#and jackie just playfully tapping him :)
nikkiruncks · 11 months
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My favorite Jackie & Hyde moments #7
The fact that Hyde was bold enough to suggest that 😂
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Saw your Drabble list and I have to say, I have not clicked on a “ask me anything” button that quick in a very long time!
Could I pretty pretty please request Jax Teller & Number 16? Eeekkk!! 🤤
You can indeed! This one kinda got away from me a little. I'm like that, though. My drabbles get wordy, lol!
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Smut below the cut, minors DNI!
You've been dating Jax for a few weeks now, spending time with him going on dates, or, more often than not, hanging out at the club. Just like tonight.
"Are we really playing this goddamned game?" Happy grunts, folding his arms. "It ain't like any of us is gonna welch on a dare, or not tell any kind of uncomfortable truth."
"Truth or dare?" Tig shouts, drumming his hands off the table.
"Did you really fuck Jackie Adams?" You have no idea who the woman is, but the very mention of her name seems to make Happy suddenly stiffen up.
He glares, lifting the shot glass to his lips. "Fuck you."
"Ahhhh!" Tig roars, "yeah, you did! And you don't want to give up that uncomfortable truth, that you banged a broad who's at least sixty-five!"
"She's a hot sixty-five, and shit, at least she still had a pulse, you corpse-humping motherfucker."
You stand there and laugh, shaking your head, Tig spying you.
"Hey! (Y/N), you down for a little of this?"
"Not if those are the kind of questions you're gonna ask!" you cry, laughing.
"Why, how many sixty-five women have you been banging recently?" Jax asks, bobbing his tongue between his teeth playfully with a huge grin when you scowl at him.
"I'll give you something more appropriate, that's if you pick truth. So, truth or dare, baby!"
A nearby Chibs winces for you. "Now you've done it, lass." He isn't wrong either.
"Flash us your tits," Tig demands.
"Told you, but I'm kinda not mad at him. Could have been a whole lot worse, that was a pretty tame ask, for him," Chibs chuckles, turning to wink at you. "No disrespect, Jackie, but your girl is crackin'."
"None taken, because I know she won't do it either," he replies, taking a sip of his beer.
You shrug, making a small humming noise. "A dare is a dare." With that, you pull your top up to an absolute barrage of whistles, yells and table thumping, Tig applauding you the loudest. "She don't even wear a bra! That's amazing! Here, hon, take a shot. Nice rack."
Pulling your top down again, you take it, tapping the shot glass off the side of his and sinking it, turning to Jax, trying not to laugh as he shakes his head, not able to bite back his grin.
“Did you really just do that?”
“I did,” you confirm, Jax still shaking his head. 
"You're trouble."
Pulling him close by his belt, you plant a kiss on his lips. "Trouble you can handle." With that, he ducks down and throws you over his shoulder, his brother's wolf whistling in your wake, carrying you off to his usual bunk room, kicking the door shut and throwing you down on the bed.
He hovers above you, eyeing you in a way you can't quite read, a little flare of panic rising in your throat. "You're not mad at me, are you?"
He snorts, shaking his head. "No, darlin'. Well, maybe a little, that the guys got a better first look at your tits than I did." He then strips you of your top, kneeling between your legs, his large, ring-adorned hands stroking the soft flesh of each breast, fingertips teasing at your nipples. "Mmmm, they're pretty."
"There's something else I have that I'm told is pretty, too." He follows your gaze downwards, looking back up with a soft burst of laughter through his nose, unbuttoning your jeans, pulling them and your undies off in one swift tug.
"Well," he begins, parting your thighs, taking a very good look at you. "I'm glad I'm definitely the first to be able to agree with that." He then falls silent, except for the sound of him running licks through your folds, sucking hungrily on your clit, and making you wonder why on earth it took you three weeks to get to this point with him.
Good job you chose that moment to honour the dare and flash your tits, really, isn't it?
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einsteinsugly · 1 year
Fictober 10. That 70s Show. July 2004. The Reckoning.
A/N: Ooh, verse drama! Aka, why 2004 is Eric's worst year. >:(
Eric and Donna race into Point Place Hospital, racing through its mindless corridors, until they reach the waiting room of the ICU. Frantic, and notably out of the loop.
Donna races to their particularly distraught daughter, and Eric races straight to his sobbing mother.
Donna amply brings a sobbing Leah close, stroking her strawberry hair.
"It's alright, I'm here now. Okay?"
But Eric is overwhelmingly tending to his mother. He merely gives Leah a quick, cordial hug, and promptly withdraws into a mindless oblivion.
He plops into one of the many rickety plastic chairs, staring at the paper thin walls. He's attempting to come to terms with the situation at hand, but he's not faring too well.
Instead, he's shaking, distraught, and he's outright deflecting. He can't trust her, no matter how hard he tries.
Instead, she betrayed him. She ran around like a headless chicken, and she kept stealing. His beer, his tap. She'd even use the cans as makeshift bowling pins, in some sort of warped mockery.
But she's supposed to be his little girl, and he struggles to reckon with the reckless teenager shaking in front of him.
He misses when they used to watch Spiderman together. When she'd playfully poke her tongue at him through the gap provided by her missing two front teeth.
She sticks her little tongue out, and races off towards the sunset. "Try to catch me, Daddy!"
Now, things are different. So, so different. Leah's this foreign entity, and so is his Dad. They haven't really had a cordial conversation in two years, and Leah got through to him in the blink of the eye. They were playing board games, going to the shooting range, and they were even taking archery classes together.
"Mom, Point Place is supposed to be a punishment, not a vacation."
But Kitty isn't having it, at all. "I think she needs it, honey. You get more with honey, instead of vinegar."
So, maybe he's in the dark. Maybe he's upset, confused, and everything in between.
"You still don't want to tell me anything? Like I don't know, I'm sorry?"
"Dad," Leah angrily scolds, abruptly breaking away from her mother in utmost fury, "Pop just had a freaking heart attack! We were having fun, playing Sorry. I even let him be Gryffindor, and now..."
Donna is similarly furious, as red as her hair. "Eric. Stop being a dumbass."
"I'm sorry, but there's an elephant in the room." He exclaims, loudly clearing his throat, "Fathers are supposed to be good to their daughters, and I don't think I've been good enough..."
Hyde and James suddenly appear, nervously ambling down the opposite hallway, and Hyde is particularly annoyed. "Stop quoting John Mayer, Forman."
Now, he's really out of the loop. "Where's Jackie?"
Hyde awkwardly hurls in the truth in his face, like an anvil colliding with his head. "She's in there with Dad, and Kate and Beck. He wanted us there, after Mom, Adrian, and Half Pint."
Eric is flabbergasted, and he's notably taken aback. "And what about me?"
"He mentioned somethin' about Donna, and you. And somethin' about how Laurie's taking her damn time."
But James is quick to blurt out even more. Like mother, like son. "He said that you were being a dumbass."
James plops down into another rickety plastic seat, a stone's throw away. Leah is quick to collapse into his lap, kissing him, and Eric finally takes some sort of stand.
Eric angrily clears his throat, in particular ire. "Hey, missy. Enough of the PDA, okay?"
But James has had enough. He's heard it all, and he's damn sick of it. "Shut the fuck up."
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a-gal-with-taste · 2 years
High-Noon Heat (Oneshot)
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Warnings: SFW. Chapter 2, pre-relationship, flirting, fluff, humor, romance, domestic-fluff, camp-interactions, mild AU (Micah's dead, because I say so), cook!Reader, John being an annoying little brother
Gift for @sweatandwoe ♡
It was high-noon, and even with the breeze, you could swear Arthur already looked more heated than Hell, with cheeks already reddening as he approached the stewpot you were bent over, fresh from another several-day excursion around the country. 
"... Miss." 
There it was again - the start of your first name, before habit, courtesy, and just the barest hint of flusteredness entered his gruff tone, and he fell back onto a far-more respectful greeting than just your first name. 
"Been back for a hot minute, I'm sure you're famished," You say, smiling up as you glanced towards him. Noon-high caught the gold in his hair, bright enough that you had to resist the urge to squint. "Hope you've had smooth traveling, sure been gone awhile..." 
"Well, someone's gotta, ever since Micah..." One burly shoulder shrugged, half in nonchalance, and half in the direction of the cliff giving the Outlook its name. "I'd take Lenny, but kid's still shook-up, 'bout losing so many the last few months..." 
"I'm sorry," You say, softly. You didn't know those who came before.
The Callander boys were men of legends, apparently, and Jenny sounded like such a sweet girl - all gone long before you arrived. Perhaps it was the nature of things, but the first death you'd encountered among the camps-ranks was hardly even met with a subdued reaction. Some drank a bit more excessively, but there were a couple more jokes than mournful jeers... Mr. Van der Linde, however, had shut himself in his tent for the night after. 
You didn't quite know why, Mr Bell hadn't exactly been charming - in fact, your skin crawled at the memory of him - but you still kept your tone cautiously respectful, "I don't... I hope it's not a loss that's leaving you to suffer, since you take his job as well as your own?" 
"Suffer? Nah... tempted to thank God, if I'm honest. For ending his suffering, and ours." 
Pearson glanced up from the rabbit as your sudden, inappropriately-timed snort, unable to hold back the stern note in his reminder, "Not in the stew, Miss! Got enough seasoning in there already, don't need snot to go along with it!" 
"I know, Simon, I know!" The friendly-eye roll you gave was met with a scoff, but when you turn back to the main-muscle of the Van der Linde Gang, your cheeks heated under much more than the sun when you caught Arthur staring, watching you smile playfully with a peek of his own grin beneath the rim of his hat. 
A hat that lowered sharply as he ducked his head, suddenly finding the Overlook grass very fascinating, particularly as he scuffed it with his boots. 
"Well... I'm glad you seem to be enjoying the roads, Arthur. Seems like you're gone most the time..." 
"Not by choice, but we all gotta eat, gotta work... speaking of," He glanced back at you, cornflower-blue eyes meeting yours, before he again glanced away, fingers tapping a beat on his belt. "You uh, got any special requests for when I'm out on the trail?" 
You blinked, "Oh, I wouldn't want to take you from your work, Arthur-" 
"Top three-choices, Miss. Sound 'em off, I'll get 'em for you." A pause, before he added, a bit hastily. "Ain't no trouble... never is." 
Tongue prods the inside of your cheek for a moment, as you studied him, while he made his own studies with the outlining shrubbery of the camp. "... Turkey would be nice, good for hearts. If you come across rosemary, Hosea could also use some for his breathing," The old fool was sharp, and smarter than anyone else in the gang, but a fool nonetheless, acting like you couldn't hear him wheezing half-a-tent away... "Oh! Wild carrot too, it's good for the stew... plus Jackie could use the veggies." 
"And the kid was 'bout just begging me for a cocoa-bar... gonna feel lilttle betrayed about this one," Another small grin crossed his features, one you couldn't help but share as, stirring done with all the chopped herbs freshly-submerged, you reached for a tin-bowl. 
"Partners in crime, you and I are, Mister Morgan," You teased, filling up the bowl with a generous, hearty helping before passing it into his hand. The calloused he brushed against your fingers left tingles, but you managed to keep your voice light. "I won't tattle if you won't." 
"I'll be going to my grave in silence, Miss," He vowed, shoveling a dented spoon in to take a large chunk from the bowl - already half-empty by the time he takes his sentence, and you wonder if Arthur even swallows by the time he chugs the final portion of his bowl. 
"... 'M sorry," He said, sheepish under your wide-eye glare at his ravenous appetite, even though you're far from displeased. "Long ride and... good food. Gotta get it when you can." 
"Right... well, I'll be sure to have plenty for you when you get back," You promised him standing up while brushing off your hands on your apron, before holding one out to him with a smile, warm as the noon-high sun above. "Well, happy travels, Arthur. Be safe." 
A beat passes, before, once more, your skin tingles pleasantly with the feel of warm callouses brushing along your skin. The handshake Arthur gives is only one good, hearty pump between you - but while the man had muscles that could no-doubt crush you in an instant, the grip around your hand was so tenderly gentle, that it almost made you melt... 
And then he had to speak - low, and voice husked enough that you very-nearly turned into a puddle, "'course I will, Miss. You keep safe, too... be looking forward to that meal when I get back."
"Hope so. I'll have it hot and ready for you." 
Arthur's hand stilled so much in yours, you feared he became a statue. 
And then he was moving fast, hand pulling away, chin ducking as he turned on a heel to walk away, burly shoulders up high enough to red-tipped ears.
Your own ears were burning as you watched him walk, and you-yourself quickly tried to reverse the blush on your own face by returning to the game table, joining a carefully-oblivious Pearson in preparing the new additions to the stewpot... 
It would've worked, the new distraction to try and push aside the fluttering in your chest, and the warmth on your cheeks. But, as if it was a temptation too sweet to even try to ignore, John succeeded in making your face burn an even hotter-temperature with a mocking-drawl of your words after his fellow retreating gunslinger. 
"Yeah, Arthur, be safe..." 
"You be safe too, John. Don't let the mosquitoes eat ya while you're lounging 'round. Wolves already had their bite, ain't gonna be much left..." 
Hosea, ever the calm mediator from halfway across the camp, "Delinquency should be well behind you both, gentlemen! You're making Sean look more grown...!" 
It was high-noon, and you swore your face was hotter than the sun.
Maybe even hotter than Hell-itself.
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astxroiid · 3 years
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wretched & divine // viktor
wc: 2.5k
Summary: (Based of the line from Jackie and Wilson by Hozier) You’re too good to be true and way to good for him. It seems as though the gods themselves blessed the planet with your presence while simultaneously disgracing it with his.
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The thought that you were a mere mortal and not a goddess from the heavens was hard to grasp. How? How could such a beautiful creature grace his presence day after day and stand to stay?
The answer lay in that brilliant and loving mind of yours. The same one that never seemed to quit. Never gave up. Pushed through all hours of the night - awake days on end just to make sure each project was safe and complete.
That was your main goal. Your key detail in everything. Safety. Everything needed a 0% risk factor before being unveiled. And you’d work tirelessly to get it there.
That uncrackable mind was one Viktor wished desperately to examine. He’d asked himself countless times what drew you to him. Why did it seem to him (and everyone around him) that you only wished to indulge in his company and his alone.
You were a known recluse. Choosing solitude and silence over time spent with others. He was the only exception.
Viktor’s mind raged as he watched you write away in your journal. The sunlight behind you illuminating your silhouette. Features defined in such a radiant way. A most divine thing.
You tapped your pen to your mouth, thinking. Your voice flowed out, sounding like honey as you spoke. It was only when you turned your gaze to him with a questioning look that Viktor was snapped from his daze.
“What do you think?”
He jumped, desperately trying to make it look like he was paying attention. Not that you were boring - no - he was just so enamored with every aspect of you that it was hard to focus on more than one part at a time.
You sigh, playfully and start; “I know it’s hard to concentrate on such boring details as keeping Piltover safe - but I’d like your input.”
“No, it is not boring! I am just having trouble focusing today. I had a late night last night.”
It wasn’t necessarily a lie. He was awake for most of the night… tossing and turning, restless with the thought of you. But that was neither here nor there.
You make a pouty face. “Aw, I’m sorry. Maybe next time you can call me - I’d love to help out,” you wink and the poor boy’s face flushes red.
You giggle at his flabbergasted reaction and stand from your seat, walking over to him. His eyes follow you in the most attentive way, looking up at your face once you find your place in front of him.
The look he’s giving you is intoxicating and makes you feel a sense of power like no other. Mentally, he’s begging you to touch him in any way. To grace him with your fingers upon his shoulder or hair or anywhere you please.
You answer his prayers with a gentle hand on his face, caressing his cheek in the most delicate of ways. He leans into your touch and in that moment he truly knows how much power you hold over him.
Something only the most religious of people feel when in devotion to their deities. But was that not his relationship with you? Worship felt like the closest word. He’d stay on his knees all hours of the day praying if that’s what you so desired.
He’s pulled from his thoughts and sat back into his reality. “W-what?”
“You’re the most handsome man I’ve ever had the privilege of laying my eyes on.”
“N-no, I would not say that. I am not that attra-”
“—don’t you dare finish that sentence.”
Victor’s mouth snaps shut, eyes wide.
He was used to this part, of course. It was natural with you. Demanding absolutely zero self-deprecating talk while in your presence (and hopefully anywhere).
But hearing you call him handsome and truly meaning it made his cold, sad heart warm at the notion.
He smiled as he wrote in his journal, remembering the encounter. Happy you thought so.
Nice thoughts were hard for Viktor to come by, so he cherished them when they came.
Of course, they never stayed long. He could feel this one leaving and his mind wandered as to why you would even give him the time of day - let alone all your time of day.
He is but a broken, sad body. One working leg, dying and decrepit. A most wretched thing who, most days, couldn’t stand on his own and can’t stand his own self.
With what he considered below average looks and only an interest in science and the critical side of things, he could hardly see anything appealing about himself.
You on the other hand: gorgeous, talented, stunning in the most complex yet simple of ways. An eye for the beauty in anything and an attention to detail he’d never seen. With an ability for seeing opportunities and ideas from any angle - ever the optimist.
An exasperated sigh left him as he rested his head in his hands, pen falling onto the table. Viktor rubbed his eyes rather harshly and groaned.
He’s aggravated with himself and his thoughts. He stands from his desk and stalks over to his bed, deciding to call it a night.
As he falls asleep he allows himself to think of you in the most intimate of ways - this is the only time he permits himself this straying of the mind.
If someone were to stop by his door and listen, they’d hear the softest moans and breaths of a name to a person not present.
━━━━ *ೃ༄
Viktor sat against the stone, deep in thought.
Watching droplets of rain fall in a rhythmic pattern he thought of you, your beauty, your willingness to be with him all hours of the day. How could you stand it?
The wind took a chilling turn and froze the scientist to the bone.
“When one tends to stay out in the cold rain, it tends to not help their already declining health,” Heimerdinger steps from behind the wall.
Viktor smiles tightly as he returns his gaze back to the city beyond.
“Tell me, child, what’s bothering you so badly you’ve resorted to sitting in the rain?”
“I think I think to much,” he laughs wryly.
“That phrase is most commonly used among people who don’t think enough,” quips the furry council member.
