just witnessed crushing me.
But I knew I would do everything I could to make the most out of my life. I was going to live every day to the fullest. I would devote myself to helping others in dark times. I would reach out to as many Suicidals as I could and try to save them from awaited on the other side.
I didn’t want anyone else to have to witness the horrors of suicide.
I didn’t want anyone else to have to Feed the Pig.
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About the author
Elias is a prolific author of horror fiction. His books include The Third Parent, The Black Farm, Return to the Black Farm,and The Worst Kind of Monsters.

“Growing up reading the works of King, admiring the art of Geiger, and knowing fiends like Pinhead left me as a pretty jaded horror fan today. It takes a lot to get the breath to hitch in my throat and the hair on the back of my neck to stand on end.. My fiance is quite similar, so when he eagerly begged me to let him read me a short story about The Black Farm by Elias Witherow, I knew it had to be good... And I was not dissapointed. Elias has a way of painting a picture that you can feel with all your senses and plays the tunes of terror created when our world meets one much more dark and forces you to keep turning the pages hungry for more.” —C. Houser
Follow Elias on or read more articles from Elias on Thought Catalog.
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My Arm Was Amputated, And Something Really Weird Is Happening With My Phantom Limb
11 notes · View notes
random-mha-thoughts · 5 years
Jerk (Todoroki x Reader)
Pairing: Todoroki x Fem!Reader
@adainelartz​ asked:  “ I read your oneshots and I think they're great! I wanted to request an angst (sad or hapy end) oneshot where the reader has a fire quirk or something similar, and Shouto and Her had been classmate in elementary or middle school and people used to bully Y/n chan for thinking she could be like endeavor with her being weak or a top hero with a quirk like hers and Shouto just watches every beat ups given to y/n chan and Y/n chan decides to snap in UA and take revenge and targets to hurt Shouto most.”
Genre: Angst to slight fluff
Word count: 3,361
Tags:  @yuki-osaki​ @liviitehe​ @iamsoftsodonttoucheume-blog​ 
a/n:  I swear this was going to take a shorter amount of time to write and it was going to be a lot shorter as well.  But what can I say, I’m a writer; I write, my brain starts working, I write more, the gears turns more, what do I do, say no?  No, I keep writing.
This ending isn't the best and it feels kind of rushed, but I also didn't know how else to end it and I wanted to hurry and finish it and I already almost fell asleep sitting up at my keyboard at least twice, so I wrote the first thing that came to my head.  I hope I did your request justice, babe~ Thank you again for letting me write it~
Also, if you haven’t seen, I hit 600 followers yesterday!  Though I don’t know why you all are here, thank you for being here and sticking through my poor update schedule.  I appreciate you all.  Enjoy the story~
I hate him.
He's oblivious as I bore holes into the back of his head.  Mr. I-Got-In-On-Recommendation just sits there studying like the studious boy he is.  Everyone thinks he's so great, but I know he's no better than a bully.
"Are you okay, (Y/n)?" Jirou asks, eyeing me warily as he headphone jacks flit around.  "You need to calm down, your food's already dead."
Looking down, there were holes in my salmon from me poking at it.  "I'm fine, just thinking of something."
"You must be thinking of killing someone then," Kaminari laughs nervously, scooting an inch away from me.  "I'd hate to be on the receiving end of that."
He flinches when I smirk at him.  "You probably should be."  I'm only joking, but after Bakugou, I'm the next scariest person in 1-A.  It doesn't help that my quirk is also dangerous.
But it wasn't always that way, unfortunately.  Back in middle school, I could barely light a candle with my fire quirk, flames barely stuttering out a cold, dark red flame before collapsing on itself.  I've always been vocal about being a powerful top hero, and my quirk should've matched those ambitions.  Instead, I was a weakling.  No one believed me or took me seriously.  They laughed at me, teased me, scoffed at me, disregarded all my dreams.  But I never gave up, I kept my dreams close to me and resolved to work harder.
I tried befriending Todoroki just because I thought he could give me pointers, since he has a Fire quirk also, but he wasn't very open to making friends or talking about that half of his quirk.  In fact, he was always cold to everyone, but somehow he was still popular.  So popular that some girls in my classes berated me for getting close to him.  They were my worst bullies; just because I tried being friendly with their crush, they started teasing me about how weak I was, humiliating me in front of the class, writing nasty messages on my desk, pouring water on me.  It even got to the point where they started pulling me out after class and during lunch to beat me up.  I would be the punching bag or target of all their quirks.
"This is what a real hero fights like!  Not some puny whore like you!"
They'd growl and laugh at me, and I couldn't defend myself.  And on a few occasions, I'd see Todoroki standing a distance away as I was battered and bruised.
I didn't care that he didn't know it was because of him that I was being abused.  I was angry because he just stood there, watching as those girls beat me up and called me names.  I curse his apathy, those cold eyes as he stared right at me, met eyes with me, and chose to walk away as if nothing was happening.  Just because his quirk is already strong, he looked down on weak fools like me.  What a pompous asshole.
Months before entrance exams, I'd had enough of being a busted-up rag doll.  I trained late into the wee hours of morning, pouring over countless online guides for unleashing your quirk.  The first time I was able to sustain a bright red flame for more than 30 seconds, I almost cried in victory.  The more I trained, the more powerful and hotter my flames became, spanning from red to orange to bright yellow, even white in short bursts.  By the time the UA Entrance Exam rolled around, I'd attained incredible control over the temperature and sizes of flames I can make.  Getting into UA has been my best achievement since I worked so hard for it.
Imagine how bitter I was when I heard Todoroki got in on recommendations.
I wasn't just bitter, I was pissed.  A cold, pompous jerk like him got in just because he's known to have a really powerful quirk and his father is a Pro Hero.  He doesn't even have a hero attitude!  How can someone who doesn't even help a bully victim be a real hero?
From the first day of starting UA, I vowed to make Shouto Todoroki pay for his mistakes.
"Hey, (Y/n)?"  Kirishima places a hand on my shoulder as we walk back to our classroom.  "You went to the same junior high as Todoroki, right?"
"Yeah, why?"  I try not to visibly bristle at his name.
Shark-Teeth hesitates, trying to word his next question as delicate as possible as his features twist awkwardly.  "You two aren't very fond of each other, are you?"
"We just didn't talk," I put it bluntly.
Kiri rubs behind his neck.  "I would've thought that, you know, since you two have similar quirks you would've at least-"
"He's not a very..."  Friendly, kind, decent- "Talkative person.  He didn't really have friends in school."  I sit down in my seat and pull out my books, signalling I want to end the conversation.
Thankfully, Kirishima recognizes this, mouthing an "Okay..." before retreating to his own seat for class to begin.
Later that day, we're into duo teams for battle trials.  My teammate ends up being Ojiro.  At least it's not that jerk.  As Bakugou and Midoriya fight it out, we're discussing tactics in the back of the room.
"You're much better at close combat than me," I explain, "So you should go out and take on the other members while I guard the weapon.  If you need backup, I'll come out to help you."  I already anticipate how Todoroki's going to attack.  Being pitted against him is the perfect opportunity for me to get back at him.
When it's our turn, we set up inside the building near the weapon.  I tug my gloves over my long sleeves.  "Stay behind me.  Whatever happens, don't panic," I mutter as I stand near the blond's tail.
Ojiro's confused expression is about to ask me why when the entire building starts rumbling.  I activate orange fire out of my hands as the ice starts sweeping inside the room.  Typical.  At first, the ice is about to trap us, but I expand the size of the flames and sweep them over the entire inside of the room, careful not to burn the weapon.
"How did you know he would do that?" Ojiro asks, obviously impressed by my foresight.
"Instinct.  Todoroki's going to come in here thinking he's frozen us to capture the warhead.  When he does, I'll distract him while you run out and get the jump on Shoji, okay?"
As I predicted, Todoroki strolls into the room, eyebrows furrowing when he sees the room is completely rid of ice.  "What-"
I don't give him chance to react as I blow orange flames directly at him.  He puts up an ice barrier in the nick of time, my quirk completely encompassing him in heat.  I nod for my teammate to hurry, and follows my orders, slipping through the door and bouncing out a window.
You're mine, jackass.  I rush at him through the flames, heart pumping fresh rage through my veins.  He raises his arm to shoot ice at me, but I jump up above him, propelling myself with flames from my left hand and shooting from my other one at him once I'm soaring near the back of his head.  Landing right behind, I swipe his legs before he can spot me, effective in tripping him to his knee.  I kick down, sending him onto his face with a groan.  Gotcha.
Unfortunately for me, his right arm finds my ankle, sending numbing ice up my leg.  "You can't win that easily," I grit out.  I step on his free left wrist, hearing the crack under my foot, and shoot another flame blast at the ice on my leg.  Ignoring his grunts of pain, I crouch down and pin his right hand behind his back.  "And that's checkmate, Todoroki-san."
"Alright, that's enough, Young (Y/n)!"  All Might yells out through the speakers.  "The villain team has captured the hero team!"
Smirking, I shove Todoroki aside and walk away without bothering to look at him again.  "So much for someone getting into UA on recommendations," I mutter to myself.
Once I'm out of the building, Ojiro raises an eyebrow at me.  "Where's Todoroki?"
I simply shrug.  "He'll be down in a little, I guess."
Turning back around, the jerk is exiting out of the building, nursing his left wrist against his chest.  I face away quickly, just a twinge of guilt invading my mind.
"Hey, (Y/n), I think he's hurt," Ojiro's calm voice points out.
I scowl at him.  "It's just his wrist, he'll be fine," I bark, stomping off to the rest of the class.  It's not fair that I feel guilty, he deserves it!
"You sure there's no beef between you and Todoroki?" Kirishima asks as he walks next to me at the end of the day.
"Fuck off, Shark-Teeth!"  I'm still in a bad mood.  It's just his wrist, come on!  "One trip to Recovery Girl and he was completely fine, I don't know why everyone's so bent out of shape about it!"
"Because you didn't even help him afterwards.  That's kinda not heroic, don't you think?"
I round on him, about to grab his shirt and blast him in the face, instead choosing to clench my fists.  "You don't know what 'mean' is!  Stay out of this!"  I walk away from him without looking back, mumbling to myself.  How can he say that about me not being heroic?  If he knew what Todoroki did, he would say the same thing.
On my way to the train station, I spot that familiar mop of bicolored hair staring at me with the same neutral gaze I hate.  Glancing down, I see his wrist is fine before quickly darting away.  Pompous jerk making me feel bad.
After that day, this idiot always had the audacity to stare at me.  I always feel his eyes on me, it's so annoying.  And he makes it so obvious, he doesn't even look away when I catch him, he just stares at me.  It's enough that Kirishima's words got to me, I don't need him confusing me with this staring contest we have going on.  If he wants to talk to me, he should do it already.
During the next few training sessions, we began sparring against each other with our quirks.  People have slowly been becoming scared of me during these times because of how rough I was.
Once, I got to fight Bakugou.  It was really fun going all out against someone who's just as aggressive.
This time, my opponent is the jerk himself.  When Aizawa announced the pairs, Kirishima was about to pull me aside, but saw my murderous look and chose he would like to live.  Everyone around us found their partners and started their individual training.  While the two of us stared at each other from across the mat.  I want to smash his emotionless pretty face in, I hate that I don't know what he's thinking!
If he's not gonna make the first move, I will.  I rush up to him, igniting the flames in my palms.  He's ready for me this time, standing his ground as I bound up and hunkering into a fighting stance.   I throw up a hand towards his face once I close in on him, ready to blow his face off.
Todoroki catches my hand by the wrist, bringing his right hand up to trap me in an ice coffin.  I slap that hand away and explode out a burst of orange flames, making him let go and stagger a few steps back.  He immediately sends a trail of ice down to secure my feet in place, but I respond by directing both my hands downward, propelling myself off the ground and towards him in a giant, sweeping leap.
The familiar weightlessness of being in the air fuels the adrenaline pumping through me.  He's my enemy, and I'm taking him down.
As I launch more continuous blasts at him while I soaring towards him, Todoroki coats his arm with ice to block his face.  But he's in for a surprise.  Moving close enough, I drop kick his arm down before landing a punch straight in his face.  My body lands on top of his torso, pinning him to the ground.  Winding back to land another punch on him, he suddenly launches his upper body upwards, headbutting me in the nose.
I let out a pained growl, reeling back as I feel the tingling of tears pooling in the corner of my eyes, and Todoroki uses this opportunity to flip us over so he's on top.  Placing his hand on my shoulder, I'm instantly plunged into an ice coffin under him.  Heaving out an icy breath, he slowly rises to his feet.  The puckered skin of his scar already starts swelling into a bruise where I punched him, and forehead cracked from where he headbutt my nose.
The anger boils my blood hot as my flames.  He's not winning over me!  I'm not letting that happen!  With a growling scream, heat floods from my iced palms before I'm broken free from my confines.  White and blue flames erupt from my hands, directing them straight up at Todoroki.  The ice barrier he puts up to protect himself melts faster than ice cream on a hot day against this new color of my fire.  It continuously flares out from me as I stand up, pointing right at him and getting closer.  I ball my fist up and throw my fire-coated fists at his forearms, the anger still building inside me.  I want him to yield before me already, so he can pay for his sin.
Even after my quirk blinks out, I continue punching at him, blinded by both rage and hot tears.  It wasn't until something wrapped around my arms and restrained me suspended slightly off the ground that I finally stop.
"I'm not putting you down until you're cooled down," Aizawa growls, his quirk and capture weapon smothering me.
Everyone was already staring at the scene.  Although I scowl, I go limp and show no signs of resistance.  When my body finally relaxes, I feel a sharp pain shooting up my hands and forearm.  Once I'm free, I inspect my hands, noticing the beginning blisters of burns coating everything from my fingertips to my elbows.  Ouch.  My fire's never done that before.  It's probably those flames I used.  The dull pain in my nose starts throbbing.
"Both of you took this training a little too seriously," our teacher glowers at us.  "I'll deal your punishment later.  Can I trust that you won't kill each other going to see Recovery Girl?"
"Yes sir," we both mutter out.
