#and it's not fair and he doesn't deserve to have to take the fall alone
luveline · 10 months
hiiii not sure if your requests are open but if they aren’t just ignore this😭
imagine getting into an argument with james, sirius, and remus because you brought a stray kitten or something home and you really don’t have the room for a kitten
“but look at him🥺”
“… no” *less convincingly*
You hold the kitten in your hand. Remus strokes her head, her little damp ears. “It's not about that, Remus, I just couldn't leave her there, the box was falling apart and… I thought that only happened in movies.” 
Sirius leans forward on his knees to give the kitten a stroke of his own. “She's lovely,” he murmurs, scratching under her chin and grinning when she moves into it for more. “It's too bad the flat's so small. Otherwise we could keep her.” 
She's tortoise shell with a white half circle around her mouth, eyes squinted closed as she shivers. You've wrapped her in a tea towel like a blanket. She is, without a doubt, that cutest and saddest creature you've ever seen. “Where is she supposed to go, Siri?” you ask gently. 
“People love cats.” Sirius puts his hand on Remus' thigh casually, giving it a loving squeeze as he settles in. “Everybody wants a kitten.” 
But not everyone will be nice to a kitten. She feels like your responsibility now; how can you leave her? She's burrowed into you from the moment you picked her up, shushing and murmuring, your knees sodden in the puddle of rainwater beneath you both. 
“We have to keep her, please,” you say. 
There's a mutual surprise. “Dove, we can't,” Remus says. “The bathroom barely fits the toilet, shower, and sink, we'd never be able to have a litter box.” 
“It wouldn't be fair,” Sirius agrees, “on us or the kitten, she'd have no room once she turns into a cat.” 
You bring the kitten close to your chest and show them her helpless face. “But look at her,” you say softly, widening your eyes gently, your brows bunched together in the beginnings of heartbreak. 
“No,” Remus says, shaking his head sympathetically. 
You frown at him and Sirius in turn, your bottom lip jutting out ever so slightly. 
“No,” he says again, sounding unsure. 
Sirius rubs his leg. “Stay strong, my love.” 
“There's just not enough room.” 
You fear you may be losing this battle, and if they really don't want a cat, maybe you shouldn't force them. But then your trump card comes out of the bathroom with a towel around his neck, shirtless, grey joggers low on his hips, and you know you still have a chance. 
“Wow, Jamie,” you say, not having to act very much to give your voice a hoarse rasp, “you might need to shower again.” 
His smile is magnetic. “Yeah?” he asks, immediately delighted by such a brazen comment. “How's the little sweetheart? Reckon we can leave her alone?” 
“She's cold still,” you say.
James visibly melts at your sad tone, while Remus rolls his eyes. “She's just trying to get you on her side, James. I've said we can't keep the cat and she's–” 
“Taking advantage of her feminine wiles?” Sirius suggests. 
“Cheating,” Remus finishes. 
James leans over the back of the sofa between your head and Remus to kiss behind your ear, a brief press of the lips. “Why should I care? Doesn't she deserve her own way?” 
“It's not as though I'm lying,” you say guiltily. 
James laughs and kisses your jaw. You bring your shoulder up to your chin and flush with heat at such a simple thing, trying your hardest not to jostle the kitten in your hand as he wraps an arm around your front, resting his face against yours. The wet curls of his hair are cold on your skin, and the straight line of his jaw digs in. “I know,” he says. 
“Catch on, Jamie,” Remus says. 
“Shan't, won't.” Another kiss to your cheek. 
“Please, Remus, I promise if you don't want her then I won't make you, but if it's about room, of course there's enough. The four of us manage to squeeze in, don't we?” You lean into James’ embrace, eyes melty-soft. You're practically batting your eyelashes at him. 
Sirius flops into Remus’ lap with a resigned sigh. “If you don't say yes, I will anyway. Look at her.” 
You don't know if he means the kitten or you, but you choose to believe it's you he's complimenting, and you react accordingly, your little smile pushing Remus completely over the edge. 
He sighs. “Yes, alright. Fine.” 
You pass James the little warm parcel of fur and use your freshly emptied hands to grab Remus by both arms. “Thank you! Aw, thank you, Remus. Sirius. I'll be so absolutely clean and if it does seem too small I promise, I won't make anyone suffer.” 
“I never thought you would,” he says. “If you really want to keep her, I can't stop you. I'm your boyfriend, not a prison warden.” 
“Well, we share a home–” 
“I know,” he says warmly, “it's alright. Keep your kitten, dove. Looks like you've found her for a reason.” 
You laugh happily and gather him up for a hug. “Oh, I love you.” 
“What shall we name her?” Sirius asks around you. 
“I'm not fussed. What do you like?” James asks. 
Sirius meets your eyes as you and Remus pull apart. “You always get your way, hmm? Why don't you name her?” 
Oh, you could hug him to death too. He looks comfortable where he is, his face on Remus thigh, hair fanned out over his joggers, and you don't want to disturb him (he's not quite as tactile as the others), so you stroke a curl from his cheek and offer him a cheeky smile. “Don't you have any ideas?” you ask. 
“About you, or the cat?” 
You laugh at his teasing. “Which one do you think?” 
Remus nudges you in the ribs. “Don't start. If we're keeping your cat, we need to go out, don't we? You'll have to go get dressed again.”
You give them all a glowing smile and clamber off of the sofa to find your shoes. 
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chheolie · 2 months
hey! i love your writing so much! i was wondering if you’d be open to writing a comfort fic where y/n is feeling a little sad and lonely (feeling left out from their friend group) and scoups comforts y/n?
Ohhh hello, I'm glad you enjoyed reading this blog. And well, I hope you like this post too! ♥♥♥
seungcheol unlocked the door to his home, his shoulders heavy with the weight of weeks of intense work, and let out a sigh of relief as he entered. the past weeks had been a whirlwind of recordings, rehearsals, and meetings. his eyes searched for you, whom he hadn't seen as much as he would have liked lately. soon, you rushed to meet him, hugging him tightly. he smiled, feeling your warmth, wrapping his arms around you, and kissing the top of your head.
"i'm home," he murmured, holding you tenderly.
you didn't let go, remaining glued to him. seungcheol noticed the difference; normally, even after time apart, you maintained a certain distance. today, however, you seemed unwilling to let go.
"what's wrong, love? is everything okay?" he asked with concern, caressing your face.
"nothing, i just missed you," you replied quickly, trying to force a smile.
he frowned, unconvinced, but decided not to press the issue at that moment. "i missed you too, y/n." you both headed to the living room and settled on the couch. you lay down in seungcheol's lap, feeling his fingers gently run through your hair, a gesture that always calmed you.
you picked up your phone and started scrolling through your instagram feed. suddenly, your body tensed. seungcheol noticed the immediate change and looked at your face, analyzing your expression. on the post where you had frozen, your friends were all together at a dinner, without you.
"y/n, what is it?" he asked, worried.
you sighed, your eyes still fixed on the phone. "my friends went out to dinner," you finally said, your voice tinged with hurt. "and i didn't even know about it. i wasn't invited. again."
seungcheol felt his heart ache seeing the sadness in your eyes.
"that's not fair, y/n. are you sure they didn't mention anything in the group chat?"
you shook your head, tears beginning to form.
"no. and this isn't the first time it's happened. i just... i feel like i'm losing my friendships. i feel so alone."
seungcheol pulled you closer, enveloping you in a tight embrace. he could feel your pain. "i'm sorry, my love. i know how much this must hurt."
you finally looked at him, your eyes shining with unshed tears. "i just... feel so excluded, you know? like i'm not important to them."
"you are so important, y/n. to me, you are everything. and anyone who doesn't see that doesn't deserve your time or energy."
you nodded, the tears now falling freely. seungcheol gently wiped your face with his thumb, leaning in to kiss your lips softly.
"let's take some time just for us, do something you enjoy. maybe watch a movie, order food... what do you think?"
you gave a small smile, feeling the comfort and security that only seungcheol could provide.
"i'd love that, cheol. thank you for being here."
he kissed your forehead, holding you even tighter in his arms.
"always, my love. i'll always be here for you."
you both decided to order food from a restaurant you both liked, choosing dishes that brought back fond memories of other moments together. while waiting for the delivery, seungcheol put on a movie he knew you adored. he adjusted the cushions on the couch, making sure you were comfortable before sitting next to you again.
as the movie progressed, you felt the day's tension begin to melt away. seungcheol kept an arm around your shoulders, occasionally kissing your temple or whispering funny comments about the movie scenes, making you laugh. it was a welcome distraction and a reminder of how well he knew and understood you.
when the food arrived, seungcheol insisted on serving you, telling you to relax while he prepared everything. he returned with plates full of your favorite dishes, and you ate together, talking about light and fun things, putting aside worries for a moment.
after dinner, you stayed cuddled on the couch, talking about everything and nothing. seungcheol listened patiently as you spoke more about how you were feeling regarding your friends. he didn't try to offer quick solutions, but instead, listened attentively, validating your feelings and offering words of support.
"maybe it's time to find new people, make new friendships that truly value you," he suggested gently. "but remember, i'm always here for you, no matter what."
you felt a wave of gratitude and love for him. seungcheol always knew exactly what to say to make you feel better. you snuggled closer, feeling the warmth and security of his arms around you.
"i don't know what i'd do without you, my love," you whispered.
"and you'll never have to find out because i'm never going anywhere," he responded, with firmness and affection in his voice.
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girlrotterr · 6 months
Ultraviolence pt.3
farm!ellie x fem!reader TW!: references to alcohol and substance abuse, along with instances of emotional and verbal abuse. Mentions of miscarriage and PTSD. a/n: the final chapterr!! so internally grateful for all the support this series received. I appreciate you angels & send all my love
read part 1! read part 2!
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You took a deep breath, choosing your words carefully.
‘We both knew the risks. You didn't force me to come with you. We made that decision together," you said, trying to reason with her.
She shot you a glare, her eyes red and filled with anger. "Don't make fucking excuses."
The room turned cold. She wiped away her tears with a rough motion, revealing a hardness in her eyes that hadn't been there before.
"I lost everything. All those people I killed, all the pain I caused, and for what? Nothing. Revenge didn't bring them back. It just left me with a trail of fucking corpses."
You reached out to touch her shoulder, hoping to provide some comfort, but she shrugged it off. 
"Don't fucking touch me. I don't need your pity," Ellie snapped, her voice cutting through the air like a blade.
The warmth that once existed between you had disintegrated, leaving only a cold, bitter residue. She stood up abruptly, storming out of the kitchen. You stood there for a moment, feeling the sharp sting of Ellie's words. For one final time.
Taking a deep breath, you composed yourself and followed after her into the living room. Ellie took a seat on the couch, retrieving a cigarette from her pocket. Her hands trembled as she attempted to calm herself. With puffy eyes, she avoided your gaze, her eyes darting away from yours.
"Ellie, I can't stay here like this. I can't watch you destroy yourself," you said, your voice steady "If you won't let me help, if you won't let anyone in, then I can't be a part of this. I can't keep trying to fix something that you're determined to break."
Ellie turned to face you, anger simmering in her eyes, a huge shift from the vulnerability she had shown moments ago. "So that's it, huh? You're going to leave?"
"It's not about leaving," you replied, meeting her gaze. "I’ve realized that I can't force you to change. I can't make you confront the past if you're not willing to face it yourself."
Her jaw tightened. 
"I can't do it anymore, Ellie!" you continued, your voice with frustration. "I can't stand by and watch you destroy everything, including our family. The constant anger, the distance, it's not fair to him, it's not fair to me."
A flicker of anxiety passed through Ellie's eyes, so quick you almost missed it. But it was there, a crack in her facade. 
"I found a place," you confessed, "Maria.. helped me. It's a small house.” 
Ellie clenched her fist tighter, her nails practically piercing right through her skin. "You can't just take him away from me."
"I'm saving what's left of our family." you shot back, "He deserves a stable environment, one where he doesn't have to-."
Ellie suddenly got up, her eyes begging, yet her body language was saying something entirely different. Trembling, her fists clenched, and her gaze locked onto you with worry. No, it wasn't just worry—it was raw, genuine fear. The very fear she dreaded most was happening right before her eyes. You were leaving. Taking your son with you, and leaving her behind. Ellie's hands quivered, her nails digging so deeply into her palms that they burned. 
Her breathing came in shallow gasps, her chest rising and falling rapidly as she struggled to calm herself. "Please,.." she whispered, "Don't…leave..me"
"Ellie..." Your voice quivered, torn between your own fear and wanting to comfort her.