Viktor looks sadly to the water below as Heimerdinger takes his own seat on the stone beside him, patiently waiting.
The man looks to him and sighs. “It’s y/n,” he says defeatedly. “I really like her.”
“And she likes you too, I’ve gathered.”
“Yes, but why? Why me? What if she sees the real me - the truly ugly me? What if she doesn’t like who I really am?”
“Well… if she truly likes you in the way we know, she will stay. When in love with us, people tend to see the things about ourselves we deem ugly as beautiful and unique,” the professor looks into the distance with a smile of remembrance. “There are things you see in y/n that she likely wishes weren’t there that you love.”
“I doubt that,” Viktor scoffs. “She is the most confident woman I’ve ever met.”
“But does she tell you every thought that should cross her mind?”
“Then how can you presume to know how she feels about herself, my boy!”
“You are right… but I am still afraid.”
There’s a moment’s pause.
“What if she doesn’t like me as much as I like her? What if I’m all in and she isn’t even sure of her feelings for me?”
Heimerdinger chuckles. “Believe me, my boy —and you didn’t hear this from me— but she has been sure of how strongly she feels for you for quite some time now.”
“She talked to you about—”
Heimerdinger places a finger to his own whiskered mouth and stood. “You should talk with her.”
And with that, the professor left.
━━━━ *ೃ༄
Viktor stood in front of the lab door, wringing his hands. Nerves taking over his brain and clouding his thoughts.
What if she doesn’t actually like me? What if Heimerdinger misinterpreted what she said? What did she say? How do normal people just do this so easily?—
His thoughts were once again interrupted, this time by the lab’s door swinging open to reveal your excited face.
“Finally! I’ve been waiting all morning!” You grab him by the sleeve and yank him in.
“So you remember what we were talking about yesterday?”
“— well i made some adjustments and - it’s honestly quite ingenious - but look! I think I’ve perfected the design!” You outstretched your arms toward the glowing ball in the center of a metal contraption that vaguely resembled a mushroom.
“It works?” Viktor leaned in close, examining the object.
“That’s what I was waiting on you for,” you gaze at him.
“Well, I am here now, aren’t I?”
You smile and hand him a pair of goggles while placing on your own.
“Alright, let’s crank this bad boy up!”
Once at full power, the core shown bright then altogether went dark.
“What the—”
A wave of energy burst from the core and surged out hitting every corner of the room as well as Viktor and you. The wave stronger than any you’d both experienced when working with a hexcore.
There was black along with ringing in his ears.
When he opened his eyes apologies immediately made their way out of his mouth.
“Y/n, I am sorry I didn’t mean — I didn’t know — I—”
“Vik, stop apologizing,” you smile as a blush creeps it’s way up your face. “It’s okay.”
His eyes were staring, rather blankly into yours. Fear of showing how much he enjoyed it remained persistent.
You giggle and reach up, placing your hand in his hair. “I guess we should maybe not stand so close to a highly reactive material next time.”
He laughs nervously and nods. “Ehh… maybe not.”
Viktor looks up to your face with hooded eyes, staring quizzically.
Your fingers dig deeper into his hair and scratch against his scalp, he leans his head into it, humming.
It’s only when you shift your hips that he realizes how tightly he’s pressed into you.
His face turns red. You giggle and place your other hand on his cheek, pulling him closer to you. You leave a kiss on his nose and smile wide.
“Uh, am I interrupting something?” Jayce stands smugly against the doorframe, arms crossed.
How long had he been there?
Viktor quickly pushes himself off of you and stands.
“Uh we were just, well we—”
“—you’re interrupting science, Jayce,” you huff and cross your arms. Both you and Jayce lock eyes for a moment before cracking and laughing.
Poor Viktor is stood to the side rather awkwardly.
“Actually I’m glad I caught you both I wanted to talk to you about this new idea.”
━━━━ *ೃ༄
Viktor tried his best to get you alone for a week to talk to you, but at every turn you were always with someone else or you’d be interrupted. Typically by Jayce.
With each passing day Viktor started to get more and more restless but also angry.
Angry he didn’t get his usual time with you.
He could tell you felt the same, always looking sadly towards him as you were swept away by someone else.
“Y/n? Can I talk with you?” Viktor asked, rubbing his hands together nervously.
You looked at him excitedly, almost like you knew what he was going to say. You nod your head, smiling wide.
“Oh! y/n! Just the person I was looking for!” Council Member Shoola strides towards you. “You remember how I was asking you to help me with that problem? Well, you see it’s increased in… importance.”
She grabs your shoulder and takes you with her out the door babbling to you the whole time about her “problem”. All the while you’re looking at Victor apologetically while he sadly watches you leave.
“Maybe it’s fate,” Viktor says to Heimerdinger, hanging his head sadly.
“My boy…” Heimerdinger places a hand on Viktor’s arm while they both look out the window. “…while I do occasionally dabble in the belief of fate, I don’t think that’s what this is.”
Viktor side-eyes the professor. “Really?” he lets out a breath of a laugh. “That’s what it feels like.”
“Perhaps, and forgive me for being so blunt, you must ‘man-up’ and stand your ground. From these stories you’re telling me you seem to let these things happen. Allowing her to be taken from you,” Heimerdinger removes his hand from Viktor’s forearm.
Viktor nods his head in agreement. “Perhaps. But the matters that she’s usually involved in seem important—”
“—Is yours of any less importance? Do you deem speaking with her about these matters inconsequential?”
“Well, no I—”
“—Then, as I’ve said, stand your ground.”
Viktor shakes his head, knowing when he’s been put in his place. He sighs, resting his head in his hands.
How is he going to do this?
━━━━ *ೃ༄
Knuckles held just an inch from the door, Viktor exhaled, letting go of his anxiety. Rapping on the wood, his heartbeat picked up.
His breathing did him no good.
“Yes?” You ask, peaking around the frame, smiling upon seeing the scientist in your doorway. You open the door all the way, exposing your sleep clothes. “Vik!”
He smiles at you. “Can I come in?” He gestures towards you.
“Sure,” you step aside, allowing him entrance.
He walks through, making sure to take in every detail of your room. Having never been in it he truly didn’t expect the way it was decorated.
Plants hung from shelves and sat in the windowsills. Scattered across the walls were diagrams of hextech designs and other invention ideas you hadn’t brought up yet.
Colorful carpets strategically placed on the wooden floor. Candles and handmade inventions covered almost every surface.
It smelled of apples and a hint of metal, perhaps from the gadgets around the room.
“So…” you stood, awkwardly against the door.
“So…” he turned, nerves returning to his throat. “I have been meaning to talk to you for a while now…”
“So I’ve gathered,” you smirk at him and cross your arms.
“And, well, it’s hard to put into words, but I’ve been thinking - a lot - and—”
He’s interrupted once again by knocking at the door. He huffs and thinks of what Heimerdinger told him. Before you can fully open the door he has his hand on it, slamming it shut. “Go away. We’re busy,” he calls.
You look up at him, eyes wide. “O-oh, sorry,” Jayce’s voice comes from the other side.
Viktor’s breathing is heavy, the built up anger having gotten to him. He looks down at you, arm still firmly pressed into the wood above your head.
“Sorry,” he whispers. “I just really need to talk.”
“I think I know what you have to say,” you smile at him.
“Y-you do?”
“Yeah, and to save us getting interrupted again, I’ll finish the sentence for you.”
You push yourself onto your tip-toes and press a kiss to his lips, hands finding their way to his cheeks. He kisses back immediately, his body relaxing into you.
When you pull apart, breathless and happy, Viktor sighs, “Finally.”
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Thank you all for reading ! If you enjoyed please make sure to reboot or comment it helps more than you think <3
Remember to check my bio to see if requests are open :)
Tags are always open for anyone i write for !
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fruitycasket · 3 years
Word Count: 402
Summary: The beginning of something, or something. (Alt: A brief moment in the day before Chase started getting properly puppetized.)
Notes: Not much to say, had it lying around in my documents, polished it a little bit, posted it. Enjoy. (Ao3 link here.)
“I don’t know if I can rightly call you a toy anymore,” the demon hummed as he threaded his fingers through Chase’s hair, “I’ve grown fonder of you than that. I think I ought to give you something for all the entertainment you’ve given me.”
Chase wasn’t sure how to take the compliment and fidgeted uncomfortably. Some small part of him fruitlessly hoped he might wiggle out of Anti’s grasp, but monstrous claws slid out of his fingertips at the first sign of struggle and held on tight. “Um… I uh…”
“You know the last person I grew this fond of was a thorn in my side,” Anti kept going, and although he was looking at Chase, the man got the distinct impression he wasn’t actually seeing him. Or… maybe he was seeing him as someone else. “Dear old Jackieboy, so optimistic, so cute. And so pathetic in chains. His eyes used to be baby blue, you know, but I’m sure you already knew that.”
Chase’s stomach started to turn.
“Ah, I hate him now, but back then he was my favorite. I wish he could have been awake more often, he was a lovely pet,” Anti sighed, and his claws disappeared, “Maybe that’s why you happened to end up in my lap, I can’t imagine finding this much joy in Jameson now.”
“I’m, uh, I’m not sure I really—”
“Aw, are you shaking?” Anti laughed, “I haven’t even done anything yet.”
Chase’s tongue seemed to move on its own. “I-I, you, I saw… Jackie you made him into a monster, I don’t want—”
“You don’t know what you want,” Anti snapped, “And neither did Jackie. I gave him a gift, a privilege. I could have kept him as my toy forever if I wanted, just like you are right now, but no, I decided I would make him something more.”
“A puppet.”
“Yes. He would have been a fun puppet, too, but at this point he’s out of my control. No point in dwelling on what-ifs when I have you now, though. I can do this the right way this time after all…” his tone smoothly transitioned to a soft, sweet one again, and he playfully tapped Chase’s nose, “Tomorrow. Tomorrow I’m going to start working on you, it’s going to be fun. And you are going to behave yourself, or I’m going to work on you while you’re wide awake.”
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ramblesanddragons · 3 years
Under The Moonlight
(For @lemonfodrizzleart based on her wonderful Mystery Farm AU mixed with Monster Falls. I really like Jackie as an OC and I hope I did her justice. A little treat for the spooky season. Normally I believe Gargrunk Stan can’t fly but maybe in this dimension he can!) 
Words: 1967
Warnings: None! Just some fluff with a little bit of feels.
As the sun set low in the October sky Stan was trying his best to put on something nice. The wings were making it a little difficult. Maybe it would be easier to go shirtless than mess up a good flannel, but he wanted to look nice. Jackie was looking forward to this, he wasn’t going to let her down.  
With a little fashion help from Kelvin, Stan was able to get his wings through some neatly cut holes. His tail wiggled into the hole in his jeans after a few tries. Shoes were a no go but at least his hat could rest in-between the horns on his head.  
Getting ready for a date had never been so frustrating.  
It was worth it though when he saw the smile on Jackie’s face. She was floating down the stairs, well more like fluttering. Even with all the draw backs of being a monster Jackie was enjoying being able to fly. The past few days she’d practically flown all over the farm.
Her dress was an off the shoulder affair in a deep black. A bit too fancy for a moonrise picnic but it was probably easier to deal with than anything else because of her own wings. He thin tail poked out of the bottom of the dress. Stan didn’t really care if it was too fancy. She looked incredible.  
“Ready?” She asked.  
Stan motioned to the blanket and basket in his hands and Jackie looped her arm around his stony one. Ford looked up from his notes. He was currently measuring the size of Kevin’s ears. It was only due to the golden fur covering his face that his twin wasn’t blushing up a storm being that close to his crush.  
“You two be careful. I’m not sure how well any of the town folk would react to seeing you.”  
“Look I’ve been planning this date for a week, Ford. No little monster curse is going ta stop us. You shouldn’t let it stop you either.”  
Ford gave Stan a look that said, “Shut the hell up!” while Kelvin was distracted with the bone left over from his steak. Out of all of them he was rolling with this monster thing the best and seemed to embrace his wolfish side. Ford was indulging in riddles more but most of his focus was trying to find a cure. His twin needed to take a break before he burnt himself out. The occasional accidentally catnap wasn’t enough.  
Stan could bother Ford to relax later. For now, he’d let him study Kelvin in peace. Maybe it would get him to finally ask him out. The official couple squeezed out the door with a wave and began to walk out into the orchard.  
If this curse wasn’t lifted by next week, the fall apple festival they held each year would be turning into a costume festival as well. Sure, folks around town were used to the weird but even they had their limits. That was something for next week Stan to worry about. Right now Stan wanted to put all his attention on Jackie.  
Jackie, who was also barefoot, would hop every few feet trying to catch a breeze. When she did, she’d flutter around the tops of the trees for a bit and return with a handful of apples.  
“Honey, tonight’s ‘posed to be about relaxing.”  
“Oh, I know. It’s just annoying to do it in the daytime. Sun hurts my eyes,” she explained. The picked apples were placed in bags and left by the trees. They could pick them up on the walk back.  
“At least you can go out in the sun,” Stan grumbled.  
Jackie gave him a sympathetic peck on the cheek and his grumbling morphed into a happy purring noise.  
“It’s so cute when you do that.”
“Yeah, yeah just don’t tell Ford.”  
She laughed and fluttered around the trees some more before they reached their picnic spot. The hill at the end of the orchard was silhouetted by the harvest moon. Maybe he needed to take Jackie on night dates more often. It was beautiful.  
The two of them settled their blanket down and began to eat. Stan wasn’t as good of a cook as Jackie, but he had made the fanciest sandwiches he could with homemade sides. Every item had a somewhat ridiculous amount of meat in it to satisfy his new carnivore diet, but Jackie didn’t mind.  
The two of them ate and talked and laughed. Stan offered her a blanket when the wind blew but Jackie declined.  
“Apparently demons don’t get cold. It’s nice.”  
“You know you might look like a demon, but I think of you as an angel baby.” Stan said with a smile. The smile faltered as Jackie laughed.
“How long have you been wanting to use that one? Very smooth lover boy,” she teased.  
“Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I love you no matter what you look like! Yeesh. I try to be sweet.” He rolled his eyes playfully before remembering that no one could tell when he was rolling his eyes anymore. His eyes were currently glowing orange orbs.  
Jackie’s eyes had a reddish cat in the dark like gleam to them. They were staring deeply at him. “I appreciate. At first, I was a bit weirded out by being turned into a succubus of all things, but you haven’t made me feel weird or different. I appreciate it.”  
“Of course. You’re amazing no matter what you look like.” Stan wrapped a stony arm around Jackie, and they sat and watched the stars for a few minutes.  
“Hey. I just got a great idea. We should take advantage of this who demon and gargoyle thing while we can,” Jackie said playfully.  
Stan gulped. “Well, I haven’t really pushed any ideas since I didn’t want you thinking that you being a succubus would effect anything. I love you for more than that and-”
“Let’s go flying!”  
“That...that is not what I thought you meant.”
“Oh, that can happen later. I know you’ve had a hard time keeping your hands off me.” Jackie winked and hopped-up leaving Stan slack jawed in the dirt. She laughed and stretched her wings wide.  
“I think we could get some good air from here but maybe we should head up on the cliffs.”
“I don’t think I can fly. Too heavy,” Stan said.  
“I bet you can. If your furball and feathers of a twin can, so can you. Although just in case we probably shouldn’t start with the cliffs. Let's try from here.  
The hill wasn’t high enough to set off Stan’s heights fear, but it was one of the best places to sled on the farm. With the right wind it could be enough for a decent take off as Jackie was proving. She ran a few feet and stretched her wings, diving down to catch speed then turning up. She whooped happily as she climbed higher and higher. It almost looked like she could touch the large moon.
“Come on baby you can do it!” She shouted from the sky.  
Stan gulped. He took a deep breath and went down the hill at a run. He jumped like he saw Jackie do but then tumbled head over tail down the rest of the hill. As he finally rolled to a stop Jackie landed beside him.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah. Hard head remember.” For emphasis Stan tapped his head and it made stony thumping noise.  
“How about I do it with you? That might help.”  
“Jackie I... there’s something I haven’t told you.” Stan frowned, he hated admitting it. “I’m afraid of heights.”
Jackie tilted her head in confusion and then something clicked. “That’s why you get Ford to do anything that involves a ladder! That’s why you like to use the apple picking tool instead of climbing!”  
“Yeah. Pretty pathetic huh.”
“Of course not! Being afraid of heights makes sense! It’s not like humans can fly...normally that is. I just can’t believe we’ve been together this whole time and I didn’t realize it.”
“I did my best to try and hide it.”  
Jackie petted his head causing him to purr again. Her claw like nails made a scratching noise against his stone skin. “Don’t be afraid to tell me you’re afraid Stan. I know you got it in your head you’re supposed to be this tough, sturdy guy-”
“What gave you that idea?” Stan asked in faux offense. Jackie shot him a look and gestured to his gargoyle body. He chuckled and let Jackie finish her thought.
“What I was trying to say is that it’s okay to be afraid and all those other human things. You don’t have to put on an act for me.”  
Stan’s smile faltered and he took Jackie’s hand in his. “...I know.” Logically he knew that but there were times he could still hear his pa’s voice in his head telling him to be a man. Men weren’t afraid of things. Men didn’t have feelings. Men were tough as stone. That wasn’t the kind of man he was though, deep down, despite his current appearance. Sure, he was tough, but he felt all these other feelings too and he didn’t want to deny them. It was just hard sometimes. He was thankful to whatever above that Jackie was patient with him about it.  
They sat at the bottom of the hill until Stan’s head finished spinning. Then he hauled himself up.
“Let’s try again.”
“Stan, you got nothing to prove.”
“I know that but when am I ever going to have a chance like this again. With luck these wings are gone within the week.”
He trudged back up the hill and watched how Jackie took off running and caught the fall breeze in her wings. She swooped up and flapped her wings hard to get higher and higher. Waiting until the wind picked up again Stan charged down the hill on all fours. As dumb as he felt it worked and he was able to feel a lift on his body. He beat his wings as hard as he could and the ground under him disappeared. The sudden disappearance of the ground spooked him, and he stopped flapping. His stone body went tumbling again.
“I’m okay. I almost got this. Stay there!”