The walk over there was quiet.  I trudged ahead because I didn't want to see his face, but I had to feel his gaze bore into my skull again.  After a good scolding from Recovery Girl, we were told to rest for a little while in the office before going back to class.  I try to lie back and ignore him, indulging myself in quiet.  I was so full of emotion that my flames turned hotter than they have before, but I have to use them sparingly since they can burn my normally fire-resistant skin.  I'll have to make some adjustments to my hero costume gloves too.
"Do you have a person vendetta against me or something?"
Even just the sound of his blank voice makes me roll my eyes.  "Hm, I wonder what could've given you that crazy idea."
Todoroki rolls up to a sitting position and faces me.  Just like mine, his arms are wrapped in bandages.  Apparently, because I punched him with my white-blue fire, he has some burns too, though not as severe as my own.  He peers at me from one grey eye, the other one covered by a bag of ice he nestles against his new bruise.  "I'd like to know why."
I clench my fists weakly against the pain.  "I really don't feel like burning this office to a crisp right now, so we shouldn't talk about it."
"I think it's only fair when someone's holding a grudge against another, both parties should be clear on what the grudge entails."
Stupid logical idiot.  "Fine."  I sit myself up with a little more difficulty and flash him a harsh glare.  "When we were in Junior High, you pushed me away when I tried to be friendly with you.  I know you remember how weak I was and how much everyone else teased me because I said I want to be a top hero, like your dad.  You were cold to me that way, but that's not the only reason I hate you.  These girls in our class didn't like that I was getting close to you, so they started teasing me, harassing me, and beat me up."  I pivot my entire body towards him as I hiss my next words, "And you watched them without interfering.  You let a victim get bullied and you did nothing.  Someone who wants to be a hero and save people, and got into this school on a recommendation, can't even be bothered to be a hero to his classmates when they're being bullied."  Shaking my head, I add, "You disgust me.  You're no hero, you're just an extremely powerful pompous asshole.  You make me sick."
Todoroki's entire demeanor changes.  Instead of the cold expression he always displays, his eyebrows relax out of their furrowed position.  He looks down at his wrapped arms.  "I...didn't think at the time.  Yes, I saw it happen.  Frankly, I was disgusted by you having a similar quirk as my father and wanting to be a hero after him."  His left hand clenches.  "That power repulses me, which is why I never use it in combat.  Watching you go through all that, I rationalized to myself that you were strong enough to take it."
His fist relaxes and he bows his head somberly.  "I know it's no excuse for what I did, I apologize for that.  I take full responsibility for your hatred."
I'm quiet, kind of stunned.  I've sometimes imagined Todoroki apologizing to me, but seeing it happen is somehow surreal.  Rubbing the back of my head, I admit, "Well, I have to say that it's partially because of you that I was spurred to start training and become as I am now.  So thank you, I guess."  And although I really don't want to, I also say, "I'm sorry I broke your wrist in training last week.  And burned you today.  And almost tried to kill you in general.  It was all overboard and I've been a huge jerk about this whole thing."
He offers a nod.  "I believe it's safe to say our differences have been settled, then.  I hope we can patch things up and become better classmates now that this is all behind us."
Without looking at him, I hold out my fist between our beds.  When he takes too long, I roll my eyes.  "It's a fist bump, it's what f-friends do."
I sense his eyes dart between my definitely tinted cheeks and my fist, before his fingers daintily close over it.  "I'd rather do this, if you don't mind."
Peeking over at him, I open my hand, allowing him to gently clasp my hand between his fingers and his palm.  A new sense of warmth washes over me when I look into his eyes.  Though his features are as non-emotive as ever, his relaxed, mismatching orbs rest on me in what I can only place as support or respect.
"You're strong, (Y/n), and although my previous unfair actions towards you are what primarily coaxed it out, I know you already were in your mind and heart.  I look forward to seeing it as we both progress to becoming heroes together."
His slight softening shifts something within both of us.  And that moment told me that our new relationship would evolve into something greater.
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julemmaes · 4 years
PP Feylin drabble 5.5.2
 A/N: I fucking hate Tamlin so much, I swear.
This is what happened when Elain and Lucien left Tamlin’s place the night of his birthday. There’s a very short Nessian appearance at the end, which kinda warmed my heart but TW FOR ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP AND DOMESTIC VIOLENCE for this one. If you’re sensitive when it comes to these things, you might not wanna read it.
Fic masterlist
Word count: 2,555
Feyre had no idea what was going on until Tamlin slammed the door of his room behind her, almost hitting her head in the process. She tore her arm out of his binding grip, giggling, "Are you serious right now?" she asked while her boyfriend threw her shirt at her chest. She staggered backwards, not so much for the force of the gesture, but more for the surprise.
Tamlin didn't seem to like the joking tone she had used so much, because he erupted, "You're asking me if I'm serious?!"
Feyre stepped toward the wall, leaning with her shoulder against the bricks for support. She just had to let him yell for a few minutes and then she could apologize to him. Maybe if she played her cards right, he wouldn't even stay angry for too long, so she could get something out of it too.
Maybe she wouldn't come, as she hadn't come in the last years of their relationship, but at least she would have had fun and felt something. And he's leave her alone for a while after that.
The man swelled his chest, dragging his hands up, "You were getting naked in front of Lucien!"
She shrugged, slurring her words, "It's a stupid game, Tam. I wouldn't have gotten so far as to get butt naked in front of him." And then, smiling amidst all that alcohol, she added, "I have some respect for myself, you know."
Tamlin contracted his jaw, "Do you even know what that word means?" a vein popped off on his forehead and Feyre had to control herself so as not to burst out laughing in his face. All that wine was coming up to her head way faster than anticipated, so much that she didn't realize what was going on around her. Tamlin took a step towards her, his eyes lit up with anger, "Cause it certainly doesn't seem like it to me. You definitely have zero for our relationship! For me!"
She snorted, shaking her head, "That's not true."
He opened his eyes wide, clenching his fists, "Oh, so it's completely normal to humiliate me in front of everyone-"
"Everyone?" she interjected him.
Tamlin moved so fast that Feyre didn't even notice how close he'd got until she felt a strong pressure on her right forearm and, looking down, saw his hand squeeze her naked skin. He got close enough, that when he spoke, Feyre smelled the alcohol in his breath, "Don't. Interrupt me."
She tried to free herself from his grip, tugging at his arm, but he didn't let go. "Let me go." she seethed, and whatever Tamlin saw on her face convinced him to lift one finger at a time. Her hand snapped on the sore spot, massaging it, "There were literally only three people in the room. One of them was you, who see me naked every single day, another was Elain, with whom I still shower sometimes, and Lucien. Fucking Lucien, Tam," she said.
He squinted his eyes, "Then I'm supposed to accept the fact that you wanna be a whore in front of him, just cause you've known him your whole life?" he fumed, pacing back and forth, while looking her straight in the eyes.
Feyre didn't believe her ears and pushed herself off the wall, opening her mouth and closing it several times, "A whore!?" she gasped, "This isn't any different than going to the beach and wearing a bikini in front of him."
Tamlin laughed, bewildered, "Now you wanna do that too?" he shouted. He pointed at her and stopped in the middle of the room. He looked her in the eye with an angry expression, handing himself on the face, "God, you're driving me crazy.
"I've never said that." Feyre was also getting angry and slowly, her dream of being able to turn the evening around at her own convenience was getting further and further away, "And you don't get to yell at me like this. You owe me an apology." she demanded, crossing her arms on her chest and biting the inside of her cheek.
Tamlin burst out laughing. Sincere laughter. He left the room, returning to the kitchen. Feyre followed him with her mouth wide open, her arms dangling against her hips as she tried to keep her balance.
God, how much had she drunk?
She saw him pour himself a glass of wine and when he looked at her, with that stupid idiot smile that she hated so much, Feyre leaned her hips against the table, nodding her chin to make him talk.
He scoffed, stunned, "You're not joking."
"No, I'm not joking Tamlin!" she exclaimed, feeling the nervousness floating in her veins while a wave of dizziness forced her to close her eyes. Then she raised her voice more, trying to prove her point, "You just called me a whore. I won't let that pass."
Tamlin did not seem to like the memo of what had just happened and he also screamed, making two stride in her direction and bending forward, until he was at eye-level, "Because you were acting like one!"
Feyre drifted away, struggling to breathe, "I was playing a stupid fucking game."
He groaned, clenching his first tight around his glass, "Still you-" he opened his arms as he snapped, slamming on the edge of the table violently, shattering the glass in his hand. Feyre took one hand to her mouth, startled, when Tamlin screamed, "Fuck!"
She bent down on her knees, the fog of alcohol that had clouded her vision until then slowly dissipating. She was about to grab one of the biggest pieces of glass when she heard him grunting in pain.Her gaze sprang upwards, toward his face, twisted in a grimace, "Tamlin..."
He hit her hand with the tip of his shoe, "Leave it."
Feyre shook her head, resuming to pick up the pieces of the glass, while she felt tears forming in the corners of her eyes. Willing her voice to sound steady, she murmured, "I'm gonna clean that up."
The burst of anger frightened her so much that she pulled herself up off the ground immediately. Standing in front of him, she could see him squeezing what was left of the glass in the palm of his hand. "Please, just put it down. You're gonna hurt yourself." she whispered, with one hand on her chest and one outstretched towards him.
He snapped forward, clutching the glass between his fingers, letting the glass tear the skin and the blood flow freely. "SEE?! THIS IS WHAT YOU TO ME!" he screamed, pushing his red, dripping hand toward her. Feyre stepped back, suppressing a hiccup. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT. YOU MAKE ME LOSE MY MIND AND THEN I DO SHIT LIKE THIS AND I HURT MYSELF BECAUSE YOU'RE SO FULL OF YOURSELF YOU CAN'T EVEN SEE YOU'RE HARMING OTHER PEOPLE."
Then, the dam that had blocked the crying until that moment, collapsed and her vision fogged up again, "Please Tam, I love you. Just put it down and I'll clean up."
She took a hesitant step towards him, taking his bloody hand between hers and spreading his fingers one by one. She led him toward the kitchen sink, as his labored breath echoed in her ears, "Stop crying." he ordered.
And she tried, she really tried. And when a loud hiccup burst from her lips as she scratched the blood from his fingernails, Tamlin puffed and shoved her with the hip, pushing her away from him.
She wrapped herself with her arms, not realizing that she was getting blood on her bare skin.
Tamlin turned towards her, turning off the faucet and taking a deep breath, "Feyre you need to understand that we're two in this relationship and you can't do whatever you feel like doing whenever you want. You need to show me some respect."
She nodded faintly, closing her eyes slightly, "I know, I'm sorry."
He looked at her with such intensity, that Feyre's knees almost gave out beneath her when he said, "You need to leave."
Her hands fell down on her hips, thinking she misunderstood, "What?"
"Go home, I need to be alone."
She knew he wasn't kidding. That when he said he wanted to be alone, she shouldn't interfere.
Whispering, with fear about the reaction she might provoke in him, "I don't have any money." She hadn't brought any cash with her and taking a cab from here to her home would have cost her more than twenty euros.
He did not answer her, but went to his room and came back with her shirt in his hand. He didn't even look at her while picking up the sweater she'd taken off during the poker game and threw it all back at her, saying, "You drove here."
"Tamlin," she said baffled, "I'm drunk."
He swirled around, threateningly closing in and pushing his forehead against hers, "I don't care!"
Feyre emitted a frightened sound as she closed her eyes, holding her breath as she waited for him to hit her - to release all that pent-up anger on her and raise that open hand to crush it against her cheek. She only opened her eyes again when Tamlin pulled away, suddenly looking tired, pointing to the door of his apartment, "Just get out of my house."
Feyre quickly put on her clothes, feeling a vague pain in her arm as she lifted it to let the shirt slip on her, and shook her head, trying to talk some sense into him. If she had stayed there, if she could convince him to let her stay, she could have done something for him to make it up to him. She put her hand on his back, trying to calm him down, "Tamlin please, it's freezing outside and-"
He interrupted her, hitting her arm and striding towards his room, without even looking her way, "Feyre get the fuck out of my house."
And Feyre did. She winced at the sound of his bedroom door slamming, but she swallowed her tears and headed towards the exit in silence. She passed by the mess of glass and wine on the floor and sighed trembling, bending over and picking up every piece, drying the floor and the table, scratching away the blood from the cracks in the parquet wood and making sure there was nothing left, no evidence of what had happened.
She looked back one last time, before grabbing her bag and her jacket and going down the endless stairs to the parking lot, where her very-old-mini-two-seater car was waiting for her. She sat down, taking the steering wheel in her hands and forming white clouds with each breath taken. She giggled at that sight and then burst into tears, her body shaken by violent sobs that prevented her from breathing properly.
It was all her fault, she knew.
If only she hadn't drunk so much.
If only she hadn't thought that playing strip poker was a good idea.
She had ruined the evening for everyone.
Tamlin was right. She had upset and disappointed him. And someone had ended up getting hurt.
She woke up from the cold, almost three hours later. Looking at the clock on the radio she saw that it was shortly after two o'clock in the morning.
She sat up, grunting when a twinge of pain ran through her entire body. Her back creaked when she stretched and she cursed, feeling the cold pierce her skin. Sleeping in the car had not been the best idea, but the only other option would have been to seek shelter at the boys' house and at that moment Feyre could not even imagine how Azriel and Rhysand would have reacted if she had shown up at their house in the middle of the evening.
Frustrated, she tried to push the button to turn on the heat for the millionth time, finding it still not working. She clenched her fists, feeling her finger joints screaming in pain.
At least now she was no longer drunk and could drive. She rearranged the seat so that it was in the sitting position and started the car, heading towards home.
As soon as she was in the stairwell, the heat there was enough to make her teeth stop chattering and her legs stop shaking. She went up as fast as her frozen knees would allow and thanked her sister Nesta, when she entered the apartment, for keeping the heat on all day.
This fall, Velaris was doing her very best to show just how cold she could get.
She tiptoed to her room and felt her stomach twitch when she walked past Elain's and saw it empty. She was about to enter the bathroom adjacent to her room when she saw movements at the end of the corridor and noticed that the door to Nesta's room was open.
As she approached to close it, she was able to distinguish two figures lying on the bed above the blankets.
Cassian was holding Nesta close to his chest, one hand in her hair and the other around her waist. Legs intertwined with the other's. Her sister kept her arms at her chest, between her and Cassian, but Feyre had never seen her sleep so relaxed in all her life.