But she wasn't finished. With desperation, she took a step closer, her voice trembling as she continued, "You can't do this. p-please, don't take him away from me. I-I..need you both. I can't... I can't do this alone."
You felt a lump form in your throat. 
"We’re leaving." you finally said, your voice remaining firm. 
Desperation and anger flashed in Ellie's eyes. "No, no, no!" she cried out, her voice turning into a panicked plea. "You can't just abandon me. I-Iwon't let you."
Ellie bolted towards the stairs, her footsteps hard against the wooden steps. Panic rushed through you, followed behind her, fearing what she might do next. As you reached the top of the staircase, you saw Ellie rushing towards your child's room.
"Ellie, stop!" you shouted, your heart racing.
But she ignored you, flinging open the door to your child's room. Panic and confusion gripped you as you chased after her. 
"Ellie, please!" you pleaded, your voice trembling with desperation.
She turned to face you, desperation on her face. "If you leave, I'm taking him with me. I won't let you take him away!"
Your heart thumped in your chest as Ellie's trembling hands reached for your child. In a flash, she scooped him into her arms, holding him protectively against her chest. His innocent eyes widened in confusion, fear surrounding him.
"No! Ellie, stop it!" you cried out, reaching out to her.
But she clutched him tighter, her voice trembling. "No! n-not yet.. It's too soon! I... I haven't... I haven't..."
The realization struck you. Ellie’s words trailed off. She was lost in a moment of painful memory. She was thinking of Joel. The wounds of their relationship still raw and unhealed. Your child in her arms was a symbol, a fragile connection to the past that haunted her.
"Ellie..." Your voice softened, the weight of her grief finally making sense."It's not him. He's safe. You're safe."
Tears welled up in Ellie's eyes as she clung to your child, her shaking grip. "I... I couldn't save him. I couldn't save him..."
The weight of her words settled in the room, and you finally understood the depth of her pain. It wasn't just about you leaving; it was the fear of losing the people she cared about, a fear rooted so far deep in the scars of her past.
Your child, looked up at Ellie with innocent eyes. "What's wrong mommy ?" the small voice asked. 
Ellie's gaze shifted to him, pain and guilt plastered on her face. She couldn't find the words to answer, her throat tightening.
"Mommy, why are you sad?" he continued, he needed to know what was wrong. He couldn’t stand to see Ellie like this. 
Ellie's breath hitched, pulling the child even closer to her chest. The room seemed to trap her, the walls closing in as if they were tightening, her grip on your child's arms remained. As if he was her only form of escape. 
"I..I won’t.." Ellie mumbled, almost to herself, her voice strained.
Your child’s worry grew, he turned to look at you, needing an answer. You knew you had to do something, but what?
"Ellie, please, just listen to me," you pleaded, taking slow steps towards her.
"g-get away!" she yelled, holding onto your child even tighter, her hands clenching around his small arms.
"ow!" he yelped, a sudden pain in his voice.
Your heart raced with a surge of panic. You didn’t want him to be involved in this.
"please, just let him go, and we can talk about thi-"
"Shut the fuck up!" Ellie yelled, her voice vibrating throughout the entire room.
Your child's eyes began to water, his anxiety growing with each passing second. He didn't know what to think or do. 
"m..mommy, i-it hurts.." he hiccuped, looking up at Ellie with stained cheeks, tears streaming down like rivers.
Ellie's mind was in complete disarray, buzzing with countless thoughts that raced with chaos. Her hands shook, her body unable to find stillness. Her eyebrows furrowed as she struggled to gather herself. Adrenaline surged through her veins, her breaths coming in heavy uneven gasps. She couldn't focus on anything anymore; all her senses were useless. 
A ringing began to buzz in her ears, her eyes frantically scanning the room, catching a glimpse of you, your lips moving as you tried to speak to her. But the ringing was so unbearable, drowning out any sound.
"ELLIE!" your voice pierced right through it. 
Ellie snapped her neck towards the shout of her name, eyes widening as she took in the sight before her.
There you stood, hands trembling, your shirt drenched in blood, the crimson liquid slowly seeping onto the damp grass. Your eyes were wide, on the verge of bursting. filled with an overflow of tears. Your legs shook, threatening to give way at any moment, knees weakened by the sharp pain from the blade lodged in your lower stomach, Your throat felt strained, as if ellie’s name was all you could speak. 
Frantically, Ellie ran towards you, her heart pounding against her chest. With each step, she stumbled, her breath quickening.
As Ellie reached you, a rush of tears burst from your eyes, your face covered in salty droplets that slid down your quivering lips.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Ellie exclaimed in panic, her hands moving frantically as she tried to figure out what to do. "H-Here, baby, lay down," she urged, her voice trembling as she tried to stay strong. 
Ellie gently guided you to lie down, your entire body ached with anguish, trembling as you grunted in pain, trying to remain as quiet as possible. Not wanting to attract any attention. 
You were completely surrounded by the WLF. 
You sank into the damp grass, the earth stained with blood, the sharp scent of iron filling the air. Ellie knelt beside you, her hands trembling as she stared down at you.
"I need something to stop the bleeding," she muttered to herself, her eyes darting around.
"s-stay with me, please," she pleaded, her voice trembling with fear. With swift movements, she tore fabric from her own shirt, clutching it tightly in her shaking hands.
"I'm going to t-take it out... okay?" she said nervously, her gaze fixated on your stomach.
You weakly reached for Ellie's, your own hands completely bloodied from clutching your abdomen. Ellie looked at you, her eyes watering, her gaze filled with terror.
"I got you." she said, leaning forward and placing a kiss on your forehead. The softness of her pink lips being the only warm sensation your body felt. You closed your eyes, hiccuping as silent sobs shook your body. 
You nodded weakly, unable to utter a single word. The pain was too overwhelming, threatening to consume you if you let out even a whimper.
Ellie nodded back, a gesture of readiness. She placed her right hand on your stomach, shaking uncontrollably as she made contact with your cold skin. 
You brought the side of your hand up to your mouth, pressing your teeth into it to suppress the agony.
Ellie reached for the handle of the blade, her hand hesitating as if she were afraid of the very object she needed to hold. Her heart sank as she drew closer to it, her hands finally gripping around it with a shaky grip.
She knew what she was about to do. Pulling out the blade meant unleashing a flow of blood, a sign that your baby's life would be lost along with it. It meant she would have to endure yet another loss of someone she deeply loved.
Ellie's mind raced, her breath quickening with every passing thought. Tears streamed down her face, her chest rising rapidly with the weight of the decision before her. Her lips quivered as she bit down on her bottom lip. 
What she would give to be the one to die instead. 
The baby she could've raised.
Her hand tightened around the knife.
The baby she had dreamed of carrying.
Swiftly, Ellie pulled the blade, the sharp "shling!" sound muffling your groans as blood began to pour out.
The baby she would've killed for.
Urgently, Ellie applied the torn cloth to your wound, her hands working quickly despite their shaking. She pressed down firmly, trying to control the flow of blood as best as she could.
You clenched your teeth, suppressing the cries of pain that wanted to escape your lips. Every movement sent waves of agony through your body, but you gritted your teeth and endured. Your face was completely drenched in tears and snot. 
You had lost everything—the future you had daydreamed about.
Ellie's arms shook as she patched you up, her body convulsing with sobs, her bottom lip bitten to muffle them. Tears streamed down her face, falling onto your skin.
"Ellie.." you whispered, your voice barely a breath. 
"Ellie.." you repeated.
You stood before her, your presence causing her eyes to flicker as if what was before her was unreal. Ellie's gaze dropped to your child, his head resting gently against her chest. For a moment, it seemed she had disappeared entirely, lost in a memory. 
"I..." Ellie began, her voice choked as she looked back up at you, tears glistening in her eyes. "I can't keep running from it.." 
"I need to face it.” Ellie continued, her tone serious. "For you, for our child... for myself. I need to change, to become someone you can rely on, someone worthy of your love."
Your heart pounded, each beat a flicker of hope. You realized in that moment, the true reason you couldn't fully accept Ellie's presence this morning. Despite her being in bed with you after months of being absent, she remained unrecognizable. She wasn't the woman you had fallen for, the woman who once held a place in your heart. 
"I'll.. find you again, I promise," Ellie said finally, her voice firm. "No matter what it takes, I'll find my way back to you."
Ellie's words created something, a belief that maybe, just maybe, things could change for the better.
With tear-filled eyes, you gently squeezed her hand.
Tommy’s truck sat parked in the driveway, hauling boxes filled with you and your child’s belongings. With a heavy sigh, you struggled to carry one of the larger boxes towards the truck.
“That’s a heavy one, let me get it for ya,” Tommy offered, stepping forward to take it.
“Thank you,” you replied gratefully
“No problem,” he responded with a chuckle, making his way towards the truck. 
As Tommy loaded the remaining boxes, you took a moment to glance around the mostly-empty house. Most of its decorations had been packed away, leaving the space feeling a bit bare., Ellie’s belongings being the only ones untouched. 
"Mama! Mama!" Your child's voice yelled, filled with excitement as he raced towards you. "I checked the whole house and no more boxes!"
You smiled proudly at him. "Thank you, honey," you said, reaching out to ruffle his hair as he giggled happily.
You had explained to him that you were moving into a new home, and that Ellie wouldn't be joining you right away. Instead, she would stay at the farmhouse, protecting it from monsters until she was sure it was safe. Only then would she come to live with you. It was the easiest way to explain the situation to him, and he had undoubtedly understood.
"Hey," Ellie called out as she walked outside 
"Hey," you greeted, offering her a warm smile. "We're all ready to go."
She nodded softly, her gaze shifting to your child. "Did you secure the house?"
Your child giggled, rushing towards Ellie and embracing her tight hug before doing a playful salute. "All clear!"
Ellie chuckled, ruffling your child's hair playfully. "Good job, kiddo."
"Alright, everything's packed and ready to roll," Tommy announced, clasping his hands together. "Oh, but uh, mind if I use yer bathroom real quick?"
Ellie nodded, gesturing towards the house. "Door to your left."
"Gotcha," Tommy replied, hurrying inside.
Ellie approached you, her steps hesitant. She reached for your hand, her touch gentle as she caressed it softly with her thumb. The sensation of your skin against hers stirred something deep within her, a longing she hadn't realized she harbored so intensely.
"I..." Ellie hesitated. She wanted to say the words, those three simple words that held so much. But she knew she didn't have the right to utter them, not yet. She had to prove herself, show you that she was worthy of saying them, and that you could believe in them too.
As you gazed into her eyes, you saw her determination. It was a silent promise, to do whatever it took to earn back your trust and love. 
"make us..believe again," you said, meeting her gaze. 
Ellie nodded firmly.
You offered Ellie a final smile before lifting your child into your arms. "Take care, Els,"
"Take care, Mommy! Keep the monsters away!" your child chimed in.
"I will," Ellie replied, her voice filled with reassurance as she waved goodbye to both of you while you walked towards the truck.
Tommy emerged from the house, embracing Ellie before stepping back and shaking her hand firmly. "Be safe," he said.
"Don't worry," Ellie responded, feeling the paper Tommy slipped into her hand. "I am."
With a firm nod, Tommy walked away towards the truck, getting inside and starting the engine. As the truck began to move, Ellie waved goodbye, your child's head poking out of the window as he waved back. The truck slowly but surely disappeared into the distance,.
Ellie lowered her hand from waving goodbye, clutching the paper tightly in her grasp. With heavy steps, she entered the house, shutting the door behind her with a loud thud. Throwing the folded paper onto the kitchen table, she quickly ascended the stairs to your old shared bedroom.
Opening the door, Ellie headed directly for the closet, rummaging through it until her fingers found the familiar grip of her shotgun—the same one she had drunkenly tried finding that one night. Gotcha.
Snatching up her packed backpack, Ellie hurried back downstairs, clutching her shotgun firmly. At the kitchen table, she placed her bag on its surface, extracting shotgun shells and loading them into the weapon. Placing the gun on the table before unfolding the paper.
A tourist map of Seattle.
Ellie's lips curled into a smirk as she scanned the map thoroughly. "Huh, you’re still there," she muttered, eagerness coursing through her veins.
Stuffing the map into her pocket and slinging her backpack over her shoulders, Ellie grabbed her shotgun once more. With ease, she cocked the weapon, the familiar click echoing.
She was truly going to face her past.