Determined he tried one more time. This time the wind was with him as a strong gust rolled across the orchard sending leaves and some apples flying. He flapped with all his might and didn’t panic this time when he took flight. His body was heavy. He could feel the strain in his back from the effort, but it was worth it to see Jackie’s delighted face.  
“How are you doing?” She lowered herself down a few feet to meet him where he was steady.  
“Alright if I don’t look down or think about being 20 feet in the air.”  
“Come on! Just keep your eyes on me.” She took Stan’s hand and together they started to soar through the starlit sky around the farm. As terrifying as it was it was also beautiful. The two of them danced in the sky for as long as Stan’s wings could hold him.  
Landing was tricky but when they made it back to their picnic spot Stan managed to stay on both feet despite tripping. He was even able to catch Jackie in his hands as she landed.  
“That was amazing,” she said breathlessly.
“You’re amazing,” Stan responded.  
“You might not agree with that after this. Tag you’re it!” She yelled pushing him slightly. She took off into the air again.  
“Hey now hold on!” Stan laughed and shouted after her, taking off into the sky again.  
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miracleonice87 · 4 years
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a Tyler Seguin one shot
a/n: I’m back! Last week was busy for me and this one is, too, but I have three other WIPs coming up after this one within the next little bit, so stay tuned. also idk if anyone else watches One Tree Hill (I know Tyler does 😉) but his family gives me major Nathan, Haley, Jamie, and Lydia Scott vibes in this one.
summary: still playing for the Stars, Tyler is recognized for his 1,000th career game and celebrates with his wife (the reader), family and team.
warnings: husband and dad Tyler being cute with his family and becoming a slightly silver fox (I think that def deserves a warning); hint of a daddy kink lollll
February 22, 2025
“Mama! Can I wear my new jersey from Uncle Jamie? Please?”
You pursed your lips, fastening the back onto your emerald earring as you looked at your five-year-old son’s reflection behind you in the mirror. You turned away from your vanity to meet him at eye level.
“Baby, you should wear Daddy’s jersey tonight,” you told him gently, rubbing his back. “We’re celebrating a really big milestone for him, so he’s gonna be recognized out on the ice, and we’re gonna be there with him, remember? I know it would mean a lot to him if you wore his jersey.”
Luca pushed his bottom lip out just a smidge, pouting just like Tyler was famous for doing. You bit your own bottom lip to hold back a laugh.
“Okay. Well, can I wear Uncle Jamie’s next game?” Luca bargained.  
You smiled at his tenacity and smoothed your hand over his crisp white dress shirt that you’d laid out for him. You put your forehead to his and assured, “Absolutely.”
Luca perked up and stood a little straighter at your promise.
“Thanks, Mama,” he said. You kissed his cheek and said, “You’re welcome, baby. Thank you for understanding.” He nodded and turned to leave the room, presumably to pull a 91 jersey from the ever-growing collection in his closet. He stopped short and turned back to look at you.
“Hey, Mama?” he began. “Hmmm?” you prompted, trying to fasten your necklace and suddenly wishing you’d had Tyler put it on you before leaving — not only was he much more capable, but the way he always kissed the nape of your neck after securing the clasp made you melt each time.
Luca paused, smiling down at his sock feet before lifting his gaze to you again.
“I’m really happy for Daddy,” Luca said with a smile so sincere it made you melt. You were such a sap for these Seguin boys.
You nodded, choking back tears. “That’s sweet, baby,” you said. “I’m really happy for him, too.”
An hour later, after dressing yourself, your son, and your two-year-old daughter, you pulled into the private parking area within the gates, Luca bopping up and down in his car seat, ever anxious to get inside the arena. The moment you unloaded both kids, they took off for the door to the arena.
“Luca Paul Seguin, slow down, please!” you instructed in your best mom voice, fumbling to throw both your purse and the diaper bag over your shoulders. “Hold onto your sister’s hand, bub,” you requested.
Luca smiled brightly and turned toward Harper, extending his hand toward his toddling little sister, who took it with a giggle. You finally caught up to the two of them and scooped up your daughter as you stepped onto the elevator, headed to the front office floor. When the doors opened, you were greeted by Tom Holy, the Stars’ VP of communications who had become a close friend over the years.
“Here are the real stars of tonight’s show!” he exclaimed, clapping his hands once, making you laugh. Luca ran to him for a hug and Tom playfully dusted off Luca’s little shoulders that now donned his favorite black Seguin jersey.
“Nice jersey, Luc! Hey, I gotta tell you, though, we have something else for you and your sister to wear tonight — if you want to,” he said.
You shot Tom a warning look as he produced a black tote bag from the reception desk, telling him, “You did not.”
He gave you a wink and said, “Do you know us at all by now? Of course we did.”
Much to Luca’s delight, Tom pulled two home green jerseys from the bag, with white 91’s printed on the back and sleeves and the “A” adorning each chest. But the nameplate didn’t hold your last name — instead, it read “DADDY,” with “1,000” printed below the jersey number. Luca jumped up and down with the jersey in his hands, while Tom handed the smaller jersey for you to dress Harper in.
“And we got a little something for you, too,” he added, reaching his hand into the tote bag once more. Your eyebrows shot up, caught off guard.
“Why me?” you questioned, feeling completely undeserving.
“Because, he says it himself all the time — he wouldn’t be the person he is without you,” Tom told you earnestly. “Tonight we’re celebrating all of you.”
He handed you a small black box and you froze for a moment before he extended it further, insisting that you accept it. You slowly grasped the box and pulled it open. Inside lay a pin nearly mirroring the style of lettering on the back of the kids’ jerseys, but instead it read “Seguin - 91 - 1,000,” encrusted in diamonds and emeralds.
You covered your mouth with curled fingers, attempting to steel yourself so that the waterworks wouldn’t commence just yet. You warmed inside at the incredible kindness of the gesture, giving Tom a hug.
“Thank you, Tom,” you said softly. “You guys are always first class.” He waved you off as you retrieved the pin from its box and fastened it on the lapel of your long black blazer, paired with a lacy camisole, jeans and black heels. You propped Harper on the desk to switch out her jersey for the new one, Luca having already made his own outfit change.
In the tunnel, you had Harper on your hip and held tightly to Luca’s hand to prevent him from running to the ice and interrupting warm-ups. Your kids were used to standing at the boards where they could watch the guys drill and give their dad knuckles on the glass — where he could tap his blade in front of them each time he skated past. But not tonight. They might not realize it for years to come, but tonight would be even more special than watching their dad skate in front of them.
After a few minutes, you felt a hand come to rest on your shoulder — Jim Nill’s. You smiled at him and leaned in for a hug as he greeted you warmly and gave Luca a fist bump.
“And this little one…” he added, tapping Harper’s nose lightly as she grinned up at him. “She’s gotten so big. She’s too cute — you sure she really belongs to Segs?”
You laughed and remarked, “Pretty certain, yeah. If you saw her dramatic side, or how she is with the dogs, you’d see the resemblance.” It was Jim’s turn to chuckle.
Tom sidled up next to the two of you and advised you on how the presentation would go.
“So, we’ll roll out the carpet, and you guys will head all the way down to the end. Jim and Bones will follow. Tyler will come and stand next to you guys on the ice and then we’ll do the presentations,” he instructed. “That sound okay?”
You nodded and smiled at Tom. “Yeah, it sounds great. Honestly, I’m just a little nervous about holding onto these two so none of us fall on our asses,” you half-joked.
“Well, Gramma can help with that.”
At the sound of the familiar voice behind you, you spun around and gasped, while Luca exclaimed, “You’re here!”
There stood not only Jackie, but also Paul — the two were always willing to come together for momentous occasions in their children’s lives, especially now that you and Tyler had given them the gift of grandchildren, and you were grateful. You had had no idea that they were coming, even having spoken to Jackie the day before, asking her once more if she was sure she didn’t want you to book her a flight to Dallas.
Tears welled in your eyes as you shook your head, completely at a loss for word as they flanked you. You squeezed each of them tightly and whimpered, “Does Ty know?”
Paul shook his head. “He has no clue,” he responded. Jackie added, “And the girls are up in the suite already. They wanted to watch it all up there.”
You could only shake your head repeatedly, barely having time to recover before hearing the PA announcer ask the fans to turn their attention to the ice. You dabbed the corners of your eyes with your knuckle and passed Luca duty off to Jackie, keeping a hold on Harper yourself, as Tom smiled and winked at the five of you.
“Not even a warning, Tom?” you teased, sniffling. He chuckled and squeezed your shoulder.
“No way,” he remarked. “Your reaction was priceless.” You shared another smile before you saw Rick stepping onto the green carpet near the boards.
“Here we go,” you breathed, leading your in-laws out to the ice past Rick as directed, not without him stopping you to give you a kiss on the cheek, squeeze Harper’s hand, and pat Luca on the back.
You stepped carefully along the fabric-covered frozen surface, concentrating on a beaming Tyler before you, Harper already reaching her arms out for him as he waved at her. You knew immediately that there was no point in fighting her on wanting to be held by her daddy, so as soon as you reached the end of the carpet and gave Tyler a peck, you handed her off to him, Tyler kissing her rosy cheeks.
The crowd “awww’d,” but you could only concentrate on the dumbfounded expression Tyler wore upon looking up from Harper’s “Daddy 91” jersey to smile at you before noticing his parents only a few feet behind. Rarely, if ever, left speechless, Tyler was completely in shock.
Jackie came forward to reach for Tyler, singing, “Surprise!” as she threw her arms around his neck.
“Oh, my god. I can’t believe you guys are here,” Tyler finally said, his voice shaky. Jackie kissed his cheek and pulled away to wipe tears from her eyes.
“We wouldn’t have missed this for the world, son,” Paul assured as the two men embraced.
After thanking his parents, Tyler crouched down to greet his boy — practically his own self, in miniature.
“Cool jersey, bubba,” Tyler said, glowing with pride as he nudged Luca’s chest and squeezed his hand.
“It says ‘Daddy 91’ on it!” Luca pointed out. Tyler giggled boyishly and kissed Luca’s forehead. “It sure does, doesn’t it,” he said, Luca nodding.
Tyler stood upright once more, snaking an arm around your waist as you held onto Luca’s shoulders in front of you, smoothing his hair affectionately. Tyler then noticed your new pin, running the back of his index finger over it and commenting, “Wow. This is unbelievable.” You could only nod.
“You look beautiful, baby. But what, no ‘Daddy’ jersey for you?” he asked softly with an ornery grin, making your cheeks warm as you pushed your shoulder into his chest. You shared a quiet laugh and he kissed your temple, then the PA announcer turned over the floor to Jim.
“Stars fans, you all know better than most just how much this night means to our number 91,” Jim began. “We as an organization have watched him grow, both as a person and as a player, since his fourth year in the league. We have witnessed the way he has blossomed, from an outstanding young player into a seasoned veteran. Tyler Seguin has become one of the most prominent leaders of this franchise, and I know I can speak for all of us when I say that we could not be more proud to call him a member of our family.”
The crowd cheered, so loudly that Jim had to pause, Tyler blinking back tears as he squeezed your hand tightly and nodded to the fans appreciatively. Even Harper began to clap, making Tyler laugh and kiss her sweetly, sniffling when he looked back to the crowd.
“Tyler, we thank you for the role that you have played thus far during your time as a Dallas Star, we look forward to many years and celebrations to come, and we recognize you tonight for reaching another milestone in your career in the National Hockey League — 1,000 games. We are thrilled to have your lovely wife and your beautiful family here with us tonight to celebrate you. Now I invite our captain, your dear friend, Jamie Benn, to join us and present you with gifts from your teammates, then Rick and I will proudly present you with gifts on behalf of the organization.”
You had held your emotions together decently thus far, but when Jamie glided over to you with a huge bouquet of white roses in one arm and a small gift box in the other hand, you felt tears trickle down your cheek. Jamie stopped in front of your family, greeting you first. He gently grasped your shoulder and kissed your cheek as he placed the bouquet in your arms.
“For you,” he spoke. “Love you. Thank you for everything you’ve done for him — for all of us.” You nodded, reaching up on your tiptoes to wrap your arm around his neck and whisper a thank you of your own into his ear, Jamie smiling at you tenderly when he pulled away.
“And for this guy…” Jamie began, extending the black box, which you now could see was marked with the Rolex logo, Tyler’s way as Tyler wrapped his arm around Jamie, hugging him tightly, the two of them exchanging private words of gratitude. You swiped at your tears as you watched Jamie pull back to kiss Harper’s cheek, making her squeal with delight at the attention her favorite uncle was showing her.
You all laughed, and Jamie turned his attention next to his godson. He bent at the waist to look Luca in the face, his wide grin growing even bigger. Jamie held out his fist and the two engaged in their special shake and bake handshake, Jamie ruffling Luca’s chestnut brown curls atop his head as he stood straight again.
“Love you, buddy,” Jamie told Luca, extending his hand for a low-five. Luca slapped his palm and beamed up at his beloved uncle. “Love you, too,” he confirmed, Jamie winking at him.
Next, Rick approached and presented Tyler with a gorgeous crystal award, engraved with Tyler’s name, the Stars logo, and the date and statistics from his 1,000th game against St. Louis a few nights before. Jim gifted Tyler a silver hockey stick from the Stars organization to commemorate the occasion, and Tyler thanked them both profusely, hugging them as the PA announcer asked the crowd to now look to the scoreboard for a video tribute.
This was one part of the evening you had known was coming — Tom had arranged for you and the kids to be filmed congratulating Tyler on the actual night of his 1,000th game, in the wives and girlfriends suite. You had inquired about who else was being asked to be part of the video, and Tom rattled off the names of some of Tyler’s closest friends, current and former teammates, and most respected fellow athletes — his sisters, Freddy, Derrek, Marchy, Tom Brady, Rob Gronkowski, Jordan Spieth, Dak Prescott, and many of the Stars he had played with for multiple seasons all made appearances, including Jamie, who smiled at you as he skated behind you to watch.
“1,000 games. Did you ever think we’d all be here?” Jamie asked you softly as the video started, glancing Tyler’s way.
You, too, looked toward your husband, his face lifted to the Jumbotron, and you noticed the way his handsome features had only become more distinguished with age and the few grey hairs sprinkled near his ears and in his beard. He always groaned when you jokingly pointed them out, but you loved them — in your eyes, they told the story of his life as a man, his life as a hockey player, his life as a dad, his life with you. This occasion was just another chapter of Tyler’s dream come true — your dream come true.
You glanced back at Jamie and nodded, smiling. “Actually... yeah,” you answered, a hint of surprise in your tone. “I think I did.”
Late that night, long after you’d put the kids to bed — with Luca having insisted on sleeping in his new jersey — you and Tyler lay cuddled up on the couch, wine glasses now empty on the end table, feet entangled on the ottoman. The gifts Tyler had received were propped on the mantle across from you, out of reach of children’s hands and dogs’ paws. Tyler kissed the top of your head, inhaling your scent deeply as you absentmindedly fiddled with the button on his loosened dress shirt collar.
“Are you happy?” you asked softly. Tyler breathed a chuckle. “I don’t think happy even begins to cover it,” he told you, smoothing his hands up and down your bare arms. “It’s more like… amazed. But it’s not even because of the 1,000th game.”
You rolled your head toward his to look up at him, meeting his gaze. “What do you mean, baby?” you asked.
He glanced at the new additions to his memorabilia collection and then back at you, the corners of his mouth twitching into a thoughtful smile.
“The ceremony was great. The best. I’ll remember that for the rest of my life,” he told you. “But what I’ll remember most is the way you looked, carrying the baby and just smiling at me walking onto the ice. And the moment I saw my parents with Luca between them.” Tyler’s voice quivered as he spoke, and you tightened your grip around his waist, laying your stomach against his to lean up and kiss his jaw. Tears shone in his eyes as he gave you a grateful look, pulling your hand to his lips to kiss your fingers.
“My career has been far better than I deserve,” Tyler added. “But what makes me the happiest is just getting to do life every day with you, and the babies. And my parents and sisters, too. I’m just really feeling blessed.”
As he sniffed, you pressed a kiss firmly to his lips and said, “Life with you is more than I could’ve ever wished for, Ty. Every day is like a celebration of the love you and I share. Everything else, like tonight — it’s just icing on the cake.” Tyler nodded, giving you one more kiss as he whispered his gratitude for you.
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Could you do TFP bots (or just a few of them if you have charcater limit or just don't feel like doing them all, as long as Wheeljack is ingluded I'm good) with a human they just recued and they're like "I'm gonna call my dad hold on" and if they protest they're like "nah you'll like him I promise, just give him a minute" and her dads their old bot friend who went MIA (you can decide who the dad is, or go with Ironhide if you're as indeciceve as me lol)
I miiiiight just have to do this as a short story I hope that's okay! Got my Wrecker boys Wheeljack, Bulkhead, Smokescreen and Ultra Magnus.
Dust was still settling as you realized the threat was over, the collection of vehicons having scattered long before the cave had finished it's partial collapse and leaving you under the gathered team of bots who'd come together to shield you from falling debris. Rubbing off the powdered rocks covering your face, as well as coughing up the taste of dirt, you took a moment to gather yourself as your new giant allies did the same. It wasn't worth thinking about what would have happened if they hadn't come along when they had... In your defense, that ambush had come out of nowhere.
"You okay there?" A deep voice above you rumbled with concern, encouraging you to tilt your head upwards at the big green bot looking down at you. His optics were friendly, and despite his absolutely massive size and hands that transformed into wrecking balls, you immediately trusted him.
"Yeah, I'm okay. Thanks to you guys." You said gratefully, looking to each of the gathered team as they brushed the dust off themselves.
"Protecting organic life is the primary responsibility of Autobots, think nothing of it." The largest of them said, somewhat gruff as he meticulously picked off the worst of the rubble that had showered down upon them. Immediately, you knew he was the one in charge. Towering above the others and with shoulder pauldrons thicker than two of you, he gave off the energy of someone who took no nonsense and had the firepower to back up his authority, yet his gaze was mostly just annoyed as he looked down to you again. "Our second responsibility, however, is remaining hidden from the denizens of this planet. Saving you required us to break cover."
"Give the kid a break, sir. They managed to escape a whole squadron by themselves before running into us. I think we can cut them some slack." A far gruffer voice said, cutting in as the battle scarred mech in question took a protective step your way. Quite immediately the colors on his unique build were familiar to you, but you decided to stay quiet on that fact, reaching for the cellphone thankfully still secure in your pocket. While you hadn't found what you'd been looking for in this mine, at least you had something far more interesting to report.