A twinge in her heart made her take an abrupt breath.
It must have been louder than she thought, because Cassian moved on the bed and opened his eyes wide, spotting her at the end of the bed, "Jesus Christ Feyre."
Nesta moved next to him, only to push her face even further against his chest. Cassian's gaze shifted to the woman crouching over him and the hand he held in her hair slid lower, surrounding her back with both arms to hold her tighter.
He looked back at Feyre with weary eyes, raising an eyebrow lazily. The girl brought her hands to her mouth, trying not to talk too loud, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you up."
He shook his head to make her understand that it wasn't a problem, then asked her, "What are you doing here?"
"Oh, um..." Feyre didn't know if he was referring to the fact that she was there in the middle of Nesta's room watching them sleep like a freak or the fact that she was back home when she was actually supposed to stay at Tamlin's for the night.
He must have sensed something was wrong, because his next question was, "Are you okay?"
Was she okay? No, at that moment she was the furthest thing from okay that could exist, but she looked at the couple in front of her and smiled, thinking that if they could get through their fights, why should she and Tamlin be any different?
She was quick to answer, "Yeah, yeah, just a little hangover."
Cassian frowned, "What time is it?"
She shook her hand mid-air and gave him a shy smile, "Go back to sleep, Cass."
He sighed, slumped again and murmured a slight, "Yessir."
She snorted and closed the door to the room, looking forward to the time when she and Tamlin would also come to peace and she could finally relax in the arms of the man she loved.
acotar tag list (if you wanna be removed or added just send me and ask or dm me)
@sjm-things @kris10maas @awesomelena555 @sannelovesreading @queenamydien29 @ireallyshouldsleeprn @messyhairday-me @ncssian @observationanxioustheorist @my-fan-side @booksstorm @maastrash @sayosdreams @thedarkdemigod @courtofjurdan @thewayshedreamed @ladywitchling @nahthanks @archeron-queen @sleeping-and-books @bri-loves-sunflowers @thegoddessofyou @ghostlyrose2 @claralady @queenestarcheron​
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brunettebitchh · 3 years
𝑅𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝐷𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑜𝑛
by. brunettebitchh
excuse any bad grammar/spelling and punctuation please.
Tumblr media
genji x reader x hanzo (smutshot) *slow beginning*
Warnings - sex, blood play, spanking, choking, threesome, biting, public, cream pie, double penetration, humiliation, spitting.. etc.
Y/n’s POV
I was sitting in my dorm room practicing the meditation that Zenyatta had taught me to help better control my powers.
I opened the book he had given me and lit some candles. I breathed in deeply and sat criss cross applesauce. I put my hands in the traditional “meditation pose” and closed my eyes focusing on my breathing.
I felt myself relax and my joints intense as I sat there just focusing on my breathing. I had a small smile on my face as i felt myself reaching my inner zen.
A loud bang from the garden outside disrupted me but I pushed it off and continued to mediate in peace.
I heard several more bangs and felt the ground shake but I completely ignored it until one of my paintings fell on the ground and the glass shattered.
I snapped my eyes open and looked at the broken picture frame on the floor with glass everywhere.
I puffed my cheeks out and slipped on slippers to go yell at whoever disrupted me.
I walked towards the garden and called out
“Brigitte, why can’t you use the training room like a normal person” I walked into the garden and didn’t see brunette
Instead I saw Genji pinned on the ground with an arrow shoved in his face
I stopped for a second feeling a pit of anxiety strike through me.
‘Oh god it’s Hanzo’ I thought and looked up at the stone cold man
He didn’t glance at me. He continued to point his arrow at Genjis face
“Don’t go hurting our new member on the first month” I said and shoved Hanzos arrow out of the way
“I’m sorry Genji” I said and held out a hand for him to grab
He held onto it and I helped him to his feet.
“If you want to kill each other, do it quietly. You owe me a new picture frame” I said with an irritated tone
“And don’t let Winston catch you or else you’ll both be dead” I said and walked away
I decided to go to out kitchen knowing that I won’t be able to resume meditation in peace like before
I knew the whole brother feud thing that Genji and Hanzo have and the whole thing about Genji being in black watch for a period of time. I don’t care if they kill each other, but if they do they better leave me out of it and do it quietly
I went into the kitchen and saw Lucio speaking to Mercy and the other support members.
“Hey n/n. Come sit with us!” Mercy said to me and waved me over
I sat down next to Brigette and watched her tinker with another new device.
“What are you making?” I asked and she replied
“I’m trying to make it so Tracers pulse bomb will cause a bigger explosion”
“How’s it going?” I asked and watched the bomb spark
“Great” She smiled at me and I smiled back
“Do any of you have a dollar or two i can borrow? I forgot my money in my room” I asked and Lucio handed me a 5
Zenyatta hovered over to us, “How’s the meditation going Y/n?” he asked me and I sighed
“It was going great until dumb and dumber tried to kill each other but ended up killing my picture frame”
“Genji and Hanzo?” Ana asked and I nodded
“Don’t be so harsh on them. Especially Genji, he’s having a hard time dealing with Hanzo. They’re both really great guys once you get to know them” Mercy told me
“I’ll give them a shot. Thank you for the money Lucio” I left the table and went over to one of the vending machines
Winston and some of the other members came down to have lunch.
“Ah Y/n good to see you” Winston called out to me and took his usual banana from the front and sat with Tracer
I waved at him with a smile and tried to put the money in the machine. It declined it a couple of times until it eventually went in.
I had enough to get a candy bar, some chips and a cup of ramen.
I pressed the buttons and grabbed what I ordered from the hatch. I held the stuff in my hands and turned around to go boil water
I stood still for a moment as an arrow was shot towards me. The arrow whipped right past my face and hit the vending machine only a centimeter away from my face
I heard gasps and I slowly turned towards the arrow to see the familiar blue tint.
I felt anger ignite inside me. I grabbed the arrow and ripped it from the machine. I left my food on the table and gripped the arrow in my hand
I left the cafeteria in search for Hanzo. I found him and Genji fighting in front of the building. I stepped forward and shoved the arrow in Hanzos chest
He looked at me angrily and held the arrow in his hand
“You’re lucky i don’t shove that thing through your flesh” I spat at him
He glared at me and I glared back
“This is the second time today you both interrupted me. You broke my picture frame and you almost punctured your arrow through my damn head. Get along with each other or i’ll make you” I tried to walk away again but Genji grabbed my forearm
I turned around feeling more irritated by the second but it softened a bit when Genji started to speak
“I am sorry for the inconvenience I have caused you” he apologized with a slight bow and I felt a little shocked
“No it’s okay Genji you didn’t do anything..” I said realizing how different the brothers are from each other
Hanzo stared at me from afar but looked down at the ground
I sucked in a sharp breath and bit my tongue
“How about i help you get along?” I said and wanted to punch myself in the face
Hanzo “tched” at me sounding unamused
“It will make the team grow better if you get along with one another” I said and Hanzo stared at me with his normal stoic look
“I’ll do it” Genji said. We both looked at Hanzo, his look faltered as he looked at us
“Please. It will be for the greater good, Hanzo” I said looking up at him
He sighed, “Fine. Only for the greater good”
I smiled.
“Meet me here tomorrow morning after breakfast” I said and left them
It’s been a couple of weeks since I started to try and make them get along with one another. It was a bumpy start but now their fighting is only once a week or so.
I sat in the garden meditating. It was around 2 in the morning so whenI heard the sound of footsteps i became alarmed.
I peeked my eyes open and saw Hanzos silhouette in the darkness of the garden staring at me 
“We’re not supposed to meet on Saturdays” I said and motioned for him to sit down with me
He sat down with me awkwardly and stared at me
“What do you need Hanzo?” I asked and i heard him breath in deeply
“Do you remember what happened all those months ago?” He asked me and I felt my stomach drop
“You’ll have to be more specific” I kept my eyes closed and tried to calm my raging heartbeat
“I know you remember. Those two months of us going on dates to fancy restaurants. Those days we spent with one another. What happened to them?” He asked. I felt my eyes starting to water from the anxiety and the sadness
“I don’t know what happened to them. After you found out that Genji was alive, you shut me out.” I said and i heard him pat his finger on his knee
“It’s not that i stopped loving you Hanzo. I know that’s what you’re thinking. I did love you and I knew you were struggling but I decided it would be better if you were alone. You’re just a past love”
My eyes snapped open as I felt my body get pinned to the floor. I looked up to see Hanzos face only inches away from mine
“You knew I was struggling so you left me alone? And then you claim you loved me” He shook me slightly
“Because i knew i couldn’t help you! You wouldn’t let me help you!” I yelled back at him and he gripped my wrists
“Because I was scared Y/n! I was scared to lose you like a lost my brother, and I guess i did” He let go of me and backed away with a soft sigh
I laid on the ground shocked for a second. I sat up and looked at Hanzo who was staring at the bush beside him biting his lip
I sighed and leaned in hugging him around the shoulders. He tensed under my touch but eventually slouched down and hugged me back
I rubbed his exposed arm and sighed into his neck
“Just give me one more night. One more night to prove it. To prove that i still love you” He said quietly and I bit my lip
“Hanzo.. Are you asking to have sex with me?” I asked feeling the same pit from earlier only get bigger
He stuttered a little bit and cleared his throat. “Yes. But only if you’re okay with it”
I debated if i should or not
“Y/n, i know that you have an attraction to Genji.” My breath hitched
“W-What?” I said a little bit more than confused
“The way you look at him, it’s the same way you used to look at me when you first came to overwatch.”
I backed away from the hug and looked down at the ground
“Just one more night Hanzo” I said and he nodded
I felt my face flush red as i reached for his pants.
He helped me take them off and i stared at the tent in his boxers.
I leaned down slightly and placed my hands on his hips tugging at the band.
I pulled them down and his erection sprung out. I gulped and held the base of it in my hand while i placed my lips on the top of it.
I spat on the tip and used my hand to rub in the saliva. He sighed and leaned his head back with his mouth slightly open
I took the tip into my mouth and started to bob my head slightly. he pushed down on my head with one of his hands to go deeper and i gagged and went back up a bit
we continued this process of him pushing my head down and me gagging until after one more push he released inside of my mouth
i lifted my head and had my mouth open slightly. i gagged a little at the texture but swallowed it down with a little wince
“Oh i missed that pretty little mouth” He said and grabbed my chin and gave me a kiss on the lips
“Y/n?” I heard and i pulled away from the kiss and turned around
I saw Genji staring at us from afar. I started to shake in embarrassment as i stared back
He had his mask off and his black spiked hair was poking out of it.
“I heard a commotion so i decided to check it out, but i guess you’re fine” He turned around to take his leave but i quickly got up and grabbed his hands
“Wait no. Don’t go” i said and he turned around quickly. he stared down at me with his face only an inch away
“Maybe, well- if you want y-you could join us” I whispered and felt my cheeks grow hotter
He didn’t reply and i looked away at Hanzo who was staring at us in the darkness.
My heart rate increased and I let go of his hands and cupped his scarred face. I leaned in and closed my eyes giving him a gentle kiss.
He kissed me back and wrapped his hands around my waist and held onto my hips. I pulled away and stared into his eyes for a little bit. I broke away from him and pulled him over to where Hanzo and i were sitting
He sat down and avoided looking at Hanzo and just stared at me.
“Well um-“ I said not really knowing what to do now
I felt Hanzo slide his hands on to my thighs. He gripped them and pulled my lower body closer to him.
I slid down on to my back with my legs on Hanzos shoulders. He grabbed my pants and pulled them down and off of me so my legs were exposed
He placed his hands on my inner thighs and opened them slightly. I felt him open his mouth against my skin and start to bite me gently all over my thighs and calfs
Genji looked down at me and placed his hands on my face rubbing little circles for a couple of seconds. He then slid them down to my clothed chest. He unbuttoned my night shirt and slid his hands inside of my bra
He groped and squeezed my breasts and eventually he started to pinch at my nipples.
He unhooked my bra from the front and leaned forward to suck on my erect nipple while pinching on the other one.
Hanzo continued to bite at my legs which only made the sensation in my core grow.
I felt him pull back and then something cold ran across my thighs then my stomach
I sighed and leaned up to see a tiny blade in Hanzos hand as he rubbed the dull part on my skin. He flipped the blade and ran the sharp part into my skin which made me wince
Genji looked up at Hanzo and then back at my face. He put his hand on top of my head and cradled it. He leaned down to kiss me in hoping to distract me from the slight stinging pain of the knife running across my body.
Genji pulled away when Hanzo was done and under the faint moonlight i saw the red liquid seeping out of the cut.
Hanzo took his fingers and dipped it in the blood. I felt him write symbols on my skin.
I moaned quietly feeling the liquid run across my body and on to my sensitive buds. Hanzo took his bloody fingers and squeezed my nipples inside of them making me tense up a bit from the pain.
Genji moved his hands to my mouth. He punched it open and looked down at me.
I watched as he opened his mouth slightly and a trail of spit came from it. He spat in my mouth and the warm texture hit my tongue. I swallowed it and looked up at him with want in my eyes.
I felt Hanzo move to take the rest of the clothes i had on off of me. He pressed his tongue against my clit and I opened my mouth in shock
Genji ran his fingers across the cut and stuck them down my throat making me taste the metallic liquid along with his cold fingers.
He pressed on my tongue and watched as my legs shook from the feeling of Hanzo rubbing and abusing my bundle of nerves.
I felt him stick two fingers inside of me and start to pump in and out while occasionally curling them inside of me trying to find my g-spot.
He pulled his fingers out of me and crawled up to my face. He shoved Genji away and Genji took his hand out of my mouth with an offended noise
Genji went in between my legs and put them on his shoulders.
Hanzo looked at me with a smirk and whispered in my ear
“You don’t think Genji just came here on his own do you?” He asked and my eyes widened as i looked at him
He wrapped his hand around my throat and started to apply light pressure. I looked down at Genji who was staring at me in a way of asking if what he could do was okay
I nodded at him and I felt him rub the tip of his dick against me. I closed my eyes and looked up feeling him push in slowly until he was all the way in.
I opened my mouth to moan but Hanzo constricted my airways tightly. Genji moved his hips slowly at first but he quickly picked up the pace until he was at a rhythm that was most comfortable for us.