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thatfreshi · 1 year
Can you make an Angsty Astarion x mortal!reader fic where Astarion realizes that one day the reader will pass and he’ll be alone again🙏🙏🙏 I need more Angst of this man😭
TW - Talk of death, graveyards
Recommended Song: Halley's Comet - Billie Eilish
Astarion often visits graveyards. It's some form of therapy, a place where he can let it all out, a place where he can mourn what he never had, what he doesn't remember. You don't usually go with him, deciding it's best to give him something just for him. Occasionally he'll ask you to come with him, if it's been a particularly rough time or if it's a special day. At the very least he goes once a month, and it's never a question of where he's going, you just know. You worry about him sometimes, being alone in some graveyard. You are all each other have, all you cherish, all you love. It's not often you're apart, but it's not all that difficult to stick to someone like sap when you can't be in the sun.
It's the anniversary of the death of some family member he doesn't remember, who died centuries ago, but some part of him feels as though he should at least go. Not like anyone else goes to see his family anymore. You're in the living room, setting up the fireplace for when you return. Astarion comes downstairs, and you hear his shoes tap each step. You turn to find him in all black, you are as well.
"Are you ready to go?"
You ask, grabbing your trusty knife off the table by the front door, sheathing it under your jacket. It's been quite cold as of recent.
He doesn't say much. He doesn't have to say much.
"Then let's go."
You smile warmly and wrap yourself around his arm. The graveyard you're visiting isn't too far from the house. It's where most of the Ancuníns were laid to rest, including Astarion's 'grave.' When you arrive, he knows right where to go, and you simply follow along. A while back he memorized all of these people, their death dates, who they were, trying to remember anything he could from a life he lost long ago. The two of you sit in front of an ornate grave, a second cousin of his, or something of the like. You feel guilty that you don't remember like he does.
"I appreciate you."
He'd been silent the entire walk here.
"You always come with me when I ask. I know it may not make sense, I just feel as though it's right, to at least try."
"Of course my love. Whatever you need."
You rest your head on his shoulder and read the inscription on the tombstone. Apparently this man got a terrible illness, died sometime in his 20s, extremely young for an elf. You wonder how much Astarion remembers, if he knew this man at all. You never pry though. He always shares when he's ready. Suddenly, he squeezes your hand.
"I'll miss you. I don't miss these people, but I'll miss you."
"That's hardly a fair comparison. You barely remember them."
"I'll remember you forever. Even if I were enslaved for two hundred more years after this, I couldn't ever forget you."
He kisses the top of your head, lingering for a moment to take in your scent, the feeling of your hair, every little thing he'll remember when you're gone.
"The truth is darling, I don't think I'll ever love again, once you're gone."
He begins to cry. You hadn't thought about him with future lovers, lying with another soul.
"That's not fair though."
"What makes you say that?"
"You deserve to love after me. You deserve to be loved after me."
He sadly chuckles to himself.
"As if anyone could ever compare. You're the sun, and I the moon. Without you, no light would ever reflect off me again. A dark husk of a man, that's what I will be when you're gone."
He sounds so sure of himself, as if beyond you there is nothing. Then again, you've made this entire life together. Who else would fall in love with a vampire spawn with no master, a monster who's never going to be quite right? You're not sure what to say.
"To be honest, I don't think I could fall in love with someone else, even if I tried my damnest. You've made me feel safe in a way that is so foreign, fabricated just for me. You can't replicate that. You can't find someone so willing to be this patient, this kind, to not only love me for my body."
"You have so much more to love though."
"I don't think anyone would see it the way you do my sweet."
You shift to turn and look at Astarion, taking his hands in yours.
"You know what I love most about you?"
He softly smiles.
"That you can change. It's something many people forget to do, to change and evolve, to find more in life than their misery. You've changed, for the better. Very few can do that the way you have."
"It's you who changed me."
Sometimes it frustrates you, how little credit he gives himself. Then again, it's much better than it used to be.
"Just promise me something? Once I'm gone, find another way to be happy. Find something that makes your heart flutter, that causes those precious creases when you smile. Find something else, if not for yourself, for me."
He nestles into your neck, giving you a soft kiss.
"I promise to try my love, that's all I can do."
His eyes are still misty, the tears get onto your neck. You try hard not to cry yourself, but it's hard when your heart is breaking outside of your body. You pray in that moment, although you're not sure to what god or power, but you pray that he'll be okay when you die, that it's a long time away from someone driving a stake through his ribs, that he finds joy in the small things like he does now. After all, hope is all you have when the afterlife comes to get you so soon.
"I hope I get to watch over you, wherever I end up."
"Like some kind of angel or something?"
"I guess. Like your guardian."
"Do you think I'll know?"
"Yes, I think you'll know. Maybe I'll take on the body of stray cats, follow you on the streets, lead you down paths with less heartache."
"I'd like that, very much."
Decades later, Astarion gets ready to leave the house, your knife on the table. When he steps out onto the cobblestone streets, there's a pure white cat standing a couple feet away. It meows, almost melodically, and turns to a nearby alleyway. He walks to where the animal was standing, and turns to look into the alleyway, but there is no sight of the stray. He smiles.
"Thank you, my love."
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amnignsity · 5 months
Welcome home, my love...
Hwang Hyunjin x F!Reader
>Contains : giving(Female), receiving(male), mastvrbation, praising, Slight teasing, begging, Hair-pulling, Nicknames Darling(Female) Doll, My love, Darling, Baby(Male), cvmming in mouth.
Mentions of being used like a fleshlight (Don't worry the man's too whipped to think of you as just his toy.)
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↪ "I'm home!"
You just got back from work, sighing as you removed your coat and placing it over by the hanger then afterwards crouching down while you untie your shoes that you then placed by the doorway.
Putting on a fair of fuzzy white bunny slippers as you walked over to the kitchen wanting to grab some water - you noticed that you haven't been greeted yet by your lover who would constantly throw himself at you whenever you arrived at home.
Greeting you with lots of kisses while pressing you up against the backdoor lifting you up with ease as he took a taste of your lips that he'd been starving for a taste since you've left.
Locking in deeply with his tongue taking the lead while you let his needy affection take you towards your bedroom while he sheepishly grins at you afterwards - it was weird although you assumed he was out since his pair of shoes seemed to be missing at the doorway.
You drinked the water in one gulp as you placed the emptied glass over at the sink washing your hands as well before slowly making your way towards your bedroom where the door was slightly open?
You frowned knowing how both of you never liked to leave the bedroom open especially since important things are stored in there - walking closer as you felt your frowned turned into confusion hearing some heavy breathing and also panting.
Eyes widen as you stood infront of the door hearing hyunjin's voice whining and breathing heavily while hearing him shift restlessly against the sheets.
Letting your mind wonder on what was he doing, who he was doing, did he have any shame, is he cheating, is he-
Before you could continue you could hear you name being said - that alone made your face feel warm frowning as you cover your mouth with your hand keeping a smile out your face as you sighed in relief.
How could you forget how obsessed this man was with you, not to mention how possessive he can be when it comes to you being out for so long in a way you were as well. Mutual agreement and feelings for one another.
"N-ngh ah~..." Hyunjin whined still oblivious to your presence as you slowly opened the door making him quickly cover his cock instinctively while you raised a brow looking at him disheveled and sweaty.
"Having fun, darling?.." You uttered lowly while hyunjin let's out a sigh of relief that it was you and not someone else - slowly he stood up letting his shirt fall over his clearly messy cock covered with lube and his dripping pre-cum, he could careless about it for a moment while he walks towards you.
Just as he was about to hold you - You grab his right wrist while he frowns you raised a brow and glanced down his cock giving him a message through your gaze. He gets it almost instantly - leaning down as he presses a kiss over your lips softly whining against your taste. Chocolate flavored lip balm.
"Welcome home, my love..." He said gently nibbling your lower lip asking for permission and you gave him so - leaving your bag over at the doorway of your bedroom as you let go of his wrist and place your hands over his waist earning a groan from him while he kisses you passionately, seemingly desperate looking down you could see his cock twitching with pre-cum oozing out of it even more so.
Oh dear, seems like you turned him on even more so than you anticipated.
Pulling away from the kiss despite wanting for it to last more - he whines seemingly not finished kissing you yet but the moment you got on your knees he knew what you were going to do.
He looks down placing his left hand which was clean over your head - giving you pets while you looked up at him adorably he couldn't help but coo at you.
"Pretty doll~...Gonna suck me off hmm~...I missed you so much. I should tell your boss to make you work at home instead." He said eyes darken at your state - you've washed your hands beforehand.
He felt a shiver run down his spine as your hands - so small over his big throbbing cock that's red wanting to release already while he let's out a moan leaning his head back while you gently moved your hands from the tip down to his balls.
Cupping them as you played with it - he tightens his hold over your hair grabbing all of it with one hand while his right hand holds over his cock slowly rubbing his cock while he makes sure you see it so closely.
You couldn't help but let out a groan at the beautiful sight - you always love how pretty his cock looked and how much he loves making you watch, he moves your head lazily as he presses his tip against your lips.
Gently slapping it against your lower lip covering your lips with his pre-cum.
Parting your lips as you opened wide looking up at him with a pleading gaze - wanting to suck him off already but he just raises a brow at you.
"What do we say when we want something, doll?..." He smirks down at you seemingly mocking you in a way but you didn't care he looked too hot anyways - all disheveled and sweaty from your position it was the best view you could've ever seen.
"please sir...let me suck you off and make you feel good..." You pleaded while you dreamily looked up at him through your lashes he chuckles in response pressing his tip over your lip while he pats your head.
"Atta girl..." Slowly putting his cock in your mouth while he groans - sweat forming over his forehead at the feeling of your warm mouth over his aching cock.
"A-ah...Fuck~...You feel so good my love.." He whines tugging your hair tightly making you groan as your eyes rolled back - he tastes slightly salty and bitter but fuck did you like how pretty he sounds.
You could feel his veins over your tongue as you gently swirl it around his cock earning a whimper from the man towering above you - uttering praises and giving you pretty noises in return.
"Such a good girl for me hmm~...A-ah...Letting me use you even after work- Fuck..." He slowly moved his hips while you could feel your eyes rolled back when his tip reaches so deeply down your throat you could barely breathe. He was gentle though slowly pulling away letting you breath before moving all the way in once again.
Biting his lower lip as he lets out a loud moan - gripping your hair tightly as he begins face fucking you, the tears brewing your eyes gently falling down your cheeks while he cooed.
"Aww...to much for you, darling?.." He asked mockingly while you softly moan against his cock earning a hiss from him while he fucks your throat chasing his high.
Hollowing your cheeks as you sucked him so needily - he pulls away briefly panting as he lets you breath, he whines at your tongue that's swirling around his tip.
His grip tightening while he letting out another whimper - gliding your tongue down his cock veins, sucking so good for him while he felt tears well up from how good you were making him feel.
"S-so good, love...you're so so so good to me..n-ngh...ah...darling..." You played with his balls heavy with cum - as you glide you tongue back up against his tip feeling him shudder above you as you looked up at him.
Panting with furrowed brows, his eye round with tears at the end cooing at him as you teasingly suck his tip earning a whimper. "D-don't tease...ngh...me baby...please.." He pleaded.
He shakingly thrusts his hips while you placed your hands over his thighs gently squeezing it while you let him facefuck you feeling his dick twitching against your mouth.
He moans while pulling your hair making you his little dumb fleshlight to chase his high, lips parted while he sheds a tear.
"O-h...fuck!... I'm s-sorry baby...I can't fuck you for long..ah~...wanna fuck this beautiful mouth for long but-... a-ah~...Can't hold it anymore-" He clenched his jaw while he pants briefly stopping while his sweat drips down his skin.
Fuck if you could just take a picture right now, you would've. Squeezing his thighs while you hollow your cheeks taking all his cock in your mouth seeing how shaky his legs are getting he must be close.
"P-please love...can I cum?...Can I cum inside mouth of yours?..A-ah..." You nodded looking up at him with pleading eyes as if you were begging and you were - he begins thrusting his hips meeting your rhythm while he placed his right hand over the door holding himself up while he fucks your face using his left hand to pull your hair.
"Gonna...c-cum...Fuck!..." He shivers above you seeing stars while releasing his cum inside your mouth - gripping his thighs tightly as you try to not waste a single drop.
Closing your teary eyes while hyunjin pants above you leaning against his right arm over at the door looking down at you just light-headed and so mesmerized at your expression.