The big blue bot looked to the other with an impressive frown, unintentionally cementing your thesis as to the scarred mech's identity. The back and forth continued more or less without an acknowledgement of your presence. "They've been seen in our company, Wheeljack. By the procedure Optimus established, we must now secure their wellbeing, and that will be quite the undertaking."
The only one who had not yet spoken, a smaller but solidly built blue bot who seemed the youngest of the group, chose that moment to jump in with a quip. "Doubt docbot will be too happy about another human in the bunker."
"He's all talk. Ratchet wants these little guys as safe as the big guy does, he won't put up a fight." The gruff one, who you were starting to like more by the moment, said with an amused but reassuring smile in your direction. Unable to help smiling back, you suddenly felt that this turn of events might have been more than you could have ever hoped for. If only you could get a word in edgewise...
"You're purposefully missing the point, soldier. We-"
"If it's gonna be such a hassle for you, I'll take 'em myself."
"Jackie..." Once more, the gentle green giant spoke up, looking quite concerned at his friend's purposeful egging on of the bot in charge. You got the sense that this kind of thing happened often by his tone, but personally, you were getting a little tired of being ignored. None of what they were discussing was necessary, and if anyone would have bothered to ask you they'd know that? Finally fed up, you took a breath and raised your arms to draw attention to your tiny self.
"Um, hello? Excuse me!" You shouted, mercifully ending the bickering and securing four pairs of optics on yourself. Relieved for the silence, you pulled out your phone and held it up, projecting your voice to ensure you were heard. The shocked expressions didn't cease when you started to explain, but you didn't let that stop you. Sorting this out would make everything easier for everyone. "I think there's a bit more going on than any of you know. Let me call my dad really quick, he'll set this straight."
The first to reply was the one you knew had to be the rookie of the group, who awkwardly cleared his vents and broke the silence only hesitantly. "Uh, bringing more humans into this really isn't our goal-"
"Who said anything about him being human?" You cut in, grinning from ear to ear at the looks they all gave you. Now that you had their unbroken attention, it was only a matter of summoning your dad and waiting for him to arrive. Dialing his frequency into your phone, you prepared to share just as much information as it took to get him here fastest, wanting to see the look on his face when he arrived and saw who you'd found. This was going to be fun...
The roar of a familiar engine had thankfully silenced the second round of bickering to break out amongst the two argumentative bots, who had gone back and forth between listening to you and calling for their superior. It had been entertaining at first, but by the time that roar had echoed down the tunnel you'd been relieved to hear it, and had hopped to your feet from your seat on a convenient rock. The bots had reflexively drawn their weapons, but there hadn't even been any need for you to stop them. A worn red paint job skidding around the corner had made them all hold fire.
In a rush, you'd run out to greet the massive off road vehicle just as it began to transform, and in moments had been embracing the offered hand of a hulking bot who kneeled before you with an expression of happy relief.
"Wheeljack!" Your adopted dad cried out in absolute joy, letting you move safely to the side before approaching the bot who's identity you'd properly guessed. Ironhide had told you so many stories about the Wrecker, it made sense that you'd been able to tell who he was by appearance and mannerisms despite having never met. The two bots greeted one another with an earth trembling chest bump, after which your beaming father turned to the green bot with just as much enthusiasm, shaking hands and crashing their fists together with overwhelming power. "Bulkhead too? Where have you guys been?"
"We might ask you the same thing, soldier." The big blue bot said, cutting in with the same serious look that appeared to be his only expression. On a closer inspection, however, you could see a certain light in his optics. He wasn't altogether displeased to see a new arrival. Standing somewhat awkwardly to the side, the young blue bot appeared delighted if not quite confused.
"Uh, long story, Ultra Magnus sir. I've been on this planet for some time. Found this little troublemaker when they were half their current size, and I've been raising 'em to help with our cause." Ironhide said affectionately, stepping back and dropping to one knee to be more on your level. Before you could puff up proudly at the praise, a single digit tussled your hair as he often did to tease, and you sputtered before playfully pushing him away and undoing the damage. Chuckling, he turned back to his comrades. "Never figured I'd bump into you all here! Jackie, Bulk, and uh..."
The attention turned to the young bot, who only smiled with a wave and a not offended clarification on his name.
Wheeljack gave your dad a playful punch, still buzzing at seeing his old friend alive. The friendship you'd so frequently heard about was clear as day before you. "Glad to see you in one piece, old Rusthide."
"We've been here for years, Ironhide. How come we didn't detect you?" Bulkhead said, looking just as happy but burdened by the question at hand. Ironhide tapped his audial with a somewhat glum smile.
"Communicator's been busted for ages, all I've got is an earth link for cellphones." He said, recalling an injury he'd endured long before meeting you. The line he'd built relied on earth technology, and you still remembered how many tries it had taken to get it right. It was impossible to imagine a whole other team of beings like himself had been out there the whole time... Yet he didn't look at all regretful as he glanced down at you. "If I'd known I wasn't alone, I would have introduced myself and the kid ages ago. Looks like we've got my little one to thank for bringing us together."
You pouted and crossed your arms at the comment. "I'm not little anymore, dad."
"They did alright in a scrap, but how about we get you two back to base? I'm sure the other's will want to hear the story." Wheeljack said, easing your damaged pride with the compliment. You had indeed evaded those Vehicons for a good long while before being rescued... speaking of which, you could use a bit of rest somewhere secure.
Once more, Ultra Magnus stepped in to halt the festivities. "First; I shall communicate with Optimus and let him know what has transpired. He will likely want to meet you in person before we make any rash decisions."
"Seriously? Come on, Mags! Let's get this bot in an actual base!" Wheeljack replied in a huff, bringing back the arguing from before as if it had never stopped. Looking quite amused, Ironhide merely chuckled and offered you his hand, allowing you to get a lift onto his shoulders as was your custom. Clearly not phased by what he was seeing, the only parent you'd ever known let you get comfortable before following the group out of the partially collapsed cave. Who could have thought your simple little scouting mission would end like this?
"Come on kiddo." He said softly, watching the bickering with an expression of nostalgia. "I have a feeling things are about to get pretty interesting."
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iamvegorott · 4 years
Salt of the Sea Ch. 23
Parent Talk
“I thought you’d have more of a mess in the back,” Chase commented as he picked Jackie’s hair. 
“Phantom helped me yesterday.” Jackie started playing with his fingers. 
“Oh? Did he?” Chase sang in a teasing tone. “What else did he help you with?”
“N-Nothing!” Jackie quickly went red and Chase continued to poke fun. 
“He’s already treating him like a son,” Anti grumbled as Marvin worked on his hair. 
“We adopted all of you much faster.” Marvin chuckled. “And it sounds like someone’s jealous.” 
“I am not.” Anti crossed his arms. 
“You’re pouting.”
“You are.” Marvin looked around and saw that the others were off and distracted. “And there’s nothing wrong with that.” Marvin swam around and was sitting on the rock with Anti. “It doesn’t change anything, you know, you’re still his guppies.” 
“Yeah, yeah.” Anti curled up into his ‘not pout’. 
“We can talk about something else if you want.” Marvin playfully flicked his tail. 
“Like what?”
“Nope.” Anti tried to swim off but Marvin caught him and made him stay. 
“You two were awfully close last night.” Marvin raised a brow. 
“We were just...talking.” Anti walked his fingers on the rock.
“Just talking? That blush is telling me something else.” 
“Dad.” Anti held out his whine. 
“Don’t ‘dad’ me, you and Dark are almost as lovey-dovey as JJ and Wilford and Henrik and Edward.” Marvin gestured towards the mentioned Sirens, who were helping each other with their hair while Robbie was playing with the sand, making little clouds in the water. 
“We’re not though.” Anti’s shoulders slumped. “Dark avoids me.” 
“He went over to last night, didn’t he?” 
“Yeah, but...that was to just thank me for comforting him when Wilford got hurt.” 
“That’s something. It’s common for us to comfort like that but Humans are different. They see that as more intimate than we do.” 
“They do?” Anti titled his head. 
“I’m guessing or Dark wouldn’t have reacted the way he did. He was almost blushing.” 
“No way!?” Anti perked back up. “He can blush!?” Marvin started laughing at Anti’s excitement. 
“I think you might be crushing, just a little.” Marvin poked at Anti’s shoulders. 
“No, no, no, no.” Anti slapped Marvin’s hands away. 
“Don’t be lying to your old man now.” Marvin wrapped his arms around Anti in a tight hug against his chest. “My little boy’s growing up.” 
“Stop that.” Anti wiggled in protest. 
“Next thing you know, you’ll be Courting and then be Mates and then you’ll have little pups of your own.” Marvin exaggerated his tone and even sniffed. 
“You’re terrible.” Anti stopped moving and was back to fully pouting. 
“And you love me.” 
“Maybe!?” Marvin gasped. “Chase! Anti doesn’t love me!” 
“What!?” Chase caught the tone and joined in the fun. “Anti, how could you!?” The others heard what was happening and were more than willing to swim over as well. 
“How could you be so cruel?” Marvin puffed out his lower lip.
“You are so dramatic.” Anti stuck his tongue out. 
“Anti, you’re supposed to be nice to dad.” Henrik giggled, swimming around in a circle. 
“Oh, so you’ve told Marvin you’re Courting Edward? I’m so proud.” Anti was now sticking his tongue out at Henrik. 
“You two are cute around each other,” JJ added before Henrik could snap at Anti. 
“Wait a second, we were teasing Anti, not me.” Henrik felt Chase grab him into a hug. 
“Our little guppies are going to have Mates!” Chase was using the same voice Marvin had been.
“Our little boys!” Marvin grabbed Anti again. 
“Why are you like this!?” Henrik weakly slapped at Chase’s arms. 
“You guys are so mean!” Anti whined. 
“What about JJ?” They both said. 
“Hey! I’m not a part of this!” JJ didn’t have time before Marvin and Chase were both on him. 
“Our little guppy!” Marvin and Chase couldn’t keep the act going anymore and they started laughing loudly. 
“I like Blank,” Robbie said as a matter of fact. “He’s nice.” Robbie just smiled as everyone looked at him. 
“All of my pups are in love!” Chase cried out, for real this time as he hugged Robbie. 
“D-Don’t use the ‘L’ word!” Henrik stammered while Anti made sounds of gibberish. 
“I mean…” JJ couldn’t look at anyone. “I might be looking for a shell.” 
“Holy shit.” Anti cursed.
“Really?” Henrik asked. 
“Yeah, but I’m not sure if he’d...yeah.” JJ’s ears went down. 
“Wilford’s crazy about you!” Marvin said. “There’s no way he’d say no!” 
“I’m so happy we’re not on land or you’d see my tears,” Chase said. 
“We know you’re crying,” Henrik said.
“Let me have my moment!” Chase hugged Robbie tighter and started laughing again. “Yeah?” Chase turned his head when Jackie tapped his shoulder. Jackie leaned in and whispered something. “Of course, the Humans won’t be up for a while still, their sleeping schedule is weird. I’ll come get you before we take off.” 
“Okay,” Jackie said softly and swam off. 
“Where’s he going?” Anti asked as Marvin was now purring with JJ. 
“I think Robbie’s isn’t the only one that likes our Island friends.” Chase chuckled. 
“He’s just fast about everything, isn’t he?” Anti rolled his eyes. 
“Oh boy.” Henrik sighed as Anti and Chase talked, no longer paying attention as a rock floated down from above. “Oh!” Henrik waved at Marvin, pointed up, and swam to the surface. 
“Hello down there!” Edward called from the ship, chuckling. “Come on up.”
“Okay!” Henrik made his way up the anchor chain and was now sitting on the edge of the ship with Edward standing next to him. 
“How are you always awake before the others?” Henrik asked.
“It’s my watch, that’s how.” Edward chuckled. “But I’ve always been an early bird compared to the others. Dark’s up for most of the night, if it wasn’t for that, he’d be out here with us.”
“I’m okay with him not being here.” Henrik smiled.
“Me too.” Edward smiled back, moving in a little closer so that their shoulders were touching. 
“JJ’s going to Court Wilford.” Henrik felt his chest warm up from the slight connection with Edward. 
“Court?” Edward asked. 
“It’s how we ask to be Mates, Courting can last anywhere from...um…” Henrik snapped his fingers as he thought about it in Human terms. “A day to months.” Henrik assumed he was right since Edward didn’t look confused but he did have a slight tint of pink to his face. 
“How does one Court?” 
“It’s done with giving shells, large beautiful shells to show how much we care about the other.” Henrik’s own face was feeling warm as well. “It’s done without talking, it’s a silent conversation between the two.” 
“That’s fascinating.” Edward turned as Henrik did, the two with their faces close. 
“It’s tradition.” Henrik has the words from the others playing in his mind as he could feel Edward’s breath on his neck. “I-” Henrik placed a hand on Edward’s chest when he had moved in to close the gap. “I-It’s not usual for us to kiss when we don’t have Mates.” Henrik felt like he was lying since that tradition had fallen from favor a long time ago. He’s even broken it himself before. He was trying to run from what he wanted and was losing the race. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to push,” Edward spoke in a kind voice, and that voice caused butterflies to flutter in Henrik’s stomach. 
“Fuck tradition,” Henrik said and grabbed the front of Edward’s shirt, pulling him into a kiss. 
Tag List: (let me know if you want added)
@takethepainawaybae @shadowkitten0321 @adverseflyer909 @constantgaycrisis @m0th-goo @rainymae523 @phonenix @vociferous-chaos @batsam19 @bapbee @walking-mess25 @voonespelle @madallice329 @grnpurplgrmln @graveyardlettuce @aoimatsurika @nightwillow18 @the-writing-from-space-world @teenwithaphone​ @a-star-with-a-human-name
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ketamineharry · 3 years
Rose Pt 2 - Joshua Bradley
Requested: No, this is the second part of the Doctor Who au. This part is slightly longer than the first at an almost 3,000 word count. I really do hope you enjoy this as it has taken me forever to write it. Lots of love, as always xx
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You sat in your front room, the familiar domestic style of your ordinary life being a vast difference from the experience that you were dragged into mere hours ago. Your mum, Jackie, as much as you loved her… was always a bit over the top, always had something to say or brag about. Always wanted the Earth to centre around her.
“The whole of Central London has been closed off as police investigate the fire. Early reports indicate.” The news reporter stated. The anxiety and severity of the situation, hadn’t yet sunk in. You were barely able to keep a track of your own thoughts.
You slumped down into the sofa, hoping that if you slipped down far enough, that it would swallow you whole and that you wouldn’t have to continue processing what had gone on. It was crazy to even think about, and you couldn’t talk to anyone about it, because as the Doctor had stated, it would get them killed. You were stuck between a rock and a hard place, as the saying goes.
“I know. It’s on the telly. It’s everywhere. She’s lucky to be alive. Honestly, it’s aged her. Skin like an old bible. Walking in now, you’d think I was her daughter. Oh, and here’s himself.”
Your boyfriend, Mickey flopped down on the sofa with you. His face is the picture of concern, as he takes your hand in his.  
“I’ve been phoning your mobile. You could’ve been dead. It was on the news and everything. I can’t believe that the shop went up!” He exclaimed, his voice frantic. Laced with worry. His eyes searched your face for some sort of answer, some sort of explanation.
“I’m alright, honestly, I’m fine! Don’t make a fuss.”
“Well, what happened?”
“I don’t know!” You exclaimed, frustrated with the fact that you couldn’t tell your boyfriend. The one person you were supposed to confide in, with everything.
“What was it though? What caused it?”
“I don’t know. I wasn’t in the shop.”
“It’s Debbie on the end. She knows a man from the Mirror. Five hundred quid for an interview.” Jackie said, her excitement clear.
“Oh, that’s brilliant! Give it here.” You said, as you snatched the phone out of her hand and disconnected the call. The measures that you were having to undertake to protect people were beginning to mount up.
“Well you’ve got to find some way of making money. Your job’s kaput and I’m not bailing you out.” She told you, quite matter-of-factly.
The phone rang again, your eventful night being the gossip of the tower block so it seemed. You just wanted to be able to go to bed and try to forget about it. But, you couldn’t do that, until everyone that knew you, or knew of you was reassured that you were safe.
“Bev! She’s alive. I told her sue for compensation. She was within seconds of death.” Jackie said, as she made her way through the flat, presumably so that she could work herself up and get excited and not have you bring her down about it.
“What’re you drinking, tea? Nah, nah, that’s no good, that’s no good. You’re in shock. You need something stronger.” Mickey said, trying to convince you to come out, for an alcoholic beverage. As much as you would usually be down for it, the thought of having to face even more people with even more questions, was exhausting.
“I’m alright.”
“Now come on, you deserve a proper drink. We’re going down the pub, you and me. My treat. How about it?” He asked, as he playfully pleaded with you.
“Is there a match on?”
“No, I’m just thinking about you babe.” He stated, simply.
“There’s a match on ain’t there.” You said playfully, a broad smile spreading across your face. The small normality of your boyfriend trying to persuade you to go to the pub with him, so he could get drunk and watch the football, was a comfort that you didn’t know that you needed.
“That’s not the point, but we could catch the last five minutes.”
“Go on, then. I’m fine, really. Go. Get rid of that.” You instructed him, as you threw him the plastic arm that the Doctor had pulled off of the mannequin a few hours beforehand. You just needed it out of your house, so that you could continue to try and live in some sort of normality and repress the memories of what the afternoon and the evening had presented you with.
Mickey quickly gives you a soft kiss, before taking the arm and getting ready to leave.
“Bye, bye.”
“Bye.” You respond, as you gave him a small wave.
As Mickey was leaving, he pretended to strangle himself with the arm. He would never know just how chilling that imagery would be for you, and you could never explain. Or else get him killed. For the safety of everyone you knew, you had to pretend that you were fine and you had to pretend that you knew nothing. Quite the burden to carry on your emotionally exhausted shoulders.
You woke up to the sound of your alarm clock, blaring beside you. Begrudgingly, you stopped the sound and went to get out of your bed.