He moaned quietly under his breath and Hanzo smirked at me one more time and gave me a little kiss on my cheek. He released his hold on my neck and sat me up so I was in Genjis lap
Genji stopped thrusting for a moment and hugged me breathing heavily in my ear.
I felt Hanzo line up with my back entrance and heard him spit on it. I clenched slightly and Hanzo rubbed my back and ran his fingers through my hair as he slipped inside of me.
I dug my nails into Genjis back and Hanzo snuck his hand around to cover my mouth so i wouldn’t make any noises to wake up the entire headquarters.
Genji kissed and sucked on my neck and rubbed circles on my hips with his robotic hands.
Hanzo slid all the way in and i felt tears prick my eyes from the pain of being stretched out.
From the angel i was in i could feel every pulsating vein from Genji.
Genji moved his hands away from my hips and Hanzo took his hand off my mouth.
Genji gripped my thighs and kissed me as he started to thrust up inside of me. Hanzo also started to thrust with him. I bit down on Genjis lip and drew blood. I licked and sucked the blood off of it and continued to kiss him
Hanzo snuck one of his hands up to my breast and squeezed my nipple while the other one rested on my ass. I felt a hard slap on my behind and my eyes shot open.
I heard Hanzo chuckle and smack me again. I moaned against Genjis lip. He moved one of his hands and started to rub on my clit. He rubbed it slowly in circles which made my legs shake out of pure pleasure.
I felt myself start to pulsate from the overstimulation I was getting from the both of them. I noticed the sun was starting to come up and it hit the garden making it easier to see everyone
Hanzo spanked me again and I cried out and tightened my grip on Genji. Genji moaned quietly too and gripped my thigh with his one hand while rubbing my clit fast.
I felt his dick start to pulse inside of me. He slammed upwards inside of me until he hit my g-spot. My mouth opened and my eyes rolled back as I was getting railed by the both of them
Hanzo lifted me up by my hips and slammed me down on to them. I could feel each and everyone of their pulsating veins hitting the inside of me.
“I’m-I’m gonna” I moaned quietly and bit my hand trying not to scream.
After one more thrust inside of me I came. My eyes rolled backwards and my whole body shook from the mass amounts of pleasure my body had just gone through.
Genji thrusted quickly inside of me and let his warm seed inside of me.
I moaned at the feeling and leaned down on to him. Hanzo kissed my shoulder and pulled out. He started to jack himself off and eventually he came on my back.
I breathed heavily and felt Genji pull out of me. Hanzo got up and put his clothes back on and he helped me get dressed as well.
Genji and Hanzo took me back to my room and helped me wipe off the dried blood and semen that was on my body.
Hanzo helped me bathe and Genji made me some food.
After my bath and i ate they laid me down in my bed and patted my head
“We’ll be back later N/n” Hanzo said and kissed my forehead
“Rest up” Genji said and hugged me tightly
They left my room and I turned on my side feeling a slight pain in my hips and thighs. I got comfortable and was about to fall asleep when i noticed my picture that Hanzo and Genji had broken was in a new picture frame
I smiled and drifted off to sleep..
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My OC Universe: Rowan 58
I accidentally uploaded the wrong chapter. I’m sorry. I share custody of a single brain cell with my friend and they currently have it for the week.
Chapter 58 Summary: Sweet, sweet, sexy catharsis! Rowan finally snaps in the face of his abuse. (Taggers: @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi, @much-ado-about-whumping, @abitefullofeverything, @whump-me-all-night-long, @sky-or-something-idfk, @tears-and-lilies)
Trigger Warnings: Reference to previous abuse, verbal abuse, dehumanisation.
As promised, Rowan lurched awake to find a guard rousing him for Marie and Cordelia. Alexander was absent this time, a difference that unsettled Rowan. He was so used to seeing him and his mother together that it felt wrong when they were not.
“Oh, my dear husband,” Marie smirked, tone sarcastic and cruel. “You do not look well at all!” He growled at her and jerked, angrily releasing some of his fury through the useless act. He looked mad, dark rings under his eyes, a flood of dried blood from his nose to his chest. “Please allow me a small experiment,” She said, letting her careful eyes wander to Rowan. “I was hoping to ask you both a question.” Cordelia lowered William’s gag as sharp footsteps clicked along the hallways. William’s face lit up at the prospect of rescue and he leaned forward. “Hey! I’m the King! Get in here this instant!” He demanded, not considering the fact that the sound was present before Marie ordered the removal of his muzzle, and so wasn’t likely to belong to a sympathetic creature. As if to accentuate this, Marie chuckled softly, rolling her eyes as the footsteps stopped right outside the door and the tall shadow of the figure obscured the doorway. Mere moments before revealing himself Rowan caught a whiff of a familiar perfume, placing the name as Merek’s face appeared and he stood beside Marie. “You-Mer-how dare you betray me like this!” William roared and Cordelia curled her fingers into his, now unkempt hair, ripping his head back and forcing a whine from his throat. “If you do not remain silent,” She rumbled dangerously. “Then we will take extreme precautions to keep you silent.” The threat was clear. And William wasn’t finished with use of his tongue just yet. He had to content himself with glowering at his duplicitous advisor, perhaps hoping he combust from the sheer hatred seething from his face. “You never mentioned that your tradeswoman was a mercenary thug.” He snarled at Marie. “She certainly has her uses.” The Queen replied proudly, smiling at Cordelia. “What a strangely satisfying sight.” Merek commented curiously, drawing attention to him. “I think it could only be made better with tears.” Marie smirked. “As if I would ever allow you to see me humiliated like that.” William growled, earning a grin from the pair. “We’ll see,” Marie sighed, picking at an invisible imperfection on her thumbnail. “I’ve reconsidered what I said the previous evening,” She said, catching the unwavering attention of both imprisoned creatures. “If I were to say that one of you would be released, who would you choose?” It was a pretty obvious question, and no one was surprised to hear William speak first. “Me, of course.” Marie glanced towards Rowan, who’s face had fallen and had curled against the wall, already defeated. “What about you?” He glanced up and shrugged. “Why would you choose me? I’m not even worth the dirt under your shoe.” “What if I weren’t to choose? What if I made you both choose?” She asked. “I am the King. I should leave!” William demanded. “How am I supposed to rival that? Even with the promise of death, I couldn’t face condemning another to it.” Rowan sighed softly. “I’d strangle the slut myself if it meant I could take back my throne!” Something in that moment shattered. 
Rowan could almost physically feel it, his soul, cracking from the strain of hiding and suppressing his feelings for so long. Suddenly his breathing came fast, and he felt unfamiliar rage course through his veins. “You never loved me at all, did you?” He asked softly, retrieving a scoff from the King. “You were a pretty little cock-sleeve. And a pretty poor one at that.” “You gave me jewellery, you trusted me in your bed, you showered me with praise, and what, it was all pretend?” William sighed exasperatedly and rolled his eyes. “It was like having a puppy.” He said. “You keep if loyal, but when you’re tired of it you drown it.” 
Rowan had been compared to animals before. He had been used in metaphors like this before. He had been completely dehumanised to his face before. But now it was just too much. Too humiliating to realise he was, and always had been, nothing. “You tortured me!” He yelled, feeling his voice crack as it was raised above its normal pitch. “You-you allowed your men to ravage me and humiliate me! And made me believe that you were saving me from them when in fact you were just transferring ownership!” Tears pricked his eyes like needles, tears that had been forced down almost since he arrived. 
“I was abused, by you, and your staff, and your men, I was raped! And you blamed me for it! Forced me to witness as you had them executed, threatening to do the same to me if I ‘let’ it happen again! You forced me to get drunk to entertain you and your friends! You let everyone talk down to me and talk about me like I wasn’t there! Or like I couldn’t hear what they were saying, like I didn’t understand every word they called me! You poisoned me for your own entertainment!” 
The hatred and frustration broke over his lashes and he struggled to keep his voice from wobbling and relinquishing his power before he had finished. “I was forced to beg for you to rape and abuse me! To thank you for the opportunity to be taken! To grovel at your feet while you fed me scraps of your food like a pet! I wasn’t even human to you! Just some creature that no one would object to you mistreating! You gave me to your friend to fuck! And when he tried to murder me you had me punished! I was refused any morsel of dignity while your advisor had the soldiers line up and remind me of what you claimed to save me from!” 
He felt the eyes on him, every one, and turned to catch the eye of one of the guards at the door. “I remember you!” He chuckled in a weak attempt to cover the way he was falling apart. “You called me a desperate whore, good for only one thing! Was I? Was I good?” They had the shame to look away, turning their back on their mistake. “You had me branded! I will permanently be marked as your property! Men sign their family crest on their weapons, or their silverware, or their clothes! You put it on a person and reduced them to an item you owned. You tricked me into thinking that you had saved me from there, too! That you had missed and desired me! But it was all a ploy to get your stupid, uneducated, whore of a consort to actually believe that you cared for him! You tricked me into feeling some sort of fondness, or care for you. I felt sorry for you when we were first brought down here! I empathised with you, explained away your cruel words as simply being unused to not being in control, but no, that was just you when you were no longer bothered by how your creature felt!” There was a brief pause before a thought occurred to Rowan and he scoffed. “You call me ‘pet’.” He whispered, sniffing heavily as his eyes locked with William’s. “I would wager, I would say money but it’s obvious by how you came to possess me that I have none, so I would bet my life, that you don’t know how old I am,” He said and laughed. “Let alone…tell me, William, what’s my name?” Silence. “What is it?” He roared, pulling against the chains. “Why on Earth would I know?” William replied. Voice just soft enough that Rowan could realise with relief that he was maybe startled by this barrage of his sins against the boy. “Why would you? It’s just a person. A human being that you claimed as your own purely because he was pretty. If I were an average-looking thing you would have left me to die in that barracks. With blood on my ass, and sperm in my hair, and snot on my face. And never would have even given a second thought to the person I was or the people who…the-the people who…” Missed me. “I hate you.” He whispered after a moment. “I despise you. I abhor you. I detest you. I’ve killed two people who both tried to kill me first and felt like dying because of it. But, I think if I killed you, if I strangled you myself, I might finally be able to sleep at night.” He sobbed, too afraid to turn his gaze from anyone else but William. “Not even the Gods could have dreamt up a creature as cruel as you,” He gasped finally, the anger flickering out of him like a candle flame in a breeze. “You are a manifestation of sin, and evil, and sadism.” He felt cold now. Empty. Like all that had sustained him for the three years since he was stolen from Peter, was his suppressed disgust, and now that it was gone, he had nothing left inside of him. 
A piece died with every time he was raped. 
More of his innocence stripped away, until he was left, a shell, a dried leaf that William crumbled into dust just to hear the sound of him break.
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l-egionaire · 4 years
At The Bookshop-A Tangled The series Fic
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Set after this. (I'd read this bio on Athena before reading this to make sure it makes sense and you have a good view on her appearance.)
Cassandra let out a breath.
She could do this.
Ever since Rapunzel had helped her realize that she had developed an....infatuation, with the girl she'd bumped into on the road the other day, the princess had been enthusiastic about helping her friend find a romantic partner.. But instead of a peppy barrage of questions like she would've done in the past, Rapunzel had simply stopped by Cass's room while she was polishing her sword and casually mentioned that one of the guards (I.E. Eugene) had seen the girl hanging around the Corona bookstore.
Sure enough, through the stores window, she could see the girl, still draped in her hooded violet cloak, scanning the shelves and occasionally pulling a book from the shelves and tucking it under her arm.
Just seeing the girl from a distance made Cass's pulse speed up and her palms start to sweat. This was even worse than when she'd had feelings for Rapunzel. She had at least been able to keep her feelings in check around the princess. But now, just seeing this girl was enough to make her a nervous wreck.
But she wasn't going to let that stop her. She'd fought against thieves, magical monsters and giant machines. She'd come back from being the servant of an ancient evil spirit. She was not going to let herself be hobbled by something as simple as a crush!
With that she pushed open the doors and headed over to where the girl still perused the books.
Unfortunately, the closer Cass got to the girl the more her confidence started to melt away into nervousness. By the time she was standing close enough to her to be noticed, Cass's legs felt like jelly, her stomach was twisted into knots, and her tongue became numb.
Using all her energy, Cass managed to choke out, "Hi!"
The girl turned to look at her and Cass's head filled with fog at the sight of her beautiful green eyes.
The girl mouth curled into a slight smile. "Oh hey. Its Ca...ca...ca right?"
Cass wasn't sure what made her blush brighter, the fact that the girl remembered her or that she recalled their humiliating first meeting.
To her surprised, Cass managed to get her tongue, which currently felt like it was made of stone, to move enough to stutter, "oh, uh, actually it's Cassandra. Or Cass. My friends call me Cass. You can call me Cass too if you want. Or Cassandra if you feel like Cass is too informal."
The small giggle the girl let out at Cass's stammering made her want to die, but thankfully she didn’t seem put off.
"Well, nice to meet you Cass, I'm Athena." The girl, Athena, offered a hand from beneath her robe.
Cass took the hand and shook it, painfully aware of how drenched in sweat her palm was and the unintentional enthusiasm she shook with.
"Heh, Athena. Thats a really pretty name." Cass's eyes widened as she realized what she just said. "Pretty nice name! Athena is a pretty nice name. Is what I meant."
"Yeah, I happen to like it myself. In my hometown it means " wisdom"."
"Hah! Wisdom, right. That really makes sense because smart people, you know, like books and you like....books."
Cass groaned internally. She was seriously beginning to entertain the notion of running herself through with her own sword rather than having to spend another moment humiliating herself. Athena simply raised an amused eyebrow at her.
"Yes, books are interesting. I'm especially fond of the words inside. Makes for good reading." She said with a slight chuckle.
"Yeah, reading is great. It's...it's...awesome! I-i love to read."
Okay, that was slightly better. She may have still sounded like her tongue was split in two but she managed to say something that was pseudo-coherent and not too emberassing.
"Really? What kind of stuff do you read?" Athena asked.
"Oh, uh, letters, sentences, anything with words."
Dear god, what was wrong with her?! She could face men twice her size without blinking, but one pretty girl and suddenly she turned into a stuttering trembling mess!
Athena gave another amused giggle. "Well, It was nice meeting you Cass, but I should get-."