He bites his lower lip while letting out a hiss as he moves his cock out your mouth slowly - half soft already and so sensitive.
"You did so good, my love..." Hyunjin gently let's go of your hair and pats you on the head - crouching down as he takes your slightly fucked up state up, lifting you up with ease kissing your forehead as he places you down your shared bed.
Gripping his shirt while you pull him closer - panting while he grabs a towel and gently wipes your sweat off your face.
"Such a good doll...now it's your turn, my love~" He smiled gently pushing you down while he lifts the hem of your dress shirt.
"My girl deserves a reward doesn't she?.."
˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖。:゚૮ ˶ˆ ﻌ ˆ˶ ა ゚:。˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖
Author's note: Here the bj I was telling y'all about last time ¦>.
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topguncortez · 7 months
“i’m worried that if we go there, and things don't work out... things might never be the same.” with rooster! please and thank you! :)
prompts list:) thank you for the request!
All of Rooster’s life he was told that everyone gets one “great love” in their life. His mother’s great love was obviously his father and the one reason why she never remarried. Rooster could remember when he was about 13 or 14, asking his mother why she never remarried. It had been over 10 years since his father’s passing and Carole had never so much as looked at a male the way she did Goose.
“Because it wouldn’t be fair,” Carole told her son, a sad smile on her face, “It wouldn’t be fair to marry a man knowing I couldn’t love him the way I love your father. He was my great love… and I’ll never find another one like that.”
Bradley wondered if towards the end of her life, when she was alone in the house for those last couple of years when he was off at school, if maybe, just maybe she wished she had someone there. He asked her again, on one of the last good days she had, if she wished she had found someone to spend her life with.
Carole again, gave him a sad smile, “It wouldn’t be fair. There’s only one person I’ve been praying about seeing again.”
Bradley hadn’t realized it at the time, but the older he got, the more he envied what his parents had. “A Great Love” that was as if it came straight from a romance novel. “A Great Love” that held steady for years, despite his father being deceased for more than half of it. “A Great Love” that seemed to come so easy to them but for Bradley, was nearly impossible.
Except, it wasn’t impossible.
No, Bradley did have a “Great Love”, in the form of the neighbor girl who lived in the blue house next door. The girl who used to make mudpies with in the backyard. The girl who teased him relentlessly when he got braces only to end up with wires on her own teeth a couple of weeks later. The girl who is his best friend… and is currently crying on his couch over her now ex-boyfriend.
“A-And he was saying stuff and I-“ You sucked in a deep breath, trying to will the tears to stop falling down your cheeks.
"I'm sorry, Ducky," Rooster said, using the age-old nickname, even though he wasn't in the slightest sorry. Sure, he felt bad that you got your heartbroken, but he was celebrating the fact that Douchebag Dan was finally out of your life, "You deserve better."
"I thought he was the one!" You sobbed, "He had me sending him ring options!"
And suddenly Bradley hated Douchebag Dan even more than he did fifteen minutes ago when you showed up at his doorstep.
"Hey," Bradley said shifting closer to you, his thigh touching yours, "You know what this means though, right," You looked up at him with big sad eyes and the most adorable wobble of your bottom lip, "Your great love is still out there."
You rolled your eyes, "I'm starting to think that's a hock of shit," You flopped back on the couch defeated, "I've dated three guys in my lifetime all for over two years and none of them have put a ring on my finger," You held up your hand, wiggling your ring finger, "It's just not going to happen. I don't have a great love."
"Sure you do."
"Where!?" You looked over at Bradley, "Where is mine?"
"Maybe, you're looking too hard for it. Maybe they're closer than you think," Bradley simply shrugged, reaching for his beer bottle on the coffee table.
"Yeah?" You quipped, "What about you? Have you met your 'great love'."
Bradley sucked in a breath, knowing he couldn't lie to you about this or hell, about anything, "Yeah," He admitted, "But she doesn't feel the same."
You felt a pang in your heart, causing you to sit up, pulling your legs underneath you, "Does she know?"
Bradley shrugged, "I think so. I mean, I-I've known her forever."
"Oh," You were trying to rack your brain of the potential girls that Bradley had his heart set on, "Do I know her?"
"Mhm," Bradley pursed his lips, taking another sip of his beer for he stupidly gave himself and his stupid crush away. A stupid crush that could mean the end of the longest, greatest friendship he has ever had. You were the one thing from his childhood that had managed to stick around. You were there when his mother died, when his dreams of following his father's footsteps came crashing down, when he got his acceptance letter to UVA, when he graduated flight school and got his wings, when he graduated from TopGun.
All the major memories that Bradley had, you were always right there. He couldn't let a stupid crush end that. He couldn't let his heart and his feelings complicate things. He couldn't-
"It's Phoenix, isn't it?"
Bradley spat his beer out of his mouth, coating the coffee table in sticky alcohol. Your eyes widened as he coughed and wiped the beer from his lips.
"What?" He choked out.
"Your great love," You muttered, "Is it Phoenix?"
"Hell no," Bradley shook his head, "That-that's crazy."
"Not really, she's pretty and you're around her all the-"
"It's you," Bradley cut you off.
You felt your heart stop in your chest as you stared at your best friend, "W-What?"
He sighed, hanging his head in shame, "It's you, Y/N. It has always been you. You are my "great love"."
"Bradley, I-"
Bradley shook his head, "I didn't mean to do this. Not when you're upset over Douchebag Dan, but. . .fuck, I can't take it anymore," He stood up from his spot on the couch, beginning to pace, "Watching you go with guys who have no idea what it means for you to look at them like they hung the fucking stars. To have you love them and kiss them and be with them day after fucking day. I love you, Y/N. I have been in love with you."
Fresh tears were in your eyes as you looked at the man who is your best friend, "Why didn't you tell me?" Your voice was barely above a whisper.
"Because I’m worried that if we go there, and things don't work out... things might never be the same," Bradley's big brown eyes shone with unshed tears, "And you're all I have left. I can't lose you."
"You won't lose me," You stood up from your spot on the couch, walking over to him, "Cause I love you too," You grabbed his face in your hands and placed a kiss on his lips.
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leclerc-s · 9 months
the unhinged younger brother
series masterlist
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mae jones you don't deserve one pipsqueak.
daphne jones listen to the song first rhys, then we can talk.
mae jones please just listen to the song.
rhys jones well now i feel like an a-hole.
rhys jones please give max my apologies and a happy birthday.
rhys jones do not tell anyone that i cried.
rhys jones must you add him?
daphne jones rhys, we’re engaged now. he's going to be a jones.
mae jones you have to be nice to him rhys.
rhys jones i'm 10, i don't have to do anything.
mae jones remider, stop using the voice to text, we know you're a horrible writer, you're 10.
rhys jones i'm telling mom!
daphne jones added one person
daniel ricciardo still as dramatic as ever i see
rhys jones your a bully. i'm 10. daniel ricciardo *you're rhys jones this is why they replaced you with pierre... daphne jones RHYS! daniel ricciardo i left the team rhys jones yeah, for renault. who does that?
mae jones this may have been a mistake
rhys jones a mistake was daph dumping tom hiddleston for daniel... daniel ricciardo stay pressed pint size.
rhys jones can i fight the entire internet? can i?
mae jones no, you can't buddy.
rhys jones it's not fair. not again.
daphne jones you were a baby in 2016, you have no memories of that time.
rhys jones the internet exists daphne! i have seen everything!
daphne jones well now i'm telling mom to restrict your time on the internet.
rhys jones you can't protect me forever!
daniel ricciardo we can fucking try stinker!
rhys jones it's not fair. it's not nice. it's not cool.
daniel ricciardo the internet is never kind kiddo.
mae jones just ignore it, it'll go away after a few weeks
rhys jones what if it doesn't?
mae jones you ignore it. this isn't something you should concern yourself with. they're my problems, i'll handle it.
rhys jones how can i ignore it when they're tell you to go kill yourself? all for falling in love? it's not fair.
mae jones rhys. please. i'll deal with it.
rhys jones fine.
daniel ricciardo and now he's pissed. great.
rhys jones not mad at her. mad at the internet. bunch of poopy-brains.
MAY 2020
rhys jones mclaren? you're moving to mclaren?
daniel ricciardo yes? rhys jones why? daniel ricciardo because? rhys jones big mistake. mark my words.
daphne jones please leave him alone.
rhys jones he agreed to this when he asked you to marry him!
rhys jones mistake because he's driving with a younger driver again! this is why you left red bull!
daniel ricciardo how do you know that?
rhys jones I WATCHED DRIVE TO SURVIVE NERD! daniel ricciardo keep him away from drive to survive.
rhys jones never! how else will i be able to make fun of you?
daniel ricciardo here's a thought? maybe don't?
rhys jones no. you agreed to this. to be apart of this family. these are the consequences of your actions
daniel ricciardo eh, your sister is worth dealing with you.
rhys jones ew gross. love.
rhys jones still don't like you but CONGRATS ON THE MONZA WIN BIG STINK!
daniel ricciardo THANKS LITTLE STINK!
mae jones they definitely like each other. they have nicknames for each other.
rhys jones I DO NOT! (i still think mclaren is a mistake) BUT CONGRATS!
daphne jones just admit you like him and we'll let this go.
rhys jones i don't like him!
daniel ricciardo you so like me little stink.
rhys jones i tolerate you at best.
daniel ricciardo nah, you totally like me.
rhys jones I DO NOT!
mae jones added one person
max verstappen what the fuck?
rhys jones i still hate you for breaking my sister's heart BUT CONGRATS!
max verstappen thanks?
daniel ricciardo okay little stink, calm down.
max verstappen i did timon
daniel ricciardo timon?
max verstappen he calls me sid, i call him timon. like from the lion king.
daniel ricciardo i know where it's from max!
rhys jones he's not the one with the broken childhood.
daphne jones okay, you've spent way too much time with ryan. i'm cutting you off.
rhys jones i hate to be the one to say it...
daniel ricciardo go ahead.
rhys jones FUCK MCLAREN! daphne jones RHYS! mae jones RHYS! daniel ricciardo not where i thought this conversation was going to go.
daniel ricciardo i thought you were going to say i told you so...
max verstappen glad we agree on something. come back to red bull nerd.
rhys jones yeah! i'll get rid of checo for you.
max verstappen woah. let's not resort to murder rhys jones pfft. who said anything about murder? i meant kidnapping. mae jones that's not any better buddy.
daphne jones please stay away from ryan.
rhys jones this is your fault because you told me to audition for his movie!
APRIL 2023
max verstappen i would never do that. ever. i love her too much to do that.
rhys jones good. would hate to murder the current world champion.
max verstappen did daniel also get threatened or was it just me?
rhys jones i plead the fifth...
daniel jones-ricciardo he threatened to cut my nutsack off
daphne jones-ricciardo RHYS!
rhys jones i didn't do it! i want nieces and nephews daph! i want to be a cool uncle!
max verstappen yeah, according to lando, lewis is set to be the cool uncle.
rhys jones great i lost the title to some guy who’s not even related to us. is this what lewis felt after abu dhabi 2021?
max verstappen oh you’ve got jokes now?
rhys jones i’m available all year!
rhys jones i'm not panicking. i don't like him. BUT IS HE OKAY?
daniel jones-ricciardo i'm okay! max jones-verstappen a few broken bones but yeah, he's fine.
rhys jones you know, watching that happen live is much worse than people think it is.
daniel jones-ricciardo i'll be fine, nothing surgery can't fix. i'll be out for a little while but i'll probably be back by texas.
mae jones-verstappen realistically, that's the race that's more important to danny
rhys jones does this mean you'll go back to being a trophy husband?
daniel jones-ricciardo yes.
daphne jones-ricciardo great, someone can babysit rhys for mom.
rhys jones oh great. i get stuck with him?
max jones-verstappen we watched you grow up timon, you need a babysitter.
mae jones-verstappen just last week, you tried jumping off the roof of sophie's house because lando dared, you need a babysitter
daphne jones-ricciardo HE DID WHAT?
daniel jones-ricciardo at least i would've had a friend in the hospital with me.
daphne jones-ricciardo you two idiots are lucky i love you and i'm in mexico city or i would've hurt you both
rhys jones defeats the whole purpose of keeping me safe no?
max jones-verstappen glad to know that even in the face of certain death rhys still has his sass.
rhys jones i am persassy!
rhys jones someone tell charles that i'll be personally throttling everyone at the FIA headquarters.
rhys jones this is bull-crap.
max jones-verstappen i will gladly pass the message along rhys.
daniel jones-ricciardo glad to know someone agrees with me
mae jones-verstappen we ride at dawn.
daphne jones-ricciardo well glad to know we're all in agreement the group chat is currently in flames.
rhys jones if i had a nickel for everytime carlos sainz got handed a podium after a dsq, i'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.
rhys jones it's me and my sword against the FIA
max jones-verstappen your sword isn't real rhys.
rhys jones it is because i say so.
rhys jones say that again and i'll steal your cats. i swear it max.