“There’s no point in getting up, sweetheart. You’ve got no job to go to.” Jackie’s voice called. Sending you into a vivid reminder of what had happened the night before. Perhaps, it would be best to go back to sleep for a little while.
You were sitting at the dinner table with Jackie, discussing your future or what was left of it. You had to find another job, but everything that was available or was suggested to you, just didn’t seem like the right fit. You couldn’t force yourself to work somewhere, when it just wouldn’t work. You just weren't that type of person.
“There’s Finch’s. You could try them. They’ve always got jobs.” She suggested. You knew that she was just trying to be helpful, but there was no way that you could work in a butchers.
“Oh, great. The butchers.” You groaned. You were fed up of trying to sound grateful for each suggestion, because they weren’t helpful and these weren’t jobs you could see yourself enjoying. After all, she was your mum and you had hoped she would’ve known you better than this by now.
“Well, it might do you good. That shop was giving you airs and graces. And I’m not joking about compensation. You’ve had genuine shock and trauma. Arianna got two thousand quid off the council just because the old man behind the desk said she looked Greek! I know she is Greek, but that’s not the point. It was a valid claim.” She said, as she danced her way back into her bedroom.
Once Jackie was in her bedroom, the cat flap at the bottom of the front door began to rattle. A telltale sign that although you had instructed her to pin the cat flap down, because you didn’t want to have strays coming into the tiny flat, that she had in fact not listened to you. As it seemed like the cat flap was able to move freely, for it to be making all of that noise.
“Mum, you’re such a liar. I told you to nail that cat flap down. We’re going to get strays.” You complained.
“I did it weeks back!” She protested.
“No, you thought about it.”
As you bent down to try and see what was going on, you noticed four silver nails sitting comfortably on the floor. Something had managed to unscrew all of them to be able to try and get through the cat flap. Without warning, it moved. Cautiously, you pushed the cat flap back, in an attempt to see what was going on, on the other side of your door. It wasn’t a total surprise to see the Doctor, the stranger that had saved your life the night before on the other side. Quickly, you rose to your feet and opened the door for him.
“What’re you doing here?” He asked, confused.
“I live here.”
“Well, what do you do that for?”
“Because I do. I’m only at home because someone blew up my job.” You explained, a slight hint of anger to your tone.
“I must have got the wrong signal. You’re not plastic, are you?” He asked, as he made a fist with his hand and gently tapped it against your head a couple of times. “No, bone head. Bye then.”
“You. Inside. Right now.” You instructed him, as you took his arm and successfully pulled him into the flat.
“Who is it?” Jackie asked, from her bedroom.
“It’s about last night. He’s part of the inquiry. Give us ten minutes.” You explained as you walked past her room.
The Doctor stood in the doorway, you couldn’t make out much of their conversation, but it seemed like Jackie had attempted to try and make a flirtatious advance onto him, which he had rejected.
As he joined you in the living room area, you felt a sense of shame. The clutter of your everyday life was on show. From magazines, to a deck of cards, the television set sat proudly in the corner of the room. The domesticity seemed alien to him. Like, he didn’t have any of these things himself and it concerned you. Perhaps, he was just some loner who in playing the hero had gotten himself attached to you and now you had let him into your house.
“Don’t mind the mess. Do you want a coffee?” You asked, breaking the silence that had filled the room.
“Might as well, thanks. Just milk.”
“We should go to the police. Seriously. Both of us.” You suggested, as you tried to think of a way to end the nightmare that you had found yourself residing in.
“That won’t last. He’s gay and she’s an alien.” You heard him mumble.
“I’m not blaming you, even if it was some sort of sick joke that went wrong.” You said, in an attempt at comforting him.
“Hmm. Sad ending.”
“They said on the news that they found a body.” You told him.
“Y/N Tyler.”
“Ah. Could’ve been worse, look at the ears.”
“All the same, he was nice. Nice bloke.” You said, as you continued trying to explain Wilson to him, but it seemed like he either wasn’t all that interested or couldn’t hear you.
You could hear that he was trying, and had failed to shuffle a deck of playing cards.
“Luck be a lady.”
“Anyway, if we are going to the police, I want to know what I’m saying.” You began, only stopping as you heard the deck of cards he was attempting to shuffle, fall to the floor. “I want you to explain everything.” You continued.
“Maybe not.”
He stops for a moment, as if he was trying to observe something. A silence from him, he failed to even explain his actions any longer.
“What’s that then? Have you got a cat?” He asked you, as he attempted to try and figure out what was going on.
“No.” You answered simply, as you finished up making the coffees. “We did have, but now they’re just strays. They come in off the estate.” You continued, as you picked up the two mugs of coffee and bought them into the living room with you. You placed them down on the coffee table in front of you, finally taking in the mess that was your living room.
“I told Mickey to chuck that out. You’re all the same. Give a man a plastic hand. Anyway, I don’t even know your name. Doctor what was it?” You asked, no sooner than you had. The plastic arm had attached itself to your face. You were barely, still able to breathe.
The Doctor, quick on his feet, pulled at it. Which only made matters worse, as he did, you both fell onto and crashed through the glass coffee table. Pieces of glass, and other matter flew everywhere as your bodies collided with it. He decides to use the metallic device that he had used the previous night to open the fire exit door, which finally pulls the arm off of your face. He then jabs the device into the palm of the hand, which stops the fingers from moving. The life from the object, seemed to have been drained.
“It’s alright, I’ve stopped it. There you go, you see. Armless.” He explained.
“Do you think?” You asked him, as you hit him with it.
As soon as the Doctor had come, he was off again. But, you couldn’t let him leave until you had some sort of answers. A clear story in your head if you will. So, you decided to follow him down the stairwell.
“Hold on a minute. You can’t just go swanning off.” You protested.
“Yes I can. Here I am. This is me, swanning off. See ya.”
“But that arm was moving, it tried to kill me.” You said, voice raised slightly from a mixture of fear and annoyance.
“Ten out of ten for observation.”
“You can’t just walk away. That’s not fair. You’ve got to tell me what’s going on.” You all but begged. Once you had the answers, you could easily drop it and go on with your normal everyday life, treating the cause of these events as some sort of anomaly.
“No I don’t.” He stated simply.
You had found yourself outside, still chasing after him.
“All right, then. I’ll go to the police. I’ll tell everyone. You said, if I did that I’d get people killed. So, your choice. Tell me, or I’ll start talking.” You threatened. Which caused him to stop and turn around, allowing you to catch up to him a little bit.
“Is that supposed to sound tough?” He asked, flippantly.
“Sort of.”
“Doesn’t work.”
“Who are you?” You asked.
“Told you, the Doctor.”
“Yeah, but Doctor what?” You questioned.
“Just the Doctor.”
“The Doctor.” You repeated.
“Is that supposed to sound impressive?” You asked.
“Sort of.”
“Come on, then. You can tell me. I’ve seen enough. Are you the police?” You enquired.
“No, I was just passing through. I’m a long way from home.”
“But what have I done wrong? How comes those plastic things are after me?” You couldn’t quite understand it all. It all just seemed a bit much. From your understanding, you hadn’t done anything wrong. Yet, these things still seemed to want to haunt you.
“Oh, suddenly the entire world revolves around you. You were just an accident. You got in the way, that’s all.” He explained.
“It tried to kill me.”
“It was after me, not you. Last night, in the shop, I was there, you blundered in, almost ruined the whole thing. This morning I was tracking it down, it was tracking me down. The only reason it fixated on you, is ‘cos you’ve met me.”
“So what you’re saying is, the entire world revolves around you.” You stated sarcastically.
“Sort of, yeah.”
“You’re full of it.” You teased.
“Sort of, yeah.”
“But all this plastic stuff, who else knows about it?” You asked, your inquisitive nature getting the better of you.
“No one.”
“What, you’re on your own?”
“Well, who else is there? I mean, you lot, all you do is eat chips, go to bed and watch telly, while all the while underneath you there’s a war going on.” He explained.
“Ok. Start from the beginning. I mean, if we are going to go with the living plastic, and I don’t even believe that, but if we do, how’d you kill it?”
“The thing controlling it projects life into the arm. I killed the signal dead.”
“So, that’s radio control?” You asked.
“Thought control. Are you alright?”
“Yeah. So who’s controlling it then?”
“Long story.”
“But what’s it all for? I mean shop window dummies, what’s that all about? Is someone trying to take over Britain’s shops?” You questioned, with a slight giggle.
“It’s not a price war. They want to overthrow the human race and destroy you. Do you believe me?” He queried.
“No.” You responded simply.
“But you’re still listening.”
“Really though Doctor, tell me. Who are you?” You asked. He took your hand in his before answering
“Do you know like we were saying about the Earth revolving? It’s like when you’re a kid. The first time they tell you that the world’s turning and you can’t quite believe it because everything looks like it’s standing still. I can feel it. The turn of the Earth. The ground beneath our feet is spinning at a thousand miles an hour, and the entire planet is hurtling around the sun at sixty seven thousand miles an hour, and I can feel it. We’re falling through space, you and me, clinging to the skin of this tiny little world and if we let go.” He began, as he let go of your hand.
“That’s who I am, now forget me Y/N Tyler. Go home.” He instructed, as he headed towards a blue police box with the arm in tow.
You turn around, deciding to go to Mickey’s as luckily he had a computer. Before you could go much further though, you heard a strange noise. You looked back over your shoulder to see that the police box was gone, something was definitely going on and you needed to find out what.
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Why not me? (Chapter Three)
Summary: Denali has been single all his life, and has always been secretly envious of everyone around him being able to find love so easily. Rosé proposes the perfect solution for his best friend.
Note: Did someone order fluff?
Prefer reading it on AO3?
Rosé cruised the streets of New York that Saturday afternoon. He was on his way to meet Denali for some coffee, and after that to pick up their order of pizza for movie night with their friends at his place. It had been a few days since their dinner date, and he was still replaying the past events in his mind.
He had wanted to take things slow, not wanting to overwhelm Denali, and so he’d been careful. The day after their little deal, he’d slowly built up his advances, scooting just a little bit closer to the other boy while they watched a movie, fingers playing with the hairs on the nape of his neck, but he hadn’t pressed any further than that. The day after, Rosé had dropped a text to him, casually calling him boyfriend and also asking him out for dinner. He made sure not to call it a date so as not to spook Denali.
If anyone had asked Rosé if he ever thought of Denali as anything more than a friend before all this, he’d be absolutely lying if he said that he hadn’t. His feelings for Denali had run deeper than he would have liked to admit. When he had first suggested that they could try being boyfriends for a while, he had been almost completely sober.
He remembered when he’d been at the Blu Lagoon that night, watching Denali dance with their group of friends with a fond smile on his face. One of the things he loved about him was how much light he seemed to carry with him. Rosé just couldn’t imagine Denali losing that shine, and he knew that he would do whatever he could to protect that. He took a drink of his scotch, eyes glued to a laughing Denali playfully grinding against Gottmik, ignoring the slight twinge of jealousy, before he felt a familiar presence settle on the stool next to him.
“Careful Rosé, your heart eyes are showing again.”
Rolling his eyes, Rosé knocked back the rest of his drink before signalling the bartender for a refill. He needed another drink if he was going to have this conversation with Jan for the millionth time. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Rosé denied as he turned his back to the dance floor, shifting his attention to a grinning Jan instead.
Rosé, Jan and Lagoona had known each other for years, having formed a close knit bond with each other over their shared love for music back in high school. They even did regular gigs together at the Blu Lagoon, the bar that Lagoona had bought out and rebranded as his own.
Jan laughed, shaking his head. “Honey, if you stared any longer, the poor boy would have caught fire. I’m surprised he still hasn’t noticed anything yet.” He waved the bartender over and ordered his own drink as Rosé took a sip of his own, avoiding Jan’s knowing eyes.
“There’s nothing to notice. I was just looking out for him, that’s all.”
“Just him? When he’s surrounded by the rest of the squad? Please Rosé, can you at least think of a better lie?”
Rosé’s face heated a little at being called out, but he kept quiet, busying himself by fiddling with his drink. He wasn’t about to take the bait. Jan scooted closer, taking his silence as a chance to carry on.
“I know you’ve had feelings for Denali for a while now, and I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one that's noticed. The only one who hasn’t is probably Denali himself.”
Rosé sighed, rubbing his face. He really didn’t want to do this right now. “So tell me, since you sound like you know everything, what do you think I should do then?”
“How about telling him how you feel?” He shot Jan a glare. Tell Denali how he felt? Never.
“Not an option.” Not when he had so much to lose. He would rather keep Denali as a friend than risk losing him over these stupid feelings of his.
Jan raised a brow, perplexed. “Why?”
“Because what?”
“Just because.”
Jan rolled his eyes at his reply. He was doing it again, deflecting. As much as Jan loved Rosé, his stubbornness was one thing he didn’t care for. From the corner of his eye, he spotted Jackie entering the bar, and he immediately perked up. “Well, as much as I’d love to carry on playing matchmaker with you, my man’s here.” Finishing his drink and slamming it down onto the countertop, Jan slid off the stool. “Word of advice Rosé, if whatever you’re feeling for Denali extends beyond friendship, you should probably do something about it before someone else does.” Patting Rosé on the shoulder, Jan had left him to ponder his words.
It hadn’t been long before Denali had dropped onto the vacant stool. Rosé replayed the events in his mind as he turned around the corner, eyes staying on the road.
He hadn’t liked the way Denali had been putting himself down, how he seemed to not be able to see his own worth. What he didn’t like most was imagining Denali with someone else. While he had been rambling on, what Jan had said kept looping in Rosé’s mind. That he should do something before someone else did.
Before Denali became someone else’s.
When Denali had moved to leave, Rosé had reached out for him and blurted his suggestion that they should go out. Even though part of him wanted to kill himself on the spot for what he was saying, a small part of him wanted to take advantage of the situation. To exploit Denali’s one moment of weakness. Of course, he would laugh it off as a joke if Denali so much as took it back in the morning once he was sober. After all, the most important thing to Rosé was making Denali happy.
The night had devolved into more drinks for the both of them after Denali had said yes, with Rosé keeping a watchful eye on him through it all. The younger boy had gotten steadily drunker and drunker, and with each drink he knocked back, he started clinging to Rosé more and more. He liked it, the feel of Denali around him, his arms and chest and thighs pressed against him, but he would prefer it if Denali hadn’t been inebriated. Jan had glanced his way a few times on the dance floor with a knowing look in his eye, but Rosé had kept his mouth shut and just focused on Denali. If this was all he had, then he would make the most of it.
When Denali had agreed to go out with him for a month the next morning when he was sobered up, Rosé’s heart had soared. Even though it was only going to be a temporary arrangement, as long as Rosé got to have Denali, even if it was fleeting, he was fine with it. During this period of time, he would be able to call Denali his.
Turning into the parking lot of Starbucks, Rosé killed the engine and sat in silence for a while to recollect his thoughts. He looked out the window and saw Denali walking along the sidewalk towards the coffee shop. Taking a deep breath, he stepped out to meet him in the middle.
Denali stood at the collection counter, tapping his finger on the counter while he waited for his order. When he had bumped into Rosé on his way to Starbucks, he couldn’t help how his face had flushed, his mind flashing back to the gentle kiss that Rosé had pressed to his forehead. Rosé hadn’t said anything about how red his face was, instead opting to greet him with a “Hello, boyfriend.”, something Denali was still getting used to. They had been texting as regularly as before, but he had noticed that Rosé had been dropping little terms of affection here and there. Denali had done the same after a while, though still a little more tentative and shy about it.
Once they had entered the coffee shop, Denali had scrambled over to the line at the register to place their orders, already knowing Rosé’s usual order by heart. He needed the space to compose himself, plus he figured that he’d pay for their coffee since Rosé had paid for their dinner the last time.
He heard his name being called, and turned to collect his order. He smiled at the barista and was about to pick up the tray when he noticed an extra slice of chocolate cake next to the cheesecake that he’d ordered.
“Excuse me, I think there might have been a mistake. I only ordered a cheese cake.” The barista grinned almost nervously, running his hand through his hair. “Oh, there’s no mistake. I thought you might like an extra slice of cake. The chocolate really compliments the tartness of the cheesecake. I even warmed it up for you.” Blinking, Denali smiled back awkwardly. The barista looked new, and he didn’t want his gesture of goodwill to get him in trouble. “Are you sure?”
“Totally. Don’t worry about it. Also, here’s your receipt.” The barista reached over and handed Denali his receipt. Denali smiled back and thanked him, walking back to the table Rosé was sitting at. He slid the tray onto the table and sat down, stuffing the receipt into his back pocket. “Here you go, one cappuccino for you, and one caramel latte for me. I also got us a cheesecake to share, and the barista gave us a slice of chocolate cake too. Wasn’t that nice of him?”
Rosé looked at Denali, eyebrow quirked as he reached over to take his cappuccino. “Sure, I guess that was nice of him.” Nodding, Denali took a sip of his latte. “Yup, I think he’s new. Was kind of worried he might get into trouble for it too, but I guess he was just feeling nice today.” Rosé sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Christ Denali, you really are oblivious, aren’t you?” Denali stopped mid sip and frowned. What did Rosé mean by that?
“Oblivious to what?” Rosé shook his head in disbelief, setting his cup down and leaning back in his chair, examining Denali. “Wait, you really didn’t know? Baby, the poor boy was obviously hitting on you.”
“What? No he wasn’t.”
“Yes, he was. Why do you think he gave you that slice of cake?” Denali frowned, putting his latte down. He thought back to the interactions he’d had with the barista. He’d been friendly, greeted him with a smile and the usual question of how was his day, the usual fanfare that he’d expect from a cheery Starbucks barista. Nothing seemed out of place, aside from the cake, and that was it. Denali shrugged. “I don’t know, maybe he was in a good mood?”
Rosé chuckled under his breath, crossing his arms as he glanced at the boy in question that was failing to be discreet in watching his boyfriend. “Right, because he was in a good mood. Sure…”
Denali stared at Rosé, taking in his slightly hunched form and crossed arms, the way he was subtly glaring to the side almost sulkily. It looked like he was, but it couldn’t be… Right? “Rosie, are you jealous?”
Straightening up and unfolding his arms, Rosé shot back. “What? I’m not jealous, just making an observation, that’s all.”