"WAIT!" Cass yelled, wincing slightly at her unintended volume. "I'm sorry. I just-I wanted to ask if maybe you'd be interested in going with me up to the palace?"
Athena's eyes widened. "The palace? The palace, the palace? As in that giant building that towers over the rest of Corona?No offense, but I don't think they allow visitors."
Cass nodded. "My dad works-well, used to work there as a place guard. I basically grew up there. I was thinking maybe we could hang out, I could show you around."
"I don't know." Athena said slowly, her eyes creased with worry.
"It'll be fine! I go up there to visit my best friends all the time. I could give you a tour of the place you, you could even stay for dinner." Cass offered.
Athena looked as if she was about to decline when suddenly, from beneath her cloak where her belly was, came a loud gurgling noise.
She glared at her gut as if angry that it was daring to make noise then look back at Cass.
"This dinner...would there be meat there by any chance?"
"Uh, yes?" Cass said with slight confusion.
"Then....I guess It couldn't hurt going to see the palace."
"YES!" Cass blushed as she realized she'd once again lost control of her voice and quickly looked around to see if anyone else had heard. But the only person around was Athena who looked like she struggling no to laugh.
"I mean, great. How about I meet you at the castle gates in an hour?"
"Perfect. See you then Cass." Athena shot Cass a wink that made her nearly collapse from pure joy before walking off to continue browsing the books.
After a few minutes replaying the moment Athena winked at her in her head, Cass snapped out of her love daze and raced back to the palace.
"I got to go get ready! And make sure the staff is prepared for a guest!....And that we have meat!"
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captainsassmanes · 5 years
Malex prompt: Michael sees Alex's service dog and how it helps him for the first time, maybe in a moment when Alex is far more vulnerable than he'd care to admit.
For you!! Thanks for the prompt!
“Ow, fuck!”
The new prosthetic Alex had just been fitted for was top of the line, newest materials, most comfortable fit.
It was taking him far longer to adjust to this one than any other he’d ever had before.  All he wanted to do was run into town for some food but just walking to his car was agony.
He had missed a step coming down from the cabin and landed wrong, ending up on his ass.
He threw his keys to the ground with a yell of “God dammit” and put his head in his hands.  No one was around.  No one would judge.
So he sobbed.
He had been so overwhelmed lately with everything that had happened.  His dad was solid in a coma thanks to Valenti but that didn’t stop Alex carrying his dad’s sins as his own.  Max was no closer to being revived, Flint had come back to Roswell pissed and looking for answers there was no way Alex was going to give and he hadn’t spoken to Liz, Maria or Michael in months.
On top of all that, he had to wear in this new piece of shit that wasn’t working at all.  
He’d never felt so small and alone before.  And just so fucking sad.
As he wiped his tears away and tried steadying his breathing, a wet nose pushed against his already damp cheek.
“Obi, come on,” Alex whined as he tried getting away from the cold feeling.  “C’mon, back up.”
But Obi wouldn’t let up, just dropping her head into Alex’s lap.  He couldn’t help but smile and give her a pat.  
Alex was still adjusting to having a service dog, feeling like he was walking around with a big neon sign overhead that screamed disabled, but he had to admit, she was great.  He had thought his therapist was recommending a dog because of his leg but was surprised to find out, it was actually for the PTSD.  And she really had helped.
He sniffed as he pet her head and snuggled in close.  “I’m sorry.  You’re a good girl.  Aren’t you?”  Why was it everyone dropped into a baby voice when they spoke to dogs?  If his men could only see him now.
Alex jumped a mile, Obi jumping right with him.  Before him stood Michael, looking tan and beautiful, if not a bit more disheveled than he normally did.
“Jesus Christ, you scared the shit out of me.”  Alex was able to put his hand on Obi’s back to get some leverage to stand up, his leg screaming in protest.  Michael must have read the pain on his face as he rushed over to help Alex move.
But Alex quickly pulled his arm out of Michael’s grip and moved slowly back up the stairs heading into the house.  He rubbed a hand down his face, hopefully clearing it of some of the wetness and splotchiness, before turning back to his unexpected guest.
“What do you want, Guerin?”
Michael put his hands in his pockets and looked down, kicking the dirt with his boot.  “When did you get a dog?”
“Two months ago.”
Michael looked up at that.  They had been so far out of each other’s orbits, neither man seemed to have a clue about the life the other was living.
“You always wanted a dog.”
Alex nodded, hoping his desire to end this conversation was written clearly on his face.  “And now I have one.”
The silence between the two men was heavy, broken only by Obi wandering to Michael and sniffing at his legs.  She happily took the scratches Michael offered.
“Well this has been exciting but I have shit to do,” Alex turned to move into the cabin.
“I miss you.”
Alex stopped in his tracks, stomach fluttering and heart racing.  He willed away the blush he felt cover his cheeks.
“I was feeling so out of control and I wanted nothing to do with being me anymore.  I just wanted simple and easy.  And that’s never been us, has it?”
Alex looked at Michael, noting the genuine look of distress on his face.  “So what?  It didn’t work out with Maria so you’re here to get your consolation prize?  I could have told you it wouldn’t last!  You were playing pretend so it wouldn’t hurt but you can only fake it for so long.  How could it ever be easy when you could never be yourself?  Although it looks like you’ve figured out how to erase some of the past.  Spiffy new hand there, Guerin.”
Alex was shaking with the pent-up anger he was finally allowing himself to let out.  He had been devastated when he found out casually through Liz that Michael and Maria were dating.  All while he had been sitting, rehearsing his ‘sweep you off your feet’ speech he planned to give to Michael.
The humiliation and heartbreak had been overwhelming.
Michael shook his head almost violently.  “You’re no one’s consolation prize, Alex!  But when you realize you love someone and want to be with them, you try to start living that life as quickly as you can.”
This was too much.  
Alex was already in it when he noticed he was struggling to catch his breath.  He leaned against the cabin door frame and tried to remember the breathing exercises his therapist had given him.
Four in.  Four out.  Four in.  Four out.
He felt Obi at his feet, her nose pushing on the hand that sat limp by his side, the other grasping his chest.  
Alex pet her head, eyes firmly closed, as he regained control.
When he opened his eyes, Michael had moved closer, standing on the steps in front of him, tears decorating his eyes.
Michael knew better than to get too close to Alex when he felt unbalanced like this.  A few night’s worth of nightmares taught him that much.
“She’s good for you.”  Michael said quietly after a few minutes, indicating Obi who sat right at Alex’s feet looking up at him, unmoving.
Alex released a tight laugh.  “Yeah, she really is.”
Michael rubbed the back of his neck and let out a heavy sigh.  “I love you, Alex.  I never stopped.  I should have handled so many things differently, better.  I want to believe that we can work our way back to each other.  I feel like I might be ready to be myself and you’re the only one who’s ever seen the real me.” Michael took a deep breath and with voice breaking clarified, “saw the real me and still wanted me.”
Alex pushed himself away from the door frame and snapped his fingers low, indicating to Obi to head into the cabin.  She went easily, tail wagging happily behind her.
“You went through hell and you pushed me away.  I went through hell and I ran to you.  How am I supposed to get past that, Michael?”
Michael’s hand moved to cover his mouth.  The color had left his face and he looked a bit ill.  “I don’t know.  But I’m willing to try.  I’ll do whatever it takes for you to trust me again.”
Alex just nodded his head.  After a long moment, he pushed out his chin and said, “can you get those keys for me?”
With no one moving and what looked like no effort at all, the keys floated towards Alex, landing lightly in his hand.  He removed one of the keychains and tossed it to Michael.
“It might take a while and I already know it’s gonna suck trying to get there.”
He scratched his head and walked into the cabin.  
“I’m gonna get that back from you one day, Guerin.  Take care of it.”  He gave Michael a small smile that he hoped conveyed what he felt.  Sadness with hope.  Disappointment with love.
He closed the door, leaning his head back and looking at the ceiling.  That wasn’t how he imagined his day going at all.
On the other side of the door, Michael couldn’t help but smile and breathe with relief as he felt the keychain in his hand.
A beagle with alien antenna looked up at him.  He flipped it over, smiling through the tears in his eyes as he read the inscription, we’re not alone.
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ladyboltontoyou · 6 years
Arthur Morgan x Reader: Train Robberies
Ask: Hi, the rdo anon. I was thinking that maybe if they meet in the saloon, both immediately find each other attractive and share a drink or two, with the reader about to take the lead and proposition Arthur, but a brawl happens, which both show off their skills and it leads to smut. Or they both try to rob the same train, but end up working together and have a quickie in the woods while adrenaline is going. I love your writing so much, so whatever way you decide, I'm it'll be amazing! 🙌
Warning: Cursing, violence, horse deaths, smut.
Pairing: Arthur Morgan x Reader
A/N:  I LOVE WRITING THE READER AS A BADASS SKSKSKKS. So thank you for this request! I rarely ever get a request for a badass reader. Also I’m so proud of myself for getting three requests done tonight, I deserve a drink! Prepare for drunk shitposts, ya’ll!
You had a plan. You had a perfect fucking plan. Everything was going smoothly, you were halfway through clearing out the train. And then that bastard had to show up, climbing on the train and trying to take over the situation. He even had the nerve to try and rob YOU!
“Ain't no way in hell, mister.” You hissed through your bandana with your gun aimed at him. “You want this train? You’ll have to get through me.”
Arthur had no problem doing so. He cocked his shotgun and you did the same, eyes trained on each other. You were so close to pulling the trigger but suddenly you heard shouting outside the train.
The law was there.
“Goddamnit!” You shouted and snuck towards the closest exit of the train car, peeking around the side. “Son of a bitch! If you hadn’t shown up I’d be gone by now!”
“Sorry to spoil your plans.” He said sarcastically, looking out the other end. “But we’ve got a bigger problem on our hands now. You can kill me later.”
“I outta kill you now.” You retorted and slid back into cover.
“If you do, you won't stand a chance against all those men.” He reminded you and you cursed when you knew he was right. “We got two options now. Work together and get out of here alive, or both of us end up dying. Your choice sweetheart.”
“Don’t call me that.” You said a little too loudly. One of the lawmen shouted at you to come out with your hands up. “Alright, fine. But you ain’t getting what’s mine.”
“At this point, I don’t care.” He said before slowly looking around the corner of the train car. “Alright, there’s about ten of ‘em, if we-”
You fired your shotgun at the men, shooting one of them in the leg. He dropped his lantern and it shattered on the ground, oil spilling everywhere and catching him and his horse on fire. You winced and cocked your gun again, aiming for the next guy over.
Arthur snuck out of the car and took out two handguns, successfully downing three men. The fire from the broken lantern spread and caught their dead bodies on fire.
The free horses ran off and drug the burning bodies with them off into the woods. “Damn. Hope that doesn’t start a wildfire.” You muttered as you took aim at the next lawmen.
“Fall back!” You heard one of them yell. Through the flames, you could see the men turning on their horses and running back the way they came, most likely to get more men.
“That’s right!” You stood up and shouted after them. “Get the hell out of-”
One of the passengers decided to be a hero and tackled you to the ground.
“Goddamnit!” You cursed, the two of you fighting over your gun. It was between you like a wedge and he was trying to force it down against your neck. He was a big man, and the way he was using his weight against you left you with no chance in winning. “Get the hell off me!”
The gun pressed painfully against your throat and you looked around for anything you could use. You had a knife in your belt but if you reached to grab it he would be able to slam the gun down and kill you.
At the exact moment, you began to lose hope you heard a loud bang, the gunshot echoing inside the cabin so loudly you went deaf for a moment. Your ears rang as blood splattered against your face and neck, the man’s head completely obliterated.
The other train robber kicked the limp body off of you and offered you his hand. He had shot the passenger? Well, that was unexpected. You had guessed he had already run off into the woods with a little bit of loot.
When you didn’t take his hand he sighed. “Come on, we ain’t got time for this, lady. Let’s get the hell out of here before more of them show up.”
You took his hand and pulled yourself up onto your feet. You wanted to thank him but it felt too humiliating, so you settled for handing him a wad of cash. “Here, got this from up front.”
He looked down and raised his brows. “Well, I guess I do deserve something for saving your life.”
Rolling your eyes you sighed and began walking off of the train car. “Whatever, hope we don’t meet again mister.”
“It’s Arthur!” He called after you as you jumped off the train.
You were planning on taking off into the woods but your horse was nowhere to be seen. She probably got spooked and ran off.
“There a problem?”
You gasped and turned around to see Arthur behind you with his horse at his side. “No, I’m fine.” You insisted and began a fast walking pace towards the woodline.
In the distance, you heard something that sounded like thunder and you paused. There were no clouds in the sky, you could see the stars perfectly. That only meant one thing. They brought a shit ton of men.
“You know, I could really use a ride out of here!” You laughed awkwardly, looking at the man beside you.
You swore he chuckled. “Yeah, well, I figured you might.” He climbed up on his horse and extended his hand towards you.
After you got on the back he wasted no time in getting the hell out of there, his horse stroking through the woods like there was a wolf behind it. As you rode into the woods you glanced at the train behind you, seeing the passengers climb off. In the distance over the hills, you saw a massive group of lawmen, carrying an assortment of torches and lanterns as if they were trying to imitate the KKK.
Once you were both very far away he slowed his horse down, allowing the two of you to get off. You were both still out of breath and full of adrenaline from the earlier events.
“You were great back there, I gotta admit.” He panted and took the time to put the money you gave him in his horse’s satchel.
“You weren’t too bad yourself, mister.” You ran a hand through his sweaty hair, your heart pounding. “I can’t believe I made that much money off those poor folk.”
Arthur looked at you then, taking the time to admire you. It wasn’t often he had met not only a beautiful woman but one who could also handle a gun and kill without hesitation. To top it off, you were also an outlaw.
You noticed him staring and looked at him, your eyes locking. You hadn’t noticed because he was wearing a bandana earlier but goddamn, he was attractive. Maybe it was the adrenaline but you had the sudden urge to fuck the shit out of him.
He felt the exact same way but didn’t know what to say. He looked you over once and when his eyes locked back with yours you both knew exactly what the other was thinking.
“You wanna blow off some steam?” You asked with a raised brow and were met with a grin.
“I thought you’d never ask.” He said and closed the distance between you, his lips attacking yours so quickly and so harsh you thought he might bust your lip.