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user my brain refuses to believe that this boy is related to daphne.
↳ user daphne wrote the lyrics, "i’ll tell them you’re gay" in the og picture to burn. are you really having a hard time believing they're related?
↳ user ngl, that completely flew over my head.
user love this kid. he’s great.
user knowing that ryan basically watched this kid grow up and decided yup, he can play the younger version of me in a movie is something so special to me.
user i don't know what's funnier that dig at griffin or that dig at max?
↳ user definitely the one at griffin.
user daphne and mae not letting him meet charles or seb is so funny, she knows he's about to reign chaos on the paddock.
↳ user let him meet isabella and lando and it's over for them.
user he's a tifosi? max must be so upset
↳ user why would he? he's not dating mae anymore
↳ user it's a joke, watch the video and you'll see he made a similar joke
user did ryan just call max mae's boyfriend? are they back together?
↳ user i think it was more as an umbrella term. rhys jokes about griffin too
↳ user i got my hopes up for nothing.
user love how rhys doesn't even mention griffin and everyone assumes that stingy joke was about him.
↳ user well, he did only joke about mae's boyfriends. safe to assume that joke was about him.
↳ user personally i always saw george russell as stingy, but that's just me.
user i love this kid, best choice to play a young ryan reynolds. get this kid to play him in deadpool 3.
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taglist: @burningcupcakefire @arkhammaid @sunflower-golden-vol6 @applopie @lorarri @mypage-myfandoms @bb-swift @thewannabewriter @you-bleed-just-toknowyouarealive @stopeatread @hobiismyhopeu @lilsiz @alessioayla @niniluvsainz @au-ghosttype @cowboylikemets1989 @justtprachisblog @rmeddar123 @nichmeddar @landonorizzz @unluckyyoshi @Mimolovescookies @brekkers-whore @natcha888 @camdensreg @mycenterfold @dear-fifi @prongsvault @kaa212 @anxxiousaries @julesbabey1 @julesbabey @georgeparisole @Smnthnclj
strikethrough means i couldn't tag you
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¡leclerc-s speaks! i'm adding to the jones sisters lore! this was mostly because i watched the pjo show and i loved walker's performance in the adam project with ryan. i also just wanted to give max and daniel someone who constantly bickered with them, hence the little brother for mae and daphne. this part needed to come out before the fruitcake part because i did mention rhys there and i didn't want anyone to be confused on who he was.
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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deathbxnny · 1 year
hello! can you do headcanons of jing yuan, blade, dan heng and luocha with a nilou like s/o? not necessarily a dancer could be any other art that embodies beauty, just her peaceful nature, positivity, innocense and kindness and wanting to make other's happy? thank you alot!
A/N: Hello! Thank you for the request! I absolutely love the idea! It's so cute!<33
Content: Established relationship, fluff, dancer reader, romance, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread!))
》Jing Yuan
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This man is absolutely whipped for you, that's for sure. He loves absolutely everything about you.
Your innocence and kindness is exactly what he needs as a general with hard and long hours of work. You motivate him to give his all and best everyday. You motivate him to wake up in the mornings with your gentleness and positivity. Your existence motivates him to breathe.
He is proud to have you at his side, always flaunting you to his coworkers and showing you off at any given moment. Who would not be jealous of the general, when he has such a great s/o?
Jing Yuan adores your dances more than life itself at times. He attends absolutely every single performance, no matter how nusy he actually is, and enjoys every second of it.
In fact, he makes sure everyone watches them as well with his influence, promoting your art so well, that absolutely everyone in the Xianzhou Luofu knows about it.
He'd do anything for you and makes sure to keep that pretty smile on your face no matter what.
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He swore to himself, that he'd protect your innocence and positivity with his life. Whilst he sees nothing positive or good in the world anymore, you motivate him to continue living everyday and therefore finds it only fair to protect you from the horrible truths of this world.
You're so different than him and somehow, that makes you two work. You bring warm light into his dark, cold world and he's more grateful for that than he'd ever dare admit. You keep him sane and relaxed on even his worst days with your naturally peaceful nature and he loves you for it. It's what drew him to you in the first place.
He enjoys watching you perform a dance for him, mainly because he's too possessive over you, to let anyone else see it. It is something only for his eyes to see. No one deserves to see you dance, except for him.
Watching you move so smoothly with the music keeps him at ease and makes his troubled thoughts and soul still for even just a moment.
If you look closely, you might even catch a small smile on his face, as his dreamy eyes watch you move.
》Dan Heng
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At first, he was a little confused and unimpressed with your positive and happy nature... yet overtime, he began falling in love with you for it.
You didn't mind how quiet or reserved he was. You didn't judge him, for not really knowing how to be in a relationship. Instead, you were patient and gentle with him, always so peaceful and kind.
You coaxed him out of his shell with your sweet words and kind gestures, making him feel a warmth he never thought he'd ever deserve to feel again.
He watches your dances with wonder in his eyes, his heart thumping wildly in his chest, as he's completely unable to look away. You take away his ability to breathe with your beauty and dance alone and he doesn't mind it at all. In fact, he'd die, if it meant to see you dance just for him one more time.
He protects you with his life, knowing the cruelty of the world too well to ever dare lose you.
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The stern doctor and happy-go-lucky assistant/dancer duo people really need.
Your positivity and want to help everyone comes in perfectly here. You sometimes help him out at work, mostly calming and caring for patients, as they receive their treatment.
You keep him calm and focused on very stressful days, always there to motivate him and remind him how far he's come. He truly couldn't do it all without you.
He especially loves it, when you also take care of him as well with your gentle and peaceful nature. Luocha thinks it's nice to be the one taken care of for once and you are more than willing to do so.
Absolutely protects you from more gory sights at work and doesn't let anyone harm you. Your innocence and kindness is something he deems as special in this dark world.
He loves watching your performances alot. They give him peace and a break from all his troubles. If he could watch you all day for hours on end, then he would, without hesitation.
A/N: I hope this was okay! I'm barely awake rn, so I'm sorry if there are many mistakes! Thank you again for the request!
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underdark-dreams · 10 months
yooo i love ur writings sm dude! thank u for providing the MUCH needed and appreciated rolan n dammon food ! if ur still accepting and willing to write for a more masc reader, would u do hcs with rolan (and/or dammon, idc :>) with a top/dom inclined reader? :]
BLESS your patience, anon! I got lost in writing a smut fic for this request this week. But you asked for headcanons, so it doesn't feel fair to make you keep waiting! In thanks, please expect a Rolan x m!Tav oneshot soon. 🖤
Rolan x top/dom M!Reader: Relationship Headcanons
[SFW + NSFW both under the cut]
This wizard has a serious case of oldest sibling disorder
Rolan can be downright bossy, because a lot of his self identity rests on feeling powerful and in control of things
On a deeper level, Rolan is just used to being the one taking care of the people he loves. Having the scenario flipped—being taken care of for once—it throws him off balance
Falling for a guy who takes the lead and takes initiative might honestly cause Rolan a mild identity crisis without him realizing. He’ll deny the feelings for a week or two, stewing and blushing and unintentionally broadcasting his crush to anyone around him
This was not the plan. So why does he keep daydreaming about you picking him up princess style and tossing him down onto your bed
Inside Rolan’s dying to get swept off his feet and lavished, he just doesn’t know it yet
Maybe it finally clicks for him the first time you pull Rolan close and murmur all your appreciation into his pointed ear
Rolan is so weak for praise and so, so hungry for it, especially from you
He can’t help but melt inside when you tell him how good he is, how clever and competent, how much he deserves to feel incredible and how much you’d enjoy being the one to make him feel that way
Kiss him afterward and feel Rolan whimper softly against your mouth as he goes a bit limp in your arms. He’s entirely yours
He’s not only falling in love with you, he’s discovering a whole side of himself he never gave himself time or permission to explore
But you? You make him feel loved and completely safe
Rolan will occasionally come to you to pout or complain about trivial things, just to get a kiss and hear you assure him you’ll take care of it for your sweet little mage
He’s still flustered by how much he enjoys it at first, even more so when he feels himself flush and stiffen under his robes
Rolan also becomes addicted to the feeling of being wrapped up in your arms
Your arm draped on his shoulder: your hands looped around his waist to keep him tucked in close while you’re kissing: and especially your forearms caging him in against the wall while you grind against each other
Rolan’s still proud, so it’s not easy for him to admit or ask for these things out loud unless you’re alone
But even in a public setting, he will sometimes appear close beside your shoulder and glance over at you with a wordless request that means please hold me a bit, I’m tired/lonely/needy for you
If you don’t notice fast enough, Rolan might softly brush your hand or loop his tail low around your calf to get your attention. You’re the one who awakened these feelings in him, and by the hells he’s not going to be ignored now
Face it: you have unleashed needy sub Rolan upon yourself, you’ll just have to dom up and deal with the consequences
When you’re fucking him, Rolan can be somehow vulnerable and teasing/demanding all at the same time
Old habits die hard…so might Rolan if you don’t give him what he needs
Rolan knows the right word from you or the right gesture pinning his wrist or thigh can get him dangerously close to losing it, and some nights that makes him feel rebellious
He has a smart mouth even in bed, and provoking you excites him sometimes
‘Gods, I bet I can finish myself before you do—’ Rolan’s grip closes around his own hard cock as your slickened fingers gently and slowly prepare him
Other nights he has absolutely zero fight in him. Just a soft pile of Tiefling clinging to the man he loves as he kisses across your shoulders, asking you to take him while you tell him that he’s more than good enough
Rolan may try to hide it (that or he’ll make zero effort), but he’s weak for any time you order him around or direct him
‘Get on your hands and knees’ ‘Spread for me like a good boy, Rolan’ ‘Stop biting your lip or I’ll bite it for you—go on and let everyone hear who makes you feel this good, that’s it—’
It all gets him so needy for your cock that he can’t say no to any of it until you’re filling him
His favorite positions are usually the ones that let him hold onto you for even more closeness—missionary, against his desk in the Tower, etc.
Of course, those don't give him a chance to hide his reactions from you, so you’ll occasionally see him blush dark or squeeze his eyes shut or bite back the sounds you coax out of him
Alternatively: just tell Rolan he thinks too much and fuck him into his mattress so hard he can’t think about anything else at all including his own ego
The way he clutches your shoulders for dear life and pants your name will let you know how much Rolan loves it (and you)
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 4 months
sorry if something sounds strange. English is not my first language
I don't know if your asks are open, so please do it whenever you feel like it. How would the Tokrev boys react to a s/o who fights dirty? She is not necessarily an aggressive person, but once involved she sees no reason to fight with honor. Her favorite moves are kicking her opponent in the balls, spitting in their eyes or hitting their Adam's apple.
Yeah that's fine! I was kinda imagining their partner being in the middle of fighting a group of guys when they just so happen to stumble upon the fight!
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Takemichi- He is very shocked, just stands there with his mouth wide open as he watches you. He didn't even realise you could fight, let alone this!
Mikey- Watches you with an amused look. He was originally going to jump in but seeing how you're handling it, he'd prefer to observe. Thinks it's pretty cool of you even if the moves are a bit dirty.
Draken- Brain short-circuits, he's torn between thinking you shouldn't fight that dirty and being impressed with you. 
Baji- Let's out a whistle of approval before jumping in and fighting them too. He loves that you fight dirty! These guys probably deserve it anyway and now the two of you can fight together!
Chifuyu- Stands there in awe of you, he thinks you're awesome! Praises you a lot after, saying how cool it is that you can do all that and took those guys down.
Mitsuya- He's more worried then anything else, not about the guys though. You seem to be doing a good job physically in the fight but wants to know why you're fighting and if you're okay. Will step in to pull you off them.
Hakkai- His soul leaves his body for a moment as he mutters "what the hell" Watches you attentively and thinks it's pretty cool of you.
Pah- Doesn't care that you're fighting dirty, he's more worried about you fighting at all. Joins the fight to help you.
Peh- Straight up cheers you on, thinks this is the best thing he's ever seen.