Denali bit his lower lip, suppressing a smile. This Rosé was new. He knew that the older boy tended to be stubborn and protective, but jealous? That wasn’t something he’d expected. “You know you don’t have to be right? I’m your boyfriend, not his.” Rosé stayed silent, but his shoulders relaxed at his statement, his posture no longer as defensive. Denali settled back into his seat, feeling more at ease now that Rosé was more relaxed. He picked up his mug again and blew at the top before taking a sip. “Besides, I still think you’re wrong.”
The air went still between them for a second, then Rosé learned forward, a scowl on his face. “Take out your receipt.”
Denali waved him off. “I’m paying this time, don’t worry about it.”
“That’s not why I’m asking for the receipt.”
Denali paused mid sip. “Oh.” Retrieving the crumpled receipt from his back pocket, he handed it over to Rosé. “What do you need it for then?”
Rosé took the piece of paper, unfolded it and smoothed it in the palm of his hand. “To make a point and prove you wrong.” Denali groaned, pressing his face into his hands.
“Oh my god, you’re not going to drop it, are you? What are you expecting to see, a secret message?”
“No, but I was expecting to see Craig’s number.” Denali looked up, confused. “Who?”
Rosé slid the crumpled receipt across the table towards Denali, pointing at the name and number scrawled in sharpie at the bottom. “Your uninterested barista. Looks like he left you his number.”
Denali stared at the black ink, then looked at the barista at the counter who seemed to be conveniently cleaning out the coffee machine. “Oh.”
“Yeah, oh. You know, I think the problem was never no one being interested in you, it’s just that you never noticed them.” Denali snapped his attention back to Rosé.
“Excuse me, I notice things!”
Rosé chuckled under his breath, his eyes flickering with an unknown emotion. “Yeah, sure you do.”
Denali pouted, then took a fork and stabbed at the cheesecake in front of him and took a bite. It wasn’t his fault if he was oblivious at times, or as Gottmik tended to say, a little bit slow on the uptake. There was just so much on his mind that sometimes he just wasn’t as observant as he’d like to be. He took another bite of the cheesecake, ignoring the chocolate one sitting forlornly to the side. Denali swallowed his bite then looked up at Rosé, catching him looking at him fondly. Suddenly self conscious, Denali looked away, the tips of his ears burning. He cleared his throat, poking at the cake with his fork.
“..so any idea what movie we’ll be watching tonight?”
Rosé shook his head. “No, it’ll probably be a trashy rom com or something. It’s Kandy’s turn to pick after all.” Denali laughed, nodding. He stuck his fork into the cheesecake and was about to pop another piece into his mouth when Rosé leaned forward, catching him by the wrist. Never breaking eye contact, Rosé manoeuvred Denali’s wrist and stole the bite of cake from his fork, smirking as Denali squeaked in surprise. Rosé let go of his wrist, and Denali swore that his skin prickled from the contact.
“Thanks for the cake, boyfriend.”
After staying at the Starbucks for another hour or so (and if the chocolate cake that was left untouched on the table made Rosé a little more satisfied that he should have been, then that was his business), they’d left to collect the pizzas for movie night with their friends and brought them back to Rosé’s.
Monthly movie nights were a thing with them, and they’d usually rotate the host, last month having been Symone. The pizzas had been unpacked and the booze set on the table when their friends started trickling in. First had been Symone and Gottmik, brandishing some mixers for the drinks, then Kandy with the ice, and later Olivia with Utica with some hot wings.
There had been a little bit of teasing from all of them when they had arrived, and Denali had hidden behind Rosé while the older laughed, patting his head comfortingly. The ribbing had been good natured, and even though Denali had been hiding, there was a warm feeling that had settled in his chest at the thought that Rosé was now seen as something more to him by everyone else now.
The group slowly migrated over to the living room where Kandy proceeded to scroll through Netflix before picking out a movie. Rosé had been right about his guess that Kandy would pick a trashy rom com as they settled around the living room watching 27 Dresses.
Symone was draped over one of the arm chairs, arguing with Kandy, who was propped against the side of the armchair, about Katherine Heigl’s acting abilities while Gottmik laughed at the two of them from the floor. Utica and Olivia were sitting at the side, with Utica’s arm thrown casually around Olivia’s shoulder and Olivia leaning against him. Every now and then, the two would whisper and giggle amongst themselves.
Denali and Rosé had taken over the couch. At first they had been sitting side by side, with a decent amount of space between them. As the movie progressed, Rosé had carefully inched closer to Denali, and the younger boy hadn’t noticed, eyes glued to the screen that were slowly starting to close. He was a little more tired than usual, and had to suppress a few yawns throughout the show. He finally noticed that Rosé had gotten closer to him when he had been gently pulled into the older boy’s arms. Denali had stiffened at first. Sitting pressed together was one thing, but cuddles were a totally new territory to him.
Rosé noticed Denali’s tense form and gently rubbed soothing circles on his skin. Leaning his chin on Denali’s shoulder, he started humming along to the movie, and slowly Denali started to relax, finally settling comfortably against him.
It felt nice like this, safe. Rosé laced their fingers together, his arms wrapping around Denali in a warm embrace. The warmth emanating from Rosé combined with his humming soon had Denali nodding off, and within minutes, he was asleep in Rosé’s arms.
Apologies again for the bags of fluff. I'm honestly just a hopeless romantic at heart.
Also, thank you for all the support and patience. Hope this chapter was worth the wait. (:
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utterlyinevitable · 4 years
if you're doing the Way to Say I Love You prompts...39 ethanxmc?? Thanks!!! ❤❤❤
50 Ways to Say “I Love You” Prompt List: 39. “I knew you weren’t dead. I refused to believe it- I knew it couldn’t be true”
Word Count: 1.3k Warning: nothing.  Summary: Ethan ends up in the hospital and Becca’s there to help. 
A/N: This seems pretty pointless but Bryce is a catalyst lolz why am i really into breaking bby boy’s heart this week ?
Ethan Ramsey laid in agonizing silence on a hospital bed. His head was killing him and the harsh fluorescent lighting flooding from the hallway wasn’t helping. He had a few cuts on his chest and a split lip, other than that he came out pretty unscathed physically. Though his ego was sure to take a hit. 
“Ugh,” Ethan groaned audibly as he thought about the smug smile that was sure to grace Bryce Lahela’s young and handsome features the next time he saw him. 
Staring blankly at the industrial ceiling Ethan recalls the last few moments before everything went black. 
Both him and Bryce were in the hospital’s gym for their weekly workout together. Ethan wouldn’t admit it but he appreciated the company and sorely missed the buffer Rafael gave between them before he was suspended. Bryce couldn’t stop talking about the friendly adventure him and Rebecca found themselves in the evening before - the two stumbled upon a gourmet mac and cheese truck driving past them in their drunken stupor and ran after it until they pulled over and agreed to make one last order. With elated fondness Bryce then proceeded to reminisce about the day she joined their group workout weeks before. 
“That girl’s wild. How she stays in shape with all the cheese she eats is beyond me,” he shook his head admirably. Playfully nudging the older doctor with his elbow he added, “Girls. Huh, Ramsey?”  
Ethan didn’t dignify that with an answer. He never knew how to discuss Rebecca to others aside from her accomplishments. 
Bryce let out a chuckle.  
Keeping his stoic composure and with a raised eyebrow Ethan asked, “What is it?”  
From the quick reply, the smirk on his thin lips and blush settling on the apples of Bryce’s cheeks Ethan would assume the notorious flirt was thinking of Becca naked. Thinking of that one time he got to have her first. That one time before Ethan left his marks all over her. 
Ethan knew his opponent was thinking of Becca’s fair skin and unholy curves because he was thinking it too. 
The twinkle in Bryce’s eye made it all the more clear he knew of Becca’s fondness for the diagnostician as well. 
Among the new moderate awkwardness the boys began their warm up on the treadmill. 
They kept in time with one another. Right and left feet kept in sync with every slap against the rubber. Coyly, Bryce upped the speed and began sprinting. Ethan squinted his eyes and followed suit, accepting the challenge - 2 minutes on the clock - the need to beat Bryce’s distance and wipe that cocky smirk off his face pulled at Ethan’s strings. 
Three long and exceedingly quick footfalls slamming down painfully on the equipment, projecting the diagnostician further and further ahead of his colleague. 
Then everything went black.
Ethan woke up moments later on the padded floor of the hospital gym to Bryce and Dr. Jackie Varma hovering over him, checking vitals and making sure nothing was broken. The two residents carefully cradled the long and muscular attending in their arms safely to an awaiting wheelchair. He put up a fight but Jackie wasn’t swaying easily.
“I knew you weren’t dead,” a sing-song voice brought Ethan out of his reverie with an eclipse of a smile. He cocked his head over to see Dr. Rebecca Lao hovering at the door with arms crossed at her waist and a playful smirk. “I refused to believe it - I knew it couldn’t be true.”  
“Heh,” Ethan scoffed. He wasn’t dead but he sure as hell felt like it. His arm and the flesh of his bare chest ached in addition to the pounding in his head. Mortification set in as Ethan realized that a majority of the hospital staff would now know what dream lay beneath all those tailored suits and that lab coat. 
Becca crossed the distance, settling on the arm of the chair right next to his bed. “Can’t say the same for the other guy. What’d that treadmill ever do to you?” 
Ethan flashed back to the last thing he saw as the residents wheeled him away; it was of the broken black plastic arm hanging from the top of the treadmill. Rationally he figured that must’ve taken all the impact. 
Ethan was quiet. His eyes darted to the closed window with blinds drawn, hoping to save himself from any further embarrassment.  
“Bryce was afraid you cracked your head open.” She leaned over to caress the side of his face. “Looks fine to me.” Becca gently ran her fingers over the tiny bandage keeping a gash from bleeding open under the dark circles of his sea blue eyes which were completely fixated on her. She let her eyes trail to the split in his kissable lip as her caress ghosted over the defined lines of his jaw. “I thought you were above petty games?”  
“All in good fun.”  
Her eyes flickered back up to his with definite assertion, “You don’t have fun.”  
As always she saw right through him.  
She waited twenty seconds for an explanation. “You’re not going to tell me?”  
“I wasn’t planning on it.”  
Ethan nearly hissed when Becca removed her warm and comforting touch to cross her arms over her chest. 
“You’re fine,” she stared him down. “You just have a concussion.”  
Ethan couldn’t help but smile at her change in demeanor. She was adorable and, dare he say, sexy when she was annoyed. Her arms folded under her breasts calling them up to attention, her hip jutted out to accentuate her hourglass figure, and her plump lips pursed together. 
“I know. I am a doctor.” 
Becca rolled her eyes. “We’ll keep you for a few more hours and you’re free to go.” Ethan opened his mouth to protest but she continued without notice. “I’ll drive you home later.”  
“I’m perfectly -” 
Her stony glare stopped him. 
“Fine,” Ethan conceded.  
Three hours and one successful nap later Ethan was discharged with special instructions to take it easy and not come into work for two days. He rolled his eyes at Dr. Varma’s firm mandate, silently thankful he kept a spare copy of all his files at home. 
“Ready to go?” Becca asked as she threw his shirt at him. 
Becca stood in the small entrance way with his gym bag draped over her small shoulder. A concerned eye watched as he groaned at the tingling fire erupting through his torso as he moved his right arm up. That was sure to bruise. 
The two walked silently out to Ethan’s luxury sedan in the parking lot, ignoring the hushed muttering of the resident gossips. 
Becca stood at the drivers side and pulled his keys out from her coat pocket. 
“You don’t have to. I’m perfectly capable -” 
“I’m not letting you drive yourself home, Ethan. You literally have a concussion. That’s another recipe for disaster.” 
They drove in sufficient silence. The lack of clouds this gorgeous sunny day was rendering Ethan incapacitated as the light hit his eyes. Becca carefully watched as he searched the glove compartment for his spare set of sunglasses. When he couldn’t locate them he slumped back into the passenger seat and threw his arm over his face in defeat. She scoffed internally at his childish outburst. 
In no time at all she pulled the car into the designated parking space of his building’s garage. She reached out and lightly tapped Ethan to let him know it was safe to come out of the darkness. 
“Hurm,” he grumbled. 
“We’re here.” 
They exited the car, Becca careful not to slam the door too loud in fear of adding to Ethan’s headache. Ethan and Becca unhurriedly strolled to the elevator together.    
“Get some sleep,” she said as she handed him his heavy set of keys. 
The elevator dinged and Becca turned on her heels towards the nearest subway station.    
“Rebecca…” he called, stopping her in her tracks. 
She turned to see the dejected and battered man before her, and her heart tugged just a little bit.  
“Thank you,” he finished.  
Her eyes visibly softened. “No thanks necessary. Just don’t make a habit of losing to Bryce.”  
I’m not planning on it, he thought with determination. 
Taglist: @ohchoices​​ @dulceghernandez​​​ @aylamreads​​ @binny1985​​​ @ramseysno1rookie​​​ @interobanginyourmom​​​ @queencarb​​​ @perriewinklenerdie​ @rookiefromedenbrook​​ @eramsey28​​ @choicesficwriterscreations​​ @heauxplesslydevoted​​ @schnitzelbutterfingers​​ @purpledragonturtles​​ @ramseyandrys​​​ @ermidc​​ @mrsdrakewalkerblog​​ @doilooklikeiknow​ @overwhelminglyaquarius​ @drethanramslay @edgiestwinter @rookieoh @lucy-268 @mvalentine @lilyvalentine @starrystarrytrouble @angela8756 @pitchblackstars @custaroonie @sanchita012 @thegreentwin
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crystalwillow · 4 years
Let Them Talk
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x Casey Valentine (F!MC)
Word Count: 3.4K
Warnings: None. 100% fluff with a tinsy bit of Ethan angst
Tagging: @schnitzelbutterfingers @brycelahelalover @deansmyapplepie @vibrantlyjaz @kaavyaethanramsey @rookie-ramsey @ramseysno1rookie @ramseyswifey @whippedforethanfreakingramsey @ethanramseyswhore @obsessedheehee @eleanorbloom @queencarb @hopelessromantics4life
The gala was winding down and coming to an end. Ethan watched as Casey used her charm to squeeze out a few last minute donations, only moving from his seat at a table to make his way over as she went in for the final hand shake to seal the deal. The donors then walking towards the main doors and exiting into the night. Casey stood with her eyes closed as she allowed her posture to slouch a little as she pinched the bridge of her nose, letting out a tired sigh. Ethan smiled softly as he wrapped his arms around her waist from behind, resting his chin carefully on her shoulder. “I’m proud of you.” he praised quietly, as though not to startle her. Pressing a soft, warm kiss to her cheek. Smiling, she leant back into his embrace as her hands fell naturally on top of his. “I’m not the one who made big moves tonight.” She said back, barely above a whisper as she turned around to face the taller doctor. His hands now gliding to the small of her back, he linked his fingers as a means of supporting her as their gazes found each other.
“I... was tired. Of pretending.”
“You weren’t pretending, per se. You were more suppressing your feelings to save my reputation as a doctor. You said so yourself.”
Ethan smiled at her softly, adoration the only thing in his eyes as she looked back at him. A yawn escaped him as he was about to speak.
“Sorry. I guess I’m more tired than I thought.”
“These things do tend to be pretty exhausting. And it probably doesn’t help that you done 5 shots with us before we left.” Casey teased, letting out a little squeal as Ethan playfully jabbed and tickled her sides.
“I’m not that old Casey Valentine. I can keep up with you youngsters perfectly fine and you know it.” He said with a slight chuckle as she writhed in his arms, begging him to stop tickling her. 
“No! seriously, stop. Please. I really need to pee. EthAN! NO!” she laughed and shrieked as she almost fell to the floor, but Ethan’s reflexes saved her.
“Do you seriously think I’d let the floor harm your pretty face?” he grinned at her.
“No. But please help me up. I really do need to pee.” she smiled.
Ethan helped her with finding her footing before she walked off to the nearest toilets. He couldn’t resist lightly tapping her butt with a cheeky grin as she looked back at him rolling her eyes playfully. He smiled after her until she disappeared down a corridor, when he turned back he startled slightly as he registered Casey’s flat mates round him in a semi-circle.
“...Can I.. help you?” he asked the 4 faces looking at him. 3 of them wearing matching smirks.
“So you and Valentine huh?” Aurora remarked smugly.
“How long?” Jackie added, fist bumping Aurora still smirking.
“We uh... what I mean is... Casey is....” Ethan flustered
“Is just a friend?” Elijah asked smugly. “We’ve heard that one before buddy.”
“Guys! Don’t tease him so much. That’s mean.” Sienna reprimanded before turning back to Ethan with a smile. “Good for you in taking the leap Dr. Ramsey. Also, thank you for letting her know she was the something that’s worth any risk.” She said sweetly, giving him a quick hug, which he returned with a gentle pat on the back.
“Uh, thank you. Sienna.” He smiled as the other 3 looked at Sienna in shock
“You knew?!” Jackie exclaimed
“And didn’t say anything to us?” Elijah added
“Sienna!” Aurora exclaimed.
The small doctor drew herself to her full height and looked at them sternly in turn. “Casey confided in me when she felt like she had nowhere else to go. So did Dr. Ramsey. I wasn’t going to betray that trust.” she snapped, face screwed in temporary anger. Next to her, Ethan chuckled.
“The smaller they are. The scarier that they get. Casey was right.” Ethan joked. Sienna turning to him and rolling her eyes, hitting his arm. “And it’s Ethan. Outside of work hours at least.” he smiled. Sienna nodded with a smile and small salute.
“Anyway. We came over to ask if we can expect Casey home tonight or not.” Jackie said, getting them back on track.
Ethan shook his head. “Not. There are... a few things I’d like to speak to her about that can’t wait.”
Aurora was about to make another smart remark but saw Casey round the corner with her head down, coming in their direction. “Okay... well. Don’t stay up too late.” She said instead with a wink and the gang turned around, heading outside.
Ethan turned to the sound of heels clicking on the floor behind him, chuckling at the small scowl on Casey’s features as she tugged at her dress muttering angrily under her breath.
“Ugh. Stupid thing will you. No not like that. Will you. UGH!” she screamed but blushed as it echoed around the now almost empty atrium. Ethan extended a hand with a kind and tired smile. “Come on. Let’s go home.” He said. She looked at him perplexed as she took his hand, the two of them heading out into the chilly night. As the frigid chill of the night air hit her skin, Casey hugged herself as a shiver ran down her spine. Ethan shrugged off his jacket and wrapped it round her shoulders.