He backed you up against a tree and ran his hand through your hair as he kissed you with hunger. You were both breathing so loud it sounded like you were struggling to get any air. Normally you weren’t one to fuck just any outlaw you came across but he was the exception. Especially since he just saved your life. It also helped that he was one handsome son of a bitch.
He fumbled to unbutton his pants and you took the chance to do the same, pulling them down just to your knees so if you needed to you could quickly pull them back up. You turned around and pressed your body against the tree and waited for him to make his move.
The moment he freed his cock from his pants he drove it inside you, both of you letting out the filthiest of sounds. It had been way too long for both of you.
“Christ.” He shuddered and slowly started moving inside you, reaching an arm around your waist to keep you pressed against him. “If you want me to stop-”
“Just fuck me, fuck me hard.” You cut him off and he wasted no time in obeying.
He drove in and out of you just like you asked, quick and hard. So hard you didn’t have time to catch your breath. You bounced with his thrusts and the sounds that came out of you resembled those of some kind of panic attack. You were gasping so much it sounded like you were dying, or being tortured. And that drove Arthur crazy.
He continued his ruthless assault on your pussy, his thick cock pounding in and out of you with such force that it was literally impossible for you to stay quiet, even if you wanted to.
“Arthur, oh, god yes. Just like that, baby. Just like that.”
“Tell me your name.” He was close, that was obvious. His thrusts were sloppy and he had lost his rhythm, his hips snapping against you involuntarily.
“(Y/N).” You moaned and felt your orgasm coming. Normally when you reached this point in sex you were so tired that you faked your orgasm just to appease your partner. But this time someone had actually managed to make you come.
“(Y/N).” He tested the name on his tongue and groaned, his eyes rolling back in his head when he felt your walls tighten around him. “Perfect timing, (Y/N).”
You moaned and clung onto the trunk of the tree, your orgasm shaking through you and making your knees weak. Your knees stuck together like magnets and the way your legs closed added pressure around his cock, aiding in his own orgasm.
He cursed and came, shuddering the whole time. He hadn’t had an orgasm like that in years. He couldn’t even remember the last time he actually lost control of himself like he did just then. “(Y/N), goddamn… son of a…” He panted nonsense as he pulled out of you, his cum oozing out from your pussy and dripping onto the ground. The sight made his body spasm, a little more cum spurting out from his softening cock.
You shakily pulled your pants back up, buttoning them with twitching fingers. “Jesus, Arthur. Am I glad you ended up on that train.”
“We’ve got to rob another sometime. But next time, there won’t be no surprise visitors ruining it.” He said as he buckled his belt.
“Or what, we’ll fuck them too?” You joked and caused him to give you a genuine laugh.
“Hey, I ain’t opposed to that idea.”
“Jesus, Arthur.”
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auspicious-lilana · 5 years
Ultimate Spiderman (Peter Parker x Stark! OC x Sam alexander x Danny Rand)
Summary:When people hear 'Maya Stark' everyone would think about the perfect, smart. good looking, rich, student body president of Midtown High.Nobody but her childhood friend Peter Parker AKA Spider-Man and her new team of heroes. Ava, Sam, Danny, and Luke AKA  white tiger, Nova, Iron fist, and Power Man knows about her secret of being Queen's very own Mistress, soon to be ULTIMATE Mistress
Part 1  Part 2
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This is it, the test to see if I can make it into the superhero big leagues.
“This exercise will gauge your efficiency against superior numbers. Disable all attackers. You have 60 seconds. FYI, Captain America did it in 10.”  I stood in a battle stance ready for whatever Fury would throw at me.
“Easy-peasy.”  One of the large robots that surrounded me started to attack as I dodged it and quickly shot a web to its head but another robot came and threw me on the ground as they all fell on top of me. “Uh! Uh!” I groaned as I squeezed myself out of the pile of robots. “This is more humiliating than Parker family game night.” I quickly got up and punched all the robots while webbing a few. After I threw another one of them grabbed me and held me up as I struggled to get out from its grip. How weak is this? I'm going to land on the superhero wall of shame for dying ten minutes after joining S.H.I.E.L.D. It started to shock me to which I yelled in pain before I grabbed four arms of it and quickly snapped it back to it making it let me go. The second I got down I ran as I dodged four drone-bots before I got ahold of one of them to see they were bombs that exploded making me hit back on the wall covered in slime as I slowly slid down. I got up quickly as I saw more big bots coming at me, so I tried to work the web shooter.
“Where did S. H. I. E. L. D. tech put the web control? Nope. Nuh-uh. Score.”  I threw a web at two drones and crashed it with two of the big ones. “Yeah!” One of the drone heads fell on me making me groan.
While Spider-Man was taking the test. Fury laughed a bit at the sight.
“I finished this thing under 20” iron fist said.
“I finished mines under 18” Luke chimed in.
“There's no discipline to his fighting technique, he's thrashing around hitting things. But Fury says he's good for the team.” White Tiger said as she watched Spider-Man get thrown around.
“His training may be off but he has more experience than the rest of you and his heart is in the right place” I imputed, defending my partner. “I’m just glad he agreed to do it”
“Why is Fury testing another new candidate? I didn't approve of this.” Nova said running up to us.
“So you didn’t approve of me?” I raised an eyebrow and fixed a glare at Nova who’s eyes widened.
“N-no! Your fighting was good, just not his!” I rolled my eyes.
“Look who thinks he's still in charge. That's so cute.” White tiger said to which I nodded my head in agreement.
“If Fury thinks I'm going to lead that lame-o in battle…”
“In your dreams, you're the team leader,”  Luke said placing a hand on Nova’s shoulder as Iron fist joined in.
“He is rough around the edges, but not without potential.”
“Yeah, but he named himself Spider-Man. How sad is that?” White Tiger said as I rolled my eyes. 
“Well, unlike you guys he had gotten his powers under pressure, and the fact he had nobody but me to tell his secret to”
“What was he supposed to call himself?” Iron fist said backing me up.
“Something cool that didn't scream, "Hi, I have low self-esteem and identify with bugs."
“You know what they say about a book and its cover, dude.”
“Dude, I'll clean this Helicarrier for a month if he makes it.”
“Toilets, too?”
“Toilets, too”
“Your on”
“I’m in” Luke chirped in taking Iron fist’s side.
“Me, too,” Nova said also high giving White Tiger. I sighed as I took White Tigers side knowing Spider-Man won’t pass without the right training and I don’t like being in the highest possible losers team and if Spidey does pass, I can just cast a few cleaning spells to help White Tiger out.
“I’m in as well I guess,” I said high fiving the boys, earning a smile from White Tiger. I checked the time and excused myself. “I gotta go. Work to be done, people to visit, someone to tease” the rest said their goodbyes as I walked off and teleported myself to a place near the hospital before I took off my mask making my cloak disappear showing I was wearing blue shorts and a white shoulderless blouse with my black hair down. I jogged from the alley to the hospital a few buildings away before stopping in front of the counter.
”How may I help-”
” I need to see Harry Osborn” I demanded out of breath.  The lady nodded and looked at the computer.
”Room 230 on floor 3” I thanked her before running up the stairs too impatient to wait on the elevator. when I peeked in the room I heard Peter.
“Hey, hero. I brought you something from school.”
“Cheerleaders?” Harry guessed making me chuckle.
“Homework” at the moment I came in.
“Hey Harry”
“I guess Maya’s close to an cheerleader” I rolled my eyes.
Harry really stepped up yesterday when the Frightful Four attacked our school. Unfortunately, all that heroism won him overnight stay in the hospital.
Yikes. Wish I was there to help out
Me too,Maya, Me too
“Peter has your best interests at heart, son. He's a true friend” Mr.Osborn said placing his hand on Peter’s shoulder.
Wouldn’t it be nice to have a dad like that?
“How about a ride to school, Peter? Maya?”  
“You don't have to hold a gun to my head, sir.”
“How about you, Maya?”  I shook my head.
“Sorry, my Dad’s coming to get me” like magic my phone rang showing my dad. “Matter of fact this is him now, bye Harry, Peter. See you at school tomorrow” I left the room answering the call.“Hey dad!”
“Hey, sweetpea. How was the S.H.I.E.L.D test?” 
 “I think I aced it. Tell you more in the car ride home I see you”
“Okay,”  I ended the call and got into the car.
 “So? Details?”
“So I finished the test under 14 seconds”
“That’s my girl”“And I met my future team”
“Did you guys show your identities?”
“No.not yet but I know they know Peter’s identity”
“You’ll learn their identity-“
“Oh I already did”
“You did?”
“Yeah, Fury enrolled them to Midtown high so I may or may not have looked through their files”
“I bet other dads don’t have a daughter like you to have bragging rights with” Dad mumbled.
Meet my dad, Tony Stark aka Iron man. Since he has Stark Interpers I barely get to see him everyday but he tries his best to get some quality time together and he makes sure we eat breakfast together so we can catch up on what happened to us yesterday since he’s busy at night. Plus I get to hang out with the avengers daily so I call them uncles/aunts.
“It isn't my fault my daughter is beautiful, genius AND a future avenger! I got the full package!”  I sighed as I smiled and hugged dad. No matter how many times he would brag, I know he means well and loves me just as much as I do.
“I love you dad”
“I love you two my favorite daughter”
“I’m your only daughter”
“...don’t ruin the mood” I laughed as I snuggled close as we got home.
“We’re here,” Happy said from the driver’s seat. I nodded and thanked him as I got out with my school bag on my shoulder.
“I’m gonna go and do my homework real quick and check in with the vice student body president cause I’m sure Peter forgot to do it for me” Dad kissed my cheek before ruffling my hair.
“I’ll be in the lab if you need me. Capsicle  wants to see you in an hour for your training”
“Thanks, Dad,” I said as I kissed his cheek and went up to my room.
“How did I get lucky with her?...” I smiled as I heard my dad before I went into my room.
“Smile, Spider-Man,”  MJ said to peter flashing a camera at him making him lose his balance and fall as he started rambling nervously.
“Oh! Whoa, I'm not... How did…”
“Wow, nervous much? I'm practicing what I'll say when I finally meet Spider-Man maybe even Mistress. Here”  MJ handed him a paper he read. ‘Spider-Man and Mistress: I will tell your side of the story. Call me. Mary Jane Watson’
“You really believe those two hang out here in Midtown?”
“ They’ve been seen on campus often enough.they could be anybody. A student, a teacher, or…” Stan walked by pushing a cart full of mobs and such before turning to them.
“Thwip Thwip” And he left.
“Ok, well maybe not anybody,”
I know how much it means for MJ to get that reporter job with the Bugle and I'd love to help her out. I'm afraid I'd blow it once I started talking to her. I mean, MJ knows me so well.Maya would help her much better seeing how she takes Drama and can act it out but I don’t think she’ll want to take that risk either....
“Even if Spider-Man and Mistress are a student, They’re going to keep it on the down-low. There's no way They'd let anyone know who they really are”
“Maybe, but I'm not giving up. Also, Have you seen Maya?”
“No, not since yesterday. Maybe she’s in the council room?”
“Most likely, seeing how she wasn’t able to check in yesterday” Peter’s eyes widened. ‘I completely forgot about checking in for her! Maya must be extremely busy now! All cause of me’ Peter gloomed at the thought before smiling again.
“I’ll go check on her since we are walking home together”
“Make sure to get her something to eat on your way there, she hasn’t touched her lunch at all”
“Okay, bye” MJ left as Peter went off to get Maya so they can leave for S.H.I.E.L.D as promised.
“Sir, ma'am. Yo, what's up?”  Spider-Man said to every passing agent we saw making me sigh. I wasn’t going to come here with him but after he kept telling me I can get back to the paperwork later and I had to take a ‘break’ I eventually came around.
”Spidey, what are you doing?” I asked unamused.
“I'm just trying to blend in now that I'm an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.”
“An agent? You're barely a newbie.” Fury pitches in making me smirk at the look of Spidey’s face as Fury scanned his eyes at an entrance.
“ID confirmed. S.H.I.E.L.D. Director, Nick Fury.”
The doors slid open revealing a testing room for gadgets I’m guessing as we went in.
“Get in here and don't touch anything.”
“Cool!” Spidey exclaimed looking around as I stood there watching him. “Awesome!” I looked over to see him looking at a guy flying with web wings before looking over to a guy climbing a wall with spider legs/claws. “Eh. It’s been done”   Spidey and I walked over to Fury who stood by a doctor
“Yo, Doc. Meet the new kid. Spider-Man, our resident tech genius. Dr. Curt Connors. And I know you’ve already met Mistress or Maya.” 
“Yes, we did, didn’t we?”  I nodded as I smiled. Spidey decided to make himself known and stuck out his hand.
“Always glad to meet a fellow genius” When Doc didn’t shake his head and Spidey saw Doc didn’t have a hand. “Awkward” Doc pulled up his sleeve and shook Spidey’s hand with both of his hands.
“A pleasure. I followed both yours and Mistress’s career closely, very impressive.”
I like this guy
Of course you would Peter, of course you would.
“Even before Director Fury approached you about joining us, I had my R&D team develop an array of Spider-Man and Mistress inspired weaponry.”  Spidey looked around confused.
“Then where’s-”
“It’s in another room. We like to have separate weaponry rooms for you two since we had a lot and Mistress had already seen hers, yesterday”  I nodded as Spidey nodded his making an ‘Oh’ face.
“What if we said no?”
“Not an option”  Fury replied sternly.
“Huh, that's funny, you're using our web-shooter out of camo mode.” Doc pointed out as he took Spidey’s wrist and placed it into camo mode.
“Oh, yeah. I had it in camo mode. But then I couldn't find it.” Doc and Fury just stared at Spidey unamused as I resisted the urge to facepalm.  “Joke. Don't you people ever smile” I’d be surprised if they ever did.
“Over here is something we think you'll find particularly interesting,”  Doc said as he leads Spidey to something covered.
“I reserve the right to be awestruck.” Before Spidey could touch it he was quickly hit with a metal whip. “Ow,” he groaned out as I cringed. Ouch.
“Hold it. Director Fury, I've never questioned your choices when it came to the others.” Coulson said.
“Others?” Spidey questioned. I was about to reply before I remembered, he doesn’t know about the others yet.