Smiley- Oh he's super into this, finds himself falling in love with you even more as he joins in, wanting to team up with you.
Angry- Doesn't think you should be fighting like that, he tries to stop you and later offers to teach you a more fair way of fighting. 
Mucho- Shrugs, he doesn't care at all if you want to fight dirty against these guys. Closely watches you though in case he needs to help you out.
Sanzu- Smiles, generally likes this and your abilities. Get's his phone out and records you so he can watch it back later. He wants to see more of you fighting.
Kisaki- Frowns, he has no issue with the dirty fighting but he doesn't think you should be fighting at all. He has people who can do that for you.
Hanma- Happily laughs at you, this is amazing! Joins in and flirts with you the entire time.
Kazutora- Doesn't hesitate to step into the fight, he's fine with you fighting dirty but wants to support you and make sure you don't get hurt.
Koko- Loudly gasps and immediately comes over to try and help you. He's supposed to protect you right? So he doesn't appreciate you having to do this, fusses a lot over you trying to make sure you're ok.
Inui- Lifts an eyebrow at you as he calmly watches, you look like you're doing fine. He's actually impressed by you and thinks it's smart that you're fighting dirty.
Taiju- Laughs when he sees it, wants to join in too so helps you out a bit. He's just so amused by this. 
Izana- "oh?" He's impressed but also a bit surprised, wants to know why you never told him about these abilities before. Also wants to see more, takes you out somewhere special as a reward after. 
Kakucho- Eyes widen as he sees you and quickly rushes in to help. Fully supports you fighting dirty or doing whatever you need to for you to come out of a fight safely. 
Rindou- Stares for a moment before getting involved, he actually has a bit of a dilemma because he thinks it's pretty cool of you and wants to watch but also wants to try and protect you.
Ran- "huh?" Takes him a moment to fully understand what's going on but quickly smiles when he does. Happily helps you out while praising you.
Shion- Cheers when he first notices you, picks up one of the barely conscious guys and turns his head towards where you're still fighting, telling him to never mess with what's his again.
Mochi- Charges straight into the fight, but still appreciates how well you've done. He would prefer a clean fight though and decides to show you some moves later.
South- Loudly laughs, practically singing your praises and asking the guys if they regret it as he takes out the last of them for you. 
Wakasa- Raises an eyebrow at your "techniques" but he's ultimately impressed, didn't know you could do that and now he wonders if you have any other hidden talents. 
Benkei- Cheers you on a bit, encouraging you as he also helps out. Believes your safety is more important then fighting fairly (you get a pass)
Shinichiro- Immediately rushes into the fight to try and break it up. He's determined to not let you get hurt and probably didn't even notice how you were fighting before he rushed in.
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potatoqueensays · 9 days
May I humbly request you elaboraremos om the Bill = Ford in your reverse falls? I am deeply interested 👀
Thank you for your interest!!!
This makes me super excited to talk about, tbh he deserves his own post anyway!! Cause hoo boy there's a lot to unpack!! Forgive me for all the words, takes a lot to get to the main stuff.
Also thank you to @danklemckspankle for helping with a lot of the details. It's a collaborative project 💪
Let's get into it, shall we??
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So! Ford in this au didn't get his science fair project wrecked by Stanley. Now Stan did drop it, but funny enough, to Stan's hopes it did work. Now that might sound like a copout, but it actually is a very damning event for Ford.
Ford gets the scholarship, and goes to West Coast Tech. He thrives, but amongst all these other geniuses he's just another face in the crowd. Now he's busy at school, but he doesn't get the research grant for Gravity Falls because he's just another smart guy.
He returns home after college and his father is expecting him to have millions and already have a job and a bunch of money. But Ford tells him that he's looking into it and doesn't have anything yet. He needs to stay at home until he can get an opportunity, but his father doesn't take too kindly to that. He kicks Ford out. Unknown to Ford, Stan isn't waiting at home due to also being kicked out. So Ford thinks his whole family abandoned him. He thinks Stan is out adventuring the world. So he's all alone without a place to stay.
Ford has already heard of Gravity Falls, even going as far to write a thesis on the weirdness of the town. But it wasn't what the college wanted, and they even went as far as to reject the thesis and the request for a research grant. So now Ford is stuck.
He does odd jobs around the states and winds up in Gravity Falls. One of those jobs landed him a place in the town. Now he hasn't commissioned Boyish (not yet Manly) Dan to make the shack yet, so he couch surfs. He does research on the side for Gravity Falls, eventually finding a cave painting of a weird zodiac and a triangle.
He summons Bill, and they make a deal for Ford to make a portal for him. Ford requests that he has a partner in knowledge and power in return. They shake on it. You need to understand that Bill isn't yet all sad boy in this as he is in the original au, cause it'd be a bit hard to change an integral part of him. Just bear with me for now!
Now Ford isn't well acquainted on the engineering side of things, so he's in a bit of a pickle.
But!! Lucky for Ford, there's a southern hick a couple states away that matches his smarts! A scientist named Fiddleford McGucket made a personal computer that while expensive, Ford managed to get his hands on! This guy seems promising, so Ford reaches out to him with a request and shares his thesis on Gravity Falls to hopefully drag him in.
McGucket loves it! So they agree to work in Gravity Falls together and they build the portal.
On the side however, Ford is talking with Bill. He fills his head with dreams and visions of acknowledgement. It's everything he's needed and more. It kinda goes to his head as he ignores personal needs like eating in return for the dreams. The dapper dorito eats up the seeming gullibility of the scientist. Inflating his ego to the damn heavens at this point.
Ford and McGucket have been arguing on the side as the research gets back seated. After a test with the portal, McGucket falls in and sees what's on the other side. He tells Ford something is wrong with the project and goes radio silent for a couple weeks before returning back in hopes of convincing Ford the dangers and hoping to see it through.
At this point it's important to note the Gremloblin incident didn't happen so the memory gun has not been made. Despite McGucket's hopes the portal is almost finished at this point and it seems like it's all Ford cares about.
Eventually an altercation arises as McGucket realizes Ford is not stopping. He tries to tell Ford of the danger and what he saw. He says he misses time with his family and wants to go home. Nothing is right anymore and he's being plagued daily with nightmares and declining mental health.
Ford is fed up at this point. He comes to a realization, that everyone has only ever told him what he can and can't do. This is his one shot, a chance to make everyone see. Everyone see him.
He pushes McGucket into the portal.
Oopsies. That's a problem!! Welp. He has no assistant now. Now granted, Bill is real happy for interruption being gone, but good ol' Sixer doesn't work with engineering. Someone else has to step in!
So Bill gets on his case now. Even tho McGucket has been dealt with, the portal isn't finished! So he threatens him, simple threats really. Stealing eyes, puncturing holes in a lung, just basic stuff.
Suffice to say Ford isn't happy about this. He's being rushed, and he already had a hell of a reawakening. So he starts to get back at Bill for his harping. Using his power to harness the portal. Experiments to see how he interacts with the world, testing the limits of Bill's body. All under the guise of research. On a...base level of course! All research is important, but Bill has become an obstacle on his own.
Bill was never his muse, just....a means to an end.
So Ford calls Stanley. Of course he doesn't forgive him for not asking about him, but that doesn't matter now. There's more important things to tend to. His brother has actually ended up making money, if the number of commercials he's seen on the television says anything.
He keeps Stanley at arms length, never actually letting him see the portal. Vague explanations of an important project, he just needs Stan's funding and some parts, he can handle the heavy lifting. Lest someone meddle into his work again
He has another side project on his mind, a little bunker somewhere in the woods of the town. In case of a cataclysmic event, or man eating creatures. Do he gets Stanley to help build it for him. Floor planning, parts, doors, tech and all that.
The interactions between them are kept to a minimum, to keep from bothersome questions and meddling. Eventually Stan has enough from the cold treatment and backs out, saying he's got better things to tend to. (In a future post I'll probably elaborate more on Stan :] )
So Stanley leaves. Keep in mind it's the 90s now, and even if technology improves, this isn't a one man job. No matter how much Bill likes to say he's support. You could say Ford is more focused on the portal than Bill, who had the idea in the first place! But whatever, it'll all be worth it once it's done.
He figures maybe he could do this alone, the last two people turned out to be hindrances, so maybe for a year or two he could try his luck.
Of course he gets side tracked with messing with Bill, with his harping on the portal growing less and less. He even....starts to slowly change color? Growing less yellow and more dull. That's something to research more! His research is definitely not humane, but Bill isn't human! He's a triangle! So what does it matter? This won't have repercussions!!
When Bill possesses his body from time to time, he tries to mess with him, but it weirdly doesn't deter Ford, only spurs him forward. Anything to test the limits of Bill. For science!
The couple years of working alone don't prove at all very helpful. Unfortunately, it looks to be like he needs a new assistant and he needs to get back on track. That bunker won't make itself!
So he calls someone new. The last two people proved to only be hindrances, and he actually went easy on Stanley all things considered. But he needs to be more hands on!
So he calls a lady who just moved to Gravity Falls with her husband, someone unaccustomed and unbiased. A one, Mrs. Gleeful.
She is decent enough as an assistant, proving actual decent company. Being that she doesn't question the work or interrupt. She does what is asked, serving coffee if needed, or getting spare parts.
It lasts up until late 2003, where she reveals she's having a child with her husband. She needs maternity leave, but she claims it won't interfere! So long as she swears.
She has her child the next year, but something changes. A couple months after, she makes the same claims of her family needing her. Claiming they're more important than the project.
This doesn't go on well. A spark goes off in Ford's brain. The last time this was brought up it didn't go well. So he digs up old blueprints, something he was working on when McGucket was around.
He erases parts of her memory when he calls her back. Her thoughts of her family are gone, they don't exist in her brain anymore. He tells her they're roommates working on a project, and convinces her to stay.
If she questions him or asks about her family he erases her memories again, and again, and again.
This goes on for a year, and eventually her mind turns to mush. Leaving her a crazed shaky husk of a sensible woman. She is too crazed to work with anymore, so he kind of sets her free like an animal. Throwing her into the woods for whatever creature out there.
Word reaches round of a missing woman relating to a researcher. This naturally reaches Stanley's ears for his penchant for gossip. He tries not to assume the worst and visits Ford.
Ford is so sucked into his work, solidifying his previous belief of doing work on his own. The portal is just one move away from opening, Bill has shut up, and no one is in his way.
Until Stanley. He visits, and sees the man Ford has turned into, and all hope he ever had is gone. He decides to needs to do something about this, stop whatever his twin is up to.
He leads him to the bunker to talk. But when his fears are confirmed true, he punches him. Brass knuckles reluctantly worn. The altercation results in cracked glasses and shards of glass cutting an eye, Ford goes blind in his left eye.
With the man injured, Stanley leaves the bunker and closes it, locking his brother in. No amount of begging or yelling will get Stan to open the door.
During the time he was alone, Ford had a creature in the bunker to study. It was thought to be too dangerous, but that same claim doesn't hold up anymore.
He still has the contract with Bill. So the two are trapped with Ford. The only ones to talk to for 7-8 years. He pushes his anger onto Bill, and talks to the Shapeshifter in spare time. The only beings to talk to for so long does things to your brain. Not good.
So when eventually two young kids open the bunker, he has some plans to set in motion, particularly considering a certain triangle.
So!!! That's the overall idea, ofc to elaborate on more when I talk about the mystery twins and Stan since that could tie more things in. And also weirdmageddon (normageddon? Fordmageddon?) would have to be it's own thing.
But uhhh, art!!
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This was a little idea of what Ford would look like post bunker, or after getting out. (Ignore the lack of sideburns this is all I have rn)
Bill changes his name shortly before the mystery twins summon him, cause like. Oof. Separate himself from the guy that outcrazied him!!
Probably a future post about Bill would be better, cause like the physical, emotional, and mental torture he went through is kinda glossed through in this. It's mostly Ford heavy and on his side of things.
But!!! I had fun establishing all this, again my friend is to thank for a lot of this stuff. I recommend following or sending an ask to get his side of this!!
Also apologies for the wall of text, this man is a loaded gun.