“Wait here, I’ll just call for a cab.” He said with a smile as she sat on the edge of the fountain. A short while later, they had reached Ethan’s apartment and were drying off from their shared shower.
“That was so warm and refreshing.” Casey smiled with a yawn, plopping on the end of Ethan’s bed as he went through his closet looking for clothes.
“I still don’t see why it’s shocking that I buy Christmas scented soaps. I am a human you know. Not a robot.” He chuckled, throwing one of his navy blue t-shirts at Casey. Laughing when it landed on her head and she whined from behind the material. “Just pull it off.”
Casey lazily pulled it off her head and flopped back on the bed.
“I want to stay here forever. The gossip tomorrow is going to work me into an early grave of retirement.” she joked. Ethan chuckled as he pulled a black V-neck t-shirt of his own over his head.
“You know I’d love nothing more than to spend a full day in bed with you. But work calls whether there’s gossip or not. So please, pretty please, put the t-shirt on so we can get under these covers and cuddle.” he pleaded tiredly, laying next to her on his stomach.
“Can I have a kiss to give me some energy to move?” Casey pouted. Ethan chuckled shaking his head slightly and gave her a peck on the lips. In a flash, Casey had ditched her towel and slid the top over her head. She stood nervously at the foot of the bed.
“What’s the matter?”
“I um... haven’t ever slept without bottoms after a shower... I... feel naked.” Casey stuttered, blushing a light pink. Ethan gave her a kind, tired smile and pointed to his top drawer.
“Take a pair. What’s mine is yours after all.”
“Well. I mean... you can wear my underwear too. Just don’t steal the nice ones.” She joked as she opened the draw, Ethan sighing exasperatedly behind her. Casey stood and looked through the drawer picking out a pair with a neon pink stripe around the waistband, slipping them on and turning to the bed where Ethan was now waiting for her under the covers.
“They look way better on you”
“I didn’t think you were a pink kinda guy.”
“Excuse me? It’s my favourite colour. It’s just not... “manly” to wear such a bright version.”
Casey chuckled as she cuddled into his chest, Ethan covering her with the plush duvet. “You need not giving a  fuck about toxic masculinity lessons from Bryce.”
“Do you think him, and Rafael are okay?”
“What do you mean?” Casey asked quietly, tilting her head to look up at him.
“Well, I mean it’s obvious they like you too. And we kissed publicly. They would have seen it.”
“I’ll talk to them when the opportunity comes okay? For now... let’s just worry about us and sleep.”
Ethan sighed with a smile, pressing a kiss to the crown of Casey’s head. “You’re right. Goodnight Casey.”
“Goodnight Ethan.”
--- The Next Morning ---
Early the next morning Ethan rolled over with a groan to turn off his alarm. He didn’t want to get up, but his eyes shot open as he rolled over feeling the empty bed next to him. Panic started rising in his chest. Had last night all just been a dream?
He bolted out from under the covers and ran through his apartment looking for her.
As he approach the last room he hoped she would be there and prove that last night wasn’t a dream, but real. He sighed and relaxed seeing her there with her back to the door, music playing quietly from her phone as she plated up food onto two plates. Sensing his presence, Casey turned around and gave him a soft smile before looking at him with concern.
“Are you okay? You look a little worried.”
“I... thought last night was a dream. You... weren’t-”
“Aw! Ethan, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you!” she cooed quietly, walking around the kitchen island and wrapping her arms around his torso, snuggling her head into his chest. “I just wanted to make you breakfast so I knew you’d eaten properly this morning.”
Ethan smiled at the thought of the gesture she wanted to make and returned her embrace, swaying them slightly. “Miss Americana and The Heartbreak Prince is next.” he said casually, Casey looking up at him with a grin. “How do you know?” she asked with a small smirk tugging at her lips. “I.. may have purchased and downloaded the album on my phone after you shared it with me.” Ethan blushed. Casey smiling at him. “Am I turning you into a swiftie?” she asked. “No comment.” He chuckled before pressing a soft kiss to her lips. “Breakfast?” he said, nodding to the plates on the side. Casey smiled and nodded, collecting them and taking them to the couch.
At lunch later that day, Ethan sat with Casey at Derry Roasters as they enjoyed coffee and sandwiches, doing their best to avoid the gossip of Edenbrook. But their respite was short lived as two surgical residents entered deep in conversation. Luckily for Ethan, their seat near the door they had taken up helped him eavesdrop on the topic. To no surprise it was about him and Casey. “But you didn’t see it Angie! Oh, I wish someone would kiss me like that!” one resident all but swooned. “Well I heard she done it to get onto the diagnostics team and is only carrying it on to keep her spot.” The other said bitterly, adding “Only whores do that.”
Ethan watched as Casey’s cheery demeanor vanished like warm breath on cool air. He breathed in deeply and slammed his fist angrily on the table, rattling the items atop it. Casey tried to give him a look to say it was okay. But it wasn’t. This is what he had feared, people suggesting Casey slept her way onto the team. They both knew she hadn’t. She loved him and he loved her, yet he was still to confess that to her aloud. All day so far Ethan and Casey had been telling each other to just let people talk, but this crossed a serious line. His chair screeched as he pushed himself up, reaching the two surgical staff in the line in four strides. “Why don’t you try saying it to my face?” he bit coldly, scowling and crossing his arms over his chest. “Better yet. Why don’t you say it to her face?” he added, moving aside and gesturing to Casey who was anxiously watching the encounter. A deep sadness was in her eyes. The two gossiping staff shook their heads rapidly, gulping as Ethan continued to glare at them. “I thought as much. I suggest you keep any ill talk about Dr. Valentine to yourselves and not let me hear another word, otherwise I will have your jobs quicker than an alligator snaps up its meal.” Ethan snapped, turning on his heel and going back to the table. He sat down and took Casey’s hand in his own, running the rough, calloused pad of his thumb over the delicate skin of her knuckles before lifting her hand to his lips and kissing it gently. Casey smiled which cheered Ethan up a little but too.
“There we go. There’s my girls beautiful smile.” He grinned
Casey felt the heat rush to her cheeks as she blushed brightly, looking down from Ethan gaze shyly.
“Hey. There’s no need to be shy.” He smiled
“Yes there is.” She mumbled
“Why then? What’s the need for being shy?”
“My smile. It isn’t beautiful.”
“Casey!” Ethan exclaimed lightly. The thought that she believed her smile wasn’t beautiful broke his heart. “It’s so beautiful. Why would you think otherwise?” he continued on in question, but only got a shrugged response. He sighed and pulled the small brunette onto his lap, allowing her to snuggle into his chest. They watched the world passing by outside the window whilst Ethan finished his coffee, rubbing soothing circles on Casey’s back. She suppressed a yawn, closing her eyes as they got heavier with each soothing motion. Feeling a change in the tenseness of her body and noticing a change in her breathing, Ethan shook her gently.
“Hey. Wake up.”
“mmm no.”
“Come on. It’s not bedtime yet, we have patients to see to.” Ethan chuckled
“nnnghh.” Casey groaned, gripping onto him tighter as he stood up himself.
“Come on. Maybe we can talk to your roommates and see if they’re okay with you staying with me for a bit. Because I love you too much to spend nights without you right now. I need, no want you there next to me.”
Casey froze staring at him with wide eyes full of happiness as he looked back at her, shock spreading onto his face as the realization of what he said kicked into his brain.
“Casey I-”
“No. Ethan, it’s okay.” She smiled sweetly, taking his hands in her own. “I love you too.”
“You love me too.” He muttered to himself. “SHE LOVES ME TOO!” he shouted picking Casey up and spinning her around, the other patrons in the shop cheering as he kissed her sweetly on the lips. He pulled away beaming and she giggled at his childlike behaviour as he spun her again.
“I know I don’t need to ask this, but I like formality as you know. So, will you be my girlfriend?”
“Ethan.” She chuckled, running a thumb over his cheek as she cupped it in her hand. “I’d love nothing more than to be your girlfriend.”
Ethan laughed in relief as he hugged Casey tightly. “I love you so much. You have no idea how much I’ve been torturing myself. But now I can... we can walk into work holding hands. I can kiss you in the halls!...” he trailed off as he thought about how happy he would be. Eyes sparkling with wonder and delight.
“I guess we should get back to work?” Casey asked
“...Hm?” Ethan hummed, coming back to reality as he heard Casey’s soft voice
“Work. We should get back.” She repeated briefly, Ethan nodding as he headed to the door, holding it open for her. “After you.” He smiled, Casey giving a curtsy before walking out the door. “Why thank you, kind sir.” she said with a giggle as she passed. Ethan following behind, lacing their fingers together as they headed back to Edenbrook, laughing and joking before sharing a kiss just inside the main atrium and heading back to work.
“Oh Ethan!” Casey shouted in his direction
“Yeah?” he called back, stopping and spinning around to face her.
“Remember. Let them talk!” she told him with a grin. He smiled and nodded, heading off to where he needed to be with a wave over his shoulder.
--- That Night ---
Casey and her roommate friends were sat around the coffee table, laughing and mocking each other as Sienna helped her to pack away the boardgames they had been playing. Ethan was currently using their bathroom.
“So how long have you and Dr. Ramsey been...?” Jackie asked clicking her tongue as she made a gesture with her hands.
“Jackie!” Casey shrieked. “It’s not the sex that got me into him. I was already into him before our first time happened. He’s not as bad as people say. He’s smart way beyond medicine, he’s funny, caring... his culinary skills bang. Like, I thought I could cook... that man proved me sooooo fucking wrong. What’s my 5 minute stir-fry to his succulent chicken? Dog shit. That’s what it is, dog shit and his chicken is ... well it’s just... mouth-watering.” She continued.
“But is it good? His... you know?” Jackie continued to ask with a mischievous glint in her eyes
“Jackie Varma I am not giving you details on my boyfriends privates!” Casey laughed hitting her with a pillow.
“Pillow fight!” Elijah shouted and the room burst into temporary chaos as they all flung pillows and cushions from the couches at each other. Casey running over to Ethan as he returned. “Babe save me I’m under attack!” Casey exclaimed breathlessly. Ethan laughed, subtly signaling for a pillow. Sienna being the closest passed one.
“Aw. Are they being mean to you?” he pouted playfully, and Casey nodded. “But it looks like so much fun. You were laughing when I walked in.”
“But... you’re my boyfriend now. It’s one of your sworn duties to protect me.”
“Is it now?” Ethan smirked. “Or is it my duty to not spoil your fun?” he laughed as he turned to face Casey fully revealing the pillow he was holding, hitting her with it playfully and laughing.
“You traitor!” Casey gasped running from him to get a pillow of her own to hit him back.
By the time they had all said goodnight and settled in their own rooms it was close to midnight. Casey looked at her walls with a happy sigh.
“Just think... The next time we get to snuggle like this it will be in your bed. For a whole month.”
“mmm.” Ethan hummed contently, drawing small patterns on Casey’s hipbone.
“What’s on your mind?” she asked, sensing something was on his mind
“Hm? Oh. Nothing. I was just thinking how friendships are fun, and I’ve seriously wasted a decade of my life being lonely and focusing on medicine, when I could have had my own group of friends and roommates as amazing as yours.”
“You’re one of us now. You do know that right?”
“I.. am?”
“Of course you are. Whether we ended up dating or not. You’re an amazing person and I think we’d be equally good friends as we are partners. We just click. I love how are thoughts bounce off of each other, almost as much as I love you.” Casey said softly, kissing his cheek and booping his nose.
Ethan smiled at her. “Thank you Case.”
“What for?”
“I don’t know. Never giving up on me? making me feel seen? Including me no matter how much I protest?”
“Ethan. I’d do anything to see you smile. You have the most handsome smile I’ve ever seen. And I want to see it every single day for the rest of our lives.”
Ethan chuckled lightly, leaning down to give her a kiss. “Goodnight my little firecracker. I love you.”
“Goodnight... my tall old man. I love you too.” She teased back.
Together they snuggled under Casey’s duvet and fell into a blissful slumber, ready to pack and move her belongings to Ethan’s apartment the next morning, both excited for the month ahead.
A/N: Two Ethan fictions in one day. I think this makes it clear about one of the characters that’s ine my mind right now, don’t you? 😉😂
Anyways, let me know if you would like to be added or removed from my taglist. It helps a lot knowing who to tag and who not to tag, and I would hate to annoy people by constantly taging them when they don’t want to be.
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krsnlove · 4 years
Halloween Phases
A/N: An idea came to me one night about the different phases we go through in life and how holidays/important events and their associated activities can change. Also, I know we’re in November ...Don’t. Just don’t Lol. 
Pairing: Bryce x Casey
Rating: PG
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“Did you see Lahela’s costume?”
Casey scrolled through her patient’s chart, reading the results of the lab work drawn earlier, unbothered by Sienna’s question.
“Surprised he’s dressed as someone else other than his meathead self,” Jackie arched a single brow at the news.
“What’s he dressed as?,” Elijah asked as he straightened the plush E.T. doll of his Halloween costume.
“Oh, you’ll see. By the way,” Sienna adjusted the strings to her Red Riding Hood outfit, “the contest for Best Costume ends in an hour. I hope you all voted. The winner gets a $50 Visa gift card.”
“$50. Wow. The hospital sure is pulling out all the stops.”
“I’d be negative too if I lost,” Elijah gave Jackie a pitiful stare in her usual work attire. “Where’s your Halloween spirit?!”
“Right here,” she flashed her middle finger in his direction with a wide smile before walking away. “Byeeee!”
“She’ll be sorry when she sees what I’m going to buy with my winnings,” Elijah proudly smiled before wheeling himself away. “I’ll see you guys at home!”
Sienna watched him turn the corner down the hallway before turning her attention back to Casey.
“So, have you seen Bryce’s costume?”
Sienna made sure her question didn’t go unanswered as she tapped her pen on the computer screen, forcing Casey to look up from the screen.
“I haven’t,” she blinked a few times, surprised to see her still there.
“It’s pretty good,” Sienna’s cheeks color slightly. “I mean, it’s not too bad to look at. You should check it out.”
Casey studied her usual calm friend, nervously surveying the nurses station they were at.
“You okay?”
“I’m fine it’s just...it’s hot in here, isn’t it?” She closes her eyes for a brief moment as she begins to dab her forehead with the back of her hand.
“Weren’t you just complaining about it being cold earlier?”
“No. No. It’s hot now!,” Sienna begins to fan herself with one hand. “I wonder what...what do you think the temperature is in here?”
“Sien, it’s only--,” Casey’s sentence is cut off as a familiar voice comes from behind her.
“It’s one Lahela degrees!”
Casey turns to face the familiar voice. Bryce stood there, fully dressed in his Halloween costume: a firefighter. Or, Casey’s eyes slowly take in him being shirtless with suspenders holding up the yellow latex shorts, almost sort of fully dressed as a firefighter.
She can’t help the smile that comes to her as Bryce stands there beaming with pride.
“How long were you two working on that?,” she looked to Sienna who playfully shrugged her shoulders before walking away leaving you alone with Bryce.
“I owe you, Double Oh Tiny!”
Casey stands from her seat and sits on the edge of the desk, watching Bryce begin to greet each passerby.
“Quit shopping at the toy store for your clothes Lahela,” Zaid groaned before turning around and walking the opposite direction.
Ines is barely able to form a sentence when she looked up from her notes and saw Bryce in his costume. It was a wonder she didn’t walk into a wall when he escorted her to the safety of the elevators.
“Is it too much to ask to go a week without seeing you shirtless?,” Ethan shook his head as he walked past him with Rafael following close behind.
“Seriously Lahela. Do you even own shirts?”
“Okay Jealous #1 and Jealous #2. I���ll see you guys at tomorrow’s game,” Bryce called out after them before turning to face Casey once again.
“So…,” her head tilt slightly to the side, “big fan of Halloween I take it?”
“Not really,” he shrugged. “Why would I want to pretend to be someone else when my life is already great? Besides,” he took off his helmet and wiped at the smudge on the shield, “$50 is $50. I love a good contest.”
“Bryce Lahela, did you just share something personal with me? Be careful. We might become friends if you keep it up.”
A smug smile came to him as he put his helmet back on and looked at her determinedly.
“I’m counting on it, Valentine.”
“Babe, please?!”
“Absolutely not Lahela!”
Bryce kept the laugh threatening to surface at watching his pregnant wife waddle away from him, signaling the end of their discussion. It had been weeks of scouring the internet for an idea and even longer for Amazon to deliver the costumes.
And after an extremely convincing argument, or so he thought, to his wife, Bryce was all too set to don the blue body paint and glossy pants like the Genie from Disney’s Aladdin.
“You’re not putting that thing on me!”
Casey’s adamant voice echoes from their bedroom down the hall.
“Have you talked to Sienna lately?,” he casually asked while picking up the genie lamp costume.
“No. Why?”
“They’re having another Best Dressed Costume Contest.”
The sound of Casey’s mocking laugh overpowered the sound of an episode of the Golden Girls; Her latest series binge.
“$50 will only cover my cravings for one night Lahela. You know that better than anyone.”
Bryce laughed out loud at that, thinking back on the last few nights of his 3AM food runs whenever a new inspiration struck for a strange food combination.
“It’s not $50.”
“$51?,” she scoffed.
“Not exactly,” he sat down at the kitchen table still holding onto her costume. “Winner this year doesn’t get any money.”
“Wasting my time Lahela.”
“You’re right. I mean who would be interested in a month's supply of chocolate?”
The familiar voices of Blanche Devereaux and Dorothy Zbornak lowered, just slightly, from the TV in the bedroom.
Casey’s curious yet cautious tone brought a smirk to Bryce’s lips.
“Yeah,” he said regretfully, “And pickles. Can you believe that? What is anyone going to do with a bunch of chocolate and jars of pickles?!”
Bryce can hear her footsteps growing closer as he holds up the undesirable costume.
“Not a word Lahela,” Casey tells him just before snatching it from his hands.
Jackie straightened the gold cuffs covering both her wrists. Never mind the sleeves of her doctor’s lab coat hid them once she put her arms back down. Or the fact that the majority of her Cleopatra costume is hidden if she didn’t purposely pull her doctor’s coat back.