“But in this case, we're dealing with a complete wildcard. Daily Bugle Communications calls Spider-Man a threat to public safety.” Coulson continued.
“But I’m so cuddly,” Spidey said rubbing his head with his arms intertwined making me giggle a bit as his silliness.
“Spider-Man's my responsibility, Coulson. That's what he's here for. To learn responsibility.” Fury sternly replied.
“We’ll see” Coulson left just like that as Spidey quickly uncovered the thing and looked at it unimpressed.
“We call it the Spider-Cycle,” Doc said as Spidey looked back at him.
“Uh, yeah. Useless”
“Excuse me?” Doc said taken back.
“I mean it's cool and all, but why do I need a motorcycle? I can get anywhere by thwip-thwip.” Spidey said illustrating what he meant by ‘thwip-thwip’  
“ I calculate you can make it from 80th to 34th street in 3. 7 minutes while using up what I'm guessing is fairly expensive webbing and at maximum muscle stress.“
“Uh maybe” Spidey rubbed his muscle to stubborn to admit Doc was right to which I rolled my eyes at. Unlike him, I levitate my way so I have no need to waste strength nor use any expensive webbing.  
“The Spider-Cycle can make it minute-and-a-half. If you're not scared thwip-less to climb on” Fury added on knowing full well out competitive and ‘prideful’ Spidey is. It seemed to work cause Spidey glared at him.
“One side” and he climbed on….wait…...he never took driving lessons ...or have a permit…..this won’t end well…this is soo gonna get recorded. I placed my hand behind my back and muttered  a summoning chant spell and summoned my phone from my backpack back at my room (Yes we stopped by my room on our way here to drop off our stuff) “and the starter is…” Spidey touched somewhere starting the Spider-Cycle up and running as Spidey yelled and I laughed a bit as I placed a spell to make my phone follow his Spider-Cycle, recording.
“You should go and follow him” I nodded at Fury’s suggestion as I stifle my laughter as I levitated my way to catch up to him.
“Brakes, THE BRAKES!” I saw Spidey yell as agents quickly dodged him nearly. I flew a bit faster in an attempt to catch up to see him blast a hole. “NOT BRAKE!”
“Aaah! Not a problem. I'll just pop another parachute and” Spidey tried to do it to see he ran out of the web. “Okay, now I'm scared thwip-less Aaah!”  I stopped at the hole fully knowing I wouldn’t fly down so I cast a teleportation spell and got to a rooftop to see Spidey riding on the side of a building as I watched in amusement before he ended up in the streets screaming, that's when I got up and flew above him.
“ Kid, what's wrong with you? You act like you've never driven before.” Fury said as I giggled.
“That’s because he never did!” I yelled.
“I don’t even have my learner’s permit!”
“You what?”
“It’s new york! Who needs a car?!” Spidey said as he jumped over a school bus as I flew above. “OH COME ON” Spidey yelled as he went through a sign reading ‘road closed’ I sighed knowing I can’t keep this up, guess fun’s over. I picked up Spidey as I saw Luke pick up the bus the Spider-Cycle would’ve hit and White Tiger quickly hopped on the Cycle stopping it as Nova helped me carry Spidey. “Let me go, Buckethead!”
“Calm down preschool, we’ll take it from here.”  We let go of Spidey as I stood next to Nova as White tiger hopped off the cycle with Iron fist’s leg on the wheel and Luke next to him.
“We-” I coughed as Spidey rolled his eyes. “Okay I appreciate a hand now and then, but I really didn't need to be saved by-who're you guys?”
“Iron Fist, Nameste. Iron Fist. Kung fu master with a fist of well...iron.”
“White Tiger. Acrobatic ninja with steel claws and cat powers. And the big guy there is Lu-”
“Power-Man. If he calls himself Spider-Man then I'm calling myself Power Man. It's cool and doesn't scream ‘I have low self-esteem.’ Super strength and bulletproof skin.”
“Okay, Power-Man” White Tiger said rolling her eyes.
“And I already met Captain Buckethead over there,” Spidey pointed at Nova.
“Names Nova, creep”
“Nova creep, catchy”
“Nova, the human rocket.”
“Okay. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get this bike back to HQ. You see, I'm with S. H. I. E. L. D.”  Spidey bloated in smug, little did he know hehe.
“Small world,” Power-Man said with a smirk as Nova gave Spidey a smug grin.
“No, no, no, no, no. I never signed on to be part of a team.”   Spidey complained as the rest of the team and I stood behind Coulson who was trying to reason with Spidey.
“It’s not a team, its a program. If you just let me explain” Coulson said.
“No! Nix! Nein! Nyet! Na-uh! No way! Never!” Spidey stormed off in anger.
“We won the bet!” White tiger and I high fived. “No toilets for the Tiger and Sorceress, Whoo!” I smiled before I looked back at where Spidey left.
He’ll come around. I know he well. Stubborn  is one thing he is really good at but I know he’ll realize being in a team instead of a Duo will help a lot learning about responsibility and make us stronger heros too
I sensed danger somewhere as my eyes widened and gasped as  White Tiger must've noticed since she placed a hand on my shoulder.
“You good Mistress?”
“I sense danger somewhere.” White Tiger turned to the team who are now alert.
“You heard her, there is danger somewhere, let’s head out ASAP” I nodded as we all got out to see Thundra throw a large metal cap at Spidey as Power-Man quickly took action and kicked it away as White Tiger pounced on top of Spidey.
“What are you guys doing here? I had them on the run. “
“Except for the part you didn’t” White Tiger countered as she brought out her claws and cut off the anti-gravity pad that was on Spidey’s chest as soon Spidey fell on his butt while White Tiger landed safely. Klaw sent a sound wave a the two as Spidey dodged it and Tiger fell back. I quickly took action and sent a blast of fire at Klaw sending him flying back in pain.
“Okay, Nick. I'll join your junior "Glee" club. But I still operate Duo as Spider-Man and Mistress, It's our version of ‘Me Time’”
“Done” they shook hands before the web shooter shot a parachute falling on them.
*** [Peter’s POV] ***
Finally, both school and Spidey lives are back to normal. I opened my locker and sighed happily as I smiled. Maya should be here any minute now since she probably finished all that council work she had to do and have that meeting with the new principal I heard about.
“Oh, Puny Parker. Locker knocker time” I sighed remembering my normal life...has Flash in it. Before Flash could push me in Someone pulled me away making Flash fall in my locker and lock himself in. “Ow” I looked up to see my   ‘savior’
“Wait, do I know you?” I saw three other kids behind the guy looking oddly familiar. “Any of you?”
“Say hello to your new classmates,” Said the blonde guy, “Danny Rand” now known as Danny.
“ Luke Cage,” Said the guy who ‘saved’ me.
“Sam Alexander,” said the Latino guy.
“Ava Ayala, think about it” That’s when a light bulb went off my head as I realized, these were my new team.
“Huh?” was all that came out, I was speechless, AND right where I thought everything would be back to normal!
“Oh, some idiot gave Fury the bright idea we needed ‘me time’ away from S. H. I. E. L. D,” Sam said hinting at Me sarcastically.
“ FYI, don't sweat the secret ID. Code of silence man”  Somehow Maya came in just in time.
“Hey Peter, seems you already met the new students huh?”
“Maya! Please tell me this is some sort of mistake!” I plead. Being the head president of the school, basically, like a vice-principal, she had to have control on who enrolls, right?
“I’m sorry Peter but my job is to welcome students not the opposite and besides I placed myself the job of giving them a tour here”
“Why do you have to be their tourist?”
“Cause one, I’m the head president of the school, and the second is Fury wants me to so they can grow accustomed here plus ‘get to know each other as civilians’” Sam smirked as he came closer.
“Well, how lucky we are to get such a cutie to tour us” Maya smirked as she cocked her hip.
“I don’t think you should be flirting with your teammate,” She said mockingly.
“Teammate?” Maya’s smirk widened as the rest’s eyes widened.
“Funny how you didn’t recognize me as I quick as Peter”
“W-Well it's just that you where a large cloak with a black mask so we couldn’t see you properly aside from half your face and your hands s-so-” Maya laughed a bit.
“Don’t sweat it. I’m cool with it besides the whole point of the mask and cloak was for nobody to get a slight hint about my identity.”
“Hey, this is great. Really, really great. I just got to go talk to a guy.” I said before running off to the principal's office leaving Maya with them.
“ I need an immediate transfer”
“Denied, Mr. Parker”
“But why?” The principal turned around and I saw...Coulson?!
“Because Fury wants you where he can keep his eye on you.”
“Acting principal Coulson, Thwip-Thwip,” He said with a mocking grin. I went out gripping on my hair in frustration.
“ I said it before, I'll say it again. N-o. No, no, no-no, no, no.”  I said walking by my locker.
“Hello? Can somebody let me out? Please. Anyone?” I backed up and looked at my locker with a smirk.
“Okay, maybe yes”
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porkchop-ao3 · 5 years
A Thrill I’ve Never Known (Chapter 6)
Jemima Jones
Up to some mischief with Johnny boy. Contains a little mistreatment of minors (not by any of the main characters btw)  
(All chapters tagged with #ATINK and also posted on Ao3, username PorkChop)
John rode us to the trapper, keeping a fast pace on his horse that reminded me how much I missed riding. We arrived quickly, and John helped me down from the horse when we slowed to a stop near the stall. The trapper looked between us as we approached, greeting me with a nod.
“Funny to see you with some company,” he noted. I placed the pelts down on his table and unrolled them.
“I've been making friends,” I said a little drily. He inspected the pelts, checking their quality.
“Not your finest work,” he noted.
“The deer? I didn't skin those,” I said, and he glanced up at John. “Not him, neither.”
“My, you really have been making friends. You could teach them a thing or two about skinning.”
“Didn't wanna be a smart ass,” I shrugged and the trapper laughed.
“I'll give you ten dollars for the lot.”
“Sure,” I nodded.
“You ain't gonna haggle?” John asked.
“I've haggled with this feller so much he don't even need it no more, that's a good price.”
“If you say so,” he shrugged.
I took the money, pocketed it, and said my goodbyes before mounting John's horse again. He rode us back onto the track, keeping to a trot.
“Where to next, Valentine?”
“If it ain't too much to ask,” I replied.
“Oh it's pushing it, but I'll let you off,” he said, his tone light and jovial. He picked up the pace to a gallop, a longer ride ahead of us than the one down. “Though, I ain't sure what you're planning on buying with ten dollars.”
“It'll probably stretch to a pair of pants. A blouse if I'm lucky.”
“Pants?” John questioned.
“More important than a pretty frock, I reckon. Cheaper too. If I'm gonna be working and hunting more, the pants'll come in handy,” I explained with a shrug. He nodded in understanding.
“I was speaking to Dutch the other day about what sorts of jobs we could get you in on.”
“Yeah? I don't wanna shoot nobody,” I said, right off the bat.
“Didn't think you would. But I was thinking, you did a pretty good job of bringing me into that ambush the other day. Reckon we might be able to flip that on its head, use some of your performative skills.”
“I weren't performing anything, John. I thought I was gonna die,” I deadpanned.
“I know. And I ain't suggesting we use you as bait like those other fools did, either. A distraction, though. You got that quiet, vulnerable thing going for you–”
“You think I look vulnerable?” I balked, staring at the back of his head with my face screwed up.
“Now I know you a little better, no. But I think you could pull it off; you're young, quiet, polite, you could bend all that to your favour.”
“And do what exactly?”
“Say we take a bank, right? You could distract the tellers, easy, while we go in and take control of the place. And they wouldn't even have to know you were in on it, you're just an innocent little thing tryin'a open an account, or, get a hold of some misplaced funds.”
“A bank. Gosh, John, all I've robbed is drunkards in saloons and the occasional empty homestead.”
“Alright, we start off smaller then, we'll figure something out.”
“I'm willing to try,” I nodded.
“That'll make Dutch happy.”
“And if I do all this; help you lot make money, you'll help me get my horse back?” I asked.
“Of course, we'll do our best,” he glanced over his shoulder at me and smiled.
“And then I can leave and get back to what I was doing before, and Dutch won't have to worry about me squealing on you 'cause I'll be incriminated too,” I thought aloud and John chuckled.
“I suppose that's right. That's if you even wanna leave at that point.”
“What's that supposed to mean?”
“I mean this life gets pretty addictive, hard to get out of. And Dutch, the community he's built with all of us? Well, it's nice knowing you've got people who'll have your back.”
“I don't know. I think I'm better off on my own.”
“Alright, I ain't gonna try and change your mind,” he said, and we rode in silence the rest of the way to Valentine.
John accompanied me to the general store, where I was able to purchase a pair of men's work jeans and a belt to keep them up, since they were a little loose around the waist. John was carrying them in his satchel for me. I couldn't afford a top, so I'd have to keep borrowing the girls’ for the time being, but it was a start. A step back towards independence.
John wanted to run an errand before we headed back, to check to see if the group had received any mail. We stopped by the station and I waited outside for him, sitting on a bench, people watching. There was a woman nearby – dressed in mint green with her blonde hair styled in an immaculate updo – obviously going on a trip judging by the large case sat by her feet. She was causing a scene, yelling at the top of her lungs to the young boy she was with. He must've been about ten, not very old at all, and his case had opened up, spilling his clothes all over the floor. I hadn't seen it happen but I doubted it was his fault at all, but you'd think he'd committed murder with the way she was hollering at him. I watched in uncomfortable silence as he tried to gather it all up again, flushing with humiliation.
I jumped when John came out to meet me, a letter in hand.
“Letter for Arthur,” he said, inspecting it. “I think it's from Mary, judging by the handwriting.”
“Mary?” I questioned. He looked over his shoulder, distracted by the screaming woman for a moment.
“Last I heard she'd got married. She's an old girlfriend of his,” he told me. I felt an unnecessary amount of pressure to keep my expression as neutral as possible.
A loud snapping sound echoed across the decking, and John and I looked towards it. The kid was sprawled out, clutching his cheek. I covered my mouth, looking up at John who was analysing the situation, looking between the boy, the woman, her case. He turned back to me.
“You wanted some new clothes,” he said under his breath. “Why don't you go talk to her? I'll get you some; she looks about your size.”  