Oh also he couldn't have gotten out of the bunker since it remained semi unfinished, since Ford focused more on the portal. So he's trapped until into the bunker 🤷‍♀️
Thank to again for the ask, this was probably a doozy to get through lmao 🫶
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barcalover86 · 1 year
My heart can't take it 2- Pablo Gavi
The first part here - is one of my favourite fanfiction of him
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Finally, I managed to end this one. It's been some time, and I'm sorry for the wait, but I wanted to write it in the right way and to give you a well-deserved ending. Thank you for your messages and unconditional support! I see every request of you, and seeing that you want me to write your ideas makes me the happiest! Have a nice day, love yourself, and enjoy this! Love to all of you!🫵
I couldn't answer to only one of you because it wouldn't have been fair, so I tried to mention all of you here and announce you whenever it's ready.
I've been writing this for days..
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'Que las noches sin ti duelen'
"How many times do we have to listen to this song, Pedri?"
"What? You don't like it?" he turned to look at his friend who was next to him in the car.
"It's not like I don't like it, I just got bored of it"
Pedri laughed.
"Are you sure that's the reason?" he teased.
"Ok, end it here" Gavi said before the two of them sat silent in the car, while the music was still on.
Pedri was taking Gavi home again after the training. It was already 5 p.m. and tomorrow, they have to do some videos about the new Barca kit, so the moment Gavi went to his house, he went directly to his bathroom to take another shower.
"Why is he showering again?" his sister questioned her mom, being concerned about her little brother. He already showered after his training in the changing room with his teammates.
Her mom remained silent until she decided to continue the conversation.
"It doesn't seem like he is good. Are you sure you don't know what happened to him?"
Of course, she knows. He's been acting weird since the night their friend groups went together on the beach. She knew that you were the reason for his sadness. She stayed with the boy all night while he was crying in her arms. He never told the reason, nor did she asked, because as his older sister, she knows when Pablo is suffering towards a girl. Although, Aurora never told their mom this thing. She respected her brother's privacy.
"No" she just answered simply, before going to her room to not continue this subject.
It was true that Pablo Gavi was showering more lately, which doesn't seem so weird until you question yourself about it. He stays hours in his bathroom.
He hadn't seen you since that day and it had been almost 4 weeks. He missed you a lot, and he had no one to talk to. He knew that his sister would be mad at him for falling in love with her friend, who didn't even talk to him, and Pedri.. he was going to make fun of him. He had to keep it all to himself, and the emotions sometimes got him. Crying while people think that he's showering was the best idea that came into his mind. Like that, his family wouldn't hear his sobs.
He didn't eat.. not yet. Aurora started to get more concerned, so she knocked at his door.
"Mami made you some pollo con arroz, want to come down to the kitchen to eat?" she asked hoping for a positive answer.
"Maybe later, gracias"
She barely heard him, but it was enough to know that his voice wasn't his normal one.
"Estas bien, hermanito?"
That si had to be a strong word, but it only came from his mouth as a sob.
His sister felt like someone had just broken her heart. Hearing her brother at the edge of crying was something so hurtful. Pablo was one of the sweetest guys, and he doesn't deserve anything that could make him sad.
She waited a few seconds after talking again, trying to find the perfect way to say what she wanted.
"Come here, Pablo"
"Come outside, I know you aren't showering right now. Let's meet in the kitchen in 10 minutes. You have to eat and we to talk. I'm gonna tell our parents to leave, we'll be alone."
After that, Aurora left.
She managed to find a reason for their parents to go out of the house, and when Pablo came and sat on the chair that was in front of her, her heart broke again.
His eyes were red and puffy. The boy clearly had been crying for hours!
She didn't say anything more, only went to him and hugged him. Tight. Pablo returned the hug, trying so hard not to cry in front of his older sister. He accidentally escaped some sobs, but Aurora didn't mind. She hugged him until he calmed down completely.
"You have to tell me what is happening to you, Pablo. This is something serios"
"It's nothing, Rora."
"I know you, Gavira" she said with a serious face.
"I am just scared that the next season I won't play that much" he lied
"Oh, you're getting on my nerves. I really want to help you, but if you keep lying to me, then we won't go anywhere. I won't get mad, I promise you."
"I..I really like one of your friends," he said after some time.
"Go on" she encouraged him.
"And she doesn't give me attention at all. We barely even talked, and I'm sure that she doesn't feel the same way as me. She doesn't even look at me as a friend."
"Y/n, right?"
He started to panick at the thought that she knew.
"I'm so -" he wanted to apologise until he was interrupted again.
"It's ok, Pablo. No worries, ok? It's not your fault that you like her-"
"Kinda love her," he said sadly before turning his head to another direction, afraid not to cry again.
Aurora smiled. Pablo Gavi was never this soft. He was a sweety, of course, but she never saw his little brother like that, and she kinda likes the idea of having you even closer.
"You don't have to worry about me, hermanito. Go talk more to her and I'm sure she will like you. You are a great boy, and let's be serious. Who wouldn't fall in love with you?"
They both laughed.
The next day, Aurora invited her friends to their house.
"Will Pablo stay with us?" asked one of Aurora's friends.
"Yes, he has some plans to do," she said, and they all looked confused.
"What do you mean?"
She just winked at them and then started laughing.
"Ohh, he is in love, isn't him?" You finally spoke after being quiet for a while.
"Oh, you wouldn't know," answered his sister before you borrowed your eyebrows, confused.
You decided not to say anything anymore, but you felt some pain in your chest, and when you saw Gavi walking past you to sit on the couch near some girl, your heart felt like it just had broken. Your eyes couldn't not look into his.
He wasn't looking at you. Of course, he wouldn't. He is a famous football player, he is for sure in love with some influencer or with a beautiful lady that has the perfect body.
The truth is that he wasn't looking at you because he knew that if he would, he couldn't stop moving his eyes away from you. He knew that if he saw you, even for a second, he would lose control. He couldn't even stand the fact that you were there, far but so close to him.
Aurora saw you looking intense at her brother, so she decided to help both of you.
"Hermanitoo, come here a second, por fa"
"What?" answered the boy after standing up while going near his sister.
"If you really want to stay with us, then we should play something together. God knows when we will stay together again like this. We have to enjoy every minute!"
"What game?"
"Truth or dare!"
"Oh, I'm not playing that stupid game of yours"
"Then you won't stay with us"
Everyone was cheering for Gavi to play, but the only thing that made him not go was you. He really wanted to stay with you. He even sat down beside you, really, really close to another.
The truth is that you hate this game. You never enjoyed playing it, but this time, you felt like you wanted to stay.
You feared that something was to happen, and when it really happened, you couldn't do anything but panick hard. Of course, Aurora would ask you something like this after you said dare.
"I dare you to kiss my brother!"
"It's a dare, y/n"
You argued a lot with his sister, and you didn't even realise when Pablo turned your face into his, and he touched your lips with his. The kiss was everything you've ever imagined, and it was the best one you've ever had.
When you looked into his eyes, nothing was coming out of your mouth. You couldn't love this boy, could you? He barely even talked to you.
Gavi, on the other side, was the happiest that he finally managed to do that, and he for sure winked after to his sister as a "thank you". She only returned his smile, being happy for the both of you.
You didn't say anything until it was late and you decided to go home.
Pablo somehow excused himself, finding a way to be only with you. He didn't even know where this courage came from, but he was so thankful for it.
"I'm sorry you had to kiss me" you finally spoke.
"It was just a game after all, it didn't mean anything"
Oh, and how stupid he was for saying that. Full regret starting to feel in all of his body.
You couldn't say anything. You froze there, not being able to leave the room.
You knew he didn't feel the spark that you felt. Even yourself couldn't believe that this past weeks all you thought about was him. The moment he kissed you, your heart felt like it healed and was the best feeling you've ever felt in a while. You felt alive and.. happy.
He knew he fucked everything up.
"I'm so-"
"It's ok. Really. Like, I get it!"
"No, like- I get it you don't.. like me. I get it that you don't even want to.. talk to me? See me? I completely understand you. Maybe I would ruin your career if people see us together. Maybe-"
"Maybe you just stood with us, because your girlfriend couldn't meet you today or-"
"Y/n, para!!"
You did anything other than stop yourself from talking.
"And I can't even believe myself how I managed to be like the other girls. To.. start to like you and-"
"You what?"
Now you only stopped, just because you realised that you said it out loud. It was like you admitted yourself to what you feel for him.
You started to panick and quickly got out of his house, with him following you.
"No, wait!"
He managed to take your hand and stop you.
"You like me?" he said softly with tears in his eyes.
"No, it's just-"
"Dime la verdad, y/n"
He had hope in his eyes.
"Por favor.."
You looked at him. You just couldn't stay there and lie to him. Lie to those pretty eyes.
"I don't even believe myself for this-"
"Tell me!"
"Joder, yes! Yes, I like you!"
He smiled.
"I can't believe this."
"Lo siento, Gavi. I know you-"
"No! Don't say anything anymore. You know nothing. You have no idea how long I wanted to hear you say it. To hear that you like me."
He looked into your eyes and smiled.
"Can I kiss you..please.." he finally found the courage to say it.
You were shocked. Completely shocked.
He laughed at your face, but knew that you wanted it so he did it. He kissed you.
This time, it was different. It didn't feel like it was something rushed. It was slow, full of love and adoration.
"I've liked you for so long, you have no idea. Now, can I finally call you mine, amor?"
You smiled widely.
"Por supuesto!"
I hope I didn't disappoint you with this one..
I have so many ideas of how could I have continued this, but it would have been too long, but I could make a part 3???
When they say "I love you" for the first time or when they introduce their relationship to their friends and families?
I can also do one where we have y/n's version of the story????
What do you say about it?
Shall be a part 3 to this one??
Thank you for the waiting, and thank you if you are reading this. It means a lot to me that you also read this part and took some time of yours to enjoy my stories. I wish you a nice day and don't forget.. love yourself!!
I have a request that asks him "Jealous Gavi," so it will be out soon. I hope that it will be really soon done. I'm working on it
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joanofexys · 3 months
you said you were thinking about Florian a lot so please tell me your thoughts about Florian <3
Florian!!! Okay his relationships have been rotating around in my brain so much lately
I meantioned in another post that Florian falls in love so easily, he's just a tiny bit in love with everyone, and it will not leave me alone. so warning for cringe oc x canon posting ig
Florian and Jean and Florian and Kevin are the biggest ones for me at the moment but other dynamics that have given me brainrot include Flor and Neil, Flor and Andrew, and Flor and Jeremy
Florian has a level of love for Jean that is so impossible to erase that it is forever etched onto his heart (Jean's handwriting is tattooed on the left side of his chest). They're so unbelievably tender. Gentle with each other when no one else had been. They're barely there touches and kisses when no one was watching and silent "I love you"s they could never choke out out of fear of being heard.
that love doesn't go away after the nest. Flor does not move on. He is so terrible at it. And he is still head over heels in love with Jean.
It becomes meetings in empty hallways before games, gentle kisses, and words Florian can finally get past his lips. He knows things will never be the same between him and Jean. But they're still soft as they've always been. Flor still cups Jean's face in his hands. This time with tears in his eyes. "I know it's what you deserve, but I don't know if I can let you go."
That's in part where the Flor and Jeremy brainrot comes in. He's so good for the both of them tbh. But focusing on just him and Florian they have an incredibly interesting dynamic. Jeremy doesn't have the privilege of already knowing Flor. He gets all the attitude and anger and apathy. He has to earn Flor's sweetness. But he does. Idk I just think they're neat.
Florian and Kevin are so, very different. They're hotel rooms and bruising kisses and neverending heartbreak. Flor will never get what he wants from Kevin. He knows Kevin loves him, it's not in the way he wants. But he'll take what he can get. The bridge of Free Now is so them. They share so much of their pain. Florian feels that they understand each other in a way that no one else ever will due to their injuries. And Flor is bitter in a lot of ways but that will always get shoved aside the second he's actually with Kevin. And for a fun little addition: Kevin's handwriting is tattooed on Flor's collarbone
Flor and Neil also fall into none of those. Not as soft as Florian and Jean, with none of the past and heartache of Flor and Kevin. They click in a way I wasn't expecting when I made Florian's character. Neil's handwriting is tattooed on Florian's ribs. Which is actually the first tattoo I knew Flor had and inspired the idea of him getting tattoos in the handwriting of the people he loves most. They exist together very naturally. Matching snark, but delivered with a fondness that lets the other know they could never mean it. I'm not sure if they're platonic or romantic or what but they're sure in each other's lives for forever.