“This is the year guys,” she announced to anyone within earshot.
Elijah, fully dressed as a Roman soldier with his wheelchair made up to look like a chariot, glanced up at her for a moment then back down at his phone.
“You said that last year.”
“Wasn’t Casey’s baby bump last year dressed as the genie’s lamp adorable?!,” Sienna chimed in.
“That was a cheap shot,” Jackie pointed out. “Anyone who uses their child, unborn or not, to win a contest isn’t afraid to hit below the belt.”
“And,” Rafael unenthusiastically added, “Big surprise. Lahela upped it last year by not only being shirtless but had blue body paint on too.”  
Sienna chuckled at the memory of Bryce smearing blue paint on her lab coat last year after announcing him and Casey as the winners. 
In an attempt to boost morale at the hospital, the costume contest was born. Watching her colleagues slowly participate each year was thrilling especially knowing they weren’t in it for the prize. Bryce’s winning streak was enough to bring the competitive spirit out of everyone.
“I’m going to knock him right into a v-neck shirt. He seems the type to wear one if....you know, he actually were to wear one,” a smug smile spread across Jackie’s lips.
“Hopefully with a sweater on too,” Ethan casually mentioned while walking by, perusing a file he had in his hand. Even the infamous diagnostician participated in this year’s contest with a Halloween-themed tie.
“Sienna, will you please announce the winner already?,” Aurora bit out. “If Elijah’s chariot run over my toes one more time…”.
He grimaces at the reminder and avoids her glare.  
“Sorry,” he muttered.
“Shouldn’t we wait for Bryce and Casey?”
Ines’s voice cut through the icy tension between Aurora and Elijah. A delightful expression crosses her motherly features as she took in the variety of costumes surrounding her. The boost of morale at the hospital around this time of year never fails to bring a smile to her face.
“They both know how to tell time. It’s not our fault they’re late,” Jackie stood with folded arms.
Just then the familiar sound of the elevator doors being opened caused everyone to face the same direction and out step Bryce and Casey in their Halloween costumes with their newest family member in Bryce’s arms.
“I know the both of you must be cold,” Aurora shook her head, eyeing Casey’s one-piece bathing suit and Bryce’s red lifeguard shorts.
“The winners,” Bryce’s voice is almost above a whisper as he motioned to his daughter fast asleep in his arms, “are here!”
Jackie points to their daughter, fully covered in a shark costume.
“Below. The. Belt!”
Casey gently folded back the material of the costume obstructing her daughter’s face. 
“Our little baby shark has had a long day. Scouring the ocean waters for her next victim and all,” she shot a playful wink at Jackie.  
Elijah begins to clap in total awe of the commitment the couple had in the contest.
“I vote for you guys. Mostly because of the cute baby shark in your arms but since you came with her…”.
“Weren’t you saying something about knocking a certain someone into a v-neck shirt?,” Rafael nudged a begrudging Jackie.
“Bite me.”
“Look out for your lab coat Sienna,” Jackie’s glare at Bryce and Casey softened once her eyes settled on her goddaughter.
“Looks like Lahela is going to get spray tan on it when he comes to hug you.”
Tagging: @alj4890 @vickypoochoices @anotherbeingsworld need more Bryce shippers LoL
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Taste of a Poison Paradise, Chapter 1 (Multi) - Joley
a/n: there were too many ships to fit into the title but the ones in this fic are crygi, lemyanka, sportsdoll, jaidie, and branjie/kamjie
Lemon let out a whiny groan as her alarm went off. Unlike the average alarm, hers was set to 6:30 at night, leaving her just enough time to get up and ready for her shift. She sat up and looked over, then gave Priyanka’s shoulder a light shove. “Rise and shine,” she mumbled as she got out of bed and grabbed the lingerie she’d laid out that morning and covered it with sweats and Priyanka’s flannel shirt.
“Every day I have to wake up and participate in society,” Priyanka lamented as she got out of bed. Her uniform consisted of a simple black t-shirt and jeans, making her routine much shorter than Lemon’s, who had to get all dolled up. “Gonna make coffee,” she decided, shuffling into the kitchen.
While Priyanka was making coffee, Jan came out of the other bedroom. “We carpooling tonight, Pri?” she asked, propping her elbows up on the counter and resting her chin on her hands.
“Yeah, if y’all aren’t planning on hanging out once the shift ends,” she answered, a slight stiffness in her tone. “Can’t stick around.”
Jan knew she needn’t say anything else. “Gotcha,” she nodded before grabbing her sweatshirt off the couch.
The three of them arrived at the club and clocked in on time, much like they always did. Priyanka went to get her station set up while Jan and Lemon joined the other girls in the dressing room to finish their makeup.
“Brooke Lynn told me she’s bringing in a friend of hers tonight,” Vanessa remarked as she swiped highlighter along her cheek. “Met at a convention or some shit in France and this is her welcoming celebration ‘cause she just moved out here.”
“Rich and French?” Jan’s brow quirked with interest and she strummed her fingers together, acting as if she were ‘scheming’. “Damn, I’m glad I just got my hair done.”
“But what if she tips you in euros?” Gigi chuckled.
“Actually,” Jaida chimed in, “the euro is worth like, twenty percent more than the dollar. So, it’d be a better gig if she did.” She tilted her head when the rest of the girls looked at her with either surprised or perplexed expressions. “What? I can know shit too.”
Jackie poked her head into the dressing room, then leaned against the doorframe. “I come in and you guys are talking about economics? I never cease to be amazed at this place. Anyway, just letting all of you know that the new security guard is starting tonight. I expect you all to be nice to her.”
“We’re always nice,” Jan cooed and batted her lashes. “Aren’t we, girls?”
“Speak for yourself, I’ve got an image to maintain,” Lemon retorted.
Just as Jackie was about to turn and leave, she heard footsteps and turned around. “Oh good, Kameron, you’re here. Come say hi to the girls,” she said, excitedly gesturing her over.
A muscled, tattooed blonde made her way over, stopping just a step into the dressing room. She seemed very aware of all the eyes on her, and perhaps a bit shy because of it. “Hey,” she greeted with an awkward wave.
Jackie went down the line introducing the girls. “This is Lemon, Jan, Gigi, Jaida, and Vanessa. Don’t worry, they don’t bite.”
“I make no promises,” Vanessa chimed in, twirling her hair around her finger as she looked Kameron over.
Jaida chuckled and tapped Vanessa’s thigh. “Down, girl. Sit. Stay.” Then she looked back up and warned Kameron, “Vanjie likes blondes.”
“Behave,” Jackie jokingly chastised, though she knew it would fall on deaf ears. “I’m gonna go get Kameron set up out front,” she said before the two of them left.
Once they’d left, Gigi leaned over to talk to Vanessa. “How’s your girlfriend gonna feel about you giving bedroom eyes to the new recruit, huh?”
“Relax, I just looked at her, not like I tried to eat her pussy or somethin’,” she retorted. “And you can’t say shit about girlfriends when your ass can’t even ask Crystal out on a date.” She got a chorus of ‘ooooh’ from the other girls at that and made Gigi turn red.
“Gigi, Jaida, and I are gonna hit up that new diner two blocks over after work, you in?” Crystal asked during a slow point in their shift.
Priyanka sighed and looked down at the empty glasses she was clearing off from the bar. “Can’t,” she mumbled, then reluctantly added, “I told Mark I’d pick him up from the airport.”
“I should’ve recognized that pain face,” she mused with a sympathetic nod. “Does your girlfriend know your boyfriend’s back in town?” she asked, cocking her head to the stage Lemon was dancing on.
“She’s not my girlfriend,” Priyanka caught the defensiveness in her tone, so she tried to playfully follow it up with “she’s my mistress.”
Crystal chuckled, dividing her attention between her coworker and the customers that came up to the bar. “Whatever you gotta call it. At least he’s out of town like, what, forty weeks out of the year?”
“And yet it never feels like enough.”
The other bartender shook her head. “Remind me again why you’re still with him.”
“He’s… my safety blanket. No one asks me too many questions if they know I’m still with him. I can be normal and not have to worry about my family disowning me,” she explained.
“Oh, right, I forgot how far in the closet you are. Which is easy to do when you consider… every other aspect of your personality.” Crystal looked over and spotted Brooke Lynn approaching with a dark-haired woman at her side. “Who’s your friend, Brooke?”
“This is Nicky, she just moved here from Paris. Had to give her the proper welcome, you know?” Brooke explained. “I ran it by Jackie, gonna have her set up in the VIP room once she picks who she wants to-”
“Her.” Nicky had only turned away for a moment when her eyes locked on one of the dancers. “I have decided. I want that one.”
Brooke looked over, amused at the promptness in her decision. “Jan? Good choice. Crystal, set Nicky up with a cognac while I go let Jackie know to get her set up,” she explained as she got up. “If I don’t come back, assume Vanjie’s got me captive and don’t send for help.”
Priyanka watched as Brooke left. “God, that bitch has her whole life together and then some. Like, actual life goals, you know?”
“Priyanka also aspires to be a rich businesswoman that gets to rail a stripper on the regular,” Crystal explained to Nicky as she handed her the drink.
Nicky lifted her glass to her in approval. “Aim high, love,” she said and took a sip. “So, tell me about this girl I’ve picked, Jan, yes?”
“Oh, Jan’s great,” Crystal told her. “She’s a real sweetheart, you know? Like, the type to accidentally make customers fall in love with her because she just radiates that warm energy. Even had to ruin the illusion by outing herself a couple of times.”
“Yeah, but that was when that guy proposed to her, remember?” Priyanka chimed in. “Nice guy, stupid as all fuck.”
Nicky listened with amusement to the anecdotes the bartenders went on about until she spotted Jan coming her way, instantly tuning out everything around her to focus on the scantily clad woman.
Jan smiled and held her hand out. “Follow me, I’ll take you to the VIP room.”
“Then, by all means, lead the way,” she purred and followed her as they weaved through the club, to a room behind velvet ropes.
The room itself was designed to look even more expensive than it was with its red and gold color scheme and velvety fabrics. There was a plush couch, a table with champagne in an ice bucket, and a basket containing various sexual accessories – fuzzy handcuffs, lube, things of that nature. It was also perfectly spotless, which was easy to maintain with how rarely it was used. For the most part, it was up to the dancers to decide if they even wanted to confirm the existence of VIP rooms, let alone bring anyone into that space.
But Jan seemed thrilled to have Nicky in there with her. Especially since she knew she wouldn’t have to keep up her professional pretenses – Nicky came in with Brooke, after all. “So, I’m sure Brooke probably told you, but we make up whatever rules we want based on the client. But since this is your big American welcome present, I’m cool with following your lead.”
“Oh, sweetie,” Nicky cupped Jan’s face. “I don’t know if you want to give me that much power. There’s just far too much I’d like to do to you.”
Jan felt a chill go up her spine. The intensity of Nicky’s gaze paired with the coolness in her voice had her entranced on the spot. “Even better. Nothing’s sexier than a powerful woman.”
“As if I had any doubt on what a bottom you are,” she lightly teased as she sat down on the couch. She leaned back, admiring the beautiful woman she had all to herself. “Purple is your color,” she observed, admiring the way the violet lingerie fit her body, how it framed her perfectly while still begging to be ripped off.
“Why thank you, it’s my favorite,” Jan hummed, making her way over and straddling Nicky’s lap. She wasn’t used to having any sort of banter on the clock. Normally, a customer’s brain would short circuit as soon as they saw her tits, and that was how she liked it – the best man was a silent man as far as she was concerned.
But even Nicky seemed to have had enough with the talking, having moved on to kissing along Jan’s neck while her hands wandered her body. Eventually, she let them rest on Jan’s ass, which she groped and slapped while the two of them made out.
Jan let out a pleased sigh against Nicky’s lips. She rolled her hips slowly at first, arching towards Nicky’s touch and threading her fingers through her hair. “God, you’re fucking gorgeous,” she murmured as she undid her new client’s top.
“So are you, angel,” Nicky purred as she unhooked Jan’s bra and let it drop to the floor. She could tell she had caught Jan a bit off guard – normally the client would never undress the stripper. But it was clear Jan didn’t take issue, so she continued, kissing down her neck and chest, between her breasts, then teasingly swiping her tongue over both nipples. While she licked and sucked at her breasts, Nicky moved her hands back down, lightly snapping Jan’s panties against her and peeling them off once Jan lifted her hips up to let her.
It was so rare for Jan to be able to give up control at work. Her true submissive preferences were reserved exclusively for her personal life, lest anyone get the wrong idea. But Nicky had her under her thumb without even trying, and honestly, Jan found that even hotter. She wanted Nicky as badly as Nicky wanted her, and she didn’t make any attempt to hide it, going right to undressing Nicky once she was naked herself.
“So eager,” Nicky couldn’t help but call her out. “You must be so desperate to get fucked after teasing ugly men all night, hm?” She moved her hand between Jan’s thighs and traced her fingers along her slit. “You’re wet already, you little whore.” She then tapped her thigh lightly to redirect her. “On your knees,” she instructed, “you know what to do.”
Of course she did, Jan had just been eagerly awaiting her command. She got on her knees in front of Nicky, pulling her trousers and panties down to her ankles before situating herself between her thighs. She licked a stripe up her slit, then eased her tongue in, alternating between slow and fast, deep and shallow licks and thrusts.
Nicky tilted her head back and let out a deep moan. “Fuck, good girl,” she grunted. Her hand moved to the back of Jan’s head, holding her head in place with just a bit of firmness to keep her going.
Not that Jan would’ve stopped even if her life depended on it. Every time Nicky bucked her hips up or pushed down on her head, it turned her on and encouraged her all the more. Her hands gripped onto Nicky’s waist to hold her close and not let up until she was certain she had came, then pulled back with a bright, hopeful expression.
And Nicky knew exactly how to react, she could tell right away that Jan was the type that thrived on praise and positive reinforcement. “You did so well, babygirl,” she cooed and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Get up and sit on my face, Mama’s gonna make you feel good.”
Jan nearly tripped over herself with how quickly she scrambled to her feet. She waited for Nicky to lay down on the couch before straddling her face and gripping the arm of the couch, then let out a breathy moan when she felt Nicky’s tongue inside her. “Fuck…”
Nicky held onto Jan’s ass as she thrust her tongue steadily. She smirked to herself when she heard how desperate and needy the younger woman’s moans were. This was not going to be their last encounter, that she was certain of, and by the time she had made Jan come, she was already thinking about the next time.
“Oh my fucking god,” Jan was still trembling when she got off of Nicky, sitting down to catch her breath. “Is that what French kissing really is?”
“I like to think so,” Nicky chuckled, sitting up and getting dressed. “Either way, that was just the welcome I had hoped for, and I will certainly be coming back for you. I’d take you home if I could.”
“Who’s to say you can’t?” Jan batted her lashes and twirled her hair around her finger.
“You know, with the way Nicky pounced on Jan, you might not be getting her back tonight,” Brooke warned. She was sitting in Jackie’s office with Vanessa sitting on her lap, though Vanessa had more or less checked out while Brooke and Jackie caught up.
Jackie laughed softly. “If I know Jan, and I tend to think I do, she won’t mind in the slightest,” she assured. “Though sometimes I worry you’re gonna keep bringing your friends in and pairing off all my girls.”
“What can I say? I’ve found my niche,” she hummed. “And it’s all good as long as you keep up those profit margins, right?”
“Oh god, are y’all just gonna talk business and shit all night?” Vanessa whined.
Brooke arched her brow at her girlfriend. “We’re not making you stay here, babe. You can go do a set or hang out in the dressing room,” she suggested. “You know, considering this is still your job,” she added.
“You can just get Kameron to babysit her,” Jackie remarked offhandedly, oblivious to the way Vanessa had suddenly tensed and sat upright or the way she was glaring a hole into her head.
And Brooke hadn’t picked up on it either, just coming off as confused. “Who’s Kameron? Another dancer?”
Vanessa had started to answer. “No, she ain’t nobody, she just-”
“She’s the new security guard,” Jackie explained. “I like her, she seems nice, really funny once she warms up to you, a little quiet otherwise.”
“Is she…you know…”
“Gay? Yeah, she a fitness dyke, I can tell,” Vanessa chimed in.
Jackie cleared her throat awkwardly. “I mean, I didn’t want to assume.”
Brooke arched her brow. “You, the woman who has managed to employ five lesbian strippers and two lesbian bartenders, didn’t want to assume? Like, you want us to believe that was purely coincidental and not your full intention?” While she had meant it lightheartedly, she noticed Jackie start to curl into herself. “Jackie… do you think we don’t know?”
Jackie swallowed thickly. “Vanjie, do you think you could give me a minute with Brooke?” she asked softly, then waited for Vanessa to leave before she redirected her attention to completely focus on Brooke. “I-I don’t know what you mean. What are you talking about?”
Brooke’s expression became more concerned. Her brows furrowed as she leaned closer and spoke in a hushed tone. “Do you… wait… are you not out?”
“Out of what?” she bristled, sitting upright and pointedly averting her gaze. “There’s nothing for me to be ‘out’ of. Because I’m not. I’m not.”
“Jackie…” she reached out and took her hand. She knew what a delicate subject this could be, but she also knew she would be remiss if she ignored it. “If there was ever a safe space…”
Jackie shook her head, suddenly getting up and pacing back and forth across the room. “You don’t understand. Firstly, my family, they… they just wouldn’t get it. They still think I own a restaurant.” She sighed heavily, finally stopping and leaning against her desk. “Besides, acknowledging my attraction to girls in a place like this… it’s just asking for trouble, you know? Priyanka is the only person that knows, and that’s just because she’s in the same boat.”
Brooke nodded as she listened. “But even still, Pri’s out to everyone here. You don’t have to go through this alone.”
“Pri’s out to everyone here so she can fuck Lemon in peace,” she retorted with a dry laugh. “I mean, it’s not like I haven’t thought about… like I wouldn’t…”
“You’re afraid of catching feelings for one of the girls.”
“No,” Jackie squeezed her eyes shut for a moment. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest, everything she had spent so long burying was pushing through all at once. It made her feel dizzy and nauseous and faced with the realization that telling the truth was the only thing that could relieve that sense of unease. “I’m afraid I already have.”
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