My heart pounded at the prospect but I found myself nodding. I cleared my throat and rose to my feet, brushing out the creases in my dress as I made my way over to her, thinking over what I could say. My mind was drawing a blank, I hoped to God something would come out of my mouth when I reached her, and I could improvise my way through it.
“Hello, ma'am?” I said, smiling nervously at her. She looked up at me from her boy, eyes narrowed and expression sour. The kid went back to gathering his things
“Can I help you?” She hissed.
“I was wondering if I could help you, actually,” I told her. “You see, you look like a woman of means, that dress of yours is mighty pretty. I don't s'pose you're looking for a servant girl at all? I'm looking for work and I have a lot of experience, worked for a number of high standing folk.”
“A servant girl?” She scoffed, turning to face me head on, simultaneously putting her back to her baggage. The boy had his back to it too as he knelt on the floor; I saw John strolling by from the corner of my eye, glancing around.
It was pretty quiet on this side of the station, nobody was close enough to really be paying any attention, John just had to get the timing right and I trusted him to do it.
“Yes, could I be of assistance? I can cook, clean, sew… do childcare.” I added, my voice going up at the end. Her expression shifted to one of consideration.
“You any good at tending to horses, too? Our stable boy got sick and died not long ago,” she said without any softening of her words. It shocked me how easily she just said that, like he wasn't even a person at all.
“Oh, of course. That was actually a huge part of my last job.”
“And why'd you lose it? You gotta be looking for work for some reason.”
“My previous employer lost his fortune, he was a heavy gambler. He couldn't keep me,” I explained, shaking my head sadly.
I saw John again, walking behind the woman. As casually as anything he just dipped down and picked up the case, strolling on by around the corner where his horse was hitched. A flutter of exhilaration appeared in my tummy when she didn't even glance back.  
“Well,” the woman said, reaching into her purse and pulling out a pencil and a small diary. She scribbled something down before tearing out the page, offering it to me. “You drop in at this address soon and we can talk more.”
“Thank you!” I beamed at her, clutching her hand as I took the note, squeezing it in appreciation. “Jemima Jones, it's a pleasure,” I lied, spewing out the first name to automatically roll off of my tongue.
“Mrs. Schwartz. Don't get your hopes up, you have to meet my husband, first,” she told me and I nodded.
“Of course. I will let you get on, then, and I'll see you soon,” I nodded and gave her a little bow before all but skipping off. She watched me leave, an odd look on her face, but I was gone in seconds. I stuffed the note down into my chemise, saving it for later.
John was sat on his horse, ready and waiting with the case on his lap. “Nice work,” he grinned at me.
“You too!”
He held his hand out and helped me up, then handed me the case. "Hold onto me, and don't be shy, I know you've only got one hand with that case. I don't wanna be losing either of you.”
I shuffled closer to him, wrapping my free arm firmly around his midriff; then he set off. He moved quickly, taking off straight into a gallop to get away from the area as quickly as possible, we probably only had about thirty seconds before the woman would notice her baggage was gone and luckily we were out of there before we heard anything to suggest she had.
I was grinning the whole way back, thoroughly exhilarated by the whole thing. I'd robbed a handful of people but none of them were as exciting as that; working with a partner, getting out clean, robbing from someone I could say probably deserved it. It had been fun.
We arrived back at the camp and Karen was keeping guard, looking between us and at the way I was pinned so close to John. She cocked a brow.
“We’ve been busy today!” I told her.
“You have, huh?” There was an edge to her tone and she made even more of a point of looking back and forth between us. I rolled my eyes and jumped down from the horse as soon as it came to a stop. I held the case up.
“We relieved some sour faced hag of this. I think Mary-Beth'll be pleased; she can have her clothes back,”
“Ooh, I wonder what else is in there,” she said.
“Y’all can do what you please with the rest of it, I'm just interested in some new clothes.”
John and I headed into camp, placing the case down on the table near Dutch's tent. He noticed us and immediately headed over, smoking a cigar. There was a padlock keeping the luggage secure and John pulled something out of his pocket, using it to try and jimmy it open.
“What's this?” Dutch asked when he reached us.
“The new girl's first job,” John explained. “We saw this nasty piece of work slapping her kid around in the middle of the station, thought we'd take the opportunity to get some new clothes for her.”
John got the lock open and revealed what was inside the case. Laying on top was one of those big fancy hats, he moved it out of the way and there was a high end dress to match underneath it. When he moved that, I was relieved to see some more every day clothes below. I reached in and pulled out a plain, peach coloured skirt; it felt pretty high quality and there was a fair amount of fabric in it, which would come in useful when riding horseback. I draped it over my arm and pulled out a cotton blouse with fine lace running down either side of the buttons down the centre. It was far prettier than anything I'd owned before but it wasn't too elaborate that I'd feel silly wearing it.
“We can sell some of this,” Dutch said, lifting up the hat. “Should be worth something.”
“There's jewellery too,” I told him, pulling out a little drawstring bag that felt heavy. I handed it to him and he grinned.
“Very nice. You did good. What was your method of acquiring this?” He asked.
“I distracted her, posing as a servant girl looking for work, and John picked it up and walked off with it, just like that,” I explained excitably.
“Well done, you two! My dear, you have what you'd like from in here and leave the rest by my tent. You might as well keep the case, too,” he patted the top of my arm and gave me an appreciative nod before turning on his heel.
“I’d call that a job well done,” John grinned at me, and I mirrored his expression. “Nice to see you're pleased, too, I think this is the first time I've seen you smile.”
“It's been fun! Exciting. Thank you, John.”
“And thank you,” he held his hand out to me and I shook it firmly.
Karen was behind us, watching the whole thing with an unreadable expression. I smiled at her and she smiled back, turning away, concentrating on her guard duties.
John handed me the things I'd bought from his satchel. “I'm gonna go put Arthur's letter in his tent, leave you to it. Good work today, I hope we can bring you in on more jobs, if you like.”
“Yeah, I'd like that.”
He nodded, tipping his hat before heading off.
I finished going through the case and decided to keep a few things; a couple of skirts and blouses, some bloomers and camisoles, a chemise, two jackets, one of which would be warm enough in cold weather. I had a decent wardrobe coming along and I neatly packed it all into the case with my new pants. I'd acquired a small leather satchel, too, that'd come in handy.
There was quite a haul of decent stuff I wasn't keeping, lots of elaborate clothing and jewellery, as well as some shoes that looked brand new but were far too impractical for me to consider keeping. I was lucky in the sense that my kidnappers had at least left my boots on my feet, anyway. I left all of the stuff near Dutch's tent like he'd asked me to, and then headed off to change into my new clothes.
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anastasiaskarsgard · 5 years
Mark 10
So I’m not sure what 10 you mean so I wrote a story with all three number 10 prompts
“Do you even still love me?”
“Are we on a date right now?”
“So,Uh, I locked the keys in the car.”
Josh has been my boyfriend ever since i moved to Salem. He was the popular, handsome, captain of the basketball team, that got good grades and everyone adored. I’d met him on my first day when he’d been assigned to show me around, and I was flattered when he asked for my number, and pretty much had been inseparable ever since. I honestly wasn’t sure if i loved him or loved being popular. In my old school i had like one friend and never got invited to anything, but as Josh’s girl, i became high school royalty overnight. All the girls would tell me how lucky I was, and i loved to see their jealous faces when i was crowned homecoming and prom queen at Josh’s side.
That’s why i never talked about Our “incidents”. Josh was very protective about me. He didn’t like it when i talked to anyone, especially guys like Mark.
Mark was the most beautiful boy i’d ever seen and even being near him made me blush. He was the polar opposite of Josh tho. He didn’t participate in anything but partying, getting fucked up and breaking all the girls hearts. He had a girlfriend named lily for awhile but then she started banging some old guy and Mark broadcast that fact across the internet. They had some fucked up relationship with drama on both sides, but somehow always ended up making out in the halls again, causing a new batch of girls to cry. He was the definition of trouble.
One day i’d forgotten my essay at home and didn’t want to get a failing grade for it, so i forced myself to throw up in front of everyone, so the teacher believed i’d genuinely needed to go home.
I couldn’t go home because my dad would kill me, and i didn’t want to see Josh cuz he’d worry so i decided to go chill at the local library. I selected a few magazines to look thru and settled into a comfy chair tucked away in a secluded corner. I loved this spot cuz i felt alone, but had a whole world of books just around the corner.
“Wow what are you doing here goody two shoes?”
I looked up to find Mark standing in front of me, with a cocky smirk on his face.
“Last time I checked this was a public library.”
Marks’ eyebrows shot up and he chuckled. “What are you reading?” He asked as he settled down on the ground snatching a magazine from my lap, before leaning against the chair between my legs.
I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t believe Mark was so close I could smell him. He smelled so nice and he was so warm against my leg. I could feel my core heat instantly, and it took all I had in me to look at my magazine and control my breathing.
“So why are you skipping school Trouble? Did you follow me?”
Eventhough I was so nervous, I was sweating, I somehow was uncharacteristically a smart ass, “of course, Mark. I’m obsessed with you.”
“You know my name?” He said as he leaned his head back looking upside down at me, with his head quite literally resting on my lap.
“Your head is pressing against my...” I practically whispered locking eyes with him. He was so beautiful even upside down. His eyes were the palest green, and his nose was the most perfect nose I’d ever seen. He had full pillowy lips and smooth flawless skin. His cheekbones and jawline were so prominent, I could still see his perfect bone structure even at this angle, and he was so large. At least 6’4 with broad shoulders and tapered waist.
“Is it making you uncomfortable having another man between your legs, little girl?” He said cockily.
I was at a loss for words, just staring down at him thinking things no nice girl should be thinking.
We both snapped forward to find Josh standing in front of us red faced, chest heaving. “Are you guys on a fucking date?” He seethed.
Mark just chuckled, looking back up at me, “Are we on a date right now?”
Josh made an inhuman growl and stomped forward, grabbing me by the arm and ripping me from the chair. Mark stayed where he was seated but his face had changed from amused to dark.
“Josh it’s not what it looks like! I was just sitting here and he came and sat down!”
“Shut the fuck up! Do you even still love me? I mean Mark? Him!” Josh said pointing at Mark. I dared not look at him. All of a sudden I felt a firm slap across the face. It stung, but not so much as it humiliated me and made me feel small. I looked up in horror at Josh, but then looked back down at the ground. Josh never hit me in front of anyone. I felt so ashamed, and to make matters worse, Mark had hopped up and put himself in between Josh and I.
“Oh you gonna be a fucking hero now Mark? After that stunt with Lily, i thought you understood sometimes girls need a little reminder who’s the boss.”
“Holding a girl down to take a picture when she’s lying to your face, is a hell of a lot different than hitting someone that you know won’t fight back. And you helped hold her down mitherfucker! It was your idea!”
I felt like I was gonna be sick, and i was mortified. Tears welled up in my eyes and when I looked to the hallway, a crowd was forming. I just wanted to get out of there. I wanted to get away from the both of them.
I started to walk towards the exit, with Josh hot on my tail, speaking just low enough for me to hear him, how much I was gonna pay for this. I didn’t know if Mark was behind us too, but I didn’t dare look, and frankly after hearing what he’d done to Lily I didn’t care.
I went to get in my car, when I realized I’d left my purse behind but I didn’t want to admit that to Josh. I also didn’t wanna leave with him either. My mind raced what to do, and I noticed Mark standing by his car behind Josh.
“Open the fucking door!” Josh demanded. He was at the passenger side waiting to get in. Marks eyes locked on mine, signaling me to get in his car and flashing me my purse from behind him. Never in my life did I think Mark would be the better option.
“What are you looking at? You wanna go with Mark? You’re looking at fucking Mark?” Josh raged. He was furious. He started to walk around the car, but I walked around it too, keeping the car between us.
“You hold fucking still or it’s only gonna be worse when I catch you.” Josh yelled.
“So, Uh, I locked the keys in the car,” I said weakly.
Josh burst into a sprint to try and cover enough ground to grab me. I was surprised at this but still was able to keep enough distance between us, running around my car as Josh cursed and threw threats my way. I was terrified until I ran into a wall of a man that was Mark, who rapped me in his arms and told me to go get in his car.
I looked at his serene stern face, and then back at Josh who was in a full on rage and thought fuck it.
“Really motherfucker? You really wanna do this?” Josh spat.
“Bro, you’re being fucking ridiculous and coming from me, that should concern you. What are you gonna do to her? I’m a piece of shit and we’ve both fucked up, but you’re supposed to fucking learn and grow and shit. You’re acting insane and I’m not letting you near her.”
“And you’re gonna fucking stop me? That would require follow through! The only thing you finish is being a fucking disappointment.”
“What are you, my fucking dad?” Mark scoffed. “Just go cool off Josh. I’ll make sure she gets home and I won’t touch her. Whatever she decides about you, is on her although I recommend a fucking restraining order.”
God he was cute. What the fuck is wrong with me? I should get my keys out of my purse and run to my car while Josh is distracted and never speak to either of these boys ever again.
“Mind your fucking business Mark. You couldnt just fuck all the skanky ass whores in school could you? You had to go after mine.”
“She’s a skanky ass whore too? Fantastic! I thought she was a goody two shoes, but that makes giving her a ride home more promising.” Mark said with a devilish smile.
“You think you’re so fucking funny don’t you? Everything is a fucking joke with you.”
“You’re a fucking joke Josh.” Mark turned to walk back to his car, as Josh glared.
“Good luck with Mark you fucking whore! He’ll just throw you away like he does with every other dumb slut and then don’t come crying to me!”
Mark got in and started his car, and squeezed my knee. “We’ll drive around a bit, and then come back when he’s gone so you can get your car.”
I glanced over at him and he gave me a sweet smile that I couldn’t help but return it.
“What you said about learning and growing; did you mean it?”
“I did. Listen it’s not my business, but no man should ever put hands on you. I don’t have a lot of room to talk, cuz I drink and I’m not gonna act like I haven’t done stupid shit and punched walls but when I saw him just hit you... and then you looked down I just.”
I turn and look at his face and he looks angry and sad and confused. I reached over and placed my hand on his arm. “You felt helpless.”
We came to a light and he looked over at me face unreadable, when he cracked a sad smile.
“You are trouble.” He said looking away.
“Cuz normally I’d wanna get high, or take you somewhere and fuck you, but I just wanna make sure that he never hurts you again.”
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