Andrew is someone Florian defers to easily. He's steady, as he is for so many people, and once Flor has even a bit of his trust he doesn't hesitate to lean on him. It's a hand tangled in Florian's hair when he's had a couple drinks and needs Andrew to ground him, or yanking on the back of Flor's shirt to keep him from walking away even when he thinks the conversation is over. He's not one of the monsters. But he's Andrew's. They have their fair share in common but have come to deal with it completely differently. Yet it still manages to give them common ground. There are things, mostly triggers, that only Andrew really gets. Moments where Andrew can be the only one sitting on the couch waiting for Flor to steady his breathing, to look up and meet his eyes and say his name. Voice cracking over two syllables. I'm ngl Florian and Andrew honestly compete with Flor and Jean on what dynamic drives me more insane. And it makes me so mad cause I can't word any of it properly
I hope you enjoy me talking abt oc x canon cause it's scary and embarrassing and i'm gonna pretend i didn't say any of this
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wejustvibing · 1 year
have this unfiltered verbal diarrhea 🤗
after a night of careful reflection i still believe lewis was not a 100% at fault irrespective of whether he has taken the responsibility for it followed by apology world tour or not. but there are clearly bigger issues here that this social media facade is just not able to hide and that worries me.
the treatment they're giving lewis is just shocking and unacceptable given what he brings to the table. even if i put aside the megastar status (which i'm not sure i should, considering they never shy away from using it for securing the bag and engagement), he is still their leading driver in the championship. he has scored 60% of the team's points and the only pole so far, in an effort for P2 in wcc. he is closing in on 2nd in the wdc despite being in the 3rd or 4th fastest car. by that logic alone he should never be subjected to all these shenanigans.
no matter which way you slice it, lewis is always the one with the short end of the stick. he is always the scapegoat. he is always the one taken for granted. he is the one covering up the clear mismanagement. instead of getting full support from the team he is the one out there assuring team harmony to the media, apologizing for a racing incident which it shouldn't have been considering he was the one who trusted the team and his teammate with whatever the fuck that tire strategy was and was the one who got dnf'd.
i know he will be the bigger person just to protect his peace and with constant target on his back no matter what he does, because god forbid a black man expresses himself the way his white counterparts do. i'm not asking for the sassy LH back either. all i want them to do is be fair. it's this glaring disparity they need to be ashamed of and sort out as soon as possible. well they've stolen his words "we win and we lose together" they might as well act like it. we've seen clear examples of the tone they're setting for this, especially after the two dnfs.
and lewis said that's my role. i just want to know what he meant by that? role in what capacity? is he the team principal now and taking the fall for everything? or has he signed on to be the team's punching bag with the new contract? i'm not being dramatic when i say this. his teammate dnf'd through his own fault & lewis got the podium and got silent treatment in return instead of celebration but when he dnf'd after the teammate disregarded previously agreed upon strategy, he's again the one getting gaslit into apologizing in front of the world instead? there has to be a way to explain this.
and i'm ride or die for him. i believe he can and should and will do whatever necessary to protect his sanity. maybe he's in too deep with that kumbaya shit and damn, good for him. full support to that. the question remains — why must he? i refuse to move on from every little thing by saying oh he is a better person than me. oh the sport doesn't deserve him. oh he has matured. oh it's not that deep. and by the way, his teammate can own up to his mistakes and see clearly in mirrors when it's any of the other 18 drivers so those excuses don't work for me. and no, replacing the teammate or bringing back valtteri will not sort this out. it's for mercedes and toto to decide and prove to lewis if his faith in them is justified? they have created this and they must sort it out.
this is about basic respect as a human being that this sport and fans have NEVER granted him. it's sad to see his team do it too. this is about reciprocity. has the team or teammate apologized to him for the recent fuck ups? no! but he does something slightly wrong and they're parading him on social media, making him apologize on camera, weaponizing his magnanimity against him to act like they forgive all his fucks ups?? and i'm supposed to sit in silence about this?
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romanarose · 4 months
Jake, Am I Gay?
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OC (Sam Waters) x Platonic!Jake Lockley
Takes place in my SSSB Universe. Series is over but I think Sam deserves a little touch on what never really got resolved. Jake and Sam are besties, Sam is dating Marc and Steven. Takes place after the finale.
Summary: Jake is not expecting to be asked if the askee is bisexual.
Warnings: Coming out? Questioning? Both of them are coming out.
A/n: Spoilers for Highlander show from the fuck'n 90's I guess??
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Jake had just got done shoving Sam's feet of him as she tried to prop them up on his thighs. He's a good friend, but he's not that good a friend.
Jake and Sam were finishing season 6 of Highlander and it was... awful. Sam through a fit when Tess died, life taking the throw pillow and smacking it on his head and after she got done crying kind of fit. Pissed enough that while Steven and Marc left Sam and Jake alone when they hung out to give then privacy,Steven sensed Sam's distress enough to come out and steal the pillow. When they realized it was just that stupid show, Steven wacked Sam with the pillow until Sam was giggling and the neighbors were banging on the walls for them to shut up.
The show was clearly trying to set up for an Amanda spin off, something Sam said was probably fucking awful but insisted they watch. Jake agreed. It wasn't really about the show, it was about spending time with Sam. Jake had never felt romantically inclined to her or anyone, and the agreement with the system was he could blow off steam sexually as long as he used protection.
Then she threw him a curveball, as she always did.
"Jake, am I gay?"
Never a moments peace with this one. He continued eating hot cheetos. "Yeah probably."
There was a short pause, then she turned to him, while he kept his eyes on the TV. "You didn't think to maybe relay that information to me?"
Jake shrugged. "We thought it was best yo figure it out yourself. Besides, if it makes you feel better, I was the last out of us bozos to connected those dots."
Sam scoffs. "Except my dad apparently." Turning back to the TV, she crossed her arms and pouted. Last month, Dave told her he thought she was a lesbian, which was the first Sam heard of the concept and the first time Jake considered the idea she liked women. Apparently, Marc and Steven have known for a while, what with the way she drools over Rosalie in Twilight and all.
Sighing, Jake grabbed Sam's feet and plopped them up on his legs. "Relaje, hermana. It takes a while for us to notice, even about ourselves. I think we were 30 by the time I noticed."
Silence, and then Sam spoke. "You're gay? Or Bi, or... what even are you? You never tell me any details."
"And I never will. You just have to worry about me falling in love with someone random, and Marc doesn't have to worry about me falling in love with you." He flicked her ankle, teasing Marc's jealous/possessive streak. "You don't tell me about you and Steven and Marc, I don't tell you about the men, women, and everything in between and beyond I sleep on my nights away."
Sam laughed at that, gigging with her arm still crossed. "Fair, fair."
The pair finished the episode and Jake thought it was over. But, just as he relaxed (and Sam knew when to strike.) She hoped up, leaned into Jake's ear and shouted, "Ha! GAYYYYYYYY." and proceeded to run off giggling before Jake even began to give chase.
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A lil treat for my old SSSB readers, my first EVER MK series <3
Made for my Oscar/Pedro Pride event <3
tagging a few peeps who read it <3
@my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @miraclesabound @poeedameronn @twistedboxy
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a-funeral-pyre · 4 months
May Day Parade - Round 3: free space
Once again for @queer-ragnelle 's initiative. I am officially unable to write anything but angst, so this is what I came up with. Since I already wrote about Mordred and I mean to write about Gawain, I thought it was fair to try with the other Orkney brothers. So here it is:
You always knew you were a sinner.
There is more blood on your hands than your uncle wants to see spilled. You felt no mercy as Lamorak coughed up blood and begged to be spared.
But at least you never betrayed your king.
You wonder if he will remember when he sees your body. If this time he will top defending the man who dared to continue to smile at him after getting into his bride's bed.
If he can finally open his eyes and see all the rot that lurks in his shining court.
But you do not want to hope too much. He will probably regret the traitor's loss more than yours. And even if he doesn't, none of your companions will shed a tear for you.
You've made too many enemies in this life. You have never regretted it until this moment.
You don't even know if, given the chance to survive, you would go back. It would be nice to know that someone will miss you. But you would never be able to mend the bonds you broke in your desire to rise above others. Once you put out the fire of envy, you don't know what else could be driving you.
You did not even manage to eliminate the man you most wanted to see fall. And even if his treachery has been discovered, your life will not be considered by anyone too high a price for the revelation of his disloyalty.
You will be remembered only as the wild son of Orkney, thirsty for blood and revenge, and many will sleep better once they hear of your passing. If the thought gave you comfort while you were alive, now you only wish you hadn't spent your life hating those who were brighter than you.
Maybe then your end would have been happier. You probably wouldn't even have died the same way.
At least you wouldn't be here, bleeding out alone, on the cold floor of the room of two blasphemous lovers. When you watched Lamorak take his last ragged breaths, you did not think it would happen to you.
But, if you had someone to call a friend by your side, it would not be so hard to wait for nothing to come.
You manage to block your thoughts before they can degenerate. They will not help you right now, just as they did not help you in life.
It was not out of loyalty that you avenged your uncle's honor. Part of you hopes he does not notice.
You just want to feel like it was worth getting to this point.
Your mother would laugh at you if she were here.
She has every right to do so. The man who treacherously killed her, eliminated without warning by a traitor. You would laugh too, if breathing wasn't too painful.
This day would have been hard enough to bear without ending with your death, and with Gareth's cries ringing in your head while you are unable to move and look for him.
It is the right punishment for someone like you, and you are not blind enough not to recognize it.
You would not have wanted to let your queen burn, despite her guilt. But you were not as kind to your own blood. And even if that was not why Lancelot wanted to kill you, you cannot help but feel like fate is punishing you.
But by now, it is too late to regret. At least you are certain that this was the fate you deserved. You could not escape your damnation forever.
You should have no reason to cry for your life. Not after everything you have done. You should have known that sooner or later you would pay for your sins, and your end would not be peaceful.
At least you will see Agravain again. You will burn together, struck down by the same hand. You never thought the thought would bring you comfort.
But Gareth should not be here dying with you. There was no reason why he should pay too.
And there will be someone who will suffer your end in your place. Your uncle has already lost a nephew, a spouse, and a friend. And even if he may accept it, Gawain will not. You listened as he asked you not to participate in the execution.
You do not deserve Lynette's tears.
At least you will not see their mourning. At least you will never know what will happen next, when you are no longer here.
Death brings more death. You have witnessed this many times. And you know that your end is just the beginning. Your brother will not let this act go unpunished.
It's not worth it. Maybe for Gareth. But not for you.
But through your clouded eyes you find no one alive to tell. The blood trail has already been traced. The downfall of Camelot has begun, and you will not be able to stop it. You are dying alone and a sinner, and everything around you is burning.
You try to speak, but only smoke from the fire fills your lungs as you take your last breath. Mother, you try to call, are you satisfied now?
You should never have come here.
You should not have agreed to watch the death of the woman you swore to serve and honor. Perhaps, despite her guilt, you should have tried to prevent this sentence from falling on her.
At least she is safe. But, if you had resisted – if only you had decided to follow Gawain and walk away from this place until the ashes had cooled – you would be too.
You just expected that you would contemplate an end you should have opposed to, go home, and try to shake off the memory. You did not believe your life would end instead.
You did not think he would be the one to hit you.
You would not have stopped him. If you had had the courage, you would have joined him. You remember the last words you spoke – you vaguely remember trying to call him, telling him you were not going to fight him, begging him to save the queen.
It was not enough.
You do not want to blame him. Maybe if Lyonesse had been in Guinevere's place, you would have done the same thing he did, even if it meant breaking your vows.
But, even when your soul has completely detached from your body, you will not forget the look on his face as he hit you. The fury, the blind desire to pour blood and fire into the world just so he would not lose everything.
He hated you as his blade fell upon you. His eyes killed you before the metal.
If you had survived, maybe you would have had to fight him. Maybe you would have had to face his contempt again anyway. And you would have had to live with the fact that, after today, he became an enemy.
But this awareness does not save you as you drown in the cold and darkness, with the memory of your last meeting burning inside you.
For a moment you wish you had died before you met your wife, when you had not revealed the truth yet. You would have died anyway, but it would not have been with the knowledge that your world was poisoned and about to collapse. It would not have been with the thought of what Lyonesse will feel when they bring her your bod. It wouldn't be by the hand of the man you considered a friend.
If you had died before, you would not be here wondering what will be the fate of your now too torn family, of the kingdom you swore to protect and of whose fall you will be only one of the first victims.
If you could get up, if you still had the strength to speak, you would go to your uncle and beg him not to shed any more blood. To give up his revenge, not to allow others to end up like you.
But you're too busy wishing for your agony to be short to try. You can only pray – and desperately try to ignore the awareness that your prayers will go unanswered.
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